Ereignisse an einem 31. December
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_28.000—20141231 —VOR—CA—30.000—JAHREN, LEBTEN der GRAVETTIEN—KULTUR—MENSCHEN mit ihren HUNDEN.
_4004102309 1—SUNDAY, at 9 a.m., ACCORDING—TO, 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY divine JAMES—USSHER—ARCHBISHOP—OF—ARMAGH, and DOCTOR—JOHN—LIGHTFOOT—OF—CAMBRIDGE, the world was created ——ON—THIS—DAY,
_13010101_14001231 —IN—THE, AKHENATEN[AMENHOTEP—IV] commonly known as THE—TEL—EL—AMARNA—TABLETS, we find,
_06010101_07001231 —CA, THE—TIME—OF—THE—REIGN—OF—KING—JOSIAH +
_04010101—05001231 —IN, THE—DERVENI—PAPYRUS — which has been in the Archaeological MUSEUM—OF—THESSALONIKI —SINCE its charred fragments were found among the remains of 1—FUNERAL—PYRE — is described as a "philosophical treatise based on 1—POEM in the Orphic tradition and
_04010101—05001231 —DATING to the 2. HALF—OF—THE".
_03840000_03220307 ARISTOTELES In der ANALYTICA—PRIORA: Entwicklung der 18000101—18991231 —BIS—IN—DAS, verwendeten Syllogistik, 1—VORFORM der Prädikatenlogik.
_03010101_04001231 —IN—THE, "Sharing wives is 1—ESTABLISHED—ETRUSCAN custom," wrote THE—GREECE—HISTORIAN—THEOPOMPOS—OF—CHIOS
_03010101_04001231 —IN—THE, As THE—ANCIENT—GREEKS were placing the last few stones on the magnificent THEATER—AT—EPIDAURUS,
_03010101_04001231 —IN—THE, THE—ANCIENT—GREEKS couldn't have known that they had unwittingly created 1 sophisticated acoustic filter.
_000501011231 .
_00000101_00991231 —AUS—DEM, Der RING—WALL—VON—KREUZWEINGARTEN stammt.
00010101—01001231 —CENTURY—ROMAN—SHIP—WRECK, 1—DAZZLING find
00010101—01001231 —CENTURY from —NOW, anyone who wants to understand the current catastrophe will view those works as key documents.
00010101—10001231 1. JAHRTAUSEND[MILLENIUM]
01921231 † RÖMER—KAISER—MARCUS—AURELIUS—GAJUS—ANTONIUS—COMMODUS, unter Mitwirkung seiner Geliebten Marcia 1. vergiftet, 2. im Bad erdrosselt.
01921231 † LUCIUS—A—A—COMMODUS—EMPEROR—OF—ROME (31), was murdered.
01921231 NARCISSUS erdrosselt den ROM—KAISER—COMMODUS.
01921231 Des ROM—KAISER—COMMODUS Nachfolger PERTINAX wird der 1. RÖMER—KAISER des 2. Vierkaiserjahres 01930000 .
02010101—03001231 —IM—SPÄTEN, setzte sich der neuplatonische Philosoph ALEXANDER—VON—LYKONPOLIS kritisch mit dem MANICHÄISMUS auseinander.
02010101—03001231 —IM—SPÄTEN, DER—MANICHÄISMUS, Es handle sich um eine irrationale Lehre, die Behauptungen aufstelle, ohne sie plausibel machen zu können.
02010101—03001231 —IM—SPÄTEN, DIE—MANICHÄER seien ungebildete, zu logischem Denken unfähige Menschen;
02010101—03001231 —IM—SPÄTEN, DIE—MANICHÄER ihre Kosmologie und Kosmogonie sei wirr und phantastisch.
02010101—03001231 —IM—SPÄTEN, DIE—MANICHÄER—KOSMOLOGIE, DIE—MANICHÄER—KOSMOGONIE, sei wirr und phantastisch.
02010101—03001231 —IM—SPÄTEN, auseinandersetzte sich der NEU—PLATONISCHE PHILOSOPH—ALEXANDER—VON—LYKONPOLIS kritisch mit dem MANICHÄISMUS.
02010101—03001231 fans flocked to watch gladiators fight in CHESTER—BLOODY—ARENA.
02010101—03001231 —200—YEARS—LATER than hitherto believed.
02841120 —BEENDET, GARDE—OFFIZIER—DIOCLES, Unter dem gewählten Namen RÖMER—KAISER—DIOKLETIAN, die RÖMER—REICHS—KRISE des 02010101—03001231 —CENTURY.
02991231 —LATER, where dedications and stone representations tail off with THE—ADOPTION—OF—CHRISTIANITY as 1—STATE religion,
03000101—03001231 7. Jahrh. weitgehend vernichtet, was als größte Katastrophe der Geistesgeschichte beklagt wurde.
03000101—03001231 DIESE—GEGRÜNDETE—BIBLIOTHEK mit ihren 700.000—BUCHROLLEN wurde im 4. bzw.
03010101—04001231 —INVENTION—OF—THE—BOOK
03010101—04001231 —CENTURY wurde die Stadt BISCHOFS—SITZ, bevor sie im
03010101—04001231 —IN—THE, the local AQUILEIA—BISHOP obtained the rank of PATRIARCH and the
03010101—04001231 wurde die Stadt BISCHOFS—SITZ, bevor sie im
03010101—04001231 —IN—THE, the local AQUILEIA BISHOP obtained the rank of PATRIARCH—AND—THE 1. in 1—SERIES—OF—MAJOR—RELIGIOUS—CONGRESSES was held there.
03030423 S—GEORGE was made THE—PATRON—S—OF—ENGLAND in the 13010101—14001231.
03650721—19860000 —IN, —WHEN CHINA—ENGINEERS began cutting into the sandy coast to build the roads for 1—NEW—RESORT, they struck the ancient tombs and HOUSES—OF—THE—TOWN founded in the 01010101—02001231 —CENTURY B.C.
03650721—19860000 —IN, —WHEN CHINA—ENGINEERS began cutting into the sandy coast to build the roads for 1—NEW—RESORT, they struck the ancient tombs and HOUSES—OF—THE—TOWN—FOUNDED—IN—THE 01010101—02001231 B.C.
03650721—19860000 —IN, —WHEN CHINA—ENGINEERS struck the ancient tombs and HOUSES—OF—THE—ANCIENT—EGYPT—CITY—LEUKASPIS[ANTIPHRAE] _01010101_02001231 —FOUNDED—IN—THE.
04010101—05001231 —IN—THE, begun, THE—TRADITION had, in IRELAND.
04061231 † GODAGISEL—V—KING—OF—VANDALS, in battle, as some 80,000—VANDALS attacked over the Rhine at MAINZ.
04061231 —NACH Überqueren des Rheins im Zuge der Völkerwanderung
04061231 —BEGINNEN, VANDALEN, ALANEN, SUEBEN gemeinsame Einfälle in das weströmische Gallien.
04391231 † S—MELANIA—DIE—JÜNGERE, christliche Heilige
04501231 —VOR, —ERST dieser vom NORD—WEST—DEUTSCHLAND ausgehende KULTUR—STROM macht DIE—RUNEN unter den FRANKEN, den SVEBEN—STÄMMEN und den BURGUNDENn bekannt.
04501231 —VOR, geht 1—ANDERER KULTUR—STROM nach SÜDEN den RHEIN entlang —BIS zu den ALPEN—LÄNDERN und zum OBER—DONAU—GEBIET —BIS hinab nach ITALIEN.
04501231 —VOR, geht von HANNOVER, angrenzenden Gegenden 1—KULTUR—STROM übers Meer nach ENGLAND und
05351231 —EROBERT mit seinen Truppen, SYRAKUS, der FELDHERR—BELISAR.
05991231 PARIS ca. 15.000—HABITANTS
06010101—07001231 —CENTURY an islamische Araber ging.
06991231 —ENDE, SIÈCLE, LES—ARABES prirent possessions de leurs terres, ne laissant que LES—BALKANS, l'actuelle TURQUIE.
07010101—08001231 —VOM—BIS—INS, beherrschte Das ostiranische Volk das größte Handelsimperium Asiens.
07221201 GREGOR—II—PAPA, vorschreibt dem MISSIONAR—BONIFATIUS, wie er ZEHNT—GABEN, OPFER—GABEN Einkünfte der Kirche verwenden soll — den im 07010101—08001231 —CENTURY entstandenen.
07540605 TOD—DES—BONIFATIUS, Darst. aus dem 09010101—10001231 —CENTURY
07651231 —INTERRED, The coffin of HO—TSE SHEN—HUI was, in 1—STUPA built in CHINA.
08010101—09001231 —DATE 08321231 —GESTA—ALDRICI—FÄLSCHUNG—VOM,
08441231 —JAHRES—WENDE—CA, DIE—WIKINGER wieder ihren —KURS nach der GIRONDE—MÜNDUNG richteten.
09010101—10001231 - THE—ARCHIMEDES manuscript is created
09181231 —CA—HULDIGTE, in OST—ANGELN, das ganze Heer EADWEARD als ihr OBER—HERR.
09991231 —ENDE—DES—BIS—ZUM—ALLMÄHLICH, So haben DIE—MÖNCHE das Kulturwerk, das DIE—RÖMER um den —ANFANG unsrer Zeitrechnung begonnen hatten, zur Durchführung gebracht.
1000101—11991231 —AUSBREITET sich schließlich die als "NORD—WESTSLAWISCH" bezeichnete Blockbautradition auch in die angrenzenden Gebiete, so daß diese ART—HÄUSER zu errichten als "typisch slawisch" für das hohe MITTELALTER angesehen wird.
10760624—10761231 —BINNEN—JAHRES—FRIST, KAISER—HEINRICH—IV. seine AUSSÖHNUNG—MIT—DER Kirche bewirken solle,
10760624—10761231 —BINNEN—JAHRES—FRIST, KAISER—HEINRICH—IV. andernfalls aber der Krone verlustig sein solle.
11000101—11991231 —GRÜNDUNG,
11010101—12001231 —RECYCLED, THE—ARCHIMEDES—MANUSCRIPT is recycled
11010101—12001231 der byzantinische Gelehrte JOHANNES—TZETZES fest, der sich auf frühe hellenistische Quellen berief.
11010101—19001231 [THE—ARCHIMEDES—MANUSCRIPT]THE—PALIMPSEST as religious text
11390420 Capable of piercing chain mail from 1—RANGE—OF up to 1,000 feet, this formidable missile weapon remained 1—FIXTURE—OF—TECHNICALLY—ADVANCED—EUROPEAN armies —THROUGHOUT the Middle Ages.
11390420 —OUTLAWED, THE—CROSSBOW was, in the 11010101—12001231 , at least against Christians, by the 2. Lateran council (the 10. ecumenical council), called by INNOCENT—II—PAPA.
11390420 Although THE—CROSSBOW was used —AFTER the introduction of firearms, it was eventually succeeded by THE—HARQUEBUS—1—PRIMITIVE—GUN—IN the late 14010101—15001231.
11390420 —OUTLAWED, THE—CROSSBOW was, in the 11010101—12001231 —CENTURY, at least against Christians, by the 2. LATERAN—COUNCIL (the 10. ECUMENICAL—COUNCIL), called by INNOCENTIUS—II—PAPA.
11390420 Although THE—CROSSBOW was used —AFTER THE—INTRODUCTION—OF—FIREARMS, THE—CROSSBOW was eventually succeeded by THE—HARQUEBUS, 1—PRIMITIVE—GUN, IN THE—LATE 14010101—15001231 —CENTURY.
115001011231 —CA—VON—AN—SCHON, umfasste er den Raum von der KIRCHE—S—BIAGIO, nach der nahen Treppe "in scalis",
115001011231 —CA—VON—DER—SCHON—AN, aus Nachrichten über den PONTIFicat PAULUS—II—PAPA
115001011231 —CA—VON—DER—SCHON—AN, erstreckte sich DER—STADT—MARKT von der PALAST—TREPPE an über den CAPITOL—PLATZ und Abhang und Fuss des Hügels.
115001011231 —CA—VON—DER—SCHON—AN, umfasste DER—STADT—MARKT den Raum von der KIRCHE—S—BIAGIO, nach der nahen Treppe "in scalis",
115001011231 —CA—VON—DER—SCHON—AN, aus Nachrichten über des PAULUS—II—PAPA—PONTIFICAT
115001011231 —CA—VON—DER—SCHON—AN, als ANACLET—U—PAPA—ANTI—PAPA. den ganzen Raum den damaligen [BENEDIKTINER]BENEDICTINER—VON—ARACELI verlieh,
11800000—120301231 —AB—BIS—WEIT—INS hinein KÖLN 1—WEITERE neue STADT—MAUER gebaut, die 1—WESENTLICH größeres Areal umfasste und von deren 12—STADT—TOREN noch einige stehen.
11991231 —FIN—DU—XII. SIECLE
12000101—12991231 see above), 1—NOTE on the reverse of which states that "messires GUILLAUME—DE—CHOISEL chevalier et GÉRARS ses frers escuiers" passed similar acts "peu APRÈS la Toussaint 1345" as well as "nobles HOMS messires RENIERS—DE—CHOYSEL chevaliers sire d'Aigremont" at "la chandeleur 13450000 [presumably 13460202 N.S.]"
12010101—13001231 —IN—THE, THE—LONDON—FREEMASONS had begun as 1—GUILD of masons, who worked in soft stone called freestone.
12070930—19980000 —IN, 1—FILM was made about THE—SUFI—JALAL—UD—DIN—RUMI[JELAL—UDDIN—RUMI] poet's influence on the 19010101—20001231.
12070930—19980000 —IN, 1—FILM was made about the Sufi poet's influence on the 19010101—20001231.
12290414 1—SCRIBE name John completed 1—RELIGIOUS—TEXT that overwrote 1—MANUSCRIPT attributed to Archimedes that had been copied by 1—SCRIBE in the 09010101—10001231 —CENTURY.
12290414 —COMPLETED, 1—SCRIBE name JOHN, 1—RELIGIOUS—TEXT that overwrote 1—MANUSCRIPT attributed to ARCHIMEDES that had been copied by 1—SCRIBE in the 09010101—10001231 .
12291231 —IM Zuge der RECONQUISTA,
12291231 —EINNIMMT, mit seinen Rittern, JAKOB—I—VON—ARAGÓN,
12291231 —DIE von den muselmanischen ALMOHADEN unter ABU—YAHIA gehaltene STADT—MEDINA—MAYURQA, umbenennt sie in PALMA.
125001011231 —CA—CA DIE—ALBERINI welche in STADT—ÄMTEM erscheinen und
125001011231 —CA, der alten GRAFEN—CASTELL, 1—BAU der welcher an den FLORENZ—PAL. del Podesta und den der Signorie erinnert,
125001011231 —CA—CA, DIE—ALBERINI welche in städtischen Ämtern erscheinen und
125001011231 —CA—CA DIE—ALBERINI welche ihre Wohnungen an VIA—PAPALE neben den Caflfarelh hatten,
125001011231 —CA, DAS—CASTELL der alten GRAFEN, 1—BAU der welcher an den FLORENZ—PALACIO—DEL—PODESTA und den der Signorie erinnert,
125001011231 —CA—VON—DER—AN, Wenn die Fortschritte der MUNICIPAL—FREIHEITEN in und 1—TEIL—DER—ROMAGNA auch der Stellung des Landvolkes zugute kamen,
12681231 G. TiT. S—LAIIREIITII in Lucina prosb. card.
12681231 Cum sicut dil. lilius Pontius, dictus Savnorius, PAUPER
12770201—12781231 —DAL—ALI, Io voglio credere che il Manente^ il quale pure attinse^ talvolta^ alle purissime fonti degli ARCHIVI"prendesse 1—ABBAGLIO di lettura^ leggendo Bovi in cambio di Leoni^ scambiato il biondo IMPERADORE della foresta col pigro e lento
12880229 The tradition had begun in 04010101—05001231 IRELAND.
12991231 —ANTE—FINEM, autographa tantum qumque apographa penitus nulla;
12991231 —ANTE—FINEM, nullum jam superesse indicium certum, quo BULLA—PAPA nostris in partibus adulteratas esse demonstretur.
12991231 —ANTE—FINEM, vel unam BULLam papalem in partibus nostris corruptam esse demonstrent. falsi.
12991231 —VOR—BEREITS, wurde hier 41 % des europäischen, 90—PROZENT—DES—BÖHMISCHEN—SILBERS gefördert.
130001001—14991231 zieht als "SCHAUMBURGER—KNICK" von der HEISTERBURG —NACH—DEM FORSTHAUS—LAND—WEHR bei NENNDORF hinunter und
13080908 CLEMENS—V—PAPA. fasst mit 1—PAPA—BULLE mehrere 11010101—12001231 —BEREITS—SEIT—DEM—CENTURY in PERUGIA bestehende UNIVERSITATES—SCHOLIARUM zu 1—FREIEN UNIVERSITÄT zusammen.
13081108 Scotus and his adherents came under attack by critics in the 15010101—16001231 , giving rise to the term "dunce".
132901011231 Insuper CUM—ANNO fructus primi anni BENEFICIORUM in PROVINCIA—COLONIENSI[KÖLN] vacaturorum per TRIENNIUM sibi reservasset JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA
13330827 Der mit dem Neckarprivileg verbundene Bau von Stauwehren wird die durchgängige Schifffahrt auf dem Neckar —BIS zum 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY bei der Stadt unterbrechen, was zu ihrer wirtschaftlichen Blüte beiträgt.
13531231 JACOBO—LAST conferuntur canonicatm et [PFRÜNDE]PRAEBENDA—IN—ECCLESIA—EMBRICENS vacantes PER—OBITUM—GUILLERMI—DE—PALUDE^ apud curiam defuncti.
13560919—13561231 —A—LA—FIN—DE, LA—MISÈRE est générale en FRANCE.
13671231 —DIE—IPSUM donationis DIPLOMATA ab ALBERTO—DUCA et MARGARETHA—DUCISSA editom, apud de Riemer 1. c. 189—ET PAGINA—193,
13700422 It began to be used as 1—PRISON, 16010101—17001231 —IN—THE.
13781231 * CALIXT—III—PAPA
13831231 "MAGISTRO ANTONIO aurifici prò medallis comunis factis per eum prò notario custodie anc. undecim S—DUO et d. octo " (ivi. (IVI—TOME—X (a. 13830000—13340000 ), FOLIA—99). - (IVI—TOME—CIT., FOLIA—87).
13831231 "MAGISTRO ANTONIO aurifici prò medallis comunis factis per eum prò notario custodie anc. undecim S—DUO et d. octo " (ivi.
13831231 (IVI—TOME—X (a. 13830000—13340000 ), FOLIA—99). - - - (IVI—TOME—CIT., FOLIA—87).
13971231 —ANGERS.
14161231 (IVI—FOLIA—33).
14181005 Die vermeintliche Türkenschlacht ist jedoch 1—ERFINDUNG des 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY.
14351231 —BEENDET, Der jahrzehntelange Kampf zwischen dem DEUTSCHEN—ORDEN und der POLNISCH—LITAUISCHEN—UNION.
14351231 —FRIEDE—VON—BREST, den
145001011231 —CA—CA der Scriptoren Geschäft gelangte zu seinem höchsten FLORENz
145001011231 —CA—CA—SCHON der die längst fortschreitende Vernichtung DER—BÜRGER—WEHRKRAFT diese mächtige REPUBLIK—EINZELGEWALT zuführten,
145001011231 —CA—CA unter der fördernden Pflege ALESSANDRO—SFORZAS und seines Hauses
145001011231 —CA—CA Je fehlerhafter wie erwähnt die Abschriften gewesen waren, umsomehr befleissigte man sich —NUN der Correctheit.
14521231 —L' ULTIMO
14671231 DER—INKUNABEL—DRUCKER—ULRICH—HAN, stellt damit das älteste mit Holzschnitten ausgestattete Buch Italiens her.
14710725—14991231 THOMAS—A—KEMPIS His popular "IMITATION—OF—CHRIST" went through 99—EDITIONS
14710725—14991231 —BY—THE—END—OF—THE—CENTURY.
14721231 —VERBOTEN, AMSTERDAM, wird das Werfen von Schneebällen.
14831231 † GILLES—JOYE, FRANKO—FLÄMISCHER—THEOLOGE und Dichter, Sänger und Komponist
14921231 ad venerandum patrem et concanonicum Severinum de RÉBUS—URBANIS.
14921231 —EXPELLED—FROM—SICILY, 100,000 JEWS were.
14941231 —A—DΗDI—DAL.
14941231 —IL, Ma il re rispose appena alle parole dei romani e mostrò di non gradire i loro omaggi.
14941231 —IL, andarono incontro al CARLO—VIII. RE—DI—FRANCIA[KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] a ponte Galeria.
14941231 —IL, il M., insieme con illustri personaggi della Curia e della città,
14941231 —IL, quali l'uditore di Rota GIROLAMO—PORCARI, CORONATO—DE—PLANCA,
14941231 —IL, racconta JOHANNES—BURCKARD (p. 558) —
14941231 KARL—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH, will Erbansprüche auf das KÖNIG—REICH—NEAPEL durchsetzen,
14960224—14961231 —SUSPECTED—OF, J—IN—HENRY was, having consented to 1—DUTY laid on ENGLISH—CLOTH, but
14960224—14961231 —J—IN—HENRY—KING—OF—ENGLAND was suspected of having consented to 1—DUTY laid on ENGLISH—CLOTH, but
14960224—14961231 —J—IN—EVEN—THERE in which THE—INTERCURSUS—MAGNUS treaty was signed, were complaints among THE—ENGLISH—MERCHANTS that
14960224—14961231 —J—IN—HENRY was suspected of having consented to 1—DUTY laid on ENGLISH—CLOTH, but
14980916 TOMAS—DE—TORQUEMADA was the 1. GRAND—INQUISITOR in SPAIN—MOVEMENT to restore Christianity among its populace 14010101—15001231 —IN—THE—LATE—CENTURY.
14980916 TOMAS—DE—TORQUEMADA was 1—SPANISH—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—FRIAR and the 1. Grand Inquisitor in SPAIN—MOVEMENT to restore Christianity among its populace in the late 14010101—15001231 .
14981231 Les masques commencent à aller parla VILLE 502—504
14991231 —CA—DATING—FROM 1—ALTAR—PIECE in THE—CLUNY and showing THE—LIFE—OF—CHRIST, including THE—CRUCIFIXION, is rather uncouth, but presents surprising ANIMATION—OF—THE—FIGURES and skilful grouping.
14991231 —CA, THE—STREETS—OF—THE—TOWN were narrow, THE—HOUSES huddled together.
14991231 —CA—THE, BEGUINAGE[BEGINNEN]was rebuilt —AFTER 1—FIRE,
14991231 —ENDETE, das 14000101—14991231 mit —DEM—JAHR.
15000101—15991231 Datt hauß belanghendne vonn dem HOSPITALL—NUMMERO—18.
15000101—16991231 1—BILD—DER—JUNKER—DES—DIE—LINIEN—SCHÖNAU und Fronenbruch der HERR—VON—MILENDONK geben :
15000101—16991231 1—BILD—DER—JUNKER des wie es Ferber in seiner kleinen Schrift "Die Niersjunker"so treffend geschildert hat.
15001001—15991231 In DEMSELBEN—BAND—O des DRESDENer HAUPT—STAATS—ARCHIVS finden sich mehrere.
15001001—15991231 1—SEITEN—BLICK auf
15001001—15991231 —IM, Aus dem Leben und Treiben 1—ALTEN Siegstadt und
15001001—15991231 —BIS—ZUR—GEGENWART)
15001001—15991231 —IM, TUCH—PREISE
15001001—15991231 —IM— Altertumskunde
15001001—15991231 u.
15010100—16001231 -LOS SS.
15010100—16001231 XVI—XVIII1*-2 /Elena Postigo Castellanos /Universidad Autónoma de MADRID /© Seminario Internacional para el estudio de las Órdenes Militares.
15010101—15991231 —IM, den von dem Dortmunder Gelehrten JOHANN—LAMBACH geführten Nebennamen SCHEVASTES
15010101—15991231 ZU ENDE—DES oder mit BEGINN—DES Die evangelische Gemeinde wurde
15010101—16001231 —CENTURY Fabrics: Fibre and PATTERN—VENUS' Seamstress
15010101—16001231 Fabrics: Fibre and PATTERN—VENUS' Seamstress
15010101—16001231 maritime map in 1—LOS—ANGELES library vault proves that PORTUGAL—ADVENTURERS, not British or Dutch, were the 1. Europeans to discover AUSTRALIA,
15010101—16001231 maritime map in a LOS—ANGELES library vault proves that PORTUGAL—ADVENTURERS,
15010101—16001231 —MITTE—DES, beschließt das KONZIL—VON—TRIENT, dass es Katholiken an Freitagen nicht mehr erlaubt ist, Fleisch, Milch oder Eier zu verzehren.
15021231 —ALL—ULTIMO—DEL—MESE, s' intese che Liverotto aveva fattor impresa di SINIGAGLIA, che conquistò con ogni cosa.
15021231 —ANNÉE,—FIN—DE—LÀ—A, se trouvent I1 a paru préférable de les placer ici, comme pièces complémentaires à ce qui précède.
15021231 —ANNÉE,—FIN—DE—LÀ—A, se trouvent Les 2—BREFS suivants adressés par le ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA,
15021231 —ANNÉE,—FIN—DE—LÀ—A, se trouvent dans tous LES—MANUSSCRIPTS et LES—IMPRIMÉS.
15021231 —ANNÉE,—FIN—DE—LÀ—A, se trouvent le 1. bref au prieur et au [KONVENT]COUVENT—DE—S—MARC,
15021231 —ANNÉE,—FIN—DE—LÀ—A, se trouvent le 2. BREF—À—SAVONAROLE et
15040712 —WAGED, [STEFAN—CHEL—MARE]STEVEN—THE—GREAT—PRINCE—OF—THE—PRINCIPALITY—OF—MOLDAVIA had, battles against the Turks in the 13010101—14001231 and became 1—NATIONAL hero.
15040712 —WAGED, He had, battles against the Turks in the 13010101—14001231 and became 1—NATIONAL hero.
15061007 Die STADT—BOLOGNA wird dem Kirchenstaat einverleibt und erlangt 17010101—18001231 —ENDE—DES—ERST, ihre Unabhängigkeit zurück.
15080127—15081231 —IM—LAUFE—DES—JAHRES dann 1 2. Vorschuss in unbekannter Höhe gegen Verpfändung 1—GROSSEN kostbaren Colliers
15091231 —END—OF—BY—THE, MAXIMILIAN demands for money from THE—NETHERLAND—PROVINCES which were not readily answered.
15091231 —END—OF—BY—THE, MAXIMILIAN his empty pocket compelled him to make, through MARGARET—OF—AUSTRIA[MARGARET—VON—ÖSTERREICH], MANY—DEMANDS for money from THE—NETHERLAND—PROVINCES for his ITALIEN—WARS,
15091231 —END—OF—BY—THE, MAXIMILIAN—EMPTY pocket compelled him to make, through Margaret, MANY—DEMANDS for money from THE—NETHERLAND—PROVINCES for his ITALIEN—WARS,
15091231 —END—OF—BY—THE, —THE—YEAR—VENICE[VENEDIG], however, had recovered her position, and
15141231 * ANDREAS—VESALIUS, flämischer Anatom
15141231—15640000 * † ANDREAS—VESALIUS, anatomist, AUTHOR—OF "De Humani Corporis Fabrica," in BRUSSELS—BELGIUM
15181231 * HIERONYMUS—GERHARD, württembergischer Staatsmann
15191231 —BEGINNT, der sogenannte REITER—KRIEG zwischen dem DEUTSCHORDEN—STAAT und dem KÖNIG—REICH—POLEN.
15201210—140101—140101231 —CENTURY—BEFORE, JEROME—OF—PRAGUE, his associates, had burned THE—BULL[BULLA] which condemned HUSS
15241231 † JOHANNES—WIDMANN, DEUTSCHER—PROFESSOR, herzoglicher Leibarzt
15271231 1—ERHEBLICHE Zahl grosser zweifelhafter Forderungen als voraussichtlich wertlos ganz abgeschrieben. wurde
15271231 1.5110.000 für die —SEIT von ihnen entnommenen Beträge PRIVAT—KONTI—DER—GESELLSCHAFTER
15271231 113.122—FLORENI verschiedene Forderungen an Alexi Thurzo,
15271231 161.840—FLORENI als Rest der aus DER—KAISER—WAHL HERRührenden auf Tirol* verwiesenen 415.000—FLORENI,
15271231 20.958—FLORENI Forderung an den PAPA, noch von LEO—PAPA—HERRÜHREND, wegen ungenügender Sicherheit (Juwelen).
15271231 206.741—FLORENI Forderung an KÖNIG—FERDINAND für Verluste aus der Beraubung des FUGGERschen HANDELS— in UNGARN durch LUDWIG—KÖNIG—VON—UNGARN,
15271231 40.000—FLORENI auf die SALZ—PFANNEN zu Hall verwiesen, mit 8 % zu VER—ZINSEN usw. Doch
15271231 86.090—FLORENI für ebenfalls auf NEAPEL angewiesene,
15271231 DER—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL mit —LIBRAS—16.806.19. 4—VI.
15271231 DER—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL und noch für 1 "ACCORDO"mit 1.650—FLORENI.
15271231 DIEGO—DE—HARO, KUPFER—VERTRAG mit" 5.827. 1.
15271231 DIE—EINZELNEN Faktoreien und sonstigen NIEDERLASSUNGen ausser der Centrale in AUGSBURG waren:
15271231 DIE—PASSIVA 54.000—FLORENI auf UNGARN " davon entfielen
15271231 DIE—PASSIVA 186.000—FLORENI auf Verschiedenes " "davon entfielen davon
15271231 DIE—PASSIVA 290.000—FLORENI Verpflichtungen " " davon entfielen auf SPANIEN ca. wie —SCHON erwähnt
15271231 DIE—PASSIVA 340.000—FLORENI WECHSEL davon entfielen auf SPANIEN ca. wie —SCHON erwähnt
15271231 DIE—PASSIVA 870.000—FLORENI ca. im GANZEN nur betrugen
15271231 DIE—PASSIVA 870.000—FLORENI entfielen auf Verschiedenes
15271231 DIE—VORHANDENEN WAREN bestanden grösstenteils aus Kupfer,
15271231 DIE—VORHANDENEN WAREN bestanden sodann auch aus Silber,
15271231 DIE—VORHANDENEN WAREN bestanden sodann auch aus etwas Messing
15271231 DIE—VORHANDENEN WAREN bestanden sodann auch aus ganz wenig Tuch, Damast, sonstigen Geweben.
15271231 DIE—WECHSELVERPFLICHTUNGEN["Wechselbuqh"] bestanden aus zahlreichen Posten, die meist Freunden oder Verwandten gehörten.
15271231 DIE—ZINSEN bei grossen Posten 2 % — 3 % meist nur waren
15271231 DIE—ZINSEN bei kleinen Posten 30 % —BIS zu und mehr;
15271231 Das BAR—GELD verteilt sich auf die Centrale in AUGSBURG und 14—FACTOREIEN;
15271231 Davon entfielen auf: Verschiedene schwebende Geschäfte 3.000.000—FLORENI
15271231 Es waren verzinsliche Einlagen, welche DIE—FUGGER teils aus Gefälligkeit,
15271231 Kupfer, wovon in ANTWERPEN allein für über 200.000—GULDEN lagerte,
15271231 Unter den AUSSTÄNDEN das sogenannte "HOFBUCH"den grössten Posten bildete,
15271231 —FORDERUNGEN, Unter den AUSSTÄNDEN in dem "HOFBUCH"die, an KÖNIG—FERDINAND einschliesslich der von ihm auf NEAPEL angewiesenen Beträge. enthalten
15271231 —FORDERUNGEN, Unter den AUSSTÄNDEN in dem "HOFBUCH"die, an KÖNIG—FERDINAND und dessen Länder enthalten waren nur, jedoch
15271231 Unter den Ausständen in ROM 1—FORDERUNG an den VIZE—KÖNIG—VON—NEAPEL von 14.578—DUKATEN hervorzuheben. ist
15271231 ausserhalb des "Hofbuchs"60.619—FLORENI schuldig KÖNIG—FERDINAND noch. war
15271231 dagegen in NÜRNBERG 10.376)FLORENI BAR—GELD bei der FUGGER—FACTOREN vorhanden waren, will uns kaum in den Sinn.
15271231 das in SPANIEN steckende KAPITAL nur 170.000—FLORENI BETRUG.
15271231 daß in ganz SPANIEN nur 1.591—FLORENI BAR—GELD bei der FUGGER—FACTOREN vorhanden waren, will uns kaum in den Sinn.
15271231 in AUGSBURG nur 7.262—FLORENI BAR—GELD bei der FUGGER—FACTOREN vorhanden waren will uns kaum in den Sinn.
15271231 in Raten zurückzuzahlende 60.063—DUKATEN,
15271231 in den letzteren Fällen handelte ES—SICH aber ganz augenscheinlich nur um Gefälligkeiten.
15271231 teils zur Vermehrung ihres liquiden BetriebsKAPITALs gegen Accept oder SOLO—WECHSEL annahmen.
15271231 —BERG—WERKEN und BERG—WERKSANTEILEN entfielen 210.000—FLORENI auf UNGARN,
15271231 —BERG—WERKEN und BERG—WERKSANTEILEN entfielen ö.0000 auf Tirol, FLORENI
15271231 —J—ENDE—DES, 3.000.000—GULDEN des FUGGERschen HANDELS—BETRIEB Bilanz Aktiva. betrugen rund
15271231 —J—ENDE—DES, Davon entfielen auf: Ausstände
15271231 —J—ENDE—DES, Davon entfielen auf: BAR—GELD
15271231 —J—ENDE—DES, Davon entfielen auf: Sonstige Immobilien
15271231 —J—ENDE—DES, Davon entfielen auf: WAREN
15271231 —J—ENDE—DES, die BILANZ VOM FÜR DIESE ZEIT des FUGGERschen HANDELS—BETRIEBES Ausdehnung und Art etwas näher untersuchen Um die
15271231 —J—ENDE—DES, die des FUGGERschen HANDELS—BETRIEB Bilanz Wir bedienen uns dabei abgerundeter Zahlen,
15271231 —J—ENDE—DES, von des FUGGERschen HANDELS—BETRIEB Bilanz Aktiva entfielen auf: BERG—WERKE und BERG—WERKSANTEILE
15271231 —VON, den ANTWERPENer Schuldnern sind bemerkenswert:
15271231 —VON, den sonstigen Immobilien entfielen 15.000—FLORENI auf das Haus in ANTWERPEN mit Zubehör,
15271231 —VON, den sonstigen Immobilien entfielen 57.000—FLORENI auf die in und bei AUGSBURG belegenen Grundstücke,
15271231 —VON, den sonstigen Immobilien entfielen 6.000—FLORENI auf das Haus in ROM.
15271231 —VON, den sonstigen Immobilien entfielen 70.000—FLORENI auf LAND—GÜTER,
15271231 DIE—SPANISCHEN—AUSSTÄNDE beliefen sich auf 507.000—FLORENI, aber
15271231 WAREN—DIE—ZINSEN waren sehr verschiedenartig, Darunter bemerken wir:
15271231 Diese SPANISCHEN—UMSÄTZE zusammenhingen mit der MAESTRAZGOs Pacht. meist
15271231 den SPANISCHEN—AUSSTÄNDE 337.000—FLORENI Passive gegenüberstanden, in Höhe von sodaß
15271231—15260107 —DES—DATUM 156.000—FLORENI Verschreibung auf NEAPEL
15281231 —END—OF—BY—THE, —THE—YEAR—THE—PALACE within the Cloister, in which the Sovereign or Regent lodged —WHEN visiting THE—TOWN, was rebuilt.
15281231 —END—OF—BY—THE, —THE—YEAR—THE [ABBEY—OF—]KLOSTER—ABTEI—S—MICHAEL damage was repaired but at great cost.^ In
15411231 GILLIS—SMYT und seine oo KATHRYNA verkaufen das halbe Haus innerhalb seiner EINFRIEDUNG[EEDER] gegenüber der S—MARTINS—KIRCHE—ZÜLPICH
15411231 GILLIS—SMYT und seine oo KATHRYNA verkaufen an JOHAN—THURNE, PRIESTER, für dessen Magd LENA und ihre 2—KINDER.
15411231 LENA soll das halbe Haus als Leibzucht gebrauchen und an ihre Kinder vererben.
15411231 mit ihrem AMT—SIEGEL auf Bitten ihres Stuhlbruders GILLIS—SMYT.
15411231 Sie bekunden ferner, daß die andere HÄLFTE—DES—HAUSES—VON—JACOB, wohnhaft in KASTENHOLZ[CASTENHOULTZ],und dessen oo BEILGEN an JOHAN—THURN verkauft worden ist.
15411231 in regione ecclesie Martini iuxta Stabulum nostrum.
15411231 Es siegeln PETER—HOERSCH, Mychell Lupgen UND—JOHAN—BUREHART d. Junge,
15411231—15420101 —UFF DEN HILGEN JAERS AVENT.
15441231 —CA, EMPEROR—CHARLES found himself at peace AGAIN with DENMARK,
15441231 —CA, EMPEROR—CHARLES found himself free to suppress PROTESTANTISM IN—THE—NETHERLANDS, and
15441231 —CA, EMPEROR—CHARLES found himself free to suppress PROTESTANTISM in to drive back THE—TURKS
15461231 DIE—BILANZ pro ist vielleicht die wichtigste, welche uns von der FUGGERschen Handlung erhalten geblieben ist 77)
15461231 DIE—BILANZ pro müssen wir —JETZT 1. ins Auge fassen;
15461231 auf ANTON—FUGGER, den Stifter der Linie FUGGER—BABENHAUSEN, entfielen 2.436.790—FLORENI
15461231 but to the poor 1—VIERTAL of wheat at 32—STIVERS (if FLORINS) THE—ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] Magistrates sold.
15461231 —J—ENDE—DES, ANTON—FUGGER liess das Trinkgeschirr nur ganz roh herstellen, da die Form lediglich dazu dienen sollte, das Geschenk etwas anständiger zu machen;
15461231 —J—ENDE—DES, ANTON—FUGGER wusste genau, daß sogleich das Geschenk eingeschmolzen werden würde. und
15461231 —J—ENDE—DES, DANN seinerseits DER—HERZOG—VON—ALBA zu erlangen half der AUGSBURGer Kontribution 1—ERMÄSSIGUNG 76).
15461231 —J—ENDE—DES, UM—DIESELBE—ZEIT—DER—WELSER Vertreter in ULM in des KAISER FELD—LAGER musste harte Behandlung gefallen lassen sich,
15461231 —J—ENDE—DES, als Muster vorgehalten ANTON—FUGGER den WELSER weil DIE—WELSER ihre Haltung 1—ZWEIFELHAFTE gewesen war.wurde
15461231 —J—ENDE—DES, da die erpressten Kontributionen nicht sofort gezahlt wurden.
15461231 —J—ENDE—DES, das BAR—GELD zu des Heer Unterhaltung und für den bebevorstehenden FELD—ZUG nach SACHSEN doch nötig war,
15461231 —J—ENDE—DES, den STADT—AUGSBURG—RAT hart anlässt ANTON—FUGGER wenn der STADT—AUGSBURG—RAT zu feilschen sucht um Kleinigkeiten.
15461231 —J—ENDE—DES, nur ungern wird ANTON—FUGGER sich entschlossen haben, aufs neue mit BAR—GELD auszuhelfen,
15461231 —J—ENDE—DES, von dem Gesammtvermögen, wie es sich)nach Berücksichtigung der Abschreibungen usw. stellte,
15461231 —J—ENDE—DES, übernahm ANTON—FUGGER für seine Heimatstadt AUGSBURG die Vermittelung beim KAISER,
15461231 —J—ENDE—DES—DAMALS, Indess war auch ANTON—FUGGER keineswegs erbaut, was MANCHE—STELLEN in seinen Briefen beweisen,
15461231 —J—ENDE—DES—DAMALS, in ULM sein HAUPT—QUARTIER DER—KAISER aufgeschlagen hatte.
15461231 —J—ENDE—DES—DAMALS, über die Hinterlist, Gewalttätigkeit, welche in des KAISER —POLITIK wie in seinem FINANZ—WESEN zum Vorschein kamend,
15461231 auf des RAYMUND—FUGGER—ERBEN entfielen " 15260000 )251—FLORENI
15461231 —J—ENDE—DES, ANTON—FUGGER—DES—HERZOG—VON—ALBA Gunst erwarb Durch im Wert von 3.000—KRONEN 1—GOLDENES Trinkgeschirr Verehrung
15461231 —J—ENDE—DES, In der ganzen —VERHANDLUNG ANTON—FUGGER erscheint als grosser HERR,
15461231 —J—ENDE—DES, In der ganzen —VERHANDLUNG ANTON—FUGGER erscheint als unbeteiligter Vermittler
15501231 —UP—TO, 1—CONSIDERABLE stretch of the old wall stood between THE—BURG and THE—TOWN.
15581231 THE—TREATY—OF—CATEAU—CAMBRESIS put 1—END to war with FRANCE, and PHILIP could consider his position.
15581231 —AT—ABOUT THE—TIME—OFTHE—SIGNING—OF—THE—TREATY—PHILIP owed FUGGER alone some 3.000.000—DUCATS or 4.000.000—GULDEN.
15581231 —END—OF—AT—THE—IT was solely through the help of the Genoese [GENUA] that PHILIP could pay his army
15581231 —END—OF—AT—THE but the only security which was acceptable seems to have been THE—BOND—OF—THE—STATES—OR—OF—THE—TOWN—OF—ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS].
15590814—20160000 —UNTIL, THE—LOCATION—OF—THE—SPAIN—SETTLEMENT founded in THE—AREA—OF—PENSACOLA, Fl., remained 1—MYSTERY—WHEN amateur archaeologist TOM—GARNER stumbled upon SOME—SHARDS—OF—15010101—16001231 —CENTURY SPAIN—POTTERY.
15590814—20160000 —WHEN amateur archaeologist TOM—GARNER stumbled upon SOME—SHARDS—OF—15010101—16001231 SPAIN—POTTERY.
15601231 —FORDERUNGEN, Wir wollen hier die einzelnen spanischen, —NACH—DEM Stande vom wiedergeben: -^.., v.
15631231 —J—ENDE—DES—VOM besitzen wir wieder 1—BILANZ der FUGGER, die erhebliches Interesse darbietet.
15661231 Lettres de Charles, KARDINAL—DE—BOURBON, lé(iat DE—AVIGNON, nommant au prieuré de S—LAURENT de MARSEILLE Etienne BŒuf (Bovis ou Ros), prêtre d'Auhagne.
15781231 HENRI—III fonde l'ordre du SAINT—ESPRIT.
15781231 Les nouveaux chevaliers doivent prêter serment de dévouement absolu au roi.
15881231 † LUIS—DE—GRANADA, SPANISCHER—DOMINIKANER, Mystiker und Schriftsteller
15900000 —ERST—MITTE des 18010101—19001231 einen starken Knick nach unten macht.
15940614 He was the most famous and influential musician in EUROPE at THE—END—OF—THE 15010101—16001231 —CENTURY.
15940614 —AT—THE—END—OF—THE 15010101—16001231 ABRAHAM—BUCHHOLZER was the most famous and influential musician in EUROPE .
15981207 He was the greatest sculptor of the 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY and worked under the patronage of URBAN—VII—PAPA.
15981207 JOHANN—KASIMIR—FÜRST—VON—ANHALT—DESSAU was the greatest sculptor of the 16010101—17001231 and worked under the patronage of URBAN—VII—PAPA.
15981207—16801128 * † Giovanni "Gian" LORENZO—BERNINI, Sculptor, Painter, Architect, Italian, the greatest sculptor of the 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY.
15981231 † HEINRICH—RANTZAU, DÄNISCHER—STATTHALTER—DES königlichen Anteils an den Herzogtümer SCHLESWIG und HOLSTEIN
16000101—16991231 —HISTORY—OF—THE, BISHOPRIC—OF—LANGRES, which refers to "l'arbre généalogique produit dans le CONEL—DE—LUXEMBOURG—EN 1455" in SUPPORT—OF—THE, CHOISEUL—AIGREMONT claim to THE—COUNTY—OF—SALM and quotes 1—JUDGMENT—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—LUXEMBOURG 14550715 D, which names "un fils...HENRY" as "seul HÉRITIER" of WILHELM—III—GRAF—VON—SALM and ancestor of "[la]
16000101—16991231 —HISTORY—OF—THE, BISHOPRIC—OF—LANGRES refers to "l'arbre généalogique produit dans le CONEL—DE—LUXEMBOURG—EN 1455" in SUPPORT—OF—THE, claim and quotes 1—JUDGMENT—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—LUXEMBOURG 14550715 D,
16000101—17991231 —ABSCHRIFT—IN—KOPIAR (HASTADT—KÖLN Ausw.NUMMER—377—FOLIA—65'-66.
16000124 Der HOLLÄNDISCHE—SEEFAHRER Sebald de Weert erreicht die Falklandinseln und gibt ihnen den Namen Sebald Eilands, 1—NAME, der —BIS ins 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY auf Seekarten Verwendung findet.
16001231 —CHARTERED, THE—UK—EAST—INDIA—COMPANY (18740000 †) was, by ELIZABETH—I—QUEEN—OF—ENGLAND, in LONDON to carry on trade in THE—EAST—INDIES in competition with the Dutch, who controlled nutmeg from the Banda Islands.
16001231 1—COMPANY—OF—218—MERCHANTS were granted 1—MONOPOLY to trade EAST—OF—THE—CAPE—OF—GOOD—HOPE.
16001231 Die BRITISCHE—OSTINDIEN—KOMPANIE wird durch 1—FREIBRIEF der ELISABETH—I—KÖNIGIN—VON—ENGLAND an Londoner Kaufleute gegründet.
16010101—17001231 —CENTURY—AT THE—END—OF—THE, ELIHU—YALE, endowed the college from 1—FORTUNE made with the "EAST—INDIA—COMPANY".
16010101—17001231 —END—OF—THE, ELIHU—YALE, endowed THE—COLLEGE from 1—FORTUNE made with THE—EAST—INDIA—COMPANY.
16010101—17001231 in: RhVjBll 57 (19930000 ), S. 158-175. Marks, RICHARD—BRUCE: The
16161231 † OSWALD—GABELKOVER, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, Heraldiker und Historiker
16191231 † SIMON—STEN, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Ethnologe, Philologe, Historiker und Literaturwissenschaftler
16211231 —BEENDET, die Auseinandersetzungen zwischen KAISER—FERDINAND—II. und BETHLEN—GÁBOR—FÜRST—VON—SIEBENBÜRGEN.
16211231 Der
16381231 Unterzeichnet: G. HER—ZO—MILENDONCK,
16421023—20070000 —AUTHORED, ADRIAN—TINNISWOOD, "THE—VERNEYS: 1—TRUE—STORY—OF—LOVE, War and Madness in 16010101—17001231 ENGLAND".
16470820—16471231 —BIS, wurde SPILLIEUR zur Beschaffung der fede für seinen Jungen gegeben.
16471231 † GIOVANNI—MARIA—TRABACI, neapolitanischer Komponist
165001011231 —CA—CA errichtete Das gegenwärtige Local hat jenes vernichtet, an welches nur 1—MARMORTAFEL an der dem LATERAN—PLATZE zugewandten Langseite erinnert,
165001011231 —CA—BIS, 1—DER Linien der MATTEI erhielt sich hier;
16580000—17271108 —TURNED, LEVINUS—VINCENT, the passion of JAN—SWAMMERDAM for insects into 1—OF—THE most fashionable activieties of late 16000101—16991231 AMSTERDAM, preserving, displaying great quantities of insects in new ways.
16791231 —DATUM—BERLIN.
16791231 Der KANZLER—JENA und Geheime RAT MEINDERS*) sind ihm als Com- ;;1231;;j
16821019—20150000 —AUTHORED, HUGH—ALDERSEY—WILLIAMS, "THE—ADVENTURES—OF—SIR—THOMAS—BROWNE in the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY: The Life and Afterlife of the 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY—MOST—INQUIRING—MIND".
16830202/16830212 —DATUM—AMERONGEN, —GESTERN, hat er FageFs Briefe 08000101—08991231 —VOM—UND ,
16871221/16871231 HOP an den PRINZ—VON—ORANIEN.
16871231 Der des KAISER—GESANDTE
16871231 —AUFGETRAGEN, Der des KAISER—GESANDTE hat ihm, anzufragen, ob DER—PRINZ nicht gutfinde, daß mit der vom STAAT neu auszurüstenden Flotte EINIGE—BRANDENBURGISCHE—SCHIFLE vereinigt würden;
16871231 es werde zwar im Grunde von keiner Bedeutung sein, da die Zahl DER—KUR—FÜRSTLIEHEN Schiffe, die man
16871231 —DEPARTED, THE—1.—HUGUENOTS—FRANCE to the Cape of Good Hope.
16871231 1. aus FRANKREICH wegen der dortigen HUGENOTTEN—VERFOLGUNG und des EDIKT—VON—FONTAINEBLEAU emigrierenden HUGENOTTEN
16940922 * STATESMAN—OF—LETTERS—PHILIP—DORMER—STANHOPE—LORD—CHESTERFIELD, whose writings provide 1—CLASSIC portrayal of 1—IDEAL 17010101—18001231 gentleman.
16940922 PHILIP—DORMER—STANHOPE, Lord Chesterfield, STATESMAN—OF—LETTERS whose writings provide 1—CLASSIC portrayal of 1—IDEAL 17010101—18001231 gentleman, was born.
16971231 † LUCAS—FAYDHERBE, Brabanter Bildhauer und Architekt
17000101 —17991231 Vermerk: modo Nerhofen. Schreibweise des.
17000101 —17991231 Vermerk: modo Nerhofen.
17000101 Schreibweise des. Schreibweise des.
17000101—17991231 20130508 Willkommen im
17010101—18001231 —CENTURY—PIGMENT to Revolutionize CHIP—DESIGN?
17010101—18001231 —PIGMENT to Revolutionize CHIP—DESIGN?
17010101—18001231 —IN—THE, Successful results WERE—OBTAINED, by SOME—EARLY experimenters in the using high electrostatic fields (NICOLAS—TESLA).
17031231 Zusammen mit 1—NACHFOLGENDEN Tsunami richtet 1—GROßES—ERDBEBEN in TOKIO, ODAWARA und anderen Orten in der Region Zerstörungen an.
17031231 † † † ÜBER—10.000—MENSCHEN sterben bei der Naturkatastrophe.
17051231—17010000 —SERVED, CATHERINE—OF—BRAGANZA, as REGENT—OF—PORTUGAL —DURING the absence of her brother and —DURING 17040000—17050000 , —AFTER CATHERINE—OF—BRAGANZA her return to her homeland as 1—WIDOW.
17090911 JOHN—CHURCHILL, DUKE—OF—MARLBOROUGH, won the bloodiest BATTLE—OF—THE 17010101—18001231 at great cost, against the French at Malplaquet.
17170604 They had begun in the 12010101—13001231 as 1—GUILD of masons, who worked in soft stone called freestone.
17201220—17201231 —SEE
17201231 —SCHWERE Sturmflut, an der DEUTSCHEN—NORDSEEKÜSTE, VERURSACHT, einsetzende erhebliche Schäden.
17201231 Auf Helgoland wird in der auch an Neujahr tobenden See die Düne von der Hauptinsel abgetrennt.
17261231 † PETER—KOLB, DEUTSCHER—LEHRER und Völkerkundler
17381231—18050000 * † CHARLES—LORD—CORNWALLIS, soldier and statesman.
17381231—18050000 "Fire —WHEN ready Gridley".
17421231 † PFALZ—NEUBURG, später KUR—FÜRST
17500000 industrial era (—SINCE) have created large swings in burning, 1. increasing fires —UNTIL the late 18000000 s, and then dramatically reducing burning in the 19010101—20001231 .
17521227 —AM, 1—NEUE steinerne Brücke eingeweiht, die bald auf Grund ihrer Ausstattung als 1—DER prächtigsten Brücken des 17000101—17991231 galt.
17560127—17910000 —PUBLISHED, It was not —UNTIL his works were, in MANY—CASES—NEAR THE—END—OF—THE 18010101—19001231 , that MOZART—GENIUS became widely recognized.
17571231 * JOHANN—DANIEL—HENSEL, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE, Schriftsteller und Komponist
17600406—20050000 —AUTHORED, Kathryn Shevelow, "CHARLOTTE: Being 1—TRUE—ACCOUNT—OF—1—ACTRESS—FLAMBOYANT—ADVENTURES in 17010101—18001231 LONDON—WILD and Wicked Theatrical World".
17621231 —MOVED, THE—MOZART family, from VIENNA to SALZBURG.
17650307—18830000 —INVENTED, Photo etching was, by JOSEPH—NICEPHORE—NIEPCE early in the 18010101—19001231.
17681231 Das umstrittene Strafgesetzbuch CONSTITUTIO—CRIMINALIS—THERESIANA wird in der HABSBURGER—MONARCHIE, ausgenommen in UNGARN, in Kraft gesetzt.
17700801 —SCHLACHT—VON—CAHUL, eine der größten im 17010101—18001231 —CENTURY, bringt eine die Gegner überraschende Offensive der Russen unter Pjotr Rumjanzew im Krieg mit den Osmanen Beute und militärische Vorteile ein.
17730827 wird das größte Tauschgeschäft des 17010101—18001231 —CENTURY geregelt.
17740519 THE—UNITED—SOCIETY—OF—BELIEVERS in CHRIST—2. Appearing is the full, proper name for the 18010101—19001231 religious group better known as THE—SHAKERS.
17740519 Although they were the largest and BEST—KNOWN communal society 1—CENTURY ago, the Shakers were rarely referred to by their proper name.
17750418 EVERY—17750401 —DESCENDANT of the 17010101—18001231 patriot still climbs to the steeple of Old NORTH—CHURCH and hangs 2—SMALL tin and glass lanterns.
17751008 [see 17750710 .OCTOBER 201211230000 .17751231 ]
17751231 —ORDERED, GEORGE—WASHINGTON, recruiting officers to accept free blacks into the army.
17751231 —VERHINDERN, DIE—BRITEN, damit, die Eroberung Kanadas im
17760000 in the 06010101—07001231 —CENTURY A.D. Omitting the truth is the same as lying.
17760000 in the 06010101—07001231 Omitting the truth is the same as lying.
17760217 Das alte Burgtheater am Michaelerplatz (18010101—19001231 —CENTURY)
17761226 —OFFERED, GENERAL—GEORGE—WASHINGTON, 1—BOUNTY—OF $10 to ANY—OF—HIS—SOLDIERS who extended their enlistments —6—WEEKS beyond their 17761231 , expiration dates.
17820915 Das Werk ist ÄUß—ERST erfolgreich, —BIS es im 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY durch Rossinis Vertonung des gleichen Stoffs fast vollständig aus dem Repertoire der Opernbühnen verdrängt wird.
17830608—20140000 —AUTHORED, ALEXANDRA—WITZE and JEFF—KANIPE, "ISLAND on Fire: THE—EXTRAORDINARY—STORY—OF—LAKI: the Volcano that Turned 17010101—18001231 —CENTURY—EUROPE Dark".
17870000—17880000 —DURING the Years- 17010101—18001231 READING Room Travels in Kamtschatka.
17910725 THE—RICHARD—ALLEN—MUSEUM contains 18010101—19001231 artifacts from the church.
17930520 Bonnet was from 1—FRANCE—FAMILY driven into THE—GENEVA region by the religious persecution in the 15010101—16001231 .
17931108 —CONSTRUCTED, It was originally, as 1—FORTRESS in the early 12010101—13001231 —CENTURY.
17931108 —CONSTRUCTED, THE—LOUVRE was originally, as 1—FORTRESS 12010101—13001231 —IN—THE—EARLY.
17941231 —SCHON, GEGEN ENDE Wohl wurde bei uns die AUFHEBUNG—DES—MAXIMUM bekannt, aber
17960217 —PUBLISHED, He then, poems by Ossian, the alleged blind 02010101—03001231 poet, which became very popular and —LATER exposed as 1—FRAUD.
17960217 —PUBLISHED, SCOTLAND—POET—JAMES—MACPHERSON, then, poems by Ossian, the alleged blind 02010101—03001231 poet, which became very popular and —LATER exposed as 1—FRAUD.
17980501—18751231 —VOM—BIS, (und SPÄTER) -zu Standesämtern
17980501—18751231 Die Zugehörigkeit zu Standesämtern(und SPÄTER)
18000101 SIR—GARNET—MILITARY—HISTORY & Wargaming Site"[G uide to the 18010101—19001231 wars & conflicts, information on THE—ARMIES—OF—THE—PERIOD,
18000101—18491231 —CA—IN Profanes Glücksstreben und Nützlichkeitskalküle standen im Widerspruch zum Zeitgeist der Klassik und des Biedermeier.
18000101—18991231 ² SIR—GARNET—MILITARY—HISTORY & Wargaming Site"[G
18000101—18991231 —IN—THE, there was 1—ARTIST—GROUP called the Schlaraffia (1—GERMANY—TERM for "fairyland"), to which Mahler belonged.
18000101—18991231 —IN—THE, —WHEN the 1.feeble bits struggled down the 1.undersea cable joining the Old World to the New, it must have made people's hair stand up on end in more than —JUST the purely electrical SENSE—IT must have seemed supernatural.
18010101—19001231 —DURING the middle 3—DECADES—OF—THE—CENTURY. —WHILE the Yale secret group rapidly conformed to the Russells' expectations.
18010101—19001231 —DURING the middle 3—DECADES—OF—THE—CENTURY. Among YALE—SOUTHERN—STUDENTS were Calhoun, JOHN—C —LATER the famous SOUTH—CAROLINA DEFENDER—OF—SLAVERY against nationalism, & Benjamin, JUDAH—P —LATER SECRETARY—OF—STATE for the slaveowners'.".".. Confederacy. Young SOUTH—CAROLINIAN Dulles, JOSEPH—HEATLY whose family bought their slaves with the money from CONTRACT—SECURITY—WORK for THE—UK—CONQUERORS in INDIA, was in 1—PREVIOUS—SECRET—YALE group, the ``SOCIETY—OF—BROTHERS in Unity.'' At Yale Dulles, JOSEPH—HEATLY worked with the Northern secessionists & attached himself to Lord, Daniel; their 2—FAMILIES clove together in the fashion of 1—GANG. The Lords became powerful ANGLO—AMERICAN.".".. 48. 6. Among the sources used for this section are: Skull and Bones membership list 18330000—19500000 , printed 19490000 by the "RUSSELL—TRUST—ASSOCIATION"[inc],NEW—HAVEN,COUNTYavailable through the Yale UNIVERSITY—LIBRARY, NEW—HAVEN.
18010101—19001231 —CENTURY humanist Col.
18010101—19001231 —CENTURY zurückverfolgen.
18010101—19001231 —IM, Die AKADEMIE—ZU—TURKU wird nach HELSINKI verlegt.
18010101—19001231 —AT—THE—END—OF, Complex and beautiful MACHINE—MADE cards brought the custom of valentine exchanging within the reach of MANY—AMERICANS.
18010101—19001231 humanist COLONEL—ROBERT—G—INGERSOLL, known as "the Great Agnostic".
18010101—19001231 zurückverfolgen.
18010101—19001231 —DURING the middle —3—DECADES—OF—THE.
18010101—19001231 —WHILE the Yale secret group rapidly conformed to the Russells' expectations.
18010101—19001231 —FAVORED, Yale was the northern college, by southern slaveowning WOULD—BE aristocrats.
18010101—19001231 Among YALE—SOUTHERN—STUDENTS were Calhoun, JOHN—C —LATER the famous SOUTH—CAROLINA DEFENDER—OF—SLAVERY against nationalism, & Benjamin, JUDAH—P —LATER SECRETARY—OF—STATE for the slaveowners'.".".. Confederacy.
18010101—19001231 Young SOUTH—CAROLINIAN Dulles, JOSEPH—HEATLY whose family bought their slaves with the money from CONTRACT—SECURITY—WORK for THE—UK—CONQUERORS in INDIA, was in 1—PREVIOUS—SECRET—YALE group, the ``SOCIETY—OF—BROTHERS in Unity.'' At Yale Dulles, JOSEPH—HEATLY worked with the Northern secessionists & attached himself to Lord, Daniel;
18010101—19001231 their 2—FAMILIES clove together in the fashion of 1—GANG.
18010101—19001231 —BECAME, THE—LORDS, powerful ANGLO—AMERICAN.".".. 48. 6. Among the sources used for this section are: Skull and Bones membership list 18330000—19500000 , printed 19490000 by the "RUSSELL—TRUST—ASSOCIATION"[inc],NEW—HAVEN,COUNTYavailable through the Yale UNIVERSITY—LIBRARY, NEW—HAVEN.
18010101—19001231 in diesem Gebiet die 1. Schienenwege entstanden und das Weideland für RINDER—UND Schafzucht genutzt wurde.
18010101—19001231 —CENTURY, —AT—THE—END—OF, the 1. AMERICA—PUBLISHER—OF—VALENTINES was printer and artist Esther Howland, who sold elaborate handmade cards for as much as $35.
18010101—19001231 —DURING the middle —3—DECADES—OF—THE—CENTURY—PRINCETON has its ``eating clubs,'' especially Ivy Club and Cottage Club, whose oligarchical tradition runs from JONATHAN—EDWARDS and Burr, Aaron through the Dulles.".This reflects the continued importance of republican factions at Yale, Harvard and other colleges
18010101—19001231 —DURING the middle —3—DECADES—OF—THE—CENTURY.
18010101—19001231 —DURING the middle —3—DECADES—OF—THE—CENTURY—YALE was the northern college favored by southern slaveowning WOULD—BE aristocrats.
18010101—19001231 —DURING the middle —3—DECADES—OF—THE—CENTURY—AMONG—YALE—SOUTHERN—STUDENTS were Calhoun, JOHN—C —LATER the famous SOUTH—CAROLINA DEFENDER—OF—SLAVERY against nationalism, & Benjamin, JUDAH—P —LATER SECRETARY—OF—STATE for the slaveowners'.".".. Confederacy.
18010101—20001231 DIE—IM, wieder ausgegrabene Stadt bringt 1—FÜLLE—VON—ERKENNTNISSEN über das Alltagsleben der RÖMER in dieser Zeit,
18010101—20001231 —IM, DIE—WIEDER ausgegrabene Stadt bringt 1—FÜLLE—VON—ERKENNTNISSEN über der RÖMER—ALLTAGSLEBEN in dieser Zeit,
18031231 † JOHN—WALKER, schottischer reformierter Theologe und Naturforscher
18050719—18091231 S—MAXIMILIAN.
18110311 —RIOTED, Members of the organized bands of craftsmen who, against automation in 18010101—19001231 ENGLAND were known as Luddites and also "Ludds".
18120907 Während Napoleons Russlandfeldzug erringt die Grande Armée unter schwerwiegenden Verlusten einen taktischen Sieg gegen die RUSSISCHE—ARMEE unter MARSCHALL—KUTUSOW in der —SCHLACHT—VON—BORODINO, 1—DER—BLUTIGSTEN—SCHLACHTEN—DES 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY.
18121231 —DÉFECTION—DU—GÉNÉRAL prussien YORK
18130410 —CONSIDERED, He is, to be the greatest mathematician of the 17010101—18001231.
18130428 —FORCED, PRINCE—MIKHAIL—ILLARIONOVICH—GOLENISHCHEV—KUTUZOV, THE—FRANCE—ARMY to leave RUSSIA along the path it had devastated —WHEN it entered the country.
18130428 —ASSOCIATED, His military career was closely, with the rising period of RUSSIA from THE—END—OF—THE 17010101—18001231 to the beginning of the 18010101—19001231 .
18130428 —ASSOCIATED, PRINCE—MIKHAIL—ILLARIONOVICH—GOLENISHCHEV—KUTUZOV His military career was closely, with the rising period of RUSSIA from THE—END—OF—THE 17010101—18001231 to the beginning of the 18010101—19001231 .
18151231—18720000 —BATTLE—OF—GETTYSBURG
18190000—18980920 —REGARDED, THEODORE—FONTANE is, by many to be the most important 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY GERMAN—LANGUAGE—REALIST—WRITER.
18201231 * HELENE—DEMUTH, Haushälterin von JENNY—MARX oo KARL—MARX
18210315—18950000 * † JOSEF—LOSCHMIDT, 1—PIONEER—OF—18010101—19001231 physics and chemistry, in Putschim (Pocerny), Bohemia.
18230715 Das aus dem 03010101—04001231 —CENTURY stammende Gotteshaus wird vom Feuer stark beschädigt.
18240928 1. Kinderfest ist im Laufe der Schulreformen des beginnenden 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY aus verschiedenen älteren Festbräuchen entstanden.
18241231 * BERNARD—ALTUM, DEUTSCHER—ZOOLOGE, Ornithologe und Forstwissenschaftler
18261231 * HENRY—HILES, ENGLISCHER—KOMPONIST, Organist und Musikpädagoge
18280208—19050000 MANY—OF—HIS 18010101—19001231 works forecast amazing scientific feats--feats that were actually carried out in the 19010101—20001231 --with uncanny accuracy.
18301010—18391231 —IN—DEN, GUSTAV—VON—GÜLICH hat in "Geschichtliche Darstellung des —HANDEL, der GEWERBE usw.",
18301010—18391231 —IN—DEN, namentlich herausgegebnen 2 1. Bänden seines Werkes,
18301010—18391231 —IN—DEN, GUSTAV—VON—GÜLICH hat großenteils —SCHON die historischen Umstände erörtert,
18320113 * HORATIO—ALGER—JUNIOR, AUTHOR—OF—MORE—THAN—100—INSPIRATIONAL—BOOKS for young people from the Civil War to the turn of the 19010101—20001231 , SON—OF—1—UNITARIAN—MINISTER.
18320113 HORATIO—ALGER, JUNIOR, THE—AUTHOR—OF—MORE than 100—INSPIRATIONAL books for young people from the Civil War to the turn of the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY, was born THE—SON—OF—1—UNITARIAN—MINISTER.
18341231 * MATTHEW—HASTINGS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—GENRE-, LANDSCHAFTS—UND Porträtmaler, Illustrator und Fotograf
18390000 Kiwanisnet: Männer des 20. und 20010101—21001231 Der Amerikaner JOHN—PIERPONT—MORGAN war in vielerlei Hinsicht bedeutender als etwa JOHN—DAVISON—ROCKEFELLER.
18390000 —ANFANG des 19010101—20001231 zum reichsten Amerikaner auf + sein Name entwickelte sich weltweit zu einem Synonym für Reichtum, ähnlich wie in EUROPA der Name Rothschild.
18390000 Seine Welt ist der wilde AMERIKANISCHE—OSTEN, —MITTE des 18010101—19001231 .
18390119—19060000 —CONSIDERED, PAUL—CÉZANNE was, 1—FOUNDING figure in 19010101—20001231 art.
18411231 "es ist sicher sehr bedauerlich,
18411231 1—SO gänzliche Absorption DER—ZEIT—DER—ARBEITENDE—KLASSEN,
18411231 DIE—ZEIT, um zu und von der Werkstatt zu gehn,
18411231 Tagesstunden... - außerordentlich schädlich und
18411231 für die Aufziehung 1—TÜCHTIGEN Bevölkerung, und
18411231 ist... - muß darauf gedrungen werden, daß
18411231 um der großen Masse des Volks 1—VERNÜNFTIGEN Lebensgenuß zu verschaffen,
18411231 —IM, Interesse der öffentlichen Moral, für die Aufziehung 1—TÜCHTIGEN Bevölkerung, und
18411231 —VOM, moralischen Gesichtspunkt
18411231 —VON, viel frührem Alter an,
18411231 —BECAME, ALABAMA, the 1. state to license dental surgeons.
18411231 —12—STUNDEN TÄGLICH - 14—VON den 24 - Abgesehn von der Gesundheit,
18411231 daß irgendeine Klasse von PERSONEN—FÜR Erholung und Muße".
18411231 in allen GESCHÄFTS—ZWEIGEN—IN den 'freien' INDUSTRIE—ZWEIGEN
18411231 ohne Unterlaß, reserviert WERDE—SELBST - sich abplacken muß. - - - so beträgt dies in der Tat
18411231 wird niemand, ich hoffe, ANSTEHN—ZUZUGEBEN, daß
18411231 —VOM frühen Alter von —13—JAHREN, und
18411231 † FRIEDRICH—AST, deutscher klassischer Philologe und Philosoph
18420000—18991231 * † KARL—MILLOCKER, AUSTRIA—CONDUCTOR and composer.
18421231 Die Uraufführung der komischen Oper Der Wildschütz von ALBERT—LORTZING erfolgt am Stadttheater in LEIPZIG.
18470422—18471231 —ZWISCHEN die Eisenbahnfondssaldos in unsrer Hand um 1—DRITTEL. verminderten sich
18470422—18471231 —ZWISCHEN Diese verminderten sich Wirkung hatten die Eisenbahnfondseinzahlungen in ganz GROß—BRITANNIEN;
18470422—18471231 —ZWISCHEN NACH UND NACH in ganz GROß—BRITANNIEN die Eisenbahnfondseinzahlungen haben die Depositen der BANKEN abgezapft".(p. 43, 44.)
18471231 UND AM.
18471231 "Dieser ziemlich große BETRAG—VON—EISENBAHN—FONDS in ihrer Hand wesentlich geringer. war
18481210—18481231 —DATE 18481210—18481231 DIE BOURGEOISIE UND DIE KONTREREVOLUTION
18481231 Die neue "Heilige Allianz"
18490510—20070000 —AUTHORED, NIGEL Cliff, "THE—SHAKESPEARE—RIOTS: Revenge, Drama, and Death in 18010101—19001231 AMERICA".
18501026 Die Nordwestpassage bleibt wegen regelmäßiger Vereisung allerdings 19010101—20001231 —BIS—INS unschiffbar.
18511231 Der ÖSTERREICHISCHE—KAISER—FRANZ—JOSEPH—I. erlässt DAS—SILVESTERPATENT, mit dem die nie in Kraft getretene Oktroyierte Märzverfassung des Jahres 18490000 abgelöst wird.
18511231 —BEGINNT, Damit, die Zeit des NEO—ABSOLUTISMUS.
18511231 † FRIEDRICH—KARL—LUDWIG—TEXTOR, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Mundartschriftsteller
18521231 —ENDED, The richest —YEAR—OF—THE—GOLD rush, with $81.3—MILLION in gold produced.
18521231 * CARL—STEGMANN, DEUTSCHER—PHILOLOGE und Gymnasialdirektor
18530526—17380000 —IN, The 18010101—19001231 Western outlaw JOHN—WESLEY—HARDIN was named —AFTER JOHN—WESLEY, who began the Methodist movement.
18531231 * JAKOB—REUMANN, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—POLITIKER, Reichsrat, BÜRGERMEISTER und 1. Landeshauptmann von WIEN, Bundesratsvorsitzender
18560405—19990000 —LISTED, BOOKER—T—WASHINGTON—AUTOBIOGRAPHY "Up From Slavery" was, as the 3. best WORK—OF—NON—FICTION in THE—ENGLAND—LANGUAGE in the 19010101—20001231 by the Modern Library.
18581231—18990000 * † VINCAS—KUDIRKA, AUTHOR—OF—THE—LITHUANIA—NATIONAL anthem, in Vilkaviskis County.
18590207 Der Codex Sinaiticus, 1—BIBEL—MANUSKRIPT 03010101—04001231 —AUS—DEM, wird von KONSTANTIN—VON—TISCHENDORF im Katharinenkloster auf dem Sinai entdeckt.
18591231 † LUIGI—RICCI, —54—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
18600000 even enjoyed election to the "HOUSE—OF—COMMONS"[brit], His massive fraud has ensured that his name has gone down in history as the arch swindler of the 19010101—20001231 .
18600406—19450000 —HELPED, RENE—LALIQUE, mold the shape of 19010101—20001231 art nouveau, art deco and architectural ornamentation.
18610317—18150000 —IN, THE—CARBONARI was 1—SECRET—SOCIETY—IN—EARLY 18010101—19001231 ITALY who advocated liberal and patriotic ideas and opposed the conservative regimes imposed on ITALY by the Allies who had defeated NAPOLEON.
18610521 Elena Molokhovets (18310000—19180000 ), RUSSIA—WRITER, published "1—GIFT to Young Housewives," which remained popular in RUSSIA for HALF—1—CENTURY.
18621231 —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—LINCOLN, 1—ACT admitting WEST—VIRGINIA to the Union.
18621231 —CONTINUED, Fighting, to 18630102 .
18621231 THE—USS—MONITOR sank in 1—STORM off Cape Hatteras, NC., —WHILE being towed by THE—RHODE—ISLAND.
18621231 † 16—OFFICERS and seamen.
18621231 Die USS Monitor, das 1. Panzerschiff der USA—NAVY sinkt im Sturm bei schwerer See vor CAPE—HATTERAS—NORTH—CAROLINA.
18621231 —BEGINNT, Im Sezessionskrieg, die
18621231 —SCHLACHT—AM—STONES—RIVER zwischen den UNIONS—TRUPPEN unter WILLIAM—STARKE—ROSECRANS und den Konföderierten unter Braxton Bragg um die Vorherrschaft in TENNESSEE.
18621231—18630102 —CONTINUED, Fighting, to.
18621231—18630102 —BIS—ZUM, —SCHLACHT—AM—STONES—RIVER, dauert.
18621231—19730000 —IN, scientists from NORTH—CAROLINA—DUKE—UNIVERSITY discovered the deteriorating relic 16—MILES from the coast, in 240—FEET—OF—WATER.
18621231—19750000 —IN, the site was designated the nation's 1. marine sanctuary, and it was the 1. shipwreck to be named 1—NATIONAL—HISTORIC—LANDMARK in THE—USA.
18621231—20020000 —IN, the turret was raised.
18630102 —INVOLVED, The battle, which began 18631231 , 80,000 troops and left 24,000 casualties.
18640000 Though physicians and scientists understood there were numerous health hazards associated with the practice, THE—NUMBER—OF—SMOKERS increased dramatically in the 1. HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 .
18640101—18661231 Timeline... held in S—JOSE for the completion of THE—S—FRANCISCO + S—JOSE—RAILROAD.
18640101—18661231 —MARKED, This, the birth of Helena, future CAPITAL—OF—MONTANA.
18640101—18661231 [ see 18630000 ]
18670000—19501231 * † CHARLES—KOECHLIN, FRANCE—COMPOSER, teacher and writer on music, in FRANCE.
18670323 —NOTED, He was, for his oil paintings of Native Americans and fur trappers of the mid-18010101—19001231 .
18671031 Parsons, 1—IRELAND—ASTRONOMER, built the largest reflecting telescope of the 18010101—19001231.
18690308 —HAILED, He was —LATER, as the most blazing musical innovator of the early 18010101—19001231 .
18691231 —AM, 1—EISERNE Kettenbrücke eröffnet, von der man hoffte, daß sie allen Widerständen trotzen würde.
18691231 —INCLUDED, His work, the "Dance II," —NOW at the Hermitage in MOSCOW.
18691231 † HENRI—MATISSE (19540000 , ), FRANCE—ARTIST—BEST known for his paintings "Woman with 1—HAT" and "THE—RED—STUDIO," was born.
18691231—19980000 —AUTHORED, Hilary Spurling, "THE—UNKNOWN—MATISSE: 1—LIFE—OF—HENRI—MATISSE, Vol 1: 18690000—19080000 ".
18701231 * MBAH—GOTHO, soll der älteste Mensch der Welt gewesen sein (wurde —146—JAHRE alt)
18710721 In der BRITISCHEN—MARINE wird der im 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY eingeführte Kauf von Offizierstellen abgeschafft.
18751117 —HELPED, COLONEL—HS—OLCOTT, found the Theosophical Society in NEW—YORK —AFTER 1—GROUP—OF—02010101—03001231 Alexandrian scholars.
18751231 † KIDO—WITBOOI, Kaptein der WITBOOI—ORLAM
18771231 PRESIDENT. and MISTER—S—HAYES celebrated their silver anniversary (technically, —1—DAY—LATE) by RE—ENACTING their wedding ceremony in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
18771231 * AUGUST—FRÖLICH, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Gewerkschafter, MdL, Landesminister, MdR, Landtagspräsident
18771231 * VIKTOR—DYK, TSCHECHISCHER—DICHTER und Prosaist, Dramatiker, Politiker und Rechtsanwalt
18780303 —1— D, THE—RUSSO—TURKEY—WARS, to the 16010101—17001231 , the Russians generally gaining territory and influence over the declining Ottoman Empire.
18791008 —NAMED, The ship was, —AFTER the 15010101—16001231 Inca emperor, Huáscar.
18791231 GILBERT and Sullivan's "PIRATES—OF—PENZANCE," premiered in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18791231 —DEMONSTRATED, THOMAS—EDISON 1. publicly, his electric incandescent light in Menlo PARK—NEW—JERSEY.
18791231 * ALBERT—WERKMÜLLER, DEUTSCHER—LEICHTATHLET, Fußballspieler und Turner
18791231 1. vorführt, THOMAS—ALVA—EDISON, in der STADT—MENLO—PARK—NEW—JERSEY, seine elektrische Beleuchtung.
18801231—19530000 —IN, He won Nobel Peace Prize for THE—MARSHALL—PLAN.
18811117 —CHANGED, He successfully, the unionism of the 18010101—19001231 in THE—USA, uniting different labor groups and keeping away from political influence to guide USA—LABORERS.
18811231 * MAX—PECHSTEIN, DEUTSCHER—MALER und Grafiker des Expressionismus
18811231 * PAUL—BOLDT, DEUTSCHER—LYRIKER des Expressionismus
18821231 † LEON—MICHEL—GAMBETTA, —44—JAHRE—ALT, FRANCE—ATTORNEY and premier (18810000—18820000 ).
18861208 Im internationalen Diskurs der Kunsthistoriker gilt der Mexikaner DIEGO—RIVERA — neben PAUL—CÉZANNE und PABLO—PICASSO — als der einflußreichste Maler des 19010101—20001231.
188701011231 —FÜR—DAS, haben die KASSEN—VERWALTUNG
18871231 —VON, 606, welche dem Verein am angehörten, sind —BIS zum
18880000—19810729 * † ROBERT—MOSES, "master builder" of mid-19010101—20001231 —CENTURY NEW—YORK City, Long ISLAND, and other suburbs.
18881231 Das Vereinsvermögen, welches 1.202—M. 77—PF. BETRUG,
18891231 * ADOLF—GRIMME, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, Landesminister, MdL, Generaldirektor des Nordwestdeutschen Rundfunks
18891231 * MARCEL—PILET—GOLAZ, SCHWEIZER—POLITIKER, Bundesrat, mehrfacher Bundesminister, Bundespräsident
18900000 —ANFANG des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY engagierte Rockefeller 1—ART—PR—MANAGER, der sein Bild in der Öffentlichkeit korrigieren sollte
18900000 —ANFANG des 19010101—20001231 engagierte Rockefeller 1—ART—PR—MANAGER, der sein Bild in der Öffentlichkeit korrigieren sollte <www.bornpower.de/rockefel/bad.htm>
18900713—20070000 —AUTHORED, SALLY—DENTON, "Passion and Principle: John and Jessie FREMONT, the Couple Whose Power, Politics and Love Shaped 18010101—19001231 AMERICA".
18901231 * FRIEDRICH—NOWACK, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Gewerkschafter, MdR, MdB
18901231 * WALTER—GMEINDL, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—KOMPONIST, Chordirigent und Musikpädagoge
18910000—19950000 —INVENTED, EDWARD—BERNAYS—, 1 applied social science called... said that Bernays had the greatest impact on USA—OPINION in the 19010101—20001231 .
18910424 He was THE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—OF—THE—PRUSSIA—ARMY—FOR—30—YEARS and became —LATER regarded as 1—OF—THE—GREAT—STRATEGISTS—OF—THE—LATTER 18010101—19001231.
18910505 —THRIVED, Musicians, painters, dancers and actors, in 2—TOWERS built by 18010101—19001231 industrialist ANDREW—CARNEGIE —JUST—AFTER the hall went up.
18940316 The heroine is a 03010101—04001231 EGYPT—COURTESAN.
18950305—18350000 —IN, he had begun examining the ancient inscriptions on the rock of Behistun in the Kurdish foothills of the Zagros mountain range and found that they had been made to honor DARIUS—THE—GREAT, Persian ruler in the 04010101—05001231 BCE.
18951231 "DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRAT" einstellt sein Erscheinen, da die in ihn gesetzten Erwartungen sich nicht erfüllt hätten.
18951231 —AWARDED, Ogden BOLTON JUNIOR—OF—CANTON—OHIO, was, USA patent 552,271 for an "electrical bicycle".
18961231 Während des Kautschukbooms wird im BRASILIANISCHEN—MANAUS, inmitten des Amazonasbeckens gelegen, das Teatro Amazonas eröffnet.
18970403 —REBELLED, The movement, against the sentimental academic painting of the 18010101—19001231.
18970804 —GEFUNDEN, SPANIEN, wird durch Zufall die Büste Dama de Elche, 1—SKULPTUR—DER—IBERER etwa aus dem 04010101—05001231 —CENTURY v. Chr.
18980214—18981231 COMMENCÉE LE ,L'impression do ce volume (tiré à 500—EXEMPLAIRES) à l'Imprimerie Valentinoise, à Valence A. DE Chaléon, Directeur.
18980920 —REGARDED, He is, by many to be the most important 18010101—19001231 GERMAN—LANGUAGE—REALIST—WRITER.
18991231 DIE—RESTE der alten Anlage der BURG—STAMMELN sind sehr unbedeutend.
18991231 Der gegenwärtige Bestand Mit dieser Abbildung der BURG—STAMMELN stimmt nur sehr wenig überein.
18991231 VON—DER BURG—FISCHENICH ist nur noch 1—ETWA 6—M hoher, im Grundriss ovaler Unterbau erhalten,
18991231 —GEGENWÄRTIG, HARDTBURG Eigentümer DER—KÖNI Forstfiskus. ist
18991231 —GEGENWÄRTIG, der JAGDHAUS ENTENFANG Bau Eigentümer ist HERR J. P. Holländer.
18991231 ÖSTERREICH—UNGARN, wird die auf JOSEPH—II. zurückgehende Zeitungsstempelgebühr endgültig abgeschafft.
18991231—19400000 * † SILVESTRE—REVUELTAS, violinist, conductor and composer (Sensemaya), in SANTIAGO, PAPASQUIARO—MEXICO.
19000000 -20000000—20091231 —DATE, ONCE—DAME Pauline headed the Joint INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE—IN—THE—UK,
19000000 at the beginning of the 19010101—20001231 , 1—BEST—SELLING AUTHOR—SAYS.
19000000 im 20. noch im 20010101—21001231 haben USA—BEHÖRDEN allerdings je offiziell zugegeben, dass dem Rechtssystem ein solch fataler Irrtum unterlaufen wäre.
19000000—19691231 * † SALVATORE—BACCALONI, ITALY—OPERA basso buffa and actor, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19000000—19740701 * † JOSEPH—LEOPOLD—EICHLER, 19010101—20001231 POST—WAR USA—REAL—ESTATE developer, in S—MATEO county, CALIFORNIA.
19000101 1—NEW—YORK editorialist wrote that the 19010101—20001231 began in THE—USA with "1—SENSE—OF—EUPHORIA and SELF—SATISFACTION, 1—SURE feeling that AMERICA is THE—ENVY—OF—THE—WORLD".
19000101—19991231 —IM, die totale Mondfinsternis 20000716 —VOM, war die letzte
19000101—19991231 —DAS, ENDETE 20001231 —AM.
19000101—19991231 —OF—SELF is a 4—PART documentary series directed by ADAM—CURTIS for THE—BBC.
19000101—19991231 —OF—SELF examines how the ideas of Sigmund Freud (the founder of psychoanalysis) influenced his cousin EDWARD—BEARNAISE ( who invented public relations ) + ANNA—FREUD (SIGMUND—DAUGHTER and PR guru),
19000101—19991231 -In THE—EARLY this image bifurcated into (a) academic...
19010000 TEMPERATUR—WELTWEIT Weltweit ist die Temperatur im 19010101—20001231 im Mittel um 0.6°C gestiegen.
19010000—20041020 —SEIT der Entdeckung der überaus reichen Ölvorkommen in Südpersien zu Beginn des 19010101—20001231 [ 19010000 ]
19010100 Das 19010101—20001231 begann mit der Entdeckung unglaublicher Quellen: An einem Ort namens Spindletop in der Nähe von BEAUMONT zogen sprudelnde Ölquellen die... 2—FLAGS
19010101 DICKINSON TIMELINE -19501231 19010101—19501231 DICKINSON TIMELINE
19010101 DICKINSON TIMELINE -19501231 19010101 DICKINSON TIMELINE -19501231 19010101—19501231 DICKINSON TIMELINE
19010101—19501231 DICKINSON TIMELINE chronicles.dickinson.edu/timeline/1901_1950.htm
19010101—20001231 —IM, Weltweit ist die Temperatur im Mittel um 0.6°C gestiegen.
19010101—20001231 —CENTURY history turned on this pivotal event.
19010101—20001231 —CENTURY : Roth, Andrew; Aletti,
19010101—20001231 —CENTURY: Klimawandel brachte Mitteleuropa mehr Regen
19010101—20001231 —CENTURY Fox announced it would produce TV programs.
19010101—20001231 —CENTURY.
19010101—20001231 —CENTURY—HISTORICAL Atlas
19010101—20001231 history turned on this pivotal event.
19010101—20001231 : Roth, Andrew; Aletti,
19010101—20001231 : Klimawandel brachte Mitteleuropa mehr Regen
19010101—20001231 immer mehr zu einem TEIL—DER—VÖLKISCHEN—BEWEGUNG geworden.
19010101—20001231 —ANNOUNCED, Fox, it would produce TV programs.
19010101—20001231 (Cottbuser Studien zur GESCHICHTE—VON—TECHNIK... HEINRICH—DRÄGER und das Drägerwerk.
19010101—20001231 —HISTORICAL Atlas
19010110 —ANFANG DES 19010101—20001231 ENGAGIERTE ROCKEFELLER
19010122 —CONNECTED, Through dynastic marriages, VICTORIA—DESCENDANTS are, to almost all 19010101—20001231 EUROPE—ROYAL—HOUSES.
19010519 —RESIDED, JOHN—HENRY—BOALT, 1—ATTORNEY who, in OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, in the late 18010101—19001231 , † in CLOVERDALE—CALIFORNIA Boalt had inspired and supported THE—CHINA—EXCLUSION—ACT—OF—18820000 .
19020704 † Swami Vivekananda, INDIA—HINDU monk and CHIEF disciple of the 18010101—19001231 INDIA—MYSTIC—RAMAKRISHNA, in WEST—BENGAL, INDIA.
19020714 Der zu Beginn des 09010101—10001231 —CENTURY errichtete Campanile di S—MARCO, der Glockenturm des Markusdoms in Venedig, stürzt in sich zusammen.
19020824—19850000 FERNAND—BRAUDEL was 1—OF—THE—MOST important historiographers of the 19010101—20001231 : "History may be divided into 3—MOVEMENTS: what moves rapidly, what moves slowly and what appears not to move at all".
19021024 Der mehrtägige Ausbruch mit dem Vulkanexplosivitätsindex 6—IST der zweitschwerste Vulkanausbruch des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY und zerstört die Stadt Quetzaltenango nahezu vollständig.
19030000 Lectures on 19. and 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY geopolitical history
19030000—19980315 * † DOCTOR—BENJAMIN—SPOCK, whose child care guidance spanned HALF—1—CENTURY, in S—DIEGO at 94. He was THE—AUTHOR—OF—19460000 —THE "Common Sense BOOK—OF—BABY and Child Care".
19031118—18480000 —IN, Building 1—INTEROCEANIC canal was not 1—NEW—IDEA at the turn of the 19010101—20001231 , but USA—ACQUISITION—OF—CALIFORNIA and territories in the Pacific and the Caribbean —AFTER THE—SPANISH—USA—WAR made the canal crucial to USA—FOREIGN—POLICY.
19040000—19970319 * † Willem de Kooning, DUTCH—BORN abstract painter, considered to be 1—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY—GREATEST—PAINTERS, in EAST—HAMPTON, NEW—YORK.
19040814 THE—CATTLE—HERDING Hereros, 1—TRIBE—OF—SOUTH—WEST—AFRICA (—LATER NAMIBIA), became the 1. genocide VICTIMS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 .
19041228—19041231 —DER—PARTEI—TAG fordert die Beseitigung aller Ausnahmegesetze GEGEN—DIE—LAND—ARBEITER und das Gesinde und ihrer RECHTE—GLEICHSTELLUNG mit der Industrie.
19041228—19041231 160—TEILNEHMER.
19041231 * NATHAN—MILSTEIN, concert violinist, in ODESSA—RUSSIA.
19041231 1. verwendet, Der NEW—YORK—TIMES—SQUARE wird, zur Feier des neuen Jahres.
19050000—20090000 —AUTHORED, MICHAEL—SCAMMELL, "Koestler: THE—LITERARY and Political Odyssey of a 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY Skeptic".
19050120 S—PETERSBURG, stürzt die ÄGYPTISCHE—BRÜCKE, 1—BAUWERK aus dem 1. Drittel des 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY, ein.
19050704—19050000 —BIS, Der Vulkan Mont Pelé auf der ANTILLEN—INSEL MARTINIQUE hat die letzte kleinere Eruption seiner Aktivitätsphase 19020000 , bei der 19020508 —AM der verlustreichste Vulkanausbruch des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY mit rund 30.000—TOTEN zu verzeichnen war.
19051231 * Broadway COMPOSER—JULE—STYNE in LONDON.
19060000—20010207 * † ANNE—MORROW—LINDBERGH, WIFE—OF—CHARLES—LINDBERGH, at age 94. 19550000 —IN she authored "Gift From the Sea," 1—MEDITATION on women's lives in the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY.
19060511 the major development of the late 18010101—19001231 ,
19061001 It replaced the old Diet dating back to the 16010101—17001231 with a 200-seat unicameral PARLIAMENT and introduced universal suffrage.
19061109 The toquilla straw hats had been made in ECUADOR as long ago as the 16010101—17001231.
19070815 —REGARDED, HUNGARY—VIOLINIST—JOSEPH—JOACHIM (18310000 *), widely, as 1—OF—THE—MOST significant violinists of the 18010101—19001231 , † in BERLIN.
19071231 —DROPPED, For 1. time 1—BALL was, at Times Square to signal new —YEAR.
19071231 —CONDUCTED, GUSTAV—MAHLER, the Metropolitan Opera.
19071231 —ON
19071231—20070613 —ON, SK 02558 0005 876685 v5 ..... which was built 19920000 + acquired.
19081231 —DEDICATED, SIMON—WIESENTHAL, SURVIVOR—OF—THE—NAZI—HOLOCAUST who, his life to tracking down FORMER—NAZIS, was born.
19081231 WILBUR—WRIGHT fliegt in LE—MANS mit dem Flyer 124—KM in —2—STUNDEN—20—MINUTEN.
19090000—19931231 * † SAMUEL—MORRIS—STEWARD, also known by the pen name PHIL—ANDROS.
19100000 —19191231 OTTO—STRASSER,
19100000 —19191231—ZU der Zeit-
19101231 † JOHN—B—MOISANT, ARCH—HOXSEY, 2—OF—AMERICA—FOREMOST aviators, in separate plane crashes.
19101231 † JOHN—B—MOISANT in a plane crash in NEW—ORLEANS.
19110000—19801231 * † MARSHALL—MCLUHAN, CANADA—PROFESSOR, cultural philosopher and writer, at age 69. He was the author "Understanding Media: THE—EXTENSIONS—OF—MAN".
19110202 —REGARDED, —NOW, by many as the greatest opera TENOR—OF—THE—MIDDLE 19010101—20001231.
19110901 HELENE—DUTRIEU, DISTANCE—RECORD for women at 158—MILES.
19111231 HELENE—DUTRIEU won the Femina aviation cup in Etampes.
19120606 —BEGINNT, Mit dem Ausbruch des Novarupta in ALASKA, die größte Vulkaneruption des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY, die —BIS zum 19120608 andauert.
19120606 —RECOGNIZED, This was —LATER, as the most powerful volcanic eruption of the 19010101—20001231.
19120606 —LATER, This WAS—RECOGNIZED as the most powerful volcanic eruption of the 19010101—20001231.
19130407 —MARCHED, The suffragists', to the Capitol in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA By the 2. —DECADE—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 , woman suffrage--women's right to vote--had become 1—ISSUE—OF—NATIONAL—IMPORTANCE in AMERICA.
19130407—20001231 —BY, woman suffrage--women's right to vote--had become 1—ISSUE—OF—NATIONAL—IMPORTANCE in AMERICA.
19130513 1—ALL—WHITE—JURY in CHICAGO convicted Black heavyweight champion JACK—JOHNSON of federal charges of transporting 1—WHITE—WOMAN across state lines, 1—CASE that would —LATER be held up as 1—DEPLORABLE—EXAMPLE—OF—INSTITUTIONAL—RACISM—IN—EARLY 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY AMERICA.
19131202 —THE—ADE of the 19010101—20001231 , woman suffrage--women's right to vote--had become 1—ISSUE—OF—NATIONAL—IMPORTANCE in AMERICA.
19140000 Opium + Empire in the 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY—GEOFFREY—JONES
19151231 —TORPEDOED, THE—GERMANS, THE—UK—LINER Persia without ANY—WARNING; 335—ARE dead.
19170503—20060000 —BECAME, BETTY—COMDEN, 1—HALF—OF—THE—MUSICAL—COMEDY duo Comden and Green, who provided lyrics, libretti, and screenplays to SOME—OF—THE—MOST beloved and successful HOLLYWOOD musicals and Broadway shows of the mid-19010101—20001231.
19170513 † Francisco and Jacinta Marto at the ages of 10 and —9—YEARS—OLD, within —3—YEARS—OF—THE—APPARITIONS—DOS SANTOS was said by believers to be the main RECIPIENT—OF—PROPHECIES from the Virgin about key 19010101—20001231 events.
19170719 6: Basilika S—LAMBERTUS 17281102—18091231 ;
19170719 S—MAXIMILIAN 18050719 —18091231 .
19171231 † † † 199—MENSCHEN kommen ums Leben.
19180101—19181231 JAHRESÜBERSICHT
19181115 eine aktive Synthetisierung der beiden Klassenfronten des 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY
19181115 ein bewußtes SICH—VERGLIEDERN, eine gewollte Vergemeinschaftung, eine aktive Synthetisierung der beiden Klassenfronten des 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY.
19181115 eine aktive Synthetisierung der beiden Klassenfronten des 18010101—19001231 19181115 ein bewußtes SICH—VERGLIEDERN, eine gewollte Vergemeinschaftung, eine aktive Synthetisierung der beiden Klassenfronten des 18010101—19001231.
19181231 —REPLACED, KID—GLEASON, Pants Rowland as White Sox manager.
19190000 Reds | JOE—MCCARTHY | McCarthyism in 19010101—20001231 AMERICA
19200000 —19291231 —DATE USA—TOBACCO, [THROUGH] Bernays, EDWARD—L, Freud, Sigismund Schlomo 18560506-19390923 nephew, got women to start smoking, even —WHILE suspecting that smoking was dangerous.
19200000 —19291231 —DATE EDWARD—L—BERNAYS, publishes " Crystallizing Public Opinion," establishing himself as "the...
19200000—19291231 USA—TOBACCO, [THROUGH] EDWARD—LOUIS—BERNAYS, SIGISMUND—SCHLOMO—FREUD 18560506—19390923 nephew, got women to start smoking, even —WHILE suspecting that smoking was dangerous.
19200101 BANK "BERLIN " BANK—VOOR—HANDEL—EN—SCHEEPVAART,N.V. "ROTTERDAM "UNION BANKING CORPORATION" NEW—YORK - 19291231 19200101 -Thyssen (s)establish 3—BANKS :"Thyssen Bank "BERLIN " BANK—VOOR—HANDEL en Scheepvaart,N.V. "ROTTERDAM "Union Banking Corporation" NEW—YORK - 19291231 19200101—19291231 zwanziger Jahren in Bildbänden publiziert WURDEN—SAMMLUNGEN,
19200101 - Thyssen (s) - BANK "BERLIN " BANK—VOOR—HANDEL—EN—SCHEEPVAART,N.V. "ROTTERDAM "UNION BANKING CORPORATION" NEW—YORK - 19291231 19200101 —THYSSEN (s)establish 3—BANKS :"Thyssen Bank "BERLIN " BANK—VOOR—HANDEL en Scheepvaart,N.V. "ROTTERDAM "Union Banking Corporation" NEW—YORK - 19291231 19200101 BANK "BERLIN " BANK—VOOR—HANDEL—EN—SCHEEPVAART,N.V. "ROTTERDAM "UNION BANKING CORPORATION" NEW—YORK - 19291231 19200101 —THYSSEN (s)establish 3—BANKS :"Thyssen Bank "BERLIN " BANK—VOOR—HANDEL en Scheepvaart,N.V. "ROTTERDAM "Union Banking Corporation" NEW—YORK - 19291231 19200101—19291231 zwanziger —JAHREN in Bildbänden publiziert WURDEN—SAMMLUNGEN,
19200101—19291231 —ABOUT—SAME—TIME as the equipment was developed to economically MASS—PRODUCE raw hemp into pulp &fiber for paper,
19200101—19291231 —JAHREN—IN—DEN, wurde durch den STANFORD—ABSOLVENTEN und späteren Präsidenten der USA, HERBERT—HOOVER, DER—GRUNDSTOCK für die spätere Hoover Institution gelegt.
19200101—19291231 zwanziger —JAHREN in Bildbänden publiziert WURDEN—SAMMLUNGEN,
19200101—19291231 Die politische Situation im DEUTSCHLAND der ZWANZIGER —JAHRE führte schließlich dazu,
19200101—19291231 HEARST, WILLIAM—RANDOLPH starts "Reefer Madness" hoax in HEARST,
19200101—19291231 HEARST, WILLIAM—RANDOLPH starts "Reefer Madness" hoax in HEARST, WILLIAM—RANDOLPH—NEWSPAPER & magazine publications.
19200101—19291231 zwanziger —JAHREN in Bildbänden publiziert WURDEN—SAMMLUNGEN, "die unsere heutige Vorstellung vom WWI. entscheidend prägen", meint Daniel.
19200101—19391231 -3-Neue Medien... DEUTSCHLAND produzierte in den 20er + 30er —JAHREN—MEHR Filme als alle anderen... de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden e_Zwanziger
19200101—19391231 -3-Neue Medien... DEUTSCHLAND produzierte in den 20er + 30er —JAHREN—MEHR Filme als alle anderen
19201005 In der ENZYKLIKA—PRINCIPI—APOSTOLORUM—PETRO wird der im 03010101—04001231 —CENTURY wirkende Ephräm der Syrer von BENEDIKT—XV—PAPA.
19210000—20041231 * † GERARD—DEBREU, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics (19830000 ), in PARIS.
19211023 —INSPIRED, It was, by ALEXANDER—OSTROVSKY—MID 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY play "The Storm".
19220000—20170504 * † WILLIAM—BAUMOL, 1—OF—THE—GREAT—ECONOMISTS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 , in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19221231 —GEGRÜNDET, WIEN, wird der Filmbund als "Vereinigung aller am Film Schaffenden Österreichs".
19230000—20190727 * † CARLOS—CRUZ—DIEZ, 1—VENEZUELA—ARTIST who shaped the field of kinetic and optical art —DURING the 19010101—20001231 , in PARIS.
19231231 BBC began using the Big Ben chime ID.
19231231 —CROSSED, THE—SAHARA was, by 1—AUTOMOBILE for the 1. time.
19240000 Die politische Situation im DEUTSCHLAND der 19200101—19291231 zwanziger —JAHRE führte schließlich dazu, dass sich diese Deutungsweise des Krieges politisch, media l + kulturell durchsetzte.
19240101 - STEIGERUNG LIQUIDITÄT DER WESTLICHEN KAPITALMÄRKTE NICHT OHNE BEDEUTUNG (ZB:UNGARN)[WK25-443] - 19241231 19240101 - Steigerung Liquidität der westlichen Kapitalmärkte nicht ohne Bedeutung (zB:Ungarn)[wk25-443] - 19241231 19240101—19241231 Steigerung Liquidität der westlichen Kapitalmärkte nicht ohne Bedeutung (zB:Ungarn)[wk25-443]
19240101 - STEIGERUNG LIQUIDITÄT DER WESTLICHEN KAPITALMÄRKTE NICHT OHNE BEDEUTUNG (ZB:UNGARN)[WK25-443] - 19241231 19240101 - STEIGERUNG LIQUIDITÄT DER WESTLICHEN KAPITALMÄRKTE NICHT OHNE BEDEUTUNG (ZB:UNGARN)[WK25-443] - 19241231 19240101 - Steigerung Liquidität der westlichen Kapitalmärkte nicht ohne Bedeutung (zB:UNGARN)[wk25-443] - 19241231 19240101—19241231 Steigerung Liquidität der westlichen Kapitalmärkte nicht ohne Bedeutung (zB:UNGARN)[wk25-443]
19240101—19241231 Steigerung Liquidität der westlichen Kapitalmärkte nicht ohne Bedeutung (zB:UNGARN)[wk25-443]
19240301 EMILE—FRADIN (20100000 † age 103), FRANCE—PEASANT, discovered 1—UNDERGROUND chamber containing ancient artifacts that were —LATER dated anywhere from 300—BC to the 14010101—15001231.
19240301 EMILE—FRADIN (20100000 † age 103), FRANCE—PEASANT, discovered 1—UNDERGROUND chamber containing ancient artifacts that were —LATER dated anywhere from 300—BC to the 14010101—15001231 —CENTURY.
19241104 —INFLUENCED, His musical style, many 19010101—20001231 composers.
19250000 The 1. version, set out 1—NEW doctrine for USA—POWER in the 20010101—21001231 , 1—AGGRESSIVE, unilateral approach that would secure USA—DOMINATION—OF—WORLD—AFFAIRS -
19280000 Daß Affen Werke höchster literarischer Qualität produzieren, wenn man ihnen nur lange genug Zeit lässt, schreiben MANCHE—WISSENSCHAFTLER auch Huxley,Thomas zu, einem Forscher des 18010101—19001231 , der Darwins, CHARLES—EVOLUTIONSTHEORIE unterstützte.
19280000 Secret Societies and Their Power in The 19010101—20001231 - 5
19280000 19300101-19391231 1930s: Hitler RISES—THYSSEN /Bush Cash In
19290000—20090217 * † SUDAN—WRITER—TAYEB Salih, 1—OF—THE—MOST respected Arab novelists of the 19010101—20001231 , in LONDON where he spent MOST—OF—HIS—LIFE.
19290304 —ASSERTED, Engineers in SF : "the engineer dominates the 19010101—20001231 ".
19290916 —COVERED, This was —LATER among events, in the book "CENSORSHIP—OF—THE—USA—THEATRE in the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY" (20030000 ).
19291231 —PLAYED, GUY—LOMBARDO and his Royal Canadians, "Auld LANG—SYNE" as 1—NEW—YEAR—EVE song for the 1. time.
19291231 —CREDITED, SCOTLAND—POET—ROBERT—BURNS is, with writing the song, although 1—SIMILAR poem by ROBERT—AYTON (15700000—16380000 ), not to mention even older folk songs, use the same phrase, and may well have inspired Burns.
19291231 The literal translation means "old long —SINCE" which less literally meant "days gone by".
19291231 —CLOSED, THE—DJIA, the —DECADE at 248.48.
19291231 PIUS—XI—PAPA. gibt unter dem Titel DIVINI—ILLIUS—MAGISTRI die Enzyklika Über die christliche Erziehung der Jugend heraus.
19300000—20040713 —CONSIDERED, CARLOS—KLEIBER was, as 1—OF—THE—GREAT conductors of the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY.
19300101—19391231 -through the Dulles brothers Dulles, Allen & Dulles, JOHN—FOSTER {Dulles,
19300101—19391231 —SCHON—SEIT—DIE Wissenschaft beschäftigt sich mit dem exotischen Stoff Antimaterie.
19300101—19391231 -through the Dulles brothers Dulles, Allen & Dulles, JOHN—FOSTER {Dulles, ALLEN—FIRM " Sullivan & Cromwell" not the only firm engaged in
19300101—19391231 Through the Dulles brothers Dulles, Allen & Dulles, JOHN—FOSTER {Dulles, ALLEN—FIRM "Sullivan & Cromwell" not the only firm engaged in funding GERMANY) USAmericans ("SOME—USAMERICANS were —JUST bigots & made their connections to NAZI—GERMANY : supported Fascism...other...USAmericans [supported Fashism] ensuring[PROPAGANDA] their [clients] WELL—COME out of the German "economic recovery"[PROPAGANDA].(Dulles, ALLEN—FIRM "Sullivan & Cromwell" were in it for profit more than ideology[PROPAGANDA]}..arranged investments in/for NAZI—DOMINATED GERMANY.
19300101—19391231 conspiracy succeeded.
19300101—19391231 It is —NOW obvious that (this) lack of serious competition in the industrial raw materials market causes (the present) - & totally CONTRIVED—ADDICTION to petrochemicals.
19300101—19391231 Its success is directly responsible for the most troubling problems.
19300101—19391231 —NOW in the Present[19960704 ] : serious damage to environment, concentration of economic & political power into fewer & fewer hands & the weakening of OUR rights & states RIGHTS to determine OWN futures.
19300101—19391231 More & more evident : given the historical record, the structure of their "New World Order" is being built upon THE—FOUNDATION—OF—MARIJUANA—PROHIBITION, & only THE—RELEGALIZATION—OF—FREE—MARKET hemp competition can save us.
19300101—19391231 - —DURING THE—DULLES, Allen gained much experience in GERMANY, which made Dulles, Allen ' selection in
19301231 * ODETTA, [Holmes], folk singer (Sanctuary), in BIRMINGHAM—ALABAMA.
19301231 —MIXED, Pontifical encyclical Casti connubial was against, marriages.
19301231 —KIDNAPPED, Brewery heir Adolphus Busch was.
19301231 —PRODUCED, USA tobacco industry, 123—BILLION cigarettes in —THIS—YEAR.
19301231 —VERBIETET, In seiner ENZYKLIKA—CASTI—CONNUBII, PIUS—XI—PAPA. die interkonfessionelle Ehe und verurteilt jegliche FORM—DER—EMPFÄNGNISVERHÜTUNG.
19310000—20141231 * † Faustas Strolia, LITHUANIA—COMPOSER, musician and teacher, in Oak FOREST—ILLINOIS.
19310713—19311231 —BY, approximately 6—MILLION—GERMANS are OUT—OF—WORK.
19321104 Es ist der größte Monolith, der im 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY von Menschenhand hergestellt worden ist.
19321107 Buck Rogers in the 24010101—25001231 —CENTURY wird in den USA zum 1. Mal über Radio gesendet.
19340000—19721231 * † ROBERTO—CLEMENTE, baseball player, in a plane crash —WHILE enroute from PUERTO—RICO to help earthquake victims in NICARAGUA.
19350000 Aber auch die USA wurden im 19010101—20001231 einer tiefgreifenden Säkularisierung unterworfen.
19351231 An der Staatsoper Unter den Linden in BERLIN findet die Uraufführung der heiteren Oper Die große Sünderin von EDUARD—KÜNNEKE statt.
19360000—20080601 * † YVES—SAINT—LAURENT (1—OF—THE—MOST influential and enduring designers of the 19010101—20001231 , in PARIS.
19361103 In terms of winning the largest percentage of electoral votes, the presidential election of 19360000 was the biggest landslide of the 19010101—20001231.
19361103 In terms of winning the largest percentage of electoral votes, the presidential election of 19360000 was the biggest landslide of the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY.
19361231 MAGDEBURG, wird die Operette Liebe in der Lerchengasse von Arno Vetterling uraufgeführt.
19370000—20161231 * † DAVID—MELTZER, poet and musician, at his home in OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA.
19370426 —BECAME, THE—GUERNICA atrocity, synonymous with THE—HORROR—OF—MODERN—WARFARE and inspired 1—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 —GREATEST—WORKS—OF—ART, Guernica, by SPAIN—ARTIST—PABLO—PICASSO.
19371231 * ANTHONY—HOPKINS, actor (Elephant Man, QB VII, Magic, Bounty, Silence of the Lambs), in WALES.
19381231 DOCTOR—RN—HARGER'S "drunkometer," the 1. breath test, was introduced in INDIANA.
19381231 An den Städtischen Bühnen in KIEL wird die Operette Saison in SALZBURG—VON—FRED—RAYMOND uraufgeführt.
19381231 1. mit einer Druckkabine ausgestattete Zivilflugzeug, die Boeing 307—STRATOLINER, absolviert seinen Erstflug.
19390726 —SUSPECTED, Archeologist —LATER, that it was 1—EMPTY—GRAVE and memorial for a 06010101—07001231 ANGLO—SAXON CHIEF.
19391231 —CLOSED, THE—DJIA, the —DECADE at 150.24.
19391231 1. Neujahrskonzert, DIE—WIENER—PHILHARMONIKER geben ihr
19410101—19411231 —CHRONIK
19411231 —REPORTED, GENERAL—MACARTHUR, that USA—LINES in MANILA had been pushed back by the Japanese.
19420325 It has been —60—YEARS—SINCE 1—OF—THE—GREAT—MONEY laundering scandals of the 19010101—20001231 ended and only —NOW are we beginning to see the true historical aspects of this important PERIOD—OF—WORLD—HISTORY, 1—HISTORY that the remaining Holocaust survivors beg humanity to "never forget".
19421231 —AFTER—5—MONTHS—OF—BATTLE, Emperor Hirohito allowed THE—JAPAN—COMMANDERS at Guadalcanal to retreat.
19430300 1 potted HISTORY—OF—COMPUTERS—EARLY 19010101—20001231 The 1. devices, such as Vannevar BUSH—DIFFERENTIAL—ANALYZER...
19431231 * JOHN—DENVER, singer (Rocky Mt High), in NM.
19431231 * BEN—KINGSLEY, actor (Gandhi, Betrayal, Maurice), in SCARBOROUGH—ENGLAND.
19431231 —GREETED, NEW—YORK—CITY—TIMES—SQUARE, FRANK—SINATRA at the Paramount Theater.
19440000 WWII.19400000—19491231 —AFTER THE—WAR—USA captured Eichmann but -
19440000 WWII.19400000—19491231 —AFTER THE—WAR—USA captured Eichmann + Eichmann escaped to ARGENTINA.
19440122 what is important is THE—COVER—UP, how it could have gone on so successfully for HALF—1—CENTURY + does that have implications for us —TODAY?" he said.
19440201 1—LEADING abstract artist in the early HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY, HOLLAND—PAINTER—PIET Mondrian was also 1—LEADING proponent of De Stijl ("THE—STYLE").
19441224—17000101—18991231 ,die ausgeliehen waren.
19441231 —BEGINNT, In den letzten Abendstunden, die Operation Nordwind, die letzte DEUTSCHE—OFFENSIVE an der Westfront —WWII—IM.
19450000 These laid the bases for the tragedies we call the 19010101—20001231 , the bloodiest in history.
19450000 "Such 1—POLITICAL—ECONOMIC—COMMON—INTEREST—ALLIANCE threatened the imperial hegemony of GREAT—BRITAIN. At the turn of the 19010101—20001231 , BRITAIN looked to THE—USA (as its ENGLISH—SPEAKING ally) to join in sabotaging the Hanotaux plan. Through THE—SPANISH—USA—WAR—OF—18980000 and THE—RUSSO—JAPAN—WAR [44]of 19050000 , BRITAIN and her USA—JUNIOR—PARTNER (—BY—THEN led by HENRY—STIMSON—OLD—MENTOR—TEDDY—ROOSEVELT) managed to disrupt THE—FRENCH—GERMAN—RUSSIAN—JAPAN—ECONOMIC—AXIS. 2—WORLD—WARS and the Great Depression were THE—CONSEQUENCES—OF—THAT—INTERFERENCE".[45]
19450000 Yes, ENGLAND—SUCCESS in setting Eurasia on fire is what we —NOW know as the 19010101—20001231 , the bloodiest epoch the world has known.
19450000 this has existed —SINCE the late 18010101—19001231 .
19450000 Book Burning --( Holocaust Encyclopedia ) USA—LIBRARY—ASSOCIATION, "Book Burning in the 19010101—20001231 —1933" -
19450717—19450802 It RE—ESTABLISHED the European borders that were in effect as of 19371231 .
19450717—19450802 —POTSDAM—CONFERENCE, RE—ESTABLISHED THE—EUROPEAN—BORDERS that were in effect as of 19371231 .
19451231 Czechoslovakia began forcing THE—GERMANY—POPULATION—OF—THE—SUDETENLAND back to GERMANY.
19460000—19781231 * † Nicolau LOBATO—EAST—TIMOR guerrilla COMMANDER, was killed.
19460421—20090000 —AUTHORED, PETER—CLARKE, "Keynes: The 19010101—20001231 —MOST—INFLUENTIAL—ECONOMIST".
19461231 JOSEPH—KARDINAL—FRINGS hält seine berühmte Silvesterpredigt, in der er den Kohlenklau zur Linderung von Not entschuldigt.
19461231 —IN—DER—FOLGE, DAS—WORT—FRINGSEN, wird zu einem Synonym für Mundraub.
19470000 of the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY.
19470000 of the 19010101—20001231 .
19470000 Auslöser des Kalten Krieges im 19010101—20001231 waren die verschiedenen...
19470609 Im Pariser Palais de TOKYO eröffnet das Musée National DE—ART—MODERNE, das Werke moderner Kunst des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY präsentiert.
19480216 NBC—TV began airing its 1. nightly newscast, "THE—CAMEL—NEWSREEL—THEATRE," which consisted of "19010101—20001231 FOX—MOVIETONE—NEWS" newsreels.
19481231 —SEIT Errichtung der Luftbrücke, WEST—BERLIN, erfolgt die 100.000. Flugzeuglandung.
19490921 MAO—TSE—TUNG led his people to power —AFTER half 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY (50—YRS.) of civil strife.
19490921 MAO—TSE—TUNG led his people to power —AFTER HALF—1—CENTURY (50—YRS.) of civil strife.
19500000—20151231 * † Natalie Cole, GRAMMY—WINNING daughter of Nat KING—COLE, in LOS—ANGELES—OF—COMPLICATIONS from health issues.
19500101—19591231 s: Bush Sells "UNION BANKING CORPORATION" Stock
19500101—19591231 Reagan,Ronald front man for THE—MONEY—LAUNDERING organization "Crusade for Freedom",
19500101—19591231 Reagan,Ronald front man for THE—MONEY—LAUNDERING organization "Crusade for Freedom", which was PART—OF—DULLES—FASCIST 'freedom
19500101—19591231 Reagan,Ronald front man for THE—MONEY—LAUNDERING organization "Crusade for Freedom", which was PART—OF—DULLES—FASCIST 'freedom fighters' program". (3)Rockefeller Commission into CIA abuses was filled with old OPC [DULLES—OFFICE—OF—POLICY—COORDINATION] hands like Reagan,Ronald who had been the front man —BACK—IN THE—MONEY—LAUNDERING organization, the "Crusade for Freedom", which was PART—OF—DULLES—FASCIST 'freedom fighters' program".
19500101—19791231 Mörderische Bemühungen der USA, im Nahen Osten die sozialistische Arbeiterbewegungen zu liquidieren,
19500101—19791231 Mörderische Bemühungen der USA, im Nahen Osten die sozialistische Arbeiterbewegungen zu liquidieren, die einmal eine bedeutsame politische Kraft waren".Fall out"": [lst]Regime Hussein, SADDAM—EINZELHEITEN z. langen und widerlichen Beziehung zwischen USA & Hussein, Saddam [19630208 ]
19500501 He wrote 1—NUMBER—OF—PROMINENT—BOOKS—OF—EARLY 19010101—20001231 scientific racism including "THE—RISING—TIDE—OF—COLOR—AGAINST—WHITE—WORLD—SUPREMACY" (19200000 ).
19500501 LOTHROP—STODDARD wrote 1—NUMBER—OF—PROMINENT—BOOKS—OF— 19010101—20001231 —EARLY—SCIENTIFIC—RACISM—INCLUDING "THE—RISING—TIDE—OF—COLOR Against White World Supremacy" (19200000 ).
19501231 —VISITED, CHARLES—KOECHLIN, THE—USA 4—TIMES to lecture and teach in 19180000—19190000 , 19280000 , 19290000 and 19370000 .
19501231 —ON the 2. and 3. visits he taught at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY.
19501231 In seiner Silvesteransprache vorstellt BUNDESPRÄSIDENT—THEODOR—HEUSS die Hymne an DEUTSCHLAND, die nach seinem Wunsch DEUTSCHE—NATIONALHYMNE werden soll.
19510108 —HELPED, DAVID—WINGATE, 15—JAHRE—ALT, 2—SCIENTISTS discover the cahow, aka BERMUDA petrel, 1—NOCTURNAL seabird thought to have been extinct —SINCE the 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY.
19510409 He developed THE—SO—CALLED—BERGEN School of Meteorology, which was successful in advancing weather prediction and meteorology in the early 19010101—20001231.
19511231 The 1. battery to convert radioactive energy to electrical was announced.
19511231 † AUßENMINISTER—MAXIM—MAXIMOWITSCH—LITWINOW, sowjetischer Revolutionär, Politiker und Diplomat,
19520426 DENMARK, THE—BODY—OF—1—MAN dating to the 02010101—03001231 BC was discovered in peaty swamp near THE—VILLAGE—OF—GRAUBALLE, Jutland.
19521231 —AM, —KURZ—VOR, —MITTERNACHT, lernte ihn auch der Rest des Landes KENNEN—JEDENFALLS diejenigen, die eines der —DAMALS, BUNDES—WEIT knapp 4000—FERNSEHGERÄTE besaßen
19521231 † Hank Williams at age 29 in the back seat of 1—CADILLAC FULL—OF—PILLS and booz on his way to 1—GIG.
19521231 KOBLENZ, wird die Operette Alles Kapriolen von SIEGFRIED—KÖHLER uraufgeführt.
19530826 Das CINEMASCOPE—VERFAHREN wird zum 1. Mal in DEUTSCHLAND von der USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—FILMGESELLSCHAFT 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY Fox vorgestellt.
19530912 —OBLITERATED, His glass and marble PALACE—OF—CONGRESSES, the last vestiges of the 16010101—17001231 palace of Tsarina Natalie Kirilovna Naryshkina, THE—MOTHER—OF—PETER—THE—GREAT.
19530923 The 19010101—20001231 Fox film "THE—ROBE," the 1. movie filmed in THE—CINEMA—SCOPE widescreen process, premiered in HOLLYWOOD, —1—WEEK—AFTER opening in NEW—YORK.
19540000 —FROM the 17. to the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY...
19540000 1—NEPHEW—OF—THE—FAMOUS—PSYCHOLOGIST—SIGMUND Freud, EDWARD—BERNAYS impact on the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY human conscience is widely regarded as massive.
19540000 field, started in the early 19010101—20001231 , pioneered by EDWARD—L—BERNAYS.
19540000 —CHANGED, THE—MEANING—OF—THE—WORD—PROPAGANDA has been radically, —DURING the 19010101—20001231 .
19540000 —FROM the 17. to the 19010101—20001231 ...
19540223—20050000 —IN, 19540426 —SEE DAVID—M—OSHINSKY authored "Polio: 1—AMERICA—STORY — THE—CRUSADE—THAT—MOBILIZED the Nation Against the 19010101—20001231 —MOST—FEARED—DISEASE".
19541229—19541231 Auf der Konferenz der Vertreter der DDR, Polens und der Tschechoslowakei in Prag wird der gemeinsame Schutz der Unantastbarkeit der Grenzen der 3—STAATEN beschlossen.
19541231 Die dreitägige Konferenz der Volksvertretungen der DDR, der Volksrepublik POLEN und der Tschechoslowakei in Prag endet mit dem Beschluss über den gemeinsamen Schutz der Unantastbarkeit der Grenzen der 3—STAATEN.
19560927 —6—YEARS—EARLIER the Associated Press had named her the Greatest Female Athlete of the 1. HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231.
19570701—19581231 —AM, Es endet.
19571020 WALTER—CRONKITE began hosting his weekly documentary: "The 19010101—20001231 ".
19571020—19670000 —IN, the title was changed to "The 20—00010101—01001231 —CENTURY" and
19571020—19670000 —IN, the title was changed to "The 20010101—21001231 " and
19581231 CUBA—DICTATOR—JUAN—BATISTA fled the country taking MOST—OF—THE—CENTRAL—BANK—RESERVES—OF—DOLLARS and gold as rebels under Fidel Castro marched into HAVANA.
19591231 * BEBE—NEUWIRTH, actress (LILITH—CHEERS, Damn Yankees), in PRINCETON—NEW—JERSEY.
19591231 —CLOSED, THE—DJIA, the —DECADE at 679.36.
19600000 —19691231 —DATES—AT THE—HEIGHT—OF—THE—WAR—RESISTANCE—MOVEMENT—BROWN & Root was derided as "Burn & Loot" by protesters + soldiers.
19600000 —19691231 —DATE Kennedy + die Kubakrise: Die geheime STATIONIERUNG—VON—NUKLEARRAKETEN auf Kuba durch die Sowjets bringt die Welt an den Rand des 3. Weltkrieges.
19600101—19691231 -s in THE—EARLY—USA s top military leaders drafted plans to kill innocent people +
19600101—19691231 -s in THE—EARLY—USA s top military leaders drafted plans to commit ACTS—OF—TERRORISM in USA—CITIES to trick the public into supporting 1—WAR against CUBA.
19600101—19691231 -s in THE—EARLY—USA s top military leaders drafted plan Operation Northwoods approved in writing by USA Pentagon Joint Chiefs,
19600101—19691231 -s in THE—EARLY—USA s top military leaders drafted plan Operation Northwoods approved in writing by USA Pentagon Joint Chiefs, even proposed blowing up 1—USA ship + hijacking planes as 1—FALSE pretext for war.
19600101—19691231 —IN—THE—S, THE—SUGAR—INDUSTRY paid scientist to downplay the link between sugar and heart disease and promote saturated fat as the culprit instead, newly released historical documents show.
19600101—19691231 —IN—THE—MID s, 1—PLAN which came to nodiing.
19600101—19691231 —IN—THE—EARLYS, refer to the presence of 1—IRISH—COLONEL variously named as COLONEL—WARDING
19600706 He was 1—KEY—FIGURE on THE—LEFT—OF—THE—PARTY in the mid-19010101—20001231 , and prominently served as THE—MINISTER—OF—HEALTH —DURING the creation of the National Health Service, in which he played 1—VITAL—PART.
19601231 —VERLIERT, GROSSBRITANNIEN, das vom 12010101—19560000 geprägte Geldstück Farthing seine Eigenschaft als gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel.
19601231 † JOSEPH—WENDEL, DEUTSCHER—GEISTLICHER, BISCHOF—VON—SPEYER, ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—MÜNCHEN und Freising, Kardinal, 1. Militärbischof der Bundeswehr
19610101—19701231 19600000 —THE S + COINTELPRO: In Defense of Paranoia
19610630 —VERABSCHIEDET, Das DEUTSCHLAND—BUNDESSOZIALHILFEGESETZ wird, das —BIS zum 20041231 Art und Umfang der Sozialhilfe für bedürftige Einwohner der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND regelt.
19611231 Revolta MILITAR em BEJA
19611231 "lrma La Douce" closed at THE—PLYMOUTH Theater in NEW—YORK—CITY—AFTER 527—PERFORMANCES.
19611231 —PLAYED, Beach Boys, their debut gig under that name.
19611231 —FORMED, The Beach Boys band was, with brothers Brian, Carl and DENNIS—WILSON, cousin MIKE—LOVE and friend AL—JARDINE.
19611231 Their hit "Surfin" came out the same —YEAR.
19611231 —EXPIRED, THE—MARSHALL—PLAN, —AFTER distributing more than $12—BILLION in foreign aid.
19620721 —PROMOTED, MANY—OF—HIS—WRITINGS, the Whig Party, 1—IMPORTANT—ASPECT—OF—UK—POLITICS from the 16010101—17001231 to the mid-18010101—19001231 , and its successor, the Liberal Party.
19631231 —ZERBRICHT, DIE—FÖDERATION—VON—RHODESIEN—UND—NJASSALAND, die die ehemalige BRITISCHE—KOLONIE—SÜD—RHODESIEN und die Protektorate Nordrhodesien und Njassaland umfasst.
19640420 He attempted to make 1—COMPLETE—PORTRAIT—SURVEY—OF—19010101—20001231 GERMANY—SOCIETY.
19641231 —LAUNCHED, SYRIAN—BASED AL—FATAH guerrillas of Yasser Arafat, their 1. raid on ISRAEL with the aim of provoking 1—RETALIATION and sparking 1—ARAB war against ISRAEL.
19641231 Fatah, 1—PALESTINE—MOVEMENT for independence, made the 1. terror attack on ISRAEL and initiated the armed struggle for 1—STATE.
19641231 —ENDET, Die dreitägige Volkszählung in der DDR.
19641231 —UMFASST die DDR—WOHNBEVÖLKERUNG 17.003.632 Menschen.
19641231—19500000 —J—IM, waren die DDR—WOHNBEVÖLKERUNG 18.388.172 Menschen.
19650807 —REVOKED, The troupe's permit had been, for its adoption of "Il Candelaio.," a 15010101—16001231 play by Giordano Bruno.
19651004 PAUL—VI—PAPA—SEIN—FRIEDENSAPPELL wird zu den bemerkenswerten Reden des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY gezählt.
19651231 —BECAME, CALIFORNIA, the largest state in population.
19651231 THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—JEAN—BEDEL—BOKASSA, overthrew his cousin, DAVID—DACKO, in 1—BLOODLESS—COUP that was said to be backed by the French.
19651231 He abolished 19590000 —THE constitution, dissolved the National Assembly and concentrated power in the presidency.
19661231 † HERMANN—NUDING, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Parteifunktionär, Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus, MdL, MdB
19670000 CIA NARCO—COLONIALISM in the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY
19670000 The Bible reflects the slightly differing traditions of THE—2—KINGDOMS + —WHEN the north collapsed in the 07010101—08001231 —CENTURY BC + its people fled south, 1—ATTEMPT was made through written texts to unify + reconcile both peoples.
19670000 CIA NARCO—COLONIALISM in the 19010101—20001231 19670000 THE—BIBLE reflects the slightly differing traditions of THE—2—KINGDOMS + —WHEN the north collapsed in the 07010101—08001231 BC + its people fled south, 1—ATTEMPT was made through written texts to unify + reconcile both peoples.
19670824 PAGE—22, and, 1—COTTON MERCHANT—OF—THE—CITY—STATE—OF—BREMEN and 1—OF—THE most successful entrepreneurs of the 18000101—18991231 19671203 The 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY Ltd., the famed luxury train, completed its final run from NEW—YORK City to CHICAGO.
19670824 PAGE—22, and, 1—COTTON MERCHANT—OF—THE—CITY—STATE—OF—BREMEN and 1—OF—THE most successful entrepreneurs of the 18000101—18991231 19670824 PAGE—22, and, 1—COTTON MERCHANT—OF—THE—CITY—STATE—OF—BREMEN and 1—OF—THE most successful entrepreneurs of the 18000101—18991231 19671203 The 19010101—20001231 Ltd., the famed luxury train, completed its final run from NEW—YORK City to CHICAGO.
19671203 The 19010101—20001231 Ltd., the famed luxury train, completed its final run from NEW—YORK City to CHICAGO.
19671231 —FAILED, Evel Knievel (19380000—20070000 ), in his attempt to jump CAESAR—PALACE—FOUNTAIN.
19680000—19420000 —IN, Love Canal was 1—NEVER—USED, late 18010101—19001231 hydroelectric channel that was sold to the Hooker Chemical company.
196801011231 Es war kein gutes —JAHR für DIE—USA:
19680101—19681231 —MARKED, THE—YEAR was, by protest marches.
19680201 1—FOTO dieser Exekution wird zu einem der bekanntesten Bilder des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY.
19681231 THE—SOVIET—UNION—TU 144, similar in appearance to the Concorde, made its 1. flight.
19681231 —CRASHED, The 1. Tu-144S production aircraft, at 19730000 —THE—PARIS Air Show.
19690000 Page 1 20010101—21001231 HOLDING COMPANY NOTICE—OF—ANNUAL MEETING OF...-
19690425—19691231 —BY THE—END—OF—THIS 1. —YEAR—OF—TERROR—TACTICS, 149—BOMB—ATTACKS would occur,
19691231 S—FRANCISCO—THE—COCKETTES, 1—AVANT garde psychedelic hippie theater group —RECENTLY founded by Hibiscus (GEORGE—EDGERLY—HARRIS—III), took the stage at the Palace Theater in NORTH—BEACH.
19691231 —MURDERED, CLARKSVILLE, PENNSILVANIA, JOSEPH—YABLONSKI was, with his wife and daughter.
19691231 Yablonski had lost 1—ELECTION for the presidency of the United Mine Workers —3—WEEKS—EARLIER.
19691231 —INCLUDED, His films, "FULL—OF—LIFE" (19570000 ).
19691231 —SCHLIEßT, Der durch die Auftritte der Beatles legendär gewordene Hamburger STAR—CLUB.
19691231—19720000 —FOLDED, The group, but returned for 1—SHOW 20200000 —IN.
19700000 —19791231 —PREVIOUSLY (mid-1970s)- UK—PETROLEUM had ACQUIRED—STANDARD—OIL—OF—OHIO or Sohio.
19700000 —19791231 —ON the 5. —DAY—OF—THE—COUP—PINOCHET referred to Allende and his cabinet as "that filth that was going to ruin the country".
19700000 —19791231 —DATE -1—MONTH—LATER—HE pledged to "extirpate the root of evil from CHILE," to bring about a "moral cleansing" of the nation, "purified of vices"--1—ECHO—OF—THE 3. Reich AUTHOR—ALFRED—ROSENBERG—CALL for "1—MERCILESS cleansing with 1—IRON—BROOM".
19700000 —19791231 —ENDE—DER—SIEBZIGER—JAHRE— war PHILADELPHIA 1—STADT, in der offener Rassismus herrschte.
19700101—19791231 as PART—OF—NIXON—WATERGATE scandal, refined intelligence MONEY—LAUNDERING system in MEXICO,
19700101—19791231 'P2OG' allows USA Pentagon to fight dirty:
19700101—19791231 Timeline
19700101—19791231 as PART—OF—NIXON—WATERGATE scandal, refined intelligence MONEY—LAUNDERING system in MEXICO, invented by Pauley, Edwin, say several of our sources,was the man.
19700101—19791231 At 1—POINT—CIA—AGENTS used "Pemex", THE—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT—OIL monopoly,as 1—BUSINESS—COVER at the same time Pemex was being used as 1—MONEY laundry for Pauley, EDWIN—CAMPAIGN—CONTRIBUTIONS.
19700101—19791231 —PLAYED, As we shall see, THE—MEXICAN—CIA—CONNECTION, 1—IMPORTANT—PART in THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—BUSH, GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—POLITICAL and intelligence career..".Pauley, Edwin, say the 'old spies,'was the man who brought all THE—THREADS—OF—THE—MEXICO—CONNECTION together. He,Pauley, Edwin was Bush, GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—BUSINESS—ASSOCIATE, 1—FRONT—MAN for Dulles,ALLEN—CIA [ALLEN—DULLES was CIA director then], and ORIGINATOR—OF—THE—USE—OF—MEXICO—OIL—FRONTS to create 1—SLUSH fund for Nixon,RICHARD—VARIOUS—CAMPAIGNS..".Although it is not widely known,Pauley, Edwin, in fact, had been 1 committed, if 'secret,' Nixon supporter —SINCE
19700101—19791231 as PART—OF—NIXON—WATERGATE scandal, refined intelligence MONEY—LAUNDERING system in MEXICO, invented by Pauley, Edwin, say several of our sources,was the manAt 1—POINT—CIA—AGENTS used Pemex, THE—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT—OIL monopoly,as 1—BUSINESS—COVER at the same time Pemex was being used as 1—MONEY laundry for Pauley, EDWIN—CAMPAIGN—CONTRIBUTIONS.
19700101—19971231 Timeline MEXICO... to life in prison.
19701010 —BECAME, THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC—ISLAND—OF—FIJI, independent —AFTER nearly 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY—OF—UK—RULE.
19701231 —AUTHORIZED, Congress, the Eisenhower dollar coin.
19701231 —FILED, PAUL—MCCARTNEY, a lawsuit to dissolve the Beatles' partnership.
19710722 Bei Ausgrabungen in der SPANISCHEN—STADT Baza wird die Dama de Baza gefunden, 1—PLASTIK aus dem 03010101—04001231 —CENTURY v. Chr.
19720815 —REVIVED, This, a 15010101—16001231 practice by itinerant artists who traveled from village to village for religious and folk festivals.
19721107—19700000 —IN, JESSE—HELMS (19210000—20080000 ) of NORTH—CAROLINA, who had switched to THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY, was elected to THE—USA—SENATE, the 1. Republican from NC in the 19010101—20001231.
19721214 —BLASTED, Astronauts Schmitt and Cernan, off from the moon to join the command module AMERICA in lunar orbit, thus ending AMERICA's manned lunar exploration for the 19010101—20001231.
19721231 —9—JAHRE nach der Erstausstrahlung zeigt der Norddeutsche Rundfunk den Sketch Dinner for 1—ERSTMALS am SILVESTER—ABEND.
19721231—20060000 —AUTHORED, DAVID—MARANISS, "Clemente".
19731231 Die Folge Sylvesterpunsch der DEUTSCHEN—SITCOM 1—HERZ und 1—SEELE wird 1. ausgestrahlt.
19731231 1. öffentlicher Auftritt der AUSTRALISCHEN—ROCKBAND AC/DC.
19740403—20070000 —AUTHORED, MARK—LEVINE, "F5: Devastation, Survival, and the Most Violent Tornado Outbreak of the 19010101—20001231 ".
19741231 —BIS, DorWEILER ---Nörvenich COLOGNE[KÖLN] / LECHENICH LECHENICH / EUSKIRCHEN EUSKIRCHEN DÜREN (ab 197501 ) HochKIRCHEn (18040000 —BIS), PINGSHEIMPINISHEIRA,PINISEN,PINZEM, Nörvenich (18060000 —AB), 1860+1895—ETC.: HochKIRCHEn Brühl DorWEILER (An VIII)ERP (An IX-18750000 etc.)
19741231 USA—CONGRESS overrode PRESIDENT—FORD—VETO—OF—THE—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT—STRENGTHENING amendments in the Privacy Act of 19740000 .
19741231 —PASSED, It was, —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—WATERGATE scandal.
19741231 It allowed ordinary citizens to hold THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—ACCOUNTABLE by requesting public documents and records.
19741231 —ALLOWED, Private USA—CITIZENS were, to buy and own gold for the 1. time in more than 40—YEARS.
19750000 And empire, 1—MIGHT add.
19750000 —ENDOWED, Elihu Yale, the college from 1—FORTUNE made with THE—EAST—INDIA Company —AT—THE—END—OF—THE 16010101—17001231 .
19761204 —AUTHORED, PAUL—KILDEA —LATER, "BENJAMIN—BRITTEN: 1—LIFE in the 19010101—20001231 " (20130000 ).
19761231 —GUARDIAN, 20, 21, GUARDIAN, and
19770619 —PROCLAIMED, PAUL—VI—PAPA, a 18010101—19001231 PHILADELPHIA BISHOP, JOHN—NEUMANN, the 1. MALE USA saint.
19771231 "Bubbling Brown Sugar" closed at ANTA Theater NEW—YORK—CITY—AFTER 766—PERFORMANCES.
19771231 CAMBODIA broke relations with VIETNAM.
19780101—20011231 —FROM—THROUGH-.Key : The "Career Total" column represents the total AMOUNT—OF—PRO—ISRAEL—PAC money received
19780303—19781231 —SIGNED, RHODESIA, IAN—SMITH, 1—AGREEMENT with moderate black leaders, who had pledged to eschew war and to bring black majority rule into effect.
19780418—19991231 —VOTED, THE—USA—SENATE, 68-32 to turn THE—PANAMA—CANAL over to PANAMA—CONTROL.
19781227 —GRANTED, THE—BASQUE—COUNTRY—FISCAL privileges, —DURING the 18010101—19001231 and then partially abolished —DURING GENERAL—FRANCISCO—FRANCO'S 19390000—19750000 dictatorship, were finally restored —THIS—YEAR in SPAIN—DEMOCRATIC—CONSTITUTION.
19781231 JOHN—MCFALL (19180000—20060000 ), an 11-term CALIFORNIA Democrat, resigned from THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
19781231 —REPRIMANDED, In October the House had, him and 2—OTHER—CALIFORNIA Democratic colleagues, EDWARD—ROYBAL and CHARLES—WILSON, for the questionable HANDLING—OF—MONEY donated by SOUTH—KOREA—BUSINESSMAN—TONGSUN Park.
19781231 PETER—SEEBURG, 1—OF 3—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA scientists who had identified THE—DNA for human growth hormone —EARLIER in the —YEAR, returned to UCSF in a "midnight raid" and remove genetic material.
19781231 TAIWAN—DIPLOMATS struck their colors for the final time from the embassy flagpole in WASHINGTON, marking THE—END—OF—DIPLOMATIC—RELATIONS with THE—USA.
19781231 Jose Alexandre Gusmao was made the de facto Falintil leader.
19781231—19780000 —IN—LATE, Seeburg had left the university to join Genentech giving up rights to his materials, for which UCSF had filed 1—PATENT.
19781231—19900000 —FILED, UCSF, 1—PATENT infringement suit against Genentech.
19790000 The incumbent GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—ERNESTO—PEREZ—BALLADARES has categorically rejected THE—IDEA—OF—ANY—EXTENDED—USA—MILITARY—PRESENCE + has demanded the full withdrawal of all USA—MILITARY—PERSONNEL from PANAMA 19991231 -BY—AS required under the canal treaties.
19790226 This was the last total solar eclipse of the 19010101—20001231 for the continental USA.
19800000 —19891231 —DATE Reagan + IRAN—CONTRA: —MITTE der achtziger Jahre v erkauft die REAGAN—REGIERUNG über dubiose Mittelmänner, darunter der Offizier North, Oliver heimlich Waffen an das AJATOLLAH—REGIME in IRAN.
19800000—19891231 Reagan + IRAN—CONTRA: —MITTE der achtziger —JAHRE v erkauft die REAGAN—REGIERUNG über dubiose Mittelmänner,
19800101—19891231 "As Executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—COLLEGE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—COMMITTEE—IN the s- he oversaw THE—TRANSFORMATION—OF—THE—COMMITTEE into 1—CONSERVATIVE grassroots powerhouse for the Reagan adiministration.
19800101—19891231 —IMPLICATED, Negroponte, John, in systematic human rights abuses in CENTRAL—AMERICA,
19800101—19891231 —THROUGHOUT the s SINGLAUB, JOHN served as CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—WORLD—ANTI—COMMUNIST—LEAGUE,ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE FRONT 1—GLOBAL—NETWORK—OF—NAZIS + fascists + RIGHT—WING spooks devoted to mass slaughter financed through drug dealing. as 1—OFFICIAL—EMISSARY—OF—PRESIDENT—REAGAN—SINGLAUB, JOHN was key player in THE—IRAN—CONTRA "private" pipeline, meeting with Latin USA—LEADERS + generals.
19800101—19891231 —THROUGHOUT the s SINGLAUB,
19800415—20000000 —AUTHORED, BERNARD—HENRI—LEVY, "Sartre: THE—PHILOSOPHER—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 ".
19800530 —ARRIVED, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, in FRANCE on the 1. visit by THE—HEAD—OF—THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH—SINCE the early 18010101—19001231 .
19800800 NUGAN HAND BANK P2 Banco Ambrosiano, MARC RICH, 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY Fox, LAPD file Blackmail Computers...
19801231 1—BOMB—BLAST wrecked THE—JEWISH—OWNED NORFOLK Hotel in NAIROBI—KENYA, killing 16—PEOPLE and wounding more than 80.
19801231—19960000 —IN, 1—CD—ROM titled "Understanding McLuhan" was released.
19811212—19821231 —IMPOSED, POLAND, GENERAL—JARUZELSKI, martial law, effective at MID—NIGHT, restricting civil rights and suspending operation of the independent trade union Solidarity in 1—CRACKDOWN on the Solidarity labor movement.
19811212—19821231 —ARRESTED, POLAND—LABOR—LEADER—LECH Walesa was.
19811212—19821231 Women kept the organization going as most MALE leaders were arrested.
19811231 —LAUNCHED, CNN, Headline News.
19811231 —DISCONTINUED, The Blue and Gold Fleet, its ferry service between BERKELEY and SF due to low usage.
19811231 —OPERATED, The service had, —FOR—5—MONTHS averaging 169—PASSENGERS 1—DAY.
19811231 GHANA, LIEUTENANT—JERRY—RAWLINGS, a young fighter pilot, toppled PRESIDENT—HILLA—LIMANN.
19820200 Die moslemische arabische Welt sei nur 1—KARTENHAUS, das von den Kolonalmächten Britannien und Frankreich im 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY errichtet wurde.
19820402 ARGENTINA had laid claims to the territories —SINCE the 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY, but spurred by 1 related dispute on SOUTH—GEORGIA island and political expediency, the military government of ARGENTINA invaded THE—FALKLAND—ISLANDS.
19821231 —SUSPENDED, POLAND, Martial Law was.
19821231—19830722 —TERMINATED, It was.
19831231 FRANCE, bombings in the main railroad terminal in Marseilles and on THE—PARIS—MARSEILLES express train killed 5—PEOPLE and injured 50. The attack was attributed to CARLOS—THE—JACKAL, aka Ilich Ramirez Sanchez.
19831231 —OUSTED, NIGERIA, the military again, THE—CIVIL—GOVERNMENT.
19831231 GENERAL—MUHAMMADU—BUHARI (19420000 *), 1—MUSLIM from the Hausa tribe (Fulani), took power in 1—COUP.
19831231 —LAUNCHED, He soon, a "WAR—ON—INDISCIPLINE" and continue to rule —FOR—18—MONTHS.
19831231 —GESCHLOSSEN, Die Bremer Werft AG Weser wird, mehr als 2.000—MITARBEITER verlieren ihren Arbeitsplatz.
19840709 1—FIRE destroyed the roof in the south transept of the 11010101—12001231 YORK Minster.
19841231 —SURRENDERED, NEW—YORK—CITY subway gunman Bernhard Goetz, to police in NH.
19850000 -LAUNCHED—MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY—MEDIA—LAB has engaged in the innovations that helped drive the digital revolution of the late 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY.
19850000 —LAUNCHED—MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY—MEDIA—LAB has engaged in the innovations that helped drive the digital revolution of the late 19010101—20001231 .
19851118 —ENDED, BILL—WATTERSON—COMIC strip Calvin and Hobbes began a —10—YEAR—RUN that, 19951231 .
19851231 —KILLED, Singer Rick Nelson (45) and 6—OTHER—PEOPLE were, —WHEN fire broke out aboard 1—DC 3—THAT was taking the group to 1—NEW—YEAR—EVE performance in DALLAS.
19851231 —VERÄUßERT, FRIEDRICH—KARL—FLICK, den FLICK—KONZERN, darunter die Feldmühle AG, für 5—MILLIARDEN D—MARK an die DEUTSCHE—BANK, welche nach anschließender Umstrukturierung des Unternehmens einen Börsengang beabsichtigt.
19860000 1—EXAMPLE—OF wretched excess in the 19010101—20001231 is WHEELER—DEALER—ADNAN—KHASHOGGI.
19861231 1—FIRE at the Dupont Plaza Hotel in S—JUAN, PUERTO—RICO, killed 97 and injured 140—PEOPLE.
19861231 3—HOTEL—WORKERS—LATER pleaded guilty to charges in connection with the blaze.
19871231 1 2. was added to the —YEAR to compensate for PRECESSION—OF—EARTH—AXIS.
19871231 ROBERT—MUGABE was sworn in as ZIMBABWE—1. executive PRESIDENT.
19880000 JOHN—HARRIS, welcome to the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY.
19880000 (THE—WAILING—WALL in JERUSALEM is the western wall of the 2. Temple, built on the site of the 1. in the 05010101—06001231 BC).
19880000 JOHN—HARRIS, welcome to the 20010101—21001231 .
19880101—19881231 there were only 176—OSHA, Occupational Safety & Health Administration inspections in meat packing plants, 1—INDUSTRY in which the rate of personal injury is 173—PERSONS per working —DAY, 3—TIMES the average of all remaining USA—FACTORIES.
19880101—19881231 (THE—MEAT—PACKING industry is 1—IMPORTANT—CASE—STUDY—OF—THE—IMPACT—OF—BUSH, GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER' s Task Force on Regulatory Relief.)
19880101—19881231 there were only 176—OSHA, Occupational Safety & Health Administration inspections in meat packing plants,
19880425 —ASSOCIATED, She was often, with THE—BRAZIL—CONSTRUCTIVIST—MOVEMENTS—OF—THE—MID—19010101—20001231 and the Tropicalia movement.
19880808 BURMA, 1—UPRISING began —AFTER more than 1—QUARTER—OF—00010101—01001231 —CENTURY—OF—MILITARY—RULE and INTERNATIONAL isolation that had condemned ONCE—PROSPEROUS—COUNTRY to poverty.
19880911 to 19881231 Former chair and current BOARD—MEMBER—OF—DYNCORP—HERBERT—PUG—WINOKUR is also chair of the Enron Finance Committee.
19881122 —CONSIDERED, LOUIS—BARRAGAN (19020000 *), the most important MEXICO—ARCHITECT—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 , † in MEXICO—CITY.
19881231 —EXCHANGED, PRESIDENT—REAGAN and Soviet PRESIDENT—MIKHAIL—GORBACHEV, New —YEAR—MESSAGES in which both leaders expressed optimism about future superpower relations.
19890000 10—KINGS and 400—ISLAMIC—HOLY—MEN buried there;
19890000 largest theological college in IRAN; —TODAY 1—PETROLEUM distribution center, with petrochemical...
19890000 —IN ; became 1—CENTER—OF—SHI'ITE Islam in the 07010101—08001231 AD + 1—PLACE—OF—PILGRIMAGE in the 16010101—17001231 ;
19890323 —CALLED, What has been, "the most enormous conflict in basic science of the 19010101—20001231 " began.
19891231 "Me & My Girl," 1—REVIVAL—OF—19370000 —THE—UK—MUSICAL, closed at Marquis Theater, NEW—YORK—CITY, —AFTER 1420—PERFORMANCES.
19891231 —PEAKED, THE—JAPAN—NIKKEI Index, at 38,915. THE—DJIA was at 2753.
19891231 —FIRED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—YITZHAK—SHAMIR, Science MINISTER—EZER—WEIZMAN, accusing HIM—OF—MEETING with officials of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
19891231 ARVED—FUCHS und REINHOLD—MESSNER erreichen auf ihrer Antarktisdurchquerung zu Fuß und auf Skiern den geografischen Südpol.
19900000 —19991231 —DATE Clinton + Lewinsky: Der Klassiker aller ungeschickten präsidialen Lügen: Clinton behauptet in einer dramatischen Fernsehansprache, er habe "keine sexuellen Beziehungen zu dieser Frau, zu MISS—LEWINSKY", gehabt.
19900000 —19991231 —DATE Martino rents 1—PLACE at NUMBER 3—RUE Hoehl in Sandweiler, Luxemburg.
19900000—19991231 Clinton + Lewinsky: Der Klassiker aller ungeschickten präsidialen Lügen: Clinton behauptet in einer dramatischen Fernsehansprache,
19900101—19991231 —IN—THE, nearly everyone saw THE—CLINTON—CHRONICLES, 1—CONSPIRACY—CLASSIC produced by 1—PARANOID toon named PATRICK—MATRISCIANA (the same guy who —LATER screeched about HARRY—POTTER being 1—ADVERTISEMENT for witchcraft)
19900907 He specialized in 19.- and 19010101—20001231 European diplomacy.
19900907—19950000 —IN, His book: "From the Boer War to the Cold War: Essays on 19010101—20001231 EUROPE," was published and reviewed by MAX—BOOT.
19901231 SCI—FI Channel on cable TV began transmitting.
19901231 † GEORGE—ALLEN, USA—FOOTBALL coach (LA Rams, Wash Redskins).
19910101—19911231 the Dow Jones Industrials' seeming DEFIANCE—OF—THE—LAW—OF—GRAVITY in attainting 1—NEW—ALL—TIME—HIGH well above the 3000—MARK.
19911231 "Dow Jones Industrials ' in seeming DEFIANCE—OF—THE—LAW—OF—GRAVITY is attainting 1—NEW—ALL—TIME—HIGH well above the 3000-mark.1—KEY—FACTOR behind
19911231 This was the last —DAY—OF—EXISTENCE for THE—USSR.
19911231 Der DEUTSCHE—FERNSEHFUNK, das frühere DDR—FERNSEHEN, hat seinen letzten Sendetag.
19911231 Die Sowjetunion wird —NACH—DEM Auflösungsbeschluss vom 19911208 offiziell aufgelöst.
19911231—19880000 —SINCE, are the Brady "drugged market" mechanisms, with the refinements they have acquired ] -19910101 19920423 The "21" in Agenda 21—REFERRED to the original TARGET—OF—THE 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY.
19911231—19880000 —SINCE, are the Brady "drugged market" mechanisms, with the refinements they have acquired ] -19910101 19911231—19880000 —SINCE, are the Brady "drugged market" mechanisms, with the refinements they have acquired ] -19910101 19920423 The "21" in Agenda 21—REFERRED to the original TARGET—OF—THE 20010101—21001231.
19920423 The "21" in Agenda 21—REFERRED to the original TARGET—OF—THE 20010101—21001231.
19920423 —REFERRED, The "21" in Agenda 21, to the original target of the 20010101—21001231.
19921206 —INSPIRED, THE—BHARATIYA—JANATA—PARTY (BJP), Hindus to raze a 15010101—16001231 mosque in THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—AYODHYA.
19921231 —VISITED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, SOMALIA, where he saw firsthand the famine racking THE—EAST—AFRICAN nation.
19921231 —PROVIDED, He praised USA—TROOPS that, relief to the starving population.
19921231 —DEEMED, —WHEN the country split, all citizens were, to be either Czech or Slovak, based on their parentage.
19921231 Es entstehen die TSCHECHISCHE—REPUBLIK mit der HAUPTSTADT—PRAG und die SLOWAKISCHE—REPUBLIK mit der HAUPTSTADT—BRATISLAVA als unabhängige Staaten.
19921231—19920000 —ENDED, The Nation of Czechoslovakia officially, with division into 2—NATIONS: SLOVAKIA and THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC.
19921231—20090000 —AUTHORED, MARY—HAIMANN, "Czechoslovakia: THE—STATE—THAT—FAILED".
19930000 Mehr als die Hälfte davon geht auf die thermische Ausdehnung des Ozeans zurück,
19930000 —SEIT durchschnittlich um etwa 3—MILLIMETER pro —JAHR gestiegen, im 19010101—20001231 um 17—ZENTIMETER.
19930101—20031231 -IN THE—LAST—DECADE, some of the more widely reported ELI—LILLY intrigues include:
19931231 —PERFORMED, Entertainer Barbra Streisand, her 1. paid concert in 22—YEARS, singing to 1—SELLOUT crowd at THE—MGM Grand Garden in LAS—VEGAS.
19931231 SCOTT—DOUGLAS, 38—JAHRE—ALT beat his wife, ANNE—SCRIPPS—DOUGLAS (19460000 *), with 1—CLAW hammer in their Bronxville home.
19931231 † She went into 1—COMA and, 19940106 .
19931231 —DISAPPEARED, Douglas, though his car was found on the off the Tappan Zee Bridge.
19931231 † FORMER—IBM chairman THOMAS—J—WATSON, in GREENWICH—CONNECTICUT, at age 79.
19931231 —BASED, He was 1—NOVELIST and tattoo artist —LATER, in OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA.
19931231 His "Stud File" ran to more than 4,600 encounters with over 800—MEN.
19931231 —RETURNED, He had, to lead 1—UPRISING in WEST—GEORGIA, but the fighting was quickly put down and Gamsakhurdia was surrounded.
19931231 His body was then taken to Chechnya.
19931231—19940330 —WASHED, His body was found, up in the Bronx.
19931231—20070000 —RETURNED, His body was, for burial in GEORGIA.
19931231—20090000 —IN, ANNE—MORELL—PETRILLO, 38—JAHRE—ALT, the daughter of ANNE—SCRIPPS—DOUGLAS from 1—PREVIOUS—MARRIAGE, committed suicide off the Tappan Zee Bridge.
19931231—20100000 —AUTHORED, JUSTIN—SPRING, "Secret Historian: The Life and Times of SAMUEL—STEWARD, Professor, Tattoo Artist, and Sexual Renegade".
19940000 CIA NARCO—COLONIALISM in the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY THE—CIA & Drugs.
19940000 CIA NARCO—COLONIALISM in the 19010101—20001231 THE—CIA & Drugs.
19940205 —CELEBRATED, BEN—ENWONWU (19170000 *), NIGERIA—MOST, 19010101—20001231 visual artist, † in LAGOS.
19940600 Exploiting the Electromagnetic Spectrum in the 20010101—21001231 ...
19940831 THE—IRELAND—REPUBLICAN—ARMY (IRA) announces a "complete CESSATION—OF—MILITARY—OPERATIONS," opening the way to 1—POLITICAL—SETTLEMENT in IRELAND for the 1. time in 1—QUARTER—OF—00010101—01001231 —CENTURY.
19941231 —SIGNED, FLAG—CONSTRUCTION and Maintenance Agreement had been, and the project was for real.
19941231—19941230 —ACCUSED—OF, JOHN—C—SALVI—III, killing 2—RECEPTIONISTS at 2—BOSTON—AREA—ABORTION—CLINICS, was arrested in NORFOLK—VIRGINIA Salvi, —LATER CONVICTED—OF—MURDER, committed suicide in prison.
19950000 THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION took "another step —YESTERDAY toward building 1—NEW stockpile of up to 2,200 deployed nuclear weapons that would last well into the 20010101—21001231 ".
19950101 —EXPERIENCED, Thus the atoll of Kirimati never, 19941231 .
19950309 Early in the 19010101—20001231 , official language, including official school language, became 1—DELIBERATE, systematic exercise in illusion.
19951231 —ENGAGED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON and Monica Lewinsky, in their 3. sexual encounter.
19951231 —CROSSED, The 1. USA—TANKS, 1—PONTOON bridge over the Sava River from CROATIA to Bosnia to start the deployment of 20,000—USA—TROOPS under IFOR, the Implementation Force under NATO—COMMAND.
19951231 —ENDED, Cartoonist BILL—WATTERSON, his "Calvin & Hobbes" comic strip.
19951231 He resigned —FOLLOWING the election of ABDELAZIZ—BOUTEFLIKA as PRESIDENT.
19951231 —BY Neal Gabler Published: —SUNDAY,
19951231—19981200 —UNTIL, ALGERIA, AHMED—OUYAHIA began serving as PRIME—MINISTER and held that position.
19960202 1—DEEP freeze continued in the Plains, the Midwest and MUCH—OF—THE—SOUTH, breaking temperature records that had stood for 1—CENTURY.
19960628 —REPORTED, The 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY Fund, that THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES spend $26—BILLION 1—YEAR on machines and less than $3—BILLION on people to analyze the information collected by the machines.
19961231 SEC INFO—HURON Investment Fund Inc- N-30D - FOR—ARS THE—COST—OF—SECURITIES sold is determined using the identified cost method.
19961231 —SENTENCED, CHINA, former student leader Li Hai was, to 9—YEARS in prison on charges of prying into state secrets.
19961231 —RELEASED, Leftist rebels in PERU, 2—DIPLOMATS, leaving 81—HOSTAGES in the besieged JAPAN—EMBASSY residence in LIMA.
19961231 —KILLED, SYRIA, 1—NEW—YEAR—EVE bomb on 1—BUS, 9 and injured 44.
19961231 3067350 100—TRIAD GUARANTY INC 2875 18400 19010101—20001231 INDS 310500 8900 ...
19970319—19260000 —ARRIVED, He had, in AMERICA as 1—STOWAWAY.
19970319—19260000 —IN, WILLEM—DE—KOONING (19040000 *), DUTCH—BORN abstract painter, considered to be 1—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 —GREATEST—PAINTERS, † in EAST—HAMPTON, NEW—YORK.
19970412 —RECOVERED, ITALY, the Shroud of Turin was, from 1—FIRE that began in the Guarini CHAPEL—OF—THE—CITY'S 14010101—15001231 cathedral.
19970412 —DEMANDED, He had, that the government turn over 35,000 ACRES—OF—LAND that was promised to the indigenous peoples in 1—AGREEMENT with THE—SPAIN—COLONIAL—GOVERNMENT in the 17010101—18001231.
19970504 and Maria Encarnacion Rosal, a 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY GUATEMALA—NUN.
19970504 and MARIA—ENCARNACION—ROSAL, a 18010101—19001231 GUATEMALA—NUN.
19970713 —THREATENED, POLAND, floods, the isle of Ostrow Tumski on the Oder River in the heart of WROCLAW, whose buildings date back to the 12010101—13001231.
19971018 —FROM RUSSIA it was reported that the new 500,000-ruble note has 1—PICTURE—OF a 14010101—15001231 monastery depicted at 1—TIME—WHEN the site was used as THE—SOVIET—UNION—1. real labor camp.
19971022 DETROIT, the Gem Theater / 19010101—20001231 Club, a 2,750 ton building, was moved 5—BLOCKS through downtown to make room for 1—NEW ballpark.
19971207 —REPORTED, It was, that the world's tiger population was down to 6000, from 100,00-990101—00001231 —CENTURY 19970805 —OF—8—SUBSPECIES are left: Indian (Bengal), Sumatran, Chinese, INDO—CHINESE, and Amur (Siberian).
19971216 —FOCUSED, His work, on 19010101—20001231 immigration and labor themes.
19971224 BOLIVIA, 2 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY colonial paintings, titled "S—ROSE—OF—VITERBO" and "S—AUGUSTIN," were stolen from THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH—OF—SAN—ANDRES—DE—MACHACA.
19971231 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—TEXAS ruled that parts of 19960000 —THE Telecommunications Act are unconstitutional.
19971231 Microsoft bought the Hotmail E-mail service.
19971231 † Pianist Floyd Cramer in NASHVILLE—TENNESSEE, at age 64.
19971231 —STORMED, SOROCABA—BRAZIL, riot troops, 1—PRISON where inmates held HUNDREDS—OF—HOSTAGES, quickly ending a 3—DAY—REBELLION without ANY—DEATHS.
19971231 —BANNED, CHINA, leaded gasoline in the whole BEIJING area.
19971231 —REPORTED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT, that IRAQ had ordered the summary execution of "hundreds if not thousands" of political detainees in recent weeks.
19971231 The exiled IRAQ—NATIONAL—CONGRESS said 800—PRISONERS were —RECENTLY executed.
19971231 1—FORMER—HOLLAND—FOREIGN—MINISTER—AND—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—INVESTIGATOR said about 200 were reportedly executed.
19971231 —DENIED, IRAQ, the charges.
19971231 —PROJECTED, KENYA, counts indicated that Moi would win the elections with about 40—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
19971231 —OPENED, Masked gunmen, fire at the Clifton Tavern in BELFAST and left 1—MAN—DEAD and 5 wounded.
19971231 —ADMITTED, The Loyalist Volunteer Force, killing EDDIE—TRAINOR, 31—JAHRE—ALT and wounding 5—OTHERS.
19971231 PAKISTAN, Rafiz Tarar won the presidential election with 374—VOTES in the National Assembly.
19971231 —RELEASED, ZAMBIA, FORMER—PRESIDENT—KAUNDA, 73—JAHRE—ALT was, from prison and placed under house arrest.
19971231 He faced a 19970112 court hearing on charges of defaming the judiciary —LAST—MONTH.
19971231 —GEGRÜNDET, Der Nationalpark Hainich in Thüringen wird.
19971231—19971121 —ON, The exiled IRAQ—COMMUNIST—PARTY in LONDON said 1,500 prisoners were killed.
19980000 "I've come reluctantly to the conclusion that we —JUST can't live with the banking industry anymore. Banking is a 18010101—19001231 technology. " - Merton Miller, Nobel laureate,
19980125 The temple reportedly held 1—TOOTH of the Buddha brought from INDIA in the 03010101—04001231.
19980312 † BEATRICE—WOOD, ceramist, at age 105. BEATRICE—WOOD was called "Mama of Dada" for her liaisons with MARCEL—DUCHAMP, HENRI—PIERRE Roche and others associated with the Dada movement of the early 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY.
19980419 —DESTROYED, BHUTAN, 1—FIRE, the Taktsang Monastery, that dated —BACK—IN SOME—FORM to the 08010101—09001231.
19980428 The project will produce 1—SERIES—OF—RADIO—PROGRAMS for NPR to chronicle, reflect and celebrate the 19010101—20001231 .
19980604 —DECIDED, BRITAIN, THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS, to get rid of its collapsible top hats, 1—TRADITION that dated 18010101—19001231 —FROM—TO.
19980918 The worst storm in 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY hit THE—NETHERLANDS and BELGIUM over the past —WEEK.
19980918 —ISSUED, 1—CLINTON advisory BOARD on race relations its $4.8—MILLION, 121—PAGE—REPORT: "1—AMERICA in the 20010101—21001231 : Forging 1—NEW—FUTURE".
19980918 The worst storm in 1—CENTURY hit THE—NETHERLANDS and BELGIUM over the past —WEEK.
19980918 1—CLINTON advisory BOARD on race relations issued its $4.8—MILLION, 121—PAGE—REPORT: "1—AMERICA in the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY: Forging 1—NEW—FUTURE".
19981027 Der HURRIKAN—MITCH, mit Windgeschwindigkeiten —BIS—ZU 285—KM/h 1—DER—STÄRKSTEN—TROPENSTÜRME—DES 19010101—20001231 fegt über Mittelamerika und kostet über 7.000—MENSCHENLEBEN.
19981203 † IN—ROMANIA—BROTHER—CLEOPA, 1—ORTHODOX monk, at age 87 at the 13010101—14001231 Sihastra Monastery.
19981231 —LOADED, NEW—ORLEANS, 1—TRUCK, with fireworks exploded —PRIOR—TO 1—NEW—YEARS—EVE show.
19981231 2—TECHNICIANS were killed.
19981231 CAMBODIA, Hun Sen said he would not oppose 1—TRIAL—OF—THE—2—RECENTLY emerged Khmer Rouge defectors.
19981231 —PASSED, The National Assembly, a $393.4—MILLION—BUDGET that included $133—MILLION for defense and security.
19981231 CHINA, the collected villages of Bujun in Sichuan province cast ballots for their own magistrate.
19981231 —PROCLAIMED, EUROPE—LEADERS, 1—NEW—ERA as 11—NATIONS merged currencies to create the euro, 1 shared money they said would boost business, underpin unity and strengthen their role in world affairs.
19981231 Der USA—AMERIKANISCHE—SCIENCE—FICTION—FILM Star Trek: Der Aufstand startet in den DEUTSCHEN—KINOS.
19981231 Es ist der 9. Kinofilm der STAR—TREK—FILMREIHE.
19981231 —UM—MITTERNACHT, einstellt, die DEUTSCHE—KÜSTENFUNKSTELLE—NORDDEICH Radio ihren Betrieb.
19990301 NEW—YORK Univ. announced that its journalism professors and others had compiled 1—LIST—OF—THE—TOP—100—WORKS—OF—19010101—20001231 USA—JOURNALISM.
19990308 GARY—GIDDINS won the award for criticism for "Visions of Jazz: The 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY".
19990308 GARY—GIDDINS won the award for criticism for "Visions of Jazz: THE—1—CENTURY".
19990400 Der Name dieser Zahlen geht auf den FRANZÖSISCHEN—MÖNCH Marin Mersenne aus dem 16010101—17001231 zurück.
19990704 † In the 19010101—20001231 62—MILLION—CIVILIANS, in wars as compared to 43—MILLION—MILITARY—PEOPLE.
19990807 —FOUNDED, THE—WAHABIS are 1—PURITAN branch of Sunni Islam, in the 17010101—18001231 in SAUDI—ARABIA.
19990830—19991231 —ON, years".(15) Fearing that its traffic management systems will not be ready, THE—PANAMA—CANAL will not admit ships.
19991031 —CONQUERED, —WHEN THE—ROMANS—BRITAIN in the 1—CENTURY, their fall harvest festival, Poloma —DAY, mixed with the traditions of Samhain to form 1—MAJOR—FALL—FESTIVAL—AT—THE—END—OF—OCTOBER.
19991123 Shihab EL—DIN, a 11010101—12001231 ANTI—CRUSADER cleric, was believed to be buried there.
19991200 How do you,as 1—INTELLECTUAL, come to terms with that?"- Sunkel, Osvaldo :" WE,THE—PEOPLE are always made to NOT think,BUT believe[propaganda] into a "dichotomy" of markets & states".Bullshit- I think you know that's 1—LIE, 1—COMPLETELY—UNHUMAN,"mistaken" approach. What we've had in certain periods like in [18000101—18001231]-the late 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY [19991200 ]-now is the market running the state & overpowering "society". I think it should be the other way —AROUND. Society should, through democracy, control the state & government & government should regulate markets. And civic organizations should be much, much stronger".
19991214 The official ownership transfer date was 19991231 .
19991230—19991231 1—RUBBER raft with some 59—REFUGEES capsized —WHILE trying to cross the Adriatic between ALBANIA and ITALY.
19991230—19991231 1—BODY was found in Jan.
19991231 AFGHANISTAN, the hijackers of 1—INDIA—AIRLINE—FLIGHT—814 (see 19991224 ) released all 150—HOSTAGES—AFTER INDIA released 3 jailed militants: Maulana MASOOD—AZHAR, LEADER—OF—THE—HARKAT—UL—ANSAR rebel group, OMAR—SHEIKH and Mushtaq Zargat, 1—INDIAN—KASHMIRI.
19991231 The $500,000 ANHEUSER—BUSCH prize to the 1. PERSON—OF—TEAM to circle the globe in 1—BALLOON expires.
19991231 1—ADDITIONAL $500,000 goes to 1—CHARITY—OF—THE winner's choice.
19991231 —REQUIRED, THE—USA was by a 19770000 treaty, to give up CONTROL—OF—THE—PANAMA—CANAL and withdraw its forces by this date.
19991231 —REQUIRED, The treaty also, THE—USA to pay for environmental cleanup.
19991231 1—ARSON attack of the genetic research building at MICHIGAN STATE—UNIVERSITY caused $3.7—MILLION in damages.
19991231 4—HIJACKERS came off the plane and left 1—DEAD—HIJACKER behind.
19991231 The Taliban gave them 10—HOURS to leave the country.
19991231 —KILLED, BURUNDI—SOLDIERS, at least 43—PEOPLE including children in the Kabezi commune in BUJUMBURA Rural province.
19991231 CONGO, JEAN—PIERRE Bemba said his CONGO—LIBERATION—MOVEMENT—FORCES had ambushed and killed 80—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS at Libanda.
19991231 INDONESIA, THOUSANDS—OF—RESIDENTS fled clashes between the Christians and Muslims in the Spice Islands.
19991231 † 350—PEOPLE had, in 5—DAYS—OF—VIOLENCE.
19991231 5—PEOPLE were killed at Makariki on Seram Island and security forces imposed 1—CURFEW.
19991231 AL—QUDS is the Arabic name for JERUSALEM.
19991231 —AMBUSHED, LEBANON, Muslim militants, 1—ARMY—PATROL and killed 4—SOLDIERS with 3 wounded in Diniyah.
19991231 1 kidnapped soldier was found dead the next —DAY and 1—KIDNAPPED—LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—WAS missing.
19991231 —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—YELTSIN, 68—JAHRE—ALT, his resignation and handed power over to PRIME—MINISTER—PUTIN.
19991231 —APPROVED, Yeltsin, 1—LAW—JUST—BEFORE resigning that required presidential candidates to collect 1—MILLION registered signatures to win 1—PLACE on the next ballet.
19991231 Putin flew to Chechnya and vowed to pursue terrorists everywhere.
19991231 Horror or Hype? Y2K Arrives and the World Trembles
19991231 Doomsayers predict pandemonium as computer clocks make the switch from 99 to 00. Count on it: The whole rotten structure is going to tumble like the walls of Jericho.
19991231 DIE—USA übergeben die Panamakanalzone an PANAMA.
19991231—20080000 —SENTENCED, Ambrose was, to 9—YEARS in prison.
1—CENTURY 20020501 .
1—CENTURY from —NOW, anyone who wants to understand the current catastrophe will view those works as key documents.
20000000 —20091231 —FOLLOWING our broadcast on BBC, THE—HOLLAND—SECRET—SERVICE stated that World Assembly of Muslim Youth WAMY, "support(ed) violent activity".
20000000 —20091231 —DATE Bush has been condemned as a "war maniac,"
20000000 —20091231 —DATE Bush has been called a "moron" by THE—CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—CHIEF spokeswoman,
20000000 —20091231 —DATE Bush has been ridiculed as "THE—ENGLAND—PATIENT" for his struggles with language +
20000000 —20091231 —DATE Bush has been likened to Hitler, Adolf.
20000000 —20091231 —ALMOST —2—YEARS—AFTER THE—IRAQ war resolution VOTE—IN fact, it TOOK—DIGGING by 20010911 —THE Commssion (which Bush [BGW968] + Cheney didn't want snooping —AROUND in the 1. place) to reveal THE—IRAN—AL Qaeda connection.
20000000 —20091231 —OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Calls Anew for Attacks
20000000 —20091231 —DATE -4—YEARS—AGO—WHEN PRESIDENT—BUSH began pushing through his PROGRAM—OF—TAX cuts.
20000000 —20091231 —DATE At 1—MEETING, Rove turned to ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JOHN—ASHCROFT, BUSH—MOST conservative Cabinet member + joked,
20000000 —20091231 —NOW- DALE—KLEIN—ASSISTANT—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for Nuclear + Chemical + Biological Defense Programs.
20000000 —20091231 —TODAY- DALE—KLEIN likely maintains interest.
20000000 —20091231 —DATE- -in den vergangenen MONATEN—DIE Restfirma von LONDON aus gelenkt...
20000000 —20091231 —THE same —MONTH MOHAMED—ATTA arrived to attend his flight school in VENICE—HUFFMAN Aviation, THE—OWNER—OF—THAT—FLIGHT—SCHOOL, WALLACE—J—HILLIARD...
20000000 —20091231 —NOW- Harvard + GEORGETOWN universities are accepting $20—MILLION—EACH—FROM—PRINCE—AL—WALEED—BIN—TALAL for their Islamic studies programs.
20000000 —20091231 —IN- Carousel/missing trader fraud due to be heard
20000000 —20091231 —IN late- R v Randhawa MTIC fraud involving FCIB due to be heard or
20000000 —20091231 —DAMALS- hatten viele seiner engsten Sicherheitsberatern die Überprüfung zum Zeitpunkt der Anschläge vom 20010911 noch nicht abgeschlossen.
20000000 My best guess is that they've got 1—SECRET—VISION—OF—THE 20010101—21001231 as 1—ERA—OF intensifying conflict over diminishing resources, combined with 1—DARWINIAN imperative for the survival of the fittest + are doing their best to make THE—USA—TOP—DOG—BEFORE THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD is even AWARE—OF—THE—TERMS—OF—THE—BATTLE.
20000000 —20091231—20040628 - ZUVOR—SEIEN es nur ein oder 2—IRAKER PRO—MONAT gewesen.
20000101—20001231 " BANK—OF—THE—YEAR "in: "THE—BANKER".
20000101—20001231 "in: "THE—BANKER". "
20000209 —BECAME, His presidency quickly, the most antipoor, antiblackantidisadvantaged in the latter HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231.
20000226 —VISITED, PAPA JOHN PAUL II, the 05010101—06001231 —CENTURY St.
20000226 —VISITED, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, the 05010101—06001231 S—CATHERINE—MONASTERY in EGYPT, built on the reputed site where Moses encountered the burning bush.
20000226 —VISITED, PAPA JOHN—PAUL—II, the 05010101—06001231 St.
20000229 —ELECTED, Sparky Anderson was, to the baseball Hall of Fame along with TURKEY Stearnes of the Negro leagues and 18010101—19001231 2. baseman Bid McPhee.
20000502 The 11010101—12001231 —CENTURY poet
20000502 The 11010101—12001231 poet - The 11010101—12001231 —CENTURY poet
20000502 QOM—IRAN—BECAME 1—CENTER—OF—SHI'ITE Islam in the 07010101—08001231 —CENTURY AD + 1—PLACE—OF—PILGRIMAGE in the 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY;
20000509—19991231 —ON, The article states that THE—USA + RUSSIA are cooperation on 1—EARLY warning system to avoid unexpected launches.
20000509—20191231 —ON, The article states that THE—USA + RUSSIA are cooperation on 1—EARLY—WARNING—SYSTEM to avoid unexpected launches 99.
20000623 As of 20071231 , THE—COTONOU—AGREEMENT ceased to be legal under the rules of THE—WTO.
20000829 JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA laid down moral guidelines for medical research in the 20010101—21001231 , endorsing organ donation and adult stem cell study, but condemning human cloning and embryo experiments.
20001231 in Floriana [MALTA]".. —WHILE thousa NDS—OF—PEOPLE are waiting outside to get 1—GLIMPSE—OF our new Arts Centre, as everyone is getting into 1—FESTIVE mood, the Archbishop, THE—PRESIDENT & THE—PRIME—MINISTER feel to need to make another speech each, & this is not appreciated by the crowd.
20001231 1. there were 3—SPEECHES inside S—JAMES—CAVALIER lasting 45—MINUTES, —WHILE thousa NDS—OF—PEOPLE are waiting outside to get 1—GLIMPSE—OF our new Arts Centre.
20001231 Then at 1—QUARTER to midnight in Floriana as everyone is getting into 1—FESTIVE mood the Archbishop, THE—PRESIDENT... & THE—PRIME—MINISTER feel to need to make another speech each, & this is not appreciated by the crowd.
20001231 —ON both occasions the people gatherd, actually begin to boo the speakers - a 1. for MALTA—PERHAPS this should be taken as 1—SIGN that MALTA has changed & we no longer want politicians & the Church to dominate our lives in the way that they have done over the years.
20001231 As we start the new —MILLENNIUM 20010101299912 31—DATE—CAN we please have less speeches & less politics in our everyday lives?
20001231 —PUBLISHED, THE—MALTA Independent on —SUNDAY is, by Standard Publications Ltd, Standard House Birkirkara Hill, St JULIAN—STJ 09. Telephone 345888 Fax 344884, 346062 Editor: ANTHONY—MANDUCA
20001231 SEC INFO—BANKRATE Inc - 10-K - For
20001231 —SIGNED, THE—USA, 1—TREATY for the creation of the 1. permanent INTERNATIONAL court, joining most other COUNTRIES—OF—THE—WORLD, despite objections by conservatives and the Pentagon.
20001231 † Flamenco dancer Jose Greco in LANCASTER, PENNSILVANIA, at age 82.
20001231 —OPENED, LONDON, the —MILLENNIUM dome, for its last —DAY.
20001231 —KILLED, ISRAEL—MILITARY soon —AFTER, Thabet Thabet, 1—FATAH leader.
20001231 —PLANNED, MALAYSIA, 15—PARACHUTISTS, to leap from the Petronas Towers —JUST—BEFORE midnight and land in the new —YEAR.
20001231 —ORDERED, MEXICO, PRESIDENT—FOX, a 2. military base closed in Chiapas.
20001231 —NAMED, Separately the outgoing Tabasco STATE—CONGRESS, ENRIQUE—PRIEGO as acting GOVERNOR.
20001231 —STAGGERED, PAKISTAN, elections for municipal and district councils began.
20001231 A 3. of the seats were reserved for women, another 3. for the poor.
20001231 —STORMED, S—LUCIA, machete wielding men, THE—CASTRIES Cathedral, hacked at worshipers and set them ablaze.
20001231 † 1—NUN was killed and 12—PEOPLE injured.
20001231 2—SUSPECTS identified themselves as Rastafarian FOES—OF—CORRUPTION in the Catholic Church.
2000123123455920001231 Then at 1—QUARTER to midnight
20010100 report by THE—USA—COMMISSION on National Security/20010101—21001231 .
20010100 - report by THE—USA—COMMISSION on National Security/20010101—21001231 —CENTURY.
20010101 1—DECLARATION—OF—RIGHTS for the -20010101—21001231 —CENTURY-
20010101 1—DECLARATION—OF—RIGHTS for the -20010101—2100123120010101 1—DECLARATION—OF—RIGHTS for the -20010101—2100123120010101 - timebase - 20010101 20010101 "from such 1—AUTHORITATIVE financial institution as "JP MORGAN—CHASE—BANK " —FOR—YEARS TO COME ".
20010101—20011231 in TERMS—OF—THE—QUALITY—OF—USA $ clearing payments for the —YEAR
20010101—21001231 —CENTURY COINTELPRO
20010101—21001231 —CENTURY Fox, THE—PARENT—OF—FOX—NEWS—CHANNEL, fired BILL—O'REILLY —FOLLOWING 1—INVESTIGATION into harassment allegations.
20010101—21001231 —CENTURY HOLDING CO—SC 13G/A, 20020613 .
20010101—21001231 —CENTURY HOLDING CO.. Annual Meeting.
20010101—21001231 —CENTURY HOLDING CO.. LAWSON;
20010101—21001231 —CENTURY technology cracks alchemists' secret recipe
20010101—21001231 —CENTURY steht eindeutig im Schatten der Anschläge des
20010101—21001231 —CENTURY könnten es noch viel mehr werden:
20010101—21001231 —CENTURY man.
20010101—21001231 —CENTURY in Richtung "POST—ANTIBIOTIKA—ÄRA" bewegen.
20010101—21001231 COINTELPRO
20010101—21001231 BOOK—BURNING : Lynne Cheney, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—WIFE and THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ENDOWMENT for the Humanities, has placed herself in THE—COMPANY—OF—DICTATORS and slaveholders.
20010101—21001231 —DATE 20010101—21001231 technology cracks alchemists' secret recipe
20010101—21001231 steht eindeutig im Schatten der Anschläge des
20010101—21001231 HOLDING CO.
20010101—21001231 Annual Meeting.
20010101—21001231 LAWSON;
20010101—21001231 könnten es noch viel mehr werden:
20010101—21001231 man.
20010101—21001231 in Richtung "POST—ANTIBIOTIKA—ÄRA" bewegen.
20010101—21001231 HOLDING CO—SC 13G/A, 20020613 .
20010101—21001231 —CENTURY barbarians: RUSSIA—INVADERS have damaged or destroyed 202—SCHOOLS, 34—HOSPITALS and more than 1,500 residential buildings
20010101—21001231 Wiretapping: Storing Communications Data ED—FELTEN
20010101—29991231 THOM—HARTMANN: 10—STEPS To Restore Democracy To USA:
20010102 Ships made the 1. legal and direct crossing between CHINA and TAIWAN in more than HALF—1—CENTURY.
20010103 —DENIED, IRAQ, reports that PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN was hospitalized with 1—STROKE —FOLLOWING 1—PARADE 20011231 .
20010109 "Eugenics" is 1—TERM coined in the latter PART—OF—THE 18010101—19001231 by Englishmen FRANCIS—GALTON... of the estates of both Dulles brothers, as well as the current...
20010109 Mental Hygiene SOCIETY—DEMOPEDIA... Prescott Bush were active in THE—LEADERSHIP—OF—THE—EUGENICS—SOCIETIES that were popular among the wealthy classes in the early prts of the 19010101—20001231 ...
20010109 Mental Hygiene SOCIETY—DEMOPEDIA... Prescott BUSH were active in THE—LEADERSHIP—OF—THE—EUGENICS—SOCIETIES that were popular among the wealthy classes in the early prts of the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY...
20010126 —CAUSED, The quake, 1—UNDERGROUND—RIVER, either the Saraswati or Indus, to reappear that had disappeared in a 18010101—19001231 quake.
20010207 —SUFFERED, Moreover, in THE—LAST—YEAR—AFGHANISTAN has, the worst drought in HALF—1—CENTURY.
20010207 That gives WASHINGTON the chance to prepare for the new KINDS—OF—CONFLICTS the country is likely to face in the 20010101—21001231.
20010207—19550000 —IN, ANNE—MORROW—LINDBERGH (19060000 *), WIFE—OF—CHARLES—LINDBERGH, † at age 94. she authored "Gift From the Sea," 1—MEDITATION on women's lives in the 19010101—20001231.
20010318 —ENDED, This, 1—CENTURY—OF nearly unbroken rule by the right.
20010401 - timebase - - - 20011231- datesbase.html
20010401 - timebase -20010401 - 20011231- datesbase.html >- 20011231 20010401 -20011231-datesbase.html
20010401 - timebase —20010401 - 20011231- datesbase.html >- 20011231 20010401 - timebase —20010401 - 20011231- datesbase.html >- 20011231 20010401 —20011231-datesbase.html
200104010000 >- 20011231 20010521 —PROPOSED, Destination : Freedom- E. Rowland Harriman, it in the mid-18010101—19001231 —CENTURY.
20010401—20011231 20010521 —PROPOSED, Destination : Freedom- E. Rowland Harriman, it in the mid-18010101—19001231.
20010821 MACEDONIA, a 13010101—14001231 monastery, S—ATANASIE and the Holy Virgin, in Lesok was bombed.
20010824 TOM—GREEN, 1—MORMON fundamentalist with 5—WIVES and 30—CHILDREN, was sentenced by 1—COURT—IN—PROVO—UTAH, to —5—YEARS in prison in the state's biggest polygamy case in nearly HALF—1—CENTURY.
20010911 "It is 1—PAINFUL thought that in THE—USA—IN—THE 20—00010101—01001231 —CENTURY we might be turning away from THE—WORLD—OF—THE—ENLIGHTENMENT which inspired the Founding Fathers.
20010911 Bei den Fernsehübertragungen der EREIGNISSE—VOM- aus den USA erinnerte er sich an einen Fall, der im späten 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY Norddeutschland ähnlich erschüttert haben musste:
20010911 Worse than 1—SEQUEL to their holocaustal 19010101—20001231 , there will not even be a 20010101—21001231 —IF AMERICA, ISRAEL + the war clique are allowed to have their way in IRAQ, the inevitable conclusion may be THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—ALL—LIFE on this planet.
20010911 Business Wire: 20010101—21001231 Holding Appoints WALLACE—HILLIARD as... Holding Company (NASDAQ, NM: TCHC), 1—VERTICALLY—INTEGRATED insurance holding company, —TODAY announced that it has chosen WALLACE—J—HILLIARD to serve...
20010911 As we work with Congress in the coming —YEAR to chart 1—NEW—COURSE in IRAQ and strengthen our military to meet the challenges of the 20010101—21001231 , we must also work together to achieve important goals for THE—USA—PEOPLE here at home.
20010911 "—HEUTE fand das Pearl Harbor des 20010101—21001231 STATT—WIR glauben, es war OSAMA—BIN—LADEN ".
20010911 -die Geschehnisse DES—SIND ein herbeigeführtes Ereignis, mit dem der 1. Krieg des 20010101—21001231 legitimiert werden soll, der so genannte KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR.
20010911 BBC Has Lost Tapes Of 20010101—21001231 —DEFINING—MOMENT | 911—BLOGGER_com
20010911 THE—ONLINE—INVESTOR... Information, click to retrieve filing, FLINT—WALLACE—J—HILLIARD, 20020613 , SC 13G/1—AMENDED—OWNERSHIP—STATEMENT, 20010101—21001231 HOLDING CO. FLINT...
20010911 Topics: 20010911 & Beyond, TERRORISM—LAST updated 20050812 20020812 It should never be forgotten that THE—USA—PEOPLE did not want to fight in either of the 19010101—20001231 —WORLD—WARS,
20010911 Weltpolitik am Scheideweg? Imperium Americanum, Staatenanarchie... Artikel über Entwicklungstrends der Weltordnung im 20010101—21001231.
20010912 GARY—HART, D-COLORADO, and WARREN—RUDMAN, R—NEW—HAMPSHIRE, that they preferred instead to put aside the recommendations issued in the January report by THE—USA—COMMISSION on National Security/20010101—21001231 —CENTURY.
20010912 —AFTER all, —WHEN THEN—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—WILLIAM—COHEN signed the charter for the 20010101—21001231 National Security Strategy Study, he charged its members to engage in "the most comprehensive security analysis" —SINCE the groundbreaking National Security Act of 19470000 , which created the National Security Council, THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY and THE—OFFICE—OF—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE, among other organizations.
20010912 ".. + THE—COMPREHENSIVENESS—OF—THE—COMMISSION—TASK -- would prevent its reports from being ignored. —AFTER all, —WHEN THEN—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—WILLIAM—COHEN signed the charter for the 20010101—21001231 National Security Strategy Study, he charged its members to engage in "the most comprehensive.".
20010912 Diese verhängnisvolle Fehlentscheidung könnte auf "dem 20010101—21001231 noch schwerer lasten als das Verbrechen des 20010911 " (S. 127).
20010912—19980000 —IN, The bipartisan 14-member panel was put together —BY—THEN—PRESIDENT—BILL—CLINTON and THEN—HOUSE—SPEAKER—NEWT Gingrich, R-GEORGIA, to make sweeping strategic recommendations on how THE—USA could ensure its security in the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY.
20010913 —CALLED, Bush, the terrorist attacks in NEW—YORK and WASHINGTON "the 1. war of the 20010101—21001231 " as his administration labeled fugitive OSAMA—BIN—LADEN 1—PRIME—SUSPECT.
20010921 -20010911 —10—DAYS—LATER—BOOZ ALLEN—HAMILTON company, who received 1—CONTRACT—OF "Project Trailblazer ", worked in the attacked wing of the Pentagon was sold to Titan Corporation, 20000000—20091231 —RECENTLY—TITAN Corporation involved in THE—ABU—GHRAIB scandal.
20011017 PETER—CAREY won his 2. Booker Prize for his novel "True HISTORY—OF—THE—KELLY—GANG," 1—FICTIONAL account of the 18010101—19001231 AUSTRALIA—OUTLAW.
20011100 [BBC, 19991231 ]He must have been already highly valued by AL—QAEDA, because the hijacking appears to have been largely funded and carried out by them.
20011231 - timebase - - - 20020301- datesbase.html
20011231 - timebase -20011231 - 20020301- datesbase.html >- 20020301 20011231 -20020301-datesbase.html
20011231 "If it were 1—FACT, it wouldn't be intelligence". MICHAEL—HAYDEN—DIRECTOR, NSA
20011231 —TAPPED, Notre Dame, TYRONE—WILLINGHAM to be its football coach, replacing GEORGE—O'LEARY, who'd resigned BECAUSE—OF—MISSTATEMENTS about his academic and athletic achievements on his resume;
20011231 —BECAME, Willingham, the 1. black head coach in ANY—SPORT for the Irish.
20011231 —DESIGNATED, THE—USA, 6—MORE entities as suspected terrorist organizations.
20011231 5—GROUPS were active in THE—UK, the 6. was active in SPAIN.
20011231 —REPORTED, It was, that federal pay raises ranged from 4.5 to 5.4% with the largest increase going to workers in S—FRANCISCO.
20011231 —PLANNED, THE—USA, to deploy elements of the 101. Airborne Division to replace Marines near KANDAHAR.
20011231 —MOVED, USA—TROOPS, by helicopter to Helmand province, the region where MOHAMMED—OMAR was suspected to be.
20011231 NEW—YORK City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani spent his final —DAY in office praising police, firefighters, and other city employees, and said he had no regrets about returning to private life.
20011231 † Actress Eileen Heckart in NORWALK—CONNECTICUT, at age 82.
20011231 CARACAS—VENEZUELA, street vendors began selling PRE—RECORDED CDs of banging pots to help drown out THE—LONG—WINDED SPEECHES—OF—PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ.
20011231 —INCLUDED, —EARLIER protests, the banging of pots and pans and became known as "cacerolazes".
20011231 —DROPPED, Approval ratings for Chavez had, from 80% to —JUST over 50% in recent months.
20011231 —PLANNED, PAKISTAN—HIGH—COMMAND, to pull some 50,000 troops off THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER and redeploy them along THE—INDIA border.
20011231 —REPORTED, It was, that ZIMBABWE planned to publish the names of nearly 100,000 black citizens to be given portions of some 20—MILLION—ACRES—OF—NOW farmland owned by whites.
20011231 - timebase -20011231 - 20020301- datesbase.html >- 20020301 20011231200203 01—DATESBASE.html - - timebase - - - 20020301- datesbase.html
20011231 - timebase -20011231 - 20020301- datesbase.html >- 20020301 20011231—20020301 DATESBASE.html
20011231—20020101 -zur JAHRESWENDE—FEGTEN landesweite Straßenproteste unter dem Motto "Que se vayan todos" (Haut alle ab) den Präsidenten FERNANDO—DE—LA—RUA aus dem Amt.
20020101—20021231 "Euromoney Best BANK—IN—RUSSIA 2 ",
20020101—20021231 "Global FINANCE—BEST—RUSSIAN—BANK in 02 "&
20020101—20021231 "Best Trade Finance RUSSIA—BANK in ",
20020101—20021231 "BANK—OF—THE—YEAR
20020101—20021231 "," Global FINANCE—BEST—RUSSIAN—BANK in
20020101—20021231 "& "Best Trade Finance RUSSIA—BANK in
20020226 Media Mogul (News Corp). - - BSkyB, 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY Fox.
20020226 Media Mogul (News Corp). - - - - BSkyB, 19010101—20001231 Fox.
20020227 IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT for events of —THURSDAY, 20061123 20020227 DAILY WAR NEWS —FOR—THURSDAY, 20061123 20021017 in TERMS—OF—THE—QUALITY—OF—USA $ clearing payments for the —YEAR 2001010120011231 —
20020301 - timebase - - - 20021231- datesbase.html
20020301 - timebase -20020301 - 20021231- datesbase.html >- 20021231 20020301200212 31—DATESBASE
20020301-20021231 20020314 The profound shock felt in THE—USA and its construction community at the enormous destruction wrought by the attack on the World Trade Center was vividly conveyed by Ron Klemencic at the recent Building for the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY 'summit conference' in LONDON.
20020413 The decision would divide the minority ethnic Irob community, spread across the region, 1—OF—THE—FEW CENTERS—OF—ETHIOPIA—CATHOLICISM, introduced in the 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY by ITALY—S—JUSTIN—DE—JACOBIS.
20020616—19680000 —IN, † JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA declared the mystic 19010101—20001231 monk Padre Pio, 1—CAPUCHIN monk who, 1—SAINT.
20020711 —CLAIMED, SPAIN had, control —SINCE the 16010101—17001231 .
20020716 —SIGNED, RUSSIA and CHINA, their 1. friendship treaty in more than half 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY.
20020716 —SIGNED, RUSSIA and CHINA, their 1. friendship treaty in more than HALF—1—CENTURY.
20020805 † Winifred Watson (95), 1—POPULAR—WRITER—OF—THE 1930s who found 1—NEW—READERSHIP in the 20010101—21001231 , in ENGLAND.
20020812 It should never be forgotten that THE—USA—PEOPLE did not want to fight in either of the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY—WORLD—WARS,
20020812 It should never be forgotten that THE—USA—PEOPLE did not want to fight in either of the 19010101—20001231 —WORLD—WARS,
20020822 "Eugenics" is 1—TERM coined in the latter PART—OF—THE 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY by Englishmen FRANCIS—GALTON...
20020822 "Eugenics" is 1—TERM coined in the latter PART—OF—THE 18010101—19001231 by Englishmen FRANCIS—GALTON...
20020822 "Eugenics" is 1—TERM coined 18010101—19001231 IN THE—LATTER—PART—OF—THE, by Englishmen FRANCIS—GALTON...
20020912 That which we call 1—ROSE by ANY—OTHER—NAME would smell as sweet.' The supreme dramatist was weaving his magical WEB—OF—WORDS—AROUND benign subjects like love in the late 15010101—16001231 .
20020919 THE—DEAN—OF—THE—CONGRESS—THE—WEST—VIRGINIAN of the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY
20020919 THE—DEAN—OF—THE—CONGRESS—THE—WEST—VIRGINIAN of the 19010101—20001231 20020919 THE—DEAN—OF—THE—CONGRESS—THE—WEST—VIRGINIAN of the 19010101—20001231 20020927 EAST—TIMOR, the 1. country to be born in the 20010101—21001231 , gained 1—SEAT at THE—UNITED—NATIONS, swelling the membership roll to 191.
20020927 EAST—TIMOR, the 1. country to be born in the 20010101—21001231 , gained 1—SEAT at THE—UNITED—NATIONS, swelling the membership roll to 191.
20021011 These are 2—DATES that will live in infamy in the 20010101—21001231.
20021017 in TERMS—OF—THE—QUALITY—OF—USA $ clearing payments for the —YEAR 2001010120011231 —
20021017 "Euromoney Best BANK—IN—RUSSIA 2002010120021231 — ",
20021017 in TERMS—OF—THE—QUALITY—OF—USA $ clearing payments for the —YEAR 20010101—20011231 20021017 "Euromoney Best BANK—IN—RUSSIA 20020101—20021231 ",
20021017 " Global FINANCE—BEST—RUSSIAN—BANK in 20020101—20021231 "&
20021017 "Best Trade Finance RUSSIA—BANK in 20020101—20021231 ",
20021017 " BANK—OF—THE—YEAR 20000101—20001231 "in: "THE—BANKER".
20021109 1—DRY —WINTER and 1—WET—SUMMER ravaged ITALY—GRAPEVINES, causing the worst harvest in HALF—1—CENTURY.
20021125 EXPANDED Perspectives CEL, alfatomega.com/20021231-20030501-datesbase.html
20021210 alfatomega.com/20021231—20030501-datesbase.html
20021223 BERLIN/KARLSRUHE, alfatomega.com/20021231—20030501-datesbase.html
20021231 "Die Ihr hier eintretet,laßt von Euch fahren allen Zweifelmut !" [ Dante,"Göttliche Komödie" - Inschrift über dem Eingang zur Hölle ]
20021231 "We're living in the new dark AGES—READ about it in the magazine pages"-The Mutants
20021231 Hier kann sich jedwer die Geschichte im gewünschten ZUSAMMENHANG herausfischen.
20021231 [Downloaden, Begriff eingeben -> Geschichte lesen, im ZUSAMMENHANG.Die Search.HTML—SEITE kann auch gespeichert & später OFF—LINE durchforscht & gelesen werden (NICHT : darin enthalte Links [lnk] -es sei denn, man habe zuvor die entsprechenden "AUTHENTICO—HISTORIA"-Seiten auf der eigenen Festplatte & in demselben Ordner abgelegt, gespeichert.
20021231 OFF—LINE—BROWSEN von >SEARCH < ist selbstverständlich nicht möglich für darin enthaltene >INTERNET—LINKS <... ]
20021231 -For the —YEAR ENDING—CNP income was $1,240,377. [7].
20021231 SEC INFO—BREK Energy Corp - 10KSB — FOR—BREK—NATURAL—GAS and oil exploration programs call for significant expenses in...
20021231 M.A.M. Deuss.
20021231 Triangulation refers to 1—EXPLORATION from different perspectives.
20021231 MISTER—JOHN—DEUSS—OF—TRANSWORLD—OIL.' (Bold is presented as in the original text.
20021231 PRESIDENT—BUSH told reporters 1—ATTACK by Saddam Hussein or 1—TERRORIST—ALLY "would cripple our economy".
20021231 USA—EXECUTIONS for the —YEAR rose from 66—TO71 with 33 in TEXAS.
20021231 AUSTRALIA—ASYLUM—SEEKER—DETENTION—CENTERS were in turmoil —FOLLOWING 1 attempted mass breakout and riot in 1—SYDNEY centre, 1 armed stand off at another and fires burning in 2.
20021231 CHINA, 1—GERMAN—DESIGNED—MAGNETIC—LEVITATION—TRAIN hit 260—MPH on its maiden run between SHANGHAI and Pudong airport.
20021231 2 UNITED—NATIONS nuclear inspectors expelled by NORTH—KOREA arrived in CHINA, leaving the communist nation's nuclear program isolated from INTERNATIONAL scrutiny.
20021231 COLOMBIA, at least 12—PEOPLE, including 8—CIVILIANS, were killed in attacks by suspected rebels —AROUND the country.
20021231 MEXICO—CITY—ONLY—ENGLISH—LANGUAGE—NEWSPAPER, The News, shut down along with its sister SPANISH—LANGUAGE—PUBLICATION, Novedades, —AFTER more than 50—YEARS in operation.
20021231 —IGNITED, MEXICO, illegal fireworks stands, in the port CITY—OF—VERACRUZ as revelers thronged 1—MARKETPLACE to buy New —YEAR—SUPPLIES.
20021231 —ENGULFED, The blaze quickly, 1—ENTIRE—CITY—BLOCK and killed at least 28—PEOPLE.
20021231 —RECAPTURED, PUERTO—RICO, police, 1—OF 5—CONVICTS who escaped from prison —WHEN 1—HELICOPTER swooped into their maximum security compound and spirited them away.
20021231 -20030501-datesbase.HTML—FOR the —YEAR ending, CNP income was $1,240,377. [7] (
20021231 SHANGHAI, wird mit dem Transrapid SHANGHAI die 1. und bislang einzige kommerzielle TRANSRAPID—STRECKE in Betrieb genommen.
20021231-20021231—20040000 —ANFANG, dürfte AMERIKA im Banne des nächsten Präsidentenwahlkampfs stehen, spätestens.
20021231-20030501 20021231—20040000 —ANFANG, dürfte AMERIKA im Banne des nächsten Präsidentenwahlkampfs stehen, spätestens.
20030000 -20000000—20091231 —DATE department misled Congress in effort to privatize jobs:
20030000 PRINCETON has its "eating clubs", especially IVY—CLUB, COTTAGE—CLUB, whose oligarchical tradition runs from JONATHAN—EDWARDS and AARON—BURR, through the Dulles.".This reflects the continued importance of republican factions at Yale, Harvard and other colleges —DURING the middle —3—DECADES—OF—THE 18010101—19001231 . —WHILE the Yale secret group rapidly conformed to the Russell s' expectations. Yale was the northern college favored by southern slaveowning WOULD—BE aristocrats. Among YALE—SOUTHERN—STUDENTS were Calhoun, JOHN—C —LATER the famous SOUTH—CAROLINA DEFENDER—OF—SLAVERY against nationalism, & Benjamin, JUDAH—P —LATER SECRETARY—OF—STATE for the slaveowners'.".".. Confederacy. Young SOUTH—CAROLINIAN Dulles, JOSEPH—HEATLY whose family bought their slaves with the money from CONTRACT—SECURITY—WORK for THE—UK—CONQUERORS in INDIA, was in 1—PREVIOUS—SECRET—YALE group, the ``SOCIETY—OF—BROTHERS in Unity.'' At Yale Dulles, JOSEPH—HEATLY worked with the Northern secessionists & attached himself to Lord, Daniel; their 2—FAMILIES clove together in the fashion of 1—GANG. THE—LORDS became powerful ANGLO—AMERICAN.".".. 48. 6. Among the sources used for this section are: Skull and Bones membership list 18330000—19500000, printed 19490000 by the "RUSSELL—TRUST—ASSOCIATION"[inc], NEW—HAVEN,COUNTYavailable through the Yale UNIVERSITY—LIBRARY, NEW—HAVEN.
20030101—20031231 —GROSSED, ZYPREXA, $ 4.28—BILLION worldwide,
20030101—20031231 —GROSSED, Zyprexa, $ 4.28—BILLION worldwide, accounting for slightly more than 1—3. of LILLY—TOTAL—SALES.
20030207 2) A 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY Comparison of The Enabling Act and The Patriot Act
20030207 2) A 20010101—21001231 COMPARISON—OF—THE—ENABLING—ACT and THE—PATRIOT—ACT
20030224 † Historian CHRISTOPHER—HILL, 91—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MARXIST whose reinterpretation of the 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY changed the way Britons regard THE—ENGLAND—REVOLUTION.
20030317 U$- Military Used Nerve Gas In Open Air Tests In 19600101—19691231 's
20030324 1—CHARGE alleged that 19940101—19951231 —BETWEEN, he defrauded the Administration of SAMARA Region of 60—BILLION rubles whilst being DIRECTOR—OF—LOGOVAZ.
20030400—20041231 —NOTIFIED, We have been, that, Titan cancelled the...
20030410 the 18010101—19001231 —GREAT—INSTANCE—OF—SHOCK and awe, as 1—POSITIVE—ROLE—MODEL.
20030414 PIERRE (USA) - Die 6—KLÄGER fordern die Entschädigung im Namen aller indianischen Schüler, die im 19010101—20001231 landesweit in den Internaten misshandelt worden sein sollen.
20030414 Ferner gehören Bronzetiere, Ketten, Ringe und Schmuck aus 14010101—15001231 EN zum Museumsbestand.
20030416 —GATHERED, Leaders of 25—EUROPEAN nations, in ATHENS to sign treaties sweeping away the 19010101—20001231 —IRON—CURTAIN divide.
20030421 Seine Grundmauern stammen aus dem - 08010101—09001231 —CENTURY
20030421 Seine Grundmauern stammen aus dem - 08010101—09001231 20030422 —MARCHED, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SHIITE pilgrims, to the holy shrine in KARBALA, where Hussein, THE—GRANDSON—OF—MUHAMMAD, was killed in the 06010101—07001231 BATTLE—OF—KARBALA between 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—HIS followers and the Umayyad Army.
20030422 —MARCHED, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SHIITE pilgrims, to the holy shrine in KARBALA, where Hussein, THE—GRANDSON—OF—MUHAMMAD, was killed in the 06010101—07001231 —CENTURY BATTLE—OF—KARBALA between 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—HIS followers and the Umayyad Army.
20030422 —TRAVELED, SENEGAL, nearly 1—MILLION—PEOPLE, to Touba, the hometown of 18010101—19001231 religious leader Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba.
20030426 - THE—USA—GOVERNMENT established itself as 1—IMPERIAL—POWER at THE—TURN—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY with THE—SPANISH—USA—WAR—WHEN it grabbed colonies in THE—CARIBBEAN and Pacific.
20030512 —MONTAG, SCHNEEBALL—EFFEKT, Euro ist gegenüber dem Dollar auf den höchsten Stand GEKLETTERT—SEIT—4—JAHREN 19990101 20030601 Die Arbeiterbewegung, die 18480000 entstand, war die stärkste zivilgesellschaftliche Bewegung des 18010101—19001231.
20030601 Die Arbeiterbewegung, die 18480000 entstand, war die stärkste zivilgesellschaftliche Bewegung des 18010101—19001231.
20030918 —BELIEVED, The ritual, to be 1—PATH to enlightenment, dates to the 07010101—08001231.
20031006—19980000 —RELEASED, ARGENTINA, newly, ARCHIVES—OF—POLICE—INTELLIGENCE, 1. discovered behind 1—WALL in 1—BUILDING that —NOW houses the Commission for Memory, indicated that police infiltrated unions and dissident groups —BEFORE and —DURING the 19760000—19830000 military dictatorship, monitoring TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE for 1—QUARTER—OF—00010101—01001231 —CENTURY.
20031015 —LAUNCHED, IRAQ, the new dinar was, graced with the likeness of 1—ANCIENT—RULER and a 09010101—10001231 mathematician.
20031200 Zyvex Chairman + CEO, Von Ehr, Jim was invited to join PRESIDENT—BUSH as he signed the 20010101—21001231 Nanotechnology Research and Development Act in the Oval OFFICE—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE, 20031203 .
20031201—20031231 Numerous news stories, unflattering to USA—BUSH [BGW968] administration covered the front PAGES—OF—MAJOR—NEWSPAPERS + media outlets.
20031229 —RULED, It was built by LALIBELA—KING—OF—, who, there from the late 11010101—12001231 to the early 12010101—13001231.
20031231 —ENDED, Neal Batson, his tenure as bankruptcy examiner of Enron.
20031231 The 18-month probe had 1—FINAL tab of $90—MILLION.
20031231 It included lawyer rates of as much as $600 an —HOUR.
20031231 It finished 20030000 with 599—HOMICIDES.
20031231 —7—YEARS—EARLIER she installed 1—WEB—CAMERA in her PENNSYLVANIA college dorm room and kept it on —FOR—24—HOURS 1—DAY recording EVERY—DETAIL—OF—HER—LIFE.
20031231 INDONESIA, 1—BOMB tore through 1—CROWDED—NEW—YEAR—CONCERT in Aceh province, killing 10—PEOPLE, including 3—CHILDREN.
20031231 45 were wounded.
20031231 —ERUPTED, IRAQ, gunfire, in KIRKUK as HUNDREDS—OF—ARABS and Turkmen marched in protest over fears of Kurdish domination in THE—OIL—RICH—NORTHERN—CITY.
20031231 1—NEW—YEAR—EVE car bombing at the upscale Nabil restaurant in BAGHDAD killed 8—PEOPLE and injured 35.
20031231 —BOARDED, Security forces, 1—BUS in MACEDONIA and snatched 1—GERMANY—CITIZEN named Khaled EL—MASRI (19630000 *).
20031231 For the next 5—MONTHS, EL—MASRI was 1—GHOST.
20031231 —WHISKED, Only 1—SELECT—GROUP—OF—CIA—OFFICERS knew he had been, to 1—SECRET—PRISON for interrogation in AFGHANISTAN.
20031231 He was the wrong guy.
20031231 —5—MONTHS—LATER GERMANY withdrew warrants for the arrest of 13—CIA—AGENTS.
20031231 1—AVALANCHE swept down MOUNT—TASMAN, 1—OF—NEW—ZEALAND—TALLEST peaks, killing 4—CLIMBERS and injuring 2—OTHERS.
20031231 —SPARKED, In THE—PHILIPPINES 1—FIRE, by firecrackers swept through 1—OLD—MARKET in LUCENA City, killing at least 14—PEOPLE who were trapped inside their stalls.
20031231—19670000 —SINCE, That was down from 648 1—YEAR—EARLIER and the 1. time that the total dipped below 600. GARY—INDIANA, appeared to finish 20030000 with the nation's highest per capita homicide rate for the ninth straight —YEAR.
20031231—19960000 —IN, The JenniCam website, begun by JENNIFER—RINGLEY, shut down.
20031231—20020000 —SENTENCED, VIETNAM, Nguyen Vu Binh (35) to 7—YEARS in jai and 3—YEARS—HOUSE—ARREST for writing 1—ARTICLE that circulated on THE—INTERNET criticizing 1—BORDER—AGREEMENT between VIETNAM and CHINA.
20031231—20040000 —OFFERED, CHINA, to allow TAIWAN to fly unlimited numbers of direct charter flights to the mainland, if the island's government agrees to allow CHINA—AIRLINES to do the same THE—FOLLOWING—YEAR.
20031231—20040528 —DUMPED, EL—MASRI was, in ALBANIA in 1—REMOTE hillside, without explanation or apology.
20031231—20120000 —IN, EL—MASRI took his case to EUROPE—HUMAN—RIGHTS—COURT.
20040000 The World in the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY: Addressing New Threats +...
20040000 This area contains news from 20040101—20040631 YOU can view 2004070120041231 — here.
20040000 Dual Loyalty: 20050101—20050201 20040000 THE—WORLD in the 20010101—21001231 : Addressing New Threats +...
20040101 01. -19010101—20001231 —CENTURY—HISTORICAL Atlas
20040101 01. -19010101—20001231 - Histor ical ATLAS—TIMELINE—OF—THE—UNIVERSE
20040101 01. -19010101—20001231 —HISTORICAL Atlas
20040101—20041231 -In 1—USA—ELECTION—YEAR—THE—PARTICULAR—RELIGIOSITY—OF—1—CANDIDATE, or even how devout he might be, is less important than how his religious +/ moral commitments + values shape political vision + policy commitments.
20040101—20041231 —FÜR—REDUZIERTE Außerdem Microsoft seine Gewinnschätzung wegen sinkender Investmentgewinne.
20040316—19710000 —MOVED, The enclave took root —WHEN DOZENS—OF—HIPPIES, into the derelict 17010101—18001231 fort on STATE—OWNED land.
20040318 Nativism, in its 18010101—19001231 surge, was very much the darling CAUSE—OF—THE—NEW—ENGLAND elites.
20040318 What is surprising is that —NOW, 1—CENTURY and 1—HALF—AFTER THE—KNOW—NOTHINGS vanished in disgrace, Huntington feels free to promote his nativist hatred in print + can be celebrated for doing so.
20040320 See the entry on THE—COINTELPRO page.
20040322 SEC INFO—HILLIARD Wallace J - SC 13G/A - 20010101—21001231 Holding Co.
20040324 —CONCEDED, Antigua PRIME—MINISTER—LESTER—BIRD, —66—JAHRE—ALT, defeat to labor activist Baldwin Spencer in general elections marked by corruption charges, ending 1—FAMILY dynasty that has dominated ANTIGUA—AND—BARBUDA for more than HALF—1—CENTURY.
20040403 —BECAME, Soccer player FREDDY—ADU (14), the youngest athlete in 1—MAJOR—USA—PROFESSIONAL—SPORT in well over 1—CENTURY as he entered 1—GAME between his team, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA United, and THE—S—JOSE—EARTHQUAKES (DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA United won, 2-1).
20040411 —CELEBRATED, Sikhs, Vaisakhi, their New —YEAR and commemoration of 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY Guru Gobind Singh.
20040428 The 15010101—16001231 —CENTURY KRUE—SAE Mosque was damaged by soldiers who fired automatic weapons, tear gas and grenades at it and killed 32—SUSPECTED Islamic insurgents.
20040428 —DAMAGED, The 15010101—16001231 KRUE—SAE Mosque was, by soldiers who fired automatic weapons, tear gas and grenades at it and killed 32—SUSPECTED Islamic insurgents.
20040500 Echoing the warnings of RACHEL—CARSON 1—GENERATION ago, environmentalists —NOW worry that the unanticipated consequences of such biopharmed crops could lead to a 20—00010101—01001231 —CENTURY "Silent —WINTER".
20040507 I imagine it is like being 1—NORMAL—STOIC in the 01010101—02001231 AD going for 1—STROLL in the forum + meeting SOME—FELLOW asking, with seeming casualness, whether it's possible to feed 5,000—PEOPLE on 5—LOAVES—OF—BREAD + 1—COUPLE—OF—FISH".
20040603 O diretor da Agência de InteligênciaAmericana (CIA ), GEORGE—TENET, se converteu hoje, com sua demissão, na primeira vítima no Governo dos EUA após o fiasco...
20040603 Além disso, recebeu do presidente Bush a mais alta condecoração...
20040603 O diretor da Agência de InteligênciaAmericana (CIA ), GEORGE—TENET, se converteu hoje, com sua demissão, na primeira vítima no Governo dos EUA após o fiasco... noticias.uol.com.br/ultnot/efe/2004 /06/03/ult1808u144010101—45001231 23]tm
20040603 Além disso, recebeu do presidente Bush a mais alta condecoração... noticias.uol.com.br/ultnot/afp/2006 /04/15/ult34u1522010101—23001231 98]tm
20040627 —DECLARED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, that the alliance was poised to "meet the threats of the 20010101—21001231 ".
20040701—20041231 -Über die 2. JAHRESHÄLFTE—SIND die Anleger —NUN besorgt",erklärte LAWRENCE—HORAN—VON—PARKER & Hunter.
20040713 —CONSIDERED, He was, as 1—OF—THE—GREAT conductors of the 19010101—20001231.
20040720 In the 18010101—19001231 , MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS sincerely accepted this Biblical justification for slavery as GOD—WORD — but surely it would have been wrong to defer to such racist nonsense simply because speaking out could have been perceived as denigrating SOME—PEOPLE—RELIGIOUS—FAITH.
20040724 20040101—20041231 —FÜR—REDUZIERTE Außerdem Microsoft seine Gewinnschätzung wegen sinkender Investmentgewinne.
20040725 1—DECLARATION—OF—RIGHTS for 20010101 —THE—29991231 -20010101—21001231 —CENTURY-
20040725 1—DECLARATION—OF—RIGHTS for the 20010101—29991231 -20010101—2100123120040725 1—DECLARATION—OF—RIGHTS for the 20010101—29991231 -20010101—2100123120040726 "In the 18010101—19001231 USA—PRESIDENT—ABRAHAM—LINCOLN—HELD—FIRM—TO 1—VISION—OF—FREEDOM for all +
20040725 According to recent news reports, it would be the largest expansion into the world of black ops + covert action —SINCE—THE—END—OF—THE—VIETNAM—WAR 19700101 —IN—THE—19791231 s.
20040726 "In the 18010101—19001231 USA—PRESIDENT—ABRAHAM—LINCOLN held firm to 1—VISION—OF—FREEDOM for all +
20040726 "In the 20010101—21001231 we have 1—GREAT—LEADER who has made CUBA see that liberty is not 1—GIFT
20040728 —OCCURRED, In the late 19010101—20001231 coups, most commonly in developing countries, particularly in Latin AMERICA (BRAZIL, CHILE), AFRICA and ASIA (PAKISTAN), but also in the Pacific (FIJI) and in EUROPE (GREECE, PORTUGAL, SPAIN, SOVIET—UNION).
20040728 Important coups in the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY: 19170000 : February Revolution and October Revolution in RUSSIA 19230000 : THE—BEER—HALL—PUTSCH, 1 failed COUP—ATTEMPT by ADOLF—HITLER in GERMANY 19260000 :
20040802 Einstein is 1—OF—MY favorite 19010101—20001231 characters.
20040802 Einstein, ALBERT—EINSTEIN is 1—OF—MY favorite 19010101—20001231 characters.
20040802 THE—DATES—ON—HER—STONE—ARE 19761231 to 20040719 .
20040805—19160000 —EXECUTED, The oldest person, in the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY was —83—YEAR—OLD—JOE—LEE—OF—VIRGINIA.
20040807—20040000 —BEWILDERED, UK Muslims are, and scared: It is easy for 1—MUSLIM to relate to the pain of the Jews —IN—EARLY 19010101—20001231 UK
20040808 The nascent European Dream, says Rifkin, is, in MANY—RESPECTS, the mirror OPPOSITE—OF—THE—USA—DREAM, but far better suited to meet the challenges of 1—GLOBALIZING society in the 20010101—21001231 .
20040814 CZESLAW—MILOSZ was known for his intellectual and emotional works about SOME—OF—THE—WORST cruelties of the 19010101—20001231.
20040819 It grew OUT—OF—THE—COUNTERINSURGENCY—OPERATIONS—OF—THE—LATE 19010101—20001231 + its sole purpose is to serve Empire.
20040826—20040827 —DATE 20040827 Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on 20010101—21001231 Competitiveness.
20040827 Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on 20010101—21001231 Competitiveness.
20040915—20041231 —UNTIL, BENIN, BURKINA—FASO, GUINEA—BISSAU, IVORY—COAST, MALI, NIGER, SENEGAL and TOGO had to turn in old bills for new ones.
20040916 —CONTINUED, The leak, into 20170000 and regulators warned it could last 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY or more.
20040916 —CONTINUED, The leak, into 20170000 and regulators warned it could last 1—CENTURY or more.
20040918 Kitow äußerte die Vermutung, daß ES—SICH um das Grab von KÖNIG—SEUTUS—III handeln könnte, der im 04010101—05001231 —CENTURY vor Christus in THRAKIEN herrschte.
20040923 Under Uncle SAM—THUMB—THE—HISTORY—OF—WASHINGTON—OCCUPATIONS—BY ASHLEY—SMITH—SOCIALIST—WORKER - 20030426 - THE—USA—GOVERNMENT established itself as 1—IMPERIAL p ower at THE—TURN—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 with THE—SPANISH—USA—WAR—WHEN it grabbed colonies in THE—CARIBBEAN and Pacific.
20040924—20040925 —DATE 20040925 † MARVIN—DAVIS, —79—JAHRE—ALT, oil mogul and former owner of 19010101—20001231 Fox, in BEVERLY—HILLS.
20040925 † MARVIN—DAVIS, 79—JAHRE—ALT, oil mogul and former owner of 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY Fox, in BEVERLY—HILLS.
20040926 THE—IRAQ war, he informed us THEN—AND presumably he was still referring to the 1. IRAQ WAR—WAS "the battle of seminal importance for the early 20010101—21001231 ".
20040930 —SEIT—MITTE des 17010101—18001231 ´s gilt der Luchs im Pfälzerwald im Südwesten Deutschlands als ausgestorben.
20041004 Sentenced to Be Raped: I firmly believe that the central moral challenge of this, equivalent to the struggles against slavery in the 18010101—19001231 or against totalitarianism in the 20., will be to address sex inequality in the 3. WORLD—AND it's THE—STORIES—OF—WOMEN—LIKE—MISS—MUKHTARAN that convince me this is so.
20041009 Doch mit Beginn der großen Aufforstungen gab es —BIS weit in das 19010101—20001231 hinein einen Trend zum verstärkten Anbau der als robust geltenden Nadelbäume.
20041013 Army Transformation Failures 20040715 —APPEARING—BEFORE the House Armed Services Committee, retired Army COLONEL—DOUGLAS—MACGREGOR warned that the ongoing efforts to transform THE—USA—ARMY to meet the wartime needs of the 20010101—21001231 may be failing to shape the force as the new ERA—OF—TERRORISM + failed states + 4. Generation Warfare requires.
20041014 —WARNED, DOUGLAS—MACGREGOR, that the ongoing efforts to transform THE—USA—ARMY to meet the wartime needs of the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY may be failing to shape the... URL : alfatomega.com/20041014.html
20041017 In the latter 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY, this practice became the rule rather than the exception.
20041017 —BECAME, In the latter 19010101—20001231 , this practice, the rule rather than the exception.
20041018 THE—USA—USA—GOVERNMENT is the product of 1—SUCCESSFUL—UK—UK?COLONISTS—REBELLION in the 17010101—18001231 —CENTURY +
20041018 Yeshiva student apologizes to archbishop for spitting : 1—YESHIVA student who spat at THE—ARMENIA—ARCHBISHOP in ISRAEL and at a 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY cross —DURING last —WEEK—PROCESSION marking the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Jerusa lem's Old City has met with HEADS—OF—THE—ARMENIA—COMMUNITY and apologized for his actions, police said —SUNDAY.
20041018 —REMAINED, THE—USA—USA—GOVERNMENT—ESSENTIAL—STRUCTURE has, in place —SINCE that successful UK UK—COLONISTS—REBELLION in the 17010101—18001231 time.
20041020 "Die Prognose der Verbreitung der Pest im 13010101—14001231 wäre recht einfach gewesen", sagt THEO—GEISEL, Direktor am MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT für Strömungsforschung, im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20041020 "Die Prognose der Verbreitung der Pest im 13010101—14001231 —CENTURY wäre recht einfach gewesen", sagt THEO—GEISEL,
20041020 SEC INFO—GENESISINTERMEDIA Inc - 10-K/A - For 20001231 Ramy EL—BATRAWI.
20041022 Anyone with ANY—KNOWLEDGE—OF—19010101—20001231 —CENTURY history will know that this same megalomaniacal outburst could have been made by a "senior adviser" to Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini or Mao.
20041022 AMERICA—TORTUOUS—ROAD to ABU—GHRAIB : Americans have seen the reality and THE—RESULTS—OF—INTERROGATION—TECHNIQUES THE—CIA has propagated and practiced for nearly HALF—1—CENTURY.
20041022 —AFTER all, —WHEN THEN—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—WILLIAM—COHEN signed the charter for the 20010101—21001231 National Security Strategy Study,
20041023 The Greening of KENYA PDF
20041025 Hirnforschung im 20010101—21001231 - "Das —JAHRHUNDERT der Hirnforschung"
20041027 Others say the design was cut by Hengist, THE—LEADER—OF—ANGLO—SAXON hordes in the 04010101—05001231 —CENTURY,
20041027 —ARGUED, Historians in the 17010101—18001231 , the elegant design was ordered by KING—ALFRED to celebrate his victory over the pagan Danes in 871.
20041027 Others say the design was cut by Hengist, THE—LEADER—OF—ANGLO—SAXON hordes in the 04010101—05001231 , in THE—IMAGE—OF—THE—HORSE on his standard.
20041027 Others say the design was cut by Hengist, THE—LEADER—OF—ANGLO—SAXON hordes in the 04010101—05001231 ,
20041027 —LINED, Winding country lanes, with hedgerows bursting with flowers, lead to picturesque villages and market towns complete with thatched cottages dating back to the 15010101—16001231.
20041027 lead to picturesque villages and market towns complete with thatched cottages dating back to the 15010101—16001231.
20041028 Trivia / National ANTHEM—JAPAN - "TOKYO—JAPAN—EMPEROR said that no 1 should be forced to face the flag + sing the national ANTHEM—BOTH potent SYMBOLS—OF—JAPAN'S 19010101—20001231 militarism".
20041030 Erstens: im ausgehenden 18010101—19001231 eine neue FORM—VON—PORNOGRAFIE erfand + die Psychoanalyse, die zur gleichen Zeit erfunden wurde.
20041031 The real reason for this insecurity, he argues, is the decay of the 19010101—20001231 —POLITICAL—BELIEF—SYSTEMS and social structures: people have been left "disconnected" and "fearful".
20041101 —URGED, And if I was, to express in —JUST 1—FEW words SOME—OF—MY ideas in this context —AFTER 1—LONG—LIFE—OF—STRUGGLE and experience in the field and having seen the development of our world over nearly HALF—1—CENTURY, to reach the dramatic SITUATION—OF—THE—PLANET—6.5—BILLION inhabitants, I harbor the most absolute conviction that only education can save our species.
20041103 DIE—IDEE tauchte erstmals im 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY
20041103 In the beginning of the 05010101—06001231 —CENTURY A.D.
20041103 In the beginning of the 05010101—06001231 —CENTURY A.D., S—MOLAISE, also known as S—LASERIAN, established 1—MONASTIC—SCHOOL on Devenish + at his death in A.D. 563—IT was 1—SEAT—OF learning of considerable size and fame.
20041103 Die Idee tauchte erstmals im 18010101—19001231 auf in den Arbeiten von Augustus Le Plongeon, der die Maya Ruinen von Yucatán untersuchte.
20041103 DIE—IDEE tauchte erstmals im 18010101—19001231 20041103 In the beginning of the 05010101—06001231 A.D., S—MOLAISE, also known as S—LASERIAN, established 1—MONASTIC—SCHOOL on Devenish + at his death in A.D. 563—IT was 1—SEAT—OF learning of considerable size and fame.
20041103 In the beginning of the 05010101—06001231 A.D.
20041104 —ANTICIPATED, Well, I, this revolution 1—QUARTER—OF—00010101—01001231 —CENTURY ago, with some of the same players.
20041104 —ANTICIPATED, Well, I, this revolution 1—QUARTER—OF—1—CENTURY ago, with some of the same players.
20041105 Eine universalhistorische Deutung" zur Geschichte des 19010101—20001231 und "Feindbild AMERIKA:
20041105 Neue Zürcher ZEITUNG—DANIEL—WEISS, Slawist an der Uni Zürich, ist hingerissen über sensationelle Funde privater Korrespondenz aus dem Nowgorod des 11. —BIS 14010101—15001231.
20041105 —BIS 14010101—15001231 —CENTURY.
20041107 Add to this THE—PRIVATISATION—OF—KEY—STATE—FUNCTIONS, all mediated by global IT corporations that are also the indispensable link in the weapons, media, pharmaceuticals + global financial networks + you have the corporate, security state 20010101—21001231 style.
20041109 State and federal authorities held 1,470,045 prisoners as of 20031231 20041117 The aid supplied by the Conservative Republicans in the 90s allowed the Neocons to survive, prosper, and ascend to the highest OFFICES—OF—POWER within THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION so that they could deliver the 1. 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY war to the world's doorstep.
20041109 STATE—AND—FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES held 1,470,045 prisoners as of 20031231 20041117 The aid supplied by the Conservative Republicans in the 90s allowed the Neocons to survive, prosper, and ascend to the highest OFFICES—OF—POWER within THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION so that they could deliver the 1. 20010101—21001231 war to the world's doorstep.
20041109 STATE—AND—FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES held 1,470,045 prisoners as of 20031231 20041109 Ordeal for Muslim Businessman Continues : Though he has been charged with no crime, Maswood, a —41—YEAR—OLD—USA—CITIZEN and father of 3, has become accustomed to airport searches.
20041117 —SUPPLIED, The aid, by the Conservative Republicans in the 90s allowed the Neocons to survive, prosper, and ascend to the highest OFFICES—OF—POWER within THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION so that they could deliver the 1. 20010101—21001231 war to the world's doorstep.
20041121 Better than anyone to date, the Media Education Foundation has quietly + accurately documented the most important history of 20010101—21001231 thus far in their
20041121 It is more probable than not that, within the 19010101—20001231 , 1—ULTRAINTELLIGENT machine will be built and that it will be the last invention that man need make.
20041130 —SIGNED, PAKISTAN—ACTING PRESIDENT, legislation that will allow GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF to remain as both HEAD—OF—THE—STATE and army CHIEF beyond 20041231 .
20041205 Investigation by Bev Harris, AUTHOR—OF "Black Box Voting: Ballot Tampering In The 20010101—21001231 "
20041205 —FROM : rob USA—INDIANS were intentionally given disease filled blankets in the 18010101—19001231 with USA gov't approval.
20041206 Other drawings feature nearly EVERY—POLITICAL + financial scandal —AT—THE—END—OF—THE 19010101—20001231.
20041215 It was 1—MIRACLE he didn't do this back —WHEN Mercury News EDITOR—JERRY—CEPPOS, —NOW 58 and V.P. of KNIGHT—RIDDER, pulled the trigger on the most authentic journalistic career of the late 19010101—20001231.
20041218 Rebellion in 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY BRAZIL by João
20041218 Death Is 1—FESTIVAL: Funeral Rites and Rebellion in 19....+Rebellion in 18010101—19001231 BRAZIL by João... to Campo SANTO—SUPPORTERS + particularly to its owners.
20041218 Rebellion in 18010101—19001231 BRAZIL by João
200412210000 — 20050101 20041224 —DETERMINED, ISRAEL—EXPERTS have, THE—THUMB—SIZED object is 1—LOT older than believed, dating to the 13. or 13010101—14001231 BC, rather than to the 07010101—08001231 BC, which scholars say was —AROUND the time of Solomon.
20041224 dating to the 13. or 13010101—14001231 —CENTURY BC,
20041224 —DETERMINED, ISRAEL—EXPERTS have, THE—THUMB—SIZED object is 1—LOT older than believed, dating to the 13. or 13010101—14001231 BC, rather than to the 07010101—08001231 BC, which scholars say was —AROUND the time of Solomon.
20041224 dating to the 13. or 13010101—14001231 BC,
20041224 rather than to the 07010101—08001231 BC, which scholars say was —AROUND the time of Solomon.
20041227 —BASED, If Operation Northwoods was, on the idea of remote control technology at least in SOME—SENSE, then surely almost HALF—1—CENTURY—LATER, the fruition of this technology is 1—FAIT accompli.
20041231 20041227. " War is 1—QUARREL between 2—THIEVES too cowardly to fight their own battle;
20041231 Departments - Election 20040000 20041102 —THE Presidential Election: Who Won The Popular Vote?
20041231 Offiziellen Stellen zufolge könnte es allein auf den Andamanen und Nikobaren 6000—TOTE gegeben haben.
20041231 Die etwa 6—STÄMME, die sich als Halbnomaden durch Jagen und Sammeln ernähren, leben —BEREITS—SEIT Tausenden von Jahren abgeschottet vom Rest der Welt auf den Archipeln.
20041231 Unklar ist bislang, wie VIELE—TOTE—STAMMESANGEHÖRIGE zu beklagen sind.
20041231 Dem Stamm der Sentinelesen gehörten —BIS—SONNTAG schätzungsweise 250—MENSCHEN an.
20041231 Eine andere HUBSCHRAUBER—BESATZUNG, die nach der Flutwelle Hilfsgüter auf einer Insel abladen wollte, bewarfen Eingeborene vom Stamm der Sentinelesen mit Steinen.
20041231 Sie waren an Bord des LAZARETT—AIRBUS der Bundeswehr am Flughafen KÖLN—BONN gelandet.
20041231 —INFIZIERT, Die Wunden waren stark.
20041231 Die ZAHL—DER—VERMISSTEN—DEUTSCHEN steige weiter.
20041231 Sie liege —DERZEIT deutlich über 10000000 .
20041231 Von den 34—TOTEN seien 27 in THAILAND und 7 in SRI—LANKA identifiziert worden.
20041231 Exit polls and more The exit poll.
20041231 Even so, let's do what we can to publicize their latest, updated analysis of the exit poll controversy.
20041231 Here's the summary they offer:
20041231 The possible causes of the discrepancy would be random error, 1 skewed exit poll, or breakdown in the fairness of the voting process and ACCURACY—OF—THE—VOTE—COUNT.
20041231 Analysis shows that the discrepancy cannot reasonably be accounted for by chance or random error.
20041231 Evidence does not support hypotheses that the discrepancy was produced by problems with the exit poll.
20041231 Widespread breakdown in the fairness of the voting process and ACCURACY—OF—THE—VOTE—COUNT are the most likely explanations for the discrepancy.
20041231 Gästebetreuung immer schwieriger: Reiseveranstalter bitten Touristen um Rückflug
20041231 SRI—LANKA: Rettungsarbeiten mit bloßen Händen
20041231 THAILAND nach der Flut: Mammutaufgabe für die Fahnder
20041231 Newsticker: Kurzmeldungen zur Flutkatastrophe
20041231 Wolkenkratzer: 1—WELTREKORD aus 101—STOCKWERKEN
20041231 —ÜBERLEBT, Pfeile zur Begrüßung: Steinzeitvolk, Tsunami - Servicio de noticias -
20041231 RETOS 20040000200500 00—DATE : Triunfo del pragmatismo de Lula RIO DE JANEIRO, 30—DIC(IPS) - La esperanza no acabó.
20041231 Pero el principal combustible de la campaña que llevó el EX—OBRERO—LUIZ—INÁCIO—LULA da Silva a la presidencia de Brasil, hace dos años, se debilitó y buena parte de su sobrevida se debe al inesperado crecimiento económico de cinco por ciento en 20040000 .
20041231 RETOS 20040000200500 00—DATE : PORTUGAL paga el precio de la fama LISBOA, dic(IPS) - La peculiar combinación europea entre fútbol y política logró este año poner a PORTUGAL en el centro de la atención internacional, una situación que no se daba desde de 19740425 cuando estalló la revolución militar de los capitanes izquierdistas.
20041231 Pero ello le costará muy caro.
20041231 Las palabras mas buscadas de INTERNET: Buscar Empresas
20041231 La Web Resultados 1 - 3—DE 3—DE union española de explosivos-
20041231 www.nypost_com.20.txt:CHOPPING $PREE TARGETS COPS www.suntimes_com...
20041231 :AMR lets union vote AGAIN—ENCAPUCHADOS lanzan artefactos explosivos a los... es.398.txt:Una empresa espaà ± ola abrirá sede...
20041231 GigaBusca Relatório de Buscas... fire resumo do livro lucà ola de josÃ... pensamentos jogosonline papeis sociais nos espaà §os educativos... etica e moral estufa bella union artigos cientificos...
20041231 Las palabras mas buscadas de INTERNET... ierl.
20041231 " Ucayali. " UFINET. " Ultramar. " Una mujer desnuda.
20041231 " Unilever. " Union espaà ± ola de explosivos. " Union española de.
20041231 Feuerwehr am PC: Retten, löschen, bergen
20041231 2—KLASSEN—HILFE: Fernseher für Touristen, Lagerfeuer für Einheimische
20041231 Phuket: Trotzdem leben - Flutkatastrophe: Sterbende Kinder und viel zu wenig Hilfe
20041231 —GEWINNT, Börsenschluss: Dax, 20040000 7—PROZEMT - Khao Lak: Suche ohne Hoffnung
20041231 "Impossible Phantom Votes in NEW—MEXICO " - Titan will cancel the...
20041231 SEC INFO—SKYWAY Communications Holding Corp - 10QSB—FOR 20050131 20041231 1—ANDERE HUBSCHRAUBER—BESATZUNG, die nach der Flutwelle Hilfsgüter auf 1—INSEL abladen wollte, bewarfen Eingeborene vom Stamm der Sentinelesen mit Steinen.
20041231 —GEFÜHRT, ALLE—KRIEGE, die ISRAEL in den letzten Jahren, hat, kamen am Ende nur den radikalsten Gruppen zugute.
20041231 —GEWINNT, Börsenschluss: Dax, 20040000 7—PROZEMT
20041231 DIE—ANDAMANEN + Nicobaren bestehen aus insgesamt 550—INSELN, von denen etwa 3—DUTZEND bewohnt sind.
20041231 DIE—BEIDEN Patientinnen waren —SEIT der KATASTROPHE —VOR—5—TAGEN auf Phuket medizinisch völlig unversorgt geblieben.
20041231 NOCH—IMMER steckten Holzstücke im Oberschenkel.
20041231 Dabei handelte ES—SICH um 2—BERLINERINNEN im Alter von 37—UND 63—JAHREN.
20041231 Den Eingeborenen seien wahrscheinlich der KATASTROPHE entgangen, weil sie vor allem mitten im Dschungel und nicht in Meeresnähe lebten, erklärte Singh.
20041231 Deshalb gilt nach wie vor: Der Hauptgrund für die Instabilität im Nahen Osten ist die israelische Besatzung.
20041231 Doch NOCH—IMMER konnten die Retter nicht zu JEDER—DER—BETROFFENEN—INSELN vordringen.
20041231 Endlich 1—GEMÄßIGTER.
20041231 1. Opfer in BERLINer Charité operiert +++ [1114—UHR] In DER—BERLIN—CHARITÉ sind die 1. beiden schwer verletzten OPFER—DER—FLUT—KATASTROPHE operiert worden.
20041231 JONATHAN—SIMON and Ron P. Baiman will no doubt come in for THE—USUAL ad hominem attacks -- —AFTER all, —WHEN THE—REPUBLICAN propagandists can't go —AFTER the data, they always go —AFTER those who dared to compile it.
20041231 GigaBusca Relatório de Buscas
20041231 In 1—ACCURATE—COUNT—OF—1—FREE and fair election, the strong likelihood is that KERRY would have been the winner of the popular vote.
20041231 Insgesamt sind die Inseln Heimat von 350.000—MENSCHEN, weniger als 1—ZEHNTEL davon sind UR—EINWOHNER.
20041231 KRITIK—AN—DEUTSCHEN, die den Urlaub fortsetzen +++ [1336—UHR] DIE—DEUTSCHEN Reisebüros UND—VERANSTALTER appellieren an die verbliebenen Urlauber in der KATASTROPHEN—ZONE, mehr Rücksicht auf Flutopfer und ihre Helfer zu nehmen.
20041231 Die KRITIK—AN—TOURISTEN, die ihren Urlaub auch in den zerstörten Regionen unverändert fortsetzen wollten, sei berechtigt.
20041231 LA WEB RESULTADOS 1 - 3—DE 3—DE union española de EXPLOSIVOS—WWW.nypost com.20.txt:CHOPPING $PREE TARGETS COPS
20041231 Mahmud ABBAS zum Präsidenten gewählt wurde, zeigten sich ISRAEL, die Vereinigten Staaten und die Europäer zufrieden: Endlich 1—GEMÄßIGTER.
20041231 —ÜBERLEBT, Pfeile zur Begrüßung: Steinzeitvolk, TSUNAMI
20041231 —SEITDEM, sind die Verhandlungen zwischen der palästinensischen Führung und der israelischen Regierung 4—JAHRE lang ohne Ergebnis geblieben.
20041231 Servicio de NOTICIAS—FINANZAS—CUBA: Férreo control de divisas LA HABANA, 30—DIC(IPS) - CUBA dio 1—NUEVA vuelta de tuerca al proceso de centralización de su economía, al concentrar en el Banco Central los ingresos, asignación y uso de divisas.
20041231 Solange sie andauert, wird sie 1—NÄHRBODEN für Gewalt und Extremismus bleiben.
20041231 There is 1—SUBSTANTIAL discrepancy -- well outside THE—MARGIN—OF—ERROR and OUTCOME—DETERMINATIVE -- between THE—NATIONAL exit poll and the popular vote count.
20041231 Top 10—DER Forschung: TREIBJAGD—AUF—GENE eröffnet
20041231 Und das nicht wegen der Hamas, die an den Verhandlungen gar nicht teilnimmt, sondern weil ISRAEL nicht bereit ist,
20041231 Der Stämme der Großen Andamanesen umfassten vor der Flutwelle NUR—CA—40—ANGEHÖRIGE.
20041231 Zu den Onges zählten NOCH—CA—100—MENSCHEN.
20041231 deutsche Todesopfer IDENTIFIZIERT—VERMISSTENZAHL steigt weiter +++ [1238—UHR] 5—TAGE nach der FLUT—KATASTROPHE in Südostasien sind —LAUT—ANGABEN, des Staatssekretärs im Auswärtigen Amt, Klaus Scharioth, insgesamt 34—DEUTSCHE Todesopfer identifiziert worden.
20041231 5700—URLAUBER kehrten —BISHER aus der KRISEN—REGION nach DEUTSCHLAND zurück.
20041231 —INTERVIEW—MIT—JUSCHTSCHENKO: "PUTIN darf unseren Weg in DIE—EU nicht blockieren"
20041231 —PLEDGED, THE—USA, $350—MILLION in grant aid for tsunami disaster relief.
20041231 —COMMITTED, The World Bank, $250—MILLION.
20041231 —PICKED, BULGARIA—AUTHORITIES, up Suleyman Demirel, 1—TIME—OWNER—OF—EGEBANK and NEPHEW—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—DEMIREL, and returned him to TURKEY for trial.
20041231 —CAUSED, EGEBANK—COLLAPSE had, financial losses of $1.2—BILLION.
20041231 —BECAME, Ricardo Palmera (54), the 1. LEADER—OF—THE—REVOLUTIONARY—ARMED—FORCES—OF—COLOMBIA, or FARC, to be sent to face prosecution in A—USA—FEDERAL—COURT.
20041231 —SUSPECTED, COLOMBIA, Marxist rebels massacred 16—PEASANTS, including women and children, in 1—REMOTE—AREA in lawless Arauca province.
20041231 —APPROVED, SPAIN—SOCIALIST government, a bill to legalize SAME—SEX marriages.
20041231 —SIGNED, SUDAN—GOVERNMENT and southern rebel officials, landmark deals on how to implement 1—SERIES—OF—AGREEMENTS on ending a 21-year civil war in SOUTH—SUDAN.
20041231 THAILAND—AUTHORITIES said more than 2,230 foreigners from 36—NATIONS were confirmed dead from THAILAND—SOUTHERN—RESORTS—ALONE.
20041231 64—FRANSABANK
20041231 SEC INFO—SKYWAY Communications Holding Corp - 10QSB—FOR 20050131 20041231 SEC INFO—SKYWAY Communications Holding Corp - 10QSB—FOR 20050131 20041231 1—ANDERE HUBSCHRAUBER—BESATZUNG, die nach der Flutwelle Hilfsgüter auf 1—INSEL abladen wollte, bewarfen Eingeborene vom Stamm der Sentinelesen mit Steinen.
20041231 Election 20040000 20041102 —THE—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION: Who Won THE—POPULAR—VOTE?
20041231 Die Niedersächsische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung wird durch Entscheid des Kabinetts unter Ministerpräsident CHRISTIAN—WULFF aufgelöst.
20041231 —21—JAHRE nach seiner vom Moskauer Politbüro angeordneten BETRIEBSAUFNAHME—LITAUEN, wird der 1. Block des Kernkraftwerks Ignalina abgeschaltet.
20041231—19670000 —SEIT, das Völkerrecht zu 8. und sich aus den besetzten arabischen Gebieten zurückzuziehen.
20041231—20070700 —BIS, TAIPEI—101, das höchste Bürogebäude der Welt, wird in TAIPEH—HAUPT—STADT—TAIWAN, feierlich eröffnet.
20050000 For 1—BOOK—OF—DOCUMENTS to be published 20000000—20091231 —DATE by the New Press entitled WHAT HAPPENED IN OHIO?, we are continuing to dig.
20050000 ;;0718;; : 20010101—21001231 COINTELPRO.
20050000 ;;0718;; : 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY COINTELPRO.
20050000 Margarine ist das 1. Kunstprodukt der Lebensmittelindustrie des 18010101—19001231 , entstanden auf Anregung des Kaisers...
20050101—20051231 —UNTIL, The old lira will keep circulating.
20050101—20061231 —ELECTED, Whoever is, PRESIDENT is going to have serious problems in-.
20050101—20061231 We 1—MERICANS are going to suffer".
20050101—20061231 Why?
20050110 —DENIED, For nearly 1—CENTURY, democracy has been, to the Arabs by the west.
20050113 (13450000 ) Tue 19920407 —120P By: JOHN—DINARDO—TO: All Re: Despite Gov... Singlaub would probably enjoy burning these books... 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY will NOT be too frightened to stand up against the bullets of the Wackenhut Security Corporation...
20050114 LibertyForum... insurgent) 20041231 —0543—PM Re:
20050114 00.000. - LibertyForum... insurgent) 20041231 —0543—PM Re:
20050114 LibertyForum... insurgent) 04051231 :43 PM Re: THE—TSUNAMI, Satellite Images... on Rense_com or WhatReallyHappened_com
20050118 "Racial profiling is to the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY what JIM—CROW laws were to the last,
20050118 "Racial profiling is to the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY what JIM—CROW laws were to the last, turning entire GROUPS—OF—PEOPLE into 2.—CLASS citizens and denying them the rights to which we all are due".
20050128 I highly doubt that there was 1—MOVE by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT (there may have been USA—BUSINESSES involved) in the late 18. and early 18010101—19001231 to trade with CHINA.
20050128 Furthermore, given the early diplomatic moves by THE—USA in terms of its national interests (ie. normalizing trade relations with EUROPE, expanding Westward + dealing with the Native Americans), I highly doubt that there was 1—MOVE by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT (there may have been USA—BUSINESSES involved) in the late 18. and early 18010101—19001231 to trade with CHINA.
20050128 —BATTENED, IRAQ, down for the 1. free balloting in HALF—1—CENTURY, imposing a 7—P.m.-6 a.m. curfew and closing BAGHDAD Int'l Airport.
20050129 —TURNED, INSURGENCY—HIT, INDIA—KASHMIR voters, out in big numbers to cast ballots in the 1. leg of municipal polls to be held in over 1—QUARTER—OF—1—CENTURY.
20050207 Not Worth My SON—SACRIFICE : This war was sold to THE—USA—PEOPLE by 1—SLIMY leadership with 1—MANIACAL zeal and phony sincerity that would have impressed snake oil salesmen 1—CENTURY ago.
20050218 Sie soll zu einem mit Ornamenten verzierten Thron aus Kalkstein gehören, der aus der 2. Hälfte des 07010101—08001231 stammt.
20050228 Gewerkschaften und soziale Demokratie im 19010101—20001231 : Vortrag...
20050303 That's like saying "The 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY will be upon us soon," or "1—DAY, man will walk on the moon".
20050306 NATO & EUROPE in the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY: New Roles for 1—CHANGING—PARTNERSHIP...JACK SEYMOUR UK—AMERICAN Security Information Council...
20050306 participants list -... NATO & EUROPE in the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY: New Roles for 1—CHANGING—PARTNERSHIP...JACK—SEYMOUR—BRITISH—AMERICAN—SECURITY—INFORMATION—COUNCIL...
20050309 Tutanchamun regierte im 13010101—14001231 vor Christus während der 18. Dynastie.
20050314 —SERVED, For nearly 3—QUARTERS—OF—1—CENTURY, that oath, nicely, although to the modern ear it sounds woefully incomplete...
20050316 Deutsch: —JETZT kommen wir zu dem, was ich als größten Skandal der Physik des 19010101—20001231 bezeichne.
20050317 Im 15010101—16001231 aber könnte die Kraft raubenden Beinarbeit überflüssig geworden sein:
20050317 Im 15010101—16001231 aber könnte die Kraft raubenden Beinarbeit überflüssig geworden sein: In SÜD—UND Mittelamerika, dem Lebensraum des Gemeinen Vampirs, wurde die Haustierzucht EINGEFÜHRT—UND bot den Nachtjägern herdenweise fette Beute.
20050318 DIANA - 19010101—20001231 MEDICINE—AN AMBULANCE RIDE TO HELL.
20050319 TARGET="nw">Nosta... greedy. mrnet. pt "Greedy" is a "Monopoly TYPE—OF—GAME based on 20010101—21001231 economics",
20050319 TARGET="nw">Nosta </A>... greedy. mrnet. pt "Greedy" is a "Monopoly TYPE—OF—GAME based on 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY economics", featuring "several service companies", "tax evasion...
20050324 SEC INFO—BOND—FUND—OF—AMERICAN—INC - N-30D - For 19991231 ...
20050324 SEC INFO—BOND—FUND—OF—AMERICA—INC - N-30D - For 19991231 ... 1—ASSAULT—ON—THE—USA $; + the trauma of WATERGATE, which culminated... 17—EDISON—MISSION—ENERGY 7.73% 20090000 (2) 10,000 9,893 .10 THE—WILLIAMS—COMPANIES, INCORPORATED..
20050325 Option: USA Foreign Relations in the 19010101—20001231 (T7015)...
20050325 The course provides 1—EMPIRICAL and theoretical analysis of the foreign relations of THE—USA—FROM the turn of the 19010101—20001231 —UNTIL the opening of the...
20050325 Option: USA Foreign Relations in the 19010101—20001231 (T7015)... The course provides 1—EMPIRICAL and theoretical analysis of the foreign relations of THE—USA—FROM the turn of the 19010101—20001231 —UNTIL the opening of the...
20050327 —UNVEILED, USA—PLAN to make INDIA world power : THE—USA, plans to help INDIA become a "major world power in the 20010101—21001231 " even as it announced moves to beef up THE—MILITARY—OF—NEW—DELHI—NUCLEAR—RIVAL, PAKISTAN.
20050329 of all that is.
20050329 All loves, all lives and all gods are his".
20050329 Airey Middleton SHEFFIELD Neave (19160123197903 30—DATE ) was a UK—CONSERVATIVE MP for Abingdon + a prominent politician... airey — neave.
20050329 —SURVIVED, That heretical statement, the deliberate burning by Christian fanatics of the immense library at ALEXANDRIA in the 03010101—04001231.
20050329 A 15010101—16001231 SPAIN—PHILOSOPHER, MICHEL—DE—MONTAIGNE, described the period most succinctly:
20050401 Planet Earth stands on THE—CUSP—OF—DISASTER and people should no longer take it for granted that their children and grandchildren will survive in the environmentally degraded world of the 20010101—21001231.
20050403 Auch im Hinblick auf die gesellschaftliche Verbreitung der Zweinamigkeit werden deutliche Unterschiede sichtbar.
20050403 The 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY Occult Revival... by Barbara Aho.
20050403 NEUSS, beispielsweise sind Beinamen im 12010101—13001231 noch 1—SELTENHEIT, im benachbarten Köln hingegen —SCHON die Regel.
20050403 Jh. einen Beinamen führen, sind zu Beginn des 13010101—14001231 in der ländlichen Umgebung der Stadt noch 50—PROZENT—DER—EINWOHNER einnamig + um 14000000 haben VIELE—STÄDTISCHE—HANDWERKER noch keinen Beinamen
20050403 und 13010101—14001231 wurde die Familiennamenbildung entscheidend gefördert.
20050403 Während die Hildesheimer Ratsmitglieder —BEREITS im 12010101—13001231 einen Beinamen führen, sind zu Beginn des 13010101—14001231 in der ländlichen Umgebung der Stadt noch 50—PROZENT—DER—EINWOHNER einnamig + um 14000000 haben VIELE—STÄDTISCHE—HANDWERKER noch keinen Beinamen
20050403 Durch den Ausbau der Verwaltung und die Zunahme der Schriftlichkeit im 13. und 13010101—14001231 wurde die Familiennamenbildung entscheidend gefördert.
20050403 Sowohl in Köln als auch in REGENSBURG lässt sich im 11010101—12001231 die Führung eines Beinamens relativ häufig nachweisen.
20050403 The 18010101—19001231 Occult Revival... by BARBARA—AHO.
20050403 Die —BIS zum 11010101—12001231 vereinzelt vorkommenden, rein individuellen Beinamen entwickelten sich allmählich zum wichtigsten Bestandteil der Personennamen.
20050403 —BEREITS in der 2. Hälfte des 11010101—12001231 finden sich in REGENSBURG Zeugnisse dafür, dass Vater und Sohn bzw. mehrere Brüder den gleichen Beinamen führen:
20050403 Dieser Beeinträchtigung der identifizierenden Funktion der Rufnamen konnte jedoch durch eine im bisherigen System vorhandene Möglichkeit der näheren Personenkennzeichnung begegnet werden: Die —BIS zum 11010101—12001231 vereinzelt vorkommenden, rein individuellen Beinamen entwickelten sich allmählich zum wichtigsten Bestandteil der Personennamen.
20050403 —BEREITS in der 2. Hälfte des 11010101—12001231 finden sich in REGENSBURG Zeugnisse dafür, dass Vater und Sohn bzw. mehrere Brüder den gleichen Beinamen führen: 1—SOHN—DES—HARTWICH in Porta [am Tor] ist ca.
20050403 The 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY Occult Revival...
20050404 20050401 80. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—PCP—SPEECH by CARLOS—CARVALHAS - 9st... be considered major PROTAGONISTS—OF—PORTUGAL—HISTORY in the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY... of YUGOSLAVIA turn their backs to the consequences of depleted uranium...
20050404 Gegen Ende des 13010101—14001231 führten 28,6—PROZENT—DER—IM—REGENSBURGER—URKUNDENBUCH genannten Personen einen Beinamen nach ihrem meist nicht allzu weit gelegenen Herkunftsort.
20050404 "Geheimgesellschaften + ihre Macht im 19010101—20001231 " von Jan...Trilaterale Kommission, Bilderberger, CFR, UNO Page 2 ... Sie sind weder links, noch rechts oder liberal, aber sie benutzen ALLE—INSTITUTIONEN für ihre Ziele.
20050404 Obwohl sich die Forschung —SEIT dem 18010101—19001231 bemüht, die sprachliche Herkunft dieser patronymischen Endung zu ermitteln,
20050404 Obwohl sich die Forschung —SEIT dem 18010101—19001231 bemüht, die sprachliche Herkunft dieser patronymischen Endung zu ermitteln, steht eine endgültige Klärung noch aus.
20050405 Bei diesem FUNK—ALARMSYSTEM handelt es sich um das sicherste FUNK—ALARMSYSTEM... will survive in the environmentally degraded world of the 20010101—21001231.
20050405—20071231 —TOUGHENED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT, passport rules and announced that Americans returning from CANADA—MEXICO and elsewhere would be required to show their passports in 1—PROGRAM to be fully phased in.
20050408 —ERST im Laufe des 18010101—19001231 , als christliche Missionare aus EUROPA und den USA den Nahen Osten penetrierten, Kirchen und Schulen errichteten und die Abkehr von den als oberflächlich fromm gebrandmarkten Ostkirchen predigten, entstanden arabische Gemeinden anglikanischer, protestantischer oder katholischer Konfession.
20050409 oo PRINCE—CHARLES and Camilla PARKER—BOWLES were, in 1—MODEST—CIVIL—CEREMONY at the 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY Guildhall, and the 2. marriage for each was blessed by the Church of ENGLAND.
20050415 Voting MACHINES—VOTE Tampering in the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY
20050415 20021223. - Voting MACHINES—VOTE Tampering in the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY... SANTA—CLARA—COUNTY decided —TUESDAY night to purchase machines without a... VOTEHERE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS includes FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—ROBERT—GATES...
20050416 The hull remains of Ria de Aveiro A, 1—MID—14010101—15001231 shipwreck... -... The keel scarf of Ria de Aveiro 1 was reinforced with 4—IRON nails.. It can thus be inferred, ini -. tially, that this is 1—SHIP with 1—KEEL less than...
20050416 The hull remains of Ria de Aveiro A, 1—MID—14010101—15001231 —CENTURY shipwreck...
20050417 NATW: 20031201 — 20031231 20050417 HUNDERT 01010101—02001231 —CENTURY V. CHR.
20050417 —JAHRHUNDERT 01010101—02001231 V. CHR.
20050417 03. - NATW: 20031201 — 20031231 20050417 100 01010101—02001231 V. CHR.
20050417 —JAHRHUNDERT 01010101—02001231 —CENTURY V. CHR.
20050417 NATW: 20031201 — 20031231 20050417 NATW: 20031201 — 20031231 20050417 100 01010101—02001231 —CENTURY V. CHR.
20050418 —DISCOVERED, The papyrus fragments were, in historic dumps outside THE—GRAECO—EGYPT—TOWN—OF—OXYRHYNCHUS ("CITY—OF—THE—SHARP—NOSED fish") in CENTRAL—EGYPT —AT—THE—END—OF—THE 18010101—19001231.
20050503 "For 1—QUARTER—OF—1—CENTURY—THE—CIA has been repeatedly wrong about EVERY—MAJOR—POLITICAL and economic question entrusted to its analysis".
20050514 NARCO—COLONIALISM in the 19000101—19991231 20050514 CIA NARCO—COLONIALISM in the 19010101—20001231 THE—CIA & Drugs.
20050514 FAIRFIELD—CT 06828-0001 - NARCO—COLONIALISM in the 19000101—19991231 20050517 —TROUNCED, LOS—ANGELES Councilman ANTONIO—VILLARAIGOSA, —52—JAHRE—ALT, Mayor JAMES—HAHN to become the city's 1. Hispanic mayor in more than 1—CENTURY as voters embraced THE—PROMISE—OF—CHANGE in 1—METROPOLIS troubled by gridlock, gangs and failing schools.
20050521 Marshalls to seek new nuclear compensation from USA : The tiny CENTRAL—PACIFIC—STATE—OF—THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS will go —BEFORE 1—USA—CONGRESS hearing —NEXT—WEEK to claim more than 3—BILLION dollars compensation for THE—EFFECTS—OF—NUCLEAR—TESTING on their islands HALF—1—CENTURY ago.
20050521 1—MADE in USA—TERRORIST: LUIS—POSADA—CARRILES : For over 1—CENTURY, our government has made sure that we are never to be told the truth about anything that we have done to other people in 3. World countries, especially in Latin AMERICA.
20050523 12.-18010101—19001231 - THE—PALIMPSEST as religious text
20050523 12.-18010101—19001231 - THE—PALIMPSEST as religious text - ---- New troops-
20050523 12.-18010101—19001231 —CENTURY A.D. - THE—PALIMPSEST as religious text
20050531 —PUBLISHED, Human Events, 1—CONSERVATIVE—WEEKLY, 1—LIST—OF—WHAT 15—CONSERVATIVE—SCHOLARS considered to be THE—10—MOST harmful BOOKS—OF—THE 19. and 19010101—20001231 .
20050602 —PRÄSENTIERT, Mit einem revolutionären Projekt, die BBC "1—MODELL für den öffentlichen Rundfunk des 20010101—21001231 ".
20050604 Kissinger WARNS—OF—ENERGY—CONFLICT : HENRY—KISSINGER, FORMER—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE, on —WEDNESDAY warned that the global BATTLE—FOR—CONTROL—OF—ENERGY—RESOURCES could become the modern EQUIVALENT—OF—THE 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY "great game" the conflict between THE—UK + Tsarist RUSSIA for supremacy in CENTRAL—ASIA.
20050609 Auch Größen wie HERMANN—VON—HELMHOLTZ haben sich im 18010101—19001231 an der Debatte BETEILIGT—DENN sie steht im Zusammenhang mit der großen Frage, wie unser Bewußtsein zustande kommt.
20050609 Die Neurowissenschaftler Olivia Carter and JACK—PETTIGREW—VON—DER—UNIVERSITY—OF—QUEENSLAND in AUSTRALIEN beispielsweise haben sich —JETZT ein —SEIT —JAHRHUNDERTEN bekanntes Phänomen vorgeknöpft: Die sogenannte binokulare Rivalität, die —SCHON im 15010101—16001231 erstmals beschrieben wurde.
20050610 Mental Fight: 1—ANTI—SPELL for the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY
20050610 1—DRAFT for the 20010101—21001231 is the only answer to our national security needs.
20050610 Mental Fight: 1—ANTI—SPELL for the 20010101—21001231 20050610 Mental Fight: 1—ANTI—SPELL for the 20010101—21001231 20050613 —APOLOGIZED, THE—USA—SENATE, for blocking ANTI—LYNCHING—LEGISLATION in the early 19010101—20001231 , —WHEN mob violence against blacks was commonplace.
20050613 —APOLOGIZED, THE—USA—SENATE, for blocking ANTI—LYNCHING—LEGISLATION in the early 19010101—20001231 , —WHEN mob violence against blacks was commonplace.
20050615 NORTH—CAROLINA Woman Among 65,000 Sterilized by Gov't., Often Without Their Knowledge, in 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY
20050615 NORTH—CAROLINA Woman Among 65,000 Sterilized by Gov't., Often Without Their Knowledge, in 19010101—20001231 20050615 NORTH—CAROLINA Woman Among 65,000 Sterilized by Gov't., Often Without Their Knowledge, in 19010101—20001231 20050624 Bitter Harvest : How EU sugar subsidies devastate AFRICA: "1 is 1—ENGLAND—ARISTOCRAT worth £35m with 9,000 acres and an 17010101—18001231 manor house;
20050624 Bitter Harvest : How EU sugar subsidies devastate AFRICA: "1 is 1—ENGLAND—ARISTOCRAT worth £35m with 9,000 acres and an 17010101—18001231 manor house;
20050628 7:1 —FRIDAY 20041231 - Here we are at THE—BOTTOM—OF—THE—YEAR.
20050629 'INDIA won't play 2. fiddle to USA' : INDIA has rejected the idea of 1—UNIPOLAR world, clearly ruling out playing SUB—ALTERN to THE—USA—IF it seeks to remain dominant in the 20010101—21001231 in the face of 1—RISING—ASIA.
20050630 Neue Computersimulationen mit 11—DER weltweit besten Klimarechenmodelle haben —JETZT ergeben, dass es —BIS—MITTE des 21010101—22001231 keinen Flecken rund um den Nordatlantik geben wird, der sich abkühlt.
20050712 They think that AL—QAIDA is mutating into 1—GLOBAL—INSURGENCY, 1—POSSIBLE prototype for other 20010101—21001231 movements, technologically astute, almost leaderless.
20050713 —CLAIMED, INDIA, 1—ISLAMIC—TRUST, ownership of the Taj Mahal and demanded 1—SLICE—OF—TOURIST—REVENUE from the 16010101—17001231 monument to love, but THE—GOVERNMENT—RUN—GROUP charged with its upkeep vowed to challenge that claim in court.
20050714 " GERMAN — HOLLAND—RELATIONS—IN—THE 19010101—20001231 —AN INTERNATIONAL Intelligence Perspective "
20050715 —SINCE the early 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY, the pursuit of USA national security in LATIN—AMERICA and the Caribbean has largely been grounded in THE—PURSUIT—OF—USA—INTERESTS.
20050716 "If this isn't resolved successfully, the 20010101—21001231 could be bloodier than the last".
20050718 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY COINTELPRO.
20050726 BRITAIN—AMAZING disconnect : THE—UK—ARE in IRAQ, partly out of loyalty to their old ally USA, but partly because that are still trying to shape THE—POLITICS—OF—THE—OIL—RICH—MIDDLE—EAST, as they have tried to do for 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY.
20050803—20050702 —ON, 'The 'Great Game' Heats Up in CENTRAL—ASIA'' : The "Joint STATEMENT—OF—THE—PEOPLE—REPUBLIC—OF—CHINA and THE—RUSSIAN—FEDERATION Regarding THE—INTERNATIONAL—ORDER—OF—THE 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY," signed by CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO and RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, addresses USA hegemony in several LESS—THAN—OBLIQUE passages.
20050803—20050702 —ON, 'The 'Great Game' Heats Up in CENTRAL—ASIA'' : The "Joint STATEMENT—OF—THE—PEOPLE—REPUBLIC—OF—CHINA and THE—RUSSIAN—FEDERATION Regarding THE—INTERNATIONAL—ORDER—OF—THE 20010101—21001231 ," signed by CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO and RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, addresses USA hegemony in several LESS—THAN—OBLIQUE passages.
20050805 I deal with this in 1—EXHAUSTIVE manner in my series, The 20010101—21001231 , Parts 1,2 , 3 + 4—OF which can be accessed by the embedded hyperlinks.
20050805 —SCHON im 17010101—18001231 galten bestimmte Berufsträger als besonders manisch", erzählt Junge. Das Klischee habe sich —BIS—HEUTE gehalten, nur die wahnsinnigen Berufszweige hätten sich geändert: "Früher schrieb man Philosophen einen Spleen zu, —HEUTE traut man
20050808 1—MAJOR—PUBLIC building from —AROUND the 09010101—10001231 —CENTURY BC, with pottery shards that date to the time of David and Solomon and 1—GOVERNMENT seal of 1—OFFICIAL mentioned in the book of Jeremiah.
20050822 —DURING 1—SPEECH in SALT—LAKE—CITY, PRESIDENT—BUSH compared the fight against terrorism to both world wars and other great conflicts of the 19010101—20001231.
20050831 This story was to become the greatest and most controversial USA—NOVEL—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY: "Lolita".<Link
20050831 They were heading for the tomb of Imam Mousa AL—KADHIM († 799), an 07010101—08001231 Shiite saint, about 1—MILE from the span.
20050901 1—STATISTICAL—ANALYSIS—OF—EVERY—USA—SUPREME—COURT—DECISION: 1—RESEARCHER plugged in 26,000 opinions issued by THE—SUPREME—COURT between the early 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY and the present —DAY into his computer.
20050913 "Haben Kelten im 04010101—05001231 —CENTURY vor Christus —SCHON in Städten gelebt?", fragt MATTHIAS—HENNIES aufgeregt angesichts der Grabungen auf der
20050917 Im 15010101—16001231 war der Begriff Aberglaube allgemeingebräuchlich und wurde neben Missglaube (Afterglaube) als Übersetzung des lat. superstitio durchweg verwendet.
20050917 Aberglaube - (mhd. abergloube) —SEIT dem 14010101—15001231 gebrauchter Terminus, der in der luther.
20050917 —ERSCHIEN, Der Begriff Aberglaube, erstmals in einer Glosse des 14010101—15001231 zur Wiener Handschrift des mittelhochdeutschen S—TRUDPERTER—HOHELIEDES—VON—11480000 .
20050924 TURKEY—SCHOLARS at 1—TWICE—CANCELED conference on the massacre of Armenians in the early 19010101—20001231 cautiously discussed the politically charged topic, avoiding inflammatory language as protesters denounced the gathering as traitorous.
20050928 He was the 1. House leader to be indicted in more than 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY.
20050928 —ERST vor einigen 100—JAHREN, zu Beginn des 12010101—13001231 —CENTURY, sei der Erreger nach Eurasien GELANGT—VERMUTLICH mit Dschingis Khan und seinen Horden.
20050928 He was the 1. House leader to be indicted in more than 1—CENTURY.
20050930 1—BUS carrying high school students on 1—PILGRIMAGE to CZESTOCHOWA, a 13010101—14001231 monastery and POLAND—MOST sacred ROMAN—CATHOLIC shrine, collided with 1—TRUCK and burst into flames, killing 12—PEOPLE.
20051002 † Playwright —AUGUST—WILSON (60), whose epic 10-play cycle chronicling the black experience in 19010101—20001231 AMERICA included such landmark dramas as "Fences" and "Ma RAINEY—BLACK—BOTTOM," of liver cancer.
20051015 —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—SPANISH, at least 5—NORTH—AFRICAN men were, 4 were injured and 1 was believed still trapped under rubble —AFTER a 3—STOREY 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY building collapsed in THE—TOWN—OF—PIERA.
20051015 —TURNED, So was WALTER—LIPPMANN, 1—FORMER—SOCIALIST, liberal who would become the dean of mid-19010101—20001231 USA—JOURNALISM.
20051015 In the early 19010101—20001231 , the public came to associate the words "propaganda" and "war" with 1—ANOTHER.
20051015 These revolutionary psychological insights had actually been percolating in FRANCE and GREAT—BRITAIN —SINCE the 1. YEARS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231.
20051019 Über viele 1000—JAHRE drückten die Indianer AMERIKA ihren Stempel auf, ehe im 15010101—16001231 die Seuchenzüge ihre Spuren verwischten.
20051019 Harvard Professor Being Investigated For Hiding FLUORIDE—CANCER—LINK 20050915 20051019 USA Mulling New GENERATION—OF—LAND—MINES 20050915 20060915 But make no mistake, it is the 1. genocide of the 20010101—21001231 + if it continues unchecked it will not be the last.
20051021 nämlich aus ottonischer Zeit um das —JAHR 934 - plus oder minus —94—JAHRE—SOWIE aus der Zeit der FRÄNKISCH—SÄCHSISCHEN —KONFLIKTE im 07010101—08001231 —CENTURY (nach 735—MIT einer Abweichung von —180—JAHREN).
20051021 Bei weitem älter waren die Brandspuren an der Decke der Kuppelgrotte, nämlich aus ottonischer Zeit um das —JAHR 934 - plus oder minus —94—JAHRE—SOWIE aus der Zeit der FRÄNKISCH—SÄCHSISCHEN —KONFLIKTE im 07010101—08001231 —CENTURY (nach 735—MIT einer Abweichung von —180—JAHREN).
20051021 Theoretische Grundlage dafür ist die Arbeit des ENGLISCHEN—MATHEMATIKERS und Pastors THOMAS—BAYES aus dem 17010101—18001231 —CENTURY über die Verknüpfung von Ereigniswahrscheinlichkeiten.
20051023 Ostrow, Bridget (Crt); Ostrow, LOUIS—B—RAID into KENTUCKY, INDIANA & OHIO : Horwitz, LESTER—V. Raid into KENTUCKY, INDIANA & OHIO : Horwitz, LESTER—V. 19010101—20001231 : Roth, Andrew;
20051026 —GREED—OF, Rather, it has set loose the predatory, the 18010101—19001231 robber barons, the class cannibalism of Social Darwinism + THE—WINNER—TAKE—ALL—RAPACITY—OF laissez faire capitalism.
20051102 dass altnordische Schriften des 10010101—11001231 â€" die Erde ganz selbstverständlich als Kugel beschreiben.
20051102 Die drastischsten Veränderungen erwarten die Wissenschaftler für das 21010101—22001231.
20051102 So entdeckte zu Beginn des 17010101—18001231 der FRANKREICH—GELEHRTE BERNARD—DE—MONTFAUCON in Florenz eine —SEIT fast 12000000 EN unbeachtet gebliebene STREITSCHRIFT—DIE "Christliche Topographie" des ÄGYPTEN—MÖNCHS Kosmas Indikopleustes.
20051102 —SCHON—VOR—13—JAHREN hat der Bonner Skandinavist RUDOLF—SIMEK in seinem Buch "Erde und Kosmos im Mittelalter" belegt, dass altnordische Schriften des 10010101—11001231 die Erde ganz selbstverständlich als Kugel beschreiben.
20051106 911—COMMISSION—FORGEDDA Boudit Medium Rare By Jim Rarey 12-29-2 ... - ;;09;;
20051106 Und im 07010101—08001231 wurden erneut beschriebene Tierhäute entdeckt.
20051106 wonach —BEREITS im 02010101—03001231 am Toten Meer riesige Mengen an Schriftrollen auftauchten.
20051106 Er stützt sich dabei auf einen Bericht des Kirchenvaters Origenes, wonach —BEREITS im 02010101—03001231 am Toten Meer riesige Mengen an Schriftrollen auftauchten.
20051106 11. to 20051231 20051106 wonach —BEREITS im 02010101—03001231 am Toten Meer riesige Mengen an Schriftrollen auftauchten.
20051109 —REPORTED, Archeologists, that 2—LINES—OF—1—ALPHABET have been found inscribed in 1—STONE in ISRAEL, offering what SOME—SCHOLARS say is the most solid evidence yet that the ancient Israelites were literate as early as the 09010101—10001231 B.C.
20051110 ZNet | ACTIVISM—KANSAS STATE—BOARD—VOTES to Teach Intelligent Design in Schools : THE—BOARD voted 6 to 4 in favor of the guidelines, which say schools should teach that doubt exists about THE—VALIDITY—OF—EVOLUTION, 1—THEORY that originated with UK—BIOLOGIST—CHARLES—DARWIN in the 18010101—19001231.
20051112 1—VOCAL MINORITY—OF—SCHOLARS contend that THE—BIBLE—PICTURE—OF—THE 09010101—10001231 B.C. as 1—GOLDEN—AGE in Israelite history is insupportable.
20051114 In 1—DER—ZENTRALEN—ZUKUNFTSFRAGEN für das 20010101—21001231 liegen die Positionen der entscheidenden Akteure kurz vor dem Gipfel trotz aller diplomatischen Bemühungen so weit auseinander wie selten zuvor
20051115 For the 1. time in our history, it would strip people of 1—RIGHT which has been the shining jewel of Western jurisprudence —SINCE the 12010101—13001231 —CENTURY,
20051115 For the 1. time in our history, it would strip people of 1—RIGHT which has been the shining jewel of Western jurisprudence —SINCE the 12010101—13001231 , the right to petition 1—FEDERAL—COURT for 1—WRIT of habeas corpus.
20051115 For the 1. time in our history, it would strip people of 1—RIGHT which has been the shining jewel of Western jurisprudence —SINCE the 12010101—13001231 ,
20051115 of the 1. HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 , passed —TODAY by THE—USA—SENATE.
20051115—20050911 —AFTER, ORWELL—OCEANIA and THE—USA : WILL—FICTION—BECOME—FACT?... of the 1. HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 , GEORGE—ORWELL in his novel 19840000 ...
20051116 der für den totalen und weltweiten Zusammenbruch der Moral im 19010101—20001231 stand.
20051116 Harris: Ich bin absolut davon überzeugt: ADOLF—HITLER war nur 1—NAME, der für den totalen und weltweiten Zusammenbruch der Moral im 19010101—20001231 stand.
20051122 Professor PAUL—VIRILIO, 73, Philosoph, Urbanist und Kulturtheoretiker, Begründer der "Dromologie" (Wissenschaft der Geschwindigkeit, von griechisch "Dromos" für Rennbahn), die er —SEIT—30—JAHREN als verhängnisvollstes Phänomen des 19010101—20001231 studiert.
20051122 Yosfiya: The 20010101—21001231 Nazis Are Here: THE—IRAQ—POLICE—SPECIAL—FORCES, AL—HUSSEIN—BRIGADES, came at dawn.
20051125 —PLEDGED, CANADA, $4.3—BILLION in 1—LANDMARK deal with Indian and NORTH—INUIT communities to help lift them from the poverty and disease that has plagued their neglected reserves for more than 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY.
20051129 Knuckling under Perceived authority carries much power, studies show Psychological experts say it is human nature to obey orders, no matter how evil they might SEEM—AS was illustrated in 1—OF—THE—MOST famous and frightening human experiments of the 19010101—20001231.
20051129 no matter how evil they might SEEM—AS was illustrated in 1—OF—THE—MOST famous and frightening human experiments of the 19010101—20001231.
20051203 Kiwanisnet: Männer des 20. und 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY
20051203 Kiwanisnet: Männer des 20. und 20010101—21001231 20051203 Kiwanisnet: Männer des 20. und 20010101—21001231 20051206 THE—CIFA brochure says the agency's mission is to "transform" the way counterintelligence is done "fully utilizing 20010101—21001231 tools and resources".
20051206 Neither the size of its staff, said to be more than 1,000, nor its budget is public, said Conway, THE—PENTAGON spokesman.
20051206 THE—CIFA brochure says the agency's mission is to "transform" the way counterintelligence is done "fully utilizing 20010101—21001231 tools and resources".
20051206 —ARRESTED, Khaled EL—MASRI said he was, 20031231 —WHILE attempting to enter MACEDONIA for 1—HOLIDAY—TRIP and flown to AFGHANISTAN.
20051207 20061207 It is PART—OF—1—EFFORT to disenfranchise USA—MUSLIMS". 20061207 Richest 2% own 'half the wealth': 20061207 The report, says that the poorer HALF—OF—THE—WORLD—POPULATION—OWN barely 1—PERCENT—OF—GLOBAL—WEALTH. 20061207 Richest 10. own 85—PERCENT—OF—WORLD—ASSETS: 20061207 TERMS—OF—WEALTH, distribution THE—USA was among the most unequal, whereas JAPAN had 1—OF—THE—LOWEST—LEVELS—OF—INEQUALITY. 20061207 Michael T Klare : THE—POST—ABUNDANCE—ERA: 20061207 At least SOME—STRATA of the global population will continue to experience 1—INCREASE in personal wealth in the 20010101—21001231 , 20061207 but THE—SENSE—OF—ABUNDANCE that characterized the late 19010101—20001231 is likely to evaporate for the great MAJORITY—OF—USA. 20061207 RUSSIA demands THE—HANDOVER—OF—PUTIN—CRITICS in exchange for poison case help: 20061207 RUSSIA named its price —YESTERDAY for providing help in the investigation into the death by poisoning of ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO. 20061207 It demanded that BRITAIN hand over THE—ENEMIES—OF—PRESIDENT—PUTIN who have been given asylum in LONDON. 20061207 FIJI—PRIME—MINISTER sworn in: 20061207 Commodore FRANK—BAINIMARAMA, FIJI—MILITARY—CHIEF, has said that troops will suppress ANY—UPRISING against the coup he launched —ON—TUESDAY. 20061207 HICKS—LAWYERS granted urgent court hearing: 20061207 The legal team has launched 1—ACTION against the Commonwealth, alleging THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT has failed in its duty to protect 1—AUSTRALIA—CITIZEN abroad. 20061207 CANADA: Suspect Tortured Despite Warning: 20061207 CANADA—POLICE said —TUESDAY they had told USA—AUTHORITIES they had no evidence 1—OTTAWA software engineer was 1—AL—QAIDA agent —BEFORE WASHINGTON deported him to Syria, where he was tortured. 20061207 ITALY prosecutors want kidnap trial for CIA agents: 20061207 ITALY—PROSECUTORS asked 1—JUDGE—ON—TUESDAY to order CIA agents and ITALY—SPIES to stand trial on charges of kidnapping 1—TERRORISM—SUSPECT and flying him to EGYPT, where he says he was tortured. 20061207 ISRAEL plans to destroys 42,000—HOMES—OF—PALESTINE—BEDOUINS: 20061207 THE—ISRAEL—INTERIOR—MINISTER, Roni BAR—ON, declared that his ministry has planned the demolition of more than 42,000—HOMES—OF—PALESTINE—BEDOUINS that were built 20061207 THE—TALIBAN—GETS—CLOSER to KABUL: 20061207 1—REPORT from THE—GERMANY—MILITARY, the Bundeswehr, warns that the Taliban is approaching KABUL and that attacks on the capital city are likely to increase. 20061207 Security in nearby districts is already deteriorating. 20061207 Journalists Release GUANTANAMO Bay Report: 20061207 Titled "Broken Chains of GUANTANAMO", the volume describes the extreme physical + mental torture to which the inmates - 20061207 mostly suspected Taliban + their allies who were picked up from AFGHANISTAN or PAKISTAN—WERE subjected to. 20061207 RICE—IRAN—STRATEGY—FIZZLES, Cheney Waits in Wings: 20061207 USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—MONTHS—LONG—DIPLOMATIC—EFFORT to get 5—OTHER—POWERS to agree to 1—TOUGH—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL—RESOLUTION on SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN —NOW seems certain to fail, 20061207 because of Russian and CHINA—RESISTANCE. 20061207 'ALTERNATIVE Nobel' winner says USA—ATTACK on IRAN likely —BEFORE 20080000 20061207 DANIEL—ELLSBERG, who leaked secret PENTAGON documents —DURING THE—VIETNAM war, said —WEDNESDAY that he believed THE—USA would attack IRAN 20061207 Video: DOCTOR—JAVAD—ZARIF, IRAN—AMBASSADOR to THE—UN: 20061207 MISTER—JAVAD—ZARIF, IRAN—AMBASSADOR to THE—UNITED—NATIONS, in 1—PRESENTATION to students at Princeton University. 20061207 In his talk, MISTER—ZARIF looks to clarify various widely held misconceptions about his country and its policies. 20061207 Euro Faces Huge Change If Others Follow IRAN: 20061207 "It's something to keep 1—VERY—CLOSE—EYE on because if'' other oil exporterswere to shift from dollars to euros as they invoice oil receipts changes, it improves the euro's value as money.
20051214 "Das ist etwa so, als würde man die Renaissance und all jene Gemälde nicht kennen, die im Florenz des 15010101—16001231 gemalt wurden, und plötzlich vor einem Michelangelo stehen".
20051214 1—SENSATION für die Archäologen, die bislang davon ausgegangen waren, dass die Mayas —ERST—NACH—DEM 06010101—07001231 nach Christus derartige Werke geschaffen haben.
20051214 die bislang davon ausgegangen waren, dass die Mayas —ERST—NACH—DEM 06010101—07001231 nach Christus derartige Werke geschaffen haben.
20051214 die im Florenz des 15010101—16001231 gemalt wurden, und plötzlich vor einem Michelangelo stehen".
20051215 —DESIGNED, The futuristic F-22A "Raptor" fighter jet, to dominate the skies well into the 20010101—21001231 , joined THE—USA—COMBAT fleet, —20—YEARS—AFTER it was conceived to fight SOVIET—MIGS over EUROPE.
20051217 In the early 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY, THEODORE—ROOSEVELT invented "Dollar Diplomacy," GUNBOAT—TWIN—SISTER.
20051217 BOLIVIA—DEMOCRACY and THE—USA: 1—HISTORY—LESSON : In the early 19010101—20001231 , THEODORE—ROOSEVELT invented "Dollar Diplomacy," GUNBOAT—TWIN—SISTER.
20051217 In the early 19010101—20001231 , THEODORE—ROOSEVELT invented "Dollar Diplomacy," GUNBOAT—TWIN—SISTER.
20051217 Damit droht die Verlängerung des Gesetzespakets über den 20051231 hinaus zu scheitern.
20051219 As of 20011231 , the top institutional holders were:
20051219 In the 14010101—15001231 , the British, under the direction of Black GUELPH Venetian ROBBER—BANKERS saw the possibilities of entrenching themselves in Arabia, where they were opposed by the Koreish tribe, the tribe of the prophet Muhammad, the posthumous SON—OF—THE—HASHEMITE, Abdullah, out of which came the Fatima and Abbasid Dynasties.
20051219 In the 14010101—15001231 , the British, under the direction of Black GUELPH Venetian ROBBER—BANKERS saw the possibilities of entrenching themselves in Arabia,
20051223 —SCHON als 15-Jähriger war er detailversessen wie ein florentinischer Dombaumeister des 14010101—15001231 —CENTURY:
20051223 —SCHON als 15-Jähriger war er detailversessen wie ein florentinischer Dombaumeister des 14010101—15001231 :
20051223 —SCHON als 15-Jähriger war er detailversessen wie ein florentinischer Dombaumeister des 14010101—15001231 : Pläne, an denen er tagsüber gesessen hatte, zerriss er vor Sonnenuntergang, nur um sie —AM—NÄCHSTEN—MORGEN zu verbessern.
20051224 Die soziale und kulturelle Entbindung wurde zum Kennzeichen des letzten Drittels im 19010101—20001231 der modernen westeuropäischen Länder.
20051224 Nirgendwo sonst war das Vertrauen in die kirchliche Autorität im letzten Drittel des 19010101—20001231 so drastisch zurückgegangen wie in der DEUTSCHEN—NATION.
20051228—20051231 —ON, 8 were confirmed dead.
20051231 —REAGIERT, Eiskalter Gaspoker: UKRAINE, zurückhaltend auf Putins Ultimatum
20051231 SPIEGEL—UMFRAGE: Das erwarten die Deutschen von 20060000
20051231 Todesstrafe in SAUDI—ARABIEN: 82—MENSCHEN in diesem —JAHR geköpft
20051231 Öffentliche Demütigung: GAS—STOPP für UKRAINE soll im TV gezeigt werden
20051231 —BEGONNEN, Silvester in SYDNEY: —JAHR 20060000 hat
20051231 Diskussion um BUNDESWEHR—EINSATZ: Beckstein warnt vor WM—ABBRUCH
20051231 ( 0,08 Sekunden) - Disease and THE—EMERGENCE—OF—STATE—POWER
20051231 Leprosy is the quintessential PRE—MODERN—DISEASE.
20051231 Its mythical hold on the Western imagination is strong.
20051231 It has 1—PROMINENT—PLACE in various Biblical narratives.
20051231 —SEPARATED, Moses is said to have, the lepers from the unafflicted.
20051231 The Book of Leviticus provides for their exclusion.
20051231 ("He shall live alone. His dwelling shall be outside the camp" (13:46)).
20051231 In the New Testament, JESUS—COMPASSION is prominently signified in his willingness to MINISTER to the lepers, that most excluded of all groups.
20051231 The move to criminalize HIV transmission must, of course, be seen in 1—LARGER—CONTEXT—OF—THE—OPERATIONS—OF—USA criminal justice system.
20051231 Largely because of the determined effort to use criminal laws in the futile attempt to stop Americans from using addictive and psychotropic drugs, prison populations have exploded over the last —DECADE.
20051231 There are —NOW almost 1—HALF—1—MILLION—PEOPLE in prison in THE—USA for VIOLATION—OF—THE—DRUG—LAWS, 80—PERCENT—OF—THESE cases involve possession, 44 % involve POSSESSION—OF—MARIJUANA—ALONE (Lewis 20000000 , A13).
20051231 Most of the imprisoned are black or hispanic, although there is virtually no evidence that minority populations use drugs at higher rates than white or Anglos.
20051231 —SUPPOSED, The "rights revolution" of the 1970s that was, to vindicate the liberal DREAM—OF—EQUALITY—TREATMENT under law, has been badly undermined by numerous social forces in the last 2—DECADES.
20051231 The "strict scrutiny" doctrine (of the equal protection CLAUSE—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION), which embodied it, remains hypothetically intact (—JUST as does the "right to privacy").
20051231 But in the case of the social CONTROL—OF—DISEASE, especially in terms of HIV, images launched into and by global media markets have overwhelmed the careful consideration of constitutional rights and good public policy.
20051231 In certain respects, this is not new.
20051231 That notion that media images interact with reactionary political forces to discipline the unruly elements of liberal society by generating moral panics and crime controls can be traced back at least to STUART—HALL and his colleague's analysis of "mugging" in PRE—THATCHERITE BRITAIN (19780000 ;
20051231 See also Jenkins 19980000 .)
20051231 —CENTRALIZED, But —NOW the global media system is more, and pervasive.
20051231 It's images move faster and farther than in the past, —JUST as THE—NATION—STATE and the constitutional controls once associated with continue to wither.
20051231 (See Reich 19900000 , Greider 19970000 .)
20051231 ANY—EVENT, it seems —NOW to be that quarantining of the infected has been transformed from 1—CIVIL—MATTER which was subject to much political debate, into 1—CRIMINAL 1 which is the subject of very little such debate.
20051231 This is, I believe, historically unprecedented.
20051231 "Wir eröffnen 1—UNTERSUCHUNG der unerlaubten Weitergabe geheimen Materials, das mit dem Geheimdienst NSA zu tun hat", kündigte 1—SPRECHER—DES—JUSTIZMINISTERIUMS nun am —FREITAG an.
20051231 Nach einem USA—GESETZ—VON—19780000 ist es illegal, USA—BÜRGER in den USA ohne die Erlaubnis durch ein geheimes Sondergericht abzuhören.
20051231 Bush hat aber der NSA genau dies erlaubt.
20051231 —VERSUCHT, Das Präsidialamt hat, die Einschränkungen der FREIHEIT—DER—USA—BÜRGER herunterzuspielen.
20051231 Das Programm sei klein und hochrangige Vertreter des Kongresses seien darüber informiert worden.
20051231 Der "NEW—YORK—TIMES" zufolge hatte das Präsidialamt die Zeitung gebeten, nicht über das ABHÖR—PROGRAMM zu berichten.
20051231 Dies könne Ermittlungen gefährden und potenzielle Terroristen darauf aufmerksam machen, dass sie abgehört würden.
20051231 Das Blatt gab an, die Veröffentlichung um 1—JAHR hinausgezögert und EINIGE—INFORMATIONEN auf Wunsch von Regierungsvertretern nicht verbreitet zu haben.
20051231 "Verschwörungstheorien sind auch attraktiv", glaubt DANIEL—KULLA, "weil interessante Dinge zu erfahren sind".
20051231 Allzu oft allerdings stammten sie aus "kontaminierten Quellen".
20051231 Das amerikanische Information Security Oversight Office habe etwa die Klassifikation "top secret" von Behördenakten um über 40 % auf 15,6 Millionen Dokumente erhöht.
20051231 Wie dicht beisammen Information und Desinformation liegen können, wird immer dann offenbar, wenn Medienberichte sich widersprechen oder revidiert werden.
20051231 Phallischer Scherz unter Mädchen 20051231 20051231 2—JAHRE ist das her, —JETZT hat sich die Studentin doch noch zu einer Klage durchgerungen.
20051231 Der Vorfall ist skurril, Polizisten verwechselten Drogen schlicht mit Mehl.
20051231 Satte 21—TAGE dauerte es, —BIS ein gründlicherer Labortest ergab, dass Lee wirklich nur Mehl in ihre Kondome gefüllt hatte und auch der STAATSANWALT auf "unschuldig" plädierte.
20051231 Dabei hätte der Fehler eigentlich auffallen müssen: Der Drogentest auf die Schnelle zeigte nicht nur 1—RAUSCHGIFT, sondern gleich 3—VERDÄCHTIGE Substanzen an.
20051231 Normalerweise funktionieren die Testgeräte sehr zuverlässig.
20051231 Für die Verwandtschaft 1—SKANDAL
20051231 3—WOCHEN lang lebte die Tochter koreanischer Einwanderer mit der Vorstellung, unschuldig 20—JAHRE im Knast sitzen zu müssen.
20051231 Lees Anwalt JEREMY—IBRAHIM ist überzeugt, der Drogentest am Flughafen sei entweder fehlerhaft durchgeführt worden oder jemand habe die Ergebnisse manipuliert.
20051231 Das habe seiner Mandantin großen Schaden zugefügt.
20051231 "Sie hat ihr Gesicht verloren", erklärt Ibrahim, denn unter Lees koreanischen Freunden und Verwandten war ihre Verhaftung 1—SKANDAL.
20051231 2—JAHRE habe JANET—LEE gebraucht, um die Vorfälle emotional zu verarbeiten.
20051231 —ERST—JETZT sei sie in der Lage, sich in einem Prozess damit zu befassen.
20051231 Nun klagt JANET—LEE auf Schadenersatz für das, was sie erlitten hat, wegen Rufschädigung, finanzieller Verluste und emotionalem Leid.
20051231 Es geht vor allem um die Frage, wie der polizeiliche Drogentest zu dem Ergebnis kam, das weiße Pulver in den Kondomen enthalte Drogen.
20051231 Die Antwort wird nicht leicht zu finden sein:
20051231 Die meisten Unterlagen zu dem Fall sollen vertraulich bleiben, nicht mal Lees Anwälte dürfen die Polizeiakten einsehen.
20051231 TOTAL 911—INFO—OF—THE $458—MILLION in federal 20010911 aid spent on debris removal, AMEC got $65.8—MILLION, Bovis $277.2—MILLION, Tully $76—MILLION and Turner $39—MILLION.
20051231 Ob die Tatwaffe vom Militär stammte, war noch unklar.
20051231 Der Vorfall ereignete sich im New Yorker Wohnviertel Queens.
20051231 Ein betrunkener USA—SOLDAT hat in NEW—YORK in die Luft geschossen und dabei eine junge Mutter getötet.
20051231 Die Frau schaute gerade aus ihrem Fenster im 5. Stock, als 1—KUGEL sie ins Auge traf.
20051231 Polizisten nahmen den Schützen am nächsten —MORGEN fest.
20051231 VNEXPRESS—MY dua 'chien binh robot' den IRAQ - FOSTER—MILLER là công ty thu?c s?
20051231 h?u c?a QinetiQ Group, m?t liên doanh gi?a B?
20051231 Qu?c phòng Anh và công ty có tr? s? t?i M? Carlyle Group.
20051231 —OWNED, THE—FOSTER—MILLER company is, by the QinetiQ Group, 1—JOINT—VENTURE between THE—UK—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE and USA—BASED holding company, Carlyle Group."...
20051231 a robotics firm bought in November by QinetiQ Group PLC...
20051231 deltasleep.EM411_com - [blog] Why I am Not Conservative...
20051231 As 1—FOOTNOTE: 1—OF—THE—GOVERNORS—OF—THE—BBC is also on THE—BOARD—OF—QINETIQ—GROUP plc, who is part owned by the Carlyle Group...
20051231 USA—NAVY—LAYS Out 30-Year Fleet Plan [Archive] - USA—POLITICS—ONLINE... THE—FOSTER—MILLER company is owned by the QinetiQ Group, 1—JOINT—VENTURE between THE—UK—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE and USA—BASED holding company, Carlyle Group.
20051231 il blog di Fable " 20050000 " January... che lo scorso anno è stata acquisita da QinetiQ Group, joint venture tra il Ministero della Difesa britannico e l'azienda americana The Carlyle Group.
20051231 WWIII.
20051231 - AXIS—OF—EVIL—BUSH, Blair and Sharon, attempt to.
20051231 the Defence Scientific & Technical Laboratory (DSTL) + QinetiQ Group plc.
20051231 As DOCTOR—MOONIE (see above) put it: "The Carlyle Group shares our vision...
20051231 EVERY—WAR, and conflict of the modern age, 1—KEY—INGREDIENT in...
20051231 The Isle of Benbecula is home to THE—RAF + the QinetiQ group... Carlyle owns 1—NUMBER—OF—DEFENCE + technology companies in THE—USA +...
20051231 GESCHÄFTSBERICHT 20040000 —DER Carlyle Group mit Fokus auf Westeuropa.
20051231 Die Gesellschaft. ist —BEREITS Investor im Vorgängerfonds Carlyle EUROPE Partners... QinetiQ Group plc...
20051231 ANNUAL REPORT 20040000 —CARLYLE EUROPE Partners II (EUR 20—MILLION) is the.
20051231 2. buyout fund sponsored by The Carlyle Group focusing. on WEST—EUROPE.
20051231 QinetiQ Group plc. The Resistance MANIFESTO—CONTENT
20051231 It's interesting to note THE—FOSTER—MILLER company is owned by the QinetiQ Group, 1—JOINT—VENTURE between THE—UK—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENSE + the Carlyle Group...
20051231 USA—PLANS 'robot troops' for IRAQ
20051231 NanoNovus: pSivida: DOWN—UNDER Company has Big Upside Potential The Qinetiq Group, EUROPE—LARGEST—SCIENCE + technology company, owns 17—PERCENT—OF—PSIVIDA (and the Carlyle Group, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—PRIVATE...
20051231 The Impact of Emerging Technologies: USA—ARMY—PREPARES Armed 'Robo... 20051100 . by QinetiQ Group PLC, which is 1—PARTNERSHIP between THE—UK—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE and THE—WASHINGTON holding company The Carlyle Group.
20051231 Blood Evidence United Defense ( Carlyle Group?) Receives 2—BRADLEY—CONTRACTS—TOTALING $68—MILLION... 1—ROBOTICS—FIRM bought in November by QinetiQ Group PLC...
20051231 down with murder inc She is CHAIRMAN—OF—QINETIQ—GROUP plc + of the Information Assurance Advisory... "The Carlyle Group focuses on companies funded by the government such as...
20051231 down with murder inc The Carlyle Group also has 1—DIRECT shareholding in pSiMedica of... She is CHAIRMAN—OF—QINETIQ—GROUP plc AND—OF—THE—INFORMATION—ASSURANCE—ADVISORY—COUNCIL.
20051231 Migalhas: pílulas de informação. - antitruste brasileiros.
20051231 Destes julgamentos, quatro merecem especial destaque: (i) The Carlyle Group e Qinetiq Group Plc.
20051231 Welcome to MISSOURI Research Park Proposed buyer: Qinetiq Group PLC, which is majority owned by THE—UK—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENSE, with WASHINGTON—BASED Carlyle Group as 1—MINORITY shareholder...
20051231 QinetiQ Group plc Company PROFILE—YAHOO!
20051231 Finance - QinetiQ Group plc. formed 20010000 is 1—PUBLIC—PRIVATE—PARTNERSHIP in which investment firm Carlyle has 51% voting control...
20051231 Buyouts... QinetiQ Group PLC, 1—PUBLIC—PRIVATE—PARTNERSHIP with THE—UK—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENSE, has agreed to acquire... The Carlyle Group owns 1—ROUGHLY 30% stake in QinetiQ.
20051231 Carlyle And Qinetiq.. 2—ORGANISATIONS : DSTL + QinetiQ Group plc.
20051231 DSTL remains PART—OF—UK—MOD continues to handle the most sensitive AREAS—OF—RESEARCH.
20051231 Carlyle + QinetiQ.
20051231 + FOSTER—MILLER, a robotics firm bought 20051100 . by QinetiQ Group PLC... Carlyle Group?
20051231 —BEKANNT, Der Name kommt doch, vor... Link via WARREN—ELLIS...
20051231 HOUSE—OF—COMMONS—DEFENCE - MINUTES—OF—EVIDENCE—MOD anticipates completing this transaction with Carlyle early in the New —YEAR.
20051231 (a) ownership by MOD—OF—THE—SHARES in QinetiQ Group plc ;.
20051231 Your Democracy | democracy is not 1—SPECTATOR—SPORT—OF—THE—TARSIER system, Hal Kruth, QINETIQ—GROUP—MANAGING—DIRECTOR, Security and Dual... USA "family business" Carlyle have ensured 1 maximised profit by...
20051231 ALFRED—MENDES in Spectrezine Technical Laboratory (DSTL) + QinetiQ Group plc.
20051231 The former remaining PART—OF—THE... Ref: previous article entitled 'The Carlyle Group' by this author).
20051231 QinetiQ BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS—GRAHAM—LOVE, GRAHAM—LOVE—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER, QinetiQ Group... —PRIOR—TO joining Carlyle 19950800 Glenn was 1—MANAGEMENT consultant with McKinsey...
20051231 QinetiQ Group PLC—FACT SHEET—HOOVER—ONLINE - QinetiQ Group plc.
20051231 CODY—TECHNOLOGY—PARK, Ively Rd.
20051231 UK government has sold 1—3. of QinetiQ to powerful investment firm The Carlyle Group.
20051231 Key Numbers.
20051231 Linklaters... On closing, QinetiQ Holdings Limited, 1—NEW holding company owned by The Carlyle Group and the MoD, will acquire QinetiQ Group PLC.
20051231 Program Notebook Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES is CHAIRMAN—OF—QINETIQ—GROUP plc, 1—DEFENCE—TECHNOLOGY—COMPANY with government customers in THE—UK—AND—USA and CHAIRMAN—OF—THE...
20051231 —OWNED, PEJK—NOTESBLOG—IT is, by another company called QinetiQ Group, which is owned by the Carlyle group.
20051231 The Carlyle group is 1—HOT—STICKY stew of FBI—WASHINGTON suits.
20051231 Secret Invasion: USA—TROOPS—STEAL into PARAGUAY: THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has sent troops into PARAGUAY.
20051231 They are there ostensibly for humanitarian and counterterrorism purposes.
20051231 The action coincides with growing left unity in SOUTH—AMERICA, military buildup in the region and burgeoning independent trade relationships.
20051231 Huge new oil discovery in BRAZIL:
20051231 BRAZIL—STATE—OWNED oil company, Petrobras, says it has discovered 1—HUGE—NEW offshore oil field off THE—COAST—OF—RIO—DE—JANEIRO state
20051231 War Resister JERRY—TEXIERO, the Marine Corps and Who Betrayed Whom?
20051231 —JUST—WHEN was it we in this nation lost our ability to choose if and —WHEN we would be willing to kill another human being, or be killed ourselves?
20051231 —BECAME, —WHEN was it that —FOLLOWING the "rules", more important than —FOLLOWING what is right
20051231 Bush least popular USA—PRESIDENT: survey: AdvertisementPresident GEORGE W Bush ranks as the least popular and most bellicose of the last 10—USA—PRESIDENTS, according to 1—NEW—SURVEY.
20051231 Lobbyist plea could entangle WASHINGTON: Authorities are putting together the pieces of the lobbying WEB—OF—JACK—ABRAMOFF + the resulting investigation could brew into 1—WIDE—WASHINGTON scandal.
20051231 EX—ENVOY to UZBEKISTAN goes public on torture : BRITAIN—FORMER—AMBASSADOR to UZBEKISTAN, CRAIG—MURRAY, has defied the Foreign Office by publishing on THE—INTERNET—DOCUMENTS providing evidence that THE—UK—GOVERNMENT knowingly received information extracted by torture in the "WAR—ON—TERROR".
20051231 The recipe for freedom: Break heads, beat vigorously and boil
20051231 Rumsfeld Admits to "Ghosting" Detainee : —FOLLOWING 1—CATALOG—OF—EVIDENCE—OF—OTHER—CRIMES sanctioned by top BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS, the report reads:
20051231 Covert CIA Program Withstands New Furor:
20051231 USA—PROBES eavesdropping leak: THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT is investigating who disclosed 1—SECRET—DOMESTIC eavesdropping operation approved by PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—AFTER 20050911 —THE attacks, officials said on —FRIDAY.
20051231 I'm 1—SOLDIER, Not 1—SPY : As Americans take STOCK—OF—THE—NEWS that the government has been involved in domestic warrantless eavesdropping as well as surveillance of "potentially threatening people or organizations inside THE—USA," MANY—PEOPLE are troubled, including me.
20051231 JOHN—W—DEAN: GEORGE—W—BUSH as the New RICHARD—M—NIXON : Both Wiretapped Illegally + Impeachably;
20051231 Growing POWERS—OF—SECRECY : THE—WHITE—HOUSE—SWEEPING ENLARGEMENT—OF—AGENCY powers has nearly doubled the rate of newly classified documents to 15—MILLION 1—YEAR.
20051231 —CHOKED, At the same time, the administration has, back the annual VOLUME—OF—DOCUMENTS declassified for public access, from 200—MILLION 19980000 to 44—MILLION lately.
20051231 —IMPOSED, The regulations were, —AFTER disclosures that THE—WHITE—HOUSE—DRUG—POLICY—OFFICE had been using cookies to monitor visitors to its ANTI—DRUG—ADVERTISEMENTS.
20051231 ROBERT—PARRY: WHAT—BEST for the Country?
20051231 —GOVERNED, Either THE—USA will accept 1—FUTURE, by 1—AUTHORITARIAN—EXECUTIVE, with few safeguards of 1—CITIZEN—CONSTITUTIONAL—RIGHTS and no real checks and balances from other BRANCHES—OF—GOVERNMENT, or THE—USA—PEOPLE will challenge THE—WHITE—HOUSE in defense of 1—TRADITIONAL—REPUBLIC, where no man is above the law.
20051231 —NOW you can be arrested for ANY—OFFENCE : Police are to be given sweeping powers to arrest people for EVERY—OFFENCE, including dropping litter, failure to wear 1—SEAT belt and other minor misdemeanours.
20051231 STEPHEN—SOLDZ: Total surveillance state takes giant leap in BRITAIN: Over a 100—YEARS ago Lord Acton understood that the danger to liberty does not reside mainly in bad individuals, but in the power available to those in POSITIONS—OF—AUTHORITY: "Power tends to corrupt + absolute power corrupts absolutely".
20051231 This is why it is essential to put absolute limits on the tools available to those in authority.
20051231 Hackers Rebel Against Spy Cams : —WHEN THE—AUSTRIA—GOVERNMENT passed 1—LAW this —YEAR allowing police to install CLOSED—CIRCUIT—SURVEILLANCE—CAMERAS in public spaces without 1—COURT—ORDER, THE—AUSTRIA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—GROUP—QUINTESSENZ vowed to watch the watchers.
20051231 UCSC CHIEF alleges spying:
20051231 ``We are greatly concerned about THE—PENTAGON—INVESTIGATION—OF—1—UCSC campus PROTEST—OF—MILITARY recruiting last —SPRING,'' UCSC CHANCELLOR—DENICE—DENTON wrote in 1—CAMPUS e-mail.
20051231 ``MISS—NBC reports that this protest was classified as a `credible threat' by THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE.''
20051231 Leahy wants to know about Pentagon spying on protests : SENATOR—PATRICK—LEAHY wants the Defense Department to give him the details about 2—VERMONT ANTI—WAR—PROTESTS that were monitored by government officials.
20051231 ANTI—IMPERIALISTS—BEWARE — Bush Is READING Again : According to THE—WHITE—HOUSE, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH has taken 2—BOOKS with him to TEXAS for his holiday reading, which he will presumably indulge between his favorite ranch pursuits — clearing brush and biking.
20051231 'ISRAEL is trying to push us OUT—OF—JORDAN—VALLEY':
20051231 THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY and PALESTINE—FARMERS are accusing ISRAEL of trying to force Palestinians OUT—OF—THE—JORDAN—VALLEY through economic pressure and physical barriers.
20051231 ISRAEL denies the charge, saying that new restrictions derive solely from security considerations
20051231 ISRAEL: DEMOCRACY—OF—LORDS and masters : In 1—COLONIAL—SOCIETY, there are different types of human beings + —THEREFORE, different rights and different values, as well.
20051231 ISRAEL considers protesting BBC show on `secret weapons' : The program reportedly examines the "double standard" of THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY with regard to ISRAEL's and IRAQ—UNCONVENTIONAL weapons.
20051231 Pentagon propaganda program orders soldiers to promote IRAQ war —WHILE home on leave : The program, coordinated through 1—PENTAGON operation dubbed "Operation Homefront," ordered military personnel to give interviews to their hometown newspapers, television stations and other media outlets and praise THE—USA—WAR—EFFORT in IRAQ.
20051231 Torture: IRAQ—POLICEMAN says it's —JUST how things are done : USA—MILITARY—OFFICIALS announced —THURSDAY the discovery of 3—MORE—SECRET—PRISONS, like 2—OTHERS where Sunnis claimed they were tortured.
20051231 —PUBLISHED, Leaked torture documents, here
20051231 THE—UK—GOVERNMENT are trying to block these documents from publication under the Official Secrets Act
20051231 These are SOME—MORE—DOCUMENTS that THE—UK—GOVERNMENT are trying to suppress with THE—THREAT—OF—PROSECUTION under the Official Secrets Act.
20051231 —EXTRACTED, They detail our USE—OF—INTELLIGENCE, by torture + legal advice the Foreign Office received on the subject + we need to make people aware of their existence.
20051231 Read them here - War without end
20051231 Only justice, not bombs, can make our dangerous world 1—SAFER PLACE—BY ROBERT—FISK
20051231 We have gone on smashing away at the human rights we trumpeted at THE—RUSSIANS—AND THE—ARABS—DURING the Cold War.
20051231 —WEAKENED, We have perhaps fatally, all those provisions that were written into our treaties and conventions in the aftermath of the 2. World War to make the world 1—SAFER place.
20051231 And we claim we are winning.
20051231 The peace movements of the entire world should be in crisis mode right —NOW, working NON—STOP to prevent THE—USA and ISRAEL from —STARTING 1—WAR against IRAN.
20051231 The reckless and unnecessary dangers arising from such 1—WAR are so obvious that 1—WONDERS why normal political forces in THE—2—AGGRESSOR countries -- both of whom love to glorify themselves as democracies -- would not prevent such 1—WAR from happening.
20051231 USA—REPORTS surge in GUANTANAMO hunger strike
20051231 The number of GUANTANAMO Bay prisoners taking part in 1—HUNGER—STRIKE that began nearly 5—MONTHS ago has surged to 84—SINCE Christmas —DAY, THE—USA—MILITARY said on —THURSDAY.
20051231 Medical personnel were FORCE—FEEDING 32—OF—THE—HUNGER strikers with plastic tubes inserted into the stomach through through the nose, the military said.
20051231 Abhöraffäre: USA—REGIERUNG kündigt Untersuchung an
20051231 Wintereinbruch: Schneemassen legen halb EUROPA lahm
20051231 Rüstungsdeal: Thyssen und EADS kaufen U—BOOT—AUSRÜSTER
20051231 MANNESMANN—PROZESS: Ackerman weist Rücktrittsforderungen zurück - Yahoo News — Politics
20051231 —EMBATTLED, AP - 1—SPOKESMAN for, REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY on —SATURDAY disputed ANY—ASSERTION that donations to 1—NONPR ofit group linked to the congressman influenced his legislative agenda.
20051231 DeLay Rep Says Boss Not Swayed by Donors (AP )
20051231 —LINKED, Report: Group, to DeLay funded by Abramoff clients
20051231 REUTERS—WASHINGTON (Reuters ) - 1—ORGANIZATION with close ties to REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY was funded largely by corporations associated with former lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF,
20051231 —REPORTED, THE—WASHINGTON—POST, on —SATURDAY, citing tax records + quoting former associates of...
20051231 NEW—YORK—TIMES—THE indicted lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF must decide by —TUESDAY whether he will accept 1—PLEA or stand trial on fraud charges in 1—FLORIDA case.
20051231 Lobbyist Abramoff May Make Plea Deal - ) Y2005: Wayward Press Awards - Disease, Criminality, and STATE—POWER
20051231 —DEVOTED, GERMANY—HOSTAGE, life to IRAQ archaeology
20051231 1—POWERFUL—STORM plowed through NORTH—CALIFORNIA, causing mudslides and widespread flooding and snarling holiday traffic from Sonoma to Monterey.
20051231 † GUILLERMO—MARTINEZ, 18—JAHRE—ALT in 1—TIJUANA hospital 1—DAY—AFTER he was shot by 1—USA—BORDER—PATROL—AGENT—NEAR 1—METAL—WALL separating that city from S—DIEGO.
20051231 —WALKED, UK—SUBWAY—WORKERS in LONDON, out in a 24-hour strike timed to cripple the subway system on 1—NIGHT—WHEN tens of THOUSANDS—OF—REVELERS were planning to celebrate New —YEAR in the city.
20051231 A 1. GROUP—OF—UN—PEACEKEEPERS from MOZAMBIQUE left BURUNDI as part of 1 phased WITHDRAWAL—OF—TROOPS that will end in December next —YEAR.
20051231 —ARRESTED, CAMBODIA, police, 2—LEADING human rights activists on defamation charges as THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—BODY expressed "extreme concern" over the move.
20051231 EGYPT, PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK swore in 1—NEW—CABINET that retained major personalities of the previous government, —WHILE adding 2—MORE—PRO—USA—BUSINESS—FIGURES and installing EGYPT—1. MINISTER to wear 1—HEADSCARF.
20051231 —INCLUDED, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—AHMED—NAZIF, Aisha ABDUL—HADI, appointed as labor and immigration MINISTER.
20051231 † In EGYPT several SUDAN—MIGRANTS injured —WHEN police violently cleared 1—RAMSHACKLE camp —LATER from their wounds, raising the death toll from the clash to 25. SUDAN—REFUGEES began trickling across the border to ISRAEL —FOLLOWING the clashes.
20051231 —PACKED, PALU—INDONESIA, 1—BOMB, with ball bearings and nails ripped through 1—MEAT—MARKET crowded with holiday shoppers, killing at least 8—PEOPLE and wounding 45.
20051231 1—BOMB in Khalis killed 5—MEMBERS—OF—THE—IRAQI—ISLAMIC—PARTY.
20051231 —RAIDED, Gunmen, 1—HOUSE—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD, killing 5—SUNNI family members, and 1—ROADSIDE bomb in the capital killed 2—POLICEMEN.
20051231 —CLAIMED, THE—WAVE—OF—VIOLENCE, at least 20—LIVES.
20051231 —RELEASED, AL—QAIDA in IRAQ, 6 kidnapped employees of SUDAN—EMBASSY —FOLLOWING THE—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT—PLEDGE to close its embassy in BAGHDAD.
20051231 —STORMED, DOZENS—OF—PALESTINE—GUNMEN, several government offices in GAZA City and briefly took the Interior Ministry to demand jobs.
20051231 1—UK—AID—WORKER and her parents were whisked out of GAZA —AFTER being released by PALESTINE—GUNMEN who had abducted them —2—DAYS—EARLIER.
20051231 —DESIGNED, EL—SALVADOR—22—PENITENTIARIES, to house 7,370 inmates, were packed with more than 12,500 prisoners.
20051231 IRAQ, inflation for the —YEAR ran at 15%.
20051231 —BELIEVED, The official unemployment was 10%, but some, that it could be more than 20%.
20051231 The population was —AROUND 70—MILLION.
20051231 2—PALESTINIANS were killed in ISRAEL—1. deadly airstrike in 1—GAZA border area it —RECENTLY put OFF—LIMITS, —JUST as 1—TRUCE that has drastically reduced violence between THE—2—SIDES formally ended.
20051231 —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, RUSSIA—STATE—OWNED natural gas monopoly to supply UKRAINE with natural gas at the current price —FOR—3—MONTHS, if the government in Kiev —IMMEDIATELY agreed to 1—BIG—PRICE hike to take effect —LATER.
20051231 —JAILED, MOSCOW, Yevgeny Adamov, RUSSIA—FORMER—NUCLEAR—MINISTER, on fraud charges —AFTER 1—SWITZERLAND—COURT decided to extradite him to RUSSIA INSTEAD—OF—THE—USA.
20051231 † In SLOVAKIA 7—TOURISTS from THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC in avalanches in the Tatra mountains.
20051231 —CORDONED, SRI—LANKA, police and soldiers, off 5—DISTRICTS in COLOMBO and detained more than 900—PEOPLE —DURING DOOR—TO—DOOR—SEARCHES to track down Tamil Tiger rebels.
20051231 —CONFIRMED, THE—FRANCE—FOREIGN—MINISTRY, Khaddam has been in FRANCE for several months but declined to give ANY—DETAILS on his whereabouts.
20051231 61—BANK—MASKAN - 63 The Housing BANK—FOR—TRADE and Finance
20051231 iFlow: 20050101 — 20050131 .
20051231 HOUSE—OF—COMMONS—HANSARD—WRITTEN—ANSWERS for 20030115 (pt 8)...
20051231 HOUSE—OF—COMMONS—HANSARD—WRITTEN—ANSWERS for 20030115 (pt 8)... as PART—OF—THE—PURCHASE—PRICE paid by Carlyle Group for those assets;... QinetiQ Group plc 's Annual Report and Financial Statement 20020000 shows 1—NET...
20051231—19930000 —FROM, It was —LATER revealed that he received $144,573 for EACH—DAY he spent as CHIEF 20050000 THROUGH.
20051231—20000000 —SINCE, USA—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE bugged website visitors despite ban : USA—GOVERNMENT—AGENCIES have been barred from using persistent cookies BECAUSE—OF—PRIVACY—CONCERNS.
20051231—20010000 —SEIT, Selbst die einmal käuflichen Telefonbücher des Pentagon sind nur noch "für den dienstlichen Gebrauch" bestimmt.
20051231—20010911 —AFTER, The effort PRESIDENT—BUSH authorized shortly, to fight al Qaeda has grown into the largest CIA covert action program —SINCE the height of the Cold War, expanding in size and ambition despite 1—GROWING outcry at home and abroad over its clandestine tactics
20051231—20010911 —IN—THE, At the same time, THE—USA—MAINSTREAM—PRESS hasn't exactly been acting... —AT—THE—END—OF—20050000 that Saddam was involved attacks... accused the program's FORMER—CHIEF—OF taking nearly $150,000 ...
20051231—20040000 —IN, Dick Clark, in his 1. television appearance —SINCE his stroke, helped to ring in the new —YEAR in Times Square.
20051231—20050101 —AM, RUSSISCH—UKRAINISCHER—GASSTREIT: Gasprom dreht den Hahn zu
20051231—20050102 —OPENED, MEXICO, 1—INVESTIGATION into the killing saying he was shot —WHILE sneaking into CALIFORNIA, using the death to draw attention to 1—CONTENTIOUS—USA—ANTI—IMMIGRATION—MEASURE.
20051231—20080000 —CLEARED, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE, the Border Patrol agent of ANY—WRONGDOING.
20060000 war immerhin das fünftwärmste —JAHR —SEIT Beginn des 19010101—20001231 , sagte DWD—PRÄSIDENT—WOLFGANG—KUSCH.
20060102 —ANFANG des 14010101—15001231 —CENTURY waren die Wälder um das Herrenhaus TRENT—PARK bei Enfield liebstes Jagdrevier Heinrichs IV. von ENGLAND, dem Shakespeare eines seiner blutrünstigen Königsdramen widmete.
20060103 "Le Monde" - "Es ist die 1. Kriegserklärung des 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY. 1—LAND hat die Energieversorgung eines anderen gekappt, weil dieses sich nicht seinen Forderungen gebeugt hat. (...) Mit dem Aufstieg von Verbrauchsriesen wie CHINA und INDIEN sind die Rohstoffe eine wirtschaftliche Waffe der Abschreckung, wenn nicht der Massenvernichtung geworden. Eine neue Geopolitik zeichnet sich ab, die Produzentenländer wie RUSSLAND in 1—POSITION—DER—STÄRKE bringt und Käufer wie CHINA zu einer Diplomatie der Versorgungssicherheit gegenüber zum Beispiel AFRIKA und dem Nahen Osten zwingt. (...) EUROPA befindet sich im Lager der Verbraucher und ist zu recht beunruhigt".
20060106 Ariel Sharon ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER was 1—RUTHLESS—MILITARY—COMMANDER—RESPONSIBLE for 1—OF—THE—MOST shocking war crimes of the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY,
20060106 ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER was 1—RUTHLESS—MILITARY—COMMANDER—RESPONSIBLE for 1—OF—THE—MOST shocking war crimes of the 19010101—20001231 , argues ROBERT—FISK.
20060107 "As Executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—COLLEGE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—COMMITTEE 19800101—19891231 IN the s- he oversaw THE—TRANSFORMATION—OF—THE—COMMITTEE into 1—CONSERVATIVE grassroots powerhouse for the Reagan adiministration. MISTER—NORQUIST, JACK—ABRAMOFF and RALPH—REED added streamlined the College Republican national structure turned away from the establishment and toward conservatism. "—DURING his tenure, the College Republican s gained 1—REPUTATION for hard hitting activism.
20060114 NOSE CONE: 20051201—20060101 20060118 Intelligence in the 20010101—21001231 -- An essential information...
20060115—19741231 —RESTORED, WASHINGTON finally, our right to own gold, which is Constitutional money, back.
20060118 Intelligence in the 20010101—21001231 -- 1—ESSENTIAL—INFORMATION...
20060121 "Geheimgesellschaften und ihre Macht im 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY" von Jan...
20060121 Described by THE—NEW—YORKER as 'one of the greatest minds of the 19010101—20001231 ',
20060121 Zusätzliches Ergebnis SECRET SOCIETIES AND THEIR POWER IN THE 19010101—20001231 By JAN—VAN...
20060121—20050000 —HERBST—IM, fanden sie Reste eines Gebäudes aus dem 07010101—08001231 —CENTURY vor Christus.
20060121—20060118 —ON, Noam Chomsky, 'THE—WAR—ON—TERROR', (full text) : Described by THE—NEW—YORKER as 'one of the greatest minds of the 19010101—20001231 ', Noam Chomsky gave 20060000 —THE—AMNESTY—LECTURE, hosted by Trinity College DUBLIN.
20060124 —CONCERNED, Anyone, about USA—PUBLIC—LIFE at the outset of the 20010101—21001231 would do well to pay close attention to the prophetic scenario embraced by millions.
20060125 mhp: THE—ALLIANCE—OF—BANKERS and Revolution THE—MARBURG—PLAN, financed by ANDREW—CARNEGIE—AMPLE—HERITAGE, was produced in THE—EARLY—YEARS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 .
20060129 Building the socialism of the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY:
20060129 Building the socialism of the 20010101—21001231 :
20060129 "We are building socialism of the 20010101—21001231 ,
20060129 Building the socialism of the 20010101—21001231 : "We are building socialism of the 20010101—21001231 , socialism with participatory democracy," the young political science student told me at THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—OPENING demonstration of the 7. World Social Forum in CARACAS—VENEZUELA.
20060200 in DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA I think JENNY—LIKE the 20010101—21001231 version," says CHRISTIAN—BAILEY, 28... ambientreading.blogspot_com
20060202 Geschichte Lateinamerikas im 19. und 19010101—20001231 : Zur...
20060204 —ASSESSED, CHARLEY—REESE: Guess THE—POLITICIAN : 1—POLITICIAN—RECENTLY, the challenges and threats facing THE—PEOPLE—OF—THE—WORLD in the 20010101—21001231.
20060212 Eureka! Lost manuscript found in cupboard 1—LONG—LOST 16010101—17001231 manuscript charting the birth of modern science has been found gathering dust in 1—CUPBOARD in 1—HAMPSHIRE home.
20060212 1—LONG—LOST 16010101—17001231 manuscript charting the birth of modern science has been found gathering dust in 1—CUPBOARD in 1—HAMPSHIRE home.
20060216 Lectures on 19. and 19010101—20001231 geopolitical history at
20060216 Lectures on 19. and 19010101—20001231 geopolitical history at www.abjpress.com/tarpb4.html
20060216 They knock at the door of sociology requesting 1—PLACE in THE—ACCOUNTS—OF—SOCIETY as stubbornly as the humans masses did in the 18010101—19001231.
20060216 Lectures on 19. and 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY geopolitical HISTORY—NUKING the Economy
20060222 It is 1—OF—THE—GREAT ironies of the linking of natural and human histories that in the 19010101—20001231 Christian societies became the principal S—OF—OIL and Islamic peoples its major producers.
20060222 Beer, wine and cider makers began stopping their bottles with corks HUNDREDS—OF—YEARS—BEFORE 1—UNKNOWN genius devised 1—EFFICIENT—METHOD—OF getting them back out again sometime in the 16010101—17001231.
20060223 Gilad Atzmon: RE—ARRANGING the 19010101—20001231 : Allegro, non Troppo : Once Blair or Bush feel the urge to flatten 1—ARAB country, all they have to do is to provide their supportive media outlets with SOME—PAINFUL—PERSONAL—ACCOUNTS—OF—1 exiled dissident voice who would willingly and enthusiastically share with us SOME—HORRENDOUS—GRAPHIC—DETAILS—OF his troubles at home.
20060228 —TRIGGERED, EUROPE's "Little Ice Age" may have been, by the 13010101—14001231 Black Death plague, according to 1—NEW—STUDY.
20060228 —LINKED, EUROPE—CHILL, to disease EUROPE's "Little Ice Age" may have been triggered by the 13010101—14001231 Black Death plague, according to 1—NEW—STUDY.
20060301 Margarine ist das 1. Kunstprodukt der Lebensmittelindustrie des 18010101—19001231 , entstanden auf Anregung des Kaisers NAPOLEON—III zu einem Wettbewerb für ein billiges Butterersatzprodukt.
20060311 missbrauchte der Monarch, der Schweden in der 2. Hälfte des 17010101—18001231 —CENTURY regierte,
20060311 Um die üblen Wirkungen des Gebräus aber zu belegen, missbrauchte der Monarch, der Schweden in der 2. Hälfte des 17010101—18001231 —CENTURY regierte, 2—ZUM Tode verurteilte Häftlinge als Versuchsobjekte.
20060312 Ab dem 10010101—11001231 sank der Stern der Wikinger allmählich.
20060312 Die 1. Segel blähten sich in Nordeuropa jedoch —ERST zu Beginn des 07010101—08001231 n. Chr.
20060312 THE—SIREN—SONG—OF—GATEKEEPING—FOR more than 1—CENTURY, journalists in professional news organizations have prized their gatekeeping role.
20060316 Das Hämagglutinin des VIETNAM—VIRUS (H5) verglich Stevens mit älteren H1-, H2- und H3-Varianten.
20060316 CthuluOverlord writes "CNET News_com is reporting that NICHOLAS—DONOFRIO, Big BLUE—EXECUTIVE—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—INNOVATION and technology, made 1—DECLARATION on —TUESDAY in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—ZDNET—ASIA. 'The fact is that innovation was 1—LITTLE—DIFFERENT in the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY. It's not easy (—NOW) to come up with greater and different things. If you're looking for the next big thing, stop looking. THERE—NO such thing as the next big thing.'" Donofrio goes on to explain that he sees innovation as being services or social changes nowadays, rather than simply 1—BETTER moustrap.
20060316 'The fact is that innovation was 1—LITTLE—DIFFERENT in the 19010101—20001231.
20060316 20060316 Das Hämagglutinin des VIETNAM—VIRUS (H5) verglich Stevens mit älteren H1-, H2- und H3-Varianten.
20060316 Nur diese 3—OBERFLÄCHENPROTEINE sind bislang bei menschlichen Grippeerregern AUFGETRETEN—UNTER anderem in den 3—GROSSEN Grippepandemien des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY:
20060316—19570000 —J—IM, Nur diese 3—OBERFLÄCHENPROTEINE sind bislang bei menschlichen Grippeerregern AUFGETRETEN—UNTER anderem in den 3—GROßEN Grippepandemien des 19010101—20001231 : H1N1 bei der SPANIEN—GRIPPE 19180000 , die weltweit —BIS zu 50—MILLIONEN Menschen getötet hat, H2N2 und
20060321 "USA—THEOCRACY: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil + Borrowed Money in the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY".
20060321 Get THE—MUCH—AWAITED New Book from KEVIN—PHILLIPS on BuzzFlash_com: "USA—THEOCRACY: THE—PERIL and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil + Borrowed Money in the 20010101—21001231 ".
20060325 Tradition says she originated in the 10010101—11001231 in CHINA—SOUTH—FUJIAN province, directly across from TAIWAN.
20060325 —ORIGINATED, Tradition says she, in the 10010101—11001231 —CENTURY in CHINA—SOUTH—FUJIAN province, directly across from TAIWAN.
20060328 —CREATED, Investigates how H.J. Heinz, 1—SUCCESSFUL—FOOD processing business in the last 3—DECADES—OF—THE 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY.
20060328 Only in 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY AMERIKA!
20060328 —RESTED, LONDON—POSITION in the 18010101—19001231 , on the great importance of BRITAIN in the world economy and the role of sterling as the major INTERNATIONAL currency.
20060328 WILLIAMS: [Pause] Well... - Only in 20010101—21001231 AMERIKA!
20060328 —BY the mid-19010101—20001231 , both of these factors were much reduced in importance,
20060328 Only in 20010101—21001231 AMERIKA!
20060328 —BY the mid-19010101—20001231 , both of these factors were much reduced in importance, but LONDON was renewed as the physical home of the Euromarkets.
20060328 communication + technological developments, that greatly expanded the productive capacity of THE—USA in the late 18010101—19001231.
20060328 —IMPROVED, Outlines MANY—OF—THE—SUPPLY—SIDE—INNOVATIONS, such as, transportation, communication + technological developments, that greatly expanded the productive capacity of THE—USA in the late 18010101—19001231.
20060329 —IS—TITLED, His new book, "USA—THEOCRACY: THE—PERIL and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil + Borrowed Money in the 20010101—21001231 ".
20060329 —TITLED, His new book is, "USA—THEOCRACY: THE—PERIL and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil + Borrowed Money in the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY".
20060401 Do 1—LITTLE reading about working class living conditions in EUROPE in the 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY + you'll come away with the impression that capitalism works only —WHEN subjected to 1—REASONABLE—DEGREE—OF—REGULATION.
20060403 Continent on ascendant : THE 20—00010101—01001231 —CENTURY is decidedly THE—ASIA—CENTURY.
20060403 Continent on ascendant : THE 20010101—21001231 is decidedly THE—ASIA.
20060403 —ESTABLISHED, ASIA has already, itself as the locale for the major themes of contemporary INTERNATIONAL affairs, in the opening YEARS—OF—THE 1. —DECADE—OF—THE 20—00010101—01001231.
20060403 THE 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY is decidedly THE—ASIA—CENTURY.
20060403 in the opening years of 20061201 —THEADE of the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY.
20060405 Undoubtedly there will be others.
20060405 Another way of looking at it is to perceive that THE—IRAQ war is the 1. 20010101—21001231 war over major natural resources.
20060406 —DISCOVERED, Ancient pyramid, Archeologists said —WEDNESDAY they have discovered 1—MASSIVE 05010101—06001231 —CENTURY INDIA—PYRAMID beneath the site of —1—CENTURIES—OLD RE—ENACTMENT—OF—THE—CRUCIFIXION—OF—CHRIST.
20060407 "Radio carbon dating of the papyrus from the Gospel of Judas confirms that it's from the 3. to the 03010101—04001231 A.D.," Jull said, "and this supports the authenticity of the Gospel of Judas".
20060407 "Radio carbon dating of the papyrus from the Gospel of Judas confirms that it's from the 3. to the 03010101—04001231 —CENTURY A.D.," Jull said,
20060416 Workers digging 1—NEW—SEWAGE—SYSTEM for 1—COASTAL—RESORT—NEAR—ROME found the remains of a 01010101—02001231 villa belonging to 2—ROMAN—SENATORS.
20060416 Suicide rate falls to record low The suicide rate in ENGLAND is at its lowest in 1—CENTURY, official figures have shown.
20060421 Wilde Streiks in VIETNAM: Ausgebeutet wie im 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY
20060421 Wilde Streiks in VIETNAM: Ausgebeutet wie im 18010101—19001231 20060422 The great 19010101—20001231 writer W Somerset Maugham had something to
20060422 The great 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY writer W Somerset Maugham had something to
20060424 Daher streiten Neurologen —SEIT dem späten 18010101—19001231 darüber, ob das Gehirn tatsächlich eine eigene Region für das Erkennen zusammenhängender Wortformen besitzt.
20060424 1., they declare that the taboo against WARS—OF—AGRESSION, formed in THE—BLOOD—OF—MORE than 70—MILLION—DEAD—PEOPLE in the 19010101—20001231 —2—WORLD—WARS, is out.
20060430 AFRICA—GENOCIDE : SOME—ARE calling it the 1. GENOCIDE—OF—THE 20010101—21001231 , THE—KILLINGS—OF—MOSTLY black AFRICA—MUSLIMS blamed on 1—ARAB militia known as the Janjaweed.
20060501—19100000 —UNTIL, As it happens, THE—CONVENT—OF—THE—VISITATION covered the 4,400—SQUARE—FOOT—PLOT from the early 16010101—17001231 , —WHEN it was demolished.
20060503 —YESTERDAY (—TODAY had yet more interesting reflections) + they interviewed 1—HISTORIAN who focused on the fact that May —DAY is 1—INTERNATIONAL—DAY—OF—LABOR—SOLIDARITY—BECAUSE—OF—EVENTS that happened in CHICAGO—TO immigrant WORKERS—OVER 1—CENTURY ago.
20060506 Nuclear Posture Review - 20011231 - "If it were 1—FACT, it wouldn't be intelligence".
20060506 —ON many 02010101—03001231 monuments, swastikas appear as 1—CROSS in the Christian context.
20060512 Relations between BRAZIL and BOLIVIA sank to their lowest point in 1—CENTURY, as THE—2—SPARRED over BOLIVIA—NATIONALIZATION—OF—ITS—ENERGY—SECTOR and threats to seize BOLIVIA—LAND held by BRAZIL—FARMERS.
20060513 "Whether or not we're in THE—MIDST—OF—ANOTHER BOOM—BUST cycle in technology is 1—MATTER—OF—FIERCE—DEBATE. BusinessWeek discusses what constituted that last bubble and looks at current trends to see if we're on the verge of 1—NEW 1. 'THE—GREAT—BUBBLE—OF—THE—LATE '90s shaped 1—GENERATION—OF—INTERNET entrepreneurs and investors much as the Great Depression shaped 1—GENERATION—OF—ECONOMIZERS in the mid-19010101—20001231 . 'The bubble generation is much more attuned to the fact that things can get really OUT—OF—HAND,' says BILL—BURNHAM, 1—FORMER—PARTNER—AT—MOBIUS—VENTURE—CAPITAL. 'THERE—1—LEVEL—OF—CAUTION that has been ingrained.'"
20060514 Tourism is booming in the Languedoc REGION—OF—FRANCE, largely due to SOME—ENDURING mysteries that link 1—CHARISMATIC—PRIEST—OF—1—CENTURY ago with the controversial claims in THE—DA—VINCI—CODE.
20060517 —DISCOVERED, Archaeologists in PERU have, a 14010101—15001231 —OLD mummy of 1—TATTOOED—MOCHE woman entombed with 1—DAZZLING COLLECTION—OF—WEAPONS and jewelry.
20060523 —AM Ende des 20010101—21001231 könne sich so 1—STEIGERUNG der globalen Durchschnittstemperaturen um 7,7 Grad gegenüber dem heutigen Wert ergeben.
20060525 —UNDOCUMENTED, People who hire, workers are "20010101—21001231 —CENTURY slave masters...—JUST as immoral as the 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY slave masters we had to fight 1—CIVIL—WAR to get rid of," said House immigration POINT—PERSON—REPRESENTATIVE—JAMES—SENSENBRENNER (R-WI) —YESTERDAY.
20060525 20—00010101—01001231 —CENTURY Wiretapping: Storing Communications Data ED—FELTEN
20060525 WorldChanging: 1—USER—GUIDE for the 20010101—21001231 This is the way the debate ends: not with 1—BANG but 1—PRESS—AVAILABILITY.
20060527 Dem Bericht des IPCC zufolge drohen in den nächsten 100—JAHREN weitere gravierende Klimaveränderungen in vielen Teilen der Erde: Die ARKTIS könnte —SCHON in der 01010101—02001231 —CENTURYHÄLFTE komplett eisfrei sein, wenn sich an den TREIBHAUSGAS—EMISSIONEN nicht viel ändert;
20060527 It could also start 1—CENTURY ago, —WHEN 1—FARMER—NEAR THE—SOUTH—WEST—ONTARIO VILLAGE—OF—HIGHGATE unearthed 1—ODDITY that would become 1—NATIONAL—WONDER.
20060530 Opposing the Sovjets for HALF—1—CENTURY, only to find that your own system has degenerated to the same levels, nay!
20060530—19620000 —IN, The Derveni Papyrus — which has been in the Archaeological MUSEUM—OF theSSALONIKI —SINCE its charred fragments were found among the remains of 1—FUNERAL—PYRE — is described as a "philosophical treatise based on 1—POEM in the Orphic tradition and dating to the 2. HALF—OF—THE 04010101—05001231 —CENTURY BC".
20060530—19620000 —IN, THE—DERVENI—PAPYRUS — which has been in the Archaeological MUSEUM—OF—THESSALONIKI —SINCE its charred fragments were found among the remains of 1—FUNERAL—PYRE — is described as a "philosophical treatise based on 1—POEM in the Orphic tradition and dating to the 2. HALF—OF—THE 04010101—05001231 BC".
20060531 [C]limate change is 1—OF—THE most significant environmental CHALLENGES—OF—THE 20010101—21001231 and is linked to other important issues such as economic growth and development... Goldman Sachs is very concerned by the threat to our natural environment, to humans and to the economy presented by climate change and believes that it requires the urgent attention of and action by governments, business, consumers and civil society to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
20060609 The Security and Peace Initiative (SPI), which is CO—SPONSORED by the Center for USA—PROGRESS, is hosting 1—MAJOR—FOREIGN—POLICY—CONFERENCE—TODAY in NEW—YORK called "Power and Superpower: Global Leadership for the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY".
20060609 THE—SECURITY and Peace Initiative (SPI), which is CO—SPONSORED by the Center for USA—PROGRESS, is hosting 1—MAJOR—FOREIGN—POLICY—CONFERENCE—TODAY in NEW—YORK called "Power and Superpower: Global Leadership for the 20010101—21001231 ".
20060611 Demonstration gegen Ahmadinedschad: "Hitler des 20010101—21001231 "
20060612 —PRESUMED, DOCTOR—TOMBA said that it has always been, that THE—FLOW—OF—THE—TRADE between ROME and INDIA lasted between the 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY BC through to THE—END—OF—THE 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY AD, but that there is growing evidence that this trade continued much longer, into the 6. and early 06010101—07001231 —CENTURY—ALTHOUGH not necessarily continually.
20060612 "What is interesting is that in the 05010101—06001231 , 1—GREECE—WRITER, writing about THE—INDIA—OCEAN, wrote that the Malabar coast was still 1—THRIVING—CENTRE for THE—EXPORT—OF—PEPPER—BUT he doesn't mention Muziris".
20060622 —REPORTED, THE—USA—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES, that the last few DECADES—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY were warmer than ANY—COMPARABLE—PERIOD in the last 400—YEARS.
20060622 Climate skeptics routinely point to other PERIODS—OF—TIME where there were temperature changes — the early 19010101—20001231 , the "medieval warm period " -— as "proof" that global warming isn't real.
20060622 The "WAR—ON—TERRORISM" is flourishing business for the corporate world - a 20010101—21001231 fantasy on its own, where facts live in denials and predetermined dogmas cover all aspects of Muslims and Islam.
20060624 " MANN—CENTRAL thesis, stating it is "plausible that THE—NORTH—HEMISPHERE was warmer —DURING the last few DECADES—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 than —DURING ANY—COMPARABLE—PERIOD over the preceding —MILLENNIUM".
20060630—20061231 —VOTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, unanimously to conclude its peacekeeping mission in BURUNDI and replace it with 1—UN—OFFICE to help promote development and democracy in THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—NATION.
20060700 Die Skythen waren 1—NOMADENVOLK, das ab dem 06010101—07001231 vor Christus in Südrussland und der UKRAINE —BIS zum Dnjepr lebte.
20060705 "We're —NOW focusing on uncovering THE—LAY—OUT—OF—THE—PUBLIC—BATHS, 1—OF—THE—LARGEST and plushest of the 03010101—04001231 AD, measuring more than 2—HECTARES," said lead archaeologist MARINA—RUBINICH.
20060705 Balla said the discovery seems to reflect on the way artifacts were treated in the 18010101—19001231.
20060705 —OBTAINED, In the 03010101—04001231 AD the local BISHOP, the rank of PATRIARCH—AND—THE 1. in 1—SERIES—OF—MAJOR—RELIGIOUS—CONGRESSES was held there.
20060705 In the 03010101—04001231 —CENTURY AD the local BISHOP obtained the rank of PATRIARCH—AND—THE 1. in 1—SERIES—OF—MAJOR—RELIGIOUS—CONGRESSES was held there.
20060706 —OPENED, The fledgling USA, the 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY by stealing THE—CONTINENT—OF—NORTH—AMERICAN—FROM the Indians, —WHILE in the process ethnically cleansing them and then finally deporting the pitiful few survivors by MEANS—OF—DEATH—MARCHES (1—LA—BATAAN) to Bantustans, which in AMERICAN—WE call reservations, as in INSTANCE—OF—AMERICA—MANIFEST destiny to rule the world.
20060706 BILL—JOY: Why the future doesn't need us.: Our most powerful 20010101—21001231 TECHNOLOGIES—ROBOTICS, genetic engineering + NANOTECH—ARE threatening to make humans 1 endangered species.
20060711 And it may be the 1. HALF—OF—THE 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY, or maybe go all the way to the 21010101—22001231 —CENTURY.
20060711 It is the most profound shift in thinking, perhaps the most profound puzzle, in the latter HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231.
20060711 And it may be the 1. HALF—OF—THE 20010101—21001231 , or maybe go all the way to the 21010101—22001231.
20060711 "Die Globalisierung macht aus dem 20010101—21001231 —1—JAHRHUNDERT—DER—STÄDTE", sagte HABITAT—EXEKUTIVDIREKTORIN ANNA—TIBAIJUKA.
20060715 USA—DATA mining riles Latin AMERICA: NICARAGUA—FOR 1—PEOPLE who have grappled with USA—MEDDLING for more than 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY, Nicaraguans were surprised to find that Uncle SAM—LONG—REACH may —NOW extend right into their private lives.
20060719 threatened with extinction by the mid-20010101—21001231 —CENTURY
20060719 threatened with extinction by the mid-20010101—21001231 20060719 threatened with extinction by the mid-20010101—21001231 20060720 Striptease came to burlesque performance in the 18010101—19001231.
20060720 Striptease came to burlesque performance in the 18010101—19001231 .
20060722 —SWELTERED, BRITAIN: "BRITAIN, on THE—HOTTEST July —DAY for nearly 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY
20060722 —EXISTED, BRITAIN 'had apartheid society' 1—APARTHEID—LIKE—SOCIETY, in 04010101—05001231 —CENTURY BRITAIN, 1—ANALYSIS—OF—GENETIC origins suggests.
20060722 —SWELTERED, BRITAIN: "BRITAIN, on THE—HOTTEST—JULY —DAY for nearly 1—CENTURY—DATE 20060722 —EXISTED, BRITAIN 'had apartheid society' 1—APARTHEID—LIKE—SOCIETY, in 04010101—05001231 BRITAIN, 1—ANALYSIS—OF—GENETIC origins suggests.
20060724 the Bush Sterilization History Eugenics began as 1—BREEDING science for horses in the late 18010101—19001231 in the...
20060724 Kukai, FOUNDER—OF—JAPANESE—SHINGON—BUDDHISM - 1—BIOGRAPHY by Ron... appears to span to the oldest written RECORD—OF—JAPAN—CIVILIZATION, THAT—OF—CHINA—EXPLORERS of the 02010101—03001231 CE.
20060724 Bush + Abortion + Eugenics... family has been in THE—VANGUARD—OF—THE—PRO—ABORTION + eugenics movements —SINCE THE—EARLY—YEARS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 ...
20060724 Bush + Abortion + Eugenics... family has been in THE—VANGUARD—OF—THE—PRO—ABORTION + eugenics movements —SINCE—THE—EARLY—YEARS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY...
20060727 —INCLUDED, Finds, 1—HALBERD, a 16010101—17001231 ceremonial staff often carried by military sergeants;
20060727 —CLAIMED, Amateur historian Cezmi Yurtsever has again, to have decrypted secret codes on 1—MAP belonging to 15010101—16001231 —CENTURY Ottoman ADMIRAL—PIRI Reis and has come to the conclusion that CHRISTOPHER—COLOMBUS was 1—OTTOMAN spy.
20060801 Learn About the Republican Strategy to Achieve a 1—PARTY—VIRTUAL—DICTATORSHIP for 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY.
20060801 Learn About the Republican Strategy to Achieve a 1—PARTY—VIRTUAL—DICTATORSHIP for 1—CENTURY.
20060806 Seine PALÄSTINA—FAMILIE lebt —SEIT dem 16010101—17001231 in HAIFA.
20060806 Seine PALÄSTINENSISCHE—FAMILIE lebt —SEIT dem 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY in HAIFA.
20060808 Welcome to the 20010101—21001231 librarian: BOOK—SMART, REALITY—STUPID, BUSH—DERANGED bigots.
20060810 Paintings reveal pollution clues MONET—PAINTINGS could shed light on pollution in LONDON at the turn of the 19010101—20001231 , say scientists.
20060810 Green pigment spins chip promise 1—GREEN dye used by artists in the 17010101—18001231 could be used to make faster, more efficient microchips.
20060810 —FROM ZAPPY—WHERE—DATE—PALMS—GROW : —SATURDAY, 20060812 Dracul?s Barbecue It is told that Count Dracul had his enemies impaled on the outskirts of Transylvania to horrify THE—TURKS from ever wanting to invade Transylvania that was —BACK—IN the 14010101—15001231.
20060815 They posit a 06010101—07001231 —CENTURY BC.
20060815 GEORGE—ALLEN: Digital foot in 20—00010101—01001231 —CENTURY mouth There have already been strong intimations that VIRGINIA Republican SENATOR—GEORGE—ALLEN has a "race problem".
20060815 They posit a 06010101—07001231 BC.
20060815 Google Groups: alt.religion.mormon important J source was apparently written, was very sparsely inhabited —UNTIL the late 07010101—08001231 BCE ".
20060815 CONCORD Monitor ONLINE—ARTICLE—CONCORD, NH 03301 Finkelstein and Silberman typified such skepticism in Bible Unearthed, which said Edom achieved kingship and statehood only in the 06010101—07001231 BC...
20060815 THE—WASHINGTON—MONTHLY—NOT quite sure what maunga is on about, but yes, ' THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED ' is 1—MUST—READ—SHOWS how THE—OT was written largely in the 05010101—06001231 BC as a...
20060818 He was also THE—AUTHOR—OF—THE—PENTAGON—NEW—MAP: War and Peace in the 20—00010101—01001231 —CENTURY and Blueprint for Action: 1—FUTURE—WORTH—CREATING.
20060822 SPAIN, Grigory Perelman (40), 1—RECLUSIVE Russian, won 1—FIELDS—MEDAL, the math world's highest honor, for solving 1—PROBLEM that has stumped SOME—OF—THE—DISCIPLINE—GREATEST—MINDS for 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY, but he refused the award.
20060824 Category: Bush _Family/Bush __Prescott_Sheldon__1895_1972_ 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY USA—HISTORY > Prescott S. Bush (18950000—19720000 )
20060828 —GREETED, Although IRAN—PROTESTATIONS—OF—PEACEFUL—INTENTIONS are, cynically in THE—USA and ISRAEL, in fact IRAN has not launched 1—WAR—OF—AGGRESSION in over 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY.
20060829 The sect had broken from the Mormon Church over 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY ago.
20060829 The sect had broken from the Mormon Church over 1—CENTURY ago.
20060905 He may believe that these petty groups and their posturing leaders "are successors to fascists, to Nazis, to communists and other totalitarians of the 19010101—20001231 ".
20060905 He becomes the Churchillian leader of "the decisive ideological struggle of the 20010101—21001231 ".
20060905 How did THE—USA—BECOME 1—MASTER—OF—DOMESTIC—WAR—PROPAGANDA over the course of the 19010101—20001231 ?
20060905 I could look across THE—BAGHDAD skyline and see 1—RICH miscellany of Christian churches, embracing Assyrian, Armenian, Byzantine, Anglican, Mandeans and Methodist, SOME—OF—THEM with 1—PRESENCE—SINCE THE—1—CENTURY, —6—CENTURIES—BEFORE Islam began.
20060906 "We cannot let terriers and rogue nations hold this nation hostile " — 20000909 20060909 "Reuters reports that USA—AUTHORITIES have arrested PETER—DICKS, THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—UK based online sports betting company Sportingbet Plc, —WHILE he was passing through DALLAS. —JUST—2—MONTHS—AGO, THE—CEO of another UK based online sports betting company, BetOnSports, was arrested on USA—SOIL as well. They are both charged with violating 19610000 —THE—FEDERAL—WIRE—ACT, which can be broadly interpreted as declaring all forms of online gambling illegal in THE—USA—IS online gambling the Alcohol Prohibition of the 20010101—21001231 ?"
20060908 Während des 18010101—19001231 hat es EUROPA und TEILE—DER—WESTLICHEN—HEMISPHÄRE erfasst, im 19010101—20001231 erreichte es JAPAN und schließlich CHINA.
20060909 "Reuters reports that USA—AUTHORITIES have arrested PETER—DICKS, THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—UK based online sports betting company Sportingbet Plc, —WHILE he was passing through DALLAS. —JUST—2—MONTHS—AGO, THE—CEO of another UK based online sports betting company, BetOnSports, was arrested on USA—SOIL as well. They are both charged with violating 19610000 —THE—FEDERAL—WIRE—ACT, which can be broadly interpreted as declaring all forms of online gambling illegal in THE—USA—IS online gambling the Alcohol Prohibition of the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY?"
20060912 He quoted a 13010101—14001231 Byzantine emperor as saying "Show me —JUST what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached".
20060914 VENEZUELA—PROMISING future : Communal councils may be instrumental in THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—VENEZUELA'S 20010101—21001231 socialism.
20060915 But make no mistake, it is the 1. genocide of the 20010101—21001231 + if it continues unchecked it will not be the last.
20060916 —URGED, PAPA, to retract Islam remarks : THE—PAPA provoked anger —AFTER criticising Islam and its concept of jihad —ON—TUESDAY—DURING a —6—DAY—VISIT to his native GERMANY, citing a 13010101—14001231 Christian emperor who said that Prophet Mohammed had brought the world "evil and inhuman" things.
20060917 I n the —WEEK that GEORGE—BUSH took to fantasising that his BLOOD—SOAKED "WAR—ON—TERROR" would lead the 20010101—21001231 into a "shining age of human liberty" I went through my mail bag to find 1—FRIGHTENING letter addressed to me by 1—USA—VETERAN whose son is serving as 1—LIEUTENANT—COLONEL and medical doctor with USA—FORCES in BAGHDAD.
20060917 THE—REPUBLICAN—PLAN for Dominance in the 20010101—21001231 : Journalists TOM—HAMBURGER and PETER—WALLSTEN discuss their new book.
20060919 Bring the Senate into the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY.
20060919 Bring the Senate into the 20010101—21001231.
20060920 —AGREED, THE—AFRICA—UNION (AU), to extend the mandate of its peacekeepers in SUDAN's troubled Darfur region —FOR—3—MONTHS 20061231 —UNTIL—AFTER receiving promises of financial and logistical support from THE—UNITED—NATIONS and Arab states.
20060930 (19980000 , 19990000 ) was that the late 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY warmth in THE—NORTH—HEMISPHERE was unprecedented —DURING at least the last 1,000 years.
20060930 —SUPPORTED, This conclusion has subsequently been, by 1—ARRAY—OF—EVIDENCE...Based on the analyses presented in the original papers by Mann et al. and this newer supporting evidence, the committee finds it plausible that THE—NORTH—HEMISPHERE was warmer —DURING the last few DECADES—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 than —DURING ANY—COMPARABLE—PERIOD over the preceding —MILLENNIUM.
20060930 at 6:17 pm - (19980000 , 19990000 ) was that the late 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY warmth in THE—NORTH—HEMISPHERE was unprecedented —DURING at least the last 1,—000—YEARS.
20061004 WALSH: You know that was always the issue on Capitol Hill + I think that his response in the past was that "That's my business and would you ask PRESIDENT—BUSH or would you ask, you know, Chairman HARRY—REED if he was straight?" I think in the 20010101—21001231 , people have 1—RIGHT to keep their sexuality, you know, to themselves.
20061007 Karat said the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY was not going to be 1—USA—CENTURY.
20061007 Karat said the 20010101—21001231 was not going to be 1—USA.
20061009—20031231 —TESTIFIED, Khaled AL—MASRI, —43—JAHRE—ALT, 1—KUWAITI—BORN—GERMANY—CITIZEN, in 1—SPAIN—COURT that he was kidnapped, at THE—SERBIA—MACEDONIA border —WHILE on vacation, tortured by USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS—FOR—23—DAYS, then flown by THE—CIA to AFGHANISTAN where he was imprisoned and abused —FOR—5—MONTHS.
20061010 Die letzten Bestattungen in der Nekropole hätten in der Zeit Kaiser Konstantins im 03010101—04001231 stattgefunden.
20061013 "Remo"-Chefentwicklerin Daniela Jacob betont, der Fehler betreffe lediglich die letzten 4—JAHRZEHNTE in der Klimasimulation für das 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY.
20061015 BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA gave Catholics 4—NEWS saints, bestowing the honor on a 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY nun who struggled on THE—USA—FRONTIER, 1—BISHOP who tended to the wounded —DURING THE—MEXICO—REVOLUTION and 2—ITALY—CLERGY.
20061016 The conservative ANTI—CHOICE—GROUP—FEMINISTS—FOR Life (FFL) has continually claimed that it is the successor to the 18010101—19001231 feminist movement.
20061016 "—1—TAG in der Geschichte" nennt sich das ambitionierte Projekt, es soll einen "Schnappschuss des Alltags im beginnenden 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY" liefern, sagt Fiona Reynolds, Chefin des National Trust, der GROSSBRITANNIEN—GESELLSCHAFT zum Schutz des historischen Erbes.
20061022 —ANNOUNCED, PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD, that AUSTRALIA is to launch a 500—MILLION—DOLLAR—DRIVE to tackle global warming, as the country battles its worst drought in more than 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY.
20061025 BUSH : We will stay the course, we will help this young IRAQ—DEMOCRACY succeed + victory in IRAQ will be 1—MAJOR—IDEOLOGICAL triumph in the struggle of the 20010101—21001231.
20061028 Darunter der originalgetreue Nachbau einer Kartentaube aus dem späten 17010101—18001231.
20061029 DATIERTEN—LAUT den antiken Chronisten also in die Frühzeit der Garamanten.
20061029 —BIS es in 4—METER Tiefe fündig wurde: Ruinen aus massivem Stein, die mindestens in das 03010101—04001231 v. Chr.
20061029—00860000 —CA, 7—JAHRE lang grub sich sein Team durch Sand, Geröll und die Schichten der von Vogel entdeckten mittelalterlichen Lehmbauten, —BIS es in 4—METER Tiefe fündig wurde: Ruinen aus massivem Stein, die mindestens in das 03010101—04001231 —CENTURY v. Chr.
20061029—00860000 —CA, —7—JAHRE lang grub sich sein Team durch Sand, Geröll und die Schichten der von Vogel entdeckten mittelalterlichen Lehmbauten, —BIS es in 4—METER Tiefe fündig wurde: Ruinen aus massivem Stein, die mindestens in das 03010101—04001231 v. Chr.
20061101 BANGALORE, according to state historians, got its name from Bendakalooru (the town of boiled beans) —AFTER 1—KING strayed into the area —DURING 1—HUNTING trip in the late 13010101—14001231.
20061102 That is Revolution at the dawn of the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY.
20061105 marching to THE—DRUMBEATS—OF—PEACE, NON—VIOLENCE and universal harmony.
20061105 That is Revolution at the dawn of the 20010101—21001231 â€".
20061107—20061231 —AFTER, "Reuters reports that the next Space Shuttle mission may have to be deferred if it gets too close to the New —YEAR because the onboard computers do not handle THE—CHANGING—OF—THE—DATE in the same way as the ground computers. '"The shuttle computers were never envisioned to fly through —1—YEAR—END changeover," space shuttle program manager WAYNE—HALE told 1—BRIEFING. The problem, according to Hale, is that the shuttle's computers do not reset to —DAY 1, as GROUND—BASED systems that support shuttle navigation do. Instead, the 365. —DAY—OF—THE—YEAR, shuttle computers figure January is —JUST—DAY—366".
20061112 spiritual adversaries of the mid- 19010101—20001231 : EDWARD—BERNAYS + HARRY—SMITH.
20061112 spiritual adversaries of the mid- 19010101—20001231 â€" :
20061112 —LISTED, BERNAYS is, by some as 1—OF—THE—100—MOST important people of the 19010101—20001231.
20061114 —WRECKED, Roman ship thrills archaeologists 1—ROMAN ship, off THE—COAST—OF—SPAIN in the 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY AD, reveals 1—WEALTH—OF—HISTORICAL treasures.
20061114 take another look : The great respect that I have for your leadership, MISTER—PRESIDENT, in this little understood, unfamiliar war, the 1. war of the 20010101—21001231 -- it is not WELL—KNOWN, it was not WELL—UNDERSTOOD, it is complex for people to comprehend.
20061114 1 shipwrecked 1—CENTURY—VESSEL carrying delicacies to the richest palates of THE—ROMAN—EMPIRE has proved 1—DAZZLING find, with nearly 20000000 —YEAR—OLD—FISH bones still nestling inside clay jars.
20061114 peacepalestine: 20051201—20051231 20061115 Whatever its origin, —SINCE its use by Roman citizens 1,—800—YEARS—AGO, the ''abracadabra'' spell seems to have arrived in the 20010101—21001231 little changed.
20061114 peacepalestine: 20051201—20051231 20061114 But I —JUST insist that BOTH—THE—HOLOCAUST + - WWII.
20061114 peacepalestine: 20051201—20051231 20061114 peacepalestine: 20051201—20051231 20061115 Whatever its origin, —SINCE its use by Roman citizens 1,—800—YEARS—AGO, the ''abracadabra'' spell seems to have arrived in the 20010101—21001231 little changed.
20061115 Whatever its origin, —SINCE its use by Roman citizens 1,—800—YEARS—AGO, the ''abracadabra'' spell seems to have arrived in the 20010101—21001231 little changed.
20061115 the ''abracadabra'' spell seems to have arrived in the 20010101—21001231 little changed.
20061116 Dazu lösten sie Proben aus einem Schwert des persischen Schmieds Assad Ullah aus dem 16010101—17001231 in Salzsäure auf.
20061117 "Nature reports that researchers at DRESDEN University believe that sabres from DAMASCUS dating back to 900—AD were formed with help from carbon nanotubes. 'Sabres from DAMASCUS are made from 1—TYPE—OF—STEEL called wootz. But the secret of the swords' manufacture was lost in the 17010101—18001231 .' At high temperatures, impurities in the metal 'could have catalyzed THE—GROWTH—OF—NANOTUBES from carbon in the burning wood and leaves used to make the wootz, Paufler suggests. These tubes could then have filled with cementite to produce the wires in the patterned blades, he says.'"
20061117 The old Navy Mechanics' School in BUENOS—AIRES, 1—PRESTIGIOUS—SCHOOL founded in the late 18010101—19001231 and CHIEF torture compound —DURING ARGENTINA—DIRTY—WAR, is —NOW is being converted into 1—MUSEUM honoring Dirty War victims.
20061118 —EXCHANGED, TOM—CRUISE and Katie Holmes, wedding vows in 1—GLOWING 14010101—15001231 castle in the medieval lakeside TOWN—OF—BRACCIANO, ITALY.
20061123 -: Mieter schutz im 15010101—16001231 —CENTURY?
20061123 —ANNOUNCED, Why did Gemayel die —JUST hours —AFTER Syria, the restoration of diplomatic relations with IRAQ —AFTER 1—QUARTER—OF—00010101—01001231 —CENTURY?
20061123 -: Mieter schutz im 15010101—16001231 ?
20061125 "—SINCE its discovery 19020000 , the Antikythera Mechanism — with its intricate and baffling system of about 30 geared wheels — has been 1—ENIGMA... —DURING the last 50—YEARS, researchers have identified various astronomical and calendar functions, including gears that mimic THE—MOVEMENT—OF—THE—SUN and moon. But it has taken some of the most advanced technology of the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY to decipher —DURING the past —YEAR the most advanced technology of the 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY B.C."
20061125 —ADVANCED, But it has taken some of the most, technology of the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY to decipher —DURING the past —YEAR the most advanced technology of the 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY B.C."
20061126 —ANFANG des 04010101—05001231 —CENTURY v. Chr.
20061126 dass im 06010101—07001231 —CENTURY v. Chr.
20061126 —ANFANG des 04010101—05001231 v. Chr. verschoben sich die Machtverhältnisse nachhaltig.
20061126 Pollenprofile aus Seesedimenten der Eifelmaare wiederum beweisen, dass im 06010101—07001231 v. Chr. unwirtliche Regionen Mitteleuropas im großen Stil gerodet wurden.
20061126 Polonium-210 -- the radioactive substance used to poison 1—FORMER—RUSSIA—SPY in LONDON -- is 1—OF—THE—WORLD—RAREST—ELEMENTS, 1. discovered in the 18010101—19001231 by scientists Marie and PIERRE—CURIE.
20061126 —ANFANG des 04010101—05001231 v. Chr.
20061126 dass im 06010101—07001231 v. Chr.
20061126 1. discovered in the 18010101—19001231 by scientists Marie and PIERRE—CURIE.
20061128 —PLANNED, There are 2—KINDS—OF, deterioration in 1—PRODUCT: 1 is technical, the other is stylistic.' The writer compares the build quality of a 20—YEAR—OLD—IBM XT to the modern Motorola Razr phone and concludes that modern gadgets are 'delicate, beautiful supermodels that can't go the distance.'"
20061129 It argues that the 20010101—21001231 is 'THE—AGE—OF—THE—FLIMSY' where 'your gadgets will simply break within the —YEAR.' Post AUTHOR—CHRIS—STEVENS talks about how computers are fast enough for the average user + the only way to make consumers upgrade is 'increasingly poor build quality... Engineers have built obsolescence into MASS—PRODUCED technology —SINCE the 1920s.
20061129 It argues that the 20010101—21001231 is 'THE—AGE—OF—THE—FLIMSY' where 'your gadgets will simply break within the —YEAR.
20061129 Zwar hat der GRIECHISCHE—ASTRONOM Aristarch von Samos die Idee eines heliozentrischen Weltbilds —SCHON im 02010101—03001231 —CENTURY vor Christus vertreten,
20061201 Der Anstieg des Meeresspiegels und der Temperatur kann erhebliche Folgen für die soziale und politische Stabilität vieler Regionen HABEN—DURCH Ernteausfälle und Überschwemmungen drohen Ende des 20010101—21001231 —BIS zu 150—MILLIONEN Menschen zu Flüchtlingen zu werden.
20061203 SEC INFO—BREK Energy Corp - 10KSB—FOR 20021231 - EX-10.4
20061205 Die Namensliste zeige außerdem die kulturellen Verhältnisse in der Stadt, die die Römer —J—IM 50—VOR Christus als Militärsiedlung gegründet hatten: Zu Lebzeiten des fluchenden Servandus, im 2. oder 02010101—03001231 nach Christus, gab es in LEICESTER Bewohner mit rein ROM—NAMEN (etwa Silvester und Germanus), aber auch mit keltischen Namen (Riomandus und Cunovendus) sowie ROM—NAMEN, die in keltisch sprechenden Regionen vorkamen (Regalis).
20061205 Zu Lebzeiten des fluchenden Servandus, im 2. oder 02010101—03001231 —CENTURY nach Christus,
20061207 but THE—SENSE—OF—ABUNDANCE that characterized the late 19010101—20001231????—CENTURY is likely to evaporate for the great MAJORITY—OF—USA.
20061207 At least SOME—STRATA of the global population will continue to experience 1—INCREASE in personal wealth in the 20010101—21001231????,
20061207 but THE—SENSE—OF—ABUNDANCE that characterized the late 19010101—20001231????
20061207 is likely to evaporate for the great MAJORITY—OF—USA.
20061207 Michael T Klare : THE—POST—ABUNDANCE—ERA : At least SOME—STRATA of the global population will continue to experience 1—INCREASE in personal wealth in the 20010101—21001231 , but THE—SENSE—OF—ABUNDANCE that characterized the late 19010101—20001231 is likely to evaporate for the great MAJORITY—OF—USA.
20061207 (For black comedy, unless you count THE—LAST—KING—OF—SCOTLAND, you'd have to reach back 1—QUARTER—OF—1—CENTURY to THE—HOME—GROWN THE—GODS—MUST—BE—CRAZY.
20061207 Chunks Crying All the Way to the Bank- 20061207 20061207 At least SOME—STRATA of the global population will continue to experience 1—INCREASE in personal wealth in the 20010101—21001231????—CENTURY,
20061210 † Obituary : Augusto Pinochet : CAPTAIN—GENERAL—AUGUSTO Pinochet, who has, aged 91, was the most notorious of Latin AMERICA's 19010101—20001231 military rulers.
20061210 † CAPTAIN—GENERAL—AUGUSTO Pinochet, who has, aged 91, was the most notorious of Latin AMERICA's 19010101—20001231 military rulers.
20061211 (true to the matter is also, most people DONT KNOW about it, because the all thing was planned and backed up by THE—CIA ). however... 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY—OF—CRIMES—AGAINST—THE—FILIPINO—PEOPLE -
20061213 The current USA—ELITE is the 3. Reich of our times, although this distinction ought not to let us forget that they have merely accelerated more than HALF—1—CENTURY—OF unrelenting USA—STATE—TERRORISM: from the atomic bombs dropped cynically on JAPAN as 1—SIGNAL—OF—THEIR—NEW—POWER to THE—DOZENS—OF—COUNTRIES invaded, directly or by proxy, to destroy democracy wherever it collided with American "interests", such as 1—VORACIOUS appetite for the world's resources, like oil.
20061216 —AFTER all, he is the fabled, gravelly voiced eminence who has strode across the world stage for the better PART—OF—HALF 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY.
20061220 THE—CENTRAL—TRUST—NEW—YORK—TIMES, 18831231 .) WILLIAM—E—DODGE was 1—OF—THE—PALLBEARERS at his funeral, which was attended by numerous wealthy and powerful...
20061220 Ausgehend von den Regeln, die der PREUSSISCHE—PHYSIKER GUSTAV—ROBERT—KIRCHHOFF im 18010101—19001231 für den Bau von Stromnetzen aufstellte,
20061220 THE—CENTRAL—TRUST—NEW—YORK—TIMES, 18831231 0000—DATE.) WILLIAM—E—DODGE was 1—OF—THE—PALLBEARERS at his funeral,
20061220 The "Power Elite" Controls Both Sides NEW—YORK—TIMES, 19351231 0000—DATE.) LESTER—EISNER—JUNIOR
20061221—20061231 —ON, At midnight ,-
20061221—20061231 —ON, At midnight ,- AMANDA—HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—PAGES—OF—SECRET—DOCUMENTS that are —25—YEARS—OLD or older will be instantly declassified.
20061225 weltverschwörerischen Erstlingswerk " Geheimgesellschaften und ihre Macht im 19010101—20001231 "
20061231 THE—USA—MEDICARE prescription drug plan went into effect.
20061231 —TRAVELED, USA—TEENAGER—FARRIS Hassan, who'd, alone to IRAQ to experience the lives of its people, returned home to FLORIDA —AFTER—3—WEEKS in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20061231 -"By the end OF—USA—AIR—FORCE—PLANS to conduct a 1., fully loaded test flight of its
20061231 —PACKED, Airborne Laser, 1—JUMBO jet, with gear designed to shoot down enemy missiles half 1—WORLD away, at THE—SPEED—OF—LIGHT.
20061231 THE—ABL also packs 1—MEGAWATT—CLASS—PUNCH--it's not exactly your GARDEN—VARIETY—LASER pointer".
20061231 1—MANDAT—DER—UNO.
20061231 Der irakische Ministerpräsident Nuri AL—MALIKI hatte schriftlich um Fortsetzung der militärischen Unterstützung gebeten.
20061231 1—DANGLING—SADDAM may please 1—VENGEFUL—BUSH ~ but it will also be 1—VIVID—REMINDER to THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD—OF our deepening moral disgrace.
20061231 This falls in line with 1—RECENT—INTERNATIONAL—POLL that named GEORGE W Bush as the greatest menace to mankind + INTERNATIONAL peace.
20061231 BUSH—DEMONIZING of Saddam is the ultimate projection of his own dark side ~ which he externalizes on others in his demonic black and white world.
20061231 Psychiatrist Says Bush Needs To Be Impeached For The Good Of "we The People".
20061231 "We the People" are like 1 abused wife.
20061231 The abusers need to be brought to justice, to restore our SELF—ESTEEM and ability to cope with real problems.
20061231 1—ANTI—WAR petiton that was WRITTEN—BY—1—ACTIVE—DUTY serviceman has made rapid circulation —THROUGHOUT the entire military.
20061231 —STATED, Petitioners have, that they have received 1—OVERWHELMING positive response from other ACTIVE—DUTY—MILITARY and family members + have asked THE—USA—GOVERNMENT for 1—APPEAL—OF—REDRESS concerning this issue.
20061231 —BY MICKEY—Z - - Hussein And Ford = Dead Criminals
20061231 If there is anyone left who questions THE—DEPTH—OF—THE—HYPOCRISY and the blood lust of THE—USA—EMPIRE, the events of the last —WEEK left little doubt.
20061231 Let there be no mistake what —NOW awaits IRAQ + all patriotic Iraqis.
20061231 I suppose you all heard of Sheikh Rubaie, right?
20061231 —GUNNED, The Shia Cleric who was, down by Sadrists + Badrists because he said that Muwaffaq Rubaie was not PART—OF—THE—CLAN or at least was 1—ILLEGITIMATE MEMBER—OF—THE—RUBAIE clan.
20061231 You heard that right? These are the Sadrist and Badrist Shia.
20061231 And they are coming for EVERY—PEACE—LOVING secularits, Arab nationalist + NON—MUSLIM in IRAQ.
20061231 :: Article NUMMER—29431 sent on 31-dec-200600000457 ECT—WWW.uruknet.info?p=29431
20061231 CHINA—COAL—BOOM—MAKING "Toxic Clouds So Big They Can Be Seen From Space"...
20061231 —DETECTED, Its consequences have been, half 1—WORLD away in toxic clouds so big that they can seen from space, drifting across the Pacific to CALIFORNIA laden with microscopic particles of chemicals that cause cancer + DISEASES—OF—THE—HEART and lung.
20061231 Specter can't justify escalation.
20061231 WOLF BLITZER: Can you justify deploying more USA—TROOPS into what you believe is 1—CIVIL—WAR?
20061231 SENATOR—ARLEN—SPECTER (R-PA): On this —DAY, for the record, Wolf, I would say no.
20061231 USA IRAQ death toll 'hits 3,000' THE—USA—MILITARY suffers its 3,000. death in IRAQ —SINCE 20030000 —THE invasion, 1—GROUP tracking casualties says.
20061231 —REACHED, RUSSIA—BELARUS gas deal, RUSSIA and BELARUS agree 1—DEAL on gas supplies —AFTER MOSCOW threatened to cut them off over pricing.
20061231 Gasstreit: Moskau und MINSK einigen sich in letzter —MINUTE
20061231 Künstler + Kuratoren haben die Wahl zwischen klassischen Strategien der Exklusion,
20061231 einer zeitversetzten Aneignung, die die Distanz zwischen Pop + Kunst aufrechterhält,
20061231 oder einem wechselseitigen Austausch, bei dem die Grenzen verschwimmen.
20061231 Der Erfolg von Youtube beruht ganz wesentlich auf der Beteiligung der Nutzer.
20061231 "USER—GENERATED content", lautet das Stichwort für eine ganze Reihe neuerer WEB—SERVICES,
20061231 die man mittlerweile unter der Bezeichnung "web2.0" subsummiert.
20061231 Es ist, als hätten Millionen unzufriedener Fernsehzuschauer darauf gewartet, ihr eigenes Programm machen und sehen zu können -
20061231 mit der Einschränkung, daß 1—GROßTEIL—DER—VERFÜGBAREN—CLIPS—VON—TV—SENDUNGEN stammt.
20061231 DENNOCH—DIE Beteiligung der Zuschauer in der Rolle der Produzenten macht einen alten Traum der Brechtschen Rundfunktheorie wahr.
20061231 † The 3,000. USA—SOLDIER has, in IRAQ.
20061231 - Nico - " Spc. DUSTIN—R—DONICA, 22,of —SPRING, TEXAS, was killed —THURSDAY by small arms fire in BAGHDAD, the Defense Department said".
20061231 UPDATE: Flashback to TONY—SNOW at the 2,500. USA—FATALITY: " - It's 1—NUMBER
20061231 + EVERY—TIME there's 1—OF—THESE 500—BENCHMARKS people want something".
20061231 Lugar: Bush Must Consult Congress Over Escalation Or It 'Could Get Ugly'
20061231 —TODAY on FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY, SENATOR—RICHARD—LUGAR (R-IN), the outgoing CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—FOREIGN—RELATIONS—COMMITTEE, said PRESIDENT—BUSH should have congressional support —BEFORE he announces ANY—PLAN for escalation in IRAQ.
20061231 "[I]n the past, the administration has been inclined not to disregard Congress but to not take Congress very seriously. I think this time Congress has to be taken seriously".
20061231 If Bush ignores Congress, Lugar said he should expect "1—LOT—OF—HEARINGS, 1—LOT—OF—STUDY, 1—LOT—OF—CRITICISM," and "demands for subpoenas".
20061231 Fox host CHRIS—WALLACE said, "You're saying this could get ugly".
20061231 —REPLIED, Lugar, "Yes, it could".
20061231 last —WEEK that "Congress should intervene to block another troop surge unless the administration could adequately explain to it why such 1—POLICY was necessary".
20061231 Read USA—PROGRESS' full memo to Congress.
20061231 Do you support sending in more troops?
20061231 LUGAR: Well, I don't know whether I do or not.
20061231 And I say that because my prayer is that PRESIDENT—BUSH will take the advice that has come frequently + that is with people being there on the takeoff, they have to support you on the landing.
20061231 —NOW, in the past, the administration has been inclined not to disregard Congress but to not take Congress very seriously.
20061231 I think this time Congress has to be taken seriously.
20061231 THERE—BEEN 1—ELECTION; Republicans lost the election.
20061231 THERE—GOING to be 1—CHANGE in leadership in my committee and likewise on the House side.
20061231 What I would advise would be maybe 1—RETREAT — it could be right here in WASHINGTON — but for several hours, in which the Foreign Relations Committee, —JUST to take our group, really studies what is THE—PRESIDENT—PLAN, understands specifically who is to be trained, how would the politics affect what we've —JUST been talking about, THE—DEVOLUTION—OF—THE—COUNTRY, the oil money or anything else, the contact group.
20061231 In other words, that there be at least SOME—STUDY—OF this by ALL—OF—THIS —BEFORE, suddenly, we are all asked to comment, Are you in favor of surge?
20061231 Are you in FAVOR—OF—WITHDRAWAL?
20061231 6—MONTHS? 3—MONTHS? — all the cliches.
20061231 These are not going to be relevant.
20061231 WALLACE: But you're saying do this —BEFORE THE—PRESIDENT—ADDRESSES the nation.
20061231 LUGAR: Yes, that would be advisable, so that...
20061231 WALLACE: And what if he doesn't do that?
20061231 What if, basically, you know, he calls 1—GROUP—OF—YOU in, has the meeting —AROUND the Cabinet Room...
20061231 LUGAR: Which is the usual course. WALLACE: Yes. Then what?
20061231 LUGAR: Then he can anticipate, not endless hearings, but 1—LOT—OF—HEARINGS, 1—LOT—OF—STUDY, 1—LOT—OF—CRITICISM.
20061231 —OPPOSED, In other words, as, to having 1—FOREIGN—RELATIONS—COMMITTEE that really —NOW is WELL—INFORMED, understands, may not agree but understands how you get from place to place, we have 1—ASSORTMENT—OF—INVITATIONS, demands for subpoenas, all SORTS—OF—SITUATIONS in which administration figures perhaps reluctantly come to the committee or don't come to the committee or various other experts discuss...
20061231 WALLACE: You're saying this could get ugly.
20061231 LUGAR: Yes, it could. And it need not.
20061231 "Few have ever risen so HIGH—NICO - with so little guile or calculation".
20061231 Big oil buying government contracts?
20061231 "The Justice Department is investigating whether
20061231 THE—DIRECTOR—OF—1—MULTIBILLION—DOLLAR—OIL—TRADING program at the Interior Department has been paid as 1—CONSULTANT for oil companies hoping for contracts.
20061231 —BASED, THE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—PROGRAM + 3—SUBORDINATES, all, in DENVER, have been transferred to different jobs + have been ordered to cease all contacts with the oil industry —UNTIL the investigation is completed
20061231 —INVOLVED, SOME—TIME—NEXT —SPRING, according to officials ".
20061231 PRESIDENT—BUSH—BELIEVES in fair trials,- NICO—AT least for Saddam Hussein.
20061231 "1—CHUNK—OF—ICE—BIGGER than THE—AREA—OF—MANHATTAN—NICO - broke from 1—ICE shelf in CANADA—FAR—NORTH + could wreak havoc if it starts to float westward toward OIL—DRILLING regions + shipping lanes
20061231 next —SUMMER". It was the "largest such break in nearly 3—DECADES," and global warming "likely played 1—ROLE".
20061231 POLL: Active Duty USA—SOLDIERS—DISAPPROVE—OF—BUSH—HANDLING—OF—WAR, Do Not Support Escalation
20061231 —RELEASED, The Military Times, a
20061231 The results were revealing. SOME—HIGHLIGHTS:
20061231 — Only 35 % said they APPROVE—OF—THE—WAY—PRESIDENT—BUSH is handling the war,—WHILE 42 % said they disapproved.
20061231 — 38 % believe THE—USA should send more troops to IRAQ.
20061231 39 % believe we should maintain current levels or reduce THE—NUMBER—OF—TROOPS, including 13 % who support complete withdrawal.
20061231 — 72 % believe the military is "stretched too thin to be effective".
20061231 — 47 % disagree with PRESIDENT—BUSH—MANTRA that the war in IRAQ is PART—OF—THE—WAR against terrorism,—WHILE the same percentage agree.
20061231 That closely reflects THE—BELIEFS—OF—THE—GENERAL—POPULATION—TODAY — 45 % agreed in 1—RECENT—USA—TODAY/Gallup poll.
20061231 — 63 % say the senior military leadership has the best INTERESTS—OF—THE—TROOPS at heart.
20061231 That number is lower from PRESIDENT—BUSH (48 %) and lower still for CIVIL—MILITARY—LEADERSHIP (32 %) and Congress (23 %).
20061231 GREG—SARGENT and STEVE—BENEN have more.
20061231 FOX—NEWS—PUNDIT: Civil War In IRAQ Is 'Positive,' Shows AMERICAN—IS 'Winning'
20061231 —TODAY on FOX—NEWS—YOUR—WORLD with NEIL—CAVUTO, guest host STUART—VARNEY tried to "put out something positive about IRAQ".
20061231 He suggested that —SINCE IRAQ is "—NOW fighting itself," AMERICA is "in 1—WAY, winning and preserving our interests".
20061231 As the conservative WASHINGTON Times notes, a "fullscale civil war in IRAQ would likely spread into neighboring countries — something that happened time and over the past —CENTURY" — and would "conservatively speaking create HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ADDITIONAL—REFUGEES — who would become 1—ADDITIONAL—POOL—OF—RECRUITMENT for jihadists".
20061231 STUART VARNEY: Well, let me put out something positive about IRAQ, if I may for a 2.
20061231 Look, we took the fight to the enemy.
20061231 —DIVIDED, We, the enemy. The enemy is —NOW fighting itself.
20061231 We are in 1—FACT, in 1—WAY, winning and preserving our interests.
20061231 "Grand Canyon National Park is not PERMITTED—AMANDA -to give 1—OFFICIAL estimate of the geologic age of its principal feature, due to pressure from BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—APPOINTEES. Despite promising 1—PROMPT review of its approval for 1—BOOK claiming the Grand Canyon was c reated by NOAH—FLOOD rather than by geologic forces, more than —3—YEARS—LATER no review has ever been done and the book remains on sale at the park".
20061231 1—VICTORY for THE—INTERNET.
20061231 AT&T agrees to observe Net Neutrality principles for at least 24—MONTHS.
20061231 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY—PROFESSOR—TIM—WU has more on why deal is a "milestone in THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—INTERNET".
20061231 Castro gives New —YEAR message CUBA—PRESIDENT—CASTRO says his recovery from surgery will be "1—LONG—PROCESS", in his New —YEAR message.
20061231 Press fears over execution Newspapers in the Arab world and ISRAEL reflect 1—COMBINATION—OF—CYNICISM, anger and fear over the execution of Saddam Hussein.
20061231 1—BITTER—FAMILY saga is at 1—END—BBC—WASHINGTON correspondent MATT—FREI examines what Saddam HUSSEIN—DEATH will mean for THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20061231 Tories 'party of working people' The Tories will become the party that represents working people rather than the rich, DAVID—CAMERON says.
20061231 Crash kills IRAN justice MINISTER—IRANIAN—JUSTICE—MINISTER—JAMAL—KARIMIRAD dies in a car crash in CENTRAL—IRAN, STATE—TV reports.
20061231 —EXECUTED, Saddam Hussein, in IRAQ IRAQ—FORMER—LEADER—SADDAM Hussein has been executed by hanging at 1 unspecified location, reports say.
20061231 —DISCOVERED, Huge ARCTIC ice break, 1—VAST—ICE shelf broke away in THE—CANADA—ARCTIC—LAST—YEAR, in what could be another sign of global warming.
20061231 Bush shelters amid tornado alert USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush is evacuated from his ranch —AFTER 1—TORNADO warning in CENTRAL—TEXAS.
20061231 Population in NIGERIA tops 140m NIGERIA—CENSUS results show that AFRICA—MOST populous nation has grown by 63% in the last 15—YEARS.
20061231 'Mutant genes' could treat cancer The same genetic mechanism that drives tumour growth could also treat cancer, scientists believe.
20061231 Spiky surface 'kills infections' Adding 1—SPECIAL "spiky" coating to surfaces can kill bacteria and eliminate viruses, research suggests.
20061231 —HANGED, Hussein, with the Web as the village square Blog: Saddam HUSSEIN—HANGING wasn't done in 1—PUBLIC—SQUARE, but the way video and photos of the —BEFORE and —AFTER are quickly spreading...
20061231 CHINA: 2—MORE—YEARS to INTERNET #1?
20061231 Blog: CHINA says it —NOW has over 130-million INTERNET users.
20061231 Over 50-million CHINA—HAVE broadband.
20061231 —NOW we know: CANADA melt down Blog: Using high tech monitoring devices, including satellite images, scientists have reconstructed 1—MAJOR—CLIMATE—EVENT that occurred...
20061231 Source Code Access Denied in Disputed Race
20061231 MISTER—METLHED writes "1—JUDGE—RULED—FRIDAY that congressional aspirant Christine Jennings has no right to examine the source code that runs the electronic voting machines at the center of 1—DISPUTED—SOUTHWEST—FLORIDA congressional race. 'The ruling —FRIDAY from JUDGE—GARY prevents for —NOW the Jennings camp from being able to use the programming code to try to show voting machines used in SARASOTA County malfunctioned. Jennings claims that 1—UNUSUALLY large number of undervotes (ballots that didn't show 1—VOTE) recorded in the race implies the machines lost the votes.'"
20061231 "Wired is carrying 1—STORY about 1—METHOD developed by security researchers to identify computers hiding behind anonymity services. 'His victim is the Onion Router, or "Tor" — 1 sophisticated privacy system that lets users surf the web anonymously. Tor encrypts 1—USER—TRAFFIC + bounces it through multiple servers, so the final destination doesn't know where it came from. Murdoch set up 1—TOR network at CAMBRIDGE to test his technique, which works like this: If 1—ATTACKER wants to learn THE—IP address of 1—HIDDEN server on the Tor network, he'll suddenly request something difficult or intensive from that server. The added load will cause it to warm up.'"
20061231 New Frontiers in AUTHORITY—GIBBERISH
20061231 —FOLLOWING up on JOSH—MARSHALL—TAKE, Jim Henley notes: And it's also true that THE—USA and its IRAQ—ALLIES chose to try Saddam on 1—OF—HIS relatively minor crimes because if they did so they could get him safely hung —BEFORE they had to try him for the major ones, the gas attacks and massacres that happened —DURING THE—YEARS—OF—PLAYING—FOOTSIE with THE—USA.
20061231 The Dujail reprisals were 1—WAR—CRIME, no doubt about it, 1—BIGGER—SHAM—OF—JUSTICE than SADDAM—OWN—TRIAL, by 2—ORDERS—OF—MAGNITUDE.
20061231 They were also THE—SORT—OF—WAR—CRIME that people like RALPH—PETERS and a 100—OTHER—PUNDITS and parapundits think THE—USA should be committing.
20061231 EVERY—TIME you read 1—COMPLAINT about "politically correct RULES—OF—ENGAGEMENT" you are reading someo... Source:
20061231 Top SAUDI—ARABIA—RELIGIOUS Leader Declares War Against 'Infidel' Shi'ites
20061231 In 1—TERRIBLE hurry, Saddam is hung —WHILE Rumsfeld skips off, scot free.
20061231 THE—ARREST—OF—THE—IRANIANS helping SCIRI and Sadr reveals all the contridictions and silliness of our klutzy imperialist attempt at controlling THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20061231 SAUDI—ARABIA—TOP—RELIGIOUS—LEADER declares religious war against all Shi'ites.
20061231 The Apocalypse is all about religious warfare.
20061231 TO READ MORE... Source: Why the Lobby is uniquely dangerous
20061231 JAMES—PETRAS has another good article (or here or here) on the pernicious INFLUENCE—OF—THE—ISRAEL—LOBBY (see also here and here).
20061231 THE—ISRAEL—LOBBY — —NOW known generally as 'the Lobby' due to its unique and overwhelming power in USA—POLITICS — forces THE—USA—TOWARDS war, eliminates the possibility of real political debate on large AREAS—OF—POLICY + requires USA—POLITICIANS to take foreign policy positions that are obviously against the best interests of THE—USA.
20061231 The Lobby is directly responsible for: immoral and illegal wars in AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ, LEBANON, SOMALIA (new!) + Palestine (with USA—TAXPAYERS footing the bill, 1—BILL they can't afford, for MOST—OF—THESE);
20061231 THE—THREAT—OF—VIOLENCE and wars against all THE—PEOPLES—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST... Source:
20061231 Americans Want 1—RAPID—EXIT—FROM—IRAQ—BUT—ELECTED—LEADERS—AREN'T Even Considering It
20061231 Ending the occupation will reduce violence, —IMMEDIATELY save more than $100—BILLION and respect THE—WISHES—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20061231 Why is WASHINGTON, DC ignoring the obvious?
20061231 Big Media Should Not Be 1—TOOL—IN—THE—CYCLE—OF—WAR
20061231 Get ready for Act 2.
20061231 —TIRED, The same, drumbeat for war--this time against IRAN--is beginning to echo in the land.
20061231 We in the heartland, where so MANY—OF—OUR young sign up for military service, should not be fooled again.
20061231 Rather we should resist, read up, think critically + take back our country.
20061231 —BY NANCY Tobi - - PATRIOT—DAY: The Revolution WILL—NOT—BE—TELEVISED
20061231 1—PUNLIC meeting with local and state election officials shines the light on what COMMUNITY—BASED elections are all about.
20061231 —BY NANCY Tobi - - Election Reform: Grow It From The Grassroots
20061231 1—HISTORY—OF—NATIONAL—ELECTION—REFORM—LEGISLATION shows how easy it is for federal legislation to screw up the nation's election systems.
20061231 Dialectics, Rockefellers + population control
20061231 THE—USA—AND—THE—EXECUTION—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN: No Respect for Law JURIST Special Guest Columnist CURTIS—DOEBBLER, 1—USA—MEMBER—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—LEGAL—DEFENSE—TEAM, says that the execution of Saddam Hussein —AFTER 1—UNFAIR—TRIAL leaves THE—USA with blood on its hands and makes war criminals of its lead... Source:
20061231 Widening The War - Widening The War 2—IMPORTANT—ITEMS from Swoop.
20061231 1., regarding THE—WHITE—HOUSE—MIDDLE—EAST counteroffensive —FOLLOWING the November elections and THE—IRAQ Study Group recommendations.
20061231 Swoop: —DURING his current consultations on the new strategy for IRAQ, PRESIDENT—BUSH has told those advising him that he is not interested in ANY—PROPOSALS that do not involve "success".
20061231 "Anyone who does not believe in victory should leave the room right —NOW," was how he began 1—CONSULTATION—SESSION.
20061231 Top National Security Council officials are describing THE—IRAQ Study Group as "discredited" and "dead and buried".
20061231 Instead 1—NEW—POLICY is taking shape.
20061231 this policy foresees 1—CENTRAL—ROLE for SAUDI—ARABIA as 1—SUPPLIER—OF—MONEY + weapons to local... Source:
20061231 Lynching Saddam : The New Way Forward
20061231 It turns out that Saddam Hussein will be lynched + Bush will announce his plan for "1—NEW—WAY—FORWARD" troop escalation at pretty much the same time.
20061231 soon.
20061231 What 1—COINCIDENCE! "PRESIDENT—BUSH worked nearly 3—HOURS at his TEXAS ranch
20061231 —ON—THURSDAY to design 1—NEW—USA—POLICY in IRAQ, then emerged to say that he and his advisers need more time to craft the plan he'll announce in the...
20061231 Source: Chavez Wins "PERSON—OF—THE—YEAR" Poll... Time Magazine Ignores Result
20061231 You can trust THE—USA—VOTER.
20061231 Given free and fair elections, we would make the right choices.
20061231 That's 1—NIGHTMARE that Bush and Pelosi share.
20061231 AP/IPSO Poll Pegs Bush As #1 Villain In The World!
20061231 GEORGE—BUSH can finally claim, "Mission Accomplished".
20061231 In 1—RECENT—AP/IPSO poll, Americans overwhelmingly chose THE—USA—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF as the world's number 1—WORST villain.
20061231 Galloping to THE—HEAD—OF—THE—CLASS -
20061231 in front of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN + Saddam Hussein -
20061231 —BY 1—MARGIN—OF—4 to 1, Bush is —NOW considered the world's foremost desperado.
20061231 Finally, Bush wins in a landslide! Lieberman Supports Escalation
20061231 Trump On Bush : "The Worst And By Far The Dumbest PRESIDENT"
20061231 —INTERVIEWED, THE—QUEEN—OF—IRONY, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES ' Maureen Dowd, 1—NO—HOLDS—BARRED—DONALD—TRUMP, who also said, "You see children going into school in BAGHDAD with no arms and legs -
20061231 I don't think BUSH—KIDS should be having LOTS—OF—FUN in ARGENTINA".
20061231 —ARRESTED, Sheehan was, for blocking the road leading to PRESIDENT—BUSH—RANCH.
20061231 She and her fellow protesters lay in the road —FOR—20—MINUTES—BEFORE they were taken into custody.
20061231 —BY W. CHRISTOPHER—EPLER (Bill)
20061231 —UNPLAYED, The number 1, card in THE—USA—PROGRESSIVE—SOCIAL/political deck is nation wide, INTERNET—ORCHESTRATED, targeted corporate boycotts.
20061231 —BY Alamgir Hussain -
20061231 Unfettered Religious Freedom In Islam � 1—FACT—OR—FICTION?; - Part 3
20061231 Against much PROPAGANDA—OF—PEACE + tolerance + religious freedom in Islam,
20061231 the religious freedom for the idolaters + pagans + heathens is the acceptance of Islam or death,
20061231 —WHILE subjugation to Islam + payment of jizyah (POLL—TAX) for the Christians + Jews, according to the Koran.
20061231 What Would We Do Without Experts?
20061231 Excerpt: WILL—CONGRESS ever wake up and cut the funding for the Bush insanity?
20061231 WILL—CONGRESS ever get up the spine to hold the Bush war criminals to account?
20061231 Does Congress have 1—INKLING as to the exact and legal definition of treason?
20061231 Treachery? Murder? War crimes?
20061231 Impeachment? War crimes tribunals?
20061231 Diverse perversions of inverse psychology
20061231 —BY CHRISTOPHER—D, Unknown News
20061231 Excerpt: GEORGE—BUSH, (or as I've repeatedly called him and hope it catches on because I find it ironic and fitting:
20061231 —REJECTED, The Other Butcher of BAGHDAD) has repeatedly, all FORMS—OF—COUNSEL concerning his WAR—ON—TERROR.
20061231 Or at least, all counsel that doesn't jive with his search and destroy methodology, even if pesky things like law, convention + constitution get in the way.
20061231 I call this THE—WAR—OF—TERROR on Freedom, or WTF for short.
20061231 Homeland Security Dept admits breaking privacy laws, lying about it
20061231 —VIOLATED, Comment: DHS, the law and lied about it.
20061231 And there's nothing in this report to plausibly suggest the violation was anything but intentional.
20061231 THE—AMERICAN—I,'D like to live in, lawbreakers in high political office would be prosecuted.
20061231 Helen & HARRY—PERMANENT—LINK - Noam Chomsky Is Not Your Friend
20061231 Why does Noam Chomsky, defender of progressive issues + seeming whistleblower on the imperialistic WAYS—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, deny the the fact that 20010911 was 1—SET—UP?
20061231 Is he in denial, under duress, or on the payroll?
20061231 You decide: ZNet Sustainer: Dear Noam, There is much documentation observed and uncovered by THE—911—FAMILIES themselves suggesting 1—CRIMINAL—CONSPIRACY within THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to COVER—UP 20010911 —THE attacks (see DVD, 20010911 : Press for Truth).
20061231 Additionally, much evidence has been put forward to question the official VERSION—OF—EVENTS.
20061231 This has come in part from PAUL—THOMPSON, 1—ACTIVIST who has creatively established 20010911 —THE Timeline, 1—FREE 20010911 investigative database for activist researchers, which —NOW, according to The Village VOICE—JAMES—R.
20061231 "At this moment, unfortunately, THE—MAJORITY—OF—JEWS is disappearing not only in AMERICA, but all over the world through assimilation".
20061231 For THE—JEWS—OF—THE—WORLD, said SHARANSKY—ISRAEL remains the most basic, strongest connection to their Jewish identity.
20061231 —FIRED, BASHIR—ARAB government in KHARTOUM, on the rebel SUDAN PEOPLE—LIBERATION—ARMY and unleashed militias to commit massacres against BLACK—SKINNED civilians.
20061231 1—MILITARY and GOVERNMENT—SUPPORTED group, Janjaweed ("devils on horseback"), fought the insurgents and citizens of Darfur.
20061231 —WHEN the alarmed INTERNATIONAL community tried to stop the slaughter, PRESIDENT—BASHIR threatened to wage 1—JIHAD if UNITED—NATIONS peacekeepers entered Darfur.
20061231 To continue reading, click here.
20061231 BONNIE—GOLDSTEIN is 1—FORMER—SPECIAL—INVESTIGATOR to THE—USA—SENATE and investigative producer for ABC News.
20061231 ALLE—WETTER: Stürme rütteln an Silvester
20061231 THAILAND: Bombenserie in BANGKOK—AUCH Touristen unter den Opfern
20061231 Jahreswechsel: Die Welt im Silvesterfieber
20061231 Irak: An Saddam s Grab schwören seine Anhänger Rache
20061231 Zusammenschluss: SUPER—GEWERKSCHAFT gegen Heuschrecken
20061231 Irak: Saddam rief —BIS zuletzt zum Kampf gegen die Amerikaner auf
20061231 Brasilien: Die Gier nach Soja frisst den Regenwald
20061231 Dvorak Uncensored " JAMES—BAKER Accused_of_COVER—UP, _Minimally
20061231 —INVOLVED, FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—BAKER was, in 1—COVER—UP of illegal trading by his law firm with THE—REGIME—OF—IRAQ—DICTATOR—SADDAM Hussein...
20061231 —DEVELOPED, The theories, by Lodge and his colleagues dovetail rather neatly with THE—ELECTRICITY—PRODUCED hauntings that OLAF—BLANKE, 1—SWITZERLAND—NEUROSCIENTIST, reports in Nature.
20061231 —IMPLANTED, For example, he used 1, electrode to send 1—CURRENT into 1—REGION—OF—THE—BRAIN called the angular gyrus.
20061231 —FOCUSED, The test was, on language processing.
20061231 But as 1—SIDE—EFFECT, 1—OF—THE—TEST—SUBJECTS nervously reported sensing another person in bed with her, silent and shadowy.
20061231 Her creepy companion came and went with the ebb and flow of current.
20061231 It would be compelling — and more convincing — if the same result could be exhibited in 1—FEW more subjects.
20061231 But DOCTOR—BLANKE believes that even this 1—SUBJECT—EXPERIENCE—SERVES as 1—EXAMPLE—OF how we may mistake errant signals in the brain for something more.
20061231 Humans tend, he points out, to seek explanation, to impose meaning on events that may have none.
20061231 The pure rationalists among us suggest that our need to add meaning to 1—BASIC, biological existence easily accounts for the way we organize religions and find EVIDENCE—OF—OTHERWORLDLY powers in the stuff of everyday life.
20061231 The nonpurists suggest 1—DIFFERENT—CONCLUSION: willful scientific blindness.
20061231 And there's no reason DOCTOR—BLANKE—STUDY can't support their theories of the paranormal.
20061231 Ghosts in the Machine
20061231 The human brain is, in surprising part, 1—APPLIANCE powered by electricity.
20061231 It constantly generates about 12—WATTS—OF—ENERGY, enough to keep 1—FLASHLIGHT glowing.
20061231 Full Moon Names for 20070000 20061231 Full Moon names date back to Native Americans, of what is —NOW the northern and EAST—USA.
20061231 Those tribes of 1—FEW 100—YEARS ago kept TRACK—OF—THE—SEASONS by giving distinctive names to EACH—RECURRING full Moon.
20061231 —APPLIED, Their names were, to the entire —MONTH in which each occurred.
20061231 At the Coliseum Bookstore, Little Is Left but the Shelves
20061231 Another LONG—TIME bookstore bites the dust.
20061231 GLOBE—HOTTEST spots are also affordable
20061231 The 4,000 travelers who use TripAdvisor_com have spoken.
20061231 The top hot spot in the world for 20070000 is PAMUKKALE—TURKEY.
20061231 LACK—OF—AFGHANISTAN—WAR—CRIME—TRIALS shows 'double standard' : 1—AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIAL said —SATURDAY that Saddam HUSSEIN—TRIAL and execution show 1—DOUBLE—STANDARD in THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY, as no 1 in AFGHANISTAN has been prosecuted for atrocities from the country's 25—YEARS—OF—WAR.
20061231 Family members and eyewitnesses to MANY—OF—THESE disappearances or illegal detentions or abductions
20061231 ETHIOPIA—OCCUPATION—FORCE—TANKS roll to crush Islamist call to arms : ETHIOPIA—TANKS rumbled south from MOGADISHU to attack SOMALIA—ISLAMISTS on —SATURDAY—AFTER the religious movement's leaders called on fighters and residents in the port CITY—OF—KISMAYU to drive out the foreign "occupiers".
20061231 —FORCED, Children being, to fight in SOMALIA -- UNHCR : Children as young as 12—ARE being recruited to fight in the conflict between SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and rival Islamists, THE—UNITED—NATIONS refugee agency said on —SATURDAY.
20061231 ISRAEL: What to do with IRAN?
20061231 We must coordinate independent strike with USA, prepare for IRAN—RESPONSE
20061231 USA—EYES—SUPPORT for Abbas' Forces: THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is holding talks with Congress about providing training and other support to security forces loyal to MAHMOUD—ABBAS, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—PALESTINIAN—AUTHORITY.
20061231 Slime Throwing as "Debate": The Dershowitz Treatment : JIMMY—CARTER—BOOK plainly threatens to ignite 1—SERIOUS—MAINSTREAM—DISCUSSION—OF—THE—ISRAEL—PALESTINE conflict.
20061231 To avert such 1—DISASTER he —JUST as plainly must be reduced to ridicule and the debate turned into 1—CIRCUS.
20061231 Enter ALAN—DERSHOWITZ.
20061231 3—MINUTE—VIDEO: RAMSEY—CLARK reacts to the execution of Saddam Hussein: "1—TRAGIC—ASSAULT on truth and justice"
20061231 JUAN—COLE: Saddam : THE—DEATH—OF—1—DICTATOR: Through the bumbling of THE—USA—BACKED regime, justice becomes revenge + 1—DESPOT becomes 1—MARTYR.
20061231 Saddam : The questions that will live on:
20061231 "It takes remarkable obedience to authority to believe that THE—USA would have 'liberated' IRAQ—OR taken REVENGE—IF its main exports were lettuce and pickles + the major petroleum resources were in THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC".
20061231 —OUTRAGED, Arab haj pilgrims, at Saddam execution: The death could harden hatred for Shi'ite Muslims in SAUDI—ARABIA, 1—BASTION—OF—SUNNI—ISLAM whose Islamic orthodoxy -- known as Wahhabism -- regards Shi'ites as virtual heretics.
20061231 Hanging Saddam 'barbaric' says top EU official : Hanging FORMER—IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN was 'barbaric' and may turn him into 1—MARTYR, the European UNION—AID and development Commissioner said.
20061231 —EXECUTED, Arabiya says Saddam HALF—BROTHER, EX—JUDGE, : Arabic satellite channel Arabiya said Saddam HUSSEIN—HALF—BROTHER—BARZAN—AL—TIKRITI and FORMER—JUDGE—AWAD—AL—BANDER were also executed by hanging on —SATURDAY.
20061231 —DECLARED, LIBYA declares national mourning for Saddam : LIBYA, 3—DAYS—OF—NATIONAL mourning —TODAY—AFTER THE—EXECUTION—OF—IRAQ—EX—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN who had been a "PRISONER—OF—WAR," official media said.
20061231 Tariq Ali: Saddam at THE—END—OF—1—ROPE:
20061231 WHAT—GOOD for Saddam May Be Good for Mubarak or THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—ROYALS
20061231 Pray for little countries that believe in empty promises of 1—SUPERPOWER
20061231 And the Empire Mourned...-
20061231 —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—USA' recent facilitation of Saddam HUSSEIN—HANGING, we in THE—SELF—PROCLAIMED "bastion of human rights" are in the midst of 6—DAYS—OF—MOURNING for 1—MAN would have swung from the gallows long ago had he been judged by the same standards as Saddam.
20061231 Federal BUREAU—OF—INTIMIDATION - They don't like social movements.
20061231 They work for the establishment and the corporations and the politicos to keep things as they are.
20061231 And they want to frighten and chill the people who are trying to change things.
20061231 So the best defense against them and resistance against them is simply to keep on fighting back, to keep on exposing them.
20061231 Unofficial Video Shows Hanging Of Saddam 3—MINUTE VIDEO—WARNING - SOME—VIEWERS may find the video disturbing.
20061231 It should only be watched by 1—MATURE—AUDIENCE.
20061231 1—DICTATOR created then destroyed by AMERICA - Patterns of Global Terorrism -
20061231 —REDESIGNATED, This —YEAR THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—STATE has, the same 7—STATES... crisis management seminar under THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—STATE—ANTI—TERRORISM...
20061231 Best Wishes for 1—BLOODY—NEW—YEAR from GEORGE—W—BUSH : 'Higher levels of fighting' upcoming in AFGHANISTAN, top USA—GENERAL says
20061231 RICHARD—A—CLARKE: "As THE—PRESIDENT contemplates sending even more USA—FORCES into THE—IRAQ—SINKHOLE, he should consider not only THE—THOUSANDS—OF—FATALITIES, THE—TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—CASUALTIES and THE—HUNDREDS—OF—BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS already lost. He must also weigh the opportunity cost of taking his national security barons off all the other critical problems they should be addressing -- problems whose WINDOWS—OF—OPPORTUNITY are slamming shut, unheard over the wail of BAGHDAD sirens".
20061231 Vote for Your Favorite Gun GUY—OF—20060000 !
20061231 Ground 0 is 1—CRIME—SCENE + OSAMA—BIN—LADEN is 1—PERP we have only glorified with our talk about the "WAR—ON—TERROR".
20061231 We focus so much on the deaths of our troops that we don't understand the suffering of Iraqis 12/31
20061231 —CLOSED, SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON has spent much of the last —MONTH behind, doors, putting the final touches on 1—PRESIDENTIAL—CAMPAIGN—IN—WAITING.
20061231 The Adrienne Shelly Foundation, Established in Memory of the Late Wife of Progressive Political Analyst Andry Ostroy: "It is in the spirit of this passion and vision that the Adrienne Shelly Foundation has been established. We know that Adrienne would like us to do everything possible to help young women pursue their filmmaking dreams + to assist others in making the same leap from acting to writing and directing as Adrienne had done so successfully".
20061231 Healthy? Insurers don't buy it: Minor ailments can thwart applicants for individual policies.
20061231 80—IRAQIS killed; deadly —MONTH for U.S 12/31 - Ringfahndung Journal:
20061231 rpk`s diary Saddam Hussein wurde zum Verbündeten der Sowjetunion + der USA gegen die islamische... mit seiner gattin in einem luxusappartemente an der copa derweil.
20061231 AlterNet: WAR—ON—IRAQ: The Jill Carroll Story, Part 8: 1—NEW—ENEMY—USA + foreign intelligence sources, on the other hand, said that Gaood had indeed been 1—POWERFUL—FIGURE under Saddam Hussein.
20061231 +, THE—CIA—REPORT on...
20061231 AlterNet: Our Dear Leaders It should also be noted that Saddam Hussein was utterly powerless to get ANY—KIND—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—SYSTEM into full gear BECAUSE—OF—THE—SANCTIONS that had...
20061231 links Operation Große Hochzeit warnings of 20010911 ?
20061231 The Media Climate Shifts... and KNOW—HOW needed by Saddam Hussein An der Aufrüstung des Irak beteiligte...
20061231 00.000..2003 - Die ZEIT—DOSSIER : Vorbild Stalin Saddam Hussein hat in seinem Videoschrank 1—DOKUMENTATION über die Hinrichtung des rumänischen Conducators NICOLAE—CEAU?escu + seiner Gattin gehortet.
20061231 R. Bühlmann: Ehefrau Vreni haucht ihm ins Ohr... - Saddam Hussein todkrank?", (Blick,
20061231 Information Warfare: Military History on DVD Flying Leathernecks (19510000 ) — JOHN—WAYNE again stars, this time... which will be RE—MADE by PETER—JACKSON for a 20080000 release,also inspired the "trench...
20061231 1—MONTH—LATER the scientists were speculating whether the instrument was triggered by 1—EARTHQUAKE or noise, such as blasting or 1—SONIC—BOOM.
20061231 As seismologist DAVID—VON—SEGGERN put it, "Again, we're severely handicapped by having almost no instruments in SOUTH—NEVADA".
20061231 Craig dePolo, 1—RESEARCH—GEOLOGIST with THE—NEVADA BUREAU—OF—MINES and Geology who is studying faults within THE—LAS—VEGAS basin, said knowledge about the faults is scarce.
20061231 Given THE—CONCENTRATION—OF—PEOPLE who live here -- 1.3—MILLION -- 1—MORE—IN—DEPTH understanding is warranted, he said.
20061231 "There are questions that have to be answered," dePolo said
20061231 —CONNECTED, The elevator shaft leading to the garage is "not, to anything else".
20061231 That means THE—FREE—STANDING structure would react INDEPENDENTLY—OF—THE—BUILDINGS it connects.
20061231 2. Operation PHOENIX—CIA—INTERROGATION—CENTER "beat the shit OUT—OF—PEOPLE. no captives admitted being vc. daren flitcroft, roic region iii, said "half the time we don't have...
20061231 —WORKED, Obituaries THE—WEEK—OF—20061206 He then, at Petro Oil Company (formerly Loizeaux Fuel and Elmer Brewer Fuel...
20061231 reviewjournal_com -- NEWS—CASINO—SINKS INTO HISTORY "The vintage buildings made this 1—VERY—UNIQUE—PROJECT," Loizeaux said.
20061231 The implosion brought to end the demolition of...
20061231 —DAMAGED, JS Online: Expert says cold, bridge MARK—LOIZEAUX,PRESIDENT—OF—THE—DEMOLITION—FIRM hired to take down the...
20061231 Loizeaux has been demolishing bridges, buildings and other structures MOST—OF—HIS...
20061231 LP: New Seismic Data Refutes Official Explanation Pink plastic flamingo flies off into the sunset ( Obituary ).
20061231 DRUGS! DRUGS! DRUGS!...
20061231 Implosion pioneer. 191500002 —DATE.
20061231 Implosion to turn Garfield Heights highrise to RUBBLE—PITTSBURGH
20061231 Strange... "We don't need 1—GREAT—DEAL—OF explosives to bring the building down," said Loizeaux...
20061231 NOVA | Transcripts | Kaboom! | PBS Demolition engineer MARK—LOIZEAUX is setting charges inside 1—LARGE—APARTMENT...
20061231 † NARRATOR: —8—YEARS—BEFORE he, ALFRED—OBITUARY was mistakenly...
20061231 Conservative Revolutionary USA—PARTY: 20050600 AFP asked Loizeaux about the report of molten steel on the site.
20061231 "Yes," he said, "hot spots... - Read his obituary here:
20061231 HISTORY—OF—DEMOLITION makes for dynamite book 050806 - The Augusta...
20061231 —TODAY—BIG—NAME in demolition is probably THE—MARYLAND—BASED Loizeaux family... hearts into 'Nutcracker';
20061231 Obituary : HERBERT—KERNAGHAN (AUGUSTA—GEORGIA 20061231 JS Online: JS Online MARK—LOIZEAUX,THE—PRESIDENT—OF—CONTROLLED—DEMOLITION s... Loizeaux said initial reports described the demolition as "textbook," right down to the back...
20061231 Implosion experts will study test explosion at Kingdome MARK—LOIZEAUX points out the reinforcing rods used in Kingdome columns.
20061231 But —YESTERDAY—NOISE, Loizeaux said, will be dwarfed by Boomsday...
20061231 THE—32—YEAR—OLD landmark was so easy to drop that Controlled Demolition INCORPORATED PRESIDENT—MARK—LOIZEAUX reduced THE—AMOUNT—OF—EXPLOSIVES by 137—POUNDS from...
20061231 "The Observer" (Großbritannien): "Saddam s Tod wird kaum irgendwelche Auswirkungen auf die verschiedenen Aufstände haben, die das Land aufreiben. Die daran Beteiligten kämpfen nicht für die Erinnerung an einen gestürzten Diktator, sondern für ihre Zukunft. PRÄSIDENT—BUSH nannte die Hinrichtung "einen Meilenstein auf dem Weg zur Demokratie", aber es ist schwer zu erkennen, wie dies möglich sein soll, ohne dass das Weiße Haus seine Strategie im Irak radikal ändert. Es wird immer klarer, dass Bush und seine engsten Berater die Empfehlungen der IRAK—STUDIENGRUPPE unter dem früheren Außenminister JAMES—BAKER rundheraus ablehnen. Das ist bedauerlich".
20061231 "Le Monde" (Frankreich): "Wenn man zu dem Grundsatz steht, die Todesstrafe abzulehnen, wie es in der gesamten Europäischen Union der Fall ist, dann kann es dabei keine Ausnahmen geben. Außergewöhnliche Umstände mit zu berücksichtigen, hieße den Grundsatz selbst zu unterhöhlen. (Der französische PRÄSIDENT) JACQUES—CHIRAC hat das wohl verstanden und will angesichts einer Öffentlichkeit, die immer noch von dem Gesetz der Vergeltung angezogen wird, die Abschaffung der Todesstrafe in der Verfassung Frankreichs verankern. USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH weiß weder, warum er seine 140.000—SOLDATEN im Irak lassen soll, noch, wie er sie dort herausholen kann. Er hat die Hinrichtung des Saddam Hussein als eine "wichtige Etappe auf dem Weg zur Demokratie" begrüßt. Das ist 1—AUFFASSUNG—VON—DEMOKRATIE. Unsere ist es nicht".
20061231 —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Hinrichtung: Vollständiges Video im INTERNET
20061231 Gasstreit: Nervenkrieg zwischen Moskau und MINSK
20061231 Nach Saddam s Tod: AL—QAIDA ruft Iraks Aufständische zu vereintem Kampf auf
20061231 Internationale Presse: "Hinrichtung einer Marionette"
20061231 Irak: Saddam in seinem Heimatdorf beigesetzt
20061231 —BY WAYNE—MADSEN—WHY The Bush Crime Family Wants Saddam Iced
20061231 THE—IRAQ—EX—DICTATOR knows too much about THE—CHEMICAL—BIOLOGICAL—WEAPONS supplied to IRAQ by Reagan and Bush.
20061231 Survey about ISRAEL—SUPPORT
20061231 —CONDUCTED, Nearly 70—PERCENT—OF—RESPONDENTS to 1—SURVEY, by 1—LEADING—CHRISTIAN publication believe in disinvestment from companies whose products are used by THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT in the territories.
20061231 wenn die Weißrussen den geforderten viermal so hohen Preis pro Kubikmeter Gas nicht bezahlen.
20061231 Inzwischen hat Weissrussland zwar nicht den Gashahn, wohl den Ölhahn für die Weiterleitung nach Deutschland kurzzeitig zugedreht, um ihn jedoch...
20061231 —YEAR End Report www.carltylecondos1_com We will continue to work diligently on your behalf.
20061231 Very truly yours on behalf of The Carlyle Condominium BOARD—OF—MANAGERS,
20061231 Diane L. Scott. PRESIDENT. noch einmal verschickt.
20061231 Wieder habe es keine erkennbare Reaktion der Kontrolleure gegeben.
20061231 2. Operation PHOENIX—CIA—INTERROGATION—CENTER "beat the shit out of... daren flitcroft, roic region iii, said "half the time we don't have... alfatomega.com/20070101.html
20061231 COLORADO GOVERNOR—BILL—OWENS and KANSAS GOVERNOR—KATHLEEN—SEBELIUS declared statewide emergencies —AFTER 1—WINTER—STORM dumped as much as 3—FEET—OF—SNOW across much of the Plains.
20061231 —REACHED, Snowdrifts, 10—FEET and 12—PEOPLE † in 4—STATES.
20061231 S—FRANCISCO, MEMBERS—OF—THE—BAKER—DOZEN, 1—CHORAL group from Yale, were assaulted on 15. Ave. near Lake Street.
20061231 Police went under criticism for not making ANY—ARRESTS.
20061231 —REPORTED, Scientists, that they have used genetic engineering techniques to produce the 1. cattle that may be biologically incapable of getting Mad Cow disease.
20061231 † SEYMOUR—MARTIN—LIPSET (19220000 ), renowned social scientist, in VIRGINIA.
20061231 —INCLUDED, SEYMOUR—MARTIN—LIPSET—BOOKS, "Political Man" (19600000 ).
20061231 —SERVED, Lipset had, as 1—POLITICAL—SOCIOLOGIST and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and as the Hazel PROFESSOR—OF—PUBLIC—POLICY at GEORGE—MASON—UNIVERSITY.
20061231 —AGREED, BELARUS, to 1—MORE than DOUBLING—OF—THE—PRICE it pays for RUSSIA—GAS, signing what it called an "unfortunate" deal —2—MINUTES—BEFORE 1—MIDNIGHT—NEW—YEAR—EVE deadline expired.
20061231 Dungeness 1—AND—SIZEWELL—1 were the oldest commercial nuclear plants in the world.
20061231 This led to 1—CUT in energy exports and to soaring energy prices in the Balkans.
20061231 ECUADOR, the Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act, 1—PACKAGE—OF—TRADE—BENEFITS with THE—USA offered in exchange for cooperation in COUNTER—DRUG—ACTIVITIES expired, but was extended —FOR—6—MONTHS.
20061231 —PICKED, INDONESIA—RESCUE boats, up some 177 exhausted survivors from the Senopati Nusantara, 1—INDONESIA—FERRY that sank in the Java Sea, but they also recovered DOZENS—OF—BODIES and —AROUND 400—PEOPLE remained missing.
20061231 —BURIED, Saddam Hussein was, in the Ouja, the village of his birth, —24—HOURS—AFTER his execution.
20061231 —KILLED, The death toll for Americans, in THE—IRAQ war reached 3,000 as PRESIDENT—BUSH struggled to salvage 1—MILITARY—CAMPAIGN that has scant public support.
20061231 —ERUPTED, Fighting, on the outskirts of the last remaining STRONGHOLD—OF—SOMALIA—MILITANT—ISLAMIC—MOVEMENT, as THOUSANDS—OF—RESIDENTS streamed from the area ahead of the feared BATTLE—WITH—ETHIOPIAN—BACKED government troops.
20061231 —ROCKED, THAILAND, 6—BOMB—BLASTS, BANGKOK on New Years Eve and 3—MORE—JUST—AFTER midnight.
20061231 3—PEOPLE were killed 38 wounded.
20061231 —CANCELLED, The city, its major New —YEAR—EVE celebrations —JUST as revelers had begun to gather ahead of the countdown.
20061231 Over a 1000—TURKS spent the 1. —DAY—OF—THE—MUSLIM feast of Eid AL—ADHA in emergency wards —AFTER stabbing themselves or suffering other injuries —WHILE sacrificing startled animals.
20061231 —REJECTED, ZAMBIA—PRESIDENT—LEVY—MWANAWASA, IMF directives to introduce more taxes in his impoverished SOUTH—AFRICA—NATION.
20061231 SEC INFO—BREK Energy Corp - 10KSB—FOR
20061231 —ASSIGNED, WHEREAS, FCIB, its rights under THE—FEDS Purchase Agreement to FCBC effective... Nasr (Victor) Farag.
20061231 Title: Proxy Holder. Title: Proxy Holder.
20061231 - an SILVESTER—SO sei 1—V—MANN die "treibende Kraft" bei einer Ausspähfahrt der Gruppe in Hanau gewesen.
20061231 Obituaries the —WEEK of
20061231 1—GREAT—COAL rush is under way across CHINA on 1—SCALE not seen anywhere —SINCE the 18010101—19001231 .
20061231 —POSTED—THURSDAY, 20061228 , at 3:51 PM ET
20061231 "Experts say that cloning is too expensive to be used to make animals only to then grind them into hamburger or even to milk them".--NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20061229 20061229 Politics: Our Short National Nightmare
20061231 "Experts say that cloning is too expensive to be used to make animals only to then grind them into hamburger or even to milk them".--NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20061229 20061231 Treason on the half shell -
20061231—19890000 —IN, Omer HASSAN—AL—BASHIR, SUDAN—MILITARY—DICTATOR, who seized power, has overseen THE—WAR—RELATED deaths of 2 and 1—HALF—MILLION—OF his fellow Sudanese.
20061231—19920000 —IN, Deborah Blum, 1—PROFESSOR—OF—JOURNALISM at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—WISCONSIN who won 1—PULITZER—PRIZE, is THE—AUTHOR—OF "Ghost Hunters: WILLIAM—JAMES and the Scientific Search for Life —AFTER Death".
20061231—20010911 —AFTER, He must have seen more proof that Allah was on his side as the invasion of IRAQ turned to chaos and cost THE—INTERNATIONAL goodwill we gained.
20061231—20010911 —IN, COPWATCH_com FORUM—RUPPERT names Cheney prime suspect
20061231—20030000 —IN, — Only 41—PERCENT—OF—THE—MILITARY said THE—USA should have gone to war in IRAQ in the 1. place,down from 65 %.
20061231—20031000 —BECAME, Although SUDAN, 1—PARTY to THE—UNITED—NATIONS Convention on the Prevention and PUNISHMENT—OF—THE—CRIME—OF—GENOCIDE, ethnic cleansing in the Darfur SECTION—OF—THE—COUNTRY steadily increased.
20061231—20040000 —IN, — 50 % believe success in IRAQ is likely,down from 83 %.
20061231—20040000 —IN, — 52 % approve of the overall job PRESIDENT—BUSH is doing,down from 71 %.
20061231—20060000 —IN, Buoyant —YEAR for FTSE and pound THE—FTSE index of leading shares rises nearly 11% —WHILE sterling gains 14% against THE—USA—DOLLAR.
20061231—20060000 —YEAR, THE—INTERNATIONAL—FEDERATION—OF—JOURNALISTS announced that the was the deadliest for journalists and media workers worldwide, with at least 155—MURDERS and unexplained deaths.
20061231—20060000 —REPORTED, JAPAN—MEDIA, that JAPAN—COURTS had sentenced 44—PEOPLE to death, the largest number in at least 26—YEARS, amid 1—TOUGHENING—OF—SENTENCES for violent crimes.
20061231—20060108 —ON, PRINCESS—DIANA inquest to resume The inquest into the deaths of Diana, PRINCESS—OF—WALES + Dodi AL—FAYED is to resume.
20061231—20070101 drohte der RUSSISCHE—STAATSKONZERN Gazprom seinem Nachbarstaat WEISSRUSSLAND den Gashahn zuzudrehen,
20061231—20070108 —IN—THE, All information for this article was found issue of "THE—NATION".
20070103 Die Königsgräber der Thraker, die zwischen dem 5. und 02010101—03001231 vor Christus angelegt wurden, sind leichte Beute für Plünderer.
20070103 —DURING the 20010101—21001231 ".
20070103 Die Königsgräber der Thraker, die zwischen dem 5. und 02010101—03001231 vor Christus angelegt wurden,
200701030000 —DURING the 20010101—21001231 ".
200701030000 —DURING the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY".
20070105 So erkennt man am Schluss, worin der Unterschied zwischen der Illusionskunst des späten 18010101—19001231 und der des frühen 20010101—21001231 besteht: Während 1—ZAUBERTRICK seine Wirkung verliert, sobald er aufgelöst wird, möchte man Nolans Film sofort ein 2. Mal sehen.
20070105 So erkennt man am Schluss, worin der Unterschied zwischen der Illusionskunst des späten 18010101—19001231 und der des frühen 20010101—21001231 besteht:
20070106 Zinsen | Zinsen Kredite und Darlehen im Vergleich, Kredit | Zinsen | 20061231 ... aktuell schweiz, hypothekenzinsen verlauf 20000000 , Entwicklung der bauzinsen in den... Dax & Stoxx am Vormittag: Hoher Ölpreis drückt die Kurse...
20070106 Für die 20670000 ER ist die ICH—TECHNOLOGIE die größte Umwälzung des 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY.
20070108 Reino das Bananas: 20041201—20041231 "Este conjunto de evidências PARECE—ME suficientemente coerente para alicerçar os indícios de que a aeronave Cessna 421A YV - 314-P se despenhou em Camarate...
20070113 Undersea Cable Repair Via 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY Tech-
20070113 Undersea Cable Repair Via 18010101—19001231 Tech-
20070113 Undersea Cable Repair Via 18010101—19001231 TECH—ZONK 46— Story going across the wires about 1—OLD—FASHIONED—WAY to fix 1—MODERN—CONVENIENCE.
20070113 Undersea Cable Repair Via 18010101—19001231 Tech- - 15% erhöhen könne.
20070115 It's as true here in THE—USA—TODAY as it was in 18010101—19001231 ENGLAND + its message explains how to understand + view our AFFAIRS—OF—STATE + why the title of this essay was chosen -
20070118 SEC INFO—SEQUOIA Fund INC—NSAR—B - For 19951231 20070118 Centuries from —NOW (hopefully much, much sooner), the actions of THE—RIAA, MPAA and others that match these of the weavers and BUTTON—MAKERS—OF—16010101—17001231 —CENTURY FRANCE will seem —JUST as ridiculous".
20070118 SEC INFO—SEQUOIA Fund INC—NSAR—B - For 20001231 20070118 WAYNE—MADSEN—REPORT—NEWS Archives 20071214—20061231 ... a link to Licio GELLI—P 2—NEO—FASCIST Masonic Lodge in ITALY and Gelli 's...
20070118 Leaders sought to refocus Mercosur on the needs of the region's poor as VENEZUELA—OUTSPOKEN PRESIDENT called for remaking Mercosur to fit his vision of "20010101—21001231 socialism".
20070118 MPAA and others that match these of the weavers and BUTTON—MAKERS—OF—16010101—17001231 FRANCE will seem —JUST as ridiculous".
20070118 Centuries from —NOW (hopefully much, much sooner), the actions of THE—RIAA, MPAA and others that match these of the weavers and BUTTON—MAKERS—OF—16010101—17001231 FRANCE will seem —JUST as ridiculous".
20070118 WAYNE—MADSEN—REPORT—NEWS—ARCHIVES 20071214—20061231 0000—DATE...
20070118 SEC INFO—SEQUOIA Fund INC—NSAR—B—FOR 20001231
20070118 WAYNE—MADSEN—REPORT—NEWS Archives 20071214—20061231 ... a link to Licio GELLI—P 2—NEO—FASCIST—MASONIC—LODGE in ITALY and Gelli 's...
20070118 SEC INFO—SEQUOIA Fund INC—NSAR—B—FOR 20001231 20070118 WAYNE—MADSEN—REPORT—NEWS Archives 20071214—20061231 ... a link to Licio GELLI—P 2—NEO—FASCIST—MASONIC—LODGE in ITALY and Gelli 's...
20070119 God knows, they have their faults — personal corruption and trying to run 1—MEDIEVAL—SOCIETY in the 20010101—21001231 are —JUST 2—OF—THEM — but to describe Blair's a... Source:
20070121 He tried to create 1—DIALOGUE between THE—2—NATIONS to reach 1—COMMON narrative of the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY'S 1. holocaust.
20070121 ROBERT—FISK : AWARD—WINNING writer shot by assassin in ISTANBUL street : He tried to create 1—DIALOGUE between THE—2—NATIONS to reach 1—COMMON narrative of the 19010101—20001231 —1. holocaust.
20070121 He tried to create 1—DIALOGUE between THE—2—NATIONS to reach 1—COMMON narrative of the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY—1. holocaust.
20070124 Regarding the economic imbalance in our country, I am REMINDED—OF—THE—SITUATION—PRESIDENT—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT faced in THE—EARLY—DAYS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 .
20070124 'In the more than HALF—1—CENTURY I've been 1—REPORTER, there has never been as systematic 1—OPERATION to intimidate and then silence the press as is —NOW taking place under THE—BUSH—CHENEY—GONZALES administration.
20070124 Regarding the economic imbalance in our country, I am REMINDED—OF—THE—SITUATION—PRESIDENT—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT faced 19010101—20001231 —EARLY—DAYS—OF—THE—IN.
20070125 Wie der Schriftsteller Polyainos im 01010101—02001231 —CENTURY n. Chr.
20070125 Wie der Schriftsteller Polyainos im 01010101—02001231 —CENTURY n. Chr. vermerkte, nutzten auch die Strategen des Römischen Reichs etwa den "von Natur aus maßlosen" Hang der Kelten zum Wein.
20070125 Wie der Schriftsteller Polyainos im 01010101—02001231 n. Chr.
20070128 I think going to the bloggers directly is 1—GOOD—IDEA, the media is trying to figure out how to report news in the new media 20010101—21001231 + I never, ever see THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION working for the military, all I see is the military working for him.
20070128 I think going to the bloggers directly is 1—GOOD—IDEA, the media is trying to figure out how to report news in the new media 20010101—21001231 + I never,
20070202 Das 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY, sagt er, werde kein gutes.
20070202 Das 20010101—21001231 , sagt er, werde kein gutes.
20070202—19930000 —SEIT, Der Meeresspiegel ist durchschnittlich um etwa 3—MILLIMETER pro —JAHR gestiegen, im 19010101—20001231 um 17—ZENTIMETER.
20070203 If You Read 1—BOOK on USA and UK—EXPLOITATION—OF—IRAQ for Oil and Regional Military Purposes -- for Nearly 1—CENTURY -- This is the Book to Read.
20070203 Muslims are —NOW getting the same treatment Jews had 1—CENTURY ago:
20070204 Die Kontaminierung von Greenpoint begann —BEREITS Ende des 18010101—19001231.
20070205 Pre-19010101—20001231 —CENTURY )
20070205 00010101::ORIGIN—OF—CHRISTIAN—ERA 00690101::ROMAN—GARRISON—PRE—19010101—20001231 )
20070205 00.000.-----19000000 1—BRIEF—CHRONOLOGICAL—COMPENDIUM—OF—1—FEW—BANNED or Challenged Works + Censorship and ANTI—CENSORSHIP—EFFORTS—PART I: Pre-19010101—20001231 )
20070206 Die andere Front: Pressepolitik in den USA—KRIEGEN des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY
20070213 Wissenschaftler hatten —BEREITS im 18010101—19001231 erstmals Schimpansen im TAÏ—NATIONALPARK beobachtet,
20070213 Wissenschaftler hatten —BEREITS im 18010101—19001231 erstmals Schimpansen im TAÏ—NATIONALPARK beobachtet, die Steine als Nussknacker BENUTZTEN—EINE primitive FORM—VON—WERKZEUGEINSATZ.
20070213 49345 Convertible notes (1) 20071231 8.00 % 320943 1297674 ARGYLL—EQUITIES...
20070213 FINANCE—THE—COMPANY'S need to raise additional equity or debt financing and the... 49345 Convertible notes (1) 20071231 8.00 % 320943 1297674 ARGYLL—EQUITIES...
20070223 Bislang galt 1—ZEITRAUM von vor 13.300—BIS vor 12.800—JAHREN als die Hochzeit, in der Angehörige der CLOVIS—KULTUR an jenen Orten gelebt haben, an denen Archäologen im 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY ihre Spuren fanden.
20070223 in der Angehörige der CLOVIS—KULTUR an jenen Orten gelebt haben, an denen Archäologen im 19010101—20001231 ihre Spuren fanden.
20070224 —ENTERED, CAUSES—OF—POVERTY: Nearly 1—BILLION people, the 20010101—21001231 unable to read 1—BOOK or sign their names.
20070225 Die von CHINESISCHER—SEITE also wenig geschätzten Kitan wurden —BEREITS in Quellen aus dem 03010101—04001231 n. Chr.
20070225 Die von CHINESISCHER—SEITE also wenig geschätzten Kitan wurden —BEREITS in Quellen aus dem 03010101—04001231 n. Chr. erwähnt und als Nachkommen der Xianbei beschrieben, einer mächtigen Volksgruppe aus dem Nordosten des heutigen Chinas, die die Nördliche WEI—DYNASTIE (386-554) begründet hatte.
20070225 Die von CHINESISCHER—SEITE also wenig geschätzten Kitan wurden —BEREITS in Quellen aus dem 03010101—04001231 —CENTURY n. Chr.
20070301 BBC Has Lost Tapes Of 20010101—21001231 —DEFINING—MOMENT—PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON -20010911 coverage gone due to "cock up".
20070304 OUT—OF—CONTROL: Global Turmoil on THE—EVE—OF—THE 20010101—21001231.
20070304 OUT—OF—CONTROL: Global Turmoil on the Eve of the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY.
20070305 —SEPTEMBER 200712010000 —BIS—DURCHSCHNITTSTEMPERATUR, wie sie nur alle 10.—000—JAHRE auftritt, verglichen mit den statistischen Normalwerten für das 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY.
20070309 1—PROMINENT—TURKEY—POLITICIAN was convicted of breaching SWITZERLAND—ANTI—RACISM—LAWS by saying that the early 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY KILLING—OF—ARMENIANS could not be described as genocide.
20070309 00. - 1—PROMINENT—TURKEY—POLITICIAN was convicted of breaching SWITZERLAND—ANTI—RACISM—LAWS by saying that the early 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY KILLING—OF—ARMENIANS could not be described as genocide.
20070312 05.-07010101—08001231 Zeit der Völkerwanderung aus dem Gebiet zwischen Atlantik + Ural.
20070312 Lehmann sagte, nach der Barbarei des 19010101—20001231 sei ein geradezu lebhaftes Interesse vorhanden, sich wieder auf gemeinsame Vorstellungen zu verständigen.
20070324 In the early 19010101—20001231 . - - Bernays took the crude.
20070325 Prostitutes, perversions and public SCANDALS—THE—STUFF—OF—THE 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY tabloids was familiar to readers 3—CENTURIES—EARLIER,
20070325 In the early 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY.
20070325 Sex in the 1700s Prostitutes, perversions and public SCANDALS—THE—STUFF—OF—THE 20010101—21001231 tabloids was familiar to readers —3—CENTURIES—EARLIER, according to new research from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—LEEDS.
20070325 In the early 19010101—20001231.
20070325 —CELEBRATED, EUROPEAN—UNION—LEADERS, HALF—1—CENTURY—OF—UNITY by hailing the bloc's achievements in bolstering peace, democracy and prosperity, then pledged to end —2—YEARS—OF—DEADLOCK over plans to radically overhaul the way THE—EU does business.
20070325 In the early 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY. Latin AMERICA—NEWS—REVIEW:
20070327 im Laufe des 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY.
20070327 Up to 1—BILLION dollars WORTH—OF—GOLD and silver on 1—SUNKEN 16010101—17001231 ENGLAND—WARSHIP may soon be recovered —FOLLOWING 1—AGREEMENT with SPAIN—AUTHORITIES.
20070327 im Laufe des 20010101—21001231.
20070327 —ISOLATED, In HALF—1—CENTURY, I have not seen 1—PRESIDENT so, from his own party in Congress -- not JIMMY—CARTER, not even RICHARD—NIXON as he faced impeachment
20070327 —2—JAHRE—SPÄTER, AM—IM Laufe des 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY.
20070331 He echoes what THE—GREECE—POET—CONSTANTINE Cafavy wrote nearly 1—CENTURY ago: "Say goodbye to her, to THE—ALEXANDRIA you are losing".
20070401 Will it survive?
20070401 Golden STATE—HEATING—UP, Study Finds Average temperatures in CALIFORNIA rose almost 1—DEGREE—CELSIUS (nearly 2—DEGREES—FAHRENHEIT) —DURING the 2. HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY, with urban areas blazing the way to warmer conditions, according to 1—NEW—STUDY by scientists at NASA and CALIFORNIA STATE—UNIVERSITY, LOS—ANGELES.
20070401 Average temperatures in CALIFORNIA rose almost 1—DEGREE—CELSIUS (nearly 2—DEGREES—FAHRENHEIT) —DURING the 2. HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 ,
20070401 THE—USA—FACES—ITS—GREATEST—CRISIS for survival in THE—EARLY—YEARS—OF—THE 20010101—21001231.
20070402 —APPEALED, Krugman in top form: Reagan, to 1—MIDDLE—CLASS nation, but GOP has nothing to offer our 20010101—21001231 of shocking inequality -- so it disenfranchises 4/2
20070403 —LATER (Prieuré, 1—FRENCH.
20070403 —OBTAINED, Successful results were, by SOME—EARLY experimenters in the 17010101—18001231 using high electrostatic fields ( NICOLAS—TESLA ).
20070403 "Sharing wives is 1—ESTABLISHED—ETRUSCAN custom," wrote THE—GREECE—HISTORIAN—THEOPOMPOS of Chios in the 03010101—04001231 B.C.
20070403 Cellular STIMULATION—TECHNICAL UK, MicroStimula Mk II Successful results were obtained by SOME—EARLY experimenters in the 17010101—18001231 using high electrostatic fields ( NICOLAS—TESLA ).
20070405 As the ancient Greeks were placing the last few stones on the magnificent theater at Epidaurus in the 03010101—04001231 B.C., they couldn't have known that they had unwittingly created 1 sophisticated acoustic filter.
20070405 As the ancient Greeks were placing the last few stones on the magnificent theater at Epidaurus in the 03010101—04001231 —CENTURY B.C.
20070409 PR is a 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY phenomenon +
20070409 PR is a 19010101—20001231 phenomenon +
20070409 PR is a 19010101—20001231 phenomenon + - In the early 19010101—20001231.
20070409 —SCHON im 18010101—19001231 begann allerdings der Hamburger Architekt GOTTFRIED—SEMPER (18030000—18790000 ),
20070409 —SCHON im 18010101—19001231 begann allerdings der Hamburger Architekt GOTTFRIED—SEMPER (18030000—18790000), sich der Erforschung antiker Farbigkeit zu widmen.
20070410 Außerdem sei es —SCHON komisch, dass der 50-köpfige THINK—TANK ausgerechnet für das —JAHR 20370000 eine düstere Gewaltwelt zeichne, wo doch der Wahrsager Nostradamus —BEREITS im 10010101—11001231 exakt für 20380000 den Weltuntergang vorhergesagt habe, ätzt Brown.
20070410 Sie warnen vor einem möglichen Temperatursturz, "der jenen der kleinen Eiszeit im 17. und 17010101—18001231 übertreffen könnte".
20070410 Zusammenbrüche des Sicherheitssystems könnten Folgen haben "wie sie das ROM—REICH des 04010101—05001231 —CENTURY angesichts von Goten und Vandalen sah", zitiert der "Daily Telegraph" die Studie.
20070411 BREK ENERGY Corp - 10KSB—FOR 20021231 - EX-10.5
20070411 —REGARDED, KURT—VONNEGUT (19220000 *), by MANY—CRITICS as 1—KEY—INFLUENCE in shaping 19010101—20001231 USA—LITERATURE, † in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20070411 SEC INFO—BREK Energy Corp - 10KSB—FOR 20021231 EX—10.5
20070411 Brek Energy Corp - 10KSB—FOR 20021231 - EX-10.5 ... Name: JOHN—CHR.
20070411 SEC INFO—BREK Energy Corp - 10KSB—FOR 20021231 Brek Energy Corporation is 1—NEVADA corporation in the oil and gas business.
20070414 GUSTAV—JUSTS—LEBEN, "kreuzen sich die wesentlichen Linien der deutschen Geschichte im 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY", hat der Verlag in den Klappentext geschrieben.
20070414 Die andere Front: Pressepolitik in den USA—KRIEGEN des 19010101—20001231 20070414 GUSTAV—JUSTS—LEBEN, "kreuzen sich die wesentlichen Linien der DEUTSCHLAND—GESCHICHTE im 19010101—20001231 ", hat der Verlag in den Klappentext geschrieben.
20070416 1. in a 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY USA—COLONIES series
20070416 1. in a 20010101—21001231 USA—COLONIES series
20070425—19500000 —SEIT, Durch diese sind die Oberflächentemperaturen im Südwestpazifik gestiegen, in mittleren Tiefen hingegen —BEREITS—SEIT—MITTE des 18010101—19001231 gesunken.
20070427 In 11010101—12001231 CHINA, 1—TAOIST monk known as Chang SAN—FENG is said to have studied the physical MOVEMENTS—OF—5—ANIMALS and concluded that 2— the snake and the crane — were best suited to overpower opponents who were fierce and tenacious.
20070427 A 20010101—21001231 military to stay on the offense, from DJIBOUTI to KANDAHAR.
20070428 —NACHDEM Ende des 18010101—19001231 Sigmund Freud das Unbewusste zu einer ART—RUMPELKAMMER für verdrängte Affekte und Schuldgefühle erklärt hatte, arbeiten Forscher —HEUTE an der Rehabilitation des impliziten Wissens und warten mit fundierten Kenntnissen darüber auf, wie das Gehirn den ständigen Abgleich zwischen unbewusst Bekanntem und bewusst Neuem bewerkstelligt.
20070502 —TITLED, His 9. book was, "20010101—21001231 JAPAN—MANAGEMENT".
20070511 —CANONIZED, SAO—PAULO, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, ANTONIO—DE—SANT'ANNA Galvao (18220000 †), an 17010101—18001231 —CENTURY Franciscan monk, as BRAZIL—1. NATIVE—BORN saint.
20070515 Video: Journalist and medical ethicist HARRIET—WASHINGTON details medical research on AFRICA—AMERICANS from colonial times to the 19010101—20001231 .
20070517 —UNEARTHED, Historian RONNIE—SCOTT has, previously unseen patterns in the design of the early 18010101—19001231 cemetery.
20070518 Aktuelle Klimamodelle sagen eine weitere Verstärkung dieser Winde im Verlauf des 20010101—21001231 voraus.
20070518 INDIA, 1—BOMB—ATTACK at the 16010101—17001231 MECCA Majid, the main mosque in HYDERABAD, killed 13—PEOPLE.
20070518 for Bush.HTML—AKTUELLE Klimamodelle sagen eine weitere Verstärkung dieser Winde im Verlauf des 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY voraus.
20070521 —DAMAGED, GREENWICH—ENGLAND, 1—SPECTACULAR—FIRE heavily, the clipper ship Cutty Sark, 1—OF—LONDON—PROUDEST RELICS—OF—THE 18010101—19001231 tea trade with CHINA designed to be the fastest SHIP—OF—ITS—DAY.
20070523 LAWYERS AND JURISTS IN THE 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY:
20070523 LAWYERS AND JURISTS IN THE 20010101—21001231 :
20070527 Wendell BERRY—GLOBALIZATION—MEANS turning the clock back on many 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY reforms: no freedom to boycott products, no prohibitions against child labor, no guaranteed living wage or benefits, no public services that might conceivably compete with private services, no health and safety protections that might cut into corporate profits.
20070529 Report: The 1. public bilateral meeting between THE—USA and IRAN in 1—QUARTER—OF—1—CENTURY was held —TODAY in 1—POSITIVE, "businesslike" fashion, with both sides agreeing on the broad OUTLINES—OF—POLICY toward IRAQ, THE—USA—AMBASSADOR to IRAQ said.
20070530 1—STUDY—OF—THE—HISTORY—OF—SUDAN, especially the modern era IMPACT—OF—EXTERNAL—POLITICAL and economic forces from —JUST—BEFORE THE—TURN—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 to the present, contradicts and distorts those simple labelings.
20070530 Trapped in limestone up to 200—FEET—THICK in THE—2—ROCKY Mountain states is enough SO—CALLED shale oil to rival OPEC and supply THE—USA for 1—CENTURY.
20070531—20070603 Die diesjährige Delegation wird aufs Neue die wichtigsten... 20010101—21001231 —CENTURYF
20070531—20070603 Die diesjährige Delegation wird aufs Neue die wichtigsten... 20010101—21001231 FOX.blog.
20070531—20070603 Die diesjährige Delegation wird aufs Neue die wichtigsten... 20010101—21001231 FOX.blog.de/2007 /06/21/bilderberg _2007 _die_teilnehmerliste~2493280
20070602 ``And it's 1—PLAN and 1—VISION that will actually reflect the threats that the country faces in the 20010101—21001231 .''
20070605 Maybe this was once the land of the free and the home of brave, perhaps way —BACK—IN the olden times of the 19010101—20001231.
20070605 Maybe this was once the land of the free and THE—HOME—OF—BRAVE, perhaps way —BACK—IN the olden TIMES—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY.
20070625 Zu Beginn des 19010101—20001231 erreichten Jagd und Handel ihren Höhepunkt.
20070627 —RULED, Hatshepsut, who, EGYPT in the 14010101—15001231 B.C., was known for dressing like 1—MAN and wearing 1—FALSE beard.
20070628 —REPLACED, Dramatic flooding, relentless drought in PARTS—OF—EAST—AUSTRALIA, as PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD expressed hopes that the country's worst drought in 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY may be coming to 1—END.
20070628 The court also struck down 1—ANTI—TRUST—RULE nearly 1—CENTURY—OLD, saying that it is no longer automatically unlawful for manufacturers and distributors to agree on setting minimum retail prices.
20070630 There was something horrifying in the realization that, in this 20—00010101—01001231 —CENTURY of what we call "civilization," we have carved up what we claim is 1—WORLD into 200—ARTIFICIALLY created entities we call "nations" and armed to apprehend or kill anyone who crosses 1—BOUNDARY.
20070630 JOHN—PILGER—FREEDOM—NEXT—TIME : Video: Journalist, author, film maker JOHN—PILGER speaks in CHICAGO at Socialism 20070000 : Socialism for the 20010101—21001231.
20070701 Weimarer REPUBLIK, 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY, Zwischenkriegszeit... in 10—KAPITEL gegliederte ONLINE—PUBLIKATION der Bayerischen Landeszentrale für politische Bildungsarbeit: Die Weimarer REPUBLIK, Band III (19290000193300 00—DATE)...
20070701 THE—LANTERN: 20051225—20060101 20070701 Weimarer REPUBLIK, 19010101—20001231 , Zwischenkriegszeit... in 10—KAPITEL gegliederte ONLINE—PUBLIKATION der Bayerischen Landeszentrale für politische Bildungsarbeit: Die Weimarer REPUBLIK, Band III (19290000—19330000)...
20070701 Amistad ship retraces slave route 1—REPLICA of the 18010101—19001231 ship Amistad begins 1—TRANSATLANTIC—VOYAGE retracing THE—ROUTE—OF—THE—SLAVE—TRADE.
20070702 THE—CORPORATION : VIDEO: In the 14010101—15001231 , the enclosure movement began to put fences —AROUND public grazing lands so that they might be privately owned and exploited.
20070705 Das "größte Weltraumprojekt des 19010101—20001231 ", wie der CHEF—DER—MOSKAUER—RAUMFAHRTAGENTUR—ROSKOSMOS, ANATOLI—PERMINOW, die visionären Pläne Koroljows im Vorwort des Buches nennt,
20070708 Als Ende des 18010101—19001231 die massiv wachsende Arbeiterbewegung immer schärfer Rechte und Einfluss einforderte, ersann der damalige REICHS—KANZLER—OTTO—VON—BISMARCK seine["]revolutionären ["] Sozialgesetze.
20070712 —UNCOVERED, Egyptologists claim to have, new evidence that indicates that the mysterious mummy discovered 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY—BACK—IN tomb KV 55, less than 100—FEET from THE—KING—TUTANKHAMUN—HIDDEN burial chamber, is actually THE—COPSE—OF—THE—BOY—PHARAOH—FATHER, Akhenaten.
20070715 —ADDED, You have by —NOW heard the remark — instantly, to our THROUGH—THE—LOOKING—GLASS lexicon of the 20010101—21001231 , 1—TIME—WHEN we suddenly started referring to this country as "the homeland," as if anybody here has used that term —SINCE CHARLES—LINDBERGH or THE—GERMAN—USA—BUND 19400000 .
20070729 —KILLED, Over 37 (or 42) million people have by, by wars in the 19010101—20001231.
20070731 —STUDIED, NORMAN—COHN, the links between apocalyptic Medieval sects and 19010101—20001231 totalitarianism and genocide.
20070731 NORMAN—COHN'S 19570000 book: "Pursuit of the —MILLENNIUM: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical ANARCHISTS—OF—THE—MIDDLE—AGES" drew parallels between millenarian movements in the Middle Ages and the rise of 19010101—20001231 totalitarianism.
20070801 zumindest, was das Überleben von Ostfriesen im 18. und 18010101—19001231 angeht.
20070802 —DISMISSED, CANADA, RUSSIA—CLAIM to 1—LARGE—CHUNK—OF—THE—RESOURCE—RICH—ARCTIC, saying the tactic was more suited to the 14010101—15001231 than the real world.
20070804 As the Bush Regime outfits B—2—STEALTH bombers with 30,000 pound monster "bunker buster" bombs for its coming attack on IRAN, THE—USA—ECONOMY continues its 20010101—21001231 decline.
20070808 —DURING the civil —WAR—OF—THE—EARLY 1990s, the treasure of the 04010101—05001231 BC GREECE—FORT was sold to finance warlords.
20070813 Todestag: "Der wichtigste Erneuerer im 19010101—20001231 "
20070813 Elvis Presleys 30. Todestag: "Der wichtigste Erneuerer im 19010101—20001231 "
20070814 Das "Greater Angkor Project" (GAP) mit Experten aus AUSTRALIEN, KAMBODSCHA und FRANKREICH hat laut Evans —NUN auch die alte Annahme bestätigt, dass Angkor zwischen dem 9. und 15010101—16001231 —CENTURY eine hydraulische Stadt war.
20070821 Marxism in the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY
20070821 It is EDWARD—BERNAYS who FINE—TUNED THE—ART—OF—PUBLIC—RELATIONS in the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY.
20070821 Marxism in the 20010101—21001231 20070821 It is EDWARD—BERNAYS who FINE—TUNED THE—ART—OF—PUBLIC—RELATIONS in the 19010101—20001231.
20070826 —DESCENDED, Waves of Shiite pilgrims, on KARBALA for the Shabaniyah festival marking the birth of the 08010101—09001231 Hidden Imam.
20070829 Zalmay Khalilzad told the daily Die Presse THE—MIDDLE—EAST was —NOW so disordered that it had the potential to inflame the world as EUROPE did —DURING the 1. HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231.
20070830—20070912 —ABANDONED, Still using the Julian calendar, by the West in the 15010101—16001231 , ETHIOPIA enters its new —MILLENNIUM with 1—HUGE—CONCERT expected to draw HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PARTYGOERS and INTERNATIONAL celebrities.
20070901 "...nach intensiver Beschäftigung mit der GESCHICHTE—DES—CHRISTENTUMS kenne ich in Antike, Mittelalter und Neuzeit einschließlich und besonders des 19010101—20001231 keine Organisation der Welt, die zugleich so lange, so fortgesetzt und so scheusslich mit Verbrechen belastet ist, wie die christliche Kirche, ganz besonders die RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHE Kirche".
20070901 ``The transcendent issue of the 20010101—21001231 is the struggle against radical Islamic extremism and I, with considerable ego, say that I'm the best prepared and qualified to meet this challenge,'' THE—ARIZONA—SENATOR says in 1—NEW online video that details his DECADES—LONG—MILITARY—CAREER and includes footage of his nearly —6—YEAR—VIETNAM imprisonment.
20070903 Titel: "Auf der HÖHE—DER—ZEIT. Soziale Demokratie und Fortschritt im 20010101—21001231 ".
20070905 "Security and the Environment in the Mediterranean in the 19010101—20001231 Conceptualising Security and Environmental Conflicts".
20070911 The statue was built —AROUND the 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY, —DURING the Gandhara era.
20070911 The situation resembles the infamous "MISSISSIPPI bubble" which occurred in FRANCE in the early 17010101—18001231 under JOHN—LAW.
20070911 The statue was built —AROUND THE—1—CENTURY, —DURING the Gandhara era.
20070916—20091231 —ON, 1—USA—JUDGE dismissed the case against the Blackwater guards.
20070920 In der 2. Hälfte des 15010101—16001231 verschwanden die Chachapoyas.
20070920 Zum Beleg werden die Diktaturen des 19010101—20001231 angeführt, als gäbe es jenseits des Christentums nur den Archipel Gulag und die Vernichtungslager.
20070925 Gorz gilt als 1—DER—BEDEUTENDSTEN—SOZIALTHEORETIKER—DES 19010101—20001231.
20070926 —BIS zum ENGLAND—BÜRGERKRIEG im 16010101—17001231 diente die Magna Charta immer wieder als Verhandlungsgrundlage.
20070930 Das wussten die Römer spätestens _01010101_02001231 —SEIT—DEM—ENDE—DES, als Stämme der Kimbern und Teutonen im heutigen Südfrankreich 1—LEGION nach der anderen besiegten, schließlich in der SCHLACHT—VON—AQUAE—SEXTIAE (AIX—EN—PROVENCE) aber unterlagen.
20070930 Im 05010101—06001231 vor Christus wanderten Kelten ein.
20071001 Ölpressen, Webstühle, 1—OFEN, Abfallgruben + alles VOLL—VON—KERAMIK aus der frühen Eisenzeit, dem späten 12. und 10010101—11001231 vor Christus.
20071001 Eine kleinere Siedlung existierte noch —BIS ins 06010101—07001231.
20071003 RUSSIA, workers rebuilding a 18010101—19001231 MOSCOW house dug up the remains of nearly 3—DOZEN—PEOPLE.
20071003 PRESIDENT claims 'win' in ECUADOR : He called for "20010101—21001231 socialism" with guarantees for education and free healthcare, but ruled out nationalising private companies.
20071003 SERGEI—BULUCHEVSKY, 1—GOVERNMENT—INVESTIGATOR, —LATER said preliminary forensic findings indicated the remains were at least 1—CENTURY—OLD and that there were no signs of violent death.
20071003—20071231 —INVOLVED, THE—6—NATIONS, in disarmament talks said NORTH—KOREA agreed to provide 1—COMPLETE—LIST—OF—ITS—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMS and disable its facilities at its main reactor complex.
20071008 Using dramatic reenactments, it reveals how sugar was at THE—HEART—OF—SLAVERY in THE—WEST—INDIES in the 17010101—18001231 , —WHILE showing how PRESENT—DAY—CONSUMERS are slaves to 1—SUGAR—BASED diet.
20071010 —VOTED, THE—USA—HOUSE—FOREIGN—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE, 27-21 to label as genocide the deaths of Armenians 1—CENTURY ago —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—OTTOMAN—EMPIRE.
20071010 AL—QAEDA, Taleban nexus in PAK—TRIBAL belt: Outsiders have feared the fiercely independent people at least —SINCE 1—OF—THEM shot 1—ARROW in the leg of ALEXANDER—THE—GREAT in the 03010101—04001231 B.C. and nearly killed the conqueror.
20071011 —RECALLED, TURKEY also, its ambassador to WASHINGTON and warned of serious repercussions if Congress labels THE—KILLING—OF—ARMENIANS by Turks 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY ago as genocide.
20071015 Oft und gerne stellten die Chews ihre Häuser für die Gottesdienste zur Verfügung + sie stifteten in den 1. Jahren des 17010101—18001231 —CENTURY auch großzügig Land, auf dem 1—VERSAMMLUNGSHAUS für die Gemeinde errichtet wurde.
20071020 jene polemische Kampfschrift gegen alles Moderne in der Kunst, was sich —SEIT dem 18010101—19001231 entwickelt hat.
20071023 1—NEARLY complete, 09010101—10001231 Kufic Quran, thought to be from NORTH—AFRICA or the near East, sold $1,870,000.
20071023 der —SCHON zu Lebzeiten im 12010101—13001231 als Sinnbild multikultureller und religiöser Toleranz,
20071023 Der Wehrmachtsverband unter einem Hitler treuen Generalfeldmarschall, der die Aufgabe hatte, in Nordafrika und im Nahen Osten einen Eroberungsfeldzug zu führen, wird mit einem DEUTSCHEN—HERRSCHER gleichgesetzt, der —SCHON zu Lebzeiten im 12010101—13001231 —CENTURY als Sinnbild multikultureller und religiöser Toleranz, als Förderer der Künste und der Wissenschaft sowie als dem Recht verpflichteter Friedenskaiser galt, der in der Außenpolitik vielfach der Diplomatie und dem Ausgleich den Vorzug vor dem Schwert gab.
20071026 sold for $100,000 at auction —THURSDAY to 1—HOUSTON—AREA bookstore owner who called the Marxist "1—OF—THE—GREATEST revolutionaries of the 19010101—20001231 ".
20071026 —ON THE—SOLD for $100,000 at auction —THURSDAY to 1—HOUSTON—AREA bookstore owner who called the Marxist "1—OF—THE—GREATEST revolutionaries of the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY".
20071101 We gave up capital punishment about half 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY ago.
20071101 We gave up capital punishment about HALF—1—CENTURY ago.
20071107 Opium, Politics, and the Gospel: USA—MISSIONARIES and the Opium Trade in 18010101—19001231 CHINA.
20071111 "Der, der hier schlecht aussieht, ist derjenige, der die Kontrolle verloren hat, der uns befohlen hat, den Mund zu halten, als ob wir immer noch Untertanen wie im 17., 17010101—18001231 wären".
20071113 —CAUSED, Massive deforestation, by the Maya building great cities and ceremonial complexes as well as a 01010101—02001231 drought shrank the habitat for animals like deer, jaguars and wild boars, said Emery.
20071116 —AGREED, North and SOUTH—KOREA, to launch rail service across their heavily armed border for the 1. time in more than HALF—1—CENTURY, 1—MOVE symbolizing the growing reconciliation between THE—2—SIDES.
20071116 But, in RUSSIA, the man the neighbours remember as 1—POLITE and private intellectual is being feted as 1—OF—THE—MOST important spies of the 19010101—20001231.
20071117 Dort ist "vom späteren Teil des 20010101—21001231 " die Rede.
20071119—20071231 —BY, Why is BuzzFlash Setting 1—GOAL—OF—RAISING $150,000 in Premium Sales and Donations ?
20071130 THE—TABULA—PEUTINGERIANA scroll dates from the late 12. or the early 12010101—13001231 and was made in SOUTH—GERMANY or AUSTRIA.
20071204 AMERICAN—SPEEDING Into 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY Without 1—ROADMAP
20071204 AMERICA SPEEDING Into 20010101—21001231 Without 1—ROADMAP
20071204 Klimaforscher haben —SCHON—SEIT langem 1—AUSDEHNUNG—DER—TROPEN —BIS Ende des 20010101—21001231 vorhergesagt.
20071208—20071231 —BY, END—OF—THE—YEAR—GOAL, is $150,000 in Premium Sales and Donations.
20071210 Der Kampf gegen den Klimawandel werde auch ein wesentlicher Faktor in der Sicherheitspolitik des 20010101—21001231 sein.
20071213 The 15 & 15010101—16001231 SPAIN—INQUISITORS were not squeamish, and had little need for circumlocutions or euphemisms like "alternative SET—OF—PROCEDURES" that are PART—OF—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—LEXICON.
20071217 Das war - 200701011231 6—KRIEGE, 25—SCHWERE Krisen, 328—KONFLIKTE
20071217 010112312007 : 6—KRIEGE, 25—SCHWERE Krisen, 328—KONFLIKTE
20071217 THE—MID—03010101—04001231 was 1—TIME—OF—TURMOIL in ROMAN—BRITAIN.
20071219 Insgesamt gibt es —HEUTE weniger als 20—ABSCHRIFTEN der Magna Charta aus dem 12010101—13001231 ;
20071221—20071231 —AM, Gemäß dem Prinzip der Selbstbestimmung unterzeichnete der Rat der Volkskommissare das Dekret über die staatliche Unabhängigkeit Finnlands.
20071223 Das sortenspezifische Kölner Reinheitsgebot des 14010101—15001231 ist also wesentlich älter als das bayrische Reinheitsgebot.
20071226—20071231 alfatomega.com/20071231.html
20071226—20071231 —ON, Pay more, get less: THE—WASHINGTON—POST goes up from 35¢ to 50¢ ;
20071227 We are living GEORGE—ORWELL—NIGHTMARE in the 20010101—21001231 ;
20071227 Those who can afford it have access to the most modern technology and LIFE—SAVING procedures where those who cannot are left with medical care that is reminiscent of the 18010101—19001231.
20071228 50—YEARS may have passed, but basic historical information about the size and SCOPE—OF—THE—CIA —DURING THE—MID—19010101—20001231 —CENTURY is apparently still 1—CLOSELY guarded agency secret.
20071229 —FORMED, Zimbabweans, queues at banks to beat a 20071231 deadline to hand in 1—CURRENCY—SERIES phased out by the central bank.
20071231 (PD).- La Audiencia Provincial de Almería ha condenado a dos años y tres meses de prisión a la propietaria de un CAFÉ—PUB de Huércal de Almería por exceder en hasta 17,5 decibelios el máximo permitido por la ley, lo que causó trastornos en la salud de una pareja que residía en una vivienda ubicada sobre el local.
20071231 DN Online: Autarquias representam 42% da corrupção investigada pela PJ Boa parte... ALCOUTIM—VRSA - Tavira - (S. Brás) OLHÃO—FARO - (Loulé) Quarteira...
20071231 Dos años de cárcel para la propietaria de un pub por exceder el límite de RUIDO—ARCHIVADO en Justicia
20071231 20021122 Das Web wurde durchsucht nach Dulles##+Bush...
20071231 CALIFORNIA, murders for 20070000 in THE—FLORENCE—FIRESTONE neighborhood of LOS—ANGELES held at 19 as of 20071224 .
20071231 The standoff over the pilgrims began 20071229 , —WHEN some 3,060 Palestinians returning from the hajj in SAUDI—ARABIA arrived by ferry at THE—EGYPT—RED—SEA port of Nuweiba in SOUTH—SINAI, heading back to GAZA.
20071231 —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, into 1—LAW—1—MEASURE aimed at allowing states, local governments, mutual funds and pension funds to divest from SUDAN businesses, particularly its oil sectors.
20071231 —SHIELDED, S—FRANCISCO—ALBERT—COLLINS, (30), his daughter (9) from gunfire in the Sunnydale public housing project and was killed becoming the city's 98. homicide victim.
20071231 OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, police officers shot and killed ANDREW—MOPPIN—BUCKSKIN, 20—JAHRE—ALT at 47. and INTERNATIONAL—BLVD.
20071231 —AFTER he ran from his car —FOLLOWING 1—TRAFFIC stop.
20071231 —KILLED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—FEDERATION—OF—JOURNALISTS said at least 134—MEDIA—WORKERS were, on assignment this —YEAR, MOST—OF—THEM in IRAQ, which has become the most dangerous place for journalists —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—USA—LED war there.
20071231 —AIMED, In 1—MURDEROUS quest, at "cleansing" their turf of snitches and rival gangsters, MEMBERS—OF—FLORENCIA 13, or F13, 1—OF—LOS—ANGELES—COUNTY—MOST vicious Latino gangs sometimes killed people —JUST because of their race.
20071231 —EXPLODED, In Helmand province, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, against 1—POLICE—VEHICLE driving through MUSA—QALA, killing 2—OFFICERS.
20071231 —KILLED, Taliban militants, more than 925—AFGHANISTAN—POLICE this —YEAR, and large SWATHS—OF—THE—COUNTRY remained outside government control.
20071231 CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—STEPHEN—HARPER said a 1—PERCENTAGE—POINT cut to the country's consumption tax will be effective 20080101 .
20071231 1—VENEZUELAN—LED mission to rescue 3—HOSTAGES, including a 3-year old boy, from leftist rebels in COLOMBIA—JUNGLES fell apart as the guerrillas accused COLOMBIA—MILITARY—OF sabotaging the promised handoff.
20071231 —PLUNGED, SOUTH—EGYPT, 1—BUS, into 1—CANAL alongside the Nile River, killing 17—PASSENGERS and the driver.
20071231 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER drove 1—TRUCK rigged with explosives into 1—CHECKPOINT manned by MEMBERS—OF—1—USA—BACKED security volunteer group in 1—TOWN—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, killing at least 12—PEOPLE.
20071231 Another 3—PEOPLE were missing —FOLLOWING the explosion in THE—TOWN—OF—MISHADA, 20—MILES—NORTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL.
20071231 1—FEMALE—SUICIDE—BOMBER detonated herself near 1—POLICE—PATROL, wounding 5—POLICEMEN and 4—CIVILIANS in THE—TOWN—OF—BAQOUBA.
20071231 —TRADED, In THE—TOWN—OF—KHALIS gunmen, fire with police and Awakening Council members, leaving 1—COUNCIL—MEMBER and 1—POLICEMAN—DEAD.
20071231 —KILLED, THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE, in ISRAELI—PALESTINE—VIOLENCE dropped dramatically this —YEAR.
20071231 1—REPORT from 1—ISRAEL—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUP said ISRAEL—FORCES killed 373—PALESTINIANS —DURING 20070000 , a 45—PERCENT drop from the previous —YEAR.
20071231 —KILLED, Palestinians, 13—ISRAELIS in the same period.
20071231 —BATTLED, KENYA—POLICE, THOUSANDS—OF—OPPOSITION—SUPPORTERS enraged over PRESIDENT—MWAI—KIBAKI—ALLEGEDLY fraudulent RE—ELECTION, firing tear gas and live ammunition as the death toll from the violence rose to 103.
20071231 NEPAL, 4—FORMER—COMMUNIST—REBELS were sworn in as Cabinet ministers, ending 1—POLITICAL—CRISIS that began —WHEN THE—EX—GUERRILLAS walked out of 1—COALITION—GOVERNMENT 3—MONTHS ago.
20071231 —FAILED, NORTH—KOREA, to meet 1—YEAR—END—DEADLINE to declare all its nuclear programs under 1—AID—FOR—DISARMAMENT—DEAL, prompting disappointed reactions from SOUTH—KOREA, THE—USA—AND—JAPAN.
20071231 1—NEWLY released video of Benazir BHUTTO—ASSASSINATION and 1—INCONCLUSIVE medical report raised new doubts about the official explanation of her death and were likely to intensify calls for 1—INDEPENDENT, INTERNATIONAL investigation.
20071231 PALESTINE—PILGRIMS broke windows and burned mattresses and blankets in temporary camps to protest EGYPT—REFUSAL to let them return to GAZA through 1—CROSSING controlled by Hamas.
20071231 † 1—PALESTINE—WOMAN, 67—JAHRE—ALT, of 1—HEART—ATTACK—WHEN she was caught amid scuffles.
20071231 —TRANSFERRED, SUDAN, the African Union, authority to 1—NEW—JOINT peacekeeping force with THE—UN in Darfur.
20071231 1—AU official said ETHIOPIA and EGYPT will EACH—SEND 850—TROOPS—EARLY in the new —YEAR to serve with 1—JOINT—UN—AU force in the Darfur region.
20071231 —WOUNDED, THAILAND, 1—BOMB—ATTACK, 27—PEOPLE in Sungai Kolok, 1—TOURIST—TOWN where people had gathered to celebrate the New —YEAR.
20071231 —GRANTED, PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, amnesty to MANY—OPPONENTS accused of supporting 1 failed 20020000 coup that briefly drove him from power.
20071231 Chavez said he signed 1—AMNESTY—DECREE that would also pardon others accused of attempting to overthrow his government in recent years.
20071231 SILVESTERFEIERN: Die Welt begrüßt das neue —JAHR mit Raketengewitter und KONFETTI—ORGIEN
20071231 ALARM UND VERHAFTUNGEN: Terrorangst in Belgien und Holland
20071231 Weiteres OPFER—DER—KREDITKRISE: BRITEN—BANK strauchelt - USA—AKTIEN nochmals unter Druck
20071231 Terrorverdacht: Anschlag in den Niederlanden vereitelt
20071231 —UNRUHEN, Die, in KENYA breiten sich aus - The mystery of THE—ALEPPO Codex
20071231 The Jews of ALEPPO, who had 1—RICH—HISTORY as 1—COMMUNITY—OF—SCHOLARS and successful traders, remain 1—TIGHTLY knit community even in the exile they have endured —SINCE fleeing Syria in THE—FACE—OF—ANTI—JEWISH—PERSECUTION —FOLLOWING ISRAEL—ESTABLISHMENT.
20071231 BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA setting up exorcism squads to fight rising Satanism
20071231 The Vaticans CHIEF exorcist, Father Gabriele Amorth, has revealed that BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA is setting up exorcism squads to deal with the rampant GROWTH—OF—SATANISM.
20071231 "In —JUST 1—DECADE, we'll have gone from half the world never having made 1—TELEPHONE—CALL to half the world owning 1—PHONE," he said —RECENTLY.
20071231 In effect, he reckons, the people are the network and —WHEN that MOB—OF—PEOPLE get together and decide to go in 1—PARTICULAR—DIRECTION they are virtually unstoppable.
20071231 —BATTLED, —JUST ask the record companies that have, in vain for years to stop people sharing music or FORMER—PHILIPPINES PRESIDENT—JOSEPH 20010000 Estrada, who was forced from office by mass protests CO—ORDINATED by waves of SMS messages.
20071231 According to Pesce, the mob is "faster, smarter and stronger than you are".
20071231 —JUST as importantly, the mob is quite UNPREDICTABLE—SO expect 1—WILD ride in coming years. blog.futurestreetconsulting_com;
20071231 AFGHANISTAN hat UN—MITARBEITER rausgeschmissen, weil sie mit den Taliban verhandelt haben.
20071231 Wer —JETZT denkt, hey, das ist die UNO, genau dafür sind die Leute da hingeschickt worden, der irrt offensichtlich.
20071231 Aber es gibt da noch einen Kontext, in dem das interessant ist:
20071231 MI6-Agenten haben mit den Taliban verhandelt.
20071231 1—INTELLIGENCE—SOURCE said: "THE—SIS officers were understood to have sought peace directly with the Taliban with them coming across as SOME—SORT—OF armed militia. The British would also provide 'mentoring' for the Taliban".
20071231 Au weia.
20071231 So schlecht geht es denen in AFGHANISTAN, dass sie —SCHON mit den Taliban Friedensverhandlungen führen müssen.
20071231 MI6's meetings with the Taliban took place up to half 12—TIMES at houses on the outskirts of Lashkah Gah and in villages in the Upper Gereshk valley, to THE—NORTH—EAST—OF—HELMAND—MAIN—TOWN.
20071231 Soso, UN—MITARBEITER waren das also, ja? Nee, klar.
20071231 Meine Vermutung: es geht darum, dass die Taliban in den zurück eroberten Gebieten nicht wieder aus FUNDAMENTAL—RELIGIÖSEN Gründen den Drogenanbau verbieten.
20071231 Womit sollen die CIA (und offenbar der MI6) sonst ihre schwarzen Projekte finanzieren?
20071231 Aber ich muß ja sagen: das hat Stil, sich bei solchen konspirativen Gesprächen von der Armee abriegen und bewachen zu lassen.
20071231 Ich verweise auch auf folgenden Absatz: They are both AFGHANISTAN—EXPERTS who have been working in the country —SINCE the 1980s.
20071231 Das USA—MILITÄR gibt ihren Piloten und Soldaten ja —SCHON länger Speed und andere Drogen, um sie fit und kampfbereit zu halten, insofern ist das —JETZT nicht überraschend, dass die DARPA 1—NASENSPRAY erfunden hat, das Schläfrigkeit aufhebt.
20071231 1—NASAL spray containing 1—NATURALLY occurring brain hormone called orexin 1—REVERSED—THE—EFFECTS—OF—SLEEP—DEPRIVATION in monkeys, allowing them to perform like WELL—RESTED monkeys on cognitive tests.
20071231 ALIAS—STYLE Angriff auf Südafrikanische Nuklearinstallation.
20071231 According to THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—NUCLEAR—ENERGY—CORP., THE—STATE—OWNED entity that runs the Pelindaba facility, these 4 "technically sophisticated criminals" deactivated several LAYERS—OF—SECURITY, including a 10,000-volt electrical fence, suggesting insider KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—SYSTEM.
20071231 —CAPTURED, Though their images were, on CLOSED—CIRCUIT—TELEVISION, they were not detected by security officers because nobody was monitoring the cameras —AT—THE—TIME.
20071231 Oh Mann.
20071231 Die haben sich da 45—MINUTEN aufgehalten, und das ist die höchste Sicherheitsstufe, die Südafrika zu vergeben hat.
20071231 —AM Ende haben sie einen Wächter angeschossen, der da außer Dienstes rumhing, weil er sich Sorgen um die Sicherheit seiner Freundin machte, die da auch arbeitete.
20071231 Wartet, wird noch härter: Amazingly, at the same time those 4—MEN entered Pelindaba from its eastern perimeter, 1—SEPARATE—GROUP—OF—INTRUDERS failed in 1—ATTEMPT to break in from the west.
20071231 —COORDINATED, The timing suggests a, attack against 1—FACILITY that contains 1 estimated 25—BOMBS' WORTH—OF—WEAPONS—GRADE—NUCLEAR—MATERIAL.
20071231 Präsidentschaftswahlen: Spekulationen um New Yorks BÜRGERMEISTER—BLOOMBERG
20071231 Silvesterfeiern 20070000 : Konfettiregen und Glitzerhimmel
20071231 Alarm und Verhaftungen: Terrorangst in Belgien und Holland - The 'Ayn Rand Institute' under review.
20071231 —ON this website you will read ARI writers advocating the expedient SUSPENSION—OF—THE—USA—CONSTITUTION, SELF—SACRIFICE, and torture.
20071231 You will see their evasions, their sickening aping of Ayn RAND—STYLE—OF—EXPRESSION, their sophistries and lies.
20071231 You will see this as they call all who disagree with them pragmatists, leftists, and AMERICA—HATERS.
20071231 We hang them by their own utterance and offer comment.
20071231 Though these knaves and bunglers would destroy the intellectual legacy of Ayn Rand by marrying it to 1—AGENDA totally foreign to her ideas, 1 can take SOME—SOLACE in 1—APHORISM by
20071231 —CREED, Friedrich Nietzsche: "The 1. adherents of 1, prove nothing against it".
20071231 Silvesterfeiern 20070000 : Funkenregen in SYDNEY, Funkverbot in Tokio
20071231 Arbeitsmarkt: Rüttgers geißelt HARTZ—IV- Gesetze als grottenschlecht
20071231 LKW—WEGZOLL: Regierung will MAUT—GEBÜHR verdoppeln
20071231 Mohrs Deutschlandgefühl: Sozialstaatsselige im Latexfieber
20071231 Krawalle nach umstrittener Wahl: Polizei richtet Blutbad in Kenia an
20071231 Vorratsdatenspeicherung: 30.000—KLAGEN in KARLSRUHE—GRÖßTE Verfassungsbeschwerde aller Zeiten
20071231 Unruhen in Kenia: Polizei richtet Blutbad unter OPPOSITIONS—ANHÄNGERN an
20071231 Dulles and Gehlen hit it off —IMMEDIATELY.
20071231 Gehlen was 1—MASTER—SPY for the... Kissinger was also the paid political consultant to Rockefeller family.
20071231 HENRY KISSINGER, task force 157, under Bush [BGHW948]...
20071231 Acquitted because working for BND, REINHARD Nazi GERMANY—GENERAL—GEHLEN, Reinhard'S. alfatomega.com/noname18.html
20071231 Kissinger and Rockefeller Connections to USA—CENTRAL...
20071231 —AFTER Hitler, Gehlen served ALLEN—WELSH—DULLES, whose "Operation Sunshine"...
20071231 You can thank Kissinger and THE—ROCKEFELLER—LED MILITARY—INDUSTRIALISTS for...
20071231 HENRY—KISSINGER—INDEX: Hard Truth / Wake Up AMERICA
20071231 —TAPED, Unbeknownst to Kissinger, his speech was, by 1—SWITZERLAND—DELEGATE to the meeting.
20071231 —ESTABLISHED, The Gehlen Organization, copying HITLER—NEW—ORDER, a.
20071231 But SECRETARY—KISSINGER—ROLE in covert operations was not limited to Latin...
20071231 IMC INDIA—ROCKEFELLERS, kissinger, Bush sr ran Operation Condor
20071231 VICE—PRESIDENT—ROCKEFELLER, Kissinger, and Bush SENIOR ran a major Death squad... In WEST—GERMANY, Dulles hired Hitlers' master spy Reinhart Gehlen to revive...
20071231 POST—WAR Reconstruction | MetaFilter
20071231 21Dec.2004 Kissinger =Saddam ? —POSTED—BY troutfishing at 6:21 AM RICHARD—GEHLEN, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—EAST—EUROPEAN—SS—REINHARD, but whats in 1—NAME.
20071231 —PLACED, HENRY—KISSINGER, who was gradually, in his POSITION—OF—AUTHORITY as National... —AFTER Hitler, Gehlen served ALLEN—WELSH—DULLES, whose "Operation...
20071231 karlmarxwasright: THE—HOUSE—OF—MORGAN, Reinhard Gehlen and Ned...
20071231 —INDICATED, As I've, in previous blogs, Kissinger has had 1—NUMBER—OF—VISITS with...
20071231 Ned Lamont in CONNECTICUT AND the German/ Gehlen connection NAMED, above... HOUSE—OF—MORGAN—REINHARD—GEHLEN—AND
20071231 UK INDYMEDIA—KISSINGER, war criminals assoCIAtes
20071231 —HIRED, WEST—GERMANY, Dulles, Hitlers' master spy Reinhart Gehlen to revive... IN
20071231 Teresa Masiello — MARK—MASINO : ZoomInfo Business People Information
20071231 Masilotti, Dave, Tesla Industries Inc, Dave MASILOTTI—OWNER/CEO - (302)324—8910—EXT 22 - - -.
20071231 Masilotti, Dick, DETROIT Sales, The automakers need the.
20071231 Tesla Industries INC—NEW CASTLE—DELAWARE (DE) | Company Profile
20071231 Tesla Industries Inc company profile in New Castle, DE.
20071231 Our free company profile report for Tesla... Contact Name:DAVID—MASILOTTI.
20071231 Contact Title:PRESIDENT.
20071231 DNREC Interest Detail Report DNREC Interest Information DNREC Name...
20071231 DNREC Name:, Tesla Industries INC—HAZARDOUS Waste Generator, PI Type:, Hazardous Waste... Name:, Masilotti, David, Affil.
20071231 Type:, DNREC Interest Contact.
20071231 FRAME1 Affiliation Information, Search.
20071231 Between Masilotti, David and Tesla Industries FACILTY—OF—TYPE—FACILITY—CONTACT.
20071231 Current? This is 1—CURRENT—AFFILIATION.
20071231 Kickback case adds allegations about Masilotti ;
20071231 Curves RPB Partners With GlobalFit To...
20071231 THOMAS—EDISON versus Nikola Tesla : Who was more productive?
20071231 Strafverteidiger Vetter will zudem, dass "Ermittlungsrichter ähnlich wie in den USA bei Fehlentscheidungen auch zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden können".
20071231 HANS—JÖRG Albrecht, geht davon aus, dass es auch bei der Genehmigungspraxis von Hausdurchsuchungen "ähnliche Probleme wie bei der Telefonüberwachung gibt".
20071231 "Eine echte Prüfung der Verhältnismäßigkeit einer Durchsuchungsanordnung ist bei der derzeitigen Arbeitsbelastung vieler Ermittlungsrichter kaum möglich".
20071231 Glaubt man den Ausführungen vieler Strafverteidiger ist eine solche eigenständige Prüfung die Ausnahme.
20071231 "Der Richtervorbehalt läuft ins Leere, denn in der Regel legt der ermittelnde STAATSANWALT—DEM—RICHTER—DEN—DURCHSUCHUNGSBESCHLUSS einschließlich Begründung —BEREITS samt Briefkopf des zuständigen Gerichts vor", sagt Pro JUSTITIA—CHEF—KELLER.
20071231 Der Richter müsse nurmehr unterschreiben.
20071231 Das höchste Gericht kritisierte in den vergangen beiden Jahren den leichtfertigen Umgang seitens der Staatsanwaltschaft und des Ermittlungsrichters bei der Ausstellung von Durchsuchungsbeschlüssen.
20071231 Besonders häufig würden Ausländer Opfer ungerechtfertigter Durchsuchungen.
20071231 Manchmal beruht der Verdacht, der zu einer Hausdurchsuchung führt, sogar nur auf Gerüchten und Denunziationen.
20071231 Möglicherweise —BIS zu einigen 1000—HAUSDURCHSUCHUNGEN ohne ausreichende Rechtsgrundlage gibt es pro —JAHR in Deutschland, schätzt Pro Justitia.
20071231 "MANCHER—BETROFFENE bekommt noch Jahre später einen Horror, wenn es plötzlich frühmorgens klingelt", weiß Keller.
20071231 Müller ist kein Einzelfall.
20071231 "Rechtswidrige Durchsuchungen nehmen überhand"
20071231 Später stellte das Landgericht München fest, dass die DURCHSUCHUNG—VON—MÜLLERS—WOHNUNG unverhältnismäßig und rechtswidrig war.
20071231 Die Staatsanwaltschaft musste die Ermittlungen schließlich einstellen.
20071231 Im vergangen —JAHR erhielt Müller eine staatliche Entschädigung in Höhe von 420—EURO.
20071231 "Allein die Anwaltskosten waren fünfmal so hoch", schimpft der junge Mann.
20071231 Es war nur ein vager VERDACHT—DER Zugang zum ONLINE—PORTAL soll mit seiner IP erfolgt sein -, der dazu führte, dass die Münchner Polizei seine Wohnung filzte.
20071231 4—JAHRE ist es her, dass Müller das Vertrauen in die Unverletzlichkeit seiner Privatsphäre verlor.
20071231 "In der 1. Zeit nach der Hausdurchsuchung fühlte ich mich ausgeliefert und hilflos", sagt der Fachinformatiker.
20071231 Die um den Beschlag herum zersplitterte Türe seiner Wohnung erinnert daran, mit welcher Wucht die Staatsmacht an jenem Dezembertag in sein Haus eindrang.
20071231 immer wieder filzen Ermittler Wohnungen und Büros auf Basis vager Verdachtsmomente.
20071231 Chronisch überlastete Ermittlungrichter genehmigen die Durchsuchungen häufig ohne ausreichende Prüfung.
20071231 MÜNCHEN—EIGENTLICH ist MARKUS—MÜLLER, 26, kein misstrauischer Mensch.
20071231 —INSPIZIERT, Doch ausgerechnet seine eigene Wohnung, er bisweilen ganz genau.
20071231 Hat jemand das Mousepad verrückt?
20071231 Liegt die Zahnbürste am richtigen Ort?
20071231 Weltweit wurden 20070000 zahlreiche schwere Erdbeben registriert.
20071231 "Wir wissen noch nicht, ob es tatsächlich mehr werden oder ob einfach nur mehr Tornados bei uns beobachtet werden. Ein langfristiger Trend oder 1—ZUSAMMENHANG mit der Klimaerwärmung ist —DERZEIT nicht absehbar".
20071231 Weltweit blieben große Naturkatastrophen wie die Hurrikans "Katrina" und "Rita" im Jahre 20050000 zwar aus, dennoch stiegen die Schadenssummen deutlich an.
20071231 HAMBURG - "So VIELE—EREIGNISSE gab es noch nie —SEIT Beginn der Aufzeichnungen", sagt THOMAS—SÄVERT, Meteorologe in der Unwetterzentrale von Meteomedia.
20071231 Sävert verweist auf Zahlen der Münchner Rückversicherung, die insgesamt 950—NATURKATASTROPHEN registriert hat.
20071231 Markantestes und folgenschwerstes Ereignis in EUROPA war der Orkan "Kyrill".
20071231 Er wütete vor allem in ENGLAND, Frankreich, Belgien, den Niederlanden und in Deutschland, zahlreiche Menschen kamen ums Leben.
20071231 Kyrill richtete Schäden in Milliardenhöhe an.
20071231 Auch an der Obduktion Bhuttos beteiligte Ärzte distanzieren sich inzwischen von der Regierungsversion und deuten an, man habe Druck auf sie ausgeübt.
20071231 Athar Minallah, ein Mitglied des Verwaltungsgremiums des Krankenhauses, wo die schwer verletzte Bhutto behandelt wurde, veröffentlichte laut "NEW—YORK—TIMES " einen entsprechenden Brief.
20071231 Ein neues Video, das dem britischen Channel 4—ZUGESPIELT wurde, untermauert die SCHUSSVERLETZUNGS—THESE.
20071231 In dem Film sind 3—SCHÜSSE zu hören, Sekundenbruchteile später bewegen sich Bhuttos Kopftuch und Haare nach oben, was darauf hindeutet, dass sie von Projektilen getroffen wurde.
20071231 Dann sackt die Oppositionspolitikerin, deren Oberkörper aus dem Sonnendach ihres Wagens ragt, in sich zusammen.
20071231 —DETONIERT, —ERST danach, die Bombe.
20071231 Mehrere Attentäter mit Schusswaffen
20071231 USA—BÖRSENJAHR 20070000 : Hitparade des WALL—STREET- Wahnsinns
20071231 Hausdurchsuchungen: Razzia im rechtsfreien Raum
20071231 Staatschef Kibaki: PRÄSIDENT—RAFFZAHN führt Kenia ins Chaos
20071231 Mangelnder Wettbewerb: Politiker bereuen Privatisierung von Staatsfirmen
20071231 BHUTTO—TODESURSACHE: Neues Video nährt Zweifel an Regierungsversion - Neurologie: Was Ihr Augenzucken verrät
20071231 Rückblick: 20070000 - katastrophal wie nie
20071231 PAKISTAN nach Bhuttos Tod: Börse in Karatschi bricht massiv ein
20071231 Neujahrsansprache: Merkel mahnt zu mehr Wachsamkeit bei Kindesmisshandlungen
20071231 NAIROBI im Ausnahmezustand: Blutige Wahlschlacht in KENIA—MAULKORB für die Medien
20071231 zugrunde.
20071231 Mittlerweile aber hätte sich das Marktumfeld für die fraglichen Engagements verschlechtert.
20071231 Nach Schätzungen würden die Abschreibungen bei 2,5 —BIS 3—MILLIARDEN Euro liegen. ase/dpa
20071231 And with
20071231 TAPE 608 20070801 HENRY—KISSINGER, 970., Nazi REINHARD—GEHLEN—ODESSA—ROGERS, M. Chennault, CIC, USA—ARMY Intelligence 19680000—19760000 , R. REAGAN—GOVERNOR—CALIFORNIA—GRACE—KELLEY...
20071231—20050000 —DROPPED, Murders there had, from 43 to 19 20060000 —IN.
20071231—20060000 —IN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb targeting 1—PATROL—NEAR THE—IRAN—BORDER killed 2—IRAQ—SOLDIERS and injured another 4. According to IRAQ—HEALTH, defense and interior ministries, 16,232 civilians, 432—SOLDIERS and about 1,300 policeman † this —YEAR compared to 12,371 civilians, 603—SOLDIERS and 1,224 policeman killed.
20071231—20070000 —IN, More than 6,500—PEOPLE, mostly militants, †, according to 1—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—COUNT based on figures from Afghan and Western officials.
20071231—20070000 —KILLED, Also, 110—USA—SOLDIERS were, in the country, the highest USA—TOLL—SINCE 20010000 —THE invasion.
20071231—20070000 —IN, USA—MILITARY—DEATHS, suicide bombings and opium production hit record highs.
20071231—20071108 —ON, Achtung, Ersatzhosen bereithalten: Shortly —AFTER midnight, 4 armed men broke into the Pelindaba nuclear facility 18—MILES—WEST—OF—PRETORIA, 1—SITE where HUNDREDS—OF—KILOGRAMS—OF—WEAPONS—GRADE uranium are stored.
20071231—20071230 17- PUNKTE—KATALOG: Arbeitgeber stellen Forderungen an Bundesregierung
20071231—20100000 —IN, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE tossed out 1—LAWSUIT filed by THE—FAMILY—OF—MOPPIN—BUCKSKIN.
200801011231 Hate Crime Survey
20080102 Dickdarmkrebs: Mutation gelangte im 16010101—17001231 nach AMERIKA
20080103 The world's most populous nation will mark the next —12—MONTHS with 1—COMING—OF—AGE—PARTY that will confirm its transformation in —3—DECADES from 1—OF—THE—POOREST—COUNTRIES—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 into the globe's 3.—LARGEST economy,
20080103 The world's most populous nation will mark the next —12—MONTHS with 1—COMING—OF—AGE—PARTY that will confirm its transformation in —3—DECADES from 1—OF—THE—POOREST—COUNTRIES—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 into the globe's 3.—LARGEST economy, its hungriest (and most polluting) consumer and the engine room of economic growth.
20080108—20081231 —FROM, CHINA —POSTED 1—REGULATION dating declaring WAR—ON—THE "white pollution" choking its cities, farms and waterways.
20080110 —1— ): "Vom 17010101—18001231 —BIS zum heutigen —TAG sind Bedrohungen AMERIKANISCHER—SCHIFFE und des Seehandels der Weg gewesen,
20080118 USA—KRIEGE beginnen meist auf See WALTER—RUSSELL—MEAD, Mitglied des einflußreichen Council on Foreign Relations, hat im WALL—STREET Journal, dem Sprachrohr der Neokonservativen, auf eine interessante historische Linie aufmerksam gemacht ("IRAN—PROVOCATION", 20080110 ): "Vom 17010101—18001231 —BIS zum heutigen —TAG sind Bedrohungen AMERIKANISCHER—SCHIFFE und des Seehandels der Weg gewesen, auf dem die meisten Kriege der USA begannen", stellt Mead fest.
20080127 THE—USA—COLD—WAR—ALLY led 1—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY—MOST brutal dictatorships over 32—YEARS that saw up to 1—MILLION—POLITICAL opponents killed.
20080128 Als Beispiel nennen die Wissenschaftler die überirdischen Atomtests, die im 19010101—20001231 stattfanden.
20080129 —BESCHWÖRT, Bush, erneut die "wichtigste ideologische SCHLACHT—DES 20010101—21001231 " HERAUF—DIE zwischen Freunden und Feinden der Freiheit.
20080201 Die Rede vom Sozialismus des 20010101—21001231 kommt von den progressiven REGIERUNGEN—DER—REGION,
20080201 Der Sozialismus des 20010101—21001231 ist in Wirklichkeit 1—STAATSDISKURS,
20080201 Die Rede vom Sozialismus des 20010101—21001231 kommt von den progressiven REGIERUNGEN—DER—REGION, insbesondere von HUGO—CHÁVEZ, während die sozialen Bewegungen gleichzeitig eine organisatorische Schwächung erfahren (...)
20080201 Es sind nicht die sozialen Bewegungen, die vom Sozialismus des 20010101—21001231 sprechen, sondern die Regierungen, die sich als links bezeichnen.
20080201 Der Sozialismus des 20010101—21001231 ist in Wirklichkeit 1—STAATSDISKURS, der auf die Akzeptanz einer Regierungsstrategie der Einheitspartei als Staatspartei zugeschnitten ist.
20080201 According to the new chronology, the Late Bronze Age civilizations in the Aegean and on CYPRUS may have developed in association with 18—TH—AND 16010101—17001231 Canaanite and Levantine civilizations and their expanding maritime trade world.
20080201 die vom Sozialismus des 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY sprechen,
20080202 Obwohl die Stadt im 17010101—18001231 eine führende europäische Metropole war,
20080202 Dass Neapels Vitalität immer wieder in Gewalt umschlage, erklärt sich Starnone so: "1799—METZELTE das Volk die aufgeklärten Bürger nieder und sorgte damit für den Erhalt der feudalen Herrschaftsstrukturen. 'Neapel ist gleichzeitig archaisch und hochmodern.' Obwohl die Stadt im 17010101—18001231 eine führende europäische Metropole war, habe sie nie ein tragfähiges Bürgertum hervorgebracht. 1—BÜRGERTUM, das die Verwaltung der Stadt und das öffentliche Leben geprägt hätte, das Geld investiert hätte".
20080204 Suharto: '1—OF—THE—GREATEST—MASS—MURDERERS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 '
20080204 Yet, AS—OF—TODAY, it appears THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY will be led into the future by 1—BELTWAY FAVORITE—OF—THE—MEDIA and WASHINGTON insider who has spent the last quarter of 1—CENTURY on Capitol Hill.
20080207 Während des 19010101—20001231 hat der Konsum von Tabak demnach insgesamt 100—MILLIONEN Menschenleben gekostet.
20080209 So sind die Nationen der Europäischen Union in einen —KONFLIKT wie im ausgehenden 18010101—19001231 verwickelt".
20080210 —REPORTED, State media, that CHINA has lost about 1 10. of its forest resources to recent snow storms regarded as the most severe in HALF—1—CENTURY.
20080213 wird froh sein, wenn er in den 3ßiger Jahren des 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY nicht im Armenasyl endet.
20080213 Mancher, der in den sechziger —JAHREN des vorigen —JAHRHUNDERTS im schicken Neubaugebiet aufgewachsen ist, wird froh sein, wenn er in den 3ßiger —JAHREN des 20010101—21001231 nicht im Armenasyl endet.
20080217—20091231 —SENTENCED, Gao Huailiang was, to death in Hebei province, for making, selling and transporting illegal explosives.
20080219 —BERECHNET, Der Weltklimarat der Uno (IPCC) hat, dass es —BIS zum Ende des 20010101—21001231 —BIS zu 59—ZENTIMETER sein werden.
20080220 however, we have been able to keep it at bay for HALF—1—CENTURY.
20080221 -Debating torture and COUNTERINSURGENCY—1—CENTURY ago.
20080226 Bevor im 18010101—19001231 der Kühlschrank erfunden wurde
20080302 As Naomi Klein points out:
20080302 the myriad mechanisms and flexible instruments favored by financial "insiders;" social dislocation;
20080302 alienation; "private" pleasures apathetically consumed by atomized masses;
20080302 1—NEW—PRODUCT—LINE prefiguring 20010101—21001231 USA—LIFE.
20080302 reified celebrity "culture;" not to mention the intellectual BANKRUPTCY—OF—FUNDAMENTALIST religions of all stripes--were rolled out in Latin AMERICA—SOUTH—CONE —DURING the 1970s, 1—NEW—PRODUCT—LINE prefiguring 20010101—21001231 USA—LIFE.
20080302 1—NEW—PRODUCT—LINE prefiguring 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY AMERICA—LIFE.
20080304 This 18010101—19001231 work schedule was the most intense work effort in THE—HISTORY—OF—LABOR.
20080319 —WHEN 9,000 banks failed, 19070000 —WHEN JP Morgan told WALL—STREET enough was enough —AFTER a 50% drop in shares + even to THE—SERIES—OF—ECONOMIC and financial upheavals —DURING the final quarter of the 18010101—19001231.
20080319 1—FINANCIAL—CRISIS unmatched —SINCE the Great Depression, say analysts : STUDENTS—OF—THE—MARKETS say the only recent parallel with the current turmoil is JAPAN in the 1990s, but other than that they have had to study the 1930s, —WHEN 9,000 banks failed, 19070000 —WHEN JP Morgan told WALL—STREET enough was enough —AFTER a 50% drop in shares + even to THE—SERIES—OF—ECONOMIC and financial upheavals —DURING the final quarter of the 18010101—19001231.
20080322 Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) in the 13010101—14001231 BC—COMMONLY known as THE—TEL—EL—AMARNA TABLETS—WE find.
20080325 Director Koichiro Matsuura said that VISEGRAD—MEHMED—PASHA—SOKOLOVIC—BRIDGE, a 15010101—16001231 stone bridge over the Drina River that links Bosnia and Serbia, has been added to UNESCO—WORLD—HERITAGE—LIST.
20080405 In den frühkeltischen AdelsgräBERN des 8. —BIS 03010101—04001231 v.
20080405 GVFG—IN den frühkeltischen AdelsgräBERN des 8. —BIS 03010101—04001231 —CENTURY v.
20080406 Zu Beginn des 16010101—17001231 können die Publizisten erstmals sicher sein,
20080406 2—BIS 4—KREUZER kostet 1—FLUGBLATT zu Beginn des 16010101—17001231 , das entspricht etwa dem Stundenlohn eines Maurers.
20080406 Für uns Menschen des 20010101—21001231 zeigen die frühen Kalkulationen vor allem:
20080406 Zu Beginn des 16010101—17001231 können die Publizisten erstmals sicher sein, halbwegs aktuell und regelmäßig berichten zu können.
20080406 Für uns Menschen des 20010101—21001231 zeigen die frühen Kalkulationen vor allem: Es ist nicht so wichtig, ganz genau zu sein, wenn man zumindest ungefähr richtig liegt.
20080407 1—GERMANY—MAGAZINE, Mertins was 1—OF—THE biggest weapons traffickers in the 19010101—20001231.
20080407 Inside CHILE—COLONY—OF—TERROR—GERHARD—MERTINS : According to Stern, 1—GERMANY—MAGAZINE, Mertins was 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST weapons traffickers in the 19010101—20001231.
20080408 CASE, You Missed IT—MANIFEST Destiny - 20010101—21001231 Style -
20080408 The concept of Manifest Destiny describes the 18010101—19001231 conviction that God intended THE—CONTINENT—OF—NORTH—AMERICA to be under THE—CONTROL—OF—CHRISTIAN, European Americans.
20080413 Raethjen wurde zum 19781231 auf eigenen Antrag aus der Bundeswehr entlassen.
20080420 —PROTESTED, INDONESIA, several 1000—HARDLINE Muslims, outside the presidential palace in JAKARTA demanding that PRESIDENT—YUDHOYONO ban Ahmadiyah, 1—UNORTHODOX but moderate Muslim sect founded in INDIA in the 18010101—19001231.
20080420 —PROTESTED, INDONESIA, SEVERAL—1000—HARDLINE—MUSLIMS, outside THE—PRESIDENTIAL—PALACE in JAKARTA demanding that PRESIDENT—YUDHOYONO ban Ahmadiyah, 1—UNORTHODOX but moderate Muslim sect founded in INDIA in the 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY.
20080421 1—NEW—WORLD—ORDER as USA sinks : HERE—1—BIG—LESSON—OF—THE—1.—INTERNATIONAL financial CRISIS—OF—THE 20010101—21001231 : SOME—OLD—FASHIONED—ECONOMIES are weathering the storm better than those that borrowed big to spur growth or those that bet heavily on DEBT—STRAPPED USA—CONSUMERS.
20080423 im "JOURNAL—OF—ANALYTICAL Atomic Spectrometry" schreibt, datiert die europäische Literatur die Anfänge der Ölmalerei auf das 14010101—15001231.
20080423 Die Wandmalereien, die Buddhas in roten Roben zwischen Palmen und mythischen Wesen zeigen, stammen demnach aus der —MITTE des 06010101—07001231.
20080429 —PROMISED, AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT, to spend about $2.9—BILLION to buy river water from farmers in 1—BID to address the country's worst drought in 1—CENTURY.
20080502 —ENVISIONED, Is this what we, —DURING THE—POST—WORLD—WAR 2, MOON—LANDING—19010101—20001231 as humankind's glorious future?
20080502 Food riots, in DOZENS—OF—COUNTRIES, in the 20010101—21001231.
20080504 www.civilianpolice_com. blood disease - 20060101 20080506 AMERICA—CHEMICALLY—MODIFIED 20010101—21001231 Soldiers
20080506 AMERICA—CHEMICALLY—MODIFIED 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY Soldiers
20080514 —BY S—BASIL—BISHOP—OF—CAESAREA in the 03010101—04001231 —CENTURY
20080514 —BY S—BASIL—BISHOP—OF—CAESAREA in the 03010101—04001231 20080516 Urteil der Prüfer: "Es ist 1—FÄLSCHUNG aus dem 18010101—19001231 ".
20080516 Urteil der Prüfer: "Es ist 1—FÄLSCHUNG aus dem 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY".
20080516 —SUCCUMBED, The Inca, to SPAIN—CONQUEST in the 15010101—16001231 —CENTURY;
20080516 Im frühen 19010101—20001231 fuhren VIELE—AUTOS elektrisch, danach geriet die Technologie in Vergessenheit.
20080516 "Die gesamte Gattung der Kristallschädel ist 1—ERFINDUNG—DES 18010101—19001231 ", erklärt die Prüferin JANE—WALSH.
20080516 'Engineering Reality: 1—CENTURY—OF—SELF' by CHARLIE—MANDELL—GET...
20080519 Balfour to BLAIR—THIS is 1 must watch VIDEO—BALFOUR to Blair, investigates THE—HISTORY—OF—UK—POLICY in THE—MIDDLE—EAST from THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 to —TODAY.
20080523 We live in the 20010101—21001231 and —WHILE THE—INTERNET is exploding with USER—CENTRIC—WEB—SITES, governments seem to be stuck in the past.
20080526 Thanks to GW BUSH—IRAQ fiasco & borowing $3—TRILLION to finance it, the $ is tanking & we are well on our way to becomming the "CHINA" of the 20010101—21001231 ...
20080604 Es ist nicht unwahrscheinlich, dass die neuen Entrechteten des 20010101—21001231 — der "Bodensatz", wie 1—SPD—BUNDESMINISTER sie gern verächtlich nennt — in dem Falle die alte Partei der industriellen Arbeitnehmerelite aus dem 19010101—20001231 als Gegner vorfinden werden, die dann als "Schutzmacht der neuen —MITTE" Ansprüche von unten entschlossen abzuwehren hat.
20080606 As long as the greatest CRIME—OF—THE 20010101—21001231 remains unprosecuted, we all have 1—DUTY to keep the truth alive.
20080612 THE—41—CELTIC—GOLD—COINS, dating back to the 1. HALF—OF—THE 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY, were found by 1—MYSTERY collector in 1—KENT field.
20080617—19530000 —IN, The 1. of his MANY—BOOKS was 1—TRANSLATION—OF "Contra Celsum" by Origen of ALEXANDRIA, the 02010101—03001231 church father, published.
20080622 1—OF—MY favorite parts is seeing what the newspaper editors of the early 19010101—20001231 had to say about Ivy Lee [pictured], who is —NOW considered, along with EDWARD—BERNAYS, 1—OF—THE " fathers " of...
20080625 7—INDIGENOUS—MAORI tribes signed NEW—ZEALAND—LARGEST—EVER settlement over grievances arising 18010101—19001231 —FROM—TO—CENTURY—LOSSES—OF—LANDS, forests and fisheries —DURING European SETTLEMENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20080627 —GESCHRIEBEN, Dessen Experten hatten in ihrem Bericht, die ARKTIS werde "im späteren Teil des 20010101—21001231 " eisfrei sein.
20080630 20080630 6. Das Papsttum und der Ultramontanismus im 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY
20080630 —PLACED, He had, 1—ADVERTISEMENT in 1—ENGLAND—DAILY in Goa saying that he had an 17010101—18001231 piano to sell.
20080630 6. Das Papsttum und der Ultramontanismus im 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY—
20080630 6. Das Papsttum und der Ultramontanismus im 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY
20080701 —SUSPENDED, THAILAND—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER—SAID—THE—THAILAND—GOVERNMENT has, its decision to support CAMBODIA—BID to have an 10010101—11001231 temple near THE—THAILAND—BORDER declared 1—WORLD landmark.
20080702 ': THE—USA is 1—ILLEGAL occupying force that should hand THE—132—ISLANDS—OF—HAWAII back to the monarchy overthrown more than 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY ago, according to MEMBERS—OF—1—NATIVE—HAWAIIAN sovereignty movemet
20080702 Judges Cite Need for Reliable Evidence To Hold Detainees : In reversing 1—MILITARY—TRIBUNAL—DETERMINATION that 1—CHINA—DETAINEE was an "enemy combatant," 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT criticized the government's evidence and compared its legal theories to 1—NONSENSICAL 18010101—19001231 poem.
20080703 —BY the late 08010101—09001231 , stockfish would have found 1—EXPANDING market in the Christian world.
20080703 † LARRY—HARMON (83) wasn't the original Bozo the Clown, but he was the real 1. Harmon, who portrayed THE—WING—HAIRED clown for more than HALF—1—CENTURY, of congestive heart failure.
20080703 —TODAY, the resulting late 08010101—09001231 manuscript, conserved in THE—UK—LIBRARY, is acknowledged to be the single most important contemporary account of 1—SCANDINAVIAN—VIKING—AGE—TRAVELLER.
20080703 Established by THE—DANISH—KING—GODFRED —IN—THE—EARLY 08010101—09001231 —CENTURY, Hedeby became 1—OF—THE—MAJOR—TOWNS—OF—THE—VIKING age.
20080704—19720000 —IN, was elected to the Senate, the 1. Republican from NORTH—CAROLINA in the 19010101—20001231.
20080707 "Im 20010101—21001231 müssten wir in der Lage sein, den Planeten zu ernähren", fügte Sarkozy hinzu.
20080707 1—UNESCO official said that an 10010101—11001231 temple that sits on CAMBODIA's disputed border zone with THAILAND has been designated as 1—WORLD—HERITAGE—SITE.
20080710 —ISSUED, THE—USA—MEDICAL—ASSOCIATION, 1—FORMAL—APOLOGY for more than 1—CENTURY—OF discriminatory policies that excluded blacks from participating in 1—GROUP—LONG considered THE—VOICE—OF—USA—DOCTORS.
20080713 —URGED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY, the disparate and conflicted countries —AROUND the Mediterranean Sea to make peace as European rivals did in the 19010101—20001231 as he launched 1—UNPRECEDENTED—UNION for the Mediterranean.
20080720 Sie war im frühen 19010101—20001231 fast ausgestorben, ließ sich dann aber noch retten.
20080725—20101231 —AM, Das europäische FLUGPASSAGIERDATEN—SYSTEM soll —NACH—DEN Vorstellungen der EU—KOMMISSION spätestens funktionsfähig sein.
20080727 1—SENIOR—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL described them as the worst in 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY.
20080727 1—SENIOR—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL described them as the worst in 1—CENTURY.
20080728 Genutzt wurde das Areal zwischen dem 23. und dem 20010101—21001231 vor Christus.
20080730 —ALLOWED, If this resolution is, to expire 20081231 , it would create 1—LEGAL vacuum — 1—VACUUM that can't be filled by 1—PRESIDENTIAL—MEMO.
20080803 So HATTE—TACITUS —BEREITS im 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY n. Chr. beschworen:
20080803 So HATTE—TACITUS —BEREITS im 1—CENTURY beschworen:
20080806 Putin says RUSSIA needs to go back to CUBA: media : THE—KREMLIN is angry at USA—PLANS for 1—MISSILE—DEFENCE—SYSTEM in EAST—EUROPE, and —LAST—MONTH 1—NEWS—REPORT suggested RUSSIA might use CUBA, 1—THORN in AMERICA—SIDE for HALF—1—CENTURY, as 1—REFUELING stop for NUCLEAR—CAPABLE—BOMBERS.
20080809 —COMMITTED, Yongming then, suicide by throwing himself from the 2. STORY—OF—THE—SITE, the 12010101—13001231 Drum Tower —JUST 5—MILES from the main Olympics site.
20080812 —INCLUDED, MICHAEL—BAXANDALL—BOOKS, "Painting and Experience in 14010101—15001231 ITALY" (19720000 ).
20080818 The river Kosi, 1—TRIBUTARY to the Ganges, burst 1—EMBANKMENT on the Nepali SIDE—OF—THE—BORDER with INDIA and flowed into 1—CHANNEL it had abandoned 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY—EARLIER.
20080823 - WolliGL. 200607112319.
20080823 This is 1—AGREEMENT that, of course, will establish 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SITE here in POLAND, 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SITE that will help us to deal with the new threat to the 20010101—21001231 —OF—LONG—RANGE—MISSILE—THREATS from countries like IRAN or from NORTH—KOREA.
20080823 - WolliGL. 200607112319. - - WolliGL. 200607112319. - - - WolliGL.
20080823 200607112319. - - WolliGL. 200607112319. - - WolliGL.
20080823 200607112319. - 200607112319. - - WolliGL.
20080823 200607112319. - "Don't do it", USA told GEORGIA on EVE—OF—ASSAULT: THE—USA warned GEORGIA against trying to retake rebel SOUTH—OSSETIA by force, including on the very eve of 20080807 —THE attack that drew 1—CRUSHING response from RUSSIA, THE—USA—ENVOY to NATO said —ON—THURSDAY.
20080823 200607112319. - 200607112319. - - WolliGL. 200607112319. - - WolliGL.
20080905 MEXICO, 2 17010101—18001231 paintings, "THE—ADORATION—OF—THE—3—KINGS" and "THE—BIRTH—OF—THE—VIRGIN," were stolen from the Santa Matilde church in PACHUCA, THE—CAPITAL—OF—CENTRAL—HIDALGO state.
20080916 But in 1—EVEN broader sense, the West, as 1—CIVILIZATION, —AFTER 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY—OF—WORLD—WAR and the utter failure of global finance capitalism, may have reached its limits.
20080916 BRAZIL plans to build 50—MORE—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANTS : - Mines and Energy MINISTER—EDISON—LOBAO announced —FRIDAY BRAZIL plans to build 50 to 60—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANTS in HALF—1—CENTURY, with EACH—HAVING capacity of 1,000 megawatts.
20080920 —BELIEVED, THE—DRUIDS also, that fairies lived in oaks, leading THE—GREECE—WRITER—LUCIAN to write in the 01010101—02001231 the earliest surviving EXAMPLE—OF—SCIENCE—FICTION, the "Verae Historiae,"
20080922 Auf den Überresten der Villa des Lucullus steht —SEIT dem 15010101—16001231 —CENTURY die Villa Medici.
20080922 USA takeovers dwarf my nationalisations: VENEZUELA—CHAVEZ: Chavez said the worst financial crisis —SINCE the Great Depression was the crash of "NEO—LIBERAL" capitalism, and showed his "20010101—21001231 —CENTURY Socialism" was the way forward.
20080922 Und so war es —SCHON—NACH—DEM HOLLAND—TULPENWAHN, jener Periode im 16010101—17001231 , als einzelne Blumenzwiebeln gegen Häuser getauscht wurden.
20081001 Der ursprüngliche HIV—STAMM, aus dem sich die beiden Untergruppen gebildet haben, müsse deshalb am Übergang vom 19. zum 19010101—20001231 erstmals aufgetreten sein, so die Forscher.
20081004 —GEGLAUBT, Wir haben, wir seien nicht so blöd wie die Spekulanten, die im 16010101—17001231 mit den HOLLAND—TULPENZWIEBELN gehandelt und alles zerstört haben.
20081006—20090130 —THE—MONACO—DECLARATION, ON, they issued, which summed up their deliberations, and reported that ACIDITY—OF—OCEAN—SURFACE—WATERS has increased 30% —SINCE the 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY.
20081006—20090130 —ON, they issued THE—MONACO—DECLARATION, which summed up their deliberations, and reported that ACIDITY—OF—OCEAN—SURFACE—WATERS has increased 30% —SINCE the 16010101—17001231.
20081008 It is not a `good' fight against `terrorism,' but 1—CLASSIC, 18010101—19001231 colonial war to advance western geopolitical power into RESOURCE—RICH—CENTRAL—ASIA.
20081008 Selbst ein eher Liberaler wie WALTER—LIPPMANN, 1—DER—FÜHRENDEN—INTELLEKTUELLEN—DES 19010101—20001231 , war der Meinung, dass in einer gut funktionierenden Demokratie die intelligente Minderheit, die herrschen sollte, beschützt werden muss vor dem "Getrampel und Gebrüll einer verwirrten Herde".
20081012 Gaetano Errico (17910000—18600000 ), 1—NEAPOLITAN priest who founded 1—MISSIONARY—ORDER in the 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY;
20081012 and Narcisa de Jesus Martillo Moran (18320000—18690000 ), a 18010101—19001231 laywoman from ECUADOR who helped the sick and the poor.
20081012 —FOUNDED, GAETANO—ERRICO (17910000—18600000 ), 1—NEAPOLITAN priest who, 1—MISSIONARY—ORDER in the 18010101—19001231 ;
20081015 —REACHED, The agreement, —AFTER MONTHS—OF—DIFFICULT—NEGOTIATIONS, would allow USA—TROOPS to remain here —AFTER their UN mandate expires 20081231 .
20081024 In 1—HOUSE—OVERSIGHT—COMMITTEE hearing —TODAY, FORMER—FED Chairman ALAN—GREENSPAN claimed the credit crisis is a "once in 1—CENTURY—CREDIT—TSUNAMI" that policy makers did not anticipate.
20081025 Er zählt zu den bedeutendsten Philosophen des 18010101—19001231 , seine Theorien begründen die Kritik am Kapitalismus und liegen kommunistischer Utopien zugrunde : KARL—HEINRICH—MARX.
20081028 INDUSTRIAL—SCALE—METAL—PRODUCTION was occurring at 1—SITE in JORDAN in the 09010101—10001231 —CENTURY B.C.
20081028 "To what extent the Bible really recalls ancient historical reality from the 09010101—10001231 is hard to say," said the Hebrew UNIVERSITY—MAZAR,
20081028 "To what extent the Bible really recalls ancient historical reality from the 09010101—10001231 is hard to say," said the Hebrew UNIVERSITY—MAZAR, who has been to the site but was not involved with the study.
20081028 INDUSTRIAL—SCALE—METAL—PRODUCTION was occurring at 1—SITE in JORDAN in the 09010101—10001231 B.C., according to the study's carbon dating of ancient industrial mining debris and ANALYSIS—OF—THE—SETTLEMENT—LAYOUT.
20081028 —CALLED, ALAN—GREENSPAN, who ran the Fed for 18 1/—2—YEARS, it a "ONCE—IN—1—CENTURY—CREDIT—TSUNAMI," and conceded that he made mistakes that may have aggravated the economy's slump.
20081028 Die frühesten Aktivitäten datieren sie auf das 09010101—10001231 vor Christus, wodurch sie somit in die vermutete Regierungszeit von KÖNIG—SALOMO fallen, schreiben die Wissenschaftler im Fachblatt "Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES".
20081028 INDUSTRIAL—SCALE—METAL—PRODUCTION was occurring at 1—SITE in JORDAN in the 09010101—10001231 B.C.
20081028 —CONCLUDED, Previous studies had, no copper production occurred in the area —BEFORE the 06010101—07001231 B.C.
20081028 Die frühesten Aktivitäten datieren sie auf das 09010101—10001231 —CENTURY vor Christus, wodurch sie somit in die vermutete Regierungszeit von KÖNIG—SALOMO fallen,
20081031 Their dream of American "Full Spectrum Dominance"--USA—MILITARY and economic superiority over ANY—POSSIBLE—COMBINATION—OF—STATES--is matched in ambition only by the early 19010101—20001231 Trotskyite DREAM—OF—WORLD—COMMUNIST—REVOLUTION.
20081102 Iif THE—IRAQ—REGIME fails to sign 1—AGREEMENT by 20081231 —THE deadline, that's not going to stop Bush from employing his army ANY—WAY he wants.
20081102 —PRODUCED, In 1—CONFLICT that has, more than its share of suffering and tragedy, THE—NAME—OF—KAFR—QASSEM lives on in infamy more than HALF—1—CENTURY—AFTER ISRAEL—POLICE gunned down 47—PALESTINE—CIVILIANS, including women and children, in the village.
20081103 "Mathematicians have been puzzling over that question for 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY or 2, and the main thing they've discovered is that the question is really, really hard. In the last —DECADE, though, they've developed SOME—POWERFUL—NEW—TOOLS inspired by physics that have pried 1—FEW answers from the universe's clutches. Even more exciting is that the new tools seem to be the tip of 1—MUCH larger theory that mathematicians are —JUST beginning to uncover. That larger mathematical theory, if it exists, may help crack some of the hardest mathematical questions there are, questions about the mathematical structure of the 3- and 4—DIMENSIONAL space where we live.... Revealing the full... superstructure may be the work of 1—GENERATION".
20081109 Auf dem Forum Romanum stand —SEIT dem 04010101—05001231 â€" v. Chr.
20081109 deren Gründer, der gläubige Geschäftsmann SIR—JOHN—TEMPLETON, in der Wissenschaft eine "Goldmine zur WIEDERBELEBUNG—DER—RELIGION im 20010101—21001231 " sah.
20081109 —MITFINANZIERT, VIELE—DER—FORSCHUNGSPROJEKTE werden von der JOHN—TEMPLETON—FOUNDATION, - einer Stiftung, deren Gründer, der gläubige Geschäftsmann SIR—JOHN—TEMPLETON, in der Wissenschaft eine "Goldmine zur WIEDERBELEBUNG—DER—RELIGION im 20010101—21001231 " sah.
20081109 Auf dem Forum Romanum stand —SEIT dem 04010101—05001231 v. Chr. sein Tempel.
20081115 1—SENIOR—AIDE to PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI said USA and IRAQ—NEGOTIATORS have agreed on 1—DRAFT—OF—1—SECURITY—PACT that would allow USA—TROOPS to stay in IRAQ for 3—MORE—YEARS—AFTER their UN mandate expires 20081231 .
20081120 —RECOGNIZED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION formally, Welsh, which dates back to the 05010101—06001231 , as 1—MINORITY tongue.
20081120—20081231 —UNTIL, Chevron said it was declaring "force majeure" —FOLLOWING 20081114 —THE attack on the pipeline which carries supplies to its Escravos terminal in THE—NIGER—DELTA.
20081121 CHINA—CARMAKERS SAIC and Dongfeng have plans to acquire GENERAL—MOTORS and Chrysler, CHINA's 20010101—21001231 Business Herald reports
20081121 "Aber", so die Studie weiter "wir können auch 1—SZENARIO—DES—WETTRÜSTENS, der territorialen Expansion und militärischer Rivalitäten wie im 18010101—19001231 nicht ausschließen".
20081122 —FOLLOWING his retirement from the military, GENERAL—JONES became PRESIDENT—OF—THE—INSTITUTE for 20010101—21001231 Energy[3], 1—AFFILIATE—OF—THE—USA—CHAMBER—OF—COMMERCE[8] and CHAIR—OF—THE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS—OF—THE—ATLANTIC—COUNCIL—OF—THE—USA.[9] He also served as chair of the Independent Commission on Security Forces of IRAQ, sponsored by the Atlantic Council of THE—USA.[10]
20081123 —BECAME, GENERAL—JONES, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—INSTITUTE for 20010101—21001231 Energy[3],
20081123 "Unter der Dynastie der Jin im 03010101—04001231 unserer Zeitrechnung besuchen CHINA—SCHIFFE, vom Kompass geleitet, INDIEN—HÄFEN und die Ostküste Afrikas".
20081123 "Unter der Dynastie der Jin im 03010101—04001231 —CENTURY unserer Zeitrechnung besuchen CHINESISCHE—SCHIFFE,
20081126 —KILLED, INDIA, 110—PEOPLE were, and over 300 injured —WHEN suspected Islamic militants attacked 10—SITES in Mumbai including THE—5—STAR—TAJ Mahal Palace and Tower and the 18010101—19001231 Chhatrapati Shivaji railroad station.
20081201 In the early 19010101—20001231 .Bernays took the crude... alfatomega.com/noname19.html
20081204 —APPROVED, IRAQ—PRESIDENTIAL—COUNCIL, 1—SECURITY—PACT that sets out a —3—YEAR timeframe for USA—TROOPS to leave, the final step for the agreement to replace 1—UN—MANDATE that expires 20081231 .
20081216 Von den Römern kaum bemerkt, begann sich Germanien im 01010101—02001231 n. Chr. dramatisch zu verändern.
20081220 Fischer: Diese Krise wird das Globalisierungszeitalter des 20010101—21001231 neu strukturieren.
20081222—20081231 —ON, The mission will expire.
20081223—20081231 —AFTER, EL—SALVADOR—PRESIDENT—TONY—SACA announced he will withdraw Salvadoran troops from IRAQ, pulling out the only remaining soldiers from Latin AMERICA.
20081224 HAROLD—PINTER was 1—OF—THEATER—BIGGEST names for nearly half 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY.
20081224 HAROLD—PINTER was 1—OF—THEATER—BIGGEST names for nearly HALF—1—CENTURY.
20081226 —FAILED, The very people who had, to regulate the folks causing the Even Greater Depression of the early 20—00010101—01001231 —CENTURY—NOW took $700—BILLION worth of taxpayer money and handed it to those same financial 'industry' crooks, without ANY—REQUIREMENTS at all on what they could do with the money.
20081228 —STILL Combating Stereotypes in the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY
20081228 —STILL Combating Stereotypes in the 20010101—21001231 20081228 —STILL Combating Stereotypes in the 20010101—21001231 20081228 TROTZ KONJUNKTURKRISE: Außenhandel rechnet nur mit leichtem EXPORT—MINUS
20081231 alfatomega.com/20090109.html
20081231 DN Online: Autarquias representam 42% da corrupção investigada pela PJ
20081231 Faleceu CAPITAL—DE—ABRIL—CARLOS—CAMILO - Correio da Manhã - 7—HORAS atrás
20081231 Faleceu, na madrugada desta SEGUNDA—FEIRA, o VICE—PRESIDENTE da Liga dos Combatentes e capitão de Abril, o MAJOR—GENERAL do Exército português CARLOS—CAMILO.
20081231 CARLOS—CAMILO foi um dos capitães de Abril
20081231 Faleceu CARLOS—CAMILO um dos capitães de Abril
20081231 EUROPA: novas manifestações contra a ofensiva israelense no sul de...
20081231 AFP - 1—HORA ATRÁS—PARIS (AFP) — Milhares de pessoas voltaram às ruas nesta SEGUNDA—FEIRA na EUROPA contra a ofensiva israelense realizada desde —SÁBADO na Faixa de GAZA, que já deixou mais de 340—MORTOS, entre eles 57—CIVIS.
20081231 Aos gritos de "parem os massacres em GAZA" ou.
20081231 Egito responde a acusações do Hezbollah sobre GAZA
20081231 Hezbollah JUNTA—SE a nova Intifada contra ISRAEL
20081231 GAZA: um imenso desafio para o futuro presidente americano - AFP - 27—MINUTOS atrás WASHINGTON-
20081231 O futuro presidente dos Estados Unidos, BARACK—OBAMA, que já tem à sua espera o desafio de uma profunda crise econômica eo atoleiro afegão, VÊ—SE obrigado a acrescentar o conflito entre palestinos e israelenses à lista de suas mais...
20081231 Petróleo fecha acima de USA$ 40—POR barril com conflito em GAZA
20081231 Petróleo fecha em alta com tensões no Médio Oriente
20081231 Perguntas e Respostas sobre a última guerra ISRAELO—PALESTINIANA
20081231 —ENDE, befand sich jeder 40.
20081231 USA—MORTGAGE—LENDER—FREDDIE—MAC said interest rates on the 30-year FIXED—RATE—MORTGAGE dropped to 1—AVERAGE—OF—5.10% for the —WEEK ending this —DAY, down from the previous —WEEK—5.14%.
20081231 —WALKED, ASPEN—COLORADO, JAMES—CHESTER—BLANNING, 72—JAHRE—ALT, into 2—DOWNTOWN banks afternoon and left GIFT—WRAPPED bombs made of gasoline and cell phone components.
20081231 —SKIED, He had, competitively as 1—TEEN but had grown bitter about his hometown.
20081231 —CAUSED, His bombs, the evacuation of a 16-block area, which lasted —UNTIL 4 a.m. Police found Blanning dead in his Jeep Cherokee 1—FEW hours —LATER in 1—RURAL—AREA—EAST—OF—ASPEN.
20081231 —ENDED, SF, the —YEAR with 98—HOMICIDES.
20081231 and THE—234—HOMICIDES in BALTIMORE were 17% less than the 392 THE—YEAR—BEFORE.
20081231 Homicides in NEW—YORK rose 5.2%, to 522—FROM 496 THE—YEAR—BEFORE.
20081231 † DONALD—WESTLAKE (19330000 ), USA—MYSTERY—AUTHOR, —WHILE vacationing in MEXICO.
20081231 —AUTHORED, DONALD—WESTLAKE, over 90—BOOKS and 1—NUMBER—OF screenplays.
20081231 —ATTACKED, AFGHANISTAN, Taliban militants, 1—DISTRICT—GOVERNOR—COMPOUND in SOUTH—HELMAND province, killing 20—POLICE—GUARDS and fatally shooting the mother of 1 as she pleaded unsuccessfully for her son's life.
20081231 2—FOREIGN—SOLDIERS helping to fight the extremists were killed in separate incidents.
20081231 —KILLED, USA—LED forces, 8 armed Taliban militants in Zabul province.
20081231 BRAZIL, CHRISTIAN—WOLFFER, 70—JAHRE—ALT, owner of the Wolffer Estate winery, bled to death —AFTER suffering 2—DEEP cuts on his back —WHILE swimming on New —YEAR—EVE near the colonial TOWN—OF—PARATY, about 150—KILOMETERS (100—MILES) WEST—OF—RIO—DE—JANEIRO.
20081231 —REPORTED, It was, that CHINA has delayed plans to start the central section of its massive SOUTH—TO—NORTH—WATER—DIVERSION—PROJECT by 4—YEARS due to environmental concerns.
20081231 —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—RUN—XINHUA news agency, that 1—PAIR—OF—CHINA—FORESTRY executives cheated THOUSANDS—OF—INVESTORS out of 160—MILLION—DOLLARS by selling off "timber lands" in 1—BARREN desert region.
20081231 Chairman Chen Xianggui of Inner MONGOLIA—WANLI—AFFORESTATION—CO. was sentenced to 11—YEARS in prison by 1—COURT in the region —WHILE general manager Liu Yanying received 9—YEARS for the pyramid scheme.
20081231 TIAN—WENHUA, former chairwoman of the Sanlu Group, 1—OF—CHINA—BIGGEST dairy producers, pleaded guilty to selling fake and substandard milk powder.
20081231 DENMARK, 1—GUNMAN shot and wounded 2—ISRAELIS working at the Rosengaard mall in ODENSE.
20081231 —SIGNED, INDIA—PRESIDENT, 1—ANTI—TERROR—BILL into law to boost police powers —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—1—BLOODY—ATTACK on the country's financial capital.
20081231 —KICKED, IRAQ, Oil MINISTER—HUSSEIN—AL—SHAHRISTANI, off the country's 2. postwar bidding round, naming 11—OIL and gas fields or GROUPS—OF—FIELDS as eligible for development proposals.
20081231 8—PEOPLE were killed in 4—BOMBINGS in the north.
20081231 —REJECTED, ISRAEL, INTERNATIONAL pressure for a 2—DAY—CEASE—FIRE with Hamas and sent warplanes to demolish smuggling tunnels that are THE—LIFELINE—OF—GAZA—ISLAMIC—RULERS.
20081231 —KILLED, GAZA officials said THE—5—DAYS—OF—AIRSTRIKES have, 390, including 200 uniformed MEMBERS—OF—HAMAS security forces.
20081231 —ALLEGED, MEXICO sent 10, drug smugglers to THE—USA, capping 1—ALREADY record —YEAR for extraditions between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20081231 2—CANADA—TOURISTS were hospitalized with gunshot wounds —AFTER assailants opened fire at 1—NIGHTCLUB in the resort TOWN—OF—CABO—S—LUCAS.
20081231 —CONTINUED, PAKISTAN, tanks, artillery and helicopter gunships, their attacks in the Khyber Pass.
20081231 —DESTROYED, Over the last 2—DAYS, security forces, 19 suspected militant compounds and arrested 28—PAKISTANIS.
20081231 —KILLED, Government troops reportedly, 3—MILITANTS in the operation to secure the major supply route to USA and NATO—TROOPS in AFGHANISTAN.
20081231 1—SENIOR—PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL said Zarar Shah, 1—MILITANT arrested in PAKISTAN, has confessed involvement in the Mumbai terror attacks and is giving investigators DETAILS—OF—THE—PLOT.
20081231 Shah and another suspect, ZAKI—UR—REHMAN Lakhvi, were said to be cooperating with investigators.
20081231 —ERUPTED, BANGKOK—THAILAND, 1—NEW—YEAR—EVE fire, at the Santika nightclub.
20081231 —KILLED, —BEFORE the revelry was over, 62—PEOPLE were, and more than 200 injured —AFTER they tried to flee what swiftly became 1 charred, gutted ruin in 1—GLITZY—BANGKOK entertainment area.
20081231 THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL held 1—EMERGENCY meeting on 1—ARAB request for 1—BINDING and enforceable resolution condemning ISRAEL and halting its military attacks on GAZA.
20081231 —CALLED, THE—USA—IMMEDIATELY, the draft resolution circulated by LIBYA on behalf of the 22-member Arab League "unacceptable" and "unbalanced" and because it makes no mention of halting the Hamas rocket attacks that led to THE—ISRAEL—OFFENSIVE.
20081231 —ANNOUNCED, THE—VATICAN, that it will no longer automatically adopt new ITALY—LAWS as its own, citing the vast NUMBER—OF—LAWS—ITALY churns out, many of which are in odds with Catholic doctrine.
20081231 Hunger im Irak - Lebensmittelhilfen sollen drastisch eingeschränkt werden
20081231 —BEREITS zum JAHRESENDE—ALLEN—DATEN zufolge dürfte das Bruttoinlandsprodukterneut kräftig geschrumpft sein.
20081231 Light pollution is mostly 1—DESIGN—ISSUE.
20081231 WELL—DESIGNED street lighting can keep people and neighborhoods safe, and simultaneously reduce THE—AMOUNT—OF—LIGHT needed to do so, Ajax.
20081231 In fact, such lighting can be safer by reducing glare and contrast between light and dark places.
20081231 Yes, light pollution probably causes breast cancer.
20081231 Isn't that cool? I mean, isn't fascinating how subtly and profoundly our bodies are attuned to light?
20081231 No, we are not 1—NATION of whiners. We are NATIONS—OF—FIXERS.
20081231 —POSTED—BY: persistence | - :11 PM
20081231 Preventive USE—OF—ANTIBIOTICS—CUTS ICU Deaths USA—NEWS & World Report(HealthDay News) Giving people antibiotics —BEFORE they were admitted to 1—HOSPITAL—INTENSIVE—CARE—UNIT led to 1—DROP in patient deaths, 1—NEW—HOLLAND—STUDY found.
20081231 AMERICAN—NEEDS—PERIOD—OF—PAIN - The Federal Reserve Abolition Act
20081231 It worried THOMAS—JEFFERSON enough to call banking institutions "more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies" at 1—MUCH simpler time in our history.
20081231 The right to create and control money belongs to the people through their elected representatives.
20081231 For the past 95—YEARS, powerful bankers accountable to no 1—HAVE had it.
20081231 They effectively run the country (and own it), and unless We the People change things, we'll continue to be victimized by economic tyranny and the eventual political kind that's coming.
20081231 Chávez: Capitalists Have Manipulated THE—MESSAGE—OF—CHRIST to Exploit the Poor
20081231 Christmas In GAZA : No More Room In The Morgue.
20081231 'Little BAGHDAD' in GAZA—BOMBS, Fear and Rage
20081231 —BY Amira Hass, Haaretz Correspondent
20081231 Relatives search among the bodies and the wounded in order to bring the dead quickly to burial.
20081231 1—MOTHER whose 3—SCHOOL—AGE—CHILDREN were killed, and are piled 1 on TOP—OF—THE—OTHER in the morgue, screams and then cries, screams again and then is silent.
20081231 IMF economist warns of "Great Depression" : The top economist at THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND, OLIVIER—BLANCHARD, warned —EARLIER this —WEEK that continued declines in consumer spending would set off 1—GLOBAL—DEPRESSION.
20081231 "Consumer and business confidence indexes have never fallen so far —SINCE they began. The coming months will be very bad," he told THE—FRANCE—NEWSPAPER Le Monde, as reported by Agence FRANCE—PRESSE.
20081231 Holiday Sales Drop to Force Bankruptcies, Closing : USA—RETAILERS face 1—WAVE—OF—STORE—CLOSINGS, bankruptcies and takeovers —STARTING next —MONTH as holiday sales are shaping up to be the worst in 40—YEARS.
20081231 CASH—STRAPPED states cut juvenile justice programs: State budget cuts are forcing some of the nation's youngest criminals out of counseling programs and group homes and into juvenile prisons in what critics contend is 1 shortsighted move that will eventually lead to more crime and higher costs.
20081231 CASH—STRAPPED states weigh selling roads, parks: MINNESOTA is deep in the hole financially, but the state still owns 1—PREMIER—GOLF—RESORT, 1—SPRAWLING amateur sports complex, 1—BIG—AIRPORT, 1—MAJOR—ZOO and land holdings THE—SIZE—OF—THE—CENTRAL—USA—COUNTRY—OF—BELIZE.
20081231 PAKISTAN, INDIA troop strength, deployments : —FOLLOWING are ESTIMATES—OF—MILITARY—STRENGTH—OF—PAKISTAN and INDIA, as well as SOME—INFORMATION about where troops are believed to be deployed:
20081231 ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKES represent massive violations of INTERNATIONAL law' : THE—ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKES on THE—GAZA Strip represent severe and massive violations of INTERNATIONAL humanitarian law as defined in THE—GENEVA Convention, both in regard to the obligations of 1—OCCUPYING power and in THE—REQUIREMENTS—OF—THE—LAWS—OF—WAR.
20081231 ISRAEL—LEADERS must be summoned': IRAN—PRESIDENT says it is necessary to make 1—COMPLAINT as soon as possible in INTERNATIONAL courts against the officials of THE—ISRAEL regime.
20081231 ISRAEL uses new USA—SUPPLIED smart bomb: THE—ISRAEL—AIR—FORCE used 1—NEW—BUNKER—BUSTER missile that it received —RECENTLY from THE—USA in strikes against Hamas targets in THE—GAZA Strip on —SATURDAY, THE—JERUSALEM Post learned on —SUNDAY.
20081231 CHINA calls for immediate halt to GAZA attacks : CHINA said it is shocked by ISRAEL—ATTACK on GAZA and has called for 1—IMMEDIATE halt to the military campaign that has killed nearly 300—PEOPLE.
20081231 BRITAIN slams 'unacceptable' LOSS—OF—LIFE in GAZA : Asked if THE—ISRAEL—ATTACKS could be justified, Miliband told BBC radio: "I think that ANY—INNOCENT—LOSS—OF—LIFE is unacceptable and in this case there have been massive casualties, SOME—OF—THEM civilians and SOME—OF—THEM children.
20081231 Arab World Losing Tolerance For Indifferent Leaders
20081231 —WHEN people feel there is no justice in the world and no legitimate outlet for their justified frustration, things tend to boil over.
20081231 —HAPPENED, And that's what, at 1—HUGE—ANTI—ISRAEL, PRO—HAMAS demonstration in THE—YEMEN—CAPITAL—OF—SANA'A.
20081231 Resistance to ISRAEL—OCCUPATION — a right ?
20081231 Palestinians are 1—PEOPLE under occupation who has the right to SELF—DETERMINATION under THE—UN—CHARTER.
20081231 THE—USE—OF—FORCE as PART—OF—RESISTING occupation in THE—PALESTINE—CASE is —THEREFORE derived from THE—INTERNATIONAL—LEGITIMACY to recourse to armed struggle in order to obtain the right to SELF—DETERMINATION.
20081231 Leaders Lie, Civilians Die, and LESSONS—OF—HISTORY are Ignored
20081231 THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, not to mention the pusillanimous REACTION—OF—GORDON—BROWN, reaffirm for Arabs what they have known for decades: however they struggle against their antagonists, the West will take ISRAEL—SIDE.
20081231 As usual, the bloodbath was the fault of the Arabs — who, as we all know, only understand force.
20081231 Anarchy In THE—UK
20081231 (and the birth of SGS—STOP GAZA SLAUGHTER) -BY—YVONNE Ridley
20081231 —UNLEASHED, HE murderous military campaign which has been, by ISRAEL has provoked people across the world to demonstrate, rally and protest in their HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS.
20081231 USA—VETO—BLOCKS UN ANTI—ISRAEL RESOLUTION—BY- Press TV—WASHINGTON once again used its veto powers on —SUNDAY to block 1—RESOLUTION calling for 1—END to the massive ongoing ISRAEL—ATTACKS against THE—GAZA Strip.
20081231 —ACCUSED—OF, USA—MAN admits 'spying for ISRAEL': BEN—AMI Kadish was, providing the documents, including SOME—RELATING to USA nuclear weapons systems, to 1—ISRAEL—AGEN, However, 1—USA—PROSECUTOR said on —TUESDAY that the government would not oppose 1—SENTENCE that means Kadish will not serve time in prison, the Associated Press reported.
20081231 As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, RUSSIA—PROFESSOR—PREDICTS END—OF—USA.
20081231 AMERICA 'Disintegrates' 20100000 20081231 Retailers may close 73,000 stores in the 1. half of 20090000 :
20081231 "You'll see department stores, specialty stores, discount stores, grocery stores, drugstores, major chains either MULTI—REGIONALLY or nationally go out,"
20081231 List of Troubled Banks: Ready to see where your bank stands?
20081231 —WHILE lists of troubled banks obviously exist, NONE—OF—THEM seem to be readily available to the public.
20081231 Why? Because the bankers do not want you to have this.
20081231 PAKISTAN closes NATO—SUPPLY—ROUTE to fight militants : PAKISTAN on —TUESDAY cut off supplies to NATO and USA—FORCES in AFGHANISTAN via the Khyber Pass as security forces launched 1—MAJOR—OPERATION against militants there, officials said.
20081231 INDIA has intensions to launch air strikes inside PAKISTAN: JOHN—MCCAIN : USA—SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN has voiced his deep concern over tense SOUTH—ASIA—SITUATION, saying INDIA was preparing for SOME—KIND—OF—ATTACK on PAKISTAN —IN—THE—WAKE—OF last —MONTH—MUMBAI attacks.
20081231 UN official says ISRAEL responsible for breaking truce with GAZA: Karen ABU—ZAYD, COMMISSIONER—OF—THE—UN—RELIEF and Works Agency which helps PALESTINE—REFUGEES, raised the possible violation of 1—INFORMAL—TRUCE in 1—VIDEO—PRESS—CONFERENCE with UN reporters from her base in GAZA.
20081231 Foreign journalists demand GAZA access : The sole pedestrian crossing from ISRAEL into GAZA, at Erez, has remained closed to journalists —SINCE ISRAEL—BOMBING campaign began on —SATURDAY.
20081231 ISRAEL—INTENSIFIES PR campaign to gain int'l sympathy for GAZA operation : Foreign MINISTER—TZIPI—LIVNI on —SATURDAY instructed the Foreign Ministry to take emergency measures to adapt ISRAEL—INTERNATIONAL—PUBLIC—RELATIONS to the ongoing escalation in THE—GAZA Strip.
20081231 —BACKED, ISRAEL, by ARMY—OF—CYBER—SOLDIERS : —WHILE ISRAEL fights Hezbollah with tanks and aircraft, its supporters are campaigning on THE—INTERNET.
20081231 McKinney relief boat hit by ISRAEL—SHI p: 1—BOAT carrying INTERNATIONAL peace activists, including FORMER—GEORGIA congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, and medical supplies to the embattled GAZA Strip sailed back into 1—LEBANON—PORT on —TUESDAY—AFTER being turned back and damaged by THE—ISRAEL—NAVY, ORGANIZERS—OF—THE—TRIP said.
20081231 Cynthia McKinney SLAMS ISRAEL—NAVY : ISRAEL once again bullying others utilizing vehicles and weaponry we provide them.
20081231 —KILLED, PICTURES,: Massacre of Gazan Children: -ISRAEL—FORCES, 2—GIRLS in 1—AIR—ATTACK on Beit Hanoun in THE—NORTH—GAZA Strip early —TUESDAY.
20081231 —DESTROYED, Local sources report that 1—MISSILE, 1—HOUSE belonging to Talal Hamdan in Beit Hanoun —TODAY, killing his 2—DAUGHTERS—OF—12 and 4—YEARS—OLD.
20081231 1—SON is reported seriously injured.
20081231 Jews protest GAZA slaughter:
20081231 Different groups representing IRAN—JEWISH—COMMUNITY on —TUESDAY gathered in front of THE—UNITED—NATIONS OFFICE—IN—TEHERAN in order to protest "ISRAEL—WAR—CRIMES and the slaughter of the innocent people in GAZA Strip," THE—IRAN—IRNA news agency reported
20081231 'We're ready to die for Palestine' : Over 20,000 IRAN—UNIVERSITY—STUDENTS have pledged to fully support THE—PALESTINE—PEOPLE, who are currently facing merciless ISRAEL—ATTACKS.
20081231 'Stand with GAZA or leave IRAN' : IRAN—STUDENTS say THE—EGYPT—INTERESTS—SECTION in TEHRAN will be closed unless CAIRO rectifies its policies toward THE—PALESTINE—PEOPLE.
20081231 Violence at GAZA protest in YEMEN : Demonstrators in THE—YEMEN—PORT CITY—OF—ADEN have broken into THE—EGYPT—CONSULATE in 1—PROTEST against CAIRO—RESPONSE to ISRAEL—OFFENSIVE against GAZA, 1—SECURITY—OFFICIAL has said.
20081231 Bush calls Abbas to discuss GAZA : "We want to see 1—END to the violence for the long term, not —JUST the immediate," WHITE—HOUSE—DEPUTY—PRESS—SECRETARY—GORDON—JOHNDROE said, briefing reporters in Crawford, where Bush is staying at his ranch.
20081231 As the world waits for Obama to voice his opinion on GAZA, AMERICA—PRESIDENT—ELECT hits the golf cours e: BARACK—OBAMA remained silent over the violence in GAZA as ISRAEL —TODAY threatened to continue its attacks for weeks.
20081231 Obama paying his debt to Zionists: The 1. JEWISH—PRESIDENT—ELECT Obama is silent.
20081231 This silence is part of the deliberate appeasment to his Zionist handlers.
20081231 —DAMNED, He is not facing ANY—DILEMMA such, if he speak and damned if he doesn't. Of course, if he opens his mouth, he will be lyinglike ANY—OF—THE—PAST—PRESIDENTS—OF—ISRAEL in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20081231 —SPONSORED, The vigil is, by THE—USA—MUSLIM Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections (AMT), 1—COALITION—OF—12—MAJOR—ISLAMIC—ORGANIZATIONS.
20081231 —ARMED, TONY—BENN: Stop GAZA Massacre: : THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT, and supported by PRESIDENT—BUSH, with its savage attack on the people of GAZA —NOW represents the greatest threat to security in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and the world peace movement is mobilizing on 1—MASSIVE—SCALE to defeat this aggression.
20081231 I appeal to everyone who can possibly do so to attend THE—MANY—DEMONSTRATIONS that are being held here so that THE—UK—GOVERNMENT is left in no doubt as to THE—STRENGTH—OF—OPPOSITION there is to this war.
20081231 USA Washes Its Hands: USA says will give $85—MILLION to help Palestinians: THE—USA announced on —TUESDAY it would give $85—MILLION to THE—UNITED—NATIONS—AGENCY providing aid to PALESTINE—REFUGEES in THE—WEST—BANK, GAZA, JORDAN, LEBANON and Syria.
20081231 The corporate forces that are looting the Treasury and have plunged us into 1—DEPRESSION will not be contained by THE—2—MAIN—POLITICAL—PARTIES.
20081231 The Democratic and Republican parties have become little more than squalid clubs of privilege and wealth, whores to money and corporate interests, hostage to 1—MASSIVE—ARMS—INDUSTRY, and so adept at deception and SELF—DELUSION they no longer know truth from lies.
20081231 Civilians Are Paying the Price in GAZA'
20081231 INTERNATIONAL aid groups, including several UNITED—NATIONS agencies, are warning of 1—HUMANITARIAN—CATASTROPHE in GAZA if ISRAEL does not stop its military action there —IMMEDIATELY.
20081231 The Holocaust - Holocaust denial is ANTI—SEMITIC.
20081231 But I'm not talking about —WWII, MAHMOUD—AHMEDINIJAD, or Ashkenazi Jews.
20081231 What I'm referring to is the holocaust we are all witnessing and responsible for in GAZA —TODAY and in Palestine over the last 60—YEARS.
20081231 —WARPED, PAUL—J—BALLES exposes ISRAEL's, DEFINITION—OF—SELF—DEFENCE, which it uses as 1—COVER for its MURDER—OF—INNOCENT—PALESTINIANS, including women and children, and its DESTRUCTION—OF—UNIVERSITIES, mosques and other CIVIL—INFRASTRUCTURE in the occupied GAZA Strip.
20081231 GAZA: The Logic of Colonial POWER—BY- Nir ROSEN—AS so often, the term 'terrorism' has proved 1—RHETORICAL smokescreen under cover of which the strong crush the weak.
20081231 THE—USA—BACKED attempt to bring Hamas to heel by overwhelming force is in fact more likely to boost the movement's appeal.
20081231 1—ISRAELI—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL (ICTI) May be the Only Deterrent to 1—GLOBAL—WAR
20081231 THE—UNITED—NATIONS GENERAL—ASSEMBLY must —IMMEDIATELY establish 1—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—TRIBUNAL for ISRAEL (ICTI) as a "subsidiary organ" under UNITED—NATIONS Charter Article 22. THE—ICTI would be organized along THE—LINES—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—TRIBUNAL for YUGOSLAVIA (ICTY), which was established by the Security Council.
20081231 STUART—LITTLEWOOD shows how ISRAEL—PUBLIC—RELATIONS—STRATEGY frames and defines the situation in ISRAEL—OWN—TERMS—REGARDLESS—OF—THE—TRUTH and, using advanced propaganda skills and the elaborate ISRAEL lobby network, it seeks to persuade Western politicians and media to accept ISRAEL—VERSION—OF—EVENTS.
20081231 My Brilliant CAREER—RAMPAGE in GAZA for 1—BUMP in the Polls
20081231 —PASSED, Barak Obama has, his 1. test with flying colors.
20081231 HE—MADE himself disappear so ISRAEL can continue its killing spree in GAZA.
20081231 The last time 1—PRESIDENT shrunk this small was —WHEN Ariel Sharon took his WRECKING—BALL through Jenin —DURING the 2. intifada.
20081231 ISRAEL—ELECTIONEERING With BOMBS—BY- JONATHAN—COOK— "all ISRAEL—LEADERS are competing over who is the toughest and who is ready to kill more".Continue
20081231 If GAZA Falls.
20081231 How can keeping food and medicine from the people of GAZA protect the people of ISRAEL?
20081231 How can the impoverishment and SUFFERING—OF—GAZA—CHILDREN — more than 50—PER CENT—OF—THE—POPULATION — benefit anyone?
20081231 INTERNATIONAL law as well as human decency demands their protection.
20081231 If GAZA falls, THE—WEST—BANK will be next.
20081231 THE—PARADOX—OF—PEACE - ISRAEL thrives on war. Peace is 1—THREAT to Zionism.
20081231 It demands compromise.
20081231 —INDICATED, Twice this —YEAR, the leaders of Hamas, their readiness to accept 1—PALESTINIAN—STATE within 19670000 —THE borders.
20081231 Arab Connivance in THE—GAZA MASSACRE—BY- Alberto Cruz,
20081231 —WRETCHED—OF, The most, all the Arab leaders is MAHMOUD—ABBAS, who styles himself, "PRESIDENT—OF—THE—PALESTINIAN—AUTHORITY" at the same time as he accuses HAMAS—OF—RESPONSIBILITY for the massacre for refusing to give in, as he himself has done, to Zionist and Western designs.
20081231 Taking advantage of the bloodletting, he has already said he will take over the administration of GAZA if Hamas is defeated.
20081231 A Letter to MISTER—MAHMOUD—ABBAS:
20081231 Your Silence to the Massacres is Deafening
20081231 As 1—LEADER, your inept attitude is demoralizing.
20081231 —THEREFORE, I ask you to resign from your post, dissolve THE—PA, and make demands from the occupiers to ensure the welfare of the occupied (as stipulated in the 3. and 4. GENEVA Conventions).
20081231 Pirates Of The Mediterranean
20081231 NOT content with committing war crimes and human rights atrocities in full VIEW—OF—THE—WORLD, ISRAEL has —NOW confirmed itself as 1—ROGUE state by launching into INTERNATIONAL piracy.
20081231 The Twilight Zone
20081231 1—UNFORESEEN global crisis has erupted in GAZA with the declaration of 'All Out WAR' on THE—PALESTINE—PEOPLE;
20081231 and Obama hid behind 1—DATE on the calendar —WHEN what he might have said could have altered this entire situation.
20081231 Americans Should Act to End Violence Against GAZA
20081231 ISRAEL—CRIMES against the Palestinians simply could not take place on such 1—MASSIVE—SCALE were it not for USA—SUPPORT.
20081231 THE—USA—PEOPLE, —THEREFORE, have 1—RESPONSIBILITY to act and pressure their government to end its financial, military, and diplomatic support for ISRAEL—VIOLATIONS—OF—INTERNATIONAL—LAW -- 1—NECESSARY 1. step towards ANY—VIABLE and sustainable peace.
20081231 CASE, You Missed IT—THE Killing Zone
20081231 Life in GAZA is 1—CONSTANT—GAUNTLET—OF—ISRAEL—SNIPER—FIRE, military rockets and army bulldozers.
20081231 No 1 is safe.
20081231 In light of the escalating tensions, we're bringing back 1—OUR most moving documentaries, 1—HARD—HITTING EXPOSE—OF—LIFE in the Occupied territories.
20081231 We speak to the children caught in the crossfire and find out the true cost of ISRAEL's targeted assassinations policy.
20081231 Alternative Theory of 20010911 20081231 JOEL—BRINKLEY: Does His Article on RICHARD—FALK—DEMONSTRATE—THE—RIGHT "FRAME—OF—MIND" to Teach Journalism at Stanford ? -BY—ELIZABETH Woodworth
20081231 Is it not extraordinary that Brinkley, 1—FORMER—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTER deemed qualified by Stanford University to teach its journalism students, had not been aware that MANY—AMERICANS believe that
20081231 USA—SUPREME—COURT: jnl01... johnson" fraud money laundering arrested convicted indicted terrorism... Sun Life Assurance Company of CANADA.
20081231 Petition for writ of certiorari to.
20081231 "Die WALL—STREET war besoffen".
20081231 USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH machte mit diesem Satz zur Finanzkrise noch einmal gehörig auf sich aufmerksam.
20081231 (20080700 —IM auf einer Veranstaltung in HOUSTON)
20081231 MARK—TERKESSIDIS sagt: 1—GRUPPE, die sich nicht mehr über eine gemeinsame Vergangenheit, sondern über eine gemeinsame Zukunft definiert.
20081231 Erkenntnis: "Es ist eine stetige narzisstische Kränkung für das vernünftige Subjekt, dass der Eigensinn eines Systems bedeutendere Implikationen für die Weltläufe hat als das bewusste Handeln der Individuen.
20081231 —BETRACHTET, Aber so ist es, kühl ".
20081231 Sind wir nicht irgendwie ALLE—SCHULDNER eines gigantischen PONZI—SCHEMAS?"
20081231 Frankfurter RUNDSCHAU—DER Dramatiker Rolf Hochhuth hat sich EINIGE—GEOSTRATEGISCHE—GEDANKEN über die NATO—OSTERWEITERUNG gemacht und
20081231 ist sich mit Helmut Schmidt
20081231 ganz einig, dass man einer GROßMACHT—GEMEINT ist RUSSLAND—NICHT einfach 1—DRITTEL " ihres europäischen Territoriums " ABWIRBT—GEMEINT ist die UKRAINE.
20081231 "Dass Amerikaner ohne Not die Russen lebensgefährlicher herausfordern, als die je —SEIT Hitler bedroht wurden;
20081231 dass der USA—RÜSTUNGSINDUSTRIE die Gewissheit bleibt,
20081231 dieser ihr Wiederaufstieg werde ihr selber keine einzige Fensterscheibe DEMOLIEREN—IST nur 1—SEITE—DER—MEDAILLE.
20081231 Die andere: KONTINENTAL—EUROPÄER können dem nur zustimmen, soweit sie so verrückt geworden sind, einem selbstmörderischen Todestrieb zu FOLGEN—VÖLLIG bewusstlos,
20081231 denn mindestens in Deutschland wird ja nicht einmal gesprochen über die Endfalle, in die wir —JETZT auf Weisung Washingtons hineintappen!"
20081231 Außerdem seien die Ukrainer doch "—SEIT aberhundert Jahren Russen".
20081231 HAMBURG - - Steuerskandal, SIEMENS—PROZESS, Finanzkrise -
20081231 Skandale und Abstürze hatte das —JAHR 20080000 in Massen zu bieten.
20081231 Doch wer, was, wann, wo und warum dazu gesagt hat, gerät meist schnell in Vergessenheit.
20081231 Nicht bei SPIEGEL—ONLINE
20081231 Wirtschaftszitate des Jahres: "Die WALL—STREET war besoffen"
20081231 NASA—BERICHT: "COLUMBIA"-Astronauten hatten keine Chance
20081231 Krieg in GAZA: Israelische Analysten erwarten rasches Kriegsende
20081231 Deutscher Medaillenschwund 20080000 : "Der Abwärtstrend ist schwer aufzuhalten"
20081231 —JAHR—DER—ASTRONOMIE 20090000 : Von Galileos Fernrohr zum Superauge "Hubble"
20081231 —ALARMIERT, Energie: Weiter sinkender Ölpreis, Opec
20081231 —BEGONNEN, Neujahrsfeiern: 20090000 hat, - in der Südsee
20081231 Israels CHEF—STRATEGE Ehud Barak: Der Uhrmacher des Krieges
20081231 Die 10—GRÖßTEN Irrtümer der Experten: So falsch waren die Prognosen für 20080000 20081231 Höhere LKW—MAUT: Transportbranche rechnet mit Firmensterben
20081231 Britische Währung: 1—PFUND ist 1—EURO
20081231 Silvester in Lissabon: Tanz unter der Königsstatue
20081231 —BOMBARDIERT, Offensive gegen Hamas: ISRAEL, Schmugglertunnel
20081231 Offensive gegen Hamas: Olmert lehnt Feuerpause im GAZA—STREIFEN ab
20081231 Streit in ILLINOIS: Obama lehnt Nachfolgekandidat für Senat ab
20081231 —BESCHWÖRT, Neujahrsansprache: Merkel, Gemeinsinn in der Krise
20081231 ALARMIERENDE BILANZ 20080000 Naturkatastrophen richteten 200—MILLIARDEN Dollar Schaden an
20081231 Wirbelstürme, Erdbeben, mehr als 220.000—TOTE durch Naturgewalten:
20081231 WASHINGTON—POST - Thousands across metro DETROIT will have to wait to have power...
20081231 DETROIT Free PRESS—POWER should be restored by —TUESDAY night to about 90—PERCENT—OF—THE 135000 SOUTH—EAST—MICHIGAN homes still in the dark —TODAY, DTE Energy said this —MORNING.
20081231 Flooding the latest weather threat in Midwest
20081231 More than 175000 still without power in MICHIGAN
20081231 PAKISTAN—LEADERS—CALL for calm with INDIA ISLAMABAD (AFP)- PAKISTAN on —MONDAY called for 1—EASING—OF—TENSIONS with INDIA, 1—MONTH—AFTER ties between THE—NUCLEAR—ARMED—NEIGHBOURS were sent into 1—TAILSPIN in the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks.
20081231 PAKISTAN army CHIEF calls for calm - CHINA assures to ease PAK—INDO tension
20081231 Dow Chemical Needs SOME—BLACK—MAGIC
20081231 Collectively - Collectively, these findings are helping scientists to understand how intelligence can ARISE—AND to appreciate THE—MANY—FORMS it can take.
20081231 Storm Causes AT&T Outage Across Midwest
20081231 dstates writes "AT&T left users across several Midwestern states without cellular phone service —YESTERDAY. The outage apparently resulted from 1—POWER—FAILURE at 1—MICHIGAN switching center and spread to affect level3 INTERNET communications. The powerful windstorm also left 400,000—USERS without electricity. Interestingly, except for 1—FEW reports in CHICAGO and INDIANAPOLIS papers, AT&T has managed to keep this out of the mainstream media. Widespread communication failures also followed Hurricane Ike in TEXAS —EARLIER this —YEAR. With the increasing trend for users to drop landlines and rely only on cell phones, this is becoming 1—EMERGENCY—PREPAREDNESS—ISSUE".
20081231 —INCLUDED, Yes this, me. Still does.
20081231 At least my office still has power — maybe we'll —JUST camp here tonight.
20081231 palegray_net writes "According to 1—NEW—ARTICLE published in Scientific American, the nature of and evolutionary DEVELOPMENT—OF—ANIMAL—INTELLIGENCE is significantly more complicated than MANY—HAVE assumed. In opposition to the widely held view that intelligence is largely linear in nature, in MANY—CASES—INTELLIGENT traits have developed along independent paths. 'Over the past 30—YEARS, however, research in comparative neuroanatomy clearly has shown that complex brains — and sophisticated cognition — have evolved from simpler brains multiple times independently in separate lineages...'"
20081231 "The entire transcript of the RIAA's 'perfect storm,' its 1. and only trial, which resulted in a $222,000 verdict in 1—CASE involving 24—MP3'S having 1—RETAIL—VALUE—OF $23.76, is —NOW available online.
20081231 —AFTER over 1—YEAR—OF trying, we have finally obtained the
20081231 rs232 writes with 1—LINK to 1—STORY at The Register which begins: "The executive in charge of THE—BBC iPlayer has suggested that INTERNET users could be charged £10—PER —MONTH extra on their broadband bill for higher quality streaming".
20081231 The article suggests (perhaps optimistically) that "—AFTER YEARS—OF—SELLING consumers pipes, not what they carry, [tiered, SITE—SPECIFIC pricing] would be tough to pull off".
20081231 —FACED, We are, with 1—VICHY—STYLE—WEST—BANK—REGIME, with Abbas as its Pétain, serving the 20010101—21001231 nazis, ISRAEL.
20081231—20070000 —IN, In MILWAUKEE—WISCONSIN, the total number of homicides dropped 32%, from 105 to 71 20080000 —IN, the lowest number 19850000 —SINCE.
20081231—20070000 —IN, DETROIT had 344—SLAYINGS, a 13% drop from the 396 ;
20081231—20070000 —IN, PHILADELPHIA—332—KILLINGS were a 15% drop from the 392 ;
20081231—20070000 —ENDED, WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, 20080000 with 186—HOMICIDES, up from 181.
20081231—20080000 —RECORDED, CLEVELAND, 102—HOMICIDES, down from a 13-year high of 134 20070000 —IN.
20081231—20080000 —COMPARED, Slayings in LOS—ANGELES were down to 376, to 400 the prior —YEAR.
20081231—20080000 —SHOWED, Preliminary data in CHICAGO, 508—HOMICIDES were reported, the 1. time the city had more than 500—MURDERS 20030000 —SINCE and about 15% more than THE—442—HOMICIDES reported 20070000 —IN.
20081231—20080000 —IN, At least 314—USA—SOLDIERS †, down from 904 20070000 —IN.
20081231—20080104 —ON, 1—MAN suspected of piloting 1—MOTORBOAT that struck and killed Wolffer was detained.
20090101 As PETER—SHULMAN, 1—HISTORIAN—OF—TECHNOLOGY at Case WEST—RESERVE—UNIVERSITY, likes to remind his students: in the early 19010101—20001231 , —BEFORE the Model T, 1—3. of all cars were electric.
20090102 und der —MONAT ging als sechstwärmster ;;01;; —SEIT Beginn des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY in die Klimageschichte ein.
20090102 und —DER—MONAT ging als sechstwärmster ;;01;; —SEIT Beginn des 19010101—20001231 in die Klimageschichte ein.
20090102 Damals lag die Durchschnittstemperatur um 4,1 Grad über dem langjährigen Mittel, und —DER—MONAT ging als sechstwärmster —JANUAR—SEIT Beginn des 19010101—20001231 in die Klimageschichte ein.
20090103 Das 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY hat eindringlich vorgeführt,
20090103 Das 19010101—20001231 hat eindringlich vorgeführt,
20090103 Das 19010101—20001231 hat eindringlich vorgeführt, dass wir jederzeit mit extrem beschleunigten gesellschaftlichen Wandlungsprozessen zu rechnen haben.
20090111—20091231 —ON, :, —JUST—2—DAY s —AFTER ISRAEL launched its current offensive against HAMAS—USA—MILITARY—SEALIFT Command issued 1—SOLICITATION for 2—CONTAINER vessels to ship ammunition from GREECE to THE—ISRAEL—PORT—OF—ASHDOD.
20090115—20091231 —ARRESTED, Xinhua News Agency said SU—TONGHUA, —21—JAHRE—ALT was.
20090128 "Im 19010101—20001231 machte die Sowjetunion die Rolle des Staates absolut.
20090128 "Im 19010101—20001231 machte die Sowjetunion die Rolle des Staates absolut. Diese Lektion haben wir teuer bezahlt", sagte Putin.
20090129 the expansion of the electric power industry in THE—USA in the early 19010101—20001231 would have been impossible, or at least greatly delayed.
20090129 Without CHARLES—STEINMETZ—DEVELOPMENT—OF—THEORIES—OF alternating current, the expansion of the electric power industry in THE—USA in the early 19010101—20001231 would have been impossible, or at least greatly delayed.
20090131 Mit sozialistischen Modellen des 19010101—20001231 kommen wir dieser Krise nicht bei.
20090201 We begin by taking note of 1—NATIONAL—INSULT -- THE—SORT—OF—INSULT which, in the 18010101—19001231 , might have led to war.
20090202 Dirty Business, Dirty Wars USA—LATIN USA—RELATIONS in the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY-
20090202 Inmitten von MÜSLI—SCHACHTELN, Glasflaschen, einer Videokassette und anderem Zivilisationsmüll fanden die Forscher noch andere Überbleibsel aus dem 17010101—18001231 —CENTURY: einen Kochkessel aus Kupfer, 2—ANKER und das 10—METER lange Ruder des Schiffs.
20090202 USA—LATIN USA—RELATIONS in the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY
20090202 Dirty Business, Dirty Wars USA—LATIN USA—RELATIONS in the 20010101—2100123120090202 Inmitten von MÜSLI—SCHACHTELN, Glasflaschen, einer Videokassette und anderem Zivilisationsmüll fanden die Forscher noch andere Überbleibsel aus dem 17010101—18001231 : einen Kochkessel aus Kupfer, 2—ANKER und das 10—METER lange Ruder des Schiffs.
20090202 USA—LATIN USA—RELATIONS in the 20010101—21001231 20090202 Dirty Business, Dirty Wars USA—LATIN USA—RELATIONS in the 20010101—2100123120090202 Inmitten von MÜSLI—SCHACHTELN, Glasflaschen, einer Videokassette und anderem Zivilisationsmüll fanden die Forscher noch andere Überbleibsel aus dem 17010101—18001231 : einen Kochkessel aus Kupfer, 2—ANKER und das 10—METER lange Ruder des Schiffs.
20090203 Desist & Refrain Order.
20090203 20081231 20090205 1 can reasonably argue that this ancient myth of 1—JEWISH nation exiled —UNTIL its 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY return is of little consequence;
20090203 20081231 20090205 —BECAME, They, THE—PROGENITORS—OF—TODAY—PALESTINIAN—ARABS, MANY—OF—WHOM —NOW live as refugees who were exiled from their homeland —DURING the 19010101—20001231.
20090205 —BECAME, They, THE—PROGENITORS—OF—TODAY—PALESTINIAN—ARABS, MANY—OF—WHOM —NOW live as refugees who were exiled from their homeland —DURING the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY.
20090205 1 can reasonably argue that this ancient myth of 1—JEWISH nation exiled —UNTIL its 19010101—20001231 return is of little consequence;
20090205 Das explosive Wachstum dieser Branche im 16010101—17001231 verwandelte die großen und kleinen Eilande der Karibik in wahrhafte Zuckerinseln
20090207 In the 20010101—21001231 , people power remains 1—HUGE and exciting and largely untapped force for change,
20090207 In the 20010101—21001231 , people power remains 1—HUGE and exciting and largely untapped force for change, but it is nothing without truth.
20090213 —ANFANG der neunziger Jahre des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY beschäftigte sich auch der USA—KONGRESS damit,
20090213 —ANFANG der neunziger Jahre des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY beschäftigte sich auch der USA—KONGRESS damit, 19980000 verordnete er der Nasa dann das sogenannte Spaceguard Goal.
20090213 den Kampf gegen Menschenhandel zu verstärken: "Es ist krank, dass wir im 20010101—21001231 überhaupt noch einen Bericht über Sklaverei schreiben müssen", sagt Costa.
20090213 —APPELLIERT, Die UNODC, an die Regierungen und den privaten Sektor, den Kampf gegen Menschenhandel zu verstärken: "Es ist krank, dass wir im 20010101—21001231 überhaupt noch einen Bericht über Sklaverei schreiben müssen", sagt Costa.
20090213 MEHR—DEN Kampf gegen Menschenhandel zu verstärken: "Es ist krank, dass wir im 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY überhaupt noch einen Bericht über Sklaverei schreiben müssen", sagt Costa.
20090216 —IM—ALS, 10010101—11001231 das Reich der Samaniden unterging und RUSSISCHE—FÜRSTEN die Macht übernahmen,
20090216 —IM—ALS, 10010101—11001231 das Reich der Samaniden unterging und RUSSISCHE—FÜRSTEN die Macht übernahmen, hörte der Handel entlang der Wolga auf.
20090219—20101231 —AB, erfolge 1—ERHÖHUNG—DER—MINDESTDECKUNG auf 100.000—EURO, und die Auszahlungsfrist werde auf höchstens 30—ARBEITSTAGE verkürzt.
20090220 So wuchs die Bevölkerung von etwa 463 000—EINWOHNERN, die 1—VOLKSZÄHLUNG —J—IM 86—V. Chr. ermittelt hatte, über rund 1—MILLION um Christi Geburt auf mindestens anderthalb Millionen zur —MITTE des 01010101—02001231 —CENTURY.
20090221 "far into the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY," he'll be older than JOHN—MCCAIN and won't remember how MANY—HOUSES he owns.
20090221 Continue - "far into the 20010101—21001231 ," he'll be older than JOHN—MCCAIN and won't remember how MANY—HOUSES he owns.
20090221 CONTINUE—IF he rules for another 20 or —30—YEARS, "far into the 20010101—21001231 ," he'll be older than JOHN—MCCAIN and won't remember how MANY—HOUSES he owns.
20090221 If he rules for another 20 or —30—YEARS, "far into the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY," he'll be older than JOHN—MCCAIN and won't remember how MANY—HOUSES he owns.
20090222 Farouk EL—BAZ—EGYPT, 1—GROUP—OF—FRANCE—TEENAGERS on 1—SCHOOL—TRIP was hit hard by 1—BOMBING at CAIRO's famed 13010101—14001231 —CENTURY Khan AL—KHALILI bazaar.
20090224 "Wir hatten in diesem Land stets 2—NATIONEN, die Besitzenden und die Nichtbesitzenden. Die einen leben wie ROM—KAISER, und das werden sie auch weiterhin tun. Die anderen haben sich irgendwann daran gewöhnt, dass sie zweimal —J—IM in Urlaub fahren können. Damit wird es —JETZT vorbei sein. Ich glaube, wir erleben bald wieder 1—GESELLSCHAFT, wie sie CHARLES—DICKENS beschrieb, nach Klassen scharf getrennt, nur für das 20010101—21001231 ".
20090301 The 18010101—19001231 Colonial HOLLAND—STRATEGY built 1—AGRICULTURAL—EXPORT—ECONOMY.
20090306 Strategic Energy Policy Challenges for the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY
20090306 Strategic Energy Policy Challenges for the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY Microsoft Word -
20090306 Strategic Energy Policy Challenges for the 20010101—21001231 20090306 Strategic Energy Policy Challenges for the 20010101—21001231 Microsoft Word -
20090326 The archives from THE—LONDON—HISTORICAL—RECORDS, dating back to the 15010101—16001231 , began to be made available online.
20090403 —TRADED, Cambodian and THAILAND—SOLDIERS, fire with machine guns and rocket launchers along 1 disputed border, killing as many as 4—PEOPLE in 1—ESCALATION—OF—TENSIONS in 1—LONG—STANDING feud over an 10010101—11001231 temple.
20090406 —ORIGINATED, The ceremony of Dropping the Dead Horse, in the 18010101—19001231 —WHEN seafarers were allowed their 1. —MONTH—WAGES in advance to pay for gear and clothing.
20090423 —BIS—HEUTE—DIESE Theorie, die der ENGLAND—PHILOSOPH THOMAS—HOBBES im 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY mit dem alten lateinischen Sprichwort "homo homini lupus" auf den Begriff gebracht hat, ist seitdem fast 1—AXIOM westlichen Denkens geworden: Der Mensch ist dem Mitmenschen 1—WOLF.
20090426 —NAMED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, 5—NEW saints, including PORTUGAL's 13010101—14001231 —CENTURY independence leader and 1—ITALY—PRIEST who ministered to factory workers at THE—DAWN—OF—THE—INDUSTRIAL—ERA.
20090430 —ANNOUNCED, THE—S—FRANCISCO—MUNICIPAL—RAILWAY—PLANS to raise adult bus and streetcar fares, effective 20090701 , by 50—CENTS to $2.00, the largest 1-time raise in nearly 1—CENTURY.
20090511 They made off with 6 17.- and 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY landscape paintings, the 2. major art heist in 10—DAYS in THE—NETHERLANDS.
20090514 Through MUCH—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 , —WHILE the government built memorials to unknown VICTIMS—OF—WWI.
20090609 —NACH—DEM Urteil des ISRAEL—HISTORIKERS—ALEX—CARMEL wurde "kein Ort von der gesamten christlichen Welt so intensiv gefördert wie JERUSALEM in der 2. Hälfte des 18010101—19001231 ".
20090617 Herauszufinden, wann was wie wo abgeschaltet wird, ist die Herausforderung der Biologie des 20010101—21001231.
20090617 —ANFANG des 18010101—19001231 hatte der damalige GROSSBRITANNIEN—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—ISTANBUL, Lord Elgin, die am besten erhaltenen TEILE—DES—PARTHENONS und anderer Denkmäler der Akropolis demontiert und nach ENGLAND gebracht.
20090618 9, S. 92) vergleicht der an der UNIVERSITÄT—VON—STANFORD tätige Forscher das Centru Civic mit der Innenstadt von PARIS nach deren radikaler Umgestaltung durch BARON—HAUSSMANN unter NAPOLEON—III. in der 2. Hälfte des 18010101—19001231.
20090619 Entschuldigung für die sogenannten JIM—CROW—GESETZE: Damit sind jene Vorschriften gemeint, in denen die systematische Diskriminierung farbiger USA—BÜRGER —BIS weit ins 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY rechtsverbindlich festgeschrieben war.
20090619 Im 20010101—21001231 darf man hinzufügen: Kann sie auch nicht.
20090621 reimte sich im gesamten 19010101—20001231 "Massenmedium" auf "Manipulation", und
20090622 Sie entwarfen in Anlehnung an das Kriegsspiel (im 19010101—20001231 als Tabletops oder Konfliktsimulationen bekannt) Regeln, mit denen Spieler statt einer Truppe eine einzige Figur in einer FANTASY—WELT führen konnten.
20090703 THE—SMART—GRID integrates 20010101—21001231 technology with the 19010101—20001231 power grid.
20090703 THE—SMART—GRID integrates 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY technology with the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY power grid.
20090705 —BELIEVED, It is, to date from the 06010101—07001231 AD, and may have belonged to Saxon royalty.
20090706 doch die GROSSBRITANNIEN—REGIERUNG will ihm nicht vergeben: Posträuber RONNIE—BIGGS, 1—DER—BERÜCHTIGSTEN—VERBRECHER—DES 19010101—20001231 , muss im Gefängnis bleiben.
20090716 Das Machtkonzert aus dem 18010101—19001231 oder die Machtbalance aus dem 19010101—20001231 machen keinen Sinn".
20090722 Über INDIEN, CHINA und dem Pazifischen Ozean ereignet sich die längste totale Sonnenfinsternis des 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY.
20090729 So wie die Spanier die Indios unterwarfen, so beute im 19010101—20001231 1—UNTERNEHMEN wie die United Fruit Company die Arbeiter auf seinen Bananenplantagen aus.
20090731 —ILLUSTRATED, In this, history, RICARDO—CORTES shows how science, politics, ego, and scandal transformed 1—PUBLIC—HEALTH—INITIATIVE into 1—CENTURY—LONG—MILITARY—CAMPAIGN.
20090811 Die Atrebaten waren 1—VOLKSSTAMM BELGISCHER—HERKUNFT, der sich 1—CENTURY vor Christus im Süden Britanniens breit gemacht hatte.
20090815 as Dutch (and other) merchants learned in the 15010101—16001231 , great wealth can be amassed by KEEPERS—OF—THE—MAP.
20090815 "By the middle of the twelfth, there was 1—WELL—ORGANIZED and WELL—UNDERSTOOD SYSTEM—OF—TALLY cutting at the Exchequer... and the conventions remained unaltered and in continuous use from that time down to the 18010101—19001231 ".
20090818 Sklavenhandel des 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY
20090818 Als ADAM—SMITH—MITTE—DES 17010101—18001231 —CENTURY die liberale Marktwirtschaft erfunden hat, hat er gleichzeitig ein dickes Buch über "Die Theorie der ethischen Gefühle" geschrieben.
20090818 Sklavenhandel des 20010101—21001231 20090818 Als ADAM—SMITH—MITTE—DES 17010101—18001231 die liberale Marktwirtschaft erfunden hat, hat er gleichzeitig ein dickes Buch über "Die Theorie der ethischen Gefühle" geschrieben.
20090824 —CONFIRMED, TAIWAN—GOVERNMENT, that 292—PEOPLE were killed and 385—MISSING —AFTER Typhoon Morakot struck THE—ISLAND and caused its worst flooding in HALF—1—CENTURY—EARLIER—THIS—MONTH.
20090824 So war Borneo noch in der —MITTE des 18010101—19001231 fast vollständig bewaldet, inzwischen sind es nur noch rund 50 %.
20090824 "Die 1. Levadas wurden von den Portugiesen —BEREITS kurz nach ihrer Ankunft im 14010101—15001231 gebaut", erklärt Leonardo den wissbegierigen Engländern, von denen EINIGE—SEINE—AUSFÜHRUNGEN sogar mitnotieren.
20090829 Vision: To "create and promote 1—SAFE, clean, LIVE—WORK, totally wired community, which showcases the nation`s most historic neighborhood + serves as the financial CAPITAL—OF—THE—WORLD for the 20—00010101—01001231 —CENTURY".
20090829 Vision: To "create and promote 1—SAFE, clean, LIVE—WORK, totally wired community, which showcases the nation`s most historic neighborhood + serves as the financial CAPITAL—OF—THE—WORLD for the 20010101—21001231 ".
20090904 "The 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY is THE—1—CENTURY for which how much energy we're getting from the Sun is no longer the most important thing governing the temperature of THE—ARCTIC," said ANOTHER—OF—THE—STUDY—TEAM,
20090926 Ziel der aktuellen Maßnahmen im Finanzsektor sei es, "die Ära der Verantwortungslosigkeit zu beenden und 1—REIHE—VON—REGELUNGEN und Reformen umzusetzen, die den Anforderungen der Wirtschaft im 20010101—21001231 gerecht werden", heißt es in dem Dokument.
20090927—20090000 —FOUNDED, He and his wife began collecting art as they, their blue jeans outlet and the Doris and DONALD—FISHER—COLLECTION had become 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—PRIVATE—HOLDINGS—OF—LATE 20. and early 20010101—21001231 art.
20091010 —SIGNED, ARMENIA and TURKEY, 1—DEAL in SWITZERLAND to establish diplomatic ties ending 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY—OF—ENMITY.
20091011 —CANONIZED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, 5—NEW saints, including Father Damien, a 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY priest who worked with leprosy patients on 1—HAWAIIAN island;
20091011 —FOUNDED, Spaniards FRANCISCO—COLL y Guitart, who, 1—ORDER—OF—DOMINICANS in the 18010101—19001231 , and RAFAEL—ARNIAZ—BARON, who renounced 1—AFFLUENT lifestyle at age 22 to live 1—HUMBLE life in 1—STRICT monastery and dedicate himself to prayer;
20091011 Zygmunt Szcezesny Felinski, a 18010101—19001231 POLAND—BISHOP who defended THE—CATHOLIC—FAITH —DURING THE—YEARS—OF—THE—RUSSIA—ANNEXATION;
20091022 His career was built on some 20,000 pies to face and 5,000 live TV appearances across HALF—1—CENTURY.
20091030 —FOLLOWED, The show "Serious Explorers", DAVID—LIVINGSTONE—FAMOUS 18010101—19001231 trek across THE—AFRICA—CONTINENT.
20091102 Der in PUEBLA und MEXIKO—STADT wirkende BISCHOF—JUAN—DE—PALAFOX—MENDOZA habe im 16010101—17001231 festgestellt, dass sich
20091107 the historian, in the 00010101—01001231 â€"—CENTURY AD.
20091107 The same tribes would bind together to face Roman invaders and would be called Caledonii by Tacitus, the historian, in the 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY AD.
20091107 The same tribes would bind together to face Roman invaders and would be called Caledonii by Tacitus, the historian, in the 1—CENTURY—DATE 20091107 the historian, in THE—1—CENTURY€" AD.
20091107 The same tribes would bind together to face Roman invaders and would be called Caledonii by Tacitus, the historian, in THE—1—CENTURY—DATE 20091115 —ESTIMATED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT has, that 1—TOTAL—OF—150,000 UK—CHILDREN may have been shipped abroad between 16180000 — ?—WHEN 1—GROUP was sent to THE—VIRGINIA—COLONY — and 19670000 , MOST—OF—THEM from the late 18010101—19001231 onwards.
20091115 —ESTIMATED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT has, that 1—TOTAL—OF—150,000 UK—CHILDREN may have been shipped abroad between 16180000 — —WHEN 1—GROUP was sent to THE—VIRGINIA Colony — and 19670000 , MOST—OF—THEM from the late 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY onwards.
20091121 Fast —30—JAHRE lang stieg die Fieberkurve des Planeten steil an: von den siebziger —JAHREN des 19010101—20001231 —BIS ENDE—DER—NEUNZIGER—JAHRE um gemittelte 0,7 Grad Celsius.
20091123 THE—LIVES—THEY—LIVED: Edward L Bernays and HENRY—C—ROGERS;THE—FATHERS—OF—PR—BY—NEAL—GABLER Published: —SUNDAY, 19951231 20091123 —BECAME, THE—RESULT—OF—THIS —6—MONTH flurry: green, the hot new color of fashion.
20091123—20091201 —MITTE, THE—LIVES—THEY—LIVED: Edward L Bernays and HENRY—C—ROGERS;THE—FATHERS—OF—PR—BY—NEAL—GABLER Published: —SUNDAY, 19951231 des 15010101—16001231 beschließt das Konzil von Trient, dass es Katholiken an Freitagen nicht mehr erlaubt ist, Fleisch, Milch oder Eier zu verzehren.
20091202 um für ihre Freiheit im 20010101—21001231 zu kämpfen.
20091202 Der Roman will junge Menschen dazu ermutigen, sich Kontrolle über die Technik zu verschaffen, um für ihre Freiheit im 20010101—21001231 zu kämpfen.
20091203 Der Kampf gegen Plagiate ist 1—SCHEINGEFECHT, das vom eigentlichen Problem nur ablenkt: Dass endlich ein tragfähiges Geschäftsmodell für die Finanzierung von Journalismus im 20010101—21001231 her muss.
20091203 —INCREASED, Ambient ocean noise has, by more than 12—DECIBELS —SINCE the mid-19010101—20001231.
20091208 The tentative settlement would resolve a 13—YEAR—OLD—LAWSUIT over HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—LAND—TRUST—ACCOUNTS that date to the 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY.
20091231 THE—MONTANA SUPREME—COURT said that nothing in state law prevents patients from seeking physician assisted suicide, making MONTANA the 3. state to allow the procedure.
20091231 According to popular definition, 1—BLUE—MOON is the 2. full moon in 1—MONTH.
20091231 S—GEORGE, UTAH, 1—TRAILER at an RV park containing some 19—PET pythons caught fire.
20091231 11—OF—THE—SNAKES survived.
20091231 —BEHEADED, AFGHANISTAN—POLICE said militants, 6—AFGHANS for cooperating with government authorities.
20091231 —KILLED, The men were, near the provincial CAPITAL—OF—TARIN—KOT.
20091231 A 7. victim was being treated for serious neck wounds.
20091231 † 1—USA—SERVICE—MEMBER, in EAST—AFGHANISTAN—OF—INJURIES not related to battle.
20091231 † 1—UK—SOLDIER was killed in 1—EXPLOSION in Helmand province.
20091231 —RETURNED, AUSTRALIA, residents, to survey the wreckage —AFTER WEST—AUSTRALIA—WORST wildfire in 50—YEARS engulfed 38—HOMES in 1 isolated rural community.
20091231 FINLAND, IBRAHIM—SHKUPOLLI, 43—JAHRE—ALT shot himself at his home in ESPOO —AFTER going on 1—RAMPAGE that killed his EX—GIRLFRIEND, then 4—OTHER—PEOPLE at 1—LOCAL shopping mall where she also worked.
20091231 —RALLIED, HUNDREDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, on opposite sides of 1—ISRAELI—GAZA border crossing to protest the blockade of the seaside territory imposed by EGYPT and ISRAEL.
20091231 —APPROVED, GAZA—HAMAS—PARLIAMENT, 1—GOVERNMENT—BUDGET—OF $540—MILLION for 20100000 , suggesting that 1—TIGHT—BORDER blockade isn't stopping the cash flow to the Islamic militants.
20091231 The Hamas government has about 32,000—PEOPLE on its payroll, including civil servants and MEMBERS—OF—THE—SECURITY—FORCES.
20091231 —ABOUT $30—MILLION—OF—THE—BUDGET would go to Arab residents of JERUSALEM and Islamic sites in the city.
20091231 LITHUANIA began shutting down its the 2. Ignalina nuclear reactor.
20091231 —SCHEDULED, It was, to be disconnected from the power grid an —HOUR—BEFORE midnight.
20091231 1—MALAYSIA—COURT ruled that 1—CATHOLIC—WEEKLY, the Herald, had 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—RIGHT to use the word Allah to refer to God, striking down 1—GOVERNMENT—BAN as illegal.
20091231 † MEXICO, Roberto Salcedo (33), 1—ASSISTANT—PRINCIPAL and SOUTH—CALIFORNIA school BOARD member, was killed —WHILE he and his wife were visiting relatives in Gomez Palacio.
20091231 —SENTENCED, MYANMAR, Freelance reporter Hla Hla Win (25) was, by 1—COURT—IN—PAKOKKU for 1 alleged VIOLATION—OF—THE—COUNTRY—ELECTRONICS—ACT.
20091231 —ARRESTED, She was, in September —AFTER visiting 1—BUDDHIST monastery in THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—PAKOKKU.
20091231 —WORKED, The jailed reporter had, with THE—MYANMAR exile broadcaster Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), based in OSLO—NORWAY.
20091231 1—MAN accompanying her was sentenced to 26—YEARS in jail.
20091231 —DETAINED, MOSCOW police, DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE at 1—ANTI—KREMLIN protest, including Lyudmila Alexeyeva (82), 1—PROMINENT—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST.
20091231 The timing is 1—NOD to the 31. ARTICLE—OF—THE—RUSSIA—CONSTITUTION, which guarantees THE—RIGHT—OF—ASSEMBLY.
20091231 —KILLED, SUDAN, 17—PEOPLE were, —WHEN armed civilians ambushed SOUTH—SUDAN—SOLDIERS trying to disarm tribes —FOLLOWING heavy fighting in THE—SEMI—AUTONOMOUS region.
20091231 THE—UGANDA—GOVERNMENT said it was investigating the breakaway Catholic Apostolic National Church in UGANDA and would ban it if found to be illegal.
20091231 20—RENEGADE Catholic priests, who are either oo or want to marry, have broken from the mainstream ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH and formed 1—NEW—CHURCH where celibacy is not required.
20091231 —CONSIDERED, VATICAN officials said the priests were —NOW, "outside" the Catholic Church and would likely be excommunicated.
20091231 —BY the end OF—ASSUMING he follows the path laid out with the stimulus bill, he will be viewed by THE—USA—PUBLIC as inept and the "wrong man for the job".
20091231 Things will be 1—LOT—WORSE than they are —NOW.
20091231 THE—NEW—YEAR—EVE protest is 1—REPEAT of actions held on 20090731 —THE, —AUGUST and October.
20091231—20040000 —IN, The 1. reactor was shut down.
20091231—20070916 —DISMISSED, USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—RICARDO—URBINA, the case against the Blackwater guards ACCUSED—OF—THE—SHOOTING in 1—CROWDED—BAGHDAD intersection.
20091231—20090106 —ON, the High Court suspended its ruling —FOLLOWING 1—APPEAL by the government and with the consent of the Catholic church.
20091231—20100000 —IN, Revelers ringing will be treated to 1—SO—CALLED—BLUE—MOON.
20091231—20100000 —IN, 1—PAKISTAN—TRIBESMAN sought 500—MILLION—DOLLARS in compensation from THE—CIA—AFTER his son and brother were killed in the drone attack.
20091231—20150000 —IN, 1—JUDGE ordered criminal charges to be filed against former acting general counsel JOHN—RIZZO and EX—STATION—CHIEF—JONATHAN—BANK.
20100115—20101231 —IN—THE, MANUEL—ACOSTA, —42—JAHRE—ALT, the lead investigator slaying in MEXICO—OF—ROBERTO—SALCEDO, 1—SOUTHERN—CALIFORNIA school BOARD member, was shot several times in the chest and torso, but survived in critical condition.
20100120 1—FRANCE—COURT ruled that 1—RUSSIAN—ORTHODOX cathedral built on THE—FRANCE—RIVIERA nearly 1—CENTURY ago under TSAR—NICHOLAS—II—NOW belongs to MOSCOW.
20100130 Sadeh was the national festival of ancient Persia —WHEN Zoroastrianism was the dominant religion, —BEFORE THE—CONQUEST—OF—ISLAM in the 06010101—07001231 .
20100219 MOROCCO, the minaret of the 17010101—18001231 Bab Berdieyinne mosque collapsed in THE—CITY—OF—MEKNES, killing 41—PEOPLE and injuring 76—OTHERS.
20100219 —APPROVED, Sainthood was also, for STANISLAW—SOLTYS, a 14010101—15001231 POLAND—PRIEST;
20100422 —SUSPENDED, ARMENIA, RATIFICATION—OF—PEACE—ACCORDS with TURKEY, setting back to square 1—USA—BACKED efforts to bury 1—CENTURY—OF—HOSTILITY between the neighbors.
20100429 He was perhaps the best painter from life in the last DECADES—OF—THE 19010101—20001231.
20100507 —STARTED, As soon as their music, to build 1—FOLLOWING in the Northeast, their manager came up with the name the Highwaymen, 1—NOD to the early 19010101—20001231 poem by ALFRED—NOYES.
20100522 POLAND, NICOLAUS—COPERNICUS (14730000—15430000 ), the 15010101—16001231 astronomer whose findings were condemned by THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH as heretical, was reburied by POLAND—PRIESTS as 1—HERO, nearly —500—YEARS—AFTER he was laid to rest in 1 unmarked grave.
20100525 —BIS zu Beginn des 19010101—20001231 war Design das, was Ingenieure taten.
20100525 Im 19010101—20001231 entwickelte sich dann 1—ABWEICHUNG von diesem Modell, Design wurde zum MARKETING—INSTRUMENT.
20100627 JUNTA—RULED GUINEA held its 1. free election —SINCE INDEPENDENCE more than HALF—1—CENTURY 20100801 —HISTORIC—VOTE laden with hope the bedraggled WEST—AFRICA—NATION will finally end DECADES—OF—HARSH—MILITARY—RULE and launch 1—NEW—DEMOCRATIC—ERA.
20100712 —DISCOVERED, ISRAEL—ARCHAEOLOGISTS said 1—NEWLY, clay fragment from the 13010101—14001231 BC is the oldest example of writing ever found in ANTIQUITY—RICH—JERUSALEM.
20100713 —BELIEVED, The shipwreck was, to be from the early 18010101—19001231.
20100801 The other new sites include the historic monuments of Dengfeng in CHINA, the archaeological site Sarazm in TAJIKISTAN, the Episcopal CITY—OF—ALBI in FRANCE and a 16010101—17001231 canal ring in AMSTERDAM.
20100806 —STAGED, SWEDEN, 1—GANG—OF thieves, 1—REMARKABLE—BREAK—IN near THE—SWEDEN—ROYAL—FAMILY—RESIDENCE in STOCKHOLM, smashing display cases at 1—HISTORIC 17010101—18001231 CHINESE—STYLE landmark and getting away with artifacts that police called potentially priceless.
20100902—20101231 —AFTER, 1—GOVERNMENT said SOUTH—AFRICA will begin deportations.
20101016 The $45—MILLION tramway links the highway from THE—CAPITAL—OF—YEREVAN with the 08010101—09001231 Tatev Monastery.
20101017 —PROCLAIMED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, AUSTRALIA—1. saint, canonizing MARY—MACKILLOP (18420000—19090000 ), a 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY nun.
20101030 —SEPARATED, HUNDREDS—OF—NORTH and SOUTH—KOREA—FAMILY—MEMBERS, for more than HALF—1—CENTURY by the Korean War embraced EACH—OTHER in tearful reunions.
20101111 BRITAIN, an 17010101—18001231 CHINA—PORCELAIN vase, sold by 1—FAMILY clearing out 1 deceased relative's house in 1—SUBURB—OF—LONDON, went to 1—CHINA—BUYER for 51.6—MILLION—POUNDS ($83—MILLION), more than 40—TIMES THE—PRE—SALE estimate and 1—RECORD for 1—CHINA—WORK—OF—ART.
20101129 —COMPLIED, TURKEY, with 1—EUROPEAN—COURT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS ruling and returned a 18010101—19001231 orphanage to the Ecumenical Patriarchate in ISTANBUL, the center of Orthodox Christianity —AROUND the world.
20101202 —DEVASTATED, Some of the worst floods in 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY, parts of the Balkans.
20101202 —DEVASTATED, Some of the worst floods in 1—CENTURY, parts of the Balkans.
20101229 —PULLED, The last 2—SURVIVORS were, OUT—OF—THE—WATERS in THE—EARLY—HOURS 20101231 .
20101231 —KILLED, ARKANSAS, 1—TORNADO, 3—PEOPLE in the hamlet of CINCINNATI.
20101231 1—STORM spawned by the same weather left 3—PEOPLE—DEAD—NEAR—ROLLA—MISSOURI.
20101231 † A 4. person, injured in Rolla, the next —DAY.
20101231 He was last seen alive 1—DAY—EARLIER in Wilmington.
20101231 —COLLIDED, WEST—VIRGINIA, 1—SMALL—AIRCRAFT, with 1—MEDICAL—HELICOPTER in the air, killing 2—PEOPLE on the plane.
20101231 —CONDUCTED, AFGHANISTAN—FORCES, 1—OVERNIGHT raid in 2—COMPOUNDS in Tahar province killing 1—TALIBAN DISTRICT—CHIEF in 1—GUNFIGHT that also left 1—AFGHANISTAN—POLICEMAN and 1—BORDER—GUARD—DEAD, NATO said insurgents attacks claimed the lives of 2—COALITION—SERVICE—MEMBERS.
20101231 —KILLED, Coalition forces, ABDUL—HAI, 1—TALIBAN leader in Kunduz.
20101231 —VENTILATED, ARGENTINA, thieves dug a 100—FOOT—LONG (30m), and lit tunnel from 1—NEIGHBORING building into 1—BUENOS—AIRES bank and spent the weekend opening and emptying between 130 and 140—OF—THE—BRANCH—1,408—BOXES.
20101231 AUSTRALIA, floodwater rose across 1—VAST—AREA in the northeast, inundating 22—TOWNS, forcing 200,000 residents out of their homes, and closing 1—MAJOR—SUGAR—EXPORT port.
20101231 —DECLARED, BELARUS, that EUROPE—TOP—RIGHTS—WATCHDOG would no longer be able to work in the country, —AFTER THE—OSCE condemned the conduct of this —MONTH—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20101231 —GRANTED, BRAZIL—PRESIDENT, political asylum to ITALY—FUGITIVE CESARE—BATTISTI, but the case must still be heard by the nation's SUPREME—COURT.
20101231 —RECOGNIZED, BRITAIN said it no longer, the ambassador appointed by IVORY—COAST—STRONGMAN—LAURENT Gbagbo who is refusing to step down —AFTER elections widely viewed as having been won by his rival Alassane Ouattara.
20101231 BRITAIN said it would give support at THE—UN for THE—USE—OF—FORCE to oust IVORY—COAST—INCUMBENT PRESIDENT—LAURENT—GBAGBO if WEST—AFRICAN nations sought backing for 1—MILITARY—INTERVENTION.
20101231 THE—JAKARTA—BASED Legal Aid Foundation said in 1—NEW—REPORT that law enforcement officials from police to prison wardens routinely torture INDONESIA—SUSPECTS and convicts to extract confessions or obtain information.
20101231 MEXICO—FEDERAL—POLICE said that THE—ONCE—FEARSOME La Familia drug cartel has been "completely dismembered" and has broken down into small groups that commit robberies to pay their members.
20101231 —ESCAPED, THE—HALF—NAKED—BODY—OF—1—WOMAN who had, from prison officials —WHILE facing kidnapping charges was found hanging by the neck from 1—OVERPASS in Monterey.
20101231 5—INMATES, including 1—COLOMBIA—MAN sentenced to more than 20—YEARS for smuggling 1—TON of cocaine into MEXICO aboard 1—BOAT, escaped 1—PRISON in CANCUN.
20101231 —ARRESTED, NIGERIA—POLICE said they have, Bunu Wasili (55), 1—MAN suspected to be 1—LEADER and financier of Boko Haram, along with 91—OTHERS.
20101231 The radical Muslim sect was responsible for DOZENS—OF—RECENT—KILLINGS in NORTH—NIGERIA.
20101231 1—NEW—YEAR—EVE bombing in ABUJA killed 4—PEOPLE.
20101231 —FLARED, PAKISTAN, violence, as police and protesters clashed —DURING 1—MASS—PROTEST—STRIKE that closed businesses across the country over 1—BID to end the death penalty for blasphemy.
20101231 1—USA—MISSILE—STRIKE killed 8 suspected militants in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20101231 1—BOMB blew up outside 1—DISTRICT—POLICE—HEADQUARTERS in THE—TOWN—OF—LAKKI—MARWAT in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, killing 1—BYSTANDER and wounding 2—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20101231 A 2. bomb targeting 1—NATO—SUPPLY—CONVOY in the border TOWN—OF—CHAMAN 20100901 —FUEL tanker on fire and wounded 1—PASSER—BY.
20101231 —RELEASED, THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN, 23—TRIBESMEN it had kidnapped and held captive —FOR—3—WEEKS.
20101231 —RELEASED, They were, —AFTER being tried by 1—TALIBAN court and being submerged in cold water as punishment.
20101231 PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMUD—ABBAS laid the 1. stone of what will become 1—PALESTINE—EMBASSY in BRAZIL, the most important Latin USA—COUNTRY to recognize 1—SOVEREIGN—PALESTINE—STATE.
20101231 THE—PHILIPPINES, Councilman Reynaldo Dagsa was shot dead in MANILA.
20101231 1—SUSPECT was 1—CAR thief who was out on bail and likely sought revenge against Dagsa for ordering his arrest —LAST—YEAR.
20101231 —GATHERED, He and other protesters had, on the opposite side of 1—SQUARE from 1 authorized protest.
20101231 † 1—FEMALE—SUICIDE—BOMBER was killed on the outskirts of MOSCOW by 1—BOMB that was to have been deployed in the city's CENTRAL—MANEZH Square where Muscovites throng for holiday celebrations.
20101231 —REMAINED, RUSSIA, 13—VILLAGES, without power —FOLLOWING 1—FREEZING rain that caused trees and power lines to snap.
20101231 Power was cut off to 789—VILLAGES and towns with 1—TOTAL—OF—400,000 inhabitants in the region —AROUND MOSCOW.
20101231 RWANDA—POLICE said they are working with counterparts in DHAKA to deport 64—BANGLADESH—VICTIMS—OF—HUMAN trafficking, —AFTER the arrest in KIGALI of their suspected trafficker.
20101231 —HIJACKED, THE—FV Vega 5, by SOMALIA—PIRATES, was spotted near THE—MOZAMBIQUE coast, approximately 200—NAUTICAL—MILES—SOUTH—WEST—OF—THE—COMOROS islands.
20101231 —LOOKED, It was seen towing what, to be 1—PIRATE attack skiff and did not respond to ANY—CALLS.
20101231 —CROWDED, SOUTH—AFRICAN—THOUSANDS—OF—ZIMBABWEAN, immigrants, outside immigration offices as 1—DEADLINE approached for them to obtain permits or face deportation.
20101231 1—PHOTOGRAPH identified 1—GUNMEN, who was captured 20100103 along with 1—ACCOMPLICE.
20101231 —ARRESTED, ABDUL—SATTAR—MIAH was, 20101227 in 1—HOTEL in KIGALI, in POSSESSION—OF—THE—PASSPORTS—OF his presumed victims.
20101231—20100102 —ON, he was sentenced to —15—DAYS in jail for failure to follow police orders.
20101231—20100103 —DISCOVERED, The robbery wasn't, —UNTIL the bank opened.
20101231—20100106 —ON, The main shooter, Arnel Buenaflor, was captured in 1—BOARDING house in AURORA township.
20101231—20100115 —RELEASED, Nemtsov was.
20101231—20120500 —IN, A 2. female suicide bomber was arrested and sentenced to 10—YEARS in jail.
20101231—20121128 —SENTENCED, ILYAS—SAIDOV—OF—DAGESTAN, who brought the suicide belts, was, to —15—YEARS in jail.
20101231—20130000 —IN, S—FRANCISCO was chosen to host the next AMERICA—CUP.
20110101—20101231 —FROM, at least 47—WOMEN were subjected to rape and other sexual assaults, to 20110101 in 1 isolated and mountainous AREA—OF—NORTH—KIVU province.
20110109 —HALTED, Local authorities, its construction on grounds that it was built on 1—HISTORIC—MILITARY—SITE, Timur Pasha emplacement, used to defend the city in the 15010101—16001231 .
20110112 —POURED, AUSTRALIA, floodwaters, into the empty downtown of AUSTRALIA—3.—LARGEST city —AFTER tearing 1—DEADLY—PATH across the northeast, swamping neighborhoods in what could be BRISBANE—MOST devastating floods in 1—CENTURY.
20110112 —AGREED, TAJIKISTAN, to give away 1—PORTION—OF—ITS—TERRITORY to neighboring CHINA in 1—BID to put 1—END to 1—LAND—DISPUTE dating back more than 1—CENTURY.
20110124 doch vom 6. —BIS ins 07010101—08001231 beherrschte es das größte Handelsimperium Asiens.
20110124 Das ostiranische Volk hat zwar nie eine politische Einheit gezimmert, geschweige denn 1—REICH errichtet, doch vom 6. —BIS ins 07010101—08001231 beherrschte es das größte Handelsimperium Asiens.
201101301231 Nach ANGABEN—VON—AL—DSCHASIRA hat der ÄGYPTISCHE—SATELLITENBETREIBER Nilesat das Signal für den Sender gekappt.
20110131 sich auf das 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY einzulassen.
20110131 —FRUSTRIERT, Jung, zu allem bereit Tunesien, Ägypten, Jemen: Die arabischen Herrscher haben sich nur mit dem Machterhalt beschäftigt und versäumt, sich auf das 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY einzulassen.
20110131 sich auf das 20010101—21001231 einzulassen.
20110131 —ELECTED, MYANMAR, 1, PARLIAMENT convened for the 1. time in HALF—1—CENTURY but inspired scant enthusiasm among 1—SKEPTICAL—PUBLIC convinced it is —JUST 1—SMOKESCREEN for continued military rule.
201102021231 AL—JAZEERA—TV—BROADCASTS—PICTURES—OF running battles in Tahrir Square,
20110203 —SHATTERED, AUSTRALIA—BIGGEST cyclone in 1—CENTURY, entire towns —AFTER pummeling the coast and churning across the country.
20110204 —EXCHANGED, Cambodian and THAILAND—SOLDIERS, heavy fire on THE—2—COUNTRIES' shared border near the 10010101—11001231 Preah Vihear temple killing 1—SOLDIER and 1—CIVILIAN, as tensions between the neighbors boiled over.
20110204 —LAUNCHED, European leaders, 1—TRILLION—EURO—BID to slash dependency on MIDDLE—EAST—OIL and RUSSIA—GAS, clearing the way to place nuclear power at the center of 20010101—21001231 needs.
201102041231 THE—BBC—WYRE—DAVIS in ALEXANDRIA tells us:
20110206 —DAMAGED, THE—CAMBODIA—GOVERNMENT said part of an 10010101—11001231 temple was, by THE—THAILAND—ARMY as THE—2—SIDES exchanged artillery and mortar fire across their disputed border, shattering 1—SHAKY—CEASE—FIRE and escalating tensions.
20110207 Das hinduistische Bauwerk aus dem 10010101—11001231 zählt neben Angkor Wat zu den schönsten Tempelanlagen ganz Südostasiens.
20110209 zu Beginn des 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY
20110209 zu Beginn des 20010101—21001231
20110209 Tatsächlich kann man den gesellschaftlichen Wert des Idioten zu Beginn des 20010101—21001231 nicht hoch genug einschätzen.
20110212 A "tall, beautiful and chic" CHINA—FEMALE—OPERATIVE, who held 1—AUSTRALIA—PASSPORT, appears to be behind TAIWAN—MOST serious espionage scandal in almost HALF—1—CENTURY, according to news reports.
20110212134701 Soon —AFTER their introduction in the 18010101—19001231 , it became apparent chrome yellow paint would degrade under sunlight.
20110213 MACEDONIA, ethnic clashes, mainly Muslim ethnic Albanians and orthodox Christians, broke out at the historic KALE—FORTRESS in 1—DISPUTE over 1—NEW—STRUCTURE being built on the foundations of a 12010101—13001231 church.
20110214123146 "Es sieht aus, als hätte 1—KIND mit Fingerfarbe 1—BILD gemalt".
20110330 MYANMAR made way for 1—NOMINALLY CIVIL—GOVERNMENT—AFTER almost HALF—1—CENTURY in power, as the junta was disbanded and 1—NEW—PRESIDENT talked of a "changing era".
20110330 —RECEIVED, PERU, a 1. shipment of the Incan artifacts taken from the mountain citadel of Machu Picchu 1—CENTURY ago.
20110702 INDIA, reports 1. came out of 1—TREASURE trove found in the underground vaults of 1—TEMPLE in the 15010101—16001231 Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple in SOUTH—KERALA state.
20110706 SANTIAGO—DE—COMPOSTELA, SPAIN, the 11010101—12001231 Calixtinus Codex was reported missing from 1—STRONGBOX in the cathedral's archive room.
20110713—20111231 —AFTER, THE—USA—BUREAU—OF—PUBLIC—DEBT announced that it will no longer sell USA savings bonds through banks and other financial institutions.
20110725 —LURED, TAIWAN—MAJOR—GENERAL—LO—HSIEN—CHE, —51—JAHRE—ALT, by 1—HONEY trap into spying for CHINA, was sentenced to life in prison by 1—MILITARY—HIGH—COURT, in 1—OF—THE—ISLAND—WORST—ESPIONAGE—CASES for HALF—1—CENTURY.
20110728 —REPORTED, Scientists, that they have found 1—SINGLE gene responsible for 1—DISEASE called the Proteus syndrome, believed to been responsible for the disfigured "Elephant Man," who toured EUROPE in the 18010101—19001231.
20110818 USA—MORTGAGE—RATES fell the lowest rate in more than HALF—1—CENTURY as the average rate for a —30—YEAR fixed loan dropped to 4.15%.
20110820 SPAIN, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA said he would confer 1—OF—THE—CATHOLIC—CHURCH—HIGHEST honors on S—JOHN—OF—AVILA, 1—INFLUENTIAL 15010101—16001231 SPAIN—SAINT, making 1—SURPRISE—ANNOUNCEMENT —DURING 1—MASS at the church's world youth festival.
20110906—20111231 —BY, Under a 20080000 agreement between WASHINGTON and BAGHDAD, all USA—TROOPS are slated to leave.
20110930 NAMIBIA—TRIBAL—LEADERS took possession of the skulls of 20—OF—THEIR countrymen, taken by GERMANY—COLONIAL—FORCES—MORE than 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY ago for racial experiments.
20111004 NAMIBIA, 20—SKULLS, taken by GERMANY—COLONIAL—FORCES—MORE than 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY ago, returned to WINDHOEK with military honours to be laid in STATE—AT—PARLIAMENT.
20111016 —PURSUED, She had tenaciously, 1—LAWSUIT that accused THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—OF cheating USA—INDIANS out of more than 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY—WORTH of royalties.
20111022—20111231 —BY, Nearly 40,000—USA—TROOPS remain in IRAQ, ALL—OF—WHOM will withdraw.
20111023 Named were 3 18010101—19001231 founders of religious orders: ITALY—BISHOP and missionary Monsignor GUIDO—MARIA—CONFORTI, SPAIN—NUN Sister Bonifacia Rodriguez de Castro and REVEREND—LUIGI—GUANELLA 1—ITALY—PRIEST who worked with the poor.
20111024 —NAMED, IRELAND's U2 were, as the greatest rock BAND—OF—THE—PAST—QUARTER—OF—1—CENTURY by READERS—OF—MUSIC—MAGAZINE Q. CHART—TOPPING act Adele was 1—DOUBLE winner at the event, landing the prizes for best female and best track for her hit Rolling In THE—DEEP.
20111106 The death toll from THAILAND—WORST—FLOODS in HALF—1—CENTURY climbed past 500, as advancing pools of polluted black water threatened BANGKOK—SUBWAY—SYSTEM and new evacuations were ordered in the sprawling capital.
20111108 —VOTED, GEORGIA voters in 105—OF—127, to end 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY—OLD—BAN on the sale of alcohol on Sundays.
20111108 —VOTED, GEORGIA voters in 105—OF—127, to end 1—CENTURY—OLD—BAN on the sale of alcohol on Sundays.
20111116—17991231 WILDENBURG einschließlich des im errichteten barocken HERREN—HAUSES—IM—BESITZ—DES—BISTUM—AACHEN.
20111123 —FAMED, His, 19730000 tower hotel, which also serves as 1—TELEVISION transmitter on the nearby Jested mountain was named the most significant CZECH—REPUBLIC—BUILDING of the 19010101—20001231.
20111213 —APPROVED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, 7—NEW saints for the Catholic Church, including HAWAII—MOTHER—MARIANNE and a 16010101—17001231 Native American, CATERINA—TEKAKWITHA.
20111219 The class action against Grunenthal is open to Australians born between 19580101 , and 19701231 , who were injured —AFTER their mothers took thalidomide —WHILE pregnant.
20111223 Most historians contend the Ottoman killings of up to 1.5—MILLION—ARMENIANS constituted the 1. genocide of the 19010101—20001231.
20111226—20111231 —ON, 3—MORE—PEOPLE were arrested.
20111229 —LEAPED, At midnight SAMOA, to 20111231 to align itself with trading partners in its SOUTH—PACIFIC region.
20111230 Auf den 29. folgt direkt der 20111231 .
20111230—20111229 —LEAPED, At midnight SAMOA, to 20111231 to align itself with trading partners.
20111231 She was found in the basement of her husband's house in THE—NORTH—EAST—BAGHLAN province late 20111226 .
20111231 es ist 1—BILD mit GESCHICHTE, wenn auch 1—FÜR DIE—BUNDES—REPUBLIK wenig rühmlichen.
20111231 —SEIT—ENDE, hängt es im MILITÄRhistorischen Museum DER—BUNDESWEHR in DRESDEN.
20111231 —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, 1—WIDE—RANGING defense bill into law despite having "serious reservations" about provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation and prosecution of suspected terrorists.
20111231 The bill also applies penalties against IRAN—CENTRAL—BANK in 1—EFFORT to hamper TEHRAN—ABILITY to fund its nuclear enrichment program.
20111231 —ENDED, THE—USA, import tariffs and tax credits that have long sheltered ethanol distilled from corn in THE—USA—FROM the same stuff made from sugarcane in BRAZIL.
20111231 1—NASA spacecraft, the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory, slipped into orbit —AROUND the moon.
20111231 A 2. Grail probe was expected to enter orbit the next —DAY.
20111231 —LAUNCHED, Both were, last September aboard the same rocket to measure lunar gravity.
20111231 Police in BEEBE—ARKANSAS, said DOZENS—OF—BLACKBIRDS had fallen dead, prompting officers to ban residents from shooting fireworks.
20111231 —RAINED, THOUSANDS—OF—DEAD blackbirds, down on the town in CENTRAL—ARKANSAS last New —YEAR—EVE—AFTER revelers set off fireworks.
20111231 —ARRESTED, NEW—YORK—CITY, DOZENS—OF—OCCUPY—WALL—STREET—PROTESTERS were, as they tore down barricades surrounding Zucotti park —JUST—BEFORE midnight.
20111231 Debra Cook, 1—FORMER defender of Scientology, wrote 1—EXPLOSIVE e-mail to the organization's 12,000 members saying chairman DAVID—MISCAVIGE is mismanaging its finances and breaking internal rules.
20111231 BASEL 2.5, 1—NEW set of INTERNATIONAL rules charging banks higher capital for risks in their trading books, took effect in most European and major world financial jurisdictions.
20111231 AFGHANISTAN—CHILD bride, Sahar Gul (15), spoke of how she was tortured by her MOTHER—IN—LAW who locked her in 1—TOILET —FOR—6—MONTHS, beat her, pulled out her fingernails and burned her with cigarettes.
20111231 —KILLED, ALGERIA, 3—ISLAMIST—MILITANTS were, in THE—NORTH—EAST—REGION—OF—TIZI—OUZOU, the scene of frequent attacks by groups affiliated to AQIM.
20111231 † IN—BAHRAIN—SAYED—HASHIM—SAEED, 15—JAHRE—ALT —AFTER 1—TEAR gas canister fired at close range hit him in the chest.
20111231 —REVEALED, BRITAIN—BIGGEST cosmetic surgery chain, that rupture rates on allegedly faulty FRENCH—MADE breast implants are 7—TIMES—HIGHER than previously thought.
20111231 —DETAINED, CHILE—AUTHORITIES said 1—ISRAEL—TOURIST has been, on suspicion of causing 1—FOREST—FIRE that has burned more than 42—SQUARE—MILES (11,000 hectares) in the Torres del Paine national park.
20111231 † In CHINA 1—BUS—DRIVER who contracted the bird flu virus SHENZHEN.
20111231 —REPORTED, This was the nation's 1., human case of the deadly disease in 18—MONTHS.
20111231 —CAPTURED, ETHIOPIA—TROOPS, Beledweyne, 1—REBEL—HELD town in CENTRAL—SOMALIA, leaving at least 18—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20111231 FRANCE, LEON—KENGO, 76—JAHRE—ALT, CongoDRC Senate CHIEF, was attacked at the Gare du Nord train station "by bands of those who call themselves 'fighters' close to ETIENNE—TSHISEKEDI".
20111231 —KNOCKED, According to initial reports, Kengo had SOME—TEETH, out, was trampled underfoot, and rolled on the ground.
20111231 —KILLED, GEORGIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said 1—GEORGIA—SOLDIER has been, in AFGHANISTAN, the 11. from THE—EX—SOVIET—STATE to die serving alongside NATO—LED forces fighting the Taliban.
20111231 —PROPOSED, IRAN said it has, 1—NEW—ROUND—OF—TALKS on its nuclear program with 6—WORLD—POWERS that have been trying for years to persuade TEHRAN to freeze aspects of its atomic work that could provide 1—POSSIBLE pathway to weapons production.
20111231 JAPAN, Makoto Hirata (46), 1—SENIOR—MEMBER—OF—THE doomsday cult behind 19950000 —THE nerve gas attack on TOKYO—SUBWAYS, surrendered to police.
20111231 —KILLED, KENYA, 5—PEOPLE were, in 1—NEW—YEAR—EVE hand grenade attack and shooting in 1—BAR in THE—EAST—TOWN—OF—GARISSA near the border with SOMALIA.
20111231 —DESCRIBED, The assailants were, as 4—MEN dressed in military uniform.
20111231 —DECLARED, NIGERIA—PRESIDENT—GOODLUCK—JONATHAN, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in parts of the nation, —AFTER 1—RECENT slew of deadly attacks blamed on 1—RADICAL—MUSLIM sect killed DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE.
20111231 —DETAINED, RUSSIA—POLICE, 60—OPPOSITION—ACTIVISTS to prevent them from protesting on 1—CENTRAL—MOSCOW square against THE—KREMLIN—STIFLING of democratic freedoms.
20111231 —KILLED, SYRIA, at least 6—PEOPLE were, in attacks on protests, including 1 in DAMASCUS.
20111231 —VISITED, SYRIA—STATE—RUN—TV said Arab League observers, THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—DARAA and the restive CENTRAL—CITY—OF—HOMS.
20111231 —FIRED, YEMEN, Islamist militants, into the air to halt 1—PEACE—MARCH by THOUSANDS—OF—YEMENIS who were demanding 1—END to fighting that has forced them to flee their homes in the south.
20111231 —REVERSED, PRESIDENT—SALEH, his decision to leave the country.
20111231—19950000 —IN, confinement of 1—FOLLOWER—RELATIVE.
20111231—20110120 —INDICTED, Hirata was, for his role in the abduction and
20111231—20120000 —AGREED, Rotem Singer (23), to pay $10,000 and raise other money to buy 50,000 native trees to replant the park.
20111231—20120110 —ON, Akemi Saito, also 1—MEMBER—OF—AUM—SHINRIKYO, was arrested, for helping him evade police for nearly —17—YEARS.
20111231—20120505 —ON, her IN—LAWS were sentenced to —10—YEARS in prison for torture, abuse and human rights violations.
20120123 —THREATENED, TURKEY, more sanctions for FRANCE if the Senate in PARIS votes —LATER—TODAY to make it 1—CRIME to deny the 19010101—20001231 KILLING—OF—ARMENIANS by Ottoman Turks constitutes 1—GENOCIDE.
20120124 —WARNED, TURKEY, THE—FRANCE—PRESIDENT against signing 1—LAW that makes it 1—CRIME to deny that the killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks nearly 1—CENTURY ago constituted genocide, saying such 1—MOVE would deal 1—HEAVY—BLOW to the relations between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20120126—20121231 —REACHED, The pair, had the Pole.
20120328 —HELPED, EARL—SCRUGGS, shape the sound of 19010101—20001231 country music.
20120430 1—OF—AUSTRALIA—RICHEST—MEN—CLIVE Palmer, unveiled plans to build a 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY VERSION—OF—THE—DOOMED Titanic in CHINA, with its 1. voyage from ENGLAND to NEW—YORK set for 20160000 .
20120501 SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, GAVIN—SMITH, 57—JAHRE—ALT, 1—EXECUTIVE for 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY Fox, was last seen in Ventura COUNTY—OAK—PARK—NEIGHBORHOOD.
20120605 —BECAME, Walker, only the 3. GOVERNOR to face 1—RECALL ELECTION—AND the 1. to survive 1—SINCE the Progressives came up with this drastic remedy for bad governance more than 1—CENTURY ago.
20120610 2—MORTAR shells hit 1—PROCESSION in Kazimiyah late —TODAY, killing 7 and wounding 38. Pilgrims have already started to arrive in BAGHDAD for the commemorations marking the 07010101—08001231 —CENTURY DEATH—OF—IMAM—MOUSSA ibn Jaafar AL—KADHIM.
20120610 —STARTED, Pilgrims have already, to arrive in BAGHDAD for the commemorations marking the 07010101—08001231 —CENTURY DEATH—OF—IMAM Moussa ibn Jaafar AL—KADHIM.
20120613 IRAQ, 1—WAVE—OF—CAR—BOMBS struck Shiite pilgrims in 7—CITIES and towns, from BAGHDAD to HILLAH, KARBALA, Taji and Balad, killing over 80—PEOPLE in 22—SEPARATE—EXPLOSIONS targeting 1—ANNUAL—SHIITE pilgrimage commemorating the 07010101—08001231 death of revered imam.
20120626 —REPORTED, SOUTH—KOREAN—OFFICIALS also, the worst drought in more than 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY in SOME—AREAS—AFTER nearly 2—MONTHS without significant rainfall.
20120702 —SMASHED, MALI—ISLAMIST—REBELS, the entrance of a 14010101—15001231 Timbuktu mosque, escalating 1—CAMPAIGN—OF—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—CITY—CULTURAL treasures despite THREATS—OF—PROSECUTION for war crimes.
20120705—20200000 —BY, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT gave DETAILS—OF—MAJOR—ARMY cuts which will see it lose 20,000 regular soldiers, taking force levels to their lowest —SINCE the early 18010101—19001231.
20120722 In den Fotografien, DIE—MISSIONARE, Ethnologen und HÄNDLER im INDIEN 18000101—18991231 -DES, machen ließen, IN—SZENIERTEN DIE—EUROPÄER den Subkontinent.
20120807 —VON, diesen NATUR—WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN Exzerpten her lässt sich nachvollziehen, wie MARX 18500101—18591231 —JAHREN—IN—DEN, den Formationsbegriff sozialwissenschaftlich drehte und den Neologismus "GESELLSCHAFTS—FORMATION"prägte, —DER—HEUTE zur Alltagssprache gehört.
20120809 Pershing I—RAKETEN wurden 19600101—19691231 —JAHREN—IN—DEN, stationiert.
20120814 SVETOZAR—GLIGORIC was the national champion 12—TIMES and 1—OF—THE—WORLD—TOP—PLAYERS in the 19010101—20001231.
20120815 Der Nocebo Effekt ist doch die schlechteste Wortneuschöpfung 19000101—19991231 -DES, !
20120815 Machen wir uns nichts vor, DIE—MENSCHEN sind beeinflussbare Jammerlappen, aber der Rückschluss, daß 1—ARZT entscheidende Informationen deswegen nicht geben darf ist vor allem dumm und danach noch gefährlich.
20120819 DIE—ANALYSE—VON—JAHRESRINGEN alter Bäume zeigt gar, daß NORD—AMERIKA im 10000101—12991231 —UND, von Dürrephasen getroffen wurde, die jeweils 10—BIS —20—JAHRE dauerten.
20121016 —MASKED, TUNISIA, 5, men stormed into the shrine of Sayyeda Aicha Manoubia, a 12010101—13001231 holy woman, near THE—CAPITAL—TUNIS that had previously been threatened by religious conservatives and set it on fire.
20121021 Mother MARIANNE—COPE, a 18010101—19001231 Franciscan —NUN who cared for leprosy patients in HAWAII;
20121021—18920000 —IN, established 1—CATHOLIC printing and publishing house in his native BRESCIA;
20121021—18920000 —FOUNDED, Carmen Salles y Barangueras, 1—SPAIN—NUN who, 1—RELIGIOUS—ORDER to educate children ;
20121021—18920000 and ANNA—SCHAEFFER, a 18010101—19001231 GERMANY—LAY woman who became 1—MODEL for the sick and suffering —AFTER she fell into 1—BOILER and badly burned her legs.
20121021—19000000 —IN, JACQUES—BERTHIEU, a 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY FRANCE—JESUIT who was killed by rebels in MADAGASCAR;
20121021—19000000 —FOUNDED, Giovanni Battista Piamarta, 1—ITALY—WHO, 1—RELIGIOUS—ORDER and
20121021—19000000 —KILLED, JACQUES—BERTHIEU, a 18010101—19001231 FRANCE—JESUIT who was, by rebels in MADAGASCAR;
20121123 In "JESUS—OF—NAZARETH -- THE—INFANCY—NARRATIVES,"THE—PAPA says THE—CHRISTIAN calendar is actually based on 1—BLUNDER by a 05000101—05991231 monk, who Benedict says was several years off in his calculation of JESUS' birth date.
20121124—20131231 —ON, 1—COURT issued arrest warrants for 2—OF—THE—FACTORY—OWNERS and 4—EMPLOYEES on homicide charges.
20121130—19921130 —HEUTE, schmilzt in GRÖNLAND etwa fünfmal soviel Eis ab wie noch 19900101—19991231 —JAHREN—IN—DEN,
20121215 Mehr als 50—PROZENT—DES—TEMPERATURANSTIEGS—MITTE—DES—SEIT 19000101—19991231 sei von industriellen TREIB—HAUS—GASEN verursacht worden.
20121220—201201011231-J-THE, was supposed to herald...was supposed to herald...
20121231 —ZU—ENDE, Der EHEMALIGE—"Wired"—CHEF—REDAKTEUR hat sein Amt niedergelegt, um sich mit 3-D-Robotics, 1—COMMUNITY—SEITE für selbstgebaute FERNGE—STEUERTE Flugzeuge, an der nächsten großen Umwälzung zu beteiligen.
20121231 Working with Congress against 1—MIDNIGHT deadline, PRESIDENT—OBAMA said that 1—DEAL to avert the "fiscal cliff" was in sight but not yet finalized.
20121231 The emerging deal would raise tax rates on family income over $450,000 and individual income over $400,000 1—YEAR, increase the estate tax rate and extend unemployment benefits for 1—YEAR.
20121231 —VOTED, The Senate, 89-8 to approve 1—LAST—MINUTE—DEAL to avert income tax hikes on all but the richest Americans and stall painful spending cuts as PART—OF—1—HARD—FOUGHT compromise to avoid the economically toxic "fiscal cliff".
20121231 1—TEXAS state judge ruled that TEXAS can cut off funding to Planned PARENTHOOD—FAMILY planning programs for poor women if they advocate for abortion rights.
20121231 † In ANGOLA 10—PEOPLE, including 4—CHILDREN, in 1—STAMPEDE —DURING 1—NEW—YEAR—EVE religious gathering at 1—SPORTS—STADIUM in LUANDA.
20121231 —REJECTED, The Seleka rebels in THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC, appeals for them to halt their advances and to negotiate to form 1—COALITION—GOVERNMENT.
20121231 Seleka means alliance in the local Sango language.
20121231 COLOMBIA, 5—MEN and 4—WOMEN were shot to death on 1—FARM outside MEDELLIN.
20121231 —BELIEVED, Rival drug traffickers were, to be involved.
20121231 —FIRED, Gunmen drove into CAIRO—TAHRIR—SQUARE—BEFORE dawnand, at 1—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—SIT—IN, seriously wounding 1—PROTESTER who had been jailed and tortured by former military rulers —AFTER he witnessed THE—KILLING—OF—ANOTHER activist.
20121231 —REMOVED, Papaconstantinou said the names were, without his knowledge.
20121231 —LAUNCHED, IRAQ, insurgents, 1—WAVE—OF—ATTACKS across the country, primarily targeting Shiite communities and pilgrims and killing at least 36—PEOPLE.
20121231 4—POLICEMEN were killed in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK —WHILE trying to defuse 1—BOMB THE—CENTER—OF—THE—CITY.
20121231 —RELEASED, PAKISTAN, 8—MEMBERS—OF—THE—AFGHAN—TALIBAN from prison, including the former justice MINISTER—UNDER—THE—TALIBAN, in 1—BID to boost the peace process in neighboring AFGHANISTAN.
20121231 —LINKED, The dead men were, to THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN.
20121231 —ABOUT 25—PEOPLE reportedly were arrested in MOSCOW on New —YEAR—EVE for trying to hold 1 unsanctioned protest.
20121231 —TRIED, For about 2—YEARS, activists have, to rally on the 31. of EACH—MONTH with that MANY—DAYS, 1—REFERENCE to Article 31—OF—THE—RUSSIA—CONSTITUTION that guarantees free assembly.
20121231 SYRIA—REBELS blew up 1—NATURAL—GAS—PIPELINE in the country's OIL—RICH—EAST.
20121231 The blast, some 30—KM (18—MILES) NORTH—OF—DEIR EL—ZOUR, caused the loss of —AROUND 1.5—MILLION—CUBIC—METERS—OF—GAS.
20121231—19710000 —IN—THE, Outgoing NORTH—CAROLINA GOVERNOR—BEVERLY—PERDUE issued pardons to the Wilmington 10, 1—GROUP wrongly convicted firebombing of 1—WILMINGTON grocery store.
20121231—19800000 —IN, 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS had thrown out their convictions.
20121231—20130000 —IN, Residents of SAUDI—ARABIA, where booze and New —YEAR—CELEBRATIONS are banned, flooded into neighboring BAHRAIN in search of festivities to ring.
20130100—20130600 —GEMACHT, PORTUGAL hat weit mehr Schulden, als es das 201301011231 —FÜR, angepeilte Defizitziel von 5,5—PROZENT—DER—WIRTSCHAFTS—LEISTUNG erlaubt.
20130111 MONEY—QUOTE: In fact, THE—FBI —TODAY has 10—TIMES as MANY—INFORMANTS as it did 19600101—19691231 —IN—THE, s, —WHEN FORMER—FBI Director J.
20130114 It is hard to see how reestablishing 1—LINK between productivity and pay can occur without restoring decent and improved —LABOR standards, restoring the minimum wage to 1—LEVEL corresponding to half the average wage (as it was in 19600101—19691231 —THE—LATE, s), and making real THE—ABILITY—OF—WORKERS to obtain and practice collective bargaining.
20130216 —MIGRATED, MOST—OF—THE—DEAD and wounded were Hazaras, 1—ETHNIC—GROUP that, from AFGHANISTAN over 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY 20130808 more people soon † of their wounds bringing the death toll to 89.
20130228 —CLASHED, SYRIA—REBELS, with government forces —AROUND the historic 11010101—12001231 Umayyad Mosque inside ALEPPO.
20130322 —REMOVED, THE—OWNERS—OF—S—FRANCISCO—PALACE—HOTEL, the famous 19090000 Maxfield Parish Pied Piper painting that has graced the hotel's main bar for over 1—CENTURY and plan to sell it at auction.
20130408 —EXHUMED, CHILE—FORENSIC—EXPERTS, THE—BODY—OF—NOBEL laureate PABLO—NERUDA, trying to solve a —4-DECADE mystery about 19730000 —THE—DEATH—OF—1 the greatest poets of the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY.
20130416 A 7.7—EARTHQUAKE, described as the strongest to hit IRAN in more than HALF—1—CENTURY, flattened homes and offices on both sides of THE—IRAN—PAKISTAN border, killing at least 34—PEOPLE in in 1—SINGLE—VILLAGE in PAKISTAN and swaying skyscrapers and buildings as far away as NEW—DELHI.
20130430 —BECAME, WILLEM—ALEXANDER, the 1. HOLLAND—KING in more than 1—CENTURY and pledged to use his ceremonial position as HEAD—OF—STATE to help steer his country through uncertain economic times.
20130512 FRANCIS—PAPA gave the Catholic Church new saints, including hundreds of 14010101—15001231 martyrs who were beheaded for refusing to convert to Islam.
20130609 "Privacy is effectively a 19000101—19991231 concept like THE—S—TEAM—ENGINE".
20130611 2 09010101—10001231 —CENTURY CAMBODIA—STONE statues displayed for nearly 2—DECADES at NEW—YORK—METROPOLITAN—MUSEUM—OF—ART were returned to their homeland in 1—HIGH—PROFILE—CASE—OF—ALLEGEDLY looted artifacts.
20130615 —PLANTED, Attackers on motorcycles, bombs at the 18010101—19001231 residence associated with PAKISTAN—FOUNDER—MUHAMMAD—ALI—JINNAH in the mountain resort TOWN—OF—ZIARAT.
20130617 As for espionage, in fact the oldest known treatise, with details on domestic and foreign espionage, is commonly dated to be —AROUND 02010101—03001231 or03000101—03991231 BCE — the Arthashastra of Chanakya also known as Kautilya who as MINISTER—TO—CHANDRAGUPA—MAURYA built that empire extending over ALL—OF—TODAY—INDIA and PAKISTAN
20130620 das können Sie sehr schön in dem Buch "DIE—VERLORENE Ehre der KATHARINA—BLUM"nachlesen, das HEINRICH—BÖLL —SCHON 19700101—19791231 —JAHREN—IN—DEN, geschrieben hat.
20130620 Und was Ihnen passieren kann, wenn Sie einmal 1—VERDÄCHTIGER sind, das können Sie sehr schön in dem Buch "DIE—VERLORENE Ehre der KATHARINA—BLUM"nachlesen, das HEINRICH—BÖLL —SCHON 19700101—19791231 —JAHREN—IN—DEN, geschrieben hat.
20130628 Ruport MURDOCH—NEWS—CORPORATION split into 2—PARTS: 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY Fox and News Corp.
20130802 TEAMS—OF—ANALYSTS at GCHQ —NOW have the authority and the technical capacity to tap directly into THE—NERVOUS—SYSTEM—OF—THE—20010101—21001231 and peer into THE—LIVES—OF—OTHERS.
20130805 —GENERAL ALEXANDER—WHO declined to be interviewed for this article -— has concluded that such cyberweapons are as crucial to 20010101—21001231 warfare as nuclear arms were in the 20.
20130826 CHINA—MEDIA said the Amur River, which marks the border between CHINA and RUSSIA, has experienced its worst flooding in 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY, cutting off roads to SOME—AREAS.
20130913—20111231 —ON, Denniss began his endurance test at THE—SYDNEY—OPERA—HOUSE and —SINCE then has travelled more than 26,000 km (16,200 miles) over 5—CONTINENTS.
20130920 Except for —WHEN it was intercepting mail in the 19500101—19591231 s without distinguishing between messages from foreigners and Americans.
20130920 —INVOLVED, Except for —WHEN it was, in the 19600101—19691231 s in investigating "racial matters" or "student agitation" by activists in CO—OPERATION with THE—CIA and MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES.
20130926 "Links"ist 1—IDEE 18000101—18991231 —AUS—DEM, DIE—LINKE trägt ihren Anachronismus —SCHON IM Namen.
20130927 Gleichwohl fallen —ZEIT—IN—DIESE die wärmsten —JAHRE —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—MESSUNGEN—MITTE—DES 18000101—18991231 20130927 Als künstliche Gegenspieler der TREIB—HAUS—GASE wirkten Schwefelteilchen aus Abgasen, DIE—IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—JAHREN vor allem in ASIEN für Smog sorgen.
20130927 —ZEIT—IN—DIESE, Gleichwohl fallen die wärmsten —JAHRE —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—MESSUNGEN—MITTE—DES 18000101—18991231 20130929 It doesn't take much to fire up Hersh, the investigative —JOURNALIST who has been THE—NEMESIS—OF—USA—PRESIDENTS—SINCE the 19600101—19691231 s and who was once described by THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY as "the closest thing USA—JOURNALISM has to 1—TERRORIST".
20130929 It doesn't take much to fire up Hersh, the investigative —JOURNALIST who has been THE—NEMESIS—OF—USA—PRESIDENTS—SINCE the 19600101—19691231 s and who was once described by THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY as "the closest thing USA—JOURNALISM has to 1—TERRORIST".
20130930 Auch des CAESAR "BELLO Gallico"forderte, in Relation zur Bevölkerungszahl in GALLIEN, 1—UNGLAUBLICHEN Blutzoll, der mit den WELT—KRIEGEN 19000101—19991231 —DES, durchaus mithalten kann.
20131003 —AGREED, THE—USA—AND—JAPAN, to modernize their defense alliance for the 1. time in 16—YEARS to address growing concerns about NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, global terrorism, cyber intrusions and other 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY threats.
20131007 Man mag kaum glauben, daß das im EUROPA 20000101—20991231 —DES, möglich sein soll.
20131008 —SEIZED, ALBANIA—POLICE, more than 1,000 stolen religious and secular PIECES—OF—ART dating from the 15. to the mid-19010101—20001231 , and arrested 2—MEN suspected of planning to sell them abroad.
20131011 —SOARED, Shares in NEWLY—PRIVATIZED Royal Mail, on their stock market debut, bolstering criticism that the company — which traces its 04010101—05001231 history back to HENRY—VIII—KING—OF— — was undervalued by THE—UK—GOVERNMENT.
20131029 —ALLOWED, The 8.5—MILE—TUNNEL, PRIME—MINISTER—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN to realize 1—PROJECT dreamed up by Ottoman sultans more than 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY ago.
20131031 Für Sieglinde Geisel beweist 1—DISKUSSION beim BERLINer Akademietag zur Aufklärung, daß "DIE—AUFKLÄRUNG längst nicht mehr nur 1—PROJEKT des Westens oder der Moderne, sondern 1—DES globalen 20000101—20991231 "ist.
20131113—20131231 —RELEASED, Vandenbeusch was.
20131126 —DISCOVERED, Archeologists in NEPAL said they have, traces of 1—WOODEN—STRUCTURE dating from the 05010101—06001231 BC inside the sacred Mayadevi Temple in Lumbini.
20131204 —FACED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—CAMERON, demands for the return of priceless artefacts looted from BEIJING in the 18010101—19001231 , the last —DAY—OF—HIS—VISIT to CHINA.
20131209 "THE—ABILITY—OF—DATA to flow or be accessed across borders is essential to 1—ROBUST, 20010101—21001231 , global economy," the companies argue in THE—LIST—OF—REFORM—PRINCIPLES.
20131218 100—GEBURTS—TAG: GABRIEL nennt WILLY—BRANDT—GIGANTEN 19000101—19991231 —DES,
20131224 —VOTED, CHINA—TOP—LEGISLATIVE—COMMITTEE, to abolish "RE—EDUCATION through labor" camps introduced more than HALF—1—CENTURY ago, saying they had served their purpose.
20131231 S—FRANCISCO—UBER, driver SYED—MUZAFFAR—OF—UNION—CITY fatally struck Sophia Liu (6) at 1—CROSSWALK on Polk Street near the Civic Center.
20131231 —UNPRECEDENTED, UTAH officials said 1, wintertime OUTBREAK—OF—WEST—NILE virus has killed more than 2—DOZEN bald eagles in THE—STATE—AND—THOUSANDS—OF—WATER—BIRDS—AROUND the Great Salt Lake.
20131231 —ERUPTED, NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, gunshots, —DURING 1—RALLY in Samangan province where 1—GROUP was protesting THE—SELECTION—OF—CANDIDATES for 20140000 —THE elections, killing 2—PEOPLE and wounding 8.
20131231 1—CYCLONE ripped across NORTH—WEST—AUSTRALIA, closing ports and threatening mining operations in the sparsely populated Pilbara region.
20131231 —ATTACKED, THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—CHRISTIAN, militiamen, 1—ARMY—BASE in BANGUI, as French and African soldiers struggled to contain sectarian violence.
20131231 —FLOODED, THOUSANDS—OF—ANGRY—PEOPLE, THE—RUNWAY—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT in BANGUI, shouting slogans against Michel Djotodia, the nation's Muslim PRESIDENT, who grabbed power in 1—COUP 9—MONTHS ago.
20131231 —TRIED, CHINA, 6—HERDERS who, to defend grazing land from expropriation by 1—FORESTRY firm were sentenced in THE—RESOURCE—RICH—INNER—MONGOLIA region.
20131231 —SPARKED, The case has, protests.
20131231 —ATTACKED, EGYPT, unknown assailants, 1—NATURAL—GAS—PIPELINE in the Sinai.
20131231 † In INDIA 1—PREGNANT—GIRL, 16—JAHRE—ALT in Kolkata —FOLLOWING severe burn injuries.
20131231 Her family said she was set on fire by associates of those who had gang raped her.
20131231 —DISPLACED, INDONESIA, more than 19,000—PEOPLE were, by THE—MOUNT—SINABUNG volcano on Sumatra that has been erupting for months and shot lava into the air 9—TIMES overnight.
20131231 —SUSPECTED, INDONESIA—POLICE shot dead 6, terrorists and arrested another in 1—NEW—YEAR—EVE raid near JAKARTA that broke out into an HOURS—LONG—GUN—BATTLE.
20131231 1—SENIOR—IRAN—OFFICIAL said 6—WORLD—POWERS and IRAN have made good progress in expert talks in GENEVA on how to roll out last —MONTH—LANDMARK nuclear deal which obliges TEHRAN to suspend its most sensitive atom work.
20131231 —KILLED, IRAQ, clashes between security forces and gunmen, 4—MORE—PEOPLE in Ramadi, 1—DAY—AFTER the closure of 1—SPRAWLING—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTEST—SITE.
20131231 This release was the 3. of 4—GROUPS to go free.
20131231 1—JORDAN—SECURITY—OFFICIAL said UK—RESIDENT—MUDAR Zahran, 1—JORDANIAN—PALESTINE—CRITIC—OF—JORDAN—MONARCHY, has been charged with incitement and insulting THE—KING —AFTER calling for revolt on social media.
20131231 —FREED, MYANMAR, 5—PRISONERS and more were expected to be released next —WEEK as PART—OF—1—PLEDGE by the country's PRESIDENT to free all political prisoners by the end of 20130000 .
20131231 Marathon talks between THE—LEADERS—OF—NORTH—IRELAND—CATHOLIC and Protestant communities broke down without agreement to ease tensions that have led to 1—OF—THE—WORST—YEARS—OF—RIOTING in THE—UK—PROVINCE for 1—DECADE.
20131231 —AGREED, SOUTH—SUDAN—WARRING factions, to attend peace talks in ETHIOPIA.
20131231 Government troops fought renegade forces loyal to FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—RIEK—MACHAR as well as 1—PRO—MACHAR tribal militia known as the "White Army," as rebels tried to retake Bor.
20131231 SYRIA, 1—MISSILE struck 1—BUS in 1—REBEL—HELD AREA—OF—ALEPPO, setting it on fire and killing at least 10—PEOPLE.
20131231 —REPORTED, State media, that 1—REBEL—FIRED mortar shell killed 3—PEOPLE in HOMS.
20131231 TURKEY, another lawmaker from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) announced his resignation amid 1—HIGH—LEVEL—BRIBERY and corruption probe.
20131231 —CRITICISED, HASAN—HAMI—YILDIRIM had, the government forfor exerting pressure on the judiciary over the corruption.
20131231 —ARMED, SOUTH—YEMEN, men including 1—SUICIDE bomber tried to storm police headquarters in ADEN.
20131231 2—GUARDS were killed and at least 6—PEOPLE wounded.
20131231 2—SUSPECTS were arrested.
20131231—20131223 —RAPED, She had been, 2—TIMES On 20131025—20131026 and ended up in 1—HOSPITAL with sever burn injuries.
20131231—20180000 —IN, Muzaffar was found GUILTY—OF—MANSLAUGHTER.
201401011231 gab es wieder einmal über 10.000—SUIZIDE.
20140101231 —DER—WÄRME—REKORD—VON, gilt als besonders, weil er ohne Unterstützung des Wärmespenders EL—NIÑO zustande kam.
20140101231 war es WELT—WEIT so warm wie noch nie —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—MESSUNGEN 18800000 , das verkündet —NUN auch DIE—NASA.
20140101231 war im WELT—WEITEN Durchschnitt der AMERIKANISCHEN—WETTER—BEHÖRDE NOAA und der NASA zufolge das wärmste —JAHR —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—MESSUNGEN 18800000 —J—IM.
20140131 Jancso won his Cannes award for "Red Psalm," about a 18010101—19001231 peasant revolt.
20140307 5,890,000—KM—CLOSEST known approach to Earth by 1—COMET 19000101—19991231 —IN—THE, (19270000 )
20140307 8,000,000—KM—TYCHO Brahe's 15010101—16001231 —CENTURY ESTIMATE—OF—DISTANCE to the Sun
20140307 —BY, 1—COMET in 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY—SUN (KEPLER—ESTIMATE)
20140307 24,000,000—KM—JOHANNES—KEPLER'S 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY ESTIMATE—OF—DISTANCE to the Sun
20140324 13—DER 14—WÄRMSTEN —JAHRE WELT—WEIT —SEIT Aufzeichnungsbeginn 18500000 entfallen der WMO zufolge auf das 20000101—20991231 ..
20140325 Landschaftsmalereien aus den vergangenen 04010101—05001231 EN liefern 1—ABBILD—DER—EINSTIGEN Luft, berichtet 1—GRUPPE um den Physiker Christos Zerefos vom National Observatory in ATHEN im Fachblatt "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics".
20140325 "DIE—LEBENSSTUFEN"von CASPAR—DAVID—FRIEDRICH (18350000 ): Der Farbkontrast auf Bildern aus 03010101—04001231 EN spiegelt den jeweiligen Partikelgehalt der Atmosphäre wider
20140426 PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA began the 1. visit to MALAYSIA by A—USA—PRESIDENT in nearly HALF—1—CENTURY.
20140430 This was 4—POINTS—ABOVE the previous high set last 20141231 .
20140516 Wer 1—ARTIKEL—ÜBER—KALENDER schreibt, der sollte zumindest wissen, daß der —JAHRTAUSEND—WECHSEL nicht 19991231—20009101 —STATTFAND, sondern 20001231—20010101 ...
20140517 "SERBIEN und Bosnien erleiden die schwersten Überschwemmungen —SEIT—MEHR—ALS—00010101—01001231—CENTURY", sagte $—EU—SPRECHER.
20140517 Hier sind RETTUNGS—KRÄFTE auf 1—BRÜCKE bei Lazarevac im Einsatz.
20140518 —BATTLED, SERBIA, soldiers, police and volunteers, to protect power plants from rising flood waters as the death toll from the region's worst rainfall in more than 1—CENTURY reached 35.
20140518 —DEVELOPED, Equant (or punctum aequans) is 1—MATHEMATICAL—CONCEPT, by CLAUDIUS Ptolemy in the 01010101—02001231 —CENTURY AD to account for the observed MOTION—OF—HEAVENLY..
20140519 BOSNIA—GOVERNMENT said more than 1—QUARTER—OF—THE—COUNTRY—4—MILLION—PEOPLE have been affected by the worst floods to hit the Balkans in more than 1—CENTURY.
20140523 Nur so kann es INTERNATIONAL im 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY weitergehen.
20140528 Selbst der Jura, 1—BEDEUTEND niedrigeres Gebirge, war —BIS ins 11010101—12001231 —CENTURY hinein kaum besiedelt, nicht mal DIE—ALEMANNEN wollten dort wohnen.
20140608 Allerdings lebte der Mann deutlich SPÄTER als DIE—FRAU aus LE—CHÊNE, nämlich —ERST GEGEN ENDE—DES00000101—00991231 oder —BEGINN—DES—ZU 01000101—01991231 nach Christus.
20140702 —IM—NOCH 18000101—18991231 ersteigerte 1—ENGLAND—HÄNDLER EINIGE—FÄSSER.
20140708 Ich sehe das als Problem, wenn man nicht über den Tellerrand blickt.
20140708 Behandeln DIE—USA andere Länder etwa anders?
20140708 Und haben DIE—USA dieses Handlungsmuster —ERST—NACH—DEM, KALTER—KRIEG oder —NACH—DEM 2.WK. begonnen?
20140708 Nein, natürlich nicht. es ist historisch belegt dass dieses Handlungsmuster —SEIT—ANFANG des 19.09010101—10001231 zur USA—AUSSEN—POLITIK gehört.
20140716 wurde das Kolosseum im späten05000101—05991231 nach Christus zum Appartmentblock.
20140720 —STORMED, Islamic State (IS) fighters, Mar (Saint) Behnam, a 03010101—04001231 monastery run by the Syriac Catholic church near the predominantly CHRISTIAN—TOWN—OF—QARAQOSH, and expelled its 5—RESIDENT monks.
20140720 —RAINED, IRAQ, mortar rounds, down on Shiite neighborhoods in THE—TOWN—OF—MAHMOUDIYA, killing 11—CIVILIANS and wounding 31. Islamic State (IS) fighters stormed Mar (Saint) Behnam, a 03010101—04001231 monastery run by the Syriac Catholic church near the predominantly CHRISTIAN—TOWN—OF—QARAQOSH, and expelled its 5—RESIDENT monks.
20140725 Unless our policies change dramatically, the middle class will disappear, and we will be back to late 17010101—18001231 FRANCE.
20140802 Was sind dem SPIEGEL den —SCHON 1.000—JAHRE.
20140802 Der POSEIDONTEMPEL—IN—PAESTUM ca. 450—JAHRE—VOR Chr. erbaut.
20140802 Und nicht im 04010101—05001231 —CENTURYR. od. 05010101—06001231 —CENTURYR.
20140802 Und nicht im 04010101—05001231 R. od.
20140802 Und nicht im 04010101—05001231 —CENTURYR. od.
20140818 Doch etwas war anders bei diesem jungen Menschen, der im 5. oder 05000101—05991231 unserer Zeitrechnung gelebt hatte.
20140828 Er wurde oft benutzt.
20140828 Der Sitz stammt noch aus der Zeit, BEVOR der HADRIANswall im frühen 01000101—01991231 gebaut wurde.
20140915 —ENLISTED, CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING, the MALDIVES' backing for a "20010101—21001231 maritime silk road" as he began 1—TOUR—OF—SOUTH—ASIA in the strategically located INDIA—OCEAN—ISLAND—CHAIN.
20140917 —EXPECTED, Francis is, to canonize THE—REVEREND—GIUSEPPE—BAZ, a 16010101—17001231 missionary, —DURING his January visit to SRI—LANKA.
20140925 —DETAINED, CHINA—POLICE, Shen Hao, PUBLISHER—OF—THE 20010101—21001231 Business Herald, and general manager Chen Dongyang, weeks —AFTER SOME—EDITORS and reporters for the publication's website were detained on ALLEGATIONS—OF—EXTORTION.
20141102 THE—UN—PANEL on climate science said climate change is happening, it's almost entirely man's fault and limiting its impacts may require reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 0-990101—00001231 —CENTURY.
20141113 —OPINIONATED, ALEXANDER—GROTHENDIECK was 1, and reclusive giant of 19010101—20001231 mathematics who shunned accolades and supported pacifist and environmental causes.
20141116 auch AL—MUKURRA geschrieben) war vom 03000101—03991231 —BIS—IN—DAS ,
20141202 Über das 20. 20000101—20991231 —UND, hat sich der Wald um 33% vergrößert.
20141208 Das 16000101—17991231 —UND, aus dem die Funde auf dem Friedhof von Drawsko Pomorskie stammen, waren 1—BEWEGTE Zeit in POLEN.
20141208 Religiöse Minderheiten suchten dort SCHUTZ—VOR—VERFOLGUNG, von der Armut aus der Heimat in BRANDENBURG oder den NIEDERLANDEn vertriebene Familien 1—SICHEREREN Lebensunterhalt.
20141208 WAREN die angeblichen Vampire Zugewanderte?
20141212 Regierungsgebäude in BOSTON: —ARBEITER BERGEN Zeitkapsel 17000101—17991231 —AUS—DEM,
20141224 MODE, kamen die Pilgerzeichen ab dem 10000101—10991231 —, sie blieben populär —BIS 1530ca00 , als DIE—REFORMATION dem ABLASS—HANDEL und den Pilgerreisen 1—ENDE setzte.
20141224 AACHENer Heiltumsweisung; MARIA - [1]Hälfte 14010101—15001231 —CENTURY
20141224 3—KÖNIGE nach KÖLN 10000101—10991231 —IM, wurden auch hier Pilgerzeichen angeboten.
20141224 AACHENer Heiltumsweisung; MARIA - [1]Hälfte 14010101—15001231 20141224 3—KÖNIGE nach KÖLN 10000101—10991231 —IM, wurden auch hier Pilgerzeichen angeboten.
20141227 "We are —NOW in 1—PERIOD," said MISTER—SHEA—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—S—ANDREWS, "in which interest rates are even lower than they were 17000101—17991231 —IN—THE, ".
20141227—17200000 —IN, That includes borrowing that may have been used to compensate slave owners —WHEN slavery was abolished, to relieve the famine in 18010101—19001231 IRELAND and to bail out the infamous SOUTH—SEA—COMPANY, which caused the bubble.
20141231 "DIE—MENSCHEN von Pr(edmostí I aßen Mammutfleisch, und das in großen Mengen",
20141231 "Eine vielbeachtete britische STUDIE—ZUR—BESCHÄFTIGUNGSSTRUKTUR IN—DEN—USA hat 20130000 gezeigt, daß —IN—ZUKUNFT, 47 % aller Arbeitsplätze durch Robotik ersetzt zu werden drohen.
20141231 "Mit FACEBOOK enden 200—JAHRE—DER—FLUCHT—AUS—GEMEINSCHAFTEN" - "—SEIT mindestens 100—JAHREN
20141231 1—ÜBER Jahrhunderte praktizierte religiöse und kulturelle Pluralität,
20141231 Aber es gibt Arbeit, die nicht ersetzt werden kann: Jobs, die auf Kreativität, sozialer INTELLIGENZ oder auf 'der Wahrnehmung und MANIPULATION irregulärer Objekte' beruhen".
20141231 ALAN—POSENER in der Welt: Angesichts der jobfressenden Digitalisierung seien "Kreativität und emotionale INTELLIGENZ"die nicht wegzurationalisierenden "Schlüsselkompetenzen der ZUKUNFT".
20141231 Auch Braunbären, Wölfe und Vielfraße hätten Zugang zu Mammutfleisch gehabt.
20141231 Aus den Stoßzähnen schnitzten DIE—MENSCHEN kleine Figuren, das Fleisch kam auf den Teller.
20141231 Bei den Tareumiut in ALASKA etwa spielte der Wal 1—SCHLÜSSELROLLE, nicht nur in der Ernährung, sondern auch in Kultur und RELIGION.
20141231 Ihren Hunden aber hätten die Tareumiut niemals Walfleisch zu fressen GEGEBEN—DAS wäre für den Wal 1—SCHWERE Beleidigung gewesen.
20141231 Beim ANGRIFF—AUF—DEN WELT—MARKT sollten so auch "Grabenkriege"zwischen den beiden Herstellern vermieden werden.
20141231 Brennendes ÖL—LAGER in LIBYEN: Hilfloser KAMPF—GEGEN—DAS Inferno
20141231 CHINA hat zwar das größte Hochgeschwindigkeitsnetz der Welt und baut auch eigene Züge, doch die zugrunde liegende Technik dafür kommt —BISHER, oft noch aus DEUTSCHLAND, FRANKREICH oder JAPAN.
20141231 DANIEL MILLER, Professor für digitale Anthropologie, LONDON,
20141231 DAS—NEUE—UNTERNEHMEN soll CRRC heißen UND—CA—170.000—MIT—ARBEITER beschäftigen.
20141231 DIE——DOLLAR schwere MEGA—FUSION zwischen CNR und CSR wurde —NACHT—ZUM—IN—DER—SCHON, —MITTWOCH verkündet.
20141231 DIE—AKTIEN—KURSE beider Unternehmen schossen —DARAUFHIN steil nach oben.
20141231 DIE—DER—IS zu zermalmen sucht, sondern - DIE—ES im Westen
20141231 DIE—FUSION zielt nun darauf ab, Konzernen wie SIEMENS oder Alstom künftig beim Bau von HIGHTECH—ZÜGEN verstärkt Konkurrenz zu machen.
20141231 DIE—HUNDE aber BEKAMEN—ANDERS als die WÖLFE—LAUT den Analysen nichts davon ab, obwohl sie ZUSAMMEN—MIT—DEN Menschen in der Siedlung lebten.
20141231 DIE—HUNDE bekamen stattdessen Walross, Fisch, Walspeck und Rentierkot.
20141231 DIE—HUNDE hätten 1—BROCKEN Mammutfleisch wie ihre wilden Verwandten gewiss nicht verschmäht.
20141231 Dass sie ihn aber nicht bekamen, ist 1—SICHERES Indiz dafür, daß ihre Ernährung von den Menschen streng kontrolliert wurde.
20141231 DIE—MECHANISCHE Zeit war 1—VORAUSSETZUNG des kapitalistischen Wirtschaftens und schrieb sich in die Körper DER—MENSCHEN ein".
20141231 —VERRIET, DIE—SIGNATUR der Isotope von Kohlenstoff—, Stickstoff, wovon sich die Dorfbewohner ernährten.
20141231 Das soziale Netzwerk führe "die einst Vergessenen zurück
20141231 Das wiederum zählte nicht zu den Hauptnahrungsmitteln DER—MENSCHEN.
20141231 Das will DIE—REGIERUNG in PEKING nun ändern.
20141231 Diese erbauten ihre Wohnstätten zu Teilen aus den Knochen der Giganten.
20141231 Doch es sind keine westlichen Werte,
20141231 EUROPA habe in "lange nicht gekannter Härte erfahren, was es bedeutet, wenn GRUND—LAGEN unserer europäischen Friedensordnung IN—FRAGE gestellt werden".
20141231 —BEHAUPTET, Er, dass
20141231 FACEBOOK aber mache "dem BISLANG—ALLMÄHLICHEN Schwund DER—SOZIALEN Vernetzung 1—ENDE".
20141231 Genau das mute RUSSLAND DER—UKRAINE zu.
20141231 Generell zieht DIE—KANZLERIN—1—NÜCHTERNES—FAZIT —DES—JAHRES 20140000 .
20141231 Immer öfter finden sich Neonazis, Hooligans und NPD—VERTRETER unter den Protestteilnehmern.
20141231 In dem —VOR—3—WOCHEN veröffentlichten Aufruf deutscher Politiker und Kulturschaffender zu 1—WENIGER konfrontativen Ton gegenüber MOSKAU sieht der BREMER Politologe Jörg Himmelreich in der NZZ das "gelegentlich wieder hervorbrechende besondere deutsche Verständnis für RUSSLAND und seine Gewaltakte"am Werk, das das bewegte DEUTSCH—RUSSISCHE Verhältnis
20141231 In der Region um Sidra kämpfen DIE—MILIZEN
20141231 In der Siedlung Pr(edmostí I nahe der Stadt Brünn in der Tschechischen REPUBLIK
20141231 MADURO hatte DEN—USA —BEREITS—AM—MONTAG vorgeworfen, durch 1—SENKUNG des ÖL—PREIS sein Land und RUSSLAND in den Ruin treiben zu wollen.
20141231 DIE—USA—REGIERUNG überflute den MARKT mit billigem Schieferöl. "Sie haben 1—KRIEG geplant, um RUSSLAND und VENEZUELA zu zerstören. Um uns zu rekolonisieren, unsere Unabhängigkeit und REVOLUTION zu zerstören", sagte MADURO.
20141231 Mehr als 1.000—MAMMUTS wurden so zu BESTAND—TEILEN ihrer Behausungen.
20141231 Neujahrsansprache der KANZLERIN—MERKEL prangert Hass bei PEGIDA—MÄRSCHEN an
20141231 Neujahrsansprache der KANZLERIN: Selbst OPPOSITION feiert MERKEL für PEGIDA—KRITIK
20141231 Offenbar lagen für die wilden Tiere VIELE—FRISCHE—KADAVER herum, vermutlich zurückgelassen von den menschlichen Jägern.
20141231 PEKING—DIE 2—GRÖßTEN chinesischen ZUG—HERSTELLER haben sich zusammengeschlossen, um auf dem WELT—MARKT gegen Rivalen wie SIEMENS und Bombardier anzutreten.
20141231 STEIN—ZEIT—ERNÄHRUNG: Mammut für den Menschen, Rentier für den Hund
20141231 Sicherheit in EUROPA ZUSAMMEN—MIT—RUSSLAND sei zwar das erklärte ZIEL—DOCH 1—ANGEBLICHES "RECHT des Stärkeren, der VÖLKER—RECHTE missachtet", könne unter keinen Umständen akzeptiert werden.
20141231 Sie waren eingesperrt ODER—ANGELEINT, vermuten Bocherens und seine Kollegen.
20141231 Soweit also DANIEL—MILLER.
20141231 Stattdessen fraßen die domestizierten Tiere Rentierfleisch.
20141231 —BESCHLOSSEN, Trotzdem habe EUROPA, sich nicht spalten zu lassen.
20141231 Unser Verhältnis zum Hund hat sich —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—30.000—JAHREN grundlegend verändert.
20141231 VOR—ALLEM in DRESDEN finden die Demonstrationen der Gruppe "Patriotische EUROPÄER GEGEN—DIE—ISLAMISIERUNG des Abendlandes"(PEGIDA) PRO—WOCHE mehr Anhänger.
20141231 WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE—IN—VENEZUELA: Inflation steigt auf mehr als 63 %
20141231 den Niedergang der Gemeinschaft in der Moderne"
20141231 der Zusammenschluss solle "einen neuen grenzüberschreitenden und WELT—WEIT führenden Anbieter für hochwertige Bahnausrüstung schaffen",
20141231 diese frühen Hunde etwa IMMER—NOCH so groß wie Wölfe waren —, vermutlich ebenso gefährlich",
20141231 es scheint klar, daß die sogenannten 'Schützen', die 14—POLIZISTEN töteten, 85—VERLETZTEN und 45—PROTESTIERENDE Zivilisten erschossen, von 1 3. Seite eingesetzt wurden.
20141231 VIELE—ZEUGEN, inklusive Janukowytsch, glauben, daß diese Elemente von westlichen Parteien eingesetzt wurden, mit CIA—FINGERABDRÜCKEN".
20141231 in PRÄHISTORISCHER—ZEIT - in den Kreis derer, in dieser Form - nie gab.
20141231 praktisch - schreibt DOMINIC—JOHNSON im LEIT—ARTIKEL der taz.
20141231 uralte Werte des NAHER—OSTENS,
20141231 war die Voraussetzung für die Synchronisierung von Massenangriffen.
20141231 werden noch 127—TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGE in dem Lager festgehalten.
20141231 zeigen würden.
20141231 —AUFSTELLT diese These in seinem Buch "Das wilde Netzwerk",
20141231 —BALDIGER Rücktritt des italienischen Präsidenten: Napolitano sagt Arrivederci
20141231 —FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK, BAYERN kündigt strengere Regeln für ASYL—BEWERBER an
20141231 —NUN, wissen wir's: DAS—MASSAKER auf dem MAJDAN—PLATZ
20141231 —SCHON, 1—STUDIE—DER—BROOKINGS—INSTITUTION (PDF) zufolge gab es Zehntausende dem IS und seinen Unterstützern zuzurechnende TWITTER—ACCOUNTS.
20141231 —SEIT, einigen Tagen versuchen ISLAMISTEN, die wichtigsten libyschen Ölterminals AL—SIDRA und Ras Lanuf in ihre Gewalt zu bringen.
20141231 —NACH, den Angriffen AM—DONNERSTAG stehen 2—TANKS NOCH—IMMER unter FEUER—BEI dem Inferno soll laut libyschen Behörden so viel Öl verbrannt worden sein wie an 2—TAGEN in LIBYEN gefördert wird.
20141231 Fast hilflos versuchen FEUERWEHR—LEUTE —SEITHER, die Flammen mit Wasserschläuchen zu bändigen.
20141231 —INZWISCHEN, hat LIBYEN Hilfe bei DEUTSCHLAND, ITALIEN und DEN—USA angefordert.
20141231 —EXTRADITED, FORMER—USA—SCHOOL—TEACHER—MICHAEL—R—VUCIC, 41—JAHRE—ALT was, to THE—USA—FROM—BOSNIA to face prosecution in ILLINOIS on sexual assault charges dating back to 20120000 .
20141231 † NAZIH—AL—RAGYE (aka ABU—ANAS—AL—LIBY), 1—SUSPECTED—AL—QAEDA figure, in NEW—YORK —JUST days ahead of his scheduled trial.
20141231 —ALLEGED, AL—LIBY, 50—JAHRE—ALT was, to have planned 19980000 —THE bombings of THE—USA—EMBASSIES in TANZANIA and KENYA.
20141231 —LEASED, ARIZONA, 1—HELICOPTER, by the Cochise County sheriff's department crashed and killed 2—CIVILIANS as it returned from 1—TRIP to PHOENIX for routine maintenance.
20141231 —ARRESTED, Police in OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, 29—PEOPLE —DURING new —YEAR—EVE police brutality protests.
20141231 —REPRESENTED, The arrests, about 1 4. of those who participated.
20141231 † EDWARD—HERRMANN, 71—JAHRE—ALT, USA—STAGE and screen actor, in LOS—ANGELES.
20141231 —INCLUDED, His work in films, "Reds" (19810000 ) and "THE—WOLF—OF—WALL—STREET" (20130000 ).
20141231 1—MINNESOTA JUDGE—ORDERED—NORWAY to pay Ellen Ewald $170,594, double her lost wages, plus $100,000 for emotional distress, for violating EQUAL—PAY—LAWS.
20141231 She had been paid $30,000 less than 1—MALE counterpart.
20141231 The state is home to nearly 900,000—PEOPLE—OF—NORWAY—DESCENT.
20141231 SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, at least 28—PEOPLE, MANY—OF—THEM women and children, were killed —WHEN rockets fired by AFGHANISTAN—ARMY—SOLDIERS hit 1—WEDDING party in Helmand province.
20141231 2—AFGHANISTAN—SOLIDERS were soon arrested in connection with the deaths.
20141231 —KILLED, SOUTH—CHINA, 1—GAS—EXPLOSION at 1—AUTO parts factory, 17—PEOPLE and injured 33—OTHERS in FOSHAN city.
20141231 CHINA, 1—STAMPEDE —DURING New —YEAR—CELEBRATIONS in SHANGHAI—HISTORIC waterfront area killed 36—PEOPLE in the worst disaster to hit 1—OF—CHINA—SHOWCASE cities in recent years.
20141231 —EARNED, FRANCE, a 50—PERCENT tax paid by employers on income, above 1—MILLION—EUROS ($1.22—MILLION) ended —TODAY.
20141231 Socialist PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—HOLLANDE—75% super tax had been rejected by 1—COURT—AND—RE—WRITTEN to 50%.
20141231 HONG—KONG authorities began destroying 15,000 chickens at 1—POULTRY—MARKET and suspended imports from mainland CHINA —AFTER SOME—BIRDS were found to be infected with the H7N9 STRAIN—OF—BIRD—FLU.
20141231 —EXCHANGED, Indian and PAKISTAN—TROOPS, fire near the border that divides the disputed Himalayan REGION—OF—KASHMIR, leaving 1—DEAD on THE—INDIA—SIDE and 2 wounded on THE—PAKISTAN—SIDE.
20141231 —STOCKED, Off THE—COAST—OF—INDIA 1—FISHING boat, with explosives blew up.
20141231 INDIA —LATER said 4—MEN on the boat blew it up themselves as INDIA—COAST—GUARD—OFFICERS approached on New —YEAR—EVE.
20141231 Senior coast guard officer B.K. Loshali was —LATER removed from his post —AFTER he contradicted the government saying coast guard personnel had destroyed the Pakistani "terror boat".
20141231 —ARRESTED, ISRAEL—POLICE, PALESTINE—GIRL—MALAK AL—KHATIB, 14—JAHRE—ALT on her way home from school.
20141231 1—MILITARY—COURT sentenced her in late January to 2—MONTHS as PART—OF—1—PLEA bargain in which she admitted to picking up 1—STONE to throw at ISRAEL—CARS.
20141231 —ARRIVED, Some 970—MOSTLY SYRIA—MIGRANTS, in ITALY on THE—BLUE—SKY M cargo ship —AFTER apparently being abandoned by its crew in the Adriatic Sea.
20141231 —LAUNCHED, Kurdish IRAQ—FORCES, 1—LARGE—SCALE—OFFENSIVE to push Islamic State group extremists from 1—AREA outside THE—MILITANT—HELD NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL.
20141231 USA—CENTRAL—COMMAND said that THE—INTERNATIONAL—COALITION it leads had conducted 7—AIRSTRIKES against militants' positions in Syria and 3 in IRAQ.
20141231 —STAGED, THE—USA and its allies, 29—AIR—STRIKES on Islamic State targets in Syria and IRAQ.
20141231 —TRIED, MOROCCO, some 800—AFRICAN migrants, to storm the border fences separating SPAIN—NORTH—AFRICAN enclave of Melilla in the 2. such attempt in 2—DAYS.
20141231 54—MIGRANTS managed to make it across.
20141231 —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, 1—WOMAN—SUICIDE—BOMBER was, as she tried to enter 1—MILITARY barracks in Bolari.
20141231 —KIDNAPPED, Suspected Boko Haram gunmen, 40—BOYS and young men in 1—REMOTE—VILLAGE in NORTH—EAST—BORNO state.
20141231 —EXPLODED, In THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES 1—BOMB, at the entrance of 1—TOWN—MARKET packed with New —YEAR—EVE shoppers n NORTH—COTABATO province, killing 4—PEOPLE and wounding at least 30—OTHERS.
20141231 —BEHEADED, SAUDI—ARABIA—AUTHORITIES, 1—PAKISTAN—MAN convicted of smuggling "large quantities" of heroin.
20141231 EAST—UKRAINE, 1—WIDESPREAD—ELECTRICITY—OUTAGE hit LUHANSK, the 2.—LARGEST city in the separatist east.
20141231 THE—LEADER—OF—THE—REBELS who control it claimed that's due to UKRAINE—SABOTAGE.
20141231 —REPORTED, The World Health Organization said the number of, Ebola deaths in WEST—AFRICA has risen to 7,905.
20141231 —KILLED, CENTRAL—YEMEN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, at least 49—PEOPLE—WHEN he blew himself up at 1—CULTURAL—CENTER where students were celebrating the Prophet MOHAMMAD—BIRTHDAY.
20141231 70—PEOPLE were wounded.
20141231—19060000 —SINCE, NORWAY has had 1—DIPLOMATIC—PRESENCE in MINNESOTA.
20141231—19760000 —IN, EDWARD—HERRMANN won 1—TONY—AWARD for his performance in "MISTER—S—WARREN—PROFESSION".
20141231—20070000 —IN, Hamas civil servants went on strike —AFTER THE—PALESTINE—GOVERNMENT said it would rehire THOUSANDS—OF—GAZA staff who were laid off —WHEN the Islamist movement seized power.
20141231—20140000 —IN, 1—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—TALLY showed 83—PEOPLE have been beheaded in SAUDI—ARABIA.
20141231—20140214 —ON, she insisted —AFTER serving a —45—DAY—SENTENCE that she had been unjustly imprisoned, saying she was forced to sign 1—PAPER in Hebrew, which she does not understand.
201501011231 —DAS—JAHR war im Durchschnitt 0,9 Grad wärmer als der Durchschnitt des
201501011231 —DAS—JAHR—LAUT, NOAA war um 0,16—GRAD—CELSIUS wärmer als der —BISHERIGE Rekordhalter 20140000 .
20150105 —IM—SCHON 04010101—05001231 —CENTURY_VOR_CHRISTUS bekam 1—DER KELTENfürsten aus dem hessischen Glauberg 1—STIEFELFÖRMIGES Trinkgefäß mit ins Grab.
20150108 SOUTH—SYRIA, AL—QAIDA—NUSRA—FRONT—MILITANTS blew up the 12010101—13001231 tomb of 1—REVERED—ISLAMIC—SCHOLAR.
20150114 —PACKED, SRI—LANKA, 1—MILLION worshippers, THE—COLOMBO seafront to greet FRANCIS—PAPA as he canonized SRI—LANKA—1. saint, JOSEPH—VAZ, a 16010101—17001231 missionary.
20150121—200801011231—Every—3—WEEKS, we bring online as much solar power as we did IN ALL OF.
20150123 —NUN, aber berichten Forscher der UNIVERSITY—OF—U insurgency in KENYA 19500101—19591231 —IN—THE, s, THE—BRITISH formed teams of friendly Kikuyu tribesmen who went about pretending to be terrorists.
20150129 es ist kein Zufall, dass die neue Mode der Gotik ausgerechnet am Übergang zwischen dem 11000101—12991231 aufkam.
20150129 Besonders wirkmächtig schnitzten Aufklärer 16000101—17991231 —UND—DES, sowie ROMANTIKEr
20150129 Fortschritt wurde —ERST 16000101—16991231 —SPÄTEM—IM, zum LEIT—WERT 1—KULTUR, die sich aus den Fängen der Tradition befreien, selbst denken, voranschreiten wollte.
20150129 Der FRANZÖSISCHE—PHILOSOPH WILHELM—VON—CONCHES brachte die Ansicht —ANFANG des 10000101—10991231 in 1—SATZ: "sumus relatores et expositores veterum, non inventores novorum"- wir sind Vermittler und Erklärer des Alten, nicht Erfinder von Neuem.
20150201 Leading scientist speaks of cultural 'Chernobyl' —AFTER blaze ravages 2.000—SQ metres of MOSCOW institute holding papers dating to 15000101—15991231 18000101—18991231 —IN—THE, —WHEN the 1.feeble bits struggled down the 1.undersea cable joining the Old World to the New, it must have made people's hair stand up on end in more than —JUST the purely electrical SENSE—IT must have seemed supernatural.
20150201 Leading scientist speaks of cultural 'Chernobyl' —AFTER blaze ravages 2.000—SQ metres of MOSCOW institute holding papers dating to 15000101—15991231 20150201 Leading scientist speaks of cultural 'Chernobyl' —AFTER blaze ravages 2.000—SQ metres of MOSCOW institute holding papers dating to 15000101—15991231 18000101—18991231 —IN—THE, —WHEN the 1.feeble bits struggled down the 1.undersea cable joining the Old World to the New, it must have made people's hair stand up on end in more than —JUST the purely electrical SENSE—IT must have seemed supernatural.
20150203 —INCLUDED, His 80—BOOKS, 8 on the Holocaust as well as a 3—VOLUME "HISTORY—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 ".
20150206 URSULA—VON—DER—LEYEN is 1—DESCENDANT—OF—BARON—LUDWIG—KNOOP PAGE—14, 19670824 PAGE—22, and, 1—COTTON MERCHANT—OF—THE—CITY—STATE—OF—BREMEN and 1—OF—THE—MOST successful entrepreneurs of the 18000101—18991231 20150330 —ARRESTED, MEXICO, JOSE—GUADALUPE—REYES—RIVERA was, in 1—MACHINE—SHOP in CIUDAD—VICTORIA in connection with 20100824 —THE, massacre of 72—MIGRANTS.
20150216 "Anker dieses Typs werden auf GOTLAND und Öland gefunden, wo sie noch —BIS zu BEGINN—18000101—18991231 —DES, in Gebrauch waren".
20150218 —CA—3,—EURO Vermögen weist das Zahlenwerk für DAS—ERZ—BISTUM—KÖLN und den mit ihm verbundenen BISCHOF—STUHL zum 20131231 aus.
20150227 Schach war 10950000—10991231 —CA—UM, als dem Schnitzer das Messer in des KÖNIG—GESICHT abrutschte, noch 1—RELATIV neues Spiel in ENGLAND.
20150227 Genügend Abnehmer für seine Figuren wird der Schachfigurenschnitzer im NORTHAMPTON des 10000101—10991231 gehabt haben.
20150227 New PROVIDENCE, Bei Ausgrabungen in GROß—BRITANNIEN wurde 1—SCHNITZWERKSTATT 10000101—10991231 —AUS—DEM, ENTDECKT—MIT Figuren aus Geweihen.
20150305 —FOUNDED, Nimrud was, in the 12010101—13001231 BC and was considered the jewel of the Assyrian era.
20150309 I started using it in order to get everybody to use it, so we could be a 20000101—20991231 institution and not a 18000101—18991231.
20150319 —ARRESTED, THAILAND police —TODAY, Boon Ching Teo (51) of MALAYSIA, and Sirichai Sridanont (50) of THAILAND, —AFTER seizing 51—PIECES—OF—AFRICA—IVORY 20151231 in THE—NORTH—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—SURIN.
20150412 —DESCRIBED, In THE—VATICAN—FRANCIS—PAPA, 19150000 —THE—MASSACRE—OF as many as 1.5—MILLION—ARMENIANS as "the 1. genocide of the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY" at a 100. anniversary MASSACHUSETTS TURKEY swiftly summoned THE—VATICAN—AMBASSADOR in ANKARA to protest.
20150425 —KILLED, NEPAL, 1—MAGNITUDE 7.9—EARTHQUAKE, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE, toppling a 18010101—19001231 tower in THE—CAPITAL—KATHMANDU and touching off 1—DEADLY—AVALANCHE on MOUNT—EVEREST.
20150516 —PRAISED, FRANCIS—PAPA, PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS as an "ANGEL—OF—PEACE" —DURING 1—MEETING at THE—VATICAN that underscored the Holy SEE—WARM—RELATIONS with the Palestinians as it prepares to canonize Mariam Bawardy and MARIE—ALPHONSINE—GHATTAS, 2 18010101—19001231 nuns from the region.
20150517 —CANONIZED, FRANCIS—PAPA, 2—NUNS from what was 18010101—19001231 Palestine.
20150603 Für ihre METASTUDIE—ARBEITETEN sich die Psychologen durch DIE—ERGEBNISSE—VON—INTELLIGENZTESTS aus mehr als 00010101—01001231.
20150728 The comparative method has been 1—OF—THE—HALLMARKS of anthropology —SINCE its inception in the middle of the 18000101—18991231.
20150812 Of course —WHILE there were no doubt plenty of JESUS' in the 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY, JESUS—OF—NAZARETH could not have existed —SINCE NAZARETH didn't exist —UNTIL the 01010101—02001231 —CENTURY.
20150823 —BEWAHRHEITET, DIE—SCHLIMMSTEN Befürchtungen der Archäologen haben sich : TERRORISTEN des "ISLAMISCHER—STAAT"(IS) haben eines der wichtigsten antiken Bauwerke in der SYRIEN—RUINENSTADT Palmyra zerstört: den BAALSCHAMIN—TEMPEL, der im 01000101—01991231 n.
20151005 —INCLUDED, GRACE—LEE—BOGGS—BOOKS, "Revolution and Evolution in the 19010101—20001231 " (19740000 ), CO—WRITTEN with her husband, and her memoir "Living for Change" (19980000 ).
20151011 Der SYRISCHE—BÜRGER—KRIEG ist für das 20000101—20991231 ., was der SPANISCHER—BÜRGER—KRIEG für das
20151024 —MASSED, IRAQ, huge crowds of BLACK—CLAD Shiite faithful, in KARBALA, crying and beating their chests to commemorate Ashura, the 06010101—07001231 killing of the prophet's grandson.
20151028 Das ENDE—DER—EISZEITLICHEN—MEGAFAUNA beschäftigt Forscher —SEIT—DEM—SCHON 18000101—18991231 20151028 Das Luftschiff wird zur ÜBERWACHUNG eingesetzt und kann mittels Sensor—, Netzwerktechnik vor Drohnen und Marschflugkörpern WARNEN.
20151108 THE—NLD won enough seats in PARLIAMENT to allow it to form MYANMAR—1. truly CIVIL—GOVERNMENT in more than HALF—1—CENTURY.
20151111 sinkende STAATS—SCHULDENQUOTE auf, DIE—USA—VON—1945—1982—UND auch 19900101—19991231 —JAHREN—IN—DEN.
20151124 TURKEY shot down 1—RUSSIA—WARPLANE—NEAR THE—SYRIA—BORDER, saying it had repeatedly violated its air space, 1—OF—THE—MOST serious publicly acknowledged clashes between 1—NATO—MEMBER—COUNTRY and RUSSIA for HALF—1—CENTURY.
20151128 —HONORED, UGANDA, FRANCIS—PAPA, UGANDA's 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY Christian martyrs and encouraged its 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY Christian youths —DURING 1—DAY that saw nearly 1—HALF—MILLION—UGANDANS turn out to see him.
20151216—20151231 —ON, Total Trib Media said it is closing the Valley Independent in Monessen and the Daily News in McKeesport, WEST—PENNSYLVANIA, putting 87—EMPLOYEES OUT—OF—WORK.
20151224 —EVACUATED, ARGENTINA authorities said that 10,000—PEOPLE were, in Entre Rios province —AFTER rains swelled THE—URUGUAY—RIVER to its highest level in nearly 1—CENTURY.
20151231 Aufrüstung in ASIEN: CHINA baut 2. Flugzeugträger
20151231 BERICHT—ÜBER—RAKETEN—TEST: IRAN wirft USA psychologische KRIEG—FÜHRUNG vor
20151231 Betroffen ist unter anderem der E—MAIL—DIENST Outlook.
20151231 Blick der Weltpresse: DEUTSCHLAND 20150000 - gefürchtet, gehasst und bewundert
20151231 Britischer Rundfunksender: Hacker legen BBC—WEB—SEITE lahm
20151231 Chaos Communication CONGRESS: Die sitzen ja gar nicht vor Zahlentapeten
20151231 DAS—UNTERNEHMEN war wegen 1—REIHE—VON—HACKER—ANGRIFFEN 20110000 —J—AUS—DEM, unter Druck geraten.
20151231 DIE—AUSREDE wirkt auch auffallend lame: Sie waren sich gar nicht völlig sicher, wer da der Angreifer war (na und?!) und man habe ja auch an die Auswirkungen 1—WARNUNG der Opfer auf zukünftige Ermittlungen denken müssen.
20151231 DIE—BEWOHNER werden aufgefordert, größere Ansammlungen zu MEIDEN—VOR allem den Hauptbahnhof und den Bahnhof Pasing.
20151231 DIE—IDEE ist offensichtlich, dass niemand Gelegenheit erhält, in SCHWEDEN Asyl zu beantragen.
20151231 DIE—REISEBETRIEBE können das natürlich nicht leisten und stellen daher beispielsweise den Zugverkehr von DÄNEMARK nach SCHWEDEN lieber ganz ein.
20151231 Das sind umgerechnet knapp 5500€
20151231 GRUND—EINKOMMEN aus ÖL—EINNAHMEN: Schwarzes Gold für DIE—ARMEN
20151231 INTERNET—RIESEN wie FACEBOOK, Twitter und YAHOO haben ihre Praxis bei den Warnungen —BEREITS ebenfalls verschärft.
20151231 In 1—MITTEILUNG heißt es, es gebe ernst zu nehmende Hinweise, dass —HEUTE—NOCH, Nacht 1—TERROR—AKT geplant ist.
20151231 Ist sowas kein VERSTOß—GEGEN—EU—RECHT?
20151231 Luxushotel: Großfeuer in DUBAI—WOLKENKRATZER steht in Flammen
20151231 —CONCLUDED, Microsoft Corp experts, several YEARS—AGO that CHINA—AUTHORITIES had hacked into more than a 1000—HOTMAIL email accounts, targeting INTERNATIONAL LEADERS—OF—CHINA—TIBETAN and Uighur minorities in particular — but it decided not to tell the victims, allowing the hackers to continue their campaign, ACCORDING—TO—FORMER—EMPLOYEES—OF—THE—COMPANY.
20151231 Microsoft habe die Opfer jedoch nicht gewarnt.
20151231 Microsoft schrieb nun, man gehe 1—SCHRITT weiter, weil es wahrscheinlich sei, dass staatliche Angriffe komplexer und langwieriger seien als Attacken von gewöhnlichen Cyberkriminellen.
20151231 NORD—KOREA: DIKTATOR—KIM weint um seinen Berater
20151231 Neujahrsansprache: MERKEL fürchtet Spaltung Deutschlands
20151231 USA—PLANS missile sanctions against IRAN
20151231 Und zwar hat DAS—PARLAMENT beschossen, dass Verkehrsunternehmen vor der Einreise die Identität aller Einreisenden überprüft haben müssen, und nur DIE—LEUTE reinlassen dürfen, die 1.gültige Aufenthaltsgenehmigung haben.
20151231 Wie DAS—UNTERNEHMEN auf seiner WEB—SEITE mitteilte, werde man künftig Alarm schlagen, wenn man den Verdacht hat, dass sich staatliche Hacker Zugriff auf Nutzerkonten verschaffen.
20151231 —GEWESEN, Ziel seien vor allem TIBETer und Uiguren, -
20151231 [l] Der BR hat gerade (10—VOR 11—SILVESTER!) 1.TERROR—WARNUNG für München rausgehauen.
20151231 [l] ISRAEL—OBERSTES—GERICHT hat EX—PREMIER Ehud Olmert wegen KORRUPTION zu 18—MONATEN Haft verurteilt.
20151231 [l] SCHWEDEN verhängt —JETZT 50000€ STRAFE—FÜR—JEDEN FLÜCHTLING, den Verkehrsunternehmen reinlassen.
20151231 [l] Schweres Foul im Hause Microsoft: staatliche Angriffe
20151231 Ärztepräsident: MONTGOMERY widerspricht Vorurteil von kranken FLÜCHTLINGEn
20151231 —BÜRGER—KRIEG—IN—DER—OSTTÜRKEI—ERDOGAN droht der PKK mit "Säuberung"
20151231 —STREIT—MIT—DEN—USA: IRAN will RAKETEN—PROGRAMM beschleunigen
20151231 —UPDATE, 50000 SEK, nicht 50000€.
20151231 —CONDUCTED, THE—USA and its allies, 24—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic STATE—IN—IRAQ.
20151231 —RETIRED, ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA police officer FRANK—PASCUA, 52—JAHRE—ALT was shot and killed in the parking LOT—OF—THE—GILA—RIVER—CASINO in PHOENIX.
20151231 —ARRESTED, Suspect JOHN—CAMPOS—SENIOR, 47—JAHRE—ALT was, the next —DAY.
20151231 —PASSED, The largest container ship to visit THE—USA, under the Golden Gate Bridge in S—FRANCISCO —BEFORE arriving at the Port of OAKLAND.
20151231 —NAMED, The nearly QUARTER—MILE—LONG—MEGASHIP, THE—BENJAMIN—FRANKLIN can hold up to 18,000 20-foot shipping containers.
20151231 † WAYNE—ROGERS, TV actor who played Trapper John on MASH (19720000—19750000 ), in LOS—ANGELES from complications of pneumonia.
20151231 Midwest floodwaters began receding.
20151231 —SIGNED, BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—DILMA—ROUSSEFF, THE—SO—CALLED—LDO law overruling more than 50—AMENDMENTS made by lawmakers in the nation's budget guidelines law for this —YEAR, including reductions to her flagship social program and 1—BAN on state foreign financing for SOME—PROJECTS.
20151231 Ursula Gauthier, THE—CHINA—CORRESPONDENT for FRANCE—LE—OBS news magazine, left BEIJING.
20151231 —OBLIGED, She was, to leave for criticizing government policy in VIOLENCE—WRACKED Xinjiang.
20151231 —QUESTIONED, She had, official comparisons between global Islamist violence and unrest in the homeland of the mainly Muslim Uighur ethnic minority.
20151231 EGYPT, 1—COUPLE and their 3—CHILDREN, including a 5—YEAR—OLD—GIRL, were killed —WHEN shelling hit their house in RAFAH, NORTH—SINAI.
20151231 —FIRED, It was unclear who, the projectile.
20151231 EGYPT, 1—SMALL ferry boat sank late —TODAY in the Nile Delta PROVINCE—OF—KAFR—EL—SHEIKH.
20151231 —KILLED, At least 15—PEOPLE were, and 2 remained missing.
20151231 —COORDINATED, GERMANY, DOZENS—OF—APPARENTLY, sexual assaults took place against women on New —YEAR—EVE in THE—WEST—CITY—OF—COLOGNE.
20151231 "ARAB—LOOKING men" were blamed.
20151231 —REPORTED, The port CITY—OF—HAMBURG also, —AROUND 10—SIMILAR—ATTACKS against women on New —YEAR—EVE.
20151231 —OVERCROWDED, GUATEMALA, 1—FIGHT at 1, prison in Puerto Barrios, killed at least 8—PRISONERS and wounded 20.
20151231 —RULED, Officials said ISRAEL—EDUCATION—MINISTRY has, against the inclusion of 1—NOVEL about 1—ROMANCE between 1—ISRAEL—WOMAN and 1—PALESTINE—MAN in the Hebrew high school curriculum because it feared it could raise tensions among pupils.
20151231 The plot of Dorit RABINYAN—NOVEL "Borderlife" takes place in NEW—YORK.
20151231 —RAMMED, ISRAEL—TROOPS shot and killed 1—PALESTINE—WHO, them with his car in the occupied WEST—BANK, as 1—WAVE—OF—VIOLENCE approached its 4. —MONTH.
20151231 —ANNOUNCED, IVORY—COAST—PRESIDENT—ALASSANE—OUATTARA, in his New —YEAR—ADDRESS that he had reduced the sentences of 3,100 prisoners held over bloody POST—ELECTION—UNREST.
20151231 —REMANDED, Rights campaigners said 1—MAURITANIA—COURT has, in custody 2—MEN accused of keeping women and children as slaves, —DURING 1—CRACKDOWN on the deeply rooted practice.
20151231 THE—RUSSIA—FINANCE—MINISTRY said it will file 1—LAWSUIT against UKRAINE —AFTER Kiev failed to repay a $3—BILLION Eurobond and $75—MILLION—OF—INTEREST due —TODAY.
20151231 —GROPED, SWEDEN, at least 15—YOUNG—WOMEN were reportedly, by GROUPS—OF—MEN on New —YEAR—EVE in THE—CITY—OF—KALMAR.
20151231 —CANCELLED, TURKEY, HUNDREDS—OF—FLIGHTS were, from ISTANBUL—2—MAIN—AIRPORTS—AFTER the city was hit by 1—PICTURESQUE but troublesome snowfall.
20151231 Electricity from UKRAINE to THE—RUSSIA—ANNEXED Crimean peninsula was cut again —AFTER the collapse of 1—POWER pylon.
20151231 —KILLED, YEMEN, 1—DRIVE—BY shooting, top PRO—GOVERNMENT—MILITIA—LEADER AHMED—AL—IDRISI and 5—OF—HIS companions in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—ADEN, —JUST hours —AFTER he reluctantly handed over CONTROL—OF—THE—CITY—STRATEGIC port to government troops.
20151231 aus.
20151231 Anschließend gehen diese Salzrechte wieder auf die Eigentümer des darüber liegenden Grund und Bodens ÜBER—ZUMEIST Gegner eines Atommülllagers in der Region.
20151231 Wie die "SZ" meldet,
20151231 haben Recherchen einer ANTI—ATOM—AKTIVISTIN die VERTRÄGE—DER—GRUNDBESITZER mit dem Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz zutage gefördert.
20151231—20130000 —IN, 1—COURT—IN—BANGLADESH sentenced 2—PEOPLE to death and 6—OTHERS to prison for killing atheist blogger AHMED—RAJIB—HAIDER, the 1. verdicts —SINCE suspected Islamist militants began targeting secular activists.
20151231—20150119 —BY, THE—NUMBER—OF—COMPLAINTS had risen to over 800.
20151231—20151226 —ON, 3—DAYS—OF—TORRENTIAL rain, that had begun across 1—WIDE swath of MISSOURI and ILLINOIS, left 25—PEOPLE—DEAD.
201601011231 WIRTSCHAFTS—WACHSTUM, Boom! (Wirtschaft, 10:06)
201601011231 † † † 291.100—MENSCHEN, in EUROPA an den Folgen ÜBER—MÄßIGEN ALKOHOL—KONSUMS, berichtet DIE—WHO.
20160111 Feld Entertainment, parent company of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & BAILEY—CIRCUS, said the elephant acts that have been PART—OF—THEIR circus shows for more than 1—CENTURY will end in May, —EARLIER than their previously announcement retirement.
20160113 CHILE—ARCHITECT ALEJANDRO—ARAVENA won the prestigious 20160000 Pritzker Prize, earning praise for "powerful" designs that address key social and economic challenges of the 20010101—21001231 .
20160113 USA—LEADERSHIP in the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY is not 1—CHOICE between ignoring THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD?—?except —WHEN we kill terrorists;
20160113 wäre die Entdeckung 1—CENTURYSENSATION.
20160129 Als die ARABER 06000101—06991231 —IM, das BYZANTINER—REICH angriffen, färbte das etwa ab.
20160129 Tatort dieser Ausrottung war NEUSEELAND, Opfer waren 9—SPEZIES von Moas, die Tatzeit war das 12000101—12991231 und DIE—TÄTER Polynesier.
20160130 1—ÄHNLICHES Szenario hat es —LAUT—ANGABEN, des Goldhändlers 19700101—19791231 —JAHREN—IN—DEN, gegeben.
20160318 Im Vergleich zum 18000101—18991231 kratzte die globale Temperatur damit an der kritischen Schwelle von 1,5 Grad, die laut UNO—KLIMA—VERTRAG möglichst vermieden werden sollte.
20160318 Dramatisches: Die Temperaturkurve der NORD—HALBKUGEL war 2—GRAD über die Durchschnittstemperatur 18000101—18991231 —DES, GESCHNELLT—DIE 2—GRAD—GRENZE gilt KLIMA—FORSCHERN als gefährliche Schwelle.
20160405 —LANDED, JÜRGEN—MOSSACK'S'S family, here 19600101—19691231 —IN—THE, s.
20160412 Übrigens fällt bei der Gelegenheit auf, daß dieser §—103—STGB eigentlich völlig überflüssig ist, 1—DEMOKRATIE unwürdig, und auch unter dem Namen "SCHAH—PARAGRAF"bekannt ist, weil DER—SCHAH von Persien ihn 19600101—19691231 —JAHREN—IN—DEN, besonders häufig anwenden ließ.
20160427 SPAIN, construction workers came across 19—AMPHORAS containing THOUSANDS—OF—BRONZE and SILVER—COATED coins dating from THE—END—OF—THE 03010101—04001231 in THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—TOMARES outside Seville.
20160502 TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SHIITE faithful have been making their way this —WEEK to THE—NORTH—BAGHDAD NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—KADHIMIYAH, where the 07010101—08001231 —CENTURY Imam Moussa AL—KADHIM is buried.
20160504 There was THE—FBI—COINTELPRO, a —PROGRAM—OF—COVERT—ACTION launched against the social MOVEMENTS—OF—THE 19600101—19691231 s and 1970s, perceived to be HOME—GROWN threats to the social and political order.
20160516 Bekannt wurde Berger 19800101—19891231 —JAHREN—IN—DEN, als Sexspezialistin der Nation mit der RTL—SENDUNG "CALL—IN - 1.Chance für die Liebe".
20160601 Das Gefühl der Sicherheit ist das, was den Unter—, längst auch den Mittelschichten in den Umbrüchen 20000101—20991231 —DES, zunehmend abhanden kommt.
20160612 DIE—ART—DER—WASSERVERSORGUNG galt als Erfindung aus der ANGKOR—BLÜTEZEIT 08000101—08991231 —ZWISCHEN—DEM, und
20160617 Alle taten es: DIE—CHINESEN spielten _02000101_02991231 —IM—BEREITS, Cuju;
20160617 Alle taten es: DIE—CHINESEN spielten —BEREITS im02000101—02991231 _VOR_CHRISTUS Cuju;
20160618—20161231 —JAHR, FRONTEX rechnet mit 300.000—BOOTSFLÜCHTLINGEN aus LIBYEN (Politik, 08:50)
20160620 32—BIENENSTÖCKE haben sie in ihrem Revier —SCHON angelegt: "17000101—17991231 —IM, gab es hier 20.000, doch dann geriet die traditionelle Imkerei immer mehr in Vergessenheit".
20160620 Genau das ist offenbar hier zwischen dem 23. und dem 20000101—20991231 _VOR_CHRISTUS passiert, Frauen wurden gemeuchelt, Kinder, Jugendliche.
20160709 Die Grabstätte am Rande der heutigen Küstenstadt Aschkelon geht —BIS ins 09010101—10001231 —CENTURY vor Christi Geburt zurück
20160714 "—BISHER ist TRIER vor allem aus SPÄT—ANTIKER Sicht wahrgenommen worden, das frühe00000101—00991231 ist noch kaum erforscht".
20160728 Es entstand _00000101_00991231 —IM, und zeigt Gläubige, die mit OPFER—GABEN zur Stupa kommen.
20160728 Flatterten 18400101—18491231 —JAHREN—IN—DEN, noch 117—ARTEN—VON—TAGFALTERN und WIDDERCHEN—TAGAKTIVE KLEINSCHMETTERLINGE—AM Keilberg, so waren es 2010ca00 nur noch 71,
20160809 Nicht weit entfernt von dem Gebiet, auf —DEM—HEUTE die SERBIEN—STADT Kostolac steht, befand sich vom 1.bis05000101—05991231 DIE—RÖMER—STADT—VIMINACIUM.
20160816 —NAMED, It was, —AFTER 1—CHINA—PHILOSOPHER—OF—THE 04010101—05001231 .
20160820 EVERY—STANDARD—HISTORICAL narrative of the 19600101—19691231 s that continues to exclude mention of serious plans for 1—USA—NUCLEAR 1.strike constitutes 1—TACIT DENIAL—OF—THAT—IMPORTANT—REALITY,
20160820 —FAILED, If our media, to report these shocking new facts about the —EARLY, 19600101—19691231 s, how much can we rely upon it for COVERAGE—OF—PRESENT—DAY—EVENTS—OF—ENORMOUS—IMPORTANCE, given the vastly more immediate pressures and political interests which are surely brought to bear?
20160823 1.Liste der "100—GREATEST Films of the 20010101—21001231 so far"
20160823 "Mulholland Drive"von Regisseur DAVID—LYNCH ist der beste Film 20000101—20991231 —DES..
20160826 —INAUGURATED, ISTANBUL, the $3—BILLION SELIM—BRIDGE, named —AFTER the 15010101—16001231 —CENTURY Ottoman SULTAN.
20160924 FRANKFURT buhlt um LONDONs BANKER: "DER—BREXIT ist 00010101—01001231 —CENTURYCHANCE"(KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 14:45)
20161021 Its ideology, its political RELIGION, is seen by growing millions as 1—GOLDEN—CALF, a 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY god that has failed.
20161026 —1— D, The piece of papyrus, by THE—ISRAEL—ANTIQUITIES—AUTHORITY to the 06010101—07001231 B.C., was presented at 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE in JERUSALEM shortly —AFTER PARIS—BASED UNESCO adopted 1—RESOLUTION that ISRAEL said denied JUDAISM—LINK to the ancient city.
20161028 sie soll 10000101—10991231 —AUS—DEM, stammen.
20161115 The rebuilt CAST—IRON—DOME—OF—THE—USA—CAPITOL, 1—SOARING SYMBOL—OF—NATIONAL unity —SINCE the 18010101—19001231 , was formally completed —AFTER a $60—MILLION—OVERHAUL that included repairing RUST—CHOKED gutters and more than 1,300 cracks.
20161117 THE—UNITED—NATIONS said its budget to assist people suffering from ZIMBABWE—WORST—DROUGHT in 1—QUARTER—OF—00010101—01001231 —CENTURY that left millions in NEED—OF—FOOD—AID had fallen short by $140—MILLION.
20161126 FIDEL—CASTRO, hat DER—FRÜHERE—DEUTSCHLAND—AUSSEN—MINISTER—HANS—DIETRICH—GENSCHER einmal geschrieben, "ragt wie 1—MONUMENT aus 1—ANDEREN Zeit 20000101—20991231 —IN—DAS, hinein".
20161202—20161231 —ON, THE—ISA had been due to expire.
20161213 —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, the 20010101—21001231 Cures Act, legislation that makes new investments in cancer research and battling drug abuse.
20161216 1—BLAST—OF—ARCTIC—AIR hammered THE—NORTH—EAST—USA, bringing BOSTON the coldest temperatures for this —DAY in more than 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY, prompting schools closings and officials to warn residents to cover up or stay indoors.
20161224 —PROPOSED, The memorial includes 1, 192-meter (630-foot) -tall statue of Shivaji, a 15010101—16001231 ruler from WEST—INDIA and will be built off THE—COAST—OF—MUMBAI on land reclaimed from the Arabian Sea.
20161227 —WHEN it COMES to influencing public opinion, broadcasting has been the single most powerful force in USA—SOCIETY—SINCE the turn 19000101—19991231 —OF—THE, but especially 19870000 —SINCE.
20161229—20161231 —BY, the bodies of 16—OF 23 trapped workers were recovered.
20161231 "Grizzly Steppe": Russische Hacker sollen USA—STROMVERSORGER angegriffen haben
20161231 Beides könnte stimmen.
20161231 Bonus: Der FIRMEN—CHEF—REDET sich dann mit "low blood sugar"raus.
20161231 DONALD—TRUMP—NEUJAHRSGRÜßE: "Liebe!" - Das trieft nur so vor RASSISMUS.
20161231 ELEFANTEN—SCHUTZ, CHINA will ELFENBEIN—HANDEL verbieten - Hat also doch jemand was davon gelernt!
20161231 Ich hab da mal durchgeblättert und war mehr als nur ein bisschen unbeeindruckt.
20161231 Im 3. Quartal 20160000 ist DIE—ZAHL—DER—STRAFTATEN durch FLÜCHTLINGE stark gefallen.
20161231 In der Heimat des BERLIN—ATTENTÄTERS: Amri und die 40—BRÜDER
20161231 —ENTRÜSTET, Kardinäle : MCDONALD—ERÖFFNET Filiale am VATIKAN
20161231 Man ahnt —SCHON, daß es hier nicht um ERKENNTNIS—GEWINN sondern um Bestätigung für ein rassistisches Weltbild geht.
20161231 MANY—REPORTERS I know are quietly freaking out about having to go through that AGAIN.
20161231 Mathies: Genau das habe ich in Gesprächen mit Beamtinnen immer wieder abgefragt — und immer nur zu hören bekommen, dem sei nicht so.
20161231 Mathies: Nein.
20161231 Neujahrsansprache der KANZLERIN: "Unser STAAT ist stärker als DER—TERRORISMUS"
20161231 SCHWARZER: (lacht) Kann es sein, daß Ihre Kolleginnen das nicht zugeben mögen, weil es ihnen peinlich ist, weil es sie schmerzt und demütigt?
20161231 SCHWARZER: Also, das nehme ich Ihnen nicht ab! SCHWARZER: Ja, wohl wahr.
20161231 This dramatic story puts THE—NEWS—MEDIA in 1—JACKPOT.
20161231 VENEZUELA—REGIERUNG lässt inhaftierte OPPOSITIONelle frei
20161231 Was mich interessieren würde, Herr POLIZEI—PRÄSIDENT: Gibt es eigentlich 1.höhere Gewaltbereitschaft von Männern mit MIGRATION—HINTERGRUND gegen POLIZISTinnen?
20161231 Whoa, whoa, das ist ja mal harter Tobak.
20161231 Wie kommt es eigentlich, daß solchen fiesen Rassisten immer wieder 1—FORUM geboten wird?
20161231 Wie man sich bei der Größe der Zahl —SCHON denken kann, reden wir hier zum GROßTEIL—VON—BAGATELLDELIKTEN wie Schwarzfahren.
20161231 Wow. [l] Aus 1—EINEM BKA—LAGEBERICHT,
20161231 [l] DAS—WEIßE—HAUS hat 1—REPORT veröffentlicht, der als BEWEIS—OFFENLEGUNG für die Behauptung angekündigt war, daß DIE—RUSSEN DIE—USA—WAHLEN gecybert haben.
20161231 [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20161231 —ETWA bei 50 % der 1.Seite sagt SCHWARZER, man dürfe da nicht pauschalisieren sondern müsse in jedem Einzelfall genau hingucken, und dann die rausschmeißen, die "hier nichts verloren haben".
20161231 —NACH—ÜBERGRIFFEN, KÖLN rüstet für Silvester auf
20161231 —INCLUDED, His books, more than 40—VOLUMES—OF poetry and THE—NON—FICTION—WORKS such as "READING Jazz" (19930000 ).
20161231 —MARCHED, CHICAGO, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE, carrying crosses for EACH—OF—762—PEOPLE slain in the city this —YEAR.
20161231 —GRANTED, TEXAS, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE, 1—TEMPORARY—INJUNCTION that stope federal health officials from enforcing rules that are intended to ban discrimination by doctors and hospitals against transgender people.
20161231 —KILLED, TEXAS, 3—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 2—SMALL—PLANES collided near McKinney.
20161231 BANGLADESH, Manzurul Islam Liton, 1—NATIONAL—LEGISLATOR from PRIME—MINISTER—SHEIKH—HASINA—AWAMI—LEAGUE—PARTY, was shot at his home in Gaibandha district.
20161231 —STORMED, BRAZIL, 1—GUNMAN, 1—HOUSE—PARTY and killed 13—PEOPLE and himself late —TODAY—DURING New —YEAR celebrations in THE—SOUTH—EAST—CITY—OF—CAMPINAS.
20161231 —BELIEVED, The shooter was, to have been angry over 1—SEPARATION from his former wife, who was among those killed.
20161231 † The couple's 8—YEAR—OLD son also.
20161231 —LAUNCHED, SOUTH—ENGLAND, THE—RMT union, a 3—DAY—STRIKE on SOUTH—RAIL, which runs commuter services from the south coast into LONDON, as PART—OF—1—LONG—RUNNING dispute over plans to downgrade THE—ROLE—OF—THE—TRAIN—GUARD.
20161231 —REPORTED, CHINA—MEDIA, that Gao Baoyu, THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—CHINA—YING—KOU—PORT—GROUP, was sentenced to 14—YEARS in prison for accepting —AROUND 26.8—MILLION yuan (3.13—MILLION—POUNDS) in bribes.
20161231 —RECOVERED, CHINA—CORRUPTION—WATCHDOG said it has, 2.3—BILLION yuan ($331.27—MILLION) in losses from graft in the 1. 11—MONTHS—OF—THIS —YEAR from across more than 70—DIFFERENT regions and countries.
20161231 —REPORTED, CHINA—OFFICIAL—XINHUA news agency, that 16—PEOPLE, including 2—SURGEONS, have been jailed for between 2 and 5—YEARS for trafficking in human organs, 1—PRACTICE still widespread in the country.
20161231 COLOMBIA—NATIONAL—LIBERATION—ARMY, which has been fighting the government for more than 5—DECADES, freed businessman Octavio Figueroa.
20161231 He had been held —SINCE March.
20161231 1—EGYPT—APPEALS—COURT upheld 1—AGREEMENT to give control of 2—ISLANDS in the Red Sea to SAUDI—ARABIA.
20161231 EGYPT, 1—EXPLOSION targeting 1—SECURITY—VEHICLE in the Sinai peninsula killed 1—JUNIOR—OFFICER and 1—SOLDIER and injured another soldier.
20161231 —ACCUSED, GAMBIA—PRESIDENT—YAHYA—JAMMEH, THE—WEST—AFRICAN regional bloc ECOWAS of declaring war —AFTER demanding that he stand down —FOLLOWING his defeat at the ballot box.
20161231 —DETAINED, GERMANY, police, HUNDREDS—OF—NORTH—AFRICAN men in Cologne in 1—EFFORT to prevent 1—REPEAT of sexual assaults —DURING New —YEAR—FESTIVITIES there 1—YEAR ago.
20161231 —GROPED, INDIA, several women were, and assaulted by 1—MOB in THE—BANGALORE central business district as they celebrated New —YEAR—EVE.
20161231 —SPURRED, The assaults, women's rights activists to demand that police investigate.
20161231 —KILLED, IRAQ, 3—BOMBS, 29—PEOPLE in BAGHDAD as fighting intensified in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL, where IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—FORCES are trying to rout Islamic State militants from their last major stronghold in the country.
20161231 —INJURED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, 1—PERSON was seriously, —WHEN 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER aged —AROUND 10—BLEW herself up in 1—NEW—YEAR—EVE attack in MAIDUGURI.
20161231 POLAND, DANIEL—R and another Pole took 2—BOTTLES—OF—1—BEVERAGE from THE—PRINCE—KEBAB restaurant in Elk, without paying.
20161231 —STABBED, In the ensuing brawl, a 26—YEAR—OLD—TUNISIA—COOK, DANIEL—R twice with his knife.
20161231 1—SOUTH—KOREA—COURT issued 1—ARREST—WARRANT for Moon HYUNG—PYO, the head of the national pension fund, the world's 3. largest, in 1—CORRUPTION—SCANDAL that has led to PRESIDENT—PARK—GEUN—HYE—IMPEACHMENT.
20161231 —GATHERED, SOUTH—KOREA, large crowds, to join another rally demanding the ouster of impeached PRESIDENT—PARK—GEUN—HYE, who's determined to restore her powers through 1—COURT—TRIAL.
20161231 —ANNOUNCED, SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—HASSAN—AL—BASHIR, a 1—MONTH—EXTENSION—OF his unilateral ceasefire in fighting with rebels in the country's war zones.
20161231 —THREATENED, SYRIA—REBEL—GROUPS, to abandon a 2—DAY—OLD—TRUCE if violations continued, and urged THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL not to endorse the deal —UNTIL THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT and its ally RUSSIA had shown they would respect it.
20161231—19460000 —AM, in EUROPA, erlöschen wird das HAPPY—BIRTHDAY—URHEBER—RECHT
20161231—20140000 —FREED, VENEZUELA—GOVERNMENT, former presidential candidate MANUEL—ROSALES along with 5—OTHER—ACTIVISTS who were jailed —DURING ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS.
201701011231 —J—IM, WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE,—CA—10.000—PROTESTE—IN—VENEZUELA (Politik, 08:27)
20170102 Wael Shalaby, 1—DEPUTY—CHIEF—JUSTICE in the country's administrative courts system, resigned 20171231 shortly —BEFORE he was arrested and was charged THE—FOLLOWING—DAY with taking 1—BRIBE.
20170113—20171231 PROGNOSE—FÜR, WELT—WEIT steigt DIE—ARBEITSLOSIGKEIT (Wirtschaft, 17:01)
20170120 —DESTROYED, THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT and experts said Islamic State militants have, parts of the 01010101—02001231 Roman amphitheater and 1—ICONIC—MONUMENT known as the Tetrapylon in the historic TOWN—OF—PALMYRA.
20170211 CONNECTICUT, the Yale UNIVERSITY—PRESIDENT—PETER—SALOVEY said 1—RESIDENTIAL—COLLEGE in NEW—HAVEN commemorating JOHN—CALHOUN, the 18010101—19001231 white supremacist statesman from SOUTH—CAROLINA, will be renamed for GRACE—MURRAY—HOPPER, 1—COMPUTER—SCIENTIST and Navy rear admiral.
20170211 THE—XUAN—KONG—SI—HANGING—MONASTERY, aka the Suspension TEMPLE, built into the side of 1—CLIFF near MOUNT—HENG, Shanxi PROVINCE—CHINA, 07000101—07991231 —IN—THE, BC, is 1—OF—THE—GREAT—ARCHITECTURAL and historical WONDERS—OF—CHINA.
20170301 —2—DAYS—LATER in WARSAW he said it is a "19010101—20001231 stereotype that women have the same intellectual potential as men," and that the stereotype "must be destroyed because it is not true".
20170301 COLOMBIA—FARC rebels begin disarming under 1—HISTORIC—PEACE—DEAL, beginning the delicate transition from guerrilla army to political party —AFTER more than HALF—1—CENTURY at war.
20170301 —SIGNED, INDONESIA and SAUDI—ARABIA, agreements in areas ranging from trade to aviation as the kingdom's monarch visited the world's most populous MUSLIM—MAJORITY—COUNTRY for the 1. time in almost HALF—1—CENTURY.
20170311 —DER—HEUTE, —76—JAHRE—ALTE verstieg sich in seinem 20100000 erschienenen Buch: "THE—VERTICAL—FARM: Feeding THE—WORLD in the 20010101—21001231 "sogar —BIS zur steilen These, daß man per Hochfarm auch den herrschenden Hunger in der Welt stillen könnte.
20170318 Batagaika Crater has been growing —SINCE the 19600101—19691231 s, and the growth —RATE is continuously increasing.
20170322 —PROSECUTED, GERMANY, THOUSANDS—OF—GAY—MEN, and jailed under 1—ARCANE 18010101—19001231 law were due to get compensation —AFTER the government passed 1—DRAFT—BILL to quash their convictions.
20170323 —SIGNED, FRANCIS—PAPA, canonization decrees making 5—MORE—CHILD saints: 2—PORTUGAL—SHEPHERD children who said the Virgin MARY appeared to them in Fatima —100—YEARS—AGO and 3—MEXICO—ADOLESCENTS who were killed for their faith in the 15010101—16001231 .
20170327 —BEKANNT, INTERNATIONAL, ist DER—NAME der Stadt zudem durch das 19500101—19591231 —JAHREN—IN—DEN, von Sozialwissenschaftler der UNIVERSITY—OF—MICHIGAN entwickelte ANN—ARBOR—MODELL der empirischen Wahlforschung
20170406 1—REAL—ESTATE—AGENT said CHINA—PEKING—UNIVERSITY is buying a 18010101—19001231 manor house near OXFORD in SOUTH—ENGLAND to use as 1—CAMPUS in 1—MULTIMILLION—DOLLAR—DEAL.
20170407 —CLEARED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION, THE—MULTI—BILLION dollar BUY—OUT bid for European PAY—TV—GIANT—SKY by 20010101—21001231 Fox without conditions as THE—TIE—UP does not undercut competition.
20170408 —ENDED, Basque militant group ETA effectively, 1 armed separatist campaign —AFTER almost HALF—1—CENTURY, leading FRANCE—AUTHORITIES to the sites where it says its CACHES—OF—WEAPONS, explosives and ammunition are hidden.
20170419 Das05000101—05991231 —IM, gegründete KATHARINEN—KLOSTER gilt als ältestes noch bewohntes KLOSTER des CHRISTENTUMs.
20170425 —ESTABLISHED, Dewsbury market was, 13000101—13991231 —IN—THE, for local clothiers.
20170705 Hier sammelten sich Azteken WÄHREND der SPANIEN—EROBERUNG im 15000101—15991231 —, pflegten im Geheimen weiterhin ihre eigene Kultur.
20170716—20160808 —ARRESTED, Wang was, —WHILE conducting research on the 17940000—19250000 Qajar dynasty for his doctorate in late 19. and early 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY Eurasian history.
20170726 —SIGNED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, 1—LAW ratifying 1—DEAL with THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT allowing RUSSIA to keep its air base in Syria for almost HALF—1—CENTURY, official documents show.
20170726—20400000 —FROM, It was reported that BRITAIN will ban THE—SALE—OF—NEW petrol and diesel cars in 1—ATTEMPT to reduce air pollution that could herald THE—END—OF—OVER 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY—OF—RELIANCE on the internal combustion engine.
20170804 Außerdem fanden sie Überreste 1—SLAVEN—SIEDLUNG aus dem 07010101—08001231 —BIS 09010101—10001231 nach Christus.
20170808 DIE—WIKINGER—ZEIT umfasst etwa den —ZEIT—RAUM zwischen Ende des 07000101—07991231 —BIS—MITTE, des 10000101—10991231 s.
20170910 —WRAPPED, COLOMBIA, FRANCIS—PAPA, up his visit with 1—DEEPLY personal final —DAY honoring S—PETER—CLAVER, a 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY fellow Jesuit, who ministered to THOUSANDS—OF—AFRICAN slaves who passed through CARTAGENA —DURING SPAIN—COLONIAL—TIMES.
20170916 —BISLANG galt 1.Inschrift in 1—TEMPEL im INDISCHEN—GWALIOR 08000101—08991231 —AUS—DEM, als ältester Beleg für den Gebrauch der 0, wie wir sie auch —HEUTE verwenden.
20170925 DIE—EXPERTEN datieren den Fund auf —MITTE des 09000101—09991231 s.
20171011 USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP wasn't happy with the steady decrease IN—THE—USA—STOCKPILE—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—SINCE the 19600101—19691231 s.
20171012 THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—SAID—THE—USA is pulling out of UNESCO, effective 20171231 , because of what WASHINGTON sees as its ANTI—ISRAEL bias and 1 need for "fundamental reform" of THE—UN—CULTURAL—AGENCY.
20171013—201801011231"VOGEL—DES—JAHRES": Es ist 1—STAR
20171015 —INCLUDED, They, 30—MARTYRS massacred in BRAZIL in the 16010101—17001231 ;
20171015 3—TEENS slain in 15010101—16001231 MEXICO due to their EMBRACE—OF—CATHOLICISM;
20171015 1—PRIEST from SPAIN who devoted his life to studying therapeutic plants in the 18010101—19001231 ;
20171101 "S—THERESE did it too," he said in reference to a 18010101—19001231 FRANCE—NUN, adding that Christians were called to feel like children lying in their fathers' arms — 1—PLACE conducive to napping, he implies.
20171102 THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINIANS took to the streets in protest across THE—WEST—BANK marking 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY—SINCE the Balfour Declaration, BRITAIN—PROMISE to Zionists to create 1—JEWISH—HOME in what is —NOW ISRAEL.
20171102 —REPORTED, Scientists using COSMIC—RAY imaging, THE—DISCOVERY—OF—1—HIDDEN chamber in EGYPT—GREAT—PYRAMID—OF—GIZA, in what would be the 1. such discovery in the structure —SINCE the 18010101—19001231 and 1—LIKELY to spark 1—NEW—SURGE—OF—INTEREST in the pharaohs.
20171119 —BASED, The film is, on a 15010101—16001231 Sufi epic poem, "Padmavat," 1—FICTIONAL account of 1—BRAVE and beautiful Rajput QUEEN who chose to kill herself rather than be captured by the Muslim SULTAN—OF—DELHI, Allaudin Khilji.
20171214 —REACHED, Walt Disney Co. said it had, 1—DEAL with Murdoch to buy 20010101—21001231 Fox, including its 39—PERCENT stake in PAY—TV—GIANT—SKY, for $52.4—BILLION (44.3—BILLION euros).
20171219 Hippokrates lebte im 04010101—05001231 —CENTURY
20171219 Hippokrates lebte im 04010101—05001231 20171219 Hippokrates lebte im 04010101—05001231 20171219—20180101 —UNTIL, This was not made public.
20171220—20171231 —SIGNED, SOUTH—SUDAN, government and rebel parties, 1—CEASEFIRE, effective, in a —4—YEAR—WAR that has already killed TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE.
20171231 EX—EUROPA—ABGEORDNETER der Grünen: COHN—BENDIT sieht BREXIT als Vorbild für andere EU—MITGLIEDER
20171231 —ENDE—DES—UNO—KRIEGS—VERBRECHER—TRIBUNALS zu JUGOSLAWIEN: "Wir müssen den Opfern zuhören"
20171231 GUNDREMMINGEN: Weiterer AKW—BLOCK geht endgültig vom Netz
20171231 KATALONIEN—PUIGDEMONT kämpft um seine MACHT
20171231 KRITIK—AM—KAPITALISMUS: Herzlich willkommen, —JAHR—DER—UMBRÜCHE!
20171231 Knapp am WÄRME—REKORD vorbei: Mehr als 16—GRAD—CELSIUS an Silvester gemessen
20171231 REGIERUNGS—KRITISCHE Proteste: IRAN schränkt Zugang zu INTERNET—DIENSTEN ein
20171231 REGIERUNGS—KRITISCHE Proteste: IRAN—REVOLUTION—GARDEN drohen den Demonstranten
20171231 Schwankende ÖLP—REISE, SAUDI—ARABIEN führt MEHRWERT—STEUER ein
20171231 VERDACHT—AUF—ÖL—SCHMUGGEL, SÜD—KOREA setzt Schiff nach NORD—KOREA fest - Wirtschaft, BÖRSEn, —POLITIK
20171231 waren demnach nur ca 100.000.000 der WELT—WEIT 857.000.000 HANDFEUER—WAFFEN von Zivilisten registriert.
20171231 —PROTEST—WELLE: IRANische Regierung lässt 200—DEMONSTRANTEN festnehmen
20171231 —KILLED, In THE—SF Bay Area CHP Officer ANDREW—CAMILLERI was, —WHEN 1—DRIVER crashed into his patrol car on I-880. His PARTNER—OFFICER—JONATHAN—VELASQUEZ was injured.
20171231 —ARRESTED, MOHAMMED—ABRAAR—ALI, 22—JAHRE—ALT—OF—HAYWARD was, and faced 5—FELONY accounts including 2.—DEGREE murder and driving under THE—INFLUENCE—OF—DRUGS and alcohol.
20171231 —FIRED, COLORADO, MATTHEW—RIEHL, 37—JAHRE—ALT, more than 100—ROUNDS at sheriff's deputies killing 1 and injuring 4—OTHERS—BEFORE being fatally shot himself at Highlands Ranch, 1—DENVER suburb.
20171231 NEW—JERSEY, 1—TEENAGER, 16—JAHRE—ALT fatally shot his parents, sister and 1—FAMILY—FRIEND—JUST—BEFORE midnight in Long Branch.
20171231 —TARGETED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—BOMBING, the funeral of 1—LOCAL—OFFICIAL, killing at least 18—PEOPLE in JALALABAD, Nangarhar province.
20171231 AUSTRALIA, THE—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—UK—CATERING giant Compass Group Plc and 4—MEMBERS—OF—HIS—FAMILY were killed —WHEN the seaplane they were flying in crashed into the Hawkesbury River in SYDNEY.
20171231 —KILLED, All 6—PEOPLE on BOARD were.
20171231 —ESTIMATED, BRITAIN, 1, 1,400 cars were destroyed in 1—HUGE—FIRE that raged through 1—MULTI—STORY parking garage in THE—NORTH—ENGLAND—CITY—OF—LIVERPOOL.
20171231 —REPORTED, It was, that HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE have fled their villages in NORTH—EAST—CENTRAL—AFRICAN Rep.
20171231 —FOLLOWING fresh violence between armed groups.
20171231 CHINA—COMPLETE—BAN on ivory trade went into effect, 1—MAJOR—STEP—FORWARD in BEIJING—EFFORTS to rein in what was once the world's largest market for illegal ivory.
20171231 CONGO—SECURITY—FORCES shot dead 2—MAN in KINSHASA and injured several others in 1—BLOODY—CRACKDOWN on Catholic worshippers who gathered at churches across the country to demand PRESIDENT—JOSEPH—KABILA leave power.
20171231 —KILLED, Security forces, at least 7—PEOPLE and at least 1—POLICEMAN † amid violence as more than a 1000—PEOPLE demonstrated in the capital.
20171231 † In COSTA—RICA 1—NATURE—AIR—PILOT training director in 1—AIR—CRASH—NEAR the Punta Islita beach town WEST—OF—THE—CAPITAL, S—JOSE.
20171231 —KILLED, THE—CO—PILOT was also, along with 10—USA—CITIZENS including 1—FAMILY—OF—5—FROM NEW—YORK.
20171231 —KILLED, EGYPT, 1—GUNMAN on New Years' eve, 2—COPTIC—CHRISTIAN brothers in 1—ATTACK on 1—LIQUOR store in GIZA province on New Years' eve.
20171231 —STRANDED, FRANCE—AUTHORITIES said heavy snow overnight, 4,000 travelers heading for resorts in THE—FRANCE—ALPS and killed 1—SKIER in 1—AVALANCHE.
20171231 GREECE, 1—HOMEOWNER found 1—YOUNG—TOURIST—COUPLE—DEAD in the house they were renting on THE—WEST—ISLAND—OF—KEFALONIA.
20171231 —POINTED, Initial indications, to 1—DOUBLE—SUICIDE.
20171231 5—INDIA—SOLDIERS and 3 suspected militants were killed —AFTER rebels stormed 1—PARAMILITARY—CAMP in disputed Kashmir, triggering 1—DAYLONG battle.
20171231 —TRADED, Separately, Indian and PAKISTAN—SOLDIERS, gunfire along the highly militarized line dividing Kashmir between THE—2—RIVALS, killing 1—INDIA—SOLDIER.
20171231 INDIA—MOVIE superstar Rajinikanth said he is entering politics in Tamil Nadu state with 1—PLAN to launch his own party, calling it his duty.
20171231 —BLOCKED, IRAN, access to Instagram and the popular Telegram messaging app used by activists to organize and publicize the protests —NOW roiling the Islamic Republic.
20171231 —CREATED, The free Telegram app, by RUSSIA—NATIONAL—PAVEL Durov, was used by 1 estimated 40—MILLION—IRANIANS.
20171231 —BACKED, In apparent response to the protests The government, down on plans to raise fuel prices and promised to increase cash handouts to the poor and create more jobs in coming years.
20171231 10—PEOPLE were killed in widespread ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS across the country in cities including KERMANSHAH, KHORRAMABAD and Shahinshahr.
20171231 —KILLED, CENTRAL—KENYA, 36—PEOPLE were, and 11 injured early —TODAY in 1—HEAD—ON collision between 1—BUS and 1—LORRY on THE—NAKURU—ELDORET highway.
20171231 NIGERIA, 1—NEW—REPORT said at least 5,247 Muslims have been killed in Adamawa state over the past 4—YEARS because of Boko Haram.
20171231 —SIGNED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, 1—LAW doubling the penalty for false reports of impending explosions or fire to 1—POSSIBLE 10—YEARS in prison.
20171231 —SEIZED, SOUTH—KOREA—AUTHORITIES said they have, 1—PANAMA—FLAGGED oil tanker suspected of evading INTERNATIONAL sanctions by trading with NORTH—KOREA.
20171231 —DETAINED, The 5,100-ton KOTI was, 2—WEEKS ago at THE—SOUTH—PORT—OF—PYEONGTAEK—DANGJIN and its crew were being investigated over the alleged SHIP—TO—SHIP transfers.
20171231 —SUPPORTED, SYRIA, rebels, by 1—AL—QAIDA—LINKED cell renewed their assault against PRO—GOVERNMENT—FORCES that have been holding 1—VAST pocket of THE—DAMASCUS suburbs under siege.
20171231 A 2. front between many of the same groups saw fresh fighting in the northwest, along the border between Idlib and Hama provinces.
20171231 21—SOLDIERS and 26—REBELS and AL—QAIDA fighters were reported killed in 2—DAYS—OF—CLASHES.
20171231 —CRASHED, SYRIA, 1—RUSSIAN—MI 24—HELICOPTER, on New —YEAR—EVE killing both pilots —FOLLOWING 1—TECHNICAL fault.
20171231 —KILLED, WEST—SYRIA, 2—RUSSIA—SERVICE—PERSONNEL were, in 1—MORTAR attack on the Hmeimim base.
20171231 —DETAINED, TURKEY—AUTHORITIES, fearing 1—ATTACK over the New —YEAR, 20 suspected IS members in ISTANBUL, 15—OF—THEM foreigners, who are believed to have spent time in Syria or IRAQ.
20171231 3—SYRIANS, 1—IRAQI and 1—RUSSIAN—CHECHEN were detained in ANKARA.
20171231 —GUNNED, VENEZUELA, Alexandra Colopoy (18) was reportedly, down by National Guard 1. SERGEANT—DAVID—REBOLLEDO.
20171231 The soldier shot and killed the pregnant woman 1—INCIDENT that local media described as 1—MELEE over scarce pork.
20171231 —ARRESTED, Rebolledo was soon.
20171231 The soldier was 1—OF 8—WHO fled —AFTER 20170715 —THE—COUP—ATTEMPT.
20171231—20090000 —WARNED—OF, IRAN, 1—TOUGH—CRACKDOWN against demonstrators who pose 1—OF—THE—MOST audacious challenges to its clerical leaders —SINCE nationwide PRO—REFORM—UNREST jolted the Islamist theocracy.
20171231—20160700 —DISMISSED, GREECE, TURKEY—ANGER over its decision to grant asylum to 1—SOLDIER who ANKARA ACCUSES—OF—INVOLVEMENT in the abortive coup against PRESIDENT—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN.
20171231—20170112 —SUSPENDED, COSTA—RICA—CIVIL—AVIATION agency, local airline Nature Air.
20171231—20210000 —IN, investigators reported elevated LEVELS—OF—CARBON monoxide in their blood due to cracks in the exhaust system of THE—DHC—2—BEAVER plane that was built 19630000 —IN.
2018010011231 —DROGEN—BERICHT, SUCHT—BERICHT, Jeder 6. in DEUTSCHLAND trinkt zu viel Alkohol
2018010011231 —DROGEN—BERICHT, SUCHT—BERICHT, Jeder 6. in DEUTSCHLAND trinkt zu viel Alkohol
20180108 Terve Akase, CHIEF—PRESS—SECRETARY—TO—THE—GOVERNOR—OF—BENUE, attributed 71—OF—THE—DEATHS 20181231—20180106 —FROM—TO in the state to killings by the Fulani.
20180108—20181231 —SINCE, NIGERIA—GOVERNMENT and police officials said at least 83—PEOPLE have been killed in communal violence, much of it involving clashes between Muslim cattle herders and Christian farmers.
20180110—20181231 —SINCE, UN human rights CHIEF—ZEID—RA'AD—AL—HUSSEIN said SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and their allies have killed at least 85—CIVILIANS in STEPPED—UP attacks against the besieged rebel ENCLAVE—OF—EAST—GHOUTA.
20180118 —CLEARED, INDIA—SUPREME—COURT, the way for THE—RELEASE—OF—THE—FILM "Padmaavat," 1—CONTROVERSIAL—BOLLYWOOD movie based on 1—EPIC poem about a 13010101—14001231 —CENTURY QUEEN, 1—DAY—AFTER its producers went to court to fight bans by several states.
20180118 —BEREITS, im 03010101—04001231 —CENTURY verbreitete sich DAS—CHRISTENTUM in ÄTHIOPIEN
20180123 UK—REGULATORS said that 20010101—21001231 FOX—TAKEOVER—OF—LONDON—BASED pay TV company Sky is not in the public interest because it would give RUPERT—MURDOCH too much control over the country's news media.
20180123—20180412 —WARNED, SOUTH—AFRICA CAPE—TOWN, residents were, that they face losing piped water to their homes, 1—WHOLE —9—DAYS—EARLIER than predicted, as it suffered its worst drought in 1—CENTURY.
20180203 Radio Free ASIA was FOUNDED and funded 19500101—19591231 —IN—THE, s by 1—ORGANIZATION called "COMMITTEE—FOR—FREE—ASIA"as 1—ANTI—COMMUNIST—PROPAGANDA—OPERATION, broadcasting from RCA facilities in MANILA—PHILIPPINES.
20180301 More than 100,000 poor children were sent to THEN—UK—COLONIES including AUSTRALIA, NEW—ZEALAND and CANADA —STARTING in the 18010101—19001231.
20180301 —DECLARED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, that 1—ARRAY—OF—NEW—STRATEGIC—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS has been tested that can't be intercepted, claiming 1—TECHNOLOGICAL—BREAKTHROUGH that could dramatically increase RUSSIA—MILITARY—CAPABILITY, boost THE—KREMLIN—GLOBAL—POSITION and also raise Western concerns about 1—POTENTIAL renewed arms race in the 20010101—21001231.
20180313 Im 05010101—06001231 —CENTURY werden auch die Bajuwaren 1. genannt, die im —GEBIET—DES—HEUTIGEN—BAYERN lebten
20180313 Im 05010101—06001231 —CENTURY Die ENTSTEHUNG und Zusammensetzung dieser Gruppe ist —BIS—HEUTE nicht geklärt.
20180319 Jim HEI—MANN—IN—"19010101—20001231 —CENTURY Alcohol & Tobacco Ads", dem jüngsten Teil der 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY—REIHE—DES—TASCHEN—VERLAGS
20180328 —RANKED, Foreign Policy magazine has, Kristev as 1—OF—THE—100—GREATEST—THINKERS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231.
20180328 —HAS—RANKED, Foreign Policy magazine, Kristev as 1—OF—THE—100—GREATEST—THINKERS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY.
20180424 —TRIED, ISRAEL—VICTIMS had, to use the 17010101—18001231 Alien Tort Statute to hold THE—JORDAN—BASED—ARAB—BANK—ACCOUNTABLE for its role in attacks in THE—WEST—BANK—AND—GAZA.
20180425 WASHINGTON, DC, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON drew on the "shared bond" of USA—FRANCE—RELATIONS to call for 1—REJECTION—OF—ISOLATIONISM and instead for the countries to bond together anew for a 20010101—21001231 security.
20180503 [l] DIE—BUNDESWEHR wollte 19600101—19691231 —JAHREN—IN—DEN, CHEMIE—WAFFEN anschaffen und einsetzen.
20180605 BRITAIN—CULTURE—SECRETARY—MATT—HANCOCK said he will allow 20010101—21001231 FOX—11.7—BILLION—POUND ($16.4—BILLION) bid to buy THE—61—PERCENT—OF—THE—UK—SATELLITE broadcaster Sky it doesn't already own, provided it divests ITSELF—OF—SKY—NEWS.
20180605 —APPOINTED, MALAYSIA—GOVERNMENT, distinguished lawyer TOMMY—THOMAS as ATTORNEY—GENERAL, making him the 1. person from outside the Malay majority to hold the powerful position in more than HALF—1—CENTURY.
20180606 —ANNOUNCED, THE—FRANCE—PRESIDENCY, plans to sell its own branded mugs, pens and other souvenirs to help finance renovations in the 17010101—18001231 Elysee palace.
20180610 —LAST—YEAR THE—BODY—OF—WATER, hit by YEARS—OF—DROUGHT, had reached its lowest level in 1—CENTURY.
20180612 FRANCE, an 17010101—18001231 CHINA—VASE forgotten —FOR—DECADES in 1—SHOE box in 1—FRANCE—ATTIC sold for 16.2—MILLION—EUROS ($19—MILLION) at Sotheby's in PARIS.
20180628 Clarke datierte die Begegnung auf das 201000101—01991231.
20180630 —COMPARED, THE—INTERNET—OF—THINGS—COUNCIL, the increased prevalence of digital surveillance due to THE—INTERNET—OF—THINGS to the conceptual panopticon described by JEREMY—BENTHAM 17000101—17991231 —IN—THE,
20180630 —BECAME, Historically, the process by which THE—BOURGEOISIE, in the course of the 17010101—18001231 the politically dominant class was MASKED by THE—ESTABLISHMENT—OF—AN explicit, coded and formally egalitarian juridical framework, made possible by THE—ORGANIZATION—OF—1—PARLIAMENTARY, representative regime.
20180630 Der Naumburger Dom S—PETER und Paul wurde 12000101—12991231 —IM, geschaffen und wird zu den bedeutendsten Kathedralbauten des europäischen Hochmittelalters gezählt
20180630—19940000 —IN, MARK—WEISER'S 19910000 paper on ubiquitous computing, "THE—COMPUTER—OF—THE 20010101—21001231 ", as well as academic venues such as UbiComp and PerCom produced the contemporary vision of IoT.[18][19], Reza Raji described the concept in IEEE Spectrum as "[moving] small PACKETS—OF—DATA to 1—LARGE set of nodes, so as to INTEG—RATE and automate everything from home appliances to entire factories".[20]
20180707 —ENTERED, The very word "pornography", into THE—ENGLAND—LANGUAGE in THE—MID—18010101—19001231 in part as 1—ATTEMPT to describe the genre of erotic representation seen so ubiquitously in THE—RUINS—OF—THE—ANCIENT—CITY.
20180712 transistors began to dominate 19600101—19691231 —IN—THE, s,
20180712—20181231 —UNTIL, SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—HASSAN—AL—BASHIR extended 1—UNILATERAL ceasefire with rebels fighting in 3—STATES to overthrow the government.
20180713 Arbeit: Eine globalhistorische Perspektive. 13. —BIS 20000101—20991231.
20180713—12000000 —AB, DIE—TEMPEL—ZONE von Teopanzolco wird zur sogenannten Postklassischen Periode gezählt, das ist DIE—ZEIT nach Christus —BIS zu Beginn der spanischen Eroberung —ANFANG des 15000101—15991231 20180716 DIE—BLUTNACHT von Jekaterinburg war das Ende von 08010101—09001231 —CENTURYEN ZAREN—HERRSCHAFT im Russischen Reich.
20180713—12000000 —AB, DIE—TEMPEL—ZONE von Teopanzolco wird zur sogenannten Postklassischen Periode gezählt, das ist DIE—ZEIT nach Christus —BIS zu Beginn der SPANIEN—EROBERUNG —ANFANG des 15000101—20180713—12000000 —AB, DIE—TEMPEL—ZONE von Teopanzolco wird zur sogenannten Postklassischen Periode gezählt, das ist DIE—ZEIT nach Christus —BIS zu Beginn der SPANIEN—EROBERUNG —ANFANG des 15000101—15991231 20180716 DIE—BLUTNACHT von Jekaterinburg war das Ende von 08010101—09001231 EN ZAREN—HERRSCHAFT im RUSSLAND—REICH.
20180713—12000000 —AB, DIE—TEMPEL—ZONE von Teopanzolco wird zur sogenannten Postklassischen Periode gezählt, das ist DIE—ZEIT nach Christus —BIS zu Beginn der SPANIEN—EROBERUNG —ANFANG des 15000101—15991231 20180716 DIE—BLUTNACHT von Jekaterinburg war das Ende von 08010101—09001231 —CENTURYEN ZAREN—HERRSCHAFT im RUSSLAND—REICH.
20180713—12000000 —AB, Die Tempelzone von Teopanzolco wird zur sogenannten Postklassischen Periode gezählt, das ist DIE—ZEIT nach Christus —BIS zu Beginn der SPANIEN—EROBERUNG —ANFANG des 15000101—15991231 20180713 —DAMALS, unterwarfen im heutigen MEXIKO die Azteken, die aus dem GEBIET—VON—TENOCHTITLÁN (—HEUTE überbaut von MEXIKO—STADT) stammten, verschiedene andere Völker in der Region.
20180713—12000000 —AB, DIE—TEMPEL—ZONE von Teopanzolco wird zur sogenannten Postklassischen Periode gezählt, das ist DIE—ZEITNACH Christus —BIS zu Beginn der SPANIEN—EROBERUNG —ANFANG des 15000101—15991231 20180716 DIE—BLUTNACHT von Jekaterinburg war das Ende von 08010101—09001231 —CENTURYEN ZAREN—HERRSCHAFT im RUSSLAND—REICH.
20180713—12000000 —AB, DIE—TEMPEL—ZONE von Teopanzolco wird zur sogenannten Postklassischen Periode gezählt, das ist DIE—ZEITNACH Christus —BIS zu Beginn der SPANIEN—EROBERUNG —ANFANG des 15000101—15991231 20180713—12000000 —AB, DIE—TEMPEL—ZONE von Teopanzolco wird zur sogenannten Postklassischen Periode gezählt, das ist DIE—ZEIT nach Christus —BIS zu Beginn der SPANIEN—EROBERUNG —ANFANG des 15000101—15991231 20180716 DIE—BLUTNACHT von Jekaterinburg war das Ende von 08010101—09001231 —CENTURYEN ZAREN—HERRSCHAFT im RUSSLAND—REICH.
20180716 DIE—BLUTNACHT von Jekaterinburg war das Ende von 08010101—09001231 EN ZAREN—HERRSCHAFT im RUSSISCHEN—REICH.
20180727—17880000 —ESTIMATED, AUSTRALIA—RESEARCHERS said THOUSANDS—OF—ABORIGINES are, to have been murdered in 500—MASSACRES across AUSTRALIA from European settlement —UNTIL the mid-19010101—20001231.
20180810 Rhein: Dürre legt Schiffswrack aus 18000101—18991231 frei
20180815 —REPORTED, It was, that EGYPT—AUTHORITIES are demolishing 1—HISTORICAL 18010101—19001231 neighborhood in CAIRO to make way for HIGH—END housing and business development 1—STONE—THROW from the Nile, angering residents who say they have not been properly compensated.
20180819 † INDIA—OFFICIALS said some 800,000—PEOPLE have been displaced and over 350—HAVE in the worst flooding in 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY in SOUTH—KERALA state.
20180824 —WHILE THE—UK—POPULATION will be subjected to 1—EXPERIENCE—COMPARABLE to the 13000101—13991231 BLACK—DEATH or the 1840s famine in IRELAND, as punishment for the decision by fuckwit racists, amounting to 52—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS, who clutched onto their COPIES—OF—THE—SUN—NEWSPAPER as they voted for BRITAIN to leave THE—EU, or, as that option is also known, "Wogs Out".
20180829 1—NAMIBIA—DELEGATION in BERLIN took possession of the remains of 27—COUNTRYMEN whose bones were taken by GERMANY—COLONIAL—FORCES—MORE than 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY ago for PSEUDO—SCIENTIFIC—RACIAL—EXPERIMENTS.
20180830 SYRIEN —NACH—DEM KRIEG: Der Wiederaufbau - 00010101—01001231 —CENTURYAUFGABE
20180830 SYRIEN —NACH—DEM KRIEG: Der Wiederaufbau - 1—CENTURYAUFGABE
20180922 USA—CABLE—GIANT—COMCAST outbid RUPERT—MURDOCH'S 20010101—21001231 Fox in 1—BLIND—AUCTION for the European TV operator Sky that all but settled 1—TITANIC—BATTLE—BETWEEN—THE—2—ME—DIA empires.
20180927 DIE—BIS zu 20—QUADRAT—KILOMETERN große Stadt zu ihrer Blütezeit ab dem02000101—02991231 nach Christus die größte auf dem gesamten USA—DOPPELKONTINENT war.
20180928 DIE—VEGETATION hat die uralten Mayastadtstaaten —SCHON lange ÜBERWUCHERT—KURZ —NACHDEM DIE—MENSCHEN aus IMMER—NOCH—NICHT vollends geklärten Gründen DIE—METROPOLEN 09000101—09991231 —IM, nach Christus verlassen hatten.
20181006 —RULED, OIL—RICH—GABON, by the same political dynasty for nearly HALF—1—CENTURY, voted in LONG—DELAYED legislative and municipal polls, the 1. —SINCE 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION —2—YEARS—AGO that was marred by deadly violence and ALLEGATIONS—OF—FRAUD.
20181009—20181231 —BY, ALBANIA—PRIME—MINISTER—EDI—RAMA said that all casinos, including shops taking bets on sports and animal races, will need to be closed and move to city outskirts especially in TIRANA.
20181010 "Dort befindet sich ein spätrömisches Gräberfeld aus dem03000101—03991231 ",
20181012 Das KUPFER—KLEINGELD stammt aus dem 03000101—04991231 —UND,
20181101 —ABSORBED, Scientists said the world's oceans have, 60—PERCENT more heat than previously thought over the last quarter of 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY.
20181104 —VOTED, Voters in NEW—CALEDONIA, in 1—REFERENDUM on whether THE—FRANCE—TERRITORY—IN—THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC should break free from the European country that claimed it in the mid-18010101—19001231.
20181113 —1— D, The remains, from the 03010101—04001231 BC to late Roman times.
20181115 der Syrer Ibn AN—NAFIS 12000101—12991231 —AUS—DEM, Entdecker des Lungenkreislaufs und Verfasser eines religionsphilosophischen ROMAns
20181115 UKRAINE, unknown assailants threw petrol bombs at 1—HISTORIC 17010101—18001231 Orthodox church in Kiev and attacked 1—PRIEST—EARLY—TODAY.
20181125—19920000 —GATHERED, NORTH—INDIA, tens of THOUSANDS—OF—HINDUS, in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh state, and renewed calls to build 1—HINDU temple on 1—SITE where a 15010101—16001231 mosque was attacked and demolished by Hindu HARD—LINERS, sparking deadly HINDU—MUSLIM violence.
20181130 —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE said they have, art dealer Oswaldo Aulestia (72), accused of selling fake works by Picasso, DALI, Warhol and other 19010101—20001231 masters to unsuspecting USA—BUYERS, and evading arrest —FOR—YEARS.
20181207 Verheerende Pestausbrüche auf dem Kontinent hatte es dann später05000101—05991231 —IM, gegeben.
20181209—19920000 —IN, INDIA, DOZENS—OF—HINDU monks and tens of THOUSANDS—OF—FOLLOWERS, gathered under THE—BANNER—OF—GROUPS linked to PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI—HINDU nationalist party, urged THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT to help build 1—TEMPLE on the ruins of a 15010101—16001231 mosque, torn down, in THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—AYODHYA.
20181227 The operation officially ends 20181231 .
20181228—20181231 —ANNOUNCED, This was only.
20181231 "New Horizons" war —VOR—13—JAHREN aufgebrochen, um Pluto zu erforschen,
20181231 "Ultima Thule" hinter dem Zwergplaneten Pluto braucht 297—JAHRE, um die Sonne einmal zu umrunden und hat 1—DURCHMESSER—VON—20—BIS 30—KILOMETERN.
20181231 "Ultima Thule" liegt im Kuipergürtel und ist rund sechseinhalb MILLIARDENKm von der Erde entfernt.
20181231 360.000—BÜRGER ausgewandert: Griechenland laufen die hochqualifizierten jungen Menschen davon
20181231 And with that I wish everyone 1—HAPPY—NEW—YEAR!
20181231 Bedrohte Art: Europäische Auster soll in OFF—SHORE—WINDPARKS leben
20181231 Ermittlungen beim MILITÄR: TÜRKEI—BEHÖRDEN nehmen Dutzende angebliche TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGE fest
20181231 FLÜCHTLINGE im Ärmelkanal: Großbritannien ruft Schiffe aus MITTELMEER zurück
20181231 Gelbwesten und TERROR—GEFAHR: PARIS—POLIZEI rüstet sich für Silvester
20181231 Kritikm, —JAHR—ZUM,swechsel: Wirtschaft fordert von BUNDES—REGIERUNG mehr Investitionen
20181231 MERKEL in Neujahrsansprache: "Über Grenzen hinweg zusammenarbeiten"
20181231 Minus 5,6 %, USA—BÖRSE mit schlechtester —JAHRESBILANZ
20181231 —VERGIBT, Notverbindung über Ärmelkanal: LONDON, BREXIT—AUFTRAG an Reederei ohne Schiffe
20181231 OST—JERUSALEM: Lebenslange HAFT—FÜR—PALÄSTINENSER wegen Landverkaufs an JUDEN
20181231 Sorge wegen BREXIT: Immer mehr BRITEN beantragen irischen Pass
20181231 Sternekoch über AVOCADO—ANBAU: "So zerstörerisch wie Legebatterien" (SPIEGEL+, 06:48)
20181231 USA—WAHL 20200000 : Demokratin WARREN—WILL—GEGEN—DONALD—TRUMP antreten
20181231 Vertrauter Graham: DONALD—TRUMP könnte Blitzabzug aus SYRIEN überdenken
20181231 Wechsel im VATIKAN—PAPA—SPRECHER tritt überraschend zurück
20181231 Zinsflaute, BÖRSEnverluste: Geldvermögen DER—BUNDES—BÜRGER wächst langsamer
20181231 des DONALD—TRUMP—STABS—CHEF—KELLY: "Um ehrlich zu sein, es ist keine Mauer"
20181231 ist über "Ultima Thule" und die anderen geschätzt mehr als 70.000—HIMMELSKÖRPER des Kuipergürtels —BISLANG, jedoch wenig bekannt.
20181231 —ACCORDING—TO, this piece in THE—DAILY—TELEGRAPH, the "historic UK—UFO mystery" of 19800000 at Rendelsham Forest was a "prank" played on THE—USA—AIR—FORCE by THE—SAS.
20181231 —AM—ABEND, gegen Viertel nach 6—NACH DEUTSCHER—ZEIT soll DIE—NASA—SONDE "New Horizons" am Himmelskörper "Ultima Thule" vorbeifliegen und 1—NEUEN Rekord aufstellen: Noch nie hat 1.Sonde ein so weit entferntes Objekt in unserem SONNEN—SYSTEM besucht.
20181231 —AM—DIENSTAGABEND soll "New Horizons" mit 1—GESCHWINDIGKEIT—VON—14—KILOMETER—PRO—SEKUNDE 35000000 —IN, Kilometern Entfernung an "Ultima Thule" vorbeifliegen und Messwerte aufzeichnen.
20181231 —DIE—LAGE an Silvester: Was wir 20190000 —FÜR, 19190000 —J—AUS—DEM, lernen können
20181231 —NACH, der Wahl:des KONGO—REGIERUNG kappt DAS—INTERNET
20181231 —NACH—6.500.000.000—KILOMETERN: NASA—SONDE erreicht "Ultima Thule" am Rand unseres SONNEN—SYSTEMS
20181231 OHIO, Devaughn Gibson (23), DelVaunte Johnson (19) and Toshon Banks (21) were all shot dead —AFTER 1—ROW outside 1—AIRBNB rental in CLEVELAND.
20181231 —LAUNCHED, AFGHANISTAN—SPECIAL—FORCES, 1—NEW—OFFENSIVE against the Islamic State group in EAST—NANGARHAR province, killing 27—MILITANTS.
20181231 —KILLED, —MEANWHILE, Taliban attacks in the north, 15—MEMBERS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—SECURITY—FORCES.
20181231 —HANDED, BAHRAIN—PROMINENT—ACTIVIST—NABEEL—RAJAB lost his appeal and was, down a 5—YEAR—JAIL—TERM.
20181231 —JAILED, He had been, for criticizing his country's rulers on social media.
20181231 —CANCELED, THE—MAYOR—OF—THE—NORTH—WEST—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—TOWN—OF—BANJA—LUKA, New —YEAR celebrations for security reasons —AFTER protesters demanding the truth about 1—STUDENT—DEATH prevented 1—PUBLIC—CONCERT taking place the previous —EVENING.
20181231 —ARRESTED, UK—POLICE, 39—PEOPLE—EARLY—TODAY on suspicion of attempted murder —FOLLOWING 1—STABBING in WEST—LONDON.
20181231 BRITAIN, 1—TRIPLE stabbing at 1—MANCHESTER—RAILWAY—STATION on New —YEAR—EVE injured 3—PEOPLE.
20181231 —TREATED, It was soon, as "1—TERRORIST—INVESTIGATION".
20181231 —ARRESTED, COUNTER—TERRORISM police, a 25—YEAR—OLD man.
20181231 BURKINA—FASO said it is declaring 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in provinces grappling with jihadist violence.
20181231 —ATTACKED, Gunmen on motorbikes, the village of Yirgou in Barsalogo district, killing 7—PEOPLE, including the village CHIEF.
20181231 —ENDED, DUBAI—STOCK—MARKET, 20180000 with a 25-percent annual loss, the worst —YEAR—SINCE the global financial crisis 1—DECADE ago, as the real estate and tourism sectors struggled.
20181231 —ARRESTED, EGYPT, Amal Fathi (34), in May over 1—VIDEO she —POSTED online in which she spoke out against sexual harassment, lost her appeal and was handed a 2—YEAR—PRISON—TERM, as well as 1—FINE—OF—10,000—EGYPT—POUNDS ($560).
20181231 1—FRANCE—COURT—AUTHORIZED—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC soccer executive and alleged militia leader PATRICE—EDOUARD Ngaissona to be handed over to the Hague war crimes tribunal.
20181231 —FIRED, INDIA—TROOPS, at PAKISTAN—FORCES across THE—2—COUNTRIES' LINE—OF—CONTROL in the disputed Himalayan REGION—OF—KASHMIR, killing 1—WOMAN and wounding 9—CIVILIANS.
20181231 —RECOVERED, INDONESIA, rescuers, 6—MORE—BODIES buried under TONS—OF—MUD from 1—LANDSLIDE that crashed onto 1—HILLY village on the main ISLAND—OF—JAVA, bringing the death toll to 15. At least 20—PEOPLE were missing —AFTER landslides —DURING heavy rain buried 30—HOUSES in SUKABUMI regency, WEST—JAVA.
20181231 —CLASHED, IRAN, security forces, with students in TEHRAN in the 3. —DAY—OF—PROTESTS over 1—DEADLY—BUS—CRASH, adding to officials' fears that rising public unrest could threaten national security.
20181231 —ARRESTED, IRAN—INTELLIGENCE—MINISTRY said it had, 11 "economic disruptors" who misappropriated some $400—MILLION earmarked for essential goods and smuggled the money OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20181231 IRAQ—FIGHTER—JETS struck 1—ISLAMIC—STATE—POSITION inside Syria, 1—DAY—AFTER THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT authorized its neighbor to target the militants at will.
20181231 1—PLEA bargain acknowledged that Tamimi is mentally ILLINOIS.
20181231 —EXPELLED, ITALY—RULING 5-Star Movement, 4—PARLIAMENTARIANS from the party in 1—EFFORT to instill discipline in its ranks.
20181231 The decision means the ruling coalition, made up of 5-Star and the League, has —JUST 167—SEATS in the 320-seat Senate.
20181231 —FREED, THE—SELF—STYLED LIBYA—NATIONAL—ARMY, 19—PEOPLE who were kidnapped by Islamic State group militants —DURING attacks in CENTRAL—LIBYA.
20181231 1—PALESTINE—COURT—SENTENCED—ISSAM—AKEL, 55—JAHRE—ALT from EAST—JERUSALEM to life in prison with hard labor for trying to sell property in the Old City to 1—ISRAEL—GROUP.
20181231 1—PANAMA—CAR—CARRIER heading from JAPAN to HAWAII caught fire.
20181231 —RESCUED, Nearby merchant vessels, 16—CREW members.
20181231 3 were found dead in the water and 2 were missing.
20181231 —DISMISSED, PERU—ATTORNEY—GENERAL, 1—TEAM investigating THE—FAR—REACHING Odebrecht corruption scandal, setting off street protests in cities across the country.
20181231 in THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES 1—REMOTELY controlled bomb, blamed by security forces on 1—SMALL—PRO—ISLAMIC—STATE—MILITANT—GROUP, killed 2—PEOPLE and wounded dozens at 1—SHOPPING mall in COTABATO city.
20181231 1—RUSSIA—APARTMENT—BLOCK partially collapsed in 1—EXPLOSION, killing at least 4—PEOPLE in MAGNITOGORSK.
20181231 —SEIZED, SPAIN—POLICE said they have, 3.25—METRIC tons (3.64—SHORT tons) of hashish in 2—OPERATIONS against drug trafficking across the Strait of GIBRALTAR.
20181231 —BELIEVED, Police made 42—ARRESTS and broke up what they, to be 1—OF—MOST important drug smuggling gangs operating between SPAIN and NORTH—AFRICA.
20181231 —FIRED, SUDAN—RIOT—POLICE, tear gas at demonstrators in KHARTOUM, dispersing protesters who had planned to march on the presidential palace —FOLLOWING deadly ANTI—GOVERNMENT—RALLIES.
20181231 —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR, 1—INVESTIGATION into "recent events" —AFTER—2—WEEKS—OF—VIOLENT—PROTESTS against his 29-year autocratic rule, as he seeks to placate popular anger over worsening economic conditions.
20181231 AL—BASHIR sought to defuse the anger, promising better days ahead and pledging more "transparency, effectiveness and justice in all our national institutions" in 1—ADDRESS to the nation marking THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—SUDAN—INDEPENDENCE 63—YEARS ago.
20181231 THE—UAE—FEDERAL—SUPREME—COURT upheld a 10-year sentence for human rights activist AHMED—MANSOOR, 49—JAHRE—ALT.
20181231 —THREATENED, THE—UN—FOOD—AGENCY, to suspend SOME—AID—SHIPMENTS to YEMEN if the Houthi rebels do not investigate and stop theft and fraud in food distribution.
20181231 The suspension would affect some 3—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20181231 —RESIGNED, THE—VATICAN spokesman and his deputy, over disagreements on strategy, ending 1—YEAR—OF upheaval in the Holy SEE—COMMUNICATIONS—STRUCTURE.
20181231—20170000 —IN, THE—INTERNATIONAL—FEDERATION—OF—JOURNALISTS said in 1—ANNUAL—REPORT that 94—JOURNALISTS and media workers † in targeted killings, bomb attacks and conflict crossfire this —YEAR, 12—MORE than.
20181231—20180102 —PULLED, RUSSIA—RESCUE crews soon, 2—MORE—BODIES from the rubble of 1 collapsed apartment building, bringing the death toll to 9. the number of confirmed dead rose to 22 and 19 remained missing.
20181231—20180103 —JUMPED, The number of dead from the gas explosion, to 39 as rescuers finished searching for bodies in the rubble of the partially collapsed building.
20181231—20190829 —ON, Tevin BILES—THOMAS, the brother of Olympic gold medalist SIMONE—BILES, was arrested in GEORGIA and charged with murder in the shooting.
201901011231 —JAHRES—WIRTSCHAFTS—BERICHT—BUNDES—REGIERUNG rechnet mit deutlicher Wachstumsdelle
201901011231 SHELL—STUDIE, Mehrheit Jugendlicher in DEUTSCHLAND ist empfänglich für populistische Parolen (Leben und Lernen, 11:15)
20190101231 EUROPA—KULTUR—HAUPT—STADT—MATERA, die unmögliche Stadt (Reise, 18:52)
20190102 —LINKED, INDIA, Hindu nationalists, to PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI—RULING party urged him to push through laws to allow the building of 1—TEMPLE on the ruins of a 15010101—16001231 mosque in Ayodhya.
20190112 THE—GOLDEN—HORDE was originally 1—MONGOL and —LATER Turkicized khanate established 12000101—12991231 —IN—THE, and originating as THE—NORTHWESTERN sector of the Mongol Empire.
20190117 —ARRESTED, GREECE—POLICE, 1—MAN trying to sell antiquities excavated by grave robbers that dated back to the 02010101—03001231 BC.
20190121 —VOTED, Muslims in THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES, in 1—REFERENDUM on 1—NEW—AUTONOMOUS region that seeks to end nearly HALF—1—CENTURY—OF—UNREST.
20190126 He won 3—OSCARS and 5—GRAMMYS —DURING 1—CAREER spanning more than HALF—1—CENTURY.
20190127—18991231 —BIS—HEUTE, fällt es dem GESUNDE—MENSCHEN—VERSTAND schwer, lange etablierte Fakten über DIE—WELT um uns herum zu akzeptieren.
20190128 [OLD—AND—BUSTED, DATEN sind das Öl 20000101—20991231 —DES.
20190128 [NEW—HOTNESS, DATEN sind die Ölpest 20000101—20991231 —DES.
20190128 —IMPOSED, Celibacy was, in the 10010101—11001231 , possibly partly to prevent DESCENDANTS—OF—PRIESTS inheriting church property.
20190128 Newspapers spent MOST—OF—THE 19000101—19991231 consolidating into chains, but in the latter HALF—OF—THE they became PART—OF—CONGLOMERATES and were publicly traded.
20190129 DATEN sind die Ölpest 20000101—20991231 —DES, wie neulich 1—LESER so treffend kommentierte.
20190201 It's THE—UCL group's estimate that 60—MILLION—PEOPLE were living across the Americas —AT—THE—END—OF—THE 14000101—14991231 (about 10—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORLD—TOTAL—POPULATION), and that this was reduced to —JUST 5 or 6—MILLION within a —100—YEARS.
20190210 —OPERATED, THE—CIA, 1—DUMMY airline, known as Air AMERICA, from the —EARLY, 19500101—19591231 s —UNTIL the mid 1970s for air operations in SOUTH—EAST—ASIA, including AIR—DROPPING weapons to friendly forces.
20190213 2—THEORIEN über den Ursprung der —KULTUR, Vor allem im frühen 19000101—19991231 dachten Forscher, der Brauch stamme aus VORDERASIEN—GENAU wie DIE—LANDWIRTSCHAFT.
20190220 SYRIA, religious LEADERS—OF—RUSSIA—REPUBLIC—OF—CHECHNYA inaugurated THE—RE—OPENED 12010101—13001231 —CENTURY Khalid Ibn AL—WALID Mosque in HOMS,
20190222 —SENTENCED, SWEDEN, JOHAN—NICKLAS—BACKSTROM (22) was, to 4 and 1—HALF—YEARS in prison —AFTER he was convicted of stealing 16010101—17001231 SWEDEN—ROYAL treasures estimated to be worth 65—MILLION kronor ($7—MILLION) from 1—CATHEDRAL —LAST—YEAR.
20190226 DIE—STÜCKE aus Dor, dem ältesten der 3—FUNDORTE, stammen aus der _09000101_09991231 —2.—HÄLFTE—DES.
20190226 "Diese Resultate bieten 1.weitere Erklärung für die Dichte der phönizischen Siedlungen im frühen_07000101_07991231 entlang der Flüsse und Küsten im südlichen Iberien",
20190226 the quest for sliver was 1—MAJOR trigger for 1—LONG "precolonization" phase, —DURING the 09000101—09991231 to 08000101—08991231 BCE.
20190226 Der MANIERISMUS—DIE letzte Stilepoche innerhalb DER—RENAISSANCE—ENTFALTETE sich 15000101—15991231 —LETZTE—JAHRZEHNTE—DES—IN—DEN, zu voller Pracht und ebnete den Weg zum Barock.
20190305 —GESPROCHEN, DIE—CHACHAPOYA, wie "Tschatschapoja", lebten etwa 08000101—08991231 —ZWISCHEN—DEM, 15000101—15991231 —UND, in den nordöstlichen Anden des heutigen Perus, am Rande des Amazonasbeckens.
20190307 Sie datieren das Grab auf die 14000101—14991231 —1.—HÄLFTE—DES, und damit auf die späte Phase des CHIMÚ—REICHS, das 1470ca00 erobert wurde.
20190307 Manche dieser auch von der POP—KRITIK nachhaltig glorifizierten BAD—BOY—MYTHEN 19000101—19991231 —DES, sind —BIS—HEUTE intakt.
20190312 GEORG (lateinisch Georgius, neugriechisch Ge??????
20190312 Geó_rgios, koptisch ???????? Georgios; *02000101—02991231 —IM, vermutlich in Kappadokien;
20190312 Im merowingischen FRANKEN—REICH ist die Georgsverehrung 05000101—05991231 —IM—SCHON, bezeugt,
20190326 aus der —MITTE des 05010101—06001231 —CENTURY
20190326 Der GROßTEIL—DES—ABFALLS sei in 01010101—02001231 EN von etwa 350—BIS 550—ANGEHÄUFT worden,
20190326 aus der —MITTE des 05010101—06001231 20190326 aus der —MITTE des 05010101—06001231 —CENTURY
20190329 Alaun, 1—MITTEL zur Fixierung von Farben, war 12000101—12991231 —WÄHREND—DES, bezüglich der quantitativen Ausdehnung der wichtigste gehandelte Rohstoff.
20190402 Dafür sprechen die Kreuze in der Signatur, die hohe Geistliche 06000101—06991231 —SEIT—DEM, verwenden, teilweise —BIS—HEUTE.
20190409—20181231 —CALLED, The new company, V4NA, was registered in LONDON by HUNGARY—AMBASSADOR to THE—UK, Kristof SZALAY—BOBROVNICZKY.
20190420 whether we can label THE—INTERNET a "public space" akin to JÜRGEN—HABERMAS—COFFEEHOUSE—OF—THE 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY and 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY
20190420 whether we can label THE—INTERNET a "public space" akin to JÜRGEN—HABERMAS—COFFEEHOUSE—OF—THE 18010101—19001231 and 19010101—20001231 20190504 The 15010101—16001231 Aladza Mosque was 1—OF—THE most prominent MASTERPIECES—OF—CLASSICAL—OTTOMAN architecture in the Balkans —BEFORE its destruction in the 19920000—19950000 war by BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—FORCES.
20190504 The 15010101—16001231 —CENTURY Aladza Mosque was 1—OF—THE most prominent MASTERPIECES—OF—CLASSICAL—OTTOMAN architecture in the Balkans —BEFORE its destruction in the 19920000—19950000 war by BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—FORCES.
20190602 Der DEMOKRATEN—SOZIALISMUS, der einst "zur Sonne, zur Freiheit" strebte, tut sich schwer, die großen Fragen 20000101—20991231 —DES, zu beantworten.
20190611 DIE—RÖMER schließlich _00000101_00991231 —IM, großflächiger in Südfrankreich verbreiteten.
20190611 FRANKREICH, wurde Wein vermutlich —ZUNÄCHST _05000101_05991231 —IM, in der GRIECHENLAND—KOLONIE Massali angebaut, dem heutigen MARSEILLE.
20190620 bis_04000101_04991231 ), die nach einem Fundort im heutigen ÖSTERREICH benannt ist, und die Latènekultur (5.
20190620 Der GRIECHENLAND—GESCHICHTS—SCHREIBER Poseidonios beschrieb _00000101_00991231 —IM, die keltischen Gelage in einem REISE—BERICHT—AUS—DER REGION—DES—HEUTIGEN—SÜDFRANKREICHS.
20190620 Bekannte keltisch geprägte Kulturen sind etwa die Hallstattkultur (8. —BIS 04000101—04991231 _VOR_CHRISTUS), die nach einem Fundort im heutigen ÖSTERREICH benannt ist, und die Latènekultur (5. bis00000101—00991231 _VOR_CHRISTUS), die ihren Ursprung in der SCHWEIZ hat.
20190622 THURN und Taxis ist ein in den Hochadel aufgestiegenes ADEL—GESCHLECHT, das in der LOMBARDEI 11000101—11991231 —SEIT—DEM, nachweisbar ist
20190624 DIE—1. Belege für die Pflanze auf dem europäischen Festland stammen den Forschern zufolge aus dem späten 15000101—15991231 in SPANIEN.
20190625—18000101—18991231 —SEIT—DEM, DIE—BURG—RHEINFELS warim Besitz des Hauses HOHENZOLLERN.
20190627 —LAUT, IFO—INSTITUT hat sich DIE—BEVÖLKERUNGSZAHL auf dem —GEBIET—DES—HEUTIGEN—WESTDEUTSCHLANDS—SEIT—DEM Beginn 19000101—19991231 —DES, mehr als VERDOPPELT—WOHINGEGEN in den neuen Bundesländern —DERZEIT, so wenige Menschen leben wie zuletz
20190627 Der Palast soll aus der Zeit des MITTANI—REICHS stammen, das vom 15. —BIS 13000101—13991231 _VOR_CHRISTUS weite Teile Nordmesopotamiens und Syriens umfasste und —BEREITS gut erforscht ist.
20190628 The fort was built in the late 15010101—16001231 to defend the mouth of the Chagres River.
20190630 —REPORTED, It was, that some 60,000—PEOPLE considered "deviant" by THE—SWITZERLAND—AUTHORITIES were locked up over the course of the 19010101—20001231.
20190705 ITALIENhype 16000101—16991231 —SEIT—DEM, : Kultur, Kunst und Sex jenseits der Alpen (SPIEGEL+, 16:36)
20190705 ITALIENhype 16000101—16991231 —SEIT—DEM, : Kultur, Kunst und Sex jenseits der Alpen
20190705 Italienhype —SEIT dem 16000101—16991231 : Kultur, Kunst und Sex jenseits der Alpen
20190730 —LAUT, Uno waren 35—PROZENT—DER—FLÄCHE—ÄTHIOPIENS 18950000—18991231 —BIS—CA—UM, mit Wald bedeckt.
20190913 Händchenhaltende Skelette aus dem 05010101—06001231 —CENTURY: "Liebende von MODENA" waren Männer
20190919 CHRISTIAN—VON—STABLO (auch: Druthmar Christianus) († 08010101—09001231 ) war 1—MÖNCH—DES—KLOSTER—STABLO und trat als theologischer AUTOR—HERVOR.
20191004 —INVOKED, HONG—KONG, emergency powers for the 1. time in more than HALF—1—CENTURY to ban face masks for protesters —AFTER MONTHS—OF—UNREST, prompting demonstrators to occupy downtown streets.
20191005 ARTHUR—R—BUTZ: THE—HOAX—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 1—KEY—MEMBER—OF—JACKSON—LONDON staff was COLONEL—MURRAY—C—BERNAYS, who was 1—OF—THE 1. people who had been involved in war crimes problems.
20191007 Ursprung der PANDEMIE zwischen dem 13010101—14001231 und 16010101—17001231 war offenbar ein einziger Erregerstamm,
20191008 THE—USA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT said it will remove THE—KIRTLAND—WARBLER from its list of protected species, finding the small, YELLOW—BELLIED songbird had recovered more than HALF—1—CENTURY—AFTER being designated as endangered.
20191013 —CANONIZED, FRANCIS—PAPA, Cardinal JOHN—HENRY—NEWMAN, praising the 18010101—19001231 Anglican convert who became 1—INFLUENTIAL, unifying figure in both the Anglican and Catholic churches.
20191017 In einer —ANFANG—DIESES—JAHRES, veröffentlichten —STUDIE schlägt Nakagaki daher ein neuartiges NAVIGATIONS—SYSTEM vor: Ausgehend von den Regeln, die der PREUSSISCHE—PHYSIKER GUSTAV—ROBERT—KIRCHHOFF 18000101—18991231 —IM, für den Bau von Stromnetzen aufstellte, und den Strömungsgesetzen des FRANZÖSISCHEN—MEDIZINERS und Physikers JEAN—LOUIS—MARIE—POISEUILLE, hat er die THEORIE des kürzesten Schleims aufgestellt.
20191027 FRANCE—AUCTION—HOUSE—ACTEON said "Christ Mocked," 1—LONG—LOST painting by 12010101—13001231 —CENTURY ITALY—MASTER—CIMABUE, found —EARLIER this —YEAR in the kitchen of 1—ELDERLY—FRANCE—WOMAN, was sold for 24—MILLION—EUROS ($26.6—MILLION), more than 4—TIMES THE—PRE—AUCTION estimate.
20191029 1—SWITZERLAND—MINISTER said over 10—PERCENT—OF—THE—ALPINE country's glaciers have been lost over the last 5—YEARS — 1—DEPLETION not seen in over 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY — as THE—UN—WEATHER—AGENCY opened its 1.—EVER meeting on how climate change is affecting mountains.
20191102 [IDÁCIO—DE—CHAVES]HYDATIUS wurde wahrscheinlich —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—JAHREN des 03010101—04001231 geboren.
20191104 Wie in LONDON 18000101—18991231 —IM, !
20191109—19920000 —IN, 1—HINDU mob destroyed the 15010101—16001231 Babri Mosque on the site.
20191114 Eschene Lanzen werden —SCHON im 06010101—07001231 —CENTURY_VOR_CHRISTUS von Hesiod in seinem Buch Werke und —TAGE als Bewaffnung des "3. Menschengeschlechts" erwähnt
20191125 —INVOLVED, Police —LATER said at least 7—PEOPLE were, in the theft of the 17010101—18001231 jewels.
20191206 —PLANTED, OIL—RICH—AZERBAIJAN, more than half 1—MILLION—TREES to celebrate 13010101—14001231 poet Seyid Imadeddin Nesimi, 1—INITIATIVE the government said would help tackle climate change but SOME—ENVIRONMENTAL—ACTIVISTS called "1—WASTE—OF—MONEY".
20191207—07510000 —BIS, DIE—MEROWINGER[seltener MEROVINGER] waren der FRANKEN—KÖNIG—GESCHLECHT ältestes vom 04010101—05001231 .Sie wurden vom Geschlecht der Karolinger abgelöst.
20191208 Chlodio (2. Viertel des 04010101—05001231 —CENTURY)
20191212 —VOTED, THE—USA—SENATE, unanimously on 1—RESOLUTION that recognizes as genocide the mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY ago.
20191221 BANNON, for his part, is 1—BIG fan of JULIUS—EVOLA, the fascist philosopher who has 1—PROMINENT—PLACE in ANY—HISTORY—OF—OCCULTISM 19000101—19991231 —IN—THE.
20191226 DIE—840—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN, die auch im 20010101—21001231 ohne Strom auskommen müssen.
20191231 —ENDE, HONDURAS Bevölkerung Unserer Schätzung zufolge umfasst die Bevölkerung HONDURAS 8.624.028 Menschen.
20191231 —NACH, Sturm auf USA—VERTRETUNG in BAGDAD: DONALD—TRUMP gibt IRAN Schuld für Ausschreitungen an USA—BOTSCHAFT
20191231 —AM, meldete CHINA eine mysteriöse Häufung von Lungenentzündungen in WUHAN.
20191231 —GEFÄHRDET, Wassermangel: Klimawandel, den Betrieb des Panamakanals
20191231 —ENTLASSEN, USA—30—ANGEHENDE Gefängniswärter wegen HITLER—GRUß
20191231 —DIE 1.Nachricht kommt, als das alte —JAHR gerade zu Ende geht.
20191231 8—INTERNETNUTZER, die Posts mit entsprechenden Botschaften verbreiten, werden in dieser Zeit von der Behörde für öffentliche Sicherheit einbestellt und vernommen.
20191231 Antrag im Parlament: ERDOGAN will Truppen nach LIBYEN schicken
20191231 Aussichten für 20200000 : DIW—CHEF—RECHNET mit 150.000—NEUEN Arbeitsplätzen
20191231 —DIENSTAG, 20191231 20191231 EMMANUEL—MACRON: "DIE—RENTEN—REFORM wird zu Ende gebracht"
20191231 Flammeninferno in AUSTRALIEN: —TAUSENDE—MENSCHEN an Stränden eingeschlossen
20191231 Gerüchte, es könne sich um ein "neues Sars" handeln, weisen DIE—BEHÖRDEN entschieden zurück.
20191231 In der chinesischen Millionenstadt WUHAN häufen sich rätselhafte FÄLLE—VON—LUNGENENTZÜNDUNGEN.
20191231 Isabel dos SANTOS: Vermögen der reichsten Frau Afrikas eingefroren - LIBYEN: 3—KRIEGE in einem Land
20191231 RUSSLAND: PUTIN ruft in Neujahrsansprache zur "Einheit" auf
20191231 UKRAINE und RUSSLAND: PUTIN und Selenskyj für schnelle WAFFEN—RUHE in der OstUKRAINE
20191231 Versorgung Westeuropas: RUSSLAND und UKRAINE unterzeichnen GASTRANSIT—VERTRAG
20191231 Wegen anhaltender Proteste: HONG—KONG sagt Feuerwerk ab
20191231 Zwischenrufe: ZAHL—DER—ORDNUNGSRUFE im BUNDESTAG auf höchstem Stand —JAHRZEHNTE—SEIT,
20191231 —DIENSTAG,
20191231 —KLIMA—POLITIK,Dänemark zeigt DEUTSCHLAND, wie es geht (SPIEGEL+, 10:14)
20191231 —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, about 750—USA—SOLDIERS deployed to THE—MIDDLE—EAST as about 3,000 more prepared for possible deployment in the next several days in response to recent events in IRAQ.
20191231 —REPORTED, THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) would ban the sale of most flavored e-cigarettes.
20191231 2—CREW MEMBERS—OF—THE—SCANDIES—ROSE were rescued —AFTER the 130-foot crab fishing vessel from HOLLAND—HARBOR—ALASKA.
20191231 1—SEARCH for THE—5—CREW members lasted —20—HOURS—BEFORE it was called off.
20191231 S—FRANCISCO, the last PERFORMANCE—OF—THE "Beach Blanket Babylon" show took place at Club Fugazi —FOLLOWING 1—RUN—OF—45—YEARS.
20191231 —KILLED, OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, Shuo Zeng (34) was, as he tried to chase down 2—ROBBERS of his laptop from 1—STARBUCKS café in Montclair.
20191231 Zeng was hit by the getaway vehicle and dragged on the ground.
20191231 Suspects BYRON—OJ—REED—JUNIOR, 22—JAHRE—ALT and Javon EUGENE—LEE, 21—JAHRE—ALT were soon arrested.
20191231 3—OF—THE—MOST powerful tribes in OKLAHOMA filed 1—FEDERAL—LAWSUIT against STATE—GOVERNOR—KEVIN—STITT, asking the court to help resolve 1—DISPUTE over gambling at tribal casinos.
20191231 —SIGNALED, Stitt has, he wants to renegotiate the compacts to give THE—STATE—1—LARGER—SLICE—OF—REVENUE.
20191231 —KILLED, In Balkh province, the Taliban, 9—POLICE—OFFICERS in 1—ATTACK on their checkpoint.
20191231 1—GUNBATTLE with the Taliban killed 7—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SECURITY—FORCES in Takhar province.
20191231 —TRAPPED, Wildfires burning across AUSTRALIA—2—MOST populous states, residents of 1—SEASIDE town in apocalyptic conditions, destroyed MANY—PROPERTIES and caused at least 2—FATALITIES.
20191231 THE—SOUTH—EAST—TOWN—OF—MALLACOOTA, in VICTORIA state, —AROUND 4,000 residents fled toward the waterside as winds pushed 1—EMERGENCY—LEVEL wildfire toward their homes.
20191231 —UNVEILED, PRINCE—WILLIAM, THE—DUKE—OF—CAMBRIDGE, 1—NEW—INITIATIVE called the Earthshot Prize, described by Kensington Palace as "the most prestigious environment prize in history".
20191231 THE—MULTIMILLION—DOLLAR prize will be awarded to 5—WINNERS per —YEAR over the next 10—YEARS to encourage "EARTH—GREATEST—PROBLEM solvers to solve EARTH—GREATEST—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROBLEMS.
20191231 CHINA—HEALTH—AUTHORITIES said they are investigating 27—CASES—OF viral pneumonia in THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—WUHAN, —AFTER rumors on social media suggested the outbreak could be linked to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
20191231 —IDENTIFIED, The disease —LATER, as COVID-19 was 1. reported by CHINA—AUTHORITIES to THE—WHO, and was not previously believed to have spread to EUROPE —UNTIL January.
20191231 —SHUTTERED, The Huanan market was, overnight —AFTER 4—CASES—OF—1—MYSTERY pneumonia were linked to the market.
20191231 —BY THE—END—OF—JANUARY, WUHAN had gone into a 76—DAY—LOCKDOWN.
20191231 —KILLED, INGUSHETIA, 1—POLICE—OFFICER was, and 3 were injured —WHEN 2—MEN attacked 1—POLICE—POST in Magas, the republic's capital.
20191231 —CLAIMED, The Islamic State group soon, responsibility.
20191231 † 1—OF—THE—ATTACKERS was killed —WHEN police opened fire and the other was wounded in THE—NORTH—CAUCASUS region.
20191231 —ATTACKED, IRAQ—SUPPORTERS—OF—PRO—IRAN factions, THE—USA—EMBASSY in BAGHDAD, breaching its outer wall and chanting "Death to AMERICA!" in anger over weekend air strikes that killed 2—DOZEN—FIGHTERS.
20191231 PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said he expects IRAQ to "use its forces" to protect THE—USA—EMBASSY in BAGHDAD as he blamed IRAN for orchestrating the "attack" that breached the wall of the compound.
20191231 —ANNOUNCED, CARLOS—GHOSN, THE—FORMER—CHAIRMAN—OF—NISSAN, that he is —NOW in LEBANON, despite being ordered by JAPAN—COURTS not to leave the country —WHILE awaiting trial on financial misconduct charges.
20191231 PAKISTAN began issuing special health ID cards for transgender people as 1—WAY to lessen health care discrimination.
20191231 SUDAN, sporadic tribal clashes between Arabs and NON—ARABS continued in WEST—DARFUR province, as the death toll climbed to at least 24—PEOPLE, SOME—OF—THEM burned to death.
20191231 —PASSED, TAIWAN—LEGISLATURE, its ANTI—INFILTRATION—LAW aimed at blocking political interference from CHINA.
20191231 —DETAINED, Police in TURKEY, 5 suspected Islamic State militants who were allegedly planning to carry out attacks in THE—TURKEY—CAPITAL—OF—ANKARA —DURING New —YEAR—EVE celebrations.
20191231 —SUSPECTED, Anadolu news said close to 170, IS militants have been detained in the past 2—DAYS.
20191231 —AGREED, TURKEY—AIRLINES said it has, 1—COMPENSATION—DEAL with plane maker Boeing Co over THE—GROUNDING—OF—THE—BOEING 737—MAX —FOLLOWING 2—FATAL crashes.
20191231 YEMEN—OFFICIALS said that 1—POWERFUL—REBEL—GROUP'S—BAN on —RECENTLY—PRINTED government banknotes in areas under their control, including the capital, SANAA, has held up THE—SALARIES—OF—TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—CIVIL—SERVANTS and pensioners.
20191231 Officials in SANAA said the Houthis had given residents 1—MONTH to hand over the newly printed but banned banknotes or face penalties that include jail.
20191231 2—ZIMBABWE rangers, who had arrested 4—ZAMBIA—MEN for poaching, were transporting them by boat to Kariba town to be charged and jailed.
20191231 —OVERPOWERED, But THE—4—SUSPECTS, the rangers and threw them into Lake Kariba.
20191231 —DISCOVERED, The rangers' bodies were, —AFTER 1—WEEK—LONG—SEARCH.
20191231 —NACH, Luftangriffen auf IRAKISCHE—MILIZEN, Demonstranten stürmen USA—BOTSCHAFT in BAGDAD
20191231 1. bestätigen, WUHAN—REGIERUNG—BEHÖRDEN, das Auftreten der —BIS dahin unbekannten Erkrankung COVID—19.
20191231—20150000 —EARNED, Zeng, 1—DOCTORATE in physics and worked as 1—ENGINEER at Aspera.
20191231—20190101 —FROM, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE temporarily blocked 1—CALIFORNIA labor law meant to take effect from impacting over 70,000 independent truckers by granting 1—TEMPORARY restraining order.
20191231—20190101 —ON, Stitt contends the gaming compacts expire and that casino gambling —AFTER that date will be illegal.
20191231—20190115 —ON, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said that Phase 1—OF—TRADE—DEAL with CHINA would be signed at THE—WHITE—HOUSE, though considerable confusion remains about THE—DETAILS—OF—THE—AGREEMENT.
20191231—20200000 —IN, Start : SYDNEY begrüßt das neue —JAHR
20191231—20200115 —AM, HANDELS—STREIT—MIT—CHINA: DONALD—TRUMP will Abkommen unterzeichnen (Wirtschaft, 16:15)
20191231—20210000 —IN, 1—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION—LED TEAM—OF—EXPERTS investigating the origins of COVID-19 visited Huanan market.
20200104 Generationenkonflikt: Das viel zu lange 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY
20200122—20201231 —KIDNAPPED, Pirates hade, the crew from the Happy Lady tanker, which had been lying at anchor 2—NAUTICAL—MILES (2.3—MILES, 3.7—KM) outside the port of Limboh.
20200123 —RULED, SWEDEN—SUPREME—COURT, in FAVOR—OF—SAMI—CONTROL—OF—HUNTING and fishing permits citing government records going back to the 15010101—16001231 which recognized Sami rights in exchange for taxes (paid in fur).
20200124 Nesyamun lebte unter PHARAO—RAMSES XI, der um den Beginn des 10010101—11001231 —CENTURY vor Christus regierte.
20200131—20191231 —1—MONAT—SPÄTER, haben sich WELT—WEIT mehr als 11.000—MENSCHEN infiziert.
20200221 Sie lebte im 13010101—14001231 —CENTURY vor Christus.
20200221 Der steinerne Sarkophag sowie ein kreisrunder Altar aus dem 05010101—06001231 —CENTURY vor Christus waren —BEREITS Ende des 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY entdeckt WORDEN—SIE gerieten aber wieder in Vergessenheit, wohl weil ihre Bedeutung nicht erkannt wurde.
20200228 Vorgänger ADENAUER habe ihm einst gesagt, DIE—DEUTSCHEN seien in der 1. Hälfte des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY Hochstapler gewesen.
20200228—19800000 —J—IM, stärksten VULKANAUSBRUCH—DES—19010101—20001231 —CENTURY des MOUNT—S—HELENS in den USA, der die Spitze des Vulkans abriss -
20200301 —SEIT vielen —JAHREN setzt sie sich dafür ein, daß JULIAN—ASSANGE freigelassen wird, er ist für sie "1—DISSIDENT des 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY".
20200301 Es ist erschütternd, was hier vor unser aller Augen mit einem Dissidenten des 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY passiert.
20200324 In the late 19600101—19691231 s, the hippies and protestors and COUNTER—CULTURALISTS—ALL identified with Groucho, because he was the quintessential mad anarchist -- 1—UNCONTROLLABLE—CREATURE—OF—FUN and sexy wordplay and boundless iconoclasm.
20200403—20191231 —INFORMED—OF, THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION[WHO] was, 1—OUTBREAK—OF "pneumonia of unknown cause" detected in WUHAN City, HUBEI PROVINCE—CHINA — the 7.—LARGEST city in CHINA with 11—MILLION—RESIDENTS.
20200410 It was only —DURING the late 19500101—19591231 s and early 19600101—19691231 s that CONSPIRACY—THEORIES started to become 1 stigmatised way of explaining big events.
20200410 the term "CONSPIRACY—THEORY" began to be more frequently used —DURING the 19500101—19591231 s.
20200410 —FROM at least the 16010101—17001231 to the 19500101—19591231 s, CONSPIRACY—THEORIES were 1—WIDELY accepted way of understanding THE—WORLD and often the official VERSIONS—OF—EVENTS.
20200410 Das POTTER—FIELD auf Hart ISLAND dient —SEIT dem 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY als Grabstätte für NEW—YORKER, deren Angehörige nicht bekannt oder deren Familien nicht in der Lage sind, 1—BEERDIGUNG zu finanzieren.
20200410—18700000 —AROUND, As 1—SEARCH on Google Books quickly reveals, the term "CONSPIRACY—THEORY" emerged and began to be more frequently used —DURING the 19500101—19591231 s.
20200420 Apparently, 1—REASON—TAIWAN—RESPONSE to COVID—19 was so early was that TAIWAN CDC Deputy Director Luo YI—JUN stumbled upon THE—WUHAN—MUNICIPAL—HEALTH—COMMISSION'S 20201230 notices on notorious online forum PTT —IN—THE—EARLY—HOURS—OF, 20201231 .
20200429 He is playing with fire, making the 20010101—21001231 1—ERA—OF—MAJOR—POWER—CONFRONTATION and undermining THE—FOUNDATIONS for peace.
20200501 —SURGED, UGANDA said Lake VICTORIA—WATER—LEVELS have, to their highest level in more than HALF—1—CENTURY—AFTER about —8—MONTHS—OF—RELENTLESS downpours, posing 1—THREAT to the nation's hydropower plants.
20200502 Kegelrobben stehen in DEUTSCHLAND unter Schutz und gelten als sehr gefährdet.
20200502 In DEUTSCHLAND war VOR—100—JAHREN offiziell die damals letzte Kegelrobbe erlegt worden.
20200502 Mit mehr als 38 000—TIEREN haben die Meeressäuger nun etwa 50—PROZENT—DES—BESTANDES vom 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY von geschätzten 80 000—BIS 100 000—ERREICHT.
20200507 —BISHER galten Fundstellen in keltischen Siedlungen im heutigen BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG um das 5. —BIS 03010101—04001231 v. Chr. als älteste Brauereien Mitteleuropas.
20200509 —ERHOBEN, DIE—RUHR Nachrichten, zudem den Vorwurf, der Wochenblick habe DIE—BERICHTERSTATTUNG über die SILVESTER—NACHT 20161231—20170101 in DORTMUND verfälscht wiedergegeben.
20200510 Unterricht nach CORONA: "1—SCHUL—SYSTEM aus dem 18010101—19001231 "
20200510 Unterricht nach CORONA: "1—SCHULSYSTEM aus dem 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY" Von ARMIN—HIMMELRATH
20200512 MONTENEGRO, HUNDREDS—OF—SERBIAN—ORTHODOX pilgrims used hand sanitizer and wore face masks as they entered the Ostrog Monastery to mark THE—DAY—OF—ST—VASILIJE—OSTROSKI—THE—MIRACLE—MAKER, a 16010101—17001231 BISHOP —AFTER whom the monastery is named.
20200512 Im 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY waren es noch knapp 3000—KILOMETER.
20200514 DIE—GUTSCHEINE sollen für "eine gleichwertige Veranstaltung" —BIS spätestens zum 20211231 .gelten.
20200514 Nutzen die Kunden den Gutschein nicht, erhalten sie von den Veranstaltern ihr Geld zurück.
20200514—20211231 —BIS—SPÄTESTENS—ZUM, gelten DIE—GUTSCHEINE sollen für "eine gleichwertige Veranstaltung".
20200514—20211231 —BIS—SPÄTESTENS—ZUM, Nutzen die Kunden den Gutschein nicht, erhalten sie von den Veranstaltern ihr Geld zurück.
20200525 Helens gilt als 1—DER—STÄRKSTEN—ERUPTIONEN—DES 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY—UND als die tödlichste in der GESCHICHTE—DER—USA.
20200525 Der AUSBRUCH—DES—MOUNT—S—HELENS gilt als 1—DER—STÄRKSTEN—ERUPTIONEN—DES 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY — und als die tödlichste in der GESCHICHTE—DER—USA.
20200528 Historische Belagerung im 14010101—15001231 : Als die BÜRGER—VON—NEUSS das große BURGUND zur Verzweiflung brachten
20200530 —LINKED, THE—HISTORY—OF—MONTE—CASSINO is, to the nearby TOWN—OF—CASSINO which was 1. settled in the 04010101—05001231 B.C. by the Volsci people who held much of central and SOUTH—ITALY.
20200530 Martin, however, was thrust out of his monastery into the role of 1—MISSIONARY—BISHOP—IN—THE 03010101—04001231 ".
20200530 Monte Cassino was rebuilt and reached the apex of its fame in the 10010101—11001231 —CENTURY under the abbot Desiderius (abbot 1058—1087), who —LATER became VICTOR—III—PAPA.
20200530 In 581, —DURING the abbacy of Bonitus, the Lombards sacked the abbey, and the surviving monks fled to ROME, where they remained for more than 1—CENTURY.
20200531 The authors said the discovery from an 07010101—08001231 —CENTURY BC shrine at Tel ARAD offers the 1. proof for "THE—USE—OF—MIND—ALTERING—SUBSTANCES as PART—OF—CULTIC—RITUALS in Judah," including the 1. Jewish Temple that stood in JERUSALEM at the same time.
20200602 DIE—ANTIKEN Schriften gehören zu den wichtigsten archäologischen Funden des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY.
20200602—20201231 —AM, Das legendäre Opernhaus plant eine verkürzte Saison, die statt —IM—SEPTEMBER beginnen soll,
20200603 DIE—MAYA—KULTUR, die sich vom heutigen Südmexiko —BIS nach HONDURAS erstreckte, erreichte ihre Blütezeit etwa zwischen den —JAHREN 200—UND 800—NACH Christus und endete recht abrupt: VIELE—ZENTREN wurden im 9. und 09010101—10001231 —CENTURY verlassen.
20200604—20200701 —BIS, Vom zum 20201231 wird der Mehrwertsteuersatz von 19—AUF 16—PROZENT und der ermäßigte Satz von 7—PROZENT auf 5—PROZENT gesenkt.
20200609—20201231 —AM, Offiziell erstattete CHINA dann dem WHO—LANDESBÜRO Bericht über mehrere Fälle einer "Lungenentzündung unbekannter Ursache",
20200611 MAGISCH—NOCH in der 2. Hälfte des 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY havarierten Tausende Schiffe rund um die Nordspitze Jütlands.
20200611 Vorläufer des NORD—OSTSEE—KANALS war der im 17010101—18001231 —CENTURY erbaute "SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEINISCHE Canal" (EIDER—KANAL).
20200614 Womöglich habe die Frambösie zu einer Epidemie des 15. und 15010101—16001231 beigetragen, die —BISHER als Syphilis interpretiert werde.
20200614 Andere vermuten, dass die Syphilis dort —SCHON lange zuvor verbreitet war oder dass sie im 14010101—15001231 —CENTURY über Handelsbeziehungen aus Westafrika eingeschleppt wurde.
20200614 "Aufgrund ihrer Ähnlichkeit zu Syphilis und des Auftretens zu einer ähnlichen Zeit ist es möglich, dass die Frambösie zu dem bekannten Ausbruch im 15. und 15010101—16001231 —CENTURY beitrug, den wir normalerweise auf Syphilis zurückführen",
20200628 Manchmal überleben VERSCHWÖRUNGsmythen ihre realen Vorbilder sogar um —JAHRHUNDERTE: So existierte der Illuminatenorden im Süddeutschland des späten 17010101—18001231 noch nicht einmal —10—JAHRE—BIS—HEUTE steht aber als Synonym für dunkle, elitäre Mächte mit sinistren Motiven, gerne auch in Kombination mit antisemitischen Feindbildern.
20200704—20201231 —AM, Das WHO—BÜRO—IN—CHINA habe die Information weitergeleitet, dass es laut der Website der Gesundheitskommission von WUHAN dort eine "virale Lungenentzündung" gebe.
20200709 Herausgekommen ist ein religiöses GEFÜHLSEPOS—DAS grandiose Schauspieler retten.
20200709 HARRIET—TUBMAN, die im AMERIKA des 18010101—19001231 gegen das SKLAVEN—SYSTEM aufbegehrte.
20200709 "HARRIET—DER—WEG in die Freiheit" 1—FRAU in den USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—SÜDSTAATEN in der —MITTE des 18010101—19001231 , die angesichts der Niedertracht meist weißer Frauen und Männer mutig rebelliert.
20200713 Rhodes, 1—WHITE—SUPREMACIST, led THE—UK—COLONIZATION—OF—PARTS—OF—SOUTH—AFRICAN—DURING the 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY and made 1—FORTUNE from mining.
20200716 —REMOVED, Officials in THE—ENGLAND—CITY—OF—BRISTOL, 1—STATUE—OF—JEN—REID, 1—BLACK—LIVES—MATTER—ACTIVIST, that was installed on 1—PEDESTAL once occupied by 1—MONUMENT to a 16010101—17001231 slave trader.
20200718 —DAMAGED, FRANCE, 1—ARSON attack badly, the 14010101—15001231 Gothic Cathedral of S—PETER—AND S—PAUL—IN—NANTES.
20200719—18700900 Bei Kampfhandlungen im Oktober wurde das Schloss schwer beschädigt und seine Ruine 18910000 abgetragen.
20200719—18700900 —IM, DIE—DEUTSCHEN hatten die Prachtanlage aus dem 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY bei der BELAGERUNG—VON—PARIS besetzt.
20200723 Alicante: POLIZEI findet Gefäße aus dem 00010101—01001231 —CENTURY in Fischladen
20200723 In the 20010101—21001231 , BRITAIN is no match for CHINA, economically or MILITARily.
20200723 Alicante: POLIZEI findet Gefäße aus dem 1—CENTURY in Fischladen
20200802 Im 16010101—17001231 gelang es erstmals, menschliche Spermien unter dem Mikroskop zu untersuchen.
20200817 erlebte insbesondere —SEIT Ende des 14010101—15001231 einen nennenswerten Aufschwung durch die Wollverarbeitung.
20200818 In the 01010101—02001231 —CENTURY, the "SPC" mythos was spread by MARCUS—CORNELIUS—FRONTO, 1—SCHOLAR who became 1—TUTOR and advisor to EMPEROR—MARCUS—AURELIUS.
20200818 In the early 01010101—02001231 , 1—ROMAN—CHRISTIAN named MARCUS—MINUCIUS—FELIX described the Agape feast as it was seen from THE—POINT—OF—VIEW—OF—THE—AVERAGE—ROMAN—NON—CHRISTIAN.
20200818 —ORIGINATED, Although THE—WITCH—HUNTING "fad", in the 14010101—15001231 , the mania became truly monstrous —DURING the 16. and 17. centuries.
20200820—20201231 —BY, Flu Vaccine —NOW Required For All MASSACHUSETTS Students
20200827 —GETÖTET, HUNDERTE—VON—IHNEN wurden bei Kämpfen mit den Briten, tausende weitere starben an eingeschleppten Krankheiten wie Masern, Grippe und Syphilis.
20200827 Nach ANGABEN—VON—ANTHROPOLOGEN und Aktivisten gab es vor der Ankunft BRITISCHER—SIELDER auf der Inselgruppe im 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY noch mehr als 5000—GROß—ANDAMANER.
20200902 1—SPAIN—COURT—ORDERED—THE—HEIRS—OF—GENERAL—FRANCISCO—FRANCO to hand over to the state a 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY palace used by the late dictator as 1—SUMMER—RETREAT.
20200930—19920000 —IN—THE, 1—INDIA—COURT acquitted all 32—PEOPLE ACCUSED—OF—CRIMES attack and demolition of a 15010101—16001231 mosque.
20201016—20201231 —BIS, Die Transportgenehmigung für die Castoren gilt nach Angaben einer SPRECHERIN—DES—BUNDESAMTES für die Sicherheit der nuklearen Entsorgung (BASE).
20201105 Wähler, die versuchen, die Auszählung von Wahlzetteln zu verhindern — und das in einer Demokratie im 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY.
20201119 Münzentwertung im 14010101—15001231 : Die 1. große Währungskrise und ihre Folgen
20201128 an denen sich —SEIT—ANFANG des 18010101—19001231 die boomenden NATUR—UND Technikwissenschaften orientierten.
20201128 Der Geist einer Wissenschaft, die ZEIT—ANALYSE und politische Relevanz miteinander verbindet, hat daher im Vergleich zur —MITTE des 18010101—19001231 nichts an Relevanz verloren.
20201201 Geboren in Stargard in Mecklenburg, Jobs in HAMBURG, dem AUSTRALISCHEN—BUNDESSTAAT New SOUTH—WALES, LONDON, Lissabon — CARL—RÜMKER war —SCHON im 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY ein echter Kosmopolit
20201204—20201231 —ON, USA—SECRETARY—OF—EDUCATION—BETSY—DEVOS said THE—SUSPENSION—OF—FEDERAL—STUDENT—LOANS—PAYMENTS and accruing interest set to end will be extended another —MONTH as the pandemic presents financial challenges to borrowers.
20201205—20201231 —AM, sind Straßenfeste verboten.
20201222—20201231 —DECIDED, UN Security Council members, to end the joint UN—AFRICA—UNION peacekeeping force in SUDAN—WEST—DARFUR region —WHEN the mission's mandate runs out, —AFTER pressure from the country's transitional government, RUSSIA and AFRICA—NATIONS.
20201227 Hahnemann ist der Typ, der sich im 17010101—18001231 die Homöopathie aus dem Arsch gezogen hat.
20201229 Düsseldorfer Urkunden aus dem 11010101—12001231 wurden in die mächtige Festung Ehrenbreitstein gegenüber der Moselmündung in KOBLENZ verlagert.
20201230 Das mondäne Heringsdorf wurde im 18010101—19001231 zum Magneten für reiche Gäste aus BERLIN.
20201231 —DONNERSTAG, 20201231
20201231 Merkels Neujahrsansprache: "Einmal innehalten — und trauern"
20201231 "Schlechter Verlierer"-Tweet: Trumps Anhänger verlangen WALMART—BOYKOTT
20201231 Elektroautos im neuen —JAHR: —JETZT wird es wild
20201231 Fehlende Impftermine, fehlende Vakzine: Wie die Bundesregierung Millionen Alte enttäuscht
20201231 "Gefahr der Spaltung der Gesellschaft": Schäuble gegen Privilegien für Geimpfte
20201231 Die großen SPIEGEL—RECHERCHEN 20200000 : Die Geschichten hinter den Geschichten
20201231 Schlimmster Serienmörder der USA—GESCHICHTE: SAMUEL—LITTLE ist tot
20201231 Der Brexit — diesmal endgültig: Farewell
20201231 Finanzierung der Coronakrise: Laschet gegen CORONA—ABGABE für Reiche — Esken dafür
20201231 Auf den Spuren des Jahrhundertbetrugs: World of Wirecard
20201231 Politiker und ihre Krisenrhetorik: Wenn ANGELA—MERKEL plötzlich Gefühle zeigt
20201231 Silvester auf der ISS: Raumfahrer rutschen 16-mal ins neue —JAHR
20201231 HESSEN: Gestohlener BMW X1 meldet sich aus dem Main
20201231 Jahreswechsel in der HAUPTSTADT: Berlins Polizei schickt 2900—BEAMTE in SILVESTER—EINSATZ
20201231 —VERSCHLEPPT, Klimaschutz : Wirtschaftsweise Grimm kritisiert Industrie scharf
20201231 Jahreswechsel im Vatikan: ISCHIAS—SCHMERZEN — PAPA lässt sich zweimal vertreten
20201231 Wegen "Sicherheitsgesetz": Hongkonger Medienunternehmer JIMMY—LAI muss wieder ins Gefängnis
20201231 Thu 20201231
20201231 [l] Spaß am Rande: Der Anhang des EU—UK—ABKOMMENS ist online.
20201231 Geht mal auf Seite 932.
20201231 Da geht es darum, wie sie DNA—PROFILDATEN sicher austauschen wollen.
20201231 Worauf haben sie sich geeinigt?
20201231 Auf 1990ER—JAHRE—TECH: S/MIME mit 10240000 —BIT RSA und SHA-1.
20201231 —STANDARDISIERT, Mensch na 1—GLÜCK, dass wir das mal, haben!
20201231 Nicht dass die Leute sich einfach AD—HOC für irgendeinen KRYPTO—STANDARD entscheiden und dann versehentlich zu kurze Schlüssel oder unsichere Verfahren oder Software einsetzen!1!!
20201231 USA verzeichnen mit mehr als 3900—CORONA—TOTEN neuen Tageshöchstwert
20201231 Bundesverband der Freien Berufe sieht 140.000—JOBS bedroht - "Die Krise geht an die Substanz",
20201231 bewerten 20,3 Prozent ihre momentane Geschäftslage als schlecht.
20201231 Patientenschützer fordern unkomplizierte CORONA—IMPFTERMINE
20201231 CHINA lässt 1. CORONA—IMPFSTOFF offiziell zu
20201231 —AM Vortag hatte sie noch bei 141,3 gelegen.
20201231 Angesichts einer im benachbarten MALAYSIA entdeckten neuen Coronavirusvariante gehe die Provinz Sulu in die Selbstisolation,
20201231 "Grundrechte sind Individualrechte, aber keine kollektiven Rechte, die der STAAT—BEI—BEDARF allen entzieht und nur allen gleichzeitig zurückgewährt, wenn es die Lage wieder erlaubt",
20201231 "Man kann deshalb einer immer größer werdenden Bevölkerungsgruppe von Geimpften, Gesunden und Genesenen nicht pauschal die Grundrechte vorenthalten, weil eine immer kleinere Gruppe nach wie vor durch das Virus gefährdet ist".
20201231 Mehr Freiheitsrechte für Menschen, die sich selbst und andere nicht mehr gefährdeten, sei "daher keine Diskriminierung".
20201231 Das gehe entweder durch den Nachweis einer Impfung oder einen negativen CORONA—TEST,
20201231 So werde auch eine faktische Impfpflicht ausgeschlossen.
20201231 Der Verfassungsrechtler CHRISTOPH—MÖLLERS sagte derweil der "Süddeutschen Zeitung", dass Privilegien für Geimpfte seiner Einschätzung nach für eine Übergangszeit durch 1—GESETZ—DES—BUNDESTAGS unterbunden werden könnten.
20201231 Für EINIGE—MONATE gebe es hier seiner Ansicht nach einen Spielraum für den Gesetzgeber, um das Antidiskriminierungsrecht zu ergänzen.
20201231 Berlins Regierender BÜRGERMEISTER—MICHAEL—MÜLLER (SPD) schließt eine weitere Verschärfung der Maßnahmen zur Viruseindämmung offensichtlich nicht aus.
20201231 "Wenn die Infektionszahlen so hoch bleiben, dann gehe ich davon aus, dass wir mindestens diese Maßnahmen, die wir —JETZT haben, auch verlängern werden",
20201231 CHINA meldet 1. Infektion mit neuer Coronavirusvariante
20201231 —VERZEICHNET, Tokio, mit mehr als 1000—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN neuen Höchststand
20201231 Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Ländern hat der Inselstaat im Südpazifik —SEIT mehr als einem —MONAT keine lokalen CORONA—FÄLLE mehr verzeichnet.
20201231 Daher konnten die Veranstaltungen ohne Begrenzungen der Besucherzahl oder anderen CORONA—BEDINGTEN Einschränkungen stattfinden.
20201231 Die afrikanische SEUCHENSCHUTZ—BEHÖRDE warnt vor einer "moralischen Katastrophe" bei der Verteilung von CORONA—IMPFSTOFFEN.
20201231 Nicht nur die wohlhabenden Länder würden den Impfstoff benötigen, sondern auch die Länder Afrikas
20201231 Bislang wurden für AFRIKA insgesamt 2,7 Millionen Infektionen registriert.
20201231 Profissionais de Saúde do Algarve ficarão todos vacinados na semana que vem
20201231 UE precisa de uma nova estratégia para conservar a biodiversidade
20201231 Atenção: Noite de passagem de ano com recolher obrigatório às 23h00 no território continental
20201231 LK Altenkirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 58—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 45,0 Fälle gesamt 1.720—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.335,4 Todesfälle gesamt 23—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.805—BUNDESLAND—RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20201231 LK Ammerland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 50—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 40,0 Fälle gesamt 1.260—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.009,1 Todesfälle gesamt 15—EINWOHNERZAHL 124.859—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20201231 LK Aurich Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 87—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 45,9 Fälle gesamt 1.467—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 773,4 Todesfälle gesamt 20—EINWOHNERZAHL 189.694—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20201231 LK Cuxhaven Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 70—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 35,3 Fälle gesamt 1.684—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 850,3 Todesfälle gesamt 37—EINWOHNERZAHL 198.038—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20201231 LK Dithmarschen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 65—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,8 Fälle gesamt 946—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 710,2 Todesfälle gesamt 25—EINWOHNERZAHL 133.193—BUNDESLAND—SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20201231 LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 309—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 116,8 Fälle gesamt 7.074—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.673,1 Todesfälle gesamt 158—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638
20201231 LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 239—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 123,4 Fälle gesamt 3.802—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.963,3 Todesfälle gesamt 90—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND—NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20201231 LK Friesland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 43—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,6 Fälle gesamt 762—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 772,0 Todesfälle gesamt 21—EINWOHNERZAHL 98.704—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20201231 LK Goslar Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 64—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,0 Fälle gesamt 1.003—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 735,9 Todesfälle gesamt 39—EINWOHNERZAHL 136.292—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20201231 LK Holzminden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 33—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 46,8 Fälle gesamt 574—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 814,7 Todesfälle gesamt 16—EINWOHNERZAHL 70.458—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20201231 LK Kusel Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 29—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 41,3 Fälle gesamt 1.267—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.804,4 Todesfälle gesamt 44—EINWOHNERZAHL 70.219—BUNDESLAND—RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20201231 LK Leer Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 57—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 33,4 Fälle gesamt 1.176—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 688,7 Todesfälle gesamt 13—EINWOHNERZAHL 170.756—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20201231 LK Lüneburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 86—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 46,7 Fälle gesamt 1.312—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 712,5 Todesfälle gesamt 27—EINWOHNERZAHL 184.139—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20201231 LK Meißen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.453—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 601,1 Fälle gesamt 8.614—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.563,7 Todesfälle gesamt 321—EINWOHNERZAHL 241.717—BUNDESLAND—SACHSEN
20201231 LK Nordfriesland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 46—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 27,7 Fälle gesamt 949—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 571,9 Todesfälle gesamt 20—EINWOHNERZAHL 165.951—BUNDESLAND—SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20201231 LK Osterholz Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 40—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 35,1 Fälle gesamt 1.324—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.162,1 Todesfälle gesamt 28—EINWOHNERZAHL 113.928—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20201231 LK Ostholstein Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 99—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 49,4 Fälle gesamt 1.092—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 544,5 Todesfälle gesamt 12—EINWOHNERZAHL 200.539—BUNDESLAND—SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20201231 LK Plön Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 39—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 30,3 Fälle gesamt 534—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 415,0 Todesfälle gesamt 9—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.686—BUNDESLAND—SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20201231 LK RENDSBURG—ECKERNFÖRDE Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 132—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,2 Fälle gesamt 1.667—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 608,2 Todesfälle gesamt 19—EINWOHNERZAHL 274.098—BUNDESLAND—SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20201231 LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 410—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 87,1 Fälle gesamt 8.884—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.887,7 Todesfälle gesamt 179—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615
20201231 LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 351—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 123,9 Fälle gesamt 5.351—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.889,0 Todesfälle gesamt 50—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271
20201231 LK ROSTOCK Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 71—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 32,9 Fälle gesamt 982—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 455,1 Todesfälle gesamt 15—EINWOHNERZAHL 215.794—BUNDESLAND—MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20201231 LK Verden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 67—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,9 Fälle gesamt 2.235—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.629,8 Todesfälle gesamt 28—EINWOHNERZAHL 137.133—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20201231 LK Vogtlandkreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.723—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 762,4 Fälle gesamt 6.293—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.784,6 Todesfälle gesamt 158—EINWOHNERZAHL 225.997—BUNDESLAND—SACHSEN
20201231 LK Wesermarsch Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 44—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 49,7 Fälle gesamt 920—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.038,6 Todesfälle gesamt 14—EINWOHNERZAHL 88.583—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20201231 LK Wittmund Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 16—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 28,1 Fälle gesamt 425—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 746,6 Todesfälle gesamt 7—EINWOHNERZAHL 56.926—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20201231 SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 250—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 77,9 Fälle gesamt 12.003—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.737,8 Todesfälle gesamt 177—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123—BUNDESLAND—BERLIN
20201231 SK Coburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 218—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 530,8 Fälle gesamt 1.106—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.692,8 Todesfälle gesamt 19—EINWOHNERZAHL 41.072—BUNDESLAND—BAYERN
20201231 SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.046—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 96,2 Fälle gesamt 25.806—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.372,2 Todesfälle gesamt 338—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863
20201231 SK ROSTOCK Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 54—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 25,8 Fälle gesamt 886—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 423,5 Todesfälle gesamt 9—EINWOHNERZAHL 209.191—BUNDESLAND—MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20201231 SK WOLFSBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 46—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 37,0 Fälle gesamt 1.416—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.138,5 Todesfälle gesamt 62—EINWOHNERZAHL 124.371—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20201231 Albufeira Casos confirmados - 911 (+17) Óbitos - 6 (=) Recuperados - 750 (+3) Casos ativos - 155 (+14)
20201231 Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 23 (=) Óbitos - 3 (=) Recuperados - 20 (=) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20201231 Aljezur Casos confirmados - 37 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 27 (+1) Casos ativos - 09 (-1)
20201231 Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 73 (+3) Óbitos - 0 (=) Recuperados - 65 (=) Casos ativos - 8 (+3)
20201231 Faro Casos confirmados - 1067 (+21) Óbitos - 9 (=) Recuperados - 892 (+13) Casos ativos - 166 (+8)
20201231 Lagoa Casos confirmados - 286 (+13) Óbitos - 2 (=) Recuperados - 252 (+2) Casos ativos - 32 (+11)
20201231 LAGOS Casos confirmados - 681 (+24) Óbitos - 6 (=) Recuperados - 583 (+7) Casos ativos - 92 (+17)
20201231 Loulé Casos confirmados - 1197 (+35) Óbitos - 14 (=) Recuperados - 1019 (+29) Casos ativos - 164 (+6)
20201231 Monchique Casos confirmados - 49 (=) Óbitos - 0 (=) Recuperados - 44 (=) Casos ativos - 5 (=)
20201231 Olhão Casos confirmados - 494 (+30) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 393 (+13) Casos ativos - 100 (+17)
20201231 Portimão Casos confirmados - 1102 (+12) Óbitos - 12 (=) Recuperados - 975 (+11) Casos ativos - 116 (+1)
20201231 Silves Casos confirmados - 475 (+17) Óbitos - 2 (=) Recuperados - 371 (+9) Casos ativos - 102 (+8)
20201231 São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 177 (+6) Óbitos - 9 (=) Recuperados - 118 (+6) Casos Ativos - 50 (=)
20201231 Tavira Casos confirmados - 513 (+40) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 316 (+6) Casos ativos - 193 (+35)
20201231 VRSA Casos confirmados - 326 (+16) Óbitos - 6 (=) Recuperados - 265 (+12) Casos ativos - 55 (+4)
20201231 Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 88 (+3) Óbitos - 2 (=) Recuperados - 79 (=) Casos ativos - 7 (+3)
20201231 —BEENDET, Krisengebiet im SUDAN: Uno, Friedensmission in Darfur
20201231 Neujahrsansprache in voller Länge: "Die Pandemie ist 1—JAHRHUNDERTAUFGABE"
20201231 Arbeiterkneipen im Kaiserreich: Suff und Subversion
20201231 —BEZEICHNET, Urteile gegen HONGKONG—AKTIVISTEN: Pompeo, CHINA als "fragile Diktatur"
20201231 "Ich bin froh und auch erleichtert, dass ALLE—PERSONEN wieder zu Hause sind und es ihnen nach und nach besser geht",
20201231 Allerdings ist Silvester für die Chinesen auch kein besonders wichtiger Feiertag.
20201231 Klage vor dem Oberverwaltungsgericht: Gericht kippt Demoverbot an Silvester in NRW
20201231 FRÜHERER—USA—ARBEITSMINISTER—ROBERT—REICH: "Für die Mittelschicht wird der Weg zurück hart und lang" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—GUIDO—MINGELS
20201231 BORIS—JOHNSON feiert Bruch mit EU: "Ein großartiger Moment für dieses Land"
20201231 USA: Rekordbeteiligung bei Stichwahl um Senatsposten in GEORGIA
20201231 Jahresansprache von DONALD—TRUMP: "Niemand kann mit uns mithalten"
20201231 —EXTENDED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, 1—PAIR—OF—IMMIGRATION—BANS that block many "green card" applicants and temporary foreign workers from entering the country, measures he says are needed to protect USA—WORKERS amid THE—PANDEMIC—BATTERED economy.
20201231 1—USA federal appeals court ruled that PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP has the power to bar immigrants from THE—USA—WHO cannot afford private health insurance.
20201231 The ban would affect as many as 375,000—PEOPLE 1—YEAR.
20201231 —CONFIRMED, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE has, that Ticketmaster has paid a $10m (£7.3m) criminal fine for "intrusions into 1—COMPETITOR—COMPUTER—SYSTEMS".
20201231 CALIFORNIA to date had 2,262,972 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 25,423 deaths.
20201231 THE—SF Bay Area had 259,374 cases and 2,501 deaths.
20201231 —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 19,852,041 with the death toll at 344,030.
20201231 SF Bay Area poet Q.R. Hand (83) †—OF—CANCER in VALLEJO.
20201231 —CHRONICLED, He had, the Black experience in AMERICAN—WHILE working for MANY—YEARS as 1—MENTAL—HEALTH councilor in the Mission DISTRICT—OF—S—FRANCISCO.
20201231 FLORIDA health officials said 1—MORE—INFECTIONS variant of COVID—19—THAT has swept through THE—UK has been identified in the state, marking the 3. known USA—STATE to identify such 1—CASE.
20201231 —DECLARED, PORTLAND police, 1—RIOT—JUST—BEFORE 11—P.m. local time on New —YEAR—EVE—AFTER protesters broke windows, shot off fireworks and set fires near the federal courthouse.
20201231 —PUBLICIZED, The demonstration had been, via posts on social media.
20201231 —VANDALIZED, PENNSYLVANIA, about 50—PEOPLE, all in black, the historic USA—CUSTOMS—HOUSE in PHILADELPHIA.
20201231 7—PEOPLE soon faced felony charges —AFTER at least 2—FEDERAL—BUILDINGS were attacked.
20201231 FORMER—PENNSYLVANIA—GOVERNOR—DICK—THORNBURGH had made integrity and efficiency the hallmarks of his public service as 1—GOVERNOR, USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL and UNDER—SECRETARY—GENERAL—OF—THE—UN.
20201231 TEXAS, Pfc.
20201231 ASIA M. Graham (19) was found unresponsive in her barracks and was —LATER pronounced dead by emergency services personnel on the Fort Bliss Army post.
20201231 —PRINTED, The Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News, their final daily newspapers as they joined others that made the same decision in response to declining print and circulation revenues.
20201231 —PRINTED, The newspaper had, daily —FOR—149—YEARS.
20201231 —REMOVED, Apple, 39,000 game apps on its CHINA store, the biggest removal ever in 1—SINGLE—DAY, as it set —YEAR—END as deadline for all game publishers to obtain 1—LICENSE.
20201231 —REPORTED, BRAZIL, 56,773 additional confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus in the past 24—HOURS, and 1,074 deaths from COVID-19. 1—BRAZIL—LAB said it has detected 2—CASES—OF—THE—NEW—CORONAVIRUS variant that has spread rapidly in BRITAIN, and urged REINFORCEMENT—OF—QUARANTINE—MEASURES for travelers coming from EUROPE.
20201231 PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON said that BRITAIN would withdraw from Erasmus, citing its high costs.
20201231 THE—UK—GOVERNMENT said it will allow people to be given shots of different COVID—19—VACCINES on rare occasions, despite 1—LACK—OF—EVIDENCE about THE—EXTENT—OF—IMMUNITY offered by mixing doses.
20201231 33—MIGRANTS on 4—BOATS crossed the Channel under THE—COVER—OF—DARKNESS in freezing temperatures this —MORNING, in 1—DESPERATE—ATTEMPT to reach THE—UK—BEFORE—BREXIT.
20201231 —ARRIVED, Some 8,400—PEOPLE, on UK—SHORES this —YEAR having left NORTH—FRANCE.
20201231 —REACHED, Negotiators from THE—UK—AND—SPAIN said they have, 1—DRAFT—AGREEMENT on THE—POST—BREXIT future of GIBRALTAR.
20201231 As PART—OF—THE—DEAL—GIBRALTAR would be able to join European Union program and policies such as Schengen.
20201231 —RESIGNED, ONTARIO—FINANCE—MINISTER—ROD—PHILLIPS, —AFTER public outrage over 1—CARIBBEAN vacation he took —EARLIER this —MONTH in violation of his own government's coronavirus travel warnings.
20201231 —INTRODUCED, CHINA, 1—DELISTING reform to strip lousy firms of their listing status.
20201231 Companies with 1—SHARE—PRICE below 1—YUAN ($0.15) for 20—CONSECUTIVE days will —NOW face automatic delisting.
20201231 —APPROVED, THE—CHINA—GOVERNMENT said that it had, 1—HOMEGROWN coronavirus vaccine, —AFTER 1—EARLY—ANALYSIS—OF—CLINICAL—TRIAL—RESULTS showed that it was effective.
20201231 1—DAY—EARLIER—SINOPHARM said that 1—VACCINE—CANDIDATE made by its BEIJING Institute of Biological Products arm had 1—EFFICACY rate of 79—PERCENT based on 1—INTERIM—ANALYSIS—OF—PHASE 3—TRIALS.
20201231 —REPORTED, CHINA, 19—NEW—COVID—19—CASES, down from 25—CASES 1—DAY —EARLIER.
20201231 —KILLED, CONGO, DRC at least 25—PEOPLE were, in 1—ATTACK on New —YEAR—EVE by Allied Democratic Forces rebels in EAST—BENI territory.
20201231 —KIDNAPPED, Other people were.
20201231 —REPORTED, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC, 1—RECORD—HIGH 16,939 daily cases of COVID-19 for the past 24—HOURS.
20201231 —REACHED, Total deaths have, 11,580.
20201231 —REVOKED, HONG—KONG—HIGHEST—COURT, media tycoon JIMMY—LAI—BAIL —AFTER prosecutors succeeded in asking the judges to send him back to detention.
20201231 The court said that it was "reasonably arguable" that the previous judge's decision was erroneous and that THE—ORDER—OF—GRANTING bail was invalid.
20201231 1—COURT—IN—JORDAN sentenced 5—LEADERS—OF—THE—NATIONAL—TEACHERS' syndicate to 1—YEAR in prison over recent protests demanding 1—SALARY—INCREASE.
20201231 The 5 were among 13—MEMBERS—OF—THE—TEACHERS—ASSOCIATION—COUNCIL who were arrested in July —AFTER threatening to stage new protests over 1—LONG—RUNNING salary dispute.
20201231 SAUDI—LED coalition warplanes struck targets in YEMEN—HOUTHI—HELD—CAPITAL—SANAA in retaliation for attacks in the southern port CITY—OF—ADEN the previous —DAY that took place as officials in 1—GOVERNMENT backed by RIYADH arrived there.
20201231 —REPORTED, SINGAPORE, 5—LOCALLY transmitted COVID—19—CASES, its highest number in nearly 3—MONTHS, and was seeking to verify 2—OTHERS suspected of being infected by 1—HIGHLY contagious variant 1. discovered in BRITAIN.
20201231 —ORDERED, THE—SLOVAKIA—GOVERNMENT, ski resorts and hotels closed and banned travel between districts at 1—EMERGENCY—SESSION on New —YEAR—EVE—AFTER new coronavirus cases hit record high and hospitals filled up with patients.
20201231 —CLOSED, THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, the —YEAR by approving the $3.231—BILLION budget for 20210000 .
20201231 —VOTED, Only ISRAEL and THE—USA, against it citing disagreements on ISRAEL and IRAN.
20201231 Coronakrise in DEUTSCHLAND: Bund und Länder rechnen mit Krisenausgaben von 1,3 Billionen Euro
20201231 Streit über AIRBUS—SUBVENTIONEN: USA kündigen weitere Strafzölle für Produkte aus DEUTSCHLAND und FRANKREICH an
20201231 —IMPORTIERT, Energieverbrauch: DEUTSCHLAND, mehr Strom als im Vorjahr
20201231 Feinstaub, Stickoxide, Schutzgebiete: 14—EU—VERFAHREN gegen DEUTSCHLAND — wegen nicht eingehaltener Umweltrichtlinien
20201231 Politikversagen im CORONA—JAHR: Wie DEUTSCHLAND die Kontrolle über das Virus verlor
20201231 Jahreswechsel in der Südsee: In KIRIBATI und SAMOA hat 20210000 —SCHON begonnen
20201231 Einreiseverbot wegen CORONA: Hunderte Deutsche werden an DÄNISCH—SCHWEDISCHER—GRENZE zurückgewiesen
20201231 SPIEGEL—REGIERUNGSMONITOR: Merkel und Spahn sind die Gewinner des Jahres Von ANNA—SOPHIE—SCHNEIDER
20201231 BREXIT—STREIT: SPANIEN und GROSSBRITANNIEN einigen sich auf Lösung für GIBRALTAR
20201231 —IM—ALS,plementation empfiehlt das Dokument Netscape Communicator 4.x (davon kam die letzte Version 20020000 heraus).
20201231 14,2 PROZENT—DER—FREIBERUFLER erwarteten, in —2—JAHREN weniger Mitarbeiter zu haben.
20201231 Nach ANGABEN—DES—INSTITUTS wurden ferner 964—CORONA—TODESFÄLLE innerhalb von —24—STUNDEN verzeichnet.
20201231 Die sogenannte —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ betrug —AM—DONNERSTAG 139,8.
20201231 1—INSELGRUPPE—DER—PHILIPPINEN mit mehr als 900.000—EINWOHNERN schottet sich für zumindest —2—WOCHEN von der Außenwelt ab.
20201231 CDU—VORSITZKANDIDAT FRIEDRICH—MERZ will CORONA—GEIMPFTEN mehr Freiheitsrechte in der Pandemie einräumen.
20201231 "Aber diejenigen, die sich bewusst gegen 1—IMPFUNG entscheiden, müssen akzeptieren, dass sie, solange dieses Infektionsrisiko besteht, zumindest einen Schnelltest machen müssen, bevor sie zum Beispiel in 1—KONZERT oder 1—FUSSBALLSTADION gehen".
20201231 In der TÜRKEI treten verschärfte Ausgangsregeln über Neujahr in Kraft
20201231 Anders als in GROSSBRITANNIEN erteile man in EUROPA keine Notfallzulassung, sondern eine bedingte Marktzulassung — mit allen damit verbundenen Schutzmaßnahmen, Kontrollen und Verpflichtungen.
20201231 NEUSEELAND feiert Silvester ohne Begrenzung der Besucherzahl
20201231 Mit einer REIHE—VON—GROSSEN—MUSIKFESTIVALS und Feuerwerksshows hat NEUSEELAND das neue —JAHR begrüßt.
20201231 Die ZAHL—DER—NEUEN—INFEKTIONEN ist offiziellen Daten zufolge —SEIT—LETZTER—WOCHE um fast 19—PROZENT gestiegen, die ZAHL—DER—TODESFÄLLE um 26—PROZENT.
20201231 BELGIEN will Einreisende strikter kontrollieren
20201231 Der künftige USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN plant kurz vor seiner Vereidigung 1—GEDENKZEREMONIE für die Hunderttausenden Menschen, die in den USA an den Folgen einer Infektion mit dem CORONA€"VIRUS gestorben sind.
20201231 Das für die Vereidigung des Präsidenten zuständige Komitee teilte mit, —AM—ABEND vor Bidens Amtseinführung —IM—JANUAR werde es in der USA—HAUPTSTADT—WASHINGTON am LINCOLN—MEMORIAL 1—GEDENKZEREMONIE geben, um an die vielen CORONA—TOTEN im Land zu erinnern.
20201231 GLOBAL—CASES—83.113.878—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.812.218
20201231 Algarve regista mais 219—CASOS de COVID—19, em dia sem óbitos na região
20201231 Alentejo tem mais 524—CASOS e 7—MORTES por COVID—19 - 304_DGS_boletim_20201231-002
20201231 FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1067—(+21)—ÓBITOS—9—(=)—RECUPERADOS—892—(+13)—CASOS—ATIVOS—166—(+8)
20201231 LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—286—(+13)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—252—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—32—(+11)
20201231 LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—681—(+24)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—583—(+7)—CASOS—ATIVOS—92—(+17)
20201231 LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1197—(+35)—ÓBITOS—14—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1019—(+29)—CASOS—ATIVOS—164—(+6)
20201231 OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—494—(+30)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—393—(+13)—CASOS—ATIVOS—100—(+17)
20201231 PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1102—(+12)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—975—(+11)—CASOS—ATIVOS—116—(+1)
20201231 TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—513—(+40)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—316—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—193—(+35)
20201231 VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—326—(+16)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—265—(+12)—CASOS—ATIVOS—55—(+4)
20201231 Uneinigkeit in GROSSBRITANNIEN: SCHOTTLAND und Nordirland rebellieren gegen das BREXIT—FOLGEABKOMMEN
20201231 Schutz vor COVID—19: Experten bringen Verschiebung der 2. Impfung ins Spiel
20201231 Anerkennung für indigene Bevölkerung: AUSTRALIEN ändert seine Nationalhymne
20201231 Die BRITISCHE—VARIANTE des CORONA€"VIRUS ist erneut in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG aufgetaucht.
20201231 Sie hatte sich offensichtlich bei ihrem Partner angesteckt, der —IM—DEZEMBER nach einer Geschäftsreise in GROSSBRITANNIEN erkrankt war.
20201231 —4—TAGE nach der Impfpanne in Stralsund ist auch die letzte vorsorglich im Krankenhaus behandelte Frau wieder zu Hause.
20201231 Nach einem Besuch des Nikolaus sind in BELGIEN 26—BEWOHNER eines Altenheimes an einer Infektion mit dem CORONA€"VIRUS gestorben.
20201231 Der als Nikolaus verkleidete Mann war Träger des CORONA€"VIRUS, war sich aber seiner Infektion nicht bewusst,
20201231 NORWEGEN führt CORONA—TESTPFLICHT für Einreisende ein
20201231 Erneut Rekordzahl an CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN in LETTLAND
20201231 NEW—YORK City will —BIS Ende —JANUAR eine Million Menschen impfen
20201231 ITALIEN will —IM—JANUAR wieder mehr Schulen öffnen
20201231 —VERLÄNGERT—FINNLAND, Blockade für Flieger aus GROSSBRITANNIEN
20201231 FRANKREICH, ist ein 1. FALL—DER—IN—SÜDAFRIKA aufgetretenen CORONA€"VIRUS—VARIANTE registriert worden.
20201231 HYGIENE—EXPERTIN in INDIEN: Die neuen Jobs der Pandemie
20201231 Erderhitzung: Was bringt 20210000 für das Klima?
20201231—19870000 —IN, —SINCE its introduction, Erasmus has sent MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE abroad for study exchanges, work placements or traineeships.
20201231—20000000 —AB, Zum Vergleich: Das BSI empfiehlt RSA Bits und gar kein SHA—1—MEHR.
20201231—20160000 —ENDED, CHICAGO, 20200000 with 769—HOMICIDES, 274—MORE than the previous —YEAR and the most —SINCE THE—784—HOMICIDES.
20201231—20191231 —AM, "Zentralchina meldet mysteriöse Lungenkrankheit", so lautete um 13.48—UHR die 1. Meldung auf SPIEGEL.de zu den Erkrankungen in WUHAN.
20201231—20200101 —REPORTED, It was, that Drugmakers including Pfizer, Sanofi, and GlaxoSmithKline plan to raise USA—PRICES on more than 300—DRUGS in THE—USA.
20201231—20200102 —FROM, NORWAY said all travelers entering the country will have to take 1—COVID 19—TEST within —24—HOURS—OF—ARRIVAL.
20201231—20200104 —FROM, 1—PROVINCE—OF—ISLANDS in THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES said it will seal itself off for 1—INITIAL —2—WEEKS to keep out 1—NEW—COVID 19—VARIANT found in nearby MALAYSIA.
20201231—20201214 —AM, Das mutierte Virus sei bei einer 23-Jährigen aus SHANGHAI festgestellt worden, die aus GROSSBRITANNIEN eingereist sei,
20210101 304_DGS_boletim_20201231-002
20210103—20201231 —AM ENDE—DES—CORONA—JAHRES, offenbarte sich in Umfragen ein tiefes Sicherheitsbedürfnis: Dreiviertel der Befragten machten sich Sorgen um den ZUSTAND—DER—WIRTSCHAFT.
20210105 "Da Flash Player —NACH—DEM 20201231 nicht mehr unterstützt wird und Adobe die Ausführung FLASH—BASIERTER Inhalte in Flash Player ab dem 20210112 blockiert, empfiehlt Adobe allen Anwendern dringend, Flash Player zum Schutz ihrer Systeme umgehend zu deinstallieren".
20210108 Bismarck und der PREUSSISCHE—LANDADEL im 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY: Lauter kleine Könige
20210108 Die Neuinfektionen in dem Land mit 10,3 Millionen Einwohnern hatten zuvor —SCHON—AM—MITTWOCH mit einem Tageswert von 10 027—DEN —BIS dahin geltenden Rekord vom 20211231 (7627) deutlich übertroffen.
20210115—20201231 —ENDE, waren es nur noch gut halb so viel: rund 80—MILLIONEN—EURO".
20210117 Die westliche Politik muss sich eingestehen, dass die tradierten internationalen Organisationen allein nicht mehr ausreichen und der atlantische Westen für das 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY zu klein gedacht ist.
20210119-202001011231—CORONA—JAHR, Haushalt, Bund ausgibt fast 90—MILLIARDEN weniger als geplant
20210121 Here, _06010101_07001231 —FROM—THE, the oldest known traces of writing, are represented by graffiti engraved on 1—AMPHORA (Klpš — which could indicate 1—HYDRONYM, namely the Sado River) and the funereal inscription of 1—NATIVE — that of Wadbar.
20210122 Franzosenhass im 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY: Wie DEUTSCHE—DICHTER FRANKREICH zum "Erzfeind" machten
20210204 —FROM BRUSSELS to THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD: How EUROPE Became 1—MODEL for the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY 1—ESSAY by Ullrich Fichtner
20210205 Propaganda im 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY: Wie sich Goethe von NAPOLEON einspannen ließ
20210213 Während der sogenannten Kleinen Eiszeit in GROSSBRITANNIEN vom 14. —BIS zum frühen 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY fror die Themse mindestens 23—MAL zu.
20210318 EXPERTEN—DES—AUKTIONSHAUSES begutachten, die zum Schluss kamen, dass es sich um eine sehr seltene Schüssel aus der CHINA—MING—DYNASTIE zwischen dem 14. und 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY handelt.
20210318 Der Malstil, die FORM—DER—SCHALE und auch der Ton des Blaus sind charakteristisch für das frühe 14010101—15001231 —CENTURY".
20210331 Der Einbaum aus der Zeit des 24. —BIS 22010101—23001231 —CENTURY vor Christus sei das älteste —BISHER bekannte Wasserfahrzeug aus dem Bodensee.
20210413 Wandteppich von Bayeux aus dem 10010101—11001231 —CENTURY: 24.204—FLECKEN, 16.445—FALTEN, 9646—LÜCKEN
20210426 —GATHERED, TURKEY, 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—PROTESTORS, outside THE—USA—CONSULATE in ISTANBUL to protest USA—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN—DECISION to call the Ottoman EMPIRE—MASS—DEPORTATIONS and killings of Armenians 1—CENTURY ago a "genocide".
20210514 —REPORTED, It was, that Greyhound CANADA is permanently cutting all bus routes across the country —AFTER nearly 1—CENTURY—OF—SERVICE.
20210521 Wir müssen 1—SYSTEM der Krankheitsüberwachung aufbauen, das für das 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY geeignet ist",
20210624—20211231 —AM, meldete die CHINA—REGIERUNG die Fälle offiziell der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO.
20210628—20200600 —PAINTED, THE—FRANCE—ACTIVIST had, and sprayed "STATE—NEGROPHOBIA" in red paint on 1—STATUE—OF—JEAN—BAPTISTE—COLBERT, a 16010101—17001231 royal MINISTER who helped write rules governing slaves in FRANCE—OVERSEAS colonies.
20210629 Im 13010101—14001231 —CENTURY soll der Schwarze Tod rund 1—DRITTEL der damaligen Weltbevölkerung ausgerottet haben.
20210704 Von den Römern im 01010101—02001231 —CENTURY im Auftrag des Senators Gnaeus Egnatius erbaut, verband die Via Egnatia ISTANBUL mit der Adria.
20210708 Vom 16. —BIS 17010101—18001231 —CENTURY liefen Monarchen so übel riechend durch ihre Schlösser wie ihre leibeigenen Bauern über die Äcker.
20210708 kehrte das Waschen im späten 17010101—18001231 —CENTURY zurück nach EUROPA.
20210719 Im 01010101—02001231 —CENTURY vor Christus sei es bei einer Katastrophe von Steinblöcken des nahe gelegenen AMUN—TEMPELS getroffen worden und gesunken.
20210721 Warnsystem Cell Broadcast: Die bürokratische Verhöhnung des 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY
20210728 BOLOGNA—EXTENSIVE porticoes, dating back to the 12010101—13001231 —CENTURY and still very much PART—OF—THE—CITY—EVERYDAY—LIFE, were added to the World Heritage List.
20210729 Pine RIDGE—SOUTH—DAKOTA, gehörte zur Great Sioux Reservation, deren indigene Bevölkerung die USA—REGIERUNG wegen des Reichtums an Bodenschätzen im 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY enteignete.
20210812 Die berühmte Inkastadt wurde gegen —MITTE des 14010101—15001231 —CENTURY errichtet, dachten Archäologen —BISHER.
20210823 Noch Pestordnungen aus der —MITTE des 15010101—16001231 —CENTURY nannten darum stets als wichtigste und 1. Maßnahme gegen die Krankheit das mehrmals —AM—TAG auf Knien abzuleistende Gebet sowie eifrige Buße.
20210823 ALLE—DIESE—EINRICHTUNGEN sind im Wesentlichen in Oberitalien während des 14010101—15001231 —CENTURY entwickelt worden",
20210912 The slaughter of 1,428 WHITE—SIDED dolphins, part of a 03010101—04001231 —CENTURY—OLD—TRADITIONAL—DRIVE—OF—SEA—MAMMALS into shallow water where they are killed for their meat and blubber, reignited 1—DEBATE on the small Faeroe Islands, 1—SEMI—INDEPENDENT and PART—OF—THE—DENMARK—REALM.
20211027 Das —NACH—DEM Zwergplaneten Ceres benannte Element wurde zu Beginn des 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY entdeckt und wird unter anderem für die PRODUKTION—VON—LEUCHTDIODEN oder Bildröhren verwendet.
20211102 Damit ist CORONA weit verheerender als die meisten anderen VIRUS—EPIDEMIEN UND—PANDEMIEN des 20. und 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY.
20211112 Das Reich der Chimú bestand ab etwa 900—BIS zur —MITTE des 14010101—15001231 —CENTURY und erstreckte sich entlang der Pazifikküste des heutigen PERU —BIS nach ECUADOR.
20211113 † ED—BULLINS, —86—JAHRE—ALT, among the most significant Black playwrights of the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY, at his home in ROXBURY—MASSACHUSETTS.
20211123 Sie zählt zu den großen physikalischen Theorien des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY.
20211125 Klimageschichte: Nordpolarmeer erwärmt sich —SEIT Beginn des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY
20211125 Die Wissenschaftler schreiben, dass —SEIT Beginn des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY mehr warmes und salzigeres Wasser aus dem Atlantik ins Nordpolarmeer floss.
20211125 "Aber zu Beginn des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY bekommt man plötzlich diese deutliche Veränderung von Temperatur und Salzgehalt — das sticht wirklich heraus",
20211125 Er und seine Kollegen sehen 1—VERBINDUNG zum ENDE—DER—KLEINEN—EISZEIT am Ende des 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY.
20211125 Die um die Wende zum 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY ansteigenden Temperaturen hätten auch Auswirkungen auf die Meeresströmungen gehabt.
20211125 Es stamme aus dem 3. oder 03010101—04001231 —CENTURY.
20211202 Seine Ursprünge gehen —BIS ins 15010101—16001231 —CENTURY zurück.
20211205 Feld in DÄNEMARK: Mann entdeckt goldenen Ohrring aus dem 10010101—11001231 —CENTURY
20211210 —NACHDEM Ceratonia siliqua im Südosten Frankreichs und Portugals Algarve angekommen war, begann im 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY auf dem Seeweg die Verbreitung durch Emigranten.
20211210 —SCHON—SEIT dem 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY wurde Johannisbrotmehl als Ersatz für Kakao und zur Herstellung von Alkohol und anderen zuckerhaltigen Produkten verarbeitet.
20211210 Im 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY begann die industrielle Verarbeitung der Früchte als Kaffeeersatz und Tierfutter.
20211216 [l] Daten sind das Öl des 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY.
20211231 —FREITAG, 20211231
20211231 1. Neujahrsansprache von OLAF—SCHOLZ: "Wir müssen schneller sein als das Virus"
20211231 Machtmissbrauch in der Wissenschaft: Er fragte immer wieder, mit wem ich geredet hatte
20211231 Was 20210000 im Kampf gegen die Klimakrise gebracht hat: Zwischen Apokalypse und Transformation
20211231 —10—JAHRE KIM—JONG—UN in NORDKOREA: Fest im Sattel
20211231 EVP—FRAKTIONSCHEF: Weber drängt auf Beteiligung der EU an UKRAINE—GESPRÄCHEN
20211231 Gegen Verschwendung: Özdemir will Lebensmittelspenden erleichtern
20211231 Waldbrände in COLORADO: Zehntausende Menschen fliehen vor den Flammen
20211231 Mindestlohn, Rente, Steuern: 22—DINGE, die 20220000 finanziell besser machen 1—KOLUMNE—VON—HERMANN—JOSEF—TENHAGEN
20211231 Nach Drohvideo: Festgenommener SOLDAT wieder frei
20211231 [l] SANTANDER hat 130—MILLIONEN Pfund unter dem Volk verteilt.
20211231 The high street BANK—SANTANDER was scrambling last night to recover £130—MILLION it accidentally paid out to TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE and businesses on Christmas —DAY.
20211231 —ABOUT 75,000—PEOPLE and companies in receipt of normal 1—OFF or regular payments from 2,000 businesses with accounts at SANTANDER were inadvertently paid a 2. time.
20211231 Softwarefehler. Kann man nichts machen. Ja, äh, buchste halt zurück?
20211231 Nee, zurückbuchen geht nur, wenn das Zielkonto bei SANTANDER liegt.
20211231 Ansonsten musst du mit den Leuten verhandeln.
20211231 Deshalb lässt man Onlinehändler immer abbuchen und überweist nie.
20211231 Abbuchung kann man rückgängig machen, wenn das 1—BETRÜGER war.
20211231 Überweisung nur wenn die Sterne günstig stehen oder du dir das gerichtlich zurückholst.
20211231 [l] Das Engineering hinter dem JAMES—WEBB—TELESKOP ist ziemlich krass.
20211231 Geht —SCHON damit los, dass das nicht einfach ins Erdorbit kommt, sondern zum LAGRANGE—PUNKT.
20211231 Das Hitzeschild, das aktive Kühlsystem, die nachjustierbaren Spiegelelemente, das ist alles ausgesprochen beeindruckende Technologie.
20211231 Das ist jedenfalls die ART—VON—ARCHEOLOGISCHEM—ARTEFAKT, das die Aliens von uns finden sollten.
20211231 Da sehen wir als Spezies nicht zu schlecht aus.
20211231 —NACH—5—JAHREN Haft: Südkoreas ehemalige Präsidentin Park wieder frei
20211231 Der Vorstandsvorsitzende der DEUTSCHEN—KRANKENHAUSGESELLSCHAFT (DKG), GERALD—GASS, hat sich gegen eine allgemeine Verkürzung der CORONA—QUARANTÄNEZEITEN zur Sicherung der gesundheitlichen Infrastruktur ausgesprochen.
20211231 "Ein flächendeckender Einsatz von infizierten symptomlosen Mitarbeitern in der kritischen Infrastruktur ist ein zu hohes Risiko, gerade auch im Gesundheitswesen für die besonders vulnerablen Gruppen",
20211231 Gaß betonte: "Es wäre den Mitarbeitern auch schwer zu vermitteln, mit viel Aufwand Infektionsschutz zu betreiben, während Kollegen infektiös am Krankenbett stehen".
20211231 Der PRÄSIDENT—DES—BERUFSVERBANDS—DER—KINDER—UND Jugendärzte, THOMAS—FISCHBACH, warnt vor Überlegungen in manchen Regionen die Schulen vorübergehend zu schließen.
20211231 "Ich finde es unerträglich, dass einzelne Politikerinnen und Politiker —JETZT—SCHON wieder über Schulschließungen nachdenken.
20211231 Das hätte massive und dauerhafte Folgen für die Kinder und Jugendlichen, die Schäden waren in der Vergangenheit enorm",
20211231 RKI meldet 41.240—NEUE Coronafälle — Inzidenz bei 214,9
20211231 Einschränkung, dass die Daten aufgrund der geringen TEST—UND Meldeaktivitäten während der Feiertage ein unvollständiges Bild abgeben können.
20211231 —VERLÄNGERT, SÜDKOREA, strenge Maßnahmen wegen Omikron
20211231 Wegen Omikron: ENGLAND macht Platz für Hunderte zusätzliche Krankenhausbetten
20211231 Johnson wandte sich —AM—FREITAG an alle nicht oder nicht vollständig Geimpften: "Schauen Sie sich die Menschen an, die —JETZT ins Krankenhaus kommen",
20211231 sagte er. "Das könnten Sie sein.
20211231 Schauen Sie sich die Intensivstationen und das elende, unnötige LEIDEN derjenigen an, die sich nicht haben impfen lassen.
20211231 Das könnten Sie sein".
20211231 GROSSBRITANNIEN hatte mit mehr als 180.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN binnen —24—STUNDEN—AM—MITTWOCH einen neuen Rekord verzeichnet.
20211231 Kurz vor dem imposanten Feuerwerk zum Jahreswechsel im Hafen von SYDNEY hat der AUSTRALISCHE—BUNDESSTAAT New SOUTH—WALES so VIELE—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN wie noch nie verzeichnet.
20211231 Die Behörden in der Region an der Ostküste meldeten —AM—FREITAG rund 21.100—NEUE Fälle — fast 9000—MEHR als —AM—DONNERSTAG und 15.000—MEHR als —AM—MITTWOCH.
20211231 Noch nie seien in einer AUSTRALISCHEN—REGION höhere Neuansteckungszahlen registriert worden,
20211231 AUSTRALIEN hatte lange eine 0—COVID—STRATEGIE verfolgt und seine Landesgrenzen für Besucher geschlossen.
20211231 Trotzdem steigen die Infektionszahlen —BEREITS—SEIT—MONATEN.
20211231 —DOMINIERT, Die OMIKRON—VARIANTE, in FRANKREICH mittlerweile das Infektionsgeschehen.
20211231 62,4 PROZENT—DER—SUCHTESTS auf die neue Variante seien zu Beginn —DER—WOCHE positiv gewesen,
20211231 Drosten: Mildere Verläufe bei Omikron "sehr wahrscheinlich"
20211231 So sei das Risiko für Ungeimpfte, nach einer Infektion in 1—KLINIK zu müssen, bei Omikron nur etwa 3—VIERTEL so hoch wie bei Delta.
20211231 Inzidenz in SPANIEN steigt erstmals auf über 1000
20211231 Zum Vergleich: In DEUTSCHLAND lag dieser Wert —AM—FREITAG bei 214,9.
20211231 Intensivmediziner fordern einheitliches Warnsystem für OMIKRON—AUSBREITUNG
20211231 Karagiannidis warnte davor, auf möglicherweise mildere Krankheitsverläufe bei Omikron zu vertrauen.
20211231 "Die schiere ANZAHL—VON—NEUINFEKTIONEN, auf die wir —DERZEIT zusteuern, könnte die Intensivkapazitäten dennoch vor große Herausforderungen stellen, noch mehr aber die Hospitalisierung insgesamt",
20211231 forderte er zudem 1—DIGITALISIERUNGSOFFENSIVE im Gesundheitswesen.
20211231 "Die Bundesregierung muss im 1. Halbjahr 20220000 endlich die elektronische Patientenakte neu aufrollen und umsetzen",
20211231 sagte der Intensivmediziner.
20211231 Es könne nicht sein, dass die Verantwortlichen in DEUTSCHLAND "so wenig Kenntnis vom aktuellen Krankheitsgeschehen haben" wie —DERZEIT.
20211231 Die DEUTSCHEN—LANDKREISE haben ein hartes Vorgehen des Staates gegen gewaltsame CORONA—DEMONSTRATIONEN gefordert.
20211231 Zwar sei das Recht, gegen die Coronapolitik auf die Straße zu gehen, vom Grundgesetz geschützt, sagte Landkreistagspräsident REINHARD—SAGER den Zeitungen der FUNKE—MEDIENGRUPPE.
20211231 "Das muss aber friedlich geschehen",
20211231 —VERSUCHT, Neujahrsbotschaft des BRITISCHEN—PREMIERS: Johnson, es mit Zuversicht
20211231 ESA—WISSENSCHAFTSDIREKTOR über die Fähigkeiten des JAMES—WEBB—TELESKOPS: "Wir befinden uns in einem goldenen Zeitalter der Astronomie" 1—SPIEGEL—GESPRÄCH—VON—JOHANN—GROLLE und CHRISTOPH—SEIDLER
20211231 [l] Der Einzelfallbeauftragte bitte zur Bundeswehr, zur Bundeswehr bitte!
20211231 Oh, warte, ist —SCHON am Ball.
20211231 Und hat direkt entschieden, dass das bloß ein bedauerlicher Einzelfall ist, der im Übrigen ein harmloser bewaffneter Terrordrohungsenthusiast ist, den man direkt wieder auf freien Fuß setzen kann.
20211231 Weitergehen! Gibt nichts zu sehen hier!
20211231 Seid ihr auch so froh, dass das kein Islamist war?
20211231 Nicht auszudenken, was der mit seiner biologischen ANTHRAX—URANBOMBE, für die er Komponenten möglicherweise zu ordern geplant haben könnte, für einen Schaden hätte ausrichten können dann!
20211231 [l] Benutzt hier jemand Grindr?
20211231 —FUNKTIONIERT, Ich freue mich ja immer wieder, wenn die DSGVO.
20211231 [l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage?
20211231 So schlimm: Dem Ferienende —AM—MONTAG folgt regulärer Unterricht ohne Befreiung von der Präsenzpflicht.
20211231 Er begründete das Festhalten an der Präsenzpflicht auf Anfrage damit, dass es "epidemiologisch keinen Unterschied" mache, ob die Kinder zur Schule gingen oder nicht: Die OMIKRON—VARIANTE sei so ansteckend, dass sich die Schülerinnen und Schüler im privaten Umfeld ebenso anstecken würden.
20211231 "Omikron fegt durch alles durch", sagte Larscheid mit Blick auf die hohen Fallzahlen etwa in FRANKREICH.
20211231 Äh. OK.
20211231 —GEKLÄRT, Gut, dass wir das mal, haben.
20211231 —GESCHLOSSEN, Ich schlage vor, dass sich der Senat, vom Funkturm stürzt.
20211231 Hat eh alles keinen Sinn, Omikron fegt durch alles durch.
20211231 Immerhin: Zudem gilt an den Schulen die allgemeine Maskenpflicht.
20211231 [l] Schöner Rausschmeißer für 20210000 : Uni KYOTO löscht versehentlich 77TB Forschungsdaten.
20211231 Softwarefehler, kann man nichts machen.
20211231 THE—KYOTO—UNIVERSITY—IN—JAPAN has lost about 77TB—OF—RESEARCH—DATA due to 1—ERROR in the backup system of its HEWLETT—PACKARD supercomputer.
20211231 Das muss man erstmal schaffen, dass das Backupsystem für weniger Datenverfügbarkeit sorgt!
20211231 Mehr als 200—MILLIONEN —JAHRE alt: Hobbyforscherin entdeckt Dinosaurierspur in WALES
20211231 Sicherheitsmängel entdeckt: Tesla ruft 200.000—FAHRZEUGE in CHINA zurück
20211231 Virologe Drosten über OMIKRON—WELLE: Für Ungeimpfte über 60—WIRD es —JETZT "richtig gefährlich"
20211231 Scholz' 1. Neujahrsansprache: "Bleiben wir zusammen!"
20211231 Neue Studie: Die Boosterimpfung wirkt auch gegen Omikron — aber nicht so stark
20211231 Internados: 86 | Em UCI: 16 | Ventilados: 13—INCIDÊNCIA 100—MIL / hab.: 10400000 (+)
20211231 669_DGS_boletim_20211231 20211231 INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 11820000 ,7 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211231 Continente: 11880000 ,4 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211231 R(t) Nacional: 1,35 Continente: 1,36
20211231 Total Cases 288.227.625 Total Deaths 5.438.090 Total Vaccine Doses Administered 9.146.651.126
20211231 Kreuzfahrtschiff macht SILVESTER—QUARANTÄNE in Lissabon
20211231 Auch PORTUGAL (30.829—NEUINFEKTIONEN/18—TODESFÄLLE) und GROSSBRITANNIEN (189.000/203) sehen sich —DERZEIT mit so vielen neuen Fällen konfrontiert wie nie —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie.
20211231 PORTUGAL, seien schätzungsweise 83—PROZENT davon auf Omikron zurückzuführen,
20211231 ENGLAND, hat sich zudem die ZAHL—DER—WEGEN—DES—CORONA€"VIRUS ausfallenden Krankenhausmitarbeiter binnen eines Monats nahezu verdoppelt.
20211231 Auch FRANKREICH meldet Rekordwert bei Neuinfektionen
20211231 —REDUZIERT, SCHWEIZ, Quarantäne für ungeimpfte CORONA—KONTAKTPERSONEN
20211231 COVID—19: Casos voltam a aumentar para nível recorde, tanto a nível nacional como no Algarve
20220223 Spätestens, als Putin 20070000 gesagt habe, der Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion sei die größte Katastrophe des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY gewesen, hätte der Westen merken müssen, "dass er mehr oder anderes will, dass ihm die Nachkriegsordnung nicht wichtig ist".
202203311231 RUSSIA to introduce quota on sunflower oil exports as of 20220415 , to ban exporting sunflower seeds, rapeseeds as of 20220401 , SOURCE Agriculture Ministry
202204261231 Guterres fordert Waffenruhe
20220517 Rückkehr aus den USA im 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY: Warum so VIELE—AUSWANDERER wieder nach DEUTSCHLAND kamen
20220529 Europas Zukunft: Wir sind nicht fürs 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY gerüstet
20220531 ALEKSANDAR—VUCIC took THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE on the ancient SERBIA—CYRILLIC manuscript, the 11010101—12001231 —CENTURY Miroslav Gospel.
20220810 Die SCHWEIZ vermittelt —BEREITS—SEIT dem 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY regelmäßig zwischen Staaten, die ihre diplomatischen Beziehungen zueinander abgebrochen haben.
20220904 Die bestehenden Hilfsprogramme für Unternehmen werden laut Scholz —BIS zum 20221231 verlängert.
20220921 TEL, Jehud seien Hunderte Gräber aus dem 18. —BIS 12010101—13001231 —CENTURY vor Christus entdeckt worden, sagte Ron Beeri von der Altertumsbehörde.
20220929 OSTEUROPA—EXPERTIN über die UKRAINE und Russlands Neoimperialismus: "Putin agiert wie 1—MACHTHABER des 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY"
20221003—20221010 —AM, Verboten sei sowohl der Gütertransport im bilateralen Handel als auch der Transit oder die Einfahrt aus Drittländern, heißt es in der Verordnung, die in Kraft tritt und —BIS zum 20221231 gilt.
20221024 Spektakulärer Fund in SCHWEDEN: KRIEGSSCHIFF—WRACK aus dem 16010101—17001231 —CENTURY entdeckt
20221102 "Anzahl und Vielfalt einzigartig": Holzbauwerk aus dem 14010101—15001231 —CENTURY in BERLIN entdeckt
20221109 Sie stammen den Angaben zufolge aus der Zeit zwischen dem 01010101—02001231 —CENTURY vor und dem 1—CENTURY nach Christus, die von etruskischen und ROM—EINFLÜSSEN geprägt war.
20221109 Die 2—STATUEN aus dem 04010101—05001231 —CENTURY vor Christus waren 19720000 vor der Küste Kalabriens im Meer entdeckt worden.
20221111 Der Konusnebel wurde Ende des 17010101—18001231 —CENTURY von dem Astronomen WILLIAM—HERSCHEL entdeckt.
20221122 handelt es sich nicht nur um den 1. großen Goldschatz aus dem Oppidum von Manching, sondern um den größten keltischen Goldfund des 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY.
20221122 Neu ist auch, dass Hilfen künftig —BIS zum 20231231 gewährt werden können.
20221124 Im späten 02010101—03001231 —CENTURY, in einer Zeit voller Turbulenzen und Unruhen habe die Messlatte für einen Kaiser "sehr niedrig gelegen".
20221128—19450000—19591231 —BIS, Anlass war die bevorstehende Verjährung für 1—GROSSTEIL—DER—NATIONALSOZIALISTISCHEN—VERBRECHEN gegen die Menschlichkeit und
20221228 Neue naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse lenken den Blick der Forschung zudem auf sich im 02010101—03001231 —CENTURY verschlechternde klimatische und ökologische Rahmenbedingungen, die —BEREITS akute wirtschaftliche Probleme verschärften.
20221228 Ab der —MITTE des 02010101—03001231 —CENTURY beschleunigte sich die Entwicklung und mündete in die AUFGABE—DER—PROVINZGEBIETE östlich des Rheins und nördlich der Donau.
20221228 So scheint das in der Wetterau vormals florierende Töpfereigewerbe weitgehend zum Erliegen gekommen zu sein: Keramikimporte aus dem Rheinland dominieren das archäologische Fundspektrum des 2. Drittels des 02010101—03001231 —CENTURY.
20221228 Die letzten Telegramme werden —BIS zum 20221231 zugestellt,
20221228 Chr. ein neuer, gefährlicher Gegner, der als außenpolitisches Ziel die Wiedererrichtung des Achämenidenreiches in den Grenzen des 04010101—05001231 —CENTURYS. v. Chr. verfolgte.
20221230 MOSCOW, 20221231 .
20221231 —SAMSTAG, 20221231
20221231 Neujahrsansprache von OLAF—SCHOLZ: "Wir sind nicht eingeknickt, als uns RUSSLAND den Gashahn zugedreht hat"
20221231 —GELÜFTET, Trumps jahrelange Steuergeheimnisse : Der Trickser
20221231 Coronawelle nach Abkehr von 0—COVID—POLITIK: WHO mahnt CHINA zu Transparenz — immer mehr Länder lassen Reisende testen
20221231 Sommerwetter zu Silvester: —BIS zu 22—GRAD im Süden
20221231 Neuordnung vor der Wahl 20240000 : Venezuelas Opposition setzt Interimspräsident Guaidó ab
20221231 Debatte über neuen Russlandkurs: "Regime Change muss Ziel DEUTSCHER—POLITIK sein"
20221231 Emeritierter PAPA stirbt im Alter von —95—JAHREN: Benedikt XVI. ist tot
20221231 Intrigen, Seilschaften, Misstrauen: Das theologische Wunderkind vor seinem endgültigen Richter
20221231 —VERLIERT, Bericht von "Bloomberg": Musk, offenbar 200—MILLIARDEN USA—DOLLAR Vermögen
20221231 Richtung offenes Meer: SÜDKOREA meldet erneuten Raketentest Nordkoreas - Sat 20221231
20221231—20221231 —AM, UKRAINE—NEWS : ZELENSKYY an RUSSLAND: UKRAINE wird niemals vergeben
20230101—20231231 —BILANZ, DEUTSCHER—WETTERDIENST dokumentiert Rekordwärme und viel Regen
20231231 —SONNTAG, 20231231
20231231 Wachsende Bedrohungslage: Söder schlägt Wehrpflicht von mindestens —7—MONATEN vor
20231231 —PROPAGIERT, Krieg in Nahost: Netanyahus Finanzminister, Wiederbesiedlung des Gazastreifens mit Israelis
20231231 Putins Neujahrsansprache: "Wir werden niemals zurückweichen" - Sun 20231231
20231231 [l] Ihr AHNT ja nicht, was die Briten herausgefunden haben!
20231231 —FAILED, Brexit has completely, for UK, say clear MAJORITY—OF—BRITONS—POLL
20231231 —HELPED, Only 1 in 10—FEEL leaving THE—EU has, their finances, —WHILE—JUST 9% say it has benefited THE—NHS, despite £350m —1—WEEK pledge according to new poll