Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 1. January ?

Ereignisse an einem 1. January

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_40041023            1—SUNDAY, at 9 a.m., ACCORDING—TO, 16010101—17001231    —CENTURY divine JAMES—USSHER—ARCHBISHOP—OF—ARMAGH, and DOCTOR—JOHN—LIGHTFOOT—OF—CAMBRIDGE, the world was created on this —DAY,
_3.500—20080322      1—SIZABLE—CITY developed at HAMOUKAR.
_13010101_14001231   —IN—THE, AKHENATEN[AMENHOTEP—IV] commonly known as THE—TEL—EL—AMARNA—TABLETS, we find,
_06010101_07001231   —CA, THE—TIME—OF—THE—REIGN—OF—KING—JOSIAH +
_03840000_03220307   ARISTOTELES In der ANALYTICA—PRIORA: Entwicklung der 18000101—18991231    —BIS—IN—DAS, verwendeten Syllogistik, 1—VORFORM der Prädikatenlogik.
_01530101            daher ist der JANUARY 01 —HEUTE der Jahresanfang.
_01530101            Die Konsuln der ROM—REPUBLIK beginnen ihre Amtszeit erstmals am JANUARY 01 statt am MARCH 01;
_00990101_00491213   —CA, die ältesten BRONZE—EIMER in 2—FORMEN, aus dem italischen VILLA—NOVA—KULTUR—KREIS und
_00990101_00491213   —CA, CISTA[SITULA] die ältesten BRONZE—EIMER in 2—FORMEN, aus der MITTEL—EUROPA—HALLSTATT—KULTUR
_00520101_00520331   —DURANT L'HIVER CAESAR, repasse en GAULE[GALLIEN].
_00520101_00520331   —DURANT L'HIVER CAESAR, Traversant LES—CÉVENNES—ENNEIGÉES,
_00520101_00520331   —DURANT L'HIVER CAESAR, réunit son armée chez LES—LINGONS (RÉGION—DE—LANGRES).
_00520101_00520331   —DURANT L'HIVER
_00520101_00520331   CAESAR du MASSACRE—DES—NÉGOCIANTS romains de CENABUM[ORLÉANS]apprend LA—NOUVELLE—
_00520101_00520331   —DURANT L'HIVER CAESAR repasse en Gaule.
_00520101_00520331   —DURANT L'HIVER CAESAR avant de rejoindre son armée
_00450101            Caesars Reform des ROM—KALENDERS endet.
_00450101            —THE—JULIAN—CALENDAR, took effect.
_00450101            —CALLED, THE—YEAR—45 has been, the "—YEAR—OF—CONFUSION," because
_00450101            —IN—THAT—YEAR, JULIUS—CAESAR inserted —90—DAYS to bring THE—MONTHS—OF—THE—ROMAN—CALENDAR back to their traditional place with respect to THE—SEASONS.
_00450101            1. step in replacing 1—CALENDAR that had gone badly awry, This was CAESAR
_00320101            Oktavian lässt sich vom Senat zum "Führer Italiens" (dux Italiae) ausrufen.
_00320101            Oktavian erklärt Kleopatra und damit de facto auch MARCUS—ANTONIUS den Krieg.
_000501011231       .
_00000101_00991231   —AUS—DEM, Der RING—WALL—VON—KREUZWEINGARTEN stammt.
00000000—20030000    PRINCETON has its ``eating clubs,'' especially IVY—CLUB, COTTAGE—CLUB, whose oligarchical tradition runs from JONATHAN—EDWARDS and AARON—BURR, through the Dulles.".This reflects the continued importance of republican factions at Yale, Harvard and other colleges —DURING the middle —3—DECADES—OF—THE 18010101—19001231    . —WHILE the Yale secret group rapidly conformed to the Russell s' expectations. Yale was the northern college favored by southern slaveowning WOULD—BE aristocrats. Among YALE—SOUTHERN—STUDENTS were Calhoun, JOHN—C —LATER the famous SOUTH—CAROLINA DEFENDER—OF—SLAVERY against nationalism, & Benjamin, JUDAH—P —LATER SECRETARY—OF—STATE for the slaveowners'.".".. Confederacy. Young SOUTH—CAROLINIAN Dulles, JOSEPH—HEATLY whose family bought their slaves with the money from CONTRACT—SECURITY—WORK for THE—UK—CONQUERORS in INDIA, was in 1—PREVIOUS—SECRET—YALE group, the ``SOCIETY—OF—BROTHERS in Unity.'' At Yale Dulles, JOSEPH—HEATLY worked with the Northern secessionists & attached himself to Lord, Daniel; their 2—FAMILIES clove together in the fashion of 1—GANG. THE—LORDS became powerful ANGLO—AMERICAN.".".. 48. 6. Among the sources used for this section are: Skull and Bones membership list 18330000—19500000, printed 19490000             by the "RUSSELL—TRUST—ASSOCIATION"[inc], NEW—HAVEN,COUNTYavailable through the Yale UNIVERSITY—LIBRARY, NEW—HAVEN.
00000101             —FEST—DER—BESCHNEIDUNG[CIRCUMCISIO] des HERRn, am und dem
00000101             252.000.000 estimee LA—POPULATION—MONDIALE
00010101             —8—TAGE—NACH—DES JESUS—GEBURT,
00010101             —BERICHTET, MATTHÄUSA—VON—1—STERN, der IM—OSTEN aufging und
00010101             DER—WESTEN, DIE—STADT—ROM, das "Haupt der Welt", und AUGUSTUS, der HERR—DER—WELT, blieben ohne Engel, ohne Leitstern, ohne JEDE—FROHE—BOTSCHAFT.
00010101             —NACHDEM, DANN
00010101             DIE—3—STERN—DEUTER — und dann Könige — nach BETHLEHEM geleitete.
00010101—10001231    1. —JAHRTAUSEND[MILLENIUM]
00050101             1—MILITÄR—OPERATION Richtung ELBE
00490101             † LUCIUS—IUNIUS—SILANUS, römischer Politiker
00690101             AULUS—VITELLIUS Ausrufung zum KAISER durch meuternde OBER—GERMANIEN—LEGIONEN;
00690101             AULUS—VITELLIUS Ausrufung zum KAISER Anschluss der Heere aus GALLIEN[GALLIA_ROMANA]
00690101             AULUS—VITELLIUS zum KAISER Anschluss der Heere aus GERMANIEN
00690101             AULUS—VITELLIUS Ausrufung zum KAISER Anschluss der Heere aus BRITANNIEN
00690101             2. Konsulat ZUSAMMEN—MIT—T. VINIUS—RUFINUS
00690101             SERVIUS—SULPICIUS—GALBA Ausrufung zum KAISER durch meuternde OBER—GERMANISCHE Legionen;
00690101             SERVIUS—SULPICIUS—GALBA Ausrufung zum KAISER Anschluss der Heere aus BRITANNIEN
00890101             —NEU—ORDNUNG des rheinischen Heeres, DOMITIAN
00890101             SATURNINUS—AUFSTAND, Niederschlagung durch den niedergermanischen STATT—HALTER AULUS—BUCIUS—LAPPIUS—MAXIMUS, DOMITIAN
01380101             † AELIUS—CAESAR, Adoptivsohn und designierter Nachfolger Kaiser Hadrians
01930101             —DER—SOLDATEN—KAISER:
01930101             PERTINAX (lately GOVERNOR—OF—BRITAIN) is chosen emperor by THE—PRAETORIAN—GUARD but
01930101             † PERTINAX, quickly killed.
01930101—01930328    —NACHDEM, Der Befehlshaber PERTINAX, STADT—PRÄFEKT—VON—ROM, übernimmt des REICH—FÜHRUNG,
01930101—01930328    —CA—NACHDEM, nur —87—TAGE halten DER BEFEHLSHABER PERTINAX, STADT—PRÄFEKT—VON—ROM Kann sich wegen Reformplänen und
02010101—03001231    —IM—SPÄTEN, DER—MANICHÄISMUS, Es handle sich um eine irrationale Lehre, die Behauptungen aufstelle, ohne sie plausibel machen zu können.
02010101—03001231    —IM—SPÄTEN, DIE—MANICHÄER seien ungebildete, zu logischem Denken unfähige Menschen;
02010101—03001231    —IM—SPÄTEN, DIE—MANICHÄER—KOSMOLOGIE, DIE—MANICHÄER—KOSMOGONIE, sei wirr und phantastisch.
02010101—03001231    —AD, —200—YEARS—LATER—THAN—HITHERTO—BELIEVED.
02010101—03001231    —IM—SPÄTEN, auseinandersetzte sich der NEU—PLATONISCHE PHILOSOPH—ALEXANDER—VON—LYKONPOLIS kritisch mit dem MANICHÄISMUS.
02010101—03001231    fans flocked to watch gladiators fight in CHESTER—BLOODY—ARENA.
02010101—03001231    —200—YEARS—LATER than hitherto believed.
02500101             —SEIT—CA, ZUNAHM bei den GERMANEN der RÖMER—SILBER—MÜNZEN Verwendung zu SCHATZ—BILDUNG, die,
02500101             —SEIT—CA, hat dazu geführt, daß mitunter
02500101             —SEIT—CA, schlechtweg bezeichnet SILBER—MÜNZEN[SCHATZ,SCHATZ—GELD] wurden. beispielsweise
03000101—03001231    DIESE—GEGRÜNDETE- Bibliothek mit ihren 700.000—BUCHROLLEN wurde im 4. bzw.
03000101—03001231    7. Jahrh. weitgehend vernichtet, was als größte Katastrophe der Geistesgeschichte beklagt wurde.
03010101—04001231    —INVENTION—OF—THE—BOOK
03010101—04001231    —IN—THE, the local AQUILEIA—BISHOP obtained the rank of PATRIARCH and the
03010101—04001231    wurde die Stadt BISCHOFS—SITZ, bevor sie im
03010101—04001231    —IN—THE, the local AQUILEIA BISHOP obtained the rank of PATRIARCH—AND—THE 1. in 1—SERIES—OF—MAJOR—RELIGIOUS—CONGRESSES was held there.
03030423             S—GEORGE was made THE—PATRON—S—OF—ENGLAND in the 13010101—14001231  .
03500101             —NACH, aufhören Verbindungen zwischen des SCHWARZES—MEER, DER—OST—SEE Gegenden, und
03500101             —NACH, in NORD—WEST—DEUTSCHLAND 1—ORIGINELLE Ausbildung DIE—KULTUR erhält,
03500101             —NACH, HANNOVER und die angrenzenden Gegenden bilden den MITTEL—PUNKT der Kultur, und
03650721—19860000    —IN, —WHEN CHINA—ENGINEERS began cutting into the sandy coast to build the roads for 1—NEW—RESORT, they struck the ancient tombs and HOUSES—OF—THE—TOWN founded in the 01010101—02001231     B.C.
04040101             —LAST—KNOWN—GLADIATOR—CONTEST, was held in ROME.
04500101             —SEIT—CA, festsetzen DIE—SACHSEN sich auch an der WEST—KÜSTE, besonders um die LOIRE—MÜNDUNG,
04500101             —SEIT—CA, DIE—SACHSENN suchen von hier aus ins Innere des Landes vorzudringen,
04500101             —SEIT—CA, was aber an der in der RÖMER Dienst stehenden FRANKEN Widerstande und
04500101             —SEIT—CA, Die KAISER—KRÖNUNG stammt aus BYZANZ.
04500101             —SEIT—CA, Die KAISER—KRÖNUNG in BYZANZ bekannt war,allerdings
04500101             —SEIT—CA, Die KAISER—KRÖNUNG in BYZANZ nur in der Bedeutung 1—ZU DER—STAATS—RECHTLICH vollzogenen THRON—BESTEIGUNG hinzukommenden WEIHE—AKTES. aber
05000101—20150308    —BIS—IN—DIE, GEGENWART mit ihrer nationalen Sprache behauptet haben in des Westen Gebirge DIE—BRITEN sich teilweise.
05000101—20210308    —GEGENWART—BIS—IN, DIE—BRITEN[KELTEN—BRETONEN] behauptet mit ihrer nationalen Sprache haben in des Westen Gebirge sich teilweise.
05010101—06001231    R.
06010101—07001231    an islamische Araber ging.
06600101             † ABT—CLARUS—VON—VIENNE,
07320101             1. urkundlichen Beleg für ERLOALD, DIE—URKUNDE—NUMMER—187—SEITE—390—VON
07500101             —CA—VON—AN, die Tiere miteinander verschlungen werden oder sich ineinander verbeißen, wobei —SCHON insulare Vorbilder mitgewirkt haben können.
07500101             —CA, hielten sie sich in den auf ROM—REICHSBODEN gegründeten STAATEN im Verkehr an ROM—GOLD, vor allem an den stücken,
07500101             —CA—IN DIE zu setzen ist das Pektoralkreuz des S—CUTHBERT (—JETZT in der Bibliothek der KATHEDRALE)
07500101             —CA, des S—CUTHBERT—PEKTORAL—KREUZ sich gleichfalls vor allem durch 1—TREFFLICHE Cloisontechnik auszeichnet.
07500101             —CA—KURZ—VOR—DER in 2—BESCHLÜSSEN—VON—KONZILIEN, die stattfanden,
08000101             —ESTIMEE, POPULATION—MONDIALE 224.000.000
08010101—09001231    —DATE 08500101             —CA, Merfyns Sohn Rhodri dem Großen gelang es, 1—GROßTEIL—VON—WALES unter seiner Herrschaft zu vereinen.
08810101             —CHRONIK, REGINO—VON—PRÜM berichtet von des ORT—KÖLN ZERSTÖRUNG—DURCH—NORMANNEN, in seiner
09010101—10001231    - THE—ARCHIMEDES manuscript is created
09500101             —SEIT, IN—DEUTSCHLAND DAS—EMPORKOMMEN ZAHLREICHERER, MIT ZOLL—RECHT, MÜNZ—RECHT ausgestatteter MARKT—ORTE wird den TAUSCH—VERKEHR zu antiquieren begonnen haben
09500101             —SEIT, IN—DEUTSCHLAND Namentlich die Zunahme des MARKT—HANDEL wird den TAUSCH—VERKEHR zu antiquieren begonnen haben
09500101             —SEIT, IN—DEUTSCHLAND wenigstens auf den Märkten den TAUSCH—VERKEHR zu antiquieren begonnen haben.
09500101             —SEIT, werden nordische Krieger erwähnt, die in den Dienst des GRIECHEN—KAISERS traten.
09500101             —BEGONNEN—SEIT, IN—DEUTSCHLAND wenigstens auf den Märkten den TAUSCH—VERKEHR zu antiquieren haben.
09620101             † BALDUIN—III—GRAF—VON—FLANDERN
10000101             —JAHRTAUSEND—WENDE
10310101             † WILHELM—VON—DIJON, BURGUNDISCH—ITALIENISCHER—ABT, Klosterreformer und Architekt
10490101             † ODILO—VON—CLUNY—ABT—VON—CLUNY
10500101             —CA—BIS—IN Die lebhafte VERBINDUNG—ZWISCHEN—SCHWEDEN und RUßLAND dauerte
10500101             —CA, NACH—DER auch DIE—WIKINGER—ZÜGE der SCHWEDEN aufhörten.
10500101             —BIS—CA, Wie es scheint besonders von 2—ZENTREN, der SCHULE—VON—WINCHESTER, SCHULE—VON—CANTERBURY, ausgehend, HERRscht dieser Stil in ENGLAND
10500101             —CA—CA scheint die Tätigkeit dieses Ateliers für geraume Zeit abzubrechen.
10500101             —CA—CA—ERST—ALLMÄHLICH auflöst (ABBILDUNG—19).
10500101             —CA, AUS DER 1—ORTS—BESCHREIBUNG bezeugt, daß
10500101             —CA, hauptsächlich dieser außerhalb der RÖMER—MAUER liegende STADT—TEIL—DER—WOHN—SITZ—DER—KAUF—LEUTE (PAGUS—MERCATORUM) war.
10500101             —CA, Zweifellos bestand SCHIFFAHRTS—VERKEHR der REGENSBURGer auf der DONAU.
10500101             —CA—BIS ZUR Das nördlichste NORWEGEN (Hälogaland) war ebenfalls 1—MITTEL—PUNKT des Pelzhandels.
10500101             —CA, —ERST von der darf von Heiligenverehrung eigentlich geredet werden.
10500101             —CA—CA—IN—DER—1. 1—KANZLER wird erwähnt.
10500101             —CA,Das Wort 'HOF—RECHT', d.h. die lateinische Fassung itis curtis, IUS—CURIAE tritt vereinzelt auf
11000101—11991231    —GRÜNDUNG,
11000101—20111116    "DIE—BURG—WILDENBURG ist als 1—DER ganz wenigen HÖHEN—BURGEN weder zerstört noch zum Bau anderer Burgen als STEIN—BRUCH mißbraucht worden",
11000101—20130105    —WÄHREND—IHRER—GESCHICHTE, DIE—BURG—WILDENBURG war immer so wenig bedeutend, daß sie niemals angegriffen und zerstört wurde.
11000101—20140622    —BIS—HEUTE, das umgestaltete, erinnert und nahezu original erhaltene BENEDIKTINER—ABTEI—KLOSTER—CORVEY—WESTWERK mit den 2—FLANKIERENDEN Türmen an der ErBAUER Prachtentfaltung und Machtanspruch.
11000101—20140622    Die roten Türme überragen die langgestreckten weißen Gebäude der übrigen BENEDIKTINER—ABTEI—KLOSTER—CORVEY—ANLAGE.
11010101—12001231    - The manuscript is recycled
11010101—12001231    ging die IRO—SCHOTTISCHE—KIRCHE in der RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHEN auf.
11010101—12001231    aufging die IRO—SCHOTTISCHE—KIRCHE in der RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHE—KIRCHE.
11010101—12001231    der byzantinische Gelehrte JOHANNES—TZETZES fest, der sich auf frühe hellenistische Quellen berief.
11010101—19001231    [THE—ARCHIMEDES—MANUSCRIPT]THE—PALIMPSEST as religious text
11260101             Primeira hipótese: alguém convidou os Templários para se instalarem no Condado Portucalense e providenciou para que tivessem as condições indespensáveis para a realização da sua missão.
11260101             Segunda hipótese: alguém bem conhecido no Condado,membro da Ordem,pleno jure (os associados não tinham autoridade para fundar casa),
11260101             fazia parte do grupo de fundadores que,por sua livre e espontanea vontade,ou de acordo com instruções recebidas do Grão Mestre,vieram para se instalar,trazendo provas da sua autoridade.
11260101             Dos fundadores da Ordem na Palestina, dois podiam ser filhos de familias do Condado.
11260101             São eles: Fr.Gondomare ou Gondemar(Gondomar),e
11260101             Fr.Arnoldo,ou,Arnaldo, que como se verá,
11260101             poderá ser identificado com o Procurador do Templo em PORTUGAL, Petrus (Pedro) Arnaldo da Rocha.
11260101             Como se disse atrás, Godefroy ou Godefredo toma o lugar de Fr.Arnaldo em outras listas,
11260101             mas todos os outros nomes coincidem segundo a investigação de especialistas nessa matéria Histórica.
11260101             Ora,a história deste país e da sua fundação é muito simples segundo os livros da escola,mas será que a história é assim tão simples?...
11260101             apesar de se saber (quem acompanha a história a bem dizer) que não era de Castela,
11260101             mas da Borgonha e a sua familia conhecia como os Burgundi de origem germanica e estabelecidos numa região de França.
11260101             Ora, podem se quiserem encarar o seguinte como um teste ao conhecimento histórico deste país, que
11260101             30—ANOS depois da revolução e
11260101             0857—ANOS depois da - A HISTÓRIA SECRETA DE PORTUGAL Por: AFONSO
11260101             -antes DE—COMO pode ser provado,os Templários estiveram em PORTUGAL.
11260101             Fr.Arnoldo,ou,Arnaldo, que como se verá, poderá ser identificado com o Procurador do Templo em PORTUGAL,
11260101             Petrus (Pedro) Arnaldo da Rocha.
11260101             Esse texto e muito mais pode ser consultado em Bibliotecas (Os Templários em PORTUGAL e outros livros) ou ainda no site:
11260101             Bom,por exemplo,o primeiro rei de PORTUGAL,AFONSO—HENRIQUES,segundo os tais livros era filho do Conde D.Henrique e de D.TERESA—DE—CASTELA,mas não se fala muito na origem de D.Henrique,
11260101             apesar de se saber (quem acompanha a história a bem dizer) que não era de Castela, mas da Borgonha e a sua familia conhecia como os Burgundi de origem germanica e estabelecidos numa região de França.
11260101             30—ANOS depois da revolução e - 0857—ANOS depois da
11260101             A HISTÓRIA SECRETA DE PORTUGAL Por: AFONSO 20040426110700
11330101             —AB—CA, Unter den UN—FREIEN des KLOSTER—ESSEN—WERDEN sind sogenannte "Einläufige"in beträchtlicher Zahl genannt.^)
11330101             —AB—CA, Es sind das solche EIGEN—LEUTE des KLOSTER, die nicht auf hofHÖRIGEN Gütern desselben ansässig, sondern
11330101             —AB—CA, über ganz WEST—FALEN und über dessen Grenzen hinaus zerstreut sind (MANCIPIA ubique dispersa et einlope).
11330101             —AB—CA, Wir werden uns darunter Hauptsächlich JÜNGERE Söhne zu denken haben, die auf der väterlichen Hufe kein Unterkommen fanden.
11330101             —AB—CA—1—BETRÄCHTLICHER Teil von ihnen hat in den Stadtgemeinden sich niedergelassen,
11330101             —AB—CA, andere auch auf dem Lande.
11390420             —OUTLAWED, THE—CROSSBOW was, in the 11010101—12001231    , at least against Christians, by the 2. Lateran council (the 10. ecumenical council), called by INNOCENT—II—PAPA.
11390420             Although THE—CROSSBOW was used —AFTER the introduction of firearms, it was eventually succeeded by THE—HARQUEBUS—1—PRIMITIVE—GUN—IN the late 14010101—15001231  .
11390420             Capable of piercing chain mail from 1—RANGE—OF up to 1,000 feet, this formidable missile weapon remained 1—FIXTURE—OF—TECHNICALLY—ADVANCED—EUROPEAN armies —THROUGHOUT the Middle Ages.
11500101             —CA, etwa GEGEN—DIE—IN Ihre ENTSTEHUNG fällt wahrscheinlich das Ende der 2. BAU—PERIODE,
11500101             —CA—CA00—SCHON von der Doch sind alle diese späteren Fassungen nur ÜBER—ARBEITUNGEN 1—ÄLTEREN, aus 1—AUFZEICHNUNG der IGG—SAGA hervorgegangenen F.
11500101             —CA—CA00—SCHON von der die mehrere auf die Grägäs
11500101             —CA—CA In NORWEGEN, wo die —VERHÄLTNISSE ähnlich liegen,
11500101             —CA, aus der in 1—DOKUMENT im Über Custumarum von LONDON If.
11500101             37, das sich —DIE—BESTIMMUNGEN—VON—IV Ethelred anschließt,
11500101             —CA—CA Unter den —BÜRGER—KRIEGEN ging es mit der Blüte der Stadt rasch abwärts,
11500101             —SEIT—CA—SCHON ETWA DER BEGANN für den Verkehr der DEUTSCHE—KAUF—LEUTE in zunehmendem Maße LÜBECK der AUSGANGS—PUNKT für den OST—SEE—VERKEHR zu werden.
11500101             —SEIT—CA—DER rasenden —BÜRGER—KRIEGE waren jedoch für das ganze ökonomische Leben NORWEGENs vernichtend.
11500101             —CA, aus der In den Rechnungen der Scheriffe werden öfters Norweger und an der OST—KÜSTE ENGLANDs gestrandete NORWEGISCHE—SCHIFFE erwähnt (THE—GREAT—ROLL—OF—THE—PIPE 11550000—11580000    ed—Hunter, 177;
11500101             —CA—CA und In LONDON la saille des Deneis im Besitz der KÖLNer war
11500101             —CA—BIS—IN in SKANDINAVIEN,wo DIE—KIRCHE StaatsKIRCHE ist,
11500101             —CA—BIS—IN in SKANDINAVIEN gehörten sie BISCHOF e zu den Großen des REICHs,
11500101             —CA—BIS—IN in SKANDINAVIEN galten die BISCHOF e schlechthin als des KÖNIG—BEAMTE,
11500101             —CA—BIS—IN in SKANDINAVIEN übernahmen die BISCHOF e auch weltliche Ämter (ERZ—KANZLER—AMT!),
11500101             —CA—BIS—IN in SKANDINAVIEN sind die BISCHOF e zur Hoffahrt verpflichtet,
11500101             —CA—BIS—IN in SKANDINAVIEN fungieren die BISCHOF e als Gesandte und Königsboten,
11500101             —CA—BIS—IN in SKANDINAVIEN treten die BISCHOF e in das LEHNS—VERHÄLTNIS 1—UND
11500101             —CA—BIS—IN in SKANDINAVIEN die BISCHOF e mit am REICHS—TAG, dem CONCILIUM, und damit an der GESETZ—GEBUNG teilnehmen.
11500101             —CA—AUS—DER Gute Arbeit von vortrefflicher Erhaltung.
11500101             —CA, Die durchweg sehr einfache und spärliche Profilierung weist auf die hin.
11500101             Hunter, 177;
115001011231         —CA—VON—DER—SCHON an, aus Nachrichten über den PONTIFicat PAULUS—II—PAPA
115001011231         —CA—VON—AN—SCHON, aus Nachrichten über des PAULUS—II—PAPA—PONTIFICAT
115001011231         —CA—VON—AN—SCHON, umfasste er den Raum von der KIRCHE—S—BIAGIO, nach der nahen Treppe "in scalis",
115001011231         —CA—VON—AN—SCHON, als ANACLET—U—PAPA—ANTI—PAPA den ganzen Raum den damaligen BENEDICTINE [Benediktiner]rn von ARACELI verlieh,
115001011231         —CA—VON—DER—SCHON an, erstreckte sich DER—STADT—MARKT von der PALAST—TREPPE an über den CAPITOL—PLATZ und Abhang und Fuss des Hügels.
115001011231         —CA—VON—DER—SCHON an, umfasste DER—STADT—MARKT den Raum von der KIRCHE—S—BIAGIO, nach der nahen Treppe "in scalis",
11550101             † MATTHÄUSA—I—GRAF—VON—BEAUMONT
11850101             † GILLA—BRIGTE—FÜRST—VON—GALLOWAY
11890101             † HEINRICH—VON—MARCY—Kardinal—bischof—von—Albano
12000101             —CA—BY, The manufactures, particularly weaving, were established in almost all THE—TOWNS in that PART—OF—THE—CONTINENT.
12000101             —CA—BY, FLANDERS proper could itself have used up all THE—WOOL grown in ENGLAND.
12000101             —CA—BY, ThEN Even VENETIANS might have feared comparison between their home [VENEDIG], BRUGES[BRÜGGE].
12000101             —CA—BY[BRÜGGE]BRUGES,there are merchants from CATALONIA[KATALONIEN],
12000101             —CA—BY[BRÜGGE]BRUGES,there are merchants from ENGLAND,
12000101             —CA—BY[BRÜGGE]BRUGES,there are merchants from FLORENCE[FLORENZ],
12000101             —CA—BY[BRÜGGE]BRUGES,there are merchants from GASCONY[GASCOGNE],
12000101             —CA—BY[BRÜGGE]BRUGES,there are merchants from GENOA[GENUA].
12000101             —CA—BY[BRÜGGE]BRUGES,there are merchants FROM—LANGUEDOC,
12000101             —CA—BY[BRÜGGE]BRUGES,there are merchants from LOMBARDY[LOMBARDEI],
12000101             —CA—BY[BRÜGGE]BRUGES,there are merchants from PORTUGAL,
12000101             —CA—BY[BRÜGGE]BRUGES,there are merchants from SCANDINAVIA[SCANDINAVIEN],
12000101             —CA—BY[BRÜGGE]BRUGES,there are merchants from THE—HANSA—TOWNS[HANSE—STADT],
12000101             —CA—BY[BRÜGGE]BRUGES,there are merchants from Upper GERMANY,
12000101             —CA—BY[BRÜGGE]BRUGES,there are merchants from VENICE[VENEDIG],
12000101             —CA—BY, THEMSELVES THE—PEOPLE—OF—BRUGES[BRÜGGE] seem not to have taken 1—IMPORTANT—PART in this commerce or
12000101             —IN—LATER—DAYS the [BRÜGGE]BRUGES—BANKING—BUSINESS reached such magnitude but
12000101             —CA—BY, THEMSELVES THE—PEOPLE—OF—BRUGES[BRÜGGE] seem to have been content with the profit to be made by acting as brokers and intermediaries.
12000101             —CA, THE—PEOPLE—OF—BRUGES[BRÜGGE]it seemed
12000101             —CA, [HENNE—GAU]HAINAUT was 1—AGRIKULTUR—COUNTRY and
12000101             —CA, [HENNE—GAU]HAINAUT had no great towns like those of FLANDERS.
12000101—12991231    see above), 1—NOTE on the reverse of which states that "messires GUILLAUME—DE—CHOISEL chevalier et GÉRARS ses frers escuiers" passed similar acts "peu APRÈS la Toussaint 1345" as well as "nobles HOMS messires RENIERS—DE—CHOYSEL chevaliers sire d'Aigremont" at "la chandeleur 13450000             [presumably 13460202             N.S.]"
12010101—13001231    —IN—THE, THE—LONDON—FREEMASONS had begun as 1—GUILD of masons, who worked in soft stone called freestone.
12040101             † HÅKON—III—KÖNIG—VON—NORWEGEN
12070930—19980000    —IN, 1—FILM was made about THE—SUFI—JALAL—UD—DIN—RUMI[JELAL—UDDIN—RUMI] poet's influence on the 19010101—20001231  .
12070930—19980000    —IN, 1—FILM was made about the Sufi poet's influence on the 19010101—20001231  .
12290101             —URKUNDE—VOM, von 1 ,fonticum comunis novum' und 1—ANDEREN ,quod factum est IN—DOMO Jo.
12290101             MICHAELis' die Rede ist.
12290414             —COMPLETED, 1—SCRIBE name JOHN, 1—RELIGIOUS—TEXT that overwrote 1—MANUSCRIPT attributed to ARCHIMEDES that had been copied by 1—SCRIBE in the 09010101—10001231  .
12290414             1—SCRIBE name John completed 1—RELIGIOUS—TEXT that overwrote 1—MANUSCRIPT attributed to Archimedes that had been copied by 1—SCRIBE in the 09010101—10001231  .
12300101             —MARSEILLE, Absoluliurt donnée aux MARSEILLAis, par BENOIT—DE—ALIGNAN—ÉVÈQUE—DE—MARSEILLE.
12300101             —MARSEILLE, ABSOLUTION—DES—MARSEILLAIS par l'ÉVCEQUE. in presencia et TESTIMDOMINI—BERENGARII prepositi...
12430101             † BOUCHARD—V—HERR—VON—MONTMORENCY
12470101             † HEINRICH—III—GRAF—VON—SAYN
12500101             —CA, DIETRICH—GRAF—VON—KLEVE an DAS—KLOSTER—SCHILLINGSKAPELLEN Ländereien verlieh GEGEN—DIE—VERPFLICHTUNG, für die Beleuchtung der KIRCHE zu —SORGEN,
12500101             —CAITA quod singulis annis IN—FESTO b- Martini tres SOLIDI COLONIENSES[KÖLN] ad illuminandam b am in CASTRO—NOSTRO Toneburch ab eisdem persolvantur.
12500101             —CA—SPÄTER, sind die Einkünfte der Kapelle (?) als Personat auf 1—ALTAR zu Oberdrees übergegangen (BINTERIM—UND—MOOREN—E. K. II—SEITE—219)
12500101             —CA—BIS—IN waren ALLE—KÖNIGS—HOF in NORWEGEN Holzgebäude, öfters, wie —SCHON in HARALD—HAARDRAADES K., mit einzelnen zweistöckigen Gebäuden (Loft).
12500101             —CA—BIS gegen des SILBER—PREIS fallende GOLD—PREIS haben zu diesen Bewertungen geführt.
12500101             —CA—CA die zu 1—NATIONALEN Schrift mit 1—GANZ anderen Charakter führte, als dem, den wir von DÄNEMARK und SCHWEDEN kennen.
12500101             —CA—CA nicht FRÜHER als in NORWEGEN vielleicht Apfelgärten (eplagardr) werden hier auch —ERST—AM Schluß des
12500101             —SEIT—CA, hat im monarchischen NORDEN DER—KÖNIG—DIE—GERICHTS—HOHEIT erworben.
12500101             "—NACH—DEM Gesetz soll geurteilt werden", sagt die Vorrede vom Jyske Lov, "das DER—KÖNIG gibt und DAS—LAND annimmt";
12500101             —CA, Bartholomeus Anglicusnennt Gotland multiplici genere mercium maxime negotiosa und sagt,
12500101             —CA, In dem verfaßten SCHLESWIGer STADT—RECHT werden hospites de SAXONIA, worunter auch die WEST—FALEN zu verstehen sind,
12500101             —CA—CA 1. werden LÜBECKer und Schiffe aus den zuiderseeischen Städten und aus UTRECHT, die [SOGENANNT]Umlandsfahrer (ALT—NORDISCH Umlands f^), zu BERGEN erwähnt (HÄKONAR—SAGA—HÄKONARSONAR c. 256, H. URKUNDEN—BUCH—I n. 356, 366, 390
12500101             —CA—CA Aus dem verfaßten Königsspiegel (c. 3) ersieht man, daß
12500101             —CA—CA Kauffahrten —NACH—DEM Auslande 1—TEIL—DER—ERZIEHUNG—DER—VORNEHMEN jungen LEUTE bildeten,
12500101             —CA—CA daß es aber zwischen 1—FARMAÄR und 1—MANGARI ('Krämer') 1—GROßEN sozialen Unterschied gab.
12500101             —CA—CA Wie verbreitet die sTILLE Partnerschaft in NORWEGEN war, lehrt uns der altnorwegische KönigsSPIEGEL, "Hast du sehr viel Geld in Kauffahrten stecken, so teile es in 3—TEILE:
12500101             —CA—CA 33% verwende für die Teilhaberschaft mit solchen Männern, die stetig in guten Kaufstädten sitzen und die zuverlässig und sachkundig im Handel sind;
12500101             —CA—CA 66 % verteile auf verschiedene Stellen und Kauffahrten;
12500101             —CA—CA dann ist am wenigsten zu erwarten, daß alles GLEICHZEITIG verloren wird, wenn an mehreren Stellen dein Gut GLEICHZEITIG ist;
12500101             —CA—BIS ZUR findet sich verbreitet von der mittleren Seine (PARIS) —BIS zur OST—SEE (LÜBECK) und von der NORD—SEE—KÜSTE (BREMEN) —BIS zur DONAU (REGENSBURG), außerdem in ENGLAND, SCHOTTLAND und IRLAND.
12500101             —CA—VOR—DER Von dem SCHWEDISCHEN—HOFE ist wenig bekannt.
12500101             —AM—CA, spätesten, VOR—DER WOHL NICHT, herauszubilden scheint sich in SCHWEDEN 1—STADT—RECHT mit eignem BÜRGER—STANDE (^yamäwn).
12500101             —CA, —ERST OWAIN—GWYNEDDS—ENKEL—LLYWELYN ab Iorwerth gelang es
12500101             —CA, die einzelnen TEIL—REICHE wieder zu vereinen.
12500101             —CA, In wechselvollen KÄMPFEN—GEGEN—DEN ENGLISCHEN—KÖNIG—JOHANN—OHNELAND konnte Llywelyn ab Iorwerth seine Unabhängigkeit behaupten.
125001011231         —CA—CA die Alberini welche in städtischen Ämtem erscheinen und
125001011231         —CA—VON—AN, Wenn der MUNICIPALE—FREIHEITEN—FORTSCHRITTE in TUSCIEN auch des LANDVOLK—STELLUNG zugute kamen,
125001011231         —CA—CA DIE—ALBERINI welche in STADT—ÄMTEM erscheinen und
125001011231         —CA—CA DIE—ALBERINI welche ihre Wohnungen an Via papale neben den Caflfarelh hatten,
125001011231         —CA, der alten GRAFEN—CASTELL, 1—BAU der welcher an den FLORENZ—PAL. del Podesta und den der Signorie erinnert,
125001011231         —CA—VON—DER an Wenn die Fortschritte der municipalen Freiheiten in und 1—TEIL—DER—ROMAGNA auch der Stellung des Landvolkes zugute kamen,
125001011231         —CA, DAS—CASTELL der alten GRAFEN, 1—BAU der welcher an den FLORENZ—PAL. del Podesta und den der Signorie erinnert,
12530101             † MARINO—MOROSINI—DOGE—VON—VENEDIG, 44.
12880101             —CA, der GRAF—VON—BERG führt dieses Beiwort VENERABILIS ebenfalls,
12880101             —CA, dieser GRAF—VON—BERG führt dieses Beiwort VENERABILIS ebenfalls vielleicht auch deshalb,
12880101             —CA, weil dieser GRAF—VON—BERG dem ORDENS—HAUS—HERRENSTRUNDEN ehrenhalber adskribirt war.
12880229             The tradition had begun in 04010101—05001231     IRELAND.
13000101             † Kardinal—GIACOMO—TOMASSI—CAETANI,  der katholischen Kirche
13000101—20120330    —BIS—HEUTE—NOCH, im KREIS—BERGHEIM des BACK—STEIN—ALLEIN—HERRSCHAFT ist ungebrochen.
13000101—20120330    —SEIT—DEM ganz allgemein BACK—STEIN verwandt im KREIS—BERGHEIM wurde
13010101—14001231    BC—
13030502—18500101    —BIS. erlebte DIE—WELT viele ungewöhnlich kalte —JAHRZEHNTE.
13040101             —LETTRE—DU, BENOIT—XI—PAPA vcn. liatri • EPISCOPO—MASSILIENSI. collectori DÉCIME pro oneribus et necessitatibus ECCLESIE—ROMANE, per fel. rec.
13040101             Bonifatium PAPA[M] VIII,
13080101             verjagten die Landvögte den
13081108             Scotus and his adherents came under attack by critics in the 15010101—16001231    , giving rise to the term "dunce".
13130101             —PROVISIONS—DE—RAIMOND Robaudi, pour révèché de MARSEILLE, par le CLEMENS—V—PAPA
13251003—13260101    —USQUE—AD, qua fuit scriptus, 8—FLORENI—PRO—EQUO et 2—FLORENI—PRO—RONCINO: 26—FLORENI 6—S.
13260101             —VOM—AN, weiter besoldet Derselbe wird, er hat —JETZT 41—HOMINES equites ARMIGERI (7—FLORENI—IN—MENSE—PRO quolibet).
13260101—13260110    PEROZONUS—DE—DURIO und Dura/ CONESTABILIS—EQUITUM, erhält für zehntägigen Sold (
13260101—13260110    —QUA—DIE perdita fuit Rocha Contraeta, in qua morabantur) PRO—STIPENDIIS 34—EQUITUM—ARMIGERORUM (7—FLORENI—PRO—MENSE) 79—FLORENI 16—S...
13260101—13260129    —QUA—DIE, firmavit banderia m et factus fuit conestabulus) 7—FLORENI—PRO—EQUO et 2—FLORENI—PRO—RONCINO IN—MENSE: 32—FLORENI 41
13260101—13260402    : 1077—FLORENI
132901011231         Insuper CUM—ANNO fructus primi anni BENEFICIORUM in PROVINCIA—COLONIENSI[KÖLN] vacaturorum per TRIENNIUM sibi reservasset JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA
13330101             dorthin, um Vorbereitungen zum KAMPF—GEGEN—FLORENZ zu treffen,
13330101—13330130    —BIS—ZUM, festhielten, PRINZ—KARL in LUCCA, DIE—VORBEREITUNGEN zum KAMPF—GEGEN—FLORENZ.
13480101             —BESCHLIEßT des PATRIMONIUM in TUSZIEN leitige Rektor GUISCHARD [RITTER—DE—COMBORINO] mit seinen Räten (consiliarii sui) JOHANNES—TODESCHUS^ et JOHANNES—DE—BARBA milites ,
13480101             zu den —BEREITS in des PATRIMONIUM Dienst stehenden Soldaten noch 2—FÄHNLEIN schwer bewaffneter Reiter
13480101             (2—ALIE banderie EQUITUM armatorum ultra gentes, que sunt ad presens ad stipendia caniere)
13480101             in Sold zu nehmen WEGEN DES — AUFSTANDES DER CIVITATES TUSCANELLE ET BALN.^
13480101             —ET nonnulle alie CIVITATES—PATRIMONII,
13480101             damit sich DIE—REBELLION nicht weiter verbreite
13480101             und DIE—AUFSTÄNDISCHEN mit Gewalt zum Gehorsam gebracht würden.
13480101             RECTOR tunc assumpsit et deputavit in conestabiles GENTIUM NOBILES—VIRES GILES—DE—BONGOR[ÄGIDIUS,Gilles,AEGIDIUS] ^
13480101             —ET GUILLELMO—DE—VIRISIM[VERESIM] ad beneplacitum rectoris stipendia a Camera Patrimonii percepturos,
13480101             utrumque cum 23—POSTIS vivis et 2—MORTUIS et roncinis, AD—RATIONEM 6—FLORENI—PRO—POSTA et 1—FLORENI—PRO—RONCINO —IN—MENSE—QUOLIBET.
13500101             —BIS—CA, Es fällt auf, daß, als die LEHEN—BÜCHER noch lateinisch geführt wurden,
13500101             —BIS—CA, Es fällt auf, daß, DER—DEUTSCHE—AUSDRUCK WUSTUNGE in 1—LATEINISCHEN Kontext eingefügt wurde.
13500101             —BIS—CA, Es fällt auf, daß, DER—DEUTSCHE—AUSDRUCK WUSTUNGE wechselte ab mit villa deserta, seltener bona oder area deserta, bzw. desolata.
13500101             —BIS—CA, Es fällt auf, daß, Der weitaus überwiegende Sprachgebrauch ist aber WUSTUNGE, also Wüstung,4 offenbar 1—TERMINUS der mündlich ablaufenden LEHEN—RECHTLICHEN Vorgänge
13500101             —BIS—CA, Es fällt auf, daß, DER—DEUTSCHE—AUSDRUCK WUSTUNGE schwer zu übersetzen in die
13500101             —BIS—CA—DAMALS noch lateinische Registersprache
13500101             —BIS—CA, Es fällt auf, daß, DER—DEUTSCHE—AUSDRUCK WUSTUNGE Die Übersetzung villa deserta lag nahe, war aber offenbar nicht vollkommen befriedigend.
13500101             —BIS—CA, Es fällt auf, daß, 1—WÜSTUNG war mehr als nur 1—VERLASSENES Dorf.
13500101             —BIS—CA, Es fällt auf, daß, Die Quellen des oberfränkischen Michelsberg haben 1—PARALLELEN Sprachgebrauch.
13500101             —BIS—CA, Es fällt auf, daß, 1—WÜSTUNG war in der Regel 1—DORF.
13500101             —BIS—CA, Es fällt auf, daß, Man sprach sogar von Wüstung und Äckern oder Äckern (1) Wüstung.
13500101             —CA—CA Die Zustände in den PROVINZEN—DES—KIRCHEN—STAAT[VATIKAN]es vor der WIEDER—HERSTELLUNG durch die Kriege des KARDINAL—LEGAT—ALBORNOZ
13500101             —CA, Die Zustände in den PROVINZEN—DES—KIRCHEN—STAAT[VATIKAN]es vor der WIEDER—HERSTELLUNG durch des KARDINAL—LEGAT—ALBORNOZ Kriege.
13500101             —CA—CA DIE 2. Periode des Auftretens unserer DEUTSCHE—REITER im Dienst des KIRCHEN—STAAT[VATIKAN]es
13500101             —CA—CA ist wegen ihrer überaus zahlreichen Anwerbung ungleich wichtiger.
13500101             —CA—CA Wir haben uns deshalb etwas eingehender mit der damaligen politischen Lage des KIRCHEN—STAAT[VATIKAN]es zu befassen.
13500101             —CA, Am gleichmäßigsten und geordnetsten geben sich die SOLD—VERHÄLTNISSE
13500101             —CA—CA NOCH in gewissem Sinne lebendig Wir sehen in DEUTSCHLAND die ALT—GERMANISCHE ART—DES—HEERESFOLGE,
13500101             —CA, die gleiche Summe, die
13500101             —CA, 1—SACK Weizen (zu ungefähr 160— 180—PFUND, oder ca.
13500101             80 -90—KG) in MITTEL—ITALIEN 1—GOLD—GULDEN kostete,
13500101             —CA, ebenso 1—SACK Mehl, 1—SACK Kernbohnen Vs FLORENI, Schnittbohnen aber 2—GULDEN;
13500101             —CA, 100 "libre" Heu ca. 35—KGL. kosteten '/^ GOLD—GULDEN.
13500101             —CA, 1—WAGEN Stroh ^/s GULDEN,
13500101             —CA, 100—ZWIEBELN '/,9 GULDEN,
13500101             —CA, 100—PFUND (ca. 35—KG.) SALZ—FLEISCH 2—BIS 2,6 GULDEN.i
13500101             —CA—CA wegen der Kurie kostspieligen und LANG—JÄHRIGEN—KRIEGES gegen die VISCONTI, LUDWIG—DER—BAYER.
13500101             —CA, die SOLD—VERHÄLTNISSE Am gleichmäßigsten und geordnetsten geben sich
13500101             —CA—CA NOCH Wir sehen also in DEUTSCHLAND die ALT—GERMANISCHE Art, fränkische ART—DES—HEERESFOLGE in gewissem Sinne lebendig.
13500101             —CA—CA diesen von den ZEIT—GENOSSEN so oft erwähnten und auch in der NEU—ZEIT von deutschen und
13500101             —CA—CA diesen mehr noch von ITALIENISCHEN—HISTORIKERN und Poeten behandelten^ Söldnerobersten
13500101             —CA, In PISA PRO—MONAT 12—PFUND—DENARE erhielt 1—DEUTSCHER—BANNER—FÜHRER MEHR, als jeder italienische und
13500101             —CA, In PISA PRO—MONAT 6—PFUND—DENARE erhielt 1—DEUTSCHER—REITER mehr als jeder italienische.*
13500101             —CA—CA—SCHON in Vorarlberg und anderweit einzelne BÜRGERliche Familienwappen erscheinen,
13510101—13510201    GUILLELMO—DE—BROIS—CORPORALI—ARMIGERO—EQUITI de band, rect., (3—EQUI., 1—RONC., 2—ARMIG.) 23—FLORENI
13530101             —STATTFANDEN, große TURNIERE—IN—TRIENT. ^
13690101             Das DATUM ist.
13700422             It began to be used as 1—PRISON in the 16010101—17001231  .
139201017            der ANNO—ALTAR
14000101—14991231    15001001—15991231—DES, BEITRÄGE—ZUR GESCHICHTE—DER—KÖLNER BUCH—DRUCKER und BUCH—HÄNDLER und
14000101—15171101    —IN—THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE, THE—SALE—OF—INDULGENCES had been introduced into THE—NETHERLANDS[NIEDERLANDE],
14000101—20120430    —HEUTE—NOCH 1—BESTREBEN  von welchem  Spuren genug geblien sind.
14010101—15001231    —ANFANG—DES, waren die Wälder um das Herrenhaus TRENT—PARK bei Enfield liebstes Jagdrevier Heinrichs IV. von ENGLAND, dem Shakespeare eines seiner blutrünstigen Königsdramen widmete.
14070101             rr MAGISTRI—ANTONII—DE—COMO exemptio " (RIFORME—TOME—XVIII (a,
14131109—14150101    ZILKIN—VON—ROEDE—PROPST—IN—ZÜLPICH wird erwähnt vom
14131109—14150101    —VOM, ZILKIN—VON—ROEDE—PROPST—IN—ZÜLPICH erwähnt wird
14240101             * DEUTSCHER—KUR—FÜRST—LUDWIG—IV.
14260101             —INTRAVIT in offitium potestarie URBISVETERIS ANDREAS—DE—RANCHO: DOMINUS—LAURENTIUS—DE—GUIDALOCTIS—DE—PERUSIO suus collateralis.
14260101             Seguono REGISTRAZIONI—DI—PROCESSI, di cui ricordiamo i tempi;
14310101             * ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA
14310101—14920000    —ELECTED, RODRIGO—BORGIA—LANZOL was, ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA and amassed 1—FORTUNE by pocketing church funds.
14310101—15030000    RODRIGO—BORGIA—LANZOL—MOTHER was the sister of CALIXTUS—III—PAPA.
14310101—15030000    —HELPED, RODRIGO—BORGIA—LANZOL—REIGN, inspire the Protestant reformation.
14310101—15030000    —FATHERED, RODRIGO—BORGIA—LANZOL, numerous children including Lucrezia Borgia.
14310101—15030000    —BASED, Machiavelli, "THE—PRINCE" on him.
14350101             (SIEGBURG—URKUNDE—517—VON );
14350101             1—URKUNDE—VON spricht von den schweren Sturmschäden, ohne daß sie Einzelheiten liefert
14370101             SUB I 551—VON; SIEGBURG—URKUNDE—520—VON
14380101             —NACH—DEM Tod seines Schwiegervaters Kaiser—Sigismund wird der ÖSTERREICHISCHE—HERZOG—ALBRECHT—II—VON—HABSBURG zum KÖNIG—VON—UNGARN gekrönt.
14430101             Der Wittelsbacher CHRISTOPH—VON—PFALZ—NEUMARKT wird zum Erz—könig der DÄNISCHEN—LANDE gekrönt und regiert das GEBIET—DER—KALMARER—UNION.
14480101             LE—DAUPHIN—LOUIS est exilé dans LE—DAUPHINÉ pour avoir comploté contre son père.
14490101             * LORENZO—DE—MEDICI, ITALIENISCHER—POLITIKER, Stadtherr—von—Florenz
14500101             —CA—AUS—DER Monstranz von vergoldetem Kupfer, 68—CM hoch, Monstranzen der Fuss aus der sechsblättrigen Rose konstruiert und mit Gravierungen bedeckt, der Nodus mit Nägelköpfen versehen,
14500101             —CA—AUS—DER Monstranz von vergoldetem Silber, 72—CM hoch, auf sechsblättrigem geschweiften Fuss, der Nodus mit Nagelköpfen versehen und mit emaillierten |Blättchen, um den Glascylinder 3—ZIEMLICH komplizierte Strebebögen mit Krabben besetzt.
14500101             —CA—CA war der Zeugenbeweis vor der Jury vollständig ausgebildet.
14500101             —SEIT—CA—DER Das OBER—DEUTSCHE—KAPITAL hatte namentlich hierbei IN 1.
14500101             —CA, aus der, —IM, KLOSTER—MARIA—HILF gute HOLZ—FIGUR—DES—S—AUGUSTINUS, 86—CM hoch, neu polychromiert.
14500101             —CA—CA Durch PVITZA—VON—TORR gelangte der Besitz an BERNHARD—VON—WEVORDEN genannt DROVE,
14500101             —CA, KURZ—NACH—DER entstandenen Aussentor in Veynau überein )
14500101             —CA, aus des Monstranz von vergoldetem Kupfer, 48—CM hoch;
14500101             —CA—CA erscheint auch 1—SCHARPMANN—VON—LECHENICH mit dem Gut HAUS VELBRÜGGEN belehnt
14500101             —CA, Die von 2—ECKTÜRMEN flankierte Ostmauer (FIGUR—78) der HAUPT—BURG mit der Toranlage gehört ganz der an.
14500101             —CA, der zum weitaus grössten Teil der angehört.
145001011231         —CA—CA der Scriptoren Geschäft gelangte zu seinem höchsten FLORENz
145001011231         —CA—CA Je fehlerhafter wie erwähnt die Abschriften gewesen waren, umsomehr befleissigte man sich —NUN der Correctheit.
145001011231         —CA—CA unter der fördernden Pflege des LESSANDRO—SFORZA und seines Hauses
145001011231         —CA—CA—SCHON der die längst fortschreitende Vernichtung DER—BÜRGERLICHEN Wehrkraft diese mächtige REPUBLIK—EINZELGEWALT zuführten,
14510101             * JOHN—RADCLIFFE—von—BARON—FITZWALTER, 9. , ENGLISCHER—ADELIGER und Politiker
14620000—15150101    * † LOUIS—XII—KING—OF—OF—FRANCE.
14840101             —MARGARET—MEILIN—ZWINGLE mother was related to JOHN—MEILIN—ABBOT—OF—FISCHINGEN,
14840101             —LOVED, JOHN—MEILIN—ABBOT—OF—FISCHINGEN, young ULRICH—ZWINGLE as his own child.
14840101             —TREATED, JOHN—MEILIN—ABBOT—OF—FISCHINGEN, young ULRICH—ZWINGLE with special favour
14840101             The clearer ULRICH—ZWINGLE father's brother ULRICH—ZWINGLE father's brother JOHN—MEILIN—ABBOT—OF—FISCHINGEN perception became of the extraordinary abilities of his nephew ULRICH—ZWINGLE,
14840101             —THE more strenuously did ULRICH—ZWINGLE father's brother JOHN—MEILIN—ABBOT—OF—FISCHINGEN insist upon educating ULRICH—ZWINGLE, for THE—CHURCH.
14840101             —ULRICH—ZWINGLE father's brother JOHN—MEILIN—ABBOT—OF—FISCHINGEN is deserving of great credit for the part which he took in the education of the talented boy.
14840101             —ULRICH—ZWINGLE father's brother JOHN—MEILIN—ABBOT—OF—FISCHINGEN occupying the position of dean at Wesen.
14840101             —ULRICH—ZWINGLE father's brother JOHN—MEILIN—ABBOT—OF—FISCHINGEN, also, was a clergyman,
14840101             —ZWINGLE mother's name was MARGARET—MEILIN.
14840101             * ULRICH—ZWINGLE, —THEREFORE only a few months younger than LUTHER.
14920101             * SILVESTRO—GANASSI, ITALIENISCHER—KOMPONIST, GAMBEN—UND Blockflötenspieler
14930101             —ET—IN—DIE—SEQUENTI—FESTO—CIRCUMCISIONIS^ publicam missam in eadem capella celebravit Rmus.
14930101             DOMINUS—S—CLEMENTIS, SIXTUS—IV—PAPA PRÉSENTE. Interfuit Illust. Rmus.
14930101             DOMINUS—ASCANIUS—VICE—CANCELLARIUS vesperis externis et misse hodierne non interfuit:
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war Vom Palast des KARDINALS—VON—PORTUGAL an der Ecke des PLATZ—VON—S—LORENZO in Lucina an brannten Feuer längs der Strasse
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war aber Ferrandino hatte es mit den Worten abgelehnt, er scheide da seine Dienste nicht mehr erfordert seien, aber sein Degen sei ihm Sicherheit genug.
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war Aber sie beschränkten sich darauf ihre festen Häuser besetzt zu halten:
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war am SILVESTERTAGE —DES—JAHRESES, als man das Faminische Tor erreichte.
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war in ROM einzog KARL—VIII—AN seines HEERES—SPITZE,
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war COLONNA!
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war Das KARL—VIII—HEER geteilt in mehre CORPS worden war welche sich der STADT—ROM verschiedene Quartiere versichern sollten.
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war DAS—VOLK rief: FRANKREICH!
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war der GRAF—VON—PITIGLIAOO und Andere Monte Gior(laao und den Palast auf PIAZZA—NAVONA,
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war die Dinge lagen anders als in des KAISER—HEINRICH—VII—TAGEN
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war FRANZÖSISCHES—GELEITE war ihm für des PAPA —GEBIET angeboten worden,
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war GIAN—GIORDANO sollte DAS—CAPITOL verteidigen,
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war In demselben Moment verliess DER—HERZOG—VON—CALABRIEN mit seinen Truppen DIE—STADT—ROMDURCH die PORTA Appia.
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war JACOPO—DE—CONTI die Türme am QUIRINAL.
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war mit hochgehaltenem Speer wie er in FLORENZ eingerückt war.
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war ORSINI und ihre Partei scheinen NOCH—IM letzten Moment daran gedacht zu haben, DIE—STADT gegen DIE—FRANZOSEN zu halten.
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war Sie hatten 1—MENGE Bewaffneter herangezogen.
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war und waren fast ALLE—HÄUSER erleuchtet;
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war VIOCOLI!
14940101             —ABEND—GEWORDEN—SCHON war Vir^nio den Palast auf CAMPO (U (iore,
14940101             —ABEND, Der Bailli von DIJON,
14940101             —ABEND, der GRAF—VON—TAJAZZO
14940101             —ABEND, Der Rest der Truppen unter dem SENESCHAL—VON—BEAUCAIRE besetzte das MARSFELD um PIAZZA—S—APOLLINARE,
14940101             —ABEND, die der Sanseveriner des Palastes Capranica.
14940101             —ABEND, ITALIENISCHE—SCHAAREN versicherten sich anderer Punkte,
14940101             —ABEND, Ives d'Alligre der COLONNA Paläste besetzten.
14940101             —ABEND, LOUIS—DE—LA—TREMOUILLE, führte 1.500—MANN —NACH—DEM PALAST—VON—S—MARCO der zu des KÖNIG—AUFNAHME bestimmt war,
14940101             —ABEND, LOUIS—DE—LA—TREMOUILLE, voran als FELD—HERR wie durch persönliche Bravour,
14940101             —ABEND, Mit 1—GLEICH starken SCHAAR besetzte De Ligny KIRCHE, KLOSTER—VON—S—PIETRO—IN—VINCOLI mit dem daranstossenden Palast des GIULIANO—DELLA—ROVERE.
14940101             —ABEND, so DIE—LEUTE der ANNIBALDI—VON—MOLARA des Aventin,
14940101             —ABEND, so seines Umfangs wegen wie weil er in der Nähe der colonnaschen Wohnungen lag.
14940101             —ABEND, Von gleicher Stärke waren die Haufen mit denen DER—MARSCHALL—VON—GIE die Zugänge zum Flusse,
14940101             —ABEND, Von gleicher Stärke waren die Haufen mit denen DER—MARSCHALL—VON—GIE den Monte de SAVELLI besetzten
14940101             —ABEND, wo der Palast KARDINAL—DE—ESTOUTEVILLES zum HAUPT—QUARTIER ward.
14940101             —ABEND, zogen mit 6.000—SCHWEIZERN 500—REITERN —NACH—DEM Palast ASCANIO SFORZAs.
14940101             —ALSBALD begannen die Unterhandlungen.
14940101             —GEBLIEBEN, ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA war im VATIKAN—PALAST, und
14950101—14950131    Tous LES—CARDINAUX présents à ROM, sauf LE—KARDINAL—DE—NAPLES[NEAPEL]
14950101—14950131    ne tient aucun compte de l'étiquette dans la façon de recevoir LES—CARDINAUX;LES—SEIGNEURS—FRANÇAIS en font de même (s.d.).
14950101—14950131    Des maisons sont pillées, LES—PROPRIÉTAIRES mis dehors.
14950101—14950131    LES—FRANÇAIS agissent comme en pays conquis, ce qui excite 1—GRAND MÉCONTENTEMENT parmi LE—PEUPLE.
14950101—14950131    Vêpres papales à LA—CHAPELLE—SIXTINE.
14950101—14950131    LES—SEIGNEURS—FRANÇAIS vont baiser le pied du ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA.
14950101—14950131    ENGELBERT—DE—CLÈVES, son ère et FERDINAND—DE—ESTÉ prennent place SUR l'estrade près du trône du ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA
14950101—14950131    —APRÈS—LA—MESSE de l'Epiphanie, BURCHARD rentrant chez lui, trouve sa maison envahie par des FRANÇAIS qui y avaient été envoyés par le —CHEF—DU quartier ;
14950101—14950131    BURCHARD va se plaindre au ROI qui le renvoie au MARÉCHAL—DE—GIÉ
14950101—14950131    fait assigner 1—AUTRE logis aux FRANÇAIS descendus chez BURCHARD
14950101—14950131    LA—MAISON—DE—PAULO—DE—PLANCA est mise au pillage;
14950101—14950131    Pendaison de cinq malfaiteurs
14950101—14950131    1—PARTIE du mur supérieur du CHÂTEAU—S—ANGE s'écroule;
14950101—14950131    LE—ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA, pour sa sûreté, s'était retiré le —MARDI précédent, au CHÂTEAU—S—ANGE, accompagné des CARDINAUX—DE—NAPLES[NEAPEL], de SAINTE—ANASTASIE, de MONTRÉAL, de S—JEAN et S—PAUL, d'ALEXANDRIe et de [VALENCIA]VALENCE
14950101—14950131    —IL, se rend à S—SÉBASTIEN
14950101—14950131    —IL, continue, les jours suivants, ses excursions par LA—VILLE (s.
14950101—14950131    Leur ENTREVUE.
14950101—14950131    LE—ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA y consent.
14950101—14950131    DESCRIPTION—DE—LA—CÉRÉMONIE qui a heu dans la salle DU—PAPAGALLO.
14950101—14950131    LE—ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA nomme l'ÉVÊQUE Briçonnet KARDINAL—DE—S—MALO, et lui conserve les bénéfices qu'il avait en titre et en commende.
14950101—14950131    LA—GARDE écossaise est commise à LA—GARDE des portes du palais.
14950101—14950131    BURCHARD remet au KARDINAL—DE—S—MALO la liste des gratifications distribuées en pareille circonstance, qui montait à 250—DUCATS,
14950101—14950131    LE—ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA mande BURCHARD pour savoir comment il doit recevoir LE—LENDEMAIN LE—ROI—DE—FRANCE[KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH]en consistoire public, pour la PRESTATION—DU—SERMENT d'obédience.
14950101—14950131    —JOUR—LE—MÊME, 1—JEUNE seigneur français, pour avoir tué 1—DE ses compatriotes à la suite de 1—QUERELLE de jeu, est pendu au Champ de Flore
14950101—14950131    DÉTAILS—SUR—A cérémonie.
14950101—14950131    Réponse ambiguë du ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA.
14950101—14950131    LE—ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA célèbre LUI—MÊME 1—MESSE—SOLENNELLE pour complaire au ROI;
14950101—14950131    LE—KARDINAL—DE—GURCK, RÉCONCILIÉ avec LE—ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA, vient recevoir sa bénédiction:
14950101—14950131    † † 2—SUISSES, sont décapités, l'1 au CAPITOLE, l'2.
14950101—14950131    —LE—SOIR, consistoire auquel assistent 20—CARDINAUX
14950101—14950131    —LE—SOIR, LE—SULTAN—DJEM se rend à cheval du CHÂTEAU—S—ANGE au PALAIS—S—MARC, et est remis aux mains de CHARLES—VIII[KARL—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH]
14950101—14950131    2—ÉCHAFAUDS sont dressés dans ROM:
14950101—14950131    LE—KARDINAL—DE—VALENCE offre à ce dernier 6—CHEVAUX magnifiques avec leurs freins, sans selles.
14950101—14950131    LE—SULTAN—DJEM, entouré de 1—NOMBREUSE escorte, était parti pour Marino, 1—PEU avant le dé CHARLES—VIII[KARL—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH].
14950101—14950131    —JOUR—LE—MÊME, LE—ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA apprend QU'ALPHONSE—DE—ARAGÓN avait quitté NAPLES[NEAPEL]
14950101—14950131    LE—KARDINAL—DE—VALENCE s'enfuit de VELLETRI déguisé en palefrenier.
14950101—14950131    LE—KARDINAL—ORSINI pénètre de force dans LA—MAISON—DE—BARTHOLOMEO Jubha qu'il emmène ainsi que ses fils prisonniers à Bracciano.
14950101—14950131    Ils se rendent auprè CHARLES—VIII[KARL—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH].
14950101—14950131    1—DÉPUTATION—DE—CITOYENS—ROMAINS les accompagne.
14950101—14950131    Elle va prier LE—ROI—DE— de ne pas tourner sa colère contre ROM qui est INNOCENTE—DE—LA—FUITE du KARDINAL—DE—VALENCE
14950101—14950131    240—CM '
14960101             † CHARLES—DE—ANGOULÊME
14980916             TOMAS—DE—TORQUEMADA was the 1. GRAND—INQUISITOR in SPAIN—MOVEMENT to restore Christianity among its populace  14010101—15001231    —IN—THE—LATE.
14980916             TOMAS—DE—TORQUEMADA was 1—SPANISH—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—FRIAR and the 1. Grand Inquisitor in SPAIN—MOVEMENT to restore Christianity among its populace in the late 14010101—15001231  .
14991231             —ENDETE, das 14000101—14991231    mit —DEM—JAHR.
15000101             —NEUJAHRS—TAG—AM ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA hatte sich ins Casteli begeben der LUCREZIA—BORGIA Cavalcade anzuschauen.
15000101             —NEUJAHRS—TAG—AM LUCREZIA—BORGIA mit 200—EDELN, Damen —NACH—DEM LATERAN ritt;
15000101—15991231    Datt hauß belanghendne vonn dem HOSPITALL—NUMMERO—18.
15000101—16991231    1—BILD—DER—JUNKER—DES—DIE—LINIEN—SCHÖNAU und Fronenbruch der HERR—VON—MILENDONK geben :
15000101—16991231    1—BILD—DER—JUNKER des wie es Ferber in seiner kleinen Schrift "Die Niersjunker"so treffend geschildert hat.
15010101—16001231    Fabrics: Fibre and PATTERN—VENUS' Seamstress
15010101—16001231    maritime map in 1—LOS—ANGELES library vault proves that PORTUGAL—ADVENTURERS, not British or Dutch, were the 1. Europeans to discover AUSTRALIA,
15010101—16001231    maritime map in a LOS—ANGELES library vault proves that PORTUGAL—ADVENTURERS,
15010101—16001231    —CENTURY maritime map in a LOS—ANGELES library vault proves that PORTUGAL—ADVENTURERS,
15020101             —entdeckt, Der PORTUGIESISCHE—SEEFAHRER Gaspar—de—Lemos in Südamerika die GUANABARA—BUCHT, die er irrtümlich für 1—FLUSSMÜNDUNG hält und "Januarfluss" tauft.
15020101             —später, Die an diesem Ort entstandene Siedlung erhält daher den Namen RIO—DE—JANEIRO.
15020101             —ENCOUNTERED, Guanabara Bay was 1., by Europeans —WHEN 1—OF—THE—PORTUGAL—EXPLORERS Gaspar de Lemos and Goncalo Coelho arrived on its shores.
15020101             —LOCATED, Guanabara Bay is 1—OCEANIC bay, in SOUTH—EAST—BRAZIL in THE—STATE—OF—RIO—DE—JANEIRO.
15020101             —ON its western shore lies THE—CITY—OF—RIO—DE—JANEIRO, and on its eastern shore the cities of NITEROI and SAO—GONCALO.
15030101             —ADDI, A 07—ORE DI NOTTE venne 1—CAVALLARO con nuova che il DUCA—VALENTINO avea preso VITELLOZZO,
15030101             IL—SIGNORE—PAOLO—ORSINO,
15030101             —IL, DUCA—DI—GRAVINA,
15030101             —IL, cavalier Orsino e Liverotto da Fermo e che li volea far tutti morire,
15030101             portando di più commissione che si prendessero i passi, e si svaligiassero e ammazzassero tutti quelli, così di VITELLOZZO, come degli altri suddetti.
15030101             L' Ongaro barigello usci per questo effetto fuori con la sua compagnia.
15040101             * CASPAR—CRUCIGER—DER—ÄLTERE, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Reformator, Weggefährte MARTIN—LUTHERS
15040101             —CAPITULENT, LES—FRANÇAIS, à GAÈTE.
15040712             —WAGED, [STEFAN—CHEL—MARE]STEVEN—THE—GREAT—PRINCE—OF—THE—PRINCIPALITY—OF—MOLDAVIA had, battles against the Turks in the 13010101—14001231     and became 1—NATIONAL hero.
15040712             —WAGED, He had, battles against the Turks in the 13010101—14001231     and became 1—NATIONAL hero.
15050101             † JUAN—CASTELLAR—Y—DE—BORJA—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—TRANI—und—Monreale
15070101             " è fra gli eletti " in approbatores salis " con " Rentium petrutij
15070101             IL—COMUNE—DI—GUBBIO " è fra gli eletti " in approbatores salis " con " Rentium petrutij
15150101             † LUDWIG—XII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH
15150101             —SUCCEEDED, He was, by FRANCIS—I (14940000—15470000    ).
15150101             KARDINAL—PIETRO—BEMBO visit to that COURT—OF—URBINO
15150101             Mort de LOUIS—XII.
15150101             † LOUIS—XII[LUDWIG—XII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] sans descendance.
15190101             1. —DAY—OF—THE—YEAR, With the ,
15190101             —ON—THE 35. ANNIVERSARY—OF—HIS—BIRTH, ZWINGLE commenced his ministry in ZÜRICH,
15190101             —SUPPORTED, ZWINGLE his ministry in ZÜRICH, by the greater PART—OF—THE—BURGHER population,
15190101             —AT—WHOSE HEAD—WAS—THE—LIBERAL—MINDED burgomaster Eoust.
15190101             THE—CITY—OF—ZÜRICH was not unfamiliar to ZWINGLE.
15201210—1—CENTURY—BEFORE, JEROME—OF—PRAGUE, his associates, had burned THE—BULL[BULLA] which condemned HUSS
15210101             Seulement, nous Savons qu'elle fut remise á SADOLET LE—MEME—JOUR—QUE le billet I, 33—TUT transmis ti BEMBO, solt LE
15220101             † JOHANNES—STABIUS, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—HUMANIST, Naturwissenschafter und Historiograph
15230101—15221222    —AM, Nach ihrer Kapitulation verlassen die zuvor belagerten JOHANNITER sowie mehrere 1000—EINHEIMISCHE Rhodos in Richtung Kreta und überlassen die Insel den OSMAN—EROBERERN.
15260101             * LUIS—BELTRÁN, SPANISCHER—DOMINIKANER, Heiliger der katholischen Kirche, Verteidiger der Indianerrechte
15260101             SIR—ROBERTWINGFIELD wrote to WOLSEY from MECHLIN that
15260101             —14—DAYS—BEFORE "1—SORT—OF unthrifty folk "had broken 1—CRUCIFIX at night at LOUVAIN[LÖWEN,LEUVEN] and that
15260101             —14—DAYS—BEFORE it was expected that like matters would happen at ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] —WHEN THE—REGENT went there IN1—WEEK—TIME to attend THE—MEETING—OF—THE—STATES".
15370101             —BIS—ZUM, wenn DIE—SCHULD nicht getilgt sein sollte 65)
15411231—15420101    —UFF DEN HILGEN JAERS AVENT.
15440000—16310101    * † THOMAS—HOBSON, ENGLAND—CARRIER.
15490101             † CATHERINE—D—AMBOISE, FRANZÖSISCHE—DICHTERIN und Mäzenin
15500101             —A—DÌ PRIMO
15520101             —THE—YEAR began with floods at ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS].
15530101             † JOHANNES—RIVIUS, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Theologe
15590814—20160000    —WHEN amateur archaeologist TOM—GARNER stumbled upon SOME—SHARDS—OF—15010101—16001231     SPAIN—POTTERY.
15590814—20160000    —UNTIL, THE—LOCATION—OF—THE—SPAIN—SETTLEMENT founded in THE—AREA—OF—PENSACOLA, Fl., remained 1—MYSTERY—WHEN amateur archaeologist TOM—GARNER stumbled upon SOME—SHARDS—OF—15010101—16001231     SPAIN—POTTERY.
15640101             —AM, LIEU—DE—LA—VEILLE de Pâques
15720101             † PAUL—CRUSIUS, deutscher evangelischer Theologe, Mathematiker und Historiker
15730101             † JOHANN—PFEFFINGER, deutscher evangelischer Theologe und Reformator
15730101             † Maljuta Skuratow, berüchtigter ANFÜHRER—DER—LEIBGARDE des Iwan—IV—ZAR—von—russland, (des Schrecklichen)
15740101             —ANFANG—DES, die KATASTROPHE eintrat. daß
15740101             ihnen in den NIEDERLANDEN von den Geusen für 50.000—FLORENI Pfeffer weggenommen wurde,
15740101             hat beigetragen, den Zusammenbruch zu beschleunigen.
15740101             DIE—PASSIVA des Hauses werden von 1—SEITE mit 70.000—FLORENI,
15740101             —VON, 1—ANDEREN glaubhafter mit 307.554—FLORENI angegeben.
15740101             In der LEVANTE hatte sich ihr dortiger FAKTOR HANS—ULRICH—KRAFFT
15740101             im Vertrauen auf die Solvenz des Hauses für dessen umfangreiche Verpflichtungen verbürgt und
15740101             musste desshalb —3—JAHRE—LANG, in Schuldhaft sitzen,
15740101             worüber er 1—AUSFÜHRLICHEN, sehr anziehenden Bericht erstattet hat.
15780101             * IWASA—MATAB?, JAPANISCHER—MALER
15780101             † IOAN—POTCOAV?—FÜRST—DER—MOLDAU
15840101             * PRINZESSIN—AGNES—CIRKSENA, ost—friesische
15840101             * JOHANN—CAMMAN, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Syndikus der Stadt BRAUNSCHWEIG und Büchersammler
15850101             —gründet, Erz—herzog—KARL—II—VON—INNERÖSTERREICH, die UNIVERSITÄT—GRAZ und übergibt die Leitung an die Jesuiten, um dadurch allen sozialen Schichten eine elitäre Ausbildung angedeihen zu lassen.
15850101             —ALLIANCE—DE—JOINVILLE ENTRE LA—LIGUE menée par LES—GUISE
15860101             FRANCIS—DRAKE, who left ENGLAND on 1—NEW—VOYAGE to AMERICA LAST —SEPTEMBER, made 1—SURPRISE—ATTACK on the heavily fortified CITY—OF—SANTO—DOMINGO in Hispaniola, forcing THE—GOVERNOR to pay 1—LARGE ransom.
15870101             † la GRAN—DUCHESSA di TOSCANA la medesima notte che [Morse] + —IL, GRAN—DUCA a ore io chiamata BIANCA—VENEZIANA.
15900000             —ERST—MITTE des 18010101—19001231     einen starken Knick nach unten macht.
15910101             * THEODOR—HÖPINGK, DEUTSCHER—HISTORIKER und Jurist
15910101             † ANDREAS—LAURENTII—BJÖRNRAM, schwedischer lutherischer Theologe und ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—UPPSALA
15940101             † JOHANNES—HOLL, Augsburger Baumeister
15940614             He was the most famous and influential musician in EUROPE —AT—THE—END—OF—THE 15010101—16001231  .
15981207             He was the greatest sculptor of the 16010101—17001231     and worked under the patronage of URBAN—VII—PAPA.
15981207—16801128    * † Giovanni "Gian" LORENZO—BERNINI, Sculptor, Painter, Architect, Italian, the greatest sculptor of the 16010101—17001231  .
16000101             * HEINRICH—VON—BROCKDORFF, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER und Politiker
16000101             —CA,
16000101             —CA, wurde erworben der UNTER—HERRSCHAFT—ANTWEILER—VOGTEI—DIETKIRCHEN durch den KUR—FÜRST—VON—KÖLN.
16000101             —CA, fiel der Besitz INFOLGE der
16000101             —CA, die GLEICHZEITIG mit dem Anbau des nördlichen Teiles und der Kapelle
16000101             —CA, wesentlich umgestaltet wurde.
16000101             —CA, waren 4—PFARR—KIRCHEN mit den entsprechenden Bezirken anerkannt.
16000101             —CA, Die von S—FOILAN, im MITTEL—PUNKT der Stadt, dicht bei dem MÜNSTER, der alten PFALZ—KAPELLE, gelegen,
16000101             —CA, hatte in gewissem Sinne dessen Stelle als HAUPT—PFARR—KIRCHE eingenommen 2,
16000101             —CA, war die Pfarrkiixhe des ERZ—PRIESTERS und
16000101             —CA, Sitz des für die ganze Stadt zuständigen SEND—GERICHT.
16000101             —CA, Ihr zur SEITE treten DIE—KIRCHEN—VON—S—JAKOB und
16000101             —CA, S—PETER,
16000101             —CA, die S—ADALBERTS—KIRCHE—AACHEN
16000101—16991231    —HISTORY—OF—THE, BISHOPRIC—OF—LANGRES, quotes 1—JUDGMENT—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—LUXEMBOURG 14550715             D, relating to THE—CHOISEUL—AIGREMONT claim to THE—COUNTY—OF—SALM, which names "dame KATERINE—DE—PROUIN, DAME—DE—ICELUY lieu,—DE—CHERY, Mabré, Sey et Mambrezon" as THE oo OF—WILHELM—III—GRAF—VON—SALM
16000101—16991231    —HISTORY—OF—THE, BISHOPRIC—OF—LANGRES refers to "l'arbre généalogique produit dans le CONEL—DE—LUXEMBOURG—EN 1455" in SUPPORT—OF—THE, claim and quotes 1—JUDGMENT—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—LUXEMBOURG 14550715             D,
16000101—16991231    —HISTORY—OF—THE, BISHOPRIC—OF—LANGRES, which refers to "l'arbre généalogique produit dans le CONEL—DE—LUXEMBOURG—EN 1455" in SUPPORT—OF—THE, CHOISEUL—AIGREMONT claim to THE—COUNTY—OF—SALM and quotes 1—JUDGMENT—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—LUXEMBOURG 14550715             D, which names "un fils...HENRY" as "seul HÉRITIER" of WILHELM—III—GRAF—VON—SALM and ancestor of "[la]
16000101—17991231    —ABSCHRIFT—IN—KOPIAR (HASTADT—KÖLN Ausw.NUMMER—377—FOLIA—65'-66.
16010101—17001231    —END—OF—THE, ELIHU—YALE, endowed THE—COLLEGE from 1—FORTUNE made with THE—EAST—INDIA—COMPANY.
16010101—17001231    —AT THE—END—OF—THE, ELIHU—YALE, endowed the college from 1—FORTUNE made with the "EAST—INDIA—COMPANY".
16010101—17001231    in: RhVjBll 57 (19930000             ), S. 158-175. Marks, RICHARD—BRUCE: The
16030101             * GEORG—GLOGER, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER
16040101             * GOTTFRIED—OLEARIUS, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE, Superintendent und Chronist der Stadt HALLE
16130101             * CHRISTOPH—SCHLEGEL, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
16200101             * GILBERTE—PÉRIER, Schwester und Biografin von Blaise Pascal
16280101             * CHRISTOPH—BERNHARD, DEUTSCHER—KOMPONIST, Kapellmeister und Musiktheoretiker
16310101             —DISCOVERED, He had, that his fastest horses were the most popular, and thus overworked.
16310101             So as not to exhaust them, he established 1—STRICT—ROTATION—SYSTEM, allowing customers to rent only the next horse in line.
16310101             —BECAME, This singular choice, known as HOBSON—CHOICE.
16350101             * ANTHONIUS—LUCIUS, DEUTSCHER—GELEHRTER, Universitätsprofessor und Rechtswissenschaftler
16380101             * JAPANISCHER—KAISER—GO—SAI
16421023—20070000    —AUTHORED, ADRIAN—TINNISWOOD, "THE—VERNEYS: 1—TRUE—STORY—OF—LOVE, War and Madness in 16010101—17001231     ENGLAND".
16500101             —CA—AUS—DER Im FUGGER—ARCHIVE
16500101             —CA—CA—BIS mit 8.000.000—GULDEN—RHEINISCH GESAMMT—VERLUST—DER—FUGGER auf ihre —DIE—HABSBURGER gewiss nicht zu hoch beziffert erlitten, ist.
16500101             —CA—CA—BIS der grösste Teil dessen, was DIE—FUGGER in —100—JAHRE Arbeit verdient hatten, wieder verloren ging. auf solche Weise
16500101             —CA—AUS—DER je 1—RENAISSANCEKAMIN
16500101             —CA—AUS—DER FIGUR—DES—S—PANKRATIUS zu Ross, 95—CM hoch, von Holz, neu polychromiert;
16500101             —CA—AUS—DER Der HOCH—ALTAR, 1—GRAU in grau gemalte Scheinarchitektur mit farbigen Heiligenfiguren auf 1 in der Silhouette ausgeschnittenen Bretterwand, gute Arbeit,;
165001011231         —CA—CA errichtete Das gegenwärtige Local hat jenes vernichtet, an welches nur 1—MARMORTAFEL an der dem LATERAN—PLATZE zugewandten Langseite erinnert,
165001011231         —CA—BIS, 1—DER Linien der Mattei erhielt sich hier;
16510101             —NACHDEM er das SCOTLAND—COVENANT unterzeichnet und damit den Schotten Glaubensfreiheit zugesichert hat, wird KARL—II. in Scone zum KÖNIG—VON—SCHOTTLAND gekrönt.
16510101             Es ist die letzte Königskrönung an diesem Ort.
16510101             CHARLES—II, —20—JAHRE—ALT, CHARLES—STUART, was crowned KING—OF—SCOTLAND at Scone.
16520101             Die Leopoldina, die älteste DEUTSCHE—AKADEMIE der Wissenschaften und die älteste dauerhaft existierende naturforschende Akademie der Welt, wird in Schweinfurt von den Ärzten JOHANN—LORENZ—BAUSCH, JOHANN—MICHAEL—FEHR und anderen als private Gesellschaft gegründet.
16530921             BASILIUS—VON—DORNIEK GENANNT, t 16540101             16660921             SHABBETAI—ZEBI, converted to ISLAM.
16550101             * CHRISTIAN—THOMASIUS, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Philosoph
16550101             † FRANS—BANNINCK—COCQ, Amsterdamer Regent
16580000—17271108    —TURNED, LEVINUS—VINCENT, the passion of JAN—SWAMMERDAM for insects into 1—OF—THE most fashionable activieties of late 16000101—16991231    AMSTERDAM, preserving, displaying great quantities of insects in new ways.
16580101             † THOMAS—LANSIUS, Professor am Collegium Illustre und an der UNIVERSITÄT—TÜBINGEN
16600101             —BEGINNT, SAMUEL—PEPYS, sein geheimes Tagebuch, das er —BIS zum 16690331             führen wird.
16640101             * ALVISE—PISANI, DOGE—VON—VENEDIG
16650101             † CHRISTIAN—WILHELM, Administrator des Erzstifts MAGDEBURG
16710101             † HARDOUIN—DE—PÉRÉFIXE—DE—BEAUMONT, Geistlicher, Historiker und ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—PARIS
16730101             ist man nach 1—BESCHWERLICHEN Marsch — schlechte Wege und
16730101             grosses Wasser — von SACHSENBERG über LIPPSTADT hier BIELEFELD angekommen. nach Tongern geschickt worden war.
16770101             * JOHANN—HEINRICH—VON—HEUCHER, DEUTSCHER—NATURWISSENSCHAFTLER und Leibarzt Augusts des Starken
16780101             * CHRISTOPH—PAPEN, DEUTSCHER—BILDSCHNITZER und Bildhauer
16810101             —NACH, der Rückkehr des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG in diese Stadt, am,
16821019—20150000    —AUTHORED, HUGH—ALDERSEY—WILLIAMS, "THE—ADVENTURES—OF—SIR—THOMAS—BROWNE in the 19010101—20001231    : THE—LIFE and Afterlife of the 16010101—17001231    —MOST—INQUIRING—MIND".
16830101             OTTO—FRIEDRICH—VON—DER—GROEBEN landet am Kap der 3—SPITZEN im heutigen GHANA.
16830101             Dort nimmt er —VERHANDLUNGEN mit den ansässigen Stammesfürsten auf, die in der Folge zur Gründung der kurbrandenburgischen Kolonie Groß Friedrichsburg führen.
16830202/16830212    —DATUM—AMERONGEN, —GESTERN, hat er FageFs Briefe 08000101—08991231    —VOM—UND ,
16840101             * ARNOLD—DRAKENBORCH, niederländischer klassischer Philologe
16930101             * JOHANN—PHILIPP—CROLLIUS, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Historiker
16940922             * STATESMAN—OF—LETTERS—PHILIP—DORMER—STANHOPE—LORD—CHESTERFIELD, whose writings provide 1—CLASSIC portrayal of 1—IDEAL 17010101—18001231     gentleman.
16940922             PHILIP—DORMER—STANHOPE, Lord Chesterfield, STATESMAN—OF—LETTERS whose writings provide 1—CLASSIC portrayal of 1—IDEAL 17010101—18001231     gentleman, was born.
16980101             —SIGNED, THE—ABENAKI—INDIANS and THE—MASSACHUSETTS colonists, 1—TREATY ending the conflict in New ENGLAND.
16991220             —ORDERED—CHANGED, PETER—THE—GREAT—TSAR—OF—RUSSIA, RUSSIA—NEW—YEAR 16990901—16990101    —FROM—TO.
16991220             —ORDERED, PETER—THE—GREAT, RUSSIA—NEW—YEAR changed 16990901—16990101    —FROM—TO.
17000101             ZAR—PETER—DER—GROSSE ersetzt die —BIS dahin in RUSSLAND geltende byzantinische Jahreszählung ab Erschaffung der Welt durch den julianischen Kalender mit Jahreszählung ab der Geburt Christi.
17000101             William [Y3T] "1. Congregational Church, Middletown,
17000101             COUNTY",PASTOR—COUNTY",Pastor - ------17200000             Edwards, Jonathan [GY4] Princeton UNIVERSITY—PRESIDENT ("COLLEGE—OF—NEW—JERSEY'' clld) ULTRA—CALV.theol.
17000101             ---------1---------2----17350000             _______________00000000              Burr, AARON—SENIOR, [YG] Princeton UNIVERSITY—PRESIDENT ("COLLEGE—OF—NEW
17000101             Jersey''),[prtn] Russell, WILLIAM—HUNTINGTON
17000101             ---------1---------2---------3-17450000             ---5---------61—RUSSELL, William [Y3T] Yale Trustee 17610000             17000101             ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------900.000. 1--- Russell, Nodiah [Y6G] Rev.
17000101             ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------9---------0---------0---------1----
17000101             Talcott, Middletown, COUNTY [Y8G]
17000101             ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5----17690000             .
17000101             7---------8---------9---------0---------0----ca 18170000             Russell, MATTHEW—TALCOTT, Middletown, COUNTY [8YG] &
17000101             ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------9---------0---------0---------1------[30y] Russell, MATTHEW—TALCOTT, [Y8G] Middletown, COUNTY 1.
17000101             Congregational Church, [Dcn] [prtr] Russell, WILLIAM—HUNTINGTON
17000101             Pierpont Master of CONNECTICUT [COUNTY] Masons
17000101             ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------9---------0---------0----ca 18170000             Russell, MATTHEW—TALCOTT, Middletown, COUNTY [Y8G] administered estate of Arnold, Benedict, the traitor
17000101             ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8--17830000             NEW—YORK occupied, Army (brit) 17830000             17000101             --17160000             ---2---------3---------4---------5---------600.000.1761 Russell, William [Y3T] "1. Congregational Church, Middletown, COUNTY",Pastor
17000101             ---------1---------2----17350000             _______________00000000              Burr, AARON—SENIOR, [YG] Princeton UNIVERSITY—PRESIDENT ("COLLEGE—OF—NEW—JERSEY''),[prtn] Russell, WILLIAM—HUNTINGTON
17000101             ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------9---------0---------0---------1-----18260000             Edwards, Pierpont [Y6][mdby] Mstr [COUNTY] Msn:Russell, MATTHEW—TALCOTT, Middletown, COUNTY [Y8G]
17000101             ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5----17690000             .7---------8---------9---------0---------0----ca 18170000             Russell, MATTHEW—TALCOTT, Middletown, COUNTY [8YG] &
17000101             ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------9---------0---------0----ca 18170000             Russell, MATTHEW—TALCOTT, Middletown, COUNTY [Y8G] [md]Edwards,
17000101             ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6-17750000             -------17830000             THE—REVOLUTIONARY—WAR
17000101             0---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------9---------0--2003030606[2day].----------------------------------New ENGLAND Tories [theold] against USAmerican [INDEPENDENCE] UK—TIES—OF—FAMILY, shipping & merchant banking, continue hostilitys
17000101             —17991231    Vermerk: modo Nerhofen.
17000101             —17991231    Vermerk: modo Nerhofen. Schreibweise des.
17000101—17160000    - --2---------3---------4---------5---------6 17610000             Russell, William [Y3T] "1. Congregational Church, Middletown,
17000101—17991231    Schreibweise des.
17000101—17991231    20130508             Willkommen im
17000101—18260000    Edwards, Pierpont [Y6][mdby] Mstr [COUNTY] Msn:Russell, Matthew
17000101—19180000    —REPLACED, RUSSIA, the Byzantine with the Julian calendar, which remained in effect —UNTIL the adoption of the Gregorian calendar.
17000101—20160113    —SEIT—DEM aber sorgte die Industrialisierung für 1—NOCH deutlichere Erwärmung:
17010101             * FRANÇOIS—DE—ROCHES, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
17010101—18001231    Pigment to Revolutionize Chip Design?
17010101—18001231    —PIGMENT to Revolutionize CHIP—DESIGN?
17030101             * CARLOS—FRANCISCO—DE—CROIX, SPANISCHER—OFFIZIER, Kolonialverwalter und Vizekönig von Neuspanien
17080101             † ADAM—ECKENBRECHT—VON—DER—MALSBURG, HESSEN—KASSELISCHER Staatsbeamter und Politiker
17080101             † ESDRAS—EDZARDUS, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Judenmissionar
17090911             JOHN—CHURCHILL, DUKE—OF—MARLBOROUGH, won the bloodiest BATTLE—OF—THE 17010101—18001231     at great cost, against the French at Malplaquet.
17100101             Auf Erlass KÖNIG—FRIEDRICHS—I werden BERLIN, Cölln, Friedrichswerder, Dorotheenstadt und Friedrichstadt zur Königlichen HAUPT—UND Residenzstadt BERLIN vereinigt.
17100101             —UNITED, Cölln, 1—TOWN on the Spree River, with neighboring BERLIN under the latter name.
17140101             * GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—MANCINI, ITALIENISCHER—SÄNGER, Gesangslehrer und Schriftsteller
17140101             † LEFFMANN—BEHRENS, Hoffaktor, HOF—UND Kammeragent der WELFEN—HERZÖGE
17170604             They had begun in the 12010101—13001231     as 1—GUILD of masons, who worked in soft stone called freestone.
17210101             † AMY—BUISSON, SCHWEIZER—GENERAL in fremden Diensten
17300101             † SAMUEL—SEWALL, neuenglischer Kaufmann und Richter
17350101             † PAUL—REVERE (18180000             , ), USA patriot who rode through THE—STREETS—OF—BOSTON —DURING THE—USA—REVOLUTION, warning of THE—UK—LANDINGS, was born to Apollos Rivoire and Deborah Hitchbourne, 1—OF 13—CHILDREN.
17370101             * HERBERT—MACKWORTH, 1. Baronet, BRITISCHER—POLITIKER, Industrieller und Adliger
17370101             † JOHANN—BERGMÜLLER, DEUTSCHER—KISTLER, Tischler, Schreiner, Menuisier und Kunsthandwerker
17390101             JEAN—BAPTISTE—CHARLES—BOUVET—DE—LOZIER entdeckt die nach ihm benannte Bouvetinsel im Südatlantik.
17450101             * ANTHONY—WAYNE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—GENERAL und Politiker
17500000             industrial era (—SINCE) have created large swings in burning, 1. increasing fires —UNTIL the late 18000000             s, and then dramatically reducing burning in the 19010101—20001231  .
17500101             —SEIT—CA, werden lateinische Typen immer gewöhnlicher: c, l, m, p, s, t, y, d, ä und ö.
17500101             —SEIT—CA—DES, in NORD—EUROPA—TORF—MOOREN GEFUNDEN worden waren,
17500101             —CA—IN—DER—VON—GENF Des SAY —VORFAHREN Hugenotten nach LYON zurückkehrten.
17500101             —CA—BIS, ÜBER DIE HINAUS ENGLAND noch war,
17500101             —CA, Von —ANFANG—BIS in ENGLAND herrschte, trotz des fallenden Preises von Gold oder Silber,
17500101             —CA, Von —ANFANG—BIS in ENGLAND FORTWÄHRENDes Sinken der GETREIDE—PREISE neben GLEICHZEITIGem (die ganze Periode betrachtet) Wachsen der RENTE, des Rentals, des Umfangs der bebauten Ländereien, der agrikolen PRODUKTION und der Bevölkerung.
17500101             —CA—AUS—DER Grosser Altarschrank in 2—GESCHOSSEN mit geschweiftem Abschluss.
17500101             —CA—AUS—DER Im Inneren schöne Türen
17500101             —CA, AUS DER Die abgebrochene Kapelle war 1—EINSCHIFFIGER schmuckloser BRUCH—STEIN—BAU, dessen wesentliche Gestaltung stammte;
17500101             —CA—1—BAU Das HERREN—HAUS BURG—BOLLHEIM wesentliche Umbauten erfahren hatte
17500101             —CA, Die Mansardendächer des Schlosses, die grosse FREI—TREPPE an der WEST—SEITE und das Giebelfeld mit den grossen WAPPEN angehörten dem UM—BAU.
17500101             —CA—AUS—DER DIE—NOCH—ERHALTENEN WIRTSCHAFTS—GEBÄUDE umschliessen —ZUNÄCHST den auf das Hauptschloss zuführenden Weg;
17500101             —CA, AUS DER Östlich von dem Wohnhaus liegt 1—SCHMUCKLOSER eingeschossiger Ziegelbau mit Mansarddach, anstossend an das Tor.
17500101             —CA—CA DER—HERZOG—VON—ARENBERG, Besitzer der HERRSCHAFT—KOMMERN, BEGANN 1—GROSSE Schlossanlage in Gehn, zu der
17500101             —CA—AUS—DER erhalten blieb nur der grosse GOBELinsaal, der das ERD—GESCHOSS des ganzen pstlichen Flügels einnimmt;
17500101             —CA—AUS—DER ;namentlich die Kanzel ist sehr REICH, wenn auch etwas ungeschickt in flachem Rokaillewerk behandelt
17500101             —CA, AUS DER Auf dem Tor die FIGUR—DES—S—JOHANN—VON—NEPOMUK
17500101             —CA—AUS—DER Im Dorf am Veybach STANDFIGUR—DES—S—JOHANN—VON—NEPOMUK ;
17500101             —CA, unter EDMUND—VON—HATZFELD wurde der WIRTSCHAFTS—HOF neugebaut.
17500101             —CA—AUS—DER Hölzerner Orgelprospekt
17500101             —CA—AUS—DER, Kanzel, ROKOKO—ARBEIT mit grossem sechsseitigen Deckel, darüber auf 6—VOLUTEN die des TIARA—PAPA mit 2—SCHLÜSSELN.
17510101             —SIGNATURE d'un édit portant —CRÉATION—DE l'Ecole Militaire
17520101             * BETSY—ROSS, USA—AMERIKANISCHE—QUÄKERIN, nähte angeblich die 1. Flagge der USA
17520101—18360000    * † BETSY—ROSS, flag maker who contributed to THE—DESIGN—OF—THE—USA—FLAG, in PHILADELPHIA as ELIZABETH Griscom.
17521227             —AM, 1—NEUE steinerne Brücke eingeweiht, die bald auf Grund ihrer Ausstattung als 1—DER prächtigsten Brücken des 17000101—17991231    galt.
17550101             * CHRISTIAN—AUGUST—THON, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Beamter und Politiker
17560127—17910000    —PUBLISHED, It was not —UNTIL his works were, in MANY—CASES—NEAR THE—END—OF—THE 18010101—19001231    , that MOZART—GENIUS became widely recognized.
17580101             In der 10. Auflage des Systema—Naturae stellt der SCHWEDISCHE—NATURWISSENSCHAFTLER—CARL—VON—LINNÉ alle von ihm beschriebenen Organismen in der —BIS—HEUTE üblichen binären Schreibweise dar, die er 1. in seinem Werk Species Plantarum für Pflanzen verwendet hat.
17580101             —BEDEUTET, Das, den Durchbruch für die binäre Nomenklatur in der Biologie und den offiziellen Beginn der zoologischen Nomenklatur.
17590101             * GIUSEPPE—FOSSATI, Tessiner Jurist und Übersetzer
17600406—20050000    —AUTHORED, Kathryn Shevelow, "CHARLOTTE: Being 1—TRUE—ACCOUNT—OF—1—ACTRESS—FLAMBOYANT—ADVENTURES in 17010101—18001231     LONDON—WILD and Wicked Theatrical World".
17640101             —PLAYED, WOLFGANG—AMADEUS—MOZART (8), for the Royal Family at VERSAILLES—FRANCE.
17650307—18830000    —INVENTED, Photo etching was, by JOSEPH—NICEPHORE—NIEPCE early in the 18010101—19001231  .
17660101             * GEORG—PHILIPP—SCHMIDT—VON—LÜBECK, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, Beamter und Lyriker
17660101             † JAMES—FRANCIS—EDWARD—STUART, Thronprätendent für den schottischen und den ENGLISCHEN—THRON
17660101             THE—ENGLAND—PRINCE was known as the Old Pretender.
17660101             LOUIS—AUGUSTE commence LA—RÉDACTION—DU—JOURNAL—INTIME qu'il tiendra toute sa vie
17670101             * ANDREAS—TAMM, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Pädagoge
17690101             * JANE—MARCET, BRITISCHE—AUTORIN populärwissenschaftlicher Sachbücher
17710101             * GEORGES—CADOUDAL, FRANZÖSISCHER—GENERAL und Untergrundkämpfer
17720101             —AM, durch 1—BRAND DAS—KLOSTER—SIEGBURG schwer betroffen,
17720101             über 1—BRAND—DES—KLOSTER—SIEGBURG vorliegt nur 1—KURZER BERICHT DES ABT.
17720101             —BRAND—DES—KLOSTER—SIEGBURG sei ZUGLEICH im Dachwerk der 3—FLÜGEL des KONVENTsbaus ausgebrochen und
17720101             —BRAND—DES—KLOSTER—SIEGBURG habe sich sehr schnell ausgebreitet.
17720101             —BRAND—DES—KLOSTER—SIEGBURG DIE—KONVENTUALEN hätten nur wenig von ihrer Habe retten können,
17720101             —BRAND—DES—KLOSTER—SIEGBURG einige nur das, was sie auf ihrem Leib trugen.
17720101             —BRAND—DES—KLOSTER—SIEGBURG sei weder in 1—KAMIN noch durch die Nachlässigkeit 1—UNTERGEBENEN entstanden.
17720101             —BRAND—DES—KLOSTER—SIEGBURG Das war 1—BEHAUPTUNG, die AUCH—DAMALS, nur schwer hätte bewiesen werden können.
17720101             —BRAND—DES—KLOSTER—SIEGBURG Allem Anschein nach hatte sich 1—SCHWELBRAND entwickelt,
17720101             —BRAND—DES—KLOSTER—SIEGBURG der —PLÖTZLICH, an mehreren Stellen GLEICHZEITIG Luftzufuhr bekam und
17720101             —BRAND—DES—KLOSTER—SIEGBURG daraufhin aufflammte.
17720101             —BRAND—DES—KLOSTER—SIEGBURG Menschen sind dabei anscheinend nicht zu Schaden gekommen
17740101             * ANDRÉ—MARIE—CONSTANT—DUMÉRIL, FRANZÖSISCHER—ZOOLOGE und Professor der Anatomie, Physiologie und Pathologie
17740519             THE—UNITED—SOCIETY—OF—BELIEVERS in CHRIST—2. Appearing is the full, proper name for the 18010101—19001231     religious group better known as THE—SHAKERS.
17750101             * JOHANN—RUDOLPH—VON—AHLEFELDT, DEUTSCHER—ADLIGER, Gutsherr auf Ludwigsburg, Sehestedt und Saxtorff
17750101             † AHMAD—SHAH, Großmogul von INDIEN
17750418             EVERY—17750401             —DESCENDANT of the 17010101—18001231     patriot still climbs to the steeple of Old NORTH—CHURCH and hangs 2—SMALL tin and glass lanterns.
17760000             in the 06010101—07001231    Omitting the truth is the same as lying.
17800101             PRESSBURG, erscheint die 1. UNGARISCHE—ZEITUNG Magyar hírmondó ("UNGARISCHER—KURIER").
17810101             THE—IRON—BRIDGE, die von ABRAHAM—DARBY—III bei Coalbrookdale erbaute 1. Brücke der Welt aus Gusseisen, wird eröffnet.
17820101             * JOHANN—GOTTFRIED—ABRAHAM—FRENZEL, DEUTSCHER—LANDSCHAFTSMALER, Zeichner, Kupferstecher und Kunstschriftsteller
17820101             † JUAN—CRESPÍ, SPANISCHER—FRANZISKANER und Missionar
17830608—20140000    —AUTHORED, ALEXANDRA—WITZE and JEFF—KANIPE, "ISLAND on Fire: THE—EXTRAORDINARY—STORY—OF—LAKI: the Volcano that Turned 17010101—18001231     EUROPE Dark".
17850101             * JOHN—OXLEY, BRITISCHER—OFFIZIER
17850101             —PUBLISHED, THE—DAILY—UNIVERSAL—REGISTER (Times of LONDON), its 1. issue.
17850101             "THE—TIMES", größte ENGLISCHE—TAGES—ZEITUNG konservativer Richtung;
17850101             —GEGRÜNDET, "THE—TIMES"in LONDON als "DAILY—UNIVERSAL—REGISTER"wurde;
17850101—17880101    —ON, It became THE—TIMES.
17870000—17880000    —DURING the Years- 17010101—18001231     READING Room Travels in Kamtschatka.
17870101             * DOMENICO—QUAGLIO, DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKTURMALER der Romantik, Theatermaler, Lithograf und Radierer
17870101             † ARTHUR—MIDDLETON, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Unterzeichner der Unabhängigkeitserklärung
17880101             * Étienne Cabet, FRANZÖSISCHER—PUBLIZIST, Politiker und Revolutionär
17880101             LONDON—DAILY—UNIVERSAL—REGISTER began publishing as THE—TIMES.
17880101             —AM, geändert der größte ENGLISCHE—TAGES—ZEITUNG konservativer Richtung Titel "DAILY—UNIVERSAL—REGISTER"in "THE—TIMES"wurde.
17880101—17850000    —J—IM, Die von JOHN—WALTER in LONDON als THE—DAILY—UNIVERSAL—REGISTER gegründete Tageszeitung wird —NUN als THE—TIMES herausgegeben.
17890101             † JOHANN—ERNST—BASILIUS—WIEDEBURG, DEUTSCHER—PHYSIKER, Astronom und Mathematiker
17890101             Le doublement des membres du TIERS—ÉTAT provoque 1—GRANDE satisfaction.
17910101             * ERNST—MEYER, DEUTSCHER—BOTANIKER und Autor
17910725             THE—RICHARD—ALLEN—MUSEUM contains 18010101—19001231     artifacts from the church.
17920101             * THERESE—MALFATTI, ÖSTERREICHISCHE—MUSIKERIN, Freundin Beethovens
17930101             † FRANCESCO—GUARDI, ITALIENISCHER—VEDUTEN—UND Landschaftsmaler des Rokoko
17930101             —BIS—ZUM waren für 3.600.000.000—LIVRES*,
17930520             Bonnet was from 1—FRANCE—FAMILY driven into THE—GENEVA region by the religious persecution in the 15010101—16001231  .
17931108             —CONSTRUCTED, It was originally, as 1—FORTRESS in the early 12010101—13001231  .
17960101             † ALEXANDRE—THÉOPHILE—VANDERMONDE, FRANZÖSISCHER—MUSIKER, Mathematiker und Chemiker
17960217             —PUBLISHED, He then, poems by Ossian, the alleged blind 02010101—03001231     poet, which became very popular and —LATER exposed as 1—FRAUD.
17970101             —BECAME, ALBANY, THE—CAPITAL—OF—NEW—YORK state, replacing NEW—YORK City.
18000101             * FILIPINA—BRZEZI?SKA, POLNISCHE—KOMPONISTIN und Pianistin
18000101             * VÁCLAV—EMANUEL—HORÁK, TSCHECHISCHER—KOMPONIST, Kirchenmusiker und Pädagoge
18000101             information on THE—ARMIES—OF—THE—PERIOD,
18000101             WHAT WE'VE HAD IN CERTAIN PERIODS LIKE IN []-THE—LATE 18010101—19001231     [19991200             ]-NOW IS THE—MARKET—RUNNING—THE—STATE & OVERPOWERING "SOCIETY".
18000101             SIR—GARNET—MILITARY—HISTORY & Wargaming Site"[G uide to the 18010101—19001231     wars & conflicts, information on THE—ARMIES—OF—THE—PERIOD,
18000101             illustrations,maps]
18000101             00.000.18 0--18050000             Conflicts [WAR] between THE—USA & "the Barbary states" of NORTH—AFRICA: MOROCCO, ALGIERS, TUNIS + TRIPOLI
18000101             FAS: Barbary Wars - 00.000. - 1—COMPLETELY—UNHUMAN,"MISTAKEN" APPROACH.
18000101—18491231    —CA—IN Profanes Glücksstreben und Nützlichkeitskalküle standen im Widerspruch zum Zeitgeist der Klassik und des Biedermeier.
18000101—18991231    ² SIR—GARNET—MILITARY—HISTORY & Wargaming Site"[G
18000101—18991231    ²
18000101—18991231    —IN—THE, there was 1—ARTIST—GROUP called the Schlaraffia (1—GERMANY—TERM for "fairyland"), to which Mahler belonged.
18000101—18991231    —IN—THE, —WHEN the 1.feeble bits struggled down the 1.undersea cable joining the Old World to the New, it must have made people's hair stand up on end in more than —JUST the purely electrical SENSE—IT must have seemed supernatural.
18000328—18010101    —ON, became effective.
18010101             Der ITALIENISCHE—ASTRONOM GIUSEPPE—PIAZZI entdeckt mit Ceres den 1. Asteroiden.
18010101             Das größte Objekt im Asteroidengürtel wird —HEUTE als Zwergplanet eingestuft.
18010101             Die Königreiche GROSSBRITANNIEN und IRLAND werden mit dem Inkrafttreten des ACT—OF—UNION 18000000             zum Vereinigten Königreich von GROSSBRITANNIEN und IRLAND vereinigt.
18010101             † Giuseppi Piazzi (18260000             , ), ITALY—ASTRONOMER, discovered 1—ASTEROID orbiting between Mars and Jupiter.
18010101             He believed it to be 1—PLANET and named it Ceres, —AFTER the Roman goddess of the harvest.
18010101             —MEASURED, Ceres was —LATER, to be about 974km in diameter, roughly the length of GREAT—BRITAIN and 1% THE—MASS—OF—EARTH—MOON.
18010101             —ENTRÉE—EN—VIGUEUR—DE—LE—UNION législative en IRLANDe
18010101—19001231    —AT—THE—END—OF, Complex and beautiful MACHINE—MADE cards brought the custom of valentine exchanging within the reach of MANY—AMERICANS.
18010101—19001231    humanist Col.
18010101—19001231    humanist COLONEL—ROBERT—G—INGERSOLL, known as "the Great Agnostic".
18010101—19001231    —AT—THE—END—OF, the 1. USA—PUBLISHER—OF—VALENTINES was printer and artist Esther Howland, who sold elaborate handmade cards for as much as $35.
18010101—19001231    zurückverfolgen.
18010101—19001231    —DURING the middle —3—DECADES—OF—THE.
18010101—19001231    PRINCETON has its ``eating clubs,'' especially Ivy Club and Cottage Club, whose oligarchical tradition runs from JONATHAN—EDWARDS and Burr, Aaron through the Dulles.".This reflects the continued importance of republican factions at Yale, Harvard and other colleges
18010101—19001231    —WHILE the Yale secret group rapidly conformed to the Russells' expectations.
18010101—19001231    —FAVORED, Yale was the northern college, by southern slaveowning WOULD—BE aristocrats.
18010101—19001231    Among YALE—SOUTHERN—STUDENTS were Calhoun, JOHN—C —LATER the famous SOUTH—CAROLINA DEFENDER—OF—SLAVERY against nationalism, & Benjamin, JUDAH—P —LATER SECRETARY—OF—STATE for the slaveowners'.".".. Confederacy.
18010101—19001231    Young SOUTH—CAROLINIAN Dulles, JOSEPH—HEATLY whose family bought their slaves with the money from CONTRACT—SECURITY—WORK for THE—UK—CONQUERORS in INDIA, was in 1—PREVIOUS—SECRET—YALE group, the ``SOCIETY—OF—BROTHERS in Unity.'' At Yale Dulles, JOSEPH—HEATLY worked with the Northern secessionists & attached himself to Lord, Daniel;
18010101—19001231    their 2—FAMILIES clove together in the fashion of 1—GANG.
18010101—19001231    —BECAME, THE—LORDS, powerful ANGLO—AMERICAN.".".. 48. 6. Among the sources used for this section are: Skull and Bones membership list 18330000—19500000    , printed 19490000             by the "RUSSELL—TRUST—ASSOCIATION"[inc],NEW—HAVEN,COUNTYavailable through the Yale UNIVERSITY—LIBRARY, NEW—HAVEN.
18010101—19001231    in diesem Gebiet die 1. Schienenwege entstanden und das Weideland für RINDER—UND Schafzucht genutzt wurde.
18010101—19001231    —CENTURY, —AT—THE—END—OF, the 1. AMERICA—PUBLISHER—OF—VALENTINES was printer and artist Esther Howland, who sold elaborate handmade cards for as much as $35.
18010101—20001231    —IM, DIE—WIEDER ausgegrabene Stadt bringt 1—FÜLLE—VON—ERKENNTNISSEN über der RÖMER—ALLTAGSLEBEN in dieser Zeit,
18010101—20001231    DIE—IM, wieder ausgegrabene Stadt bringt 1—FÜLLE—VON—ERKENNTNISSEN über das Alltagsleben der RÖMER in dieser Zeit,
18030101             * GUGLIELMO—LIBRI, ITALIENISCH—FRANZÖSISCHER—MATHEMATIKER, Bibliophiler und Bücherdieb
18040101             S—DOMINGUE, der FRANZÖSISCHE—WESTTEIL der Insel Hispaniola unter dem Namen HAITI.
18040101             JEAN—JACQUES—DESSALINES wird Generalgouverneur.
18040101—20100000    —IN, Documentation of his speech was then lost and only RE—DISCOVERED by 1—CANADA—GRADUATE student searching in THE—UK—NATIONAL—ARCHIVES.
18050101             † HEINRICH—THEODOR—WEHLE, DEUTSCH—SORBISCHER Landschaftsmaler, Radierer und Zeichner
18050101             —NACH, des BARON—VON—HÜPSCH Tod entstanden aber weitere Komplikationen mit der STADT—KÖLN.
18050101             An der Taxierung der Hinterlassenschaft beteiligte sich auch FERDINAND—FRANZ—WALLRAF.
18050101             des BARON—VON—HÜPSCH Haus schenkte der LAND—GRAF—LUDWIG—X—VON—HESSEN—DARMSTADT der STADT—KÖLN.
18050101             es BARON—VON—HÜPSCH Sammlung bildete den Grundstock für das Hessische Landesmuseum DARMSTADT und die HandschriftenABTEILUNG der Landes—, Hochschulbibliothek DARMSTADT.
18060101             * KARL—VON—WEBER, DEUTSCHER—BEAMTER, Archivar und Historiker
18060101             Die Herzogtümer BAYERN und Württemberg werden auf Basis des Friedens von Pressburg zu Königreichen.
18060101             —VON, ihm aufgefordert, nahmen DIE—KUR—FÜRSTEN—VON—BAYERN und Württemberg am DIE—KÖNIG—WÜRDE an;
18070302             —BANNED, USA—CONGRESS, slave trade effective 18080101             .
18080101             * PIERRE—CHAZAL, BELGISCHER—GENERAL und Politiker, MINISTER
18080101             1—USA—LAW banning THE—IMPORT—OF—SLAVES came into effect, but was widely ignored.
18100101             * KARL—MAGER, DEUTSCH—SCHWEIZERISCHER—SCHULPÄDAGOGE und Schulpolitiker, LITERATUR—UND Sprachwissenschaftler
18110311             —RIOTED, Members of the organized bands of craftsmen who, against automation in 18010101—19001231     ENGLAND were known as Luddites and also "Ludds".
18120000—18710101    * † SIR—HENRY—DURAND, UK—LORD—OF—THE—FRONTIER between INDIA and AFGHANISTAN, —AFTER 1—ELEPHANT he was riding reared and brained him on 1—STONE archway in Tonk (—LATER TANK—PAKISTAN).
18120101             das Allgemeine bürgerliche Gesetzbuch (ABGB) in den habsburgischen Erblanden.
18130101             * FRANZISKA—BERG, DEUTSCHE—SÄNGERIN und Schauspielerin
18130101             * LOUIS—ADRIEN—HUART, FRANZÖSISCH—PREUSSISCHER—JOURNALIST, Schriftsteller und Theaterdirektor
18130410             —CONSIDERED, He is, to be the greatest mathematician of the 17010101—18001231  .
18130428             —ASSOCIATED, His military career was closely, with the rising period of RUSSIA from THE—END—OF—THE 17010101—18001231     to the beginning of the 18010101—19001231  .
18130428             —ASSOCIATED, PRINCE—MIKHAIL—ILLARIONOVICH—GOLENISHCHEV—KUTUZOV His military career was closely, with the rising period of RUSSIA from THE—END—OF—THE 17010101—18001231     to the beginning of the 18010101—19001231  .
18130428             —FORCED, PRINCE—MIKHAIL—ILLARIONOVICH—GOLENISHCHEV—KUTUZOV, THE—FRANCE—ARMY to leave RUSSIA along the path it had devastated —WHEN it entered the country.
18130428             18130428             PRINCE—MIKHAIL—ILLARIONOVICH—GOLENISHCHEV—KUTUZOV served as 1—OF—THE—FINEST—MILITARY—OFFICERS and DIPLOMATS—OF—RUSSIA under THE—REIGN—OF—3—ROMANOV Tsars: CATHERINE—II, PAUL—I and ALEXANDER—I—HIS—MILITARY—CAREER was closely associated with the rising PERIOD—OF—RUSSIA from THE—END—OF—THE 17010101—18001231    —CENTURY to THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY.
18140101             Der PREUSSISCHE—GENERALFELDMARSCHALL Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher überquert während der Befreiungskriege gegen NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE bei Kaub den Rhein.
18140101             BLÜCHER besiegte NAPOLEON bei La Rothière.
18140101             —J—IM, BETRUG der offizielle WERT (der nur Index der QUANTITÄT) der exportierten BAUM—WOLL—GÜTER 17.665.378—PFUND—STERLING, ihr wirklicher MARKT—WERT 20.070.824—PFUND—STERLING
18150101             * AARON—F—PERRY, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses
18150101             * SAMUEL—LISTER, BRITISCHER—ERFINDER und Industrieller
18180101             1—OFFICIAL—REOPENING—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE took place —AFTER being repaired from burning by UK—DURING War of 18120000             .
18180101             The novel "Frankenstein" by MARY—WOLLSTONECRAFT—SHELLEY (17970000—18510000    ) was published anonymously.
18180101             It was 1—ATTACK on industrialization.
18180101—18160000    —STEMMED, The work, from 1—CONTEST at BYRON—VILLA—DIODATI in GENEVA, between Byron, Shelley and MARY to produce 1—GHOST story.
18180101—20060000    —AUTHORED, Dorothy and THOMAS—HOOBLER, "THE—MONSTERS: MARY—SHELLEY and the Curse of Frankenstein".
18180101—20070000    —AUTHORED, SUSAN—TYLER—HITCHCOCK, "Frankenstein: 1—CULTURAL—HISTORY".
18210101             * JAKOB—BRUDERER, SCHWEIZER—UNTERNEHMER, Politiker und Offizier
18210315—18950000    * † JOSEF—LOSCHMIDT, 1—PIONEER—OF—18010101—19001231     physics and chemistry, in Putschim (Pocerny), Bohemia.
18220101             —VERKÜNDET, Der Nationalkongress in Epidauros, die Unabhängigkeit des hellenischen Volkes vom OSMAN—REICH.
18230101             * HANS—WACHENHUSEN, DEUTSCHER—REISE und Romanschriftsteller
18240101             —OPENED, THE—CAMP—STREET—THEATRE, as the 1. ENGLISH—LANGUAGE playhouse in NEW—ORLEANS.
18250101             Dewitt Clinton (17690000—18280000    ) began serving his 2. term as GOVERNOR—OF—NEW—YORK and continued to 18280000             .
18280208—19050000    MANY—OF—HIS 18010101—19001231     works forecast amazing scientific feats--feats that were actually carried out in the 19010101—20001231    --with uncanny accuracy.
18310101             WILLIAM—LLOYD—GARRISON (18050000—18790000    ), —24—YEAR—OLD—REFORMER—OF—MASSACHUSETTS, began publishing his newspaper THE—LIBERATOR, dedicated to THE—ABOLITION—OF—SLAVERY.
18310101             GARRISON—STRIDENCY and uncompromising position on both THE—INSTITUTION—OF—SLAVERY and slave owners offended MANY—IN—THE—NORTH and South, but he vowed to continue the fight —UNTIL slavery was abolished.
18310101             In the 1. issue of his newspaper, he wrote, "I am aware that MANY—OBJECT to the severity of my language;
18310101             but is there not cause for severity?
18310101             I will be as harsh as truth, and as uncompromising as justice.
18310101             —ON this subject I do not wish to think, or speak, or write, with moderation.
18310101             No!
18310101             No!" Garrison once burned 1—COPY—OF—THE—USA—CONSTITUTION, condemning it as "1—COVENANT with death and 1—AGREEMENT with hell" because it did not forbid slavery.
18310101—18300000    —SEE
18310101—18650000    —CEASED, THE—LIBERATOR, publication —AFTER the 13. Amendment was passed, outlawing slavery.
18320113             HORATIO—ALGER, JUNIOR, THE—AUTHOR—OF—MORE than 100—INSPIRATIONAL books for young people from the Civil War to the turn of the 19010101—20001231    , was born THE—SON—OF—1—UNITARIAN—MINISTER.
18320113             * HORATIO—ALGER—JUNIOR, AUTHOR—OF—MORE—THAN—100—INSPIRATIONAL—BOOKS for young people from the Civil War to the turn of the 19010101—20001231    , SON—OF—1—UNITARIAN—MINISTER.
18340101             den Zollvereinigungsvertrag, mit dem der DEUTSCHE—ZOLLVEREIN als Zusammenschluss der DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESSTAATEN gegründet wird.
18341227             "No 1—EVER regarded 18340101             —THE with indifference. It is the nativity of our common Adam".
18350101             * GEORG—SPEYER, DEUTSCHER—BANKIER und Mäzen
18350101             * KARL—VON—EINEM, PREUSSISCHER—OFFIZIER und Politiker, MINISTER
18350101             † EMIL—LUDWIG—PHILIPP—SCHRÖDER, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher und Jugendschriftsteller
18370101             * ENRICO—NENCIONI, ITALIENISCHER—LYRIKER und Literaturkritiker
18390000             Kiwanisnet: Männer des 20. und 20010101—21001231     Der Amerikaner JOHN—PIERPONT—MORGAN war in vielerlei Hinsicht bedeutender als etwa JOHN—DAVISON—ROCKEFELLER.
18390000             —ANFANG des 19010101—20001231     zum reichsten Amerikaner auf + sein Name entwickelte sich weltweit zu einem Synonym für Reichtum, ähnlich wie in EUROPA der Name Rothschild.
18390000             Seine Welt ist der wilde AMERIKANISCHE—OSTEN, —MITTE des 18010101—19001231  .
18390101             gab —OTTO—VON—BISMARK den Versuch auf, die Referendarausbildung abzuschließen und
18390101             übernahm stattdessen DIE—VERWALTUNG der FAMILIEN—GÜTER Kniephof, Külz und Jarchelin im Pommern.
18390119—19060000    —CONSIDERED, PAUL—CÉZANNE was, 1—FOUNDING figure in 19010101—20001231     art.
18400101—18480329    170—FABRIKEN, darunter
18420101             die Rheinische Zeitung als Blatt des bürgerlichen Liberalismus in Köln
18420101             —SEITDEM.
18420101             Die RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—FÜR—POLITIK—HANDEL—UND—GEWERBE in KÖLN erschienen ist und.
18420101—18420106    —AM, beginnt der Rückzug der überlebenden BRITISCHEN—TRUPPEN zum CHAIBER—PASS.
18440101             † GUSTAV—MAXIMILIAN—VON—CROŸ, Kardinal und ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—ROUEN
18460101             die auf der Halbinsel Yucatán gelegene REPUBLIK Yucatán von MEXIKO.
18460101             Die Unabhängigkeit dauert allerdings nur —BIS zum 18480817             .
18460101—18460403    gestorben.
18460101—18460403    Der jüngste mit —20—JAHREN.
18470101             —AM, der BANK—OF—ENGLAND—METALL—SCHATZ 15.066.691—PFUND—STERLING war;
18470101             —AM, der BANK—OF—ENGLAND—ZINS—FUß 3 1/2 %;
18470101             —AM, der BANK—OF—ENGLAND—3—MONATS—KURS—AUF—PARIS 25.75 % ;;
18470101             —AM, der BANK—OF—ENGLAND—3—MONATS—KURS—AUF—HAMBURG 13.10 % ;;
18470101             —AM, der BANK—OF—ENGLAND—3—MONATS—KURS—AUF—AMSTERDAM 12.3 1/4 % ;.
18470101             —J—IM, der Gesamtexport von EDEL—METALL aus ENGLAND 8.602.597—PFUND—STERLING BETRUG
18470101             —J—IM, der Gesamtexport von EDEL—METALL aus ENGLAND Davon ging —NACH—DEN—USA 3.226.411—PFUND—STERLING
18470101             —J—IM, der Gesamtexport von EDEL—METALL aus ENGLAND Davon ging nach FRANKREICH 2.479.892—PFUND—STERLING
18480101             † FRIEDRICH—KARL—FORBERG, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH und Philologe
18490101             * ARTHUR—HARTMANN, DEUTSCHER—HNO—ARZT und Hochschullehrer
18490101             die SCHWEIZERISCHE—POST, der der Transport von Briefen, Paketen, Geldsendungen und Personen obliegt
18490101             † GEORG—REINBECK, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Germanist und Pädagoge
18490101             —DIE—REVOLUTIONÄRE—BEWEGUNG
18490101             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—184—KÖLN.
18490101             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—184—KÖLN—BEILAGE. Die revolutionäre Bewegung
18490510—20070000    —AUTHORED, NIGEL Cliff, "THE—SHAKESPEARE—RIOTS: Revenge, Drama, and Death in 18010101—19001231     AMERICA".
18500101             * CORNELIUS—GURLITT, DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKT und Kunsthistoriker
18500101             * JOHN—BARCLAY—ARMSTRONG, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLIZIST, Angehöriger der TEXAS Rangers
18500101             † RAPHAEL—GEORG—KIESEWETTER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—MUSIKHISTORIKER, Vizepräsident der Wiener Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde
18500101             —VERLIEß der ERZ—HERZOG—FRANKFURT.
18500101             —CA, DIE—KIRCHE—DURCH den Anbau zweier SEITEN—SCHIFFE erweitert. wurde
18500101             —CA, SAALBURG—BEIHOMBURG—VOR—DER—HÖHE 1. Ausgrabungen
18500101             —CA, denn die Schwere des STOCKHOLMer SCHALEN—PFUND wurde mit 425.0824—G ermittelt
18500101             —CA, als BERG—WERKS—GEWICHT[BERGS VIGT]au ^ 353—6—ODER 150.309—KG, als Gewicht in den nicht privilegierten Landstädten  auf 336.8—ODER 143.168—KG,
18500101             —SEIT—CA—DER wird die zweizeilige Gerste auch in SKANDINAVIEN mancherorts gezogen
18500101             —CA, JOHN—MORTON—LOCKHART ENGLISCHER—AGRONOM. 643 687
18500101             —CA, Mounier, L. FRANZÖSISCHER—HISTORIKER, verfaßte 1—WERK über den ACKER—BAU in FRANKREICH.
18500101             816 819
18500101             —SEIT—CA—SCHON ENGLAND stieß jedoch auf der CHINESISCHE—BEHÖRDEN Widerstand,
18500101             —SEIT—CA—SCHON ENGLAND versuchte durch Schmuggel mit dem in INDIEN hergestellten Opium nach CHINA, seine passive HANDELS—BILANZ mit CHINA auszugleichen,
18500101             —CA—NOCH, doppelt so viel wie —VOR—100—JAHREN.
18500726—18510101    —DESIGNED, THE—STRUCTURE—OF—THE—GLASS and iron building, by JOSEPH—PAXTON, was essentially completed.
18530526—17380000    —IN, The 18010101—19001231     Western outlaw JOHN—WESLEY—HARDIN was named —AFTER JOHN—WESLEY, who began the Methodist movement.
18550101             * CARL—PARTSCH, DEUTSCHER—CHIRURG
18550101             † PASCUAL—LIÑÁN, SPANISCHER—OFFIZIER und Kammerherr
18560405—19990000    —LISTED, BOOKER—T—WASHINGTON—AUTOBIOGRAPHY "Up From Slavery" was, as the 3. best WORK—OF—NON—FICTION in THE—ENGLAND—LANGUAGE in the 19010101—20001231     by the Modern Library.
18580101             WARSCHAU, findet die Uraufführung der Oper Halka von Stanis?aw Moniuszko statt.
18580101             Nach Auflösung der BRITISCHEN—OSTINDIEN—KOMPANIE infolge des SEPOY—AUFSTANDES übt die BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG die Macht in BRITISCH—INDIEN —NUN direkt aus.
18590101             * THIBAW—MIN—KÖNIG—DER—KONBAUNG—DYNASTIE in Birma
18600000             even enjoyed election to the "HOUSE—OF—COMMONS"[brit], His massive fraud has ensured that his name has gone down in history as the arch swindler of the 19010101—20001231  .
18600101             * CARL—WOLFF, DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKT, Denkmalpfleger und Stadtbaurat in HANNOVER
18600101             * MICHELE—LEGA, ITALIENISCHER—GEISTLICHER und Kurienkardinal
18600406—19450000    —HELPED, RENE—LALIQUE, mold the shape of 19010101—20001231     art nouveau, art deco and architectural ornamentation.
18610101             WARSCHAU, wird die Oper Verbum nobile von Stanis?aw Moniuszko uraufgeführt.
18610101             —GESTELLT, MIT DEM ALFRED—VON—REUMONT zur Disposition. wurde
18610101             —UNTERDESSEN ,unendlich viel in ITALIEN wie in DEUTSCHLAND SICH verändert hatte.
18610101             ALFRED—VON—REUMONT politische Ansichten erschienen zu sehr ITALIENs neuen Verhältnissen entgegengesetzt war, und
18610101             man scheint auch in BERLIN Bedenken getragen zu haben, 1—KATHOLIKEN ALFRED—VON—REUMONT beim PAPA DIE—PREUßEN Vertretung zu übertragen.
18610101             —GEWESEN, So ES—NICHT ist beschieden, zu erreichen unserm LANDSMANNE ALFRED—VON—REUMONT der praktische diplomatische Laufbahn höchste Stufe
18610101             1—ENDE GEFUNDEN des ALFRED—VON—REUMONT praktische diplomatische Laufbahn höchste Stufe hat
18610101             1—ENDE GEFUNDEN FRÜHER, als ALFRED—VON—REUMONT selbst wohl erwartet,
18610101             nur als 1—VORTEIL erscheinen kann — diese Wendung, wenn man ALFRED—VON—REUMONT seinen Lebensweg im Ganzen betrachtet,
18610101             —JETZT, den Platz einräumen durfte der Diplomat ALFRED—VON—REUMONT dem Gelehrten ALFRED—VON—REUMONT.
18610317—18150000    —IN, THE—CARBONARI was 1—SECRET—SOCIETY—IN—EARLY 18010101—19001231     ITALY who advocated liberal and patriotic ideas and opposed the conservative regimes imposed on ITALY by the Allies who had defeated NAPOLEON.
18610805             —SUPERSEDED, This was, by the Tax Act of 18620714             , which took effect as of 18620101             .
18610805             —SUPERSEDED, This was, by 18620714             —THE—TAX—ACT—OF, which took effect as of 18620101             .
18610805—18610101    —FROM, It was 3—PERCENT—OF—INCOMES over $800—EFFECTIVE.
18620101             THE—USA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—TAX—ACT—OF—18620714             , took effect as of 18620101             .
18620922             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—LINCOLN, at 1—CABINET meeting that he intended to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring all slaves in rebel states should be free as of 18630101             .
18620922—18630101    —STATED, The proclamation, that slaves in ANY—OF—THE—STATES in rebellion against the Union would be freed if the states had not returned to the Union.
18630101             * HEINRICH—CLAM—MARTINIC, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—POLITIKER und Offizier, Mitglied des böhmischen Landtags, Ministerpräsident, Militärgouverneur von MONTENEGRO
18630101             die von ABRAHAM—LINCOLN unterzeichnete Emanzipationsproklamation, nach der ALLE—SKLAVEN die rechtliche Freiheit in den AMERIKANISCHEN—BUNDESSTAATEN erhalten sollen, die sich zu diesem Zeitpunkt im Krieg mit der Union befinden.
18630101             † ERNST—AUGUST—PECH, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER und Hochschullehrer
18630101             —UNCHARTED, The clipper ship Noonday hit 1, rock off THE—COAST—OF—S—FRANCISCO and sank in 240—FEET—OF—WATER.
18630101             —RESCUED, All hands were, and the rock was named Noonday.
18630101             All slaves held in rebellion TERRITORY—IN—USA were made free by ABRAHAM—LINCOLN'S 18620922             , Emancipation Proclamation.
18640000             Though physicians and scientists understood there were numerous health hazards associated with the practice, THE—NUMBER—OF—SMOKERS increased dramatically in the 1. HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231  .
18640101             * ALFRED—STIEGLITZ, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—FOTOGRAF, Galerist, Verleger und Mäzen avantgardistischer Kunst
18640101             * QI—BAISHI, CHINESISCHER—MALER
18640101—18661231    Timeline... held in S—JOSE for the completion of THE—S—FRANCISCO + S—JOSE—RAILROAD.
18640101—18661231    —MARKED, This, the birth of Helena, future CAPITAL—OF—MONTANA.
18640101—18661231    [ see 18630000             ]
18660101             * MAURICE—COUYBA, FRANZÖSISCHER—POLITIKER und Schriftsteller, MINISTER
18660101             —J—IM, starben in der einzigen Provinz Orissa mehr als 1.000.000 Hindus am HUNGER—TOD.
18670101             Die von JOHN—AUGUSTUS—ROEBLING erbaute JOHN—A—ROEBLING—SUSPENSION—BRIDGE über den OHIO River bei CINCINNATI, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt mit 322—METERN Spannweite die längste Hängebrücke der Welt, wird eröffnet.
18670101             -VOM ihre Zweigbanken, Agenturen im Orient nur solche Wechsel kaufen, verkaufen wurden, die nicht über —4—MONATE nach Sicht gezogen wären".
18670323             —NOTED, He was, for his oil paintings of Native Americans and fur trappers of the mid-18010101—19001231  .
18671031             Parsons, 1—IRELAND—ASTRONOMER, built the largest reflecting telescope of the 18010101—19001231  .
18690308             —HAILED, He was —LATER, as the most blazing musical innovator of the early 18010101—19001231  .
18710101             * EDMUND—BRÜCKNER, DEUTSCHER—DIPLOMAT und Ministerialbeamter
18710101             THE—USA—SIGNAL—OFFICE began publishing weather maps as the War DEPARTMENT—MAPS.
18710101             1—MARK = 1/2790—KG FEINGOLD]Umrechnung in MARK, PFENNIG bezieht sich Die.
18710101             1—DOLLAR = 100—CENTS = 4,20—MARK - 1—FARTHING = 1/4—PENNY = 2,12—PFENNIG
18710101             1—FRANC = 100—CENTIMES = 80—PFENNIG - 1—PENNY = 4—FARTHING = 8,51—PFENNIG
18710101             1—PFUND—STERLING = 20—SCHILLING = 20,43—MARK - 1—SCHILLING = 12—PENCE = 1,02—MARK
18720101             ein einheitliches Strafgesetzbuch für ALLE—DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESSTAATEN.
18730101             * MARIANO—AZUELA, MEXIKANISCHER—ARZT und Schriftsteller
18730101             auf Grund des Reglements vom Sie Arbeitsanstalt ist
18740101             * FRANK—KNOX, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Marineminister
18740101             —ANNEXED, NEW—YORK City, the Bronx.
18750101             DÄNEMARK, tritt das 18730000             beschlossene Münzgesetz in Kraft.
18750101             Damit löst die DÄNISCHE—KRONE den —BIS dahin gültigen Reichstaler als Währung ab.
18750101             Sie ist —BIS—HEUTE offizielle Währung des Landes.
18750101             † Th.
18750101             —GESTORBEN, Yorck, in HAMBURG. Th.
18751117             —HELPED, COLONEL—HS—OLCOTT, found the Theosophical Society in NEW—YORK —AFTER 1—GROUP—OF—02010101—03001231     Alexandrian scholars.
18760101             * EDUARDO—DAGNINO, ITALIENISCHER—KOMPONIST, Musikwissenschaftler und Schachspieler
18760101             Die Reichsbank wird durch Übernahme der PREUSSISCHEN—BANK als zentrale Notenbank des DEUTSCHEN—REICHES gegründet.
18760101             Gleichzeitig wird die Mark offizielles Zahlungsmittel des DEUTSCHEN—REICHES.
18760101             ALLE—ANDEREN—LANDESWÄHRUNGEN sind —BEREITS oder werden sukzessive außer Kraft gesetzt.
18760101             das Reichsgesetz über die Beurkundung des Personenstandes und die Eheschließung, mit dem im gesamten DEUTSCHEN—REICH die Standesämter eingeführt werden.
18760101             DIE—BERLINER—FREIE—PRESSE erscheint im GENOSSENSCHAFTlich organisierten Selbstverlag DER—BERLIN—PARTEI—ORGANISATION.
18760101             —VEREINHEITLICHT, DEUTSCHLAND DAS—GELD wird ;
18760101             statt —BISHER, unzähliger —SORTEN gibt es 1, DIE—REICHS—GOLDWÄHRUNG
18770101             KÖNIGIN—VICTORIA—VON—GROSSBRITANNIEN wird in DELHI formell zur 1. Kaiserin von INDIEN proklamiert.
18770101             —ANGENOMMEN, Sie selbst hat den Titel —SCHON—8—MONATE—FRÜHER
18770519             III. n. II. Conti18770101             lettera di G. Fracassetti (Fermo) a F. Labruzzi di Nexima, sulla CAN—ZONE PETRARCHesca : Italia mia benché 'l parlar sia indarno^
18770519             An.
18780101             * AGNER—KRARUP—ERLANG, DÄNISCHER—MATHEMATIKER und Statistiker
18780101             * PEJO—JAWOROW, BULGARISCHER—DICHTER und Revolutionskämpfer
18780303             —1— D, THE—RUSSO—TURKEY—WARS, to the 16010101—17001231    , the Russians generally gaining territory and influence over the declining Ottoman Empire.
18790101             * E—M—FORSTER, BRITISCHER—ERZÄHLER und Kritiker
18790101             † E.M. [EDWARD—MORGAN] Forster (19700000             , ), ENGLAND—NOVELIST—FAMOUS for "1—PASSAGE to INDIA" and "1—ROOM—WITH—1—VIEW," was born in LONDON.
18790101             —EXEMPLIFIED, His novels, his ideas about the conflict between the imaginative and the earthy component of the human soul and character.
18790101             * WILLIAM—FOX, USA—FILM pioneer (Nickelodeon).
18790101             * ~ KRISTINE—HELENE—MELING F Haugesund, RGLND—NORWAY[NORWEGEN]
18791008             —NAMED, The ship was, —AFTER the 15010101—16001231     Inca emperor, Huáscar.
18800101             * SCHALOM—ASCH, POLNISCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Dramatiker jiddischer Sprache
18800101             The building of THE—PANAMA—CANAL was symbolically begun under THE—DIRECTION—OF—FRANCE—DIPLOMAT—FERDINAND—DE—LESSEPS.
18800101             Actual construction began —1—YEAR—LATER.
18810101             * VAJIRAVUDH—KÖNIG—VON—SIAM
18810101             † LOUIS—AUGUSTE—BLANQUI, französischer revolutionärer Theoretiker
18811117             —CHANGED, He successfully, the unionism of the 18010101—19001231     in THE—USA, uniting different labor groups and keeping away from political influence to guide USA—LABORERS.
18820101             * MARTIN—CHARLES—ANSORGE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—JURIST und Politiker, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses
18840101             * CELESTIN—PAPA, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—BANDLEADER und JAZZ—TROMPETER, Kornettist und Sänger
18850101             * FRANZ—ARNHOLDT, DEUTSCHER—GEWERKSCHAFTER, Verleger und Kommunalpolitiker
18860000—19580101    * † Photographer EDWARD—WESTON.
18861208             Im internationalen Diskurs der Kunsthistoriker gilt der Mexikaner DIEGO—RIVERA — neben PAUL—CÉZANNE und PABLO—PICASSO — als der einflußreichste Maler des 19010101—20001231  .
18870101             * FRANZ—ANGEL, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—MINERALOGE, Petrograph und Hochschullehrer
18870101             * WILHELM—CANARIS, DEUTSCHER—ADMIRAL, Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus
188701011231         —FÜR—DAS, haben die KASSEN—VERWALTUNG
18880000—19720101    * † MAURICE—CHEVALIER, FRANCE—ACTOR, singer and dancer, in PARIS.
18880000—19810729    * † ROBERT—MOSES, "master builder" of mid-19010101—20001231     NEW—YORK City, Long ISLAND, and other suburbs.
18880101             * EDUARD—BASS, TSCHECHISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Journalist, Sänger und Schauspieler
18880101             * JOHANNES—HOHLFELD, DEUTSCHER—GENEALOGE und Historiker
18880101             —AM, 1—DER HÖHE—PUNKTE des blutigen Konfliktes geschah
18880101             —AM, als die Hatfields die Hütte der McCoys in Brand steckten, 2—MCCOYS erschossen.
18880101             —AM, Die McCoys verfügten den Funden nach über 1—SCHROTFLINTE
18880101             —AM, Die McCoys verfügten den Funden nach über mehrere Waffen unterschiedlichen Kalibers
18890101             * GÖTZ—BRIEFS, DEUTSCHER—SOZIALPHILOSOPH und Nationalökonom
18890101             Dorp wird nach SOLINGEN eingemeindet; SOLINGEN hat ca.
18890101             36.000—EINWOHNER
18900000             —ANFANG des 19010101—20001231     engagierte Rockefeller 1—ART—PR—MANAGER, der sein Bild in der Öffentlichkeit korrigieren sollte <;
18900101             * CHARLEY—JORDAN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—BLUES—SÄNGER, Gitarrist und Songschreiber
18900101             * FRANZ—SPUNDA, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—LEHRER und Schriftsteller
18900101             * MAX—GABLONSKY, DEUTSCHER—FUSSBALLSPIELER und Leichtathlet
18900101             ITALIEN fasst seine ostafrikanischen Besitzungen um Assab, Massaua und ASMARA per Dekret zur Kolonie ERITREA zusammen.
18900101             an 1—JÄHRLICHEN Zuschuss von 300—MARK aus DER—VEREINSKASSE.
18900713—20070000    —AUTHORED, SALLY—DENTON, "Passion and Principle: John and Jessie FREMONT, the Couple Whose Power, Politics and Love Shaped 18010101—19001231     AMERICA".
18901012—18901018    Zum offiziellen PARTEI—ORGAN wird das "BERLINER—VOLKSBLATT" bestimmt, mit der Auflage, vom18910101             —UNTER—DEM, Titel "VORWÄRTS—BERLINER Volkszeitung, CENTRAL—ORGAN DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHEN Partei DEUTSCHLANDs" zu erscheinen.
18901012—18901018    Oberste Vertretung der Partei ist —DER—PARTEI—TAG.
18901012—18901018    MITGLIEDER—DES—REICHS—TAG und der PARTEI—LEITUNG haben in ihm in allen die parlamentarische und die geschäftliche Leitung der Partei betreffenden Fragen nur beratende Stimme. der PARTEI—LEITUNG besteht aus 12—PERSONEN: 2—VORSITZENDEN, 2—SCHRIFTFÜHRERN, 1—KASSIERER und 7—KONTROLLEUREN.
18901012—18901018    Sitz der PARTEI—LEITUNG ist BERLIN.
18901012—18901018    —DER—PARTEI—VORSTAND wird beauftragt, dem nächsten PARTEI—TAG den Entwurf 1—REVIDIERTEN Parteiprogramms vorzulegen.
18910000—19950000    —INVENTED, EDWARD—BERNAYS—, 1 applied social science called... said that Bernays had the greatest impact on USA—OPINION in the 19010101—20001231  .
18910101             Auf Grundlage des HELGOLAND—SANSIBAR—VERTRAGES wird DEUTSCH—OSTAFRIKA deutsches "Schutzgebiet".
18910101             Damit ist das Ziel der DEUTSCH—OSTAFRIKANISCHEN Gesellschaft zur Errichtung einer Kolonie erreicht.
18910101             Die 1. Ausgabe des deutschen sozialdemokratischen Parteiblatts Vorwärts —SEIT dem Verbot der Partei durch die Sozialistengesetze von 18780000             erscheint in einer Auflage von 10.000—EXEMPLAREN.
18910101             1—OFFICE was opened on ELLIS—ISLAND, NEW—YORK, to cope with the vast FLOOD—OF—IMMIGRANTS coming into THE—USA.
18910101             —AM, DAS—GESETZ tritt in Kraft.
18910101             DIE—1. Ausgabe des neuen ZENTRAL—ORGANS der SPD VORWÄRTS erscheint
18910424             —LATER, HELMUTH—KARL—BERNHARD—GRAF—VON—MOLTKE became regarded as 1—OF—THE—GREAT—STRATEGISTS—OF—THE—LATTER—18010101—19001231  .
18910424             He was THE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—OF—THE—PRUSSIA—ARMY—FOR—30—YEARS and became —LATER regarded as 1—OF—THE—GREAT—STRATEGISTS—OF—THE—LATTER 18010101—19001231  .
18910505             —THRIVED, Musicians, painters, dancers and actors, in 2—TOWERS built by 18010101—19001231     industrialist ANDREW—CARNEGIE —JUST—AFTER the hall went up.
18920101             ELLIS—ISLAND im Hafen von NEW—YORK wird als Abfertigungsstation für Einwanderer in die Vereinigten Staaten eingerichtet.
18920101             Annie Moore (15) of County CORK—IRELAND, was the 1. person processed.
18920101             —REPLACED, The new facility, Castle Garden, which was closed because of massive overcrowding and corruption.
18920101             —GRANTED, The money changing concession was —LATER, to AMERICA—EXPRESS to end THE—CHEATING—OF—IMMIGRANTS.
18920101             Formerly used as 1—MUNITIONS dump and landfill, ELLIS—ISLAND was designed, its architects claimed, to handle more than 8,000 newcomers —1—DAY.
18920101             —FUNNELED, Orderly lines, bewildered immigrants past doctors and officials who examined them for SIGNS—OF—DISEASE.
18920101             —REFUSED, The physically and mentally ill were, admittance, forcing THOUSANDS—OF—FAMILIES to make the difficult decision to return home with 1—RELATIVE refused entry or push on without them.
18920101             1—FINAL brusque INTERVIEW—BY—1—IMMIGRATION—OFFICIAL determined whether the newcomers had already been promised jobs.
18920101             —ENTERED, About 80—PERCENT—OF—THOSE who, ELLIS—ISLAND received landing cards permitting them to BOARD ferries for NEW—YORK—CITY.
18920101—19540000    —CLOSED, It was.
18930101             * ARTUR—WYPOCHOWICZ, DEUTSCHER—KOMMUNALPOLITIKER und Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus
18930101             * HELEN—VIVIEN—GOULD, USA—AMERIKANISCHES—MITGLIED der New Yorker und Londoner High Society
18930101             DIE—4—ORTSKRANKENKASSEN in SOLINGEN werden vereinigt
18940101             * FRANTIŠEK—GÖTZ, TSCHECHISCHER—LITERATURHISTORIKER und Kritiker, Dramaturg und Übersetzer
18940101             * OTTO—AASEN, NORWEGISCHER—SKISPRINGER, Nordischer Kombinierer und Skilangläufer
18940101             † HEINRICH—HERTZ, DEUTSCHER—PHYSIKER, wies als 1. elektromagnetische Wellen nach
18940101             Burgess soon lost his job at BERKELEY as 1—RESULT—OF—HIS—INVOLVEMENT in the attack.
18940101—18830000    —IN, S—FRANCISCO—GELETT—BURGESS, 1—INSTRUCTOR of topographical drawing at UC BERKELEY, reportedly took part in the toppling of 1—OF 1—OF 3—WATER fountains that had been donated to the city by PRO—TEMPERANCE—ADVOCATE—HENRY—COGSWELL.
18940316             The heroine is a 03010101—04001231     EGYPT—COURTESAN.
18950101             Die SCHWEIZERISCHE—DEPESCHENAGENTUR nimmt ihren Betrieb als Nachrichtenagentur auf.
18950101             "DER—SOZIALISTISCHE Akademiker", Organ DER—SOZIALISTISCHEN studierenden und studierter DEUTSCHER—ZUNGE, erscheint zum 1. Mal.
18950305—18350000    —IN, he had begun examining the ancient inscriptions on the rock of Behistun in the Kurdish foothills of the Zagros mountain range and found that they had been made to honor DARIUS—THE—GREAT, Persian ruler in the 04010101—05001231     BCE.
18970101             —MERGED, Brooklyn, with NY to form the present NEW—YORK—CITY.
18970403             —REBELLED, The movement, against the sentimental academic painting of the 18010101—19001231  .
18980101             —OCCURRED, The consolidation of Greater NEW—YORK City, with the "merger" of Brooklyn and Manhattan.
18980101             —ABSORBED, —BEFORE the merger Brooklyn had, Williamsburg, Bushwick, Flatbush, Flatlands, and New Lots among other towns.
18980101             —CREATED, The merger, 1—CITY—OF—3.4—MILLION—PEOPLE.
18980101             Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten ISLAND were consolidated into NEW—YORK City.
18980920             —REGARDED, He is, by many to be the most important 18010101—19001231     GERMAN—LANGUAGE—REALIST—WRITER.
18990101             —AM Nationaltheater Prag erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper EVA—VON—JOSEF—BOHUSLAV—FOERSTER.
19000000             —ANFANG des 19010101—20001231     ENGAGIERTE—ROCKEFELLER
19000000             at the beginning of the 19010101—20001231    , 1—BEST—SELLING AUTHOR—SAYS.
19000000             im 20. noch im 20010101—21001231     haben USA—BEHÖRDEN allerdings je offiziell zugegeben, dass dem Rechtssystem ein solch fataler Irrtum unterlaufen wäre.
19000000             —ANFANG—DES 19010101—20001231     engagierte Rockefeller 1—ART—PR—MANAGER,[prop] der sein Bild in der Öffentlichkeit korrigieren sollte.
19000000—19740701    * † JOSEPH—LEOPOLD—EICHLER, 19010101—20001231     POST—WAR USA—REAL—ESTATE developer, in S—MATEO county, CALIFORNIA.
19000101             ÖSTERREICH—UNGARN, wird die Krone ausschließliches Zahlungsmittel.
19000101             das Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch (BGB) und das Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB) im DEUTSCHEN—REICH.
19000101             1—NEW—YORK editorialist wrote that the 19010101—20001231     began in THE—USA with  "1—SENSE—OF—EUPHORIA  and SELF—SATISFACTION, 1—SURE feeling that AMERICA is THE—ENVY—OF—THE—WORLD".
19000101             THE—ROYAL—NIGER—COMPANY sold all its possessions and concessions in AFRICA to THE—UK—GOVERNMENT for £865,000, considered to be 1—VERY—LOW—PRICE.
19000101             —AFTER - "GUARANTY TRUST " & "BROWN BROTHERS, HARRIMAN", investment bank firms,
19000101             [were] dominated by MEMBERS—OF—SKULL—AND—BONES [S&B] THE—2—FIRMS involved in THE—FINANCING—OF—COMMUNISM & Anticommunism [antibolschewistische Front][Hitler,
19000101             Adolf] showing the [s&b] affinity for alienating [privatising] Hegel : philosophy of "OBJECTIVE IDEALISM".
19000101             Controling EVER—EXISTING conflicts,{["thesis VERSUS ANTI—THESIS"]} to "create" synthesis =more conflicts [chaos]:
19000101             continous base for 1—SYNTHESIS—OF—THEIR making & design, where the "state" is absolute & inhumane.
19000101             —GRANTED, Individuals are, their original freedoms by obedience to that "state" - or : not.
19000101             A "New" World "Order
19000101             —AUFGEHOBEN, wurden die THURN und Taxis'schen ZIVIL—GERICHTE
19000101             —AFTER - "Guaranty Trust " & "Brown Brothers, Harriman", investment bank firms, [were] dominated by MEMBERS—OF—SKULL and Bones [s&b] THE—2—FIRMS involved in THE—FINANCING—OF—COMMUNISM & Anticommunism [antibolschewistische Front][Hitler, Adolf] showing the [s&b] affinity for alienating [privatising] Hegel : philosophy of "objective idealism".
19000101             Controling EVER—EXISTING conflicts,{["thesis versus ANTI—THESIS"]} to "create" synthesis =more conflicts [chaos]: continous base for 1—SYNTHESIS of their making & design, where the "state" is absolute & inhumane.
19000101             A " - New" World "Order - 23—1—
190001010000 " 20030623             19001010             * HELEN—BROWN (—LATER HELEN—HAYES, d.1993), USA—ACTRESS, in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
19000101—18690429    DIE—FÜRSTEN—VON—THURN—UND—TAXIS blieben daher die letzten Inhaber adeliger Gerichtsrechte im DEUTSCHEN—KAISER—REICH.
19000101—18920000    —SEIT, Die neue Goldwährung ersetzt den Gulden, der langsam aus dem Verkehr gezogen worden ist.
19000101—19900000    * † XAVIER—CUGAT, bandleader (oo Abbe Lane, Charo), in BARCELONA—SPAIN.
19000101—19991231    —OF—SELF is a 4—PART documentary series directed by ADAM—CURTIS for THE—BBC.
19000101—19991231    —OF—SELF examines how the ideas of Sigmund Freud (the founder of psychoanalysis) influenced his cousin EDWARD—BEARNAISE ( who invented public relations ) + ANNA—FREUD (SIGMUND—DAUGHTER and PR guru),
19000101—19991231    —IM, die totale Mondfinsternis 20000716             —VOM, war die letzte
19000101—19991231    -In THE—EARLY this image bifurcated into (a) academic...
19000101—19991231    —DAS, ENDETE 20001231             —AM.
19000101—20121101    —ANFANG—DES—SEIT, Vor NEW—JERSEY ist das Wasser um fast 40—ZENTI—METER angeschwollen;
19000709             —SIGNED, QUEEN—VICTORIA, THE—COMMONWEALTH—OF—AUSTRALIA—CONSTITUTION—ACT, uniting 6—SEPARATE colonies under 1—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT, effective 19010101             .
19010000             TEMPERATUR—WELTWEIT Weltweit ist die Temperatur im 19010101—20001231     im Mittel um 0.6°C gestiegen.
19010000—20041020    —SEIT der Entdeckung der überaus reichen Ölvorkommen in Südpersien zu Beginn des 19010101—20001231     [ 19010000             ]
19010100             Das 19010101—20001231     begann mit der Entdeckung unglaublicher Quellen: An einem Ort namens Spindletop in der Nähe von BEAUMONT zogen sprudelnde Ölquellen die... 2—FLAGS
19010101             Die —BISHER voneinander unabhängigen BRITISCHEN—KOLONIEN auf dem AUSTRALISCHEN—KONTINENT und Tasmanien werden zum Commonwealth of AUSTRALIA zusammengefasst.
19010101             Staatsoberhaupt der neu gegründeten parlamentarischen Monarchie bleibt die BRITISCHE—KÖNIGIN.
19010101             The 1. official annual Mummers parade was held in PHILADELPHIA.
19010101             6—COLONIES became 1—INDEPENDENT—FEDERATION with EDMUND—BARTON as the 1. PRIME—MINISTER.
19010101             —RECOGNIZED, Although independent it still, BRITAIN—ROYALTY as AUSTRALIA—HEAD—OF—STATE.
19010101             DICKINSON TIMELINE -19501231             19010101             DICKINSON TIMELINE -19501231             19010101—19501231    DICKINSON TIMELINE
19010101—19000709    —IN—THE, THE—COMMONWEALTH—OF—AUSTRALIA became official as established, Commonwealth of AUSTRALIA Constitution Act.
19010101—19501221    —DICKINSON—TIME—LINE
19010101—19501231    DICKINSON TIMELINE
19010101—20001231    —ANFANG—DES, engagierte Rockefeller 1—ART—PR—MANAGER,[prop] der sein Bild in der Öffentlichkeit korrigieren sollte.
19010101—20001231    —IM, Weltweit ist die Temperatur im Mittel um 0.6°C gestiegen.
19010101—20001231    history turned on this pivotal event.
19010101—20001231    : Roth, Andrew; Aletti,
19010101—20001231    : Klimawandel brachte Mitteleuropa mehr Regen
19010101—20001231    immer mehr zu einem TEIL—DER—VÖLKISCHEN—BEWEGUNG geworden.
19010101—20001231    —ANNOUNCED, Fox, it would produce TV programs.
19010101—20001231    (Cottbuser Studien zur GESCHICHTE—VON—TECHNIK... HEINRICH—DRÄGER und das Drägerwerk.
19010101—20001231    —HISTORICAL Atlas
19010110             —ANFANG DES 19010101—20001231     ENGAGIERTE ROCKEFELLER
19010110             —ANFANG DES 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY ENGAGIERTE ROCKEFELLER
19010122             —CONNECTED, Through dynastic marriages, VICTORIA—DESCENDANTS are, to almost all 19010101—20001231     EUROPE—ROYAL—HOUSES.
19010519             —RESIDED, JOHN—HENRY—BOALT, 1—ATTORNEY who, in OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, in the late 18010101—19001231    , † in CLOVERDALE—CALIFORNIA Boalt had inspired and supported THE—CHINA—EXCLUSION—ACT—OF—18820000   .
19020101             —ON, NATHAN—STUBBLEFIELD gave 1—SHORT—RANGE "wireless telephone"demonstration, that included simultaneously broadcasting speech and music to 7—LOCATIONS—THROUGHOUT MURRAY—KENTUCKY.
19020704             † Swami Vivekananda, INDIA—HINDU monk and CHIEF disciple of the 18010101—19001231     INDIA—MYSTIC—RAMAKRISHNA, in WEST—BENGAL, INDIA.
19020824—19850000    FERNAND—BRAUDEL was 1—OF—THE—MOST important historiographers of the 19010101—20001231    : "History may be divided into 3—MOVEMENTS: what moves rapidly, what moves slowly and what appears not to move at all".
19030101             In den Behörden von DEUTSCHLAND, ÖSTERREICH—UNGARN und der SCHWEIZ wird die geänderte DEUTSCHE—RECHTSCHREIBUNG eingeführt.
19030101             Es werden damit ERGEBNISSE—DER—II. Orthographischen Konferenz umgesetzt.
19030101             Die Korrektur der "th"-Schreibung ist eines ihrer wesentlichen Merkmale.
19030101             —BEGINNT, DAS—ZENTRAL—ARBEITER—SEKRETARIAT, seine Tätigkeit.
19030101             Des ZENTRAL—ARBEITER—SEKRETARIAT Sekretär wird R. Schmidt.
19031118—18480000    —IN, Building 1—INTEROCEANIC canal was not 1—NEW—IDEA at the turn of the 19010101—20001231    , but USA—ACQUISITION—OF—CALIFORNIA and territories in the Pacific and the Caribbean —AFTER THE—SPANISH—USA—WAR made the canal crucial to USA—FOREIGN—POLICY.
19040000—19970319    * † WILLEM—DE—KOONING, DUTCH—BORN abstract painter, considered to be 1—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    —GREATEST—PAINTERS, in EAST—HAMPTON, NEW—YORK.
19040101             * PAUL—LAUFER, DEUTSCHER—PARTEIFUNKTIONÄR und Widerstandskämpfer, Abteilungsleiter der Stasi in der DDR
19040101             das Kinderschutzgesetz im DEUTSCHEN—REICH.
19040101             —VERBIETET, Es, die Arbeit von Kindern unter —12—JAHREN in allen gewerblichen Betrieben.
19040101             allen SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHEN Zeitungen zur Verfügung steht.
19040814             THE—CATTLE—HERDING Hereros, 1—TRIBE—OF—SOUTH—WEST—AFRICA (—LATER NAMIBIA), became the 1. genocide VICTIMS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231  .
19050101             Die DEUTSCHE—KOLONIE Togoland wird in TOGO umbenannt.
19050101             "DIE—ARBEITENDE Jugend", Organ des VEREIN der Lehrlinge und jugendlichen —ARBEITER BERLINs, erscheint ZUM 1. MAL.
19050101             —AM, by 1—NUMBER—OF—USA—NAVY—STATIONS
19060101             HELMUTH—JOHANNES—LUDWIG—VON—MOLTKE wird auf Wunsch Kaiser Wilhelms II. als Nachfolger von ALFRED—GRAF—VON—SCHLIEFFEN—DER—CHEF—DES DEUTSCHEN—GROSSEN Generalstabes.
19060101             † ALBERT—VON—HOLLEBEN, DEUTSCHER—GENERAL und Militärschriftsteller
19060511             the major development of the late 18010101—19001231    ,
19061001             It replaced the old Diet dating back to the 16010101—17001231     with a 200-seat unicameral PARLIAMENT and introduced universal suffrage.
19061109             The toquilla straw hats had been made in ECUADOR as long ago as the 16010101—17001231  .
19070101             PRESIDENT—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT shook 1—RECORD 8,513 hands in —1—DAY.
19070101             —BECAME, THE—PURE—FOOD and Drug Act, law in THE—USA
19070815             —REGARDED, HUNGARY—VIOLINIST—JOSEPH—JOACHIM (18310000             *), widely, as 1—OF—THE—MOST significant violinists of the 18010101—19001231    , † in BERLIN.
19080101             Der BRITISCHE—SCHONER Nimrod unter dem BEFEHL—VON—ERNEST—SHACKLETON verlässt den NEUSEELÄNDISCHEN—HAFEN Lyttelton.
19080101             —BEFINDET, Die NIMROD—EXPEDITION, sich auf der Suche —NACH—DEM magnetischen Südpol.
19080101             —DROPPED, THE—1.—TIME—BALL signifying new —YEAR was, at Times Square, NEW—YORK—CITY.
19080101             KAISER—WILHELM—II—OF—GERMANY gave 1—CONTROVERSIAL—INTERVIEW to THE—DAILY—TELEGRAPH that severely damaged ANGLO—GERMANY—RELATIONS and added to INTERNATIONAL tensions which eventually culminated in WWI.
19090101             DEUTSCHLAND, wird der Postscheckverkehr aufgenommen, den 13—POSTSCHECKÄMTER abwickeln.
19090101—19980000    * † BARRY—GOLDWATER, Republican SENATOR—FOR—ARIZONA and presidential contender, in PHOENIX, SON—OF—BARON—AND—JOSEPHINE—GOLDWATER.
19100101             —SEIT, Auf dem Gelände der im Bau befindlichen 4. städtischen Irrenanstalt NORD—WESTL. vom Dorf BUCH BEI BERLIN wird
19100625             —ESTABLISHED, 1—ACT—OF—USA—CONGRESS, 1—POSTAL savings system in post offices, effective 19110101             .
19100625             1—ACT—OF—USA—CONGRESS established 1—POSTAL savings system in post offices, effective 19110101             .
19110202             —REGARDED, —NOW, by many as the greatest opera TENOR—OF—THE—MIDDLE 19010101—20001231  .
19120101             * Chertek Amyrbitowna ANTSCHIMAA—TOKA, tuwinische Politikerin, weltweit 1. weibliches Staatsoberhaupt einer REPUBLIK
19120101             Sun YAT—SEN ruft während des WUCHANG—AUFSTANDES die REPUBLIK CHINA aus.
19120101             Gleichzeitig verhandelt er als provisorischer PRÄSIDENT mit dem militärischen Führer Yuan Shikai über eine friedliche Lösung und den STURZ—DER—QING—DYNASTIE.
19120101             1—GROUNDBREAKING celebration took place for the largest structure of THE—PANAMA—PACIFIC—FAIR, the Machinery building at PPIE grounds at Harbor View (future MARINA—DISTRICT).
19120101             1—MASSACHUSETTS law reducing THE—WORK—WEEK from 56 to —54—HOURS for women and children, went into effect.
19120101             —FORMED, THE—REPUBLIC—OF—CHINA was, with Sun YAT—SEN as PRESIDENT.
19120101             Nationalist Party CO—FOUNDER—SONG—JIAREN began designing THE—INSTITUTIONS—OF—THE—NEW—DEMOCRACY.
19120101             * KIM—PHILBY in INDIA.
19120101             —BECAME, KIM—PHILBY, 1—RINGLEADER—OF—1—GROUP—OF—UPPER crust Englishmen who entered public service or, in MANY—CASES, THE—UK—SECRET—SERVICE, then spied for the Soviets.
19120101             Philby got away and spent his last years in MOSCOW.
19120101—19120112    —REDUCED, Workers struck spontaneously —WHEN the mill owners, wages to coincide with the reduced WORK—WEEK.
19120606             —RECOGNIZED, This was —LATER, as the most powerful volcanic eruption of the 19010101—20001231  .
19120606             —LATER, This WAS—RECOGNIZED as the most powerful volcanic eruption of the 19010101—20001231  .
19130407             —MARCHED, The suffragists', to the Capitol in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA By the 2. —DECADE—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    , woman suffrage--women's right to vote--had become 1—ISSUE—OF—NATIONAL—IMPORTANCE in AMERICA.
19130513             —CONVICTED, 1—ALL—WHITE—JURY in CHICAGO, Black heavyweight champion JACK—JOHNSON—OF—FEDERAL—CHARGES—OF—TRANSPORTING—1—WHITE—WOMAN across state lines, 1—CASE that would —LATER be held up as 1—DEPLORABLE—EXAMPLE—OF—INSTITUTIONAL—RACISM—IN—EARLY 19010101—20001231     AMERICA.
19130513             1—ALL—WHITE—JURY in CHICAGO convicted Black heavyweight champion JACK—JOHNSON—OF—FEDERAL—CHARGES—OF transporting 1—WHITE—WOMAN across state lines, 1—CASE that would —LATER be held up as 1—DEPLORABLE—EXAMPLE—OF—INSTITUTIONAL—RACISM—IN—EARLY 19010101—20001231     AMERICA.
19131202             —THE—ADE of the 19010101—20001231    , woman suffrage--women's right to vote--had become 1—ISSUE—OF—NATIONAL—IMPORTANCE in AMERICA.
19140000             Opium + Empire in the 18010101—19001231     - GEOFFREY—JONES
19140000—20010101    * † RAY—WALSTON, film and TV actor (My Favorite Martian), in BEVERLY—HILLS, CALIFORNIA, at age 86.
19140101             —ÜBERNIMMT, Der Ullstein Verlag, die Vossische Zeitung.
19140101             1—PACIFIC—COAST—STORM swept away the entire Ocean Beach of S—FRANCISCO from the Cliff House to the life saving station.
19150101             GERMANY—SUBMARINE U—24—SANK THE—UK—BATTLESHIP—FORMIDABLE in THE—ENGLAND—CHANNEL whilst on patrol and exercise with the 5. BATTLE—SQUADRON.
19150101             She sank rapidly with the loss of 547—CREW.
19150101             The 5BS had been steaming slowly (10knots), not zigzagging and were without destroyer escort.
19150101             —DISMISSED, Admiral in charge LEWIS—BAYLY was, from his position over the loss.
19150405—19990000    —LISTED, His autobiography "Up From Slavery" was, as the 3. best WORK—OF—NON—FICTION in THE—ENGLAND—LANGUAGE in the 19010101—20001231     by the Modern Library.
19160101             —AM, Daraus ging der reichsweite SPARTAKUS—BUND hervor.
19160101             OPPOSITIONelle SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN um ROSA—LUXEMBURG und KARL—LIEBKNECHT beschließen, sich den Namen "GRUPPE—INTERNATIONALE" zu geben und
19160101             OPPOSITIONelle SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN um ROSA—LUXEMBURG und KARL—LIEBKNECHT b1 MitTEILUNGsblatt "Politische Briefe"eschließen, 1—MITTEILUNGSBLATT "Politische Briefe" herauszugeben,
19160101             OPPOSITIONelle SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN um ROSA—LUXEMBURG und KARL—LIEBKNECHT das mit dem Namen "Spartacus" unterzeichnet wird.
19160101             DIE—BESCHLOSSENEN Leitsätze werden als 1—ANWENDUNG des Erfurter Programms auf die gegenwärtigen PROBLEME—DES—INTERNATIONALEN—SOZIALISMUS bezeichnet.
19160101             —DIE—AUGUST—KATASTROPHE sei 1—NOTWENDIGES ERGEBNIS—DES—ZUSTANDES, in dem sich DIE—INTERNATIONALE proletarische KLASSEN—BEWEGUNG bei Kriegsausbruch befunden habe.
19160101             DIE—PRÄAMBEL lautet: "Nicht Einheit, sondern Klarheit über alles".
19160101             "MILITARISMUS und Kriege seien nicht zu beseitigen oder einzudämmen, solange die kapitalistischen Klassen unbestritten ihre KLASSEN—HERRSCHAFT ausüben.
19160101             "Des internationales PROLETARIAT KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—IMPERIALISMUS sei 1—KAMPF—UM—DIE politische MACHT im Staate,
19160101             "die entscheidende Auseinandersetzung zwischen SOZIALISMUS und KAPITALISMUS.
19160101             "Die II. Internationale habe sich als unfähig erwiesen, 1—WIRKSAMEN Damm gegen den nationalen Chauvinismus zu errichten.
19160101             "Deshalb erfordere die LebensNOTWENDIGKEIT für den SOZIALISMUS, 1—NEUE ARBEITER—INTERNATIONALE zu schaffen,
19160101             "welche die Leitung und Zusammenfassung des REVOLUTIONären KLASSEN—KAMPFES gegen den IMPERIALISMUS in allen Ländern übernehme.
19160101             Über diese Leitsätze kommt es mit anderen OPPOSITIONellen wie G, LEDEBOUR und A. HOFFMANN zu Auseinandersetzungen.
19170503—20060000    —BECAME, BETTY—COMDEN, 1—HALF—OF—THE—MUSICAL—COMEDY duo Comden and Green, who provided lyrics, libretti, and screenplays to SOME—OF—THE—MOST beloved and successful HOLLYWOOD musicals and Broadway shows of the mid-19010101—20001231  .
19170513             † Francisco and Jacinta Marto at the ages of 10 and —9—YEARS—OLD, within —3—YEARS—OF—THE—APPARITIONS—DOS SANTOS was said by believers to be the main RECIPIENT—OF—PROPHECIES from the Virgin about key 19010101—20001231     events.
19170607             * GWENDOLYN—BROOKS, 1—OF—THE—FOREMOST—AFRICA—USA—POETS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231  .
19180000—20090101    * † Claiborne Pell, FORMER—USA—SENATOR—FROM—RHODE—ISLAND (16600000—19970000    ).
19180101             CANADA—UNIONIST government began to enforce the Military Service Act.
19180101             The 1. gasoline pipeline began operation with 40—MILES—OF—3—INCH pipe from Salt Creek to CASPER—WYOMING.
19180101—19181231    Jahresübersicht
19181112—19190101    —AM—SPÄTESTENS, wird der achtstündige NORMAL—ARBEITS—TAG in Kraft treten.
19181115             eine aktive Synthetisierung der beiden Klassenfronten des 18010101—19001231              19181115             ein bewußtes SICH—VERGLIEDERN, eine gewollte Vergemeinschaftung, eine aktive Synthetisierung der beiden Klassenfronten des 18010101—19001231  .
19181230—19190101    —JETZT, hat —DIE—STUNDE geschlagen, in der ALLE—REVOLUTIONÄREN proletarischen Elemente der USP den Rücken kehren müssen, um 1—NEUE selbständige Partei mit klarem Programm, festem Ziel, einheitlicher Taktik, höchster REVOLUTIONärer Entschossenheit und Tatkraft zu schaffen,
19181230—19190101    —DER—KONGREß nimmt es an.
19181230—19190101    "Heraus aus den Gewerkschaften!"
19181230—19190101    Indem DIE—REICHS—KONFERENZ des SPARTAKUS—BUND das kämpfende PROLETARIAT aller Länder brüderlich begrüßt und zur gemeinsamen Tat dpr WeltREVOLUTION aufruft, beschließt sie:
19181230—19190101    BERLIN, halten
19181230—19190101    —GEBILDET, Die KPD PARTEI—LEITUNG wird, von: WILHELM—PIECK und
19181230—19190101    —GEBILDET, Die KPD PARTEI—LEITUNG wird, von: ROSA—LUXEMBURG,
19181230—19190101    —GEBILDET, Die KPD PARTEI—LEITUNG wird, von: P. Lange,
19181230—19190101    —GEBILDET, Die KPD PARTEI—LEITUNG wird, von: L. Jogiches,
19181230—19190101    —GEBILDET, Die KPD PARTEI—LEITUNG wird, von: KÄTE—DUNCKER,
19181230—19190101    —GEBILDET, Die KPD PARTEI—LEITUNG wird, von: KARL—LIEBKNECHT,
19181230—19190101    —GEBILDET, Die KPD PARTEI—LEITUNG wird, von: H. Eberlein,
19181230—19190101    —GEBILDET, Die KPD PARTEI—LEITUNG wird, von: H. Duncker und
19181230—19190101    —GEBILDET, Die KPD PARTEI—LEITUNG wird, von: A. Thalheimer.
19181230—19190101    —JETZT, hat —DIE—STUNDE geschlagen, in der ALLE—REVOLUTIONÄREN proletarischen Elemente der USP den Rücken kehren müssen,
19181230—19190101    —DIE—USPD hat DAS—RECHT verwirkt, als Partei des sozialistischen KLASSEN—KAMPFES anerkannt zu werden.
19181230—19190101    —DIE—KONFERENZ nimmt nach 1—REFERAT—VON—KARL—LIEBKNECHT 1—RESOLUTION an:
19181230—19190101    um 1—NEUE selbständige Partei mit klarem Programm, festem Ziel, einheitlicher Taktik, höchster REVOLUTIONärer Entschossenheit und Tatkraft zu schaffen,
19181230—19190101    als 1—STARKES Instrument zur Durchführung der beginnenden sozialistischen REVOLUTION.
19181230—19190101    Unter Lösung seiner organisatorischen Beziehungen zur USP konstituiert sich DER—SPARTAKUS—BUND als selbständige politische Partei unter dem Namen "KOMMUNISTISCHE—PARTEI—DEUTSCHLANDS (SPARTAKUS—BUND)".
19181230—19190101    Obwohl ROSA—LUXEMBURG, KARL—LIEBKNECHT und F, Levi sich für 1—TEILNAHME aussprechen, lehnen es DIE—DELEGIERTEN mit 62—STIMMEN—GEGEN—23—STIMMEN ab, sich an den Wahlen zur NATIONAL—VERSAMMLUNG zu beteiligen und stimmen für die Losung:
19181230—19190101    Nieder mit der Regierung EBERT—SCHEIDEMANN!"
19181230—19190101    Die MEHRHEIT—DER REVOLUTIONÄRE—OB—LEUTE lehnt 1—SOFORTIGEN Beitritt zur KPD ab.
19181230—19190101    127—DELEGIERTE—AUS—56—ORTEN sind anwesend.
19181230—19190101    1—LÄNGERES Verweilen in der USP hieße, die Pflichten gegen das PROLETARIAT, den SOZIALISMUS und DIE—REVOLUTION aufs schwerste verletzen.
19190000             Reds | JOE—MCCARTHY | McCarthyism in 19010101—20001231     AMERICA
19190101             —BEENDET, Die KPD, ihren dreitägigen Gründungsparteitag in BERLIN.
19190101             Die prominentesten Gründungsmitglieder sind Rosa LUXEMBURG und KARL—LIEBKNECHT, die —14—TAGE—SPÄTER ermordet werden.
19190101             * JD—SALINGER, USA—NOVELIST, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19190101             —DISCHARGED, KARL—MARIA—WILIGUT (Weisthor) is, with THE—RANK—OF—COLONEL—FROM—THE—AUSTRIA—ARMY, —AFTER serving almost —40—YEARS.
19190101             ( Roots )
19190101             ( Roots ) - gegründet wurde... de/Kommunistischen+Partei+Deutschlands
19190101—19510000    —PUBLISHED, JEROME—DAVID—SALINGER, "THE—CATCHER in the Rye," which became 1—BIBLE for USA—TEENAGERS.
19200101             —HIRED, HARRIMAN, E.H., the most qualified person in the country to run the operation, WALKER, GEORGE—HERBERT.
19200101             —HIRED, HARRIMAN, AVERELL, HARRIMAN,
19200101             EDWARD—ROLAND "BUNNY" (his little brother)as 1—VICE—PRESIDENT.
19200101             192400000 HARRIMAN, AVERELL [S&B913 ] & Thyssen, Fritz,
19200101             [ger][industrl],WHO BEGAN FUNDING HITLER,ADOLF 19231000             ,[FND] "UNION BANKING CORPORATION" [UBC],NY
19200101             "die unsere HEUTIGE Vorstellung vomWWI. entscheidend prägen", meint Daniel.
19200101             dass sich diese Deutungsweise des Krieges politisch, MEDIA l + kulturell durchsetzte.
19200101             -THYSSEN (s)establish 3—BANKS:"THYSSEN Bank&ldquo..
19200101             WILLIAM—RANDOLPH—NEWSPAPER & magazine publications.
19200101             ".. [ger][industrl],who began funding Hitler,ADOLF—WWI.
19200101             -Vorgeschichte "Ausbruch" des WWI.
19200101             1. Weltkriegs. 20er —JAHRE ausserhalb des Faschismus.
19200101             Weimarer REPUBLIK... Goldene 20er. Kultureller Aufschwung.
19200101             Hingegen samplete man für die Öffentlichkeit einen Übermenschen... evangelical Pat ROBERTSON declared himself "a convert " on global warming.
19200101             -Thyssen (s)establish 3—BANKS :"Thyssen Bank "BERLIN " BANK—VOOR—HANDEL en Scheepvaart,N.V. "ROTTERDAM "Union Banking Corporation" NEW—YORK - 19291231             19200101             -Thyssen (s)establish 3—BANKS:"Thyssen Bank&ldquo.".
19200101             BANK "BERLIN " BANK—VOOR—HANDEL—EN—SCHEEPVAART,N.V. "ROTTERDAM "UNION BANKING CORPORATION" NEW—YORK - 19291231             19200101             —THYSSEN (s)establish 3—BANKS :"Thyssen Bank "BERLIN " BANK—VOOR—HANDEL en Scheepvaart,N.V. "ROTTERDAM "Union Banking Corporation" NEW—YORK - 19291231             19200101—19291231    zwanziger —JAHREN in Bildbänden publiziert WURDEN—SAMMLUNGEN,
19200101             -Thyssen (s)establish 3—BANKS :"Thyssen Bank "BERLIN " BANK—VOOR—HANDEL en Scheepvaart,N.V. "ROTTERDAM "Union Banking Corporation" NEW—YORK - 19291231             19200101             BANK "BERLIN " BANK—VOOR—HANDEL—EN—SCHEEPVAART,N.V. "ROTTERDAM "UNION BANKING CORPORATION" NEW—YORK - 19291231             19200101             —THYSSEN (s)establish 3—BANKS :"Thyssen Bank "BERLIN " BANK—VOOR—HANDEL en Scheepvaart,N.V. "ROTTERDAM "Union Banking Corporation" NEW—YORK - 19291231             19200101—19291231    zwanziger —JAHREN in Bildbänden publiziert WURDEN—SAMMLUNGEN,
19200101—19291231    zwanziger —JAHREN in Bildbänden publiziert WURDEN—SAMMLUNGEN,
19200101—19291231    Die politische Situation im DEUTSCHLAND der ZWANZIGER —JAHRE führte schließlich dazu,
19200101—19291231    HEARST, WILLIAM—RANDOLPH starts "Reefer Madness" hoax in HEARST,
19200101—19291231    zwanziger —JAHREN in Bildbänden publiziert WURDEN—SAMMLUNGEN, "die unsere heutige Vorstellung vom WWI. entscheidend prägen", meint Daniel.
19200101—19291231    HEARST, WILLIAM—RANDOLPH starts "Reefer Madness" hoax in HEARST, WILLIAM—RANDOLPH—NEWSPAPER & magazine publications.
19200101—19291231    —ABOUT—SAME—TIME as the equipment was developed to economically MASS—PRODUCE raw hemp into pulp &fiber for paper,
19200101—19291231    —JAHREN—IN—DEN, wurde durch den STANFORD—ABSOLVENTEN und späteren Präsidenten der USA, HERBERT—HOOVER, DER—GRUNDSTOCK für die spätere Hoover Institution gelegt.
19200101—19391231    -3-Neue Medien... DEUTSCHLAND produzierte in den 20er + 30er —JAHREN—MEHR Filme als alle anderen... e_Zwanziger
19200101—19391231    -3-Neue Medien... DEUTSCHLAND produzierte in den 20er + 30er —JAHREN—MEHR Filme als alle anderen
19210101             Die NC-5, 1—USA—MARINEFLUGZEUG hergestellt von der Naval Aircraft Factory —NACH—DEN Plänen von Curtiss, fliegt mit 5—PASSAGIEREN an Bord 1—STRECKE—VON—702—MEILEN (1129,5—km) in einer Rekordzeit von —9—STUNDEN—15—MINUTEN, also mit einer Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit von 123,44 km/h.
19210101             parlamentarische Mehrheiten zu erreichen,schlug fehl) -19210501             19210101             ITALIEN—MEHR als 200—MENSCHEN bei Überfällen der Faschisten getötet.( Versuch, parlamentarische Mehrheiten zu erreichen,schlug fehl) -19210501             19210101—19210501    ITALIEN—WURDEN mehr als 200—MENSCHEN bei Überfällen der Faschisten getötet.
19210101—19210501    ITALIEN—WURDEN mehr als 200—MENSCHEN bei der FASCHISTEN—ÜBERFÄLLE getötet.
19210101—19210501    Versuch, parlamentarische Mehrheiten zu erreichen,schlug dagegen fehl.
19211023             —INSPIRED, It was, by ALEXANDER—OSTROVSKY—MID 18010101—19001231     play "THE—STORM".
19220000—20170504    * † WILLIAM—BAUMOL, 1—OF—THE—GREAT—ECONOMISTS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    , in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19230000—20190727    * † CARLOS—CRUZ—DIEZ, 1—VENEZUELA—ARTIST who shaped the field of kinetic and optical art —DURING the 19010101—20001231    , in PARIS.
19230101             THE—ANGELUS—TEMPLE, 1—SPIRITUAL—PALACE in the Echo Park neighborhood of LOS—ANGELES, was dedicated by CANADIAN—BORN evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson (18900000—19440000    ), ORGANIZER—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—CHURCH—OF—THE—FOURSQUARE—GOSPEL.
19230101             —SPEED, Sadi Lecointe 19230901             —NEW—AVIATION, record flying 1—AVERAGE—OF—208—MPH at Istres.
19230101             —NAMED, JOHN—DALY (18410000             *), for whom DALY—CITY is, † and was buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in Colma.
19230101             —ARRIVED, He was from BOSTON and had, in the Bay Area alone at age 13—VIA the Isthmus of PANAMA, where his mother † of yellow fever.
19230101             Da schrieb der Jesuit JOHANNES—LINDWORSKY im Vorwort zu seinem Buch Willensschule: "Wenn du willst,
19230101             so kannst du alles; nur musst du wollen können".
19230101             Er wollte den Willen mit Aufgaben wie Fliegenschlucken oder Eiswassertrinken trainieren.
19230101             * ~ MELIN ERNST—LENNART M Gvlbrg SCHWEDEN
19240000             Die politische Situation im DEUTSCHLAND der 19200101—19291231    —JAHRE führte schließlich dazu, dass sich diese Deutungsweise des Krieges politisch, medial, kulturell durchsetzte.
19240101             Die Krolloper in BERLIN, deren Abriss 19140000             begonnen worden ist, wird nach ihrem Wiederaufbau wiedereröffnet.
19240101             die Militärzeitung Krasnaja Swesda in der Sowjetunion
19240101             BUSH, PRESCOTT[S&B917] [families do help their children make 1—START in life, [but] BUSH, PRESCOTT [S&B917] came to regret favor bitterly".In [-19310000] Walker,
19240101             GEORGE—HERBERT 'Bert made BUSH, PRESCOTT[S&B917] VICE—PRESIDENT—OF "W.
19240101             —CONSOLIDATED, Fritz & the other GERMANY—INDUSTRIALISTS, Hitler's [economical/political) power, 1—USA—FINANCIAL—CONNECTION is needed.According to our sources,
19240101             "UNION BANKING CORPORATION " became 1—OUT—AND—OUT—NAZI—MONEY—LAUNDERING machine..
19240101             W. A. Harriman & Company" [merge] "Brown Brothers"(brit)," (BRITISH—USA—INVESTMENT company)[] "Brown Brothers,
19240101             Harriman" BUSH, PRESCOTT [S&B917] VICE—PRESIDENT "W. A. Harriman & Company" became 1—OF "Brown Brothers,
19240101             Harriman" 59—BRDWAY, the new company, senior partners —WHILE "UNION BANKING CORPORATION " 39Broadway(remained at)
19240101             - STEIGERUNG LIQUIDITÄT DER WESTLICHEN KAPITALMÄRKTE NICHT OHNE BEDEUTUNG (ZB:UNGARN)[WK25-443] - 19241231             19240101             - Steigerung Liquidität der westlichen Kapitalmärkte nicht ohne Bedeutung (zB:UNGARN)[wk25-443] - 19241231             19240101—19241231    Steigerung Liquidität der westlichen Kapitalmärkte nicht ohne Bedeutung (zB:UNGARN)[wk25-443]
19240101—19241231    Steigerung Liquidität der westlichen Kapitalmärkte nicht ohne Bedeutung (zB:UNGARN)[wk25-443]
19240101—19300000    —IN—THE, A. Harriman & Company".[Problem was.. speciality: companies trading S with GERMANY] Walker, GEORGE—HERBERT 'Bert'' & Thyssen,
19240301             EMILE—FRADIN (20100000             † age 103), FRANCE—PEASANT, discovered 1—UNDERGROUND chamber containing ancient artifacts that were —LATER dated anywhere from 300—BC to the 14010101—15001231  .
19241104             —INFLUENCED, His musical style, many 19010101—20001231     composers.
19250000             The 1. version, set out 1—NEW doctrine for USA—POWER in the 20010101—21001231    , 1—AGGRESSIVE, unilateral approach that would secure USA—DOMINATION—OF—WORLD—AFFAIRS -
19250000—20160101    * † FORMER—ARKANSAS—GOVERNOR—DALE—BUMPERS, at his home in LITTLE—ROCK.
19250101             Auf der Jahrestagung der AMERICA—ASTRONOMICAL Society stellt EDWIN—HUBBLE seine Erkenntnisse über den Andromedanebel M31 als Galaxie außerhalb der Milchstraße vor.
19250101             die Vereinigten Elektrizitätswerke Westfalen GmbH (VEW) in DORTMUND
19260000             WALKER, GEORGE—HERBERT 'BERT' did sort of favor for hisNEW SON—IN—LAW,
19270101             UNGARN führt als Währung den Peng, statt der bisherigen Krone ein.
19270101             Damit soll der Geldwertschwund durch die starke Inflation eingedämmt und wirtschaftliche Stabilität wiedergewonnen werden.
19280000             Daß Affen Werke höchster literarischer Qualität produzieren, wenn man ihnen nur lange genug Zeit lässt, schreiben MANCHE—WISSENSCHAFTLER auch Huxley,Thomas zu, einem Forscher des 18010101—19001231    , der Darwins, CHARLES—EVOLUTIONSTHEORIE unterstützte.
19280000             Secret Societies and Their Power in The 19010101—20001231     - 5
19281101—19290101    —ON, It replaced Arabic script with Latin script and went into effect.
19290000—20090217    * † SUDAN—WRITER—TAYEB Salih, 1—OF—THE—MOST respected Arab novelists of the 19010101—20001231    , in LONDON where he spent MOST—OF—HIS—LIFE.
19290304             —ASSERTED, Engineers in SF : "the engineer dominates the 19010101—20001231    ".
19290916             —COVERED, This was —LATER among events, in the book "CENSORSHIP—OF—THE—USA—THEATRE in the 19010101—20001231    " (20030000             ).
19300101             —ENGAGED, ALLEN—FIRM " Sullivan & Cromwell" not the only firm, in
19300101             19310000-00.000 .19 34 "W. A. Harriman & Company" sold more than $50—MILLION—OF—GERMANY—BONDS to USAmerican investors (in —JUST—3—YEAR—PERIOD)
19300101             Walker,G.H.(Bert )was),"UNION BANKING CORPORATION "(NY)'s DIREKTOR—PRESIDENT, & the firm was located in the offices of [ 00.000 .19 19—WALKER, GEORGE—HERBERT 'Bert',"G.H.Walker and Company" & Harriman,
19300101             Averil [s&b913] organize] "W.A. Harriman & Company"39—BROADWAY NY [another bank':"G.H.Walker and Company",
19300101             "W.A. HARRIMAN & COMPANY", "Brown Brothers"(brit),"UNION BANKING CORPORATION "(NY),"Sullivan & Cromwell"(NY),
19300101             that specialized in investments in GERMANY.("Acc.TO'THE—SPLENDID—BLOND—BEAST,'CHRISTOPHER—SIMPSON—SEMINAL HISTORY—OF—THE—POLITICS—OF genocide & profit".)]
19300101             —ENGAGED, ALLEN—FIRM "Sullivan & Cromwell" not the only firm, in funding GERMANY) USAmericans ("SOME—USAMERICANS were —JUST bigots & made their connections to NAZI—GERMANY :
19300101             concentration of economic & political power into fewer & fewer hands & the weakening of OUR rights & states RIGHTS to determine OWN futures.
19300101             More & more evident : given the historical record, the structure of their "New World Order" is being built upon THE—FOUNDATION—OF—MARIJUANA—PROHIBITION,
19300101             & only THE—RELEGALIZATION—OF—FREE—MARKET hemp competition can save us.
19300101             Davis, R. William, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY
19300101             funding GERMANY) USAmericans ("SOME—USAMERICANS were —JUST bigots & made their connections to NAZI—GERMANY : supported Fascism...other...USAmericans [supported Fashism] ensuring[PROPAGANDA] their [clients] WELL—COME out of the German "economic recovery"[PROPAGANDA].(Dulles, ALLEN—FIRM "Sullivan & Cromwell" were in it for profit more than ideology[PROPAGANDA]}..arranged investments in/for NAZI—DOMINATED GERMANY.
19300101             Davis, R. William, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY—CONSPIRACY succeeded.
19300101—19391231    —SCHON—SEIT—DIE Wissenschaft beschäftigt sich mit dem exotischen Stoff Antimaterie.
19300101—19391231    -through the Dulles brothers Dulles, Allen & Dulles, JOHN—FOSTER {Dulles, ALLEN—FIRM " Sullivan & Cromwell" not the only firm engaged in
19300101—19391231    conspiracy succeeded.
19300101—19391231    - —DURING THE—DULLES, Allen gained much experience in GERMANY, which made Dulles, Allen ' selection in
19300101—19391231    Its success is directly responsible for the most troubling problems.
19300101—19391231    —NOW in the Present[19960704             ] : serious damage to environment, concentration of economic & political power into fewer & fewer hands & the weakening of OUR rights & states RIGHTS to determine OWN futures.
19300101—19391231    -through the Dulles brothers Dulles, Allen & Dulles, JOHN—FOSTER {Dulles,
19300101—19391231    Through the Dulles brothers Dulles, Allen & Dulles, JOHN—FOSTER {Dulles, ALLEN—FIRM "Sullivan & Cromwell" not the only firm engaged in funding GERMANY) USAmericans ("SOME—USAMERICANS were —JUST bigots & made their connections to NAZI—GERMANY : supported Fascism...other...USAmericans [supported Fashism] ensuring[PROPAGANDA] their [clients] WELL—COME out of the German "economic recovery"[PROPAGANDA].(Dulles, ALLEN—FIRM "Sullivan & Cromwell" were in it for profit more than ideology[PROPAGANDA]}..arranged investments in/for NAZI—DOMINATED GERMANY.
19300101—19391231    It is —NOW obvious that (this) lack of serious competition in the industrial raw materials market causes (the present) - & totally CONTRIVED—ADDICTION to petrochemicals.
19300101—19391231    More & more evident : given the historical record, the structure of their "New World Order" is being built upon THE—FOUNDATION—OF—MARIJUANA—PROHIBITION, & only THE—RELEGALIZATION—OF—FREE—MARKET hemp competition can save us.
19300101—19960704    —DATE19300704             * GEORGE—STEINBRENNER, (GEORGE—MICHAEL—STEINBRENNER, III) businessman and baseball executive in Rocky RIVER—OHIO.
19300101—20121113    —SINCE—THE—FUNDAMENTAL—GOP policy is THAT—OF—THE—USA—CHAMBER—OF—COMMERCE, it is the mission of THE—GOP to make GOVERNMENT so inefficient, so inept, so slow and ineffectual that people will refuse to turn to GOVERNMENT for help, and will spurn big GOVERNMENT at EVERY—TURN.
19310101             Die NSDAP—REICHSLEITUNG zieht in das Braune Haus in München um.
19310101             die SCHWEIZER—LUFTFAHRTGESELLSCHAFT Swissair
19310101             -Über den am gegründeten- "WIRTSCHAFTSPOLITISCHER PRESSEDIENST " der NSDAP ,
19310101             den 60—INDUSTRIE lle bezogen(41) flossen nach AUSSAGE—VON—WALTHER—FUNK in Nürnberg der NSDAP 2—MILLIONEN Reichsmark aus der INDUSTRIE zu.(42)
19310101             -Über den am gegründeten- "Wirtschaftspolitischer Pressedienst " der NSDAP, den 60—INDUSTRIE lle bezogen(41) flossen nach AUSSAGE—VON—WALTHER—FUNK in Nürnberg der NSDAP 2—MILLIONEN Reichsmark aus der Industrie zu.(42)
19320000—20150101    * † DONNA—DOUGLASS, TV actress, in BATON—ROUGE, LOS—ANGELES.
19330101             Das politische Kabarett Die Pfeffermühle wird in München eröffnet.
19330101             in SOLINGEN 24.500—ARBEITSLOSE sind registriert, ca.
19330101             50—PROZENT—DER—EINWOHNER;
19340000—20150101    * † FORMER—LEBANON—PRIME—MINISTER—OMAR—KARAMI, —AFTER suffering from 1 undisclosed illness.
19340101             ANTHONY—EDEN wird neuer Lordsiegelbewahrer in GROSSBRITANNIEN.
19340101             Das Bundesgefängnis auf der Insel Alcatraz in der Bucht von S—FRANCISCO geht nach einem Umbau der vorher als Fort genutzten Baulichkeiten in Betrieb.
19340101             Im neuen Hochsicherheitsgefängnis sollen als unverbesserlich und schwierig eingestufte Häftlinge ihre Haft verbringen.
19340101             Unter den im Laufe des Jahres überstellten Strafgefangenen befinden sich AL—CAPONE und Machine Gun Kelly.
19340101             Das Land Mecklenburg wird aus den Ländern MECKLENBURG—STRELITZ und MECKLENBURG—SCHWERIN gebildet.
19340101             das Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses im DEUTSCHEN—REICH.
19340101             Es sieht vor, dass Menschen, die an so genannten Erbkrankheiten LEIDEN, durch einen chirurgischen Eingriff auch gegen ihren eigenen Willen unfruchtbar gemacht werden können.
19340101             —BECAME, Alcatraz officially, 1—FEDERAL—PRISON.
19340101             —ARRIVED, The 1. prisoners, —IN—AUGUST.
19340101             —BECAME, FEDERAL—DEPOSIT—INSURANCE—CORP., THE—USA—BANK guarantor, effective.
19350000             Aber auch die USA wurden im 19010101—20001231     einer tiefgreifenden Säkularisierung unterworfen.
19350101             Im Zuge der nationalsozialistischen Gleichschaltung wird die Augsburger Börse, Deutschlands 1. Börse aus —DEM—JAHR 15400000             , aufgelöst und mit der Münchner Börse zur Bayerischen Börse zwangsfusioniert.
19360000—20080601    * † YVES—SAINT—LAURENT (1—OF—THE—MOST influential and enduring designers of the 19010101—20001231    , in PARIS.
19361103             In terms of winning the largest percentage of electoral votes, the presidential election of 19360000             was the biggest landslide of the 19010101—20001231  .
19370101             Um den Bedarf der Rüstungsindustrie zu decken, wird im DEUTSCHEN—REICH die Verwendung von Edelstahl für andere Artikel verboten.
19370101             At 1—PARTY at the Hormel Mansion in MINNESOTA, 1—GUEST won $100 for naming 1—NEW canned MEAT—SPAM.
19370101—19360000    —CALLED, SPAM was originally, Hormel Spiced Ham without much success.
19370426             —BECAME, THE—GUERNICA atrocity, synonymous with THE—HORROR—OF—MODERN—WARFARE and inspired 1—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    —GREATEST—WORKS—OF—ART, Guernica, by SPAIN—ARTIST—PABLO—PICASSO.
19380101             das JAPANISCHE—ELEKTRONIKUNTERNEHMEN Pioneer
19380101             die Änderung des Gesetzes über den Verkehr mit Kraftfahrzeugen, mit dem unter anderem das unbedingte Rechtsfahrgebot auf allen Straßen im DEUTSCHEN—REICH eingeführt wird.
19380817—19390101    —AS OF, 1—NEW—DECREE—ORDERS that GERMAN—JEWS may have only JEWISH—1. names.
19390101             die Namensänderungsverordnung für Juden im 3. Reich.
19390726             —SUSPECTED, Archeologist —LATER, that it was 1—EMPTY—GRAVE and memorial for a 06010101—07001231     ANGLO—SAXON CHIEF.
19400101—19450000    s ; GENERAL—MOTORS was, + it too did business with the 3. Reich
19410101             Das Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker findet erstmals am Neujahrstag statt.
19410101             die Änderung des Bürgerrechts in der SCHWEIZ.
19410101             1—ABERKENNUNG—DER—BÜRGERRECHTE ist —JETZT möglich.
19410101             den... USA—PRÄSIDENT—FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT verspricht in einer Rede den...
19410101             Gagarama : Sammlung von ätzend unverschämten BUSH—BILDERN-.
19410101             - Chronik 19410000             19410101—19410228    Der DEUTSCHE—REICHSKOMMISSAR ARTHUR—SEYSS—INQUART führt in den Niederlanden
19410101—19411231    —CHRONIK
19410814             (See 19410924             , See 19420101             )
19410814             THE—FOLLOWING—MONTH 15—ANTI—AXIS—GOVERNMENTS endorse its provisions.
19410814             —THE—FOLLOWING—MONTH 15—ANTI—AXIS governments endorse THE—ATLANTIC—CHARTER provisions.
19410814             —THE—FOLLOWING—MONTH, 15—ANTI—AXIS—GOVERNMENTS endorse its provisions.
19420101             26—STAATEN der ANTI—HITLER—KOALITION unterzeichnen auf Basis der ATLANTIK—CHARTA die Deklaration der Vereinten Nationen in WASHINGTON D. C. Damit wird die Basis für die Gründung der Vereinten Nationen gelegt.
19420101             Atlantic Charter members, including THE—USA, BRITAIN, THE—USSR and 23—OTHER—COUNTRIES—ALL lined up against the Axis, issued 1—JOINT—DECLARATION stressing their solidarity in the defense against Hitlerism.
19420101             SPÄTESTENS—AB —JAHRESBEGINN galt den NAZIs das "Weltjudentum" als verbindendes Element hinter allen alliierten Nationen, mit denen sich DAS—REICH im KRIEG befand.
19420101             Dabei war die NS—BILDPUBLIZISTIK gerade zur visuellen Konstruktion und Erörterung ("Entlarvung") dieses angeblichen "Weltjudentums" auf Bilder angewiesen, deren Herstellung sie selbst nicht ohne Weiteres veranlassen konnte.
19420325             It has been —60—YEARS—SINCE 1—OF—THE—GREAT—MONEY laundering scandals of the 19010101—20001231     ended and only —NOW are we beginning to see the true historical aspects of this important PERIOD—OF—WORLD—HISTORY, 1—HISTORY that the remaining Holocaust survivors beg humanity to "never forget".
19430000             -Propaganda der KRISE—GOEBBELS Reden... einer schwachen Führung + dem Komplott der "Novemberverräter", sowie der zeitnahe STURZ—DES—FASCHISTISCHEN—REGIMES in ITALIEN, wirkten in dieser 20070101             Hier hat sich wenig geändert —SEIT dem STURZ—DER—MONARCHIE, vor allem nicht in den Köpfen, die Regierenden in BERLIN werden als "Novemberverräter... "
19430101             —BEGINNT, Auf Vorschlag des DEUTSCHEN—NORMENAUSSCHUSSES, —DIE—WOCHE in DEUTSCHLAND jeweils —SONNTAGS um 00000101             00—UHR und endet am darauf —FOLGENDEN—SAMSTAG um 00240101             00—UHR.
19430101             —ERST 19760000             wird der Wochenbeginn auf —MONTAG umgestellt.
19430300             1 potted HISTORY—OF—COMPUTERS—EARLY 19010101—20001231     The 1. devices, such as Vannevar BUSH—DIFFERENTIAL—ANALYZER...
19440000—20170101    * † UK—ECONOMIST—ANTHONY—ATKINSON).
19440101             Im DEUTSCHEN—REICH werden die Postleitzahlen durch das Reichspostministerium eingeführt.
19440101             die Mandatsgebiete LIBANON und SYRIEN—VON—FRANKREICH.
19440201             1—LEADING abstract artist in the early HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    , HOLLAND—PAINTER—PIET Mondrian was also 1—LEADING proponent of De Stijl ("THE—STYLE").
19440601             —BROADCASTED, THE—UK—BROADCASTING—CORP., 1—LINE—OF poetry by the 18010101—19001231     FRANCE—POET—PAUL—VERLAINE.
19441224—17000101—18991231     ,die ausgeliehen waren.
19450000             These laid the bases for the tragedies we call the 19010101—20001231    , the bloodiest in history.
19450000             "Such 1—POLITICAL—ECONOMIC—COMMON—INTEREST—ALLIANCE threatened the imperial hegemony of GREAT—BRITAIN. At the turn of the 19010101—20001231    , BRITAIN looked to THE—USA (as its ENGLISH—SPEAKING ally) to join in sabotaging the Hanotaux plan. Through THE—SPANISH—USA—WAR—OF—18980000              and THE—RUSSO—JAPAN—WAR [44]of 19050000             , BRITAIN and her USA—JUNIOR—PARTNER (—BY—THEN led by HENRY—STIMSON—OLD—MENTOR—TEDDY—ROOSEVELT) managed to disrupt THE—FRENCH—GERMAN—RUSSIAN—JAPAN—ECONOMIC—AXIS. 2—WORLD—WARS and the Great Depression were THE—CONSEQUENCES—OF—THAT—INTERFERENCE".[45]
19450000             Yes, ENGLAND—SUCCESS in setting Eurasia on fire is what we —NOW know as the 19010101—20001231    , the bloodiest epoch the world has known.
19450000             this has existed —SINCE the late 18010101—19001231  .
19450000             Book Burning --( Holocaust Encyclopedia ) USA—LIBRARY—ASSOCIATION, "Book Burning in the 19010101—20001231    —1933" -
19450101             Die DEUTSCHE—LUFTWAFFE führt —WWII—IM das Unternehmen Bodenplatte durch, einen Luftangriff auf alliierte Flugplätze in HOLLAND, BELGIEN und FRANKREICH.
19450101             —ADMITTED, FRANCE was, to THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
19450101             —ON Operation Bodenplatte, GERMANY—PLANES attacked USA—FORWARD—AIR—BASES in EUROPE.
19450101             This was the last major offensive of the Luftwaffe.
19451220             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—OFFICE—OF—PRICE—ADMINISTRATION, THE—END—OF—TIRE rationing, effective 19460101             .
19460101             Der neu erbaute Flughafen Heathrow bei LONDON wird eröffnet.
19460101             —VERSTAATLICHT, Die BANK—VON—FRANKREICH wird, die bisherigen Aktionäre werden abgefunden.
19460101             Die MAGIRUS—WERKE erhalten von den Besatzungsmächten die Erlaubnis zur WIEDERAUFNAHME—DER—LKW—PRODUKTION.
19460101             —REJECTED, JAPAN, Emperor Hirohito, the notion that the emperor is 1—LIVING god and the notion that THE—JAPAN—ARE superior to other races and destined to govern the world.
19460421—20090000    —AUTHORED, PETER—CLARKE, "Keynes: The 19010101—20001231    —MOST—INFLUENTIAL—ECONOMIST".
19470000             of the 19010101—20001231  .
19470000             Auslöser des Kalten Krieges im 19010101—20001231     waren die verschiedenen...
19470101             den Vertrag über die Vereinigung der britischen und AMERIKANISCHEN—BESATZUNGSZONE Deutschlands zur Bizone, mit der die Wirtschaftsverwaltung der amerikanischen und BRITISCHEN—BESATZUNGSZONEN zusammengelegt wird.
19470101             —BECAME, CANADA—CITIZENSHIP—ACT—OF—THIS—YEAR, effective.
19470101             It said that citizens living outside CANADA on their 24. birthday would automatically lose their citizenship unless they filled out 1—FORM saying they wished to keep it.
19470101—19770000    —AMENDED, The law was, and raised the age factor to 28.
19480101             das Allgemeine ZOLL—UND Handelsabkommen (GATT).
19480101             eine neue Verfassung, mit der ITALIEN zur REPUBLIK wird.
19480101             ENRICO—DE—NICOLA wird deren 1. Staatspräsident.
19480216             NBC—TV began airing its 1. nightly newscast, "THE—CAMEL—NEWSREEL—THEATRE," which consisted of "19010101—20001231     FOX—MOVIETONE—NEWS" newsreels.
19490101             Der 1. INDISCH—PAKISTANISCHE—KRIEG wegen des KASCHMIR—KONFLIKTS zwischen INDIEN und PAKISTAN endet mit einem durch die UNO vermittelten Waffenstillstand.
19490101             Kaschmir wird in den INDISCHEN—BUNDESSTAAT JAMMU und Kashmir und die unter PAKISTANISCHER—VERWALTUNG stehenden Territorien GILGIT—BALTISTAN (von 19700000             20090000             —BIS unter der Bezeichnung "Nordgebiete") und Asad Kaschmir geteilt.
19490101             ÖSTERREICH erhält von GROSSBRITANNIEN die Kontrolle über die Grenze zu ITALIEN zurück.
19490101             —BROKERED, THE—UN, 1—CEASE—FIRE in Kashmir.
19490101             It granted Kashmir the right to vote on whether to remain in INDIA or to join PAKISTAN.
19490101             No vote took place.
19490921             MAO—TSE—TUNG led his people to power —AFTER HALF—1—CENTURY (50—YRS.) of civil strife.
19500101             die einmal eine bedeutsame politische Kraft waren".Fall out"": [lst]Regime Hussein, SADDAM—EINZELHEITEN z. langen und widerlichen Beziehung zwischen USA & Hussein,
19500101             00.000 .19 53- 00.000 .19 79—IM IRAN HERRSCHTE ÜBER 1—VIERTELJAHRHUNDERT—LANG—1—BRUTALE—DIKTATUR,
19500101             which was PART—OF—DULLES—FASCIST 'FREEDOM—FIGHTERS' PROGRAM".
19500101             00.000 .19 50-00.000 .19 53—HARRIMAN[S&B]S, TOGETHER WITH HIS LAWYERS & BUSINESS PARTNERS,
19500101             00.000 .19 50—DRAPER, WILLIAM—III [S&B950] "DEFENSE DEPARTMENT"[USA] ,UN, "IMPORT—EXPORT BANK"
19500101             (ARTICLE IN "NEW—YORK—TIMES" PUBLISHED)
19500101             POLICY".
19500101             00.000 .19 54 " UNITED FRUIT COMPANY", BERNAYS, EDWARD L.,{[NEPHW] FREUD,
19500101             DULLES had been recruiting NAZI s under THE—COVER—OF—THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICE—OF—POLICY—COORDINATION,whose CHIEF,Wisner,Frank had systematically recruited THE—EAST—EUROPEAN emigre networks that had worked 1. for THE—SS,
19500101             —BECAME, THE—NAZI s' job quickly, to get out the vote for the Republicans.
19500101             In the eyes of the Israelis, DULLES, Allen was the demon who infected Western intelligence with NAZI recruits.
19500101             SADDAM [19630208             ]
19500101             fighters' program". (3)Rockefeller Commission into CIA abuses was filled with old OPC [DULLES—OFFICE—OF—POLICY—COORDINATION] hands like Reagan,Ronald who had been the front man —BACK—IN THE—MONEY—LAUNDERING organization, the "Crusade for Freedom", which was PART—OF—DULLES—FASCIST 'freedom fighters' program".
19500101             Dulles had been recruiting Nazis under THE—COVER—OF—THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICE—OF—POLICY—COORDINATION,whose CHIEF,Wisner,Frank had systematically recruited THE—EAST—EUROPEAN emigre networks that had worked 1. for THE—SS, then the British + finally Dulles".THE—CIA did not know it,but Dulles was bringing them to THE—USA—LESS for intelligence purposes than for political advantage.
19500101—19560116    LIFE—MAGAZINE INTERVIEW.
19500101—19591221    RONALD—REAGAN front man for THE—MONEY—LAUNDERING[GELD—WÄSCHE] ORGANIZATION "Crusade for Freedom",
19500101—19591221    THE—MONEY—LAUNDERING[GELD—WÄSCHE] ORGANIZATION "Crusade for Freedom" was PART—OF—DULLES—FASCIST 'freedom fighters' program".
19500101—19591231    s: Bush Sells "UNION BANKING CORPORATION" Stock
19500101—19591231    Reagan,Ronald front man for THE—MONEY—LAUNDERING organization "Crusade for Freedom",
19500101—19591231    Reagan,Ronald front man for THE—MONEY—LAUNDERING organization "Crusade for Freedom", which was PART—OF—DULLES—FASCIST 'freedom
19500101—19591231    Reagan,Ronald front man for THE—MONEY—LAUNDERING organization "Crusade for Freedom", which was PART—OF—DULLES—FASCIST 'freedom fighters' program". (3)Rockefeller Commission into CIA abuses was filled with old OPC [DULLES—OFFICE—OF—POLICY—COORDINATION] hands like Reagan,Ronald who had been the front man —BACK—IN THE—MONEY—LAUNDERING organization, the "Crusade for Freedom", which was PART—OF—DULLES—FASCIST 'freedom fighters' program".
19500101—19791221    im NAHER—OSTEN der USA Mörderische Bemühungen DIE—SOZIALISTISCHE—ARBEITER—BEWEGUNGEN zu liquidieren,
19500101—19791231    Mörderische Bemühungen der USA, im Nahen Osten die sozialistische Arbeiterbewegungen zu liquidieren,
19500101—19791231    Mörderische Bemühungen der USA, im Nahen Osten die sozialistische Arbeiterbewegungen zu liquidieren, die einmal eine bedeutsame politische Kraft waren".Fall out"": [lst]Regime Hussein, SADDAM—EINZELHEITEN z. langen und widerlichen Beziehung zwischen USA & Hussein, Saddam [19630208             ]
19500501             LOTHROP—STODDARD wrote 1—NUMBER—OF—PROMINENT—BOOKS—OF— 19010101—20001231    —EARLY—SCIENTIFIC—RACISM—INCLUDING "THE—RISING—TIDE—OF—COLOR Against White World Supremacy" (19200000             ).
19500501             He wrote 1—NUMBER—OF—PROMINENT—BOOKS—OF—EARLY 19010101—20001231     scientific racism including "THE—RISING—TIDE—OF—COLOR—AGAINST—WHITE—WORLD—SUPREMACY" (19200000             ).
19510000—20130101    * † MICHAEL—CRONAN, graphic designer, in BERKELEY—CALIFORNIA.
19510101             Als 1. STAAT erklärt INDIEN den Kriegszustand mit DEUTSCHLAND offiziell für beendet.
19510101             Der Industrieminister der DDR, FRITZ—SELBMANN, legt den Grundstein für den 1. Hochofen des Hüttenwerks HERMANN—MATERN bei Fürstenberg an der Oder, des wichtigsten Hüttenwerks der DDR.
19510101             Der 1. Fünfjahresplan der DDR läuft an.
19510101—19500000    —IN, 1—UK—RADIO soap opera called "THE—ARCHERS" began airing —FOLLOWING pilot shows.
19510101—19510919    —GENOMMEN, Die Hütte wird in Betrieb.
19510101—20110000    —IN, The show was about 1—UK—FARMING community and was still popular as it continued.
19510108             —HELPED, DAVID—WINGATE, —15—JAHRE—ALT, 2—SCIENTISTS discover the cahow, aka BERMUDA petrel, 1—NOCTURNAL seabird thought to have been extinct —SINCE the 16010101—17001231  .
19510409             He developed THE—SO—CALLED—BERGEN School of Meteorology, which was successful in advancing weather prediction and meteorology in the early 19010101—20001231  .
19510728—19670000    —A—PROTOCOL, removed limitations to persons fleeing events occurring —BEFORE 19510101             and within EUROPE and thus gave the Convention universal coverage.
19520000—20190101    * † Pegi Young, THE—EX—WIFE—OF—NEIL—YOUNG and CO—FOUNDER—OF—THE—BRIDGE—SCHOOL (19860000             ), in CALIFORNIA —AFTER —1—YEAR—LONG—BATTLE with cancer.
19520101             Die Edition LEIPZIG, Verlag für Kunst und Wissenschaft wird gegründet, die technischen Fachverlage der DDR erhalten ein neues Profil.
19520426             DENMARK, THE—BODY—OF—1—MAN dating to the 02010101—03001231     BC was discovered in peaty swamp near THE—VILLAGE—OF—GRAUBALLE, Jutland.
19530101             Auf den MALEDIVEN wird anstelle des bisherigen Sultanats die REPUBLIK ausgerufen, die jedoch nur für kurze Zeit Bestand hat.
19530101             † Country singer Hank Williams SENIOR (29), of 1—DRUG and alcohol overdose —WHILE enroute to 1—CONCERT—DATE in CANTON—OHIO.
19530101—19980000    —RELEASED, Mercury Records, "THE—COMPLETE—HANK—WILLIAMS," with 225—RECORDINGS.
19530912             —OBLITERATED, His glass and marble PALACE—OF—CONGRESSES, the last vestiges of the 16010101—17001231     palace of Tsarina Natalie Kirilovna Naryshkina, THE—MOTHER—OF—PETER—THE—GREAT.
19530923             The 19010101—20001231     Fox film "THE—ROBE," the 1. movie filmed in THE—CINEMA—SCOPE widescreen process, premiered in HOLLYWOOD, —1—WEEK—AFTER opening in NEW—YORK.
19531005             —RENAMED, SOUTH—AFRICA—BANTU—EDUCATION—ACT, —LATER, the Black Education Act, was passed to become effective 19540101             .
19540000             field, started in the early 19010101—20001231    , pioneered by EDWARD—L—BERNAYS.
19540000             —CHANGED, THE—MEANING—OF—THE—WORD—PROPAGANDA has been radically, —DURING the 19010101—20001231  .
19540000             —FROM the 17. to the 19010101—20001231    ...
19540000             1—NEPHEW—OF—THE—FAMOUS—PSYCHOLOGIST—SIGMUND Freud, EDWARD—BERNAYS impact on the 19010101—20001231     human conscience is widely regarded as massive.
19540223—20050000    —IN, 19540426             —SEE DAVID—M—OSHINSKY authored "Polio: 1—AMERICA—STORY — THE—CRUSADE—THAT—MOBILIZED—THE—NATION—AGAINST the 19010101—20001231    —MOST—FEARED—DISEASE".
19550101             die DEUTSCHEN—RUNDFUNKSENDER NDR und WDR durch Aufteilung des NWDR
19560101             Der freie Verkauf von Kirchenzeitungen in der DDR wird verboten.
19560101             das Kondominium ANGLO—ÄGYPTISCHER—SUDAN unter dem Namen SUDAN—VON—GROSSBRITANNIEN und ÄGYPTEN.
19560101             † LUDGER—MINTROP, DEUTSCHER—GEOPHYSIKER, trug entscheidend zur Entwicklung seismischer Verfahren bei
19560101             —BECAME, SUDAN, independent from BRITAIN.
19560101             NORTH—MUSLIM parties took over rule.
19560101             —DEMANDED, Southerners, autonomy and civil war began.
19560101             —SECEDED, SUDAN, from EGYPT.
19560101             —SEPARATED, This, the Nubian communities SPLIT between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
19560927             —6—YEARS—EARLIER the Associated Press had named her the Greatest Female Athlete of the 1. HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231  .
19561027—19570101    —ON, This took place.
19570101             den VERTRAG—VON—LUXEMBURG, mit dem das SAARLAND der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND beitritt.
19570101             ÖSTERREICH startet die regelmäßige Fernsehausstrahlung.
19570101             —CALLED, THE—NAZIS had, the area "Westmark".
19570101             —WWII—AFTER THE—SAARLAND had come under FRANCE—ADMINISTRATION.
19571020             WALTER—CRONKITE began hosting his weekly documentary: "The 19010101—20001231    ".
19571020—19670000    —IN, the title was changed to "The 20010101—21001231    " and
19580101             Die SCHWEIZ nimmt die reguläre Fernsehausstrahlung auf.
19580101             Mit der Inthronisation von BISCHOF—FRANZ—HENGSBACH wird die Bildung des Bistums ESSEN abgeschlossen.
19580101             die ROM—VERTRÄGE zur Gründung der Europäischen Gemeinschaften.
19580101             Treaties establishing the European Economic Community went into effect.
19580101             —COMMITTED, DOCTOR—DOUGLAS—KELLEY, —45—JAHRE—ALT, psychiatrist, suicide using potassium cyanide.
19580101             He was 1—OF—THE—PSYCHIATRIST used by THE—USA—ARMY to interview Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg and authored the book "22—CELLS in Nuremberg".
19580101             A 19730000             biography was titled "EDWARD—WESTON: —50—YEARS".
19580101             THE—AIR—FORCE had 4—MAJOR—ACCIDENTS involving H—BOMBS.
19580101—19580331    -In the 1. —3—MONTHS—OF—ALONE,
19580101—19580331    -In the 1. —3—MONTHS—OF—ALONE, THE—AIR—FORCE had 4—MAJOR—ACCIDENTS involving H—BOMBS.
19580101—19580331    —DATE 19580101—19980000    —IN, his model Charis Wilson published "Through Another Lens: My Years with EDWARD—WESTON".
19590101             Der KUBANISCHE—DIKTATOR Fulgencio Batista flieht vor der heranrückenden Rebellenarmee der M-26-7 in die DOMINIKANISCHE—REPUBLIK.
19590101             Fidel Castro steht kurz vor der Machtübernahme in der KUBANISCHEN—REVOLUTION.
19590101             —PROCLAIMED, Fidel Castro, the triumph of his revolution from THE—BALCONY—OF—SANTIAGO—CITY—HALL.
19590101             Castro led CUBA—REVOLUTIONARIES to victory over Fulgencio Batista, who fled to THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC.
19590101             —SCRAMBLED, USA—MAFIA, to secure their cash and close casinos AHEAD—OF—CROWDS that took to the streets and trashed their businesses.
19590101             -zog er AM—IM Triumphzug in Havanna ein + nahm eine 5—ZIMMER—SUITE in der 23. Etage des Hilton in Beschlag.
19590101             Das Luxushotel, 1—WAHRZEICHEN—DER—HAUPTSTADT, trägt seither den Revolutionsnamen "Habana Libre".
19590101—20080000    —IN, T.J. ENGLAND—MORROW authored "HAVANA Nocturne: How the Mob Owned CUBA...and Then Lost It to the Revolution".
19600101             Die Währungsreform in FRANKREICH tritt in Kraft.
19600101             Danach hat 1—FRANC —NUN den Wert von 100—ALTEN Franc.
19600101             ARIZONA, wird die 1. Sun City, eine auf die Bedürfnisse von Senioren zugeschnittene Siedlung im Sun Belt der USA, eröffnet.
19600101             das Atomgesetz zur friedlichen Kernenergieverwendung in DEUTSCHLAND.
19600101             das Mandatsgebiet KAMERUN—VON—FRANKREICH.
19600101             even proposed blowing up 1—USA ship + hijacking planes as 1—FALSE pretext for war.
19600101             [ABC, 20010501             ]
19600101—19691231    -s in THE—EARLY—USA s top military leaders drafted plans to kill innocent people +
19600101—19691231    -s in THE—EARLY—USA s top military leaders drafted plan Operation Northwoods approved in writing by USA Pentagon Joint Chiefs,
19600101—19691231    -s in THE—EARLY—USA s top military leaders drafted plans to commit ACTS—OF—TERRORISM in USA—CITIES to trick the public into supporting 1—WAR against CUBA.
19600101—19691231    -s in THE—EARLY—USA s top military leaders drafted plan Operation Northwoods approved in writing by USA Pentagon Joint Chiefs, even proposed blowing up 1—USA ship + hijacking planes as 1—FALSE pretext for war.
19600101—19691231    —IN—THE—S, THE—SUGAR—INDUSTRY paid scientist to downplay the link between sugar and heart disease and promote saturated fat as the culprit instead, newly released historical documents show.
19600101—19691231    —IN—THE—MID s, 1—PLAN which came to nodiing.
19600706             He was 1—KEY—FIGURE on THE—LEFT—OF—THE—PARTY in the mid-19010101—20001231    , and prominently served as THE—MINISTER—OF—HEALTH —DURING the creation of the National Health Service, in which he played 1—VITAL—PART.
19610101             Particularly in CHICAGO—NEW—YORK City, PHILADELPHIA and LOS—ANGELES, as well as in SOME—OTHER—CITIES, the police " RED SQUADS " exceeded the zeal of THE—FBI.
19610101             References - 1
19610101             —UNPRECEDENTED, Rex Niles was an FBI whistleblower + his " cooperation" led to the
19610101             + local police RED SQUADS to fight alleged COLLECTIVIST SUBVERSION.
19610101             COINTELPRO—UK
19610101             Tel "Lie" Vision ( Mind Control vs.
19610101             Self Control) on "Higher Consciousness"... - Toward 1—USA—REVOLUTION - c4
19610101             The 1960s + COINTELPRO: In Defense of Paranoia
19610101             —UNPRECEDENTED, References - 1—REX Niles was an FBI whistleblower + his " cooperation" led to the... + local police red squads to fight alleged collectivist subversion.
19610101             Tel "Lie" Vision ( Mind Control vs. Self Control) on "Higher Consciousness".
19610101             Toward An USA—REVOLUTION - c4
19610101—19701231    19600000             —THE S + COINTELPRO: In Defense of Paranoia
19620101             Der Deutschlandfunk nimmt seinen regulären Sendebetrieb auf.
19620101             Die Beatles machen die 1. Probeaufnahmen bei der Plattenfirma Decca und werden mit der Begründung abgelehnt, dass Gitarrengruppen nicht mehr modern seien.
19620101             1—PUTSCHVERSUCH gegen den PORTUGIESISCHEN—DIKTATOR António de Oliveira Salazar schlägt fehl.
19620101             das Treuhandgebiet SAMOA—VON—NEUSEELAND.
19620721             —PROMOTED, MANY—OF—HIS—WRITINGS, the Whig Party, 1—IMPORTANT—ASPECT—OF—UK—POLITICS from the 16010101—17001231     to the mid-18010101—19001231    , and its successor, the Liberal Party.
19630101             —MURDERED, ARIZONA, Betty Smithey (20), SANDY—GERBERICK, a —15—MONTH—OLD—GIRL she had been babysitting.
19630101             —CONVICTED, Smithey was, and sentenced to prison for life without the possibility of parole.
19630101—20120000    —IN, she was granted parole by THE—ARIZONA—BOARD—OF—EXECUTIVE—CLEMENCY.
19631122             confirming that most paranoid fantasies were underestimations.19600101             19631122             confirming that most paranoid fantasies were underestimations.19600101             19631122             —SHORTLY—BEFORE in the Pentagon, Prouty, Fletcher, experiences.
19640101             —FOUNDED, Fatah, THE—PALESTINE—GUERRILLA—GROUP, by Yasser Arafat, made its 1. armed attack against ISRAEL.
19640101             The annual celebration of this —DAY came to be known as Fatah —DAY.
19640420             He attempted to make 1—COMPLETE—PORTRAIT—SURVEY—OF—19010101—20001231     GERMANY—SOCIETY.
19650807             —REVOKED, The troupe's permit had been, for its adoption of "Il Candelaio.," a 15010101—16001231     play by Giordano Bruno.
19660101             AUSTRALIEN, löst der AUSTRALISCHE—DOLLAR das Pfund Sterling als Währung ab.
19660101             —ÜBERNIMMT, JEAN—BEDEL—BOKASSA, mit einem Militärputsch gegen DAVID—DACKO die Regierung in der ZENTRALAFRIKANISCHEN—REPUBLIK.
19660101             —REACHED, Simon & Garfunkel's "SOUNDS—OF—SILENCE", #1.
19660101             A —12—DAY—TRANSIT—WORKER—STRIKE shut down NEW—YORK—CITY—SUBWAY and buses.
19660101             —BY law all USA cigarette packs began carrying the warning: "Caution!
19660101             Cigarette smoking may be hazardous to your health".
19660101             —BECAME, The 173. Airborne Brigade, the 1. USA—UNIT in the Mekong DELTA—OF—SOUTH—VIETNAM.
19660101             —AM, [FWF]FORUM—WORLD—FEATURES opened its doors.
19660101—19670901    —BECAME, The strike, 1—MAJOR rallying point behind THE—TAYLOR—LAW, which severely curtailed THE—ABILITY—OF—PUBLIC—EMPLOYEES in the state to strike and took effect.
19661226             The holiday runs —FOR—7—DAYS 19661226—19660101    —FROM—TO.
19670000             CIA NARCO—COLONIALISM in the 19010101—20001231              19670000             THE—BIBLE reflects the slightly differing traditions of THE—2—KINGDOMS + —WHEN the north collapsed in the 07010101—08001231     BC + its people fled south, 1—ATTEMPT was made through written texts to unify + reconcile both peoples.
19670000—19670619    20030000             —WITHIN several years, there are plenty of amazing CIA revelations on record, confirming that most paranoid fantasies were underestimations.20190101             60
19670101             —ANNOUNCED, PAUL—VI—PAPA, his Apostolic Constitution (Indulgentiarum Doctrina).
19670101             —ESTABLISHED, He also, this —DAY as World Peace —DAY.
19670101             FRITZ—TEUFEL, DIETER—KUNZELMANN und RAINER—LANGHANS waren ihre prominentesten Protagonisten, die schöne USCHI—OBERMAIER ihr —BIS—HEUTE unvergessenes Maskottchen.
19670101             "Unser Ziel ist das Setzen der Kommune. Setzen der Kommune ist die Voraussetzung von Praxis", hatte der SDS—THEORETIKER BERND—RABEHL in zeittypischer Diktion formuliert.
19670101             -pünktlich AM—DIE Urmutter aller neuen Lebenskollektive war die "Kommune 1", die in BERLIN das Licht der Welt erblickte.
19670207             —SERVED, HENRY—MORGENTHAU, under PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT 19340101—19450722    —FROM—TO.
19670209—19600101    —SINCE, THE—USA—MILITARY said USA—CASUALTIES in THE—VIETNAM—WAR—NOW number 50,529. This included 8,790 killed.
19670824             PAGE—22, and, 1—COTTON MERCHANT—OF—THE—CITY—STATE—OF—BREMEN and 1—OF—THE most successful entrepreneurs of the 18000101—18991231              19670824             PAGE—22, and, 1—COTTON MERCHANT—OF—THE—CITY—STATE—OF—BREMEN and 1—OF—THE most successful entrepreneurs of the 18000101—18991231              19671203             The 19010101—20001231     Ltd., the famed luxury train, completed its final run from NEW—YORK City to CHICAGO.
19671203             The 19010101—20001231     Ltd., the famed luxury train, completed its final run from NEW—YORK City to CHICAGO.
19680000—19420000    —IN, Love Canal was 1—NEVER—USED, late 18010101—19001231     hydroelectric channel that was sold to the Hooker Chemical company.
19680101             Bei Überschwemmungen im Bundesstaat Bahia in BRASILIEN gibt es über 200—TOTE und rund 50.000—OBDACHLOSE.
19680101             Die Mehrwertsteuer wird in der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND eingeführt.
19680101             Sie beträgt 10 %, ist aber für bestimmte Produkte (Nahrungsmittel, Druckerzeugnisse...) auf 5 % ermäßigt.
19680101             BERLIN, findet die Uraufführung des KURZ—DRAMAS Ariadne von BORIS—BLACHER statt.
196801011231         Es war kein gutes —JAHR für DIE—USA:
19680101—19681231    —MARKED, THE—YEAR was, by protest marches.
19680101—19980000    —PUBLISHED, Tariq Ali and SUSAN—WATKINS : "1968: Marching in the Streets".
19690000             Page 1 20010101—21001231     HOLDING COMPANY NOTICE—OF—ANNUAL MEETING OF...-
19690101             die Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale (WestLB), an ihrem Gründungstag das größte bundesdeutsche Kreditinstitut
19690101             —HAPPENED, MANY—HORRIBLE—THINGS, —THAT—YEAR, as racism beget riots, THE—MEDIA made CHARLES—MANSON the new face of the hippie movement,
19690101             —MAINTAINED, Most Americans, good values.
19690101             —REMAINED, Nevertheless, we, prosperous -- because the New Deal still lived.
19690101             USA—PRESIDENT—RICHARD—M—NIXON grew increasingly paranoid as
19690101             USA—PRESIDENT—RICHARD—M—NIXON sank us deeper into the tarpits of 1—FOOLISH—WAR.
19690101             we had JACK—KIRBY upending the minds of —10—YEAR—OLDS everywhere, we had young people unashamedly saying "peace"as they came and went -- and we had Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walking on the goddamned Moon.
19690101             We had the Durants on our MIDDLE—CLASS bookshelves, we had LEONARD—BERNSTEIN giving the downbeat, we had STANLEY—KUBRICK transforming our movie houses into TEMPLES—OF—TRANSCENDENCE,
19690904             —SIGNED, CALIFORNIA, GOVERNOR—RONALD—REAGAN, the 1. NO—FAULT divorce package into law, effective 19700101             .
19700101             Der neue Allgemeine ROM—KALENDER—DER—RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHEN Kirche tritt in Kraft.
19700101             —BEGINNT, Die UNIX—ZEITRECHNUNG Epoch.
19700101             Jimi Hendrix and his Band of Gypsies, BILLY—COX and BUDDY—MILES, performed 4—SHOWS on New Years Eve and —DAY at the Fillmore East in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19700101             —RELEASED, The recording "Band of Gypsies" was, —IN—APRIL.
19700101             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—NIXON, the National Environmental Policy Act into law.
19700101             THE—FAMILY—LAW—ACT took effect in CALIFORNIA. It included NO—FAULT divorce.
19700101             SF, Officer ERIC—ZELMS was fatally shot —WHEN 2—BURGLARS surprised him and gained CONTROL—OF—HIS—GUN.
19700101             The burglars were —LATER CONVICTED—OF—MURDER and sentenced 8 to —10—YEARS.
19700101             invented by Pauley, Edwin, say several of our sources,was the man.
19700101             At 1—POINT—CIA—AGENTS used "PEMEX", THE—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT'S—OIL monopoly,as 1—BUSINESS—COVER at the same time Pemex was being used as 1—MONEY laundry for Pauley,
19700101             EDWIN—CAMPAIGN contributions.
19700101             GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—POLITICAL and intelligence career..".Pauley,
19700101             He,Pauley, Edwin was BUSH, GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—BUSINESS associate,
19700101             1—FRONT man for Dulles,ALLEN—CIA [ALLEN—DULLES was CIA director then],
19700101             and ORIGINATOR—OF—THE—USE—OF—MEXICO—OIL—FRONTS to create 1—SLUSH fund for Nixon,RICHARD—VARIOUS—CAMPAIGNS...
19700101             Although it is not widely known,Pauley, Edwin,
19700101             in fact, had been 1 committed, if 'secret,' Nixon supporter —SINCE
19700101             00.000 .19 71 "Black Panther Party" riddled with FBI agents & other dirty tricksters.
19700101             Newton, Huey, in OAKLAND penthouse overlooking Lake Merrittis is living 1—UXURY.
19700101             Doubt that "security" is the only reason.
19700101             00.000 .19 73—PROUTY, Fletcher "THE—SECRET—TEAM" PRENTICE—HALL 1. published.THE—CONTENT—OF—THE—BOOK itself has never been 1—ISSUE;
19700101             everyone agrees that it is valuable.
19700101             00.000 .19 71 Looked like having escaped from prison sentence,but 1—HIGHER—COURT reverses the conviction for refusing induction.
19700101             THE—NINTH—CIRCUIT—RULES that draft BOARD—PUNITIVE actions were illegal, and saysd that the district court also screwed up.
19700101             That file, quite thick —BY—THEN, is sent back to the draft BOARD.
19700101             They lost no time in ordering him to report for 1—PRE—INDUCTION—PHYSICAL—THE 1. stop on the way to VIETNAM.
19700101             invented by Pauley, Edwin, say several of our sources,was the manAt 1—POINT—CIA—AGENTS used Pemex,
19700101             THE—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT'S—OIL monopoly,as 1—BUSINESS—COVER at the same time Pemex was being used as 1—MONEY laundry for Pauley,
19700101             —PLAYED, As we shall see, THE—MEXICAN—CIA—CONNECTION, 1—IMPORTANT—PART in THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—BUSH ,GEORGE—H—POLITICAL and intelligence career.
19700101             Pauley, Edwin, say the 'old spies,'was the man who brought all THE—THREADS—OF—THE—MEXICO—CONNECTION together.
19700101             He,Pauley, Edwin was BUSH ,GEORGE—H—BUSINESS—ASSOCIATE, 1—FRONT—MAN for DULLES ,ALLEN—CIA [ALLEN—DULLES was CIA director then],
19700101             "Run away from the light": Such might be the motto of aNEW, COVERT POLICY that THE—BUSH [BGW968] administration is considering implementing.
19700101             seine Schuhe in die Richtung BUSH s geworfen, der sich jedoch wegduckte und nicht getroffen wurde.
19700101             ONLINE—FLYER NUMBER 175—DIE eigentliche Wahrheit hinter der Verstaatlichung der "Citigroup" Von der Krise zur Katastrophe
19700101—19791221    as PART—OF—PRESIDENT—RICHARD—M.—NIXON—WATERGATE—SCANDAL, refined intelligence [GELD—WÄSCHE]MONEY—LAUNDERING—SYSTEM in MEXICO, invented by EDWIN—PAULEY, say several of our sources,was the manAt 1—POINT—CIA—AGENTS used Pemex, THE—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT—OIL monopoly,as 1—BUSINESS—COVER at
19700101—19791231    as PART—OF—NIXON—WATERGATE scandal, refined intelligence MONEY—LAUNDERING system in MEXICO,
19700101—19791231    'P2OG' allows USA Pentagon to fight dirty:
19700101—19791231    Timeline
19700101—19791231    as PART—OF—NIXON—WATERGATE scandal, refined intelligence MONEY—LAUNDERING system in MEXICO, invented by Pauley, Edwin, say several of our sources,was the man.
19700101—19791231    At 1—POINT—CIA—AGENTS used "Pemex", THE—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT—OIL monopoly,as 1—BUSINESS—COVER at the same time Pemex was being used as 1—MONEY laundry for Pauley, EDWIN—CAMPAIGN—CONTRIBUTIONS.
19700101—19791231    —PLAYED, As we shall see, THE—MEXICAN—CIA—CONNECTION, 1—IMPORTANT—PART in THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—BUSH, GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—POLITICAL and intelligence career..".Pauley, Edwin, say the 'old spies,'was the man who brought all THE—THREADS—OF—THE—MEXICO—CONNECTION together. He,Pauley, Edwin was Bush, GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—BUSINESS—ASSOCIATE, 1—FRONT—MAN for Dulles,ALLEN—CIA [ALLEN—DULLES was CIA director then], and ORIGINATOR—OF—THE—USE—OF—MEXICO—OIL—FRONTS to create 1—SLUSH fund for Nixon,RICHARD—VARIOUS—CAMPAIGNS..".Although it is not widely known,Pauley, Edwin, in fact, had been 1 committed, if 'secret,' Nixon supporter —SINCE
19700101—19791231    as PART—OF—NIXON—WATERGATE scandal, refined intelligence MONEY—LAUNDERING system in MEXICO, invented by Pauley, Edwin, say several of our sources,was the manAt 1—POINT—CIA—AGENTS used Pemex, THE—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT—OIL monopoly,as 1—BUSINESS—COVER at the same time Pemex was being used as 1—MONEY laundry for Pauley, EDWIN—CAMPAIGN—CONTRIBUTIONS.
19700101—19971231    Timeline MEXICO... to life in prison.
19700101—19990000    —IN, a 2-disk CD, "Live at the Fillmore East" was released.
19700401—19710101    —AFTER, PRESIDENT—NIXON signed 1—MEASURE banning cigarette advertising on radio and television, to take effect.
19701010             —BECAME, THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC—ISLAND—OF—FIJI, independent —AFTER nearly 1—CENTURY—OF—UK—RULE.
19710101             KÖNIGIN—ELISABETH—II. verleiht der Schriftstellerin Agatha Christie den Titel Dame COMMANDER—OF—THE—BRITISH—EMPIRE.
19710101             THE—USA—BEGAN a 2. —DECADE—OF—INVOLVEMENT in VIETNAM.
19710101             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—BAN on TV  Cigarette ads went into effect.
19720101             der Österreicher KURT—WALDHEIM als UN—GENERALSEKRETÄR.
19720101             die Vereinbarung zwischen POLEN und der DDR über den PASS—UND visumfreien Grenzverkehr.
19720101             "Promises Promises" closed at Shubert Theater NEW—YORK—CITY—AFTER 1281—PERFORMANCES.
19720101             KURT—WALDHEIM (19180000—20070000    ) of AUSTRIA began serving as THE—UN—SECRETARY—GENERAL.
19720101             Bei der kommunalen Neuordnung auf Grund des AACHEN—GESETZES zum. kam BÜRVENICH/EPPENICH vom AMTS—BEZIRK NIDEGGEN—KREIS—DÜREN zur STADT—ZÜLPICH—KREIS—EUSKIRCHEN.
19720101             MIT WIRKUNG VOM, Diese neue Gemeinde wurde —BEREITS wieder aufgelöst.
19720101             MIT WIRKUNG VOM, KRAUTHAUSEN wurde ZUSAMMEN—MIT—DER Gemeinde LENDERSDORF in die Kreisstadt DÜREN eingegliedert.
19720101             —AM, gebildeten neuen KREIS—DÜREN.
19720101—19580000    —IN—THE, He sang "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" film "Gigi".
19720101—19820101    —UNTIL, He continued.
19720815             —REVIVED, This, a 15010101—16001231     practice by itinerant artists who traveled from village to village for religious and folk festivals.
19721107—19700000    —IN, JESSE—HELMS (19210000—20080000    ) of NORTH—CAROLINA, who had switched to THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY, was elected to THE—USA—SENATE, the 1. Republican from NC in the 19010101—20001231  .
19721214             —BLASTED, Astronauts Schmitt and Cernan, off from the moon to join the command module AMERICA in lunar orbit, thus ending AMERICA's manned lunar exploration for the 19010101—20001231  .
19730101             den Vertrag, mit dem IRLAND, DÄNEMARK und GROSSBRITANNIEN der EWG beitreten.
19730101             Die beiden letzteren treten gleichzeitig aus der EFTA aus.
19730101             —ADMITTED, THE—EUROPEAN—ECONOMIC—COMMUNITY (EEC), the forerunner to THE—EU, BRITAIN, IRELAND and DENMARK even though they made chocolate containing 1—SMALL—PERCENTAGE—OF—VEGETABLE—FAT.
19730101             —REQUIRED, Members as, handed away CONTROL—OF—TRADE—DEAL—NEGOTIATION.
19730101             —AM, in den gemeinsamen Markt führte".
19730101—19730331    1. QUARTER—OF—FOR—THE, 1—AESP/MAUE ACTIVITY—REPORT gives 1—GLIMPSE—OF—THE—WORK carried out by THE—ACADEMY on this operation:
19740101             In der westdeutschen Bundesrepublik werden DREIPUNKT—SICHERHEITSGURTE für die Vordersitze für neu zugelassene Pkw zur Pflicht.
19740101             die ANORDNUNG—DES—DDR—INNENMINISTERIUMS, mit der das KFZ—KENNZEICHEN D für den internationalen Verkehr durch das Kennzeichen DDR ersetzt wird.
19740101             —1— In BRITAIN a —3—DAY—WORK—WEEK went into effect —FOLLOWING 1—POWER—SHORTAGE caused by striking miners.
19740101             885,000—PEOPLE registered as unemployed.
19740101             Nawab Akbar Shahbaz Khan Bugti (19270000—20060000    ), GOVERNOR—OF—BALOCHISTAN, PAKISTAN, resigned shortly —AFTER Bhutto launched 1—ARMY—OPERATION in Balochistan.
19740101             —DEPLOYED, The army had, 100,000—MEN in Baluchistan and with THE—HELP—OF—THE—IRAN—AIR—FORCE killed large numbers of Baluchis.
19740101—19720000    —ESTABLISHED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—SUPPLEMENTAL—SECURITY—INCOME (SSI) program, by Congress, began providing new benefits for the aged, blind and disabled.
19740403—20070000    —AUTHORED, MARK—LEVINE, "F5: Devastation, Survival, and the Most Violent Tornado Outbreak of the 19010101—20001231    ".
19750000             —ENDOWED, Elihu Yale, the college from 1—FORTUNE made with THE—EAST—INDIA Company —AT—THE—END—OF—THE 16010101—17001231  .
19750000             And empire, 1—MIGHT add.
19750101             die Fristenlösung beim Schwangerschaftsabbruch in ÖSTERREICH.
19750101             die Änderung von § 2—BGB, mit der die Grenze zur Volljährigkeit in DEUTSCHLAND—VON—21—AUF —18—JAHRE gesenkt wird.
19750101             "Watergate" became shorthand for THE—BURGLARY—OF—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—OFFICES in WASHINGTON—WATERGATE office complex.
19750101             The burglars were caught and found to have WHITE—HOUSE—CONNECTIONS.
19750101             THE—FEDERAL—HOURLY—MINIMUM—WAGE—ROSE to $2.10 an —HOUR.
19750101             —ON New —YEAR—DAY—COMMUNIST—TROOPS launched 1—OFFENSIVE which, in —117—DAYS—OF—THE—HARDEST—FIGHTING—OF—THE—WAR, collapsed the Khmer Republic.
19750101—19961000    —IN, ROBERT—MARDIAN (19230000—20060000    ), attorney for THE—COMMITTEE—TO—RE—ELECT—THE—PRESIDENT (CREEP), was also convicted, but 1—APPEALS—COURT, reversed his conviction.
19760101             In der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND wird die Angurtpflicht für Vordersitze und Erwachsene eingeführt.
19760101             —REPLACED, NBC, the peacock logo.
19760101             —RELAXED, CALIFORNIA, the Moscone Act, which, marijuana laws, went into effect.
19760101             —AM, ging die Sonne auch über den Ungläubigen wieder auf -
19761011             —BECAME, THE—USA—TOXIC—SUBSTANCES—CONTROL—ACT, law with 1—EFFECTIVE—DATE—OF—19770101           .
19761019             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—FORD, THE—USA—COPYRIGHT—ACT—OF—19760000             , effective as of 19780101             .
19761019—20020000    —DECLARED, The act also, that records created —BEFORE 19780101             enter the public domain, provided that they are over —100—YEARS—OLD or THE—CREATOR—OF—THE—RECORDS has been dead —50—YEARS.
19761204             —AUTHORED, PAUL—KILDEA —LATER, "BENJAMIN—BRITTEN: 1—LIFE in the 19010101—20001231    " (20130000             ).
19770101             Die Charta 77, 1—PETITION gegen die Menschenrechtsverletzungen des kommunistischen Regimes in der Tschechoslowakei, wird mit 242—UNTERSCHRIFTEN veröffentlicht.
19770101             Unmittelbarer Auslöser ist die VERHAFTUNG—DER—UNDERGROUND—BAND THE—PLASTIC—PEOPLE—OF—THE—UNIVERSE.
19770619             —PROCLAIMED, PAUL—VI—PAPA, a 18010101—19001231     PHILADELPHIA BISHOP, JOHN—NEUMANN, the 1. MALE USA saint.
19780101             1—BOEING 747—DER Air INDIA stürzt —MINUTEN—NACH—DEM START—VON—BOMBAY ins Meer.
19780101             Alle 213—MENSCHEN an Bord sterben.
19780101             USA—COPYRIGHT—LAW—OF—20070000              held that the rights to songs written —BEFORE this date expire —75—YEARS—AFTER they were published.
19780101             1—AIR—INDIA jet exploded in midair and killed 213—PEOPLE—NEAR—BOMBAY.
19780101             -DREIPÄPSTEJAHR, In die ANNALEN einging als das
19780101—19771100    —BECAME, THE—USA—FEDERAL—MINIMUM—WAGE, set at $2.65 an —HOUR, effective.
19780101—19780000    —AFTER, USA—SONGS written would hold their copyright —FOR—50—YEARS—AFTER the death of the songwriter.
19780101—20011231    —FROM—THROUGH-.Key : The "Career Total" column represents the total AMOUNT—OF—PRO—ISRAEL—PAC money received
19781227             —GRANTED, THE—BASQUE—COUNTRY—FISCAL privileges, —DURING the 18010101—19001231     and then partially abolished —DURING GENERAL—FRANCISCO—FRANCO'S 19390000—19750000     dictatorship, were finally restored —THIS—YEAR in SPAIN—DEMOCRATIC—CONSTITUTION.
19790101             Die USA brechen die diplomatischen Beziehungen zur REPUBLIK CHINA ab und erkennen stattdessen die Volksrepublik CHINA an.
19790101             die Abstimmung, mit der Jura sich vom Kanton BERN abspaltet und als eigener Kanton der SCHWEIZERISCHEN—EIDGENOSSENSCHAFT beitritt.
19790101             die Vereinbarung zwischen ÖSTERREICH und UNGARN, mit der die gegenseitige Visumpflicht im Reiseverkehr aufgehoben wird.
19790101             CHINA and THE—USA—HELD celebrations in BEIJING and WASHINGTON to mark the establishment of diplomatic relations between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
19790101             —ARRANGED, Deng Xiaoping, to visit THE—USA.
19790101             —STANDARDIZED, CHINA, THE—SPELLING—OF—PEOPLE and place names using the Pinyin system.
19790101             —BECAME, Peking thus, BEIJING.
19790101             —AM, —WHEN AMERICA switched diplomatic recognition from TAIWAN to THE—PRC.
19790101             —ON.
19790226             This was the last total solar eclipse of the 19010101—20001231     for the continental USA.
19800101             00.000 .19 80—SKLAR, Holly edits a fat volume on "Trilateral Commission".
19800101             This book began as 1—CLASSIC—OF left POWER—STRUCTURE—RESEARCH,( is best known, is 1—STAPLE on the populist, ANTI—ELITIST—RIGHT in 00.000 .19 92 )
19800101             00.000 .19 80—MICROCOMPUTER IN ACTION.
19800101             JOHN was key player in THE—IRAN—CONTRA "private" pipeline, meeting with Latin USA—LEADERS + generals.
19800101             —ADDED, MISTER—NORQUIST, JACK—ABRAMOFF and RALPH—REED, streamlined the College Republican national structure turned away from the establishment and toward conservatism.
19800101             "—DURING his tenure, the College Republican s gained 1—REPUTATION for hard hitting activism.
19800101             They built and destroyed 1—PSEUDO—BERLIN—WALL for the press and printed THOUSANDS—OF—POSTERS depicting marching RUSSIA—TROOPS with the caption,
19800101             Terremoto de grande intensidade Grupo Central do arquipélago dos Açores, que destruiu cerca de 80% dos edifícios da CIDADE—DE—ANGRA do Heroísmo causando enormes danos não só na ILHA—TERCEIRA mas também em na ilha de SÃO—JORGE na ilha Graciosa.
19800101—19891231    —THROUGHOUT the s SINGLAUB,
19800101—19891231    —IMPLICATED, Negroponte, John, in systematic human rights abuses in CENTRAL—AMERICA,
19800101—19891231    "As Executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—COLLEGE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—COMMITTEE—IN the s- he oversaw THE—TRANSFORMATION—OF—THE—COMMITTEE into 1—CONSERVATIVE grassroots powerhouse for the Reagan adiministration.
19800101—19891231    —THROUGHOUT the s SINGLAUB, JOHN served as CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—WORLD—ANTI—COMMUNIST—LEAGUE,ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE FRONT 1—GLOBAL—NETWORK—OF—NAZIS + fascists + RIGHT—WING spooks devoted to mass slaughter financed through drug dealing. as 1—OFFICIAL—EMISSARY—OF—PRESIDENT—REAGAN—SINGLAUB, JOHN was key player in THE—IRAN—CONTRA "private" pipeline, meeting with Latin USA—LEADERS + generals.
19800415—20000000    —AUTHORED, BERNARD—HENRI—LEVY, "Sartre: THE—PHILOSOPHER—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    ".
19800530             —ARRIVED, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, in FRANCE on the 1. visit by THE—HEAD—OF—THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH—SINCE the early 18010101—19001231  .
19800800             NUGAN HAND BANK P2 Banco Ambrosiano, MARC—RICH, 19010101—20001231     Fox, LAPD file Blackmail Computers...
19810101             Die European Currency Unit (ECU) löst in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft die Europäische Rechnungseinheit (ERE) als gemeinsame Bezugsgröße für die Einzelwährungen ab.
19810101             den Vertrag, mit dem GRIECHENLAND der EWG beitritt.
19810101             —CONSIDERED, Children born from this —DAY on were, to be part of "Generation Y," as opposed to "Generation X," born 19660000—19790000    —BETWEEN, which followed the baby boomers.
19810101             ROGER—SMITH (19250000             *) took office as chairman and CEO—OF—GENERAL—MOTORS.
19810101             —JOINED, GREECE, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
19810101—20010101    —ON, It joined the Eurozone, allowing it to be among the 1. GROUP—OF—COUNTRIES that issued euro banknotes 20020101             —ON.
19820101             der Peruaner Javier Pérez de Cuéllar als UN—GENERALSEKRETÄR.
19820101             CECIL—WILLIAMS (19290000             *), THE—PASTOR—OF—S—FRANCISCO—GLIDE—MEMORIAL—CHURCH, oo Janice Mirikitani (19410000             *).
19820101             Both had children from previous marriages.
19820200             Die moslemische arabische Welt sei nur 1—KARTENHAUS, das von den Kolonalmächten Britannien und FRANKREICH im 18010101—19001231     errichtet wurde.
19820402             ARGENTINA had laid claims to the territories —SINCE the 18010101—19001231    , but spurred by 1 related dispute on SOUTH—GEORGIA ISLAND and political expediency, the military government of ARGENTINA invaded THE—FALKLAND—ISLANDS.
19830101             Im Arpanet, dem Vorläufer des Internets, wird das Protokoll NCP gegen das —HEUTE noch verwendete TCP/IP ausgetauscht.
19830101             —DECLARED, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, —THIS—YEAR to be 1—EXTRAORDINARY—HOLY—YEAR to mark the 1,950. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—DEATH and resurrection of Jesus Christ in —YEAR 33.
19830101             —BECAME, TCP/IP, the standard for INTERNET protocol.
19830301—20090000    —AUTHORED, MICHAEL—SCAMMELL, "Koestler: THE—LITERARY and Political Odyssey of a 19010101—20001231     Skeptic".
19840101             BRUNEI vom Vereinigten Königreich GROSSBRITANNIEN und Nordirland.
19840101             Der USA—AMERIKANISCHE—TRUST AT&T gibt als Folge des 19740000             —J—IM—VON—DER—REGIERUNG gegen ihn eingeleiteten Antitrustverfahrens große Teile seines Telefongeschäftes an 7—VON ihm unabhängige Telekommunikationsnetzbetreiber ab.
19840101             In der REPUBLIK CHINA (TAIWAN) wird der KENTING—NATIONALPARK eingerichtet.
19840101             Mit WDR 4—GEHT vom Westdeutschen Rundfunk in Köln ein reiner Schlagersender auf Sendung.
19840101             —DIVESTED—OF, THE—BREAK—UP—OF—AT&T took place as the telecommunications giant was, its 22—BELL System companies under terms of 1—ANTITRUST agreement.
19840101             8—NEW—COMPANIES were formed including USA—WEST.
19840101—19320000    —SEIT, Das KABEL—PILOTPROJEKT Vorderpfalz ermöglicht erstmals private Rundfunksender, darunter PKS, der 19850000             den Namen SAT.1 erhält.
19840709             1—FIRE destroyed the roof in the south transept of the 11010101—12001231     YORK Minster.
19850000             —LAUNCHED—MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY—MEDIA—LAB has engaged in the innovations that helped drive the digital revolution of the late 19010101—20001231  .
19850101             Die dänische autonome Region GRÖNLAND verlässt als 1. Gebiet die EG.
19850101             Die generische wird eingerichtet und mit gleichzeitig die 1. DOMAIN—REGISTRIERUNG vorgenommen.
19850101             In den meisten EG—MITGLIEDSTAATEN werden die 1. europäischen Pässe ausgestellt.
19850101             THE—1.—USA mandatory seat belt law went into effect in NEW—YORK.
19850101             FLORIDA, THE—BODY—OF—TONYA—MCKINLEY, —23—JAHRE—ALT was found in Pensacola.
19850101             —STRANGLED, She had been, and sexually assaulted.
19850101             † MUSTAFA—MAAROUF—SAAD (20020000             , ), LEBANON—MILITIA—LEADER, lost his sight in 1—CAR—EXPLOSION in front of his house in Sidon.
19850101             —KILLED, His daughter (13) was, and his wife lost 1—EYE.
19850101—20200000    —IN, police arrested DANIEL—WELLS, —57—JAHRE—ALT—AFTER using family tree DNA evidence.
19860000             1—EXAMPLE—OF wretched excess in the 19010101—20001231     is WHEELER—DEALER—ADNAN—KHASHOGGI.
19860101             den Vertrag, mit dem PORTUGAL und SPANIEN der EWG beitreten.
19860101             —THREATENED, LIBYA—LEADER—MOAMMAR Khadafy, to retaliate if attacked as THE—USA—BUILT its strength in the Mediterranean.
19860101             PORTUGAL adere à União Europeia
19860101             PORTUGAL e ESPANHA entram na União Europeia.
19870101             Radio Moskau sendet in der Sowjetunion die Neujahrsansprache des USA—PRÄSIDENTEN RONALD—REAGAN an das sowjetische Volk.
19870101             It provided the final step in the institutionalization of the Sandinista regime and the framework under which the Chamorro government would take office.
19870101             —19760000—19771231 UN reports on torture ASSASSINATIONS—ASSOCIATED with COLONIA DIGNIDAD, strong supporter of THE—CHRISTIAN—DEMOCRATS was GERHARD—MERTINS—OF—MEREX, who praised COLONIA DIGNIDAD as 1—IMPORTANT—FACTOR in its geographical area.
19871200             Tape 840 19880101             , Side 1:
19880000             —SINCE ] -19910101             19880000             (THE—WAILING—WALL in JERUSALEM is the western wall of the 2. Temple, built on the site of the 1. in the 05010101—06001231     BC).
19880000             JOHN—HARRIS, welcome to the 20010101—21001231  .
19880101             —EXCHANGED, PRESIDENT—REAGAN and SOVIET—LEADER—MIKHAIL—GORBACHEV, optimistic New —YEAR—GREETINGS, expressing mutual hope they would reach 1—ARMS—CONTROL—TREATY on strategic weapons within —6—MONTHS.
19880101             1—INDUSTRY in which the rate of personal injury is 173—PERSONS per working —DAY, 3—TIMES the average of all remaining USA—FACTORIES.
19880101             GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER' s Task Force on Regulatory Relief.)
19880101             00.000 .19 88—USA—PRESIDENTIAL election.
19880101             (THE—MEAT—PACKING industry is 1—IMPORTANT—CASE—STUDY—OF—THE—IMPACT—OF—BUSH, Walker, GEORGE—HERBERT—TASK—FORCE on Regulatory Relief.)
19880101—19881231    there were only 176—OSHA, Occupational Safety & Health Administration inspections in meat packing plants,
19880101—19881231    there were only 176—OSHA, Occupational Safety & Health Administration inspections in meat packing plants, 1—INDUSTRY in which the rate of personal injury is 173—PERSONS per working —DAY, 3—TIMES the average of all remaining USA—FACTORIES.
19880425             —ASSOCIATED, She was often, with THE—BRAZIL—CONSTRUCTIVIST—MOVEMENTS—OF—THE—MID—19010101—20001231     and the Tropicalia movement.
19880808             BURMA, 1—UPRISING began —AFTER more than 1—QUARTER—OF—1—CENTURY—OF—MILITARY—RULE and INTERNATIONAL isolation that had condemned ONCE—PROSPEROUS—COUNTRY to poverty.
19881122             —CONSIDERED, LOUIS—BARRAGAN (19020000             *), the most important MEXICO—ARCHITECT—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    , † in MEXICO—CITY.
19890000             —IN ; became 1—CENTER—OF—SHI'ITE Islam in the 07010101—08001231     AD + 1—PLACE—OF—PILGRIMAGE in the 16010101—17001231    ;
19890000             10—KINGS and 400—ISLAMIC—HOLY—MEN buried there;
19890000             largest theological college in IRAN; —TODAY 1—PETROLEUM distribution center, with petrochemical...
19890101             —BEGINNT, Der Privatsender ProSieben, den Sendebetrieb; Vorläufer war Eureka TV.
19890101             das Montrealer Protokoll über Stoffe, die zu einem Abbau der Ozonschicht führen, in dem konkrete Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Ozonschicht geregelt werden.
19890101             —DISTANCED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—MARGARET—THATCHER, herself from USA vows to punish whoever bombed Pam Am Flight 103, saying in 1—TV—INTERVIEW that revenge "can affect innocent people".
19890101             —DISTANCED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—MARGARET—THATCHER, herself from USA vows to punish
19890101             —DISTANCED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—MARGARET—THATCHER, herself from USA vows to punish... 19890419             , ADNAN—KHASHOGGI, 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—FINANCIER, was arrested in...
19890323             —CALLED, What has been, "the most enormous conflict in basic science of the 19010101—20001231    " began.
19900101             der von der UNCITRAL entworfene UNITED—NATIONS Convention on Contracts for THE—INTERNATIONAL—SALE—OF—GOODS (CISG) über den internationalen Warenkauf.
19900101             DAVID—DINKINS was sworn in as NEW—YORK CITY—1. black mayor.
19900101—19991231    —IN—THE, nearly everyone saw THE—CLINTON—CHRONICLES, 1—CONSPIRACY—CLASSIC produced by 1—PARANOID toon named PATRICK—MATRISCIANA (the same guy who —LATER screeched about HARRY—POTTER being 1—ADVERTISEMENT for witchcraft)
19900907             He specialized in 19.- and 19010101—20001231     European diplomacy.
19900907—19950000    —IN, His book: "From the Boer War to the Cold War: Essays on 19010101—20001231     EUROPE," was published and reviewed by MAX—BOOT.
19910000             PAULA—FIGUEIREDO, ERMIDA—DE—S—BENTO—NUMERO—IPA PT040701010012,
19910000             PAULA—FIGUEIREDO, ERMIDA—DE—S—BENTO—NUMERO—IPA PT040701010012, consultado em
19910101             das Stromeinspeisungsgesetz für Erneuerbare Energien (StrEG) in der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND.
19910101             —CALLED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, top advisers to THE—WHITE—HOUSE for 1—FRESH—ASSESSMENT—OF—THE—PERSIAN—GULF crisis.
19910101             (THE—BRADY "drugged market" mechanisms, with the refinements they have acquired
19910101             (THE—BRADY "drugged market" mechanisms, with the refinements they have acquired 19880000             —SINCE, are 1—KEY—FACTOR behind.)
19910101—19911221    THE—DOW—JONES—INDUSTRIALS' seeming DEFIANCE—OF—THE—LAW—OF—GRAVITY in attainting 1—NEW—ALL—TIME—HIGH well above the 3000—MARK.
19910101—19911231    the Dow Jones Industrials' seeming DEFIANCE—OF—THE—LAW—OF—GRAVITY in attainting 1—NEW—ALL—TIME—HIGH well above the 3000—MARK.
19911231—19880000    —SINCE, are the Brady "drugged market" mechanisms, with the refinements they have acquired ] -19910101             19911231—19880000    —SINCE, are the Brady "drugged market" mechanisms, with the refinements they have acquired ] -19910101             19920423             The "21" in Agenda 21—REFERRED to the original TARGET—OF—THE 20010101—21001231  .
19920000             0 20010101—20030331             —31MARCH2003.xls
19920101             Die beiden neuen ARD—ANSTALTEN MDR und ORB nehmen ihren Betrieb auf.
19920101             der Ägypter Boutros BOUTROS—GHALI als UN—GENERALSEKRETÄR.
19920101             —BECAME, PRESIDENT—BUSH, the 1. USA—LEADER to address THE—AUSTRALIA—PARLIAMENT, telling lawmakers THE—USA would continue to subsidize its agricultural exports, despite protests by AUSTRALIA—FARMERS.
19920101             Altaf Hussain (19530000             *), LEADER—OF—PAKISTAN—MQM party, fled to SAUDI—ARABIA and —AFTER —1—MONTH to LONDON.
19920101             —DEPLOYED, PRIME—MINISTER—NAWAZ—SHARIF soon, the army to KARACHI for 1—MASSIVE—ANTI—MQM operation and the city descended into 1 undeclared civil war.
19920101             —SUCCEEDED, Boutros BOUTROS—GHALI, Javier Perez de Cuellar as SECRETARY—GENERAL—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
19920423             The "21" in Agenda 21—REFERRED to the original TARGET—OF—THE 20010101—21001231  .
19920423             —REFERRED, The "21" in Agenda 21, to the original target of the 20010101—21001231  .
19920717—19930101    —UNTIL, THE—INDEPENDENCE did not become official.
19921206             —INSPIRED, THE—BHARATIYA—JANATA—PARTY (BJP), Hindus to raze a 15010101—16001231     mosque in THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—AYODHYA.
19930000             —SEIT durchschnittlich um etwa 3—MILLIMETER pro —JAHR gestiegen, im 19010101—20001231     um 17—ZENTIMETER.
19930000             Mehr als die Hälfte davon geht auf die thermische Ausdehnung des Ozeans zurück,
19930101             Der Europäische Binnenmarkt tritt in Kraft.
19930101             den Vertrag zwischen Václav Klaus und Vladimír Me?iar, mit dem die Tschechoslowakei in die beiden Staaten TSCHECHISCHE—REPUBLIK und SLOWAKISCHE—REPUBLIK geteilt wird.
19930101             —CONTINUED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, to tour SOMALIA, greeting HUNDREDS—OF—CHEERING youngsters and foreign relief workers at 1—ORPHANAGE in Baidoa.
19930101             Czechoslovakia peacefully SPLIT into 2—NEW—COUNTRIES, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—AND—SLOVAKIA.
19930101             —VOTED, THE—SLOVAKIA—PEOPLE never, on 19930000             —THE—SPLIT with the Czechs.
19930101             —DEEMED, —WHEN the country SPLIT, all citizens were, to be either Czech or Slovak, based on their parentage.
19930101             The vast MAJORITY—OF—THE—ROMANY living in THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—ARE—OF—SLOVAKIA—DESCENT, and they had to apply for CZECH—REPUBLIC—CITIZENSHIP.
19930101             —BECAME, VLADIMIR—MECIAR (19420000             *), the premier of SLOVAKIA and Vaclav KLAUS—THE—PREMIER—OF—THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—REP.
19930101             —AM. KÖLN/Weimar/WIEN
19930101             *Influencing USA—HOMELAND—SECURITY—ACT to protect itself from lawsuits + *Accessing confidential patient records for 1—PROZAC sample mailing + Rigging the Wesbecker PROZAC—VIOLENCE—TRIAL
19930101             1—SAMPLE—OF those who have been on THE—ELI—LILLY payroll includes: ##
19930101—20031231    -IN THE—LAST—DECADE, some of the more widely reported ELI—LILLY intrigues include:
19930222—19910101    —SINCE, THE—UN passed Resolution 808—THAT established the Hague INTERNATIONAL—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL for THE—PROSECUTION—OF—PERSONS—RESPONSIBLE for Serious Violations of INTERNATIONAL Humanitarian Law committed in THE—TERRITORY—OF—THE—FORMER—YUGOSLAVIA.
19940000             CIA NARCO—COLONIALISM in the 19010101—20001231     THE—CIA & Drugs.
19940101             Der ASERBAIDSCHAN—MANAT wird einzige Landeswährung in ASERBAIDSCHAN.
19940101             —VERLIERT, Der Rubel, seine Gültigkeit als gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel.
19940101             Die Zapatistische Armee der Nationalen Befreiung, eine indigene GUERILLA—ORGANISATION im MEXIKANISCHEN—BUNDESSTAAT Chiapas, erklärt anlässlich des Inkrafttretens des NAFTA—VERTRAGES der Regierung den Krieg und bekundet ihren Willen, —BIS MEXIKO—STADT zu marschieren.
19940101             das NORTH—AMERICA—FREE Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 1—FREIHANDELSABKOMMEN zwischen KANADA, den USA und MEXIKO.
19940101             die DEUTSCHE—BAHN AG durch Zusammenlegung der DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESBAHN und DEUTSCHEN—REICHSBAHN
19940101             THE—NORTH—USA—FREE—TRADE—AGREEMENT went into effect.
19940101             —REFERRED, Under the system 1—COMPLAINT is, to 1—PANEL—OF—EXPERTS who debate it and render 1—DECISION.
19940101             The losing nation must then change its practices or offer compensation to the injured nations.
19940101             Members who refuse to comply can be subjected to trade retaliation, such as tariffs to their exports.
19940101             It was run out of GENEVA by Renato "Rocky" Ruggiero.
19940101             GATT gave poorer countries —10—YEARS to strengthen their DRUG—PATENT laws and 1—SIMILAR—PERIOD for THE—USA to lift its textile quotas.
19940101             —FOUNDED, THE—WORLD—TRADE—ORGANIZATION (WTO), as the successor to THE—GENERAL—AGREEMENT on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 1—RELATIVELY weak regulator of INTERNATIONAL trade, was 1—PRODUCT—OF—THE—URUGUAY—ROUND—OF—NEGOTIATIONS (19860000—19940000    ).
19940101             —RAISED, THE—CALIFORNIA tax on gasoline was, to 18—CENTS per gallon.
19940101             † Actor CESAR—ROMERO in Santa MONICA—CALIFORNIA, at age 86.
19940101             MEXICO, some 2,000 Zapatista guerrillas under the leadership of Subcommander Marcos rose up against the government in THE—STATE—OF—CHIAPAS.
19940101             —LAUNCHED, THE—ZAPATISTA—NATIONAL—LIBERATION—ARMY, 1—REBELLION to press for better living conditions for INDIA—PEASANTS in Chiapas.
19940101             BOTSWANA, GERMANY, ITALY, HONDURAS, and INDONESIA joined the Security Council.
19940101—20040000    —AUTHORED, DAVID—BACON, "THE—CHILDREN—NAFTA: Labor Wars on THE—USA/MEXICO Border.
19940205             —CELEBRATED, BEN—ENWONWU (19170000             *), NIGERIA—MOST, 19010101—20001231     visual artist, † in LAGOS.
19940600             Exploiting the Electromagnetic Spectrum in the 20010101—21001231    ...
19940618             —ENTERED, NORTH—IRELAND, protestant paramilitary gunmen, the Heights Bar in the village of Loughinisland and opened fire indiscriminately on customers watching IRELAND play ITALY in 1 televised World Cup match, killing 6, including —87—YEAR—OLD—BARNEY—GRE19940101             —OF—THE—OLDEST victims in the 'Troubles'.
19940831             THE—IRELAND—REPUBLICAN—ARMY (IRA) announces a "complete CESSATION—OF—MILITARY—OPERATIONS," opening the way to 1—POLITICAL—SETTLEMENT in IRELAND for the 1. time in 1—QUARTER—OF—1—CENTURY.
19940925             —BECAME, The law, effective 19950101             .
19950000             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION took "another step —YESTERDAY toward building 1—NEW stockpile of up to 2,200 deployed nuclear weapons that would last well into the 20010101—21001231    ".
19950101             Auf der NORWEGISCHEN—ÖLBOHRPLATTFORM DRAUPNER—E in der Nordsee meldet die automatische Wellenmessanlage in einem Sturm mit 12—M hohen Wellen eine einzelne Welle mit 26—M Höhe: der 1. eindeutige wissenschaftliche Beweis für die EXISTENZ—VON—MONSTERWELLEN.
19950101             das Allgemeine Abkommen über den Handel mit Dienstleistungen (GATS) der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO), das den grenzüberschreitenden Handel mit Dienstleistungen regelt und dessen fortschreitende Liberalisierung zum Ziel hat.
19950101             den Vertrag, mit dem FINNLAND, ÖSTERREICH und SCHWEDEN MITGLIEDER—DER—EUROPÄISCHEN—UNION werden.
19950101             —ENDED, GARY—LARSON'S "Far Side" cartoon panel, a —14—YEAR run.
19950101             † EUGENE—WIGNER, —92—JAHRE—ALT, physicist (Nobel prize for physics-19630000             ).
19950101             He pushed up interest rates to 25% and stabilized the economy.
19950101             —HANGED, FRED—WEST, himself in his LONDON prison —WHILE awaiting trial in the murders of 12—GIRLS and women.
19950101             —INCLUDED, The victims, his wife's —16—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER and —8—YEAR—OLD stepdaughter and several young runaways.
19950101             —FORMED, THE—CONFERENCE on Security and CO—OPERATION in EUROPE (CSCE), 19730000             —IN, was renamed the Organization for Security and CO—OPERATION in EUROPE (OSCE).
19950101             —MOVED, Teburoro Tito, the incoming PRESIDENT—OF—KIRIBATI, THE—INTERNATIONAL—DATE—LINE a 1000—MILES—EAST—AROUND KIRIBATI to allow ALL—OF—ITS 33—ATOLLS to be line the same time zone.
19950101             —EXPERIENCED, Thus the atoll of Kirimati never, 19941231             .
19950101—19950917    —ON, SWEDEN held their elections to THE—PARLIAMENT—LATER —THAT—YEAR.
19950101—19961013    —ON, AUSTRIA held its elections and
19950101—19961020    —ON, FINLAND.
19950309             Early in the 19010101—20001231    , official language, including official school language, became 1—DELIBERATE, systematic exercise in illusion.
19960000             not 19960101             , on the urging of the incoming Democratic leaders in the House and Senate.
19960101             —BECAME, THE—USA—IT, illegal to manufacture or import freon, 1—REFRIGERANT for car AIR—CONDITIONERS, due to its effect on the ozone.
19960101             —ADDED, Bayer Corp., Betty Rubble to its mix of Flintstone vitamins.
19960101             † RETIRED—USA—ADMIRAL—ARLEIGH—BURKE, remembered for his —WWII heroics, at Bethesda Naval Hospital at age 94.
19960101             † ARTHUR—RUDOLPH, —89—JAHRE—ALT, GERMAN—USA—ROCKET Engineer.
19960101             —MARKED, ARTHUR—RUDOLPH—FINAL—YEARS were, by his forced return to his native GERMANY from THE—USA—BECAUSE of his —EARLIER involvement with the slave labor that powered the 3. REICH—V1 & V2 rocket programs.
19960101             —RALLIED, Some 100,000 BANGLADESH—WOMEN, to protest Islamic clerics' attacks on female education and employment.
19960101             A 7.0—EARTHQUAKE struck offshore near THE—INDONESIA—ISLAND—OF—SULAWESI.
19960101             —MEASURED, Seismologist in JAPAN and HONG—KONG, it at 7.7. 1—TIDAL wave killed 8—AFTER the quake.
19960101             2—BUSES collided in NORTH—MEXICO, killing 25—PEOPLE.
19960101             —TODAY the biggest and the most insidious threat to mankind is ideologically motivated terrorists who,
19960101             given money and materiel, are willing to perpetrate THE—WORST—OF—CRIMES against humanity.
19960101             —TODAY the biggest and the most insidious threat to mankind is ideologically motivated terrorists who, given money and materiel, are willing to perpetrate THE—WORST—OF—CRIMES against humanity.
19960628             —REPORTED, The 19010101—20001231     Fund, that THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES spend $26—BILLION —1—YEAR on machines and less than $3—BILLION on people to analyze the information collected by the machines.
19960910             —PASSED, THE—USA 19970000             defense bill was, and allotted the 1.5—MILLION—MEMBERS—OF—THE—MILITARY a 3% pay raise to begin 19960101             .
19961212             THE—INFORMATION—TECHNOLOGY—AGREEMENT to abolish import duties on HIGH—TECH—EQUIPMENT would be in effect 19970701—20000101    —FROM—TO.
19961217             His —5-YEAR term will start 19960101             .
19961231             3067350 100—TRIAD GUARANTY INC 2875 18400 19010101—20001231     INDS 310500 8900 ...
19970101             der Ghanaer KOFI—ANNAN als UN—GENERALSEKRETÄR.
19970101             The new MEMBERS—OF—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, JAPAN, KENYA, SWEDEN, COSTA—RICA and PORTUGAL, took their seats.
19970101             As of this date THE—USA—WITHDREW completely from THE—UN—INDUSTRIAL—DEVELOPMENT—ORGANIZATION.
19970101             —BECAME, THE—LINE—ITEM veto, officially available to PRESIDENT—CLINTON.
19970101             † TOWNES—VAN—ZANDT (19440000—19970000    ) TEXAS songwriter.
19970101             —INCLUDED, TOWNES—VAN—ZANDT—WORK, 19830000             —THE song "Pancho and Lefty," sung by Merle Haggard and WILLIE—NELSON.
19970101             —REOPENED, S—FRANCISCO—GAR—TRUPELLI, and his wife Lara, the Beach Chalet as the Beach Chalet Brewery and Restaurant.
19970101             —INTRODUCED, THE—EU, THE—PAN—EUROPEAN Cumulation System (PECS) to turn 1—LATTICEWORK of bilateral trade rules into 1—SINGLE multilateral umbrella.
19970101             1—OFF—DUTY—ISRAEL—SOLDIER, Noam Friedman, with 1—HISTORY—OF—MENTAL—PROBLEMS opened fire on 1 crowded vegetable market in HEBRON, wounding 5 [7] people and touching off 1—STONE—THROWING demonstration by angry Palestinians.
19970101             MEXICO, LONG—DISTANCE—TELEPHONE—COMPETITION began and ended a —49—YEAR monopoly.
19970101             map shows SANTANDER—GLOBAL reach
19970101—19990000    —IN, It extended the system to include TURKEY.
19970319—19260000    —IN, WILLEM—DE—KOONING (19040000             *), DUTCH—BORN abstract painter, considered to be 1—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    —GREATEST—PAINTERS, † in EAST—HAMPTON, NEW—YORK.
19970319—19260000    —ARRIVED, He had, in AMERICA as 1—STOWAWAY.
19970412             —DEMANDED, He had, that the government turn over 35,000 ACRES—OF—LAND that was promised to the indigenous peoples in 1—AGREEMENT with THE—SPAIN—COLONIAL—GOVERNMENT in the 17010101—18001231  .
19970412             —RECOVERED, ITALY, the Shroud of Turin was, from 1—FIRE that began in the Guarini CHAPEL—OF—THE—CITY'S 14010101—15001231     cathedral.
19970504             and MARIA—ENCARNACION—ROSAL, a 18010101—19001231     GUATEMALA—NUN.
19970713             —THREATENED, POLAND, floods, the isle of Ostrow Tumski on the Oder River in the heart of WROCLAW, whose buildings date back to the 12010101—13001231  .
19971010—20000101    —PROPOSED, FRANCE, PRIME—MINISTER—LIONEL—JOSPIN, 1—LAW to cut the workweek to —35—HOURS from 39 as 1—MEANS to create jobs.
19971018             —FROM RUSSIA it was reported that the new 500,000-ruble note has 1—PICTURE—OF a 14010101—15001231     monastery depicted at 1—TIME—WHEN the site was used as THE—SOVIET—UNION—1. real labor camp.
19971022             DETROIT, the Gem Theater / 19010101—20001231     Club, a 2,750 ton building, was moved 5—BLOCKS through downtown to make room for 1—NEW ballpark.
19971203—19990101    —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—YELTSIN, that RUSSIA is ready to cut troop strength in the Baltic region by 20%.
19971216             —FOCUSED, His work, on 19010101—20001231     immigration and labor themes.
19971224             —TITLED, BOLIVIA, 2 16010101—17001231     colonial paintings, "S—ROSE—OF—VITERBO" and "S—AUGUSTIN," were stolen from THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH—OF—SAN—ANDRES—DE—MACHACA.
19980000             The bipartisan 14-member panel was put together IN—BY THEN—USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON, Bill & THEN—HOUSE—SPEAKER—GINGRICH, Newt R—GEORGIA, to make sweeping strategic recommendations on how THE—USA could ensure its security in the 20010101—21001231  .
19980000             "I've come reluctantly to the conclusion that we —JUST can't live with the banking industry anymore. Banking is a 18010101—19001231     technology. " - Merton Miller, Nobel laureate,
19980101             The 109. ROSE—BOWL—PARADE in PASADENA was held and UNIVERSITY—OF—MICHIGAN beat WASHINGTON State 21-16, FLORIDA STATE—DOWNED—OHIO—STATE 31-14 in the Sugar Bowl.
19980101             1—NEW—ANTI—SMOKING law went into effect in CALIFORNIA, prohibiting people from lighting up in bars.
19980101             —ATTACKED, Some 1-2 1000—HUTU rebels, 1—MILITARY—BASE and near the main airport and 150—CIVILIANS, 30—REBELS and 2—SOLDIERS were reported killed.
19980101             —KILLED, —LATER reports said as many as 300 were, and that the army had sealed up the area.
19980101             BRAZIL, the new law making all BRAZIL—ADULTS—POTENTIAL—ORGAN donors went into effect.
19980101             New traffic laws also went into effect.
19980101             —REPORTED, It was, that 50,000—PEOPLE die annually from car accidents because drivers routinely ignore traffic laws.
19980101             CHECHNYA, THE—PRESIDENT—ASKED—SHAMIL—BASAYEV to form a government.
19980101             —INTERCEPTED, ITALY, navy patrols, a 2. ship with 386—REFUGEES, mostly Kurds,
19980101             —SWITCHED, MONGOLIA, from a —46—HOUR to —40—HOUR—WORK—WEEK.
19980101             —KNOCKED, RUSSIA, the government, 3—ZEROES off the national currency.
19980101             Epona In Celtic mythology, GODDESS—OF—HORSES + stables, worshipped by Celtic units in the Roman army.
19980101             Epona In Celtic mythology, GODDESS—OF—HORSES + stables, ), 19980000             .
19980101—20020000    —UNTIL, The old ruble notes will be exchangeable.
19980125             The temple reportedly held 1—TOOTH of the Buddha brought from INDIA in the 03010101—04001231  .
19980312             † BEATRICE—WOOD, ceramist, at age 105. BEATRICE—WOOD was called "Mama of Dada" for her liaisons with MARCEL—DUCHAMP, HENRI—PIERRE—ROCHE and others associated with the Dada movement of the early 19010101—20001231  .
19980419             —DESTROYED, BHUTAN, 1—FIRE, the Taktsang Monastery, that dated —BACK—IN SOME—FORM to the 08010101—09001231  .
19980428             The project will produce 1—SERIES—OF—RADIO—PROGRAMS for NPR to chronicle, reflect and celebrate the 19010101—20001231  .
19980601—19990101    —ON, It began operating.
19980604             —DECIDED, BRITAIN, THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS, to get rid of its collapsible top hats, 1—TRADITION that dated 18010101—19001231    —FROM—TO.
19980623             —PLANNED, It was, to be retroactive to 19980101             .
19980918             —ISSUED, 1—CLINTON advisory BOARD on race relations its $4.8—MILLION, 121—PAGE—REPORT: "1—AMERICA in the 20010101—21001231    : Forging 1—NEW—FUTURE".
19980918             The worst storm in 1—CENTURY hit THE—NETHERLANDS and BELGIUM over the past —WEEK.
19981113—20000101    —APPROVED, In THE—NETHERLANDS the cabinet, 1—PLAN to let homosexuals adopt HOLLAND—CHILDREN.
19981203             † IN—ROMANIA—BROTHER—CLEOPA, 1—ORTHODOX monk, at age 87 at the 13010101—14001231     Sihastra Monastery.
19990000             —ASKED, OKLAHOMA—CITY bombing -- was...
19990000—20000101    -As the —YEAR approaches-, however, his...
19990101             Die 3. Stufe der Europäischen Währungsunion beginnt.
19990101             Der Euro wird als Buchgeld in 11—LÄNDERN der Europäischen Union eingeführt.
19990101             † Doris Haddock (20100000             , ), began walking from CALIFORNIA more than 3,200 (5,150 km) miles across THE—USA.
19990101             —14—MONTHS—LATER, she (88) arrived in WASHINGTON DC to draw attention to the need for campaign finance reform.
19990101             —SPECIFIED, THE—MAASTRICHT—TREATY, that 1—MONETARY—UNION will be established by this date, and laid down several criteria that EU nations must fulfill in order to join.
19990101             —INCLUDED, Some of the criteria : maximum budget deficits of 3—PERCENT—OF—GDP, 1—CAP on government debt of 60—PERCENT—OF—GDP.
19990101             —SCHEDULED, THE—EUROPEAN economic and monetary union (EMU) was, to start with 1—NEW "Euro" currency.
19990101             Public use was set for 20020101             .
19990101             —WHEN the euro was launched THE—USA—DOLLAR—EURO ($:?) exchange rate stood at $1.16:?1.
19990101             —TRIGGERED, CANADA, 1—AVALANCHE, possibly, ceremonial gunfire, hit the Inuit village of Kangiqsualujjuaq, QUEBEC, and 9—PEOPLE were killed.
19990101             —MASSACRED, CONGO rebels, at least 500—CIVILIANS over the last —3—DAYS.
19990101             6 Red Cross workers were among the dead.
19990101             —PORTRAYED, PRESIDENT—FIDEL—CASTRO, marking —40—YEARS as CUBA—LEADER, his socialist nation as 1—DEFENDER—OF—HUMANITY against rapacious capitalism.
19990101             —LIBERATED, MONGOLIA, new legislation, the news media.
19990101             —GESTARTET, EURO : —KURS—VON—1,1745—DOLLAR in den Handel.
19990101             O Euro começa a ser usado em transacções electrónicas, em onze países membros da União Europeia, designadamente a Alemanha, a Áustria, a Bélgica, a ESPANHA, a Finlândia, a França, a Holanda, a Irlanda, a Itália, o LUXEMBURGo e PORTUGAL.
19990101             Der Euro wird durch die 3. Stufe der Währungsunion gemeinsame Währung von 11—EU—LÄNDERN.
19990101—19991216    KATASTROPHEn Fluten
19990301             NEW—YORK Univ. announced that its journalism professors and others had compiled 1—LIST—OF—THE—TOP—100—WORKS—OF—19010101—20001231     USA—JOURNALISM.
19990308             GARY—GIDDINS won the award for criticism for "Visions of Jazz: The 1—CENTURY".
19990400             Der Name dieser Zahlen geht auf den FRANZÖSISCHEN—MÖNCH Marin Mersenne aus dem 16010101—17001231     zurück.
19990500—20010101    —AM, Im Finanzministerium war Zitzelsberger für Grundsatzfragen der FINANZ—UND Wirtschaftspolitik zuständig und VATER—DER—UNTERNEHMENSSTEUERREFORM—VON—SPD und Grünen, die in Kraft trat.
19990704             † In the 19010101—20001231     62—MILLION—CIVILIANS, in wars as compared to 43—MILLION—MILITARY—PEOPLE.
19990807             —FOUNDED, THE—WAHABIS are 1—PURITAN branch of Sunni Islam, in the 17010101—18001231     in SAUDI—ARABIA.
19990830             NO 1 IS PREDICTING THAT 20000101             , WILL—COME—AND—GO—WITHOUT—PROBLEMS.
19990830             —WHILE the scope and SERIOUSNESS—OF—THE—PROBLEM can + will, be debated up to THE—ADVENT—OF—THE—NEW—MILLENNIUM, no 1 is predicting that 20000101             , will come and go without problems.
19991011             —SIGNED, GOVERNOR—DAVIS, 1—CALIFORNIA bill that required 19990901             —NURSE—TO—PATIENT—RATIO—OF—1:6 beginning 20040101             .
19991031             —CONQUERED, —WHEN THE—ROMANS—BRITAIN in the 1—CENTURY, their fall harvest festival, Poloma —DAY, mixed with the traditions of Samhain to form 1—MAJOR—FALL—FESTIVAL—AT—THE—END—OF—OCTOBER.
19991123             Shihab EL—DIN, a 11010101—12001231     ANTI—CRUSADER cleric, was believed to be buried there.
19991200             How do you,as 1—INTELLECTUAL, come to terms with that?"- Sunkel, Osvaldo :" WE,THE—PEOPLE are always made to NOT think,BUT believe[propaganda] into a "dichotomy" of markets & states".Bullshit- I think you know that's 1—LIE, 1—COMPLETELY—UNHUMAN,"mistaken" approach. What we've had in certain periods like in [18000101—18001231]-the late 18010101—19001231     [19991200             ]-now is the market running the state & overpowering "society". I think it should be the other way —AROUND. Society should, through democracy, control the state & government & government should regulate markets. And civic organizations should be much, much stronger".
19991201             (AP, 20000101             )
20000000             My best guess is that they've got 1—SECRET—VISION—OF—THE 20010101—21001231     as 1—ERA—OF intensifying conflict over diminishing resources, combined with 1—DARWINIAN imperative for the survival of the fittest + are doing their best to make THE—USA—TOP—DOG—BEFORE THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD is even AWARE—OF—THE—TERMS—OF—THE—BATTLE.
20000101             —KONZIPIERT, Das Hörfunkprogramm MDR Life wird neu, und in MDR Jump umbenannt.
20000101             die Trennung von Kirche und STAAT in SCHWEDEN.
20000101             Seitdem ist die SCHWEDISCHE—KIRCHE nicht mehr Staatskirche.
20000101             die neue Bundesverfassung der SCHWEIZ.
20000101             THE—HINDU —YEAR was 19210000             .
20000101             The arrival of 20000000             saw no terrorist attacks, Y2K meltdowns or mass suicides among doomsday cults, but instead saw 7—CONTINENTS stepping joyously and peacefully into the New —YEAR.
20000101             WISCONSIN beat Stanford, 17-to-9, to become the 1. Big 10—TEAM to win consecutive ROSE—BOWLS.
20000101             SOME— 254—HOURS—OF—NIXON WHITE—HOUSE—TAPES were to be made available for public duplication and sale under a 19960000             agreement.
20000101             Another 2,—338—HOURS, mostly unrelated to Watergate, were to be released over the next few years.
20000101             —BECAME, CALIFORNIA, the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, law.
20000101             —FORMED, It validated all transactions, transmitted and recorded electronically, with certain exemptions.
20000101             The $1.25—BILLION ($400—MILLION) —MILLENNIUM Dome at Greenwich, designed by Lord RICHARD—ROGERS, was built to inaugurate the —MILLENNIUM and provide 1—EXHIBITION—SPACE for —1—YEAR.
20000101             —SUSPENDED, THE—CABLE—STAYED dome was, from 12—PROJECTING masts.
20000101             ENGLAND, the Cezanne painting "AUVERS—SUR—OISE," valued at $4.8—MILLION, was stolen from the Ashmoleum Museum in OXFORD.
20000101             —REPORTED, SOUTH—WEST—FRANCE, ROBERT—LUND, that his wife, Evelyn (52), was missing from their home.
20000101             He told investigators he believed she had 1—ACCIDENT—AFTER drinking heavily and setting off to visit friends.
20000101             —ON his 1. full —DAY as acting PRESIDENT, VLADIMIR—PUTIN assured Russians there would be no "VACUUM—OF—POWER" —AFTER BORIS—YELTSIN—SURPRISE—RESIGNATION.
20000101             Computing THE—NEW —YEAR,
20000101             people, companies, countries + MUCH—OF—THE—WORLD was fearing the worst,
20000101             planes falling OUT—OF—THE—SKY, electricity grids + essential services collapsing.
20000101             —FEARED, What people, was not the apocalypse
20000101             1—COMPUTER—PROBLEM that many feared would result in MANY—COMPUTERS not recognising the new —YEAR.
20000101             Y2K -—BUT the Y2K HUM bug-
20000101             Computing THE—NEW—YEAR, people, companies, countries + MUCH—OF—THE—WORLD was fearing the worst, planes falling OUT—OF—THE—SKY, electricity grids + essential services collapsing.
20000101             —FEARED, What people, was not the apocalypse but the Y2K HUM bug - 1—COMPUTER—PROBLEM that many feared would result in MANY—COMPUTERS not recognising the new —YEAR.
20000101             Y2K passes without the serious, widespread computer failures that had been predicted.
20000101             —SCHEDULED, THE—JEWISH—CALENDAR—YEAR was 5760 and the new —YEAR, for 20000930             .
20000101—19990000    —IN—LATE, The monograph "RICHARD—ROGERS; Complete Works, Volume 1" was published.
20000101—20000205    —ON, THE—CHINA—YEAR was 4697 with the new —YEAR.
20000101—20000231    USA Presidential Aptitude Test ~ What you really need to know to pick 1—PRESIDENT
20000101—20000406    —ON, THE—MUSLIM lunar —YEAR was 14200000             with the new —YEAR.
20000101—20001231    " BANK—OF—THE—YEAR "in: "THE—BANKER".
20000101—20001231    "in: "THE—BANKER". "
20000101—20020000    —IN, Her body was found inside her car in Lake Bancalie.
20000101—20070000    —REINCARNATED, It failed expectations, but was, as The O2, 1—ALL—PURPOSE entertainment center.
20000101—20070000    —SENTENCED, Lund was, to —12—YEARS in jail for the involuntary homicide of his wife.
20000101—20110000    —INSISTED, Lund, he was innocent as his 3. trial in the case opened.
20000101—20111216    —SENTENCED, Lund was, to —12—YEARS in prison.
20000209             —BECAME, His presidency quickly, the most antipoor, antiblackantidisadvantaged in the latter HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231  .
20000226             —VISITED, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, the 05010101—06001231     S—CATHERINE—MONASTERY in EGYPT, built on the reputed site where Moses encountered the burning bush.
20000226             —VISITED, PAPA JOHN—PAUL—II, the 05010101—06001231     St.
20000229             —ELECTED, Sparky Anderson was, to the baseball Hall of Fame along with TURKEY Stearnes of the Negro leagues and 18010101—19001231     2. baseman Bid McPhee.
20000229—19990101    —ON, Haddock (20100000             †) had began WALK—ING, and arrived in DC to draw attention to the need for campaign finance reform.
20000500             00010101-10001231-datesbase.html
20000502             The 11010101—12001231     poet
20000619             —APPROVED, EU leaders in PORTUGAL, GREECE—BID to join the euro beginning 20010101             .
20000829             JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA laid down moral guidelines for medical research in the 20010101—21001231    , endorsing organ donation and adult stem cell study, but condemning human cloning and embryo experiments.
20001010             —PARDONED, ZIMBABWE, PRESIDENT—MUGABE, offenders for THOUSANDS—OF—POLITICALLY motivated crimes committed 20000101—20000731    —BETWEEN.
20001104             —APPROVED, YUGOSLAVIA, THE—PARLIAMENT, the country's 1. COMMUNIST—FREE—GOVERNMENT in more than HALF—1—CENTURY.
200012010100         P.M. (ON THE—RECORD—UNLESS—OTHERWISE—NOTED)...
20001231             As we start the new —MILLENNIUM 20010101—29991231 CAN we please have less speeches & less politics in our everyday lives?
20010100             report by THE—USA—COMMISSION on National Security/20010101—21001231  .
20010100             - report by THE—USA—COMMISSION on National Security/20010101—21001231    —CENTURY.
20010101             —ÜBERNIMMT, Die AXEL—SPRINGER—VERLAG—AG, mit 75,1 % die Mehrheit am WILHELM—HEYNE—VERLAG.
20010101             NUMBER 4—WASHINGTON beat NUMBER 14—PURDUE 34-to-24 in the Rose Bowl.
20010101             —ANNOUNCED, It was, that TYSON—FOODS—INCORPORATED would buy beef and pork giant IBP INCORPORATED in 1—DEAL valued at $3.2—BILLION in cash and stock.
20010101             —TRIED, TYSON—LATER, to back out, but IBP sued, and 1—JUDGE—ORDERED—TYSON to complete the deal.
20010101             —BECAME, CANADA, new cigarette warning labels, effective.
20010101             16—ROTATING labels included such warnings as "Cigarettes cause mouth disease" with 1—PHOTOGRAPH of blackened, bleeding gums.
20010101             CANADA, 1—NEW—FEDERAL—GUN—CONTROL—MEASURE went into effect.
20010101             It called for the licensing and registration of all shotguns and hunting rifles.
20010101             —WOUNDED, ISRAEL—,1—CAR—BOMB, at least 40—PEOPLE in Netanya and gunfire killed 4—PALESTINIANS in THE—WEST—BANK.
20010101             —KILLED, In THE—NETHERLANDS 1—FIRE in 1—VOLENDAM café, at least 8—PEOPLE and injured some 200.
20010101             —CALLED, MEXICO, rebels soon, for the closure all 7—MILITARY—BASES—NEAR—REBEL—STRONGHOLDS.
20010101             —ALLOWED, TAIWAN, CHINA—MERCHANTS and tourists to sail to Kinmen ISLAND, 1—MOVE to decriminalize reality and 1—POSSIBLE—PREPARATION for wider links.
20010101             1—SHIPWRECK off TURKEY killed at least 6—PEOPLE.
20010101             —CARRIED, THE—GEORGIAN—FLAGGED Pati cargo ship, illegal immigrants and dozens were missing.
20010101             1—DECLARATION—OF—RIGHTS for the -20010101—2100123120010101             - timebase - 20010101             20010101             "from such 1—AUTHORITATIVE financial institution as "JP MORGAN—CHASE—BANK " —FOR—YEARS TO COME ".
20010101             "ALFA—BANK " has won numerous press awards [propaganda] ,
20010101             including "Euromoney Best BANK—IN—RUSSIA
20010101             REPRESENTATIVE—JERRY—LEWIS (R—CALIFORNIA) $32,000
20010101             REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY (R—TEXAS ) $30,000
20010101             REPRESENTATIVE—VIRGIL—GOODE (R—VIRGINIA) $28,250
20010101             REPRESENTATIVE—JERRY—WELLER (R—ILLINOIS) $20,000
20010101             REPRESENTATIVE—HENRY—BONILLA (R—TEXAS ) $12,500
20010101             * Contributions to CONGRESSIONAL candidates + their leadership PACs from
20010101             MITCHELL—WADE, BRENT—WILKES ,
20010101             TOM—KONTOGIANNIS + - their family members +
20010101             Source: FEDERAL—ELECTION—COMMISSION reports,
20010101             as compiled by THE—CENTER—FOR RESPONSIVE POLITICS
20010101             Administrator, OFFICE—OF—INFORMATION and Regulatory Affairs, JOHN—D—GRAHAM,
20010101             hatten Briefe, die den Milzbranderreger Anthrax enthielten, in den USA 5—MENSCHEN getötet und DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG in Angst versetzt.
20010101             —SEITDEM, wurden immer wieder Umschläge mit verdächtigen Inhalten verschickt, die sich jedoch meist als harmlos erwiesen.
20010101             - timebase - - - 20010401- datesbase.html
20010101             - timebase -20010101             - 20010401- datesbase.html >- 20010401             20010101             Commenting on the event, Topper, Maxim says that the award by "JP MORGAN—CHASE—BANK " demonstrates 1—HIGH—DEGREE—OF—APPRECIATION for "ALFA—BANK " 's work in this important area.of the financial market —
20010101             "We are confident that the noted professionalism of the "ALFA—BANK " s payments team will continue to satisfy the highest INTERNATIONAL standards & hopes that we will be able to remain worthy of this great praise...
20010101             "from such 1—AUTHORITATIVE financial institution as "JP MORGAN—CHASE—BANK " —FOR—YEARS to come ".
20010101             —DURING the meeting "ALFA—BANK " & "JP MORGAN—CHASE—BANK " discussed their current relationship & prospects for further development.
20010101             "ALFA—BANK " has won numerous press awards [propaganda], including "Euromoney Best BANK—IN—RUSSIA
20010101             -20010401-datesbase.html
20010101             —COMPILED, Source: FEDERAL—ELECTION—COMMISSION—REPORTS, as, by the Center for Responsive Politics
20010101—20011231    in TERMS—OF—THE—QUALITY—OF—USA $ clearing payments for the —YEAR
20010101—20020110    —JAHR—BIS Edition
20010101—20020110    Edition Administrator, OFFICE—OF—INFORMATION and Regulatory Affairs, JOHN—D—GRAHAM,
20010101—21001231    COINTELPRO
20010101—21001231    BOOK—BURNING : Lynne Cheney, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—WIFE and THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ENDOWMENT for the Humanities, has placed herself in THE—COMPANY—OF—DICTATORS and slaveholders.
20010101—21001231    —DATE 20010101—21001231    technology cracks alchemists' secret recipe
20010101—21001231    steht eindeutig im Schatten der Anschläge des
20010101—21001231    BOOK—BURNING: MISTER—S—CHENEY, THERE—MORE to USA—HISTORY than Heroes
20010101—21001231    —FIRED, Fox, THE—PARENT—OF—FOX—NEWS—CHANNEL, BILL—O'REILLY —FOLLOWING 1—INVESTIGATION into harassment allegations.
20010101—21001231    HOLDING CO—SC 13G/A, 20020613             .
20010101—21001231    HOLDING CO.
20010101—21001231    Annual Meeting.
20010101—21001231    LAWSON;
20010101—21001231    könnten es noch viel mehr werden:
20010101—21001231    man.
20010101—21001231    in Richtung "POST—ANTIBIOTIKA—ÄRA" bewegen.
20010101—21001231    Wiretapping: Storing Communications Data ED—FELTEN
20010101—29991231    THOM—HARTMANN: 10—STEPS To Restore Democracy To USA:
20010109             "Eugenics" is 1—TERM coined in the latter PART—OF—THE 18010101—19001231     by Englishmen FRANCIS—GALTON... of the estates of both Dulles brothers, as well as the current...
20010109             Mental Hygiene SOCIETY—DEMOPEDIA... Prescott Bush were active in THE—LEADERSHIP—OF—THE—EUGENICS—SOCIETIES that were popular among the wealthy classes in the early prts of the 19010101—20001231    ...
20010126             —PAROLED, Knoller was, 20040101             .
20010126             —CAUSED, The quake, 1—UNDERGROUND—RIVER, either the Saraswati or Indus, to reappear that had disappeared in a 18010101—19001231     quake.
20010207             That gives WASHINGTON the chance to prepare for the new KINDS—OF—CONFLICTS the country is likely to face in the 20010101—21001231  .
20010207—19550000    —IN, ANNE—MORROW—LINDBERGH (19060000             *), WIFE—OF—CHARLES—LINDBERGH, † at age 94. she authored "Gift From the Sea," 1—MEDITATION on women's lives in the 19010101—20001231  .
200104010000 >- 20011231             20010521             —PROPOSED, Destination : Freedom- E. Rowland Harriman, it in the mid-18010101—19001231  .
20010521             —PROPOSED, Destination : Freedom- E. Rowland Harriman, it in the mid-18010101—19001231  .
20010821             MACEDONIA, a 13010101—14001231     monastery, S—ATANASIE and the Holy Virgin, in Lesok was bombed.
20010824             TOM—GREEN, 1—MORMON fundamentalist with 5—WIVES and 30—CHILDREN, was sentenced by 1—COURT—IN—PROVO—UTAH, to —5—YEARS in prison in the state's biggest polygamy case in nearly HALF—1—CENTURY.
20010911             aid spent on debris removal, AMEC got $65.8—MILLION, Bovis $277.2—MILLION...
20010911             "It is 1—PAINFUL thought that in THE—USA—IN—THE 20010101—21001231     we might be turning away from THE—WORLD—OF—THE—ENLIGHTENMENT which inspired the Founding Fathers.
20010911             Weltpolitik am Scheideweg? Imperium Americanum, Staatenanarchie... Artikel über Entwicklungstrends der Weltordnung im 20010101—21001231  .
20010911             Denko Mechanical LTD—ADDRESS and phone is the residential Manhattan... issued for 1—DENKO—MECHANICAL—LTD, 232—E 26. St. in Manhattan (ph 212-481-8226)... 20070101... with 1—LETTER from Denko Mechanical, Ltd, signed by 1—MISTER—SERGEI—DENKO... Denko Mechanical LTD—ADDRESS + phone is the residential Manhattan apartment...
20010911             Worse than 1—SEQUEL to their holocaustal 19010101—20001231    , there will not even be a 20010101—21001231    —IF AMERICA, ISRAEL + the war clique are allowed to have their way in IRAQ, the inevitable conclusion may be THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—ALL—LIFE on this planet.
20010911             THE—ONLINE—INVESTOR... Information, click to retrieve filing, FLINT—WALLACE—J—HILLIARD, 20020613             , SC 13G/1—AMENDED—OWNERSHIP—STATEMENT, 20010101—21001231     HOLDING CO. FLINT...
20010911             Business Wire: 20010101—21001231     Holding Appoints WALLACE—HILLIARD as...  Holding Company (NASDAQ, NM: TCHC), 1—VERTICALLY—INTEGRATED insurance holding company, —TODAY announced that it has chosen WALLACE—J—HILLIARD to serve...
20010911             Bei den Fernsehübertragungen der EREIGNISSE—VOM—AUS den USA erinnerte er sich an einen Fall, der im späten 18010101—19001231     Norddeutschland ähnlich erschüttert haben musste:
20010911             As we work with Congress in the coming —YEAR to chart 1—NEW—COURSE in IRAQ and strengthen our military to meet the challenges of the 20010101—21001231    , we must also work together to achieve important goals for THE—USA—PEOPLE here at home.
20010911             "—HEUTE fand das Pearl Harbor des 20010101—21001231     STATT—WIR glauben, es war OSAMA—BIN—LADEN ".
20010911             -die Geschehnisse DES—SIND ein herbeigeführtes Ereignis, mit dem der 1. Krieg des 20010101—21001231     legitimiert werden soll, der so genannte KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR.
20010911             BBC Has Lost Tapes Of 20010101—21001231    —DEFINING—MOMENT | 911—BLOGGER_com
20010911011127       +0200—X—MAILER: KMail [version 19990101             ] CONTENT—TYPE:
20010912             GARY—HART, D—COLORADO, and WARREN—RUDMAN, R—NEW—HAMPSHIRE, that they preferred instead to put aside the recommendations issued in the January report by THE—USA—COMMISSION on National Security/20010101—21001231  .
20010912             —AFTER all, —WHEN THEN—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—WILLIAM—COHEN signed the charter for the 20010101—21001231     National Security Strategy Study, he charged its members to engage in "the most comprehensive security analysis" —SINCE the groundbreaking National Security Act of 19470000             , which created the National Security Council, THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY and THE—OFFICE—OF—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE, among other organizations.
20010912             ".. + THE—COMPREHENSIVENESS—OF—THE—COMMISSION—TASK -- would prevent its reports from being ignored. —AFTER all, —WHEN THEN—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—WILLIAM—COHEN signed the charter for the 20010101—21001231     National Security Strategy Study, he charged its members to engage in "the most comprehensive.".
20010912             Diese verhängnisvolle Fehlentscheidung könnte auf "dem 20010101—21001231     noch schwerer lasten als das Verbrechen des 20010911             " (S. 127).
20010912—19980000    —IN, The bipartisan 14-member panel was put together —BY—THEN—PRESIDENT—BILL—CLINTON and THEN—HOUSE—SPEAKER—NEWT Gingrich, R—GEORGIA, to make sweeping strategic recommendations on how THE—USA could ensure its security in the 20010101—21001231  .
20010913             —CALLED, Bush, the terrorist attacks in NEW—YORK and WASHINGTON "the 1. war of the 20010101—21001231    " as his administration labeled fugitive OSAMA—BIN—LADEN 1—PRIME—SUSPECT.
20011017             PETER—CAREY won his 2. Booker Prize for his novel "True HISTORY—OF—THE—KELLY—GANG," 1—FICTIONAL account of the 18010101—19001231     AUSTRALIA—OUTLAW.
20011022—20011024    —ACKNOWLEDGED, PRESIDENT—OBASANJO —LATER, ordering the attacks and made 1—FORMAL—APOLOGY 20030101             .
20011122             —RECOGNIZED, THE—TURKEY—PARLIAMENT formally, men and women as equals effective 20010101             . this updated a 19260000             code that designated the husband as HEAD—OF—THE—FAMILY.
20011200             Zu den Restriktionen hat Bundesbank 1—HOMEPAGE eingerichtet, das Geldinstitut ist laut EU—VERORDNUNG für den... -
20011214             European nations began distributing a "Eurokit" of euro coins in advance of 20010101             —THE—DAY—WHEN the euro becomes legal tender.
20011231—20020101    -zur JAHRESWENDE—FEGTEN landesweite Straßenproteste unter dem Motto "Que se vayan todos" (Haut alle ab) den Präsidenten FERNANDO—DE—LA—RUA aus dem Amt.
20020101             Der Euro wird in allen Ländern der Europäischen Währungsunion als Bargeld eingeführt und löst die bisherigen Währungen der jeweiligen Länder ab.
20020101             HAMID—KARZAI als Regierungschef der Übergangsregierung in AFGHANISTAN.
20020101             —DEFEATED, NUMBER 2—OREGON, NUMBER 3—COLORADO 38-16 in the Fiesta Bowl.
20020101             Bloomberg began to aggressively pursue 1—CONTROVERSIAL "stop and frisk" police strategy —WHEN he took over as mayor.
20020101             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, that envoy GENERAL—ANTHONY—ZINNI would return to THE—MIDDLE—EAST to push for steps to renew peace talks.
20020101             EDUARDO—DUHALDE, 1—PERONIST and FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT, was chosen as ARGENTINA—NEW—PRESIDENT, the 5. in less than —2—WEEKS.
20020101             —LAUNCHED, EGYPT—STATE—TELEVISION, 1—NEW—PROGRAM directed at Israelis.
20020101             —PLANNED, It was, to extend THE—30—MIN show to —2—HOURS.
20020101             EUROPE, 50—BILLION new euro coins and 14—BILLION new euro notes began circulating in 12—PARTICIPATING countries in the most ambitious currency changeover in history: AUSTRIA, BELGIUM, FINLAND, FRANCE, GERMANY, GREECE, LUXEMBOURG, SPAIN, IRELAND, ITALY, THE—NETHERLANDS and PORTUGAL.
20020101             —ORDERED, PAKISTAN, the country's military intelligence agency to cut off backing for Islamic militant groups fighting in Kashmir.
20020101             Das EURO—BARGELD wird als Zahlungsmittel in den Ländern der Europäischen Währungsunion eingeführt.
20020101             —EINFÜHRUNG des EURO als BANK—NOTE, somit Abschaffung der DM.
20020101             ESPAGNIA[HISPANIA,SPAIN,ESPAGNE,SPANIEN] converts monetary base from the peseta (see: 18680000             ) to THE—EURO, thus joining THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—MONETARY—SYSTEM.
20020101—20021231    "Euromoney Best BANK—IN—RUSSIA 2 ",
20020101—20021231    "Best Trade Finance RUSSIA—BANK in ",
20020101—20021231    "," Global FINANCE—BEST—RUSSIAN—BANK in
20020101—20021231    "& "Best Trade Finance RUSSIA—BANK in
20020101—20021231    "Global FINANCE—BEST—RUSSIAN—BANK in 02 "&
20020101—20021231    "BANK—OF—THE—YEAR
20020101—20190000    —IN, he reversed his support for the policy.
20020201             —ASKED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, THE—PRESIDENT—STAFF for all ENRON—RELATED documents back to 19990101             .
20020226             Media Mogul (News Corp). - - - BSkyB, 19010101—20001231     Fox.
20020314             The profound shock felt in THE—USA and its construction community at the enormous destruction wrought by the attack on the World Trade Center was vividly conveyed by Ron Klemencic at the recent Building for the 20010101—21001231     'summit conference' in LONDON.
20020413             The decision would divide the minority ethnic Irob community, spread across the region, 1—OF—THE—FEW—CENTERS—OF—ETHIOPIA—CATHOLICISM, introduced in the 18010101—19001231     by ITALY—S—JUSTIN—DE—JACOBIS.
20020607—20000101    —SINCE, This was the 4. kidnapping of 1—USA—CITIZEN here.
20020616—19680000    —IN, † JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA declared the mystic 19010101—20001231     monk Padre Pio, 1—CAPUCHIN monk who, 1—SAINT.
20020711             —CLAIMED, SPAIN had, control —SINCE the 16010101—17001231  .
20020716             —SIGNED, RUSSIA and CHINA, their 1. friendship treaty in more than HALF—1—CENTURY.
20020730             —CANONIZED, GUATEMALA—CITY, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, his 463. saint, PEDRO—DE—SAN—JOSE—BETANCUR, a 16010101—17001231     SPAIN—MISSIONARY and CENTRAL—AMERICA—1. saint.
20020805             † Winifred Watson (95), 1—POPULAR—WRITER—OF—THE 1930s who found 1—NEW—READERSHIP in the 20010101—21001231    , in ENGLAND.
20020812             It should never be forgotten that THE—USA—PEOPLE did not want to fight in either of the 19010101—20001231    —WORLD—WARS,
20020822             "Eugenics" is 1—TERM coined in the latter PART—OF—THE 18010101—19001231     by Englishmen FRANCIS—GALTON...
20020912             That which we call 1—ROSE by ANY—OTHER—NAME would smell as sweet.' The supreme dramatist was weaving his magical WEB—OF—WORDS—AROUND benign subjects like love in the late 15010101—16001231  .
20020919             THE—DEAN—OF—THE—CONGRESS—THE—WEST—VIRGINIAN of the 19010101—20001231              20020927             EAST—TIMOR, the 1. country to be born in the 20010101—21001231    , gained 1—SEAT at THE—UNITED—NATIONS, swelling the membership roll to 191.
20021011             These are 2—DATES that will live in infamy in the 20010101—21001231  .
20021017             in TERMS—OF—THE—QUALITY—OF—USA $ clearing payments for the —YEAR 20010101—20011231
20021017             "Euromoney Best BANK—IN—RUSSIA 20020101—20021231 ",
20021017             " Global FINANCE—BEST—RUSSIAN—BANK in 20020101—20021231 "&
20021017             "Best Trade Finance RUSSIA—BANK in 20020101—20021231 ",
20021017             " BANK—OF—THE—YEAR 20000101—20001231 "in: "THE—BANKER".
20021109             1—DRY —WINTER and 1—WET—SUMMER ravaged ITALY—GRAPEVINES, causing the worst harvest in HALF—1—CENTURY.
20030101             Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva als Staatspräsident von BRASILIEN.
20030101             —ROMPED, OKLAHOMA, past WASHINGTON State 34-14 in the Rose Bowl;
20030101             —DEFEATED, GEORGIA, FLORIDA State 26-13 in the Sugar Bowl;
20030101             Notre Dame saw its 6. straight bowl loss, losing to NORTH—CAROLINA State 28-6 in the Gator Bowl.
20030101             —STOPPED, More than 2—DOZEN surgeons, working in WEST—VIRGINIA to protest the high cost of malpractice insurance.
20030101             —HOISTED, BOSNIA, THE—EU, its dark blue banner to officially mark the transfer of peacekeeping duties from THE—UNITED—NATIONS, —WHILE NATO—LED troops handed over CONTROL—OF—SARAJEVO—AIRPORT to BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—AUTHORITIES.
20030101             —ELECTED, BRAZIL—1., leftist PRESIDENT, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, took office.
20030101             —BECAME, Gilberto Gill (60), musician, MINISTER—OF—CULTURE.
20030101             —REQUIRED, CANADA, 1—NEW—GUN—LAW came into effect that, the registration of all rifles and shotguns.
20030101             GAZA, 3—PALESTINE—BOYS were shot and killed by soldiers —AFTER scaling 1—FENCE—AROUND Jewish settlements.
20030101             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINIANS, in THE—WEST—BANK—AND—GAZA—STRIP to mark the 38. anniversary of the founding of ARAFAT—FATAH movement.
20030101             —COVERED, Dumitru Tinu (62), 1—LEADING—ROMANIA—JOURNALIST who, THE—SOVIET—INVASION—OF—CZECHOSLOVAKIA and steered his newspaper along independent lines —AFTER communism ended, † in 1—CAR—ACCIDENT.
20030101             accounting for slightly more than 1—3. of LILLY—TOTAL—SALES.
20030101             —CURATED, Operational naval news, from open source intelligence
20030101   —20030501-datesbase.html
20030101             Historically, the exposure of ANY—SINGLE—LILLY machination, though sometimes disrupting it, has not weakened THE—BUSH—PSYCHIATRY—LILLY relationship.
20030101—20030631    Archive
20030101—20030631    —CURATED, Archive Operational naval news, from open source intelligence... EDWARD—L—SCHROCK, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—NAVY—MARINE—CORPS—CAUCUS in THE—USA—HOUSE—OF...
20030101—20031231    —GROSSED, ZYPREXA, $ 4.28—BILLION worldwide,
20030101—20031231    —GROSSED, Zyprexa, $ 4.28—BILLION worldwide, accounting for slightly more than 1—3. of LILLY—TOTAL—SALES.
20030207             2) A 20010101—21001231     COMPARISON—OF—THE—ENABLING—ACT and THE—PATRIOT—ACT
20030224             † Historian CHRISTOPHER—HILL, —91—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MARXIST whose reinterpretation of the 16010101—17001231     changed the way Britons regard THE—ENGLAND—REVOLUTION.
20030317             U$- Military Used Nerve Gas In Open Air Tests In 19600101—19691231 's
20030324             1—CHARGE alleged that between 19940101             , and 19951231             , he defrauded the Administration of SAMARA Region of 60—BILLION rubles whilst being DIRECTOR—OF—LOGOVAZ.
20030410             the 18010101—19001231    —GREAT—INSTANCE—OF—SHOCK and awe, as 1—POSITIVE—ROLE—MODEL.
20030414             PIERRE (USA) - Die 6—KLÄGER fordern die Entschädigung im Namen aller indianischen Schüler, die im 19010101—20001231     landesweit in den Internaten misshandelt worden sein sollen.
20030414             Ferner gehören Bronzetiere, Ketten, Ringe und Schmuck aus 14010101—15001231    EN zum Museumsbestand.
20030416             —GATHERED, Leaders of 25—EUROPEAN nations, in ATHENS to sign treaties sweeping away the 19010101—20001231    —IRON—CURTAIN divide.
20030421             Seine Grundmauern stammen aus dem - 08010101—09001231              20030422             —MARCHED, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SHIITE pilgrims, to the holy shrine in KARBALA, where Hussein, THE—GRANDSON—OF—MUHAMMAD, was killed in the 06010101—07001231     BATTLE—OF—KARBALA between 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—HIS followers and the Umayyad Army.
20030422             —TRAVELED, SENEGAL, nearly 1—MILLION—PEOPLE, to Touba, the hometown of 18010101—19001231     religious leader Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba.
20030426             - THE—USA—GOVERNMENT established itself as 1—IMPERIAL—POWER at THE—TURN—OF—THE 19010101—20001231     with THE—SPANISH—USA—WAR—WHEN it grabbed colonies in THE—CARIBBEAN and Pacific.
20030512             —MONTAG, SCHNEEBALL—EFFEKT, Euro ist gegenüber dem Dollar auf den höchsten Stand GEKLETTERT—SEIT—4—JAHREN 19990101             20030601             Die Arbeiterbewegung, die 18480000             entstand, war die stärkste zivilgesellschaftliche Bewegung des 18010101—19001231  .
20030918             —BELIEVED, The ritual, to be 1—PATH to enlightenment, dates to the 07010101—08001231  .
20030923             —SIGNED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—GRAY—DAVIS, 1—LAW to prohibit spam effective 20030101             .
20031006—19980000    —RELEASED, ARGENTINA, newly, ARCHIVES—OF—POLICE—INTELLIGENCE, 1. discovered behind 1—WALL in 1—BUILDING that —NOW houses the Commission for Memory, indicated that police infiltrated unions and dissident groups —BEFORE and —DURING the 19760000—19830000     military dictatorship, monitoring TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE for 1—QUARTER—OF—1—CENTURY.
20031015             —LAUNCHED, IRAQ, the new dinar was, graced with the likeness of 1—ANCIENT—RULER and a 09010101—10001231     mathematician.
20031022             —APPROVED, CHILE—SENATE overwhelmingly, 1—FREE—TRADE—TREATY—WITH—THE—USA, paving the way for the accord to become effective 20030101             .
20031029             † ITALY—TENOR—FRANCO—CORELLI, —82—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF—THE—TOP—OPERA—STARS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    , in Milan.
20031200             Zyvex Chairman + CEO, Von Ehr, Jim was invited to join PRESIDENT—BUSH as he signed the 20010101—21001231     Nanotechnology Research and Development Act in the Oval OFFICE—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE, 20031203             .
20031201—20040101    —AGREED, INDIA and PAKISTAN, to restore airline overflight and landing rights.
20031208—20060101    —CALLED, Medicare Part D, also, the Medicare prescription drug benefit, was enacted as PART—OF—THE—MMA (which also made changes to the public Part C Medicare health plan program) and went into effect.
20031229             —RULED, It was built by LALIBELA—KING—OF—, who, there from the late 11010101—12001231     to the early 12010101—13001231  .
20040000             This area contains news from 20040101—20040631 YOU can view 20040701—20041231 here.
20040000             Dual Loyalty: 20050101—20050201              20040000             THE—WORLD in the 20010101—21001231    : Addressing New Threats +...
20040101             NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN, wird der Nationalpark Eifel eingerichtet.
20040101             der NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER Jaap de Hoop Scheffer als NATO—GENERALSEKRETÄR.
20040101             THE—1.—USA—ANTI—SPAM law, THE—CAN—SPAM Act of 20030000             , went into effect.
20040101             It made it illegal for advertisers to falsify their identity and required 1—EFFECTIVE—WAY for recipients to get themselves removed from advertiser lists.
20040101             1—CALIFORNIA ban on the gasoline additive MTBE went into effect.
20040101             —BECAME, Ethanol, the new ADDITIVE—OF—CHOICE, even though it could increase air pollution.
20040101             HOUSTON's $324—MILLION, 7.5—MILE, light rail system made its inaugural trips.
20040101             —SEIZED, THE—USA—NAVY, a 4. DRUG—SMUGGLING vessel in the Persian Gulf with about 2,800—POUNDS—OF—HASHISH.
20040101             —ESTIMATED, Street value was, at $11—MILLION.
20040101             —PANICKED, AFGHANISTAN—CONSTITUTIONAL—CONVENTION came off the rails, as, officials adjourned the gathering in the face of 1—BOYCOTT by OPPONENTS—OF—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI.
20040101             —MOUNTED, Tajik and UZBEKISTAN—DELEGATES, 1—BOYCOTT demanding that minority rights be guarded.
20040101             BRAZIL began fingerprinting and photographing USA—VISITORS in retaliation to similar new USA—PROCEDURES.
20040101             CHINA began running the world's 1. commercially operated maglev train in SHANGHAI.
20040101             —SPANNED, THE—GERMAN—BUILT system, 18—MILES.
20040101             COLOMBIA, LUIS—EDUARDO—GARZON took the helm as the 1. leftist MAYOR—OF—BOGOTA.
20040101             † JIRI—LOEWY, —73—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CZECH—REPUBLIC—JOURNALIST who campaigned against communism from exile, in GERMANY.
20040101             —PLEDGED, PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE, to improve life for his impoverished nation as police blocked THOUSANDS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATORS —DURING celebrations marking HAITI—200. ANNIVERSARY—OF—INDEPENDENCE from FRANCE.
20040101             —RALLIED, More than 15,000 Aristide supporters, outside the National Palace as more than 5,000 government opponents massed in the capital's streets and faced off with police and government partisans.
20040101             —WELCOMED, IRAN—OFFICIALS, AMERICA—TEMPORARY—LIFTING—OF—SANCTIONS—AGAINST—THE—PERSIAN state —FOLLOWING the country's earthquake, and the foreign MINISTER said the embargo should end permanently.
20040101             —HAILED, PAKISTAN—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF won 1—VOTE—OF—CONFIDENCE that supporters, as the final step on the general's journey from dictator to democrat.
20040101             —CONFIRMED, NORTH—KOREA, that it would allow A—USA—DELEGATION to visit its main nuclear complex —NEXT—WEEK, the 1. such inspection —SINCE the isolated communist country expelled UN monitors more than —1—YEAR—AGO.
20040101             —HEADED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—MINIBUS FULL—OF—BRITISH and CANADA—TOURISTS, to 1—SCENIC—MOUNTAIN—AREA crashed, killing 8—BRITONS and the pedestrian.
20040101             —MARCHED, TAIWAN, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, peacefully to push for full democracy in this FORMER—UK—COLONY.
20040101             puts that beneficiary of western intervention in 177. place out of 177,
20040101             1—AUGUST position it has continued to occupy —EVER—SINCE our boys went in:
20040101             SIERRA—LEONE is literally the most miserable place on earth.
20040101             So much for BLAIR—PROMISE of a "new era for AFRICA".
20040101             or even how devout he might be, is less important than how his religious +/ moral commitments + values shape political vision + policy commitments.
20040101             -31.20041202             OO4 BBC NEWS | In Depth | REVIEW—OF—THE—YEAR
20040101             01.- - Large Time Line GENERATOR—TIMELINE creator - Timeline INDEX—TIMELINE—OF—THE—UNIVERSE
20040101             Timebase: 1—CHRONOGRAPHY™ of Political and Religious Conflict
20040101             Decades: History Timeline s - BBC—HISTORY - Timeline s - Histor ical Timeline s in the —YAHOO!
20040101             Directory - Din Timeline s: World History Timeline s
20040101             AlternaTime: Past + SOME—FUTURES... 1—COLLECTION—OF—TIMELINE s on the Web
20040101             Timeline s on THE—WEB—THE—ENERGY—TASK—FORCE—PLAN is a $20—BILLION subsidy to the
20040101             leaders who used THE—PROVOCATION—OF—TERRORIST—ATTACKS, continual wars,
20040101             THE—LIE—FACTORY—MOTHER—JONES—BLUEPRINT for Plunder
20040101             Understanding the moral compass 1—CANDIDATE—BRINGS to his public life + how his convictions shape his political priorities is the true litmus test.
20040101             01. -19010101—20001231     - Histor ical ATLAS—TIMELINE—OF—THE—UNIVERSE
20040101             —THEMED, List of, timeline s: Information From -
20040101             THE—ENERGY—TASK—FORCE—PLAN is a $20—BILLION subsidy to the... leaders who used THE—PROVOCATION—OF—TERRORIST—ATTACKS, continual wars,
20040101             01. -19010101—20001231    —HISTORICAL Atlas
20040101—20020000    —IN, 1—PAKISTAN—AIRLINE flew from LAHORE to NEW—DELHI and back, RE—ESTABLISHING 1—COMMERCIAL link that was cut by 1—WAR scare.
20040101—20040525    —GEGRÜNDET—HESSEN, wird der Nationalpark KELLERWALD—EDERSEE, die offizielle Eröffnung findet statt.
20040101—20040715    As for SIERRA—LEONE, THE—UNITED—NATIONS human development report FOR—PUBLISHED ON—WHICH measures overall living standards —AROUND the world,
20040101—20041231    -In 1—USA—ELECTION—YEAR—THE—PARTICULAR—RELIGIOSITY—OF—1—CANDIDATE, or even how devout he might be, is less important than how his religious +/ moral commitments + values shape political vision + policy commitments.
20040101—20070000    —UNTIL, Opponents derided the proceedings, which will keep THE—PAKISTAN—LEADER in power as PRESIDENT.
20040316—19710000    —MOVED, The enclave took root —WHEN DOZENS—OF—HIPPIES, into the derelict 17010101—18001231     fort on STATE—OWNED land.
20040318             Nativism, in its 18010101—19001231     surge, was very much the darling CAUSE—OF—THE—NEW—ENGLAND elites.
20040320             See the entry on THE—COINTELPRO page.
20040322             SEC INFO—HILLIARD Wallace J - SC 13G/A - 20010101—21001231     Holding Co.
20040411             —CELEBRATED, Sikhs, Vaisakhi, their New —YEAR and commemoration of 16010101—17001231     Guru Gobind Singh.
20040414             SEYCHELLOIS—PRESIDENT—FRANCE—ALBERT R20040101             —OF—AFRICA—LONGEST—SERVING leaders, said he was ready to step down —AFTER nearly 20041203             ades at the helm of this INDIA—OCEAN nation.
20040428             —DAMAGED, The 15010101—16001231     KRUE—SAE Mosque was, by soldiers who fired automatic weapons, tear gas and grenades at it and killed 32—SUSPECTED Islamic insurgents.
20040500             Echoing the warnings of RACHEL—CARSON 1—GENERATION ago, environmentalists —NOW worry that the unanticipated consequences of such biopharmed crops could lead to a 20010101—21001231     "Silent —WINTER".
20040507             I imagine it is like being 1—NORMAL—STOIC in the 01010101—02001231     AD going for 1—STROLL in the forum + meeting SOME—FELLOW asking, with seeming casualness, whether it's possible to feed 5,000—PEOPLE on 5—LOAVES—OF—BREAD + 1—COUPLE—OF—FISH".
20040603             O diretor da Agência de InteligênciaAmericana (CIA ), GEORGE—TENET, se converteu hoje, com sua demissão, na primeira vítima no Governo dos EUA após o fiasco... /06/03/ult1808u144010101—45001231     23]tm
20040603             Além disso, recebeu do presidente Bush a mais alta condecoração... /04/15/ult34u1522010101—23001231     98]tm
20040627             —DECLARED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, that the alliance was poised to "meet the threats of the 20010101—21001231    ".
20040713             —CONSIDERED, He was, as 1—OF—THE—GREAT conductors of the 19010101—20001231  .
20040717             Rebecca Thompson, along with her —14—YEAR—OLD—SON, Derrick, and 2—OMAN—MEN, were convicted for 20040101             —THE—KILLING—OF—MARK—THOMPSON.
20040720             In the 18010101—19001231    , MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS sincerely accepted this Biblical justification for slavery as GOD—WORD — but surely it would have been wrong to defer to such racist nonsense simply because speaking out could have been perceived as denigrating SOME—PEOPLE—RELIGIOUS—FAITH.
20040724             20040101—20041231 FÜR—REDUZIERTE Außerdem Microsoft seine Gewinnschätzung wegen sinkender Investmentgewinne.
20040725             According to recent news reports, it would be the largest expansion into the world of black ops + covert action —SINCE THE—END—OF—THE—VIETNAM—WAR 19700101             —IN—THE—19791231              s.
20040725             1—DECLARATION—OF—RIGHTS for the 20010101—29991231     -20010101—2100123120040726             "In the 18010101—19001231     USA—PRESIDENT—ABRAHAM—LINCOLN held firm to 1—VISION—OF—FREEDOM for all +
20040726             "In the 20010101—21001231     we have 1—GREAT—LEADER who has made CUBA see that liberty is not 1—GIFT
20040728             —OCCURRED, In the late 19010101—20001231     coups, most commonly in developing countries, particularly in Latin AMERICA (BRAZIL, CHILE), AFRICA and ASIA (PAKISTAN), but also in the Pacific (FIJI) and in EUROPE (GREECE, PORTUGAL, SPAIN, SOVIET—UNION).
20040728             Important coups in the 19010101—20001231    : 19170000             : February Revolution and October Revolution in RUSSIA 19230000             : THE—BEER—HALL—PUTSCH, 1 failed coup attempt by ADOLF—HITLER in GERMANY 19260000             :
20040802             Einstein is 1—OF—MY favorite 19010101—20001231     characters.
20040802             Einstein, ALBERT—EINSTEIN is 1—OF—MY favorite 19010101—20001231     characters.
20040803             Was der Historiker + Diplomat GEORGE—KENNAN als "Urkatastrophe des 1901010131           .Dez1999 -20.Jahrh". bezeichnet hat, ist nach Meinung renommierter Historiker der 1. umfassende Propaganda krieg der Weltgeschichte, was den EINSATZ—VON—FILM + Fotografie betrifft.
20040803             As for SIERRA—LEONE, THE—UNITED—NATIONS human development report for 20040101—20040715     -published ON—WHICH measures overall living standards —AROUND the world, puts that beneficiary of western intervention in 177. place out of 177, 1—AUGUST position it has continued to occupy —EVER—SINCE our boys went in: SIERRA—LEONE is literally the most miserable place on earth.
20040805—19160000    —EXECUTED, The oldest person, in the 19010101—20001231     was —83—YEAR—OLD—JOE—LEE—OF—VIRGINIA.
20040807—20040000    —BEWILDERED, UK Muslims are, and scared: It is easy for 1—MUSLIM to relate to the pain of the Jews —IN—EARLY 19010101—20001231     UK
20040808             The nascent European Dream, says Rifkin, is, in MANY—RESPECTS, the mirror OPPOSITE—OF—THE—USA—DREAM, but far better suited to meet the challenges of 1—GLOBALIZING society in the 20010101—21001231  .
20040814             CZESLAW—MILOSZ was known for his intellectual and emotional works about SOME—OF—THE—WORST cruelties of the 19010101—20001231  .
20040819             It grew OUT—OF—THE—COUNTERINSURGENCY—OPERATIONS—OF—THE—LATE 19010101—20001231     + its sole purpose is to serve Empire.
20040827             Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on 20010101—21001231     Competitiveness.
20040916             —CONTINUED, The leak, into 20170000             and regulators warned it could last 1—CENTURY or more.
20040923             Under Uncle SAM—THUMB—THE—HISTORY—OF—WASHINGTON—OCCUPATIONS—BY ASHLEY—SMITH—SOCIALIST—WORKER - 20030426             - THE—USA—GOVERNMENT established itself as 1—IMPERIAL p ower at THE—TURN—OF—THE 19010101—20001231     with THE—SPANISH—USA—WAR—WHEN it grabbed colonies in THE—CARIBBEAN and Pacific.
20040925             † MARVIN—DAVIS, —79—JAHRE—ALT, oil mogul and former owner of 19010101—20001231     Fox, in BEVERLY—HILLS.
20040926             THE—IRAQ war, he informed us THEN—AND presumably he was still referring to the 1. IRAQ WAR—WAS "the battle of seminal importance for the early 20010101—21001231    ".
20040930             —SEIT—MITTE des 17010101—18001231    ´s gilt der Luchs im Pfälzerwald im Südwesten Deutschlands als ausgestorben.
20041000             18.19990101             5, the 11. Circuit COURT—OF—APPEALS in ATLANTA ruled that... for their information about what was being done in their names.
20041004             Sentenced to Be Raped: I firmly believe that the central moral challenge of this, equivalent to the struggles against slavery in the 18010101—19001231     or against totalitarianism in the 20., will be to address sex inequality in the 3. WORLD—AND it's THE—STORIES—OF—WOMEN—LIKE—MISS—MUKHTARAN that convince me this is so.
20041009             Doch mit Beginn der großen Aufforstungen gab es —BIS weit in das 19010101—20001231     hinein einen Trend zum verstärkten Anbau der als robust geltenden Nadelbäume.
20041013             Army Transformation Failures 20040715             —APPEARING —BEFORE the House Armed Services Committee, retired Army COLONEL—DOUGLAS—MACGREGOR warned that the ongoing efforts to transform THE—USA—ARMY to meet the wartime needs of the 20010101—21001231     may be failing to shape the force as the new ERA—OF—TERRORISM + failed states + 4. Generation Warfare requires.
20041014             —WARNED, DOUGLAS—MACGREGOR, that the ongoing efforts to transform THE—USA—ARMY to meet the wartime needs of the 20010101—21001231     may be failing to shape the... URL :
20041017             —BECAME, In the latter 19010101—20001231    , this practice, the rule rather than the exception.
20041018             —REMAINED, THE—USA—USA—GOVERNMENT—ESSENTIAL—STRUCTURE has, in place —SINCE that successful UK UK—COLONISTS—REBELLION in the 17010101—18001231     time.
20041018             THE—USA—USA—GOVERNMENT is the product of 1—SUCCESSFUL—UK—UK?COLONISTS—REBELLION in the 17010101—18001231     +
20041018             Yeshiva student apologizes to archbishop for spitting : 1—YESHIVA student who spat at THE—ARMENIA—ARCHBISHOP in ISRAEL and at a 16010101—17001231     cross —DURING—LAST—WEEK—PROCESSION marking the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Jerusa lem's Old City has met with HEADS—OF—THE—ARMENIA—COMMUNITY and apologized for his actions, police said —SUNDAY.
20041020             "Die Prognose der Verbreitung der Pest im 13010101—14001231     wäre recht einfach gewesen", sagt THEO—GEISEL, Direktor am MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT für Strömungsforschung, im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20041022             Anyone with ANY—KNOWLEDGE—OF—19010101—20001231     history will know that this same megalomaniacal outburst could have been made by a "senior adviser" to Hitler, STALIN, Mussolini or Mao.
20041022             AMERICA—TORTUOUS—ROAD to ABU—GHRAIB : Americans have seen the reality and THE—RESULTS—OF—INTERROGATION—TECHNIQUES THE—CIA has propagated and practiced for nearly HALF—1—CENTURY.
20041022             —AFTER all, —WHEN THEN—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—WILLIAM—COHEN signed the charter for the 20010101—21001231     National Security Strategy Study,
20041025             Hirnforschung im 20010101—21001231     - "Das —JAHRHUNDERT der Hirnforschung"
20041027             —ARGUED, Historians in the 17010101—18001231    , the elegant design was ordered by KING—ALFRED to celebrate his victory over the pagan Danes in 871.
20041027             Others say the design was cut by Hengist, THE—LEADER—OF—ANGLO—SAXON hordes in the 04010101—05001231    , in THE—IMAGE—OF—THE—HORSE on his standard.
20041027             —LINED, Winding country lanes, with hedgerows bursting with flowers, lead to picturesque villages and market towns complete with thatched cottages dating back to the 15010101—16001231  .
20041027             Others say the design was cut by Hengist, THE—LEADER—OF—ANGLO—SAXON hordes in the 04010101—05001231    ,
20041027             lead to picturesque villages and market towns complete with thatched cottages dating back to the 15010101—16001231  .
20041028             Trivia / National ANTHEM—JAPAN - "TOKYO—JAPAN—EMPEROR said that no 1 should be forced to face the flag + sing the national ANTHEM—BOTH potent SYMBOLS—OF—JAPAN'S 19010101—20001231     militarism".
20041030             Erstens: im ausgehenden 18010101—19001231     eine neue FORM—VON—PORNOGRAFIE erfand + die Psychoanalyse, die zur gleichen Zeit erfunden wurde.
20041031             The real reason for this insecurity, he argues, is the decay of the 19010101—20001231    —POLITICAL—BELIEF—SYSTEMS and social structures: people have been left "disconnected" and "fearful".
20041101             —URGED, And if I was, to express in —JUST 1—FEW words SOME—OF—MY ideas in this context —AFTER 1—LONG—LIFE—OF—STRUGGLE and experience in the field and having seen the development of our world over nearly HALF—1—CENTURY, to reach the dramatic SITUATION—OF—THE—PLANET—6.5—BILLION inhabitants, I harbor the most absolute conviction that only education can save our species.
20041103             Die Idee tauchte erstmals im 18010101—19001231     auf in den Arbeiten von Augustus Le Plongeon, der die Maya Ruinen von Yucatán untersuchte.
20041103             DIE—IDEE tauchte erstmals im 18010101—19001231              20041103             In the beginning of the 05010101—06001231     A.D., S—MOLAISE, also known as S—LASERIAN, established 1—MONASTIC—SCHOOL on Devenish + at his death in A.D. 563—IT was 1—SEAT—OF learning of considerable size and fame.
20041103             In the beginning of the 05010101—06001231     A.D.
20041104             —ANTICIPATED, Well, I, this revolution 1—QUARTER—OF—1—CENTURY ago, with some of the same players.
20041105             Eine universalhistorische Deutung" zur Geschichte des 19010101—20001231     und "Feindbild AMERIKA:
20041105             Neue Zürcher ZEITUNG—DANIEL—WEISS, Slawist an der Uni Zürich, ist hingerissen über sensationelle Funde privater Korrespondenz aus dem Nowgorod des 11. —BIS 14010101—15001231  .
20041107             Add to this THE—PRIVATISATION—OF—KEY—STATE—FUNCTIONS, all mediated by global IT corporations that are also the indispensable link in the weapons, media, pharmaceuticals + global financial networks + you have the corporate, security state 20010101—21001231     style.
20041109             STATE—AND—FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES held 1,470,045 prisoners as of 20031231             20041117             The aid supplied by the Conservative Republicans in the 90s allowed the Neocons to survive, prosper, and ascend to the highest OFFICES—OF—POWER within THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION so that they could deliver the 1. 20010101—21001231     war to the world's doorstep.
20041110—19990101    —AM, FRANKFURT am MAIN—DER Euro kletterte trotz der besser als erwartet ausgefallenen USA—AUßENHANDELSBILANZ —BIS auf 1,3005 Dollar und damit auf den höchsten Stand —SEIT seiner Einführung.
20041117             —SUPPLIED, The aid, by the Conservative Republicans in the 90s allowed the Neocons to survive, prosper, and ascend to the highest OFFICES—OF—POWER within THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION so that they could deliver the 1. 20010101—21001231     war to the world's doorstep.
20041121             Better than anyone to date, the Media Education Foundation has quietly + accurately documented the most important history of 20010101—21001231     thus far in their
20041121             It is more probable than not that, within the 19010101—20001231    , 1—ULTRAINTELLIGENT machine will be built and that it will be the last invention that man need make.
20041201—20050101    —JAHR—BIS lawnorder:
20041201—20050101    lawnorder: Ordinarily, THE—TALON—BOMB—DISPOSAL—UGV comes equipped with 1—MECHANICAL—ARM...
20041205             Investigation by Bev Harris, AUTHOR—OF "Black Box Voting: Ballot Tampering In The 20010101—21001231     "
20041205             —FROM : rob USA—INDIANS were intentionally given disease filled blankets in the 18010101—19001231     with USA gov't approval.
20041206             Other drawings feature nearly EVERY—POLITICAL + financial scandal —AT—THE—END—OF—THE 19010101—20001231  .
20041213             CHINA said it will impose duties on its exports of textiles and apparel in 1—EFFORT to alleviate the impact of eased restrictions effective 20040101             .
20041215             It was 1—MIRACLE he didn't do this back —WHEN Mercury News EDITOR—JERRY—CEPPOS, —NOW 58 and V.P. of KNIGHT—RIDDER, pulled the trigger on the most authentic journalistic career of the late 19010101—20001231  .
20041218             Death Is 1—FESTIVAL: Funeral Rites and Rebellion in 19....+Rebellion in 18010101—19001231     BRAZIL by João... to Campo SANTO—SUPPORTERS + particularly to its owners.
20041218             Rebellion in 18010101—19001231     BRAZIL by João
20041221             Scoop: Real Deal: CSC DynCorp & THE—ECONOMICS—OF—LAWLESSNESS... on Inslaw : / Nothing is... What is the role of PROMIS + SIMILAR—BLOCH 11:07 am BILL—BERKOWITZ—BTL: UKRAINE Crisis Could... 20050101             20041221             USA—CONGRESS—PROBE into Yushchenko funding unlikely —BEFORE Jan : 1—PROBE into the possible FUNDING—OF—THE—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN—OF—UKRAINE—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE—VIKTOR—YUSHCHENKO with money from USA—TAXPAYERS could be conducted in USA—CONGRESS not —EARLIER that 20040101             —IN—AIDE to TEXAS REPUBLIC—CONGRESSMAN—RON—PAUL, JEFF—DIST, said —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20041221             Scoop: Real Deal: CSC DynCorp & THE—ECONOMICS—OF—LAWLESSNESS... on Inslaw : / Nothing is... What is the role of PROMIS + SIMILAR—BLOCH 11:07 am BILL—BERKOWITZ—BTL: UKRAINE Crisis Could... 20050101             20041221             Nothing Is True!
20041221             USA—CONGRESS—PROBE into Yushchenko funding unlikely —BEFORE Jan : 1—PROBE into the possible FUNDING—OF—THE—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN—OF—UKRAINE—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE—VIKTOR—YUSHCHENKO with money from USA—TAXPAYERS could be conducted in USA—CONGRESS not —EARLIER that 20040101             —IN—AIDE to TEXAS REPUBLIC—CONGRESSMAN—RON—PAUL, JEFF—DIST, said —ON—WEDNESDAY.
200412210000 — 20050101             20041224             —DETERMINED, ISRAEL—EXPERTS have, THE—THUMB—SIZED object is 1—LOT older than believed, dating to the 13. or 13010101—14001231     BC, rather than to the 07010101—08001231     BC, which scholars say was —AROUND the time of Solomon.
20041224             dating to the 13. or 13010101—14001231      BC,
20041224             rather than to the 07010101—08001231      BC, which scholars say was —AROUND the time of Solomon.
20041227             —BASED, If Operation Northwoods was, on the idea of remote control technology at least in SOME—SENSE, then surely almost HALF—1—CENTURY—LATER, the fruition of this technology is 1—FAIT accompli.
20041228—20040101    —REACHED, THE—SPAIN—GOVERNMENT has, 1—AGREEMENT with unions and employers to raise the minimum monthly wage by 4.5% to euro512.90 ($699).
20050000             ;;0718;; : 20010101—21001231     COINTELPRO.
20050000             Margarine ist das 1. Kunstprodukt der Lebensmittelindustrie des 18010101—19001231    , entstanden auf Anregung des Kaisers...
20050101             das 4. Gesetz für moderne Dienstleistungen am Arbeitsmarkt, besser bekannt unter "Hartz—IV".
20050101             —LISTED, EUROPE—7,000, companies adopted INTERNATIONAL financial reporting standards (IFRS), replacing the mishmash of 25—LOCAL accounting regimes with 1—SET—OF—RULES.
20050101             Over 90—COUNTRIES began switching to 1—NEW—INTERNATIONAL accounting standards.
20050101             1—NEW—CALIFORNIA law took effect giving gay couples who register as domestic partners nearly the same responsibilities and benefits as oo spouses.
20050101             † SHIRLEY—CHISHOLM, —80—JAHRE—ALT, advocate for minority rights.
20050101             —BECAME, SHIRLEY—CHISHOLM, the 1. black woman elected to Congress and —LATER the 1. black person to seek 1—MAJOR—PARTY—NOMINATION for THE—USA—PRESIDENCY.
20050101             † ROBERT—MATSUI, —63—JAHRE—ALT, 13-term CALIFORNIA Democratic congressman.
20050101             AUSTRALIA—FREE—TRADE—AGREEMENT with THE—USA—BECAME effective.
20050101             THE—UK—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT—OF—20000000              went into effect.
20050101             —RECORDED, It gave 1—GENERAL—RIGHT—OF—ACCESS to all types of, information held by public authorities and places obligations on public authorities to disclose information, subject to 1—RANGE—OF—EXEMPTIONS.
20050101             —FORCED, THIS—CAMBODIA to face fierce competition from rival exporters.
20050101             This led to the loss of some 30,000 jobs in MAURITIUS.
20050101             1—DEAL to eliminate import tariffs between TANZANIA, KENYA and UGANDA came into force, marking the 1. major step toward integrating THE—EAST—AFRICA—NATIONS into 1—SINGLE—ECONOMIC and investment block.
20050101             INDONESIA was forecast for 4.8% annual GDP growth with 1—POPULATION at 227.1—MILLION and GDP per head at $1,230.
20050101             INDONESIA, desperate, homeless villagers on THE—TSUNAMI—RAVAGED ISLAND—OF—SUMATRA mobbed USA—HELICOPTERS carrying aid as THE—USA—MILITARY launched its largest operation in the region —SINCE THE—VIETNAM—WAR.
20050101             —RELEASED, AL—QAIDA—ARM in IRAQ, 1—VIDEO showing its militants lining up 5 captured IRAQ—SECURITY—OFFICERS and executing them in the street.
20050101             —BECAME, IRELAND—2. CITY—OF—CORK, the European CAPITAL—OF—CULTURE for 20050000             , offering up 1—PROGRAM—OF—THEATRE, music, art, literature as well as sporting and other events.
20050101             —REPORTED, THE—ISLAND nation of 2.6—MILLION—PEOPLE, 1—RECORD 1,145 homicides for 20040000             , compared with 975 THE—YEAR—BEFORE.
20050101             —PLEDGED, JAPAN, up to $500—MILLION in grant aid for tsunami disaster relief.
20050101             —OPENED, JAPAN—CURRENCY, at 102.41—YEN to the dollar.
20050101             —PUSHED, Rising oil prices, it down —IN—APRIL to 108.91 to the dollar.
20050101             NORWAY, 1—NEW—LAW went into effect to allow foreign hunters to hunt seals.
20050101             —RAISED, The legislation, the seal kill quota to 2,000.
20050101             —RETIRED, SOUTH—PERU, Antauro Humala, army major, led 1—NATIONALIST—GROUP that seized 1—POLICE—STATION ambushed 1—POLICE—VEHICLE responding to the scene, killing 4—OFFICERS and 2—RESERVISTS.
20050101             —SENTENCED, Antauro Humala was —LATER, to —25—YEARS in prison.
20050101             —ENACTED, ROMANIA, 1—LAW forbidding INTERNATIONAL adoptions except to biological grandparents in 1—EFFORT to help it win EU membership.
20050101             SAUDI—ARABIA, 2—MEN, 1—PAKISTANI and 1—IRAQI, were beheaded for smuggling in drugs.
20050101             1—NEW—SWITZERLAND—LAW took effect that legalized the production of absinthe.
20050101             TAIWAN was forecast for 4.8% annual GDP growth with 1—POPULATION at 22.9—MILLION and GDP per head at $14,560.
20050101             THE—NEW (yeni) TURKEY—LIRA (YTL), will begin circulating, wiping out 6—ZEROES from the current money.
20050101             UGANDA PRESIDENT—YOWERI—MUSEVENI said the army will resume ALL—OUT WAR—ON—REBELS in NORTH—UGANDA, charging that the insurgents rejected 1—CEASE—FIRE—DEAL that had been expected to open the way for political talks on ending THE—18—YEAR—CIVIL—WAR.
20050101             —PUBLISHED, DENMARK—PRIME—MINISTER—ANDERS—FOGH—RASMUSSEN, in response to cartoons, by JYLLANDS—POSTEN depicting the prophet Muhammad, condemned in his new —YEAR—SPEECH—ANY—ATTEMPT to demonize GROUPS—OF—PEOPLE on the basis of religion or ethnic background.
20050101             If Kerry won, this would be the 3. time in 1—ROW that 1—INCOMING—DEMOCRATIC—PRESIDENT inherited 1—GIGANTIC—BUDGET—DEFICIT from his Republican predecessor.
20050101             In der SERBISCHEN—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT wurde die Wahl HARADINAJ s mit Ungläubigkeit aufgenommen, schreibt die Belgrader Zeitung "Politika".
20050101             DIESE WAHL VERSCHAFFE DEN ALBANISCHEN—ULTRA—NATIONALISTEN FLÜGEL + bedeute das ENDE—DER—TRÄUME von der Rückkehr der vertriebenen Serben, so die Zeitung weiter:
20050101             Illegaler Waffenverkauf: WAL—MART muss 14,5 Millionen Dollar zahlen
20050101             Bereaved father fights —YAHOO for dead son's war E—MAILS
20050101             - Letzter affenartiger Vorfahre des Menschen gefunden?
20050101             Wie sie im Fachmagazin "Science" darlegen, handelt es sich dabei um den Pierolapithecus catalaunicus,
20050101             einen Großaffen, der offenbar über gute Kletterfähigkeiten verfügte.
20050101             —GEFUNDEN, Obwohl das Skelett dieses Affen in SPANIEN, wurde, nehmen die Forscher an, dass diese Affenspezies sich einst in AFRIKA entwickelt hat.
20050101             Wie andere Großaffen verfügt der Pierolapithecus catalaunicus über ein steifes unteres Rückgrat und andere anatomische Anpassungen,
20050101             die zum Klettern, aber auch zum aufrechten Stehen auf 2—BEINEN befähigen.
20050101             Andere Affen, die ebenfalls als Kandidaten für diesen Platz in der Evolution gehandelt wurden, waren der Kenyapithecus oder der Equatorius sowie die noch älteren Morotopithecus und Afropithecus.
20050101             Doch diese Spezies weisen noch primitivere Merkmale auf als das —JETZT gefundene GROßAFFEN—EXEMPLAR.
20050101             Da das PIEROLAPITHECUS—SKELETT fast vollständig erhalten ist, konnten die Forscher erstmals die große Ähnlichkeit mit modernen Großaffen in Schlüsselbereichen belegen.
20050101             "Der Brustkorb ist der wichtigste anatomische Teil dieses Fossils",
20050101             erklärt MOYÀ—SOLÀ, "denn es ist das 1. Mal, dass 1—BRUSTKORB, der dem eines modernen Großaffen ähnelt, bei einem Fossilfund entdeckt wurde.
20050101             —GESTALTET, Auch die Schulterblätter sind —BEREITS modern : Wie bei modernen Großaffen und beim Menschen liegen sie am Rücken und nicht an den Seiten des Brustkorb,
20050101             wie bei anderen Affen und Hunden.
20050101             —GEFUNDEN, Obwohl dieses AFFEN—EXEMPLAR in SPANIEN, wurde, nehmen die Forscher einen Ursprung in AFRIKA an.
20050101             "AFRIKA ist die PRIMATEN—FABRIK", erklärt MOYÀ—SOLÀ.
20050101             "Im unteren und mittleren Miozän [vor etwa 14—MILLIONEN —JAHREN] in AFRIKA finden wir eine fantastische VIELFALT—VON—PRIMITIVEN—HOMINOIDEN mit affenähnlichen Körperstrukturen vor.
20050101             EURASIEN, sind Affen plötzlich im mittleren Miozän AUFGETAUCHT—VORHER waren sie dort völlig unbekannt.
20050101             Politics: FORMER—CIA #3 Ab " Buzzy" KRONGARD suggests its better to have Bin
20050101             THE—BEST—OF—BOTH worlds: low tax and no guilty expectation of philanthropy.
20050101             —GETAN, Ich habe es, weil ich ihn hasse", zitierte Ansa den Maurer, der sich zu den Neujahrsfeiern in Rom aufhielt. "Ich hatte es bestimmt nicht geplant, aber als ich sah, wie er DIE—MENSCHENMENGE grüßte, konnte ich mich nicht mehr beherrschen". Berlusconis Sprecher sagte zu dem Vorfall: "Der MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT ist traurig, sehr traurig".
20050101             ROM—WIE die Nachrichtenagnetur Ansa meldete, warf ein, —28—JAHRE—ALTER Maurer aus Norditalien das Stativ, als Berlusconi kurz nach Sonnenuntergang auf dem Piazza Navona spazieren ging.
20050101             Es traf den Ministerpräsidenten hinter dem Ohr.
20050101             DER—ANGREIFER wurde von Leibwächtern und Polizisten schnell abgedrängt.
20050101             Berlusconi ließ sich vorsichtshalber von einem Arzt untersuchen.
20050101             Dort werden auch mehr als 1000—DEUTSCHE noch vermisst.
20050101             —SEITDEM, die SCHOCK—TRUPPEN des neuen CIA—CHEFS Porter, Goss DIE—MACHT inUSA Langley übernommen haben, treffen sich immer mehr alte CIA—KÄMPEN im "Center for Career Transition" wieder, in dem Ausscheidende auf das Leben —NACH—DEM GEHEIM—DIENST vorbereitet werden.
20050101             —VERSPRICHT, Denen, die sich dem neuen Regime anpassen, die BUSH—ADMINISTRATION goldene Zeiten.
20050101             Das WEIßES—HAUS will den Etat für Agenten vor Ort um 50 % ERHÖHEN—DAMIT könnte DIE—CIA mehr Spione anheuern, als sie selbst haben wollte.
20050101             "Normalerweise bringt selbst der Weihnachtsmann nur das, was auf dem Wunschzettel steht", lästert
20050101             Für Scheuer gibt es keinen Weg zurück.
20050101             Er will an 1—UNIVERSITÄT—STUDENTEN beibringen, daß weder der Geheimdienstzar noch mehr Geld oder mehr Agenten AMERIKA sicherer machen werden, wenn nicht noch etwas anderes hinzukomme.
20050101             Solange es Extremisten gebe, welche DIE—USA hassen, werden sie mit Informationen nicht helfen.
20050101             Und weil dieser Hass zu immer mehr Gewalt führe, müsse etwas unternommen werden, damit er sich nicht weiter AUSBREITET—ETWAS, was so ziemlich das Gegenteil des IRAK—KRIEGS sein müsste.
20050101             Zwischen Agenten der LANGLEY—BEHÖRDE und der Regierung ist 1—KLEIN—KRIEG entbrannt.
20050101             Der "INTELLIGENCE Reform Act" soll 1.ART—WIEDERGEBURT für 1—DER größten SPIONAGE—APPARATE werden, den je 1—STAAT unterhielt:
20050101             Dazu gehören nicht nur DIE—CIA oder der ABHÖR—DIENST—NSA mit seinen weltumspannenden Lauschkapazitäten;
20050101             DIE—TEILSTREIT—KRÄFTE der USA verfügen genauso über eigene GEHEIM—DIENSTE wie etwa das Außen-, das Finanz— oder das Energieministerium.
20050101             15—DIENSTE sind es insgesamt mit 200.000—ANGESTELLTEN und einem —JAHRESETAT—VON—40—MILLIARDEN DOLLAR.
20050101             Gemessen an solchen Zahlen müssten Amerikas Spionage und GEGEN—SPIONAGE eigentlich unbezwingbar sein.
20050101             Ihre AUFKLÄRUNGS—SATELLITEN sind angeblich in der Lage, noch aus dem Weltall die Nummernschilder von Autos zu entziffern.
20050101             DIE—NEUESTE Generation ihrer Himmelsspäher ist so beeindruckend wie das WeltraumTELESKOP Hubble.
20050101             Statt ins All können sich deren Kameras auf jeden Fleck der Erde richten.
20050101             Und doch hat dieser Apparat in jüngster Zeit schmählich versagt.
20050101             AL—QAIDA—VIDEO: Erschießungen in aller Öffentlichkeit
20050101             Hygienenotstand: Ärzte bestätigen Ausbruch von Cholera
20050101             Newsticker: Kurzmeldungen zur Flutkatastrophe
20050101             Königshaus: PRINZESSIN—ANNE entkam bewaffnetem Entführer
20050101             Unternehmen: EASYJET—GRÜNDER—WILL—DEUTSCHEN—HANDYMARKT aufmischen
20050101             —ENTHAUPTET, SAUDI—ARABIEN: 2—AUS—LÄNDER wegen Drogenschmuggels
20050101             IRAK: Bombenanschläge und Enthauptungen zum JAHRES—WECHSEL
20050101             DEUTSCHER—ARZT in Phuket: Die —96—STUNDEN—SCHICHT
20050101             Flutkatastrophe: DEUTSCHLAND schickt mehr Helfer
20050101             Silvester rund um den Globus: Schweigeminuten, schwarze Tücher und weiße Rosen
20050101             Gärtnern virtuell: Und täglich grünt das Radieschenbeet
20050101             WASSER—WIRBEL: In der Tiefsee toben Taifune
20050101             —ANGRIFF: Maurer bewirft Berlusconi mit Stativ
20050101             KATASTROPHEnregionen: Ärzte befürchten Ausbruch der Cholera
20050101             USA—GEHEIMDIENSTE: BRUDER—KRIEG der Spione
20050101             —ERST nach Neujahr- "Diese Regierung wird ruhig atmen können, wenn wir wissen, ob Haradinaj wegen Kriegsverbrechen angeklagt wird".
20050101             Alleine in der in THAILAND am schwersten getroffenen Provinz Phang Nga nördlich der Urlauberinsel Phuket könnte es mehr als 10.000—TOTE gegeben haben, sagte —HEUTE 1—DER—HELFER im Krisengebiet.
20050101             Es gingen gerade die Besten, warnt Milt Bearden, ehemals der AFGHANISTAN—EXPERTE + 1—DER—LEGENDEN—DES—DIENSTES: "Das Universum steht Kopf".
20050101             PHILIP—ZELIKOW, der ehemalige DIREKTOR—DES—WICHTIGSTEN—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUSSES im Kongress über die Hintergründe des 20010911             20050101             Denn so, wie die Dinge —JETZT liegen, sagt Scheuer, hat "der KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERRORISMUS noch gar nicht richtig begonnen".
20050101             die Teilstreitkräfte der USA verfügen genauso über eigene Geheimdienste wie etwa das Außen-, das FINANZ—ODER das Energieministerium.
20050101             Die Geheimen verfügen über eine gigantische Maschinerie mit einigen der größten und leistungsfähigsten Computer der Welt, die jeden —TAG Abermillionen Telefongespräche auffangen und E—MAILS lesen können.
20050101             Die neueste Generation ihrer Himmelsspäher ist so beeindruckend wie das Weltraumteleskop Hubble.
20050101             —AUSRADIERT, Satellitenbilder: Wie BANDA—ACEH, wurde
20050101             USA—GEHEIMDIENSTE: Bruderkrieg der SPIONE—DISPATCHES.
20050101             Clint Curtis said his employer told him the code would be used "to... in
20050101             BARCELONA (SPANIEN) - Des Menschen möglicherweise letzten direkten AFFEN—VORFAHREN haben —JETZT SPANISCHE—WISSENSCHAFTLER auf einer Grabungsstätte in der Nähe von BARCELONA gefunden.
20050101             Wie sie im Fachmagazin "Science" darlegen, handelt es sich dabei um den Pierolapithecus catalaunicus, einen Großaffen, der offenbar über gute Kletterfähigkeiten verfügte.
20050101             Wie andere Großaffen verfügt der Pierolapithecus catalaunicus über ein steifes unteres Rückgrat und andere anatomische Anpassungen, die zum Klettern, aber auch zum aufrechten Stehen auf 2—BEINEN befähigen.
20050101             Diese Eigenschaften und sein Alter von rund 13—MILLIONEN —JAHREN lassen ihn für SALVADOR—MOYÀ—SOLÀ vom Institut de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont und seine Kollegen als Kandidaten für den lange gesuchten letzten AFFEN—VORFAHREN des Menschen in Frage kommen.
20050101             "Der Brustkorb ist der wichtigste anatomische Teil dieses Fossils", erklärt MOYÀ—SOLÀ, "denn es ist das 1. Mal, dass 1—BRUSTKORB, der dem eines modernen Großaffen ähnelt, bei einem Fossilfund entdeckt wurde".
20050101             —GESTALTET, Auch die Schulterblätter sind —BEREITS modern : Wie bei modernen Großaffen und beim Menschen liegen sie am Rücken und nicht an den Seiten des Brustkorb, wie bei anderen Affen und Hunden.
20050101             "Im unteren und mittleren Miozän [vor etwa 14—MILLIONEN —JAHREN] in AFRIKA finden wir eine fantastische VIELFALT—VON—PRIMITIVEN—HOMINOIDEN mit affenähnlichen Körperstrukturen vor. In Eurasien sind Affen plötzlich im mittleren Miozän AUFGETAUCHT—VORHER waren sie dort völlig unbekannt".
20050101             Darum LIEGE der Ursprung seiner Meinung nach in AFRIKA.
20050101             Institut de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont.
20050101             —BANGED, DAVID—IRVING, up! [Archive] - boards
20050101             the firm which was headed —UNTIL—BLUE—PLANET—TEAM—NETWORK.
20050101             Seitdem die Schocktruppen des neuen CIA—CHEFS Porter, Goss die Macht inUSA......
20050101—20010911    PHILIP—ZELIKOW, der ehemalige DIREKTOR—DES—WICHTIGSTEN—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUSSES im Kongress über die Hintergründe DES
20050101—20040000    —EMBATTLED, JAMAICA's, police commissioner FRANCIS—FORBES resigned —FOLLOWING record number of homicides.
20050101—20050110    —ENTSTANDEN, ESA Panorama: Mosaik mehrerer ENVISAT—BILDER, die, sind.
20050101—20050131    —JANUAR
20050101—20050131    Politics: FORMER—CIA #3 Ab " Buzzy" Krongard suggests its better to have Bin... THE—BEST—OF—BOTH worlds: low tax and no guilty expectation of philanthropy.
20050101—20050201    Dual Loyalty:
20050101—20050413    —VOTED, USA Representatives, to name THE—FEDERAL—COURTHOUSE in SACRAMENTO in his honor.
20050101—20051231    —UNTIL, The old lira will keep circulating.
20050101—20060000    —ELECTED, ANTAURO—BROTHER, Ollanta, was, PRESIDENT.
20050101—20061231    —ELECTED, Whoever is, PRESIDENT is going to have serious problems in-.
20050101—20061231    We 1—MERICANS are going to suffer".
20050101—20061231    Why?
20050101—20110000    —IN, his sentence was reduced to —19—YEARS.
20050103             20050101             Seitdem die Schocktruppen des neuen CIA—CHEFS Porter, Goss die Macht inUSA...... 20050103.html - 367
20050103             20050101             Silvester rund um den Globus: Schweigeminuten, schwarze Tücher und weiße Rosen.
20050110             —EXTENDED, Officials, the initial 20050101             date for THE—BENEFIT—OF—NEW—YEAR revelers.
20050113             (13450000             ) Tue 19920407             —120P By: JOHN—DINARDO—TO: All Re: Despite Gov... Singlaub would probably enjoy burning these books... 1—CENTURY will NOT be too frightened to stand up against the bullets of the Wackenhut Security Corporation...
20050118             "Racial profiling is to the 20010101—21001231     what JIM—CROW laws were to the last,
20050118             "Racial profiling is to the 20010101—21001231     what JIM—CROW laws were to the last, turning entire GROUPS—OF—PEOPLE into 2.—CLASS citizens and denying them the rights to which we all are due".
20050119             _A_O_20050101_THAY_ALL_VICTIMS_LIST_UNCOMPLETE_GERMAN_search.html
20050121             THE—MALDON—INSTITUTE—NAMED —AFTER 1—OBSCURE—BATTLE—IN—ENGLAND in the 09010101—10001231    —IS based in BALTIMORE and has 1—MAILING address in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA
20050128             I highly doubt that there was 1—MOVE by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT (there may have been USA—BUSINESSES involved) in the late 18. and early 18010101—19001231     to trade with CHINA.
20050128             Furthermore, given the early diplomatic moves by THE—USA in terms of its national interests (ie. normalizing trade relations with EUROPE, expanding Westward + dealing with the Native Americans), I highly doubt that there was 1—MOVE by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT (there may have been USA—BUSINESSES involved) in the late 18. and early 18010101—19001231     to trade with CHINA.
20050211             Powerpundit - 20041226—20050101     - Archives... LOUISE—WILLGRASS, 43, from Colney, near NORWICH, was washed away —AFTER she... MISTER—WILLGRASS managed to pull the children free and... Here is ROSSI—LETTER to Gregoire...
20050218             Sie soll zu einem mit Ornamenten verzierten Thron aus Kalkstein gehören, der aus der 2. Hälfte des 07010101—08001231     stammt.
20050222             Der VATER—DES—BISHERIGEN—SYSTEMS zur Benennung der VOGELHIRN—BESTANDTEILE war der DEUTSCHE—LUDWIG—EDINGER, der im 18010101—19001231     1—MODELL—DER—HIRNEVOLUTION entwickelte.
20050223             Rental Info: VHS 19880101             (—7—DAY—RENTAL).
20050228             Gewerkschaften und soziale Demokratie im 19010101—20001231     : Vortrag...
20050303             That's like saying "The 20010101—21001231     will be upon us soon," or "—1—DAY, man will walk on the moon".
20050306             NATO & EUROPE in the 20010101—21001231    : New Roles for 1—CHANGING—PARTNERSHIP...JACK—SEYMOUR—UK—AMERICA—SECURITY—INFORMATION—COUNCIL...
20050306             participants list -... NATO & EUROPE in the 20010101—21001231    : New Roles for 1—CHANGING—PARTNERSHIP...JACK—SEYMOUR—BRITISH—AMERICA—SECURITY—INFORMATION—COUNCIL...
20050309             Tutanchamun regierte im 13010101—14001231     vor Christus während der 18. Dynastie.
20050310             The new CROSS—STATE—AIR—POLLUTION—RULE (CSAPR) was due to go into effect 20120101             , but faced heavy state and industrial opposition.
20050310—20050101    —VOTED, GEORGIA lawmakers, unanimously for RUSSIA to withdraw troops from SOVIET—ERA—BASES.
20050316             Deutsch: —JETZT kommen wir zu dem, was ich als größten Skandal der Physik des 19010101—20001231     bezeichne.
20050317             Im 15010101—16001231     aber könnte die Kraft raubenden Beinarbeit überflüssig geworden sein:
20050317             Im 15010101—16001231     aber könnte die Kraft raubenden Beinarbeit überflüssig geworden sein: In SÜD—UND Mittelamerika, dem Lebensraum des Gemeinen Vampirs, wurde die Haustierzucht EINGEFÜHRT—UND bot den Nachtjägern herdenweise fette Beute.
20050318             DIANA - 19010101—20001231     MEDICINE—AN AMBULANCE RIDE TO HELL.
20050319             TARGET="nw">Nosta... greedy. mrnet. pt "Greedy" is a "Monopoly TYPE—OF—GAME based on 20010101—21001231     economics",
20050319             Nosta... greedy. mrnet. pt "Greedy" is a "Monopoly TYPE—OF—GAME based on 20010101—21001231     economics", featuring "several service companies", "tax evasion...
20050321             ESA Panorama: Mosaik mehrerer ENVISAT—BILDER, die 20050101—20050110 entstanden sind.
20050325             Option: USA Foreign Relations in the 19010101—20001231     (T7015)...
20050325             The course provides 1—EMPIRICAL and theoretical analysis of the foreign relations of THE—USA—FROM the turn of the 19010101—20001231    —UNTIL the opening of the...
20050325             Option: USA Foreign Relations in the 19010101—20001231     (T7015)... The course provides 1—EMPIRICAL and theoretical analysis of the foreign relations of THE—USA—FROM the turn of the 19010101—20001231    —UNTIL the opening of the...
20050327             —UNVEILED, USA—PLAN to make INDIA world power : THE—USA, plans to help INDIA become a "major world power in the 20010101—21001231    " even as it announced moves to beef up THE—MILITARY—OF—NEW—DELHI—NUCLEAR—RIVAL, PAKISTAN.
20050329             —SURVIVED, That heretical statement, the deliberate burning by Christian fanatics of the immense library at ALEXANDRIA in the 03010101—04001231  .
20050329             A 15010101—16001231     SPAIN—PHILOSOPHER, MICHEL—DE—MONTAIGNE, described the period most succinctly:
20050329             of all that is.
20050329             All loves, all lives and all gods are his".
20050401             Planet Earth stands on THE—CUSP—OF—DISASTER and people should no longer take it for granted that their children and grandchildren will survive in the environmentally degraded world of the 20010101—21001231  .
20050401             80. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—PCP—SPEECH by CARLOS—CARVALHAS - 9st... be considered major PROTAGONISTS—OF—PORTUGAL—HISTORY in the 19010101—20001231    ... of YUGOSLAVIA turn their backs to the consequences of depleted uranium...
20050403             NEUSS, beispielsweise sind Beinamen im 12010101—13001231     noch 1—SELTENHEIT, im benachbarten Köln hingegen —SCHON die Regel.
20050403             Jh. einen Beinamen führen, sind zu Beginn des 13010101—14001231     in der ländlichen Umgebung der Stadt noch 50—PROZENT—DER—EINWOHNER einnamig + um 14000000             haben VIELE—STÄDTISCHE—HANDWERKER noch keinen Beinamen
20050403             und 13010101—14001231     wurde die Familiennamenbildung entscheidend gefördert.
20050403             Während die Hildesheimer Ratsmitglieder —BEREITS im 12010101—13001231     einen Beinamen führen, sind zu Beginn des 13010101—14001231     in der ländlichen Umgebung der Stadt noch 50—PROZENT—DER—EINWOHNER einnamig + um 14000000             haben VIELE—STÄDTISCHE—HANDWERKER noch keinen Beinamen
20050403             Durch den Ausbau der Verwaltung und die Zunahme der Schriftlichkeit im 13. und 13010101—14001231     wurde die Familiennamenbildung entscheidend gefördert.
20050403             Sowohl in Köln als auch in REGENSBURG lässt sich im 11010101—12001231     die Führung eines Beinamens relativ häufig nachweisen.
20050403             The 18010101—19001231     Occult Revival... by BARBARA—AHO.
20050403             Die —BIS zum 11010101—12001231     vereinzelt vorkommenden, rein individuellen Beinamen entwickelten sich allmählich zum wichtigsten Bestandteil der Personennamen.
20050403             —BEREITS in der 2. Hälfte des 11010101—12001231     finden sich in REGENSBURG Zeugnisse dafür, dass Vater und Sohn bzw. mehrere Brüder den gleichen Beinamen führen:
20050403             Dieser Beeinträchtigung der identifizierenden Funktion der Rufnamen konnte jedoch durch eine im bisherigen System vorhandene Möglichkeit der näheren Personenkennzeichnung begegnet werden: Die —BIS zum 11010101—12001231     vereinzelt vorkommenden, rein individuellen Beinamen entwickelten sich allmählich zum wichtigsten Bestandteil der Personennamen.
20050403             —BEREITS in der 2. Hälfte des 11010101—12001231     finden sich in REGENSBURG Zeugnisse dafür, dass Vater und Sohn bzw. mehrere Brüder den gleichen Beinamen führen: 1—SOHN—DES—HARTWICH in Porta [am Tor] ist ca.
20050403             Auch im Hinblick auf die gesellschaftliche Verbreitung der Zweinamigkeit werden deutliche Unterschiede sichtbar.
20050404             THE—ALL—SPIN—ZONE: 20050101             — 20050131             ...
20050404             Gegen Ende des 13010101—14001231     führten 28,6—PROZENT—DER—IM—REGENSBURGER—URKUNDENBUCH genannten Personen einen Beinamen nach ihrem meist nicht allzu weit gelegenen Herkunftsort.
20050404             "Geheimgesellschaften + ihre Macht im 19010101—20001231    " von Jan...Trilaterale Kommission, Bilderberger, CFR, UNO Page 2 ... Sie sind weder links, noch rechts oder liberal, aber sie benutzen ALLE—INSTITUTIONEN für ihre Ziele.
20050404             THE—ALL—SPIN—ZONE: 20050101             — 20050131             ... In 1—TIME where MANY—OF—USA see civil liberties being eroded by the... If ANY—OF—YOU have contacts with ANY—OF—THE—MEMBERS who may be friendly to...
20050404             Obwohl sich die Forschung —SEIT dem 18010101—19001231     bemüht, die sprachliche Herkunft dieser patronymischen Endung zu ermitteln,
20050404             Obwohl sich die Forschung —SEIT dem 18010101—19001231     bemüht, die sprachliche Herkunft dieser patronymischen Endung zu ermitteln, steht eine endgültige Klärung noch aus.
20050405             Bei diesem FUNK—ALARMSYSTEM handelt es sich um das sicherste FUNK—ALARMSYSTEM... will survive in the environmentally degraded world of the 20010101—21001231  .
20050408             —ERST im Laufe des 18010101—19001231    , als christliche Missionare aus EUROPA und den USA den Nahen Osten penetrierten, Kirchen und Schulen errichteten und die Abkehr von den als oberflächlich fromm gebrandmarkten Ostkirchen predigten, entstanden arabische Gemeinden anglikanischer, protestantischer oder katholischer Konfession.
20050409             oo PRINCE—CHARLES and CAMILLA—PARKER—BOWLES were, in 1—MODEST—CIVIL—CEREMONY at the 16010101—17001231     Guildhall, and the 2. marriage for each was blessed by the Church of ENGLAND.
20050415             Voting MACHINES—VOTE Tampering in the 20010101—21001231    ... SANTA—CLARA—COUNTY decided —TUESDAY night to purchase machines without a... VOTEHERE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS includes FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—ROBERT—GATES...
20050416             The hull remains of Ria de Aveiro A, 1—MID—14010101—15001231     shipwreck... -... The keel scarf of Ria de Aveiro 1 was reinforced with 4—IRON nails.. It can thus be inferred, ini -. tially, that this is 1—SHIP with 1—KEEL less than...
20050417             —JAHRHUNDERT 01010101—02001231     V. CHR.
20050417             03. - NATW: 20031201             — 20031231             20050417             100 01010101—02001231     V. CHR.
20050418             —DISCOVERED, The papyrus fragments were, in historic dumps outside THE—GRAECO—EGYPT—TOWN—OF—OXYRHYNCHUS ("CITY—OF—THE—SHARP—NOSED fish") in CENTRAL—EGYPT —AT—THE—END—OF—THE 18010101—19001231  .
20050514             NARCO—COLONIALISM in the 19000101—19991231              20050514             CIA NARCO—COLONIALISM in the 19010101—20001231     THE—CIA & Drugs.
20050523             12.-18010101—19001231    - THE—PALIMPSEST as religious text
20050531             —PUBLISHED, Human Events, 1—CONSERVATIVE—WEEKLY, 1—LIST—OF—WHAT 15—CONSERVATIVE—SCHOLARS considered to be THE—10—MOST harmful BOOKS—OF—THE 19. and 19010101—20001231  .
20050602             —PRÄSENTIERT, Mit einem revolutionären Projekt, die BBC "1—MODELL für den öffentlichen Rundfunk des 20010101—21001231    ".
20050604             Kissinger WARNS—OF—ENERGY—CONFLICT : HENRY—KISSINGER, FORMER—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE, —ON—WEDNESDAY warned that the global BATTLE—FOR—CONTROL—OF—ENERGY—RESOURCES could become the modern EQUIVALENT—OF—THE 18010101—19001231     "great game" the conflict between THE—UK + Tsarist RUSSIA for supremacy in CENTRAL—ASIA.
20050609             Auch Größen wie HERMANN—VON—HELMHOLTZ haben sich im 18010101—19001231     an der Debatte BETEILIGT—DENN sie steht im Zusammenhang mit der großen Frage, wie unser Bewußtsein zustande kommt.
20050609             Die Neurowissenschaftler Olivia Carter and JACK—PETTIGREW—VON—DER—UNIVERSITY—OF—QUEENSLAND in AUSTRALIEN beispielsweise haben sich —JETZT ein —SEIT —JAHRHUNDERTEN bekanntes Phänomen vorgeknöpft: Die sogenannte binokulare Rivalität, die —SCHON im 15010101—16001231     erstmals beschrieben wurde.
20050610             1—DRAFT for the 20010101—21001231     is the only answer to our national security needs.
20050610             Mental Fight: 1—ANTI—SPELL for the 20010101—21001231              20050613             —APOLOGIZED, THE—USA—SENATE, for blocking ANTI—LYNCHING—LEGISLATION in the early 19010101—20001231    , —WHEN mob violence against blacks was commonplace.
20050615             NORTH—CAROLINA Woman Among 65,000 Sterilized by Gov't., Often Without Their Knowledge, in 19010101—20001231              20050624             Bitter Harvest : How EU sugar subsidies devastate AFRICA: "1 is 1—ENGLAND—ARISTOCRAT worth £35m with 9,000 acres and an 17010101—18001231     manor house;
20050629             'INDIA won't play 2. fiddle to USA' : INDIA has rejected the idea of 1—UNIPOLAR world, clearly ruling out playing SUB—ALTERN to THE—USA—IF it seeks to remain dominant in the 20010101—21001231     in the face of 1—RISING—ASIA.
20050630             Neue Computersimulationen mit 11—DER weltweit besten Klimarechenmodelle haben —JETZT ergeben, dass es —BIS—MITTE des 21010101—22001231     keinen Flecken rund um den Nordatlantik geben wird, der sich abkühlt.
20050706—20020101    —ON, Yes, Bush lied :, 1—OF—THE—MOST important documents in USA—HISTORY was published and couriered over to THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20050712             They think that AL—QAIDA is mutating into 1—GLOBAL—INSURGENCY, 1—POSSIBLE prototype for other 20010101—21001231     movements, technologically astute, almost leaderless.
20050713             —CLAIMED, INDIA, 1—ISLAMIC—TRUST, ownership of the Taj Mahal and demanded 1—SLICE—OF—TOURIST—REVENUE from the 16010101—17001231     monument to love, but THE—GOVERNMENT—RUN—GROUP charged with its upkeep vowed to challenge that claim in court.
20050714             " GERMAN — HOLLAND—RELATIONS—IN—THE 19010101—20001231    —AN INTERNATIONAL Intelligence Perspective "
20050715             —SINCE the early 18010101—19001231    , the pursuit of USA national security in Latin AMERICA and the Caribbean has largely been grounded in THE—PURSUIT—OF—USA—INTERESTS.
20050716             "If this isn't resolved successfully, the 20010101—21001231     could be bloodier than the last".
20050716             —REPORTED, IRAQ—CIVILIAN—CASUALTIES are never, but INTERNATIONAL Red Cross, Red Crescent and UN figures indicate that as of 20050101             the numbers are —JUST under 100,000. [...]
20050716             They total about 6,210 as of 20050101             .
20050726             BRITAIN—AMAZING disconnect : THE—UK—ARE in IRAQ, partly out of loyalty to their old ally USA, but partly because that are still trying to shape THE—POLITICS—OF—THE—OIL—RICH—MIDDLE—EAST, as they have tried to do for 1—CENTURY.
20050803             REVIEW—OF—THOMAS—FRIEDMAN—THE—WORLD is Flat — 1—BRIEF—HISTORY—OF—THE—GLOBALIZED—WORLD in the 20010101—21001231              20050803—20050702    —ON, 'The 'Great Game' Heats Up in CENTRAL—ASIA'' : The "Joint STATEMENT—OF—THE—PEOPLE—REPUBLIC—OF—CHINA and THE—RUSSIAN—FEDERATION Regarding THE—INTERNATIONAL—ORDER—OF—THE 20010101—21001231    ," signed by CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO and RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, addresses USA hegemony in several LESS—THAN—OBLIQUE passages.
20050805             I deal with this in 1—EXHAUSTIVE manner in my series, The 20010101—21001231    , Parts 1,2 , 3 + 4—OF which can be accessed by the embedded hyperlinks.
20050805             —SCHON im 17010101—18001231     galten bestimmte Berufsträger als besonders manisch", erzählt Junge. Das Klischee habe sich —BIS—HEUTE gehalten, nur die wahnsinnigen Berufszweige hätten sich geändert: "Früher schrieb man Philosophen einen Spleen zu, —HEUTE traut man
20050808             1—MAJOR—PUBLIC building from —AROUND the 09010101—10001231     BC, with pottery shards that date to the time of David and Solomon and 1—GOVERNMENT seal of 1—OFFICIAL mentioned in the book of Jeremiah.
200508101019         —PMPOSTED
20050822             —DURING 1—SPEECH in SALT—LAKE—CITY, PRESIDENT—BUSH compared the fight against terrorism to both world wars and other great conflicts of the 19010101—20001231  .
20050831             They were heading for the tomb of Imam Mousa AL—KADHIM († 799), an 07010101—08001231     Shiite saint, about 1—MILE from the span.
20050831             This story was to become the greatest and most controversial USA—NOVEL—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    : "Lolita".<Link
20050901             1—STATISTICAL—ANALYSIS—OF—EVERY—USA—SUPREME—COURT—DECISION: 1—RESEARCHER plugged in 26,000 opinions issued by THE—SUPREME—COURT between the early 18010101—19001231     and the present —DAY into his computer.
20050913             THE—HOLLAND—GOVERNMENT said it plans to open 1—ELECTRONIC—FILE, effective 20070101             , on EVERY—CHILD at birth as 1—TOOL to spot and protect the troubled KIDS—OF—THE—FUTURE.
20050917             Im 15010101—16001231     war der Begriff Aberglaube allgemeingebräuchlich und wurde neben Missglaube (Afterglaube) als Übersetzung des lat. superstitio durchweg verwendet.
20050917             Aberglaube - (mhd. abergloube) —SEIT dem 14010101—15001231     gebrauchter Terminus, der in der luther.
20050917             —ERSCHIEN, Der Begriff Aberglaube, erstmals in einer Glosse des 14010101—15001231     zur Wiener Handschrift des mittelhochdeutschen S—TRUDPERTER—HOHELIEDES—VON—11480000     .
20050924             TURKEY—SCHOLARS at 1—TWICE—CANCELED conference on the massacre of Armenians in the early 19010101—20001231     cautiously discussed the politically charged topic, avoiding inflammatory language as protesters denounced the gathering as traitorous.
20050928             He was the 1. House leader to be indicted in more than 1—CENTURY.
20050928             —ERST vor einigen —100—JAHREN, zu Beginn des 12010101—13001231    , sei der Erreger nach Eurasien GELANGT—VERMUTLICH mit Dschingis Khan und seinen Horden.
20050930             1—BUS carrying high school students on 1—PILGRIMAGE to CZESTOCHOWA, a 13010101—14001231     monastery and POLAND—MOST sacred ROMAN—CATHOLIC shrine, collided with 1—TRUCK and burst into flames, killing 12—PEOPLE.
20051002             † Playwright —AUGUST—WILSON (60), whose epic 10-play cycle chronicling the black experience in 19010101—20001231     AMERICA included such landmark dramas as "Fences" and "Ma RAINEY—BLACK—BOTTOM," of liver cancer.
20051015             —TURNED, So was WALTER—LIPPMANN, 1—FORMER—SOCIALIST, liberal who would become the dean of mid-19010101—20001231     USA—JOURNALISM.
20051015             In the early 19010101—20001231    , the public came to associate the words "propaganda" and "war" with 1—ANOTHER.
20051015             These revolutionary psychological insights had actually been percolating in FRANCE and GREAT—BRITAIN —SINCE the 1. YEARS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231  .
20051015             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—SPANISH, at least 5—NORTH—AFRICA—MEN were, 4 were injured and 1 was believed still trapped under rubble —AFTER a 3—STOREY 16010101—17001231     building collapsed in THE—TOWN—OF—PIERA.
20051019             Über viele 1000—JAHRE drückten die Indianer AMERIKA ihren Stempel auf, ehe im 15010101—16001231     die Seuchenzüge ihre Spuren verwischten.
20051021             Theoretische Grundlage dafür ist die Arbeit des ENGLISCHEN—MATHEMATIKERS und Pastors THOMAS—BAYES aus dem 17010101—18001231     über die Verknüpfung von Ereigniswahrscheinlichkeiten.
20051023             Ostrow, Bridget (Crt); Ostrow, LOUIS—B—RAID into KENTUCKY, INDIANA & OHIO : Horwitz, LESTER—V. Raid into KENTUCKY, INDIANA & OHIO : Horwitz, LESTER—V. 19010101—20001231     : Roth, Andrew;
20051026             —GREED—OF, Rather, it has set loose the predatory, the 18010101—19001231     robber barons, the class cannibalism of Social Darwinism + THE—WINNER—TAKE—ALL—RAPACITY—OF laissez faire capitalism.
20051102             Die drastischsten Veränderungen erwarten die Wissenschaftler für das 21010101—22001231  .
20051102             So entdeckte zu Beginn des 17010101—18001231     der FRANZÖSISCHE—GELEHRTE BERNARD—DE—MONTFAUCON in Florenz eine —SEIT fast 12000000             —JAHREN unbeachtet gebliebene STREITSCHRIFT—DIE "Christliche Topographie" des ÄGYPTISCHEN—MÖNCHS Kosmas Indikopleustes.
20051102             —SCHON—VOR—13—JAHREN hat der Bonner Skandinavist RUDOLF—SIMEK in seinem Buch "Erde und Kosmos im Mittelalter" belegt, dass altnordische Schriften des 10010101—11001231     die Erde ganz selbstverständlich als Kugel beschreiben.
20051102             dass altnordische Schriften des 10010101—11001231    â€" die Erde ganz selbstverständlich als Kugel beschreiben.
20051106             Und im 07010101—08001231     wurden erneut beschriebene Tierhäute entdeckt.
20051106             wonach —BEREITS im 02010101—03001231     am Toten Meer riesige Mengen an Schriftrollen auftauchten.
20051106             Er stützt sich dabei auf einen Bericht des Kirchenvaters Origenes, wonach —BEREITS im 02010101—03001231     am Toten Meer riesige Mengen an Schriftrollen auftauchten.
20051106             11. to 20051231             20051106             wonach —BEREITS im 02010101—03001231     am Toten Meer riesige Mengen an Schriftrollen auftauchten.
20051109             —REPORTED, Archeologists, that 2—LINES—OF—1—ALPHABET have been found inscribed in 1—STONE in ISRAEL, offering what SOME—SCHOLARS say is the most solid evidence yet that the ancient Israelites were literate as early as the 09010101—10001231     B.C.
20051110             ZNet | ACTIVISM—KANSAS STATE—BOARD—VOTES to Teach Intelligent Design in Schools : THE—BOARD voted 6 to 4 in favor of the guidelines, which say schools should teach that doubt exists about THE—VALIDITY—OF—EVOLUTION, 1—THEORY that originated with UK—BIOLOGIST—CHARLES—DARWIN in the 18010101—19001231  .
20051112             1—VOCAL MINORITY—OF—SCHOLARS contend that THE—BIBLE—PICTURE—OF—THE 09010101—10001231     B.C. as 1—GOLDEN—AGE in Israelite history is insupportable.
20051114             In 1—DER—ZENTRALEN—ZUKUNFTSFRAGEN für das 20010101—21001231     liegen die Positionen der entscheidenden Akteure kurz vor dem Gipfel trotz aller diplomatischen Bemühungen so weit auseinander wie selten zuvor
20051115             For the 1. time in our history, it would strip people of 1—RIGHT which has been the shining jewel of Western jurisprudence —SINCE the 12010101—13001231    , the right to petition 1—FEDERAL—COURT for 1—WRIT of habeas corpus.
20051115             For the 1. time in our history, it would strip people of 1—RIGHT which has been the shining jewel of Western jurisprudence —SINCE the 12010101—13001231    ,
20051115             of the 1. HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    , passed —TODAY by THE—USA—SENATE.
20051115—20050911    —AFTER, ORWELL—OCEANIA and THE—USA : WILL—FICTION—BECOME—FACT?... of the 1. HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    , GEORGE—ORWELL in his novel 19840000             ...
20051116             Harris: Ich bin absolut davon überzeugt: ADOLF—HITLER war nur 1—NAME, der für den totalen und weltweiten Zusammenbruch der Moral im 19010101—20001231     stand.
20051116             der für den totalen und weltweiten Zusammenbruch der Moral im 19010101—20001231     stand.
20051117—20120101    —NACH, Ob auch Entwicklungs- + Schwellenländer für die Zeit Reduktionsziele bekommen sollen, wird ein wichtiger Verhandlungspunkt auf der Montrealer Weltkonferenz sein.
20051122             Professor PAUL—VIRILIO, 73, Philosoph, Urbanist und Kulturtheoretiker, Begründer der "Dromologie" (Wissenschaft der Geschwindigkeit, von griechisch "Dromos" für Rennbahn), die er —SEIT—30—JAHREN als verhängnisvollstes Phänomen des 19010101—20001231     studiert.
20051122             Yosfiya: The 20010101—21001231     Nazis Are Here: THE—IRAQ—POLICE—SPECIAL—FORCES, AL—HUSSEIN—BRIGADES, came at dawn.
20051125             —PLEDGED, CANADA, $4.3—BILLION in 1—LANDMARK deal with Indian and NORTH—INUIT communities to help lift them from the poverty and disease that has plagued their neglected reserves for more than 1—CENTURY.
20051129             Knuckling under Perceived authority carries much power, studies show Psychological experts say it is human nature to obey orders, no matter how evil they might SEEM—AS was illustrated in 1—OF—THE—MOST famous and frightening human experiments of the 19010101—20001231  .
20051129             no matter how evil they might SEEM—AS was illustrated in 1—OF—THE—MOST famous and frightening human experiments of the 19010101—20001231  .
20051200             IRELAND—SENATOR: CIA 'using Baldonnel airport ' : MISTER—NORRIS also branded USA...
20051200             mafiosi such as Santo TRAFFICANTE—WHO was entrusted by THE—CIA with the task of...
20051200             —VERLÄNGERT, Patriot Act: USA—SENAT, ANTI—TERROR—GESETZ...
20051200             DEUTSCHE—WELLE : RUSSLAND stoppt Ausstrahlung...
20051200             Unter den zahlreichen Banken und Scheinbanken, die Calvi weltweit...
20051200             "Science"-Rangliste: Sonderschichten für die Sonden...
20051200             TV—KONSUM: VON—DER—LEYEN rät zu Fernsehverzicht für Kinder...
20051200             Eskalation: TSCHAD erklärt "Kriegszustand" mit dem SUDAN...
20051201—20060101    NOSE CONE:
20051201—20060101    GLADIUS:
20051203             Kiwanisnet: Männer des 20. und 20010101—21001231              20051206             THE—CIFA brochure says the agency's mission is to "transform" the way counterintelligence is done "fully utilizing 20010101—21001231     tools and resources".
20051206             Neither the size of its staff, said to be more than 1,000, nor its budget is public, said Conway, THE—PENTAGON spokesman.
20051207             20061207             It is PART—OF—1—EFFORT to disenfranchise USA—MUSLIMS". 20061207             Richest 2% own 'half the wealth': 20061207             The report, says that the poorer HALF—OF—THE—WORLD—POPULATION—OWN barely 1—PERCENT—OF—GLOBAL—WEALTH. 20061207             Richest 10. own 85—PERCENT—OF—WORLD—ASSETS: 20061207             TERMS—OF—WEALTH, distribution THE—USA was among the most unequal, whereas JAPAN had 1—OF—THE—LOWEST—LEVELS—OF—INEQUALITY. 20061207             Michael T Klare : THE—POST—ABUNDANCE—ERA: 20061207             At least SOME—STRATA of the global population will continue to experience 1—INCREASE in personal wealth in the 20010101—21001231    , 20061207             but THE—SENSE—OF—ABUNDANCE that characterized the late 19010101—20001231     is likely to evaporate for the great MAJORITY—OF—USA. 20061207             RUSSIA demands THE—HANDOVER—OF—PUTIN—CRITICS in exchange for poison case help: 20061207             RUSSIA named its price —YESTERDAY for providing help in the investigation into the death by poisoning of ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO. 20061207             It demanded that BRITAIN hand over THE—ENEMIES—OF—PRESIDENT—PUTIN who have been given asylum in LONDON. 20061207             FIJI—PRIME—MINISTER sworn in: 20061207             Commodore FRANK—BAINIMARAMA, FIJI—MILITARY—CHIEF, has said that troops will suppress ANY—UPRISING against the coup he launched —ON—TUESDAY. 20061207             HICKS—LAWYERS granted urgent court hearing: 20061207             The legal team has launched 1—ACTION against the Commonwealth, alleging THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT has failed in its duty to protect 1—AUSTRALIA—CITIZEN abroad. 20061207             CANADA: Suspect Tortured Despite Warning: 20061207             CANADA—POLICE said —TUESDAY they had told USA—AUTHORITIES they had no evidence 1—OTTAWA software engineer was 1—AL—QAIDA agent —BEFORE WASHINGTON deported him to Syria, where he was tortured. 20061207             ITALY prosecutors want kidnap trial for CIA agents: 20061207             ITALY—PROSECUTORS asked 1—JUDGE—ON—TUESDAY to order CIA agents and ITALY—SPIES to stand trial on charges of kidnapping 1—TERRORISM—SUSPECT and flying him to EGYPT, where he says he was tortured. 20061207             ISRAEL plans to destroys 42,000—HOMES—OF—PALESTINE—BEDOUINS: 20061207             THE—ISRAEL—INTERIOR—MINISTER, Roni BAR—ON, declared that his ministry has planned the demolition of more than 42,000—HOMES—OF—PALESTINE—BEDOUINS that were built 20061207             THE—TALIBAN—GETS—CLOSER to KABUL: 20061207             1—REPORT from THE—GERMANY—MILITARY, the Bundeswehr, warns that the Taliban is approaching KABUL and that attacks on the capital city are likely to increase. 20061207             Security in nearby districts is already deteriorating. 20061207             Journalists Release GUANTANAMO Bay Report: 20061207             Titled "Broken Chains of GUANTANAMO", the volume describes the extreme physical + mental torture to which the inmates - 20061207             mostly suspected Taliban + their allies who were picked up from AFGHANISTAN or PAKISTAN—WERE subjected to. 20061207             RICE—IRAN—STRATEGY—FIZZLES, Cheney Waits in Wings: 20061207             USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—MONTHS—LONG—DIPLOMATIC—EFFORT to get 5—OTHER—POWERS to agree to 1—TOUGH—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL—RESOLUTION on SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN —NOW seems certain to fail, 20061207             because of Russian and CHINA—RESISTANCE. 20061207             'ALTERNATIVE Nobel' winner says USA—ATTACK on IRAN likely —BEFORE 20080000             20061207             DANIEL—ELLSBERG, who leaked secret PENTAGON documents —DURING THE—VIETNAM war, said —WEDNESDAY that he believed THE—USA would attack IRAN 20061207             Video: DOCTOR—JAVAD—ZARIF, IRAN—AMBASSADOR to THE—UN: 20061207             MISTER—JAVAD—ZARIF, IRAN—AMBASSADOR to THE—UNITED—NATIONS, in 1—PRESENTATION to students at Princeton University. 20061207             In his talk, MISTER—ZARIF looks to clarify various widely held misconceptions about his country and its policies. 20061207             Euro Faces Huge Change If Others Follow IRAN: 20061207             "It's something to keep 1—VERY—CLOSE—EYE on because if'' other oil exporterswere to shift from dollars to euros as they invoice oil receipts changes, it improves the euro's value as money.
20051214             "Das ist etwa so, als würde man die Renaissance und all jene Gemälde nicht kennen, die im Florenz des 15010101—16001231     gemalt wurden, und plötzlich vor einem Michelangelo stehen".
20051214             1—SENSATION für die Archäologen, die bislang davon ausgegangen waren, dass die Mayas —ERST—NACH—DEM 06010101—07001231     nach Christus derartige Werke geschaffen haben.
20051214             die bislang davon ausgegangen waren, dass die Mayas —ERST—NACH—DEM 06010101—07001231     nach Christus derartige Werke geschaffen haben.
20051214             die im Florenz des 15010101—16001231     gemalt wurden, und plötzlich vor einem Michelangelo stehen".
20051215             —DESIGNED, The futuristic F-22A "Raptor" fighter jet, to dominate the skies well into the 20010101—21001231    , joined THE—USA—COMBAT fleet, —20—YEARS—AFTER it was conceived to fight SOVIET—MIGS over EUROPE.
20051217             BOLIVIA—DEMOCRACY and THE—USA: 1—HISTORY—LESSON : In the early 19010101—20001231    , THEODORE—ROOSEVELT invented "Dollar Diplomacy," GUNBOAT—TWIN—SISTER.
20051217             In the early 19010101—20001231    , THEODORE—ROOSEVELT invented "Dollar Diplomacy," GUNBOAT—TWIN—SISTER.
20051219             In the 14010101—15001231    , the British, under the direction of Black GUELPH Venetian ROBBER—BANKERS saw the possibilities of entrenching themselves in Arabia, where they were opposed by the Koreish tribe, the tribe of the prophet Muhammad, the posthumous SON—OF—THE—HASHEMITE, Abdullah, out of which came the Fatima and Abbasid Dynasties.
20051219             In the 14010101—15001231    , the British, under the direction of Black GUELPH Venetian ROBBER—BANKERS saw the possibilities of entrenching themselves in Arabia,
20051221             Terrorermittlungen: Soldaten gaben sich als Journalisten aus...
20051223             —SCHON als 15-Jähriger war er detailversessen wie ein florentinischer Dombaumeister des 14010101—15001231    : Pläne, an denen er tagsüber gesessen hatte, zerriss er vor Sonnenuntergang, nur um sie —AM—NÄCHSTEN—MORGEN zu verbessern.
20051223             —SCHON als 15-Jähriger war er detailversessen wie ein florentinischer Dombaumeister des 14010101—15001231    :
20051224             Die soziale und kulturelle Entbindung wurde zum Kennzeichen des letzten Drittels im 19010101—20001231     der modernen westeuropäischen Länder.
20051224             Nirgendwo sonst war das Vertrauen in die kirchliche Autorität im letzten Drittel des 19010101—20001231     so drastisch zurückgegangen wie in der DEUTSCHEN—NATION.
20051228             Nördlicher Gazastreifen: Zutritt für Palästinenser verboten...
20051229—20040100    —IN, The landmark deal to create 1—SOUTH—ASIAN—FREE—TRADE—AREA (SAFTA) was signed in ISLAMABAD —DURING 1—REGIONAL—SUMMIT with 20060101             set as 1—DEADLINE for implementation.
20051231             iFlow: 20050101             — 20050131             .
20051231—20050101    —AM, RUSSISCH—UKRAINISCHER—GASSTREIT: Gasprom dreht den Hahn zu
20060000             war immerhin das fünftwärmste —JAHR —SEIT Beginn des 19010101—20001231    , sagte DWD—PRÄSIDENT—WOLFGANG—KUSCH.
20060100             16—BOMBSHELL about the National Security AGENCY—DOMESTIC spying, the media coverage...
20060101             Im Zuge des RUSSISCH—UKRAINISCHEN—GASSTREITS stellt RUSSLAND die Gasexporte in die UKRAINE ein.
20060101             Dies führt kurzzeitig zu Lieferengpässen in verschiedenen europäischen Staaten.
20060101             —DEFENDED, PRESIDENT—BUSH strongly, his domestic spying program, calling it legal as well as vital to thwarting terrorist attacks.
20060101             —INTRODUCED, THE—CALIFORNIA—ENERGY—COMMISSION, mandatory standby requirement for various electronic devices.
20060101             1—FAMILY—OF—4 was found murdered in RICHMOND—VIRGINIA 20060107             —SEE
20060101             —DESTROYED, Raging bushfires have, at least 10—HOMES and threatened scores more in SOUTH—EAST—AUSTRALIA as 1—SCORCHING heat wave hit SYDNEY with its hottest New —YEAR—DAY on record.
20060101             —LABELED, Ketamine, 1—ANESTHETIC and niche club drug, was, 1—CLASS C drug in THE—UK.
20060101             —BY the end of 20110000             its usage had doubled.
20060101             THE—ROYAL—MAIL—350—YEAR—LONG—MONOPOLY—OF—THE—LETTER—DELIVERY—BUSINESS in BRITAIN ended, as new rules kicked in to allow rival operators to win 1—SLICE—OF—THE—MARKET.
20060101             —WRAPPED, TORONTO, up 20050000             with 78—HOMICIDES, 52—OF—THEM—GUN—RELATED.
20060101             —FAILED, THE—CENTRAL—AMERICA—FREE—TRADE—AGREEMENT (CAFTA), to start due to legal and regulatory reforms.
20060101             —BLAMED, JUAN—CARLOS—PAIZ—OF—THE—GUATEMALA—UNION—OF—NONTRADITIONAL Products, THE—USA in large part for the delay, saying WASHINGTON was requiring too much of its poorer partners.
20060101             —ALLOWED, CHINA, 1—NEW—POLICY took effect that, listed companies to grant stock options to senior executives and certain employees as incentives.
20060101             —FACED, EAST—AFRICA—LEADERS said that MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE in the region, hunger because poor rains had affected vital crops and pasture.
20060101             BURUNDI, ETHIOPIA, KENYA, SOMALIA and TANZANIA faced acute food shortages.
20060101             —KIDNAPPED, HAITI, 2, USA—JOURNALISTS, who said their captors threatened to kill them, were freed —AFTER friends and family assembled 1—RANSOM for their release.
20060101             —KILLED, Officials said 1—COLD snap sweeping NORTH—INDIA has, another 5—HOMELESS—PEOPLE, taking the toll to 101—SINCE THE—START—OF—DECEMBER.
20060101             1—ISLAMIC—MILITANT—GROUP kidnapped 9—IRAN—SOLDIERS—NEAR that country's border with PAKISTAN.
20060101             —EXPLODED, Insurgents, 13—CAR—BOMBS across IRAQ, including 8 in BAGHDAD within a —3—HOUR—SPAN, but the New —YEAR—DAY onslaught killed no 1 and injured only 20—PEOPLE.
20060101             —IDENTIFIED, Subcomandante Marcos (19570000             *), by THE—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT as RAFAEL—GUILLEN, began 1—TOUR—OF—31—MEXICO—STATES under the name "Delegate 0." THE—LEADER—OF—MEXICO—ZAPATISTA rebels, wearing 1—SKI mask to protect his identity, railed against the government and free trade to kick off a —6—MONTH—TOUR—OF—MEXICO aimed at reshaping the nation's politics.
20060101             1—COALITION—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ISLAMIC—SCHOOLS vowed to resist 1—PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT—PLAN to deport their foreign students, calling the proposal immoral.
20060101             —STORMED, PALESTINE—SECURITY—FORCES, 1—BUILDING where 1—ITALY—HOSTAGE was being held, freeing the man —AFTER 1—SHOOTOUT with his kidnappers.
20060101             RUSSIA took over the annual presidency of the G8 club of industrialized democracies for the 1. time from BRITAIN on New —YEAR—DAY.
20060101             —HALTED, RUSSIA—NATURAL—GAS monopoly, sales to UKRAINE in 1—PRICE—DISPUTE and began reducing pressure in transmission lines that also carry substantial supplies to WEST—EUROPE.
20060101             —IMPOSED, Supplies of natural gas to POLAND have been hit by cuts, by RUSSIA on THE—AMOUNT—OF—GAS entering the pipeline system in neighbouring UKRAINE.
20060101             —FACED, SPAIN—SMOKERS, 1—WRENCHING change New —YEAR—DAY as 1—NATIONWIDE ban on tobacco in the workplace came into force in 1—COUNTRY known for its smoky bars.
20060101             —OPERATED, VENEZUELA, 32—PRIVATELY, oil fields returned to state control.
20060101             A 20010000             hydrocarbons law had required oil production to be carried out by companies MAJORITY—OWNED by the government.
20060101             —KIDNAPPED, NORTH—YEMEN, tribesmen, 5—ITALIANS, —1—DAY—AFTER the government negotiated the release of 5—GERMANS held hostage.
20060101             —FREED, Tribesmen soon, 3—ITALY—WOMEN, who were among 1—GROUP—OF—5—ITALY—TOURISTS, and pressed for the release of kinsmen held by the authorities.
20060101             Documentary CHANNEL—DOCS On Demand
20060101             With GUT—WRENCHING humour + poignant insight, ALBERT—NERENBERG—FILM
20060101             Documentary Channel — Documentaries
20060101             Stupidity is 1—PROVOCATIVE, hilarious investigation into the history + SIGNIFICANCE—OF—IN—HUMAN—STUPIDITY as 1—COUNTER—CULTURAL—FORCE.
20060101             Directed by ALBERT—NERENBERG...
20060101             WENDY—PRIESNITZ—CHALLENGING Assumptions Weblog
20060101             —ANNOUNCED, UK Indymedia | World Stupidity Awards, on BBC...
20060101             achievement in stupidity, will take place at —JUST For LAUGHS—THE—WORLD©ˆs largest comedy festival —THIS—YEAR.
20060101             "WE'RE STUPEFIED," said ALBERT—NERENBERG of the...
20060101             However, documentarian ALBERT—NERENBERG + his film Stupidity, have taken 1—STEP in the right direction.
20060101             The 1. thing we learn about stupidity is that.
20060101             THE—GATE—NEWS—FILE :: Trailervision Documents Stupidity
20060101             GloverShow com...
20060101             decision was made overwhelmingly by Americans who voted," said ALBERT—NERENBERG, of the... idiots" + overseen by THE—ACADEMY—FOR—RECOGNIZING—STUPIDITY—EVERYWHERE...
20060101             THE—SILHOUETTE: ANDY—SECTION—FILM—REVIEW: Stupidity.
20060101             Welcome to THE—VANCOUVER—COURIER—ON Line — Entertainment
20060101             —ASSURED, Rest, however, that MONTREAL filmmaker ALBERT—NERENBERG is no dunce, but he certainly has 1—FLAIR for the comedic.
20060101             STUPIDITY IS AS FUNNY AS IT IS SMART...
20060101             Stupidity... - of the long and glorious HISTORY—OF—HUMAN—STUPIDITY.
20060101             Setting out on 1—EXHAUSTIVE search for its origins + true meaning, director ALBERT—NERENBERG careens at
20060101             TAKE 1: Hot Docs (4/25-20030504             ).(festival wraps)...
20060101             he knows nothing about making films but is simply trying to find another MEANS—OF—INCOME to pay off his student loan + ALBERT—NERENBERG—STUPIDITY, 1—QUEST...
20060101             USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH a Big Winner at World Stupidity Awards
20060101             PRESIDENT—BUSH—MAY—BE "Moron": Stupidity Experts
20060101             Chretien Wins 'Stupidest Person in CANADA" Honor...
20060101             stupid + not face the firing squad," awards organizer ALBERT—NERENBERG told the crowd.
20060101             "YOU MAY HAVE NOTICED THAT WE'RE STUPID ," Nerenberg said.
20060101             morons ORG—JUST For Laughs to host World Stupidity Awards...
20060101             "You can't get ANY—BIGGER than this. Stupidity.
20060101             BUSH, Hussein, Trucker Hats win big at Stupidity Awards™ 20040000             20060101             "It was 1—STUPENDOUS —EVENING," said Spokesmoron, ALBERT—NERENBERG..
20060101             Stupidity : Movie Description, Show times & Film CRITICS—KELOWNA
20060101             documentarian ALBERT—NERENBERG asks 1—SIMPLE—QUESTION: WHAT IS STUPIDITY ?
20060101             Calendar... - you into the theater, nothing else WILL—BUT here goes: ALBERT—NERENBERG, FOUNDER—OF... ENDEMIC PHENOMENON in our society OF WILFUL INTENT TO BE STUPID, or, as...
20060101             Exclaim! CANADA—MUSIC—AUTHORITY
20060101             STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES — that's as clear 1—DEFINITION as 1—MIGHT need — but in this CANADA—DOCUMENTARY,
20060101             Trailervision FOUNDER—ALBERT—NERENBERG delves... - A360 Movies: 'Stupidity'
20060101             The story: 1—DOCUMENTARY where director ALBERT—NERENBERG—EXPLORES—THE—CONCEPT—OF—STUPIDITY with 1—SERIES—OF—VIGNETTES + interviews with Noam Chomsky...
20060101             To THE—BEST—OF—OUR—KNOWLEDGE
20060101             You can watch the trailer for " Stupidity " at ALBERT—NERENBERG—WEBSITE...
20060101             to create WAL—MART?" ALBERT—NERENBERG, of the Main Organization Revealing Obvious Numbskulls, said "PEOPLE BELIEVE—STUPIDITY—IS—AT—EPIDEMIC—LEVELS—RIGHT—NOW.
20060101             Documentary Channel INTERVIEW—WITH—ALBERT—NERENBERG... - THE—MCGILL—DAILY: Dumb and Dubya
20060101             Director ALBERT—NERENBERG—THESIS is this:
20060101             ALBERT—NERENBERG—NONFICTION—FILM—STUPIDITY demonstrates that
20060101             This website is THE—RESULT—OF—RESEARCH which began
20060101             —EXCAVATED, Mysterious liquid found in, bronzeware in NW CHINA
20060101             —UNEARTHED, Archeologists, SOME—YELLOW—LIQUID inside 1—BRONZE vessel, which is in the shape of 1—GARLIC bulb at Xi'an, CAPITAL—OF—NORTH—WEST—CHINA—SHAANXI—PROVINCE.
20060101             "We prefer to —JUST speak of central places where people gathered.
20060101             We don't know what they did there.
20060101             Maybe they were temples. Or markets," he said.
20060101             —ACCEPTED, The scientific community had not yet, that Goseck was 1—OBSERVATORY.
20060101             Goseck, which is only 25—KILOMETRES from THE—GERMANY—TOWN—OF—NEBRA,
20060101             where 1—EXTRAORDINARY—BRONZE—AND—GOLD—MAP—OF—THE heavens dating from 3,—600—YEARS—AGO was discovered 00.000.199 9.
20060101             —CLAIMED, THE—GOSECK—CIRCLE is, to have been 1—SORT—OF—CALENDAR that told the people farming the fertile plain —WHEN it was time to begin counting the days till —SPRING planting.
20060101             —SERVED, But it may also have, as 1—MARKETPLACE and 1—PLACE—OF refuge in TIMES—OF—WAR.
20060101             the site marks THE—START—OF—WORLD astronomy and surmises that it was 1—PLACE—OF—FERTILITY—RITUALS that would have included weddings.
20060101             Excavation of the 6,000—SQUARE—METRE site found 2 "sacrificial" pits containing fragments of human bone.
20060101             There was EVIDENCE—OF—1—VERY—HOT—FIRE in both, but the ash had been removed, which Bertemes sees as 1—SIGN that humans were sacrificed.
20060101             —TURNED, The dig also, up HUNDREDS—OF—POTTERY fragments and cattle bones.
20060101             Bertemes' views remain controversial.
20060101             EACH—COMPRISES 4—CONCENTRIC—RINGS—OF—EARTH and wood, indicating 1—COMMON—CULTURE using 1—STANDARD—DESIGN.
20060101             —ERECTED, THE—GOSECK—CIRCLE was apparently, by EUROPE—1. civilization,
20060101             long —BEFORE the cultures of Mesopotamia or the pyramids of EGYPT
20060101             is 1—OF—THE—BEST studied of 150—MONUMENTAL sites arrayed through GERMANY, the Czech
20060101             Benedict said individuals and entire populations, INTERNATIONAL organizations like THE—UNITED—NATIONS as well as world powers must assume their responsibilities to promote VALUES—OF—JUSTICE, solidarity + peace in the world.
20060101             "It becomes ever more important to work together for peace —WHEN confronting THE—SITUATIONS—OF—INJUSTICE + violence that continue to oppress various PARTS—OF—THE—WORLD,
20060101             those that are the new + most insidious threats to peace: terrorism, nihilism and fanatic fundamentalism," he said.
20060101             —WARNED, VATICAN—CITY (AP) - BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, —SUNDAY that terrorism,
20060101             nihilism and "fanatic fundamentalism" threatened world peace and called for individuals, governments and institutions to work together to combat them.
20060101             Benedict made the appeal —DURING 1—MASS in S—PETER—BASILICA to mark New —YEAR—DAY, which the Catholic Church celebrates annually as its World —DAY—OF—PEACE.
20060101             —SINCE Gerster visited IRAQ 19730000             , MANY—OF—THE—SITES he documented have been damaged by war and looting.
20060101             "1—LOT—OF—THE—AREAS he covered are denied to us —TODAY BECAUSE—OF—THE—SUSPICION—OF—ARCHAEOLOGISTS," says HARVARD UNIVERSITY landscape archaeologist JASON—UR.
20060101             In unstable AREAS—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST - 1—REGION rich in photogenic RUINS—AERIAL photographers are viewed with hostility.
20060101             —TODAY, "landscape archaeology" is 1—OF—THE—FIELD—HOTTEST disciplines,
20060101             combining satellite imagery (including declassified spy photos 19600000             —FROM—THE S) with Global Positioning System data to tease out 1—LANDSCAPE—HIDDEN details,
20060101             such as LONG—BURIED roads and canal systems.
20060101             —DOCUMENTED, GERMANY—PILOTS, EGYPT—PYRAMIDS duringWWI.. Between the wars, UK—MILITARY fliers made important advances in aerial photography.
20060101             —OBSESSED, Of course, the urge to get above it all has, photographers —SINCE THE—INVENTION—OF—THE—CAMERA.
20060101             The 1. known aerial photograph was taken from 1—BALLOON
20060101             GERSTER—RECENT, book, "THE—PAST—FROM—ABOVE: Aerial Photographs of Archaeological Sites" (J.
20060101             PAUL—GETTY—MUSEUM), places we've seen a 1000—TIMES in pictures from ground level take on 1—WHOLE—NEW meaning.
20060101             His photographs dramatize the scale of ancient structures and show them, as if for the 1. time, in relation to their surroundings.
20060101             Archaeologists call it the Persian carpet effect.
20060101             —DECORATED, Imagine you're 1—MOUSE running across 1—ELABORATELY, rug.
20060101             The ground would merely be 1—BLUR—OF—SHAPES and colors.
20060101             You could spend your life going back and forth,
20060101             studying 1—INCH at 1—TIME + never see the patterns.
20060101             Like 1—MOUSE on 1—CARPET 20060101             Aerial photographers map archaeological sites
20060101             GERMANY reopens its 6,—800—YEAR—OLD—MYSTERY—CIRCLE—GERMANY has constructed 1—REPLICA—OF—1—MYSTERIOUS—WOODEN—CIRCLE that is believed to be 1—TEMPLE—OF—THE—SUN built by 1—LOST culture 6,—800—YEARS—AGO.
20060101             Mysterious Condition Plagues Gulf War Vets
20060101             —SERVED, Veterans who, in the Persian Gulf War have nearly twice the prevalence of 1—CHRONIC—MULTI—SYMPTOM—ILLNESS than soldiers who served elsewhere at the same time, 1—NEW—STUDY shows.
20060101             Das USA—JUSTIZMINISTERIUM will —NUN herausfinden, wer die Informationen über das Abhörprogramm an die Presse lanciert hat.
20060101             20060101             Er bezeichnete das heftig kritisierte Vorgehen als wesentliches Mittel zur Vorbeugung weiterer Anschläge.
20060101             WASHINGTON—LAUT "WASHINGTON—POST" gab der vornehmlich für das Ausland zuständige Geheimdienst NSA seine Abhördaten auch an
20060101             das Heimatschutzministerium sowie AN—DEN MILITÄR—GEHEIMDIENST DIA weiter.
20060101             Bei den Informationen habe es sich um solche gehandelt, die aus Telefongesprächen + E—MAIL—KONTAKTEN gefiltert worden seien,
20060101             —BERICHTET, e das Blatt unter Berufung auf derzeitige + FRÜHERE—BEHÖRDEN— + Regierungsvertreter.
20060101             —GEGANGEN, Im Grunde sei es darum, einzelne Datenbanken miteinander abzugleichen.
20060101             Schließlich einigte sich das Kabinett in LONDON darauf, Gandhi freizulassen,
20060101             falls der Tod durch den Hungerstreik unausweichlich scheine, dies in der Öffentlichkeit jedoch als Erfolg der BRITISCHEN—POLITIK darzustellen.
20060101             —ENTLASSEN, Gandhi wurde 19440000             endgültig.
20060101             Die Dokumente werfen auch neues Licht auf die Einstellung Churchills zum INDISCHEN—FREIHEITSKÄMPFER Mahatma Gandhi.
20060101             Dieser war nach seiner Inhaftierung
20060101             Die BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG beschloss schließlich, ihm aus humanitären Gründen die Freiheit zu schenken.
20060101             —ARGUMENTIERT, CHURCHILL soll jedoch, haben, er persönlich würde Gandhi sterben lassen, sollte er weiterhin die Nahrung verweigern.
20060101             Noch 19450000             vertrat CHURCHILL die Ansicht,
20060101             es gebe "keine Aussichten auf vertrauensvolle Beziehungen zu FRANKREICH", solange "wir de Gaulle nicht los sind".
20060101             CHURCHILL empfahl, de Gaulle notfalls mit Gewalt daran zu hindern, an Bord eines FRANZÖSISCHEN—KRIEGSSCHIFFES auszulaufen.
20060101             Der BRITISCHE—PREMIER wollte verhindern, dass de Gaulle die Beziehungen zu den USA belastete.
20060101             Auch über Churchills Einschätzung seiner MIT—ALLIIERTEN finden sich in den Dokumenten neue Einzelheiten:
20060101             während ihm der FRANZÖSISCHE—GENERAL und spätere STAATSCHEF—CHARLES—DE—GAULLE zu selbstbewusst vorkam.
20060101             Aus den Dokumenten geht auch hervor, dass der STAATSSEKRETÄR—FÜR—KRIEGSANGELEGENHEITEN,
20060101             PETER—GRIGG, bei besagter Kabinettssitzung erklärt haben soll, dass
20060101             die Verbrechen in Konzentrationslagern wie in Buchenwald streng genommen keine Kriegsverbrechen seien.
20060101             —GEWIESEN, Daraufhin soll CHURCHILL Grigg zurecht, haben, er solle keinen Streit vom Zaun brechen.
20060101             Allein im Namen einiger Insassen von Buchenwald verdiene Himmler es —BEREITS, standrechtlich erschossen zu werden.
20060101             Aufzeichnungen seines Kabinettssekretärs NORMAN—BROOK vom 19421200             .
20060101             Demnach schlug der PREMIERMINISTER—DER—KRIEGSJAHRE bei einer Kabinettssitzung ferner vor,
20060101             dass GROSSBRITANNIEN ruhig mit ranghohen DEUTSCHEN—NATIONALSOZIALISTEN verhandeln könne,
20060101             wenn diese das WOLLTEN—WIE seinerzeit etwa der Reichsführer der SS, HEINRICH—HIMMLER.
20060101             Ziel solcher —VERHANDLUNGEN könne es allerdings nur sein, diese Nazis später "fertig zu machen".
20060101             LONDON—WÄRE ADOLF—HITLER während des 2. Weltkriegs in die Hände der Briten gefallen,
20060101             hätte er —NACH—DEM Willen des damaligen Premierministers CHURCHILL standrechtlich hingerichtet werden sollen.
20060101             CHURCHILL war nach Berichten BRITISCHER—HISTORIKER fest entschlossen, Hitler auf einem elektrischen Stuhl aus den USA hinrichten zu lassen.
20060101             Zudem sollten nach Überzeugung des BRITISCHEN—PREMIERMINISTERS hohe Nazis ohne Gerichtsverfahren erschossen werden.
20060101             Ein langes Gerichtsverfahren wäre nur 1—FARCE, war sich CHURCHILL mit seinem Innenminister HERBERT—MORRISON einig.
20060101             Dies geht aus den Regierungsdokumenten hervor, —DIE—HEUTE erstmals für die Öffentlichkeit freigegeben wurden.
20060101             RUSSLAND will den Preis für je 10000000             Kubikmeter Erdgas von —DERZEIT 50—DOLLAR (42—EURO) auf 220—BIS 230—DOLLAR (186—BIS 194—EURO) anheben.
20060101             —ENTSPRICHT, Das, in etwa dem Weltmarktniveau.
20060101             —BEFÜRCHTET, Die UKRAINE, davon Nachteile für ihre energiehungrige Schwerindustrie und hat darum gebeten,
20060101             die Erhöhung über —5—JAHRE zu strecken.
20060101             Juschtschenko erklärte —AM—FREITAG, sein Land könne höchsten 80—DOLLAR (68—EURO) für 10000000             Kubikmeter Erdgas zahlen.
20060101             Für —DEN—MONAT ;;01;; sei die Versorgung aus eigenen Quellen und Reserven sowie mit Exporten aus der zentralasiatischen REPUBLIK—TURKMENIEN gewährleistet,
20060101             zitierte die Agentur Interfax —HEUTE einen ranghohen MITARBEITER—DER—STAATLICHEN—ENERGIEVERSORGUNG.
20060101             —GARANTIERT, Und Russlands Energiekonzern versicherte: "Gasprom, seinen europäischen Kunden, dass sie im kommenden —JAHR nicht frieren müssen".
20060101             Die Lieferungen für die UKRAINE - 120—MILLIONEN Kubikmeter pro —TAG—SEIEN damit eingestellt, teilte 1—SPRECHER—DES—KONZERNS mit.
20060101             Weiterhin würden allerdings andere europäische Staaten über UKRAINISCHES—TERRITORIUM versorgt.
20060101             Der UKRAINISCHE—GASVERSORGER Naftogas erklärte hingegen, der Lieferstopp für das eigene Land könne auch Auswirkungen auf Westeuropa haben.
20060101             In den Weinbauregionen bei Napa und Sonoma lösten die anhaltenden Regenfälle lösten Erdrutsche aus.
20060101             Mehrere Wohngebiete seien bedroht, sagte der SPRECHER—DER—NOTFALLDIENSTE—DES—GOUVERNEURS—VON—KALIFORNIEN, DALE—CHESSEY.
20060101             KALIFORNIEN, sind 4000—MENSCHEN wegen schwerer Überschwemmungen aus ihren Häusern evakuiert worden.
20060101             Besonders betroffen ist S—FRANCISCO.
20060101             Die Abteilung Internationale Koordinierung war am 1. 20050100             eingerichtet worden und verfügt —BEREITS über mehr als 200—MITARBEITER.
20060101             Die Abteilung Internationale Koordinierung soll im ;;04;;
20060101             mit dann 265—MITARBEITERN komplett sein.
20060101             Dazu zählen auch —ZURZEIT 62—VERBINDUNGSBEAMTE in 48—LÄNDERN der Welt.
20060101             "Wir versuchen, Kriminalität dort zu bekämpfen, wo sie entsteht", betonte Ziercke.
20060101             Als Beispiel nannte er die Drogenkriminalität:
20060101             So stammten 80—PROZENT—DES—HEROINS in DEUTSCHLAND aus AFGHANISTAN.
20060101             Deshalb sei die Ausstattung und Ausbildung der örtlichen Behörden wichtig.
20060101             Es handele sich dabei aber nicht um Waffen, sondern vor allem um kriminaltechnisches Wissen.
20060101             Ziercke kündigte an, dass sich seine Behörde künftig verstärkt der Früherkennung von Kriminalität widmen wird.
20060101             "Wir wollen Entwicklungen in der Gesellschaft mit einbeziehen", sagte Ziercke.
20060101             Für die Analysen arbeite das BKA auch mit Forschungsinstituten, der Bundeswehr und der Wirtschaft zusammen.
20060101             Die Analysen sollen dazu beitragen, gegebenenfalls die Schwerpunkte im BKA zu verschieben.
20060101             Er warf den Europäern vor, die Juden aus EUROPA vertrieben zu haben,
20060101             um einen "zionistischen und ANTI—ISLAMISCHEN europäischen Außenposten" im Nahen Osten zu schaffen.
20060101             Irans PRÄSIDENT—VERGLEICHT—ISRAELIS mit Nazis
20060101             Der IRANISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—MAHMUD—AHMADINEDSCHAD hat zum Auftakt des neuen Jahres seine verbalen Angriffe gegen ISRAEL erneuert.
20060101             Die Militäreinsätze in den Palästinensergebieten seien mit den Kriegsverbrechen der Nazis zu vergleichen.
20060101             Teheran "Zionismus ist in der Tat Neofaschismus", sagte der PRÄSIDENT in 1—INTERVIEW—VON—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—ISNA.
20060101             Von einem "Crescendo der Beweise" für den menschengemachten Klimawandel auf der Erde sprechen die Redakteure des Wissenschaftsmagazins "Science".
20060101             zählen sie die gesammelten Daten zum Klimawandel deshalb zu den wichigsten Forschungsergebnissen des Jahres.
20060101             Die Klimaforscher und Meteorologen nutzen auch die Katastrophen, um ihre Modelle weiter zu verfeinern
20060101             + zu VERBESSERN—SO lassen sich beispielsweise zumindest kurzfristige Ereignisse wie Hurrikane besser vorhersagen +
20060101             die entsprechenden Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Menschen einleiten.
20060101             Beunruhigendes gab es auch immer wieder von den Eisflächen dieser Welt zu berichten:
20060101             In der ARKTIS zum Beispiel ist das Eis dünner als je zuvor,
20060101             allerorten schmelzen Gletscher schneller
20060101             Das Süßwasser, das durch mehr Niederschläge und auch durch das schmelzende Eis ins Nordmeer gelangt, schwächt —BEREITS den Golfstrom ab,
20060101             wie 1—STUDIE —ERST kürzlich nachwies:
20060101             Die Warmwasserheizung Europas droht AUSZUFALLEN—AUFGRUND des Wandels, den der Mensch selbst herbeigeführt hat.
20060101             Die meisten Regierungen, wenigstens der westlichen Industrienationen,
20060101             haben das Problem erkannt und bekräftigten beim Klimagipfel in TORONTO erneut,
20060101             noch weiter gesteckte Klimaschutzziele erreichen zu wollen.
20060101             Ja sie sorgte sogar dafür, dass Forschungsberichte abgeändert wurden,
20060101             um die Deutlichkeit der Beziehung zwischen menschlichem Wirtschaften und Klimaveränderung zu verschleiern.
20060101             Immerhin: 1—REIHE—VON—USA—GOUVERNEUREN, darunter auch ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER,
20060101             wollen sich von der Bundesregierung nicht weiter gängeln lassen und verfügen eigene Klimaschutzziele für ihre Staaten.
20060101             Der —ENTSCHEIDUNG waren jahrelange Streitereien um den Standort der Forschungseinrichtung vorangegangen.
20060101             —AM Ende bekam FRANKREICH den Zuschlag,
20060101             auch —SCHON einmal von dem internationalen Projekt zurück, sind aber
20060101             Bedrohung: Bundeskriminalamt warnt vor INTERNET—KRIMINALITÄT
20060101             Neue Attacke: Irans PRÄSIDENT—VERGLEICHT—ISRAELIS mit Nazis
20060101             Silvesterkonzert: Es geht auch ohne Dirigent
20060101             —EVAKUIERT, Kalifornien: Tausende wegen Überschwemmungen
20060101             Churchills Geheimnisse: Ein elektrischer Stuhl für Hitler
20060101             Lauschangriff in USA: NSA gab abgehörte Daten weiter
20060101             Spitzenforschung: Klimawandel und eine mögliche Lösung
20060101             Bush and BLAIR—PLOT—THEIR—EXIT—STRATEGY, as the Nation Falls Apart at the Seams:
20060101             —ADMITTED, This was the —YEAR in which THE—USA, it was not going to defeat the insurgency.
20060101             It was the ebb tide of American and UK—POWER in IRAQ
20060101             AUSTRALIA: Voters abandon PM over IRAQ war:
20060101             VOTER support for JOHN—HOWARD—DECISION to go to war in IRAQ is in freefall,
20060101             with even Coalition supporters who backed 20030000             —THE invasion —NOW questioning the value of the protracted conflict.
20060101             Terrorists in High Places:
20060101             —WAGED, Wars are not, by those who have to fight them.
20060101             Those who fight wars know too well their terrible costs.
20060101             War is big business and it is immensely profitable for 1—SELECT few who are insulated from THE—EFFECTS—OF—WAR—ENVIRONMENTAL—IMPACTS and social costs.
20060101             SOME—SOLDIERS trying to get OUT—OF—ARMY:
20060101             Increasing NUMBERS—OF—MEN and women in uniform are seeking honorable discharges as conscientious objectors.
20060101             Others are suing the military, claiming their obligation has been wrongfully extended.
20060101             —DESERTED, MANY—HAVE simply, refusing to appear for duty.
20060101             Sign Tallying Military Deaths Upsets Army:
20060101             —IMAGINED, SCOTT—CAMERON never, his modest memorial to USA—TROOPS in IRAQ
20060101             1—CALL—FOR—HELP—AND—JUSTICE
20060101             We lay —BEFORE THE—INTERNATIONAL—PUBLIC opinion and INTERNATIONAL human rights organisations the truth of what is happening in Tel Afar of the extreme USE—OF—FORCE and the use of internationally forbidden weapons of poison gases,
20060101             cluster, microwave and napalm bombs, we demand autopsies be carried out on the corpses of our sons who fell in the barbaric aggression by INTERNATIONAL medical bodies to verify the inhuman practices carried out by THE—USA—FORCES—OF—OCCUPATION and to expose the stooge militias that participated in the massacre of Tel Afar.
20060101             Lesers Neujahrsansprachen: "So Tatütata wie nie zuvor!"
20060101             —BEHARRT, TERROR—ABWEHR: Schäuble, auf Nutzung von FOLTER—GESTÄNDNISSEN
20060101             Records exist also for those people who do NOT browse, send emails, etc.
20060101             There will be 1—POINT (if not already here) that failing to leave 1—ELECTRONIC trail is in itself suspicious behavior.
20060101             mostly investment banks such as MORGAN—STANLEY and Natexis Banques Populaires..
20060101             —LIMITED, This is 1, program designed to prevent attacks on THE—USA—OF—AMERICA — and I repeat: limited.
20060101             This is a — I repeat to you, even though you hear words,
20060101             "domestic spying," these are not phone calls within THE—USA.
20060101             —WHEN appointed NEW—MEXICO USA
20060101   —ALS JE ZUVOR.
20060101             OR DEM JAPANISCHEN—ORT ROKKASHO. massacre of Tel Afar.
20060101             Documentary Channel — Documentaries Stupidity is 1—PROVOCATIVE, hilarious investigation into the history + SIGNIFICANCE—OF—IN—HUMAN—STUPIDITY as 1—COUNTER—CULTURAL—FORCE.
20060101             WENDY—PRIESNITZ—CHALLENGING Assumptions Weblog Filmmaker ALBERT—NERENBERG describes stupidity as 1—CHRONIC—RESISTANCE to intelligence.
20060101             And that is the theme of his film of the same name, which premiers.
20060101             —ANNOUNCED, UK Indymedia | World Stupidity Awards, on BBC... achievement in stupidity, will take place at —JUST For LAUGHS—THE—WORLD©ˆs largest comedy festival —THIS—YEAR.
20060101             PORTLAND MERCURY—FILM - Stupid is as Stupid Does
20060101             Welcome to THE—VANCOUVER—COURIER—ON Line — Entertainment Rest assured, however, that MONTREAL filmmaker ALBERT—NERENBERG is no dunce, but he certainly has 1—FLAIR for the comedic.
20060101             of the long and glorious HISTORY—OF—HUMAN—STUPIDITY.
20060101             Setting out on 1—EXHAUSTIVE search for its origins + true meaning, director ALBERT—NERENBERG careens at...
20060101             TAKE 1: Hot Docs (4/25-20030504             ).(festival wraps)... he knows nothing about making films but is simply trying to find another MEANS—OF—INCOME to pay off his student loan + ALBERT—NERENBERG—STUPIDITY, 1—QUEST...
20060101             "What was interesting about that is that the decision was made overwhelmingly by Americans who voted," said ALBERT—NERENBERG, of the Main Organization...
20060101             Chretien Wins 'Stupidest Person in CANADA" Honor... stupid + not face the firing squad," awards organizer ALBERT—NERENBERG told the crowd.
20060101             morons.ORG—JUST For Laughs to host World Stupidity Awards... said ALBERT—NERENBERG—OF—THE—MAIN—ORGANIZATION—REVEALING Obvious Numbskulls (MORON), which puts on the awards.
20060101             20060101             20050000             World: Past Winners Bush, Hussein, Trucker Hats win big at Stupidity Awards™ 20040000             ... "It was 1—STUPENDOUS —EVENING," said Spokesmoron, ALBERT—NERENBERG.. 20060101             Stupidity : Movie Description, Show times & Film CRITICS—KELOWNA In 1—OF—THE—MOST compelling + entertaining FILMS—OF—THE—YEAR, documentarian ALBERT—NERENBERG asks 1—SIMPLE—QUESTION: What is stupidity ?
20060101             Stupid is as stupid does — that's as clear 1—DEFINITION as 1—MIGHT need — but in this CANADA—DOCUMENTARY, Trailervision FOUNDER—ALBERT—NERENBERG delves...
20060101             A360 Movies: 'Stupidity' The story: 1—DOCUMENTARY where director ALBERT—NERENBERG explores THE—CONCEPT—OF—STUPIDITY with 1—SERIES—OF—VIGNETTES + interviews with Noam Chomsky...
20060101             Distribution dates:
20060101             www.lewisblack.NET—VIEW—TOPIC—LEWIS to Host Stupdity Awards... to create WAL—MART?" ALBERT—NERENBERG, of the Main Organization Revealing Obvious Numbskulls, said "people believe stupidity is at epidemic levels right —NOW.
20060101             Documentary Channel INTERVIEW—WITH—ALBERT—NERENBERG.
20060101             THE—MCGILL—DAILY: Dumb and Dubya Director ALBERT—NERENBERG explores stupidity in Stupidity... Director ALBERT—NERENBERG—THESIS is this:
20060101             Vox magazine -- ALBERT—NERENBERG—NONFICTION film <em>Stupidity...
20060101             http: // website is THE—RESULT—OF—RESEARCH which began
20060101             Goseck, which is only 25—KILOMETRES from THE—GERMANY—TOWN—OF—NEBRA, where 1—EXTRAORDINARY—BRONZE—AND—GOLD—MAP—OF—THE heavens dating from 3,—600—YEARS—AGO was discovered 19990000             .
20060101             FRANCOIS—BERTEMES, who heads the prehistoric archaeology institute at nearby HALLE—WITTENBERG University, claimed
20060101             —ERECTED, THE—GOSECK—CIRCLE was apparently, by EUROPE—1. civilization, long —BEFORE the cultures of Mesopotamia or the pyramids of
20060101             —WARNED, VATICAN—CITY (AP) - BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, —SUNDAY that terrorism, nihilism and "fanatic fundamentalism" threatened world peace and called for individuals, governments and institutions to work together to combat them.
20060101             In his homily, THE—PAPA said a "shock" of courage and faith in God was necessary to spread peace + that everyone must work together to combat the threats to it.
20060101             As politics, development + time take their toll on the world's precious ruins, the irreplaceable images by Gerster and others become even more important PORTRAITS—OF—THE—PAST.
20060101             "I —JUST can't get good LOW—LEVEL aerial photography of Syria".
20060101             Yet, despite the growing academic acceptance (and even appetite) for aerial archaeology, there are places where it has become 1—VIRTUAL—IMPOSSIBILITY.
20060101             "All the secrecy is ridiculous, but still —WHEN you come + want to take aerial photographs, you're regarded as 1—SPY," Gerster tells Smithsonian magazine.
20060101             —TODAY, "landscape archaeology" is 1—OF—THE—FIELD—HOTTEST disciplines, combining satellite imagery (including declassified spy photos from the 1960s) with Global Positioning System data to tease out 1—LANDSCAPE—HIDDEN details, such as LONG—BURIED roads and canal systems.
20060101             Between the wars, UK—MILITARY fliers made important advances in aerial photography.
20060101             GERSTER—RECENT, book, "THE—PAST—FROM—ABOVE: Aerial Photographs of Archaeological Sites" (J. PAUL—GETTY—MUSEUM), places we've seen a 1000—TIMES in pictures from ground level take on 1—WHOLE—NEW meaning.
20060101             You could spend your life going back and forth, studying 1—INCH at 1—TIME + never see the patterns.
20060101             GERMANY reopens its 6,—800—YEAR—OLD—MYSTERY—CIRCLE
20060101             —CONSTRUCTED, GERMANY has, 1—REPLICA—OF—1—MYSTERIOUS—WOODEN—CIRCLE that is believed to be 1—TEMPLE—OF—THE—SUN built by 1—LOST culture 6,—800—YEARS—AGO.
20060101             Berichten zufolge hatte Bush den Lauschangriff —NACH—DEN Anschlägen vom 20010911             angeordnet.
20060101             USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH hatte kürzlich eingestanden, der NSA ohne vorherige richterliche Erlaubnis das Abhören von Auslandsgesprächen und das Lesen von E—MAILS—VON—USA—BÜRGERN mit mutmaßlichen Verbindungen zu Extremisten gestattet zu haben.
20060101             die Bundespolizei FBI, den Geheimdienst CIA,
20060101             Bei den Informationen habe es sich um solche gehandelt, die aus Telefongesprächen + E—MAIL—KONTAKTEN gefiltert worden seien, berichtete das Blatt unter Berufung auf derzeitige + FRÜHERE—BEHÖRDEN— + Regierungsvertreter.
20060101             Der Zeitung zufolge wollten sich FBI, CIA sowie der nationale Geheimdienstchef JOHN—NEGROPONTE zu der Sache nicht äußern.
20060101             Mehrere MINISTER erklärten, wenn Gandhi durch den Hungertod zum Märtyrer würde, werde das einen Massenaufstand der Inder zur Folge haben.
20060101             Schließlich einigte sich das Kabinett in LONDON darauf, Gandhi freizulassen, falls der Tod durch den Hungerstreik unausweichlich scheine, dies in der Öffentlichkeit jedoch als Erfolg der BRITISCHEN—POLITIK darzustellen.
20060101             Noch 19450000             vertrat CHURCHILL die Ansicht, es gebe "keine Aussichten auf vertrauensvolle Beziehungen zu FRANKREICH", solange "wir de Gaulle nicht los sind".
20060101             Der FRANZÖSISCHE—PRÄSIDENT legte später sein Veto gegen die Aufnahme Großbritanniens in die Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft ein.
20060101             Dagegen schätzte er GENERAL—DE—GAULLE, der nach der Eroberung Frankreichs durch die DEUTSCHE—WEHRMACHT in GROSSBRITANNIEN Zuflucht gesucht hatte, als eigenwillig ein.
20060101             Der Premier hat in Kriegszeiten den Sowjetherrscher JOSEF—STALIN als "scharfsichtig" eingeschätzt,
20060101             Aus den Dokumenten geht auch hervor, dass der STAATSSEKRETÄR—FÜR—KRIEGSANGELEGENHEITEN, PETER—GRIGG, bei besagter Kabinettssitzung erklärt haben soll, dass
20060101             Demnach schlug der PREMIERMINISTER—DER—KRIEGSJAHRE bei einer Kabinettssitzung ferner vor, dass GROSSBRITANNIEN ruhig mit ranghohen DEUTSCHEN—NATIONALSOZIALISTEN verhandeln könne,
20060101             Dieser Mann ist der Ursprung allen Übels", sagte CHURCHILL einmal über Hitler laut Aufzeichnungen seines Kabinettssekretärs NORMAN—BROOK vom 19421200             .
20060101             LONDON—WÄRE ADOLF—HITLER während des 2. Weltkriegs in die Hände der Briten gefallen, hätte er —NACH—DEM Willen des damaligen Premierministers CHURCHILL standrechtlich hingerichtet werden sollen.
20060101             —BEFÜRCHTET, Die UKRAINE, davon Nachteile für ihre energiehungrige Schwerindustrie und hat darum gebeten, die Erhöhung über —5—JAHRE zu strecken.
20060101             Nach Einschätzung eines Energieexperten in Kiew hat das ENDE—DER—LIEFERUNGEN —IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—WOCHEN keine direkten Auswirkungen auf den UKRAINISCHEN—MARKT.
20060101             Für —DEN—MONAT—JANUAR sei die Versorgung aus eigenen Quellen und Reserven sowie mit Exporten aus der zentralasiatischen REPUBLIK—TURKMENIEN gewährleistet, zitierte die Agentur Interfax —HEUTE einen ranghohen MITARBEITER—DER—STAATLICHEN—ENERGIEVERSORGUNG.
20060101             Die Abschaltung durch den GASPROM—KONZERN werde in der UKRAINE keinen Schaden anrichten, betonte er.
20060101             Über die Gasleitung durch die UKRAINE werden auch DEUTSCHLAND und viele andere europäische Staaten mit Gas beliefert.
20060101             Theoretisch könnte die UKRAINE dieses Gas —NUN abzweigen, Kiew hat dies aber —BEREITS ausgeschlossen.
20060101             MOSKAU—DER STAATLICH—KONTROLLIERTE RUSSISCHE—GASVERSORGER Gasprom hat der UKRAINE —HEUTE komplett den Gashahn abgedreht.
20060101             Die Behörden rechnen mit einer Verschlechterung der Lage, weil vom Pazifik erneut 1—UNWETTER heranzieht.
20060101             Durch die Regenfälle stieg der Wasserpegel in mehreren Flüssen —BIS zu 2—METER über die normalen Höchstwerte.
20060101             Um besser mit dem Auswärtigen Amt und dem Bundesinnenministerium zu kooperieren, arbeiten die Spezialisten in BERLIN.
20060101             Die Abteilung Internationale Koordinierung soll —IM—APRIL mit dann 265—MITARBEITERN komplett sein.
20060101             Als Beispiel nannte er die Drogenkriminalität: So stammten 80—PROZENT—DES—HEROINS in DEUTSCHLAND aus AFGHANISTAN.
20060101             —GEWONNEN, Dafür würden gerade wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter, die in der neuen Abteilung Internationale Koordinierung arbeiten sollen.
20060101             "Das Ziel ist, frühzeitiger als —BISHER auf KRIMINALITÄTS—UND Bedrohungsentwicklungen zu reagieren".
20060101             Er warf den Europäern vor, die Juden aus EUROPA vertrieben zu haben, um einen "zionistischen und ANTI—ISLAMISCHEN europäischen Außenposten" im Nahen Osten zu schaffen.
20060101             Obwohl die Erkenntnisse des Jahres 20050000             eher Bekanntes bestätigten oder Details der Auswirkungen abbildeten,
20060101             Beunruhigendes gab es auch immer wieder von den Eisflächen dieser Welt zu berichten: In der ARKTIS zum Beispiel ist das Eis dünner als je zuvor, allerorten
20060101             schmelzen Gletscher schneller als je zuvor.
20060101             Das Süßwasser, das durch mehr Niederschläge und auch durch das schmelzende Eis ins Nordmeer gelangt,
20060101             schwächt —BEREITS den Golfstrom ab, wie 1—STUDIE —ERST kürzlich nachwies:
20060101             Die meisten Regierungen, wenigstens der westlichen Industrienationen, haben das Problem erkannt und bekräftigten
20060101             beim Klimagipfel in TORONTO erneut, noch weiter gesteckte Klimaschutzziele erreichen zu wollen.
20060101             Die USA—REGIERUNG aber bleibt weiterhin unbeeindruckt und weigert sich, den internationalen Abkommen beizutreten.
20060101             Ja sie sorgte sogar dafür, dass Forschungsberichte abgeändert wurden, um die Deutlichkeit der Beziehung zwischen menschlichem Wirtschaften und Klimaveränderung zu verschleiern.
20060101             Immerhin: 1—REIHE—VON—USA—GOUVERNEUREN, darunter auch ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER, wollen sich von der Bundesregierung nicht weiter gängeln lassen und verfügen eigene Klimaschutzziele für ihre Staaten.
20060101             —AM ENDE—BEKAM FRANKREICH den Zuschlag, vor dem JAPANISCHEN—ORT Rokkasho.
20060101             ENERGIE—KONFLIKT: UKRAINE warnt vor Lieferengpass für Westeuropa
20060101             Bush and BLAIR—PLOT—THEIR—EXIT—STRATEGY, as the Nation Falls Apart at the Seams : This was the —YEAR in which THE—USA admitted it was not going to defeat the insurgency.
20060101             AUSTRALIA: Voters abandon PM over IRAQ war : VOTER support for JOHN—HOWARD—DECISION to go to war in IRAQ is in freefall, with even Coalition supporters who backed 20030000             —THE invasion —NOW questioning the value of the protracted conflict.
20060101             —WAGED, Terrorists in High Places : Wars are not, by those who have to fight them.
20060101             —WAGED, Wars are, by those who profit from them with minimal or no risk to themselves.
20060101             SOME—SOLDIERS trying to get OUT—OF—ARMY : Increasing NUMBERS—OF—MEN and women in uniform are seeking honorable discharges as conscientious objectors.
20060101             would transform 1—QUIET—STREET here into the latest front of the nation's tense debate about the war in IRAQ.
20060101             Report: USA preparing NATO for possible strike on IRAN :
20060101             1—CALL—FOR—HELP—AND—JUSTICE—MASSACRE—OF—TEL Afar.
20060101             We lay —BEFORE THE—INTERNATIONAL—PUBLIC opinion and INTERNATIONAL human rights organisations the truth of what is happening in Tel Afar of the extreme USE—OF—FORCE and the use of internationally forbidden weapons of poison gases, cluster, microwave and napalm bombs, we demand autopsies be carried out on the corpses of our sons who fell in the barbaric aggression by INTERNATIONAL medical bodies to verify the inhuman practices carried out by THE—USA—FORCES—OF—OCCUPATION and to expose the stooge militias that participated in the massacre of Tel Afar.
20060101             Gasstreit schwelt weiter: Gasprom will UKRAINE um 8.00—UHR den Hahn zudrehen
20060101             RUSSLAND siegt im Gasstreit: UKRAINE beugt sich Putins Ultimatum
20060101             JP MORGAN—CHASE and its subsidiary, Bank 1, are the #1 student loan providers... Club was chosen as the place to draft the plan for CONTROL—OF—THE—MONEY +...
20060101             "Wir haben das falsche Schwein geschlachtet",
20060101             lautet eines der bekanntesten CHURCHILL—ZITATE in Bezug auf Hitler + STALIN.
20060101             babble: THE—CONSERVATIVE—GUIDEBOOK and List Famous Quote: " LET—LOWER the age to 10".
20060101             (The age to be tried as 1—ADULT.
20060101             ( ALBERT—NERENBERG, filmmaker of the documentary, Stupidity).
20060101             Die Gesellschaft. ist —BEREITS Investor im Vorgängerfonds Carlyle EUROPE Partners.
20060101             —BY CARL—ESTABROOK.
20060101             "...I told THE—USA—PEOPLE I did not trade arms for hostages.
20060101             My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true -...
20060101             "Wir haben das falsche Schwein geschlachtet", CHURCHILL... Teheran "Zionismus ist in der Tat Neofaschismus", sagte der PRÄSIDENT in einem Interview...
20060101             DSTL remains PART—OF—UK—MOD + continues to handle the most sensitive areas of... +
20060101             the resulting investigation could brew into 1—WIDE—WASHINGTON scandal.
20060101             —ABOUT warmwell - "—FOLLOWING his appointment as CHIEF—SCIENTIST for THE—MOD, Professor Anderson has...
20060101             TIM—RUBIDGE, Dstl HEAD—OF—TECHNOLOGY—TRANSFER and investments group... - 250303antiwarblogg
20060101             Taliban leaders & AL—QAEDA fighters were flown to safety with secret USA...
20060101             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—RULED—THURSDAY that 2—CHINA—UIGHUR detainees held by THE—USA...
20060101             Abbinnett, R - - Taliban Movement and Ultraorthodox Jews;
20060101             Psychology of SO—CALLED true... attempt to link Uighur separatists to INTERNATIONAL Islamic terror networks;...
20060101             HTML—REGISTRIERVERMERKE in den so genannten ROSENHOLZ—DATEIEN wiesen Wagner als Agenten der...
20060101             The most prominent name recurring in this [ CIA drug tafficking]...
20060101             "Wir haben das falsche Schwein geschlachtet", lautet eines der bekanntesten CHURCHILL—ZITATE in Bezug auf Hitler + STALIN.
20060101             Phallischer Scherz unter Mädchen 31.... Ein ausführlicher Bericht über den Fund erscheint —ANFANG nächsten Jahres in der Fachzeitschrift "Journal of...
20060101             Largely because of the determined effort to use criminal laws in the futile attempt...
20060101             —FAILED, SIDNEY—BLUMENTHAL : Empty talk of turning points has, to stop Bush 's...
20060101             Kreditinstitute (Kapitaleignerkulturen) Nicht beispielgebend: Vatikanbank (Istituto per le Opere di Religione);
20060101             1—STAR—ASSOCIATE with 1—GOOD—RELATIONSHIP with his Managing Director can...
20060101             "Our enemies are innovative + resourceful + so are we... they never stop thinking.
20060101             Für die Verwandtschaft 1—SKANDAL —3—WOCHEN lang lebte die Tochter...
20060101             Stupid is as stupid does — that's as clear 1—DEFINITION as 1—MIGHT need...
20060101             Immerhin: 1—REIHE—VON—USA—GOUVERNEUREN, darunter auch ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER, wollen sich von der Bundesregierung nicht weiter gängeln lassen und verfügen...
20060101             Meet the New Interrogators: Lockheed MARTIN—PRATAP—CHATTERJEE
20060101             Sytex, 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—LOCKHEED, the world's largest military contractor, has emerged as 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST recruiters of private interrogators deployed to...
20060101             Leading KYC compliance database Heightened Risk People and Entities... - Here are the 1. few tapes:
20060101             "Wir haben das falsche Schwein geschlachtet ", lautet eines der bekanntesten CHURCHILL—ZITATE in Bezug auf Hitler + STALIN.
20060101             We know that "Uncle" can —NOW track your movements if you carry 1—CEL phone.
20060101             No warrant necessary.
20060101             —MEANWHILE, our prez is good friends with SAUDI—ARABIA—ROYALTY...
20060101             I am riled and you should be too.
20060101             I don't care if you are 1—GREEN, 1—LIBERTARIAN, or 1—REPUBLICAN, if you are 1—USA—YOU should be on your hind legs...
20060101             The peace movements of the entire world should be in crisis mode right —NOW, working NON—STOP to prevent THE—USA and ISRAEL from —STARTING 1—WAR against IRAN...
20060101             —OWNED, THE—FOSTER—MILLER company is, by the QinetiQ Group, 1—JOINT—VENTURE between the... 20051200             SUPREME—COURT—IS—ASKED to Rule on Terror Trial : In an...
20060101             This is a — I repeat to you, even though you hear words, "domestic spying," these are not phone calls within THE—USA.
20060101             GERMANY reopens its 6,—800—YEAR—OLD—MYSTERY circle GERMANY has constructed 1—REPLICA—OF—1—MYSTERIOUS—WOODEN—CIRCLE that is believed to be 1—TEMPLE—OF—THE—SUN built by 1—LOST culture 6,—800—YEARS—AGO.
20060101             GERMANY reopens its 6,—800—YEAR—OLD—MYSTERY circle
200601010758         —AM People who are in THE—SYSTEM—WHO browse, send emails, leave 1—TRAIL—ARE only PART—OF—THE—ISSUE.
20060101—18580000    —IN, The 1. known aerial photograph was taken from 1—BALLOON.
20060101—19420800    —IM, Dieser war nach seiner Inhaftierung in den Hungerstreik getreten.
20060101—19600000    —FROM—THE, That pressure makes GERSTER—WORK S and '70s all the more valuable.
20060101—19620000    —DEVELOPED, It was, by PARKE—DAVIS as PART—OF—1—EFFORT to find 1—SAFER anesthetic alternative to phencyclidine (PCP), which was likely to cause hallucinations, neurotoxicity and seizures.
20060101—19990000    —J—IM, Die USA zogen sich zwischendurch,
20060101—19990000    —J—IM, Die USA zogen sich zwischendurch, auch —SCHON einmal von dem internationalen Projekt zurück,
20060101—20030000    —SEIT, sind aber wieder dabei.
20060101—20041100    —IN, What went on in Volusia County ???
20060101—20050101    —AM, Die Abteilung Internationale Koordinierung war eingerichtet worden und verfügt —BEREITS über mehr als 200—MITARBEITER.
20060101—20060104    —THREATENED, AL—ARABIYA said the group, to kill them unless THE—TEHRAN government released 16—MEMBERS from prison.
20060101—20060331    —JAHR—BIS—BOB—JENSEN—FRAUD—UPDATES...
20060101—20060331    —BOB—JENSEN—FRAUD—UPDATES... mostly investment banks such as MORGAN—STANLEY and Natexis Banques Populaires..
20060101—20080101    —PASSED, NORWAY, legislation requiring EVERY—PUBLICLY traded company in NORWAY to have 40% women on its BOARD.
20060103             "Le Monde" - "Es ist die 1. Kriegserklärung des 20010101—21001231    . 1—LAND hat die Energieversorgung eines anderen gekappt, weil dieses sich nicht seinen Forderungen gebeugt hat. (...) Mit dem Aufstieg von Verbrauchsriesen wie CHINA und INDIEN sind die Rohstoffe eine wirtschaftliche Waffe der Abschreckung, wenn nicht der Massenvernichtung geworden. Eine neue Geopolitik zeichnet sich ab, die Produzentenländer wie RUSSLAND in 1—POSITION—DER—STÄRKE bringt und Käufer wie CHINA zu einer Diplomatie der Versorgungssicherheit gegenüber zum Beispiel AFRIKA und dem Nahen Osten zwingt. (...) EUROPA befindet sich im Lager der Verbraucher und ist zu recht beunruhigt".
20060104             FRANCE—INTERIOR—MINISTER—NICOLAS—SARKOZY said FRANCE will create 1—SPECIAL—POLICE—FORCE to ensure security for railway passengers —AFTER 1—BAND—OF marauding youths robbed and sexually assaulted train travelers 20060101             in SOUTH—EAST—FRANCE.
20060106             Ariel SHARON—ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER was 1—RUTHLESS—MILITARY—COMMANDER—RESPONSIBLE for 1—OF—THE—MOST shocking war crimes of the 19010101—20001231    ,
20060106             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER was 1—RUTHLESS—MILITARY—COMMANDER—RESPONSIBLE for 1—OF—THE—MOST shocking war crimes of the 19010101—20001231    , argues ROBERT—FISK.
20060107             "As Executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—COLLEGE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—COMMITTEE 19800101—19891231 IN the s- he oversaw THE—TRANSFORMATION—OF—THE—COMMITTEE into 1—CONSERVATIVE grassroots powerhouse for the Reagan adiministration. MISTER—NORQUIST, JACK—ABRAMOFF and RALPH—REED added streamlined the College Republican national structure turned away from the establishment and toward conservatism. "—DURING his tenure, the College Republican s gained 1—REPUTATION for hard hitting activism.
20060114             NOSE CONE: 20051201—20060101              20060118             Intelligence in the 20010101—21001231     -- An essential information...
20060118             Intelligence in the 20010101—21001231     -- 1—ESSENTIAL—INFORMATION...
20060121             Page 1. 1—SECRET—SOCIETIES AND THEIR POWER IN THE 19010101—20001231     By JAN—VAN—HELSING—REFERENCE:
20060121             Described by THE—NEW—YORKER as 'one of the greatest minds of the 19010101—20001231    ',
20060121             "Geheimgesellschaften und ihre Macht im 19010101—20001231    " von Jan...
20060121             Zusätzliches Ergebnis SECRET SOCIETIES AND THEIR POWER IN THE 19010101—20001231     By JAN—VAN...
20060121             Page 20060101             VAN Helsing GEHEIMGESELLSCHAFTEN UND IHRE MACHT IM 19010101—20001231     oder WIE MAN DIE WELT NICHT REGIERT 1—WEGWEISER...
20060121—20060118    —ON, Noam Chomsky, 'THE—WAR—ON—TERROR', (full text) : Described by THE—NEW—YORKER as 'one of the greatest minds of the 19010101—20001231    ', Noam Chomsky gave 20060000             —THE—AMNESTY—LECTURE, hosted by Trinity College DUBLIN.
20060124             —CONCERNED, Anyone, about USA—PUBLIC—LIFE at the outset of the 20010101—21001231     would do well to pay close attention to the prophetic scenario embraced by millions.
20060125             mhp: THE—ALLIANCE—OF—BANKERS and Revolution THE—MARBURG—PLAN, financed by ANDREW—CARNEGIE—AMPLE—HERITAGE, was produced in THE—EARLY—YEARS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231  .
20060129             Building the socialism of the 20010101—21001231    :
20060129             "We are building socialism of the 20010101—21001231    ,
20060129             Building the socialism of the 20010101—21001231     : "We are building socialism of the 20010101—21001231    , socialism with participatory democracy," the young political science student told me at THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—OPENING demonstration of the 7. World Social Forum in CARACAS—VENEZUELA.
20060200             in DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA I think JENNY—LIKE the 20010101—21001231     version," says CHRISTIAN—BAILEY, 28... ambientreading.blogspot_com
20060202             Geschichte Lateinamerikas im 19. und 19010101—20001231    : Zur...
20060204             —ASSESSED, CHARLEY—REESE: Guess THE—POLITICIAN : 1—POLITICIAN—RECENTLY, the challenges and threats facing THE—PEOPLE—OF—THE—WORLD in the 20010101—21001231  .
20060212             Eureka! Lost manuscript found in cupboard 1—LONG—LOST 16010101—17001231     manuscript charting the birth of modern science has been found gathering dust in 1—CUPBOARD in 1—HAMPSHIRE home.
20060212             1—LONG—LOST 16010101—17001231     manuscript charting the birth of modern science has been found gathering dust in 1—CUPBOARD in 1—HAMPSHIRE home.
20060216             Lectures on 19. and 19010101—20001231     geopolitical history at
20060216             They knock at the door of sociology requesting 1—PLACE in THE—ACCOUNTS—OF—SOCIETY as stubbornly as the humans masses did in the 18010101—19001231  .
20060216             Lectures on 19. and 19010101—20001231     geopolitical history at
20060222             Beer, wine and cider makers began stopping their bottles with corks HUNDREDS—OF—YEARS—BEFORE 1—UNKNOWN genius devised 1—EFFICIENT—METHOD—OF getting them back out again sometime in the 16010101—17001231  .
20060222             It is 1—OF—THE—GREAT ironies of the linking of natural and human histories that in the 19010101—20001231     Christian societies became the principal S—OF—OIL and Islamic peoples its major producers.
20060223             Gilad Atzmon: RE—ARRANGING the 19010101—20001231    : Allegro, non Troppo : Once Blair or Bush feel the urge to flatten 1—ARAB country, all they have to do is to provide their supportive media outlets with SOME—PAINFUL—PERSONAL—ACCOUNTS—OF—1 exiled dissident voice who would willingly and enthusiastically share with us SOME—HORRENDOUS—GRAPHIC—DETAILS—OF his troubles at home.
20060228             —TRIGGERED, EUROPE's "Little Ice Age" may have been, by the 13010101—14001231     Black Death plague, according to 1—NEW—STUDY.
20060228             —LINKED, EUROPE—CHILL, to disease EUROPE's "Little Ice Age" may have been triggered by the 13010101—14001231     Black Death plague, according to 1—NEW—STUDY.
20060301             Margarine ist das 1. Kunstprodukt der Lebensmittelindustrie des 18010101—19001231    , entstanden auf Anregung des Kaisers NAPOLEON—III zu einem Wettbewerb für ein billiges Butterersatzprodukt.
20060311             missbrauchte der Monarch, der SCHWEDEN in der 2. Hälfte des 17010101—18001231     regierte,
20060311             Um die üblen Wirkungen des Gebräus aber zu belegen, missbrauchte der Monarch, der SCHWEDEN in der 2. Hälfte des 17010101—18001231     regierte, 2—ZUM Tode verurteilte Häftlinge als Versuchsobjekte.
20060312             Ab dem 10010101—11001231     sank der Stern der Wikinger allmählich.
20060312             Die 1. Segel blähten sich in Nordeuropa jedoch —ERST zu Beginn des 07010101—08001231     n. Chr.
20060316             'The fact is that innovation was 1—LITTLE—DIFFERENT in the 19010101—20001231  .
20060316             Nur diese 3—OBERFLÄCHENPROTEINE sind bislang bei menschlichen Grippeerregern AUFGETRETEN—UNTER anderem in den 3—GROßEN Grippepandemien des 19010101—20001231    :
20060316             CthuluOverlord writes "CNET News_com is reporting that NICHOLAS—DONOFRIO, Big BLUE—EXECUTIVE—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—INNOVATION and technology, made 1—DECLARATION—ON—TUESDAY in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—ZDNET—ASIA. 'The fact is that innovation was 1—LITTLE—DIFFERENT in the 19010101—20001231    . It's not easy (—NOW) to come up with greater and different things. If you're looking for the next big thing, stop looking. THERE—NO such thing as the next big thing.'" Donofrio goes on to explain that he sees innovation as being services or social changes nowadays, rather than simply 1—BETTER moustrap.
20060316             Das Hämagglutinin des VIETNAM—VIRUS (H5) verglich Stevens mit älteren H1-, H2- und H3-Varianten.
20060316—19570000    —J—IM, Nur diese 3—OBERFLÄCHENPROTEINE sind bislang bei menschlichen Grippeerregern AUFGETRETEN—UNTER anderem in den 3—GROßEN Grippepandemien des 19010101—20001231    : H1N1 bei der SPANISCHEN—GRIPPE 19180000             , die weltweit —BIS zu 50—MILLIONEN Menschen getötet hat, H2N2 und
20060321             "USA—THEOCRACY: THE—PERIL and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil + Borrowed Money in the 20010101—21001231    ".
20060321             Get THE—MUCH—AWAITED New Book from KEVIN—PHILLIPS on "USA—THEOCRACY: THE—PERIL and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil + Borrowed Money in the 20010101—21001231    ".
20060325             Tradition says she originated in the 10010101—11001231     in CHINA—SOUTH—FUJIAN province, directly across from TAIWAN.
20060325—20070101    —ON, currently the toughest in EUROPE, which comes into effect.
20060325—20070101    —ON, 1—BEAUTIFUL—MIND writes "THE—TIMESONLINE is reporting that GERMANY has accepted 1—NEW—PIRACY—LAW, currently the toughest in EUROPE, which comes into effect. 'Germans risk —2—YEARS in prison if they illegally download films and music for private use under 1—NEW—LAW agreed —YESTERDAY. Anybody who downloads films for commercial use could be jailed for up to —5—YEARS.' MANY—POLITICIANS defended the new law, amongst them GÜNTHER—KRINGS, THE—CHRISTIAN—DEMOCRAT legal affairs spokesman, who claimed: 'There should be no legal distinction between stealing chewing gum from 1—SHOP and performing 1—ILLEGAL—DOWNLOAD.'"
20060328             communication + technological developments, that greatly expanded the productive capacity of THE—USA in the late 18010101—19001231  .
20060328             —CREATED, Investigates how H.J. Heinz, 1—SUCCESSFUL—FOOD processing business in the last —3—DECADES—OF—THE 18010101—19001231  .
20060328             —RESTED, LONDON—POSITION in the 18010101—19001231    , on the great importance of BRITAIN in the world economy and the role of sterling as the major INTERNATIONAL currency.
20060328             WILLIAMS: [Pause] Well... - Only in 20010101—21001231     AMERIKA!
20060328             —BY the mid-19010101—20001231    , both of these factors were much reduced in importance,
20060328             Only in 20010101—21001231     AMERIKA!
20060328             —BY the mid-19010101—20001231    , both of these factors were much reduced in importance, but LONDON was renewed as the physical home of the Euromarkets.
20060328             —IMPROVED, Outlines MANY—OF—THE—SUPPLY—SIDE—INNOVATIONS, such as, transportation, communication + technological developments, that greatly expanded the productive capacity of THE—USA in the late 18010101—19001231  .
20060329             —IS—TITLED, His new book, "USA—THEOCRACY: THE—PERIL and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil + Borrowed Money in the 20010101—21001231    ".
20060401             Do 1—LITTLE READING about working class living conditions in EUROPE in the 18010101—19001231     + you'll come away with the impression that capitalism works only —WHEN subjected to 1—REASONABLE—DEGREE—OF—REGULATION.
20060403             Continent on ascendant : THE 20010101—21001231     is decidedly THE—ASIA.
20060403             —ESTABLISHED, ASIA has already, itself as the locale for the major themes of contemporary INTERNATIONAL affairs, in the opening YEARS—OF—THE 1. —DECADE—OF—THE 20010101—21001231   .
20060405             Another way of looking at it is to perceive that THE—IRAQ war is the 1. 20010101—21001231     war over major natural resources.
20060405             Undoubtedly there will be others.
20060406             —DISCOVERED, Archeologists said —WEDNESDAY they have, 1—MASSIVE 05010101—06001231     INDIA—PYRAMID beneath the site of —1—CENTURIES—OLD—RE—ENACTMENT—OF—THE—CRUCIFIXION—OF—CHRIST.
20060407             "Radio carbon dating of the papyrus from the Gospel of Judas confirms that it's from the 3. to the 03010101—04001231     A.D.," Jull said, "and this supports the authenticity of the Gospel of Judas".
20060416             Workers digging 1—NEW—SEWAGE—SYSTEM for 1—COASTAL—RESORT—NEAR—ROME found the remains of a 01010101—02001231     villa belonging to 2—ROMAN—SENATORS.
20060421             Wilde Streiks in VIETNAM: Ausgebeutet wie im 18010101—19001231              20060422             The great 19010101—20001231     writer W Somerset Maugham had something to
20060424             Daher streiten Neurologen —SEIT dem späten 18010101—19001231     darüber, ob das Gehirn tatsächlich eine eigene Region für das Erkennen zusammenhängender Wortformen besitzt.
20060424             1., they declare that the taboo against WARS—OF—AGRESSION, formed in THE—BLOOD—OF—MORE than 70—MILLION—DEAD—PEOPLE in the 19010101—20001231    —2—WORLD—WARS, is out.
20060430             AFRICA—GENOCIDE : SOME—ARE calling it the 1. GENOCIDE—OF—THE 20010101—21001231    , THE—KILLINGS—OF—MOSTLY black AFRICA—MUSLIMS blamed on 1—ARAB militia known as the Janjaweed.
20060501—19100000    —UNTIL, As it happens, THE—CONVENT—OF—THE—VISITATION covered the 4,400—SQUARE—FOOT—PLOT from the early 16010101—17001231    , —WHEN it was demolished.
20060506             —ON many 02010101—03001231     monuments, swastikas appear as 1—CROSS in the Christian context.
20060513             USA—CALLS for UZBEKISTAN—KILLINGS—PROBE—THE—USA—SAYS UZBEKISTAN still owes 1—EXPLANATION for THE—KILLING—OF—CIVILIANS in Andi20060101             —YEAR ago.
20060513             "Whether or not we're in THE—MIDST—OF—ANOTHER BOOM—BUST cycle in technology is 1—MATTER—OF—FIERCE—DEBATE. BusinessWeek discusses what constituted that last bubble and looks at current trends to see if we're on the verge of 1—NEW 1.  'THE—GREAT—BUBBLE—OF—THE—LATE '90s shaped 1—GENERATION—OF—INTERNET entrepreneurs and investors much as the Great Depression shaped 1—GENERATION—OF—ECONOMIZERS in the mid-19010101—20001231    . 'The bubble generation is much more attuned to the fact that things can get really OUT—OF—HAND,' says BILL—BURNHAM, 1—FORMER—PARTNER—AT—MOBIUS—VENTURE—CAPITAL. 'THERE—1—LEVEL—OF—CAUTION that has been ingrained.'"
20060517             —DISCOVERED, Archaeologists in PERU have, a 14010101—15001231    —OLD mummy of 1—TATTOOED—MOCHE woman entombed with 1—DAZZLING COLLECTION—OF—WEAPONS and jewelry.
20060523             —AM Ende des 20010101—21001231     könne sich so 1—STEIGERUNG der globalen Durchschnittstemperaturen um 7,7 Grad gegenüber dem heutigen Wert ergeben.
20060525             —UNDOCUMENTED, People who hire, workers are "20010101—21001231     slave masters...—JUST as immoral as the 18010101—19001231     slave masters we had to fight 1—CIVIL—WAR to get rid of," said House immigration POINT—PERSON—REPRESENTATIVE—JAMES—SENSENBRENNER (R—WI) —YESTERDAY.
20060525             WorldChanging: 1—USER—GUIDE for the 20010101—21001231     This is the way the debate ends: not with 1—BANG but 1—PRESS—AVAILABILITY.
20060527             Dem Bericht des IPCC zufolge drohen in den nächsten —100—JAHREN weitere gravierende Klimaveränderungen in vielen Teilen der Erde: Die ARKTIS könnte —SCHON in der 01010101—02001231    HÄLFTE komplett eisfrei sein, wenn sich an den TREIBHAUSGAS—EMISSIONEN nicht viel ändert;
20060530—19620000    —IN, THE—DERVENI—PAPYRUS — which has been in the Archaeological MUSEUM—OF—THESSALONIKI —SINCE its charred fragments were found among the remains of 1—FUNERAL—PYRE — is described as a "philosophical treatise based on 1—POEM in the Orphic tradition and dating to the 2. HALF—OF—THE 04010101—05001231     BC".
20060531             [C]limate change is 1—OF—THE most significant environmental CHALLENGES—OF—THE 20010101—21001231     and is linked to other important issues such as economic growth and development... Goldman Sachs is very concerned by the threat to our natural environment, to humans and to the economy presented by climate change and believes that it requires the urgent attention of and action by governments, business, consumers and civil society to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
20060609             THE—SECURITY and Peace Initiative (SPI), which is CO—SPONSORED by the Center for USA—PROGRESS, is hosting 1—MAJOR—FOREIGN—POLICY—CONFERENCE—TODAY in NEW—YORK called "Power and Superpower: Global Leadership for the 20010101—21001231    ".
20060611             Demonstration gegen Ahmadinedschad: "Hitler des 20010101—21001231    "
20060612             "What is interesting is that in the 05010101—06001231    , 1—GREECE—WRITER, writing about THE—INDIA—OCEAN, wrote that the Malabar coast was still 1—THRIVING—CENTRE for THE—EXPORT—OF—PEPPER—BUT he doesn't mention Muziris".
20060612             —PRESUMED, DOCTOR—TOMBA said that it has always been, that THE—FLOW—OF—THE—TRADE between ROME and INDIA lasted between the _01000101_00001231    through to THE—END—OF—THE 1—CENTURY, but that there is growing evidence that this trade continued much longer, into the 6. and early 06010101—07001231    —ALTHOUGH not necessarily continually.
20060622             —REPORTED, THE—USA—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES, that the last few DECADES—OF—THE 19010101—20001231     were warmer than ANY—COMPARABLE—PERIOD in the last —400—YEARS.
20060622             Climate skeptics routinely point to other PERIODS—OF—TIME where there were temperature changes — the early 19010101—20001231    , the "medieval warm period " -— as "proof" that global warming isn't real.
20060622             The "WAR—ON—TERRORISM" is flourishing business for the corporate world - a 20010101—21001231     fantasy on its own, where facts live in denials and predetermined dogmas cover all aspects of Muslims and Islam.
20060624             " MANN—CENTRAL thesis, stating it is "plausible that THE—NORTH—HEMISPHERE was warmer —DURING the last few DECADES—OF—THE 19010101—20001231     than —DURING ANY—COMPARABLE—PERIOD over the preceding —MILLENNIUM".
20060700             Die Skythen waren 1—NOMADENVOLK, das ab dem 06010101—07001231     vor Christus in Südrussland und der UKRAINE —BIS zum Dnjepr lebte.
20060705             Balla said the discovery seems to reflect on the way artifacts were treated in the 18010101—19001231  .
20060705             —OBTAINED, In the 03010101—04001231     AD the local BISHOP, the rank of PATRIARCH—AND—THE 1. in 1—SERIES—OF—MAJOR—RELIGIOUS—CONGRESSES was held there.
20060705             "We're —NOW focusing on uncovering THE—LAY—OUT—OF—THE—PUBLIC—BATHS, 1—OF—THE—LARGEST and plushest of the 03010101—04001231     AD, measuring more than 2—HECTARES," said lead archaeologist MARINA—RUBINICH.
20060706             BILL—JOY: Why the future doesn't need us.: Our most powerful 20010101—21001231     TECHNOLOGIES—ROBOTICS, genetic engineering + NANOTECH—ARE threatening to make humans 1 endangered species.
20060706             —OPENED, The fledgling USA, the 18010101—19001231     by stealing THE—CONTINENT—OF—NORTH—AMERICA FROM the Indians, —WHILE in the process ethnically cleansing them and then finally deporting the pitiful few survivors by MEANS—OF—DEATH—MARCHES (1—LA—BATAAN) to Bantustans, which in AMERICA WE call reservations, as in INSTANCE—OF—AMERICA—MANIFEST destiny to rule the world.
20060706             —CHANGED, Little has, in the imperialist TENDENCIES—OF—USA—FOREIGN—POLICY—SINCE THE—FOUNDING—OF—THE—USA—OF—AMERICA 13690000             —IN.
20060711             It is the most profound shift in thinking, perhaps the most profound puzzle, in the latter HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231  .
20060711             And it may be the 1. HALF—OF—THE 20010101—21001231    , or maybe go all the way to the 21010101—22001231  .
20060711             "Die Globalisierung macht aus dem 20010101—21001231     —1—JAHRHUNDERT—DER—STÄDTE", sagte HABITAT—EXEKUTIVDIREKTORIN ANNA—TIBAIJUKA.
20060711—20060101    —ON, This gave SLOVENIA —5—MONTHS to print and mint euro notes to replace the tolar.
20060715             USA—DATA mining riles Latin AMERICA: NICARAGUA—FOR 1—PEOPLE who have grappled with USA—MEDDLING for more than 1—CENTURY, Nicaraguans were surprised to find that Uncle SAM—LONG—REACH may —NOW extend right into their private lives.
20060718—20070101    —AFTER, REPRESENTATIVE—CAROLYN—MALONEY (D—NY), "who comes from 1—LONG—LINE—OF—FAMILY—MILITARY—SERVICE," has proposed 1—BILL that would deduct $1,000 from DONALD—RUMSFELD—SALARY for EVERY—DAY that 1—MILITARY—SEXUAL—ASSAULT tracking system is not active.
20060719             threatened with extinction by the mid-20010101—21001231              20060720             Striptease came to burlesque performance in the 18010101—19001231  .
20060722             —SWELTERED, BRITAIN: "BRITAIN, on THE—HOTTEST—JULY —DAY for nearly 1—CENTURY—DATE 20060722             —EXISTED, BRITAIN 'had apartheid society' 1—APARTHEID—LIKE—SOCIETY, in 04010101—05001231     BRITAIN, 1—ANALYSIS—OF—GENETIC origins suggests.
20060722—20060000    —YEAR, THE—PRESIDENT shall provide to the Congress 1—REPORT detailing the estimated costs over the period from fiscal to 20110000             —OF—OPERATION—IRAQ—FREEDOM and Operation Enduring Freedom, or any related military operations in + —AROUND IRAQ + AFGHANISTAN + the estimated COSTS—OF—RECONSTRUCTION, internal security + related economic support to IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN... the report referenced above shall be submitted no —LATER than 20050101             .
20060724             the Bush Sterilization History Eugenics began as 1—BREEDING science for horses in the late 18010101—19001231     in the...
20060724             Kukai, FOUNDER—OF—JAPANESE—SHINGON—BUDDHISM - 1—BIOGRAPHY by Ron... appears to span to the oldest written RECORD—OF—JAPAN—CIVILIZATION, THAT—OF—CHINA—EXPLORERS of the 02010101—03001231     CE.
20060724             Bush + Abortion + Eugenics... family has been in THE—VANGUARD—OF—THE—PRO—ABORTION + eugenics movements —SINCE THE—EARLY—YEARS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    ...
20060727             "2—KEY—PROCESSES are thought to occur —WHEN someone recognizes 1—FAMILIAR—OBJECT or sc20060101             ., the brain searches through memory traces to see if THE—CONTENTS—OF—THAT—SCENE have been observed —BEFORE. If they have, 1—SEPARATE—PART—OF—THE—BRAIN then identifies the scene or object as being familiar. In deja vu, this 2. process may occur by mistake, so that 1—FEELING—OF—FAMILIARITY is triggered by 1—NOVEL—OBJECT or scene".
20060727             —INCLUDED, Finds, 1—HALBERD, a 16010101—17001231     ceremonial staff often carried by military sergeants;
20060727             —CLAIMED, Amateur historian Cezmi Yurtsever has again, to have decrypted secret codes on 1—MAP belonging to 15010101—16001231     Ottoman Admiral Piri Reis and has come to the conclusion that CHRISTOPHER—COLOMBUS was 1—OTTOMAN spy.
20060801             Learn About the Republican Strategy to Achieve a 1—PARTY—VIRTUAL—DICTATORSHIP for 1—CENTURY.
20060806             Seine PALÄSTINENSISCHE—FAMILIE lebt —SEIT dem 16010101—17001231     in HAIFA.
20060808             Welcome to the 20010101—21001231     librarian: BOOK—SMART, REALITY—STUPID, BUSH—DERANGED bigots.
20060810             Paintings reveal pollution clues MONET—PAINTINGS could shed light on pollution in LONDON at the turn of the 19010101—20001231    , say scientists.
20060810             Green pigment spins chip promise 1—GREEN dye used by artists in the 17010101—18001231     could be used to make faster, more efficient microchips.
20060810             —FROM ZAPPY—WHERE—DATE—PALMS—GROW : —SATURDAY, 20060812             Dracul?s Barbecue It is told that Count Dracul had his enemies impaled on the outskirts of Transylvania to horrify THE—TURKS from ever wanting to invade Transylvania that was —BACK—IN the 14010101—15001231  .
20060815             They posit a 06010101—07001231     BC.
20060815             THE—WASHINGTON—MONTHLY—NOT quite sure what maunga is on about, but yes, ' THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED ' is 1—MUST—READ—SHOWS how THE—OT was written largely in the 05010101—06001231     BC as a...
20060815             GEORGE—ALLEN: Digital foot in 20010101—21001231     mouth There have already been strong intimations that VIRGINIA Republican SENATOR—GEORGE—ALLEN has a "race problem".
20060815             Google Groups: important J source was apparently written, was very sparsely inhabited —UNTIL the late 07010101—08001231     BCE ".
20060815             CONCORD Monitor ONLINE—ARTICLE—CONCORD, NH 03301 Finkelstein and Silberman typified such skepticism in Bible Unearthed, which said Edom achieved kingship and statehood only in the 06010101—07001231     BC...
20060818             He was also THE—AUTHOR—OF—THE—PENTAGON—NEW—MAP: War and Peace in the 20010101—21001231     and Blueprint for Action: 1—FUTURE—WORTH—CREATING.
20060822             SPAIN, Grigory Perelman (40), 1—RECLUSIVE Russian, won 1—FIELDS—MEDAL, the math world's highest honor, for solving 1—PROBLEM that has stumped SOME—OF—THE—DISCIPLINE—GREATEST—MINDS for 1—CENTURY, but he refused the award.
20060824             Category: Bush _Family/Bush __Prescott_Sheldon__1895_1972_/">19010101—20001231     USA—HISTORY > Prescott S. Bush (18950000—19720000)
20060828             —GREETED, Although IRAN—PROTESTATIONS—OF—PEACEFUL—INTENTIONS are, cynically in THE—USA and ISRAEL, in fact IRAN has not launched 1—WAR—OF—AGGRESSION in over 1—CENTURY.
20060829             The sect had broken from the Mormon Church over 1—CENTURY ago.
20060905             He may believe that these petty groups and their posturing leaders "are successors to fascists, to Nazis, to communists and other totalitarians of the 19010101—20001231    ".
20060905             He becomes the Churchillian leader of "the decisive ideological struggle of the 20010101—21001231    ".
20060905             How did THE—USA—BECOME 1—MASTER—OF—DOMESTIC—WAR—PROPAGANDA over the course of the 19010101—20001231    ?
20060905             I could look across THE—BAGHDAD skyline and see 1—RICH miscellany of Christian churches, embracing Assyrian, Armenian, Byzantine, Anglican, Mandeans and Methodist, SOME—OF—THEM with 1—PRESENCE—SINCE the 1—CENTURY, —6—CENTURIES—BEFORE Islam began.
20060908             Während des 18010101—19001231     hat es EUROPA und TEILE—DER—WESTLICHEN—HEMISPHÄRE erfasst, im 19010101—20001231     erreichte es JAPAN und schließlich CHINA.
20060909             "Reuters reports that USA—AUTHORITIES have arrested PETER—DICKS, THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—UK based online sports betting company Sportingbet Plc, —WHILE he was passing through DALLAS. —JUST—2—MONTHS—AGO, THE—CEO of another UK based online sports betting company, BetOnSports, was arrested on USA—SOIL as well. They are both charged with violating 19610000             —THE—FEDERAL—WIRE—ACT, which can be broadly interpreted as declaring all forms of online gambling illegal in THE—USA—IS online gambling the Alcohol Prohibition of the 20010101—21001231    ?"
20060912             He quoted a 13010101—14001231     Byzantine emperor as saying "Show me —JUST what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached".
20060914             VENEZUELA—PROMISING future : Communal councils may be instrumental in THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—VENEZUELA'S 20010101—21001231     socialism.
20060915             But make no mistake, it is the 1. genocide of the 20010101—21001231     + if it continues unchecked it will not be the last.
20060916             Between 20060101             and 20060505             —ACCORDING—TO, police statistics 229—WOMEN and girls were killed.
20060916             —URGED, PAPA, to retract Islam remarks : THE—PAPA provoked anger —AFTER criticising Islam and its concept of jihad —ON—TUESDAY—DURING a —6—DAY—VISIT to his native GERMANY, citing a 13010101—14001231     Christian emperor who said that Prophet Mohammed had brought the world "evil and inhuman" things.
20060917             THE—REPUBLICAN—PLAN for Dominance in the 20010101—21001231    : Journalists TOM—HAMBURGER and PETER—WALLSTEN discuss their new book.
20060917             I n the —WEEK that GEORGE—BUSH took to fantasising that his BLOOD—SOAKED "WAR—ON—TERROR" would lead the 20010101—21001231     into a "shining age of human liberty" I went through my mail bag to find 1—FRIGHTENING letter addressed to me by 1—USA—VETERAN whose son is serving as 1—LIEUTENANT—COLONEL and medical doctor with USA—FORCES in BAGHDAD.
20060919             Bring the Senate into the 20010101—21001231  .
20060930             (19980000             , 19990000             ) was that the late 19010101—20001231     warmth in THE—NORTH—HEMISPHERE was unprecedented —DURING at least the last 1,—000—YEARS.
20060930             —SUPPORTED, This conclusion has subsequently been, by 1—ARRAY—OF—EVIDENCE...Based on the analyses presented in the original papers by Mann et al. and this newer supporting evidence, the committee finds it plausible that THE—NORTH—HEMISPHERE was warmer —DURING the last few DECADES—OF—THE 19010101—20001231     than —DURING ANY—COMPARABLE—PERIOD over the preceding —MILLENNIUM.
20061002             "According to RONALD—REAGAN—FORMER—DEPUTY—SECRETARY—OF—THE—TREASURY in this article in Counterpunch, globalization is destroying USA I.T. jobs.  '—DURING the past —5—YEARS (20060101             — 20060106             ), the information SECTOR—OF—THE—USA—ECONOMY lost 644,000—JOBS, or 17.4—PERCENT—OF—ITS—WORK—FORCE. Computer systems design and related work lost 105,000—JOBS, or 8.5—PERCENT—OF—ITS—WORK—FORCE. Clearly, jobs offshoring is not creating jobs in computers and information technology.'" PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS quotes 1—NUMBER—OF formerly PRO—GLOBALIZATION—ECONOMISTS who are —NOW seeing THE—LIGHT—OF—THE—HARROWING—OF—THE—USA—MIDDLE—CLASS.
20061004             WALSH: You know that was always the issue on Capitol Hill + I think that his response in the past was that "That's my business and would you ask PRESIDENT—BUSH or would you ask, you know, Chairman HARRY—REED if he was straight?" I think in the 20010101—21001231    , people have 1—RIGHT to keep their sexuality, you know, to themselves.
20061007             Karat said the 20010101—21001231     was not going to be 1—USA.
20061010             Die letzten Bestattungen in der Nekropole hätten in der Zeit Kaiser Konstantins im 03010101—04001231     stattgefunden.
20061013             "Remo"-Chefentwicklerin Daniela Jacob betont, der Fehler betreffe lediglich die letzten —4—JAHRZEHNTE in der Klimasimulation für das 20010101—21001231  .
20061015             BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA gave Catholics 4—NEWS saints, bestowing the honor on a 18010101—19001231     —NUN who struggled on THE—USA—FRONTIER, 1—BISHOP who tended to the wounded —DURING THE—MEXICO—REVOLUTION and 2—ITALY—CLERGY.
20061016             "—1—TAG in der Geschichte" nennt sich das ambitionierte Projekt, es soll einen "Schnappschuss des Alltags im beginnenden 20010101—21001231    " liefern, sagt Fiona Reynolds, Chefin des National Trust, der BRITISCHEN—GESELLSCHAFT zum Schutz des historischen Erbes.
20061016             The conservative ANTI—CHOICE—GROUP—FEMINISTS—FOR Life (FFL) has continually claimed that it is the successor to the 18010101—19001231     feminist movement.
20061022             —ANNOUNCED, PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD, that AUSTRALIA is to launch a 500—MILLION—DOLLAR—DRIVE to tackle global warming, as the country battles its worst drought in more than 1—CENTURY.
20061022             "Beginning 20060101             , GERMANY will require payment of 1—LICENSE—FEE—OF—5.52—EUROS —1—MONTH on computers + MOBILE phones that can access TV + radio programs over THE—INTERNET. Like the current TV + radio license fees, the money will support national and local public TV and radio stations. GERMANY—COMPANIES with MANY—COMPUTERS are predictably upset".
20061024—20060101    —LIMITED, BRITAIN said Bulgarians and Romanians will have only, rights to work in BRITAIN for at least —1—YEAR—AFTER their countries join THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20061025             BUSH : We will stay the course, we will help this young IRAQ—DEMOCRACY succeed + victory in IRAQ will be 1—MAJOR—IDEOLOGICAL triumph in the struggle of the 20010101—21001231  .
20061025             [8/30
20061027—20000000    —BIS, Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) - 20030000             20000101             —KOMMENTAR—VON—STEPHEN—C.—PELLETIERE, der von 19880000             als Professor am Army War College lehrte und davor als Analyst beim Geheimdienst CIA...
20061028             Darunter der originalgetreue Nachbau einer Kartentaube aus dem späten 17010101—18001231  .
20061029             —7—JAHRE lang grub sich sein Team durch Sand, Geröll und die Schichten der von Vogel entdeckten mittelalterlichen Lehmbauten, —BIS es in 4—METER Tiefe fündig wurde: Ruinen aus massivem Stein, die mindestens in das 03010101—04001231     v. Chr.
20061029             DATIERTEN—LAUT den antiken Chronisten also in die Frühzeit der Garamanten.
20061029             WILL—JOHN—BOLTON—MUSTACHE continue to make its UNITED—NATIONS Security Council rounds —AFTER its 20060101             expiration date?
20061029             —BIS es in 4—METER Tiefe fündig wurde: Ruinen aus massivem Stein, die mindestens in das 03010101—04001231     v. Chr.
20061029—00860000    —CA, —7—JAHRE lang grub sich sein Team durch Sand, Geröll und die Schichten der von Vogel entdeckten mittelalterlichen Lehmbauten, —BIS es in 4—METER Tiefe fündig wurde: Ruinen aus massivem Stein, die mindestens in das 03010101—04001231     v. Chr.
20061101             BANGALORE, according to state historians, got its name from Bendakalooru (the town of boiled beans) —AFTER 1—KING strayed into the area —DURING 1—HUNTING trip in the late 13010101—14001231  .
20061103—20080101    —ON, As of 20120000             THE—USA would not return the girl because THE—2—COUNTRIES—ONLY signed the Hague Abduction Convention.
20061105             That is Revolution at the dawn of the 20010101—21001231    â€".
20061105             marching to THE—DRUMBEATS—OF—PEACE, NON—VIOLENCE and universal harmony.
20061112             spiritual adversaries of the mid- 19010101—20001231     : EDWARD—BERNAYS + HARRY—SMITH.
20061112             —LISTED, BERNAYS is, by some as 1—OF—THE—100—MOST important people of the 19010101—20001231  .
20061112             spiritual adversaries of the mid- 19010101—20001231    â€" :
20061114             take another look : The great respect that I have for your leadership, MISTER—PRESIDENT, in this little understood, unfamiliar war, the 1. war of the 20010101—21001231     -- it is not WELL—KNOWN, it was not WELL—UNDERSTOOD, it is complex for people to comprehend.
20061114             1 shipwrecked 1—CENTURY—VESSEL carrying delicacies to the richest palates of THE—ROMAN—EMPIRE has proved 1—DAZZLING find, with nearly 20000000             —YEAR—OLD—FISH bones still nestling inside clay jars.
20061114             —WRECKED, Roman ship thrills archaeologists 1—ROMAN ship, off THE—COAST—OF—SPAIN in the 1—CENTURY, reveals 1—WEALTH—OF—HISTORICAL treasures.
20061114             peacepalestine: 20051201—20051231              20061115             Whatever its origin, —SINCE its use by Roman citizens 1,—800—YEARS—AGO, the ''abracadabra'' spell seems to have arrived in the 20010101—21001231     little changed.
20061115             It had 337—HOMICIDES 20060101—20061031    —BETWEEN.
20061115             estimates that 5,320—PEOPLE are killed —1—MONTH, meaning there were 53,200 murders 20060101—20061031    —BETWEEN.
20061115             Whatever its origin, —SINCE its use by Roman citizens 1,—800—YEARS—AGO, the ''abracadabra'' spell seems to have arrived in the 20010101—21001231     little changed.
20061115             the ''abracadabra'' spell seems to have arrived in the 20010101—21001231     little changed.
20061116             Dazu lösten sie Proben aus einem Schwert des persischen Schmieds Assad Ullah aus dem 16010101—17001231     in Salzsäure auf.
20061117             "Nature reports that researchers at DRESDEN University believe that sabres from DAMASCUS dating back to 900—AD were formed with help from carbon nanotubes.  'Sabres from DAMASCUS are made from 1—TYPE—OF—STEEL called wootz. But the secret of the swords' manufacture was lost in the 17010101—18001231    .' At high temperatures, impurities in the metal 'could have catalyzed THE—GROWTH—OF—NANOTUBES from carbon in the burning wood and leaves used to make the wootz, Paufler suggests. These tubes could then have filled with cementite to produce the wires in the patterned blades, he says.'"
20061117             The old Navy Mechanics' School in BUENOS—AIRES, 1—PRESTIGIOUS—SCHOOL founded in the late 18010101—19001231     and CHIEF torture compound —DURING ARGENTINA—DIRTY—WAR, is —NOW is being converted into 1—MUSEUM honoring Dirty War victims.
20061118             —EXCHANGED, TOM—CRUISE and Katie Holmes, wedding vows in 1—GLOWING 14010101—15001231     castle in the medieval lakeside TOWN—OF—BRACCIANO, ITALY.
20061123             -: Mieter schutz im 15010101—16001231    ?
20061123             —ANNOUNCED, Why did Gemayel die —JUST hours —AFTER Syria, the restoration of diplomatic relations with IRAQ —AFTER 1—QUARTER—OF—1—CENTURY?
20061125             "—SINCE its discovery 19020000             , the Antikythera Mechanism — with its intricate and baffling system of about 30 geared wheels — has been 1—ENIGMA... —DURING the last —50—YEARS, researchers have identified various astronomical and calendar functions, including gears that mimic THE—MOVEMENT—OF—THE—SUN and moon. But it has taken some of the most advanced technology of the 20010101—21001231     to decipher —DURING the past —YEAR the most advanced technology of the _01000101_00001231   "
20061125             —ADVANCED, But it has taken some of the most, technology of the 20010101—21001231     to decipher —DURING the past —YEAR the most advanced technology of the _01000101_00001231   "
20061126             —ANFANG des 04010101—05001231     v. Chr. verschoben sich die Machtverhältnisse nachhaltig.
20061126             Pollenprofile aus Seesedimenten der Eifelmaare wiederum beweisen, dass im 06010101—07001231     v. Chr. unwirtliche Regionen Mitteleuropas im großen Stil gerodet wurden.
20061126             Polonium-210 -- the radioactive substance used to poison 1—FORMER—RUSSIA—SPY in LONDON -- is 1—OF—THE—WORLD—RAREST—ELEMENTS, 1. discovered in the 18010101—19001231     by scientists Marie and PIERRE—CURIE.
20061126             —ANFANG des 04010101—05001231     v. Chr.
20061126             dass im 06010101—07001231     v. Chr.
20061126             1. discovered in the 18010101—19001231     by scientists Marie and PIERRE—CURIE.
20061129             It argues that the 20010101—21001231     is 'THE—AGE—OF—THE—FLIMSY' where 'your gadgets will simply break within the —YEAR.' Post AUTHOR—CHRIS—STEVENS talks about how computers are fast enough for the average user + the only way to make consumers upgrade is 'increasingly poor build quality... Engineers have built obsolescence into MASS—PRODUCED technology —SINCE the 1920s.
20061129             It argues that the 20010101—21001231     is 'THE—AGE—OF—THE—FLIMSY' where 'your gadgets will simply break within the —YEAR.
20061129             —PLANNED, There are 2—KINDS—OF, deterioration in 1—PRODUCT: 1 is technical, the other is stylistic.' The writer compares the build quality of a —20—YEAR—OLD—IBM XT to the modern Motorola Razr phone and concludes that modern gadgets are 'delicate, beautiful supermodels that can't go the distance.'"
20061201             Der Anstieg des Meeresspiegels und der Temperatur kann erhebliche Folgen für die soziale und politische Stabilität vieler Regionen HABEN—DURCH Ernteausfälle und Überschwemmungen drohen Ende des 20010101—21001231    —BIS zu 150—MILLIONEN Menschen zu Flüchtlingen zu werden.
20061205             Die Namensliste zeige außerdem die kulturellen Verhältnisse in der Stadt, die die Römer —J—IM 50—VOR Christus als Militärsiedlung gegründet hatten: Zu Lebzeiten des fluchenden Servandus, im 2. oder 02010101—03001231     nach Christus, gab es in LEICESTER Bewohner mit rein ROM—NAMEN (etwa Silvester und Germanus), aber auch mit keltischen Namen (Riomandus und Cunovendus) sowie ROM—NAMEN, die in keltisch sprechenden Regionen vorkamen (Regalis).
20061207             At least SOME—STRATA of the global population will continue to experience 1—INCREASE in personal wealth in the 20010101—21001231????,
20061207             but THE—SENSE—OF—ABUNDANCE that characterized the late 19010101—20001231????
20061207             is likely to evaporate for the great MAJORITY—OF—USA.
20061207             Michael T Klare : THE—POST—ABUNDANCE—ERA : At least SOME—STRATA of the global population will continue to experience 1—INCREASE in personal wealth in the 20010101—21001231    , but THE—SENSE—OF—ABUNDANCE that characterized the late 19010101—20001231     is likely to evaporate for the great MAJORITY—OF—USA.
20061207             (For black comedy, unless you count THE—LAST—KING—OF—SCOTLAND, you'd have to reach back 1—QUARTER—OF—1—CENTURY to THE—HOME—GROWN THE—GODS—MUST—BE—CRAZY.
20061210             † Obituary : Augusto Pinochet : CAPTAIN—GENERAL—AUGUSTO Pinochet, who has, aged 91, was the most notorious of Latin AMERICA's 19010101—20001231     military rulers.
20061210             † CAPTAIN—GENERAL—AUGUSTO Pinochet, who has, aged 91, was the most notorious of Latin AMERICA's 19010101—20001231     military rulers.
20061211             (true to the matter is also, most people DONT KNOW about it, because the all thing was planned and backed up by THE—CIA ). however...  20080614             1—CENTURY—OF—CRIMES—AGAINST—THE—FILIPINO—PEOPLE -
20061213             The current USA—ELITE is the 3. Reich of our times, although this distinction ought not to let us forget that they have merely accelerated more than HALF—1—CENTURY—OF unrelenting USA—STATE—TERRORISM: from the atomic bombs dropped cynically on JAPAN as 1—SIGNAL—OF—THEIR—NEW—POWER to THE—DOZENS—OF—COUNTRIES invaded, directly or by proxy, to destroy democracy wherever it collided with American "interests", such as 1—VORACIOUS appetite for the world's resources, like oil.
20061216             —AFTER all, he is the fabled, gravelly voiced eminence who has strode across the world stage for the better PART—OF—HALF—1—CENTURY.
20061220             Ausgehend von den Regeln, die der PREUSSISCHE—PHYSIKER GUSTAV—ROBERT—KIRCHHOFF im 18010101—19001231     für den Bau von Stromnetzen aufstellte,
20061221             1—TORONTO—BASED film director who is completing 1—TELEVISION—
20061221—20070101    —AM, WASHINGTON—DAS AMERIKANISCHE—NATIONALARCHIV kann die Massen an Material, die zugänglich werden, kaum verarbeiten.
20061225             weltverschwörerischen Erstlingswerk " Geheimgesellschaften und ihre Macht im 19010101—20001231    "
20061231             1—GREAT—COAL rush is under way across CHINA on 1—SCALE not seen anywhere —SINCE the 18010101—19001231  .
20061231             2. Operation PHOENIX—CIA—INTERROGATION—CENTER "beat the shit out of... daren flitcroft, roic region iii, said "half the time we don't have...
20061231—20070101    drohte der RUSSISCHE—STAATSKONZERN Gazprom seinem Nachbarstaat WEISSRUSSLAND den Gashahn zuzudrehen,
20070101             DEUTSCHLAND, wird 1—ELEKTRONISCHES—HANDELS—UND Genossenschaftsregister geschaffen.
20070101             SLOWENIEN führt den Euro ein und ist damit das 13. Land der Eurozone.
20070101             den Vertrag, mit dem RUMÄNIEN und BULGARIEN der EU beitreten.
20070101             der Südkoreaner Ban KI—MOON als UN—GENERALSEKRETÄR.
20070101             —RANKED, The 9.- Boise STATE—BRONCOS completed 1—PERFECT—SEASON with a 43—42—OVERTIME victory over NUMBER 7—OKLAHOMA in the Fiesta Bowl.
20070101             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA beat MICHIGAN 32-18 in the Rose Bowl.
20070101             SF, the minimum wage rose 3.6% to $9.14—PER —HOUR—FOLLOWING 1—MANDATORY 20030000             requirement for annual cost of living adjustments.
20070101             —KILLED, DENVER—COLORADO, Broncos football player Darrent Williams was, in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting in the —EARLY—MORNING and 2—PEOPLE with him were injured.
20070101             † TILLIE—OLSEN, —94—JAHRE—ALT, writer and SF labor activist.
20070101             † Grand OLE—OPRY star DEL—REEVES at age 74.
20070101             —APPROVED, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES, 1—DECREE requiring USA—CITIZENS to obtain visas to enter BOLIVIA.
20070101             Morales said the decree was "1—MATTER—OF—RECIPROCITY".
20070101             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT requires Bolivians to obtain visas to enter THE—USA.
20070101             —VALUED, The state's economy was, at —AROUND $130—BILLION, about the same as that of VENEZUELA.
20070101             —JOINED, BULGARIA and ROMANIA, THE—EU.
20070101             —GAINED, Some 30,000 Israelis, EU citizenship due to their dual registration in ROMANIA.
20070101             —LISTED, CHINA—GOVERNMENT began requiring all companies, on THE—SHENZHEN and SHANGHAI stock markets to prepare their accounts according to INTERNATIONAL—FINANCIAL—REPORTING—STANDARDS (IFRS).
20070101             —ALLOWED, New rules came into effect that, foreign reporters to go more or less where they pleased.
20070101             —SIGNED, Li Zhaoxing, CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTER, 1—STRING—OF—ACCORDS in BENIN as PART—OF—1—WHISTLE—STOP tour of 7—AFRICA—NATIONS as BEIJING bolsters economic ties on the continent.
20070101             GERMANY, 1—GOVERNMENT—PLAN to encourage working couples to have children went into effect with benefits worth up to 25,200 euros (17,000 pounds).
20070101             —BECAME, HONG—KONG, 1—MOSTLY—SMOKE—FREE—CITY as 1—BAN on smoking in MANY—PUBLIC—PLACES went into effect.
20070101             Flight KI-574, 1—INDONESIA—PASSENGER—PLANE carrying 102—PEOPLE, disappeared in stormy weather off Sulawesi ISLAND.
20070101             Rescue teams were sent to search in the area where the Boeing 737—400—SENT out 1—DISTRESS signal.
20070101             1 speed boat capsized in poor weather off THE—COAST—OF—BORNEO ISLAND, killing 15—PEOPLE.
20070101             —REPORTED, IRAQ—POLICE, finding the 40 handcuffed, blindfolded and BULLET—RIDDLED bodies in BAGHDAD.
20070101             —KILLED, THE—USA—MILITARY, 6—IRAQIS —DURING 1—RAID on the offices of 1—PROMINENT—SUNNI political figure, where USA—FORCES believed AL—QAIDA fighters had taken refuge.
20070101             † 1—USA—SOLDIER was killed by 1—ROADSIDE bomb SOUTH—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20070101             —WOUNDED, The blast, 3—OTHERS, including 1—INTERPRETER, as they talked with local residents about sectarian violence.
20070101             1—PHOTOGRAPHER for THE—FRANCE—NEWS—AGENCY—AGENCE FRANCE Presse was kidnapped in GAZA City —JUST—BEFORE sundown.
20070101             PRIME—MINISTER—ALI—MOHAMED—GEDI set a —3—DAY—DEADLINE for gun collection.
20070101             —ADOPTED, SLOVENIA, the euro, becoming the 13. EU nation to use the single European currency.
20070101             —INCLUDED, The transition to the euro, a —14—DAY—PERIOD for dual USE—OF—THE—EURO and SLOVENIA—TOLAR.
20070101             —JUST—BEFORE the new Democratic chairmen will start banging their gavels and demanding information from the other END—OF—PENNSYLVANIA—AVENUE.
20070101             "—JUST in time for subpoena season," Corallo told HOH.
20070101             Together, they'll be doing crisis management, communications strategy,
20070101             strategic consulting, government relations and basically helping GOP folk who are up 1—CREEK without 1—PADDLE.
20070101             Corallo and Comstock cut their teeth investigating the Clinton administration
20070101             Who Signed Sakher HAMMAD'S—WTC Basement Level Pass?
20070101             Who Murdered Katherine Smith? License Suspect Had WTC Repair Pass, But Port Authority Did its Own Work
20070101             GoMemphis
20070101             —WHEN arrested, MISTER—HAMMAD—RESIDENTIAL—ADDRESS + the address for his MAGIC HEATING AND PLUMBING residential handyman service was: 275 93. St, Brooklyn -
20070101             In addition to THE—END—OF ";;01;; junkets".-
20070101             "The ;;01;; junket to warmer climates — 1—POSTHOLIDAY TRADITION—OF—SORTS for SOME—MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS — could be headed to the wayside.
20070101             1 accelerated work schedule set up by the new Democratic leadership has put 1—HALT on many ;;01;;
20070101             excursions funded by lobbyists.
20070101             Global Language Monitor, 1—ORGANIZATION that "documents, analyzes and tracks trends in language the world over" has named "stay the course" the top catchphrase of 20060000             .
20070101             The phrase was used repeatedly by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to describe their strategy in IRAQ.
20070101             " PRESIDENT—BUSH will soon unveil a "new way forward
20070101             " for IRAQ, which is expected to involve sending more USA—TROOPS to IRAQ.
20070101             CHIEF—JUSTICE—ROBERTS laments 'constitutional crisis.'-
20070101             JUDD—HE says pay for FEDERAL—JUDGES is too low.
20070101             Roberts earns $212,000 per —YEAR.
20070101             Judges on FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURTS earn $175,100.
20070101             "BRAD—HOLIAN, a senior scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory,
20070101             is using 1—BLOG to organize resistance to plans for random polygraph and drug TESTING—OF—LAB—SCIENTISTS.
20070101             Holian writes: 'Polygraphy is 1—INSULTING affront to scientists, —SINCE 1—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES has declared that,
20070101             —BEYOND being inadmissible in court, there is no scientific basis for polygraphs.
20070101             In my opinion, by agreeing to be polygraphed, 1—THEREBY seriously jeopardizes his or her claim to being 1—SCIENTIST,
20070101             which is presumably the principal reason for employment for MANY—SCIENTISTS at Los Alamos.'"
20070101             Researchers: Humpback whales found to share high IQ brain cells with humans
20070101             1—TYPE—OF—CELL—ONLY found in humans, great apes and other cetaceans like dolphins...
20070101             2—VIDEO Passagen der SADDAM—EXEKUTION  - Saddams langer Weg zum Galgen-
20070101             SFUX—PERSÖNLICHKEIT und Werdegang des IRAKISCHEN—EX—DIKTATORS—MALTE Olschewski-
20070101             In verdächtiger Eile hat man den IRAKISCHE—EX—DIKTATOR SADDAM—HUSSEIN zum Galgen geführt.
20070101             —GEDAUERT, Ursprünglich wollte man, auch wenn es —JAHRE, hätte, alle 12—FÄLLE—DER—ANKLAGE verhandeln.
20070101             BRAZIL—LULA sworn in to office
20070101             BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—LUIS—INACIO—LULA da Silva is sworn in for a 2. term in FRONT—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS.
20070101             Ban KI—MOON takes over at UN
20070101             SOUTH—KOREA—BAN—KI—MOON begins his position as SECRETARY—GENERAL—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
20070101             INDIA finishes controversial dam
20070101             INDIA completes CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—CONTROVERSIAL—DAM, nearly —2—DECADES—AFTER it launched the project.
20070101             report in the Telegraph that
20070101             UK—TRAVELERS using 1—CREDIT—CARD to purchase their ticket may —NOW have their credit card and email accounts inspected by USA—AUTHORITIES.
20070101             "Advocates of open government have another reason to celebrate New
20070101             This is because they employ WMV format for the videos.
20070101             We cannot support Linux in 1—LEGAL—WAY.
20070101             So the answer is: No support for Linux.
20070101             1—ONLINE petition has been set up to create pressure to convince THE—EU council to change its service to 1—THAT is platform independent".
20070101             Ministerpläne: Schäuble will Abschuss von Passagierjets bei Terrorgefahr erlauben
20070101             Zukunftsforschung: "Erleuchtung im Supermarkt"
20070101             Präsidentschaft: DEUTSCHLAND führt G8 und vergrößerte EU
20070101             —BOMBARDIERT, IRAK: USA—FLUGZEUG soll Parteigebäude in Bagdad, haben
20070101             Atomprogramm: NORDKOREA schwärmt von nuklearer Abschreckung
20070101             —ARMED, How the West, Saddam, fed him intelligence on his 'enemies', equipped him for ATROCITIES—AND then made sure he wouldn't squeal.
20070101             † He was executed under the auspices of 1—ANGLO—USA—OCCUPATION that has brought little but death and destruction to IRAQ.
20070101             meant to provide POST—JUSTIFICATION for 1—INVASION that was itself 1—GRAVE—VIOLATION—OF—INTERNATIONAL—LAW.
20070101             CONTINUE—THE—EXECUTIONER—FACE is Always Well Hidden-
20070101             † The government of FRANCE announced —EARLY—TODAY that FORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH was executed for crimes against humanity,
20070101             —AFTER all his legal appeals had been thoroughly exhausted.
20070101             Saddam is Dead, But the Mainstream Media is Still Treating Bush as 1—CREDIBLE—LEADER.
20070101             New —YEAR—STARTING Same as the Old.
20070101             3000. GI (men, women and grandparents) die for 1—MISTAKE—OF sociopaths -- BUSH—BUBBLY champagne tonight fizzes with TANG—OF—USA—BLOOD
20070101             It's 20070000             .
20070101             Time to Take AMERICA—BACK from the Lunatics. Happy New —YEAR!
20070101             Bush to Americans: I—WILL—BE as Stupid, Ineffective, Dishonest + Sociopathological
20070101             BAGHDAD Burning: "AMERICA the savior? —AFTER nearly —4—YEARS and BUSH—BIGGEST achievement in IRAQ has been 1—LYNCHING".
20070101             Birth of the 1. Multinational Super Union to Provide 1—COUNTERPOINT to Multinational Corporations 1/2
20070101             Captors to Saddam: "Go to hell".
20070101             Saddam: "The hell that is IRAQ?" 1/1 - BRENT—BUDOWSKY.
20070101             New —YEAR: THE—TRIUMPH—OF—NEW—MEDIA, New Politics, New Optimism and New Leadership.
20070101             and then was plunged into crisis as THE—NORTH—BANK—HEADQUARTERS in BELFAST were robbed on
20070101             Der Januskopf der IRA—INSTRUMENT der Befreiung + der
20070101             Counterinsurgency... Armee ( IRA ) + Mitglied des GENERAL—HEADQUARTERS (GHG) der IRA gewesen...
20070101             Unfälle: Etliche Tote und Verletzte in der SILVESTERNACHT—NEUJAHR 20070000             :
20070101             Die Welt feierte mit Konfetti, Diamanten und Leuchtsternen
20070101             Injustice As the —YEAR closes, let us look back upon the depth and vigor of the screwing we —JUST underwent.
20070101             THE—USA—INJUSTICE—INDEX is here is here
20070101             Wages that 1—AVERAGE—CEO earns —BEFORE lunchtime:
20070101             more than 1—FULL—TIME—MINIMUM—WAGE—WORKER makes in —1—YEAR
20070101             —HIRED, Probability that the newly, CEO will either quit or be fired within the 1. —18—MONTHS: 1 in 2
20070101             —LINED, Estimated NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE, up outside the new M&M store set to open in Times Square responding to ads for "ON—THE—SPOT" hiring for 200—JOBS,
20070101             65—OF which were fulltime: between 5,000 and 6,000
20070101             —STARTING salary that drew them there: $10.75—PER —HOUR
20070101             Silvesterfeiern: WM—STIMMUNG am Brandenburger Tor
20070101             —RESISTED, Also, 1—OF—THE—REASONS—MANY—PEOPLE, PRIME—MINISTER—THAKSIN... BUSH SENIOR, —WHILE JAMES—A—BAKER—III is the current Baker in Baker Botts.
20070101             Baker.
20070101             Hours —AFTER THE—DNC—ANNOUNCEMENT, the attorney for KANSAS—CITY—BUSINESSMAN—FARHAD AZIMA sent 1—LETTER to the party asking for "immediate clarification"
20070101             1—NAME that has emerged is FARHAD AZIMA, who is said to be 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST donors, contributing more than $1—MILLION.
20070101             —RAISED, That, eyebrows among
20070101             All of the ubiquitous and ambitious pandering by McCain is of some...
20070101             the monolithic conspiracy, the underground reich, the Straussian neo cons,
20070101             —J—IM, liegt DAS—RISIKO laut dem SICHERHEITS—UNTERNEHMEN McAfee bei 10 %, sich auf 1—SEITE mit ".tk"-Endung 1.SCHAD—SOFTWARE einzufangen.
20070101             selbst erlebt: Die ISRAELISCHE—LUFTWAFFE hat einen Gebäudekomplex im SYRISCHEN—NORDOSTEN dem Erdboden gleichgemacht.
20070101             —REAGIERT, Sie haben auf diesen Angriff sehr zurückhaltend.
20070101             Warum?
20070101             Assad: Wir hätten zurückschlagen können.
20070101             Aber sollten wir uns wirklich zu einem Krieg provozieren lassen?
20070101             —GETAPPT, Dann wären wir in eine ISRAELISCHE—FALLE.
20070101             Bei der bombardierten Anlage handelte ES—SICH nicht um 1—ATOMFABRIK, sondern um eine konventionelle Militäranlage.
20070101             with 1—LETTER from Denko Mechanical, Ltd, signed by 1—MISTER—SERGEI—DENKO...
20070101             eingeräumt, um einer UNO—SCHUTZTRUPPE für die Krisenregion Darfur zuzustimmen.
20070101             Sollte die Regierung —BIS dahin nicht einlenke, werde es einen Plan B geben.
20070101             Bürgerkrieg im SUDAN
20070101             Dies sagte der SUDAN—BEAUFTRAGTE des Weissen Hauses, ANDREW—NATSIOS, —GESTERN in WASHINGTON.
20070101             Er hoffe, dass die moderaten Kräfte im SUDAN dies verstünden.
20070101             —NACH—DEN Worten.
20070101             Together, they'll be doing crisis management, communications strategy, strategic consulting, government relations and basically helping GOP folk who are up 1—CREEK without 1—PADDLE.
20070101             Corallo and Comstock cut their teeth
20070101             investigating the Clinton administration
20070101             —ON the House Government Reform Committee in the
20070101             —BY Bartholomew SULLIVAN—GOMEMPHIS
20070101             - 1—APARTMENT building whose other tenants include (per reverse trace done at
20070101             Bassam Alshaer, Chouki Atman, Hesham Elegezeny, ISMAIL—HANAFY, Kholoud Hussein, Khalili Ibrahim, Anas and Fatema Watfa, DAVE—WHITE.
20070101             —WHEN arrested, 1—OF—THE—MEN, Sakher "Rocky" Hammad, as already said, was carrying 1—WTC pass for 20010905             .
20070101             He told police that he had been working on the sprinkler system.
20070101             He showed them his business card: Magic Plumbing and HEATING—IN 1—MEMPHIS court on
20070101             The end of "January junkets".
20070101             1 accelerated work schedule set up by the new Democratic leadership has
20070101             put 1—HALT on MANY—JANUARY excursions funded by lobbyists.
20070101             'Stay THE—COURSE'—NAMED—TOP—CATCHPHRASE—OF—20060000              20070101             Global Language Monitor, 1—ORGANIZATION that "documents, analyzes and tracks trends in language the world over" has named "stay the course"
20070101             the top catchphrase of 20060000             . - Watch —JUST 1—FEW examples: </P>
20070101             —CLAIMED, Subsequently, THE—WHITE—HOUSE subsequently, their policy has "never been...stay the course".
20070101             PRESIDENT—BUSH will soon unveil a "new way forward " for IRAQ, which is expected to involve sending more USA—TROOPS to IRAQ.
20070101             CHIEF—JUSTICE—ROBERTS laments 'constitutional crisis.'- JUDD—HE says pay for FEDERAL—JUDGES is too low.
20070101             Scientist Organizes Resistance To Polygraphs
20070101             "BRAD—HOLIAN, 1—SENIOR—SCIENTIST at Los Alamos National Laboratory, is using 1—BLOG to organize resistance to plans for random polygraph and drug TESTING—OF—LAB—SCIENTISTS. Holian writes: 'Polygraphy is 1—INSULTING affront to scientists, —SINCE 1—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES has declared that, beyond being inadmissible in court, there is no scientific basis for polygraphs. In my opinion, by agreeing to be polygraphed, 1—THEREBY seriously jeopardizes his or her claim to being 1—SCIENTIST, which is presumably the principal reason for employment for MANY—SCIENTISTS at Los Alamos.'"
20070101             Researchers: Humpback whales found to share high IQ brain cells with humans 20061128             - According to 1—REPORT published in THE—ANATOMICAL—RECORD, humpback whales' cortexes contain spindle neurons, 1—TYPE—OF—CELL—ONLY found in humans, great apes and other cetaceans like dolphins...
20070101             2—VIDEO Passagen der SADDAM—EXEKUTION
20070101             Saddams langer Weg zum GALGEN—SFUX -Persönlichkeit und Werdegang des IRAKISCHEN—EX—DIKTATORS—MALTE Olschewski -
20070101             Mehrere Gründe sollten die Vollstreckung jenes Todesurteils beschleunigen, mit dem.
20070101             BRAZIL—LULA sworn in to OFFICE—BRAZILIAN—PRESIDENT—LUIS—INACIO—LULA da Silva is sworn in for a 2. term in FRONT—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS.
20070101             Ban KI—MOON takes over at UN SOUTH—KOREA—BAN—KI—MOON begins his position as SECRETARY—GENERAL—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
20070101             INDIA finishes controversial dam INDIA completes CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—CONTROVERSIAL—DAM, nearly —2—DECADES—AFTER it launched the project.
20070101             Flying To THE—USA? Pay In CASH—REPORT in the Telegraph that
20070101             USA—MASS Declassified Documents At Midnight
20070101             "'It is going to take 1—GENERATION for scholars to go through the material declassified under this process,' said STEVEN—AFTERGOOD, who runs 1—PROJECT on government secrecy for THE—FEDERATION—OF—AMERICA—SCIENTISTS".
20070101             Council of THE—EU—SAYS "We Cannot Support Linux"
20070101             "THE—COUNCIL—OF—THE—EU has 1—STREAMING service so that we can watch its meetings — but the service can only be accessed by Mac or MISS—WINDOWS—USERS.
20070101             THE—FAQ, they express 1—REALLY strange opinion about this: 'The live streaming media SERVICE—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION can be viewed on Microsoft Windows and Macintosh platforms.
20070101             So the answer is: No support for Linux.' 1—ONLINE petition has been set up to create pressure to convince THE—EU council to change its service to 1—THAT is platform independent".
20070101             Konjunktur: Regierung und Industrie setzen auf Boomjahr 20070000             20070101             INDONESIEN: Passagierflugzeug mit 102—MENSCHEN an Bord spurlos verschwunden
20070101             Neujahrsansprache: Bush will ANTI—TERROR- Krieg 20070000             eisern weiterführen
20070101             He takes his secrets to the grave. Our complicity dies with him
20070101             Hold these grotesque executioners to account
20070101             The execution of Saddam may have brought "closure" to THE—WHITE—HOUSE, but it left 1—BITTER taste in THE—MOUTHS—OF—THE—REST—OF—USA.
20070101             Selective Justice And THE—EXECUTION—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN
20070101             It is impossible to avoid concluding that the trial of SADDAM—HUSSEIN was little more than 1—CASE—OF—SELECTIVE—JUSTICE,
20070101             THE—EXECUTIONER—FACE is Always Well Hidden
20070101             —ANNOUNCED, The government of FRANCE, —EARLY—TODAY that FORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH was executed for crimes against humanity, —AFTER all his legal appeals had been thoroughly exhausted.
20070101             3,000 GI Deaths in IRAQ, Countless Tears at Home.
20070101             † And More Than 600,000 Iraqis Estimated Killed.
20070101             It's About Me, Bush Assures Us, It's About Me.
20070101             BAGHDAD Burning: "AMERICA the savior?
20070101             —AFTER nearly —4—YEARS and BUSH—BIGGEST achievement in IRAQ has been 1—LYNCHING".
20070101             1—FORMAL—INTERVENTION with 1—DRY—DRUNK—PRESIDENT 1/1
20070101             Aufschwung: Industrie schraubt Wachstumsprognose auf mehr als 2—PROZENT
20070101             Neujahr 20070000             : Die Welt feierte mit Konfetti, Diamanten und Leuchtsternen
20070101             THE—USA—INJUSTICE—INDEX is here IS—HERE ; 1—FEW selections follow:
20070101             Wages that 1—AVERAGE—CEO earns —BEFORE lunchtime: more than 1—FULL—TIME—MINIMUM—WAGE—WORKER makes in —1—YEAR
20070101             Average amount that companies spend to recruit 1—NEW—CEO from outside the company: $2,000,000
20070101             —LINED, Estimated NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE, up outside the new M&M store set to open in Times Square responding to ads for "ON—THE—SPOT" hiring for 200—JOBS, 65—OF which were fulltime: between 5,000 and 6,000
20070101             Percentage increase in OUT—OF—POCKET medical expenses for the average American in the past —5—YEARS: 93
20070101             Estimated amount THE—USA would save EACH—YEAR on paperwork if it adopted SINGLE—PAYER health care: $161,000,000,000
20070101             —LICENSED, Denko Mechanical, is NOT 1, fire protection contractor in NEW—YORK +... THE—FBI on its investigation of the
20070101             Hours —AFTER THE—DNC—ANNOUNCEMENT, the attorney for KANSAS—CITY—BUSINESSMAN—FARHAD Azima sent 1—LETTER to the party asking for "immediate clarification"... ARKANSAS _01_01_archive.html
20070101             —RAISED, That, eyebrows among...
20070101             the monolithic conspiracy, the underground reich, the Straussian neo cons... _01_01_archive.html
20070101             SERGEI—DAVIDENKO.
20070101             —LISTED, But Denko is not, in ANY—YELLOW—PAGES or in ANY—TYPE—OF—NY contractor list.
20070101             It is also still unknown, what MISTER—HAMMAD + his cousin...
20070101             Dass die NATO die geheime Terrororganisation Gladio, die vom Allied Clandestine...
20070101    | Forum.
20070101             durch die USA protestierte ( CIA—FLÜGE, als schüssel KANZLER war).
20070101             wenn er —NACH—DEN kontakten seiner vorgänger zu gladio gefragt wurde... siehe auch... pid=7363327&pnr=27
20070101             Hours —AFTER THE—DNC—ANNOUNCEMENT, the attorney for KANSAS—CITY businessman FARHAD AZIMA sent 1—LETTER to the party asking for "immediate clarification"
20070101             Hours —AFTER THE—DNC—ANNOUNCEMENT, the attorney for KANSAS—CITY businessman Farhad Azima sent 1—LETTER to the party asking for "immediate clarification"... ARKANSAS _01_01_archive.html
20070101—19610000    —IN, she won the O. HENRY—AWARD for best short story for her "Tell me Riddle".
20070101—20050000    —PASSED, WASHINGTON, DC 1—SMOKING ban, was extended to bars and nightclubs.
20070101—20051100    —IN, The initial decision had been made.
20070101—20060000    —REPORTED, SF police, 1—DECLINE in homicides to 85, down from 96 20050000             —IN.
20070101—20060000    —REPORTED, IRAQ—AUTHORITIES, that 16,273 Iraqis, including 14,298 civilians, 1,348 police and 627—SOLDIERS † violent deaths.
20070101—20060400    —IN, The ban for smoking in restaurants and offices had taken effect.
20070101—20061128    - According to 1—REPORT published in THE—ANATOMICAL—RECORD, humpback whales' cortexes contain spindle neurons,
20070101—20070000    —YEAR, "Advocates of open government have another reason to celebrate New : at midnight HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—USA—GOVERNMENT—DOCUMENTS that were classified more than —25—YEARS—AGO got automatically declassified. Various agencies have applied for exemptions for specific documents, but nonetheless there should be 1—RELEASE—OF—1—NUMBER—OF interesting papers".
20070101—20070000    —IN, Bush to Americans: I—WILL—BE as Stupid, Ineffective, Dishonest + Sociopathological as I—HAVE—BEEN for the Last —6—YEARS.
20070101—20070000    —IN, Bring by Watching 1—ORIGINAL—VIDEO—OF—JAMES—BROWN—PERFORMING "I—FEEL—GOOD" 1/1
20070101—20070201    THE—LE—VOICE:
20070101—20070201    —JAHR—BIS Station Charon:
20070101—20070201    THE—TRUTH—IN—ARKANSAS—POLITICS:
20070101—20070201    Station Charon: All of the ubiquitous and ambitious pandering by McCain is of some...
20070101—20070531    —KOORDINIERT, Aber zurück nach STUTTGART, von wo aus CIA—FLÜGE, werden.
20070101—20071230    —SEIT Beginn des JAHRES—SIND in AFGHANISTAN mehr als 6300—MENSCHEN getötet worden.
20070101—20071230    Das ist die höchste Zahl —SEIT dem STURZ—DER—TALIBAN —IM—HERBST 20010000             .
20070101—20080000    —COMPLETED, ANN—HERSHEY (19380000—20180000    ), her documentary "TILLIE—OLSEN: 1—HEART in Action".
20070101—20080000    —IN, investigators said the pilots had accidentally disconnecting the plane's autopilot.
20070101—20081008    —INDICTED, WILLIE—D—CLARK, —25—JAHRE—ALT was, for the murder.
20070103             Die Königsgräber der Thraker, die zwischen dem 5. und 02010101—03001231     vor Christus angelegt wurden, sind leichte Beute für Plünderer.
20070103             —DURING the 20010101—21001231    ".
20070103             Die Königsgräber der Thraker, die zwischen dem 5. und 02010101—03001231      vor Christus angelegt wurden,
200701030000 —DURING the 20010101—21001231    ".
20070103—19670000    —SEIT, —SCHON—IM—DEZEMBER hatte er in seiner Rede zum Weltfriedenstag 20070000             , den die katholische Kirche traditionell 20070101             —AM feiert, gesagt, Friede gründe sich auf die Berücksichtigung aller.
20070105             So erkennt man am Schluss, worin der Unterschied zwischen der Illusionskunst des späten 18010101—19001231     und der des frühen 20010101—21001231     besteht: Während 1—ZAUBERTRICK seine Wirkung verliert, sobald er aufgelöst wird, möchte man Nolans Film sofort ein 2. Mal sehen.
20070105             Mountain of USA Secrets Available 20070101             20070105             So erkennt man am Schluss, worin der Unterschied zwischen der Illusionskunst des späten 18010101—19001231     und der des frühen 20010101—21001231     besteht:
20070106             Für die 20670000             ER ist die ICH—TECHNOLOGIE die größte Umwälzung des 20010101—21001231  .
20070113             Undersea Cable Repair Via 18010101—19001231     Tech-
20070113             Undersea Cable Repair Via 18010101—19001231     TECH—ZONK 46— Story going across the wires about 1—OLD—FASHIONED—WAY to fix 1—MODERN—CONVENIENCE.
20070115             It's as true here in THE—USA—TODAY as it was in 18010101—19001231     ENGLAND + its message explains how to understand + view our AFFAIRS—OF—STATE + why the title of this essay was chosen -
20070115             As of 20070101             , Bush has spent 405—FULL or partial days at the Crawford ranch.
20070118             Leaders sought to refocus Mercosur on the needs of the region's poor as VENEZUELA—OUTSPOKEN PRESIDENT called for remaking Mercosur to fit his vision of "20010101—21001231     socialism".
20070118             MPAA and others that match these of the weavers and BUTTON—MAKERS—OF—16010101—17001231     FRANCE will seem —JUST as ridiculous".
20070118             Centuries from —NOW (hopefully much, much sooner), the actions of THE—RIAA, MPAA and others that match these of the weavers and BUTTON—MAKERS—OF—16010101—17001231     FRANCE will seem —JUST as ridiculous".
20070118             SEC INFO—SEQUOIA Fund INC—NSAR—B—FOR 19951231             20070118             Centuries from —NOW (hopefully much, much sooner), the actions of THE—RIAA, MPAA and others that match these of the weavers and BUTTON—MAKERS—OF—16010101—17001231     FRANCE will seem —JUST as ridiculous".
20070119             God knows, they have their faults — personal corruption and trying to run 1—MEDIEVAL—SOCIETY in the 20010101—21001231     are —JUST 2—OF—THEM — but to describe Blair's a... Source:
20070121             He tried to create 1—DIALOGUE between THE—2—NATIONS to reach 1—COMMON narrative of the 19010101—20001231    —1. holocaust.
20070121             ROBERT—FISK : AWARD—WINNING writer shot by assassin in ISTANBUL street : He tried to create 1—DIALOGUE between THE—2—NATIONS to reach 1—COMMON narrative of the 19010101—20001231    —1. holocaust.
20070124             Regarding the economic imbalance in our country, I am REMINDED—OF—THE—SITUATION—PRESIDENT—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT faced in THE—EARLY—DAYS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231  .
20070124             qwstnevrythg: 20060101             .
20070125             Wie der Schriftsteller Polyainos im 01010101—02001231     n. Chr.
20070125             Wie der Schriftsteller Polyainos im 01010101—02001231     n. Chr. vermerkte, nutzten auch die Strategen des ROM—REICHS etwa den "von Natur aus maßlosen" Hang der Kelten zum Wein.
20070128             I think going to the bloggers directly is 1—GOOD—IDEA, the media is trying to figure out how to report news in the new media 20010101—21001231     + I never, ever see THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION working for the military, all I see is the military working for him.
20070128             I think going to the bloggers directly is 1—GOOD—IDEA, the media is trying to figure out how to report news in the new media 20010101—21001231     + I never,
20070129—20070101    —SINCE, INDONESIA jet 'black boxes' found 1—USA ship locates the flight RECORDERS—OF—THE—INDONESIA—PLANE missing, THE—USA—EMBASSY says.
20070202             Das 20010101—21001231    , sagt er, werde kein gutes.
20070202—19930000    —SEIT, Der Meeresspiegel ist durchschnittlich um etwa 3—MILLIMETER pro —JAHR gestiegen, im 19010101—20001231     um 17—ZENTIMETER.
20070204             Die Kontaminierung von Greenpoint begann —BEREITS Ende des 18010101—19001231  .
20070205             00010101::ORIGIN—OF—CHRISTIAN—ERA 00690101::ROMAN—GARRISON—PRE—19010101—20001231     )
20070205             00010101::ORIGIN—OF—CHRISTIAN—ERA 00690101::Roman garrison... stamp to picture a woman issued... 1. redshank old world shore bird... —27—YEAR old WILLIAM—S.
20070205             00.000.-----19000000             1—BRIEF—CHRONOLOGICAL—COMPENDIUM—OF—1—FEW—BANNED or Challenged Works + Censorship and ANTI—CENSORSHIP—EFFORTS—PART I: Pre-19010101—20001231     )
20070207             THE—LONE—VOICE: 20070101—20070201     Also, 1—OF—THE—REASONS—MANY—PEOPLE resisted PRIME—MINISTER—THAKSIN... Bush SENIOR, —WHILE JAMES—A—BAKER—III is the current Baker in Baker Botts.
20070211             für jeden Computer, der ans INTERNET angeschlossen ist, müssen am dem 20070101             GEZ—GEBÜHREN entrichtet werden (davon ausgenommen sind private Haushalte, von denen —BEREITS an die GEZ Gebühren entrichtet werden).
20070213             Wissenschaftler hatten —BEREITS im 18010101—19001231     erstmals Schimpansen im TAÏ—NATIONALPARK beobachtet,
20070213             Wissenschaftler hatten —BEREITS im 18010101—19001231     erstmals Schimpansen im TAÏ—NATIONALPARK beobachtet, die Steine als Nussknacker BENUTZTEN—EINE primitive FORM—VON—WERKZEUGEINSATZ.
20070223             Bislang galt 1—ZEITRAUM von vor 13.300—BIS vor 12.—800—JAHREN als die Hochzeit, in der Angehörige der CLOVIS—KULTUR an jenen Orten gelebt haben, an denen Archäologen im 19010101—20001231     ihre Spuren fanden.
20070223             in der Angehörige der CLOVIS—KULTUR an jenen Orten gelebt haben, an denen Archäologen im 19010101—20001231     ihre Spuren fanden.
20070224             —ENTERED, CAUSES—OF—POVERTY: Nearly 1—BILLION people, the 20010101—21001231     unable to read 1—BOOK or sign their names.
20070225             Die von CHINESISCHER—SEITE also wenig geschätzten Kitan wurden —BEREITS in Quellen aus dem 03010101—04001231     n. Chr.
20070225             Die von CHINESISCHER—SEITE also wenig geschätzten Kitan wurden —BEREITS in Quellen aus dem 03010101—04001231     n. Chr. erwähnt und als Nachkommen der Xianbei beschrieben, einer mächtigen Volksgruppe aus dem Nordosten des heutigen Chinas, die die Nördliche WEI—DYNASTIE (386-554) begründet hatte.
20070301             BBC Has Lost Tapes Of 20010101—21001231    —DEFINING—MOMENT—PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON -20010911             coverage gone due to "cock up".
20070304             OUT—OF—CONTROL: Global Turmoil on THE—EVE—OF—THE 20010101—21001231  .
20070305             —SEPTEMBER 200712010000                          —BIS—DURCHSCHNITTSTEMPERATUR, wie sie nur alle 10.—000—JAHRE auftritt, verglichen mit den statistischen Normalwerten für das 19010101—20001231  .
20070305—20070101    —IN—THE, SF, RICHARD—AICARDI, —19—JAHRE—ALT and BRIAN—DWYER, —19—JAHRE—ALT were charged with felony assault and battery ASSAULT—ON—MEMBERS—OF—BAKER—DOZEN, 1—YALE singing group.
20070309             1—PROMINENT—TURKEY—POLITICIAN was convicted of breaching SWITZERLAND—ANTI—RACISM—LAWS by saying that the early 19010101—20001231     KILLING—OF—ARMENIANS could not be described as genocide.
20070311—20020101    —AM, Die scheinbaren Preissteigerungen die der Euro nach seiner Einführung mit sich brachte, heimsten der Währung den Namen ?Teuro?
20070312             05.-07010101—08001231     Zeit der Völkerwanderung aus dem Gebiet zwischen Atlantik + Ural.
20070312             Lehmann sagte, nach der Barbarei des 19010101—20001231     sei ein geradezu lebhaftes Interesse vorhanden, sich wieder auf gemeinsame Vorstellungen zu verständigen.
20070324             In the early 19010101—20001231    . - Bernays took the crude.
20070325             Prostitutes, perversions and public SCANDALS—THE—STUFF—OF—THE 20010101—21001231     tabloids was familiar to readers —3—CENTURIES—EARLIER,
20070325             In the early 19010101—20001231  .
20070325             Sex in the 1700s Prostitutes, perversions and public SCANDALS—THE—STUFF—OF—THE 20010101—21001231     tabloids was familiar to readers —3—CENTURIES—EARLIER, according to new research from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—LEEDS.
20070327             im Laufe des 20010101—21001231  .
20070327             Up to 1—BILLION dollars WORTH—OF—GOLD and silver on 1—SUNKEN 16010101—17001231     ENGLAND—WARSHIP may soon be recovered —FOLLOWING 1—AGREEMENT with SPAIN—AUTHORITIES.
20070401             Average temperatures in CALIFORNIA rose almost 1—DEGREE—CELSIUS (nearly 2—DEGREES—FAHRENHEIT) —DURING the 2. HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    ,
20070401             THE—USA—FACES—ITS—GREATEST—CRISIS for survival in THE—EARLY—YEARS—OF—THE 20010101—21001231  .
20070401             Golden STATE—HEATING—UP, Study Finds Average temperatures in CALIFORNIA rose almost 1—DEGREE—CELSIUS (nearly 2—DEGREES—FAHRENHEIT) —DURING the 2. HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    , with urban areas blazing the way to warmer conditions, according to 1—NEW—STUDY by scientists at NASA and CALIFORNIA STATE—UNIVERSITY, LOS—ANGELES.
20070401             Will it survive?
20070402             —APPEALED, Krugman in top form: Reagan, to 1—MIDDLE—CLASS nation, but GOP has nothing to offer our 20010101—21001231     of shocking inequality -- so it disenfranchises 4/2
20070403             —OBTAINED, Successful results were, by SOME—EARLY experimenters in the 17010101—18001231     using high electrostatic fields ( NICOLAS—TESLA ).
20070403             "Sharing wives is 1—ESTABLISHED—ETRUSCAN custom," wrote THE—GREECE—HISTORIAN—THEOPOMPOS of Chios in the 03010101—04001231     B.C.
20070403             Cellular STIMULATION—TECHNICAL UK, MicroStimula Mk II Successful results were obtained by SOME—EARLY experimenters in the 17010101—18001231     using high electrostatic fields ( NICOLAS—TESLA ).
20070403             —LATER (Prieuré, 1—FRENCH.
20070405             As the ancient Greeks were placing the last few stones on the magnificent theater at Epidaurus in the 03010101—04001231     B.C., they couldn't have known that they had unwittingly created 1 sophisticated acoustic filter.
20070409             PR is a 19010101—20001231     phenomenon +
20070409             —SCHON im 18010101—19001231     begann allerdings der Hamburger Architekt GOTTFRIED—SEMPER (18030000—18790000    ),
20070409             —SCHON im 18010101—19001231     begann allerdings der Hamburger Architekt GOTTFRIED—SEMPER (18030000—18790000), sich der Erforschung antiker Farbigkeit zu widmen.
20070410             Außerdem sei es —SCHON komisch, dass der 50-köpfige THINK—TANK ausgerechnet für das —JAHR 20370000             eine düstere Gewaltwelt zeichne, wo doch der Wahrsager Nostradamus —BEREITS im 10010101—11001231     exakt für 20380000             den Weltuntergang vorhergesagt habe, ätzt Brown.
20070410             Sie warnen vor einem möglichen Temperatursturz, "der jenen der kleinen Eiszeit im 17. und 17010101—18001231     übertreffen könnte".
20070411             —REGARDED, KURT—VONNEGUT (19220000             *), by MANY—CRITICS as 1—KEY—INFLUENCE in shaping 19010101—20001231     USA—LITERATURE, † in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20070414             Die andere Front: Pressepolitik in den USA—KRIEGEN des 19010101—20001231              20070414             GUSTAV—JUSTS—LEBEN, "kreuzen sich die wesentlichen Linien der DEUTSCHEN—GESCHICHTE im 19010101—20001231    ", hat der Verlag in den Klappentext geschrieben.
20070416             1. in a 20010101—21001231     USA—COLONIES series
20070425—19500000    —SEIT, Durch diese sind die Oberflächentemperaturen im Südwestpazifik gestiegen, in mittleren Tiefen hingegen —BEREITS—SEIT—MITTE des 18010101—19001231     gesunken.
20070427             In 11010101—12001231     CHINA, 1—TAOIST monk known as Chang SAN—FENG is said to have studied the physical MOVEMENTS—OF—5—ANIMALS and concluded that 2— the snake and the crane — were best suited to overpower opponents who were fierce and tenacious.
20070427             A 20010101—21001231     military to stay on the offense, from DJIBOUTI to KANDAHAR.
20070428             —NACHDEM Ende des 18010101—19001231     Sigmund Freud das Unbewusste zu einer ART—RUMPELKAMMER für verdrängte Affekte und Schuldgefühle erklärt hatte, arbeiten Forscher —HEUTE an der Rehabilitation des impliziten Wissens und warten mit fundierten Kenntnissen darüber auf, wie das Gehirn den ständigen Abgleich zwischen unbewusst Bekanntem und bewusst Neuem bewerkstelligt.
20070502             —TITLED, His 9. book was, "20010101—21001231     JAPAN—MANAGEMENT".
20070511             —CANONIZED, SAO—PAULO, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, ANTONIO—DE—SANT'ANNA—GALVAO (18220000             †), an 17010101—18001231     Franciscan monk, as BRAZIL—1. NATIVE—BORN saint.
20070511—18220000    * † —CANONIZED, SAO, PAULO—BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, ANTONIO—DE—SANT'ANNA—GALVAO, an 17010101—18001231     Franciscan monk, as BRAZIL—1. NATIVE—BORN saint.
20070515             Video: Journalist and medical ethicist HARRIET—WASHINGTON details medical research on AFRICA—AMERICANS from colonial times to the 19010101—20001231  .
20070517             —UNEARTHED, Historian RONNIE—SCOTT has, previously unseen patterns in the design of the early 18010101—19001231     cemetery.
20070518             Aktuelle Klimamodelle sagen eine weitere Verstärkung dieser Winde im Verlauf des 20010101—21001231     voraus.
20070518             INDIA, 1—BOMB—ATTACK at the 16010101—17001231     MECCA Majid, the main mosque in HYDERABAD, killed 13—PEOPLE.
20070521             —DAMAGED, GREENWICH—ENGLAND, 1—SPECTACULAR—FIRE heavily, the clipper ship Cutty Sark, 1—OF—LONDON—PROUDEST RELICS—OF—THE 18010101—19001231     tea trade with CHINA designed to be the fastest SHIP—OF—ITS—DAY.
20070523             LAWYERS AND JURISTS IN THE 20010101—21001231    :
20070527             Globalization means turning the clock back on many 19010101—20001231     reforms: no freedom to boycott products, no prohibitions against child labor, no guaranteed living wage or benefits, no public services that might conceivably compete with private services, no health and safety protections that might cut into corporate profits.
20070530             1—STUDY—OF—THE—HISTORY—OF—SUDAN, especially the modern era IMPACT—OF—EXTERNAL—POLITICAL and economic forces from —JUST—BEFORE THE—TURN—OF—THE 19010101—20001231     to the present, contradicts and distorts those simple labelings.
20070531—20070603    Die diesjährige Delegation wird aufs Neue die wichtigsten... 20010101—21001231
20070531—20070603    Die diesjährige Delegation wird aufs Neue die wichtigsten... 20010101—21001231 /06/21/bilderberg _2007 _die_teilnehmerliste~2493280
20070602             ``And it's 1—PLAN and 1—VISION that will actually reflect the threats that the country faces in the 20010101—21001231    .''
20070605             Denko Mechanical LTD—ADDRESS + phone is the residential Manhattan apartment...
20070605             —SEARCHED, FLITCROFT DAREN J. pages : 13 ... 20070101             License Suspect Had WTC Repair Pass, But Port Authority Did its Own Work... daren flitcroft, roic region iii, said "half the time we don't have.
20070605             Maybe this was once the land of the free and the home of brave, perhaps way —BACK—IN the olden times of the 19010101—20001231  .
20070625             Zu Beginn des 19010101—20001231     erreichten Jagd und Handel ihren Höhepunkt.
20070627             —RULED, Hatshepsut, who, EGYPT in the 14010101—15001231     B.C., was known for dressing like 1—MAN and wearing 1—FALSE beard.
20070628             —REPLACED, Dramatic flooding, relentless drought in PARTS—OF—EAST—AUSTRALIA, as PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD expressed hopes that the country's worst drought in 1—CENTURY may be coming to 1—END.
20070628             The court also struck down 1—ANTI—TRUST—RULE nearly 1—CENTURY—OLD, saying that it is no longer automatically unlawful for manufacturers and distributors to agree on setting minimum retail prices.
20070630             JOHN—PILGER—FREEDOM—NEXT—TIME : Video: Journalist, author, film maker JOHN—PILGER speaks in CHICAGO at Socialism 20070000             : Socialism for the 20010101—21001231  .
20070630             There was something horrifying in the realization that, in this 20010101—21001231     of what we call "civilization," we have carved up what we claim is 1—WORLD into 200—ARTIFICIALLY created entities we call "nations" and armed to apprehend or kill anyone who crosses 1—BOUNDARY.
20070701             THE—LANTERN: 20051225—20060101              20070701             Weimarer REPUBLIK, 19010101—20001231    , Zwischenkriegszeit... in 10—KAPITEL gegliederte ONLINE—PUBLIKATION der Bayerischen Landeszentrale für politische Bildungsarbeit: Die Weimarer REPUBLIK, Band III (19290000—19330000)...
20070701             Amistad ship retraces slave route 1—REPLICA of the 18010101—19001231     ship Amistad begins 1—TRANSATLANTIC—VOYAGE retracing THE—ROUTE—OF—THE—SLAVE—TRADE.
20070702             THE—CORPORATION : VIDEO: In the 14010101—15001231    , the enclosure movement began to put fences —AROUND public grazing lands so that they might be privately owned and exploited.
20070705             Das "größte Weltraumprojekt des 19010101—20001231    ", wie der CHEF—DER—MOSKAUER—RAUMFAHRTAGENTUR—ROSKOSMOS, ANATOLI—PERMINOW, die visionären Pläne Koroljows im Vorwort des Buches nennt,
20070708             Als Ende des 18010101—19001231     die massiv wachsende Arbeiterbewegung immer schärfer Rechte und Einfluss einforderte, ersann der damalige Reichskanzler OTTO—VON—BISMARCK seine["]revolutionären ["] Sozialgesetze.
20070712             —UNCOVERED, Egyptologists claim to have, new evidence that indicates that the mysterious mummy discovered 1—CENTURY—BACK—IN tomb KV 55, less than 100—FEET from THE—KING—TUTANKHAMUN—HIDDEN burial chamber, is actually THE—COPSE—OF—THE—BOY—PHARAOH—FATHER, Akhenaten.
20070715             —ADDED, You have by —NOW heard the remark — instantly, to our THROUGH—THE—LOOKING—GLASS lexicon of the 20010101—21001231    , 1—TIME—WHEN we suddenly started referring to this country as "the homeland," as if anybody here has used that term —SINCE CHARLES—LINDBERGH or THE—GERMAN—USA—BUND 19400000             .
20070726             :IN EVERY—ISSUE: :THE—BUZZ (20050101             ) --
20070729             —KILLED, Over 37 (or 42) million people have by, by wars in the 19010101—20001231  .
20070731             —STUDIED, NORMAN—COHN, the links between apocalyptic Medieval sects and 19010101—20001231     totalitarianism and genocide.
20070731             NORMAN—COHN'S 19570000             book: "Pursuit of the —MILLENNIUM: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical ANARCHISTS—OF—THE—MIDDLE—AGES" drew parallels between millenarian movements in the Middle Ages and the rise of 19010101—20001231     totalitarianism.
20070801             zumindest, was das Überleben von Ostfriesen im 18. und 18010101—19001231     angeht.
20070802             —DISMISSED, CANADA, RUSSIA—CLAIM to 1—LARGE—CHUNK—OF—THE—RESOURCE—RICH—ARCTIC, saying the tactic was more suited to the 14010101—15001231     than the real world.
20070804             As the Bush Regime outfits B—2—STEALTH bombers with 30,000 pound monster "bunker buster" bombs for its coming attack on IRAN, THE—USA—ECONOMY continues its 20010101—21001231     decline.
20070808             —DURING the civil —WAR—OF—THE—EARLY 1990s, the treasure of the 04010101—05001231     BC GREECE—FORT was sold to finance warlords.
20070813             Todestag: "Der wichtigste Erneuerer im 19010101—20001231    "
20070813             Elvis Presleys 30. Todestag: "Der wichtigste Erneuerer im 19010101—20001231    "
20070814             Das "Greater Angkor Project" (GAP) mit Experten aus AUSTRALIEN, KAMBODSCHA und FRANKREICH hat laut Evans —NUN auch die alte Annahme bestätigt, dass Angkor zwischen dem 9. und 15010101—16001231     eine hydraulische Stadt war.
20070821             Marxism in the 20010101—21001231              20070821             It is EDWARD—BERNAYS who FINE—TUNED THE—ART—OF—PUBLIC—RELATIONS in the 19010101—20001231  .
20070826             —DESCENDED, Waves of Shiite pilgrims, on KARBALA for the Shabaniyah festival marking the birth of the 08010101—09001231     Hidden Imam.
20070829             Zalmay Khalilzad told the daily Die Presse THE—MIDDLE—EAST was —NOW so disordered that it had the potential to inflame the world as EUROPE did —DURING the 1. HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231  .
20070830—20070912    —ABANDONED, Still using the Julian calendar, by the West in the 15010101—16001231    , ETHIOPIA enters its new —MILLENNIUM with 1—HUGE—CONCERT expected to draw HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PARTYGOERS and INTERNATIONAL celebrities.
20070901             ``The transcendent issue of the 20010101—21001231     is the struggle against radical Islamic extremism and I, with considerable ego, say that I'm the best prepared and qualified to meet this challenge,'' THE—ARIZONA—SENATOR says in 1—NEW online video that details his DECADES—LONG—MILITARY—CAREER and includes footage of his nearly —6—YEAR—VIETNAM imprisonment.
20070901             "...nach intensiver Beschäftigung mit der GESCHICHTE—DES—CHRISTENTUMS kenne ich in Antike, Mittelalter und Neuzeit einschließlich und besonders des 19010101—20001231     keine Organisation der Welt, die zugleich so lange, so fortgesetzt und so scheusslich mit Verbrechen belastet ist, wie die christliche Kirche, ganz besonders die RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHE Kirche".
20070903             Titel: "Auf der HÖHE—DER—ZEIT. Soziale Demokratie und Fortschritt im 20010101—21001231    ".
20070905             "Security and the Environment in the Mediterranean in the 19010101—20001231     Conceptualising Security and Environmental Conflicts".
20070911             The situation resembles the infamous "MISSISSIPPI bubble" which occurred in FRANCE in the early 17010101—18001231     under JOHN—LAW.
20070911             The statue was built —AROUND the 1—CENTURY, —DURING the Gandhara era.
20070920             In der 2. Hälfte des 15010101—16001231     verschwanden die Chachapoyas.
20070920             Zum Beleg werden die Diktaturen des 19010101—20001231     angeführt, als gäbe es jenseits des Christentums nur den Archipel Gulag und die Vernichtungslager.
20070925             Gorz gilt als 1—DER—BEDEUTENDSTEN—SOZIALTHEORETIKER—DES 19010101—20001231  .
20070926             —BIS zum ENGLISCHEN—BÜRGERKRIEG im 16010101—17001231     diente die Magna Charta immer wieder als Verhandlungsgrundlage.
20070930             Das wussten die Römer spätestens  _01010101_02001231    —SEIT—DEM—ENDE—DES, als Stämme der Kimbern und Teutonen im heutigen Südfrankreich 1—LEGION nach der anderen besiegten, schließlich in der SCHLACHT—VON—AQUAE—SEXTIAE (AIX—EN—PROVENCE) aber unterlagen.
20070930             Im 05010101—06001231     vor Christus wanderten Kelten ein.
20071001             Ölpressen, Webstühle, 1—OFEN, Abfallgruben + alles VOLL—VON—KERAMIK aus der frühen Eisenzeit, dem späten 12. und 10010101—11001231     vor Christus.
20071001             Eine kleinere Siedlung existierte noch —BIS ins 06010101—07001231  .
20071003             RUSSIA, workers rebuilding a 18010101—19001231     MOSCOW house dug up the remains of nearly 3—DOZEN—PEOPLE.
20071003             PRESIDENT claims 'win' in ECUADOR : He called for "20010101—21001231     socialism" with guarantees for education and free healthcare, but ruled out nationalising private companies.
20071003             SERGEI—BULUCHEVSKY, 1—GOVERNMENT—INVESTIGATOR, —LATER said preliminary forensic findings indicated the remains were at least 1—CENTURY—OLD and that there were no signs of violent death.
20071008             Using dramatic reenactments, it reveals how sugar was at THE—HEART—OF—SLAVERY in THE—WEST—INDIES in the 17010101—18001231    , —WHILE showing how PRESENT—DAY—CONSUMERS are slaves to 1—SUGAR—BASED diet.
20071010             —VOTED, THE—USA—HOUSE—FOREIGN—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE, 27-21 to label as genocide the deaths of Armenians 1—CENTURY ago —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—OTTOMAN—EMPIRE.
20071010             AL—QAEDA, Taleban nexus in PAK—TRIBAL belt: Outsiders have feared the fiercely independent people at least —SINCE 1—OF—THEM shot 1—ARROW in the leg of ALEXANDER—THE—GREAT in the 03010101—04001231     B.C. and nearly killed the conqueror.
20071011             —RECALLED, TURKEY also, its ambassador to WASHINGTON and warned of serious repercussions if Congress labels THE—KILLING—OF—ARMENIANS by Turks 1—CENTURY ago as genocide.
20071014             (See Time Magazine, 19730101             .) Permalink
20071015             —BECAME, Kathleen Casey, the 1. official USA—BABY boomer —FOLLOWING her 19460101             , birth —JUST—AFTER midnight.
20071015             Oft und gerne stellten die Chews ihre Häuser für die Gottesdienste zur Verfügung + sie stifteten in den 1. —JAHREN des 17010101—18001231     auch großzügig Land, auf dem 1—VERSAMMLUNGSHAUS für die Gemeinde errichtet wurde.
20071020             jene polemische Kampfschrift gegen alles Moderne in der Kunst, was sich —SEIT dem 18010101—19001231     entwickelt hat.
20071023             1—NEARLY complete, 09010101—10001231     Kufic Quran, thought to be from NORTH—AFRICA or the near East, sold $1,870,000.
20071023             der —SCHON zu Lebzeiten im 12010101—13001231     als Sinnbild multikultureller und religiöser Toleranz,
20071023             Der Wehrmachtsverband unter einem Hitler treuen Generalfeldmarschall, der die Aufgabe hatte, in Nordafrika und im Nahen Osten einen Eroberungsfeldzug zu führen, wird mit einem DEUTSCHEN—HERRSCHER gleichgesetzt, der —SCHON zu Lebzeiten im 12010101—13001231     als Sinnbild multikultureller und religiöser Toleranz, als Förderer der Künste und der Wissenschaft sowie als dem Recht verpflichteter Friedenskaiser galt, der in der Außenpolitik vielfach der Diplomatie und dem Ausgleich den Vorzug vor dem Schwert gab.
20071026             sold for $100,000 at auction —THURSDAY to 1—HOUSTON—AREA bookstore owner who called the Marxist "1—OF—THE—GREATEST revolutionaries of the 19010101—20001231    ".
20071101             We gave up capital punishment about HALF—1—CENTURY ago.
20071107             Opium, Politics, and the Gospel: USA—MISSIONARIES and the Opium Trade in 18010101—19001231     CHINA.
20071111             "Der, der hier schlecht aussieht, ist derjenige, der die Kontrolle verloren hat, der uns befohlen hat, den Mund zu halten, als ob wir immer noch Untertanen wie im 17., 17010101—18001231     wären".
20071113             —CAUSED, Massive deforestation, by the Maya building great cities and ceremonial complexes as well as a 01010101—02001231     drought shrank the habitat for animals like deer, jaguars and wild boars, said Emery.
20071114—20070101    —FROM, They will enjoy duty free, quota free access to THE—EU for all products, except sugar and rice.
20071115             Den —ANFANG machte 20070101             —IM—STUDIE—DER—INTERNATIONAL—CRISIS—GROUP (ICG), wonach es zu einer Eigenstaatlichkeit des Kosovos "keine akzeptable Alternative" gebe.
20071116             But, in RUSSIA, the man the neighbours remember as 1—POLITE and private intellectual is being feted as 1—OF—THE—MOST important spies of the 19010101—20001231  .
20071116             —AGREED, North and SOUTH—KOREA, to launch rail service across their heavily armed border for the 1. time in more than HALF—1—CENTURY, 1—MOVE symbolizing the growing reconciliation between THE—2—SIDES.
20071117             Dort ist "vom späteren Teil des 20010101—21001231    " die Rede.
20071121             Some 10,000—PEOPLE, mainly tobacco sellers, marched through PARIS to protest 1—SMOKING ban in cafes as of 20070101             .
20071130             THE—TABULA—PEUTINGERIANA scroll dates from the late 12. or the early 12010101—13001231     and was made in SOUTH—GERMANY or AUSTRIA.
20071204             AMERICA SPEEDING Into 20010101—21001231     Without 1—ROADMAP
20071204             Klimaforscher haben —SCHON—SEIT langem 1—AUSDEHNUNG—DER—TROPEN —BIS Ende des 20010101—21001231     vorhergesagt.
20071210             Der Kampf gegen den Klimawandel werde auch ein wesentlicher Faktor in der Sicherheitspolitik des 20010101—21001231     sein.
20071213             The 15 & 15010101—16001231     SPAIN—INQUISITORS were not squeamish, and had little need for circumlocutions or euphemisms like "alternative SET—OF—PROCEDURES" that are PART—OF—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—LEXICON.
20071217             Das war - 200701011231 6—KRIEGE, 25—SCHWERE Krisen, 328—KONFLIKTE
20071217             THE—MID—03010101—04001231     was 1—TIME—OF—TURMOIL in ROMAN—BRITAIN.
20071219             Insgesamt gibt es —HEUTE weniger als 20—ABSCHRIFTEN der Magna Charta aus dem 12010101—13001231    ;
20071220             Vorratsdatenspeicherung: Hirsch macht ernst mit Verfassungsbeschwerde
20071220             Ausnahmestudentin aus GHANA: "Das Leben ist ein einziger Kampf"
20071223             Das sortenspezifische Kölner Reinheitsgebot des 14010101—15001231     ist also wesentlich älter als das bayrische Reinheitsgebot.
20071227             We are living GEORGE—ORWELL—NIGHTMARE in the 20010101—21001231    ;
20071227             Those who can afford it have access to the most modern technology and LIFE—SAVING procedures where those who cannot are left with medical care that is reminiscent of the 18010101—19001231  .
20071228             —50—YEARS may have passed, but basic historical information about the size and SCOPE—OF—THE—CIA —DURING THE—MID—19010101—20001231     is apparently still 1—CLOSELY guarded agency secret.
20071231             CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—STEPHEN—HARPER said a 1—PERCENTAGE—POINT cut to the country's consumption tax will be effective 20080101             .
20080101             ZYPERN und MALTA führen den Euro ein und sind damit das 14. und 15. Land der Eurozone
20080101             —RATIFIED, THE—USA—AND—GUATEMALA formally, the Hague Abduction Convention.
20080101             —MARKED, This, THE—START—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—YEAR—OF—THE—POTATO as declared by THE—UN.
20080101             The potato stood s the world's 4. biggest food crop, —AFTER maize, wheat and rice.
20080101             ARIZONA, new laws targeting employers who hire illegal immigrants took effect, with experts predicting the move may cost the state's economy BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in lost income and taxes.
20080101             CALIFORNIA, 1—BATCH—OF—NEW—STATE—LAWS took effect including a 50-cent raise in the minimum wage to $8—PER —HOUR.
20080101             AB1298 too effect.
20080101             It expanded the state's DATA—BREACH notification law to include unencrypted medical histories.
20080101             This 1 was special.
20080101             MICHIGAN—SENIOR—CLASS won its 1. bowl game in 4—TRIES and LLOYD—CARR ended his coaching career on 1—HIGH—NOTE.
20080101             —ENTERED, NEW—HAMPSHIRE, DOZENS—OF—GAY and lesbian couples, into civil unions in the early MOMENTS—OF—NEW—YEAR—DAY as 1—NEW—STATE—LAW legalized the partnerships.
20080101             —BY state law strip clubs in TEXAS began imposing a $5—SURCHARGE, dubbed the "pole tax," providing the state with 1 estimated $40—MILLION in annual revenue.
20080101             Most of the proceeds were to go to programs supporting VICTIMS—OF—SEXUAL—ASSAULT.
20080101             Across AFGHANISTAN roadside bombs and military operations killed 19—PEOPLE, including 14—TALIBAN fighters.
20080101             —ANNOUNCED, BHUTAN election officials, that the Himalayan nation will begin its transformation from 1—ABSOLUTE—MONARCHY to 1—DEMOCRACY with several leaders fresh OUT—OF—COLLEGE at the helm.
20080101             THE—SIZE—OF—THE—COUNTRY—POPULATION is unknown.
20080101             Estimates put it between 700,000 and 2.2—MILLION.
20080101             —KILLED, RIO—PIRACICABA, BRAZIL, 1—JAIL—FIRE, 8—INMATES who could not be rescued because the guard had left with the keys.
20080101             —DEFIED, BRITAIN, 1—RUSSIA—ORDER to close the regional offices of its cultural arm from New —YEAR—DAY, but there was no EVIDENCE—OF—RUSSIA—ATTEMPTS to forcibly close UK—COUNCIL—CENTERS.
20080101             CHINA—NEW—LABOR—CONTRACT—LAW (LCL) went into effect.
20080101             —AIMED, The legislation, at strengthening the contractual RIGHTS—OF—WORKERS.
20080101             —ADOPTED, EU newcomers CYPRUS and MALTA, the euro, bringing to 15 THE—NUMBER—OF—COUNTRIES using the currency with increasing clout over the slumping USA—DOLLAR.
20080101             —TORCHED, Vandals, 372—CARS as FRANCE celebrated the New —YEAR, down on the figure —LAST—YEAR—AFTER —1—NIGHT the police described as "relatively calm".
20080101             Smokers took to lighting up on the sidewalks as 1—BAN took effect across FRANCE, GERMANY and LITHUANIA, the latest European countries to say "no smoking".
20080101             Across FRANCE smokers took advantage of a —1—DAY grace period and savored their last cigarettes over —MORNING coffee in cafes as 1—BAN against lighting up in bars and restaurants took effect.
20080101             GHANA, 2—USA—NAVY sailors, PATRICK—MACK, —22—JAHRE—ALT—OF—WARREN—MICHIGAN, and Lonnie DAVIS—JUNIOR, —35—JAHRE—ALT—OF—RIVERDALE—GEORGIA, were found dead in 1—HOTEL—ROOM in ACCRA.
20080101             —STATIONED, They were, aboard THE—USS—FORT—MCHENRY, which is on a —7-MONTH voyage in the Gulf of GUINEA.
20080101             —AMBUSHED, NORTH—INDIA, 2—ASSAILANTS with guns and grenades, 1—POLICE—RECRUITMENT—CENTER in 1—ATTACK that killed 7—POLICE—OFFICERS and 1—CIVILIAN in RAMPUR, Uttar Pradesh state.
20080101             BIHAR, STATE—SUSPECTED—MAOIST—REBELS shot dead 4—SOLDIERS.
20080101             IRAQ began curbing its food ration system.
20080101             —BY June it planned to end the program altogether for MANY—OF—THE—COUNTRY—CITIZENS.
20080101             1—SUICIDE attacker detonated 1—EXPLOSIVES—RIGGED vest at 1—SHIITE funeral in BAGHDAD, killing 36—PEOPLE gathered to mourn THE—DEATH—OF—1—IRAQ—ARMY—OFFICER killed in 1—CAR bombing.
20080101             JALULA, the bodies of 1—SUNNI policeman and 4—OF—HIS—RELATIVES were found hours —AFTER gunman abducted them from their home.
20080101             Also in Diyala province, 1—SHIITE man and his —16—YEAR—OLD son where killed in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting as they stood outside their home.
20080101             —TORCHED, KENYA, 1—MOB, 1—CHURCH sheltering HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE fleeing election violence.
20080101             —KILLED, Up to 50—ETHNIC—KIKUYUS were, in the fire in THE—ASSEMBLIES—OF—GOD—CHURCH in the Rift Valley CITY—OF—ELDORET.
20080101             —TRIGGERED, The death toll from ethnic riots, by PRESIDENT—MWAI—KIBAKI'S disputed RE—ELECTION soared to nearly 200.
20080101             LIBYA took over the rotating PRESIDENCY—OF—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL in 1—MAJOR—STEP back to global respectability —AFTER decades as 1—PARIAH—OF—THE—WEST.
20080101             MEXICO, import tariffs on maize, beans, sugar and milk were eliminated.
20080101             † In MONGOLIA 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL said at least 11—PEOPLE and another 21 were hospitalized for drinking tainted vodka —DURING New —YEAR—EVE celebrations in Ulan Bator.
20080101             —ARMED, NIGERIA, men killed 13—PEOPLE over New —YEAR in PORT—HARCOURT —WHEN they attacked 2—POLICE—STATIONS and 1—HOTEL.
20080101             —CLAIMED, THE—NIGER—DELTA—VIGILANTE—MOVEMENT, led by Ateke Tom, responsibility.
20080101             PAKISTAN—ELECTION—COMMISSION said that unrest —FOLLOWING THE—KILLING—OF—BENAZIR—BHUTTO would almost certainly force the postponement of 20080108             elections, despite opposition THREATS—OF—STREET—PROTESTS if the poll is delayed.
20080101             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—TROOPS, 25—MILITANTS—CLOSE to THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER in fighting —FOLLOWING the abduction of 4—SOLDIERS.
20080101             —LAUNCHED, GAZA—RULING Hamas militant group, 1—NEW—CRACKDOWN on the rival Fatah movement, arresting DOZENS—OF—ACTIVISTS and barring public gatherings —AFTER Fatah anniversary celebrations sparked deadly violence.
20080101             —STRETCHED, Fighting, into a 2. —DAY, leaving 1—TOTAL—OF—8—DEAD and 60 wounded.
20080101             —BECAME, SLOVENIA, the 1. of 12—NEWCOMERS to take over the rotating PRESIDENCY—OF—THE—EU—UNION, 1—BIG—PSYCHOLOGICAL—BOOST to 1—NATION that gained INDEPENDENCE from the ruins of THE—FORMER—YUGOSLAVIA —16—YEARS—AGO.
20080101             —ASSASSINATED, SRI—LANKA, 1—GUNMAN, 1—OPPOSITION—LAWMAKER and 1—OTHER—PERSON at 1—NEW—YEAR—RELIGIOUS—SERVICE—NEAR—COLOMBO, and the lawmaker's party held the government responsible for his slaying.
20080101             SUDAN, 1—USA—DIPLOMAT and his driver were shot to death in KHARTOUM.
20080101             JOHN—GRANVILLE, —33—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OFFICIAL for THE—USA—AGENCY for INTERNATIONAL Development, was being driven home at about 4 a.m. —WHEN another vehicle cut off his car and opened fire —BEFORE fleeing the scene.
20080101             1—GROUP calling itself Ansar AL—TAWHID —LATER claimed responsibility for the murder.
20080101             A 5. man was sentenced to —2—YEARS in prison for providing 1—WEAPON.
20080101             UZBEKISTAN, as of this —DAY execution by firing squad will no longer be legal, and the maximum sentence will be life or LONG—TERM—IMPRISONMENT.
20080101             —INCORPORATED, The reforms have been, into new criminal code and were sanctioned by 1—PRESIDENTIAL—DECREE signed by Islam Karimov.
20080101             —LAUNCHED, VENEZUELA, 1—NEW—CURRENCY with the new —YEAR, lopping off 3—ZEROS from denominations in 1—BID to simplify finances and boost confidence in 1—MONEY that has been losing value due to high inflation.
20080101             —AB—ANZUWENDENDEN Gesetzes ist aber eine weitere AUSSAGE—DER—BUNDESJUSTIZMINISTERIN.
20080101             "Die Daten kommen nur dann in staatliche Hände, wenn ein unabhängiges Gericht darüber entschieden hat,
20080101             und die Voraussetzung dafür überhaupt erstmal ist der Verdacht einer schweren Straftat", sagte sie.
20080101             Der Fall einer 23-Jährigen, die einem BBC—BERICHT
20080101             zufolge als 1. Frau in GROSSBRITANNIEN im Rahmen des TERRORISMUS—GESETZES verurteilt worden ist,
20080101             läßt erahnen, wie weiträumig die Formulierung "schwere Straftat" bei entsprechender Motivation der Behörden gefaßt werden kann.
20080101             -ab DEM—MÜSSEN Anbieter die Telekommunikationsdaten ihrer Kunden über —6—MONATE hinweg speichern,
20080101             um sie auf Anfrage Ermittlungsbehörden zur Verfügung zu stellen.
20080101             Kritiker sehen darin eine empfindliche Verletzung geltender Rechtsgarantien, darunter dem Recht auf Privatsphäre
20080101             —AB—WIRD das Kommunikationsverhalten aller Bürger protokolliert und archiviert.
20080101             Ihre Gegner wollen den Kampf gegen die Vollüberwachung aber nicht aufgeben:
20080101             Wenn Boslough Recht behalten sollte, würde das bedeuten, dass auch kleine Meteoriten einen weit größeren Schaden anrichten könnten, als man —BISHER glaubte.
20080101             Die ZAHL—DER—POTENTIELLEN—BOMBEN aus dem All würde sich damit erhöhen.
20080101             Beunruhigend, denn sie wären auch noch unsichtbar:
20080101             Objekte unter 140—METERN, die im Sonnensystem umherfliegen, können noch nicht von den Astronomen registriert werden.
20080101             —DEFINIERT, WASHINGTON—DEN Klimaschutz, alleine die REGIERUNG—AUCH wenn er unzureichend ist.
20080101             Diese Ansage geht an Kalifornien und 16—ANDERE USA—STAATEN, die eigene Grenzwerte für Autoabgase festlegen wollten.
20080101             Die nationale Umweltschutzbehörde begründete ihre —ENTSCHEIDUNG mit einer notwendigen Einheitlichkeit in Sachen Klimaschutz.
20080101             PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH wolle eine nationale Lösung und keinen Flickenteppich von einzelstaatlichen Regelungen,
20080101             um die Auswirkungen von Abgasen auf das Klima zu verringern.
20080101             —BEREITS 20020000             —J—IM hatte er Hochzinsanleihen aus der ENERGIE—UND Telekombranche gekauft,
20080101             als das Gros der Anleger noch vom ENRON—UND WORLDCOM—SKANDAL erschüttert war.
20080101             Der Verkauf der Anleihen brachte ihm binnen Jahresfrist einen Milliardengewinn.
20080101             Im Spätsommer stockte Buffett zum Beispiel die Beteiligungen an der BANK—OF—AMERICA SOWIE an den Hypothekenanbietern Wells Fargo und USA Bancorp auf.
20080101             —GETRIEBEN, Während die kleinen Fische, von sich täglich ändernden Nachrichten hektisch HIN—UND herschwärmen,
20080101             tauchen erfahrene Jäger wie Buffett zum Beutezug auf.
20080101             —GEWARTET, Auf Chancen wie diese hat er lange "
20080101             "Buffett liebt Krisen. Auf 1—SITUATION wie diese hat er vermutlich mehr als —10—JAHRE gewartet",
20080101             sagt Leber.
20080101             —GEHÖRT, Geduld, um auf den richtigen Zeitpunkt zu warten, zu den Tugenden des Starinvestors:
20080101             Unternehmen, bei denen Berkshire Hathaway einsteigt, müssen nicht nur langfristige Erfolgsaussichten haben,
20080101             sondern auch zu einem attraktiven Preis zu haben sein.
20080101             Während PRIVATE—EQUITY—FONDS in den vergangenen —JAHREN im Kaufrausch waren und die Bewertungen von Unternehmen auf Rekordhöhen schraubten,
20080101             hat Berkshire zeitweise —BIS zu 50—MILLIARDEN Dollar Cash angesammelt.
20080101             HAMBURG—KREDITKRISE, Vertrauenskrise? —SEIT Ende ;;07;;
20080101             irrlichtern Indizes wie Dow Jones, Dax und S&P 500—AUF und ab.
20080101             Banken misstrauen einander, und Anleger nehmen beim kleinsten Schwächezeichen Geld vom Tisch.
20080101             Notenbanken verschaffen den Kreditinstituten mit immer neuen Milliardenspritzen Zeit, damit diese ihre Bücher bereinigen können.
20080101             Doch die Last der faulen Kredite,
20080101             kunstvoll versteckt in "Structured Investment Vehicles", ist so groß, dass Vertrauen nicht einkehren will.
20080101             —NACH—DEN Berechnungen der Forscher fand der gigantische Crash mit der PROTO—ERDE,
20080101             in dessen Folge der Mond entstand, 50—BIS 70—MILLIONEN —JAHRE nach Beginn des Sonnensystems STATT—RUND 30—MILLIONEN —JAHRE später als nach bisherigen Theorien.
20080101             Entsprechend jünger sei auch der Mond.
20080101             "Es ist ÄUß—ERST wichtig, dass all das Wolfram-182, das auf die kosmische Strahlung zurückgeht, herausgerechnet wird", sagte Touboul dem ONLINE—MAGAZIN des "New Scientist".
20080101             —GEMACHT, Ansonsten werde der Mond älter, als er ist.
20080101             —GEDACHT, Crash später als
20080101             —GEGANGEN, Sie ist von uns.
20080101             Dieser Prozess ist durch die im Hintergrund stattfindende Datenspeicherung —ERST mal nicht sichtbar oder spürbar.
20080101             Deshalb war es uns wichtig, den TOD—DER—PRIVATSPHÄRE "anfassbar" zu machen.
20080101             Wir setzen natürlich Hoffnung auf das Bundesverfassungsgericht, dass es die VDS vorerst kassiert.
20080101             Uns ist aber bewusst, dass auch ohne VDS die Überwachung der Bevölkerung und das staatliche DATA—MINING vorangetrieben werden wird.
20080101             Die VDS ist ja nur 1—PFEILER—DES—GERÜSTS "Überwachungsstaat".
20080101             Wenn wir also am
20080101             SHORT, Big Coup for Obama".SENATOR—OBAMA and I have 1—THING in common: change,?
20080101             Kucinich said in 1—STATEMENT.
20080101             BuzzFlash Premium: —JUST Released, KEITH—OLBERMANN'S "Truth and Consequences:
20080101             Special Comments on THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—WAR—ON—AMERICA—VALUES" (Hardcover)
20080101             geltende Gesetz, wonach Telefongesellschaften ALLE—VERBINDUNGSDATEN—VON—TELEFONEN und Handys —6—MONATE lang speichern und gegebenenfalls an Strafverfolgungsbehörden weiterleiten müssen.
20080101             Ab
20080101             —CREATED, THE—GLADIO personnel, 1—PARALLEL—GOVERNMENT called P2 (Propaganda Duo)... "THE—CIA had created THE—KYP + Papadopoulos was on the payroll of the
20080101             Tangible Information: PETER—DALE—SCOTT
20080101             —CONCLUDED, The official ITALY—SENATE—INVESTIGATION into Gladio, "without the...
20080101             —J—IM, wurden in DEUTSCHLAND etwa 800—TONNEN Kaffeekapseln verkauft.
20080101             Sitko was also the organizer for THE—WEST—GERMAN...
20080101             "Die Daten kommen nur dann in staatliche Hände, wenn ein unabhängiges Gericht darüber entschieden hat, und die Voraussetzung dafür überhaupt erstmal ist der Verdacht einer schweren Straftat", sagte sie.
20080101             Bericht zufolge als 1. Frau in GROSSBRITANNIEN im Rahmen des TERRORISMUS—GESETZES verurteilt worden ist, läßt erahnen, wie weiträumig die Formulierung "schwere Straftat" bei entsprechender Motivation der Behörden gefaßt werden kann.
20080101             -ab DEM—MÜSSEN Anbieter die Telekommunikationsdaten ihrer Kunden über —6—MONATE hinweg speichern, um sie auf Anfrage Ermittlungsbehörden zur Verfügung zu stellen.
20080101             Kritiker sehen darin eine empfindliche Verletzung geltender Rechtsgarantien, darunter dem Recht auf Privatsphäre (4) oder dem Fernmeldegeheimnis (5).
20080101             —SEIT DEM—IST die Privatsphäre nicht mehr Teil unseres Lebens.
20080101             Kucinich Backs Obama in 2. Round of IOWA Caucus Voting if He Doesn't Meet 15% Threshold.
20080101             BuzzFlash Premium: —JUST Released, KEITH—OLBERMANN'S "Truth and Consequences: Special Comments on THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—WAR—ON—AMERICA—VALUES" (Hardcover)
20080101             PAKISTAN: Opposition Considers Protests Over Election Delay 1/2
20080101             IOWA, the 1. Choice Maybe the Candidate Who Persuades the Most People to Make Him or Her Their 2. Choice.
20080101             Read on.
20080101             BuzzFlash Scoop: Take 1—BUZZFLASH—VIDEO—VISIT to the Home of the $20.00 "Obama Cut".
20080101             Learn About BARACK—FAVORITE—SPORTS—TEAM and His Loyalty to His Neighborhood Barber of —13—YEARS.
20080101             Come on into BARACK—OBAMA—HYDE—PARK, CHICAGO, Barber Shop.
20080101             "The decision not to conduct 1—AUTOPSY on slain EX—PREMIER—BENAZIR BHUTTO—BODY was taken by THE—RAWALPINDI police CHIEF even though 1—MEDICO—LEGAL—REPORT based on 1—MANDATORY—POST—MORTEM examination is 1 must in 1—MURDER—CASE under PAKISTAN—LAWS".
20080101             Republican SENATOR—CHARLES—GRASSLEY—OF—IOWA said —TODAY it was a "big mistake" for GOP presidential candidate RUDY—GIULIANI to cut back on his campaigning in IOWA.
20080101             30 Killed in BAGHDAD Funeral Bombing 1/2
20080101             Is Final DES—MOINES Register Poll Showing Obama and Huckabee Winning (OUTSIDE—OF—THE—MARGIN—OF—ERROR) Having 1—RIPPLE—EFFECT?
20080101             —BEZEICHNET, Warnung vor Ahmadinedschad: PERES—IRAN als Gefahr für die Welt
20080101             Chaos in KENIA: MASSAKER—SZENEN wie beim Völkermord von RUANDA
20080101             Blutige Proteste: Zehntausende Kenianer flüchten vor Gewaltexzessen
20080101             Kinderfernsehen in GROSSBRITANNIEN: Werbeverbot für Schokolade und Pommes
20080101             Bhuttos Sohn Bilawal Bhutto Zardari verließ —AM—DIENSTAG mit seinen beiden Schwestern PAKISTAN.
20080101             Der 19-Jährige ist zwar Nachfolger seiner Mutter als CHEF—DER—PPP, sein Vater aber ist als CO—VORSITZENDER für die täglichen Amtsgeschäfte zuständig.
20080101             1—SPRECHERIN—DER—PARTEI sagte, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari sei auf dem Weg nach ENGLAND, um sein Studium in OXFORD fortzusetzen.
20080101             Bhutto habe Beweise veröffentlichen wollen, die 1—KOMPLOTT—DES—GEHEIMDIENSTES und der Wahlkommission belegten, so Khosa.
20080101             Der tödliche Anschlag am Donnerstagabend in RAWALPINDI habe diese Enthüllungen verhindert.
20080101             Bhutto habe die Beweise in Form eines 160—SEITEN—DOKUMENTS auch 2—USA—PARLAMENTARIERN überreichen wollen, die sich in der vergangenen —WOCHE in PAKISTAN aufhielten.
20080101             Die Namen der AMERIKANISCHEN—ABGEORDNETEN nannte Khosa allerdings nicht.
20080101             Es soll sich nach Angaben der "Times" aber um den Demokraten PATRICK—KENNEDY und um Arlen Specter von den Republikanern handeln.
20080101             Die beiden Politiker bestätigten demnach bislang nur, mit Bhutto —AM—TAG—DES—ANSCHLAGS zum ESSEN verabredet gewesen zu sein.
20080101             Brisantes Dossier von Bhutto: Neue Vorwürfe der Opposition bringen Pakistans Regierung in Bedrängnis
20080101             Raumfahrt: Der nächste Flug zum Mond
20080101             Silvesterkrawalle: Randale in Ostdeutschland, brennende Autos in FRANKREICH
20080101             USA—WAHLKAMPF: Obama liegt in IOWA deutlich vor Clinton
20080101             Streit über Nuklearprogramm: NORDKOREA bricht ATOM—FRIST
20080101             In 1—INTERVIEW—FROM—VILLAVICENCIO with Associated Press, Stone said he had no illusions about Farc, "but it looks like they are 1—PEASANT army fighting for 1—DECENT living. And here, if you fight, you fight to win".
20080101             —INZWISCHEN, Im Hauptförderland SÜDAFRIKA ist die Goldproduktion, auf das Niveau von 19300000             zurückgefallen, beobachten die EXPERTEN—VON—UNION—INVESTMENT.
20080101             "Die steigende Nachfrage nach Biokraftstoffen macht Agrarrohstoffe immer interessanter", urteilt Sal.-OPPENHEIM—EXPERTE Hott.
20080101             "Gleichzeitig sind die Anbauflächen begrenzt".
20080101             Durch die Klimaerwärmung schrumpfen sie sogar: Allein in CHINA erodiert EXPERTEN—DER—FONDSGESELLSCHAFT—UNION—INVESTMENT zufolge JEDES—JAHR rund 1—PROZENT—DER—LANDWIRTSCHAFTLICHEN—NUTZFLÄCHE.
20080101             —PROGNOSTIZIERT, Langfristig, Union Investment einen deutlichen Aufwärtstrend bei Agrarrohstoffen.
20080101             Die speziellen Rahmenbedingungen erklären auch die zurückhaltende Einschätzung der Profis in Sachen Ölpreis für das kommende —JAHR: Die Lager der Opec leeren sich nämlich.
20080101             "Es gibt keine Notwendigkeit mehr, die Ölproduktion zurückzuhalten und die freien Förderkapazitäten nicht auszuschöpfen", sagt MARKUS—MEZGER—VON—DER—TIBERIUS—GROUP.
20080101             Gleichzeitig rechnet er wie die meisten Marktbeobachter mit einer Abschwächung des weltweiten Wirtschaftswachstums.
20080101             Er hält deshalb die Schätzung der Internationalen Energieagentur für unrealistisch, wonach die Energienachfrage 20080000             um 2—PROZENT steigen soll.
20080101             Die Nachfrage werde sich eher ABSCHWÄCHEN—AUCH, weil Benzin an Tankstellen weltweit so teuer geworden ist, dass Autofahrer ihre Wagen im Zweifel stehen lassen oder auf billigere Kraftstoffe wie Erdgas oder Flüssiggas ausweichen.
20080101             Silvesterpartys: Heller, größer, WÄRMER—DIE Welt feiert den Jahreswechsel
20080101             Outside Groups Spend Heavily and Visibly to Sway '08 Races
20080101             Bhutto Spouse, Divisive Figure, Asserts Himself
20080101             AMERIKA rüstet sich für die TALFAHRT—RÜRUP fordert staatliche Mindestrente
20080101             Gute Aussichten für Rohstoffe
20080101             KENIA: Weiter Gewalt auf den STRAßEN—LEBENSMITTEL werden knapp
20080101             Stuttgarter Justizminister Goll gegen ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNG—SILVESTER—PARTY rund um den Globus
20080101             Ein —JAHR voller SPANNUNG—ANSTRENGENDER JAHRESWECHSEL—PROTEST gegen Datenspeicherung
20080101             PAPA bittet zu Neujahr um "göttliche Gabe des Friedens"
20080101             —CONFIRMED, Slush fund at Defense
20080101             Au PAKISTAN, les élections législatives vont être reportées à février
20080101             Le KENYA s'enfonce dans la violence interethnique
20080101             Subidas de las tarifas de la luz, gas, agua, transporte y TELEFONÍA—QUICK PAKISTAN poll 'impossible'
20080101             NYT Editorial: "These are not the only shocking ABUSES—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH ?s 2—TERMS in office, made in THE—NAME—OF—FIGHTING terrorism.
20080101             There is much more ?
20080101             so much that the next PRESIDENT will have 1—FULL—AGENDA simply discovering all the wrongs that have been done and then righting them.
20080101             We can only hope that this time, unlike 20040000             , USA—VOTERS will have the wisdom to grant the awesome POWERS—OF—THE—PRESIDENCY to someone who has the integrity, principle and decency to use them honorably.
20080101             Then —WHEN we look in the mirror as 1—NATION, we will see, once again, THE—REFLECTION—OF—THE—USA—OF—AMERICA".
20080101             Jesus Must Have Been Pretty Sly Mike: Huckabee Holds 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE to Announce He Won't be Running 1—NEGATIVE—AD and Then Shows the Negative Ad to All the Reporters So That They Can Write About It.
20080101             BuzzFlash Premium : Uncounted: THE—NEW—MATH—OF—USA—ELECTIONS (DVD), —JUST Released
20080101             WALL—STREET Journal: "Democratic Voters' Fervor Stirs Republican Worries".
20080101             Rock on! 1/1 - Caucus Headlines from THE—DES—MOINES Register
20080101             Get Buzzed EVERY—MORNING and Afternoon with the Incomparable BuzzFlash Alerts!
20080101             You Can Also Choose Our Special Weekly Alerts.
20080101             "With the presidential race in full swing, COLORADO and other states have found critical flaws in the accuracy and security of their electronic voting machines, forcing officials to scramble to return to the paper ballots they abandoned —AFTER THE—FLORIDA debacle of 20000000             ".
20080101             Final DES—MOINES Register Poll: Obama widens lead over Clinton
20080101             —KILLED, Hillary: PAKISTAN troops might have, Bhutto : Hillary Rodham Clinton waded into PAKISTAN—VOLATILE internal political situation —SATURDAY, raising the possibility the country's military might have assassinated Benazir Bhutto because the killing took place in the garrison CITY—OF—RAWALPINDI.
20080101             † Tapes by C.I.A. Lived and, to Save Image : If ABU—ZUBAYDAH, 1—SENIOR—OPERATIVE—OF—AL—QAEDA, † in USA—HANDS, CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY—OFFICERS pursuing the terrorist group knew that MUCH—OF—THE—WORLD would believe they had killed him.
20080101             —WIPED, AFRICA—AID, out by rising COST—OF—OIL: The rising COST—OF—OIL has wiped out the benefits MANY—AFRICA—COUNTRIES were expecting from western aid and debt relief over the past —3—YEARS, new research from THE—INTERNATIONAL—ENERGY—AGENCY has shown.
20080101             Top economist says AMERICA could plunge into recession : Losses arising from AMERICA—HOUSING recession could triple over the next few years and they represent the greatest threat to growth in THE—USA, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LEADING economists has told THE—TIMES.
20080101             —STOPPED, Hospital lawyer: PAKISTAN—POLICE, doctors from conducting Bhutto autops y: The police CHIEF—OF—THE—PAKISTAN—CITY—OF—RAWALPINDI prevented doctors from performing 1—AUTOPSY on THE—CORPSE—OF—FORMER—PAKISTAN—PRIME—MINISTER—BENAZIR—BHUTTO, according to 1—LAWYER on the hospital's BOARD.
20080101             —BLOCKED, Bhutto ' from hiring USA bodyguards' : PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF refused to allow the foreign contractors to operate in PAKISTAN, according to senior aides.
20080101             Musharraf Is 'A Total Failure': 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—PAKISTAN—MAIN—OPPOSITION—LEADER—NAWAZ Sharif : Everybody in this country holds him and his policies responsible for the murder.
20080101             PAKISTAN to delay vote by at least —4—WEEKS: officials : PAKISTAN will delay parliamentary elections by at least —4—WEEKS—AFTER 1—WAVE—OF—VIOLENCE triggered by THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—BENAZIR—BHUTTO, senior government officials told AFP —ON—MONDAY.
20080101             —SPONSORED, THE—PROCESS—OF—USA, "regime change", which normally consists in THE—RE—FORMATION—OF—1—FRESH proxy government under new leaders has been broken.
20080101             BUSH—BEST—LAID plans : THE—BHUTTO assassination demonstrates anew THE—FOLLY—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—EFFORTS to manage history.
20080101             IRAN gives early date for reactor : IRAN says its Bush ehr nuclear power will start working in mid-20080000             .
20080101             Stranded pilgrims riot in EGYPT : HUNDREDS—OF—PALESTINE—PILGRIMS have rioted in temporary camps set up to house them —UNTIL 1—DISPUTE over their return to THE—GAZA—STRIP has been resolved.
20080101             What's the hurry?: Rice tends to compare THE—ISRAEL—OCCUPATION in the territories to the racial segregation that used to be the norm in THE—USA—SOUTH.
20080101             —DETAINED, THE—ISRAEL—DEFENSE—FORCES—CHECKPOINTS where Palestinians are, remind HER—OF—THE—BUSES she rode as 1—CHILD in ALABAMA, which had separate seats for blacks and whites.
20080101             —DEMANDED—OF, Barghouti: ISRAEL doesn't want peace: "What is, ISRAEL—NOW is that it announce clearly that it is ready to end the occupation, retreat from occupied territories, remove settlements and checkpoints, stop seizing land, release prisoners, stop THE—SIEGE—OF—THE—GAZA—STRIP and stop the operations of killing and destruction," he added.
20080101             —NEGOTIATED, Abbas reveals: ISRAEL, with Hamas : PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS claimed —ON—MONDAY that despite ISRAEL's stated policy that it would not speak to Hamas, representatives from both parties met for clandestine talks in SWITZERLAND.
20080101             New video footage shows Bhutto was shot dead : 1—DRAMATIC—NEW—FOOTAGE—OF—FORMER—PREMIER—BENAZIR Bhutto assassination —TODAY lent credence to her PAKISTAN PEOPLE—PARTY—CLAIM that she was shot dead, 1—CLAIM vehemently contradicted by PAKISTAN government.
20080101             00.000. - IRAQ—REFUGEES—TURN to sex trade in Syria : 1—SCORE of young IRAQ—WOMEN in tight, shimmering gowns shuffle across the nightclub dance floor under the hungry eyes of Gulf Arabs at nearby tables.
20080101             The worst, and saddest, job in BAGHDAD: It must be 1—CANDIDATE for the worst job in IRAQ.
20080101             It falls to BAGHDAD—STREET sweepers, who use their bare hands, to pick up the fingertips and scraps of flesh spattered —AROUND EVERY—BOMB—SITE in THE—IRAQ—CAPITAL.
20080101             They do it without gloves, in all but the coldest WEEKS—OF—WINTER.
20080101             Scores die in KENYA election riots : More than 150—PEOPLE have reportedly been killed in clashes that erupted in KENYA —AFTER THE—RE—ELECTION—OF—MWAI Kibaki, the country's PRESIDENT.
20080101             In photos: 'KENYA Elections Aftermath' : THOUSANDS—OF—YOUTH across the country took to the streets again —TODAY to protest the announcement that incumbent PRESIDENT—MWAI—KIBAKI was RE—ELECTED, 1—RESULT which MANY—BELIEVE was rigged.
20080101             Violence erupts as PRESIDENT—MWAI—KIBAKI grabs election victory at THE—LAST—MINUTE:
20080101             DAVID—MILIBAND, the Foreign SECRETARY, said that BRITAIN had "real concerns" at voting irregularities reported by EUROPEAN—UNION—MONITORS.
20080101             A stolen election:
20080101             Halfway through the count in KENYA—PRESIDENTIAL and parliamentary elections, the opposition leader, Raila Odinga, was so far AHEAD—BY 700,000 VOTES—THAT—ANALYSTS predicted it would take 1—MINOR miracle for the incumbent, Mwai Kibaki, to survive.
20080101             —BETRAYED, Last night, that miracle duly came to pass - 1—PEOPLE :
20080101             THE—CYNICISM—OF—THE—CABAL—AROUND PRESIDENT—KIBAKI is breathtaking: they knew the consequences of stealing the election
20080101             My Heart Bleeds For PAKISTAN.
20080101             Both deserve better than this disgusting, medieval charade.
20080101             Waiting For "MISTER—GOODBAR".-BY—LAYLA ANWAR—SURVIVAL sex in the era of exported democracy — Great title for 1—SMASHING—HOLLYWOOD film or 1—BEST—SELLER—BOOK.
20080101             USA Mayors' Report: Hunger and Homelessness Intensify in USA—CITIES
20080101             THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE—HUNGRY and homeless in USA—CITIES—ROSE dramatically again
20080101             THE—POST—BUSH—REGIME: 1—PROGNOSIS
20080101             In order to understand anything about USA—POLITICAL—AFFAIRS, it is necessary to have SOME—UNDERSTANDING of who it is that really makes the decisions behind the scenes, and what their interests are.
20080101             In this way we have SOME—HOPE—OF identifying the hidden agendas being served by government actions and programs, and SOME—HOPE—OF identifying THE—LONGER—TERM—STRATEGIES that are in play.
20080101             —NOW We Are Human Commodities
20080101             —ENSNARED, We are —TODAY so, in the process of selling and buying things in the market place, that we cannot imagine human life being otherwise.
20080101             —WEDDED, Even our notion of WELL—BEING and of despair are, to the flow and EBB—OF—THE—MARKETS.
20080101             Why is this so much 1—PART—OF—OUR lives?
20080101             Good and Evil at THE—CENTER—OF—THE—EARTH - - 1—QUECHUA—CHRISTMASCAROL
20080101             Correa is 1—OF—THE—1.—DARK—SKINNED men to win election to this Quechua and MIXED—RACE nation.
20080101             Certainly, 1—OF—THE 1. from the streets.
20080101             He'd won 1—SURPRISE—VICTORY over the richest man in ECUADOR, the owner of the biggest banana plantation.
20080101             "Wer 1—RATTE bekommt, aber sie nicht haben will, wird sie entweder zurück in den Laden BRINGEN—ODER auf der Straße aussetzen", äußerte sich 1—TIERARZT gegenüber Interfax besorgt.
20080101             Er hoffe allerdings, dass die meisten neuen Rattenbesitzer die positiven Eigenschaften der Tiere wie Intelligenz und Treue entdeckten.
20080101             RUSSLAND, ist die Astrologie aus dem Nachbarland CHINA sehr beliebt.
20080101             —GEGEBEN, ZEITUNGEN, wurden zu Silvester Tipps, wie die Ratten am besten begrüßt werden können: zum Beispiel, indem Frisur, Schmuck und Kleidung dem angeblichen Geschmack der Nager angepasst würden.
20080101             CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS—OF—THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER—NEWS: 20061201             20080101             —WHILE the new law explicitly strips NON—USA—CITIZENS—OF—THE habeas corpus right... your assignments to THE—NSC, how MANY—TIMES did you...
20080101             Man habe sich bei ihrer Firma nach Schutzmöglichkeiten für Bhutto erkundigt, teilte 1—SPRECHERIN—DES—PRIVATEN—USA—SICHERHEITSDIENSTES—BLACKWATER mit: "Aber leider wurde nie 1—VERTRAG geschlossen".
20080101             Bhuttos Berater kontaktierten Blackwater
20080101             "Sie wusste, dass es Attentatsversuche geben würde", sagte 1—USA—GEHEIMDIENSTMITARBEITER über Bhutto: "Wir halten keine Informationen über mögliche Angriffe auf ausländische Spitzenpolitiker oder Staaten zurück", so der Beamte zu AP.
20080101             Doch es sei deren Sache, "was sie unternehmen wollen".
20080101             Und weiter: "Wir übermittelten ihnen einen stetigen Strom an Geheimdienstinformationen".
20080101             PAKISTAN: USA—GEHEIMDIENSTE warnten Bhutto vor Attentat
20080101             Begnadigung: EX—DAEWOO- CHEF wieder frei
20080101             ORANG—UTAN- Weibchen: Älteste MENSCHENAFFEN—DAME der Welt ist tot
20080101             Jugendliche Gewalttäter: Koalitionspolitiker streiten über Erziehungscamps
20080101             —UNRUHEN, Blutige : USA und GROSSBRITANNIEN fordern Untersuchung der KENIA—WAHL
20080101             ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER: "Die Leute wollen Stars sehen"
20080101             Geschockt ins neue —JAHR: Die Angst lähmt PAKISTAN
20080101             Tageskarte Buch: Hitlers wundersame Flugmaschinen - "Meine Religion ist, Gutes zu tun".
20080101             Die Tafeln 3—BIS 5—ZEIGEN, wie sie Gutes tun: Rebellen werden ermordet, Indianerstämme von ihrem Land vertrieben, hispanische Provinzen annektiert.
20080101             Ziel und Resultat des "Bürgerkriegs" (Tafel 6) ist nicht, wie vorgegeben, die Abschaffung der Sklaverei;
20080101             vielmehr die Bereicherung der Furage-, UNIFORM—UND Waffenlieferanten und der Eisenbahnbarone.
20080101             Auf die Gewinne, einen gewaltigen Nugget oder Goldklumpen, hat der Bankier J. P. Morgan besitzergreifend seine Pranke gelegt.
20080101             Während im Süden die sich auf ihre Freiheit berufenden Schwarzen gelyncht werden (Tafel 7)' rufen in LONDON Marx und ENGELS die "Arbeiterbewegung" (Tafel 8) zum Zusammenschluß in der 1. Internationalen auf.
20080101             —INTENSIVIERT, Die zunehmende Vertrustung, den "Klassenkampf" (Tafel 9) und mechanisiert die Arbeitskräfte in der "Modernen Industrie" (Tafel 10).
20080101             War Criminals Behind Presidential Candidates --Democracy —NOW!
20080101             Sibel Edmonds' Stunning Revelations --THE—SUNDAY—TIMES (Cannonfire has 1—EXCELLENT summary.
20080101             --DB ) - BRITAIN—KEY—WEAPON in AFGHANISTAN: the bribe
20080101             --THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS (As the article notes, "He made clear that NATO will not be involved in eradication of poppies from the fields, but could bear down on drug growers and dealers connected to the insurgency".
20080101             Once again, the focus is on controlling, not stopping, the flow of opium profits.
20080101             —DIVERTED, USA—AID to PAKISTAN, squandered: REPORT—USA—TROOPS to HEAD—TO—PAKISTAN
20080101             USA—MAY—BOOST—COVERT actions inside PAKISTAN
20080101             FBI aims for world's largest biometrics database
20080101             With elections looming, states raise doubts about electronic voting machines
20080101             Can You Count on Voting Machines?
20080101             Drug traffickers attempting to influence MEXICO—POLITICS, ATTORNEY—GENERAL says --THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS (See also "Gunmen dressed as cops kill regional police CHIEF—IN—MEXICO ".
20080101             —ACCUSED—OF, Priest, lying about his mob ties in casino case --PITTSBURGH POST—GAZETTE (See also "Bad —WEEK for DeNaples, good —WEEK for MOUNT—AIRY ".
20080101             Oil Hits $100—AFTER YEARS—OF—SUPPLY, Demand Divergence
20080101             Oil Price Touches $100 1—BARREL; Signal of Pending Oil Shortages Ignored
20080101             —WIPED, AFRICA—AID, out by rising COST—OF—OIL
20080101             World Food Supply Is Shrinking, UNITED—NATIONS Agency Warns
20080101             Supermarket flies fish 5,000 miles from country where millions are starving
20080101             Millions hit by energy price hikes
20080101             VERMONT Faces Heating Assistance Shortage - THE—PEAK—OIL—CRISIS: STORM—OF—THE
20080101             Drought turns AUSTRALIA—FERTILE heart into 1—DUSTBOWL
20080101             All NORTH—CAROLINA counties still in drought --News 14 (See also "Experts worry dry conditions threaten SOUTH—CAROLINA ecosystem ".
20080101             No sign of FLORIDA drought easing SOON—LEVEE Breaks Amid WEST—COAST—STORMS
20080101             Military Manipulating Weather in GERMANY
20080101             --RTL—TV—VIA—YOUTUBE (If you are skeptical of 'chemtrail' stories, as I am, watching this GERMANY—TELEVISION clip may make you think twice.
20080101             Tangible Information: PETER—DALE—SCOTT—THE—OFFICIAL—ITALY—SENATE—INVESTIGATION into Gladio concluded "without the...
200801011231         Hate Crime Survey
20080101—19990000    —SINCE, Oil Rises as IRAN to Start Reacto r: Crude oil rose in NEW—YORK, poised for its biggest annual increase, as IRAN announced plans to start its 1. nuclear reactor —NEXT—YEAR, raising concern that the move will heighten 1—CONFRONTATION with THE—USA.
20080101—20000000    —SINCE, USA—STOCKS—DECLINE, Poised for Worst 4. Quarter : USA—STOCKS fell and
20080101—20000000    —SINCE, were poised for their 1. 4.—QUARTER decline —AFTER government reports on durable goods and unemployment reinforced speculation THE—HOUSING—MARKET—COLLAPSE will push the economy into recession.
20080101—20030000    —SINCE, THE—MICHIGAN—WOLVERINES upset NUMBER 9—FLORIDA 41-35 in THE—CAPITAL—1—BOWL to win their 1. bowl game.
20080101—20080108    —ON, Sharif demands Mush`s resignation : FORMER—PAKISTAN premier Nawaz Sharif —TODAY demanded his resignation and renewed call for the formation of 1—GOVERNMENT—OF—NATIONAL consensus to ensure free and fair general elections as scheduled.
20080101—20080201    —JAHR—BIS aangirfan:
20080101—20080201    aangirfan:
20080101—20080209    —ARRESTED, SUDAN—SECURITY—FORCES, 2—SUSPECTS in the murder.
20080101—20080624    —ON, 4—ISLAMISTS were sentenced to death.
20080101—20080920    —ON, 5—SUDAN—ISLAMISTS admitted in filmed statements their role in murdering Granville and his driver.
20080101—20090000    sollen auch Internetdaten, Internettelefonate und E—MAILS erfasst werden.
20080101—20090205    —CHARGED, They were formally.
20080101—20100000    —J—IM, Tatsächlich rechnet das AMERIKANISCHE—LANDWIRTSCHAFTSMINISTERIUM damit, dass der DURCHSCHNITTS—ERDENBÜRGER —BEREITS rund 44—KILOGRAMM Fleisch pro —JAHR verzehren wird, 10—PROZENT mehr als 20050000             .
20080102             Dickdarmkrebs: Mutation gelangte im 16010101—17001231     nach AMERIKA
20080103             The world's most populous nation will mark the next —12—MONTHS with 1—COMING—OF—AGE—PARTY that will confirm its transformation in —3—DECADES from 1—OF—THE—POOREST—COUNTRIES—OF—THE 19010101—20001231      into the globe's 3.—LARGEST economy,
20080103             The world's most populous nation will mark the next —12—MONTHS with 1—COMING—OF—AGE—PARTY that will confirm its transformation in —3—DECADES from 1—OF—THE—POOREST—COUNTRIES—OF—THE 19010101—20001231     into the globe's 3.—LARGEST economy, its hungriest (and most polluting) consumer and the engine room of economic growth.
20080104—20080101    —SUFFERED, OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, Jessica Birden (19) † from wounds, —WHEN she was found unconscious on 1—TRAIL in THE—KING—ESTATES—RECREATION—AREA in THE—OAKLAND—HILLS.
20080110             —1— ): "Vom 17010101—18001231    —BIS zum heutigen —TAG sind Bedrohungen AMERIKANISCHER—SCHIFFE und des Seehandels der Weg gewesen,
20080118             USA—KRIEGE beginnen meist auf See WALTER—RUSSELL—MEAD, Mitglied des einflußreichen Council on Foreign Relations, hat im WALL—STREET Journal, dem Sprachrohr der Neokonservativen, auf eine interessante historische Linie aufmerksam gemacht ("IRAN—PROVOCATION", 20080110             ): "Vom 17010101—18001231    —BIS zum heutigen —TAG sind Bedrohungen AMERIKANISCHER—SCHIFFE und des Seehandels der Weg gewesen, auf dem die meisten Kriege der USA begannen", stellt Mead fest.
20080127             THE—USA—COLD—WAR—ALLY led 1—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    —MOST brutal dictatorships over —32—YEARS that saw up to 1—MILLION—POLITICAL opponents killed.
20080128             Als Beispiel nennen die Wissenschaftler die überirdischen Atomtests, die im 19010101—20001231     stattfanden.
20080129             —BESCHWÖRT, Bush, erneut die "wichtigste ideologische SCHLACHT—DES 20010101—21001231    " HERAUF—DIE zwischen Freunden und Feinden der Freiheit.
20080201             Die Rede vom Sozialismus des 20010101—21001231     kommt von den progressiven REGIERUNGEN—DER—REGION,
20080201             Der Sozialismus des 20010101—21001231     ist in Wirklichkeit 1—STAATSDISKURS,
20080201             Die Rede vom Sozialismus des 20010101—21001231     kommt von den progressiven REGIERUNGEN—DER—REGION, insbesondere von HUGO—CHÁVEZ, während die sozialen Bewegungen gleichzeitig eine organisatorische Schwächung erfahren (...)
20080201             Es sind nicht die sozialen Bewegungen, die vom Sozialismus des 20010101—21001231     sprechen, sondern die Regierungen, die sich als links bezeichnen.
20080201             Der Sozialismus des 20010101—21001231     ist in Wirklichkeit 1—STAATSDISKURS, der auf die Akzeptanz einer Regierungsstrategie der Einheitspartei als Staatspartei zugeschnitten ist.
20080201             According to the new chronology, the Late Bronze Age civilizations in the Aegean and on CYPRUS may have developed in association with 18—TH—AND 16010101—17001231     Canaanite and Levantine civilizations and their expanding maritime trade world.
20080202             Obwohl die Stadt im 17010101—18001231     eine führende europäische Metropole war,
20080202             Dass Neapels Vitalität immer wieder in Gewalt umschlage, erklärt sich Starnone so: "1799—METZELTE das Volk die aufgeklärten Bürger nieder und sorgte damit für den Erhalt der feudalen Herrschaftsstrukturen. 'Neapel ist gleichzeitig archaisch und hochmodern.' Obwohl die Stadt im 17010101—18001231     eine führende europäische Metropole war, habe sie nie ein tragfähiges Bürgertum hervorgebracht. 1—BÜRGERTUM, das die Verwaltung der Stadt und das öffentliche Leben geprägt hätte, das Geld investiert hätte".
20080204             Suharto: '1—OF—THE—GREATEST—MASS—MURDERERS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    '
20080207             Während des 19010101—20001231     hat der Konsum von Tabak demnach insgesamt 100—MILLIONEN Menschenleben gekostet.
20080209             So sind die Nationen der Europäischen Union in einen —KONFLIKT wie im ausgehenden 18010101—19001231     verwickelt".
20080213             wird froh sein, wenn er in den 3ßiger —JAHREN des 20010101—21001231     nicht im Armenasyl endet.
20080213             Mancher, der in den sechziger —JAHREN des vorigen —JAHRHUNDERTS im schicken Neubaugebiet aufgewachsen ist, wird froh sein, wenn er in den 3ßiger —JAHREN des 20010101—21001231     nicht im Armenasyl endet.
20080219             —BERECHNET, Der Weltklimarat der Uno (IPCC) hat, dass es —BIS zum Ende des 20010101—21001231    —BIS zu 59—ZENTIMETER sein werden.
20080226             Bevor im 18010101—19001231     der Kühlschrank erfunden wurde
20080229—20080101    —SEIT, Die —BEREITS in DEUTSCHLAND umgesetzte Vorratsdatenspeicherung setzt eine entsprechende Verordnung der EU um, von der selbst noch nicht geklärt ist, ob sie rechtens ist:
20080302             1—NEW—PRODUCT—LINE prefiguring 20010101—21001231     USA—LIFE.
20080302             reified celebrity "culture;" not to mention the intellectual BANKRUPTCY—OF—FUNDAMENTALIST religions of all stripes--were rolled out in Latin AMERICA—SOUTH—CONE —DURING the 1970s, 1—NEW—PRODUCT—LINE prefiguring 20010101—21001231     USA—LIFE.
20080302             As Naomi Klein points out:
20080302             the myriad mechanisms and flexible instruments favored by financial "insiders;" social dislocation;
20080302             alienation; "private" pleasures apathetically consumed by atomized masses;
20080304             This 18010101—19001231     work schedule was the most intense work effort in THE—HISTORY—OF—LABOR.
20080319             —WHEN 9,000 banks failed, 19070000             —WHEN JP Morgan told WALL—STREET enough was enough —AFTER a 50% drop in shares + even to THE—SERIES—OF—ECONOMIC and financial upheavals —DURING the final quarter of the 18010101—19001231  .
20080319             1—FINANCIAL—CRISIS unmatched —SINCE the Great Depression, say analysts : STUDENTS—OF—THE—MARKETS say the only recent parallel with the current turmoil is JAPAN in the 1990s, but other than that they have had to study the 1930s, —WHEN 9,000 banks failed, 19070000             —WHEN JP Morgan told WALL—STREET enough was enough —AFTER a 50% drop in shares + even to THE—SERIES—OF—ECONOMIC and financial upheavals —DURING the final quarter of the 18010101—19001231  .
20080322             Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) in the 13010101—14001231     BC—COMMONLY known as THE—TEL—EL—AMARNA TABLETS—WE find.
20080325             Director Koichiro Matsuura said that VISEGRAD—MEHMED—PASHA—SOKOLOVIC—BRIDGE, a 15010101—16001231     stone bridge over the Drina River that links Bosnia and Serbia, has been added to UNESCO—WORLD—HERITAGE—LIST.
20080405             In den frühkeltischen AdelsgräBERN des 8. —BIS 03010101—04001231     v.
20080406             Zu Beginn des 16010101—17001231     können die Publizisten erstmals sicher sein,
20080406             2—BIS 4—KREUZER kostet 1—FLUGBLATT zu Beginn des 16010101—17001231    , das entspricht etwa dem Stundenlohn eines Maurers.
20080406             Für uns Menschen des 20010101—21001231     zeigen die frühen Kalkulationen vor allem:
20080406             Zu Beginn des 16010101—17001231     können die Publizisten erstmals sicher sein, halbwegs aktuell und regelmäßig berichten zu können.
20080406             Für uns Menschen des 20010101—21001231     zeigen die frühen Kalkulationen vor allem: Es ist nicht so wichtig, ganz genau zu sein, wenn man zumindest ungefähr richtig liegt.
20080407             1—GERMANY—MAGAZINE, Mertins was 1—OF—THE biggest weapons traffickers in the 19010101—20001231  .
20080407             Inside CHILE—COLONY—OF—TERROR—GERHARD—MERTINS : According to Stern, 1—GERMANY—MAGAZINE, Mertins was 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST weapons traffickers in the 19010101—20001231  .
20080408             CASE, You Missed IT—MANIFEST Destiny - 20010101—21001231     Style -
20080408             The concept of Manifest Destiny describes the 18010101—19001231     conviction that God intended THE—CONTINENT—OF—NORTH—AMERICA to be under THE—CONTROL—OF—CHRISTIAN, European Americans.
20080420             —PROTESTED, INDONESIA, several 1000—HARDLINE Muslims, outside the presidential palace in JAKARTA demanding that PRESIDENT—YUDHOYONO ban Ahmadiyah, 1—UNORTHODOX but moderate Muslim sect founded in INDIA in the 18010101—19001231  .
20080421             1—NEW—WORLD—ORDER as USA sinks : HERE—1—BIG—LESSON—OF—THE—1.—INTERNATIONAL financial CRISIS—OF—THE 20010101—21001231    : SOME—OLD—FASHIONED—ECONOMIES are weathering the storm better than those that borrowed big to spur growth or those that bet heavily on DEBT—STRAPPED USA—CONSUMERS.
20080423             im "JOURNAL—OF—ANALYTICAL Atomic Spectrometry" schreibt, datiert die europäische Literatur die Anfänge der Ölmalerei auf das 14010101—15001231  .
20080423             Die Wandmalereien, die Buddhas in roten Roben zwischen Palmen und mythischen Wesen zeigen, stammen demnach aus der —MITTE des 06010101—07001231  .
20080502             Food riots, in DOZENS—OF—COUNTRIES, in the 20010101—21001231  .
20080502             —ENVISIONED, Is this what we, —DURING THE—POST—WORLD—WAR 2, MOON—LANDING—19010101—20001231     as humankind's glorious future?
20080504             www.civilianpolice_com. blood disease - 20060101             20080506             AMERICA—CHEMICALLY—MODIFIED 20010101—21001231     Soldiers
20080514             —BY S—BASIL—BISHOP—OF—CAESAREA in the 03010101—04001231              20080516             Urteil der Prüfer: "Es ist 1—FÄLSCHUNG aus dem 18010101—19001231    ".
20080516             —SUCCUMBED, THE—INCA, to SPAIN—CONQUEST in the 15010101—16001231    ;
20080516             Im frühen 19010101—20001231     fuhren VIELE—AUTOS elektrisch, danach geriet die Technologie in Vergessenheit.
20080516             "Die gesamte Gattung der Kristallschädel ist 1—ERFINDUNG—DES 18010101—19001231    ", erklärt die Prüferin JANE—WALSH.
20080519             Balfour to BLAIR—THIS is 1 must watch VIDEO—BALFOUR to Blair, investigates THE—HISTORY—OF—UK—POLICY in THE—MIDDLE—EAST from THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE 19010101—20001231     to —TODAY.
20080523             We live in the 20010101—21001231     and —WHILE THE—INTERNET is exploding with USER—CENTRIC—WEB—SITES, governments seem to be stuck in the past.
20080526             Thanks to GW BUSH—IRAQ fiasco & borowing $3—TRILLION to finance it, the $ is tanking & we are well on our way to becomming the "CHINA" of the 20010101—21001231    ...
20080531             LAWYERS AND JURISTS IN THE 20010101—21001231    : NOTE: BLOOD FOR OIL: SECESSION, SELF—DETERMINATION... cabinda.freeweb7_com/SUPERPOWER_SILENCE_IN_CABINDA.htm
20080604             Es ist nicht unwahrscheinlich, dass die neuen Entrechteten des 20010101—21001231     — der "Bodensatz", wie 1—SPD—BUNDESMINISTER sie gern verächtlich nennt — in dem Falle die alte Partei der industriellen Arbeitnehmerelite aus dem 19010101—20001231     als Gegner vorfinden werden, die dann als "Schutzmacht der neuen —MITTE" Ansprüche von unten entschlossen abzuwehren hat.
20080606             As long as the greatest CRIME—OF—THE 20010101—21001231     remains unprosecuted, we all have 1—DUTY to keep the truth alive.
20080612             THE—41—CELTIC—GOLD—COINS, dating back to the 1. HALF—OF—THE 1—CENTURY, were found by 1—MYSTERY collector in 1—KENT field.
20080617—19530000    —IN, The 1. of his MANY—BOOKS was 1—TRANSLATION—OF "Contra Celsum" by Origen of ALEXANDRIA, the 02010101—03001231     church father, published.
20080622             1—OF—MY favorite parts is seeing what the newspaper editors of the early 19010101—20001231     had to say about Ivy Lee [pictured], who is —NOW considered, along with EDWARD—BERNAYS, 1—OF—THE " fathers " of...
20080625             7—INDIGENOUS—MAORI tribes signed NEW—ZEALAND—LARGEST—EVER settlement over grievances arising 18010101—19001231    —FROM—TO—LOSSES—OF—LANDS, forests and fisheries —DURING European SETTLEMENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20080627             —GESCHRIEBEN, Dessen Experten hatten in ihrem Bericht, die ARKTIS werde "im späteren Teil des 20010101—21001231    " eisfrei sein.
20080629             Hossli_com " Korrupt in HOLLYWOOD Darüber freuen werden sich vor allem Bob + HARVEY—WEINSTEIN, die auch die ausseramerikanischen Verleihrechte gekauft HABEN—FÜR bescheid20080101             ,2 Millionen...
20080630             6. Das Papsttum und der Ultramontanismus im 18010101—19001231    —
20080630             —PLACED, He had, 1—ADVERTISEMENT in 1—ENGLAND—DAILY in Goa saying that he had an 17010101—18001231     piano to sell.
20080701             —SUSPENDED, THAILAND—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER—SAID—THE—THAILAND—GOVERNMENT has, its decision to support CAMBODIA—BID to have an 10010101—11001231     temple near THE—THAILAND—BORDER declared 1—WORLD landmark.
20080702             Judges Cite Need for Reliable Evidence To Hold Detainees : In reversing 1—MILITARY—TRIBUNAL—DETERMINATION that 1—CHINA—DETAINEE was an "enemy combatant," 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT criticized the government's evidence and compared its legal theories to 1—NONSENSICAL 18010101—19001231     poem.
20080702             ': THE—USA is 1—ILLEGAL occupying force that should hand THE—132—ISLANDS—OF—HAWAII back to the monarchy overthrown more than 1—CENTURY ago, according to MEMBERS—OF—1—NATIVE—HAWAIIAN sovereignty movemet
20080703             —BY the late 08010101—09001231    , stockfish would have found 1—EXPANDING market in the Christian world.
20080703             Established by THE—DANISH—KING—GODFRED in the early 08010101—09001231    , Hedeby became 1—OF—THE—MAJOR—TOWNS—OF—THE—VIKING age.
20080703             † LARRY—HARMON (83) wasn't the original Bozo the Clown, but he was the real 1. Harmon, who portrayed THE—WING—HAIRED clown for more than HALF—1—CENTURY, of congestive heart failure.
20080703             —TODAY, the resulting late 08010101—09001231     manuscript, conserved in THE—UK—LIBRARY, is acknowledged to be the single most important contemporary account of 1—SCANDINAVIAN—VIKING—AGE—TRAVELLER.
20080704—19720000    —IN, was elected to the Senate, the 1. Republican from NORTH—CAROLINA in the 19010101—20001231  .
20080707             "Im 20010101—21001231     müssten wir in der Lage sein, den Planeten zu ernähren", fügte Sarkozy hinzu.
20080707             1—UNESCO official said that an 10010101—11001231     temple that sits on CAMBODIA's disputed border zone with THAILAND has been designated as 1—WORLD—HERITAGE—SITE.
20080708—20090101    —INVITED, THE—EU formally, SLOVAKIA to join the euro zone.
20080710             —ISSUED, THE—USA—MEDICAL—ASSOCIATION, 1—FORMAL—APOLOGY for more than 1—CENTURY—OF discriminatory policies that excluded blacks from participating in 1—GROUP—LONG considered THE—VOICE—OF—USA—DOCTORS.
20080713             —URGED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY, the disparate and conflicted countries —AROUND the Mediterranean Sea to make peace as European rivals did in the 19010101—20001231     as he launched 1—UNPRECEDENTED—UNION for the Mediterranean.
20080715             It goes into effect 20080101             .
20080720             Sie war im frühen 19010101—20001231     fast ausgestorben, ließ sich dann aber noch retten.
20080725             The law takes effect in 2—STAGES: 20100101             and 20110101             .
20080727             1—SENIOR—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL described them as the worst in 1—CENTURY.
20080728             Genutzt wurde das Areal zwischen dem 23. und dem 20010101—21001231     vor Christus.
20080803             So HATTE—TACITUS —BEREITS im 1—CENTURY beschworen:
20080806             Putin says RUSSIA needs to go back to CUBA: media : THE—KREMLIN is angry at USA—PLANS for 1—MISSILE—DEFENCE—SYSTEM in EAST—EUROPE, and —LAST—MONTH 1—NEWS—REPORT suggested RUSSIA might use CUBA, 1—THORN in AMERICA—SIDE for HALF—1—CENTURY, as 1—REFUELING stop for NUCLEAR—CAPABLE—BOMBERS.
20080809             —COMMITTED, Yongming then, suicide by throwing himself from the 2. STORY—OF—THE—SITE, the 12010101—13001231     Drum Tower —JUST 5—MILES from the main Olympics site.
20080812             —INCLUDED, MICHAEL—BAXANDALL—BOOKS, "Painting and Experience in 14010101—15001231     ITALY" (19720000             ).
20080818             The river Kosi, 1—TRIBUTARY to the Ganges, burst 1—EMBANKMENT on the Nepali SIDE—OF—THE—BORDER with INDIA and flowed into 1—CHANNEL it had abandoned 1—CENTURY—EARLIER.
20080823             This is 1—AGREEMENT that, of course, will establish 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SITE here in POLAND, 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SITE that will help us to deal with the new threat to the 20010101—21001231    —OF—LONG—RANGE—MISSILE—THREATS from countries like IRAN or from NORTH—KOREA.
20080905             MEXICO, 2 17010101—18001231     paintings, "THE—ADORATION—OF—THE—3—KINGS" and "THE—BIRTH—OF—THE—VIRGIN," were stolen from the Santa Matilde church in PACHUCA, THE—CAPITAL—OF—CENTRAL—HIDALGO state.
20080916             BRAZIL plans to build 50—MORE—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANTS : - Mines and Energy MINISTER—EDISON—LOBAO announced —FRIDAY BRAZIL plans to build 50 to 60—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANTS in HALF—1—CENTURY, with EACH—HAVING capacity of 1,000 megawatts.
20080916             But in 1—EVEN broader sense, the West, as 1—CIVILIZATION, —AFTER 1—CENTURY—OF—WORLD—WAR and the utter failure of global finance capitalism, may have reached its limits.
20080920             —BELIEVED, THE—DRUIDS also, that fairies lived in oaks, leading THE—GREECE—WRITER—LUCIAN to write in the 01010101—02001231     the earliest surviving EXAMPLE—OF—SCIENCE—FICTION, the "Verae Historiae,"
20080922             Und so war es —SCHON—NACH—DEM HOLLÄNDISCHEN—TULPENWAHN, jener Periode im 16010101—17001231    , als einzelne Blumenzwiebeln gegen Häuser getauscht wurden.
20080922             Auf den Überresten der Villa des Lucullus steht —SEIT dem 15010101—16001231     die Villa Medici.
20080922             USA takeovers dwarf my nationalisations: VENEZUELA—CHAVEZ: Chavez said the worst financial crisis —SINCE the Great Depression was the crash of "NEO—LIBERAL" capitalism, and showed his "20010101—21001231     Socialism" was the way forward.
20081001             Der ursprüngliche HIV—STAMM, aus dem sich die beiden Untergruppen gebildet haben, müsse deshalb am Übergang vom 19. zum 19010101—20001231     erstmals aufgetreten sein, so die Forscher.
20081004             —GEGLAUBT, Wir haben, wir seien nicht so blöd wie die Spekulanten, die im 16010101—17001231     mit den HOLLÄNDISCHEN—TULPENZWIEBELN gehandelt und alles zerstört haben.
20081006—20090130    —ON, they issued THE—MONACO—DECLARATION, which summed up their deliberations, and reported that ACIDITY—OF—OCEAN—SURFACE—WATERS has increased 30% —SINCE the 16010101—17001231  .
20081008             It is not a `good' fight against `terrorism,' but 1—CLASSIC, 18010101—19001231     colonial war to advance western geopolitical power into RESOURCE—RICH—CENTRAL—ASIA.
20081008             Selbst ein eher Liberaler wie WALTER—LIPPMANN, 1—DER—FÜHRENDEN—INTELLEKTUELLEN—DES 19010101—20001231    , war der Meinung, dass in einer gut funktionierenden Demokratie die intelligente Minderheit, die herrschen sollte, beschützt werden muss vor dem "Getrampel und Gebrüll einer verwirrten Herde".
20081012             and Narcisa de Jesus Martillo Moran (18320000—18690000    ), a 18010101—19001231     laywoman from ECUADOR who helped the sick and the poor.
20081012             —FOUNDED, GAETANO—ERRICO (17910000—18600000    ), 1—NEAPOLITAN priest who, 1—MISSIONARY—ORDER in the 18010101—19001231    ;
20081024             In 1—HOUSE—OVERSIGHT—COMMITTEE hearing —TODAY, FORMER—FED Chairman ALAN—GREENSPAN claimed the credit crisis is a "once in 1—CENTURY—CREDIT—TSUNAMI" that policy makers did not anticipate.
20081025             Er zählt zu den bedeutendsten Philosophen des 18010101—19001231    , seine Theorien begründen die Kritik am Kapitalismus und liegen kommunistischer Utopien zugrunde : KARL—HEINRICH—MARX.
20081028             "To what extent the Bible really recalls ancient historical reality from the 09010101—10001231     is hard to say," said the Hebrew UNIVERSITY—MAZAR,
20081028             "To what extent the Bible really recalls ancient historical reality from the 09010101—10001231     is hard to say," said the Hebrew UNIVERSITY—MAZAR, who has been to the site but was not involved with the study.
20081028             INDUSTRIAL—SCALE—METAL—PRODUCTION was occurring at 1—SITE in JORDAN in the 09010101—10001231     B.C., according to the study's carbon dating of ancient industrial mining debris and ANALYSIS—OF—THE—SETTLEMENT—LAYOUT.
20081028             —CALLED, ALAN—GREENSPAN, who ran the Fed for 18 1/—2—YEARS, it a "ONCE—IN—1—CENTURY—CREDIT—TSUNAMI," and conceded that he made mistakes that may have aggravated the economy's slump.
20081028             Die frühesten Aktivitäten datieren sie auf das 09010101—10001231     vor Christus, wodurch sie somit in die vermutete Regierungszeit von KÖNIG—SALOMO fallen, schreiben die Wissenschaftler im Fachblatt "Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES".
20081028             INDUSTRIAL—SCALE—METAL—PRODUCTION was occurring at 1—SITE in JORDAN in the 09010101—10001231     B.C.
20081028             —CONCLUDED, Previous studies had, no copper production occurred in the area —BEFORE the 06010101—07001231     B.C.
20081031             Their dream of American "Full Spectrum Dominance"--USA—MILITARY and economic superiority over ANY—POSSIBLE—COMBINATION—OF—STATES--is matched in ambition only by the early 19010101—20001231     Trotskyite DREAM—OF—WORLD—COMMUNIST—REVOLUTION.
20081102             —PRODUCED, In 1—CONFLICT that has, more than its share of suffering and tragedy, THE—NAME—OF—KAFR—QASSEM lives on in infamy more than HALF—1—CENTURY—AFTER ISRAEL—POLICE gunned down 47—PALESTINE—CIVILIANS, including women and children, in the village.
20081103             "Mathematicians have been puzzling over that question for 1—CENTURY or 2, and the main thing they've discovered is that the question is really, really hard. In the last —DECADE, though, they've developed SOME—POWERFUL—NEW—TOOLS inspired by physics that have pried 1—FEW answers from the universe's clutches. Even more exciting is that the new tools seem to be the tip of 1—MUCH larger theory that mathematicians are —JUST beginning to uncover. That larger mathematical theory, if it exists, may help crack some of the hardest mathematical questions there are, questions about the mathematical structure of the 3- and 4—DIMENSIONAL space where we live.... Revealing the full... superstructure may be the work of 1—GENERATION".
20081109             Auf dem Forum Romanum stand —SEIT dem 04010101—05001231    â€" v. Chr.
20081109             deren Gründer, der gläubige Geschäftsmann SIR—JOHN—TEMPLETON, in der Wissenschaft eine "Goldmine zur WIEDERBELEBUNG—DER—RELIGION im 20010101—21001231    " sah.
20081109             —MITFINANZIERT, VIELE—DER—FORSCHUNGSPROJEKTE werden von der JOHN—TEMPLETON—FOUNDATION, - einer Stiftung, deren Gründer, der gläubige Geschäftsmann SIR—JOHN—TEMPLETON, in der Wissenschaft eine "Goldmine zur WIEDERBELEBUNG—DER—RELIGION im 20010101—21001231    " sah.
20081109             Auf dem Forum Romanum stand —SEIT dem 04010101—05001231     v. Chr. sein Tempel.
20081116—20080101    —FROM, THE—IRAQ—CABINET voted overwhelmingly —SUNDAY to approve the security agreement that sets the conditions for the Americans' continued presence in IRAQ —UNTIL the end of 20110000             .
20081120             —RECOGNIZED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION formally, Welsh, which dates back to the 05010101—06001231    , as 1—MINORITY tongue.
20081121             CHINA—CARMAKERS SAIC and Dongfeng have plans to acquire GENERAL—MOTORS and Chrysler, CHINA's 20010101—21001231     Business Herald reports
20081121             "Aber", so die Studie weiter "wir können auch 1—SZENARIO—DES—WETTRÜSTENS, der territorialen Expansion und militärischer Rivalitäten wie im 18010101—19001231     nicht ausschließen".
20081122             —FOLLOWING his retirement from the military, GENERAL—JONES became PRESIDENT—OF—THE—INSTITUTE for 20010101—21001231     Energy[3], 1—AFFILIATE—OF—THE—USA—CHAMBER—OF—COMMERCE[8] and CHAIR—OF—THE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS—OF—THE—ATLANTIC—COUNCIL—OF—THE—USA.[9] He also served as chair of the Independent Commission on Security Forces of IRAQ, sponsored by the Atlantic Council of THE—USA.[10]
20081123             —BECAME, GENERAL—JONES, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—INSTITUTE for 20010101—21001231     Energy[3],
20081123             —FOLLOWING his retirement from the military, GENERAL—JONES became PRESIDENT—OF—THE—INSTITUTE for 20010101—21001231     Energy[3], 1—AFFILIATE—OF—THE—USA—CHAMBER—OF—COMMERCE[8] and CHAIR—OF—THE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS—OF—THE—ATLANTIC—COUNCIL—OF—THE—USA.[9]
20081123             "Unter der Dynastie der Jin im 03010101—04001231     unserer Zeitrechnung besuchen CHINESISCHE—SCHIFFE, vom Kompass geleitet, INDISCHE—HÄFEN und die Ostküste Afrikas".
20081126             —KILLED, INDIA, 110—PEOPLE were, and over 300 injured —WHEN suspected Islamic militants attacked 10—SITES in Mumbai including THE—5—STAR—TAJ Mahal Palace and Tower and the 18010101—19001231     Chhatrapati Shivaji railroad station.
20081127—20120101    —BY, the entire country.
20081201             In the early 19010101—20001231    .Bernays took the crude...
20081201             20010101             _ 20030331             20081202—19630000    —PEAKED, Her fame, —WHEN she marched with martin Luther KING and performed for PRESIDENT—KENNEDY.
20081201             20010101             _ 20030331             20081215             New regulations, which take effect 20080101             , included doubling their taxes and forcing them to reregister their businesses.
20081216             Von den Römern kaum bemerkt, begann sich Germanien im 01010101—02001231     n. Chr. dramatisch zu verändern.
20081220             Fischer: Diese Krise wird das Globalisierungszeitalter des 20010101—21001231     neu strukturieren.
20081224             HAROLD—PINTER was 1—OF—THEATER—BIGGEST names for nearly HALF—1—CENTURY.
20081224—20080101    —THREATENED, RUSSIA—ENERGY—GIANT—GAZPROM, to cut gas deliveries to UKRAINE if 1—NEW—CONTRACT is not signed —BY—THEN for 20090000             but pledged to honor its supply obligations to EUROPE.
20081226             —FAILED, The very people who had, to regulate the folks causing the Even Greater Depression of the early 20010101—21001231    —NOW took $700—BILLION worth of taxpayer money and handed it to those same financial 'industry' crooks, without ANY—REQUIREMENTS at all on what they could do with the money.
20081226—20090101    - AB—KEIN Krankengeld mehr: Allein im Tarifdschungel
20081228             —STILL Combating Stereotypes in the 20010101—21001231              20081230—20080101    —FROM, LIBYA asked oil companies to slash production by 270,000 barrels per —DAY, the latest such reduction by 1—OPEC member as the producer group struggles to boost faltering oil prices.
20081231             —FACED, We are, with 1—VICHY—STYLE—WEST—BANK—REGIME, with Abbas as its Pétain, serving the 20010101—21001231     nazis, ISRAEL.
20090000             —020902—PM
20090000             —074004—AM
20090101             Als 16. Land der Eurozone führt die SLOWAKEI den Euro ein und ersetzt damit die SLOWAKISCHE—KRONE als Währung.
20090101             THE—SF, Bay Area 1—BART police officer shot OSCAR—GRANT, —22—JAHRE—ALT on the platform of the Fruitvale BART Station in the —EARLY—MORNING in the midst of 1—BRAWL between 2—YOUNG—RIVAL—GROUPS.
20090101             Grant † —LATER that —MORNING at Highland Hospital.
20090101             Witnesses said Grant was lying face down with his hands behind him —WHEN he was shot in the back by Officer JOHANNES—MEHSERLE, —27—JAHRE—ALT.
20090101             —PURCHASED, BANK—OF—AMERICA, Merrill Lynch to save it from bankruptcy.
20090101             —REVEALED, It was —LATER, that the company had awarded $3.6—BILLION in bonuses to over 39,000 employees —JUST—BEFORE the acquisition by BofA.
20090101             —INCLUDED, The bonuses, $121—MILLION to 4—TOP—EXECUTIVES.
20090101             He was THE—CHIEF—SPONSOR—OF—19650000             —THE law establishing the national Endowment for the Arts and the national Endowment for the Humanities.
20090101             —SPONSORED, He also, legislation creating the Basic Educational Opportunities Grants (19720000             ), which provided direct aid to college students.
20090101             2—UN—STAFF—OF—THE—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM and 4—OTHERS were kidnapped in Nimroz province by alleged Taliban militants.
20090101             —ANNOUNCED, THE—IMF, plans to lend BELARUS $2.5—BILLION to help the country cope with the global economic crises.
20090101             THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC took over THE—6—MONTH rotating presidency from EU heavyweight FRANCE.
20090101             It will face the daunting task of implementing a $258—BILLION European economic stimulus package approved by EU leaders under THE—FRANCE—PRESIDENCY.
20090101             —ESTIMATED, GERMANY, thieves over the last —24—HOURS stole 1, $250,000 in art work from the Fasanengalerie, 1—PRIVATE—ART—GALLERY in WEST—BERLIN.
20090101             —EXPLODED, INDIA, 3—BOMBS, in the restive northeast, killing at least 5—PEOPLE and wounding 50, about an —HOUR—BEFORE the nation's top security official arrived in the area.
20090101             —HANDED, UK—FORCES, over CONTROL—OF—BASRA airport, its main military base in SOUTH—IRAQ, to IRAQ—OFFICIALS in accordance with 1—AGREEMENT signed with BAGHDAD —THIS—WEEK.
20090101             —PARKED, In MOSUL 1, truck bomb killed 3—POLICE—OFFICERS trying to search it and wounded 1—BYSTANDER.
20090101             —KILLED, In KIRKUK Iraqi and USA—TROOPS, 3 suspected AL—QAIDA gunmen —DURING 1—RAID.
20090101             USA—SOLDIERS shot and wounded 1—WOMAN—AFTER she failed to heed warnings to stop near 1—BAGHDAD checkpoint —RECENTLY targeted by suicide and car bombs.
20090101             —ASSASSINATED, ISRAEL, Nizar Rayan (52), 1—HAMAS strongman, in its 1. assault on the top LEADERSHIP—OF—GAZA—RULERS, escalating 1—CRUSHING aerial offensive even as it declared it was ready to launch 1—GROUND—INVASION.
20090101             —KILLED, The aerial strike also, 12—OTHER—PEOPLE including 2—OF—RAYAN—4—WIVES and 4—OF—HIS 12—CHILDREN.
20090101             —KILLED, Officials said more than 400—GAZANS have been, and some 1,700 have been wounded.
20090101             —INCLUDED, THE—UN said the death toll, more than 60—CIVILIANS, 34—OF—THEM children.
20090101             † 3—ISRAEL—CIVILIANS and 1—SOLDIER have also, in rocket attacks from GAZA.
20090101             —CAPTURED, MEXICO—FEDERAL—POLICE, 2 alleged hit men —AFTER the suspects threw 1—HAND—GRENADE at police and soldiers who cornered them at 1—HOUSE.
20090101             8—OFFICERS were wounded in the confrontation.
20090101             THE—WEST—TOWN—OF—LA—HUERTA, 1—SHOOTOUT between rival families at 1—NEW—YEAR—PARTY left 4—DEAD, and 1—CLASH between soldiers and alleged drug traffickers in CHIHUAHUA state reportedly killed 3—SMUGGLERS.
20090101             —KILLED, THE—USA—DRONE, 2—AL—QAIDA leaders from KENYA, Usama AL—KINI and Sheikh AHMED—SALIM—SWEDAN.
20090101             —SIGNED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—MEDVEDEV, 1—BELL ending jury trials in cases involving treason, terror, armed revolt and sabotage.
20090101             Instead, defendants will have to face 3—JUDGES.
20090101             RUSSIA cut off the gas to UKRAINE —AFTER 1—CONTRACT—DISPUTE but increased supplies to other European states to try to reassure customers worried about possible disruption.
20090101             —BECAME, SLOVAKIA, the 16. EUROPEAN—UNION—MEMBER—STATE to adopt the euro.
20090101             —INTRODUCED, This —DAY also marks —10—YEARS—SINCE the euro was.
20090101             —SEIZED, SOMALIA—PIRATES, THE—BLUE—STAR, 1—EGYPT—CARGO ship, and its 28—CREWMEMBERS.
20090101             1—MALAYSIA—MILITARY—HELICOPTER saved 1—INDIA—TANKER from being hijacked in the new —YEAR—1. attacks by pirates in the dangerous Gulf of ADEN.
20090101             1—CREW—OF—THE—FRANCE—WARSHIP "PRIME—MINISTER—LE—HER" dispatch boat intercepted 2—SPEEDBOATS carrying 8—SOMALIA—PIRATES as they were preparing to BOARD—1—PANAMA—CARGO ship.
20090101             † HELEN—SUZMAN, —91—JAHRE—ALT, SOUTH—AFRICA—ANTI—APARTHEID activist.
20090101             HELEN—SUZMAN won INTERNATIONAL acclaim as 1—OF—THE—FEW white lawmakers to fight against THE—INJUSTICES—OF—RACIST—RULE.
20090101             —NOMINATED, Suzman, who was twice, for the Nobel Peace Prize, fought 1—LONG and lonely BATTLE—IN—THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—PARLIAMENT against government REPRESSION—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BLACK—MAJORITY and the imprisonment of NELSON—MANDELA.
20090101             —CAPTURED, SRI—LANKA said its forces have, 1—KEY crossroads from Tamil Tiger rebels in the north and that it will seize the guerrillas' de facto capital within —2—DAYS.
20090101             —KILLED, The fighting, 50—REBELS and 4—SOLDIERS.
20090101             1—ROADSIDE bomb blast blamed on the rebels killed 2—POLICEMEN on 1—FOOT—PATROL in the eastern region.
20090101             —ABOUT—25—YEARS—AGO I took part in 1—STUDY—NEAR 1—LARGE—METRO—AREA.
20090101             —TESTED, We, the theory that brightly lit SEMI—RURAL—AREAS had lower crime rates.
20090101             The areas with the most crime were those IN—BETWEEN neighborhoods with some, but not 1—LOT, of street lighting.
20090101             The conclusion? Criminals need light to commit their crimes.
20090101             Bright lighting will deter them and no lighting will also.
20090101             Folks that put up DUSK—TO—DAWN yardlighting for security in rural areas are facilitating that which they are hoping to prevent.
20090101             —JUST SOME—FOOD for thought.
20090101             —POSTED by: reddog | 20090101             ,
20090101             you people are 1—BUNCH of pussies, worrying about 1—INCREASE in crime and 1—DECREASE in saftey...
20090101             —STUDIED, You see it's been, that crime actually increases in well lit areas.
20090101             The criminals have to actually be able to see what they are doing.
20090101             —POSTED—BY—: lurkingcriminal | 20090101             ,
20090101             —AM, überquerte GRAHAM—HUGHES—DIE—GRENZE—ZU—URUGUAY -, trat damit 1—REISE an, die ihn fast —4—JAHRE—LANG, um DIE—ERDE führen sollte.
20090101             As PETER—SHULMAN, 1—HISTORIAN—OF—TECHNOLOGY at Case WEST—RESERVE—UNIVERSITY, likes to remind his students: in the early 19010101—20001231    , —BEFORE the Model T, 1—3. of all cars were electric.
20090101             —PROVED, This, to be the case, BUT, residential (semi rural) areas with no streetlighting also had low crime rates.
20090101             —POSTED—BY: reddog | - :02 PM
20090101             —POSTED—BY: lurkingcriminal | - :04 AM
20090101             In einigen Gegenden Anbars und Vierteln von Bagdad entfalteten Clanführer und Milizchefs allerdings auch eine sehr rüde Herrschaft und schalteten unter dem Vorwand, AL—QAIDA zu bekämpfen, alles aus, was sich ihrem Führungsanspruch widersetzte.
20090101             Für die USA wurden die AL—QAIDA—GRUPPEN zu einem echten Glücksfall.
20090101             Würde es sie nicht geben, so die Ansicht vieler Iraker, hätten sie sie glatt erfinden müssen.
20090101             Gazakonflikt: Angebliche Waffenruhe spaltet ISRAELISCHE—FÜHRUNG
20090101             Die Pause vor dem STURM—WEGEN MADOFF—SKANDAL: BANK—MEDICI schlüpft beim STAAT unter
20090101             Leben im AUSNAHMEZUSTAND—PAPA fordert Reform des Weltfinanzsystems
20090101             BANK—OF—AMERICA IST die neue Nummer 1—UNTER den USA—BANKEN
20090101             Volunteers offer jobless temps free food, advice
20090101             ISRAEL prepara la salida de la franja de GAZA de más de 440—EXTRANJEROS
20090101             Barenboim pide justicia en el conflicto PALESTINO—ISRAELÍ—UNEMPLOYMENT 'will soar above 3m'
20090101             Fidel Castros Wort auch —NACH—50—JAHREN ungebrochen
20090101             GAZA: Ranghoher HAMAS—FÜHRER stirbt bei Luftangriff
20090101             BRANDENBURG: Polizist erschießt Verdächtigen
20090101             Der neueste Trend an der WALL—STREET: "Geld gegen Schatzbriefe" Deals eingehen und dann die Schatzbriefe einfach nicht liefern.
20090101             "It seems quite obvious that the Fed and Treasury cannot and will not accept the status quo for much longer," Wipf said in 1—INTERVIEW.
20090101             Demand for Treasuries is so great that investors are lending cash for next to nothing to obtain the securities as collateral through repurchase agreements, or SO—CALLED repos.
20090101             —DELIVERED, The problem is market participants haven't always, the bonds, causing "fails" to exceed $5—TRILLION at their peak, according to THE—NEW—YORK Fed.
20090101             Harharhar, was für 1—SCHMIERENKOMMÖDIE.
20090101             Blanning told reporters afterward that he was protesting the "elitists" of Aspen
20090101             but he didn't really fit into the new Aspen,"
20090101             —DISENCHANTED, People who knew Blanning say he became, with his hometown as it turned into 1—HOLIDAY—PLAYGROUND for the rich.
20090101             —IDENTIFIED, Blanning was, by the Pitkin County sheriff on 1—SURVEILLANCE—TAPE from 1—OF—THE—BANKS.
20090101             Linn said the suspect was well known to police and that the sheriff remembered Blanning from a 19940000             suicide threat
20090101             "I was and am a good man".
20090101             Antiobitics —BEFORE infections save lives: study
20090101             Public or Private? THE—VACATIONING—STYLES—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH and... - Sunshine, big crowds greet ROSE—PARADE
20090101             —REPRESENTED, Dancers paid tribute to Broadway and SARI—CLAD models, INDIA—BOLLYWOOD films as the New —YEAR—DAY—ROSE—PARADE entertained THOUSANDS—OF—FANS with the theme "Hats Off to Entertainment.
20090101             CUBA Marks REVOLUTION—ANNIVERSARY—NEW—YORK—TIMES—BY SIMON—ROMERO—CUBA marked the 50. ANNIVERSARY—OF—ITS—REVOLUTION—ON—THURSDAY amid somber assessments of 1—STRUGGLING economy, even as its Communist leaders exalted the resilience of 1—POLITICAL—SYSTEM that has endured 10—USA—ADMINISTRATIONS...
20090101             FBI set to present proof to ISLAMABAD TIMES—OF—INDIA—NEW—DELHI: Clinching and incontrovertible proof that the Mumbai terror attack was planned on and launched from PAKISTAN—SOIL by Pakistanis will soon be presented to ISLAMABAD by USA—SLEUTHS —AFTER THE—FBI records enough evidence.
20090101             No terrorist infrastructure in PAKISTAN: FO
20090101             —INVOLVED, Media: Pak not, in Mumbai raids
20090101             ABC NEWS—ZACH—ORNITZ / Aspen Daily News / Associated Press LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—ASPEN police officer BILL—LINN looks from behind 1—WALL at 1 sled containing wrapped packages left in 1—ALLEYWAY in Downtown ASPEN—COLORADO.
20090101             —EMPOWERED, Israelis feel, by attacks against Hamas JERUSALEM (AP) - ISRAEL—CRUSHING aerial ASSAULT—ON—GAZA has caused 1—SIGNIFICANT—SHIFT in the country's mood, replacing lingering helplessness and frustration over Hamas rocket attacks with 1—SENSE—OF—MIGHT and vindication.
20090101             Premier Financial Bancorp to buy Abigail Adams National BANCORP—BIZJOURNALS—COM - An investor panic
20090101             BANK—OF—AMERICA, Wells close mergers as banking transforms By JONATHAN—STEMPEL—NEW—YORK (Reuters) - BANK—OF—AMERICA—CORP (BAC.N: Quote, Profile, Research) completed its purchase of Merrill Lynch & Co and Wells Fargo & Co (WFC.
20090101             Merrill —95—YEAR—RUN—ENDS as BANK—OF—AMERICA—BUYS—FIRM
20090101             Viacom settles dispute with Time Warner Financial TIMES—BY KENNETH—LI in NEW—YORK Viacom, which owns THE—MTV—NETWORK, averted 1—BLACKOUT—OF—19—CHANNELS—AFTER reaching 1—AGREEMENT with Time Warner Cable over its fees for popular shows such as Dora the Explorer and THE—DAILY—SHOW with JON—STEWART.
20090101             sagt der Physiker.
20090101             "Was die hier geschaffen haben, ist 1—ART 'MONA—LISA'—DER—SCHWEISSTECHNIK".
20090101             Ohne Superschrauben würde die Fusionsmaschine beim Betrieb auseinanderfliegen.
20090101             Das STICKSTOFF—RÄTSEL zeigt, wie VIELE—OFFENE—FRAGEN noch zu klären sind.
20090101             "Wie dieses unerwartete Phänomen zustande kommt, haben wir noch nicht wirklich verstanden", gibt Hasinger zu.
20090101             "Auf überraschende Weise sorgt der Stickstoff offenbar für eine bessere Isolierung".
20090101             Sollte die Menschheit ernsthaft darauf verzichten, 1—TECHNIK zu entwickeln, die einmal ALLE—ATOM— und Kohlekraftwerke ersetzen könnte?
20090101             "Wir nähern uns dem Durchbruch, es geht viel schneller voran, als viele denken", behauptet Hasinger.
20090101             "Mit einer Art 'APOLLO'—PROGRAMM der Kernfusion hätten wir sogar —SCHON zur Jahrtausendwende einen Reaktor bauen können, der Strom und Wärme LIEFERT—NUR fehlte das nötige Geld für eine so große Maschine".
20090101             —SEIT einem halben —JAHRHUNDERT quälen sich Physiker auf der ganzen Welt damit herum, das Fusionsfeuer zu entfachen.
20090101             Nach so langer Zeit hat die Öffentlichkeit längst die Hoffnung verloren, dass bei ihrer Forschung jemals etwas Nützliches herauskommen wird.
20090101             Doch ausgerechnet —JETZT, da sich kaum noch jemand für ihre Arbeit interessiert, scheinen die Plasmaphysiker erstaunliche Fortschritte zu machen.
20090101             Sonne auf Erden: Fusionsforscher zähmen das Sternenfeuer
20090101             ERDGAS—SPERRE gegen UKRAINE: DEUTSCHE—GASVERSORGER geben sich sorglos
20090101             Milliardenbetrüger: Diebe wollten Madoff 1—LEKTION erteilen
20090101             —FIRED, TEXAS RADIATION—NEWSBITS Astonishingly, THE—USA—NAVY, DU on VIEQUES—PUERTO—RICO to prepare for KOSOVO... and our community are strongly protected.' By: PAUL—PARSON | Oak.
20090101             LONDON - 2—ENGLISCHE—RETTUNGSSANITÄTER haben einen Mann absichtlich sterben lassen, weil sich seine Wiederbelebung aus ihrer Sicht nicht lohnte.
20090101             Das Gespräch der Sanitäter war Ende —NOVEMBER aufgezeichnet worden, weil der 59-Jährige nach seinem Notruf wegen eines Herzanfalls das Telefon nicht aufgelegt hatte und die Verbindung immer noch stand,
20090101             so die Zeitungen "THE—INDEPENDENT" und "THE—TIMES".
20090101             Schriftsteller Meir Shalev: "Selbst die Linke war für diesen Krieg"
20090101             PAPA zu Neujahr: Solidarität in der Finanzkrise
20090101             Dünger aus der ANTARKTIS: Eisschmelze bremst Erderwärmung
20090101             Eingefrorene MP3-Player: Microsofts Zune hat 1—NEUJAHRSMACKE
20090101             GASPROM—LIEFERSTOPP: UKRAINE sichert Westeuropa reibungslosen GAS—TRANSIT zu
20090101             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Sanitäter ließen Mann absichtlich sterben
20090101             Ausblick: Luftfahrt hakt 20090000             AB—UND blickt nach vorn
20090101             Silvester in Südisrael: Raketenalarm und Krimsekt
20090101             ENERGIE—STREIT: Gasprom stellt Gaslieferungen an UKRAINE komplett ein
20090101             "Built in Obsolescence" ist ja etwas, das Hersteller —SEIT langem machen.
20090101             Die bekanntesten Beispiele sind Rasierklingen und Glühbirnen.
20090101             Und —JETZT? —JETZT fallen plötzlich alle 30—GB Zunes auf einmal aus.
20090101             MICHAEL—BUBACK hat 1—BUCH zum Tod seines Vaters herausgebracht.
20090101             Die Autorin glaubt, dass die NATO Buback weg haben musste, weil der mit der Anklage gegen GÜNTER—GUILLAUME (den BRANDT—DDR—SPION) befasst war, und die NATO—DIENSTE darüber —SCHON länger Bescheid wussten, aber das als Hebel gegen Brandt aufheben wollten.
20090101             Er findet heraus, dass sein Vater tatsächlich im Zuge der GUILLAUME—ANKLAGE zumindest auf 1—MITSCHULD—DES—BND gestoßen war.
20090101             Und tatsächlich war die Todesschützin offenbar 1—BND—INFORMANTIN namens Verena Becker.
20090101             Von der gibt es Verhörprotokolle.
20090101             "FRAGEN—VON—ENORMER—WUCHT" (MICHAEL—BUBACK) hätten sich klären lassen, hätte der Verfassungsschutz die Verhörprotokolle Verena Beckers für weitere Ermittlungen freigegeben.
20090101             Doch das Gegenteil geschah.
20090101             gute Nachricht: das TÜRKISCHE—STAATSFERNSEHEN richten einen Sender in kurdischer Sprache ein.
20090101             Fernsehen auf kurdischer Sprache war lange —JAHRE verboten.
20090101             FRANKREICH erhöhte die ZAHL—DER—POLIZISTEN, die in der Silvesternacht für Sicherheit sorgen, um 7000—AUF 35 000.
20090101             VIELE—ARABISCHE—KONZERTVERANSTALTER sagten als Zeichen ihrer Solidarität mit den Palästinensern im Gazastreifen ihre für die Silvesternacht geplanten Feiern ab.
20090101             Der Herrscher von DUBAI, SCHEICH—MOHAMMED bin Raschid AL—MAKTUM, sprach —AM—MITTWOCH sogar ein offizielles Verbot für Silvesterfeiern aus.
20090101             Die Party stand unter dem Motto "Creation" (Schöpfung).
20090101             Wegen der Wirtschaftskrise wollten laut einer Umfrage 77—PROZENT—DER—BULGAREN den Silvesterabend zu Hause verbringen.
20090101             SPANDAU, verlor ein 28-Jähriger durch die Detonation eines Böllers einen Finger.
20090101             Dazu lief als Eröffnungsmusik für das —JAHR 20090000             "What A Wonderful World" von LOUIS—ARMSTRONG.
20090101             Silvesterfeiern auf der ganzen Welt: Willkommen 20090000             20090101             ENERGIE—STREIT mit UKRAINE: Gasprom dreht den Hahn zu
20090101             —BOMBARDIERT, Krieg im GAZA—STREIFEN: ISRAEL, weiter
20090101             Silvesterpredigten: Bischöfe fordern Gott statt Geld
20090101             Energie: RUSSISCH—UKRAINISCHER—STREIT bedroht Gaslieferungen nach DEUTSCHLAND
20090101             NAHOST—KONFLIKT: SAUDI—ARABIEN gibt Palästinensern Mitschuld an GAZA—KRISE
20090101             Gerichtsurteil: ISRAEL muss Journalisten nach GAZA lassen
20090101             —BISHER gingen Forscher davon aus, dass der Blutdruck durch VIELE—VERSCHIEDENE—GENE beeinflusst wird.
20090101             Eine neue Untersuchung von Forschern der UNIVERSITY—OF—MARYLAND hat —NUN ergeben, dass ein einzelnes Gen mit der Bezeichnung STK39 einen besonders starken Einfluss hat.
20090101             Über die Ergebnisse berichten die Wissenschaftler um Ying Wang im
20090101             Fachmagazin "Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES".
20090101             Kriselnder Autobauer: Großaktionär Kerkorian verkauft ALLE—FORD—ANTEILE
20090101             —SANIERT, Haushalte: Steuerschwall, die Staatskassen
20090101             Ausgrabung in CHINA: Forscher entdecken Urahn der Geparden
20090101             Vorratsdatenspeicherung: Provider beklagen Unklarheiten bei E—MAIL—ÜBERWACHUNG
20090101             Parlamentswahl in BANGLADESCH: Erdrutschsieg für SCHEICH—HASINA
20090101             Finanzspritze: GENERAL—MOTORS erhält staatliche Milliardenhilfe
20090101             Gesundheitsfonds: Bundesregierung rechnet mit Kassensterben
20090101             Energiekonzerne: Scharfe Kritik an Preispolitik der Stromriesen
20090101             Finanzkrise: Ackermann räumt Mitschuld der Bankmanager ein
20090101             —ATTACKIERT, Luftangriffe: ISRAEL, HAMAS—MINISTERIEN
20090101             As PART—OF—THE—TRANSACTION, THE—BOARDS—OF—DIRECTORS—OF—AES Corporation (1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—POWER—COMPANIES), the Carlyle Group, EDF (the world's largest electric utility), and Energy CAPITAL—PARTNERS signed off on investments into Nanosolar through Riverstone Holdings, EDF Renewables, and simultaneously formed AES Solar.
20090101             1—FRACTION—OF—THE oversubscribed Nanosolar equity round also included financial investors such as Lone Pine Capital, the Skoll Foundation, and PIERRE—OMIDYAR—FUND as well as returning investors including GLG Partners, Beck Energy, and Conergy founding investor Grazia Equity.
20090101             There is 1—REASON why 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—POWER—PRODUCERS invested in Nanosolar.
20090101             Only Greentech Can Save USA—ECONOMY, Says ÜBER—INVESTOR
20090101             If Climate Didn't Doom Neanderthals, Did Humans?
20090101             —SURVIVED, Neanderthals, major climate fluctuations, but they couldn't handle competition from our ancestors, Homo sapiensM/em>.
20090101             1—NEW—STUDY combines ancient climate evidence with archaeological data to show that both species had suitable habitat —AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE—NEANDERTHAL—DEMISE.
20090101             ISRAEL pounds GAZA for 4. —DAY ISRAEL—JETS—POUND THE—GAZA—STRIP for a 4. —DAY, with air strikes on 1—NUMBER—OF—HAMAS government buildings and security installations.
20090101             Pound hits new low against euro The pound hits 1—NEW—RECORD—LOW against the euro due to continued concerns about the outlook for THE—UK—ECONOMY.
20090101             PAKISTAN 'must avoid conflict' PAKISTAN—ARMY—CHIEF—COMMENTS amid tension with INDIA over the Mumbai attacks, saying there is 1 need to "avoid conflict".
20090101             —APPALLED, No 10 '' at GAZA violence
20090101             —APPALLED, Downing Street is "" by violence in GAZA and is urging 1—IMMEDIATE—CEASEFIRE as air strikes continue.
20090101             Israels Wahlkampf und GAZA—OFFENSIVE: SCHLACHT um das Amt des Premiers
20090101             Erin Brockovich (20000000             ) - Crazy credits
20090101             —AWARDED, The settlement, to the plaintiffs in THE—CASE—OF—HINKLEY vs. PG&E was the largest in 1—DIRECT—ACTION lawsuit in USA—HISTORY.
20090101—19800000    —RENAMED, The awards were, the Pell Grants.
20090101—20050000    —ARRESTED, Yasir had been previously, by PAKISTAN and
20090101—20070000    —IN, sent to AFGHANISTAN where he was released in exchange for 1—KIDNAPPED—ITALY—JOURNALIST.
20090101—20090113    —ARRESTED, Mehserle was, in NEVADA and charged with homicide.
20090101—20090127    —FREED, THE—2—UN—WORKERS were.
20090101—20090305    —FREED, THE—BLUE—STAR and its crew of 28 were, —AFTER 1—RANSOM was dropped from 1—PLANE.
20090101—20091206    —ON, 1—ATTORNEY for the family filed a $25—MILLION—CLAIM against BART.
20090101—20150902    —SEIT—DEM, die 3—ISRAELISCHEN—MILITÄR—OFFENSIVEN hätten im GAZA—STREIFEN ökonomische Verluste in fast dreifacher HÖHE—DES—WIRTSCHAFTSVOLUMENS verursacht.
20090102             und —DER—MONAT ging als sechstwärmster ;;01;; —SEIT Beginn des 19010101—20001231     in die Klimageschichte ein.
20090102             Damals lag die Durchschnittstemperatur um 4,1 Grad über dem langjährigen Mittel, und —DER—MONAT ging als sechstwärmster —JANUAR—SEIT Beginn des 19010101—20001231     in die Klimageschichte ein.
20090103             Das 19010101—20001231      hat eindringlich vorgeführt,
20090103             Das 19010101—20001231     hat eindringlich vorgeführt, dass wir jederzeit mit extrem beschleunigten gesellschaftlichen Wandlungsprozessen zu rechnen haben.
20090103             Das 19010101—20001231     —CENTURY hat eindringlich vorgeführt,
20090120—20010101    —IN, BRAD—BLAKEMAN, 1—FORMER—DEPUTY—ASSISTANT to PRESIDENT—BUSH and GATEKEEPER—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—SCHEDULE called it a "military precision operation because you are working against the clock.
20090121—20090101    —ON, PORTLAND—OREGON, officials said they would begin 1—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATION into newly elected Mayor SAM—ADAMS, —45—JAHRE—ALT, who admitted shortly —AFTER taking office that he had lied —DURING his campaign about 1—SEXUAL—RELATIONSHIP with 1—MUCH younger gay man.
20090128             "Im 19010101—20001231     machte die Sowjetunion die Rolle des Staates absolut.
20090128             "Im 19010101—20001231     machte die Sowjetunion die Rolle des Staates absolut. Diese Lektion haben wir teuer bezahlt", sagte Putin.
20090128—20070101    —SINCE, Peanut Corp. expanded its recall to all peanut products produced at its BLAKELY—GEORGIA, plant, due to 1—SALMONELLA outbreak.
20090129             the expansion of the electric power industry in THE—USA in the early 19010101—20001231     would have been impossible, or at least greatly delayed.
20090129             Without CHARLES—STEINMETZ—DEVELOPMENT—OF—THEORIES—OF alternating current, the expansion of the electric power industry in THE—USA in the early 19010101—20001231     would have been impossible, or at least greatly delayed.
20090131             Mit sozialistischen Modellen des 19010101—20001231     kommen wir dieser Krise nicht bei.
20090201             We begin by taking note of 1—NATIONAL—INSULT -- THE—SORT—OF—INSULT which, in the 18010101—19001231    , might have led to war.
20090202             Dirty Business, Dirty Wars USA—LATIN USA—RELATIONS in the 20010101—2100123120090202             Inmitten von MÜSLI—SCHACHTELN, Glasflaschen, einer Videokassette und anderem Zivilisationsmüll fanden die Forscher noch andere Überbleibsel aus dem 17010101—18001231    : einen Kochkessel aus Kupfer, 2—ANKER und das 10—METER lange Ruder des Schiffs.
20090202             USA—LATIN USA—RELATIONS in the 20010101—21001231              20090205             —BECAME, They, THE—PROGENITORS—OF—TODAY—PALESTINIAN—ARABS, MANY—OF—WHOM —NOW live as refugees who were exiled from their homeland —DURING the 19010101—20001231  .
20090205             1 can reasonably argue that this ancient myth of 1—JEWISH nation exiled —UNTIL its 19010101—20001231     return is of little consequence;
20090205             Das explosive Wachstum dieser Branche im 16010101—17001231     verwandelte die großen und kleinen Eilande der Karibik in wahrhafte Zuckerinseln
20090207             In the 20010101—21001231    , people power remains 1—HUGE and exciting and largely untapped force for change,
20090207             In the 20010101—21001231    , people power remains 1—HUGE and exciting and largely untapped force for change, but it is nothing without truth.
20090213             den Kampf gegen Menschenhandel zu verstärken: "Es ist krank, dass wir im 20010101—21001231     überhaupt noch einen Bericht über Sklaverei schreiben müssen", sagt Costa.
20090213             —ANFANG der neunziger —JAHRE des 19010101—20001231     beschäftigte sich auch der USA—KONGRESS damit,
20090213             —ANFANG der neunziger —JAHRE des 19010101—20001231     beschäftigte sich auch der USA—KONGRESS damit, 19980000             verordnete er der Nasa dann das sogenannte Spaceguard Goal.
20090213             —APPELLIERT, Die UNODC, an die Regierungen und den privaten Sektor, den Kampf gegen Menschenhandel zu verstärken: "Es ist krank, dass wir im 20010101—21001231     überhaupt noch einen Bericht über Sklaverei schreiben müssen", sagt Costa.
20090216             —IM—ALS, 10010101—11001231     das Reich der Samaniden unterging und RUSSISCHE—FÜRSTEN die Macht übernahmen,
20090216             —IM—ALS, 10010101—11001231     das Reich der Samaniden unterging und RUSSISCHE—FÜRSTEN die Macht übernahmen, hörte der Handel entlang der Wolga auf.
20090221             Continue - "far into the 20010101—21001231    ," he'll be older than JOHN—MCCAIN and won't remember how MANY—HOUSES he owns.
20090221             CONTINUE—IF he rules for another 20 or —30—YEARS, "far into the 20010101—21001231    ," he'll be older than JOHN—MCCAIN and won't remember how MANY—HOUSES he owns.
20090222             EGYPT, 1—GROUP—OF—FRANCE—TEENAGERS on 1—SCHOOL—TRIP was hit hard by 1—BOMBING at CAIRO's famed 13010101—14001231     Khan AL—KHALILI bazaar.
20090224             "Wir hatten in diesem Land stets 2—NATIONEN, die Besitzenden und die Nichtbesitzenden. Die einen leben wie ROM—KAISER, und das werden sie auch weiterhin tun. Die anderen haben sich irgendwann daran gewöhnt, dass sie zweimal —J—IM in Urlaub fahren können. Damit wird es —JETZT vorbei sein. Ich glaube, wir erleben bald wieder 1—GESELLSCHAFT, wie sie CHARLES—DICKENS beschrieb, nach Klassen scharf getrennt, nur für das 20010101—21001231    ".
20090301             The 18010101—19001231     Colonial HOLLAND—STRATEGY built 1—AGRICULTURAL—EXPORT—ECONOMY.
20090306             Strategic Energy Policy Challenges for the 20010101—21001231              20090306             Strategic Energy Policy Challenges for the 20010101—21001231      Microsoft Word -
20090326             The archives from THE—LONDON—HISTORICAL—RECORDS, dating back to the 15010101—16001231    , began to be made available online.
20090403             —TRADED, Cambodian and THAILAND—SOLDIERS, fire with machine guns and rocket launchers along 1 disputed border, killing as many as 4—PEOPLE in 1—ESCALATION—OF—TENSIONS in 1—LONG—STANDING feud over an 10010101—11001231     temple.
20090406             —ORIGINATED, The ceremony of Dropping the Dead Horse, in the 18010101—19001231    —WHEN seafarers were allowed their 1. —MONTH—WAGES in advance to pay for gear and clothing.
20090423             Diese Theorie, die der ENGLISCHE—PHILOSOPH THOMAS—HOBBES im 16010101—17001231     mit dem alten lateinischen Sprichwort "homo homini lupus" auf den Begriff gebracht hat, ist seitdem fast 1—AXIOM westlichen Denkens geworden: Der Mensch ist dem Mitmenschen 1—WOLF.
20090426             —NAMED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, 5—NEW saints, including PORTUGAL's 13010101—14001231     INDEPENDENCE leader and 1—ITALY—PRIEST who ministered to factory workers at THE—DAWN—OF—THE—INDUSTRIAL—ERA.
20090502             Bei der Beschaffung von Grippemedikamenten wie Tamiflu wird nach SPIEGEL—INFORMATIONEN auf Ländereb20090101             —LIEFERENGPASS befürchtet.
20090511             They made off with 6 17.- and 18010101—19001231     landscape paintings, the 2. major art heist in —10—DAYS in THE—NETHERLANDS.
20090514             Through MUCH—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    , —WHILE the government built memorials to unknown VICTIMS—OF—WWI.
20090528             MOHAMED—ALTOUMAIMI has found 1—FORMULA to explain and simplify THE—SO—CALLED—BERNOULLI numbers, 1—SEQUENCE—OF—CALCULATIONS named —AFTER the 16010101—17001231     SWITZERLAND—MATHEMATICIAN—JACOB—BERNOULLI.
20090609             —NACH—DEM Urteil des ISRAELISCHEN—HISTORIKERS ALEX—CARMEL wurde "kein Ort von der gesamten christlichen Welt so intensiv gefördert wie JERUSALEM in der 2. Hälfte des 18010101—19001231    ".
20090610             —JUMPED, PENNSYLVANIA, 1—CAR fleeing 1—ROBBERY sc20090101             —CURB in PHILADELPHIA, smashed into 1—CROWD and killed 3—YOUNG—CHILDREN.
20090617             —REPORTED, It was, that security researchers at Fin20090101             —VENTURE—FUNDED security company in S—JOSE, have identified 1 sophisticated online network, called GoldenCashworld, that was used for buying and selling access to infected PCs.
20090617             Herauszufinden, wann was wie wo abgeschaltet wird, ist die Herausforderung der Biologie des 20010101—21001231  .
20090617             —ANFANG des 18010101—19001231     hatte der damalige BRITISCHE—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—ISTANBUL, Lord Elgin, die am besten erhaltenen TEILE—DES—PARTHENONS und anderer Denkmäler der Akropolis demontiert und nach ENGLAND gebracht.
20090618             9, S. 92) vergleicht der an der UNIVERSITÄT—VON—STANFORD tätige Forscher das Centru Civic mit der Innenstadt von PARIS nach deren radikaler Umgestaltung durch BARON—HAUSSMANN unter NAPOLEON—III. in der 2. Hälfte des 18010101—19001231  .
20090619             Im 20010101—21001231     darf man hinzufügen: Kann sie auch nicht.
20090619             Entschuldigung für die sogenannten JIM—CROW—GESETZE: Damit sind jene Vorschriften gemeint, in denen die systematische Diskriminierung farbiger USA—BÜRGER —BIS weit ins 19010101—20001231     rechtsverbindlich festgeschrieben war.
20090621             reimte sich im gesamten 19010101—20001231     "Massenmedium" auf "Manipulation", und
20090622             Sie entwarfen in Anlehnung an das Kriegsspiel (im 19010101—20001231     als Tabletops oder Konfliktsimulationen bekannt) Regeln, mit denen Spieler statt einer Truppe eine einzige Figur in einer FANTASY—WELT führen konnten.
20090623             Nahost : Hamas und Fatah...
20090629             "Das Grundgesetz sagt Ja zu Lissabon, verlangt aber auf nationaler Eb20090101             —STÄRKUNG der parlamentarischen Integrationsverantwortung", sagte Vizepräsident ANDREAS—VOSSKUHLE bei der Urteilsverkündung.
20090703             THE—SMART—GRID integrates 20010101—21001231     technology with the 19010101—20001231     power grid.
20090705             —BELIEVED, It is, to date from the 06010101—07001231     AD, and may have belonged to Saxon royalty.
20090706             doch die BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG will ihm nicht vergeben: Posträuber RONNIE—BIGGS, 1—DER—BERÜCHTIGSTEN—VERBRECHER—DES 19010101—20001231    , muss im Gefängnis bleiben.
20090716             Das Machtkonzert aus dem 18010101—19001231     oder die Machtbalance aus dem 19010101—20001231     machen keinen Sinn".
20090729             So wie die Spanier die Indios unterwarfen, so beute im 19010101—20001231     1—UNTERNEHMEN wie die United Fruit Company die Arbeiter auf seinen Bananenplantagen aus.
20090731             —ILLUSTRATED, In this, history, RICARDO—CORTES shows how science, politics, ego, and scandal transformed 1—PUBLIC—HEALTH—INITIATIVE into 1—CENTURY—LONG—MILITARY—CAMPAIGN.
20090811             Die Atrebaten waren 1—VOLKSSTAMM BELGISCHER—HERKUNFT, der sich 1—CENTURY vor Christus im Süden Britanniens breit gemacht hatte.
20090815             as Dutch (and other) merchants learned in the 15010101—16001231    , great wealth can be amassed by KEEPERS—OF—THE—MAP.
20090815             "By the middle of the twelfth, there was 1—WELL—ORGANIZED and WELL—UNDERSTOOD SYSTEM—OF—TALLY cutting at the Exchequer... and the conventions remained unaltered and in continuous use from that time down to the 18010101—19001231    ".
20090818             Sklavenhandel des 20010101—21001231              20090818             Als ADAM—SMITH—MITTE—DES 17010101—18001231     die liberale Marktwirtschaft erfunden hat, hat er gleichzeitig ein dickes Buch über "Die Theorie der ethischen Gefühle" geschrieben.
20090824             —CONFIRMED, TAIWAN—GOVERNMENT, that 292—PEOPLE were killed and 385—MISSING —AFTER Typhoon Morakot struck THE—ISLAND and caused its worst flooding in HALF—1—CENTURY—EARLIER—THIS—MONTH.
20090824             So war Borneo noch in der —MITTE des 18010101—19001231     fast vollständig bewaldet, inzwischen sind es nur noch rund 50 %.
20090824             "Die 1. Levadas wurden von den Portugiesen —BEREITS kurz nach ihrer Ankunft im 14010101—15001231     gebaut", erklärt Leonardo den wissbegierigen Engländern, von denen EINIGE—SEINE—AUSFÜHRUNGEN sogar mitnotieren.
20090829             Vision: To "create and promote 1—SAFE, clean, LIVE—WORK, totally wired community, which showcases the nation`s most historic neighborhood + serves as the financial CAPITAL—OF—THE—WORLD for the 20010101—21001231    ".
20090903—20100101    —CHARGED, Lwin was, for forgery and violation of the foreign currency act.
20090904             "The 19010101—20001231     is the 1—CENTURY for which how much energy we're getting from the Sun is no longer the most important thing governing the temperature of THE—ARCTIC," said ANOTHER—OF—THE—STUDY—TEAM,
20090926             Ziel der aktuellen Maßnahmen im Finanzsektor sei es, "die Ära der Verantwortungslosigkeit zu beenden und 1—REIHE—VON—REGELUNGEN und Reformen umzusetzen, die den Anforderungen der Wirtschaft im 20010101—21001231     gerecht werden", heißt es in dem Dokument.
20090927—20090000    —FOUNDED, He and his wife began collecting art as they, their blue jeans outlet and the Doris and DONALD—FISHER—COLLECTION had become 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—PRIVATE—HOLDINGS—OF—LATE 20. and early 20010101—21001231     art.
20091010             —SIGNED, ARMENIA and TURKEY, 1—DEAL in SWITZERLAND to establish diplomatic ties ending 1—CENTURY—OF—ENMITY.
20091011             —WORKED, JOHN—GRANVILLE, —33—JAHRE—ALT, who, for THE—USA—AGENCY for INTERNATIONAL Development, and his driver, Abdelrahman ABBAS—RAHAMA, —39—JAHRE—ALT, were killed 20080101             .
20091011             —CANONIZED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, 5—NEW saints, including Father Damien, a 18010101—19001231     priest who worked with leprosy patients on 1—HAWAIIAN ISLAND;
20091011             —FOUNDED, Spaniards FRANCISCO—COLL y Guitart, who, 1—ORDER—OF—DOMINICANS in the 18010101—19001231    , and RAFAEL—ARNIAZ—BARON, who renounced 1—AFFLUENT lifestyle at age 22 to live 1—HUMBLE life in 1—STRICT monastery and dedicate himself to prayer;
20091011             Zygmunt Szcezesny Felinski, a 18010101—19001231     POLAND—BISHOP who defended THE—CATHOLIC—FAITH —DURING THE—YEARS—OF—THE—RUSSIA—ANNEXATION;
20091022             His career was built on some 20,000 pies to face and 5,000 live TV appearances across HALF—1—CENTURY.
20091030             —FOLLOWED, The show "Serious Explorers", DAVID—LIVINGSTONE—FAMOUS 18010101—19001231     trek across THE—AFRICA—CONTINENT.
20091102             Der in PUEBLA und MEXIKO—STADT wirkende BISCHOF—JUAN—DE—PALAFOX—MENDOZA habe im 16010101—17001231     festgestellt, dass sich
20091107             The same tribes would bind together to face Roman invaders and would be called Caledonii by Tacitus, the historian, in the 00010101—01001231
20091107             the historian, in the 1—CENTURYâ€" AD.
20091115             —ESTIMATED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT has, that 1—TOTAL—OF—150,000 UK—CHILDREN may have been shipped abroad between 16180000             — —WHEN 1—GROUP was sent to THE—VIRGINIA—COLONY — and 19670000             , MOST—OF—THEM from the late 18010101—19001231     onwards.
20091121             Fast —30—JAHRE lang stieg die Fieberkurve des Planeten steil an: von den siebziger —JAHREN des 19010101—20001231    —BIS ENDE—DER—NEUNZIGER—JAHRE um gemittelte 0,7 Grad Celsius.
20091123—20091201    —MITTE, THE—LIVES—THEY—LIVED: Edward L Bernays and HENRY—C—ROGERS;THE—FATHERS—OF—PR—BY—NEAL—GABLER Published: —SUNDAY, 19951231             des 15010101—16001231     beschließt das Konzil von Trient, dass es Katholiken an Freitagen nicht mehr erlaubt ist, Fleisch, Milch oder Eier zu verzehren.
20091201             —MITTE des 15010101—16001231     beschließt das Konzil von Trient, dass es Katholiken an Freitagen nicht mehr erlaubt ist, Fleisch, Milch oder Eier zu verzehren.
20091202             um für ihre Freiheit im 20010101—21001231     zu kämpfen.
20091202             Der Roman will junge Menschen dazu ermutigen, sich Kontrolle über die Technik zu verschaffen, um für ihre Freiheit im 20010101—21001231     zu kämpfen.
20091203             —INCREASED, Ambient ocean noise has, by more than 12—DECIBELS —SINCE the mid-19010101—20001231  .
20091203             Der Kampf gegen Plagiate ist 1—SCHEINGEFECHT, das vom eigentlichen Problem nur ablenkt: Dass endlich ein tragfähiges Geschäftsmodell für die Finanzierung von Journalismus im 20010101—21001231     her muss.
20091208             The tentative settlement would resolve a —13—YEAR—OLD—LAWSUIT over HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—LAND—TRUST—ACCOUNTS that date to the 18010101—19001231  .
20091216—20090101    —ON, BANK—OF—AMERICA—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS chose banking CHIEF—BRIAN—MOYNIHAN to replace KEN—LEWIS as CEO.
20100101             —ABOUT 15—NEW—HAMPSHIRE gay couples braved the cold to exchange vows outside the Statehouse in CONCORD, as THE—STATE—JOINED—CONNECTICUT, IOWA, MASSACHUSETTS and VERMONT in allowing gay marriage.
20100101             —PASSED, In the Rose Bowl at PASADENA Terrelle Pryor, for 1—CAREER—HIGH—266—YARDS and 2—TOUCHDOWNS, rushed for 72—MORE and threw a 17-yard scoring pass to DeVier Posey with 7:02 to play, leading THE—NUMBER 8—BUCKEYES to a 26—17—VICTORY over NUMBER 7—OREGON.
20100101             † DAMON—MARTIN, —35—JAHRE—ALT—OF—DETROIT was shot and killed in HAMPTON—GEORGIA—RAP music producer DEMETRIUS—LEE—STEWART, —28—JAHRE—ALT, aka Shawnty Redd, was arrested for the murder.
20100101             FLORIDA, 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—YOUNG—IMMIGRANTS began a 1,500 march to WASHINGTON, DC, to urge PRESIDENT—OBAMA to issue 1—TEMPORARY reprieve  from deportation for MILLIONS—OF—YOUNG—IMMIGRANTS.
20100101             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 5—CIVILIANS were, —WHEN their vehicle hit 1—BOMB on 1—MAIN—ROAD in Bala Murghab DISTRICT—IN—THE—NORTH—PROVINCE—OF—BADGHIS.
20100101             At least 4—SECURITY—GUARDS for 1—ROAD—CONSTRUCTION crew were killed —WHEN their vehicle was hit by 1—ROADSIDE bomb in THE—NORTH—PART—OF—KHOST province.
20100101             —REPORTED, It was, that AUSTRALIA—RESEARCHERS have cracked the genetic origin of the deadly cancer that is threatening to wipe out Tasmanian devils, raising hopes that the animal's future is safe.
20100101             SOUTH—WEST—BANGLADESH, 1—SPEEDING bus lost control and hit 1—TREE—BEFORE crashing into 1—CANAL, killing 18—PEOPLE and injuring dozens.
20100101             —COLLAPSED, BRAZIL, 1—RAIN—LOOSENED slab of hillside, on 3—HOUSES and 1—UPSCALE lodge —AFTER New —YEAR celebrations at 1—RESORT on THE—ISLAND—OF—ILHA—GRANDE near RIO—DE—JANEIRO, killing at least 26—PEOPLE.
20100101             —CASCADED, On the mainland, 1—TORRENT of reddish mud, into the Carioca slum in the nearby coastal CITY—OF—ANGRA—DOS—REIS, killing at least 18—PEOPLE and reducing rickety shacks to rubble.
20100101             † 10—PEOPLE in SAO—PAULO state.
20100101             † 3—PEOPLE in Minas Gerais as heavy rains triggered flooding and landslides.
20100101             —REPORTED, Nearly 80—OTHER mudslides have been, —THROUGHOUT the region in recent days.
20100101             —KILLED, Together with flooding, they have, at least 76—PEOPLE.
20100101             —RETURNED, BRITAIN, THE—VAT, to 17.5% —AFTER—13—MONTHS in which it was reduced to 15% to help combat the economic downturn.
20100101             —CALLED, CHAD—PRESIDENT—IDRISS—DEBY—ITNO, on rebel forces in the troubled CENTRAL—AFRICA—NATION to lay down their weapons, saying constant conflict was hindering development.
20100101             CHINA—STATE—MEDIA said authorities have shut down 1—DAIRY in SHANGHAI and arrested 3—OF—ITS—EXECUTIVES—AFTER tests found SOME—OF—ITS—MILK—PRODUCTS were tainted with the same industrial chemical at the center of 1—MILK—SAFETY—SCANDAL—MORE than —1—YEAR—AGO.
20100101             —SCRAPPED, THE—6—RICHEST—MEMBERS, tariffs on 90—PERCENT—OF—GOODS.
20100101             —DISTRIBUTED, COLOMBIA, 1—NEW—YEAR—EVE dessert, to the homeless in BOGOTA—EL—CALVARIO neighborhood, contained ground glass and poison that caused 1—DEATH and sickened 44—OTHERS.
20100101             —KILLED, Air and ground assaults on 2—REBEL—CAMPS, 18—INSURGENTS and captured 13, 112—MILES—SOUTH—OF—BOGOTA.
20100101             1—ATTACK by guerrillas 1—FEW hours —EARLIER killed 1—SOLDIER and 1—TEENAGE—GIRL at 1—BOARDINGHOUSE 164—MILES—SOUTH—WEST—OF—BOGOTA.
20100101             1—CONGO—ARMY—OFFICER said the Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO forces are to mount 1—NEW—OFFENSIVE against RWANDA—HUTU rebels in THE—EAST—OF—THE—COUNTRY with THE—BACKING—OF—UN—TROOPS.
20100101             THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—REP. liberalized drug laws went into effect.
20100101             —INTENDED, Those caught with small AMOUNTS—OF—DRUGS, for personal use faced only 1—FINE.
20100101             —ARMED, DENMARK, Muhudiin MOHAMED—GEELE, —29—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SOMALIA—MAN, with 1—AXE and SUSPECTED—OF—LINKS with al Qaeda, broke into the home of KURT—WESTERGAARD, —74—JAHRE—ALT, 1—DENMARK—CARTOONIST, whose drawings of the Prophet Mohammad caused global Muslim outrage.
20100101             The attacker, who was shot and wounded by police, was charged the —NEXT—DAY with 2—COUNTS—OF attempted murder.
20100101             —SENTENCED, The —NEXT—DAY he was, to —9—YEARS in prison to be followed by permanent expulsion.
20100101             DUBAI, 1—UK—WOMAN, —23—JAHRE—ALT told police she had been raped the previous —EVENING by 1—WAITER at a 5-star hotel.
20100101             —ARRESTED, Police, her —AFTER she revealed —DURING questioning that she had drunk alcohol and had sex with her fiance, with whom she was on holiday.
20100101             GERMANY, 1—TECHNICAL—PROBLEM left card holders unable to use cash machines.
20100101             —CAUSED, It was, by microchips in about 1—QUARTER—OF—ALL—CARDS in circulation being unable to cope with the changeover to 20100000             .
20100101             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—HONG—KONG residents, to THE—CHINA—GOVERNMENT—LIAISON office demanding that BEIJING grant full democracy to the semiautonomous financial hub.
20100101             IRAN, a shootout with drug smugglers in an eastern desert region left 11—POLICEMEN dead.
20100101             † In IRAQ 1—USA—SOLDIER—OF—INJURIES unrelated to combat.
20100101             IRELAND, 1—NEW—LAW against blasphemy went into effect.
20100101             It was already 1—CRIMINAL—OFFENSE under the country's 19370000             constitution, but the language was too murky to make prosecutions feasible.
20100101             —BORED, JAPAN, 1—ROBBER, 1—HOLE through the wall of jewelry shop and walked off with about 200—LUXURY watches worth 300—MILLION yen ($3.2—MILLION) in TOKYO—UPSCALE Ginza district.
20100101             —ARRESTED, On 20100107—20100108     3—MEN and 3—WOMEN were, in HONG—KONG in connection with the jewelry heist.
20100101             —MAILED, Police suspect many of the watches were, from JAPAN to HONG—KONG, with SOME—THEN sent to mainland CHINA.
20100101             —ARRESTED, MALAYSIA—ISLAMIC—MORALITY—POLICE, 52 unmarried couples for sexual misconduct —FOLLOWING raids in hotel rooms on New —YEAR—DAY.
20100101             —EXPECTED, The detained couples were, to be charged with khalwat (close proximity), and faced 1—MAXIMUM—PENALTY—OF—2—YEARS in prison and 1—FINE.
20100101             —KILLED, MEXICO, gunmen, Jesus Escalante, THE—CHIEF—POLICE—INVESTIGATOR in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—SINALOA, hours —AFTER he started investigating the kidnapping of JOSE—LUIS—ROMERO, —40—JAHRE—ALT, 1—LOCAL—RADIO—JOURNALIST.
20100101             —OPENED, MEXICO, the New —YEAR with 69—MURDERS in —1—DAY, including 26 in the border CITY—OF—CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
20100101             —RELATED, MEXICO—DRUG, killings for 20090000             totaled over 6,500.
20100101             —CALLED, NORTH—KOREA, for 1—END—OF—HOSTILE—RELATIONS with THE—USA in 1—NEW—YEAR—MESSAGE and said it was committed to making the Korean peninsula NUCLEAR—FREE through negotiations.
20100101             NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER set off 1—EXPLOSIVES—LADEN vehicle on 1—FIELD —DURING 1—VOLLEYBALL tournament in Lakki Marwat city, killing 101—PEOPLE and wounding more than 70. 1—SUSPECTED—USA—MISSILE struck 1—CAR carrying alleged militants in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN tribal region, killing 3—MEN.
20100101             KARACHI, the country's largest city, came to 1—VIRTUAL standstill —AFTER religious and political leaders called for 1—GENERAL—STRIKE to protest a 20101228             bombing that killed 44—PEOPLE and subsequent riots.
20100101             1—ROADSIDE bomb exploded near 1—CAR in the Bajur tribal region, killing 1—ANTI—TALIBAN tribal elder and 5—OF—HIS—FAMILY—MEMBERS.
20100101             1—LOCAL—TALIBAN COMMANDER and his 4—COMPANIONS were killed in 1—EXCHANGE—OF—FIRE with troops in Kolachi village, 25—KM (16—MILES) WEST—OF—THE—NORTH—WEST—TOWN—OF—DERA—ISMAIL—KHAN.
20100101             —ERUPTED, PERU, 1—RIOT by about 500—INMATES, New —YEAR—EVE at 1—NORTHERN—PRISON and left 2—INMATES—DEAD.
20100101             6—GUARDS were held hostage —UNTIL negotiations got the prisoners to end their protest.
20100101             THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT 20100901             —MINIMUM—PRICE for vodka that more than doubles the cost of the cheapest vodka on the market in 1—EFFORT to fight rampant alcoholism.
20100101             —HIJACKED, SOMALIA—PIRATES, 1—BRITISH—FLAGGED cargo ship, THE—ASIA—GLORY, with 25—CREW including 8—BULGARIANS, 620—MILES (1,000 km) EAST—OF—SOMALIA.
20100101             It was transporting cars from SINGAPORE to Jeddah in SAUDI—ARABIA.
20100101             THE—SINGAPOREAN—FLAGGED Pramoni, 1—CHEMICAL—TANKER with 1—CREW—OF—24, was seized by pirates in the heavily defended Gulf of ADEN.
20100101             The ship was carrying fertilizer from THE—USA—TO—INDIA.
20100101             SPAIN took over the presidency of THE—EU, with PRIME—MINISTER—JOSE—LUIS—RODRIGUEZ—ZAPATERO promising to work to end the continent's economic crisis.
20100101             —KILLED, UGANDA—TROOPS, Bok Abudema, 1—LEADER—OF—THE—LORD—RESISTANCE—ARMY, effectively the number 2—OF—THE—BRUTAL militia, in THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC.
20100101             † JAWAHER—ABU—RAHMA, —36—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PALESTINE—WOMAN, —1—DAY—AFTER allegedly inhaling massive amounts of tear gas fired by THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY at 1—WEST—BANK—DEMONSTRATION.
20100101             —IN, 13,186—PEOPLE † in TERRORIST—ATTACKS—WORLDWIDE, —WHILE 31,672—PEOPLE were killed with firearms in AMERICA ALONE, reports CNN—SAMUEL—BURKE.
20100101—20100108    —ON, retailers announced that the problem was mostly corrected.
20100101—20100120    —ON, ISRAEL—MILITARY said Rahma was THE—VICTIM—OF—1—MEDICAL—ERROR and was not killed by tear gas.
20100101—20100226    —RELEASED, THE—PRAMONI was, —AFTER 1—RANSOM was delivered by parachute.
20100101—20110203    —ON, Geele was CONVICTED—OF—TERRORISM.
20100101—20150000    —UNTIL, THE—4—POOREST (VIETNAM, CAMBODIA, LAOS—MYANMAR) will not need to cut tariffs to the same level.
20100130             Sadeh was the national festival of ancient Persia —WHEN Zoroastrianism was the dominant religion, —BEFORE THE—CONQUEST—OF—ISLAM in the 06010101—07001231  .
20100219             MOROCCO, the minaret of the 17010101—18001231     Bab Berdieyinne mosque collapsed in THE—CITY—OF—MEKNES, killing 41—PEOPLE and injuring 76—OTHERS.
20100219             —APPROVED, Sainthood was also, for STANISLAW—SOLTYS, a 14010101—15001231     POLAND—PRIEST;
20100223             The cut, which took effect 20100101             , was PART—OF—1—WIDER—LAW intended to punish former officials and security agents for supporting the communist regime.
20100429             He was perhaps the best painter from life in the last DECADES—OF—THE 19010101—20001231  .
20100507             —STARTED, As soon as their music, to build 1—FOLLOWING in the Northeast, their manager came up with the name the Highwaymen, 1—NOD to the early 19010101—20001231     poem by ALFRED—NOYES.
20100522             POLAND, NICOLAUS—COPERNICUS (14730000—15430000    ), the 15010101—16001231     astronomer whose findings were condemned by THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH as heretical, was reburied by POLAND—PRIESTS as 1—HERO, nearly —500—YEARS—AFTER he was laid to rest in 1 unmarked grave.
20100525             —BIS zu Beginn des 19010101—20001231     war Design das, was Ingenieure taten.
20100525             Im 19010101—20001231     entwickelte sich dann 1—ABWEICHUNG von diesem Modell, Design wurde zum MARKETING—INSTRUMENT.
20100607             —SIGNED, TURKEY and AZERBAI20100101             —LONG—AWAITED deal on THE—TRANSIT—OF—GAS to EUROPE seen as crucial to plans to reduce the continent's dependence on RUSSIA—GAS.
20100627             JUNTA—RULED GUINEA held its 1. free election —SINCE INDEPENDENCE more than HALF—1—CENTURY 20100801             —HISTORIC—VOTE laden with hope the bedraggled WEST—AFRICA—NATION will finally end DECADES—OF—HARSH—MILITARY—RULE and launch 1—NEW—DEMOCRATIC—ERA.
20100712             —DISCOVERED, ISRAEL—ARCHAEOLOGISTS said 1—NEWLY, clay fragment from the 13010101—14001231     BC is the oldest example of writing ever found in ANTIQUITY—RICH—JERUSALEM.
20100713             —BELIEVED, The shipwreck was, to be from the early 18010101—19001231  .
20100801             The other new sites include the historic monuments of Dengfeng in CHINA, the archaeological site Sarazm in TAJIKISTAN, the Episcopal CITY—OF—ALBI in FRANCE and a 16010101—17001231     canal ring in AMSTERDAM.
20100806             —STAGED, SWEDEN, 1—GANG—OF thieves, 1—REMARKABLE—BREAK—IN near THE—SWEDEN—ROYAL—FAMILY—RESIDENCE in STOCKHOLM, smashing display cases at 1—HISTORIC 17010101—18001231     CHINESE—STYLE landmark and getting away with artifacts that police called potentially priceless.
20101016             The $45—MILLION tramway links the highway from THE—CAPITAL—OF—YEREVAN with the 08010101—09001231     Tatev Monastery.
20101017             —PROCLAIMED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, AUSTRALIA—1. saint, canonizing MARY—MACKILLOP (18420000—19090000    ), a 18010101—19001231     —NUN.
20101022             The documents date from the start of 20040000             to 20100101             .
20101030             —SEPARATED, HUNDREDS—OF—NORTH and SOUTH—KOREA—FAMILY—MEMBERS, for more than HALF—1—CENTURY by the Korean War embraced EACH—OTHER in tearful reunions.
20101107             —THWARTED, Complex rules for the election, ANY—CHANCE—OF—1—PRO—DEMOCRACY—UPSET as MYANMAR ended HALF—1—CENTURY—OF—DIRECT—ARMY—RULE.
20101111             BRITAIN, an 17010101—18001231     CHINA—PORCELAIN vase, sold by 1—FAMILY clearing out 1 deceased relative's house in 1—SUBURB—OF—LONDON, went to 1—CHINA—BUYER for 51.6—MILLION—POUNDS ($83—MILLION), more than 40—TIMES THE—PRE—SALE estimate and 1—RECORD for 1—CHINA—WORK—OF—ART.
20101129             —COMPLIED, TURKEY, with 1—EUROPEAN—COURT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS ruling and returned a 18010101—19001231     orphanage to the Ecumenical Patriarchate in ISTANBUL, the center of Orthodox Christianity —AROUND the world.
20101202             —DEVASTATED, Some of the worst floods in 1—CENTURY, parts of the Balkans.
20101229             CUBA—OFFICIAL—GAZETTE said that effective 20100101             , personal cleanliness products will be cut from ration books that islanders have come to rely on as PART—OF—1—SMALL—SUPPLY—OF—BASIC—GOODS.
20110101             Als 17. Land der Eurozone führt ESTLAND den Euro ein.
20110101             Auf Bonaire, Saba und Sint Eustatius wird der USA—DOLLAR an Stelle des ANTILLEN—GULDENS als Zahlungsmittel eingeführt.
20110101             Dilma Rousseff als Staatspräsidentin von BRASILIEN und 1. Frau in diesem Amt.
20110101             —LAUNCHED, THE—OPRAH—WINFREY—NETWORK (OWN), on cable TV.
20110101             1—NEW—POLICY in USA Medicare became effective and began covering doctor costs for patient END—OF—LIFE counseling.
20110101             —FACED, THE—REPUBLICAN, 1—STATE—DEFICIT—OF up to $1.8—BILLION.
20110101             —INAUGURATED, Republican Susana Martinez (51) was, as the 1. female GOVERNOR—OF—NEW—MEXICO.
20110101             —INAUGURATED, Democrat ANDREW—CUOMO, —53—JAHRE—ALT was, the 56. GOVERNOR—OF—NEW—YORK.
20110101             † In ARKANSAS some 3,000 RED—WINGED blackbirds and fell from the sky over a 1-mile AREA—OF—BEEBE.
20110101             THE—ARKANSAS—GAME and Fish Commission said that it began receiving reports about the dead birds about 11:30 p.m. the previous night.
20110101             OHIO, sheriff's deputy SUZANNE—HOPPER (40) was shot dead as she tried to photograph 1—FOOTPRINT at 1—TRAILER park in Enon.
20110101             † MICHAEL—FERRYMAN, —57—JAHRE—ALT, the suspected shooter, in 1—GUNBATTLE with police.
20110101             Queensland Treasurer ANDREW—FRASER told reporters in the flooded CITY—OF—BUNDABERG that  the flood disaster was of biblical proportions.
20110101             —SWAMPED, DAYS—OF—DRIVING rain —LAST—WEEK, NORTH—EAST—AUSTRALIA, with —AROUND 200,000—PEOPLE affected by floodwaters in 1—AREA—LARGER than FRANCE and GERMANY combined.
20110101             BRAZIL—1. female PRESIDENT, Dilma Rousseff, took CONTROL—OF—LATIN—AMERICA—BIGGEST economy from outgoing popular leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in 1—TRIUMPHANT handover ceremony.
20110101             —CALLED, Rousseff, for 1—OVERHAUL—OF—THE—TAX—CODE in her inaugural speech —BEFORE Congress.
20110101             —RAPED, CONGODRC, at least 67—WOMEN were, in South and NORTH—KIVU provinces, including 1—TEEN—AGER and 2—PREGNANT—WOMEN.
20110101             —FOLLOWED, The arrest, the detention of 10—OTHER—SOLDIERS—EARLIER in the —WEEK.
20110101             —CAUSED, ENGLAND, rioting inmates, heavy damage to Ford open prison, smashing windows and setting fires that engulfed buildings and spewed clouds of black smoke.
20110101             EGYPT, 1—POWERFUL—BOMB, possibly from 1—SUICIDE attacker, exploded in front of 1—COPTIC—CHRISTIAN church in ALEXANDRIA as 1—CROWD—OF worshippers emerged from 1—NEW—YEARS—MASS, killing at least 21—PEOPLE and wounding nearly 80. THE—GAZA—BASED Army of Islam was —LATER said to be behind the planning and EXECUTION—OF—THE—ATTACK.
20110101             —SPARKED, The attack, —3—DAYS—OF—CHRISTIAN rioting in CAIRO and several other cities.
20110101             —BECAME, ESTONIA, the 1. FORMER—SOVIET—REPUBLIC to join the euro, EUROPE—COMMON—CURRENCY.
20110101             The new European External Action Service (EEAS) came into being.
20110101             HUNGARY, 1—NEW—MEDIA—LAW went into effect the same —DAY HUNGARY took over the rotating EU presidency from BELGIUM.
20110101             —EXPANDED, The law greatly, the state's power to monitor and penalize private news outlets, including on THE—INTERNET.
20110101             —DEEMED, Publications, to be unbalanced or offensive in their coverage could face large fines.
20110101             —RELEASED, INDIA, separatist leader Arabinda Rajkhowa (54) was, on bail, and said he was committed to peace talks with THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT to end his group's —30—YEAR—INSURGENCY in THE—NORTH—EAST—STATE—OF—ASSAM.
20110101             —FIRED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—AHMADINEJAD, 14—ADVISERS as PART—OF—1—ONGOING—SHAKE—UP of his administration.
20110101             4—KIDNAPPERS were put to death in ZAHEDAN prison in the volatile border PROVINCE—OF—SISTAN—BALUCHESTAN.
20110101             8 convicted drug smugglers were also executed —THIS—WEEK.
20110101             ITALY, 1—OF—THE—TOP—USERS—OF—PLASTIC shopping bags in EUROPE, began banning them.
20110101             —WARNED—OF, Retailers, chaos as MANY—STORES braced for the switch.
20110101             —CONTRACTED, As 1—RESULT the population, by 123,000—PEOPLE, which was the most ever and the 4. consecutive —YEAR—OF—DECLINE.
20110101             JAPAN—WHALERS shot water cannons at ANTI—WHALING activists, hours —AFTER the activists tracked down the hunting fleet in the remote and icy seas off ANTARCTICA.
20110101             —SIGNED, PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—ZARDARI, the 19. amendment to the constitution giving judges 1—FREER—HAND in making judicial appointments.
20110101             —SUSPECTED, PAKISTAN, USA—DRONE—AIRCRAFT—STRIKES killed 15—MUSLIM militants in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, suggesting there will no letup —THIS—YEAR in 1—CAMPAIGN—WASHINGTON says is hurting al QAEDA—LINKED groups.
20110101             —ATTACKED, PUERTO—RICO—JUSTINO—SANCHEZ—DIAZ, (48), his family with gasoline and 1—BLOWTORCH.
20110101             † 2—OF—HIS—VICTIMS soon, from their wounds and Diaz was charged with murder.
20110101             —CONVICTED—OF, —IN—SEPTEMBER Diaz was, killing 6—PEOPLE and was sentenced to —198—YEARS in prison.
20110101             1—RUSSIA—PASSENGER—JET carrying 124—PEOPLE caught fire as it taxied down 1—SNOWY runway and then exploded at 1—SIBERIAN airport, killing 3—PEOPLE and injuring 43, including 6—WHO were badly burned.
20110101             —INCLUDED, The crew, 17—ALGERIANS, 6—UKRAINIANS including THE—CAPTAIN, 2—FILIPINOS, 1—INDONESIAN and 1—JORDANIAN.
20110101             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 10—PEOPLE were, in 1—STAMPEDE —DURING THE—EARLY—HOURS—OF—NEW—YEAR—DAY at 1—TAVERN in the Ipelegeng township in the largely rural NORTH—WEST—PROVINCE.
20110101             —CONFIRMED, SOUTH—KOREA, 1—OF 5—WILD ducks found dead —THIS—WEEK was, to have been infected with 1—LETHAL STRAIN—OF—THE—BIRD—FLU—VIRUS, its 1. outbreak in over —2—YEARS.
20110101             —KILLED, SOUTH—THAILAND, 2—BOMB—DISPOSAL—POLICEMEN were, and 9—OTHER—PEOPLE wounded in 1—BLAST—AFTER WARNINGS—OF—NEW—YEAR—VIOLENCE in the restive region.
20110101             —AGREED, YEMEN—PARLIAMENT, in principle to make constitutional amendments that could see PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH rule for life, and will hold 1—FORMAL—VOTE on the matter —LATER—THIS—YEAR.
20110101             —LAUNCHED, NATO, 9,700 "strike sorties"against LIBYA, of which more than a 3. were aimed at CIVIL—TARGETS.
20110101—20010911    —BIS—SEIT—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN—VON, IN—DEN—USA 250.000—TOTE durch SCHUß—WAFFEN gab es
20110101—20100000    —LOGGED, JAPAN said it has, 1.19—MILLION—DEATHS, the biggest number 19470000             —SINCE—WHEN the health ministry's annual records began.
20110101—20101231    —FROM, at least 47—WOMEN were subjected to rape and other sexual assaults, to 20110101             in 1 isolated and mountainous AREA—OF—NORTH—KIVU province.
20110101—20110104    —ON, THE—MOTHER—OF—DIAZ and Jesus Sanchez 4. † of their injuries.
20110101—20110106    —ENGAGED, Kate Donahue (25) of SEATTLE, who was, to Sanchez, † of her injuries.
20110101—20110121    —ARRESTED, CONGO, LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—KIBIBI—MUTWARA, 1—SENIOR—ARMY—COMMANDER accused of ordering the rapes in Fizi.
20110101—20110129    —INDUCED, Nereida Vazquez, who had been in 1, coma —FOR—WEEKS, † of 1—LUNG infection brought on by her injuries.
20110101—20110722    —ON, 1—UN—REPORT said investigators found
20110101—20111012    —ANNOUNCED, ALGERIA, that pirates have released 2—OF—THE—SHIP—27—CREWMEN on humanitarian grounds.
20110101—20111103    —RELEASED, THE—MV—BLIDA was, —AFTER 1—BAG—FULL—OF—MONEY was parachuted down to the pirates from 1—PLANE.
20110108—20110101    —SINCE, 1—ITALY—ASSOCIATION for bird protection said that over 700—DEAD—BIRDS have been picked up from THE—STREETS—OF—FAENZA, about 30—MILES (50—KM) SOUTH—EAST—OF—BOLOGNA.
20110109             —HALTED, Local authorities, its construction on grounds that it was built on 1—HISTORIC—MILITARY—SITE, Timur Pasha emplacement, used to defend the city in the 15010101—16001231  .
20110116—20110101    —SINCE, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CAMPAIGN for Human Rights said IRAN has hanged at least 47—PRISONERS.
20110119—20120101    —ON, THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT will start issuing universal ID cards (RUSSIA—ORIGINAL) that will replace current national identification system (RUSSIA has 1—SYSTEM—OF—INTERNAL—PASSPORTS), medical insurance cards, student IDs, public transport passes, and debit cards.
20110119—20120101    The smart card contains unique personal identifiers and allows for multiple LEVELS—OF—AUTHENTICATION.
20110119—20120101    THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT is pushing for local government agencies, transportation providers, banks and retail operators to adopt THE—GOVERNMENT—ISSUED ID to streamline their operations".
20110124             doch vom 6. —BIS ins 07010101—08001231     beherrschte es das größte Handelsimperium Asiens.
20110124             Das ostiranische Volk hat zwar nie eine politische Einheit gezimmert, geschweige denn 1—REICH errichtet, doch vom 6. —BIS ins 07010101—08001231     beherrschte es das größte Handelsimperium Asiens.
20110125             Habib EL—ADLY said the suspects had been into custody —BEFORE 20110101             .
20110131             sich auf das 20010101—21001231     einzulassen.
20110131             —FRUSTRIERT, Jung, zu allem bereit TUNESIEN, ÄGYPTEN, JEMEN: Die arabischen Herrscher haben sich nur mit dem Machterhalt beschäftigt und versäumt, sich auf das 20010101—21001231     einzulassen.
20110204             —EXCHANGED, Cambodian and THAILAND—SOLDIERS, heavy fire on THE—2—COUNTRIES' shared border near the 10010101—11001231     Preah Vihear temple killing 1—SOLDIER and 1—CIVILIAN, as tensions between the neighbors boiled over.
20110204             —LAUNCHED, European leaders, 1—TRILLION—EURO—BID to slash dependency on MIDDLE—EAST—OIL and RUSSIA—GAS, clearing the way to place nuclear power at the center of 20010101—21001231     needs.
20110206             —DAMAGED, THE—CAMBODIA—GOVERNMENT said part of an 10010101—11001231     temple was, by THE—THAILAND—ARMY as THE—2—SIDES exchanged artillery and mortar fire across their disputed border, shattering 1—SHAKY—CEASE—FIRE and escalating tensions.
20110207             Das hinduistische Bauwerk aus dem 10010101—11001231     zählt neben Angkor Wat zu den schönsten Tempelanlagen ganz Südostasiens.
20110209             zu Beginn des 20010101—21001231              20110209             Tatsächlich kann man den gesellschaftlichen Wert des Idioten zu Beginn des 20010101—21001231     nicht hoch genug einschätzen.
20110212134701       Soon —AFTER their introduction in the 18010101—19001231    , it became apparent chrome yellow paint would degrade under sunlight.
20110213             MACEDONIA, ethnic clashes, mainly Muslim ethnic Albanians and orthodox Christians, broke out at the historic KALE—FORTRESS in 1—DISPUTE over 1—NEW—STRUCTURE being built on the foundations of a 12010101—13001231     church.
20110216             —PLANNED, GOVERNOR—NEIL—ABERCROMBIE, to sign it and civil unions would begin 20120101             .
20110701             —SIGNED, CONNECTICUT GOVERNOR—DANNEL—MALLOY'S, Public Act NUMBER 11-52 ("1—ACT—MANDATING—EMPLOYERS—PROVIDE—PAID—SICK—LEAVE to Employees"), making CONNECTICUT the 1. and  only state  in  the nation to require employers, with 50 or more employees, to provide paid sick leave to their employees effective 20120101             .
20110702             INDIA, reports 1. came out of 1—TREASURE trove found in the underground vaults of 1—TEMPLE in the 15010101—16001231     Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple in SOUTH—KERALA state.
20110706             SANTIAGO—DE—COMPOSTELA, SPAIN, the 11010101—12001231     Calixtinus Codex was reported missing from 1—STRONGBOX in the cathedral's archive room.
20110725             —LURED, TAIWAN—MAJOR—GENERAL—LO—HSIEN—CHE, —51—JAHRE—ALT, by 1—HONEY trap into spying for CHINA, was sentenced to life in prison by 1—MILITARY—HIGH—COURT, in 1—OF—THE—ISLAND—WORST—ESPIONAGE—CASES for HALF—1—CENTURY.
20110728             —REPORTED, Scientists, that they have found 1—SINGLE gene responsible for 1—DISEASE called the Proteus syndrome, believed to been responsible for the disfigured "Elephant Man," who toured EUROPE in the 18010101—19001231  .
20110818             USA—MORTGAGE—RATES fell the lowest rate in more than HALF—1—CENTURY as the average rate for a —30—YEAR fixed loan dropped to 4.15%.
20110820             SPAIN, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA said he would confer 1—OF—THE—CATHOLIC—CHURCH—HIGHEST honors on S—JOHN—OF—AVILA, 1—INFLUENTIAL 15010101—16001231     SPAIN—SAINT, making 1—SURPRISE—ANNOUNCEMENT —DURING 1—MASS at the church's world youth festival.
20110925             1—REGIONAL—BAN on the bloody pastime takes effect 20120101             .
20110930             NAMIBIA—TRIBAL—LEADERS took possession of the skulls of 20—OF—THEIR countrymen, taken by GERMANY—COLONIAL—FORCES—MORE than 1—CENTURY ago for racial experiments.
20111004             NAMIBIA, 20—SKULLS, taken by GERMANY—COLONIAL—FORCES—MORE than 1—CENTURY ago, returned to WINDHOEK with military honours to be laid in STATE—AT—PARLIAMENT.
20111016             —PURSUED, She had tenaciously, 1—LAWSUIT that accused THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—OF cheating USA—INDIANS out of more than 1—CENTURY—WORTH of royalties.
20111023             Named were 3 18010101—19001231     founders of religious orders: ITALY—BISHOP and missionary Monsignor GUIDO—MARIA—CONFORTI, SPAIN—NUN Sister Bonifacia Rodriguez de Castro and REVEREND—LUIGI—GUANELLA 1—ITALY—PRIEST who worked with the poor.
20111024             —NAMED, IRELAND's U2 were, as the greatest rock BAND—OF—THE—PAST—QUARTER—OF—1—CENTURY by READERS—OF—MUSIC—MAGAZINE Q. CHART—TOPPING act Adele was 1—DOUBLE winner at the event, landing the prizes for best female and best track for her hit Rolling In THE—DEEP.
20111025             —SUCCEED, IBM said VIRGINIA Rometty (54) will, SAM—PALMISANO as CHIEF executive officer effective 20110101             .
20111103—20110101    —SEIZED, THE—BLIDA was.
20111106             The death toll from THAILAND—WORST—FLOODS in HALF—1—CENTURY climbed past 500, as advancing pools of polluted black water threatened BANGKOK—SUBWAY—SYSTEM and new evacuations were ordered in the sprawling capital.
20111108             —VOTED, GEORGIA voters in 105—OF—127, to end 1—CENTURY—OLD—BAN on the sale of alcohol on Sundays.
20111123             —FAMED, His, 19730000             tower hotel, which also serves as 1—TELEVISION transmitter on the nearby Jested mountain was named the most significant CZECH—REPUBLIC—BUILDING of the 19010101—20001231  .
20111213             —APPROVED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, 7—NEW saints for the Catholic Church, including HAWAII—MOTHER—MARIANNE and a 16010101—17001231     Native American, CATERINA—TEKAKWITHA.
20111216—20120101    —ON, his brother said Gao has been imprisoned in Shaya prison in the far WEST—REGION—OF—XINJIANG.
20111219             The class action against Grunenthal is open to Australians born between 19580101             , and 19701231             , who were injured —AFTER their mothers took thalidomide —WHILE pregnant.
20111222—20110101    —DISMISSED, BAHRAIN—OFFICIAL—NEWS—AGENCY said 79—EDUCATION—MINISTRY—EMPLOYEES who were, from their jobs —DURING MONTHS—OF—PROTESTS will get their jobs back.
20111223             Most historians contend the Ottoman killings of up to 1.5—MILLION—ARMENIANS constituted the 1. genocide of the 19010101—20001231  .
20111226—20120101    —ON, police officers EDWARD—GIBSON, SHAUN—GANNESS and Ruddy Felix were also arrested and charged in the beating death.
20120101             Der Karibische Gulden wird auf Curaçao und Sint Maarten eingeführt und löst die bisherige Währung ANTILLEN—GULDEN ab.
20120101             die neue Verfassung von UNGARN.
20120101             The minimum wage in S—FRANCISCO rose 32—CENTS to $10.24 an —HOUR.
20120101             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 1—APPARENT—MURDER—SUICIDE left 4—PEOPLE—DEAD, 3—MEN and 1—WOMAN, in Coronado.
20120101             2—OF—THE—DEAD were F/A—18—PILOTS training at THE—USA—MARINE—CORPS—AIR—STATION—MIRAMAR.
20120101             Navy pilot ROBERT—REEVES, —25—JAHRE—ALT shot DAVID—REIS, —25—JAHRE—ALT, Reis' sister Karen Reis and MATTHEW—SATURLEY, —31—JAHRE—ALT—BEFORE shooting himself.
20120101             —REPORTED, Reeves was —LATER, to have had a.16 blood alcohol content.
20120101             MOUNT—RAINIER National Park ranger MARGARET—ANDERSON, —34—JAHRE—ALT was fatally shot —FOLLOWING 1—ROUTINE traffic stop, and authorities closed THE—368—SQUARE—MILE (953—SQUARE—KM) park in WASHINGTON state as they searched for the gunman.
20120101             AS—OF—TODAY THE—EU began billing all the world's airlines for the carbon emissions into and out of THE—EU.
20120101             AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—KARZAI along with USA embassy officials met 1—DELEGATION from HEZB—I—ISLAMI, AFGHANISTAN—2. largest militant group led by FORMER—AFGHANISTAN—PRIME—MINISTER—GULBUDDIN—HEKMATYAR.
20120101             1—ARAB—LEAGUE—ADVISORY—BODY called for the immediate WITHDRAWAL—OF—THE—BLOC—OBSERVERS from Syria saying their presence was having no impact on the government's deadly crackdown on protests.
20120101             —SHOWED, YouTube videos circulating on THE—INTERNET, protesters across Syria welcoming 20120000             in with fireworks and holding up signs pledging "Freedom for Life" and denouncing PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD as the enemy.
20120101             ARGENTINA, RIO—NEGRO—GOVERNOR—CARLOS—SORIA, —62—JAHRE—ALT, the ruling party GOVERNOR—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S—PRIME OIL—PRODUCING province, † —FOLLOWING gunshots to the head.
20120101             His wife, Susana Freidos, was being questioned by police to determine whether the shots were fired by accident or intentionally.
20120101             —FIRED, Riot police in BAHRAIN, tear gas, rubber bullets and stun grenades as they clashed with HUNDREDS—OF—OPPOSITION—SUPPORTERS, SOME—HURLING—MOLOTOV cocktails, —FOLLOWING the politically charged funeral of a —15—YEAR—OLD—BOY.
20120101             —ANNOUNCED, BAHRAIN—NEW—POLICE—CHIEF, that the kingdom would hire 1—ADDITIONAL—500—POLICE—OFFICERS "from all sections of BAHRAIN society".
20120101             1—UK—MAN, —40—JAHRE—ALT is SUSPECTED—OF—SHOOTING dead 3—FEMALE—MEMBERS—OF—HIS—OWN—FAMILY—BEFORE turning the gun on himself in Horden, County DURHAM, on 1—NEW—YEAR—DAY—RAMPAGE.
20120101             BRITAIN, 1—WOMAN—BODY was found in 1—FOREST at Anmer at the vast rural estate in NORFOLK where QUEEN—ELIZABETH—II and her family celebrated New —YEAR'S.
20120101             —IDENTIFIED, Forensic tests —LATER, the decomposed body as that of LATVIA—ALISA Dmitrijeva (17), who was reported missing from her home in EAST—ENGLAND —IN—AUGUST.
20120101             —KILLED, COLOMBIA—POLICE in Chaco state, crime boss JUAN—DE—DIOS—USAGA.
20120101             —INVOLVED, Police have said Usaga led 1—MAJOR—CRIME ring, in drug trafficking and was once 1—RIGHT—WING paramilitary fighter.
20120101             —APPEARED, Pamphlets soon, calling on the region's residents to protest THE—KILLING—OF—USAGA.
20120101             † In CongoDRC 8—PEOPLE and 44 were wounded —WHEN 1—HAND—GRENADE exploded —DURING 1 attempted jail break at the main prison in BUKAVU, SUD—KIVU province.
20120101             —KILLED, At least 18—PEOPLE were, in THE—TOWN—OF—LUYUYU in 1—ATTACK by RWANDA—HUTU rebels.
20120101             † IN—CUBA—RENE—COBAS, 1—COMMON—CRIMINAL not jailed for political reasons, of 1—APPARENT—HEART—ATTACK in the Boniato prison near SANTIAGO.
20120101             —LAUNCHED, IN—CUBA—RENE—COBAS had, 1—HUNGER—STRIKE because he was not PART—OF—1—LARGE—PRISON—AMNESTY.
20120101             CENTRAL—GERMANY, 1—SYRIA—MAN was been fatally shot by 2—PEOPLE who fired at him as his car stopped at 1—TRAFFIC—LIGHT in Sarstedt town.
20120101             —TESTED, IRAN—NUCLEAR—AGENCY said its scientists have, the 1. nuclear fuel rod produced from uranium ore deposits inside the country.
20120101             —DROWNED, KENYA, at least 8—PEOPLE, —AFTER 1—BOAT capsized in rough seas off THE—KENYA—TOURIST—ISLAND—OF—LAMU.
20120101             —UNACCOUNTED, More than 20—OF—THE—OVER 80—PASSENGERS on BOARD were, for.
20120101             † KIRO—GLIGOROV, —94—JAHRE—ALT, the 1. democratically elected PRESIDENT—OF—MACEDONIA.
20120101             —SHEPHERDED, KIRO—GLIGOROV, his nation through 1—BLOODLESS—SECESSION from THE—FORMER—YUGOSLAVIA and narrowly survived 1—ASSASSINATION—ATTEMPT.
20120101             —ARRESTED, MALAYSIA, 17—PEOPLE were, —AFTER police broke up 1—STUDENT gathering for greater academic freedom, in what the opposition and activists said was 1—CAMPAIGN to stifle dissent.
20120101             MYANMAR, gas prices unexpectedly rose more than 30—PERCENT for the new —YEAR and sparked FEARS—OF—OTHER—GOODS costing more as well.
20120101             NIGERIA, AFRICA—MOST populous nation and largest oil producer, announced immediate ends to subsidies on petrol, 1—POLICY that had held pump prices at 65—NAIRA per liter ($0.40, 0.30—EUROS).
20120101             OMAN—NEWSPAPER—AZZAMAN said it would appeal in the high COURT—THE—5—MONTH—JAIL—SENTENCES handed to 2—OF—ITS—STAFF for insulting the justice MINISTER.
20120101             —EXCHANGED, PAKISTAN and INDIA, lists of their nuclear sites under 1—ACCORD which prohibits both sides from attacking these locations.
20120101             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 3—SOLDIERS were, in 1—BOMB—ATTACK in Baluchistan province.
20120101             † 1—ANTI—TALIBAN fighter was killed in 1—BOMB—ATTACK in the Bajaur tribal district.
20120101             —CROSSED, PAKISTAN, 3—IRAN—BORDER—GUARDS, the frontier in SOUTH—WEST—BALUCHISTAN province and allegedly shot at 1—CAR, killing 1—PAKISTAN—NATIONAL.
20120101             —ARRESTED, The border guards were, by PAKISTAN paramilitary Frontier Corps.
20120101             —KILLED, TRANS—DNIESTER, an —18—YEAR—OLD was, by 1—RUSSIA—PEACEKEEPER, —AFTER he reportedly ignored 1—ORDER to stop his car at 1—CHECKPOINT.
20120101             The death led to protests against MOSCOW—ROLE in the region's 1,500-member INTERNATIONAL peacekeeping force, which includes about 500—RUSSIA—TROOPS.
20120101             —NAMED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, convert REVEREND—JEFFREY—NEIL—STEENSON, 1 oo priest and former sportswriter, to HEAD—THE 1. organizational structure for USA converts to ROMAN—CATHOLICISM wanting to retain SOME—OF—THEIR—ANGLICAN heritage.
20120101             —MARCHED, YEMEN, tens of thousands, in THE—STREETS—OF—THE—CAPITAL—SANAA, chanting that Saleh "must stand —BEFORE 1—JUDGE".
20120101             —ECHOED, Another big crowd of marchers, the chant in Taiz.
20120101             DAS—PRIVAT—VERMÖGEN in WEST—EUROPA schrumpfte
20120101             —J—IM erzeugte Datenvolumen auf 2,8 Zettabyte.
20120101             —FÜR, NGO—BERICHT, TÄGLICH —STERBEN WELT—WEIT 18.000—KINDER unter —5—JAHREN
20120101             lag der GINI—KOEFFIZIENT, der die VermögensverTEILUNG in 1—LAND misst
20120101             erzeugten Haushalte und Betriebe 56,7 Terawattstunden Strom, das waren 11—PROZENT—DES—GESAMTEN—BEDARFS, wie aus 1—AM—MITTWOCH veröffentlichten —STUDIE—DES—INSTITUTS—DER—DEUTSCHEN—WIRTSCHAFT—KÖLN (IW) und des Energieökonomischen Instituts KÖLN (EWI) hervorgeht.
20120101             was WARMEST —YEAR EVER for USA, 2. most 'extreme':
20120101             —FOR, was 55.3—DEGREES—FAHRENHEIT, 3.2—DEGREES—ABOVE—NORMAL and 1—FULL—DEGREE—HIGHER than THE—PREVIOUS—WARMEST—YEAR recorded -- 19980000             -- NOAA said in its report —TUESDAY.
20120101             —J—IM, Mehr als 75.000—MAL wollten demnach POLIZEI und —JUSTIZ WELT—WEIT von Microsoft Informationen haben.
20120101             —J—IM, Insgesamt gab Microsoft in knapp 80—PROZENT—DER—FÄLLE—DATEN weiter, darunter Namen der Nutzer, ihr Alter, ihre Mailadresse und IP—ADRESSE.
20120101             —J—IM, Diese Informationen bezeichnet die Firma als "NON—CONTENT data", weil sie nicht den Inhalt der Kommunikation umfassen.
20120101             —J—IM, DEUTSCHLAND liegt bei der ZAHL—DER—ANFRAGEN an 5. Stelle:
20120101             Statistik, DEUTSCHE—POLIZISTEN schossen 36—MAL auf Menschen
20120101             —IM, gesamten —JAHR seien es 7.600.000—MENSCHEN wegen Drogendelikten in USA—GEFÄNGNISSEN gewesen
20120101             —SCHON, Doch laut WELTERNÄHRUNGS—BEHÖRDE FAO holten Fischer 91.000.000—TONNEN Fisch aus dem Meer.
20120101—20120102    —ON, 1—PLANE searching for BENJAMIN—COLTON—BARNES, —24—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ARMED—IRAQ—WAR—VETERAN, discovered his body lying partially submerged in 1—ICY, snowy mountain creek with snow banks standing several feet high.
20120105             —CALLED, COLOMBIA, 1—CRIMINAL—BAND, the Urabenos began a —2—DAY—SHUT down of 1—NORTHERN—SWATHE—OF—THE—COUNTRY in retaliation for 20120101             —THE—DEATH—OF—THEIR—LEADER, JUAN—DE—DIOS—USAGA.
20120121—20120101    —ON, Catalonia had legislation protecting flaming bulls, despite 1—BAN that took effect.
20120123             —THREATENED, TURKEY, more sanctions for FRANCE if the Senate in PARIS votes —LATER—TODAY to make it 1—CRIME to deny the 19010101—20001231     KILLING—OF—ARMENIANS by Ottoman Turks constitutes 1—GENOCIDE.
20120305—20130101    —FROM, SINGAPORE MINISTER—OF—STATE—FOR—MANPOWER—MINISTER—TAN—CHUAN—JIN said 1—MANDATORY—WEEKLY—REST—DAY would apply to maids whose work permits are issued or renewed.
20120328             —HELPED, EARL—SCRUGGS, shape the sound of 19010101—20001231     country music.
20120430             1—OF—AUSTRALIA—RICHEST—MEN—CLIVE Palmer, unveiled plans to build a 20010101—21001231     VERSION—OF—THE—DOOMED—TITANIC in CHINA, with its 1. voyage from ENGLAND to NEW—YORK set for 20160000             .
20120501             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, GAVIN—SMITH, —57—JAHRE—ALT, 1—EXECUTIVE for 19010101—20001231     Fox, was last seen in Ventura COUNTY—OAK—PARK—NEIGHBORHOOD.
20120603             —INCLUDED, The dead, militant COMMANDER—MALANG—20120101             —ASSOCIATE of warlord Maulvi Nazir, who sends fighters to AFGHANISTAN to support the Taliban.
20120610             2—MORTAR shells hit 1—PROCESSION in Kazimiyah —LATE—TODAY, killing 7 and wounding 38. Pilgrims have already started to arrive in BAGHDAD for the commemorations marking the 07010101—08001231     DEATH—OF—IMAM—MOUSSA ibn Jaafar AL—KADHIM.
20120613             IRAQ, 1—WAVE—OF—CAR—BOMBS struck Shiite pilgrims in 7—CITIES and towns, from BAGHDAD to HILLAH, KARBALA, Taji and Balad, killing over 80—PEOPLE in 22—SEPARATE—EXPLOSIONS targeting 1—ANNUAL—SHIITE pilgrimage commemorating the 07010101—08001231     death of revered imam.
20120626             —REPORTED, SOUTH—KOREAN—OFFICIALS also, the worst drought in more than 1—CENTURY in SOME—AREAS—AFTER nearly —2—MONTHS without significant rainfall.
20120702             —SMASHED, MALI—ISLAMIST—REBELS, the entrance of a 14010101—15001231     Timbuktu mosque, escalating 1—CAMPAIGN—OF—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—CITY—CULTURAL treasures despite THREATS—OF—PROSECUTION for war crimes.
20120705—20200000    —BY, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT gave DETAILS—OF—MAJOR—ARMY cuts which will see it lose 20,000 regular soldiers, taking force levels to their lowest —SINCE the early 18010101—19001231  .
20120722             In den Fotografien, DIE—MISSIONARE, Ethnologen und HÄNDLER im INDIEN 18000101—18991231    -DES, machen ließen, IN—SZENIERTEN DIE—EUROPÄER den Subkontinent.
20120729             Das die Gesamte Führungseb20120101             SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDE ausgewechselt wird ist 1 in DER—BUNDES—REPUBLIK
20120729             Das die Gesamte Führungseb20120101             SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDE ausgewechselt wird ist 1 in DER—BUNDES—REPUBLIK —BISHER, einmaliger Vorgang, wie man ihn sonst nur von totalitären STAATEN kennt.
20120807             —VON, diesen NATUR—WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN Exzerpten her lässt sich nachvollziehen, wie MARX 18500101—18591231    —JAHREN—IN—DEN, den Formationsbegriff sozialwissenschaftlich drehte und den Neologismus "GESELLSCHAFTS—FORMATION"prägte, —DER—HEUTE zur Alltagssprache gehört.
20120809             Pershing I—RAKETEN wurden 19600101—19691231    —JAHREN—IN—DEN, stationiert.
20120814             SVETOZAR—GLIGORIC was the national champion 12—TIMES and 1—OF—THE—WORLD—TOP—PLAYERS in the 19010101—20001231  .
20120815             Der Nocebo Effekt ist doch die schlechteste Wortneuschöpfung 19000101—19991231    -DES, !
20120815             Machen wir uns nichts vor, DIE—MENSCHEN sind beeinflussbare Jammerlappen, aber der Rückschluss, daß 1—ARZT entscheidende Informationen deswegen nicht geben darf ist vor allem dumm und danach noch gefährlich.
20120819             DIE—ANALYSE—VON—JAHRESRINGEN alter Bäume zeigt gar, daß NORD—AMERIKA im 10000101—12991231    —UND, von Dürrephasen getroffen wurde, die jeweils 10—BIS —20—JAHRE dauerten.
20121016             —MASKED, TUNISIA, 5, men stormed into the shrine of Sayyeda Aicha Manoubia, a 12010101—13001231     holy woman, near THE—CAPITAL—TUNIS that had previously been threatened by religious conservatives and set it on fire.
20121021             Mother MARIANNE—COPE, a 18010101—19001231     Franciscan —NUN who cared for leprosy patients in HAWAII;
20121021             PEDRO—CALUNGSOD, a 16010101—17001231     THE—PHILIPPINES—TEENAGE—MARTYR;
20121021—18920000    and ANNA—SCHAEFFER, a 18010101—19001231     GERMANY—LAY woman who became 1—MODEL for the sick and suffering —AFTER she fell into 1—BOILER and badly burned her legs.
20121021—18920000    —IN, established 1—CATHOLIC printing and publishing house in his native BRESCIA;
20121021—18920000    —FOUNDED, Carmen Salles y Barangueras, 1—SPAIN—NUN who, 1—RELIGIOUS—ORDER to educate children ;
20121021—19000000    —KILLED, JACQUES—BERTHIEU, a 18010101—19001231     FRANCE—JESUIT who was, by rebels in MADAGASCAR;
20121123             In "JESUS—OF—NAZARETH -- THE—INFANCY—NARRATIVES,"THE—PAPA says THE—CHRISTIAN calendar is actually based on 1—BLUNDER by a 05000101—05991231    monk, who Benedict says was several years off in his calculation of JESUS' birth date.
20121127—20090101    —AM, uba/SÜD—SUDAN -, überquerte GRAHAM—HUGHES—DIE—GRENZE—ZU—URUGUAY -, trat damit 1—REISE an, die ihn fast —4—JAHRE—LANG, um DIE—ERDE führen sollte.
20121128—20100101    —BY, —WHEN you became THE—CEO—OF—BANK—OF—AMERICA, CFC—AND I'm using the initials CFC, Countrywide Financial CORPORATION—ITSELF was no longer engaged in ANY—REVENUE—PRODUCING activities;
20121130—19921130    —HEUTE, schmilzt in GRÖNLAND etwa fünfmal soviel Eis ab wie noch 19900101—19991231    —JAHREN—IN—DEN,
20121211—20200101    —BIS, Diese Zahl entspreche der 57-fachen ANZAHL—DER—SANDKÖRNER auf allen Stränden der Erde, rechnete EMC aus.
20121211—20200101    —BIS, DIE—EXPERTEN prognostizieren, daß es sogar 40—ZETTABYTE sein werden.
20121215             Mehr als 50—PROZENT—DES—TEMPERATURANSTIEGS—MITTE—DES—SEIT 19000101—19991231    sei von industriellen TREIB—HAUS—GASEN verursacht worden.
20121220—201201011231-J-THE, was supposed to herald...was supposed to herald...
20130100—20130600    —GEMACHT, PORTUGAL hat weit mehr Schulden, als es das 201301011231    —FÜR, angepeilte Defizitziel von 5,5—PROZENT—DER—WIRTSCHAFTS—LEISTUNG erlaubt.
20130101             —APPROVED, THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES easily, emergency bipartisan legislation.
20130101             It hiked rates on income above $400,000 for individuals and $450,000 for households, —WHILE exemptions and deductions the wealthiest Americans use to reduce their tax bill face new limits.
20130101             It also set up another "fiscal cliff" confrontation in 1—MATTER—OF—WEEKS.
20130101             10—STATES kicked off the new —YEAR with 1—MINIMUM—WAGE—RISE—OF between 10 and 35—CENTS.
20130101             —BECAME, Gay marriage, legal in MARYLAND, the 1. STATE—SOUTH—OF—THE—MASON—DIXON—LINE on New —YEAR—DAY.
20130101             MICHAEL—CRONAN was best know for christening TiVo, the digital TV recorder, and Kindle, AMAZON—PORTABLE READING device.
20130101             † PATTI—PAGE, —85—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TOP—SINGER—OF—THE 1950s, in ENCINITAS—CALIFORNIA.
20130101             —INCLUDED, PATTI—PAGE—HITS, "TENNESSEE Waltz" (19500000             ) and "How Much Is That Doggie in the Window".
20130101             She also CO—STARRED with Burt LANCASTER in "Elmer Gantry".
20130101             —KILLED, ALGERIA, 7—INSURGENTS were, and arms, ammunition and medicine recovered in Boulzazene in the Boumerdes region.
20130101             —KILLED, The operation, Izza Rezki, the finance CHIEF—FOR—ABDELMALEK—DROUKDEL, THE—HEAD—OF—AL—QAIDA in the Islamic Maghreb.
20130101             —FORCED, CHINA, THE—SOUTH—WEEKLY—OF—GUANGDONG province was, to add 1 provided commentary glorifying THE—CHINA—COMMUNIST—PARTY with its annual new —YEAR editorial, which was intended to call for proper IMPLEMENTATION—OF—THE—COUNTRY—CONSTITUTION.
20130101             The new —YEAR editorial with the title DREAM—OF—CHINA, DREAM—OF—CONSTITUTIONALISM, calling for THE—CEMENTING—OF—RIGHTS into 1—CONSTITUTION, was replaced with PRAISE—OF—THE—CHINA—COMMUNIST—PARTY.
20130101             —LAUNCHED, TALLINN—ESTONIA, free public transport for ALL—OF—ITS citizens.
20130101             1—ETHIOPIA—COURT found 10—MEN GUILTY—OF—PLOTTING terror attacks with Islamist extremist rebels from neighboring SOMALIA.
20130101             FRANCE—INTERIOR—MINISTER—MANUEL—VALLS said  young revelers set afire 1,193 vehicles, lamenting that this has become 1—WAY to mark THE—ARRIVAL—OF—THE—NEW—YEAR.
20130101             His announcement was the 1. time in —3—YEARS that such figures have been released.
20130101             —CROWDED, HONG—KONG, THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS in rival marches, the main shopping district to praise or condemn CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—LEUNG—CHUN—YING.
20130101             —ACCUSED, Critics, him of misleading the public on 1—CONTROVERSIAL—REAL—ESTATE—DEAL and of being 1—PUPPET installed by BEIJING.
20130101             IVORY—COAST at least 64—PEOPLE, mostly children and teenagers, were killed —EARLY—TODAY in 1—STAMPEDE —FOLLOWING 1—NEW—YEAR—FIREWORKS display in ABIDJAN.
20130101             Survivors blamedmakeshift barricades.
20130101             —CALLED, NORTH—KOREA—LEADER—KIM—JONG—UN, for 1—END to confrontation between THE—2—KOREAS, technically still at war in the absence of 1—PEACE—TREATY to end their 19500000—19530000     conflict, in 1—SURPRISE—NEW—YEAR—SPEECH—BROADCAST on state media.
20130101             —KILLED, Gunmen in NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 5—FEMALE—TEACHERS and 2—AID—WORKERS in 1—AMBUSH on 1—VAN carrying workers home from their jobs at 1—COMMUNITY—CENTER in Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.
20130101             —DRESSED, Clashes began in THE—NORTH—WEST—BANK—AFTER—ISRAEL—FORCES, as merchants arrested 1—MAN.
20130101             —ENTERED, Regular forces then, THE—TOWN—OF—TAMOUN, and men began hurling rocks at them to prevent other arrests.
20130101             —WOUNDED, At least 10—PALESTINIANS were.
20130101             THE—PHILIPPINES, a "sin tax" on alcohol and tobacco came into effect.
20130101             —SURVIVED, It had, a 20120000             Senate vote by 1—MARGIN—OF—1.
20130101             Human Rights Watch has been calling on the Security Council —FOR—MONTHS to sanction THE—RWANDA—OFFICIALS the rights group believes is helping M23 rebels in EAST—CONGO.
20130101             † In SOUTH—AFRICA 3—PEOPLE and 4,000 were displaced —WHEN fires swept through shacks in poor settlements in THE—CAPE—TOWN—AREA on New —YEAR—DAY.
20130101             SYRIA—WARPLANES took part in bombing Daraya, 1—FEW miles (kms) from the strategic military air base of Mazzeh, 1—WESTERN—NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—DAMASCUS.
20130101             ZUM 1.MAL überhaupt fand in PJÖNG—JANG 1—GROßE Neujahrsparty statt.
20130101             Wie gut, daß es LEUTE gibt, die FRÜH—ZEITIG die Aufnahmetasten drückten, damit niemals vergessen wird, wie Modems ächzen und Drucker stören können.
20130101             DAS—MUSEUM von vom AUS—STERBEN bedrohter Töne
20130101             10 0101 10—VERGESSENE Sounds vom Matrixdrucker —BIS zum IPOD—CLICK—WHEEL
20130101             It's all up to THE—HOUSE—IF THE—SENATE—BILL to avert the fisca...
20130101             DIE—USA, SÜD—KOREA und andere STAATEN sehen in dem Start am 12.
20130101             KIM—IL—SUNG—DER als StaatsGRÜNDER verehrte DIKTATOR starb 19940000             .
20130101             WALD—SCHADEN—ERHEBUNG.
20130101             Gar keine Schäden hatten im Schnitt —NUN 38—VON 100—BÄUME.
20130101             —IM—VORJAHR waren es 39—VON 100—GEWESEN.
20130101             Geschäftszahlen FÜR: Volkswagen legt Rekordbilanz vor
20130101             haben 250.000—DEUTSCHE—CA——EURO für Bilder und Filme mit nackten Kindern ausgegeben.
20130101             STATISTISCHES—BUNDES—AMT—DEUTSCHLAND erwirtschaftet ausgeglichenen Haushalt
20130101             Konfliktbarometer: Naher Osten wird zum dauerhaften KRIEG—SCHAU—PLATZ
20130101             —J—IMESMITTEL, so die WMO, wurden auf der südlichen Erdhalbkugel besonders hohe Temperaturen gemessen.
20130101             Für AUSTRALIEN sei 20130000             das wärmste, für ARGENTINIEN das zweitwärmste und für NEUSEELAND das drittwärmste —JAHR —SEIT Aufzeichnungsbeginn gewesen.
20130101             Eigenauskunft, NSA SPÄHTE—CA—90.000—AUSLÄNDISCHE Ziele aus
20130101             Boom in CHINA—BANKEN machten fast 1—BILLION $ Gewinn
20130101             CYBERCRIME—BERICHT, BKA zieht eigene Statistik in Zweifel
20130101             —CONTRIBUTED, INTERPOL—OPERATING income was €78—MILLION, of which 68% was, by member countries, mostly in the form of statutory contributions (67%) and 26% came from externally funded projects, private foundations and commercial enterprises.
20130101—20130000    —IN, MYANMAR rang with its 1. public New —YEAR—EVE countdown and 1—GRAND fireworks display, 1—CELEBRATION unprecedented in THE—FORMER—MILITARY—RULED country.
20130101—20200000    —BY, which called for 1—CUT in GREENHOUSE—GAS—EMISSIONS to 19900000             levels.
20130111             MONEY—QUOTE: In fact, THE—FBI —TODAY has 10—TIMES as MANY—INFORMANTS as it did 19600101—19691231    —IN—THE, s, —WHEN FORMER—FBI Director J.
20130114             It is hard to see how reestablishing 1—LINK between productivity and pay can occur without restoring decent and improved —LABOR standards, restoring the minimum wage to 1—LEVEL corresponding to half the average wage (as it was in 19600101—19691231    —THE—LATE, s), and making real THE—ABILITY—OF—WORKERS to obtain and practice collective bargaining.
20130216             —MIGRATED, MOST—OF—THE—DEAD and wounded were Hazaras, 1—ETHNIC—GROUP that, from AFGHANISTAN over 1—CENTURY 20130808             more people soon † of their wounds bringing the death toll to 89.
20130228             —CLASHED, SYRIA—REBELS, with government forces —AROUND the historic 11010101—12001231     Umayyad Mosque inside ALEPPO.
20130408             —EXHUMED, CHILE—FORENSIC—EXPERTS, THE—BODY—OF—NOBEL laureate PABLO—NERUDA, trying to solve a —4—DECADE—MYSTERY about 19730000             —THE death of 1 the greatest poets of the 19010101—20001231  .
20130416—20110101    —ARRESTED, THE—SALAFI was, along with other suspects in THE—AFTERMATH—OF—THE—BOMBING, —WHEN at least 21—WORSHIPPERS were killed —WHILE leaving 1—NEW—YEAR—EVE mass in ALEXANDRIA.
20130512             FRANCIS—PAPA gave the Catholic Church new saints, including hundreds of 14010101—15001231     martyrs who were beheaded for refusing to convert to Islam.
20130609             "Privacy is effectively a 19000101—19991231    concept like THE—S—TEAM—ENGINE".
20130611             2 09010101—10001231     CAMBODIA—STONE statues displayed for nearly —2—DECADES at NEW—YORK—METROPOLITAN—MUSEUM—OF—ART were returned to their homeland in 1—HIGH—PROFILE—CASE—OF—ALLEGEDLY looted artifacts.
20130615             —PLANTED, Attackers on motorcycles, bombs at the 18010101—19001231     residence associated with PAKISTAN—FOUNDER—MUHAMMAD—ALI—JINNAH in the mountain resort TOWN—OF—ZIARAT.
20130617             As for espionage, in fact the oldest known treatise, with details on domestic and foreign espionage, is commonly dated to be —AROUND 02010101—03001231     or03000101—03991231    BCE — the Arthashastra of Chanakya also known as Kautilya who as MINISTER—TO—CHANDRAGUPA—MAURYA built that empire extending over ALL—OF—TODAY—INDIA and PAKISTAN
20130619             OBAMA wolle durch die Erinnerung an das Vergang20130101             "Energie heraufbeschwören", die sich auf die Herausforderungen der ZUKUNFT anwenden lasse, sagte Rhodes.
20130620             das können Sie sehr schön in dem Buch "DIE—VERLORENE Ehre der KATHARINA—BLUM"nachlesen, das HEINRICH—BÖLL —SCHON 19700101—19791231    —JAHREN—IN—DEN, geschrieben hat.
20130620             Und was Ihnen passieren kann, wenn Sie einmal 1—VERDÄCHTIGER sind, das können Sie sehr schön in dem Buch "DIE—VERLORENE Ehre der KATHARINA—BLUM"nachlesen, das HEINRICH—BÖLL —SCHON 19700101—19791231    —JAHREN—IN—DEN, geschrieben hat.
20130628             Ruport MURDOCH—NEWS—CORPORATION—SPLIT into 2—PARTS: 20010101—21001231     Fox and News Corp.
20130709—20140101    —ON, LATVIA will start using the new currency.
20130802             TEAMS—OF—ANALYSTS at GCHQ —NOW have the authority and the technical capacity to tap directly into THE—NERVOUS—SYSTEM—OF—THE—20010101—21001231     and peer into THE—LIVES—OF—OTHERS.
20130805             —GENERAL ALEXANDER—WHO declined to be interviewed for this article -— has concluded that such cyberweapons are as crucial to 20010101—21001231     warfare as nuclear arms were in the 20.
20130826             CHINA—MEDIA said the Amur River, which marks the border between CHINA and RUSSIA, has experienced its worst flooding in 1—CENTURY, cutting off roads to SOME—AREAS.
20130920             Except for —WHEN it was intercepting mail in the 19500101—19591231    s without distinguishing between messages from foreigners and Americans.
20130920             —INVOLVED, Except for —WHEN it was, in the 19600101—19691231    s in investigating "racial matters" or "student agitation" by activists in CO—OPERATION with THE—CIA and MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES.
20130926             "Links"ist 1—IDEE  18000101—18991231    —AUS—DEM, DIE—LINKE trägt ihren Anachronismus —SCHON IM Namen.
20130927             Gleichwohl fallen —ZEIT—IN—DIESE die wärmsten —JAHRE —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—MESSUNGEN—MITTE—DES 18000101—18991231              20130927             Als künstliche Gegenspieler der TREIB—HAUS—GASE wirkten Schwefelteilchen aus Abgasen, DIE—IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—JAHREN vor allem in ASIEN für Smog sorgen.
20130929             It doesn't take much to fire up Hersh, the investigative —JOURNALIST who has been THE—NEMESIS—OF—USA—PRESIDENTS—SINCE the 19600101—19691231    s and who was once described by THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY as "the closest thing USA—JOURNALISM has to 1—TERRORIST".
20130930             Auch des CAESAR "BELLO Gallico"forderte, in Relation zur Bevölkerungszahl in GALLIEN, 1—UNGLAUBLICHEN Blutzoll, der mit den WELT—KRIEGEN 19000101—19991231    —DES, durchaus mithalten kann.
20131003             —AGREED, THE—USA—AND—JAPAN, to modernize their defense alliance for the 1. time in —16—YEARS to address growing concerns about NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, global terrorism, cyber intrusions and other 20010101—21001231     threats.
20131003—21000101    —BIS, Sinkender Sauerstoffgehalt des Meerwassers könnte der Sauerstoffgehalt der Ozeane um 1—BIS 7 % abnehmen.
20131007             Man mag kaum glauben, daß das im EUROPA 20000101—20991231    —DES, möglich sein soll.
20131008             —SEIZED, ALBANIA—POLICE, more than 1,000 stolen religious and secular PIECES—OF—ART dating from the 15. to the mid-19010101—20001231    , and arrested 2—MEN suspected of planning to sell them abroad.
20131011             —SOARED, Shares in NEWLY—PRIVATIZED Royal Mail, on their stock market debut, bolstering criticism that the company — which traces its 04010101—05001231     history back to HENRY—VIII—KING—OF— — was undervalued by THE—UK—GOVERNMENT.
20131029             —ALLOWED, The 8.5—MILE—TUNNEL, PRIME—MINISTER—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN to realize 1—PROJECT dreamed up by Ottoman sultans more than 1—CENTURY ago.
20131031             Für Sieglinde Geisel beweist 1—DISKUSSION beim BERLINer Akademietag zur Aufklärung, daß "DIE—AUFKLÄRUNG längst nicht mehr nur 1—PROJEKT des Westens oder der Moderne, sondern 1—DES globalen 20000101—20991231    "ist.
20131104—20200101    —BIS—JAHR—ZUM, DIE—1. B61—12—SOLL fertiggestellt werden.
20131126             —DISCOVERED, Archeologists in NEPAL said they have, traces of 1—WOODEN—STRUCTURE dating from the 05010101—06001231     BC inside the sacred Mayadevi Temple in Lumbini.
20131204             —FACED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—CAMERON, demands for the return of priceless artefacts looted from BEIJING in the 18010101—19001231    , the last —DAY—OF—HIS—VISIT to CHINA.
20131209             "THE—ABILITY—OF—DATA to flow or be accessed across borders is essential to 1—ROBUST, 20010101—21001231    , global economy," the companies argue in THE—LIST—OF—REFORM—PRINCIPLES.
20131218             100—GEBURTS—TAG: GABRIEL nennt WILLY—BRANDT—GIGANTEN 19000101—19991231   —DES,
20131218—20140101    —VOM—AN, LISSABON—UM Geld zu sparen, will PORTUGAL die Straßenbeleuchtung teils stark reduzieren und mancherorts ganz abschalten.
20131218—20140101    —VOM—AN, Man wolle die Energiekosten, die sich 20130000             auf mehr als 1.000.000—EURO belaufen werden, AUF—CA—50 % senken,
20131224             —VOTED, CHINA—TOP—LEGISLATIVE—COMMITTEE, to abolish "RE—EDUCATION through labor" camps introduced more than HALF—1—CENTURY ago, saying they had served their purpose.
20131230—20130101    —BY, ZIMBABWE, the owners of mainly small businesses selling cheap consumer goods said they were informed of 1—WEEKEND—STATEMENT by empowerment MINISTER—FRANCIS—NHEMA that they have been allowed to continue trading as authorities reversed 1—ULTIMATUM for them to close their businesses.
20140101             LETTLAND tritt als 18. Land der Eurozone bei.
20140101             NORTH—CALIFORNIA, REVEREND—ERIC—FREED was found dead at THE—S—BERNARD—CHURCH rectory in Eureka.
20140101             —CAPTURED, Surveillance video, IMAGES—OF—SUSPECT—GARY—LEE—BULLOCK, —44—JAHRE—ALT and he was arrested the —NEXT—DAY.
20140101             —DESTROYED, S—FRANCISCO, 1—ARSON attack, the main ENTRANCE—OF—THE—CHINA—CONSULATE.
20140101             COLORADO, the nation's 1. recreational pot industry opened as business owners threw open their doors for shoppers at 8—AM.
20140101             NEW—YORK, city BILL—DE—BLASIO (19610000             *) began serving as mayor.
20140101             63,000 homeless people lived in shelters as de Blasio office.
20140101             CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC, clashes between Muslims and Christians in BANGUI killed 3 as angry residents threw grenades and torched homes.
20140101             CHINA began requiring the disclosure of offshore holdings.
20140101             —ENACTED, CUBA, 1—LAW banning the resale of clothes imported from abroad.
20140101             † IN—PRAGUE—JAMEL—AL—JAMAL, —56—JAHRE—ALT, THE—PALESTINE—AMBASSADOR to THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC, in 1—BLAST that occurred —WHEN he opened 1—OLD—SAFE that had been left untouched for more than —20—YEARS.
20140101             —SHATTERED, Guinness World Records said DUBAI, the world record for the largest ever pyrotechnic display on New —YEAR—EVE with 1—SHOW involving more than half 1—MILLION fireworks.
20140101             EGYPT—MINISTRY—OF—ANTIQUITIES said 96—ARTIFACTS, mostly small figurines and beads, have disappeared from THE—ASWAN—MUSEUM—STOREHOUSE.
20140101             —POINTED, Authorities said evidence, to 1—INSIDER theft.
20140101             —KILLED, EGYPT, 2—PEOPLE were, in violent clashes that erupted —LATE—TODAY between PRO—ISLAMIST—PROTESTERS and police in ALEXANDRIA.
20140101             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION said Romanians and Bulgarians —NOW have the right to work in ANY—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—28—COUNTRIES but "no major increase" in emigration is expected.
20140101             —ASSUMED, GREECE, the presidency of THE—EU, —STARTING 20140000             with 1—PROMISE by the government to pull the country out of a —6—YEAR—RECESSION, keep 1 balanced budget, and effectively end 1—FINANCIAL—CRISIS that rattled the euro.
20140101             —MARCHED, HONG—KONG, thousands, to demand 1—GREATER say in choosing their future leaders, expressing fears CHINA will limit LONG—AWAITED political reforms, but turnout fell SHORT—OF—EXPECTATIONS.
20140101             —FREED, IRAQ, militants, more than 100—PRISONERS, clashed with security forces and burned police stations in FALLUJAH and Ramadi.
20140101             —EXPLODED, In MOSUL 1—CAR—BOMB, near 1—ARMY—CHECKPOINT, killing 1—CIVILIAN and 4—SOLDIERS, including 3—OFFICERS.
20140101             JORDAN took over THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—PRESIDENCY, the 1. —DAY—OF—ITS—2—YEAR—STINT on a 15-nation body struggling to cope with conflicts in Syria, SOUTH—SUDAN.
20140101             —CELEBRATED, LATVIA, the new —YEAR as the 18. member of the eurozone, which for all its dents and bruises still represents stability and security to the Baltic country's leaders.
20140101             —CONFIRMED, DNA testing, the identity of AL—MAJID.
20140101             MEXICO, Yeudi Estrada (28), 1—USA—CITIZEN and martial arts instructor in Quintana Roo, was found dead on arrival at police headquarters in the resort of Playa del Carmen —AFTER his arrest.
20140101             † 1—FINDING revealed that he, of asphyxia by strangulation.
20140101             6—MEXICO—POLICE—OFFICERS were arrested 20140103             on suspicion of killing Estrada.
20140101             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 2—SHIA pilgrims on their way home from IRAN.
20140101             † In SOUTH—KOREA 1—MAN, calling for THE—PRESIDENT—RESIGNATION, —AFTER setting himself on fire.
20140101             —DECLARED, SOUTH—SUDAN—PRESIDENT—SALVA—KIIR, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in Unity and Jonglei states.
20140101             —ARRIVED, Negotiators from THE—2—WARRING sides, in ETHIOPIA for peace talks.
20140101             —EXPLODED, SOMALIA, 2—CAR—BOMBS, outside  the Jazira Hotel in MOGADISHU that often is used by foreigners and government officials.
20140101             A 3. car bomb exploded as it was searched by security forces.
20140101             —KILLED, At least 11—PEOPLE were.
20140101             —CLAIMED, AL—SHEBAB rebels, responsibility.
20140101             SOUTH—AFRICA—POLICE found PATRICK—KAREGEYA, RWANDA—FORMER—SPY CHIEF, dead, possibly strangled, in JOHANNESBURG—PLUSH Michelangelo Towers hotel.
20140101             —ACCUSED, RWANDA opposition leaders —IMMEDIATELY, PRESIDENT—PAUL—KAGAME of ordering his assassination.
20140101             † Karegeya had, —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20140101             —DENIED, THE—KIGALI government swiftly, ANY—INVOLVEMENT and said the former intelligence CHIEF was himself to blame.
20140101             —BOMBED, SYRIA—WARPLANES, 1—BARREN RANGE—OF—LEBANON—HILLS used by SYRIA—REBELS and refugees to cross between THE—2—COUNTRIES, wounding at least 10—SYRIANS who were rushed to hospital in 1—NEARBY—LEBANON—TOWN.
20140101             THE—SYRIA—ELECTRONIC—ARMY, 1—AMORPHOUS hacker collective that supports SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD, claimed credit for hacking into the social media ACCOUNTS—OF—INTERNET calling service Skype.
20140101             —MARCHED, UKRAINE, about 15,000—PEOPLE, through THE—STREETS—OF—KIEV to mark the 105. birthday of Stepan Bandera (19590000             †), glorified by some as 1—LEADER—OF—UKRAINE—LIBERATION—MOVEMENT and dismissed by others as 1—NAZI collaborator.
20140101             in USA—GEFÄNGNISSEN starben —LAUT—ANGABEN, des Justizministeriums 372—HÄFTLINGE durch eigene Hand.
20140101             —ALLEIN, habe Scalia 23—SOLCHER Reisen unternommen, mit exklusiven Zielen wie HAWAII oder ZÜRICH.
20140101             Damit ist er der häufigste Krebs bei Männern.
20140101             Mehr als 12.000—MÄNNER—STERBEN PRO—JAHR an den Folgen der Tumorerkrankung.
20140101             Legalisierung von CANNABIS: [USA]COLORADO startet freien Verkauf von Marihuana
20140101             —SEIT—DER—MESSUNGEN—BEGINN, Klima war wärmstes —JAHR
20140101             Bilanz,: Krankenkassen machen MILLIARDENdefizit
20140101             JAHRESZAHLEN, Volkswagen macht REKORD—GEWINN—VON—12,7—MILLIARDEN—EURO
20140101             MENSCHEN—RECHTS—BILANZ, Fast 1.000—BÜRGER—RECHTLER in CHINA festgenommen
20140101             Im VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ—BERICHT ist ein heikler Fehler unterlaufen, wodurch der RECHTS—EXTREME—STRAF—TATEN—ZAHL als zu gering dargestellt wurde.
20140101             KRIEGE WELT—WEIT: 200.000—TOTE, 14—BILLIONEN $ Kosten
20140101             deckte Windenergie etwa 9—PROZENT—DES—DEUTSCHEN—STROMBEDARFS.
201401011231         gab es wieder einmal über 10.000—SUIZIDE.
20140101231          war es WELT—WEIT so warm wie noch nie —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—MESSUNGEN 18800000             , das verkündet —NUN auch DIE—NASA.
20140101231          war im WELT—WEITEN Durchschnitt der AMERIKANISCHEN—WETTER—BEHÖRDE NOAA und der NASA zufolge das wärmste —JAHR —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—MESSUNGEN 18800000             —J—IM.
20140101231        Der Rekord von gilt als besonders, weil er ohne Unterstützung des Wärmespenders EL—NIÑO zustande kam.
20140101—20130000    —KILLED, An NGO said more than 73,000—PEOPLE were, in Syria.
20140101—20130000    —CLAIMED, THE—UN said that violence, the lives of 7,818 civilians in IRAQ, the highest annual death toll in years.
20140101—20140103    —SURRENDERED, Yan Feng (39), who lives SOUTH—OF—THE—CITY, to police —AFTER confessing to the attack.
20140101—20141217    —ZWISCHEN, erreichten insgesamt 167.462—FLÜCHTLINGE ITALIEN über das Meer, teilte das ITALIENISCHE—INNEN—MINISTERIUM mit.
20140101—20150910    —ANFANG—SEIT haben mehr als 150.000—MENSCHEN aus dem —BÜRGER—KRIEG—LAND DEUTSCHLAND erreicht.
20140131             Jancso won his Cannes award for "Red Psalm," about a 18010101—19001231     peasant revolt.
20140307             DIE—WELT—GESUNDHEITS—ORGANISATION (WHO) geht davon aus, daß 1—DEPRESSION —BIS—JAHR—ZUM 20200101             WELT—WEIT die zweithäufigste Volkskrankheit sein wird.
20140307             Closest known approach to Earth by 1—COMET 19000101—19991231    —IN—THE, (19270000             )
20140307             —NACH—DEM Bundesgesundheitssurvey LEIDEN in DEUTSCHLAND mehr als 3.000.000—MENSCHEN zwischen 18—UND —65—JAHREN daran.
20140324             13—DER 14—WÄRMSTEN —JAHRE WELT—WEIT —SEIT Aufzeichnungsbeginn 18500000             entfallen der WMO zufolge auf das 20000101—20991231    ..
20140325             Landschaftsmalereien aus den vergangenen 04010101—05001231    EN liefern 1—ABBILD—DER—EINSTIGEN Luft, berichtet 1—GRUPPE um den Physiker Christos Zerefos vom National Observatory in ATHEN im Fachblatt "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics".
20140325             "DIE—LEBENSSTUFEN"von CASPAR—DAVID—FRIEDRICH (18350000             ): Der Farbkontrast auf Bildern aus 03010101—04001231    EN spiegelt den jeweiligen Partikelgehalt der Atmosphäre wider
20140325—20140101    —SEIT—JAHRESANFANG wurde unter anderem bekannt, daß die Telefongespräche 1—GANZEN Landes vollständig mitgeschnitten wurden, daß DIE—NSA, anders als ständig behauptet, massive Wirtschaftspionage betreibt, daß allein der BRITISCHE—GEHEIM—DIENST über 1000—LEUTE beschäftigt, um mit den ekligstdenkbaren Mitteln 1—ART psychologische KRIEG—FÜHRUNG IM—NETZ und den sozialen Medien zu betreiben, und zwar gegen ALLE—MÖGLICHEN—LEUTE wie zum Beispiel AKTIVISTen.
20140325—20140101    —ISOLIERT, Jeder einzelne dieser Punkte würde, betrachtet DAS—POTENTIAL für internationale STAATS—AFFÄREN haben.
20140325—20140101    DIE—MASSE der Enthüllungen aber ist für DIE—MEDIENÖFFENTLICHKEIT nicht mehr verarbeitbar.
20140325—20140101    DIE—STÄNDIGE Impfung mit Spähnews über —INZWISCHEN, 1—DREIVIERTELJAHR hat offenbar bei bedrückend vielen Leuten zu 1—IMMUNISIERUNG geführt.
20140325—20140101    —WEGAKZEPTIERT, Das vermeintlich Unabänderliche wird.
20140516             Wer 1—ARTIKEL—ÜBER—KALENDER schreibt, der sollte zumindest wissen, daß der —JAHRTAUSEND—WECHSEL nicht 19991231—20009101    —STATTFAND, sondern 20001231—20010101    ...
20140517             "SERBIEN und Bosnien erleiden die schwersten Überschwemmungen —SEIT—MEHR—ALS—00010101—0100122010101—23001231", sagte $—EU—SPRECHER.
20140517             Hier sind RETTUNGS—KRÄFTE auf 1—BRÜCKE bei Lazarevac im Einsatz.
20140522—20010101    —SEIT, DER —JAHRTAUSEND—WENDE, DIE—ERDE IST —LAUT—ANGABEN, der privaten USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—STIFTUNG B612 von mindestens 26—GROßEN Meteoriten getroffen worden..
20140528             Selbst der Jura, 1—BEDEUTEND niedrigeres Gebirge, war —BIS ins 11010101—12001231     hinein kaum besiedelt, nicht mal DIE—ALEMANNEN wollten dort wohnen.
20140608             Allerdings lebte der Mann deutlich SPÄTER als DIE—FRAU aus LE—CHÊNE, nämlich —ERST GEGEN ENDE—DES00000101—00991231    oder —BEGINN—DES—ZU  01000101—01991231 nach Christus.
20140624—20140616    —ARRESTED, MALI security forces, Mahamed Aly Ag Wadouss20140101             —FUGITIVE at the heart of 1—JAIL—BREAK in BAMAKO in which at least 2—PEOPLE were killed and 22—PRISONERS escaped.
20140625—20500101    —BIS—J—ZUM, es ist DEUTSCHLANDs erklärtes Ziel, sollen die gesamten TREIB—HAUS—GASEMISSIONEN um 80—BIS 95 % gegenüber dem Ausgangsjahr 19900000             verringert werden.
20140626—20140101    —ON, IKEA—USA—DIVISION said it is raising the minimum wage for THOUSANDS—OF—ITS—RETAIL—WORKERS, pegging it to the cost of living in EACH—LOCATION—EFFECTIVE to 1—AVERAGE $10.76—PER —HOUR, up from $9.17.
20140708             Nein, natürlich nicht. es ist historisch belegt dass dieses Handlungsmuster —SEIT—ANFANG des 19.09010101—10001231     zur USA—AUSSEN—POLITIK gehört.
20140708             Ich sehe das als Problem, wenn man nicht über den Tellerrand blickt.
20140708             Behandeln DIE—USA andere Länder etwa anders?
20140708             Und haben DIE—USA dieses Handlungsmuster —ERST—NACH—DEM, KALTER—KRIEG oder —NACH—DEM 2.WK. begonnen?
20140716             wurde das Kolosseum im späten05000101—05991231    nach Christus zum Appartmentblock.
20140718             DIE—SEHEN aus der Fr20140101             —MASCHINE runterkommen und explodieren, werden aber nicht sehen können ob das 1—ARMEETRANSPORT—MASCHINE oder was anderes war.
20140718             Jubelmeldungen können auch zustande kommen dass man 1—ABSCHUß oder Absturz sieht ohne zu wissen dass es 1—VERKEHRS—FLUGZEUG gewesen ist.
20140718             DIE—SITAUTION dort ist so aufgeheizt dass Rationalität keinen Platz mehr hat.
20140720             —STORMED, Islamic State (IS) fighters, Mar (Saint) Behnam, a 03010101—04001231     monastery run by the Syriac Catholic church near the predominantly CHRISTIAN—TOWN—OF—QARAQOSH, and expelled its 5—RESIDENT monks.
20140720             —RAINED, IRAQ, mortar rounds, down on Shiite neighborhoods in THE—TOWN—OF—MAHMOUDIYA, killing 11—CIVILIANS and wounding 31. Islamic State (IS) fighters stormed Mar (Saint) Behnam, a 03010101—04001231     monastery run by the Syriac Catholic church near the predominantly CHRISTIAN—TOWN—OF—QARAQOSH, and expelled its 5—RESIDENT monks.
20140721             So vorbildlich und in positivem Sinne selbstbewusst DEUTSCHLAND im BEREICH—DER—WIRTSCHAFT agiere, so selbstbezogen und verantwortungslos verhalte ES—SICH auf politischer Eb20140101             außenpolitische Strategie, die der gestiegenen Bedeutung in der Welt angemessen WÄRE—FEHLANZEIGE.
20140721             DIE—BUNDES—REPUBLIK, allen voran KANZLERIN—MERKEL, gefalle sich im Lavieren.
20140725             Unless our policies change dramatically, the middle class will disappear, and we will be back to late 17010101—18001231     FRANCE.
20140725             —BEFORE—THE—REVOLUTION.
20140729             Aber ja, die Fähigkeiten des MILITÄRs übersteigen j20140101             Firma wie Digital Globe.
20140729             Foster: Würde man eigene BILDER—VON—DIENSTEN oder MILITÄR veröffentlichen, verrät man etwas darüber, wie gut die eigenen Aufklärungsfähigkeiten sind.
20140729             VIELE—DIENSTE wollen das nicht. es ist einfacher, solche privaten Bilder zu kaufen, wenn sie DIE—GESCHICHTE genauso gut erzählen.
20140802             Und nicht im 04010101—05001231    R. od.
20140802             Was sind dem SPIEGEL den —SCHON 1.—000—JAHRE.
20140802             Der POSEIDONTEMPEL—IN—PAESTUM ca.
20140802             —450—JAHRE—VOR Chr. erbaut.
20140818             Doch etwas war anders bei diesem jungen Menschen, der im 5. oder 05000101—05991231    unserer Zeitrechnung gelebt hatte.
20140821             —SIGNED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—JERRY—BROWN, legislation, effective 20140101             , overturning 1—BAN on pets at bars and restaurants, and giving businesses the option of allowing dogs in outside spaces.
20140828             Der Sitz stammt noch aus der Zeit, BEVOR der HADRIANswall im frühen 01000101—01991231 gebaut wurde.
20140828             Er wurde oft benutzt.
20140915             —ENLISTED, CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING, the MALDIVES' backing for a "20010101—21001231     maritime silk road" as he began 1—TOUR—OF—SOUTH—ASIA in the strategically located INDIA—OCEAN—ISLAND—CHAIN.
20140917             —EXPECTED, Francis is, to canonize THE—REVEREND—GIUSEPPE—BAZ, a 16010101—17001231     missionary, —DURING his January visit to SRI—LANKA.
20140925             —DETAINED, CHINA—POLICE, Shen Hao, PUBLISHER—OF—THE 20010101—21001231     Business Herald, and general manager Chen Dongyang, weeks —AFTER SOME—EDITORS and reporters for the publication's website were detained on ALLEGATIONS—OF—EXTORTION.
20141112—20250101    —BIS—JAHR—ZUM, DIE—USA wollen —LAUT—ANGABEN—VON—OBAMA den Ausstoß von TREIB—HAUS—GASEN um 26—BIS 28 % im Vergleich     —JAHR—ZUM 20050000             reduziert haben.
20141113             —OPINIONATED, ALEXANDER—GROTHENDIECK was 1, and reclusive giant of 19010101—20001231     mathematics who shunned accolades and supported pacifist and environmental causes.
20141116             auch AL—MUKURRA geschrieben) war vom 03000101—03991231    —BIS—IN—DAS ,
20141202             Über das 20. 20000101—20991231    —UND, hat sich der Wald um 33% vergrößert.
20141208             Das 16000101—17991231    —UND, aus dem die Funde auf dem Friedhof von Drawsko Pomorskie stammen, waren 1—BEWEGTE Zeit in POLEN.
20141208             Religiöse Minderheiten suchten dort SCHUTZ—VOR—VERFOLGUNG, von der Armut aus der Heimat in BRANDENBURG oder den NIEDERLANDEn vertriebene Familien 1—SICHEREREN Lebensunterhalt.
20141208             WAREN die angeblichen Vampire Zugewanderte?
20141212             Regierungsgebäude in BOSTON: —ARBEITER BERGEN Zeitkapsel 17000101—17991231    —AUS—DEM,
20141215—20140101    —FROM, FRANCE's the interior ministry said the UberPop transport service will be banned in FRANCE to avoid unfair competition.
20141223—20140101    —ON, THE—EURASIAN—ECONOMIC—UNION, which includes RUSSIA, BELARUS, KAZAKHSTAN, ARMENIA and KYRGYZSTAN, comes to existence.
20141224             MODE, kamen die Pilgerzeichen ab dem 10000101—10991231 —, sie blieben populär —BIS 1530ca00             , als DIE—REFORMATION dem ABLASS—HANDEL und den Pilgerreisen 1—ENDE setzte.
20141224             AACHENer Heiltumsweisung; MARIA - [1]Hälfte 14010101—15001231              20141224             3—KÖNIGE nach KÖLN 10000101—10991231     —IM, wurden auch hier Pilgerzeichen angeboten.
20141227             "We are —NOW in 1—PERIOD," said MISTER—SHEA—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—S—ANDREWS, "in which interest rates are even lower than they were 17000101—17991231    —IN—THE, ".
20141227—17200000    —IN, That includes borrowing that may have been used to compensate slave owners —WHEN slavery was abolished, to relieve the famine in 18010101—19001231     IRELAND and to bail out the infamous SOUTH—SEA—COMPANY, which caused the bubble.
20150101             LITAUEN tritt als 19. Land der Eurozone bei.
20150101             She played ELLY—MAY—CLAMPETT in the "THE—BEVERLY—HILLBILLIES" sitcom which aired 19620000—19710000    —FROM—TO.
20150101             MARIO—CUOMO (19320000             *), former 3—TERM—GOVERNOR—OF—NEW—YORK state (19830000—19940000    ), †—OF—HEART—FAILURE at home in Manhattan.
20150101             WEST—VIRGINIA, ERIC—CAMPBELL, —21—JAHRE—ALT and EDWARD—CAMPBELL, —54—JAHRE—ALT—OF—TEXAS were arrested —FOLLOWING 1—SHOOTING that left 2—OFFICERS wounded.
20150101             The bodies of JEROME—FAULKNER, —63—JAHRE—ALT and his wife Dora (62) of NORTH—CAROLINA, killed —EARLIER in the —DAY, were found in the bed of 1—PICKUP truck driven by EDWARD—CAMPBELL.
20150101             THE—BAHAMAS, 1—NEW 7.5—PERCENT tax VALUE—ADDED went into effect only for businesses whose profits exceed $100,000 —1—YEAR.
20150101             —ARRESTED, FRITZ—JOLY—JOACHIN (19) was, —WHILE trying to cross from BULGARIA to TURKEY.
20150101             —UNIDENTIFIED, BURUNDI, 1—GROUP—OF, rebels crossed into the country overnight from DRCONGO—EAST—KIVU region.
20150101             THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—REP. said it will not recognize 1—SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE performed for the 1. time there —2—DAYS—EARLIER.
20150101             —ADDRESSED, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH—EL—SISSI, Muslim clerics in 1 televised speech at 1—AL—AZHAR conference center in CAIRO and called on them to promote 1—READING—OF—ISLAMIC—TEXT in 1 enlightened manner and to reconsider concepts that have been made sacred over HUNDREDS—OF—YEARS.
20150101             —ORDERED, Defense lawyers said EGYPT—HIGHEST—COURT has, 1—RETRIAL—OF—3 jailed journalists working for AL—JAZEERA television, citing procedural flaws in —LAST—YEAR—TRIAL.
20150101             FRANCE—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said 940—CARS were set alight by revelers ringing in the New —YEAR, 12—PERCENT fewer than the 1,067 set aflame —LAST—YEAR.
20150101             1—GAMBIA military source said 4—OFFICERS suspected of participating in 1 failed military coup against strongman PRESIDENT—YAHYA—JAMMEH have taken refuge in GUINEA—BISSAU.
20150101             —ARRESTED, DOZENS—OF—MILITARY—PERSONNEL and civilians were, and 1—LARGE—CACHE—OF—WEAPONS and explosives were found —AFTER the alleged coup attempt.
20150101             —STOPPED, Heavy seas, divers reaching the possible wreck of 1—AIRASIA—INDONESIA jet off Borneo.
20150101             —SCRAPPED, INDIA, its —65—YEAR—OLD Planning Commission and replacing it —TODAY with new National Institution for Transforming INDIA (NITI), which PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI said would do more to involve the regions.
20150101             —KILLED, IRAN, 2—PEOPLE were, in what is being labeled 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK in THE—SOUTH—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—SISTAN and Baluchistan.
20150101             —KILLED, SOUTH—IRAQ, gunmen, 3—SUNNI clerics near the mostly Shiite CITY—OF—BASRA.
20150101             1—ROADSIDE bomb exploded in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, killing 4—CIVILIANS and wounding 12.
20150101             —SERVED, Karami, 2—TERMS, 19900000—19920000     and 20040000—20050000.
20150101             —WELCOMED, LITHUANIA, 1—NEW—YEAR and 1—NEW—CURRENCY, becoming the 19. member and last Baltic nation to adopt the euro in 1—BID to boost stability despite FEARS—OF—INFLATION and eurozone debt woes.
20150101             NIGERIA, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up at the gates of 1—CHURCH in THE—NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—GOMBE —DURING 1—NEW—YEAR—SERVICE, wounding 8—PEOPLE.
20150101             1—PAKISTAN—FISHING boat laden with explosives bound for INDIA blew up, killing all 4—PEOPLE on BOARD, —AFTER THE—INDIA—COAST—GUARD tried to stop and search it.
20150101             —BELIEVED, In THE—PHILIPPINES 1—HUGE blaze, to have been ignited by firecrackers, razed nearly a 1000—SHANTIES and killed 3—PEOPLE in 1—CREEKSIDE slum in MANILA.
20150101             —LINKED, At least 17—FIRES across the country were, to raucous New —YEAR—CELEBRATIONS leaving 1—TOTAL—OF—7—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20150101             —INTRODUCED, POLAND, 1—SO—CALLED "oncology package" was, requiring family doctors to diagnose and FAST—TRACK—CANCER—PATIENTS.
20150101             Doctors said this will leave less time and attention for all other patients, threatening their health.
20150101             —REFUSED, HUNDREDS—OF—DOCTORS, to sign the new plan and kept their surgeries closed.
20150101             —ARRESTED, SAUDI—ARABIA—SECURITY—FORCES, Montadhar ALI—SALEH—ALSBAITIIN, 1—MAN believed to belong to 1—SHI'ITE Muslim group blamed for instigating protests and unrest in the country's EAST—PROVINCE.
20150101             SOUTH—KOREA—BASED Samsung Electronics said it will release smart televisions equipped with its new platform built —AROUND the Tizen operating system —THIS—YEAR, as it seeks to lower its reliance on Google.
20150101             —KILLED, SRI—LANKA said flash floods and mudslides have, at least 39—PEOPLE and more than 1—MILLION have had to flee their homes in the past —2—WEEKS.
20150101             —HUNTED, SWEDEN—POLICE, for at least 1—SUSPECT —FOLLOWING what is believed to be the 3. arson attack on 1—MOSQUE in —1—WEEK.
20150101             —RECORDED, THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights, 1—MONITORING group, 76,021 deaths for 20140000             .
20150101             —KILLED, TANZANIA, 6—LIONS were, overnight by angry Maasai herders —FOLLOWING 1—ATTACK on livestock.
20150101             —DETAINED, TURKEY, 1—MAN carrying 1—AUTOMATIC—WEAPON was, near the historic Dolmabahce Palace in ISTANBUL —AFTER he threw 1—GRENADE at police.
20150101             —CLAIMED, THE—TURKEY—FAR—LEFT group DHKP—C soon, responsibility for the grenade attack.
20150101             —CARRIED, UKRAINE—SEPARATISTS, out sporadic attacks on government forces as the New —YEAR began, wounding 3—SOLDIERS.
20150101             —KILLED, Rebel mortar fire reportedly, 1—CIVILIAN.
20150101             —CALLED, ALEXANDER—BEDNOV, HEAD—OF—1—BATTALION, "BATMAN," was killed —WHEN separatist security forces tried to arrest him in THE—LUHANSK region.
20150101             —KILLED, YEMEN, 49—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER targeted 1—RELIGIOUS—CELEBRATION by Huthi supporters in the mainly Sunni CITY—OF—IBB.
20150101             Bilanz, HAMBURGer HAFEN ist nur noch Nummer 3 in EUROPA
20150101             GELD—ANLAGE: VERMÖGENS—PREISE stiegen im Rekordtempo
20150101             BILANZ FÜR : BUNDES—BANK macht 3,2—MILLIARDEN—EURO Gewinn
20150101             Bilanz, Stromriese EnBW macht GEWINN—DANK Aktienverkäufen
20150101             RÜSTUNGS—BERICHT, STAATEN geben wieder mehr Geld für Waffen aus
20150101             starben 1.300.000—MENSCHEN an den Folgen von Hepatitis B und C.
20150101             Interaktive Weltkarte: In diesen Ländern wird es 20150000             spannend
20150101             Hoffnung auf Annäherung: KIM—JONG—UN bereit zum Gipfel mit SÜD—KOREA
20150101             35—TOTE—BEI—SILVESTER—FEIER—IN—SHANGHAI : Nachgemachte DOLLAR—SCHEINE lösen Massengedränge aus
20150101             AFGHANISTAN: VIELE—TOTE—BEI—RAKETENEINSCHLAG auf Hochzeitsfeier
20150101             Präsidentschaft: JEB—BUSH stellt Weichen für Kandidatur
20150101             Neujahrsansprachen in MOSKAU und KIEW: PUTIN nennt KRIM—ANNEXION "Meilenstein der GESCHICHTE"
20150101             A disturbing parallel.
20150101             THE—FBI continues to insist that NORTH—KOREA did it.
20150101             Emptywheel points out the disturbing parallels between THE—FBI—WORK on this case and the job they did on the great ANTHRAX scare.
20150101             —BLAMED, So —13—YEARS—AGO, anonymous sources, IRAQ for the attack, —12—YEARS—AGO they blamed STEVEN—HATFILL, and —6—YEARS—AGO, they started blaming BRUCE—IVINS.
20150101             Probably, NONE—OF—THOSE claims are true.
20150101             ÄGYPTEN—GERICHT hebt Strafen für AL—JAZEERA—REPORTER auf
20150101             Spardiktat: Wofür müssen DIE—GRIECHEN LEIDEN?
20150101             Neujahrsmesse: DER—PAPA fordert —FRIEDEN—VON, allen
20150101             Trend zur ENERGIE—AUTARKIE: Familie Schmitt macht ES—SICH selbst
20150101             NATO—TRUPPEN in AFGHANISTAN: 1—MISSION endet, die KÄMPFE flammen auf
20150101             "Billionaires Index": ALIBABA—GRÜNDER—IST—DER—SUPERSTAR unter den Superreichen
20150101             Biblische Archäologie: Mit Trillerpfeife und Spaten auf den Spuren des Herrn
20150101             ISTANBUL: Bewaffneter wirft Handgranaten vor Sultanspalast
20150101             1—VON ihnen war der junge SCHWEIZER—JEAN—LOUIS—BURCKHARDT, der den Weg zum NIGER finden wollte.
20150101             JEAN—LOUIS—BURCKHARDT lernte Arabisch,
20150101             JEAN—LOUIS—BURCKHARDT nannte sich Sheikh IBRAHIM—IBN—ABDALLAH und
20150101             —VERKLEIDET, JEAN—LOUIS—BURCKHARDT schloss sich, als Muslim, verschiedenen Karawanen an.
20150101             HARTZ—REFORMEN und Langzeitarbeitslose: Die vergessene Million
20150101             [l] LACHER—DES—TAGES: Die neuen F-35-Düsenjäger der USA—AMERIKANER können ihre Bordkanone nicht feuern, weil DIE—SOFTWARE noch nicht fertig ist.
20150101             Wie lange brauchen die noch für DIE—SOFTWARE?
20150101             9—BODIES have so far been recovered from the Airbus A320-200, which crashed 20151228             en route to SINGAPORE.
201501011231         —DAS—JAHR war im Durchschnitt 0,9 Grad wärmer als der Durchschnitt des
201501011231         —DAS—JAHR—LAUT, NOAA war um 0,16—GRAD—CELSIUS wärmer als der —BISHERIGE Rekordhalter 20140000             .
20150101—20140000    —SHOWED, IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—FIGURES, violence in the country killed more than 15,000 civilians and security personnel.
20150101—20150107    —ASSOCIATED, He was —LATER, with the Kouachi brothers who killed 12—PEOPLE in PARIS.
20150101—20150129    —ON, he was extradited to FRANCE.
20150108             SOUTH—SYRIA, AL—QAIDA—NUSRA—FRONT—MILITANTS blew up the 12010101—13001231     tomb of 1—REVERED—ISLAMIC—SCHOLAR.
20150114             —PACKED, SRI—LANKA, 1—MILLION worshippers, THE—COLOMBO seafront to greet FRANCIS—PAPA as he canonized SRI—LANKA—1. saint, JOSEPH—VAZ, a 16010101—17001231     missionary.
20150121—200801011231Every —3—WEEKS, we bring online as much solar power as we did IN ALL OF.
20150123             —NUN, aber berichten Forscher der UNIVERSITY—OF—U insurgency in KENYA 19500101—19591231    —IN—THE, s, THE—BRITISH formed teams of friendly Kikuyu tribesmen who went about pretending to be terrorists.
20150129             es ist kein Zufall, dass die neue Mode der Gotik ausgerechnet am Übergang zwischen dem 11000101—12991231    aufkam.
20150129             Besonders wirkmächtig schnitzten Aufklärer 16000101—17991231    —UND—DES, sowie ROMANTIKEr
20150129             Fortschritt wurde —ERST 16000101—16991231    —SPÄTEM—IM, zum LEIT—WERT 1—KULTUR, die sich aus den Fängen der Tradition befreien, selbst denken, voranschreiten wollte.
20150129             Der FRANZÖSISCHE—PHILOSOPH WILHELM—VON—CONCHES brachte die Ansicht —ANFANG des 10000101—10991231 in 1—SATZ: "sumus relatores et expositores veterum, non inventores novorum"- wir sind Vermittler und Erklärer des Alten, nicht Erfinder von Neuem.
20150201             Leading scientist speaks of cultural 'Chernobyl' —AFTER blaze ravages 2.000—SQ metres of MOSCOW institute holding papers dating to 15000101—15991231              20150201             Leading scientist speaks of cultural 'Chernobyl' —AFTER blaze ravages 2.000—SQ metres of MOSCOW institute holding papers dating to 15000101—15991231              18000101—18991231    —IN—THE, —WHEN the 1.feeble bits struggled down the 1.undersea cable joining the Old World to the New, it must have made people's hair stand up on end in more than —JUST the purely electrical SENSE—IT must have seemed supernatural.
20150203             —INCLUDED, His 80—BOOKS, 8 on the Holocaust as well as a 3—VOLUME "HISTORY—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    ".
20150206             URSULA—VON—DER—LEYEN is 1—DESCENDANT—OF—BARON—LUDWIG—KNOOP      PAGE—14, 19670824             PAGE—22, and, 1—COTTON MERCHANT—OF—THE—CITY—STATE—OF—BREMEN and 1—OF—THE—MOST successful entrepreneurs of the 18000101—18991231              20150330             —ARRESTED, MEXICO, JOSE—GUADALUPE—REYES—RIVERA was, in 1—MACHINE—SHOP in CIUDAD—VICTORIA in connection with 20100824             —THE, massacre of 72—MIGRANTS.
20150216             "Anker dieses Typs werden auf GOTLAND und Öland gefunden, wo sie noch —BIS zu BEGINN—18000101—18991231    —DES, in Gebrauch waren".
20150227             Genügend Abnehmer für seine Figuren wird der Schachfigurenschnitzer im NORTHAMPTON des 10000101—10991231 gehabt haben.
20150227             Bei Ausgrabungen in GROß—BRITANNIEN wurde 1—SCHNITZWERKSTATT 10000101—10991231    —AUS—DEM, ENTDECKT—MIT Figuren aus Geweihen.
20150305             —FOUNDED, Nimrud was, in the 12010101—13001231     BC and was considered the jewel of the Assyrian era.
20150309             I started using it in order to get everybody to use it, so we could be a 20000101—20991231    institution and not a 18000101—18991231.
20150412             —DESCRIBED, In THE—VATICAN—FRANCIS—PAPA, 19150000             —THE massacre of as many as 1.5—MILLION—ARMENIANS as "the 1. genocide of the 19010101—20001231    " at a 100. anniversary MASSACHUSETTS TURKEY swiftly summoned THE—VATICAN—AMBASSADOR in ANKARA to protest.
20150425             —KILLED, NEPAL, 1—MAGNITUDE 7.9—EARTHQUAKE, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE, toppling a 18010101—19001231     tower in THE—CAPITAL—KATHMANDU and touching off 1—DEADLY—AVALANCHE on MOUNT—EVEREST.
20150507—20150101    —SEIT—JAHRES—BEGINN Luftverkehr wurden WELT—WEIT etwa 130—MILLIARDEN Liter Kerosin verbraucht.
20150516             —PRAISED, FRANCIS—PAPA, PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS as an "ANGEL—OF—PEACE" —DURING 1—MEETING at THE—VATICAN that underscored the Holy SEE—WARM—RELATIONS with the Palestinians as it prepares to canonize Mariam Bawardy and MARIE—ALPHONSINE—GHATTAS, 2 18010101—19001231     nuns from the region.
20150517             —CANONIZED, FRANCIS—PAPA, 2—NUNS from what was 18010101—19001231     Palestine.
20150603             Für ihre METASTUDIE—ARBEITETEN sich die Psychologen durch DIE—ERGEBNISSE—VON—INTELLIGENZTESTS aus mehr als 1—CENTURY.
20150619             —SIGNED, HAWAII GOVERNOR—DAVID—IGE, 1—BILL making his STATE—THE 1. to raise the legal smoking age to 21, effective 20160101             .
20150623             —STARTING 20150101             IKEA—AVERAGE—MINIMUM hourly wage will increase to $11.87, which is $4.62—ABOVE the current FEDERAL—WAGE.
20150723             —EXECUTED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said IRAN has, 694—PEOPLE 20150101—20150715    —BETWEEN.
20150728             The comparative method has been 1—OF—THE—HALLMARKS of anthropology —SINCE its inception in the middle of the 18000101—18991231.
20150730—20150101    —SINCE, NEW—YORK—CITY reported more than 100—CASES.
20150812             Of course —WHILE there were no doubt plenty of JESUS' in the 1—CENTURY, JESUS—OF—NAZARETH could not have existed —SINCE NAZARETH didn't exist —UNTIL the 01010101—02001231  .
20150823             —BEWAHRHEITET, DIE—SCHLIMMSTEN Befürchtungen der Archäologen haben sich : TERRORISTEN des "ISLAMISCHER—STAAT"(IS) haben eines der wichtigsten antiken Bauwerke in der SYRISCHEN—RUINENSTADT Palmyra zerstört: den BAALSCHAMIN—TEMPEL, der im 01000101—01991231 n.
20150828—20150101    UNO—BERICHT, 300.000—MENSCHEN sind über DAS—MITTELMEER geflohen (Politik, 11:38)
20150907—20200101    —BIS, [l] Großzügig: CAMERON—GROSS—BRITANNIEN will 20.000—FLÜCHTLINGE aus SYRIEN reinlassen.
20150929—20150101    —FROM, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES announced labor reforms to be enforced aimed at curbing abuse and protecting THE—RIGHTS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—FOREIGN—WORKERS.
20151005             —INCLUDED, GRACE—LEE—BOGGS—BOOKS, "Revolution and Evolution in the 19010101—20001231    " (19740000             ), CO—WRITTEN with her husband, and her memoir "Living for Change" (19980000             ).
20151007             TANZANIA, YANG—FENG—CLAN, —66—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CHINA—WOMAN, was charged in DAR—ES—SALAAM alongside 2—TANZANIANS with smuggling 1.9—TONS—OF—IVORY 20000101—20000120    —BETWEEN140522       .
20151007             TANZANIA, YANG—FENG—CLAN, —66—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CHINA—WOMAN, was charged in DAR—ES—SALAAM alongside 2—TANZANIANS with smuggling 1.9—TONS—OF—IVORY 20000101—20140522    —BETWEEN.
20151011             Der SYRISCHE—BÜRGER—KRIEG ist für das 20000101—20991231    ., was der SPANISCHER—BÜRGER—KRIEG für das
20151018             GUYANA—GOVERNMENT said it is implementing 1—BAN on polystyrene foam products that it says pose 1—THREAT to health and the environment effective 20150101             .
20151024             —MASSED, IRAQ, huge crowds of BLACK—CLAD Shiite faithful, in KARBALA, crying and beating their chests to commemorate Ashura, the 06010101—07001231     killing of the prophet's grandson.
20151027—21000101    —PROGNOSE—BIS, KLIMA—WANDEL könnte Golfregion unbewohnbar machen
20151028             Das ENDE—DER—EISZEITLICHEN—MEGAFAUNA beschäftigt Forscher —SEIT—DEM—SCHON 18000101—18991231              20151028             Das Luftschiff wird zur ÜBERWACHUNG eingesetzt und kann mittels Sensor—, Netzwerktechnik vor Drohnen und Marschflugkörpern WARNEN.
20151028—20150101    —FROM, COLOMBIA—PRESIDENT—JUAN—MANUEL—SANTOS offered to declare 1—BILATERAL—CEASEFIRE with THE—FARC guerrillas, which would mark 1—MAJOR—BREAKTHROUGH in peace talks.
20151108             THE—NLD won enough seats in PARLIAMENT to allow it to form MYANMAR—1. truly CIVIL—GOVERNMENT in more than HALF—1—CENTURY.
20151111             sinkende STAATS—SCHULDENQUOTE auf, DIE—USA—VON—1945—1982—UND auch 19900101—19991231    —JAHREN—IN—DEN.
20151118—20150101    —FROM, THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT said it has decided to introduce 1—BAN on food imports from UKRAINE —STARTING because Kiev joined Western sanctions over MOSCOW.
20151118—20160101    —ON, authorities said Mufeed bin AHMED—HASAN—OMRAN has been arrested for his alleged involvement in this and other attacks.
20151124             TURKEY shot down 1—RUSSIA—WARPLANE—NEAR THE—SYRIA—BORDER, saying it had repeatedly violated its air space, 1—OF—THE—MOST serious publicly acknowledged clashes between 1—NATO—MEMBER—COUNTRY and RUSSIA for HALF—1—CENTURY.
20151127—20150101    —FROM, RUSSIA said it would suspend its VISA—FREE—REGIME for TURKEY—NATIONALS as it retaliates against ANKARA for the downing of 1—RUSSIA—WARPLANE.
20151128             —HONORED, UGANDA, FRANCIS—PAPA, UGANDA's 18010101—19001231     Christian martyrs and encouraged its 20010101—21001231     Christian youths —DURING —1—DAY that saw nearly 1—HALF—MILLION—UGANDANS turn out to see him.
20151209—20150101    —FROM, CHINA—GOVERNMENT said it will pay bonuses to companies meeting coal efficiency standards.
20151216—20150101    —FROM, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN ordered his government to suspend RUSSIA—FREE—TRADE—ZONE with UKRAINE, making good on MOSCOW—THREATS to Kiev which seeks closer ties with THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20151224             —EVACUATED, ARGENTINA authorities said that 10,000—PEOPLE were, in Entre Rios province —AFTER rains swelled THE—URUGUAY—RIVER to its highest level in nearly 1—CENTURY.
20151230—19760101    —AM, hieß es dann im 'Wachtturm', nicht die Vorhersage sei falsch gewesen, EINIGE—GLÄUBIGE hätten einfach nur falsche Erwartungen gehabt",
20160101             das Gesetz zur Regionalreform in FRANKREICH.
20160101             Statt —BISHER 22—REGIONEN gibt es im FRANZÖSISCHEN—MUTTERLAND künftig nur noch 13—REGIONEN.
20160101             —BECAME, HAWAII, the 1. USA—STATE to raise the legal age for smoking to 21.
20160101             AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK at 1—FRANCE—RESTAURANT in KABUL killed 2—PEOPLE wounded at least 5.
20160101             —KILLED, BURUNDI, at least 1—PERSON was, and 12 injured in 1—SERIES—OF—GRENADE—ATTACKS in BUJUMBURA.
20160101             EL—SALVADOR, at least 29—PEOPLE were slain on the 1. —DAY—OF—THE—YEAR.
20160101             ESTONIA, 1—LAW allowing gay partnerships took effect, but SAME—SEX—COUPLES are being advised to hold off on getting hitched —UNTIL 1—SERIES—OF—LEGAL—ISSUES have been worked out.
20160101             THE—EU, new rules known as Solvency 2—CAME into effect.
20160101             —REQUIRED, They, European insurers to follow uniform rules on cpital designed to make the firms more robust and allow others to assess their strength more easily.
20160101             —PROTESTED, HONG—KONG, more than 1,500—PEOPLE, on New —YEAR—DAY calling for the city's leader to resign and airing grievances over issues from expensive construction projects to INTERNET freedoms.
20160101             —FOCUSED, Protester's, on the 40-km structure linking HONG—KONG with MACAU and the mainland CITY—OF—ZHUHAI.
20160101             —ANNOUNCED, ICELAND—PRESIDENT—OLAFUR—RAGNAR—GRIMSSON, —72—JAHRE—ALT, he was stepping down —AFTER—20—YEARS in the job, paving the way for 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION in June.
20160101             —BANNED, INDIA, more than 1—MILLION—PRIVATE—CARS were, from NEW—DELHI—ROADS, as authorities began testing drastic new measures to cut smog in the world's most polluted capital.
20160101             For the next —15—DAYS—PRIVATE—CARS will only be allowed on the city's roads EVERY—OTHER—DAY to try to reduce pollutant levels.
20160101             —LAUNCHED, IRAQ, Islamic State militants, suicide attacks in THE—WEST—CITY—OF—RAMADI days —AFTER troops drove them OUT—OF—THE—CITY—CENTER.
20160101             —UNIDENTIFIED, ISRAEL, 1, gunman killed 2—PEOPLE and wounded at least 3—OTHERS on 1—BUSTLING thoroughfare in CENTRAL—TEL Aviv —BEFORE fleeing.
20160101             —SHOWED, Media, images of 1 abandoned ammunition clip that appeared to have come from 1—SPECTRE M4 MACHINE—GUN - 1—WEAPON rarely seen in ISRAEL and THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORIES.
20160101             THE—NETHERLANDS took over the rotating PRESIDENCY—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20160101             —UNVEILED, NIGERIA, a 9—METER tall statue of Jesus Christ carved from white marble in the village of Abajah, thought to be the biggest of its kind in AFRICA.
20160101             —EXECUTED, SAUDI—ARABIA, 47—CRIMINALS including prominent Shiite Muslim cleric Nimr AL—NIMR, —56—JAHRE—ALT and DOZENS—OF—AL—QAEDA members, signaling it would not tolerate attacks, whether by Sunni jihadists or minority Shi'ites, and stirring sectarian anger across the region.
20160101             —DELIVERED, AL—NIMR was 1—CHARISMATIC—RELIGIOUS—LEADER who, fiery speeches demanding more rights for his minority in THE—SUNNI—RULED kingdom.
20160101             SAUDI—ARABIA, the price of petrol rose by 50%.
20160101             —REPORTED, TURKEY—MEDIA, that 2—POLICE—OFFICERS, 1—SOLDIER and 12—KURDISTAN Workers' Party (PKK) fighters were killed in the southeast in the last —48—HOURS in operations to push back the militant group.
20160101             UKRAINE—FREE—TRADE—DEAL with THE—EU came into effect, coinciding with THE—START—OF—MOSCOW—FOOD—EMBARGO against Kiev that will force the impoverished FORMER—SOVIET—REPUBLIC to revisit its economic model.
20160101             —KILLED, YEMEN, 6—PEOPLE were, in 1—FIREFIGHT between YEMEN—PRO—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and AL—QAEDA suspects who were travelling in 1—WEAPONS—LADEN vehicle toward ADEN.
20160101             1—SENIOR—AL—QAIDA leader and 3—PEOPLE traveling in his convoy were killed near 1—SECURITY—CHECKPOINT in SOUTH—ABYAN province.
20160101             Unglück an Silvester: Die Feuersbrunst von DUBAI
20160101             IS plante offenbar ANSCHLAG—IN—MÜNCHEN: GROß—ALARM—IN—DER SILVESTER—NACHT
20160101             MEDIEN—BERICHT—USA schieben neue SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—IRAN auf
20160101             —LIVESTREAM, POLIZEI MÜNCHEN informiert über aktuelle TERRORlage
20160101             —KRISE—DER—PARTEIENDEMOKRATIE: ALLE—MACHT geht dem Volke aus
20160101             Autoabgase: EU wusste früh von MANIPULATIONsgefahr
20160101             KIM—JONG—UNS Neujahrsrede : "Wir sind zu Gesprächen bereit"
20160101             —STREIT—UM—SCHULDEN: RUSSLAND verklagt DIE—UKRAINE
20160101             —GESUCHT, Relativitätstheorie: Nachfolger verzweifelt
20160101             —FUNKTIONIERT, Einsteins THEORIE, in kosmischen Dimensionen hervorragend.
20160101             Einsteins Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie
20160101             Sie bläst gar Raum und Zeit zu 1—SCHAUMARTIGEN, unvorhersehbaren Gebilde auf, in dem ihre Gesetze nur Unfug liefern.
20160101             Im FALL—VON—SCHWARZEN—LÖCHERN sieht es noch düsterer aus: "Sie sagt quasi ihr eigenes Versagen voraus, und zwar indem sie sogenannte Singularitäten beschreibt",
20160101             Singularitäten sind Punkte in der Raumzeit, an denen die Krümmung unendlich wird, weil die Massendichte unendlich ist.
20160101             Unendliche Werte deuten laut Thiemann darauf hin, daß man den GÜLTIGKEITS—BEREICH 1—THEORIE überschritten hat.
20160101             1—NEUE THEORIE soll sie in sich vereinen und helfen, die 4—KRÄFTE der PHYSIK—STARKE, schwache, elektromagnetische und SCHWERKRAFT—UNTER 1—HUT zu bringen.
20160101             Einsteins Überlegungen sollen nur 1—GRENZFALL darstellen, so der TRAUM vieler Wissenschaftler.
20160101             für 1.solche THEORIE der Quantengravitation gibt es —BEREITS.
20160101             Sie könnten die Relativitätstheorie mit der Welt des besonders Kleinen und damit den Quanten in Einklang bringen.
20160101             DAS—PRINZIP der sogenannten Schleifenquantengravitation (Loop quantum gravity) wäre ein solch würdiger Nachfolger,
20160101             Sie könnte nicht nur Wissenschaftler auf der Suche nach der fast —SCHON mythischen Weltformel (Theory of Everything) unterstützen, sondern auch helfen, den Urknall besser zu verstehen und die PHYSIK im Inneren eines SCHWARZEn Loches zu definieren.
20160101             DIE—SCHLEIFENQUANTENGRAVITATION geht davon aus, daß unser Raum aus Schleifen aufgebaut ist, die zu NETZ—WERKEN verknüpft sind.
20160101             Sie bewegen sich nicht innerhalb eines Raumes, sondern sind der Raum selbst und gehorchen dabei den Gesetzen der Quantenmechanik.
20160101             Bestimmte Konstellationen und KNOTEN—PUNKTE in diesem NETZ—WERK stellen dabei den ZUSTAND—DES—RAUMES dar und definieren letzten Endes sogar Elementarteilchen.
20160101             —DIE—ZEIT, bekommt ihre Bedeutung durch Veränderungen IM—NETZ—WERK und ein aufeinanderfolgendes Umknüpfen der Knoten.
20160101             —BESCHREIBT, DIE—THEORIE, letztlich 1.ART—NETZMUSTER—DES—RAUMS auf kleinster Ebene, das von Physikern auch SPIN—NETZ—WERK genannt wird.
20160101             1—ANDERER Kandidat für die Quantengravitation ist die Stringtheorie.
20160101             DIE—STRINGTHEORIE.
20160101             WEITERENTWICKLUNGEN, der THEORIE sind sogar mehrdimensionale Strings vorgesehen.
20160101             Im ZENTRUM—DER—THEORIE stehen die Ausbreitung und Schwingungen der als winzig angenommen Strings und ihre WECHSEL—WIRKUNG.
20160101             Neben Stringtheorie und Schleifenquantengravitation existieren noch weitere exotische Kandidaten, etwa die sogenannte Supergravitation.
20160101             DIE—NACHFOLGE der Relativitätstheorie ist längst nicht nur ein physikalisches, sondern auch ein mathematisches Problem.
20160101             Deshalb sind Physiker auf die grundlegende HILFE—VON—MATHEMATIKERN angewiesen.
20160101             "JEDES—MAL, wenn in der PHYSIK 1—FORTSCHRITT zu verzeichnen war, wenn 1.neue Erkenntnisstufe erreicht wurde, mussten DIE—PHYSIKER 1.neue Mathematik mit in ihren Werkzeugkasten nehmen",
20160101             "—JETZT sind wir auf der Suche nach neuen mathematischen Instrumenten, die es erlauben, DIE—BISHERIGEN Engpässe zu überwinden und die Einstein'schen Gleichungen auch in der Quantentheorie im Zaum zu halten".
20160101             Den Erfolgsdruck in DER—GRUND—LAGEN—FORSCHUNG sah —SCHON Einstein kritisch.
20160101             —WÄHREND, der Anstellung entwickelte Einstein die Spezielle Relativitätstheorie (19050000             ) und arbeitete auch an seiner Habilitation.(
20160101             Dass seine rein theoretischen Überlegungen zur Dehnung von Zeit und Raum —JAHRZEHNTE später tatsächlich von praktischer Relevanz sein würden, ahnte Einstein kaum.
20160101             —FUNKTIONIERT, Das NAVIGATIONS—SYSTEM GPS, nur dank der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie.
20160101             uebrigens,wenn 1.theorie zu unendlichen werten kommt,muss nicht unbedingt 1.neue theorie her.
20160101             es ist doch moeglich,dass unendlich ebenso wie das nichts,der KERN—PUNKT ist,
20160101             Es war der schwer behinderte Physiker BURKHARD—HEIM, welcher
20160101             Durchgesetzt hat sich die Formulierung von Einstein, und Lorentz hat ihn dabei sogar unterstützt, und zwar deshalb weil das Einsteinsche Modell eben die Beobachtungen besser beschreibt als das Lorentzsche.
20160101             1—GRUNDSÄTZLICHES PROBLEM—DER—PHYSIK besteht darin, das es keine absoluten Werte gibt.
20160101             In der Mathematik hingegen existieren wahre Konstanten wie etwa die Zahl Pi oder die Primzahlen.
20160101             —BEKOMMT, Wie, man Uhren optimal synchronisiert ?
20160101             71.Dualismus als wichtiges Grundkonzept
20160101             —BESTIMMT, Dualismus, in 1—VIEL stärkeren Ma0e als allgemein angenommen unsere Beschreibung sowohl der Teilchenphysik als auch der kosmischen Vorgänge.
20160101             —GESEHEN, Und ich möchte folgendes Wissen: Streng logisch, kann nicht etwas aus dem Nichts entstehen.
20160101             VERFASSUNGS—REFORM in der TÜRKEI—ERDOGAN nennt HITLER—DEUTSCHLAND als Beispiel
20160101             —STREIT—ÜBER—GEBETE, USA—AGRAR—KONZERN Cargill feuert 190—MUSLIME
20160101             FRANKREICH: Auto rast in SOLDATEN—GRUPPE vor Moschee
20160101             TERROR—WARNUNG in MÜNCHEN: Die Unsicherheit ist da —, sie bleibt
20160101             Umstrittener HITLER—VERGLEICH: ERDOGAN fühlt sich falsch verstanden
20160101             USA—ARBEITS—MARKTBILANZ OBAMA hinterlässt DONALD—TRUMP kräftiges JOB—PLUS
20160101             —J—IM, seien mehr als 216—TONNEN Gold nach FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN verlagert worden, teilte DIE—BUNDES—BANK mit.
20160101             RÜSTUNGS—BERICHT—USA und EUROPA rüsten auf
20160101             STATISTIK FÜR, Schuldenstand in EURO—ZONE sinkt leicht
20160101             Insgesamt starben IN—DEN—USA mehr als 42.000—MENSCHEN an den Folgen 1—OPIOID—EINNAHME—MEHR als je zuvor.
201601011231         † † † 291.100—MENSCHEN, in EUROPA an den Folgen ÜBER—MÄßIGEN ALKOHOL—KONSUMS, berichtet DIE—WHO.
201601011231         WIRTSCHAFTS—WACHSTUM, Boom! (Wirtschaft, 10:06)
20160101—20120000    —COMMISSIONED, It was, by Obinna Onuoha, 1—LOCAL—BUSINESSMAN who hired 1—CHINA—COMPANY to carve it and placed it in the grounds of a 20000000             —CAPACITY church that he built.
20160101—20150000    —ESTIMATED, Local news media, the number of killings at well above 6,000.
20160108             —KILLED, ISRAEL—POLICE, in 1—SHOOTOUT 1—ARAB citizen wanted for a 20160101             gun rampage in Tel Aviv.
20160108—20160101    —ON, The book fell into the public domain.
20160113             CHILE—ARCHITECT ALEJANDRO—ARAVENA won the prestigious 20160000             Pritzker Prize, earning praise for "powerful" designs that address key social and economic challenges of the 20010101—21001231  .
20160119—20140101    —FROM, The figures count only documented casualties, 20151031             THROUGH, and the actual numbers were likely far higher.
20160129             Als die ARABER 06000101—06991231    —IM, das BYZANTINER—REICH angriffen, färbte das etwa ab.
20160129             Tatort dieser Ausrottung war NEUSEELAND, Opfer waren 9—SPEZIES von Moas, die Tatzeit war das 12000101—12991231    und DIE—TÄTER Polynesier.
20160130             1—ÄHNLICHES Szenario hat es —LAUT—ANGABEN, des Goldhändlers 19700101—19791231    —JAHREN—IN—DEN, gegeben.
20160301—20160101    —SINCE, That brings the total NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE executed to 69.
20160318             Im Vergleich zum 18000101—18991231    kratzte die globale Temperatur damit an der kritischen Schwelle von 1,5 Grad, die laut UNO—KLIMA—VERTRAG möglichst vermieden werden sollte.
20160318             Dramatisches: Die Temperaturkurve der NORD—HALBKUGEL war 2—GRAD über die Durchschnittstemperatur 18000101—18991231    —DES, GESCHNELLT—DIE 2—GRAD—GRENZE gilt KLIMA—FORSCHERN als gefährliche Schwelle.
20160330             —ANNOUNCED, THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION, 1—NEW—PARTNERSHIP with 420160101              rgy companies that have agreed to voluntarily reduce methane emissions from natural gas operations to help combat climate change.
20160405             —LANDED, JÜRGEN—MOSSACK'S'S family, here 19600101—19691231    —IN—THE, s.
20160412             Übrigens fällt bei der Gelegenheit auf, daß dieser §—103—STGB eigentlich völlig überflüssig ist, 1—DEMOKRATIE unwürdig, und auch unter dem Namen "SCHAH—PARAGRAF"bekannt ist, weil DER—SCHAH von Persien ihn 19600101—19691231    —JAHREN—IN—DEN, besonders häufig anwenden ließ.
20160427             SPAIN, construction workers came across 19—AMPHORAS containing THOUSANDS—OF—BRONZE and SILVER—COATED coins dating from THE—END—OF—THE 03010101—04001231     in THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—TOMARES outside Seville.
20160428             It came into effect 20170101             .
20160428—19500101    —IN—THE s, this disease wiped out the Gros Michel banana (1—SWEET, creamy variety of banana grown in LATIN—AMERICA, which was the only banana IN—THE—WORLD that could be exported AT—THAT—TIME).
20160502             TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SHIITE faithful have been making their way —THIS—WEEK to THE—NORTH—BAGHDAD NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—KADHIMIYAH, where the 07010101—08001231     Imam Moussa AL—KADHIM is buried.
20160504             There was THE—FBI—COINTELPRO, a —PROGRAM—OF—COVERT—ACTION launched against the social MOVEMENTS—OF—THE 19600101—19691231    s and 1970s, perceived to be HOME—GROWN threats to the social and political order.
20160516             Bekannt wurde Berger 19800101—19891231    —JAHREN—IN—DEN, als Sexspezialistin der Nation mit der RTL—SENDUNG "CALL—IN - 1.Chance für die Liebe".
20160601             Das Gefühl der Sicherheit ist das, was den Unter—, längst auch den Mittelschichten in den Umbrüchen 20000101—20991231    —DES, zunehmend abhanden kommt.
20160612             DIE—ART—DER—WASSERVERSORGUNG galt als Erfindung aus der ANGKOR—BLÜTEZEIT 08000101—08991231    —ZWISCHEN—DEM, und
20160616             THE—CITY—COUNCIL gave final approval to a 1.5—CENT—PER—OUNCE tax on sugary and diet beverages with collections to begin next 20160101             .
20160617             Alle taten es: DIE—CHINESEN spielten _02000101_02991231   —IM—BEREITS, Cuju;
20160620             32—BIENENSTÖCKE haben sie in ihrem Revier —SCHON angelegt: "17000101—17991231    —IM, gab es hier 20.000, doch dann geriet die traditionelle Imkerei immer mehr in Vergessenheit".
20160701             —REGISTERED, ANY—CAR, —BEFORE 19970101             , will be barred from the city's streets from —MONDAY to —FRIDAY, from 8 a.m. to 8—P.m.
20160714             "—BISHER ist TRIER vor allem aus SPÄT—ANTIKER Sicht wahrgenommen worden, das frühe00000101—00991231    ist noch kaum erforscht".
20160728             Es entstand _00000101_00991231   —IM, und zeigt Gläubige, die mit OPFER—GABEN zur Stupa kommen.
20160728             Flatterten 18400101—18491231    —JAHREN—IN—DEN, noch 117—ARTEN—VON—TAGFALTERN und WIDDERCHEN—TAGAKTIVE KLEINSCHMETTERLINGE—AM Keilberg, so waren es 2010ca00             nur noch 71,
20160809             Nicht weit entfernt von dem Gebiet, auf —DEM—HEUTE die SERBISCHE—STADT Kostolac steht, befand sich vom 1.bis05000101—05991231    DIE—RÖMER—STADT—VIMINACIUM.
20160816             —NAMED, It was, —AFTER 1—CHINA—PHILOSOPHER—OF—THE 04010101—05001231  .
20160820             EVERY—STANDARD—HISTORICAL narrative of the 19600101—19691231    s that continues to exclude mention of serious plans for 1—USA—NUCLEAR 1.strike constitutes 1—TACIT DENIAL—OF—THAT—IMPORTANT—REALITY,
20160820             —FAILED, If our media, to report these shocking new facts about the —EARLY, 19600101—19691231    s, how much can we rely upon it for COVERAGE—OF—PRESENT—DAY—EVENTS—OF—ENORMOUS—IMPORTANCE, given the vastly more immediate pressures and political interests which are surely brought to bear?
20160823             "Mulholland Drive"von Regisseur DAVID—LYNCH ist der beste Film 20000101—20991231    —DES..
20160823             1.Liste der "100—GREATEST Films of the 20010101—21001231     so far"
20160826             —INAUGURATED, ISTANBUL, the $3—BILLION SELIM—BRIDGE, named —AFTER the 15010101—16001231     Ottoman SULTAN.
20160922—20160101    USA—POLIZISTEN erschießen 706—MENSCHEN (Panorama, 07:33)
20161003—201170101   —BIS, TÜRKEI—ERDOGAN verlängert AUSNAHME—ZUSTAND
20161026             —1— D, The piece of papyrus, by THE—ISRAEL—ANTIQUITIES—AUTHORITY to the 06010101—07001231     B.C., was presented at 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE in JERUSALEM shortly —AFTER PARIS—BASED UNESCO adopted 1—RESOLUTION that ISRAEL said denied JUDAISM—LINK to the ancient city.
20161028             sie soll 10000101—10991231    —AUS—DEM, stammen.
20161115             The rebuilt CAST—IRON—DOME—OF—THE—USA—CAPITOL, 1—SOARING SYMBOL—OF—NATIONAL unity —SINCE the 18010101—19001231    , was formally completed —AFTER a $60—MILLION—OVERHAUL that included repairing RUST—CHOKED gutters and more than 1,300 cracks.
20161117             THE—UNITED—NATIONS said its budget to assist people suffering from ZIMBABWE—WORST—DROUGHT in 1—QUARTER—OF—1—CENTURY that left millions in NEED—OF—FOOD—AID had fallen short by $140—MILLION.
20161126             FIDEL—CASTRO, hat DER—FRÜHERE—DEUTSCHE—AUSSEN—MINISTER—HANS—DIETRICH—GENSCHER einmal geschrieben, "ragt wie 1—MONUMENT aus 1—ANDEREN Zeit 20000101—20991231    —IN—DAS, hinein".
20161208—19600101    —IN—THE s, movies began to experiment with nudity and violence.
20161213             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, the 20010101—21001231     Cures Act, legislation that makes new investments in cancer research and battling drug abuse.
20161216             1—BLAST—OF—ARCTIC—AIR hammered THE—NORTH—EAST—USA, bringing BOSTON the coldest temperatures for this —DAY in more than 1—CENTURY, prompting schools closings and officials to warn residents to cover up or stay indoors.
20161224             —PROPOSED, The memorial includes 1, 192-meter (630-foot) -tall statue of Shivaji, a 15010101—16001231     ruler from WEST—INDIA and will be built off THE—COAST—OF—MUMBAI on land reclaimed from the Arabian Sea.
20161227             —WHEN it COMES to influencing public opinion, broadcasting has been the single most powerful force in USA—SOCIETY—SINCE the turn 19000101—19991231    —OF—THE, but especially 19870000             —SINCE.
20170101             der Portugiese António—Guterres als UN—GENERALSEKRETÄR.
20170101             Astrologie: Warum so VIELE—MENSCHEN an Horoskope glauben
20170101             Dass —BIS zu 40.—000—JAHRE—DES—ZUSAMMENLEBENS ihre Spur im GEHIRN des Hundes hinterlassen haben, gilt —INZWISCHEN, als akzeptiert.
20170101             Schlaue Tiere: Pferde wissen, was du weißt
20170101             —VOR, über 5.—000—JAHREN begannen die Bewohner der Eurasischen Steppe damit, Pferde als Reit—, Lasttiere zu nutzen.
20170101             —INCLUDED, CALIFORNIA, new laws went into effect that, 1—INCREASE in the minimum wage from $10 and —HOUR to $10.50 an —HOUR for businesses with 26 or more employees.
20170101             —MANDATED, ILLINOIS, 1—NEW—LAW took effect that, an —HOUR—OF—TRAINING for stylists, barbers, cosmetologists, hair braiders and nail technicians for abuse training as PART—OF—THEIR licensing process.
20170101             —OPENED, NEW—YORK—CITY, 3—NEW—SUBWAY—STATIONS, to the public on the 2. Avenue line.
20170101             TEXAS, 1—ACCIDENTAL pesticide poisoning left 4—CHILDREN—DEAD.
20170101             —RELEASED, Phosphine gas was likely, —WHEN a father used a garden hose to wash away a pesticide under a MOBILE home.
20170101             THE—BILL—AND—MELINDA—GATES—FOUNDATION brought into force 1—POLICY on research that it supports calling for the research, —WHEN published, to be freely available to all.
20170101             BAHRAIN, 1—PRISON—BREAK led to THE—DEATH—OF—1—POLICE—OFFICER and the escape of 10—INMATES convicted on terrorism charges, setting off 1—MANHUNT across the tiny ISLAND nation.
20170101             BRAZIL, 1—REBELLION began —LATE—TODAY at the Anisio Jobim prison complex in MANAUS.
20170101             —KILLED, By the —NEXT—DAY 57—PEOPLE were, in the riot sparked by 1—WAR between rival drug gangs.
20170101             —BEHEADED, MANY—OF—THOSE slain were, or dismembered.
20170101             1 estimated 225—INMATES escaped and only 48 were recaptured.
20170101             Officials —LATER said MEMBERS—OF—THE—FDN, Familia do Norte (FAMILY—OF—THE—NORTH), organized the massacre seeking to wipe out THE—SAO—PAULO—BASED rival Comando da Capital (PCC).
20170101             —INCLUDED, His 40—BOOKS : "Inequality: What Can Be Done" (20150000             ).
20170101             —KILLED, BURUNDI, 1—GUNMAN, EMMANUEL—NIYONKURU, —54—JAHRE—ALT, the country's environment and water MINISTER —EARLY—TODAY, the 1. senior government figure to be murdered in nearly —2—YEARS—OF—POLITICAL—VIOLENCE.
20170101             CHINA, new regulations went into effect regarding the country's salt industry, easing 1—MONOPOLY that has existed in SOME—FORM for more than 2,—000—YEARS.
20170101             —CAUSED, NORTH—CHINA, heavy smog, HUNDREDS—OF—FLIGHTS to be canceled and highways to shut, disrupting the 1. —DAY—OF—THE—NEW—YEAR—HOLIDAY.
20170101             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—NEWS—AGENCY—XINHUA, that 1—COURT—IN—THE—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—ANHUI has handed out sentences of up to —20—YEARS in jail for 67—PEOPLE involved in 1—MAFIA—STYLE—GANG that engaged in gambling, extortion and violence.
20170101             —AGREED, CONGO, DRC rival groups, 1—DEAL for hauling the country out of 1—PERILOUS—POLITICAL—CRISIS.
20170101             —DURING this period 1—SO—CALLED—NATIONAL—TRANSITION—COUNCIL will be set up, headed by opposition leader ETIENNE—TSHISEKEDI, and 1—PRIME—MINISTER will be named from opposition ranks.
20170101             She will face extradition proceedings —FOLLOWING her arrest on 1—INTERPOL request from SEOUL.
20170101             —CLOSED, GAMBIA—SECURITY—AGENTS, 3—PRIVATE—RADIO—STATIONS—NEAR the capital, BANJUL, amid 1—ESCALATING political crisis triggered by PRESIDENT—YAHYA—JAMMEH—REFUSAL to accept his election defeat.
20170101             —ERUPTED, INDONESIA, 1—MASSIVE—FIRE, in 1—BOAT carrying HUNDREDS—OF—LOCAL—TOURISTS to 1—ISLAND—NORTH—OF—JAKARTA, leaving at least 23—DEAD and 17 injured.
20170101             —RESCUED, Another 17—PEOPLE were missing and 194 were, —FOLLOWING the blaze on the Zahro Express.
20170101             1—TOP—COMMANDER—SAID—IRAQ—FORCES have retaken more than 60—PERCENT—OF—EAST—MOSUL from the Islamic State group —SINCE the battle for the city began in MID—OCTOBER.
20170101             —RULED, THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT, that it would not release to their families the bodies of Hamas militants killed —DURING attacks on Israelis but would instead bury them.
20170101             ITALY, 1—BOMB—SQUAD—OFFICER in FLORENCE lost 1—EYE and had to have 1—HAND amputated —AFTER 1—SUSPICIOUS—PACKAGE he was examining exploded —BEFORE dawn.
20170101             MALTA took up the rotating PRESIDENCY—OF—THE—EU—COUNCIL—OF—MINISTERS.
20170101             —MARCHED, HUNDREDS—OF—IRATE—MEXICANS, in MEXICO—CITY to protest 1—STEEP—RISE in gasoline prices.
20170101             —ERUPTED, The protests, into looting in several PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20170101             —KILLED, MEXICO, at least 5—PEOPLE were, over the New —YEAR—WEEKEND in ACAPULCO including 3—MEN found decapitated.
20170101             —TRIED, MOROCCO, more than 1,000 migrants, to jump 1—HIGH—DOUBLE—FENCE between MOROCCO and THE—SPAIN—ENCLAVE—OF—CEUTA in 1—VIOLENT—ASSAULT that saw 1—OFFICER lose 1—EYE.
20170101             2 managed to get through, but were badly injured.
20170101             —REMOVED, POLAND, new legislation went into effect that, previous requirements for private landowners who want to cut down trees to apply for permission, pay compensation and plant new trees.
20170101             The legislation reportedly led to 1—MASSACRE—OF—TREES across the country.
20170101             SLOVAKIA, train and railway station patrols set up by 1—FAR—RIGHT—PARLIAMENTARY—PARTY became illegal AS—OF—TODAY.
20170101             —LAUNCHED, THE—PEOPLE—PARTY—OUR—SLOVAKIA had, the unarmed patrols —IN—APRIL—FOLLOWING 1—VIOLENT—INCIDENT on 1—PASSENGER—TRAIN, claiming the state was unable to keep people safe.
20170101             —IMPEACHED, SOUTH—KOREA'S, PRESIDENT—PARK—GEUN—HYE broke —1—MONTH—LONG—SILENCE over her alleged role in 1—CORRUPTION—SCANDAL, publicly denying charges of wrongdoing and saying that the accusations against her were "fabrication and falsehood".
20170101             —RESUMED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—WARPLANES, their BOMBARDMENT—OF—THE—REBEL—HELD Wadi Barada valley NORTH—WEST—OF—DAMASCUS —AFTER nearly —24—HOURS with no air raids.
20170101             1—MONITORING group and rebels said RUSSIAN—AND TURKISH—BACKED ceasefire largely held in other areas on its 3. —DAY.
20170101             NORTH—WEST—SYRIA, 1—AIR—RAID—LATE—TODAY struck several cars killing at least 8—PEOPLE, including AL—QAIDA—LINKED fighters and 1—SENIOR—COMMANDER with 1—CHINESE—ISLAMIC—MILITANT—FACTION.
20170101             —INCLUDED, The dead, 1—SENIOR—AL—QAIDA—COMMANDER known as Khattab AL—QAHTANI, who was from the Gulf region and fought for the group in AFGHANISTAN.
20170101             —KILLED, TURKEY, 39—PEOPLE were, and dozens wounded —WHEN 1—GUNMAN stormed the popular Reina nightclub in ISTANBUL and sprayed bullets at revelers celebrating the New —YEAR.
20170101             —IDENTIFIED, The gunman was —LATER, as 1—UZBEKISTAN—JIHADIST with THE—IS code NAME—OF—EBU—MUHAMMED—HORASANI.
20170101             YEMEN, 1—AIR—STRIKE hit 1—HOUSE in Marib, killing 5—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SAME—FAMILY.
20170101             4—CIVILIANS, including 3—CHILDREN, were killed in rebel bombing that targeted residential areas in THE—SOUTH—WEST—CITY—OF—TAEZ.
20170101             IN DER SILVESTERNACHT AM, folgt auf DIE—ZEIT 0:5959—UHR nicht wie üblich 1:0000—UHR, sondern —ERST 0:5960—UHR und dann 1:0000—UHR.
20170101             ISTANBUL: Mindestens 39—TOTE—BEI—ANGRIFF—AUF—NACHTKLUB
20170101             —KONTROLLIERT, Silvester am Hauptbahnhof: KÖLN—POLIZEI, Hunderte Männer
20170101             BAYERN: 6—TOTE—BEI—MASSENKARAMBOLAGE auf A7
20170101             —VERURSACHT, RHEINLAND—PFALZ: Falschfahrer, Unfall - 2—TOTE
20170101             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, CYBER—ABWEHR—ZENTRUM.
20170101             [l] Hacker hacken... USA—STROMVERSORGER.
20170101             Und natürlich waren es RUSSISCHE—REGIERUNGSHACKER, wer auch sonst.
20170101             1—CODE associated with THE—RUSSIA—HACKING operation dubbed Grizzly Steppe by THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION has been detected WITHIN—THE—SYSTEM—OF—1—VERMONT utility, ACCORDING—TO—USA—OFFICIALS.
20170101             Oh ach so, der "Beweis"dafür ist Grizzly Steppe.
20170101             Wie —DAMALS, mit den MASSEN—VERNICHTUNGS—WAFFEN im IRAK!
20170101             Da kann man doch nur sagen: Herr DE—MAIZIÈRE, übernehmen Sie!
20170101             1—NEUE—STUDIE aus JAPAN zeigt —NUN, daß Pferde nicht nur menschliche Signale interpretieren können, sondern auch die eigene Kommunikation fein auf Menschen abstimmen.
20170101             "Pferde können scheinbar ihr Kommunikationsverhalten daran anpassen, ob 1—MENSCH etwas weiß oder nicht".
20170101             Das Wissen darum, was andere wissen, wollen, planen oder sogar vortäuschen, auch "THEORY—OF—MIND"genannt, gilt als wichtige Komponente DER—MENSCHLICHEN INTELLIGENZ.
20170101             Kinder beherrschen diese Fähigkeit —ERST mit ungefähr —4—JAHREN.
20170101             Ja, Sterne und Planeten beeinflussen unser aller Schicksal.
20170101             Allerdings auf gleichzeitig komplexere und viel simplere Weise, als Astrologen uns das glauben machen wollen:
20170101             Trotzdem ist dieser Aberglaube, vertraut man Statistiken, in jüngerer Zeit eher wieder populärer geworden.
20170101             IN—DEN—USA ist es noch schlimmer: Dort sinkt die Zahl derer, die Astrologie für "vollkommen unwissenschaftlich"halten, offenbar.
20170101             1—HISTORISCHE Studie, 19850000             in "Nature"publiziert, hat zweifelsfrei und unter aktiver Mitwirkung von Astrologen gezeigt, daß ASTROLOGEN—ENTGEGEN ihren eigenen VORHERSAGEN—ANHAND des Geburtsdatums keinerlei über den Zufall hinausgehende valide Aussagen über die Persönlichkeit 1—TESTPERSON machen können.
20170101             Umgekehrt sind Testpersonen nicht in der Lage, aus 1—REIHE—VON—ASTROLOGISCHEN—PERSÖNLICHKEITSPROFILEN das für sie erstellte herauszufinden.
20170101             Besonders anschaulich zeigte das der FRANZÖSISCHE—PSYCHOLOGE und Astrologe MICHEL—GAUQUELIN in den späten SECHZIGER—JAHREN: Er schickte an 150—VERSUCHSPERSONEN ein angeblich persönliches Horoskop und fragte sie, wie sehr der Text auf sie persönlich zutreffe.
20170101             Und wir Menschen glauben, wenn er nicht zu fies ist, nahezu jeden Blödsinn, den man uns über uns selbst erzählt.
20170101             In 1 1. 19570000             - auf ENGLISCH—ERSCHIENENEN Aufsatz namens "THE—STARS—DOWN to Earth"nahm Adorno die Texte der ASTROLOGIE—KOLUMNE der "LOS—ANGELES—TIMES"auseinander —, kam zu dem Schluss, daß Astrologie einiges mit totalitären STAATEN gemeinsam habe.
20170101             SPANISCHE—EXKLAVE: 11000000             AFRIKAner stürmen GRENZ—ZAUN
20170101             Mutmaßliche HACKER—ANGRIFFE: RUSSLAND—DIPLOMATEN verlassen DIE—USA
20170101             —J—IM, liegt das Bruttoinlandsprodukt der Volksrepublik bei GESCHÄTZT—CA—11,8—BILLIONEN DOLLAR.
20170101             —J—IM—VERGANGENEN, —USA—POLIZISTEN erschossen 987—MENSCHEN
20170101             war je nach Institut nahezu gleichauf mit 20150000             , dem zweitwärmsten beziehungsweise drittwärmsten —JAHR
20170101             lag die Temperatur 1,1 oder 1,2 Grad über derjenigen der vorindustriellen Zeit
20170101             hat 1—BESONDEREN Rekord aufgestellt: Es war das wärmste —JAHR —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—INDUSTRIALISIERUNG ohne EL—NIÑO—PHÄNOMEN—DIESES sorgt alle paar —JAHRE für 1—WÄRMESCHUB aus dem Meer.
20170101             —HANDELSBILANZ Rekordjahr für DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT
20170101             KRIMINAL—STATISTIK: Zahl erfasster Straftaten auf niedrigstem Stand —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN
20170101             KRIMINAL—STATISTIK: ANSCHLÄGE—AUF—FLÜCHTLINGS—UNTERKÜNFTE deutlich zurückgegangen
20170101             KRIMINAL—STATISTIK: Warum in DEUTSCHLAND seltener eingebrochen wird
20170101             —GESTIEGEN, Zahlen für, Rauschgiftkriminalität in DEUTSCHLAND
20170101             BILANZ: Krankenkassen monierten jede 2. KLINIK—ABRECHNUNG
201701011231         —KRISEN—JAHR, Wenn DIE—POLITIK zur GEFAHR—FÜR—DIE—WIRTSCHAFT wird
201701011231         —J—IM, WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE,—CA—10.000—PROTESTE—IN—VENEZUELA (Politik, 08:27)
20170101—20170323    —ON, the foundation announced that it will pay the cost of putting such research in 1—PARTICULAR—REPOSITORY—OF freely available papers.
20170101—20170631    —DEUTSCHLAND exportiert fast 3—MAL so VIELE—KLEIN—WAFFEN (Wirtschaft, 18:05)
20170101—20171220    —CONTESTED, Under 1—LANDMARK accord, the country's, PRESIDENT, JOSEPH—KABILA, who under the constitution should have left office, will stay in power —UNTIL elections are held —AT—THE—END—OF—20170000        .
20170101—20200000    —SENTENCED, Albulkadir Masharipov of UZBEKISTAN was, to life in prison.
20170105             Reform DER—SOZIALVERSICHERUNG zum20170101             EUROPArtner belohnen GRIECHENLANDs STEUERbetrüger
20170120             —DESTROYED, THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT and experts said Islamic State militants have, parts of the 01010101—02001231     Roman amphitheater and 1—ICONIC—MONUMENT known as the Tetrapylon in the historic TOWN—OF—PALMYRA.
20170211             THE—XUAN—KONG—SI—HANGING—MONASTERY, aka the Suspension TEMPLE, built into the side of 1—CLIFF near MOUNT—HENG, Shanxi PROVINCE—CHINA, 07000101—07991231    —IN—THE, BC, is 1—OF—THE—GREAT—ARCHITECTURAL and historical WONDERS—OF—CHINA.
20170211             CONNECTICUT, the Yale UNIVERSITY—PRESIDENT—PETER—SALOVEY said 1—RESIDENTIAL—COLLEGE in NEW—HAVEN commemorating JOHN—CALHOUN, the 18010101—19001231     white supremacist statesman from SOUTH—CAROLINA, will be renamed for GRACE—MURRAY—HOPPER, 1—COMPUTER—SCIENTIST and Navy rear admiral.
20170301             —2—DAYS—LATER in WARSAW he said it is a "19010101—20001231     stereotype that women have the same intellectual potential as men," and that the stereotype "must be destroyed because it is not true".
20170309             —PASSED, GUAM lawmakers unanimously, the measure raising the legal age to use or purchase tobacco products from 18 to 21—STATING 20180101             .
20170311             —DER—HEUTE, —76—JAHRE—ALTE verstieg sich in seinem 20100000             erschienenen Buch: "THE—VERTICAL—FARM: Feeding THE—WORLD in the 20010101—21001231    "sogar —BIS zur steilen These, daß man per Hochfarm auch den herrschenden Hunger in der Welt stillen könnte.
20170318             Batagaika Crater has been growing —SINCE the 19600101—19691231    s, and the growth —RATE is continuously increasing.
20170322             —PROSECUTED, GERMANY, THOUSANDS—OF—GAY—MEN, and jailed under 1—ARCANE 18010101—19001231     law were due to get compensation —AFTER the government passed 1—DRAFT—BILL to quash their convictions.
20170323             —SIGNED, FRANCIS—PAPA, canonization decrees making 5—MORE—CHILD saints: 2—PORTUGAL—SHEPHERD children who said the Virgin MARY appeared to them in Fatima —100—YEARS—AGO and 3—MEXICO—ADOLESCENTS who were killed for their faith in the 15010101—16001231  .
20170325             KRAFT, traten DIE—VERTRÄGE zum19580101             .
20170327             —BEKANNT, INTERNATIONAL, ist DER—NAME der Stadt zudem durch das 19500101—19591231    —JAHREN—IN—DEN, von Sozialwissenschaftler der UNIVERSITY—OF—MICHIGAN entwickelte ANN—ARBOR—MODELL der empirischen Wahlforschung
20170406             1—REAL—ESTATE—AGENT said CHINA—PEKING—UNIVERSITY is buying a 18010101—19001231     manor house near OXFORD in SOUTH—ENGLAND to use as 1—CAMPUS in 1—MULTIMILLION—DOLLAR—DEAL.
20170407             —CLEARED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION, THE—MULTI—BILLION dollar BUY—OUT bid for European PAY—TV—GIANT—SKY by 20010101—21001231     Fox without conditions as THE—TIE—UP does not undercut competition.
20170419             Das05000101—05991231    —IM, gegründete KATHARINEN—KLOSTER gilt als ältestes noch bewohntes KLOSTER des CHRISTENTUMs.
20170425             —ESTABLISHED, Dewsbury market was, 13000101—13991231    —IN—THE, for local clothiers.
20170716—20160808    —ARRESTED, Wang was, —WHILE conducting research on the 17940000—19250000     Qajar dynasty for his doctorate in late 19. and early 19010101—20001231     Eurasian history.
20170726             —SIGNED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, 1—LAW ratifying 1—DEAL with THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT allowing RUSSIA to keep its air base in Syria for almost HALF—1—CENTURY, official documents show.
20170726—20400000    —FROM, It was reported that BRITAIN will ban THE—SALE—OF—NEW petrol and diesel cars in 1—ATTEMPT to reduce air pollution that could herald THE—END—OF—OVER 1—CENTURY—OF—RELIANCE on the internal combustion engine.
20170804             Außerdem fanden sie Überreste 1—SLAVEN—SIEDLUNG aus dem 07010101—08001231    —BIS 09010101—10001231     nach Christus.
20170808             DIE—WIKINGER—ZEIT umfasst etwa den —ZEIT—RAUM zwischen Ende des 07000101—07991231    —BIS—MITTE, des 10000101—10991231    s.
20170910             —WRAPPED, COLOMBIA, FRANCIS—PAPA, up his visit with 1—DEEPLY personal final —DAY honoring S—PETER—CLAVER, a 16010101—17001231     fellow Jesuit, who ministered to THOUSANDS—OF—AFRICA—SLAVES who passed through CARTAGENA —DURING SPAIN—COLONIAL—TIMES.
20170916             —BISLANG galt 1.Inschrift in 1—TEMPEL im INDISCHEN—GWALIOR  08000101—08991231    —AUS—DEM, als ältester Beleg für den Gebrauch der 0, wie wir sie auch —HEUTE verwenden.
20170920101854 Firefox 45.0—WIN7 1920x1200 GERMANY—FLAG—BERLIN,
20170925             DIE—EXPERTEN datieren den Fund auf —MITTE des 09000101—09991231    s.
20171011             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP wasn't happy with the steady decrease IN—THE—USA—STOCKPILE—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—SINCE the 19600101—19691231    s.
20171015             The gender option for driver's licenses will be effective 20190101             .
20171015             —INCLUDED, They, 30—MARTYRS massacred in BRAZIL in the 16010101—17001231    ;
20171015             3—TEENS slain in 15010101—16001231     MEXICO due to their EMBRACE—OF—CATHOLICISM;
20171015             1—PRIEST from SPAIN who devoted his life to studying therapeutic plants in the 18010101—19001231    ;
20171101             "S—THERESE did it too," he said in reference to a 18010101—19001231     FRANCE—NUN, adding that Christians were called to feel like children lying in their fathers' arms — 1—PLACE conducive to napping, he implies.
20171102             —REPORTED, Scientists using COSMIC—RAY imaging, THE—DISCOVERY—OF—1—HIDDEN chamber in EGYPT—GREAT—PYRAMID—OF—GIZA, in what would be the 1. such discovery in the structure —SINCE the 18010101—19001231     and 1—LIKELY to spark 1—NEW—SURGE—OF—INTEREST in the pharaohs.
20171102             THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINIANS took to the streets in protest across THE—WEST—BANK marking 1—CENTURY—SINCE the Balfour Declaration, BRITAIN—PROMISE to Zionists to create 1—JEWISH—HOME in what is —NOW ISRAEL.
20171119             —BASED, The film is, on a 15010101—16001231     Sufi epic poem, "Padmavat," 1—FICTIONAL account of 1—BRAVE and beautiful Rajput QUEEN who chose to kill herself rather than be captured by the Muslim SULTAN—OF—DELHI, Allaudin Khilji.
20171208             CALIFORNIA STATE—ASSEMBLYMAN—MATT—DABABNEH, 1—DEMOCRAT from LOS—ANGELES County, announced his resignation effective 20170101             , days —AFTER 3—WOMEN accused him of sexual misconduct.
20171214             —REACHED, Walt Disney Co. said it had, 1—DEAL with Murdoch to buy 20010101—21001231     Fox, including its 39—PERCENT stake in PAY—TV—GIANT—SKY, for $52.4—BILLION (44.3—BILLION euros).
20171219             Hippokrates lebte im 04010101—05001231              20171219—20180101    —UNTIL, This was not made public.
20171224—20170101    —ON, 1—MAN, —31—JAHRE—ALT was taken into custody from 1—ADDRESS in EAST—LONDON.
20171227—20170101    —FROM, CHINA—XINHUA news agency said the government will bring its paramilitary police force, THE—PEOPLE—ARMED—POLICE, under THE—CONTROL—OF—THE—CENTRAL—MILITARY—COMMISSION which controls the country's armed forces.
20171227—20170101    —FROM, RUSSIA—RIA news agency reported that MOSCOW will limit THE—SCOPE—OF—USA—MILITARY—OBSERVATION—FLIGHTS over RUSSIA —NEXT—YEAR in retaliation for USA curbs on similar RUSSIA—FLIGHTS over THE—USA.
20171229—20170101    —ON, Her body was found in 1—RIVER.
20180101             —LASHED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, out at PAKISTAN in his 1. tweet of 20180000             , threatening to cut off aid over what he said were its "lies and deceit" in offering "safe haven to terrorists".
20180101             —ANNOUNCED, Some 300—PROMINENT—WOMEN, 1—INITIATIVE called "TIME—UP" in 1—EFFORT to fight sexual harassment.
20180101             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—DISTRICT—POLICE—CHIEF was, in 1—TALIBAN ambush as he rushed to 1—CHECKPOINT that was under attack in WEST—FARAH province.
20180101             —KILLED, Airstrikes in THE—NORTH—JAWZJAN province, at least 26—ISLAMIC—STATE—FIGHTERS.
20180101             —KILLED, In Nangarhar province, at least 1—CIVILIAN was, and 14—OTHERS were wounded —DURING 1—BATTLE—BETWEEN—AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES and Islamic State fighters.
20180101             —STABBED, UK—POLICE said 4—YOUNG—MEN were, to death in unrelated incidents in LONDON on New —YEAR—EVE, —WHILE a 5. is in 1—CRITICAL—CONDITION in hospital.
20180101             —KILLED, CHINA, 7—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—MINIBUS fell into the sea in Qidong 1—CITY—NORTH—OF—SHANGHAI.
20180101             FRANCE—POWER—GRID—COMPANY—ENEDIS said —WINTER storm Carmen has cut power to about 65,000 households in WEST—FRANCE and is moving south.
20180101             † GERMANY—POLICE said that 1—MAN, —35—JAHRE—ALT—AFTER igniting fireworks, and a —19—YEAR—OLD suffered fatal head injuries —AFTER he set off 1—HOMEMADE device in THE—BRANDENBURG region outside BERLIN.
20180101             Police in Cologne said there were 7—CASES—OF—SEXUAL—HARASSMENT, —WHILE BERLIN police reported 13.
20180101             —MARCHED, HONG—KONG, thousands, through the streets on New —YEAR—DAY to warn CHINA not to meddle further in the city's affairs and undermine its autonomy.
20180101             ICELAND, 1—NEW—LAW took effect requiring all companies to prove that their wage practices don't discriminate against women, in what is thought to be 1—GLOBAL 1. in the effort to reduce gender pay gaps.
20180101             INDIA, celebrations by Dalits in PUNE, 150—KM (95—MILES) from Mumbai, of the 200. ANNIVERSARY—OF—1—BATTLE they won, fighting alongside UK—COLONIAL—FORCES, against 1—UPPER caste ruler, were marred by clashes with RIGHT—WING Hindu groups.
20180101             —RESULTED, The clashes, in THE—DEATH—OF—1—MAN, —28—JAHRE—ALT.
20180101             —ARRESTED, INDIA, Rona Wilson and 1—GROUP—OF—ACTIVISTS were, —AFTER intercommunal violence broke out at THE—BHIMA—KOREGAON war memorial.
20180101             —CAPSIZED, INDONESIA, 1—SPEEDBOAT carrying 51—PEOPLE, off of Borneo ISLAND, killing at least 8 in NORTH—KALIMANTAN province.
20180101             Rescuers found 42—SURVIVORS and searched for 1—MAN still missing.
20180101             IRAN—STATE—TV said nationwide protests saw their most violent night as "armed protesters" tried to overrun military bases and police stations —BEFORE security forces repelled them, bringing the death toll in the unrest to at least 12. Fresh protests broke out as night fell in TEHRAN.
20180101             1—GUNMAN reportedly killed 1—POLICEMAN and wounded 3—OTHER—OFFICERS —DURING 1—PROTEST gathering in Najafabad.
20180101             —REPORTED, It was, that in IRAQ some 133—MASS—GRAVES, left behind by defeated extremists, contained 1 estimated 11,000 to 13,000 graves.
20180101             —INCREASED, LITHUANIA, 1—NEW liquor law, the legal drinking age from 18 to 20, banned alcohol advertising, and drastically curtailed opening hours for liquor stores.
20180101             † In MALAYSIA 1 unidentified driver from injuries inflicted by 1—FAULTY—TAKATA air bag inflator, raising the worldwide death toll to 22.
20180101             QATAR—2—STATE—OWNED firms, Qatargas and RasGas, running the country's natural gas business, announced 1—MERGER to form 1—NEW—QATARGAS in 1—MOVE aimed at cutting costs and creating 1—GLOBAL—ENERGY—GIANT.
20180101             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 2—CLIMBERS were, —WHILE scaling CAPE—TOWN—TABLE—MOUNTAIN, with HUNDREDS—OF—TOURISTS stranded on the summit —FOR—HOURS—DURING the rescue effort.
20180101             1—FEMALE—JAPAN—CLIMBER injured in the fall was rescued.
20180101             † Authorities in HONG—KONG —LATER said 1—CLIMBER who, was from THE—SOUTH—CHINA—CITY.
20180101             —RESHUFFLED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD, his government replacing THE—MINISTERS—OF—DEFENSE, information and industry.
20180101             UKRAINE, Iryna NOZDROVSKA—BODY was found in 1—RIVER.
20180101             —STABBED, MEDIA—REPORTS said THE—38—YEAR—OLD—LAWYER had been, repeatedly.
20180101             —REMINDED, At THE—VATICAN—FRANCIS, some 40,000—PEOPLE who gathered in S—PETER—SQUARE that he had chosen THE—PLIGHT—OF—MIGRANTS and refugees as the theme for THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH—WORLD—DAY—OF—PEACE, which is celebrated every 20180101             .
20180101             —KILLED, YEMEN, SAUDI—LED coalition strikes, at least 23—PEOPLE in the port CITY—OF—HODEIDA.
20180101             Migration: Mehr als 2.200—FLÜCHTLINGE sind im MITTELMEER ertrunken
20180101             —SCHÄTZUNG—FÜR, DEUTSCHLANDs CO2—EMISSIONEN SINKEN—ABER nicht nachhaltig
20180101             —J—IM, Die globale Durchschnittstemperatur an der Oberfläche rund 1—GRAD—CELSIUS über dem Referenzwert für die vorindustrielle Zeit gelegen.
20180101             Vorläufige Berechnung DEUTSCHLANDs Treibhausgasausstoß sinkt
20180101             KRIMINAL—STATISTIKWENIGER angezeigte Delikte, zunehmende Verunsicherung
20180101             Zuwanderung: DEUTSCHLAND wuchs um 400.000—MENSCHEN
20180101             —IN, BRITAIN won defence orders worth 14—BILLION pounds.
20180101             Neujahrsansprache von KIM—JONG—UN: ATOM—WAFFENKNOPF immer auf dem Schreibtisch
20180101             Das Rätsel EQ: Sind einfühlsame Menschen erfolgreicher als schlaue?
20180101             Randale an Silvester: BERLINer Feuerwehr mit SCHUSS—WAFFEN bedroht
20180101             SILVESTER—NACHT im Zeichen der Gewaltprävention: KÖLNs Konzept scheint aufzugehen
20180101             —REAKTIONEN: SÜD—KOREA begrüßt Kims Neujahrsrede
20180101             Politische —JAHRESVORSCHAU: Das wird 20180000             DIE—WELT bewegen
20180101             Mehrere TOTE—BEI—PROTESTEN: IRANs PARLAMENT kommt zu KRISEN—SITZUNG zusammen
20180101             TÜRKEI—AUßEN—MINISTER—ÜBER—DENIZ—YÜCEL: "Wir können DIE—JUSTIZ nur ermutigen, den Prozess zu beschleunigen"
20180101             Was sich 20180000             ändern muss: DIE—DEUTSCHEN sind zu anspruchslos
20180101             MARIHUANA—LEGALISIERUNG in KALIFORNIEN: Das komplizierte Geschäft mit dem Kiffen
20180101             Regimekritische DEMONSTRATIONEN—IN—IRAN: Nur 1—FUNKE
20180101             Mit KALIFORNIEN öffnet an Neujahr der WELT—WEIT größte legale Markt für CANNABIS.
20180101             Zahlreiche Unternehmer haben Shops eingerichtet, um die NACH—FRAGE zu bedienen
20180101             —NACH, COLORADO, WASHINGTON, OREGON, ALASKA, NEVADA ist KALIFORNIEN der 6. und mit Abstand größte USA—BUNDES—STAAT, der die Droge —NUN legalisiert hat
20180101             39.500.000—MENSCHEN leben in KALIFORNIEN
20180101             MASSACHUSETTS und MAINE wollen im Lauf —DES—JAHRES folgen.
20180101             IN—DEN—USA brummt das Geschäft mit legalem Marihuana, DER—MARKT wuchs 20170000             um satte 33 %.
20180101             DIE—DROGE bleibt unter dem BUNDES—GESETZ verboten
20180101             —GESTRICHEN, Paragraf 103—STGB : Majestätsbeleidigung ist in DEUTSCHLAND GESCHICHTE
20180101             Tote und Festnahmen nach Protesten: GABRIEL "sehr besorgt"über Lage in IRAN
20180101             Psychologie: Warum es so schwer fällt, sich zu ändern
20180101             IRAN : Proteste gehen WEITER—ANGEBLICH SCHÜSSE—AUF—POLIZISTEN
20180101             Diplomatische Offensive aus PJÖNG—JANG: Kims Kalkül
20180101             DEUTSCHE verbrauchten 3—MILLIARDEN Plastikbeutel für Obst und Gemüse
20180101    - "VOGEL—DES—JAHRES": Es ist 1—STAR
20180101—20090000    —IN, 9—IRANIANS were killed in Isfahan province —DURING ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS this —EVENING as security forces struggled to contain the boldest challenge to the clerical leadership —SINCE unrest.
20180101—20180108    —ON, 1—SUSPECT was reported arrested in the case.
20180101—20210000    —IN, it was reported that key 'evidence' against THE—GROUP—OF—ACTIVISTS, accused of trying to overthrow THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT, was planted on 1—LAPTOP —BEFORE it was seized by police.
20180118             —CLEARED, INDIA—SUPREME—COURT, the way for THE—RELEASE—OF—THE—FILM "Padmaavat," 1—CONTROVERSIAL—BOLLYWOOD movie based on 1—EPIC poem about a 13010101—14001231     QUEEN, —1—DAY—AFTER its producers went to court to fight bans by several states.
20180123             UK—REGULATORS said that 20010101—21001231     FOX—TAKEOVER—OF—LONDON—BASED pay TV company Sky is not in the public interest because it would give RUPERT—MURDOCH too much control over the country's news media.
20180203             Radio Free ASIA was FOUNDED and funded 19500101—19591231    —IN—THE, s by 1—ORGANIZATION called "COMMITTEE—FOR—FREE—ASIA"as 1—ANTI—COMMUNIST—PROPAGANDA—OPERATION, broadcasting from RCA facilities in MANILA—PHILIPPINES.
20180216—20330101    —BIS—J—ZUM, gäbe es WELT—WEIT 1.000.000 Fablabs, und etwa zur Halbzeit —DIESES—JAHRHUNDERTS wäre der Punkt erreicht, an dem sich JEDER—ERDEN—BÜRGERSEINE eigene —FABRIK zur Herstellung von allem leisten könnte.
20180301             More than 100,000 poor children were sent to THEN—UK—COLONIES including AUSTRALIA, NEW—ZEALAND and CANADA —STARTING in the 18010101—19001231  .
20180301             —DECLARED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, that 1—ARRAY—OF—NEW—STRATEGIC—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS has been tested that can't be intercepted, claiming 1—TECHNOLOGICAL—BREAKTHROUGH that could dramatically increase RUSSIA—MILITARY—CAPABILITY, boost THE—KREMLIN—GLOBAL—POSITION and also raise Western concerns about 1—POTENTIAL renewed arms race in the 20010101—21001231  .
20180319             JIM—HEI—MANN—IN—"19010101—20001231     Alcohol & Tobacco Ads", dem jüngsten Teil der 19010101—20001231    —REIHE—DES—TASCHEN—VERLAGS
20180328             —RANKED, Foreign Policy magazine has, Kristev as 1—OF—THE—100—GREATEST—THINKERS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231  .
20180424             —TRIED, ISRAEL—VICTIMS had, to use the 17010101—18001231     Alien Tort Statute to hold THE—JORDAN—BASED—ARAB—BANK accountable for its role in attacks in THE—WEST—BANK—AND—GAZA.
20180425             WASHINGTON, DC, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON drew on the "shared bond" of USA—FRANCE—RELATIONS to call for 1—REJECTION—OF—ISOLATIONISM and instead for the countries to bond together anew for a 20010101—21001231     security.
20180502—20180101    —SEIT—JAHRES—BEGINN, UNO meldet 54—NEUE FÄLLE—VON—SEXUELLEM—MISSBRAUCH und Ausbeutung (Politik, 03:35)
20180503             [l] DIE—BUNDESWEHR wollte 19600101—19691231    —JAHREN—IN—DEN, CHEMIE—WAFFEN anschaffen und einsetzen.
20180605             BRITAIN—CULTURE—SECRETARY—MATT—HANCOCK said he will allow 20010101—21001231     FOX—11.7—BILLION—POUND ($16.4—BILLION) bid to buy THE—61—PERCENT—OF—THE—UK—SATELLITE broadcaster Sky it doesn't already own, provided it divests ITSELF—OF—SKY—NEWS.
20180606             —ANNOUNCED, THE—FRANCE—PRESIDENCY, plans to sell its own branded mugs, pens and other souvenirs to help finance renovations in the 17010101—18001231     Elysee palace.
20180609_04990101    zurückgeht DIE—STADT—VANNES auf die GALLO—ROM—STADT—DARIORITUM.
20180612             FRANCE, an 17010101—18001231     CHINA—VASE forgotten —FOR—DECADES in 1—SHOE box in 1—FRANCE—ATTIC sold for 16.2—MILLION—EUROS ($19—MILLION) at Sotheby's in PARIS.
20180630             —COMPARED, THE—INTERNET—OF—THINGS—COUNCIL, the increased prevalence of digital surveillance due to THE—INTERNET—OF—THINGS to the conceptual panopticon described by JEREMY—BENTHAM 17000101—17991231    —IN—THE,
20180630             —BECAME, Historically, the process by which THE—BOURGEOISIE, in the course of the 17010101—18001231     the politically dominant class was MASKED by THE—ESTABLISHMENT—OF—AN explicit, coded and formally egalitarian juridical framework, made possible by THE—ORGANIZATION—OF—1—PARLIAMENTARY, representative regime.
20180630—19940000    —IN, MARK—WEISER'S 19910000             paper on ubiquitous computing, "THE—COMPUTER of the 20010101—21001231    ", as well as academic venues such as UbiComp and PerCom produced the contemporary vision of IoT.[18][19], Reza Raji described the concept in IEEE Spectrum as "[moving] small PACKETS—OF—DATA to 1—LARGE set of nodes, so as to INTEG—RATE and automate everything from home appliances to entire factories".[20]
20180707             —ENTERED, The very word "pornography", into THE—ENGLAND—LANGUAGE in THE—MID—18010101—19001231     in part as 1—ATTEMPT to describe the genre of erotic representation seen so ubiquitously in THE—RUINS—OF—THE—ANCIENT—CITY.
20180712             transistors began to dominate 19600101—19691231    —IN—THE, s,
20180713—12000000    —AB, DIE—TEMPEL—ZONE von Teopanzolco wird zur sogenannten Postklassischen Periode gezählt, das ist DIE—ZEIT nach Christus —BIS zu Beginn der SPANISCHEN—EROBERUNG —ANFANG des 15000101—15991231              20180713—12000000    —AB, DIE—TEMPEL—ZONE von Teopanzolco wird zur sogenannten Postklassischen Periode gezählt, das ist DIE—ZEIT nach Christus —BIS zu Beginn der SPANISCHEN—EROBERUNG —ANFANG des 15000101—15991231              20180716             DIE—BLUTNACHT von Jekaterinburg war das Ende von 08010101—09001231    EN ZAREN—HERRSCHAFT im RUSSISCHEN—REICH.
20180716             DIE—BLUTNACHT von Jekaterinburg war das Ende von 08010101—09001231    EN ZAREN—HERRSCHAFT im RUSSISCHEN—REICH.
20180727—17880000    —ESTIMATED, AUSTRALIA—RESEARCHERS said THOUSANDS—OF—ABORIGINES are, to have been murdered in 500—MASSACRES across AUSTRALIA from European settlement —UNTIL the mid-19010101—20001231  .
20180810             Rhein: Dürre legt Schiffswrack aus 18000101—18991231    frei
20180815             —REPORTED, It was, that EGYPT—AUTHORITIES are demolishing 1—HISTORICAL 18010101—19001231     neighborhood in CAIRO to make way for HIGH—END housing and business development 1—STONE—THROW from the Nile, angering residents who say they have not been properly compensated.
20180819             † INDIA—OFFICIALS said some 800,000—PEOPLE have been displaced and over 350—HAVE in the worst flooding in 1—CENTURY in SOUTH—KERALA state.
20180824             —WHILE THE—UK—POPULATION will be subjected to 1—EXPERIENCE—COMPARABLE to the 13000101—13991231    BLACK—DEATH or the 1840s famine in IRELAND, as punishment for the decision by fuckwit racists, amounting to 52—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS, who clutched onto their COPIES—OF—THE—SUN—NEWSPAPER as they voted for BRITAIN to leave THE—EU, or, as that option is also known, "Wogs Out".
20180829             1—NAMIBIA—DELEGATION in BERLIN took possession of the remains of 27—COUNTRYMEN whose bones were taken by GERMANY—COLONIAL—FORCES—MORE than 1—CENTURY ago for PSEUDO—SCIENTIFIC—RACIAL—EXPERIMENTS.
20180830             SYRIEN —NACH—DEM KRIEG: Der Wiederaufbau - 1—CENTURYAUFGABE
20180920             —SIGNED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—JERRY—BROWN, 1—BILL that as of 20180101             bans DINE—IN restaurants from handing out plastic straws unless 1—CUSTOMER asks for 1.
20180922             USA—CABLE—GIANT—COMCAST outbid RUPERT—MURDOCH'S 20010101—21001231     Fox in 1—BLIND—AUCTION for the European TV operator Sky that all but settled 1—TITANIC—BATTLE—BETWEEN—THE—2—ME—DIA empires.
20180927             DIE—BIS zu 20—QUADRAT—KILOMETERN große Stadt zu ihrer Blütezeit ab dem02000101—02991231    nach Christus die größte auf dem gesamten AMERIKANISCHEN—DOPPELKONTINENT war.
20180928             DIE—VEGETATION hat die uralten Mayastadtstaaten —SCHON lange ÜBERWUCHERT—KURZ —NACHDEM DIE—MENSCHEN aus IMMER—NOCH—NICHT vollends geklärten Gründen DIE—METROPOLEN 09000101—09991231    —IM, nach Christus verlassen hatten.
20181006             —RULED, OIL—RICH—GABON, by the same political dynasty for nearly HALF—1—CENTURY, voted in LONG—DELAYED legislative and municipal polls, the 1. —SINCE 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION —2—YEARS—AGO that was marred by deadly violence and ALLEGATIONS—OF—FRAUD.
20181010             "Dort befindet sich ein spätrömisches Gräberfeld aus dem03000101—03991231    ",
20181012             Das KUPFER—KLEINGELD stammt aus dem 03000101—04991231   —UND,
20181101             —ABSORBED, Scientists said the world's oceans have, 60—PERCENT more heat than previously thought over the last quarter of 1—CENTURY.
20181102—20180101    —ON, THE—USA—TRADE—REPRESENTATIVE—OFFICE (USTR) said PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP intends to end trade benefits for MAURITANIA for not making sufficient progress on ending forced labor practices.
20181104             —VOTED, Voters in NEW—CALEDONIA, in 1—REFERENDUM on whether THE—FRANCE—TERRITORY—IN—THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC should break free from the European country that claimed it in the mid-18010101—19001231  .
20181109             The minimum monthly salary will be 2,080 lei ($507) —STARTING 20180101             , —WHILE those with higher education qualifications or —15—YEARS—OF—EMPLOYMENT are guaranteed 2,350 lei ($573).
20181112—20180101    —ON, ROMANIA—PRESIDENT—KLAUS—IOHANNIS said his country isn't ready to take over THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—ROTATING presidency and called for the government to step down.
20181113             —1— D, The remains, from the 03010101—04001231     BC to late Roman times.
20181115             der Syrer Ibn AN—NAFIS 12000101—12991231    —AUS—DEM, Entdecker des Lungenkreislaufs und Verfasser eines religionsphilosophischen ROMAns
20181115             UKRAINE, unknown assailants threw petrol bombs at 1—HISTORIC 17010101—18001231     Orthodox church in Kiev and attacked 1—PRIEST—EARLY—TODAY.
20181125—19920000    —GATHERED, NORTH—INDIA, tens of THOUSANDS—OF—HINDUS, in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh state, and renewed calls to build 1—HINDU temple on 1—SITE where a 15010101—16001231     mosque was attacked and demolished by Hindu HARD—LINERS, sparking deadly HINDU—MUSLIM violence.
20181130             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE said they have, art dealer Oswaldo Aulestia (72), accused of selling fake works by Picasso, DALI, Warhol and other 19010101—20001231     masters to unsuspecting USA—BUYERS, and evading arrest —FOR—YEARS.
20181207             Verheerende Pestausbrüche auf dem Kontinent hatte es dann später05000101—05991231    —IM, gegeben.
20181209—19920000    —IN, INDIA, DOZENS—OF—HINDU monks and tens of THOUSANDS—OF—FOLLOWERS, gathered under THE—BANNER—OF—GROUPS linked to PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI—HINDU nationalist party, urged THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT to help build 1—TEMPLE on the ruins of a 15010101—16001231     mosque, torn down, in THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—AYODHYA.
20181223—20180101    —ON, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said deputy defense SECRETARY—PATRICK—SHANAHAN will take over as acting SECRETARY, pushing out Pentagon CHIEF—JIM—MATTIS —2—MONTHS—EARLIER than planned.
20181224             SRI—LANKA—FINANCE—MINISTRY said that it will present —NEXT—YEAR—FULL—BUDGET in February —AFTER THE—PARLIAMENT approved a 1.77—TRILLION—RUPEE ($9.39—BILLION) stopgap measure to cover public expenditures over the 1. —4—MONTHS—OF—20190000             , averting 1—GOVERNMENT shutdown 20180101             .
20190101             OECD—EXPERTE über DEUTSCHES—SCHULSYSTEM: "Lehrer wie FLIEßBAND—ARBEITER behandelt"
20190101             Unsichere Zeiten: 9—THESEN zur Wirtschaftsentwicklung 2019
20190101             Zynischer NEUJAHRS—TWEET des USA—MILITÄRS: "Wir sind bereit, etwas viel, viel Größeres abzuwerfen"
20190101             —J—ANFANG, waren —BEREITS Gesetze verabschiedet worden, die hohe Geldstrafen oder sogar Arrest für die Verbreitung falscher Informationen im INTERNET vorsehen.
20190101             —FIRED, USA—AUTHORITIES, tear gas into MEXICO —DURING the 1. HOURS—OF—THE—NEW—YEAR to repel about 150—MIGRANTS who tried to breach the border fence in TIJUANA.
20190101             THE—USA—AND—ISRAEL officially quit UNESCO, THE—UN—EDUCATIONAL, scientific and cultural agency at the stroke of midnight, the culmination of 1—PROCESS triggered more than —1—YEAR—AGO amid concerns that the organization fosters ANTI—ISRAEL bias.
20190101             —ESTIMATED, ISRAEL owed 1, $10—MILLION.
20190101             NASA rang in the New —YEAR with 1—HISTORIC flyby of the farthest, and quite possibly the oldest, cosmic body ever explored by humankind -- 1—TINY, distant world called Ultima Thule -- in the hopes of learning more about how planets took shape.
20190101             —JOINED, WASHINGTON state, 1—HANDFUL—OF—OTHER—STATES banning those under 21—FROM buying assault rifles.
20190101             2—AUSTRIA—WOMEN became the 1. SAME—SEX—COUPLE to officially tie the knot in the predominantly Catholic country, —FOLLOWING YEARS—OF—LEGAL—CHALLENGES from gay rights groups.
20190101             —ATTACKED, BURKINA—FASO, local villagers of the Mossi ethnic group, 1—NEARBY—CAMP—OF herders from the nomadic Fulani group.
20190101             7—FULANI herders were lynched and their homes were burned down.
20190101             —KILLED, Yirgou residents, 39—PEOPLE in Fulani herding communities across the region in retaliation for attacks —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20190101             Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO—GOVERNMENT cut INTERNET connections and SMS services across the country for a 2. straight —DAY as the country nervously awaited results from the weekend's chaotic presidential election.
20190101             —DITCHED, FRANCE, 1—SYSTEM whereby residents file income tax returns based on the previous —YEAR—EARNINGS, replacing it with 1—SYSTEM where the state deducts the taxes directly from people's salaries or pensions EACH—MONTH.
20190101             —MARCHED, HONG—KONG, THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, to demand full democracy, fundamental rights, and even INDEPENDENCE from CHINA in the face of what MANY—SEE as 1 marked clampdown by the Communist Party on local freedoms.
20190101             —SLAMMED, JAPAN, 1—MINIVAN, into pedestrians —EARLY—TODAY on 1—STREET where people had gathered for New —YEAR—FESTIVITIES in downtown TOKYO.
20190101             1—NINTH—PERSON was injured —AFTER the suspect got OUT—OF—THE—CAR and punched him.
20190101             —ARRESTED, Kazuhiro Kusakabe (21) was.
20190101             —PLOUGHED, WEST—GERMANY, 1—MAN, —50—JAHRE—ALT, his car into 1—CROWD—OF—PEOPLE—IN—EARLY—TODAY, injuring at least 4 in BOTTROP and ESSEN —BEFORE being arrested by police on suspicion of attempted homicide.
20190101             —APPEARED, This, to have been 1—INTENTIONAL attack against foreigners.
20190101             SOUTH—INDIA, MILLIONS—OF—WOMEN stood should to shoulder along highways in Kerala state creating 1—HUMAN—WALL—300—MILES—LONG standing fast against sexism and oppression.
20190101             ISRAEL—CENTER—LEFT opposition dramatically SPLIT ahead of an 20190409             election, with leader AVI—GABBAY announcing he would no longer partner with veteran politician Tzipi Livni as she sat STONE—FACED next to him.
20190101             † MALAWI, YASIN—PHIRI, 1—ALBINO, was killed in front of his young son.
20190101             —HACKED, Local media said the man's arms were, off, his teeth pulled and his private parts removed, prompting calls by local and INTERNATIONAL civil society groups for government action.
20190101             —ARMED, MALI, men reportedly attacked 1—CENTRAL—VILLAGE, killing 37—CIVILIANS, in what appeared to be ethnic violence.
20190101             —KILLED, Those, were from the Fulani ethnic group and included the village CHIEF.
20190101             —CLASHED, MYANMAR police, with insurgents in the troubled WEST—STATE—OF—RAKHINE.
20190101             1—POLICEMAN was critically injured —WHEN border guard police were attacked by about 30—MEN carrying "small and heavy arms" near Saytaung, 1—VILLAGE in the Buthidaung area.
20190101             —STORMED, PAKISTAN, 4—TALIBAN militants, 1—SECURITY—FORCES—FACILITY in THE—SOUTH—WEST—TOWN—OF—LORALAI, triggering 1—BATTLE that left 4—SECURITY—FORCES and the attackers dead.
20190101             ROMANIA took over THE—EU—ROTATING presidency at 1—TUMULTUOUS—TIME for the bloc and —JUST days —AFTER European Commission PRESIDENT—JEAN—CLAUDE—JUNCKER voiced doubts about the country's ability to do the job.
20190101             —ORDERED, SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT, THE—UN—TOP—ENVOY to the troubled country to leave, accusing him of "deliberately interfering with the country's sovereignty".
20190101             —RAISED, NICHOLAS—HAYSOM had, concerns at THE—ACTION—OF—SOMALIA—UN—BACKED security services in recent violence that left several people dead.
20190101             —SEARCHED, TAIWAN—IMMIGRATION—AUTHORITIES found 24—VIETNAMESE and are, for 124—OTHERS who left their tour groups —AFTER arriving in December on tourist visas.
20190101             THAILAND police said Sucheep Sornsung (41) shot and killed 6—FAMILY—MEMBERS, including his 2—YOUNG—CHILDREN, —BEFORE killing himself —AFTER 1—NEW—YEAR—PARTY in SOUTH—CHUMPHON province.
20190101             TURKMENISTAN, 1—LAW took effect forbidding the sale of alcoholic drinks including beer on trains, airplanes and ferries and at sports facilities.
20190101             —BANNED, It also, the sale of alcohol on holidays —WHEN workers get the —DAY off.
20190101             —USHERED, FRANCIS—PAPA, in the New —YEAR with 1—ODE to motherhood, reminding the faithful that 1—MOTHER—EXAMPLE and embrace is the best antidote to —TODAY'S disjointed world of solitude and misery.
20190101             Neujahrsansprache: KIM—JONG—UN droht USA mit Abkehr von ENTSPANNUNGS—POLITIK
20190101             Haushalt ohne MAUER—MILLIARDEN: DEMOKRATEN wollen DONALD—TRUMP im SHUTDOWN—STREIT stellen
20190101             Politische —JAHRESVORSCHAU: Das wird 20190000             DIE—WELT bewegen
20190101             OECD—EXPERTE über DEUTSCHES—SCHULSYSTEM: "Lehrer wie FLIEßBAND—ARBEITER behandelt" (Leben und Lernen, 14:28)
20190101             GELDTRANSPORTER—STREIK: Bares vom Automaten könnte knapp werden
20190101             —KAMPF—GEGEN—KURDEN: TÜRKEI bringt Waffen und Panzer zur SYRISCHEN—GRENZE
20190101             Unsichere Zeiten: 9—THESEN zur Wirtschaftsentwicklung 20190000             (SPIEGEL+, 16:23)
20190101             Gleiche Bezahlung: Der größte ALBT—RAUMDES Patriarchats
20190101             VERDACHT—AUF—SPIONAGE: FAMILIE—DES—VON—RUSSLAND inhaftierten USA—BÜRGERS besorgt
20190101             Neujahrsansprache in NORD—KOREA: Lässig im Ledersessel
20190101             —VERHAFTET, USA—JUSTIZSYSTEM: Warum 1.Frau wegen Zuckerwatte, wurde (SPIEGEL+, 18:13)
20190101             BRASILIEN—PRÄSIDENT vereidigt: Mit PENG—PENG durch die Straßen
20190101             —AM, fährt ein rassistischer Attentäter in BOTTROP und ESSEN mehrmals mit dem Auto in mehrere Menschengruppen hinein.
20190101             Als Motiv gibt er an, er habe AUS—LÄNDER töten wollen.
20190101             —AB, MINDEST—LOHN steigt auf 9,19—EURO—SCHOLZ plädiert für 12—EURO
20190101             21—ITALIEN—MEHR als 200—MENSCHEN bei Überfällen der Faschisten getötet.( Versuch, parlamentarische Mehrheiten zu erreichen,schlug fehl) -19210501             20190101             OECD—EXPERTE über DEUTSCHES—SCHULSYSTEM: "Lehrer wie FLIEßBAND—ARBEITER behandelt"
201901011231         —JAHRES—WIRTSCHAFTS—BERICHT—BUNDES—REGIERUNG rechnet mit deutlicher Wachstumsdelle
201901011231         SHELL—STUDIE, Mehrheit Jugendlicher in DEUTSCHLAND ist empfänglich für populistische Parolen (Leben und Lernen, 11:15)
20190101231          EUROPA—KULTUR—HAUPT—STADT—MATERA, die unmögliche Stadt (Reise, 18:52)
20190101—20110000    —SINCE, THE—USA has accrued $600—MILLION in unpaid dues, which was 1—OF—THE—REASONS for PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—DECISION to withdraw.
20190101—20150000    —IN, The announcement meant THE—END—OF—THEIR—ZIONIST—UNION—ALLIANCE, which secured the 2. most seats in the last general election, but has —SINCE tumbled far in opinion polls.
20190101—20190301    —ON, MALAWI said it will offer cash rewards of up $7,000 for information about abductions and KILLING—OF—PEOPLE with albinism as anger over government inaction grew ahead of national elections.
20190101—20190630    IM 1. HALBJAHR Beraterkosten 20200218             —PROTESTBRIEF: AMAZON—MITARBEITER verlangen mehr KLIMA—SCHUTZ von Konzernchef Bezos (12:12 Wirtschaft
20190101—20190630    IM 1. HALBJAHR Beraterkosten 20200322             •
20190101—20190630    IM 1. HALBJAHR Beraterkosten IBM kassierte 115,2—MILLIONEN—EURO vom Bund (Politik, 05:04)
20190101—20190630    IM 1. HALBJAHR Beraterkosten
20190101—20210000    —CALLED, The law, for alcohol sales to be banned on Saturdays and Sundays beginning, except at bars and restaurants.
20190102             —LINKED, INDIA, Hindu nationalists, to PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI—RULING party urged him to push through laws to allow the building of 1—TEMPLE on the ruins of a 15010101—16001231     mosque in Ayodhya.
20190112             THE—GOLDEN—HORDE was originally 1—MONGOL and —LATER Turkicized khanate established 12000101—12991231    —IN—THE, and originating as THE—NORTHWESTERN sector of the Mongol Empire.
20190117             —ARRESTED, GREECE—POLICE, 1—MAN trying to sell antiquities excavated by grave robbers that dated back to the 02010101—03001231     BC.
20190128             —IMPOSED, Celibacy was, in the 10010101—11001231    , possibly partly to prevent DESCENDANTS—OF—PRIESTS inheriting church property.
20190128             Newspapers spent MOST—OF—THE 19000101—19991231    consolidating into chains, but in the latter HALF—OF—THE they became PART—OF—CONGLOMERATES and were publicly traded.
20190128             [OLD—AND—BUSTED, DATEN sind das Öl 20000101—20991231    —DES.
20190128             [NEW—HOTNESS, DATEN sind die Ölpest 20000101—20991231    —DES.
20190129             DATEN sind die Ölpest 20000101—20991231    —DES, wie neulich 1—LESER so treffend kommentierte.
20190201             —KILLED, COLONISATION—OF—THE—AMERICAS —AT—THE—END—OF—THE 14000101—14991231, so MANY—PEOPLE, it disturbed EARTH—CLIMATE.
20190201             It's THE—UCL group's estimate that 60—MILLION—PEOPLE were living across the Americas —AT—THE—END—OF—THE 14000101—14991231    (about 10—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORLD—TOTAL—POPULATION), and that this was reduced to —JUST 5 or 6—MILLION within a —100—YEARS.
20190205             The ban on would begin 20210101             .
20190210             —OPERATED, THE—CIA, 1—DUMMY airline, known as Air AMERICA, from the —EARLY, 19500101—19591231    s —UNTIL the mid 1970s for air operations in SOUTH—EAST—ASIA, including AIR—DROPPING weapons to friendly forces.
20190213             2—THEORIEN über den Ursprung der —KULTUR, Vor allem im frühen 19000101—19991231    dachten Forscher, der Brauch stamme aus VORDERASIEN—GENAU wie DIE—LANDWIRTSCHAFT.
20190220             SYRIA, religious LEADERS—OF—RUSSIA—REPUBLIC—OF—CHECHNYA inaugurated THE—RE—OPENED 12010101—13001231     Khalid Ibn AL—WALID—MOSQUE in HOMS, once THE—SYMBOL—OF—THE—REBELLION against PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD.
20190220             SYRIA, religious LEADERS—OF—RUSSIA—REPUBLIC—OF—CHECHNYA inaugurated THE—RE—OPENED 12010101—13001231     Khalid Ibn AL—WALID—MOSQUE in HOMS,
20190222             —SENTENCED, SWEDEN, JOHAN—NICKLAS—BACKSTROM (22) was, to 4 and 1—HALF—YEARS in prison —AFTER he was convicted of stealing 16010101—17001231     SWEDEN—ROYAL treasures estimated to be worth 65—MILLION kronor ($7—MILLION) from 1—CATHEDRAL —LAST—YEAR.
20190226             "Diese Resultate bieten 1.weitere Erklärung für die Dichte der phönizischen Siedlungen im frühen_07000101_07991231   entlang der Flüsse und Küsten im südlichen Iberien",
20190226             the quest for sliver was 1—MAJOR trigger for 1—LONG "precolonization" phase, —DURING the 09000101—09991231    to 08000101—08991231    BCE.
20190226             DIE—STÜCKE aus Dor, dem ältesten der 3—FUNDORTE, stammen aus der _09000101_09991231   —2.—HÄLFTE—DES.
20190226             Der MANIERISMUS—DIE letzte Stilepoche innerhalb DER—RENAISSANCE—ENTFALTETE sich 15000101—15991231    —LETZTE—JAHRZEHNTE—DES—IN—DEN, zu voller Pracht und ebnete den Weg zum Barock.
20190302             Revin ist 1.FRANZÖSISCHE—GEMEINDE mit 6.433—EINWOHNERN (Stand 20160101             ) im Département Ardennes, Region Grand Est.
20190305             —GESPROCHEN, DIE—CHACHAPOYA, wie "Tschatschapoja", lebten etwa 08000101—08991231    —ZWISCHEN—DEM, 15000101—15991231    —UND, in den nordöstlichen Anden des heutigen Perus, am Rande des Amazonasbeckens.
20190307             Sie datieren das Grab auf die 14000101—14991231    —1.—HÄLFTE—DES, und damit auf die späte Phase des CHIMÚ—REICHS, das 1470ca00             erobert wurde.
20190307             Manche dieser auch von der POP—KRITIK nachhaltig glorifizierten BAD—BOY—MYTHEN 19000101—19991231    —DES, sind —BIS—HEUTE intakt.
20190312             GEORG (lateinisch Georgius, neugriechisch Ge??????
20190312             Geó_rgios, koptisch ???????? Georgios; *02000101—02991231    —IM, vermutlich in Kappadokien;
20190312             Im merowingischen FRANKEN—REICH ist die Georgsverehrung 05000101—05991231    —IM—SCHON, bezeugt,
20190326             Der GROßTEIL—DES—ABFALLS sei in 01010101—02001231    EN von etwa 350—BIS 550—ANGEHÄUFT worden,
20190326             aus der —MITTE des 05010101—06001231              20190329             DIE—ZAHLEN beziehen sich auf einen ZEIT—RAUM 20160101—20180430.
20190329             DIE—ZAHLEN beziehen sich auf einen ZEIT—RAUM20160101             —VOM, —BIS—ZUM, 20180430.
20190329             Alaun, 1—MITTEL zur Fixierung von Farben, war 12000101—12991231    —WÄHREND—DES, bezüglich der quantitativen Ausdehnung der wichtigste gehandelte Rohstoff.
20190402             Dafür sprechen die Kreuze in der Signatur, die hohe Geistliche 06000101—06991231    —SEIT—DEM, verwenden, teilweise —BIS—HEUTE.
20190420             whether we can label THE—INTERNET a "public space" akin to JÜRGEN—HABERMAS—COFFEEHOUSE—OF—THE 18010101—19001231     and 19010101—20001231              20190504             The 15010101—16001231     Aladza Mosque was 1—OF—THE most prominent MASTERPIECES—OF—CLASSICAL—OTTOMAN architecture in the Balkans —BEFORE its destruction in the 19920000—19950000     war by BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—FORCES.
20190521—21000101    —BIS—JAHR—ZUM, MEERES—SPIEGEL—ANSTIEG, 2,38—METER (Wissenschaft, 18:48)
20190602             Der DEMOKRATEN—SOZIALISMUS, der einst "zur Sonne, zur Freiheit" strebte, tut sich schwer, die großen Fragen 20000101—20991231    —DES, zu beantworten.
20190611             DIE—RÖMER schließlich _00000101_00991231   —IM, großflächiger in Südfrankreich verbreiteten.
20190611             FRANKREICH, wurde Wein vermutlich —ZUNÄCHST _05000101_05991231   —IM, in der GRIECHISCHEN—KOLONIE Massali angebaut, dem heutigen MARSEILLE.
20190620             Der GRIECHISCHE—GESCHICHTSSCHREIBER Poseidonios beschrieb _00000101_00991231   —IM, die keltischen Gelage in einem REISE—BERICHT—AUS—DER REGION—DES—HEUTIGEN—SÜDFRANKREICHS.
20190620             bis_04000101_04991231   ), die nach einem Fundort im heutigen ÖSTERREICH benannt ist, und die Latènekultur (5.
20190622             THURN und Taxis ist ein in den Hochadel aufgestiegenes ADEL—GESCHLECHT, das in der LOMBARDEI 11000101—11991231    —SEIT—DEM, nachweisbar ist
20190624             DIE—1. Belege für die Pflanze auf dem europäischen Festland stammen den Forschern zufolge aus dem späten 15000101—15991231    in SPANIEN.
20190625—18000101—18991231    —SEIT—DEM, DIE—BURG—RHEINFELS warim Besitz des Hauses HOHENZOLLERN.
20190625—20190101    —UNTIL, Possession would remain acrime.
20190627             —LAUT, IFO—INSTITUT hat sich DIE—BEVÖLKERUNGSZAHL auf dem —GEBIET—DES—HEUTIGEN—WESTDEUTSCHLANDS—SEIT dem Beginn 19000101—19991231    —DES, mehr als VERDOPPELT—WOHINGEGEN in den neuen Bundesländern —DERZEIT, so wenige Menschen leben wie zuletz
20190627—20190101    —ZUM, waren in DEUTSCHLAND 57.300.000 Kraftfahrzeuge zugelassen.
20190628             The fort was built in the late 15010101—16001231     to defend the mouth of the Chagres River.
20190630             —REPORTED, It was, that some 60,000—PEOPLE considered "deviant" by THE—SWITZERLAND—AUTHORITIES were locked up over the course of the 19010101—20001231  .
20190705             ITALIENhype 16000101—16991231    —SEIT—DEM, : Kultur, Kunst und Sex jenseits der Alpen (SPIEGEL+, 16:36)
20190730—20190101    —SINCE, BANGLADESH confirmed 15,369 cases of dengue fever.
20190801             MOZAMBIQUE—PRESIDENT—FILIPE—NYUSI and THE—LEADER—OF—THE—MAIN—OPPOSITION—PARTY—RENAMO signed 1—PERMANENT—CEASEFIRE—AGREEMENT, designed to put 1—END to almost HALF—1—CENTURY of hostilities that killed over 1—MILLION—PEOPLE at their peak.
20190807—19600101    —SEIT, den Sechzigerjahren habe sich die entnommene Grundwassermenge mehr als verdoppelt,
20190919             CHRISTIAN—VON—STABLO (auch: Druthmar Christianus) († 08010101—09001231    ) war 1—MÖNCH—DES—KLOSTER—STABLO und trat als theologischer AUTOR—HERVOR.
20191002             —ACCORDING—TO, THE—NATIONAL—OCEANIC—AND—ATMOSPHERIC—ADMINISTRATION[OAA], EVERY—HURRICANE season —SINCE about the 19600101—19691231    s, THE—AGENCY—FIELDS—QUESTIONS about whether we could —JUST explode 1—HURRICANE with 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB.
20191004             —INVOKED, HONG—KONG, emergency powers for the 1. time in more than HALF—1—CENTURY to ban face masks for protesters —AFTER MONTHS—OF—UNREST, prompting demonstrators to occupy downtown streets.
20191005             ARTHUR—R—BUTZ: THE—HOAX of the 19010101—20001231     1—KEY—MEMBER—OF—JACKSON—LONDON staff was COLONEL—MURRAY—C—BERNAYS, who was 1—OF—THE 1. people who had been involved in war crimes problems.
20191007             Ursprung der PANDEMIE zwischen dem 13010101—14001231     und 16010101—17001231     war offenbar ein einziger Erregerstamm,
20191008             THE—USA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT said it will remove THE—KIRTLAND—WARBLER from its list of protected species, finding the small, YELLOW—BELLIED songbird had recovered more than HALF—1—CENTURY—AFTER being designated as endangered.
20191012             —SIGNED, CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—GAVIN—NEWSON, AB44, outlawing the sale and MANUFACTURE—OF—NEW fur clothing and accessories effective 20230101             .
20191013             —CANONIZED, FRANCIS—PAPA, Cardinal JOHN—HENRY—NEWMAN, praising the 18010101—19001231     Anglican convert who became 1—INFLUENTIAL, unifying figure in both the Anglican and Catholic churches.
20191017             —ELECTED, The 193-member world body, 14—MEMBERS to the 47-member Human Rights Council for —3—YEAR—TERMS—STARTING 20190101             .
20191017             In einer —ANFANG—DIESES—JAHRES, veröffentlichten —STUDIE schlägt Nakagaki daher ein neuartiges NAVIGATIONS—SYSTEM vor: Ausgehend von den Regeln, die der PREUSSISCHE—PHYSIKER GUSTAV—ROBERT—KIRCHHOFF 18000101—18991231    —IM, für den Bau von Stromnetzen aufstellte, und den Strömungsgesetzen des FRANZÖSISCHEN—MEDIZINERS und Physikers JEAN—LOUIS—MARIE—POISEUILLE, hat er die THEORIE des kürzesten Schleims aufgestellt.
20191027             FRANCE—AUCTION—HOUSE—ACTEON said "Christ Mocked," 1—LONG—LOST painting by 12010101—13001231     ITALY—MASTER—CIMABUE, found —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR in the kitchen of 1—ELDERLY—FRANCE—WOMAN, was sold for 24—MILLION—EUROS ($26.6—MILLION), more than 4—TIMES THE—PRE—AUCTION estimate.
20191029             1—SWITZERLAND—MINISTER said over 10—PERCENT—OF—THE—ALPINE country's glaciers have been lost over the last —5—YEARS — 1—DEPLETION not seen in over 1—CENTURY — as THE—UN—WEATHER—AGENCY opened its 1.—EVER meeting on how climate change is affecting mountains.
20191031—20500101    —BIS, 95 % weniger CO2: So teuer wird das GROKO—KLIMAZIEL (Wissenschaft, 13:09)
20191101—20180101    —VON—AN, liefen mindestens 158—VERFAHREN gegen Beamte, weil sie rechtswidrig in Dienstcomputern geschnüffelt haben sollen.
20191101—20210101    —AB, DAS—UBA rechnet mit einem verstärkten Rückbau.
20191102             [IDÁCIO—DE—CHAVES]HYDATIUS wurde wahrscheinlich —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—JAHREN des 03010101—04001231     geboren.
20191104             Wie in LONDON 18000101—18991231    —IM, !
20191109—19920000    —IN, 1—HINDU mob destroyed the 15010101—16001231     Babri Mosque on the site.
20191109—20200101    —AB—CA—DEM, müssen ALLE—NEUE—TRAKTOREN die Abgasgrenzwerte der Stufe V einhalten, —BISLANG, galt das nur für die größeren Modelle ab 130—KILO—WATT Leistung (175—PS).
20191119             1—NEW—USA—FEDERAL—LAW, effective 20190101             , was published in THE—FEDERAL—REGISTER.
20191125             —INVOLVED, Police —LATER said at least 7—PEOPLE were, in the theft of the 17010101—18001231     jewels.
20191206             —PLANTED, OIL—RICH—AZERBAIJAN, more than half 1—MILLION—TREES to celebrate 13010101—14001231     poet Seyid Imadeddin Nesimi, 1—INITIATIVE the government said would help tackle climate change but SOME—ENVIRONMENTAL—ACTIVISTS called "1—WASTE—OF—MONEY".
20191207—07510000    —BIS, DIE—MEROWINGER[seltener MEROVINGER] waren der FRANKEN—KÖNIG—GESCHLECHT ältestes vom 04010101—05001231    .Sie wurden vom Geschlecht der Karolinger abgelöst.
20191212             —VOTED, THE—USA—SENATE, unanimously on 1—RESOLUTION that recognizes as genocide the mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks 1—CENTURY ago.
20191212—20190101    —ON, The most recent exemption EXPIRES—OF—NEXT—YEAR, and this time CALIFORNIA—LEGISLATURE did not pass another exemption.
20191221             BANNON, for his part, is 1—BIG fan of JULIUS—EVOLA, the fascist philosopher who has 1—PROMINENT—PLACE in ANY—HISTORY—OF—OCCULTISM 19000101—19991231    —IN—THE.
20191226             DIE—840—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN, die auch im 20010101—21001231     ohne Strom auskommen müssen.
20191230—20190101    —FILED, THE—FLORIDA corporation GEO Group, 1—FEDERAL—LAWSUIT challenging CALIFORNIA law AB32, due to go into effect.
20191231—20190101    —FROM, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE temporarily blocked 1—CALIFORNIA labor law meant to take effect from impacting over 70,000 independent truckers by granting 1—TEMPORARY restraining order.
20191231—20190101    —ON, Stitt contends the gaming compacts expire and that casino gambling —AFTER that date will be illegal.
20200101             WUHAN schließt den HUANAN—GROßMARKT, auf dem —BIS dahin noch Speisefische, Krebse, Hühner, aber auch wilde Tiere wie Füchse und Schlangen verkauft wurden.
20200101             WUHAN, HUANAN—GROßMARKT gilt als Epizentrum des Ausbruchs.
20200101             —BESUCHT, WUHAN, HUANAN—GROßMARKT VIELE—BETROFFENE hatten, bevor sie erkrankten.
20200101             Ausschreitungen in Connewitz: CDU fordert Konsequenzen, Linke beklagt POLIZEI—GEWALT
20200101             BORIS—JOHNSONS—NEUJAHRSANSPRACHE: "Ein fantastisches —JAHR und ein bemerkenswertes —JAHRZEHNT"
20200101             Silvester in NEW—YORK:—CA—1—MILLION Menschen begrüßen 20200000             auf dem Times Square
20200101             —DIE—SCHLECHTE—NACHRICHT, In der EU erzielte Gewinne sind in den USA nicht mehr steuerpflichtig.
20200101             New USA—FEDERAL—RULES came into effect requiring most types of newly sold light bulbs to emit at least 45—LUMENS—OF—LIGHT for EACH—WATT—OF—ELECTRICITY they burn.
20200101             New or higher registration fees went into effect for electric vehicle owners in at least 8—USA—STATES.
20200101             For the 1. time, 1—MAJORITY—OF—USA—STATES will impose special fees on GAS—FREE—CARS, SUVs and trucks.
20200101             CALIFORNIA—LANDMARK GIG—WORK—LAW, AB5, took effect amid 1—SWIRL of controversy and escalating challenges.
20200101             CALIFORNIA, 1—NEW—LAW took effect requiring new homes to have rooftop solar panels, better insulation and air filtration systems.
20200101             † NICK—GORDON, —30—JAHRE—ALT, the man found liable 20150000             —IN—THE—DEATH—OF—EX—PARTNER—BOBBI—KRISTINA—BROWN, —22—JAHRE—ALT, in FLORIDA—OF—1 suspected overdose.
20200101             —BECAME, ILLINOIS, THE—SALE—OF—MARIJUANA for recreational purposes, legal to the delight of pot fans.
20200101             —ALLOWED, ILLINOIS already, medical marijuana, but it is —NOW the 11. state to allow its use and sale for recreational purposes.
20200101             —KILLED, MONTANA, 2—SNOWMOBILERS were, in 1—AVALANCHE in the Dinah Lake area.
20200101             —CONGREGATED, More than 92,000 Jewish people, at MetLife Stadium in NEW—JERSEY to celebrate THE—READING of the entire Talmud in 1—EVENT called Siyum HaShas, drawing 1—SIGNIFICANT—SECURITY—PRESENCE—AFTER recent ANTI—SEMITIC—ATTACKS in the area.
20200101             Drug makers including BRISTOL—MYERS Squibb Co, Gilead Sciences Inc, and Biogen Inc hiked USA—LIST—PRICES on more than 50—DRUGS, bringing total New —YEAR—DAY—DRUG—PRICE—INCREASES to more than 250.
20200101             —DEPLOYED, AUSTRALIA, military ships and aircraft to help communities ravaged by apocalyptic wildfires that have left at least 17—PEOPLE—DEAD nationwide and sent THOUSANDS—OF—RESIDENTS and holidaymakers fleeing to the shoreline.
20200101             —RAIDED, EGYPT—POLICE, the parents' HOME—OF—JOURNALIST—MOHAMED—EL—GARHY, known for his critical VIEWS—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT, and arrested his brother.
20200101             WEST—GERMANY, 1—FIRE at THE—KREFELD zoo in the 1. minutes of 20200000             killed more than 30—ANIMALS, including apes, monkeys, bats and birds.
20200101             —CAUSED, Police said the fire may have been, by sky lanterns launched to celebrate the new —YEAR.
20200101             HONG—KONG began 20200000             with 1—FAMILIAR—SIGHT: Tear gas, fires, vandalism and roadblocks in busy downtown areas as protesters vowed to maintain their fight for more democracy and less CHINA—CONTROL.
20200101             —DETAINED, Police, about 400—PEOPLE on charges including illegal assembly and possession of offensive weapons —AFTER the huge rally.
20200101             —KILLED, INDONESIA, at least 9—PEOPLE were, as monsoon rains and rising rivers submerged at least 90—NEIGHBORHOODS in JAKARTA.
20200101             —UNCONTROLLED, The city has been rapidly sinking due to, extraction of groundwater.
20200101             —CONDEMNED, IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER—AYATOLLAH ALI—KHAMENEI strongly, deadly USA—STRIKES on IRAQ and warned his country was ready to confront threats —AFTER USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP issued 1—AGAINST the Islamic republic.
20200101             —FIRED, IRAQ, USA—TROOPS, tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters who descended on THE—USA—EMBASSY in BAGHDAD for a 2. time.
20200101             PRO—IRAN demonstrators left the besieged USA embassy in BAGHDAD —AFTER the Hashed AL—SHAABI paramilitary force ordered them to withdraw —1—DAY—AFTER their dramatic incursion.
20200101             —DECLARED, KIM—JONG—UN, he was no longer bound by his pledge to halt major missile tests and would soon debut a "new strategic weapon," adding to PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—FOREIGN—POLICY—CONCERNS in 1—POLITICALLY charged election —YEAR.
20200101             Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINIANS took to the streets in GAZA to mark the 55. ANNIVERSARY—OF—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS'—FATAH movement.
20200101             —SHELLED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, 1—REBEL—HELD village in the country's northwest, hitting 1—SCHOOL and killing at least 6—PEOPLE in Idlib province.
20200101             1—CAR bombing in THE—TOWN—OF—SULUK, controlled by TURKEY—BACKED opposition fighters, killed 3—PEOPLE.
20200101             UNITED—NATIONS shipping agency THE—INTERNATIONAL—MARITIME Organization (IMO) banned ships from using fuels with 1—SULPHUR content above 0.5%, compared with 3.5% previously, in the biggest shake up for the oil and shipping industries in decades.
20200101             —RELEASED, YEMEN—REBELS, 6—SAUDI—ARABIA—PRISONERS, 1—REBEL—OFFICIAL said, —AFTER the kingdom —2—MONTHS—AGO released over 100—REBELS, known as Houthis.
20200101             —MITTWOCH,
20200101             —ESKALATION im IRAK: USA schicken Verstärkung nach BAGDAD
20200101             Verheerende Buschfeuer: AUSTRALIENs Marine soll Eingeschlossenen helfen
20200101             Feuer in der SILVESTER—NACHT: ALLE—TIERE im Affenhaus des Krefelder Zoos tot
20200101             —ENTTÄUSCHT, KIM—JONG—UN prahlt mit neuer Waffe: USA sind "tief " über Drohungen aus NORDKOREA
20200101             Silvester in SYDNEY trotz Buschfeuer: Feuer und Wut
20200101             Psychologe über männliche Rollenbilder: Ein großer TEIL—DER—MÄNNER zählt zum Typus "Schoßhund" (SPIEGEL+, 10:05)
20200101             Verheerende Buschfeuer in AUSTRALIEN: Letzter Ausweg: das Meer
20200101             —VERBIETET, Pazifikinseln: PALAU, Sonnencremes, die Korallen vergiften
20200101             LEIPZIG—CONNEWITZ: Polizist in linksalternativem Viertel schwer verletzt
20200101             —ANGRIFFE auf USA—BOTSCHAFT in BAGDAD: Neujahrsgrüße aus TEHERAN
20200101             —GEBOREN, UNICEF—PROGNOSE: Am Neujahrstag werden 392.000—KINDER
20200101             Uno, OSZE, EU—RAT: Kleine Länder übernehmen große Verantwortung
20200101             —PROTESTE—IN—HONG—KONG: Hunderttausende demonstrieren am Neujahrstag
20200101             Generationenkonflikt: Die zornigen Zwanziger
20200101             —ANKLAGE—WEGEN—KORRUPTION: NETANYAHU will Immunität beantragen
20200101             ÖSTERREICH: ÖVP und Grüne einigen sich auf Koalition
20200101             LEIPZIG—CONNEWITZ: LKA ermittelt nach —ANGRIFF—AUF—POLIZISTEN wegen versuchten Mordes
20200101             Wed 20200101             20200101             [l] Die gute Nachricht: Die Zeiten von "HOLLAND—SANDWICH" sind vorbei, zumindest für Google.
20200101             "We're —NOW simplifying our CORPO—RATE—STRUCTURE and will license our IP (intellectual property) from THE—USA, not BERMUDA," 1—SPOKESMAN said in 1—STATEMENT.
20200101             Das mit dem Lizenzieren ist 1—STEUERTRICK.
20200101             Du hast 1—FIRMA in den Land A und eine in Land B, und du willst nicht in Land B Steuern zahlen.
20200101             Also lässt du die Niederlassung in Land B immer ihren gesamten Gewinn (oder gar noch ein bisschen mehr, wenn du dafür Rückerstattungen kriegst) in Lizenzkosten an das HAUPTQUARTIER—IN—LAND A zahlen.
20200101             Normalerweise macht man das mit einer Steueroase wie BERMUDA, wo auf die Lizenzeinnahmen keine Steuern fällig werden.
20200101             Aber hey, wenn auch DA—HEIM in den USA keine Steuern fällig werden, dann braucht man die Bermudas natürlich nicht.
20200101             Verkaufte Maschinen: Airbus löst Boeing an der Spitze ab
20200101             Demografie 20200000             : DEUTSCHLAND kann sich schlechte Arbeit nicht mehr leisten
20200101             —STREITKRÄFTE: WEHR—BEAUFTRAGTER fordert Zahlen zu Extremismus in der Bundeswehr
20200101             Riesenprozess zum Abgasbetrug: VW verhandelt über Geld für Dieselkläger
20200101             —RELATIVIERT, AUSTRALISCHER—PREMIER, Brandkatastrophe: Alles wegen der Kohle
20200101             ARMIN—LASCHET zu WDR—SATIREVIDEO: "Es schadet dem Klimaschutz, wenn wir ihn zum Generationenkonflikt hochspielen"
20200101             Knochenanalyse: Die Mär vom MINI—T—REX
20200101             AUSTRALIEN: Buschfeuer erzeugen eigenes Wetter
20200101             Zustimmung des Parlaments: ERDOGAN kann KAMPF—TRUPPEN nach LIBYEN schicken
20200101             ÖSTERREICH—NEUE Regierung: ÖVP und Grüne wollen Klima schützen und Steuern senken
20200101             Knochenanalyse Die Mär vom MINI—T—REX—SPIEGEL—ONLINE - Wissenschaft
20200123             —RULED, SWEDEN—SUPREME—COURT, in FAVOR—OF—SAMI—CONTROL—OF—HUNTING and fishing permits citing government records going back to the 15010101—16001231     which recognized Sami rights in exchange for taxes (paid in fur).
20200324             In the late 19600101—19691231    s, the hippies and protestors and COUNTER—CULTURALISTS—ALL identified with Groucho, because he was the quintessential mad anarchist -- 1—UNCONTROLLABLE—CREATURE—OF—FUN and sexy wordplay and boundless iconoclasm.
20200403—20200101    —REPORTED, THE 1., infected individuals, SOME—OF—WHOM showed symptoms as early as 20201208             were discovered to be among stallholders from THE—WUHAN—SOUTH—CHINA—SEAFOOD Market.
20200403—20200101    —CLOSED, Subsequently, the wet market was.
20200410             the term "CONSPIRACY—THEORY" began to be more frequently used —DURING the 19500101—19591231    s.
20200410             —FROM at least the 16010101—17001231     to the 19500101—19591231    s, CONSPIRACY—THEORIES were 1—WIDELY accepted way of understanding THE—WORLD and often the official VERSIONS—OF—EVENTS.
20200410             It was only —DURING the late 19500101—19591231    s and early 19600101—19691231    s that CONSPIRACY—THEORIES started to become 1 stigmatised way of explaining big events.
20200410—18700000    —AROUND, As 1—SEARCH on Google Books quickly reveals, the term "CONSPIRACY—THEORY" emerged and began to be more frequently used —DURING the 19500101—19591231    s.
20200429             He is playing with fire, making the 20010101—21001231     1—ERA—OF—MAJOR—POWER—CONFRONTATION and undermining THE—FOUNDATIONS for peace.
20200502             —DETECTED, —SINCE THAILAND 1., THE—CORONA€”VIRUS 20200101             —IN—TOTAL—OF—54—PATIENTS have †.
20200502             Kegelrobben stehen in DEUTSCHLAND unter Schutz und gelten als sehr gefährdet.
20200502             DEUTSCHLAND, war VOR—100—JAHREN offiziell die damals letzte Kegelrobbe erlegt worden.
20200502             Mit mehr als 38 000—TIEREN haben die Meeressäuger —NUN etwa 50—PROZENT—DES—BESTANDES vom 18010101—19001231     von geschätzten 80 000—BIS 100 000—ERREICHT.
20200507             Forscher aus den NIEDERLANDEn und BELGIEN haben jüngst Berechnungen aus dem Windkanal publiziert, wonach der empfohl20200101             ,5—METER—ABSTAND bei schnellerer FORT—BEWEGUNG nicht ausreicht, um allen Tröpfchen zu entgehen.
20200507             —BISHER galten Fundstellen in keltischen Siedlungen im heutigen BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG um das 5. —BIS 03010101—04001231     v. Chr. als älteste Brauereien Mitteleuropas.
20200509             —ERHOBEN, DIE—RUHR Nachrichten, zudem den Vorwurf, der Wochenblick habe DIE—BERICHTERSTATTUNG über die SILVESTER—NACHT 20161231—20170101    in DORTMUND verfälscht wiedergegeben.
20200510             Unterricht nach CORONA: "1—SCHUL—SYSTEM aus dem 18010101—19001231    "
20200512             MONTENEGRO, HUNDREDS—OF—SERBIAN—ORTHODOX pilgrims used hand sanitizer and wore face masks as they entered the Ostrog Monastery to mark THE—DAY—OF—ST—VASILIJE—OSTROSKI—THE—MIRACLE—MAKER, a 16010101—17001231     BISHOP —AFTER whom the monastery is named.
20200512010101       CORONA€”VIRUS—INFEKTION einer Mitarbeiterin: Pence geht auf Abstand zu Trump
20200525—20200101    —SEIT—JAHRES—ANFANG—PLÖTZLICH, sind es 15—FÄLLE.
20200528             THE—CIVIL—CODE is the most extensive legislation in THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—PEOPLE—REPUBLIC—OF—CHINA and takes effect 20210101             .
20200528             Historische Belagerung im 14010101—15001231    : Als die BÜRGER—VON—NEUSS das große BURGUND zur Verzweiflung brachten
20200530             —LINKED, THE—HISTORY—OF—MONTE—CASSINO is, to the nearby TOWN—OF—CASSINO which was 1. settled in the 04010101—05001231     B.C. by the Volsci people who held much of central and SOUTH—ITALY.
20200530             Martin, however, was thrust out of his monastery into the role of 1—MISSIONARY—BISHOP—IN—THE 03010101—04001231    ".
20200531             The authors said the discovery from an _07010101_08001231   shrine at Tel ARAD offers the 1. proof for "THE—USE—OF—MIND—ALTERING—SUBSTANCES as PART—OF—CULTIC—RITUALS in Judah," including the 1. Jewish Temple that stood in JERUSALEM at the same time.
20200603             DIE—MAYA—KULTUR, die sich vom heutigen Südmexiko —BIS nach HONDURAS erstreckte, erreichte ihre Blütezeit etwa zwischen —DEN—JAHREN 200—UND 800—NACH Christus und endete recht abrupt: VIELE—ZENTREN wurden im 9. und 09010101—10001231     verlassen.
20200614             "Aufgrund ihrer Ähnlichkeit zu Syphilis und des Auftretens zu einer ähnlichen Zeit ist es möglich, daß die Frambösie zu dem bekannten Ausbruch im 15. und 15010101—16001231     beitrug, den wir normalerweise auf Syphilis zurückführen",
20200614             Womöglich habe die Frambösie zu einer Epidemie des 15. und 15010101—16001231     beigetragen, die —BISHER als Syphilis interpretiert werde.
20200614             Andere vermuten, daß die Syphilis dort —SCHON lange zuvor verbreitet war oder dass sie im 14010101—15001231     über Handelsbeziehungen aus Westafrika eingeschleppt wurde.
20200628             Manchmal überleben VERSCHWÖRUNGsmythen ihre realen Vorbilder sogar um —JAHRHUNDERTE: So existierte der Illuminatenorden im Süddeutschland des späten 17010101—18001231     noch nicht einmal —10—JAHRE—BIS—HEUTE steht aber als Synonym für dunkle, elitäre Mächte mit sinistren Motiven, gerne auch in Kombination mit antisemitischen Feindbildern.
20200702             1—UN—REPORT said there have been at least 1,324 additional violent deaths carried out in VENEZUELA by PRESIDENT—MADURO—HIT squads —DURING "security operations" 20200101—20200531    —BETWEEN.
20200709             HARRIET—TUBMAN, die im AMERIKA des 18010101—19001231     gegen das SKLAVEN—SYSTEM aufbegehrte.
20200709             Herausgekommen ist ein religiöses GEFÜHLSEPOS—DAS grandiose Schauspieler retten.
20200709             "HARRIET—DER—WEG in die Freiheit" 1—FRAU in den USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—SÜDSTAATEN in der —MITTE des 18010101—19001231    , die angesichts der Niedertracht meist weißer Frauen und Männer mutig rebelliert.
20200713             Rhodes, 1—WHITE—SUPREMACIST, led THE—UK—COLONIZATION—OF—PARTS—OF—SOUTH—AFRICA —DURING the 18010101—19001231     and made 1—FORTUNE from mining.
20200716             —REMOVED, Officials in THE—ENGLAND—CITY—OF—BRISTOL, 1—STATUE—OF—JEN—REID, 1—BLACK—LIVES—MATTER—ACTIVIST, that was installed on 1—PEDESTAL once occupied by 1—MONUMENT to a 16010101—17001231     slave trader.
20200718             —DAMAGED, FRANCE, 1—ARSON attack badly, the 14010101—15001231     Gothic Cathedral of S—PETER and S—PAUL in NANTES.
20200718             JULIAN—ASSANGE—FATHER—CALLS—OPPRESSION—OF—WIKILEAKS founder "THE—GREAT—CRIME—OF—20010101—21001231    "
20200719—18700900    —IM, DIE—DEUTSCHEN hatten die Prachtanlage aus dem 16010101—17001231     bei der —BELAGERUNG—VON—PARIS besetzt.
20200719—18700900    Bei Kampfhandlungen —IM—OKTOBER wurde das Schloss schwer beschädigt und seine Ruine 18910000             abgetragen.
20200723             In the 20010101—21001231    , BRITAIN is no match for CHINA, economically or MILITARily.
20200723             Alicante: POLIZEI findet Gefäße aus dem 1—CENTURY in Fischladen
20200802             Im 16010101—17001231     gelang es erstmals, menschliche Spermien unter dem Mikroskop zu untersuchen.
20200817             erlebte insbesondere —SEIT Ende des 14010101—15001231     einen nennenswerten Aufschwung durch die Wollverarbeitung.
20200818             In the early 01010101—02001231    , 1—ROMAN—CHRISTIAN named MARCUS—MINUCIUS—FELIX described the Agape feast as it was seen from THE—POINT—OF—VIEW—OF—THE—AVERAGE—ROMAN—NON—CHRISTIAN.
20200818             In the 01010101—02001231    , the "SPC" mythos was spread by MARCUS—CORNELIUS—FRONTO, 1—SCHOLAR who became 1—TUTOR and advisor to EMPEROR—MARCUS—AURELIUS.
20200818             —ORIGINATED, Although THE—WITCH—HUNTING "fad", in the 14010101—15001231    , the mania became truly monstrous —DURING the 16. and 17. centuries.
20200826             —WANTED, DALLAS—AREA taxicab driver Yaser Abdel Said (63), for 20080101             —THE, slayings of his 2—TEENAGE—DAUGHTERS, was arrested in 1—SMALL—NORTH—TEXAS town.
20200827             Nach ANGABEN—VON—ANTHROPOLOGEN und Aktivisten gab es vor der Ankunft BRITISCHER—SIELDER auf der Inselgruppe im 18010101—19001231     noch mehr als 5000—GROß—ANDAMANER.
20200827             —GETÖTET, HUNDERTE—VON—IHNEN wurden bei Kämpfen mit den Briten, tausende weitere starben an eingeschleppten Krankheiten wie Masern, Grippe und Syphilis.
20200828             —SIGNED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—GAVIN—NEWSOM, 1—BILL to outlaw the sale of flavored E—CIGARETTES, effective 20200101             .
20200902             1—SPAIN—COURT—ORDERED—THE—HEIRS—OF—GENERAL—FRANCISCO—FRANCO to hand over to the state a 18010101—19001231     palace used by the late dictator as —1—SUMMER—RETREAT.
20200930—19920000    —IN—THE, 1—INDIA—COURT acquitted all 32—PEOPLE ACCUSED—OF—CRIMES attack and demolition of a 15010101—16001231     mosque.
20201010             20201010195722
20201017—20200101    —ON, The law will take effect.
20201119             Münzentwertung im 14010101—15001231    : Die 1. große Währungskrise und ihre Folgen
20201128             an denen sich —SEIT—ANFANG des 18010101—19001231     die boomenden NATUR—UND Technikwissenschaften orientierten.
20201128             Der Geist einer Wissenschaft, die ZEIT—ANALYSE und politische Relevanz miteinander verbindet, hat daher im Vergleich zur —MITTE des 18010101—19001231     nichts an Relevanz verloren.
20201211             —COLLECTED, THE—PATHOGEN—OF—THE—SAMPLE, in June belonged to the B.19330101             strain and the October sample was from the B.20280101             strain.
20201222             Ab dem 20210101             dürfen demnach nach vorheriger Genehmigung durch das Bundesinnenministerium Menschen mit Wohnsitz und Aufenthaltsrecht in DEUTSCHLAND befördert werden.
20201222             Russlands stellvertretender BOTSCHAFTER—DMITRI—POLJANSKIJ bezeichnete die Vorwürfe als "Nonsens" und sagte: "Ich hoffe, dass sich Christophs Symptome —NACH—DEM 20200101             verbessern".
20201227             Hahnemann ist der Typ, der sich im 17010101—18001231     die Homöopathie aus dem Arsch gezogen hat.
20201228             INDONESIA said as of 20200101             it will bar INTERNATIONAL visitors —FOR—2—WEEKS to try to keep out 1—NEW, potentially more contagious variant of the novel CORONA€”VIRUS.
20201229             Düsseldorfer Urkunden aus dem 11010101—12001231     wurden in die mächtige Festung Ehrenbreitstein gegenüber der Moselmündung in KOBLENZ verlagert.
20201229             —SIGNED, BRITAIN and TURKEY, 1—FREE—TRADE—AGREEMENT, effective 20200101             , as THE—UK—PREPARES to leave THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—ECONOMIC orbit at THE—START—OF—THE—NEW—YEAR.
20201230             Das mondäne Heringsdorf wurde im 18010101—19001231     zum Magneten für reiche Gäste aus BERLIN.
20201231—20200101    —REPORTED, It was, that Drugmakers including Pfizer, Sanofi, and GlaxoSmithKline plan to raise USA—PRICES on more than 300—DRUGS in THE—USA.
20210101             In der vollständigen Bezeichnung des Transportabkommens ADR entfällt das —SEIT dem Vertragsabschluss 19570000             vorhandene "europäisch".
20210101             Sie lautet —NUN Übereinkommen über die internationale Beförderung gefährlicher Güter auf der Straße.
20210101             —FREITAG, 20210101
20210101             [l] BURYING—ALARM: Die SOLARWINDS—CREW hat im MICROSOFT—NETZ Zugriff auf den WINDOWS—QUELLCODE erlangt.
20210101             Das teilt uns Microsoft am Silvesterabend mit. Nee, klar.
20210101             Jahreswechsel: So feierte BERLIN ins neue —JAHR
20210101             —GEZÜNDET, In vielen Kiezen wurden Böller und Raketen, über mehreren Bezirken in BERLIN kreisten Polizeihubschrauber.
20210101             Doch an der Lageeinschätzung der Polizei änderte sich auch nach —MITTERNACHT nichts.
20210101             "Es ist ruhig, es ist wenig los", sagte 1—SPRECHER.
20210101             Mehr als 80—MENSCHEN wurden vorübergehend von der Polizei festgehalten wegen Verstößen gegen das Infektionsschutzgesetz,
20210101             Griechen mit mehr Feuerwerk denn je
20210101             GRIECHENLAND, wurde der Jahreswechsel landesweit mit riesigen Feuerwerken gefeiert — es wurde weitaus mehr geböllert als zuvor.
20210101             GRIECHISCHE—MEDIEN berichteten von "einer der spektakulärsten pyrotechnischen Shows aller Zeiten".
20210101             Feuerwerk zu Silvester ist in GRIECHENLAND längst nicht so üblich wie in DEUTSCHLAND.
20210101             Traditionell spielen die Griechen in der Neujahrsnacht Karten.
20210101             Vor allem im Großraum Athen und in Piräus stiegen gewaltige Feuerwerke in den Himmel, die die Menschen von Balkonen und Dachterrassen aus verfolgten.
20210101             GLOBAL—CASES—83.338.512—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.815.864
20210101             Vor SENATS—STICHWAHL in GEORGIA: Republikanischer Kandidat muss in Quarantäne
20210101             In den Niederlanden nimmt die Kritik an der CORONA—IMPFSTRATEGIE zu.
20210101             Trotz der Kritik will die Regierung den START—DER—IMPFKAMPAGNE nicht vorziehen.
20210101             Das sei aus logistischen Gründen nicht möglich.
20210101             [l] Auch in ÖSTERREICH gibt es bedauerliche Einzelfälle!
20210101             Ausgerechnet 1—POLIZIST—DES—LANDESKRIMINALAMTES—NIEDERÖSTERREICH soll der Bande rund um eine heimische NEONAZI—GRÖßE 5000—SCHUSS für schwere Kaliber wie Maschinengewehre verkauft haben.
20210101             Die wollten doch bloß spielen!
20210101             CORONA—SILVESTER: Die Welt startet verhalten ins neue —JAHR
20210101             Ausweis auf dem Handy: CSU im BUNDESTAG will sich für "SMARTPHONE—PERSO" starkmachen
20210101             Letzte Spitze gegen Vereinte Nationen: Regierung Trump legt Veto gegen UNO—HAUSHALT ein
20210101             Nach rechtsextremistischen Vorfällen: Wehrbeauftragte sieht Verbesserungen bei der Bundeswehr
20210101             ASTRO—JAHRESVORSCHAU 20210000             : Das tut sich in unserem Sonnensystem
20210101             "Der JEZERO—KRATER ist der perfekte Ort, um nach Anzeichen von früherem Leben zu suchen", so NASA—WISSENSCHAFTSCHEF THOMAS—ZURBUCHEN.
20210101             "Perseverance" werde Entdeckungen machen, wegen derer man Fragen darüber, "wie der Mars war und wie wir ihn —HEUTE verstehen" neu überdenken müsse.
20210101             "—JAHR—DER—ERNÜCHTERUNG": DIW—CHEF rechnet nicht mehr mit schneller Erholung der Wirtschaft
20210101             USA—PRÄSIDENT in den Ferien: Golfen, twittern, wüten
20210101             Kulturkampf um Klima, Quoten, CORONA—REGELN: Ist die FDP 1—PARTEI—DER—GESTRIGEN?
20210101             Ausblick auf 20210000             : "CORONA wird bleiben" — was dieser Satz bedeutet
20210101             EURO—CRASH, Hyperinflation und Co.: 8—KATASTROPHEN, die 20210000             ausbleiben
20210101             GROSSBRITANNIEN —NACH—DEM Brexit: Die große Katerstimmung
20210101             Weniger Feinstaub und Verletzungen: Umwelthilfe fordert vollständiges Böllerverbot
20210101             Revolution von oben: Warum die Deutschen mit Bismarcks Reichsgründung fremdelten
20210101             Gemeinsam, so heißt es, wollen die Fachleute an Konzepten für Satelliten aus Holz arbeiten.
20210101             "Wir sind sehr besorgt über die Tatsache, dass ALLE—SATELLITEN, die wieder in die Erdatmosphäre eintreten, verbrennen und winzige Aluminiumpartikel erzeugen, die VIELE—JAHRE lang in der oberen Atmosphäre schweben werden", erklärte Doi im Gespräch mit der BBC.
20210101             Alte Satelliten und Raketenteile fallen regelmäßig auf unseren Planeten.
20210101             regelmäßig
20210101             —AM Neujahrstag rauschte die Stufe einer CHINESISCHEN—RAKETE des Typs "Langer Marsch 4B" in Richtung Erde, die —IM—SEPTEMBER einen Satelliten in den Orbit gebracht hatte.
20210101             Aktuell bauen Firmen wie SpaceX und OneWeb riesige Satellitenflotten für die weltweite Internetversorgung auf.
20210101             für die - Auch andere Firmen wie Amazon mit seinem Projekt Kuiper drängen auf den Markt.
20210101             drängen auf den Markt. Fliegende Gespenster
20210101             —DERZEIT umkreisen rund 6000—SATELLITEN die Erde.
20210101             Rund die HÄLFTE—DES—HIMMLISCHEN—FUHRPARKS besteht allerdings nur noch aus fliegenden Gespenstern, die nicht mehr auf Steuerkommandos von der Erde hören.
20210101             des himmlischen Fuhrparks
20210101             —SCHON—JETZT rasen laut den statistischen Modellen der Esa rund 128—MILLIONEN Objekte allein im Größenbereich von einem —BIS 10—MILLIMETERN um die Erde.
20210101             Die Schrottwolke wird regelmäßig mit LASER—UND Radaranlagen vermessen.
20210101             —KONTROLLIERT, Angeblich durch das Militär : USA verhängen Sanktionen gegen KUBANISCHE—BANK
20210101             Der Aufstieg von Fluglaternen ist laut DFS in den meisten Gebieten Deutschlands aus Brandschutzgründen komplett verboten.
20210101             Die PHILIPPINEN lassen ab —SONNTAG keine aus den USA kommenden ausländischen Reisenden mehr ins Land.
20210101             Grund ist eine —NUN auch in FLORIDA aufgetauchte neue, ansteckendere Variante des CORONA€”VIRUS.
20210101             FRANKREICH verhängt noch strengere Ausgangssperren
20210101             Im Westen Frankreichs haben rund 2500—MENSCHEN eine illegale Silvesterparty gefeiert.
20210101             Die Raver stammten aus verschiedenen Regionen Frankreichs und aus dem Ausland, wie die Präfektur des Départements ILLE—ET—VILAINE in der Bretagne —AM—FREITAG mitteilte.
20210101             Bei der versuchten Auflösung der Party in der Stadt Lieuron südlich von RENNES gab es am Donnerstagabend gewaltsame Ausschreitungen.
20210101             —GETRAGEN, VIELE—DER—TECHNO—FANS hätten keine Masken, und keine Sicherheitsabstände eingehalten.
20210101             BRITISCHE—ÄRZTEVERBÄNDE warnen vor BURN—OUT des Krankenhauspersonals
20210101             IRLAND hebt Einreiseverbot aus GROSSBRITANNIEN auf - 22.211—NEUINFEKTIONEN in ITALIEN
20210101             Die USA haben am Neujahrstag die Schwelle von 20—MILLIONEN CORONA—INFEKTIONEN überschritten.
20210101             —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ liegt im Vogtlandkreis bei 818,6
20210101             COVID—19: Algarve com mais um óbito e 199—CASOS
20210101             Alentejo com 308—NOVOS casos e mais 3—MORTES por COVID—19
20210101             Chuva de estrelas Quandrantidas animará o céu de Janeiro
20210101             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—946—(+35)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—755—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—185—(+30)
20210101             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—23—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—20—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20210101             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—38—(+1)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—27—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—10—(+1)
20210101             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—73—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—65—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—8—(+3)
20210101             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1093—(+26)—ÓBITOS—9—(=)—RECUPERADOS—901—(+9)—CASOS—ATIVOS—184—(+18)
20210101             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—291—(+5)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—256—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—32—(=)
20210101             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—694—(+13)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—585—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—104(+12)
20210101             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1229—(+32)—ÓBITOS—14—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1038—(+19)—CASOS—ATIVOS—177—(+13)
20210101             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—49—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—44—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—5—(=)
20210101             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—507—(+13)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—396—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—110—(+10)
20210101             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1131—(+29)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—978—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—11400000—1—(+24)
20210101             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—496—(+21)—ÓBITOS—3—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—376—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—117—(+15)
20210101             SÃO—BRÁS—DE—ALPORTEL—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—180—(+3)—ÓBITOS—9—(=)—RECUPERADOS—125—(+7)—CASOS—ATIVOS—46—(-4)
20210101             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—332—(+6)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—275—(+10)—CASOS—ATIVOS—50—(-5)
20210101             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—89—(+1)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—90—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—7—(=)
20210101             304_DGS_boletim_20201231-002
20210101             LK—DÜREN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—237—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—89,6—FÄLLE—GESAMT—7.121—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—2.690,8—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—163—EINWOHNERZAHL—264.638
20210101             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—1.032—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—94,9—FÄLLE—GESAMT—26.017—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—2.391,6—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—343—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20210101             LONDON, sollen —NUN doch sämtliche Grundschulen in den nächsten —2—WOCHEN geschlossen bleiben, um 1—AUSBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS einzudämmen.
20210101             —GEKOMMEN, Die Regierung sei endlich zur Vernunft, und habe 1—KEHRTWENDE eingelegt, erklärt BÜRGERMEISTER—SADIQ—KHAN.
20210101             "Ich halte die derzeitige Situation für grobes Versagen der Verantwortlichen", sagte die Neurologin Frauke Zipp der Zeitung "Die Welt".
20210101             "Warum hat man —IM—SOMMER nicht viel mehr Impfstoff auf Risiko bestellt?",
20210101             "Vor kurzem gab es noch offizielle Totengedenken, —JETZT zählt offenbar nicht mehr JEDER—TAG, an dem Menschenleben gerettet werden könnten.
20210101             —JETZT wird Geduld eingefordert",
20210101             DEUTSCHLAND, könne bei genügend verfügbarem Impfstoff 1—DURCHIMPFUNG—VON—60—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG in 2—BIS—3—MONATEN gelingen,
20210101             Gesetzespaket zu Verteidigungshaushalt: USA—KONGRESS kippt erstmals 1—VETO—TRUMPS
20210101             LANDTAGSWAHLEN 20210000             im Osten: Instabile Verhältnisse
20210101             —FRIDAY, 20210101             - How to make money from QAnon
20210101             According to this Atlantic article, it's possible to make money betting against QAnon.
20210101             —CALLED, THERE—1—GAMBLING platform, PredictIt which allows people to bet on various political events -- not —JUST THE—OUTCOMES—OF—ELECTIONS, but also far more extraordinary possibilities.
20210101             —CONVINCED—OF, QAnon followers are so thoroughly, their theories that they will back up their beliefs with cold cash.
20210101             —WAGERED, For example, they have, that BARACK—OBAMA and Hillary Clinton would be indicted within 1—CERTAIN—SPAN—OF—TIME.
20210101             Yes, they bet real money on that outcome.
20210101             Q said it, they believed it, and that settled it.
20210101             1—YOUNG—FELLOW named PATRICK—CAGE discovered this market and has prospered by taking those bets.
20210101             Cage has made money EVERY—TIME—QANON has been WRONG—WHICH they have been on EVERY—BET he's made so far, he told me.
20210101             HE—PUT about $800 in and made —AROUND $400 in profits.
20210101             Of course, the real money is in trademarks and in merch -- QAnon clothing and KNICK—KNACKS.
20210101             And the multilevel marketing possibilities are vast.
20210101             THE—MULTILEVEL—MARKETING industry isn't —JUST structurally conducive to spreading outlandish ideas: It also has SOME—PHILOSOPHICAL crossover with QAnon.
20210101             "I can't say that I'm surprised by ties between QAnon and multilevel marketing," WILLIAM—KEEP, 1—MARKETING professor at THE—COLLEGE—OF—NEW—JERSEY who started studying the industry in the 1990s, told me.
20210101             "Unfortunately, their popularity and shared sympathy make SOME—SENSE".
20210101             The industry has been at odds with governments "literally —FOR—DECADES," Keep said.
20210101             It loathes oversight and regulation.
20210101             It loves 1—DIRECT—SALES—PITCH.
20210101             MANY—MULTILEVEL—MARKETING companies have had close ties to conservative politics, and MANY—HAVE antagonistic relationships with bodies like THE—FDA, or THE—IDEA—OF—AUTHORITY in general, in cases where products are marketed in ways that flout scientific consensus or medical expertise.
20210101             "[MULTILEVEL—MARKETING companies] claim to sell the way they do, within these networks, because their products are so special or revolutionary that the mainstream marketplace can't handle it...
20210101             THE—FDA would never approve this company," says JANE—MARIE, who hosts and produces THE—DREAM, 1—PODCAST about multilevel marketing.
20210101             "I think it lines up really well with the QAnon attitude of, like, the government doesn't want you to know this".
20210101             —HAPPENED, This SORT—OF—THING has, —BEFORE.
20210101             —PRESAGED, In the late '90s, THE—ANTI—CLINTON movement, the current Q madness.
20210101             I decided to appeal to that market by writing the ultimate conspiracy book -- Red PHOENIX—RISING: BILL—CLINTON and the Illuminati.
20210101             I actually got 1—FEW chapters into that opus -- and let me tell you, those chapters were glorious.
20210101             —ATTACKED, Alas, the project came to 1—HALT —AFTER I was, by 2—DEMONS: The demon Conscience and the demon Laziness.
20210101             —VOTED, THE—USA—SENATE, 81-13 to override PRESIDENT—TRUMP—VETO—OF—THE $741—BILLION defense authorization bill.
20210101             This was Congress' 1. veto OVERRIDE—OF—TRUMP—PRESIDENCY.
20210101             —BANNED, THE—USA—EFFECTIVELY, anonymous shell companies from operating in the country with the passing of 1—NEW—ANTI—CORRUPTION—LAW described by campaigners as "historic".
20210101             —INCLUDED, The new legislation was, in the annual National Defense Authorization Act.
20210101             1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT cleared the way for the only woman on FEDERAL—DEATH row to be executed —BEFORE PRESIDENT—ELECT JOE—BIDEN takes office.
20210101             A 3—JUDGE—PANEL concluded that 1—LOWER—COURT—JUDGE erred —WHEN he vacated Lisa MONTGOMERY—EXECUTION—DATE in 1—ORDER —LAST—WEEK.
20210101             —SUSPENDED, THE—USA—COAST—GUARD, its search for 1—BOAT with about 20—PEOPLE on BOARD that was —3—DAYS overdue to arrive in FLORIDA —AFTER leaving THE—BAHAMAS —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK.
20210101             —KILLED, CENTRAL—CALIFORNIA, 7—CHILDREN and 2—ADULT—DRIVERS were, in HEAD—ON collision in FRESNO County.
20210101             CALIFORNIA to date had 2,297,064 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 25,987 deaths.
20210101             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 264,986 cases and 2,587 deaths.
20210101             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 20,037,736 with the death toll at 346,687.
20210101             —CHRONICLED, MAINE, GLENN—ADAMS (780), 1—REPORTER who, state government, politics and breaking news for THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS for over —3—DECADES, †—OF—COMPLICATIONS—AFTER heart surgery at MAINE Medical Center.
20210101             TEXAS, Drill SERGEANT—JESSICA—MITCHELL, —30—JAHRE—ALT was found —AROUND 2 a.m. with multiple gunshots to the driver's side door and window of her car along Interstate 10 in S—ANTONIO.
20210101             † Mitchell had been shot several times and was taken to 1—NEARBY—HOSPITAL, but, —LATER from her injuries.
20210101             —CHANGED, AUSTRALIA, 1—LYRIC in its national anthem from "we are young and free" to "we are 1 and free" to recognize Indigenous populations that have lived on the continent for more than 60,—000—YEARS.
20210101             THE—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—MILITARY set up tents for HUNDREDS—OF—MIGRANTS who have been stuck in 1—BURNED—OUT refugee camp that has no facilities to fend off freezing —WINTER weather.
20210101             † BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—POLICE said 8—YOUNG—MEN and women have in 1—COTTAGE in the southwest, apparently from carbon monoxide poisoning —DURING 1—NEW—YEAR—EVE celebration.
20210101             —BECAME, BRITAIN, the latest country to abolish THE—SO—CALLED "tampon tax," eliminating sales taxes on women's sanitary products.
20210101             —DECIDED, LONDON Mayor Sadiq Khan said THE—UK—GOVERNMENT has, to close all primary schools in LONDON for the next —2—WEEKS to counter the rapid SPREAD—OF—1—MORE—INFECTIOUS variant of THE—COVID—19—VIRUS.
20210101             —LOCKED, CHAD, down its CAPITAL—N'DJAMENA for the 1. time —SINCE THE—OUTBREAK—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS—PANDEMIC and has declared 1—DUSK to dawn curfew due to 1—RISE in infections.
20210101             EGYPT, 1—ROADSIDE bomb went off in THE—NORTH—SINAI—PENINSULA, killing 2—MEMBERS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—SECURITY—FORCES and wounding 5.
20210101             FRANCE—OFFICIALS said ravers at 1—UNDERGROUND, CURFEW—BUSTING New —YEAR—EVE party that drew at least 2,500—PEOPLE in Lieuron, Brittany, attacked the police sent to shut them down, torching 1—OF—THEIR—VEHICLES and injuring officers with VOLLEYS—OF—BOTTLES and stones.
20210101             —RECOMMENDED, Experts at INDIA—DRUGS—REGULATOR, for emergency use 2—CORONA€”VIRUS—VACCINES, 1 developed by AstraZeneca and OXFORD University and the other backed by 1—STATE—RUN—INSTITUTE.
20210101             —WORKED, IRAQ—EXPLOSIVES experts, to defuse 1—LARGE—MINE discovered on 1—OIL—TANKER in the Persian Gulf and evacuate its crew.
20210101             1—LIMPET mine was found —1—DAY—EARLIER on THE—MT—POLA, 1—LIBERIAN—FLAGGED tanker in the waters off THE—IRAQ—PORT of Basra.
20210101             IRELAND said it had UNDER—REPORTED CORONA€”VIRUS cases in recent days by thousands more than previously known as its system came under strain, suggesting THE—EU—FASTEST growing outbreak is worsening even more rapidly than figures showed.
20210101             —TRIED, ISRAEL forces, to stop Palestinians building 1—HOUSE in 1—VILLAGE in SOUTH—HEBRON and seized 1—ELECTRICITY—GENERATOR belonging to ABU—ARAM, —24—JAHRE—ALT.
20210101             Aram was shot in the neck and was left quadriplegic.
20210101             —KILLED, LEBANON, celebratory gunfire to ring in the New —YEAR, 1—SYRIA—WOMAN living as 1—REFUGEE in EAST—LEBANON and struck 1—AIRPLANE parked at BEIRUT—AIRPORT in 2—SEPARATE—INCIDENTS.
20210101             —HOSPITALIZED, MEXICO, 1—FEMALE—DOCTOR, —32—JAHRE—ALT was, in Nuevo Leone —AFTER she experienced seizures, difficulty breathing and 1—SKIN rash upon receiving THE—PFIZER—BIONTECH COVID—19—VACCINE.
20210101             Farmers digging in 1—CITRUS grove near MEXICO—GULF coast found 1—STRIKING, 6—FOOT—TALL statue of 1—FEMALE—FIGURE who may represent 1—ELITE—WOMAN rather than 1—GODDESS.
20210101             † PORTUGAL—SINGER—CARLOS—DO—CARMO (81).
20210101             —BELOVED, PORTUGAL—SINGER—CARLOS—DO—CARMO, was 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST, artists, known as the "Sinatra" of the soulful, melancholic fado music.
20210101             THE—THAILAND—CAPITAL—OF—BANGKOK said it will close all schools —FOR—2—WEEKS—AFTER THE—NEW—YEAR—HOLIDAY as it tightens measures to control 1—NEW—WAVE—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS—PANDEMIC.
20210101             —FREITAG, 20210101             20210101             [l] BURYING—ALARM: Die SOLARWINDS—CREW hat im MICROSOFT—NETZ Zugriff auf den WINDOWS—QUELLCODE erlangt.
20210101             —JAHRES—WECHSEL: So feierte BERLIN ins NEUE—JAHR
20210101             —AUSBLICK—AUF, "CORONA wird bleiben" — was dieser Satz bedeutet
20210101             —NACH—DEM—BREXIT, GROSSBRITANNIEN Die große Katerstimmung
20210101             für DIE—AUCH andere Firmen wie Amazon mit seinem Projekt Kuiper drängen auf den Markt.
20210101             Angesichts des schleppenden CORONA—IMPFSTARTS hat 1—MITGLIED—DER—NATIONALEN—AKADEMIE—DER—WISSENSCHAFTEN—LEOPOLDINA—DER—BUNDESREGIERUNG schwere Versäumnisse bei der Beschaffung von Impfstoff vorgeworfen.
20210101—14500000    —AROUND, THE—NATIONAL—INSTITUTE—OF—ANTHROPOLOGY and History —LATER said the carved statue, found in 1—REGION known as the Huasteca, may date to to 15210000             .
20210101—20210103    —UNVEILED, USA—HOUSE—SPEAKER—NANCY Pelosi, 1—PACKAGE—OF—ETHICS and legislative reforms for the new Congress set to convene, including barring former lawmakers CONVICTED—OF—FEDERAL—CRIMES from the House floor.
20210101—20210108    —AM, Obwohl in einem Speziallager im Osten des Landes —BEREITS rund 175.000—IMPFDOSEN der Hersteller Pfizer und Biontech lagern, will das Land —ERST als letztes Land
20210101—20210112    —ON, Her legal team said it would ask for the full appeals court to review the case and said MONTGOMERY should not be executed.
20210101—20210118    —AM, in der EU die 1. Menschen impfen und landesweit starten.
20210102             305_DGS_boletim_20210101              20210426001012
20210102             305_DGS_boletim_20210101              20210104—20210101    —REPORTED, It was, that SOME—EU specialist online retailers have said they will no longer deliver to THE—UK—BECAUSE—OF—TAX—CHANGES which came into force.
20210301             † TOKO—SHINODA, 1—OF—THE—FOREMOST—JAPAN—ARTISTS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    , at 1—HOSPITAL in TOKYO.
20210628—20200600    —PAINTED, THE—FRANCE—ACTIVIST had, and sprayed "STATE—NEGROPHOBIA" in red paint on 1—STATUE—OF—JEAN—BAPTISTE—COLBERT, a 16010101—17001231     royal MINISTER who helped write rules governing slaves in FRANCE—OVERSEAS colonies.
20220101             —SAMSTAG, 20220101
20220101             Vermutlich selbst gebaute Böller: 1—TOTER und 1—SCHWERVERLETZTER bei Feuerwerksexplosion in Hennef
20220101             Neue EURO—BANKNOTEN: Europaabgeordneter fordert Geldscheine mit BIONTECH—GRÜNDERN
20220101             CORONA—JAHR im AUGENZEUGEN—RÜCKBLICK: "Bei uns wurde die Arbeit immer mehr"
20220101             Brokdorf, Grohnde, Gundremmingen: Stromkonzerne nehmen weitere Atommeiler vom Netz
20220101             Änderungen 20220000             : Höhere Löhne, höhere Abgaben
20220101             Altersarmut: Jedem 3. droht Rente von unter 1300—EURO
20220101             Galoppierende Inflation: TÜRKEI hebt Energiepreise drastisch an - Coronapandemie: Das Virus wird bleiben
20220101             Trauerfeier in Kapstadt: SÜDAFRIKA nimmt Abschied von DESMOND—TUTU
20220101             5G-Mobilfunkstandard: USA—BEHÖRDEN wollen schnelles INTERNET verzögern
20220101             Silvesternacht: Ausschreitungen in LEIPZIG und DRESDEN
20220101             Steigende Preise: Experten rechnen mit dauerhaft höherer Inflation
20220101             Vermeidung von CO?-Ausstoß: EU—KOMMISSION will GAS—UND Atomkraft als "grün" einstufen
20220101             Warme Luft von den Kanaren: Wetterstationen messen Höchsttemperaturen an Silvester
20220101             NEGATIV—AUSZEICHNUNG: Sprachkritiker wählen "Eigenverantwortung" zur "Floskel des Jahres" 2021
20220101             Traditionelle Ehrenrunde: QUEEN—SCHLÄGT—TONY—BLAIR zum Ritter
20220101             Energiewende: Bundesregierung nennt EU—ATOMKRAFT—VORSTOß "absolut falsch"
20220101             POLNISCH—BELARUSSISCHE Grenze: Hunderte Flüchtende warten weiter auf Einlass in die EU
20220101             Rede bei Parteitreffen: Nordkoreas Diktator will Versorgungskrise lösen
20220101             Hunderte Millionen Menschen in EUROPA haben das —JAHR 20220000             begrüßt — in der Hoffnung auf ein baldiges ENDE—DER—CORONAPANDEMIE.
20220101             DEUTSCHLAND, verabschiedete sich das alte —JAHR mit ungewöhnlich milden Temperaturen.
20220101             Trotz erneuten grundsätzlichen Verkaufsverbots von Feuerwerk, um die Krankenhäuser von zusätzlichen Patienten zu entlasten, waren vielerorts in DEUTSCHLAND Böller zu hören, auch bunte Raketen waren am Himmel zu sehen.
20220101             Im Vergleich zu FRÜHEREN—JAHREN war —DIE—NACHT aber viel ruhiger.
20220101             Private Feiern waren wegen der Pandemie und vor allem aus Furcht vor der neuen OMIKRON—VIRUSVARIANTE bundesweit nur in kleinem Rahmen — mit maximal 10—GEIMPFTEN oder Genesenen — erlaubt.
20220101             In vielen Ländern der Welt fielen die Silvesterfeiern wegen CORONA verhaltener aus als sonst.
20220101             VIELE—GROSSE—PARTYS und Feuerwerke wurden abgesagt, darunter Festivitäten in PARIS und LONDON.
20220101             Das ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT (RKI) hat am 3. —TAG in Folge einen Anstieg der offiziellen bundesweiten —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ gemeldet.
20220101             Das RKI gab den Wert der Neuinfektionen pro 100.000—EINWOHNER und —WOCHE am Samstagmorgen mit 220,3 an.
20220101             —GETESTET, Weil zwischen —DEN—JAHREN weniger, und gemeldet wird, geht das RKI bei den Zahlen von einer Untererfassung aus.
20220101             Die ZAHL—DER—GENESENEN gab das RKI —AM—SAMSTAG mit 6.418.300 an.
20220101             Die ZAHL—DER—MENSCHEN, die an oder unter Beteiligung einer nachgewiesenen Infektion mit SARS—COV—2 gestorben sind, stieg auf 112.109.
20220101             13—MILLIONEN Einwohner der CHINESISCHEN—STADT Xi'an verbringen —AM—SAMSTAG den 10. —TAG in Lockdown.
20220101             Viele von ihnen dürfen ihre Wohnblöcke nicht verlassen.
20220101             Die strengen Maßnahmen sollen einen CORONA€”VIRUS—AUSBRUCH in der Stadt beenden.
20220101             Nach der TRIAGE—ENTSCHEIDUNG des Bundesverfassungsgerichts hat Bundesfamilienministerin ANNE—SPIEGEL (Grüne) auch einen besonderen rechtlichen Schutz für Hochbetagte gefordert.
20220101             "Der STAAT und wir ALLE—ALS—GESELLSCHAFT haben die Pflicht, die Schwächsten unter uns besonders zu schützen",
20220101             Auf der Suche nach Motiven für künftige EURO—GELDSCHEINE bekommt die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) 1—ANREGUNG aus dem EU—PARLAMENT: Der FDP—POLITIKER MORITZ—KÖRNER fordert, die BIONTECH—GRÜNDER—UGUR—SAHIN und Özlem Türeci auf einem der Scheine abzubilden.
20220101             Auf die neuen Banknoten sollten wichtige europäische Persönlichkeiten wie das BIONTECH—GRÜNDERPAAR gedruckt werden, sagte der Abgeordnete des EU—PARLAMENTS der "Welt —AM—SONNTAG".
20220101             —GERETTET, Ihre Arbeit habe Millionen Europäern das Leben.
20220101             "Ihr Lebensweg ist eine beeindruckende Geschichte über Integration, Aufstieg, Unternehmertum, wissenschaftliche Exzellenz und das Potenzial einer offenen Einwanderungsgesellschaft".
20220101             Die neue ARD—VORSITZENDE PATRICIA—SCHLESINGER sieht auch kritische Punkte in der eigenen Berichterstattung zur Coronapandemie.
20220101             Die 60-Jährige sagte im INTERVIEW—VON—DEUTSCHEN—PRESSE—AGENTUR auf die Frage, welche Fehler die ARD gemacht habe: "Was Fehler angeht: Vielleicht sind wir zu spät auf jene Menschen eingegangen, die Impfvorbehalte haben.
20220101             Wir hätten ihnen früher erklären können, warum Impfen richtig und wichtig ist".
20220101             INDIEN meldet 22.775—INFEKTIONEN — OMIKRON—WELLE befürchtet
20220101             Die anstehende Technikmesse CES ist nach Absagen diverser großer Aussteller um einen —TAG verkürzt worden.
20220101             Die Show in LAS—VEGAS werde —NUN—BEREITS —NACH—3—TAGEN am kommenden —FREITAG schließen,
20220101             Die CES soll die 1. Großveranstaltung der TECH—INDUSTRIE —SEIT Ausbruch der Pandemie werden.
20220101             in den vergangenen —TAGEN sprangen große Unternehmen wie Intel, Google und GENERAL—MOTORS angesichts der AUSBREITUNG—DER—OMIKRON—VARIANTE des CORONA€”VIRUS ab.
20220101             112.000—IMPFUNGEN an Silvester — Impfquote —JETZT bei 71,2 Prozent
20220101             Noch gar nicht geimpft sind 25,8 Prozent, also jeder 4. Bürger oder 21,5 Millionen Menschen — darunter auch rund 4—MILLIONEN Kinder, die —4—JAHRE oder jünger sind und für die —BISHER noch gar kein Impfstoff zugelassen ist.
20220101             Lauterbach sieht "Licht am ENDE—DES—TUNNELS"
20220101             Im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern sieht Drosten in DEUTSCHLAND aber das "Spezialproblem" der vielen Ungeimpften.
20220101             Wegen der schnellen Verbreitung von Omikron mit einer VERDOPPELUNG—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN etwa alle —4—TAGE werde es —JETZT für Menschen, die noch nicht geimpft oder genesen seien, "richtig gefährlich".
20220101             Die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate haben 1—REISEVERBOT für ALLE—BÜRGER verhängt, die nicht gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS geimpft sind.
20220101             Die Emirate haben ihre Bevölkerung so schnell wie kaum ein anderes Land gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS geimpft.
20220101             —ENDE—NOVEMBER hatte die Regierung —BEREITS verkündet, ALLE—BEWOHNER mindestens einmal geimpft zu haben.
20220101             Mehr als 90—PROZENT wurden zweimal geimpft.
20220101             Etwa 1—DRITTEL—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG hat 1—BOOSTER—IMPFUNG erhalten.
20220101             Ungeachtet steigender Infektionszahlen will die BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG vorerst keine neuen CORONA—RESTRIKTIONEN verhängen.
20220101             Das Land müsse "versuchen, mit COVID—19 zu leben" - FRANKREICH verschärft Coronamaßnahmen
20220101             Ab —MONTAG gilt —NUN auch für Kinder ab —6—JAHREN in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln und in der Gastronomie die Pflicht zum Tragen einer Schutzmaske
20220101             —VERZEICHNET, FRANKREICH, bei den CORONA—ANSTECKUNGEN —DERZEIT Rekordzahlen.
20220101             —AM—FREITAG wurden 232.200—NEUE Fälle verzeichnet.
20220101             Kurdengebiete in SYRIEN: Die IS—BEZWINGER und ihr zerbrechlicher Traum von der Eigenständigkeit
20220101             Autobrandstiftungen in FRANKREICH: Mehr als 870 "voitures brûlées" in der Silvesternacht
20220101             Gesundheitsminister: Scheibe an Lauterbachs BÜRO—IN—SILVESTERNACHT eingeschlagen
20220101             EU labelt Gas und Atomkraft als "grün": Neujahrsgrüße mit klimapolitischem Sprengstoff
20220101             Zeitreisen durch die DEUTSCHE—GESCHICHTE: "Immer nur 1—NASENLÄNGE voraus"
20220101             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 11820000             ,7 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20220101             Continente: 11880000             ,4 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20220101             R(t) Nacional: 1,35 Continente: 1,36
20220101             Total Cases Total Cases 288.738.798  Total Deaths 5.439.187  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 9.162.438.649
20220101             Preisendörfer: VIELE—BESONDERHEITEN findet man tatsächlich kaum in der Forschungsliteratur.
20220101             Eine meiner Fundgruben für das 17010101—18001231    —CENTURY war das gigantische Lexikon von Krünitz, das man inzwischen online aufschlagen kann.
20220101             Bismarcks Epoche spiegelt sich —IN—HEUTE vergessenen Erzählwerken und Memoiren, auch in der zu Unrecht berüchtigten, weitverbreiteten und gut gemachten Zeitschrift "Die Gartenlaube".
20220101             Sehr ergiebig ist dazu der Anzeigenteil alter Adressbücher.
20220101             —BEHAUPTET, Der Philosoph ODO—MARQUARD hat gern, gute Philosophie sei "Komplexitätsreduktion",
20220101             sie vereinfache das Verstehen.
20220101             Für Historiker, glaube ich, gilt oft beinahe das Gegenteil: —ERST wenn man genügend Komplexität aufbaut, kommt man der historischen Wahrheit näher.
20220101             Helfen kann man den Menschen von einst sowieso nicht mehr.
20220101             Aber ihre Anliegen zu begreifen, ohne aus sicherem Zeitabstand gleich zum Besserwisser zu werden oder wohlfeile Parallelen zur Gegenwart zu ziehen — das finde ich wichtig und lohnend.
20220101             Preisendörfer: Ein wenig —SCHON.
20220101             Sich mit Geschichte zu beschäftigen ist Komplexitätstraining, Training der Wahrnehmung, könnte man sagen.
20220101             Es wiederholt sich nie etwas ganz genau, Rezepte ableiten kann man also bestimmt nicht.
20220101             Aber wer die Vergangenheit besser begreift, wird auch die eigene Gegenwart bewusster wahrnehmen — und dann vielleicht, hoffentlich besonnener handeln.
20220101             BRUNO—PREISENDÖRFER (19570000             * in Kleinostheim) ist ein DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER.
20220101             Er schreibt sowohl Sachbücher als auch Belletristik und veröffentlicht auch unter dem Pseudonym BRUNO—RICHARD.
20220101             † JOHANN—GOTTFRIED—SEUME (17630129             * in Poserna, Kursachsen;, 18100613             in Teplitz, Böhmen) war ein DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Dichter;
20220101             vor allem bekannt durch seinen Spaziergang nach Syrakus.
20220101             Ein weiteres, sehr berühmtes Zitat, das ihm zugeordnet wird, lautet:
20220101             "Wo man singt, da laß' dich ruhig nieder, böse Menschen haben keine Lieder".
20220101             Hierbei handelt es sich mit einiger Sicherheit um eine im Volksmund entstandene Abwandlung einer Strophe seines Gedichtes Die Gesänge von 18040000             :
20220101             "Wo man singet, lass dich ruhig nieder, Ohne Furcht, was man im Lande glaubt;
20220101             —BERAUBT, Wo man singet, wird kein Mensch ; Bösewichter haben keine Lieder".
20220101             Klimaschutz: Die widersprüchlichen Einstellungen der Deutschen
20220101             MILCH—MOGUL und MILLIARDEN—BETRÜGER: Calisto Tanzi ist tot
20220101             Kritik an Brüssel: ÖSTERREICH droht mit Klage bei grünem EU—LABEL für Atomkraft
20220101             Zwönitz in SACHSEN: Wahlkreisbüro von CDU—POLITIKER Wanderwitz angegriffen
20220101             Bei einem Protest gegen die CORONA—POLITIK—VON—BUND und Land im ostthüringischen Greiz sind mehrere Demonstranten und Polizisten verletzt worden.
20220101             An der Aktion am Samstagabend beteiligten sich etwa 400—MENSCHEN,
20220101             —GESTOPPT, Die Polizei habe den geplanten Umzug durch die Stadt.
20220101             Dabei seien Pfefferspray und Schlagstöcke eingesetzt worden.
20220101             6—DEMONSTRANTEN und 4—POLIZISTEN seien verletzt worden.
20220101             GREIZ, hatte es —BEREITS in den vergangenen —WOCHEN Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Demonstranten und Polizei gegeben.
20220101             Zu Protestaktionen —AM—ABEND des Neujahrstages sei es außerdem in Bad Liebenstein mit 350—TEILNEHMERN, in Rudolstadt mit 200—SOWIE in Sondershausen und Sömmerda mit jeweils etwa 70—TEILNEHMERN gekommen.
20220101             —GEWESEN, Die Aufzüge seien nicht angemeldet,
20220101             —GETRAGEN, Mindestabstände seien nicht eingehalten, Masken vielfach nicht, worden.
20220101             COVID—19: Novos casos em 24—HORAS descem no Algarve e no país. Internamentos voltam a baixar
20220101             Um sismo de magnitude 4.4—NA escala de Richter, ocorrido às 21h03 de hoje, dia 1—DE Janeiro, e cujo epicentro se situou no mar, a cerca de 85—QUILÓMETROS a Sul de FARO, foi sentido no Algarve, nomeadamente na zona do Sotavento.
20220101             mas já antes se repetiram relatos nas redes sociais de que fora sentido nas zonas de FARO, OLHÃO, LOULÉ e SÃO—BRÁS—DE—ALPORTEL.
20220101             e foi sentido com intensidade máxima III/IV (escala de Mercalli modificada) na região de FARO",
20220101             20220101210350        36.24—N 7.88—W 15—KM 4.4—GOLFO de Cádiz IPMA
20220101             Thüringen: 20-Jähriger stirbt nach BÖLLER—EXPLOSION
20220101—20220110    —AB, dürften Ungeimpfte das Land nicht mehr verlassen,
202203101012         WORLD—LEADING insulin manufacturers confirm they will continue working on RUSSIA—MARKET, SOURCE  RUSSIA—HEALTH—MINISTRY
202205010117         Laute Zwischenrufe bei BAERBOCK—AUFTRITT in Ahrensburg
202206200101 ========NEWS appended
202206200101 ========END NEWS appended
202207010102         —UHR
20230101             —SONNTAG, 20230101
20230101             "Es wird ein neues Normal sein": Finanzminister Lindner rechnet mit dauerhaft hohen Energiepreisen
20230101             Rede von KIM—JONG—UN: NORDKOREA will Atomwaffenarsenal massiv aufstocken
20230101             EVP—CHEF: Weber nennt CHINA "Bedrohung für europäische Sicherheit"
20230101             (Kosten-)Freie Liebe: Kondome für junge Menschen in FRANKREICH gratis
20230101             —KONFLIKT mit SERBIEN: Kosovos Regierungschef verlangt mehr NATO—SOLDATEN in seinem Land
20230101             —ÜBERRASCHT, Pyrotechnik als Waffe: Feuerwehr " von der Intensität der Angriffe" an Silvester
20230101             Turnusgemäßer Wechsel: DEUTSCHLAND führt schnelle Eingreiftruppe der Nato
20230101             Teilweise Temperaturen über 20—GRAD: Wärmster Silvestertag —SEIT Beginn der Wetteraufzeichnungen
20230101             "Konsens heißt ja nicht, dass alle mitmachen": Habeck wirbt für FRÜHEREN—KOHLEAUSSTIEG auch im Osten
20230101             —ATTACKIERT, Militärflughafen : Tote und Verletzte nach Anschlag in KABUL
20230101             —VERZICHTET, Folgen des Kriegs in der UKRAINE: DEUTSCHLAND, auf Rohöl aus RUSSLAND
20230101             Vereidigung von Brasiliens neuem Präsidenten: Lula tritt 3. Amtszeit an
20230101             —JAHRES—BILANZ, Jugendämter sehen 38.000—KINDER als gefährdet an
20240101             —MONTAG, 20240101
20240101             Naturkatastrophe: Schweres Erdbeben erschüttert JAPAN
20240101             Urteil in ISRAEL: Oberstes Gericht kippt Kernelement von Netanyahus umstrittener Justizreform
20240101             Reaktionen auf das Urteil des Obersten Gerichts: Kritik aus der ISRAELISCHEN—REGIERUNG, Lob von der Demokratiebewegung
20240101             Mon 20240101
20240101             Im Moment ist unser STAAT 1—UMVERTEILUNGSSYSTEM, bei dem der STAAT immer mehr Kredite aufnimmt, um Sozialausgaben unter den Armen zu verteilen, die dann damit bei den Reichen einkaufen gehen und die Reichen reicher machen.
20240101             Der Anteil, um den die Reichen reicher werden, kann man dann an den wachsenden Schulden des Staates messen.
20240101             Das ist aber kein Zeichen für eine gesunde Wirtschaft, weil eben nur die Reichen reicher werden.
20300101             —BIS—zum—JAHR, SO glaube er, werde die ARKTIS zumindest —IM—SOMMER gänzlich ohne weiße Decke sein.
20300101             —J—BIS—ZUM, so glaube er, werde die ARKTIS zumindest —IM—SOMMER gänzlich ohne weiße Decke sein.
20800101             —BIS—ZUM—JAHR, MEHR als die Hälfte von 1.350—PFLANZENARTEN sei in ihrem jetzigen Bestand gefährdet,
20800101             Aber selbst wenn den Pflanzen 1—AUSWEICHEN in andere Regionen gelänge, seien 2—DRITTEL der Arten in ihrem Bestand bedroht.
20800101             Artensterben unter Tieren auf Rekordniveau
20800101             Besonders betroffen sind der Studie zufolge die hoch spezialisierten Pflanzen in mittleren Höhenlagen der Alpen,
20800101             Demnach werden bei einer Erwärmung der Atmosphäre um 1,8 —BIS 3,6 Grad VIELE—ARTEN in den kühleren Norden ausweichen;
20800101             weite Teile Mitteleuropas könnten dann so aussehen wie —HEUTE der Mittelmeerraum.
20800101             PYRENÄEN, CEVENNEN, KARPATEN sowie der Bergwelt auf dem Balkan.
20800101             Rund 60—PROZENT—DER—FLORA könnte dort unter einschneidenden Klimaänderungen LEIDEN,
20800101             Selbst wenn der Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen auf jetzigem Niveau gehalten werde,
20800101             das an der Studie beteiligt war.
20800101             Sollten die betroffenen Pflanzen 1—VORSTOSSEN in kühlere Regionen nicht schaffen,
20800101             heißt es in der neuesten Ausgabe der USA—FACHBLATTS "Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES".
20800101             schreibt das Forscherteam unter Leitung von Wilfried Thuiller vom SÜDAFRIKANISCHEN—NATIONAL Botanical Institute in Kapstadt.
20800101             sei mit "deutlichen Auswirkungen" auf die Vegetation zu rechnen, sagte SANDRA—LAVOREL vom Forschungszentrum für Alpenökologie im FRANZÖSISCHEN—GRENOBLE,
20800101             —J—BIS—ZUM, Mehr als die Hälfte von 1350—PFLANZENARTEN sei in ihrem jetzigen Bestand gefährdet,
20800101             —J—BIS—ZUM, Mehr als die Hälfte von 1350—PFLANZENARTEN sei in ihrem jetzigen Bestand gefährdet, heißt es in der neuesten Ausgabe der USA—FACHBLATTS "Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES".
20800101             Selbst wenn der Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen auf jetzigem Niveau gehalten werde, sei mit "deutlichen Auswirkungen" auf die Vegetation zu rechnen, sagte SANDRA—LAVOREL vom Forschungszentrum für Alpenökologie im FRANZÖSISCHEN—GRENOBLE, das an der Studie beteiligt war.
20800101             Sollten die betroffenen Pflanzen 1—VORSTOßEN in kühlere Regionen nicht schaffen, sei jede 5. Art ernsthaft vom Aussterben bedroht, 2 % würden —BIS 2080—ENDGÜLTIG ausgerottet.
20800101             Besonders betroffen sind der Studie zufolge die hoch spezialisierten Pflanzen in mittleren Höhenlagen der Alpen, Pyrenäen, Cevennen, Karpaten sowie der Bergwelt auf dem Balkan.
20800101             Rund 60—PROZENT—DER—FLORA könnte dort unter einschneidenden Klimaänderungen LEIDEN, schreibt das Forscherteam unter Leitung von Wilfried Thuiller vom SÜDAFRIKANISCHEN—NATIONAL Botanical Institute in Kapstadt.
20800101—20800000    —BIS, sei jede 5. Art ernsthaft vom Aussterben bedroht, 2 % würden endgültig ausgerottet.