Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 21. January ?

Ereignisse an einem 21. January

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04960121             † EPIPHANIUS—VON—PAVIA—BISCHOF—VON—PAVIA, Heiliger
08610121             † MEINRAD—VON—EINSIEDELN, ostfränkischer Mönch
09170121             † ERCHANGER—HERZOG—VON—SCHWABEN
10480121             † POPPO—VON—STABLO, Abt von 17—ABTEIEN, heiliggesprochener
10480121             † POPPO—VON—STABLO, in MARCHIENNES
10720121             -COLLATION, de 2—CHAPELLENIES à ESPRIT—DE—PODIO.
10720121             —ACTUM, AQUIS, IN—CAMÉRA—SUPERIORI
10850121             † DIETRICH—II—VON—KATLENBURG, Graf im Lies- und Rittigau
11180121             † PASCHALIS—II—PAPA
11650121             ADELHELM, PRIESTER t —VOR
11890121             3. CRUSADE,
11890121             —ASSEMBLED, THE—TROOPS—FOR—THE.
11980121             † GERHARD—UNMAZE, Kölner Kaufmann und Bankier
12680121             —PERMISSION, TO—OVER—TAKE, LITHUANIA and
12680121             —PERMISSION, to establish, Catholicismn, CLEMENS—IV—PAPA gave to PREMISLUS—II—KING—OF—POLAND.
12760121             Nur einen —TAG nach Beginn des Konklaves wird Innozenz V. zum PAPA gewählt.
12760121             Innozenz ist der 1. PAPA, der —NACH—DEN noch —HEUTE gültigen KONKLAVE—REGELN Gregors X. gewählt worden ist, und der 1. Dominikaner auf dem Papstthron.
13200121             † Árni Helgason, isländischer RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER BISCHOF
13290121             † HEINRICH—II., FÜRST—VON—MECKLENBURG
13370121             * CHARLES—V—KING—OF—FRANCE—THE—WISE
13380121             * Karl V., der Weise, KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH
13480121             † HEINRICH—III—GRAF—VON—VAUDÉMONT
13520121             ENSEDISIO—DE—SMISFORT (?)
13540121             † BAUDOUIN—DE—LUXEMBOURG, bur TRIER—CATHEDRAL).
13550121             Pro WILHELMO—DE—ZANDE—RECTORE—PAROCHIALIS—ECCLESIAE—IN—CAMPEN qui nuper conquestus fuit sibi contra decretalem:
13620121             † HEINRICH—VON—MIRLAER
13630121             Simile del PAGAMENTO fatto e. S—PER mano di MARINO—AMADEI—DA—STAFFOLO al predetto ALFARELLO luogotenente di DUCATI—37—E—MEZZO, miri boni et insti ponderis, per taglia del secondo termine delP ANNO—OTTAVO, scaduta il 1.giorno di detto mese.
13640000—13800000    CHARLES—V—KING—OF—FRANCE—THE—WISE
13970121             † ALBRECHT—II—HERZOG—VON—STRAUBING—HOLLAND, Statthalter des niederbayerischen Teils des Herzogtums
14070121             2. ATTACK—AGAINST—THE—DUCHY—OF—MOSCOW.
14160121             † JACOPO—DI—PIETRO—AVANZI, italienischer Maler
14440121             TILMAN—VAN—ROVENNICH
14510121             —BEENDIGT, KRIEG (BRUDER—KRIEG) wurde;
14700121             È CONSIGLIERE (IVI—FOLIA—44).
14820121             —BEGINNEN, an der AFRIKA—KÜSTE, die gelandeten Portugiesen, unter des DIOGO—DE—AZAMBUJA—KOMMANDO
14820121             —BEGINNEN, die gelandeten Portugiesen, der FESTUNG—SÃO—JORGE—DA—MINA—ERRICHTUNG bei Elmina[GHANA].
14920121             -PUBLICATION—OF—EDICT, expelling JEWS from SICILY[SICILIA,SIZILIEN].
14950121             † MADELEINE—DE—FRANCE, Regentin des Königreichs Navarra
15030121             * † 1. fils de LOUIS—XII[LUDWIG—XII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] oo ANNE—DE—BRETAGNE, ne vit que quelques heures
15050121             † ALBERT—VON—VECHELDE, Braunschweiger BÜRGERMEISTER
15160121             * GEORG—SIGMUND—SELD, deutscher Jurist und Reichsvizekanzler
15190121             † Luigi d'Aragona, Kardinal der katholischen Kirche
15210121             † HENNING—GÖDE, deutscher Jurist, Geistlicher und KURFÜRSTLICH—SÄCHSISCHER Rat
15220121             3. ship, REACHED home, ON—THE, laden with spices and cloves from THE—ISLANDS—OF—MOLUCCA, JAVA, MALACCA, etc., whence
15220121             —NOT—BEFORE, spices had been brought to ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS].^
15220121             this ship had been in peril of capture by THE—PORTUGUESE, not only but also
15220121             this ship had been THREATENED—BY—THE—FRENCH
15220121             for they were then AT—WAR—WITH—CHARLES and were seizing ships on their way along the coast.
15220121             THE—VOYAGE was too arduous to be repeated under these circumstances, but ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] sailors contrived to bring spices from THE—ISLE—OF—S—THOMAS.
15220121             Inexact.
15250121             Im Konflikt um den Zürcher Reformationsprozess zwischen Huldrych Zwingli und KONRAD—GREBEL und FELIX—MANZ stellt sich der Zürcher Stadtrat hinter Zwingli.
15250121             Er verfügt, dass Kinder spätestens am 8. —TAG nach der Geburt von ihren Eltern getauft werden müssen und verbietet Grebel und Manz die Gläubigentaufe und den Unterricht in ihren Bibelschulen.
15250121             1. Täufergemeinde, AM—GLEICHEN—ABEND, gründen die beiden die.
15250121             Der katholische Priester JÖRG—BLAUROCK wird der 1. Getaufte.
15260121             † APOLLONIA—VON—WIEDEBACH, sächsische Adlige und Stifterin
15270121             † JUAN—DE—GRIJALVA, spanischer Entdecker
15270121             † Jakob van Hoogstraten, Dominikaner und päpstlicher Inquisitor
15320121             * LUDWIG—HELMBOLD, lutherischer Kirchenliederdichter
15370121             * Antonmaria Salviati, Kardinal der Römischen Kirche
15560121             —MORNING—OF, THE—KNIGHTS reassembled and
15560121             —MORNING—OF, the original ORDINANCES for THE—OFFICERS laid down by PHILIP—THE—GOOD—DUKE—OF—BURGUNDY,
15560121             —MORNING—OF, the directions for THE—ZEREMONIES to be performed were read.
15560121             —MORNING—OF, This was the real OPENING—DAY—OF—THE—FESTIVAL and
15560121             —MORNING—OF, COMMENCED THE—FESTIVAL with 1—ATTENDANCE by THE—KNIGHTS at Vespers.
15560121             —MORNING—OF, THE—STREETS—OF—THE—TOWN through which made its way THE—PROCESSION—OF—KNIGHTS were BARRICADEd off and splendidly decorated. and
15560121             —MORNING—OF, THE—PROCESSION made its way from S—MICHAELS—ABBEY to THE—CHURCH—OF—OUR—LADY were BARRICADEd off and splendidly decorated.
15560121             —MORNING—OF, The scene in THE—CHURCH—OF—OUR—LADY choir, peopled as it was by THE—KNIGHTS clad in scarlet tabards, and
15560121             —MORNING—OF, in long cloaks trimmed with ermine, and
15560121             —MORNING—OF, in round hats to match in colour,
15560121             —MORNING—OF, was 1—WORTHY—OF—1—MODERN—BELGIUM—PAINTER.
15560122—15560121    —ON THE—NEXT—DAY, Mass was celebrated, and
15670121             † VEIT—VON—FRAUNBERG—BISCHOF—VON—REGENSBURG und Fürstbischof des Hochstiftes REGENSBURG
15710000—16290121    * † ABBAS—I—SHAH—OF—PERSIA
15730121             † JOACHIM—CUREUS, deutscher theologischer Schriftsteller, Historiker und Mediziner
15740121             † ABU—MUHAMMAD—ABDALLAH—AL—GHALIB ibn Muhammad, 2. SULTAN—DER—SAADIER in Marokko
15780121             † OSMANEN—ADMIRAL—PIYALE—PASCHA, Wesir
15880000—16290000    ABBAS—I—SHAH—OF—PERSIA
15960121             † JOHANNES—LIGARIUS, deutscher lutherischer Theologe, Reformator und Konfessionalist
16000121             † GEORG—RADZIWILL, Kardinal der RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHEN Kirche und BISCHOF—VON—KRAKAU
16090121             † JOSEPH—JUSTUS—SCALIGER, französischer Philosoph und Naturwissenschaftler
16100121             * François Collignon, französischer Zeichner, Radierer, Kupferstecher und Verleger
16210121             INDONESIA, 1—NEW—CITY built on the site of 1—HOLLAND—FORT was officially named as Batavia.
16250121             † CHRISTOPH—NEANDER, Kreuzkantor in DRESDEN
16280121             † GREGOR—AICHINGER, deutscher Komponist
16300121             † LUCIA—REICHMANN, OPFER—DER—HEXENVERFOLGUNG in Laasphe
16370121             * ANTON—HÜLSE, deutscher ARCHITEKT—DES—BAROCKS
16380121             † Ignazio Donati, italienischer Organist, Kapellmeister und Komponist
16430121             Der niederländische Seefahrer ABEL—TASMAN entdeckt TONGA im Pazifischen Ozean.
16480121             MARYLAND, the 1. woman lawyer in the colonies, MARGARET—BRENT, was denied 1—VOTE in THE—MARYLAND Assembly.
16480121—16470624    —SEE
16560121             —RESOLUTION—VOM, —JETZT haben, weil die 1. darüber mit jenen Ministern abgeschlossene übereinkunft von mehreren PROVINZen nicht gutgeheissen wurde:
16590121             * Adriaen van der Werff, niederländischer Maler
16620121             * FRANZ—EHRENREICH—VON—TRAUTTMANNSDORFF, österreichischer Diplomat und Politiker
16640121             Count Miklos of Zrinyi set out to BATTLE—THE—TURKEY—INVASION—ARMY.
16660121             * CHRISTIAN—MÜLLER, deutscher Pädagoge
16720121             —DONNERSTAG
16730121             * JOHANN—GEORG—FISCHER, deutscher Baumeister des Barock
16730121             † CARL—FERDINAND—FABRITIUS, deutscher Maler
16750121             * Franziska Sibylla AUGUSTA—VON—SACHSEN—LAUENBURG, REGENTIN—VON—BADEN
16830121             † ANTHONY—ASHLEY—COOPER, 1. EARL—OF—SHAFTESBURY, englischer Politiker und Adliger
16860121             † François Blondel, französischer Architekt und Baumeister
16890121             † Gustaf Persson Banér, schwedischer FELDMARSCHALL
16920121             † MICHAEL—WALTHER—DER—JÜNGERE, deutscher Mathematiker und lutherischer Theologe
16920121             I^^(l(:l•;^TI^s. EPISCOPUS.
16920121             SERVUS—SERVORUM Dci, dilectis FILIIS CAPITULO—ECCLESIE—MASSILIENSIS, salutcni et apostolicam bencdictionem.
16920121             Hodic ECCLESIE vestie MASSILIEN.
17000121             † HENRY—SOMERSET, 1. DUKE—OF—BEAUFORT, englischer Peer
17000121             hat CHRIST—HEYDT nach Einlösung der genannten Summe von der o†o SIBERTZ in KÖLN der BRUDERSCHAFT—S—SEBASTIANI in ZÜLPICH 28—KÖLNISCHE—TALER und 44—ALBUS übertragen vor den SCHÖFFEN WOLLERSHEIM und HENTZEN.
17000121             Unterschrift : MATTHIAS—HENTZEN, Schreiber u. SCHÖFFE.
17110121             † FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KETTLER—HERZOG—VON—KURLAND und Semgallen
17110121             † AUGUSTIN—TERWESTEN, niederländischer Maler
17120121             † JOHANN—GEORG—HOCHEISEN, deutscher Orientalist
17140121             * ANNA—MORANDI—MANZOLINI, italienische Anatomin und Wachsbildnerin
17210121             * JAMES—MURRAY, britischer SOLDAT, Kolonialverwalter und Gouverneur der PROVINZ—VON—QUEBEC und GOUVERNEUR—VON—MENORCA
17230121             * LOUIS—PIERRE Anquetil, französischer Historiker
17250121             † JOHANN—CHRISTOPHER—JAUCH, deutscher Theologe und Barockdichter
17260121             † KACPER—BA?anka, polnischer Architekt
17260121             † FRANZ—BEER, österreichischer Architekt und Baumeister
17300121             * JOHANN—FRANZ—CHRISTOPH—STEINMETZ, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
17300121             † MARCO—RICCI, venezianischer Maler
17300415—17350121    als PRIOR VOM.
17300415—17350121    JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—VON—HARNM erscheint als PRIOR VOM.
17350121             —ANLÄßLICH der VISITATION—VOM, wurde angegeben, daß JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—VON—HARNM —SEIT 6—JAHREN PRIOR war.
173540121            † BALDUIN—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—TRIER,
17370121             † Ignjat ?ur?evi?, kroatischer Adeliger, Dichter und Übersetzer, Benediktinermönch und Astronom
17370121—17750000    —IN, ETHAN—ALLEN, USA—REVOLUTIONARY—COMMANDER—OF—THE "Green Mountain Boys" who captured Fort Ticonderoga, was born.
17380121             * ETHAN—ALLEN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Freiheitskämpfer für die Unabhängigkeit Vermonts im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg
17400121             † JACQUES—CASSARD, französischer Kapitän und Freibeuter
17430121             * JOHN—FITCH, inventor (had 1—WORKING steamboat years —BEFORE Fulton).
17460121             † GOTTFRIED—KIRCHHOFF, deutscher Organist und Komponist
17470121             * SOPHIE—VON—COUDENHOVEN, deutsche Adlige und Vertraute des Mainzer Kurfürsten FRIEDRICH—KARL—JOSEPH—VON—ERTHAL
17500121             * ~ ANDERS—NILSSON—MELIN M Aker, Sdrmnl. SCHWEDEN[MEHLING]
17560121             * Claude François CHAUVEAU—LAGARDE, französischer Advokat
17560121             * JEAN—ANTOINE Constantin, französischer Maler und Zeichner
17570121             * ELIJAH—PAINE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
17590121             * CAROLINE—ADELHEID—CORNELIA—VON—BAUDISSIN, deutsche Schriftstellerin
176001219            † — Hülsen, Theod., ABT—VON—KLOSTER—GLADBACH
17610121             * GOTTLIEB—ERNST—AUGUST—MEHMEL, deutscher Philosoph
17630121             * AUGUSTIN—ROBESPIERRE, französischer Politiker
17650121             † CHRISTIAN—BRAUNMANN—TULLIN, norwegischer Dichter
17660121             * VINZENZ—HAUSCHKA, böhmischer Komponist
17670121             † JOHANN—SIGISMUND—MACQUIRE—VON—INNISKILLEN, kaiserlicher Generalfeldzeugmeister, VERTEIDIGER—VON—DRESDEN
17710121             Die Falklandkrise zwischen dem Königreich Großbritannien und Spanien wird mittels einer Einigung beendet.
17710121             Großbritannien erhält die im Vorjahr von Spanien eroberte Siedlung Port Egmont zurück, die FRAGE—DER—ZUGEHÖRIGKEIT—DER—FALKLANDINSELN wird hingegen nicht abschließend geklärt.
177101214            † JAKOB—BOOM (KLOSTER—LAACH)
17730121             † Alexis Piron, französischer Jurist und Schriftsteller
17740121             † FLORIAN—LEOPOLD—GASSMANN, österreichischer Komponist
17750121             MOSKAU, wird der Kosake Jemeljan Pugatschow als Führer eines Volksaufstandes gegen die russische Zarin Katharina die Große hingerichtet.
17750121             † Jemeljan Iwanowitsch Pugatschow, russischer DON—KOSAKE und ANFÜHRER—DES—BAUERNAUFSTANDS
17750121             † JOHANN—JAKOB—JOSEPH—SÜNDERMAHLER, deutscher Rechtsgelehrter und Hochschullehrer
17770121             * JOHANN—HEINRICH—FUHR, deutscher Kaufmann
17780121             * Cornelis Adrianus van Enschut, niederländischer Rechtswissenschaftler
17780121             * ARNOLD—FRIEDRICH—VON—MIEG, deutscher Politiker
17790121             † CHRISTOPH—TRAUGOTT—DELIUS, deutscher Bergbauwissenschaftler
17800121             † JOHANN—GOTTLIEB—FRENZEL, deutscher Jurist, Historiker und Philosoph
17820121             * JAKOB—CEDERSTRÖM, schwedischer GENERAL und Politiker
17820121             LA—FAYETTE est nommé MARÉCHAL—DE—CAMP—DU—ROI en récompense de ses succès en AMÉRIQUE
17840121             * GEORG—MOLLER, deutscher Architekt und Stadtplaner
17860121             * MICHAEL—MARTIN—LIENAU, deutscher Kaufmann und Lokalpolitiker
17880121             ARTHUR—PHILLIP, KOMMANDANT—DER 1. Fleet mit britischen Strafgefangenen für die australische Kolonie an Bord, entdeckt die Manly Bay, nachdem er den Plan, bei Botany Bay zu siedeln, wegen Wassermangels verworfen hat und nach Norden gesegelt ist.
17890121             † PAUL—HENRI—THIRY—DE—HOLBACH, deutschstämmiger französischer Philiosph
17900121             —PROPOSED, JOSEPH—GUILLOTINE, 1—NEW, more humane METHOD—OF—EXECUTION: 1—MACHINE designed to cut off the condemned person's head as painlessly as possible.
17910121             * CARL—AUGUST—GADEGAST, Landwirt und Pionier der Merinoschafzucht in Deutschland
17930000—17930121    [AUFSTAND] LES—CAUSES—DU—SOULÈVEMENT—DE—VENDÉE sont la † ROI et
17930119—17930121    —SEE
17930121             BÜRGER—LOUIS—CAPET[LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH], DER—ABGESETZTE, wird in PARIS nach seiner Verurteilung durch den Nationalkonvent wegen Verschwörung gegen die öffentliche Freiheit und der gesamten Sicherheit des Staates auf dem Place de la Revolution in PARIS guillotiniert.
17930121             † LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH, Hinrichtung.
17930121             † WILLIAM—AUSTIN, britischer Mediziner und Chirurg
17930121             † JEAN—PHILIPPE—DUTOIT—MEMBRINI, Schweizer Mystiker
17930121             —DIE—FRANZÖSISCHE—REVOLUTION, erreicht ihren Höhepunkt.
17930121             The vote in the National Convention for execution for treason won by 1—MARGIN—OF—1—VOTE.
17930121             —AM, tauchte MAXIMILIEN—BOURDALOUE sein Taschentuch in 1—BLUTLACHE.
17930121             es war das Blut, das aus des LOUIS—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH dem kopflosen Hals tropfte.
17930121             —FOLLOWED, THE—GREAT—TERROR, LOUIS—XVI—KING—OF—FRANCE his execution.
179301210800         † LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH, guillotiniert
17940121             * ADOLF—LUDWIG—FOLLEN, deutscher Burschenschafter, Schriftsteller und Verleger
18000121             * THEODOR—FLIEDNER, deutscher evangelischer Pfarrer und GRÜNDER—DER—KAISERSWERTHER—DIAKONIE, Mitbegründer der Diakonissenbewegung
18010121             An der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Le Grand Deuil von HENRI—MONTAN—BERTON.
18010121             † FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—ARNIM—BOITZENBURG, preußischer Beamter und Kriegsminister
18020121             * ADOLPHE—MONOD, Schweizer Erweckungsprediger
18040121             † ERNST—GOTTFRIED—BALDINGER, deutscher Mediziner
18070121             † Volkmar DANIEL—SPÖRL, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
18100121             * PIERRE—DE—FAILLY, französischer GENERAL
18110121             * Roderich Benedix, deutscher Schauspieler, Theaterleiter und Stückeschreiber
18120121             * MOSES—HEß in BONN,
18130111—18130121    1. pineapples WERE—PLANTED, in HAWAII, —OR.
18130121             * JOHN—C—FRÉMONT, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Entdecker
18140121             † JACQUES—HENRI Bernardin de SAINT—PIERRE, französischer Schriftsteller
18150121             * JOSEPHINE—KOCH, deutsche Nonne und Ordensgründerin
18150121             * Horace Wells, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Zahnarzt
18150121             † MATTHIAS—CLAUDIUS, deutscher Dichter (Der Mond ist aufgegangen)
18150121—18450000    * † HORACE—WELLS, dentist.
18150121—18450000    —PIONEERED, HORACE—WELLS, the use of medical anesthesia and was the 1. to use nitrous oxide as 1—PAIN—KILLER.
18160121             * Sophia Adriana de Bruijn, niederländische Kunstsammlerin und Museumsgründerin
18200121             * Egide Walschaerts, belgischer MASCHINENBAU—INGENIEUR
18210121—18750000    * † JOHN—BRECKINRIDGE, 14. USA—VICE—PRESIDENT.
18240121             1—HEER—DES—ASHANTIREICHES, gelegen im heutigen GHANA, schlägt eine britische Streitmacht unter Gouverneur SIR—CHARLES—MACCARTHY vernichtend und bewahrt damit seine Selbstständigkeit im Hinterland der Goldküste.
18240121             * FRIEDRICH—FEUSTEL, deutscher Bankier, Förderer der Bayreuther Festspiele
18240121             † NICOLAUS—SANDER, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher
18250121             † SOPHIE—WILHELMINE—MOSEWIUS, deutsche Sängerin
18270121             * JOSEPH—CHARLOT, französischer Komponist
18290121             * PAUL—LEOPOLD—HAFFNER, deutscher Theologe
18290121             * OSKAR—II., schwedischer und norwegischer KÖNIG
18290121             * KAMMA—RAHBEK, dänische Salonnière
18310121             † ACHIM—VON—ARNIM, deutscher Dichter
18310121             in WIEPERSDORP—KREIS—JÜTERBOG war 1 deutscher SCHRIFTSTELLER.
18320121             * JULES—ASSÉZAT, französischer Journalist, Verleger und Anthropologe
18330121             * Gottlob Theuerkauf, deutscher Maler und Lithograf
18340121             † Osei Yaw Akoto, Asantehene des Königreichs Aschanti
18370121             KAISER—FERDINAND—I. verfügt, dass die Anhänger des Augsburger Bekenntnisses das Zillertal verlassen müssen.
18370121—18370900    —IM, befolgen die Zillertaler Inklinanten des KAISER—FERDINAND—I—ANORDNUNG und machen sich auf den Weg ins Riesengebirge.
18380121             † CARL—GUSTAV—LUDWIG—VON—MOLTKE, deutscher Gutsherr, Oberjägermeister und Kammerherr
18410121             An der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS findet die Uraufführung der komischen Oper Le Guitarréro von JACQUES—FROMENTAL—HALÉVY statt.
18430121             * Émile Levassor, französischer Automobilpionier und Rennfahrer
18450121             † MARIA—JOHANNA—VON—AACHEN, deutsche Schriftstellerin
18460121             * ALBERT—LAVIGNAC französischer Musikwissenschaftler und Komponist
18460121             1. edition of CHARLES—DICKENS' "Daily News".
18480121             * HENRI—DUPARC, französischer Komponist
18480121             † JOHN—VINCENT, britischer GENERAL
18490121             * Józef Szczepkowski, polnischer Opernsänger
18490121             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—201—KÖLN.
18490121—18490122    Montesquieu LVI.
18490121—18490122    —DATE
18500121             * Józef Ostrowski, polnischer Aristokrat, Großgrundbesitzer und Politiker
18510121             Beim Eisenbahnunfall von Avenwedde entgleist 1—ZUG—VON—MINDEN ins Rheinland auf der Stammstrecke der KÖLN—MINDENER EISENBAHN—GESELLSCHAFT, wobei 3—MENSCHEN starben.
18510121             * GIUSEPPE—ALLAMANO, italienischer Priester und Ordensgründer
18510121             † ALBERT—LORTZING, deutscher Komponist
18510121             —BEFINDET, Unter den Zugreisenden, sich auch PRINZ—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—PREUSSEN der spätere Kaiser FRIEDRICH—III., der leicht verletzt wird.
18530121             Im Berliner Dom wird die Gründung des Jerusalemsvereins mitgeteilt.
18530121             † KARL—AUGUST—FRIEDRICH—BRÜCKNER, deutscher Pädagoge und Historiker
18530121             Er soll die evangelischen Kirchengemeinden im Heiligen Land unterstützen.
18540121             Der EISEN—KLIPPER RMS Tayleur der White Star Line geht auf seiner Jungfernfahrt in der Irischen See unter, nachdem er bei Sturm und Nebel auf die Felsen am Ufer von Lambay Island gelaufen war.
18540121             * KARL—JULIUS—BELOCH, deutscher Althistoriker
18540121             * GEORGE—MUSGROVE, australischer Opern- und Theaterunternehmer
18540121             362—MENSCHEN sterben.
18550121             * RUDOLF—CRONAU, deutscher JOURNALIST—UND—MALER
18560121             † Benedictus Gotthelf Teubner, deutscher Buchhändler, Verlagsgründer
18570000—18610000    JAMES—BUCHANAN
18600121             "ECONOMIST".
18610121             USA—SENATOR—JEFFERSON—DAVIS—OF—MISSISSIPPI and 4 (5) other Southern senators made emotional farewell speeches.
18610121             —SECEDED, —JUST weeks —AFTER his home STATE—OF—MISSISSIPPI, from the Union, Davis prepared to leave WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, and the country he had served as 1—SOLDIER, cabinet member and MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS.
18610121             1—MORE—TIME, Davis enumerated the reasons why the South felt secession was its only recourse: "...—WHEN you deny to us the right to withdraw from 1—GOVERNMENT which...threatens to be destructive to our rights, we but tread in the path of our fathers —WHEN we proclaim our independence...".
18610121             —APOLOGIZED, Davis then, to ANY—SENATORS he may have offended, and finished his address by saying, " only remains for me to bid you 1—FINAL adieu".
18620121             * Ewald Müller, deutscher Lehrer, Heimatdichter und Heimatforscher
18620121             † Božena N?mcová, tschechische Schriftstellerin
18620121             S—FRANCISCO—FR.
18620121             —STEPPED, Maraschi, down as the 1. PRESIDENT—RECTOR—OF—S—IGNATIUS.
18620121             Fr. NICOLAS—CONGIATO took over.
18670121             * Iwan Iwanowitsch Kryschanowski, russischer Komponist
18670121             * LUDWIG—THOMA, deutscher Schriftsteller (Lausbubengeschichten, 1—MÜNCHNER im Himmel)
18670121             † Anders Oldberg, schwedischer Pädagoge und Buchautor
18680121             * FELIX—HOFFMANN, deutscher Chemiker
18680121             * LUDWIG—JACOBOWSKI, deutscher Lyriker, Schriftsteller und PUBLIZIST
18680121             † Sándor Asbóth, ungarischer Revolutionär und GENERAL
18680121             —AM, ersuchten 30—EISENBERGER Bürger das zuständige Ministerium in ALTENBURG,
18690121             * Grigori Jefimowitsch Rasputin, russischer Geistlicher und Wanderprophet
18720121             † THOMAS—BRAGG, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18720121             † FRANZ—GRILLPARZER, österreichischer Schriftsteller
18730121             † KARL—ZELL, deutscher Altphilologe und Politiker
18740121             * René LOUIS—BAIRE, französischer Mathematiker - * JOHANNES—WARNS, deutscher Theologe
18740121             † Euphrosyne PAREPA—ROSA, britische Opernsängerin (Sopran)
18760121             * DIETLOFF—VON—ARNIM, deutscher Kommunalpolitiker
18780121             * EGON—FRIEDELL, österreichischer Schriftsteller
18800121             —AM MARIINSKI—THEATER in S—PETERSBURG wird die Oper Die Mainacht von NIKOLAI—ANDREJEWITSCH—RIMSKI—KORSAKOW uraufgeführt.
18800121             1. USA—SEWAGE—DISPOSAL—SYSTEM, separate from storm drains, was established in MEMPHIS.
18810121             * FRITZ—FREISLER, österreichischer Schauspieler und Filmregisseur
18810121             * EMIL—PODSZUS, deutscher Physiker, Ingenieur, Erfinder und Konstrukteur hochwertiger Lautsprecher
18810121             † WILHELM—MATTHIAS—NAEFF, Schweizer Politiker
18820121             * PAWEL—ALEXANDROWITSCH—FLORENSKI, russischer Religionsphilosoph, Theologe, Mathematiker und Kunstwissenschaftler
18830121             * Olav Aukrust, norwegischer Lyriker
18830121             * JAMES—H—DUFF, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18840121             * ~ PETRUS—NATANAEL—MELIN M Gavle, Gvlbrg, SCHWEDEN
18850000—19580121    * † JAMES—GROVER—TARVER, TEXAS—BORN giant, in ARKANSAS.
18850121             * DUNCAN—GRANT, britischer Maler
18850121             * André Lagache, französischer Automobilrennfahrer
18850121             * Umberto Nobile, italienischer Luftschiffpionier
18850121             † FRIEDRICH—HENNING—VON—ARNIM, deutscher Unternehmer
18860121             † ADOLF—WERNEBURG, deutscher Namenforscher und Forstmann
18870121             * Andrej Andrejew, russischer Filmarchitekt, Zeichner und Bühnenbildner
18870121             * WOLFGANG—KÖHLER, DEUTSCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER Psychologe, Mitbegründer der Gestaltpsychologie
18870121             * Georges Vézina, kanadischer Eishockeyspieler
18870121             In dem gegen 35—FRANKFURTER SOZIALISTEN geführten PROZEß—WEGEN—TEILNAHME—AN—1—GEHEIM—VERBINDUNG werden GEFÄNGNIS—STRAFEN —BIS zu 1—JAHR verhängt.
18880121             In den Vereinigten Staaten entsteht der Sportverband Amateur Athletic Union (AAU).
18880121             * ERNST—KAPP, deutscher Altphilologe
18880121             † JAKOB—JOSEPH—ADAM, Schweizer Politiker
18880121             † Adolph Douai, DEUTSCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER Journalist, Verleger und Pädagoge
18890121             * HERMANN—GLÖCKNER, deutscher Maler und Bildhauer
18890121             * GIOVANNI—MICHELETTO, italienischer Radrennfahrer
18900121             * Mauricio Galvao, deutscher Hockeyspieler - * Hertha Spielberg, deutsche Malerin
18900121             † NATHAN—MARCUS—ADLER, DEUTSCH—BRITISCHER Rabbiner
18910121             * IVAR—HELLMAN, schwedischer KOMPONIST—UND—DIRIGENT
18910121             † Calixa Lavallée, kanadischer Komponist
18920121             * ARTHUR—VOLLSTEDT, deutscher Eisschnellläufer
18920121             † SAMUEL—MARSDEN—BROOKES, ENGLISH—BORN artist, in SF.
18920121             SAMUEL—MARSDEN—BROOKES was 1—FOUNDER—OF—THE—SF—ART—ASSOCIATION and the Bohemian Club.
18920121—18330000    —EMIGRATED, SAMUEL—MARSDEN—BROOKES, to THE—USA settled in CHICAGO and
18920121—18620000    —IN, moved to SF.
18940121             † CARL—JOHANN—LÜDECKE, deutscher Architekt
18950121             * Cristóbal Balenciaga, spanischer Modedesigner - * HANS—CARL—NIPPERDEY, deutscher Jurist
18960121             * ARTUR—ANDERS, deutscher Politiker, MdB
18960121             * Paula Hitler, Schwester von ADOLF—HITLER
18960121             † JOHANN—GUSTAV—STICKEL, deutscher evangelischer Theologe, Orientalist und Numismatiker
18970121             * MAURICE—ZUNDEL, Schweizer Geistlicher, Theologe und Philosoph
18980121             * RUDOLPH—MATÉ, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Kameramann
18990121             Die Söhne ADAM—OPELS kaufen die Fabrik FRIEDRICH—LUTZMANNS, stellen ihn als Direktor ein und beginnen mit dem Bau von OPEL—AUTOMOBILEN.
18990121             * JOHN—BODKIN—ADAMS, britischer Mediziner und Betrüger - * HUGO—MAYER, deutscher Politiker, MdB
18990121             * ALEXANDER—NIKOLAJEWITSCH—TSCHEREPNIN, russischer Komponist
18990121             † Michail Nikolajewitsch Annenkow, russischer GENERAL
18990121—19770000    * † ALEXANDER—TCHEREPNIN, composer, in St PETERSBURG—RUSSIA.
19000121             * BERNHARD—RENSCH, deutscher Evolutionsbiologe
19000121             * WERNER—SCHWARZ, deutscher Bundesminister
19030000—19850121    * † JAMES—BEARD, USA culinary expert, author (Delights & Prejudices).
19030121             —OPENED, INTERNATIONAL Theater (Majestic, Park), at 5—COLUMBUS Circle in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19030121             —ESCAPED, HARRY—HOUDINI, from police station Halvemaansteeg in AMSTERDAM.
19040121             —AM Nationaltheater in Brünn wird die Oper Jen?fa von Leoš Janá?ek —NACH—DEM Theaterstück Její pastorky?a (Ihre Ziehtochter) von Gabriela Preissová uraufgeführt.
19040121             —VERÄNDERT, Es wird noch EINIGE—MALE, und wieder aufgeführt, bevor es in breiterer Öffentlichkeit wahrgenommen wird.
19050121             * CHRISTIAN—DIOR, fashion designer (LONG—SKIRTED look), in NORMANDY—FRANCE.
19060121             —FÜR—DEN, vorgesehene DEMONSTRATIONS—VERSAMMLUNGEN werden in den meisten Fällen von DER—POLIZEI verboten.
19060121             Das BÜRO—DER—SOZIALISTISCHE—INTERNATIONALE schlägt diesen —TAG als Gedenktag für die Opfer des "Blutsonntags" von S—PETERSBURG
19060121             Die Ankündigung dieser Versammlungen ruft große Unruhe hervor.
19060121             In 1—TAGESBEFEHL am ;;0119;;erklärt der Oberkommandierende in den Marken: " sollten Barrikaden entstehen, so sind sie durch Granaten zu beschießen, BEVOR die INFANTERIE sie bestürmt".
19060121             Der "Rote —SONNTAG" verläuft ohne Zwischenfälle.
19060121             ALLE—VERSAMMLUNGEN nehmen 1—GLEICHLAUTENDE Protestresolution gegen DAS—WAHL—RECHT an, die dem preußischen LAND—TAG als Petition übergeben wird.
19060121—19050122    DER SOZIALISTISCHE—INTERNATIONALE—BÜRO vorschlägt diesen —TAG als Gedenktag für die Opfer des "Blutsonntags" —AM, von S—PETERSBURG.
19080121             STOCKHOLM, findet die Uraufführung des Kammerspiels Die Gespenstersonate von AUGUST—STRINDBERG nach der gleichnamigen Sonate von Ludwig van Beethoven statt.
19080121             —AM Theater an der WIEN in WIEN erfolgt die Uraufführung der Operette Der Mann mit den 3—FRAUEN—VON—FRANZ—LEHÁR.
19080121             Die Uraufführung floppt, das Stück wird —ERST 4—JAHRE —NACH—DEM TOD—DES—DICHTERS 1—ERFOLG.
19080121             —PASSED, NEW—YORK CITY—BOARD—OF—ALDERMEN, THE—SULLIVAN—ORDINANCE that effectively prohibited women from smoking in public.
19080121             —2—WEEKS—LATER the measure was vetoed by Mayor GEORGE—B—MCCLELLAN—JUNIOR.
19090121—19090122    1—EARTHQUAKE in MOROCCO—NORTHERN region, near TETOUAN, killed up to 100.
19100121             —OPENED, ANGEL—ISLAND, as 1—IMMIGRATION processing and detention center and became known as THE—ELLIS—ISLAND—OF—THE—WEST.
19100121             50,000 Chinese entered THE—USA—THROUGH—ANGEL—ISLAND.
19100121             A BRITISH—RUSSIA—MILITARY intervention took place in Persia.
19100121             —REJECTED, JAPAN, THE—USA—PROPOSAL to neutralize ownership of the Manchurian Railway.
19100121—19400000    —UNTIL, It processed SOME—1—MILLION—PEOPLE.
19100121—19400000    —IN, It closed —AFTER 1—FIRE.
19110121             Der norwegische Polarforscher Roald Amundsen errichtet im ROSS—SCHELFEIS in der Nähe des 80. Breitengrades das Camp Framheim als Basislager für seine Antarktisexpedition.
19110121             THE—MARCH—OF—WOMEN von Ethel Smyth, das später zur Hymne der englischen Suffragettenbewegung wird, wird in der Pall Mall in LONDON uraufgeführt.
19110121             —INITIIERT, Die 1. Rallye Monte Carlo, von ALBERT—I, beginnt.
19110121             In Genf, PARIS, BOULOGNE—SUR—MER, BERLIN, WIEN und Brüssel starten insgesamt 20—TEILNEHMER in Richtung MONACO.
19120121             RAINER—MARIA—RILKE sendet die 1. seiner Duineser Elegien von Duino an MARIE—TAXIS.
19130121             —FORMED, Aristide Briand, 1—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT.
19150121             Unter dem Namen THE—SUPREME—LODGE Benevolent ORDER—OF—BROTHERS entsteht in DETROIT der 1. der KIWANIS—SERVICE—CLUBS.
19150121             —ESTABLISHED, Kiwanis was, as 1—ORGANIZATION devoted to THE—PRINCIPLE—OF—SERVICE and to THE—ADVANCEMENT—OF—INDIVIDUAL, community, and national welfare, and to the strengthening of INTERNATIONAL goodwill.
19150121—19141200    —FOUNDED, The 1. Kiwanis Club was formally, in DETROIT—MICHIGAN ALLEN—BROWNE, had proposed 1—FRATERNAL club for business and professional men.
19170121             1—ERDBEBEN unbekannter Stärke auf Bali, Indonesien, fordert etwa 15.000—TODESOPFER.
19180000             [19190121              ] --
19190121             THE—GERMANY—KRUPP plant began producing guns under THE—USA—ARMISTICE terms.
19190121             WILSON submits BUCKLER—REPORT—OF his meeting with LITVINOV to THE—BIG—5 in PARIS.
19190121             BUCKLER wrote that "AGREEMENT—WITH—RUSSIA can take place at once, obviating conquest and policing + reviving normal conditions as DISINFECTANT—AGAINST—BOLSHEVISM ".
19190121             Wilson submits BUCKLER—REPORT—OF his meeting with Litvinov to the Big 5 in PARIS.
19190121             Buckler wrote that "agreement with RUSSIA can take place at once, obviating conquest and policing + reviving normal conditions as disinfectant against Bolshevism ".
19200000—20020121    * † Peggy Lee, jazz and blues singer, at age 81 in Bel AIR—CALIFORNIA.
19200000—20090121    * † CHARLES—SCHNEER, HOLLYWOOD film producer, in FLORIDA.
19200121             Domingos Leite PEREIRA wird zum 2. Mal Ministerpräsident Portugals.
19200121             An der Oper FRANKFURT in FRANKFURT am Main findet die Uraufführung der Oper Der Schatzgräber von FRANZ—SCHREKER statt.
19210121             Die Kommunistische Partei Italiens wird im Theater S—MARCO in LIVORNO gegründet, nachdem sich die revolutionäre Fraktion von der Partito Socialista Italiano abgespalten hat.
19210121             NEW—YORK, City hat der CHARLIE—CHAPLIN—FILM The Kid seine Premiere.
19210121             —ÜBERNIMMT, Amadeo Bordiga, den Parteivorsitz, ins Zentralkomitee kommen ANTONIO—GRAMSCI und Umberto Terracini.
19210121             * BARNEY—CLARK, the 1. person to receive a permanent artificial heart.
19210121             J.D. Rockefeller pledged $1—MILLION for the relief of EUROPE—DESTITUTE.
19220000—19990121    * † CHARLES—BROWN, AFRICAN—USA—RHYTHM and blues pioneer.
19240121             † LENIN, an seinem 3. Gehirnschlag.
19240121             † RUSSIA—REVOLUTIONARY—VLADIMIR—ILYICH—LENIN at age 53 and 1—MAJOR—STRUGGLE for power in THE—SOVIET—UNION began.
19240121             1—TRIUMVIRATE led by JOSEPH—STALIN succeeded LENIN.
19240121             —BECAME, —AFTER THE—DEATH—OF—LENIN, Bukharin, 1—FULL—MEMBER—OF—THE—POLITBURO and opposed the policy of initiating rapid industrialization and collectivization in AGRICULTURE—1—POSITION shared by Stalin —AT—THE—TIME.
19240121             —AM, Ärzte hatten LENINs GEHIRN dem Körper nach seinem Tod entnommen.
19240121—19280000    —ASSUMED, STALIN had, absolute power,
19240121—19530000    —IN, ruling as 1—OFTEN brutal dictator —UNTIL his DEATH—OF—1—BRAIN—HEMORRHAGE.
19240121—19920000    * † BENNY—HILL, UK—COMEDIAN who hosted his own comedy show, in SOUTHAMPTON—ENGLAND.
19240121—19920000    [SOME—SOURCES give 19250000              as THE—BIRTH—YEAR]
19240121—20000000    —AUTHORED, ROBERT—SERVICE, "Lenin".
19250000—20190121    * † Kaye Ballard, USA—COMIC actress, at her home in Rancho MIRAGE—CALIFORNIA.
19250121             Albanien wird auf Betreiben des durch Umsturz an die Macht gekommenen AHMET—ZOGU vom Parlament zu einer REPUBLIK erklärt.
19250121—19250131    —AM, Er lässt sich zu ihrem Präsidenten wählen.
19270000—20070121    * † LOUIS—MALCOLM—BOYD, aka L.M. Boyd, master gatherer of random facts, at his home in SEATTLE—WASHINGTON.
19300121             1—INTERNATIONAL—ARMS meeting opened in LONDON.
19300121             —HOSTED, THE—LONDON Naval Conference, by BRITAIN, sought to establish naval disarmament and review THE—WASHINGTON Treaty of 19220000             , which limited TONNAGE—OF—NEW—BATTLESHIPS.
19300121             —AFTER—3—MONTHS—OF—MEETINGS, representatives from BRITAIN, THE—USA—AND—JAPAN signed 1—TREATY limiting battleship tonnage based on ratios between the nations.
19300121             —DECLINED, ITALY and FRANCE, to sign.
19300121—19300422    —SEE
19300121—19351200    —IN, A 2. naval conference did little to promote further disarmament and, by THE—BEGINNING—OF—WWII, GERMANY, JAPAN and THE—USA had all begun building battleships well over the limit of 35,000 tons stipulated by the original WASHINGTON Treaty.
19330121             * ITZHAK—FUKS, ISRAEL—EL AL—CAPTAIN.
19330121             —REJECTED, The League of Nations, JAPAN—TERMS for settlement with CHINA.
19370121             LONDON, tritt im Studio der BBC MARCEL—BOULESTIN als 1. Fernsehkoch in der Sendung COOK—NIGHT out vor die Kamera.
19380121             † RJASANOW, STALIN ließ verhaften und —AM, hinrichten.
19390121             Im Bundesstaat Bahia werden die 1. ERDÖL—LAGERSTÄTTEN Brasiliens entdeckt.
19390121             * WOLFMAN—JACK, DJ (Midnight Special), in Brooklyn, NY as BOB—SMITH.
19390121             —PAINTED, Picasso, 2—PICTURES, both titled "Reclining Woman with Book".
19390121             —PICTURED, In 1—MARIE—THERESA Walter is, in 1—SMOOTH S—CURVE, in the other Dora Maar (born as Theodora Markovitch d.1997 at 89) is broken into jagged forms.
19390121             Maar was 1—PAINTER and photographer and struggled to develop her own ambitions, but failed and spent much of her life as 1—RECLUSE.
19400121             Vor der französischen Mittelmeerküste kommt es nach einer Explosion an Bord des italienischen Passagierschiffs Orazio zu einem unkontrollierbaren Brand.
19400121             Das Schiff brennt aus und sinkt;
19400121             106—MENSCHEN kommen ums Leben, obwohl schnell Hilfe vor Ort ist.
19400121             * JACK—NICKLAUS, golfer (Player of Yr 19670000             ,72,73,75,76), in COLUMBUS—OHIO.
19410121             * PLACIDO—DOMINGO, opera tenor (PINKERTON—MME Butterfly), in MADRID—SPAIN.
19410121             * RICHIE—HAVENS, folk singer (Here Comes the Sun), in Brooklyn.
19410121             * EDWIN—STARR, USA—SINGER (War), as CHARLES—HATCHER.
19410121             —LIFTED, THE—USA, the ban on arms to THE—SOVIET—UNION.
19410121             —BANNED, UK—COMMUNIST—NEWSPAPER "Daily Worker" was.
19420121             —RECORDED, Count Basie and His Orchestra, "1—O'CLOCK Jump" in NEW—YORK City for Okeh Records.
19420121             A Bronx magistrate ruled all pinball machines illegal.
19430121             A Nazi daylight air raid killed 34 in a LONDON school.
19440121             Beginn des Unternehmens Steinbock, die Intensivierung der Luftangriffe auf ENGLAND durch die deutsche Luftwaffe.
19440121             1—USA B—24—BOMBER that crashed shortly —AFTER taking off from 1—AIRFIELD on THE—TARAWA—ATOLL in THE—GILBERT Islands.
19440121             —ATTACKED, Some 649—UK—BOMBERS, MAGDEBURG.
19440121             —ATTACKED, Some 447—GERMANY—BOMBERS, LONDON.
19440121—20190000    —IN, 7—OF—THE 10-member crew were killed including Staff SERGEANT—JACK—BUSCH, of Kenmore, near BUFFALO—NEW—YORK THE—REMAINS—OF—ARMY—AIR—FORCES—STAFF—SERGEANT—VINCENT—J—ROGERS—JUNIOR were accounted for.
19441216—19440121    —BY, the Germans had been pushed back to their original line, having lost some 120,000—MEN in the offensive.
19450121             Die Niederlage in der Ardennenoffensive des 2. Weltkriegs beschleunigt den Zusammenbruch der Wehrmacht an der deutschen Westfront.
19500121             Durch Fusion der DKP—DRP mit der nur in HESSEN tätigen Nationaldemokratischen Partei (NDP) in KASSEL entsteht die rechtsextreme Deutsche Reichspartei (DRP).
19500121             —ACCUSED—OF, FORMER—STATE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL—ALGER—HISS, being PART—OF—1—COMMUNIST—SPY ring, was found guilty in NEW—YORK of lying to 1—GRAND—JURY.
19500121             —MAINTAINED, Hiss, who always, his innocence, was sentenced to 5—YEARS in prison;
19500121             he served less than 4.
19500121             † GEORGE—ORWELL, 46—JAHRE—ALT, author, in LONDON of tuberculosis.
19500121—20030000    —INCLUDED, GEORGE—ORWELL—BOOKS, Down and Out in PARIS and LONDON" (19330000             ) and "1984". WILLIAM—ABRAHAMS (19980000              †), editor and novelist, CO—AUTHORED the 2-volume biography of Orwell: "Life, Death and Art in the 2. World War," and "Journey to the Frontier" with PETER—STANSKY. 20000000             —IN JEFFREY—MEYERS authored the biography "Orwell: Wintry Conscience of 1—GENERATION". Orwell oo Sonia Brownell (19180000—19800000    ) on his deathbed. Hilary Spurling authored "The Gril from the Fiction Department,
19500121—20030000    —IN, " 1—BIOGRAPHY—OF—SONIA—ORWELL. D.J. Taylor authored "Orwell : The Life".
19510121             Beim Ausbruch des Vulkans Lamington auf der Insel Neuguinea sterben knapp 3000—MENSCHEN.
19510121             —FORCED, Communist troops, THE—UN—ARMY out of INCHON—KOREA —AFTER a 12-hour attack.
19540121             Das 1. atomgetriebene U—BOOT, die Nautilus, läuft in den USA vom Stapel.
19540121             The 1. atomic submarine, THE—USS—NAUTILUS, was launched at GROTON—CONNECTICUT However, the Nautilus did not make its 1. NUCLEAR—POWERED run —UNTIL nearly 1—YEAR—LATER.
19540121             † In Czechoslovakia Frantisek Stransky —WHEN 1—TEST prototype of the Oskar 54—MICROCAR crashed.
19540121—19360000    —IN, Beginning, the brothers Frantisek (19140000—19540000    ) and Mojmír (19240000             ) Stransky, owners of 1—BICYCLE repair shop in village Parnik near ?eská T?ebová, started with the design of 1—SMALL, cheap 3—WHEELED car, inspired by 3—WHEELERS from MORGAN—MOTOR—COMPANY.
19540121—19560000    —IN, the vehicle's name was changed to "VELOREX—OSKAR" and then —JUST to "Velorex".
19540121—19590000    —IN, the company produced 120—VEHICLES—PER—MONTH.
19540930             —LAUNCHED, It was, 19540121          .
19550117—19540121    —SEE
19580121             —KILLED, CHARLES—STARKWEATHER, 19, the mother, stepfather and HALF—SISTER—OF his 14—YEAR—OLD girlfriend, Caril Ann Fugate, at her family's home in LINCOLN, Neb.
19580121             —KILLED, Starkweather, who had also, 1—GAS—STATION—ATTENDANT the previous November, and Fugate went on 1—ROAD—TRIP which resulted in 7—MORE—SLAYINGS.
19580121             —MAINTAINED, Fugate, who, she had been STARKWEATHER—HOSTAGE, was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER and sentenced to life;
19580121             —INSPIRED, His slaying spree, 19730000             —THE film "Badlands" starring MARTIN—SHEEN and Sissy Spacek.
19580121             JAMES—GROVER—TARVER had grown to be 8—FEET 4—INCHES tall and traveled with the Ringling Bros. and other circuses.
19580121             —CALLED, THE—SOVIET—UNION, for 1—BAN on nuclear arms in BAGHDAD Pact countries.
19580121—19170000    —IN, he played the giant in the film "Jack and the Beanstalk".
19580121—19590000    —EXECUTED, Starkweather was, ;
19580121—19760000    —IN, she was paroled.
19590121             † CECIL—BLOUNT—DE—MILLE (CECIL—B—DEMILLE), 1—OF—HOLLYWOOD—MOST successful filmmakers, at age 77. He was also 1—OF—THE—TOUGHEST.
19590121             CECIL—BLOUNT—DE—MILLE once said to his staff, "You are here to please me. Nothing else on earth matters".
19590121             He produced the "THE—10—COMMANDMENTS".
19590121             The European COURT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS (ECHR or ECtHR), also known as THE—STRASBOURG Court, was established in ROME on THE—BASIS—OF—ARTICLE 19—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—CONVENTION on Human Rights.
19590121             die internationale Presse um sich.
19590121             Tage zuvor hatten hier noch wohlhabende Amerikaner ihre Rumcocktails geschlürft, während Meyer Lanskys Showgirls auf der Bühne Bein zeigten.
19590121             Nun kündigte Castro den Medien das ENDE—DES—REGIMES—BATISTAS AN—UND das der USA—MAFIA.
19590121             —GESCHLOSSEN, Sämtliche Casinos der Stadt wurden.
19600121             The Coalbrook mining disaster, the worst mining accident in THE—HISTORY—OF—SOUTH—AFRICA, left 437—MINERS dead.
19600121             —SUFFOCATED, The miners were, by methane gas and crushed to death by rockfall.
19610000—19940121    * † BASIL—ASSAD, SON—OF—SYRIA—PRESIDENT—HAFEZ—ASSAD, was killed in 1—CAR—ACCIDENT.
19610121             —ASSALTO ao paquete "SANTA—MARIA" por um comando ligado ao DIRECTÓRIO—IBÉRICO—DE—LIBERTAÇÃO chefiado por HENRIQUE—GALVÃO.
19620121             Snow fell in THE—SF Bay Area and accumulated to about 3—INCHES in DALY—CITY and S—FRANCISCO.
19620121—18870000    —SINCE, This was the heaviest local snowfall.
19680121             Mit einem Mörserangriff der nordvietnamesischen Truppen beginnt die Schlacht um Khe Sanh im Vietnamkrieg, die —BIS zum 19680408              dauern wird.
19680121             1—USA—LANGSTRECKENBOMBER vom Typ Boeing B—52—STÜRZT unweit der Thule Air Base in Grönland ab.
19680121             —VERLIERT, Er, dabei 4—WASSERSTOFFBOMBEN.
19680121             Von diesen sollen nur 3—GEBORGEN werden können.
19680121             Der Absturz löst radioaktive Kontaminationen in der Umgebung aus.
19680121             VIETNAM, THE—77—DAY—SIEGE—OF—KHE Sanh began as NORTH—VIETNAM—UNITS surrounded USA—MARINES based on the hilltop headquarters.
19680121             It was the longest and bloodiest BATTLE—OF—THE—VIETNAM—WAR.
19680121             The Battle began at 0530—HOURS—WHEN NORTH—VIETNAM—ARMY—FORCES hammered THE—MARINE—OCCUPIED Khe Sanh Combat Base with rocket, mortar, artillery, small arms, and automatic weapons fire.
19680121             —SLAMMED, Hundreds of 82-mm mortar rounds and 122-mm rockets, into the combat base.
19680121             Virtually ALL—OF—THE—BASE—AMMUNITION—STOCK and 1—SUBSTANTIAL—PORTION—OF—THE—FUEL—SUPPLIES were destroyed.
19680121             1—USA—B 52—BOMBER carrying 4—HYDROGEN bombs crashed at NORTH—STAR—BAY—GREENLAND, killing 1—CREW member and scattering radioactive material.
19680121             1—GROUP—OF—31—NORTH—KOREA—COMMANDOS trudged undetected for about 40—MILES from the border to the presidential BLUE—HOUSE—OF—SOUTH—KOREAN—PRESIDENT—PARK—CHUNG—HEE in downtown SEOUL.
19680121             —REPELLED, SOUTH—KOREA—SECURITY—FORCES, the assault.
19680121             28—NORTH—KOREANS and 34—SOUTH—KOREANS were killed.
19680121             the Americans were able to hold their position —UNTIL the siege was lifted 2 1/—2—MONTHS—LATER.
19680121             als eine atomar bewaffnete B—52—DER USA—AIR—FORCE ("B-52G HOBO 28") über der riesigen Eisinsel kreist.
19680121             "Chrome Dome" hießen die Missionen, bei denen mit Atomwaffen bestückte Bomber regelmäßig über Grönland Patrouille flogen
19680121             - um sich im Fall einer ZERSTÖRUNG—DER—DORTIGEN—USA—BASEN durch die Sowjets direkt auf den Weg Richtung Moskau zu machen.
19680121             4—WASSERSTOFFBOMBEN hat die Maschine an Bord.
19680121             Und es gibt 1—PROBLEM: Im Cockpit bricht 1—FEUER aus.
19680121—19950000    —IN, Reports began to surface —LATER and THE—DENMARK—GOVERNMENT paid a $15.5—MILLION—SETTLEMENT to some 1,700 exposed workers.
19690121             Im unterirdischen nuklearen Reaktor Lucens in der Schweiz kommt es zu einer partiellen Kernschmelze der Stufe 4—DER Internationalen Bewertungsskala für nukleare Ereignisse.
19690121             —AM, 1—FOLGENSCHWERER Zwischenfall, als es nach Problemen mit dem KÜHL—SYSTEM zu 1—PARTIELLEN KERN—SCHMELZE kam.
19700121             The Boeing 747—100—MADE its 1. commercial transatlantic flight from NY to LONDON.
19700121             The plane was 231—FEET—LONG with 1—WING span of 195—FEET.
19700121             It could seat 400—PEOPLE in 1—CABIN 182—FEET—LONG.
19700121—19680000    —SENTENCED, TIMOTHY—LEARY (19200000—19960000    ) was, to 10—YEARS in prison for possession of 2—ROACHES—OF—MARIJUANA.
19710121             beim Politbüro der KPdSU und insonders beim Generalsekretär Breshnew über Ulbricht beschwerten, weil dieser sich nicht an die Beschlüsse halte.
19710121             In diesem Brief, der auch anderweitig in vollem Wortlaut veröffentlicht ist, heißt es z.B.: "Das Politbüro mußte auch ein vom Genossen WALTER—ULBRICHT überraschend eingebrachtes Material ablehnen, das zur Vorbereitung des 8. Parteitages der SED an ALLE—BEZIRKS— und Kreisleitungen sowie an die Grundorganisationen der Partei versandt werden sollte".
19710121             Es ist übrigens der widerwärtigste, unappetitlichste und heuchlerischste Brief, den ich je gelesen habe.
19710121             Hätte Ulbricht nicht Vorsorge treffen, seine Stellung besser verteidigen können?
19710121—19700701    —AM, Vorhergegangen war der Ausschluß Honeckers aus dem Politbüro der SED auf Vorschlag Ulbrichts.
19720121             Manipur erhält den Status eines Bundesstaats in Indien.
19720121             —1— D, 1—INTERNAL—ISC memo THE—CERCLE—PINAY were delighted with the result, as, shows:
19720121             —VISIT—OF, MAITRE—JEAN—VIOLET.
19720121             THE—CHAIRMAN said that from what he'd heard, THE—REPORT had been 1—REMARKABLE—SUCCESS.
19720121             —IMPRESSED, THE—CHAIRMAN was, with the way in which M. PINAY had accepted the views of THE—ISC on how THE—INSTITUTE thought it should be handled, and
19720121             it was gratifying that THE—PINAY—COMMITTEE had been so delighted with the finished result.
19720121             MISTER—CROZIER said that M. MAITRE—JEAN—VIOLET, who had commissioned THE—REPORT—ON—BEHALF—OF—THE—PINAY—COMMITTEE,—DURING THAT —WEEK had come to LONDON with M. PINAY and
19720121             MISTER—CROZIER said that he, with MISTER—MICHAEL—GOODWIN, had met them over lunch,
19720121             MISTER—CROZIER said that PINAY had given MISTER—CROZIER DOCUMENTS relating to their next project.
19740121             —DECIDED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, that pregnant teachers could no longer be forced to take long LEAVES—OF—ABSENCE.
19760121             Gleichzeitig starten in PARIS und LONDON 2—CONCORDES zu den 1. kommerziellen Flügen des Überschallflugzeuges.
19760121             The supersonic Concorde jet was put into service by BRITAIN and FRANCE.
19770121             —URGED, PRESIDENT—CARTER, 65—DEGREES as the maximum heat in homes to ease the energy crisis.
19770121             —PARDONED, PRESIDENT—CARTER, almost all VIETNAM—WAR—DRAFT—EVADERS as long as they had not been involved in violent acts.
19780121—19771100    —RELEASED, The Bee Gees' "—SATURDAY Night Fever" album, went #1 —FOR—24—WEEKS—FOLLOWING the release of the —SATURDAY Night Fever film 19771200             —IN.
19790121             —BECAME, THE—PITTSBURGH Steelers, the 1. team to win 3—SUPER—BOWLS as they defeated THE—DALLAS Cowboys 35-31 in Super Bowl 13.
19790121             —BECAME, NEPTUNE, the outermost planet as
19790121             PLUTO, moved closer, due to their highly elliptical orbits.
19800121             —GESTELLT, Die Chinesische Mauer wird unter Denkmalschutz.
19800121             Beim Absturz einer iranischen Verkehrsmaschine bei Teheran im IRAN wegen eines Schneesturms kommen 128—MENSCHEN ums Leben.
19800121             —AM, setzte zum Beispiel DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG OBER—GRENZEN—FÜR—RESERVEN, DIE—BANKEN in Gold halten durften.
19800121             —AM, Der damalige —CHEF—DER—USA—NOTEN—BANK, PAUL—VOLCKER, erklärte später: "GOLD—UND—DE Spekulanten, das waren meine Gegner".
19800121             THE—IOWA, Republican caucus GEORGE—H—W—BUSH beat RONALD—REAGAN 32% to 30%.
19800121             Reagan went onto win the nomination and the presidency.
19800121             —PEAKED, Gold, in NY at $875 1—TROY—OUNCE.
19800121             —BY—MID—MARCH, gold prices fell to below $500—PER ounce.
19800121—20080100    —BIS—ZUM, Wer 1—FEINUNZE zu den hohen Preisen gekauft hatte, (also —BIS zum Beginn der großen FINANZ—KRISE) warten, um nominal den Preis 19800000             —VON, wieder zu erzielen.
19820121             —SENTENCED, Abbott was —LATER, to 15—YEARS to life in prison;
19820121—19810000    —IN, CONVICT—TURNED—AUTHOR—JACK—HENRY—ABBOTT was found guilty in NEW—YORK City of 1.—DEGREE manslaughter in the stabbing DEATH—OF—WAITER—RICHARD—ADAN.
19820121—20020000    † CONVICT—TURNED—AUTHOR—JACK—HENRY—ABBOTT committed suicide.
19850121             19F[-28C] was recorded at CAESAR—HEAD—SOUTH—CAROLINA, 1—STATE—RECORD.
19850121             34F[-37C] was recorded at MOUNT—MITCHELL, NORTH—CAROLINA, 1—STATE—RECORD.
19870121             Als ERGEBNIS—DER—AUFGRUND—DER—WAHL—JÖRG—HAIDERS zum neuen FPÖ—PARTEIOBMANN ausgelösten vorzeitigen Nationalratswahl vom 19861100              wird die SPÖ—ÖVP—REGIERUNG Vranitzky/Mock angelobt.
19870121             † † ? 13—CIVILIANS, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—PARAMILITARY—FORCE, KILLED in their sleep in the KwaMakutha Zulu township (KWAZULU—NATAL black homeland).
19870121             The 1. 6—DEFENDANTS—OF—THE—INKATHA Freedom party were acquitted by JUDGE—JAN—HUGO.
19870121             —ADMITTED, FORMER—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER—JOHAN—OPPERMAN, to planning the attack.
19870121—19960000    —IN, former defense MINISTER—MAGNUS—MALAN and 20—OTHERS were charged with authorizing the killing.
19880121             —PUBLISHED, RETIN—1—GOT—1—BOOST—WHEN 1—STUDY, in THE—JOURNAL—OF—THE—USA—MEDICAL—ASSOCIATION said THE—ANTI—ACNE drug could also reduce wrinkles caused by exposure to the sun.
19880121             † 45—PEOPLE, BURUNDI—HUTU rebels, killed in 2—ATTACKS, and 20—REBELS in 1—SUBSEQUENT—BATTLE with the army.
19890121             FORMER—KU Klux Klan leader DAVID—DUKE led a field of 7—CANDIDATES in an open primary to advance to a runoff election for a LOUISIANA STATE—HOUSE seat.
19900121             Im Kleinen Haus der Württembergischen Staatstheater in STUTTGART wird das abendfüllende Handlungsballett Medea von JOHN—NEUMEIER (Choreografie und Libretto) vom Stuttgarter Ballett uraufgeführt.
19900121             AZERBAIJAN PRESIDENT—ALIYEV made his 1. public appearance —SINCE his 19870000              resignation from the Soviet Politburo.
19900121             He broke the information blackout and urged INTERNATIONAL condemnation of the Soviet attack.
19900121             —FIRED, Mutinous military cadets, on troops patrolling the capital —DURING 1—CRACKDOWN on 1—NATIONALIST uprising.
19910121             —DURING the Gulf WAR—IRAQ announced it had scattered PRISONERS—OF—WAR at targeted areas;
19910121             CBS News correspondent BOB—SIMON, CBS News LONDON BUREAU—CHIEF—PETER—BLUFF, 1—CAMERAMAN and soundman were captured by IRAQ—FORCES;
19910121             they were released almost —6—WEEKS—LATER.
19920121             —AGREED, THE—SUPREME—COURT, to review 1—PENNSYLVANIA law imposing waiting periods and other restrictions on abortions.
19920121             —LATER, The court upheld MOST—OF—THE—RESTRICTIONS—WHILE reaffirming women's constitutional right to abortion.
19920121             † William T "Champion Jack" Dupree (81), USA boxer, pianist, in GERMANY.
19930121             2—USA—WARPLANES bombed 1—DEFENSE—SITE in NORTH—IRAQ —AFTER radar was turned on them.
19930121             —DENIED, IRAQ, provoking the attack.
19930912—20150121    —EXECUTED, Prieto (41) was, for his role in the killings.
19940121             1—JURY in MANASSAS—VIRGINIA, acquitted Lorena Bobbitt by reason of temporary insanity of maliciously wounding her husband John, whom she'd accused of sexually assaulting her.
19940121             —PASSED, Dow Jones, 3900 to 1—RECORD 3,914.20.
19940121             —KILLED, ARGENTINA, 1—FIRE—NEAR—PUERTO Madryn, 25—FIRE cadets.
19940205—20010121    † BECKWITH, at age 80.
19950121             —IMPLORED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, addressing the Democratic National Committee, members to "bear down and go forward" despite results of 19940000             —THE elections.
19950215—20000121    —RELEASED—AFTER serving 5—YEARS behind bars, MITNICK was,
19960121             At the 53. annual Golden Globes, "Sense and Sensibility" won best dramatic picture;
19960121             "Babe" won best comedy; best dramatic acting awards went to NICOLAS—CAGE for "Leaving LAS—VEGAS" and Sharon Stone for "Casino," —WHILE awards for acting in 1—COMEDY or musical went to NICOLE—KIDMAN for "To Die For" and JOHN—TRAVOLTA for "Get Shorty".
19960121             † JONATHON—LARSON (19960125             , ), COMPOSER—OF—RENT, began COMPLAINING—OF—CHEST—PAINS.
19960121             Doctors at the emergency room of Cabrini Hosp. said he probably had food poisoning and pumped his stomach —BEFORE sending him home.
19960121             An X—RAY was taken but it was read by 1—DOCTOR—OF—OSTEOPATHIC medicine.
19970121             PRAG, wird die DEUTSCH—TSCHECHISCHE Erklärung über die gegenseitigen Beziehungen und deren künftige Entwicklung unterzeichnet.
19970121             —REPRIMANDED, SPEAKER—NEWT—GINGRICH was, and fined as the House voted for 1. time in history to discipline its leader for ethical misconduct.
19970121             —ANNOUNCED, The Democratic National Committee, it would no longer accept money from people or companies with foreign ties and would limit contributions from labor unions and wealthy benefactors.
19970121             † IRWIN—LEVINE, 58—JAHRE—ALT, composer (Tie a Yellow Ribbon), in NEW—JERSEY.
19970121             † COLONEL—TOM—PARKER, 87—JAHRE—ALT, manager for Elvis Presley.
19970121             † † ? 18—PEOPLE, KILLED, ALGERIA, 2—CAR—BOMBS in the capital, as 1—MANY as.
19970121             —PLANNED, CHECHNYA, elections for PRESIDENT were, and Aslan Maskhadov and Shamil Basayev led THE—16—CANDIDATES.
19970121             Ichkeria was name given to free Chechnya by the Muslim separatists.
19970121             CHINA, 2—EARTHQUAKES struck within 1—MINUTE in Xinjiang province and killed at least 12—PEOPLE.
19970121             —REPORTED, EGYPT, THE—AL—AHRAM newspaper, that a 30-member FAMILY—OF—BEGGARS was arrested.
19970121             —MANAGED, They had, to save $294,000 from illegal begging on THE—STREETS—OF—SUEZ.
19970121             —AGREED, SOUTH—KOREA, THE—PRESIDENT, to allow the full PARLIAMENT to consider 1—REVISE—1—NEW—LABOR—LAW.
19970121             —SUSPENDED, Arrest warrants against union officials were.
19980121             —BESUCHT, JOHANNES—PAUL—II—PAPA., als 1. kirchliches Oberhaupt das sozialistische Kuba und wird von Revolutionsführer Fidel Castro empfangen.
19980121             —ARRESTED, THE—FBI, DOZENS—OF—PRISON—GUARDS and police officers in THE—CLEVELAND area —FOLLOWING a 2-year sting operation on cocaine trafficking.
19980121             —UNVEILED, BOSNIA, Western mediators, 1—COMMON—CURRENCY and ordered that it be accepted by the Muslims, Serbs and Croats.
19980121             —ARRIVED, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, in CUBA for a 4—DAY—HISTORIC—VISIT.
19980121—19950000    —DENIED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON angrily, charges that he had 1—SEXUAL—AFFAIR with Monica Lewinsky (24), 1—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE, and that he encouraged Lewinsky to lie under oath about their involvement.
19980121—20060000    —IN, † JACK—LORD, TV star of "HAWAII 5-O" fame, in HONOLULU at age 77. it was revealed that he left behind $40—MILLION to 12—LOCAL—CHARITIES.
19990108—19990121    —ARRESTED, ADRIAN—PEELER, 22—JAHRE—ALT was, in NORTH—CAROLINA.
19990121             FORMER—SENATOR—DALE—BUMPERS, 1—ARKANSAS—DEMOCRAT, told the Senate impeachment TRIAL—OF—BILL—CLINTON THE—PRESIDENT was guilty of a "terrible moral lapse" but NOT—OF—CONDUCT warranting or even permitting his removal from office.
19990121             ARKANSAS, twisters led to 4—DEATHS and over 12—INJURIES across the state.
19990121             —ABDUCTED, TEXAS, LaTausha Curry (25) was, —WHILE trying to make 1—CALL at 1—PAY—PHONE.
19990121             —CONFESSED, Derrick Lamone Johnson —LATER, that he and 1—ACCOMPLICE had raped and murdered her.
19990121             —VOTED, THE—UN, to maintain at least 1—TOKEN presence in ANGOLA.
19990121             —KILLED, TELAGAKODOK—INDONESIA, at least 40—CHRISTIAN villagers were, by 1—MOB—OF—MUSLIMS.
19990121             MEXICO, RAUL—SALINAS—DE—GORTARI, brother of 1—FORMER—MEXICO—PRESIDENT, was convicted and sentenced to 50—YEARS for 19940000             —THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—JOSE—FRANCISCO—RUIZ—MASSIEU.
19990121             —STORMED, ROMANIA, striking miners, through police lines, killed 1—OFFICER and took 50—CAPTIVE.
19990121             —FIRED, The interior MINISTER was.
19990121             RUSSIA, Grigory Pasko (37), in jail —FOR—14—MONTHS, was put on trial for selling classified information.
19990121             —REPORTED, He had, on the disposal of radioactive waste in THE—SEA—OF—JAPAN.
19990121             SIERRA—LEONE, the rebels were killing and mutilating civilians as they fell back —BEFORE Nigerian led troops.
19990121—19470000    —IN, his song "Merry Christmas Baby" became 1—PERENNIAL hit.
19990121—20090000    —EXECUTED, Johnson (25) was.
19990123             —RELEASED, THE—YUGOSLAVIA—GOVERNMENT, 9—ETHNIC—ALBANIANS, captured 19991214             , —WHILE THE—KLA released 5—ELDERLY—SERBIA—CIVILIANS, captured 19990121         .
20000000             —2—MONTHS—BEFORE the murky ELECTIONS—OF—THAT—YEAR.
20000121             Nach Massenprotesten von Indígenas in ECUADOR wird Staatspräsident JAMIL—MAHUAD durch einen Putsch gestürzt.
20000121             OBERST—LUCIO—GUTIÉRREZ, der VORSITZENDE—DES—INDÍGENA—VERBANDES—CONAIE, ANTONIO—VARGAS, und der ehemalige Höchstrichter CARLOS—SOLÓRZANO übernehmen als Triumvirat für einen —TAG die Macht.
20000121             7—ATTAC—NETZWERK Deutschland. AG Globalisierung und Krieg
20000121             Amerikanische FriedensaktivistInnen haben aktuell einen Kurswechsel im USA—SENAT erreichen können:
20000121             der neue demokratische Mehrheitsführer HARRY—REID wurde...
20000121             —TRAVELED, The grandmothers of Elian Gonzalez, to THE—USA to plead for the boy's return to CUBA.
20000121             THE—USA—NASDAQ market rose to a record 4,235.4.
20000121             —AGREED, Negotiators in GENEVA, to new guidelines governing children in combat —AFTER THE—USA dropped its opposition to establishing 18 as the minimum age for sending soldiers into combat.
20000121             —KILLED, ALGERIA, nearly 60—SOLDIERS and Islamic insurgents were, near Relizane.
20000121             —KILLED, Security forces, 12—INSURGENTS in Sid ALI—BOUNAB.
20000121             —COLLAPSED, AUSTRIA, THE—2—DAY—OLD ruling coalition.
20000121             —REPORTED, CHINA, it was, that some 700—INVESTIGATORS had gathered over the last 2—MONTHS in XIAMEN, formerly called Amoy, to investigate corruption and the smuggling of some $9.5—BILLION worth of goods.
20000121             —DEMANDED, ECUADOR, the military, THE—RESIGNATION—OF—PRESIDENT—JAMIL—MAHUAD and declared itself in charge through a 3-man junta that included GENERAL—CARLOS—MENDOZA, indigenous leader ANTONIO—VARGAS and FORMER—SUPREME—COURT—CHIEF—CARLOS—SOLORZANO.
20000121             —INCLUDED, JAPAN, 6—PEOPLE that, the daughter (16) of Shoko Asahara broke into the Aum cult's Asashimura facility and kidnapped THE—7—YEAR—OLD—SON—OF—ASAHARA.
20000121             2—OF—THE—KIDNAPPERS were arrested over the next 2—DAYS.
20000121             —ENDED, MADRID—SPAIN, Basque separatists, a 19-month lull in their guerrilla war with 1—REMOTE—BOMB that killed LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—PEDRO—ANTONIO—BLANCO—GARCIA, 48—JAHRE—ALT.
20000121             —ATTAC—NETZWERK—DEUTSCHLAND.
20000121             AG Globalisierung und Krieg Amerikanische FriedensaktivistInnen haben aktuell einen Kurswechsel im USA—SENAT erreichen können:
20000121             der neue demokratische Mehrheitsführer HARRY—REID wurde.
20000121—20000123    The boy was found in the resort TOWN—OF—HAKONE.
20010121             -Als GEORGE—W—BUSH seine Antrittsrede auf den Stufen des Washingtoner Kapitols hielt, kannte er weder den vollen Namen des pakistanischen...
20010121             The Independent (UK) documents the public FALLING—OUT between AL—KASSAR and his former business partner,
20010121             UK investment firm Imperial Consolidated Group. AL—KASSAR says
20010121             —ON, THE—DAY—AFTER he signed the Rich pardon.
20010121             —CLAIMED, The Roman epic "Gladiator", best dramatic movie and the 1970's ROCK—AND—ROLL story "Almost Famous" won best comedy at the Golden Globes Awards.
20010121             † —BYRON—DE—LA—BECKWITH, 80—JAHRE—ALT, 1—WHITE—SUPREMACIST, 30—YEARS—AFTER—THE—FACT, CONVICTED for assassinating civil rights leader Medgar Evers, in JACKSON—MISSISSIPPI.
20010121             CHECHNYA—REBELS, fought street battles in Gudermes —FOLLOWING weekend raids that left 6—RUSSIA—SOLDIERS—DEAD.
20010121             —APPROVED, SYRIA, PRIVATE—BANKING and ended artificial exchange rates.
20010121             † 9—MINERS and 15 were injured in 1—GAS—EXPLOSION in THE—DONETSK—UKRAINE coal region.
20010121             -Als GEORGE—W—BUSH seine Antrittsrede auf den Stufen des Washingtoner Kapitols hielt, kannte er weder den vollen Namen des pakistanischen...
20010121             The Independent (UK) documents the public FALLING—OUT between AL—KASSAR and his former business partner, UK investment firm Imperial Consolidated Group.
20010121             AL—KASSAR says
20011100—20020121    but were not. [New Yorker]
20011100—20020121    [New Yorker]This suggests the presence of THE—TALIBAN, at least, was hardly 1—ACCIDENT.
20020121             —PLEDGED, INTERNATIONAL donors, over $4.5—BILLION over 5—YEARS.
20020121             K—MART, the 3. largest USA discount retailer, filed for bankruptcy protection.
20020121             Kmart was operating 2,114 stores with 250,000 employees.
20020121             —EXPLODED, GOMA—CONGO, 1—GAS—STATION, —AFTER some spilled gas was ignited by lava.
20020121             † DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE looting gasoline were killed.
20020121             ALEXANDRIA—EGYPT, 1—SMALL GROUP—OF—LEADING rabbis, Muslim clerics and bishops signed THE—ALEXANDRIA Doctrine, which condemned violence and insisted that holy places be kept open.
20020121             HAITI—PRIME—MINISTER quit amid political and economic woes.
20020121             —INVADED, ISRAEL—FORCES, NABLUS, killed Palestinians and arrested 9 suspected militants.
20020121             —DECIDED, PRIME—MINISTER—SHARON, to reopen the Temple Mount to NON—MUSLIMS.
20020121             † In Kashmir 21—PEOPLE in violence.
20020121             RUSSIA, the media MINISTER took TV6 off the air —AFTER journalists there failed to cut ties with owner BORIS—BEREZOVSKY.
20020121             —ROUNDED, RUSSIA—TROOPS, up dozens in Dagestan —FOLLOWING 1—EARLIER—BOMB—ATTACK that killed 7—SOLDIERS.
20020121—20000900    —IMPOSED, The Waqf clerical trust, 1—BAN on NON—MUSLIMS.
20020425012154       Neue Terrorwarnungen für die USA und Persischen Golf
20030121             —REPORTED, THE—USA—CENSUS—BUREAU, that Hispanics had passed Blacks as the biggest USA—MINORITY—GROUP.
20030121             —WALKED, THOUSANDS—OF—UK—FIREFIGHTERS, off the job for the 3. time in less than —3—MONTHS—AFTER failing to resolve 1—WAGE—DISPUTE with the government.
20030121             —KIDNAPPED, COLOMBIA—REBELS in Arauca state, 1—USA—PHOTOGRAPHER and 1—UK—REPORTER, the 1. time foreign journalists were abducted in COLOMBIA—4—DECADE—LONG—CIVIL—WAR.
20030121             —FREED, SCOTT—DALTON and RUTH—MORRIS were, 20030201          .
20030121             —REPORTED, CONGO—HEALTH—MINISTER, that 1—FLU—EPIDEMIC had killed more than 2,000—PEOPLE in 1—FAR—NORTHERN—PROVINCE.
20030121             —RAZED, ISRAEL, 62—SHOPS and market stalls in 1—PALESTINE—VILLAGE—TUESDAY as troops clashed with protesters.
20030121             † KUWAIT, USA—CONTRACT—WORKER—MICHAEL—RENE—POULIAT, 46—JAHRE—ALT was killed by gunman in 1—AMBUSH—NEAR—CAMP—DOHA.
20030121             —WOUNDED, Another worker was.
20030121             —APPEALED, MEXICO, to the World Court to stop the execution of 51—OF—ITS—CITIZENS in THE—USA.
20030121             A 7.6-7.8—EARTHQUAKE ripped through western and CENTRAL—MEXICO, killing at least 29—PEOPLE and leaving 10,000 homeless.
20030121             —BLOCKED, NATO, 1—USA—REQUEST to begin preparations for 1—MILITARY—BACKUP in THE—EVENT—OF—WAR with IRAQ.
20030121             UZBEKISTAN, 1—SERIES—OF—STORIES—POSTED on THE—INTERNET—IN—EARLY—JAN —BEFORE access was cut off have alleged HIGH—LEVEL—CORRUPTION and THE—PRESIDENT—IMMINENT—RESIGNATION, stirring rare public debate.
20030121             WILL—UK—AIRCRAFT—CARRIERS—RUN on 'Windows for warships'?
20030123             —CONFESSED, The government of KUWAIT said 1—KUWAITI had, to 20030121             —THE shootings of 2—USA—DEFENSE—WORKERS in KUWAIT.
20040121             —VISITED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, community colleges in OHIO and ARIZONA, where he highlighted the economy and several new JOB—TRAINING initiatives he'd proposed 1—DAY—EARLIER in his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—SPEECH.
20040121             OHIO lawmakers gave final approval to 1—MEASURE banning gay marriage and prohibiting state employees from getting benefits for domestic partners.
20040121             GOVERNOR—BOB—TAFT said he would sign it pending 1—LEGAL—REVIEW.
20040121             The recording industry sued 532—COMPUTER—USERS it said were illegally distributing songs over THE—INTERNET.
20040121             —REPORTED, HONG—KONG officials, that Avian influenza was detected near 2—CHICKEN—FARMS.
20040121             † 5—PEOPLE in VIETNAM had already, from the recent outbreak.
20040121             There were 1,200 practicing Orthodox Christians in CUBA.
20040121             —ENDED, THE—6—DAY—WORLD—SOCIAL—FORUM, in BOMBAY—INDIA, as thousands marching against THE—IRAQ war.
20040121             —PARTICIPATED, Some 80,000—PEOPLE from a 100—COUNTRIES, in the forum.
20040121             —SUBMITTED, MOST—OF—IRAN—MINISTERS and vice presidents, resignations to protest THE—BARRING—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—WOULD—BE—CANDIDATES from upcoming elections.
20040121             —REINSTATED, THE—GUARDIAN Council had —JUST, 200—OF—THE disqualified candidates and said it would reconsider the rest.
20040121             CENTRAL—IRAQ, 1—BARRAGE—OF mortar fire struck 1—USA—MILITARY—ENCAMPMENT, killing 2—USA—SOLDIERS and critically wounding a 3.
20040121             —AMBUSHED, In separate incidents, gunmen, 1—VEHICLE carrying IRAQ—WOMEN who worked in the laundry at 1—USA—MILITARY—BASE, killing 4—OF—THEM,
20040121             —DEMOLISHED, ISRAEL—FORCES, houses in GAZA—RAFAH refugee camp for the 2. straight —DAY in 1—ANTI—MILITANT clampdown that has left 400—PEOPLE—HOMELESS.
20040121             † 1—PALESTINE—WOMAN was killed.
20040121—20040125    —ARRIVED, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, in CUBA to consecrate  S—NICHOLAS—CATHEDRAL, said Metropolitan Athenagoras of PANAMA and CENTRAL—AMERICA.
20040800             Agent ORANGE, the Next Generation: 1—SUIT filed on behalf of as many as 4—MILLION—VIETNAM—SAYS their land and people were so poisoned by
20040900             CARLYLE GROUP TAKES OVER USA NUCLEAR PROGRAM. No kidding,
20041012—20040121    —CONVERGED, JAMES—BAKER—DUAL—LIVES.
20041012—20040121    —ON, We do know this: —AFTER meeting with Baker, KUWAIT—FOREIGN—MINISTER told reporters that Baker had shown "UNDERSTANDING—OF—KUWAIT—POSITION on war reparations," confirming that the subject did come up.
20050100             like 1—REPLAY—OF—PROMIS (+ has...
20050100             No
20050100             USA—AUßENPOLITIK : Rice kündigt harte Linie gegenüber IRAN an...
20050119             Yahoo.". - 2—MATCHES
20050121             In der belizischen HAUPTSTADT—BELMOPAN findet wegen massiver Steuererhöhungen 1—MASSENDEMONSTRATION gegen die REGIERUNG—VON—PREMIERMINISTER—SAID—MUSA statt, die von den Sicherheitskräften gewaltsam aufgelöst wird.
20050121             Wegen eines —BEREITS—SEIT dem Vortag laufenden Generalstreiks bricht die Wasserversorgung in ganz BELIZE zusammen.
20050121             The Maldon INSTITUTE—NAMED —AFTER 1—OBSCURE—BATTLE—IN—ENGLAND in the 09010101—10001231    —IS based in BALTIMORE and has 1—MAILING address in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA
20050121             Propaganda.
20050121             —THURSDAY, 20050106             . - Home | DYNCORP Crimes Channel.
20050121             Family fights to see soldier's last words 1—FALLEN—WIXOM—MARINE—E—MAIL messages from IRAQ are held up by —YAHOO!
20050121             over a privacy issue.
20050121             JENNIFER—CHAMBERS / THE—DETROIT News 20041016
20050121             Thank You and God Bless Lcpl Ellsworth, Justin m. P.S. GO LIONS!!!!!!!
20050121             JUSTIN—FAMILY fights —YAHOO over access to his E—MAIL account
20050121             Die Periode des späten Miozäns und des frühen Pliozäns ist wichtig,
20050121             da sich etwa in dieser Zeit die Vorfahren des modernen Menschen und der heutigen Schimpansen trennten",
20050121             sagte MARK—WEISS von der amerikanischen National Science Foundation, die das Projekt in Äthiopien mitfinanziert hat.
20050121             "JEDES—NEUE—FOSSIL verrät uns ein wenig mehr über die Geschichte dieser frühen Phasen der menschlichen Entwicklung".
20050121             21JAN.2004 4,5 Millionen Jahre alte Vormenschen entdeckt
20050121             —GELUNGEN, Forschern ist in AFRIKA ein erstaunlicher Fund : Das Erdreich gab die Überreste von 9—URZEITLICHEN Vorfahren des Menschen frei.
20050121             Die Fossilien sind rund 4,5 Millionen Jahre ALT—UND untermauern die These, dass der aufrechte Gang —SCHON damals gepflegt wurde.
20050121             21JAN.2004 —SINCE we've reached the point where —JUST about EVERY—ACTIVE—DUTY—UNIT in the Army is either in IRAQ or AFGHANISTAN,
20050121             or will soon return there, it seems like it's become something of 1—ORWELLIAN euphemism to speak of a "volunteer army".
20050121             —WHEN the Pentagon starts extending stop loss orders to the 1.—BORN sons and DAUGHTERS—OF—SERVICE—PEOPLE,
20050121             I guess we'll know we've reached the next STAGE—OF—FEUDALISM.
20050121             What this episode shows is the extent to which the antiquities community has laid itself open to abuse.
20050121             "Do you want me to believe that robbers are then going with 1—FLASHLIGHT at night and managing to find 50—INSCRIPTIONS?
20050121             Of course I don't believe it".
20050121             The story gets cloudy where the pomegranate enters.
20050121             THE—ISRAEL museum bought this relic
20050121             Friends, Americans, countrymen, send me your cheers:
20050121             GEORGE—BUSH—INAUGURATION as USA—PRESIDENT tomorrow is 1—THOROUGHLY imperial event, scripted down to the last detail.
20050121             KARACHI opens door to USA—FORCES:
20050121             —TEAMED, KARACHI—HAVING, up with THE—USA to help eliminate Taliban rule in AFGHANISTAN,
20050121             PAKISTAN is once again proving its worth in the "WAR—ON—TERROR", this time in WASHINGTON—QUEST against IRAN.
20050121             Courageous HAITI—WOMEN bring civil suit for torture:
20050121             HAITI—DEATH—SQUAD—LEADER,Toto Constant, to be brought to justice for his campaign of rape and murder.
20050121             —LIVED, Toto Constant has, and worked openly in QUEENS—NEW—YORK, for the last 10—YEARS.
20050121             Tsunami, Humanity and THE—CANADA—SAGA of "Terrorism" Myth:
20050121             Would the Government of CANADA dare to hold the intelligence agencies accountable for their misadventures and violations of human rights against THE—LAW—ABIDING citizens?
20050121             1—POLITICAL—OBSERVER wondered, if CANADA and AMERICA were shaping up to 'police states' behavior,
20050121             as was the case with THE—FORMER—SOVIET—UNION and EAST—EUROPEAN states?
20050121             Why Terrorists May Be Coming Soon to 1—MALL—NEAR—YOU:
20050121             Fair is fair, as they say, in love and war, especially war.
20050121             Lawsuit Filed Against Bush and Cheney:
20050121             The complaint alleges that both defendants and others working within THE—WHITE—HOUSE and Defense Department have covertly implemented 1—WHITE—PAPER called "Rebuilding AMERICA—DEFENSES" as presented by the Project for the New USA—CENTURY or PNAC in ;;09;;,
20050121             Seymour Hersh exposes the scheme to make AMERICA 1—TERRORIST—STATE
20050121             Nobel Peace Prize nominee: Bush RE—ELECTION may end the human race:
20050121             "THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION have been able to con THE—USA—PEOPLE with their extremely brilliant propaganda and brainwashing,
20050121             with THE—HELP—OF—THE—MEDIA—THEY consistently lie".
20050121             USA And Congress Knew Saddam Was Smuggling Oil:
20050121             The Clinton and BUSH administrations not only knew but told THE—USA—CONGRESS that IRAQ was smuggling oil to TURKEY and JORDAN + in both cases recommended continuing military and financial aid to countries seen as important allies.
20050121             USA Building Forts On IRAQ Border:
20050121             THE—USA—MILITARY is also supervising 1—COMPLEX—OF—32—FORTS being built along the borders with SAUDI—ARABIA, JORDAN and Syria.
20050121             Poll: World more dangerous with Bush:
20050121             1—LARGE—MAJORITY—OF—PEOPLE questioned in 1—BBC—WORLD—SERVICE—GLOBAL opinion poll think USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH has made the world more dangerous.
20050121             The Bush boom will end SOON—AND how it ends will define his 2. term in office:
20050121             THE—PRESIDENT—SPEECH tomorrow will be FULL—OF—BIG—THEMES—BUT 1 will be missing: THE—WORLD—OF—ECONOMICS
20050121             4—MORE—COUNTRIES Added To BUSH—AXIS—OF—EVIL:
20050121             In 1—ECHO—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH 's "axis of evil," Condoleezza Rice —ON—TUESDAY named CUBA, MYANMAR, BELARUS and ZIMBABWE as "outposts of tyranny" requiring close USA attention.
20050121             —HELPED, Bush admits IRAQ war, extremists:
20050121             SOME—OF—GEORGE W BUSH—DECISIONS, like the war in IRAQ, had helped Islamic extremists in their public relations BATTLE—WITH—THE—USA,
20050121             THE—PRESIDENT said in 1—INTERVIEW—BROADCAST—TODAY.
20050121             An Open Letter To Seymour Hersh:
20050121             In return, THE—USA—DID not act against him for the complicity of his ISI in the kidnapping and MURDER—OF—DANIEL—PEARL
20050121             Audio: SENATOR—BOXER to Rice on IRAQ Invasion:
20050121             "Your Loyalty to the Mission...Overwhelmed Your Respect for the Truth":
20050121             —HEATED, The most, exchange in the 1. —DAY—OF—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—CONFIRMATION hearing for SECRETARY—OF—STATE came with Sen.
20050121             Barbara Boxer (D—CA).
20050121             —CHASTISED, Boxer, Rice for stating Saddam Hussein was close to developing nuclear weapons in THE—LEAD—UP to THE—IRAQ war.
20050121             Real Audio. This is 1 must listen.
20050121             Transcript: Boxer, RICE—EXCHANGE—POINTED—WORDS:
20050121             —MENTIONED, DOCTOR—RICE, —WHEN SENATOR—VOINOVICH, THE—ISSUE—OF—TSUNAMI—RELIEF, you said -- your 1. words were, "The tsunami was 1—WONDERFUL—OPPORTUNITY for us.
20050121             —NOW, the tsunami was 1—OF—THE—WORST tragedies of our lifetime -- 1—OF—THE—WORST.
20050121             I was very disappointed in your statement.
20050121             I think you blew the opportunity.
20050121             PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS: How Americans Were Seduced by War:
20050121             —BETRAYED, Americans have been.
20050121             Sooner or —LATER Americans will realize that they have been led to defeat in 1—POINTLESS—WAR by political leaders who they inattentively trusted.
20050121             —MISINFORMED, They have been, by 1—SYCOPHANTIC—CORPORATE—MEDIA too mindful of advertising revenues to risk reporting truths branded unpatriotic by the propagandistic slogan, "you are with us or against us".
20050121             Reservist ready to refuse CALL—UP:
20050121             The 1. UK—SOLDIER has come forward to urge mass refusal among the ranks to serve in IRAQ, saying he would rather go to prison than accept 1—CALL—UP to war.
20050121             1—CATALOGUE—OF—UK—ABUSE:
20050121             2—IRAQIS involved in vote killed:
20050121             MILITANTS in IRAQ —POSTED—TODAY 1—INTERNET video showing the killing of 2—IRAQIS who were working for 1—USA—COMMUNICATIONS—FIRM involved in the country's election.
20050121             WARREN—BUFFETT sees no way but down for USA—DOLLAR:
20050121             The dollar cannot avoid further declines against other major currencies unless THE—USA—TRADE and current account deficits improve,
20050121             legendary investor and businessman WARREN—BUFFETT said.
20050121             Social Security: A New Deal to scupper a presidency:
20050121             To achieve this conservative dream, the public must 1. be convinced that social security is "bankrupt".
20050121             The administration, Wehner writes, must "establish 1—IMPORTANT premise:
20050121             the current system is heading toward 1—ICEBERG
20050121             Imperialism Vs. FREEDOM—AN Analysis of 20040000             —THE Inaugural Address:
20050121             1—COUNTER—ANALYSIS—OF—BUSH—SPEECH
20050121             Loophole Allows Inaugural Spending Binge:
20050121             Corporate wining and DINING—OF—PUBLIC—OFFICIALS and large cash contributions are normally prohibited under ethics laws,
20050121             but as with the Democratic and Republican conventions, there is 1—EXEMPTION for inaugural —WEEK.
20050121             Condi Rice/Steady on, toward disaster:
20050121             —TREATED, You'd have thought from the way committee members, Rice that she'd —JUST arrived in WASHINGTON and had no part to play in + no real knowledge of,
20050121             THE—FOREIGN—POLICY—DISASTER that was PRESIDENT—BUSH 's 1. term.
20050121             Army contract for FEINSTEIN—HUSBAND—BLUM is 1—DIRECTOR—OF—FIRM that will get up to $600—MILLION
20050121             THE—USA—ARMY Has Formally Charged SERGEANT—KEVIN—BENDERMAN:
20050121             —REFUSED, SERGEANT—KEVIN—BENDERMAN, who —RECENTLY, deployment a 2. time to IRAQ and had filed Conscientious Objector status paperwork,
20050121             has been —TODAY formally charged with VIOLATION—OF—ARTICLES 85 and 87—OF—THE—UNIFORM—CODE—OF—MILITARY—JUSTICE by THE—USA—ARMY.
20050121             CANADA, here they come:
20050121             —THREATENED, They, to run for the border if BUSH was RE—ELECTED.
20050121             But how MANY—DID?
20050121             —TODAY, as THE—PRESIDENT is sworn in on the steps of the Capitol,
20050121             ANDREW—BUNCOMBE meets the Americans who are choosing to begin new lives in SELF—IMPOSED exile
20050121             IRAN Launched Hunt Operations To Find USA Commandos:
20050121             ranian authorities have launched 1—MASSIVE, but discrete operation aimed at finding and arresting possible USA—COMMANDOS that 1—USA—INVESTIGATIVE journalist said are —NOW operating inside IRAN.
20050121             IRAN issues sharp warning to USA over ANY—MILITARY action:
20050121             —ACCUSED, IRAN, THE—USA of trying to disrupt its nuclear negotiations with the European Union by evoking THE—THREAT—OF—1—MILITARY—STRIKE + warned WASHINGTON it would respond to any "unwise measure".
20050121             IRAN—MEDIA—COMMENTATORS are refusing to take seriously 1—CLAIM in THE—USA—NEWS—MAGAZINE The New Yorker that USA special forces are operating in IRAN targeting military sites as 1—PRELUDE to 1—POSSIBLE—MILITARY—STRIKE
20050121             —UNITED, EUROPE, on IRAN as Bush refuses to rule out military action:
20050121             —DIVIDED, If THE—IRAQ war, EUROPE, the continent is united in calling for continued negotiations with IRAN over its nuclear program —AFTER USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH refused to rule out possible military action.
20050121             World fears new Bush era:
20050121             1—POLL—OF—21—COUNTRIES published —YESTERDAY—REFLECTING opinion in AFRICA,
20050121             Latin AMERICA, NORTH—AMERICA, ASIA and EUROPE—SHOWED that 1—CLEAR—MAJORITY have grave fears about the next 4—YEARS.
20050121             EUROPE Must Work with Bush, Says EX—ENVOY:
20050121             EUROPE must abandon its "schizophrenic" attitude to USA—POWER and work with PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH to tackle INTERNATIONAL problems,
20050121             1—FORMER—UK—AMBASSADOR to THE—USA urged —TODAY.
20050121             Inauguration: Lifestyles of the Rich and Heartless:
20050121             1—LOOK at this —WEEK—FESTIVITIES by THE—NUMBERS—FAKING it:
20050121             —INTERESTED, But was the gang behind the scam only, in cash, or did they have other motives?
20050121             RACHEL—SHABI INVESTIGATES—CUBA Tells USA to Stop GUANTANAMO Bay Prisoners 'Abuse':
20050121             —ACCUSED, CUBA —TODAY, THE—USA of lying to the world about its TREATMENT—OF—PRISONERS at THE—USA—NAVAL—BASE at GUANTANAMO Bay,
20050121             saying torture was 1—DAILY—OCCURRENCE at the prison camp for terror suspects.
20050121             1—NEW—RED—CROSS—REPORT concludes that abusive practices were still occurring last fall at GUANTANAMO Bay,
20050121             well —AFTER Graner was charged, NEWSWEEK has learned.
20050121             ROBERT—STEINBACK: Drop the 'Bush Doctrine':
20050121             —ADMITTED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION last —WEEK, having committed what may be the most astounding miscalculation in USA—MILITARY—HISTORY -- and MOST—OF—AMERICAN—BARELY blinked.
20050121             The Nuremberg Principles : War Crimes:
20050121             —LIMITED, VIOLATIONS—OF—THE—LAWS or CUSTOMS—OF—WAR which include, but are not, to,
20050121             murder, ILL—TREATMENT or DEPORTATION—OF—SLAVE—LABOUR or for ANY—OTHER—PURPOSE—OF—THE—CIVIL—POPULATION—OF or in occupied territory,
20050121             murder or ILL—TREATMENT—OF—PRISONERS—OF—WAR or persons on the seas,
20050121             KILLING—OF—HOSTAGES, PLUNDER—OF—PUBLIC or private property, wanton DESTRUCTION—OF—CITIES, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity.
20050121             Recent opinion polls show that MOST—OF—THE—USA—PUBLIC has 1—NEGATIVE—VIEW—OF—THE—WAR -- but Americans seem to be all over the map about what to do —NOW.
20050121             Zarqawi warns insurgents victory may take years:
20050121             1—AUDIO tape purportedly from AL—QAEDA ally ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI has urged militants to prepare for 1—LENGTHY—HOLY—WAR against USA—LED forces in IRAQ,
20050121             saying victory could take months and years.
20050121             IRAQ—CHILDREN—WITNESS—KILLING—OF—PARENTS—BY—USA Occupation Forces:
20050121             —OPENED, USA soldiers, fire on 1—CAR as it approached their checkpoint in NORTH—IRAQ, killing 2—CIVILIANS in the vehicle's front seats, the military said —WEDNESDAY.
20050121             6—CHILDREN riding in the backseat survived the attack.
20050121             'Why did they shoot? We have no weapons':
20050121             "Civilians!" someone shouted + soldiers ran up.
20050121             More CHILDREN—IT ended up being 6—ALL told START emerging, crying, their faces mottled with blood in long streaks.
20050121             BAGHDAD—CHECKPOINT—MADNESS:
20050121             Probably no single ASPECT—OF—THE—USA—PRESENCE in IRAQ has so infuriated Iraqis as their treatment at these checkpoints.
20050121             Why did these men die MISTER—BUSH ?
20050121             USA Contractor Slain in IRAQ Had Alleged Graft:
20050121             —ACCUSED, The weapons dealer had, officials in the Defense Ministry of 1—KICKBACK scheme.
20050121             CORONATION—OF—CORRUPTION
20050121             This POWER—ADDICTED and PROFIT—HUNGRY—CABAL—OF—CORPORATIST and elitist vermin,
20050121             extolling both THE—VIRTUES—OF—IMMORALITY and policies of unscrupulous undertakings that have laid waste BILLIONS—OF—LIVES in the present —WHILE condemning billions that have yet to exist.
20050121             —DESCENDED, For like vultures attacking 1—DEAD carcass they have, upon WASHINGTON to further empower humankind's enduring romance with its SELF—CORRUPTION and the continuing decline into our moral abyss.
20050121             Gonzales excludes CIA from rules on prisoners:
20050121             OFFICERS—OF—THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY and other nonmilitary personnel fall outside the bounds of a 20020000              directive issued by PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH that pledged the humane TREATMENT—OF—PRISONERS in USA custody,
20050121             What Is Wrong with Torture:
20050121             Not 1—SINGLE—SENATOR, Democratic or Republican, has announced the intention to filibuster THE—NOMINATION—OF—WHITE—HOUSE—LEGAL—COUNSEL—ALBERTO—GONZALES,
20050121             thus assuring that the face of legalized torture is attached to THE—POSITION—OF—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—OF—THE—USA.
20050121             —VERSCHIEBT, Eklat: USA—SENAT, Ernennung von Rice
20050121             "Busengrapscher"-Vorwurf: Schwarzenegger soll Moderatorin belästigt haben
20050121             Antrittsrede: Bush will Tyrannei in der Welt beenden
20050121             BUSH—REDE im Wortlaut: "Amerikas Einfluss ist nicht unbegrenzt"
20050121             Folter in Basra: Richter warnt vor Vorverurteilung
20050121             WHAT—INSIDE—IN Ca Take 1—LOOK at this from the same site,
20050121             THE—USA—BUREAU—OF—LAND—MANAGEMENT (BLM) —POSTED 1—DECISION to open THOUSANDS—OF—ACRES on ALASKA—NORTH—SLOPE for exploratory oil drilling.
20050121             more CARLYLE Nuclear Weapons
20050121             MICHAEL—POWELL, USA—CHIEF—OF—THE—FCC, said he will step down in 2—MONTHS.
20050121             of REGENTS—THE—BODY—OF—MEGAN—LEANN—HOLDEN, 19—JAHRE—ALT was found near STANTON—TEXAS.
20050121             that "we're —BACK—IN the bomb business" because Los ALAMOS had —JUST...
20050121             USA Nuclear Weapons Complex: Security At Risk...
20050121             Her abduction from 1—WAL—MART parking lot —2—DAYS—EARLIER was captured on surveillance videotape.
20050121             tape or disk and walk out the door as it was —DURING the controversy at Los ALAMOS.The Iron Triangle:
20050121             JOHNNY—LEE—WILLIAMS, 24—JAHRE—ALT, the suspect in her murder, was arrested at 1—ARIZONA hospital —AFTER he shot —DURING 1—ROBBERY—ATTEMPT.
20050121             —ENDED, BELIZE, a 2—DAY—STRIKE, to protest 1—LAWMAKERS—VOTE to approve tax hikes opposed by 1—MAJORITY—OF—THE—COUNTRY—250,000—PEOPLE.
20050121             Inside the Secret World of THE—CARLYLE Group by DAN—BRIODY...
20050121             —CLASHED, Some 500—PROTESTERS, with police in FRONT—OF—BELIZE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
20050121             Los ALAMOS Study GROUP—LASG; 20/20—VISION—WEB—RESOURCE—PAGE;
20050121             1—GERMANY—POLICEMAN was stabbed in the neck with 1—PAIR of scissors and another taken hostage —WHEN 1—MAN they were trying to arrest turned violent.
20050121             Bomb. CARLYLE & Nukes. UC.
20050121             1—CAR—BOMB exploded outside 1—SHIITE mosque in BAGHDAD where worshippers were celebrating 1—MAJOR—MUSLIM holiday, killing at least 14—PEOPLE and wounding 40. 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER left 7—PEOPLE—DEAD at 1—SHIITE wedding party near Youssufiya.
20050121             —DEPLOYED, HUNDREDS—OF—ARMED—PALESTINE—POLICE, across THE—NORTH—GAZA Strip on —FRIDAY to prevent rocket fire on ISRAEL—COMMUNITIES.
20050121             VICE—PRESIDENT—PAUL—GOTTSEGEN boasts that the $2.6—MILLION—LOS ALAMOS deal is
20050121             Centennial Ventures,
20050121             Intel Capital, NOVAK—BIDDLE Venture Partners, CARLYLE Venture Partners...
20050121             Livermore and Los ALAMOS Labs: The [nuclear] program...
20050121             Norris Bradbury took over as DIRECTOR—OF—LOS—ALAMOS in ;;10;;...-
20050121             b2mall Forum... - deutsch ENGLAND—FRENCH ITALY—JAPANESE nederlands NORWAY—RUSSIAN schinese SLOVAKIA—SPANISH swedish.
20050121             Hauptmenü. - BUSH—REDE im Wortlaut : "Amerikas Einfluss.
20050121             In plain ENGLAND—THAT—MEANS—UNCLE—SAM runs 1—WORLDWIDE—CONFIDENCE racket with his SELF—MADE dollar...
20050121             Irak: Regierung kündigt Festnahme von Tschalabi an
20050121             —SACKED, DYNCORP, her, claiming she had falsified time sheets, 1—CHARGE she denies.
20050121             Last —MONTH she filed her case at SOUTHAMPTON employment tribunal alleging wrongful dismissal and sexual discrimination against DYNCORP ,
20050121             —FILED, Bolkovac has also, a case against DYNCORP under BRITAIN—NEW—PUBLIC—INTEREST Disclosure Act designed to protect whistleblowers.
20050121             As well as reporting that her fellow officers regularly went to brothels,
20050121             she also investigated allegations that 1—USA—POLICE—OFFICER hired by DYNCORP had bought 1—WOMAN for Dollars 1,000.
20050121             —ACCUSED, UK—FIRM, in UN 'sex scandal': INTERNATIONAL police in Bosnia face prostitution claims By ANTONY—BARNETT and SOLOMON—HUGHES
20050121             The Observer, LONDON, 20010729              —POSTED 20010817
20050121             1—FORMER—UNITED—NATIONS police officer is suing 1—UK—SECURITY—FIRM over claims that it covered up the involvement of her fellow officers in sex crimes and prostitution rackets in the Balkans.
20050121             Kathryn Bolkovac, 1—USA—POLICEWOMAN, was hired by DYNCORP Aerospace in Aldershot for 1—UN—POST aimed at cracking down on sexual abuse and forced prostitution in Bosnia.
20050121             —APPALLED, She claims she was '' to find that MANY—OF—HER—FELLOW—OFFICERS were involved.
20050121             —FIRED, She was, by THE—UK—COMPANY—AFTER amassing evidence that UN police were taking part in the trafficking of young women from EAST—EUROPE as sex slaves.
20050121             —STARTED, She said: '—WHEN I, collecting evidence from THE—VICTIMS—OF—SEX trafficking it was clear that 1—NUMBER—OF—UN—OFFICERS were involved from several countries,
20050121             including quite 1—FEW from BRITAIN.
20050121             I was shocked, appalled and disgusted.
20050121             —SUPPOSED, They were, to be over there to help, but they were committing crimes themselves.
20050121             —WHEN I told the supervisors they didn't want to know.'
20050121             Zentralrat der Juden: Braunes Gedankengut wieder salonfähig
20050121             portland imc - 20040000             .12.12 - Dyncorp Sold to Private Investment...
20050121             DYNCORP Sold to Private Investment Firm. author: Tim.
20050121             DYNCORP, the defense contractor is being sold to 1—PRIVATE—INVESTMENT—FIRM from NEW—YORK.
20050121             War Profiteer Cards: 2—OF—CLUBS
20050121             Paul V. Lombardi PRESIDENT—AND—CEO, DYNCORP The world's premier RENT—A—COP business runs the security show in AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ + THE—USA—MEXICO border.
20050121             —DONATED, DYNCORP, which has, more than £100,000 to THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY, began recruiting for 1—PRIVATE—POLICE—FORCE in IRAQ last —WEEK on BEHALF—OF—THE—USA—STATE...
20050121             Last. Company News On Call
20050121             DYNCORP Wins $1—BILLION Contract to Provide Desktop Services to NASA—ODIN.
20050121             Why War? DynCorp Press Release... - DYNCORP Press Release.
20050121             WEAPONS—OF—WAR.
20050121             FORMER—COMMANDING Officer of Naval Air Depot Joins DYNCORP.
20050121             DynCorp Took Part In Chalabi Raid (washingtonpost_com)
20050121             The presence of DYNCORP employees at the raid was 1. reported by THE—BALTIMORE Sun.
20050121             —DECLINED, DYNCORP, to comment.
20050121             Rotten to THE—DYNCORP—CENTER for Media and Democracy- - Publishers of PR Watch.
20050121             Home; SPIN—OF—THE—DAY;
20050121             ECUADOR—FARMERS—FIGHT DYNCORP—CHEMWAR on the Amazon.
20050121             —SEVERED, Certainly, DYNCORP has never, its umbilical relationship to THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT.
20050121             Case Study: DYNCORP, from Fed ORG—BUSINESS—WHITE—PAPERS...
20050121             —STARTED, DYNCORP, out as CALIFORNIA EAST—AIRWAYS, INCORPORATED 19460000             , 1—SMALL—AIRLINE and aircraft maintenance services company.
20050121             Case Study: DYNCORP Source: Fed org.
20050121             DynCorp : Toutes les Informations sur DynCorp sur Encyclopedie...
20050121             DYNCORP est une société militaire privée étasunienne. son siège à Reston, en Virginie.
20050121             Wired 11.02: This Gun For Hire...
20050121             InternetWeek: Tech Library: CSC Sells DynCorp Units for $850 ...
20050121             CSC Sells DYNCORP Units for $850—MILLION.
20050121             Title: CSC Sells DYNCORP Units for $850—MILLION [View this Document], Published:
20050121             DYNCORP—1—STAR (WSCRS—I,II)
20050121             DYNCORP (WSCRS—I). - 1—STAR Technologies (WSCRS—II). - USA—AIR—FORCE.
20050121             —CONTRACTED, DYNCORP, with TSRI to modernize WSCRS in 2 FIXED—PRICE—PROJECT—PHASES.
20050121             Earthrights INTERNATIONAL—RESOURCE Center: Arias v. DYNCORP—ARIAS, v. DYNCORP.
20050121             Case No:1:01CV01908 (RWR) USA—DISTRICT—COURT—FOR—THE—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
20050121             This case involves... - TRUTHOUT—DYNCORP Still Taking the Moral Low Ground
20050121             DYNCORP Still Taking the Moral Low Ground By Kelly PATRICIA—O'MEARA—INSIGHT—MAGAZINE | insightmag com.
20050121             —MONDAY, Le : L'armée américaine fait de plus en plus appel au...
20050121             D'autres entreprises 10tent d'être moins voyantes, telles DYNCORP, WACKENHUT, VINNELL (une filiale de TRW), LOGICON (du groupe NORTHROP GRUMMAN ), SAIC...
20050121             JBOC—NOTES on Oriental Rugs. Notes on DYNCORP.
20050121             —BASED, DYNCORP is, in RestonVa.DYNCORP has been involved in 1—SERIES—OF—RECENT—HIGH—PROFILE—SCANDALS.
20050121             DynCorp | M27Coalition... - DYNCORP. Beltway... mercenaries.
20050121             Under Pentagon contract, DYNCORP flies drug defoliation planes over COLOMBIA, ECUADOR + other countries.
20050121             CSC: DynCorp INTERNATIONAL LLC, a CSC company
20050121             CSC: DynCorp Technical Services, a CSC company
20050121             DYNCORP Technical Services LLC (DTS) is 1—CSC company delivering aviation and enterprise services,
20050121             including 1—FULL—RANGE—OF—CONTRACTOR and logistics support...
20050121             DYNCORP Disgrace By Kelly Patricia O Meara MIDDLE—AGED men having sex with 12- to 15—YEAR—OLDS was too much for BEN—JOHNSTON, 1—HULKING 6-foot-5-inch Texan...
20050121             Scoop: Real Deal: CSC DynCorp & THE—ECONOMICS—OF—LAWLESSNESS
20050121             USA Sole Source Contract Award to DYNCORP To Police & Manage Judiciary and...
20050121             DYNCORP — globalisierte technologische Gewalt von DIETER—DRÜSSEL.
20050121             DYNCORP ist keineswegs einzigartig. "Kommersant" (Russland)
20050121             BUSH wird in die GESCHICHTE—DER—USA als Militärpräsident eingehen.
20050121             Und das ist der russischen Führung sehr recht.
20050121             Wenn BUSH für die kommenden 4—JAHRE 1—FRIEDENSPROGRAMM verkündet hätte, hätte Putin sich ernstlich Sorgen machen müssen.
20050121             Nur ein kämpfender BUSH ist ein echter Freund für uns.
20050121             "Mlada Fronta Dbnes" (Tschechien)
20050121             Ein solches Programm kann sich nur vornehmen, wer neben Mut einen Hang zum Glücksrittertum besitzt + wer blind an seine Wahrheit glaubt
20050121             USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH als missionierenden Irren an der Spitze einer waffenstarrenden Weltmacht zu bezeichnen,
20050121             führt nicht wirklich weiter, löst keine Probleme und ist, obwohl beleidigend, nicht einmal mehr besonders originell.
20050121             Und doch: Wer sich an den Wahnsinn nicht gewöhnen mag und ernst nimmt,
20050121             was BUSH vor und in seiner Antrittsrede zum Besten gab, bekommt vor dieser USA—REGIERUNG das Grausen.
20050121             "Von jenseits der Sterne sind wir berufen, für Freiheit einzustehen", sagte BUSH bei einem "Freiheitskonzert" am Mittwochabend.
20050121             Gestern verkündete er,
20050121             überall auf der Welt müssten sich die USA um die Freiheit bemühen, wenn sie ihre eigene bewahren wollten.
20050121             THE—MINI—NUKES debate is particularly dicey, Korb said, because THE—USA has held 1—MORAL—HIGH—GROUND by not setting off nuclear tests.
20050121             —EARNED, Other nations such as INDIA and PAKISTAN have, sharp criticism from the world community for testing nuclear weapons.
20050121             If THE—USA—SEEKS to build 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—WEAPONS, that could lead to new tests.
20050121             "If you test again on developing new nuclear weapons,
20050121             there goes the whole nonproliferation effort," Korb said.
20050121             Among those attending the Offutt meeting, Shavers said, will be officials from the Defense Department,
20050121             THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY, StratCom, senior military officers, civilians from the National Nuclear Security Administration,
20050121             THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—AND—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY + representatives from the nation's nuclear laboratories,
20050121             LOS ALAMOS + LAWRENCE—LIVERMORE.THE—URL of this article is:
20050121             "DYNCORP should never have been awarded THE—IRAQ—POLICE—CONTRACT," said MADELEINE—REES, THE—CHIEF—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—OFFICER in SARAJEVO.
20050121             Of THE—2—COURT—CASES, 1—USA—POLICE—OFFICER working for DYNCORP in Bosnia, Kathryn Bolkovac, won her suit for wrongful dismissal.
20050121             The other involving 1—MECHANIC,
20050121             —SETTLED, BEN—JOHNSTON, was, OUT—OF—COURT.
20050121             —CHARGED, MISTER—JOHNSTON—SUIT against DYNCORP, that he "witnessed CO—WORKERS and supervisors literally buying and selling women for their own personal enjoyment + employees would brag about the various ages and TALENTS—OF—THE—INDIVIDUAL—SLAVES they had purchased".
20050121             There are other formidable problems surfacing in what is uncharted TERRITORY—ISSUES—OF loyalty,
20050121             accountability, ideology + national interest.
20050121             The growing CLOUT—OF—THE—MILITARY—SERVICES—CORPORATIONS raises questions about 1—INSIDIOUS, LONGER—TERM—IMPACT on governments' planning, strategy and DECISION—TAKING.
20050121             MISTER—SINGER argues that for the 1. time in the history of the modern nation state,
20050121             governments are surrendering 1—OF—THE—ESSENTIAL and defining attributes of statehood, the state's monopoly on the legitimate USE—OF—FORCE.
20050121             But for those on the receiving end, there seems scant alternative.
20050121             "I had SOME—PROBLEMS with SOME—OF—THE—USA—GENERALS," said Enes Becirbasic,
20050121             "It's 1—CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST.
20050121             I represent our national interest, but they're businessmen.
20050121             I would have preferred direct cooperation with state organisations like Nato or the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in EUROPE.
20050121             But we had no choice. We had to use MPRI".
20050121             Click. Private Spies = Public Repression.
20050121             (The roots of INSLAW, WACKENHUT, DYNCORP.)
20050121             ARCHIVE 20000910              TO 20000918              PAGE CONTENTS
20050121             I, Exhibit #102, page 110 "We offer in evidence Exhibit 102". - E arl Warre n, "It may be admitted".
20050121             They go to Exhibit 103, 104,
20050121             105, then decide to go BACK TO 102—BECAUSE "that indicates SOME—OF—HIS thinking", meaning LEE—HARVEY—OSWALD'S.
20050121             Vol.
20050121             XVI, Exhibit 102, page 441-442, tells what the Commission glossed over as 1—NUMBER, not 1—DOCUMENT.
20050121             as so often happens in Latin USA—COUNTRIES, could ever replace our government, but that is 1—IDEA that has grounds for consideration.
20050121             Army? GENERAL—WALKER? Oswald rules them out but warns, "ONLY 1—OUTFIT FITS THE—DESCRIPTION,
20050121             —INFILTRATED, THE—USMC is 1—RIGHT wing, organization of dire potential consequences to THE—FREEDOM—OF—THE—USA.
20050121             I agree with FORMER—PRESIDENT—TRUMAN —WHEN he said, 'The Marine Corps should be abolished.'"
20050121             EARL—WARREN, "We will take 1—SHORT—BREAK".
20050121             NewsMakingNews asks the obvious question-- was having CHINA develop THE—A—BOMB—EARLY,
20050121             via TSIEN—HELP, THE—FBI—GOAL anyway?
20050121             —CLASSIFIED, Given the huge technological transfer of, nuclear material to CHINA in the past 10—YEARS,
20050121             isn't it the real goal of THE—FBI to give technology to CHINA, to make it even more powerful,
20050121             without giving 1—DAMN for USA national security?
20050121             THE—FBI is 1—OF—THE—AGENCIES in charge of checking top secret classifications at the national laboratories.
20050121             THE—FBI is employing security firms such as WACKENHUT to do its dirty work, its security work and its polygraph tests at LOS ALAMOS laboratory.
20050121             —INVOLVED, Yes, WACKENHUT was, in polygraphs regarding WEN—HO—LEE—CASE.
20050121             —COMMENCED, No wonder the case, with 39—UNPROVABLE—CHARGES and then broke down the way into 1—PLEA,
20050121             —AFTER—9—MONTHS—OF—PRISON—TORTURE—OF the accused!
20050121             Note, the military employs DYNCORP and other private security firms to do SOME—OF—ITS—DIRTY—WORK OFF—SHORE,
20050121             perhaps taking its cue from THE—FBI—EMPLOYMENT—OF—WACKENHUT.
20050121             (Or WACKENHUT—EMPLOYMENT—OF—THE—FBI.)
20050121             (Look at the guys on WACKENHUT—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS!) There is no government accountability in THE—USA—WHEN private firms like WACKENHUT are being used to supervise accountability.
20050121             —SINCE then, THE—PAY—BACK to WACKENHUT has been huge.
20050121             —WHENEVER the local lazy FBI agents who don't like to do their homework,
20050121             need SOME—LITTLE—BIT—OF—WORK done so all hell doesn't break loose, they call in WACKENHUT and other private OUT—FITS and give them 1—HIGH pile of Franklins.
20050121             (In the meantime, you can see MANY—OF—YOUR happy fat cat FBI agents down at the golf links in Rohnert Park,
20050121             CALIFORNIA hitting the tiny white balls back and forth with the cocaine dealers and child molesters.
20050121             —NOW, if you need SOME—LOCAL—JUSTICE, you know where to take your "golf" bag!) THE—FBI has developed this nasty habit of not doing the job its paid to do--just paying others to do the job THE—FBI is not paid to do.
20050121             Nasty habits die hard.
20050121             Only OFFICERS—OF—THE—LAW and military, who have taken the oath to uphold the law and the Constitution and who are subject to court martial or indictment if they break the oath,
20050121             should be handling national security issues in THE—USA.
20050121             WILL—THE—FBI ever stop prostituting itself to private firms and private individuals who allegedly do "security work" for THE—USA—BUT who really do dirty deals for private profiteering?
20050121             CHINA wants to know!
20050121             —INFILTRATED, The Reeses had, the left in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA —AROUND the time of Mayday,
20050121             in '71, trading heavily on their NLG cover,
20050121             at 1—POINT even housing YIP organizers for the
20050121             The Maldon Institute is 1—RIGHT wing think tank that studies national security and terrorism from 1—COUNTERSUBVERSIVE and often conspiracist perspective.
20050121             Lewis said that state police and other police departments "routinely receive information from the Maldon Institute at no cost,
20050121             via E—MAIL.
20050121             The department did not solicit this information".
20050121             —ATTENDED, Asked whether state police had, Maldon Institute conferences, Lewis responded: "State police personnel have had contact in THE—USA with REPRESENTATIVES—OF—THE—INSTITUTE".
20050121             —FUNDED, According to public records, the institute is, at least in part,
20050121             —BY Scaife, THE—PITTSBURGH political philanthropist best known for his financial support of several private INVESTIGATIONS—OF—PRESIDENT—CLINTON in recent years.
20050121             Financial forms for SCAIFE—CARTHAGE—FOUNDATION—SHOW it provided Maldon with $250,000
20050121             —CALLED, Known as "the puppet warehouse," police, it 1—CENTER—OF—ILLEGAL—ACTIVITY;
20050121             activists said it was 1—WORKSHOP in which they made more than 100—PUPPETS and 1—LARGE—SATIRICAL float, "Corpzilla".
20050121             The documents were the 1. public acknowledgement that police had infiltrated groups planning to protest —DURING last —MONTH—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—CONVENTION.
20050121             —STATED, Without elaboration, the affidavits, that THE—ALLEGATIONS—OF—COMMUNIST funding had come from THE—LITTLE—KNOWN Maldon Institute.
20050121             Asked last —WEEK about the Maldon Institute, JACK—LEWIS, 1—STATE—POLICE—SPOKESMAN, seemed 1—LITTLE unsure.
20050121             "Our people said they believed this institute is based in THE—UK," he said.
20050121             —ADDED, Lewis : "I'm told by our intelligence people that the Maldon Institute is 1—PRIVATE—ORGANIZATION that provides intelligence information to police departments.
20050121             The cold war is long over but PENNSYLVANIA STATE—POLICE were still on the lookout for communists and SOVIET sympathizers among the demonstrators protesting last —MONTH—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—CONVENTION in PHILADELPHIA.
20050121             In state police affidavits justifying 1—RAID on 1—WEST—PHILADELPHIA warehouse used by convention protesters,
20050121             troopers alleged that communists were behind the demonstrations.
20050121             "Funds allegedly originate with Communist and leftist parties and from sympathetic trade unions," the state police declared in the affidavits.
20050121             "Other funds reportedly come from THE—FORMER—SOVIET—ALLIED World FEDERATION—OF—TRADE—UNIONS".
20050121             The language left critics, including demonstrators and CIVIL—LIBERTIES—LAWYERS, both 1—LITTLE amused and 1—LOT indignant.
20050121             They said it seemed like something out of 1—MUSTY—RED—BAITING periodical of 19500000             —THE—S—RED—CHANNELS and the like.
20050121             THE—ALLEGATIONS—PASSED to state police by 1—PRIVATE—GROUP funded by conservative multimillionaire RICHARD—MELLON—SCAIFE—DID not belong in government affidavits seeking judicial approval for 1—SEARCH—WARRANT that led to 75—ARRESTS, they said.
20050121             at 4100—HAVERFORD Ave.
20050121             The affidavits, made public —WEDNESDAY—AFTER having been sealed for more than 1—MONTH,
20050121             relied most heavily on the direct observations of undercover troopers who infiltrated the warehouse.
20050121             —ACCUSED, HAMILTON also, McDade of changing his position on PROMIS.
20050121             In the past, he said, McDade suggested THE—RCMP acquired PROMIS from 1—COMPANY in MASSACHUSETTS and it was modified by 1—TORONTO firm.
20050121             Yet —JUST this —WEEK McDade said he was certain the force doesn't have PROMIS.
20050121             "(McDade) said that they had 1—PAPER trail on THE—PROMIS software being purchased by THE—RCMP.
20050121             He told me that.''
20050121             McDade, 1—OTTAWA—CARLETON regional police officer on secondment to THE—RCMP, has refused THE—STAR—NUMEROUS—REQUESTS for 1—INTERVIEW.
20050121             —REFUSED, Gaudet, to explain why THE—RCMP launched the investigation —LAST—YEAR,
20050121             even though the force adamantly denied 19910000              it had the software,
20050121             or why it has taken some 18—MONTHS to determine whether software in THE—RCMP—OWN—COMPUTERS is PROMIS.
20050121             —VOWED, CANADA—ALLIANCE MP MYRON—THOMPSON (Wild Rose), to go —AFTER answers:
20050121             —BY—VALERIE Lawton and ALLAN—THOMPSON © 20000916              TORONTO Star OTTAWA Bureau
20050121             The force said —YESTERDAY that 1—LENGTHY—NATIONAL—SECURITY—INVESTIGATION is shutting down.
20050121             But the announcement is unlikely to end questions about the bizarre case.
20050121             —CALLED, THE—DEVELOPER—OF—THE—SOFTWARE, PROMIS, said 1—INVESTIGATOR suggested to him the probe was being wrapped up in 1—HURRY to quell questions —WHEN THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS resumes —MONDAY.
20050121             —VOWED, And 1—OPPOSITION—POLITICIAN, not to let the issue rest —UNTIL the Mounties offer 1—BETTER—EXPLANATION.
20050121             `I would ask why they made such 1—INVESTMENT—OF—TIME and resources and money to send people repeatedly to THE—USA to interview witnesses in THE—PROMIS—INSLAW affair.
20050121             It doesn't make ANY—SENSE.'
20050121             An RCMP spokesperson wouldn't explain why it's taken over 1—YEAR and trips across NORTH—AMERICAN—BY investigators to conclude the force isn't using PROMIS.
20050121             ``The investigation.
20050121             was to make sure that national security wasn't breached,'' said Staff SERGEANT—MIKE—GAUDET.
20050121             "We're saying —TODAY that we do not have PROMIS software.''
20050121             another...GeoMilitech, founded by SINGLAUB + SINGLAUB partner, Studley... to KELLOGG ROOT BROWN WACKENHUT & LOCKHEED... LOS ALAMOS ken.....
20050121             director Linda Guell went to SINGLAUB—FREEDOM—FOUNDATION. its polygraph tests at LOS ALAMOS laboratory
20050121             Yes,
20050121             —INVOLVED, WACKENHUT was, in polygraphs regarding Wen...
20050121             THE—OKLAHOMA City Bombing and THE—POLITICS—OF—TERROR, by David..-
20050121             Page 1. Click on image for more information THE—OKLAHOMA City Bombing + THE—POLITICS—OF—TERROR by DAVID—HOFFMAN
20050121             Demnach setzen Böden im Zuge des Klimawandels mittelfristig also doch mehr CO2 frei als —HEUTE—UND heizen so das Treibhaus zusätzlich auf.
20050121             Diese Einschätzung fügt sich in das Bild, das sich das Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) der Vereinten Nationen von der nahen Zukunft macht.
20050121             Danach könnte mehr Kohlendioxid in der Außenluft die Vegetation —ZUNÄCHST noch zu stärkerem Wachstum animieren ("CO2-Düngungseffekt");
20050121             auch der C—POOL im Boden wüchse dann noch 1—WEILE.
20050121             —MITTE des Jahrhunderts aber schlüge die Situation ins Gegenteil um:
20050121             Der Düngeeffekt verpufft und die bodenständigen CO2-Emissionen dominieren, weil immer höhere Durchschnittstemperaturen den mikrobiellen Humusabbau immer stärker ankurbeln.
20050121             Nun sei klar: Gerade die langlebigen Huminstoffe spielten eine wichtige Rolle im Klimageschehen.
20050121             —KOMMENTIERT, So, DAVID—POWLSON—VON—ROTHAMSTED—RESEARCH, dem größten Agrarforschungszentrum in Großbritannien,
20050121             die neue Arbeit in "Nature".
20050121             Doch was exakte Prognosen für die Zukunft anbelangt,
20050121             mahnt der angesehene Bodenkundler und KOHLENSTOFFKREISLAUF—KENNER zur Vorsicht:
20050121             "Auch Wasserhaushalt und Nährstoffverfügbarkeit im Boden werden sich ändern und den Abbau vor organischem Material beeinflussen.
20050121             Diese Faktoren sind —BIS dato noch in keinem "Single-" oder "MULTI—POOL—MODELL" berücksichtigt.
20050121             Die bisherigen Testreihen seien alle zu früh abgebrochen worden.
20050121             Die üblichen 12—BIS 36—MONATE Versuchsdauer genügten nicht.
20050121             In einer solchen Zeitspanne würden nur leicht abbaubare Kohlenstoffverbindungen im Boden, die so genannte labile KOHLENSTOFF—FRAKTION, in Kohlendioxid umgesetzt.
20050121             Tatsächlich aber "überwiegen fast immer die nur langsam abbaubaren Fraktionen", sagt die Jenaer Geoökologin Annette Freibauer.
20050121             Dazu zählen hartleibige Huminstoffe und Substanzen wie der Holzbestandteil Lignin.
20050121             Von wegen biologische Anpassung!
20050121             Der bloß kurze CO2-Zuwachs "ist einfach nur das ERGEBNIS—DES—RASCHEN—ABBAUS der labilen Kohlenstoffverbindungen im Boden", heißt es im aktuellen "Nature"-Text.
20050121             Das Gros der viel stabileren Kohlenstoffverbindungen im Boden bleibe außen vor.
20050121             Knorrs Team hat nun 1—COMPUTERMODELL—DER—ZERSETZUNG entwickelt, in dem es sowohl einen labilen wie auch einen stabilen KOHLENSTOFF—POOL gibt.
20050121             Bei den Simulationen mit diesem Ansatz zeigte sich, dass der Abbau der langlebigen Huminstoffe sehr wohl den üblichen physikochemischen Gesetzen folgt.
20050121             "Obwohl die Verbindungen so komplex sind, entspricht die Reaktionskinetik den Erwartungen", folgert Knorr.
20050121             Will sagen: Erhöhte Temperaturen beschleunigen die Zersetzung der stabilen C—VERBINDUNGEN—UND damit auch die Emission von Kohlendioxid.
20050121             CO2-Düngungseffekt nur mittelfristig
20050121             "Schockgruß von BUSH—TOCHTER", stand auf der Website der norwegischen Internetzeitung "Nettavisen" zu lesen.
20050121             SKANDINAVIEN, ist der Gruß gebräuchlich unter DEATH—METAL—BANDS und Fans.
20050121             —BEDEUTET, Auch in Italien kennt man die Handbewegung: Sie, so viel wie Gehörnter oder BETROGENER—UND gilt als rüde Beschimpfung.
20050121             HAMBURG—UM es gleich vorweg zu nehmen:
20050121             Der bekennende Christ BUSH hat nicht die religiösen Fronten gewechselt.
20050121             Denn schließlich hat nicht nur der Teufel Hörner, sondern auch LONGHORN—RINDER—DEM Namen entsprechend sogar besonders lange.
20050121             Andere Länder, andere Sitten: Wirbel um Bush s LONGHORN—GRUß
20050121             BESLAN—MASSAKER: Angehörige von Opfern blockieren Fernstraße
20050121             BUNDESWEHR—JUBILÄUM: Helm ab vor dem REICHSTAG—ENTWICKELN.
20050121             Dazu fehlt ihm nämlich das nach ANSICHT—VON—SIMONTON wichtigste MOMENT—DER Zufall.
20050121             Search Victims in THAILAND: GERMANY
20050121             39, MISTER—S—ANKE—ENGEL, GERMANY, F, 37.8, INJURE, ?????td>, Phuket, 40, MISTER—S—ANKE—ENGEL, GERMANY, F, 37, INJURE, Siroj Inter Phuket, Phuket...
20050121             Die Messungen während des Sinkflugs durch die TITAN—GASHÜLLE haben auch betätigt,
20050121             dass der Saturnmond neben der Erde der einzige Himmelskörper in unserem Sonnensystem ist, dessen Gashülle vor allem aus Stickstoff besteht.
20050121             Auch Spuren des Edelgases Argon seien nachgewiesen worden,
20050121             sagte USA—FORSCHER TOBY—OWEN vom Institute for Astronomy in HONOLULU.
20050121             —EXISTIERT, Sauerstoff, auf Titan nur gebunden in gefrorenem Wasser, nicht aber als Gas in der Atmosphäre.
20050121             "Eigentlich ist das ganz gut so", meint Owen.
20050121             "Denn sonst wäre Titan längst explodiert. Wir haben hier eine brennbare Welt".
20050121             Bleibt die Frage, wie der Saturnmond duftet.
20050121             "Es würde dort nach klarer, sehr kalter Bergluft riechen", sagte Owen.
20050121             "Vorausgesetzt, Menschen könnten 1—ATMOSPHÄRE aus Stickstoff und Methan atmen".
20050121             1—GROßTEIL—DER—DATEN, die durch den Ausfall eines der beiden Sendekanäle von "Huygens" verloren gegangen waren,
20050121             könnte rekonstruiert werden.
20050121             Mit Hilfe von Radioteleskopen auf der Erde sei die Rettung von —BIS zu 90 % der verloren geglaubten Daten,
20050121             etwa über die Windverhältnisse in der TITAN—ATMOSPHÄRE, möglich.
20050121             Die Messungen haben FRÜHERE—SPEKULATIONEN auf spektakuläre Art bestätigt.
20050121             "Wir haben zahlreiche Anzeichen für Flüssigkeit gefunden", sagte MARTIN—TOMASKO von der UNIVERSITY—OF—ARIZONA in TUCSON.
20050121             Die Kanäle, die sich auf den Fotos der Sonde durch helle Hügelketten winden,
20050121             wertet Tomasko als "Beweis für Regen" -
20050121             Regen aus Methangas, das in der auf Titan herrschenden Kälte von minus 170 °- 180 ° zu Flüssigkeit kondensiert.
20050121             Das auf den Bildern erkennbare dunkle Material, das sich am Grund der Kanäle und auf weiten Ebenen sammelt, sei organisch.
20050121             "Die Hügel bestehen dagegen aus Wassereis", erklärte Tomasko, der für die SINKFLUG—KAMERA und das SPEKTRAL—RADIOMETER an Bord von "Huygens" verantwortlich ist.
20050121             "Niederschlag, Erosion und mechanischer Abrieb ähneln den Vorgängen, die auch die Erde formen. Allerdings sind auf Titan exotische Stoffe im Spiel".
20050121             "Vulkane" spucken Eis und Ammoniak
20050121             Sogar Anzeichen für 1—ART—VON—VULKANISMUS haben die Wissenschaftler entdeckt.
20050121             ThyssenKrupp: Abschied von den Mullahs
20050121             Treibhausgas im Boden: Klimakiller lauert im Erdreich -, is composed of several landing points, which we have subdivided into different categories,
20060121             and which are linked up among themselves by CIVIL—PLANES used by THE—CIA or military aircraft.
20060121             —MARKED, We have also, the points where there are known detention centres (GUANTANAMO Bay, KABUL and BAGHDAD...) as well as points where we believe we have been able to establish that PICK—UPS—OF—RENDITION—VICTIMS took place.
20060121             282. In 2—EUROPEAN countries only (ROMANIA and POLAND), there are 2—OTHER landing points that remain to be explained.
20060121             —DESCRIBED, Whilst these do not fall into any of the categories, above,
20060121             several indications have us believe that they are likely to form PART—OF—THE 'rendition circuits'240 <
20060121             These landings —THEREFORE do not form PART—OF—THE—98—PERCENT—OF—CIA—FLIGHTS that are used solely for logistical purposes241
20060121             but rather belong to THE—2—PERCENT—OF—FLIGHTS that concern us the most.
20060121             —CREATED, THE—USA, 1—OBSERVER—STATE—OF—OUR—ORGANISATION, actually, this reprehensible network,
20060121             which we criticise in LIGHT—OF—THE—VALUES shared on both sides of the Atlantic.
20060121             —ESTABLISHED, But we also believe to have, that it is only through the intentional or grossly negligent collusion of the European partners that this "web" was able to spread also over EUROPE.
20060121             285. The impression which SOME—GOVERNMENTS tried to create at the beginning of this DEBATE—THAT—EUROPE was 1—VICTIM—OF—SECRET—CIA—PLOTS—DOES not seem to correspond to reality.
20060121             —IGNORED, Other countries, them knowingly, or did not want to know.
20060121             286. In the draft resolution, which sums up this report's conclusions,
20060121             I have not directly named the countries responsible simply because there is not enough room in such 1—TEXT to adequately develop THE—NUANCES—OF—EACH—INDIVIDUAL—CASE.
20060121             In addition, we only know PART—OF—THE—TRUTH so far, and other countries may still turn out to be implicated in LIGHT—OF—FUTURE—RESEARCH or revelations.
20060121             This explanatory note, however, explains the discovered facts in far greater detail.
20060121             Finally, THE—PURPOSE—OF—THIS report is not to attribute 'grades' to different member states,
20060121             but to try to understand what really happened —THROUGHOUT EUROPE and to stop certain violations shown from reoccurring in future.
20060121             I would add that 1—KEY—ELEMENT seems to be the urgent need to improve THE—INTERNATIONAL—RESPONSE to THE—THREAT—OF—TERRORISM.
20060121             This response presently appears —TODAY as largely inadequate and insufficiently coordinated.
20060121             287. Whilst hard evidence, at least according to the strict MEANING—OF—THE—WORD,
20060121             is still not forthcoming, 1—NUMBER—OF—COHERENT and converging elements indicate that secret detention centres have indeed existed and unlawful INTER—STATE—TRANSFERS have taken place in EUROPE.
20060121             —BASED, My assessment rather reflects 1—CONVICTION, upon careful EXAMINATION—OF—BALANCE—OF probabilities,
20060121             as well as upon logical deductions from clearly established facts.
20060121             —INTENDED, It is not, to pronounce that the authorities of these countries are 'guilty' for having tolerated secret detention sites,
20060121             but rather it is to hold them 'responsible' for failing to comply with the positive obligation to diligently investigate ANY—SERIOUS—ALLEGATION—OF—FUNDAMENTAL—RIGHTS—VIOLATIONS.
20060121             288. In this sense, it must be stated that to date, the —FOLLOWING member States could be held responsible,
20060121             at varying degrees, which are not always settled definitively, for VIOLATIONS—OF—THE—RIGHTS—OF—SPECIFIC—PERSONS identified below (respecting the chronological order as far as possible):
20060121             - SWEDEN, in the cases of AHMED—AGIZA and MOHAMED—ALZERY ; - BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA,
20060121             in the cases of Lakhdar Boumediene, MOHAMED—NECHLE, Hadj Boudella,
20060121             Belkacem Bensayah, MUSTAFA—AIT—IDIR and Saber Lahmar ( the "Algerian 6") ; - THE—UK in the cases of —BISHER AL—RAWI,
20060121             JAMIL—EL—BANNA and Binyam Mohamed ; - ITALY, in the cases of ABU—OMAR and Maher Arar ; - "THE—FORMER—YUGOSLAVIA—REPUBLIC—OF—MACEDONIA",
20060121             in THE—CASE—OF—KHALED—EL—MASRI ; - GERMANY, in the cases of ABU—OMAR, of the "Algerian 6", and Khaled EL—MASRI ; - TURKEY, in THE—CASE—OF—THE "Algerian 6".
20060121             289. SOME—OF—THESE above mentioned states, and others, could be held responsible for COLLUSION—ACTIVE or passive (in THE—SENSE—OF—HAVING tolerated or having been negligent in fulfilling the duty to supervise) - involving secret detention and unlawful INTER—STATE—TRANSFERS—OF—1—NON specified NUMBER—OF—PERSONS whose identity so far remains unknown:
20060121             - POLAND and ROMANIA, concerning the running of secret detention centres; - GERMANY,
20060121             TURKEY, SPAIN and CYPRUS for being 'staging points' for flights involving the unlawful TRANSFER—OF—DETAINEES; - IRELAND,
20060121             THE—UK, PORTUGAL, GREECE and ITALY for being 'stopovers' for flights involving the unlawful TRANSFER—OF—DETAINEES.
20060121             290. Other States should still show greater willingness and zeal in the quest for truth,
20060121             as serious indications show that their territory or their airspace might have been used, even unbeknownst, for illegal operations (the example of SWITZERLAND was cited in this context).
20060121             291. THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY is finally urged to create more transparency in THE—PLACES—OF—DETENTION in Kosovo,
20060121             which to date qualify as 'black holes' that cannot even be accessed by THE—CPT.
20060121             It is also crucial that the proposals in the draft resolution and recommendation are implemented so that terrorism can be fought effectively whilst respecting human rights at the same time.
20060121             Special REPORTS—HOW Cheney used THE—NSA for domestic spying —PRIOR—TO 20010911
20060121             The Splendid FAILURE—OF—OCCUPATION
20060121             Part 41: The choice: obedience or annihilation
20060121             News MEDIA—BOUGHT and paid for lies and propaganda masquerading as news
20060121             Several decades ago, —WHEN veteran radio news reporter Scoop Nisker closed out his broadcasts by telling his audience that if they didn't like the news they should "go out + make SOME—OF—YOUR own,"
20060121             COMMENTARY—ECHOES—OF—WAR
20060121             If 1—COMPARES THE—ENGINEERING—OF—THE—CRISIS which led to THE—WAR—OF—AGGRESSION against IRAQ with the current ENGINEERING—OF—CRISIS to justify aggression against IRAN, 1 is not likely to identify differences.
20060121             GLASNOST BERLIN—MANFRED Behrend: Bildung, Tätigkeit und Ende der... Eine ursprünglich von dem DEUTSCHE—BANK—DIREKTOR Mankiewicz geäußerte "Warnung" aufgreifend, die Siegermächte würden Reichseigentum als Unterpfand für...
20060121             GLASNOST BERLIN—MANFRED Behrend: Bildung, Tätigkeit und Ende der... Hilferding 1—DROHUNG—DES—DIREKTORS—PAUL—MANKIEWICZ von der Deutschen Bank... Eine ursprünglich von dem DEUTSCHE—BANK—DIREKTOR Mankiewicz geäußerte...
20060121             Beiträge zur GESCHICHTE—DER—ARBEITERBEWEGUNG —EINE ursprünglich von dem DEUTSCHE—BANK—DIREKTOR Mankiewicz geäußerte "Warnung" aufgreifend, die Siegermächte würden Reichseigentum als Unterpfand für Reparationen...
20060121             Affichage d'un sujet... depuis 18330000              : Rockefeller (Standard Oil) Harriman (chemins de fer... Kurt membre du BUNDESTAG Birrenbach Kurt président... d'administration de la Thyssen AG —SOMMER...
20060121             Graf Bon und THE—NICE and Sexy Corporation... Günther (Aufsichtsratvorsitzender der Thyssen AG) —SOMMER... von Bangemann, MARTIN—BIRRENBACH, Kurt, Prüsident... vom ROTHSCHILD—IMPERIUM) Harriman (Eisenbahn, wie...
20060121             CAMGUIDE Apel HANS—AMERONGEN—OTTO—WOLFF—VON—BANGEMANN—MARTIN—BIRRENBACH—KURT... Sohl HANS—GÜNTHER président du conseil d`administration de la Thyssen AG...
20060121             - Birrenbach, Kurt presidente da DGAP, membro dos Bilderberger;...
20060121             Chapter 6 With Clayton, Harriman + such MEMBERS—OF—THE—HARRIMAN—COMMITTEE—AS—PAUL... KURT—BIRRENBACH, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—BOARD—OF—THYSSEN —AFTER the Vereinigte...
20060121             Chapter 6: THE—MARSHALL—OFFENSIVE and Capitalist Restoration in EUROPE —SUCCEEDED Wallace as SECRETARY—OF—COMMERCE + the eventual Harriman Report on... KURT—BIRRENBACH, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—BOARD—OF.
20060121             Thyssen —AFTER the Vereinigte...
20060121             TRASCH—BOX — TRASCH—CENTER... Rockefeller (Standard Oil) Harriman (Eisenbahn) Weyerhaeuser... KURT—BUNDESTAGSMITGLIED—BIRRENBACH, KURT—PRÄSIDENT... Aufsichtsratvorsitzender der Thyssen AG —SOMMER...
20060121             Sociétés Secrètes Partie B L' "UNION—BANK" était une alliance de Thyssen et Harriman.
20060121             Jetons un coup d'oeil sur LOS—ANGELES.. Birrenbach, KURT—PRÉSIDENT de la DGAP, membre des Bilderberger.
20060121             Zusätzliches Ergebnis BILDERBERG—KONFERENZ — Wikipedia... von W. Averell Harriman, dem amerikanischen... html) KURT—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—FREISTAAT—SACHSEN—BIRRENBACH (de... Vorsitzender AUGUST—THYSSEN—HÜTTE AG Blomeyer...
20060121             753... 2519 - WissenPur.DE—EINFACH mehr erfahren! Birrenbach, Kurt, ehem.
20060121             Vorsitzender AUGUST—THYSSEN—HÜTTE AG... Vorsitzender Dresdner BANK—AG, FRANKFURT/Main.
20060121             Prozner, Konrad, ehem.
20060121             BILDERBERG—KONFERENZ — Wikipedia Vorsitzender Dresdner BANK—AG, FRANKFURT/Main Prozner Konrad ehem.
20060121             Direktor der a.- THYSSEN—HÜTTEN AG, ESSEN —SOMMER THEO—MITHERAUSGEBER "die Zeit".
20060121             Ardenne, MANFRED—VON—19070000             - RE 29)I 28/9, Dresdner Club, Ardent, Fanny Schauspielerin... Bornemissza, HANNS—PETER—VON—THYSSEN—BORNEMISSZA.
20060121             BILDERBERG—KONFERENZ Definition BILDERBERG—KONFERENZ Bedeutung... Vorsitzender Dresdner BANK—AG, FRANKFURT/Main Prozner Konrad ehem.
20060121             —DEBATED, JOHN—KERRY—DIARY :: HERE—WHAT I'd like to see, on Hardball.
20060121             PRESIDENT—BUSH—MOUTHPIECE SCOTT—MCCLELLAN can claim this administration puts terrorists OUT—OF—BUSINESS, but —YESTERDAY—TAPE reminds us that instead of being OUT—OF—BUSINESS, Osama is still out there.
20060121             1—ACCOUNT cited 1—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—DOCUMENT said to summarize the case against 1—SUSPECTED—AL—QAEDA militant.
20060121             —BELIEVED, The militant was, to have helped OSAMA—BIN—LADEN escape from Tora Bora.
20060121             More —RECENTLY, AUGUST—HANNING, THE—HEAD—OF—GERMANY—INTELLIGENCE, has said OSAMA—BIN—LADEN bribed AFGHANISTAN—FORCES at Tora Bora to make his escape.
20060121             —REQUESTED, GARY—BERNTSEN, FORMER—CIA—OPERATIVE in AFGHANISTAN, additional USA—TROOPS for the assault on Tora Bora, AUTHOR—OF—JAWBREAKER.
20060121             Yes or no, did OSAMA—BIN—LADEN escape from Tora Bora in 2001?
20060121             No less 1—PERSONAGE than JOHN—KERRY—DOES the name sound familiar? - is the
20060121             BLOGGER—OF—THE—MOMENT over on Daily Kos.
20060121             Grund sind nach Darstellung das Monopolunternehmens Industriekunden, die einen Notfallplan zur Heranziehung alternativer Energiequellen nicht beachtet hätten.
20060121             Laut Gasprom war demnach abgesprochen, dass diese Kunden innerhalb von 24—STUNDEN mehr als 211—MILLIONEN Kubikmeter Gas durch alternative Energieträger ersetzen sollten.
20060121             —BISHER habe die Industrie aber —ERST 40—MILLIONEN Kubikmeter Gas eingespart.
20060121             "If 1—BELIEVES that individuals should be held accountable, the accountability should apply to banks and corporations," said RUTH—KLEIN, the national DIRECTOR—OF—B'NAI BRITH—INSTITUTE—OF—INTERNATIONAL—AFFAIRS.
20060121             Nach SPIEGEL—INFORMATIONEN belegt 1—STUDIE, dass das Geldinstitut weit stärker in das NS—SYSTEM verstrickt war als —BISHER bekannt.
20060121             HAMBURG—WIE Wissenschaftler um den Zeithistoriker KLAUS—DIETMAR Henke herausgefunden haben, war die Dresdner BANK—MAßGEBLICH an der Huta beteiligt, einem der führenden HOCH—UND Tiefbauunternehmen der NS—ZEIT.
20060121             Die Firma errichtete mindestens 2—DER Krematorien für die industrielle Menschenvernichtung in Auschwitz, außerdem Wirtschafts-, WOHN—UND Entlausungsbaracken.
20060121             Vom Einsatz computergesteuerter Großdrachen könnte nach ANSICHT—DER—EXPERTEN in einigen Jahren auch die Handelsschifffahrt profitieren.
20060121             Wrage rechnet damit, dass weltweit etwa 40 000—SCHIFFE mit dem patentierten Antriebssystem nachgerüstet werden können.
20060121             In der Ostsee vor Wismar wollen deutsche Forscher 20060000              1—SCHIFF von der Größe eines Kleinfrachters mit einem riesigen Lenkdrachen in Fahrt bringen.
20060121             Der weltweit 1. Test eines windgestützten Antriebssystems für Großschiffe wird gegenwärtig von Experten und Studenten der Seefahrtschule Leer in NIEDERSACHSEN vorbereitet.
20060121             Das Projekt soll für das in HAMBURG entwickelte Projekt den Durchbruch in der Welthandelsschifffahrt bringen.
20060121             Atomstreit mit dem IRAN: Ahmadinedschad ruft zu Sanktionen gegen den Westen auf
20060121             Forum Romanum: 3000—JAHRE altes Grab entdeckt
20060121             ISRAEL : Arbeitspartei will Ostteil Jerusalems zurückgeben
20060121             Die Feinunze Gold verteuerte sich um 30—CENT auf 554,30 Dollar.
20060121             Die Händler begründeten den Absturz auch mit den Problemen mit NIGERIA und IRAN.
20060121             Es sei zu befürchten, dass das viertgrößte Ölexportland IRAN auf eventuelle UNO—SANKTIONEN mit dem Stopp der Öllieferungen antworten könnte.
20060121             Zur Verunsicherung an den Ölmärkten habe auch das am —DONNERSTAG vom arabischen Sender AL—DSCHASIRA ausgestrahlte Video des AL—QAIDA Führers OSAMA—BIN—LADEN beigetragen, der mit neuen Anschlägen in den USA drohte.
20060121             —PROPHESIED, Faked audiotapes and television broadcasts were, by DOCTOR—STEVEN—METZ and LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—JAMES—KIEVIT (of the Army War College) in their extraordinary 19940000              document The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict SHORT—OF—WAR, which is 1—OF—THOSE revealing "think" pieces the Pentagon probably wishes had never seen 1—PUBLIC—RELEASE.
20060121             —CALLED, We have, you together to inform you that we are going to overthrow THE—USA—GOVERNMENT".
20060121             —DELIVERED, So begins 1—STATEMENT being, by GENERAL—CARL—W—STEINER, FORMER—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF, USA Special Operations Command.
20060121             —BY taking —JUST a 10-minute digital RECORDING—OF—STEINER—VOICE, scientist GEORGE—PAPCUN is able, in near real time, to clone speech patterns and develop 1—ACCURATE facsimile.
20060121             Drohende Sanktionen: IRAN zieht Währungsreserven aus EUROPA ab
20060121             Verirrter Meeressäuger: Wal schwimmt durch LONDON
20060121             USA TARGETED—KILLINGS—OF al Qaeda suspects rising : USA—SOURCES said WASHINGTON would not have undertaken the airstrike without 1—OK from PAKISTAN—OFFICIALS, —WHILE experts dismissed PAKISTAN—ANGRY—PUBLIC—RESPONSE.
20060121             ROBERT—SCHEER: WHAT—UP—WITH—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN? : —NOW we are left holding the bag in 2—DESPERATE—COUNTRIES with bleak futures where perpetrators of 20010911              are reportedly thriving and guerilla warfare and terror bombings have continued to increase.
20060121             The theme of the lecture was 'THE—WAR—ON—TERROR'.
20060121             —DECLARED, HUGO—CHÁVEZ, that THE—3—COUNTRIES are preparing 1—URGENT—PROGRAM to assist the new PRESIDENT—OF—BOLIVIA, Evo Morales.
20060121             Chavez said he wanted something on paper by —SUNDAY (20060122             ), in time for Morales' inauguration
20060121             BOLIVIA—MORALES talks tough over missile saga : BOLIVIA PRESIDENT—ELECT—EVO—MORALES vowed tough punishment on —WEDNESDAY for military chiefs who sent the country's only missiles to THE—USA to be destroyed, apparently without the outgoing PRESIDENT—CONSENT.
20060121             —WARNED, CIA, its operatives to stay out of ITALY, according to E—MAIL: THE—CIA warned its operatives to stay out of ITALY —AFTER learning that ITALY—PROSECUTORS were preparing to seek arrest warrants in the agency's 20030000              kidnapping of 1—RADICAL—MUSLIM preacher, according to 1—E—MAIL message recovered from the computer DRIVE—OF—THE—CHIEF—SUSPECT in the case.
20060121             THE—CIA is engaging in 1—UNLAWFUL—PRACTICE —"extraordinary rendition" : In 1—HISTORY—MAKING lawsuit, THE—ACLU is challenging the practice on behalf of Khaled EL—MASRI, 1—ENTIRELY innocent VICTIM—OF—RENDITION who was released without ever being charged.
20060121             —POISED, USA, for radical reform of foreign aid programme : THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION wants its MULTIBILLION—DOLLAR—AID—PROGRAMMES to serve its foreign policy goals better.
20060121             Depleted Uranium - 1—HIDDEN—LOOMING—WORLDWIDE—CALAMITY: THERE—POSSIBLY 1—THREAT that tops all others both in gravity and because it's been deliberately concealed from THE—PUBLIC—NEVER discussed, explained or had ANY—ACTION taken to remediate it.
20060121             —OFFERED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, its fullest defense to date on —THURSDAY of the National Security AGENCY—DOMESTIC eavesdropping program, saying that authorization from Congress to deter future terrorist attacks "places THE—PRESIDENT at the zenith of his powers in authorizing THE—NSA activities".
20060121             USA Obtains INTERNET Users' Search Records : Yahoo and others reveal queries from MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE;
20060121             Google refuses.
20060121             Ominous sign/THE—PRESIDENT—GROWING disregard for the law: PRESIDENT—BUSH—LATEST—TOOL for disrespecting the Constitution, Congress and THE—USA—PEOPLE, used more than a 100—TIMES so far, is the presidential signing statement.
20060121             Tripping Up on Trips: Judges Love Junkets as Much as TOM—DELAY—DOES: The judicial seminars are conducted under THE—INNOCUOUS—SOUNDING banner of "judicial education".
20060121             CHARLES—SULLIVAN : Talking Revolution : We will never have 1—JUST society by being silent and remaining ignorant.
20060121             What They Won't Tell You Corruption Is Really All About : Beyond the brazen VOTE—BUYING/bribery that our MONEY—DRENCHED political process periodically is afflicted with is the far more systematic way AMERICA—ENTIRE—POLITICAL—DEBATE is artificially limited to ensure 1—OUTCOME—FAVORABLE to Big Money interests.
20060121             —WHEN it comes to spin, WASHINGTON is no match for WALL—STREET : Ignored was the fact that NOVEMBER—DEFICIT was still the 3. largest monthly deficit ever + REGARDLESS—OF—EXPECTATIONS, 1 unmitigated economic disaster.
20060121             Such a "celebration" is akin to 1—STUDENT celebrating an "F" on his report card, as it represents 1—IMPROVEMENT on the "F-" earned the prior semester.
20060121             USDA blocks real probes, records fake ones : THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—AGRICULTURE has effectively blocked employees from pursuing COMPLAINTS—OF—ANTI—COMPETITIVE—BEHAVIOR in the livestock industry and inflated THE—NUMBER—OF—INVESTIGATIONS it has conducted to make it appear it is vigorously upholding the law, the department's inspector general reported —WEDNESDAY.
20060121             Soaring fuel prices, RUMOURS—OF—WINTER—POWER cuts, panic over the gas supply from RUSSIA, abrupt changes to forecasts of crude output... Is something sinister going on?
20060121             Yes, says former oil man JEREMY—LEGGETT + it's time to face the fact that the supplies we so depend on are going to run out
20060121             NIGERIA militants say all oil producers at risk : Militants behind attacks aimed at disrupting NIGERIA—OIL—EXPORTS said they will target all producers in the country, in 1—MESSAGE singling out USA—BASED Chevron.
20060121             USA Rejects Truce Offer From OSAMA—BIN—LADEN : Breaking more than 1—YEAR—SILENCE, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN warned Americans in 1—AUDIOTAPE released on —THURSDAY that AL—QAEDA was planning more attacks on THE—USA, but he offered a "long truce" on undefined terms.
20060121             USA wrong to sniff blood in OSAMA—BIN—LADEN TAPE—ANALYSTS: MICHAEL—SCHEUER, 1—FORMER—TOP—CIA—OFFICIAL who once led the spy agency's hunt for OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, said THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION failed to understand al Qaeda and would shrug off the tape at its peril.
20060121             It's all about the voice: OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, master media manipulator turned global politician, is back.
20060121             Drug gang plan to smuggle in OSAMA—GUYS : 1—DRUG—TRAFFICKER who admitted importing 1—QUARTER—TON of cocaine from MEXICO also plotted to smuggle 20—MEN he said were IRAQ—TERRORISTS into THE—USA, charging them $8000 1—HEAD.
20060121             'Video: The Power of Nightmares: Part 1 '.
20060121             —OFFERED, Part 2 - Part 3 " In the past our politicians, us dreams of 1—BETTER—WORLD.
20060121             USA—PRESS—QUIET On ISRAEL i Spy Affair:
20060121             EX—PENTAGON man gets 12—YEARS in AIPAC case : Franklin was also found GUILTY—OF—SHARING classified information with ISRAEL i diplomat Naor Gilon.
20060121             —JAILED, EX—PENTAGON analyst, for passing USA secrets to ISRAEL : 1—FORMER—PENTAGON analyst was sentenced to 12—YEARS and 7—MONTHS in prison on —FRIDAY for passing USA—DEFENSE—INFORMATION to 2—PRO—ISRAEL lobbyists and for sharing classified information with 1—ISRAEL i diplomat.
20060121             ElBaradei rejects EU—REQUEST to condemn IRAN : MOHAMED—ELBARADEI, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—UN—NUCLEAR—MONITOR, has turned down 1—REQUEST by the European Union to issue 1—FAR—REACHING condemnation of IRAN—NUC­lear programme —WHEN the agency's BOARD meets in extraordinary session next —MONTH.
20060121             IRAN starts transferring foreign assets : IRAN, which could face UN economic sanctions over its atomic programme, has bitter memories of its USA—ASSETS being frozen shortly —AFTER 19790000             —THE Islamic revolution.
20060121             Syria backs IRAN in nuclear standoff : "We support IRAN regarding its right to peaceful nuclear technology," Assad said at 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE with IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD at the start of 2—DAYS—OF—MEETINGS.
20060121             It seems USA—TERRORISM inside PAKISTAN is becoming routine, —EARLIER on the 7. of 20060100              at least 8—CIVILIANS were killed by THE—USA—HELICOPTERS—ATTACK.
20060121             To be precise, such acts are STATE—TERRORISM or PRIMARY—TERRORISM as opposed to the usual: SECONDARY—TERRORISM—OF—INDIVIDUALS or groups!
20060121             The Proposed IRAN—OIL—BOURSE—ABSTRACT: the proposed IRAN—OIL—BOURSE will accelerate the fall of THE—USA—EMPIRE.- By Krassimir Petrov, Ph.D.
20060121             The approaching war with IRAN
20060121             —BY ED—HAAS—GIVEN the fact that nuclear power plants are currently operating in 31—COUNTRIES with 7—MORE—COUNTRIES in pursuit of atomic energy, is it possible that THE—USA is honestly threatened by IRAN seeking nuclear power capabilities?
20060121             My message to you is about the war in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN and the way to end it.
20060121             blood for blood + all praise be to Allah, our situation is getting better and better —WHILE your situation is the opposite.
20060121             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN: Is it him? Almost certainly
20060121             PRESIDENT—JACQUES—CHIRAC warns that FRANCE—OF—ALL—COUNTRIES—MIGHT use nuclear weapons, if attacked.
20060121             —ON whom, I wonder? AMERICAN—BLOWS—PAKISTAN—CHILDREN to pieces and claims it has killed 5 wanted men, including 1—BOMB—MAKER.
20060121             But there's absolutely no evidence.
20060121             Im Mittel sei der Januar —BISHER fast 10—GRAD wärmer als im Durchschnitt.
20060121             "Wir können den Ort praktisch nicht mehr verlassen, um an unseren Messgeräten außerhalb zu arbeiten", erklärt KAI—MARHOLDT, Ingenieur an der Forschungsbasis.
20060121             Die vor einem —JAHR gegründete "BRUIN—ALUMNI—ASSOCIATION" gibt auf
20060121             ihrer Webseite an, alle "radikalen" Professoren der UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA in LOS—ANGELES (UCLA) "entlarven" zu WOLLEN—DENN die wollen angeblich mit ihren extremen Ansichten die Studenten missionieren.
20060121             hat die Vereinigung —BISHER ausschließlich Profile von 30—LEHRKRÄFTEN der UNIVERSITÄT veröffentlicht, denen sie linken oder liberalen Missionarseifer unterstellt.
20060121             Einer ANTHROPOLOGIE—DOZENTIN etwa wird dort vorgeworfen, sie habe in den letzten 10—JAHREN ihre Unterschrift unter 14 "radikale" Petitionen gesetzt.
20060121             1—HISTORIKERIN wird als "in JEDER—HINSICHT moderne Akademikerin" beschrieben: "kämpferisch, ungeduldig, anklagend und RADIKAL—SEHR radikal".
20060121             Insgesamt, so empört sich Bruin, seien an der UNIVERSITÄT 500—OFFENE Briefe, Petitionen oder öffentliche Stellungnahmen unterschrieben worden:
20060121             Die Unterzeichner setzen sich für Menschenrechte im Irak ein, fordern Aufklärung über Fälle in GUANTANAMO und ABU—GHURAIB;
20060121             In einem Land, das viel Wert auf die Meinungsfreiheit ("FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH") legt, sehen die angeprangerten Lehrkräfte in der Initiative 1—HETZJAGD,
20060121             die die Unterrichtsatmosphäre an der UNIVERSITÄT—VON—KALIFORNIEN empfindlich beeinträchtigt.
20060121             3—MITGLIEDER haben aus Empörung über die Aktion den Beirat der BRUIN—ASSOCIATION verlassen: ein ehemaliges USA—KONGRESSMITGLIED, ein emeritierter UCLA—PROFESSOR und 1—HISTORIKER aus Harvard.
20060121             1—ALUMNI—VEREINIGUNG unter der Führung eines ehemaligen studentischen REPUBLIKANER—VORSITZENDEN bietet Studenten —BIS zu 100—DOLLAR für jeden Kurs,
20060121             Neben Wolgau, KREISSL—DÖRFLER und Özdemir sitzen auch die deutschen EU—ABGEORDNETEN Ewa Klamt (CDU), ALEXANDER—NUNO—ALVARO (FDP) und SYLVIA—YVONNE Kaufmann (Linke) im Ausschuss.
20060121             Im Gespräch für den Vorsitz ist —DERZEIT der portugiesische Konservative CARLOS—COELHO.
20060121             Für den Fall, dass einzelne europäische Regierungen über mögliche Praktiken des USA—GEHEIMDIENSTES informiert oder darin verwickelt waren, hat der EU—JUSTIZKOMMISSAR —BEREITS mit scharfen Konsequenzen gedroht: Mitgliedstaaten der Union könnten etwa Stimmrechte im Ministerrat entzogen werden, warnte FRANCO—FRATTINI.
20060121             Die Erwartungen sind hoch: "Alle 25—MITGLIEDSTAATEN und Beitrittskandidaten müssen klar und deutlich erklären:
20060121             —GEGEBEN, Bei uns hat es keine Gefängnisse ", sagt WOLFGANG—KREISSL—DÖRFLER, der für die Fraktion der europäischen Sozialdemokraten im Ausschuss sitzen wird.
20060121             Vor allem dem EU—LAND Polen und dem Beitrittskandidaten Rumänien hatte die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch wiederholt unterstellt, geheime Gefängnisse auf ihrem Boden geduldet zu haben.
20060121             —DEMENTIERT, Die REGIERUNGEN—DER—BEIDEN—LÄNDER haben energisch, was KREISSL—DÖRFLER nicht zufrieden stellt:
20060121             "Polen und Rumänien müssen uns gegenüber die Vorwürfe ausräumen".
20060121             Die Schlussfolgerung der Forscher: Obwohl formale Bildung die geometrischen Fähigkeiten anscheinend verbessert, gibt es ein universelles, auch ohne Ausbildung vorhandenes Verständnis für Geometrie.
20060121             Nahost: ISRAEL gibt IRAN die Schuld an Selbstmordanschlag in Tel Aviv
20060121             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Was, wenn der Schlächter stümpert?"
20060121             CHINA: Wachsende Unruhe lässt Regierungschef Wen nervös werden
20060121             NPR Republican officials met in WASHINGTON this —WEEK at 1—DIFFICULT—MOMENT for THE—GOP.
20060121             But But senior party FIGURES—PRESIDENT ial adviser KARL—ROVE + RNC Chairman KEN—MEHLMAN among THEM—TOOK 1—OPTIMISTIC—TONE.
20060121             Reporter Recounts Talk About CIA Leak
20060121             NEW—YORK—TIMES—THE—LEGAL—TEAM for I. LEWIS—LIBBY—JUNIOR will pursue additional documents from reporters and news organizations, as yet unidentified.
20060121             Lobbyist s too.
20060121             —NOW the Abramoff scandal makes the game seem 1—RISKY business.
20060121             Ethics Committees Won't Commit to Action (AP )
20060121             USA—REGIERUNG will Zugriff auf GOOGLE—ANFRAGEN.
20060121             netzpolitik_org/2005 /WAS—MACHT—UBERHAUPT—EIN—GEHEIMDIENST
20060121             THE—NSA unintentionally intercepts Americans' phone calls and emails if the agency's computers 0 in on 1—SPECIFIC keyword used in the communication.
20060121             But once THE—NSA figures out that they are listening in on 1—AMERICAN, the eavesdropping is supposed to —IMMEDIATELY end + THE—IDENTITY—OF—THE—INDIVIDUAL is supposed to be deleted.
20060121             was worried about the fact that SOME—COUNTRIES have not replied, or have not replied completely, to his question concerning THE—INVOLVEMENT—OF—ANY—PUBLIC—OFFICIAL in such DEPRIVATION—OF—LIBERTY or TRANSPORT—OF—DETAINEES, and whether ANY—OFFICIAL—INVESTIGATION is under way or has been completed.
20060121             The replies are not yet in the public domain.
20060121             11. Conclusion 280. Our ANALYSIS—OF—THE—CIA 'rendition' programme has revealed 1—NETWORK that resembles a 'spider's web' spun across the globe.
20060121             —BASED, The analysis is, on official information provided by national and INTERNATIONAL air traffic control authorities, as well as on other information including from sources inside intelligence services, in particular the American.
20060121             This 'web', shown in the graphic239 <
20060121             #P1306_269031 >, is composed of several landing points, which we have subdivided into different categories, and which are linked up among themselves by CIVIL—PLANES used by THE—CIA or military aircraft.
20060121             281. These landing points are used for various purposes that range from aircraft stopovers to refuel —DURING 1—MISSION to staging points used for the connection of different 'rendition circuits' that we have identified and where "rendition units" can rest and prepare missions.
20060121             —DESCRIBED, Whilst these do not fall into any of the categories, above, several indications have us believe that they are likely to form PART—OF—THE 'rendition circuits'240 <
20060121             #P1311_270146 >.
20060121             #P1312_270286 >, but rather belong to THE—2—PERCENT—OF—FLIGHTS that concern us the most.
20060121             —CORROBORATED, These, facts strengthen THE—PRESUMPTION—ALREADY based on other ELEMENTS—THAT these landings are detainee DROP—OFF points that are near to secret detention centres.
20060121             284. It must be emphasised that this report is indeed addressed to the Council of EUROPE Member states.
20060121             —CREATED, THE—USA, 1—OBSERVER—STATE—OF—OUR—ORGANISATION, actually, this reprehensible network, which we criticise in LIGHT—OF—THE—VALUES shared on both sides of the Atlantic.
20060121             It is —NOW CLEAR—ALTHOUGH we are still far from having established the whole TRUTH—THAT—AUTHORITIES in several European countries actively participated with THE—CIA in these unlawful activities.
20060121             286. In the draft resolution, which sums up this report's conclusions, I have not directly named the countries responsible simply because there is not enough room in such 1—TEXT to adequately develop THE—NUANCES—OF—EACH—INDIVIDUAL—CASE.
20060121             Finally, THE—PURPOSE—OF—THIS report is not to attribute 'grades' to different member states, but to try to understand what really happened —THROUGHOUT EUROPE and to stop certain violations shown from reoccurring in future.
20060121             287. Whilst hard evidence, at least according to the strict MEANING—OF—THE—WORD, is still not forthcoming, 1—NUMBER—OF—COHERENT and converging elements indicate that secret detention centres have indeed existed and unlawful INTER—STATE—TRANSFERS have taken place in EUROPE.
20060121             I do not set myself up to act as 1—CRIMINAL—COURT, because this would require evidence beyond reasonable doubt.
20060121             —BASED, My assessment rather reflects 1—CONVICTION, upon careful EXAMINATION—OF—BALANCE—OF probabilities, as well as upon logical deductions from clearly established facts.
20060121             —INTENDED, It is not, to pronounce that the authorities of these countries are 'guilty' for having tolerated secret detention sites, but rather it is to hold them 'responsible' for failing to comply with the positive obligation to diligently investigate ANY—SERIOUS—ALLEGATION—OF—FUNDAMENTAL—RIGHTS—VIOLATIONS.
20060121             288. In this sense, it must be stated that to date, the —FOLLOWING member States could be held responsible, at varying degrees, which are not always settled definitively, for VIOLATIONS—OF—THE—RIGHTS—OF—SPECIFIC—PERSONS identified below (respecting the chronological order as far as possible): - SWEDEN, in the cases of AHMED—AGIZA and MOHAMED—ALZERY ; - BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA, in the cases of Lakhdar Boumediene, MOHAMED—NECHLE, Hadj Boudella, Belkacem Bensayah, MUSTAFA—AIT—IDIR and Saber Lahmar ( the "Algerian 6") ; - THE—UK in the cases of —BISHER AL—RAWI, JAMIL—EL—BANNA and Binyam Mohamed ; - ITALY, in the cases of ABU—OMAR and Maher Arar ; - "THE—FORMER—YUGOSLAVIA—REPUBLIC—OF—MACEDONIA", in THE—CASE—OF—KHALED—EL—MASRI ; - GERMANY, in the cases of ABU—OMAR, of the "Algerian 6", and Khaled EL—MASRI ; - TURKEY, in THE—CASE—OF—THE "Algerian 6".
20060121             289. SOME—OF—THESE above mentioned states, and others, could be held responsible for COLLUSION—ACTIVE or passive (in THE—SENSE—OF—HAVING tolerated or having been negligent in fulfilling the duty to supervise) - involving secret detention and unlawful INTER—STATE—TRANSFERS—OF—1—NON specified NUMBER—OF—PERSONS whose identity so far remains unknown: - POLAND and ROMANIA, concerning the running of secret detention centres; - GERMANY, TURKEY, SPAIN and CYPRUS for being 'staging points' for flights involving the unlawful TRANSFER—OF—DETAINEES; - IRELAND, THE—UK, PORTUGAL, GREECE and ITALY for being 'stopovers' for flights involving the unlawful TRANSFER—OF—DETAINEES.
20060121             290. Other States should still show greater willingness and zeal in the quest for truth, as serious indications show that their territory or their airspace might have been used, even unbeknownst, for illegal operations (the example of SWITZERLAND was cited in this context).
20060121             291. THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY is finally urged to create more transparency in THE—PLACES—OF—DETENTION in Kosovo, which to date qualify as 'black holes' that cannot even be accessed by THE—CPT.
20060121             This is frankly intolerable, considering that THE—INTERNATIONAL—INTERVENTION in this region was meant to restore order and lawfulness.
20060121             292. With regards to these extremely serious allegations, it is URGENT—THAT is the principal aim of this REPORT—THAT—ALL—COUNCIL—OF—EUROPE member states concerned finally comply with their positive obligation under THE—ECHR to investigate.
20060121—19540000    —SINCE, The pageant went without coverage from 1—MAJOR—TELEVISION—NETWORK for the 1. time, but aired on Country Music Television.
20060121—19980000    —SINCE, UK—FIRMS—TOP—FOREIGN spending on USA—LOBBYISTS : UK—COMPANIES have spent more than $165—MILLION (£93.7—MILLION) with 1—USA—LOBBYING industry that is being described by USA Democrat s as "PART—OF—1—POISON TREE—OF—CORRUPTION".
20060121—19990000    —FROM, WASHINGTON—POST—PIECE : "Gentlemen!
20060121—20010000    —FOLLOWED, If this administration had, through on the opportunity to capture OSAMA—BIN—LADEN at Tora Bora, the world would be 1—BETTER—PLACE with OSAMA—BIN—LADEN brought to justice -- and we wouldn't be having this discussion —TODAY.
20060121—20010000    —RAISED, Press accounts over the last —MONTH have, new concerns about the reliance on AFGHANISTAN—FORCES at Tora Bora.
20060121—20010911    —IN THE—MONTHS—BEFORE, THOUSANDS—OF—USA—CITIZENS were inadvertently swept up in wiretaps, had their emails monitored + were being watched as they surfed THE—INTERNET by spies at THE—SUPER—SECRET—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY, FORMER—NSA and counterterrorism officials said.
20060121—20020000    —IN—EARLY, But GARY—BERNSTEIN—BOOK—JAWBREAKER documents what I said and —DURING my debates with GEORGE—BUSH : that because DONALD—RUMSFELD—PENTAGON didn't use USA—TROOPS to do the job and instead outsourced the job of killing the world's #1 terrorist to AFGHANISTAN—WARLORDS, this cold blooded killer got away.
20060121—20031126    —ON, —DURING 1—INTERROGATION, he put 1—SLEEPING bag over THE—HEAD—OF—IRAQI—MAJOR—GENERAL—ABED—HAMED—MOWHOUSH and sat on his chest as the man suffocated.
20060121—20040000    —IN, they even dispatched their surrogate GENERAL—TOMMY—FRANKS to dismiss all those who say otherwise.
20060121—20040000    —IN—LATE, Interesting, wasn't it, how 1—OSAMA communication hit the public -- —JUST in time to help DEEP—6—JOHN—KERRY—CHANCES?
20060121—20050000    —HERBST—IM, fanden sie Reste eines Gebäudes aus dem 07010101—08001231    —CENTURY vor Christus.
20060121—20060000    —SPRING—OF, Petrodollar Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming IRAN—OIL—BOURSE : Despite the complete ABSENCE—OF—COVERAGE from THE—5—USA corporate media conglomerates, these foreign news stories suggest 1—OF—THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE—NIGHTMARES may begin to unfold in the, —WHEN it appears that INTERNATIONAL buyers will have 1—CHOICE—OF buying 1—BARREL—OF—OIL for $60—DOLLARS on THE—NYMEX and IPE—OR purchase 1—BARREL—OF—OIL for €45 - €50—EUROS—VIA THE—IRAN—BOURSE.
20060121—20060104    —SEIT—DEM, liegen die Temperaturen aber über dem Gefrierpunkt.
20060121—20060118    —ON, Noam Chomsky, 'THE—WAR—ON—TERROR', (full text) : Described by The New Yorker as 'one of the greatest minds of the 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY', Noam Chomsky gave 20060000             —THE Amnesty Lecture, hosted by Trinity College DUBLIN.
20060121—20060220    —ON, 1—JUDGE placed 6—MEN and 1—WOMAN under investigation for the alleged plot to kidnap and kill on religious, racial or ethnic motives.
20060121—20060600    —IN, The wreckage of the copter and the bodies of THE—7—PEOPLE on BOARD were found.
20060128             The aired tape was date 20060121          .
20060212             USA—REGIERUNG will Zugriff auf GOOGLE—ANFRAGEN.
20060212             20060121              - 20060121             :
20060213—20060121    —ON, † ILAN—HALIMI, 23—JAHRE—ALT, 1—YOUNG—JEWISH—MAN, in 1—PARIS suburb —AFTER being kidnapped and tortured —FOR—24—DAYS.
20060404             20050121 "Our position would be —JUST because the bank owns 1—SAFETY—DEPOSIT—BOX doesn't mean the contents belong to the bank".
20060520             20050121  Why does SENATOR—FEINSTEIN support War?:
20060720             SEC v. Blackwell et al., (USADISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA S.D. OHIO, Civil Action No.
20060720             C00630203             , filed 20030121             )
20060720             USA—SECURITIES & EXCHANGE COMMISSION Litigation Release NUMBER 17944 / 20030121              20060720              SEC v. Parker et al., (USADISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA S.D. OHIO, Civil Action No.
20060720             USA—SECURITIES & EXCHANGE COMMISSION Litigation Release NUMBER 17944 / 20030121
20060720             C00650203             , filed 20030121             )
20060720             C00640203             , filed 20030121             )
20060720—20030121    —ON, the Securities and Exchange Commission filed 3 related cases with THE—USA—DISTRICT—COURT—FOR—THE—SOUTH—DISTRICT—OF—OHIO,
20060720—20030121    —ON, the Securities and Exchange Commission filed 3 related cases with THE—USA—DISTRICT—COURT—FOR—THE—SOUTH—DISTRICT—OF—OHIO, charging 11—INDIVIDUALS and 2—ENTITIES with illegal insider trading in Worthington Foods, INCORPORATED ("Worthington") securities —PRIOR—TO the announcement 19991001             —ON of the Kellogg Company's ("Kellogg") acquisition of Worthington
20060813             taking advantage of 1—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT paralyzed by 1 complicated ethnic..., 20060813012140
20060813012140       20060824043045             —GMT, —THURSDAY 1—WAY—OF growing embryonic stem cells that could overcome ethical concerns is developed in THE—USA.
20061017             51, S. 12110000121800       00—DATE) berichtet —JETZT der Biologe JASON—WALTER:
20061128             Kosovo Albanians fought UN police in 1—PROTEST—OF—1—DELAY on 1—VOTE for independence —UNTIL—AFTER SERBIA—ELECTIONS 20060121         .
20061131—20241131    —DATE 20060216              20041210 ... DEFEX—PORTUGAL, Lda., Secord, Richard + his agents; + GEOMILITECH (GMT
20070121             —ENTERED, NEW—MEXICO—GOVERNOR—BILL—RICHARDSON, the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.
20070121             —BECAME, Lovie Smith, the 1. black head coach to make it to the Super Bowl —WHEN his CHICAGO Bears won THE—NFC championship, beating THE—NEW—ORLEANS Saints 39-14;
20070121             —BECAME, TONY—DUNGY, the 2. —WHEN his INDIANAPOLIS Colts took THE—AFC title over the New ENGLAND Patriots, 38-34.
20070121             More than 1—FOOT—OF—SNOW fell on PARTS—OF—NORTH—ARIZONA, —WHILE children as far south as TUCSON got 1—RARE—CHANCE to play in the snow.
20070121             † ZDZISLAW—RURARZ, 1—FORMER—POLAND—AMBASSADOR to JAPAN, of cancer in VIRGINIA.
20070121             —TITLED, In SF the column was, Grab Bag.
20070121             —LEAKED, Oil, from THE—NAPOLI, stricken freighter beached on THE—ENGLAND—SOUTHWEST coast, 2—CONTAINERS of hazardous chemicals fell into the sea as salvage crews struggled to operate.
20070121             —ANNOUNCED, CANADA, it will spend $25—MILLION to protect, the Great Bear Rainforest, a 16—MILLION—ACRE preserve that stretches 250—MILES along UK—COLUMBIA'S rugged Pacific coastline, 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—INTACT temperate rainforests left in the world.
20070121             THE—DENMARK—CONTAINER ship ELEONORA—MAERSK, 1—OF—THE—LARGEST ships in the world, was officially registered.
20070121             GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL met with PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN in the Black Sea resort of SOCHI for talks set to focus on securing guarantees for energy supplies to THE—EU.
20070121             —PROMISED, Putin, to smooth energy flow to EUROPE.
20070121             —CALLED, Embattled PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA—PRESIDENT—LANSANA—CONTE, on his country's armed forces to stand united in the face of 1—CRIPPLING general strike that has claimed 10—LIVES as pressure mounted for him to resign.
20070121             —CALLED, The African Union, on PRESIDENT—CONTE to pursue talks with trade union leaders to ease a 12—DAY—OLD—STRIKE.
20070121             —KILLED, INDIA, at least 1—PERSON was, and 8 wounded in 2—SEPARATE—EXPLOSIONS in THE—INSURGENCY—HIT NORTH—EAST—STATE—OF—ASSAM.
20070121             1—MAJOR 6.5-magnitude undersea earthquake has rocked INDONESIA—NORTH—SULAWESI province.
20070121             —INJURED, The earthquake left 4—PEOPLE—DEAD and 4.
20070121             —ANNOUNCED, Radical Shiite cleric Muqtada AL—SADR—BLOC, it is lifting its political boycott, SOME— 7—WEEKS—AFTER it began to protest THE—IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—SUMMIT with PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20070121             1—BOMB struck 1—SMALL—BUS in BAGHDAD as it headed to 1—PREDOMINANTLY—SHIITE area, killing 6—PASSENGERS and wounding 10. 2—USA—MARINES were killed in separate attacks in the Anbar province.
20070121             —KILLED, Another USA—SOLDIER was, in fighting SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20070121             —LAUNCHED, Islamic Jihad militants, homemade rockets into ISRAEL from THE—GAZA Strip in retaliation for ISRAEL—CONTINUING military operations against their group in THE—WEST—BANK.
20070121             —SEIZED, RUSSIA—BORDER—POLICE, 1—JAPAN—FISHING boat and its 6—CREW members in disputed waters between THE—2—COUNTRIES, prompting THE—JAPAN—GOVERNMENT to protest.
20070121             —CAPTURED, THE—NUMBER 38—ZUISHO Maru was, off Kunashiri Island, 1—OF 4 disputed islands in 1—GROUP—THE—JAPAN—CALL THE—NORTH—TERRITORIES and the Russians call the Kurils.
20070121             —VOTED, Serbs, in parliamentary elections that could determine whether the troubled Balkan nation will continue with PRO—WESTERN—REFORM or return to its nationalist past.
20070121             —OUSTED, Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, 1—TOP—LEADER—OF—SOMALIA'S, Islamic movement seen by THE—USA as 1—POTENTIAL—KEY to preventing 1—WIDESPREAD—INSURGENCY, surrendered to authorities and went under police protection in NAIROBI.
20070121             —RAMMED, SRI—LANKA—NORTHERN, waters Tiger rebels, 1—EXPLOSIVES—LADEN boat against 1—PRIVATE merchant vessel operated by foreign crew, sparking 1—LAND, sea and air battle.
20070121             —ACCUSED, Darfur rebels, THE—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT—OF—BOMBING its areas —FOR—2—DAYS, killing at least 17—CIVILIANS, in 1—ATTEMPT to delay 1—CONFERENCE—OF—REBEL—LEADERS.
20070121             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ told USA—OFFICIALS to "Go to hell, gringos!" and called SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE "missy" on his weekly radio and TV show, lashing out at WASHINGTON for what he called unacceptable meddling in his country's affairs.
20070121             with SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON announcing her intention to run for PRESIDENT.
20070121             —WHILE SENATOR—CLINTON is technically only launching 1—EXPLORATORY committee,
20070121             the papers all treat it as the official START—OF—HER—CAMPAIGN, understandable —SINCE the sound bite from her announcement video is "I'm in and I'm in to win".
20070121             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20070121             but leads instead with reports that THE—PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT may be aiding 1—RESURGENT—TALIBAN.
20070121             Everyone points out that SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA, D—ILLINOIS, announcing 1—EXPLORATORY committee last —WEEK may have forced CLINTON—HAND.
20070121             The papers all argue CLINTON had to act —NOW to keep potential donors from defecting to OBAMA—RANKS,
20070121             as billionaire philanthropist GEORGE—SOROS did last —WEEK.
20070121             —TIMED, THE—WP reports that CLINTON—ANNOUNCEMENT was, to undercut next —WEEK—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS.
20070121             All the paper's call CLINTON the presumptive primary frontrunner, —BEFORE adding all the usual caveats about CLINTON—CHANCES in a national race,
20070121             her slimmer profile in several early primary contests and the generally unpredictable nature of presidential primaries.
20070121             THE—NYT plays up the divided LOYALTIES—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—CLINTON staffers, donors and supporters who'll have tough choices to make in the months ahead.
20070121             For THE—WP, this angle is 1—SEPARATE—STORY, focusing on ILLINOIS Dem.
20070121             THE—MASTERMIND—OF—THE—DEM—CONGRESSIONAL takeover last fall, who got his start in BILL—CLINTON—WHITEHOUSE,
20070121             but has 1—LONGSTANDING friendship with THE—OBAMA.
20070121             THE—WP also teases inside features on HILLARY—SUPPORT from women voters
20070121             of her website.
20070121             SENATOR—CLINTON—ANNOUNCEMENT came the same —DAY that SENATOR—SAM—BROWNBACK,
20070121             his candidacy and 1—DAY—BEFORE NEW—MEXICO—DEMOCRAT—GOVERNOR—BILL—RICHARDSON is expected to add his name to the list of Presidential wannabes.
20070121             To continue reading, click here. Le Cercle
20070121             Sun Valley MEETINGS—BOHEMIAN GROVE—JASON Group
20070121             Unacknowledged Special Access PROGRAMS—PEAK OIL—THE—UFO issue
20070121             —CREDITED, Besides that, Shackley is, with having operated a "Secret Team" of assassins,
20070121             drug traffickers + arms salesman, which CONSISTED—OF—GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB,
20070121             RAPHAEL—QUINTERO, FELIX—RODRIGUEZ, EDWIN—WILSON, RICHARD—ARMITAGE and likely a few others.
20070121             CONRAD—GERBER is another Cercle member with 1—CONNECTION to this region.
20070121             He worked as 1—ECONOMIST in the white minority government of Rhodesia
20070121             He did this with controversial partners as JOHN—DEUSS and Ted Shackley, the latter becoming 1—OF—HIS—CLOSEST—FRIENDS.
20070121             So close, that Gerber was even present at Shackley's deathbed (85).
20070121             The greatest enemy of the Cercle has been THE—SOVIET—UNION and members have been crusading against communist subversion for MANY—DECADES.
20070121             —DURING this process, Cercle members unfortunately have accused almost EVERY—NATIONALIST and socialist government,
20070121             Le Cercle and t he struggle for the European continent | Membership list
20070121             Once 1—MEETING place of the Cercle. "I had 1. learned about it
20070121             "Formed in the Fifties... 1—OF—THE—MOST influential,
20070121             secretive, and, it goes without saying, exclusive political
20070121             off the record". Another simply put the phone down... The source of its funding is 1—MYSTERY..".
20070121             —MENTIONED, At least 2—OTHER—NAMES were, by GREER—CONVERSATION—PARTNER: MAXWELL—RABB and the Petersons.
20070121             Rabb has been working in THE—SHADOWS—OF—SOME—VERY—IMPORTANT—PEOPLE:
20070121             the Pilgrims executive HENRY—CABOT—LODGE and the alleged CO—FOUNDER—OF—MJ 12, JAMES—FORRESTAL.
20070121             Forrestal was 1—VERY—IMPORTANT—BANKER at Dillon, Read & Co., the Pilgrims bank that had those business deals with FRITZ—THYSSEN,
20070121             next to Hjalmar Schacht the most important backer of Hitler.
20070121             might also have been 1—MAJOR—PLAYER in THE—SO—CALLED—POST—WAR—FASCIST—INTERNATIONAL.
20070121             His bio can be found here.
20070121             Pete Peterson, 1—OF—THE 4 or 5—HEADS—OF—THE—CFR —SINCE THE—END—OF—WWII,
20070121             All these people are busy with "opening up" CHINA—DOMESTIC—MARKET.
20070121             Peterson is HEAD—OF—THE—BLACKSTONE—GROUP, 1—FRONT—COMPANY for USA—INTELLIGENCE to launder money, according to some.
20070121             It owned the WTC7 mortgage
20070121             1—SHORTER—VERSION can be found in the ;;06;;
20070121             13—UPDATE, in which he was identified as 1—PILGRIMS—SOCIETY—MEMBER.
20070121             —COLLABORATED, THE—CIA + MI6, to spread disinformation about the Labour Party +
20070121             THE—EXISTENCE—OF—OPERATION—STAY Behind has been officially admitted in :
20070121             Sollten die USA aus dem Irak abziehen? - Seite 4 - FTD Debatte
20070121             —GESCHLOSSEN, GUANTANAMO wird nicht, sondern ausgebaut: keine Protestnote aus BERLIN
20070121             und dem in VIETNAM über Zivilisten versprühten Agent ORANGE besteht.
20070121             At SOME—POINT they will have to cave into THE—WILL—OF—THE—MASSES or face loss
20070121             and then —JUST like FALLUJAH,
20070121             Ramadi, Tel Afar, the insurgents will flee to
20070121             Fight To Survive: The Sure Cure For Boredom
20070121             —FAILED, There is no bright END—OF—THE—TUNNEL for W's, and flawed presidency...
20070121             Kritik an einer möglichen Freilassung Klars übte der Stuttgarter Generalstaatsanwalt Pflieger.
20070121             Er sagte, bei früheren Entlassungen von RAF—HÄFTLINGEN hätten gesundheitliche Gründe vorgelegen und die Inhaftierten hätten ihre Taten bedauert.
20070121             Diese Kriterien seien im Fall Klar nicht zu erkennen.
20070121             "Gnade vor Recht sollte die ganz große Ausnahme bleiben",
20070121             sagte der Generalstaatsanwalt, der die Anklagen gegen Klar + Mohnhaupt dem Bericht zufolge koordiniert hatte.
20070121             Zu hoffen ist, dass Amerikaner und Chinesen zur Vernunft kommen und sich an einen Tisch setzen, um die Aufrüstung im All zu verhindern.
20070121             Mit dem kriegerischen Präsidenten BUSH ist dies allerdings kaum zu erwarten.
20070121             Nun demonstrieren die Chinesen, dass sie auch im Weltraum mithalten wollen.
20070121             —SCHON lange haben Falken im Militär die ENTWICKLUNG—VON—ANTI—SATELLITEN—WAFFEN gefordert.
20070121             Es ist allerdings hilfreich, den WELTRAUM—KNALLER in die richtige Perspektive zu setzen.
20070121             Man kann sich des Gefühls nicht erwehren, dass aus WASHINGTON 1—WELLE—DER—HEUCHELEI heranschwappt.
20070121             Denn die Amerikaner erheben den Anspruch, als einzige Nation den Kosmos militarisieren zu dürfen.
20070121             Das PENTAGON beantragte im vorigen —JAHR HUNDERTE—VON—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR,
20070121             um Weltraumwaffen zu erproben, darunter Raketen und 1—LASERWAFFE, die in der Lage sind, Satelliten in 1—STAUBWOLKE zu verwandeln.
20070121             Die Proteste der späten 19600000              ER und 19700000              JAHRE—UM nur auf die späten Ereignisse in einer durchaus langen Kette reniten10 Verhaltens HINZUWEISEN—ENTLUDEN sich in der Bundesrepublik heftiger als in den meisten anderen Ländern dieser Welt.
20070121             Die Orte gemeinsamer Erfahrungen und Verständigungsprozesse über kollektive Arbeit,
20070121             Organisationen und Handlungen sind im Vergleich zur originären Industriegesellschaft minimal geworden.
20070121             Wenn im wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung die Inhaber des "Normalerwerbsverhältnisses" und die Repräsentanten der alten "Bürgerlichkeit" sie noch weiter abhängen sollten,
20070121             dann wird die Frustration sich entladen.
20070121             Doch richtig ist eher das Gegenteil.
20070121             In ökonomischen Krisen sind die davon hauptsächlich betroffenen Menschen meist ermattet,
20070121             ohne Hoffnung, dadurch passiv, resigniert.
20070121             In Zeiten wirtschaftlicher Dürre und Entbehrung hissen die Menschen nicht die Fahnen des Umsturzes.
20070121             In solchen Zeiten fehlt ihnen dazu einfach die Energie, gewissermaßen die Kraft für eine andere Zukunft.
20070121             —ERST müssen sich die strangulierenden Fesseln der ökonomischen Pressionen zu lösen beginnen.
20070121             —ERST muss sich das soziale Elend in bewusste Unzufriedenheit übersetzen können.
20070121             —ERST dann ist langfristig angelegte Auflehnung und Gegenwehr ernsthaft zu erwarten.
20070121             Putin und Merkel: Gipfeltreffen VORBEI—IRRITATIONEN bleiben
20070121             Gnadendebatte: Politiker wollen RAF—RÄDELSFÜHRER freilassen
20070121             Haushaltskrise: Libyen feuert 400.000—STAATSANGESTELLTE
20070121             —REBELLIERT, Raketentest: Peking, gegen Amerikas ALL—MACHT
20070121             —VERLIERT, Sturmschäden: Havariertes Schiff, GIFT—CONTAINER
20070121             Tropischer Parasit: Würmer im Blut als Reisesouvenir
20070121             Palästinensische EINHEITS—REGIERUNG: Treffen zwischen Abbas und Maschaal geplatzt
20070121             MEDIEN—ETHIK: 11. ;;09;;
20070121             Frequent rumors that his company was in THE—EMPLOY—OF—THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY,
20070121             were never substantiated, but Wackenhut, who was obsessive about HIGH—TECH—SECURITY—GADGETS in his private life,
20070121             did not discourage the suggestion.
20070121             Several of his senior executives were FORMER—CIA—OPERATIVES + his company's BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS
20070121             included FORMER—FBI director CLARENCE—M—KELLEY, and deputy CIA director FRANK—CARLUCCI.
20070121             00.000.19 91, committee investigated charges that 1—WACKENHUT executive, working for 1—CONSORTIUM
20070121             of oil companies, illegally spied on 1—WHISTLEBLOWER,
20070121             former independent oil executive Chuck Hamel,
20070121             exposing environmental damage caused by the Exxon Valdez oil spill
20070121             —DISCUSSED, The executive, who had also, trying to implicate a CALIFORNIA
20070121             congressman in his sting, resigned —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER 1—MEETING with GEORGE—WACKENHUT.
20070121             Defendant turns on others, tells of rape, killing Good article on the horrific 19790000              rape and MURDER—OF—JANET—CHANDLER
20070121             MISTER—BENN where has our £400m AFGHANISTAN—AID—MONEY gone?:
20070121             —PUMPED, HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—POUNDS in UK—AID has been, into AFGHANISTAN to help children like little Dawoud.
20070121             And yet he is dying.
20070121             CHINA Shows Assertiveness in Weapons Test:
20070121             CHINA—APPARENT—SUCCESS in destroying 1—OF—ITS—OWN orbiting satellites with 1—BALLISTIC—MISSILE—SIGNALS that its rising military intends to contest USA—SUPREMACY in space,
20070121             a realm MANY—HERE consider increasingly crucial to national security.
20070121             CHINA—MISSILE destroys satellite in space:
20070121             —JOINED, BRITAIN —TODAY, THE—USA, JAPAN and AUSTRALIA—CONDEMNATION—OF—CHINA—AFTER the communist country used 1—BALLISTIC—MISSILE to destroy 1—ORBITING satellite.
20070121             BEIJING secretly fires lasers to disable USA—SATELLITES:
20070121             —FIRED, CHINA has secretly, powerful laser weapons designed to disable USA—SPY—SATELLITES by "blinding" their sensitive surveillance devices, it was reported —YESTERDAY.
20070121             ROBERT—FISK : AWARD—WINNING writer shot by assassin in ISTANBUL street:
20070121             And he paid the price : 2—BULLETS shot into his head and 2—INTO his body by 1—ASSASSIN in THE—STREETS—OF—ISTANBUL —YESTERDAY afternoon.
20070121             THE—FUTURE—OF—FOOD : Video:
20070121             THE—FUTURE—OF—FOOD—OFFERS 1—IN—DEPTH investigation into the disturbing truth behind the unlabeled,
20070121             patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly filled grocery store shelves for the past —DECADE
20070121             Kurdish IRAQ—SOLDIERS are deserting to avoid the conflict in BAGHDAD:
20070121             Kurdish soldiers from NORTH—IRAQ, who are mostly Sunnis but not Arabs,
20070121             are deserting the army to avoid the civil war in BAGHDAD, 1—CONFLICT they consider someone else's problem.
20070121             —HEEDED, Andrea, AMERICA—CALL + paid with her life:
20070121             All foreigners are targets in IRAQ, Americans especially.
20070121             Even those who come to the country to do good share the fate of those who come to kill.
20070121             Bush Vs. War Powers Act:
20070121             —INVOKED, THE—IRAQ resolution, the War Powers Clause, —THEREFORE requiring THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA to gain congressional approval for all troop deployment,
20070121             as stated in Section 2(b) of the War Powers Act, which points to the Necessary and Proper CLAUSE—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION as the basis for legislation on the war powers.
20070121             War costs to hit $8.4bn per —MONTH :
20070121             The steadily rising IRAQ war price —TAG will reach about $8.4—BILLION 1—MONTH this —YEAR, PENTAGON spokesmen said
20070121             USA contingency planning for military action against IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM goes beyond limited strikes and would effectively unleash 1—WAR against the country,
20070121             1—FORMER—USA intelligence analyst said —ON—FRIDAY.
20070121             1—PISHMERGA source said that IRAN has beefed up its troops stationed along the main border crossing (Pashmakh),
20070121             midway between the Kurdish Penjavin city + THE—IRAN—MIRIWAN city.
20070121             Or be complicit in nuclear war CRIMES—BY JORGE—HIRSCH
20070121             PRESIDENT—BUSH is invoking his "COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF" authority to escalate the war in IRAQ + he will likely also invoke it to launch 1—AERIAL attack against IRAN.
20070121             —ABDICATED, Congress has long ago, and delegated to THE—PRESIDENT—ITS—CONSTITUTIONAL—RESPONSIBILITY to initiate wars.
20070121             This is 1—FAR cry FROM—BUSH—WAR—ON—PERCEPTION
20070121             We've heard 1—LOT about THE—BOMBING—OF—SAMARRA—GOLDEN—MOSQUE lately.
20070121             BUSH has brought it up twice in the last —WEEK alone.
20070121             It's 1—CRITICAL—PART—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—RATIONALE for the occupation of IRAQ,
20070121             so we can expect to be reminded of it nearly as often as 20010911          .
20070121             Government routinely lies + so do MANY—CORPORATIONS.
20070121             That mysterious commitment to the public good,
20070121             which once joined Americans from MANY—DIFFERENT—CLASSES and positions, seems to have dissolved.
20070121             Integrity, which simply means being true REGARDLESS—OF—CONSEQUENCES to one's own beliefs,
20070121             seems to have no market value in AMERICAN—TODAY.
20070121             CONTINUE—AGENTS—OF—INFLUENCE-
20070121             Did Ariel Sharon, THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OF—ISRAEL, run 1—COVERT—PROGRAM with operatives in HIGH—LEVEL—USA—GOVERNMENT—POSITIONS to influence THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—DECISION to go to war in IRAQ?
20070121             THE—FBI wants to know. CONTINUE—ROGUE STATE—AMERICA
20070121             —VIOLATED, As far as I can tell, we have, INTERNATIONAL law, committed war crimes, helped AL—QAEDA recruit new members + involved ourselves in 1—GUERRILLA—WAR that could last decades.
20070121             It has been almost 100 and 10—YEARS—SINCE the 1. Zionist Congress was held and nearly 90—YEARS have passed —SINCE the Balfour Declaration (19170000             ) was issued.
20070121             It's been —JUST under 6—DECADES—SINCE the formation of the Jewish State and the mass ethnic cleansing of the vast majority of the indigenous PALESTINE—POPULATION took place.
20070121             1—NEW—LINE—OF thinking transpired —DURING Ariel SHARON—ADMINISTRATION.
20070121             —FIXATED, THE—IRON—FISTED military man, once, on annexing the remainder of occupied Palestine,
20070121             came to grips with ISRAEL—DEMOGRAPHIC—REALITY: ISRAEL could not forever control the occupied territories without eventually assuming responsibility of its inhabitants.
20070121             Medical Apartheid: The Dark HISTORY—OF—MEDICAL—EXPERIMENTATION on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present (Hardcover):
20070121             "This is 1—STUNNING work, broad in scope and well documented, revealing 1—HISTORY that reverberates in African Americans' continued distrust of the medical profession".
20070121             OREGON Bar asks lawyer about mysterious jet OWNER—OF—CIA—RENDITION—PLANE 1/21
20070121             THE—REALITY—OF—BUSH—KAFKAESQUE—FIASCO: Insurgent TV channel turns into IRAQ—NEWEST—CULT hit
20070121             With 1—YEAR to Go —BEFORE the 1. Primary,
20070121             Clinton Anouncement Sends Race Into High Gear
20070121             BILL—MOYERS: Life on the Plantation -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20070121             WILL—THE—CLINTON—ENTRY—PROPEL—CALIFORNIA to Move Its Primary Up to ;;02;;, 20080000             ?
20070121             Castro battling for his life, says Chavez 1/21
20070121             —NOW, according to BOB—FITRAKIS and HARVEY—WASSERMAN,
20070121             criminal prosecutions have arisen from that morass: Prosecutors say these cases involve "rigging" the recount in Cuyahoga County (CLEVELAND),
20070121             where TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—VOTES were shifted from JOHN—KERRY to GEORGE—W—BUSH, or else never counted.
20070121             —MEANWHILE, corroborating evidence continues to surface —THROUGHOUT OHIO illuminating THE—GOP—THEFT—OF—THE—PRESIDENCY.
20070121             —OPENED, According to THE—AP, County Prosecutor KEVIN—BAXTER, the Cuyahoga trial by charging that "the evidence will show that this recount was rigged,
20070121             maybe not for political reasons, but rigged nonetheless". Baxter said THE—3—ELECTION—WORKERS "did this so they could spend 1—DAY rather than weeks or months" on the recount.
20070121             But CLEVELAND, which usually gives Democrats 1—EXTREMELY heavy margin, was crucial to BUSH 's alleged victory of roughly 118,000 votes out of 5.5—MILLION counted.
20070121             Some 600,000 votes were cast or counted in Cuyahoga County.
20070121             —VARIED, But official turnout and vote counts, wildly and improbably from precinct to precinct.
20070121             —REPORTED, Overall the county, about a 60% turnout.
20070121             But several predominantly black precincts, where voters went more than 80% for KERRY, reported turnouts of 30% or less.
20070121             —REPORTED, In 1—WARD, only a 7% turnout was, —WHILE surrounding precincts were nearly 10—TIMES as high.
20070121             Independent studies indicate KERRY THOUSANDS—OF—VOTES in Cuyahoga County that rightfully should have been counted in his column.
20070121             The story goes on to describe what we already knew: —DURING the recount, OHIO law required 1—RANDOM sampling of precincts;
20070121             instead, the choice was anything but random.
20070121             —MEANWHILE, DANIEL—HOPSICKER has 1—NEW—STORY
20070121             —ON SARASOTA County and the questionable FLORIDA 13—RACE.
20070121             THE—IMPEACHMENT—OF—THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL makes perfect sense.
20070121             We have ample grounds for this move in the firings of independent prosecutors and his denial that the Constitution grants 1—INHERENT—RIGHT to habeus corpus.
20070121             Go here to find out more.
20070121             CONNECTICUT, unsuccessfully tries to attach 1—KEG of gunpowder to the hull of HMS Eagle, Admiral HOWE—FLAGSHIP, anchored in NEW—YORK harbor.
20070121             —EXPLODED, However, the powder keg, in the harbor prompting THE—USA—GENERAL—PUTNAM to exclaim,
20070121             "God 'scurse 'em, that'll do it for 'em".
20070121             DoD News: DONALD—WINTER—SWORN—IN as New SECRETARY—OF—THE—NAVY
20070121             Der GRÜNEN—POLITIKER Volker Beck nannte es völlig unverständlich, warum die Türkei Dink trotz Morddrohungen keinen Personenschutz gewährt habe.
20070121             Dink war allein, als er am Freitagnachmittag vor dem Gebäude seiner Redaktion erschossen wurde.
20070121             Der Istanbuler Gouverneur Muammer Güler wies die Vorwürfe zurück.
20070121             Dink habe keinen Schutz beantragt und deshalb auch keinen bekommen.
20070121             —AFFECTED, EX—FEMA CHIEF: Politics, Katrina response - + FORMER—DEFENSE SECRETARY
20070121             and THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—AND on the technical prowess
20070121             director BOBBY—RAY—INMAN—EACH - FORMER—NATIONAL Security AGENCY—FRONTS Hillary, lead
20070121             —BY—WACKENHUT Security Guards.
20070121             THE—WASHINGTON—POST and THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—EACH—LEAD with SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON announcing her intention to run for PRESIDENT.
20070121             —WHILE SENATOR—CLINTON is technically only launching 1—EXPLORATORY committee, the papers all treat it as the official START—OF—HER—CAMPAIGN, understandable —SINCE the sound bite from her announcement video is "I'm in and I'm in to win".
20070121             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—FRONTS—HILLARY, but leads instead with reports that THE—PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT may be aiding 1—RESURGENT—TALIBAN.
20070121             The papers all argue Clinton had to act —NOW to keep potential donors from defecting to OBAMA—RANKS, as billionaire philanthropist GEORGE—SOROS did last —WEEK.
20070121             All the paper's call Clinton the presumptive primary frontrunner, —BEFORE adding all the usual caveats about CLINTON—CHANCES in 1—NATIONAL—RACE, her slimmer profile in several early primary contests and the generally unpredictable nature of presidential primaries.
20070121             REPRESENTATIVE—RAHM—EMANUEL, THE—MASTERMIND—OF—THE—DEM—CONGRESSIONAL takeover last fall, who got his start in BILL—CLINTON—WHITEHOUSE, but has 1—LONGSTANDING friendship with the Obama.
20070121             THE—WP also teases inside features on HILLARY—SUPPORT from women voters and on the technical prowess of her website.
20070121             SENATOR—CLINTON—ANNOUNCEMENT came the same —DAY that SENATOR—SAM—BROWNBACK, R—KAN., announced his candidacy and 1—DAY—BEFORE NEW—MEXICO—DEMOCRAT—GOVERNOR—BILL—RICHARDSON is expected to add his name to the list of Presidential wannabes.
20070121             To continue reading, click here.
20070121             to be "National Sanctity of Human Life —DAY, 20070000             ".
20070121             Front PAGE—ARCHIVES
20070121             —CREDITED, Besides that, Shackley is, with having operated a "Secret Team" of assassins, drug traffickers + arms salesman, which CONSISTED—OF—GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB, THOMAS—CLINES, CARL—JENKINS, DAVID—MORALES, RAPHAEL—QUINTERO, FELIX—RODRIGUEZ, EDWIN—WILSON, RICHARD—ARMITAGE and likely 1—FEW others.
20070121             —ACCUSED, —DURING this process, Cercle members unfortunately have, almost EVERY—NATIONALIST and socialist government, EVERY—LABOUR—UNION, EVERY—TERRORIST + EVERY—SERIOUS—INVESTIGATOR—OF—WESTERN—INTELLIGENCE—OF being in bed with THE—KGB.
20070121             Private bridge between VATICAN—PANEUROPEAN—AND ANGLO—USA—INTELLIGENCE—HOTEL Negresco in NICE—FRANCE.
20070121             Once 1—MEETING place of the Cercle.
20070121             "Formed in the Fifties... 1—OF—THE—MOST influential, secretive, and, it goes without saying, exclusive political
20070121             clubs in the West... 1—MEMBER contacted by this newspaper said he could not talk about it "even off, off the record".
20070121             Another simply put the phone down... The source of its funding is 1—MYSTERY..".
20070121             Rabb has been working in THE—SHADOWS—OF—SOME—VERY—IMPORTANT—PEOPLE: the Pilgrims executive HENRY—CABOT—LODGE and the alleged CO—FOUNDER—OF—MJ 12, JAMES—FORRESTAL.
20070121             Forrestal was 1—VERY—IMPORTANT—BANKER at Dillon, Read & Co., the Pilgrims bank that had those business deals with FRITZ—THYSSEN, next to Hjalmar Schacht the most important backer of Hitler.
20070121             Interestingly, Rabb has LONG—TIME—CONNECTIONS to THE—ITALIAN—USA mafia and
20070121             His bio can be FOUND—HERE.
20070121             It OWNED—PETERSON—FULL bio can be FOUND—HERE.
20070121             Sollten die USA aus dem Irak abziehen? - Seite 4 - FTD Debatte GUANTANAMO wird nicht geschlossen, sondern ausgebaut: keine Protestnote aus BERLIN... und dem in VIETNAM über Zivilisten versprühten Agent ORANGE besteht.
20070121             Shining Light In Dark Corners: Conditions in IRAQ Archives
20070121             At SOME—POINT they will have to cave into THE—WILL—OF—THE—MASSES or face loss... and then —JUST like FALLUJAH, Ramadi, Tel Afar, the insurgents will flee to...
20070121             Fight To Survive: The Sure Cure For Boredom There is no bright END—OF—THE—TUNNEL for W's failed and flawed presidency...
20070121             Then we went to TEl Afar and got told that we had to stay for 1—YEAR—NOW.
20070121             "Gnade vor Recht sollte die ganz große Ausnahme bleiben", sagte der Generalstaatsanwalt, der die Anklagen gegen Klar + Mohnhaupt dem Bericht zufolge koordiniert hatte.
20070121             Sie beweisen den Nachbarn, dass sie in der Lage sind, mit einem Schlag die Kommunikation über ASIEN zu kappen.
20070121             Das Pentagon beantragte im vorigen —JAHR HUNDERTE—VON—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR, um Weltraumwaffen zu erproben, darunter Raketen und 1—LASERWAFFE, die in der Lage sind, Satelliten in 1—STAUBWOLKE zu verwandeln.
20070121             Chinesen holen USA—TESTS aus den achtziger Jahren nach
20070121             Die Orte gemeinsamer Erfahrungen und Verständigungsprozesse über kollektive Arbeit, Organisationen und Handlungen sind im Vergleich zur originären Industriegesellschaft minimal geworden.
20070121             Wenn im wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung die Inhaber des "Normalerwerbsverhältnisses" und die Repräsentanten der alten "Bürgerlichkeit" sie noch weiter abhängen sollten, dann wird die Frustration sich entladen.
20070121             In ökonomischen Krisen sind die davon hauptsächlich betroffenen Menschen meist ermattet, ohne Hoffnung, dadurch passiv, resigniert.
20070121             MEDIEN—ETHIK: 20070911              - Wackenhut and THE—CIA
20070121             Frequent rumors that his company was in THE—EMPLOY—OF—THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, particularly in the 1960s, were never substantiated, but Wackenhut, who was obsessive about HIGH—TECH—SECURITY—GADGETS in his private life, did not discourage the suggestion.
20070121             —ON rare occasions, the company's clandestine work did land in the headlines.
20070121             —DISCUSSED, The executive, who had also, trying to implicate 1—CALIFORNIA congressman in his sting, resigned —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER 1—MEETING with GEORGE—WACKENHUT.
20070121             Defendant turns on others, tells of rape, killing Good article on the horrific 19790000              rape and MURDER—OF—JANET—CHANDLER by Wackenhut Security Guards.
20070121             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX—MISTER—BENN where has our £400m AFGHANISTAN—AID—MONEY gone?
20070121             CHINA Shows Assertiveness in Weapons Test: CHINA—APPARENT—SUCCESS in destroying 1—OF—ITS—OWN orbiting satellites with 1—BALLISTIC—MISSILE—SIGNALS that its rising military intends to contest USA—SUPREMACY in space, 1—REALM MANY—HERE consider increasingly crucial to national security.
20070121             —JOINED, CHINA—MISSILE destroys satellite in space : BRITAIN —TODAY, THE—USA, JAPAN and AUSTRALIA—CONDEMNATION—OF—CHINA—AFTER the communist country used 1—BALLISTIC—MISSILE to destroy 1—ORBITING satellite.
20070121             BEIJING secretly fires lasers to disable USA—SATELLITES : CHINA has secretly fired powerful laser weapons designed to disable USA—SPY—SATELLITES by "blinding" their sensitive surveillance devices, it was reported —YESTERDAY.
20070121             THE—FUTURE—OF—FOOD—OFFERS 1—IN—DEPTH investigation into the disturbing truth behind the unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly filled grocery store shelves for the past —DECADE
20070121             Kurdish IRAQ—SOLDIERS are deserting to avoid the conflict in BAGHDAD : Kurdish soldiers from NORTH—IRAQ, who are mostly Sunnis but not Arabs, are deserting the army to avoid the civil war in BAGHDAD, 1—CONFLICT they consider someone else's problem.
20070121             —HEEDED, Andrea, AMERICA—CALL + paid with her life : All foreigners are targets in IRAQ, Americans especially.
20070121             Bush Vs. War Powers Act : THE—IRAQ resolution invoked the War Powers Clause, —THEREFORE requiring THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA to gain congressional approval for all troop deployment, as stated in Section 2(b) of the War Powers Act, which points to the Necessary and Proper CLAUSE—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION as the basis for legislation on the war powers.
20070121             USA—PLANS—ENVISION—BROAD—ATTACK on IRAN—ANALYST : USA—CONTINGENCY planning for military action against IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM goes beyond limited strikes and would effectively unleash 1—WAR against the country, 1—FORMER—USA—INTELLIGENCE—ANALYST said on —FRIDAY.
20070121             IRAN masses troops along borders with IRAQ—SOURCE :
20070121             1—PISHMERGA source said that IRAN has beefed up its troops stationed along the main border crossing (Pashmakh), midway between the Kurdish Penjavin city + THE—IRAN—MIRIWAN city.
20070121             How Congress Can Stop THE—IRAN Attack
20070121             - Or be complicit in nuclear war CRIMES—BY JORGE—HIRSCH
20070121             Yet Congress still has 1—SUREFIRE way to influence events: it has the constitutional authority to make the "nuclear option" against IRAN illegal.
20070121             In so doing, it would stop the relentless drive to war against IRAN dead in its tracks.
20070121             Show Me The Intelligence
20070121             —NOTICED, Have you ? Neither PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH nor VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY have cited ANY—USA—INTELLIGENCE—ASSESSMENTS to support their fateful decision to send 21,500 more troops to referee the civil war in IRAQ.
20070121             It's 1—CRITICAL—PART—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—RATIONALE for the occupation of IRAQ, so we can expect to be reminded of it nearly as often as 20010911          .
20070121             THE—CENTRAL—QUESTION—GOVERNMENT routinely lies + so do MANY—CORPORATIONS.
20070121             That mysterious commitment to the public good, which once joined Americans from MANY—DIFFERENT—CLASSES and positions, seems to have dissolved.
20070121             Integrity, which simply means being true REGARDLESS—OF—CONSEQUENCES to one's own beliefs, seems to have no market value in AMERICAN—TODAY.
20070121             AGENTS—OF—INFLUENCE
20070121             THE—FBI wants to know. Rogue STATE—AMERICA
20070121             What exactly are we doing in the horn of AFRICA, where we have encouraged the Christian government of ETHIOPIA to invade SOMALIA and replace its Islamic government?
20070121             100—YEARS—OF—JEWISH—SOLITUDE—ZIONISM is no longer 1—YOUNG—MOVEMENT.
20070121             ISRAEL/Palastine : 1—COUNTRY: Reviewing 1—ALTERNATIVE—VISION
20070121             —FIXATED, THE—IRON—FISTED military man, once, on annexing the remainder of occupied Palestine, came to grips with ISRAEL—DEMOGRAPHIC—REALITY: ISRAEL could not forever control the occupied territories without eventually assuming responsibility of its inhabitants.
20070121             Who WILL—RESCIND—BUSH and CHENEY—DEATH—WARRANT on Our GIs?
20070121             "At least 20—USA—SERVICE—PERSONNEL were killed in military operations —SATURDAY in 1—OF—THE—DEADLIEST days for USA—FORCES—SINCE THE—IRAQ war began + authorities also announced 2—USA combat deaths from the previous —DAY.
20070121             Medical Apartheid: The Dark HISTORY—OF—MEDICAL—EXPERIMENTATION on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present (Hardcover): "This is 1—STUNNING work, broad in scope and well documented, revealing 1—HISTORY that reverberates in African Americans' continued distrust of the medical profession".
20070121             With 1—YEAR to Go —BEFORE the 1. Primary, Clinton Anouncement Sends Race Into High Gear
20070121             The steadily rising IRAQ war price —TAG will reach about $8.4—BILLION 1—MONTH this —YEAR.
20070121             This is OUR HARD—EARNED money going down the Bush TUBE—OF—DEATH and war profiteering.
20070121             —NOW, according to BOB—FITRAKIS and HARVEY—WASSERMAN, criminal prosecutions have arisen from that morass: Prosecutors say these cases involve "rigging" the recount in Cuyahoga County (CLEVELAND), where TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—VOTES were shifted from JOHN—KERRY to GEORGE—W—BUSH, or else never counted.
20070121             —OPENED, According to THE—AP, County Prosecutor KEVIN—BAXTER, the Cuyahoga trial by charging that "the evidence will show that this recount was rigged, maybe not for political reasons, but rigged nonetheless".
20070121             Baxter said THE—3—ELECTION—WORKERS "did this so they could spend 1—DAY rather than weeks or months" on the recount.
20070121             That's going to be the fallback position, methinks: "We didn't want to toss it to Dubya -- we —JUST wanted to save time".
20070121             —MEANWHILE, DANIEL—HOPSICKER has 1—NEW—STORY on SARASOTA County and the questionable FLORIDA 13—RACE.
20070121             More on that soon (probably on —MONDAY)... Permalink
20070121             "Es wurden nur allgemeine Sicherheitsvorkehrungen getroffen".
20070121             —AFFECTED, EX—FEMA CHIEF: Politics, Katrina response Read full story for latest details.
20070121             MJ12node v1.4.5 - Big update with comprehensive support for smart RECRAWLS—OF—PRIORITY buckets that will keep search engine up to date, plus bug fixes, please
20070121             upgrade ASAP!
20070121             He tried to create 1—DIALOGUE between THE—2—NATIONS to reach 1—COMMON narrative of the 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY—1. holocaust.
20070121             ROBERT—FISK : AWARD—WINNING writer shot by assassin in ISTANBUL street : He tried to create 1—DIALOGUE between THE—2—NATIONS to reach 1—COMMON narrative of the 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY—1. holocaust.
20070121—17760000    17760907              — Turtle, a 1—MAN—SUBMARINE built by 34—YEAR—OLD—YALE graduate DAVID—BUSH nell of Saybrook,
20070121—19420000    19420127              — USS Gudgeon (SS 211) sinks THE—JAPAN—I—173, the 1. confirmed sinking of 1—ENEMY—WARSHIP by A—USA—SUBMARINE in history.
20070121—19600000    —IN—THE, particularly S,
20070121—19630000    —IN, He began his column at THE—SEATTLE POST—INTELLIGENCER using the pen name MIKE—MAILWAY.
20070121—19671000    —IN, "I had 1. learned about it —WHEN CARLO—PESENTI, the owner of 1—NUMBER—OF—IMPORTANT—ITALY—CORPORATIONS, took me aside at 1—CHASE—INVESTMENT—FORUM in PARIS and invited me to join his group... The discussions were conducted in French + usually I was the sole USA—PRESENT... MEMBERS—OF—THE—PESENTI—GROUP were all committed to European political and economic integration... My Chase associates, who feared my membership could be construed as "consorting with reactionaries," eventually prevailed upon me to withdraw".
20070121—19700000    —IN—THE, S, where he was involved in circumventing INTERNATIONAL sanctions to purchase oil for his country.
20070121—19810000    —HUMILIATED, ZDZISLAW—RURARZ, POLAND—COMMUNIST—REGIME by defecting to THE—USA to protest its imposition of martial law.
20070121—20000000    —SINCE, the WTC7 mortgage + Peterson, like MANY—OF—HIS—FRIENDS, —NOW play 1—KEY—ROLE in rebuilding Lower Manhattan —AFTER 20010911             —THE attack.
20070121—20020000    —JAHR—BIS, DAVID—ROCKEFELLER, 'Memoirs', p. 412-413.
20070121—20020000    DAVID—ROCKEFELLER, 'Memoirs', p. 412-413.
20070121—20070613    —IN—THE, 1—SHORTER—VERSION can be found update, in which he was identified as 1—PILGRIMS—SOCIETY—MEMBER.
20070124             —BY JGIDEON—'DAILY Voting News' For 20070121              And 22, 20070000              1—RUN—DOWN—OF—THE—DAYS—ELECTIONS/voting news from across the country and overseas.
20070201             Citizens' Hearing On The Legality Of USA Actions In IRAQ: THE—CASE—OF—LIEUTENANT—EHREN—WATADA, 20070121              at Evergreen STATE—COLLEGE in TACOMA WASHINGTON.
20070226—20070121    —ON, BOLIVIA, police said THE—BODY—OF—SIMON—MATTHEW—BOILY, 23—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CANADA—CYCLIST, has been found in 1—MOUNTAIN ravine more than 1—MONTH—AFTER he set out on the "HIGHWAY—OF—DEATH" from THE—LA—PAZ.
20070301             PALESTINE—PUNDIT: 20070121
20070418—20070121    —LINKED, Police said the search was, to 1—CRIMINAL—CASE launched against the director —AFTER she failed to declare some $12,500 in cash she brought into the country.
20070604             Wait —UNTIL they begin operating on USA—SOIL.
200706040121         —PM.
20071207—20080121    —ON, courts indicted Samsung Heavy Industries and THE—OWNER—OF—THE—TANKER on charges relating to the spill.
20080121             Mit dem TOD—VON—MARIE—SMITH—JONES stirbt die EYAK—SPRACHE aus.
20080121             Stocks fell sharply worldwide —FOLLOWING declines on WALL—STREET last —WEEK amid investor pessimism over THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—STIMULUS—PLAN to prevent 1—RECESSION.
20080121             MARIE—SMITH was the last speaker of her native Eyak language.
20080121             AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI told THE—PARLIAMENT on its opening —DAY that —AROUND 300,000 children cannot attend school BECAUSE—OF—VIOLENCE in the southern provinces.
20080121             —FORCED, NORTH—EAST—AUSTRALIA, surging floodwaters, SCORES—OF—PEOPLE to evacuate their homes.
20080121             —DESCRIBED, Farmers, the heavy rains as 1 mixed blessing —AFTER YEARS—OF—DROUGHT.
20080121             —DISPERSED, Police in EX—SOVIET—BELARUS, 1—PROTEST by about 2,000 entrepreneurs denouncing PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO—DECREE that places restrictions on hiring staff.
20080121             Businessmen said the new regulations deny them the right to hire workers outside their immediate families or obliges them to RE—REGISTER and be subject to higher taxes.
20080121             Shares in CHINA—BANKS fell sharply —AFTER news reports said its NUMBER 2—LENDER, BANK—OF—CHINA, might write down HOLDINGS—OF—USA—MORTGAGE—SECURITIES and 2—OTHERS increased reserves for possible losses.
20080121             State media said 1—GAS—EXPLOSION in 1—ILLEGAL—MINE in NORTH—CHINA has killed at least 20—PEOPLE.
20080121             Officials said CONGO government negotiators and rebel groups reached 1—DEAL to end fighting in the vast country's restive east, where some 800,000—PEOPLE had to flee their homes over THE—LAST—YEAR.
20080121             —REVERSED, IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER, 1—DECISION by PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD and ordered him to implement 1—LAW supplying natural gas to remote villages amid rising dissatisfaction with THE—PRESIDENT—PERFORMANCE.
20080121             —REPORTED, Local media have, 64—COLD—RELATED deaths this —WINTER and say gas cuts are to blame.
20080121             IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER apparently targeting 1—SENIOR—SECURITY—OFFICIAL blew himself up inside 1—FUNERAL—TENT, killing 18—PEOPLE in Hajaj.
20080121             —KILLED, USA—TROOPS, 2—AL—QAIDA—LINKED militants and detained 18—DURING raids in central and NORTH—IRAQ.
20080121             1 parked car bomb exploded as 1—IRAQ—ARMY—PATROL passed by SOUTH—OF—MOSUL, killing 2—CIVILIANS.
20080121             —LAUNCHED, ISRAEL, 1 advanced spy satellite that will be able to track events in IRAN, the country it considers its top foe, even at night and in cloudy weather.
20080121             —LAUNCHED, INDIA successfully, THE—ISRAEL—SPY—SATELLITE into orbit.
20080121             —PULLED, ITALY, 1—KEY—ALLY—OF—PREMIER—ROMANO Prodi, his party from the Cabinet amid 1—CORRUPTION—SCANDAL, sending THE—CENTER—LEFT governing coalition scrambling to keep the administration from falling.
20080121             —DECLARED, LATVIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY, 1—RUSSIA—DIPLOMAT persona non grata, citing 1—REPORT that he was 1—THREAT to national security.
20080121             —LIVED, Some 400,000 NON—CITIZENS, in LATVIA.
20080121             —ACCOUNTED, Ethnic Russians, for a 3. of the country's population of 2.3—MILLION.
20080121             —CAPTURED, MEXICO—ARMY, Alfredo Beltran Leyva, 1—TOP—LIEUTENANT—OF—THE—SINALOA cartel.
20080121             —COMMANDED, He allegedly, squads of hit men and organized drug shipments north.
20080121             SOUTH—NIGERIA, 1—MAJOR—OIL—PIPELINE belonging to ITALY—OIL—COMPANY—AGIP caught fire and 1—TANKER—TRUCK exploded in separate incidents.
20080121             —PLEDGED, PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF in BRUSSELS, to hold free elections as he began 1—EUROPEAN trip aimed at bolstering outside support, but urged the West not to hold PAKISTAN to unrealistic rights standards.
20080121             —NOMINATED, PARAGUAY—RULING party, Education MINISTER—BLANCA—OVELAR as its presidential candidate, a 1. for THE—SOUTH—USA—NATION, but her candidacy of still faces 1—COURT—CHALLENGE.
20080121             —DEEMED, SAUDI—ARABIA, the daily AL—WATAN, which is, close to THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—GOVERNMENT, reported that the Interior Ministry issued 1—CIRCULAR to hotels asking them to accept lone women, as long as their information is sent to 1—LOCAL—POLICE—STATION.
20080121             —ATTACKED, SRI—LANKA, government soldiers, Tamil Tiger rebel bunkers across the front lines in the embattled north, triggering 1—BATTLE that killed 15—GUERRILLAS and 2—SOLDIERS.
20080121             —CONFIRMED, SUDAN, that it has appointed MUSA—HILAL, the suspected HEAD—OF—1—SUDAN—MILITIA ACCUSED—OF—MURDER, rape and other atrocities in Darfur, to 1—SENIOR—GOVERNMENT—POST.
20080121             —DISMISSED, PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR, allegations against the man as untrue.
20080121             Mit ENDE—DES—KALTEN—KRIEGS wurden die ADM aus den Depots der USA—ARMEE in Deutschland entfernt.
20080121             1—OF—BRITAIN—BIGGEST property funds was forced to shut its doors to withdrawals —YESTERDAY—AFTER the slump in commercial prices triggered panic selling by small investors.
20080121             SCOTLAND—EQUITABLE said —YESTERDAY that 129,000 small investors in its £2bn property fund will not be able to access their money for up to 1—YEAR,
20080121             although payments relating to regular income already being paid, retirements and death claims will not be affected.
20080121             —INVESTED, It said the fund, in LONDON office blocks and shopping centres across BRITAIN,
20080121             no longer had sufficient cash reserves to meet demands from investors wanting to withdraw their money.
20080121             Its "buffer fund" was down to 1—PERCENT—OF—ITS—TOTAL—ASSETS, instead of the usual 10-15%.
20080121             —JETZT: Kanada revidiert DIPLOMATEN—HANDBUCH, listet USA und ISRAEL nicht mehr als Folterstaaten.
20080121             the efforts of Marcy Wheeler
20080121             go beyond the capabilities of mere mortals.
20080121             But we must take note of this Raw Story piece,
20080121             which reveals something new and important, yet which leaves out 1—KEY—DETAIL.
20080121             —ON THE—MORNING—OF—20030930             , ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES sent 1—MESSAGE to everyone working for THE—PRESIDENT—AND—VICE—PRESIDENT -- "preserve all materials that might be relevant" to the Valerie Plame probe, which was then —JUST beginning.
20080121             —BECAME, Here's the part Raw Story doesn't mention: Gonzales, AWARE—OF—THE—PROBE on ;;09;;
20080121             29, THE—DAY—BEFORE this formal notice made the rounds.
20080121             —12—HOURS—BEFORE that message went out,
20080121             Gonzales gave WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—ANDY—CARD a "heads up" warning,
20080121             —WHEN Gonzales was notified about the investigation on THE—EVENING—OF—MONDAY,
20080121             ;;09;;. - 29, 20030000             , he waited —12—HOURS—BEFORE telling THE—WHITE—HOUSE—STAFF about the inquiry.
20080121             Official notification to staff is meant to quickly alert anyone who may have pertinent records to make sure they are preserved and safeguarded.
20080121             I think we all get the picture.
20080121             This passage from a 20050000              WP story
20080121             takes on new meaning: SENATOR—JOSEPH—R—BIDEN—JUNIOR (D—DELAWARE), appearing on the same program,
20080121             questioned why Gonzales would not have notified the staff —IMMEDIATELY by E—MAIL and suggested that Fitzgerald pursue whether Card may have given anyone in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—ADVANCE—NOTICE—OF—THE criminal investigation.
20080121             —AT—THE—TIME—BIDEN said these words, we did not know that BUSH co had set up secret email accounts using RNC servers.
20080121             Die Aktien von chinesischen INTERNET—UNTERNEHMEN wie Baidu oder Alibaba com sind —SEIT Tagen im freien Fall.
20080121             Einig sind sich die Experten nur in einem: Der rapide Absturz kam völlig unverhofft.
20080121             —GESUNKEN, Seitdem sei die Aktionärszahl in Deutschland um 40 %, und liege sogar wieder unter dem Stand von 19920000             ,
20080121             erklärte das Deutsche Aktieninstitut.
20080121             "Der Rückgang ist dramatisch", erklärte DAI—CHEF—RÜDIGER—VON—ROSEN.
20080121             "Es geht nicht nur um die Nutzung der Aktie für die Altersvorsorge.
20080121             Es geht auch um die Akzeptanz der Marktwirtschaft, die ohne direkte Beteiligung der Bevölkerung am Produktivitätskapital geschwächt wird".
20080121             Im 2. Halbjahr 20070000              sank die ZAHL—DER—AKTIENBESITZER in Deutschland auf den niedrigsten Stand
20080121             Die Lufttemperaturen nehmen sogar noch stärker zu: "Sofern deutliche Klimaschutzmaßnahmen nicht gelingen sollten,
20080121             wäre es plausibel, dass die Lufttemperaturen am Ende dieses Jahrhunderts um maximal 4—BIS 6—GRAD Celsius im nördlichen OSTSEE—RAUM und um 3—BIS 5—GRAD Celsius im südlichen GEBIET—DAZU zählen große Teile Polens und OSTDEUTSCHLANDS—STEIGEN werden",
20080121             heißt es in einer Pressemitteilung des GKSS—FORSCHUNGSZENTRUMS.
20080121             Im Gegensatz zu früheren Jahren, als die Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit vor allem Fabrikarbeiter und Menschen mit wenig Arbeitserfahrung betraf,
20080121             sind —JETZT immer mehr gut ausgebildete Arbeiter mit COLLEGE—ABSCHLÜSSEN betroffen.
20080121             Analysten zufolge könnte die Schwäche des AKADEMIKER—ARBEITSMARKTES die Wirtschaftskrise in den USA verstärken.
20080121             Der dramatische Einbruch am deutschen Aktienmarkt ist nach Einschätzung von Experten —ERST der Auftakt zu weiteren Kursverlusten.
20080121             "Wir haben das ENDE—DER—FAHNENSTANGE längst noch nicht erreicht", sagte der Börsenexperte WOLFGANG—GERKE in FRANKFURT.
20080121             Die Entwicklung nach unten werde noch das ganze —JAHR lang andauern, erwartet Gerke.
20080121             Zu lange hätten die Finanzmärkte lediglich auf Kosten und Gewinne der Unternehmen geachtet und die Auswirkungen der Finanzmarktkrise auf die Konjunktur ignoriert.
20080121             Experten sind RATLOS—WAREN die Verluste "Panikreaktionen" oder geht der Crash weiter?
20080121             HAMBURG—SO stark sackte der Deutsche Aktienindex —SEIT den Terroranschlägen von NEW—YORK (minus 8,49 %) nicht mehr ab:
20080121             Der Dax hat —HEUTE mehr als 7 % eingebüßt, schloss mit einem Minus von 7,16 % bei 6790,19 Punkten.
20080121             BÖRSEN—CRASH: "Ich bin weiter für Aktien"
20080121             Finanzkrise: Rezessionsangst lässt Börsen EINBRECHEN—TEUERUNG 20080000              :
20080121             Bundesregierung erwartet weiter hohe Inflation
20080121             Neue Klimastudie: Ostsee wird zur Badewanne
20080121             Soziale Ungleichheit: Jeder 8. BÜRGER—VON—ARMUT bedroht
20080121             Kapitalmarkt: Deutsche haben keine Lust mehr auf Aktien
20080121             NIKOTIN—URTEIL: Finnen dürfen auf dem Balkon rauchen
20080121             Nebenwerte im freien Fall: Zweistellige Verluste für Solaraktien
20080121             Bankenkrise: WestLB warnt vor neuen RISIKEN—CHRONIK: Schwarze Börsentage
20080121             Kurssturz: Experten warnen vor BÖRSENCRASH—HYSTERIE
20080121             Im Gegenteil: An der asiatischen Leitbörse in Tokio sackte der NIKKEI—INDEX für 225—FÜHRENDE Werte um 3,86 %.
20080121             Er folgte damit dem Preisverfall an den USA—BÖRSEN.
20080121             Auch die Börse in Hongkong musste den schwersten %ualen Verlust innerhalb eines Tages —SEIT den Terroranschlägen vom
20080121             KREDIT—VERKAUF: Banken wehren sich gegen Sonderkündigung von Krediten
20080121             Ausbruch vor 2200—JAHREN: Forscher entdecken Vulkan in ANTARKTIS
20080121             Die WestLB selbst dementierte den Bericht.
20080121             "Sicher beunruhigen Sie aktuelle Meldungen,
20080121             nach denen die WestLB plant, 20000000              Stellen abzubauen", schreibt WESTLB—CHEF—ALEXANDER—STUHLMANN in einem Brief an die Mitarbeiter.
20080121             Der Vorstand arbeite aber —BEREITS an einem Maßnahmenpaket zur Effizienzsteigerung.
20080121             "Mit der Umsetzung wollen wir —BEREITS im 1. Quartal dieses Jahres beginnen", schreibt Stuhlmann.
20080121             Die Kapitalstärkung versetze die Bank in die Lage, die anhaltend negative Entwicklung an den internationalen Kapitalmärkten aufzufangen.
20080121             Von Storch mahnte einen sensiblen Umgang mit wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen an:
20080121             "Klimaszenarien sind plausibel, aber oftmals vereinfachte Beschreibungen möglicher Zukünfte.
20080121             Eindeutige Vorhersagen sind dies jedoch nicht".
20080121             Die Erwärmung der Luft sei im nördlichen OSTSEE—BEREICH mit einem Grad stärker gewesen als mit 0,7 Grad im südlichen Bereich.
20080121             AP—STRANDKÖRBE an der Ostsee (Timmendorfer Strand): Weniger Regen im —SOMMER
20080121             Die Ergebnisse stammen aus dem am heutigen —MONTAG veröffentlichten BACC—BERICHTS(ASSESSMENT—OF—CLIMATE Change for the Baltic Sea Basin),
20080121             mit dem der Klimawandel in der OSTSEE—REGION dokumentiert und untersucht wird.
20080121             "Der BACC—BERICHT ist eine regionale Variante des vom Weltklimarat veröffentlichten IPCC—REPORTS zur globalen Klimaänderung",
20080121             sagte von Storch, der das Projekt mit initiiert hat.
20080121             80—WISSENSCHAFTLER aus 13—EUROPÄISCHEN Ländern waren an der Ausarbeitung beteiligt.
20080121             "Die Nervosität ist groß, da niemand weiß, wie es mit der USA—KONJUNKTUR weitergeht", sagte 1—HÄNDLER am —FREITAG in NEW—YORK.
20080121             Daran ändere auch das geplante MILLIARDEN—PROGRAMM zur Ankurbelung der Konjunktur nichts.
20080121             Und Herr BUSH wird mit seinem Zauberstab nicht ALLE—PROBLEME lösen können.
20080121             "Der Euro gerät auf den Prüfstand", sagte 1—DEVISENHÄNDLER.
20080121             Händlern zufolge fürchteten Investoren allmählich,
20080121             dass sich die Konjunkturabkühlung in den USA stärker als gedacht auch auf das europäische Wirtschaftswachstum auswirken könnte.
20080121             Die Allianz sage absolut nichts zur möglichen Belastung durch die Kreditkrise, moniert 1—BÖRSIANER.
20080121             Gute Öffentlichkeitsarbeit sehe anders aus.
20080121             "Hier findet ein massiver Ausverkauf statt", sagt 1—BÖRSIANER.
20080121             "Unfassbar!", kommentiert ein 2. - "Dazu fällt mir nichts mehr ein.
20080121             Ein 3. sagt, die Banken hätten —DERZEIT JEDES—VERTRAUEN verspielt.
20080121             1—BODEN—DES—SINKFLUGS sei der Zeit nicht in Sicht.
20080121             Ein amerikanischer ANTITERRORISMUS—AGENT erklärte, Omar scheine nicht in die aktuellen Aktivitäten seines Vaters verwickelt zu sein.
20080121             "Jeder mit diesem Nachnamen muss natürlich Interesse wecken", sagte er.
20080121             NORTH—ROCK schuldet der Englischen Notenbank insgesamt gut 24—MILLIARDEN Pfund, das sind 32—MILLIARDEN Euro.
20080121             Der neue Finanzierungsplan geht auf einen Vorschlag der Investmentbank Goldman Sachs zurück, die die britische Regierung berät.
20080121             Bankenkrise: Britische Regierung bürgt für NORTH—ROCK
20080121             Klimastudie: OSTSEE—REGION erwärmt sich schneller als Erde insgesamt
20080121             PENTAGON—KREISE: Petraeus als NATO—OBERKOMMANDEUR im Gespräch
20080121             Stadtplanung in ISTANBUL: Die GESCHICHTE—DER—ROMA wird einfach weggebaggert
20080121             Israelische Blockade: Gazastreifen DICHT—STROM und Nahrung wird knapp
20080121             Abschreibungen: BANK—OF—CHINA droht Verlust wegen SUBPRIME—KRISE
20080121             PRÄSIDENTEN—FILM: Stone bringt GEORGE—W—BUSH ins Kino
20080121             Bankenkrise: WestLB meldet Milliardenverlust
20080121             hatte Moskau hingegen erklärt, "keinen politischen Druck auf Polen" in der FRAGE—DER—RAKETENABWEHR auszuüben
20080121             —JETZT gab es ein allgemeines Erschrecken und hektische Reaktionen: radikale Senkung des USA—LEITZINSES,
20080121             Ankündigung eines großen Konjunkturprogramms in den USA und den besagten IWF—APPELL.
20080121             Israelische Kriegsverbrechen.
20080121             GAZA: JEDER—PALÄSTINENSER ist 1—ZIEL für die israelische ARMEE—INFORMING HIM—OF—THE—PROBE.
20080121             —WHEN Gonzales was notified about the investigation on THE—EVENING—OF—MONDAY, 20030929             , he waited —12—HOURS—BEFORE telling THE—WHITE—HOUSE—STAFF about the inquiry.
20080121             "Das ist der größte Tagesverlust, den man je gesehen hat. Hier herrscht die nackte Panik", sagte 1—HÄNDLER.
20080121             REUTERS
20080121             Wo genau die MINI—ATOMBOMBEN zum Einsatz kommen sollten, ist ungewiss — die Pläne unterliegen —BIS—HEUTE der Geheimhaltung.
20080121             Die kleinste Atomic Demolition Munition (ADM) hatte den Durchmesser einer Großpizza (40—ZENTIMETER) und wog 68—KILOGRAMM.
20080121             Sie hätte die Sprengkraft von —BIS zu 1000—TONNEN TNT ENTWICKELT—UND die Umgebung verstrahlt.
20080121             Bankendomino: SCOTLAND—EQUITABLE, ein großer Britischer Immobilienfonds, fährt wegen Panikverkäufen runter.
20080121             SCOTLAND—EQUITABLE said —YESTERDAY that 129,000 small investors in its £2bn property fund will not be able to access their money for up to 1—YEAR, although payments relating to regular income already being paid, retirements and death claims will not be affected.
20080121             —INVESTED, It said the fund, in LONDON office blocks and shopping centres across BRITAIN, no longer had sufficient cash reserves to meet demands from investors wanting to withdraw their money.
20080121             —JETZT :
20080121             —REVIDIERT, Kanada, DIPLOMATEN—HANDBUCH, listet USA und ISRAEL nicht mehr als Folterstaaten.
20080121             the efforts of Marcy Wheeler go beyond the capabilities of mere mortals.
20080121             But we must take note of this Raw Story piece, which reveals something new and important, yet which leaves out 1—KEY—DETAIL.
20080121             —12—HOURS—BEFORE that message went out, Gonzales gave WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—ANDY—CARD
20080121             a "heads up" warning, informing HIM—OF—THE—PROBE.
20080121             This passage from a 20050000              WP story takes on new meaning: SENATOR—JOSEPH—R—BIDEN—JUNIOR (D—DELAWARE), appearing on the same program, questioned why Gonzales would not have notified the staff —IMMEDIATELY by E—MAIL and suggested that Fitzgerald pursue whether Card may have given anyone in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—ADVANCE—NOTICE—OF—THE criminal investigation.
20080121             As far as we know, 1—EMAIL was sent out, warning everyone to delete everything -- including that very message.
20080121             "ASIEN war zwar SCHWACH—ABER dass es so stark nach unten geht, hatte —AM—MORGEN wohl niemand gedacht", kommentiert POSTBANK—HÄNDLER STEFAN—SÖLLNER.
20080121             "—SEIT 7—BIS 8—MONATEN schwelt nun die SUBPRIME—KRISE, —HEUTE ist nun zum 1. Mal richtige Panik spürbar".
20080121             Markant für die schlechte Stimmung seien die starken VERLUSTE—VON—TITELN, die in der Vergangenheit als "sicherer Hafen" GALTEN—WIE beispielsweise E.on.
20080121             "Hier herrscht die nackte PANIK—WIR sehen den klassischen Crash", sagte 1—HÄNDLER.
20080121             "Es geht nicht nur um die Nutzung der Aktie für die Altersvorsorge. Es geht auch um die Akzeptanz der Marktwirtschaft, die ohne direkte Beteiligung der Bevölkerung am Produktivitätskapital geschwächt wird".
20080121             Dagegen büßten indirekte Aktienanlagen in Fonds kaum an Beliebtheit ein.
20080121             Die Lufttemperaturen nehmen sogar noch stärker zu: "Sofern deutliche Klimaschutzmaßnahmen nicht gelingen sollten, wäre es plausibel, dass die Lufttemperaturen am Ende dieses Jahrhunderts um maximal 4—BIS 6—GRAD Celsius im nördlichen OSTSEE—RAUM und um 3—BIS 5—GRAD Celsius im südlichen GEBIET—DAZU zählen große Teile Polens und OSTDEUTSCHLANDS—STEIGEN werden", heißt es in einer Pressemitteilung des GKSS—FORSCHUNGSZENTRUMS.
20080121             Im Gegensatz zu früheren Jahren, als die Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit vor allem Fabrikarbeiter und Menschen mit wenig Arbeitserfahrung betraf, sind —JETZT immer mehr gut ausgebildete Arbeiter mit COLLEGE—ABSCHLÜSSEN betroffen.
20080121             HAMBURG—SO stark sackte der Deutsche Aktienindex —SEIT den Terroranschlägen von NEW—YORK (minus 8,49 %) nicht mehr ab: Der Dax hat —HEUTE mehr als 7 % eingebüßt, schloss mit einem Minus von 7,16 % bei 6790,19 Punkten.
20080121             Teuerung 20080000              : Bundesregierung erwartet weiter hohe Inflation
20080121             Arbeitslosigkeit: Jobkrise erreicht USA—MITTELSCHICHT
20080121             Archäologie in der ARKTIS: EXTREM—GRABUNG im Antlitz von Eisbären
20080121             Die Ankündigung eines milliardenschweren Konjunkturprogramms der USA—REGIERUNG hat in ASIEN insgesamt keinen Optimismus ausgelöst.
20080121             HESSEN: Beck nennt Kochs Wahlkampf "echte Sauerei"
20080121             Kreditkrise: Schwarzer —MONTAG für asiatische Börsen
20080121             GOEBBELS—VERGLEICH: Scientology verteidigt TOM—CRUISE
20080121             Die WestLB, die drittgrößte Landesbank Deutschlands, ist durch Fehlspekulationen mit Aktien großer deutscher Unternehmen sowie durch von der USA—FINANZKRISE bedingte Verluste in die Krise geraten.
20080121             "Sicher beunruhigen Sie aktuelle Meldungen, nach denen die WestLB plant, 20000000              Stellen abzubauen", schreibt WESTLB—CHEF—ALEXANDER—STUHLMANN in einem Brief an die Mitarbeiter.
20080121             "Um es klar zu sagen: Dieser Plan existiert nicht ".
20080121             Auch in EUROPA hält die Rezessionsangst weiter an:
20080121             Von Storch mahnte einen sensiblen Umgang mit wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen an: "Klimaszenarien sind plausibel, aber oftmals vereinfachte Beschreibungen möglicher Zukünfte.
20080121             Die Ergebnisse stammen aus dem am heutigen —MONTAG veröffentlichten
20080121             BACC—BERICHTS(ASSESSMENT—OF—CLIMATE Change for the Baltic Sea Basin), mit dem der Klimawandel in der OSTSEE—REGION dokumentiert und untersucht wird.
20080121             "Der BACC—BERICHT ist eine regionale Variante des vom Weltklimarat veröffentlichten IPCC—REPORTS zur globalen Klimaänderung", sagte von Storch, der das Projekt mit initiiert hat.
20080121             "Die Tatsache, dass so 1—PROGRAMM überhaupt nötig ist, ist negativ.
20080121             Und Herr Bush wird mit seinem ZAUBERSTAB—NICHT ALLE—PROBLEME lösen können.
20080121             Händlern zufolge fürchteten Investoren allmählich, dass sich die Konjunkturabkühlung in den USA stärker als gedacht auch auf das europäische Wirtschaftswachstum auswirken könnte.
20080121             REUTERS—FRANKFURTER Börse: Massiver Ausverkauf auf dem Parkett —SEIT Jahresbeginn hat der Leitindex inzwischen knapp 10 % EINGEBÜßT—VOR gut 3—WOCHEN noch lag der Dax bei über 8000—PUNKTEN.
20080121             Er deutete an, dass Omar nicht völlig von den Radarschirmen der USA—GEHEIMDIENSTE verschwunden ist.
20080121             LONDON—DIE britische Regierung kommt der angeschlagenen Hypothekenbank NORTH—ROCK zur Hilfe.
20080121             Das Finanzministerium bestätigte, die Schulden von NORTH—ROCK in staatlich garantierte Bonds umzuwandeln.
20080121             Börsenbeben: Panik an der BÖRSE—DAX rutscht unter 7000—PUNKTE
20080121             Lahme USA—KRIEGER—USA—MILITÄR schickt verwundete Soldaten zurück in den Irak
20080121             —SEIT DEM—AN allen internationalen Börsen kam.
20080121             —JETZT gab es ein allgemeines Erschrecken und hektische Reaktionen: radikale Senkung des USA—LEITZINSES, Ankündigung eines großen Konjunkturprogramms in den USA und den besagten IWF—APPELL.
20080121             GAZA: JEDER—PALÄSTINENSER ist 1—ZIEL für die israelische Armee
20080121—19290000    —SEIT, Chronik: Schwarze Börsentage
20080121—19960000    —SEIT, Im 2. Halbjahr 20070000              sank die ZAHL—DER—AKTIENBESITZER in Deutschland auf den niedrigsten Stand, wie das Deutsche Aktieninstitut (DAI) —HEUTE mitteilte.
20080121—19970000    hielten 3,9 Millionen Anleger in Deutschland Aktien, 20000000              wurde mit 6,2 Millionen 1—REKORDSTAND erreicht.
20080121—20010000    —J—IM, Jeder 5. Arbeitslose ist —SEIT mehr als einem halben —JAHR ohne JOB—WAR es nur etwa jeder 10.
20080121—20010911    —VERLIERT, Der DAX, auch aufgrund der zunehmenden Angst vor einer Rezession in den USA im Tagesverlauf 523,98 Punkte oder 7,2 Prozent, was den prozentual größten Verlust —SEIT den Terroranschlägen (damals mit einem Minus von 8,5 Prozent) darstellt.
20080121—20010911    —SEIT, Finanzkrise: Dax stürzt AB—GRÖßTER Kursrutsch
20080121—20080125    beraten.
20080121—20080125    —ON, RUSSIA said it will expel 1—LATVIA—DIPLOMAT in apparent retaliation.
20080121—20080929    —BECAME, Here's the part Raw Story doesn't mention: Gonzales, AWARE—OF—THE—PROBE, THE—DAY—BEFORE this formal notice made the rounds.
20080122—20080121    Finanzkrise: Glos warnt vor BÖRSEN—PANIK
20080127             TURKEY to face serious brainpower deficit in nuclear power —MONDAY, 20080121
20081227—20090121    —ARRESTED, EGYPT, security forces, at least 860—ACTIVISTS—OF—THE—MUSLIM Brotherhood as public demonstrations mounted —DURING THE—ISRAEL—ASSAULT on GAZA.
20090116—20090121    —ON, federal health authorities confirmed that peanut butter and paste made by 1—VIRGINIA company were the sole SOURCES—OF—THE—OUTBREAK.
20090121             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—1. public act in office was to institute new limits on lobbyists in his WHITE—HOUSE and to freeze the salaries of HIGH—PAID aides, in 1—NOD to the country's economic turmoil.
20090121             1—JUDGE quickly granted PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—REQUEST to suspend the war crimes trial at GUANTANAMO—OF—1—YOUNG—CANADIAN in what may be THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—END for THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—SYSTEM—OF trying alleged terrorists.
20090121             Obama took THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE again with CHIEF—JUSTICE—JOHN—ROBERTS to correct the previous —DAY—INITIAL flub in wording.
20090121             In the Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government PRESIDENT—OBAMA instructed THE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—OFFICE—OF—MANAGEMENT and Budget (OMB) to issue 1—OPEN—GOVERNMENT—DIRECTIVE.
20090121             —ACCUSED—OF, REVEREND—JOHN—SKEHAN, 81—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF 2—FLORIDA priests, embezzling HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS from their church, pleaded guilty as jury selection was set to begin in the case.
20090121             —PLUCKED, Prosecutors said he and REVEREND—FRANCIS—GUINAN, cash from the offering plate and spent it on upscale homes, gambling trips to LAS—VEGAS with 1—MISTRESS, even a $275,000 rare coin collection.
20090121             —ARRESTED, MISSOURI, 1—FATHER was, in Daviess County —AFTER 2 sealed coolers with the remains of 2—INFANTS were found. a 3. child is believed to have † in OKLAHOMA.
20090121             1—SURVIVING child, a 3—YEAR—OLD boy, was in state custody.
20090121             —SUSPECTED—OF, The man was, fathering 4—CHILDREN with his teenage daughter and faced charges of killing at least 1—AFTER human remains were discovered at their rural home.
20090121             BLACKSBURG—VIRGINIA, Haiyang Zhu (25), 1—CHINA—DOCTORAL student at VIRGINIA Tech, decapitated XIN—YANG, 1—NEW—CHINA—GRADUATE student.
20090121             —INCLUDED, His 25—FILMS, "It Came From Beneath the Sea" (19550000             ) and "HELLCATS—OF—THE—NAVY" (19570000             ).
20090121             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER detonated his explosives near 1—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY—CONVOY in WEST—AFGHANISTAN, killing 2—TROOPS.
20090121             —REPORTED, Scientists, that the entire ANTARCTIC continent has been gradually warming —SINCE at least 19570000          .
20090121             BRAZIL—CENTRAL—BANK cut its benchmark overnight rate, the Selic rate, to 12.75%, the highest rate in the AMERICA's, even considering its nearly 7% inflation.
20090121             —BANNED, GERMANY, the production, sale or possession of 1—SYNTHETIC—MARIJUANA—LIKE—DRUG known as "Spice," effective as of 20090122             , becoming the 4. nation to ban the substance, marketed as an herbal ROOM—FRESHENER, —AFTER AUSTRIA, THE—NETHERLANDS and SWITZERLAND.
20090121             NORTH—EAST—INDIA, 1—ASSAM—RIFLES—PARAMILITARY—SOLDIER shot and killed 6—OF—HIS colleagues, then fled their military camp in 1—REMOTE and dangerous outpost.
20090121             —ESCAPED, IRAQ, 1—TOP—SUNNI politician, assassination in 1—BAGHDAD car bombing that killed at least 2—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20090121             —SUSPECTED—OF, Samira AHMED—JASSIM (nickname Umm AL—MUMINEEN), 1—WOMAN, recruiting more than 80—FEMALE—SUICIDE—BOMBERS, was arrested, dealing 1—MAJOR—BLOW to 1—OF—THE—MOST effective FORMS—OF—ATTACKS in IRAQ.
20090121             The last ISRAEL—TROOPS left THE—GAZA Strip —BEFORE dawn, as ISRAEL dispatched its foreign MINISTER—TO—EUROPE in 1—BID to rally INTERNATIONAL support to end arms smuggling into THE—HAMAS—RULED territory.
20090121             —RELEASED, THE—PALESTINE—CENTER for Human Rights, 1—FINAL—TALLY, saying 1,284 Gazans were killed and 4,336 wounded, the vast majority civilians.
20090121             ISRAEL—MILITARY said it will investigate charges that its forces used phosphorous shells in 1—WAY that burned civilians —DURING the fighting in GAZA.
20090121             —CONCEDED, Hamas officials, that they are executing Palestinians suspected of collaborating with ISRAEL —DURING the 3-week invasion.
20090121             Fatah officials said at least 19—OF—ITS—MEMBERS have been executed and more brutally tortured.
20090121             —KILLED, It said 1,387 Gazans were, including 773—CIVILIANS (including 252—CHILDREN—YOUNGER than 16) and 330—COMBATANTS.
20090121             † 13—ISRAELIS also, including 4—CIVILIANS.
20090121             —ARMED, Kosovo, forces took over security duties, less than 1—YEAR—AFTER the territory declared independence and in the face of strong protests from Serbia.
20090121             † INDONESIA—HEALTH—MINISTRY said 2—PEOPLE HAVE—OF—BIRD flu, apparently —AFTER contact with sick chickens, raising the country's death toll to 115.
20090121             NIGERIA, THE—BEST—KNOWN militant group in THE—NIGER Delta said 1—OF—ITS—ALLIES carried out 1—ATTACK on 1—TANKER in SOUTH—NIGERIA in which 1—ROMANIA—CREWMAN was taken hostage.
20090121             —RELEASED, He was soon.
20090121             —LOADED, THE—MT Meredith, with 4,000 TONS—OF—DIESEL, was attacked by gunmen in speedboats and sustained "massive damage" —DURING the attack.
20090121             NORTH—KOREA and IRAN, 2—NATIONS with nuclear aspirations THE—USA—WANTS to thwart, both signaled that they were open to new initiatives from PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA that could defuse tensions.
20090121             —CALLED, PAKISTAN, 1—SAUDI, Zabi ul Taifi was among 7—AL—QAIDA suspects caught —WHEN government forces mounted 1—RAID—NEAR THE—NORTH—WEST—CITY—OF—PESHAWAR.
20090121             —BECAME, PORTUGAL, the 3. euro zone country this —MONTH, —AFTER SPAIN and GREECE, to have its credit rating cut by Standard & Poor's.
20090121             RUSSIA—MILITARY said that 1—OLD—SOVIET—BUILT—NUCLEAR—POWERED satellite has spewed fragments in orbit, but insisted they do not threaten THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION or people on Earth.
20090121             —DECLARED, SRI—LANKA—MILITARY, a "safety zone" to enable some 250,000 trapped civilians to cross into GOVERNMENT—CONTROLLED territory from the diminishing area held by Tamil Tiger rebels in THE—WAR—TORN north.
20090121             3—RELATIVES—OF—TAIWAN—FORMER—PRESIDENT—CHEN—SHUI—BIAN pleaded guilty to CHARGES—OF—MONEY laundering, as PART—OF—1—MASSIVE—CORRUPTION—CASE in which THE—EX—LEADER has been implicated.
20090121             —LAUNCHED, ZIMBABWE activists, 1—HUNGER—STRIKE to demand faster political change and urge African leaders to isolate the country's PRESIDENT, ROBERT—MUGABE, who is accused of overseeing its political and economic collapse.
20090121             Watch 1—CLIP from Torturing Democracy here.
20090121             —LINKED, Drop in USA—AIR pollution, to longer lifespans- - Cleaner air equals longer lives: study
20090121             to investigate BUSH officials. But torture advocate
20090121             of "intelligence personnel" involved in torture.
20090121             "PART—OF—MY concern relates to his statements at the hearing with regard to torture and what his intentions are toward our intelligence personnel who were operating in good faith based on their understanding of what the law was".
20090121             BRITAIN has foreign reserves of under $61bn dollars (£43.7bn), less than MALAYSIA or THAILAND.
20090121             —CRASHED, It is why sterling has, 10—CENTS from $1.49 to $1.39—AGAINST the dollar in 2—DAYS.
20090121             The markets have given their verdict on GORDON—BROWN—LATEST—EFFORT to "save the world".
20090121             Und natürlich gibt es Gerüchte, dass sie auch bald ihr AAA Rating los sind.
20090121             PRÄSIDENTEN—INITIATIVE: Obama schaltet sich in NAHOST—KONFLIKT ein
20090121             —GEBISSEN, Französischer EX—PRÄSIDENT: Chirac von depressivem Schoßhund
20090121             Superreiche: EIN—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG besitzt 1—VIERTEL—DES—VERMÖGENS
20090121             SOFFIN—FONDS: Deutschlands oberster Bankenretter wirft hin
20090121             —DISKUTIERT, Kreditaufkauf: Postbank, mit Soffin über staatliche Hilfe
20090121             Überfülltes Camp: Behörden befürchten Aufruhr in Flüchtlingslager auf Lampedusa
20090121             FDP—SPITZENPOLITIKER Zeil: "Der Neoliberalismus weist uns den Weg aus der Krise"
20090121             —AIRED, In remarks that, on GERMANY—TELEVISION last night, MANFRED—NOWAK,
20090121             THE—UNITED—NATIONS Special Rapporteur on Torture,
20090121             and other harsh interrogation techniques:
20090121             " for abuses committed at GUANTANAMO Bay, ABU—GHRAIB and other military detention centers.
20090121             of 1—PARTICULAR—DETAINEE.
20090121             BUSH himself said —LAST—YEAR that he was aware of his advisers' discussions on torture
20090121             waterboarding Kalid Sheik Muhammad.
20090121             A Native USA—LANGUAGE goes extinct
20090121             —LEARNED, CHIEF—MARIE, 89, of the Eyak tribe in ALASKA, the tongue from her parents,
20090121             but THE—SPREAD—OF—ENGLISH and competition from the Tlingit, another aboriginal tribe, meant that she was the last native speaker.
20090121             for example, has changed it forever.
20090121             But it's hard not to mourn the loss of 1—LANGUAGE and all that it stands for.
20090121             —ARGUED, If nothing else, it has been, that saving indigenous languages is essential because they encode traditional knowledge about plants and animals
20090121             that have yet to be discovered by Western scientists.
20090121             ROWAN—HOOPER, online news EDITOR—PROTESTERS pelt ICELAND PM—CAR
20090121             Angry protesters surround ICELAND—PRIME—MINISTER—GEIR—HAARDE—CAR, banging on its windows and pelting it with eggs.
20090121             New evidence on ANTARCTIC warming
20090121             The continent of ANTARCTICA is heating up in step with THE—REST—OF—THE—PLANET, according to 1—NEW—ANALYSIS.
20090121             Bombs in PARADISE—HOW UK—TROOPS were made to face nuclear BLASTS—TORY MP 'let police into office'
20090121             1—CONSERVATIVE—MP alleges that police entered his Commons office without 1—WARRANT demanding to see correspondence.
20090121             "Planum Boreum, MAR—NORTH polar cap contains water ice "of 1—VERY—HIGH—DEGREE—OF—PURITY," according to 1—INTERNATIONAL—STUDY.
20090121             Using radar data from THE—SHARAD (SHAllow RADar) instrument on BOARD—THE—MARS—RECONNAISSANCE—ORBITER (MRO),
20090121             FRANCE—RESEARCHERS say the data point to 95 % purity in the polar ice cap.
20090121             —LAYERED, The north polar cap is 1—DOME—OF, icy materials, similar to the large ice caps in GREENLAND and ANTARCTICA,
20090121             consisting of layered deposits, with mostly ice and 1—SMALL—AMOUNT—OF—DUST.
20090121             using THE—ITALY—BUILT SHARAD radar sounder on THE—USA—BUILT—MISTER—O
20090121             SHARAD looks for liquid or frozen water in the 1. few HUNDREDS—OF—FEET (up to 1—KILOMETER) of Mars' crust by using subsurface sounding.
20090121             It can detect liquid water and profile ice.
20090121             Mars southern polar cap was once thought to be carbon dioxide ice,
20090121             but ESA—MARS—EXPRESS confirmed that it is composed of 1—MIXTURE—OF—WATER and carbon dioxide.
20090121             The study on Mars north polar cap appears in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, published by THE—USA—GEOPHYSICAL—UNION".
20090121             CALIFORNIA utility PG&E to open wallet for solar
20090121             Pacific Gas & Electric plans to shift its renewable energy strategy by investing directly in solar power plants and rooftop panels,
20090121             1—MOVE that could firm up stalled solar projects.
20090121             Green news harvest: Obama halts midnight regulations
20090121             wirklich ihrer Macht berauben kann, ob 1—REGIERUNG wirklich so authentisch und direkt kommunizieren kann, wie es das Netzvolk verlangt.
20090121             Weil die Amtseinführung mitten in die Bürozeiten fiel, wurde sensationell viel im Netz ferngesehen.
20090121             AEROSOL—EINFLUSS aufs Klima: Forscher wollen geheimnisvolle Schutzpartikel enträtseln
20090121             INDONESIA: Dayak tribes in DANGER—OF—EXTINCTION—KARMELE Llano rescues primates threatened from palm oil
20090121             According to THE—IUCN (INTERNATIONAL Union for CONSERVATION—OF—NATURE),
20090121             at least 236—PLANT—SPECIES and 51—ANIMAL—SPECIES are in DANGER—OF—EXTINCTION in Kalimantan, THE—INDONESIA—PART—OF—BORNEO island.
20090121             INDONESIA is the 2. country with most biodiversity in the world.
20090121             It has the highest NUMBER—OF—SPECIES, MOST—OF—THEM endemic, and in DANGER—OF—EXTINCTION.
20090121             This is, simply put, 1—EGREGIOUS—ERROR. Plantations are not forests
20090121             Automarkt: Verkaufszahlen von GENERAL—MOTORS brechen ein
20090121             VIELE—HEDGEFONDS sind durch die Finanzkrise stark in Mitleidenschaft gezogen:
20090121             Anleger ziehen zusehends Geld aus den als hochriskant geltenden Anlagefonds.
20090121             Fachleute sprechen vom schlimmsten derartigen Fall aller Zeiten.
20090121             Nach ANGABEN—DER—UNO hat die israelische Armee 2—SCHULEN direkt mit Phosphor beschossen.
20090121             Abgereichertes Uran ("depleted uranium", DU, mehr auf SPIEGEL WISSEN...)
20090121             wird benutzt, um die Durchschlagskraft von panzerbrechender Munition zu vergrößern.
20090121             Durch seine Dichte, die um 70 % höher liegt als jene von Blei, verleiht das Uran dem Geschoss ein hohes Gewicht und damit eine enorme Durchschlagskraft.
20090121             Der beim Einschlag verursachte Staub könnte die GESUNDHEIT—VON—MENSCHEN gefährden.
20090121             Abgereichertes Uran ist zwar nur schwach radioaktiv, aber hochgiftig.
20090121             Mediziner befürchten, dass die Uranpartikel eingeatmet werden können, sich in der Lunge auflösen und so in die Blutbahn und ins Gewebe gelangen.
20090121             Auch über Wunden könne die Substanz in den Körper eindringen und Vergiftungen oder Krebs auslösen.
20090121             Finanzkrise: Deutsche BANK—VERBUCHT—VERLUSTE bei Hedgefonds
20090121             Strahlende Altlast: Russischer ATOM—SATELLIT zerfällt
20090121             Datenklau: Hacker stehlen MILLIONEN—VON—KREDITKARTENDATEN
20090121             Großbritannien: Notenbank fürchtet Versagen der Zinspolitik
20090121             Bush schwärmt vom Sonnenuntergang in TEXAS
20090121             >EX—PRÄSIDENT bereut nichts: BUSH schwärmt vom Sonnenuntergang in TEXAS (POLITIK)
20090121             Was wir jedoch wissen, ist, dass unser Planet —ZURZEIT die Geburtsstunde eines 3. Replikators erlebt — 1—SCHRITT,
20090121             der eine interplanetarische Kommunikation ermöglichen würde.
20090121             EX—POST—CHEF: Zumwinkel erhält Pension in Millionenhöhe
20090121             —ZENSIERT, CHINA: Peking, Obamas Rede
20090121             Codename "Eichhörnchen": Bahn soll mehr als 1000—MITARBEITER ausgespäht haben
20090121             —VERZEICHNET, Trotz Wirtschaftskrise: IBM, Milliardengewinn
20090121             Messenger SHOT—ÜBERHOLTEN Unterscheidung zwischen innerer und äusserer Sicherheit
20090121             UBS—DATEN: Plan zur Auslieferung steht
20090121             Obamas Antrittsrede: "Die Zeit für Kindereien ist vorbei"
20090121             Bei den Schweizer Geheimdiensten bleibt kein Stein auf dem ANDEREN—FMA warnt vor OSTEUROPA—KRISE
20090121             Frankreich sperrt Atomkritiker ein: Wie leicht man zum Terroristen wird
20090121             Scots economy 'clearly weakening'
20090121             SCOTLAND—ECONOMY is weakening in the face of the financial crisis, THE—SCOTLAND—GOVERNMENT—CHIEF—ECONOMIC—ADVISER warns.
20090121             Bestimmt alles bedauerliche Einzelfälle, die man nicht verallgemeinern darf.
20090121             1—MISSVERSTÄNDNIS!
20090121             Geht ja —SCHON gleich gut los, das neue —JAHR.
20090121             Nach der TELEFON—VOLLÜBERWACHUNG wollen sie —JETZT die INTERNET—VOLLÜBERWACHUNG haben.
20090121             Diesmal machen sie es aber anders herum, es ist nur 1—DARF—REGELUNG, mit der ISPs sich selbst vor Angriffen schützen "dürfen".
20090121             —GEAHNDET, Und wenn sie die Angriffe dann, haben wollen,
20090121             braucht die Polizei natürlich die Daten.
20090121             Die DATENSCHUTZ—AKTIVISTEN kritisieren,
20090121             der Vorstoß würde die "unbegrenzte und unbefristete Speicherung JEDER—EINGABE und JEDES—MAUSKLICKS beim Lesen,
20090121             Schreiben und Diskutieren im INTERNET legalisieren".
20090121             Diese Surfprotokolle dürften an Polizei, Bundeskriminalamt, Geheimdienste sowie an die Unterhaltungsindustrie herausgegeben werden.
20090121             IAN—LAMONT sends along 1—BRIEF—NOTE from the Industry Standard about "intelligent" pills that can help doctors record information about drug dosages,
20090121             heart rate, respiratory rate, and other metrics.
20090121             —DEVELOPED, The pills, being, by Proteus Biomedicals,
20090121             have "digestible sensors" made OUT—OF—FOOD—PRODUCTS and are activated by stomach fluids.
20090121             1—RECEIVER that is similar to 1—SKIN—PATCH—PICKS up the data and can be passed on to a 3G mobile network,
20090121             and from there to hospitals or doctors' offices.
20090121             The devices, currently in clinical trials,
20090121             made #8 on WIRED—LIST—OF—THE—TOP—TECHNOLOGY—BREAKTHROUGHS—OF—20080000          .
20090121             "Weil wir ja ALLE—TERRORISTEN sind.". - MONA—SARKIS 20090120
20090121             das Haus, in dem sie wohnten.
20090121             Aya, Mayer und Bisan, waren die Töchter, Nour die Nichte von Izzeldin Abuelaish.
20090121             1—TELEFONGESPRÄCH mit dem 55-jährigen Familienvater.
20090121             wird benutzt
20090121             —BEKANNT, Den Israelis ist der Palästinenser wohl :
20090121             DAVID Iglesias Is Named JUDGE—ADVOCATE—GENERAL—FOR—GITMO - 20080701 Tavis Smiley.
20090121             Archives. DAVID Iglesias.
20090121             | PBS - 2006000 DAVID Iglesias was 1—OF—THE—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS fired by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION for "PERFORMANCE—RELATED issues".
20090121             —WHEN appointed NEW—MEXICO USA.
20090121             Cornyn delays HOLDER—CONFIRMATION to make sure BUSH—ADMINISTRATION isn't prosecuted for torture.
20090121             In his confirmation hearing, ATTORNEY—GENERAL nominee ERIC—HOLDER unequivocally declared that "waterboarding is torture
20090121             SENATOR—JOHN Cornyn (R—TX) is holding up THE—NOMINATION because he wants to know exactly whether Holder will pursue criminal prosecutions
20090121             The foreign LIABILITIES—OF—THE—UK—BANKS are $4.4—TRILLION — or twice annual GDP — according to THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND.
20090121             2001000 hatten Briefe, die den Milzbranderreger Anthrax enthielten, in den USA 5—MENSCHEN getötet und DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG in Angst versetzt.
20090121             —SEITDEM, wurden immer wieder Umschläge mit verdächtigen Inhalten verschickt, die sich jedoch meist als harmlos erwiesen.
20090121             ANTHRAX—ALARM: Behörden räumen RED—AKTION vom "WALL—STREET —JOURNAL"
20090121             ISRAEL: Das große Schweigen —NACH—DEM Krieg
20090121             Kinderlähmung: 488—MILLIONEN—EURO für KAMPF—GEGEN—POLIO
20090121             —GERÄUMT, OBAMA—PLÄNE: GUANTANAMO wird auf Raten
20090121             UNITED—NATIONS special rapporteur on torture calls on USA to prosecute BUSH and RUMSFELD.
20090121             —AIRED, In remarks that, on GERMANY—TELEVISION last night, MANFRED—NOWAK, THE—UNITED—NATIONS Special Rapporteur on Torture
20090121             —RATIFIED, He noted WASHINGTON had, THE—UN—CONVENTION on torture which required "all means, particularly penal law" to be used to bring proceedings against those violating it.
20090121             CUBA, Nowak said.
20090121             —RELEASED, Indeed, 1—BIPARTISAN—SENATE—REPORT, last —MONTH found that RUMSFELD "bore major responsibility
20090121             —YESTERDAY, 1—LANGUAGE went extinct, as the last speaker of the Eyak language passed away
20090121             —LEARNED, CHIEF—MARIE, 89, of the Eyak tribe in ALASKA, the tongue from her parents, but THE—SPREAD—OF—ENGLISH and competition from the Tlingit,
20090121             another aboriginal tribe, meant that she was the last native speaker.
20090121             1—SURVEY backed by THE—USA—NATIONAL—GEOGRAPHIC—SOCIETY found that Native USA—LANGUAGES are SOME—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST endangered
20090121             SOME—LINGUISTS apparently argue that the birth and DEATH—OF—LANGUAGES is 1—NATURAL—PHENOMENON that we shouldn't worry too much about.
20090121             The global SUCCESS—OF—ENGLISH
20090121             —LAYERED, THE—NORTH polar cap is 1—DOME—OF,
20090121             icy materials, similar to the large ice caps in GREENLAND and ANTARCTICA, consisting of layered deposits, with mostly ice and 1—SMALL—AMOUNT—OF—DUST.
20090121             —BELIEVED, Combined, THE—NORTH and south polar ice caps are, to hold the equivalent of 2 to 3—MILLION—CUBIC kilometers (0.47-0.72—MILLION cu.
20090121             miles) of ice, making it roughly 100—TIMES—MORE than the total VOLUME—OF—NORTH—AMERICA—GREAT—LAKES, which is 22,684 cu.
20090121             using THE—ITALY—BUILT SHARAD radar sounder on THE—USA—BUILT MISTER—O—SHARAD looks for liquid or frozen water in the 1. few HUNDREDS—OF—FEET (up to 1—KILOMETER) of Mars' crust by using subsurface sounding.
20090121             The study on Mars north polar cap appears in the journal Geophysical Research Letters,
20090121             published by THE—USA—GEOPHYSICAL—UNION".
20090121             ob 1—REGIERUNG wirklich so authentisch und direkt kommunizieren kann, wie es das Netzvolk verlangt.
20090121             THE—INDONESIA—PART—OF—BORNEO island.
20090121             INDONESIA is also well known for its continuous DESTRUCTION—OF—PRIMARY—FORESTS.
20090121             Currently THE—UN considers industrial tree plantations as forests.
20090121             Hamas habe Sprengstoff im Gazastreifen verteilt, um die Schäden dann als Verwüstung der ISRAEL—ARMEE darzustellen.
20090121             LONDONer Zeitung: Oligarch Lebedew kauft "—EVENING Standard"
20090121             DAS—INTERNATIONALE—ROTE Kreuz teilte vergangene Woche mit, dass es —BISHER keine Beweise für die illegale Benutzung von weißem Phosphor gebe.
20090121             —LAUT—ANGABEN, der Uno hat die ISRAEL—ARMEE 2—SCHULEN direkt mit Phosphor beschossen.
20090121             aber hochgiftig.
20090121             GROßBRITANNIEN: Notenbank fürchtet Versagen der Zinspolitik
20090121             —VERKRACHT, Obamas Schließungspläne: Koalition, sich wegen GUANTANAMO—HÄFTLINGEN
20090121             Obamas 1. —TAG: NUMBER 44—ZIEHT in den KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE Krise
20090121             —EVOLUTION 3.0: Wie Maschinen uns eines Tages versklaven könnten
20090121             —INTERVIEW—MIT—GRÖNLANDS—AUßENMINISTER: "Das Überleben in der ARKTIS macht zäh"
20090121             GAZA—KRIEG: ISRAEL schließt Truppenabzug ab
20090121             Obamas Amtseinführung: DAS—NEUE—AMERIKA—GEFÜHL
20090121             Obama an der Macht: PENTAGON will GUANTANAMO—PROZESSE stoppen
20090121             Der Bund hat die Auslieferung von UBS—KUNDENDATEN an DIE—USA per Notrecht geklärt.
20090121             Er ist bereit, Beschwerden die aufschiebene Wirkung zu entziehen.
20090121             News Analysis: Speech Spanned History and Confronted BUSH
20090121             UN—VERTRETER hält BUSH—ANKLAGE für zwingend
20090121             Obamas Amtseinführung: Schwere Verluste an USA—BÖRSEN—USA—FINANCE stocks decline sharply
20090121             —DEVELOPED, The pills, being, by Proteus Biomedicals, have "digestible sensors" made OUT—OF—FOOD—PRODUCTS and are activated by stomach fluids.
20090121             —ACCORDING to the Proteus site, the sensors cost 1—FEW cents per pill.
20090121             Eine offizielle Begründung der ISRAEL—ARMEE für den Angriff liegt nicht vor Sie haben Namen: Nour,
20090121             —KURZ—VOR—DEM—VON—ISRAEL angekündigten Waffenstillstand kamen sie im GAZA ums Leben.
20090121             Israelische Panzergranaten trafen
20090121             —BY—ANNE Harding
20090121             DAVID Iglesias JAG (JUDGE—ADVOCATE—GENERAL) GUANTANAMO Hours —AFTER being sworn in as USA—PRESIDENT,
20090121             BARACK—OBAMA—SATYAM Khanna
20090121             urged THE—USA—TO pursue FORMER—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH and defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD on charges that they authorized torture
20090121             "Judicially speaking, THE—USA has 1—CLEAR—OBLIGATION" to bring proceedings against BUSH and RUMSFELD.
20090121             —RATIFIED, He noted WASHINGTON had, THE—UN—CONVENTION on torture which required "all means,
20090121             particularly penal law" to be used to bring proceedings against those violating it.
20090121             "We have all these documents that are —NOW publicly available that prove that these METHODS—OF—INTERROGATION were intentionally ordered by RUMSFELD," against detainees at THE—USA—PRISON—FACILITY in GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA, Nowak said.
20090121             "for abuses committed at GUANTANAMO Bay, ABU—GHURAIB[ABU—GHRAIB]and other military detention centers.
20090121             —JUST last —WEEK, 1—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL overseeing Gitmo trials said RUMSFELD approved the torture
20090121             and —RECENTLY admitted that he personally authorized
20090121             I was reminded of the gloomy prediction that HALF—OF—ALL—LANGUAGES will disappear this —CENTURY
20090121             1—JUDGE—SUSPENDS—THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY trials of 5—MEN accused over 20010911             —THE attacks, in line with 1—REQUEST by USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA.
20090121             with mostly ice and 1—SMALL—AMOUNT—OF—DUST.
20090121             which is 22,684 cu. kms (5,439 miles).
20090121             The study was done by researchers at FRANCE—NATIONAL—INSTITUTE—OF—SCIENCES—OF—THE—UNIVERSE (Insu),
20090121             According to THE—IUCN (INTERNATIONAL Union for CONSERVATION—OF—NATURE), at least 236—PLANT—SPECIES and 51—ANIMAL—SPECIES are in DANGER—OF—EXTINCTION in Kalimantan, THE—INDONESIA—PART—OF—BORNEO island.
20090121             MOST—OF—THEM endemic, and in DANGER—OF—EXTINCTION.
20090121             —KILLED, Aktueller PROPAGANDA—HÖHEPUNKT zum Gazamassaker: "Hamas, PALESTINE—CHILDREN to make us look bad", sagt der Israelische Pressesprecher
20090121             Mehr.
20090121             USA—INDEXES see their biggest fall for almost 2—MONTHS, with banking shares ending sharply lower.
20090121             Insolvenzverschleppung würde man das bei uns nennen: DIE—USA—BANKEN haben 1,4 Billionen Dollar Kapital aber geschätzte 3,6 Billionen Dollar Verluste durch Kreditausfälle
20090121             ISRAEL hat nicht 1—UN—GEBÄUDE beschossen, sondern 50
20090121             —GEAHNDET, Und wenn sie die Angriffe dann, haben wollen, braucht DIE—POLIZEI natürlich die Daten.
20090121             Die DATEN—SCHUTZ—AKTIVISTEN kritisieren, der Vorstoß würde die "unbegrenzte und unbefristete Speicherung JEDER—EINGABE und JEDES—MAUSKLICKS beim Lesen,
20090121             Diese Surfprotokolle dürften an Polizei,
20090121             Bundeskriminalamt, Geheimdienste sowie an die Unterhaltungsindustrie herausgegeben werden.
20090121             The devices, currently in clinical trials, made #8 on WIRED—LIST—OF—THE—TOP—TECHNOLOGY—BREAKTHROUGHS—OF—20080000          .
20090121             Nour, 17—JAHRE alt. Aya, 14—JAHRE alt.
20090121             Mayer, 15—JAHRE alt. Bisan, 20—JAHRE alt.
20090121             " and has signaled 1—WILLINGNESS—ARCHIVES. DAVID Iglesias. | PBS
20090121             —BEFORE THE—DAY—AFTER GEORGE—W—BUSH and Dick Cheney leave office- "no time slot could be found for the documentary?
20090121             Watch 1—CLIP from Torturing DEMOCRACY—HERE.
20090121             —LINKED, Drop in USA—AIR—POLLUTION, to longer lifespans
20090121             Americans are living longer because the air they breathe is getting cleaner, 1—NEW—STUDY suggests.
20090121             The average drop in pollution seen across 51—METROPOLITAN—AREAS 19800000—20000000    —BETWEEN appears to have added nearly 5—MORE—MONTHS to...
20090121             In his confirmation hearing, ATTORNEY—GENERAL nominee ERIC—HOLDER unequivocally declared that "waterboarding is torture " and has signaled 1—WILLINGNESS to investigate Bush officials.
20090121             But torture advocate SENATOR—JOHN—CORNYN (R—TX) is holding up the nomination because he wants to know exactly whether Holder will pursue criminal prosecutions of "intelligence personnel" involved in torture.
20090121             "It could well be there will be 1—REQUEST to delay the markup for 1—WEEK so those questions can be asked and answered," Cornyn said.
20090121             Länderdomino: ENGLAND sieht nicht so gut aus.
20090121             ANTHRAX—ALARM: Behörden räumen Redaktion vom "WALL—STREET Journal"
20090121             Neue Klimastudie: Südpol wird —SEIT—50—JAHREN wärmer
20090121             Kinderlähmung: 488—MILLIONEN Euro für Kampf gegen Polio
20090121             —AIRED, In remarks that, on GERMANY—TELEVISION last night, MANFRED—NOWAK, THE—UNITED—NATIONS Special Rapporteur on Torture, urged THE—USA to pursue FORMER—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH and defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD on charges that they authorized torture and other harsh interrogation techniques:
20090121             —RELEASED, Indeed, 1—BIPARTISAN—SENATE—REPORT, last —MONTH found that Rumsfeld "bore major responsibility " for abuses committed at GUANTANAMO Bay, ABU—GHRAIB and other military detention centers.
20090121             —JUST last —WEEK, 1—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL overseeing Gitmo trials said Rumsfeld approved the torture of 1—PARTICULAR—DETAINEE.
20090121             Bush himself said —LAST—YEAR that he was aware of his advisers' discussions on torture and —RECENTLY admitted that he personally authorized waterboarding Kalid Sheik Muhammad.
20090121             Who Was Right? Geithner Warned Of 'Systemic Risk,' —WHILE Paulson Claimed 'Fundamentals Are Healthy'
20090121             —LEARNED, CHIEF—MARIE, 89, of the Eyak tribe in ALASKA, the tongue from her parents, but THE—SPREAD—OF—ENGLISH and competition from the Tlingit, another aboriginal tribe, meant that she was the last native speaker.
20090121             1—SURVEY backed by THE—USA—NATIONAL—GEOGRAPHIC—SOCIETY found that
20090121             —ENDANGERED, Native USA—LANGUAGES are SOME—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST.
20090121             —CHANGED, THE—GLOBAL—SUCCESS—OF—ENGLISH, for example, has, it forever.
20090121             —ARGUED, If nothing else, it has been, that saving indigenous languages is essential because they
20090121             encode traditional knowledge about plants and animals that have yet to be discovered by Western scientists.
20090121             ROWAN—HOOPER, online news editor
20090121             Protesters pelt ICELAND PM—CAR—ANGRY—PROTESTERS surround ICELAND—PRIME—MINISTER—GEIR—HAARDE—CAR, banging on its windows and pelting it with eggs.
20090121             Judge halts 20010911              GUANTANAMO trial
20090121             1—JUDGE—SUSPENDS—THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY trials of 5—MEN accused over the
20090121             New evidence on ANTARCTIC warming The continent of ANTARCTICA is heating up in step with THE—REST—OF—THE—PLANET, according to 1—NEW—ANALYSIS.
20090121             How UK—TROOPS were made to face nuclear blasts
20090121             Tory MP 'let police into office' 1—CONSERVATIVE—MP alleges that police entered his Commons office without 1—WARRANT demanding to see correspondence.
20090121             Lots of Pure Water Ice At Mars NORTH—POLE
20090121             "Planum Boreum, MAR—NORTH polar cap contains water ice "of 1—VERY—HIGH—DEGREE—OF—PURITY," according to 1—INTERNATIONAL—STUDY. Using radar data from THE—SHARAD (SHAllow RADar) instrument on BOARD—THE—MARS—RECONNAISSANCE—ORBITER (MRO), FRANCE—RESEARCHERS say the data point to 95 % purity in the polar ice cap. The north polar cap is 1—DOME—OF layered, icy materials, similar to the large ice caps in GREENLAND and ANTARCTICA, consisting of layered deposits, with mostly ice and 1—SMALL—AMOUNT—OF—DUST. Combined, the north and south polar ice caps are believed to hold the equivalent of 2 to 3—MILLION—CUBIC kilometers (0.47-0.72—MILLION cu. miles) of ice, making it roughly 100—TIMES—MORE than the total VOLUME—OF—NORTH—AMERICA—GREAT—LAKES, which is 22,684—CU. kms (5,439—MILES). The study was done by researchers at FRANCE—NATIONAL—INSTITUTE—OF—SCIENCES—OF—THE—UNIVERSE (Insu), using THE—ITALY—BUILT SHARAD radar sounder on THE—USA—BUILT—MISTER—O—SHARAD looks for liquid or frozen water in the 1. few HUNDREDS—OF—FEET (up to 1—KILOMETER) of Mars' crust by using subsurface sounding. It can detect liquid water and profile ice. Mars southern polar cap was once thought to be carbon dioxide ice, but ESA—MARS—EXPRESS confirmed that it is composed of 1—MIXTURE—OF—WATER and carbon dioxide. The study on Mars north polar cap appears in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, published by THE—USA—GEOPHYSICAL—UNION".
20090121             Pacific Gas & Electric plans to shift its renewable energy strategy by investing directly in solar power plants and rooftop panels, 1—MOVE that could firm up stalled solar projects.
20090121             Hours —AFTER inauguration, THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION—ORDERS—REVIEW—OF pending rules, including those relating to fuel efficiency standards and greenhouse gas regulations.
20090121             Es bleibt abzuwarten, ob Obama die SPIN—DOCTORS, die Meinungsmacher und Faktenverdreher in WASHINGTON, wirklich ihrer Macht berauben kann, ob 1—REGIERUNG wirklich so authentisch und direkt kommunizieren kann, wie es das Netzvolk verlangt.
20090121             Laut der "NEW—YORK—TIMES" war die Netzauslastung die höchste in der Geschichte.
20090121             1. —TAG im Amt: Amerikas Gegenspieler überhäufen Obama mit Forderungen
20090121             The main cause of this ecological disaster is the intensive CULTIVATION—OF—OIL—PALM, that continues it world expansion to produce THE—SO—CALLED—BIOFUELS.
20090121             VIELE—HEDGEFONDS sind durch die Finanzkrise stark in Mitleidenschaft gezogen: Anleger ziehen zusehends Geld aus den als hochriskant geltenden Anlagefonds.
20090121             Insider vermuten, dass —BIS zu 3000—FONDS vor dem Kollaps stehen.
20090121             Abgereichertes Uran ("depleted uranium", DU, mehr auf SPIEGEL WISSEN...)wird benutzt, um die Durchschlagskraft von panzerbrechender Munition zu vergrößern.
20090121             Eine mit Uran gefüllte EIN—LITER—WASSERFLASCHE würde 19—KILOGRAMM wiegen.
20090121             In den Boden geschossene Uranmunition kann Schätzungen zufolge in 5—BIS 10—JAHREN vollständig korrodieren und das Uran ins Grundwasser abgeben.
20090121             URAN—UND Phosphormunition: Kritiker werfen ISRAEL—EINSATZ umstrittener Waffen vor
20090121             Dann geht es am Nachmittag weiter mit den Kriegen in AFGHANISTAN und Irak:
20090121             Was wir jedoch wissen, ist, dass unser Planet —ZURZEIT die Geburtsstunde eines 3. Replikators erlebt — 1—SCHRITT, der eine interplanetarische Kommunikation ermöglichen würde.
20090121             Obamas 1. —TAG: NUMBER 44—ZIEHT in den Kampf gegen die Krise
20090121             —VERZEICHNET, Trotz Wirtschaftskrise: IBM, MILLIARDENGEWINN—BÖRSE: Nikkei fällt auf 7—WOCHEN—TIEF
20090121             Business blogger who got it right held in SOUTH—KOREA
20090121             Mehr... - Der DOW—JONES—INDEX verlor 332—PUNKTE und fiel um 4,01 % auf 7949,09 Zähler.
20090121             USA—FINANCE—STOCKS—DECLINE sharply USA—INDEXES see their biggest fall for almost 2—MONTHS, with banking shares ending sharply lower.
20090121             Scots economy 'clearly weakening' SCOTLAND—ECONOMY is weakening in the face of the financial crisis, THE—SCOTLAND—GOVERNMENT—CHIEF—ECONOMIC—ADVISER warns.
20090121             ISRAEL hat nicht 1—UN—GEBÄUDE beschossen, sondern 50. Bestimmt alles bedauerliche Einzelfälle, die man nicht verallgemeinern darf.
20090121             Die Datenschutzaktivisten kritisieren, der Vorstoß würde die "unbegrenzte und unbefristete Speicherung JEDER—EINGABE und JEDES—MAUSKLICKS beim Lesen, Schreiben und Diskutieren im INTERNET legalisieren".
20090121             Eine richterliche Anordnung sei nicht vorgeschrieben, 1—BESCHRÄNKUNG auf schwere Straftaten nicht vorgesehen.
20090121             Edible "Intelligent Pills"
20090121             IAN—LAMONT sends along 1—BRIEF—NOTE from the Industry Standard about "intelligent" pills that can help doctors record information about drug dosages, heart rate, respiratory rate, and other metrics.
20090121             1—RECEIVER that is similar to 1—SKIN—PATCH—PICKS up the data and can be passed on to a 3G mobile network, and from there to hospitals or doctors' offices.
20090121             Vergangenen —FREITAG verlor der palästinensische Arzt Izzeldin Abuelaish 3—SEINER Töchter und eine seiner Nichten bei einem israelischen Panzerangriff.
20090121             Eine offizielle Begründung der israelischen Armee für den Angriff liegt nicht vor Sie haben Namen: Nour, 17—JAHRE alt.
20090121             Aya, 14—JAHRE alt. Mayer, 15—JAHRE alt. Bisan, 20—JAHRE alt.
20090121             Kurz vor dem von ISRAEL angekündigten Waffenstillstand kamen sie im GAZA ums Leben.
20090121             Israelische PANZERGRANATEN—TRAFEN das Haus, in dem sie wohnten.
20090121             bekannt als Friedensaktivist — und als Arzt am Tel Aviver Krankenhaus Tel HA—SHOMER, an dem er israelische Patienten versorgt hat.
20090121             Judge halts 20010911              GUANTANAMO trial 1—JUDGE—SUSPENDS—THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY trials of 5—MEN accused over 20010911             —THE attacks, in line with 1—REQUEST by USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA.
20090121             Abgereichertes Uran
20090121             ("depleted uranium", DU, mehr auf SPIEGEL WISSEN...) wird benutzt, um die Durchschlagskraft von panzerbrechender Munition zu vergrößern.
20090121             Bush schwärmt vom Sonnenuntergang in TEXAS" href=" - /ISRAEL—BAUT—1—BLOGGER—ARMEE—AUF.html
20090121—19910000    —SINCE, Official data showed BRITAIN—ECONOMY is weakening fast, with more figures due this —WEEK expected to confirm the country has sunk into recession for the 1. time.
20090121—20090101    —ON, PORTLAND—OREGON, officials said they would begin 1—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATION into newly elected Mayor SAM—ADAMS, 45—JAHRE—ALT, who admitted shortly —AFTER taking office that he had lied —DURING his campaign about 1—SEXUAL—RELATIONSHIP with 1—MUCH younger gay man.
20090121—20090324    —SENTENCED, Skehan was, to 14—MONTHS in prison.
20090121—20090325    —SENTENCED, Guinan was, to 4—YEARS in prison.
20090121—20090909    —PUBLISHED, THE—ISRAEL—RIGHTS—GROUP B'Tselem, figures it said were compiled in MONTHS—OF—RESEARCH, including visits to FAMILIES—OF—VICTIMS.
20090121—20091208    —ON, 1—MEMORANDUM was issued implement this.
20090202             —SUPPORTED, CENTCOM COMMANDER—GENERAL—DAVID—PETRAEUS, by Defence SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES, tried to convince PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA that he had to back down from his campaign pledge to withdraw all USA combat troops from IRAQ within 18—MONTHS at 1—OVAL—OFFICE meeting 20090121          .
20090204—20100121    —ON, 1—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—OFFICIAL said Zhisheng has been judged by legal authorities and "is where he should be".
20090815             LEWIS—LICHTENSTEIN—STRAUSS (20090131             , 18960000—20090121     , 19740000             ) was 1—USA—BUSINESSMAN, government department head, and an honorary as opposed to commissioned (ie KENTUCKY COLONEL, Confederate AIR—FORCE) USA Naval officer.
20100121             THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—IN—THE—CASE—OF—CITIZENS—UNITED v. Federal Election Commission threw out a 63—YEAR—OLD—LAW designed to restrain the influence of big business and unions on elections, ruling 5—4—THAT—CORPORATIONS may spend as freely as they like to support or oppose candidates for PRESIDENT—AND—CONGRESS.
20100121             —ALTERED, The decision drastically, who gives and gets HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in elections.
20100121             Super PACs, political action committees went on to reshape 20120000             —THE presidential campaign.
20100121             CONAN—O'BRIEN told NBC good riddance in a $45—MILLION—DEAL for his exit from "The Tonight Show," allowing JAY—LENO to return to THE—LATE—NIGHT—PROGRAM he hosted —FOR—17—YEARS.
20100121             GENERAL—MOTOR—CO.'s Opel unit will cut 8,300 jobs across EUROPE, including 4,000 in GERMANY, and close 1—PLANT in ANTWERP—BELGIUM, cutting over 2,300 jobs.
20100121             —CHRISTENED, Silversea Cruises, its newest ship, the Silver Spirit.
20100121             It was built to accommodate 540—GUESTS and became the largest and most LUXURIOUS—OF—THE—COMPANY—SHIPS.
20100121             Toyota said it is recalling 2.3—MILLION—VEHICLES in THE—USA to fix accelerator pedals with mechanical problems that could cause them to become stuck.
20100121             The announcement comes —JUST months —AFTER it recalled 4.2—MILLION—VEHICLES due to gas pedals that could become trapped under floor mats, causing sudden acceleration.
20100121             NEW—YORK State police found THE—BODY—OF—DEAN—PIERSON, 59—JAHRE—ALT in his Copake barn.
20100121             They said the upstate dairy farmer had shot and killed 51—OF—HIS—MILK—COWS in his barn —BEFORE turning the rifle on himself.
20100121             —APPROVED, ANGOLA—PARLIAMENT, 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION under which THE—PRESIDENT would no longer be directly elected by the people, but would be chosen by THE—PARLIAMENT.
20100121             In effect the leader of the largest party in PARLIAMENT automatically becomes PRESIDENT.
20100121             The charter must —NOW be approved by the Constitutional Court, 1—STEP seen as 1—FORMALITY.
20100121             —DECLARED, CHINA, it is over the global crisis and signaled 1—SHIFT in focus to controlling inflation, sparking concern it could hamper growth and the country's contribution to 1—WORLDWIDE rebound.
20100121             FINLAND—NOKIA—CORP. said it will offer free navigation services globally for users of its smart phones, in 1—DRIVE to counter 1—SIMILAR—MOVE by Google INCORPORATED.
20100121             KENYA, radical Muslim cleric Sheik ABDULLAH—EL—FAISAL was flown OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY enroute to JAMAICA.
20100121             —SERVED, EL—FAISAL once, 4—YEARS in 1—UK—JAIL for inciting murder and stirring racial hatred by urging followers to kill Americans, Hindus and Jews.
20100121             —TRIED, MALAYSIA, vandals, to burn down 2—MUSLIM prayer rooms, —FOLLOWING 1—STRING of arson attacks on churches amid 1—DISPUTE over THE—USE—OF—THE—WORD "Allah" by Christians.
20100121             1—HOLLAND—AIRLIFT brought 106—CHILDREN from QUAKE—RAVAGED HAITI to new lives in THE—NETHERLANDS and LUXEMBOURG, as anxious families waited to hug children they had been in the process of adopting for months.
20100121             —INSCRIBED, NEW—ZEALAND said that biblical citations, on USA—MANUFACTURED weapon sights used by its troops in AFGHANISTAN will be removed because they are inappropriate and could stoke religious tensions.
20100121             —PREPARED, NIGERIA, religious leaders in JOS, for mass burials —AFTER—4—DAYS—OF—CHRISTIAN—MUSLIM clashes left nearly 300—DEAD.
20100121             THE—PAKISTAN—ARMY said —DURING 1—VISIT by USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES that it can't launch ANY—NEW—OFFENSIVES against militants —FOR—6—MONTHS to 1—YEAR to give it time to stabilize existing gains.
20100121             —CONTINUED, SOUTH—SUDAN, clashes, for a 4. —DAY in the troubled SOUTH—STATE—OF—JONGLEI leaving 15—MORE—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20100121             —AWARDED, SWEDEN—ROYAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES, AUSTRIA—BORN USA—SCIENTIST—WALTER—MUNK, 92—JAHRE—ALT 20100000             —THE Crafoord Prize in Geosciences for his research on ocean circulation.
20100121             TURKEY, a 20090700             , constitutional amendment paving the way for military officers to be tried in CIVIL—COURTS was struck down by the constitutional court.
20100121             Officials said YEMEN will stop issuing visas to foreign visitors upon arrival to try to prevent Islamic militants from sneaking in to meet and train with 1—AL—QAIDA offshoot that has established 1—STRONGHOLD in the fractured and impoverished country.
20100121—19790000    —SINCE, Critics said giving PARLIAMENT the power to name THE—PRESIDENT will only further entrench PRESIDENT—EDUARDO—DOS—SANTOS, who has been in power.
20100121—19820000    —SINCE, The Crafoord award has been given annually for scientific research in areas not covered by the Nobel Prizes.
20100121—20030000    —IN, Trijicon said biblical references were 1. put on the sites nearly 30—YEARS ago by the company founder, Glyn Bindon, who was killed in 1—PLANE—CRASH.
20100121—20040000    —LAUNCHED, Air AMERICAN—RADIO, 1—RADIO—NETWORK that was, as 1—LIBERAL—ALTERNATIVE to Rush Limbaugh and other conservative commentators, shut down abruptly due to financial woes.
20100121—20100119    —ON, The inscriptions on products from defense contractor Trijicon of WIXOM—MICHIGAN, came to light this —WEEK in THE—USA—WHERE—ARMY—OFFICIALS said they would investigate whether the gun sights, also used by USA—TROOPS in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ, violate USA—PROCUREMENT—LAWS.
20100524—18680121    —AM, ersuchten 30—EISENBERGER Bürger das zuständige Ministerium in Altenburg, die Gründung des CREDIT—UND SPAR—VEREIN zu Eisenberg S.-A. zu genehmigen.
20110101—20110121    —ARRESTED, CONGO, LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—KIBIBI—MUTWARA, 1—SENIOR—ARMY—COMMANDER accused of ordering the rapes in Fizi.
20110118—20110121    —ON, IRAN—SEMI—OFFICIAL—MEHR news agency said that the ration of gasoline costing —JUST 1,000 rials per liter (about 10—USA—CENTS, or $0.38—PER USA gallon) would be 0—FROM the next IRAN—MONTH, which starts.
20110121             —DEMANDED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, that FRANCE withdraw its troops from AFGHANISTAN in exchange for THE—RELEASE—OF—FRANCE—HOSTAGES being held by AL—QAIDA affiliates, according to 1—AUDIO message broadcast on 1—ARABIC—NEWS—CHANNEL.
20110121             —REVOKED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT said it has, the visas of about 12—HAITI—OFFICIALS, increasing pressure on the government to drop its favored candidate from the presidential runoff in favor of 1—POPULAR contender who is warning of renewed protests if he is not on the ballot.
20110121             GLENN—SHRIVER, 29—JAHRE—ALT—OF—GRAND—RAPIDS, MICHIGAN, was sentenced to 4—YEARS in prison —AFTER admitting that he took $70,000 from CHINA—SPIES —WHILE attempting to secure jobs with THE—CIA and USA Foreign Service.
20110121             Gulet Mohamed (19), 1—VIRGINIA teenager who claims he was beaten and tortured —WHILE stuck in KUWAIT for 1—MONTH—AFTER he was apparently placed on THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—NO—FLY list, was reunited with his family at 1—WASHINGTON—AREA—AIRPORT.
20110121             NORTH—CALIFORNIA school officials said a 2.—GRADE teacher in OAKLAND was placed on leave —WHILE 1—SCHOOL and police investigate accounts by students that classmates engaged in oral sex and stripped off SOME—OF—THEIR clothes —DURING class.
20110121             AFGHANISTAN—LEADER—HAMID—KARZAI paid his 1. state visit to RUSSIA amid political mayhem at home that saw 1—DELAY in the seating of 1—NEW—PARLIAMENT and renewed questions about his ability to lead THE—WAR—RAVAGED state.
20110121             1—JOINT—STATEMENT said PRESIDENT—MEDVEDEV has gratefully accepted HAMID—KARZAI—INVITATION to visit AFGHANISTAN.
20110121             —OVERTURNED, ALBANIA, protesters, and burned police vehicles and clashed with officers who fought them off with tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannon.
20110121             † 2—MEN were fatally shot in the chest and another, of 1—WOUND to the head.
20110121             Tensions rose sharply last —WEEK—WHEN Deputy PRIME—MINISTER—ILIR—META resigned —AFTER 1—PRIVATE—TV—STATION aired 1—VIDEO that showed him asking 1—COLLEAGUE to influence the awarding of 1—CONTRACT to build 1—POWER—STATION.
20110121             † A 4. person, of wounds 1—FEW days —LATER.
20110121             —WARNED, BELARUS PRESIDENT—LUKASHENKO, 56—JAHRE—ALT, that no dissent will be tolerated as he took THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE for a 4. time in 1—CEREMONY that was boycotted by EU ambassadors.
20110121             —REGISTERED, BRAZIL—OFFICIALS said about 400—PEOPLE were, as missing —AFTER mudslides last —WEEK that killed at least 806—PEOPLE.
20110121             —SUSPENDED, CUBA, indefinitely all mail service to THE—USA, extending 1—BAN announced in November and expanding it to cover letters as well as packages.
20110121             —SUSPENDED, Deliveries were, in November —FOLLOWING 1—USA—DECISION to increase security measures —FOLLOWING—LAST—YEAR'S failed terror threat involving packages mailed from YEMEN.
20110121             2—DAY—TALKS between IRAN and 6—WORLD—POWERS started in ISTANBUL.
20110121             1—SENIOR—IRAN—OFFICIAL said suspending uranium enrichment is not up for discussion.
20110121             —ANNOUNCED, IRAQ—AUTHORITIES, THE—ARREST—OF—SEVERAL suspects in the deadly suicide bombings outside KARBALA that have provoked CRITICISM—OF—THE—SECURITY—FORCES for not protecting the pilgrims flocking to the shrines.
20110121             —ARRESTED, Police in HILLAH, the local LEADER—OF—1—GOVERNMENT—BACKED—SUNNI—MUSLIM militia for planning the deadly bombings on Shiite pilgrims this —WEEK.
20110121             —VOWED, JORDAN—OPPOSITION, continual protests over price increases and inflation —UNTIL THE—RESIGNATION—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—SAMIR—RIFAI and his government.
20110121             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—JORDANIANS calling for their government to step down, in several cities in 1—OUTPOURING—OF—ANGER over economic hardship and 1—LACK—OF—DEMOCRATIC—REFORMS in the constitutional monarchy.
20110121             —WOUNDED, The Royal MALAYSIA—NAVY commandos, 3—PIRATES in 1—GUNBATTLE and rescued THE—23—CREW members on THE—MALAYSIAN—FLAGGED chemical tanker MT Bunga Laurel, shortly —AFTER the pirates stormed the vessel in the Gulf of ADEN with assault rifles and pistols.
20110121             —KILLED, MEXICO—SOLDIERS patrolling 1—RURAL—AREA on the border with TEXAS, 10 suspected drug gang gunmen at 1—TRAINING camp in Valle Hermoso, Tamaulipas state.
20110121             —WORKED, In CHIHUAHUA STATE—1—COMMANDER who, in internal affairs for the local ATTORNEY—GENERAL—OFFICE was killed along with another agent.
20110121             † In CIUDAD—JUAREZ 3—MEN, —WHEN 1—GASOLINE bomb was thrown into their store.
20110121             Elsewhere in CIUDAD—JUAREZ, authorities found the dead bodies of 3—OTHER—VICTIMS—OF—APPARENT gangland murders.
20110121             NEW—ZEALAND, DAVID—WALSH, mathematical savant and professional gambler, opened his Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) at his Moorilla estate on the River Derwent.
20110121             PAKISTAN, some 2,000—PEOPLE in 1—TALIBAN—CONTROLLED region of the northwest demonstrated against USA—MISSILE—ATTACKS pounding the area, calling for 1—END to the strikes and THE—ARREST—OF—THE—USA—OFFICIALS behind them.
20110121             —TORCHED, In the southwest gunmen, 2—TANKERS carrying fuel for USA and NATO—FORCES, wounding 2—DRIVERS.
20110121             —ENRAGED, DOZENS—OF—PALESTINIANS, by FRANCE—SYMPATHY for 1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER held by GAZA militants, ambushed THE—FRANCE—FOREIGN—MINISTER—MOTORCADE in THE—GAZA Strip, pelting it with eggs and hurling 1—SHOE that narrowly missed hitting her.
20110121             † 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—MAN—AFTER setting himself on fire in THE—SOUTH—WEST—TOWN—OF—SAMTA, in what could be the latest example of 1—RASH—OF—SELF—IMMOLATIONS sweeping the region —FOLLOWING events in TUNISIA.
20110121             —REPORTED, It was, that ERIK—PRINCE, HEAD—OF—XE—SERVICES (formerly known as Blackwater Worldwide) private security company, was currently involved in 1—ARAB—FINANCED program to mobilize 20000000              SOMALIA—RECRUITS to fight pirates.
20110121             —STORMED, SOUTH—KOREA—NAVY commandos, the Samho Jewelry, 1—SHIP hijacked by SOMALIA—PIRATES in THE—INDIA—OCEAN, rescuing all THE—21—CREW and killing 8—PIRATES.
20110121             5—PIRATES were captured.
20110121             THE—SPAIN—GOVERNMENT said it is drawing up 1—NEW—PLAN to restructure the country's regional savings banks, the weak link in its banking system and 1—MAJOR—CAUSE—OF—CONCERN over the public finances.
20110121             1—SUDAN—MAN, AL—AMIN MUSA—AL—AMIN, 25—JAHRE—ALT, set himself on fire in the latest INSTANCE—OF—SELF—IMMOLATION in the Arab world.
20110121             —TREATED, He was being, in hospital for 2.—DEGREE burns in OMDURMAN, KHARTOUM—TWIN—CITY.
20110121             VIETNAM—STATE—CONTROLLED media said 1—COLD spell over the past 3—WEEKS has killed at least 7—PEOPLE as well as more than 20,000 cows and buffalos.
20110121             ZIMBABWE researchers said nearly 1—3. of the country's registered voters are dead, and others appear to be babies or up to 120—YEARS—OLD, and called for the list to be overhauled so that the upcoming election cannot be rigged.
20110121             STEUER—CD: CREDIT—SUISSE—MITARBEITER in Haft
20110121             Anschläge auf Moscheen: Berliner Polizei nimmt Verdächtigen fest
20110121             Umstrittenes Mediengesetz: EU—KOMMISSION stellt Ungarn Ultimatum
20110121             Unruhen in Albanien: 3—MENSCHEN bei blutigen Protesten erschossen
20110121             ATTENTAT—VON—ARIZONA: USA—ABGEORDNETE Giffords verlässt Klinik
20110121             KOMMUNISMUS—DEBATTE : Abgeordnete schießen sich auf Lötzsch ein
20110121             Vergiftetes Futtermittel: Dioxin soll aus Frittierfett stammen
20110121             Vorurteile über Muslime: TORY—ANFÜHRERIN beklagt Islamophobie der Briten
20110121             Schuldenkrise: Spanien will Bankensektor UMKREMPELN—DATEN—MORALISTEN - Hackerparagraf.
20110121             —DEFINIERT, Er, das Programmieren von Software, die die Beschaffung zugangsgeschützter Daten ermöglicht, als Vorbereitung einer Straftat.
20110121             Franz findet das absurd:
20110121             "Das ist so, als würde man den Besitz eines Hammers unter Strafe stellen,
20110121             nur weil man damit auch 1—FENSTER einschlagen kann, um irgendwo einzubrechen".
20110121             Meuterei auf der "Gorch Fock" : ENDE—DES—KADAVERGEHORSAMS
20110121             Flüchtlingsdrama: Europäische RICHTER—PRANGERN—EU—ASYLPOLITIK an
20110121             Neckarwestheim I: Umweltschützer kritisieren Mängel an URALT—MEILER
20110121             Immobilienabschreibung: BANK—OF—AMERICAN—MELDET Milliardenverlust
20110121             GAZA—STREIFEN: Frankreichs Außenministerin mit Schuhen beworfen
20110121             "Tägliche Aufsicht durch Erwachsene nicht mehr nötig!" So knapp war die TWITTER—BOTSCHAFT,
20110121             mit der der GOOGLE—CHEF—DER—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT seinen Rückzug
20110121             Kurioses Verhalten: Raubvögel protzen mit Plastikfetzen
20110121             Mexiko: Armee stellt Rekordmenge Opium sicher
20110121             Verurteilter EX—BANKER: WIKILEAKS—INFORMANT Elmer legt Berufung ein
20110121             Futtermittelskandal: Behörden gehen von systematischer DIOXIN—PANSCHEREI aus
20110121             Einzigartiger FLUGSAURIER—FUND: Mrs. T fasziniert mit Rundungen
20110121             —BY—JONAH Lehrer
20110121             It doesn't matter if we're having sex or snorting cocaine or listening to Kanye:
20110121             These things fill us with bliss because they tickle these cells.
20110121             Happiness begins here.
20110121             EXTINCTION—OF—TAXONOMISTS continues despite 1—GROWING POOL—OF—FUNDS for biodiversity programs and databases.
20110121             We are currently in 1—BIODIVERSITY—CRISIS.
20110121             A quarter of all mammals face extinction,
20110121             and 90—PERCENT of the largest ocean fish are gone.
20110121             —EQUALED, Species are going extinct at rates, only 5—TIMES in THE—HISTORY—OF—LIFE.
20110121             But the biodiversity crisis we are currently encountering isn't —JUST 1—LOSS—OF—SPECIES,
20110121             it's also a LOSS—OF—KNOWLEDGE regarding them.
20110121             —PROVIDED, WikiLeaks, 1—LOT—OF—KINDLING.
20110121             "Given BEN—ALI—REPUTATION as a stalwart USA ally,
20110121             it mattered greatly to MANY—TUNISIANS — particularly to politically engaged Tunisians who are plugged into social media — that USA—OFFICIALS are saying the same things about BEN—ALI that they themselves say about him," political scientist CHRISTOPHER—ALEXANDER judged about the WikiLeaks TUNISIA revelations. "
20110121             —CONTRIBUTED, These revelations, to 1—ENVIRONMENT that was ripe for 1—WAVE—OF—PROTEST that gathered broad support.
20110121             -Nachmittag DES—WIKTOR But
20110121             Fernsehkameras sind verboten, fotografieren ebenso.
20110121             in die 2. Reihe bekanntgab.
20110121             Verschwendung: 1—DRITTEL aller Lebensmittel landet im Müll
20110121             Massenvogelsterben in SOUTH—DAKOTA: USA—LANDWIRTSCHAFTSMINISTERIUM vergiftete Stare
20110121             Konflikt mit Nordkorea: USA drängen CHINA zu härterer HALTUNG—HACKERPARAGRAF.
20110121             Franz findet das absurd: "Das ist so, als würde man den Besitz eines Hammers unter Strafe stellen, nur weil man damit auch 1—FENSTER einschlagen kann, um irgendwo einzubrechen".
20110121             Überwältigende Mehrheit: 99—PROZENT stimmen für unabhängigen Südsudan
20110121             "Tägliche Aufsicht durch Erwachsene nicht mehr nötig!" So knapp war die TWITTER—BOTSCHAFT, mit der der GOOGLE—CHEF—DER—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT
20110121             seinen Rückzug in die 2. Reihe bekanntgab.
20110121             Preisexplosion bei Lebensmitteln: ASIEN fürchtet Hungersnot
20110121             Ausreiseverbot: "Baby Doc" darf HAITI nicht mehr verlassen
20110121             It doesn't matter if we're having sex or snorting cocaine or listening to Kanye: These things fill us with bliss because they tickle these cells.
20110121             1—QUARTER—OF—ALL—MAMMALS face extinction, and 90—PERCENT of the largest ocean fish are gone.
20110121             But the biodiversity crisis we are currently encountering isn't —JUST 1—LOSS—OF—SPECIES, it's also 1—LOSS—OF—KNOWLEDGE regarding them.
20110121             -Nachmittag des-
20110121             WIKTOR—BUT den Verhandlungssaal des New Yorker Bundesgerichts betritt, gilt erhöhte Sicherheit.
20110121—20090300    —TRAVELED, Mohamed, to YEMEN and SOMALIA, where he still has family, to learn Arabic.
20110121—20090800    —IN, He stayed in those countries for —JUST 1—FEW months and settled in KUWAIT, where he lived with 1—UNCLE.
20110121—20110115    —SEIZED, The pirates had, the 11,500-ton chemical freighter Samho Jewelry.
20110121—20110131    —CAPTURED, MALAYSIA—POLICE took custody of 7, SOMALIA—PIRATES.
20110124—20110121    —ON, 1—SUDAN—MAN, AL—AMIN MUSA—AL—AMIN, 25—JAHRE—ALT, who was hospitalized —AFTER setting himself on fire in 1—SUBURB—OF—KHARTOUM, † from his wounds.
20120121             FORMER—HOUSE Speaker Newt Gingrich beat Mitt Romney in THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA Republican primary 40% to 28%.
20120121             Rick Santorum took 3. place with 17% and Ron Paul came in 4. with 13%.
20120121             AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI said that he personally held peace talks —RECENTLY with the insurgent faction HIZB—I—ISLAMI.
20120121             At least 13—PEOPLE, including 5—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER—POLICE, 1—NATO—SOLDIER and 2 WOULD—BE suicide bombers, were killed across the country.
20120121             ANTI—WHALING activists threw paint and foul smelling acid at 1—WHALING ship in THE—ANTARCTIC—OCEAN in 1—FRESH—BID to halt the annual hunt.
20120121             ANTI—CAPITALIST—PROTESTERS said they have taken over 1—LARGE building in THE—CITY—OF—LONDON financial district.
20120121             —REPOSSESSED, Occupy LONDON publicly, ROMAN—HOUSE, 1 abandoned 9—STOREY office building in the Barbican.
20120121             They left the premises —LATER in THE—DAY—AFTER 1—REQUEST from contractors employed by the building's owners.
20120121             —ADMITTED, BURUNDI, that it had asked for 1—EXILED—BURUNDI—OPPOSITION—LEADER to be arrested in TANZANIA and extradited to face murder charges.
20120121             —STARTED, CHINA, BEIJING environmental authorities, releasing more detailed air quality data that may better reflect how bad THE—CHINA—CAPITAL—AIR—POLLUTION is.
20120121             COLOMBIA—PRESIDENT—JUAN—MANUEL—SANTOS said that MANUEL—MARULANDA, the late leader and CO—FOUNDER—OF—FARC, the country's main leftist rebel group, had owned 57—RANCHES in 2—STATES—ALONE.
20120121             —KILLED, EAST—INDIA, 1—LANDMINE—ATTACK by Maoist rebels, at least 12—POLICEMEN and injured 3—OTHERS in Jharkhand state.
20120121             1—IRAN—BOAT sank —WHILE sailing between Hormuz Island and the port CITY—OF—BANDAR—ABBAS on the mainland.
20120121             17—PEOPLE † —AFTER 1—STORM capsized the passenger boat.
20120121             1—ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKE targeted PALESTINE—MILITANTS in THE—GAZA Strip who were laying explosives near the border.
20120121             —FRUSTRATED, LIBYA, —AROUND 200—PROTESTERS, with THE—PACE—OF—REFORMS stormed THE—GROUNDS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—TRANSITIONAL government headquarters in BENGHAZI to demand 1—MEETING with the nation's interim leaders.
20120121             —TOPPLED, MADAGASCAR's, PRESIDENT—MARC—RAVALOMANANA tried to end his exile in SOUTH—AFRICA, but his commercial plane was forced to turn back MID—FLIGHT—WHEN his landing was blocked by Andry Rajoelina, the populist former disc jockey who toppled him.
20120121             —WALKED, RAVALOMANANA—PARTY, out of 1—FLEDGLING unity government, —AFTER the island nation barred him from flying home to end his 3—YEAR—EXILE.
20120121             HOLLAND—SAILOR Laura Dekker (16) set foot aboard 1—DOCK in S—MAARTEN, ending 1—YEARLONG voyage aboard 1—SAILBOAT named "Guppy" that apparently made her the youngest person ever to sail alone —AROUND the globe.
20120121             —DETAINED, PAKISTAN, 31—INDIA—FISHERMEN and seized their 14—BOATS for fishing in its territorial waters in the Arabian Sea.
20120121             —KIDNAPPED, SOMALIA, gunmen, 1—USA—MAN in THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—GALKAYO.
20120121             † BILAL—BERJAWI, 1—BRITISH—LEBANON—COMMANDER—OF—THE—AL—SHABAB militant group, was killed along with 2—OTHERS—WHEN 1—USA—DRONE—MISSILE struck the car they were traveling in outside MOGADISHU.
20120121             —KILLED, Another airstrike, 6—PEOPLE—NEAR the insurgent STRONGHOLD—OF—KISMAYO.
20120121             —TRAMPLED, EAST—SPAIN, 1—FLAMING—HORNED bull, and fatally gored 1—MAN —DURING 1—FESTIVAL in Navajas.
20120121             —AMBUSHED, SUDAN, gunmen, 1—UN—AFRICAN—UNION peacekeeping patrol in THE—CONFLICT—STRICKEN Darfur region, killing 1—NIGERIA—SOLDIER and wounding 3.
20120121             NORTH—WEST—SYRIA, 1—STRING—OF—EXPLOSIONS struck 1—POLICE—TRUCK transporting prisoners on THE—IDLIB—ARIHA highway, killing at least 14—PEOPLE.
20120121             —BATTLED, Government troops also, defectors in the north in fighting that left 10—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20120121             —ERUPTED, Clashes, —AFTER security forces killed 4—CIVILIANS—WHEN they fired on mourners at 1—FUNERAL in Douma.
20120121             —SEIZED, THAILAND police, 3.8—MILLION—METHAMPHETAMINE tablets in the country's largest drug bust in years.
20120121             YEMEN—OFFICIALS said outgoing PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH will leave soon to OMAN, en route to medical treatment in THE—USA.
20120121—20080000    —LIVED, Marulanda had, 1—SIMPLE—LIFE and † 1—NATURAL—DEATH.
20120121—20101000    —15—MONATE—SPÄTER—AM, traf BILAL—EL—BERJAWI 1—DROHNENSCHLAG bei Mogadischu.
20120121—20110120    —ON, She had set out from S—MAARTEN.
20120121—20120101    —ON, Catalonia had legislation protecting flaming bulls, despite 1—BAN that took effect.
20120121—20120111    —ON, Alexis Sinduhije, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—OPPOSITION—MOVEMENT for Solidarity and Development, 1—FORMER—JOURNALIST, was arrested in TANZANIA—ECONOMIC—CAPITAL—DAR es Salaam upon his arrival there from UGANDA.
20120121—20140923    —FREED, MICHAEL—SCOTT—MOORE, was kidnapped —WHILE researching 1—BOOK on piracy.
20121120             1.Vielleicht... - 20050121
20121120—20050121    TSUNAMI, Humanity and THE—CANADA—SAGA of "TERRORism" Myth:
20130121             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA took THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE for his 2. term —BEFORE 1—CROWD—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS, urging the nation to 20130901             —UNWAVERING course toward prosperity and freedom for all its citizens.
20130121             —MARKED, OBAMA—INAUGURAL address, the 1. time 1—PRESIDENT used the occasion to praise progress on gay rights.
20130121             —OPENED, The new SFJazz Center, at 201—FRANKLIN—ST.
20130121             OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, undercover Officer ERIC—KARSSEBOOM, 37—JAHRE—ALT was shot and wounded —WHILE investigating MEMBERS—OF—THE—SEM—CITY—STREET—GANG.
20130121             A 4. has pleaded not guilty.
20130121             NORTH—CALIFORNIA, THE—BODY—OF—LEOLA—SHREVES, 94—JAHRE—ALT was found in her home in Yuba City.
20130121             She had † 2—3—DAYS—EARLIER from 1—MASSIVE—HEAD wound.
20130121             Her jaw, neck, back and 17—OF 24—RIBS were broken.
20130121             —ARRESTED, Police soon, next door neighbor MICHAEL—ALEXANDER, 20—JAHRE—ALT, who spent 3.5—YEARS in jail —BEFORE being released for LACK—OF—EVIDENCE.
20130121             † IN—TEXAS—MAX—SHATTO, 3—JAHRE—ALT, 1 adopted boy born in RUSSIA as MAXIM—KUZMIN, in Gardendale.
20130121             —ALLEGED, RUSSIA—AUTHORITIES, "inhuman tratement" as THE—CAUSE—OF—DEATH.
20130121             Laura Shatto told authorities that Max and his HALF—BROTHER were playing outside the family's home.
20130121             Shatto said she came out and found the boy unconscious on the ground.
20130121             1—MEDICAL—EXAMINER—LATER determined that the boy's death was not intentional.
20130121             AFGHANISTAN, 2—TALIBAN suicide bombers blew themselves up at the gates of THE—KABUL traffic police headquarters —BEFORE another GROUP—OF—MILITANTS stormed the compound, battling security forces —FOR—9—HOURS in 1—ATTACK that left 3—POLICEMEN and all 5—ATTACKERS dead.
20130121             At least 1—CANADIAN was among the Islamist militants who took hundreds hostage.
20130121             3—KIDNAPPERS were reported captured.
20130121             ARCTIC Council members set up the 1. permanent secretariat at TROMSO—NORWAY.
20130121             —BELIEVED, Azad was, to be in PAKISTAN.
20130121             —CANCELLED, LONDON—HEATHROW airport, 10—PERCENT—OF—FLIGHTS, 1—DAY—AFTER it cut its capacity by a 5., and said services could face further delays with more snowfall expected.
20130121             —COLLIDED, EGYPT, 1—SPEEDING truck, with 1—MINIBUS on 1—HIGHWAY in the country's south, killing 14—PEOPLE and injuring 13—OTHERS.
20130121             —STORMED, ERITREA, more than 100—DISSIDENT—SOLDIERS, THE—MINISTRY—OF—INFORMATION in ASMARA and read 1—STATEMENT on STATE—TV saying the country's 19970000              constitution would be put into force.
20130121             —SURROUNDED, Government soldiers, the ministry, 1—INDICATION the action by the dissident soldiers had failed.
20130121             GERMANY—CUSTOMS—OFFICIALS at Duesseldorf airport found 1—CHECK in VENEZUELA—CURRENCY worth $70—MILLION in the luggage of Tahmasb Mazaheri, IRAN—FORMER—CENTRAL—BANK—CHIEF, upon his arrival from TURKEY.
20130121             Mazaheri told authorities the money was to be used for the construction of 10,000 apartments funded by THE—VENEZUELA—GOVERNMENT.
20130121             —REPORTED, The newspaper Bild am —SONNTAG, the story in its —SUNDAY 20130203              edition.
20130121             —KILLED, INDONESIA, police said flooding in JAKARTA has, at least 26—PEOPLE and sent more than 100,000 fleeing from their homes.
20130121             Malian and FRANCE—TROOPS took CONTROL—OF—THE—TOWN—OF—DIABALY, patrolling the streets in armored personnel carriers.
20130121             USA—PLANES began transporting FRANCE—TROOPS and equipment to MALI.
20130121             —ARRIVED, French and MALI—TROOPS, in Douentza to find that the Islamists already had retreated from the town.
20130121             —KILLED, NIGERIA, 18—PEOPLE were, in 1—ATTACK on 1—LOCAL—MARKET in Dambao, Borno state.
20130121             —STARTED, The violence, —AFTER the local market banned 1—GROUP—OF—HUNTERS from selling "bush meat" from slaughtered monkeys and other creatures.
20130121             —RETURNED, By midday power, to more than HALF—OF—THE—CAPITAL.
20130121             —REPORTED, At least 42—PEOPLE were, killed in 1—CAR bombing at 1—HEADQUARTERS—OF—1—PRO—GOVERNMENT—MILITIA in Salamiya, Hama province.
20130121             1—WEEK—LATER Jabhat AL—NUSRA, 1—AL—QAIDA—LINKED group fighting, claimed responsibility for the attack.
20130121             —CHARGED, TURKEY—STATE—RUN—NEWS—AGENCY said 1—COURT has, 9—LAWYERS, including prominent human rights defenders, with membership in 1 outlawed leftist militant group and ordered them arrested pending trial.
20130121             —SUPPOSED, TURKEY, Sarai Sierra (33) went missing, —WHEN she was, to return to NEW—YORK City but was not on her flight back home.
20130121             —DISCOVERED, Her body was, 20130202              —EVENING near the remnants of ancient city walls.
20130121             —SUFFERED, She had, 1—FATAL—BLOW to the head.
20130121             —KILLED, YEMEN, 1—USA—DRONE—AIRSTRIKE on 1—CAR in Marib, 3 suspected AL—QAIDA militants and wounded 2—OTHERS.
20130121             ZIMBABWE, 1—MASSIVE—EXPLOSION at 1—TRIBAL sorcerer's house killed 5—PEOPLE outside the capital, HARARE.
20130121             —DAMAGED, The explosion, 12—NEARBY—HOUSES in the Chitungwiza township.
20130121             † A 6. person, —LATER.
20130121             Baumringe brachten Astronomen auf die Spur 1—GEWALTIGEN kosmischen Ereignisses, das sich 774—ODER 775—ABSPIELTE.
20130121             War es 1—SUPERNOVA, 1—SONNEN—STURM?
20130121             2—FORSCHER präsentieren 1—NEUE Hypothese: 1—GAMMABLITZ hat DIE—ERDE erwischt.
20130121             UNO—BERICHT, Afghanische Behörden foltern Häftlinge an GEHEIMEN Orten
20130121             Dschungelcamp, —TAG 10: Rambo Joey spricht mit Tieren
20130121             NEW—MEXICO: Teenager erschießt 5—MENSCHEN
20130121             Inflationsgefahr, USA—NOTEN—BANKER WARNT—VOR—ANLEIHEKÄUFEN
20130121             Bildung als Tauschware: Schnaps und Kuchen sind mein Lohn
20130121             Bildung im Tausch gegen Dinge, das ist das Motto 1—TAUSCHAKADEMIE, kurz TAAK!, in HALLE—AN—DER—SAALE.
20130121             "Was ist es mir wert, was der andere macht", sagt Jenni Ottilie Keppler, 1—VON 4—STUDENTINNEN der KUNST—, DESIGNHOCH—SCHULE BURG—GIEBICHENSTEIN in HALLE, die TAAK!
20130121             initiiert haben.
20130121             es sei an der Zeit, Wertschätzung auch außerhalb des Geldes neu zu denken.
20130121             Roter Planet: Meteoritenkrater offenbart MARS—GRUNDWASSERNETZ
20130121             [l] Der OBER—TERRORIST in MALI war übrigens BND—IM.
20130121             [l] Wisst ihr, wer DIE—TERRORISTEN in MALI ausgebildet hat?
20130121             [l] WESTERWELLE zu MALI: "DEUTSCHLAND muss sich mehr ENGAGIEREN—AUCH mit Truppen".
20130121             [l] Noch 1—KATHOLISCHE Klinik hat 1—VERGEWALTIGUNGS—OPFER abgewiesen.
20130121             [l] Hier hat jemand 1—SCHÖNEN Vorschlag, wie man größere Goldmengen transportieren kann.
20130121             [l] Aus der beliebten Kategorie "bei UNS ist Kernkraft SICHER": Batterieblöcke des Zwischenlagers des abgeschalteten AKW Brunsbüttel ausgefallen.
20130121             [l] Hammer des Tages: "So sollen PAYPAL—TRANS—AKTIONEN —HEUTE—SCHON 33—PROZENT—DES—BRUTTOSOZIALPRODUKTES in KENIA ausmachen".
20130121             [l] Kennt ihr die tolle urban legend mit dem USA—FLUGZEUGTRÄGER und dem Leuchtturm?
20130121             "Unsere LEUTE haben versucht, der Crew zu sagen, daß sie in 1—GESPERRTES —GEBIET fuhren", sagte Angelique Songco vom TUBBATAHA—MARINESCHUTZPARK 600—KMSÜDLICH—VON—MANILA—AM—MONTAG im Radio.
20130121             Und was taten DIE—USA—AMIS?
20130121             [l] Das mit der Verweigerung der "Pille Danach"ist nicht nur 1—REIN katholisches Problem.
20130121             [l] Diesen politischen Nachruf auf Schünemann von DENIZ—YÜCEL solltet ihr schnell lesen, solange er noch da ist.
20130121             Ob HANDY—VERBOTE für TERRORISTEN, BUNDESWEHREINSÄTZE—GEGEN—KILLERSPIELE oder Fußfesseln für Schulschwänzer, ob NACHTISCH—VERBOT—FÜR—STÜTZEEMPFÄNGER, ARBEITS—DIENST für Fünfjährige oder HYMNEN—PFLICHT für Blogger — keine Forderung, die zu absonderlich oder zu faschistoid gewesen wäre, als dass Schünemann im Laufe seiner zehnjährigen AMTS—ZEIT sie nicht erhoben hätte oder bei der man hätte sicher sein können, daß er sie nicht noch irgendwann erheben würde.
20130121             Dem Blatt zufolge haben DIE—AMERIKANER nicht nur den heranreifenden Putsch übersehen, sondern auch AUßER—8—GELASSEN, daß das —KOMMANDO über ELITE—TRUPPEN an VERTRETER—DER Touareg übertragen wurde, die —SEIT—CA—50—JAHREN im KONFLIKT—MIT—DER ZENTRAL—REGIERUNG stehen.
20130121             "DIE—HILFE der USA—AMERIKANER erwies sich als nutzlos.
20130121             immer das gleiche
20130121             Immer dass.gleiche wie mit OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, SADDAM Hussain, Ghaddafi usw.
20130121             DER—ANFÜHRER—DER—WICHTIGSTEN—ISLAMISTEN—TERROR—GRUPPE in MALI ist 1—ALTER Bekannter DER—DEUTSCHEN—BUNDES—REGIERUNG und galt in BERLIN LANGE—ZEIT als verlässlicher Gesprächspartner.
20130121             es gehe nun darum, "MALI und die AFRIKAner zu befähigen, DIE—TERRORISTEN zu besiegen.
20130121             Dieser TERRORISMUS ist 1—BEDROHUNG—FÜR—AFRIKA, aber auch für EUROPA.
20130121             Hoher Exportüberschuss: DEUTSCHLAND verletzt EU—WARNGRENZE
20130121             Firmenbeteiligung: Auch der DGB verdient an LEIH—ARBEIT
20130121             BUNDES—TAGS—WAHL—KAMPF: Linke tritt mit achtköpfigem SPITZEN—TEAM an
20130121             —NEUE—PSYCHIATRIE—DIAGNOSEN: Aus gesund wird geisteskrank
20130121             —KAMPF—GEGEN—ISLAMISTEN in MALI: "DEUTSCHLAND muss Truppen schicken"
20130121             BETRUG—VERDACHT, EX—BÖRSEN—GURU Frick erneut festgenommen
20130121             Überfall im Atlantik: Piraten kapern Tanker vor Elfenbeinküste
20130121             —GEISEL—NAHME in ALGERIEN: TERRORISTEN hatten offenbar Komplizen auf Gasfeld
20130121             USA—DYNASTIEN in der —POLITIK,"Bin ich nicht mehr hier, wie wär's mit dir?"
20130121             Eroberung in MALI: FRANKREICH bombt Weg nach Diabali frei
20130121             —ÜBERNIMMT, Pronova: BASF, FISCHÖL—PRODUZENTEN
20130121             —VERHAFTET, MAFIA: POLIZEI, CAMORRA—BOSS nach Verfolgungsjagd
20130121             EU—STEUER—POLITIK,Zyprer wehren sich gegen GELD—WÄSCHE—VORWURF
20130121             DREAMLINER—PANNEN: Boeing wählte brandgefährliches Batteriematerial
20130121             JAPAN: MINISTER—FORDERT—PFLEGEBEDÜRFTIGE zum schnellen Sterben auf
20130121             Strahlenausbruch: Gammablitz traf wohl vor 1.200—JAHREN DIE—ERDE
20130121             Sitzung: Neuer UNO—RAT tritt zur Artenrettung an
20130121             Wissenschaftliche Studie: FACEBOOK macht vielen schlechte Laune
20130121             —GEISELDRAMA in ALGERIEN: Kanadier koordinierte ANGRIFF—VON—AIN Amenas
20130121             LIVETICKER—ZUR—AMTS—EINFÜHRUNG, OBAMA stimmt DIE—USA auf harte Zeit 1
20130121             Hohe TABAK—STEUER: Raucher verschmähen Filterzigaretten
20130121             Rätselhaftes ERB—GUT: Viersträngige DNA in menschlichen Zellen entdeckt
20130121             BLUT—TEST auf Gendefekte: Noch mehr Diagnosen vor der Geburt
20130121             Wahlpleite in NIEDER—SACHSEN: Linke schrumpft zur Ostpartei
20130121             Trickreich: Dieb tanzt Mann schwindelig (Panorama, 1anns durchführten.
20130121             (PRÄSIDENT—DES—OLYMPISCHEN Komitees)
20130121             (BILL—GATES) "E—MAIL is a totally unsaleable product".
20130121             IAN—SHARP, Sharp Associates, 1979
20130121             Je mehr Menschen mitspielen desto besser wird es und das zieht wieder noch mehr Menschen an.
20130121             DER—POLIZEI zufolge nutzt er 1—PERFIDE Technik, um seine Opfer wehr—, wahrnehmungslos zu machen.
20130121             FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN—WIE die FRANKFURTer POLIZEI—AM—MONTAG berichtete, soll 1—TRICKDIEB im Bahnhofsviertel so lange um 1 26-jährigen Passanten aus KOREA herumgehüpft UND—GETANZT sein, —BIS dieser die Orientierung verlor.
20130121             Dreamliner quick fix looks less likely
20130121             The battery that caught fire aboard a...
20130121             —ANTRITTSREDE vor dem CAPITOL: OBAMA ruft Nation zur Einigkeit auf
20130121             DEUTSCHE Hilfe bei MALI—MISSION: Kein Transport von Truppen oder Munition
20130121             OBAMAs Antrittsrede im Wortlaut: "Amerikas Möglichkeiten sind unbegrenzt"
20130121             —BÜRGER—KRIEG: RUSSLAND evakuiert LANDS—LEUTE aus SYRIEN
20130121             —GETÖTET, PRINZ—HARRY in AFGHANISTAN: "Ja, ich habe "
20130121             EURO—GRUPPEN—CHEF—NIEDERLÄNDER Dijsselbloem ist —DER—NEUE—JUNCKER
20130121             —REAKTIONEN: REPUBLIKANER gratulieren OBAMA
20130121—19710000    —IN, 1—BANGLADESH war crimes tribunal sentenced Abul Kalam Azad to death in absentia for genocide and murder committed —DURING its 9-month war.
20130121—20130107    —ARRIVED, She had, in ISTANBUL.
20130121—20130120    —SUFFERED, GERMANY, passengers, delays and flight cancellations at FRANKFURT airport, EUROPE—3. busiest, —AFTER freezing rain had forced the airport to shut late.
20130121—20130317    —ON, 1—SUSPECT, identified only as Ziya T, was caught in Syria in 1—JOINT—OPERATION by SYRIA—REBELS and TURKEY—OFFICIALS.
20130121—20170000    —IN, gang member DAMIEN—EDWARD—MCDANIEL was sentenced to 33—YEARS in prison.
20130121—20170800    —IN, 2—OTHER—DEFENDANTS pleaded guilty.
20130121—20190000    —IN, DNA evidence led to THE—ARREST—OF—ARMANDO—ARIA—CUADRAS, 29—JAHRE—ALT.
20130121—20201104    —CONVICTED—OF, Cuadras was, 1.—DEGREE murder, torture, aggravated mayhem and burglary.
20130121—20210122    —SENTENCED, Cuadras was, to life in prison.
20140121             DUBLIN—CALIFORNIA, BART police officer MICHAEL—MAES accidentally shot and killed SERGEANT—TOM—SMITH, 42—JAHRE—ALT, another BART officer, —DURING 1—ROUTINE mission to gather evidence at 1—APARTMENT.
20140121             INDIANA, CODY—COUSINS, 24—JAHRE—ALT shot and stabbed to death ANDREW—BOLDT, 21—JAHRE—ALT.
20140121             1—SNOWSTORM hit THE—MID—ATLANTIC and NORTH—EAST—USA.
20140121             It stretched a 1000—MILES between KENTUCKY and MASSACHUSETTS.
20140121             Manalapan, NJ, got 16—INCHES—OF—SNOW.
20140121             —CHARGED, They were, with accepting over $165,000 in gifts and loans from THE—CEO—OF—1—DIETARY supplements company.
20140121             —JAILED, ABU—DHABI, 1—COURT, 1—GROUP—OF—10—EMIRATIS and 20—EGYPTIANS to terms ranging from 3—MONTHS to 5—YEARS for forming 1—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD cell.
20140121             —GRANTED, AUSTRALIA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT, 1—EXEMPTION from environmental laws to approve 1—WESTERN—AUSTRALIA—SHARK mitigation plan, which is aimed at reducing the risks to water users —AFTER 6—FATAL—ATTACKS in the past 2—YEARS.
20140121             BRITAIN told IRAN to stop supporting THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—OF—BASHAR AL—ASSAD militarily, urging it to back efforts to broker peace in Syria instead.
20140121             1—OFFICIAL—CHINA—NEWSPAPER said CHINA will base a 5,000-ton CIVIL—PATROL ship on Woody Island, which CHINA calls Sansha city, on the Paracel Islands in the disputed SOUTH—CHINA—SEA and begin regular patrols, 1—MOVE—LIKELY to add fuel to territorial disputes with neighbors.
20140121             —EXECUTED, CHINA, 1—MAN who held 6—WOMEN as sex slaves in 1—UNDERGROUND—PRISON and killed 2—OF—THEM, in 1—CRIME which shocked the nation.
20140121             FRANCE said it will create new outposts and broaden its military presence in AFRICA—TURBULENT Sahel region to better fight the terror threat from extremist groups like AL—QAIDA.
20140121             Defense MINISTER—JEAN—YVES—LE—DRIAN said FRANCE is moving toward 1—REGIONAL—COUNTERTERRORISM—APPROACH in former colonies like CHAD, IVORY—COAST, BURKINA—FASO, NIGER and MALI.
20140121             —HIJACKED, GERMANY—FEDERAL—OFFICE—FOR—INFORMATION—SECURITY said 1—ANALYSIS—OF, computer networks has turned up about 16—MILLION compromised online accounts.
20140121             —CLASHED, INDIA, police, with protesters led by DELHI CHIEF—MINISTER—ARVIND—KEJRIWAL, the 1. violence —DURING a 2—DAY—RALLY in the capital that has put 1—FOCUS on the radical POLITICS—OF—THE—MAN shaking up 1—NATIONAL—ELECTION.
20140121             1—INDONESIA—COURT sentenced 1—ISLAMIST—MILITANT to 7½ years in prison for masterminding 1—PLOT to bomb THE—MYANMAR embassy in JAKARTA.
20140121             —DECIDED, IRAQ—SHIITE—LED government said it has, in principle to create 3—NEW—PROVINCES from contested PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY in 1—APPARENT—ATTEMPT to address Sunni grievances and counter the expansion of the Kurdish SELF—RULE region.
20140121             —PRESSED, IRAQ—FORCES, their attack on ANTI—GOVERNMENT—FIGHTERS holding parts of the restive CITY—OF—RAMADI.
20140121             —KILLED, Violence elsewhere, 10—PEOPLE.
20140121             —WARNED—OF, THE—UN, "1—EXPONENTIAL increase in the number of displaced and stranded families", with more than 22,000 families having registered as internally displaced.
20140121             —REPORTED, It was, that ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT has approved plans to build 381—NEW—HOMES in 1—SETTLEMENT—NEAR annexed EAST—JERUSALEM.
20140121             Fishermen in JAPAN began slaughtering DOZENS—OF—BOTTLENOSE dolphins in Taiji, ignoring protesters' calls to spare the animals and 1—RARE—PUBLIC—SHOW—OF—CONCERN by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20140121             Kurds in NORTH—EAST—SYRIA, on THE—EVE—OF—PEACE—TALKS in SWITZERLAND, declared 1—PROVINCIAL—GOVERNMENT in the area.
20140121             —KILLED, LEBANON, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 4—PEOPLE in 1—RESIDENTIAL—DISTRICT—OF—SOUTH—BEIRUT known for its support of the powerful Shi'ite Muslim military and political movement Hezbollah.
20140121             The political arm of LIBYA—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD withdrew its ministers from the Cabinet of embattled PRIME—MINISTER—ALI—ZIDAN, —AFTER failing to secure enough support in the divided PARLIAMENT for 1—NO—CONFIDENCE—VOTE.
20140121             —SUSPECTED, NIGERIA, Islamist extremists attacked 1—FARMING settlement in NORTH—EAST—BORNO state, killing 10—PEOPLE and razing homes.
20140121             —ATTACKED, PAKISTAN—FIGHTER—JETS and helicopters, suspected Taliban hideouts in 1—TRIBAL—AREA in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN killing up to 40—PEOPLE.
20140121             —KILLED, At least 28—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—BOMB exploded near 1—BUS carrying Shi'ite Muslim pilgrims to THE—CITY—OF—QUETTA.
20140121             —ATTACKED, Gunmen in KARACHI—PAKISTAN, 2—TEAMS—OF—POLIO—WORKERS, killing 3—MEMBERS—OF—THE—TEAMS and wounding a 4. —BEFORE fleeing.
20140121             —EVACUATED, Emergency workers, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE across THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES, including MANY—ALREADY made homeless by 1—TYPHOON in November, —AFTER—3—DAYS—OF—RAIN flooded towns and farmland.
20140121             —KILLED, RUSSIA—NATIONAL—ANTI—TERROR—COMMITTEE said police have, Eldar Magatov, 1—SENIOR—ISLAMIST—MILITANT, in 1—SHOOTOUT in the Dagestan region AHEAD—OF—THE—WINTER—OLYMPICS in SOCHI.
20140121             SOUTH—AFRICAN—PETRA, Diamonds said a 29.6-carat blue diamond has been found at the Cullinan mine, SOURCE—OF—SOME—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST famous diamonds.
20140121             1—REPORT on Syria, commissioned by the government of QATAR, detailed photographic and documentary EVIDENCE—OF—SYSTEMATIC—TORTURE and KILLING—OF—SOME 11,000 detainees 20110300—20130800    —BETWEEN.
20140121             —DECLARED, THAILAND—GOVERNMENT, a 60—DAY—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in BANGKOK and surrounding areas to cope with protests that have stirred up violent attacks, adding to the country's monthslong SENSE—OF—CRISIS.
20140121             —KILLED, UGANDA said 9—OF—ITS—SOLDIERS have been, and 12—OTHERS wounded —DURING 1—MONTH fighting in SOUTH—SUDAN, dismissing rebel claims to have killed scores.
20140121             —HEADED, UKRAINE, top opposition leader Vitali Klitschko, for talks with THE—PRESIDENT—YANUKOVYCH —AFTER yet another night of violent street clashes between ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS and police.
20140121             VATICAN Monsignor Nunzio Scaran, already on trial for allegedly plotting to smuggle 20—MILLION—EUROS ($26—MILLION) from SWITZERLAND to ITALY, was arrested in SALERNO in 1—SEPARATE—CASE for allegedly using his VATICAN bank accounts to launder money.
20140121             —UNIDENTIFIED, YEMEN, gunmen assassinated AHMED—SHARAF—EL—DIN, 1—LAWYER and the top envoy of 1—NORTHERN—REBEL—MOVEMENT in SANAA.
20140121             —INJURED, THE—SON—OF—POWERFUL—ISLAMIST—AL—ISLAH (Reform) party's SECRETARY general was badly, —WHEN his father's car exploded in SANAA.
20140121             In the north 1—DAY—OF—CLASHES between Shiite rebels and gunmen from the powerful Hashid tribe left 20—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20140121—20120000    —IN, Li Hao (36) was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER and rape in LUOYANG Intermediate PEOPLE—COURT—IN—THE—CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—HENAN.
20140121—20140530    —ON, Alameda County prosecutors said no charges would be filed against Maes.
20140121—20140919    —SENTENCED, Cousins was, on to 65—YEARS in prison for killing his fellow Purdue engineering senior whom he envied, in front of about 12—STUDENTS in 1—LAB—CLASS.
20140121—20160000    —SETTLED, BART, 1—FEDERAL—LAWSUIT with the Smith family for $3.1—MILLION.
20140716—20150121    —ANNOUNCED, CAMEROON, the release of Nitsch Eberhard Robert —FOLLOWING 1—OPERATION by its military and allies.
20150121             THE—HIGHEST—LEVEL—USA—DELEGATION to CUBA in 35—YEARS began talks on immigration.
20150121             —VOWED, Americans, to continue to grant safe haven to Cubans with special protections denied to other nationalities.
20150121             —COMPLAINED, CUBA, THE—USA—LAW promotes dangerous illegal immigration and protested against 1—SEPARATE—USA—PROGRAM that encourages CUBA—DOCTORS to defect,
20150121             Federal authorities said Standard and POOR—CREDIT rating agency, owned by McGraw Hill, has agreed to pay about $80—MILLION to settle 1—ARRAY—OF—GOVERNMENT—INVESTIGATIONS on inflated subprime mortgages.
20150121             S&P agreed to pay $58—MILLION to THE—SEC and $19—MILLION to MASSACHUSETTS and NEW—YORK.
20150121             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—ALABAMA man was cited by police in GEORGIA for eating 1—CHEESEBURGER —WHILE driving issued under the state's distracted driving law.
20150121             —KILLED, S—LOUIS, MISSOURI, ISAAC—HOLMES, 19—JAHRE—ALT was, by police officers as he emerged from 1 wrecked stolen with 1—MACHINE—GUN.
20150121             —REPORTED, OHIO, Doyle Chumney (88) and his wife Lillian were, missing in Strasburg.
20150121             —BURNED, Their bodies were found the next —DAY in 1—BADLY, car.
20150121             —SUSPECTED—OF, They were, armed robberies in 3—STATES that followed THE—OHIO murders.
20150121             —UNVEILED, Microsoft, its Windows 10—OPERATING system.
20150121             —SHOWED, MS also, 1—NEW—WEARABLE 3-D gadget called the HoloLens.
20150121             —LAUNCHED, UK—TECHNOLOGY—FIRM—SATELLITE—APPLICATIONS—CATAPULT, 1—NEW—SATELLITE tracking system aiming to crack down on THE—INDUSTRIAL—SCALE—THEFT known as "pirate fishing".
20150121             Experts will be able to watch satellite FEEDS—OF—THE—WATERS—AROUND Easter Island, 1—CHILE—TERRITORY—IN—THE—SOUTH—EAST—PACIFIC—OCEAN, and THE—WEST—PACIFIC—ISLAND nation of PALAU.
20150121             Brittan was —RECENTLY caught up in accusations that, —WHILE interior MINISTER, he covered up 1—REPORT into 1 alleged pedophile ring involving MPs and prominent public figures.
20150121             —KIDNAPPED, CAMEROON said Nitsch Eberhard Robert, 1—GERMAN, by Boko Haram Islamist militants in NORTH—NIGERIA—ADAMAWA—STATE last 20150716             , has been released —FOLLOWING 1—OPERATION by THE—CAMEROON military and its allies.
20150121             —LOWERED, CANADA—CENTRAL—BANK, its key lending rate to 0.75—PERCENT to bolster 1—ECONOMY facing 1—MAJOR—SLOWDOWN over the recent plunge in oil prices.
20150121             —PUSHED, The rate cut, the Loonie down to —AROUND 80—USA—CENTS from 94—CENTS 1—YEAR ago.
20150121             ESTONIA, Mart Laar, EX—PM and current supervisory BOARD—CHAIRMAN—OF—ESTONIA—CENTRAL—BANK, proposed his own ideas of what KIND—OF—REFORMS—ESTONIA needs.
20150121             —ANNOUNCED, FRANCE, sweeping new measures to counter homegrown terrorism, including giving security forces better weapons and protection, going on 1—INTELLIGENCE—AGENT hiring spree and creating 1—BETTER—DATABASE—OF anyone SUSPECTED—OF—EXTREMIST—LINKS.
20150121             —DECIDED, GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL and 8—MINISTERS, to halt arms exports to SAUDI—ARABIA BECAUSE—OF—INSTABILITY in the region.
20150121             —RESIGNED, GERMANY, LUTZ—BACHMANN, 1—CO—FOUNDER—OF—PEGIDA, —AFTER media published Facebook messages in which he called refugees "dirty" and posed as Adolph Hitler.
20150121             In 4—WAY—TALKS in BERLIN involving UKRAINE, RUSSIA, GERMANY and FRANCE foreign ministers agreed a "demarcation line" between PRO—RUSSIA—FIGHTERS and KIEV—FORCES from which withdrawal of heavy weapons could start.
20150121             There were no details.
20150121             —SENTENCED, IRAN—COUNTRY—OFFICIAL—NEWS—AGENCY said the supreme court has, MOHAMMAD—REZA—RAHIMI, 1—FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT, to 5—YEARS in prison and ordered him to pay a 10—BILLION rial ($300,000) fine.
20150121             1—LOCAL—COURT had —INITIALLY sentenced him to 15—YEARS—PRISON, but the supreme court reduced the term to 5—YEARS and 3—MONTHS.
20150121             —PROVIDED, DETAILS—OF—THE—CONVICTION were not.
20150121             —UNVEILED, ITALY—AUTHORITIES, what they said was 1—RECORD—HAUL—OF—RARE antiquities illegally looted from ITALY and discovered —DURING raids on SWITZERLAND—WAREHOUSES belonging to accused Sicilian art dealer Gianfranco Becchina.
20150121             KOSOVO, over 400—EMPLOYEES went on strike inside the Trepca mine demanding the government takes over THE—ADMINISTRATION—OF—THE—YUGOSLAV—ERA—GIANT—COMPLEX to stop it from liquidation.
20150121             1—DAY—EARLIER KOSOVO—ASSEMBLY amended 1—LAW on public enterprises which enabled it to delayed resolving the issue for another 18—MONTHS.
20150121             —LAUNCHED, Kurdish security forces, 1—OFFENSIVE on the Islamic State (IS) group in NORTH—IRAQ, backed by USA—LED air strikes, and retook villages the jihadists used to launch attacks.
20150121             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA and its partners, 23—AIR—STRIKES in Syria and IRAQ against Islamic State in the last 24—HOURS.
20150121             —ANNOUNCED, Doctors Without Borders, that it has returned to MYANMAR's troubled STATE—OF—RAKHINE —9—MONTHS—AFTER it was ordered out by the government for hiring MEMBERS—OF—THE—LONG—PERSECUTED—ROHINGYA—MUSLIM minority.
20150121             —CONFIRMED, NIGERIA, that 5—STATES have been hit with the H5N1 STRAIN—OF—BIRD—FLU, resulting in THE—DEATHS—OF—TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—POULTRY but no human cases.
20150121             SOUTH—SUDAN PRESIDENT—SALVA—KIIR and rebel leader Riek Machar signed 1—AGREEMENT to unite the ruling SUDAN PEOPLE—LIBERATION—MOVEMENT in THE—TANZANIA—TOWN—OF—ARUSHA.
20150121             —OPENED, SWITZERLAND, the annual 3—DAY—WORLD—ECONOMIC—FORUM (WEF), in Davos.
20150121             The theme this —YEAR was "the new global context".
20150121             —COURTED, SWITZERLAND, UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—PETRO—POROSHENKO, European support World Economic Forum in Davos against what he says are 9,000 RUSSIA—TROOPS occupying 7—PERCENT of his nation's territory.
20150121             SYRIA, 1—CAR—BOMB on 1—SHOPPING street in THE—GOVERNMENT—CONTROLLED 3. CITY—OF—HOMS killed 7—PEOPLE and wounded 30.
20150121             4—OTHER—CIVIL—DEFENDANTS were sentenced to up to 6—YEARS.
20150121             The victim's supporters said the verdict was too lenient and staged immediate protests outside and inside the courthouse.
20150121             —EXPECTED, YEMEN—PRESIDENT—ABD—RABBU—MANSOUR—HADI was, to yield to demands for constitutional change and power sharing with Houthi rebels who took up positions outside his home —AFTER defeating his guards in 2—DAYS—OF—BATTLE.
20150121             —KRISE—IM—GRIFF: PORTUGAL will Hilfskredite VOR—ZEITIG zurückzahlen
20150121             PROPAGANDAvideo : BOKO—HARAM—DROHT—MIT—NEUEN Angriffen
20150121             OBAMA—REDE zur Lage der Nation: "Der SCHATTEN DER—KRISE liegt hinter uns"
20150121             Text im Wortlaut: OBAMA—REDE zur Lage der NATION—HIER die komplette Rede zum Nachlesen.
20150121             "MISTER—SPEAKER, MISTER—VICE—PRESIDENT, MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS, my fellow Americans:
20150121             We are 15—YEARS into this new —CENTURY.
20150121             15—YEARS that dawned with terror touching our shores;
20150121             that unfolded with 1—NEW—GENERATION fighting 2—LONG and costly wars;
20150121             that saw 1—VICIOUS—RECESSION spread across our nation and THE—WORLD.
20150121             It has been, and still is, 1—HARD—TIME for many.
20150121             But tonight, we turn the page.
20150121             we are as free from the grip of foreign oil as we've been in almost 30—YEARS.
20150121             6—YEARS—AGO, nearly 180.000—USA—TROOPS served in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20150121             —TODAY, fewer than 15.000—REMAIN.
20150121             —AT—THIS—MOMENT—WITH 1—GROWING economy, shrinking deficits, bustling industry, and booming energy PRODUCTION—WE have risen from recession freer to write our own future than ANY—OTHER nation on Earth.
20150121             Will we accept 1—ECONOMY where only 1—FEW—OF—USA do spectacularly well?
20150121             Or will we commit ourselves to 1—ECONOMY that generates rising inCOMES and chances for everyone who makes the effort?
20150121             —BELIEVED, We, we could reduce our dependence on foreign oil and protect our planet.
20150121             And —TODAY, AMERICA is number 1 in oil and gas.
20150121             AMERICA is number 1 in wind power.
20150121             And thanks to lower gas prices and higher fuel standards, the typical family THIS—YEAR should save $750 at the pump.
20150121             So the verdict is clear. MIDDLE—CLASS—ECONOMICS—WORKS.
20150121             Expanding opportunity works.
20150121             And these policies will continue to work, as long as politics don't get in the way.
20150121             —TODAY, we're the only advanced country on Earth that doesn't guarantee paid sick leave or paid maternity leave to our workers.
20150121             Of course, nothing helps families make ends meet like higher wages.
20150121             That's why this CONGRESS still needs to pass 1—LAW that makes sure 1—WOMAN is paid the same as 1—MAN for doing the same work.
20150121             Really. It's 20150000          .
20150121             —SINCE, 20100000             , AMERICA has put more people back to work than EUROPE, JAPAN, and all advanced economies combined.
20150121             But as we speak, CHINA wants to write the rules for THE—WORLD—FASTEST—GROWING region.
20150121             That would put our workers and businesses at 1—DISADVANTAGE.
20150121             Why would we let that happen? We should write those rules.
20150121             We should level the playing field.
20150121             That's why I'm asking both parties to give me trade promotion authority to protect USA—WORKERS, with strong new trade deals from ASIA to EUROPE that aren't —JUST free, but fair.
20150121             And let's close the loopholes that lead to inequality by allowing the top 1 % to avoid paying taxes on their accumulated wealth.
20150121             the question is not whether AMERICAN—LEADS IN—THE—WORLD, but how.
20150121             —WHEN we make rash decisions, reacting to the headlines instead of using our heads;
20150121             1., we stand united with people —AROUND THE—WORLD who've been targeted by TERRORISTS—FROM 1—SCHOOL in PAKISTAN to THE—STREETS—OF—PARIS.
20150121             and we reserve THE—RIGHT to act unilaterally,
20150121             2., we are demonstrating THE—POWER—OF—USA—STRENGTH and diplomacy.
20150121             We're upholding THE—PRINCIPLE that bigger nations can't bully THE—SMALL—BY opposing RUSSIA—AGGRESSION, supporting UKRAINE—DEMOCRACY, and reassuring our NATO—ALLIES.
20150121             LAST—YEAR, as we were doing the hard work of imposing sanctions along with our allies, some suggested that MISTER—PUTIN—AGGRESSION was 1—MASTERFUL—DISPLAY—OF—STRATEGY and strength.
20150121             Well, —TODAY, it is AMERICAN—THAT—STANDS—STRONG and united with our allies, —WHILE RUSSIA is isolated, with its economy in tatters.
20150121             That's how AMERICAN—LEADS—NOT with bluster, but with persistent, steady resolve.
20150121             No foreign nation, no hacker, should be able to shut down our networks, steal our trade secrets, or invade THE—PRIVACY—OF—USA—FAMILIES, especially our kids.
20150121             and protect our children's information.
20150121             And no CHALLENGE—NO—CHALLENGE—POSES 1—GREATER—THREAT to future generations than CLIMATE—CHANGE.
20150121             14—OF—THE—15—WARMEST—YEARS on record have all fallen in the 1.15—YEARS—OF—THIS —CENTURY.
20150121             THE—PENTAGON says that CLIMATE—CHANGE poses immediate risks to our NATIONAL—SECURITY.
20150121             We should act like it.
20150121             Kommentar zu BOKO—HARAM—TERROR : AFRIKAs ALBT—RAUM
20150121             Schriftstücke aus der Zeit des VESUV—AUSBRUCHS: Verkohlte Papyrusrollen entziffert
20150121             Als 79—NACH Christus DER—VESUV ausbrach, begruben Lava und Asche nicht nur POMPEJI, sondern auch die benachbarte Stadt HERCULANEUM unter sich.
20150121             Auch die dortige antike Bibliothek "Villa dei Papiri"ging im Ascheregen unter und ist dadurch die einzige, die samt Büchern —HEUTE—BIS erhalten blieb.
20150121             DIE—VULKANASCHE schützte die Papyrusrollen einst vor dem Verfall, —HEUTE ist sie jedoch 1—PROBLEM für Historiker.
20150121             Denn Hunderte der antiken Zeitkapseln sind derart verkohlt, dass sie sich nicht entrollen lassen
20150121             1—FORSCHER—TEAM um den italienischen Physiker Vito Mocella vom Consiglio NAZIonale delle Ricerche ist es nun gelungen, die Schriften in 1—BESONDERS stark verkohlten Rolle lesbar zu machen, und das ganz ohne sie zu öffnen.
20150121             Sie durchleuchteten DIE—ROLLE mithilfe 1—SPEZIELLEN Computertomografieverfahrens, wie sie im Fachblatt "Nature Communications"berichten.
20150121             1—SPEZIELLE Variante der TOMOGRAFIE—DAS sogenannte Phasenkontrastverfahren.
20150121             Geht 1—ELEKTROMAGNETISCHE Welle durch 1—MATERIAL hindurch, gerät sie 1—WENIG aus dem Rhythmus.
20150121             Misst man nun die minimalen Unterschiede zwischen 1—WELLE, die durch den Papyrus ging und 1—WELLE, die durch den Papyrus und zusätzlich durch 1—TINTENSCHICHT musste, ergibt sich 1—MUSTER in der durchgelassenen Röntgenstrahlung.
20150121             Aus diesem Muster kann 1—COMPUTER errechnen, wo sich Tinte auf dem Papyrus befindet und so die einzelnen Buchstaben rekonstruieren.
20150121             DIE—AUFLÖSUNG des Bildes ist damit sogar so gut, dass DIE—FORSCHER aus dem Schriftbild schlussfolgern konnten, wer wohl DER—AUTOR—DER—PAPYRUSROLLE ist.
20150121             Man gehe davon aus, dass ES—SICH um Philodemus handelt, der auch VIELE—ANDERE—DER—PAPYRUSROLLEN beschriftete, erklären DIE—FORSCHER.
20150121             "Nun bietet sich aber DIE—CHANCE, selbst schwer verkohlte Rollen zu lesen, und davon gibt es IMMER—NOCH einige 100".
20150121             Chancen für die neue Methode".1 Beispiel seien die MUMIEN—MASKEN aus dem alten ÄGYPTEN.
20150121             Diese MUMIEN—MASKEN bestünden aus beschriebenem Papyrus, der quasi für das Eingipsen recycelt wurde, erklärt Hammerstaedt.
20150121             —BISHER, konnte man den Inhalt dieser Papyri nur lesen, indem man DIE—MASKE zerstörte.
20150121             "Die Röntgenmethode könnte also 1—NEUE, nicht invasive Archäologie ermöglichen".
20150121             OBAMA—REDE zur Lage der Nation: Allein in AMERIKA
20150121             Dresdner THEOLOGE FRANK—RICHTER: Der PEGIDA—VERSTEHER
20150121             —NACH, Auftritt bei Kundgebung: BISCHOF—ERTEILT—PEGIDA—PFARRER—PREDIGT—VERBOT
20150121             BERICHT—ÜBER "NO—GO—AREAS"in FRANKREICH: PARIS verklagt FOX—NEWS wegen Rufschädigung
20150121             Ricardo dos SANTOS: POLIZIST erschießt brasilianischen STAR—SURFER
20150121             DAVOS—BLOG: Russischer VIZE—PREMIER will Sanktionen trotzen
20150121             —VOR, EZB—SITZUNG: GOLD—PREIS durchbricht 1300—DOLLAR—MARKE
20150121             UNO—EINSATZ: Niederländische Blauhelme töten REBELLEN in MALI
20150121             —KONFLIKT—ZWISCHEN—RUSSLAND und USA: LAWROW kontert OBAMA
20150121             Kosmische Boten: Meteoriten brachten Stickstoff auf DIE—ERDE
20150121             FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN—DIE—AUSSICHT auf 1—NEUE Geldflut in DER—EURO—ZONE hat dem GOLD—PREIS 1—SCHUB gegeben.
20150121             —AM—MORGEN kostete 1—FEINUNZE (etwa 31,1 Gramm) des EDEL—METALLS mehr als 1300—DOLLAR - 1.—SEIT—DEM, vergangenen August.
20150121             ZWISCHEN—ZEITLICH stieg der Preis auf 13030000             ,20—DOLLAR.
20150121             DER—DAX notierte zur Eröffnung —AM—MITTWOCH fast unverändert bei 10.266—PUNKTEN, NACHDEM ER—AM—VOR—TAG auf 1—REKORD—HOCH aus dem Handel gegangen war.
20150121             Außerdem sehen DIE—ANALYSTEN in der bevorstehenden PARLAMENTS—WAHL—IN—GRIECHENLAND 1—WEITEREN Preistreiber beim Gold.
20150121             DIE—ÜBERRASCHENDE Abkehr der Schweizer NOTEN—BANK (SNB) vom EURO—MINDESTKURS zum FRANKEN habe die Nervosität noch erhöht, s
20150121             —ABEND—ESSEN für USA—SCHÜLER: Zu Hause gibt es nur Kekse
20150121             USA—JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM: Drogenfahnder fälschten FACEBOOK—PROFIL 1—VERDÄCHTIGEN
20150121             Das amerikanische JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM muss 1—KLÄGERIN 134.000—DOLLAR zahlen, weil Drogenfahnder zu Untersuchungszwecken 1—GEFÄLSCHTES FACEBOOK—PROFIL in ihrem Namen angelegt hatte, berichtet DIE—NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR—AP.
20150121             DIE—IN—DER—VERGANGENEN—WOCHE geschlossene Übereinkunft wurde AM—DIENSTAGVERÖFFENTLICHT.
20150121             —ERHOBEN, Sondra A. aus NEW—YORK hatte Klage, weil
20150121             DIE—FAHNDER erstellten mit den Fotos 1—FALSCHES FACEBOOK—PROFIL und nutzten es 3—MONATE LANG, um potenzielle Komplizen und Kunden der des Drogenhandels verdächtigten Sondra A zu täuschen.
20150121             "Tiefe Bestürzung"über die Methoden der Drogenfahndung
20150121             Umstrittene Chemikalie: EU—BEHÖRDE senkt Grenzwert für Bisphenol A
20150121             —ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF—FRANKREICH rüstet auf
20150121             SCHWERIN: H5N8-Erreger bei Huhn NACHGEWIESEN
20150121             UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, KIEW will Armee um 68.000—SOLDATEN aufstocken
20150121             Rede an DIE—NATION: OBAMA fordert höhere Löhne für Frauen
20150121             Zivile Opfer IN—DER—OST—UKRAINE: Tod am Checkpoint
20150121             Verkehrsplanung: "Selbstfahrende Autos sind 1—CHANCE für DIE—STADT"
20150121             KOMET "Tschuri": esa will "ROSETTA"—MISSION verlängern
20150121             Tod 1—ERDOGAN—GEGNERS: Tür 10—HE POLIZISTEN zu 10—JAHREN Haft verurteilt
20150121             Energieunion: DEUTSCHLAND lehnt gemeinsame Gaseinkäufe der EU ab
20150121             VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG, Der immer wiederkehrende Zombie der NETZ—POLITIK
20150121             Umstrittene EZB—ANLEIHENKÄUFE: "Wir DEUTSCHE haben 1—FALSCHES BILD—VON—DER—KRISE"
20150121             Vorwurf aus dem KREML: "DER—WESTEN will PUTIN stürzen"
20150121             KAMPF—GEGEN—DSCHIHADISTEN: Alarmplan für FRANKREICH
20150121             FAST—FOOD: Menschennähe macht Pumas zu Schnellfressern
20150121             Für BANKER in LONDON: DHL liefert Briefe per Helikopter
20150121             Ausländerfeindliche HETZE bei FACEBOOK: PEGIDA—CHEF—BACHMANN tritt zurück
20150121             —DEBATTE—ÜBER—INNEREN Frieden bei Gauck: Was schiefläuft im Land
20150121             Erlass des INNEN—MINISTERIUMS: NRW—POLIZEI muss ihre FACEBOOK—FREUNDE siezen
20150121             Spekulation über Anleihekäufe: EZB will offenbar 50—MILLIARDEN—EURO AUSGEBEN—PRO—MONAT
20150121             —STUDIE—ZU—SANKTIONEN: MENSCHEN—RECHTE? Och, nicht so wichtig
20150121             —KURZ—VOR, LEGIDA—MARSCH: 2—BRAND—ANSCHLÄGE legen Bahnverkehr um LEIPZIG lahm
20150121             IWF—SCHÄTZUNG: Billiges Öl kostet FÖRDER—LÄNDER 425.000.000.000—DOLLAR
20150121             Gedenktag für die OPFER—DES—NATIONAL—SOZIALISMUS: KZ—GEDENKSTÄTTE Buchenwald untersagt AfD Kranzniederlegung
20150121             Hirnforschung: Stromstöße verbessern das Gedächtnis
20150121             USA—FORSCHER erklären nun im FACH—MAGAZIN "Nature", wie es dem Gehirn gelingt, auch im Nachhinein relevante Nuggets aus der Datenflut heraus zu 7—UND das Gedächtnis für diese Infoschnipsel gezielt zu verbessern.
20150121             Wie von Davachis Team erwartet, brannten sich die schockierenden Bilder besser im Gedächtnis der Probanden ein.
20150121             "Wir wissen —SCHON—LÄNGER, dass Gefühle dabei helfen, Informationen langfristig zu erinnern",
20150121             Das GEFÜHL—ZENTRUM—DES—GEHIRNS, das limbische SYSTEM, schüttet bei positiven wie negativen Emotionen Botenstoffe aus, die die Signalübertragung zwischen Nervenzellen verbessern und Erinnerungen auf diese Weise stärken können.
20150121             "Das Gedächtnis kann scheinbar ganz gezielt in die Vergangenheit zurückgreifen und nur diejenigen Erinnerungen gezielt verstärken, deren Bedeutung in der ZUKUNFT zugenommen hat",
20150121             Hinter der verblüffenden Gedächtnisverstärkung steckt vermutlich 1—MECHANISMUS, den Forscher auf Englisch als "—TAG—AND—CAPTURE"(markieren und fangen) bezeichnen
20150121             Grönland: SCHMELZWASSER—FLUTEN zerfressen Gletscher von unten
20150121             —MOBILISIERT, ISLAM—GEGNER in LEIPZIG: Legida, vor allem GEGEN—DEMONSTRANTEN
20150121             [l] DAS—FBI findet, es sollte pauschal Rechner hacken dürfen, die sich per Tor oder VPN zu verstecken versuchen.
20150121             [l] 1—PAAR Kids IN—DEN—USA verklagen ihren Gouverneur, weil er nicht genug gegen den KLIMA—WANDEL tut.
20150121             DIE—ANTWORT der Regierung darauf:
20150121             THE—STATE—ANSWER acknowledges the "serious threat"of CLIMATE—CHANGE, yet argues 1—LACK—OF—LEGAL—BASIS to extend THE—PUBLIC—TRUST doctrine to the atmosphere.
20150121             Für die Atmosphäre sind wir nicht zuständig!1!!
20150121             DIE—GEGENDEMONSTRATIONEN seien verboten worden, weil DIE—ATTENTÄTER die Kundgebungen möglicherweise nicht unterscheiden könnten.
20150121             [l] WOLFGANG—NESKOVIC hat 1—DEUTSCHE Übersetzung des CIA—FOLTER—REPORTS rausgegeben und knallt gleich noch 1—PAAR markige Sprüche hinterher.
20150121             EX— USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH und andere gehören in DEUTSCHLAND wegen KRIEGS—VERBRECHEN angeklagt.
20150121             Sehr schön! Make It So!
20150121             "Mir wird speiübel, wenn ich 'westliche Wertegemeinschaft' höre".WOLFGANG—NESKOVICS—STIMME hebt sich in diesem Moment etwas, seine Hände werden unruhig: "Das sind nicht meine Werte".
20150121             Geht mir genau so.
20150121             [l] CAMERON will Krypto kaputtmachen, OBAMA will mitmachen... - wo bleibt denn da unser INNEN—MINISTER?
20150121             Den muss man doch sonst nicht zweimal bitten?
20150121             und tatsächlich: TERROR—IM—NETZ: DE—MAIZIÈRE sieht "Handlungsbedarf".
20150121             Fuck yeah!
20150121             Wobei, das klingt ja noch halbwegs harmlos.
20150121             Un in der Tat geht es mit 1—PAAR belanglosen Allgemeinplätzen los.
20150121             Aber dann kommt das hier:
20150121             Unter anderem müssten DIE—DEUTSCHEN SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDEN "befugt und in der Lage sein, verschlüsselte Kommunikation zu entschlüsseln oder zu umgehen, wenn dies für ihre Arbeit zum SCHUTZ—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG notwendig ist", sagte DE—MAIZIÈRE.
20150121             "Effektive Ermittlungen zur Strafverfolgung müssen auch im CYBER—RAUMMÖGLICH sein".
20150121             SO VIEL ANGST haben die vor uns! [l] NACHRICHT—DER—WOCHE:
20150121             —PROTESTERS arrested —AFTER trying to raise LENIN from the dead using HOLY—WATER
20150121             [l] Auch der EU—ANTI—TERROR—KOORDINATOR (!?!) GILLES—DE—KERCHOVE springt auf den KRYPTO—HINTERTÜREN—ZUG auf ?
20150121             —EINIGUNG im JEMEN: REBELLEN räumen den Palast, DER—PRÄSIDENT ändert die Verfassung
20150121             Einladung an NETANJAHU: USA—REPUBLIKANER verärgern OBAMA mit Bruch des Protokolls
20150121             LEGIDA—MARSCH: Die schrille Schwester aus LEIPZIG
20150121             —KRISENTREFFEN: UKRAINE und RUSSLAND vereinbaren Abzug schwerer Waffen
20150121             RADIKALES—SPARPROGRAMM: EBAY kündigt drastischen Jobabbau an
20150121—19620000    —UNTIL, The Houthi rebels from the north draw from 1—LARGE—SHI'ITE minority that ruled a 1,000-year kingdom in YEMEN.
20150121—19990000    —SINCE, Tonight, —AFTER 1—BREAKTHROUGH—YEAR for AMERICA, our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace.
20150121—20010911    —SINCE, Tonight, for the 1.time, our combat MISSION—IN—AFGHANISTAN is over.
20150121—200801011231—Every—3—WEEKS, we bring online as much solar power as we did IN ALL OF.
20150121—20130000    —IN, 1—TURKEY—COURT sentenced 2—POLICE—OFFICERS to 10—YEARS in prison each for their involvement in the beating DEATH—OF—STUDENT—ALI—ISMAIL—KORKMAZ, 19—JAHRE—ALT —DURING ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS.
20150121—20150131    —ARRESTED, JEFFREY—STEWART, 21—JAHRE—ALT 1—SUSPECT in the slaying was.
20150121—20150205    —ARRESTED, Suspect ROBERT—CLARK, 29—JAHRE—ALT was, along with 2—COMPANIONS, in ARIZONA.
20150121—20160000    —IN, 1—SPECIAL—PROSECUTOR ruled that the officers acted in SELF—DEFENSE.
20150309—20160121    —ON, 1—GRAND—JURY indicted Olsen on charges including felony murder.
20150806—20160121    —ON, 1—COURT—IN—LATAKIA sentenced Suleiman AL—ASSAD to 20—YEARS in prison for THE—MURDER—OF—COLONEL—HASSAN—AL—SHEIKH.
20160121             —EXECUTED, ALABAMA, CHRISTOPHER—EUGENE—BROOKS, 43—JAHRE—ALT for 19920000             —THE rape and beating DEATH—OF—JO—DEANN—CAMPBELL, 23—JAHRE—ALT.
20160121             —CRASHED, ARIZONA, an F—16—FIGHTER—JET, —WHILE training.
20160121             —PRESUMED, The pilot came from TAIWAN and was, dead.
20160121             1—UK—INQUIRY concluded that PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN probably approved a 20060000              RUSSIA—INTELLIGENCE—OPERATION to murder EX—KGB agent ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO with radioactive polonium-210 in LONDON, prompting 1—ROW with MOSCOW.
20160121             —UNVEILED, UK—EDUCATION—PUBLISHER—PEARSON, plans to axe 4,000 jobs, or 10—PERCENT of its global workforce, in 1—EFFORT to combat weak demand.
20160121             —FREED, COLOMBIA said it has, 16—FARC guerrillas pardoned in peace negotiations with the leftist rebels, as THE—2—SIDES—MOVE toward 1—DEAL to end their HALF—CENTURY—CONFLICT.
20160121             —OPENED, CHINA, GENERAL—MOTORS—CO., 1—CADILLAC factory in SHANGHAI to target the country's growing but crowded luxury car market.
20160121             —OPERATED, THE—8—BILLION yuan ($1.2—BILLION) factory, with its main CHINA—PARTNER, SHANGHAI Automotive Industries Corp., will have 1—ANNUAL—PRODUCTION—CAPACITY—OF—160,000 vehicles.
20160121             —SIGNED, CHINA, agreements to invest nearly $18—BILLION in EGYPT as PRESIDENT—XI began a 3—DAY—VISIT.
20160121             XI—MIDDLE—EAST—TOUR will include 1—STOP in IRAN.
20160121             —ARRESTED, COLOMBIA, 2—MEN for drug trafficking out of CARTAGENA to supply NEW—YORK CITY—BASED dealers.
20160121             They reportedly ran 1—MAJOR heroin and cocaine smuggling operation to NEW—YORK aboard the Royal SPAIN—NAVY—OFFICIAL training ship, paying THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS in bribes to midshipmen on the vessel.
20160121             DUBAI—BASED port operator DP World and THE—RUSSIA—DIRECT—INVESTMENT—FUND said they are launching 1—JOINT—VENTURE to develop ports, transportation and logistics infrastructure in RUSSIA.
20160121             —KILLED, EGYPT, 1—BLAST in CAIRO, 5—POLICEMEN, 1—CIVILIAN and 1 unidentified man.
20160121             1—AFFILIATE—OF—THE—JIHADIST—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP soon claimed responsibility.
20160121             GREECE, at least 6000—LAWYERS, doctors, engineers and other professional groups marched peacefully through CENTRAL—ATHENS to protest drastic new income cuts under planned pension reforms.
20160121             —AWARDED, GUYANA said it has, BRITISH—BASED petroleum company Tullow Oil PLC a 10-year exploration license in 1—OFFSHORE basin near THE—SOUTH—USA—COUNTRY believed to contain large AMOUNTS—OF—OIL and gas.
20160121             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU told the World Economic Forum in Davos that his country will need more USA—MILITARY—AID because of the nuclear deal with IRAN.
20160121             —CONFIRMED, ISRAEL, it was planning to appropriate 1—LARGE tract of fertile land in the occupied WEST—BANK, close to JORDAN, 1—MOVE—LIKELY to exacerbate tensions with Western allies and already drawing INTERNATIONAL condemnation.
20160121             —CONVICTED, KOSOVO, 1—INTERNATIONAL—TRIBUNAL, and jailed OLIVER—IVANOVIC, 62—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TOP—KOSOVO—SERBIA—POLITICIAN, —FOR—9—YEARS for committing war crimes against ethnic Albanians —DURING the late 1990s conflict.
20160121             NORTH—LIBYA, oil facilities were set ablaze as the Islamic State group launched fresh attacks to seize key export terminals, renewing concerns over the jihadists' growing influence.
20160121             —AFTER 1—NIGHT on THE—GREEK—MACEDONIA—FRONTIER in SUB—0—TEMPERATURES, some 2,000 mainly SYRIA—REFUGEES resumed their tortuous trek to NORTH—EUROPE that was temporarily blocked by 1—BORDER closure by SKOPJE.
20160121             MOLDOVA, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE held 1—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTEST in CHISINAU, 1—DAY—AFTER the legislature approved 1—NEW—PRO—EUROPEAN government.
20160121             —FIRED, SOUTH—NEPAL, police, on ethnic protesters, killing at least 3 and wounding 8, in fresh violence likely to trigger more trouble in the Himalayan nation facing severe SHORTAGES—OF—FUEL and other supplies BECAUSE—OF—THE—PROTESTS.
20160121             THE—PHILIPPINES, 1—FORMER—ANTI—NARCOTICS—OFFICER and 1—CHINA—CITIZEN were arrested —DURING 1—DRUG—RAID in MANILA that yielded $6.7—MILLION—WORTH—OF—HIGH—GRADE crystal methamphetamine.
20160121             THE—RUSSIA—RUBLE hit another historic low against the dollar as currencies slid across THE—FORMER—SOVIET—UNION against the backdrop of low oil prices.
20160121             —KILLED, SOMALIA, at least 17—PEOPLE were, in MOGADISHU —WHEN 5—ISLAMIST—GUNMEN set off bombs and stormed 1—POPULAR—BEACH—FRONT—RESTAURANT—LATE—TODAY.
20160121             THAILAND, 4—MEMBERS—OF—THE—NEW—DEMOCRACY—MOVEMENT were taken to military court to be charged with violating 1—ORDER banning groups of 5 or more people from gathering publicly for political purposes.
20160121             —RELEASED, All were, pending 1—COURT appearance.
20160121             † In TUNISIA 1—POLICE—OFFICER in clashes with young protesters who had overturned his car —DURING 1—OF—1—SERIES—OF—DEMONSTRATIONS against mass unemployment, as unrest triggered by THE—DEATH—OF—1—UNSUCCESSFUL—JOB—SEEKER spread to at least 11—CITIES—AROUND the country.
20160121             VIETNAM—RULING Communist Party began an 8—DAY—CONGRESS that starts 1 orchestrated TRANSFER—OF—POWER to new leaders who will face myriad challenges including economic reforms, corruption and maritime aggression from CHINA.
20160121             S—ELIAS im IRAK: IS sorgt mit ZERSTÖRUNG—VON—HISTORISCHEM KLOSTER für Empörung
20160121             Trotz internationaler Appelle: TEXAS richtet verurteilten Mörder hin
20160121             FLÜCHTLINGE—BAYERN und BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG nehmen Neuankömmlingen Geld ab
20160121             EU—MISSION—IN—MALI: BUNDESWEHR—AUSBILDER sollen in die KAMPF—ZONE
20160121             —AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL: TÜRKEI straft ganze Städte für PKK—GEWALT
20160121             Neuer Dienst "Maven": GENERAL—MOTORS steigt in DEUTSCHLAND ins CARSHARING—GESCHÄFT ein
20160121             Britischer UNTERSUCHUNGS—BERICHT, PUTIN soll MORD—AN—KREML—KRITIKER LITWINENKO gebilligt haben
20160121             [l] Da geht die Reise hin:
20160121             1—SENIOR—HOMELAND—SECURITY—OFFICIAL—RECENTLY argued that INTERNET anonymity should outlawed —IN—THE—SAME—WAY that driving 1—CAR without 1—LICENSE—PLATE is against THE—LAW.
20160121             Guter Vergleich!
20160121             [l] DAS—USA—DROHNEN—PROGRAMM kämpft mit mysteriösen SOFTWAREproblemen.
20160121             [l] Im USA—SICHERHEITS—APPARAT gibt es —SEIT—VIELEN—JAHREN 1.erstaunliche Technikgläubigkeit.
20160121             Und so haben sie mal ein paar HIGH—TECH—FIRMEN zum Brainstorming eingeladen.
20160121             Und es stellt sich raus, daß die da mit 1—BLAUÄUGIGEN, geradezu kindlichen MAGIE—GLÄUBIGKEIT herangehen.
20160121             Und so erklärt sich dann wohl auch, wieso Firmennamen wie "PALANTIR"bei den MILITÄRs so gut ankommen.
20160121             [l] Welche Stahlplatten?
20160121             —UPDATE, Aber immerhin wird bei uns nicht gleich die ganze Straße geklaut, wie in RUSSLAND.
20160121             [l] Es gibt 1—UPDATE zu dem austretenden Erdgas in KALIFORNIEN.
20160121             DIE—HABEN —JETZT—SCHON 7—ANLÄUFE durch, um DAS—LECK zu schließen, alle erfolglos.
20160121             Nur falls jemand dachte, so 1—KONTROLL—VERLUST wie Deepwater Horizon passiert nur in der Tiefsee, weil man da halt schwer rankommt.
20160121             —OBTAINED, Aerial photographs, by THE—TIMES, taken by 1—PILOT who slipped through NO—FLY zones imposed —AFTER the leak began, —SHOW the tension cables strung to hold the jeopardized well in place.
20160121             —SEIT—TAGEN bewegen sich die Preise für die 3—WELT—WEIT wichtigsten ÖL—SORTEN unter der Marke von 30—DOLLAR.
20160121             1—BESONDERS drastische Warnung stammt von 1—PROMINENTEN deutschen Finanzexperten.
20160121             —JETZT—SCHON destabilisiert der Preissturz 1.Reihe Länder, deren HAUPT—EINNAHMEQUELLE der Ölexport ist.
20160121             STAATEN, wie ALGERIEN, LIBYEN oder NIGERIA fehlt den Regierungen DAS—GELD für Sozialprogramme;
20160121             das könnte soziale Unruhen verschärfen.
20160121             —NACH, Ansicht mancher —EXPERTEN könnte PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN versuchen, mit neuen außenpolitischen Abenteuern vom Elend DA—HEIM abzulenken.
20160121             —NUN, droht, abermals IN—DEN—USA, 1.neue Spekulationsblase zu platzen:
20160121             Investoren haben massig Geld in Firmen gesteckt, die Öl mit der sogenannten FRACKING—TECHNOLOGIE fördern
20160121             Durch den niedrigen ÖL—PREIS droht vielen FRACFIRMEN—KING—OF— nun die Pleite.
20160121             überschaubar. DIE—UMLENKUNG großer Kapitalströme.
20160121             —WÄHREND, Ölproduzenten sowie deren Zulieferer und Kreditgeber dramatische Verluste erleiden, sparen die Ölverbraucher viel Geld —, können dieses an anderer Stelle ausgeben.
20160121             Lange war ein ÖL—PREIS—VON—100—DOLLAR pro Barrel (159—LITER) die Norm.
20160121             Bei diesem wäre die jährliche WELTÖL—PRODUKTION gut 3,5—BILLIONEN $ wert.
20160121             Beim DERZEITigen ÖL—PREIS—VON—CA—30—DOLLAR sind es nur NOCH—CA—1.Billion DOLLAR.
20160121             —VERÄNDERT, DIE—UMLENKUNG der Kapitalströme, DIE—WELT—WIRTSCHAFT an Millionen Stellen gleichzeitig, im großen wie im kleinen
20160121             DIE—WACHSENDEN geopolitischen Risiken, das drohende Platzen der FRACBLASE—KING—OF—, die millionenfachen Veränderungen in der WELT—WIRTSCHAFT: All das erzeugt vor allem 1—GEFÜHL.
20160121             "Es herrscht große Unsicherheit", sagt Enderlein.
20160121             "Und es gibt nichts, was DIE—MÄRKTE mehr hassen".
20160121             1—ENDE—DER—UNSICHERHEIT ist nicht in Sicht.
20160121             —OFFERED, JOHNSON, 10—DEFINITIONS—OF—THE—WORD "natural".I
20160121             1. Produced or effected by nature; not artificial.
20160121             2. Illegitimate; not legal[This definition is obsolete.
20160121             I think it refers to 1—BIRTH out of wedlock.] - 3. Bestowed by nature; not acquired.
20160121             4. Not forced; not FAR—FETCHED; dictated by nature.
20160121             6. Consonant to natural notions.
20160121             7. Discoverable by reason; not revealed.
20160121             8. Tender; affectionate by nature.
20160121             9. Unaffected; ACCORDING—TO—TRUTH and reality.
20160121             10. Opposed to violent; as 1—NATURAL—DEATH.
20160121             Strahlenkrankheit: So heimtückisch tötet Polonium-210
20160121             Rechte Parolen: Brand in FLÜCHTLINGS—HEIM in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20160121             SCHWACH—STELLEN im Abkommen, USA—OPPOSITION will WELT—KLIMA—VERTRAG aushebeln
20160121             Verschärfter Sparkurs: Bei Volkswagen sind mehr als 10.000—JOBS in Gefahr
20160121             —VERHAFTET, ANSCHLÄGE—VON—PARIS: BELGIEN—POLIZEI, mutmaßliche TERRORhelfer
20160121             Smog in CHINA: Aus für Kohlebergwerke bedroht 1.000.000—JOBS
20160121             GERICHTS—URTEIL: SÜD—KOREANER darf NORD—KOREA bei Twitter folgen
20160121             Senkung des ANTIBIOTIKA—VERBRAUCHS: Bakterien oder Viren?
20160121             KOALITION und FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, SEEHOFER WARNT—VOR—MILLIONEN weiterer Zuwanderer
20160121             PUTIN unter Verdacht: Fall LITWINENKO—BRITEN bestellen russischen BOTSCHAFTER ein
20160121             Niedrige Inflation: EZB hält LEIT—ZINS auf Rekordtief von 0,05 %
20160121             Demografischer Wandel in DEUTSCHLAND: Verändern statt Verdrängen
20160121             Angebliche Vergewaltigung 1, 13—JAHRE—ALTE n: Wie russische Medien ANGST—VOR—FLÜCHTLINGEN schüren
20160121             —ÜBERNIMMT, Privatisierung in GRIECHENLAND: Chinesische Reederei, HAFEN von Piräus
20160121             Gerüchte über FLÜCHTLINGE: Das Einmaleins der DES—INFORMATION
20160121             DE—MAIZIÈRE über FLÜCHTLINGE: Nur ernsthaft Kranke sollen bleiben dürfen
20160121             KRITIK—AN—ERDOGAN: DEUTSCHE Wissenschaftler solidarisieren sich mit türkischen Intellektuellen
20160121             Brief ans EUROPA—PARLAMENT: POLEN will Namen aller EU—JOURNALISTEN wissen
20160121             [l] DIE—DEUTSCHE—BANK hat 20150000              den größten Verlust in DER—KONZERNGESCHICHTE eingefahren.
20160121             Mikroenzephalie bei Babys: KOLUMBIEN WARNT—VOR—ZIKA—VIRUS, USA melden 1.Fälle
20160121             Objekt im SONNEN—SYSTEM: Wie könnte "Planet 9"heißen?
20160121             Britische Vorwürfe im Mordfall LITWINENKO: PUTIN unter Verdacht
20160121             Fall LITWINENKO: KREML WARNT—VOR—"Gift"in den Beziehungen zu LONDON
20160121             TIER—SCHUTZ, Atlas zeigt Lärmquellen im MITTELMEER
20160121             Zuwanderung: SLOWENIEN begrenzt die Zahl DER—FLÜCHTLINGE
20160121             [l] Neulich, auf dem Flohmarkt im NORD—IRAK:
20160121             STURM—GEWEHRE und Pistolen aus BUNDESWEHRbeständen, die DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG an die kurdische AUTONOMIE—REGIERUNG im NORD—IRAK geliefert hat, werden dort —INZWISCHEN, auf Waffenmärkten angeboten.
20160121             —NACH, PARIS—ATTENTATEN: USA setzen schärfere Einreisebestimmungen in Kraft
20160121             —ANTI—TERROR—KRIEG: USA wollen NATO im KAMPF—GEGEN—IS einbeziehen
20170118—20170121    —BY, rescuers found 11—SURVIVORS, but 24—PEOPLE remained missing.
20170121             Beim WOMEN—MARCH on WASHINGTON protestieren zwischen 500.000—UND 700.000—MENSCHEN
20170121             1. —TAG nach des DONALD—TRUMP—AMTS—EINFÜHRUNG,
20170121             Entsprechende Demonstrationen finden auch in weiteren USA—AMERIKANISCHEN Großstädten und in zahlreichen anderen Ländern statt,
20170121             Entsprechende Demonstrationen weltweit rund 670.
20170121             Large CROWDS—OF—WOMEN, MANY—WEARING bright pink knit hats, poured into downtown WASHINGTON to march in opposition to USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20170121             —FLOODED, LEGIONS—OF—WOMEN, parks, streets and city squares from SYDNEY to PARIS to PHILADELPHIA, marching in solidarity as 1—SHOW—OF—EMPOWERMENT and 1—STAND against DONALD—TRUMP.
20170121             † WILLIAM—NORRIS, 89—JAHRE—ALT, 1 retired JUDGE—OF—THE—NINTH—USA—CIRCUIT—COURT—OF—APPEALS (19800000—19970000    ), in LOS—ANGELES.
20170121             WILLIAM—NORRIS'S 19880000              ruling on gays in the military paved the way for gay rights.
20170121             —KILLED, MISSISSIPPI, 4—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—TORNADO hit the Hattiesburg area.
20170121             NEW—YORK GOVERNOR—ANDREW—CUOMO said that he is requiring health insurance companies to cover medically necessary abortions and most FORMS—OF—CONTRACEPTION at no cost to women.
20170121             NORTH—EAST—BRAZIL, military police took CONTROL—OF—ALCACUZ prison —AFTER fighting between rival gangs had left 26—INMATES—DEAD, the latest in 1—SPATE—OF—VIOLENCE in the country's penitentiaries.
20170121             —WARNED, REPRESENTATIVES—OF—LIBYA—NEIGHBORS meeting in CAIRO, THE—NORTH—AFRICAN nation's main rival factions against seeking to settle their differences through military force, as EGYPT announced that efforts were underway to bring their leaders together to chart a "joint vision" for the country.
20170121             The representatives came from LIBYA, EGYPT, SUDAN, ALGERIA, CHAD, NIGER and TUNISIA as well as THE—UN—ENVOY to LIBYA.
20170121             —KILLED, EGYPT, 8—PEOPLE were, —AFTER 1—SHELL landed on 1—HOUSE in SOUTH—RAFAH, in THE—NORTH—OF—SINAI.
20170121             —DEFEATED, GAMBIA's, leader YAHYA—JAMMEH announced that he has decided to relinquish power.
20170121             —KILLED, INDIA, a train crash late —TODAY, 39—PASSENGERS in Andhra Pradesh state.
20170121             —EXPLODED, PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB, in 1—MARKET in Parachinar, THE—CAPITAL—OF—THE—KURRAM tribal region, killing at least 24—PEOPLE and wounding at least 50. The Taliban claimed responsibility.
20170121             1—GROUP—OF—RUSSIA—HACKERS claimed to have shut down the website of the African Cup of Nations soccer tournament in 1—PROTEST at organizers holding it in GABON, where PRESIDENT—ALI—BONGO—ONDIMBA retained power in disputed elections —LAST—YEAR.
20170121             —TRACKED, RUSSIA—SECURITY—FORCES in Dagestan, down and killed 2 suspected militants in the village of Vperyod, Kizlyar region.
20170121             2—SAUDI—ARABIA—MEN blew themselves up —DURING 1—GUNBATTLE with security forces in Jeddah.
20170121             The 2. man, Nadi AL—MEDHIANI, had served time in prison —AFTER fighting abroad and had ties to 1—MILITANT SUSPECTED—OF—INVOLVEMENT in attacks claimed by Islamic State.
20170121             —ARRESTED, SOUTH—KOREA—PROSECUTORS, PRESIDENT—PARK—GEUN—HYE—CULTURE—MINISTER and her former top presidential adviser over allegations that they blacklisted artists CRITICAL—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT.
20170121             Culture MINISTER—CHO—YOON—SUN and EX—PRESIDENTIAL—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—KIM—KI—CHOON had allegedly drawn up 1—LIST—OF some 9,500 artists and cultural figures to be excluded from government funding programs.
20170121             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE said they have, 16—PEOPLE, including Dutch, Spanish, Colombian, Brazilian, Belgian, Chilean and MOROCCO—CITIZENS, on suspicion of forming 1—CRIMINAL—ORGANIZATION, and trafficking in arms and drugs.
20170121             —KILLED, SYRIA, 1—CAR—BOMB—BLAST, at least 7—CIVILIANS at the Rukban camp for displaced Syrians by the border with JORDAN.
20170121             —CARRIED, SYRIA, 6—RUSSIA—WARPLANES, out airstrikes on Islamic State targets in SYRIA—PROVINCE—OF—DEIR—EZ—ZOR.
20170121             —ISSUED, TURKEY—BROADCASTER Haberturk said prosecutors have, arrest warrants for more than 400—PEOPLE, including soldiers and security officers, in 48—PROVINCES across the country —FOLLOWING July's failed coup.
20170121             Zulfukar Sukru Kanberoglu of THE—TMSF fund was 1—OF—367—PEOPLE dismissed from state institutions under the latest 4—DECREES, which also reinstated 124—CIVIL—SERVANTS.
20170121—20050000    —ARRESTED, Authorities in THE—NETHERLANDS and SPAIN, 5—MALE and 2—FEMALE—SUSPECTS, all HOLLAND—NATIONALS, over the last 245—HOURS over the robbery of $72—MILLION in jewelry, 1 the world's biggest ever heists, from AMSTERDAM—AIRPORT.
20170121—20150000    —IN, 1—MAN was —LATER identified as Khaled AL—SERWANI, linked to 1—ATTACK that killed 1—WORSHIPPER at 1—SHI'ITE mosque in Najan.
20180109—20180121    —UNTIL, USA—HIGHWAY—101 in Santa Barbara County was closed down.
20180121             The film "3—BILLBOARDS Outside Ebbing, MISSOURI" led the Screen Actors Guild Awards in LOS—ANGELES.
20180121             † CONNIE—SAWYER (105), known as the oldest working actress in HOLLYWOOD, in LOS—ANGELES.
20180121             —APPEARED, CONNIE—SAWYER had, in DOZENS—OF—TV shows and 3—DOZEN—FILMS.
20180121             —TURNED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, out in CENTRAL—LONDON despite sleet and snow to show solidarity with women —AROUND the world in demanding equality, justice and 1—END to harassment.
20180121             CONGO—SECURITY—FORCES shot dead at least 6—PEOPLE and wounded dozens more as they fired tear gas to disperse 1—PROTEST organized by the Catholic church in KINSHASA against PRESIDENT—JOSEPH—KABILA.
20180121             68—PEOPLE were wounded and 121 arrested.
20180121             THE—UN—LATER said it had information about "1—NUMBER—OF—OTHER—KILLINGS" in protests elsewhere in the country and that UN monitors were among THE—TARGETS—OF—VIOLENCE by CONGO—SECURITY—AGENTS.
20180121             —VOTED, GERMANY—SOCIAL—DEMOCRATS (SPD), to begin formal coalition talks with CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL—CONSERVATIVES, moving EUROPE—ECONOMIC powerhouse 1—STEP closer to a stable government —AFTER MONTHS—OF—POLITICAL deadlock.
20180121             —GATHERED, Over 100,000 Greeks have, in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—THESSALONIKI to demand that neighboring country MACEDONIA change its name because it is also THE—NAME—OF—THE—GREECE—PROVINCE—OF—WHICH—THESSALONIKI is the capital.
20180121             1—IRAQ—COURT said it had condemned to death by hanging 1—GERMANY—WOMAN—OF—MOROCCO—ORIGIN —AFTER finding her GUILTY—OF—BELONGING to the Islamic State jihadist group.
20180121             —IDENTIFIED, The woman, who was not, had 30—DAYS to appeal.
20180121             —RALLIED, LEBANON, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS, in BEIRUT demanding that Islamist prisoners be part of 1 discussed general amnesty.
20180121             —GATHERED, MACEDONIA, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE, in SKOPJE to protest 1—BILL that would make Albanian the country's 2. official language.
20180121             —VETOED, PRESIDENT—GJORGE—IVANOV, the bill last —WEEK, describing the legislation as unnecessary and unconstitutional.
20180121             —GATHERED, MYANMAR, THOUSANDS—OF—BUDDHIST monks, in MANDALAY for 1—EVENT partly organized by 1—SCANDAL—HIT—THAILAND—TEMPLE whose abbot is wanted for questioning on MONEY—LAUNDERING allegations.
20180121             MANDALAY is home to the monk Wirathu, THE—SELF—STYLED "Buddhist OSAMA—BIN—LADEN" famous for his ANTI—ISLAMIC sermons, but there was no sign that he attended the mass ALMS—GIVING.
20180121             Hyon Song Wol, THE—HEAD—OF—1—HUGELY popular NORTH—KOREA—GIRL—BAND, crossed the heavily fortified border into SOUTH—KOREA as PART—OF—1—OFFICIAL—DELEGATION, triggering 1—MEDIA frenzy as she checked potential venues for performances —DURING next —MONTH—WINTER—OLYMPICS.
20180121             PAKISTAN, gunmen shot and killed Fazlur Rehman, 1—FORMER—POLICE—OFFICER who was fired over 20110000             —THE killing of 5—CHECHEN women in THE—SOUTH—WEST—CITY—OF—QUETTA.
20180121             —CLAIMED, THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN, responsibility for the attack.
20180121             —ERUPTED, PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA, 1—VOLCANO on Kadovar Island, again, sending plumes of steam and ash into the air.
20180121             —CANCELED, Flights nearby have been, due to the risk posed by ash plumes and ships were warned to stay away from the island.
20180121             —CALLED, Top oil exporter SAUDI—ARABIA, for extending cooperation between OPEC and NON—OPEC producers beyond 20180000             , —AFTER 1—DEAL to cut output succeeded in shoring up prices.
20180121             † SPAIN—MARITIME rescue service said 2—MIGRANTS 1—DAY —EARLIER—AFTER their boat sank —WHILE trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to European shores.
20180121             SYRIA, 1—REBEL—COMMANDER said —AROUND 25,000 Free SYRIA—ARMY—REBELS are joining THE—TURKEY—MILITARY—OPERATION in NORTH—SYRIA with the goal of recapturing Arab towns and villages seized by THE—YPG Kurdish militia almost 2—YEARS ago.
20180121             1—MISSILE fired across the border from Syria hit THE—TURKEY—BORDER—TOWN—OF—REYHANLI, killing 1—SYRIA—NATIONAL and wounding 32—PEOPLE.
20180121             TURKEY—WARPLANES hit 45—TARGETS in NORTH—SYRIA—AFRIN region.
20180121             —PUSHED, TURKEY—GROUND—FORCES, into Afrin province, —AFTER launching artillery and air strikes on 1—USA—BACKED—KURDISH—MILITIA it aims to sweep from its border.
20180121             1—AVALANCHE in TURKEY—SOUTH—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—BITLIS killed 5—SOLDIERS and injured another 12—DURING 1—MILITARY operation.
20180121             THE—UNITED—NATIONS made 1—RECORD—APPEAL for aid to YEMEN, calling for $2.96—BILLION in humanitarian relief for THE—WAR—TORN country.
20180121             —APOLOGIZED, FRANCIS—PAPA, in 1—EXTREMELY rare ACT—OF—SELF—CRITICISM, to VICTIMS—OF—CLERICAL—SEX—ABUSE, acknowledging he had "wounded many" in comments defending 1—CHILE—BISHOP who is under scrutiny.
20180121             His apology came —WHILE returning to ROME from 1—WEEK—LONG—TRIP to CHILE and PERU.
20180121             SPD—PARTEI—TAG zur GroKo: Die Entscheidung
20180121             "Shutdown"IN—DEN—USA: "Als würde man mit 1—WACKELPUDDING verhandeln"
20180121             —BERICHTET, TÜRKEI—OFFENSIVE—IN—SYRIEN—KURDENMILIZ, von zivilen Todesopfern
20180121             Neuer Überschallflieger "Boom Supersonic": Fliegen Sie in 3—STUNDEN nach NEW—YORK
20180121             JIMMY—KIMMEL: Kinder fassen DONALD—TRUMP—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFT am besten zusammen
20180121             DEMENZ—FORSCHUNG: Die neue Hoffnung im KAMPF—GEGEN—ALZHEIMER
20180121             —ZUKUNFT—DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE: Die neue Hoffnung der SPD
20180121             Medienpsychologie: Bekenntnisse eines DONALD—TRUMP—SÜCHTIGEN
20180121             Ungarische Minderheit in RUMÄNIEN: "Dann hängen wir sie auf"
20180121             [l] Neues —JAHR, neue Protestformen: "car storming", Protestierer wirft sich vor selbstfahrendes Auto.
20180121             [l] DIE—TÜRKEI bombardiert mal wieder KURDEN in SYRIEN.
20180121             Und DENEN verkaufen wir neue LEOPARD—PANZER!?
20180121             [l] Der nächste NETZDG—KOLLATERALSCHADEN ist wieder 1—SATIRIKER
20180121             Abgesetzter KATALANIEN—REGIONALPRÄSIDENT: Spanische —JUSTIZ will PUIGDEMONT in DÄNEMARK festnehmen lassen
20180121             RECHTS—POPULISMUS, Wie retten wir DIE—DEMOKRATIE?
20180121             USA—VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—VOR—NAH—OST—REISE: MIKE—PENCE, der unerwünschte Christ
20180121             GUINEAwurm in AFRIKA: Tückischer Parasit —KURZ—VOR, Ausrottung
20180121             —NACH, PROTESTE—IN—IRAN: PARLAMENTarier erzwingen Besuch bei inhaftierten DEMONSTRANTEN
20180121             —ANGRIFF—AUF—KURDENMILIZ in SYRIEN: UNO—SICHERHEITS—RAT tagt —AM—MONTAG wegen türkischer Offensive
20180121             [l] DER—PAPA erklärt OPSEC: "Because gossip is like 1—BOMB
20180121             [l] Twitter zensiert —JETZT die Grüne Jugend
20180121—20140000    —ANNOUNCED, YEMEN, its 1. budget —SINCE the country descended into armed conflict, in 1—SIGN—THE—SAUDI—BACKED government seeks to get 1—HANDLE on 1—CHAOTIC—ECONOMY as millions face starvation.
20190121             —LASTED, The series, 2—SEASONS.
20190121             1—INVESTMENT—FIRM in ABU—DHABI bought some 3—TONS—OF—GOLD from VENEZUELA amid that country's political turmoil.
20190121             NOOR—CAPITAL—LATER said it will refrain from ANY—FURTHER—TRANSACTIONS.
20190121             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, at least 65—PEOPLE were, and as many as 70 were wounded by 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER who drove 1—ARMORED—HUMVEE packed with explosives at the base in EAST—MAIDAN Wardak province.
20190121             1—ALBANIA—COURT convicted the main opposition DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—LEADER—OF—DEFAMATION over DRUG—RELATED allegations he made against Taulant Balla, HEAD—OF—THE—SOCIALIST—PARTY—PARLIAMENTARY—GROUP.
20190121             —FINED, Democratic leader Lulzim Basha was, 50,000 lek ($455).
20190121             CARDIFF CITY—NEW soccer star Emiliano Sala (28) was on BOARD—1—LIGHT—AIRCRAFT that disappeared en route to THE—WALES—CAPITAL for his club debut.
20190121             —CLAIMED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA said researcher He Jiankui, who, to have created the world's 1. GENETICALLY—EDITED babies, will face 1—CHINA—POLICE—INVESTIGATION, as authorities confirmed that a 2. woman fell pregnant —DURING the experiment.
20190121             —FIRED, JIANKUI—FORMER—UNIVERSITY said he had been.
20190121             —SANCTIONED, The European Union, THE—HEADS—OF—RUSSIA—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE and 2—OF—THEIR—OFFICERS blamed for poisoning 1—FORMER—RUSSIA—DOUBLE—AGENT in BRITAIN —LAST—YEAR, 1—DECISION—MOSCOW dismissed as groundless.
20190121             —SANCTIONED, THE—EU also, 1—SYRIA—RESEARCH center and 5—STAFF members.
20190121             —FINED, FRANCE—DATA—PRIVACY—WATCHDOG, Google 50—MILLION—EUROS ($57—MILLION) for "LACK—OF—TRANSPARENCY, inadequate information and lack of valid consent" regarding ad personalization for users.
20190121             This was the 1. penalty for 1—USA—TECH—GIANT under new European data privacy rules that took effect —LAST—YEAR.
20190121             —BANNED, GERMANY said it has, IRAN—MAHAN—AIR from landing in the country with immediate effect, citing security concerns and the airline's involvement in Syria.
20190121             The airline had several weekly flights between TEHRAN and GERMANY—CITIES.
20190121             1—INDIA—OFFICIAL said police in Kerala state are investigating 1 suspected attempt to illegally transport more than 100—INDIANS by boat to NEW—ZEALAND.
20190121             —ARRESTED, INDIA, police, 30—ROHINGYA, including 12—CHILDREN, who were found traveling on 1—BUS to Gauhati, THE—CAPITAL—OF—ASSAM state.
20190121             —DROWNED, SOUTH—INDIA, at least 8—PEOPLE, —WHEN their boat capsized in 1—RIVER as they were returning home from 1—RELIGIOUS—FESTIVAL on 1—NEARBY—ISLAND in Karnataka state.
20190121             INDONESIA—GOVERNMENT said it is reviewing THE—PRESIDENT—DECISION to release radical cleric ABU—BAKAR—BASHIR.
20190121             JORDAN hit out at ISRAEL—MOVE to open the new Ramon INTERNATIONAL Airport along their shared border close to the Red Sea, saying it would threaten the kingdom's airspace.
20190121             ISRAEL struck what it said were IRAN—TARGETS in Syria in response to missile fire 1—DAY—EARLIER it blamed on IRAN, sparking concerns of 1—ESCALATION—AFTER 1—REPORT that 11—FIGHTERS were killed.
20190121             —COLLIDED, PAKISTAN, 1—BUS has, with 1—OIL—TANKER, killing 13—PASSENGERS and leaving another 16 with severe burns in SOUTH—WEST—BALUCHISTAN province.
20190121             PAKISTAN, 1—METHANE gas explosion in 1—COALMINE in the country's southwest killed at least 3—MINERS in Baluchistan province.
20190121             —VOTED, Muslims in THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES, in 1—REFERENDUM on 1—NEW—AUTONOMOUS region that seeks to end nearly half 00010101—01001231    —CENTURY—OF—UNREST.
20190121             —BLOCKED, PORTUGAL, about 200—MOSTLY black protesters, LISBON—AVENIDA da Liberdade thoroughfare this —EVENING, chanting "Down with racism!".
20190121             —DISPERSED, Stones were thrown at police officers who, the rally.
20190121             —KILLED, RWANDA—OFFICIALS said 14—MINERS were, in 1—EASTERN tin mine —AFTER 1—HILL collapsed on them —AFTER heavy rains.
20190121             SOUTH—AFRICA—FORMER—EXECUTIVE—ANGELO—AGRIZZI told 1—CORRUPTION—PROBE that his old company had paid monthly bribes —FOR—14—YEARS to Nomvula Mokonyane, 1—MINISTER who served SCANDAL—TAINTED EX—PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA.
20190121             Mokonyane, who is currently environmental affairs MINISTER, served as ZUMA—MINISTER—OF—WATER and sanitation 20140000—20180000    —BETWEEN, and was —EARLIER 1—PROVINCIAL—MINISTER.
20190121             —REPORTED, It was, that more SOUTH—KOREA—FEMALE skaters are accusing their coaches of sexually abusing them, —FOLLOWING claims by 2—TIME—OLYMPIC champion Shim SUK—HEE that her former coach had repeatedly raped her.
20190121             SUDAN, about 150—DOCTORS held 1—SILENT—SIT—IN outside 1—HOSPITAL in KHARTOUM to protest THE—KILLING—OF—1—MEDIC —DURING ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS last —WEEK.
20190121             —CRACKED, Authorities, down on ARABIC—LANGUAGE—FOREIGN—MEDIA working inside the country, as major protests against PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR enter their 2. —MONTH.
20190121             —TARGETED, NORTH—SYRIA, 1—ISLAMIC—STATE—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 1—JOINT—CONVOY—OF—USA and allied Kurdish forces, marking the 2. attack against USA—TROOPS in less than 1—WEEK.
20190121             5—MEMBERS—OF—THE—KURDISH—LED force were reported killed.
20190121             —REPORTED, It was, that UGANDA—PRESIDENT—YOWERI—MUSEVENI has ordered authorities to stop issuing and renewing licenses to betting firms in 1—BID to crack down on gambling.
20190121             —SUPPRESSED, VENEZUELA—GOVERNMENT, 1—SMALL—MILITARY revolt —AFTER 1—GROUP—OF—OFFICERS stole weapons and kidnapped several officials.
20190121             —TRIGGERED, The action, violent street protests
20190121             1—ZIMBABWE court ruled that the government exceeded its mandate in ordering 1—INTERNET—BLACKOUT —DURING CIVIL—PROTESTS last —WEEK, as authorities pressed on with rounding up opposition figures blamed for the unrest.
20190121             Total lunar eclipse
20190121             SUPERMOON—VORBILD für "Argo": Legendärer CIA—AGENT TONY—MENDEZ ist tot
20190121             Bestätigung via Twitter: ISRAEL—ARMEE greift iranische ZIELE—IN—SYRIEN an
20190121             Zweitgrößte Volkswirtschaft: CHINAs Wachstum fällt auf niedrigsten Stand —SEIT fast 3—JAHRZEHNTEN
20190121             RUSSLAND—AFFÄRE, DONALD—TRUMP führte —BIS—HERBST 20160000              GESPRÄCHE—ÜBER—PROJEKT in MOSKAU
20190121             —EINSATZ—DER—KÜSTENWACHE: Tanker mit Gefahrgut vor Cuxhaven auf Grund gelaufen
20190121             OXFAM—UNGLEICHHEITS—BERICHT, Milliardäre werden 2.500.000.000—DOLLAR REICHER—PRO—TAG
20190121             Explosion mit 85—TOTEN: ÖL—FIRMA wusste offenbar von PIPELINE—LECK—HIELT es aber für "minimal"
20190121             158—BEHINDERUNGEN: Mehr DROHNEN—STÖR—FÄLLE an Flughäfen
20190121             —VERBIETET, TERROR—VERDACHT: Regierung, Flüge von iranischer Airline
20190121             Umgang mit NUTZER—DATEN: Russische Medienaufsicht geht gegen Twitter und FACEBOOK vor
20190121             Wirtschaftliche Folgen des USA—SHUTDOWNS: Auf in den Abschwung
20190121             Konjunktur: WÄHRUNGS—FONDS senkt PROGNOSE—FÜR—DEUTSCHE Wirtschaft
20190121             PUTSCH—VERSUCH in VENEZUELA: Nationalgardisten rufen zu WIDERSTAND—GEGEN—MADURO auf
20190121             TECH—KONFERENZ DLD: Die digitale ZUKUNFT wird sicher ganz "fantastic"
20190121             IG Metall: Mehr Geld? 260.000—ARBEITNEHMER wollen lieber kürzer arbeiten
20190121             —GELAUFEN, Auf Grund : Gefahrguttanker vor Cuxhaven ist wieder frei
20190121             Drittmittel: FACEBOOK sponsert TU MÜNCHEN mit 6.500.000—EURO (Leben und Lernen, 16:25)
20190121             —KAMPF—GEGEN—OPPOSITIONELLE: Wie das iranische REGIME—IN—EUROPA zuschlägt
20190121             AMAZON Echo und Google Home: Dieses Bastelset soll vor LAUSCH—ANGRIFFEN schützen
20190121             JONATHAN—COE über DAS—BREXIT—GEFÜHL: "Unser politisches SYSTEM ist wahrscheinlich irreparabel zerstört" (SPIEGEL+, 17:34)
20190121             —DER—TAG—KOMPAKT, Drowning Street 10
20190121             —BIS zu minus 18,4 Grad: Klirrende KÄLTE—IN—DEUTSCHLAND
20190121             WELT—WIRTSCHAFTSFORUM in DAVOS: Dialog in düsteren Zeiten
20190121             EU—REAKTION—AUF—MAY—REDE: "Totaler Quatsch"
20190121             Digitalisierung: Bundesbehörden verbrauchten 2017—CA—1,—BLATT Papier
20190121             [l] Unsichere Zeiten wie BREXIT sind beste Voraussetzungen für 1—BOOM bei Preppern.
20190121             This being BRITAIN, people are not retreating to underground bunkers, as AMERICA's "Doomsday preppers" do, and Britons are more likely to hoard toilet paper than weaponry.
20190121             Harr Harr HARR—IMMERHIN haben DIE—BRITEN halbwegs realistisch Vorstellungen davon, worauf sie sich vorbereiten sollten.
20190121             "People are talking about —WWII and rationing," said Ms.
20190121             [l] OH—UH: CHINAs GEBURTEN—RATE ist auch nach Abschaffung der EIN—KIND—POLITIK weiter rückläufig.
20190121             Plastikmüll durch Golfbälle: Handicap im Pazifik
20190121             Viel Verständnis für Ungarns Autokraten: Die seltsame ORBÁN—VERBINDUNG—VON—FDP—GENERAL—SEKRETÄRIN—BEER
20190121—19670000    —IN—THE, She and Eve Arden played 1—PAIR of meddling mothers NBC sitcom "THE—MOTHERS—IN—LAW".
20190121—19930000    —FROM, to 20040000              he hosted "Materpiece Theater".
20190121—20110000    —FOUNDED, S—FRANCISCO—FOOD—DELIVERY startup Muncherry, announced that it has gone OUT—OF—BUSINESS.
20190121—20190112    —ON, The boat had reportedly left Munambam harbor in Kerala.
20190125—20190121    —ANNOUNCED, In THE—PHILIPPINES the Commission on Elections, that the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao is deemed ratified —FOLLOWING 1—REFERENDUM.
20190204—20190121    —BELIEVED, The plane is, to have crashed into the sea.
20200121             In 1—MARATHON session that began at 1—P.m. and lasted nearly 13—HOURS into the early —MORNING, THE—REPUBLICAN—LED Senate rejected all 11—DEMOCRATIC—PROPOSED amendments en route to approving the rules for the impeachment TRIAL—OF—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20200121             ALEX—AZAR 52), THE—SECRETARY—OF—THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HEALTH and Human Services, appeared on FOX—NEWS to report the latest on the coronavirus as it ravaged CHINA.
20200121             —ASSURED, The lawyer and former drug industry executive, Americans THE—USA—GOVERNMENT was prepared.
20200121             —TELEVISED, Shortly —AFTER his, comments, Azar tapped 1 trusted aide with minimal public health experience to lead the agency's —DAY—TO—DAY—RESPONSE to COVID-19. The aide, BRIAN—HARRISON, had joined the department —AFTER running 1—DOG—BREEDING business —FOR—6—YEARS.
20200121             —STABBED, ALABAMA, LANDON—DURHAM, 16—JAHRE—ALT allegedly, his mother and 13—YEAR—OLD—TWIN—BROTHERS to death —BEFORE going to school in Munford as if it were 1—NORMAL—DAY.
20200121             —APPREHENDED, DURHAM was, the next —MORNING at 1—GROCERY—STORE approximately 7—MILES outside Gadsden.
20200121             —UNVEILED, S—FRANCISCO—BASED—CRUISE, 1—ROBOT taxi called Origin.
20200121             Cruise said it could be manufactured at half the cost of conventional electric SUVs.
20200121             MISSISSIPPI authorities 2—OF—THE—INMATES beaten to death inside the troubled Parchman Farm Penitentiary were killed in 1—FIGHT with other inmates.
20200121             IRAN—STUDENT—SHAHAB Dehghani, attending college in BOSTON, was denied entry to THE—USA and ordered to —IMMEDIATELY fly back to his native country, despite 1—COURT—ORDER temporarily staying his removal.
20200121             1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT threw out PART—OF—FORMER—NEW—YORK—ASSEMBLY—SPEAKER—SHELDON—SILVER—CORRUPTION—CONVICTION and ordered that he be resentenced, citing errors in his trial judge's jury instructions.
20200121             The 2. USA—CIRCUIT—COURT—OF—APPEALS in Manhattan voided SILVER—CONVICTION on 3—COUNTS, and upheld his conviction on 4—COUNTS.
20200121             —ASKED, BANGLADESH—HIGH—COURT, authorities to shut down 231—FACTORIES surrounding the highly polluted Buriganga River in DHAKA.
20200121             BRAZIL—RIGHT—WING—PRESIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO said he will create an "Amazon Council" to protect and ensure the "sustainable development" of the world's largest rainforest, —FOLLOWING intense criticism of his environmental policies.
20200121             —SUFFERED, PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON—GOVERNMENT, a 4. defeat on its Brexit legislation —WHEN MEMBERS—OF—PARLIAMENT—UPPER chamber voted to ensure protections for child refugees —AFTER BRITAIN leaves the European Union.
20200121             BRITAIN—SAINSBURY said it plans to cut HUNDREDS—OF—MANAGEMENT—JOBS as it seeks to bring its main supermarket operation and its Argos general merchandise arm closer together.
20200121             —SENTENCED, CHINA, THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—INTERPOL, Meng Hongwei (66), to 13—YEARS and 6—MONTHS in prison on charges of accepting more than $2—MILLION in bribes.
20200121             His wife, GRACE—MENG, is —NOW suing Interpol, accusing it of failing to protect him from arrest in CHINA and failing to look —AFTER his family.
20200121             —BACKED, European Union lawmakers, measures to clamp down on abuse of EU pet passports by criminals and gangs that illegally trade cats and dogs.
20200121             FRANCE, protesting workers cut power to THOUSANDS—OF—PARISIANS in 1—OUTAGE that lasted 2—HOURS.
20200121             —REPORTED, IRAN—ISNA—NEWS—AGENCY, that lawmaker AHMAD—HAMZEH, who represents IRAN—KERMAN province, has offered to pay a $3—MILLION reward to "whoever kills Trump" in 1—SPEECH to the country's PARLIAMENT.
20200121             —OPENED, IRAQ—RIOT—POLICE, fire amid clashes with ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS on 1—CENTRAL—BAGHDAD highway, killing 1—PERSON and wounding over 12—OTHERS.
20200121             —KILLED, Female activist and paramedic Janat Madhi (49) was, in Basra late —TODAY by unidentified assailants.
20200121             IRAQ, 3—FRANCE—CITIZENS and 1—IRAQI, aid workers for 1—FRENCH—CHRISTIAN charity, failed to show up for 1 scheduled meeting and have not been heard from —SINCE.
20200121             1—SOUTH—KOREAN announced that its ANTI—PIRACY—UNIT has temporarily expanded its mission to the Strait of Hormuz, 1—VITAL—GLOBAL—OIL—ROUTE at the center of soaring tensions between IRAN and THE—USA.
20200121             —DECLARED, SPAIN—GOVERNMENT formally, a "climate emergency," proposing measures to tackle climate change that include mandatory LOW—EMISSION—ZONES in big cities.
20200121             1—WINTER—STORM lashed much of SPAIN for a 3. —DAY, leaving 200,000—PEOPLE without electricity, schools closed and roads blocked by snow as it killed 4—PEOPLE.
20200121             —ANNOUNCED, SWITZERLAND, USA—PRESIDENT—TRUMP, 73—JAHRE—ALT, THE—USA would join 1—INITIATIVE to plant 1—TRILLION trees, but dismissed "perennial prophets of doom" on climate change in his keynote address.
20200121             —RESPONDED, Activist Greta Thunberg (17), by saying planting trees was not enough to address climate change.
20200121             —KILLED, NORTH—SYRIA, RUSSIAN—LED air strikes, at least 18—PEOPLE in the northwest where 1—MAJOR—GOVERNMENT—OFFENSIVE to clear out rebels has sent TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE fleeing toward the border with TURKEY.
20200121             1—STRIKE on THE—REBEL—HELD village of Kfar Taal killed at least 9—PEOPLE, including 1—ENTIRE—FAMILY.
20200121             1—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—PANEL ruled for the 1. time that people fleeing THE—EFFECTS—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE may be entitled to claim asylum, even as it dismissed 1—INDIVIDUAL plaintiff's case against his deportation from NEW—ZEALAND.
20200121             THE—UN said rising NUMBERS—OF—CHILDREN in GUATEMALA are going hungry as drought linked to climate change reduces food harvests, fueling child malnutrition rates.
20200121             1—UN—BACKED—CONFERENCE on Disarmament opened in GENEVA.
20200121             THE—USA—URGED—CHINA to join trilateral nuclear arms talks with MOSCOW, calling BEIJING—SECRECY—AROUND growing stockpiles a "serious threat to strategic stability".
20200121             —TUESDAY 20200121
20200121             [l] Lesetipp: Bert Hubert über Huawei und 5G.
20200121             Bert ist 1—DER—GUTEN und der kennt sich in dem Bereich aus.
20200121             Ich bringe mal direkt das Money Quote:
20200121             In 1—MODERN—TELECOMMUNICATIONS—SERVICE—PROVIDER, new equipment is deployed, configured, maintained and often financed by the vendor.
20200121             —JUST to let that sink in, Huawei (and their close partners) already run and directly OPE—RATE the mobile telecommunication infrastructure for over 100—MILLION—EUROPEAN subscribers.
20200121             [l] Der ehemalige INTERPOL—CHEF—IST —JETZT in CHINA zu 13—JAHREN wegen Korruption verurteilt worden.
20200121             Er war vor ein paar —JAHREN auf einer Chinareise überraschend verschwunden und hatte dann angeblich 1—GESTÄNDNIS abgelegt.
20200121             [l] GLENN—GREENWALD in BRASILIEN wegen CYBERcrimes angeklagt.
20200121             GLENN—GREENWALD ist 1—JOURNALIST, der hierzulande vor allem für seine Rolle in der SNOWDEN—SAGA bekannt ist.
20200121             Der wohnt mit seinem Lebenspartner in BRASILIEN und hat da offenbar schlicht seine Arbeit getan.
20200121             —CHARGED, Federal prosecutors in BRAZIL —ON—TUESDAY, THE—USA—JOURNALIST—GLENN—GREENWALD with cybercrimes for his role in bringing to light cellphone messages that have embarrassed prosecutors and tarnished the image of 1—ANTI—CORRUPTION—TASK—FORCE.
20200121             Das ist halt DER—UNTERSCHIED zwischen BRASILIEN, den USA und DEUTSCHLAND.
20200121             In BRASILIEN klagt ihn schlicht die STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT an, deren Fehlverhalten er aufgedeckt hatte.
20200121             In den USA wäre er in irgendeinem Folterknast verschwunden, aus SICHERHEITSgründen in Einzelhaft und sein Anwalt darf ihn nicht sehen.
20200121             —GEWAHRT, In DEUTSCHLAND hätte man die Form, und es hätte ihn eine andere STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT wegen anderer Vorwürfe angeklagt.
20200121             Steuerhinterziehung oder sowas.
20200121             Damit es nicht —SCHON auf den 1. Blick so stark stinkt.
20200121             Welche Leute hat er denn da angepisst in BRASILIEN?
20200121             The articles cast doubt on the impartiality of 1—FORMER—JUDGE, Sérgio Moro, AND—OF—SOME—OF—THE—PROSECUTORS who worked on 1—CORRUPTION—INVESTIGATION that landed several powerful political and business figures in prison.
20200121             Among them was 1—FORMER—PRESIDENT, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, 1—POPULAR—LEFTIST whose conviction paved the way for THE—ELECTION—OF—MISTER—BOLSONARO.
20200121             Ja gut, Anfängerfehler.
20200121             Der Bolsonaro ist ja kein Idiot und hat da natürlich seine Kumpels installiert.
20200121             Sonst hätten die ja nicht den Lula weggeräumt, wenn das noch Leute gewesen wären, die Lula da installiert hat.
20200121             —KOPIERT, Interessanterweise, der Bolsonaro —JETZT mit seinen Schergen die Strategie, die die Amis gegen Manning und ASSANGE fahren:
20200121             —INTERCEPTED, Citing, messages between MISTER—GREENWALD and the hackers, prosecutors say the —JOURNALIST played a "clear role in facilitating the commission of 1—CRIME".
20200121             ASSANGE wollen sie ja mit einem "Geständnis" von Manning drankriegen, das sie mit BEUGE—HAFT zu erpressen versuchen, daß ASSANGE den Leak angestiftet haben soll.
20200121             Und Manning sitzt —JETZT—SEIT Monaten im Knast, weil sie dieses Geständnis zu Lasten von ASSANGE nicht abgeben will, auch wenn sie selbst gar nicht betroffen wäre davon, denn ihre Strafe wurde —SCHON ausgesetzt.
20200121             Aber der HÖHE—PUNKT der ganzen Nummer ist das hier:
20200121             MISTER—BOTTINO said BRAZIL—CASE—LAW gives journalists broad protections.
20200121             "You can't punish a —JOURNALIST for divulging 1—DOCUMENT that was obtained through criminal means," he said.
20200121             Ihr erinnert euch noch an die Netzpolitik_ORG—LANDESVERRAT—NUMMER?
20200121             —DIENSTAG, ITALIEN—SENATS—AUSSCHUSS stimmt für Aufhebung von SALVINIs Immunität
20200121             TRUMP—IMPEACHMENT—ANWALT im Interview: "MACHT—MISSBRAUCH ist keine Straftat" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—MARC—PITZKE
20200121             BREXIT—GESETZ: JOHNSON erleidet Teilniederlage im Oberhaus
20200121             KORRUPTIONS—PROZESS, EX—INTERPOL—CHEF—MENG in CHINA zu langer Freiheitsstrafe verurteilt
20200121             —BEZEICHNET, GESICHTS—ERKENNUNG: MICROSOFT—MANAGER, Verbote als regulatorische "Hackebeile"
20200121             VIRGINIA: Zehntausende demonstrieren gegen VERSCHÄRFUNG—DES—WAFFENRECHTS
20200121             —PROTESTE—GEGEN—RENTEN—REFORM, DEMONSTRANTEN drehen in PARIS Strom ab
20200121             DAVOS: DONALD—TRUMP preist eigene Wirtschaftspolitik
20200121             —KRITISIERT, Habeck, DONALD—TRUMP nach Rede in DAVOS: "Er ist der Gegner"
20200121             THUNBERG antwortet auf TRUMP: "Unser Haus steht noch immer in Flammen"
20200121             Rede in DAVOS: TRUMP—PERVERSER Optimismus
20200121             ICLOUD—VERSCHLÜSSELUNG: APPLE soll sich dem Druck des FBI gebeugt haben
20200121             AUSTRALIEN: Forscher identifizieren ältesten Meteoritenkrater der Welt
20200121             Dammbruch mit 270—TOTEN: Brasilianische STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT klagt TÜV Süd an
20200121             Historische Entscheidung: KLIMA—FLÜCHTLINGE können Asylanspruch haben
20200121             1. FALL—VON—NEUARTIGES—CORONA—VIRUS, in den USA nachgewiesen, Mann bei SEATTLE positiv getestet
20200121             WELT—WIRTSCHAFTS—TREFFEN—DAVOS: "TRUMP hat nur Spott für die KLIMA—AKTIVISTEN übrig"
20200121—20161200    —IN, 1—NORTH—CAROLINA appeals court upheld the legality of 1—LEGISLATIVE—SESSION—REPUBLICANS quickly called to push through laws that weakened the power of incoming Democratic GOVERNOR—ROY—COOPER.
20200121—20180700    —SENTENCED, Silver had been, to 7—YEARS in prison.
20200121—20200108    —ACKNOWLEDGED, IRAN, that its armed forces fired 2—RUSSIA—ANTI—AIRCRAFT—MISSILES at 1—UKRAINE—JETLINER that crashed —AFTER taking off from TEHRAN—MAIN—AIRPORT, killing all 176—PEOPLE on BOARD.
20200510—20200121    —AM, habe der chinesische Staatschef Tedros in einem Telefongespräch gedrängt, eine weltweite PANDEMIE—WARNUNG zu verzögern.
20200510—20200121    Laut dem BND habe die WHO daraufhin eine weitere Woche stillgehalten.
20210107—20210121    —ON, Bar Trump from ever again holding OFFICE—AND get ready to prosecute him for his crimes.
20210121             —PROPOSED, THE—BIDEN—ADMINISTRATION, to RUSSIA a 5—YEAR—EXTENSION—OF—THE—NEW—START—TREATY limiting strategic nuclear weapons.
20210121             DOCTOR—ANTHONY—FAUCI, PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN—TOP—ADVISER on the pandemic, said THE—USA will resume funding for the World Health Organization and join its consortium aimed at sharing coronavirus vaccines fairly —AROUND the globe.
20210121             CALIFORNIA to date had 3,090,663 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 35,551 deaths.
20210121             THE—SF Bay Area had 351,303 cases and 3,616 deaths.
20210121             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 24,614,129 with the death toll at 409,794.
20210121             —ADMITTED, WASHINGTON STATE—CHIROPRACTOR—AUSTIN—HSU, 46—JAHRE—ALT, to fraudulently claiming more than $700,000 in COVID—19—RELIEF—FUNDS meant for struggling small businesses.
20210121             —ANNOUNCED, Alphabet, GOOGLE—PARENT—COMPANY, THE—END—OF—LOON, its INTERNET—BEAMING balloon company, that was providing online access from the stratosphere.
20210121             —REPORTED, It was, that Google has signed 1—DEAL with 1—GROUP—OF—FRANCE—PUBLISHERS paving the way for THE—INTERNET—GIANT to make digital copyright payments for online news content.
20210121             —REPORTED, It was, that Google and Facebook Inc have granted 1—AUSTRALIA—LOCAL—GOVERNMENT—NEWS—PROVIDER—STATUS, drawing questions about THE—INTERNET—GIANTS' efforts to curate news media.
20210121             The drug maker ELI—LILLY said that 1—TREATMENT usually used to fight COVID—19—SYMPTOMS also prevented healthy people in nursing homes from contracting the virus.
20210121             The drug, bamlanivimab, already has 1—EMERGENCY—USE—AUTHORIZATION from the Food and Drug Administration that allows ELI—LILLY to provide it to symptomatic patients early in the course of their infection.
20210121             THE—HEAD—OF—AFRICA—DISEASE—CONTROL—BODY said the continent's coronavirus case fatality rate has risen alarmingly to 2.5%, higher than the global level of 2.2%.
20210121             —REPORTED, It was, that BRITAIN has sparked 1—POST—BREXIT spat with THE—EU by declining to grant the bloc's 1.—EVER ambassador to the country full diplomatic status.
20210121             THE—UK—GOVERNMENT says THE—EU is 1—INTERNATIONAL—ORGANIZATION, rather than 1—COUNTRY, and has not given Vale de Almeida the full rights accorded to ambassadors under THE—VIENNA Convention, including immunity from taxation and prosecution.
20210121             UK prosecutors said —DAY trader WALID—CHOUCAIR, who was convicted of insider trading along with 1—UBS—GROUP—AG compliance official, agreed to forfeit 3.9—MILLION—POUNDS ($5.4—MILLION).
20210121             —INCLUDED, The sum also, the money Choucair had made in 15—OTHER—TRADES.
20210121             —ANNOUNCED, BRITAIN—FOREIGN—SECRETARY, that his government would offer more than $50—MILLION to help poor SUDAN—FAMILIES as their government embarks upon major austerity measures to revive its battered economy.
20210121             —PACKED, LONDON—METROPOLITAN—POLICE—OFFICERS found 150—PEOPLE, into the Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls' School with BLACKED—OUT windows for 1—WEDDING despite 1—NATIONWIDE lockdown that bars households from mixing.
20210121             The death toll from COVID-19 in THE—UK—HIT 94,580 —AFTER the country recorded another 1,290 fatalities, —WHILE official data showed medics had delivered 1—NEW—HIGH—OF—363,508 vaccines in the last 24—HOURS.
20210121             BRITAIN—HEALTH—MINISTER—MATT—HANCOCK said data supports the country's decision to move to a 12-week dosing schedule for PFIZER—COVID vaccine, adding details on efficacy gathered —DURING the rollout would be published as soon as possible.
20210121             —DECLARED, THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC (CAR), 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY as the army and UN forces try to repel advancing rebel groups who want to overthrow the government.
20210121             ANTI—GOVERNMENT—FIGHTERS, who —NOW control 2—THIRDS—OF—THE—COUNTRY, have surrounded BANGUI.
20210121             —FIRED, CHINA, 1—PARTING shot at THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION by announcing unprecedented sanctions against outgoing Cabinet officials and advisers, including FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—MIKE—POMPEO, as it extended 1—RHETORICAL olive branch to newly installed PRESIDENT—BIDEN.
20210121             —REPORTED, CHINA, its 1. cluster of COVID—19—CASES among workers in 1—MEAT processing plant in THE—NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—HARBIN, raising fears among local consumers who have —UNTIL—NOW mainly worried about the safety of imported foods.
20210121             —ANNOUNCED, DUBAI—TOURISM—DEPARTMENT, 1—IMMEDIATE halt to all live entertainment at hotels and restaurants as COVID—19—CASES increased.
20210121             EGYPT, the Islamic State blew up 1—ROADSIDE bomb in the restive NORTH—SINAI peninsula, killing 1—MEMBER—OF—EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES and wounding 3—OTHERS.
20210121             EUROPE—TOP—HUMAN—RIGHTS—COURT—FOUND—RUSSIA responsible for 1—SWATH—OF—VIOLATIONS in GEORGIA—BREAKAWAY regions —AFTER 20080000             —THE—RUSSIA—GEORGIA war.
20210121             —HAILED, GEORGIA, the verdict by the European COURT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS as 1—MAJOR—VICTORY.
20210121             —SLASHED, EU government officials said Pfizer has, in half the volume of COVID—19—VACCINES it will deliver to SOME—EU countries this —WEEK, as frustration over THE—USA—DRUGMAKER'S unexpected cut in supplies grows.
20210121             EUROPE—DISEASE—SURVEILLANCE—AGENCY said that THE—3—MUTANT VARIANTS—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS that emerged in BRITAIN, SOUTH—AFRICA and BRAZIL pose 1—HIGH—RISK in EUROPE as they have led to increased transmissibility.
20210121             —REPORTED, It was, that GERMANY—RESEARCHERS have enabled mice paralyzed —AFTER spinal cord injuries to walk again, RE—ESTABLISHING 1—NEURAL link hitherto considered irreparable in mammals by using 1—DESIGNER protein injected into the brain.
20210121             —REPORTED, It was, that members of 1 alleged "BABY—HARVESTING" and CHILD—TRAFFICKING syndicate have been arrested in GHANA.
20210121             —REJECTED, INDIA, farmer leaders, 1—OFFER from the government to suspend contentious agricultural reform laws —FOR—18—MONTHS and set up 1—COMMITTEE to look into their concerns about the legislation that have triggered the biggest farmers' protests in years.
20210121             Government sources said INDIA will give MILLIONS—OF—DOSES—OF—COVID 19—VACCINE to SOUTH—ASIA—COUNTRIES in the next few weeks, drawing praise from its neighbors and pushing back against CHINA—DOMINATING presence in the region.
20210121             —KILLED, INDIA, at least 5—PEOPLE were, in 1—FIRE that broke out at 1—BUILDING under construction at Serum Institute of INDIA in SOUTH—MAHARASHTRA state.
20210121             —REPORTED, INDONESIA, 346—DEATHS from COVID-19, hitting 1—NEW—RECORD for the 2. time this —WEEK, as hospitals in THE—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—NATION come under increasing strain from the coronavirus pandemic.
20210121             —REPORTED, It was, that IRAN—GOVERNMENT has launched 1—WIDE—RANGING crackdown on Bitcoin processing centers, which require immense AMOUNTS—OF—ELECTRICITY to power their specialized computers and to keep them cool — 1—BURDEN on the nation's power grid.
20210121             —RIPPED, IRAQ, twin suicide bombings, through 1—BUSY—MARKET in BAGHDAD, killing at least 32—PEOPLE and wounding dozens.
20210121             —CLAIMED, The Islamic State group soon, responsibility.
20210121             IRELAND—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SIMON—COVENEY said food supply problems in NORTH—IRELAND are due to Brexit because there are —NOW 1—CERTAIN—AMOUNT—OF—CHECKS on goods going between BRITAIN and NORTH—IRELAND.
20210121             —REPORTED, ITALY, 521—CORONAVIRUS—RELATED deaths, against 524 THE—DAY—BEFORE, —WHILE the daily TALLY—OF—NEW—INFECTIONS—ROSE to 14,078 from 13,571.
20210121             —EXTENDED, Authorities in LEBANON, 1—NATIONWIDE lockdown by 1—WEEK, to 20210208             , amid 1—STEEP—RISE in coronavirus deaths and infections that has overwhelmed the health care system.
20210121             —EXTENDED, NORTH—IRELAND, its COVID—19—LOCKDOWN for 1—ADDITIONAL 4—WEEKS to 20210305              and its deputy 1. MINISTER said the measures might have to be extended again.
20210121             NORWAY—GOVERNMENT said it will help ailing LOW—COST—CARRIER—NORWAY—AIR—SHUTTLE - 1—U—TURN from its previous refusal to do SO—AS long as the company manages to raise 4.5—BILLION kroner ($529—MILLION) from other investors.
20210121             RUSSIA said it could supply HUNGARY with its Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine from next —MONTH, —AFTER BUDAPEST gave initial approval to the shot.
20210121             —REOPENED, SRI—LANKA, to foreign tourists —AFTER a nearly 10-month pandemic closure.
20210121             SWITZERLAND, local officials said mass COVID—19—TESTING—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in the resort of St Moritz, where luxury hotels were placed under quarantine, found 53—CORONAVIRUS—INFECTIONS, including 31—CASES—OF—1—FAST—SPREADING variant.
20210121             —REPORTED, It was, that THAILAND—FOOD and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted emergency use approval for THE—COVID—19—VACCINE—OF—ASTRAZENECA Plc.
20210121             UKRAINE, 1—FIRE at 1—PRIVATE nursing home in THE—CITY—OF—KHARKIV killed 15—PEOPLE and injured 5—OTHERS.
20210121             —REGISTERED, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, RUSSIA—SPUTNIK V coronavirus vaccine for domestic use.
20210121             New daily cases in the Gulf STATE—OF—ABOUT 9—MILLION—PEOPLE tripled in the past —MONTH to about 354—PER million this —WEEK.
20210121             —ADOPTED, THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, 1—RESOLUTION condemning damage and DESTRUCTION—OF—RELIGIOUS—SITES and asking THE—SECRETARY—GENERAL to convene 1—GLOBAL—CONFERENCE to spearhead public support for safeguarding places of religious heritage.
20210121             THE—UN—SPECIAL—REPRESENTATIVE on sexual violence in conflict said "serious allegations of sexual violence" have emerged in ETHIOPIA's embattled Tigray region, —WHILE women and girls face shortages of rape kits and HIV drugs amid restrictions on humanitarian access.
20210121             —CONVICTED, THE—VATICAN—CRIMINAL—TRIBUNAL, ANGELO—CALOIA, 81—JAHRE—ALT, THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—VATICAN—BANK, and his lawyer, Gabriele Liuzzo (97), of embezzlement, MISAPPROPRIATION—OF—FUNDS and money laundering 20010000—20080000    —BETWEEN—WHEN the bank sold off 1—SIZEABLE chunk of its real estate assets.
20210121             —DONNERSTAG, 20210121
20210121             Harris nimmt 3—SENATOREN den Eid ab: Demokraten übernehmen Kontrolle im USA—SENAT
20210121             EX—MINISTER—KÜNAST und Schmidt im Doppelinterview: Haben wir zu VIELE—TIERE im Land?
20210121             JOE—BIDENS—AMTSEINFÜHRUNG im TV: Überschreibung einer schlechten Erinnerung
20210121             Biden und die —STUNDE 0: 17—ERLASSE am 1. —TAG Aus WASHINGTON berichten ROLAND—NELLES und MARC—PITZKE
20210121             Inzwischen mehr CORONA—TOTE in den USA als im Weltkrieg gestorbene USA—SOLDATEN
20210121             Warnung vor Wucherpreisen: Hausärzte fordern Festpreise für OP—UND FFP2-Masken
20210121             Homophobe Äußerungen: Liberale im Europarlament schließen litauischen Abgeordneten aus
20210121             Hoffnungen auf USA—KONJUNKTURPAKET: Asiatische Börsen verzeichnen Spitzenwerte
20210121             Irgendwie wollte Bernie Sanders so gar nicht ins Setting der Amtseinführung von USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN passen.
20210121             —AM—MITTWOCH sorgte der SENATOR—AUS—VERMONT mit seiner praktischen Winterjacke und auffälligen STRICK—HANDSCHUHEN für viel Gesprächsstoff — und einen kleinen INTERNET—HIT.
20210121             —GEPAART, Medien bezeichneten die Kleiderwahl —, mit der Sitzhaltung Sanders mit verschränkten Armen — als "grumpy chic" (miesepetrigen Stil).
20210121             Auf Twitter kursierten nach kürzester Zeit unzählige FOTO—MONTAGEN, die Sanders in allen möglichen — und unmöglichen — Situationen zeigten.
20210121             Dabei ist es nicht das 1. Mal, dass Sanders in dieser Weise für Aufsehen sorgt.
20210121             Hergestellt aus recycelten Pullovern und alten Plastikflaschen, wie die "LOS—ANGELES—TIMES" berichtet, schafften es die Handwärmer sogar zu einem eigenen Twitteraccount.
20210121             Covid-19: Alentejo com 603—CASOS e 16—ÓBITOS—PORTUGAL com máximos de infetados e mortes em 24—HORAS
20210121             ENTWICKLUNGS—MINISTER Gerd Müller (CSU) hat global agierende Unternehmen dazu aufgerufen, arme Länder bei der Beschaffung von mehr CORONA—IMPFSTOFFEN zu unterstützen.
20210121             "Mein Appell richtet sich insbesondere an die Coronakrisengewinner wie Amazon, Facebook, Google: Engagiert Euch für mehr Impfstoff für die Ärmsten!", sagte Müller der "Rheinischen Post".
20210121             Die Pandemie treffe die Ärmsten der Armen am härtesten.
20210121             Dagegen bleibe die weltweite Krisenreaktion noch weit hinter dem Notwendigen zurück.
20210121             "Es geht — beispielsweise in der Sahelzone — um die Gefahr, dass wegen der Coronakrise staatliche Strukturen zusammenbrechen.
20210121             Das kann zu unkontrollierten Flüchtlingsbewegungen führen",
20210121             Während sich 14—PROZENT—DER—WELTBEVÖLKERUNG 50—PROZENT—DER—BESTELLBAREN—IMPFSTOFFDOSEN gesichert hätten, könnten die ENTWICKLUNGS—UND Schwellenländer —BIS ENDE—DES—JAHRES im Idealfall nur 20—PROZENT ihrer Bevölkerung 1—IMPFANGEBOT machen.
20210121             Mehr für den Schutz der Menschen in armen Ländern zu tun, sei im eigenen Interesse der Europäer.
20210121             "Wir werden die Pandemie nur weltweit besiegen können oder gar nicht.
20210121             Sonst kommt das Virus im nächsten Flieger zurück",
20210121             Der Deutsche Hausärzteverband hat vor überhöhten Preisen für OP—UND FFP2-Masken im Onlinehandel gewarnt und Festpreise gefordert.
20210121             "Sinnvoll wäre, sicherzustellen, dass die Masken zu fairen Preisen verkauft werden",
20210121             —VERHINDERT, Es müsse, werden, dass es — wie beim 1. Lockdown im vergangenen Frühjahr bei Schutzmasken, Desinfektionsmitteln und Toilettenpapier — zu Wucherpreisen komme.
20210121             "Hierzu könnte beispielsweise 1—FESTPREIS festgelegt werden, der nicht überschritten werden darf",
20210121             Irland und Großbritannien konnten die Fallzahlen zuletzt drücken — trotz —WINTER und Mutante.
20210121             VIELE—CORONA—PATIENTEN sterben nach Auskunft der deutschen SEPSIS—STIFTUNG an einer unerkannten Blutvergiftung.
20210121             Ein solcher Verlauf könne durch eine bessere Früherkennung und eine angepasste Behandlung oft verhindert werden.
20210121             Nach wie vor gebe es eine weit verbreitete Unkenntnis über das Thema Sepsis in der Bevölkerung, aber zum Teil auch beim medizinischen oder pflegerischen Personal,
20210121             "Ein großes Problem ist, dass VIELE—PATIENTEN, die sich mit einer unkomplizierten Covid-19-Erkrankung zu Hause kurieren wollen, nicht rechtzeitig bemerken, wenn diese in 1—SEPSIS übergeht", so Reinhart.
20210121             "Wer Anzeichen wie ein plötzliches extremes Krankheitsgefühl, Fieber, einen hohen Puls, Verwirrtheit oder Schüttelfrost bemerkt, sollte auf keinen Fall abwarten und sofort 1—KRANKENHAUS aufsuchen oder den Notarzt rufen".
20210121             —GENANNT, Bei einer Sepsis — allgemein Blutvergiftung, — handelt es sich um eine Überreaktion des Immunsystems auf 1—INFEKTION.
20210121             Diese schädigt Organe und kann innerhalb von Stunden zum Tod führen.
20210121             Sepsis spielt nach ANGABEN—DES—INTENSIVMEDIZINERS—REINHART nicht nur bei CORONA eine entscheidende Rolle, sondern auch bei Ebola, Grippe oder JEDER—ZUKÜNFTIGEN—PANDEMIE, unabhängig vom Erreger
20210121             Nach ANGABEN—DER—SEPSIS—STIFTUNG sterben JEDES—JAHR rund 75.000—MENSCHEN in Deutschland an einer Sepsis.
20210121             Etwa 15.000—BIS 20.000—DAVON könnten nach Darstellung der Stiftung gerettet werden, wenn die Erkrankung rechtzeitig erkannt und adäquat behandelt werden würde.
20210121             Der Deutsche Lehrerverband fordert, lernschwachen Schülerinnen und Schülern bundesweit anzubieten, das Schuljahr wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE freiwillig zu wiederholen — ohne dass sie als "Sitzenbleiber" gelten.
20210121             "Es gibt 1—SCHÜLERGRUPPE, die braucht 1—JAHR zusätzlich"
20210121             Bundesagentur für Arbeit: Längerer Lockdown hat geringe Auswirkungen auf Jobmarkt
20210121             "Die Unternehmen halten an ihren Fachkräften fest — wahrscheinlich, weil sie fürchten, dass sie sie im —SOMMER nicht wiederbekommen, wenn sie ihre Leute —JETZT entlassen würden",
20210121             "Wir sehen —DERZEIT lediglich den üblichen saisonalen Anstieg der Arbeitslosigkeit".
20210121             Dieser finde aber auf deutlich erhöhtem Niveau statt, denn —BEREITS zu Beginn der Krise habe der Arbeitsmarkt einen erheblichen Einbruch erlitten
20210121             Mehr als 20.000—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN und rund 1000—TODESOPFER
20210121             Gezählt werden dabei sowohl Menschen, die unmittelbar an der Erkrankung durch das Virus verstarben, als auch Menschen mit Vorerkrankungen, die mit dem Coronavirus infiziert waren und bei denen sich die genaue Todesursache nicht abschließend nachweisen lässt.
20210121             Die 7—TAGE—INZIDENZ betrug 119,0.
20210121             Wissenschaftler der Bundeswehr beteiligen sich an der Suche nach Mutationen des Coronavirus.
20210121             Das Institut für Mikrobiologie der Bundeswehr in München leiste einen Beitrag zur Genomsequenzierung und werde damit intensiver in die wissenschaftliche und operative Arbeit bei der Bewältigung der Pandemie eingebunden
20210121             Die FDP—EUROPAPOLITIKERIN Nicola Beer fordert für Geimpfte eine möglichst rasche Aufhebung der CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN.
20210121             Voraussetzung sei, dass es ausreichend Impfstoffe für alle gebe und Geimpfte andere nicht mehr anstecken könnten,
20210121             "Für Bürger, die sich für das Impfen entscheiden, sollte unter diesen Bedingungen schnellstmöglich wieder das selbstbestimmte Leben ohne staatliche Einschränkung gelten".
20210121             —ARGUMENTIERT, Die FDP—POLITIKERIN, damit ähnlich wie BUNDESAUßEN—MINISTER Heiko Maas (SPD).
20210121             VIELE—GRÖßERE—STÄDTE und Gemeinden in Deutschland werden einer Umfrage zufolge noch lange mit den finanziellen Folgen der Coronakrise zu kämpfen haben.
20210121             und nicht wenige wollen mit höheren Steuern und Gebühren darauf reagieren.
20210121             Fast 2—DRITTEL der befragten Städte und Gemeinden wollen Steuern und Abgaben erhöhen.
20210121             Die JOHNS—HOPKINS—UNIVERSITÄT verzeichnete —BIS zum späten Mittwochabend rund 406.000—TODESFÄLLE in Zusammenhang mit CORONAVIRUS—INFEKTIONEN —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie.
20210121             Nach ANGABEN—DES—USA—VETERANENMINISTERIUMS waren —WWII—IM insgesamt 405.399—SOLDATEN der USA—STREITKRÄFTE gestorben.
20210121             Reisebranche erleidet in CORONA—PANDEMIE massive Umsatzeinbrüche
20210121             —VERLÄNGERT, Schweden, Ausschankverbot — Lockerungen für Gymnasien
20210121             Hoffnungen auf USA—KONJUNKTURPAKET: Dax klettert über 14.000—PUNKTE
20210121             Konflikt mit der Türkei: Griechenland weitet Hoheitsgebiete im Mittelmeer aus
20210121             Wegen Brexit: Lebensmittelversorgung in Nordirland stockt
20210121             Urteil: Untermieter müssen sich dem Hauseigentümer nicht persönlich vorstellen
20210121             —VERWEIGERT, BREXIT—FOLGEN: LONDON, EU—GESANDTEM offenbar vollständige Diplomatenrechte
20210121             1—OF—THE—GREAT—CONTRIBUTIONS—OF—THE—PHOENICIAN—CIVILIZATION to the Western world was the introduction of writing.
20210121             LISBON was no exception.
20210121             Here, _06010101_07001231   —FROM—THE, the oldest known traces of writing, are represented by graffiti engraved on 1—AMPHORA (Klpš — which could indicate 1—HYDRONYM, namely the Sado River) and the funereal inscription of 1—NATIVE — that of Wadbar.
20210121             These are particularly important records, because they are written in Phoenician, revealing the adaptation of 1—EXOGENOUS—FORM—OF—COMMUNICATION by the indigenous society and the assimilation of eastern culture, language being 1—OF—THE—HIGHEST exponents of 1—PEOPLE—IDENTITY.
20210121             Markt in irakischer HAUPTSTADT: Dutzende Tote und Verletzte bei Anschlag in Bagdad
20210121             Merkel über CORONA—MUTATIONEN: "Wir dürfen nicht warten, —BIS die Gefahr bei uns greifbarer wird"
20210121             Fall Nawalny: Russland will Protestaufrufe in sozialen Netzwerken stoppen
20210121             NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN: Unbekannte setzen große Puppe ins Gleis — Lokführer erleidet Schock
20210121             Streit über CORONA—BEDINGTE Betriebsschließung: Allianz schließt Vergleich mit Münchner Wirt
20210121             Neuer USA—PRÄSIDENT: Merkel erwartet mit Biden deutlich bessere Zusammenarbeit
20210121             Tweet über Uiguren: Twitter sperrt chinesische Botschaft in den USA
20210121             Kremlkritiker: Russland beantragt erneut Einsicht in deutsche NAWALNY—AKTEN
20210121             IMPF—START—UP mit großen Plänen: Geldgeber will Biontech zum Pharmariesen formen
20210121             Razzien und Festnahmen in MAGDEBURG: Ermittler decken Netzwerk mutmaßlicher Urkundenfälscher auf
20210121             Thu 20210121
20210121             [l] Österreich hat gerade einen tollen COVID—SKANDAL.
20210121             Und zwar haben die genau wie Deutschland 1—REIHENFOLGE für Impfungsempfänger, Risikogruppen zuerst und so weiter.
20210121             Aber stellt sich raus: Diverse BÜRGERMEISTER—UND—POLITIKER haben sich an der Liste vorbeigeschmuggelt.
20210121             "Auf dem kurzen Dienstweg", wie man so schön sagt, 1—IMPFUNG für sich am System vorbeizuschmuggeln versucht.
20210121             Ich finde, man muss da die positiven Aspekte sehen.
20210121             Das heißt doch, dass die Lokalpolitiker in Österreich sind keine Impfleugner oder COVID—SKEPTIKER sind!
20210121             Moskau lockert CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN—ANGESICHTS gesunkener Infektionszahlen
20210121             Zudem dürfen Museen, Bibliotheken und Zentren für Kinder wieder öffnen, wenn 50—PROZENT—DER—ZULÄSSIGEN—BESUCHERZAHL nicht überschritten wird.
20210121             Deutschlands Krankenhausärzte fürchten bei einer Ausbreitung neuer CORONAVIRUS—MUTATIONEN auch in Deutschland deutliche Verschärfungen der bestehenden CORONA—MAßNAHMEN.
20210121             "Wenn die Mutation so schlimm ist, wie Angaben aus ENGLAND es vermuten lassen, dann Gnade uns Gott",
20210121             "Dann könnte es sein, dass wir alles noch mal neu bedenken müssen".
20210121             Die neue USA—REGIERUNG will sich nach Angaben ihres medizinischen Chefberaters ANTHONY—FAUCI an dem COVAX—PROGRAMM beteiligen, das einen weltweit gleichmäßigen und gerechten Zugang zu CORONA—IMPFSTOFFEN garantieren soll.
20210121             Bei einem Massentest im Schweizer Urlaubsort S—MORITZ sind 53—CORONA—INFEKTIONEN entdeckt worden,
20210121             31—DAVON gingen auf eine ansteckendere Virusmutation zurück.
20210121             2—LUXUSHOTELS, das BADRUTT—PALACE—HOTEL und das Grand Hotel Des Bains Kempinski, waren unter Quarantäne gestellt worden, 3200—PERSONEN wurden diese Woche getestet.
20210121             Die 31—INFEKTIONEN mit der VIRUS—VARIANTE seien bei dem Personal der Hotels festgestellt worden.
20210121             "Es gab keine Übertragung an Hotelgäste",
20210121             Angesichts neuer besonders ansteckender Varianten des Coronavirus will der belgische Regierungschef ALEXANDER—DE—CROO beim EU—GIPFEL 1—VERBOT touristischer und anderer nicht notwendiger Reisen vorschlagen.
20210121             "Reiserückkehrer können das Virus in ihrem Koffer mitbringen.
20210121             Deswegen müssen wir gewisse Reisen vorübergehend verbieten",
20210121             Warenverkehr und Grenzgänger sollten die Grenzen weiter überqueren dürfen.
20210121             Spanien drängt die EU und die OECD zur Einführung eines CORONA—IMPFPASSES, um Reisen zu erleichtern.
20210121             "Es wird ein sehr wichtiges Element sein, um eine sichere Rückkehr zur Mobilität zu gewährleisten",
20210121             SPANIEN, spielt der Tourismus eine große Rolle, er hat einen Anteil an der Wirtschaftsleistung von etwa 12—PROZENT.
20210121             Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL spricht vor der Bundespressekonferenz in BERLIN von einem "gespaltenen Bild" der Pandemie in Deutschland.
20210121             "Wir befinden uns in einer sehr schwierigen Phase".
20210121             Die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN und auch die der Intensivpatienten gehe zurück, "das ist eine gute Nachricht".
20210121             Die harten Einschnitte der vergangenen Monate zeigten Wirkung.
20210121             Aber die Gefahr der mutierten Viren müsse man "sehr ernst nehmen", Es gehe —JETZT um Vorbeugung.
20210121             Der neue USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN wird nach ANGABEN—VON—REGIERUNGSVERTRETERN im Laufe des Tages 10—ERLASSE unterzeichnen, die die Bekämpfung der CORONA—PANDEMIE voranbringen sollen.
20210121             Dazu zähle etwa 1—MASKENPFLICHT in Flughäfen und weiten Teilen des öffentlichen Verkehrs, etwa bestimmten Zügen, Langstreckenbussen und Flugzeugen.
20210121             AFRIKA, ist die Todesrate im Zusammenhang mit dem Coronavirus mit 2,5 Prozent inzwischen höher als die weltweite Rate von 2,2 Prozent.
20210121             Dies sei sehr besorgniserregend,
20210121             Immer mehr afrikanische Staaten verzeichneten eine überdurchschnittliche Todesrate.
20210121             IOC—CHEF—THOMAS—BACH sieht trotz des CORONA—NOTSTANDS in JAPAN keinen Grund für eine Absage der Sommerspiele in Tokio.
20210121             Trotz des Lockdowns in Großbritannien nimmt die ZAHL—DER—CORONA—INFEKTIONEN einer neuen Studie zufolge nicht ab, sondern hat zuletzt sogar noch zugelegt.
20210121             Demnach wurde im größten Landesteil ENGLAND zwischen dem 6. und 20210115              jeder 63. Mensch positiv getestet, wie die Forscher des Imperial College LONDON am —DONNERSTAG mitteilten.
20210121             Das waren 50—PROZENT mehr als —ANFANG Dezember.
20210121             Die Wissenschaftler werteten nach eigenen Angaben Abstriche von etwa 143.000—MENSCHEN aus.
20210121             Der Infektiologe STEVEN—RILEY sagte dem Sender Sky News zufolge, der Lockdown mit weitreichenden AUSGANGS—UND Reisebeschränkungen sei offenbar nicht so wirkungsvoll wie noch im Frühjahr 20200000          .
20210121             SACHSEN meldet Höchstwert bei Todesfällen
20210121             Fast 9700—MENSCHEN seien im Dezember in dem BUNDESLAND gestorben, teilte das Statistische Landesamt in Kamenz mit.
20210121             —GEHÖRT, SACHSEN, zu den am stärksten von der Pandemie betroffenen Ländern in Deutschland.
20210121             4—VON 5—VERSTORBENEN seien 75—JAHRE und älter gewesen.
20210121             Covid-19: Governo decide hoje encerrar todas as escolas a partir de amanhã
20210121             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 16420000              (+50) Óbitos - 12 (+2) Recuperados - 10060000              (+7) Casos ativos - 624 (+38)
20210121             Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 40 (=) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 22 (+1) Casos ativos - 14 (-1)
20210121             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 53 (+1) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 31 (=) Casos ativos - 21 (+1)
20210121             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 173 (+24) Óbitos - 0 (=) Recuperados - 92 (+2) Casos ativos - 81 (+22)
20210121             Faro Casos confirmados - 19580000              (+79) Óbitos - 10 (+1) Recuperados - 12130000              (+6) Casos ativos - 735 (+72)
20210121             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 431 (+6) Óbitos - 6 (=) Recuperados - 300 (+1) Casos ativos - 125 (+5)
20210121             LAGOS Casos confirmados - 966 (+21) Óbitos - 10 (=) Recuperados - 738 (+4) Casos ativos - 218 (+15)
20210121             Loulé Casos confirmados - 2383 (+69) Óbitos - 22 (=) Recuperados - 14310000              (+28) Casos ativos - 930 (+41)
20210121             Monchique Casos confirmados - 51 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 49 (=) Casos ativos - 1 (=)
20210121             Olhão Casos confirmados - 10210000              (+43) Óbitos - 2 (=) Recuperados - 625 (+6) Casos ativos - 394 (+37)
20210121             Portimão Casos confirmados - 14220000              (+11) Óbitos - 17 (=) Recuperados - 11220000              (+1) Casos ativos - 283 (+10)
20210121             Silves Casos confirmados - 811 (+25) Óbitos - 6 (=) Recuperados - 470 (+2) Casos ativos - 333 (+23)
20210121             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 260 (+5) Óbitos - 10 (=) Recuperados - 197 (=) Casos Ativos - 53 (+5)
20210121             Tavira Casos confirmados - 11880000              (+43) Óbitos - 17 (+1) Recuperados - 673 (+13) Casos ativos - 498 (+29)
20210121             VRSA Casos confirmados - 633 (+48) Óbitos - 9 (+1) Recuperados - 388 (+4) Casos ativos - 236 (+43)
20210121             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 111 (+5) Óbitos - 5 (+1) Recuperados - 87 (=) Casos ativos - 19 (+4)
20210121             324_DGS_boletim_20210120
20210121             LK AMBERG—SULZBACH Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 41—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 39,8 Fälle gesamt 2.585—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.508,5 Todesfälle gesamt 104—EINWOHNERZAHL 103.049—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210121             LK Aurich Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 74—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 39,0 Fälle gesamt 1.821—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 960,0 Todesfälle gesamt 24—EINWOHNERZAHL 189.694—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210121             LK BITBURG—PRÜM Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 46—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 46,4 Fälle gesamt 1.997—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.016,0 Todesfälle gesamt 17—EINWOHNERZAHL 99.058—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210121             LK Dithmarschen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 62—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 46,5 Fälle gesamt 1.153—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 865,7 Todesfälle gesamt 35—EINWOHNERZAHL 133.193—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210121             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 304—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 114,9 Fälle gesamt 7.924—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.994,3 Todesfälle gesamt 199—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210121             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 154—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 79,5 Fälle gesamt 4.385—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.264,3 Todesfälle gesamt 141—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210121             LK Friesland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 39—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 39,5 Fälle gesamt 911—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 923,0 Todesfälle gesamt 26—EINWOHNERZAHL 98.704—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210121             LK Kusel Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 35—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 49,8 Fälle gesamt 1.456—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.073,5 Todesfälle gesamt 52—EINWOHNERZAHL 70.219—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210121             LK Leer Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 78—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 45,7 Fälle gesamt 1.499—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 877,9 Todesfälle gesamt 20—EINWOHNERZAHL 170.756—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210121             LK Lüneburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 57—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 31,0 Fälle gesamt 1.618—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 878,7 Todesfälle gesamt 34—EINWOHNERZAHL 184.139—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210121             LK Nordwestmecklenburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 75—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,7 Fälle gesamt 1.551—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 985,9 Todesfälle gesamt 28—EINWOHNERZAHL 157.322—BUNDESLAND MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210121             LK Northeim Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 60—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 45,4 Fälle gesamt 1.216—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 919,2 Todesfälle gesamt 18—EINWOHNERZAHL 132.285—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210121             LK Plön Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 44—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 34,2 Fälle gesamt 696—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 540,9 Todesfälle gesamt 17—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.686—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210121             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 411—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 87,3 Fälle gesamt 10.312—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.191,2 Todesfälle gesamt 253—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615
20210121             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 316—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 111,6 Fälle gesamt 6.312—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.228,3 Todesfälle gesamt 95—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271
20210121             LK Rotenburg (Wümme) Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 63—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 38,5 Fälle gesamt 2.155—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.315,8 Todesfälle gesamt 61—EINWOHNERZAHL 163.782—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210121             LK SCHLESWIG—FLENSBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 75—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 37,3 Fälle gesamt 1.243—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 617,9 Todesfälle gesamt 32—EINWOHNERZAHL 201.156—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210121             LK Tübingen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 113—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 49,4 Fälle gesamt 5.654—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.472,5 Todesfälle gesamt 143—EINWOHNERZAHL 228.678—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210121             LK Verden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 62—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 45,2 Fälle gesamt 2.444—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.782,2 Todesfälle gesamt 34—EINWOHNERZAHL 137.133—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210121             SK Amberg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 18—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 42,6 Fälle gesamt 742—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.758,0 Todesfälle gesamt 8—EINWOHNERZAHL 42.207—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210121             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 408—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 127,1 Fälle gesamt 13.779—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.290,9 Todesfälle gesamt 268—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210121             SK Emden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 16—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 32,1 Fälle gesamt 480—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 961,7 Todesfälle gesamt 5—EINWOHNERZAHL 49.913—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210121             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.012—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 93,0 Fälle gesamt 29.212—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.685,3 Todesfälle gesamt 402—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863
20210121             SK Münster Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 120—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 38,1 Fälle gesamt 4.964—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.574,4 Todesfälle gesamt 81—EINWOHNERZAHL 315.293—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210121             SK ROSTOCK Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 102—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,8 Fälle gesamt 1.172—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 560,3 Todesfälle gesamt 11—EINWOHNERZAHL 209.191—BUNDESLAND MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210121             USA—CORONA—BERATER ANTHONY—FAUCI: Er ist wieder da
20210121             EZB—ENTSCHEIDUNG: Leitzins im Euroraum bleibt auf Rekordtief von 0—PROZENT
20210121             —BIS zu 20—JAHRE Haft: Ägypten beschließt neues Gesetz im Kampf gegen Genitalverstümmelung
20210121             Serum Institute in Indien: Größter Impfstoffhersteller der Welt meldet Fabrikbrand
20210121             Laut Firmenangaben soll das Feuer aber keine Folgen für die Produktion haben.
20210121             Migrants Stranded in BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA: "Animals Have It Better Than Us" By MAXIMILIAN—POPP and ANDY—SPYRA (Photos), in Bihac
20210121             Strukturwandel der Landwirtschaft: Immer weniger Bauern beackern immer größere Flächen
20210121             Deutsche schränken sich wieder so stark ein wie im April
20210121             Machtwechsel in WASHINGTON: CHINA tritt gegen Trump nach — und hofft auf Biden
20210121             Der Konflikt zwischen CHINA und den USA entwickelte sich mit DONALD—TRUMP zu einer offenen Feindschaft.
20210121             Der KONFLIKT—ENTWICKELTE - SICH—MIT
20210121             DONALD—TRUMP—UNTER DONALD—TRUMP hätte der Schritt die Spannungen zwischen den Ländern wohl deutlich verschärft, mit der Amtseinführung JOE—BIDENS ging die Maßnahme dagegen fast unter:
20210121             Wenige Minuten nach Bidens Inauguration verhängte CHINA Sanktionen gegen den EX—USA—AUßEN—MINISTER MIKE—POMPEO und 27—ANDERE Politiker der alten USA—REGIERUNG sowie deren Familien.
20210121             Die Sprecherin verwies auf Ausführungen Bidens, wonach Meinungsunterschiede nicht zu Zwiespalt führen sollten.
20210121             "Das sollte auch für internationale Beziehungen zutreffen", sagte Hua.
20210121             "In den vergangenen 4—JAHREN hat 1—HANDVOLL amerikanischer Politiker so VIELE—LÜGEN verbreitet und so viel Hass und Spaltung angezettelt", beklagte die Sprecherin.
20210121             Ohne den Namen Trumps zu nennen, warf sie der vorherigen USA—REGIERUNG vor, "zu VIELE—MINEN gelegt" zu haben, die entfernt werden müssten, "und so VIELE—BRÜCKEN abgebrannt zu haben, die wieder aufgebaut werden müssen"
20210121             CHINA untermauert Machtanspruch
20210121             "Sollten aber Chinas Souveränität und Interessen untergraben werden, werden wir Gegenmaßnahmen ergreifen".
20210121             So hatte sich die neue USA—REGIERUNG etwa der Anschuldigung der Vorgängerregierung angeschlossen, dass die chinesische Regierung einen Völkermord an den Uiguren begehe.
20210121             Nach einem Tweet der chinesischen Botschaft in den USA zum Umgang mit der muslimischen Minderheit sperrte der USA—KONZERN Twitter am —DONNERSTAG den Account der Botschaft.
20210121             UIGUREN—XINJIANG
20210121             —BEHINDERT, Illegale Pushbacks: FRONTEX—CHEF—LEGGERI, offenbar Ermittlungen
20210121             IFO—BERECHNUNG: Schulausfall kostet zukünftige Generationen —BIS zu 3,3 Billionen Euro
20210121             Gestrandeter Finnwal bei Neapel: Gefährdete Giganten
20210121             Schweigegebot im öffentlichen Nahverkehr: Wieso sollen Fahrgäste in der S—BAHN den Mund halten, Herr Wortmann?
20210121             BREXIT—ÄRGER in Großbritannien: 165—EURO Zoll für 1—PAAR—STIEFEL aus Deutschland
20210121             Italien: Ermittler nehmen zahlreiche Verdächtige bei ANTI—MAFIA—EINSATZ fest
20210121             Vor geplanten Protesten: Russland geht rigoros gegen NAWALNY—VERTRAUTE vor
20210121             Merkels CORONA—POLITIK: Kochsalzlösung und Glasfläschchen
20210121             Trotz Pandemie: KULTUS—MINISTER halten an Prüfungen im CORONA—SCHULJAHR fest
20210121             CORONA und Hartz IV: Die 2—MASKEN—GESELLSCHAFT
20210121             FRÜHERER—USA—PRÄSIDENT: Trumps Firmenumsätze brechen ein
20210121             NORD—STREAM 2: Merkel hofft auf PIPELINE—VERHANDLUNGEN mit USA—PRÄSIDENT—BIDEN
20210121             Grundsatzurteil: Bundesgericht stärkt Anspruch von Frauen auf gleichen Lohn
20210121             Kurz vor der Pleite: OLIVER—SAMWER lieh WIRECARD—CHEF—BRAUN 75—MILLIONEN Euro
20210121             Für Arbeitnehmer: EU—PARLAMENT fordert Recht auf Nichterreichbarkeit
20210121             Köln: Polizisten verabschieden Kollegen mit nicht genehmigter Kolonnenfahrt
20210121             Wut über Arbeitgeber: Gewerkschaft fordert Strafen für HOMEOFFICE—VERWEIGERER
20210121             Heftige Verschmutzung: Wo die Luft in EUROPA am gefährlichsten ist
20210121             Es sind die aktuellsten Ergebnisse von mehr als 10000000              Messstationen in ganz EUROPA.
20210121             Gerade im —WINTER ist Feinstaub eine besondere Gefahr.
20210121             Das kalte Wetter sorgt nicht nur dafür, dass mehr geheizt wird, sondern auch, dass sich der giftige Nebel länger am Boden hält als zu anderen Jahreszeiten.
20210121             Eine gefährliche Mischung.
20210121             Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO empfiehlt für Feinstaub der Größe PM2,5 —SEIT Langem einen Grenzwert von 10—MIKROGRAMM pro Kubikmeter Luft im Jahresmittel — von diesem Wert sind VIELE—REGIONEN in EUROPA weit entfernt.
20210121             Dass besonders hohe Werte dabei oft aus Polen stammen, ist kein Zufall: Millionen Haushalte heizen hier immer noch mit Holz und billiger Kohle.
20210121             In nicht wenigen Wohnungen kommen bisweilen auch Haushaltsabfälle und Plastikmüll dazu.
20210121             So landet giftiger Rauch oft mehr oder weniger ungefiltert in der Luft.
20210121             Auch in anderen Regionen wie Italiens industriellem Norden ist die Luftqualität oft schlecht.
20210121             Doch in wohl kaum einer anderen Region sind es die Einwohner selbst, die mit alten Öfen und Herden ihre Umgebung so negativ beeinflussen wie in Südpolen.
20210121             Krakau scheint —DERZEIT regelmäßig im grauweißen Smog zu versinken.
20210121             —AM—TAG, an dem die Regierung ihren Frischluftappell veröffentlichte, gehörte Krakau laut dem nicht amtlichen Ranking des Schweizer Unternehmens IQ Air zu den 10—STÄDTEN mit der stärksten Luftverschmutzung weltweit.
20210121             Die sogenannten PM2,5-Partikel sind vor allem auch deshalb 1—GESUNDHEITSRISIKO, weil sie so klein sind.
20210121             Mit einem Durchmesser von weniger als 2,5 Mikrometer sind sie etwa 20—BIS 40—MAL so klein wie ein menschliches Haar.
20210121             Durch diese Größe gelangen sie leicht in den Körper, wo sie insbesondere die Lunge schädigen können.
20210121             Während der CORONA—PANDEMIE, zeigen 1. Untersuchungen aus den USA, kann das lebensgefährlich sein: "In Regionen mit schlechter Luftqualität werden mehr SARS—COV—2—INFIZIERTE ins Krankenhaus kommen und mehr werden sterben", prognostizierte —BEREITS im vergangenen —JAHR die Leiterin einer HARVARD—STUDIE.
20210121             Die 2. WELLE—DER—CORONA—PANDEMIE trifft Polen —DERZEIT hart.
20210121             —GESTORBEN, Mehr als 30.000—MENSCHEN sind, in vielen Krankenhäusern fehlen die Ärzte, die in den vergangenen Jahren ausgewandert sind.
20210121             Auch in Bulgarien und auf dem Balkan sorgen alte Kohleöfen und ungefilterte Kamine dafür, dass jeden —WINTER besonders viel Feinstaub in die Umwelt gelangt.
20210121             EU—SCHÄTZUNGEN zufolge starben in Polen in der jüngeren Vergangenheit jährlich etwa 45.000—MENSCHEN vorzeitig an den Folgen der Luftverschmutzung — mehr als bislang durch die CORONA—PANDEMIE.
20210121             In anderen Ländern ist es ähnlich.
20210121             —VERZÖGERT, Auf europäischer Ebene, die Regierung —SEIT Jahren schärfere Regeln, —ERST 20490000              soll das letzte Kohlebergwerk schließen.
20210121             "Wir können die giftige Luft oft schmecken", klagt etwa die Umweltaktivistin Magdalena Kozlowska aus Krakau.
20210121             "Sie schmeckt bitter und trocken".
20210121             Der Süden des Landes ist das historische ZENTRUM—DES—POLNISCHEN—KOHLEABBAUS.
20210121             Wer dort lebt, raucht theoretisch mehrere 1000—ZIGARETTEN pro —JAHR — allein durch das Einatmen der Luft.
20210121             Ostsee: Taucher bergen 6—ENIGMA—CHIFFRIERMASCHINEN
20210121             Schätzungsweise 100.000—BIS 200.000—ENIGMAS wurden in Deutschland während des 2. Weltkriegs gebaut.
20210121             Es gab mehrere unterschiedliche Modelle.
20210121             Eine absichtliche ZERSTÖRUNG—DER—MASCHINEN sollte 1—NUTZUNG durch den Feind verhindern.
20210121             USA—HISTORIKER: "Wir müssen uns wieder das Vertrauen der Welt verdienen" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—RENÉ Pfister
20210121             —VERURTEILT, Katholische Kirche: Gericht, VATIKAN—BANKER zu fast 9—JAHREN Haft
20210121             Resolution des Europaparlaments: EU—STAATEN sollen JUAN—GUAIDÓ als venezolanischen Staatsschef anerkennen
20210121             "New Start": Biden will ATOM—ABRÜSTUNGSVERTRAG mit Russland um 5—JAHRE verlängern
20210121             ANTI—CORONA—STRATEGIEN: Die einen impfen, die anderen hoffen
20210121             Verhandlungen über Atomabkommen: Pokerspiel mit Teheran
20210121             Gerichtsurteil nach Krieg im Kaukasus: Russland ließ Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Georgien zu
20210121             Zwischen Resignation und Durchhalteparolen: Wie QANON—GLÄUBIGE auf den ausgebliebenen Aufstand reagieren
20210121             Folgen der Coronakrise: Jedes 10. Kind auf der Welt muss arbeiten
20210121             Coronavirus in Großbritannien: "Es ist hart und kräftezehrend"
20210121             Infrastruktur: Startschuss für Deutschlands Wasserstoffnetz
20210121             USA—GERICHT lehnt einstweilige Verfügung ab: Parler scheitert mit Klage gegen Amazon
20210121             Die Nationalversammlung billigte die Gesetzesvorlage mit der Regierungsmehrheit von 113—ZU 43—STIMMEN.
20210121             Glastonbury Festival zum 2. Mal abgesagt
20210121             Nach Protesten wegen der CORONA—SITUATION geht Frankreichs PRÄSIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON einen Schritt auf Studierende zu.
20210121             Sie sollen künftig Zugang zu 2—MAHLZEITEN pro —TAG zum Preis von jeweils einem Euro haben, versicherte Macron in einem Gespräch mit Studierenden an der UNIVERSITÄT—PARIS—SACLAY.
20210121             Außerdem sollen sie die Möglichkeit haben, an einem —TAG in der Woche zum Präsenzunterricht an der UNIVERSITÄT zurückzukehren, sofern sie das möchten.
20210121             Mutation breitet sich in PORTUGAL aus
20210121             Aufgrund der stark anziehenden Zahlen kam die Regierung am —DONNERSTAG in Lissabon zu einer außerordentlichen Kabinettssitzung zusammen, um über 1—SCHLIEßUNG aller Kindertagesstätten, Schulen und Universitäten zu beraten.
20210121             Diese Maßnahme soll nach Medienberichten gegebenenfalls —SCHON am —FREITAG in Kraft treten.
20210121             Etwa 20—PROZENT aller neuen Infektionsfälle gingen auf diese Variante zurück, sagte Gesundheitsministerin Marta Temido dem Sender RTP am späten Mittwochabend.
20210121             Der Anteil könne —BEREITS nächste Woche auf 60—PROZENT steigen.
20210121             —FORDERUNGEN, Wegen der schlimmen Lage werden, nach einer Verlegung der für —SONNTAG angesetzten Präsidentenwahl laut.
20210121             Das Land mit rund 10,3 Millionen Einwohnern hatte am —MITTWOCH einen neuen Höchstwert an Infektionen binnen 24—STUNDEN gemeldet.
20210121             Die 14.647—NEUEN Fälle würden, umgerechnet auf Deutschland, das etwa achtmal so VIELE—EINWOHNER hat, knapp 120.000—ANSTECKUNGEN an einem einzigen —TAG bedeuten.
20210121             —AM—DONNERSTAG wurden 13.544—NEUINFEKTIONEN gemeldet.
20210121             KLM streicht weitere 10000000              Stellen
20210121             Ungarn lässt als 1. EU—LAND SPUTNIK—VAKZIN zu
20210121             Der Kabinettschef Gergely Gulyás, verknüpfte diese Ankündigung mit einer Kritik an der Europäischen Arzneimittelbehörde EMA, die ihre Entscheidungen zur Eindämmung der Coronakrise "unglücklicherweise außerordentlich langsam" treffe.
20210121             Ungarn will daher auch großflächig den CORONA—IMPFSTOFF einsetzen, der von dem chinesischen PHARMA—GIGANTEN Sinopharm angeboten wird.
20210121             Weitere Nachweise der CORONA—VARIANTEN in Deutschland
20210121             Die spanische Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt in mehr als 200—FÄLLEN mutmaßlichen kriminellen Fehlverhaltens in Pflegeheimen während der Pandemie.
20210121             Fast die Hälfte davon befassten sich mit Totschlag durch Vernachlässigung der Sorgfaltspflicht,
20210121             —VERLÄNGERT, Die britische Provinz Nordirland, den Lockdown wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE —BIS zum 20210305          .
20210121             —VERVIERFACHT, Die britische Regierung, die Strafen für CORONA—VERSTÖßE.
20210121             Künftig sollen 800—PFUND (gut 900—EURO) statt 200—FÄLLIG werden, wenn Menschen trotz Verbots Partys besuchen,
20210121             "Diese schweren Verstöße kosten Leben",
20210121             Die Strafe verdoppele sich bei jedem weiteren Verstoß —BIS zu einem Höchstbetrag von 6400—PFUND.
20210121             Die Strafe verdoppele
20210121             Der ranghohe Polizist MARTIN—HEWITT sagte, Partys seien "gefährlich, unverantwortlich und völlig inakzeptabel".
20210121             Die Polizei werde nicht ihre Zeit damit verschwenden, mit Menschen darüber zu argumentieren.
20210121             Solche Leute gefährdeten die Leben anderer.
20210121             Das stark von der CORONA—PANDEMIE betroffene Südafrika muss offenbar vergleichsweise viel für den Impfstoff zahlen.
20210121             Das Gesundheitsministerium in JOHANNESBURG teilte mit, dass das Pharmaunternehmen Astrazeneca für seinen Impfstoff umgerechnet 4,30 Euro in Rechnung stelle.
20210121             Das ist etwa zweieinhalb Mal soviel wie die 1,80 Euro, die laut Informationen einer belgischen Staatssekretärin von den Europäern verlangt werden.
20210121             Das Parlament in Tschechien hat einer Verlängerung des CORONA—NOTSTANDS —BIS zum 20210214              zugestimmt.
20210121             Dafür votierten am Donnerstagabend 53—ABGEORDNETE;
20210121             dagegen waren 19. - Spanien meldet Höchststand an Neuinfektionen
20210121             Zudem stieg die über 14—TAGE gemessene Inzidenz auf 796—FÄLLE je 100.000—EINWOHNER, ebenfalls der höchste jemals verzeichnete Wert.
20210121             Gutes 1. Quartal für Siemens
20210121             Vorläufigen Zahlen der Geschäftsbereiche zufolge, die der Konzern am Donnerstagabend veröffentlichte, entwickelten sich Umsatz, Auftragseingang und operatives Ergebnis im abgelaufenen 1. Geschäftsquartal meist besser als erwartet.
20210121             entwickelten sich
20210121             Dabei profitierte das Unternehmen unter anderem von Wachstum in CHINA und durch die CORONA—PANDEMIE niedrigeren Kosten, beispielsweise bei Reisen und Marketing.
20210121             Vor allem der Bereich Digital Industries übertraf die Ergebniserwartungen deutlich.
20210121             Er profitierte laut Siemens von einer starken Entwicklung im AUTOMATISIERUNGS—UND Softwaregeschäft.
20210121             Der Fernsehkonzern ProSiebenSat.1 hat das vergangene —JAHR besser abgeschlossen als erwartet.
20210121             Der Umsatz sank von 4,13 Milliarden Euro im Vorjahr auf 4,04 Milliarden Euro, der Betriebsgewinn von 872—AUF 700—MILLIONEN Euro,
20210121             Der Aktienkurs des Konzerns legte auf der Handelsplattform Tradegate um fast 4—PROZENT zu.
20210121             Um die schnelle Verbreitung von VIRUS—MUTATIONEN zu stoppen, verhängen die Niederlande erstmals 1—AUSGANGSSPERRE.
20210121             Ab —SAMSTAG dürfen Bürger von 21—BIS 4:30 Uhr ihre Wohnungen nicht mehr verlassen.
20210121             Nach einer heftigen Debatte stimmte das Parlament am Donnerstagabend in Den Haag der Maßnahme zu.
20210121             Mitglieder eines Haushaltes dürfen pro —TAG nur noch 1—PERSON empfangen.
20210121             Außerdem wurde 1—FLUGVERBOT aus Großbritannien, Südafrika und Südamerika angeordnet.
20210121             In den Regionen sollen die VIRUS—MUTATIONEN besonders verbreitet sein.
20210121             Ab —MONTAG müssen in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN OP—MASKEN, FFP2-Masken oder KN95-Masken in Bussen und Bahnen, Supermärkten, Arztpraxen und Gottesdiensten getragen werden.
20210121             Das geht aus der neuen CORONASCHUTZ—VERORDNUNG des Landes hervor, die am Donnerstagabend veröffentlicht wurde.
20210121             "Soweit Kinder unter 14—JAHREN aufgrund der Passform keine medizinische Maske tragen können, ist ersatzweise 1—ALLTAGSMASKE zu tragen",
20210121             Gestrichen wurde das allgemeine Alkoholverbot in der Öffentlichkeit.
20210121             Lediglich der Verkauf ist zwischen 23—UHR und 6—UHR verboten.
20210121             —UNTERDESSEN, Die neue CORONASCHUTZ—VERORDNUNG stellt, strengere Regeln für Religionsgemeinschaften auf, was das Abhalten von Gottesdiensten angeht.
20210121             —GEMELDET, Sie müssen den Behörden unter anderem, werden.
20210121             Zuletzt hatte es immer wieder Ärger um Gottesdienste freikirchlicher Gemeinden in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN gegeben.
20210121             Nationaltorwart hat CORONA — 25—POSITIVE Tests nach Spiel in Mexiko
20210121             Frankreichs Regierung geht davon aus, —BIS Ende August die gesamte französische Bevölkerung impfen zu können.
20210121             "Wir sind in der Lage, (...) 70—MILLIONEN Menschen, die gesamte französische Bevölkerung, —BIS Ende August zu impfen (...), wenn ALLE—BESTELLTEN—IMPFSTOFFE von den europäischen und weltweiten Gesundheitsbehörden genehmigt werden",
20210121             —BIS zum —DONNERSTAG wurden mehr als 800.000—MENSCHEN in Frankreich geimpft.
20210121             Der Impfstart im Land verlief —ZUNÄCHST schleppend.
20210121             Nach massiver Kritik zog die Regierung dann nach, eröffnete Impfzentren und erweiterte die Personengruppe, die sich aktuell —BEREITS impfen lassen kann.
20210121             FRANKREICH, herrscht eine verhältnismäßig große Impfskepsis.
20210121             EU—STAATEN wollen Reisen weiter ausbremsen — aber offene Grenzen
20210121             Die neuen Virusvarianten sollen gezielter aufgespürt werden und die Impfkampagne besser in Schwung kommen.
20210121             Es soll einen EU—IMPFPASS geben, aber vorerst keine Vorteile für Geimpfte etwa beim Reisen.
20210121             Wer in die USA reist, muss sich wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE künftig nach der Ankunft in Quarantäne begeben.
20210121             Das kündigte USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN am
20210121             Covid-19: Conheça todas as novas medidas aprovadas hoje pelo Conselho de Ministros
20210121             Faro interdita acesso à PRAIA e zonas pedonais e de lazer do concelho
20210121             O acesso à PRAIA de Faro vai estar interdito a partir desta SEXTA—FEIRA, 22—DE Janeiro, como forma de "minimizar o nível de propagação da Covid-19".
20210121             A medida foi tomada hoje, dia 21, pela Câmara de Faro.
20210121             EXCETUANDO—SE o acesso por moradores, para assistência e/ou entrega de bens essenciais a pessoas vulneráveis, pessoas com deficiência, filhos, progenitores, idosos ou dependentes, para desempenho de atividades profissionais ou equiparadas e situações de emergência", diz a Câmara de Faro.
20210121             De resto, a interdição do acesso à PRAIA de Faro já tinha estado em vigor no primeiro confinamento.
20210121             Global Cases 97.425.832 Global Deaths 2.087.820
20210121—20191200    —IM, Das seien so viele wie noch nie in einem —MONAT in den vergangenen 40—JAHREN und fast doppelt so viele wie.
20210121—20200900    —BIS, lagen der Erlös der Reisebüros, -veranstalter und Reservierungsdienstleister von Januar um 61—PROZENT unter dem des Vorjahreszeitraums.
20210121—20210305    THROUGH, ALABAMA—GOV. kay Ivey announced 1—EXTENSION—OF—1—STATEWIDE ordnance requiring facemasks in public to help slow THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS.
20210121—20210601    —BIS, Frankreichs Parlament stimmt für Gesundheitsnotstand
20210121—20210723    —AM, "Wir haben —ZURZEIT überhaupt keinen Grund zu glauben, dass die Olympischen Spiele in Tokio nicht im Olympiastadion von Tokio eröffnet werden", sagte der PRÄSIDENT—DES—INTERNATIONALEN—OLYMPISCHEN—KOMITEES
20210121—20211222    —AM, Dem Institut für Mikrobiologie gelang nach ANGABEN—DES—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS vergangenen Jahres einer der 1. Nachweise der neuen Variante B.1.1.7—BEI einem aus Großbritannien eingereisten Menschen.
20210122             325_DGS_boletim_20210121