Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 15. November ?

Ereignisse an einem 15. November

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06551115             Der christliche OSWIU—KÖNIG—VON—NORTHUMBRIA, besiegt den heidnischen PENDA—KÖNIG—VON—MERCIA, in der
06551115             —SCHLACHT—VON—WINWAED und
06551115             Der christliche OSWIU—KÖNIG—VON—NORTHUMBRIA, ermöglicht damit die Verbreitung des Christentums in den ANGELSACHSEN—KÖNIG—REICHEN.
06551115             † PENDA—KÖNIG—VON—MERCIA
06551115             † ÆTHELHERE—KÖNIG—VON—EAST—ANGLIA
06551115             † S—DESIDERIUS—VON—CAHORS—BISCHOF—VON—CAHORS, Heiliger
08781115             † FINTAN—VON—RHEINAU, IRISCHER—EREMIT und Heiliger
09231115             † RICHWIN—GRAF—VON—VERDUN
10281115             —NACH des KONSTANTIN—VIII. Tod, Der frisch mit der KAISERTOCHTER—ZOE oo ROMANOS—III. übernimmt als BYZANZ—KAISER die Regentschaft.
11941115             † MARGARETE—I—GRÄFIN—VON—FLANDERN
12371115             —IN—NOMINE—DOMINI—AMEN.
12371115             Ego quidem IN—DEI—NOMINE GREGORIUS—EGIDII sindicus et PROCURATOR—COMUNIS—SPOLETI promitto et convenio vobis dominis IOHANNI—DE—FRACTA iudici
12491115             † GUILLAUME—III—DES—BARRES, FRANZÖSISCHER—RITTER und Kreuzfahrer
13151115             —AMBUSHED, SWITZERLAND—SOLDIERS, and slaughtered invading Austrians in THE—BATTLE—OF—MORGARTEN.
13151115             —PREVAILED, THE—BUNDESBRIEF, over 1—HABSBURG army.
13151115             Voluntary agreements among the cantons led to THE—FORMATION—OF—THE—WILLENSNATION, 1—NATION created by acts of free will by 1—DIVERSE—PEOPLE.
13151115             —UNTERLIEGT, HERZOG—LEOPOLD—I—VON—HABSBURG gegen die Schwyzer und die anderen Waldstä der
13151115             —SCHLACHT—AM—MORGARTEN
13161115             † JEAN—I became KING—OF—FRANCE, and —4—DAYS—LATER.
13251115             —SCHLACHT—BEI—MONTEVEGLIO, —IN—DER, Ebenso bestand der VISCONTI—HEER großenteils aus DEUTSCHEN.
13271115             —SUB—I—269)
13341115—13340900    30—ARMIGERI, 15—RONCINI) 230—FLORENI (FOLIO—36);
13341115—13340900    —AM, demselben CHRISTIANI—DE—GOLICEN für
13481115             RUDOLPH—OF—ORON, declared that certain Jews of LAUSANNE confessed to poisoning all the drinking wells in the RHINE—VALLEY that somehow selectively killed only Christians.
13741115             "receptus in servientem armorum PAPA ad vadia et emolumenta consueta cum prestagione solita iuramenti" und stammte aus der DIÖZESE KONSTANZ.^
13971115             * NIKOLAUS—V—PAPA
14911115             —RENNES,—ASSIÉGÉE
14911115             6—JEWS and 5—CONVERSOS (Jews who pretend to be Catholic converts) were accused of killing Christians in LA—GUARDIA—SPAIN.
14921115             —SIGNED at METZ, IMPERIAL—DONATION, 14941031             —CONFIRMED, by IMPERIAL—EDICT at ANTWERP (see THE—DOCUMENT—BADEN).
14921115             —GRANTED, RODEMACHERN was among the territories, to CHRISTOPH—I—MARK—GRAF—VON—BADEN by IMPERIAL—DONATION,
14921115             1. recorded reference to tobacco, CHRISTOPHER—COLUMBUS, NOTED
15011115             la quai etiam fo trovata con ditto Pyrone anegata, chiamata MADONA—PANTHASILEA, alias creatura di esso PONTEFICE[PAPA], et la cagione non si sa.
15011115             "...per lettere di 20—DI l'instante, si bave come PEROTO camarier et favorito dil PAPA, zi boni dî non si sapeva dove fusse, et che l'era sta anegato nel fuime dil Tevere.
15011115             " MARINO—SANUTO, qui rapporte le fait comme BURCHARD, ajoute que Perolto fut trouvé noyé dans LE—TIBRE avec 1—JEUNE fille, créature DU—PAPA,
15011115             —ET etiam manchoe 1—DONZELA di MADONA—LUCRECIA fiola dil PAPA,
15011115             —LETTRE célèbre adressée à SILVIUS—DE—SABELLIS,t.
15021115             —ALLI, il signore, accorgendosi pure che i cittadini stavano di malavoglia, di nuovo li confortò che non temessero,
15031115             —ON—THE—OF, AGAIN, there came into the cabinet of the Signory "THE—DUCHESS—OF—URBINO with Madonna Emilia and her company of damsels to take leave, for
15031115             —TO—MORROW—MORNING—EARLY, THE—DUCHESS is departing for her DUCHY[HERZOGTUM];
15111115             * JOHANNES—SECUNDUS—JAN—NICOLAI—EVERAERTS, niederländischer neulateinischer Dichter, Maler und Bildhauer
15151115             1—CARDINAL—THOMAS—WOLSEY—ARCH—BISHOP—OF—YORK (14730000—15300000    ), was made .
15321115             CLEMENS—VII—PAPA told HENRY—VIII to end his relationship with ANNE—BOLEYN.
15321115             SPANISCHE—EROBERUNG Perus:
15321115             FRANCISCO—PIZARRO, eintrifft mit 150—SPANISCHEN—CONQUISTADOREN in der INKA—STADT—CAJAMARCA  und
15331115             FRANCISCO—PIZARRO, erobert die INKA—HAUPTSTADT—CUZCO,
15331115             FRANCISCO—PIZARRO, steckt INKA—HAUPTSTADT—CUZCO in Brand.
15331115—15330829    —SEE
15371115             —CONCLUDED, THE—PEACE—OF—MONGON, between CHARLES and FRANCIS, and THE—WAR came to
15391115             —REPUTED, LITTLE—JACK—HORNER was, to have been the steward to Whiting, whose jury included Horner.
15391115             12—DEEDS, sent by Whiting as 1—BRIBE to THE—KING, were reportedly carried by Horner, who was said to have stolen the 1 to the manor of Mells, it being the real 'plum' of THE—12—MANORS.
15391115—14610000    † * RICHARD—WHITING—BISHOP—OF—GLASTONBURY, was hung, drawn and quartered on Glastonbury†—TOR —AFTER being convicted of treason for remaining loyal to ROME.
15391115—17250000    1. publication date for the lyrics to the LITTLE—JACK—HORNER—NURSERY—RHYME is .
15411115             † MARGARETE—BLARER, deutsche reformierte Diakonisse
15460515—15461115    —FOR—6—MONTHS, HELD ALL OVER BRABANT this price, 1—VIERTAL—OF—WHEAT 3—FLORINS—2—STIVERS cost.
15531115             Beim Bau von Festungen nahe dem ITALIENISCHEN—AREZZO wird die CHIMÄRE—VON—AREZZO, 1—BEISPIEL etruskischer Kunst, gefunden.
15531115             † LUCREZIA—DI—LORENZO—DE—MEDICI, Angehörige des PATRIZIAT—VON—FLORENZ
15601115             † DOMINICO—DE—SOTO, SPANISCHER—THEOLOGE und Philosoph
15631115             * ABRAHAM—SUARINUS, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
15710000—16301115    * † JOHANNES—KEPLER, GERMANY—ASTRONOMER, at 58.
15741115             † TOBIAS—EGLI, SCHWEIZER—PFARRER
15771115             SIR—FRANCIS—DRAKE aboard Pelican began his travel from CHILE to WASHINGTON.
15791115             † FRANZ—DAVIDIS, unitarischer Theologe und Reformator in Siebenbürgen
15891115             † PHILIPP—APIAN, DEUTSCHER—GEOGRAPH und Mathematiker
15991115             * WERNER—ROLFINCK, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, Naturforscher und Botaniker
16061115             † ERASMUS—HABERMEHL, DEUTSCHER—UHRMACHER und Verfertiger von astronomischen und geodätischen Instrumenten
16071115             * ANIELLO—FALCONE, ITALIENISCHER—MALER und Kupferstecher
16261115             —SETTLED, THE—PILGRIM—FATHERS, who, in New PLYMOUTH, bought out their LONDON investors.
16301115             Mit dem Abschluss des
16301115             † JOHANNES—KEPLER, DEUTSCHER—NATURPHILOSOPH, Mathematiker, Astronom, Astrologe, Optiker und Theologe
16301115—16250000    —FRIEDEN—VON—MADRID, endet der ausgebrochene ENGLISCH—SPANISCHE—KRIEG.
16311115             —EINGENOMMEN, Prag wird im 3ßigjährigen Krieg von kursächsischen Truppen unter HANS—GEORG—VON—ARNIM—BOITZENBURG.
16331115             † CASPAR—CUNRADI, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, Historiker und Lyriker
16331115             † MARTIN—RÖBER, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
16401115             * NICOLAUS—ADAM—STRUNGK, DEUTSCHER—KOMPONIST (Taufdatum)
16401115             † BALTHASAR—WALTHER, DEUTSCHER—PHILOLOGE und lutherischer Theologe
16621115             * CHRISTIAN—ANDREAS—SIBER, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und lutherischer Theologe
16661115             —FRIEDE—ZU—HABENHAUSEN, Nach fast einjähriger vergeblicher Belagerung der STADT—BREMEN schließt SCHWEDEN mit BREMEN den.
16661115             —BEENDET, SCHWEDEN unter GENERAL—CARL—GUSTAF—WRANGEL, die BELAGERUNG—VON—BREMEN, während sich BREMEN verpflichtet, —BIS—ZUM—ENDE—DES—JAHRHUNDERTS auf die Reichsunmittelbarkeit zu verzichten.
16701115             † JAN—AMOS—KOMENSKÝ, TSCHECHISCHER—HUMANIST, Schriftsteller, Pädagoge
16711115             † JULIE—D—ANGENNES, FRANZÖSISCHE—ADLIGE und Salondame
16731115             —BESETZT, BRÜHL, durch den PRINZ—VON—ORANIEN. wurde
16731115             * FRANZ—ALBERT—AEPINUS, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE, Schriftsteller und Philosoph
16731115             * JESAIAS—FRIEDRICH—WEISSENBORN, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
16791115             EXCLUSION—BILL, Dem Unterhaus in LONDON wird ZUR—BESCHLUSSFASSUNG vorgelegt.
16791115             EXCLUSION—BILL, soll des KARL—II—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND Bruder, der spätere JAKOB—II—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND, wegen seines RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHEN Glaubens von der Thronfolge ausgeschlossen werden.
16880000—16731115    —15—JAHRE—SPÄTER, Überschwemmte 1—FRANZÖSISCHES—HEER unter dem MARSCHALL—DE—HUMIERES das ERZ—STIFT—KÖLN
16921115             * EUSEBIUS—AMORT, bayrischer Theologe
17031115             —SCHLACHT—AM—SPEYERBACH
17031115             —DURCHSETZEN sich, während des SPANISCHEN—ERBFOLGEKRIEGS die Franzosen unter ihrem FELDHERR—TALLARD gegenüber 1—HESSISCH—HOLLÄNDISCHEN—ENTSATZHEER des Reichs für die belagerte FESTUNG—LANDAU.
17031115             der Franzosen Sieg führt umgehend zur Kapitulation der FESTUNG—LANDAU.
17061115             † TSHANGYANG—GYATSHO, 6. DALAI—LAMA
17081115             —HELPED, WILLIAM—PITT—THE—ELDER, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—OF—ENGLAND whose strategies, win THE—7—YEARS—WAR, was born.
17081115             He served as Whig PM 17560000—17610000    —FROM—TO and 66-68.
17151115             ÖSTERREICH und die REPUBLIK der 7—VEREINIGTEN NIEDERLANDE schließen in ANTWERPEN den 3. Barrieretraktat über Besatzungsrechte der Niederländer in den ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—NIEDERLANDEN.
17221115             * JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—BRAND, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—MALER, Zeichner, Radierer und Kupferstecher
17271115             —PERMITTED, NY GENERAL assembly, Jews to omit phrase "upon the faith of 1—CHRISTIAN" from abjuration oath.
17291115             † GIUSEPPE—VOLPINI, ITALIENISCHER—BILDHAUER und Stuckateur
17311115             * WILLIAM—COWPER, ENGLAND—LAWYER and poet (JOHN—GILPIN).
17381115             * SIR—WILLIAM—HERSHEL, UK—ASTRONOMER who discovered Uranus.
17381115             * FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—HERSCHEL, DEUTSCHER—ASTRONOM, Musiker und Komponist
17411115             * JOHANN—CASPAR—LAVATER, Schweizer reformierter Pfarrer, Philosoph und Schriftsteller
17431115             —LIGUE—DE—WORMS contre LA—FRANCE[FRANKREICH] comprenant —LE—ANGLETERRE
17441115             * JOSEPH—LEOPOLD—STRICKNER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—MALER und Kupferstecher
17461115             * JOSEPH—QUESNEL, KANADISCHER—KOMPONIST, Schriftsteller und Schauspieler
17501115             † PANTALEON—HEBENSTREIT, DEUTSCHER—KOMPONIST, Musiker und Tanzlehrer, Erfinder des Pantaleons
17511115             † BENEDIKT—GAMBS, süddeutscher Maler
17531115             * JOHANN—NICOLAUS—SCHRAGE, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
17631115             CHARLES—MASON and Jeremiah Dixon began surveying MASON—DIXON—LINE between PENNSYLVANIA and MARYLAND.
17631115—17670000    —SURVEYED, They, 233—MILES—WHEN Indians of THE—6—NATIONS told them they could not proceed ANY—FURTHER—WEST.
17641115             * HANS—VON—HELD, PREUSSISCHER—BEAMTER und Schriftsteller
17670000—18321115    * † JEAN—BAPTISTE—SAY, FRANCE—ECONOMIST.
17671115             † KARDINAL—GIUSEPPE—MARIA—FERONI, ITALIENISCHER—GEISTLICHER und, Päpstlicher Thronassistent, Präfekt der Ritenkongregation
17721115             † JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—SENCKENBERG, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, Stifter, Naturforscher und Botaniker
17771115             —INSPIRED, THE—STRUCTURE—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION was, by the Iroquois Confederacy of 6—MAJOR northeastern tribes.
17771115             —INSPIRED, The matrilineal society of the Iroquois —LATER, the suffragist movement.
17771115             —DER—KONTINENTALKONGRESS beschließt während des AMERIKANISCHEN—UNABHÄNGIGKEITSKRIEGES die von der PHILADELPHIA—CONVENTION erarbeiteten Konföderationsartikel, die 1. Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten.
17811115             † JULIÁN—APAZA, Führer eines antispanischen Aufstandes der indigenen Bevölkerung in Oberperu
17841115             * JÉRÔME—BONAPARTE, jüngster Bruder des NAPOLÉON—BONAPARTE
17871115             † CHRISTOPH—W—RITTER—VON—GLUCK, —73—JAHRE—ALT, composer (Iphigenie Tauride).
17941115             * GEORG—BENJAMIN—MENDELSSOHN, DEUTSCHER—GEOGRAPH, Hochschullehrer und Schriftsteller
17941115             † JOHN—WITHERSPOON, Delegierter für NEW—JERSEY im Kontinentalkongress
17961115             —CONGRÈS—DE—RASTADT
17961115             CONGRÈS—DE—RASTADT LE—PARTAGE—DE—LA—RIVE—GAUCHE du RHIN[RHEIN] sera l'oeuvre du
17961115             —BEGINNT, Im 1. Koalitionskrieg, die
17961115             —SCHLACHT—VON—ARCOLE zwischen dem FRANZÖSISCHEN—REVOLUTIONSHEER unter NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE und ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—TRUPPEN, die 17961117             —BIS—ZUM, dauern wird.
17961115             —NACH—DES NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE—ERFOLGEN im 1. Koalitionskrieg wird in Oberitalien die TRANSPADANISCHE—REPUBLIK als Tochterrepublik Frankreichs ausgerufen.
18021115             * GEORG—AENOTHEUS—KOCH, DEUTSCHER—ALTPHILOLOGE und Lexikograf
18021115             † GEORGE—ROMNEY, BRITISCHER—MALER
18051115—18051118    —ON, CAPTAIN—CLARK and 11—MEN left Station Camp for their turn to view the Pacific Ocean.
18061115             1. USA—COLLEGE—MAGAZINE, Yale Literary Government, published its 1. issue.
18061115             —DISCOVERED, Explorer Zebulon Pike, THE—COLORADO mountaintop (14,110 ft), originally called "THE—LONG 1" by UTE—INDIANS, and —NOW known as Pikes Peak.
18061115             —ACQUIRED, LIEUTENANT—PIKE was leading 1—SURVEY—PARTY into the newly, LOUISIANA Purchase —WHEN he spotted the snowcapped peak in the distance.
18061115             He didn't climb it.
18081115             † OSMANEN—REICH—SULTAN—MUSTAFA—IV,
18131115             —AM—SCHON, DAS—GROß—HERZOGTUM wurde formell aufgelöst und
18131115             durch PREUßEN in Person von JUSTUS—GRUNER als "GENERALL—GOUVERNEMENT—BERG" in Besitz genommen.
18131115             EUGÈNE—DE—BEAUHARNAIS vainqueur des Autrichiens à Caldiero
18151115             * JOHN—BANVARD, PAINTER—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST painting (3—MILE canvas), in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18181115             Durch die Aufnahme Frankreichs entsteht aus der Heiligen Allianz die Pentarchie der europäischen Großmächte RUSSLAND, GROSSBRITANNIEN, ÖSTERREICH, PREUßEN und FRANKREICH.
18181115             —DEKLARIERT, die Pentarchie wird auf dem AACHENER—KONGRESS.
18181115             † SALOMON—HIRZEL, SCHWEIZER—POLITIKER und Historiker
18221115             * HUGO—BARTHELME, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18251115             JOHANN—VI—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGALS anerkennt die Unabhängigkeit Brasiliens.
18271115             Creek Indians lost all their property in USA.
18291115             * EMMY—VON—RHODEN, DEUTSCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN (Der Trotzkopf)
18291115             † JAKOB—PETER—GAMETER, SCHWEIZER—JURIST und Schriftsteller
18311115             † VINCENC—MAŠEK, böhmischer Komponist
18321115             —PREMIERED, FELIX—MENDELSSOHN—SYMPHONY # 5 ("Reformation").
18321115             —REMEMBERED, He is, for what came to be called SAY—LAW: "the supply (sale) of X creates the demand (purchase) of Y." This law can be shown by BUSINESS—CYCLE—STATISTICS.
18321115             —WHEN downturns start, production is always 1. to decline, AHEAD—OF—DEMAND.
18321115             —WHEN the economy recovers, production recovers AHEAD—OF—DEMAND.
18321115             1—SOCIETY can't consume if it does not produce.
18321115             Nach Geheimverhandlungen bilden 6—KONSERVATIVE SCHWEIZER—KANTONE den SARNERBUND als Reaktion auf das zuvor entstandene Siebnerkonkordat der liberalen Kantone.
18321115             † JEAN—BAPTISTE—SAY, FRANZÖSISCHER—ÖKONOM und Geschäftsmann
18351115             —REACHED, HMS Beagle and CHARLES—DARWIN, Tahiti.
18371115             —INTRODUCED, ISAAC—PITMAN, his shorthand system for rapid writing.
18371115             —BASED, The stenographic system was, on sounds and was rapidly adopted in INDIA.
18381115             —AM Théâtre de la Renaissance in PARIS erfolgt die Uraufführung der komischen Oper Lady Melvil von FRIEDRICH—VON—FLOTOW.
18391115             † GIOCONDO—ALBERTOLLI, SCHWEIZER—BILDHAUER und Architekt
18441115             † NICOLAAS—CORNELIS—DE—FREMERY, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—MEDIZINER, Pharmakologe, Zoologe und Chemiker
18471115             An der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS findet die Uraufführung der komischen Oper Les Premiers Pas ou Les Deux Génies von JACQUES—FROMENTAL—HALÉVY statt.
18480000—18631115    —SEIT, FRIEDRICH—VII—KÖNIG—VON—DÄNEMARK in Personalunion HERZOG—VON—SCHLESWIG, Holstein und Lauenburg war, und
18481115             Die neuen BEHÖRDEN—FORTSCHRITTE in der SCHWEIZ
18481115             Aufforderung des demokratischen Kreisausschusses der Rheinprovinz
18481115             Das Ministerium ist in Anklagezustand versetzt
18481115             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—143—KÖLN.
18481115             PREUSSEN, löst das von KÖNIG—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—IV. beorderte Militär Beratungen der PREUSSISCHEN—NATIONALVERSAMMLUNG auf, die sich gegen die angeordnete Sitzverlegung vom revolutionären BERLIN in die Stadt BRANDENBURG sträubt.
18481115             Der KÖNIG lehnt zudem – wie auch verschiedene konservative Abgeordnete – den Verfassungsentwurf, die Charte Waldeck, ab.
18491115             Die KAISERLICH—KÖNIGLICH Geologische Reichsanstalt, die heutige Geologische Bundesanstalt, wird durch den ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—KAISER FRANZ—JOSEPH—I. in WIEN gegründet.
18511115             * HENNY—JEBSEN, DEUTSCHE—BLUMEN—UND Landschaftsmalerin
18521115             * TAWFIQ, Vizekönig (Khedive) von ÄGYPTEN
18531115             Mit dem Tode Marias II. stirbt in PORTUGAL das Haus Braganza aus.
18531115             —ÜBERNIMMT, Den Thron, ihr Sohn PETER—V. aus dem Haus SACHSEN—COBURG—GOTHA, wegen seiner Minderjährigkeit —ZUNÄCHST unter der Regentschaft seines Vaters FERDINAND—II.
18531115             † MARIA—II—KÖNIGIN—VON—PORTUGAL
18551115             —ATTENDED, S—FRANCISCO—CHARLES—CORA, 1—PROFESSIONAL gambler, THE—OPENING—OF—THE—USA—THEATER with Belle Ryan, the city's most beautiful and famous prostitute.
18551115             —COMPLAINED—OF, USA—MARSHAL—WILLIAM—RICHARDSON, RYAN—PRESENCE, but management refused to eject her.
18551115             —ACCOSTED, Richardson —LATER, the gambler on MONTGOMERY—STREET and Cora shot him dead.
18551115             1—TRIAL resulted in 1—HUNG jury but Cora remained in jail.
18561115             —ARRIVED, The clipper ship NEPTUNE—CAR, in SF —AFTER sailing —136—DAYS from NEW—YORK—CITY.
18561115             MARY—ANN—PATTEN (18370000—18610000    ), the pregnant —19—YEAR—OLD—WIFE—OF—CAPTAIN—JOSHUA—PATTEN (18570000             †), commanded the ship for much of its voyage —AFTER THE—CAPTAIN—FELL—ILLINOIS.
18571115             † ALOIS—VOCK, SCHWEIZER—RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Geistlicher, Pädagoge und Historiker
18580000—19171115    * † EMILE—DURKHEIM, FRANCE—SOCIOLOGIST, in PARIS.
18580000—19321115    * † CHARLES—WADDELL—CHESNUTT, author and political activist.
18621115             * GERHART—HAUPTMANN, GERMANY—AUTHOR (—BEFORE DAWN—NOBEL 19120000             ).
18621115             * ADOLF—BARTELS, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Literaturhistoriker
18621115             * GERHART—HAUPTMANN, DEUTSCHER—DRAMATIKER und Schriftsteller (Die Weber), Nobelpreisträger
18621115             † JOHANN—KARL—CHRISTOPH—VOGEL, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE, Pädagoge und Lexikograf
18631115             CHRISTIAN—IX—KÖNIG—VON—DÄNEMARK beeilte sich, 1—GERADE vom REICHS—TAG in KOPENHAGEN verabschiedete neue Verfassung zu unterzeichnen,
18631115             1—GERADE vom REICHS—TAG in KOPENHAGEN verabschiedete neue Verfassung auch für Schleswig gelten sollte.
18631115             Durch den unerwarteten TOD—DES—DÄNISCHEN—KÖNIGS—FRIEDRICH—VII. kommt PRINZ—CHRISTIAN—VON—GLÜCKSBURG als KÖNIG—CHRISTIAN—IX. auf den Thron.
18631115             Er ist der 1. Monarch aus dem Haus SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN—SONDERBURG—GLÜCKSBURG.
18641115             Union MAJOR—GENERAL—WILLIAM—T—SHERMAN—TROOPS set fires that destroyed much of ATLANTA.
18641115             1. USA—MINES—SCHOOL opened in the basement of COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY—NEW—YORK.
18671115             —HELPED, Ryoma Sakamoto, the rebel who, topple JAPAN—FEUDAL government system, was assassinated.
18671115             Between 19870000             and 19960000             1—COMIC—SERIES on Ryoma ran in magazines and a 23-volume compilation was —LATER made.
18671115             * EMIL—KREBS, DEUTSCHER—SINOLOGE, Sprachgenie
18671115—19660000    —AUTHORED, Ryotaro Shiba, the historical novel "Ryoma on the Move" in 8—PAPERBACK volumes.
18681115             * JOHANN—MEHLING—CARL—THEODOR M Lentschow
18721115             CALIFORNIA, THE—115—FOOT—PIGEON Point Light Station near Pescadero started operation.
18721115             It was built due to 1—SERIES—OF—SHIPWRECKS in the area.
18721115             A —5-YEAR, $5—MILLION restoration campaign was begun.
18721115—20040000    —ENDED, Service, in the 1980s and it was transferred to the Peninsula Open Space Trust and THE—CALIFORNIA—DEPARTMENT—OF—PARKS.
18721115—20050525    —ON, ownership was transferred from THE—USA—COAST—GUARD to THE—CALIFORNIA—STATE—PARKS.
18741115             * AUGUST—KROGH, DÄNISCHER—ARZT und Zoologe
18811115             —FOUNDED, THE—USA—FEDERATION—OF—LABOR was.
18811115             * FRANKLIN—LEOPOLD—ADAMS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—JOURNALIST, Übersetzer und Radiosprecher
18821115             * FELIX—FRANKFURTER, USA 80. SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE (19390000—19620000    ), in VIENNA—AUSTRIA.
18821115             1—CLOSE—ADVISER to PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—ROOSEVELT, Frankfurter helped recruit personnel for the New Deal.
18821115             † Frankfurter, on February 22, 19650000             .
18821115             "There is no inevitability in history except as men make it".
18821115—18940000    —IN, FELIX—FRANKFURTER came to THE—USA and
18821115—19060000    —IN, graduated from Harvard Law School.
18821115—19390000    —APPOINTED, FELIX—FRANKFURTER was, associate JUSTICE—OF—THE—SUPREME—COURT and
18821115—19620000    —UNTIL, served.
18841115             —BERLINER—KONGOKONFERENZ, an deren Ende die Aufteilung Afrikas in Kolonialgebiete steht, beginnt auf Einladung des OTTO—VON—BISMARCK.
18851115             * EMIL—HADINA, ÖSTERREICHISCH—SUDETENDEUTSCHER Schriftsteller
18871115             * MARIANNE—MOORE, poet (Pulitzer 19510000             , Collected Poems), in S—LOUIS.
18871115—19860000    * † GEORGIA—O'KEEFFE, USA—PAINTER, in WISCONSIN.
18871115—19970000    —IN, 1—INTRODUCTION to her work was published ed. by PETER—H—HASSRICK: "THE—GEORGIA—O'KEEFFE—MUSEUM".
18881115             † MAX—IN—BAYERN, bayerischer HERZOG
18891115             RIO—DE—JANEIRO, BRAZIL, Emperor Dom PEDRO—II was overthrown and military officers established 1—REPUBLIC.
18891115             * EMANUEL—II—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL, letzter
18891115             Durch 1—MILITÄRPUTSCH in BRASILIEN wird KAISER—PEDRO—II. gestürzt.
18891115             —ZU DIESEM ZEITPUNKT, Der Stand der Gestirne über RIO—DE—JANEIRO wird in der Flagge Brasiliens abgebildet.
18891115111530       —UHR MARSCHALL—DA—FONSECA ausruft die REPUBLIK der Vereinigten STAATEN—VON—BRASILIEN.
18911115             * W—AVERELL—HARRIMAN, (GOV—D—NY) and USA—AMBASSADOR to USSR (19430000—19460000    ).
18911115             —COMMANDED, ERWIN—ROMMEL, THE—AFRIKA—KORPS in NORTH—AFRICA and defended the Normandy coast on D—DAY.
18911115             Harriman est né à NEW—YORK, fils de magnats des chemins de fer (EDWARD—HENRY—HARRIMAN et MARY—WILLIAMSON—AVERELL), et frère de E. ROLAND—HARRIMAN
18911115             Carrière POLITIQUE—CARRIERE d'homme d... - Résumé de CARRIÈRE—VOIR aussi
18911115             Averil Harriman (´13), "Elder Statesman" of THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY + his brother ROLAND—HARRIMAN (´17) were very active members.
18911115             In fact, 4—OF—ROLAND´s fellow.
18911115             Harriman & Company"(NY) Harriman, Averil [s&b913]PRESIDENT,Bush,Prescott[s&917]VICE—PRESIDENT []"Brown Brothers"(brit)[]"Union Banking Corporation" [ Harriman, Averil [s&b913 ...
18911115             * DEUTSCHER—GENERALFELDMARSCHALL—ERWIN—ROMMEL, Befehlshaber des Afrikakorps
18911115             * PIERRE—AUDIAT, FRANZÖSISCHER—JOURNALIST, Romanist und Literaturwissenschaftler
18911115—19860726    WILLIAM—AVERELL—HARRIMAN— était un politicien démocrate américain, homme d'affaires et diplomate.
18921115             Die Ausstellung von Bildern des NORWEGISCHEN—MALER—EDVARD—MUNCH im Berliner "Architektenhaus" wird —NACH—NUR—1—WOCHE geschlossen, —NACHDEM die gezeigten Bildern 1—GROSSEN Skandal ausgelöst haben.
18941115             † IMMANUEL—STOCKMEYER, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
18951115             * JOSEF—SCHLICK, DEUTSCHER—UNTERNEHMER und Politiker, MdL, MdB
18971115             * SACHEVERELL—SITWELL, ENGLAND—POET and author (PEOPLE—PALACE).
18971115             —OPENED, The electricity plant at Niagara Falls, sending AC power 26—MILES to BUFFALO—NEW—YORK.
18971115             It contained AC generators built by Westinghouse Electric and transformers built by GENERAL—ELECTRIC under license from Westinghouse Electric.
18971115             * ANEURIN—BEVAN, BRITISCHER—POLITIKER, Arbeitsminister, Gesundheitsminister, GRÜNDER—DES—NATIONAL—HEALTH—SERVICE
18991115             WINSTON—CHURCHILL (24), war correspondent for LONDON—MORNING—POST, was captured by Boers in NATAL—SOUTH—AFRICA.
18991115—18991212    —REACHED, He escaped prison in PRETORIA and —AFTER SOME—DAYS, THE—ENGLAND—COLONY in DURBAN, NATAL.
19031115             —PREMIERED, EUGEN—DE—ALBERT—OPERA "Tiefland,", in PRAGUE.
19031115             —AM Neuen DEUTSCHEN—THEATER in Prag wird die Oper Tiefland von EUGEN—DE—ALBERT mit dem Libretto von RUDOLF—LOTHAR unter der Leitung von LEO—BLECH uraufgeführt.
19041115             —PATENTED, KING—C.—GILLETTE, his Gillette razor blade.
19061115             —ERÖFFNET, 1.—KURS der PARTEI—SCHULE in BERLIN wird.
19061115             Der Lehrplan umfaßt folgende Wissensgebiete: WIRTSCHAFTS—GESCHICHTE und NATIONAL—ÖKONOMIE (ca.
19061115             —200—STUNDEN), Lehrer: R. Hilferding;
19061115             * CURTIS—E—LE—MAY, AIR—FORCE—GENERAL and VP candidate.
19070000—20161115    * † GHANA, Nana Afia KOBI—SERWAA—AMPEM—II, revered QUEEN—OF—THE—POWERFUL—ASHANTI kingdom.
19071115             * CLAUS—GRAF—SCHENK—VON—STAUFFENBERG, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER, Widerstandskämpfer des 19440720             19081115             † CHINA—EMPRESS—DOWAGER—CIXI—2—WEEKS—SHORT—OF—HER 73. birthday.
19081115             LEOPOLD—II—KÖNIG—DER—BELGIER, verkauft nach internationalem Druck infolge der Kongogräuel seinen Privatbesitz KONGO—FREISTAAT dem BELGISCHEN—STAAT, der ihn in die Kolonie BELGISCH—KONGO umwandelt.
19081115—20130000    —AUTHORED, Jung Chang, "Empress Dowager Cixi: THE—CONCUBINE—WHO—LAUNCHED—MODERN—CHINA".
19091115             M. Metrot took off in 1—VOISIN—BI—PLANE from ALGIERS, making the 1. manned flight in AFRICA.
19101115             * SIR—HUGH—CARLETON—GREENE, BRITISCHER—JOURNALIST, Mitbegründer des NWDR (Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk)
19141115             —FOUNDED, ITALY—SOCIALIST—BENITO Mussolini, the newspaper Il Populo d'Italia.
19171115             —ESTABLISHED, He formally, the academic discipline of sociology and with MAX—WEBER is commonly cited as the principal ARCHITECT—OF—MODERN—SOCIAL—SCIENCE.
19171115             Kerensky fled and the Bolsheviks took command in MOSCOW.
19181115             eine aktive Synthetisierung der beiden Klassenfronten des 18010101—19001231              19181115             ein bewußtes SICH—VERGLIEDERN, eine gewollte Vergemeinschaftung, eine aktive Synthetisierung der beiden Klassenfronten des 18010101—19001231 .
19181115             in aller Form schriftlich kontrahiert und mit feierlichen Unterschriften versehen.Nationalpolitisches Verantwortungsgefühl stand PATE an der Wiege jener "Zentralen Arbeitsgemeinschaft",die —NUN "Bürgertum" und "Proletariat" gerade in der vom Bolschewismus am meisten gefährdeten Lebenssphäre der modernen Industrie politisch umschloß und mit einem festen Ring umgab.[Anmerkung20030526:BELAGERUNGSZUSTAND]
19181115             1—ZENTRAL—AUSSCHUSS auf paritätischer GRUND—LAGE mit beruflich gegliedertem Unterbau errichtet.
19181115             DIE—GEWERKSCHAFTEN und DIE—ARBEIT—GEBER—VERBÄNDE vereinbaren, daß
19181115             DIE—GEWERKSCHAFTEN und DIE—ARBEIT—GEBER—VERBÄNDE vereinbaren, daß DIE—ARBEITS—BEDINGUNGEN für alle —ARBEITER und ARBEITER—INNEN durch Kollektivvereinbarungen mit den Berufsvereinigungen der Arbeitnehmer festzusetzen seien;
19181115             DIE—GEWERKSCHAFTEN und DIE—ARBEIT—GEBER—VERBÄNDE vereinbaren, daß DIE—ARBEITSNACHWEISE gemeinsam geregelt werden und DIE—VERWALTUNG paritätisch durchgeführt wird;
19181115             DIE—GEWERKSCHAFTEN und DIE—ARBEIT—GEBER—VERBÄNDE vereinbaren, daß DIE—GEWERKSCHAFTEN als die berufenen VERTRETER—DER—ARBEITERSCHAFT anerkannt werden;
19181115             DIE—GEWERKSCHAFTEN und DIE—ARBEIT—GEBER—VERBÄNDE vereinbaren, daß Das Höchstmaß der täglichen regelmäßigen ARBEITS—ZEIT wird für ALLE—BETRIEBE auf —8—STUNDEN festgesetzt.
19181115             DIE—GEWERKSCHAFTEN und DIE—ARBEIT—GEBER—VERBÄNDE vereinbaren, daß In den Kollektivvereinbarungen seien paritätische Schlichtungsausschüsse vorzusehen.
19181115             DIE—GEWERKSCHAFTEN und DIE—ARBEIT—GEBER—VERBÄNDE vereinbaren, daß deine Beschränkung der KOALITIONS—FREIHEIT DER—ARBEITER und ARBEITER—INNEN unzulässig sei;
19181115             DIE—GEWERKSCHAFTEN und DIE—ARBEIT—GEBER—VERBÄNDE vereinbaren, daß für jeden Betrieb mit mehr als 50—BESCHÄFTIGTEN 1—ARBEITER—AUSSCHUSS einzusetzen sei,
19181115             DIE—VERHÄLTNISSE des Betriebes —NACH—DEN Kollektivvereinbarungen geregelt werden.
19181115             Dem ZENTRAL—AUSSCHUß obliegt ferner die —ENTSCHEIDUNG grundsätzlicher Fragen.
19181115             Diese Vereinbarungen treten —AM—TAGE—DER—UNTERZEICHNUNG in Kraft und gelten —BIS auf weiteres mit 1—3—MONATE—KÜNDIGUNGSFRIST.
19181115             Durch Verordnung der PREUSSISCHEN—REGIERUNG wird das ABGEORDNETEN—HAUS aufgelöst und das HERREN—HAUS beseitigt.
19181115             HUGO—STINNES unterzeichnet als ARBEIT—GEBER—VERTRETER den ab
19181115             Zur Durchführung dieser Vereinbarungen und
19181115             der diese zu vertreten und in Gemeinschaft mit dem Betriebsunternehmer darüber zu wachen habe, daß
19181115             wird von den beteiligten ARBEIT—GEBER—ORGANISATIONEN, ARBEITNEHMER—ORGANISATIONEN
19181115             zu treffenden weiteren MAßNAHMEn
19181115             zur Sicherung der Existenzmöglichkeit der Arbeitnehmerschaft
19181115             —1.AUSGABE—DIE—FREIHEIT—ORGAN—DER—USPD, Für das Blatt verantwortlich zeichnet S. Nestriepke,
19181115             —1.AUSGABE—DIE—FREIHEIT—ORGAN—DER—USPD, P. Hertz und
19181115             —1.AUSGABE—DIE—FREIHEIT—ORGAN—DER—USPD, erscheint zweimal täglich.
19181115             —1.AUSGABE—DIE—FREIHEIT—ORGAN—DER—USPD, leitender Redakteur ist R. Hilferding,
19181115             —1.AUSGABE—DIE—FREIHEIT—ORGAN—DER—USPD, wird gedruckt.
19181115             —1.AUSGABE—DIE—FREIHEIT—ORGAN—DER—USPD, zur RED—AKTION gehören unter anderen
19181115             —AM, Damit wurde der konservativste und gesündeste Teil DER—DEUTSCHEN—ARBEITERSCHAFT zu 1—WESENTLICHEN Faktor im ABWEHRKAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—BOLSCHEWISMUS["ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE—LIGA"].
19181115             —AM, Die Tat war keimhafter DEUTSCHER—SOZIALISMUS, keimhafter FASCHISMUS—KORPORATIVISMUS:
19181115             —AM, —NUN die ["ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE—LIGA"]"BÜRGERTUM"und "PROLETARIAT"gerade in der vom BOLSCHEWISMUS ZUMEIST gefährdeten Lebenssphäre der Modernen Industrie MIT 1—FESTEN RING UMGAB[BELAGERUNGS—ZUSTAND].
19181115             —AM, —NUN die ["ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE—LIGA"]"BÜRGERTUM"und "PROLETARIAT"gerade in der vom BOLSCHEWISMUS ZUMEIST gefährdeten Lebenssphäre der Modernen Industrie politisch umschloss und
19181115             —AM, Nationalpolitisches Verantwortungsgefühl Stand PATE an der Wiege jener "ZENTTRALEN ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT"["ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE—LIGA"],
19181115             —GEBÜHRT, Vor der GESCHICHTE, hierfür sowohl KARL—LEGIEN,
19181115             —GEBÜHRT, Vor der GESCHICHTE, hierfür sowohl a. STEGERWALD und
19181115             —GEBÜHRT, Vor der GESCHICHTE, hierfür sowohl deren FREUNDESKREIS
19181115             —GEBÜHRT, Vor der GESCHICHTE, hierfür sowohl h.s und SEINEM FREUNDESKREIS, wie
19181115             —AM, ein bewußtes SICH—VERGLIEDERN, 1—GEWOLLTE Vergemeinschaftung,
19181115             —AM, höchste Anerkennung.
19181115             —AM, wurde DIESES BÜNDNIS["ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE—LIGA"] mit feierlichen Unterschriften versehen.
19181115             —AM—UND wurde DIESES BÜNDNIS["ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE—LIGA"] in aller Form schriftlich kontrahiert und
19181115             —GRÜNDUNG—DER—"Zentralarbeitsgemeinschaft der industriellen und gewerblichen ARBEIT—GEBER und Arbeitnehmer DEUTSCHLANDs".
19181115             —NACH, des DEUTSCHES—KAISER—REICH Zusammenbruch HUGO—STINNES unterzeichnet als ARBEIT—GEBER—VERTRETER den ab
19181115             —NACH, des DEUTSCHES—KAISER—REICH Zusammenbruch
19181115             in aller Form schriftlich kontrahiert und mit feierlichen Unterschriften versehen.
19181115             Nationalpolitisches Verantwurtungsgefühl
19181115             gerade in der vom Bolschewismus am meisten gefährdeten Lebenssphäre der Modernen Industrie
19181115             politisch umschloss und mit einem festen Ring umgab.
19181115             Damit wurde der konservativste und gesündeste Teil der deutschen
19181115             ARBEITERSCHAFT—ZU einem wesentlichen Faktor im Abwehrkampf gegen den Bolschewismus.
19181115             —GEBÜHRT, Vor der Geschichte, hierfür sowohl h.s
19181115             und SEINEM FREUNDESKREIS, wie KARL—LEGIEN, a.Stgerwald und deren Freundeskreis
19181115             höchste Anerkennung.
19181115             Die Tat war keimhafter DEUTSCHER—SOZIALISMUS,
19181115             keimhafter FASCHISMUS—KORPORATIVISMUS: ein bewußtes SICH—VERGLIEDERN, eine gewollte Vergemeinschaftung,
19181115             eine aktive Synthetisierung der beiden Klassenfronten des 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY
19181115             Und beide Führerschichten mußten auf dem Altar des Vaterlandes
19181115             liebgeordene Ideen,Vorurteile,Grundauffassungen [KÖPFE] OPFERN
19181115             Stinnes, Hugo unterzeichnet —NACH—DEM Zusammenbruch des DEUTSCHEN—KAISERREICHS als Arbeitgebervertreter den Vertrag über die Schaffung einer
19181115             Stinnes, Hugo unterzeichnet —NACH—DEM Zusammenbruch des DEUTSCHEN—KAISERREICHS als Arbeitgebervertreter den ab
19181115             Nationalpolitisches Verantwurtungsgefühl Stand PATE an der Wiege jener "ZENTTRALEN ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT", die —NUN "BÜRGERTUM" und "PROLETARIAT" gerade in der vom Bolschewismus am meisten gefährdeten Lebenssphäre der Modernen Industrie politisch umschloss und mit einem festen Ring umgab.
19181115             Damit wurde der konservativste und gesündeste TEIL—DER—DEUTSCHEN—ARBEITERSCHAFT zu einem wesentlichen Faktor im Abwehrkampf gegen den Bolschewismus.
19181115             —GEBÜHRT, Vor der Geschichte, hierfür sowohl HUGO—STINNES und SEINEM FREUNDESKREIS, wie KARL—LEGIEN, a.Stgerwald und deren Freundeskreis höchste Anerkennung.
19181115             ein bewußtes SICH—VERGLIEDERN, eine gewollte Vergemeinschaftung, eine aktive Synthetisierung der beiden Klassenfronten des 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY.
19181115             Und beide Führerschichten mußten auf dem Altar des Vaterlandes liebgeordene Ideen,Vorurteile,Grundauffassungen [KÖPFE] OPFERN
19181115             Artikel in der Kategorie "Freundeskreis Himmler" | Freundeskreis Himmler Dieser Kategorie gehören 13—ARTIKEL an.
19181115             A ALBERT—VÖGLER ¶gler - E - EMIL—HELFFERICH - F - Freundeskreis REICHSFÜHRER—SS
19181115             R - RUDOLF—BINGEL - W - WERNER—NAUMANN—WILHELM—BÖRGER—WOLFRAM Sievers - 0 19181203             .
19181115             zur Aufrechterhaltung des Wirtschaftslebens UND—ZUR Regelung der zur Demobilisierung,
19181115             wird von den beteiligten ARBEIT—GEBER—, ARBEITNEHMER—ORGANISATIONEN
19181115             Ausführliche Biographie
19181115             —STINNES—LEGIEN—ABKOMMEN zwischen Arbeitgebern und Gewerkschaften in DEUTSCHLAND wird unterzeichnet,
19181115             —WORIN Arbeitgebern und Gewerkschaften unbürokratisch und in Abgrenzung zu den revolutionären Bewegungen 1—ZENTRALARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT bilden und sich unter Wahrung der bestehenden Machtverhältnisse und privatwirtschaftlicher Eigentumsrechte auf 1—ACHTSTUNDENTAG einigen.
19181115—19280000    —SEIT, spendete Vögler Geld an die NSDAP.
19181115—19330220    —AM, organisierte er 1—TREFFEN mit ADOLF—HITLER, HERMANN—GÖRING und Reichsbankpräsident Hjalmar Schacht und 25—UNTERNEHMERN, auf dem die DEUTSCHEN—INDUSTRIELLEN 3—MILLIONEN Reichsmark für den Wahlkampf der NDSDAP spendeten (siehe auch: Freundeskreis der Wirtschaft).
19190110—19181115    in aller Form schriftlich kontrahiert und mit feierlichen Unterschriften versehen.Nationalpolitisches Verantwortungsgefühl stand
19190421             IRELAND—TIMES, 19901115             )
19191115             —INVOKED, THE—USA—SENATE 1., cloture to end 1—FILIBUSTER over the Versailles Treaty.
19191115—20110108    * † WOLFGANG—ROBERT—LOHMEYER, IN BERLIN, in Traunstein) war ein DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Lektor und Schauspieler.
19201115             41—NATIONS opened the 1. League of Nations session in GENEVA.
19201115             1. Sitzung des Völkerbundes findet in Genf statt.
19201115             —KONSTITUIERT, Dem Versailler Vertrag folgend, sich die FREIE—STADT—DANZIG, 1—FREISTAAT unter dem Schutz des Völkerbundes.
19221115             —ANNOUNCED, It was, that DOCTOR—ALEXIS—CARREL discovered white corpuscles.
19231115             —INTRODUCED, GERMANY, the gold mark.
19231115             —RESTRICTED, Its issuance was severely, by the new Rentenbank.
19231115             —ALLOWED, This, paper money to settle down to 1—RATE—OF—4.2—TRILLION to the dollar by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
19231115             —AM Nationaltheater Prag wird die Oper Srdce (Das Herz) von JOSEF—BOHUSLAV—FOERSTER uraufgeführt.
19231115             —BEENDET, die Inflation in DEUTSCHLAND, Mit der Einführung der Rentenmark wird.
19241115             An der Staatsoper München erfolgt die Uraufführung der Komödie DON—GIL von den grünen Hosen von WALTER—BRAUNFELS.
19261115             Die National Broadcasting Company (NBC) nimmt als Network seinen Sendebetrieb in den Vereinigten Staaten mit Radioprogrammen auf.
19290000—20151115    * † AUTHOR—STEPHEN—BIRMINGHAM, at his home in NEW—YORK.
19301115             —PARALYZED, MADRID was, by general strikes and riots.
19321115             CHARLES—WADDELL—CHESNUTT is best known for novels and short stories from FAYETTEVILLE—NORTH—CAROLINA.
19341115             —APPOINTED, Financier Marriner Eccles (18900000—19770000    ), by PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—ROOSEVELT began serving as CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE.
19341115             He continued as HEAD—OF—THE—FED to 19480000             .
19341115             * EU—KOMMISSAR—MARTIN—BANGEMANN, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, MdB, Bundesminister,
19361115             —SIGNED, Nazi GERMANY and JAPAN, THE—ANTI—KOMINTERN pact.
19361115             DÜSSELDORF, findet die Uraufführung der Oper Enoch Arden oder der Möwenschrei von Ottmar Gerster statt.
19371115             THE—1.—USA congressional session in AIR—CONDITIONED chambers took place.
19371115             18—LAWSUITS were bought against THE—TENNESSEE—VALLEY—AUTHORITY, calling for its dissolution.
19381115             Farewell Parade of INTERNATIONAL Brigades in BARCELONA.
19391115             PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT laid the cornerstone of the Jefferson Memorial in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
19391115             Nazis began their mass MURDER—OF—WARSAW—JEWS.
19401115             —CALLED, The 1. 75,000—MEN were, to Armed Forces duty under peacetime conscription.
19401115             —FILED, S—FRANCISCO—NEGRO, singer PAUL—ROBESON and 8—OTHER—MEN and women, suit in Superior Court asking $22,500 in damages from Vanessi INCORPORATED for being denied service at Vanessi's, 1—RESTAURANT at 498—BROADWAY —FOLLOWING his concert at the Opera House.
19401115             —OPENED, NY Midtown tunnel linking Manhattan and Queens, to traffic.
19401115             In der Eingabe der Zweihundert an den SCHWEIZER—BUNDESRAT fordern Peten10 aus dem rechtsbürgerlichen Lager die Entmachtung von Chefredaktoren bürgerlicher Zeitungen und die Ausweisung des Völkerbundes aus der SCHWEIZ.
19401115             Juden dürfen das WARSCHAUER—GHETTO nicht mehr verlassen.
19401115—19401116    —IN—DER—NACHT—AUF—DEN, beginnen DEUTSCHE—BESATZUNGSTRUPPEN, das WARSCHAUER—GHETTO hermetisch von der Außenwelt abzuriegeln.
19411115             —OPENED, Cow Palace, in DALY—CITY, CALIFORNIA Construction labor was largely supplied by THE—WPA.
19411115             THE—GERMANY—SIEGE—OF—SEVASTOPOL began.
19411115             THE—GERMANY—FINAL—ATTACK on MOSCOW began.
19411115             —ADVANCED, They, to within 25—MILES—OF—THE—CENTER—OF—MOSCOW.
19421113—19421115    —BIS—ZUM, andauernde
19421113—19421115    —SEESCHLACHT—VON—GUADALCANAL während des —WWII beginnt.
19421115             * DANIEL—BARENBOIM, ISRAEL—PIANIST and conductor, in BUENOS—AIRES, ARGENTINA.
19421115—19421113    —SEESCHLACHT—VON—GUADALCANAL während des 2. Weltkrieges, die begonnen hat, endet mit 1—SIEG der Alliierten.
19431115             Film star Olivia de Havilland met with lawyer MARTIN—GANG and learned that it was illegal for studio bosses to keep actors locked up with salaried contracts for over —7—YEARS.
19431115—19440000    —IN, She sued and won 1—CALIFORNIA COURT—OF—APPEAL—VICTORY against Warner Bros.
19441115             —CA, kam in den HÜRTGENwald.
19450000—20151115    * † P.F. Sloan, singer and songwriter, at his home in LOS—ANGELES.
19451115             1—REPORT issued by GENERAL—HEADQUARTERS, SUPREME—COMMANDER—FOR—THE—ALLIED—POWERS, offered 1 detailed ACCOUNT—OF—JAPAN—MILITARY brothels run as "comfort stations".
19461115             —INTERROGATED, JOSEPH—MCCARTHY—HUAC, astronomer Harlow Shapley.
19461115             —OPENED, The 17. PARIS Air Show, at the Grand Palais des CHAMPS—ELYSEES.
19461115—19380000    —SINCE, It is the 1. show of this kind.
19481115             he was succeeded by LOUIS—S—LAURENT.
19491115             † NARAYAN—APTE, INDISCHER—HINDU—AKTIVIST, mutmaßlicher Drahtzieher der ERMORDUNG—VON—MAHATMA—GANDHI
19501115             —AM Theater der Stadt HEIDELBERG wird die Operette Liebe im Dreiklang von WALTER—WILHELM—GOETZE uraufgeführt.
19521115             —REOPENED, NEWARK Airport, —AFTER closing —EARLIER in the —YEAR because of 1—INCREASE in accidents.
19531115             DEUTSCHLAND, wird auf den Zuckerstreuer 1—PATENT erteilt.
19541115             1. regularly scheduled commercial flights over NORTH—POLE began.
19541115             † LIONEL—BARRYMORE, —76—JAHRE—ALT, [Blythe], actor (DOCTOR—KILDARE, Key Largo).
19551115             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—10;
19551115             —FOUNDED, JAPAN, the Liberal DEMOCRATIC—PARTY (LDP) was, —FOLLOWING the merger of the Liberal Party (led by Shigeru Yoshida) with THE—JAPAN—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY (led by Ichiro Hatoyama), both RIGHT—WING conservative parties, as 1 united front against the then popular JAPAN Socialist Party.
19551115             THE—AIM—OF—THE—PARTY was to amend the constitution.
19551115—19930000    —BIS, JAPAN, bildet sich die Liberaldemokratische Partei (LDP), die ununterbrochen an der Regierung bleibt.
19561104—19561115    —BEGINNT—BIS—ZUM, Mit dem Einmarsch der Sowjetarmee, die andauernde gewaltsame Niederschlagung des UNGARISCHEN—VOLKSAUFSTANDS.
19561115             "Li'l Abner" opened at St JAMES—THEATER—NEW—YORK—CITY for 693—PERFORMANCES.
19561115             In den USA hat der 1. Spielfilm Elvis Presleys unter dem Titel Love me Tender Premiere.
19561115—19561104    —SEIT, Die andauernden Kämpfe zwischen sowjetischen Truppen und aufständischen UNGARN enden mit der Niederschlagung des Widerstandes.
19571115             —SENTENCED, USA, SOVIET—SPY—RUDOLF—IVANOVICH—ABEL to —30—YEARS and $3,000 fine.
19571115             —ASSERTED, SOVIET—PREMIER—KHRUSHCHEV, SOVIET—SUPERIORITY in missiles, challenging THE—USA to 1—ROCKET—RANGE shooting match.
19571115             Der Spion RUDOLF—IWANOWITSCH—ABEL wird in den USA vor Gericht in allen 3—ANKLAGEPUNKTEN – Ausspähen beziehungsweise Übermitteln von Verteidigungsinformationen an die UdSSR sowie ungenehmigter Agententätigkeit – für schuldig befunden und zu langjährigen Haftstrafen verurteilt.
19581115             † TYRONE—POWER, —44—JAHRE—ALT, actor, of 1—HEART—ATTACK in MADRID—SPAIN, —WHILE filming "Solomon and Sheba".
19591115             —LINKED, Investigators —LATER, them to 19591218             —THE, murders of Cliff Walker, his wife and 2—CHILDREN.
19591115             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—5;
19591115             —MURDERED, RICHARD—HICKOK and PERRY—SMITH savagely, the Clutter Family in HOLCOMB—KANSAS.
19591115             —INSPIRED, The murders, TRUMAN—CAPOTE—BOOK "In Cold Blood" (19660000             ).
19591115             Hickok and Smith reportedly fled to FLORIDA.
19591115             Die SPD beschließt auf einem Parteitag das Godesberger Programm, in dem soziale Marktwirtschaft und die freie Entfaltung des Menschen eingefordert werden.
19591115             KANSAS, ermorden PERRY—SMITH und Dick Hickock 4—MITGLIEDER einer Farmerfamilie.
19591115             —VERARBEITET, TRUMAN—CAPOTE, die Tat später in seinem Tatsachenroman Kaltblütig.
19591218—19591115    —ON, RICHARD—HICKOCK and PERRY—SMITH, the killers of 1—FAMILY in KANSAS, were —LATER linked to THE—MURDER—OF—THE—WALKER family.
19601115             The 1. submarine with nuclear missiles, THE—USS—GEORGE—WASHINGTON, took to sea from CHARLESTON—SOUTH—CAROLINA.
19601115             S—FRANCISCO, groundbreaking ceremonies were held for the $3.2—MILLION, 800-car underground garage at PORTSMOUTH Square.
19611115             Der Herr Karl, eine schonungslose Darstellung opportunistischer Kleinbürgerlichkeit von CARL—MERZ und HELMUT—QUALTINGER, wird erstmals im Fernsehen gezeigt.
19621115             —THREATENED, CUBA, to down USA—PLANES on reconnaissance flights over its territory.
19631115             They shot and killed HP officer GLENN—CARLSON along Highway 40. All 3 were soon arrested and sentenced to life in prison.
19631115             —NAMED, THE—HIGHWAY 267—BYPASS was —LATER, —AFTER CHP officer Carlson.
19631115             † FRITZ—REINER, —74—JAHRE—ALT, HUNGARIAN—USA conductor (CHICAGO Symphony Orch).
19631115             —VOIDED, ARGENTINA, all foreign oil contracts.
19651115             In the 2. —DAY—OF—COMBAT, regiments of the 1. Cavalry Division BATTLE—ON—LANDING—ZONES X—RAY against NORTH—VIETNAM—FORCES in the Ia Drang Valley, SOUTH—VIETNAM.
19661115             —ENDED, The flight of Gemini 12, successfully as astronauts JAMES—A—LOVELL and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin Junior splashed down safely in the Atlantic.
19661115             Das USA—AMERIKANISCHE—GEMINI—PROGRAMM geht mit der erfolgreichen Wasserung der Gemini-12-Kapsel mit JAMES—ARTHUR—LOVELL und EDWIN—ALDRIN an Bord zu Ende.
19661115             Der Vatikan gibt in einer 2. Verlautbarung die offizielle Abschaffung des Index Librorum Prohibitorum bekannt.
19661115             Dieser listete Bücher auf, die Katholiken nicht lesen durften.
19661115             Der SÜDAFRIKANISCHE—PROFESSOR und ehemalige ANC—AMTSTRÄGER ZACHARIAH—KEODIRELANG—MATTHEWS wird durch den Präsidenten Botswanas zum BOTSCHAFTER in den Vereinigten Staaten berufen.
19661115             Die Uraufführung der Oper Puntila von PAUL—DESSAU findet an der DEUTSCHEN—STAATSOPER BERLIN statt.
19661115—19660614    —ERSCHIEN, 1 1. Verlautbarung zur Abschaffung.
19691115             —OPENED, WENDY—HAMBURGERS, begun by DAVE—THOMAS, in OHIO.
19691115             —KOLLIDIERT, Das SOVIET—ATOM—U—BOOT—K—19, in der Barentssee mit dem USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—U—BOOT—USS—GATO[SSN—615]
19691115             Während USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—U—BOOT—USS—GATO keine ernsthaften Schäden davonträgt, muss die SOVIET—ATOM—U—BOOT—K—19 schwer beschädigt auftauchen.
19691115—20080000    —IN, the chain was sold to Triarc Cos., owner of THE—ARBY—ROAST beef sandwich restaurant chain.
19701115             In den Niederlanden wird DER—HARINGVLIETDAM durch KÖNIGIN—JULIANA eröffnet.
19701115             DER—HARINGVLIETDAM ist 1—TEIL—DER—DELTAWERKE, die vor Überflutungen schützen sollen.
19711115             —ADVERTISED, Intel 1., its 4004—MICROPROCESSOR in Electronic News.
19711115             It contained 2,300 transistors, each the size of 1 red blood cell.
19711115             Mit dem 4004, BRINGT Intel den 1. in Serie produzierten und auf dem freien Markt erhältlichen EIN—CHIP—MIKROPROZESSOR in den Handel.
19721115             —OPENED, CIRCLE—IN THE—SQUARE—THEATER, at 16330000             Broadway NEW—YORK—CITY with 1—REVIVAL—OF—MOURNING—BECOMES—ELECTRA.
19721115             † WILLIAM—ROSS—ASHBY, BRITISCHER—PSYCHIATER und Pionier in der Kybernetik
19731115             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGES—11 and 22;
19731115—19731122    —EXCHANGED, EGYPT and ISRAEL, PRISONERS—OF—WAR.
19741104—19741106    Folder 19741115             .
19741115             The 15. String Quartet by DMITRI—SHOSTAKOVITCH (19060000—19750000    ) premiered in Leningrad.
19741115             Der Rat der OECD beschließt —NACH—DEN Erfahrungen der Ölkrise die Errichtung der Internationalen Energieagentur, die von 16—GRÜNDUNGSMITGLIEDERN gestützt wird.
19751115             THE—1.—SUMMIT—OF—6—LEADING industrialist nations, G-6, met in RAMBOUILLET—FRANCE, for discussions on currency and oil prices.
19751115             —INCLUDED, THE—GROUP—OF—6, leaders from BRITAIN, FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY, JAPAN and THE—USA.
19751115             —JOINED, They were, —1—YEAR—LATER by CANADA making the "G7".
19751115             —ESTABLISHED, The group was originally, as 1—VEHICLE for leading industrialized democracies to discuss the global economy.
19751115             —EXPANDED, It —LATER, its scope to issues such as peace, the environment and terrorism.
19751115             —RENAMED, The grouping was officially, the "G8".
19751115             Die STAATS—CHEFS und REGIERUNGS—CHEFS der 6—WICHTIGSTEN Industrieländer halten in Rambouillet 1—GIPFEL über die Weltwirtschaftslage ab, an dessen Ende das WIRTSCHAFTSSYSTEM—VON—BRETTON Woods formell aufgekündigt wird.
19751115—19920000    —ATTENDED, RUSSIA, which, the summit as 1—GUEST, was 19980000             —IN allowed for the 1. time to attend all summit meetings.
19751115—20140000    —SUSPENDED, VLADIMIR—PUTIN—RUSSIA was, from the G8 —AFTER it annexed UKRAINE—CRIMEA peninsula and sanctions were imposed on MOSCOW.
19761115             Rene Levesque's "Parti Quebecois" won elections in QUEBEC.
19761115             THE—PRO—INDEPENDENCE—PARTI Quebecois 1. came to power.
19761115             THE—ARAB—LEAGUE gave Syria 1—PEACEKEEPING mandate.
19771115             —WELCOMED, PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER, the Shah of IRAN.
19771115             —DISAPPEARED, Megumi Yokota (13), —AFTER school in NIIGATA—JAPAN.
19771115             —SUSPECTED, It was —LATER, that she, and possibly 9—OTHERS, had been kidnapped by NORTH—KOREA.
19771115             † Shigeru Yokota (20200000             , ) found out —20—YEARS—LATER that his daughter had been abducted to NORTH—KOREA.
19771115—20020000    —IN, N. KOREA admitted the kidnapping.
19771115—20140000    —IN, YOKOTA—PARENTS spent several days with their —26—YEAR—OLD granddaughter, KIM—EUN—GYONG, in THE—MONGOLIA—CAPITAL—OF—ULAN—BATOR.
19781115             —INCLUDED, Her books, "COMING—OF—AGE in SAMOA".
19781115             1—DOUGLAS—DC 8—AUF dem Rückflug von Mekka gerät während des Landeanflugs auf den Flughafen BANDARANAIKE—COLOMBO—SRI—LANKA, in 1—WIRBELSTURM.
19781115             † † † 183—MENSCHEN sterben, 66—WERDEN gerettet.
19791115             1—PACKAGE—BOMB aboard 1—COMMERCIAL—FLIGHT from CHICAGO exploded and forced 1—EMERGENCY landing at Dulles Airport.
19791115             —ATTRIBUTED, It was —LATER, to the Unabomber THEODORE—KACZYNSKI.
19791115             —IDENTIFIED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT publicly, SIR—ANTHONY—BLUNT (19830000             †), art historian, as the "4. man" of 1—SOVIET—SPY ring that included GUY—BURGESS, DONALD—MACLEAN and KIM—PHILBY.
19791115             —INCLUDED, BLUNT—WORK, "Art and Architecture in FRANCE 15000000—17000000    ".
19791115—20010000    —AUTHORED, Miranda Carter, "Anthony blunt: His Lives".
19801003—20141115    —CHARGED, Diab was, in PARIS.
19801115             —198—JAHRE—VORHER war zuletzt 1—RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHES Kirchenoberhaupt vor JOHANNES—PAUL—II—PAPA in DEUTSCHLAND.
19811115             † MAULANA—SADR—UD—DIN, Imam in der Wilmersdorfer Moschee zu BERLIN, 1. Missionar der islamischen Konfession Ahmadiyya Anjuman ISCHAT—I—ISLAM LAHORE
19820306—20111115    —EXECUTED, Brooks was, in Lucasville by lethal injection.
19820306—20201115    —ON, † Brooks was executed in Lucasville by lethal injection 1.
19821115             in THE—SF—BAY—AREA—ANNA—LYNN—JOHNSON (14) disappeared from 1—PARTY—CLOSE to her home in Vacaville.
19821115             Markle was already serving an —80—YEAR—SENTENCE for 20010000             —THE—MURDER—OF—SHIRLEY—ANN—PRATT in Butte County.
19821115             Funeral services were held in MOSCOW—RED—SQUARE for the late SOVIET—PRESIDENT—LEONID—I—BREZHNEV.
19821115—20170124    —IN, police arrested MARVIN—RAY—MARKLE, —51—JAHRE—ALT 1—LONG—TIME—SUSPECT in the killing.
19830404             "To solidify their gains —AFTER 19670000             —THE—WAR, according to UN figures, THE—ISRAELIS destroyed —DURING the period 19670611—19691115     some 7,554 PALESTINE—ARAB homes in the territories seized —DURING that war;
19831115             wurde aus 1—VORBEIFAHRENDEN Auto erschossen.
19831115             WENIGE AUGENBLICKE SPÄTER lehnte sich Rosalia, seine Tochter, an 1.Wand auf derselben Straße.
19831115             WENIGE AUGENBLICKE SPÄTER Klick.
19831115             WENIGE AUGENBLICKE SPÄTER Ihr ausdrucksloses Gesicht spiegelte sich in der Blutlache des toten Vaters.
19831115             DIE—VIA Falsomiele in der sizilianischen HAUPT—STADT entlanglief,
19831115             ATHENS—GREECE, USA—NAVY—CAPTAIN—GEORGE—TSANTES and his driver were assassinated by 19831117             —THE terrorist group.
19831115             —RECOGNIZED, It was only, by TURKEY.
19831115             Das ZYPERN—TÜRKISCHE—BUNDESPARLAMENT stimmt einstimmig für die Gründung der TÜRKISCHEN—REPUBLIK—NORD—ZYPERN.
19831115             —VERURTEILT, Der Weltsicherheitsrat, die ZYPERN—TÜRKISCHE—BUNDESPARLAMENT—PROKLAMATION und bekräftigt den Anspruch der REPUBLIK—ZYPERN auf das von der TÜRKISCHEN—REPUBLIK NORD—ZYPERN kontrollierte Gebiet.
19831115—1993ca00    —FAST—10—JAHRE—SPÄTER wird Rosalia Grado noch einmal mit dieser schrecklichen Szene konfrontiert,
19841115             —AM, demonstrierte etwa Wau HOLLAND bei der 8. DATEN—SCHUTZFACHTAGUNG in KÖLN, daß man die Zugangsbox zu BTX mit einfachen Heftstreifen und 1—SCHRAUBENZIEHER öffnen konnte.
19841115             Eigentlich war diese Box durch Verplomben geschützt, wodurch das Öffnen und MANIPULATIONen an ihr sofort sichtbar gewesen wären.
19841115             —TAGUNG, Auf der, Seite, die der Plombe gegenüber lag, ließ sich sie sich jedoch mit wenigen Handgriffen öffnen.
19841115             —VERÄNDERT, So konnten Benutzerdaten ausgelesen und, werden.
19841115             † Baby Fae —20—DAYS—AFTER receiving a baboon heart transplant in Loma LINDA—CALIFORNIA.
19861115             —RELEASED, THE—BEASTIE—BOYS "Licensed to Ill" album was.
19861115             The 3-member punk/funk band from Brooklyn had burst on the scene with their song: "Fight for Your Right to Party".
19861115             1—GOVERNMENT—TRIBUNAL in NICARAGUA convicted USA—EUGENE—HASENFUS—OF—CHARGES related to his role in delivering arms to Contra rebels, and sentenced him to —30—YEARS in prison.
19861115             —PARDONED, He was, —1—MONTH—LATER.
19861115             —RELEASED, He was, —AFTER over —4—MONTHS in captivity allegedly —AFTER the payment of 1—HUGE ransom.
19861115             2—GANG—MEMBERS—WEE—LATER convicted sentenced to life terms.
19861115—20100000    —IN, Rolando Fajardo, leader of the kidnapping gang, was arrested.
19871115             28—OF 82—PEOPLE aboard 1—CONTINENTAL—AIRLINES—DC 9, including the pilot and CO—PILOT, were killed —WHEN the jetliner crashed seconds —AFTER taking off from DENVER—STAPLETON—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT.
19871115             Im kommunistischen RUMÄNIEN beteiligen sich etwa 20.000—MENSCHEN an dem AUFSTAND—VON—BRA?ov und protestieren gegen die auszehrende Wirtschaftspolitik von NICOLAE—CEAU?escu.
19881115             —PROCLAIMED, THE—PALESTINE—NATIONAL—COUNCIL, the legislative BODY—OF—THE—PLO, the establishment of 1—INDEPENDENT—PALESTINE—STATE at the close of a —4—DAY—CONFERENCE in ALGIERS.
19881115             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 7—BLACKS were, and another 15 wounded in Strijdom Square in PRETORIA.
19881115             Barend Strydom, known as the White Wolf, was —LATER sentenced to death for the killings.
19881115             —LAUNCHED, THE—SOVIET—UNION, its 1. space shuttle, Buran, on 1 unmanned, 3 1/—2—HOUR—FLIGHT.
19881115             —DESIGNED, It was, by Gleb LOZINO—LOZINSKY (20010000             † age 97).
19881115             —ORBITED, THE—BURAN, Earth twice, landed, and never flew again.
19881115             RUSSIA built about 12—SHUTTLES, mostly test models, and —LATER scrapped the program.
19881115             Der wiederverwertbare sowjetische RAUMGLEITER—BURAN—1.01, STARTET zum 1. und bislang einzigen Mal vom Weltraumbahnhof Baikonur in KASACHSTAN und beendet seine Mission nach 2—ERDUMKREISUNGEN planmäßig.
19881115             ALGIER, wird durch den PALÄSTINENSISCHEN—NATIONALRAT, einem Organ der PLO, 1—UNABHÄNGIGKEITSERKLÄRUNG verkündet.
19881115             JERUSALEM wird als HAUPTSTADT eines —BISHER nicht bestehenden STAAT—PALÄSTINA festgelegt.
19881115—19920000    —RELEASED, He was, in 1—PRISONER—EXCHANGE —DURING talks between the apartheid government and MANDELA—AFRICA NATIONAL CONGRESS.
19891115             —CHEERED, Solidarity leader LECH—WALESA was, by USA—LAWMAKERS as he told 1—JOINT—MEETING—OF—CONGRESS that USA—AID to POLAND "will not be wasted, and will never be forgotten".
19901115             —SEE—HUMO);
19901115             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, the Clear Air Act of 19900000             .
19901115             THE—USA—SENATE—ETHICS—COMMITTEE began hearings on the "Keating 5," 1—GROUP—OF—SENATORS accused of going too far in helping failed SAVINGS—AND—LOAN—OWNER—CHARLES—H—KEATING—JUNIOR.
19901115             —CONFIRMED, Milli VANILLI—PRODUCER, rumors the duo had not done any of the singing on their debut album, "Girl You Know It's True".
19901115             —LAUNCHED, The space shuttle "Atlantis" was, on 1—SECRET—MILITARY—MISSION.
19911115             —INAUGURATED, THE—28—FOOT—TALL "Free Stamp" by Claes OLDENBURG was, in 1—SMALL—PARK in the heart of CLEVELAND.
19911115             1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—PANEL threw out FORMER—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER—JOHN—M—POINDEXTER—FELONY convictions in THE—IRAN—CONTRA affair, saying his immunized testimony to Congress was improperly used against him.
19911115             1—USA—COURT—IN—WASHINGTON, DC, issued 1—ARREST—WARRANT for Pharaon...
19911115             Dollars for Terror... + joined 1—PARTNERSHIP with he and Gaith Pharaon, BCCI—FRONTMAN in HOUSTON.
19921115             —HOSTED, PRESIDENT—ELECT Clinton and his wife, Hillary, 1—DINNER in LITTLE—ROCK, ARKANSAS, for Democratic congressional leaders in the 1. such meeting —SINCE the presidential election.
19931115             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT, that SECRETARY—WARREN—M—CHRISTOPHER would travel to the Mideast to try to mediate differences between ISRAEL and THE—PLO.
19931115             —RETIRED, DOCTOR—TOM—AMBERRY, —71—JAHRE—ALT, 1, podiatrist, completed 2,750 consecutive free throws inside the Rosmoor Athletic Club in Seal BEACH—CALIFORNIA, setting 1—NEW—WORLD—RECORD.
19931115             —STOPPED, Amberry (20170000             †), —AFTER—12—HOURS because the janitors wanted to close the gym.
19931115             1—JUDGE—IN—MINEOLA, NEW—YORK, sentenced JOEY—BUTTAFUOCO to —6—MONTHS in jail for the statutory rape of Amy Fisher, who is serving 1—PRISON—SENTENCE for shooting and wounding BUTTAFUOCO—WIFE, MARY—JO.
19931115             JOE—BUTTAFUOCO sentence to —6—MONTHS for statutory rape of Amy Fisher.
19941115             —INCREASED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE, key interest rates by 0.75%, the largest hike in —13—YEARS.
19941115             —ELECTED, HELMUT—KOHL was, GERMANY—CHANCELLOR (341—340—VOTES).
19941115—20200000    —BY, The 18-member ASIA—PACIFIC—ECONOMIC—COOPERATION—GROUP concluded a —2—DAY—SUMMIT in INDONESIA by adopting 1—SWEEPING resolution to remove trade and investment barriers in the region.
19951115             —ON the 2. —DAY—OF—1—GOVERNMENT shutdown Monica Lewinsky and PRESIDENT—CLINTON began 1—SEXUAL—RELATIONSHIP at THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
19951115             —LASTED, The relationship, about —18—MONTHS.
19951115             —DOCKED, The space shuttle "Atlantis", with the orbiting RUSSIA—SPACE station "Mir".
19961115             * Their 1. child 19970213             and named PRINCE.
19961115             * 1—GIRL named PARIS 19980403             .
19961115             oo Singer MICHAEL—JACKSON, the woman carrying his baby -- his plastic surgeon's nurse, Debbie Rowe -- in 1—CEREMONY in SYDNEY—AUSTRALIA.
19961115             —AGREED, Texaco Corp., to pay [$176.1] $176.9—MILLION dollars to settle a —2—YEAR—OLD race discrimination suit.
19961115             —PLEADED, MIAMI black commissioner, MILLER—DAWKINS, guilty to bribery, corruption and conspiracy in attempting to shake down Unisys Corp. for $200,000. The case was opened under THE—FBI—OPERATION—GREENPALM.
19961115             —INDICTED, Also, was CESAR—ODIO, former city manager, who tried to skim funds from 1—CITY—INSURANCE—CONTRACT.
19961115             —UNCOVERED, It was also, that the city was $68—MILLION in the red.
19961115             S—FRANCISCO, 1—VIETNAM—GANG—LEADER, Conga Tran, and his lawyer, DENNIS—NATALI, were shot to death in separate incidents.
19961115             Tran had been cooperating with FEDERAL—INVESTIGATORS.
19961115             A —17—YEAR—OLD was charged with the slaying.
19961115             —CONTENDED, Police, that Man Leung Yu gave the orders for the killing.
19961115             † FORMER—STATE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL—ALGER—HISS, who fell from grace in 1—COMMUNIST—SPY—SCANDAL, in NEW—YORK —4—DAYS—AFTER his 92. birthday.
19961115             —RAVAGED, In THE—PHILIPPINES tropical storm Ernie, 14—PROVINCES and killed 16—PEOPLE.
19961115             1. Version zum Download des INSTANT—MESSAGING—DIENST—ICQ wird weltweit veröffentlicht.
19961115—19970000    —PLEADED, Odio, guilty.
19961115—19970000    —IN, it was reported that Natali collected money extorted from massage parlors.
19961115—19990000    —FILED, Rowe, for divorce.
19961115—19990000    —IN, his son published "THE—VIEW—FROM—ALGER—WINDOW," 1—PERSONAL—REMEMBRANCE—OF his father.
19961115—20040000    —IN, G. EDWARD—WHITE authored "Alger HISS—LOOKING—GLASS—WARS".
19970118             —COMPLETED, NORWAY—BOERGE Ousland, 1—SOLO crossing of ANTARCTICA that began 19971115             .
19971115             —1—DAY—AFTER moving to halt the import of modified assault weapons, PRESIDENT—CLINTON defended the action in his weekly radio address, saying such weapons did nothing but "inspire fear and wreck deadly havoc on our streets".
19971115             —ANNOUNCED, WASHINGTON University, that the Danforth Foundation, headed by FORMER—SENATOR—JOHN—DANFORTH, had pledged 1—GIFT—OF $100—MILLION to be delivered over —5—YEARS.
19971115             —SCHEDULED, Parliamentary elections were, under supervision by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in EUROPE (OSCE).
19971115             —DISSOLVED, BURMA, the 21-member SLORC was, and 1—NEW—STATE—PEACE and Development Council headed by 4—TOP—GENERALS and commanders of various regions was established.
19971115             —SCHEDULED, This was the original, date for the damming of the Yangtze River in CHINA.
19971115             —ABOUT 1.2—MILLION—PEOPLE were to be moved due to the rising waters.
19971115             The flooded area provides 40—PERCENT—OF—CHINA—GRAIN and 70—PERCENT—OF—ITS—RICE—CROPS.
19971115             —REPORTED, ETHIOPIA, it was, that storms over the past —3—WEEKS have killed at least 1000—PEOPLE here and in SOMALIA and left some 100,000 families displaced and in competition with crocodiles and hippos for dry land.
19971115             The overflowing JUBA and the Shabelle Rivers originate in ETHIOPIA.
19971115             THE—JUBA had become 8—MILES—WIDE at SOME—POINTS.
19971115             † In ISRAEL —8—YEAR—OLD—ALI—JAWARISH—4—DAYS—AFTER he was shot in the head by 1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER in Bethlehem —DURING 1—STONE—THROWING demonstration at the Jewish shrine of RACHEL—TOMB.
19971115             MOROCCO, elections results SPLIT the new legislature into 3—NEAR—IDENTICAL—BLOCKS—AFTER 1—VOTER turnout of only 58.3 %.
19971115             —EXPECTED, HASSAN—II—KING—OF— was, to pick 1—PRIME—MINISTER in consultation with the parties in Jan.
19981115             † KWAME—TURE, the civil rights activist formerly known as Stokely Carmichael, in GUINEA at age 57.
19981115             —REGISTERED, NAURU and NIUE, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
19981115             —REMAINED, There, —3—YEARS worth of phosphate to be mined on NAURU which grappled with 3—MAJOR—CRISES: rising water from WORLD—WIDE—GLOBAL warming, a 3. —YEAR of draught, and a $100—MILLION—INVESTMENT—FUND that was put into THE—ASIA—REAL—ESTATE—MARKET.
19981115             RUSSIA, YURI—LUZHKOV, MAYOR—OF—MOSCOW, said he would form his own political movement called Fatherland, with free market principles and 1—STRONG—STATE—SECTOR in the economy.
19981115             —ATTACKED, SIERRA—LEONE—REBELS, 1—VILLAGE on the northern border and killed 16—PEOPLE with guns and machetes.
19981115             —ABDUCTED, Another 50 were.
19991115             —CLAIMED, THE—CLINTON administration, victory in a —7—YEAR—STRUGGLE to persuade Congress to pay nearly $1—BILLION in back dues to THE—UNITED—NATIONS, saying restrictions in the deal on backing for INTERNATIONAL family planning would have no practical effect.
19991115             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—BLOCKED—THE—SAN—FRANCISCO voter approved ATM initiative to prohibit banks from charging fees to noncustomers.
19991115             —BURNED, AFGHANISTAN, protestors, 1—UN—OFFICE to the ground in anger over sanctions.
19991115             —REPORTED, ANGOLA, the armed forces, that JONAS—SAVIMBI and his UNITA—FORCES were dislodged from their highland strongholds.
19991115             —AGREED, BEIJING—CHINA, USA and CHINA—TRADE—NEGOTIATORS, to 1—PACT for CHINA to join THE—WTO.
19991115             —REACHED, Charlene Barshefsky and Shi Guangsheng, 1—DEAL that was similar to the 1 THE—USA rejected —IN—APRIL.
19991115             —REPORTED, INDIA, at least 18—PEOPLE were, killed in Panchabatin village in THE—STATE—OF—TRIPURA by separatist guerrillas.
19991115             JAPAN, a $95—MILLION—MTSAT satellite on an H—2—ROCKET was aborted —AFTER takeoff from the Tanegashima Space Center.
19991115             1—LAUNCH in Feb. had also failed.
19991115             NIGERIA, fighting began in THE—CITY—OF—WARRI in 1—DISPUTE over THE—DISTRIBUTION—OF—PIPES donated by HOLLAND—OIL.
19991115             —KILLED, At least 40—PEOPLE were.
19991115             —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA, the finance MINISTER, that he would request the Western commercial banks to cancel $12—BILLION in SOVIET—ERA—DEBT and reschedule another $18—BILLION in exchange.
19991115             —ADDRESSED, TURKEY, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, THE—PARLIAMENT and stressed his support for candidate membership status to THE—EU.
19991115—20000314    DETAILS—OF—THE—PLAN were made public .
20001115             AL—GORE made 1—SURPRISE—PROPOSAL for 1—STATEWIDE hand recount of FLORIDA—6—MILLION—BALLOTS - 1—IDEA—IMMEDIATELY rejected by GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20001115             —REJECTED, —EARLIER—FLORIDA SECRETARY—OF—STATE—KATHERINE—HARRIS had, requests from 4—COUNTIES to update presidential vote totals with THE—RESULTS—OF—HAND recounts under way at GORE—URGING.
20001115             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, 1—PLAN to use THE—GNAT—LIKE phorid fly to control fire ants.
20001115             —DONATED, THE—GORDON—E and Betty I. MOORE—FOUNDATION, $5—BILLION for 1—CHARITABLE—FOUNDATION to underwrite scientific research, environmental protection and higher education projects.
20001115             —CRASHED, ANGOLA, 1—ANTONOV 24—AIRPLANE, near LUANDA INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT and 39—40—PEOPLE were killed.
20001115             —ORDERED, All Antonovs were, grounded in Sept.
20001115             —RELEASED, EGYPT, election results were.
20001115             —ELECTED, THE—NATIONAL—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—OF—HOSMI Mubarak won 388—OF—THE—LEGISLATURE—444 (448), seats.
20001115             † 12—PEOPLE, in the elections and irregularities were charged.
20001115             17—SEATS went to independents allied with the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood.
20001115             —ON PALESTINE—INDEPENDENCE—DAY—MANY—PROCESSIONS turned into clashes with ISRAEL—FORCES and 8—PALESTINIANS were killed.
20001115             —ENTERED, ISRAEL—TROOPS, 3—PALESTINE—VILLAGES and captured 15—MEN suspected in recent shootings.
20001115             Aus dem südlichen TEIL—DES—INDISCHEN—BUNDESSTAATS—BIHAR wird der neue BUNDESSTAAT—JHARKHAND gebildet.
20010728—20011115    —ON, he was arrested on USA—CHARGES for plotting to bomb THE—LOS—ANGELES airport —DURING—MILLENNIUM festivities.
20011100             [ASIA—TIMES, 20011115             ]
20011115             THE—HON—KLEIN, DALE—E sworn in as USA D epartment o f D efense 1—SSISTANT t o the Sec retary of D efense for N uclear and C hemical and B iological D efense P rograms ATSD NCB
20011115             for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (USD(AT&L)) for all matters concerning THE—FORMULATION—OF—POLICY and plans for nuclear, chemical + biological weapons.
20011115             In this position, ATSD ( NCB )) Klein, DALE—E is the principal staff assistant + advisor to USA—DEPUTY—SEC RETARY—OF—DEFENSE
20011115             In this position, ATSD ( NCB )) Klein, DALE—E also is directly responsible to USA—DEPUTY—SEC RETARY—OF—DEFENSE
20011115             for matters associated with nuclear weapons safety and sec urity, chemical weapons demilitarization, chemical and biological defense programs + smoke and obscurants.
20011115             —SERVED, DOCTOR—KLEIN also, as the Chairman and Executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—AMARILLO—NATIONAL—RESEARCH—CENTER (ANRC),
20011115             —DURING which time he oversaw over $45—MILLION—OF funding concerning plutonium research and nuclear weapon dismantlement issues.
20011115             DOCTOR—KLEIN held other positions —DURING his tenure at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS at AUSTIN:
20011115             Deputy DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CENTER for Energy Studies; +
20011115             Associate Dean for Research and Administration in the College of Engineering.
20011115             In addition to his duties at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS at AUSTIN + THE—ANRC,
20011115             DOCTOR—KLEIN was 1—ACTIVE—MEMBER—OF—SEVERAL—DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY—NATIONAL—COMMITTEES, including the Nuclear Energy Research Advisory Committee.
20011115             —FAILED, PRESIDENT—BUSH and RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, to resolve their dispute over USA—MISSILE—SHIELD—PLANS but pledged to fight terrorism and deepen USA—RUSSIA—TIES as their summit, which began at THE—WHITE—HOUSE then shifted to BUSH—TEXAS ranch, came to 1—CLOSE.
20011115             —AGREED, THE—USA—HOUSE and Senate, to make airport screeners FEDERAL—EMPLOYEES within —1—YEAR.
20011115             Investigators in FLORIDA said anthrax was found —THROUGHOUT the 68,000—SQUARE—FOOT—AMERICA—MEDIA building in Boca Raton, where the 1. case was identified.
20011115             —ANNOUNCED, THE—PHILIP—MORRIS tobacco company, 1—NAME—CHANGE to Altria Group.
20011115             —ANNOUNCED, United Airlines, that it would put stun guns into the cockpits of EACH—OF—ITS—500—PLANES.
20011115             —DAY 40—OF—THE—ATTACK on AFGHANISTAN: OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—BRIGADE—055 dispersed into the mountains of AFGHANISTAN.
20011115             USA—PLANES struck Taliban positions outside Kunduz, where as many as 20,000 Taliban fighters gathered.
20011115             KANDAHAR went under siege by opposition forces.
20011115             —REPORTED, JALALABAD was, to be under Yunis KHALIS—OF—THE—NORTH—ALLIANCE.
20011115             —WARNED—OF, MULLAH—OMAR in 1—BBC radio interview, 1—LARGER—STRATEGY: the "DESTRUCTION—OF—AMERICA".
20011115             —RAIDED, ISRAEL—TROOPS, 1—GAZA—STRIP refugee camp and 1—WEST—BANK—VILLAGE.
20011115             † 1—PALESTINIAN was killed and 14 were wounded.
20011115             —RECALLED, ZIMBABWE, Peace Corp workers were, —AFTER the government refused to issue permits for new volunteers.
20021108—20021115    —UNTIL, IRAQ has to accept its terms and pledge to comply.
20021115             the representatives of the think tanks met with Rice and Hadley in RICE—OFFICE—AT—THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20021115             —WARNED, THE—FBI, that AL—QAIDA may be planning a "spectacular" terrorist attack intended to damage THE—USA—ECONOMY and inflict LARGE—SCALE—CASUALTIES.
20021115             —EXCHANGED, USA—AIRCRAFT, fire with IRAQ—GROUND—FORCES—NEAR An Najaf, about 85—MILES—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20021115             —REPLACED, Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin as CHINA—COMMUNIST—PARTY—LEADER.
20021115             COLOMBIA, BISHOP—JORGE—ENRIQUE—JIMENEZ and REVEREND—DESIDERIO—ORJUELA were freed by army troops in 1—GUNBATTLE that left 1—REBEL captor dead and 2 captured.
20021115             —GATHERED, Latin USA—LEADERS, in BAVARO—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC, for the 12. annual IBERO—USA—SUMMIT to discuss ways to ease poverty, fight drug trafficking and heal internal strife.
20021115             —RAKED, PALESTINE—MILITANTS, ISRAEL—TROOPS and settlers with gunfire in 1—AMBUSH, killing 12—ISRAELIS in HEBRON.
20021115             —ÜBERNIMMT, HU—JINTAO, von JIANG—ZEMIN das Amt des Generalsekretärs der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas.
20030115—20031115    SAYS_NO_TO_WHORE 01_Freitas do Amaral
20030414             von alien8 - 200304111556          1—WELLE—VON—AKTIONEN hat am gestrigen —DONNERSTAG die ANTI—KRIEGS—STIMMUNG in BARCELONA erneut eindrucksvoll zum Ausdruck gebracht.
20030927—20041115    —ON, THE—SMART—1—PROBE made it to within 3,100 MILES—OF—THE—MOON, and proceeded to move into 1—ELLIPTICAL orbit.
20031115             ISTANBUL, explodieren vor 2—SYNAGOGEN AUTO—BOMBEN.
20031115             150403antiwarblogg - 160403antiwarblogg.html
20031115             † DOROTHY—LOUDON, —70—JAHRE—ALT, actress.
20031115             † LAURENCE—TISCH, —80—JAHRE—ALT, NY billionaire, at NYU Medical Center.
20031115             —SUSPECTED, COLOMBIA, FARC rebels threw grenades at 2 crowded bars in BOGOTA's "Zona Rosa," or Pink Zone nightclub district, injuring at least 42—PEOPLE.
20031115             S—NAZAIRE, FRANCE, 1—GANGWAY to THE—QUEEN—MARY 2, the world's largest passenger ship, collapsed as people were boarding killing 15—PEOPLE and injuring 29—OTHERS.
20031115             —INVOLVED, The victims were family members visiting workers, in construction of the nearly finished, 21—STORY—TALL—OCEAN liner.
20031115             2—USA—ARMY—BLACK—HAWK helicopters collided under fire and crashed in THE—NORTH—IRAQ—CITY—OF—MOSUL, killing at least 17—SOLDIERS.
20031115             IRAQ, insurgents and looters overran USA—BASES in SAMARA —WHEN soldiers left in an effort to let Iraqis handle security.
20031115             JAPAN—OFFICIALS told Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD they were confident their country would not be left vulnerable by ANY—AGREEMENTS between THE—USA—AND—NORTH—KOREA.
20031115             —INDICATED, They also, they would like to send troops to IRAQ "as soon as possible".
20031115             † MOHAMED—CHOUKRI, —68—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MOROCCO—WRITER whose tales about his experiences with drugs and homosexuality were banned at home, in TANGIERS.
20031115             His BEST—KNOWN work, "For Bread Alone" (19810000             ), was published in PARIS and told of his difficult adolescence.
20031115             —BELIEVED, NEPAL, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, planted by rebels killed 1—BRIGADIER general and 3—SOLDIERS.
20031115             —EXPLODED, TURKEY, twin car bombs, outside ISTANBUL synagogues filled with worshippers —DURING Sabbath prayers, killing at least 23—PEOPLE and wounding more than 300. In all 14—MUSLIMS were killed.
20031115             6—JEWS were killed at BETH—ISRAEL.
20031115             Publicado el : Los representantes de Sectrade señalan que el objetivo del seminario es el lanzamiento oficial de sus servicios en CHILE.
20031115             La empresa tiene su casa matriz en Tel Aviv, pero cuenta con filiales en HONDURAS, VENEZUELA, México, Estados Unidos, Perú y ARGENTINA.
20031115             Fuentes policiales afirman que en
20031115             Bei 2—SPRENGSTOFFANSCHLÄGEN auf Synagogen in ISTANBUL werden insgesamt 24—MENSCHEN getötet.
20031115—19600000    —GAINED, LAURENCE—TISCH and his brother PRESTON—ROBERT, CONTROL—OF—LOEWS movie house chain and developed the business into 1—CONGLOMERATE—OF—HOTELS, insurance, cigarette manufacturers, movie theaters, oil tankers and watch making that served as 1—VEHICLE for other investments.
20031115—20040000    —IN, ARTURO—MONTANO, —26—JAHRE—ALT was CONVICTED—OF—TERRORISM by BOGOTA—5. Penal Court for the attacks.
20031115—20040700    —BY, THE—IRAQ—GOVERNING Council and THE—USA—LED occupation administration in IRAQ signed 1—AGREEMENT to speed up THE—TRANSFER—OF—POWER to THE—IGC, —AFTER 1—TRANSITIONAL government is selected and assumes sovereignty.
20031115—20050000    —IN, 1—OF the injured †.
20031115—20080000    —IN, 1—FRANCE—COURT—ORDERED—CHANTIERS—DE—LE—ATLANTIQUE, builder of the ship, and Endel, builder of the walkway, to pay $13.8—MILLION in damages for their roles in the deadly accident.
20040400             QUESTIONNAIRY—SATURDAY, 20031115             —1220—PM WERE MOSAAD & JINSA RESPONSIBLE FOR.
200411021115         —AM Molesworth & Featherston — 2004112 —JAHR
20041115             Interim PALESTINE—LEADER, MAHMOUD—ABBAS, has asked PALESTINE—MILITANTS to halt violence —DURING the campaign for 20040109             presidential elections.
20041115             —ON—THURSDAY, 20041111             .THE—X 43A and its modified Pegasus booster rocket were mated to NASA—B—52B launch aircraft
20041115             PRE—FLIGHT—CHECKS—OF—THE—X 43A + the booster are occurring —FRIDAY + —SATURDAY, with final closeouts + fueling slated —FOR—SUNDAY, 20041114             .
20041115             —ON |... claim the Bush campaign misled voters, in SOME—EXTREME—CASES to look for election fraud, anything but...
20041115             —ON Schedule For - X-43A Mach 10—FLIGHT
20041115             —STILL on schedule —FOR—MONDAY—AFTERNOON, The final flight of NASA—X—43A hypersonic research aircraft, weather permitting.
20041115             —INTENDED, The mission is, to FLIGHT—VALIDATE the operation of the X-43A's SUPERSONIC—COMBUSTION—RAMJET—OR SCRAMJET—ENGINE at 1—RECORD airspeed of almost Mach 10, or 10—TIMES THE—SPEED—OF—SOUND.
20041115             —EXPECTED, The final X-43A mission is also, to be the last research mission for NASA—VENERABLE B-52B "mothership" heavy launch aircraft, which is due to be retired in
20041115             1—POST—FLIGHT—NEWS—MEDIA briefing will be held about an —HOUR—AFTER the mission concludes, or no —EARLIER than 4—P.m. Pacific time (7—P.m. EST).
20041115             The briefing will be carried live on NASA Television + webcast at
20041115             UN Workshop on Remote Sensing in the Service of Sustainable Development in Mountain Areas
20041115             —CLAIMED, USA—FORCES fail to capture Zarqawi : USA and IRAQ—OFFICIALS, that Zarqawi was HOLED—UP in FALLUJAH and had given residents 1—ULTIMATUM to hand him over or face attack.
20041115             —DENIED, Sunni clerics in the city repeatedly, Zarqawi was in FALLUJAH.
20041115             Fraud, fraud, fraud If this is your 1. visit here in 1—COUPLE—DAYS, scroll down —UNTIL you read the latest from JEFF—FISHER, THE—FLORIDA congressional candidate.
20041115             He claims to have an "inside" source spilling the beans about Republican vote fraud.
20041115             New oddities.
20041115             If you've been —FOLLOWING this story as I have, you probably have seen the same web pages pop up repeatedly.
20041115             BUT—THIS COMPENDIUM—OF—RESOURCES will direct your attention to at least 1—FEW stories you haven't seen —BEFORE.
20041115             State by state.
20041115             You will also want to study the - "Swing STATE—IRREGULARITIES" page.
20041115             Turning to THE—ARIZONA page, we encounter such gems as:
20041115             —RECEIVED, The hotline, 1—CALL from Pima COUNTY—ARIZONA, indicating that Democratic voters received calls —THROUGHOUT—MONDAY —EVENING, providing incorrect information about the precinct location.
20041115             Voters have had to be transported en masse in order to correct the problem.
20041115             —RECEIVED, THE—LAWYERS—COMMITTEE, 1—CALL from 1—VOTER in Tuscon who received 1 automated call instructing her to vote tomorrow.
20041115             —SHOWED, The number that, up on the voter's caller ID led to TUSCON—GOP headquarters.
20041115             There are so MANY—OF—THESE tales across the country, I really feel that Democrats should initiate 1—CLASS action lawsuit against THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
20041115             OHIO. The recount is almost certainly 1—GO.
20041115             —BIASED, But will the outrageously, KEN—BLACKWELL—RECUSE himself ?
20041115             I smell 1—RAT.
20041115             1—RELEVANT—ARTICLE appeared on the Zogby site —EARLIER; the author was 1—COLIN—SHEA.
20041115             —DISAPPEARED, The piece, quickly.
20041115             —MISSED, In case you, it, here it is: I smell 1—RAT.
20041115             It has that distinctive and ALL—TOO—FAMILIAR—ODOR—OF—THE—SPECIES—REPUBLICANUS floridius.
20041115             We got 1—NASTY bite from this pest —4—YEARS—AGO and never quite recovered.
20041115             Symptoms of 1—LONG—TERM—INFECTION are becoming distressingly apparent.
20041115             THE—1.—SIGN—OF—THE—RAT was on election night.
20041115             The jubilation of early exit polling had given way to rising anxiety as states fell 1—BY 1 to the Red Tide.
20041115             It was getting late in the smoky cellar of 1—PRAGUE sports bar where 1—CROWD—OF expats had gathered.
20041115             We had been hoping to go home to bed early, CONFIDENT—OF—VICTORY.
20041115             —EVAPORATED, Those hopes had, in 1—FLURRY of early precinct reports from FLORIDA and OHIO.
20041115             —BY 3—AM, conversation had † and we were grimly sipping beers and watching as those 2—KEY—STATES seemed to be slipping further and further to crimson.
20041115             —RUSHED, Suddenly, 1—FRIEND who had left —2—HOURS—EARLIER, in + handed us 1—PRINTOUT.
20041115             "ZOGBY—CALLING it for Kerry".
20041115             He smacked the sheet decisively. "Definitely.
20041115             HE—GOT both FLORIDA and OHIO in the Kerry column. Kerry only needs 1."
20041115             Satisfied, we went to bed, confident we would wake with the world 1—BETTER—PLACE.
20041115             Victory was at hand.
20041115             The —MORNING told 1—DIFFERENT—STORY, of course.
20041115             No FLORIDA victory for Kerry--Bush had 1—DECISIVE—MARGIN—OF nearly 400,000 votes.
20041115             OHIO was not even close enough for Kerry to demand that all the votes be counted.
20041115             The pollsters had been dead wrong, Bush had 4—MORE—YEARS and 1—POWERFUL—MANDATE.
20041115             Onward Christian soldiers--next stop, TEHRAN. Lies, damn lies + statistics
20041115             I work with statistics and polling data EVERY—DAY.
20041115             —RUBBED, Something, me the wrong way.
20041115             I checked the exit polls for FLORIDA--all wrong.
20041115             —INDICATED, CNN—RESULTS, 1—KERRY win: turnout matched voter registration + independents had broken 59% to 41% for Kerry.
20041115             Falwell & Co. Demand Payment
20041115             THE—POLITICS—OF—IRRATIONALITY in its 2. Term
20041115             Wachsender Widerstand gegen heimliche Kontenabfrage durch Behörden... -
20041115             —ANNOUNCED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, that it intended to negotiate trade agreements with OMAN and THE—UAR.
20041115             —ANNOUNCED, Energy SECRETARY—SPENCER—ABRAHAM, his departure as did Agricultural SECRETARY—ANN—VENEMAN and Education SECRETARY—ROD—PAIGE.
20041115             USA Congressional investigators said SADDAM—HUSSEIN—REGIME made over $21.3—BILLION in illegal revenue by subverting the oil for food program.
20041115             This was more than double the previous estimates.
20041115             —ANNOUNCED, Top CIA officials, STEPHEN—KAPPES and MICHAEL—SULICK, their resignations —AFTER reported disputes with new Director PETER—J—GOSS.
20041115             —STEPPED, NEW—JERSEY GOVERNOR—JAMES—E—MCGREEVEY, down from OFFICE—AMID—RUMORS—OF—THAT he was about to be sued for sexual harassment.
20041115             —SERVED, Senate PRESIDENT—RICHARD—CODEY, also 1—DEMOCRAT, out the final —YEAR—OF—MCGREEVY—TERM.
20041115             McGreevey left office —3—MONTHS—AFTER admitting that he had had 1—EXTRAMARITAL affair with his homeland security advisor, Golan Cipel.
20041115             LAS—VEGAS, 43—MEMBERS—OF "HAVANA Night Club" revue, 1—CUBA—DANCE troupe, asked for asylum.
20041115             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, that SHORTAGES—OF—COAL and electricity are expected this —WINTER.
20041115             THE—BANK—OF—FRANCE cut its 20040000             economic growth forecast, placing further pressure on the government's budget plans as high oil prices and 1—WEAK—DOLLAR weigh on FRANCE—OUTLOOK.
20041115             —CONCLUDED, FRANCE, its evacuation efforts in IVORY—COAST, where 5,000 Westerners fled 1 renewed civil war.
20041115             THE—UN—ATOMIC—WATCHDOG—AGENCY gave its support to IRAN—AGREEMENT to suspend all uranium enrichment activities.
20041115             Fierce battles between insurgents and USA and IRAQ—FORCES killed at least 16—PEOPLE in Baqouba.
20041115             —OFFERED, ISRAEL, its 1. indication it was reassessing relations with the Palestinians —AFTER Yasser ARAFAT—DEATH, suggesting it might coordinate 1 planned withdrawal from THE—GAZA—STRIP if THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY cracks down on militant groups.
20041115             —RESIGNED, MACEDONIA—PRIME—MINISTER—HARI—KOSTOV, over disagreements with ethnic ALBANIA—COALITION—PARTNERS.
20041115             MEXICO—FORMER ruling party, trying to fight its way back to the presidency, overwhelmingly won 2—GUBERNATORIAL elections and held RAZOR—THIN—LEADS in 2—OTHER—RACES.
20041115             —ORDERED, NIGERIA, immediate cuts in domestic fuel prices, trying to avert 1—LOOMING general strike.
20041115             —SUSPENDED, NIGERIA—MAIN—LABOR—UNION indefinitely, 1—LOOMING countrywide strike that had threatened to shut down the oil industry.
20041115             PERU, the 1. public trial of Shining Path rebel leader Abimael Guzman fell apart as the 2. of THE—3—PRESIDING judges stepped down citing 1—CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST.
20041115             Die katholische Theologin BRIGITTE—PROKSCH wird als 1. Frau in das Leitungsteam eines Priesterseminars in ÖSTERREICH, des Internationalen Priesterseminars Carisianum in INNSBRUCK, berufen.
20041115             IRAN—CHEFUNTERHÄNDLER—HASSAN—ROHANI gibt nach Gesprächen mit DEUTSCHLAND und FRANKREICH bekannt, der IRAN wolle mit dem 20041122             auf 1—WEITERE URAN—ANREICHERUNG verzichten.
20041115             Dennoch schließt die Internationale Atomenergiebehörde in WIEN ein geheimes Atomprogramm Teherans nicht aus.
20041115—20040812    —BECAME, Upon publicly revealing his homosexuality, McGreevey, the 1. and, to date, the only openly gay STATE—GOVERNOR—IN—USA—HISTORY.
20041115—20041115    —SCHEDULED, Takeoff is tentatively, for about 1—P.m. Pacific time, with launch about an —HOUR—LATER over the Pacific test range off THE—COAST—OF—SOUTH—CALIFORNIA.
20041115—20041121    —FROM THE—LOONATIC—LEFT:
20041115—20050000    —GRANTED, THE—USA, asylum to 49—MEMBERS—OF—THE troupe.
20041116             Radio Free VERMONT...of CIA—CLANDESTINE service resign — 20041115             :"STEVEN—KAPPES + MICHAEL—J—SULICK, the top...20—2—OTHER—HOUSE—MEMBERS signed Dr.
20041122             CNN_COM—TOP—LEADERS—OF—CIA—CLANDESTINE service resign - 20041115             ... STEVEN—KAPPES and MICHAEL—J—SULICK, the top LEADERS—OF—THE—CIA—DIRECTORATE—OF—OPERATIONS, resigned —MONDAY—MORNING, sources told CNN.
20050220             (WASHINGTON—POST 20021115             ) FBI Special Agent BRAD—GARRETT was not sure the man... FBI special agent BRAD—GARRETT wasn't sure the man on the bed in the...
20050220             —EXECUTED, CNN COM—PAKISTAN—MAN, for CIA KILLINGS—20021115              0000—DATE..
20050220             —EXECUTED, CNN_COM—PAKISTAN—MAN, for CIA killings - 20021115             .. Kasi had asked BRAD—GARRETT, THE—FBI agent who tracked down Kasi + brought him back from PAKISTAN, to attend the execution and the agent stood next to... C
20050303             AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes #42—04—DTD 20041115             ...words with Murray who then demanded that Kappes fire Sulick...has been encouraged —FOR—YEARS," MICHAEL—O'NEIL...Dr.
20050317             GENI, GENESIS INTERMEDIA, $0.02, 20030108             , 24, $0, n/a, $0.0. GMXX, GeneMax Corp. $10.24, 20030303             , 15.3, $157, n/a, $0.0, 20021115             10Q...
20050317             Comments of on S20030723             ... GENI, Genesis Intermedia, $0.02, 20030108             , 24, $0, n/a, $0.0. GMXX, GeneMax Corp. $10.24, 20030303             , 15.3, $157, n/a, $0.0, 20021115             10Q...
20050415             CNN_COM—TOP—LEADERS—OF—CIA—CLANDESTINE service resign - 20051115             ...
20051019             EU deal threatens end to USA—DOMINANCE—OF—INTERNET, USA says No 20050930             20051019             World prepares for new flu pandemic 20050930             20051115             —DISCLOSED, THE—USA—PENSION—BENEFIT—GUARANTY Corp., in 1—ANNUAL—REPORT that as of 20050930             it had $56.5—BILLION in assets to cover $79.2—BILLION in pension liabilities.
20051019             EXXON—MOBIL employees given fake flu shots 20051028             20051019             EU deal threatens end to USA—DOMINANCE—OF—INTERNET, USA says No 20050930             20051019             World prepares for new flu pandemic 20050930             20051115             —DISCLOSED, THE—USA—PENSION—BENEFIT—GUARANTY Corp., in 1—ANNUAL—REPORT that as of 20050930             it had $56.5—BILLION in assets to cover $79.2—BILLION in pension liabilities.
20051115             For the 1. time in our history, it would strip people of 1—RIGHT which has been the shining jewel of Western jurisprudence —SINCE the 12010101—13001231    , the right to petition 1—FEDERAL—COURT for 1—WRIT of habeas corpus.
20051115             For the 1. time in our history, it would strip people of 1—RIGHT which has been the shining jewel of Western jurisprudence —SINCE the 12010101—13001231    ,
20051115             of the 1. HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    , passed —TODAY by THE—USA—SENATE.
20051115             323/1/ WASHINGTON, 19650108             .
20051115             - 323/1/ WASHINGTON, 19650108             .
20051115             423. National Security Action Memorandum NUMBER 323/1/ WASHINGTON, 19650108             .
20051115             Wasserverschmutzung: Seefische ändern ihr Geschlecht - USA—DENTENTION CENTERS.
20051115             DON'T BE IN DENIAL!!! THEY EXIST!!! REX 84—CAMPS.
20051115             SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Wie wichtig waren die Nürnberger Prozesse im Hinblick auf die heutige Rechtsprechung bei Kriegsverbrechen wie zum Beispiel im ehemaligen Jugoslawien?
20051115             SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Was ist in Ihnen vorgegangen, als Sie im Zuge Ihrer Arbeit immer tiefer ins Detail gegangen sind?
20051115             SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Und doch hat USA—HOCHKOMMISSAR McCloy 19510000             einen Gnadenerlass dazu benutzt,
20051115             SPIEGEL—ONLINE, FRITZ—SAUCKEL, SS—GENERAL und Leiter der "Reichsdienststelle für die Fürsorge der Fremdarbeiter",
20051115             SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Der Tenor der Dokumente war bürokratisch?
20051115             Riots are 1—CLASS—ACT — and often they're the only alternativ - COVER—UP OBVIATES CONSPIRACY!
20051115             CIA Blaming Anthrax Attacks on Terrorists. Blaupause für den IRAK—KRIEG?
20051115             —DISCLOSED, THE—USA—PENSION—BENEFIT—GUARANTY—CORP., in 1—ANNUAL—REPORT that as of 20050930             it had $56.5—BILLION in assets to cover $79.2—BILLION in pension liabilities.
20051115             AUSTIN, 20051114             - 1—ATTORNEY for REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY (R—TEXAS) said —MONDAY that
20051115             WASHINGTON—POST—AUSTIN, 20051114             - 1—ATTORNEY for REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY (R—TEXAS) said —MONDAY that
20051115             323/1/ WASHINGTON, 19650108             . - USA—DENTENTION—CENTERS.
20051115             DON'T BE IN DENIAL!!! THEY EXIST!!!
20051115             REX 84—CAMPS. THE—DREAM—AND—THE—REALITY.
20051115             1—CIA—AGENT... base ever established.
20051115             Fincen has over 200—EMPLOYEES from THE—IRS, THE—FBI, THE—SECRET—SERVICE + THE—FDIC and works closely with THE—BATF, THE—CIA.
20051115             Docs 423—458—FOREIGN—RELATIONS, 19640000—19680000    , Volume XXXI, South and CENTRAL—AMERICA;
20051115             MEXICO.
20051115             continue existing USA—MILITARY—BASE—RIGHTS in THE—REPUBLIC—OF... be started for 1—BASE—RIGHTS and STATUS—OF—FORCES.
20051115             concentrationcamps2 Concentrationcamps2. Concentration Camps In AMERICA.
20051115             Is it true? Is the Military or FEMA preparing to round up. dissident civilians and lock them up in Slave Labor Camps?... base ever established.
20051115             News no.
20051115             3434—FROM :: informazione dall'IRAQ occupato :: news from occupied IRAQ—CH—INFORMAZIONE dall'IRAQ occupato. information from occupied IRAQ.
20051115             The servers of Uruknet are under continuous ddos attacks.
20051115             Whitley STRIEBER—UNKNOWN—COUNTRY—AUTHOR—WHITLEY—STRIEBER—UNKNOWNCOUNTRY_com presents the credible edge in science, religion + culture, offering news the general media ignores.
20051115             CIA Blaming Anthrax Attacks on Terrorists.
20051115             THE—CIA is beginning to assert that 20010000             —THE anthrax attacks were... THE—WASHINGTON—TIMES that THE—CIA—POINTS to the fact that.
20051115             —ADMITTED, SHARON—SON—PLEADS—GUILTY—OF—CORRUPTION : Sharon, to falsifying corporate documents, perjury + violating the party funding law.
20051115             —DROPPED, Under 1—PLEA—DEAL, prosecutors, more serious CHARGES—OF—FRAUD + BREACH—OF—TRUST.
20051115             —CHALLENGED, Secrecy order in CIA leak case, by media:
20051115             —AGREED, The proposed protective order, which was, to by VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, would cover grand jury transcripts, witness statements and 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—OTHER—DOCUMENTS involved in the case.
20051115             ANY—LEAKS could result in civil and criminal fines, the order warns
20051115             Video: Prof, STEVEN—E—JONES, "Why Indeed did THE—WTC—BUILDINGS—COLLAPSE?,"
20051115             THE—HIDDEN—HISTORY—OF—20010911             .
20051115             Flash VIDEO—MIKE—WHITNEY: THE—CORPORATE—MEDIA—THREAT to Freedom : AL—QAIDA may pose 1—THREAT to our security, but THE—ALLIANCE—OF—STATE and media poses 1—CLEAR and present danger to our freedom.
20051115             Video: Elite Propaganda : THE—MYTH—OF—THE—LIBERAL—MEDIA:
20051115             EDWARD—HERMAN and Noam Chomsky demolish 1—OF—THE—CENTRAL tenets of our political culture, the idea of the "liberal media".
20051115             —SUBORDINATED, They reveal the manner in which the news media are so, to corporate and conservative interests that their function can only be described as that of "elite propaganda".
20051115             "We the People... Have No Clothes": Why You Need to Read this Pamphlet : —TODAY, we confront 1—GOVERNMENT whose greed and thirst for power has deceived us into war, deserted THOUSANDS—OF—USA in 1—TIME—OF need knowing the devastation about to happen + continued to fail us as we pleaded for help.
20051115             Remembrance and Hypocrisy : there is great IGNORANCE—OF—THE—WAR—ON—IRAQ within THE—UK—POPULATION.
20051115             MANY—PERCEIVE—BLAIR as 1—LIAR and can rightly guess that he pulled pretexts out of thin air to justify it?
20051115             Unemployment Rate Skyrockets : The return to CIVIL—LIFE for USA—SOLDIERS deployed in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN is FULL—OF—PITFALLS, with 1—UNEMPLOYMENT—RATE 3—TIMES the national average.
20051115             Students rebuffing military recruiter s: More than 5,000 high school students in 5—OF—THE—STATE—LARGEST—SCHOOL—DISTRICTS have removed their names from military recruitment lists, 1—TREND driven by continuing casualties in IRAQ and 1—WELL—ORGANIZED peace movement that has urged students to avoid contact with recruiters.
20051115             Hands off DAVE—AIRHART!!!
20051115             Provoking Syria: CAMBODIA All Over Again : The analogy the administration is using for this invasion?
20051115             —ACCUSED—OF, CAMBODIA, which the Nixon administration, harboring NORTH—VIETNAM—TROOPS —DURING the war in SOUTH—EAST—ASIA.
20051115             —KILLED, Failed JORDAN hotel bomber had 3—BROTHERS, by U—S forces : Friends of 1—IRAQ—WOMAN who admits trying to blow herself up in JORDAN say 3—OF—HER—BROTHERS were killed by U—S forces.
20051115             Senate Republicans Block IRAQ Timetable : THE—REPUBLICAN—CONTROLLED Senate —ON—TUESDAY easily defeated 1—DEMOCRATIC—EFFORT to pressure PRESIDENT—BUSH to outline 1—TIMETABLE for 1 phased WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—TROOPS from IRAQ.
20051115             —ENDORSED, It then overwhelmingly, 1—WEAKER—STATEMENT—OF—USA—POLICY in IRAQ.
20051115             —ON the ground footage shows the humiliation and dehumanization, inevitable in 1—COLONIAL—SITUATION.
20051115             IRAQ—PM: Detainees Apparently Starved and Tortured : IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—DISCLOSED—TUESDAY that more than 170 malnourished IRAQ—DETAINEES were found at 1—INTERIOR—MINISTRY—DETENTION—CENTER and that they appear to have been tortured.
20051115             —VIOLATED, UN report: Multinational forces, INTERNATIONAL law : "Such actions are contrary to INTERNATIONAL law governing armed conflict and in ANY—EVENT they constitute 1—DENIAL—OF—THE—PROTECTION—OF—INTERNATIONAL—HUMAN—RIGHTS—LAW," the report said.
20051115             USA—IRAQ Troops Raid Government Jail Where Abuses Are Alleged : SCORES—OF—BODIES have been discovered in BAGHDAD and elsewhere —AROUND IRAQ, handcuffed, blindfolded and shot through the head.
20051115             Relatives of the dead often say that the last time they saw their loved ones, they were being led away by IRAQ—POLICE—OFFICERS.
20051115             —REPORTED, UN: USA detains Iraqis in mass arrests : THE—UN has, that THE—USA—MILITARY in IRAQ is detaining people faster than 1—NEW—BOARD can review their cases to determine whether their rights are being respected.
20051115             USA—SWEEP—OF—ARRESTS —AFTER IRAQ invasion leads to few convictions:
20051115             —DETAINED, More than 35,000 Iraqis have been, by USA—TROOPS—SINCE THE—INVASION—OF—THE—COUNTRY but only 1—TINY—FRACTION have been convicted of wrongdoing
20051115             'I treated people who had their skin melted' : He had seen "pieces of these bombs explode into large fires that continued to burn on the skin even —AFTER people dumped water on the burns".
20051115             THE—FOG—OF—WAR: white phosphorus, FALLUJAH and SOME—BURNING questions : SOME—HAVE claimed the use of WP contravenes 19930000             —THE—CHEMICAL—WEAPONS—CONVENTION which bans the use of any "toxic chemical" weapons which causes "death, harm or temporary incapacitation to humans or animals through their chemical action on life processes".
20051115             Senate approves $491—BILLION defense bill : THE—SENATE unanimously passed legislation —ON—TUESDAY authorizing $491.6—BILLION in defense programs, including policies on TREATMENT—OF—DETAINEES—LIKELY to prompt 1—DISPUTE with THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
20051115             Exposed: THE—CARLYLE—GROUP : Shocking documentary uncovers THE—SUBVERSION—OF—AMERICAS—DEMOCRACY.
20051115             I defy you to watch this —48—MINUTE documentary and not be outraged about THE—DEPTH—OF—CORRUPTION and deceit within the highest ranks of our government.
20051115             Why Indeed Did THE—WTC—BUILDINGS—COLLAPSE? - - DEPARTMENT—OF—PHYSICS and Astronomy.
20051115             Brigham Young University
20051115             In writing this paper, I call for 1—SERIOUS—INVESTIGATION—OF—THE hypothesis that WTC 7 and the Twin Towers were brought down, not —JUST by damage and fires, but through the use of PRE—POSITIONED explosives.
20051115             Riots are 1—CLASS—ACT—AND often they're the only alternativ
20051115             No petition, peaceful march or letter to an MP could have achieved THIS—BY GARY—YOUNGE
20051115             'If there is no struggle, there is no progress," said THE—AFRICA—USA—ABOLITIONIST—FREDERICK—DOUGLASS. "Those who profess to favour freedom and yet depreciate agitation are men who want crops without ploughing up the ground;
20051115             they want rain without thunder and lightning.
20051115             They want the ocean without the awful roar of its MANY—WATERS... Power concedes nothing without 1—DEMAND.
20051115             It never did and it never will".
20051115             SPAIN—POLICE expose more CIA—LINKS to secret FLIGHTS—OF—DETAINEES
20051115             - 42—OPERATIVES traced going through PALMA—AIRPORT
20051115             - Names unearthed match Italian and GERMANY—INQUIRIES
20051115             —BY GILES—TREMLETT in MADRID
20051115             —TRACED, SPAIN—POLICE have, up to 42 suspected CIA—OPERATIVES believed to have taken part in secret flights carrying detained or kidnapped Islamist terror suspects to interrogation centres + jails in AFGHANISTAN + EGYPT + elsewhere.
20051115             THE—USA used chemical weapons in IRAQ—AND then lied about it -
20051115             "THE—GUARDIAN " Did USA—TROOPS—USE—CHEMICAL—WEAPONS in Falluja?
20051115             The answer is yes.
20051115             The proof is not to be found in the documentary broadcast on ITALY—TV—LAST—WEEK, which has generated gigabytes of hype on THE—INTERNET.
20051115             It's 1—TURKEY, whose evidence that white phosphorus was fired at IRAQ—TROOPS is flimsy and circumstantial.
20051115             But the bloggers debating it found the smoking gun.
20051115             Hamburger: Das hat sowohl meine Psyche als auch die Physis extrem belastet.
20051115             —DEPORTIERT, Ich wusste, dass Verwandte von mir, worden waren.
20051115             —VERSCHLEPPT, Ich hatte 1—TANTE, die mit —29—JAHREN in den Osten, wurde, meine Großeltern waren in Sobibor, einem Lager im POLNISCHEN—DISTRIKT LUBLIN, mein Onkel in Mauthausen.
20051115             —GESEHEN, Wenn man dann schwarz auf weiß, was dort mit den Leuten passiert ist, hat man die Dinge personenbezogen betrachtet + das war schlimm.
20051115             Das Interview führte Annette Langer
20051115             SPIEGEL—ONLINE : FRITZ—SAUCKEL, SS—GENERAL und Leiter der "Reichsdienststelle für die Fürsorge der Fremdarbeiter", hat sein Todesurteil schlecht verkraftet.
20051115             —VERWIRRT, Laut Zeugenaussagen lief er —BIS zur Vollstreckung, durch das Gefängnis und sprach immer wieder von Missverständnissen auf Grund eines Übersetzungsfehlers.
20051115             What Wars And TACTICS—OF—FEAR Do the Busheviks Have on Reserve to Rescue Them from the Political Dumpster?
20051115             THE—CENTER for Constitutional Rights condemns THE—GRAHAM—LEVIN—AMENDMENT to the Military Authorization Bill, passed —TODAY by THE—USA—SENATE.
20051115             —DIRECTED, This bill is, at those persons held at THE—GUANTANAMO prison camp.
20051115             Buy Progressive this Holiday Season, Whatever Religion You are.
20051115             (Atheists and Agnostics are Also Welcome to Join in Supporting PRO—DEMOCRACY—NEWS).
20051115             Senate Passes "Compromise" That Still Chips Away at the Constitution and Habeas Corpus, as the Busheviks Still Continue AMERICA on 1—MARCH to Fascism.
20051115             Yes, They are Making the "F" Word 1—INCREMENTAL—REALITY in AMERICA.
20051115             BuzzFlash Interview: SCOTT—RITTER—TELLS—USA—WHY—WE are In IRAQ
20051115             Cindy SHEEHAN—STORY: "Not 1—MORE—MOTHER—CHILD".
20051115             She and JOE—WILSON—STOOD—UP to Bush and It's Been Downhill for "Baby Doc" —EVER—SINCE.
20051115             ALITO—LEGAL—PERSPECTIVE—AGAINST—ABORTION are not "Personal Views" (the Latest Right Wing Talking Point).
20051115             They are Constituional Views.
20051115             SHORT, He WILL—VOTE to Overturn Roe V. Wade.
20051115             Forget the Spin. It's 1—DONE—DEAL.
20051115             NYT Basically Calls Bush 1—LIAR—ABOUT—IRAQ in Scathing Editorial.
20051115             Finally, No NAMBY—PAMBY Stuff.
20051115             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20051115             Bush Goes for Broke With IRAQ War Lies: This is the Defining Moment for the Democratic Leadership.
20051115             Hold the Line or Democracy, Truth and Justice Will be Lost.
20051115             People Supported Bush Because He Misled Them.
20051115             He is 1—DISGRACE to the Military and to Our Troops in IRAQ.
20051115             He Even Lies About Torture
20051115             Bottom line: We need INTERNATIONAL observers!
20051115             —ON other fronts : Not long ago, we discussed VOTERACTION—IMPORTANT—SUIT against NEW—MEXICO—ELECTION—OFFICIALS.
20051115             —CONDUCTED, Vote count data analysis, at the precinct level in NEW—MEXICO has shown SOME—STATISTICALLY disturbing patterns that are difficult to write off or explain with anecdotal reasoning.
20051115             Accredited statistical analysts and elections specialists from —AROUND the country have documented 1—ALARMINGLY high undervote rate in predominately Native American, Hispanic + Democratic precincts across the state.
20051115             An "undervote" is —WHEN 1—BALLOT was cast but no vote was counted.
20051115             Accepting this high undervote rate at face value would require us to believe that MANY—VOTERS in these communities went to the polls on Election —DAY to cast 1—BALLOT for no 1.
20051115             What makes this particularly disturbing is that the undervote rate in problem precincts increases dramatically —WHEN ballots were cast on Election —DAY on paperless, electronic voting machines.
20051115             The data also reveals 1—PATTERN—OF—VOTES cast on electronic voting machines on Election —DAY being consistently 15% points lower for JOHN—KERRY and 18% points higher for GEORGE—W—BUSH in comparison to absentee and early voting.
20051115             The problems do not end there.
20051115             With minimal effort, additional evidence has come to our attention including:
20051115             141—PEOPLE voting on the machine —THROUGHOUT election —DAY.
20051115             —NOW, the county clerks in Bernalillo county have completely refused to allow the controversial machines to be inspected by experts hired by the plaintiffs.
20051115             I've said it —BEFORE and I'll say it again -- this time in capital letters:
20051115             COVER—UP OBVIATES CONSPIRACY!
20051115             Vote fraud: Unbelievable! 1—FEW days, I joked about the "clean elections" measure in OHIO which failed at the ballot box.
20051115             —INSTALLED, Half the counties in OHIO, voting machines that did not pass muster here in CALIFORNIA.
20051115             1—FEW news stories on the incident note the close relationship between JORDAN and THE—CIA.
20051115             What these stories don't tell you is that, way —BACK—IN the early 1970s, USA—SPOOKS used 1—HIDDEN camera to photograph 1—JORDAN—ROYAL in bed with Xaveria Hollander, who is Jewish.
20051115             Jordanian/USA—COOPERATION was thus born of blackmail.
20051115             —ENTERTAINED, If Xaveria similarly, 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—PRINCE (as I suspect she did), much history is explained.
20051115             If you're in the market for 1—GOOD—CONSPIRACY—THEORY, check out these photos, which seem to indicate that (contrary to the official story) the bombs were planted in the ceiling.
20051115             SPIEGEL—ONLINE : Der RUSSISCHE—GENERAL—NIKITSCHENKO hat gerade bei dem FREISPRUCH—VON—PAPENS, dem reumütig auftretenden REICHS—UND Vizekanzler, sein Veto eingelegt.
20051115             Hamburger: Man wollte sich fair verhalten.
20051115             Gerade von Papen hat ja eine besonders makabre Rolle gespielt, denn es steht außer Frage, dass Adel und Großindustrie Hitler im Prinzip an die Macht gebracht haben, weil sie der irrigen Meinung waren, man könne die Nazis in einen Verbund der nationalen Einheit einbinden.
20051115             Sie hätten wissen müssen, dass das vollkommen unmöglich war.
20051115             Allein die Lektüre von Hitlers "Mein Kampf" hätte ihnen zeigen müssen, wohin der Weg geht und sie eines Besseren belehren MÜSSEN—UND dieses Buch ist —BEREITS 19230000             erschienen!
20051115             Journalisten protestieren: Staatliche Überwachung bei Informationsgipfel
20051115             Platz 1—WIRD nach wir vor von dem IBM—SYSTEM BlueGene / L gehalten, das am LAWRENCE—LIVERMORE—NATIONAL—LABORATORY in der Atomforschung genutzt wird.
20051115             —GESTELLT, Der Computer wurde —IM—SOMMER fertig, und konnte so seine anfängliche Perfomance von 136,8 auf 280.6—TERAFLOPS mehr als verdoppeln (1—TERAFLOP = 10 12—FLOPS).
20051115             Es ist viel Bewegung in der
20051115             221—DER Superrechner, die —IM—JUNI noch in der Übersicht vertreten waren, sind —JETZT HERAUSGEFALLEN—ERSETZT durch neuere, schnellere Systeme.
20051115             1—PETAFLOP sind 10 15—GLEITKOMMAZAHL—OPERATIONEN pro —SEKUNDE.
20051115             IBM stellt 43—PROZENT—DER—TOP 500-Supercomputer, gefolgt von HP mit 34—PROZENT.
20051115             Was die Prozessoren betrifft, hat Intel die Nase vorn: In 2—DRITTEL der Systeme rechnen CPUs AUS—DEM—HAUSE—INTEL.
20051115             AMD hat mit seinem Opteron jedoch aufgeholt und ist in 55—SUPERCOMPUTERN VERTRETEN—IM —JUNI waren es nur 25.
20051115             Die Länderwertung wird klar von den USA angeführt, die 305—DER 500—RECHENGIGANTEN stellen.
20051115             Der schnellste europäische Rechner steht in SPANIEN: der BARCELONA Supercomputer mit 27,9 Teraflops (Platz 8).
20051115             Folterverdacht: Unterernährte Häftlinge in Bagdader Geheimgefängnis entdeckt
20051115             —VERLÄNGERT—FRANKREICH: Ausnahmezustand um —3—MONATE
20051115             USA—NOTENBANK: Bernanke kündigt Kurswechsel AN—UMFRAGE: Bush im ALLZEIT—TIEF
20051115             —ALARMIERT, Oberster Gerichtshof der USA: Altes Bewerbungsschreiben, ALITO—KRITIKER
20051115             MEXIKO: Kleine Ladenbesitzerin zwingt Coca Cola in die Knie
20051115             —GEHÖRT, INTERVIEW—MIT—EU—KOMMISSARIN—REDING: "Das INTERNET, nicht den Regierungen"
20051115             Vogelgrippe: CHINA will Milliarden Hühner impfen
20051115             GUANTANAMO: Gefangene sollen mehr Rechte ERHALTEN—KABUL: Trauer um DEUTSCHEN—SOLDATEN
20051115             Mit ihrem Papier kommen die Republikaner nur knapp einem Antrag der Demokraten zuvor, in dem 1—ZEITPLAN zur Rückführung der Truppen aus dem IRAK vorschlagen werden sollte.
20051115             Demokratische Politiker erklärten, der Vorschlag der Republikaner zeige, dass sie den wachsenden Unmut in der Bevölkerung über den IRAK—KRIEG erkannt hätten.
20051115             Die Zustimmung für PRÄSIDENT—BUSH fällt von einem Tiefpunkt auf den nächsten.
20051115             Als Grund nennen die Demoskopen vor allem den blutigen Dauerkrieg im IRAK.
20051115             —JETZT fordern erstmals republikanische Senatoren einen Plan zur Beendigung des Militäreinsatzes.
20051115             WASHINGTON—DER USA—SENAT berät —HEUTE über einen Antrag republikanischer Senatoren die darauf drängen, dass die Regierung Bush 1—STRATEGIE zur Beedigung des militärischen Engagements im IRAK vorlegt.
20051115             Die Senatoren fordern, dass die Iraker selbst die Kontrolle über ihr Land übernehmen sollen, berichtet die "NEW—YORK—TIMES".
20051115             Anschlag auf Bahn: Hakenkrallen stoppen Zugverkehr
20051115             Nürnberger Prozesse: Die NAZI—HENKER und ihre Richter
20051115             Top-500-Liste: Supercomputer verdoppeln Rechenpower
20051115             TERROR—ABWEHR: Geheime Landungen von CIA—JETS auf Mallorca?
20051115             IRAK—KRIEG: Republikaner fordern Plan zum Abzug der USA—TRUPPEN
20051115             —SCHON—SEIT längerem wird befürchtet, dass Östrogen im Wasser solche Veränderungen hervorrufen könnte.
20051115             Dieses Hormon ist in Antibabypillen enthalten,
20051115             wird ausgeschieden und gelangt so in großen Mengen ins Abwasser.
20051115             Andere Mitspieler als Östrogene?
20051115             DAN—SCHLENK—VON—DER—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA in RIVERSIDE sagte jedoch, in diesem Fall seien möglicherweise andere Stoffe mitschuldig an der Geschlechtsveränderung der Tiere.
20051115             In den Bereichen, in denen die Tiere mit dem weiblichen Gewebe gefunden worden seien, seien die ÖSTROGEN—AUSWIRKUNGEN vergleichsweise gering.
20051115             "Es könnte sein, dass bei diesem Spiel noch andere mitspielen", sagte Schlenk.
20051115             Im Verdacht hat er zum Beispiel DDT.
20051115             Gerade die untersuchte Gegend beim LOS—ANGELES County sei "wahrscheinlich einer der am stärksten DDT—KONTAMINIERTEN Orte in Nordamerika", sagte Schlenk.
20051115             DDT kommt seiner Ansicht nach als Ursache der Verwandlung in Frage.
20051115             In einem Interview hat der 89-jährige McNamara vor kurzem —ERST mitgeteilt, dass die Berichte des Abhördienstes eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Ausdehnung des VIETNAM—KRIEGS gespielt hätten.
20051115             —INFORMIERT, Er selbst sei aber nie darüber, worden, dass die Nachrichten womöglich nur aufgeblasen wurden, um einen Angriff der Schnellboote zu suggerieren.
20051115             Der politische VIETNAM—VETERAN der höchsten Ebene hat sich inzwischen vom Falken zur Taube gewandelt.
20051115             Den Krieg im IRAK lehnte McNamara ab: "Er ist moralisch falsch, er ist politisch falsch und er ist wirtschaftlich falsch".
20051115             Der NSA—HISTORIKER Hanyok entdeckte noch mehr.
20051115             Er fand in den Übersetzungen der nordvietnamesischen Funksprüche zahlreiche Fehler und davon gleich "1—MUSTER", wie —JETZT die "NEW—YORK—TIMES" berichtet.
20051115             Ganze Zitate seien beim Auswerten "selektiv" ausgewählt und von NSA—OFFIZIEREN "absichtlich verdreht" worden.
20051115             —GEFUNDEN, Der wichtigste Übersetzungsfehler sei zwar rasch, dann aber nicht korrigiert und hernach sogar vertuscht worden.
20051115             Insgesamt sei an den Funksprüchen so lange "herumgedoktert" worden, —BIS die vermeintlichen Beweise für einen Angriff auf die "Maddox" vorgelegen hätten.
20051115             Was dann geschah, bewegte die Welt.
20051115             Denn nur —3—TAGE—SPÄTER setzte PRÄSIDENT—JOHNSON im Kongress die sogenannte TONKIN—RESOLUTION durch, die nichts anderes als 1—BLANKOSCHECK zur Ausweitung des Krieges war.
20051115             Die Resolution trug den Titel "Vereinigte Entschließung zur Förderung von Frieden und Sicherheit in Südostasien" und wurde im Abgeordnetenhaus mit 416—STIMMEN ANGENOMMEN—KEIN einziger der Volksvertreter stimmte dort dagegen.
20051115             Kritische Historiker wie der NSA—EXPERTE MATTHEW—AID warfen der National Security Agency deswegen vor, die TONKIN—PAPIERE wegen der Vorgeschichte des IRAK—ABENTEUERS und der luftigen Bedrohung durch Massenvernichtungsmittel von SADDAM—HUSSEIN zurückzuhalten.
20051115             "Dabei ist dieses Material gerade für die Debatte um den Krieg im IRAK wichtig und dient der Reform unserer Geheimdienste", sagt Aid.
20051115             "Es geheim zu halten, nur um die NSA zu schützen, wäre der falsche Weg".
20051115             In den USA tobt 1—DEBATTE über die Verantwortung des Präsidenten.
20051115             GEORGE—W—BUSH sieht sich dem Vorwurf der Lüge ausgesetzt, da im IRAK keine Massenvernichtungswaffen vorgefunden wurden.
20051115             Gleichzeitig kehrt in der Öffentlichkeit ein altes Trauma zurück: der VIETNAM—KRIEG.
20051115             —ERHOBEN, Wieder werden schwere Vorwürfe.
20051115             Sie stammen von dem Historiker ROBERT—HANYOK, der ausgerechnet für den großen Abhördienst National Security Agency (NSA) arbeitet.
20051115             Hanyok hat jahrelang das verhängnisvolle Aufkreuzen der "Maddox" und ihres Begleitzerstörers "C. TURNER—JOY" im Golf von Tonkin untersucht.
20051115             Dabei hatte es die TORPEDO—ATTACKE auf die "Maddox" nie gegeben, fanden Historiker —SCHON in den achtziger —JAHREN heraus.
20051115             Der Zerstörer hatte sich vielmehr 1—SEEGEFECHT mit imaginären Schnellbooten GELIEFERT—UND einen eigenen Peilstrahl, der vom Ruderblatt mehrmals zurückgeworfen wurde, als FEIND—TORPEDOS fehlgedeutet.
20051115             WASHINGTON, aber behauptete PRÄSIDENT—JOHNSON, "im Golf von Tonkin treiben unsere Jungs im Wasser".
20051115             Johnson ordnete "Vergeltung" an und ließ erstmals Nordvietnam, das Reich des Revolutionsführers Ho TSCHI—MINH, mit Bomben belegen.
20051115             Blaupause für den IRAK—KRIEG?
20051115             —GEZOGEN, —NUN aber werden Parallelen zum Krieg im IRAK, die das Geschehen im Golf von Tonkin plötzlich wieder interessant machen.
20051115             Denn in beiden Fällen spielten Behauptungen der Geheimdienste 1—ROLLE, die in sich zusammenbrachen wie 1—KARTENHAUS, trotzdem aber zur Begründung eines Kriegs herangezogen wurden.
20051115             Der VIETNAM—KRIEG spaltete in den siebziger —JAHREN die USA—UND er beschäftigt das Land noch immer.
20051115             Wasserverschmutzung: Seefische ändern ihr Geschlecht
20051115             VIETNAM—KRIEG: Der TORPEDO—ANGRIFF, den es nie gab
20051115             Premier League: ABHÖR—AFFÄRE bei MANCHESTER United
20051115             Notrufe: Forscher übersetzen Erdhörnchensprache
20051115             Unterdrückung im LIBANON: Verschwundene Männer, gefügige Familien
20051115             Gewinnsprung: Vodafone schlägt die Prognosen
20051115             Welthandel: Blair mahnt zur Eile im Agrarstreit
20051115             AUSTRALIEN: 100.000—DEMONSTRIEREN gegen Arbeitsmarktreform
20051115             NEW—YORK—TIMES—LAWYER s for I. LEWIS—LIBBY—JUNIOR—PLAN to seek testimony from journalists beyond those cited in the indictment.
20051115             Journalists Said to Figure in Strategy in Leak Case
20051115             he will request 1—EARLY—DECEMBER trial date for THE—FORMER—HOUSE—MAJORITY—LEADER, if the case gets that far.
20051115             DeLay Case Turns Spotlight on TEXAS Judicial System
20051115             "1—DISTURBING review by 1 certified public accountant hired by THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE regarding the official results.
20051115             "1—HIGH—NUMBER—OF—INCIDENT—REPORTS—OF switched votes on touch screen machines.
20051115             "1—OFFICIAL voting machine tally that recorded only 1—VOTE—AFTER 1—POLL—WORKER had watched approx.
20051115             "Data manipulation by a 3. party vendor —AFTER the canvass report had been filed.
20051115             "Did USA—TROOPS—USE—CHEMICAL—WEAPONS in Falluja? The answer is yes.
20051115             "Such actions are contrary to INTERNATIONAL law governing armed conflict and in ANY—EVENT they constitute 1—DENIAL—OF—THE—PROTECTION—OF—INTERNATIONAL—HUMAN—RIGHTS—LAW," the report said.
20051115             "THE—GUARDIAN - "Those who profess to favour freedom and yet depreciate agitation are men who want crops without ploughing up the ground;
20051115             "We the People... Have No Clothes": Why You Need to Read this Pamphlet:
20051115             'I treated people who had their skin melted':
20051115             'If there is no struggle, there is no progress," said THE—AFRICA—USA—ABOLITIONIST—FREDERICK—DOUGLASS.
20051115             (Oceania ist der von Orwell beschriebene Big Brother STAAT
20051115             221—DER Superrechner, die im ;;06;; noch in der Übersicht vertreten waren,
20051115             AMD hat mit seinem Opteron jedoch aufgeholt und ist in 55—SUPERCOMPUTERN VERTRETEN, 20050600             —IM, waren es nur 25.
20051115             Accredited statistical analysts and elections specialists from —AROUND the country have documented 1—ALARMINGLY high undervote rate in predominately Native American,
20051115             AL—QAIDA may pose 1—THREAT to our security, but THE—ALLIANCE—OF—STATE and media poses 1—CLEAR and present danger to our freedom.
20051115             USA—SPOOKS used a hidden camera to photograph a JORDAN—ROYAL in bed with Xaveria Hollander,
20051115             AMERIKANISCHE—HISTORIKER fanden —JETZT heraus, dass Tricks und Vertuschungsmanöver —SCHON am —ANFANG eine große Rolle SPIELTEN—1—PARALLELE zum IRAK—KRIEG.
20051115             Civil liberties in danger, says EX—INTEL official:
20051115             Dabei hatte es die TORPEDO—ATTACKE auf die "Maddox" nie gegeben,
20051115             Demokratische Politiker erklärten, der Vorschlag der Republikaner zeige,
20051115             Denn in beiden Fällen spielten Behauptungen der Geheimdienste 1—ROLLE, DEPARTMENT—OF—PHYSICS and Astronomy.
20051115             Er fand in den Übersetzungen der nordvietnamesischen Funksprüche zahlreiche Fehler und davon gleich "1—MUSTER",
20051115             DEUTSCHLAND, das im ;;06;; noch mit 40—SYSTEMEN vertreten war, hat nur noch 24—SUPERCOMPUTER in der Rangliste.
20051115             Die aufsummierte Rechengeschwindigkeit aller Computer aus der Top-500-Rangliste hat sich von 1,127 Petaflops (Stand ;;06;;) auf 2,3 Petaflops erhöht.
20051115             Docs 423—458—FOREIGN Relations, 19640000             —1968,
20051115             EDWARD—HERMAN and Noam Chomsky demolish 1—OF—THE—CENTRAL tenets of our political culture,
20051115             —INFORMIERT, Er selbst sei aber nie darüber, worden, dass die Nachrichten womöglich nur aufgeblasen wurden,
20051115             Es ist viel Bewegung in der TOP—500—LISTE—DER—SCHNELLSTEN—COMPUTER—DER—WELT.
20051115             EX—DETAINEES: USA—TROOPS threw us into lion cages:
20051115             —KILLED, Failed JORDAN hotel bomber had 3—BROTHERS, by U—S forces:
20051115             For the 1. time in our history, it would strip people of 1—RIGHT which has been the shining jewel of Western jurisprudence —SINCE the 12010101—13001231    —CENTURY,
20051115             Friends of 1—IRAQ—WOMAN who admits trying to blow herself up in JORDAN say 3—OF—HER—BROTHERS were killed by U—S forces.
20051115             GEORGE—ORWELL in his novel 19840000             ...
20051115             Gleichzeitig kehrt in der Öffentlichkeit ein altes Trauma zurück:
20051115             GUANTANAMO: Gefangene sollen mehr Rechte erhalten
20051115             Diese Dinge wurden damals sehr milde behandelt,
20051115             Gerade von Papen hat ja eine besonders makabre Rolle gespielt,
20051115             Hamburger: Sicher, ganz in der Diktion des 3. Reiches, bitte gehorsamst und so weiter...
20051115             Hanyok hat jahrelang das verhängnisvolle Aufkreuzen der "Maddox" und ihres Begleitzerstörers "C.
20051115             He had seen "pieces of these bombs explode into large fires that continued to burn on the skin even —AFTER people dumped water on the burns".
20051115             Hispanic + Democratic precincts across the state. Ich hatte 1—TANTE,
20051115             —ENTERTAINED, If Xaveria similarly, 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—PRINCE (as I suspect she did),
20051115             If you're in the market for 1—GOOD—CONSPIRACY—THEORY, check out these photos,
20051115             Obwohl das Pestizid in den USA—IM Verdacht hat er zum Beispiel DDT.
20051115             —LIMITED, NEW—MEXICO, the "undervote" rate is not, to presidential votes but is consistent down ticket as well.
20051115             Video: THE—REAL—FACE—OF—THE—USA—OCCUPATION—OF—IRA
20051115             In den Bereichen, in denen die Tiere mit dem weiblichen Gewebe gefunden worden seien,
20051115             In einem Interview hat der 89-jährige McNamara vor kurzem —ERST mitgeteilt,
20051115             In my 1. chapter I look at Orwell´s works and argue why I believe his ideas would
20051115             In writing this paper, I call for 1—SERIOUS—INVESTIGATION—OF—THE hypothesis that WTC 7 and the Twin Towers were brought down,
20051115             Insgesamt sei an den Funksprüchen so lange "herumgedoktert" worden,
20051115             —MALNOURISHED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—DISCLOSED—TUESDAY that more than 170, IRAQ—DETAINEES were found at 1—INTERIOR—MINISTRY—DETENTION—CENTER and that they appear to have been tortured.
20051115             IRAQ—PM: Detainees Apparently Starved and Tortured:
20051115             Is it true? Is the Military or FEMA preparing to round up. dissident civilians and lock them up in Slave Labor Camps?
20051115             JOHNSON—LIBRARY, National Security File, Country FILE—PANAMA, Vol.
20051115             Kritische Historiker wie der NSA—EXPERTE MATTHEW—AID warfen der National Security Agency deswegen vor,
20051115             Lewis "Scooter" Libby, would cover grand jury transcripts, witness statements and 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—OTHER—DOCUMENTS involved in the case.
20051115             MIKE—WHITNEY: THE—CORPORATE—MEDIA—THREAT to Freedom :
20051115             MINI—AUFSCHWUNG: Wirtschaft schafft Wachstumshüpfer im 3. Quartal
20051115             Mit ihrem Papier kommen die Republikaner nur knapp einem Antrag der Demokraten zuvor,
20051115             3434—FROM :: informazione dall'IRAQ occupato ::
20051115             —ON other fronts : Not long ago, we discussed VoterAction's
20051115             ORWELL—OCEANIA and THE—USA—AFTER ;;09;; 11: WILL—FICTION—BECOME—FACT?
20051115             Platz 1—WIRD nach wir vor von dem IBM—SYSTEM BlueGene / L gehalten,
20051115             Power concedes nothing without 1—DEMAND.
20051115             Provoking Syria: CAMBODIA All Over Again: Remembrance and Hypocrisy:
20051115             —DISCOVERED, SCORES—OF—BODIES have been, in BAGHDAD and elsewhere —AROUND IRAQ,
20051115             Senate Passes "Compromise" That Still Chips Away at the Constitution and Habeas Corpus,
20051115             Senate Republicans Block IRAQ Timetable:
20051115             Senate approves $491—BILLION defense bill:
20051115             —ADMITTED, Sharon, to falsifying corporate documents, perjury + violating the party funding law.
20051115             Allein die Lektüre von Hitlers "Mein Kampf" hätte ihnen zeigen müssen,
20051115             —CLAIMED, SOME—HAVE, the use of WP contravenes 19930000             —THE—CHEMICAL—WEAPONS—CONVENTION which bans the use of any "toxic chemical" weapons which causes "death,
20051115             Students rebuffing military RECRUITER—THE—DREAM—AND—THE—REALITY.
20051115             (compiled by Dee Finney) 20010628             . - - I had this dream 1—LONG—TIME ago.
20051115             THE—CIA is beginning to assert that 20010000             —THE anthrax attacks were
20051115             THE—CENTER for Constitutional Rights condemns THE—GRAHAM—LEVIN—AMENDMENT to the Military Authorization Bill,
20051115             THE—HIDDEN—HISTORY—OF—20010911             . - - Flash video
20051115             —PASSED, THE—SENATE unanimously, legislation —ON—TUESDAY authorizing $491.6—BILLION in defense programs,
20051115             —REPORTED, THE—UN has, that THE—USA—MILITARY in IRAQ is detaining people faster than 1—NEW—BOARD can review their cases to determine whether their rights are being respected.
20051115             THE—WASHINGTON—TIMES that THE—CIA—POINTS to the fact that...
20051115             The analogy the administration is using for this invasion?
20051115             CAMBODIA, THE—FOG—OF—WAR: white phosphorus, FALLUJAH and SOME—BURNING questions:
20051115             —LEAKED, The man who, THOUSANDS—OF—PAGES—OF—TOP—SECRET—DOCUMENTS to the media
20051115             The proof is not to be found in the documentary broadcast on ITALY—TV—LAST—WEEK,
20051115             —AGREED, The proposed protective order, which was, to by VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF,
20051115             —DEPLOYED, The return to CIVIL—LIFE for USA—SOLDIERS, in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN is FULL—OF—PITFALLS,
20051115             —TODAY, we confront 1—GOVERNMENT whose greed and thirst for power has deceived us into war,
20051115             TURNER—JOY" im Golf von Tonkin untersucht.
20051115             2—IRAQ—BUSINESSMEN, who were imprisoned by USA—FORCES in IRAQ,
20051115             USA—IRAQ Troops Raid Government Jail Where Abuses Are Alleged:
20051115             —VIOLATED, UN report: Multinational forces, INTERNATIONAL law:
20051115             UN: USA detains Iraqis in mass arrests: USA—DENTENTION CENTERS.
20051115             USA—NOTENBANK: Bernanke kündigt Kurswechsel an
20051115             Unemployment Rate Skyrockets: Volume XXXI, South and CENTRAL—AMERICA; MEXICO.
20051115             423. National Security Action Memorandum No.
20051115             —NOW, BOB—FRITAKIS—WAS dann geschah, bewegte die Welt.
20051115             Denn nur —3—TAGE—SPÄTER setzte PRÄSIDENT—JOHNSON im Kongress die sogenannte TONKIN—RESOLUTION durch,
20051115             WASHINGTON—DER USA—SENAT berät —HEUTE über einen Antrag republikanischer Senatoren die darauf drängen,
20051115             —GESEHEN, Wenn man dann schwarz auf weiß, was dort mit den Leuten passiert ist,
20051115             Whitley STRIEBER—UNKNOWN—COUNTRY—AUTHOR—WHITLEY—STRIEBER—UNKNOWNCOUNTRY com presents the credible edge in science,
20051115             1—TREND driven by continuing casualties in IRAQ and 1—WELL—ORGANIZED peace movement that has urged students to avoid contact with recruiters.
20051115             as PART—OF—1—TERRIFYING interrogation
20051115             as the Busheviks Still Continue AMERICA on 1—MARCH to Fascism.
20051115             —ESTABLISHED, Yes, base ever.
20051115             be started for 1—BASE—RIGHTS and STATUS—OF—FORCES...
20051115             —BIS die vermeintlichen Beweise für einen Angriff auf die "Maddox" vorgelegen hätten.
20051115             claimed —MONDAY that USA—SOLDIERS threw them into 1—CAGE—OF—LIONS in 1—BAGHDAD palace,
20051115             continue existing USA—MILITARY—BASE—RIGHTS in the Republic of
20051115             das am LAWRENCE—LIVERMORE—NATIONAL—LABORATORY in der Atomforschung genutzt wird.
20051115             dass bei diesem Spiel noch andere mitspielen", sagte Schlenk.
20051115             dass die Berichte des Abhördienstes eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Ausdehnung des VIETNAM—KRIEGS gespielt hätten.
20051115             dass die Regierung Bush 1—STRATEGIE zur Beedigung des militärischen Engagements im IRAK vorlegt.
20051115             dass sie den wachsenden Unmut in der Bevölkerung über den IRAK—KRIEG erkannt hätten.
20051115             dem reumütig auftretenden REICHS—UND Vizekanzler, sein Veto eingelegt.
20051115             denn es steht außer Frage, dass Adel und Großindustrie Hitler im Prinzip an die Macht gebracht haben,
20051115             der VIETNAM—KRIEG.
20051115             der vom Ruderblatt mehrmals zurückgeworfen wurde, als FEIND—TORPEDOS fehlgedeutet.
20051115             deserted THOUSANDS—OF—USA in 1—TIME—OF need knowing the devastation about to happen + continued to fail us as we pleaded for help.
20051115             die TONKIN—PAPIERE wegen der Vorgeschichte des IRAK—ABENTEUERS und der luftigen Bedrohung durch Massenvernichtungsmittel von SADDAM—HUSSEIN zurückzuhalten.
20051115             die in sich zusammenbrachen wie 1—KARTENHAUS, trotzdem aber zur Begründung eines Kriegs herangezogen wurden.
20051115             die mit —29—JAHREN in den Osten verschleppt wurde, meine Großeltern waren in Sobibor,
20051115             die nichts anderes als 1—BLANKOSCHECK zur Ausweitung des Krieges war.
20051115             einem Lager im POLNISCHEN—DISTRIKT LUBLIN, mein Onkel in Mauthausen.
20051115             EINIGE—DER—STRAFEN für verurteilte Kriegsverbrecher herunterzusetzen.
20051115             electronic voting machines.
20051115             fanden Historiker —SCHON in den achtziger —JAHREN heraus.
20051115             Der Zerstörer hatte sich vielmehr 1—SEEGEFECHT mit imaginären Schnellbooten GELIEFERT—UND einen eigenen Peilstrahl,
20051115             handcuffed, blindfolded and shot through the head.
20051115             Relatives of the dead often say that the last time they saw their loved ones,
20051115             harm or temporary incapacitation to humans or animals through their chemical action on life processes".
20051115             has demonstrated beyond the point of intelligent debate that vote fraud occurred in OHIO
20051115             hat man die Dinge personenbezogen betrachtet + das war schlimm.
20051115             hat sein Todesurteil schlecht verkraftet.
20051115             important suit against NEW—MEXICO—ELECTION officials.
20051115             in dem 1—ZEITPLAN zur Rückführung der Truppen aus dem IRAK vorschlagen werden sollte.
20051115             in diesem Fall seien möglicherweise andere Stoffe mitschuldig an der Geschlechtsveränderung der Tiere.
20051115             including policies on TREATMENT—OF—DETAINEES—LIKELY to prompt 1—DISPUTE with THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
20051115             much history is explained.
20051115             news from occupied IRAQ—CH—INFORMAZIONE dall'IRAQ occupato. information from occupied IRAQ.
20051115             not —JUST by damage and fires, but through the use of PRE—POSITIONED explosives.
20051115             q: How THE—USA—MILITARY—OCCUPATION—LOOKS from the other END—OF—THE—GUN barrel.
20051115             religion + culture, offering news the general media ignores.
20051115             s: More than 5,000 high school students in 5—OF—THE—STATE—LARGEST—SCHOOL—DISTRICTS have removed their names from military recruitment lists,
20051115             sagt Aid.
20051115             seien die ÖSTROGEN—AUSWIRKUNGEN vergleichsweise gering.
20051115             "Es könnte sein, sind —JETZT HERAUSGEFALLEN—ERSETZT durch neuere, schnellere Systeme.
20051115             the idea of the "liberal media".
20051115             the right to petition 1—FEDERAL—COURT for 1—WRIT of habeas corpus.
20051115             there is great IGNORANCE—OF—THE—WAR—ON—IRAQ within THE—UK—POPULATION.
20051115             they were being led away by IRAQ—POLICE—OFFICERS.
20051115             um einen Angriff der Schnellboote zu suggerieren.
20051115             weil man DEUTSCHLAND als Verbündeten gegen den Kommunismus brauchte.
20051115             weil sie der irrigen Meinung waren, man könne die Nazis in einen Verbund der nationalen Einheit einbinden.
20051115             which has generated gigabytes of hype on THE—INTERNET.
20051115             It's 1—TURKEY, which seem to indicate that (contrary to the official story) the bombs were planted in the ceiling.
20051115             which the Nixon administration accused of harboring NORTH—VIETNAM—TROOPS —DURING the war in SOUTH—EAST—ASIA.
20051115             who is Jewish.
20051115             wie —JETZT die "NEW—YORK—TIMES" berichtet.
20051115             with 1—UNEMPLOYMENT—RATE 3—TIMES the national average.
20051115             wohin der Weg geht und sie eines Besseren belehren MÜSSEN—UND dieses Buch ist —BEREITS 19230000             erschienen!
20051115             —ARRIVED, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH has, in JAPAN to start —1—WEEK—LONG—TRIP to ASIA, seeking progress on THE—NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—CRISIS and looking to press CHINA for political and economic reforms.
20051115             —ARRESTED, THE—FBI, Candice R. Martinez, a —19—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN, suspected of robbing 4—VIRGINIA banks —WHILE apparently talking on her cell phone.
20051115             —DECLARED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, the Puget Sound orcas 1 endangered species.
20051115             ALBERT—PUJOLS—OF—THE—S—LOUIS—CARDINALS won the National League MVP award.
20051115             —AGREED, USA—MAJOR—LEAGUE baseball owners and players, to tougher policy aimed at curbing THE—USE—OF—PERFORMANCE—ENHANCING drugs.
20051115             —PASSED, SF city supervisors, new laws requiring spaying and NEUTERING—OF—PIT bulls, —5—MONTHS—AFTER the fatal mauling of a —12—YEAR—OLD—BOY by his family's pit bulls.
20051115             —APPROVED, They also, the city's 1.—EVER medical marijuana regulations.
20051115             —REACHED, THE—MEGA—MILLIONS lottery, $315—MILLION and was won by 1—GROUP—OF—7—EMPLOYEES at the Kaiser Permanente medical center at GARDEN—GROVE, CALIFORNIA.
20051115             —SIGNED, ILLINOIS GOVERNOR—ROD—BLAGOJEVICH, into law his All Kids program, 1—PLAN to extend comprehensive health care to EVERY—CHILD in the state, making it the 1. state to try anything like it.
20051115             MONTANA, —AFTER a —14—YEAR hiatus, RE—OPENED 1—HUNTING season on bison drifting across the northern border of Yellowstone National Park.
20051115             —ACQUITTED, HAROLD—WILSON—OF—PHILADELPHIA was, based on DNA evidence, of 1—TRIPLE homicide —AFTER serving —16—YEARS in prison.
20051115             Nearly 3—DOZEN—TORNADOES hit INDIANA, KENTUCKY, MISSOURI and TENNESSEE destroying DOZENS—OF—HOMES and killing 2—PEOPLE.
20051115             1—BOMB exploded near USA and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS as they patrolled in volatile EAST—AFGHANISTAN, killing A—USA—SOLDIER and wounding another.
20051115             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, air strikes, 3—AL—QAIDA suspects in Kunar province.
20051115             —STAGED, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—WORKERS, what unionists called the biggest protest in AUSTRALIA—HISTORY against PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD'S proposed labor reforms.
20051115             —DEFEATED, ANDRE—BOISCLAIR, —39—JAHRE—ALT, Pauline Marois, THE—FORMER—QUEBEC deputy premier, to lead Parti Quebecois 54% to 31%.
20051115             JOSE—BOVE, 1—MILITANT—FRANCE—FARMER—BEST known for ransacking 1—HALF—BUILT—MCDONALD'S, was sentenced to —4—MONTHS in prison for destroying 1—FIELD—OF genetically modified corn planted by 1—AMERICAN seed company in SOUTH—FRANCE.
20051115             GUATEMALA police found 5—PACKAGES—OF cocaine and THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS in cash in THE—OFFICE—OF—ADAM—CASTILLO, the country's top ANTI—DRUG cop, shortly —AFTER he was lured to AMERICA and arrested on charges of conspiring to ship cocaine into THE—USA.
20051115             —ARRESTED, Deputies JORGE—AGUILAR—GARCIA and Rubilio Palacios were, with Castillo.
20051115             —TRADED, HAITI, UN peacekeepers and gang members, gunfire in the volatile Cite Soleil SLUM—OF—THE—HAITI—CAPITAL, leaving at least 4—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20051115             —MALNOURISHED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—IBRAHIM—AL—JAAFARI said more than 170, IRAQ—DETAINEES found at 1—INTERIOR—MINISTRY—DETENTION—CENTER appear to have been tortured.
20051115             —CONTROLLED, THE—INTERIOR—MINISTRY is, by Shiites.
20051115             —ACCUSED, Sunni leaders have, SHIITE—DOMINATED security forces of detaining, torturing and killing HUNDREDS—OF—SUNNIS simply because of their religious affiliation.
20051115             Iraqi and USA—FORCES fighting insurgents near THE—SYRIA—BORDER ran into fierce resistance, with troops encountering DOZENS—OF—EXPLOSIVE booby traps and killing at least 30—INSURGENTS.
20051115             JAPAN—PRINCESS—SAYAKO, —36—JAHRE—ALT, the emperor's only daughter, quit the world's oldest monarchy and oo Yoshiki Kuroda, a —40—YEAR—OLD—URBAN—PLANNER.
20051115             Prodded by USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE, ISRAEL and the Palestinians agreed on details for opening the borders of THE—GAZA—STRIP and allowing freer movement for Palestinians elsewhere.
20051115             —PLEADED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON—ELDEST son, guilty to illegal FUND—RAISING charges stemming from his father's 19990000             election campaign.
20051115             —INTRODUCED, JORDAN, strict security measures aimed at foreigners and said it was drafting the country's 1. ANTI—TERROR—SPECIFIC—LEGISLATION to prevent further attacks like —LAST—WEEK'S the triple hotel bombings.
20051115             11—TOP—OFFICIALS resigned including JORDAN—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER.
20051115             † 1—USA—EMBASSY official said a 4. American has from wounds sustained in —LAST—WEEK—TRIPLE hotel bombings in THE—JORDAN—CAPITAL.
20051115             —SLAMMED, NORTH—WEST—MEXICO, 1—TANKER—TRUCK hauling toxic ammonium chloride, into 1—PASSENGER—BUS, killing 38—PEOPLE as both vehicles plunged down 1—EMBANKMENT.
20051115             —DEVELOPED, The vaccine was, GlaxoSmithKline of BELGIUM.
20051115             —EXPLODED, SOUTH—PAKISTAN, 1—POWERFUL—CAR—BOMB, outside 1—KFC restaurant, setting off 1—MASSIVE—FIREBALL that overturned cars and shattered steel and glass.
20051115             3—PEOPLE were killed and 22 injured.
20051115             —RIPPED, RUSSIA, 1—EXPLOSION, through 1—POLICE dormitory in S—PETERSBURG, killing 1 retired police officer.
20051115             —ADOPTED, THE—SERBIA—GOVERNMENT unanimously, 1—RESOLUTION rejecting INDEPENDENCE for KOSOVO in UN—MEDIATED talks on the future of the breakaway province expected to begin —NEXT—MONTH.
20051115             —KILLED, SOUTH—KOREA, 2—FARMERS were, —DURING 1—PROTEST in SEOUL ahead of WTO meetings.
20051115             The farmers were angry over moves to further open the country's rice market.
20051115             —WASHINGTON—POST -- something long suspected : 1—WHITE—HOUSE—DOCUMENT shows that
20051115             —UM—MITTERNACHT, fällt die Sperrstunde in BRITISCHEN—PUBS, sofern sie 1—SPEZIELLE Lizenz beantragt haben.
20051115—19510000    SPIEGEL—ONLINE : Und doch hat USA—HOCHKOMMISSAR—MCCLOY 1 Gnadenerlass dazu benutzt, EINIGE—DER—STRAFEN für verurteilte Kriegsverbrecher herunterzusetzen.
20051115—19510000    Hamburger: Das war 1—ERGEBNIS—DES—KALTEN—KRIEGES.
20051115—19510000    Diese Dinge wurden damals sehr milde behandelt, weil man DEUTSCHLAND als Verbündeten gegen den Kommunismus brauchte.
20051115—19510000    —VERSUCHT, Durch solche Amnestien hat man, einen Punkt zu setzen und eine andere Stimmung zu erzeugen.
20051115—19510000    Hamburger: Man hat damals sicherlich einen Grundstein gelegt, der durch —DIE—JAHRZEHNTE hindurch noch geschliffen werden konnte.
20051115—19510000    Eines steht fest: Ohne die Nürnberger Prozesse würde es das internationale Kriegsverbrechertribunal in Den Haag nicht geben.
20051115—19700000    —IN—THE—EARLY, What these stories don't tell you is that, way back S,
20051115—19710000    —LEAKED, The man who, THOUSANDS—OF—PAGES—OF—TOP—SECRET—DOCUMENTS to the media to expose THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—HANDLING—OF—THE—VIETNAM—WAR warned —SATURDAY that another terrorist attack could permanently damage civil liberties.
20051115—19710000    —IN, Civil liberties in danger, says EX—INTEL official : The man who leaked THOUSANDS—OF—PAGES—OF—TOP—SECRET—DOCUMENTS to the media to expose THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—HANDLING—OF—THE—VIETNAM—WAR warned —SATURDAY that another terrorist attack could permanently damage civil liberties.
20051115—19720000    —SEIT, Obwohl das Pestizid in den USA verboten ist,
20051115—19720000    —SEIT, Obwohl das Pestizid in den USA verboten ist, findet es sich immer noch in den Sedimenten, die sich vor der kalifornischen Küste im Ozean ablagern.
20051115—19840000    —IN.. In my 1. chapter I look at Orwell´s works and argue why I believe his ideas would... (Oceania ist der von Orwell beschriebene Big Brother STAAT.
20051115—20010911    —AFTER, ORWELL—OCEANIA and THE—USA.
20051115—20030000    —IN, EX—DETAINEES: USA—TROOPS threw us into lion cages : 2—IRAQ—BUSINESSMEN, who were imprisoned by USA—FORCES in IRAQ, claimed —MONDAY that USA—SOLDIERS threw them into 1—CAGE—OF—LIONS in 1—BAGHDAD palace, as PART—OF—1—TERRIFYING interrogation.
20051115—20030000    —PUBLISHED, Data was, indicating that Mosquitrix, 1—EXPERIMENTAL—VACCINE against malaria given to children in MOZAMBIQUE, had cut clinical cases by 35%.
20051115—20050000    —IN, has demonstrated beyond the point of intelligent debate that vote fraud occurred in OHIO -- on 1—SCALE that must startle even the most jaded observer.
20051115—20050000    —DEMONSTRATED, —NOW, BOB—FRITAKIS has, beyond the point of intelligent debate that vote fraud occurred in OHIO -- on 1—SCALE that must startle even the most jaded observer.
20051115—20050911    —AFTER, ORWELL—OCEANIA and THE—USA : WILL—FICTION—BECOME—FACT?... of the 1. HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    , GEORGE—ORWELL in his novel 19840000             ...
20051115—20051116    Better Late Than Never, Or —JUST Too Late?
20051115—20051116    FRANCE —NOW accepts the need for social justice.
20051115—20051116    They want the ocean without the awful roar of its MANY—WATERS
20051115—20051116    —ARRESTED, ITALY—AUTHORITIES, 3—ALGERIANS believed to have links to 1—ALGERIA—MILITANT—GROUP that has allied itself with OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20060108—20051115    —AM, HAMBURG—DAS Fax wurde nach Informationen des Blattes im durch einen SCHWEIZER—GEHEIMDIENST—HORCHPOSTEN abgefangen.
20060426—20061115    —ON, Pfc.
20060501             [phillynews_com, 20011115             ] - Corroborative evidence?
20060617             † 1—MEDICAL—REPORT dated 20061115             , said he had, of natural causes from 1—HEART—ATTACK.
20060630—20061115    —ON, Spc.
20061013—20061115    —ON, begin his FEDERAL—PRISON—TERM—NEXT—MONTH.
20061100             Inhofe Attacks CHILDREN—BOOK on Global WARMING—JUDD -...
20061114             peacepalestine: 20051201—20051231              20061115             Whatever its origin, —SINCE its use by Roman citizens 1,—800—YEARS—AGO, the ''abracadabra'' spell seems to have arrived in the 20010101—21001231     little changed.
20061115             It had 337—HOMICIDES 20060101—20061031    —BETWEEN.
20061115             estimates that 5,320—PEOPLE are killed —1—MONTH, meaning there were 53,200 murders 20060101—20061031    —BETWEEN.
20061115             Whatever its origin, —SINCE its use by Roman citizens 1,—800—YEARS—AGO, the ''abracadabra'' spell seems to have arrived in the 20010101—21001231     little changed.
20061115             the ''abracadabra'' spell seems to have arrived in the 20010101—21001231     little changed.
20061115             Aides to former leftist presidential candidate Andres MANUEL—LOPEZ—OBRADOR said he will seek contributions from ordinary Mexicans to support 1—PARALLEL, "legitimate" administration he declared —AFTER losing 20060702             —THE elections to PRESIDENT—ELECT Felipe Calderon by 1—RAZOR—THIN—MARGIN.
20061115             CIA—AFFÄRE: Cheney beantragt Verfahrenseinstellung
20061115             1—SHIRLEY—AVENUE—COUPLE were surprised —WHEN they lost their home to 1—EMERGENCY—DEMOLITION —FOLLOWING the 20061012—20131012     snowstorm.
20061115             RFID Tech Infiltrating 1—BRITISH—INSTITUTION—PAPERS Called Too Sensitive for Release
20061115             Death SQUADS—CHENEY möchte lieber kein Verfahren-
20061115             LARRY—ADMITS—HE—NEVER—USED—THE—I—KING—OF—NTERNET: 'Do You Punch Little Buttons and Things?'
20061115             —CONFESSED, Last night CNN—LARRY—KING, to Roseanne Barr that he's never used THE—INTERNET.
20061115             —EXPRESSED, KING, doubt that THE—INTERNET was 1—VIABLE—POLITICAL—MEDIUM because "there's 80—BILLION things on it".
20061115             —ACKNOWLEDGED, —WHEN Barr said she liked THE—INTERNET, KING, that "I've never done it, never gone searching".
20061115             Barr said KING would love THE—INTERNET if he tried it.
20061115             —REPLIED, KING, "I wouldn't love it. What do you punch little buttons and things?" Barr even offered to show KING how to use THE—INTERNET.
20061115             —DECLINED, KING.
20061115             —SCARED, ROSEANNE BARR: I was so, because I woke up and there was the Drudge, you know.
20061115             I always read the Drudge Report and it said on there that the Chinese were like, you know, spying on our subs or doing something with our subs and I was like, "Oh no, he's going to think that's 1—ACT—OF—WAR and then we're going to go over there next".
20061115             I mean we're everywhere. We're everywhere.
20061115             BARR: Yes, it's like the only 1—LEFT, absolutely + that's not —JUST me saying it.
20061115             That's everybody saying it.
20061115             KING: But there's 80—BILLION things on it.
20061115             BARR: Yes, but if you know where to look, you know, it all can come together.
20061115             —WHEN you're looking for the particular information that you're looking for —AFTER you do the big search, this is what I found out by going on there, it —JUST takes your mind and then you live in there forever.
20061115             You can never come out.
20061115             KING: I've never done it, never gone searching.
20061115             BARR: Oh, my God! It —JUST opens up the whole universe.
20061115             It's so awesome. You would love it.
20061115             KING: No, I wouldn't. - BARR: Anything you want to know.
20061115             KING: The wife loves it. I wouldn't love it.
20061115             What do you punch little buttons and things?
20061115             BARR: You —JUST click on this thing.
20061115             The thing is you got to be able to read, so you have to have strong glasses —WHEN you've over 50 and then you —JUST scroll down and click.
20061115             It's not that hard. I can show you how to do it. KING: No, thanks.
20061115             —PREDICTED, Home electronics for the holidays Strong sales, as revenue from electronics continues to grow and Americans are buying more--and more expensive--items.
20061115             11.000—TOTE USA—SOLDATEN durch abgereichertes URAN—SFUX Weitgehendes Schweigen in den Massenmedien KARL—WEISS -
20061115             ARTHUR—BERNKLAU, VORSITZENDER—DER—VEREINIGUNG ?Veteranen für verfassungsmäßiges Recht?
20061115             in NEW—YORK hat erklärt, die ANZAHL—VON—TOTEN—USA—SOLDATEN durch ?depleted Uranium?
20061115             habe die Marke von 11.000—ÜBERSCHRITTEN.
20061115             bekannt, an dem nach seinen Angaben im Moment... - Cheney möchte lieber kein Verfahren
20061115             USA—VIZEPRÄSIDENT Dick Cheney hat —GESTERN die Einstellung des Verfahrens gegen ihn im Zusammenhang mit der Enttarnung der CIA—AGENTIN Valerie Plame gefordert.
20061115             Die ehemalige CIA—AGENTIN Valerie Plame hatte geltend gemacht, dass ihre Identität von ranghohen Regierungsbeamten gezielt an die Presse verraten worden sei, um ihren Mann, den FRÜHEREN—USA—BOTSCHAFTER—JOSEPH—WILSON, für seine Ablehnung des IRAK—KRIEGES zu bestrafen.Das Justizministerium hat...
20061115             DAN—EGGEN / WASHINGTON—POST Staff Writer -
20061115             —AFTER YEARS—OF—DENIALS, THE—CIA has formally acknowledged the existence of 2 classified documents governing aggressive interrogation and detention policies for terrorism suspects, according...
20061115             —GUIDED, Document shows Bush, CIA on DETENTION—DAVID—JOHNSTON / THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20061115             —ACKNOWLEDGED, THE—CIA has, for the 1. time the existence of 2 classified documents, including 1 signed by PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, that have guided the agency's interrogation + DETENTION—OF—TERROR—SUSPECTS.
20061115             World Content NEWS—JETZT schlägt's 13: Der Geheimdienstexperte ERICH—SCHMIDT—EENBOOM berichtet in seinem soeben erschienenen Buch "BND.
20061115             Der DEUTSCHE—GEHEIMDIENST im Nahen Osten", FRANKFURT am Main sei 1—ENTFÜHRERZENTRALE—DER—CIA gewesen, DIE—ZUSTÄNDIG für den Nahen OSTEN—KOMMANDOAKTIONEN von etwa 200—CIA—AGENTEN koordiniert haben SOLL—ENTFÜHRUNG und Folter inklusive.
20061115             Mitwisser und. KOFI—ANNAN: Keine Gegenargumente mehr
20061115             KARL—WEISS—WER —JETZT noch Zweifel sät [über den —BEREITS fortschreitenden Klimawandel und seine im...
20061115             Rumsfeld: Kriegsverbrechen auf höchster EBENE—SFUX STEPHAN—FUCHS?
20061115             BERLIN, wurde gegen den Verteidigungsminister DONALD—RUMSFELD—STRAFANZEIGE eingereicht.
20061115             Kronzeugin ist die EX—KOMMANDANTIN des Foltergefängnis ABU—GHRAIB.
20061115             Die Anklageschrift sowie 6—GUTACHTEN von renommierten Rechtswissenschaftlern und Zeugenaussagen sind der Öffentlichkeit bei den Rechtsanwälten
20061115             —SCHON wieder: Daten im Verteidigungsministerium VERSCHWUNDEN—SFUX World Content News -
20061115             Ein DATENKLAU—GESPENST geht um auf der Hardthöhe:
20061115             Wiederholt ist innerhalb kurzer Zeit angeblich 1—BERICHT verlorengegangen, der wichtige Zeugenhinweise im Zusammenhang mit Festnahmen + Deportationen von Gefangenen im Rahmen des sog.
20061115             "ANTI—TERROR—KAMPFES" enthielt.
20061115             Wie der "Spiegel" in Bezug auf das Festhalten von Murat Kurnaz im afghanischen...
20061115             Democrats_COM—ASK Congress to impeach PRESIDENT—BUSH and VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY for the —FOLLOWING reasons:
20061115             USA—VIZE—CHENEY hält Folter für "selbstverständlich"- sfux STEPHAN—FUCHS -
20061115             Vizepräsident Dick Cheney hat mit einem Interview zu Foltertechniken für Empörung gesorgt.
20061115             Der konservative Radiomoderator SCOTT—HENNEN hatte Cheney gefragt, ob für ihn ?das Untertauchen unter Wasser 1—SELBSTVERSTÄNDLICHKEIT?
20061115             sei, wenn 1—VERHÖRTER dadurch Informationen über Anschläge preisgebe und somit Leben gerettet werden könne.
20061115             Der VIZE—STAATSCHEF antwortete: ?Das ist 1—SELBSTVERSTÄNDLICHKEIT.
20061115             looking to burnish his FOREIGN—POLICY—CREDENTIALS ". - - - HE—OFF to 1—MISERABLE—START.
20061115             —FEATURED, —YESTERDAY, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—WEBSITE, 1—GRAPHIC with the flags of THE—3—COUNTRIES he's visiting on his trip — SINGAPORE, VIETNAM + INDONESIA.
20061115             1—PROBLEM: instead of displaying THE—VIETNAM—FLAG,
20061115             —REPORTED, NPR, —LAST—YEAR the display of the old flag anywhere in THE—USA—  much less on THE—WHITE—HOUSE—WEBSITE — "
20061115             could create tension amid warming relations between THE—USA—AND—VIETNAM.
20061115             —YESTERDAY at 1—SENATE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE hearing, SENATOR—PAT—LEAHY (D—VT) noted that PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLANS to renominate several of his rejected judicial nominees:
20061115             In the days —FOLLOWING the election, THE—PRESIDENT spoke about becoming 1—UNITER and working with Congress in 1—BIPARTISAN way.
20061115             Regrettably, it appears he will not be keeping that promise.
20061115             I understand THE—PRESIDENT intends to renominate 1—NUMBER—OF—CONTROVERSIAL nominees.
20061115             That unfortunate decision evidences that he intends to stay the partisan course —WHEN it comes to judicial nominations.
20061115             —CRITICIZED, Bush has, lawmakers for their "
20061115             partisanship " and called on them to give all his nominees 1—UP—OR—DOWN vote.
20061115             —FAILED, Renominating, nominees won't get more judges on the bench in the 110. Congress.
20061115             —CALLED, Current Judiciary chairman Arlen Specter (R—PA) has, on Bush to
20061115             nominate more moderate judges.
20061115             RIGHT—WING bloggers: SENATOR—MEL—MARTINEZ (R—FL) is " - THE—HARRIET—MIERS—OF—RNC chairs.
20061115             Outgoing House Majority Whip and "DeLay protege " ROY—BLUNT (R—MO) delivered 1—POST—ELECTION mea culpa at the Heritage Foundation, entitled "THE—NEW—WAY—FORWARD: Refocusing the Conservative Agenda".
20061115             Blunt said voters' REBUKE—OF—CONSERVATISM was due in part to "1—SEEMINGLY constant STREAM—OF—ETHICS—ISSUES afflicting 1—FEW—MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS".
20061115             BLUNT—SUGGESTION to fix the problem is to stop covering up for corrupt members:
20061115             Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats, neither liberals nor conservatives, is immune from having bad actors in their midst.
20061115             —CONFRONTED, THE—TEST—OF—ANY—ORGANIZATION or political movement is how it responds —WHEN, with these individuals.
20061115             —BEFORE 19940000             , —WHEN conservatives were OUT—OF—POWER and were unable to make new laws or rules, we recognized this truth and confronted serious legal and ethical violations by declaring that those who were PART—OF—THAT had no place in our movement.
20061115             I suggest that we need to recommit ourselves to that standard.
20061115             For conservatives, holding onto or gaining political power should never come —BEFORE our obligation to be WORTHY—OF—PEOPLE—TRUST.
20061115             Blunt should take his own advice. HERE—BLUNT
20061115             —LAST—YEAR  : Blunt has been among DeLay's the most visible defenders —SINCE the probe into DELAY—USE—OF—CORPORATE—DONATIONS began.
20061115             —CONTRIBUTED, Blunt has, $5,000 to DELAY—LEGAL—DEFENSE—FUND and $10,000 to the DeLay Foundation.
20061115             He continued that support —WEDNESDAY, vowing that DeLay would not stop exerting influence in the House leadership.
20061115             "HE—GOING to be 1—EFFECTIVE and influential PART—OF—WHAT we are doing as he works —NOW to get beyond this terribly unfair thing that's happened to him," Blunt SAID—OF—DELAY.
20061115             Blunt is currently
20061115             locked in 1—TIGHT—RACE with JOHN—SHADEGG (R—AZ) for Minority Whip, the #2 minority position in the House.
20061115             The election is —ON—FRIDAY.
20061115             In a - post this —MORNING, Wizbang blogger ALEXANDER—K—MCCLURE compared the homicide rate in PHILADELPHIA to the situation in IRAQ:
20061115             Without looking at THE—URL or the headline at the top, try to figure out which city
20061115             this is.
20061115             Each red dot represents 1—MURDER in the past —YEAR.
20061115             Isn't that 1—QUAGMIRE? Isn't it time to consider pulling out?
20061115             —POINTED, THE—CITY—MCCLURE, to is PHILADELPHIA.
20061115             (Brookings notes this number may be "too low —SINCE MANY—MURDER—VICTIMS are never taken to the morgue, but buried quickly and privately and —THEREFORE never recorded in official tallies".)
20061115             —TRIED, REPRESENTATIVE—STEVE—KING (R—IA) has also, to claim that living in WASHINGTON, DC, is as dangerous as living in IRAQ.
20061115             Comparing the murder rate in ANY—USA—CITY with the situation in BAGHDAD only underscores how OUT—OF—TOUCH—SOME—CONSERVATIVES are from the real situation on the ground in IRAQ.
20061115             Last night on FOX—NEWS, Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST (R—TN) was asked to explain the midterm election results.
20061115             —ANSWERED, Frist, "clearly, number 1, the fact that we were not winning in IRAQ dominated".
20061115             What 1—DIFFERENCE—1—ELECTION makes.
20061115             JULY, Frist said the conservative national security message for 20060000             was, "We're for
20061115             staying the course in IRAQ
20061115             And as —RECENTLY as —LAST—MONTH, Frist said THE—USA was making " - tremendous progress " in IRAQ.
20061115             I'm confident that we are making tremendous progress in hunting down and killing the murderers of Islamic fascism, in stabilizing the democratic governments of AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ and in winning the generational struggle that is THE—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20061115             HANNITY: Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST.
20061115             All right, SENATOR, let's 1. say — what do you think happened —1—WEEK—AGO?
20061115             SENATOR—BILL—FRIST (R—TN), SENATE MAJORITY LEADER: Well, Sean, I think it's been reviewed many, MANY—TIMES.
20061115             And it will result in thoughtful consideration here over the next several days and weeks.
20061115             —TODAY at 1—SENATE—ARMED—SERVICES—COMMITTEE hearing, CentCom COMMANDER—GENERAL—JOHN—ABIZAID rejected MCCAIN—CALLS for increased USA—TROOP—LEVELS in IRAQ, saying that he "met with EVERY—DIVISIONAL—COMMANDER, GENERAL—CASEY, the core COMMANDER, GENERAL—DEMPSEY" and asked them if bringing "in more USA—TROOPS—NOW, [would] add considerably to our ability to achieve success in IRAQ and they all said 'no.'" Watch it:
20061115             McCain has repeatedly said that he would like to see another 20,000—USA—TROOPS in IRAQ.
20061115             —EXPLAINED, As GENERAL—ABIZAID, MCCAIN—PLAN—RUNS counter towards our goal in IRAQ — specifically, the Iraqis taking responsibility for their own country.
20061115             Abizaid said, "It is easy for the Iraqis to rely upon to us do this work. I believe that more USA—FORCES prevent the Iraqis from doing more, from taking more responsibility for their own future".
20061115             Moreover, we do not have the troops to send.
20061115             ANY—ATTEMPT to send more troops to IRAQ would, "at the moment,threaten to break our nation's ALL—VOLUNTEER Army and undermine our national security".
20061115             MCCAIN: Did you note that GENERAL—ZINNY who OPPOSED—OF—THE—INVASION—NOW thinks that we should have more troops?
20061115             —OPPOSED, Did you notice that GENERAL—BATISE, who was, to the conduct of this conflict also says that we may need tens and THOUSANDS—OF—ADDITIONAL—TROOPS.
20061115             I don't understand GENERAL.
20061115             —WHEN you have 1—PART—OF—IRAQ that is not under our control and yet we still — as AL—ANBAR province is — I don't know how MANY—USA—LIVES have been sacrificed in AL—ANBAR province — but we still have enough and we will rely on the ability to train THE—IRAQ—MILITARY—WHEN THE—IRAQ—ARMY hasn't send the requested number of battalions into BAGHDAD.
20061115             ABIZAID: SENATOR—MCCAIN, I met with EVERY—DIVISIONAL—COMMANDER, GENERAL—CASEY, the core COMMANDER, GENERAL—DEMPSEY, we all talked together.
20061115             And I said, in your professional opinion, if we were to bring in more USA—TROOPS—NOW, does it add considerably to our ability to achieve success in IRAQ?
20061115             And they all said no.
20061115             And the reason is because we want the Iraqis to do more.
20061115             I believe that more USA—FORCES prevent the Iraqis from doing more, from taking more responsibility for their own future.
20061115             IRAQ In Fragments.
20061115             —OPENED, The new multiple AWARD—WINNING documentary on IRAQ, —THIS—WEEK in select cities.
20061115             Salon writes, "it's head and shoulders above the rest [of IRAQ docs] in its clarity, intimacy and poetry + it illustrates the dreadful predicament AMERICA has created in IRAQ, which drove so MANY—ANGRY—PEOPLE to the polls —ON—TUESDAY".
20061115             A - host of former advisers to PRESIDENT—GEORGE—HW—BUSH have gained ascendancy in recent weeks.
20061115             His FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—BAKER and former deputy national security adviser ROBERT—GATES will assume major roles in determining the future course of IRAQ.
20061115             Both Baker and Gates are protégés and colleagues of BRENT—SCOWCROFT, the former national security adviser under Bush 41—WHO opposed THE—IRAQ war.
20061115             —DESCRIBED, This assemblage of Baker, Gates + Scowcroft has been, as "pragmatists " and "realists " by the media.
20061115             —SUGGESTED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, noting his connection to Scowcroft and Baker, the Gates ' appointment may be "part of a
20061115             carefully orchestrated course change.
20061115             —ARGUED, Neoconservatives have, that THE—BAKER—GATES—SCOWCROFT position "
20061115             presents 1—CLEAR—SHIFT " on IRAQ.
20061115             But these claims by the media and neoconservatives appear to be creating 1—FALSE myth that the rise of the "realists" will change course in IRAQ.
20061115             In 1—RECENT—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—TURKISH—DAILY—NEWS, Scowcroft explicitly argued the
20061115             USA must continue to stay in IRAQ :
20061115             —OPPOSED, Question: You were, to the invasion of IRAQ.
20061115             —VINDICATED, Do you feel, —NOW that we see chaos there?
20061115             How do you see the situation as it is —TODAY and what do you see for the future?
20061115             Regardless of how we got there, we are there + it is 1—DIFFICULT—SITUATION.
20061115             —EXPECTED, Far more difficult than the administration.
20061115             And it will be increasingly hard to stay in because it has become 1—UNUSUALLY important issue in domestic USA—POLITICS.
20061115             But I think we have to stay and try and manage the situation to get SOME—KIND—OF—1—RESOLUTION where we can have 1—IRAQ that is relatively stable.
20061115             If SCOWCROFT—POSITION is representative of his colleagues, the
20061115             changing FACE—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION will bear 1—CLOSE—RESEMBLANCE to the old face.
20061115             recent announcement that it will use the phrase "Merry Christmas" in its promotional materials —THIS—YEAR.
20061115             O'Reilly portrayed WAL—MART—DECISION as 1—VICTORY in the "culture war battle" for those who "want to retain the Christmas tradition," and lauded WAL—MART as "the Christmas guys!"
20061115             Actually, like its decision to use "Happy Holidays" in the 1. place, WAL—MART—RETURN to "Merry Christmas" is motivated by business interests, not 1—EFFORT to preserve traditional culture:
20061115             Wishing for 1—BIGGER—HOLIDAY—SEASON—AFTER 1—SLUGGISH—FALL, the chain said —THURSDAY that 60% more of its merchandise will be labeled "Christmas" compared with —LAST—YEAR.
20061115             WAL—MART is not alone.
20061115             Although Best Buy Co. is sticking with "Happy Holidays," retailers such as KOHL—CORP. and Walgreen Co. are returning to Christmas.
20061115             "They're all trying to get the spirit back," said MARSHAL—COHEN, CHIEF industry analyst for NPD Group.
20061115             "Especially —SINCE their holiday schedules have been off to 1—SLOW—START".
20061115             —LISTENED, As WAL—MART spokesman STEVEN—RESTIVO put it, "We, to our customers. THERE—1—CALL to return to 1—CORE—MERRY—CHRISTMAS message".
20061115             O'REILLY: In the "BACK—OF—THE—BOOK" segment tonight, as you know —LAST—YEAR there was 1—CULTURE—WAR—BATTLE between people who wanted to say "Happy Holidays" + not say "Merry Christmas," and
20061115             THOSE—OF—USA who want to retain the Christmas tradition without interference.
20061115             SOME—RETAILERS actually told employees not to say "Merry Christmas" — ever! — and they were hammered by us for doing that.
20061115             —ATTACKED, Of course, the media, me for spotlighting the problem.
20061115             But what 1—DIFFERENCE—1—YEAR makes.
20061115             With us, PETER—SHANKMAN, CEO—OF—1—PR firm here in NEW—YORK City and AUTHOR—OF—THE—BOOK "Can We Do That?!"
20061115             And from BENTONVILLE—ARKANSAS, JULIE—ROEHM, the Senior VP for Marketing and Communications at WAL—MART.
20061115             Um, MISS—ROEHM, we begin with you.
20061115             —NOW, —LAST—YEAR you were 1—LITTLE hesitant to say "Merry Christmas".
20061115             —THIS—YEAR you are the Christmas guys!
20061115             —HAPPENED, What ? ROEHM: That's true.
20061115             Well, 1., let me be the 1. to say Merry Christmas to you.
20061115             —APPEARED, MINNESOTA STATE—REPRESENTATIVE—MARK—OLSON (R), in court —TODAY "in connection with 1 alleged domestic assault against his wife, Heidi, at their home —SUNDAY".
20061115             —PUSHED, OLSON—WIFE says he " her to the ground 3—TIMES" and police found a "fresh bruise".
20061115             Olson admits only to "grabbing his wife by the shoulders" and "placing her to the ground".
20061115             (HT: Wonkette) - THE—WOMEN—OF—THE—SENATE.
20061115             in her office —TODAY.
20061115             The 110. Congress will have 1—RECORD 16—WOMEN Senators.
20061115             SENATOR—DIANE—FEINSTEIN (D—CA) will serve as the 1. CHAIRWOMAN—OF—THE—RULES—COMMITTEE.
20061115             —LAST—MONTH, PRESIDENT—BUSH
20061115             conceded that 1—ANALOGY between IRAQ and VIETNAM can be made.
20061115             AP reports, "Amid 1—INTENSIFYING discussion at home about the future of the [IRAQ] war,
20061115             Bush gives the comparison debate another kick
20061115             —BY walking among VIETNAM War relics on a —4—DAY—VISIT to the communist nation created —AFTER USA—TROOPS departed —33—YEARS—AGO".
20061115             —STARTED, Conservative staff members in the Senate have already, attacking SENATOR—BARBARA—BOXER (D—CA), the incoming CHAIR—OF—THE—ENVIRONMENT and Public Works Committee, as
20061115             In 1—OF—HER 1. "extreme" moves, Boxer plans to HOLD—HEARINGS on global warming.
20061115             —APPROVED, THE—SENATE, 1—AMENDMENT—TUESDAY to extend the work of THE—IRAQ inspector general, who has "
20061115             unearthed MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in waste and fraud
20061115             associated with the rebuilding of IRAQ".
20061115             —TRIED, Conservatives quietly, to terminate THE—IG in 1—RECENT spending bill.
20061115             SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA (D—IL) and FORMER—SENATOR—JOHN—EDWARDS (D—NC) are teaming up for 1—HOLIDAY—THEMED campaign with WAKE—UP WAL—MART criticizing WAL—MART 's "wages and benefits, as well as —RECENTLY enacted attendance and salary policies, in 1—MOVE timed to potentially disrupt the company's holiday sales".
20061115             "IRAN—PRESIDENT declared —YESTERDAY that his country's nuclear program was nearing 1—IMPORTANT—MILESTONE," THE—NYT reports, "even as INTERNATIONAL atomic inspectors reported that they had found unexplained traces of plutonium and that
20061115             —CONTINUED, TEHRAN, to be so uncooperative
20061115             in answering questions that they had been unable to confirm —EARLIER CLAIMS—OF—PROGRESS".
20061115             1—CONGRESSIONALLY—MANDATED study by Los Alamos scientists and others on plutonium finds the radioactive element, "which provides the immense explosive force in nuclear weapons, has 1—USEFUL—LIFESPAN—FAR—LONGER than previously estimated".
20061115             The findings could
20061115             undermine Bush 's "argument for manufacturing 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—WARHEADS.
20061115             —SCHEDULED, Convicted lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF is, to enter FEDERAL—PRISON—TODAY "
20061115             over THE—PROTESTS—OF—PROSECUTORS
20061115             Homeland Security Inspector GENERAL—RICHARD—SKINNER reports that MOBILE homes purchased by FEMA, worth up to $4—MILLION, for people left homeless by Katrina have been damaged beyond repair because
20061115             they were not properly protected.
20061115             —STAYED, Subaru " the same —DURING the period and
20061115             fuel efficiency declined at 9—OTHER—AUTOMAKERS.
20061115             And finally: Excuse me, but I couldn't quite understand your ANTI—IMMIGRANT—MESSAGE.
20061115             REPRESENTATIVE—MARK—SOUDER (R—IN), who has taken a "tough stance on immigration," complained that
20061115             his campaign callers had "thick enough foreign accents
20061115             that the congressman himself said he couldn't understand them". Souder discovered this "—AFTER listening to 1—MESSAGE left on his sister's answering machine in which the only word he understood was 'Hayhurst,' the last NAME—OF—HIS—DEMOCRATIC—CHALLENGER, TOM—HAYHURST".
20061115             TRENT—LOTT is back.
20061115             —ELECTED, In a 25—24—VOTE, the Senate Republican caucus has, TRENT—LOTT (R—MS) as Minority Whip, the #2 minority position in the Senate.
20061115             —EXPECTED, As, MITCH—MCCONNELL (R—KY) was elected Senate Minority Leader.
20061115             —DEFEATED, Lott, who, Lamar Alexander (R—TN), UPDATE: The full leadership roster.
20061115             WASHINGTON—POST Falsely Claims 'Most Congressional Democrats' Oppose REDEPLOYMENT—OF—USA—TROOPS
20061115             —TODAY, THE—WASHINGTON—POST—EDITORIAL—BOARD—ATTACKED—JOHN—MURTHA—PROPOSAL to redeploy USA—TROOPS out of IRAQ as an "extreme" measure
20061115             not supported by congressional Democrats :
20061115             MISTER—MURTHA—CANDIDACY is troubling for several reasons, beginning with his position on the war in IRAQ.
20061115             He said THE—USA... should "redeploy as soon as practicable," 1—EXTREME—STEP that most congressional Democrats oppose.
20061115             —WHILE the Post does not agree with MURTHA—POSITION on IRAQ, House Democrats do.
20061115             AS—OF—TODAY, THE—MAJORITY—OF—HOUSE—DEMOCRATS in the outgoing 109. Congress - 105—OF—202 - not only agree with MURTHA—POSITION, they have cosponsored MURTHA—RESOLUTION calling for our troops to be "
20061115             redeployed at the earliest practicable date " out of IRAQ.
20061115             In the 110. Congress, the number is likely to be even higher because MANY—SUCCESSFUL—CANDIDATES called for redeployment —DURING the campaign.
20061115             Congressional leaders in the Senate also support redeployment.
20061115             —EXPECTED, SENATOR—CARL—LEVIN (D—MI), who is, to take over the Senate Armed Services Committee, said
20061115             —SUNDAY, "We need to begin a
20061115             phased REDEPLOYMENT—OF—FORCES from IRAQ in 4 to —6—MONTHS.
20061115             SENATOR—HARRY—REID (D—NV) said redeployment "should start within THE—NEXT few months.
20061115             The full list of - 105—COSPONSORS—OF—MURTHA—BILL:
20061115             REPRESENTATIVE—LYNN—WOOLSEY (D—CA) - REPRESENTATIVE—DAVID—WU (D—OR) - WHITE—HOUSE mulling preemptive strikes.
20061115             Speaking with reporters about the pursuit of nuclear progams by IRAN and NORTH—KOREA, 1—SENIOR—USA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL told Reuters: "We, THE—USA + others who might be threatened by these developments will have to look at how to respond and
20061115             inevitably I think people will have to look at THE—QUESTION—OF—PRE—EMPTION.
20061115             Who allegedly paid $2—MILLION to terrorist ORGANIZATIONS—NICO—FOR—THE—RELEASE—OF—FOX—NEWS—REPORTERS?
20061115             Aravosis wants to know.
20061115             THE—ALEX—JONES—REPORT 20061115             20061115             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—ALEX discusses the Defense Authorization legislation, which COAT—TAILED the Military Commissions Act but din't get
20061115             —JAILED, Enron man, for fraud role EX—ENRON executive RICHARD—CAUSEY is sentenced to 5—AND—A—HALF—YEARS for his role in the fraud at the firm.
20061115             —HACKED, ATMs, using MP3 player Blog: 1—CRIMINAL—GANG in THE—UK was able to steal confidential banking data by bugging ATMs with an MP3 player, THE—TIMES—OF...
20061115             "Esquire is running 1—INTERESTING article on the work on adaptive optics and directed energy being done at THE—USA—AIR—FORCE—STARFIRE—OPTICAL—OBSERVATORY. This facility was the subject of 1—NEW—YORK—TIMES—ARTICLE—EARLIER—THIS—YEAR which suspected the facility was conducting ANTI—SATELLITE—WEAPONS—RESEARCH under the cover of astronomy".
20061115             THE—STRUGGLE for SELF—DETERMINATION in VENEZUELA: Video:
20061115             CIA Finally Acknowledges Existence of Presidential Order on Detention Facilities Abroad:
20061115             "Confusion about whether such 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ORDER existed certainly led to the torture and abuse scandal that embarrassed AMERICA. With 1—NEW—CONGRESS and renewed subpoena power, we —NOW need to look up THE—CHAIN—OF—COMMAND".
20061115             —PRESSED, CIA, on torture guidelines: THE—CIA has acknowledged for the 1. time the existence of 2 classified documents, including 1 signed by THE—USA—PRESIDENT, GEORGE—BUSH, that it used as guidelines in the interrogation and IMPRISONMENT—OF—TERRORIST—SUSPECTS.
20061115             WHITE—HOUSE seeks DISMISSAL—OF—CIA—LEAK—SUIT: THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION asked 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—ON—TUESDAY to dismiss 1—LAWSUIT brought by FORMER—CIA—OFFICER—VALERIE Plame and her husband against VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY and others for alleged involvement in disclosing her employment as 1—CLANDESTINE—CIA—OPERATIVE.
20061115             COALITION—AFGHANISTAN—POLICY will fail: Musharraf: PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF has said that THE—USA—LED coalition forces were 'failing' to curb the Taliban in AFGHANISTAN and that they would "keep failing" if they pursued their current policies.
20061115             AFGHANISTAN—WOMEN seek death by fire : Increasing NUMBERS—OF—AFGHANISTAN—WOMEN are committing suicide by setting fire to themselves to escape difficult lives, according to NGOs based in the country.
20061115             - UN forces surround HOUSE—OF—PRESIDENT—RIVAL.
20061115             Armed groups in capital urge return to FIGHTING—WHY stop the Great Satan?
20061115             HE—DRIVING himself to hell: TEHRAN can sit back and watch its tormentors sweat.
20061115             But THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN must start from diplomatic ground 0
20061115             Rice snub for IRAN and Syria : Condoleezza Rice, THE—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE, has said she opposes THE—IDEA—OF—INCLUDING IRAN and Syria in talks to curb the violence in IRAQ.
20061115             Official says USA—MAY consider PRE—EMPTIVE IRAN strike: THE—USA or other countries will —1—DAY be forced to consider PRE—EMPTIVE action if IRAN and NORTH—KOREA continue to seek nuclear weapons, 1—SENIOR—USA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL said —ON—TUESDAY.
20061115             War pimp alert: Worried about Gates ' views on IRAN: ISRAEL backers hope he toes Bush line : PRESIDENT—BUSH—NOMINATION—OF—ROBERT—GATES as defense SECRETARY has anxious PRO—ISRAEL and ISRAEL—LEADERS looking East, trying to gauge whether Gates ' past conciliatory noises on IRAN herald 1—CHANGE in USA—POLICY.
20061115             War pimp alert: War pimp alert: Olmert: ISRAEL will challenge IRAN : ISRAEL "will not shy away from challenging IRAN—DEVELOPMENT—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS," Ehud Olmert told the annual GATHERING—OF—THE—NORTH—USA—JEWISH federationy system.
20061115             War pimp alert: BOLTON: Reluctance To Impose IRAN Sanctions Misguided : USA—AMBASSADOR—JOHN—BOLTON—WEDNESDAY warned reluctance to impose sanctions on IRAN to preserve bilateral trade was misguided.
20061115             CHINA supports solving IRAN—NUCLEAR—ISSUE peacefully : CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—OFFICE declared here —WEDNESDAY that CHINA always supports solving IRAN—NUCLEAR—ISSUE through negotiation.
20061115             IRAN—IAEA—PLUTONIUM : It said in 1—STATEMENT that the plutonium contamination which has been pointed in report of IAEA Director GENERAL—MOHAMED—ELBARADEI last October had been discussed several times with the agency in the past —3—YEARS and it is not something new.
20061115             War pimp alert: UNITED—NATIONS says IRAN sought SOMALIA—URANIUM : IRAN attempted to swap weapons for use by Islamic radicals in SOMALIA for uranium, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL was told —WEDNESDAY.
20061115             UNITED—NATIONS report says 10—NATIONS violating arms embargo in SOMALIA : There were also doubts about THE—UNITED—NATIONS—PANEL—FINDINGS that IRAN shipped arms to the Islamic militants in return for access to uranium mines in THE—HOMETOWN—OF—THE—TOP—ISLAMIC—LEADER.
20061115             PALESTINE—ROCKET kills ISRAEL—WOMAN near GAZA:
20061115             1—ROCKET fired from GAZA killed a —58—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN in 1—ISRAEL—BORDER—TOWN—ON—WEDNESDAY, prompting ISRAEL to warn PALESTINE—MILITANTS they would "pay 1—HEAVY—PRICE".
20061115             'Palestinians punished for democracy' : THE—EMIR—OF—QATAR, SHEIK—HAMAD bin Khalifa AL—THANI, —ON—WEDNESDAY criticized the West for boycotting the Hamas government, saying that Palestinians are being punished for practicing democracy.
20061115             —WARNED, USA—COMMANDER—WARNS—AGAINST—IRAQ—CUTOFF : The top USA—COMMANDER—IN—THE—MIDDLE—EAST, Congress —WEDNESDAY against setting 1—TIMETABLE for THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—TROOPS from IRAQ, saying it would impede commanders in managing USA and IRAQ—FORCES.
20061115             USA—SOLDIERS pleads guilty in rape and MURDER—OF—IRAQ—CHILD and her family : The indictment accuses Green and others of raping the girl and burning her body to conceal their crimes.
20061115             —STATIONED, It also alleges that Green and 4—OTHERS, at 1—NEARBY—CHECKPOINT killed the girl's father, mother and —6—YEAR—OLD—SISTER.
20061115             Conflict in THE—MIDDLE—EAST is Mission Implausible-
20061115             THE—UN—TROOPS—CLAIM they are in LEBANON to protect the Shia.
20061115             THE—SHIA think they're there to protect ISRAEL from Hizbollah.
20061115             Is this because the peacekeepers are really 1—NATO—ARMY in disguise?
20061115             Democrats Must Offer 1—NEW—BLUEPRINT for IRAQ-
20061115             The political ASTUTENESS—OF—THE—DECISION by PRESIDENT—BUSH to replace Rumsfeld with Gates has escaped notice by MANY—DEMOCRATS, who seem inclined simply to gloat over the demise of their archenemy.
20061115             Family Feud: Little Bush Hits Back at Daddy-
20061115             —CONCEIVED, Little BUSH—SUDDENLY, internal IRAQ policy review is —JUST another salvo in this ongoing struggle.
20061115             THE—CHENEY militarists will certainly not give up without 1—FIGHT, even —AFTER the "Gray Hawk Down" DISASTER—OF—RUMSFELD—RESIGNATION.
20061115             —BOMBARDED, The inboxes at my email sites are constantly, with pictures and articles designed to pull at my heartstrings and make me believe there are troops in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN fighting for our freedoms.
20061115             Don't Look for Much From the "Bipartisan" IRAQ Study Group- - Ret.
20061115             GENERAL—JOHN—KEANE of the "Military Senior Adviser Panel" takes 1—DIFFERENT tack.
20061115             He recommends that 40,000 additional USA—TROOPS be sent to secure BAGHDAD.
20061115             And SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN, R—ARIZONA, too, continues to press for sending more troops to IRAQ as the only way to "salvage" the situation.
20061115             Exposed: THE—REALITY—OF—USA—OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ
20061115             This Is 1—MUST—WATCH—CHANNEL 4—VIDEO Investigation
20061115             It reveals how the Shia militia that these politicians control have systematically infiltrated and taken over police units and even entire government ministeries.
20061115             —LINKED, It investigates how these units are closely, to the death squads, indeed they often are the death squads.
20061115             And the killers act with impunity -- there's little investigation into their activities.
20061115             THE—HIGHJACKING—OF—1—NATION
20061115             Foreign influence, that most baneful foe of our republican government, has its tentacles entrenched in almost all major decision making and policy producing BODIES—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—MACHINE.
20061115             It does so not secretly, —SINCE its SELF—SERVING activities are advocated and legitimized by highly positioned parties that reap the benefits that come in the form of financial gain and POSITIONS—OF—POWER.
20061115             —AFTER blowing the whistle on fraud, 90—PERCENT—OF—THE—WHISTLEBLOWERS were fired or demoted, 27 % faced lawsuits, 26 % had to seek psychiatric or physical care, 25 % suffered alcohol abuse, 17 % lost their homes, 15 % got divorced, 10 % attempted suicide + 8 % were bankrupted.
20061115             But in spite of all this, only 16 % said that they wouldn't blow the whistle again.
20061115             Watch AL—JAZEERA—ENGLISH—LIVE—BROADCAST
20061115             AL—JAZEERA—ENGLISH, the new INTERNATIONAL news channel from THE—QATAR—BASED television network, has begun broadcasting in ENGLAND—FROM its main studios in DOHA.
20061115             The recent explosion of indigenous protest in Latin AMERICA, culminating in the election —THIS—YEAR—OF—EVO Morales, 1—AYMARA indian, as PRESIDENT—OF—BOLIVIA, has highlighted the precarious POSITION—OF—THE—WHITE—SETTLER elite that has dominated the continent for so MANY—CENTURIES.
20061115             THE—RHYMING—HERBALIST
20061115             "—WHEN blood pressure hath risen much too high, Garlic tis a remedy thou shouldest try".
20061115             ANNE—FRANK—TREE—TO—BE—CUT—DOWN
20061115             —COMFORTED, The ancient chestnut tree that, ANNE—FRANK—WHILE she was in hiding —DURING the Nazi occupation of HOLLAND must be cut down, THE—AMSTERDAM city council said —TUESDAY.
20061115             Tracing that old black magic
20061115             Q: Where did "abracadabra," 1—WORD commonly used by amateur magicians, come from?
20061115             Conference unlocks AGE—OLD—SECRETS—OF celebrities' deaths
20061115             "These are very important historical figures and —JUST studying their diseases is —JUST interesting and entertaining," he said.
20061115             PEOPLE—MAGAZIN—WAHL: Clooney ist der "Sexiest Man Alive"
20061115             Regierungsplan: Bundeswehr soll zur Terrorabwehr eingesetzt werden
20061115             SAARLAND: Lafontaine kündigt Spitzenkandidatur an
20061115             —BEKENNT, Massaker im IRAK: USA—SOLDAT, sich des Mordes SCHULDIG—THE—PRICE—OF—SAVING—DEMOCRACY.
20061115             BuzzFlash PRE—HOLIDAY—CAMPAIGN for Support: Our Goal is $10,000. It's In Your Hands.
20061115             New Senate Republican Leaders are "Dumb" and "Dumber" -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ALERT
20061115             CIA Acknowledges Bush Sent Memo on TORTURE—BUSH Visiting VIETNAM.
20061115             Maybe He WILL—LEARN—SOMETHING about How and Why to Withdraw from Hopeless Wars (But Don't Count on It) -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20061115             $2—MILLION Was Reportedly Given to MIDDLE—EAST—TERRORISTS to Free FOX—NEWS—REPORTERS.
20061115             Terrorists —NOW Say They Used Money to Buy Weapons to Kill Israelis.
20061115             If True, FOX—CAN be Charged Under Recent Legislation with Aiding 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION.
20061115             1—SICKENING SET—OF—STATISTICS coming out of WASHINGTON —TODAY?
20061115             THE—USA is the largest exporter of firearms in the world by more than 3—TIMES over.
20061115             Feingold Pushes Again For IRAQ Troop Withdrawal 11/16
20061115             Tomgram: Klare, Bush Goes Over to Imperial Defense;
20061115             "ROBERT—GATES has little to do with IRAQ and lots to do with IRAN" 11/16
20061115             Bribery and the great vote scandal 20061100             —THE election is still not over.
20061115             FLORIDA—ULTRA—STRANGE congressional contest between Republican Vern Buchanan and Democrat CHRISTINE—JENNINGS remains 1—GRIPPING drama.
20061115             Buchanan is ahead in the official tally by 1—MERE—367—VOTES.
20061115             The key number in this race is the bizarre undervote of 18,000 ballots.
20061115             Some 13—PERCENT—OF—THE—TOUCH—SCREEN—VOTERS in that district didn't vote in the 2.—BIGGEST race on the ballot.
20061115             Such 1—UNDERVOTE is UNHEARD—OF.
20061115             Worse, the undervote rate was 1—MERE 1.8% in the absentee ballots.
20061115             —WHEN you see 1—WIDE discrepancy between the paper results and THE—COMPU—BALLOTS, you have prima facie (PREE—MA FAH—KEE—EH -- honest!) evidence of computerized tampering.
20061115             He has sent out the —FOLLOWING precis: The election company executive responsible for THE—TOUCH—SCREEN—ELECTRONIC voting machines in SARASOTA County FLORIDA which failed to register fully 1—OF—EVERY 7—VOTES cast in —LAST—WEEK—HOTLY—CONTESTED Congressional race to replace REPRESENTATIVE—KATHERINE—HARRIS has 1 checkered past that includes involvement in several election bribery scandals, the MadCowMorningNews has learned exclusively.
20061115             You will find much more on HOPSICKER—SITE.
20061115             I have tried to emphasize the point that THE—TOUCH—SCREEN—SCANDAL is, in 1—VERY—REAL—SENSE, 1—BRIBERY—SCANDAL.
20061115             How else could the big voting machine companies keep so MANY—LOCAL—ELECTION—OFFICIALS wedded to these unpopular and untrsutworthy devices?
20061115             Vividvew has 1—POINT, Joe.
20061115             HERE—MY E—MAIL to JOHN—CONYERS:
20061115             —AGREED, You said: "I have, with SPEAKER—TO—BE Pelosi that impeachment is off the table".
20061115             —CONSIDERED, If this is true + this PRESIDENT, already, by historians to be the worst in USA—HISTORY, is not to be impeached for his assaults on the Constitution and his war crimes, then I will never vote Democratic again.
20061115             Never.
20061115             I will vote Green, or Libertarian, or Peace and Freedom.
20061115             But not 1—DEMOCRATIC—CANDIDATE will EVER GET MY VOTE AGAIN.
20061115             Is that clear enough? Abramoff and THE—MEGA—CONSPIRACY
20061115             The good news IS—ABRAMOFF may soon implicate ROVE—AND lots of congressfolk.
20061115             The bad news is that SOME—OF—THOSE congressfolk might be Democrats.
20061115             —FROM ABC—BRIAN—ROSS and Rhonda Schwartz: Sources close to the investigation say Abramoff has provided information on his dealings with and campaign contributions and gifts to "DOZENS—OF—MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS and staff," including what Abramoff has reportedly described as "6 to 8—SERIOUSLY corrupt Democratic senators".
20061115             The sources say Abramoff was about to provide information about BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS, including KARL—ROVE, "accepting THINGS—OF—VALUE" from Abramoff.
20061115             Egads.
20061115             1—MEGA—CONSPIRATORIAL scenario begins to suggest itself.
20061115             —AFTER all, Rove must have had SOME—IDEA as to —JUST which beans Casino Jack might spill.
20061115             Right —NOW, we don't know if ABRAMOFF—FORTHCOMING accusations against those "6 to 8" Democratic senators will have ANY—VALIDITY.
20061115             —RECEIVED, No Dems, money from Abramoff.
20061115             In the frenzy, will facts matter?
20061115             Perhaps the plan was this: Let the Dems win...let them have —1—WEEK or —1—MONTH or triumphalist gloating...then take 'em down.
20061115             What could serve the Republican strategy better than 1—SCENARIO in which their corrupt pols leave honorably, by WAY—OF—THE—BALLOT—BOX, —WHILE our bad apples do the perp walk mere moments —AFTER their time of glory?
20061115             —FOLLOWED, We've, this story for quite 1—WHILE —NOW: PATRICK—STEWART was 1—WICCAN soldier killed in AFGHANISTAN + his widow Roberta wants 1—PENTACLE placed on his grave marker.
20061115             THE—PENTAGON refuses.
20061115             The matter —NOW APPEARS—HEADED for court.
20061115             Oddly enough, the military used to be rather more tolerant.
20061115             I knew 1—WICCAN priestess who told me that, in the 1980s, she conducted a "handfasting" ceremony (what we mundane folk call marriage ) on the Battleship MISSOURI.
20061115             BUFFALO, NY - - Not much on this issue across THE—BUFFALO blogosphere so, I figured I'd kickstart the conversation
20061115             —SURPRISED, They were even more, —WHEN they got 1—BILL for about $40,000 from the city.
20061115             "It's overwhelming," said ISABELLE—CARRINGTON, "It's 1—TRAGEDY. It's like you have nothing. You're homeless + then you get hit with this enormous bill + it's like, "Where does life begin again?' "
20061115             —DETERMINED, We know there was 1—FIRE and the building was, to be unsafe for entry but, it seems that the demolition order was handed down and executed upon in 1—INORDINATELY expedient manner.
20061115             This is BUFFALO, —AFTER all.
20061115             1—FIRE—MARSHAL at the scene declared the home structurally unsafe to enter, said RICHARD—M—TOBE, COMMISSIONER—OF—THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—ECONOMIC—DEVELOPMENT, Permits & Inspections.
20061115             "Within —48—HOURS, 1—NEIGHBOR called and said our house was being torn down. Days —LATER, we get this other bill from the city for $40,000. It's —JUST unbelievable".
20061115             RICHARD—M—TOBE, COMMISSIONER—OF—THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—ECONOMIC—DEVELOPMENT, Permits & Inspections, claims that the demolition order was given in THE—MIDST—OF—THE—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY declared —AFTER the October storm and that was THE—SOURCE—OF—THE—CONFUSION and LACK—OF—COMMUNICATION with the owner.
20061115             However, the city didn't seem to have 1—PROBLEM finding the owners within 1—FEW more days with a $40K demolition bill.
20061115             [Read full story and join the discussion here]
20061115             Documentary and Propaganda Films: Container List... Made in CIA (sic!)/Made in CIA (propaganda film ) HUNGARY—LANGUAGE;
20061115             THE—NY—TIMES—PUTS 20010911             QUESTIONS IN THE—GRAVE
20061115             that I believed "Loose Change" to be (in impact) 1—CIA—PROPAGANDA—FILM, whether by design, trick or device, or the sheer...
20061115             Loose Change Forum -> MIKE—RUPPERT—RESPONSE—TO—NYT—ARTICLE
20061115             PORTLAND imc - 20030000             .04.17 - ISRAEL wants strike on Syria —WHILE iron's hot... ANIMAL FARM was a CIA propaganda film.
20061115             Klimafreundliche Technologien [DE] | EUROPEAN—UNION Energie... CHINA—PARTNERSCHAFT für saubere Energie zielt... saubere Entwicklung und Klimawandel, welche 1—VERBESSERUNG—DER—KOOPERATION—DES—MECHANISMUS für umweltverträgliche Entwicklung...
20061115             HONDURAS verkauft FINNLAND tonnenweise saubere Luft (INTERNATIONAL, NZZ Online)
20061115             Eine wichtige Umsetzung des KYOTO—PROTOKOLLS bilden nämlich Projekte des sogenannten Mechanismus für saubere Entwicklung
20061115             nachhaltige Projekte in Entwicklungs ländern finanzieren...
20061115             Sigmar Gabriel: Klimaschutz ist Motor für Innovation, wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und Beschäftigung
20061115             Kraftwerke auf fossiler Basis eine... zentrale Rolle für eine klimaverträgliche Energie...
20061115             Prozess kann durch den " Mechanismus für saubere Entwicklung " (Clean Development Mechanism...
20061115             Mechanismus für eine saubere Entwicklung.
20061115             Die SCHWEIZ und BRASILIEN analysieren Klimaschutzinstrument.
20061115             BRASILIEN erhält für die Definition der KYOTO—MECHANISMEN Unterstützung aus der SCHWEIZ.
20061115             der Ausgestaltung des " Mechanismus für eine saubere Entwicklung " - (CDM, Clean development...
20061115             JOHN—LOFTUS_com... main SUPPLIER—OF—THE—GERMANY—MILITARY, —AUGUST—THYSSEN knew GERMANY would be... c orner of EUROPE from his days as 1—DIPLOMAT—SON, 1—USA—INTELLIGENCE...
20061115             FTR#370—HOLLAND—TREAT: More about the Thyssen /Bush Banking Connection—(2—30—MINUTE—SEGMENTS) (Sources are noted...... it held the shares of the —AUGUST Thyssen Bank + also USA—SUBSIDIARIES...
20061115             —AUGUST—THYSSEN und HUGO—STINNES : 1—BRIEFWECHSEL, 1898?1912 [—AUGUST—THYSSEN and HUGO—STINNES : Correspondence, 1898
20061115             figure waxes poetic about THE—NATURE—OF—THE—TIMES in GERMANY at... fallout from THYSSEN—AWFUL—RELATIONSHIP with his son, —AUGUST—JUNIOR
20061115             Except for 1—FEW.
20061115             TIME_com Print Page: TIME Magazine -- DADDY—END—ALLEN—DULLES, the Nazis + THE—CIA
20061115             —AUGUST—THYSSEN—SON + successor, FRITZ—THYSSEN, was an enthusiastic supporter...
20061115             Bush Family Nazi's... corner of EUROPE from his days as 1—DIPLOMAT—SON, 1—USA—INTELLIGENCE... main SUPPLIER—OF—THE—GERMANY—MILITARY, —AUGUST—THYSSEN knew GERMANY would be...
20061115             HiddenMysteries Conspiracy Archive
20061115             —AUGUST—THYSSEN, 1—AFFLUENT—GERMANY—INDUSTRIALIST, lost much of his empire to the...
20061115             —NAMED, So Prescott had 1—SON +, him GEORGE—HE became PRESIDENT—OF...
20061115             ELITIST BOHEMIAN GROVE CULT BLOWN WIDE OPEN! - HiddenMysteries Conspiracy Archive
20061115             main SUPPLIER—OF—THE—GERMANY—MILITARY, —AUGUST—THYSSEN knew GERMANY would be...
20061115             Heir to the Holocaust... of THE—GERMANY—MILITARY, —AUGUST—THYSSEN knew GERMANY would... to Fritz, plans were also made for the 2. son Heinrich.
20061115             WILLIAM—FARISH—JUNIOR
20061115             main SUPPLIER—OF—THE—GERMANY—MILITARY, —AUGUST—THYSSEN knew GERMANY would be... corner of EUROPE from his days as 1—DIPLOMAT—SON, 1—USA—INTELLIGENCE...
20061115             THE—WEBFAIRY - [CIA—DRUGS] HEIR TO THE—HOLOCAUST from the economic boom in GERMANY.
20061115             PSYCHOLOGIE—EXPERIMENTELLE Methodik (Praktika...
20061115             Mahwah, NJ : LAWRENCE—ERLBAUM, 20040000             Details;
20061115             Handbook of psychology / IRVING B. Weiner, ed.-IN—CHIEF—BD.: 4 ;
20061115             Experimental psychology / Healy, Alice F.
20061115             PSYCHOLOGIE—METHODEN der Psychologie (Testtheorie, Skalierung...
20061115             4. ed.. - Mahwah, NJ [u.a.] : LAWRENCE—ERLBAUM, 20040000             Details... Bd.: 4 ;
20061115             Methodeninnovation in der Lebenslaufforschung : Integration qualitativer +...
20061115             Help Terror Storm Reach Amazon Number 1 - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—DVD rankings zeitgeist for online consumers, give them 1—TASTE—OF—20010911              truth!
20061115             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—BLAMES—INTERNET for "ugly climate," echoes vitriolic RHETORIC—OF—WEB haters
20061115             PC Mad BRITAIN Savages NEWELL—THOUGHT—CRIME
20061115             Migrants 'carry disease burden' Migrants make up about 70—PERCENT—OF—HIV, TB and malaria cases in ENGLAND, WALES and NORTH—IRELAND, 1—REPORT has found.
20061115             Stroke survivor advice 'lacking' Stroke survivors are not getting the vital information they need on leaving hospital, 1—STUDY says.
20061115             —RAPED, USA—SOLDIER, and murdered IRAQ—GIRL 1—USA—ARMY soldier pleads guilty to raping 1—IRAQ—TEENAGER and helping kill her and her family.
20061115             —NAMED, Kabila, DR CONGO poll winner PRESIDENT—JOSEPH—KABILA wins THE—RUN—OFF election in DR CONGO, the country's electoral commission says.
20061115             PAKISTAN votes to amend rape laws PAKISTAN—PARLIAMENT votes to amend strict Sharia laws on rape, amid warnings by religious parties.
20061115             ISRAEL vows revenge for rockets ISRAEL warns PALESTINE—MILITANTS will pay 1—HEAVY—PRICE for 1—ROCKET—ATTACK which killed 1—ISRAEL—WOMAN.
20061115             Immigrants drive GROWTH—SPAIN HALF—OF—SPAIN—RECENT—ECONOMIC—GROWTH can be attributed to immigration, 1—GOVERNMENT—REPORT says.
20061115             USA—LOBBYIST—STARTS—JAIL—SENTENCE Disgraced USA—LOBBYIST—JACK—ABRAMOFF begins serving a —70—MONTH—PRISON—SENTENCE for conspiracy and fraud.
20061115             QUEEN—OPENS—UK—PARLIAMENT—TONY—BLAIR rejects criticism of his final QUEEN—SPEECH—AND predicts his Labour successor will knock out DAVID—CAMERON.
20061115             Stem cells 'treat muscle disease' Stem cells have shown potential for treating muscular dystrophy, research has revealed.
20061115             Bush tests standing on ASIA visit GEORGE W Bush goes to ASIA, on 1—TOUR seen as 1—TEST—OF his standing —AFTER—LAST—WEEK—REPUBLICAN election losses.
20061115             —SEIZED, Philippine 'coup plotter', 1—EX—PHILIPPINES army COLONEL is arrested for involvement in 1 alleged coup plot against PRESIDENT—ARROYO.
20061115             USA to back RUSSIA—WTO entry bid PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush and RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—PUTIN are to sign 1—AGREEMENT on RUSSIA—WTO membership bid.
20061115             Powers 'stoking SOMALIA—CONFLICT' 10—COUNTRIES, including Syria and IRAN, are violating 1—ARMS—EMBARGO on SOMALIA, 1—UN—REPORT says.
20061115             AFGHANISTAN—WOMEN seek death by fire Young AFGHANISTAN—WOMEN are increasingly committing suicide by setting themselves on fire, NGOs say.
20061115             Delta 'cautious' over $8bn merger Delta Air Lines says it will study 1 proposed $8bn merger with USA Airways but is focused on its own recovery.
20061115             —UNLOCKED, Neanderthal DNA secrets, Scientists reconstruct 1—CHUNK—OF—DNA from the genome of 1—NEANDERTHAL man who lived 38,—000—YEARS—AGO.
20061115             Physics promises wireless power Researchers in THE—USA—OUTLINE 1—SYSTEM to transfer energy to electronic devices without the need for wires.
20061115             —URGED, Climate insurance, for poor THE—UNITED—NATIONS calls on insurance companies to help protect the world's poor against THE—IMPACTS—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE.
20061115             Fly Silent, Fly Cheap It's 1—BIRD!
20061115             HERE—WHY you won't be boarding it ANY—TIME soon.
20061115             —BY DAVE—DEMERJIAN. Guarded Hope for Dope Reform
20061115             Democratic victory doesn't necessarily spell 1—NEW dawn of "S—FRANCISCO values" on the drug front, but SOME—THINGS might change.
20061115             —BY Randy DOTINGA—NEW—NSA BILL—1—TROJAN—HORSE?
20061115             Outgoing Senate Judiciary chairman Specter introduces 1—BILL making small changes to spying laws, but THE—ACLU says it's 1—LAST—MINUTE—ATTEMPT to legalize the government's warrantless wiretapping program.
20061115             In 27B Stroke 6.
20061115             FORMER—HP chairman pleads not guilty to felonies At arraignment —WEDNESDAY, PATRICIA—DUNN hears 4—FELONY charges against her, enters plea and is released on own recognizance.
20061115             HP—BOARDROOM drama Internal investigation into media leaks at tech giant blows up into FULL—FLEDGED media event.
20061115             Dipstick test for cocaine use Blog: Taking 1—PAGE from HOME—PREGNANCY tests, scientists have designed 1—DIPSTICK that can detect traces of cocaine or other drugs...
20061115             Warming 1—TINY—PIECE—OF—MARS—FOR—TERRAFORMING
20061115             "It's been 1—DREAM—OF—SCIENCE—FICTION—WRITERS everywhere that we would eventually terraform Mars. —NOW 1—ENGINEERING student has proposed 1—WAY to terraform only 1—KILOMETER—OF—MARS. By building 1—ARRAY—OF—SPACE based mirrors to focus the sun's light, 1—SMALL—AREA—OF—MARS could be warmed to about 68—DEGREES—FAHRENHEIT (20—DEGREES—CELSIUS) which would make it easier for explorers to work and live there. —SINCE Mars' atmosphere is thin, the mirrors would have to be carefully designed to prevent them from reflecting harmful radiation as well as light and warmth".
20061115             "—TODAY, THE—CAMBRIDGE—ENERGY—RESEARCH—ASSOCIATES released 1—REPORT dismissing the Peak Oil theory, suggesting that world oil production will continue to increase for the next —24—YEARS + then only level into 1—PLATEAU. The report, which suggests that world reserves are enough to last —122—YEARS at our current RATE—OF—CONSUMPTION, also blasts Peak Oil theorists for repeatedly making unscientific predictions and then shifting them —WHENEVER their predictions fail to materialize".
20061115             - ScuttleMonkey 120 - PreacherTom BusinessWeek is reporting that
20061115             THE—FCC and the Center for Digital Democracy plan to meet in order to discuss abuses with regards to cookies.
20061115             "Online advertisers have 1—SWEET tooth for cookies. Not the kind you bake, but the digital kind — those tiny files that embed themselves on 1—PC and keep tabs on what Web sites are visited on which machines. But cookies could have 1—BAD aftertaste for consumers. Privacy advocates say the files are being force fed in large quantities to computer users + they're demanding that the government put SOME—ADVERTISERS on 1—DIET".
20061115             EU Gives Microsoft —8—DAYS—UNTIL Fines
20061115             "European Commissioner Neelie Kroes has presented Microsoft with 1—ULTIMATUM: —BEFORE—THURSDAY —NEXT—WEEK, Microsoft must hand over all secret information on Windows protocols to its competition. Should the company choose to ignore this demand, it will be severely fined. MICROSOFT—HISTORY with EU fines so far amounts to approximately Euro777.5—MILLION. Both linked websites are Dutch, but then again, so is EU commissioner Neelie Kroes".
20061115             Wikipedia Explodes in CHINA
20061115             —SINCE then, THE—NUMBER—OF—NEW—USERS registering to contribute to the site has exceeded 1,200 —1—DAY, up from 1—AVERAGE—OF—300 to 400—PRIOR to the unblocking.
20061115             —INCREASED, THE—NUMBER—OF—NEW—ARTICLES—POSTED daily has, 75% from THE—WEEK—BEFORE, with the total —NOW surpassing 100,000, according to the foundation". No one's sure how long this will be available to THE—PEOPLE—REPUBLIC—OF—CHINA but hopefully the government will recognize that at least 1—SIGNIFICANT—PART—OF—THE populace enjoys 1—WIKIPEDIA community".
20061115             "In what surely comes as 1—COMPLETE and utter surprise to everyone here, 1—NEW—CALCULATION shows that only 1—PERCENT—OF—WEB—PAGES contain pornography. —WHILE the calculations were performed using data forced from Google's and MICROSOFT—SEARCH indices by the government, they will help THE—USA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—UNION to keep ENFORCEMENT—OF—THE—CHILDREN—ONLINE—PROTECTION—ACT—OF—19980000              banned. 1—LOSS for business privacy has become 1—VICTORY for free speech, even though netizens lose 1 beloved old proverb".
20061115             Physicists PROMISE—WIRELESS—POWER
20061115             "THE—TANGLE—OF—CABLES and plugs needed to recharge —TODAY—ELECTRONIC—GADGETS could soon be 1—THING—OF—THE—PAST. Researchers at MIT have outlined 1—RELATIVELY simple system that could deliver power wirelessly to devices such as laptop computers or MP3 players. In 1—NUTSHELL, their solution entails installing special 'NON—RADIATIVE' antennae with identical resonant frequencies on both the power transmitter and the receiving device. ANY—ENERGY not diverted into 1—GADGET or appliance is simply reabsorbed. The system currently under development is designed to operate at distances of 3 to 5—METERS, but the researchers claim that it could be adapted to FACTORY—SCALE—APPLICATIONS, or miniaturized for use in the 'microscopic world.'"
20061115             Corporate Propaganda Still On THE—NEWS—KDAWSON 210 - mofomojo writes,
20061115             "Democracy —NOW! reports that 1—NEW—STUDY by the Center for Media and Democracy says Americans are still being shown corporate public relations videos disguised as news reports on newscasts across the country. —IN—APRIL, the Center identified 77—STATIONS using Video News Releases in their newscasts; the findings led to 1—INVESTIGATION by THE—FEDERAL—COMMUNICATIONS—COMMISSION. 1—FOLLOWUP study has found that 10—OF—THOSE stations are still airing VNRs —TODAY, for 1—NEW—TOTAL—OF—46—STATIONS in 22—STATES".
20061115             "MOST—OF—THE—VNRS have aired on stations owned by large media conglomerates such as News Corp., Tribune + Disney. They've also been sponsored by SOME—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BIGGEST corporations including GENERAL—MOTORS, GlaxoSmithKline + Allstate Insurance".
20061115             How To Build 1—WEB—SPIDER—ON—LINUX—KDAWSON 88 - IdaAshley writes,
20061115             "Web spiders are software agents that traverse THE—INTERNET gathering, filtering + potentially aggregating information for 1—USER. This article shows you how to build spiders and scrapers for Linux to crawl 1—WEB—SITE and gather information, stock data, in this case. Using common scripting languages and their COLLECTION—OF—WEB modules, you can easily develop Web spiders".
20061115             RFID Tech Infiltrating 1—BRITISH—INSTITUTION—KDAWSON 25+ - ,
20061115             "According to silicon_com, Marks & Spencer — 1—DEPARTMENT—STORE as quintessentially British as tea & cake — is so pleased with its trial of RFID CLOTHES—TAGGING that it's planning to roll it out nationwide.
20061115             Considering that THE—UK—INFORMATION—COMMISSIONER—RECENTLY made 1—LOT—OF—NOISE—AROUND THE—RFID track and trace tech, warning that BRITAIN is 'sleepwalking into 1—SURVEILLANCE—SOCIETY', Marks & Sparks seems to be setting itself up as 1—TWEED—CLAD—PUBLIC—ENEMY—NUMBER 1."
20061115             —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH we ran 1—ARTICLE linking CHRISTOPHER—MONCKTON—ATTEMPT to to discredit global warming.
20061115             —ASKED, The submitter, plaintively, "Can anyone out there go through this piece and tell me why it might be wrong?" GEORGE—MONBIOT has —NOW done so.
20061115             And on the political front, the only major ally for PRESIDENT—BUSH—STAND on global warming, AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD, is —NOW willing to look at carbon trading.
20061115             100—GBPS Via ETHERNET—KDAWSON 69+ - DOC—RUBY writes,
20061115             "As reported at GigaOM, 'Infinera has bonded 10—PARALLEL 10—GB/s channels into 1—LOGICAL—FLOW—WHILE maintaining packet ordering at the receiver,' bridging 100-Gbps ethernet over 10 10-Gbps optical WAN links.
20061115             Further from GigaOM: 'The experimental system was set up between TAMPA—FLORIDA and HOUSTON—TEXAS + back again.
20061115             A 100—GBE signal was spliced into 10 10—GB/s streams using 1—INFINERA—PROPOSED specification for 100GbE across multiple links.
20061115             —BASED, THE—SPLICING—OF—THE—SIGNAL is, on 1—PACKET—REORDERING algorithm developed at [UC] SANTA—CRUZ.
20061115             This algorithm preserves packet order even as individual flows are striped across multiple wavelengths.' We're all going to want our share of these 100Gbps networks.
20061115             The current network retailers, mainly cable and DSL dealers, still haven't brought even 10Mbps to most homes, though they're —NOW bringing fiber to the premises to SOME—RICH/lucky customers.
20061115             Are they laying fiber that will bring them to Tbps, or will that stuff clog the way to getting these speeds ourselves?" Rumors say that what runs over VERIZON—FIOS is ATM, to support their aspirations for TRIPLE—PLAY.
20061115             VR Cures Amputees' Phantom Limb PAIN—KDAWSON 54+ - ,
20061115             "Scientists have developed 1—VIRTUAL—WORLD—LIKE 2. Life where REAL—LIFE amputees have their limbs restored.
20061115             The experience can cure PATIENTS—OF—THE—PERCEPTION—OF—PAIN in their missing limbs.
20061115             'The machine is designed to combat phantom limb pain (PLP) — 1—SENSATION—OF—PAIN experienced by 1—AMPUTEE that appears to originate in the missing limb.
20061115             —DISCOVERED, Intriguingly, researchers have, that if 1—PERSON—BRAIN can be tricked into believing they can see and move a "phantom limb," this motion reduces THE—PERCEPTION—OF—PAIN in PLP.' The graphics used by the computer look very crude, almost comically so, but apparently the system works".
20061115             —GEWINNT, KONGO: Kabila, Präsidentschaftswahl
20061115             IRAK—POLITIK: USA—DEMOKRATEN erhöhen Druck auf Bush
20061115             —VERABSCHIEDET, Richtlinie : EU—PARLAMENT öffnet den Markt für Dienstleistungen
20061115             Plastinarium: Leichenwerkstatt öffnet in BRANDENBURG
20061115             Euronext und BANKEN—PLÄNE: BÖRSEN—REVOLUTION bedroht Finanzplatz FRANKFURT
20061115             BERLIN: KIEZ—KEILEREI—SCHWERE Vorwürfe gegen Polizei
20061115             Terroralarm im Pazifik: FBI warnte vor geplanter Flugschule eines Deutschen auf KIRIBATI
20061115             Korruptionsvorwürfe: Rüstungsdeal mit TANSANIA bringt Blair in Bedrängnis
20061115             SCHADENERSATZ—PROZESS: Airline schmeißt Passagier wegen Körpergeruch raus
20061115             UNTREUE—VERDACHT: Siemens spricht von MILLIONEN—SCHADEN
20061115             NEUSEELAND: ANTARKTIS—EISBERGE gefährden Fischerboote
20061115             Stromausfall: E.on glaubt an menschliches Versagen
20061115             UNO—UNTERSUCHUNG: SOMALISCHE—ISLAMISTEN unterstützten Hisbollah im LIBANON—KRIEG
20061115             ANTARKTIS—MISSION: Flug ins ewige Eis
20061115             Seebeben: Tsunami trifft JAPAN—BISLANG keine Schäden
20061115             AIRLINE—FUSION: USA Airways will insolvente Delta kaufen
20061115             —KRITISIERT, Sicherheitslage in DEUTSCHLAND: Polizei, "Wohlfühlbericht"
20061115             Weißbuch zur Sicherheitspolitik: Aachener FRIEDENSPREIS—VEREIN erstattet Anzeige gegen Merkel und Jung
20061115             Klimakonferenz: Annan fordert globale CO2- Steuer
20061115             Pazifik: Starkes SEEBEBEN—TSUNAMI—WARNUNG für JAPAN
20061115             Fummeln im Flugzeug: Liebespaar drohen —20—JAHRE Haft
20061115             Klage: Gericht soll USA—REGIERUNG zu Klimastudien zwingen
20061115             UNTREUE—VERDACHT: Fahnder durchsuchen SIEMENS—BÜROS
20061115             Massenentführung: Verwirrung um Geiselfreilassung
20061115             Betteln im Kanzleramt: G8- Gipfel stürzt MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN in Finanznot
20061115             Umfrage: Deutsche kennen das Kabinett kaum
20061115             Kriminalität: Zypries hält DEUTSCHLAND für sicher
20061115             —GEWINNT, Weltkonjunktur 20070000             : Wer, wer verliert
20061115             IRAN versus USA: Der POLIT—POKER der Mullahs
20061115             TV—SENDER: AL—DSCHASIRA —JETZT weltweit und auf Englisch
20061115             Finanzamt: Auch Steuergewerkschaft fordert mehr Druck auf Millionäre
20061115             Konkurrenz: Banken wollen eigene Börse gründen
20061115             Strategiewechsel: Blair fordert von Bush aktivere NAHOST—POLITIK
20061115             USA—BÖRSE: Dow knackt den nächsten Rekord
20061115             Er dient dazu, die Wirbelsäule der Häftlinge —BIS zum Äuß1. zu dehnen.
20061115             Aber nicht nur Zammar, auch andere von der CIA verschleppte Personen mußten dort jahrelang Torturen erleiden.
20061115             "Baseline has 1—MAJOR—STORY about 1—MAJOR—IT disaster in THE—UK: '
20061115             "Confusion about whether such 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ORDER existed certainly led to the torture and abuse scandal that embarrassed AMERICA.
20061115             "Democracy —NOW! reports that 1—NEW—STUDY by the Center for Media and Democracy says Americans are still being shown corporate public relations videos disguised as news reports on newscasts across the country.
20061115             "Esquire is running 1—INTERESTING article on the work on adaptive optics and directed energy being done at THE—USA—AIR—FORCE—STARFIRE—OPTICAL—OBSERVATORY.
20061115             "European Commissioner Neelie Kroes has presented Microsoft with 1—ULTIMATUM:
20061115             "In what surely comes as 1—COMPLETE and utter surprise to everyone here,
20061115             "It's been 1—DREAM—OF—SCIENCE—FICTION—WRITERS everywhere that we would eventually terraform Mars.
20061115             "—JUST as Jesus might have said.
20061115             "OLSON—WIFE says he "pushed her to the ground 3—TIMES" and police found a "fresh bruise". Olson admits only to "grabbing his wife by the shoulders" and "placing her to the ground".
20061115             (HT: Wonkette) - "Online advertisers have 1—SWEET tooth for cookies.
20061115             Not the kind you bake,
20061115             "ROY—BLUNT (R—MO) delivered 1—POST—ELECTION mea culpa at the Heritage Foundation,
20061115             "THE—CHINA—HAVE —RECENTLY been allowed to enjoy THE—CHINA—VERSION—OF—WIKIPEDIA —NOW that the ban has been lifted.
20061115             "THE—TANGLE—OF—CABLES and plugs needed to recharge —TODAY—ELECTRONIC—GADGETS could soon be 1—THING—OF—THE—PAST.
20061115             "—TODAY, THE—CAMBRIDGE—ENERGY—RESEARCH—ASSOCIATES released 1—REPORT dismissing the Peak Oil theory,
20061115             "Web spiders are software agents that traverse THE—INTERNET gathering,
20061115             "and called on them to give all his nominees 1—UP—OR—DOWN vote.
20061115             —APPROVED, But 31—JUDICIAL nominees have been, —THIS—YEAR, "out of IRAQ.
20061115             'Palestinians punished for democracy':
20061115             (CDM, Clean development...
20061115             (R—IA) has also tried to claim that living in WASHINGTON, DC, is as dangerous as living in IRAQ.
20061115             10 % attempted suicide + 8 % were bankrupted.
20061115             But in spite of all this, 100—GBPS Via Ethernet-
20061115             11.000—TOTE USA—SOLDATEN durch abgereichertes Uran-
20061115             14. 20061100             USA—BÖRSE: Dow knackt den nächsten Rekord
20061115             25 % suffered alcohol abuse, 17 % lost their homes, 15 % got divorced,
20061115             27 % faced lawsuits, 26 % had to seek psychiatric or physical care,
20061115             1—USA—ARMY—SOLDIER pleads guilty to raping 1—IRAQ—TEENAGER and helping kill her and her family.
20061115             1—CONGRESSIONALLY—MANDATED study by Los Alamos scientists and others on plutonium finds the radioactive element,
20061115             1—FIRE—MARSHAL at the scene declared the home structurally unsafe to enter,
20061115             1—FOLLOWUP study has found that 10—OF—THOSE stations are still airing VNRs —TODAY,
20061115             1—HOST of former advisers
20061115             1—LOSS for business privacy has become 1—VICTORY for free speech, even though netizens lose 1 beloved old proverb".
20061115             —AFTER all, 1—ROCKET fired from GAZA killed a —58—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN in 1—ISRAEL—BORDER—TOWN—ON—WEDNESDAY,
20061115             ANIMAL FARM was a CIA propaganda film.
20061115             —HACKED, ATMs, using MP3 player
20061115             Actually, like its decision to use "Happy Holidays" in the 1. place, AFGHANISTAN—WOMEN seek death by fire:
20061115             —AFTER blowing the whistle on fraud, 90—PERCENT—OF—THE—WHISTLEBLOWERS were fired or demoted,
20061115             AL—JAZEERA—ENGLISH, the new INTERNATIONAL news channel from THE—QATAR—BASED television network,
20061115             1—EX—PHILIPPINES army COLONEL is arrested for involvement in 1 alleged coup plot against PRESIDENT—ARROYO.
20061115             CONTINUE—AND as —RECENTLY as —LAST—MONTH, Frist said THE—USA was making "tremendous progress
20061115             And customers will hear Christmas carols as they shop.
20061115             —BANNED, And the result is 1—EXPLOSION in use —AFTER being, for —1—YEAR.
20061115             And, clearly, number 1, the fact that we were not winning in IRAQ dominated + people —JUST want change.
20061115             —DIVERTED, ANY—ENERGY not, into 1—GADGET or appliance is simply reabsorbed.
20061115             Are they laying fiber that will bring them to Tbps, or will that stuff clog the way to getting these speeds ourselves?
20061115             As Leahy notes, BUSH needs to "change course and honor [his] pledge by working with us to confirm consensus nominees".
20061115             —LISTENED, As WAL—MART spokesman STEVEN—RESTIVO put it, "We, to our customers.
20061115             AS—OF—TODAY, THE—MAJORITY—OF—HOUSE—DEMOCRATS in the outgoing 109. Congress - 105—OF—202 - not only agree with MURTHA—POSITION,
20061115             As VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—ELECTION—SOFTWARE & Services (ES&S),
20061115             As VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—ELECTION—SOFTWARE & Services (ES&S), GARY—L—GREENHALGH was instrumental in the effort led by SARASOTA County election supervisor Kathy Dent
20061115             Associate EDITOR—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—SOCIALIST—REVIEW, on "Resisting USA Empire"
20061115             At arraignment —WEDNESDAY, PATRICIA—DUNN hears 4—FELONY charges against her,
20061115             —AUGUST—THYSSEN knew GERMANY would be...
20061115             —AUGUST—THYSSEN und HUGO—STINNES : 1—BRIEFWECHSEL, 18980000             ?1912 [—AUGUST—THYSSEN and HUGO—STINNES :
20061115             BARR: Anything you want to know.
20061115             The thing is you got to be able to read,
20061115             BUSH Family Nazi's... corner of EUROPE from his days as 1—DIPLOMAT—SON,
20061115             BUSH Junior will certainly not keep swallowing DADDY—COD liver oil without throwing 1—FIT—NOW and then.
20061115             —CRITICIZED, BUSH has, lawmakers for their " partisanship
20061115             BARBARA—BOXER (D—CA), the incoming CHAIR—OF—THE—ENVIRONMENT and Public Works Committee,
20061115             —REPLIED, KING, Bd.: 4 ;
20061115             —BEFORE 19940000             , —WHEN conservatives were OUT—OF—POWER and were unable to make new laws or rules,
20061115             —BEFORE—THURSDAY —NEXT—WEEK, Microsoft must hand over all secret information on Windows protocols to its competition.
20061115             Big Freakin' Laser Beams in Space- - Biggest IT Disaster Ever?-
20061115             Blog: 1—CRIMINAL—GANG in THE—UK was able to steal confidential banking data by bugging ATMs with an MP3 player, THE—TIMES—OF...
20061115             Blog: Taking 1—PAGE from HOME—PREGNANCY tests, scientists have designed 1—DIPSTICK that can detect traces of cocaine or other drugs...
20061115             —LOCKED, Blunt is currently, in 1—TIGHT—RACE - Blunt should take his own advice.
20061115             HERE—BLUNT —LAST—YEAR:
20061115             Both BAKER and GATES are protégés and colleagues of BRENT—SCOWCROFT,
20061115             —LINKED, Both, websites are Dutch, but then again, so is EU commissioner Neelie Kroes".
20061115             Both the high and low scenarios, he explained, were unlikely to materialise.
20061115             BUFFALO, NY—NOT much on this issue across THE—BUFFALO blogosphere so,
20061115             Bush To Usher In New Era Of 'Bipartisanship' By Renominating Controversial Judicial Nominees-
20061115             Bush Visiting VIETNAM. Bush tests standing on ASIA visit
20061115             But cookies could have 1—BAD aftertaste for consumers.
20061115             Privacy advocates say the files are being force fed in large quantities to computer users + they're demanding that the government put SOME—ADVERTISERS on 1—DIET".
20061115             But it has the virtue of being incomprehensible to anyone who is not 1—ATMOSPHERIC—PHYSICIST... As for JAMES—HANSEN,
20061115             —BY building 1—ARRAY—OF—SPACE based mirrors to focus the sun's light,
20061115             —BY the middle 19200000             'S, GERMANY had started recovering from the effects of...
20061115             CIA Acknowledges 2—INTERROGATION Memos-
20061115             —PRESSED, CIA, on torture guidelines:
20061115             CHINA supports solving IRAN—NUCLEAR—ISSUE peacefully:
20061115             CHINA—PARTNERSCHAFT für saubere Energie zielt
20061115             —DECLARED, CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—OFFICE, here —WEDNESDAY that CHINA always supports solving IRAN—NUCLEAR—ISSUE through negotiation.
20061115             Climate bill sets carbon target
20061115             —URGED, Climate insurance, for POOR—COALITION—AFGHANISTAN—POLICY will fail:
20061115             Condoleezza Rice, THE—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE, has said she opposes THE—IDEA—OF—INCLUDING IRAN and Syria in talks to curb the violence in IRAQ.
20061115             Conference unlocks AGE—OLD—SECRETS—OF celebrities' deaths "These are very important historical figures and —JUST studying their diseases is —JUST interesting and entertaining," he said.
20061115             CONGO faces DANGER—OF—NEW—CIVIL—WAR as opposition rejects election result:-
20061115             —STARTED, Conservative staff members in the Senate have already, attacking Sen.
20061115             Conservatives distraught.-
20061115             Considering that THE—UK—INFORMATION—COMMISSIONER—RECENTLY made 1—LOT—OF—NOISE—AROUND THE—RFID track and trace tech,
20061115             —SCHEDULED, Convicted lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF is, to enter FEDERAL—PRISON—TODAY "over THE—PROTESTS—OF—PROSECUTORS
20061115             Corporate Propaganda Still On the News-
20061115             Correspondence, 18980000             20061115             Current Judiciary chairman Arlen Specter (R—PA) has called on BUSH to nominate more moderate judges.
20061115             Das abgereicherte Uran ist als Ursache des ?GOLF—KRIEG—SYNDROMS?
20061115             bekannt, DAVID—JOHNSTON / THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20061115             Days —LATER, we get this other bill from the city for $40,000. It's —JUST unbelievable".
20061115             DeLay Defender Blunt Hits Conservatives For Defending Corrupt Politicians-
20061115             Delta 'cautious' over $8bn merger
20061115             —PROPOSED, Delta Air Lines says it will study 1, $8bn merger with USA Airways but is focused on its own recovery.
20061115             Democratic victory doesn't necessarily spell 1—NEW dawn of "S—FRANCISCO values" on the drug front,
20061115             Der Klimawandel hat längst eine lebensgefährliche Geschwindigkeit angenommen KARL—WEISS
20061115             Der DEUTSCHE—GEHEIMDIENST im Nahen Osten", FRANKFURT am Main sei 1—ENTFÜHRERZENTRALE—DER—CIA gewesen,
20061115             Der konservative Radiomoderator SCOTT—HENNEN hatte Cheney gefragt,
20061115             Dick Morris: "Oust JOHN—BOEHNER and ROY—BLUNT.
20061115             Die ehemalige CIA—AGENTIN Valerie Plame hatte geltend gemacht, dass ihre Identität von ranghohen Regierungsbeamten gezielt an die Presse verraten worden sei,
20061115             Dipstick test for cocaine use
20061115             Disgraced USA—LOBBYIST—JACK—ABRAMOFF begins serving a —70—MONTH—PRISON—SENTENCE for conspiracy and fraud.
20061115             —GUIDED, Document shows Bush, CIA on detention-
20061115             Documentary and Propaganda Films: Container List
20061115             Isn't that 1—QUAGMIRE?
20061115             —JAILED, Enron man, for fraud role
20061115             —SENTENCED, EX—ENRON executive RICHARD—CAUSEY is, to 5—AND—A—HALF—YEARS for his role in the fraud at the firm.
20061115             FACT CHECK: BAGHDAD Murder Rate Is 160—TIMES—GREATER Than PHILADELPHIA-
20061115             FCC Meets to Investigate Cookie Abuse-
20061115             FTR#370—HOLLAND—TREAT: More about THE—THYSSEN /BUSH Banking Connection—(2—30—MINUTE—SEGMENTS) (Sources are noted
20061115             FLORIDA and HOUSTON—TEXAS + back again.
20061115             Fly Silent, Fly Cheap
20061115             Foreign influence, that most baneful foe of our republican government,
20061115             FORMER—HP chairman pleads not guilty to FELONIES—FOX—NEWS—INTERNAL—MEMO:
20061115             FRIST—POST—ELECTION—REVELATION: We Are 'Not Winning' In IRAQ-
20061115             —FROM the article, "Activity on nonprofit Wikimedia FOUNDATION—CHINESE—WIKIPEDIA site has skyrocketed —SINCE its release,
20061115             Gallup: Obama —NOW Posing Threat to Hillary
20061115             GENERAL—DEMPSEY" and asked them if bringing "in more USA—TROOPS—NOW, GEORGE—MONBIOT has —NOW done so.
20061115             "This is 1—DAZZLING DEBUNKING—OF—CLIMATE change science.
20061115             GEORGE W BUSH goes to ASIA, on 1—TOUR seen as 1—TEST—OF his standing —AFTER—LAST—WEEK—REPUBLICAN election losses.
20061115             GlaxoSmithKline + Allstate Insurance".
20061115             Global Warming Debunker Debunked- - HP—BOARDROOM drama
20061115             HALF—OF—SPAIN—RECENT—ECONOMIC—GROWTH can be attributed to immigration, 1—GOVERNMENT—REPORT says.
20061115             He did not claim, under ANY—SCENARIO, that sea levels would rise by several feet
20061115             He has sent out the —FOLLOWING precis: The election company executive responsible for THE—TOUCH—SCREEN—ELECTRONIC voting machines in SARASOTA County FLORIDA which failed to register fully 1—OF—EVERY 7—VOTES cast in —LAST—WEEK—HOTLY—CONTESTED Congressional race to replace Rep.
20061115             He presented 3—POSSIBLE—SCENARIOS to THE—USA—SENATE — high, medium + low.
20061115             Heir to the Holocaust... of THE—GERMANY—MILITARY, —AUGUST—THYSSEN knew GERMANY would
20061115             Help Terror Storm Reach Amazon Number 1-
20061115             By DAVE—DEMERJIAN. Home electronics for the holidays
20061115             Homeland Security Inspector GENERAL—RICHARD—SKINNER reports that MOBILE homes purchased by FEMA,
20061115             How To Build 1—WEB—SPIDER—ON—LINUX  - I don't understand GENERAL.
20061115             I figured I'd kickstart the conversation
20061115             I have tried to emphasize the point that THE—TOUCH—SCREEN—SCANDAL is, For conservatives,
20061115             If SCOWCROFT—POSITION is representative of his colleagues, the changing face
20061115             —CONSIDERED, If this is true + this PRESIDENT, already, by historians to be the worst in USA—HISTORY,
20061115             Immigrants drive GROWTH—SPAIN
20061115             In ;;04;;, the Center identified 77—STATIONS using Video News Releases in their newscasts;
20061115             the findings led to 1—INVESTIGATION by THE—FEDERAL—COMMUNICATIONS—COMMISSION.
20061115             —ELECTED, In a 25—24—VOTE, the Senate Republican caucus has, TRENT—LOTT (R—MS) as Minority Whip,
20061115             In 1—NUTSHELL, their solution entails installing special 'NON—RADIATIVE' antennae with identical resonant frequencies on both the power transmitter and the receiving device.
20061115             In 1—POST—IN 1—RECENT—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—TURKISH—DAILY—NEWS, SCOWCROFT explicitly argued THE—USA must continue to stay in IRAQ:
20061115             In addition to Fritz, plans were also made for the 2. son Heinrich.
20061115             Increasing NUMBERS—OF—AFGHANISTAN—WOMEN are committing suicide by setting fire to themselves to escape difficult lives,
20061115             Further from GigaOM: 'The experimental system was set up between TAMPA,
20061115             Internal investigation into media leaks at tech giant blows up into FULL—FLEDGED media event.
20061115             INTERNET Only 1% Porn-
20061115             —DISCOVERED, Intriguingly, researchers have, that if 1—PERSON—BRAIN can be tricked into believing they can see and move a "phantom limb," this motion reduces THE—PERCEPTION—OF—PAIN in PLP.
20061115             —ATTEMPTED, IRAN, to swap weapons for use by Islamic radicals in SOMALIA for uranium,
20061115             —SIGNED, IRAN has, a 450—MILLION—DOLLAR—DEAL with GERMANY—ELECTRONIC—GIANT—SIEMENS to build 150—TRAINS,
20061115             IRAN signs 450—MILLION—DOLLAR—RAILWAY—DEAL with GERMANY—SIEMENS:
20061115             IRAN—IAEA—PLUTONIUM: IRAQ In Fragments.-
20061115             CONTINUE—ISN'T it time to consider pulling out?
20061115             ISRAEL vows revenge for rockets
20061115             ISRAEL warns PALESTINE—MILITANTS will pay 1—HEAVY—PRICE for 1—ROCKET—ATTACK which killed 1—ISRAEL—WOMAN.
20061115             ISRAEL "will not shy away from challenging IRAN—DEVELOPMENT—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS," Ehud Olmert told the annual GATHERING—OF—THE—NORTH—USA—JEWISH federationy system.
20061115             —LINKED, It investiGATES how these units are closely, to the death squads,
20061115             It is also wildly wrong... In keeping with MOST—OF—THE—ARTICLES about climate change in [the —SUNDAY Telegraph],
20061115             I believe that more USA—FORCES prevent the Iraqis from doing more,
20061115             It said in 1—STATEMENT that the plutonium contamination which has been pointed in report of IAEA Director GENERAL—MOHAMED—ELBARADEI last ;;10;;
20061115             had been discussed several times with the agency in the past —3—YEARS and it is not something new.
20061115             It's 1—BIRD! It's 1—PLANE! It's 1—INTEGRATED—WING—BODY—CONCEPT—AIRCRAFT that's quieter and more fuel efficient than anything aloft —TODAY.
20061115             It's not that hard. I can show you how to do it.
20061115             I'm confident that we are making tremendous progress in hunting down and killing the murderers of Islamic fascism,
20061115             JOHN—LOFTUS com... main SUPPLIER—OF—THE—GERMANY—MILITARY, —AUGUST—THYSSEN knew GERMANY would be
20061115             —REJECTED, JOHN—ABIZAID, MCCAIN—CALLS for increased USA—TROOP—LEVELS in IRAQ,
20061115             KING: No, I wouldn't. - KING: No, thanks.
20061115             —NAMED, Kabila, DR CONGO poll winner
20061115             —CHECKERED, Katherine Harris has 1, past that includes involvement in several election bribery scandals,
20061115             Key Baker ALLY—SAYS 'We Have To Stay' In IRAQ-
20061115             —ACKNOWLEDGED, KING, that "I've never done it, never gone searching".
20061115             —WHEN Barr said she liked THE—INTERNET,
20061115             Klimafreundliche Technologien [DE] | EUROPEAN—UNION ENERGIE—KOFI—ANNAN: Keine Gegenargumente mehr-
20061115             LARRY—KING: On your blog you write, "BUSH is going to declare WAR—ON—CHINA—NEXT, I swear".
20061115             —REVIVED, Last night, BILL—O'REILLY, his baseless claim that Christmas is "under seige" in AMERICA FROM "secular progressives," highlighting WAL—MART—RECENT—ANNOUNCEMENT
20061115             Latin AMERICA is preparing to settle accounts with its white settler elite-
20061115             —DEFEATED, Lott, who, Lamar Alexander (R—TN), resigned his post as Minority Leader
20061115             Made in CIA (sic!)/Made in CIA (propaganda film ) HUNGARY—LANGUAGE; 19890000             , 18—MIN...
20061115             Marks & Sparks seems to be setting itself up as 1—TWEED—CLAD—PUBLIC—ENEMY—NUMBER 1."
20061115             —BEKENNT, Massaker im IRAK: USA—SOLDAT, sich des Mordes schuldig - McCain has repeatedly
20061115             MCCAIN—PLAN runs counter towards our goal in IRAQ — specifically,
20061115             —POINTED, McClure, to is PHILADELPHIA.
20061115             It had 337—HOMICIDES between Jan.
20061115             MICHELLE—MALKIN: TRENT—LOTT is an " eternal Maalox moment.
20061115             MICROSOFT—HISTORY with EU fines so far amounts to approximately Euro777.5—MILLION.
20061115             Migrants 'carry disease burden'
20061115             Migrants make up about 70—PERCENT—OF—HIV, TB and malaria cases in ENGLAND,
20061115             ANY—ATTEMPT to send more troops to IRAQ would, "at the moment, threaten to break
20061115             Musharraf: PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF has said that THE—USA—LED coalition forces were 'failing' to curb the Taliban in AFGHANISTAN and that they would "keep failing" if they pursued their current policies.
20061115             —REPORTED, NPR, —LAST—YEAR the display of the old flag anywhere in THE—USA—  much less on THE—WHITE—HOUSE—WEBSITE — "could create tension amid warming relations between THE—USA—AND—VIETNAM.
20061115             —UNLOCKED, Neanderthal DNA secrets
20061115             Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats, neither liberals nor conservatives,
20061115             —ARGUED, Neoconservatives have, that THE—BAKER—GATES—SCOWCROFT position "presents 1—CLEAR—SHIFT
20061115             Is that clear enough? # - New NSA BILL—1—TROJAN—HORSE?
20061115             NICO—FOR—THE—RELEASE—OF—FOX—NEWS—REPORTERS? Aravosis wants to know.
20061115             Nico - "Be on the lookout for ANY—STATEMENTS from THE—IRAQ—INSURGENTS,
20061115             No one's sure how long this will be available to THE—PEOPLE—REPUBLIC—OF—CHINA but hopefully the government will recognize that at least 1—SIGNIFICANT—PART—OF—THE populace enjoys 1—WIKIPEDIA community".
20061115             —NOW Daddy Bush Slams Bloggers-
20061115             —NOW 1—ENGINEERING student has proposed 1—WAY to terraform only 1—KILOMETER—OF—MARS.
20061115             Official says USA—MAY consider PRE—EMPTIVE IRAN strike:
20061115             —IMPROVED, Only 3—AUTOMAKERS — Toyota, Ford + DaimlerChrysler —, the fuel economy of their fleet
20061115             Our Goal is $10,000. It's In Your Hands.
20061115             Outgoing House Majority Whip and "DeLay protege
20061115             Outgoing Senate Judiciary chairman Specter introduces 1—BILL making small changes to spying laws,
20061115             PAKISTAN votes to amend rape laws
20061115             PAKISTAN—PARLIAMENT—VOTES to amend strict Sharia laws on rape, amid warnings by religious parties.
20061115             Permits & Inspections, claims that the demolition order was given in THE—MIDST—OF—THE—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY declared —AFTER the ;;10;;
20061115             storm and that was THE—SOURCE—OF—THE—CONFUSION and LACK—OF—COMMUNICATION with the owner.
20061115             Permits & Inspections.
20061115             TOBE—OFFICE then bid out the emergency demolition THE—DAY—AFTER the fire and got 2—RESPONSES—1 for about $35,000, another for —AROUND $60,000.
20061115             —SEIZED, Philippine 'coup plotter'
20061115             Physicists PROMISE—WIRELESS—POWER—PHYSICS promises wireless power
20061115             Plastinarium: Leichenwerkstatt öffnet in BRANDENBURG—POWERS 'stoking SOMALIA—CONFLICT'
20061115             PRESIDENT—BUSH—NOMINATION—OF—ROBERT—GATES as defense SECRETARY has anxious PRO—ISRAEL and ISRAEL—LEADERS looking East,
20061115             PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH and RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—PUTIN are to sign 1—AGREEMENT on RUSSIA—WTO membership bid.
20061115             PRESIDENT—JOSEPH—KABILA wins THE—RUN—OFF election in DR CONGO, the country's electoral commission says.
20061115             QUEEN—OPENS—UK—PARLIAMENT
20061115             REPRESENTANT—JANICE Schakowsky (D—IL) - REPRESENTANT—JERROLD Nadler (D—NY)
20061115             REPRESENTANT—LANE Evans (D—IL) - REPRESENTANT—LINDA Sánchez (D—CA)
20061115             REPRESENTANT—MAJOR Owens (D—NY) - REPRESENTANT—MARCY Kaptur (D—OH)
20061115             REPRESENTANT—MARK—SOUDER (R—IN), who has taken a "tough stance on immigration," complained that his campaign callers had "thick enough foreign accents
20061115             REPRESENTANT—ZOE Lofgren (D—CA) - ROEHM: That's true.
20061115             Report Blasts "Peak Oil" Theory-
20061115             —OUTLINED, Researchers at MIT have, 1—RELATIVELY simple system that could deliver power wirelessly to devices such as laptop computers or MP3 players.
20061115             Researchers in THE—USA—OUTLINE 1—SYSTEM to transfer energy to electronic devices without the need for wires.
20061115             Ret. Rice snub for IRAN and Syria:
20061115             Rumors say that what runs over VERIZON—FIOS is ATM, to support their aspirations for TRIPLE—PLAY.
20061115             Rumsfeld: Kriegsverbrechen auf höchster Ebene-
20061115             SCOWCROFT : No, I don't have ANY—FEELING—OF—SATISFACTION.
20061115             Regardless of how we got there,
20061115             SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA (D—IL) and FORMER—SENATOR—JOHN—EDWARDS (D—NC) are teaming up for 1—HOLIDAY—THEMED campaign with WAKE—UP WAL—MART
20061115             SENATOR—BARBARA—MIKULSKI (D—MD) — THE—DEAN—OF—THE—SENATE—WOMEN — held 1—BIPARTISAN—SENATE 'Women Power Workshop' in her office —TODAY.
20061115             Salon writes, "it's head and shoulders above the rest [of IRAQ docs] in its clarity,
20061115             —SCHON wieder: Daten im Verteidigungsministerium verschwunden-
20061115             Scientists reconstruct 1—CHUNK—OF—DNA from the genome of 1—NEANDERTHAL man who lived 38,—000—YEARS—AGO.
20061115             Should the company choose to ignore this demand, it will be severely fined.
20061115             —SINCE Mars' atmosphere is thin, the mirrors would have to be carefully designed to prevent them from reflecting harmful radiation as well as light and warmth".
20061115             SOME—RETAILERS actually told employees not to say "Merry Christmas" — ever!
20061115             Speaking with reporters about the pursuit of nuclear progams by IRAN and NORTH—KOREA,
20061115             Stem cells 'treat muscle disease'
20061115             Stem cells have shown potential for treating muscular dystrophy, research has revealed.
20061115             Stroke survivor advice 'lacking'
20061115             Stroke survivors are not getting the vital information they need on leaving hospital, 1—STUDY says.
20061115             —PREDICTED, Strong sales, as revenue from electronics continues to grow and Americans are buying more--and more expensive--items.
20061115             —SUNDAY, "We need to begin 1 phased REDEPLOYMENT—OF—FORCES from IRAQ in 4 to —6—MONTHS.
20061115             —ACKNOWLEDGED, THE—CIA has, for the 1. time the existence of 2 classified documents,
20061115             THYSSEN group (TBG) is —NOW the largest industrial conglomerate in GERMANY +...
20061115             TIME com Print Page: TIME MAGAZINE -- DADDY—END
20061115             10—REASONS to Impeach GEORGE—BUSH and Dick Cheney-
20061115             10—COUNTRIES, including Syria and IRAN, are violating 1—ARMS—EMBARGO on SOMALIA, 1—UN—REPORT says.
20061115             The "Nuzzling" Terror Cell-
20061115             THE—ALEX—JONES—REPORT ;;11;; 15. 20060000             -
20061115             —DISCLOSED, THE—CIA...
20061115             THE—CHENEY militarists will certainly not give up without 1—FIGHT,
20061115             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, noting his connection to SCOWCROFT and BAKER, THE—PENTAGON refuses.
20061115             —HEADED, The matter —NOW appears, for court.
20061115             THE—PRICE—OF—SAVING—DEMOCRACY.
20061115             BuzzFlash PRE—HOLIDAY—CAMPAIGN for Support:
20061115             THE—UNITED—NATIONS calls on insurance companies to help protect the world's poor against THE—IMPACTS—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE.
20061115             THE—USA or other countries will —1—DAY be forced to consider PRE—EMPTIVE action if IRAN and NORTH—KOREA continue to seek nuclear weapons,
20061115             —COMFORTED, The ancient chestnut tree that, ANNE—FRANK—WHILE she was in hiding —DURING the Nazi occupation of HOLLAND must be cut down,
20061115             THE—CITY—THE—DISPLAY—OF—THE—OLD flag is highly incendiary to the current VIETNAM—GOVERNMENT.
20061115             The full list of 105—COSPONSORS
20061115             The good news is Abramoff may soon implicate Rove
20061115             The graphics used by the computer look very crude, almost comically so,
20061115             CONTINUE—THE—INDICTMENT accuses Green and others of raping the girl and burning her body to conceal their crimes.
20061115             —ACCUSED, The latest legislator/ domestic abuser.-
20061115             The middle 1 was 'the most plausible.' As it happens, the middle scenario was almost exactly right.
20061115             The political ASTUTENESS—OF—THE—DECISION by PRESIDENT—BUSH to replace Rumsfeld with GATES has escaped notice by MANY—DEMOCRATS,
20061115             The recent explosion of indigenous protest in Latin AMERICA, culminating in the election —THIS—YEAR—OF—EVO Morales,
20061115             The report, which suggests that world reserves are enough to last —122—YEARS at our current RATE—OF—CONSUMPTION,
20061115             The sources say Abramoff was about to provide information about BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS,
20061115             —ASKED, The submitter, plaintively, "Can anyone out there go through this piece and tell me why it might be wrong?
20061115             —DESIGNED, The system currently under development is, to operate at distances of 3 to 5—METERS,
20061115             —WARNED, The top USA—COMMANDER—IN—THE—MIDDLE—EAST, Congress —WEDNESDAY against setting 1—TIMETABLE for THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—TROOPS from IRAQ,
20061115             THE—WOMEN—OF—THE—SENATE.-
20061115             There were also doubts about THE—UNITED—NATIONS—PANEL—FINDINGS that IRAN shipped arms to the Islamic militants in return for access to uranium mines in THE—HOMETOWN—OF—THE—TOP—ISLAMIC—LEADER.
20061115             THERE—1—CALL to return to 1—CORE—MERRY—CHRISTMAS message.
20061115             ThinkFast: 20061115             -
20061115             This algorithm preserves packet order even as individual flows are striped across multiple wavelengths.
20061115             —DESCRIBED, This assemblage of BAKER, GATES + SCOWCROFT has been, as "pragmatists
20061115             This facility was the subject of 1—NEW—YORK—TIMES—ARTICLE—EARLIER—THIS—YEAR which suspected the facility was conducting ANTI—SATELLITE—WEAPONS—RESEARCH under the cover of astronomy".
20061115             This shocking film investiGATES the links between the death squads and HIGH—RANKING Shia politicians.
20061115             —HAPPENED, What ?
20061115             —TODAY at 1—SENATE—ARMED—SERVICES—COMMITTEE hearing, CentCom COMMANDER—GEN.
20061115             —TODAY, THE—WASHINGTON—POST—EDITORIAL—BOARD—ATTACKED—JOHN—MURTHA—PROPOSAL to redeploy USA—TROOPS out of IRAQ as an "extreme" measure not supported by congressional Democrats:
20061115             TONY—BLAIR rejects criticism of his final QUEEN—SPEECH—AND predicts his Labour successor will knock out DAVID—CAMERON.
20061115             Tracing that old black magic Q: Where did "abracadabra," 1—WORD commonly used by amateur magicians, come from?
20061115             TRENT—LOTT is back.- - Tribune + Disney.
20061115             —SPONSORED, They've also been, by SOME—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BIGGEST corporations including GENERAL—MOTORS,
20061115             UNITED—NATIONS report says 10—NATIONS violating arms embargo in SOMALIA:
20061115             USA—SOLDIERS pleads guilty in rape and MURDER—OF—IRAQ—CHILD and her family:
20061115             —WARNED, USA—AMBASSADOR—JOHN—BOLTON—WEDNESDAY, reluctance to impose sanctions on IRAN to preserve bilateral trade was misguided.
20061115             UN forces surround HOUSE—OF—PRESIDENT—RIVAL.
20061115             Armed groups in capital urge return to fighting
20061115             UPDATE: USA—LOBBYIST starts jail sentence
20061115             —RAPED, USA—SOLDIER, and murdered IRAQ—GIRL—USA to back RUSSIA—WTO entry bid
20061115             USA—VIZE—CHENEY hält Folter für "selbstverständlich"-
20061115             VR Cures Amputees' Phantom Limb Pain- - VIETNAM + INDONESIA.
20061115             1—PROBLEM: instead of displaying THE—VIETNAM—FLAG, Vividvew has 1—POINT, Joe.
20061115             HERE—MY E—MAIL to JOHN—CONYERS: WAL—MART is not alone.
20061115             Although Best Buy Co. is sticking with "Happy Holidays," retailers such as KOHL—CORP.
20061115             —MOTIVATED, WAL—MART—RETURN to "Merry Christmas" is, by business interests,
20061115             WALES and NORTH—IRELAND, 1—REPORT has found.
20061115             War pimp alert: BOLTON: Reluctance To Impose IRAN Sanctions Misguided:
20061115             War pimp alert: Bush will not hesitate to use force in IRAN: ISRAEL—AMBASSADOR:
20061115             War pimp alert: Olmert: ISRAEL will challenge IRAN:
20061115             War pimp alert: UNITED—NATIONS says IRAN sought SOMALIA—URANIUM:
20061115             War pimp alert: Worried about Gates ' views on IRAN: ISRAEL backers hope he toes Bush line:
20061115             —DETERMINED, We know there was 1—FIRE and the building was, to be unsafe for entry but,
20061115             We're all going to want our share of these 100Gbps networks.
20061115             The current network retailers,
20061115             In ;;07;;, Frist said the conservative national security message for 20060000             was,
20061115             What could serve the Republican strategy better than 1—SCENARIO in which their corrupt pols leave honorably,
20061115             Whatever its origin, —SINCE its use by Roman citizens 1,—800—YEARS—AGO,
20061115             —WHEN you're looking for the particular information that you're looking for —AFTER you do the big search,
20061115             —WHILE the calculations were performed using data forced from Google's and MICROSOFT—SEARCH indices by the government,
20061115             Whistleblowers : Who Are They?-
20061115             WHITE—HOUSE mulling preemptive strikes.-
20061115             WHITE—HOUSE seeks DISMISSAL—OF—CIA—LEAK—SUIT:
20061115             Who allegedly paid $2—MILLION to terrorist organizations- - Why stop the Great Satan?
20061115             Wiederholt ist innerhalb kurzer Zeit angeblich 1—BERICHT verlorengegangen,
20061115             Wikipedia Explodes in CHINA- - WILLIAM—FARISH—JUNIOR
20061115             With 1—NEW—CONGRESS and renewed subpoena power, we —NOW need to look up THE—CHAIN—OF—COMMAND".
20061115             World Content News-
20061115             —WHEN you see 1—WIDE discrepancy between the paper results and THE—COMPU—BALLOTS,
20061115             Worshipping THE—STATE: Why They Die-
20061115             Young AFGHANISTAN—WOMEN are increasingly committing suicide by setting themselves on fire, NGOs say.
20061115             You're homeless + then you get hit with this enormous bill + it's like, "Where does life begin again?' "
20061115             [would] add considerably to our ability to achieve success in IRAQ and they all said 'no.'" Watch it:
20061115             1—NEW—CALCULATION shows that only 1—PERCENT—OF—WEB—PAGES contain pornography.
20061115             1—SENIOR—USA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL told Reuters: "We, THE—USA + others who might be threatened by these developments will have to look at how to respond and inevitably I think people will have to look at THE—QUESTION—OF—PRE—EMPTION.
20061115             1—SMALL—AREA—OF—MARS could be warmed to about 68—DEGREES—FAHRENHEIT (20—DEGREES—CELSIUS) which would make it easier for explorers to work and live there.
20061115             according to NGOs based in the country.
20061115             —AFTER he said THE—USA would have avoided "all these problems" if THEN—SEGREGATIONIST—STROM Thurmond had been elected PRESIDENT 19480000             —IN.
20061115             also blasts Peak Oil theorists for repeatedly making unscientific predictions and then shifting them —WHENEVER their predictions fail to materialize".
20061115             an USA—INTELLIGENCE
20061115             1—AYMARA indian, as PRESIDENT—OF—BOLIVIA, has highlighted the precarious POSITION—OF—THE—WHITE—SETTLER elite that has dominated the continent for so MANY—CENTURIES.
20061115             CONTINUE—AN dem nach seinen Angaben im Moment...
20061115             and Walgreen Co. are returning to Christmas. and lots of congressfolk.
20061115             as "radical," "extreme," and "out there".
20061115             but apparently the system works".
20061115             but buried quickly and privately and —THEREFORE never recorded in official tallies".)
20061115             but SOME—THINGS might change. By Randy Dotinga
20061115             but THE—ACLU says it's 1—LAST—MINUTE—ATTEMPT to legalize the government's warrantless wiretapping program.
20061115             but the digital kind — those tiny files that embed themselves on 1—PC and keep tabs on what Web sites are visited on which machines.
20061115             but the researchers claim that it could be adapted to FACTORY—SCALE—APPLICATIONS,
20061115             —BY WAY—OF—THE—BALLOT—BOX, —WHILE our bad apples do the perp walk mere moments —AFTER their time of glory?
20061115             c orner of EUROPE from his days as 1—DIPLOMAT—SON, 1—USA—INTELLIGENCE...
20061115             corner of EUROPE from his days as 1—DIPLOMAT—SON, 1—USA—INTELLIGENCE...
20061115             criticizing WAL—MART 's "wages and benefits, as well as —RECENTLY enacted attendance and salary policies,
20061115             der Ausgestaltung des " Mechanismus für eine saubere Entwicklung "
20061115             der wichtige Zeugenhinweise im Zusammenhang mit Festnahmen + Deportationen von Gefangenen im Rahmen des sog.
20061115             DIE—ZUSTÄNDIG für den Nahen OSTEN—KOMMANDOAKTIONEN von etwa 200—CIA—AGENTEN koordiniert haben SOLL—ENTFÜHRUNG und Folter inklusive.
20061115             Mitwisser und... - does it add considerably to our ability to achieve success in IRAQ?
20061115             enters plea and is released on own recognizance.
20061115             entitled "THE—NEW—WAY—FORWARD: Refocusing the Conservative Agenda.
20061115             estimates that 5,320—PEOPLE are killed —1—MONTH, meaning there were 53,200 murders between Jan.
20061115             even —AFTER the "Gray Hawk Down" DISASTER—OF—RUMSFELD—RESIGNATION.
20061115             fallout from THYSSEN—AWFUL—RELATIONSHIP with his son, —AUGUST—JUNIOR
20061115             figure waxes poetic about THE—NATURE—OF—THE—TIMES in GERMANY at
20061115             filtering + potentially aggregating information for 1—USER.
20061115             This article shows you how to build spiders and scrapers for Linux to crawl 1—WEB—SITE and gather information,
20061115             for 1—NEW—TOTAL—OF—46—STATIONS in 22—STATES". "MOST—OF—THE—VNRS have aired on stations owned by large media conglomerates such as News Corp.
20061115             —FROM taking more responsibility for their own future".
20061115             has begun broadcasting in ENGLAND—FROM its main studios in DOHA.
20061115             has its tentacles entrenched in almost all major decision making and policy producing BODIES—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—MACHINE.
20061115             he did not tell THE—USA—CONGRESS that temperatures would rise by 0.3C by THE—END—OF—THE—PAST—CENTURY.
20061115             in a move timed to potentially disrupt the company's holiday sales.
20061115             in 1—VERY—REAL—SENSE, 1—BRIBERY scandal.
20061115             in stabilizing the democratic governments of AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ and in winning the generational struggle that is THE—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20061115             in your professional opinion, if we were to bring in more USA—TROOPS—NOW,
20061115             including KARL—ROVE, "accepting THINGS—OF—VALUE" from Abramoff.
20061115             including 1 signed by PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, that have guided the agency's interrogation + DETENTION—OF—TERROR—SUSPECTS.
20061115             including 1 signed by THE—USA—PRESIDENT, GEORGE—BUSH, that it used as guidelines in the interrogation and IMPRISONMENT—OF—TERRORIST—SUSPECTS.
20061115             indeed they often are the death squads.
20061115             intimacy and poetry + it illustrates the dreadful predicament AMERICA has created in IRAQ,
20061115             is immune from having bad actors in their midst.
20061115             is not to be impeached for his assaults on the Constitution and his war crimes,
20061115             it held the shares of the —AUGUST THYSSEN Bank + also USA—SUBSIDIARIES...
20061115             it is 1—MIXTURE—OF—CHERRY—PICKING, downright misrepresentation + PSEUDO—SCIENTIFIC—GIBBERISH.
20061115             it seems that the demolition order was handed down and executed upon in 1—INORDINATELY expedient manner.
20061115             main SUPPLIER—OF—THE—GERMANY—MILITARY,
20061115             mainly cable and DSL dealers, still haven't brought even 10Mbps to most homes,
20061115             not 1—EFFORT to preserve traditional culture:
20061115             ob für ihn ?das Untertauchen unter Wasser 1—SELBSTVERSTÄNDLICHKEIT?
20061115             of THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION will bear 1—CLOSE—RESEMBLANCE to the old face.
20061115             only 16 % said that they wouldn't blow the whistle again.
20061115             CONTINUE—OR miniaturized for use in the 'microscopic world.'"
20061115             our nation's ALL—VOLUNTEER Army and undermine our national security".
20061115             plans were also made for the 2. son Heinrich.
20061115             PORTLAND imc - 20030000             .04.17 - ISRAEL wants strike on Syria —WHILE iron's hot
20061115             prompting ISRAEL to warn PALESTINE—MILITANTS they would "pay 1—HEAVY—PRICE".
20061115             saubere Entwicklung und Klimawandel,
20061115             saying it would impede commanders in managing USA and IRAQ—FORCES.
20061115             saying that Palestinians are being punished for practicing democracy.
20061115             saying that he "met with EVERY—DIVISIONAL—COMMANDER, GENERAL—CASEY, the core COMMANDER,
20061115             sfux Weitgehendes Schweigen in den Massenmedien KARL—WEISS
20061115             she conducted a "handfasting" ceremony (what we mundane folk call marriage ) on the Battleship MISSOURI.
20061115             so you have to have strong glasses —WHEN you've over 50 and then you —JUST scroll down and click.
20061115             stock data, in this case.
20061115             Using common scripting languages and their COLLECTION—OF—WEB modules,
20061115             suggested THE—GATES ' appointment may be "PART—OF—1—CAREFULLY orchestrated course change.
20061115             suggesting that world oil production will continue to increase for the next —24—YEARS + then only level into 1—PLATEAU.
20061115             that I believed "Loose Change" to be (in impact) 1—CIA—PROPAGANDA—FILM,
20061115             that he would like to see another 20,000—USA—TROOPS in IRAQ.
20061115             —EXPLAINED, As GENERAL—ABIZAID,
20061115             that it will use the phrase "Merry Christmas" in its promotional materials —THIS—YEAR.
20061115             the #2 minority position in the Senate.
20061115             THE—AMSTERDAM city council said —TUESDAY.
20061115             the Iraqis taking responsibility for their own country.
20061115             —LEARNED, Abizaid said, the MadCowMorningNews has, exclusively.
20061115             the core COMMANDER, GENERAL—DEMPSEY, we all talked together.
20061115             And I said, the former national security adviser under BUSH 41—WHO opposed THE—IRAQ war.
20061115             —EXCEEDED, THE—NUMBER—OF—NEW—USERS registering to contribute to the site has, 1,200 —1—DAY,
20061115             then I will never vote Democratic again.
20061115             they have cosponsored MURTHA—RESOLUTION calling for our troops to be "redeployed at the earliest practicable date
20061115             they will help THE—USA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—UNION to keep ENFORCEMENT—OF—THE—CHILDREN—ONLINE—PROTECTION—ACT—OF—19980000              banned.
20061115             this is what I found out by going on there, it —JUST takes your mind and then you live in there forever.
20061115             though they're —NOW bringing fiber to the premises to SOME—RICH/lucky customers.
20061115             to Fritz, to PRESIDENT—GEORGE—HW—BUSH have gained ascendancy in recent weeks.
20061115             trying to gauge whether GATES ' past conciliatory noises on IRAN herald 1—CHANGE in USA—POLICY.
20061115             um ihren Mann, den FRÜHEREN—USA—BOTSCHAFTER—JOSEPH—WILSON, für seine Ablehnung des IRAK—KRIEGES zu bestrafen.Das Justizministerium hat...
20061115             up from 1—AVERAGE—OF—300 to 400—PRIOR to the unblocking.
20061115             —INCREASED, THE—NUMBER—OF—NEW—ARTICLES—POSTED daily has, 75% from THE—WEEK—BEFORE,
20061115             warning that BRITAIN is 'sleepwalking into 1—SURVEILLANCE—SOCIETY',
20061115             we are there + it is 1—DIFFICULT—SITUATION.
20061115             we recognized this truth and confronted serious legal and ethical violations by declaring that those who were PART—OF—THAT had no place in our movement.
20061115             welche 1—VERBESSERUNG—DER—KOOPERATION—DES—MECHANISMUS für umweltverträgliche Entwicklung...
20061115             —WHEN Republicans controlled the Senate.
20061115             whether by design, trick or device, or the sheer...
20061115             —SINCE then, which COAT—TAILED the Military Commissions Act but din't get
20061115             which drove so MANY—ANGRY—PEOPLE to the polls —ON—TUESDAY".
20061115             who has "unearthed MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in waste and fraud
20061115             who must be thrilled at the prospect of 1—DEM controlled Congress.
20061115             who seem inclined simply to gloat over the demise of their archenemy.
20061115             —WANTED, CONTINUE—WHO, him to remain free to cooperate in 1—INVESTIGATION that has threatened to implicate several MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS".
20061115             with JOHN—SHADEGG (R—AZ) for Minority Whip, the #2 minority position in the House.
20061115             with the total —NOW surpassing 100,000, according to the foundation.
20061115             worth up to $4—MILLION, for people left homeless by Katrina have been damaged beyond repair because they were not properly protected.
20061115             you can easily develop Web spiders".
20061115             you have prima facie (PREE—MA FAH—KEE—EH -- honest!) evidence of computerized tampering.
20061115             you know, spying on our subs or doing something with our subs and I was like,
20061115             you know.
20061115             I always read the Drudge Report and it said on there that the Chinese were like,
20061115             — and they were hammered by us for doing that.
20061115             —PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—ALEX discusses the Defense Authorization legislation,
20061115             —PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—COUPLE face —20—YEARS behind bars for "kissing and cuddling" on 1—PLANE as airline insanity flies to new heights
20061115             —PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—DVD rankings zeitgeist for online consumers, give them 1—TASTE—OF—20010911              truth!
20061115             —PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—SOCCER manager Newell slammed, castigated and investigated for daring to criticize 1—FEMALE—OFFICIAL, betrays
20061115             —YESTERDAY, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—WEBSITE featured 1—GRAPHIC with the flags of THE—3—COUNTRIES he's visiting on his trip — SINGAPORE,
20061115             "IRAN—PRESIDENT declared —YESTERDAY that his country's nuclear program was nearing 1—IMPORTANT—MILESTONE ," THE—NYT reports,
20061115             "It is easy for the Iraqis to rely upon to us do this work.
20061115             "It's overwhelming," said ISABELLE—CARRINGTON, "It's 1—TRAGEDY.
20061115             It's like you have nothing.
20061115             "Oh no, he's going to think that's 1—ACT—OF—WAR and then we're going to go over there next".
20061115             "We're for staying the course in IRAQ
20061115             "Within —48—HOURS, 1—NEIGHBOR called and said our house was being torn down.
20061115             "even as INTERNATIONAL atomic inspectors reported that they had found unexplained traces of plutonium and that TEHRAN continued to be so uncooperative
20061115             "looking to burnish his FOREIGN—POLICY—CREDENTIALS.
20061115             "which provides the immense explosive force in nuclear weapons, has 1—USEFUL—LIFESPAN—FAR—LONGER than previously estimated".
20061115             The findings could undermine Bush 's "argument for manufacturing 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—WARHEADS.
20061115             PRESIDENT—BUSH, on his way to ASIA for an —8—DAY—TRIP and Pacific Rim meeting, paid 1—QUICK—CALL on PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN.
20061115             —DISCUSSED, THE—2—PRESIDENTS, THE—IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, the situation in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and nuclear nonproliferation.
20061115             Bush and confirmed that they plan to sign 1—BILATERAL—DEAL—NEXT—WEEK for RUSSIA—ACCESSION to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
20061115             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—POSTMASTER general, that stamps featuring notable persons can —NOW be issued —5—YEARS—AFTER their death rather than the current —10—YEAR—POLICY.
20061115             JACK—ABRAMOFF, FORMER—WASHINGTON lobbyist, began serving a —6-YEAR sentence in MARYLAND for 1—FRAUDULENT—FLORIDA casino deal.
20061115             —FACED, He still, sentencing in 1—CAPITOL—HILL—CORRUPTION—CASE.
20061115             O.J. Simpson caused 1—UPROAR with plans for 1—TV—INTERVIEW and book titled "If I—DID—IT," in which Simpson describes how he would have committed 19940000             —THE slayings of his EX—WIFE, NICOLE—BROWN—SIMPSON, and her friend RONALD—GOLDMAN.
20061115             1—OF 4—USA—SOLDIERS accused of raping a —14—YEAR—OLD—IRAQ—GIRL and killing her and her family pleaded guilty at Fort CAMPBELL—KENTUCKY—SPEC.
20061115             —AGREED, JAMES—P—BARKER, who, to testify against the others, was —LATER sentenced to —90—YEARS in prison.
20061115             —NAMED, Emmitt Smith was, winner of ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" with his professional dance partner, Cheryl Burke.
20061115             USA Airways Group INCORPORATED made an $8—BILLION cash and stock bid for Delta Air Lines INCORPORATED, 1—DEAL that would create 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—CARRIERS.
20061115             —REPEATED, The move came despite Delta's, statements it isn't interested in 1—MERGER.
20061115             —FILTERED, Researchers said heart valves were grown from stem cells, from amniotic fluid.
20061115             † RESEARCHERS, who sequenced DNA from the leg bone of 1—NEANDERTHAL man who 38,—000—YEARS—AGO, said it shows the Neanderthals are truly distant relatives of modern humans who interbred rarely, if at all, with our own immediate ancestors.
20061115             —CONCLUDED, They, that Neanderthals and humans are likely to be 99.5% identical, genetically speaking.
20061115             —AGREED, ALGERIA, to repay ahead of schedule its total debt to GERMANY, 372—MILLION—DOLLARS, due to THE—OIL—RICH—COUNTRY—SURGE in revenues.
20061115             BULGARIA, Bozhidar Doychev, THE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—DEPARTMENT—RESPONSIBLE for COMMUNIST—ERA archives, was found dead at his desk, shot with his own gun.
20061115             —VOTED, Lawmakers had —RECENTLY, to open the archives.
20061115             † PETER—ROBERTS, ENGLAND—CAMPAIGNER for animal welfare.
20061115             —BELIEVED, PETER—ROBERTS, that the best way top secure better treatment for animals would be to have them reclassified as sentient beings.
20061115             —ENSHRINED, This was, in 1—PROTOCOL to 19970000             —THE—TREATY—OF—AMSTERDAM.
20061115             CHINA said that it and INDIA must make "mutual compromises" on the "disputed" issue of Arunachal Pradesh, and that it was ready to do so.
20061115             —DECLARED, CONGO, incumbent JOSEPH—KABILA was, winner of historic presidential elections.
20061115             The electoral commission gave Kabila 58—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE against 42% for Bemba.
20061115             —VOWED, Former rebel leader JEAN—PIERRE—BEMBA, to contest the count.
20061115             Kabila lost to Bemba in 6—OUT—OF—11—PROVINCES.
20061115             ERITREA—PRESIDENT—ISSAIAS—AFEWORKI said the simmering border row between ARCH—FOES ERITREA and ETHIOPIA is a "solved problem".
20061115             —RAIDED, Over 200—GERMANY—POLICE, more than 30—OFFICES—OF—THE engineering and electronics giant Siemens as well as THE—APARTMENTS—OF—SOME—OF—ITS—TOP—MANAGERS in 1—HUGE—EMBEZZLEMENT—PROBE.
20061115             The company was cooperating fully with the investigation.
20061115             IRAQ, sectarian violence left 105—IRAQIS dead, including 2—JOURNALISTS.
20061115             —ABDUCTED, Officials said about 70—OF—THE—PEOPLE, in 1—BRAZEN raid on the offices of the Higher Education Ministry have been released.
20061115             —RELEASED, Ministry spokesman Basil AL—KHATIB said 40—EMPLOYEES were, —YESTERDAY and another 32 were freed —TODAY.
20061115             † 1—CAR—BOMB exploded in 1—PARKING lot in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, killing 8—PEOPLE and wounding 32. 1—USA—SOLDIER, in action in Diyala province.
20061115             1—FLEET—OF—JAPAN—WHALERS set sail for 1—ANNUAL hunt in THE—ANTARCTIC, where they hope to kill 860—WHALES for 1—RESEARCH—PROGRAM that has been heavily criticized by environmentalists and SOME—OTHER nations.
20061115             —RECEIVED, LIBYA—LEADER—MOAMER Kadhafi, assurances from GERMANY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—FRANK—WALTER—STEINMEIER that BERLIN would work to bolster ties with TRIPOLI —WHEN it assumes THE—EU presidency —NEXT—YEAR.
20061115             —ARMED, NIGERIA, 11, men attacked 1—SOUTHERN—OIL—FACILITY owned by 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—ROYAL—DUTCH—SHELL—PLC—WEDNESDAY, leaving 2—ATTACKERS dead.
20061115             —APPROVED, PAKISTAN—LAWMAKERS, 1—WOMEN—RIGHTS—BILL amending harsh Islamic laws on rape and adultery, despite fierce opposition from hardliners who said the change would promote "free sex".
20061115             —AGREED, PAKISTAN—FOREIGN—SECRETARY—SAID—INDIA and PAKISTAN have, on measures to combat terrorism and prevent 1—ACCIDENTAL nuclear conflict in SOUTH—ASIA at the 1. peace talks —SINCE 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK on MUMBAI—TRAIN—NETWORK in July.
20061115             2—PALESTINE—LAWMAKERS from the Islamist group Hamas crossed THE—EGYPT—BORDER into GAZA with more than $4—MILLION in cash, bypassing 1—WESTERN—BAN on bank transfers to THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY.
20061115             1—PALESTINE—ROCKET fired from GAZA exploded near THE—HOME—OF—ISRAEL—DEFENSE—MINISTER, killing 1—WOMAN and raising the prospect of 1—NEW—ISRAEL—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE against militant rocket squads.
20061115             THE—PHILIPPINES, Gregorio "Gringo" Honasan," 1—COUP—FOMENTING former army COLONEL, and SENATOR were arrested —AFTER 1—HOUSE—TO—HOUSE—CHASE on CHARGES—OF—INVOLVEMENT in 1—FEBRUARY plot to overthrow THE—PRESIDENT.
20061115             1—COURT—IN—PALERMO, Sicily, convicted 46—DEPUTIES, confidants and helpers of jailed Mafia boss Bernardo Provenzano, MANY—OF—WHOM helped the former fugitive evade capture, and sentenced them to terms of up to —18—YEARS in prison.
20061115             —SUSPECTED, SOUTH—THAILAND, Islamic militants over the last —2—DAYS shot dead 3—PEOPLE in separate DRIVE—BY shootings, —WHILE 1—SOLDIER was hurt in 1—BOMB—ATTACK.
20061115             —SUSPENDED, TURKEY, military relations with FRANCE in 1—DISPUTE over whether the mass killings of Armenians early in the last —CENTURY amounted to genocide.
20061115             1—UN—REPORT identified 10—AFRICAN and Arab countries, as well as LEBANON—HEZBOLLAH, as arms suppliers to the Islamic militia in SOMALIA.
20061115             VIETNAM, envoys meeting on the sidelines of 1—ASIA—PACIFIC—ECONOMIC—SUMMIT, tried to cobble together 1 united strategy for upcoming talks aimed at convincing NORTH—KOREA to drop its nuclear weapons program.
20061115             democracy': THE—EMIR—OF—QATAR, SHEIK—HAMAD bin Khalifa AL—THANI, —ON—WEDNESDAY criticized the West for boycotting the Hamas government,
20061115             USA.
20061115             Wiederholt ist innerhalb kurzer Zeit angeblich 1—BERICHT verlorengegangen, der wichtige Zeugenhinweise im Zusammenhang mit Festnahmen + Deportationen von...
20061115             The pentacle and THE—PENTAGON—AND THE—WAR—ON—TERROR".
20061115—19750000    —IN, That flag hasn't been the official flag of VIETNAM —SINCE SOUTH—VIETNAM surrendered to NORTH—VIETNAM.
20061115—19800000    —IN—THE, I knew 1—WICCAN priestess who told me that, S,
20061115—19960000    —FROM, Only 3—AUTOMAKERS — Toyota, Ford + DaimlerChrysler — improved the fuel economy of their fleet 20050000             THROUGH.
20061115—19960000    —IN—THE, nearly double the total NUMBER—OF—JUDGES (17) confirmed congressional session,
20061115—19960000    —IN—THE, But 31—JUDICIAL nominees have been approved —THIS—YEAR, nearly double the total NUMBER—OF—JUDGES (17) confirmed congressional session, —WHEN Republicans controlled the Senate.
20061115—19990000    —ROCKED, The most recent, voters in NORTH—CAROLINA ,
20061115—19990000    —ROCKED, The most recent, voters in NORTH—CAROLINA, resulting in THE—SUPERVISOR—OF—ELECTIONS in NORTH—CAROLINA—MECKLENBURG—COUNTY being sent to FEDERAL—PRISON for taking over $130,000 in payoffs from the election company where he was the national sales director.
20061115—20000000    —BY, "This is 1—DAZZLING DEBUNKING—OF—CLIMATE change science. It is also wildly wrong... In keeping with MOST—OF—THE—ARTICLES about climate change in [the —SUNDAY Telegraph], it is 1—MIXTURE—OF—CHERRY—PICKING, downright misrepresentation + PSEUDO—SCIENTIFIC—GIBBERISH. But it has the virtue of being incomprehensible to anyone who is not 1—ATMOSPHERIC—PHYSICIST... As for JAMES—HANSEN, he did not tell THE—USA—CONGRESS that temperatures would rise by 0.3C by THE—END—OF—THE—PAST—CENTURY. He presented 3—POSSIBLE—SCENARIOS to THE—USA—SENATE — high, medium + low. Both the high and low scenarios, he explained, were unlikely to materialise. The middle 1 was 'the most plausible.' As it happens, the middle scenario was almost exactly right. He did not claim, under ANY—SCENARIO, that sea levels would rise by several feet ".
20061115—20010000    —IN, As VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—ELECTION—SOFTWARE & Services (ES&S), GARY—L—GREENHALGH was instrumental in the effort led by SARASOTA County election supervisor Kathy Dent to persuade the County to pay over $4—MILLION for TOUCH—SCREEN—ELECTRONIC voting machines + was then the project manager overseeing their installation.
20061115—20020000    —IN, resigned his post as Minority Leader —AFTER he said THE—USA would have avoided "all these problems" if THEN—SEGREGATIONIST—STROM Thurmond had been elected PRESIDENT 19480000             —IN.
20061115—20020000    —IN, "Baseline has 1—MAJOR—STORY about 1—MAJOR—IT disaster in THE—UK: [Pquotecomma]] THE—ENGLAND
20061115—20020000    —IN, —GOVERNMENT embarked on a $12—BILLION effort to transform its HEALTH—CARE—SYSTEM with information technology.
20061115—20020000    But the country's oversight agency —NOW puts that figure at $24—BILLION + 2—MEMBERS—OF—PARLIAMENT say the project is "sleepwalking toward disaster"... In scale, the project... (NPfIT) is overwhelming.
20061115—20020000    Initiated, the NPfIT is a —10—YEAR—PROJECT to build new computer systems that would connect more than 100,000—DOCTORS, 380,000—NURSES and 50,000—OTHER—HEALTH—CARE—PROFESSIONALS;
20061115—20020000    allow for the electronic storage and RETRIEVAL—OF—PATIENT—MEDICAL—RECORDS;
20061115—20020000    permit patients to set up appointments via their computers;
20061115—20020000    and let doctors electronically transmit prescriptions to local pharmacies.'" 1—INFOWORLD article from —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR sketches SOME—OF—THE—ALL—TIME—GREATEST IT meltdowns.
20061115—20030000    —IN, Ayalon said that 1—USA—MILITARY—OPERATION against TEHRAN would differ substantially from its invasion of IRAQ.
20061115—20030000    —IN, Bush will not hesitate to use force in IRAN: ISRAEL—AMBASSADOR : Ayalon said that 1—USA—MILITARY—OPERATION against TEHRAN would differ substantially from its invasion of IRAQ.
20061115—20061109    —FROM, FOX—NEWS—INTERNAL—MEMO : - Nico - "Be on the lookout for ANY—STATEMENTS from THE—IRAQ—INSURGENTS, who must be thrilled at the prospect of 1—DEM controlled Congress".
20061115—20061109    —FROM, FOX—NEWS—INTERNAL—MEMO :-
20061115—20061110    —ON, "THE—CHINA—HAVE —RECENTLY been allowed to enjoy THE—CHINA—VERSION—OF—WIKIPEDIA —NOW that the ban has been lifted. And the result is 1—EXPLOSION in use —AFTER being banned for —1—YEAR. From the article, "Activity on nonprofit Wikimedia FOUNDATION—CHINESE—WIKIPEDIA site has skyrocketed —SINCE its release, which INTERNET users in CHINA 1. started reporting.
20061115—20061110    —ON, which INTERNET users in CHINA 1. started reporting.
20061115—20061113    —AM, Zur Eröffnung der Klimakonferenz der UNO, hat Generalsekretär KOFI—ANNAN einen Artikel in wichtigen Zeitungen auf der ganzen Welt veröffentlicht, in dem er eindeutig wird: ?
20061115—20080000    —IN, Gallup: Obama —NOW Posing Threat to Hillary -- Giuliani Leads McCain on GOP Side
20061115—20110000    THROUGH—ALGERIA will invest 70% of the saved interest, about 67—MILLION—DOLLARS, 52—MILLION—EUROS, in 1—WATER—SUPPLY—PROJECT for THE—WEST—CITY—OF—TLEMCEN and THE—MAGHNIA—GHAZAOUET region.
20061115—20500000    —BY, 1—CLIMATE—CHANGE—BILL—COMMITS—THE—UK to cut emissions by 60% ,
20061115—20500000    —BY, Climate bill sets carbon target 1—CLIMATE—CHANGE—BILL—COMMITS—THE—UK to cut emissions by 60%, but there is no mention of annual targets.
20061117             - 27k - 20061115             20061121             According to TVEyes, there have been 417—REFERENCES to Simpson 20061115—20061120    —BETWEEN (3:30 PM).
20061121             According to TVEyes, there have been 417—REFERENCES to Simpson 20061115—20061120    —BETWEEN (3:30 PM).
20061128             [ 20061115             ] - S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE:
20061128             [ 20061115             ] - daily bombings + death squads.
20061128             [ 20061115             ]
20061128             [ 20061115             ] - S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE: [ 20061115             ]
20061128             daily bombings + death squads. [ 20061115             ]
20061211—20061115    —MURDERED, The 1. 2, women went missing in the red light DISTRICT—OF—IPSWICH, near THE—EAST—COAST—OF—ENGLAND, and 20061030             respectively.
20070105             profile case, such as 1—AGAINST the illicit trafficker Sarkis Soghanalian + his... on Brokering: adopted 20011115             ,"
20070105             adopted 20011115             ,"
20070310             20070310             20060000             11151120             06—GLOBAL Warming Debunker DEBUNKED—KDAWSON 126+ -... 20061100             Inhofe Attacks CHILDREN—BOOK on Global WARMING—JUDD -...
20070317             Planning for Continuity - 20011115             —LIBRARY Journal
20070415             C L A S S A C T I O N R E P O R T E R—THURSDAY, 20011115             ...
20071003—20071115    —BY, Musharraf designates EX—SPY—CHIEF as new army CHIEF : Musharraf, 1—KEY—USA—ALLY, has said he will step down as head of the powerful army at the latest — provided that he is RE—ELECTED as PRESIDENT in 1—VOTE—ON—SATURDAY.
20071104—20071115    —AM, würde seine Amtszeit als PRÄSIDENT—LAUT—VERFASSUNG enden, dann müsste er neu vereidigt werden.
20071105—20071115    —AROUND, Bernie Kerik Expects INDICTMENT—TALKLEFT: The...
20071105—20071115    —BY, ABC News reports Bernie Kerik is telling friends and his legal team he expects to be indicted on tax and bribery charges, at the latest.
20071115             Den —ANFANG machte 20070101             —IM—STUDIE—DER—INTERNATIONAL—CRISIS—GROUP (ICG), wonach es zu einer Eigenstaatlichkeit des Kosovos "keine akzeptable Alternative" gebe.
20071115             —ANNOUNCED, ExecutiveAction —TODAY, it will hold 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE—ON—WEDNESDAY, 20071114             , at 10:30 a.m. at the National Press Club to release the threat assessment — Spores: THE—THREAT—OF—1—CATASTROPHIC—ANTHRAX—ATTACK on AMERICA.
20071115             "Schieß noch mal, schieß noch mal", sagt 1—DER—POLIZISTEN zu einem Kollegen.
20071115             "Spiegel"-CHEF—STEFAN—AUST geschasst: "Freude auf den Fluren"
20071115             'SUB—PRIME—BLACK—HOLE is getting scarier':
20071115             (Yes, yes it's not 1—FEDERAL—HOLDING pen, but I can dream can't I?)
20071115             30—GEPÄCKSTÜCKE pro 10000000             Passagiere trafen später als ihre Besitzer am Ziel ein.
20071115             Abchasien (in GEORGIEN), Tsche­tschenien (in Rußland), aber auch das Baskenland (in SPANIEN) sowie die UNGARISCHEN—REGIONEN in der Südslowakei und in Westrumänien dasselbe verlangen.
20071115             Abwehr: Militärbischof Mixa für Abschuss von TERROR—JETS
20071115             —AFTER All, These are the Judges Who Put Him in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20071115             Alarmierender Report: Immer mehr arme Kinder
20071115             Angefangen bei —DEM—HEUTE—SCHON fast vergessenen Umstand, daß die erstmalige Zustimmung des Bundestags am 16.
20071115             ANN—COULTER is Named the BuzzFlash Media PUTZ—OF—THE—WEEK, As Nominated by BuzzFlash Reader CLAIRE—OF—MAINE:
20071115             —VERSPÄTET, Bei den, ausgelieferten Koffern landete sie auf dem 24. von 25—PLÄTZEN.
20071115             BERLIN—DIE Wirtschaft boomt, die Arbeitslosigkeit geht ZURÜCK—ABER immer mehr Kinder in DEUTSCHLAND leben in Armut:
20071115             Besonders betroffen sind demnach Kinder aus Einwandererfamilien.
20071115             —WARNED, BLACKSTONE—PRESIDENT, that THE—SUB—PRIME—CRISIS on WALL—STREET was getting "deeper,
20071115             Brigade am UCK—AUFSTAND in MAZEDONIEN teil.
20071115             Dort war er KOMMANDANT—1—EINHEIT aus teilweise ausländischen Gotteskriegern im Raum Tetovo.
20071115             Als diese Formation
20071115             CDU/CSU und FDP hatten, gemeinsam mit der PDS, gegen den Antrag der Bundesregierung gestimmt.
20071115             Can you imagine MISTER—KERIK as 1—INMATE at THE—BERNARD—KERIK—CORRECTIONS—CENTER?
20071115             Coal Industry Sponsoring Tonight?s Democratic Presidential Debate 11/16
20071115             COULTER—ONLY—CORE—BELIEFS relate to THE—ACCUMULATION—OF—WEALTH by engaging in "shock" celebrity punditry.
20071115             —VERMEHRT, Darunter könnten auch, giftige Arten zu finden sein.
20071115             Für den Menschen sei das insofern gefährlich,
20071115             Das Kalkül der USA—HARDLINER hat die FAZ
20071115             Das Kalkül der USA—HARDLINER hat die FAZ 20070900             —J—IM, ganz gut erkannt:
20071115             Das hingegen dürfte eher 1—SCHUTZBEHAUPTUNG sein: Gegenüber —DEM—HEUTE—JOURNAL des ZDF brüstete sich der UCK—KOMMANDANT nämlich
20071115             DAVID—SENTELLE.
20071115             (The 4. BuzzFlash EDITOR—BLOG—ENTRY on the Damage Done to Democracy by —JUST 1—PARTISAN Hack GOP FEDERAL—JUDGE.)
20071115             Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES is threatening layoffs unless Congress passes funding for THE—IRAQ war within days.
20071115             Dem damaligen Bundeskanzler GERHARD—SCHRÖDER war es extrem wichtig,
20071115             Der BUNDESTAG verlängerte —AM—DONNERSTAG ein entsprechendes Mandat mit 414—GEGEN 145—STIMMEN.
20071115             Der Kinderreport DEUTSCHLAND 20070000             ,
20071115             DEUTSCHLAND nehme wegen seiner FAMILIEN—UND Bildungsverarmung im Kreis der Industrienationen eine negative Spitzenstellung ein.
20071115             DEUTSCHLAND—START: YOUTUBE—FILTER schlampt bei NAZI—FILMEN—DIE Emails ist geleakt.
20071115             Und die TSA verteidigt sich wie folgt: "There was no intent to tip off,
20071115             Die GESCHICHTE—DER—DEUTSCHEN—BETEILIGUNG an diesem von WASHINGTON gesteuerten Militäreinsatz ist voller Kuriositäten.
20071115             Die Parade der größten KLIMASÜNDER—DIE Weltuntergangsuhr tickt weiter
20071115             Dieser Xhezair Shaqiri, bekannter unter seinem Kriegsnamen Kommandeur Hoxha,
20071115             —3—TAGE lang brandschatzte 1—MOB—VON—50000 Aufrührern die Wohnstätten und religiösen Heiligtümer der SERBISCHEN—MINDERHEIT.
20071115             Dziekanski stolpert, schreit laut und wälzt sich unter offenbar starken Schmerzen auf dem Boden.
20071115             Ein weiterer Schuss fällt.
20071115             3—DER Beamten halten Dziekanski nieder,
20071115             Ergebnis: —VOR—42—JAHREN war demnach nur jedes 75. Kind unter —7—JAHREN zeitweise oder dauerhaft auf Sozialhilfe angewiesen,
20071115             FEATURING.
20071115             Confronting IRAQ features interviews with, among others,
20071115             Familien werde ein Übermaß an öffentlichen Abgaben abverlangt.
20071115             Fass ohne Boden: IKB braucht neues Geld
20071115             Feingold Targets Immunity For Telecoms in domestic spying 11/16 - Free INTERNET Press
20071115             —DEFENDED, GIULIANI, KERIK, 1—FRIEND and business partner...
20071115             —ASKED, GIULIANI was, at 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE outside the Dubuque County Courthouse whether he still stands by BERNARD—KERIK ,
20071115             Ganz klar, er verlangt von dem Betreiber des Erwerbslosenforums die Herausgabe der persönlichen DATEN—DER—BETREFFENDEN—NUTZER.
20071115             Giuliani Say Kerik Support Was a Mistake
20071115             Gothamist: Indictment Likely For BERNARD—KERIK
20071115             Hintergrund der seltsamen, historisch vielleicht einmaligen Konstellation:
20071115             JONATHAN—SCHELL: Are You With Us -- or Against Us?
20071115             THE—ROAD from WASHINGTON to KARACHI to Nuclear Anarchy -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20071115             —JUST Go to the Annual Federalist Society Conference —TODAY in DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA GEORGE—W—BUSH—WILL be Expressing His Gratitude to Them Tonight.
20071115             Kein Angestellter des Flughafens kümmerte sich um den Mann: "Er suchte Hilfe,
20071115             Kerik : Going down | THE—DAILY—GOTHAM
20071115             KRAFTWERKS—RANKING: Wo die größten Dreckschleudern der Welt STEHEN—KURZ darauf ist ROBERT—DZIEKANSKI tot.
20071115             Libre circulation des personnes : l'Union européenne rappelle les Etats à l'ordre
20071115             —AUFGEHOBEN, Machtkampf in PAKISTAN: Hausarrest für Bhutto
20071115             NATO—DOKUMENTE bezeichnen ihn als Koordinator eines geheimen Netzes,
20071115             Nach ANSICHT—DES—KINDERHILFSWERKS wurzelt die Familienmisere vor allem im DEUTSCHEN—STEUER—UND Sozialsystem.
20071115             —GEWONNEN, —NACHDEM dieser Krieg mit Hilfe der NATO, war, wechselte Xhezair über die Grenze und nahm im Frühjahr 20010000             in der 112.
20071115             Negativrekord: Kinderarmut steigt dramatisch an
20071115             Nur TAP war wiederum sorgloser mit dem Eigentum der Passagiere.
20071115             Die Lufthansa belegt im GEPÄCK—RANKING nur den 16. PLATZ—OF—THE—NEW—YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT.
20071115             Offiziell steht Dziekanskis Todesursache —BIS—HEUTE nicht fest.
20071115             1—AUTOPSIE ergab keinen Hinweis auf Blutalkohol oder Drogen.
20071115             —BEREITET, PKK—KONFLIKT: TÜRKEI, Einsatz im NORD—IRAK VOR—PAKISTAN: Musharraf löst Parlament auf
20071115             —GESCHLOSSEN, SPD und Grüne so, wie möglich in den beginnenden weltweiten "KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR" einzubinden und beide Parteien damit auch für die Zukunft zu verpflichten.
20071115             Schließlich eilen 4—POLIZISTEN herbei.
20071115             Dziekanski dreht ihnen den Rücken ZU—SCHON —25—SEKUNDEN nach ihrem Eintreffen ist der 1. krachende Schuss einer TASER—PISTOLE zu hören.
20071115             Schröder verknüpfte deshalb, ohne wirkliche Notwendigkeit, die Abstimmung über die OEF—TEILNAHME mit der Vertrauensfrage.
20071115             Stelle, nur die Spanair und TAP PORTUGAL waren unpünktlicher.
20071115             —UNDERESTIMATED, Tepco, nuke plant faults
20071115             Terroristen wie Xhezair haben —NACH—DEM Abzug der jugoslawischen und SERBISCHEN—SICHERHEITSKRÄFTE am 10.
20071115             —QUESTIONED, THE—DEMOCRATS who, ATTORNEY—GENERAL nominee MICHAEL—MUKASEY at his recent Senate confirmation hearing outdid 1—ANOTHER.
20071115             THE—USA—ATTORNEY—OFFICE will be asking 1—GRAND—JURY to indict former police commissioner BERNARD—KERIK on tax evasion,
20071115             Top Democrats Balk on Contempt Resolutions 11/16
20071115             Tödlicher TASER—EINSATZ: "Schieß noch mal, schieß noch mal"
20071115             Ungeklärt bleibt, weshalb Dziekanski während seines zehnstündigen Verbleibs auf dem Flughafen niemand half.
20071115             Ungewöhnlicher Dinosaurier: NIGERSAURUS—DER Rasenmäher aus der Kreidezeit
20071115             Von den aufgeführten 28—FLUGLINIEN stand sie bei der Pünktlichkeit an 26.
20071115             Was heißt hier ein paar Terroristen?
20071115             MILLIONEN!!1! TSA warnt ihre Screener vor FAKE—BOMBEN,
20071115             With all the money the Pentagon has, we're sure other cuts can be found.
20071115             Ziercke: die "Terroristen" von Oberschledorn hatten 2,3 Terabyte Daten dabei,
20071115             Zu viert knien die Beamten dann auf dem Mann am Boden, der schließlich verstummt und reglos daliegt.
20071115             als fast 3—VIERTEL der eingeschleppten Spinnen in urbanen Gebieten und in Gebäuden lebten.
20071115             but because 1—TSA official thought the tests might really be 1—AL—QAEDA operation.
20071115             Riiiiiight.
20071115             (Danke, Florian) - corruption, and conspiracy charges
20071115             darker and scarier" —YESTERDAY as THE—USA—PRIVATE—EQUITY—FIRM—POSTED 1—LOSS for the 3. quarter,
20071115             das Angehörige der formell aufgelösten UCK geknüpft haben, —DIE—HEUTE im KOSOVO—SCHUTZKORPS und in der KOSOVO—POLIZEI ihren Dienst verrichten — in Formationen also,
20071115             der immer noch gequälte Schreie von sich gibt.
20071115             Sie versuchen, ihm Handschellen anzulegen.
20071115             die die Polizei —JETZT auswerten muß.
20071115             die von der UN—VERWALTUNG UNMIK und dem NATO—BESATZUNGSKORPS KFOR legalisiert worden sind.
20071115             er hatte Angst, er hat diese Hilfe nicht bekommen", sagte Anwalt WALTER—KOSTECKYJ laut BBC.
20071115             hit by 1—FALL in REAL—ESTATE—REVENUES and charges related to its initial public offering.
20071115             kämpfte 19990000             in der 171. UCK—BRIGADE —ZUNÄCHST gegen die Serben.
20071115             mit denen das GAO periodisch die unterbezahlten Mexikaner von der FLUGHAFEN—SECURITY der TSA testet.
20071115             the —FOLLOWING individuals: JAMES—WOOLSEY;
20071115             FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR... - the former police commissioner who...
20071115             there was no cheating," Hawley insisted.
20071115             He said that THE—E—MAIL was sent not to tip off screeners,
20071115             yAnother Money Market Fund Bailout: This Time BANK—OF—AMERICA:
20071115             —AM, 1—APPELLATE court sentenced him to a €5.000—FINE because he had characterized "THE—JEWS"as "slave traders"—AFTER being attacked in le THÉÂTRE—DE—LA—MAIN d'Or.[93]
20071115             —YESTERDAY, we reported on 1—MONEY—MARKET—FUND—BAILOUT by Wachovia.
20071115             —TODAY, BANK—OF—AMERICA is re
20071115             —DURING 1—FEISTY—DEMOCRATIC—DEBATE in LAS—VEGAS, Hillary Rodham Clinton accused her closest rivals, BARACK—OBAMA and JOHN—EDWARDS, of slinging mud "right out of the Republican playbook" and sharply criticized their records.
20071115             BERKELEY poet ROBERT—HAAS won the National Book Award for his recent collection "Time and Materials".
20071115             —INDICTED, BARRY—BONDS, FORMER—SF Giant, was, on 4—COUNTS—OF perjury and 1—COUNT—OF—OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE related to a 20031200             , grand jury investigation on THE—BALCO steroid ring.
20071115             1 revamped indictment was unsealed last May.
20071115             —COMPLETED, Actress Lindsay Lohan, her jail sentence for drunken driving in 1—SWIFT—84—MINUTES.
20071115             —KILLED, Taliban insurgents in Paktia province, 1—AFGHANISTAN—MAN teaching ENGLAND—COURSES, sparking 1—CLASH that left 2 suspected militants and 2—POLICEMEN—DEAD.
20071115             The bodies of 20—TALIBAN were found on the battlefield —FOLLOWING 1—CLASH in THE—SOUTH—CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—URUZGAN.
20071115             2—POLICEMEN were killed in THE—3—HOURS—OF fighting there, which also involved INTERNATIONAL troops.
20071115             —STORMED, Greenpeace protesters, 1—AUSTRALIA—POWER—PLANT—AFTER 1—USA—REPORT condemned AUSTRALIA—ELECTRICITY—PLANTS as some of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gases.
20071115             15—PROTESTERS were arrested —AFTER they chained themselves to conveyor belts at the Munmorah power plant on THE—CENTRAL—COAST—OF—NEW—SOUTH—WALES state.
20071115             10—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—COASTAL villagers took shelter inland as 1—CYCLONE rapidly approached BANGLADESH—SOUTHWESTERN shores, spawning cold drizzles, strong winds and high waves.
20071115             —KILLED, Tropical Cyclone Sidr, 4234—PEOPLE and left millions homeless.
20071115             2—AMERICANS who deserted THE—USA—ARMY to protest against the war in IRAQ lost their bid for refugee status in CANADA, and THE—CANADA—GOVERNMENT made it clear they were no longer welcome.
20071115             † GENERAL—SERGIO del Valle Jimenez, 1—DOCTOR in Fidel CASTRO—REBEL—ARMY in the late 1950s and army CHIEF—OF—STAFF —DURING 19620000             —THE—CUBA—MISSILE—CRISIS.
20071115             Transport workers shut down most rail traffic in FRANCE for a 2. —DAY, frustrating passengers forced to postpone trips and Parisians who had to walk, bike or skate to work.
20071115             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER rammed his car into 1—POLICE—PATROL in KIRKUK, killing 6—PEOPLE and wounding more than 20.
20071115             Royal HOLLAND—SHELL said 1—MAJOR—PIPELINE feeding 1—OF—ITS 2—MAIN oil export terminals in SOUTH—NIGERIA was attacked and ruptured by unknown assailants.
20071115             —LAUNCHED, Officials said PAKISTAN—TROOPS have, 1—COUNTER—OFFENSIVE against PRO—TALIBAN militants in the northwest, pushing them back into forests and mountains.
20071115             —CALLED, PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS, for the overthrow of GAZA—ISLAMIC—HAMAS rulers.
20071115             HUNDREDS—OF—PALESTINE—BUSINESS—PEOPLE and professionals, led by 1—INFLUENTIAL billionaire, launched 1—NEW—POLITICAL—MOVEMENT, reflecting growing disillusionment with PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS'—FATAH party.
20071115             —REACHED, THE—PHILIPPINES—GOVERNMENT, 1—AGREEMENT with the country's main Islamic separatist group on carving out boundaries for 1—MUSLIM homeland in THE—CONFLICT—RIDDEN south.
20071115             —KILLED, In MANILA 3—SUSPECTS were, and 3 arrested as police raided 1—ISLAMIC—MILITANT hideout near THE—PHILIPPINES legislature.
20071115             SERGEI—STORCHAK, 1—OF—RUSSIA—TOP—AUTHORITIES on INTERNATIONAL financial relations, was detained.
20071115             1—TOP—RUSSIA—GENERAL said that RUSSIA has completed its WITHDRAWAL—OF—TROOPS that had been based in GEORGIA —SINCE THE—SOVIET—COLLAPSE.
20071115             —REMAINED, He said peacekeepers, in Abkhazia along with forces in SOUTH—OSSETIA with the participation of GEORGIA.
20071115             1—TUNISIA—COURT convicted 1—FORMER—PRISONER at THE—USA—PRISON at GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA, on terror charges.
20071115             ABDULLAH—BIN—OMAR, 1—TUNISIA—CITIZEN who spent —5—YEARS at the detention facility in CUBA, was released in June.
20071115             —DELIVERED, UZBEKISTAN, THE—BODY—OF—TAKHIR—NURMUKHAMMEDOV, —42—JAHRE—ALT was, to his family and it was clear he had been brutally tortured.
20071115             —SENTENCED, He was, to —8—YEARS in prison.
20071115             —COMMISSIONED, PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE, the 1. biodiesel production plant in OIL—STARVED ZIMBABWE, vowing that the country would "never collapse".
20071115             ---- The winner will be announced on at —SUMMER Place, once owned by flamboyant and controversial entrepreneur Marino Chiavelli + —SINCE bought by...
20071115             —BEFORE THE—STATUTE—OF—LIMITATIONS expires on- 1—FEDERAL—INDICTMENT against FORMER—NEW—YORK Police commissioner Kerik may come down —ON—FRIDAY with...
20071115             Mukasey and Kerik Haunt RUDY—RUN—FREE Market News Network
20071115             Press Release Archives #332-00 - SWEARS IN BERNARD—KERIK—AS 40TH...
20071115             Confronting Iraq_net FEATURING.
20071115             Confronting IRAQ features interviews with, among others, the —FOLLOWING individuals:
20071115             JAMES—WOOLSEY; FORMER—CIA director.
20071115             —ASKED, Giuliani was, at 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE outside the Dubuque County Courthouse whether he still stands by BERNARD—KERIK, the former police commissioner who...
20071115             —DEFENDED, Free INTERNET Press Giuliani, Kerik, 1—FRIEND and business partner...
20071115             —DECLINED, Giuliani, who also, to comment, still vigorously defends KERIK—PERFORMANCE as police...
20071115             Can you imagine MISTER—KERIK as 1—INMATE at THE—BERNARD—KERIK—CORRECTIONS—CENTER? (Yes, yes it's not 1—FEDERAL—HOLDING pen, but I can dream can't I?)...
20071115             THE—USA—ATTORNEY—OFFICE will be asking 1—GRAND—JURY to indict former police commissioner BERNARD—KERIK on tax evasion, corruption, and conspiracy charges...
20071115             Zwangsversetzung: USA—DIPLOMATEN müssen doch nicht in den IRAK
20071115             Hintergrund der seltsamen, historisch vielleicht einmaligen Konstellation: Dem damaligen Bundeskanzler GERHARD—SCHRÖDER war es extrem wichtig, SPD und Grüne so geschlossen wie möglich in den beginnenden weltweiten "KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR" einzubinden und beide Parteien damit auch für die Zukunft zu verpflichten.
20071115             Als Bestandteil der Politposse durften nach interner Verabredung genau 4—GRÜNE ihrem Gewissen folgen und mit Nein stimmen.
20071115             Würde aus der Provinz KOSOVO ein selbständiger STAAT, so könnten auch Regionen wie Transnistrien (in Moldawien), Abchasien (in GEORGIEN), Tsche­tschenien (in Rußland), aber auch das Baskenland (in SPANIEN) sowie die UNGARISCHEN—REGIONEN in der Südslowakei und in Westrumänien dasselbe verlangen.
20071115             Die ICG wird unter anderem vom USA—AMEREIKANISCHEN Multimilliardär GEORGE—SOROS finanziert.
20071115             Xhezair hatte nach eigenen Angaben die Leitung im Gebiet um PRIZREN und Urosevac inne.
20071115             NATO—DOKUMENTE bezeichnen ihn als Koordinator eines geheimen Netzes, das Angehörige der formell aufgelösten UCK geknüpft haben, —DIE—HEUTE im KOSOVO—SCHUTZKORPS und in der KOSOVO—POLIZEI ihren Dienst verrichten — in Formationen also, die von der UN—VERWALTUNG UNMIK und dem NATO—BESATZUNGSKORPS KFOR legalisiert worden sind.
20071115             Daneben verdächtigt die NATO den Mann guter Kontakte zu AL—QAIDA und zur Hisbollah.
20071115             Der BND gab den Sachverhalt zu, betonte jedoch, man habe Xhezair EINIGE—WOCHEN vor den Pogromen als Informanten "abgeschaltet".
20071115             Vielleicht läßt sich die jüngste GESCHICHTE—DES—KOSOVO ganz gut mit dem Werdegang eines wichtigen UCK—KOMMANDEURS illustrieren.
20071115             Dieser Xhezair Shaqiri, bekannter unter seinem Kriegsnamen Kommandeur Hoxha, kämpfte 19990000             in der 171. UCK—BRIGADE —ZUNÄCHST gegen die Serben.
20071115             —GEWONNEN, —NACHDEM dieser Krieg mit Hilfe der NATO, war, wechselte Xhezair über die Grenze und nahm im Frühjahr 20010000             in der 112. Brigade am UCK—AUFSTAND in MAZEDONIEN teil.
20071115             Neben Xhezair und seinen Mudschahedin befanden sich auch 17—USA—MILITÄRBERATER des Pentagon unter den Geretteten.
20071115             USA—KABELANBIETER Comcast wegen FILESHARING—BLOCKADE verklagt
20071115             UNO mit klarer Mehrheit für Stopp aller Hinrichtungen
20071115             Sorgen um Kreditkrise drücken USA—Börsen ins Minus
20071115             DEUTSCHER—GENERAL bestätigt Foltervorwürfe
20071115             Ziercke: die "Terroristen" von Oberschledorn hatten 2,3 Terabyte Daten dabei, die die Polizei —JETZT auswerten muß.
20071115             Wow, sportlich. Was heißt hier ein paar Terroristen?
20071115             MILLIONEN!!1! TSA warnt ihre Screener vor FAKE—BOMBEN, mit denen das GAO periodisch die unterbezahlten Mexikaner von der FLUGHAFEN—SECURITY der TSA testet.
20071115             Die Emails ist geleakt.
20071115             Und die TSA verteidigt sich wie folgt: "There was no intent to tip off, there was no cheating," Hawley insisted.
20071115             He said that THE—E—MAIL was sent not to tip off screeners, but because 1—TSA official thought the tests might really be 1—AL—QAEDA operation.
20071115             Riiiiiight. (Danke, Florian)
20071115             —NUN, was tut der STAAT, mit dem Rücken zur Wand, wenn die Bürger mit dem selbständigen Denken anfangen?
20071115             —AUFGEHOBEN, Machtkampf in PAKISTAN: Hausarrest für BHUTTO—PAKISTAN: Musharraf löst Parlament auf
20071115             If You Want to Meet THE—MEMBERS—OF—THE—VAST—RIGHT—WING—FEDERAL—JUDICIARY—CLUB, —JUST Go to the Annual Federalist Society Conference —TODAY in DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA GEORGE—W—BUSH—WILL be Expressing His Gratitude to Them Tonight.
20071115             ANN—COULTER is Named the BuzzFlash Media PUTZ—OF—THE—WEEK, As Nominated by BuzzFlash Reader CLAIRE—OF—MAINE: COULTER—ONLY—CORE—BELIEFS relate to THE—ACCUMULATION—OF—WEALTH by engaging in "shock" celebrity punditry.
20071115             Nentwig und seine Kollegen glauben, dass der Klimawandel in EUROPA bald auch für subtropische Spinnen besser geeignete Lebensräume schaffen könnte.
20071115             "Für die nahe Zukunft prognostizieren wir die Ansiedlung von mindestens einer fremden Spinnenart pro —JAHR in EUROPA", erklärte Nentwig.
20071115             Für den Menschen sei das insofern gefährlich, als fast 3—VIERTEL der eingeschleppten Spinnen in urbanen Gebieten und in Gebäuden lebten.
20071115             Die Einflüsse, die der neue Artenreichtum auf Ökosysteme hat, sind nach ANGABEN—DER—FORSCHER noch weitgehend unbekannt.
20071115             Besonders dramatisch haben sich laut Kinderhilfswerk die HARTZ—IV—GESETZE vor knapp —3—JAHREN auf die Situation der Kinder ausgewirkt:
20071115             Von den aufgeführten 28—FLUGLINIEN stand sie bei der Pünktlichkeit an 26. Stelle, nur die Spanair und TAP PORTUGAL waren unpünktlicher.
20071115             Die Lufthansa belegt im GEPÄCK—RANKING nur den 16. Platz
20071115             "Es ist nur eines von mehreren Beweismitteln, die Perspektive nur eines Menschen".
20071115             Kein Angestellter des Flughafens kümmerte sich um den Mann: "Er suchte Hilfe, er hatte Angst, er hat diese Hilfe nicht bekommen", sagte Anwalt WALTER—KOSTECKYJ laut BBC.
20071115             3—DER Beamten halten Dziekanski nieder, der immer noch gequälte Schreie von sich gibt.
20071115             Wenig später sagt 1—STIMME "Code Red", womit ein medizinischer Notfall bezeichnet wird.
20071115             Kurz darauf ist ROBERT—DZIEKANSKI tot.
20071115             —BEREITET, PKK—KONFLIKT: TÜRKEI, Einsatz im NORD—IRAK vor
20071115             Atomstreit: IAEA sieht verbesserte Zusammenarbeit mit IRAN
20071115             Kriegsfolgen: USA—ARMEE beklagt mehr VETERANEN—SELBSTMORDE als Gefallene im IRAK
20071115             MUSLIM—MAPPING in LOS—ANGELES: Die kartografierte PSEUDO—GEFAHR
20071115             Folge der Globalisierung: Exotische Spinnen erobern EUROPA
20071115             'SUB—PRIME—BLACK—HOLE is getting scarier' : BLACKSTONE—PRESIDENT warned that THE—SUB—PRIME—CRISIS on WALL—STREET was getting "deeper, darker and scarier" —YESTERDAY as THE—USA—PRIVATE—EQUITY—FIRM—POSTED 1—LOSS for the 3. quarter, hit by 1—FALL in REAL—ESTATE—REVENUES and charges related to its initial public offering.
20071115             —REPORTED, —YESTERDAY, we, on 1—MONEY—MARKET—FUND—BAILOUT by Wachovia.
20071115             —TODAY, BANK—OF—AMERICA is reporting that it is bailing out SOME—OF—ITS—MONEY—MARKET—FUNDS.
20071115             —WARNED, PAKISTAN warns against nuclear weapons grab : PAKISTAN, —MONDAY it had sufficient "retaliatory capacity" to defend its nuclear weapons, —AFTER 1—REPORT—THE—USA had made contingency plans to stop them falling into the wrong hands.
20071115             WASHINGTON Stirs a WITCH—BREW in PAKISTAN
20071115             Anyone who still wonders why so MANY—PEOPLE in the Muslim World hate the west needs look no further than PAKISTAN, where, in the name of "democracy" and "COUNTER—TERRORISM" WASHINGTON and LONDON are stirring 1—WITCHES' BREW—OF—DICTATORSHIP, intrigue and violence.
20071115             1—NATION on borrowed time
20071115             —ON—MONDAY, ASIA—STOCK—MARKETS took another drubbing on fears that the credit squeeze which began in THE—USA would continue to worsen in the months ahead.
20071115             EVERY—INDEX from TOKYO to Sidney fell sharply continuing the "SELF—REINFORCING" vicious CYCLE—OF—LOSSES started —LAST—WEEK on WALL—STREET.
20071115             —ACCUSED—OF, USA, ignoring crisis for 4.5—MILLION displaced Iraqis: THE—USA—GOVERNMENT is "unforgivably slow" in resettling IRAQ—REFUGEES and has failed to coordinate with its Arab allies to address the suffering of 1 estimated 4.5—MILLION displaced Iraqis, according to 1—REPORT released —TUESDAY by 1—LEADING—WASHINGTON—BASED refugee advocacy group.
20071115             COST—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ could reach $3.5—TRILLION : "THE—JOINT—ECONOMIC—REPORT shows that THE—PRESIDENT—IRAQ strategy will cost USA—TAXPAYERS trillions.
20071115             —BORROWED, THE—PRESIDENT—WAR is paid for with, money from foreign countries, and our children and grandchildren will have to foot the bill.
20071115             1.8—MILLION veterans lack health coverage:
20071115             —UNINSURED, Of THE—47—MILLION, Americans, 1 in every 8 or 12.2—PERCENT is 1—VETERAN or MEMBER—OF—1—VETERAN—HOUSEHOLD, according to 1—STUDY by Harvard Medical School researchers
20071115             Home prices to keep sliding with no bottom in sight : THE—USA—HOUSING market's skid is nowhere near over and could extend for another 5 or even —10—YEARS, according to 1—OF—THE—MOST—WATCHED housing economists.
20071115             —NOW, why would the state department inspector general run interference on efforts to investigate the Blackwater mercenaries for gun running?
20071115             Why, oh why? IRAQ, THE—SILENCE—OF—THE—LAMBS
20071115             "I would like to agree with the idea that violence in IRAQ has decreased and that everything is fine," retired general Waleed AL—UBAIDY told Inter Press Servce (IPS) in BAGHDAD.
20071115             "But the truth is far more bitter. All that has happened is 1—DRAMATIC—CHANGE in the demographic map of IRAQ".
20071115             Virtually everything that Bush correctly gets condemnation for could have been prevented or negated by Democrats, if they had had courage, conviction and commitment to maintaining THE—RULE—OF—LAW and obedience to the Constitution.
20071115             —ASKED, The question Americans, in the immediate aftermath of the horror of 20010911             was "Why do they hate us?" And in MANY—USA—MINDS the "they" of the question were not only the violent Islamic fundamentalists who, according to the official VERSION—OF—EVENTS, were solely responsible for bringing down the Twin Towers, but Arabs and Muslims EVERYWHERE—ABOUT 1—QUARTER—OF humankind.
20071115             THE—LOBBY—BY—PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS—THAT the vast MAJORITY—OF—AMERICANS know nothing of this is testimony to THE—POWER—OF—THE—ISRAEL—LOBBY.
20071115             Saying NO to the Hunters of Atzmon - 1—INTRODUCTION by Gilad Atzmon:
20071115             The —FOLLOWING is another shocking glimpse into THE—ACTIVITY—OF—THE—ZIONIST—ADL within THE—PALESTINE—SOLIDARITY—MOVEMENT.
20071115             Latin AMERICA—SHOCK—RESISTANCE
20071115             In less than —2—YEARS, the lease on the largest and most important USA—MILITARY—BASE in Latin AMERICA will run out.
20071115             The base is in MANTA—ECUADOR, and RAFAEL—CORREA, the country's leftist PRESIDENT, has pronounced that he will renew the lease "on 1—CONDITION: that they let us put 1—BASE in MIAMI—AN ECUADOR—BASE. If there is no problem having foreign soldiers on 1—COUNTRY—SOIL, surely they'll let us have 1—ECUADOR—BASE in THE—USA".
20071115             CANADA—POT only accounts for perhaps 3—PERCENT of all marijuana in THE—USA—MARKET, it commands 1—STRONG—PRESENCE in border states such as MONTANA.
20071115             Another Brazen Bush WHITE—HOUSE—LIE That is Barely 1—BLIP on the Screen of the Mainstream Media: "But —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH—DAMON—POETER wrote for 1—ONLINE marketing trade publication, ChannelWeb Network: "—WHEN Congress asked about 5—MILLION—EXECUTIVE—BRANCH E—MAILS that went missing, 1—WHITE—HOUSE—LAWYER pointed the finger at 1—OUTSIDE—IT contractor.
20071115             "The only problem? No such IT contractor exists, according to sources close to the investigation of 1—POSSIBLE—VIOLATION—OF—THE—FEDERAL—RECORDS and Presidential Records acts"".
20071115             BUSH—LEGACY—OF—DEATH: 120—USA—WAR veteran suicides a —WEEK 11/15
20071115             House Passes Yet Another Toothless IRAQ War Funding Bill.
20071115             ANTI—BUSH—SIGN Held Up by Champion USA—WOMEN—BRIDGE—PLAYERS—BECOMES the Latest TARGET—OF—RIGHT—WING Efforts to Suppress Free Speech
20071115             The 'Ugly Rumor' is true: STATE—DEPARTMENT—INSPECTOR—GENERAL—HOWARD—KRONGARD —NOW admits his brother, FORMER—CIA—EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR A.B. 'Buzzy' Krongard, does sit on Blackwater USA?s BOARD.
20071115             —REVEALED, —WHEN REPRESENTATIVE—HENRY—WAXMAN (D—CA), that fact, HOWARD—KRONGARD indignantly denied it -- at 1., that is.
20071115             2—GEORGE—W—BUSH—DOG—BISCUITS -- Let Your Dog Take 1—BITE OUT—OF—BUSH !
20071115             SIDNEY—BLUMENTHAL—PENS—LAST—COLUMN on THE—NECESSITY—OF—RIGHT—WINGERS Promoting Bush as an "Infallible Leader".
20071115             Sid, Whom BuzzFlash Has Come to Know and Appreciate, is Joining the Clinton Campaign as 1—SENIOR—ADVISOR.
20071115             He Served as HILLARY—CHIEF—COMMUNICATIONS and Media Strategist —PRIOR—TO and —DURING the Impeachment Years.
20071115             BEST—OF—LUCK to Sid.
20071115             Chemical/Biological warfare and the neocons In the comments to 1—STORY below, 1—HELPFUL—READER—DIRECTS our attention to Laura ROZEN—STORY about the latest hijinx of NEIL—LIVINGSTON, the security expert whose name you may recall from the bad old DAYS—OF—IRAN—CONTRA.
20071115             Those CIVIC—MINDED folks at Executive Action —NOW want to warn us of the anthrax problem.
20071115             At the press conference will be:
20071115             Professor Yonah ALEXANDER—SENIOR—FELLOW at the Homeland Security Policy Institute at GEORGE—WASHINGTON—UNIVERSITY—AND—AUTHOR—OF—MORE than 90—BOOKS on terrorism and INTERNATIONAL affairs.
20071115             —HEADQUARTERED, DAVID—WRIGHT — CEO—OF—PHARMATHENE, 1—BIODEFENSE company, in Annapolis.
20071115             Sound familiar? Scroll down 1—FEW posts —UNTIL you get to THE—1—ABOUT DOCTOR—JILL—DEKKERS, the very odd CBW scientist who spoke at the intelligence conference put together by JOHN—LOFTUS.
20071115             Bottom line: SHE—TRYING to convince the world that IRAN and Syria are getting ready to unleash WMDs, 1—SONG we've heard —BEFORE.
20071115             ENGLAND, kümmert sich die Polizei nur noch um Kleinkriminelle, weil sie mit den richtigen Kriminellen ihre Fangquoten nicht erfüllen können.
20071115             1—GLÜCK, dass sowas hier VÖLLIG undenkbar wäre!1!!
20071115             —JETZT hat das BKA endlich auch mal den Spiegel abgehört.
20071115             Man sollte denken, für den Spiegel ist das Anlaß für einen Aufruf zur Revolution, aber stattdessen machen sie sich über die Rechtschreibung des Protokolls lustig.
20071115             Nicht zu fassen.
20071115             Related STORIES—MOBILE—NETWORKS: the state's new bloodhounds?
20071115             Die Briten wenden ihr RÜCK—DEN—KRYPTO—KEY—RAUS Gesetz erstmalig an.
20071115             Gegen Terroristen? AL—KAIDA? Osama persönlich?
20071115             Die Mafia? Nein, gegen 1—TIERRECHTE—AKTIVISTIN.
20071115             Netter Bonus: sie hat gar nicht verschlüsselt!
20071115             Daneben enthält das Buch auch sehr detaillierte Anweisungen zu Alltagsablauf in GUANTANAMO.
20071115             Wie etwa, dass neue Müllcontainer benutzt werden sollen, wenn alte voll sind.
20071115             Preisschub: Strom, Sprit und Lebensmittel treiben Inflation nach oben
20071115             INTERNET: Handbuch für den Umgang mit Gefangenen in GUANTANAMO aufgetaucht
20071115             Das Berliner Unternehmen C. Lorenz hatte Hitlers Generälen einen Codierapparat gebaut, dessen Funkbotschaften damals nach menschlichem Ermessen kaum zu knacken waren.
20071115             Weitaus komplexer und leistungsfähiger noch als der berühmtere ENIGMA—APPARAT war die Lorenzmaschine.
20071115             Diesen Vorsprung durch Technik verstolperte jedoch ein unachtsamer DEUTSCHER—FUNKER, der kurz hintereinander dieselbe Nachricht SENDETE—ALLERDINGS geringfügig um wenige Buchstaben verändert.
20071115             Dieser Fehler reichte den BRITISCHEN—CODEKNACKERN, um das System der Lorenzmaschine zu entlarven.
20071115             Weil an dem hochgeheimen Ort einst kaum jemand wusste, was hinter der nächsten Tür geschah, sorgte das von Sale einberufene Veteranentreffen für bizarre Momente.
20071115             Ältere Ladys erblickten ihre Ehemänner und waren verblüfft: "Was, du auch hier?"
20071115             Actueel nieuws: Shady (24)
20071115             Dochter VAN Teunis VAN Wettum, een opkomende vastgoedmagnaat die ondermeer als baasje VAN de BANK—VOOR—DE—BOUWNIJVERHEID optrad.
20071115             En je wil het niet geloven, maar Teunis had als. FOLLOWUP—KLEINTJE Actueel
20071115             En je wil het niet geloven, maar Teunis had als... Zwischengespeicherte Seite Anzeigen weiterer Ergebnisse von Huijskens & Istha Column
20071115             Teunis VAN Wettum, MEDE—EIGENAAR VAN de BANK—VOOR—DE—BOUWNIJVERHEID vergaarde een vermogen VAN naar schatting 1,3 miljard gulden in het vastgoed zonder dat hij ooit in de pers...
20071115             Krise in PAKISTAN: USA—REGIERUNG lässt Musharraf fallen
20071115             Benzinpreis: Deutsche wollen ab 1,50 Euro auf die Bahn umsteigen
20071115             Geheimdienstkontrolle: FDP—POLITIKER fordert Reform des Kontrollgremiums
20071115             AFGHANISTAN: BUNDESTAG stimmt für Verlängerung des OEF—MANDATS
20071115             PAKISTAN: Bhutto und Sharif schließen Bündnis gegen Musharraf
20071115             Teurer Rohstoff: Warum der 100- DOLLAR—ÖLPREIS 1—SEGEN ist
20071115             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Verschwörung, Umsturz, Staatsstreich"
20071115             Die Explosion IM—MURDER by Injection - - WWII.
20071115             —AFTER 24—GERMANY—EXECUTIVES were prosecuted by the victors, ALL—OF—THEM connected with IG Farben, including 11—OFFICERS—OF—IG.
20071115             Ghaith Pharaon: Definition and Much More from Answers_com Ghaith Pharaon FBI wanted poster for Ghaith R. Pharaon Ghaith Rashad Pharaon,
20071115             (b.... Pharaon has been identified as 1—RECENT—PLAYER in the informal money -...
20071115             Osteuropa: Polizei warnt vor Wegfall der Grenzkontrollen
20071115             Irakkrieg: Repräsentantenhaus verlangt sofortigen Beginn des Truppenabzugs
20071115             In welcoming Mukasey as the new AG, Bush takes the opportunity to praise ALBERTO—GONZALES, calling Gonzales 1—MAN—OF 'integrity' and 'decency.' Must be opposite —DAY.
20071115             Why would someone pay decent money to go to the Creation Museum? -- from the Last Chance Democracy Cafe
20071115             DAN—FROOMKIN: Where Are THE—E—MAILS? 'Why is it taking WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS so long to restore MILLIONS—OF—DELETED—E—MAILS from the backup tapes they claim to have?
20071115             THE—E—MAILS in question date 20030300—20051000    —FROM—TO -- 1—CRUCIAL—PERIOD that includes THE—IRAQ invasion, 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION and Hurricane Katrina.' 11/15
20071115             It's understandable that on their own, Georgians are praying for rain.
20071115             They need rain badly.
20071115             And praying on your own is true FREEDOM—OF—RELIGION, 1—OF—OUR precious freedoms.
20071115             But —WHEN GEORGIA—GOVERNOR—SONNY—PERDUE (yes, 1—REPUBLICAN) stepped up to 1—PODIUM outside THE—STATE—CAPITOL and led 1—SOLEMN crowd of several 100—PEOPLE in 1—PRAYER for rain, this is why we have SEPARATION—OF—CHURCH and state.
20071115             Katie Couric, Collar Up or Collar Down (Video).
20071115             Is This for Real? Looks Like Someone Leaked 1—OUTTAKE.
20071115             Hysterical.
20071115             BradBlog: As Fox 'News' Anchor Sputters and Fumes, MISS—NBC—FACT—CHECKS—O'REILLY—CLAIM—ABOUT—CHANCES—OF—FDR 'Incarcerating' Cuban for Producing 1—FILM 11/15
20071115             Ousted CitiGroup HEAD—LOST $64—BILLION But Still Received $12.5—MILLION On Leaving -- VERSE—CASE—SCENARIO by TONY—PEYSER
20071115             Diplomatische Krise: Chávez stellt Beziehungen zu SPANIEN in Frage
20071115             Die DEUTSCHE—PREMIERE des Musicals Wicked – Die Hexen von Oz findet im PALLADIUM—THEATER des SI—CENTRUMS in STUTTGART statt.
20071115             ZYKLON—SIDR trifft BANGLADESCH mit 1—WINDGESCHWINDIGKEIT—VON—215—KM/h. Mindestens 3.447—MENSCHEN kommen ums Leben.
20071115—19650000    —SEIT, Der Kinderreport DEUTSCHLAND 20070000             , den das Kinderhilfswerk —HEUTE vorstellte, untersucht die Kinderarmut.
20071115—19990610    —AM, Terroristen wie Xhezair haben —NACH—DEM Abzug der jugoslawischen und SERBISCHEN—SICHERHEITSKRÄFTE das KOSOVO in 1—TODESZONE für ALLE—NICHT—ALBANER verwandelt.
20071115—20010000    —SEIT, Mehr als 150—TODESFÄLLE weltweit hat die Bürgerrechtsorganisation AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL gezählt.
20071115—20010600    —IM, Als diese Formation von der MAZEDONISCHEN—ARMEE bei Aracinovo eingekesselt war, wurde sie von der USA—ARMEE ausgeflogen.
20071115—20011116    —AM, Angefangen bei —DEM—HEUTE—SCHON fast vergessenen Umstand, daß die erstmalige Zustimmung des Bundestags mit 336—JA—STIMMEN gegen 326—NEIN—STIMMEN denkbar knapp ausfiel.
20071115—20020400    —ARRESTED, Nurmukhammedov was, and CONVICTED—OF—MEMBERSHIP in HIZB—UT Tahrir, 1—BANNED—ISLAMIC sect, and of plotting to overthrow the government.
20071115—20030000    —SCHON 18—MENSCHEN nach TASER—1ÄTZEN gestorben sind.
20071115—20030000    Mehr als 150—TODESFÄLLE weltweit hat die Bürgerrechtsorganisation AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL
20071115—20040300    —IM, UCK, CIA und BND —DATE war Xhezair zurück im KOSOVO und führte ein antiserbischen Pogrom an.
20071115—20041100    —IM, Das hingegen dürfte eher 1—SCHUTZBEHAUPTUNG sein: Gegenüber —DEM—HEUTE—JOURNAL des ZDF brüstete sich der UCK—KOMMANDANT nämlich damit, "auf der Gehaltsliste des BND, der CIA und eines ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—GEHEIMDIENSTES" zu stehen.
20071115—20050000    —SEIT, jagte ein tendenziöser Expertenbericht den nächsten.
20071115—20060000    war es jedes 6. Kind.
20071115—20060000    —BEDEUTET, Das, dass sich die materielle Armut von Kindern etwa alle —10—JAHRE verdoppelt habe.
20071115—20070900    —IM, Das Kalkül der USA—HARDLINER hat die FAZ ganz gut erkannt: "Jedenfalls ist die Zukunft des KOSOVO 1—KEIL, der (einen Teil der) Europäer und Amerikaner auseinandertreibt, denn Wa­shington steht im Verdacht, die KOSOVO—ALBANER in deren Unabhängigkeitsfuror noch anzufeuern. Und dieser Keil fährt zwischen die Europäer mit einer Wucht, die es, was die Außenpolitik betrifft, —SEIT dem inneren Zerwürfnis wegen der AMERIKANISCHEN—IRAK—POLITIK nicht mehr gegeben hat".
20071115—20071116    Würde aus der Provinz KOSOVO ein selbständiger STAAT, so könnten auch Regionen wie Transnistrien (in Moldawien),
20071115—20071119    —REVEALED, Investigators, details in THE—ARREST—OF—THE—DEPUTY—FINANCE—MINISTER who allegedly tried to embezzle $43—MILLION in budget funds.
20071116             CiteULike: —TAG stigmergy —POSTED to ai SELF—ORGANIZATION stigmergy by nettraq on 20041115170958        along with 8—OTHER—PEOPLE—WEB2 Blog_and_Wiki_Research HST—BMI MGH—LCS...
20071119—20071115    —FROM—THE, The death toll cyclone in BANGLADESH passed 3,100, and officials said that number could reach 10,000 once rescuers get to outlying islands.
20071221—20071115    —AM, Mit der Deklaration über die Rechte der Völker Rußlands löste die Sowjetmacht ein weiteres wesentliches Versprechen der Revolu­tion ein.
20080000—20151115    —SEIT—0—PFUND KÖRPERSCHAFT—STEUER hat die Kette Caffè NERO in GROß—BRITANNIEN gezahlt — bei UM—SÄTZEN von in Summe 1,2—MILLIARDEN Pfund.
20080415             200109111558         ... 20080415             STOCK—CHANNEL_NET—DAS FINANZPORTAL—SPIONAGE & KOMPLOTTE—DIE.
20081023             Held EVERY— —2—YEARS, ASEM has no mandate to issue decisions, but participants hope it will produce SOME—DEGREE—OF consensus ahead of a 20081115             MEETING—OF—THE—WORLD—TOP—ECONOMIES in WASHINGTON to discuss the worst financial crisis —SINCE the 1930s.
20081102—20081115    —AM, Die G20 trifft sich auf Einladung Bush s in WASHINGTON, um über die Turbulenzen an den Finanzmärkten zu beraten.
20081109—20081115    —VOM—AN, soll die Sonde den Mond in 100—KILOMETERN Höhe umkreisen und Bilder sowie Daten zur Erde schicken.
20081115             "Es gibt noch mehr zu tun, und es steht in der Tat viel auf dem Spiel", sagte er.
20081115             "ALLE—FINANZMÄRKTE, Finanzprodukte und Finanzmarktteilnehmer einer Regulierung oder angemessenen Überwachung unterworfen werden".
20081115             - Selbstkritik der Politik inklusive: Außer den Banken hätten auch die Regierungen und die Finanzaufsicht nicht in angemessener Weise auf die Krise reagiert.
20081115             Atomdeal: Iraner fordert Schadensersatz von Siemens
20081115             AUFGABEN—BESPITZELUNGSAFFÄRE: Bsirske wirft Telekom STASI—METHODEN vor
20081115             Bush cites progress at world economic summit
20081115             Bush warnt vor Eingriffen in das Finanzsystem"
20081115             Das Dokument soll bei dem Gipfel im Laufe —DIESES—SAMSTAGS verabschiedet werden.
20081115             Dem Bericht zufolge soll darin auf jeden Fall die Forderung festgehalten werden, dass
20081115             Dieses Prinzip einer lückenlosen Kontrolle solle global und auch für die Staaten gelten.
20081115             Economic summit in WASHINGTON is likely only a 1. step to new rules to prevent financial meltdown and market mayhem.
20081115             —BY—DAVID—ELLIS, Money.
20081115             Experts See Financial Crisis Causing Security Risks
20081115             Gipfel in WASHINGTON: Wirtschaftsmächte streben weitgehende KONTROLLE—DES—FINANZSYSTEMS an
20081115             Lacher des Tages: Die Democrats schicken 1—MEMO ans Weisse Haus,
20081115             Mineralien und Gesteine auf dem Mond zu orten und zu identifizieren.
20081115             Mit an Bord ist auch DEUTSCHE—TECHNIK: 1—INFRAROTSPEKTROMETER vom MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT für Sonnensystemforschung im niedersächsischen KATLENBURG—LINDAU soll dazu dienen,
20081115             Nach ERDWÄRME—BOHRUNG: 1—STADT zerreißt
20081115             Pessimistische Prognose: Struck will Wirtschaftsweise abschaffen
20081115             Und so erfüllt sich an BUSH mal wieder die alte Maxime: niemand ist völlig wertlos -- er kann immer noch als schlechtes Beispiel dienen.
20081115             Wer schuld an all dem hat, ist noch nicht klar.
20081115             Klar aber ist: Den Grund unter Staufen wieder sicher zu bekommen, wird teuer.
20081115             Sehr teuer.
20081115             World Leaders Work to End Economic TURMOIL—WORLD leaders confront global crisis
20081115             auch der Klimawandel und
20081115             dass die doch mal bitte die Akten nicht shreddern sollen -- insbesondere Cheney.
20081115             der internationalen Gemeinschaft gehörten.
20081115             der zufolge neben dem Kampf gegen Terrorismus und ARMUT—DIE Energiesicherheit
20081115             laut dpa hat die Bundesregierung zumindest 1—PASSAGE durchgesetzt, zu wichtigen
20081115             — TILLEd to THIS—DAY by HORSE—DRAWN plouenglis, the rolling pastures of rural BULGARIA have long been known for their cheap wines, strong tobaccos...
20081115             G20 leaders ended a —2—DAY—ECONOMIC—SUMMIT in WASHINGTON.
20081115             —RELEASED, They, 1—JOINT—COMMUNIQUE covering 8—PAGES and 47—ACTION items, with 1—OVERARCHING focus to establish 1—SERIES—OF—NEW safeguards for the fragile and opaque global financial system.
20081115             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, the Triangle Complex broke out in CORONA and ORANGE counties.
20081115             —COVERED, The fire soon, 10,475 acres and damaged or destroyed 119—RESIDENCES.
20081115             —KILLED, NORTH—CAROLINA, tornadoes, 2—PEOPLE.
20081115             —SURROUNDED, Officers, 1—SUSPECT, who was on foot, and the man detonated the explosives on his body.
20081115             —INJURED, THE—WOULD—BE attacker †, but no 1—ELSE was.
20081115             Also in Khost province, coalition and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS detained 1—MILITANT—LEADER—OF—THE—NETWORK led by THE—AFGHANISTAN—INSURGENT—LEADER—JALALUDDIN Haqqani.
20081115             —KILLED, Coalition forces accidentally, 1—CIVIL—DURING 1—CLASH with insurgents in Zabul province.
20081115             —KILLED, The civilian was, —WHEN 1—GRENADE fired by coalition forces overshot its target.
20081115             30—INSURGENTS were killed —DURING 1—CLASH with USA—LED coalition troops in Helmand province.
20081115             —KILLED, EAST—PAKTIA, province's Zurmat district coalition troops, 5—AL—QAIDA—ASSOCIATED insurgents and nabbed 8, including 1—MILITANT—LEADER accused of helping the Taliban move and train Arab and other foreign fighters into AFGHANISTAN.
20081115             † Colour SERGEANT—KRISHNABAHADUR—DURA, —36—JAHRE—ALT, from 2. Battalion the Royal Gurkha Rifles, was killed —AFTER 1—EXPLOSION in THE—MUSA—QALA—DISTRICT—OF—HELMAND—PROVINCE.
20081115             THE—WEST—AFRICAN, nation BURKINA—FASO 1—COLLISION between 1—PASSENGER—BUS and 1—TRUCK killed more than 60—PEOPLE.
20081115             —COLLAPSED, EAST—CHINA, 1—SUBWAY—TUNNEL under construction, in HANGZHOU, trapping workers and creating 1—HUGE crater into which more than 10—VEHICLES plunged.
20081115             † At least 7—PEOPLE, and 14 were missing.
20081115             —DELAYED, The government of ECUADOR, a $30.6—MILLION—INTEREST—PAYMENT on PART—OF—ITS—DEBT—OF $10—BILLION, which amounted to 21—PERCENT—OF—GDP.
20081115             1—COMMITTEE soon reported EVIDENCE—OF—MALFEASANCE on debt contracts issued 19760000—20060000    —BETWEEN.
20081115             1—GEORGIA—POLICEMAN was shot dead by 1—GROUP—OF—ARMED—ABKHAZIANS.
20081115             —ENTERED, The group was said to have, GEORGIAN—CONTROLLED territory to plant land mines.
20081115             Abkhazian presidential envoy RUSLAN—KISHMARIYA said police from the separatist side killed 1 and wounded 2—GEORGIAN "saboteurs" in the tense Gali district.
20081115             1—SENIOR—AIDE to PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI said USA and IRAQ—NEGOTIATORS have agreed on 1—DRAFT—OF—1—SECURITY—PACT that would allow USA—TROOPS to stay in IRAQ for 3—MORE—YEARS—AFTER their UN mandate expires 20081231             .
20081115             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER struck 1—COMMERCIAL—DISTRICT—IN—THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—TAL—AFAR, killing 10—PEOPLE and wounding 20. In BAGHDAD 1—CAR—BOMB parked near the National Theater exploded in the mainly Shiite DISTRICT—OF—KARRADAH, killing at least 5—PEOPLE and wounding 23. 1—AMERICA—MARINE † from wounds suffered in 1—ROADSIDE bombing WEST—OF—BAGHDAD —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20081115             —MARCHED, MEXICO, more than 1,500 demonstrators, through THE—VIOLENCE—PLAGUED border CITY—OF—TIJUANA to protest the current of killings and kidnappings.
20081115             2—PEOPLE were shot to death at 1—TIJUANA taco restaurant.
20081115             4—MEN and 1—WOMAN were shot to death at 1—POOL—HALL.
20081115             1—GIRL, —14—JAHRE—ALT and 2—MEN were shot down in 1—TIJUANA street —JUST—BEFORE midnight.
20081115             1—OFFICIAL said PAKISTAN has agreed to borrow $7.6—BILLION from THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND to avoid adding 1—ECONOMIC—CRISIS to its struggle against Islamic militants.
20081115             —BACKED, Helicopter gunships, by artillery, began pounding suspected insurgent hideouts in Mohmand tribal area.
20081115             —WALKED, Gazans seeking food aid, away EMPTY—HANDED from locked UNITED—NATIONS distribution centers —AFTER 1—STRICT—ISRAEL—BORDER closure depleted UN food reserves.
20081115             SOMALIA, fighters of AL—SHABAB took control of the port TOWN—OF—BARAWE without 1—FIGHT —AFTER the government's allies left as soon as they heard the fighters were on their way.
20081115             —HIJACKED, Gunmen, 1—FREIGHTER with 23—CREW off THE—COAST—OF—SOMALIA.
20081115             —HIJACKED, SOMALIA—PIRATES, the Sirius Star, 1—NEWLY commissioned supertanker, more than 450—NAUTICAL—MILES—SOUTH—EAST—OF—MOMBASA, KENYA, along with its 25-member crew.
20081115             —OWNED, The ship, by SAUDI—ARABIA—OIL—COMPANY—ARAMCO, was capable of carrying about 2—MILLION—BARRELS—OF—OIL.
20081115             —CLAIMED, SRI—LANKA—PRESIDENT—ASKED—TAMIL—TIGERS to surrender —AFTER troops, RE—TAKING Pooneryn, 1—STRATEGICALLY—IMPORTANT—TOWN from the separatists, —FOLLOWING—MONTHS—OF—HEAVY fighting.
20081115             —DESTROYED, Army troops, 16—REBEL—BUNKERS in the Mullaitivu district and fought 1—SERIES—OF—BATTLES in the rebel STRONGHOLD—OF—KILINOCHCHI, inflicting "heavy casualties" on the guerrillas.
20081115             MARIO—MASUKU (19510000             *), SWAZILAND LEADER—OF—THE—OPPOSITION—PEOPLE—UNITED—DEMOCRATIC—MOVEMENT (Pudemo), was jailed.
20081115             † In YEMEN a —16—YEAR—OLD—BOY—WHEN police fired at locals demonstrating at 1—VOTER—REGISTRATION—CENTER.
20081115             The crowds were protesting the government's REJECTION—OF—OPPOSITION—ATTEMPTS to amend the country's electoral law.
20081115             YEMEN—POLITICAL—PARTIES have been preparing the amendment to the electoral law for the past —YEAR in 1—EFFORT to bring more women into PARLIAMENT, curb VOTE—RIGGING and limit THE—INFLUENCE—OF—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS.
20081115             Mit an Bord ist auch DEUTSCHE—TECHNIK: 1—INFRAROTSPEKTROMETER vom MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT für Sonnensystemforschung im niedersächsischen KATLENBURG—LINDAU soll dazu dienen, Mineralien und Gesteine auf dem Mond zu orten und zu identifizieren.
20081115             MONEY—COM - —2—HOURS—AGO
20081115             Lacher des Tages: Die Democrats schicken 1—MEMO ans Weisse Haus, dass die doch mal bitte die Akten nicht shreddern sollen -- insbesondere Cheney.
20081115             *schenkelklopf* - Wer schuld an all dem hat, ist noch nicht klar.
20081115             laut dpa hat die Bundesregierung zumindest 1—PASSAGE durchgesetzt,
20081115             auch der Klimawandel UND—DIE Energiesicherheit
20081115             zu WICHTIGEN—AUFGABEN—DER internationalen Gemeinschaft gehörten.
20081115             Der scheidende USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH rief dabei zu entschlossenem Handeln im Kampf gegen die globale Finanzkrise auf.
20081115             Krisengipfel in WASHINGTON: Bush warnt vor Eingriffen in das Finanzsystem (Politik)
20081115             USA—SHUTTLE—MISSION: Raumfähre "Endeavour" startet ins All
20081115—20090109    —RELEASED, The ship was.
20081116—20081115    —IN—THE, World BANK—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—ZOELLICK took part Group of 20—SUMMIT in WASHINGTON.
20081118             [—ON—SATURDAY, 20081115             , at 8:00 am, at the National Archives Building on CONNECTICUT Ave., 8—MILITARY—VETERANS and 1—MILITARY—MOTHER climbed a 9-foot retaining fence and occupied a 90—FOOT—HIGH scaffolding to raise 2 450—SQUARE—FOOT—BANNERS stating, "DEFEND OUR CONSTITUTION. ARREST BUSH AND CHENEY: WAR CRIMINALS!" and "WE WILL—NOT—BE—SILENT".
20090630—20131115    —CHARGED, FRANCE, Yemenia Airways with manslaughter over the crash.
20090701—20091115    —EXPECTED, Hunters were, to club over 90,000 seals including 85,000 pups.
20091113—20091115    —ON, JASHON—BODY was found in the waters of BERKELEY Marina.
20091113—20091115    —ON, She used her SPAIN—RESIDENCY—PERMIT to RE—ENTER the country and began 1—HUNGER—STRIKE in LAAYOUNE at midnight.
20091115             —ESTIMATED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT has, that 1—TOTAL—OF—150,000 UK—CHILDREN may have been shipped abroad between 16180000             — ?—WHEN 1—GROUP was sent to THE—VIRGINIA—COLONY — and 19670000             , MOST—OF—THEM from the late 18010101—19001231     onwards.
20091115             —OPENED—OF, THE—DUNGENESS crab season, THE—CALIFORNIA coast.
20091115             —PUSHED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, HUNDREDS—OF—FRENCH and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS, into 1—HOSTILE—VALLEY where militants launch quick attacks, then disappear into hillside villages.
20091115             Separately in EAST—PROVINCE—OF—PAKTIKA, 1—JOINT—NATO and AFGHANISTAN—FORCE killed 1—GROUP—OF—MILITANTS—WHILE pursuing 1—COMMANDER tied to the militant network run by Jalaluddin Haqqani.
20091115             † 1—UK—SOLDIER was shot and killed —WHILE on foot patrol in Helmand province.
20091115             UK—OFFICIALS said PRIME—MINISTER—GORDON—BROWN will apologize to THOUSANDS—OF—UK—CHILDREN who were shipped to new lives overseas, where MANY—SAY they suffered neglect and abuse.
20091115             THOUSANDS—OF—POOR—UK—CHILDREN were sent to AUSTRALIA, CANADA and other former colonies under the Child Migrants Program, which ended in the 1960s.
20091115             —ENDED, Many, up in institutions or as farm laborers.
20091115             DOCTOR—BROOKE—MAGNANTI, —34—JAHRE—ALT, who works for THE—BRISTOL—INITIATIVE for RESEARCH—OF—CHILD—HEALTH, revealed herself to be the woman behind the nom de plume "Belle de Jour," which is the title of a 19670000             FRANCE—FILM starring CATHERINE—DENEUVE.
20091115             Magnanti kept 1—WEBLOG of her antics in 20030000—20040000    , which were turned into 1—BEST—SELLING book, "THE—INTIMATE—ADVENTURES—OF—1—LONDON—CALL—GIRL".
20091115             —ADAPTED, Her memoirs were, into 1—HIT 16-episode television series "Secret Diary of 1—CALL—GIRL," which starred BILLIE—PIPER and was screened in countries —AROUND the world.
20091115             COLOMBIA, DAS intelligence agency director Felipe Munoz said IVAN—DANILO—ALARCON, wanted for rebellion and drug trafficking, was detained by intelligence agents near 1—UNIVERSITY—IN—THE—CITY—OF—CALI.
20091115             —POSED, Alarcon, who, as 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST, cried out that he was being kidnapped and 100—PEOPLE surrounded and detained the agents for over an —HOUR, threatened them with death and took their weapons and armored vests.
20091115             —FREED, They, Alarcon from handcuffs, and he fled.
20091115             1—EGYPT—JUDICIAL—SOURCE said 2—EGYPT—CHRISTIANS, Rami Atef Khella and Raafat Khella, have been condemned to death for THE—MURDER—OF—1—MUSLIM man who oo 1—OF—THEIR—RELATIVES—AFTER she converted to Islam.
20091115             —WOUNDED, Mariam Atef Khella and the couple's daughter Nur were, —AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE—ATTACK—MORE than —1—YEAR—AGO.
20091115             EGYPT—INFORMATION—TECHNOLOGY—MINISTER—SAID—EGYPT will apply for the 1. INTERNET domain written in Arabic.
20091115             The announcement was made at 1—CONFERENCE grouping YAHOO—CO—FOUNDER and others to discuss boosting online access in emerging nations.
20091115             —IDENTIFIED, Authorities, THE—GERMANY—CONVERT to Islam as 1—AL—QAIDA associate.
20091115             —ABDUCTED, In gunmen wearing IRAQ—ARMY—UNIFORMS, and killed 13—MEN and boys in the village of AL—SAADAN, 1—VILLAGE—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD, in what some described as revenge against Sunnis who helped fight AL—QAIDA.
20091115             —BEHEADED, MANY—OF—THE—VICTIMS were, —WHILE others were shot and mutilated.
20091115             —CAPTURED, ITALY—POLICE, convicted mobster DOMENICO—RACCUGLIA, 1—OF—SICILY—TOP mafia fugitives, in 1—APARTMENT—NEAR—TRAPANI.
20091115             KOSOVO held its 1. elections —SINCE INDEPENDENCE from Serbia, with SOME—MINORITY—SERBS ignoring 1—CALL to boycott and casting ballots alongside ethnic Albanians.
20091115             —ENDED, The voting, peacefully, with THE—PRIME—MINISTER claiming his party won convincingly.
20091115             —ISSUED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, the report, "I—CAN'T Believe in Justice Anymore".
20091115             —OFFERED, The report, 5 detailed case studies, including that of dancer and choreographer Augusto Cuvilas, who had called police to his home because he feared he was being robbed, only to end up being killed by the officers from whom he had sought help.
20091115             MYANMAR, 1—FERRY carrying nearly 200—PASSENGERS sank —AFTER colliding with 1—OIL barge in the Ngawun River, killing at least 31 and leaving more than 12—MISSING.
20091115             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, militants, ANTI—TALIBAN elder MALIK—SHER—ZAMAN in the Bajur tribal region.
20091115             —OPENED, Several hours —LATER, more than 12—MILITANTS, fire on THE—HOUSE—OF—1—ANTI—TALIBAN mayor outside the main NORTH—WEST—CITY—OF—PESHAWAR, but security guards repelled the attack, killing 3—OF—THE—ASSAILANTS.
20091115             The attacks were seen as PART—OF—1—ESCALATING campaign to weaken the country's resolve to fight Islamic extremism.
20091115             —ESCAPED, PARAGUAY, 1,200—PEOPLE, 1—FIRE that destroyed 1—SUPERMARKET on the outskirts of ASUNCION, killing 2—PEOPLE.
20091115             † SERBIAN—ORTHODOX—CHURCH—PATRIARCH—PAVLE, born as Gojko Stojcevic (19140000             ).
20091115             —CALLED, SERBIAN—ORTHODOX—CHURCH—PATRIARCH—PAVLE had, for peace and conciliation —DURING the Balkan ethnic conflicts of the 1990s but failed to openly condemn SERBIA—NATIONALISM.
20091115             SINGAPORE, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA said THE—USA—AND—RUSSIA would have 1—REPLACEMENT—TREATY on reducing nuclear arms ready for approval by —YEAR—END, 1—ANNOUNCEMENT designed as 1—UPBEAT ending to 1—SUMMIT with ASIA—PACIFIC—LEADERS.
20091115             —ATTENDED, Obama also, a 2. summit with leaders of THE—10—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—COUNTRIES that make up THE—ASEAN group.
20091115             —ARRIVED, Obama then, in SHANGHAI, launching a —3—DAY—VISIT to 1—IMPORTANT—GLOBAL—USA—PARTNER and his 1. travels ever in CHINA.
20091115             —ATTENDED, THAILAND, THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, 1—PROTEST by the royalist "Yellow Shirt" movement against 1—VISIT to CAMBODIA by their ARCH—FOE, fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra.
20091115—20060000    —SINCE, It said at least 46—PEOPLE had been unlawfully killed by police in MOZAMBIQUE.
20091116—20101115    —ON, authorities claimed that Magnitsky was suspected of stealing the $230—MILLION that he said Interior Ministry officers had defrauded from the state.
20101104—20101115    —ON, prosecutors said that they had arrested SERGEI—TSAPOK, and 1—MEMBER—OF—HIS—GANG, SERGEI—TSEPOVYAZ.
20101115             1—CALIFORNIA woman, Nima ALI—YUSUF, —24—JAHRE—ALT, was charged with conspiring to provide money and people to 1—SOMALIA—TERRORIST—GROUP to help carry out killings in THE—AFRICA—NATION, according to 1—FEDERAL—INDICTMENT unsealed —TODAY.
20101115             —CHARGED, She was the 4. person, in the past —MONTH in S—DIEGO with helping AL—SHABAB.
20101115             —PLAYED, AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT, down comments by PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI calling on THE—USA—MILITARY to scale back its operations and reduce its "intrusiveness" on everyday life in the country.
20101115             —RUMORED, Taliban leader MULLAH—OMAR, to be in PAKISTAN, said in 1—STATEMENT that REPORTS—OF—PEACE—TALKS between militants and THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT were "misleading rumors" and dismissed the coalition surge as ineffective.
20101115             —ENGULFED, CHINA, 1—FIRE, 1—SHANGHAI—HIGH—RISE building, killing 58 and injuring 70, as panicked residents fled and thick smoke spread over CHINA—COMMERCIAL—HUB.
20101115             —DETAINED, Police THE—NEXT—DAY, 8—WELDERS on suspicion of accidentally —STARTING the fire.
20101115             3—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS were —LATER detained for allowing illegal construction activities at the site.
20101115             GERMANY, 1—GIRL, —14—JAHRE—ALT was slain in Bodenfelde.
20101115             —DUBBED, JAN—O, the "cannibal killer," had confessed to eating the flesh and drinking the blood of 1—OF—HIS—TEENAGE—VICTIMS.
20101115             —ARRESTED, Security forces, demonstrators and fired tear gas at those burning tires in the suburbs of CONAKRY.
20101115             —ATTACKED, Over the next —3—DAYS, security forces systematically, Peul communities, spraying populated areas with bullets.
20101115             —SLAPPED, They burst into homes where they beat, stabbed and burned people.
20101115             HAITI—CHOLERA toll rose above 900, including DOZENS—OF—DEATHS in the teeming capital, as the epidemic showed no sign of abating —JUST—2—WEEKS ahead of presidential elections.
20101115             ANTI—UN—RIOTS spread to several cities and towns, as protesters blaming 1—CONTINGENT—OF—NEPAL—PEACEKEEPERS for 1—DEADLY—OUTBREAK—OF cholera barricaded roads and exchanged gunfire with UN soldiers in clashes that lasted late into the night.
20101115             Protests in Cap Haitien left at least 2—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20101115             —PANCAKED, In NEW—DELHI a 5—STORY building, killing 67—PEOPLE and injuring scores.
20101115             Tambunan, 1—MIDLEVEL tax official with 1—SALARY—OF—JUST $1,300 —1—MONTH, was supposed to be in jail.
20101115             —CHARGED, He has been, with pocketing at least $2.7—MILLION from DOZENS—OF—BIG—COMPANIES to help them avoid paying taxes.
20101115             9—WARDENS have been arrested and face charges of accepting up to $40,000 from the tax official.
20101115             Tambunan allegedly left the jail at least 60—TIMES—SINCE his detention —IN—APRIL.
20101115             IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—MANOUCHEHR—MOTTAKI said that the issue of 1—ALLEGED—IRAN—ARMS—SHIPMENT intercepted in NIGERIA was a "misunderstanding" that has been settled.
20101115             NORTH—IRAQ, the Badoosh prison COMMANDER and his body guard were killed —WHEN twin car bombs detonated outside 1—RESIDENTIAL—COMPLEX housing prison guards and staff on the outskirts of MOSUL.
20101115             —KILLED, In downtown BAGHDAD 1—IRAQ—POLICEMAN was, —WHEN 1—ROADSIDE bomb struck 1—PATROL, —WHILE 4—POLICEMEN were wounded —WHEN another roadside bomb detonated in EAST—PART—OF—THE—CAPITAL.
20101115             THE—TOWN—OF—QAIM, on THE—SYRIA—BORDER some 340—KM (210—MILES) WEST—OF—BAGHDAD, 2—PEOPLE were killed and 5—OTHERS wounded by 2—ROADSIDE bombs, including 1 in 1—MARKET.
20101115             —KILLED, Gunmen in MOSUL, 2—CHRISTIANS, in the latest assault on the country's dwindling Christian community.
20101115             ITALY, the political crisis engulfing Premier Silvio Berlusconi deepened with 4—MEMBERS—OF—THE—CABINET quitting their jobs, 1—MOVE that does not topple the government but further weakens the leader.
20101115             —ACCUSED—OF, Berlusconi stands, having an "uncontrollable sickness" —WHEN it comes to women, and of hosting "BUNGA—BUNGA" parties that culminate in sex.
20101115             —EXPLODED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB, near THE—HOUSE—OF—1—SLAIN—ANTI—TALIBAN tribal elder ABDUL—MALIK, killing 2—PEOPLE and wounding 3—OTHERS.
20101115             His son, NOOR—MALIK, was getting in his car to leave the residence —WHEN the attack occurred, but he was not hurt.
20101115             —FREED, PALESTINE—GAZA, Strip Hamas, 80—PRISONERS on THE—EVE—OF—THE—MUSLIM festival of Eid AL—ADHA.
20101115             —ORDERED, Over the past —WEEK, Hamas has, the release of 284—PRISONERS in THE—RUN—UP THE—4—DAY—FESTIVAL.
20101115             SAUDI—ARABIA, nearly 3—MILLION—MUSLIMS performing the annual hajj pilgrimage began making their way up the rocky desert MOUNT—ARAFAT, chanting that they have come to answer GOD—CALL.
20101115             SOUTH—KOREA—GOVERNMENT THE—NUMBER—OF—NORTH—KOREANS defecting to SOUTH—KOREA has surged in recent years because of economic suffering in the North, with more than 10,000 defections over the past —3—YEARS.
20101115             —COMMITTED, SOUTH—KOREA, a —15—YEAR—OLD—BOY, suicide —AFTER killing his mother in 1—FIGHT over INTERNET games.
20101115—19780000    —PURCHASED, He and 1—PARTNER had, the company and he served as CHIEF executive 19780000—20010000    —FROM—TO.
20101115—20101105    —ON, INDONESIA, Gayus Tambunan (31) broke into tears —WHEN he admitted in 1—HEARING at THE—SOUTH—JAKARTA DISTRICT—COURT that yes, he was the wigged man captured by photographers at THE—INTERNATIONAL tennis match.
20101115—20101119    —ON, 1—BOY, —13—JAHRE—ALT was slain nearby.
20101115—20110119    —ON, he was sentenced to —7—YEARS behind bars for corruption.
20101115—20110600    —IN, prosecutors charged 26—PEOPLE with bribery and other crimes related to the fire.
20101115—20110627    —ON, JAN—O, —26—JAHRE—ALT, whose last name was withheld in accordance with GERMANY—PRIVACY—LAWS, was convicted in Goettingen STATE—COURT—OF—2—COUNTS—OF—MURDER for the slayings and sentenced to life in prison.
201102111500         Scharfschützen stehen Berichten zufolge auf dem Dach des Präsidentenpalastes in ALEXANDRIA.
201102111506         Die REGIERUNGSPARTEI hat —NUN bestätigt: Ägyptens STAATSCHEF—HUSNI—MUBARAK hat Kairo verlassen und sich in den Badeort Scharm AL—SCHEICH—AM—ROTEN—MEER begeben.
201102111510         -Reporter IVAN—WATSON berichtet von Tausenden Regimegegnern vor dem Präsidentenpalast in Kairos Stadtteil Heliopolis.
201102111511         Selbst bei einer Schließung des Suezkanals würde einer Studie zufolge in EUROPA kein unmittelbarer Engpass in der Ölversorgung entstehen.
201102111519         SPIEGEL—ONLINE—REPORTER Hasnain Kazim: "Der komplette Stadtteil Heliopolis, in dem sich der Präsidentenpalast befindet, ist abgesperrt. Die Armee hat schweres Geschütz aufgefahren, um einen Sturm des Palasts zu verhindern. Die Militärpolizei kontrolliert die Demonstranten und nimmt Menschen vorläufig fest. Die Protestierenden sind aber weitgehend friedlich, noch immer strömen Massen Richtung PALAST—WEGEN der Straßensperren —JETZT meist zu Fuß".
201102111519         SPIEGEL—ONLINE—REPORTER Hasnain Kazim: "Der komplette Stadtteil Heliopolis, in dem sich der Präsidentenpalast befindet, ist abgesperrt.
201102111520         Der Nachrichtensender AL—DSCHASIRA zeigt, wie immer mehr MUBARAK—GEGNER zum Präsidentenpalast in ALEXANDRIA KOMMEN—DAS Gebäude liegt direkt am Meer.
201102111531         - Das ÄGYPTISCHE—FERNSEHEN kündigt eine wichtige und dringende Erklärung des Präsidialamts an, meldet Reuters.
201102111548         —UNRUHEN, Der Reiseveranstalter Tui holt wegen der anhaltenden, in ÄGYPTEN die restlichen DEUTSCHEN—URLAUBER nach Hause.
20110413—20111115    —AGREED, Dzeko, to be extradited to BOSNIA.
20111108—20111115    —ON, he was convicted and sentenced to —4—YEARS in prison.
20111115             —SPOTTED, The suspects' boat was 1., 20111111             by 1—MARITIME surveillance aircraft flying over THE—USA—VIRGIN—ISLANDS.
20111115             —OVERFLOWED, BERKELEY—CALIFORNIA, as many as 10,000 students and Occupy activists, THE—UC—BERKELEY—SPROUL—PLAZA —FOLLOWING 1—DAYLONG classroom walkout.
20111115             —ESTABLISHED, They, 1—SMALL—CAMP in DEFIANCE—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—EDICT that no tents be erected.
20111115             —ESTIMATED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 1, 17—TONS—OF—MARIJUANA were seized in THE—DISCOVERY—OF—1—CROSS—BORDER—TUNNEL linking warehouses in S—DIEGO and TIJUANA.
20111115             Authorities said it was 1—OF—THE—MOST significant secret drug smuggling passages ever found on THE—USA—MEXICO border.
20111115             THE—CENTER for Budget and Policy Priorities said in 1—NEW—REPORT that MICHIGAN is among —JUST 1—HANDFUL—OF—STATES raising taxes on LOW—INCOME working families —WHILE cutting taxes for other groups.
20111115             —RAIDED, NEW—YORK—CITY, HUNDREDS—OF—POLICE—OFFICERS in riot gear, Zuccotti Park, evicting DOZENS—OF—OCCUPY—WALL—STREET—PROTESTERS from what has become the epicenter of the worldwide movement protesting corporate greed and economic inequality.
20111115             —OBTAINED, Hours —LATER, the National Lawyers Guild, 1—COURT—ORDER allowing Occupy WALL—STREET—PROTESTERS to return with tents to the park.
20111115             —ARRESTED, About 70—PEOPLE were, overnight.
20111115             SEATTLE—WASHINGTON, 1—DOWNTOWN march and rally in support of the Occupy WALL—STREET—MOVEMENT turned briefly chaotic as police scattered 1—CROWD—OF rowdy protesters, including 1—PREGNANT—19—YEAR—OLD and an —84—YEAR—OLD—ACTIVIST, with BLASTS—OF—PEPPER spray.
20111115             AFGHANISTAN got 1—NEW, —3-YEAR, $133.6—MILLION—LINE—OF—CREDIT from THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND, which said the struggling government had taken steps to address governance and accountability issues that surfaced —DURING THE—KABUL—BANK—CRISIS.
20111115             1—BOMB strapped to 1—DONKEY blew up in NORTH—FARYAB province, killing 1—POLICEMAN and 2—CIVILIANS, including 1—CHILD.
20111115             17—OTHER—PEOPLE were wounded.
20111115             —REPORTED, ALGERIA—NEWSPAPERS, that authorities have arrested 9—PEOPLE, including 8—AIR—ALGERIE stewards, as PART—OF—1—OPERATION against 1—INTERNATIONAL—DRUG trafficking ring.
20111115             The suspects, including 1—FAMOUS—SINGER and 1—AIR—ALGERIE trade union leader, have come under pressure to retract statements in which they named certain clients.
20111115             THE—CITY—OF—LONDON—CORPORATION said that it will resume legal action to clear 1—ANTI—CAPITALIST—CAMP outside St PAUL—CATHEDRAL.
20111115             EUROPE—TOP—COURT—BARRED—BRITAIN from enacting 1—CORPORATE—TAX—REFORM in its tiny TERRITORY—OF—GIBRALTAR, ruling the scheme would amount to illegal state aid for offshore companies.
20111115             SHANGHAI sold bonds under 1—NEW—PILOT—SCHEME raising $1.1—BILLION.
20111115             —KILLED, THE—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO—ALEXANDRE—KOSSIAREV, 1—NATIVE—OF—BELARUS, was, —WHEN an MI-8, 1—RUSSIAN—DESIGNED helicopter, crashed in the country's north.
20111115             —TIGHTENED, THE—EU said it has, controls on IMPORTS—OF—CHINA—RICE—PRODUCTS—AFTER 1—GROWING NUMBER—OF—SHIPMENTS were contaminated by unauthorized GENETICALLY—MODIFIED rice.
20111115             GUATEMALA—PRESIDENT—ALVARO—COLOM said he will grant 1—USA—EXTRADITION—REQUEST for FORMER—PRESIDENT—ALFONSO—PORTILLO, who faces charges in THE—USA of embezzling $1.5—MILLION in foreign donations.
20111115             —INTERCEPTED, HONG—KONG customs officers, 1—RECORD—HAUL—OF—33—RHINO horns, 758—IVORY chopsticks and 127—BRACELETS hidden inside 1—CONTAINER shipped from SOUTH—AFRICA.
20111115             —AGREED, INDIA and PAKISTAN, to normalize 2—WAY—TRADE, signifying 1—GRADUAL thaw in relations between THE—2—BITTER—RIVALS.
20111115             —INDUSTRIALIZED, THE—PARIS—CLUB—OF mostly, countries said it had reached 1—AGREEMENT with IVORY—COAST to defer over —10—YEARS—MOST—OF—ITS—DEBT coming due and to forgive $1.8—BILLION in its foreign debts.
20111115             MEXICO, El Siglo de TORREON, 1—NEWSPAPER in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—TORREON, was attacked by armed men who set fire to the facade of its offices and opened fire at its sales offices.
20111115             —CAPTURED, MEXICO—OFFICIALS, Alfredo Aleman Narvaez, 1 suspected leader for the Zetas drug cartel, —DURING 1—HORSE—RACE that he organized in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—ZACATECAS.
20111115             —EUTHANIZED, NEW—ZEALAND conservation officials, 18 beached pilot whales —FOLLOWING 1—MASS stranding on 1—SOUTH—ISLAND—BEACH that left 1—TOTAL—OF—65—WHALES dead.
20111115             —FINED, NIGERIA—AIRPORT officials, UK—AIRWAYS $135—MILLION and Virgin Atlantic $100—MILLION amid 1—DISPUTE over ticket prices.
20111115             —ORDERED, The airlines were given —14—DAYS to respond and were, to compensate passengers.
20111115             —FIRED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—SUSPECTED—USA—DRONE, missiles at 1—HOUSE in Miran Shah, NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, killing 7 alleged militants.
20111115             —POUNDED, Also in the northwest, PAKISTAN—FORCES, militant hideouts, killing 16 suspected insurgents in ORAKZAI—DABORI area.
20111115             —ATTACKED, Militants, 1—ARMY—CHECKPOINT in the Ladha AREA—OF—SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN with rockets, killing 1—SOLDIER and wounding another.
20111115             —SUSPECTED, —JUST—BEFORE midnight, USA—DRONES fired 4—MISSILES at 2—COMPOUNDS in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN, killing 16 alleged militants.
20111115             —SIGNED, SAUDI—ARABIA said it has, 1—AGREEMENT with SOUTH—KOREA on developing nuclear power generation to help meet the kingdom's rising demand.
20111115             —HACKED, SOUTH—AFRICA—TEACHER—GUILFORD Shapo (53) was, to death with 1—MACHETE in front of 1 shocked classroom of primary school students in THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—POLOKWANE.
20111115             —CHARGED, His —40—YEAR—OLD—BROTHER was, in the case.
20111115             WEST—SOUTH—AFRICA, a 3-vehicle crash left 20—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20111115             1—SWAZILAND spokesman said THE—CASH—STRAPPED country has pulled together enough loans from local banks and private businesses to pay government workers on time —THIS—MONTH.
20111115             —SUBMITTED, Lawmakers from THAILAND—RULING political party, 1—PARLIAMENTARY motion to begin discussions over possibly shifting the capital city to prevent future flooding chaos.
20111115             BANGKOK, which is built on swampland, is slowly sinking and the floods currently besieging the city of 12—MILLION—PEOPLE could be merely 1—FORETASTE—OF—1—GRIM—FUTURE.
20111115             1—TUNISIA—OFFICIAL said Moncef Marzouki, 1—PHYSICIAN who headed that TUNISIA—LEAGUE—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS, will take on the role of interim PRESIDENT—FOR—THE—NEXT—YEAR—WHILE 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION is being written.
20111115             —CANCELED, TURKEY, plans for oil exploration in Syria, —WHILE also threatening to cut electricity supplies —AFTER 1—SPATE—OF—ATTACKS by SUPPORTERS—OF—SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD on its diplomatic missions.
20111115             1—MAGNITUDE—5.2—QUAKE shook EAST—TURKEY, already devastated by 2—POWERFUL tremors.
20111115             —BLOCKADED, UGANDA—TRADERS, several streets in KAMPALA to protest at lengthening power blackouts they say are crippling businesses —AROUND the country.
20111115             —SEIZED, USA—FEDERAL—AGENTS said they have, 709—POUNDS (321—KG) of cocaine and arrested 3—MEN off THE—USA—ISLAND—OF—S—JOHN.
20111115—19940000    —SINCE, CHINA—PROVINCIAL and municipal governments had been prohibited from borrowing.
20111115—20120000    —IN, 1—PANEL "cancelled the fines because —AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE—OFFENCE 20040000—20060000    —BETWEEN, there was no law to make them culpable".
20121115             —STREIT—UM—TAMIFLU: —FORSCHER rufen zum WELT—WEITEN ROCHE—BOYKOTT auf
20121115             OFFENSIVE—IM—GAZA—STREIFEN: NETANJAHUs brandgefährliche Strategie
20121115             1.Ich denke, ATTACKE—AUF—DEUTSCHEN—KONSUL: MERKELs Gesandter erzürnte Griechen
20121115             Anzeige wegen VOLK—VERHETZUNG: Naidoo und Savas weisen Vorwürfe zurück
20121115             Anzeige wegen VOLK—VERHETZUNG: STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT ermittelt doch nicht gegen Naidoo
20121115             Auftritt in sozialen Netzwerken: Gericht bestätigt FACEBOOK—VERBOT—FÜR—ORF
20121115             BKA—PRÄSIDENT—JÖRG—ZIERCKE weiß gleichwohl um die "erhebliche Intensivierung"der ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT und Vernetzung, dennoch begrüßt er DIE—EINRICHTUNG ausdrücklich.
20121115             —BLOCKIERT, BOCHUM taz | 1—EINZIGER UMWELT—AKTIVIST, —SEIT Dienstagmorgen ganze Hundertschaften DER—POLIZEI: In 6—METERN Tiefe hat sich der Mann in 1—TUNNEL—SYSTEM ANGEKETTET—IM HAMBACHER—FORST—BEI—KÖLN protestiert er so GEGEN—DIE—EXTREM klimaschädliche Förderung und Verstromung von BRAUN—KOHLE durch den essener RWE—KONZERN.
20121115             BUNDES—INNEN—MINISTER—HANS—PETER—FRIEDRICH (CSU) wiederum erklärt den Weg zum Ziel: "1—PROZESS muss irgendwann einmal losgehen.
20121115             Bayerische LANDESHAUPT—STADT: STROM—AUSFALL sorgt für CHAOS—IN—MÜNCHEN
20121115             Bei der Suche nach 1 "Leck"in der THÜRINGER POLIZEI hat DIE—KRIMINALPOLIZEI in Suhl persönliche DATEN—VON—MEHR als 50—POLITIKERN erfasst und überprüft.
20121115             CHINA —NACH—DEM MACHT—WECHSEL: Charmante HARDLINER—CHINAS neue Führung: Die zaghaften 7
20121115             DIE—BETROFFENEN Ermittlungsbereiche seien aber —SCHON—JETZT "nahe am Exitus".
20121115             —GEWEIGERT, DIE—FDP habe sich, weil ,die Taxifahrer oftmals dazu neigten, Belehrungen politischer Art abzugeben".
20121115             DIE—JUNGEN LEUTE wurden zur Zielscheibe des Hasses von RECHTS—RADIKALEN in Hoyerswerda, weil sie rechte Aufkleber im Stadtbild entfernten.
20121115             DIE—POLIZEI steht der Aktion des Mannes, dessen Alter mit —MITTE 20—ANGEGEBEN wird, mit 1—MISCHUNG aus Hilflosigkeit und Bewunderung gegenüber.
20121115             Das wird euch —JETZT sicher genau so überraschen wie mich!
20121115             Dennoch wird Panetta inmitten der AFFÄRE—UM—DEN ehemaligen CIA—CHEF—AKTIV.
20121115             Der Fall werfe ,ein grelles Licht", darauf, daß für VIELE—ELTERN—DER—BEGRIFF—ERZIEHUNGSAUFGABE zu 1—FREMDWORT geworden sei, beklagte der RECHTS—VERTRETER—DER MUSIK—INDUSTRIE —LAUT—ANGABEN, der NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR—AFP in der mündlichen —VERHANDLUNG vor dem KARLSRUHEr BUNDES—GERICHT.
20121115             Der Mann sei mit ,LEBENS—MITTELN für 1—LÄNGEREN—ZEIT—RAUM" ausgerüstet, versichern seine Unterstützer, und verfüge sogar über 1—RADIO.
20121115             ENERGIE—WENDE: Hunderte Stromversorger erhöhen Preise
20121115             ERB—GUT entschlüsselt: GENOM—ANALYSE erklärt Supernase der Schweine
20121115             EU—JAHRES—BERICHT, Synthetische Drogen verdrängen HEROIN
20121115             —VERPFLICHTET, Ehrenkodex an USA—ELITE—UNIS: Zum Petzen
20121115             Eigentlich war nämlich geplant, mit dem GETZ die ultimative Antwort auf das unkoordinierte Nebeneinander von POLIZEI und GEHEIM—DIENSTEN im Fall des "NATIONAL—SOZIALISTISCHER—UNTERGRUND"(NSU) zu geben.
20121115             ENBW—DEAL: STAATS—ANWALT darf MAPPUS—AKTEN herausgeben
20121115             Er halte sich "mit 1—URTEIL noch zurück", so DER—PRÄSIDENT.
20121115             Er war es, der die Untersuchung der mysteriösen DROH—E—MAILS veranlasste, —DIE—SOMMER—IM, 20120000             bei JILL—KELLEY landeten.
20121115             Experimente mit Nerzen: Auch Tiere langweilen sich
20121115             FBI—AGENT in PETRAEUS—AFFÄRE: FAHNDUNGS—TIPPS von der "Bulldogge"
20121115             FOSSILIEN—FUND, UR—PANDA lebte in SPANIEN
20121115             FRIEDRICH verteidigt sein Vorgehen —AM—DONNERSTAG—NACHMITTAG gegen Kritik.
20121115             Falsche Missbrauchsvorwürfe: MEDIENAUFSICHT—ERMITTELT—GEGEN—BBC und ITV
20121115             Finanzlücke : GRIECHEN—RETTER wollen sich durchwursteln
20121115             GOOGLE—ALTERNATIVE: DuckDuckGo findet ohne Firlefanz
20121115             Gewählte POLIZEI—CHEFS in ENGLAND: Hilfe, die Sheriffs kommen
20121115             Hetzportal: PRIESTER räumt "leichtfertigen Umgang"mit Kreuz net 1
20121115             Hirnschäden: "Trinken in der Schwangerschaft ist Misshandlung"
20121115             —GEORDNET, Hoffentlich geht diese ganze ABMAHN—BRANCHE —JETZT mal fluchs, pleite.
20121115             Ich bin ja froh, daß —HEUTE im Allgemeinen keine Kinder mehr geschlagen werden.
20121115             Kabelprobleme: RUSSLAND erreicht ISS und Satelliten wieder
20121115             Klar ist, daß Humphries die Angelegenheit —ZUNÄCHST als simplen FALL—VON—CYBERSTALKING einstufte und an die entsprechende ABTEILUNG beim FBI weiterleitete.
20121115             —VERLIERT, MINI—PLUS im 3. Quartal: DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT, an Schwung
20121115             Minus im 3. Quartal: EURO—ZONE rutscht in die Rezession
20121115             Musiktausch im INTERNET : Eltern haften nur ausnahmsweise für ihre Kinder
20121115             MÜNCHEN: Defekte Stromleitung löste Blackout aus
20121115             Na ganz groß. - - OPPOSITION im BUNDES—RAT: Schweizer werben vergeblich für STEUER—ABKOMMEN
20121115             Obwohl er nicht mehr mit den Ermittlungen betraut war, verfolgte Humphries den Fall weiter.
20121115             PETRAEUS: —NUN ist DER—FBI—AGENT enttarnt.
20121115             PETRAEUS—AFFÄRE: Panetta lässt ETHIK—AUSBILDUNG der Offiziere überprüfen
20121115             Panetta sollte denen besser —ERST einmal beibringen, daß MORDE—AUCH durch Drone und per DISTANZ—EBENFALLS nicht sehr ethisch sind.
20121115             —RISKIERT, RWE, DIE—ZUKUNFT unseres Planeten", lässt der TUNNEL—AKTIVIST selbst ausrichten.
20121115             Reiselust der DEUTSCHEN: ZAHL—DER—GEBUCHTEN—PAUSCHALREISEN erreicht Rekordniveau
20121115             Sogar die Taxifahrer verstehen mehr VON—POLITIK als DIE—FDP und damit kommen die sanften Schneeflocken der FDP nicht klar!
20121115             STAMMHEIM—AUSSTELLUNG: FOTO—RECHERCHE im Todestrakt
20121115             Strand in NEUSEELAND: FLASCHEN—POST mit —76—JAHREN Verspätung
20121115             —CAUSED, THE—FUKUSHIMA disaster, by far the largest DISCHARGE—OF—RADIOACTIVITY into the ocean ever seen.
20121115             Tod 1—SCHWANGEREN: IRLAND streitet über Abtreibungsgesetz
20121115             Tolle grafik? Sie sind aber leicht zufrieden zu stellen.
20121115             USA—OBAMA will Plauderstunde zum KLIMA—WANDEL
20121115             Unterstützt werden die Besetzer nicht nur von UMWELT—ORGANISATIONEN wie dem BUND, ROBIN—WOOD und lokalen Initiativen.
20121115             Vogelperspektive: Kormoran trägt Kamera um den Hals
20121115             WIRTSCHAFTSFLAUTE—IN—EUROPA: "DEUTSCHLAND kann sich dem negativen Sog nicht entziehen"
20121115             XI—JINPING: CHINAs KOMMUNISTEN krönen ihren neuen starken Mann
20121115             Zorn über Sparprogramm: GRIECHISCHE—DEMONSTRANTEN attackieren DEUTSCHEN—KONSUL
20121115             Zuwanderung: 100.000e fliehen vor SCHULDEN—KRISE nach DEUTSCHLAND
20121115             Zuwanderung: SÜD—EUROPAS Leid, DEUTSCHLANDs Freud
20121115             Zwar seien MITTLERWEILE SPEZIAL—EINHEITEN wie das Technische Hilfswerk, die Grubenwehr des essener Steinkohleförderers RAG sowie Baustatiker, Geologen und Forstwirte vor Ort.
20121115             [l] Auch in ÖSTERREICH sollen die Vorratsdaten nur für schwerste KRIMinalität verwendet werden DÜRFEN—UND gegen Raubkopierer natürlich, denn das ist ja "ORGANISIERTE—KRIMINALITÄT", das weiß ja jeder.
20121115             [l] Bei den ganzen POLIZEI—DATEN—MISSBRAUCHS—SKANDALEN denkt man sich ja instinktiv: 1—TAGES werden die mal DIE—DATEN—VON—ABGEORDNETEN missbrauchen, und dann geht das —PLÖTZLICH, ganz schnell mit dem Etablieren von menschenwürdigen Regeln für den Umgang mit der Bevölkerung.
20121115             [l] DIE—CHINESEN haben ihren Klon der PREDATOR—DROHNE fertig.
20121115             [l] DIE—GUTE—NACHRICHT: Die Hintermänner und AufBAUER des RECHTS—EXTREMEN THULE—NETZES sind enttarnt.
20121115             [l] Die CASTOR—PROTESTMETHODEN lassen sich auch auf PROTEST—GEGEN—BRAUN—KOHLETAGEBAU übertragen.
20121115             [l] FUKUSHIMA—UPDATE:
20121115             [l] In IRLAND musste 1—FRAU sterben, weil das Krankenhaus sich aus katholischen Gründen geweigert hat, ihre Fehlgeburt abzutreiben.
20121115             [l] SACHSEN IST—INZWISCHEN so komplett in der Hand von Neonazis, daß DIE—POLIZEI 1—BEDROHTEN Paar riet, sie sollen doch DIE—STADT verlassen, weil man ihre Sicherheit nicht gewährleisten könne.
20121115             [l] TERRORNAZIMÖRDER—RAUBMORDKOPIERERELTERN aufgepasst: BGH: Eltern haften nicht für URHEBER—RECHT—VERLETZUNGEN ihrer minderjährigen Kinder, wenn sie das Kind ausreichend über DAS—VERBOT 1—TEILNAHME an Tauschbörsen belehrt haben.
20121115             [l] VERSCHWÖRUNGen sind —PLÖTZLICH, hip!
20121115             "Neues aus der Anstalt"erklärt GOLDMAN—SACHS.
20121115             [l] Wieso eigentlich nicht Taxi statt Dienstwagen für DIE—ABGEORDNETEN?
20121115             Weil das für DIE—FDP unzumutbar ist.
20121115             es werde offenbar erneut knappes Personal einfach verschoben.
20121115             ÖL—KATASTROPHE im Golf von MEXIKO: BP zahlt Rekordstrafe von 4.500.000.000—DOLLAR
20121115             —DIESMAL, sind auch ansonsten keine Ausreden mehr verfügbar, denn auch MDF—JOURNALISTEN sind betroffen.
20121115             —DIE—SCHLECHTE—NACHRICHT, es ist der bayerische VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ.
20121115             —IM, 1.Stock des VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZES, in 1—KONFERENZ—RAUMMIT rotem Teppich sitzen 3—DUTZEND Anzugträger und schauen ernst.
20121115             —IN—DIESER—WOCHE war der 4—STERNE—GENERAL WILLIAM "Kip"Ward degradiert worden, weil er öffentliche Gelder für Privatreisen verwendet hatte.
20121115             —KAMPF—GEGEN—HAMAS: ISRAEL bombardiert erneut GAZA
20121115             —KLIMASCHÜTZER hatten das Waldstück —BEREITS—MITTE;;04;;besetzt, dort 1—CAMP mit vierstöckiger Küche und Baumhäusern errichtet.
20121115             —KRISE—IN—NAH—OST: Raketen aus GAZA erreichen 1.TEL—AVIV
20121115             —NACH, Informationen der "NEW—YORK—TIMES"informierte dessen BÜRO am ;;1031;;
20121115             den FBI—DIREKTOR über die Hinweise des Agenten aus FLORIDA.
20121115             —NOCH—IMMER, ist längst nicht belegt, wer, wen, wann über was informiert hat.
20121115             —NUN, wird klar, daß Humphries 1—WICHTIGE Figur in dem SKANDAL—UM—DEN zurückgetretenen CIA—CHEF—DAVID—PETRAEUS sein dürfte.
20121115             —UPDATE, Falls jemand von euch das nicht komplett gelesen hat, zitiere ich mal noch die RE—AKTION der CONTENT—MAFIA auf DAS—URTEIL:
20121115             —URTEIL: RECHNUNG—PRÜFER müssen Journalisten informieren
20121115             —ANNOUNCED, BP, it was paying $4.5—BILLION in 1—SETTLEMENT with THE—USA—GOVERNMENT over 20100400             —THE—DEEPWATER—HORIZON drilling rig disaster.
20121115             —WORKED, Hours —LATER 2—MEN who, for BP —DURING 20100000             —THE—GULF oil spill disaster were charged with manslaughter and a 3. with lying to FEDERAL—INVESTIGATORS.
20121115             1—USA—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT ruled 8—7—DECLARING MICHIGAN—BAN on affirmative action unconstitutional, 6—YE3ARS —AFTER state voters said race should not be 1—ISSUE in choosing students.
20121115             DETROIT—MAYOR—BING said a $6.5—MILLION Housing and URBAN—DEVELOPMENT—GRANT will cover the cost of tearing down the Brewster Projects, which included 75—CONDO—STYLE—APARTMENTS, 2 6-story buildings and 4 14-story towers.
20121115             † IN—MIDLAND, TEXAS, 4—PEOPLE and 17—OTHERS were taken to 1—HOSPITAL—WHEN 1—TRAIN crashed into 1—PARADE float honoring veterans.
20121115             —REPORTED, World animal health body OIE said that AUSTRALIA had, 1—CASE—OF—1—HIGHLY pathogenic bird flu virus at 1—EGG—FARM in the New SOUTH—WALES region.
20121115             —FILED, UK—REGULATORS, charges against the owners of the Sellafield nuclear waste site on allegations of illegal dumping of radioactive waste, adding to the plant's HISTORY—OF—CONTROVERSY and complaints.
20121115             —ARRESTED, CAMBODIA authorities, 8—VILLAGERS for plastering THE—USA—PRESIDENT—PICTURE on their rooftops beside SPRAY—PAINTED messages of "SOS".
20121115             —ORDERED, Villagers say they were, in July to vacate their land so the airport could enlarge its runway and build 1—SECURITY—BUFFER—ZONE.
20121115             —ASSUMED, CHINA, Xi Jinping, the leadership as the ruling Communist Party confronts slower economic growth, 1—PUBLIC clamor to end corruption and demands for change that threaten its hold on power.
20121115             —REVEALED, It was, the Hu Jintao had stepped down not only as THE—PARTY—GENERAL—SECRETARY but also as HEAD—OF—CHINA—ARMY.
20121115             —UNVEILED, As CHINA, its new leadership in BEIJING with promises of 1—BETTER—LIFE for all, 5—RUNAWAY boys seeking shelter and warmth †—OF—CARBON monoxide poisoning in 1—GARBAGE bin in Bijie city, 25—KM from their home village of Caqiangyan.
20121115             —REPORTED, CONGODRC, 151—M23 rebels were, killed in new fighting between THE—CONGO—ARMY and rebels, ending a —2—MONTH—CEASE—FIRE in NORTH—KIVU province.
20121115             2—ARMY—OFFICERS were killed and 7 wounded in the fighting.
20121115             —DENIED, COLONEL—VIANNEY—KAZARAMA, spokesman of the M23, the heavy casualties, saying that only 2—REBELS were wounded.
20121115             1—ECUADORAN helicopter began dropping nearly 22—TONS—OF—SPECIALLY designed poison bait on the Galapagos ISLAND—OF—PINZON, launching the 2. phase of 1—CAMPAIGN to clear out some 180—MILLION—NON—NATIVE rodents.
20121115             —SIGNED, GERMANY—FINANCE—MINISTER—WOLFGANG—SCHAEUBLE, off officially on revisions to the original 19520000             Holocaust compensation treaty, increasing pensions for those living in EAST—EUROPE and broadening who is eligible for payments.
20121115             —INCREASED, Contributions to home care for survivors already have been.
20121115             JAPAN and NORTH—KOREA began bilateral talks in MONGOLIA that TOKYO hopes will shed light on 1—SERIES—OF—DECADES—OLD—ABDUCTIONS.
20121115             MEXICO, THE—BODY—OF—MARIA—SANTOS—GORROSTIETA—SALAZAR, —36—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—MAYOR—OF—TIQUICHEO, Michoacan state, was found beaten and tortured, —3—DAYS—AFTER being abducted.
20121115             —BURNED, MOZAMBIQUE, youths in MAPUTO, tires and attacked motorists over hikes in bus fees.
20121115             —ORDERED, MYANMAR—REFORMIST—GOVERNMENT, more 452—PRISONERS freed in 1—AMNESTY apparently intended as 1—GOODWILL gesture ahead of 1—HISTORIC—VISIT by PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA —NEXT—WEEK.
20121115             —POUNDED, Militants in THE—GAZA—STRIP, SOUTH—ISRAEL with over 180—ROCKETS, killing 3—PEOPLE in Kiryat Malachi as THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY pressed forward with a 2. —DAY—OF—INTENSE—AIR—RAIDS and naval attacks on militant targets.
20121115             SENEGAL, KARIM—WADE, THE—SON—OF—THE—EX—PRESIDENT, was questioned by police for over —10—HOURS on accusations that he stole millions in state funds —DURING his father's time in office.
20121115             —ENDORSED, TURKEY, the newly formed SYRIA—REBEL—COALITION as the legitimate LEADER—OF—SYRIA.
20121115—20120000    —IN, Much of the red ink was due to mounting mandatory costs for future retiree health benefits, which made up $11.1—BILLION—OF—THE—LOSSES.
20121115—20130000    —REPORTED, The struggling USA Postal Service, 1—ANNUAL—LOSS—OF—1—RECORD $15.9—BILLION and forecast more red ink.
20121117             † Fellow detainee, Bachir AL—GHOLI, 20121115             —AFTER 1—HEART—ATTACK brought on by his own hunger strike.
20130611             "OBAMA—KILL list policy compels USA—SUPPORT for ISRAEL—ATTACKS on GAZA", By GLENN—GREENWALD,, 20121115             20130611             "OBAMA—KILL list policy compels USA—SUPPORT for ISRAEL—ATTACKS on GAZA", By GLENN—GREENWALD,, 20121115             20130927—20131115    —BIS, Dieses wird sich —NUN erneut —AM—WOCHEN—ENDE mit der Vorlage befassen, die der Regierung —ZUM, ausreichend Mittel gewähren würde.
20130611             "OBAMA—KILL list policy compels USA—SUPPORT for ISRAEL—ATTACKS on GAZA", By GLENN—GREENWALD,, 20121115             20130927—20131115    —BIS, Dieses wird sich —NUN erneut —AM—WOCHEN—ENDE mit der Vorlage befassen, die der Regierung —ZUM, ausreichend Mittel gewähren würde.
201307260726141115   IE 10.0
20130927—20131115    —BIS, Dieses wird sich —NUN erneut —AM—WOCHEN—ENDE mit der Vorlage befassen, die der Regierung —ZUM, ausreichend Mittel gewähren würde.
20131102—20131115    —CHARGED, Wafer was, with 2. degree murder.
20131112—20131115    —UNTIL, 1—DOCUMENT on reforms was approved but not made public.
20131115             —REJECTED, GUINEA—SUPREME—COURT, all the complaints lodged against the results of a 20130928             parliamentary election in which PRESIDENT—ALPHA—CONDE—RPG party won the most seats.
20131115             —REPORTED, THE—WASHINGTON—POST, that agents and SUPERVISORS—OF—THE—USA—SECRET—SERVICE have engaged in misconduct in 17—COUNTRIES in recent years.
20131115             It quoted accounts given by whistleblowers to 1—SENATE—COMMITTEE that oversees THE—SECRET—SERVICE.
20131115             —DISPLAYED, It featured prints of artworks that were only, at CIA headquarters in MCLEAN—VIRGINIA.
20131115             —PRESENTED, S—FRANCISCO—MAYOR—ED—LEE, Batkid, aka MILES—SCOTT, —5—JAHRE—ALT, with the key to the city for his heroic deed in saving Gotham.
20131115             —ARRANGED, THE—MAKE—A—WISH—FOUNDATION, the extravaganza for Scott as he fought off leukemia.
20131115             LOS—ANGELES, former 3. grade teacher MARK—BERNDT, —62—JAHRE—ALT pleaded guilty and was sentenced to —25—YEARS in prison.
20131115             —ACCUSED—OF, He was, blindfolding students and feeding them SEMEN—LACED cookies.
20131115             NEW—YORK—CITY, hacker JEREMY—HAMMOND (19830000             *) was sentenced to —10—YEARS in prison for illegally accessing computer SYSTEMS—OF—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—AGENCIES and government contractors.
20131115             Hammond said his goal was to expose injustices by the private intelligence industry.
20131115             —KILLED, OHIO, 6—HORSES were, on rural roads —AFTER over 3—DOZEN escaped from 1—FARM—NEAR—COVINGTON.
20131115             3—PEOPLE injured in the road accidents.
20131115             —RELEASED, Sony, its PlayStation 4—VIDEO—GAME—PLAYER, —1—WEEK—AHEAD—OF—MICROSOFT—NEW—XBOX 1.
20131115             —ISSUED, BRAZIL—SUPREME—COURT—PRESIDENT—JOAQUIM—BARBOSA, warrants for THE—ARREST—OF—JOSE—DIRCEAU, THE—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF to PRESIDENT—LULA da Silva in 20030000—20050000    , and 11—OTHERS for charges including bribery and conspiracy in the "mensalao" (big monthly stipend) case.
20131115             They were among 25—FOUND guilty in the case —LAST—YEAR.
20131115             THE—UK—GOVERNMENT gave the green light for oil firm EnQuest to invest £4.0—BILLION in 1—NORTH—SEA—OIL—FIELD—SCHEME that will support 1 estimated 20,000 jobs.
20131115             TORONTO police said 1—GLOBAL—INVESTIGATION into 1—CANADA—CHILD porn website has led to the arrest of 341—PEOPLE including teachers, doctors and police officers, and the rescue of 386—SEXUALLY abused children.
20131115             —VOTED, CANADA, the city councillors of TORONTO, to limit their HELL—RAISING mayor's powers —AFTER ROB—FORD—LATEST obscene outburst.
20131115             The final OVERVIEW—OF—CHINA'S "3. plenum" was published.
20131115             CHINA—RULING Communist Party said it will loosen family planning rules that limit MANY—COUPLES to 1—SINGLE—CHILD in the 1. substantial change to the unpopular policy in nearly —3—DECADES, as leaders seek to address 1—RAPIDLY aging population.
20131115             It also said the country's MUCH—CRITICIZED labor camp system would be abolished.
20131115             —PLEDGED, Leaders, to open STATE—DOMINATED industries wider to private competition and ease limits on foreign investment in E—COMMERCE and other businesses in 1—SWEEPING reform plan aimed at rejuvenating 1—SLOWING economy.
20131115             —REGARDED, He was widely, as 1—WORLD—CLASS statesman who guided CYPRUS into THE—EU.
20131115             THE—EU executive said it had found no PROOF—OF—UK—CLAIMS that SPAIN had violated EUROPEAN—UNION—RULES on border and customs checks at GIBRALTAR—BORDER.
20131115             —BELIEVED, WEST—GREECE, 12—MIGRANTS, to be Syrians, were found dead —AFTER 1—PLASTIC—BOAT still tied to rocks capsized in calm weather.
20131115             15—PEOPLE survived the incident.
20131115             JAPAN said it was dramatically scaling back its greenhouse gas reduction target —AFTER THE—FUKUSHIMA nuclear accident forced the country to turn to FOSSIL—FUEL burning energy sources, 1—MOVE denounced by climate campaigners.
20131115             —KILLED, LIBYA, 43—PEOPLE were, and more than 450—PEOPLE wounded in TRIPOLI —WHEN militiamen from Misrata opened fire on HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS who had marched on their brigade headquarters to demand that they leave the capital.
20131115             —SUSPECTED, MOZAMBIQUE, Renamo EX—REBELS ambushed 1—CONVOY—OF—CARS killing 1—PERSON and wounding 10—OTHERS along 1—KEY—HIGHWAY in THE—LATEST—OF—LOW—INTENSITY—ATTACKS gripping the country.
20131115             —RELEASED, MYANMAR, 69—POLITICAL—PRISONERS in 1—AMNESTY the government described as 1—ACT—OF "loving kindness" in line with PRESIDENT—THEIN—SEIN—PROMISE to free all PRISONERS—OF—CONSCIENCE by —YEAR—END.
20131115             —KILLED, NIGERIA—TROOPS said they had, 20 suspected MEMBERS—OF—ISLAMIST—TERRORIST—GROUP—BOKO Haram in 1—GUNFIGHT in the country's northeast.
20131115             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 8—PEOPLE were, —WHEN gunmen opened fire on 1—SHI'ITE Muslim religious procession in RAWALPINDI.
20131115             In another version Shiite Muslims staging 1—PROCESSION killed 7—SUNNIS from 1—ISLAMIC seminary for insulting them as they passed.
20131115             THE—PHILIPPINES, the death toll from Typhoon Haiyan, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST powerful typhoons, surged to over 4,000.
20131115             —OPENED, SRI—LANKA, BRITAIN—PRINCE—CHARLES formally, 1—COMMONWEALTH summit in COLOMBO.
20131115             —DOGGED, Its BUILD—UP has been, by 1—DISPUTE over rights abuses —AT—THE—END—OF—SRI—LANKA—ETHNIC—WAR.
20131115             YEMEN—PRESIDENT—ABD—RABBU—MANSOUR—HADI said CHINA will build power plants in YEMEN with total output capacity of 5,000 megawatts and expand the Arab country's main container ports.
20131115—20080000    —SINCE, Nickolay Mladenov, THE—UN—NEW—ENVOY to BAGHDAD, said IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES require "massive AMOUNTS—OF—RE—TRAINING" in human rights to better conduct operations and combat the country's deadliest violence.
20131115—20120400    —IN—THE, 1—NIGERIA—COURT sentenced suspected Islamist Umaru Umaru Mustapha (34) to life imprisonment for THE—BOMBING—OF—1—COMPLEX housing several newspapers that killed 4—PEOPLE bombing in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—KADUNA.
20131116—20131115    —ON, 18—BODIES were found buried in several buildings in Michoacan, which borders Guerrero to the north.
20140000—20151115    —IM—VORJAHR 5.000—PFUND ist der Betrag, den FACEBOOK an den BRITISCHEN—FISKUS überwiesen hat.
20141115             —FACED, MOROCCO, a 20—MILLION—DOLLAR (16—MILLION—EUROS) fine for refusing to host 20150000             —THE—CUP in its scheduled 20140117             —FEBRUARY 8—SLOT over fears of the spread of the deadly Ebola epidemic.
20141115             DIE—KOLPORTIERTEN 500.000.000 DATEN—SÄTZE waren laut 1—FÜHRENDEN Beamten des GEHEIM—DIENSTES 1 "durchaus normale"Größe. —ANFANGS, sei man "sehr erstaunt"gewesen über die hohe Zahl Aber in Bezug auf Metadaten könne man DIE—GRÖßENORDNUNG nachvollziehen.
20141115             —TAINTED, INDIA—OFFICIALS said, drugs apparently killed 13—WOMEN in Chhattisgarh state who underwent 20141108             sterilization procedures —AFTER autopsies ruled out ANY—SURGERY faults.
20141115             "HoGeSa"in HANNOVER : HOOLIGAN—DEMO startet deutlich kleiner als erwartet
20141115             "HoGeSa"in HANNOVER : Hooligans treten Rückzug früher an als geplant
20141115             "HoGeSa"in HANNOVER : POLIZEI begegnet HOOLIGAN—DEMO mit Großaufgebot
20141115             1—BUK hätte von ÜBERWACHUNGS—SATELLITEN, Radarstationen und den beiden Awacs die MH—17 in ihrem AUFKLÄRUNGS—BEREICH hatten erkannt werden MÜSSEN, jedoch
20141115             1—BUK ist beim Start so laut, daß 1—STARTENDER Düsenjet dagegen Kinderfasching ist.
20141115             1—BUK zieht bei 1—ABSCHUSS auf 10.000—METER Höhe 1—CA.
20141115             1—GLÜCK, sage ich euch, daß wir dieses UNRECHT—REGIME los sind!
20141115             Da IM—OSTEN! Die haben immer DIE—WAHLEN gefälscht, habt ihr das auch gehört?
20141115             1—FIESES UNRECHT—REGIME!1!!
20141115             1—SPRECHER—VON—KMW sagte, die Durchsuchungen seien dem Unternehmen angekündigt worden.
20141115             "Wir schauen dem Abschluss der Ermittlungen gelassen entgegen".
20141115             20—40—K—METER—LANGEN Schweif hinter sich her, der je nach WIND—VERHÄLTNISSE noch —NACH—30—MINUTEN zu sehen ist.
20141115             ACUSO !
20141115             Ach sooo, sind nur Metadaten! Na DANN ist das ja nicht so schlimm!1!!
20141115             Als BECKER merkte, wie DER—SPIEGEL reüssierte, ging er
20141115             Als die BRITISCHEN—BESATZER 19460000             den SPIEGEL—VORLÄUFER "Diese —WOCHE"in HANNOVER gründeten, war BECKER für sie die 1.Wahl.
20141115             Der war —DAMALS, Redakteur bei der "Osnabrücker Rundschau"und beim "Neuen Tageblatt"und lehnte das Jobangebot ab.
20141115             Auch IWF—CHEFIN CHRISTINE—LAGARDE schaute für 1—SCHNAPPSCHUSS mit dem Beuteltier vorbei.
20141115             Auch PUTIN ist nicht guter Stimmung.
20141115             Er erwäge, früher abzureisen, lässt er seine LEUTE streuen.
20141115             Er fühle sich wie 1—PARIA, die Kritik beim G20—GIPFEL komme von allen Seiten.
20141115             AUSTRALIENs REGIERUNGS—CHEF—VERLANGT 1—ENTSCHULDIGUNG wegen des Abschusses der —MASCHINE MH17 über DER—UKRAINE, bei dem auch Australier starben.
20141115             Auch das überaus deutliche Foto des Cockpits, das an 1—UND der selben Außenwand Ein—, AUSTRITTslöcher zeigt spricht theoretisch wie praktisch zweifelsfrei gegen 1—BUK.
20141115             Auch dass uns niemand in der westlichen Presse über die BUK aufklären möchte und der weitverbreitete Gedanke man könne sich 1—BUK auf den Rücken schnallen und am besten noch mit 1—STREICHHOLZ starten, spricht für die westlich Verleumdungskampagne.
20141115             Auf dem Bild ist 1—KAMPFJET des Typs MIG—29—ZU sehen.
20141115             BECKER setzte die handwerklichen Standards des Magazins: Er war die treibende Kraft des SPIEGEL—STATUTS
20141115             Bei YouTube gibt es Videos von BUK Treffern auf Übungsziele.
20141115             DIE—LINKE und ihr ISRAEL—HASS: Trotzige DEUTSCHE—FRAUEN
20141115             DIE—SCHLIMMSTE Folge der DERZEITigen PROPAGANDAschlacht auf allen Seiten, ist der VERTRAUENS—VERLUST in —POLITIK und Medien.
20141115             Ich fühle mich wie SEINERZEIT—IN—DER DDR.
20141115             DER—OSTEN erzählte 1—VERSION, DER—WESTEN 1—ANDERE.
20141115             Traue keinen Politiker in Ost oder West.
20141115             Glaube nichts, was dir Medien in Ost und West erzählen.
20141115             Da es diese Beweise aber nicht gibt, wissen wir wer lügt.
20141115             Das Foto stamme vermutlich von 1—BRITISCHEN—ODER—USA—SPIONAGE—SATELLITEN, sagte der 1.VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—DER—RUSSISCHEN—VEREINIGUNG der Ingenieure, Iwan Andrijewski.
20141115             Den per Haftbefehl gesuchten AUGSTEIN (den der damalige VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER—FRANZ—JOSEF—STRAUSS —SCHON auf der Flucht nach KUBA wähnte) fuhr HDB am kommenden —TAG ins HAMBURG—POLIZEIHAUS.
20141115             AUGSTEIN wanderte für —103—TAGE hinter Gitter, EINIGE—WOCHEN—SPÄTER war auch HDB für —34—TAGE in Haft.
20141115             Denkt denn hier niemand an DIE—KINDER?!
20141115             Der Koalabär sitzt in 1—ART—TOPFPFLANZE und knabbert an grünen Zweigen.
20141115             Der Rest ist genau so schlimm.
20141115             Der aktuelle Vulkanausbruch ist der größte in ISLAND —SEIT 1—VORFALL am LAK1—KRATER Ende der 1780er —JAHRE.
20141115             Fast 1—KUBIKKILOMETER Lava hat das Lavafeld Holuhraun am Bárdarbunga —BEREITS ausgestoßen.
20141115             —NACH, —3—MONATEN bedeckt geschmolzenes Gestein 1—FLÄCHE—VON—70—QUADRAT—KILOMETERN, was beinahe der Fläche MANHATTANs entspricht.
20141115             700—MAL ließ DER—VULKAN DIE—ERDE —BEREITS mit 1—STÄRKE von mindestens 3—AUF DER—RICHTERSKALA beben, 60—MAL überstieg das Beben die Stärke 5.
20141115             Deutlich zu erkennen ist dass DAS—ZIEL immer in 1—RIESIGEN Feuerball auf geht, MH—17—EXPLODIERTE jedoch beim Aufprall auf DIE—ERDE.
20141115             Diese Rakete ist in russischem Bestand nicht vorhanden, jedoch in ukrainischem.
20141115             Dutzende Journalisten stehen um ihn herum und machen Selfies.
20141115             Elektroautos: Daimler schließt DEUTSCHLANDs einzige BATTERIEZELLEN—FABRIK
20141115             ERICH—ARP—FETTE Rechnung für Passagier: Einmal W—LAN über den WOLKEN—MACHT 960—EURO
20141115             G20—GIPFEL: MERKEL spricht mit PUTIN lange unter 4—AUGEN
20141115             G20—PROGRAMM für mehr Wachstum: Der 2—BILLIONEN—DOLLAR—PLAN
20141115             Gebetsmühlenhaft wiederholt die CDU das, damit keiner merkt, was für 1—DEMOKRATIE—VERSTÄNDNIS die CDU eigentlich so —AN—DEN—TAG legt.
20141115             Und da muss man gar nicht die jüdischen Vermächtnisse erwähnen, nein, auch IM—OSTEN, da wo früher dieses UNRECHT—REGIME herrschte, ihr wisst —SCHON, die gottlosen Linken!1!!, auch da spielt die CDU mit gezinkten Karten.
20141115             —VERLIERT, Gespräch in BRISBANE: MERKEL, die Geduld mit PUTIN
20141115             HAMBURG—DER DEUTSCH—RUSSISCHE—KONFLIKT hat sich erneut zugespitzt.
20141115             HENRIQUE—CERQUEIRA
20141115             Hier hat 1—PROFESSOR ausgerechnet, daß sie 81—PROZENT—DES—TOR—TRAFFICS durch Trafficanalyse deanonymisieren können.
20141115             Hintergrund der Durchsuchungen sei unter anderem das ERMITTLUNGSVERFAHREN—GEGEN—KMW wegen des Verdachts der STEUER—HINTERZIEHUNG.
20141115             Hintergrund ist offenkundig —DER—FALL—1—RUSSISCHEN—DIPLOMATEN, der als MITARBEITER—DES—BONNER GENERALkonsulats spioniert haben soll, vom VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ —MONATE—LANG observiert und schließlich ohne großes Aufsehen aus dem Land gewiesen wurde.
20141115             In vergleichbaren Fällen zuvor war 1—RETOURKUTSCHE der RUSSEN ausgeblieben, anders dieses Mal.
20141115             —GESCHRIEBEN, Ich meine es genau so, wie ich es, habe.
20141115             Wenn sie eigene Thesen zwischen meinen Zeilen finden dürfen sie diese gern behalten.
20141115             ? Was unsere Medien betrifft: Warum erfahre ich nur aus niederländischen und internationalen Medien, daß die NIEDERLÄNDISCHEN—REGIERUNG bzw.
20141115             Ermittler wochenlang JEDES—GESPRÄCH—MIT—DEN—SEPARATISTEN verweigerten?
20141115             DEUTSCHEN—MEDIEN, lese ich ausschließlich das sich DIE—SEPARATISTEN weigern und die Ermittlungen verhindern.
20141115             Warum muss ich mir DAS—EU—ASSOZIIERUNGSABKOMMEN selbst suchen und übersetzen um festzustellen, daß eben nicht nur um Handel zwischen EU und UKRAINE geht, sondern auch um MILITÄR—ZUSAMMENARBEIT.
20141115             Nein... unsere Medien sind nicht gelenkt, sie haben 1—MEINUNG die sie vertreten.
20141115             Il; Broc; 350 + 399—P. - Im Übrigen ist dieses Erbsenzählen ja eh nicht zielführend:
20141115             ISLAND, ist das —DERZEIT, anders.
20141115             Wissenschaftler der UNIVERSITÄT—VON—ISLAND schätzen, daß das Lavafeld Holuhraun am Bárdarbunga JEDE—SEKUNDE zwischen 450—UND 700—KILOGRAMM Schwefeldioxid AUSSTÖßT—ALSO—CA—40.000—BIS 60.000—TONNEN —AM—TAG, berichtet DIE—NASA.
20141115             —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—AKTUELLEN Eruption habe DER—VULKAN doppelt so viel Schwefeldioxid in die Atmosphäre geblasen wie die gesamte Industrie EUROPAs in —1—JAHR.
20141115             DER—VULKAN scheint lediglich beim Ausstoß von Asche sparsam zu sein.
20141115             InItervenção, 19760000             e 1977
20141115             Kliniken, Schulen, Notdienste: KIEW stoppt alle —STAAT—LEISTUNGEN IN—DER—OST—UKRAINE
20141115             MINI—LABOR auf KOMET—TSCHURI: PHILAE geht der Saft aus
20141115             NATO—"Speerspitze": BUNDESWEHR—SOLDATEN sollen Eingreiftruppe anführen
20141115             OST—UKRAINE: NIEDERLÄNDER können weitere MH17-Trümmer BERGEN
20141115             Offensichtlich, wenn wir es tun, ist es 1—FREUNDSCHAFTLICHE Osterweiterung, wenn PUTIN es tut, ist es "Expansionsdrang".
20141115             —EXPANDIERT, Mal ganz abgesehen davon, daß PUTIN hier nicht, sondern im Gegenteil etwas behalten will.
20141115             Wenn man sich auf die RHETORIK des Westens überhaupt einlassen will an der Stelle.
20141115             PUTIN selbst will auch keine Verschlechterung in seiner Beziehung zur KANZLERIN erkennen.
20141115             "Wir lassen uns von Interessen leiten, wie JEDE—REGIERUNG", sagte er in 1—INTERVIEW vor Beginn des Gipfels.
20141115             "Ich sehe deshalb keine wesentliche Veränderung in unserem Verhältnis".
20141115             Panzerschmiede: RAZZIA—BEI—KRAUSS—MAFFEI
20141115             RUSSISCHER—TV—BERICHT, MH17 soll von Kampfjet abgeschossen worden sein
20141115             —VERWEIGERT, RÜSTUNGS—DEAL—MIT—MOSKAU: FRANKREICH, Übergabe von Hubschrauberträgern
20141115             S&P's unsolicited rating of "BB-"is 3—NOTCHES below investment grade.
20141115             The company sold $1.8::00.000.000—WORTH—OF—CONVERTIBLE—NOTES in ;;09;;.
20141115             SORGE—UM—UNABHÄNGIGKEIT Georgiens: "Stoppt PUTIN"
20141115             Seht ihr? Da fällt so viel an DATEN an, wer macht sich denn da bitte noch die Mühe und zählt das!
20141115             Totale Zeitverschwendung.
20141115             Vor allem, was man in der Zeit —SCHON wieder für weitere DATEN HÄTTE—AN—DIE—NSA weiterleiten können!
20141115             Selbst die KRITIK—AN—DER ENTSENDUNG—VON—KRIEG—SCHIFFEN vor die AUSTRALISCHE—KÜSTE ließ DER—KREML—HERRSCHER vor seiner —ANKUNFT—IN—AUSTRALIEN noch schnell flapsig kontern, wie AUSTRALISCHE—ZEITUNGEN —HEUTE berichten.
20141115             DIE—KRIEG—SCHIFFE würden ihre Reichweite testen für den Fall, daß sie in der ANT—ARKTIS zum KLIMA—WANDEL forschen müssten.
20141115             —ASSIGNED, Standard & Poor's, 1—JUNK rating to TWITTER—DEBT—ON—THURSDAY, saying the company had a "fair"risk profile.
20141115             TOTE—BEI—MASSENSTERILISIERUNG in INDIEN: Medikamente offenbar mit Rattengift verunreinigt
20141115             Trotz der misslichen Position am Rand 1—KRATERS k 10—EN laut DLR alle 10—INSTRUMENTE des Labors aktiviert werden.
20141115             —KURZ—VOR, dem Blackout konnte "PHILAE"sogar noch BODEN—PROBEN entnehmen und 1—THERMOMETER des Instrumentes "Mupus"rund 35—ZENTI—METER tief in den KOMETEN rammen, um die Festigkeit des BODENs zu testen und INFORMATIONEN—ÜBER—SEINE Wärme zu bekommen.
20141115             USA—TRUPPEN gegen IS, USA—GENERAL—STABS—CHEF—SONDIERT die Lage im IRAK
20141115             —BEKLECKERT, Und die ESA, sich auch nicht gerade mit Ruhm mit ihrer tröpfchenweisen Informationspolitik.
20141115             Wenn man nicht das LOBBYISTEN—MODELL sondern das der UNO anwendet, um die Folgen von TTIP vorherzusagen, dann kommen da —PLÖTZLICH, ganz andere Zahlen raus: Export geht runter, BIP geht runter, Einkommen gehen runter, Arbeitsplätze werden vernichtet, DER—ANTEIL—VON—ARBEIT am BIP ginge weiter runter, den Regierungen gingen EINNAHMEN verloren, und DIE—FINANZIELLE Instabilität würde wachsen.
20141115             Wie es der Zufall will, liegt ihr Hotel in 1—KNEIPENMEILE.
20141115             Als MERKEL dort —FREITAG—AM—ABEND, ankam, erkannten Passanten DIE—DEUTSCHE—KANZLERIN.
20141115             MERKEL posierte kurz für Selfies, die SEITDEM im INTERNET die Runde machen.
20141115             Wo waren da noch mal die Vorteile, wegen derer wir TTIP überhaupt zu verhandeln begonnen haben?
20141115             Wäre MH—17—VON 1—BUK abgeschossen worden hätten das —TAUSENDE—MENSCHEN bemerkt.
20141115             Wüsste die westliche Bevölkerung dass 1—BUK aus mindesten 4—GEPANZERTEN Fahrzeugen auf Kette besteht, jedes einzelne größer als 1—LEOPARDPANZER (BUK—RAKETENSTARTERFAHRZEUG, BUK—RAKETENLADERFAHRZEUG, BUK—KOMMANDOFAHRZEUG, BUK—ZIELLEITRADARFAHRZEUG wobei in der Regel im normalen Betrieb 4—8—ZIELLEITRADARFAHRZEUGE sternförmig positioniert werden um ALLE—RICHTUNGEN abzudecken zudem wird 1 15—KÖPFIGE Besatzung mit —6—MONATEN Intensivtraining benötigt) und selbst nur 4—FAHRZEUGE auf 3—TIEFLADERN transportiert werden, würde uns klar machen das auch das, in Zeiten wo man unsere Zeitung aus dem Weltall mitlesen kann, von jedem Satellit hätte erkannt werden müssen.
20141115             Zur Unterhaltung DER—REPORTER haben die AUSTRALISCHEN—GASTGEBER 1—KOALABÄR ins Pressezentrum geschafft und 1—REPTILIENSCHAU organisiert.
20141115             [1]redeten DIE—KANZLERIN—UND—PUTIN unter 4—AUGEN.
20141115             KREML—SPRECHER DMITRI—PESKOW sagte RUSSISCHEN—AGENTUREN zufolge, daß PUTIN der KANZLERIN noch einmal eingehend die Nuancen des russischen und europäischen Zugangs zum UKRAINE—KONFLIKT erklärt habe.
20141115             PUTIN und JUNCKER führten ihr Gespräch nach MERKELs Abfahrt fort.
20141115             [l] DIE—DDR, das war ja 1—UNRECHT—REGIME".1—UNRECHT—REGIME. Diese DDR. Da IM—OSTEN. Da wo diese linken Zecken herrschten. DIE—DDR".1 UNRECHT—REGIME.
20141115             Wisst —SCHON. UNRECHT—REGIME.
20141115             Diese DDR da IM—OSTEN mit DEN—LINKEN".1 UNRECHT—REGIME!
20141115             [l] FRANKREICH will —JETZT "wegen DER—UKRAINE"ihre Hubschrauberträger doch nicht an RUSSLAND liefern.
20141115             —VERLIERT, Und "MERKEL, die Geduld mit PUTIN".
20141115             Ich komm mir vor wie im falschen Film.
20141115             —ENTBLÖDET, MERKEL, sich sogar nicht, PUTIN Expansionsstreben vorzuwerfen.
20141115             Ich möchte bei der Gelegenheit nochmal auf die Karte mit den NATO—"Erweiterungen"verweisen.
20141115             [l] IN—DEN—USA sind Flugzeuge mit IMSI—CATCHERN dran —SCHON im Regeleinsatz.
20141115             Das hier scheint der Hersteller zu sein.
20141115             Bei Heise auch ohne MURDOCH—PAYWALL. [l] Ihr kennt das bestimmt.
20141115             500.000.000 DATEN—SÄTZE [vom BND—AN—DIE—NSA] hier, 500.000.000 DATEN—SÄTZE dort, nach ner Weile kommt da richtig was zusammen!1!!
20141115             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE—VON—S&P:
20141115             [l] Man darf sich bei TTIP nicht so an den Schiedsgerichten aufhalten.
20141115             [l] THE—INTERCEPT darüber, wie DIE—USA—AMIS mit Duqu die UNGARISCHE—CA aufgemacht haben.
20141115             [l] Was macht eigentlich Viviane Reding —JETZT?
20141115             ausgerechnet die Awacs klassifizierten die Rakete die MH—17—ABSCHOSS mit dem NATOcode SA—3—GOA SURFACE—TO—AIR Missile
20141115             es gäbe genügend Möglichkeiten 1 100% Abschuss zu Beweisen, hätten da tatsächlich RUSSEN oder PRO—RUSSEN ihre Finger im Spiel.
20141115             es mache aber keinen Sinn, derlei Werte anzuführen, da einzelne Ereignisse wie Telefonate —SCHON Dutzende VERBINDUNGS—DATEN produzierten.
20141115             —BEREITS, vor dem TREFFEN—MIT—MERKEL hatte PUTIN ausgeteilt.
20141115             "Das Wichtigste ist, daß man DAS—PROBLEM nicht einseitig betrachten darf", sagte er in 1—INTERVIEW für DIE—ARD—SENDUNG "GÜNTHER—JAUCH", das —AM—SONNTAG ausgestrahlt werden soll.
20141115             DIE—UKRAINE—REGIERUNG habe Truppen eingesetzt, es kämen Raketengeschosse zum Einsatz.
20141115             Aber dies werde nicht erwähnt.
20141115             "Das heißt, daß Sie wollen, daß DIE—UKRAINE—REGIERUNG dort alle vernichtet, sämtliche politischen Gegner und Widersacher. Wollen Sie das?", fragte PUTIN seine Interviewer.
20141115             "Wir wollen das nicht. Und wir lassen es nicht zu".
20141115             —NOCH, bevor WLADIMIR—PUTIN überhaupt beim G20—GIPFEL—BISBANE eintraf, sah er sich —SCHON mit der Forderung nach 1—ENTSCHULDIGUNG konfrontiert.
20141115             —SPIEGEL—MITBEGRÜNDER HANS—DETLEV—BECKER: Der Mann in Augsteins SCHATTEN
20141115             —UPDATE, Der Vollständigkeit halber sei auch nochmal hierauf verlinkt.
20141115             Falls jemand denkt, das sei 1—CDU—PROBLEM, das beträfe DIE—CSU —SCHON nicht.
20141115             Oh und natürlich der hier".1 UNRECHT—REGIME, sage ich euch!
20141115             —CONTRACTED, DOCTOR—MARTIN—SALIA, —44—JAHRE—ALT, seriously ill from Ebola, in SIERRA—LEONE, arrived at NEBRASKA Medical Center in OMAHA for treatment.
20141115             —KILLED, TEXAS, 1—HAZARDOUS—CHEMICAL—LEAK, 4—WORKERS at 1—DUPONT plant in La Porte, 1—SUBURB—OF—HOUSTON.
20141115             —OPENED, AUSTRALIA, the G20 summit, in BRISBANE.
20141115             —WARNED, Western leaders, VLADIMIR—PUTIN that he risked more economic sanctions if he failed to end RUSSIA—BACKING for separatist rebels in UKRAINE.
20141115             —REINSTATED, BURKINA—FASO—MILITARY, the constitution, suspended —WHEN the army filled the vacuum created by PRESIDENT—COMPAORE—DEPARTURE.
20141115             —REPORTED, It was, that CHILE—ENGINEERING students have designed 1—BIKE that can't be stolen.
20141115             The bike's lower frame opens up into 2—ARMS that are then connected to the seat post and locked to 1—POST, so thieves would have to destroy 1—YERKA to get it unlocked.
20141115             Batteries aboard the European Space AGENCY—PHILAE comet lander drained, shutting down the washing MACHINE—SIZED probe —AFTER 1—ADVENTUROUS and largely unscripted —57—HOUR—MISSION.
20141115             Its last task was to reposition itself so that as the comet soars toward the sun, PHILAE—BATTERIES may recharge enough for 1—FOLLOW—ON mission.
20141115             GERMANY—STUDENT Tu?çe Albayrak (19910000             *) was struck and fatally injured outside 1—MCDONALD—RESTAURANT in OFFENBACH am Main —WHILE trying to protect 2—TEENAGE—GIRLS in THE—TOILETS—OF—THE—RESTAURANT.
20141115             Albayrak † 20141128             on her 23. birthday.
20141115             —RALLIED, GEORGIA, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in the capital to protest 1 planned agreement between RUSSIA and GEORGIA—SEPARATIST—PROVINCE—OF—ABKHAZIA.
20141115             1 proposed agreement envisages the creation of joint Russian and Abkhazian military forces.
20141115             3—HONG—KONG student leaders were stopped from boarding 1—FLIGHT to BEIJING to take their fight for greater democracy directly to THE—CHINA—GOVERNMENT—AFTER airline authorities said their travel permits were invalid.
20141115             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE—TELEVISION, that the country has inaugurated 1—NEW—GOLD—PROCESSING plant that will double the country's annual production to 6—TONS.
20141115             —ABDUCTED, ITALY—ENGINEER—GIANLUCA—SALVIATO, last March in LIBYA, returned home.
20141115             He was working on 1—SEWER construction project for 1—ITALY—COMPANY—WHEN he went missing in TOBRUK.
20141115             —RESCUED, ITALY—AUTHORITIES said that more than 900—PEOPLE have been, at sea in the last —24—HOURS, in 1—BLOW to hopes that THE—APPROACH—OF—WINTER would stem THE—FLOW—OF—MIGRANTS attempting perilous crossings of the Mediterranean.
20141115             —ARRIVED, LIBERIA, about 160—CHINA—HEALTH—WORKERS, where they are due to staff 1—NEW $41—MILLION—EBOLA clinic that, unlike most other foreign interventions, is being built and fully run by CHINA—PERSONNEL.
20141115             —BARRED, MOROCCO was, from the next 2—AFRICA—CUP—OF—NATIONS as punishment for refusing to host 20150000             —THE edition in JANUARY—FEBRUARY.
20141115             —ARRESTED, NETHERLANDS police, 60—PEOPLE protesting for and against the controversial "Black Pete" figure —DURING the annual arrival procession of S—NICHOLAS in THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—GOUDA.
20141115             —REGAINED, THE—NIGERIA—ARMY, CONTROL—OF—CHIBOK, the northeastern town where more than 200—SCHOOLGIRLS were kidnapped by Islamic extremists more than —6—MONTHS—AGO.
20141115             —ARRESTED, Portuguese and SPAIN—POLICE said they have, 15—PEOPLE, including 2—SPAIN—POLICE, on suspicion of trying to smuggle 2.1—METRIC—TONS—OF—HASHISH into SPAIN hidden inside 1—CONCRETE mixer truck.
20141115             —RALLIED, SERBIA—NATIONALIST—LEADER—VOJISLAV Seselj (60), THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS in BELGRADE in scenes that threaten to embarrass 1—UN—WAR—CRIMES—COURT that released him on GROUNDS—OF—ILL—HEALTH—BEFORE reaching 1—VERDICT in his trial.
20141115             —STRUGGLED, Trinidad, to emerge from widespread flooding as meteorologists warned of more rain that has already forced businesses and schools to close.
20141115             —REPORTED, TURKEY—MEDIA, that TURKEY and THE—USA—HAVE agreed 1—PLAN under which some 2,000 fighters from the moderate SYRIA—OPPOSITION would be trained on TURKEY—SOIL.
20141115             —ISSUED, UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—PETRO—POROSHENKO, several decrees to shut state institutions and banking services in PRO—RUSSIA—EASTERN regions.
20141115             7—SOLDIERS were reported killed in the past —24—HOURS, —WHILE the press service for the 'DONETSK PEOPLE—REPUBLIC' said 6—CIVILIANS, including 2—CHILDREN, were killed in shelling —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20141115             —ISSUED, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, 1—LIST—OF—83—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATIONS, including the Muslim Brotherhood.
20141115             —DENOUNCED, FRANCIS—PAPA, the right to die movement, saying it's a "false SENSE—OF—COMPASSION" to consider euthanasia as 1—ACT—OF—DIGNITY—WHEN in fact it's 1—SIN against God and creation.
20141115—20090000    —REPORTED, IRAN—SEMIOFFICIAL ISNA news agency, that THE—SUPREME—COURT has disbarred JUDGE—SAEED—MORTAZAVI over his role in the death by torture of at least 3 jailed ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS.
20141115—20150616    —ON, 1—PANEL—OF—JUDGES in DARMSTADT found Sanel Masovic (18) GUILTY—OF—INFLICTING—BODILY harm with fatal consequences and sentenced him to —3—YEARS in prison.
20141115—20170420    —DEPORTED, Masovic was, to Serbia.
20141121—20131115    —PLEADED, He had, guilty.
20141128             She had been hit in the head —WHILE defending 2—TEENAGE—GIRLS from MALE harassment on the night of 20141115             .
20151005—20151115    —ON, 5—MEN were rescued.
20151115             † 1—OF—THE—MINERS, —DURING the incarceration underground —FOLLOWING 20151005             —THE collapse.
20151115             7—PEOPLE were detained in BELGIUM in connection with 20151113             —THE deadly attacks in PARIS as the city entered —3—DAYS—OF—MOURNING for THE—129—PEOPLE killed in the worst violence in FRANCE in decades.
20151115             Oder BEGANN dieser KRIEG doch 20010911             AM,?
20151115             "DIE—POLIZEI, die man sieht, wird auch etwas anders aussehen als —BISHER", sagte MAAS AM—SAMSTAGABEND in der Sendung "Maybrit Illner Spezial".
20151115             "Star Wars"-Mobilisierung: Als STURMTRUPPEN—KÄMPFER und Pilot verkleidete Menschen fahren mit der ROLL—TREPPE am Flughafen von SINGAPUR zu 1—WERBEAUFTRITT für den kommenden "Star Wars"-Film "Das Erwachen der MACHT".
20151115             "Will politicians finally admit that THE—PARIS attacks had something to do with ISLAM...
20151115             1—GANZES Dorf auf STEUER—FLUCHT
20151115             1—SOLL mit syrischem Pass nach EUROPA eingereist sein.
20151115             2—ATTENTÄTER—VON—PARIS hielten sich vor den Anschlägen offenbar in SYRIEN auf.
20151115             Aber deshalb marschieren die Dorfbewohner nicht etwa in WESTMINSTER auf.
20151115             Aber es gibt auch negative Stimmen.
20151115             Als DIE—BBC—MASTERMINDS von dem Coup erfuhren, war ihnen klar: Hier würde ihre freche Idee eines STEUERexperiments auf fruchtbaren Boden fallen.
20151115             —GEWORDEN, Aus DEUTSCHER—SICHT sei dabei deutlich, dass DIE—ZAHL—DER—ISLAMISTISCHEN Gefährder in FRANKREICH so hoch sei, dass man DIE—SZENE kaum noch beobachten könne.
20151115             BUNDES—JUSTIZ—MINISTER—HEIKO—MAAS (SPD) hat nach der Anschlagsserie von PARIS 1.sichtlich erhöhte POLIZEIpräsenz angekündigt.
20151115             BUNDES—KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL sagte dem Nachbarland "jedwede Unterstützung"zu.
20151115             —BIS vor ein paar —TAGEN kannten nur passionierte Wanderer den malerischen Marktflecken am Fuße der Black Mountains.
20151115             Bundesnetzagentur:—CA—350.000—HAUSHALTEN wurde der Strom GESPERRT—BURKHART Berthold 2017—HEUTE
20151115             CLINTON zu PARIS—ANSCHLÄGEN: "DER—IS muss nicht EINGEDÄMMT—ER muss besiegt werden"
20151115             CrISIS in PARIS—DER—ATTENTÄTER wollte allem Anschein nach, dass die Behörden diesen Weg über GRIECHENLAND und den Balkan nachvollziehen können.
20151115             DEUTSCHE—SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDEN: "Wir sind ganz eng am Mann"
20151115             DIE—AUSRÜSTUNG werde 1.andere sein.
20151115             DIE—BILDER—DER—WOCHE: Schleimlawine
20151115             DIE—GEWERBETREIBENDEN von Crickhowell haben sich zusammengetan, um der Gerechtigkeit zum Sieg zu verhelfen.
20151115             DIE—REGIERUNG mobilisierte 3000—WEITERE Soldaten, um auf den Straßen, in Bahnhöfen und besonders gefährdeten Orten zu patrouillieren.
20151115             DIE—REGIERUNG—VON—SPANIEN beschloss, DIE—SICHERHEIT "in einigen Bereichen"zu erhöhen.
20151115             DIE—STORY ist freilich zu schön, um ohne ein vorgefertigtes Drehbuch auszukommen.
20151115             DIE—TERROR—ORGANISATION—ISLAMISCHER—STAAT (IS) lehnt das Konzept 1—STAATS—BÜRGERSCHAFT generell ab und betrachtet SYRIEN wie ALLE—ANDEREN—LÄNDER als illegitime Gebilde, die zerstört werden müssen.
20151115             Daher müssten —NUN auch alle gemeinsam den KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR führen.
20151115             Der Anstoß kam in Wahrheit von der BBC, die —NUN 1.Fernsehdokumentation zum Thema dreht.
20151115             Der NIEDERLANDE—PREMIER—MARK—RUTTE sagte, sein Land befinde sich "im KRIEG"
20151115             Der FRANZÖSISCHE—JOURNALIST—DANIEL—PSENNY filmte den Anschlag mit dem Handy:
20151115             Der Ökonom findet es gar nicht lustig, den Konzernen nachzueifern.
20151115             EUROPA und DER—TERROR: Freiheit braucht Schutz
20151115             Emma kämpft mit ihrem Buchladen 1—UNGLEICHEN KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—ONLINE—GIGANTEN AMAZON.
20151115             —GEFÄLSCHT, Ermittlern zufolge war das Dokument, -
20151115             —GEHÖRT, Es, zu den Zielen des IS, Zwietracht zwischen den europäischen Gesellschaften und den islamischen Minderheiten zu säen.
20151115             FLÜCHTLINGS—DEBATTE nach PARIS: —STUNDE der Scharfmacher
20151115             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, CDU—ABGEORDNETER stellt Merkels Kanzlerschaft infrage
20151115             Fahndung nach ANSCHLAG—IN—PARIS: Immer wieder BELGIEN - G20—TREFFEN in Belek: DER—TERROR—GIPFEL
20151115             GIPFEL—DER—TÜRKEI: G20 wollen ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF koordinieren
20151115             GIPFEL—DER—TÜRKEI: G20—STAATEN beraten gemeinsame Linie gegen den TERROR
20151115             Gauck —NACH—DEN Anschlägen in PARIS: "Niemals beugen wir uns dem TERROR"
20151115             —RECHERCHIERT, Glücklicherweise hat das hier mal jemand :
20151115             Here's a clue: Hintergrund ist 1.Dokumentation der BBC.
20151115             —ENTITLED, JAMES—CARDEN has written 1—INCREDIBLE—ARTICLE, "NEO—MCCARTHYISM and THE—USA—LAWYER—THE crusade to ban RUSSIA policy critics".
20151115             KABUL: Plakate WARNEN Afghanen vor Flucht nach DEUTSCHLAND—KOMMT ihr NIE drauf!
20151115             MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN: FLÜCHTLINGS—HEIM auf Usedom ausgebrannt
20151115             Medellín in KOLUMBIEN: Vom Touristenschreck zum GEHEIMTIPP—NA?
20151115             Nach LPO—ANGABEN werden in FRANKREICH PRO—JAHR etwa 500.000—SINGVÖGEL mit Fallen und an Leimruten GEFANGEN—OBWOHL dies in der EU verboten ist.
20151115             Nach TERROR—IN—PARIS: Konservative verschärfen Ton in DER—FLÜCHTLINGS—DEBATTE
20151115             Ohne diesen fiesen Massenmörder SNOWDEN, der das Blut von Hunderten an den Händen hat, wäre PARIS —HEUTE sicher!1!!
20151115             Over THE—PAST—YEAR, current and FORMER—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS tell YAHOO News, IS terror suspects have moved to increasingly sophisticated methods of encrypted communications, using new —SOFTWARE such as Tor, that INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES are having difficulty penetrating — 1—SWITCH that SOME—OFFICIALS say was accelerated by THE—DISCLOSURES—OF—FORMER—NSA—CONTRACTOR—EDWARD—SNOWDEN.
20151115             PRO—JAHR—PFUND gehen dem FINANZ—MINISTERIUM in LONDON nach eigener Schätzung durch STEUER—FLUCHT und unerwünschte STEUER—VERMEIDUNG verloren.
20151115             REAKTION—AUF—ANSCHLÄGE: HOLLANDE will AUSNAHME—ZUSTAND auf —3—MONATE verlängern
20151115             REAKTION—AUF—PARISER Anschläge: OST—EUROPAS Rechte fühlt sich bestätigt
20151115             Sagt der BELGISCHE—INNEN—MINISTERS.
20151115             Sie schauen sich gemeinsam die Tricks der großen —KONZERNE ab und machen sie nach.
20151115             Sony!1!!
20151115             TERROR—IN—FRANKREICH: Wer KRIEG sagt, muss KRIEG führen
20151115             THE—PRINCIPLES—OF—THE—HJS are NEO—CON and the initial signatories include patrons RICHARD—PERLE, WILLIAM—KRISTOL and JAMES—WOOLSEY.
20151115             —STARTED, THE—NEO—CON attacks against ISLAM have, ALREADY.
20151115             THERE—1—LOT, LOT more, ALL—OF—IT outstanding, including ties to the Legatum Institute and THE—HENRY—JACKSON—SOCIETY.
20151115             USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA verurteilte DIE—ANSCHLÄGE als "abscheulichen Versuch", DIE—WELT zu terrorisieren.
20151115             Und es ist schlicht gefährlich, wenn DER—PAPA vom "3. Weltkrieg"spricht.
20151115             Unter Hinweis auf die nötige Vorsicht wollte er aber keine Details der geplanten und —SCHON durchgeführten MAßNAHMEn verraten.
20151115             Wenn das gesellschaftliche Klima feindseliger wird, spielt das den RADIKALEn in die Karten.
20151115             —STIGMATISIERT, Wenn sich DIE—MUSLIME in EUROPA ausgegrenzt und, fühlen, sind sie für den radikalen ISLAM der DSCHIHADISTEN empfänglich, so DAS—KALKÜL.
20151115             Wenn sich auf der High Street 1—STARBUCKS einnistet, kann Sam ihr Number 18—CAFÉ zusperren.
20151115             Wo DER—LIBERALISMUS seine äuß1. Grenzen erreicht, schließt er den Mördern die Türe auf.
20151115             Zugleich werde ZUSAMMEN—MIT—DEN NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTEN die Beobachtung islamistischer Gefährder intensiviert, sagte der JUSTIZ—MINISTER.
20151115             [l] In FRANKREICH ist 1—TGV zwischen PARIS und STRAßBURG—AUF—1—BRÜCKE entgleist und in 1—FLUSS gefallen.
20151115             [l] Interessantes Konzept GEGEN—DIE—STEUERSPARPROGRAMME DER—KONZERNE:
20151115             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE des INNEN—MINISTERS:
20151115             [l] Wisst ihr, wer an den Pariser Anschlägen Schuld ist?
20151115             [l] Wisst ihr, wer neben Tor und SNOWDEN noch Schuld ist an den TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN?
20151115             and... - dass es gefunden wurde, gehörte wohl zum Plan.
20151115             mit dem "ISLAMISCHER—STAAT"
20151115             zwischen Burgruine und alter Brücke braut sich 1.Rebellion zusammen, die es —NUN in Windeseile an DIE—WELT—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT schafft.
20151115             —NACH—DEM TERROR—IN—PARIS: Der Preis der Freiheit
20151115             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS fred : 8:56 PM
20151115             —VOM—FLEISCHER—BIS zur Floristin: Alle
20151115             "The thing that keeps me awake at night is the guy behind his computer, looking for messages from IS and other hate preachers," he said.
20151115             "Entweder zahlen ALLE—STEUERN oder keiner von uns", lautet der Slogan der Bewegung, DIE—AM—FREITAG offiziell startete.
20151115             THE—USA—PENTAGON said 5—MEN who have been held for more than —13—YEARS at THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY—CUBA, have been released and sent to THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES.
20151115             Their release brings THE—GUANTANAMO prison population to 107.
20151115             —INCLUDED, His songs, "EVE—OF—DESTRUCTION" (19650000             ).
20151115             OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, police officers shot dead RICHARD—PERKINS—JUNIOR, —39—JAHRE—ALT as he carried 1—TOY—GUN.
20151115             —SHOWED, Surveillance video —LATER, that Perkins had complied with police commands and never raised the pistol.
20151115             —AUTHORED, AUTHOR—STEPHEN—BIRMINGHAM, some 30—BOOKS, almost all of which were about THE—SUPER—WEALTHY including "Our Crowd: THE—GREAT—JEWISH—FAMILIES—OF—NEW—YORK" (19670000             ).
20151115             TEXAS, 2—BODIES were found at 1—CAMPSITE in Anderson County near THE—HOME—OF—SUSPECT—WILLIAM—HUDSON, —33—JAHRE—ALT.
20151115             4—MORE—BODIES were found —1—DAY—LATER in 1—POND on HUDSON—PROPERTY.
20151115             —TARGETED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 1—CONVOY—OF—FOREIGN—FORCES—JUST outside Lashkar Gah, Helmand province, killing 1—CIVILIAN and wounding 12—OTHERS.
20151115             —KILLED, BRAZIL, ice vendor Fabiano Machado da Silva (33) was, by 1—CROWD—OF—10—PEOPLE in the Ipanema neighborhood of RIO—DE—JANEIRO.
20151115             † CYNTHIA—PAYNE, —82—JAHRE—ALT, UK—BROTHEL—KEEPER.
20151115             EGYPT, 15—SUDAN—MIGRANTS, about to illegally enter ISRAEL from THE—SINAI—PENINSULA, were killed as they were caught up in the crossfire of 1—GUN—BATTLE—BETWEEN—EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES and Bedouin smugglers.
20151115             —REPORTED, IRAN—SEMI—OFFICIAL—FARS—NEWS—AGENCY, that authorities have arrested administrators of more than 20—GROUPS on the messaging app Telegram for spreading "immoral content", the latest detentions in 1—CLAMPDOWN on FREEDOM—OF—EXPRESSION.
20151115             —WARNED, IRAN—POLICE, that women who fail to wear the veil —WHEN driving will have their cars impounded for —1—WEEK and are likely to be fined.
20151115             —APPROVED, ISRAEL, the entry of some 9,000 Ethiopians known as Falash Mura who claim Jewish lineage, ending DECADES—OF—DEBATE on whether to allow their immigration despite uncertainty over their right to settle in the Jewish state.
20151115             —UNCOVERED, Kurdish forces said they, 2—MASS—GRAVES outside Sinjar, 1—NORTHERN—IRAQ—TOWN—NEAR THE—SYRIA—BORDER that was ruled by the Islamic State group for more than —1—YEAR—BEFORE the extremists were driven out —LAST—WEEK.
20151115             —UNCOVERED, The 1. grave, contained 78—ELDERLY—WOMEN—BODIES.
20151115             —CONTAINED, The 2. grave, between 50 and 60—BODIES—OF—MEN, women and children.
20151115             LEBANON—INTERIOR—MINISTER said 9—PEOPLE, mostly Syrians, have been arrested over —LAST—WEEK—BEIRUT bombings that killed 44—PEOPLE, 1—ATTACK whose original target was 1—HOSPITAL.
20151115             —EXTRADITED, MEXICO said it has, top drug trafficker CESAR—GASTELUM—SERRANO, —47—JAHRE—ALT to THE—USA, where he is accused of running 1—NETWORK that smuggles TONS—OF—COCAINE into THE—USA—VIA—CENTRAL—AMERICA.
20151115             —FORCED, NICARAGUA said THOUSANDS—OF—CUBANS, their way into its TERRITORY—FROM—COSTA—RICA, accusing its southern neighbor of "deliberately and irresponsibly" flooding it with USA—BOUND migrants.
20151115             † In ROMANIA 3—HANDBALL players from THE—CSU—TARGOVISTE men's team and 11 were injured —WHEN the bus they were traveling in was hit by 1—TRUCK.
20151115             —DESTROYED, SYRIA, coalition strikes, 116—FUEL—TRUCKS used by the jihadist group near Albu Kamal, 1—IS—HELD town in Deir Ezzor province on the border with IRAQ.
20151115             FRANCE—RAIDS hit THE—IS—STRONGHOLD—OF—RAQA.
20151115             1—COALITION—STRIKE destroyed 116—JIHADISTS' oil trucks.
20151115             11—PRO—GOVERNMENT—FORCES were killed and 45 were wounded —WHEN rebels, including Islamists, attacked them in ALEPPO city.
20151115             —BELIEVED, Warplanes, to be Russian carried out 40—AIR—STRIKES, including on the ancient CITY—OF—PALMYRA.
20151115             SYRIA, ABU—ALI—AL—BARIDI, THE—LEADER—OF—AL—YARMUK—MARTYRS—BRIGADE, 1—MILITANT—SYRIA—FACTION that had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group, was killed along with 2—OTHER—LEADERS in 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK by rival jihadists of AL—NUSRA.
20151115             5—TANZANIA—GOLD miners were rescued —AFTER spending —41—DAYS trapped deep underground eating cockroaches and frogs to survive.
20151115             TUNISIA, at least 3—ISLAMIST—MILITANTS and 1—TUNISIA—SOLDIER were killed in clashes in THE—CENTRAL—KASSERINE province, near THE—ALGERIA—BORDER.
20151115             —OPENED, TURKEY, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, fire on police and then blew himself up —DURING their raid on 1—SUSPECT—ISLAMIC—STATE—MILITANT hideout near the border with Syria, injuring 5—POLICE—OFFICERS.
20151115             Speaking at 1—G20 leaders summit in TURKEY USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA vowed to step up efforts to eliminate Islamic STATE—IN—SYRIA and prevent it from carrying out attacks like those in PARIS, —WHILE European leaders urged RUSSIA to focus its military efforts on the radical Islamists.
20151115             —AGREED, Obama and RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, on the need for UN—SPONSORED peace talks and 1—CEASEFIRE to resolve YEARS—OF—WAR in Syria.
20151115—20010911    —ON, Let this sink in...sold
20151115—20130000    —IN, 1—BAHRAIN court ordered 12—SHIITES to life in prison and stripped them of their citizenship on charges of forming 1—TERRORIST—GROUP and targeting police with explosive devices for incidents that took place and 20140000             .
20151115—20151113    —IN—THE, ISRAEL—SHIN—BET security service said 1—PALESTINE—SUSPECT has been arrested DRIVE—BY shooting that killed 2—ISRAELIS.
20151115—20160801    —FILED, Perkins' family, 1—FEDERAL—SUIT against THE—CITY—OF—OAKLAND.
20151123             —WOUNDED, MINNESOTA, 5—PEOPLE were, though none gravely, —WHEN gunmen opened fire at THE—MINNEAPOLIS protest over 20151115             —THE fatal police shooting of Jamar Clark.
20160428—20191115    —ON, Tiffany Li was found not guilty.
20161115             The rebuilt CAST—IRON—DOME—OF—THE—USA—CAPITOL, 1—SOARING SYMBOL—OF—NATIONAL unity —SINCE the 18010101—19001231    , was formally completed —AFTER a $60—MILLION—OVERHAUL that included repairing RUST—CHOKED gutters and more than 1,300 cracks.
20161115             —DESCRIBED, MYANMAR—ARMY said 69—MEMBERS—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT, Rohingya Muslim militant group and 17—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SECURITY—FORCES have been killed —SINCE 20161009             —THE—START—OF—FIGHTING in WEST—RAKHINE State.
20161115             "Hart aber fair"zu DONALD—TRUMP: "Leute werden zu schnell in die falsche Ecke gestellt"
20161115             "—JAHR—DER—BARMHERZIGKEIT": KUBA begnadigt Hunderte Häftlinge
20161115             "Mädchen auf der Brücke": MUNCH—GEMÄLDE für 54.500.000—DOLLAR versteigert
20161115             (please edit previous comment to correct suggestion the piece was written —BEFORE the —ELECTION.
20161115             1/3—OF—THIS nation's eligible voters chose to give this monster the power to rule their lives.
20161115             ANGST—VOR—TRUMP: —JETZT beruhigt euch mal bloß nicht
20161115             ABGEHÖRT—NEUE Musik: Mit dem TRIBE—GEGEN—DONALD—TRUMP
20161115             Ach komm, guck mal, das musst du doch nicht wirklich wissen!
20161115             Alle?
20161115             —BEREITET, BESUCH—IN—ANKARA: ERDOGAN, STEINMEIER eisigen Empfang
20161115             BESUCH—IN—ANKARA: STEINMEIER liefert sich Schlagabtausch mit türkischem Kollegen
20161115             BESUCH—IN—DER TÜRKEI: STEINMEIER wird überraschend ERDOGAN —TREFFEN—BIG—DATA für DIE—CIA.
20161115             BUNDES—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT: Regierung muss NSA—SELEKTORENLISTEN nicht rausgeben
20161115             Brennende Ölquellen im IRAK: Das schwarze, stinkende Erbe des IS
20161115             Bruttoinlandsprodukt: Wirtschaft wächst nur noch homöopathisch
20161115             CNN—INTERVIEW: MERKEL tritt laut Röttgen zur Wiederwahl an
20161115             DE—MAIZIÈRE zum VERBOT—VON—SALAFISTENVEREIN: "Für radikale ISLAMISTEN ist kein Platz"
20161115             DONALD—TRUMP—PAPIER zur HANDELS—POLITIK, —AN—TAG 100—IST CHINA dran
20161115             Das GEHEIM—HALTUNGSINTERESSE DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG überwiegt DAS—PARLAMENTARISCHE Informationsinteresse, weil die vom Beweisbeschluss erfassten NSA—SELEKTORENLISTEN aufgrund völkerrechtlicher Vereinbarungen nicht ihrer Verfügungsbefugnis unterfallen, ihre Einschätzung, 1.nicht konsentierte HER—AUSGABE dieser Listen könne die Funktions—, Kooperationsfähigkeit DEUTSCHER—NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTE erheblich beeinträchtigen, nachvollziehbar ist und sie dem Vorlageersuchen in Abstimmung mit dem UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS durch andere Verfahrensweisen so präzise, wie es ohne 1.Offenlegung von Geheimnissen möglich gewesen ist, Rechnung getragen hat.
20161115             Do not expect your institutions to save you, and place no faith in the next —ELECTION.
20161115             Expansionspläne: LE—PEN würde mit "BREITBART—NEWS"zusammenarbeiten
20161115             FACEBOOK und die Falschmeldungen: MEDIEN—MASCHINE auf Abwegen
20161115             Far better -- and far more usefully pessimistic than the Sabl article -- is this, by N.
20161115             Freie Bahn für DONALD—TRUMP: Chefin DER—USA—BÖRSEN—AUFSICHT tritt zurück
20161115             GRIECHENLAND—KRISE, OBAMA wirbt für Großherzigkeit DER—EUROPÄER
20161115             GROß—BRITANNIEN: Eichhörnchen LEIDEN an LEPRA
20161115             —GEFOLTERT, Gefangene ?
20161115             HONGKONG—GERICHT schließt CHINA—KRITIKER aus PARLAMENT aus
20161115             INVASIVE—ART: AUSTRALIEN will AGA—KRÖTEN zu Wurst verarbeiten
20161115             Ich hatte erwähnt, daß das ganze SILICON—VALLEY in 1—KOLLEKTIVEN Paralleldimension gewohnt hat, und jäh auf den Boden der Realität gerissen wurde, als DONALD—TRUMP—DIE—WAHL gewann.
20161115             Interner BERICHT, BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG streitet über BREXIT—PLAN—JA, darf DIE—GEMA nicht.
20161115             KRITIK—AN—ENTWICKLUNGSMINISTER: Müller entschuldigt sich für rassistische Äußerung
20161115             Lady Gaga über Frauen: "Wir kämpfen um unser Leben"
20161115             Lebensarbeitszeit in EUROPA: Immer länger leben, immer länger arbeiten (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 08:06)
20161115             Medizin der ZUKUNFT: Die MENSCH—MASCHINE im OP
20161115             Mehr Unfälle: Flugsicherung will Drohnenführerschein für alle
20161115             Mitglieder DER—USA—STREIT—KRÄFTE und DER—CIA haben in AFGHANISTAN möglicherweise Gefangene GEFOLTERT—VERMUTLICH nicht nur in Einzelfällen.
20161115             MOLEKÜL—ABGLEICH: Schmutz auf Handys verrät Vorlieben der BESITZER—NEIN!!
20161115             Nur halt nicht bei meinem Blog, weil ich keine Kommentarfunktion habe ?
20161115             OBAMA über DONALD—TRUMP: "Letzten Endes ist er pragmatisch" - OBAMA—RESPONSIBILITY.
20161115             PKK in DEUTSCHLAND: VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ weist Vorwürfe der TÜRKEI zurück
20161115             POLITSKANDAL—IN—SÜD—KOREA: Die falsche Vertraute
20161115             Razzien: Staatsministerin mahnt zu "Augenmaß"beim Vorgehen gegen ISLAMISTEN
20161115             SCHLACHT—AN—DER Somme: "Männer fielen wie Kegel"
20161115             SCHLAG—GEGEN—SALAFISTENVEREINE: "Wir trocknen diese Szene aus"
20161115             STEIGENDE—ENERGIE—PREISE: Heizöl wird sprunghaft teurer
20161115             STEINMEIER in ANKARA: EKLAT vor laufenden Kameras
20161115             SYRIEN—KRIEG, RUSSLAND setzt Marschflugkörper und Kampfbomber ein
20161115             Schlussfolgerung: DIE—CIA weiß genauer, was ihr als nächstes tun werdet, als ihr selber es wisst.
20161115             So und —JETZT ersetzt da mal Twitter durch irgendwas anderes.
20161115             Stornokosten: Tod ist rechtlich keine Krankheit
20161115             SÜD—SUDAN: 1. KAMPF—EINSATZ für JAPAN—MILITÄR
20161115             THIEL hat als einziger 1—DONALD—TRUMP—SIEG nicht nur für möglich sondern für wahrscheinlich gehalten.
20161115             The great mistake that Democrats are making right —NOW is the pretense that DONALD—TRUMP is —JUST another PRESIDENT who won legitimately.
20161115             This is the greatest OUTPOURING—OF—SUPPORT for THE—ACLU in our nearly —100—YEAR—HISTORY, greater than THE—DAYS—AFTER—20010911             .ALL—OF—THIS support will be put to good use protecting the rights of all Americans.
20161115             Umfrage: Bildung, Werte, FRAUENRECHTE—DIE Vermessung DER—FLÜCHTLINGE—UND was macht THIEL beruflich?
20161115             Understand: DONALD—TRUMP and BANNON are not REPUBLICANs.
20161115             We —NOW live in a "—POST factual"world, in the words of STEVE—BANNON—FAVORITE writer, MILO—YIANNOPOULOS.
20161115             ZEW—INDEX: DIE—WAHLDES DONALD—TRUMPDRÜCKT die Stimmung
20161115             Zu wissenschaftlichen Zwecken: EU erlaubt Fang von Tiefseehaien
20161115             —INVESTIERT, Zukauf in der —KRISE, STAR—INVESTOR—BUFFETT, in FLUG—LINIEN
20161115             [l] Achtung, für DIE—MELDUNG solltet ihr euch stabil hinsetzen:
20161115             [l] BERNIE—SANDERS hat sich endlich ein bisschen länger zum DONALD—TRUMP—WAHL—SIEG geäußert.
20161115             [l] DAS—BUNDES—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT urteilt im BND—VERFAHREN:
20161115             [l] Eine Sache will ich noch explizit ansprechen, die hier implizit durchklang.
20161115             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE der ACLU: [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE des FBI:
20161115             [l] SARKOZY schlägt vor, auf USA—IMPORTE 1.CO2—STEUER zu erheben, wenn DONALD—TRUMP aus dem PARISER—KLIMA—GIPFELL austritt.
20161115             [l] Sagt mal, wenn die VG Wort nicht einfach pauschal Kohle an Verlage ausschütten darf... dann darf doch bestimmt DIE—GEMA auch nicht pauschal Kohle an Musikverlage ausschütten, oder?
20161115             —POSTED—BY—BLOGGER—HOWARD—A
20161115             —SPIEGEL—GESPRÄCH an der Uni: ÜBERTHERAPIERT—KANN Medizin auch schaden?
20161115             —STUDIE—ZU—DIGITALER Bildung: Lehrer nutzen Computer zu selten (Leben und Lernen, 16:43)
20161115             "Twitter is used extensively by TERRORIST—ORGANIZATIONS and other criminals to communicate, recruit, and raise funds for illegal activity," THE—FBI wrote in 1—CONTRACTING document.
20161115             —RECOGNIZED, The internationally, YEMEN—GOVERNMENT quickly rejected the move.
20161115             —ASKED, The companies behind THE—DAKOTA—ACCESS—PIPELINE, 1—USA—COURT to intervene in the fight over its completion as demonstrators fanned out across NORTH—AMERICA to protest the controversial project.
20161115             —MARCHED, BELGIUM, some 8,500 OFF—DUTY—MILITARY—PERSONNEL, in THE—STREETS—OF—BRUSSELS over 1—RISE in the pension age, at times clashing with police.
20161115             —WALKED, THOUSANDS—OF—UK—PRISON—OFFICERS in ENGLAND and WALES, out in protest at rising LEVELS—OF—VIOLENCE in jails, prompting the government to seek 1—COURT—INJUNCTION to force them back to work.
20161115             —ANNOUNCED, CANADA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL, 1—MOVE to repeal Section 159—OF—THE—CRIMINAL—CODE used to effectively prosecute gay youths who engage in anal sex, calling it "discriminatory".
20161115             —EXECUTED, CHINA, JIA—JINGLONG, —30—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PROTESTER against forced expropriation in Hebei province.
20161115             CONGO, DRC reporter MARCEL—LUBALA was shot 3—TIMES—EARLY—TODAY at his home in THE—CENTRAL—TOWN—OF—MBUJI—MAYI.
20161115             —DRAGGED, The group JOURNALIST—IN—DANGER said  his body was, in front of his wife, who had been tied up.
20161115             —EVACUATED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE along THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—NORTH—COAST were, amid heavy rains that have caused widespread flooding and destroyed DOZENS—OF—HOMES.
20161115             1—EGYPT—COURT struck down the death sentence passed by 1—LOWER—TRIBUNAL against FORMER—ISLAMIST—PRESIDENT—MOHAMMED—MORSI for his part in 1—MASS—PRISON—BREAK —DURING the country's 20110000             uprising.
20161115             —APPROVED, EGYPT—PARLIAMENT, a bill to regulate NON—GOVERNMENTAL organizations in a move human rights groups say effectively bans their work.
20161115             —REACHED, Sources said Volkswagen AG has, 1—AGREEMENT with USA—REGULATORS for 1—MIX of buybacks and fixes for 80,000 polluting Audi, Porsche and VW 3.0-liter vehicles.
20161115             OTUMFUO—OSEI—TUTU—II—KING—OF— is the deceased QUEEN—BIOLOGICAL—SON.
20161115             GREECE—RIOT—POLICE used tear gas and stun grenades in ATHENS to disperse about 3,000 LEFT—WING marchers protesting PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—VISIT.
20161115             GREECE—LEFT—WINGERS still resent USA—SUPPORT for GREECE's 19670000—19740000     military dictatorship.
20161115             —OFFERED, Obama, solidarity with GREECE over its debt and migrant crises —ON—TUESDAY—DURING his final trip to EUROPE as USA—PRESIDENT—BEFORE handing over power to DONALD—TRUMP.
20161115             IRAN—OFFICIAL—IRNA news agency said the nation's intelligence service has confiscated about 2—TONS—OF—EXPLOSIVES linked to planned attacks by the Islamic State group in the country's west.
20161115             —APPOINTED, ISRAEL, 1—AMBASSADOR to TURKEY, its 1. —SINCE both countries recalled their envoys —5—YEARS—AGO amid 1—SPAT over 1—DEADLY—ISRAEL—RAID on 1—TURKEY—VESSEL trying to reach THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20161115             —MARCHED, ITALY, more than 1,000—PEOPLE, under torchlight through the Medieval center of Soave where the mayor is fending off plans to house more than 100—MIGRANTS.
20161115             —CROSSED, Swimmers, the Dead Sea from JORDAN to ISRAEL to raise awareness of what they said was 1—ENVIRONMENTAL—DISASTER that has shrunk the inland lake's surface by a 3. in —30—YEARS.
20161115             They were the 1. people to thrash their way over THE—BODY—OF—WATER so salty that it poisons anyone who drinks it.
20161115             —DESTROYED, KENYA, some 5,250 illegal firearms by fire as PART—OF—EFFORTS to fight crimes like cattle rustling, carjackings and to eliminate threats from terrorism.
20161115             AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said KENYA is coercing RESIDENTS—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—REFUGEE—CAMP to leave it and return to SOMALIA where they risk getting killed or forcibly recruited into the Islamic extremist group, AL—SHABAB.
20161115             —KILLED, LIBYA, 1—AIR—STRIKE targeting Islamist militants, at least 7—PEOPLE—NEAR THE—SOUTH—WEST—CITY—OF—SABHA.
20161115             —SEIZED, Gunmen —LATER, the remains of the suspected militants from 1—MORGUE.
20161115             —ERUPTED, SOUTH—LIBYA, tribal clashes, —AFTER 3—YOUNG—MEN turned 1—PET monkey loose on 1—HIGH—SCHOOL—GIRL.
20161115             The girl's family sought revenge and killed all 3—MEN along with the animal.
20161115             —KILLED, Over THE—NEXT—DAYS at least 20—PEOPLE were, and 50 wounded in the clashes.
20161115             —AROUND 95—PEOPLE were missing, feared drowned, in the Mediterranean —AFTER another migrant dinghy capsized off LIBYA.
20161115             —DETAINED, NEPAL—AUTHORITIES said police have, 41—TIBETANS trying to cross the border into INDIA, in 1—CRACKDOWN on people fleeing the disputed region where opposition to CHINA—CONTROL—PERSISTS.
20161115             —DISMISSED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, Economy MINISTER—ALEXEI—ULYUKAYEV over allegations he extorted a $2—MILLION bribe from top oil producer Rosneft, 1—CASE that could expose fault lines in THE—RUSSIA—LEADER—INNER—CIRCLE.
20161115             —LAUNCHED, RUSSIA, coordinated missile strikes against rebels in Syria and MOSCOW for the 1. time used its only aircraft carrier in combat.
20161115             —LAUNCHED, SYRIA—RUSSIA, new air strikes involving CARRIER—BORNE jets and long range missiles in REBEL—HELD DISTRICTS—OF—EAST—ALEPPO —AFTER —1—WEEKS—LONG pause.
20161115             —KILLED, Activists said between 4 and 10—PEOPLE were, in the strikes on ALEPPO.
20161115             —WARNED, THE—UN, that 75,000 NIGERIA—CHILDREN—RISK dying in "1—FEW months" as hunger grips the country's ravaged NORTH—EAST—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—BOKO Haram insurgency.
20161115             † Doctors Without Borders said THOUSANDS—OF—CHILDREN have, —OF—STARVATION in the Boko Haram ravaged northeast.
20161115             1—KEY—UN—COMMITTEE approved 1—RESOLUTION condemning NORTH—KOREA'S "systematic, widespread and gross violations of human rights" and encouraging the Security Council to refer the country to THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT.
20161115             —ORDERED, VENEZUELA—HIGH—COURT, the opposition to drop plans for 1—POLITICAL—TRIAL against PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO, whose rivals blame him for food shortages in the volatile country.
20161115—20010911    —SEIT—DEM, Video über Muslime IN—DEN—USA: " war es nicht mehr so schlimm wie —JETZT"(Politik, 20:45)
20161115—20100000    —SINCE, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION agreed to increase its military research budget for the 1. time —AFTER BRITAIN softened its opposition, 1—BREAKTHROUGH that may signal UK—SUPPORT for defense CO—OPERATION even once outside the bloc.
20161115—20130000    —IN, his home was destroyed under official expropriation —18—DAYS—BEFORE his wedding.
20161115—20150200    —IN, he shot 1—LOCAL—PARTY—CHIEF—IN—THE—BACK—OF—THE—HEAD at 1—NEW—YEAR—PARTY.
20161115—20161117    —FROM, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—KERRY said that YEMEN—HOUTHI group and THE—SAUDI—LED coalition fighting it had agreed to 1—CEASEFIRE.
20161117—20161115    —ON, THE—21—DAY—PERIOD for parliamentary scrutiny in BRITAIN expired with no objections.
20161227—20161115    —ON, reported the issue to authorities.
20171115             —RESCHEDULED, The execution was, for 20190605             .
20171115             "Zu langsam, zu komplex": BKA—CHEF—FORDERT BUNDES—WEIT einheitliche POLIZEI—STANDARDS
20171115             DONALD—TRUMP zurück IN—DEN—USA: Zu Hause wartet nichts als Ärger
20171115             —PASSIERT, Das, wenn man die FRAGE—VON—DONALD—TRUMP beantworten lässt, woran man FAKE—NEWS erkennt.
20171115             Einstufung als Agenten: RUSSLAND—PARLAMENT billigt GESETZ—GEGEN—AUSLÄNDISCHE Medien
20171115             Expertenpapier: Weniger KOHLE—MEILER könnten Stromversorgung sicherer machen
20171115             Feuerball über Süddeutschland: "Größe 1—FAUST oder eines Fußballs"
20171115             Globaler TERRORISMUS: WELT—WEIT weniger Tote durch Anschläge
20171115             Krankenkassenreport: Jeder 3. schläft schlecht
20171115             LUFT—VERSCHMUTZUNG in Städten: EU—KOMMISSION will DEUTSCHLAND verklagen
20171115             MACHT—KAMPF—IN—SIMBABWE—MILITÄR—CHEF—WAR vor wenigen —TAGEN in CHINA
20171115             MERKEL beim KLIMA—GIPFEL: "Wir in DEUTSCHLAND werden uns mühen"
20171115             —BERICHTET, NORD—KOREA: Staatszeitung, von TODESURTEIL—GEGEN—TRUMP
20171115             Nukleare Abschreckung, USA—SENATOREN wollen DONALD—TRUMP—BEFUGNIS zum ATOM—ANGRIFF entziehen
20171115             —NUN, sie identifizieren nicht nur, sie machen auch zu.
20171115             —GESCHLAGEN, Obdachlose an DER—USA—WEST—KÜSTE: "Ich wurde, ausgeraubt und gejagt"
20171115             SCHRÖDER über RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENTEN: "Wir können froh sein, 1—PUTIN zu haben"
20171115             —GEFANGEN, Seltener Kragenhai : Nur echt mit 300—ZÄHNEN
20171115             UMFRAGE—ZU—8—STUNDEN—TAG: DEUTSCHE wünschen sich feste Arbeitszeiten
20171115             UMWELT—BEHÖRDEN—CHEF—SCHAFFT Naturschutz ab: DONALD—TRUMP—BESTER Mann
20171115             Und völlig überraschend sind unter den "FAKE—ACCOUNTS"lauter TÜRKEI—KRITIKER.
20171115             WIKILEAKS an DONALD—TRUMP junior: Tragisch transparent
20171115             Weltklimakonferenz: USA schicken nur Referatsleiterin zum Treffen DER—STAAT—CHEFS
20171115             [l] DA—WAR—WOHL—DER—ZENSOR—PINKELN: DIE—INDUSTRIE erwartet laut 1—GEHEIM—BDI—STUDIE Wachstum vom KLIMA—SCHUTZ.
20171115             [l] DIE—ACLU hat ein paar Details zu der GUANTANAMO—SITUATION neulich.
20171115             [l] Ihr habt ja sicher auch gehört, daß FACEBOOK gerade "gegen FAKE—ACCOUNTS vorgeht".
20171115             —AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL: AutoBAUER profitieren offenbar von KINDER—ARBEIT
20171115             —KAMPF—GEGEN—KLIMA—WANDEL: "Der ATOM—AUSSTIEG ist ein großer Fehler"
20171115             —NACH, —80—MINUTEN: EXEKUTIONS—TEAM bricht Hinrichtung ab
20171115             A —500—YEAR—OLD painting believed to be by LEONARDO—DA—VINCI sold for $450.3—MILLION in NEW—YORK, blazing 1—NEW—WORLD—RECORD for the most expensive WORK—OF—ART sold at auction.
20171115             THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION told 29—LOCAL and state governments with "sanctuary" policies to cooperate with FEDERAL—IMMIGRATION—ENFORCEMENT or forfeit SOME—FEDERAL—GRANTS, despite court rulings that such demands are unenforceable.
20171115             —EXHORTED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, 3 suspended UCLA basketball players to thank him for their freedom —FOLLOWING 1—SHOPLIFTING incident —WHILE they were in CHINA.
20171115             —APOLOGIZED, The trio, —LATER in the —DAY and publicly thanked Trump.
20171115             —AGREED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP told reporters that CHINA had, with THE—USA—THAT—NORTH—KOREA must unilaterally cease its nuclear weapons program —BEFORE negotiations can begin.
20171115             —PICKED, The nurse (20080000             †) had, him out of 1—POLICE lineup more than —3—MONTHS—AFTER the rape.
20171115             She had also said the rapist was taller and had 1—ROUGHER—VOICE than Jones had.
20171115             † MARYLAND, Detective SEAN—SUITER was shot and killed in BALTIMORE with his own gun —DURING 1—VIOLENT—CONFRONTATION with 1—MAN in 1—VACANT—LOT.
20171115             —CALLED, OHIO officials, off the execution of Alva Campbell (69) —AFTER the state's execution team failed to find the inmate vein.
20171115             —SCHEDULED, He had been, to die for killing 1—TEENAGER —DURING 1—CARJACKING —2—DECADES—EARLIER.
20171115             † OKLAHOMA, City DUSTIN—PIGEON, —29—JAHRE—ALT was shot and killed by police.
20171115             —DOUSED, Pigeon had, himself in lighter fluid and threatened to set himself on fire in 1—COURTYARD.
20171115             —ANNOUNCED, Astronomers, THE—DISCOVERY—OF—1—EARTH—SIZED planet —AROUND the red star Ross 128 in our corner of the Milky Way.
20171115             —APPEARED, Ross 128, to be at least 5—BILLION years old.
20171115             ARGENTINA lost communications with the submarine ARA S—JUAN, 1—GERMAN—BUILT—DIESEL—ELECTRIC—VESSEL with 44—CREWMEMBERS aboard.
20171115             CHINA said that it would send 1—HIGH—LEVEL—SPECIAL—ENVOY to NORTH—KOREA—CAPITAL, PYONGYANG, amid 1 extended chill in relations between the neighbors.
20171115             —COLLIDED, EAST—CHINA, more than 30—VEHICLES, in heavy fog on 1—EXPRESSWAY, killing at least 18—PEOPLE and injuring 19—OTHERS in FUYANG, Anhui province.
20171115             —BACKED, COLOMBIA—SENATE, 1—LAW to regulate transitional justice under the country's peace deal with Marxist FARC rebels, including special tribunals that will try guerrilla leaders for war crimes.
20171115             —SIGNED, At THE—DUBAI—AIR—SHOW—AIRBUS, a $49.5—BILLION deal to sell 430—AIRPLANES to THE—PHOENIX—BASED private equity firm that owns Frontier Airlines.
20171115             —REACHED, Boeing, 1—AGREEMENT with LOW—COST—CARRIER—FLYDUBAI to sell 225—BOEING 737—MAX 10—AIRCRAFT — 1—DEAL valued at $27—BILLION.
20171115             EGYPT, leaders of the local musicians union said Sherine ABDEL—WAHAB, 1—FAMOUS—ARAB singer, has been banned from performing in her native EGYPT —AFTER advising 1—FAN against drinking from the Nile River.
20171115             The court also upheld life sentences against 7—OTHER—PEOPLE and handed —10—YEAR—SENTENCES to 39 and —3—YEAR—SENTENCES to 19—OTHERS.
20171115             —TRIGGERED, European lawmakers, the 1. stage of 1—SO—CALLED—RULE—OF—LAW—PROCEDURE against THE—POLAND—GOVERNMENT amid concerns that new laws in POLAND undermine judicial INDEPENDENCE and THE—RULE—OF—LAW.
20171115             —REACTED, POLAND—PRIME—MINISTER, furiously over the call for the country to face EU sanctions.
20171115             —KILLED, GREECE, flash floods, at least 20—PEOPLE.
20171115             —OCCURRED, Most of the fatalities, in Mandra, 1—WORKING—CLASS—DISTRICT on the western outskirts of ATHENS.
20171115             —REMAINED, Days —LATER 2—PEOPLE, missing.
20171115             HUNGARY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ACCUSED—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—OF meddling in his country's internal affairs and upcoming election campaign by offering to fund "objective media in HUNGARY".
20171115             —PUBLISHED, Practically all major newspapers, outside BUDAPEST are —NOW in THE—HANDS—OF—PRO—GOVERNMENT—PUBLISHERS, SOME—OF—WHOM also own television or radio stations.
20171115             † 1—INDONESIA—POLICE—OFFICER was killed and a 2. wounded, —AFTER both were shot in THE—BACK—IN 1—AREA—NEAR—FREEPORT—MCMORAN INC—GIANT—GRASBERG copper mine in THE—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—PAPUA.
20171115             —SEIZED, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES, more than 800—POUNDS (371—KG) of cocaine being transported toward THE—USA—BORDER inside 1—TRUCK bearing THE—MARKINGS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—SOCIAL—SECURITY—INSTITUTE.
20171115             —KILLED, NIGERIA, 4—SUICIDE—BOMBERS, 14—PEOPLE and wounded 29 in MAIDUGURI, home of the Boko Haram insurgency.
20171115             —SIGNED, THE—RUSSIA—FINANCE—MINISTRY says it has, 1—DEAL to restructure VENEZUELA—DEBT.
20171115             —APPROVED, SLOVAKIA—GOVERNMENT, plans to build military armored vehicles with THE—FINLAND—DEFENSE—INDUSTRY—COMPANY—PATRIA to replace THE—NATO—MEMBER'S outdated armored personnel carriers.
20171115             —DEFECTED, SYRIA—REBEL—OFFICIALS said 1—SENIOR—COMMANDER has, to TURKEY from THE—USA—BACKED SYRIA—DEMOCRATIC—FORCES (SDF), 1—LEADING combatant in the fight against Islamic State.
20171115             —HANDED, BRIGADIER—GENERAL—TALAL—SILO, himself in at dawn to the Free SYRIA—ARMY (FSA), 1—ADVERSARY—OF—THE—SDF, and was escorted to TURKEY.
20171115             SYRIA, 6—RUSSIA—LONG—RANGE—BOMBERS struck Islamic State targets near THE—TOWN—OF—ALBU—KAMAL in Deir AL—ZOR—PROVINCE.
20171115             —BANNED, TURKEY—AUTHORITIES in ANKARA, 1—GERMANY—GAY—FILM—FESTIVAL THE—DAY—BEFORE it was due to start, citing public safety and terrorism risks.
20171115             ZIMBABWE—MILITARY was in CONTROL—OF—THE—COUNTRY as PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE said he was under house arrest, although generals denied staging 1—COUP.
20171115             The country, which has 1—UNEMPLOYMENT—RATE—OF over 90—PERCENT, is due to hold elections —NEXT—YEAR with Mugabe pledging to stand for office again.
20171115             Das Militär putscht im SÜDAFRIKANISCHEN—SIMBABWE gegen den 93—JÄHRIGEN PRÄSIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE.
20171115—19711002    —CONVICTED—OF, He had been, raping 1—NURSE.
20171115—19740000    —FREED, LOUISIANA, Wilbert Jones (65) was, —AFTER his life sentence, issued, was overturned.
20171115—20130000    —IN, EGYPT, EGYPT—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD—MOVEMENT—LEADER—MOHAMED—BADIE, lost his appeal against 1—LIFE—SENTENCE for his role in violent clashes —DURING political turmoil.
20171115—20171121    —AM, 1 Amtsenthebung zuvorkommt PRÄSIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE durch die Erklärung seines Rücktritts.
20171115—20190000    —IN, POLICE—SERGEANT—KEITH—SWEENEY was sentenced to —10—YEARS in prison, more than —1—MONTH—AFTER 1—JURY convicted him of 2.—DEGREE murder in the shooting death of the unarmed, suicidal man.
20171115—20300000    —GEHALTEN, Globale BILDUNGS—KRISE, DIE—WELT wird dumm, (Leben und Lernen, 11:55)
20171127—20171115    —FROM—THE, GREECE—AUTHORITIES raised to 23 the death toll heavy flooding near ATHENS, —AFTER 1—MORE—BODY was found and 1 injured woman † in hospital.
20181115             der Syrer Ibn AN—NAFIS 12000101—12991231    —AUS—DEM, Entdecker des Lungenkreislaufs und Verfasser eines religionsphilosophischen ROMAns
20181115             UKRAINE, unknown assailants threw petrol bombs at 1—HISTORIC 17010101—18001231     Orthodox church in Kiev and attacked 1—PRIEST—EARLY—TODAY.
20181115             1—ZEIT—GENOSSE DA—VINCIS war DER—PORTUGIESE Duarte Pacheco PEREIRA, welcher ein herausragender Wissenschaftler war und dieses Wissen in Seefahrt und KRIEG—FÜHRUNG anwendete.
20181115             1—NEUE—STUDIE zeigt —NUN, daß das Leben eines durchschnittlichen NEANDERTALERs wohl nicht gewaltsamer verlief als das Leben des zur gleichen Zeit lebenden modernen Menschen.
20181115             —BEKANNT, ALBERTUS—MAGNUS, der ARISTOTELES wieder im Abendland, machte, war ein mittelalterlicher christlicher Universalgelehrter.
20181115             ARD-"DEUTSCHLANDtrend": UM—FRAGE sieht Grüne knapp hinter UNION—SPD kommt nur auf 14 %
20181115             Aber andererseits gab es 1.feindliche Übernahme des Erbes von 19680000             , und zwar durch den NEO—LIBERALISMUS
20181115             Aber nicht doch, mein Herr!
20181115             Ach komm, Fefe, du wirst doch nicht Leute, die STEVE—BANNON einladen, als Opfer darstellen wollen, wenn das ganz klar DIE—TÄTER hier sind!1!!
20181115             Adamczak: DIE—RECHTEN kritisieren KINDES—MISSBRAUCH, aber nur dann, wenn er von Schwulen ausgeht.
20181115             Adamczak: Die Funktion der faschistischen Bewegung ist, das Unbehagen in der GESELLSCHAFT aufzugreifen und ihm die Form 1—KONFORMISTISCHEN Revolte zu geben.
20181115             Aktien für 4—MILLIARDEN—$: WARREN—BUFFETT steigt bei JPMorgan ein
20181115             Als Beispiel für 1—UNIVERSALGELEHRTEN aus der GRIECHISCHEN—ANTIKE lässt sich ARISTOTELES nennen, dessen Werke —BIS in die frühe NEU—ZEIT maßgebend waren.
20181115             Als Inbegriff des Universalgenies gilt zweifelsohne LEONARDO—DA—VINCI.
20181115             Als UNIVERSAL—GELEHRTER ist auch der SCHWEIZER—GELEHRTE CONRAD—GESSNER zu bezeichnen.
20181115             Anders als im angelsächsischen Raum gebe es in DEUTSCHLAND 1.karnevalistische TRADITION—DES—CROSSDRESSINGS,
20181115             Bei der Auswertung der DATEN fanden DIE—FORSCHER 1.interessante Gemeinsamkeit: Sowohl bei den NEANDERTALERn als auch bei den modernen Menschen wiesen Männer deutlich häufiger Kopfverletzungen auf als Frauen.
20181115             Beispiele für vielseitige Autoren im arabischen Kulturkreis sind —ZUNÄCHST der Perser Ibn Sina (um 980—1037), im Westen als Avicenna bekannt, der als herausragende wissenschaftliche Persönlichkeit seiner Zeit gilt,
20181115             Bini Adamczak: Die 68ER—BEWEGUNG war sehr erfolgreich, aber nicht siegreich.
20181115             CHEMNITZ: BOMBENDROHUNG—GEGEN—KONZERT von Feine Sahne Fischfilet
20181115             DER—BREXIT und die GIBRALTAR—FRAGE: Zoff um diesen Zipfel
20181115             DIE—FIRMA ist —DIESES—JAHR—VON—EINEM—BUNDES—RICHTER zwangsgeschlossen worden, weil es Scammer waren.
20181115             DIE—FORSCHER gehen davon aus, daß der Friedhof zur PACAJES—KULTUR gehört.
20181115             DIE—KURDISCHE ARBEITER—PARTEI PKK ist 20140000—20170000    —ZWISCHEN, zu UNRECHT—AUF—DER EU—TERROR—LISTE geführt worden.
20181115             DIE—UTOPIE 19170000             —VON, war 1.Welt ohne Geschlecht.
20181115             Da weiß man doch, was man hat!
20181115             Der "Erlass zur Manneszucht", zu Kriegsbeginn herausgegeben vom OBER—KOMMANDO des Heeres, hatte Homosexuelle prinzipiell noch als "sonst gute und brauchbare Soldaten" angesehen und ihren KAMPF—EINSATZ als wirksames Erziehungsmittel.
20181115             —GESCHAFFEN, Der Mann ist wie, für den Job!
20181115             Der ALTÄGYPTISCHE—ERFINDER und Ratgeber Imhotep gilt ALS 1. namentlich genannter UNIVERSAL—GELEHRTER (ca.
20181115             Dieser Effekt, so schreiben sie, lasse sich mit der ArbeitsTEILUNG erklären, aber auch mit unterschiedlichen sozialen und kulturellen Verhaltensweisen.
20181115             —BEHAUPTET, EL—CHAPO, nämlich, er sei bloß der Sündenbock für den eigentlichen KARTELL—CHEF—EL Mayo.
20181115             ENERGIE—WENDE: Gewerkschaft WARNT—VOR—RASCHEM Kohleausstieg
20181115             —GELUNGEN, Es ist ihm.
20181115             FRONTEX—BERICHT, Migration in DIE—EU —STEUERT auf 5—JAHRES—TIEF zu
20181115             Für die PKK ist die —BEREITS 20020000             erfolgte Eintragung auf DER—TERROR—LISTE wichtig.
20181115             GERICHT—HOF—FÜR—MENSCHEN—RECHTE: RUSSLAND muss Nawalny mehr als 63.000—EURO zahlen
20181115             GROß—BRITANNIEN—BREXIT—ANHÄNGER verlassen Mays KABINETT
20181115             Gegenwärtig erleben wir, wie 1.faschistische Antwort auf diese neoliberale Situation der Singularisierung erstarkt.
20181115             Homosexualität in der Wehrmacht wurde mit ZUCHT—HAUS oder gar, wegen "Wehrkraftzersetzung", mit der Hinrichtung bestraft.
20181115             Ich hatte gehofft, dieses Mal können wir Schlimmeres verhindern, bevor Bücher verbrannt werden.
20181115             —KAPIERT, Ich warte ja darauf, daß der DONALD—TRUMP das, und seine Familientrennungen an der Grenze mit FASCHISMUS—BEKÄMPFUNG begründet.
20181115             In 1—TRAGIC—MOMENT—IN—THE—HISTORY—OF—HUMAN—CIVILIZATION, and the trampling of academic free speech, 1—ACADEMIC—CONFERENCE, ACE 20180000             , The 15. INTERNATIONAL—CONFERENCE on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, which was to have been held at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MONTANA, USA has been forced to shut down by ANTI—FREE—SPEECH—GROUPS comprising of mainly ACADEMIC—RESEARCHERS, who have been acting in 1—FASCISTIC—MANNER.
20181115             In der ROM—ANTIKE ist der bedeutendste Universalgelehrte PLINIUS—DER—ÄLTERE, als bekanntestes Beispiel eines Polyhistors wäre MARCUS—TERENTIUS—VARRO zu nennen.
20181115             JAPANs MINISTER—FÜR—CYBER—SICHERHEIT: "Ich habe noch nie 1—COMPUTER benutzt"
20181115             —ÜBERBEWERTET, Kompetenz wird ja eh voll.
20181115             Konkrete Auswirkungen hat DAS—URTEIL allerdings nicht, da es 20180000             —FÜR, 1—NEUEN Beschluss zur TERROR—LISTE gibt, der durch DAS—URTEIL nicht IN—FRAGE gestellt wird.
20181115             Krebs in der Bauchspeicheldrüse (Pankreas) wa
20181115             Manipuliertes "Playboy"-Interview: BURDA—VERLAG stellt Strafanzeige gegen freien Autor
20181115             MATTHEW—G—WHITAKER, the acting ATTORNEY—GENERAL—OF—THE—USA, spent over —1—YEAR on the advisory BOARD of an "INVENTION—PROMOTION—SCAM" firm that hawked Bigfoot paraphernalia, "masculine toilets," and underwear with sophisticated marketing pitches like: "How are your balls feeling —TODAY?"
20181115             Oh, and it promoted 1—FUTURE where "time travel" technology was within reach.
20181115             Ooooder vielleicht lassen wir einfach diese ständigen bekloppten, alle nach hinten losgehenden "Reformen", die angeblich "den Kreativen" helfen sollen.
20181115             PRESSE—STIMMEN zur BREXIT—EINIGUNG: "1—GESPALTENES KABINETT, 1.gespaltene Partei und 1.gespaltene Nation"
20181115             REVOLUTIONS—ANALYSE: "Rechte imitieren die Revolte"
20181115             Rigaer Straße in BERLIN: Hunderte Beamte durchsuchen LINKS—AUTONOMES Zentrum
20181115             Spuren von Leben?: Forscher lösen Rätsel um organisches MARS—MATERIAL—SUPERVULKAN: Es rumort am Vesuv
20181115             THERESA—MAY hat genau DIE—EU— Rosinen bekommen, die sie wollte: Nicht nur zollfrei kann GROß—BRITANNIEN weiterhin seine WAREN über die Exportdrehscheibe NORD—IRLAND in DIE—EU verkaufen.
20181115             The words that were used in their email and social postings about ACE—COMMITTEE—MEMBERS and THE—ACE 20180000             Keynote Speaker include "sicko", "CHILD—ABUSER", "TOOL", "Peadophiles", "CHILD—RAPIST", "fraudster", "scammers", "criminals", "horseshit", "monkey", "prick", "Nigerian 419—SCAMMER", "druf trafficker", "pig", "twat", "scumbag", "6mm nano penis", "conman", "fraudster", "monster", "creepy", "hag", "criminal", etc.
20181115             UR—EINWOHNER BOLIVIENs: ARCHÄOLOGEN finden —500—JAHRE—ALTE Gräber in versteckter Kammer
20181115             —PLÄDIERT, USA—MUTMAßLICHER—PAKETBOMBER, auf unschuldig
20181115             Untersuchung zu Kopfverletzungen: NEANDERTALER waren nicht so brutal wie ihr Ruf
20181115             VON—DEREU wird der PKK vorgeworfen, mit WAFFEN—GEWALT und Anschlägen für 1—KURDISCHEN STAAT oder 1—AUTONOMIE—GEBIET in der SÜD—OST—TÜRKEI zu kämpfen.
20181115             Vorher kam —SCHON die Verteidigung zu Wort und hat u.a.
20181115             Vorwürfe der Schmutzkampagne: FACEBOOK trennt sich von umstrittener PR—AGENTUR
20181115             WHITAKER sagt natürlich, er wisse von nichts. Wartet, kommt noch besser!
20181115             Was haben wir da eigentlich für inkompeten10 Vollpfosten in Amt und Würden!?
20181115             Was meint ihr, würdet ihr das mitkriegen, wenn 1.Firma, bei der ihr im Beirat sitzt, BIGFOOT—PRODUKTE verkloppt?
20181115             Zahlungen an Kreisverband: STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT prüft auch AFD—SPENDEN aus BELGIEN
20181115             Zambada spoke MATTER—OF—FACTLY about allies in law enforcement: 1—SHIPMENT—OF cocaine Zambada organised from COLOMBIA into Chiapas "was guarded by GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS from THE—PGR [ATTORNEY—GENERAL—OFFICE] and THE—FEDERAL—TRANSPORT—POLICE", said Zambada.
20181115             [l] DIE—EU hat bei den BREXIT—VERHANDLUNGEN anscheinend großflächig versagt.
20181115             [l] Du weißt, daß du mit 1—URHEBER—RECHT—REFORM zu weit gegangen bist, wenn man SOFTWAREentwickler ausnehmen muss, damit DAS—LAND nicht in 1.Steampunkzeit zurückfällt.
20181115             [l] Im EL—CHAPO—GERICHTSVERFAHREN hat —JETZT 1—DER KARTELL—BUCHHALTER mal ein paar Details genannt.
20181115             [l] JAPANs CYBER—SECURITY—MINISTER musste zugeben, noch nie 1—COMPUTER benutzt zu haben.
20181115             [l] —NACHDEM JEFF—SESSIONS ja —JETZT draußen ist, musste DONALD—TRUMP natürlich den Beweis antreten, daß er jemanden noch ungeeigneteren finden kann.
20181115             [l] Neulich so: Boykottiert ACE!1!!
20181115             der KAIROer Gelehrte AS—SUYUTI (14450000—15050000    ), der in seinem Werk beinahe ALLE—WISSENSZWEIGE behandelte, von DER—KORANAUSLEGUNG über Fiqh, HADITH—WISSENSCHAFT, LITERATur, Lexikographie, GESCHICHTE, Geographie, —BIS hin zu Pharmazie und Erotica.
20181115             gebe es Überlegungen innerdeutsche Flugstrecken durch den Hyperloop zu ersetzen.
20181115             waren NEANDERTALER entweder einem höheren VerletzungsRISIKO in jüngeren —JAHREN ausgesetzt — oder es gab zwischen den Menschenarten 1 Unterschied in der Frage, wie lange man nach schweren Verletzungen im Durchschnitt noch überleben konnte.
20181115             zeigte sich, daß NEANDERTALER KEINESWEGS—WIE möglicherweise zu VERMUTEN—HÄUFIGER von solch schweren Verletzungen betroffen waren.
20181115             —DOKUMENTATION "Wildes Herz" über Feine Sahne Fischfilet: Filmvorführung wegen Drohung abgesagt
20181115             —JETZT, so:
20181115             —NACH, Einigung: Tusk beruft BREXIT—SONDER—GIPFEL ein
20181115             —NACH, Kritik der 1. Lady: DONALD—TRUMP—VIZE—SICHERHEITS—BERATERIN verliert ihren Posten
20181115             —REAKTIONEN—AUF—BREXIT—DEAL: Spekulanten wetten auf Absturz des Pfunds
20181115             —RECHTS—STAAT: Vorwärts in DIE—ANTI—AUFKLÄRUNG
20181115             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Frau Adamczak, welches Erbe hat uns die 68ER—BEWEGUNG hinterlassen?
20181115             —STUDIE—ZU—GEWALT im Amt: "POLIZISTEN sagen fast nie gegeneinander aus"
20181115             —VON, JAPAN lernen heißt SIEGEN lernen! NATÜRLICH unglücklich
20181115             "He bribed the entire GOVERNMENT—OF—MEXICO—INCLUDING the current PRESIDENT—OF—MEXICO," Lichtman argued in 1—ATTEMPT to explain ZAMBADA—FREEDOM, also saying "the current and FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—MEXICO received HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS in bribes from Mayo..".
20181115             "Neben dem Auskunftsrecht wird 1—RÜCKHOLANSPRUCH diskutiert.
20181115             1—REPORT from NEW—YORK UNIVERSITY—CONGO—RESEARCH—GROUP and the Bridgeway Foundation said 1—ISLAMIST—REBEL—GROUP in EAST—DEMOCRATIC—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO received money from 1—FINANCIER linked to Islamic State, suggesting tentative ties between THE—CONGO insurgents and other jihadists in AFRICA and beyond.
20181115             The report said Islamist "financial facilitator" Waleed AHMED—ZEIN paid the Allied Democratic Forces at least once.
20181115             THE—ADF was set up by UGANDA—MUSLIMS in the 1990s purporting to fight for the rights of the Tablighi Jamaat sect.
20181115             —REPORTED, It was, that USA—PROSECUTORS have obtained 1 sealed indictment in 1—VIRGINIA FEDERAL—COURT—AGAINST—WIKILEAKS FOUNDER—JULIAN—ASSANGE.
20181115             ASSANGE—NAME appears twice in 1—RECENTLY—UNSEALED—AUGUST court filing from 1—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR in VIRGINIA who was attempting to keep sealed 1—SEPARATE—CASE involving 1—MAN accused of coercing 1—MINOR for sex.
20181115             NORTH—CALIFORNIA, the death toll in the Butte County Camp Fire rose to 63. The number of missing skyrocketed to 631.
20181115             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—MINNESOTA—BASED food distributor has been sold to SOUTH—KOREA—LARGEST—FOOD—COMPANY.
20181115             CJ—CHEILJEDANG will pay $1.8—BILLION for an 80—PERCENT stake in Schwan's and gain CONTROL—OF—ITS—BUSINESSES that serve restaurants, grocery stores and other retailers.
20181115             NEW—YORK—CITY, a 19720000             painting by DAVID—HOCKNEY, "PORTRAIT—OF—1—ARTIST (Pool with 2—FIGURES), fetched $90.3—MILLIION at Christie's. This easily broke the record for 1—WORK by 1—LIVING artist sold at auction.
20181115             † ROY—CLARK, USA—COUNTRY music star, in OKLAHOMA.
20181115             —HEADLINED, ROY—CLARK, THE—TV—SHOW "Hee Haw" for nearly 1—QUARTER—CENTURY.
20181115             1—BLISTERING overnight attack by the Taliban on 1—AFGHANISTAN—POLICE outpost in WEST—FARAH province killed 30—POLICEMEN.
20181115             Unofficial estimates said that about 45—AFGHANISTAN—POLICEMEN or soldiers are killed or wounded on 1—DAILY—BASIS.
20181115             —CALLED, Human Rights Watch, on ANGOLA to halt mass deportations —AFTER more than 400,000 migrants, mainly from the Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO, fled or were expelled from ANGOLA in —JUST weeks.
20181115             THE—HEAD—OF—BANGLADESH—REFUGEE—COMMISSION said plans to start the repatriation of 700,000 Rohingya Muslims to MYANMAR —TODAY were scrapped —AFTER officials were unable to find anyone who wanted to return.
20181115             —BATTLED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY, to save 1—DRAFT divorce deal with THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—AFTER her Brexit SECRETARY—DOMINIC—RAAB and other ministers quit in protest and eurosceptic lawmakers stepped up efforts to topple her.
20181115             THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN, Rep. more than 40—PEOPLE were killed and dozens wounded in 1—ATTACK on 1—CATHOLIC—MISSION sheltering 20,000 refugees in Alindao.
20181115             —EXCEEDED, CHINA said that 15—FOREIGN—AMBASSADORS, their diplomatic roles by issuing 1—LETTER expressing concern about THE—INCARCERATION—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—MEMBERS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MUSLIM minorities in RE—EDUCATION—CAMPS.
20181115             —APOLOGIZED, At least 4—MAJOR—INTERNATIONAL—HOTEL—CHAINS, —AFTER hidden camera video of their room cleaning practices in CHINA was —POSTED online.
20181115             DENMARK said it is cutting about $10—MILLION in aid to the government of TANZANIA over what it called "negative developments" in human rights in THE—EAST—AFRICA—COUNTRY.
20181115             —RULED, THE—EUROPEAN—COURT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS, that RUSSIA's repeated arrests and DETENTION—OF—OPPOSITION—LEADER—ALEXEI—NAVALNY were POLITICALLY—MOTIVATED and breached his human rights, 1—DECISION—MOSCOW called questionable.
20181115             FRANCE led calls among EU states for changes to BRITAIN—DRAFT Brexit deal.
20181115             —SPEARHEADED, FRANCE, 1—GROUP—OF—STATES in raising objections to what has so far been agreed on fishing between THE—EU and UK —AFTER Brexit.
20181115             1—FRANCE—COURT acquitted former government MINISTER—GEORGES—TRON, —61—JAHRE—ALT and his former deputy, BRIGITTE—GRUEL (61), of raping 2—EMPLOYEES —DURING FOOT—MASSAGING sessions in his office.
20181115             —TESTIFIED, Virginie Ettel (41) and EVA—LOUBRIEU (44) had, that they felt powerless to resist being groped and penetrated digitally by Tron because they were afraid of losing their jobs.
20181115             1—FRANCE—COURT granted release to Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan (56), 1—SWITZERLAND—CITIZEN and professor at OXFORD University, on condition he pay 300,000 euros ($340,000) bail, surrender his SWITZERLAND—PASSPORT and remain in FRANCE.
20181115             2—WOMEN have accused Ramadan of raping them in FRANCE.
20181115             FRANCE—POLYNESIAN PRESIDENT—EDOUARD—FRITCH said THE—LEADERS—OF—THE—FRANCE—COLLECTIVITY—OF—ISLANDS in THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC lied to the population —FOR—3—DECADES over the dangers of nuclear testing.
20181115             GREECE—AUTHORITIES said about 74,000 ASYLUM—SEEKERS are —NOW living in the country, and efforts are underway to expand housing for them and improve conditions at ISLAND camps for migrants who arrive by sea.
20181115             Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—ITALY—BISHOPS' conference, said that 1—NATIONAL—ADVISORY—GROUP—OF—LAY and religious experts is being created to help dioceses educate personnel about protecting children and to help bishops investigate abuse reports.
20181115             —KILLED, ITALY, 1—NURSE, —48—JAHRE—ALT reportedly, her 2—YOUNG—CHILDREN, 1—BOY—OF—7 and 1—GIRL—OF—9, by lethal injection, then took her own life in the northwestern mountain TOWN—OF—AYMAVILLES.
20181115             The woman left notes saying she couldn't bear the "WEIGHT—OF—LIFE—ADVERSITIES".
20181115             —INAUGURATED, MOROCCO, AFRICA—FASTEST—TRAIN which will halve traveling time between the commercial and industrial hubs of CASABLANCA and Tangier.
20181115             —TESTED, The train, which was, at 1—SPEED—OF—357—KM (222—MILES)per —HOUR, is planned to run at 320—KM (198—MILES) per —HOUR.
20181115             —FUNDED, The $2—BILLION project was jointly, with FRANCE and several Arab states.
20181115             SAUDI—ARABIA—PUBLIC—PROSECUTOR—OFFICE said it is seeking the death penalty for 5—OUT—OF—11—SUSPECTS charged in THE—MURDER—OF—JOURNALIST—JAMAL—KHASHOGGI.
20181115             —DENIED, The prosecutor's spokesman Shaalan AL—SHAALAN, CROWN—PRINCE—MOHAMMED bin Salman had ANY—KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE killing.
20181115             —EXPLODED, SOUTH—KOREA, 1—FRONT—LINE—GUARD—POST, sending plumes of thick, black smoke into the sky above the border with NORTH—KOREA, in the most dramatic scene to date in the rivals' efforts to reduce animosities.
20181115             —EXCHANGED, SRI—LANKA, rival lawmakers, blows in PARLIAMENT as disputed PRIME—MINISTER—MAHINDA—RAJAPAKSA claimed the speaker had no authority to remove him from office by voice vote.
20181115             —OPENED, TUNISIA, a —3—DAY—FORUM, in TUNIS for 1—CONFERENCE on FREEDOM—OF—EXPRESSION and new challenges facing the media.
20181115             It attracted 600—JOURNALISTS, bloggers, newspaper chiefs and media academics from Arabic and FRENCH—SPEAKING countries across THE—MEDITERRANEAN—AFRICA and EUROPE.
20181115             The petrol bombs did not explode and no damage was done to S—ANDREW—CHURCH.
20181115             1—CHURCH—SPOKESMAN blamed MOSCOW for the incident.
20181115             1—PROMINENT—YEMEN—RIGHTS—GROUP released 1—REPORT documenting heavy damage from ground fighting and airstrikes to at least 34—ARCHAEOLOGICAL—SITES over the past —4—YEARS.
20181115—19181115    —100—JAHRE—8—STUNDEN—ARBEIT—TAG, —6—STUNDEN—PRO—TAG reichen völlig aus (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 14:27)
20181115—19600000    —FROM, to 19960000             , FRANCE carried out 193—NUCLEAR—TESTS in FRENCH—POLYNESIA.
20181115—20100000    —OFFERED, THE—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT, MILLIONS—OF—EUROS in compensation for the government's 201—NUCLEAR—TESTS in THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC and ALGERIA.
20181117             —ANNOUNCED, THE—ARGENTINE—NAVY, that 1—SUBMARINE that went missing 20171115             , off the country's Atlantic Coast has been found by 1—PRIVATE—COMPANY, marine tracking contractor Ocean Infinity, involved in what had been 1—MASSIVE—SEARCH for the vessel and its 44-member crew.
20181117—20181115    —ON, ITALY—COAST—GUARD said it is searching for 8—ALGERIA—MIGRANTS who apparently tried to swim to shore —WHEN the motor of their boat failed off SARDINIA—SOUTHWEST coast.
20190119—19181115    —AM, Stinnes, Hugo war ein viel zu großer Realist, als daß er den bürgerlichen Charakter des Antibolschewismus doktrinär oder praktisch hätte überspitzen können.Dafür wurzelte er mit seiner Familie viel zu tief im " Kohlenpott" es rheinischen Bergreviers & er fühlte sich als Bergherr auch viel zu sehr mit den " Kumpels" verbunden.Deswegen war auch Stinnes, Hugo die Seele & der Willensmittelpunkt jenes soziologischen Gebildes, das in den damaligen Revolution s wirren gegen die Gefahr der Bolschewisierung gegründet wurde: der " Zentralen Arbeitsgemeinschaft" der Arbeitgeberverbände & der Gewerkschaften".Es ist dabei geschichtlich von Bedeutung hervorzuheben, daß dieser "antibolschewistische Dammschutz" —SCHON vor dem Ausbruch —DER—NOVEMBER revolte geplant & in Vorformen organisiert worden war. Zwischen Stinnes, Hugo & den führenden Männern der Wirtschaft einerseits & den Führern der christlichen & freien Gewerkschaften (Stegerwald, Adam, Legien, Karl usw.) andererseits war im Hinblick [PRÄVENTIV] auf die drohende Zusammenbruch s- -Gefahr 1—PAKT geschlossen worden & dieses Bündnis wurde in aller Form schriftlich kontrahiert & mit feierlichen Unterschriften versehen. Nationalpolitisches Verantwortungsgefühl stand PATE an der Wiege jener "Zentralen Arbeitsgemeinschaft", die —NUN "Bürgertum" & "Proletariat " gerade in der vom "Bolschewismus" am meisten gefährdeten Lebenssphäre der modernen Industrie politisch umschloß & m it einem festen Ring umgab.
20191113—20191115    —ON, Unions representing —AROUND 3,000—OF—SAA—5,000-strong workforce said that cabin crew and other workers at SAA would go on strike over the airline's refusal to give in to salary hikes and its plan to cut more than 900—JOBS.
20191115             † 1—PERSON was killed and others injured in SIRJAN as protesters tried to 20190901             —FUEL depot ablaze but were thwarted by security forces.
20191115             "4000 impacted in my environment.
20191115             "Es ist Zeit für 1—REICHENSTEUER in AMERIKA", ruft die Frau auf der Bühne, die Wand hinter ihr ist mit einer übergroßen AMERIKANISCHEN—FLAGGE verhängt.
20191115             "Ich finde, man sollte Nazis verteufeln, aber man sollte nicht Leute verteufeln, die hart gearbeitet haben, um etwas zu erreichen", wetterte der CHEF—VON—JPMORGAN Chase, JAMIE—DIMON.
20191115             "Ich will, daß die ULTRA—REICHEN 1—VERMÖGENSTEUER auf ihre Diamanten, ihre Jachten und auf ihre REMBRANDTs zahlen", sagt die —70—JAHRE—ALTE Senatorin aus MASSACHUSETTS, die es an Kampfeslust mit jedem 20-Jährigen aufnehmen kann.
20191115             "Like MANY—OTHERS, this has had significant impact on our organization with our entire Operations (over 500—EMPLOYEES) working in 1—RDS environment with Google Chrome as the primary browser," said ANOTHER—SYSTEM—ADMINISTRATOR.
20191115             "Medium sized call center for 1—LOCAL—MEDICAL—OFFICE lost —1—DAY and 1—HALF—OF—WORK for 40—60—EMPLOYEES," added another.
20191115             "Our organization with multiple large retail brands had 10000000             call center agents and MANY—IT people affected —FOR—2—DAYS.
20191115             "This has had 1—HUGE—IMPACT for all our Call Center agents and not being able to chat with our members," someone with 1—COSTCO email address said in 1—BUG report.
20191115             1.000—METER—REGEL: LÄNDER—UMWELTMINISTER lehnen Mindestabstand für Windräder ab
20191115             Anerkennung als ISRAELs HAUPTSTADT: Färöer wollen diplomatische Vertretung in JERUSALEM errichten
20191115             —ATTACKIERT, Anhörung zur UKRAINE—AFFÄRE: DONALD—TRUMP, FRÜHERE—USA—BOTSCHAFTERIN—YOVANOVITCH noch während ihrer Aussage
20191115             Ausschreitungen auch unter —DER—WOCHE: HONGKONG—DEMONSTRANTEN drohen DER—POLIZEI
20191115             BERLINer Rabbi über seine ultraorthodoxe Vergangenheit: "Wenn du merkst, daß du dein ganzes Leben betrogen wurdest" (SPIEGEL+, 01:49)
20191115             BRANDENBURG: SPD—PARTEITAG stimmt KOALITIONS—VERTRAG—MIT—CDU und Grünen zu
20191115             Berechnung der BERKELEY—ÖKONOMEN GABRIEL—ZUCMAN und EMMANUEL—SAEZ zufolge träfe die STEUER—CA—75.000—HAUSHALTE, weniger als 0,1 % aller Steuerzahler.
20191115             Breitbandinternet für alle: Labour will BRITISCHE—TELEKOM teilweise VER—STAAT—
20191115             Brisante Details über RUSSISCHEN—EINFLUSS: Was abgehörte Telefonate über den Abschuss von MH17 verraten
20191115             BRITISCHER—ADELIGER unter Verdacht: PRINZ—ANDREW gibt Interview zu JEFFREY—EPSTEIN
20191115             Bundeshaushalt 20200000             Regierung plant mehr Geld für Soziales ein
20191115             DIE—EINSTIGE HARVARD—PROFESSORIN hat den ANGRIFF gegen Amerikas Elite zum Markenzeichen ihrer Kampagne gemacht.
20191115             DIE—JURISTIN und einstige Sonderschullehrerin hat einen —PLAN—FÜR—JEDES—PROBLEM—DER—GESELLSCHAFT—UND jeder einzelne kostet.
20191115             Daneben erweitern die Volksvertreter auch die DNA—ANALYSE im Strafverfahren auf äußerlich erkennbare Merkmale wie die Augen-, HAAR—UND Hautfarbe sowie DAS—ALTER.
20191115             Das sind doch genau die ART—VON—LEUTEN, denen man Befugnisse wie den Staatstrojaner die Hand geben will!!1!
20191115             Der WALL—STREET—LEGENDE LEON "Lee" Cooperman, der mit seinem einstigen HEDGE—FONDS Omega Advisors reich geworden ist, und der 20170000             einen Vergleich mit der Börsenaufsicht SEC wegen Insiderhandels schloss.
20191115             Endlich muss die POLIZEI nicht mehr mit AD—HOC—ERFINDUNGEN wie "Nafri" herumdrucksen sondern kann direkt von schwarzen Gewalttätern reden.
20191115             Es geht es den Ermittlern offenbar darum, 1—GESAMTBILD zu fixieren:
20191115             Es ging konkret um den Abrüstungsgipfel 19600000             in PARIS.
20191115             Es sei denn natürlich es fallen Atombomben..
20191115             Europäische Investitionsbank steigt aus fossiler Energie aus: EUROPA will kein Geld mehr verbrennen
20191115             Extreme Schneefälle: Ein Toter in FRANKREICH - 200.000—HAUSHALTE ohne Strom
20191115             Extremismus: Rechte Prepper rüsten sich für "Bürgerkrieg"
20191115             Finanzen des USA—PRÄSIDENTEN: DONALD—TRUMP will Steuererklärung vom höchsten Gericht schützen lassen
20191115             GERICHTS—URTEIL, Autokennzeichen "HH 1933" ist sittenwidrig
20191115             Gewaltbereite DEUTSCHE—PREPPER haben sich in einem —BISLANG, unbekannten Onlineforum zusammengefunden, um sich für die vermeintliche Apokalypse und für einen "Bürgerkrieg" gegen Migranten und Muslime zu wappnen.
20191115             GroKo gegen die Rezession: Wenn Sozialklimbim die Wirtschaft rettet
20191115             GRÜNDER—DES—BROKERS—TD—AMERITRADE, JOE—RICKETTS, dem WARREN vorwirft, die Kassen der Republikaner zu füllen.
20191115             Hohe Steuereinnahmen: Bund macht Milliardenüberschuss
20191115             HOLGER—FRIEDRICH : Neuer HERAUSGEBER—DER "BERLINER—ZEITUNG" war für die Stasi tätig
20191115             Ihr Vorschlag sieht vor, Vermögen von mehr als 50—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR PRO—JAHR mit 2 % zu besteuern.
20191115             Im AMRI—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUSS hat 1—ERMITTLER eine brisante Aussage gemacht: BKA und INNEN—MINISTERIUM sollen einen V—MANN mundtot gemacht haben, der Informationen zu dem Attentäter hatte.
20191115             Innenansichten eines radikalen "Prepper"-Netzwerks: 1—UZI für den "—TAG X" (SPIEGEL+, 13:30)
20191115             KUNST—FEHLER bei Geburt: Behindertes Mädchen erhält 500.000—EURO Schmerzensgeld
20191115             Karneval in KÖLN: Attacke mit Kabelbinder war wohl nur missratener Jux unter Freunden
20191115             MIGRANTEN—LAGER in Bosnien: Behörden verhängen AUSGANGSSPERRE—AUßER für Gang Richtung EU—GRENZE
20191115             MILITÄR—STRATEGIE, Nato greift —NACH—DEN Sternen
20191115             Mehr militärische Verantwortung: Neue BUNDESWEHR—MISSIONEN in AFRIKA und ASIEN geplant
20191115             PRINZ—ANDREW dürften seine KONT—AKTE zu JEFFREY—EPSTEIN mittlerweile unangenehm sein.
20191115             Plus 13—PROZENT: EU—EXPORTÜBERSCHUSS im Handel mit USA wächst
20191115             Pornhub: PayPal stellt Zahlungen an Pornodarsteller ein
20191115             RUSSLANDaffäre: Gericht spricht TRUMP—VERTRAUTEN Stone schuldig
20191115             Sie fordert, was einst in Kernland des Kapitalismus unvorstellbar schien: massive Umverteilung von oben nach unten.
20191115             Stellt sich raus: Ich lag falsch.
20191115             —CROWDSOURCED, Stellt sich raus: Wenn man das Testing an Freiwillige, sind die Teilnehmer nicht aus dem ENTERPRISE—BEREICH.
20191115             —KRITISIERT, SÜDWEST—CDU—FRAKTIONSCHEF, Bundespartei: "DIE—CDU ist inhaltlich insolvent"
20191115             Trotz Rezessionsgefahr: Alibaba zieht Börsengang in HONG—KONG durch
20191115             USA—WAHLKAMPF: WARREN eröffnet den KRIEG—GEGEN—DAS Kapital
20191115             Und —JETZT merken —PLÖTZLICH, alle, wie sehr sie sich von Chrome abhängig gemacht haben.
20191115             Und weil die POLIZEI ja inhärent rassismusfrei ist, haben sie sich auch gedacht, die folgende Regelung sei schlau:
20191115             —INVESTIERT, VERKEHRS—FÖRDERUNG, Bund, 20-mal so viel Forschungsgelder in Kfz wie in ÖPNV
20191115             Von Watergate —BIS TRUMP: Macht und Tragik der Whistleblower (SPIEGEL+, 18:12)
20191115             Wagniskapitalgeber PETER—THIEL, der im FACEBOOK—VERWALTUNGSRAT sitzt und Großspender DONALD—TRUMP—SEI.
20191115             Wie geil! Hat hier jemand Server unter Windows laufen?
20191115             Ich habe Leute, die ihre Server unter Windows fahren, ja —SCHON immer öffentlich ausgelacht.
20191115             —RATIONIERT, Wirtschaftskrise im Ölförderstaat: IRAN, Benzin
20191115             Wäre das nicht schön, wenn wir in diesem Lande sowas wie digtale Souveränität hätten, und uns nicht von Microsoft zum CLOUD—UMZUG erpressen lassen müssten?
20191115             [l] Aus der Kategorie "schönes Rechenzentrum haben Sie da!": Support von Windows Server 20080000             läuft aus.
20191115             [l] Chrome hat 1—EXPERIMENT in die Produktion ausgerollt, das dort geplatzt ist.
20191115             [l] GABY—WEBER hat ja mit euren Spenden u.a.
20191115             [l] Gute NACHRICHTen, Die POLIZEI bekommt endlich mehr Befugnisse.
20191115             [l] Wisst ihr, wieso das —SCHON OK ist, wenn POLIZEI und INNEN—MINISTERIUM mehr Befugnisse kriegen?
20191115             Weil die das nie missbrauchen würden!
20191115             ein wutschäumender Cooperman —SCHON auf Sendung.
20191115             FRÜHEREN—GOLDMAN—SACHS—CHEF—LLOYD—BLANKFEIN, der während der Finanzkrise 1—GEHALT—VON—70—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR eingestrichen habe.
20191115             NATÜRLICH—VERDÄCHTIGT worden
20191115             —ANTI—REGIERUNGSPROTESTE: 2—DEUTSCHE in HONG—KONG festgenommen
20191115             —DER—TAG—KOMPAKT, Die 5. MACHT—WARUM Whistleblower so bedeutend sind
20191115             —KLIMAFREUNDLICHE Antriebe: Volkswagen investiert kräftig in E—MOBILITÄT
20191115             —NACH, SPIEGEL—INFORMATIONEN vernetzt sich die Gruppe mit mehr als 3500—REGISTRIERTEN Nutzern über das soziale Netzwerk VK aus RUSSLAND und bezeichnet sich selbst als "Überlebensgruppe".
20191115             —NACH, Vergabe an Microsoft: AMAZON kämpft für JEDI—AUFTRAG des Pentagon
20191115             —SEIT, WARREN sich in den Umfragen nach vorne geschoben hat, grassiert im WIRTSCHAFTS—ESTABLISHMENT panikartige ANGST—VOR—DER Kandidatin, die scharfe INTELLIGENZ mit schonungslosem Populismus verknüpft.
20191115             —STUDIE—DES—ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS: Hunderttausende infizieren sich PRO—JAHR im Krankenhaus
20191115             —STUDIE—ZU—SCHULLEISTUNGEN: Wer als "süß" gilt, schneidet bei Tests besser ab (Leben und Lernen, 22:29)
20191115             —TAGUNG, Auf der, anderen Seite muss man sagen, daß bei Chrome erstaunlich wenig schiefgeht.
20191115             —UKRAINE—AFFÄRE: So erdrückend sind die BEWEISE—GEGEN—DONALD—TRUMP (SPIEGEL+, 18:15)
20191115             —UPDATE, Wobei das natürlich Unfug ist, daß es keine Nachfolger gibt.
20191115             —UPDATE, Zur Klarstellung: Die Firmen haben das getestet und Chrome war erfolgreich im Einsatz, aber der Autoupdater von Chrome hat halt eines Tages diesen Experimentalcode ausgerollt, und ein "mach mal das letzte Update rückgängig" gibt es bei Chrome nicht.
20191115             —LAUNCHED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, 1—EXTRAORDINARY—TWITTER attack on MARIE—YOVANOVITCH, 1—FORMER—USA—AMBASSADOR to UKRAINE, as she testified to 1—IMPEACHMENT hearing in Congress, 1—MOVE she called "very intimidating".
20191115             —REMOVED, Yovanovitch was, from her post as ambassador to Kiev in May —AFTER coming under attack by TRUMP—PERSONAL—LAWYER, RUDY—GIULIANI.
20191115             ROGER—STONE, —67—JAHRE—ALT, 1—LONGTIME friend and ALLY—OF—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, was found GUILTY—OF—WITNESS tampering and lying to Congress about his pursuit of RUSSIAN—HACKED emails damaging to Hillary Clinton's 20160000             election bid.
20191115             He is the 6. Trump aide or adviser to be CONVICTED—OF—CHARGES brought as PART—OF—SPECIAL—COUNSEL—ROBERT—MUELLER—RUSSIA investigation.
20191115             He could face up to —20—YEARS.
20191115             —REPORTED, It was, that Giles DANIEL—WARRICK, —60—JAHRE—ALT, suspected of being the "Potomac River Rapist," is —NOW awaiting extradition from Horry COUNTY—SOUTH—CAROLINA.
20191115             —ACCUSED—OF, He was, raping 10—WOMEN and killing 1—OF—THEM 19910000—19980000    —BETWEEN in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA and its surrounding suburbs.
20191115             —APPROVED, CHICAGO teachers, the contract deal that ended an —11—DAY—STRIKE and includes pay raises, $35—MILLION to enforce limits on class sizes and 1—PLEDGE to supply EACH—SCHOOL with 1—NURSE and 1—SOCIAL—WORKER.
20191115             —QUESTIONED, His conviction was being, by new evidence that his supporters say raises serious doubt about his guilt in a 19960000             murder.
20191115             —MAINTAINED, Reed has long, he didn't kill Stacey Stites and that her fiancé, former police officer JIMMY—FENNELL, was the real killer.
20191115             Reed says Fennell was angry because Stites, who was white, was having 1—AFFAIR with Reed, who is black.
20191115             MARTIN—FOX, —62—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—1—PRIVATE tennis club in TEXAS, pleaded guilty in the college admissions scandal.
20191115             —BROKERED, He had, bribes to help wealthy parents rig their children's college entrance exams.
20191115             —CROSSED, THE—DOW—JONES—INDUSTRIAL—AVERAGE (DJIA), the 28,000 mark for the 1. time as the S&P 500 and Nasdaq his all time highs.
20191115             —LAUNCHED, Astronauts, 1—EXTRAORDINARILY complicated SERIES—OF—SPACEWALKS to fix 1—COSMIC ray detector at THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20191115             —REMOVED, Apple, 181—VAPING apps from its online store as regulators cracked down E—CIGARETTE products.
20191115             —OUSTED, BOLIVIA—INTERIM—PRESIDENT—JEANINE—ANEZ said that, FORMER—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES is free to return, but would have to respond to allegations of electoral fraud and would not be immune from investigation.
20191115             † 9—PEOPLE, in the latest ESCALATION—OF—VIOLENCE between security forces and SUPPORTERS—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES.
20191115             Most of the dead and injured were in Sacaba, near COCHABAMBA.
20191115             BRITAIN—PRINCE—ANDREW said in comments broadcast —TODAY that he had no recollection of ever meeting 1—USA—WOMAN who alleges she was forced to have sex with him —WHEN she was underage.
20191115             —FORCED, VIRGINIA Giuffre has said she was, to have sex with Andrew in LONDON—NEW—YORK and on 1—PRIVATE—CARIBBEAN ISLAND 19990000—20020000    —BETWEEN, —WHEN she says Epstein kept her as a "sex slave".
20191115             —AGREED, CHILE—LAWMAKERS, to hold 1—REFERENDUM—NEXT—APRIL on replacing the country's unpopular PINOCHET—ERA—CONSTITUTION, bowing to DEMANDS—OF—PROTESTERS who say the country's DECADES—OLD—SOCIAL—MODEL has created deep inequality.
20191115             —APPEARED, CHINA—PEOPLE—LIBERATION—ARMY—TROOPS, on THE—STREETS—OF—HONG—KONG as PART—OF—1—CLEAN—UP mission that risked 1—BACKLASH from PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTERS who have brought the city to 1—STANDSTILL in recent months.
20191115             —SUSPECTED, EAST—CONGO, DRC, Islamist militants killed at least 15—PEOPLE in and —AROUND the village of Mbau, in the latest massacre —SINCE the army launched 1—MAJOR—OFFENSIVE against the rebels —LAST—MONTH.
20191115             —FIRED, CROATIA—POLICE, shots at 1—GROUP—OF—MIGRANTS.
20191115             1—MIGRANT fought for his life —AFTER being shot.
20191115             CUBA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said it was terminating its medical mission as officials were fostering violence against the doctors by claiming they were instigating rebellion.
20191115             —APPROVED, THE—GERMANY—LOWER—HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT, 1—MAJOR—CLIMATE—PROTECTION—PACKAGE which aims to ensure GERMANY will meet its 20300000             target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
20191115             —INSTALLED, Volkswagen, FORMER—BMW executive MARKUS—DUESMANN to reinvent Audi —AFTER THE—GERMANY—PREMIUM brand lost key engineering KNOW—HOW and influence —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20150000             —THE—DIESEL—CHEATING scandal.
20191115             —RETURNED, HONG—KONG protesters, to the central financial district, the 5.—STRAIGHT—DAY—OF—RALLIES in 1—BROADER—DEMOCRACY push that's driven ASIA—PREMIER—FINANCIAL—HUB toward recession.
20191115             —IMPOSED, IRAN, petrol rationing and raised pump prices by at least 50—PERCENT, saying the move aims to help the needy with cash handouts and is not due to 1—BUDGET—DEFICIT.
20191115             —ANNOUNCED, Demonstrations broke out hours —AFTER it was, the price of petrol would be increased by 50—PERCENT for the 1. 60—LITERS and 300—PERCENT for anything above that EACH—MONTH.
20191115             —WOUNDED, Another roadside blast in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—NASSIRIYA, 18 the same —EVENING.
20191115             —COMPLETED, ISRAEL said it has, 1—SERIES—OF—AIRSTRIKES on targets linked to the Islamic Jihad militant group in GAZA —AFTER overnight rocket fire that rattled —1—DAY—OLD—TRUCE.
20191115             —CANCELLED, THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORY—HAMAS rulers, the weekly protests they organize along the perimeter fence without explanation — apparently in 1—EFFORT to preserve the calm.
20191115             ITALY, 1—EXCEPTIONALLY high tide hit Venice again —JUST—3—DAYS—AFTER the city suffered its worst flooding in more than —50—YEARS, leaving squares, shops and hotels once more inundated.
20191115             —ESTIMATED, Mayor LUIGI—BRUGNARO said the damage is, at HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—EUROS.
20191115             —ALLEGED, ITALY—TV said 1—SCANDAL over, sexual molestation and abuse at THE—VATICAN—YOUTH seminary is growing, with more former papal altar boys alleging inappropriate behavior by priests inside THE—VATICAN walls.
20191115             —REPORTED, It was, that KENYA and SOMALIA have agreed to restore diplomatic relations that had deteriorated over the disputed ownership of 1—INDIAN—OCEAN—TERRITORY thought to be rich in hydrocarbons.
20191115             —SHOWED, THE—NETHERLANDS, off the spoils of Brexit as it officially handed over the European Medicines AGENCY—NEW building in AMSTERDAM —AFTER the regulator was forced to move from LONDON.
20191115             1—NICARAGUA—JUDGE sentenced 1—MAN to —30—YEARS behind bars in THE—KILLING—OF—1—YOUNG nursing student in upstate NEW—YORK.
20191115             —REMOVED, SOUTH—AFRICA—POLICE, about 150—REFUGEES who THE—UNITED—NATIONS refugee agency said forced their way into its compound in PRETORIA —WHILE protesting recent ANTI—IMMIGRANT—ATTACKS.
20191115             SOUTH—AFRICA—AIRWAYS (SAA) said its future is hanging in the balance —AFTER its workers went on strike to demand higher wages and protest planned job cuts, forcing the struggling STATE—OWNED carrier to cancel all flights.
20191115             —DETAINED, TURKEY—POLICE, 4—MAYORS over their suspected links to Kurdish rebels, as PART—OF—1—ONGOING crackdown on the country's PRO—KURDISH—PARTY.
20191115             —DETAINED, UKRAINE—SECURITY—SERVICE said it had, AL—BARA—SHISHANI, the deputy of ABU—OMAR—AL—SHISHANI, 1—MAN—THE—PENTAGON described as Islamic State's "MINISTER—OF—WAR", —AFTER Shishani crossed into UKRAINE on 1—FAKE passport —LAST—YEAR.
20191115             —EXTENDED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, 1—ARMS—EMBARGO on SOMALIA and 1—BAN on trade in charcoal, 1—KEY—SOURCE—OF—FUNDS for AL—SHABAB extremists — and it imposed 1—NEW—BAN on ingredients for explosive devices the group is increasingly using.
20191115—19790000    —IN, the woman's bludgeoned body was discovered in 1—SHALLOW—GRAVE—NEAR—RENO—NEVADA.
20191115—20180300    —STRANGLED, Authorities said ORLANDO—TERCERO, Haley Anderson (22) at his OFF—CAMPUS—RESIDENCE in BINGHAMTON—NEW—YORK, and then fled to NICARAGUA.
20191115—20190206    —SCHEDULED, Stone was, to be sentenced.
20191120—20191115    —ON, NEW—JERSEY, MICHAEL—TENNANT, —10—JAHRE—ALT, who was shot at 1—HIGH—SCHOOL—GAME between Pleasantville and Camden, †.
20191125             —KILLED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said at least 143—DEMONSTRATORS have been, across Iransince 20191115             , almost ALL—OF—THEM shot by security forces.
20201112             254_DGS_boletim_20201111              20201112             254_DGS_boletim_20201111              20201211115810
20201115             —SONNTAG, 20201115
20201115             —NACH—DEM BERGKARABACH—KRIEG: "Mein Vaterland gibt es nicht mehr"
20201115             Altmaier zu CORONA—MAßNAHMEN: "Erhebliche Einschränkungen in den nächsten 4—BIS—5—MONATEN"
20201115             Mit 14—LÄNDERN in ASIEN und im Pazifik: CHINA schmiedet weltgrößte Freihandelszone
20201115             —KRITISIERT, HENDRIK—STREECK, CORONA—MAßNAHMEN: "Wir sollten uns stärker auf den Schutz der Risikogruppen konzentrieren" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—JULIA—KÖPPE und KURT—STUKENBERG
20201115             Zeichner über MOHAMMED—KARIKATUREN und Selbstzensur: "Die Terroristen haben gewonnen" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—MARCO—KASANG
20201115             Besetzte Inselhälfte: Empörung über geplanten ERDOGAN—BESUCH in Nordzypern
20201115             Exklusiver Vorabdruck aus BARACK—OBAMAS—MEMOIREN: Trump war völlig hemmungslos
20201115             USA nach der Wahl: Trump winkt, Trump golft, Trump klagt
20201115             Ausbau der Streitkräfte: SPD für eigene EU—ARMEE
20201115             Militärischer —KONFLIKT: ÄTHIOPISCHER—REBELLENFÜHRER gibt Raketenangriff auf ERITREA zu
20201115             Unter 2— der SPIEGEL—KLIMABERICHT: Das Rekordjahr der Stürme
20201115             —VERWUNDET, EKD—RATSVORSITZENDER über CORONA: "Eine ganze Gesellschaft ist " 1—INTERVIEW—VON—ANNETTE—LANGER
20201115             Klima und Überwachung: Die Verschwörer sind unter uns
20201115             COVID—19: ÖSTERREICH will mit CORONA—MASSENTESTS Weihnachten retten
20201115             CORONA—POLITIK: Union und SPD einigen sich auf mehr Mitsprache des Bundestags
20201115             Künstlerkollektiv erfand Bundesbehörde: Ermitteln, —BIS die Katze kommt
20201115             —GEFOLTERT, Protest gegen Abtreibungsrecht in POLEN: "Wir werden " 1—INTERVIEW—VON—JAN—PUHL
20201115             Mord an Menschenrechtlerin: Die "Mutter" Libyens ist tot
20201115             99. Protesttag in BELARUS: VIELE—FESTNAHMEN bei Demonstrationen gegen Lukaschenko
20201115             Nach USA—WAHL: Trump spricht erstmals von Bidens Sieg — und fügt 1—ABER an
20201115             Proteste in WASHINGTON: "Proud Boys" prügeln, Trump geht golfen 1—VIDEO—VON—ECKHARD—KLEIN
20201115             Reich gegen Arm: "Die Polarisierung in DEUTSCHLAND verschärft sich weiter"
20201115             Verweis auf muslimische Schüler: Bildungsministerin beklagt Druck auf Lehrkräfte
20201115             Drastischer Preissprung: Pandemie löst GEBRAUCHTWAGEN—BONANZA in den USA aus
20201115             —PROVOZIERT, Umstrittene Reise nach Nordzypern: Erdogan, mit Besuch in Geisterstadt
20201115             Linkspartei vor Superwahljahr: Alarmstufe Rot
20201115             Antikes Verkehrszeichen: Arbeiter finden wertvollen HERMES—KOPF in Athener Kanalisation
20201115             Weniger Steuereinnahmen: Kirchen rechnen wegen Pandemie mit MILLIARDEN—MINUS
20201115             MARCUS—RUSHFORDS—ANRUF beim Premier: Dieser Mann erklärt BORIS—JOHNSON, was Hunger bedeutet
20201115             BREXIT—VERHANDLUNGEN: LONDON hat noch Hoffnung auf 1—ABKOMMEN mit der EU
20201115             MANUEL—MERINO: Perus Übergangspräsident tritt —NACH—5—TAGEN im Amt zurück
20201115             Wegen Pandemie: Firmen melden Digitalisierungsschub
20201115             Versprechen vom Stabschef: Biden will Trumps Politik "von —TAG 1 an" kippen
20201115             Sat 20201114
20201115             [l] Ja gut, hier in DEUTSCHLAND läuft nicht alles optimal.
20201115             Aber immerhin sind wir hier nicht von durchdrehenden Zensurregelungen von Politik oder Gerichten in anderen Ländern betroffen.
20201115             Nur weil da IRGENDEIN—MÖCHTEGERN—BÜCHERVERBRENNER in irgendeiner PISS—REPUBLIK irgendwas beschließt, würde uns das hier ja nicht den Zugriff sperren.
20201115             Im Übrigen wäre das in auch gar nicht nötig, denn niemand sperrt so viel und so gerne wie wir.
20201115             Bei uns heißt das dann halt "Hassrede" oder "Urheberrechtsverletzung" oder wir kriegen DMCA—TAKEDOWNS in den USA über Bande ab.
20201115             Aber nehmen wir mal an, jemand schreibt hier irgendwas majestätsbeleidigendes auf Facebook über den Diktator von Whocaresistan, dann könnte dessen Justiz Facebook vielleicht zwingen, das innerhalb dessen Monarchie wegzufiltern, aber wir hier in DEUTSCHLAND könnten das noch sehen.
20201115             Ich meine, srsly, das ist ja wohl völlig außer Frage.
20201115             Der hat überhaupt keine Jurisdiktion.
20201115             Das wäre ja wie wenn Erdogan verlangen könnte, dass Berichte, die er nicht mag, aus den Zeitungen entfernt werden.
20201115             Lol!
20201115             Ja, meine Damen und Herren, wenn ihr das denkt, dann liegt ihr falsch.
20201115             Unsere ansonsten hochgeschätzten Nachbarn in ÖSTERREICH haben nämlich mal eben durch ALLE—INLÄNDISCHEN—GERICHTSINSTANZEN hindurch weltweite Jurisdiktion für sich selbst erklärt.
20201115             IRGENDEIN—PROLET hat da nämlich irgendwann irgendwas über irgendeine belanglose GRÜNEN—POLITIKERN geschrieben.
20201115             Die fühlte sich beleidigt.
20201115             Und die Gerichte fanden dann, Facebook müsse das nicht nur in ÖSTERREICH löschen, sondern weltweit.
20201115             Gut, das wäre —JETZT nicht das 1. Mal, dass ein freidrehender Österreicher weltweite Ambitionen anmeldet.
20201115             Aber man würde doch denken, dass solche Leute in der Psychiatrie landen und nicht im obersten Gericht des Landes.
20201115             Wer sich —JETZT denkt, hey, gut, da drehen ein paar Österreicher frei, kein Problem, da gibt es ja noch die EU darüber, die kassiert diese offensichtliche Völkerrechtsverletzung garantiert sofort!... der irrt.
20201115             Das EU—RECHT stehe zudem auch einer weltweiten Löschungsverpflichtung nicht entgegen.
20201115             Achtung: Nicht nur das eine Posting muss weg.
20201115             Auch WORT—UND sinngleiche! Facebook soll bitte jemanden einstellen, der aktiv nach sinngleichen Postings sucht und die auch löscht.
20201115             Und zwar weltweit.
20201115             —KONTROLLIERT, Wer, was die Leute sehen, der kontrolliert, was sie denken.
20201115             Normalerweise würde man bei sowas auswandern.
20201115             Aber das hilft ja nicht, wenn ÖSTERREICH ernsthaft weltweit zensieren lässt.
20201115             Ich kann mich gar nicht erinnern, jemals auf Facebooks Seite gestanden zu haben.
20201115             Aber —JETZT? Mann Mann Mann.
20201115             —GELASSEN, Wer hat die Österreicher eigentlich in die EU ?
20201115             1—MEHRHEIT—DER—MENSCHEN in DEUTSCHLAND hat sich in einer Umfrage dafür ausgesprochen, dass —IM—DEZEMBER Restaurants und Kultureinrichtungen wieder öffnen dürfen.
20201115             In einer repräsentativen Umfrage des Meinungsforschungsinstituts Kantar für die "Bild —AM—SONNTAG" gaben 78—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN an, dass Restaurants —IM—DEZEMBER wieder öffnen sollten.
20201115             Eine Öffnung von Kultureinrichtungen würden 68—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN begrüßen.
20201115             Bei den geltenden Kontaktbeschränkungen ist die Lage anders: 59—PROZENT sind dagegen, diese —IM—DEZEMBER aufzuheben.
20201115             Starker Anstieg der Fälle in den USA und in MEXIKO
20201115             Die Coronakrise stellt auch die Karpfenteichwirte in BAYERN vor Probleme.
20201115             Viele von ihnen verkaufen ihre Fische ausschließlich an die Gastronomie — die aber ist —SEIT—ANFANG —NOVEMBER geschlossen.
20201115             Aber auch Fischhändler und Schlachter seien —ZURZEIT bei den Bestellungen zurückhaltend,
20201115             "Wir müssen ganz VIELE—FISCHE aktuell abfischen und wissen nicht, ob wir sie zu Weihnachten loswerden".
20201115             —VERBIETET, Athen, Demos zum Andenken an Studentenaufstand
20201115             Die Regierung in Athen hat ALLE—VERSAMMLUNGEN und Demonstrationen zum 47.
20201115             Jahrestag des Studentenaufstandes gegen die damalige GRIECHISCHE—MILITÄRDIKTATUR verboten.
20201115             Wie der Staatsrundfunk (ERT) berichtete, sind Versammlungen von mehr als 4—MENSCHEN—VON—SONNTAG an —BIS zum 20201118             verboten.
20201115             Wer sich nicht daran hält, muss mit Geldstrafen zwischen 300—EURO und 5000—EURO rechnen.
20201115             Der Studentenaufstand von 19730000             gilt in GRIECHENLAND als der Höhepunkt des Widerstandes gegen die Obristenjunta (19670000—19740000    ).
20201115             Mit einem selbst gebastelten Radiosender riefen sie die Bürger zum Aufstand gegen die Diktatur auf.
20201115             In der Folge griff das Militär mit Gewalt ein.
20201115             1—PANZER durchbrach den Eingang des Polytechnikums, der Aufstand wurde blutig niedergeschlagen, es gab Tote und Verletzte.
20201115             Sie mündet traditionell in einem Demonstrationszug —BIS zur USA—BOTSCHAFT in Athen.
20201115             VIELE—GRIECHEN werfen den USA —BIS—HEUTE vor, die damalige Junta geduldet zu haben.
20201115             SPD—GENERALSEKRETÄR fordert mehr Bafög für mehr Studierende
20201115             Offenbar mehr als jeder 5. Bundespolizist in Quarantäne
20201115             war oder ist - 1—INFORMATIONSVIDEO—DER—BUNDESREGIERUNG sorgt in den sozialen Medien für Aufsehen.
20201115             Regierungssprecher STEFFEN—SEIBERT teilte das Video —AM—SAMSTAG mit dem Hashtag #besonderehelden auf Twitter.
20201115             —BERICHTET, Darin, der fiktive ältere Mann ANTON—LEHMANN aus der Zukunft, wie er die 2. Welle "damals in diesem CORONA—WINTER 2020" erlebt hat.
20201115             "Eine unsichtbare Gefahr bedrohte alles, woran wir glaubten", beschreibt Lehmann rückblickend.
20201115             —GELEGEN, Das Schicksal habe plötzlich in ihren Händen.
20201115             Also taten sie, was von ihnen erwartet worden sei.
20201115             "Nichts. Absolut gar nichts", so Lehmann.
20201115             —GEWESEN, Die Couch sei "die Front", die Geduld "unsere Waffe".
20201115             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, In einem 2. Video, das —AM—SONNTAG, wurde, wird die Geschichte von "damals" weitererzählt.
20201115             —NUN kommt auch Lehmanns Ehefrau Luise zu Wort.
20201115             Sie war am Ende des 1. Videos im Hintergrund der Rückblende als Pizzalieferantin zu sehen.
20201115             Sie erinnert sich an den Beginn ihrer Beziehung: "Wir waren neugierig auf unsere gemeinsame Zukunft, aber dann änderte sich alles.
20201115             Das ganze Land schaute voller Hoffnung auf uns junge Leute.
20201115             Wir fassten uns 1—HERZ und taten nix.
20201115             Wir schimmelten zu Hause rum und trafen möglichst wenig Leute und verhinderten damit die AUSBREITUNG—VON—COVID 19".
20201115             Beide Videos enden mit dem Appell der Bundesregierung: "Werde auch du zum Helden und bleib zu Hause".
20201115             Bundesforschungsministerin Anja Karliczek (CDU) will mehr Geld aus dem Haushalt, um die ENTWICKLUNG—VON—WIRKSTOFFEN gegen das Virus voranzutreiben.
20201115             —ÜBERGEWICHT, VIELE—TODE in GROSSBRITANNIEN auch wegen
20201115             "Es gibt eine direkte Korrelation zwischen starkem Übergewicht und hoher COVID—STERBLICHKEIT", sagte Davies, die —BIS zum vergangenen —JAHR die Regierung in medizinischen Fragen beriet, dem "Times Radio".
20201115             Der SPD—GESUNDHEITSPOLITIKER KARL—LAUTERBACH hat einen Strategiewechsel bei der Bekämpfung der Pandemie gefordert.
20201115             Statt der Nachverfolgung von Einzelkontakten müsse sich das ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT darauf konzentrieren, SUPERSPREADER—EREIGNISSE zu isolieren, sagte der Epidemiologe
20201115             Dazu müssten sogenannte QUELL—CLUSTER — etwa Hochzeitsfeiern — schnellstmöglich ausfindig gemacht werden.
20201115             "80—PROZENT—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN kommen aus QUELL—CLUSTERN",
20201115             "Die Infizierten müssen so schnell wie möglich in Quarantäne".
20201115             Um diese Aufgabe zu leisten, müssten die Gesundheitsämter "gezielt CORONA—DETEKTIVE einsetzen".
20201115             Zudem sprach sich Lauterbach dafür aus, die Dauer der Quarantäne zu verkürzen.
20201115             "—14—TAGE sind zu lang, dafür gibt es keine medizinische Rechtfertigung.
20201115             Ich halte es für sinnvoll, die Quarantäne auf —10—TAGE zu reduzieren — mit der Möglichkeit, dass man sich —NACH—5—TAGEN frei testen lassen kann".
20201115             "Die Polarisierung in DEUTSCHLAND verschärft sich weiter"
20201115             Die Politik müsse gegensteuern.
20201115             CORONA—HILFEN locken auch Betrüger an
20201115             "1—DER—GRÜNDE, warum wir 1—PROBLEM mit unserem Gewicht haben, ist das strukturelle Umfeld, in dem Werbung, Portionsgrößen und VIELE—ANDERE—DINGE 1—ROLLE spielen",
20201115             —VERHINDERT, TAUSENDE—VON—CORONA—TODESFÄLLEN hätten, werden können, wenn die Politik die Übergewichtskrise rechtzeitig und wirksam bekämpft hätte,
20201115             Bei 1ätzen wegen der Missachtung von CORONA—REGELN sind Polizisten in Parks in BERLIN und HAMBURG am Wochenende verletzt worden.
20201115             BERLIN, eskalierte laut Polizei die Auflösung einer Party.
20201115             —GEFEIERT, Den Angaben zufolge hatten 25—MENSCHEN, ohne den Mindestabstand wegen CORONA einzuhalten oder MUND—NASE—BEDECKUNGEN zu tragen.
20201115             HAMBURG, hatten die Beamten nach ANGABEN—DER—POLIZEI einer —ZUNÄCHST rund 25-köpfigen Gruppe am frühen Samstagmorgen auf Grundlage der CORONA—EINDÄMMUNGSVERORDNUNG Platzverweise erteilt, denen jedoch nicht ALLE—ANWESENDEN nachkommen wollten.
20201115             Die Bundeswehr erhöht ihr Kontingent für CORONA—HILFSEINSÄTZE um 5000—SOLDATINNEN und Soldaten auf insgesamt 20.000—KRÄFTE.
20201115             "Es geht noch mehr und wir wollen noch mehr helfen", sagte Verteidigungsministerin Annegret KRAMP—KARRENBAUER
20201115             Der Mitgründer des Impfstoffentwicklers Biontech, Ugur Sahin, rechnet mit einer Rückkehr zur Normalität —BIS—WINTER 20210000             .
20201115             Dafür sei es aber "absolut essentiell", eine hohe Impfquote gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS vor —DEM—HERBST zu erreichen,
20201115             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—582—(+6)—ÓBITOS—5—(=)—RECUPERADOS—415—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—162—(+2)
20201115             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—23—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—10—(=)—RECUPERADOS—10—(=)
20201115             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—15—(+1)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—10—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—4—(+1)
20201115             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—515—(+15)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—303—(+37)—CASOS—ATIVOS—211—(-22)
20201115             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—147—(+4)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—76—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—69—(+4)
20201115             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—398—(+2)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—299—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—99—(+2)
20201115             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—639—(+15)—ÓBITOS—10—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—214—(+8)—RECUPERADOS—415—(+8)
20201115             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—17—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—17—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20201115             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—212—(+7)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—134—(+17)—CASOS—ATIVOS—77—(-10)
20201115             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—598—(+9)—ÓBITOS—5—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—245—(+9)—RECUPERADOS—348—(=)
20201115             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—202—(+6)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—135—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—67—(+6)
20201115             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—242—(+5)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—76—(+5)—RECUPERADOS—163—(=)
20201115             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—209—(=)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—58—(=)—RECUPERADOS—147—(=)
20201115             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—51—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—25—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—25—(=)
20201115             258_DGS_BOLETIM_20201115—1—20201115—DESSAU—ROSSLAU—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—207—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—258,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—13,7—TODESFÄLLE—4—EINWOHNERZAHL—80.103
20201115             Aktualisierung 202011150000         —UHR
20201115             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.825—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—942,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—148,2—TODESFÄLLE—36—EINWOHNERZAHL—193.656
20201115             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—3.537—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.336,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—277,4—TODESFÄLLE—57—EINWOHNERZAHL—264.638
20201115             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS—KREIS—FÄLLE—4.737—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.006,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—149,8—TODESFÄLLE—95—EINWOHNERZAHL—470.615
20201115             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—15.515—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.426,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—174,3—TODESFÄLLE—186—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20201115             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—6.739—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—2.098,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—265,9—TODESFÄLLE—60—EINWOHNERZAHL—321.123
20201115             Die Welt im Klimawandel — und was wir tun können: Hitzschlag
20201115             Der BRITISCHE—PREMIERMINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON hatte Kontakt zu einem CORONA—INFIZIERTEN und muss sich —NUN in Isolation begeben.
20201115             Sat 20201114             20210211114553
20201115             —SONNTAG, 20201115             20201115             —NACH—DEM BERGKARABACH—KRIEG: "Mein Vaterland gibt es nicht mehr"
20201115             Sat 20201114             20201115             [l] Ja gut, hier in DEUTSCHLAND läuft nicht alles optimal.
20201115             Städte und Gemeinden gegen zu frühe LOCKERUNGEN—BUNDESWEIT —JETZT 12.485—CORONA—TOTE
20201115             —GEDULDET, VIELE—GRIECHEN werfen den USA —BIS—HEUTE vor, die damalige Junta, zu haben.
20201115             —DEFINIERT, Fettleibigkeit —, als BODY—MASS—INDEX (BMI) über 30— erhöhe das Risiko, an COVID—19—ZU sterben, um fast 50—PROZENT.
20201115             SICH—JEDER 5. Deutsche schuftet —SCHON im Niedriglohnbereich, und durch die Pandemie wird sich die Ungleichheit weiter verschärfen, warnt DIW—CHEF—FRATZSCHER.
20201115             Knapp 2—PROZENT—DER—SCHÜLER in QUARANTÄNE—KOSTENLOSE Masken für Risikogruppen?
20201115             Há mais 72—CASOS de COVID—19—NO Alentejo
20201115             DGS reporta mais 2—ÓBITOS e 58—NOVOS casos de COVID—19—NO Algarve
20201115             Facebook eliminou 7—MILHÕES de conteúdos nocivos sobre a COVID—19—NO 2.º trimestre
20201115             BUNDESLAND—SACHSEN—ANHALT—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 57,18
20201115             BUNDESLAND—NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 165,69
20201115             BUNDESLAND—BERLIN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 206,68
20201115             TRUMP—STATEMENTS came in tweets that, INCLUDED, several baseless claims about 20201103             —THE vote, which STATE—AND—FEDERAL—OFFICIALS say was safe and secure.
20201115             —APPEARED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, to acknowledge for the 1. time that JOE—BIDEN won THE—WHITE—HOUSE, but made clear he would not concede and would keep trying to overturn the election result.
20201115             CALIFORNIA to date had 1,028,462 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 18,262 deaths.
20201115             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 130,925 cases and 1,883 deaths.
20201115             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 11,032,095 with the death toll at 246,206.
20201115             —JOINED, MICHIGAN and WASHINGTON, several other states in announcing renewed efforts to combat THE—CORONA€”VIRUS as more than 11—MILLION—CASES—OF—COVID—19—HAVE —NOW been reported in THE—USA—  with the most recent million coming in less than —1—WEEK.
20201115             —ISSUED, OKLAHOMA—GOVERNOR—KEVIN—STITT, an 11pm curfew for bars and restaurants across the state, effective as of 20201118             , in 1—ATTEMPT to help stem THE—SPREAD—OF—COVID 19.
20201115             DUSTIN—JOHNSON, 1—GOLFER with 1—HISTORY—OF—BLOWING late leads in big tournaments, held onto his lead —THIS—WEEK and won his 1. Masters, by 5—STROKES.
20201115             —COMPLETED, Dustin, the Masters in fewer than 268—STROKES, breaking 19970000             —THE record of 270—HELD by Tiger Woods.
20201115             1—SPACEX rocket launched 4—ASTRONAUTS into orbit for a —6—MONTH stay on THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20201115             —DESIGNATED, NASA, the launch as the 1. operational flight of the Crew Dragon spacecraft built and operated by SpaceX, the rocket company started by Elon Musk.
20201115             —REPORTED, It was, that ANIS—RAHMANI (aka MOHAMED—MOKADDEM), THE—HEAD—OF—1—MAJOR—ALGERIA—MEDIA—GROUP, has been jailed —FOR—5—YEARS.
20201115             —ACCUSED—OF, He was, recording and broadcasting 1—PHONE—CONVERSATION with 1—SENIOR—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER without his consent.
20201115             —POSTPONED, AZERBAIJAN, taking CONTROL—OF—1—TERRITORY ceded by ARMENIA—FORCES in 1—CEASE—FIRE—AGREEMENT, but denounced civilians leaving the area for burning houses and committing what it called "ecological terror".
20201115             —REPORTED, BELARUS, more than 500—PEOPLE were, arrested in protests —AROUND the country calling for AUTHORITY—PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO to step down.
20201115             THE—VIASNA human rights organization said the nationwide arrest total was at least 928 and that SOME—OF—THOSE detained were beaten by police.
20201115             —VOTED, Bosnians, in nationwide municipal elections amid concerns that the turnout will be hurt by 1—MAJOR surge in CORONA€”VIRUS infections and deaths.
20201115             Opposition candidates won council seats and mayoral posts in BOSNIA—BIGGEST cities, dealing 1—PAINFUL—BLOW to THE—LONG—ENTRENCHED nationalists in nationwide municipal elections held amid 1—MAJOR surge in CORONA€”VIRUS infections and deaths.
20201115             1—WEALTHY—CHINA—PIGEON racing fan put down 1—RECORD—PRICE—OF—1.6—MILLION—EUROS ($1.9—MILLION) for 1—BELGIAN—BRED bird, —AT—THE—END—OF a —2—WEEK—AUCTION at the Pipa pigeon center.
20201115             —KILLED, HONG—KONG, at least 7—PEOPLE were, and 11 injured in 1—FIRE at 1—APARTMENT building that may have started at 1—GATHERING—OF—PEOPLE from the city's NEPAL—COMMUNITY.
20201115             THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY struck Hamas targets in THE—GAZA—STRIP —EARLY—TODAY—AFTER militants fired 2—ROCKETS from THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORY.
20201115             1—SETTLEMENT—WATCHDOG—GROUP said ISRAEL is moving ahead with new CONSTRUCTION—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—HOMES in 1—STRATEGIC—EAST—JERUSALEM settlement that threatens to cut off PARTS—OF—THE—CITY claimed by Palestinians from THE—WEST—BANK.
20201115             —RETURNED, Moldovans, to the polls for 1—PRESIDENTIAL—RUNOFF, facing 1—STARK choice between PRESIDENT—IGOR—DODON, the staunchly PRO—RUSSIA—INCUMBENT, and his popular challenger, FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—MAIA—SANDU, 1—PRO—WESTERN—FORMER—WORLD—BANK—ECONOMIST.
20201115             Sandu won the presidential runoff vote over 57—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20201115             PERU—INTERIM—LEADER—MANUEL—MERINO quit and Congress couldn't decide on his replacement.
20201115             That left PERU rudderless and in crisis less than —1—WEEK—AFTER legislators ignited 1—STORM—OF—PROTEST by removing PRESIDENT—MARTÍN—VIZCARRA, 1—ANTI—CORRUPTION crusader highly popular among Peruvians.
20201115             —RETURNED, SUDAN—REBEL—LEADERS, to KHARTOUM, signaling the 1. major steps toward implementing 1—PEACE—AGREEMENT with the government that aims to end the country's DECADES—LONG—CIVIL—WAR.
20201115             GlobalCases 54.225.797 Global Deaths 1.315.225
20201115—19731117    —AM, verschanzten sich Studenten im Athener Polytechnikum.
20201115—19740700    —IM, Die Junta der Obristen stürzte —8—MONATE—SPÄTER.
20201115—20191000    —ENTSCHIED, Der EuGH, grundsätzlich: Facebook kann demnach, ohne gegen die EU—RICHTLINIE über den elektronischen Rechtsverkehr zu verstoßen, dazu verpflichtet werden, nach einer entsprechenden Abmahnung WORT—UND sinngleiche Hasspostings aktiv zu suchen und zu entfernen.
20201115—20201004    —SINCE, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC reported 1,887 new cases, its lowest daily tally.
20201115—20201029    —SINCE, The total NUMBER—OF—DEATHS has doubled to 6,208.
20201115—20201117    —AM, Die zentrale Gedenkfeier findet immer statt.
20201115—20201125    —UNTIL, AZERBAIJAN agreed to delay the takeover —AFTER 1—REQUEST from ARMENIA.
20211017             EGYPT—GOVERNMENT said that as of 20211115             it require public servants to have 1—VACCINATION—CERTIFICATE or show 1—WEEKLY—NEGATIVE—COVID—19—TEST—BEFORE entering their workplaces.
20211019             —IMPOSED, LATVIA—PRIME—MINISTER—KRISJANIS—KARINS, a —3-WEEK lockdown 20211021—20211115    —FROM—TO, becoming the 1. EU country to shut down again —SINCE the bloc began reopening —THIS—YEAR as vaccines became widely available.
20211115             —MONTAG, 20211115
20211115             Taser für DEUTSCHE—POLIZISTEN: Gewalttäter ausschalten mit mehreren 1000—VOLT
20211115             —GERÜSTET, BOOSTER—IMPFUNGEN: Braun sieht DEUTSCHLAND nicht, — Ärztechef beklagt "verlorene —MONATE"
20211115             —ENDE—DER—EPIDEMISCHEN—NOTLAGE: "Absurd, angesichts von Inzidenzen um die 300—VON einer Aufhebung sprechen zu wollen"
20211115             Militärbewegungen: USA und FRANKREICH verurteilen RUSSISCHE—MACHTSPIELE an Grenze zur UKRAINE
20211115             Coronazahlen des RKI: —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ in DEUTSCHLAND steigt erstmals über 300
20211115             Satellitenbild —DER—WOCHE: CHINA übt in der Wüste zielen — auf Nachbauten von USA—MILITÄRSCHIFFEN
20211115             Steueroasen in EUROPA: "Die MINISTER blickten oft nicht durch"
20211115             Coronaprotest: MAORI—STAMM fordert ENDE—VON—HAKA—AUFFÜHRUNGEN bei ANTI—IMPF—PROTESTEN
20211115             LKA—EINSATZ in Suhl: Mann schießt mit Armbrust auf Polizisten
20211115             Digitalisierung in der Finanzbranche: "Wer noch 1—BANK überfällt, ist eigentlich schön blöd"
20211115             Mon 20211115
20211115             [l] Wenn ihr dachtet, die armen Polizeibeamten seien schockierend oft Opfer hinterhältiger Angriffe durch Linksradikale, dann schnallt euch mal an: Das Land HESSEN zahlt Polizisten 2000€.
20211115             Wie, keine Bedingung? Doch, —SCHON.
20211115             Also, äh. - Bedingung": Diese Angriffsentschädigung wird ausgezahlt, wenn der oder die Landesbedienstete "in Ausübung des Dienstes durch einen rechtswidrigen Angriff einen Dienstunfall erleidet".
20211115             Ich weiß nicht, ob es in Zukunft mehr Dienstverletzungen durch böses Angucken von Linksterroristen gibt, aber ich bin mir fast sicher, dass sich das besser verteilen wird.
20211115             Die 2000€ gibt es nämlich nur einmal, nicht pro Angriff.
20211115             Da wärste ja echt blöde, wenn du das als einziger in deiner Abteilung nicht mitnimmst.
20211115             Die aktuelle Landesregierung in HESSEN sind übrigens CDU und Grüne.
20211115             Da wächst zusammen, was zusammengehört.
20211115             —ÜBERRASCHT, Ich bin ja fast, dass man so eine bekloppte —ENTSCHEIDUNG ohne die SPD treffen kann.
20211115             Ach guckt mal, die Grünen!
20211115             —SCHON so groß! Die brauchen die SPD gar nicht mehr, um mal so richtig Flurschaden anzurichten!
20211115             [l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage?
20211115             So schlimm: Mailab hat keinen Bock mehr, ist —JETZT auch für Impfpflicht.
20211115             Die Einführung einer CORONA—IMPFPFLICHT für MITGLIEDER—DER—BUNDESWEHR scheiterte bislang offenbar am internen Widerstand der Truppe.
20211115             Verteidigungsministerin Annegret KRAMP—KARRENBAUER (CDU) habe diesen Schritt "—BEREITS—IM Frühjahr" und "mit Nachdruck" gefordert,
20211115             —BISHER müssen sich nur Soldaten im Auslandseinsatz gegen COVID—19 impfen lassen.
20211115             —ENTSCHIED, Nach Informationen der FUNKE—ZEITUNGEN, das Kommando Territoriale Aufgaben zudem —AM—MITTWOCH, dass künftig nur noch geimpfte Soldaten Amtshilfe in Gesundheitsämtern, Impfzentren oder Krankenhäusern leisten sollten.
20211115             SPD—GESUNDHEITSEXPERTE KARL—LAUTERBACH rechnet —ANFANG—DEZEMBER mit einer flächendeckenden Überlastung der Kliniken.
20211115             "Bei den Fallzahlen, die wir —JETZT haben, werden die Kliniken in den 1. beiden Dezemberwochen bundesweit die Kapazitätsgrenze überschreiten",
20211115             sagt Lauterbach den Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe.
20211115             Das sei —JETZT—SCHON kaum mehr abzuwenden.
20211115             Damit die Maximalbelastung nicht zum flächendeckenden Kollaps führe, seien —JETZT drastische Maßnahmen nötig.
20211115             "Ungeimpfte sollten nur noch Zugang zu ihrem Arbeitsplatz, zu Lebensmittelgeschäften, Drogerien und Apotheken haben".
20211115             Das sei die einzige Möglichkeit, wieder Kontrolle über die Infektionslage zu bekommen.
20211115             Wirtschaftsvertreter kritisieren die Pläne von Bundesarbeitsminister HUBERTUS—HEIL (SPD), angesichts steigender Fallzahlen die HOMEOFFICE—PFLICHT wieder einzuführen.
20211115             Der Vorschlag sei Ausdruck der Planlosigkeit der CORONA—POLITIK,
20211115             WELTÄRZTEBUND—CHEF—MONTGOMERY warnt vor tödlichem CORONA—WINTER - "—DER—WINTER wird kalt.
20211115             Es liegt an uns, dass er nicht auch noch bitter und tödlich wird".
20211115             Wer sage, 'keine Impfpflicht und nie wieder Lockdown', der habe die Epidemiologie des Virus nicht verstanden und spiele ihm in die Hände.
20211115             —PLÄDIERT, Zudem, er für 1—INFORMATIONSPFLICHT—DES—ARBEITNEHMERS an den Arbeitgeber bezüglich des Impfstatus.
20211115             "Wie sollen Arbeitgeber Schichtpläne, Bürobesetzung und Schalterdienste regeln, wenn sie nicht einmal wissen dürfen, wer geimpft oder genesen und wer völlig ungeschützt in ihren Diensten steht?
20211115             Wer sich nicht impfen lasse, spiele mit dem eigenen Leben — und dem vieler anderer.
20211115             FDP zögert bei HOMEOFFICE—PFLICHT
20211115             —REGISTRIERT, RKI, 23.607—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN — Inzidenz bei 303,0
20211115             —AM Vortag hatte der Wert bei 289,0 gelegen, vor einer —WOCHE bei 201,1 (Vormonat: 68,7)
20211115             Das RKI zählte —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie 5.045.076 nachgewiesene Infektionen mit SARS—COV—2.
20211115             Die tatsächliche Gesamtzahl dürfte deutlich höher liegen, da VIELE—INFEKTIONEN nicht erkannt werden.
20211115             Der NEUSEELÄNDISCHE—MAORI—STAMM Ngati Toa hat sich gegen die Aufführung des traditionellen HAKA—TANZES bei Demonstrationen von Impfgegnern ausgesprochen.
20211115             "Ngati Toa verurteilt die Verwendung des Ka Mate Haka, um Botschaften gegen die COVID—19—IMPFUNG zu verbreiten",
20211115             erklärte der in der Nähe von WELLINGTON ansässige Stamm —AM—SONNTAG.
20211115             "Wir bestehen darauf, dass die Demonstranten sofort aufhören, unsere Kulturschätze zu benutzen".
20211115             Der GRÜNEN—GESUNDHEITSPOLITIKER Janosch Dahmen hält regionale TEIL—LOCKDOWNS für ein probates Mittel gegen drastisch steigende CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN.
20211115             In den kommenden —2—WOCHEN müsse entschieden "im Rahmen der geltenden Rechtslage" gehandelt werden, um das Gesundheitssystem vor dem Kollaps zu bewahren,
20211115             "Noch nie in der Pandemie hatten wir so VIELE—NEUINFEKTIONEN und so wenig freie Betten auf den Intensivstationen wie im Moment",
20211115             "Die Mischung aus zu vielen Ungeimpften und zu vielen Neuinfektionen bringt das Gesundheitssystem an die Belastungsgrenze".
20211115             Die möglichen Koalitionspartner SPD, Grüne und FDP haben sich auf deutliche Verschärfungen bei der geplanten Änderung des Infektionsschutzgesetzes geeinigt.
20211115             Angesichts der dramatisch steigenden CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN sollen —NUN grundsätzlich auch Kontaktbeschränkungen angeordnet werden können, wie aus einer Vereinbarung von Vertretern der 3—FRAKTIONEN hervorgeht,
20211115             Zudem sollen Ungeimpfte ohne negativen Test keine Busse und Bahnen mehr benutzen dürfen — unabhängig von der weiter geltenden Maskenpflicht.
20211115             Arbeitgeber: Firmen müssen Impfstatus von Mitarbeitern kennen
20211115             CDU—POLITIKER von Stetten gegen Wiedereinführung von HOMEOFFICE—PFLICHT
20211115             Unter dem Hashtag #allesindenArm haben sich auf Twitter Prominente und andere Nutzerinnen und Nutzer für 1—CORONA—IMPFUNG starkgemacht.
20211115             "Hallo. Ich bin IGOR—LEVIT und ich bin Pianist. Ich bin geimpft.
20211115             Wissenschaft und Solidarität sind der Weg aus der Pandemie.
20211115             Deshalb: Lasst Euch impfen! #allesindenArm", schrieb der STAR—PIANIST Levit
20211115             Viele andere posteten Statements mit ähnlichem Wortlaut.
20211115             Zu dem Hashtag gab es —BIS zum Montagmorgen mehr als 61.000—TWEETS.
20211115             Die Politik müsse auch die Akzeptanz staatlichen Handelns im Blick haben,
20211115             "Deshalb war die —ENTSCHEIDUNG in Köln, den Karnevalsauftakt unter 2G Bedingungen stattfinden zu lassen, richtig".
20211115             Gleiches gelte —NUN auch mit Blick auf den Straßenkarneval im nächsten Frühjahr.
20211115             "In NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN sind überdurchschnittlich VIELE—MENSCHEN geimpft",
20211115             "Mit diesem wichtigen Fortschritt kann man nicht einfach denen, die mit ihrer Impfung sich, ihre Lieben und die Gesellschaft schützen, weiterhin alles verbieten".
20211115             Allerdings wisse —DERZEIT niemand, "wie die Pandemielage im nächsten Frühjahr aussieht",
20211115             Drama an BELARUSSISCH—POLNISCHER—GRENZE: IRAK kündigt Rückführungsflug für Geflüchtete an
20211115             E—MAIL—DIENST gehackt: Betrüger versenden FAKE—MAILS über FBI—SERVER
20211115             Panorama - Nach CORONA—AUSBRUCH: CHINA hält Tausende Studierende in Wohnheimen fest
20211115             —BIS zu 35—PROZENT: Kartoffeln, Milch und Getreide deutlich teurer
20211115             EU—UMWELTAGENTUR EEA: Feinstaubbelastung verursachte mehr als 300.000—TODESFÄLLE in der EU
20211115             Steinmeier richtet sich an Impfskeptiker: "Was muss eigentlich noch geschehen, um Sie zu überzeugen?
20211115             MYANMAR: Inhaftierter USA—JOURNALIST—FENSTER überraschend freigelassen
20211115             BRITISCH—NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—ÖLKONZERN: Shell verlegt Hauptsitz nach GROSSBRITANNIEN
20211115             Rainforest Rebellion: Combatting Mass CLEAR—CUTTING in CONGO By Heiner Hoffmann, Arsène Mpiana (Fotos) und BERNHARD—RIEDMANN (Grafik) in Ingende, Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO
20211115             Phoenixinseln im Pazifik: KIRIBATI will riesiges Meeresschutzgebiet für kommerziellen Fischfang freigeben
20211115             —GEWINNT, BULGARIEN: Neue Antikorruptionspartei, überraschend Parlamentswahl
20211115             —VERLIERT, Zwischenwahl in ARGENTINIEN: Regierung, Mehrheit im Parlament
20211115             Meldung POLNISCHER—BEHÖRDEN: Migrantengruppe an Grenzposten wächst
20211115             Coronamaßnahmen: FRANKREICH führt Maskenpflicht für Schüler landesweit wieder ein
20211115             Warnung von EZB—CHEFIN Lagarde: Inflation könnte länger andauern als gedacht
20211115             Gewaltaufrufe über Telegram: ITALIENISCHE—POLIZEI durchsucht Wohnungen von radikalen Gegnern der Coronapolitik
20211115             Verhaltensökonomin zur Pandemie: "Impfbereitschaft ist ansteckend, Impfskepsis ebenso"
20211115             Tax Havens in EUROPA: "Finance Ministers Often Couldn't See Through Them" Interview Conducted By MICHAEL—SAUGA
20211115             Gesichtserkennung: Tipp für Berufseinsteiger: Sei ein weißer Roboter 1—NETZWELT—NEWSLETTER—VON—PATRICK—BEUTH
20211115             Wegen Gefahr durch Weltraumschrott: Raumstation ISS kurzzeitig geräumt
20211115             Silvesterfeiern in der Pandemie: Umweltschützer, Polizeigewerkschaft und Ärzte fordern Böllerverbot
20211115             Für längeren Schutz vor CORONA: BRITISCHES—UNTERNEHMEN testet T—ZELLEN—IMPFUNG über Hautpflaster
20211115             Klimaschutz: RWE steckt Milliarden in erneuerbare Energien
20211115             Sturm auf USA—KAPITOL: TRUMP—GEFÄHRTE Bannon stellt sich nach Anklage dem FBI
20211115             "Das Beste, was die Welt zu tun bereit war": Was Wissenschaftler zum Klimapakt von GLASGOW sagen
20211115             Hochburg der Republikaner: USA—DEMOKRAT O'Rourke will GOUVERNEUR—VON—TEXAS werden
20211115             Wissenschaftler über den Sinn des Boosterns: "Die Immunisierung ist nach der 2. Impfung nicht vollständig"
20211115             [l] Während einem in DEUTSCHLAND 1—SWAT—TEAM die Tür eintritt und die Wohnung verwüstet, kriegt man in HOLLAND ein schönes T—SHIRT, wenn man 1—SICHERHEITSLÜCKE an die Regierung meldet.
20211115             Na dann ratet doch mal, wo die Leute lieber Sicherheitslücken melden werden?
20211115             [l] Kurze Durchsage von Steinmeier an die Impfskeptiker:
20211115             —GESCHEHEN, Was muss eigentlich noch, um Sie zu überzeugen?
20211115             Ja, das frage ich mich auch öfters.
20211115             Zum Beispiel wenn die Bundesregierung die Klimakatastrophe —ERST ignoriert und dann Gegenmaßnahmen aktiv sabotiert.
20211115             —SUBVENTIONIERT, Wenn Kohle, wird.
20211115             Wenn die Autoindustrie immer noch Verbrenner baut.
20211115             Wenn eine Oma ohne PC für Filesharing eine Abmahnung kriegt.
20211115             Da frage ich mich JEDES—MAL: Was muss eigentlich noch passieren, damit die Regierung mal handelt?
20211115             Oder nehmt die Mietpreise!
20211115             Die Politiker wohnen offenbar gemütlich und sicher und sehen daher keinen Handlungsbedarf für den Bau vieler Wohnungen.
20211115             Wie lange warten wir —JETZT—SCHON auf die HOMO—EHE?
20211115             Ich kann auch nicht verstehen, wie sich —BIS—HEUTE jemand nicht geimpft haben kann, aber dieser STAAT sollte da mal GANZ leise sein, wenn es darum geht, trotz überwältigender Faktenlage nicht zu handeln.
20211115             Nichtmal Sterbehilfe konnte die Politik legalisieren, da musste das Verfassungsgericht ran!
20211115             Wenn mir Covidioten schreiben, haben die fast JEDES—MAL als Hauptargument, dass man ja der Regierung nicht trauen könne.
20211115             Und natürlich haben sie damit völlig recht.
20211115             Man soll sich ja auch nicht impfen, weil die Regierung es sagt, sondern weil ALLE—INHALTLICHEN—ARGUMENTE dafürsprechen.
20211115             —INZWISCHEN, Update: Die HOMO—EHE haben wir.
20211115             War aber auch eher 1—UNFALL als ERGEBNIS—VON—POLITIK.
20211115             [l] Selten, ganz selten, trifft ja so 1—DATENREICHTUM tatsächlich mal die Richtigen.
20211115             Hier ist so 1—FALL:
20211115             Die personenbezogenen Daten von 500.000—MENSCHEN aus Moskau und Umgebung werden im Darknet und auf TELEGRAM—KANÄLEN zum Kauf angeboten.
20211115             Die Datensätze beinhalten Ausweisdaten, Sozialversicherungsnummern, Telefonnummern und Adresse.
20211115             Zuvor hatten sich alle in den Datensätzen befindlichen Personen ein gefälschtes Impfzertifikat beziehungsweise einen gefälschten PCR—TEST ausstellen lassen
20211115             Ob da die Russen gehackt haben?
20211115             Damit nicht der Eindruck entsteht, bei Kriminellen seien eure Daten sicherer als beim STAAT?
20211115             —BESTIMMT, Das hat, auch deutlich mehr Abschreckungswirkung als wenn sie da 2—3 Aussteller von gefälschten Zertifikaten einknasten.
20211115             [l] OK, Leute, einmal zum mitmeißeln, wieso auf Totimpfstoffe warten eine schlechte Idee ist.
20211115             Erstens: Totimpfstoffe sind gefährlicher als MISTER—NA.
20211115             Totimpfstoffe sind abgetötete Viren.
20211115             —ÜBERLEBT, Was wenn da ein paar, haben?
20211115             Außerdem muss man Totimpfstoffen Adjuvanzien beimengen, um die Immunantwort zu stimulieren.
20211115             Die sind für praktisch ALLE—AUTOIMMUNPROBLEME nach Impfungen verantwortlich, bei MISTER—NA gibt es die nicht.
20211115             Zweitens: Totimpfstoffe sind weniger wirksam.
20211115             Coronaviren mutieren gerne und häufig.
20211115             Das Immunsystem merkt sich einen zufälligen Aspekt der Viren.
20211115             Bei MISTER—NA—IMPFUNGEN gibt es nur einen Aspekt zur Auswahl, das SPIKE—PROTEIN.
20211115             Das ist Absicht, weil das der Angriffsmechanismus ist.
20211115             —MUTIERT, Wenn der, funktioniert der Angriff nicht mehr.
20211115             Bei Totimpfstoffen kann es sein, dass sich dein Immunsystem einen Aspekt gemerkt hat, der bei der nächsten Mutation nicht mehr da ist.
20211115             Das ist auch Grund, wieso ich mich selbst dann hätte impfen lassen, wenn ich natürliche Immunität gehabt hätte.
20211115             Hat Vorteile aber keinen Nachteil.
20211115             So und —JETZT hört endlich mit den Ausflüchten auf und lasst euch impfen.
20211115             Macht euch nicht lächerlich mit immer neuen BULLSHIT—AUSREDEN.
20211115             [l] Sagt mal, seid ihr eigentlich auch so überrumpelt von der 4. COVID—WELLE?
20211115             So überrumpelt wie die angeblichen Experten, die Söder angeblich gefragt haben will?
20211115             Ich frage mich ja, wer das war. Sein Friseur?
20211115             —RELATIVIERT, Nicht mal der POLIT—FAVORIT Streek, an der 4. Welle herum!
20211115             [l] Von GRIECHENLAND lernen heißt SIEGEN lernen.
20211115             Da gab es natürlich auch massiv Korruption bezüglich der COVID—IMPFUNG.
20211115             Die Leute haben den Ärzten 400€ zugesteckt, um bloß Kochsalzlösung gespritzt zu kriegen.
20211115             Aber sie wollten natürlich einen gültigen Impfpass.
20211115             —GEMACHT, Was haben die Ärzte ?
20211115             Haben Kochsalzlösung mit Impfstoff gespritzt!
20211115             [l] Die AfD BRANDENBURG hat ihren Parteitag abgesagt.
20211115             Warum?
20211115             —NUN, äh... - Doch die 2G-Regel in Hotels führt zur Absage des geplanten PARTEITAGS—VIELE—MITGLIEDER sind offenbar nicht gegen CORONA geimpft.
20211115             Ach komm, das kann ja wohl nicht euer Ernst sein.
20211115             —BESTIMMT, Das ist doch, nur vorgeschoben.
20211115             Die 10% lässt man dann halt telefonisch oder online mitstimmen!
20211115             VIZE—LANDESCHEF: Mehr als die HÄLFTE—DER—AFD—MITGLIEDER sind nicht geimpft
20211115             Oh. Öhm. Never mind.
20211115             Angesichts der sich zuspitzenden CORONA—LAGE braucht es nach ANSICHT—DES—BONNER—VIROLOGEN—HENDRIK—STREECK auch wieder 1—EINSCHRÄNKUNG—VON—KONTAKTEN.
20211115             "Wir werden nicht darum herumkommen, dass wir in gewisser Weise wieder Kontaktbeschränkungen haben werden und dass man Großveranstaltungen in dieser Form vielleicht nicht mehr durchführen kann — oder wenn, dann nur unter strengen Auflagen",
20211115             Streeck machte zudem deutlich, dass sich auch Geimpfte mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS infizieren und es übertragen können.
20211115             "Es ist —IN—DIESEM—HERBST und —WINTER trügerisch zu glauben, dass 1—GEIMPFTER sich nicht infizieren kann und das Virus nicht an seine Großmutter weitergeben kann, die vielleicht noch keine BOOSTER—IMPFUNG bekommen hat".
20211115             Der Begriff "Pandemie der Ungeimpften" sei noch nie richtig gewesen, auch wenn es am —ANFANG vielleicht so ausgesehen habe.
20211115             "ALLE—MENSCHEN sind Teil dieser Pandemie".
20211115             In der Debatte über eine 3G-Regel am Arbeitsplatz hat Arbeitgeberpräsident RAINER—DULGER die Folgen für die Beschäftigten deutlich gemacht: "Wer aus Gründen, die er selbst zu vertreten hat, nicht zur Arbeit erscheint, kann für die ausgefallene Arbeit keinen Lohn beanspruchen"
20211115             Andernfalls drohte 1—SCHIEFLAGE — "wenn Menschen, die sich Tests und Impfung verweigern, mit bezahlter Freistellung belohnt würden".
20211115             "Wir brauchen einen Anspruch auf Auskunft und Speicherung über den Impfstatus der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter.
20211115             Das ist eine notwendige Voraussetzung, um im Betriebsablauf für zielgenauen, effektiven Infektionsschutz sorgen zu können",
20211115             Dulger wandte sich dagegen, dass Tests in der vergüteten Arbeitszeit stattfinden sollen, wie es die Gewerkschaften fordern.
20211115             "Es kann nicht alles auf Kosten der Arbeitgeber stattfinden, was mit Pandemie zu tun hat",
20211115             Schalke mit Appell an Fans: "Bitte lasst euch impfen!
20211115             Die Betreiber von Bussen und Bahnen halten eine schnelle Einführung der 3G-Regel (Geimpft, Genesen oder Getestet) für kaum möglich.
20211115             Im öffentlichen Nahverkehr bestehe 1—BEFÖRDERUNGSPFLICHT, die nur unter ganz bestimmten Kriterien ausgesetzt werden dürfe,
20211115             1—KONTROLLE—VON—TÄGLICH—MILLIONEN—PASSAGIEREN sei zudem unrealistisch.
20211115             "Gerade im Nahverkehr mit häufigem Fahrgastwechsel und Haltestellen in kurzen Abstände ist dies, wenn überhaupt, nur stichprobenartig umsetzbar",
20211115             —PLÄDIERT, Das Kieler IFW—INSTITUT, für einen dezentralen Infektionsschutz, der die Verantwortung auf Länderebene belässt.
20211115             Zuständigkeiten auf Bundesebene zu verlagern sei weniger effizient.
20211115             "Es ist menschlich verständlich, aber ökonomisch schädlich, wenn Entscheidungsträger auf Landesebene bundesweite Krisenregeln fordern, um sich gleichsam hinter diesen —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN zu verstecken",
20211115             Bundesregierung prüft 3G-Regel in Zügen
20211115             Mindestens 70,1 PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG in DEUTSCHLAND haben mindestens 1—IMPFUNG gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS erhalten.
20211115             Das sind nach ANGABEN—DES—ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS (RKI) rund 58,3 Millionen Menschen.
20211115             —INZWISCHEN, Vollständig geimpft sind, mindestens 67,5 Prozent (56,2 Millionen Menschen).
20211115             Das RKI nimmt allerdings an, dass unter Erwachsenen vermutlich mehr Menschen geimpft sind, als die Daten nahelegen: Eine hundertprozentige Erfassung der Impfungen könne durch das Meldesystem nicht erreicht werden,
20211115             Die Krankenhausgesellschaft hat der Politik bei der PANDEMIE—BEKÄMPFUNG folgenschwere Versäumnisse vorgeworfen und eindringlich vor einer Überlastung der Kliniken gewarnt.
20211115             "Die Lage in DEUTSCHEN—KRANKENHÄUSERN ist dramatisch in vielen Regionen",
20211115             Auf den Intensivstationen würden aktuell 3100—COVID—19—PATIENTEN versorgt und 1—SPITZENWERT—VON—4000—PATIENTEN werde nicht zu verhindern sein.
20211115             Man sei in großer Sorge, "dass es noch darüber hinausgeht".
20211115             In den vergangenen —20—MONATEN der Pandemie habe es die Politik nicht geschafft, die Bevölkerung "noch stärker mitzunehmen",
20211115             Das Krankenhauspersonal habe in den vergangenen —20—MONATEN Enormes geleistet.
20211115             "Wir müssen aber feststellen, dass der Frust auch in den Kliniken groß ist".
20211115             —VERLOREN, Man habe —BEREITS Personal.
20211115             "Unsere Kapazitäten sind endlich",
20211115             Für die geplante Beschleunigung der CORONA—IMPFUNGEN in DEUTSCHLAND ist die Finanzierung geregelt: Der Bund bezahlt die Impfzentren der Länder —NUN—BIS mindestens Ende 20220400             zur Hälfte mit,
20211115             Die geschäftsführende Bundesfamilienministerin CHRISTINE—LAMBRECHT (SPD) hat vor erneuten Schulschließungen gewarnt.
20211115             "Nochmalige flächendeckende Schulschließungen darf es nicht geben",
20211115             Städtetag hält 3G-Regel in Bussen und Bahnen für richtig
20211115             Deutschlands Landkreise sind gegen die geplante 3G-Regelung im öffentlichen Nahverkehr, wonach Nichtgeimpfte nur noch mit negativem CORONA—TEST Busse und Bahnen nutzen dürfen.
20211115             "So richtig es ist, die Kontakte im öffentlichen Raum zu reduzieren, so falsch ist es, nicht umsetzbare Einschränkungen vorzunehmen",
20211115             Der Virologe CHRISTIAN—DROSTEN hat Erwartungen an die 3G-Regel in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln gedämpft.
20211115             Die Testung als Voraussetzung für den Zugang verhindere keine Infektion von Ungeimpften,
20211115             Auffrischungsimpfungen in GROSSBRITANNIEN —NUN—SCHON ab —40—JAHREN
20211115             Die Impfquote in Bereichen wie der Pflege, dem Gesundheitswesen und Kitas ist im Verhältnis zum Durchschnitt der Bevölkerung sehr hoch",
20211115             sagte VERDI—CHEF—FRANK—WERNEKE.
20211115             "Wenn —JETZT über 1—IMPFPFLICHT nachgedacht wird, führt das nicht dazu, dass signifikant mehr Menschen geimpft werden, sondern dass noch mehr Betroffene ihren Beruf verlassen werden.
20211115             Das verschärft den Personalmangel in allen betroffenen Bereichen".
20211115             Außerdem werde die Politik unglaubwürdig, weil sie 1—IMPFPFLICHT ausgeschlossen habe, fügte der Gewerkschaftsvorsitzende hinzu.
20211115             Der Humangenetiker und Medizinethiker Wolfram Henn, Mitglied im DEUTSCHEN—ETHIKRAT, fordert einen Ausreisestopp für Ungeimpfte innerhalb der EU.
20211115             "Die 2G-Regel sollte beim Überschreiten der EU—BINNENGRENZEN generell gelten.
20211115             Das wäre epidemiologisch sinnvoll und ethisch gerechtfertigt",
20211115             Die in DEUTSCHLAND geplanten Maßnahmen gegen die 4. CORONA—WELLE sind aus Sicht der Physikerin und Modelliererin Viola Priesemann zum Senken der Infektionszahlen nicht ausreichend.
20211115             "Das, was —DERZEIT geplant ist, nur 2G, 3G im öffentlichen Bereich, das wird nicht reichen, um die Fallzahlen runterzubringen",
20211115             sagte die Wissenschaftlerin vom MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation (Göttingen) in einer Expertenanhörung im BUNDESTAG
20211115             Das LIEGE etwa daran, dass sich die meisten Kontakte im Privaten abspielten und dass es durch Schulen und Arbeitsplatz Verbindungen zwischen Geimpften und Ungeimpften gebe.
20211115             Impfungen und Auffrischimpfungen seien "der nachhaltige Weg aus dieser Welle, alles andere sind Übergangsmaßnahmen",
20211115             Humanitäre Krise an der Grenze zu POLEN: Außenminister Maas lehnt AUFNAHMEN—VON—MIGRANTEN aus BELARUS ab
20211115             Lieferengpässe: VW—CHEF—DIESS erwartet baldiges ENDE—DES—CHIPMANGELS
20211115             Transparenzdebatte: EU—KOMMISSION will Chats —NUN vielleicht doch archivieren
20211115             "Einseitige Betrachtung": Klöckner gefällt die klimafreundliche EU—WALDSTRATEGIE nicht
20211115             —TELEFONIERT, Krise an BELARUSSISCH—POLNISCHER—GRENZE: Merkel, mit Lukaschenko
20211115             Migrationsroute via BELARUS: Litauens Innenministerin nennt Lage an der Grenze stabil
20211115             Was Experten von den neuen Coronamaßnahmen halten: "Das wird nicht reichen"
20211115             SPIEGEL—UMFRAGE: Mehrheit hält bisherige Coronamaßnahmen für ungenügend
20211115             [l] Ein neues Paper sagt, der Impfschutz von allen Impfstoffen ließe mit der Zeit nach.
20211115             Bei Biontech sehen sie —NACH—120—TAGEN nur noch halbe Wirksamkeit und —NACH—211—TAGEN gar keine mehr.
20211115             Bei Moderna sieht es besser aus, das wirkt —NACH—181—TAGEN noch mit 60%.
20211115             Astrazeneca ist —NACH—120—TAGEN wirkungslos, behaupten sie.
20211115             Das Papier ist noch im Peer Review, da können also noch grobe Fehler drin sein.
20211115             Sample Size ist die Bevölkerung von SCHWEDEN.
20211115             Deren Schlussfolgerung ist: BOOSTER—SHOTS!
20211115             Update: So, ich hoffe, ihr habt genau hingeguckt.
20211115             Die reden davon der Effektivität gegen Infektionen, nicht gegen schwere Verläufe.
20211115             Weil ihr eh —SCHON die ganze Zeit davon ausgegangen seid, dass die Impfungen nicht gegen Infektionen helfen (ich schreib das hier ja —SEIT—MONATEN), wird sich eure Überraschung —JETZT hoffentlich in Grenzen halten.
20211115             623_DGS_boletim_20211115              20211115             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 156,5 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211115             Continente: 155,3 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211115             R(t) Nacional: 1,16 Continente: 1,17
20211115             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—2.662—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—245,7—FÄLLE—GESAMT—73.297—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—6.764,8—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—785—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20211115             Laut Polizei in POLEN: Mehrere 100—MIGRANTEN versuchen Grenzdurchbruch
20211115             Total Cases 253.807.313  Total Deaths 5.106.342  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 7.492.603.968
20211115—20211111    —AM, NRW—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT HENDRIK—WÜST (CDU) hat die Zulassung der Karnevalsfeiern in Köln verteidigt.
202203101115         There is 'life or death struggle' for RUSSIA—PLACE on political world map, SOURCE  Lavrov
202203111514         —BLOCKED, Mariupol.
202203111531         KYIV authorities prohibiting contacts with RUSSIA on organization of humanitarian corridors, SOURCE  RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY
202203111537         —EVACUATED, Over 34,500—PEOPLE, to RUSSIA from UKRAINE in past —24—HOURS without KYIV—PARTICIPATION, SOURCE  RUSSIA—MILITARY
202203111545         Putin is preparing 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK on Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant and will blame UKRAINE—MAIN—DIRECTORATE—OF—INTELLIGENCE—OF—THE—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE—OF—UKRAINE
202203111556         PATRIARCH—KIRILL accuses Western politicians of attempting to turn Ukrainians into RUSSIA—ENEMIES
202203281115         SOUTH—KOREA restricts exports of 57—NON—STRATEGIC goods to RUSSIA, BELARUS
202203311151         JAPAN hikes import tariffs on number of RUSSIA—GOODS, SOURCE  media
202203311156         RUSSIA—UKRAINE summit may be discussed —AFTER senior officials endorse, initial agreement, SOURCE  Peskov
202203311158         IT giants that left RUSSIA can return only if they fully comply with grounding law, SOURCE  Federation Council commission head
202203311158         AUSTRALIA slapping 35% duties on all imports from RUSSIA, BELARUS
20220809—20221115    —ON, The G20 summit is to be held on THE—INDONESIA—ISLAND—OF—BALI to 16 in 1—FACE—TO—FACE format.
20220819             The summit is to take place in THE—INDONESIA—ISLAND on 20221115—20161115  .
20220825—20221115    —BY, According to RIGA—CITY—LEGISLATURE, the monument is to be completely dismantled.
20221021             It is to be held on THE—INDONESIA—ISLAND—OF—BALI on 20221115—20161115  .
20221104             Der KANZLER werde bei dem Treffen am 20221115—20221116    —UND ,"selbstverständlich" den "völkerrechtswidrigen RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEG gegen die UKRAINE (...). unmissverständlich ansprechen",
20221113             The G20 summit will be held in Bali on 20221115—20161115 .
20221114             The G20 summit takes place in Bali on 20221115—20161115  .
20221114             MOSCOW, 20221115             . - - /TASS/.
20221115             —DIENSTAG, 20221115
20221115             Finanzskandal um Gefängnis in MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN: "Da können wir richtig Geld machen"
20221115             Kartoffelchips im Test: "2—VON 3—GETESTETEN Bioprodukten sind 'mangelhaft'"
20221115             Durchbruch in Brüssel: EU—HAUSHALT 20230000             steht — mehr Geld zur Bewältigung der Kriegsfolgen
20221115             Trumps FRÜHERER—ANWALT: USA—JUSTIZ stellt Ermittlungen zu UKRAINE—AKTIVITÄTEN—VON—RUDY—GIULIANI ein
20221115             Kari Lake: TRUMP—KANDIDATIN unterliegt in ARIZONA — und streut neue Zweifel am Wahlverlauf
20221115             Hinrichtungsvideo eines "Wagner"-Häftlingssoldaten: Erschlagen vor laufender Kamera
20221115             Umgang mit Protestierenden: USA geben Bemühungen um WIEDERBELEBUNG—VON—ATOMABKOMMEN mit IRAN auf
20221115             Energiekrise: Schornsteinfeger melden Ansturm auf Kaminöfen
20221115             Cashverbot ab 10.000—EURO: Verbraucherschützer kritisieren "Generalverdacht gegen Bargeldnutzer"
20221115             LNG—TANKERSTAU vor EUROPA: "Die EU hat es mit der Gashamsterei übertrieben"
20221115             Schwimmendes Terminal: 1. DEUTSCHER—ANLEGER für LNG—TANKER kann in Betrieb gehen
20221115             Nachfrageboom bei Champagner: MOËT—LAGER laufen leer
20221115             Entspannung bei der Inflation: Preisanstieg im Großhandel schwächt sich ab
20221115             BRITISCHER—EX—NOTENBANKER Saunders: "Ohne Brexit müssten wir keinen Sparhaushalt diskutieren"
20221115             Prozess in München: Drogenskandal bei der Polizei — Beamte zu Bewährungsstrafen verurteilt
20221115             DENPASAR, 20221115             .
20221115             "I am very happy to have our 10., by the way, interaction —THIS—YEAR.
20221115             Our leaders are also actively communicating, and the last time [this occurred] was in SAMARKAND on the sidelines of 1—MEETING—OF—THE—SCO COUNCIL—OF—HEADS—OF—STATE.
20221115             —REAFFIRMED, We have, the objectives that we need to tackle at this new stage of our relations," THE—RUSSIA—TOP—DIPLOMAT said, opening 1—MEETING with his CHINA—COUNTERPART Wang Yi on the sidelines of THE—BALI—HOSTED G20 summit —ON—TUESDAY.
20221115             "I also would like to congratulate you personally on the successful 20. CONGRESS—OF—THE—COMMUNIST—PARTY—OF—CHINA.
20221115             We were all happy to learn that comrade Xi Jinping, 1—LONGTIME FRIEND—OF—THE—RUSSIA—PEOPLE, was unanimously reelected as GENERAL—SECRETARY—OF—THE—CHINESE—COMMUNIST—PARTY—CENTRAL—COMMITTEE which confirmed his indisputable political authority and the support for his policy," Lavrov noted.
20221115             He stressed that MOSCOW was confident that THE—RENEWAL—OF—THE—PARTY—STATE—ADMINISTRATION and the upcoming session of the National PEOPLE—CONGRESS "will ensure THE—CONTINUITY—OF—APPROACHES on the track of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction" between RUSSIA and CHINA.
20221115             "There are no doubts that we will be able to tap into new opportunities to more fully unlock the potential of bilateral ties," THE—RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER emphasized.
20221115             —CONGRATULATED, He also, Wang Yi on being elected to THE—POLITBURO—OF—THE—CHINA—COMMUNIST—PARTY—CENTRAL—COMMITTEE".
20221115             I am confident that —TODAY we will efficiently discuss the tasks set forth by our leaders," Lavrov said.
20221115             This was the 1. HIGH—PROFILE—RUSSIAN—USA—CONTACT—SINCE RUSSIA launched its special military operation in UKRAINE.
20221115             —FOCUSED, THE—BIDEN—ADMINISTRATION—INSISTS that THE—2—OFFICIALS, on reducing nuclear escalation risks and 1—EXCHANGE—OF—PRISONERS, rather than on ways of resolving THE—UKRAINE conflict.
20221115             But —WHEN the sun set in MOSCOW, THE—DETAILS—OF—THE—MEETING started to emerge in THE—USA—MEDIA.
20221115             —SPECIFIED, CNN, that Naryshkin and Burns had discussed nuclear risks and 1—POTENTIAL—PRISONER swap, —WHILE THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES added that WASHINGTON had informed Kiev about arrangements for the meeting.
20221115             —QUOTED, Reuters, 1—UNNAMED—USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—COUNCIL—OFFICIAL as saying that WASHINGTON was committed to not holding ANY—TALKS on UKRAINE without the Ukrainians.
20221115             —LATER, Peskov confirmed to TASS that THE—RUSSIAN—USA—DISCUSSIONS had taken place in ANKARA, indeed.
20221115             —WELCOMED, UN CHIEF—ANTONIO—GUTERRES, —ON—MONDAY THE—RUSSIAN—USA—MEETING in ANKARA, saying it was "very positive".
20221115             —DISCUSSED, However, the topic of UKRAINE was not seemingly, there, INDEED—AT least, there were no reports or even leaks about it.
20221115             —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH, THE—WASHINGTON—POST reported, citing sources, that THE—USA had been attempting to coax UKRAINE into talks with RUSSIA, —SINCE those in the West who fear the conflict might escalate further had not accepted the refusal by UKRAINE—LEADER—VLADIMIR—ZELENSKYY to negotiate with RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN.
20221115             1—REALIZATION is growing in THE—USA—THAT it would be difficult to ratchet up tensions with both RUSSIA and CHINA, Senior Research Fellow at THE—RUSSIA—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES'—INSTITUTE for USA and CANADA—STUDIES—VLADIMIR—VASILYEV told Vedomosti.
20221115             He thinks —AFTER the midterms THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION would go down the path of exacerbating its confrontation with RUSSIA, and this is why they decided to temporarily tone down their rhetoric with BEIJING.
20221115             —CONCERNED, MOREOVER—WASHINGTON is still, about further rapprochement between CHINA and RUSSIA, yet that does not mean that 1—THAW in WASHINGTON—RELATIONS with BEIJING is impossible.
20221115             HUNGARY has been consistently supporting UKRAINE and is not willing to get involved in its military conflict with RUSSIA, MOSCOW—ENVOY to HUNGARY Yevgeny Stanislavov told Izvestia in 1—INTERVIEW.
20221115             Hence, THE—CENTRAL—EUROPEAN country is reluctant to dispatch its soldiers to UKRAINE, to supply weapons to Kiev or to give access to its territory for weapons transit to UKRAINE, he said.
20221115             Also, the Hungarians, perhaps, realize what KIND—OF—REGIME is in CONTROL—OF—UKRAINE —TODAY better than 'enlightened' EUROPE, for, unlike the majority in THE—EU, BUDAPEST has never turned 1—BLIND—EYE to the violations of national minorities' rights in UKRAINE, Stanislavov argued.
20221115             According to him, energy cooperation with RUSSIA is vital for HUNGARY—ECONOMY.
20221115             Imports from RUSSIA cover 80—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—GAS and 55—PERCENT—OF—ITS—OIL—NEEDS, —WHILE the Paks-1 nuclear power plant built by SOVIET—EXPERTS is generating almost HALF—OF—ITS—ELECTRICITY.
20221115             BUDAPEST finds the existing ANTI—RUSSIA—SANCTIONS—USELESS, saying they hurt Europeans more and should be reviewed.
20221115             In the 1. —7—MONTHS—OF—THIS—YEAR, trade between RUSSIA and HUNGARY grew by 160% to $5.7—BILLION, and HUNGARY—COMPANIES are still present on THE—RUSSIA—MARKET and have been successful there, THE—RUSSIA—DIPLOMAT concluded.
20221115             ANKARA, 20221115             . - /TASS/.
20221115             According to the newspaper, 1—SYRIA—BRANCH—OF—THE—KURDISTAN Workers' Party (PKK), banned in TURKEY, ordered the attack.
20221115             —DETAINED, The terrorist was, —10—HOURS—AFTER she fled from Istiklal Street, where she had left 1—BAG with 1—EXPLOSIVE device on 1—BENCH.
20221115             —NOTED, The newspaper, that THE—ISTANBUL police used all its technical capabilities to search for the terrorist.
20221115             —MANAGED, They, to track her down using 1,200 surveillance cameras.
20221115             According to THE—ISTANBUL GENERAL—DIRECTORATE—OF—SECURITY, the attack was carried out by Albashir, who was sent months ago from THE—SYRIA—CITY—OF—KOBANI and is affiliated with THE—PKK.
20221115             —WHEN questioned, she confessed to the crime.
20221115             The investigative team believes that the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) banned in TURKEY and its SYRIA—BRANCH called THE—PEOPLE—DEFENSE—UNITS are complicit in the terror blast.
20221115             NATO—GENERALSEKRETÄR JENS—STOLTENBERG hat vor dem Hintergrund der Rückeroberung der UKRAINISCHEN—STADT Cherson davor gewarnt, Moskau zu unterschätzen".
20221115             Die RUSSISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE verfügen weiter über bedeutende Fähigkeiten sowie eine große ZAHL—VON—SOLDATEN, und RUSSLAND hat seinen Willen demonstriert, erhebliche Verluste hinzunehmen",
20221115             sagte er in Den Haag.
20221115             Die USA—DENKFABRIK Institute for THE—STUDY—OF—WAR erklärte, die UKRAINE habe in Cherson und anderen Gebieten westlich des Dnjepr "einen wichtigen Sieg" errungen, aber keineswegs das Territorium erobert, das mindestens notwendig sei, um die künftige Sicherheit und das wirtschaftliche Überleben zu sichern.
20221115             Der BRITISCHE—PREMIERMINISTER—RISHI—SUNAK bekräftigt auf dem G20-Gipfel seine Unterstützung für die UKRAINE.
20221115             Das Regime des RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN werde einen "Chor der weltweiten Opposition gegen seine Aktionen" hören,
20221115             "Das Vorgehen Russlands gefährdet uns alle".
20221115             Der UKRAINISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY hat per Video beim G20-Gipfel einen Plan für ein mögliches ENDE—DES—KRIEGES in der UKRAINE aufgezeigt.
20221115             Nötig seien dafür 1—ABZUG der RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN und 1—WIEDERHERSTELLUNG der territorialen Unversehrtheit der UKRAINE,
20221115             Für die UKRAINE seien —NACH—DEM Krieg "effektive Sicherheitsgarantien" notwendig.
20221115             Für die Schaffung einer Sicherheitsarchitektur für die Zeit —NACH—DEM Krieg schlug ZELENSKYY eine internationale Konferenz vor, bei der 1—KIEWER—ABKOMMEN geschlossen werden könne.
20221115             Der FRANZÖSISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON hat den CHINESISCHEN—STAATSCHEF—XI—JINPING dazu aufgefordert, RUSSLAND wegen des Kriegs in der UKRAINE an den Verhandlungstisch zu bringen.
20221115             Macron habe bei einem Treffen kurz vor Eröffnung des G20-Gipfels in INDONESIEN an Xi appelliert, damit dieser dem RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN—BOTSCHAFTEN überbringe, "um 1—ESKALATION zu vermeiden und ernsthaft an den Verhandlungstisch zurückzukehren",
20221115             Xi habe laut FRANZÖSISCHEN—ANGABEN seinerseits "die europäischen Bemühungen um Vermittlung" unterstützt und "sehr entschieden" seine "Ablehnung des Einsatzes von Atomwaffen" bekräftigt,
20221115             Nach ANGABEN—DER—STAATLICHEN—CHINESISCHEN—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—XINHUA erwähnte Xi den —KONFLIKT nicht direkt, sondern erklärte demnach, die Welt befinde sich in einer "Zeit der Turbulenzen und des Wandels" und rief zu "Offenheit und Zusammenarbeit" auf.
20221115             FIFA—PRÄSIDENT—GIANNI—INFANTINO hat für die Zeit der MÄNNER—FUßBALL—WM in KATAR 1—FEUERPAUSE im Krieg zwischen RUSSLAND und der UKRAINE vorgeschlagen.
20221115             Die UKRAINE macht RUSSLAND für die Umweltschäden und Klimafolgen verantwortlich, die durch Angriffskrieg entstanden sind oder noch entstehen".
20221115             —GEZOGEN, RUSSLAND muss dafür zur Rechenschaft, werden, nicht nur gegenüber der UKRAINE, sondern gegenüber der gesamten Welt",
20221115             Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ hat RUSSLAND auf dem G20-Gipfel in INDONESIEN aufgefordert, den Krieg in der UKRAINE sofort zu beenden".
20221115             Das wirksamste Mittel für die Erholung der Weltwirtschaft ist das ENDE—DES—RUSSISCHEN—KRIEGES gegen die UKRAINE",
20221115             Der RUSSISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER Sergej Lawrow wirft der UKRAINE vor, den Krieg unnötig in die Länge zu ziehen.
20221115             Die Regierung in Kiew verweigere sich Gesprächen mit RUSSLAND und stelle unrealistische Bedingungen auf, sagte Lawrow am Rande des G20-Gipfels auf Bali.
20221115             Er habe über den Krieg auch mit Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ und Frankreichs Staatspräsident EMMANUEL—MACRON gesprochen, sagte Lawrow, der den RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN beim Gipfel der 20—GRÖSSTEN INDUSTRIE—UND Schwellenländer vertritt.
20221115             Weltweite Wirtschaftsbeziehungen: CHINA, RUSSLAND oder der Westen — in welchem Lager steht die TÜRKEI?
20221115             Kommunikationsrelikt: Das ENDE—DER—TELEFONZELLEN ist besiegelt
20221115             Inzwischen stehe der früher in vielen Landesteilen verbreitete Gartenschläfer als "stark gefährdet" auf der sogenannten Roten Liste Deutschlands.
20221115             Ursprünglich war der Schläfer den Angaben zufolge in vielen STRUKTUR—UND felsreichen Mittelgebirgen beheimatet — in diesen natürlichen Lebensräumen gebe es ihn —HEUTE nur noch im Harz, im Schwarzwald und in BAYERN.
20221115             —GEWORDEN, Weil vielfältige Strukturen in den Wäldern selten, sind, seien natürliche Lebensräume stark rückläufig.
20221115             Insgesamt sei das Verbreitungsgebiet des Gartenschläfers in EUROPA in den letzten —30—JAHREN um fast die Hälfte geschrumpft.
20221115             Bei illegalen Aktionen: Berliner Innensenatorin fordert längere Gewahrsamsmöglichkeiten für Klimaaktivisten
20221115             Mehr als 2, aber weniger als —30—TAGE: Berlins Innensenatorin IRIS—SPRANGER will Klimaaktivisten länger in Gewahrsam nehmen können.
20221115             Sie würde 1—VERLÄNGERUNG begrüßen, sagte die SPD—POLITIKERIN dem RBB.
20221115             "Aber dafür müsste man das entsprechende Gesetz im Abgeordnetenhaus verändern".
20221115             1—REGELUNG wie in BAYERN lehnte Spranger ab.
20221115             "—30—TAGE finde ich verfassungsrechtlich bedenklich",
20221115             Die Senatorin berichtete von —BISHER 300—FÄLLEN von Gewahrsamvorführungen im Zusammenhang mit Klimademonstrationen in BERLIN.
20221115             Sie habe Verständnis für die Ziele der Klimaproteste: "Das Thema ist uns überhaupt nicht egal.
20221115             Das Thema ist allen wichtig", sagte Spranger.
20221115             "Aber wie es gemacht wird, dafür habe ich natürlich überhaupt kein Verständnis".
20221115             Für die Bewegung "Letzte Generation" verwies 1—DER—ORGANISATOREN, THEODOR—SCHNARR, auf die Folgen der Klimakatastrophe.
20221115             "Wir reden davon, dass unsere Gesellschaft zusammenbricht.
20221115             Das ist die Alternative".
20221115             —GENOMMEN, Dafür würde auch längeres Gewahrsam in Kauf.
20221115             "Wir machen das ja nicht gerne",
20221115             sagte Schnarr im RBB—INFORADIO, "ich bin Naturwissenschaftler.
20221115             —VERHEIRATET, Ich bin, und würde —JETZT gern meine Familie planen".
20221115             Stattdessen müsse er auf den Straßen Berlins sein, "weil die Zukunft der Kinder, die ich gern in die Welt setzen möchte, sehenden Auges verspielt wird".
20221115             "Schuldneratlas DEUTSCHLAND": Zahl überschuldeter Bürger sinkt auf Rekordtief
20221115             Insgesamt zählte die Wirtschaftsauskunftei Creditreform in ihrem in NEUSS veröffentlichten "Schuldneratlas DEUTSCHLAND 2022" knapp 5,9 Millionen überschuldete Personen, rund 274.000—ODER 4,4 Prozent weniger als im Vorjahr.
20221115             1—GRUND für den Rückgang: die Einschränkung der Konsummöglichkeiten während der Coronapandemie.
20221115             Die Überschuldungsquote, also der Anteil überschuldeter Personen im Verhältnis zu allen Erwachsenen in DEUTSCHLAND, sank binnen Jahresfrist von 8,86 auf 8,48 Prozent.
20221115             Allerdings rechnet die Wirtschaftsauskunftei angesichts der aktuellen Preisexplosionen bei Energie und Lebensmitteln —SCHON bald mit einer spürbaren Verschlechterung der Situation.
20221115             Nach Berechnungen der CREDITREFORM—TOCHTER Microm laufen —BIS zu 19—PROZENT—DER—DEUTSCHEN—HAUSHALTE—GEFAHR, ihre Rechnungen für Versorgungsleistungen wie Strom, Wasser, Gas und Wärme nicht sofort bezahlen zu können.
20221115             Betroffen seien damit rund 7,8 Millionen Haushalte oder 15,6 Millionen Personen
20221115             Furcht vor neuem Subventionswettlauf: USA locken — und DEUTSCHE—FIRMEN wollen folgen
20221115             Dramatische Rettung aus den Fluten: Australiens Ostküste vor "größtem Hochwassereinsatz der Geschichte"
20221115             Energiesicherheit: Füllstand der Gasspeicher springt über 100—PROZENT
20221115             EU—EMBARGO gegen Russlands Öl: Internationale Energieagentur warnt vor großer Unsicherheit
20221115             Ab —ANFANG—DEZEMBER sollen die von den EU—STAATEN vereinbarten Exportverbote für RUSSISCHES—ÖL auf dem Seeweg greifen.
20221115             —BEFÜRCHTET, Die Internationale Energieagentur (IEA), dadurch extreme Unsicherheiten auf den Ölmärkten.
20221115             "Die bevorstehenden EU—EMBARGOS gegen RUSSISCHE—ROHÖL—UND Ölproduktimporte und das Verbot von Seeverkehrsdienstleistungen werden den Druck auf die globalen Ölbilanzen und insbesondere auf die —BEREITS außergewöhnlich angespannten Dieselmärkte weiter erhöhen",
20221115             schreibt die in PARIS ansässige IEA in ihrem monatlichen Ölbericht  : "
20221115             Die Dieselpreise seien —IM—OKTOBER auf 1—REKORDNIVEAU gestiegen und lägen —NUN 70—PROZENT über dem Vorjahresniveau.
20221115             "Die hohen Dieselpreise heizen die Inflation an und erhöhen den Druck auf die Weltwirtschaft und die weltweite Ölnachfrage",
20221115             heißt es.
20221115             Die EU wird RUSSISCHE—ROHÖLIMPORTE ab dem 20221205             und die Einfuhr weiterer RUSSISCHER—ÖLPRODUKTE ab dem 20220205             über den Seeweg verbieten.
20221115             Über die DRUSCHBA—PIPELINE könnte weiter Öl Richtung EUROPA fließen.
20221115             Der IEA zufolge wird EUROPA durch das Embargo pro —TAG auf 1—MILLION—BARREL—ROHÖL und 1,1 Millionen Barrel an weiteren Ölprodukten verzichten.
20221115             Diesel würde dadurch besonders knapp und teuer.
20221115             Nach Einschätzung der IEA dürften die Sanktionen einen Einbruch der RUSSISCHEN—ÖLFÖRDERUNG zur Folge haben.
20221115             Im kommenden —JAHR könnte die durchschnittliche Fördermenge unter die Marke von 10—MILLIONEN Barrel (je 159—LITER) pro —TAG sinken.
20221115             1—BEGRENZUNG RUSSISCHER—ÖLEXPORTE dürfte mit starken und lang anhaltenden Preisanstiegen einhergehen, erwartet auch die BANK—FÜR—INTERNATIONALEN—ZAHLUNGSAUSGLEICH (BIZ).
20221115             Zudem könnten sich Auswirkungen auf andere Bereiche wie die Lebensmittelpreise ergeben.
20221115             Entwurf des Wirtschaftsministeriums: Bundesregierung rechnet mit 54—MILLIARDEN Euro Kosten für Gaspreisbremse
20221115             Bekämpfung der Energiekrise: Ehemalige BLACKROCK—ÖKONOMIN wechselt ins Wirtschaftsministerium
20221115             [l] Zum CO2-Ausstoß kam noch diese hilfreiche Tabelle des ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—UMWELTSCHUTZMINISTERIUMS rein.
20221115             In der UKRAINE sind Kriegsgefangene nach Erkenntnissen von UN—MENSCHENRECHTSEXPERTEN sowohl auf russischer als auch auf UKRAINISCHER—SEITE misshandelt und gefoltert worden.
20221115             Das berichtete die Leiterin der UN—MENSCHENRECHTSDELEGATION in der UKRAINE, Matilda Bogner, —HEUTE via Videolink aus Kiew nach Genf.
20221115             Demnach hat allerdings nur die UKRAINISCHE—SEITE gemäß internationalem Recht Zugang zu gefangenen Soldaten gewährt.
20221115             Die Experten hätten mit UKRAINISCHEN—GEFANGENEN —ERST nach deren Freilassung aus russischem Gewahrsam gesprochen.
20221115             Die Delegation beruft sich auf detaillierte ANGABEN—DER—GEFANGENEN.
20221115             RUSSLAND hat scharfe Kritik an einer neuen UN—RESOLUTION geübt, die 1—GRUNDLAGE für spätere Reparationszahlungen an die UKRAINE darstellen soll".
20221115             Wir sind kategorisch dagegen",
20221115             sagte Kremlsprecher DMITRI—PESKOW—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—INTERFAX zufolge".
20221115             Die Organisatoren dieses Prozesses versuchen natürlich, den Raub unserer Währungsreserven, die auf völlig illegale Weise blockiert wurden, zu vollenden".
20221115             STOCKHOLM, 20221115             . - /TASS/.
20221115             —ROCKED, The terror blast that, CENTRAL—ISTANBUL leaving at least 6—PEOPLE—DEAD will have consequences for SWEDEN—ENTRY—BID to NATO, Halil Karaveli, 1—EXPERT on TURKEY at THE—STOCKHOLM—BASED Institute for Security and Development Policy, said —ON—TUESDAY.
20221115             —COMMENTED, The expert thus, on 1—STATEMENT by TURKEY—INTERIOR—MINISTER—SULEYMAN—SOYLU that ANKARA had rejected WASHINGTON—CONDOLENCES over THE—ISTANBUL terror attack.
20221115             "This is TURKEY—HARSHEST—PRONOUNCEMENT with regard to THE—USA and he points to THE—USA as the country that finances the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)," Karaveli pointed out.
20221115             "This statement clearly shows that SWEDEN should not expect THE—USA to remedy the situation with SWEDEN—NATO—MEMBERSHIP—BID.
20221115             This is because there are those in SWEDEN who believe that there is no need to do anything because THE—USA will turn up the pressure on TURKEY to ensure SWEDEN—ADMISSION into the bloc.
20221115             This will not happen because TURKEY —NOW views THE—USA as 1—ENEMY," the expert pointed out.
20221115             —SHUNNED, THE—TURKEY—INTERIOR—MINISTER completely, and rejected THE—USA—EMBASSY—CONDOLENCES—AFTER the terrorist attack, accusing WASHINGTON of its support for THE—PKK and insincerity.
20221115             —SIGNED, The parties, 1—MEMORANDUM, paving the way for STOCKHOLM and HELSINKI to join the military alliance.
20221115             —PLEDGED, As THE—TURKEY—LEADER said, SWEDEN, to extradite over 70—INDIVIDUALS complicit in terrorist activity.
20221115             ANGABEN—DES—USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS zufolge liegen der Behörde —DERZEIT gebe keine Informationen vor, um POLNISCHE—MEDIENBERICHTE zu einem angeblichen RUSSISCHEN—RAKETENEINSCHLAG zu bestätigen.
20221115             Wie die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters meldet, soll das RUSSISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUM Berichte über einen möglichen Einschlag einer RUSSISCHEN—RAKETE in POLEN zurückgewiesen haben.
20221115             Es handele sich um Provokationen, die zusätzliche Eskalationen hervorrufen sollten.
20221115             Von RUSSISCHEN—WAFFEN sei kein Geschoss auf Ziele an der POLNISCH—UKRAINISCHEN—GRENZE abgefeuert worden.
20221115             Nach Berichten über mögliche Raketeneinschläge in POLEN haben mehrere Staatschefs der POLNISCHEN—REGIERUNG Rückhalt zugesichert.
20221115             Litauens PRÄSIDENT—GITANAS—NAUSEDA betonte die "große Solidarität" zu POLEN und betonte: "JEDER—METER an NATO—TERRITORIUM muss verteidigt werden".
20221115             —VERSICHERT, Bundesaußenministerin Annalena Baerbock hat POLEN ebenfalls Rückhalt.
20221115             Auf Twitter schrieb sie, ihre Gedanken seien bei dem "engen Verbündeten und Nachbarn" POLEN.
20221115             DEUTSCHLAND stehe in engem Austausch mit seinen "POLNISCHEN—FREUNDEN und NATO—VERBÜNDETEN".
20221115             Per Tweet äußerte sich EU—RATSPRÄSIDENT CHARLES—MICHEL "schockiert",
20221115             dass 1—RAKETE oder andere Munition auf polnischem Staatsgebiet eingeschlagen sein soll".
20221115             Wir stehen an der Seite Polens",
20221115             Der POLNISCHE—REGIERUNGSSPRECHER PIOTR—MÜLLER hat offiziell bestätigt, dass 2—POLNISCHE—STAATSBÜRGER bei einer Explosion ums Leben gekommen seien.
20221115             Weitere Angaben machte er nicht.
20221115             Damit ist noch nicht bestätigt, dass die Explosion auf einen möglichen Einschlag RUSSISCHER—RAKETEN zurückzuführen sein könnte.
20221115             POLEN hat einen Teil seiner Streitkräfte in erhöhte Bereitschaft versetzt.
20221115             Dies gelte auch für andere uniformierte Dienste,
20221115             Die bei den G20-Treffen in Bali anwesenden STAATS—UND Regierungschefs der EU werden sich voraussichtlich —AM—MITTWOCH treffen, um die Explosion in POLEN zu erörtern,
20221115             USA—PRÄSIDENT—BIDEN hat —NACH—DEN Berichten über mögliche Raketeneinschläge in POLEN mit dem POLNISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN Duda telefoniert.
20221115             Die Vertreter der NATO—MITGLIEDSSTAATEN werden sich nach ANGABEN—VON—EUROPÄISCHEN—DIPLOMATEN —AM—MITTWOCH auf Bitten Polens treffen.
20221115             Das Treffen werde auf Basis von Artikel 4—DER NATO abgehalten.
20221115             Artikel 4—BESAGT, dass die NATO—MITGLIEDER einander konsultieren, wenn etwa die Sicherheit eines Mitglieds bedroht ist.
20221115             Nach ANGABEN—VON—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIN—CHRISTINE—LAMBRECHT sind die NATO—STAATEN wegen der Explosion mit 2—TOTEN in POLEN in engem Austausch miteinander".
20221115             Wir stehen in engem Kontakt innerhalb der Allianz. Die NATO bleibt stark",
20221115             ENERGIEPREIS—SCHOCK: Japans Wirtschaft schrumpft überraschend deutlich
20221115             —BEENDET, Alaa ABD—EL—FATTAH: Inhaftierter ÄGYPTISCHER—AKTIVIST, Hungerstreik
20221115             Emission von Treibhausgasen: EU will ihren Klimaschutzplan verschärfen — aber nur um 2—PROZENTPUNKTE
20221115             Boom beim SCHUTZRAUM—NEUBAU: "1—KUNDIN wünscht einen Bunker, 280—QUADRATMETER groß, mit Garage und Kinderspielplatz"
20221115             Unruhen in Millionenstadt GUANGZHOU: Krawalle bei Protesten gegen Chinas Coronamaßnahmen
20221115             In letzter Zeit ist die ZAHL—DER—TÄGLICHEN—NEUINFEKTIONEN in der Volksrepublik wieder massiv angestiegen.
20221115             Allein in GUANGZHOU mit seinen fast 19—MILLIONEN Einwohnern wurde erstmals die Marke von 5000—FÄLLEN übertroffen.
20221115             —VERSUCHT, Während der Rest der Welt, mit dem Virus zu leben, verfolgt CHINA unverändert eine strikte 0—COVID—STRATEGIE mit Lockdowns, alltäglichen Massentests, strenger Kontrolle, Kontaktverfolgung und Zwangsquarantäne.
20221115             Trotzdem hat die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN gerade in den vergangenen —WOCHEN wieder stark zugenommen, während sich die leicht ansteckenden OMIKRON—VARIANTEN schnell verbreiten.
20221115             Auch wächst der Unmut im Volk über die andauernden strengen Maßnahmen.
20221115             Krankenhäuser im Dauerstress: "Der Kollaps des Systems ist —SCHON da"
20221115             Pessimistischer Jahresausblick: Führungskräfte in EUROPA befürchten weitere Krisen
20221115             Umstrittener Unkrautvernichter: Glyphosat darf in der EU —1—JAHR länger genutzt werden
20221115             Rettungsschirm in der Energiekrise: Bundesregierung will Forschungseinrichtungen mit 500—MILLIONEN Euro unterstützen
20221115             Während G20-Gipfel auf Bali: RUSSLAND startet massiven Luftangriff auf UKRAINE
20221115             Neuausrichtung der Bundeswehr: "Ein frommer Wunsch" — FDP, Grüne und Union zerpflücken Lambrechts Pläne
20221115             PROTESTE—GEGEN—DAS—REGIME: Landesweite Demonstrationen und ein weiteres Todesurteil in IRAN
20221115             Schmerzmittelsucht in den USA: Walmart zahlt mehr als 3—MILLIARDEN Dollar wegen OPIOID—KRISE
20221115—20040000    —J—IM, Dies sei der niedrigste Wert —SEIT—BEGINN der Auswertungen, berichteten die Experten.
20221115—20160000    —IN—THE, ing that the Nordic countries declare Kurdish organizations as terror groups, extradite individuals ACCUSED—OF—TERRORISM or complicity failed coup attempt in the country and lift 1—BAN on arms exports to ANKARA.
20221115—20220000    —PURSUED, HUNGARY says THE—EU, the goal of cutting export revenues for RUSSIA —WHEN imposing its sanctions in order to undermine its industrial and military potential, but this strategy has effectively backfired, and Eurostat reported 1—SUBSTANTIAL—INCREASE in trade between RUSSIA and THE—EU.
20221115—20220518    —APPLIED, FINLAND and SWEDEN, to join NATO but TURKEY —IMMEDIATELY blocked their bids to get into THE—USA—LED bloc, demand
20221115—20221113    —CARRIED, SYRIA—CITIZEN—AHLAM Albashir, who, out 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK on ISTANBUL—ISTIKLAL—STREET, had been trained by USA instructors, the Yeni Safak newspaper reported —ON—TUESDAY, citing the police investigating the incident.
20221115—20221113    —ON, The bomb attack on ISTANBUL—ISTIKLAL—STREET left 6—PEOPLE killed and over 80—OTHERS wounded.
20221115—20221113    —ON, The bomb attack on ISTANBUL—ISTIKLAL—STREET took the lives of 6—PEOPLE and left over 80—OTHERS wounded.
20221115—20221218    —AM, Bei 1 Auftritt auf dem G20—GIPFEL der wichtigsten INDUSTRIE—UND Schwellenländer auf Bali regte Infantino an, dass von Beginn der Weltmeisterschaft —AM—SONNTAG—BIS zum Finale die Waffen schweigen.
20221115—20230000    —AB, Als Partydroge genutzt: NIEDERLANDE verbieten Lachgas