Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 19. October ?

Ereignisse an einem 19. October

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_02021019            —RÖMER—SIEG unter PUBLIUS—CORNELIUS—SCIPIO—AFRICANUS über die Karthager unter Hannibal in der
_02021019            —SCHLACHT—VON—ZAMA in der Nähe von Karthago entscheidet den
_02021019            2. PUNISCHER—KRIEG.
04391009—20241019    —SEE
04391019             THE—VANDALS, led by KING—GAISERIC, took Carthage in NORTH—AFRICA.
04391019             Die von der Iberischen Halbinsel gekommenen VANDALEN unter KÖNIG—GEISERICH erobern Karthago, das an Stelle von HIPPO—REGIUS neue Residenz der Vandalen und Stützpunkt ihrer Flotte wird.
04391019—05391019    —EROBERN die VANDALEN, ALANEN KARTHAGO, errichten 1—KÖNIG—REICH, das —100—JAHRE dauerte.
04391019—05391019    —ERRICHTEN, 1—KÖNIG—REICH, DIE—VANDALEN, ALANEN, das —100—JAHRE dauerte.
06151019             —INTHRONISIERT, ADEODATUS—I—PAPA wird.
07351019             † FRIDESWIDE, angelsächsische Nonne und katholische Heilige
08641019             † S—LAURA—VON—CÓRDOBA, Heilige
09421019             † GOZELO—GRAF—IM—ARDENNENGAU
10721019             † EGINO—BISCHOF—VON—DALBY—BISCHOF—VON—LUND, 1.  sowie
11751019             † GUIDO—VON—NEVERS—GRAF—VON—NEVERS
12161019             † JEAN—SANS—TERRE[JOHANN—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND], at NEWARK at age 49.
12611019             † RAUGRAF—HEINRICH—I, südwestdeutscher Adeliger
12681019             † KONRADIN—VON—HOHENSTAUFEN—DUKE—OF—ZWABEN, was beheaded.
12761019             * HISAAKI, 8. Sh?gun Japans
12981019             † † † —MASSACRE—OF—JEWS, in HEILBRONN.
12981019             † ? † 140—JEWS—OF—HEILBRON—GERMANY WERE—MURDERED, Rindfleish:
13031019             Die STADT—SIEGEN erhält das Soester Stadtrecht.
13141019             —ANNO, SIMUL—CUM FREDERICO—AUSTRIACO—REX—ELECTUS, ad Imperium sibi vindicandum acerrimum adversus aemulum suum sustinuit certamen.
13351019             † ELISABETH—RICHZA—VON—POLEN, böhmische KÖNIGIN
13491019             GERALDO—NALDEKIN clerico CAROLI—ROMANORUM REGIS CONFERUNTUR—CANONICATUS et [PFRÜNDE]PRAEBENDA sub expectatione supplementi in ECCLESIA—S—SALVATORIS—TRAIECTENSIS ^ vacantes per obitum Bettonis dicti Bliethj cujus beneficia die ;:1030;:
13541019             † YUSUF—I—EMIR—VON—GRANADA
13611019             settling 1—DISPUTE—BETWEEN WENZEL—COMTE—DE—LUXEMBOURG and THE—TOWN—OF—LOUVAIN, without citing THE—PRIMARY—SOURCE on which this information is based
13691019             —ROMAE—APUD—S—PETRUM.
13711019             ARNOLDO—DE—STROMBURG und PEROTO—DE—VALAT (identisch mit dem vorigen?)
14331019             * BERNARDO—BEMBO, venezianischer Diplomat
14331019             * MARSILIO—FICINO, ITALIENISCHER—HUMANIST, Philosoph und Arzt
14531019             —LA—ARMÉE—ROYALE ENTRE dans BORDEAUX
14531019             2. BATTLE—AT—CASTILLON: FRANCE beat ENGLAND,
14531019             —100—YEAR—WAR, ending THE
14531019             Des KARL—VII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH—TRUPPEN einnehmen das in ENGLISCHER—HAND befindliche BORDEAUX.
14531019             —NACH—DEM Hundertjährigen Krieg verbleibt somit Calais als einziger Besitz der Engländer auf dem Festland.
14661019             —ENDED, THE—PEACE—OF—THORN[TORÚN,TORUN], THE—13—YEAR WAR—OF—THE—CITIES (14540000—14660000    ), between the Teutonic knights and their own disaffected subjects in Prussia.
14661019             —ENDED, THE—PEACE—OF—THORN[TORÚN,TORUN], the war between the Teutonic knights (1—GERMANY—MILITARY and religious order) and their subjects in Prussia, led by CASIMIR—IV—KING—OF— (14270000—14920000    ) of POLAND.
14661019             POLAND was given Pomerelia and WEST—PRUSSIA, and the knights retained EAST—PRUSSIA, with 1—NEW—CAPITAL—AT—KÖNIGSBERG (KALININGRAD).
14661019             The knights, formerly strictly 1—GERMANY—ORDER, were forced to accept Poles as members and their grand master became 1—VASSAL—OF—THE—POLAND—KING.
14661019             2. —FRIEDE—VON—THORN,
14661019             —BEENDET, den Dreizehnjährigen Krieg zwischen dem DEUTSCHEN—ORDEN auf der 1—UND dem PREUSSISCHEN—BUND und dem von KASIMIR—DEM—JAGIELLONEN geführten KÖNIGREICH—POLEN auf der anderen Seite.
14661019             Des unterlegenen DEUTSCHER—ORDEN—MACHT ist damit endgültig gebrochen.
14691019             Damit wird das Fundament für 1—SPÄTERE Vereinigung der beiden Reiche Aragonien und Kastilien zu SPANIEN gelegt.
14921019             —SIGHTED, COLUMBUS, "Isabela" (Fortune ISLAND, BAHAMAS).
15021019             —ADDI, s'intese che s'era avuta LA—ROCCA—DE—UGUBIO,
15161019             HERMANN—IV—VON—HESSEN—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN allows, even —TIME—AT—THIS, of no righteousness save that which proceeds from faith.
15161019             — are exhibited in his exceedingly important —LETTER—OF, to SPALATIN.^
15241019             * THOMAS—TUSSER, ENGLISCHER—DICHTER und Verfasser landwirtschaftlicher Arbeiten
15291016—15291019    —SCHWABACH—KONVENT, an dessen Ende die durch MARTIN—LUTHER konzipierten SCHWABACHER—ARTIKEL stehen, die 1—GRUNDLAGE für die CONFESSIO—AUGUSTANA werden.
15431019             —ENTSCHEIDUNG des geistlichen Gerichts (Kapitels) des Aachener Marienstifts in Sachen einer Schuldforderung gegen einen Geistlichen des Stifts.
15471019             † Pierino del Vaga, ITALY—PAINTER, at 46.
15471019             † PERINO—DEL—VAGA, ITALIENISCHER—MALER und Stuckateur
15531019             † BONIFAZIO—VERONESE, Veneziano, [de' Pitati], ITALY—PAINTER.
15621019             † EGGERIK—BENINGA, friesischer Geschichtsschreiber
15781019             * ENOCH—PÖCKEL, Ratsmitglied und Ratsbaumeister in LEIPZIG, Hammerherr im Erzgebirge
15801019             * HEINRICH—ECKHARD, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
15811019             * DIMITRI—IVANOVITCH, RUSSIA—SON—OF—IVAN—IV "the Terrible,".
15861019             † IGNAZIO—DANTI, ITALIENISCHER—MATHEMATIKER, Astronom, Kosmologe und Kartograph
15871019             † FRANZ—I—GROSS—HERZOG—DER—TOSKANA
15971019             † ASHIKAGA—YOSHIAKI, JAPANISCHER—SH?gun
15981019             * ISAAC—COMMELIN, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—VERLEGER und Buchhändler
16050000—16821019    * † THOMAS—BROWNE, UK—WRITER.
16051019—16820000    * † THOMAS—BROWNE, UK—WRITER (Garden of Cyrus).
16081019             † MARTIN—ANTON—DELRIO, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—JESUIT und Hexentheoretiker
16091019             —UNTER—DEM, VON, grossem Interesse und speziell für unsere FRAGE—VON—BESONDERER—WICHTIGKEIT ist aber, was DER—GEHEIM—AGENT der PROTESTANTEN—FÜRSTEN in VENEDIG, JOHANN—BAPTIST—LENK (Linke),
16091019             DIE—LUTHERISCHEN und Kalvinischen unter sich selbst mehr uneins als mit anderen sind,
16091019             Also die im FONDACO weilenden evangelischen DEUTSCHEN spalten sich in LUTHERANER und REFORMIERTE und sind unter sich uneiniger als GEGEN—DIE—KATHOLISCHEN!
16091019             Er schreibt wörtlich
16091019             Für uns ist speziell der Passus von Interesse, wo er von den DEUTSCHE—IN—VENEDIG spricht.
16091019             Zweckdienlich (für der PROTESTANTEN Sache wäre es gewesen,
16091019             der andere LUTHERISCH und KALVINISCH, und
16091019             ist's —BISHER, ersitzen geblieben, was sonst nicht fehlgeschlagen,
16091019             und den NIEDERLANDERN[HOLLAND] 1—ANLEITUNG gegeben haben würde, ebenfalls 1—FONDEGO zu errichten und von der Regierung 1—PREDIGER zu begehren".
16091019             weil der 1—TEIL KATHOLISCH,
16091019             wenn die im DEUTSCHEN—HAUSE alhier befindlichen DEUTSCHEN—DIE—ERLAUBNISS, darin predigen zu dürfen, von dem SENATe verlangt hätten.
16091019             Aber
16091019—16080804    —J—VOM, Und dies wird bestätigt durch 1—AUSSPRUCH des SARPI
16251019             * JOHANN—ANDREAS—LUCIUS, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
16271019             † WEI—ZHONGXIAN, CHINESISCHER—OBEREUNUCH in der Verbotenen Stadt
16301019             BOSTON, the 1. general court was held.
16301019             † JOHANN—JAKOB—VON—BRONCKHORST—BATENBURG, KAISER—FELDHERR im 3ßigjährigen Krieg
16631019             † LUCIUS—GABRIEL, SCHWEIZER—PFARRER und Bibelübersetzer
16711019             AMERONGEN dahin zu instruiren, daß er den MAGISTRAT—DER—STADT—KÖLN[CÖLN] auffordere, mehr für die Sicherung und Befestigung ihrer Stadt zu tun,
16711019             oder, was er aber mit der grössten Vorsicht betreiben solle, Truppen des STAAT—ALS—GARNISON aufzunehmen').
16711019             vielleicht EINIGE—TRUPPEN—DES—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG oder des SPANISCHEN—GOUVERNEURS der NIEDERLANDEN in Dienst zu nehmen und nach KÖLN[CÖLN] zu legen
16711019             —DATUM
16711019             —NACH, DER—DEPUTIERTEN—BERICHT für die Sachen der TRIPLE—ALLIANZ ist beschlossen:
16711019             —RESOLUTION—VOM, geantwortet*).
16731009/16731019    BRASSER—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16761019             Durch ihre —RESOLUTION—VOM, ist der DER—GROSSE—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG, was ihr Verhalten zu den Nimweger FRIEDENS—VERHANDLUNGEN betrifft, vollkommen befriedigt;
16761029             '  was die SUBSIDIEN angeht, so findet er es NOCH—IMMER rücksichtslos, daß man seine bescheidene Forderung nur eines kleinen teils der SUBSIDIEN nicht befriedige, 16761019/16761029    —DATUM—HAUPT—QUARTIER—ZU Kreckovv'
16761029             was die SUBSIDIEN angeht, so findet er es NOCH—IMMER rücksichtslos, daß man seine bescheidene Forderung nur eines kleinen teils der SUBSIDIEN nicht befriedige, 16761019/16761029    —DATUM—HAUPT—QUARTIER—ZU Kreckovv'
16771019             † HANS—JERG—BRENDLIN[ELENHANS], aufständischer Bauer im Uracher Amt im 3ßigjährigen Krieg
16821019             THE—NORWICH doctor wrote MYSTERIOUS—SOUNDING books such as "Religio Medici" and "Pseudodoxia Epidemica".
16821019—20150000    —AUTHORED, HUGH—ALDERSEY—WILLIAMS, "THE—ADVENTURES—OF—SIR—THOMAS—BROWNE in the 19010101—20001231    : THE—LIFE and Afterlife of the 16010101—17001231    —MOST—INQUIRING—MIND".
16861019             † JOHANNES—HEIN, deutscher reformierter Theologe
16951019             † JOHANN—WILHELM—BAIER, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
17021019             Die Uraufführung der Oper Sieg der fruchtbaren POMONA—VON—REINHARD—KEISER findet am Theater am Gänsemarkt in HAMBURG statt.
17081019             Ainsi les mêmes ofTiciers exerceront, s'il leur plait. jusqu'à mon arrivée.
17081019             De POUDENX—ÉVÈQUE—DE—MARSEILLE.
17081019             A PARIS, le;;;. - JE prends la liberté, Monsieur, de vous adresser ma —PROCURATION, afin ([u'il vous plaise prendre possession en mon nom de LE—ÉVÈCHÉ—DE—MARSEILLE.
17081019             Je compte d'être à MARSEILLE pendant tout le mois prochain.
17081019             Je ne changerai rien, comme je vous l'ai déjà mandé, au spirituel, ni à la —CRÉATION—DES VICAIRES—GÉNÉRAUX, officiai et promoteur, que je ne sois SUR les lieux.
17081019             Je suis.
17081019             Monsieur, votre très humble et très obéissant serviteur.
17081019             —A PARIS, LE, De POUDENX—ÉVÈQUE—DE—MARSEILLE..
17081019—17080405    —LE, PARIS.
17081019—17080405    —PROCURATION au PREVÙL—DU—CHAPITRE pour prendre possession.
17201019             * JOHN—WOOLMAN, nordamerikanischer Quäker
17221019             —PATENTED, FRANCE—C. Hopffer, the fire extinguisher.
17231019             JOSEPH—MÜLLER aus MONSCHAU oo ANNA—CATHARINA—SCHOLL aus ZWEIFALL Dv 2.Proklamation
17231019             † GODFREY—KNELLER, DEUTSCHER—PORTRÄTMALER und Hofkünstler
17231019             † JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—BUCKE, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
17280000—18141019    * † Mercy Otis WARREN—MASSACHUSETTS playwright.
17301019             † PAUL—ANTON, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE
17391019             —DECLARED, ENGLAND, WAR—ON—SPAIN over borderlines in FLORIDA.
17391019             THE—WAR is known as THE—WAR—OF—JENKINS'—EAR because 1—MEMBER—OF—PARLIAMENT waved 1 dried ear and demanded revenge for alleged mistreatment of UK—SAILORS.
17391019             —AMPUTATED, UK—SEAMAN ROBERT—JENKINS had his ear, —FOLLOWING a 17310000             barroom brawl with 1—SPANISH—CUSTOMS—GUARD in HAVANA and saved the ear in his sea chest.
17451019—19630000    —AUTHORED, PROFESSOR—EDWARD—ROSENHEIM (19180000—20050000    ), "Swift and THE—SATIRIST—ART".
17451019—19980000    —PUBLISHED, VICTORIA Glendinning, the biography: "JONATHAN—SWIFT: 1—PORTRAIT".
17471019             * JOHANN—WILHELM—WENDT, DEUTSCHER—BAUMEISTER, Maler und Silhouettenschneider
17531019             —AM, beide Brautleute aus LANGENDORFf
17531019             * CAROLINE—ULRIKE—AMALIE—VON—SACHSEN—COBURG—SAALFELD, Dechantin im Kaiserlich freien weltlichen REICHSSTIFT—VON—GANDERSHEIM
17531019             † CHRISTIAN—RUDOLF—SCHMIDT, nassauischer Schreiner
17621019             HAMBURG, wird der Neubau der S—MICHAELIS—KIRCHE (im Volksmund "Michel") eingeweiht.
17651019             THE—STAMP—ACT—CONGRESS, meeting in NEW—YORK, drew up 1—DECLARATION—OF—RIGHTS and liberties.
17651019             Mit der Unterzeichnung der
17651019             —BURLOER—KONVENTION, wird der —BIS dahin umstrittene Grenzverlauf zwischen der VEREINIGTE—NIEDERLANDE—PROVINZ—HERZOGTUM—GELDERNUND dem HOCHSTIFT—MÜNSTER verbindlich geregelt.
17691019             —DER, UNRICHTIG—ANGEGEBEN ist hier als DER—STIFTERIN—TODES—TAG;
17701019             * JOHANN—CLARISSE, niederländischer reformierter Theologe
17781019             * GUSTAV—VORHERR, Architekt, KÖNIGLICH—BAYERISCHER Baurat und Vorstand des bayerischen Landesverschönerungsvereins
17811019             1—FLOTTE—ANGLAISE échoue à briser le blocus de YORKTOWN dirigé par WASHINGTON et ROCHAMBEAU.
17811019             —SURROUNDED, MAJOR—GENERAL—LORD—CHARLES—CORNWALLIS, at YORKTOWN—VIRGINIA, by American and FRANCE—REGIMENTS numbering 17,600—MEN, surrendered to GEORGE—WASHINGTON and Count de Rochambeau at YORKTOWN—VIRGINIA Cornwallis surrendered 7,157 troops, including sick and wounded, and 840—SAILORS, along with 244—ARTILLERY pieces.
17811019             Losses in this battle had been light on both sides.
17811019             Cornwallis sent BRIGADIER—GENERAL—CHARLES—O'HARA to surrender his sword.
17811019             WASHINGTON himself is seen in the right background of "THE—SURRENDER—OF—LORD—CORNWALLIS at Yorktown" by artist JOHN—TRUMBULL.
17811019             The arrival of 1—FRANCE—FLEET, and its victory over 1—UK—FLEET in CHESAPEAKE Bay, sealed the trap.
17811019             Die Kapitulation der Briten unter GENERAL—CHARLES—CORNWALLIS in der
17811019—17810802    —ON, —AFTER conducting 1—INDECISIVE foray into VIRGINIA, LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—CHARLES—LORD—CORNWALLIS retired to Yorktown.
17811019—17810816    —ON, GENERAL—WASHINGTON and MAJOR—GENERAL—JEAN—BAPTISTE—DONATIEN—DE—VIMEUR, comte de Rochambeau, began marching their Continental and FRANCE—ARMIES from NEW—YORK to VIRGINIA.
17841019—18570000    * † JOHN—MCLOUGHLIN, HUDSON—BAY—CO. pioneer at Fort VANCOUVER and in OREGON Country in QUEBEC.
17841019—18590000    * † LEIGH—HUNT, ENGLAND—JOURNALIST, essayist, poet and political radical.
17841019—18590000    LEIGH—HUNT was 1—FRIEND and advisor to Shelley and Lord Byron and wrote the poems "Abou BEN—ADHEM" and "Jenny Kissed Me".
17931019             —PROMOTED, CAPTAIN—NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE was, to CHEF de bataillon (major) giving him greater voice in THE—COUNCILS—OF—WAR and THE—SIEGE—OF—TOULON.
17961019             † JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—TIEDE, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
18001019             Die FRANZÖSISCHE—BAUDIN—EXPEDITION sticht von LE—HAVRE aus in See.
18001019             NICOLAS—BAUDIN soll mit seinem Team auf 2—SCHIFFEN die Küste Australiens erkunden.
18011019             † WOLFGANG—AIGNER, bayerischer Benediktiner und Gelehrter
18031019             † BENEDICT—STRAUCH, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und katholischer Theologe
18041019             † LEOPOLD—WESTEN, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER und Hochschullehrer
18051014—18051019    —SCHLACHT—VON—ELCHINGEN, die —BIS zum dauert,
18051014—18051019    3. Koalitionskrieg, beginnt der.
18051019             3. Koalitionskrieg
18051019             —SCHLACHT—BEI—ELCHINGEN.
18061019             JOHANN—WOLFGANG—VON—GOETHE oo CHRISTIANE—VULPIUS werden in der Sakristei der JAKOBS—KIRCHE—WEIMAR
18101019             Der zum Thronfolger von SCHWEDEN gewählte FRANZÖSISCHE—MARSCHALL—JEAN—BAPTISTE—BERNADOTTE konvertiert gemäß den SCHWEDISCHEN—VERTRAGSBESTIMMUNGEN vom katholischen zum protestantischen Glauben.
18101019             † GABRIEL—DE—AVILÉS, SPANISCHER—OFFIZIER, Kolonialverwalter, Vizekönig des RIO—DE—LA—PLATA und VIZEKÖNIG—VON—PERU
18101019—19030000    * † CASSIUS—MARCELLUS—CLAY, MAJOR—GENERAL (Union volunteers).
18111019—18100719    —AM, GRANSEE, wird das Denkmal für die verstorbene PREUSSISCHE—KÖNIGIN—LUISE eingeweiht.
18121019             —DÉCIDE, NAPOLEÓN, LA—RETRAITE
18121019             FRANCE—FORCES under NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE began their retreat from MOSCOW.
18121019             —NACH—DEM Scheitern des Russlandfeldzuges verlässt NAPOLÉON mit den Resten der Grande Armée Moskau.
18121019             —BEGINNT, NAPOLÉON, 1—FLUCHTARTIGER Rückzug aus RUSSLAND, der sich —BIS—IN—DEN—DEZEMBER hinzieht.
18131016—18131000    18131019             , In THE—BATTLE—AT—LEIPZIG (aka —BATTLE—OF—THE—NATIONS) NAPOLEON faced PRUSSIA—AUSTRIA and RUSSIA and suffered 1—OF—HIS—WORST—DEFEATS.
18131019             —DÉFAITE—DE—LEIPZIG
18131019             BLÜCHER überzeugte DIE—ALLIIERTEN—ARMEEN von der NOTWENDIGKEIT eines Einmarsches in FRANKREICH.
18131019             —SEIT, seinen Erfolgen gegen NAPOLÉON galt BLÜCHER im Volksmund als MARSCHALL—VORWÄRTS.
18131019             wieder zurück und würde LEIPZIG entsetzen.
18131019             —VÖLKERSCHLACHT—BEI—LEIPZIG während der Befreiungskriege
18131019             —ENDET mit der entscheidenden Niederlage NAPOLEON—BONAPARTES und dem Einmarsch der verbündeten PREUßISCHEN—TRUPPEN und RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN in LEIPZIG.
18131102             —AFTER THE—BATTLE—OF—LEIPZIG (18131016—18131019    ) FREDERICK—I—KING—OF—WÜRTTEMBERG (17540000—18160000    ) deserted NAPOLEON—WANING fortunes.
18171019             * TOM—TAYLOR, UK—PLAYWRIGHT.
18181019             —SIGNED, USA and Chickasaw Indians, 1—TREATY.
18210000—18901019    * † RICHARD—FRANCIS—BURTON, explorer, UK—CONSUL, translator.
18281019             * ADOLFO—FUMAGALLI, ITALIENISCHER—PIANIST und Komponist
18301019             * SERHIJ—HRUSCHEWSKYJ, UKRAINISCHER—SLAWIST und Pädagoge
18351019             † WILHELM—JULIUS—LUDWIG—VON—SCHUBERT, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Regierungsbeamter
18421019             —ORDERED, USA Commodore Thomas ap Catesby Jones, THE—SURRENDER—OF—MEXICO—OFFICIALS in MONTEREY—CALIFORNIA, on the mistaken belief that THE—USA—AND—MEXICO had gone to war.
18421019             —LEARNED—OF, He soon, his error and returned Monterey to MEXICO—AUTHORITY.
18431019             In der Pariser Tageszeitung Le Journal des Débats erscheint die letzte Folge des Fortsetzungsromanes Mystères de PARIS ("Die Geheimnisse von PARIS"), mit der der FRANZÖSISCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLER—EUGÈNE—SUE die Gattung des Feuilletonromans begründete.
18451019             —PREMIERED, RICHARD—WAGNER—OPERA "Tannhauser,", in DRESDEN.
18451019             Die Uraufführung der Oper Tannhäuser von RICHARD—WAGNER findet im Königlich Sächsischen Hoftheater (Semperoper) in DRESDEN statt.
18471019             —FREITAG
18481019             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—120—KÖLN.
18481019             —MOVED, John "THE—PATHFINDER" FREMONT, out from near WESTPORT—MISSOURI, on his 4. Western expedition with 33—VOLUNTEERS.
18481019             The goal was to find 1—RAILROAD route across the Rocky Mountains.
18481019             —FAILED, His, attempt to open 1—TRAIL across the Rocky Mountains along the 38. parallel ended with SOME—OF—HIS—MEN cannibalizing their comrades.
18501019—19350000    * † ANNIE—SMITH—PECK, 1—OF—THE—WORLD'S renowned mountain climbers, in PROVIDENCE—RHODE—ISLAND.
18531019             † JUANA—MARIA, the last living native of S—NICHOLAS, the southernmost Channel ISLAND, in Santa Barbara weeks —AFTER she was found living by herself on THE—ISLAND.
18531019             —INSPIRED, JUANA—MARIA—STORY —LATER, SCOTT—O'DELL—BOOK: "ISLAND—OF—THE—BLUE—DOLPHINS" (19600000             ).
18531019             * CONRAD—BRÜNE, sächsischer Braumeister
18531019             † AGATHE—DE—RAMBAUD, Gouvernante des FRANZÖSISCHEN—DAUPHINS
18561019             MADSCHID—BIN—SAID—SULTAN—VON—SANSIBAR wird als Nachfolger des SAYYID—SAID—SULTAN—VON—SANSIBAR 1.  und
18561019             —BEGRÜNDET, MADSCHID—BIN—SAID—SULTAN—VON—SANSIBAR, damit nach längeren Wirren um die Thronfolge das von OMAN unabhängige Sultanat Sansibar, welches die gesamte Küste Ostafrikas beherrscht.
18581019             * ALICE—JOSEPHINE—MCLELLAN—BIRNEY, child welfare worker.
18591019             * GEORG—KNORR, GERMANY—ENGINEER (brake system trains).
18621019             * AUGUSTE—LUMIERE, FRANCE—FILM pioneer.
18621019             AUGUSTE—LUMIERE made the 1. film: "Workers Leaving Lumiere Factory".
18621019             * AUGUSTE—LUMIÈRE, FRANZÖSISCHER—CHEMIKER und Unternehmer
18641019             PHILIP—SHERIDAN and his gelding horse Rienzi made their most famous ride to repulse 1—ATTACK led by LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—JUBAL—A—EARLY at Cedar CREEK—VIRGINIA.
18641019             Sheridan had been on his way back from 1—STRATEGY—SESSION in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA —WHEN Early attacked.
18641019             —SCORED, THE—UNION, 1—NARROW—VICTORY which helped it secure the Shenandoah Valley.
18641019             THOMAS—BUCHANAN—READ —LATER wrote 1—POEM, "SHERIDAN—RIDE," and created 1—PAINTING immortalizing the Union general and his steed.
18641019             The northernmost ACTION—OF—THE—USA—CIVIL—WAR took place in THE—VERMONT—TOWN—OF—S—ALBANS.
18641019             —ESCAPED, Some 25, CONFEDERATE—PRISONER—OF—WARS led by Kentuckian BENNETT—YOUNG, —21—JAHRE—ALT raided the town near THE—CANADA—BORDER with the intent of robbing 3—BANKS and burning the town.
18641019             —MANAGED, —WHILE they, to leave town and hide out in CANADA with more than $200,000, their attempts to burn down the town failed.
18641019             —CAPTURED, Most of the raiders were, and imprisoned in CANADA and —LATER released —AFTER 1—COURT ruled the robberies in S—ALBANS were ACTS—OF—WAR.
18641019             * ALEXANDER—MACMILLAN, kanadischer presbyterianischer Pfarrer und Hymnologe
18641019             Im S—ALBANS—VORFALL berauben aus KANADA eingereiste konföderierte Soldaten 3—BANKEN im USA—BUNDESSTAAT VERMONT und erbeuten 208.000—USA—DOLLAR.
18641019             —SCHLACHT—AM—CEDAR—CREEK im Sezessionskrieg besiegen die Nordstaaten die Südstaaten unter empfindlichen eigenen Verlusten.
18681019             Die Peseta wird in SPANIEN per Dekret zur künftigen Währung bestimmt.
18681019             —ORIENTIERT, SPANIEN, sich an der Lateinischen Münzunion.
18701019             —ELECTED, The 1. blacks (4) were, to HOUSE—OF—REPS.
18701019             THE—UK—SS Cambria left for THE—NORTH—SEA—COAST.
18701019             † ? † 196 were killed.
18701019             Der BRITISCHE—PASSAGIERDAMPFER—CAMBRIA prallt im Sturm vor der IRISCHEN—KÜSTE auf das schroffe Felsenufer der Insel Inishtrahull und sinkt.
18701019             † † ? Bei dem Unglück kommen 179—MENSCHEN ums Leben.
18711019             * KAROL—ADWENTOWICZ, POLNISCHER—THEATER—UND Filmschauspieler, Regisseur und Theaterdirektor
18721019             WORLD—LARGEST gold nugget (215—KG) was found in New SOUTH—WALES, AUSTRALIA.
18721019             * JACQUES—E—BRANDENBERGER, SCHWEIZER—CHEMIKER und Textilingenieur, Erfinder des Cellophan
18721019             NEW—SOUTH—WALES wird von den Goldsuchern Beyers und BERNHARDT—HOLTERMANN in der STAR—OF—HOPE—MINE 1—GOLDKLUMPEN entdeckt.
18721019             BERNHARDT—HOLTERMANN—NUGGET wiegt 214,32 kg und ist der —BISHER weltweit größte gefundene Quarzgoldbrocken, der CA—3.000—UNZEN Gold enthält.
18721019             † DAVID—FRANÇOIS—MUNIER, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
18731019             —DRAFTED, Yale, Princeton, COLUMBIA and Rutgers universities, the 1. CODE—OF—FOOTBALL—RULES.
18761019             † WENDELIN—HAID, katholischer Theologe und Bibliothekar
18781019             —WÄHREND der Dauer des "SOZIALISTEN—GESETZES", So bietet DER—REICHS—TAG die einzige Möglichkeit, legal sozialistische Auffassungen zu vertreten.
18781019             —VERSTÖßE—GEGEN—DIE—VERBOTE, die Teilnahme an verbotenen Vereinen, die Verbreitung verbotener Druckschriften werden mit schweren Strafen bedroht:
18781019             —OTTO—VON—BISMARKS Versuch, den SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN das aktive und passive WAHL—RECHT zu entziehen, scheitert am Widerstand des REICHS—TAG.
18781019             —LAUT DEM GESETZ, können DIE—LANDESPOLIZEI—BEHÖRDEN sozialistische Vereine und Verbindungen JEDER—ART, insbesondere GENOSSENSCHAFTliche Kassen, sowie Druckschriften, Versammlungen und Sammlungen verbieten.
18781019             "Berufsmäßige Agitatoren" und Verurteilte können aus bestimmten Gebieten ausgewiesen werden.
18781019             Gastwirten, BUCH—DRUCKERN und BUCH—HÄNDLERN usw. kann die Gewerbeerlaubnis entzogen werden.
18781019             DER—REICHS—TAG nimmt nach langen Debatten im Plenum und in 1—KOMMISSION mit 221—STIMMEN—GEGEN—149—STIMMEN DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN, des Zentrums und der Fortschrittspartei das "Gesetz GEGEN—DIE—GEMEINGEFÄHRLICHEN Bestrebungen DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE" an.
18781019             Der —ERST—ALS MITGLIED—DER—KOMMISSION vorgesehene —AUGUST—BEBEL wird nicht gewählt.
18781019             W. Bracke erklärt im REICHS—TAG: "WIR PFEIFEN AUF DAS—GESETZ".
18781019             —VERABSCHIEDET, Der Reichstag des DEUTSCHEN—REICHS, das
18781019             —GESETZ gegen die gemeingefährlichen Bestrebungen der Sozialdemokratie und
18781019             —LEGALISIERT Der Reichstag des DEUTSCHEN—REICHS die von OTTO—VON—BISMARCK zur Staatsdoktrin erhobene SOZIALISTEN—VERFOLGUNG.
18781019—18810331    —BIS—ZUM, Die Dauer des Gesetzes ist —ZUNÄCHST festgesetzt worden, kann aber immer verlängert werden.
18791019             —DEMONSTRATED, THOMAS—EDISON, the electric light.
18791019             CHARLES—MARIE—WIDOR führt im Pariser Palais du Trocadéro seine 5. Orgelsinfonie, deren F—DUR—TOCCATA zu den bekanntesten Werken der Orgelmusik zählt, erstmals als Ganzes auf.
18811019             * GEHEIMER—REGIERUNGSRAT—KURT—VON—PRIESDORFF, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER, Militärhistoriker und Autor
18821019             * NORBERT—WALLEZ, BELGISCHER—PRIESTER und Journalist
18821019             * UMBERTO—BOCCIONI, ITALIENISCHER—MALER und Bildhauer des Futurismus
18821019—19540000    * † VINCAS—KREVE, LITHUANIA—WRITER and poet.
18861019             * ENGELBERT—LAP, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—MALER und Grafiker
18881019             * ARNOLD—BRÜGGER, SCHWEIZER—MALER
18891019             * FANNIE—HURST, USA—AMERIKANISCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN und Journalistin
18891019             † JOSEPH—AMBERGER, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Geistlicher
18891019             † LUDWIG—I—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL
18901019—18930000    —PUBLISHED, Lady Burton, 1—BIOGRAPHY—OF—HER—LATE—HUSBAND.
18921019             * HERMANN—KNAUS, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—CHIRURG und Gynäkologe
18951019             * LEWIS—MUMFORD, USA—SOCIAL—CRITIC who wrote "THE—CITY in History,".
18971019             † K. Grillenberger, Schlosser, MÜNCHEN.
19011019             * ARLEIGH—A—BURKE, admiral (WW II—SOLOMON—ISLANDS, Navy Cross), in COLORADO.
19011019             —PREMIERED, EDWARD—ELGAR'S "Pomp and Circumstance" March, in LIVERPOOL.
19011019             —CIRCLED, ALBERTO—SANTOS—DUMONT successfully, Eiffel Tower in his SANTOS—DUMONT NUMBER 6—DIRIGIBLE within 1—HALF—HOUR and won a 100,000 franc prize.
19011019             1—INITIAL ruling said that he failed by —40—SECONDS because the race wasn't finished —UNTIL he touched ground.
19011019             A 2. vote granted him the win.
19011019             —PROVED, This, the airship maneuverable.
19011019             —GEWINNT, ALBERTO—SANTOS—DUMONT, mit dem LUFTSCHIFF—SANTOS—DUMONT—NUMBER—6, DEN DEUTSCH—PREIS, für den 1. erfolgreichen Rundflug eines Luftschiffes vom Pariser Vorort SAINT—CLOUD zum Eiffelturm über 5,5 km in —30—MINUTEN.
19031019             * VITTORIO—GIANNINI, composer.
19051019             —MURDERED, Kiotalel arap Samoei was, in KENYA—CENTRAL—RIFT—VALLEY.
19051019             He led tribal opposition to THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—THE—SO—CALLED "Lunatic Express," THE—KENYA—UGANDA Railway, from THE—INDIA—OCEAN—PORT—OF—MOMBASA through Nandiland in the Rift Valley to Lake VICTORIA.
19051019—18950000    —BELIEVED, More than 12,000—PEOPLE are, to have been killed in 1—BLOODY—10—YEAR struggle over the railroad that began —WHEN surveyors 1. marked Nandi territory as 1—ROUTE for the tracks.
19061019             —CONVERTED, THE—CREW—OF—ROALD—AMUNDSEN aboard Gjoe, 1, herring boat, arrived off THE—COAST—OF—S—FRANCISCO —FOLLOWING their CROSSING—OF—THE—NORTH—WEST—PASSAGE in a —26—MONTH journey.
19091019             —ENDED, The celebration, —5—DAYS—LATER with the ascent of NICHOLAS—COVARRUBIAS, —70—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—SHERIFF—OF—SANTA Barbara and STAND—IN for Portola, via 1—LEAKING balloon.
19091019             —ATTRACTED, The festival, some 400,000 visitors.
19101019             Das einst imposante, —NUNMEHR, in seinem NACH—KRIEG—ZUSTAND gerettete Gebäude des SOLINGEN—HAUPT—BAHNHOFES wird in Benutzung genommen
19111019             1—TEAM, consisting of Olav Bjaaland, Helmer Hanssen, Sverre Hassel, OSCAR—WISTING, and Roald Amundsen set out from base camp Framheim on a 2. to reach THE—SOUTH—POLE.
19111019—19111214    —ON, They reach THE—SOUTH—POLE.
19121019             † JULIUS—MAGGI, SCHWEIZER—FIRMENGRÜNDER und Erfinder der MAGGI—WÜRZE, Pionier der industriellen Lebensmittelproduktion
19130000—19781019    * † Gig Young, film and TV star, killed his bride of —3—WEEKS and then committed suicide in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19131019             Das Wiener Konzerthaus wird in Anwesenheit von Kaiser FRANZ—JOSEPH—I. mit einem Festkonzert eröffnet.
19131019             Zur Aufführung gelangen das von RICHARD—STRAUSS eigens hierfür komponierte Festliche Präludium OPUS—61, SOWIE Beethovens 9. Sinfonie.
19131019             Die DEUTSCHE—LEBENS—RETTUNGS—GESELLSCHAFT e. V. (DLRG) wird im Hotel de Prusse in LEIPZIG gegründet.
19141019             THE—GERMANY—CRUISER Emden captures her 13. Allied merchant ship in —24—DAYS.
19141019             —WWI—IM, Der Wettlauf zum Meer endet ohne —ENTSCHEIDUNG, womit der SCHLIEFFEN—PLAN endgültig gescheitert ist und der Bewegungskrieg zum Stellungskrieg wird.
19151019             —RECOGNIZED, USA, GENERAL—VENUSTIANO—CARRANZA (opposing Pancho Villa) as THE—PRESIDENT—OF—MEXICO, and imposed 1—EMBARGO on THE—SHIPMENT—OF—ARMS to all MEXICO—TERRITORIES except those controlled by Carranza.
19151019             THE—USA—PATENT—OFFICE—GRANTED—JOHN—VAN—WORMER 1—PATENT for his "paper bottle".
19151019             —ACQUIRED, His patent was —LATER, by THE—USA—PAPER—BOTTLE—COMPANY.
19151019             —DECLARED, RUSSIA and ITALY, WAR—ON—BULGARIA.
19151019—19330000    —INTRODUCED, The 1. paper milk carton was.
19161019             * EMIL—GILELS, pianist (BRUSSELS Competition-19380000             ), in ODESSA—UKRAINE.
19161019             * KARL—BIRGER—BLOMDAHL, SWEDEN, opera composer (HERR—VON—HANCKEN).
19171019             —FRIED, The 1. doughnut was, by Salvation Army volunteer women for USA—TROOPS in FRANCE —WWI—DURING.
19181018—19181019    p.m.
19181018—19181019    BERLIN, den
19181019             —GRÜNDUNG der WOLGADEUTSCHE—REPUBLIK.
19190105             (Drexler, 19350312             ;
19190105             MICHAEL—LOTTER, 19351019             ;
19190105             Roots ) 19190105             —SHELLED, UK—SHIPS, the Bolshevik headquarters in RIGA.
19190105             Roots ) 19190105—19190112    —VOM—BIS, —DER—JANUAR—AUFSTAND ein von REVOLUTIONÄRE—GEWERKSCHAFTERN, den REVOLUTIONÄRE—OBLEUTEN ausgelöster GENERAL—STREIK
19191019             WIEN, wird das ursprüngliche Gartenbaukino eröffnet.
19211019             —SICH in Lissabon Truppen der Republikanischen Nationalgarde und Marineeinheiten zusammenrotten, um die Regierung zu stürzen.
19211019             —LISSABONNER—BLUTNACHT—ANLASS sind Korruptionsvorwürfe gegen den beliebten Militär und Politiker LIBERATO—RIBEIRO—PINTO.
19221019             Beim CARLTON—CLUB—TREFFEN stimmt die BRITISCHE—CONSERVATIVE—PARTY dafür, die anstehende Unterhauswahl als unabhängige Kraft zu bestreiten.
19221019             Der liberale PREMIERMINISTER—DAVID—LLOYD—GEORGE tritt daraufhin zurück;
19261019             RUSSIA—POLITBURO threw out LEON—TROTSKY and his followers.
19271019             * MARJORIE—TALLCHIEF, USA—OSAGE ballerina (Harkness Ballet).
19271019—19970000    —IN, MARIA—TALLCHIEF wrote her memoir: "MARIA—TALLCHIEF: AMERICA—PRIMA—BALLERINA".
19310000—20081019    * † HAL—KANT, lawyer for the Grateful Dead (19710000—20010000    ), in RENO—NEVADA.
19311019             * JOHN—LE—CARRÉ, UK—NOVELIST who wrote "THE—SPY—WHO—CAME in from the Cold,".
19311019             —CONVICTED, AL—CAPONE was.
19321019             AUSTRIA forbade demonstration by Nazis and antifascists.
19331019             —CONDEMNED, DALLAS Egan, slayer, was executed at S—QUENTIN —AFTER CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—JAMES—ROLPH agreed to allow him 8—OUNCES of good KENTUCKY bourbon whiskey.
19331019             Das DEUTSCHE—REICH erklärt seinen formellen Austritt aus dem Völkerbund.
19351019             ; Roots )
19351019             —REACHED, Mao Tse TUNG—ARMY, Shanxi.
19351019             BAD, Dürkheim wird die DEUTSCHE—WEINSTRASSE feierlich eröffnet.
19351019             die DEUTSCHE—WEINSTRASSE soll sowohl heimischen Rebensaft stärker ins Bewusstsein rücken als auch den Tourismus fördern.
19361019             H.R. EKINS—OF—THE—NEW—YORK WORLD—TELEGRAM beat out DOROTHY—KILGALLEN—OF—THE—NEW—YORK Journal and LEO—KIERAN—OF—THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES in 1—ROUND—THE—WORLD—RACE on commercial flights that lasted 18 1/—2—DAYS.
19371019             ERNEST—RUTHERFORD dies.
19371019             * PETER—MAX [Finkelstein], psychedelic artist (Dynamite Chicken), in GERMANY.
19371019             † ERNEST—RUTHERFORD, BRITISCHER—ATOMPHYSIKER, Nobelpreisträger
19371019—19180000    —CREDITED, He is generally, with the discovery of the proton and
19371019—19180000    —IN, ERNEST—RUTHERFORD dies.
19371019—19200917    —ON, coining the name "proton" in 1—ARTICLE.[12]
19381019             —AM Ethel Barrymore Theatre in NEW—YORK wird das Musical Knickerbocker Holiday von KURT—WEILL uraufgeführt.
19391019             * BENITA—VALENTE, soprano (PAMINA—DIE Zauberflote), in Delano CALIFORNIA.
19391019             Reichsmarshal HERMANN—GOERING began plundering art treasures —THROUGHOUT Nazi occupied areas.
19411019             * PEPETELA, ANGOLANISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Politiker und Befreiungskämpfer
19421019             —LAUNCHED, THE—JAPAN—SUBMARINE I-36, 1—FLOATPLANE for 1—RECONNAISSANCE—FLIGHT over Pearl Harbor.
19421019             —REPORTED, The pilot and crew, on the ships in the harbor, —AFTER which the aircraft was lost at sea.
19431019             Delegates from THE—USAS.R. met with representatives from the Allied nations of GREAT—BRITAIN, THE—USA, and CHINA, in 1—ATTEMPT to hammer out 1—GREATER consensus on war aims, and to improve the rapidly cooling relations between THE—SOVIET—UNION and its allies.
19431019             ALBERT—SCHATZ, SELMAN—ABRAHAM—WAKSMAN und ELIZABETH—BUGIE gelingt an der Rutgers University 1. die Isolierung des ANTIBIOTIKUM—STREPTOMYCIN, 1—ARZNEIMITTEL gegen Tuberkulose.
19441019             The play "I—REMEMBER—MAMA," by John VAN Druten, opened at the Music Box Theater on Broadway.
19441019             —ANNOUNCED, THE—NAVY, that black women would be allowed into Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES).
19441019             —COMPOSED—OF, THE—USA—ARMY—442. Regiment, JAPANESE—AMERICANS, fought their way into BRUYERES—FRANCE.
19441019             It included the 100. Battalion of JAPANESE—AMERICANS from HAWAII.
19441019             —LANDED, USA—FORCES, in THE—PHILIPPINES.
19441019             JAPAN, wird auf Anregung von Vizeadmiral ?nishi Takijir?
19441019             die Kampffliegereinheit Shimp?
19441019             Tokk?tai, die später im Ausland als Kamikaze bekannt wird, als letzter Ausweg vor der Kapitulation vor den Alliierten im Pazifikkrieg gegründet.
19451019             —AM, den Oberkommandierenden DER—USA—TRUPPEN, GENERAL Dwight D.
19451019             Romulo Betancourt began serving his 1. term as PRESIDENT—OF—VENEZUELA and continued to 19480000             . founded Accion Democratica.
19451019             Die Ratsmitglieder der Evangelischen Kirche in DEUTSCHLAND[EKD], HANS—CHRISTIAN—ASMUSSEN, OTTO—DIBELIUS und MARTIN—NIEMÖLLER, verlesen das Stuttgarter Schuldbekenntnis.
19451019             Die EKD anerkennt damit 1. Mitschuld evangelischer Christen an den Verbrechen des Nationalsozialismus.
19471019             † Yehudi Menuhin (19990000             , ), violin maestro, oo ballerina DIANA—GOULD (20030000             † age 90), his 2. wife, in LONDON.
19471019             —AUTHORED, Lady Diana —LATER, "FIDDLER—MOLL".
19481019             Der BI—ZONEN—WIRTSCHAFTSRAT nimmt gegen die Stimmen der KPD das Gesetz über 1—NOTOPFER—BERLIN an.
19491019             —PROCLAIMED, THE—PEOPLE—REPUBLIC—OF—CHINA was formally.
19491019             KÖLN, wird der Ausschuss für Wirtschaftsfragen der industriellen Verbände gegründet, der sich wenige —MONATE später in BUNDESVERBAND—DER—DEUTSCHEN—INDUSTRIE umbenennt.
19501019             Die VOLKSREPUBLIK—CHINA greift mit dem Entsenden 1 "Freiwilligenarmee" an der Seite Nordkoreas in den KOREA—KRIEG ein.
19511019             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—TRUMAN, 1—ACT formally ending THE—STATE—OF—WAR with GERMANY.
19521018             PAGE—4, 19521019             PAGE—4, 19521021             PAGE—6, 19530528             PAGE—4, and 19530628             PAGE—30,
19521019             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—4;
19521019             Mit 1—FESTAUFFÜHRUNG—VON—WILLIAM—SHAKESPEARES—HAMLET und dem Gast BERNHARD—MINETTI in der Titelrolle wird die Landesbühne NIEDERSACHSEN Nord in Wilhelmshaven eröffnet.
19531019             Singer JULIUS—LAROSA, 1—REGULAR on THE—CBS program "ARTHUR—GODFREY—TIME," was fired on the air by Godfrey, who accused him of lacking humility.
19531019             AMERICA—1. ever NON—STOP transcontinental service began with flights by USA—AIRLINES using DC—7—AIRCRAFT.
19541019             —AGREED, BRITAIN, to withdraw its 80,000-man force within —20—MONTHS, and EGYPT agreed to maintain FREEDOM—OF—CANAL navigation.
19541019             —SUEZ—ABKOMMEN, ÄGYPTEN und GROSSBRITANNIEN schließen, das den Abzug stationierter BRITISCHER—STREITKRÄFTE innerhalb von —20—MONATEN vorsieht.
19541019             —ANERKENNT, ÄGYPTEN im SUEZ—ABKOMMEN Das internationale Statut der Sueskanalzone.
19551019             Der DEUTSCHE—BUNDESTAG hält seine 1. Plenarsitzung in WEST—BERLIN in 1—HÖRSAAL der TU ab.
19571019             "Damn Yankees" closed at 46. S—THEATER—NEW—YORK—CITY —AFTER 1,022 performances.
19571019             Nach der Anerkennung der DDR durch Jugoslawien bricht die Bundesrepublik die Beziehungen zu Jugoslawien mit erstmaliger Anwendung der HALLSTEIN—DOKTRIN ab.
19580417—19581019    —IN der BELGISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT ausgerichtet wurde.
19581019             * JOHN—BLOOM, [JOE—BOB—BRIGGS], DRIVE—IN movie critic.
19581019             Die nunmehr asphaltierte Hochrhönstraße wird für den Verkehr freigegeben.
19591019             —PREMIERED, WILLIAM—GIBSON'S "Miracle Worker,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19591019             1. Diskothek Deutschlands WIRD—GEGRÜNDET, Die, der SCOTCH—CLUB.
19601019             —IMPOSED, USA—PRESIDENT—EISENHOWER, 1—EMBARGO on exports to CUBA covering all commodities except medical supplies and certain food products.
19601019             —AGREED, CANADA and THE—USA, to undertake 1—JOINT—COLUMBIA—RIVER—PROJECT to provide hydroelectric power and flood control.
19601019             —ARRESTED, MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—JUNIOR was, in ATLANTA —AFTER asking to be served at 1—WHITES—ONLY dining room at RICH—DEPARTMENT—STORE.
19621019             "This is almost as bad as the appeasement at MUNICH[MÜNCHEN]".
19621019             —ON, LEMAY said these words
19621019             —AIR—FORCE—GENERAL—CURTIS—LEMAY to JFK upon being told that THE—USA—WOULD respond to SOVIET—MISSILES—IN—CUBA with 1—BLOCKADE, not an —INVASION.
19621019             1—STALIN monument was removed in PRAGUE.
19631019             —RECORDED, Beatles, "I—WANT to Hold Your Hand".
19640831—19641019    "Nur 2—BIS 3—TAUSENDSTEL seiner Masse gehen auf den HIGGS—MECHANISMUS zurück".
19640831—19641019    "Nehmen wir zum Beispiel diesen Tisch", sagt Physikerin Stachel.
19640831—19641019    —AM—UND—AM, die 2—NUN ausgezeichneten Arbeiten erschienen kurz hintereinander
19640831—19641019    —AM—UND—AM, FRANÇOIS—ENGLERT hatte GEMEINSAM—MIT—DEM —INZWISCHEN, verstorbenen ROBERT—BROUT dieselbe Idee entwickelt wie PETER—HIGGS:
19640831—19641019    —AM—UND—AM, 1—OMNIPRÄSENTES Feld durchzieht den Raum, —HEUTE HIGGS—FELD genannt.
19640831—19641019    —ERST durch die WECHSEL—WIRKUNG mit ihm erhalten PARTIKEL MASSE.
19640831—19641019    1—PROTON habe 1—MASSE—VON—1—GIGAELEKTRONENVOLT (GeV).
19640831—19641019    Allerdings ist DAS—HIGGS—FELD nur für 1—GERINGEN TEIL—DER—MASSE verantwortlich, mit der man im Alltag zu tun hat.
19641019             —AM, die 2—NUN ausgezeichneten Arbeiten erschienen kurz hintereinander.
19651019             PETER—WEISS'—THEATERSTÜCK—DIE—ERMITTLUNG, das den 1. Frankfurter Auschwitzprozess thematisiert, wird im Rahmen einer RING—URAUFFÜHRUNG zeitgleich an 15—WEST—UND ostdeutschen Theatern sowie von der Royal Shakespeare Company in LONDON uraufgeführt.
19661019             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—8;
19661019             † ELIZABETH—ARDEN, USA cosmetic manufacturer.
19661019—20040000    —AUTHORED, Lindy Woodhead, "War Paint: Madame Helena Rubinstein & Miss ELIZABETH Arden: Their Lives, Their times, Their Rivalry".
19671019             * AMY—CARTER, PRESIDENT—CARTER—DAUGHTER and peace activist.
19671019             THE—USA—SPACE—PROBE—MARINER V flew past Venus.
19671019             Die NASA—RAUMSONDE—MARINER—5, ABSOLVIERT 1—ERFOLGREICHEN Vorbeiflug am Planeten Venus und liefert zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Daten.
19681019             —BECAME, THE—GOLDEN—GATE—BRIDGE, the 1. major bridge in the world to offer 1—WAY—TOLL—COLLECTION.
19681019             Yasonari Kawabata (18990000—19720000    ), JAPAN—NOVELIST (1000—CRANES) won the Nobel Prize in Literature.
19691019             J. Bock's and S. HARNICK—MUSICAL "Rothschilds," premiered in NEW—YORK—CITY and ran for 505—PERFORMANCES.
19691019             —REFERRED, USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—SPIRO—AGNEW, to ANTI—VIETNAM War protesters as "1—EFFETE corps of impudent snobs".
19701019             Amdahl Corp., 1—MANUFACTURER—OF—IBM mainframe compatible products, was formed at SUNNYVALE—CALIFORNIA by DOCTOR—GENE—AMDAHL, 1—FORMER—IBM employee.
19701019             —CHANGED, The sentence was, to life in prison —AFTER THE—STATE—SUPREME—COURT struck down capital punishment in CALIFORNIA.
19701019             —KILLED, SF, police officer HAROLD—HAMILTON was, —AFTER responding to 1—BANK—ROBBERY at the Wells Fargo branch at 7. and CLEMENT—STREET.
19701019             —WOUNDED, —LATER several officers were, —WHEN 1—BOMB exploded outside HAMILTON—FUNERAL at S—BRENDAN—CHURCH.
19701019—19711200    —CONVICTED, He was, and sentenced to death.
19701019—19970000    —IN, it became 1—WHOLLY owned subsidiary of Fujitsu.
19701019—20090000    —COMMITTED, Frazier (62), suicide at Mule Creek STATE—PRISON.
19711019             —PUBLISHED, The last issue of "Look" magazine was.
19711019             —KILLED, At least 7—PEOPLE were.
19711019             Die Münchner U—BAHN wird mit AUFNAHME—DES—FAHRBETRIEBS auf der 1. Linie U6 feierlich eröffnet.
19721019             HEINRICH—BÖLL erhält den Nobelpreis für Literatur.
19731019             —REJECTED, PRESIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON, 1—APPEALS—COURT—DEMAND to turn over the Watergate tapes.
19731019             —RELEASED, PETER—TOWNSHEND and THE—WHO, 1—ENGLAND—ROCK—GROUP, the rock opera album "Quadrophenia".
19741019             NIUE wird in freier Assoziierung mit NEUSEELAND von letzterem unabhängig.
19761019             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—FORD, THE—USA—COPYRIGHT—ACT—OF—19760000             , effective as of 19780101             .
19761019             —UNPUBLISHED, It declared, materials to be in the public domain —WHEN the records are —100—YEARS—OLD or —WHEN THE—CREATOR—OF—THE—RECORDS has been dead —FOR—50—YEARS, whichever date comes 1.
19761019             —ESTABLISHED, The act, the "1. sale doctrine," which gives copyright holders CONTROL—OF—THEIR—GOODS—UNTIL their 1. sale.
19761019—20020000    —DECLARED, The act also, that records created —BEFORE 19780101             enter the public domain, provided that they are over —100—YEARS—OLD or THE—CREATOR—OF—THE—RECORDS has been dead —50—YEARS.
19771019             —KIDNAPPED, THE—BODY—OF—WEST—GERMANY—INDUSTRIALIST—HANNS—MARTIN—SCHLEYER, who had been, by LEFT—WING extremists, was found in the trunk of 1—CAR in MULHOUSE—FRANCE.
19771019             The supersonic Concorde made its 1. landing in NEW—YORK City.
19771019—19770905    —AM, Der entführte HANNS—MARTIN—SCHLEYER wird in MÜLHAUSEN—ELSASS tot aufgefunden.
19781019             —REPORTED, THE—USA—LEAGUE—OF—SAVINGS and Loan Associations, that THE—S—FRANCISCO—BAY—AREA had the highest housing costs in the nation.
19781019             oo Young had —RECENTLY, his 5. wife, 1—GERMANY—ART—GALLERY—EMPLOYEE—NAMED—KIM—SCHMIDT, —31—JAHRE—ALT.
19781019             He had met Schmidt on the set of his final film, GAME—OF—DEATH, where she was working as 1—SCRIPT supervisor.
19781019             * Young as BYRON—ELSWORTH—BARR in S—CLOUD, MINNESOTA.
19781019             —CHANGED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—FLAG was.
19781019             The national flag, also used as state and war flag, was a 1:2 red flag with 1—YELLOW—SOVIET—LIKE emblem in the canton.
19781019             —SYMBOLIZED, Red, the fight against imperialism, feudality and all other KINDS—OF—OPPRESSION.
19791019             —CONSIDERED, Cyclone Tip, the strongest and most intense storm on record, hit JAPAN causing 68—DEATHS including 13—USA—MARINES.
19791019             Bei Gartenarbeiten wird der RÖMER—TEMPELSCHATZ—VON—WEISSENBURG entdeckt.
19801019             —THE—ELDER—BUSH was in PARIS, brokering the final STAGES—OF—THE—OCTOBER—SURPRISE—DEAL.
19811019             OHIO—CAPITAL—PUNISHMENT—LAW took effect.
19811019—20210000    —BY, 336—PEOPLE were sentenced to death and 56—EXECUTIONS were carried out but the system reached 1—STANDSTILL —NOW as the state was unable to acquire lethal injection drugs.
19821019             —ARRESTED, Carmaker JOHN—DELOREAN was, in LOS—ANGELES and charged in a 24—MILLION—DOLLAR cocaine scheme aimed at salvaging his bankrupt sports car company.
19821019—19840816    —ON, He was found not guilty due to entrapment.
19831019             17—MEN were —LATER convicted of the killings —DURING the coup that prompted 1—USA—INVASION.
19831019             —COMMUTED, Their death sentences were —LATER, to life in prison.
19831019             10—OTHERS convicted in the killings, including COARD—WIFE, were previously released.
19831019             —KILLED, THE—BODIES—OF—BISHOP and 10—MEN, with him had not been found.
19831019             † MAURICE—BISHOP, der MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—VON—GRENADA, wird ermordet.
19831019—19290115    —ON, DOCTOR—KING was born.
19831019—19831025    —AM, Dies dient den USA als Vorwand für die Operation URGENT—FURY.
19831019—20000000    —UNTIL, It was not that it was recognized in all 50—USA—STATES.
19831019—20050000    —IN, they were allowed to appeal to THE—LONDON—BASED Privy Council.
19831019—20090000    —IN, BERNARD—COARD and THE—6—OTHERS — DAVE—BARTHOLOMEW, Callistus Bernard, LEON—CORNWALL, LIAM—JAMES, Ewart Layne and Selwyn Strachan — were released.
19841019             PALO, ALTO—CALIFORNIA, DENNIS—ANDERSON, —50—JAHRE—ALT used 1—SHOTGUN to kill DONALD—MASON, the former boyfriend of his —20—DAY—WIFE, and then beat and blasted his wife, Karen STOKER—ANDERSON.
19841019             —SENTENCED, Anderson was, —17—YEARS to life in prison.
19841019             —KIDNAPPED, JERZY—POPIELUSZKO, POLAND—PRIEST and dissident, was, by 3—SECRET—POLICE—OFFICERS —AFTER celebrating his last mass in BYDGOSZCZ, CENTRAL—POLAND.
19841019             —TORTURED, The priest was, to death —BEFORE his body was thrown into the Vistula river, 120—KM—NORTH—OF—WARSAW [see 19841030             .19841227             ].
19841019             3—OFFIZIERE des POLNISCHEN—STAATSSICHERHEITSDIENSTES entführen und ermorden den oppositionellen Geistlichen JERZY—POPIE?uszko.
19841019—19850000    —CONVICTED—OF, He was, double murder but the ruling was overturned on the basis of mental incompetence 19950000             —IN and 1—RETRIAL began 19970000             —IN.
19841019—20100000    —BEATIFIED, Popieluszko was.
19850307             † VICTOR—W—FARRIS, —75—JAHRE—ALT, INVENTOR—OF—PAPER clip and paper milk carton (19320000             ), in Palm BEACH—FLORIDA [see 18240000             and 19151019             ]
19850307             in Palm BEACH—FLORIDA [see 18240000             and 19151019             ]
19860911             —SUFFERED, THE—DOW—JONES—INDUSTRIAL—AVERAGE (DJIA), its biggest —1—DAY—DECLINE to date, plummeting 86.61—POINTS to 1,792.89. 237.57—MILLION—SHARES were traded 19871019             —SEE.
19861019             —KILLED, MOZAMBIQUE PRESIDENT—SAMORA—MACHEL was, in 1—PLANE—CRASH as he returned from 1—CONFERENCE in ZAMBIA.
19861019             —AIDED, He had, NELSON—MANDELA—ANC party in fighting apartheid.
19861019             † 34—OTHERS also, in the crash.
19871019             —AM, ALS DIE—BÖRSEN weltweit um —BIS zu 45 % einbrachen, schien der Crash für VIELE—BÖRSIANER aus heiterem Himmel zu kommen.
19871019             TRADING—PROGRAMME, die große MENGEN—VON—KAUF—ODER—VERKAUFSORDERS gleichzeitig bewältigen konnten, waren schnell als Sündenbock ausgemacht.
19871019             —DISABLED, USA—NAVY—WARSHIPS, the 1. of 3—IRAN—OIL—PLATFORMS in the Persian Gulf in retaliation for 1—IRAN—MISSILE—ATTACK on 1—USA—FLAGGED tanker off KUWAIT.
19871019             —CRASHED, The stock market, as the Dow Jones Industrial Average, amid frenzied selling, plunged 508—POINTS, 22.6%,-- its BIGGEST—EVER —1—DAY—DECLINE.
19871019             † JACQUELINE—DU—PRE, —42—JAHRE—ALT, UK—CELLIST, of multiple sclerosis.
19871019             —SCHWARZERR—MONTAG kommt es zum 1. Börsenkrach —NACH—DEM —WWII.
19881019             —DEFEATED, THE—LOS—ANGELES Dodgers, THE—OAKLAND—A—4—3 in game 4—OF—THE—WORLD—SERIES.
19881019             —BANNED, BRITAIN, broadcast interviews with IRA members.
19881019             —INTRODUCED, DOUGLAS—HURD, 1—NOTICE under clause 13(4) of THE—BBC—LICENSE and Agreement and section 29(3) of the Broadcasting Act 19810000             prohibiting the broadcast of direct statements by representatives or supporters of 11—IRELAND—POLITICAL and military organizations.
19881019             8—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS were killed in 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB—ATTACK in SOUTH—LEBANON.
19881019             3—WEST—GERMANS were named winners of the Nobel Prize in chemistry;
19881019             3—AMERICANS received the Nobel Prize in physics: Melvin Schwartz (19330000—20060000    ), LEON—LEDERMAN and JACK—STEINBERGER won for their research into the innermost structure and DYNAMICS—OF—MATTER.
19881019             —CALLED, They won for discovering the subatomic particle, the muon neutrino.
19881019—20150000    —IN, Lederman sold his Nobel Prize at auction for $765,002.
19891019             —RECEIVED, Camilo JOSE—CELA—OF—SPAIN, the Nobel Prize for literature.
19891019             —REJECTED, THE—USA—SENATE, 1 proposed constitutional amendment barring DESECRATION—OF—THE—USA—FLAG.
19891019             —CLEARED, THE—GUILDFORD 4, from —EARLIER conviction for 19750000             —THE—IRA—BOMBINGS—OF—PUBLIC—HOUSES in Guildford and WOOLWICH—ENGLAND, were cleared of all charges —AFTER—14—YEARS in prison.
19891019             —STRUGGLED, SARAH—CONLON (19260000—20080000    ), —FOR—YEARS to clear her son, Gerry Conlon, imprisoned as 1—OF—THE—GUILDFORD 4. CONLON—AUTOBIOGRAPHY, "Proved Innocent" (19900000             ), became the basis for 19930000             —THE film, "In THE—NAME—OF—THE—FATHER," starring DANIEL—DAY—LEWIS as Conlon.
19891019             1—GERICHT in GROSSBRITANNIEN hebt das Urteil gegen die —SEIT—15—JAHREN in Haft sitzenden Guildford 4—AUF.
19891019             Die Aussagen waren von der Polizei durch Folter erzwungen.
19891019—19740000    —J—IM, 4—NORDIREN waren als Terroristen verurteilt worden, weil sie Bombenanschläge gestanden hatten.
19901019             THE—CINCINNATI—REDS beat THE—OAKLAND—A—8—TO—3, taking a 3—GAMES—TO—NONE lead in the World Series.
19901019             —ORDERED, IRAQ, all foreigners in occupied KUWAIT to report to authorities or face punishment.
19901019             —VOTED, THE—SUPREME—SOVIET, to approve PRESIDENT—MIKHAIL—S—GORBACHEV—ECONOMIC reform plan.
19901019             In der Münchberger Senke der BAB 9—BEI Münchberg ereignet sich 1—DER—SCHLIMMSTEN—VERKEHRSUNFÄLLE—DEUTSCHLANDS.
19901019             Plötzlich auftretender Nebel führt zur Massenkollision von 121—FAHRZEUGEN, was 10—TOTE und 122—VERLETZTE fordert.
19901019             Der Unfall führt zum Bau 1—TALBRÜCKE.
19911019             LOUISIANA, FORMER—GOVERNOR—EDWIN—EDWARDS and FORMER—KU Klux Klansman DAVID—DUKE won runoff slots in the state's gubernatorial primary.
19911019             1—ERDBEBEN—DER—STÄRKE 7,0 in INDIEN fordert etwa 2.000—TOTE.
19911019             —GRÜNDUNG der Stiftung für das sorbische Volk
19921019             PRESIDENT—BUSH, Democrat BILL—CLINTON and independent ROSS—PEROT met in their 3. and final campaign debate, in EAST—LANSING, MICHIGAN.
19921019             † Maurice le Roux, FRANCE—CONDUCTOR and composer (Contes immoraux).
19921019             Die 2—BUNDESTAGSABGEORDNETEN PETRA—KELLY und GERT—BASTIAN (Die Grünen) werden in BONN tot aufgefunden.
19930000             (311-3) WASHINGTON—TIMES 19891017             (A6) WASHINGTON—TIMES 19900511             (C3) WASHINGTON—TIMES 19931114             (A4) WASHINGTON—TIMES 19941019             (B7) WASHINGTON—TIMES 19950203             (A21) WASHINGTON—TIMES 19950710             (A1, 10) Webb,G. Dark Alliance.
19931019             THE—TORONTO—BLUE—JAYS took a 2—1—LEAD in the World Series by defeating THE—PHILADELPHIA—PHILLIES 10-3.
19931019             —INTERCEPTED, THE—USA, its 1. ship bound for HAITI —SINCE 1—OIL and weapons embargo was reimposed by UNITED—NATIONS.
19931019             —RETURNED, Benazir Bhutto was, to the premiership of PAKISTAN.
19941019             † Entertainer Martha Raye in LOS—ANGELES at age 78.
19941019             1—PALESTINE—SUICIDE—BOMBER killed 22—ISRAELIS and wounded 48 in 1—BUS—EXPLOSION in the heart of Tel AVIV—SHOPPING district.
19941019             Hamas took responsibility.
19951019             —PASSED, Ignoring 1—VETO—THREAT, the House, 1—REPUBLICAN plan for overhauling Medicare by raising premiums for the elderly and disabled and saving billions from hospital and doctor fees.
19951019             —EXTINGUISHED, Firefighters in WEST—CHINA, a —100—YEAR—OLD blaze in 1 untapped coal deposit and saved 5.5—MIL.
19951019             TONS—OF—COAL—RESERVES in the Baiyanghe mine in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
19951019             —CONSUMED, The fire had, 300,000 TONS—OF—COAL —1—YEAR.
19951019             CROATIA—LEADER—TUDJMAN said he will hold forces back from 1—SERBIA—HELD AREA—OF—CROATIA —DURING peace talks.
19960715—19871019    —SINCE, THE—NASDAQ index dropped 43.11—POINTS, its 2. largest decline —WHEN it dropped 46.12—POINTS.
19961019             PRESIDENT—CLINTON said in his radio address that states would lose 1—PERCENTAGE—OF—FEDERAL—HIGHWAY—AID if they did not bar young people from drinking and driving.
19961019             —CLAIMED, In the Republican radio address, BOB—DOLE, credit for putting Democrats on the defensive over their acceptance of foreign political contributions.
19961019             GUATEMALA, RAFAEL—AUGUSTO—VALDIZON, rebel COMMANDER, was captured in connection with the —SEPTEMBER kidnapping of —86—YEAR—OLD—OLGA Novella, WIFE—OF—1—CEMENT company owner.
19961019             He negotiated his freedom in exchange for her release.
19961019             —RELEASED, She was, and he disappeared.
19961019             Die Polizei findet mit Hilfe von Spürhunden im Taunus die Leiche 1—VERMÖGENDEN Frankfurter Bürgers.
19961019             Nach der Entführung von JAKUB—FISZMAN waren 4—MILLIONEN DM Lösegeld bezahlt worden.
19961019             Tatverdächtige sitzen im polizeilichen Gewahrsam.
19970905—20030000    —DECLARED, ALBANIA, 20040000             to be "Mother TERESA—YEAR" and set aside 19971019             as 1—NATIONAL—HOLIDAY in her honor.
19971005             1—RUNOFF was scheduled for 19971019             .
19971019             —DEFEATED, THE—CLEVELAND—INDIANS, THE—FLORIDA—MARLINS 6-1 in game 2—OF—THE—WORLD—SERIES, —EVENING the series at 1—GAME apiece.
19971019             —ARRIVED, Special USA—ENVOY—DENNIS—ROSS, in ISRAEL for another ROUND—OF—MEETINGS in 1—EFFORT to push the Mideast peace process forward.
19971019             HUNGARIAN—BORN GEORGE—SOROS, USA—FINANCIER and philanthropist, said he would spend some $500—MILLION over —3—YEARS in RUSSIA to improve health care, expand educational opportunities, and help retrain the military for CIVIL—JOBS.
19971019             —REPORTED, It was, that UK—SCIENTISTS had created 1—FROG embryo without 1—DUE by manipulating genes.
19971019             —BELIEVED, It was, that the technique could be adopted to grow human organs.
19971019             —KILLED, COLUMBIA, leftist rebels, PABLO—ANTONIO—HERNANDEZ, 1—MAYORAL candidate in Saravena and wounded another in Yumbo.
19971019             —PRESENTED, GERMANY, GUNTER—GRASS, the peace PRIZE—OF—THE—GERMANY—BOOK—PUBLISHING industry to Yasar Kemal, 1—TURKEY—AUTHOR.
19971019             —CRITICIZED, Grass, his compatriots as "closet racists".
19971019             MONTENEGRO, MILO—DJUKANOVIC beat PRO—MILOSEVIC incumbent Momir Bulatovic for the presidency.
19971019             —FROM RUSSIA it was reported that AMAN—TULEYEV was elected as Communist GOVERNOR—OF—KEMEROVA, also known as Kuzbass, 1—REGION in WEST—SIBERIA.
19971019             SIERRA—LEONE, at least 70—PEOPLE fleeing air raids in FREETOWN were killed —WHEN their truck overturned.
19971019             NIGERIA—JETS were bombing the city and at least 10,000—PEOPLE had already fled.
19971019             —SCHEDULED, BILBAO—SPAIN, the new Guggenheim Museum BILBAO was, to open.
19971019             The 256,000 sq. ft. titanium, limestone and glass structure was designed by USA—ARCHITECT FRANK—GEHRY and funded entirely by the Basque regional government under the direction of THOMAS—KRENS, DIRECTOR—OF—THE—GUGGENHEIM.
19971019             † IN—SPAIN—PILAR—MIRO, film director, in MADRID at age 57. IN—SPAIN—PILAR—MIRO—FILMS included "Beltenebros," "GARY—COOPER—IS in Heaven," "BIRD—OF—HAPPINESS," "THE—DOG in the Manger," and 19790000             —THE expose "THE—CUENCA—CRIME".
19971019             —ATTACKED, SRI—LANKA, Navy gunboats, 1—CONVOY—OF—REBEL—BOATS and more than 100—TAMIL insurgents were claimed to have been killed.
19971019             THERESE—VON—LISIEUX wird von JOHANNES—PAUL—II—PAPA. zur Kirchenlehrerin ernannt.
19971031—20011019    —UNTIL, JERZY—BUZEK (57), 1—CHEMICAL engineering professor, became PRIME—MINISTER—OF—POLAND and served.
19981019             THE—NEW—YORK Yankees beat THE—S—DIEGO—PADRES in the 3. game of the Baseball World Series 5 to 4.
19981019             MIKE—TYSON got his boxing license back —AFTER pleading with THE—NEVADA—ATHLETIC—COMMISSION not to "torture" him anymore for biting Evander HOLYFIELD—EARS in the ring —15—MONTHS—EARLIER.
19981019             The trial of Microsoft Corp. began in WASHINGTON on antitrust charges of stifling competition.
19981019             MIAMI, the 1. CLASS—ACTION lawsuit brought by smokers against the tobacco industry went to trial.
19981019             Jurors —LATER found the nation's largest cigarette makers and industry groups had produced 1—DEFECTIVE and deadly product.
19981019             COLORADO, 1—SERIES—OF—ARSON fires were set at Vail.
19981019             —CLAIMED, THE—EARTH—LIBERATION—FRONT—LATER, responsibility for the fires that caused $12—MILLION in damage.
19981019             —INDICTED, The same 4 had already been, for sabotage attacks in CALIFORNIA, OREGON and WYOMING.
19981019             2—OF—THE 4 were still at large.
19981019             † TENNESSEE, TOMMY—BURKS, THE—STATE—INCUMBENT—DEMOCRAT—SENATOR, was shot and killed at his 1,000 acre hog farm near Monterey.
19981019             His rival, Byron (Low Tax) Looper, was arrested —1—WEEK—LATER for the killing.
19981019             Pena, known as "BEN—BEN," was 1—REBEL—COMMANDER—IN—UNITA, whose PORTUGAL—ACRONYM means the National Union for the Total INDEPENDENCE—OF—ANGOLA.
19981019             ISRAEL—,1—ASSAILANT threw 2—HAND—GRENADES into the central bus station of Beersheba and injured at least 30—PEOPLE.
19981019             67—PEOPLE were wounded and the incident cast 1—PALL over the peace negotiations in WASHINGTON.
19981019             1—PALESTINE—FROM THE—WEST—BANK, SALEM Rajab AL—SARSOUR, —29—JAHRE—ALT, was caught and confessed.
19981019             —SUSPENDED, ISRAEL, negotiations with the Palestinians on issues other than security —AFTER 1—BLOODY—ATTACK at 1—ISRAEL—BUS stop.
19981019             —CAPTURED, CONGO, 16—ZIMBABWE—SOLDIERS were, by the rebels.
19981019             —FAILED, GEORGIA—,1—ARMY mutiny, —AFTER 200—TROOPS opposed to PRESIDENT—SHEVARDNADZE surrendered.
19981019             4—REBELS and 1—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIER were killed.
19981019             1—SPAIN—JUDGE filed 1—MOTION for THE—EXTRADITION—OF—GENERAL—PINOCHET from ENGLAND that encompassed 94—CASES—OF genocide, as well as the deaths of 79—SPANIARDS who were killed in CHILE —AFTER being abducted by 1—ALLIANCE—OF—SOUTH—USA—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICES.
19981019—19970500    —IN—THE, SIERRA—LEONE, 1—FIRING squad executed 24—SOLDIERS for taking part, coup.
19981019—20060000    —IN, 4—PEOPLE were indicted for the Vail blaze.
19981019—20180000    —IN, his remains were repatriated to ANGOLA.
19991019             THE—ATLANTA—BRAVES won the National League pennant by beating THE—NEW—YORK Mets, 10-to-9, in Game 6—OF—THEIR—CHAMPIONSHIP—SERIES.
19991019             Legislation to overhaul the nation's campaign finance laws fell to 1—FILIBUSTER by Senate Republicans for the 4. straight —YEAR.
19991019             Martha STEWART—LIVING—OMNIMEDIA began trading on WALL—STREET with 7.2—MILLION—SHARES at 18. It closed at 35.56. World Wrestling also made its debut with 10—MILLION—SHARES at 17. It closed at 25.25.
19991019             A —2-YEAR Rand analysis concluded that the drug pyridostigmine bromide could not be excluded as 1—CONTRIBUTOR to Gulf War syndrome.
19991019             The drug was 1—EXPERIMENTAL nerve gas antidote given to as many as 300,000—USA—TROOPS —DURING the Persian gulf war.
19991019             CAMBODIA, PRIME—MINISTER—HUN—SEN reportedly gave his approval for 1—TRIBUNAL to hear genocide charges against the Khmer Rouge.
19991019             EAST—TIMOR, refugees were returning at the rate of 500—PER —HOUR and 17,000 were expected by THE—END—OF—THE—DAY.
19991019             —MARCHED, GERMANY, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—WORKERS, through BERLIN to protest the government's austerity budget and the pay gap between workers in the east and west.
19991019             —CLEANED, EAST—INDIA, RESIDENTS—OF—THE—STATE—OF—ORISSA, up —AFTER 1—CYCLONE killed at least 79—PEOPLE and injured over 10000000             .
19991019             —RECOMMENDED, NIGERIA, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—ALBRIGHT, that USA—AID to the country be increase 4—TIMES the current level.
19991019             —DISCUSSED, THE—EXTRADITION—OF—DRUG lords as also, with PRESIDENT—OBASANJO.
19991019             PUERTO—RICO—GOVERNOR—PEDRO—ROSSELLO told 1—USA congressional committee that live firing exercises on Vieques could not be resumed.
20001019             1—PANEL—OF—USA—SCIENTISTS recommended that THE—FDA—BAN the drug ingredient phenylpropanolamine (PPA), 1—COMMON—INGREDIENT in decongestants and appetite suppressants due to the risk of hemorrhagic stroke in young women.
20001019             —REPORTED, It was, that scientists had brought to life 4—STRAINS of bacteria entombed in salt CRYSTALS—OF—NEW—MEXICO rock for 250—MILLION—YEARS.
20001019             EAST—TIMOR, JOSE—RAMOS—HORTA, Nobel Peace laureate, was sworn in as the foreign MINISTER.
20001019             ISRAEL—SOLDIERS fought with PALESTINE—MILITIAMEN in THE—WEST—BANK and 2—PEOPLE were killed with 18 wounded.
20001019             —REPORTED, In THE—PHILIPPINES at least 9—PEOPLE were, killed and 11 wounded in several attacks by THE—MILF.
20001019             —KILLED, SRI—LANKA, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, himself, 2—OTHER—PEOPLE and injured 21 in COLOMBO —AFTER police challenged him near the Town Hall.
20001019             Im BRITISCHEN—WISSENSCHAFTSJOURNAL Nature teilen USA—AMERIKANISCHE—FORSCHER mit, dass sie ein etwa 250—MILLIONEN—JAHRE altes Bakterium zu neuem Leben erweckt haben.
20011019             —DEPOSITED, PHILADELPHIA, luggage, from 1—BAGGAGE locker that was, 20010929             , was found to contain C—4—PLASTIC explosives.
20011019             —ATTACKED, USA special forces, 1—TALIBAN stronghold in KANDAHAR in the 1. known ground action involving USA—TROOPS.
20011019             2—USA—MILITARY—PERSONNEL were killed in 1—HELICOPTER—ACCIDENT in PAKISTAN.
20011019             —IDENTIFIED, THE—FBI, the Trenton, NJ, mailbox from which the anthrax letters were sent to NEW—YORK—CITY and WASHINGTON.
20011019             2—MORE—PEOPLE were reported to be infected bringing the total to 8.
20011019             Enron Corp. froze the assets in its 401 (k) employee retirement plan and barred employees from selling company stock trading at $32.20. Employee stock was unfrozen 20011119             with shares at $11.69.
20011019             —ARRIVED, AFGHANISTAN, some 3,500 refugees, near THE—PAKISTAN—BORDER—TOWN—OF—CHAMAN, the largest number to date.
20011019             —AVERAGED, The number had, about 2,000.
20011019             —PLEDGED, EU leaders, their continued support for THE—USA—LED campaign in AFGHANISTAN.
20011019             1—REFUGEE ship, enroute from INDONESIA to AUSTRALIA, carrying some 353—EMIGRANTS from IRAQ, IRAN, AFGHANISTAN, Palestine and ALGERIA, sank off THE—ISLAND—OF—JAVA.
20011019             44—PEOPLE survived.
20011019             —INVADED, ISRAEL—TROOPS and tanks, Bethlehem and left 6—PALESTINIANS dead.
20011019             † 1—PALESTINE—FIGHTER was killed in Ramallah.
20011019             Digna Ochoa (38), 1—PROMINENT—HUMAN—RIGHTS lawyer, was found shot to death in MEXICO—CITY.
20011019             She was shot once in the left leg and —AGAIN—IN the head.
20011019             Beim Untergang 1—INDONESISCHEN—FISCHERBOOTES südlich von Java, das mit 397—MENSCHEN übervoll besetzt ist, ertrinken 353—PERSONEN in stürmischer See, 44—KÖNNEN gerettet werden.
20011019             Die Passagiere wollten als IRAKISCHE—FLÜCHTLINGE in AUSTRALIEN Asyl erhalten.
20011019—20030000    —IN, 1—PROSECUTOR said her death was 1—PROBABLE—SUICIDE.
20020728             _A_O_R_E_P_O_R_T _20041019              20021016             —1130—AM Citizen's' arrest warrant for SENATOR—KAY—BAILIEY—HUTCHISON by HOUSTON Coalition for Justice Not War
20021019             QuickLinks 247 - 20021019             ... + compares the information to current crimes has received, of all things.. Assistant ATTORNEY—GENERAL—DANIEL—BRYANT said THE—USA—PATRIOT—ACT has... 20050401             20021019             —HOSPITALIZED, Bashir was, 20021018             .
20021019             ASHLAND—VIRGINIA, JEFFREY—HOPPER, —37—JAHRE—ALT was shot and seriously wounded in what appeared to be another sniper attack.
20021019             —INCLUDED, The sniper left 1—NOTE that, 1—REQUEST for $10—MILLION and threats to focus on children.
20021019             1—REBEL—GROUP in CONGO said that it recaptured 1—STRATEGIC port in THE—EAST—PART—OF—THE—COUNTRY and took DOZENS—OF—PRISONERS —AFTER heavy fighting.
20021019             —TRAVELED, Greeks, to their hometowns for the 2. time in —2—WEEKS, to participate in runoff local elections seen as 1—IMPORTANT—TEST for THE—LONG—GOVERNING Socialists.
20021019             —ARRESTED, INDONESIA—POLICE, ABU—BAKAR—BASHIR (ABUBAKAR—BAASYIR), 1—MILITANT—MUSLIM cleric, in 1—TERROR—PROBE—HOURS —AFTER the government issued 2—EMERGENCY—ANTI—TERROR—DECREES to strengthen its hand —AFTER the Bali car bomb carnage.
20021019             —HOSPITALIZED, Bashir was, 20021018             .
20021019             —ENDORSED, IRELAND—RESIDENTS, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—PLANS to expand eastward.
20021019             63—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS in the referendum approved the expansion proposal, which will admit up to 12—NEW—MEMBERS and bring THE—EU—MEMBERSHIP to almost 500—MILLION.
20021019             —SUSPECTED, INDIA—KASHMIR, at least 4, militants were shot dead —WHILE others detonated 1—BOMB, killing 1—POLICEMAN and wounding 15—PEOPLE.
20021019             † MEXICO, MANUEL—ALVAREZ—BRAVO (100), 1—PHOTOGRAPHER whose remarkable —80—YEAR portfolio contained everything from mystical portraits of 1—BYGONE era to the striking realism of murdered laborers.
20021019             —EXPLODED, RUSSIA, 1—CAR—BOMB, at 1—PACKED—MCDONALD—RESTAURANT in MOSCOW, injuring at least 7—PEOPLE.
20021019             † 1—BOY, —17—JAHRE—ALT, —LATER from injuries.
20021019             —VERTRAG—VON—NIZZA, In 1—REFERENDUM zustimmt der REPUBLIK—IRLAND—BEVÖLKERUNG dem.
20021019—19690000    —IN, YORK, PENNSILVANIA, former mayor CHARLIE—ROBERTSON was acquitted and 2—OTHER—MEN were convicted in the shotgun SLAYING—OF—LILLIE—BELLE—ALLEN, 1—YOUNG—BLACK—WOMAN, —DURING race riots that tore the city apart.
20030501—20041019    —SINCE—OUR USA—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF announced "mission accomplished", the insurgents have seized the initiative in IRAQ +
20030501—20041019    —SINCE, our USA—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF announced "mission accomplished",
20031019             PRESIDENT—BUSH met with THAILAND—PRIME—MINISTER—THAKSIN—SHINAWATRA and pressed him to help restore democracy in neighboring MYANMAR.
20031019             —MARCHED, Some 1,000 protesters, in downtown BANGKOK on against 1—SUMMIT—OF—21—ECONOMIC—LEADERS.
20031019             PRESIDENT—BUSH said he would consider 1—DEAL promising not to attack NORTH—KOREA as long as the guarantee is not 1—FORMAL—TREATY.
20031019             AFGHANISTAN—MOVIE "Osama" by director Siddiq Barmak won the top prize at MONTREAL—NEW—MOVIE and New Media Festival, 1—OF—THE 1. features produced in AFGHANISTAN and nominated —SINCE the fall of the Taliban.
20031019             NEW—YORK magician DAVID—BLAINE left his clear plastic box and began recovering from —44—DAYS dangling near the River Thames.
20031019             BOLIVIA, PRESIDENT—CARLOS—MESA swore in 1—NEW—CABINET with most ministers independent of the political establishment.
20031019             † ALIJA—IZETBEGOVIC, —78—JAHRE—ALT in SARAJEVO.
20031019             ALIJA—IZETBEGOVIC led BOSNIA—MUSLIMS —DURING the 19920000—19950000     war for INDEPENDENCE and became 1—OF—THE—REPUBLIC—1. postwar presidents.
20031019             —INAUGURATED, CHECHNYA, Akhmad Kadyrov was, as PRESIDENT.
20031019             —ACCUSED—OF, The guerrilla COMMANDER was, kidnapping 3—USA—MILITARY—CONTRACTORS and carrying out 1—STRING—OF—ASSASSINATIONS and bombings.
20031019             1—ITALY—COAST—GUARD crew found 13—BODIES on BOARD—1—RICKETY wooden boat in waters off Sicily and 15—OTHER—WOULD—BE—ILLEGAL—SOMALIA—IMMIGRANTS suffering from exposure and badly in NEED—OF—FOOD and water.
20031019             —CONSIGNED, Some 50—BODIES were, to the sea —BEFORE the boat was found.
20031019             ROMANIA, government leaders held 1—EMERGENCY—SESSION as MANY—VOTERS avoided the polls, throwing into doubt 1—REFERENDUM on 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION aimed at helping the country join THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20031019             The nationalist SWITZERLAND—PEOPLE—PARTY won elections to become the leading party in the lower HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT.
20031019             —BEATIFIED, JOHN—PAPA—PAUL, Mother Teresa —BEFORE 1—CROWD—OF—300,000.
20031019             MUTTER—TERESA wird in Rom von JOHANNES—PAUL—II—PAPA. seliggesprochen.
20031019             —6—JAHRE nach MUTTER—TERESA ihrem Tod ist dies die —BIS—DAHIN schnellste Seligsprechung der Neuzeit.
20031019             † ALIJA—IZETBEGOVI?, bosnischer Politiker und islamischer Aktivist, PRÄSIDENT—DER—REPUBLIK—BOSNIEN—UND—HERZEGOWINA
20031022             ART—POTTERY, Politics and Food: 20031019             -.
20040824             FBI probes DOD office - (United Press INTERNATIONAL)...
20041019             20040701-20040931             20041019             —DURING the 3. QUARTER—JOB—CUTS in Tech Sector Soar, Report Finds:
20041019             "THE—RESIDENTS—OF—THIS county need to know that there were groups working in this area to help prevent this nation from having 1—FAIR—ELECTION".
20041019             "But I will never, ever forget what my people have sacrificed".
20041019             "All we are doing —AROUND here is getting blown up".
20041019             Tudo não passou de um exercício que causou o pânico e o alarme na população.
20041019             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Der Skandal des Antisemitismus ist quicklebendig"
20041019             Google Desktopsuche: Fotografisches Gedächtnis
20041019             Die —NUN geoffenbarte Verbindung zwischen AL—QAIDA + dem IRAK stärkt den Amtsinhaber GEORGE—W—BUSH ,
20041019             A primeira explosão, que ocorreu cerca das 07:00 horas, provocou um grande susto às pessoas que moram nas imediações,
20041019             A PSP de FARO garantiu que não sabia de nada e que a responsabilidade das duas deflagrações é do Comando Nacional da PSP.
20041019             Cheney: Terrorists May Nuke USA—CITIES:
20041019             "ICH", LOS—ANGELES—TIMES -- It is shocking: THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is suppressing 1—CIA—REPORT on
20041019             -- JENNIFER—FUGO - "Your churches...your military did away with our people".
20041019             'Dirty wars' have dirty little secrets:
20041019             16 % seiner jährlichen Profite sowie einen Barbetrag von 20.000—PFUND auszuzahlen + ihr Aktien seines Unternehmens im Wert von 20.000—PFUND zu überlassen.
20041019             19010000—199808    | THE—COMPANY—FILE—BP and Amoco in oil MEGA—MERGER -
20041019             19010000—200408    -Seit der Entdeckung der überaus reichen Ölvorkommen in Südpersien zu Beginn des 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY [ 19010000             ]
20041019             19010000—200408    SIR—WILLIAM—KNOX—DE—ARCY und die Folgen
20041019             4 THE—COMING—WEEK: New Election Blues
20041019             4—TRADING should grow tight as the presidential campaign nears 1—CONCLUSION.
20041019             A PSP de FARO andou a inquirir as pessoas que ouviram a primeira explosão e a perguntar se tinham visto alguém nas imediações,
20041019             Aboriginal Healing Forum wraps up on Bitter Note Submitted By: LONDON Free Press ,
20041019             —ABOUT—12—SECONDS into the piece, the leading voice says, "And I look forward to working to" BUSH comes in with "And I look workin'And I look forward to workin' to"
20041019             According to Fisk, Hassan speaks fluent Arabic with 1—IRAQ—ACCENT.
20041019             "She was very careful not to involve herself in ANY—POLITICAL—DISCUSSION," he said,
20041019             ADRIAN—BLOMFIELD discovers deep mistrust between USA—TROOPS and IRAQ—SOLDIERS they are training
20041019             Also, at —1—MINUTE + —28—SECONDS into this tape, BUSH reaches up + manipulates something in his ear,
20041019             1—ABORIGINAL forum convened to build cultural bridges ended on 1—ANGRY—NOTE—YESTERDAY —WHEN 1—NATIVE teacher said he doesn't forgive whites for stealing his land.
20041019             1—UNEASY—SILENCE grew —WHEN Elijah, speaking at the Forest Golf and Country Club, predicted Natives will rise up and take back the land within 7—GENERATIONS.
20041019             Anschläge von MADRID: Innenministerium schlug Geheimdienstwarnungen in Wind
20041019             Ao que tudo indica foi o próprio Comando Nacional da PSP que provocou, esta TERÇA—FEIRA, as duas explosões na zona da Senhora da Saúde, em FARO.
20041019             As explosões deflagraram numa área descampada, mas que tem por perto algumas casas e um centro comercial.
20041019             At another point, about —1—MINUTE + —16—SECONDS into the tape, the leading voice lets out 1—LOUD—EXHALE—OF—BREATH.
20041019             BUSH does not follow suit.
20041019             Atomgespräche in Peking: CHINA erhöht Druck auf NORDKOREA
20041019             Attack on pipeline halts IRAQ—OIL—EXPORTS:
20041019             BP (formerly UK—PETROLEUM and Amoco ) is 1—PETROLEUM - BSI: VIREN—INFO per Newsletter
20041019             BUSH - Back then he insisted that he wouldn't drive the budget into DEFICIT—BUT those who looked at the facts strongly suspected otherwise.
20041019             —GEFUNDEN, Blutprobe: Umweltgifte in EU—MINISTERN
20041019             BRUCE—ELIJAH, 1—SPIRITUAL—TEACHER from Oneida of the Thames, said Aboriginal people were systematically pushed aside by Europeans who brought smallpox,
20041019             Business: THE—COMPANY—FILE—FROM ANGLO—PERSIAN Oil to BP Amoco
20041019             But it will be done peacefully, not by arms or 1—COUP, he added.
20041019             "If you teach people the truth,
20041019             —BY Nat Worden
20041019             —BY committing himself to preventive war, GEORGE—BUSH has overturned —2—CENTURIES—OF—USA thinking on global diplomacy
20041019             —BY the thousa nds, soldiers 50 and older are being deployed"
20041019             Cheney: Terrorists May Nuke USA—CITIES: Clerks spill BUSH v. Gore details:
20041019             Dagegen verpflichtete sich D'Arcy, im Laufe von —2—JAHREN eine oder mehrere Gesellschaften zur Durchführung dieses Projekts zu gründen, der IRANISCHEN—REGIERUNG
20041019             Denn für die Stilisierung ihres Dschihads als Kampf zwischen Gut und Böse, Islam und Christentum,
20041019             DESKTOP—SUCHSYSTEME erleichtern das Leben + liegen im Trend, + wie immer hat Google die Nase vorn.
20041019             Die Betriebräte sehen dagegen die Gefahr, dass ein zu langer Protest ihre Verhandlungsposition drastisch verschlechtern könnte + werfen den Scharfmachern Sabotage vor.
20041019             Die Kluft verläuft zwischen Betriebsrat + Belegschaft - + sie wird immer tiefer.
20041019             —ACCEDED, Documents —NOW suggest that at least 1—USA—COMPANY, to that demand, paying surcharges that kept the oil flowing
20041019             Eine Hypothese: Einzelne Arbeiter warfen den Betriebsräten vor, die Belegschaft spalten zu wollen.
20041019             Elections CHIEF—IN—FLORIDA County Resigns:
20041019             Elijah, the final presenter, said governments in CANADA and THE—USA—BROKE EVERY—TREATY ever signed with 1. Nations.
20041019             —ERST recht ist JEDES—INTERESSE, das Persien im Ausland findet, —ZUNÄCHST auf diesen Aspekt gerichtet,
20041019             Erziehungsdiktatur AMERIKA: To park or not to park
20041019             Es gibt seither kein INNEN—ODER außenpolitisches PROBLEM—VON—BEDEUTUNG, das nicht an irgendeiner Stelle in Zusa mmenhang mit dem Öl stände + eine isolierte Behandlung zuließe.
20041019             formerly known
20041019             FLORIDA COURT—RULES on Provisional Ballots:
20041019             FLORIDA is but 1—SMALL—CELL in 1—INCREASINGLY malignant tumor +
20041019             For their generosity and trust, he said, 15—MILLION—ABORIGINAL people living EAST—OF—THE—MISSISSIPPI —AT—THE—TIME—OF—CHRISTOPHER—COLUMBUS were nearly wiped out.
20041019             FORMER—USA—SUPREME—COURT—LAW clerks from the court's 20000000—20010000     term speak out — under COVER—OF—ANONYMITY — about what they saw behind the scenes —DURING the fateful CASE—OF—BUSH v. Gore.
20041019             Fundstellen auszubeuten + das Öl zu exportieren.
20041019             Für beide Theorien fehlen freilich noch Indizien, die über das Schreiben Sarkawi s hinausgehen.
20041019             Google Desktopsuche: Fotografisches Gedächtnis - Has BUSH lost his reason?:
20041019             Herbstgutachten: Hoffnungen auf einen starken Aufschwung sind verflogen
20041019             How does 1—FREELANCE torturer claiming false military credentials turn up in USA—LIVING rooms as 1—EXPERT on THE—WAR—ON—TERROR?
20041019             I —JUST got 1—LOOK at the full FOX—TAPE—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—MAY '04 joint news conference with FRANCE—PRESIDENT—JAQUES—CHIRAC.
20041019             If it were —JUST 1—MATTER—OF lousy news judgement, it would be bad enough, but the fact that both the Times + the Post saw the need to publish serious stories about the matter the —DAY the story broke,
20041019             —BOTHERED, If they, to do such digging, they'd find, as I have, that BUSH also had that peculiar bulge on his back on other important occasions,
20041019             In fact, as has been the case with many of the important stories about THE—IRAQ war + THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION,
20041019             In that tape, as in several other tapes I've seen, BUSH can be heard seemingly getting prompting from another voice.
20041019             —OFFERED, In the past our politicians, us dreams of 1—BETTER—WORLD.
20041019             —GETÖTET, Indiens ROBIN—HOOD : "Wir wollen seine durchlöcherte Leiche sehen"
20041019             INTERNET—TELEFONIE: 032-Vorwahlen —SCHON—ANFANG 2005
20041019             IRAK: USA greifen Ziele in Falludscha an - IRAQ: —WHEN Soldiers Say No
20041019             Is AL—QAEDA planning 1—LARGER—ASSASSINATION—ATTEMPT,
20041019             ISRAEL + JORDAN are on the edge of 1—HUMAN + ecological disaster that could have consequences all the way to GREECE,"
20041019             It made Letterman, Leno and Comedy Central, but not the news programs--though they are the ones with the video archives which reporters should be combing for more EVIDENCE—OF—BUSH—HIGH—TECH speaking aids.
20041019             JOHN—KERRY could combat such 1—THREAT, which THE—VICE—PRESIDENT called 1—CONCEPT ``you've got to get your mind —AROUND.''
20041019             Kidnapped charity CHIEF—WARNED—OF—IRAQ—HUMANITARIAN—CRISIS: LET—START with CNN.
20041019             Marines Vent Frustration in WEST—IRAQ: "
20041019             Mathematische Vorhersage: Wie 1—SEUCHE die Welt überzieht
20041019             Migration aus Nordafrika: Beckstein will Bundeswehr Flüchtlingslager bauen lassen
20041019             MONOPOLY—SPIEL in der Goldbranche: Südafrikaner und Russen pokern um Macht
20041019             —NACH—DEN gescheiterten Versuchen einiger Engländer, ihre von den persischen Königen erwirkten Konzessionen auszunutzen, gelang es
20041019             —NOW he insists that he won't revive the draft.
20041019             But the facts suggest that he will.
20041019             —NOW that PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—ALLEGATIONS about FORMER—IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—TIES to AL—QAEDA and ambitious weapons programmes have been thoroughly discredited,
20041019             —NOW, —97—YEARS—AFTER Knox D'Arcy, William set off to explore THE—IRAN—DESERT,
20041019             Obviously, CNN had the tape + felt it was newsworthy, or they wouldn't have been showing such scenes abroad,
20041019             —ON the big TV networks, the story was handled as comic relief.
20041019             OPEL—KRISE—WILDER Streik geht WEITER—ARBEITER misstrauen Betriebsräten
20041019             OPEL—PROTESTE: In Rüsselsheim, Antwerpen und Eisenach stehen die Bänder still
20041019             Operation Desert Fraud: PAKISTAN: Die Liaison des Einbeinigen - PAUL—KRUGMAN: Feeling the Draft:
20041019             People who cast 1—PROVISIONAL—BALLOT at the wrong precinct are not entitled to have their votes counted,FLORIDA SUPREME—COURT—RULED—MONDAY
20041019             Pharmaindustrie: "Langzeitstudien sind nicht in jedem Fall vernünftig"
20041019             Private Investors Abroad Cut Their Investments in THE—USA
20041019             Proteste gegen Sparpläne: Wut der 40.000—TRIFFT GENERAL—MOTORS in ganz EUROPA
20041019             Recht: Urteile des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte nicht zwingend
20041019             Ruling sends press freedom reeling
20041019             STANDARD—OIL—OF—OHIO From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
20041019             STANDARD—OIL—OF—OHIO or Sohio was 1—AMERICAN
20041019             STANDARD—OIL—OF—OHIO or Sohio was 1—OF—THE—SUCCESSOR—COMPANIES.
20041019             Seeking out monsters:
20041019             Several days —BEFORE the state's felon voter list was sent to county elections offices across FLORIDA,
20041019             —SINCE writing my initial expose in Salon magazine, I was deluged with requests for interviews by local station news programs + talk show hosts,
20041019             Sinclair Fires WASHINGTON BUREAU—CHIEF:
20041019             So, Did SADDAM—HUSSEIN—TRY to Kill BUSH—DAD?:
20041019             Soldiers fear that they are 'sleeping with the enemy':
20041019             TECH—KOLOSS: IBM legt in schwieriger Zeit zu
20041019             Terrorrazzien in SPANIEN: Polizei nimmt mutmaßliche islamistische Extremisten fest
20041019             Terá sido esta última unidade que deu ordens para a equipa de inactivação de engenhos explosivos fazer este simulacro.
20041019             THE—FLORIDA—TIMES—UNION Marijuana 'petition' actually voter registration form
20041019             THE—FORGOTTEN—COUP:
20041019             —INCREASED, THE—INSTITUTE says operational mistakes have led to 1, THREAT—OF—TERRORISM against the West.
20041019             THE—PRESIDENT—APPARENT—MENTAL—FRAGILITY should give USA—VOTERS pause for thought at the ballot box
20041019             THE—WHITE—HOUSE + THE—BUSH—CAMPAIGN, for their part, continue to dismiss questions about what BUSH was wearing in the debates + on other occasions, by attributing the story to "THE—INTERNET".
20041019             THE—WORLD—ACCORDING to BUSH
20041019             —DECLARED, The defence SECRETARY—UK would be "failing in its duty" to 1—ALLY if it did not accede to 1—USA—REQUEST to send troops into USA—CONTROLLED sectors SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20041019             The hardest part about going," Thomas said, "is —WHEN my granddaughter asks me why I'm not going to be home for Xmas".
20041019             The inquiry is examining 19950000             —THE shooting DEATH—OF—NATIVE protester Dudley GEORGE.
20041019             The most frightening of these is THE—THREAT—OF—1—INTERNATIONAL—TERROR—NETWORK.
20041019             But —JUST as the dreams weren't true, neither are these nightmares.
20041019             THE—SCANDAL—OF—GEORGE—BUSH—EARPIECE debate cheating device continues to grow.
20041019             —ARRANGED, THE—2—DAY—FORUM was, by the Ipperwash Inquiry as 1—WAY to promote understanding and healing.
20041019             The verbal SLIP—UP makes it clear that this is no electronic echo or sound synchronization problem.
20041019             The 'Catastrophic' SUCCESS—OF—THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY: MANUEL—VALENZUELA: '3. World' Election
20041019             The "war against terror"
20041019             There is no preceding voice —WHEN 1—REPORTER is heard asking 1—QUESTION.
20041019             There is no wire going up to his ear, indicating that the earpiece in his right ear is wireless.www.counterpunch_org
20041019             —ARMED, They do everything from serving chow to, combat, SOME—OF—THEM earning salaries of $200,000 —1—YEAR or more.
20041019             This article is about the corporation
20041019             —BECAME, This, apparent to me —WHEN I was living in TAIWAN last —SPRING.
20041019             —WATCHED, THE—CNN—INTERNATIONAL—EDITION I, in KAOHSIUNG was showing graphic reports of slain CIVIL—VICTIMS—OF—USA—BOMBS in IRAQ + of dead and wounded USA—TROOPS--images that my friends back home in THE—USA—WEREN'T seeing.
20041019             This once daring + innovative ALL—NEWS—TELEVISION—NETWORK, —AFTER falling into THE—HANDS—OF—TIME—WARNER and particularly of late,
20041019             —REVIVED, Those who are worrying about 1, draft are in the same position as those who worried about 1—RETURN to budget deficits
20041019             Times Herald (PENNSYLVANIA) By: MARGARET—GIBBONS, Times Herald Staff
20041019             Truppenverlegung im IRAK: Briten wollen USA—ARMEE aushelfen
20041019             USA Mutiny Soldiers Say Army Ignored Complaints - UK UK.
20041019             UK: Hoon faces growing IRAQ revolt:
20041019             UK: Labour in revolt over DEPLOYMENT—OF—TROOPS under USA—COMMAND^(.?)$\\\\s+?^(?=.^\\\\1$)
20041019             USA—PLANES pound Falluja: USA—AUTOR—JONATHAN—LETHEM: Die Geheimnisse von Brooklyn
20041019             USA—WAHLKAMPF: "BUSH ist jenseits der Inkompetenz"
20041019             —SUFFERED, USA—TECHNOLOGY—SECTOR, another round of widespread layoffs, with computer firms slashing jobs most aggressively, 1—REPORT said —ON—MONDAY.
20041019             USE—OF—CIVIL—CONTRACTORS in war zones is at record levels:
20041019             Vanunu: Dimona nuclear reactor to cause disaster: "
20041019             —EVOKED, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY —ON—TUESDAY, THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—TERRORISTS bombing USA—CITIES with nuclear weapons and questioned whether Sen.
20041019             Victory by ANY—MEANS—NECESSARY is their call to arms;
20041019             corruption + fraud + deceit are their weapons.
20041019             Video DOCUMENTARY—THIS film aims to pass through the looking glass + to show how THE—BUSH es,
20041019             Violence Erupts in HAITI, Activists and Political Leaders Arrested
20041019             —BEDEUTET, Was nicht, dass der PC—SCHNÜFFLER keine Gefahren birgt.
20041019             We are losing guys left and right," says Cpl.
20041019             CODY—KING, 20, of PHOENIX, not hiding his anger.
20041019             Web Ergebnisse 1 - 100—VON ungefähr 494—FÜR \\\\FBI probes DOD office - (United Press INTERNATIONAL).htm.
20041019             ( 0,—69—SEKUNDEN
20041019             Wer Ordnung hält, ist nur zu faul zum Suchen: Was einst als sarkastischer Kommentar über schlampige Zeitgenossen gemeint war, kann man künftig wörtlich nehmen.
20041019             Westerners at greater risk —AFTER IRAQ war: report:
20041019             What is 1 to make of this lack of reportorial curiousity about EVIDENCE—OF—1—MASSIVE—FRAUD--possible cheating by THE—PRESIDENT on 3—NATIONALLY televised campaign debates--on the part of the national media?
20041019             With the enemies of ISRAEL + the enemies of THE—USA increasingly lumped together + 1—STRONG—ISRAEL lobby in THE—USA, neither candidate can afford to criticize Zion
20041019             Would Americans want to know about that?
20041019             I should think they would. www.counterpunch_org
20041019             XXL—ZÜCHTUNG: SUPER—MEERSCHWEIN schmeckt nach mehr
20041019             Zum anderen will es nicht so recht wie 1—ZUFALL aussehen, dass die Message aus dem IRAK so kurz vor der 20041102             anstehenden Präsidentschaftswahl in den USA an die Öffentlichkeit dringt.
20041019             alcohol and 1—BIBLE "based on lies".
20041019             "I'm told I need to work on forgiveness. I've got 1—WAYS to go on that 1," Elijah said.
20041019             ALL—OF—WHOM gave the story serious coverage.
20041019             Bu no calls from national radio news programs--not even NPR,
20041019             although she "was very much against THE—UN—SANCTIONS".
20041019             and Kerry can at least agree on 1—THING: supporting ISRAEL:
20041019             and that CNN saw it as important enough to air on CNN INTERNATIONAL, shows that something worse is going ON—THE—DELIBERATE—DEEP—SIXING—OF—1—STORY embarrassing to THE—PRESIDENT.
20041019             another outstanding charge remains to be resolved.
20041019             as THE—PENTAGON—OFFICE—OF—SPECIAL... teams of FBI agents, FBI officials told...
20041019             as —WHEN he went to answer questions from the
20041019             at which point there is 1—STATIC—NOISE + the sound of 1—SPEAKER acting up, —UNTIL he removes his fingers from his ear.
20041019             auf dem gesamten persischen Territorium mit Ausnahme der unter russischem Einfluß stehenden 5—NÖRDLICHEN Provinzen nach Erdöl zu suchen +
20041019             BREAKUP—IN—OF Standard Oil
20041019             but they were hiding it all from the viewers at home. www.counterpunch_org
20041019             citing the presence of 1 sacred burial ground.
20041019             Copyright © THE—LONDON—FREE—PRESS 20010000             , 20020000             , 20030000             www.TURNING—
20041019             company headquartered in LONDON,
20041019             company that was acquired by UK—PETROLEUM,
20041019             constitutes the greatest USE—OF—CIVIL—CONTRACTORS in USA—HISTORY.
20041019             dem sich alle übrigen politischen Zielsetzungen unterordnen.
20041019             der ihm —FÜR—60—JAHRE das ausschließliche Recht übertrug,
20041019             der mit diesem Argument in den Krieg gezogen WAR—UND eben das wollen die Terroristen erreichen.
20041019             diseased are we all as the cancer slowly killing us awakens once more to destroy the very principles this great nation USA was founded on.
20041019             dreht sich die IRANISCHE—GESCHICHTE + die auf Persien gerichtete Politik aller ausländischen Mächte fast nur noch um einen Punkt: Öl.
20041019             eignet sich BUSH unbestritten besser als sein Herausforderer JOHN—F—KERRY.
20041019             father + son, have not only dined with the devil but have often invited themselves to his table.
20041019             has become so frightened by the marketing SUCCESS—OF—FOX—NEWS that it has virtually become 1—CLONE—OF—RUPERT—MURDOCH—SEMI—OFFICIAL—BUSH—PROPAGANDA—NETWORK.
20041019             in order to present its supporters with 1—CLEAR—ENEMY?
20041019             is it even demanding 1—VICTORY for BUSH - known as BP.
20041019             See also BP (disambiguation)
20041019             mas o Relações Públicas do Comando Nacional da Polícia, Hipólito Cunha, nega que tenha havido descoordenação entre duas as
20041019             na medida em que as suas casas e camas tremeram.
20041019             —NOW PART—OF—BP.
20041019             said Mordechai Vanunu —MONDAY in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—FRANCE—NEWSPAPER Le Figaro in Jerusa lem.
20041019             said the hunt for AL—ZARQAWI was 1—PRETEXT to attack the town, comparing it to USA—ASSERTIONS that IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN had WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION —BEFORE—LAST—YEAR—INVASION
20041019             state officials expressed doubts about its reliability.
20041019             THE—HONDURAS—BAGHDAD connection
20041019             THE—INTERNET is proving to be where the real journalism is happening.
20041019             the company has transformed itself into BP Amoco, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—OIL—PRODUCERS + UK BRITAIN—LARGEST—COMPANY.
20041019             the insurgents have seized the initiative in IRAQ +
20041019             they will take it upon themselves to use it in 1—GOOD—WAY".
20041019             urged to 'pull the plug' on voter purge:
20041019             which never did 1—PIECE, only 1—COMMENTARY—1—WEEK—LATE on its On the Media program.
20041019             —AFTER the antitrust
20041019             —NOW, they promise to protect us from nightmares.
20041019             —DEFEATED, THE—NEW—YORK Yankees, THE—FLORIDA—MARLINS 6-1 to even the World Series at 1—GAME apiece.
20041019             † PAUL—H—NITZE, —97—JAHRE—ALT, USA Cold War strategist.
20041019             13—PEOPLE were killed —WHEN 1—CORPORATE—AIRLINES commuter turboprop crashed near KIRKSVILLE—MISSOURI.
20041019             2 survived with only broken bones.
20041019             —AWARDED, BRITAIN—MAN—BOOKER—PRIZE and a $90,000 check was, to ALAN—HOLLINGHURST for his novel "THE—LINE—OF—BEAUTY".
20041019             —CHARGED, UK—PROSECUTORS, radical Islamic cleric ABU—HAMZA—AL—MASRI with incitement to murder for allegedly urging followers to kill Jews and other NON—MUSLIMS.
20041019             The indictment PRE—EMPTED A—USA—BID to extradite him on terror charges.
20041019             —RAISED, CANADA, its interest rates.025% from 2.25 to 2.50%.
20041019             —WARNED, UN officials, that THE—SPREAD—OF—AIDS in ECUADOR—MOST populated province is reaching levels comparable to AFRICA and the Caribbean —1—DECADE—AGO and could mushroom into 1—NATIONAL—EPIDEMIC if left unchecked.
20041019             More than 40,000—PEOPLE took to the streets in EUROPE to protest against plans by USA auto giant GENERAL—MOTORS to axe about 1—5. of its workforce in the region and possibly even close 1—PLANT.
20041019             —REFUSED, FRANCE, 2—MUSLIM girls who, to remove their head scarves in class were expelled from their schools, and 2—MORE risked the same fate.
20041019             —REDUCED, His sentence was —LATER, on appeal.
20041019             He faced charges of kidnapping, murder and extortion.
20041019             1—MORTAR attack on 1—IRAQI—NATIONAL—GUARD—HEADQUARTERS—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD killed 4—GUARDSMEN and wounded 80—OTHERS.
20041019             Typhoon Tokage (Lizard), the biggest typhoon to hit JAPAN in more than —1—DECADE, roared over the country's main ISLAND with heavy rain and fierce winds leaving at least 16—PEOPLE—DEAD and 12—OTHERS missing.
20041019             —RALLIED, THOUSANDS—OF—SEX—WORKERS from across SOUTH—KOREA, protested 1—CRACKDOWN on prostitution and called for THE—RESIGNATION—OF—THE—MINISTER—OF gender equality.
20041019             SOUTH—KOREA—SEX—INDUSTRY—ACCOUNTS for more than 4—PERCENT of gross domestic product, with its annual sales estimated at 24—TRILLION won (21—BILLION dollars) —LAST—YEAR.
20041019             —FIRED, PERU, police, on coca growers protesting government eradication of their cocaine producing crop, killing 2—OF—THE—FARMERS —AFTER they attacked 1—POLICE—STATION—NEAR the southern border.
20041019             THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—RED—CROSS (ICRC) said villages —THROUGHOUT SUDAN—DARFUR region face an "unprecedented food crisis," worse than THE—THREAT—OF—FAMINE in recent decades.
20041019             25.000—MENSCHEN demonstrieren vor dem Bochumer Schauspielhaus gegen die drohende Schließung der BOCHUMER—OPELWERKE—.
20041019             Nach sechstägigen Arbeitsniederlegungen lenkt die BOCHUMER—OPELWERKE—KONZERNLEITUNG ein und sieht von 1—SCHLIESSUNG des Standortes ab.
200410191137         FARO Explosões provocadas pela PSP assustam população
20041019—19950000    —IN, THE—IPPERWASH—INQUIRY is probing the circumstances surrounding the shooting of GEORGE by 1—ONTARIO—PROVINCIAL—POLICE—OFFICER —AFTER 1—GROUP—OF—NATIVES occupied Ipperwash Provincial Park,
20041019—20000000    —IN, BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS—OF—IRAQ—OIL had been sold under 1—UNITED—NATIONS—PROGRAM—AND food and other goods bought with THE—PROCEEDS—WHEN SADDAM—HUSSEIN decided that he personally wanted 1—BIGGER cut of the action.
20041019—20000000    —IN—THE, Stafford, John, Duval County SUPERVISOR—OF—ELECTIONS who was heavily criticized by Democrats because of voting problems presidential election, resigned —MONDAY, citing health reasons.
20041019—20000000    —4—YEARS—AGO, —WHEN PRESIDENT—BUSH began pushing through his PROGRAM—OF—TAX cuts.
20041019—20041014    —SINCE, 1—THAILAND tiger zoo housing hundreds of the big cats was shut down as bird flu tests confirmed 23—TIGERS had †—OF—THE—VIRUS, and another 30 had fallen ILLINOIS They caught the flu from feeding on chicken carcasses.
20041019—20041102    —SO—KURZ—VOR—DER—ANSTEHENDEN—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHL in den USA, Zum anderen will es nicht so recht wie 1—ZUFALL aussehen, dass die Message aus dem IRAK an die Öffentlichkeit dringt.
20041019—20041116    —KILLED, She was.
20041019—20050000    —ARRESTED, IRAQ—FORCES, 5—SUSPECTS who confessed to kidnapping and murdering MARGARET—HASSAN.
20041019—20060600    —SENTENCED, MUSTAFA—MOHAMMED—SALMAN—AL—JUBURI was, to life in prison —AFTER being convicted of aiding and abetting the kidnappers.
20041019—20080000    —ARRESTED, ALI—LUTFI—AL—RAWI was, —AFTER he allegedly phoned THE—UK—EMBASSY in BAGHDAD to demand $1—MILLION in exchange for information about the location of HASSAN—REMAINS.
20041019—20090000    —IN, 1—JUDGE—SENTENCED—ALI—LUTFI—AL—RAWI, —36—JAHRE—ALT to life in prison —AFTER a —1—DAY—TRIAL in BAGHDAD.
20041019—20100000    —ESCAPED, ALI—LUTFI—AL—RAWI, from prison.
20041020             400—WALE getötet: Tierschützer verklagen japanische...
20041211             Comment: RegDate: Updated: 20020912             OrgAbuseHandle: IANA—IP—ARIN OrgAbuseName: INTERNET Corporation for Assigned Names and Number OrgAbusePhone: +1—310—301—5820—ORGABUSEEMAIL: abuse@iana_org OrgTechHandle: IANA—IP—ARIN OrgTechName: INTERNET Corporation for Assigned Names and Number OrgTechPhone: +1—310—301—5820—ORGTECHEMAIL: abuse@iana_org # ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 200412101910          # Enter ?
20050221             October Newsletter.QXD—PAGE 1. Events Street Fair Tabling —SUNDAY, 20101019             AM—6—PM Broadway (between 89. and 90. Sts.) Visit our table, or E—MAIL... NASA HISTORY: 19960000             IN REVIEW... WRITTEN—BY—R—DALE—REED with Darlene Lister, it tells of the fascinating... Cagle, ANDREW—CHAIKIN, FRANKLIN—CHANG—DIAZ, HUGH—DOWNS, ANN—DRUYUN, TIMOTHY—FERRIS...
20050403             QuickLinks 247 - 20021019             ...
20050403—20021019    Texting the television (Economist) Interactive TV...
20050531             Starroute.- 20201019             04 12:02 PM... More on VICTOR—FEDIAY -- ouch!
20050607             —REVISED, An 20051019             , death certificate indicated that he had committed suicide by drinking antifreeze, and did not die as 1—DIRECT—RESULT—OF—FOOTBALL—RELATED head injuries.
20051019             Über viele 1000—JAHRE drückten die Indianer AMERIKA ihren Stempel auf, ehe im 15010101—16001231     die Seuchenzüge ihre Spuren verwischten.
20051019             —WORKED, JOSE—COUSO, who, for THE—SPAIN—TELEVISION—NETWORK—TELECINCO, † 20030408             , —AFTER A—USA—ARMY—TANK crew fired 1—SHELL on Hotel Palestine.
20051019             Compound in wine reduces LEVELS—OF—ALZHEIMER—DISEASE—CAUSING peptides 20050811             20051019             Scientists Crack Code for Motor Neuron Wiring 20050811             20051019             Cheap, rapid HAND—HELD check for HIV 20050811             20051019             —WOBBLED, Explaining why the —MILLENNIUM Bridge, 20050811             20060525—20000811    —SIGNED, Executive Order 13166, by PRESIDENT—CLINTON, improves quality health care access for all patients, regardless of their primary language.
20051019             20030000             that he "wanted to go beyond IRAQ".— JENNIFER—FUGO
20051019             USA Can Confine Citizens Without Charges, COURT—RULES 20050913             20051019             Toyota Computer Makes You Watch the Road 20050913             <
20051019             ID REVOLUTION—PREPARE to meet the new you 20050913             20051019             Smiling on UK—PASSPORTS—NOW forbidden 20050913             20051019             SOLAR—POWERED Underwater Autonomous Robots 20050913             20051019             Robot in Touch With Its Emotions 20050913             20051019             Gadget Tells Kids in GREECE, NY, —WHEN School Bus Is Near 20050913             20051019             Teeny Phones for Tweety Birds 20050913             20051019             Backpack generates 1—POWERFUL—PUNCH 20050913             20051019             RUSSIA Warns USA Against New Nuclear Doctrine 20050913             20051019             Hurricane BIO—HAZARD?
20051019             Infectious Disease Research in NEW—ORLEANS 20050913             20051019             Rural MONTANA Prepares for Major Bio Defense Lab 20050913             20051019             AIR—FORCE Moves to Reopen Bomb Competition 20050913             20051130             USA—TROOPS... 20020913             —LAUT Pike... |
20051019             Harvard Professor Being Investigated For Hiding FLUORIDE—CANCER—LINK 20050915             20051019             USA Mulling New GENERATION—OF—LAND—MINES 20050915             20060915             But make no mistake, it is the 1. genocide of the 20010101—21001231     + if it continues unchecked it will not be the last.
20051019             VANCOUVER ISLAND Moves West in Quake Lasting —2—WEEKS 20050916             20051022—20050916    —AM, Der Papagei war mit einer Lieferung von 148—EXOTISCHEN Vögeln in GROSSBRITANNIEN angekommen.
20051019             —CONTAMINATED, Halliburton serves, water to troops 20050920             20051215—20050920    —ON, As 1—RESULT—OF—DEFENDANTS' shocking news and disclosures of 20050921             , the price of Diebold shares plunged 15.5% on unusually high volume, falling from $44.37—PER share, to $37.47—PER share 20050921             —ON, for a —1—DAY—DROP—OF $6.90—PER share on volume of 6.1—MILLION—SHARES — nearly 8—TIMES the average daily trading volume.
20051019             Secrecy Power Sinks Patent Case 20050923             20051019             —GRANTED, NSA, Net LOCATION—TRACKING patent 20050923             20051019             Spy agency taps into undersea cable 20050923             20051019             UN Human Rights Body to Scrutinize USA—ABUSES 20050923             20051019             Human body to become network cable with RedTacton 20050923             20051130             Hickery NC 20050923             (WDB—NEWS).
20051019             ESA selects targets for ASTEROID—DEFLECTING mission DON—QUIJOTE 20050929             20051019             Uranium Bullets Not Used for Practice 20050929             20051020             —ÜBERSCHREITET, Klimaprognosen: Erwärmung, kritischen Wert (20050929             )
20051019             EU deal threatens end to USA—DOMINANCE—OF—INTERNET, USA says No 20050930             20051019             World prepares for new flu pandemic 20050930             20051115             —DISCLOSED, THE—USA—PENSION—BENEFIT—GUARANTY Corp., in 1—ANNUAL—REPORT that as of 20050930             it had $56.5—BILLION in assets to cover $79.2—BILLION in pension liabilities.
20051019             THE—CRIME—OF "Unauthorized Reproduction" - New law will require marriage as 1—LEGAL—CONDITION—OF motherhood 20051014             20051019             Republican Congressman Slams Bush On Militarized Police STATE—PREPARATION 20051014             20051019             Bush will veto ANTI—TORTURE—LAW—AFTER Senate revolt 20051014             20051019             Ultramicro, Nonlethal + Reversible: Looking Ahead to Military Biotechnology 20051014             20051019             CIA—AFFÄRE: STAR—REPORTERIN stürzt "NEW—YORK—TIMES" in Sinnkrise (20051018             )
20051019             "Beyond IRAQ": Is there 1—MASTER—PLAN?
20051019             1—SHORT—WHILE ago, we looked at evidence that MI6 released the Downing Street Memo to undermine Blair and BUSH.
20051019             'I won't answer to this court':
20051019             (Rumors of this "turning" 1. appeared —1—YEAR—AGO.)
20051019             - It was the manipulation of dud intelligence for political purposes that led us into IRAQ.
20051019             —BY JERRY—GHINELLI - 1 in 4—IRAQ vets ailing on return:
20051019             60—MILLIONEN der majestätischen Kolosse gediehen auf dem Grasland, kaum dass die Indianer verschwunden waren.
20051019             1—TEXAS COURT—ON—WEDNESDAY issued 1—WARRANT for FORMER—HOUSE—MAJORITY—LEADER—TOM—DELAY—ARREST + 20050901             —INITIAL $10,000 bail as 1—ROUTINE step —BEFORE his 1. court appearance on conspiracy and state money laundering charges.
20051019             1—CHANCE for justice, but will it be seized?: "
20051019             1—FORMER—REGIONAL—GOVERNOR who oversaw the destruction of 2—MASSIVE 1,—500—YEAR—OLD—BUDDHA statues —DURING THE—TALIBAN—REIGN was elected to THE—AFGHANISTAN—PARLIAMENT —LAST—MONTH,
20051019             1—NEW—WAR may not be as politically disastrous in WASHINGTON as MANY—BELIEVE.
20051019             SCOTT—RITTER, 1—POWERFUL—MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS may have broken the law by not paying taxes on foreign trips paid for by 1—SHADOWY private foundation in large part bankrolled by the parent company of the Red Lobster and Olive Garden restaurant chains, the Center for Public Integrity has discovered
20051019             1—RUNNING soap OPERA—THE—TRIAL—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—BY Pepe Escobar - 1—WARRANT for his arrest
20051019             —ABOUT 300—PEOPLE—PAID by THE—AMERICA—NS—WORK on the trial machinery.
20051019             The 5 "secret" IRAQ—JUDGES—SHI'ITES and Kurds,
20051019             According to DIANA—JOHNSTONE, ITALY—JOURNALISTS to whom these secret reports were leaked were not fooled + "found them 1—UNCONVINCING rehash of old gossip,
20051019             According to ITALY—PRESS—REPORTS, furthermore, Pazienza and Ledeen foisted SOME—STALE—USA—INTELLIGENCE reports about the Communist Plot on SISMI for large consulting fees.
20051019             Als 16200000             die ENGLISCHEN—PILGERVÄTER an Bord der "Mayflower" im heutigen USA—STAAT—MASSACHUSETTS landeten,
20051019             And was that not 1—FACTOR in the present WAVE—OF—TERRORISM that we face in LONDON?
20051019             Angewidert nahmen die Indianer im heutigen Neuengland zur Kenntnis, dass die Weißen ihren Rotz in Tücher schnäuzten,
20051019             —INDICTED, Another, figure in the scandal is HOUSTON oilman DAVID—CHALMERS, who has ties to this same network of SPOOKED—UP INTERNATIONAL WHEELER—DEALERS.
20051019             According to Forbes:
20051019             As if to confirm that idea, we —NOW have another FURTIVELY—UNFETTERED top secret memo.
20051019             This 1—MAY prove far more damaging than the 1.—IF more people pay attention to it.
20051019             As the indictments near, AMERICA must understand that the betrayal of Plame was part of 1 concerted effort to manipulate AMERICA INTO war.
20051019             Auf —BIS zu 112—MILLIONEN Seelen schätzte der Anthropologe HENRY—DOBYNS die Einwohnerschaft Amerikas vor COLUMBUS.
20051019             —BASED, BUSH—ILLEGAL—WAR, on lies must be ended —NOW:
20051019             —BEFORE leaving BAGHDAD I saw on television 1—DESPERATE—EARTHQUAKE rescuer in PAKISTAN pleading for —JUST 1—THING,
20051019             Begierig sogen die Menschen in EUROPA diesen und ähnliche Reiseberichte auf: Der Mythos von der menschenleeren Wildnis Amerikas war geboren.
20051019             —DISAPPEARED, BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS have, gone to bribe Iraqis and line contractors' pockets.-By PHILIP—GIRALDI
20051019             —BY BERNARD—WEINER
20051019             CIA—CONNECTED shady businessman from SOUTH—KOREA.
20051019             —BACK—IN THE—MID—'70S, Park specialized in acquiring sexual blackmail information on various WASHINGTON politicos.
20051019             Case Against Cheney: Chertoff, Chao Tout Guest Worker Program:
20051019             —EXPECTED, Chirac, the invasion to be a "cakewalk";
20051019             that THE—AMERICA—NS would welcome FRANCE—LIBERATION—FORCES with "candy and flowers".
20051019             —AFTER all, Corporations spend billions EACH—YEAR on advertising to ensure THE—PERPETUATION—OF—AMERICA NS' obsession with gluttonous OVER—CONSUMPTION,
20051019             Das 1. Siegel der MASSACHUSETTS Bay Colony zeigt einen Eingeborenen im Lendenschurz aus Blättern, der ruft: "Kommt herüber und helft uns".
20051019             Das ganze Land, staunte de Soto, war "dicht von großen Städten durchzogen".
20051019             Dem FRANZÖSISCHEN—ENTDECKER RENÉ—ROBERT—CAVELIER—DE—LA—SALLE bot sich ein gänzlich anderes Bild,
20051019             Dick CHENEY—COVERT—ACTION:
20051019             Die Indianer betrieben eine nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft, indem sie gezielt Bäume pflanzten,
20051019             Die Indianer der Ostküste, notierte der BRITISCHE—REISENDE WILLIAM—WOOD 16340000             , seien weitaus "liebenswürdiger (selbst im Adamskostüm)" als ENGLISCHE—HERREN "in der neuesten Mode".
20051019             Die Seuche, vermutlich Hepatitis, breitete sich rasend schnell unter den Ureinwohnern aus.
20051019             Die angeblichen Wilden besaßen Teiche, Tiergehege und Obstgärten.
20051019             Die meisten Indianer lebten auf FARMEN—UND viele sogar in Städten, die so groß und so bevölkert waren wie das damalige LONDON oder MADRID.
20051019             Die rund 100.000—INDIANER, die damals die dortige Atlantikküste bevölkerten, trieben —ZUNÄCHST zwar eifrig Handel mit den Seefahrern aus EUROPA.
20051019             Die wenigen Versuche, etwa im heutigen MAINE, wurden blutig unterbunden.
20051019             Diesen und anderen Fragen sind Anthropologen, Archäologen und Sprachforscher in den vergangenen —JAHREN nachgegangen.
20051019             Does he —NOW have less faith in his source for that assertion?
20051019             Es war ein stolzer und schöner Menschenschlag, der den Vergleich mit den blassen Eindringlingen aus EUROPA nicht zu scheuen brauchte.
20051019             Es war jenes Bild, das der FRANZÖSISCHE—ENTDECKER La Salle um 16820000             in seinem Notizbuch festhielt.
20051019             Except these days, of course, 1—SUBSTITUTES "terrorists" for "communists".
20051019             EXTRA—JUDICIAL Execution in Jenin: Film rolls as troops burn dead:
20051019             Former law lord attacks 'folly' of IRAQ war:
20051019             FRANCE Invades USA (Satire) Mission Accomplished
20051019             —FROM UK—THE—INDEPENDENT:
20051019             GEORGE—BUSH told THE—PRIME—MINISTER —2—MONTHS—BEFORE the invasion of IRAQ that SAUDI—ARABIA,
20051019             Good Night + Good Luck" - JOE—MCCARTHY—RIDES—AGAIN:
20051019             Greifvögel und Raubzeug zurück", notierte der ENGLISCHE—HÄNDLER THOMAS—MORTON.
20051019             GUANTANAMO Hunger Striker Seriously Ill: Hannah: Raw Story
20051019             He † after sustaining several gunshot wounds in the upper body.
20051019             —CHASED, IOF troops, him and fired at him from close range, killing him instantly.
20051019             He implied that the military action against SADDAM—HUSSEIN was only a 1. step in THE—BATTLE—AGAINST—WMD proliferation in 1—SERIES—OF—COUNTRIES.
20051019             He stood up to tell the panel of 5—JUDGES: "I won't answer to this SO—CALLED court
20051019             —PASSED, He then, the data on to THE—DIRECTOR—OF—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—WHOSE name, you may recall, was GEORGE—HW—BUSH.
20051019             —TESTIFIED, HERE—1—LIST—OF folks who have either, or have been interviewed by PATRICK—FITZGERALD (or by FBI agents) in connection with the Plame probe.
20051019             Herman and BRODHEAD—INVALUABLE THE—RISE and FALL—OF—THE—BULGARIA—CONNECTION may be your best source on LEDEEN—CLOSE—TIES,
20051019             —CAUSED, His response, 1—OF—THOMAS—COLLEAGUES, TERRY—MORAN, to leap to her defense.
20051019             Here is the exchange from the official transcript:
20051019             However, what if 1 were to suggest that much the same is occurring in THE—USA—OF—AMERICA ,
20051019             If this report is true, Fitzgerald has found someone WELL—POSITIONED to know EVERY—FILTHY detail about what's really been going on —DURING the past —5—YEARS.
20051019             Ihre Antworten fügen sich zu einem neuen BILD—VON—DER—NEUEN—WELT: Als CHRISTOPH—COLUMBUS 14920000             in AMERIKA anlangte,
20051019             Imagine that you are on your way to work, coffee in hand, 1 ;;12;; —MORNING—WHEN 3—MEN in USA—MILITARY—UNIFORMS,
20051019             —DETERMINED, HITLER—GERMANY, there was 1, effort to brainwash the people so they might support Mein FUHRER—EFFORTS to conquer the world.
20051019             CNN—HATCHET—JOB on SCOTT—RITTER:
20051019             In looking back on her career, it's clear that there were more red flags popping up —AROUND JUDY—MILLER—WORK as 1—JOURNALIST than at 1—MAY—DAY—PARADE in Red Square.
20051019             In our own time, 1—ARROGANT bullying Administration is ruining the country, running roughshod over the Constitution + questioning the patriotism of ANY—WHO oppose them,
20051019             In 6—SHIITE—MAJORITY—PROVINCES in the South, 95 % or MORE—OF—VOTERS are reported as having cast votes favoring the constitution.
20051019             —BROKERED, In the 1980s, Bayoil, the sale of 20—MILLION—BARRELS—OF—OIL from IRAQ to CHILE—ARMS—DEALER—CARLOS—CARDOEN.
20051019             Inzwischen gehen VIELE—ANTHROPOLOGEN davon aus, dass der Regenwald im Amazonasbecken dicht bevölkert war und ein "kulturelles Artefakt" (so CHARLES—MANN) darstellt.
20051019             IRAN—MOURNERS vent anger at BRITAIN over blasts:
20051019             ISA—ALMURBATI is —NOW being FORCE—FED by feeding tube, his lawyer, JOSHUA—COLANGELO—BRYAN,
20051019             It sounds like 1—CONSPIRACY—THEORY, but it isn't. The pages coming out of your color printer may contain hidden information that could be used to track you down if you ever cross THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20051019             JASON—MILLER : Surrender is not 1—OPTION :
20051019             Jedoch erlaubten die Alteingesessenen es den Fremden nicht, Siedlungen auf dem Festland zu gründen.
20051019             JUSTIN—RAIMONDO: NIGER Uranium FORGERY—MYSTERY Solved?:
20051019             LET—GET Dick If you believe the rumors, Dick CHENEY—THE—REAL—LEADER—OF—OUR fair LAND—MAY not keep his job much longer.
20051019             Man entdeckt sie nur mit der Lupe, dann aber auf jedem farbigen Laserausdruck, berichtete vor rund einem —JAHR die AMERIKANISCHE—IT—ZEITSCHRIFT "PC World":
20051019             Media smear EX—MARINE for seeking answers on IRAQ - MICHAEL—LEDEEN.
20051019             Miers' troubles with tax liens:
20051019             —ALLEGED, Ministers' justification for the banning of 1, terrorist group is based on propaganda and 1—OUTRIGHT untruth.
20051019             Mit ihren Musketen, die —ERST umständlich mit Schießpulver gestopft werden mussten, waren die Europäer den indianischen Bogenschützen hoffnungslos UNTERLEGEN—DOCH sie hatten andere Waffen im Gepäck,
20051019             Money for Nothing
20051019             More than 1 in 4—USA—TROOPS have come home from THE—IRAQ war with health problems that require medical or mental health treatment,
20051019             Murky Waters: Never in THE—229—YEARS—OF—USA—HISTORY has this government "of, by and for the people" been in greater peril.
20051019             Not —DURING the Civil War, not —DURING the great depression, and not —DURING the 2. World War or the Cold War which followed.
20051019             Not 1 was saving LIVES—ONLY—POLITICAL—SKINS.
20051019             —ON SADDAM—HUSSEIN—1. —DAY in COURT—ON—CHARGES—OF—CRIMES against humanity he argued with presiding JUDGE—RIZGAR—MOHAMMED—AMIN and claimed he was still IRAQ—PRESIDENT.
20051019             What follows is 1—TRANSCRIPT—OF—THAT—EXCHANGE
20051019             PAKISTAN, IRAN and NORTH—KOREA may also be dealt with over WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION, 1—TOP—SECRET Downing Street memo shows.
20051019             People †
20051019             —VOTED, Potential Democratic PRESIDENT—CANDIDATES who, to give PRESIDENT—BUSH the authority to use force in IRAQ could face 1—POLITICAL—PROBLEM—THEY supported 1—WAR that their party's RANK—AND—FILE —NOW strongly view as 1—MISTAKE.
20051019             Prez IRAQ team fought to squelch war critics: PRO—WAR—VOTES May Haunt Democrats :
20051019             —DISGUISED, Propaganda, as news in the mainstream media has manipulated the thoughts + OPINIONS—OF—MANY—AMERICA NS —FOR—YEARS.
20051019             Quake help 'yet to reach 500,000':
20051019             Questions —TODAY from longtime WHITE—HOUSE—REPORTER—HELEN—THOMAS caused WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—SCOTT—MCCLELLAN to declare that she opposes THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM.
20051019             Regardless, Johnson gives 1—GOOD overview of the larger scandal that midwived the Wilson affair.
20051019             Note this section: Rice won't rule out troops in IRAQ in —10—YEARS
20051019             RIGHT—WINGERS spun THE—OIL—FOR—FOOD—SCANDAL into unrecognizability.
20051019             Most people still don't know that it involved Tongsun PARK—THE—MOON—CONNECTED,
20051019             Saddam defiant as trial opens:
20051019             Sleuths Crack Tracking Code Discovered in Color Printers
20051019             —DETERMINED, So, was THE—RING—OF—TOP—OFFICIALS to win its argument that it morphed into 1—VIRTUAL hit squad that took aim at critics who questioned its claims, sources told the Daily News.
20051019             SOME—HALF 1—MILLION SURVIVORS—OF—THE—SOUTH—ASIA—EARTHQUAKE have still received no help at all, THE—UN—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAMME (WFP) says.
20051019             Stattdessen bebte der Boden, und Staubwolken verdunkelten den Horizont: Millionen Bisons zogen durch die Weite.
20051019             —PLACED, SUPREME—COURT—PICK has had 10, on overgrown property she controls in DALLAS
20051019             TEXAS COURT—ISSUES—WARRANT for DeLay:
20051019             —PASSED, That number (or 21, or 23) has been, —AROUND 1—LOT lately.
20051019             THE—AIPAC connection.
20051019             Hannah also has LONG—STANDING ties to THE—PRO—ISRAEL political action committee,
20051019             The F List: THE—FITZGERALD/Plame investigation goes in 1—NEW directio
20051019             20030000             that he "wanted to go beyond IRAQ".
20051019             The analysis offers new information and makes 1—PERSUASIVE—CASE—UNTIL we reach this JAW—DROPPING bit toward the finale:
20051019             The coalition is merely generating violence in IRAQ.
20051019             UK—MINISTERS must save the army's reputation and pull it OUT—BY SIMON—JENKINS
20051019             The court, the training and the whole proceedings cost USA $75—MILLION—COURTESY—OF—USA taxpayers (the budget was allocated 20040500             —IN).
20051019             The occupiers' trial
20051019             The victim was Nehad Khaled ABU—GHANEM, —33—YEARS—OLD from the village of Barqeen, WEST—OF—JENIN.
20051019             The war with IRAQ has made the world 1—MORE—DANGEROUS—PLACE and LONDON 1—TARGET for terrorist attack,
20051019             Their only redemption is to withdraw in the new —YEAR
20051019             —FAKED, Then as —NOW, intel was 1—SPECIALTY.
20051019             There is nothing to suggest that he will end this hunger strike,"
20051019             Those who are stating that USA—TROOPS need to pull out slowly, in —1—YEAR, or 2 (or more) in order to "save IRAQ" from itself insult the dignity and intelligence of the Arab and Muslim world,
20051019             —VENTED, THOUSANDS—OF—IRANIANS, their anger at BRITAIN —ON—MONDAY at the funerals of 6—PEOPLE killed in weekend bombings which IRAN has blamed on LONDON.
20051019             Tierarten, die zuvor von den Eingeborenen gejagt wurden, breiteten sich auf einmal explosionsartig AUS—VOR allem die Bisons:
20051019             —TODAY, Johnson has 1—MAJOR—NEW—PIECE
20051019             UK: Hazel Blears made 1—CLAIM to MPs I know to be false:
20051019             USA—SOLDIERS in AFGHANISTAN burnt the bodies of dead Taliban and taunted their opponents about the corpses,
20051019             Vor der Ankunft des Weißen Mannes, so das populäre Verdikt des USA—HISTORIKERS GEORGE—BANCROFT (18000000             18910000             —BIS),
20051019             Voting Tallies Provoke Investigation:
20051019             War with IRAN This HOT—OFF—THE—PRESSES—PIECE
20051019             We have grave concerns that the tribunal will not provide the fair trial guarantees required by INTERNATIONAL law," said RICHARD—DICK er of Human Rights Watch.
20051019             What Forbes doesn't tell you is that Saddam used oil to pay for CARDOEN—ARMS.
20051019             —FUNCTIONED, They also don't tell you that Cardoen, AS—TO put the matter crudely - 1—FRONT—MAN for THE—CIA.
20051019             What are you? The occupation is illegitimate.
20051019             I retain my constitutional rights as THE—PRESIDENT—OF—IRAQ".
20051019             —WHEN the final page is written on AMERICA—CATASTROPHIC—IMPERIAL—VENTURE, 1—WORD will dominate THE—EXPLANATION—OF—USA—FAILURE—CORRUPTION.
20051019             —WHILE Cheney may not have done the deed directly, it is comic to suggest that THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—WHO was in constant contact with both Libby and Rove —AROUND THE—TIME—OF—THE—LEAK—COULD have been UNAWARE—OF—ANY—SERIOUS—EFFORT to discredit Wilson by "outing" his wife as 1—CIA—AGENT.
20051019             WHITE—HOUSE Watch: Cheney resignation rumors fly: Who are you?
20051019             Why torture is OK: WILL—HANNAH pull 1—NORTH and fall on his sword?
20051019             If he does, his goal probably will be to protect ISRAEL,
20051019             Winzig kleine gelbe Punkte, die einzeln über den Ausdruck verteilt sind.
20051019             Dahinter, mutmaßten die Journalisten,
20051019             Wo waren nur die vielen Bisons hergekommen?
20051019             Und wohin waren die ganzen Indianer verschwunden?
20051019             —YESTERDAY, FORMER—CIA—MAN—LARRY—JOHNSON wrote 1—SQUIB about 1—SOURCE who told him that the Fitzgerald probe would net 22—INDICTMENTS.
20051019             according to 1—OF—BRITAIN—MOST senior judges.
20051019             according to THE—PENTAGON—1. detailed screening of servicemembers leaving 1—WAR—ZONE.
20051019             als er fast —150—JAHRE—SPÄTER in die Gegend kam.
20051019             200—MEILEN fuhren er und seine Männer den MISSISSIPPI HINUNTER—UND sahen keine einzige Indianersiedlung.
20051019             and I wouldn't be surprised to see both investigations coalesce into 1—MASSIVE—MEGA—MESS.
20051019             and were thought unable or unwilling to fight ANY—COUNTRY, —DURING the past —60—YEARS, that had greater than a 3.—WORLD status.
20051019             armed with guns, approach you.
20051019             They say your name; you acknowledge it.
20051019             - The men throw 1—HEAVY—PLASTIC—BLACK hood over your head.
20051019             —BY DOUG—SODERSTROM - dessen Einwohner gestorben oder geflohen waren.
20051019             Zum anderen waren die dezimierten Küstenindianer in ihrer Not erstmals bereit,
20051019             die bald —BIS in den Norden Amerikas angebaut wurde.
20051019             die den Drucker so identifizierbar machte wie weiland das krumme "e" auf der überstrapazierten Sc
20051019             die leckeres Obst und Nüsse trugen.
20051019             Vor über 4000—JAHREN kultivierten Farmer im heutigen MEXIKO 1—MAISSORTE,
20051019             die sie dann wie Pretiosen mit sich herumtrugen + dass MANCHE—VON—DEN—EINDRINGLINGEN sich niemals badeten.
20051019             —DURING the 1980s, to both SISMI and the far right in ITALY.
20051019             HERE—1—RELEVANT chunk:
20051019             emphasizing that undocumented workers accepted into the program would receive no advantages over immigrants in the country legally and that they would be required to return home —AFTER their work period ends.
20051019             fand er das erhoffte Gold nicht.
20051019             Dafür traf er überall auf Indianer.
20051019             In Tausenden Kanus paddelten sie über die Flüsse und ernteten Mais von ihren Äckern.
20051019             gab es dort womöglich mehr Menschen als in EUROPA;
20051019             und die Kultur Amerikas war ähnlich alt und reich wie im alten EUROPA.
20051019             government officials and advisers passed —AROUND rumors that THE—VICE—PRESIDENT might step aside and that PRESIDENT—BUSH would elevate SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE.
20051019             he was associated with FRANCESCO—PAZIENZA, 1—FRIEND—OF—LICIO—GELLI and the Mafia and 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—ITALY—SECRET—SERVICE—ORGANIZATION—SISMI + Ledeen himself was on THE—SISMI payroll and participated in its dirty tricks.
20051019             helicopters, to save thousands from death in the mountains.
20051019             —2—HOURS' hop to the west, I was gazing on inert helicopters as far as the eye could see.
20051019             hierarchy commanded by MOSCOW".
20051019             —WORKED, If 1—TRICK, once, keep working it.
20051019             —CAUSED, Do men of this stripe care at all about the deaths, by their deceits?
20051019             in 1—ACT deeply offensive to Muslims and in breach of THE—GENEVA conventions
20051019             in THE—GUARDIAN makes 1—NICE sequel to the preceding post.
20051019             Evidence is mounting that BUSH will go to war with IRAN.
20051019             mit den Fremden zu paktieren, und gestatteten es ihnen, 1—SIEDLUNG zu gründen: PLYMOUTH—ES wurde das Einfallstor der Engländer nach Nordamerika.
20051019             much as SENATOR—JOE—MCCARTHY did with anyone who raised questions about his methods of hunting down suspected Communists.
20051019             narcissistic WORSHIP—OF—WEALTH + external beauty + belief that amoral behemoths like WAL—MART are benevolent pillars of "AMERICA—VALUES"
20051019             no SUNNIS—ARE paid by THE—AMERICA—NS, live inside the Green Zone and are protected by THE—AMERICA—NS from being kidnapped or killed.
20051019             not Cheney.
20051019             Otherwise, Hannah will have to reveal ISRAEL—ROLE in providing the fake "intelligence" that led to war.
20051019             officials said —TUESDAY as results from 2—PROVINCES were finalized.
20051019             —ON Cheney, Traitorgate + the lies that led to war.
20051019             Oddly enough, he does not mention THE—22—INDICTMENTS!
20051019             reports that Cheney aide JOHN—HANNAH ("on loan" from the offices of THEN—UNDER SECRETARY—OF—STATE—FOR—ARMS—CONTROL and INTERNATIONAL Security Affairs) is cooperating with the Fitzgerald probe.
20051019             said —AFTER visiting THE—BAHRAIN—DETAINEES for the 5. time.
20051019             "He has lost 1—TREMENDOUS—AMOUNT—OF—WEIGHT and looks exhausted.
20051019             sei Nordamerika "eine unproduktive Einöde" gewesen.
20051019             Die Indianer seien nichts anderes als "ein paar verstreute Stämme schwächlicher Barbaren".
20051019             such as the notion that THE—ITALY—COMMUNIST—PARTY was really run by 1—SECRET 'parallel,
20051019             that there has been 1 determined effort through the socializing influence of our schools,
20051019             —SUGGESTED, THE—AMERICA—NS, Chirac, were defeated by "ragtag" VIETNAM—GUERILLAS wearing sandals,
20051019             the government, the mass media, the churches we attend, even that of our own parents, to pressure us into believing (—JUST as Hitler) that our country has received THE—BLESSING—OF—GOD.
20051019             Continue - the whistleblowing FORMER—UN—WEAPONS—INSPECTOR, points out that few in THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY will stand in THE—WAY—OF—THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THOSE who conducted the infamous TEHRAN embassy siege that ended JIMMY—CARTER—PRESIDENCY.
20051019             verbergen sich nicht etwa DRUCK—UNREINHEITEN, sondern codierte Informationen.
20051019             Kurzum: Die Druckerhersteller versähen jeden Drucker mit einer "Wasserzeichen"-Funktion,
20051019             verteilten sie auf die DÖRFER—UND holten sich auf diese Weise mindestens einen infektiösen Fremdling in ihre —MITTE.
20051019             von denen sie gar nicht wussten: POCKEN—UND Masernviren sowie andere Krankheitserreger.
20051019             waren sie Nutznießer der mörderischen Pestilenz: Sie fanden Zuflucht und Nahrung in einem verlassenen Indianerdorf,
20051019             was issued by THE—TRAVIS—COUNTY—COURT.
20051019             which does not need our interference in their affairs and can determine their futures on their own.
20051019             which is caught up in its own spy scandal.
20051019             That scandal intersects heavily with Traitorgate,
20051019             —DEFEATED, THE—HOUSTON—ASTROS, THE—S—LOUIS—CARDINALS for the National League title.
20051019             They will face THE—CHICAGO—WHITE—SOX in the World Series.
20051019             —TOURED, USA—ENVOY—BILL—RICHARDSON, 1—NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—FACILITY and held a 2. —DAY—OF—TALKS with government officials as PART—OF—HIS—EFFORTS to encourage PYONGYANG to dismantle its atomic weapons program.
20051019             Environmentalists sued THE—USA—NAVY alleging that 1—WIDELY used from of sonar for detecting enemy submarines disturbs and sometimes kills whales and dolphins.
20051019             Cisco Systems INCORPORATED said it will spend $1.1—BILLION in INDIA over the next —3—YEARS in the company's largest investment outside THE—USA.
20051019             —ANNOUNCED, Dell, the world's largest personal computer producer, it was setting up 1—MAJOR—CUSTOMER—CALL—CENTER in THE—PHILIPPINES.
20051019             Lashaun Harris (23) threw her 3—CHILDREN into S—FRANCISCO—BAY near FISHERMEN—WHARF.
20051019             —RECOVERED, The body of a 3. sibling was.
20051019             Harris had been staying with her children at 1—SALVATION—ARMY—SHELTER in OAKLAND.
20051019             She told authorities that voices had told her to throw her children into the water.
20051019             —ARRESTED, Police in Bosnia, 1—CYBER—JIHADIST who called himself Maximus.
20051019             Mirsad Bektasevic, 1—SWEDEN—TEENAGER—OF—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—EXTRACTION, was sentenced to jail along with 3—OTHERS for plotting attacks to take place in Bosnia or other European countries.
20051019             —ON his computer police found contacts with other jihadists in EUROPE including Younis Tsouli (Irhabi007), whom UK—POLICE arrested —2—DAYS—LATER.
20051019             —ARRESTED, CANADA—POLICE, 1—RWANDA—MAN who is living in TORONTO, charging him with crimes against humanity —DURING 19940000             —THE genocide in RWANDA.
20051019             —STRIPPED, CHILE—SUPREME—COURT, former dictator GENERAL—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET—OF—IMMUNITY from prosecution for corruption charges related to his multimillion dollar bank accounts overseas.
20051019             CHINA—GOVERNMENT said some 2,600 birds have been found DEAD—OF—BIRD—FLU in NORTH—CHINA—GRASSLANDS, amid REPORTS—OF—NEW—OUTBREAKS in EUROPE and RUSSIA.
20051019             —APPROVED, COLOMBIA—HIGHEST—COURT, 1—LAW allowing presidents to run for 2. terms.
20051019             THE—INTERNATIONAL—ORGANIZATION for Migration (IMO) said "ETHIOPIA—WOMEN and girls who migrate to LEBANON, EGYPT, YEMEN and SAUDI—ARABIA suffer from maltreatment, physical, sexual and emotional abuses," in 1—REPORT based on interviews with 443—WOMEN returning from the region.
20051019             —SWIRLED, Hurricane Wilma, into the most intense Atlantic storm ever recorded, 1—CATEGORY 5—MONSTER whose 175—MPH winds and heavy rains were blamed for killing at least 11—PEOPLE in HAITI and 1 in JAMAICA as it bore down on CENTRAL—AMERICA.
20051019             1—DEFIANT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN pleaded innocent to CHARGES—OF—MURDER and torture as his LONG—AWAITED trial began with THE—1—TIME—DICTATOR arguing about THE—LEGITIMACY—OF—THE—COURT and scuffling with guards.
20051019             —ADJOURNED, IRAQ—TRIAL—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN on war crimes charges was, to 20051128             shortly —AFTER it began.
20051019             —ARRESTED, IRAQ—POLICE, SADDAM—HUSSEIN—NEPHEW in BAGHDAD, charging that he served as the top financier of IRAQ—RAMPANT insurgency.
20051019             3—USA—SOLDIERS were killed by 1—ROADSIDE bomb.
20051019             —KILLED, SUNNI—LED insurgents, 26—PEOPLE in IRAQ, including 6—SHIITES who were lined up at 1—FACTORY and gunned down in front of their fellow workers.
20051019             RORY—CARROLL, 33, 1—IRELAND—CITIZEN who is THE—LONDON—GUARDIAN—BAGHDAD correspondent, was kidnapped —WHILE on assignment.
20051019             —RELEASED, Carroll was, THE—NEXT—DAY.
20051019             1—NEW—TALLY from officials in INDIA and PAKISTAN pushed the death toll to 79,000.
20051019             —CRITICIZED, LIBYA sent to prison —FOR—18—MONTHS 1—BLOGGER who, the government on THE—INTERNET.
20051019             1—TRIPOLI COURT—CONVICTED—ABDEL—RAZIQ—AL—MANSURI of illegal possession of 1—HANDGUN and sentenced him to —18—MONTHS' imprisonment.
20051019             1—RIGHTS—GROUP said that —AFTER detaining AL—MANSURI, LIBYA—SECURITY—OFFICIALS searched his home and "found 1—OLD—PISTOL that belonged to his father".
20051019             —NOMINATED, POLAND—PRESIDENT—ALEKSANDER—KWASNIEWSKI, conservative Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz as PM —FOLLOWING the 1. meeting of the newly elected PARLIAMENT.
20051019             —CONFIRMED, RUSSIA—AGRICULTURE—MINISTRY, that the Asian H5N1 strain had been detected in the village of Yandovka, suggesting the dreaded virus might be spreading across 1—SWATH from Siberia to the shores of the Mediterranean.
20051019             1—COURT—OFFICIALS said 1—SPAIN—JUDGE has issued 1—INTERNATIONAL—ARREST—WARRANT for 3—USA—SOLDIERS whose tank fired on 1—BAGHDAD hotel —DURING THE—IRAQ war, killing 1—SPAIN—JOURNALIST and 1—OTHER.
20051019             THE—UN said fighting and insecurity —THROUGHOUT Darfur is hindering food and relief aid to TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE and forcing more displaced SUDAN—INTO already crammed refugee camps.
20051019             ZIMBABWE—ARCHBISHOP Pius Ncube said he feared 200,000—OF—HIS countrymen could die by early —NEXT—YEAR BECAUSE—OF—FOOD—SHORTAGES he blamed on his government, and called for PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE—OUSTER.
20051019             Remote Control Device 'Controls' Humans 20051027             20051026—20051027    Intense fighting between rebels and paramilitary groups for control of the cocaine trade in THE—JUNGLES—OF—WEST—COLOMBIA left at least 20 outlawed fighters dead.
20051019             EXXON—MOBIL employees given fake flu shots 20051028             20051019             EU deal threatens end to USA—DOMINANCE—OF—INTERNET, USA says No 20050930             20051019             World prepares for new flu pandemic 20050930             20051115             —DISCLOSED, THE—USA—PENSION—BENEFIT—GUARANTY Corp., in 1—ANNUAL—REPORT that as of 20050930             it had $56.5—BILLION in assets to cover $79.2—BILLION in pension liabilities.
20051019             'Smart' Buildings to Guide Future 1. Responders 20051118             20051019             Secrecy Power Sinks Patent Case 20050923             20051019             —GRANTED, NSA, Net LOCATION—TRACKING patent 20050923             20051019             Spy agency taps into undersea cable 20050923             20051019             UN Human Rights Body to Scrutinize USA—ABUSES 20050923             20051019             Human body to become network cable with RedTacton 20050923             20051130             Hickery NC 20050923             (WDB—NEWS).
20051019—15390000    —AB, Als der SPANISCHE—KONQUISTADOR Hernando de Soto mit seiner Streitkraft vom heutigen FLORIDA aus das Innere Nordamerikas erkundete,
20051019—16190000    —BIS, Von 16160000             wurden ungefähr 90 % von ihnen ausgelöscht.
20051019—16190000    Voller Panik liefen die Gesunden weg und ließen die Sterbenden "als Beute für Krähen,
20051019—19840000    —IN, LEDEEN—MANIPULATIVE operations in ITALY were of sufficient scale and quality to cause 1—NEW—HEAD—OF—SISMI to denounce Ledeen on THE—FLOOR—OF—THE—ITALY—PARLIAMENT as an "intriguer" and unwelcome in ITALY.
20051019—20050921    —ON, Halliburton serves, CONTAMINATED—WATER to troops 20050920             20051215—20050920    —ON, As 1—RESULT—OF—DEFENDANTS' shocking news and disclosures of 20050921             , the price of Diebold shares plunged 15.5% on unusually high volume, falling from $44.37—PER share, to $37.47—PER share, for a —1—DAY—DROP—OF $6.90—PER share on volume of 6.1—MILLION—SHARES — nearly 8—TIMES the average daily trading volume.
20051019—20051008    —FROM—THE, 2—STRONG aftershocks deadly earthquake shook SOUTH—ASIA, unleashing landslides and setting off another wave of panic among SURVIVORS—OF—THE—DISASTER.
20051019—20051020    The arrests were 1—RESPONSE to 20051016             —THE—MURDER—OF—ITALY—POLITICIAN—FRANCESCO—FORTUGNO.
20051019—20051020    —ARRESTED, Police, total of 58—PEOPLE for drug trafficking in ITALY, SPAIN, FRANCE, BELGIUM, THE—NETHERLANDS and SERBIA—MONTENEGRO.
20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051026—20030000    —SINCE, : "The nearly 2,000—AMERICANS killed in combat (1,998 20051024             —ON) in IRAQ are more than were lost in VIETNAM combat in the 1. —4—YEARS—OF—USA combat (19610000—19650000, —WHEN—JUST over 18000000             †). This total is more than were lost in the last —2—YEARS—OF—COMBAT (19710000—19720000, —WHEN—JUST over 16000000             †),"
20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026—20030000    —SINCE, : "The nearly 2,000—AMERICANS killed in combat (1,998 20051024             —ON) in IRAQ are more than were lost in VIETNAM combat in the 1. —4—YEARS—OF—USA combat (19610000—19650000, —WHEN—JUST over 18000000             †). This total is more than were lost in the last —2—YEARS—OF—COMBAT (19710000—19720000, —WHEN—JUST over 16000000             †),"
20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051026—20030000    —SINCE, : "The nearly 2,000—AMERICANS killed in combat (1,998 20051024             —ON) in IRAQ are more than were lost in VIETNAM combat in the 1. —4—YEARS—OF—USA combat (19610000—19650000, —WHEN—JUST over 18000000             †). This total is more than were lost in the last —2—YEARS—OF—COMBAT (19710000—19720000, —WHEN—JUST over 16000000             †),"
20051026—20051019    —ACCUSED—OF, IRAQ—INTERIOR—MINISTRY, assassinating defence lawyer in Hussein trial : The interior MINISTRY—OF—THE—PRO—USA—GOVERNMENT in IRAQ is being directly accused of carrying out THE—MURDER—OF—SADOUN—ANTAR—NUDSAIF—AL—JANABI, 1—KEY—DEFENCE—LAWYER in the trial of SADDAM—HUSSEIN and 7—OTHERS that began.
20051027—20051019    —ON, 1—KEY—DEFENCE—LAWYER in the trial of SADDAM—HUSSEIN and 7—OTHERS that began.
20051104             giving them "unchecked authority to pry into personal and business matters"? (NEW—YORK—TIMES, "Republicans seek to widen FBI Powers, 20051019             )
20051114—20051019    —SINCE, CHINA reported 1—NEW—CASE—OF—BIRD—FLU in poultry in the country's east, its ninth outbreak.
20051223             JENNIFER—FUGO 20041019             The actual PURPOSE—OF—MY speaking out about this...
20060211             200508101019          pmPosted Quote
20060211             [WP, 20001019             0000—DATE]
20060211             [WP, 20001019             ] - Snookered by IRAN - 200508101019          pmPosted Quote
20060317             Secrecy News 20051019             20060317             [Intelforum] Secrecy News -- 20051019             (IF)...
20060317             Secrecy News 20051019             Pointing out the strange fact that NON—GOVERNMENT—EMPLOYEES are being prosecuted for mishandling classified information, the Reporters Committee argued that...
20060317             [Intelforum] Secrecy News -- 20051019             (IF)... yet who are charged with mishandling classified information... the anomaly of this singular conviction in —81—YEARS," SENATOR—MOYNIHAN wrote.
20061019             Ramalho was the 3. police officer to stand trial and the 1. to be convicted in connection with 20030416             —THE, killings in the Borel shantytown on RIO—POOR—NORTH—SIDE.
20061019             CO2 taking as long as 20,—000—YEARS to be restored to it's natural level, but will decrease.
20061019             BILL—CLINTON: "The ideological, RIGHT—WING ELEMENT—OF—THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY has been building strength,
20061019             BUSH _Loyalist_James_Baker_Calls_Iraq_A_Helluva_Mess">Digg It!
20061019             —RELATED, Her arrest was likely, to 20061005             —THE—ARREST—OF—BUSINESSMAN—ALEMAYEHU—FANTU.
20061019             " More  "Eisendrath, CO—AUTHOR—OF—1—FORTHCOMING book, 'War in Heaven: Stopping 1—ARMS—RACE in Outer Space —BEFORE It Is Too Late,' says THE—USA is wasting its time.
20061019             "1—SWARM—OF—ROBOTS has been demonstrated that can get together to transport 1—OBJECT too heavy for 1—SINGLE bot.
20061019             "1—TEAM—OF—AMERICAN and UK—RESEARCHERS has made 1—CLOAK—OF—INVISIBILITY.
20061019             In their experiment the scientists used microwaves to try and detect 1—COPPER cylinder.
20061019             "Americas Settled by 2—GROUPS—OF—EARLY—HUMANS, Study Says"
20061019             "Dann probierten wir es mit weißem Phosphor," berichtet die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters über einen Vortrag des Generals, "aber auch das funktionierte nicht.
20061019             "Es gibt Städte, in denen die Lebenserwartung mittelalterliches Niveau erreicht, wo Geburtsdefekte der Normfall sind",
20061019             "Imagine 1—WORLD without people.
20061019             What if EVERY—HUMAN being, all 6.5—BILLION—OF—USA, were suddenly abducted and the planet was left to fend for itself?
20061019             "JANUVIA belongs to 1—NEW—BREAKTHROUGH—CLASS—OF—PRESCRIPTION—MEDICATIONS called dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors that improves blood sugar control in patients with type 2—DIABETES.
20061019             "Speaking at 1—CONFERENCE—OF—INTERNATIONAL—POLICE—CHIEFS, FBI Director ROBERT—MUELLER called for strict data retention guidelines for USA ISPs.
20061019             "THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has announced 1—NEW—SPACE—SECURITY—POLICY, which includes the statement that 'Consistent with this policy,
20061019             "THE—GUARDIAN reports that IRAN has banned HIGH—SPEED—INTERNET—ACCESS to attempt to curb the west's influence.
20061019             "THE—WASHINGTON—POST has 1—PROVOCATIVE piece about online experiments at identifying experts.
20061019             "The entire works of CHARLES—DARWIN have been made available online.
20061019             —SCANNED, It includes, works that were owned by his family — many of which were signed by the author.
20061019             "The latest step has drawn condemnation from MPs, INTERNET service companies and academics,
20061019             "There are 2—PRINCIPAL—BRANCHES to MOON—INTEREST in PARAGUAY," he said, "control of the largest fresh drinking water source in the world and CONTROL—OF—THE—NARCOTICS—BUSINESS ",
20061019             "There is 1—GENERATIONAL gap + it's very, very real".
20061019             "Those in the know about technology must spend more time reaching out to governments and helping them understand THE—INTERNET—ROLE in society,
20061019             "Wired News has 1—INTERESTING article about what would make the perfect voting machine: 'With election season upon us,
20061019             "Your words are lies, Sir".
20061019             Olbermann sticks it to Chimpy. With transcript and video.
20061019             'BEGINNING—OF—THE—END—OF—AMERICA';
20061019             Olbermann addresses the Military Commissions Act in 1—SPECIAL—COMMENT 10/20
20061019             'Defense SECRETARY—RUMSFELD says we need to protect against a 'space Pearl Harbor,'' he says.
20061019             'But we're still the dominant power there.'"
20061019             'If you figure out which ones did the best and get rid of the ones who have no idea, you'd do even better.
20061019             'The humbling — and perversely comforting — reality is that the Earth will forget us remarkably quickly.'"
20061019             (Audio file here.)
20061019             (IOR). - Using the almost painfully dissociative wordsmithing of good military bureaucrats, IOR was described thus:
20061019             (Read more about the conference in this AP article.)
20061019             (brought to my attention by 1—READER) is 1—MUST—READ: Nevertheless, national SENATOR—DOMINGO—LAINO sees 1—DIFFERENT—PATTERN in MOON—ACQUISITIONS.
20061019             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—AS—ROVE conspires to manufacture his promised ;;10;;
20061019             surprise, —NOW Reuters are wearing the tin foil hats
20061019             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—DIRE situation goes from bad to worse and provides only excuse for troops to stay
20061019             the - -12—SECURITY—UPGRADE Deadline Missed;
20061019             "THE—USA—ENERGY—DEPARTMENT has acknowledged failing to meet 1—DEADLINE —THIS—MONTH to improve security at 1—WEAPON—GRADE uranium storage facility in TENNESSEE,
20061019             -Living Inside Hell on Earth--By MANUEL—VALENZUELA
20061019             1) 1—SHIITE—SUNNI civil war in BAGHDAD and THE—CENTRAL—PART—OF—IRAQ.
20061019             For MUCH—OF—THE—LAST—YEAR,
20061019             17, THE—PRESIDENT listed 2—DOZEN—PROVISIONS in the act that he indicated he may or may not abide by.
20061019             2) INTRA—SHIITE conflict in the south.
20061019             —NOTICED, Less, in THE—USA—MEDIA have been SOME—BATTLES between IRAQ—SHIITES in THE—STREETS—OF—SOUTHERN—CITIES such as Diwaniya
20061019             3) Sunni Arab insurgency in the West.
20061019             THE—SUNNI—ARAB insurgency continues to undermine security in THE—WEST—PART—OF—IRAQ.
20061019             4) ARAB—KURDISH—VIOLENCE in the North.
20061019             —INCREASED, Violence and tensions have, in NORTH—IRAQ
20061019             1—CATHOLIC—PRIEST told THE—HERALD—TRIBUNE —ON—WEDNESDAY about 1—INTIMATE —2—YEAR relationship he had with FORMER—USA Rep.
20061019             A CHINA—ENVOY meets NORTH—KOREA—RECLUSIVE leader amid INTERNATIONAL efforts to stop another nuclear test.
20061019             1—DECISION by CHINA to shift 1—MAJOR—PORTION—OF—ITS—RESERVE to the euro or the yen or gold could trigger other central banks to follow suit.
20061019             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE has ordered THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to release information about who visited VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—OFFICE and personal residence,
20061019             1—FILE allegedly suppressed by Congresswoman Heather Wilson (R—NM) has been obtained by RAW STORY.
20061019             1—LEADING—UK expert in childhood obesity says there is —NOW clear evidence 1—LACK—OF—SLEEP could be partly to blame.
20061019             1—NEW—WEBSITE mashes health data with Google Maps to track global disease outbreaks.
20061019             By Seán CAPTAIN.
20061019             1—SEVERE—DROUGHT in AUSTRALIA has led to 1—SHARP—RISE in THE—NUMBER—OF—SUICIDES among farmers, 1—GROUP says.
20061019             —LINKED, AG: Voter warning, to GOP campaign
20061019             Abgelenkte Strahlung: Forscher bauen 1. Tarnkappe
20061019             According to THE—BBC, Baker was "visibly upset" —DURING 1—RECENT—VISIT to IRAQ, calling the country "1—HELLUVA mess".
20061019             AFGHANISTAN: Kanadas Krieger in der CANNABIS—FALLE
20061019             Agrees Current IRAQ Violence May Be 'Jihadist Equivalent of THE—TET—OFFENSIVE'
20061019             —ALMOST a 3. of people worldwide say SOME—TORTURE is acceptable to fight terrorism, 1—BBC—WORLD—SERVICE—POLL finds.
20061019             Already, there are rumors —NOW about a 3., this 1—INVOLVING a —16—YEAR—OLD—GIRL.
20061019             That's been swirling —AROUND WASHINGTON —TODAY.
20061019             1—ISRAEL—APPEAL to RUSSIA that it should help block IRAN—ACQUISITION—OF—1—NUCLEAR—BOMB appears to have failed, with RUSSIA not offering ANY—PUBLIC pledge.
20061019             And do we know if they're taking it as EVIDENCE—OF—1—COVERUP, or how they're treating that testimony?
20061019             And political news is —STARTING to sound more and more like you're READING the police blotter,
20061019             And the leaders of al Qaeda have made that very clear.
20061019             Look, here's how I view it.
20061019             1. of all, And they are in 1—POSITION to prevent it, REGARDLESS—OF—THE—WILL—OF—THE—USA—VOTERS.
20061019             Continue - And, of course, the punchline is that PRESIDENT—BUSH has declared this to be National Character Counts —WEEK.
20061019             Announces —AGAIN—IN a "Signing Statement" That He WILL—BREAK—THE—LAW: "Congress said it wants —NEXT—YEAR?s defense budget to include funding for the wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN,
20061019             As Democrats and Republicans BATTLE—FOR—CONTROL—OF—THE—USA—SENATE heading into the last —3—WEEKS—BEFORE Election —DAY,
20061019             —AS—IN past battles against fascism and totalitarianism, COMMON—GOOD—PROGRESSIVES—TODAY seek to fight global extremism by using 1—COMPREHENSIVE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—STRATEGY that employs all our strengths for strategic and moral advantage.
20061019             As the stories come apart, sometimes in mere days or hours, the Rendon technique counsels that fabrications be allowed to " linger
20061019             At least this time it's 1—FEMALE—PAGE—ALL—DAY, the rumor mill has buzzed about another congressional sex scandal,
20061019             Atatürk und die Armenier - AUSTRALIA drought sparks suicides
20061019             AUSTRALIA—TREASURER Seeks Orderly Withdrawal From USA—DOLLAR
20061019             BBC poll: World against torture, ISRAEL in favor: BURNS: Again he says there's no plan.
20061019             There is 1—PLAN. We're not gonna tell you, John.
20061019             We're not gonna tell you what our plan is because you'll —JUST go out there and blow it.
20061019             BURNS: Like checkers? BURNS: No, I don't think he has.
20061019             I think he's out of bounds.
20061019             BURNS: Oh really? BURNS: Wait —1—MINUTE, hold the phone!
20061019             BUSH in PARAGUAY (Update) Wonkette, of all sites, has a superb rundown
20061019             BUSH says he may ignore new WAR—FUNDING law:
20061019             BUSH: GEORGE, my gut tells me that they have all along been trying to inflict enough damage that we'd leave.
20061019             BUSH: He could be right.
20061019             —STEPPED, THERE—CERTAINLY 1, up LEVEL—OF—VIOLENCE + we're heading into 1—ELECTION.
20061019             Bajos de HAINA—DOMINIKANISCHE—REPUBLIK
20061019             Bankier + SS—GENERAL KURT—VON—SCHRÖDER, dem SS—FÜHRER Himmler persönlich. verbunden":
20061019             BARON—KURT—VON—SCHROEDER was CO—DIRECTOR of the massive
20061019             Because THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—ARMED—SERVICES—COMMITTEE says that if things don't change we need to change things.
20061019             We need to have 1—PLAN.
20061019             BERLIN—URTEIL des Verfassungsgerichts: —ENTSCHEIDUNG im Machtkampf um—EURO
20061019             Bilderberg ORIGINS—THE—BIGGEST—SECRET—FORUM...
20061019             BOMBING—OF—CUBAN—JETLINER
20061019             Bottom line: HIGH—LEVEL—REPORTERS have not been able to find ANY—SOLID—EVIDENCE + WELLER—SPOKESMAN denies the claim:
20061019             BRITAIN is —NOW the top target of 1—BETTER—ORGANISED—AL—QAEDA, security sources have told THE—BBC.
20061019             Building 1—BETTER—VOTING—MACHINE - Burned Bridges.
20061019             THE—RISE and Fall of THE—FORMER—BBC Journalist.
20061019             —STATED, Burns, "He [Tester] says our PRESIDENT don't have 1—PLAN.
20061019             I think he's got 1. HE—NOT going to tell everyone in the world.
20061019             —POINTED, But as Tester, out, BUSH doesn't have 1—PLAN—OTHER than "stay the course.
20061019             But did the scandal, by dint of this 1—MENTION from MISTER—KILDEE, —JUST get another SET—OF—LEGS?
20061019             But let's look at the results:
20061019             But the current violence is not 1—PROPAGANDA—CAMPAIGN by Iraqis to impact THE—USA—ELECTIONS,
20061019             CONRAD—BURNS: I said we gotta win.
20061019             He wants to pull out. He wants everybody to know our plan.
20061019             —TRIED, CapitolFaxBlog, whose proprietor has, to verify the story.
20061019             Central banks in CHINA, JAPAN, TAIWAN, SOUTH—KOREA and HONG—KONG have channelled immense foreign reserves into USA—GOVERNMENT—BONDS,
20061019             CHARLES—DARWIN—ONLINE - CHARLES—DARWIN—WORKS go online - Chernobyl gives hope to this end.
20061019             'I really expected to see 1—NUCLEAR—DESERT there,' says RONALD—CHESSER, CHINA pressures N Korean leader
20061019             CHINA—ECONOMIC—GROWTH—SLOWS on Investment Controls: CHINA—GROWTH slips to 10%
20061019             CHINA—SOARING economic growth rate slows slightly, as government attempts to cool the boom take effect.
20061019             —FLOODED, CHINA—SOARING trade surplus has, the world's 4.—LARGEST economy with cash, funding 1—INVESTMENT binge that may result in idle factories and bankruptcies.
20061019             College tuition rates continue to skyrocket —WHILE wages stagnate.
20061019             Common good progressivism does not meant that everybody will be the same, think the same, or get the same material benefits.
20061019             Condoleezza Rice begins talks in SOUTH—KOREA as she rallies opposition to NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—TEST.
20061019             Congressional approval falls to —14—YEAR low.
20061019             —COMPLAINED, Congressman Kildee had, that he had been shut out by the Republican CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—PAGE—BOARD —WHEN he had learned about MARK—FOLEY—CONDUCT in the fall of 20050000             .
20061019             —BURIED, Congresswoman on page BOARD, file on husband's child abuse allegation 10/20
20061019             Court martial in IRAQ rape case - Credit card firms shun MP3 site
20061019             Cutting through the rhetoric, the facts show that in this "ownership society," most Americans have been left to fend for themselves:
20061019             Dalnegorsk und Rudnaja PRISTAN—RUSSLAND
20061019             Das Atomkraftwerk Biblis im südlichen HESSEN ist trotz seines hohen Alters von mehr als 3ßig —JAHREN eines der ?modernsten und sichersten Kernkraftwerke?
20061019             in DEUTSCHLAND.
20061019             Dauernde Nachrüstung unter Verwendung der neusten Technologien macht das Kraftwerk, das in einer seismisch aktiven Region liegt,
20061019             —DELAYED, Death row man's execution
20061019             Decrease in MIDDLE—EAST—STUDENTS in USA —SINCE BUSH—IRAQ War -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
20061019             Democracy —NOW! Interview: Ghost Plane:
20061019             Die "WORLD—10—WORST—POLLUTED places" sind nach Auswahl des Blacksmith Institute :
20061019             Die Gründe für die TÜRKISCHE—LEUGNUNG des Völkermordes 1915/1916
20061019             Die Kanadier versuchten, die Pflanzen mit DIESEL—ANZUZÜNDEN—OHNE—ERFOLG, da die Flammen erstickten.
20061019             Die Pflanzen waren derart voll mit Wasser, dass nichts sie verbrennen konnte".
20061019             Die Taliban erlitten schwere Verluste, doch gegen ihre Schlupfwinkel in den Cannabiswäldern war nicht anzukommen.
20061019             Die so entstandenen Radarbilder "zeigen keine Hinweise für konzentrierte Ablagerungen von Wassereis im SHACKLETON—KRATER oder anderswo am Südpol",
20061019             Dispatch from the BuzzFlash DEPARTMENT—OF—REALITY: Suicide car bombing in MOSUL kills 12 10/19
20061019             Dispatch from the BuzzFlash DEPARTMENT—OF—REALITY: USA ;;10;; death toll in IRAQ hits 70.
20061019             Distill it down to the people who really know,' Arrington said".
20061019             Documento senza titolo...
20061019             Dort hatten sich die Aufständischen in Lehmtürmen verschanzt, in denen Weintrauben getrocknet werden,
20061019             —SEIZED, Dozens, in ITALY mafia raid - DSERSCHINSK—RUSSLAND
20061019             Dès le début de 19300000             , le banquier KURT—VON—SCHRÖDER décide de soutenir les nazi s. Le
20061019             —LOADED, EACH—ROBOT is, with the same simple SET—OF—BEHAVIORS but more complex intelligence emerges from 1—GROUP interacting.
20061019             Echoing DHS HEAD—MICHAEL—CHERTHOFF—ASSERTION that THE—INTERNET was enabling terrorists to telecommute to work,
20061019             Eingeleitet wurde die sogenannte Operation Medusa mit schwerer Rockmusik der Gruppe AC/DC, die aus großen Lautsprechern gegen die Stellungen der Gotteskrieger im Bezirk Pashmul schallte.
20061019             Einreiseregeln: USA verschärfen Bestimmungen für Kinder
20061019             Electricity Levels In BAGHDAD At Lowest Level —SINCE USA—INVASION
20061019             Emall FR - Erklärung des Bankiers KURT—VON—SCHRÖDER. an das Nürnberger Kriegsverbrecher-. tribunal hervorgeht: "Die allgemeinen Be-...
20061019             —WHISKED, Even if we were all, away and our nuclear reactors melted down, it would have 1—SURPRISINGLY little effect on the planet.
20061019             Evolution: UR—FISCH hatte Ohren
20061019             FDA Approves New Drug for Type 2—DIABETES
20061019             —APPROVED, FDA has, the 1. of 1—NEW—KIND—OF—TREATMENT for type 2—DIABETES.
20061019             —FOLLOWING hints USA—TROOPS may remain in IRAQ —FOR—YEARS, THE—USA is reportedly building 1—MASSIVE—MILITARY—BASE at Arbil, in Kurdish NORTH—IRAQ.
20061019             For the last few months, top BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS have refused to admit
20061019             —SURGED, Foreign exchange reserves have, to almost $1—TRILLION, fueled by exports that THE—USA and EUROPE say are unfairly supported by 1 undervalued currency.
20061019             FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—BAKER, 1—OF—THE—MOST ardent BUSH family loyalists, is heading up 1—COMMISSION to review our policy in IRAQ.
20061019             4—USA—SOLDIERS will face charges over the alleged rape of 1—IRAQ—GIRL, as 11—SOLDIERS in all face courts martial.
20061019             —FROM the Reuters article: 'Other items in the free collection of 50,000 pages and 40,000 images are the 1. EDITIONS—OF—THE—JOURNAL—OF—RESEARCHERS,
20061019             "This WISDOM—OF—THE—CROWD could be outsmarted by what MICHAEL—ARRINGTON,
20061019             Full transcript below:
20061019             GEZ für INTERNET—RECHNER: Kritiker wettern gegen GEBÜHREN—KUNGELEI - GEORGE—BUSH—SENIOR.
20061019             HE—NOW leading 1—TOP—LEVEL—COMMISSION which is expect to suggest SOME—SIGNIFICANT—CHANGES in policy.
20061019             GERMAN—BRITISH—USA—BANKER, Gewalt im IRAK: BUSH räumt Parallelen zum Vietnamkrieg ein
20061019             Google CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—ERIC—SCHMIDT said —TUESDAY.
20061019             "The average person in government is NOT—OF—THE—AGE—OF—PEOPLE who are using all this stuff," Schmidt said at 1—PUBLIC symposium here hosted by the National Academies' Computer Science and Telecommunications BOARD.
20061019             Hafiz MOHAMMAD—SAEED, THE—FOUNDER—OF—THE—LASHKAR E—TOIBA militant group, is released from detention.
20061019             Have You Had ENOUGH—OF—THE—NRA—SHOVING—GUNS—DOWN—OUR—THROATS and Making USA—SCHOOLS Killing Fields?
20061019             He describes the evolution and STRUCTURE—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICE—OF—GLOBAL—COMMUNICATIONS
20061019             HITLER—FINANCIAL—AGENT—AND through him deals were made with BARON—KURT—VON—SCHROEDER of the Schroeder banking house (see AIOC above).
20061019             Hitler s Auslandsfinanzierung (1)
20061019             I don't know if the allegation is true, but I do know that this pol has 1—FEEEELTHY history.
20061019             I don't think so.
20061019             And that's the way we'll win it, Because we want to win it.
20061019             I guess they don't know the plan either.
20061019             THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—ARMED—SERVICES—COMMITTEE doesn't know the plan but you do.
20061019             I think he's got 1. But he's not gonna tell everybody in the whole world.
20061019             And if you wanna go out and spar for 1—FIGHT or you gonna tell your enemy what your plan is?
20061019             I thought it was differences in their religion, different families or something.'" Everett is the vice CHAIR—OF—THE—HOUSE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE.
20061019             —SUMMONED, ICELAND—AMBASSADOR to BRITAIN is, to explain his country's return to commercial whaling.
20061019             If PRESIDENT—BUSH continues to ask NORTH—KOREA to "kneel," war "will be inevitable," and it would begin on the Korean Peninsula, NORTH—KOREAN
20061019             If You Want to Blow Off Your Nuts With 1—HANDGUN, Here is the Product for You!
20061019             10/18 - If the foreign soldiers were so smart that they knew there were Taliban here, why didn't they see the women and children who were sleeping?
20061019             If you have ANY—LOVE for books whatsoever, I suggest you take 1—LOOK at how they present the user with EACH—BOOK.
20061019             Ignorance on the Intelligence Committee.
20061019             ISRAEL, over HALF—OF—JEWISH—POPULATION—SUPPORTS using torture to get information from terrorists, —WHILE most Muslims oppose it
20061019             —STATIONIERT, KANDAHAR, sind 2400—KANADIER, die im ;;09;;
20061019             zusammen mit AMERIKANISCHEN—SOLDATEN gegen die Taliban vorrückten.
20061019             In 1—MORE—PERFECT—WORLD, there would be confidence that criminals and murderers and malfeasant authoritarians would be brought to justice.
20061019             —RELEASED, In a "signing statement", —WHEN he signed 20070000             —THE—DEFENSE—AUTHORIZATION—ACT on Oct.
20061019             In addition to seizing satellite dishes and filtering more websites than ANY—COUNTRY—SAVE—CHINA,
20061019             In 1—INTERVIEW—TODAY with ABC—GEORGE—STEPHANOPOULOS, PRESIDENT—BUSH said he agreed with 1—RECENT—OP—ED
20061019             —ENGINEERED, In effect the device, made of metamaterials —, MIXTURES—OF—METAL and circuit BOARD materials,
20061019             In the real world, however, they are promoted, elected and made much more powerful.
20061019             Continue - In theory, THE—RESULT—OF—THIS approach is that people will save more, own more, rely less on the government and become greater stakeholders in the future of our country...
20061019             In these clashes, INTRA—SHIITE political disputes have being played out in violence in the streets — and in SOME—CASES—USA—FORCES have supported 1—FACTION versus another.
20061019             Internationally, common good progressivism focuses on new and revitalized global leadership through the —JUST USE—OF—FORCE;
20061019             MULTI—LATERAL engagement; and THE—CREATION—OF—NEW—INSTITUTIONS and networks to deal with difficult problems.
20061019             Invites RIGHT—WING Radio Hosts To WHITE—HOUSE - IRAN Caps Net Access to Keep WEST—OUT
20061019             IRAN is —NOW capping INTERNET speeds to 128kbps in order to keep out Western influences".
20061019             IRAQ: Worse Than Civil War
20061019             ISAF—TRUPPE: KANADA fordert DEUTSCHE—UNTERSTÜTZUNG in Südafghanistan - It goes on and on.
20061019             And, of course, the punchline is that PRESIDENT—BUSH has declared this to be National Character Counts —WEEK.
20061019             It must ensure that opportunities are abundant and that even those who have been left out and left behind can get the help they need to succeed.
20061019             —CALLED, JANUVIA enhances 1—NATURAL—BODY—SYSTEM, the incretin system, which helps to regulate glucose by affecting the beta cells and alpha cells in the pancreas.
20061019             JON—TESTER: I —JUST wanna say 1—THING.
20061019             JAPAN should debate having nuclear arms but the government is still opposed to them, Taro Aso says.
20061019             JAPAN—ASO urges atomic debate
20061019             —DELIVERED, JOHN—PODESTA, CAP—PRESIDENT, the opening remarks.
20061019             —OPENED, JUDGE—ORDERS—CHENEY visitor logs, "or at least identify them and justify why they are being withheld".
20061019             KLARTEXT - KABWE—SAMBIA - Kids_Net.AU—ENCYCLOPEDIA > Weimar Republic
20061019             KURNAZ—VORWÜRFE: Große Koalition beschließt geheime Aufklärung - KURT—VON—SCHROEDER.
20061019             According to - La OROYA—PERU
20061019             —RELEASED, LASHKAR—E—TOIBA founder
20061019             Last night on MISS—NBC, WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTER—DANA Milbank told KEITH—OLBERMANN that "there are rumors —NOW about a 3. [page scandal], this 1—INVOLVING a —16—YEAR—OLD—GIRL".
20061019             Laura Ingraham (Sens. Biden and Boxer are "on the side of
20061019             Leichenskandal in NEW—YORK: 7—BESTATTER bekennen sich schuldig
20061019             LIBANON—KRIEG: Human Rights Watch wirft Hisbollah EINSATZ—VON—STREUBOMBEN vor
20061019             Like light and radar waves, microwaves bounce off objects making them visible and creating 1—SHADOW,
20061019             LINFEN—CHINA - Lovely guy.
20061019             Word has it his CUNNINGHAM—SCAM—CONNECTIONS—RUN—DEEP;
20061019             we can say with confidence that he has tried his damnedest to squelch the report
20061019             MILBANK: Legs would be the least offensive body part.
20061019             But, yes, WE—JIM—KOLBE is retiring, so it's not necessarily 1—BIG—DEAL about him.
20061019             MILBANK: Well, it's hard to know exactly what the Ethics Committee is doing.
20061019             But clearly, the public has made its decision.
20061019             MODERATOR: —JUST this last word, then we'll move on.
20061019             MODERATOR: No, no. MODERATOR: This is his response.
20061019             MAILUU—SUU, Kirgisien - Malte OLSCHEWSKI—VORBEMERKUNG: Mein Artikel
20061019             MARK—FOLEY —WHEN the congressman was 1—TEENAGE altar boy living in Lake Worth.
20061019             MICHAEL—MEDVED ("[T]he subject of my conversation with THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA " was that Islam has "1—SPECIAL—VIOLENCE—PROBLEM.
20061019             MIKE—GALLAGHER (Gore and Hitler "brilliantly put together side by side
20061019             —NOTED, Milbank —LATER, that "political news is —STARTING to sound more and more like you're READING the police blotter,
20061019             Milbank: 'There Are Rumors About A 3. [Page Scandal], This 1—INVOLVING A —16—YEAR—OLD—GIRL'
20061019             —BESCHLOSSEN, Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz: GEZ—GEBÜHR für INTERNET—COMPUTER
20061019             MOTOR—FORSCHUNG: Honda will in —2—JAHREN BRENNSTOFFZELLEN—AUTOS verkaufen
20061019             Moves begin on ICELAND—WHALING
20061019             Mueller went further and said that THE—USA—NEEDS—STRICTER—DATA—RETENTION guidelines.
20061019             '"All too often, Neal Boortz (Islam is a "deadly virus - No Ice on the Moon
20061019             Nobody would want to be left behind holding 1—BAGFULL—OF—DOLLARS rapidly turning worthless.
20061019             NORILSK—RUSSLAND - NORTH—KOREA—GENERAL: 'War Is Inevitable':
20061019             —NOW, 1—KOS diarist with 1—GOOD rep gives us 1—NAME: Republican JERRY—WELLER
20061019             —NOW, clearly, there was 1—COVERUP at SOME—LEVEL, by definition, because IT—PEOPLE knew about this,
20061019             Nuklearkrise: BUSH warnt NORDKOREA vor Verkauf von Atomwaffen
20061019             OLBERMANN: We know very little about these allegations, at least from Congressman KILDEE—REMARKS + if it is Congressman Kolbe of ARIZONA,
20061019             OLBERMANN: Well, we're going to count THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE who have character.
20061019             Oil companies are taking in record profits —WHILE global warming advances at 1—RECORD—PACE;
20061019             and
20061019             1—BIG happy family.
20061019             1—LONGTIME supervisor claims that 50 to 60—PERCENT—OF—THE—LABORERS regularly complain that 1. Kuwaiti "treats them like animals," and routinely reduces their promised pay with confusing and unexplained deductions.
20061019             1—WONDERS —WHEN someone will come up with 1—TRULY effective formula for measuring human intelligence — or take 1—STAB at doing so — that exploits all the stuff people are publishing online.
20061019             1—3. support 'SOME—TORTURE'
20061019             OSTSEE—ZWISCHENFALL: Politiker mahnen nach Warnschüssen zu Besonnenheit
20061019             Over 46—MILLION—OF our fellow citizens do not have health insurance;
20061019             PAKISTAN authorities delay —FOR—2—MONTHS the execution date for 1—BRITON from LEEDS who has been on death row —FOR—18—YEARS.
20061019             Patagonia and the Pacific + the 1. 5—EDITIONS—OF—THE—ORIGIN—OF—SPECIES.'"
20061019             Perception Management - Period! By heavens, that's —JUST common sense.
20061019             That's enough. Plea for action on child poverty
20061019             Political Conspiracies Really Do Happen!
20061019             Poll Signals More Republican Woes As DISAPPROVAL—OF—CONGRESS—GROWS I'm linking this due to the stipple illustration THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL USED—OF—BUSH.
20061019             Poll Signals More Republican Woes; As DISAPPROVAL—OF—CONGRESS—GROWS;
20061019             That 16% rating statistically matches CONGRESS—LOWEST—POINT in THE—17—YEARS the Journal and NBC have polled 10/20
20061019             Poll of 25—COUNTRIES reveals that THE—MAJORITY—OF—WORLD—POPULATION opposes torturing prisoners SUSPECTED—OF—TERROR—INVOLVEMENT.
20061019             Poverty rates are climbing and personal savings rates are plummeting;
20061019             PRESIDENT—BUSH is right to finally admit that violence in IRAQ has reached 1—TIPPING point + that THE—USA is not winning the war as he has claimed.
20061019             PRESIDENT—BUSH is under increasing effort to change course in IRAQ.
20061019             —LEARNED, THE—BBC has, that 1—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—MOST influential advisors was visibly upset on 1—RECENT—VISIT to the country and called it a "helluva mess".
20061019             PRESIDENT—BUSH says there are comparisons between rising violence in IRAQ and in THE—VIETNAM—WAR.
20061019             Presumably, he testified to that —BEFORE the House Ethics Committee.
20061019             WE—DO we know more than the presumption?
20061019             Priest tells of Foley relationship - Putin cool to OLMERT—IRAN plea:
20061019             Randy "DUKE" Cunningham to use his position on the House Intelligence Committee to steer classified government contracts to political CRONIES—LIKE—JERRY "Wily E.
20061019             RANIPET—INDIEN - Rather, it simply means that people should start from 1—LEVEL playing field and have 1—REASONABLE—CHANCE to improve their stations in life.
20061019             —KILLED, Recent estimates of Iraqis, over the last 3 and 1—HALF—YEARS have ranged from 40,000
20061019             Reflections on THE—EVE—OF—ANOTHER—RIGGED—ELECTION
20061019             —ASKED, REPRESENTATIVE—TERRY—EVERETT (R—AL), if he knows the difference between Sunni and Shiite Muslims:
20061019             Republican Ad Calls Black Women "Ho's" 10/20
20061019             —KILLED, Residents, as Nato occupation forces bombs rips through village: "
20061019             Retired AIR—FORCE—COLONEL—SAM—GARDINER in ;;10;;
20061019             20030000             published 1—REMARKABLE—DOCUMENT online, "Truth From These Podia,"
20061019             Rice N KOREA tour heads to SEOUL
20061019             Riverbend is back: IRAQ—GIRL blog: THE—LANCET—STUDY..: Robot Swarm Shifts Heavy Objects
20061019             RONALD—REAGAN—ELECTION" he said. "But this is the 1. time on 1—CONSISTENT—BASIS, the most conservative,
20061019             STEPHANOPOULOS: But what's your gut tell you?
20061019             STEPHANOPOULOS: TOM—FRIEDMAN wrote in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES this —MORNING that what we might be seeing —NOW is THE—IRAQ—EQUIVALENT—OF—THE—TET—OFFENSIVE in VIETNAM 00.000.19 68.
20061019             SAVIEZ—VOUS que...: ;;05;; 2004
20061019             Schnitzler, an important IG Farben manager, KURT—VON—SCHROEDER, a. Cologne banker + 1—OF—HITLER—FINANCIERS, HERBERT—VON—DIRCKSEN...
20061019             Scientists Make Item Invisible to Microwaves - Scientists urge ban on cod catch
20061019             SEAN—HANNITY ("[M]aking sure NANCY Pelosi doesn't become the [House] speaker" is "worth... dying for
20061019             See also: Priest denies having sex with Foley
20061019             7—UNDERTAKERS in THE—NEW—YORK area admit roles in 1—SCHEME to steal body parts for transplants.
20061019             —6—MONTHS—LATER, a young enlisted man, Spec.
20061019             4—TOM—GLEN, sent a letter to GENERAL—CREIGHTON—ABRAMS, Sleep loss in CHILD—OBESITY link
20061019             So our system would include thorough auditing and verification capabilities and require faithful adherence to good election practices,
20061019             Space: It's Our Final Frontier
20061019             —LINKED, State investigators have, 1—REPUBLICAN campaign to letters sent to THOUSANDS—OF—ORANGE—COUNTY—HISPANICS warning them they could go to jail or be deported if they vote —NEXT—MONTH, 1—SPOKESMAN for THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL said.
20061019             Striking THE—USA where it hurts
20061019             Support THE—FORCES—OF—SANITY and Public Safety.
20061019             Donate Goods and Services to 1—AUCTION for Gun Control.
20061019             —ASKED, TESTER: Mike, me 1—QUESTION, I answered, you get to answer, I get to answer.
20061019             That's the way it works. TESTER: Ok, all right, all right.
20061019             TESTER: That's the way it works.
20061019             —LISTENED, Well it's interesting, SENATOR—BURNS because I, to SOME—OF—YOUR comrades on TV —LAST—WEEK who came back from IRAQ,
20061019             TESTER: This is my response... - TESTER: Yes.
20061019             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION can not allow the Democrats to take CONTROL—OF—EITHER—HOUSE—OF—CONGRESS.
20061019             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION still does not have the right diplomatic, political or military strategy to deal with EACH—OF—THESE multiple conflicts — all of which add up to 1—SITUATION that is worse than civil war.
20061019             Take the very 1. edition of On THE—ORIGIN—OF—SPECIES, for example, where they use frames to display the text on the left with the original image on the right.
20061019             Techies Must Educate Governments
20061019             Terrorismus: Briten fürchten spektakuläre Anschlagsserie von AL—QAIDA
20061019             That is absolutely unbelievable that anyone would take that approach!
20061019             He says our PRESIDENT don't have 1—PLAN.
20061019             That officer was COLIN—POWELL. That's not smart.
20061019             If you had 1—PLAN in order to win are you gonna tell the enemy?
20061019             HE—NOT — the enemy's not gonna tell us!
20061019             Help Fight Back - THE—IRAQ—GENOCIDE is 1—CURSE upon us all, 1—SHAME for all humanity, 1—CRIME—OF—THE—HIGHEST—ORDER that should bring those responsible to deserved justice.
20061019             THE—USA adopts 1—NEW—POLICY to protect its interests in space and deny "adversaries" access for hostile purposes.
20061019             THE—USA asserts its primacy over the heavens, too.
20061019             1 revamped national space policy likens THE—USE—OF—SPACE to air power and sea power + declares that AMERICA will defend its right to exploit space -- and defend it from perceived adversaries.
20061019             THE—USA is not suffering from SOME—COLLECTIVE—PERSONALITY—DISORDER called compassion fatigue.
20061019             —FILED, THE—CHIEF—OF—INTELLIGENCE for the Marine Corps in IRAQ, 1—REPORT —LAST—MONTH saying that THE—AL—QAEDA in IRAQ insurgent group has filled 1—POLITICAL vacuum there.
20061019             The complete works of 1—OF—HISTORY—GREATEST—SCIENTISTS, CHARLES—DARWIN, are being made available online.
20061019             —TRANSFERRED, The file was then, to the department's attorney in her own ALBUQUERQUE office, where it soon went missing.
20061019             The 1. working cloak was in only 2—DIMENSIONS and did cast 1—SMALL shadow, Smith acknowledged.
20061019             The guests: The herd psychology would be very difficult to control in this case because national economic survival would be at stake.
20061019             Continue - The integrated EMPLOYMENT—OF—THE—CORE capabilities of electronic warfare [EW], computer network operations [CNO],
20061019             The leading advisory body on NORTH—ATLANTIC fisheries says cod stocks are still too low to allow ANY—FISHING.
20061019             —SHUNTED, The letter was, over to Americal Division + then to the office of the same officer who had been leading THE—SOUTH—VIETNAM—ARSON campaign —5—YEARS—EARLIER,
20061019             The massacre at My Lai, for which it was his responsibility to conduct damage control for the Americal Division,
20061019             —REPORTED, The media has, that BAKER—PANEL has "ruled out the prospect for victory
20061019             The most crucial feature of this policy is that it "rejects future ARMS—CONTROL—AGREEMENTS that might limit USA—FLEXIBILITY in space and asserts 1—RIGHT to deny access to space to anyone 'hostile to USA—INTERESTS'".
20061019             —EMITTED—OF, The most permanent piece is the radio waves we've, the last —CENTURY.
20061019             As the article puts it,
20061019             The next step is to go for 3—DIMENSIONS and to eliminate ANY—SHADOW".
20061019             The planet would heal.
20061019             'The sad truth is, once the humans get OUT—OF—THE—PICTURE, the outlook starts to get 1—LOT—BETTER,' says JOHN—ORROCK,
20061019             The real effect here is not necessarily with Kolbe, but that it —JUST compounds that we have another 1.
20061019             The richest 1—PERCENT—OF—HOUSEHOLDS already owns more wealth than the bottom 90 % combined;
20061019             The simple FACT—OF—THE—MATTER is the situation in IRAQ is worse than civil war — the world is witnessing at least 4—MAJOR—INTERNAL—CONFLICTS in IRAQ:
20061019             The solution? Forcing ISPs to retain data for set PERIODS—OF—TIME.' If that happens, how long —BEFORE THE—MPAA and RIAA start asking to take 1—PEEK at the data too, as they have in EUROPE?"
20061019             Their Blood is on THE—HANDS—OF—BUSH, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice.
20061019             Then, he articulated the progressive alternative:
20061019             THERE—1—POLL out —TODAY saying 57—PERCENT—OF—THE—PEOPLE believe that there was, in fact, 1—COVERUP, 77 % saying it was handled badly.
20061019             —BECAME, These were the years —WHEN THE—USA—PARLIAMENT, 1—HISTORICAL—PUNCH—LINE, 1—POLITICAL—OBSCENITY on par with THE—COURT—OF—NERO or Caligula — 1—STABLE—OF thieves and perverts who committed crimes rolling out of bed in the —MORNING
20061019             —FOCUSED, They have put forward 1—PHILOSOPHY, on individualism, in which people theoretically have more choices and assume more risk in nearly EVERY—PART—OF—THEIR—LIVES.
20061019             This has been the longest time I have been away from blogging.
20061019             There were several reasons for my disappearance the major 1—BEING the fact that EVERY—TIME I felt the urge to write about IRAQ,
20061019             This is the theory.
20061019             Through DPP—4—INHIBITION, JANUVIA works only —WHEN blood sugar is elevated to address diminished insulin due to BETA—CELL—DYSFUNCTION and uncontrolled production of glucose by the liver due to ALPHA—CELL and BETA—CELL—DYSFUNCTION".
20061019             To pursue the common good, though, we as Americans owe something to our country in return.
20061019             People must assume responsibility for their actions,
20061019             —TODAY, the Center for USA—PROGRESS is hosting 1—CONFERENCE called " Securing the Common Good.
20061019             TOM—ENGELHARDT : ;;11;; Surprise?:
20061019             TONY—SNOW this —MORNING said, "He may be right". Do you agree?
20061019             Took money directly from JACK—ABRAMOFF... - Took money from BRENT—WILKES...
20061019             Took money from Enron... - Took money from TOM—DELAY—ARMPAC...
20061019             Took money from big oil... - Took money from big tobacco... - Toward An USA—REVOLUTION - c5..
20061019             Trockener Trabant: Radar findet kein Eis in Mondkratern - TSCHERNOBYL—UKRAINE
20061019             2—VIDEOS—SHOW the robots in action + using 1—MORE—COMPLEX—BEHAVIOR—NECESSARY—WHEN they're set to short sighted mode and can't see the target location from the —STARTING point".
20061019             USA Announces New Space Security Policy
20061019             USA Embassy in BAGHDAD Built by Trafficked Workers in Squalid Working Conditions:
20061019             USA—BUILDING huge military airfield in IRAQ:
20061019             —ARGUED, USA—TROOPS on the ground in IRAQ have, that the political solution + not more boots on the ground,
20061019             UK 'number 1—AL—QAEDA target'
20061019             UN diplomats work on 1—DRAFT—RESOLUTION proposing SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN for its refusal to halt its nuclear activities.
20061019             DELHI raid plotter wants clemency - UN envoys work on IRAN resolution
20061019             UPDATE: CQ—JEFF—STEIN has more - UPDATE: Turns out there may be oil
20061019             USA adopts tough new space policy - USA—TURNS—SPACE into USA colony:
20061019             USA: Priester räumt Intimkontakt zu minderjährigem Foley ein
20061019             Umfrage: Jeder 3. lehnt Folter nicht grundsätzlich ab
20061019             Umweltdreck: Die 10—SCHMUTZIGSTEN Orte der Welt
20061019             Under 1—PROGRESSIVE—VISION—OF—THE—COMMON—GOOD, government must pursue policies that benefit everyone equally.
20061019             Undertakers admit corpse scam
20061019             Unicef urges EAST—EUROPEAN and FORMER—SOVIET—STATES to act on behalf of THE—25—PERCENT—OF—CHILDREN in extreme poverty.
20061019             Upon Red Rivers of Genocide
20061019             Verflixte Dübel
20061019             —STOPPED, Visa and Mastercard have, accepting credit card transactions for music downloading site AllofMP3.
20061019             Voting machines, no matter how secure, are no remedy for poor election procedures and ILL—CONCEIVED election laws.
20061019             Watch it: BUSH _Accepts_Iraq_Comparison_to_Tet_Offensive_Video">Digg It!
20061019             We are suffering from the most WELL—FUNDED THOUGHT—CONTROL—EXPERIMENT in history, more sophisticated and deadly by MANY—ORDERS—OF—MAGNITUDE than anything contrived by KIM—JONG—IL—THE—LATEST bete NOIR—OF—USA—PUBLIC—DISCOURSE.
20061019             Continue - WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION become a "weapons program," then a "seeking" of WMD.
20061019             GEORGE—TENET—CIA "had questions" about THE—UK—FORGERY - Web Geniuses Or Web Dimwits?
20061019             Weller update LieParDestin, Kos diarist + friend to this humble blog, published his cautious take
20061019             —DISTRIBUTED, Weller, according to 1—MEMO, —THIS—WEEK to Democrats on the panel.
20061019             What Earth Without People Would Look Like
20061019             What do you think it means to be 1—PROGRESSIVE?
20061019             Let us know in the comments section.
20061019             —WHEN the spinners get caught, they reconfigure the story with elliptical language, then let it "linger" SOME—MORE.
20061019             —WHEN water flows —AROUND 1—ROCK, CO—AUTHOR—DAVID—R—SMITH explained, the water recombines —AFTER it passes the rock and people looking at the water downstream would never know it had passed 1—ROCK.
20061019             Which way to the future?: ;;07;; 20060000             ...
20061019             Why Hasn't Mainstream Media Connected the Dots Between SADDAM—JUDGMENT—DAY and the Midterm Elections?
20061019             Why do they want to kill us? How can they help us rebuild if they want to kill us?
20061019             Maybe they should leave".
20061019             —REMOVED, Wilson, 1—ROUTINE working file alleging that her husband had engaged in inappropriate contact with 1—MINOR.
20061019             Wired News spoke with 2—OF—THE—TOP—COMPUTER—SCIENTISTS in the field, UC BERKELEY—DAVID—WAGNER and PRINCETON—ED—FELTEN + came up with 1—WISH—LIST—OF—FEATURES we would include in 1—VOTING machine,
20061019             Worse than Foley ? Republicans Covering Up Evidence that GOP KNEW—OF—EX—REPRESENTATIVE—DUKE—CUNNINGHAM—BRIBERY & Cronyism -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20061019             —YESTERDAY in 1—DEBATE against Senate Democratic candidate JON—TESTER, SENATOR—CONRAD—BURNS (R—MT) took offense at the suggestion that PRESIDENT—BUSH has no real plan for victory in IRAQ.
20061019             Zwischenfall in der Ostsee: Reederei stoppt Ausflugsfahrten nach POLEN
20061019             [SNIP TESTER REMARKS] - 1—BURKINA—FASO with cable".
20061019             Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT tops their list - 1—CONSERVATION—BIOLOGIST.
20061019             —CREATED, Pollution would cease being.
20061019             It would remain —AROUND for MANY—YEARS,
20061019             1—FEW days ago: BUSH the elder has purchased nearly a 100000 acres in NORTH—PARAGUAY,
20061019             1—VICIOUS—CAMPAIGN—OF—SECTARIAN cleansing has been taking place in the neighborhoods of BAGHDAD and the surrounding central regions,
20061019             —ABOUT the country's INTERNATIONAL position are at high levels and...the public mood may be nearing 1—TIPPING point,
20061019             —ABOUT the situation, I'd be filled with 1—CERTAIN—HOPELESSNESS that can't be put into words and that I suspect other Iraqis feel also.
20061019             al Qaeda is still very active in IRAQ.
20061019             They are dangerous. They are lethal.
20061019             They are trying to not only kill USA—TROOPS, 1—ENVIRONMENTAL—BIOLOGIST.
20061019             'I was quite surprised.
20061019             —WHEN you enter into the exclusion zone,
20061019             1—ORDER that could spark 1—LATE—ELECTION—SEASON—DEBATE over lobbyists' WHITE—HOUSE—ACCESS.
20061019             and Cheney in Deep Denial. USA—GIS at Grave Risk.
20061019             "USA—MILITARY—CASUALTIES in IRAQ are mounting dramatically amid reports that ALLIES—OF—USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH are pushing him for 1—NEW exit strategy".
20061019             10—MORE—GIS Killed —TODAY.
20061019             and deny, and did their very best to turn the mighty USA—EMPIRE into 1—DEBT—LADEN, despotic backwater,
20061019             and elsewhere faster than the press could keep up in order to push deadlines and competition and thereby inhibit FACT—CHECKING.
20061019             another's in another location.
20061019             No, to be honest with you, I don't know.
20061019             apparently adjacent to, or carved from, the 1,482,600 acres (!!!) owned by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon,
20061019             arguing that the current SPIKE—OF—VIOLENCE in IRAQ could be the "jihadist equivalent" of 19680000             —THE—TET—OFFENSIVE
20061019             as he suggests.
20061019             —FAILED, It is 1—CIVIL—WAR, 1—THAT he has repeatedly, to acknowledge and has no plan to address.
20061019             as the Center for USA—PROGRESS proposes in its Strategic Redeployment
20061019             as wells as topnotch usability and security features.'"
20061019             between Arabs and Kurds, particularly in the disputed CITY—OF—KIRKUK.
20061019             but PRESIDENT—BUSH has indicated he may ignore that request".
20061019             but they're trying to foment sectarian violence.
20061019             They believe that if they can create enough chaos,
20061019             certainly Shimkus and the page BOARD knew about it + it didn't get out.
20061019             The question really is, chairman of the parliamentary telecommunications committee.
20061019             'The country needs it for development and access to contemporary science.'"
20061019             COMMANDER—OF—USA—FORCES in VIETNAM.
20061019             Without specifically mentioning My Lai, Glen said that murder had become 1—ROUTINE PART—OF—AMERICAL—OPERATIONS.
20061019             dass die Umweltverschmutzung 13—MILLIONEN Menschen —J—IM tötet.
20061019             den Kölner Bankier KURT—VON—SCHRÖDER, in dessen Haus am 4....
20061019             disrupt, corrupt, or usurp adversarial human and automated decisionmaking —WHILE protecting our own.
20061019             —DUBBED, EDITOR—OF—THE—TECHCRUNCH blog, —RECENTLY, the 'wisdom of the few.' Sites like PicksPal rely on input from the masses chiefly as 1—VENUE for auditioning prospective experts,
20061019             erdbebensicher.
20061019             Dübel gehören jedoch nicht zu den sicheren Teilen.
20061019             as 1—ADJUNCT to the overwhelming application of lethal force.
20061019             even though both put hard currency into the pocket of THE—PYONGYANG regime.
20061019             has 1—GOOD summary of what we know so far.
20061019             —INDEED, Weller is, 1—SCOUNDREL (at least by my lights), but the page story remains unproven.
20061019             helping to prop up THE—USA—DOLLAR and hold down USA—INTEREST—RATES.
20061019             —CHANGED, MISTER—COSTELLO said "the strategy had " and CHINA—CENTRAL—BANKERS were —NOW looking for alternative investments.
20061019             Continue - hinter Granatapfelbäumen und in den Mohnfeldern Pashmuls.
20061019             how far up it goes + does IT—HOW far into DENNY—HASTERT—OFFICE?
20061019             if necessary, adversaries THE—USE—OF—SPACE capabilities hostile to USA national interests.
20061019             if we were asked to create 1. These recommendations can't guarantee clean results on their own.
20061019             in VIETNAM, which was "widely credited with eroding support for PRESIDENT—JOHNSON" and turning THE—USA—PUBLIC against that war.
20061019             is the key to stopping the conflict: "you fix the government, you fix the problem.
20061019             it's 1—VERY thriving ecosystem.' In the grand SCHEME—OF—THE—WORLD there would be little EVIDENCE—OF—OUR existence at 100,—000—YEARS.
20061019             it's important to stress we know nothing about the actual allegation yet, nor the investigation.
20061019             MANY—RACES —AROUND the nation are too close to call, 1—NEW—PACKAGE—OF—ZOGBY Interactive polling shows.
20061019             —NOW struggling with the catastrophic cascade developing in IRAQ, where key advisors had assured the administration —1—YEAR—EARLIER—OF—THE "cake walk".
20061019             That directive was the "Information Operations Roadmap" - of ILLINOIS.
20061019             Archpundit does not mention Weller directly, but otherwise has confiremd the claim.
20061019             of PRESIDENT—BUSH meeting with RIGHT—WING radio hosts.
20061019             of THE—USA—PUBLIC agreed that BUSH has no clear plan for handling the situation in IRAQ, according to 1—SEPT.
20061019             CNN/Gallup poll.
20061019             —ON CUNNINGHAM—MISDEEDS: 1—INTERNAL congressional investigation has found that "major breakdowns" in legislative controls enabled FORMER—REPUBLICAN Rep.
20061019             —ON NIGER's purported YELLOW—CAKE uranium.
20061019             —WANTED, Caraccilo —JUST " to share that pride with the people back home".
20061019             —CONSTRUCTED, And let the lingering, memory kick in as the next FLURRY—OF—STORIES is released to bury the newly emergent lie.
20061019             —ON THE—JERRY—WELLER accusation.
20061019             That piece references this ILLINOIS political site,
20061019             —ON the theory that these virtuosos could provide even more accurate information and predictions than the crowd.
20061019             or the brutality with which it was carried out.
20061019             It led him to believe that CONTROL—OF—PUBLIC—PERCEPTIONS,
20061019             partly in reaction to things that happened —40—YEARS—AGO ?
20061019             BARRY—GOLDWATER—DEFEAT, the excess of the '60s,
20061019             psychological operations [PSYOP], military deception + operations security [OPSEC], with specified supporting and related capabilities to influence,
20061019             raising concern that terrorists could acquire material for 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB" 10/20
20061019             schreiben die Forscher in der aktuellen Ausgabe des Fachmagazins "Nature".
20061019             Damit widersprechen sie der bisherigen Lehrmeinung über Wasser auf dem Erdtrabanten.
20061019             —SINCE promoted to major.
20061019             He was —NOW the deputy assistant CHIEF—OF—STAFF—OF—THE—DIVISION—1—FUNCTIONARY who was directed to craft 1—RESPONSE to this report of widespread atrocities against VIETNAM—CIVILIANS.
20061019             steht in einer begleitenden Studie, die auch im INTERNET abrufbar ist.
20061019             —ERST kürzlich hatte die Uno berichtet,
20061019             that IRAQ is currently in 1—CIVIL—WAR — disagreeing with MANY—OF—IRAQ—LEADERS,
20061019             that the latest killings —THIS—WEEK in THE—CENTRAL—PART—OF—THE—COUNTRY may be directly related to THE—LACK—OF—PROGRESS on the national reconciliation front.
20061019             THE—USA—PEOPLE will grow sick and TIRED—OF—THE—IRAQ—EFFORT and will cause government to withdraw
20061019             THE—BUSH—FAMILY—MOST notorious friend.
20061019             Regarding the latter spread, this story
20061019             the National Security Archive —TODAY—POSTED on the Web new investigative records that further implicate LUIS—POSADA—CARRILES in that crime of INTERNATIONAL terrorism.
20061019             Among.
20061019             THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY—FAVORABILITY rating is at 1—ALL—TIME—LOW + PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—APPROVAL rating remains mired in the 30s," NBC reports.
20061019             THE—USA will preserve its rights, capabilities and FREEDOM—OF—ACTION in space
20061019             the most ideological WING—OF—THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY has had both the executive and legislative branches with 1—VERY—DISTINCT governing philosophy and very distinct political philosophy".
20061019             10/19 - they are owners of more burdens and fewer opportunities.
20061019             this time involving 1—REPRESENTATIVE and 1—FEMALE—PAGE, ALL—OF— 16—YEARS—OLD.
20061019             —FEARED, Dems have, that the offender might be 1—OF—THEIR—OWN.
20061019             though it has to be detected with instruments.
20061019             If you can hide something from microwaves, you can hide it from radar and visible light.
20061019             totse_com | Unauthorized BIOGRAPHY—OF—GEORGE—BUSH
20061019             treat others with respect and decency + serve their families and communities.
20061019             was 1—TURNING point in THE—LOSS—OF—USA—DOMESTIC—SUPPORT for the war.
20061019             This did not lead Powell to question the legitimacy of THE—VIETNAM occupation,
20061019             we find that —BEFORE we can catch these offenders, INTERNET service providers have unwittingly deleted the very records that would help us identify these offenders and protect future victims," Mueller said.
20061019             which I recommend.
20061019             He found over 50—SYSTEMATIC and intentional lies that were generated for the express PURPOSE—OF—DECEIVING not SOME—PUTATIVE enemy but the press and the people of THE—USA and BRITAIN.
20061019             which could include ceramic, Teflon or fiber composite materials — channels the microwaves —AROUND the object being hidden.
20061019             which included such key Nazi institutions as IG Farben, the Keppler Circle + the Cologne Stein BANK—OF—ALLGEMEINE—SS financier KURT—VON—SCHROEDER.
20061019             which is so prevalent in this area.
20061019             (Emphasis added.) - who say it will hamper IRAN—PROGRESS.
20061019             'EVERY—COUNTRY in the world is moving towards modernization and 1—MAJOR—ELEMENT—OF this is HIGH—SPEED—INTERNET—ACCESS,' said RAMAZAN—ALI—SEDEGHZADEH,
20061019             with Ney —LAST—WEEK, the 8. guilty plea or conviction in the Abramoff case, piled on top of Scooter Libby and TOM—DELAY and CURT—WELDON.
20061019             It goes on and on.
20061019             with Shiite militias targeting Sunni Iraqis and Sunni insurgent groups bombing Shiite sites.
20061019             über den ARMENISCHEN—GENOCID hat erwartungsgemäss heftige...
20061019             —AN office almost run by Rendon PEOPLE—AND how it generated news stories out of CENTCOM
20061019             "In direct refutation of this portrayal," wrote the officer dismissively and with no investigation whatsoever,
20061019             "—JUST—20—DAYS —UNTIL Election —DAY, the latest NBC News/WALL—STREET—JOURNAL poll finds approval of THE—GOP—HELD Congress is at its lowest mark in —14—YEARS,
20061019             "MISTER—EVERETT responded with 1—LOW chuckle.
20061019             He thought for 1—MOMENT: 'One's in 1—LOCATION, "THE—WORST—CONGRESS—EVER".
20061019             "These past —6—YEARS were more than —JUST the most shameful, corrupt and incompetent period in THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—USA—LEGISLATIVE—BRANCH.
20061019             "[A]pprehension and unease
20061019             "is the fact that relations between Americal soldiers and THE—VIETNAM—PEOPLE are excellent".
20061019             —KILLED, Perhaps he believed that those, were MAMs + —THEREFORE outside THE—PROTECTION—OF—THE—GENEVA—CONVENTIONS and INTERNATIONAL law.
20061019             " Burns added that Tester, in specific, was not allowed to know the path forward in IRAQ because "you're —JUST going to go out and blow it".
20061019             " Featuring PRESIDENT—BILL—CLINTON as the keynote speaker, the conference is 1—EFFORT to forcefully articulate 1—ALTERNATIVE to "compassionate conservatism," 1—PROGRESSIVE—PHILOSOPHY—OF governing.
20061019             " SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL (R—NE) —RECENTLY stated that BUSH needs to "find 1—NEW—STRATEGY, 1—WAY out of IRAQ
20061019             " 1—NEW—FOREIGN—AFFAIRS—STUDY shows.
20061019             87—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS believe the threat to national security is exacerbated —WHEN other countries and cultures view THE—USA in 1—NEGATIVE—LIGHT;
20061019             78 % believe their country is seen as arrogant. Details HERE.
20061019             " and will recommend a "change in course," possibly including "withdrawing USA—TROOPS in phases + bringing neighboring IRAN and Syria into 1—JOINT—EFFORT to stop the fighting".
20061019             —PROPOSED, Both options were, over —1—YEAR—AGO by progressives in Strategic Redeployment.
20061019             'think Poppy and Dubya want 1—PIECE—OF—THE action?
20061019             THE—S—LOUIS—CARDINALS beat THE—NEW—YORK Mets to win the National League pennant.
20061019             They will face THE—DETROIT—TIGERS for the World Series.
20061019             HAWAII, the 10. annual fundraising parody Underpants Run was held in KAILUA—KONA on the Big ISLAND.
20061019             1—NY state judge ruled that RICHARD—GRASSO, FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—NYSE, must return as much as $100—MILLION—OF his $187.5—COMPENSATION—PACKAGE.
20061019             —CLOSED, THE—DOW—JONES industrial average, above 12,000 for the 1. time, ending at 12,011.73.
20061019             FREMONT—CALIFORNIA, Alia Ansari (37), 1—NATIVE—OF—AFGHANISTAN and mother of 6, was gunned down in MID—AFTERNOON as she walked to pick up her children from school.
20061019             —ARRESTED, MANUEL—URANGO, —28—JAHRE—ALT was soon, on 1—PAROLE violation as 1—PERSON—OF—INTEREST.
20061019             TEXAS, 1—DEATH—ROW—INMATE slit his own throat with 1—MAKESHIFT—KNIFE, committing suicide about —15—HOURS—BEFORE he was scheduled to be executed.
20061019             MICHAEL—DEWAYNE—JOHNSON, —29—JAHRE—ALT was on death row for 19950000             —THE—KILLING—OF—1—CONVENIENCE—STORE clerk near WACO.
20061019             —DENIED, Johnson had, gunning down JEFF—WETTERMAN (27), who helped pump gas at the family store off Interstate 35—NEAR—WACO.
20061019             —BLAMED, Johnson, his companion, DAVID—VEST, for the killing.
20061019             —BLAMED, Vest, the shooting on Johnson, took an —8—YEAR—PRISON—TERM in 1—PLEA—DEAL and testified against his friend.
20061019             Vest is —NOW free.
20061019             † PHYLLIS—KIRK, —79—JAHRE—ALT, film and TV actress, in Woodland HILLS—CALIFORNIA.
20061019             —CALLED, PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, on NATO—FORCES to use caution —DURING military operations, —1—DAY—AFTER 20—CIVILIANS were killed.
20061019             —RAMPAGED, SOUTH—EAST—BANGLADESH, 1—HERD—OF—WILD—ELEPHANTS, through 1—VILLAGE, killing 5—MEMBERS—OF—1—FAMILY, including 2—CHILDREN.
20061019             —HANDED, BRAZIL, JUDGE—LUIZ—NORONHA—DANTAS, down a —52—YEAR sentence on 4—HOMICIDE counts and stripped CAPTAIN—MARCOS—DUARTE—RAMALHO of his status as 1—POLICE—OFFICER.
20061019             2—MORE—OFFICERS are set to stand trial for the killings.
20061019             1—COURT struck down sections of 1—CANADIAN—ANTI—TERRORISM—LAW, in 1—RULING that threw out warrants used to search the home of 1—REPORTER covering USA—EFFORTS to secretly send 1—CANADA—TERROR—SUSPECT to Syria for interrogation.
20061019             —STEPPED, CHINA, up its diplomatic efforts with NORTH—KOREA, sending 1—PERSONAL—MESSAGE and 1—GIFT from THE—CHINA—PRESIDENT—TO—THE—NORTH—LEADER—KIM—JONG—IL as WASHINGTON appealed for cooperation by ASIA—POWERS on UNITED—NATIONS sanctions for PYONGYANG—NUCLEAR—TEST.
20061019             —DRESSED, COLOMBIA, 1—CAR—BOMB left by 1—PERSON, in 1—MILITARY—UNIFORM exploded in the parking LOT—OF—1—MILITARY—UNIVERSITY—IN—BOGOTA, wounding at least 23—PEOPLE, as 1—TOP—GENERAL was at 1—CONFERENCE—NEARBY.
20061019             —ARRIVED, QUEEN—ELIZABETH—II, in ESTONIA on the last leg of 1—LANDMARK trip to the Baltic states, —DURING which THE—80—YEAR—OLD monarch has repeatedly praised the Baltic people for their determined fight for freedom.
20061019             ETHIOPIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MELES—ZENAWI told PARLIAMENT that he had sent military trainers to help SOMALIA—STRUGGLING government, but had not deployed 1—FIGHTING force.
20061019             Yalemzewd Bekele, 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—LAWYER working for the European Commission in ADDIS—ABABA, was arrested at the border with KENYA.
20061019             IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER driving 1—FUEL—TANKER struck 1—MAJOR—POLICE—STATION in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL, killing 12—PEOPLE and wounding 25. Another suicide car bomb detonated in KIRKUK killed 12—PEOPLE and wounded 68. Fighting broke out in Amara —AFTER THE—HEAD—OF—POLICE—INTELLIGENCE in the surrounding province, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—RIVAL—SHIITE BADR—BRIGADE—MILITIA, was killed by 1—ROADSIDE bomb, prompting his family to kidnap the teenage brother of the local HEAD—OF—THE—A—MADHI—ARMY.
20061019             † At least 66—IRAQIS, in fighting and sectarian killings.
20061019             —ARRESTED, ITALY—POLICE, 12 alleged MEMBERS—OF—1—MAFIA clan ACCUSED—OF—DRUG trafficking and running 1—EXTORTION ring that terrorized businesses in the Sicilian TOWN—OF—MESSINA.
20061019             MALAYSIA, Altantuya Shaariibuu (28), 1—MONGOLIA—MODEL, was kidnapped outside THE—HOUSE—OF—ABDUL—RAZAK—BAGINDA, —46—JAHRE—ALT, who heads THE—MALAYSIA—STRATEGIC—RESEARCH—CENTER—THINK—TANK.
20061019             —KILLED, She was, and her remains blown up with MILITARY—GRADE C—4—EXPLOSIVES and —LATER found in 1 isolated area SOUTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL—KUALA—LUMPUR.
20061019             NOV.
20061019             —VOWED, MALAYSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—ABDULLAH—AHMAD—BADAWI, there would be no COVER—UP over her murder.
20061019             —ABETTED, ABDUL—RAZAK allegedly, 2—POLICEMEN, Azilah Hadri (30) and Sirul Azhar Umar (35), to commit the murder.
20061019             —RULED, MEXICO—SENATE, there was no reason to oust OAXACA's embattled STATE—GOVERNOR, eliminating the last formal legal recourse for THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS who —FOR—MONTHS have demanded the resignation of GOVERNOR—ULISES—RUIZ.
20061019             JORGE—BUSTOS, 1—COMMANDER with the defunct FEDERAL—SECURITY—DIRECTORATE, was arrested in MEXICO—CITY in connection with 19740000             —THE disappearance of 6 alleged guerrilla members.
20061019             —ARRESTED, Bustos had, 6—MEMBERS—OF—THE—BRIGADA—LACANDONA, a 1970s guerrilla faction, who disappeared —AFTER HIDALGO state authorities turned them over to THE—FEDERAL—INTELLIGENCE agency.
20061019             —DECLARED, NIGERIA—PRESIDENT, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in 1 troubled southwest state where he said the impeachment of THE—GOVERNOR by the local legislature violated the constitution.
20061019             31—OF—NIGERIA—36—STATE governors are being investigated for corruption, according to the country's financial crimes agency.
20061019             —FORCED, RUSSIA, nearly 100—FOREIGN—NON—GOVERNMENTAL—ORGANIZATIONS, including leading human rights groups, to suspend operations for missing 1—DEADLINE for RE—REGISTRATION under 1—TOUGH, new law.
20061019             —AGREED, SRI—LANKA—TAMIL—TIGER rebels, to attend peace talks with the government —THIS—MONTH in 1—BREAKTHROUGH—ANNOUNCEMENT —AFTER —1—WEEK—OF—BLOODY—ATTACKS left over 250—DEAD.
20061019             —KILLED, In NORTH—SRI—LANKA 3—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS were, in attacks blamed on the Tiger rebels.
20061019             —ORDERED, SYRIA—AUTHORITIES, prominent writer and PRO—DEMOCRACY—ACTIVIST—MICHEL—KILO released on bail —AFTER more than —4—MONTHS in detention.
20061019             4—MINISTERS from PRESIDENT—VIKTOR—YUSHCHENKO—OUR—UKRAINE party resigned —AFTER THE—COLLAPSE—OF—TALKS to create 1—BROAD ruling coalition in THE—EX—SOVIET—STATE.
20061019             THE—UN—ENVIRONMENT—PROGRAM said the number of "dead zones" in the world's oceans had reached 200, 1—INCREASE—OF—34% in —2—YEARS, threatening fish stocks and the people who depend on them.
20061019             1—UN—REPORT said THE—NORTH—KOREA—GOVERNMENT—ROUNDS up disabled people and sends them away from THE—CAPITAL—PYONGYANG to special camps, where they are sorted by their handicap and subjected to "subhuman conditions".
20061019             S—MATEO—DAILY—JOURNAL—USA—ATTORNEY KEVIN—RYAN said DENNIS—DI—RICCO, 56, the former... www.smdailyjournal_com/news_listing.php?type=lnews&eddate=20061021             20061019—18390000    —IN, written, THE—DESCENT—OF—MAN, THE—ZOOLOGY—OF—THE—VOYAGE—OF—HMS Beagle, which includes his observations —DURING his —5—YEAR—TRIP to the Amazon,
20061019—19530000    —IN—THE, PHYLLIS—KIRK starred 3-D film "HOUSE—OF—WAX," and played opposite PETER—LAWFORD in TV's "THE—THIN—MAN" (19570000—19590000    ).
20061019—20010000    —IN—THE, 1—MAN facing execution for his role attack on INDIA—PARLIAMENT will appeal to THE—PRESIDENT.
20061019—20030000    —BY, the Pentagon propaganda program had been repackaged + 1—SECRET 74-page directive emanated from RUMSFELD—OFFICE,
20061019—20040000    —IN, Shaariibuu was allegedly extorting Baginda —FOLLOWING 1—AFFAIR that had begun.
20061019—20060414    —ON, he was sentenced to —50—YEARS in prison.
20061019—20061017    —ON, Bush says he may ignore new WAR—FUNDING law: In a "signing statement" released —WHEN he signed 20070000             —THE—DEFENSE—AUTHORIZATION—ACT, THE—PRESIDENT listed 2—DOZEN—PROVISIONS in the act that he indicated he may or may not abide by.
20061019—20070000    —IN, was charged with ANSARI—MURDER.
20061019—20080000    —IN, 1—STATE—APPEALS—COURT ruled that MISTER—GRASSO can keep ALL—OF—HIS—COMPENSATION.
20061019—20080311    —CONVICTED—OF, Urango was, 1.—DEGREE murder.
20061019—20090000    —COMPLETED, THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CAMBRIDGE hopes to have this, and is only estimated to be about half way done.
20061019—20090000    —IN, 1—MALAYSIA—COURT sentenced 2—POLICEMEN to death on charges of murdering Shaariibuu.
20061019—20130000    —IN, 1—APPEALS—COURT acquitted the men.
20061019—20150113    —ON, 1—FEDERAL—COURT unanimously ruled that the Appeals Court was wrong in reversing THE—FINDINGS—OF—THE—TRIAL—COURT.
20061023             WHITE—HOUSE Press SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW, 20061019             :
20070706—20091019    —SENTENCED, Zegrean was, to 26—90—YEARS in prison.
20070829—20071019    —ON, THE—AIR—FORCE said 70—SERVICE—MEMBERS would be punished for widespread DISREGARD—OF—RULES.
20071019             "I'm —JUST amazed that they can't figure out -- the Republicans are worried that they can't pay for insuring 1—ADDITIONAL 10—MILLION children.
20071019             "So I've told people that, if you're interested in avoiding WWIII., it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from having the knowledge necessary to make 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON".
20071019             1—REAL—HERO : USA—COMMANDER—OF—JAIL that housed Saddam doesn't testify in own defense:
20071019             According to THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, the "large and active" fraud and corruption case reportedly focuses on:
20071019             1—ALL—OUT BATTLE—FOR—CONTROL—OF—PAKISTAN—RESTIVE—NORTH + SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN is about to commence between THE—PAKISTAN—MILITARY and the Taliban and AL—QAEDA adherents who have made these tribal areas their own.
20071019             As Americans scramble for funding to try to help the many wounded veterans returning from war,
20071019             BUSH intensifies ANTI—IRAN rhetoric:
20071019             BUSH sends our children to IRAQ to get their heads blown off for his amusement: REPRESENTATIVE—PETE—STARK:
20071019             Bhutto returns to SEA—OF—SUPPORT in PAKISTAN:
20071019             Dems sell out: Again!?: Senate Deal on Immunity for Phone Companies: Food Fraud In THE—WAR—ZONE?:
20071019             Hahahaha! Yeah! Zinger! That's funny shit.
20071019             For the record, here's his expression —WHILE saying the words "World War 3":
20071019             —CONTAINED, He said the convoy, 1—NUMBER—OF advanced technology improvised explosive devices.
20071019             IRAN denounces BUSH "World War III" warning:
20071019             —AGREED, IRAQ has, to award $1.1—BILLION in contracts to Iranian + CHINA—COMPANIES to build 1—PAIR of enormous power plants, THE—IRAQ—ELECTRICITY—MINISTER—SAID—TUESDAY.
20071019             IRAQ put more pressure on THE—USA—ON—THURSDAY to pull out security contractor Blackwater from BAGHDAD but THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT said no decision had been made on THE—NORTH—CAROLINA firm.
20071019             IRAQ says USA mercenaries Blackwater must go: IRAQ—BRUTALLY—WOUNDED (Photo Essay):
20071019             IRAQ—CONTRACTS With IRAN and CHINA Concern U.S:
20071019             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT flew out for urgent talks in MOSCOW —ON—THURSDAY to try to win PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN—BACKING for new SANCTIONS—AGAINST—ARCHFOE—IRAN over its nuclear drive.
20071019             —RETURNED, JUDGE—VINCENT—FOURNIER, who spoke as Bhutto, to her homeland —AFTER—8—YEARS in SELF—EXILE,
20071019             —REACHED, LEADERS—OF—THE—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE, 1—TENTATIVE agreement —ON—WEDNESDAY with THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION that would give telephone carriers legal immunity for ANY—ROLE they played in the National Security AGENCY—DOMESTIC eavesdropping program approved by PRESIDENT—BUSH —AFTER 20070911             —THE terrorist attacks,
20071019             —CONVICTED, LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—WILLIAM—H—STEELE, 52, faces 1—LIFE—SENTENCE if, on the charge of aiding the enemy by allowing HIGH—RANKING former regime prisoners use his cell phone for unmonitored calls.
20071019             Manufacturing Consent For War With IRAN: USA—MILITARY: Intercepted AFGHANISTAN—WEAPONS—CAME From IRAN:
20071019             PAKISTAN plans ALL—OUT WAR—ON—MILITANTS: Putin : USA must set IRAQ withdrawal:
20071019             Putin says IRAQ shows RUSSIA needs strong army:
20071019             Retired army general IBRAHIM—BAZAN told KUNA the military operation would start with artillery attack against PKK bases to be followed by WIDE—SCALE combing mission.
20071019             Speaking on national television and radio, THE—PRESIDENT—CALLED—THE—USA—OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ a "dead end" and suggested that THE—USA had invaded the country for its oil.
20071019             SWITZERLAND—JUDGE wraps up Bhutto MONEY—LAUNDERING probe:
20071019             THE—UK—MILITARY is facing allegations that THE—BODIES—OF—IRAQ—PRISONERS showed EVIDENCE—OF—EYE—GAUGING, genital mutilation and hanging.
20071019             —REJECTED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT —ON—WEDNESDAY, A—UNITED—NATIONS—REPORT that said the use of private security guards like those involved in the shooting deaths of IRAQ—CIVILIANS amounted to 1—NEW—FORM—OF mercenary activity.
20071019             They sure don't care about finding $200—BILLION to fight the illegal war in IRAQ".
20071019             THOUSANDS—OF—TURKEY—FORCES in WIDE—SCALE hunt for PKK:
20071019             5 in WEST—AFGHANISTAN.
20071019             USA denies security guards akin to mercenaries:
20071019             World War III Is Going To Be Hilarious:
20071019             —SUFFERED, MANY—MORE thousands in IRAQ have, equally horrific injuries, yet have virtually no way of receiving care.
20071019             returning to KARACHI where HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS thronged the streets to welcome her home.
20071019             said he would hand over his confidential findings —NEXT—WEEK to GENEVA CHIEF—PROSECUTOR—DANIEL—ZAPPELLI for action.
20071019             saying the experience of IRAQ showed the need for RESOURCE—RICH—COUNTRIES to keep strong defences.
20071019             so their survival at THE—TOP—OF—WASHINGTON—POLICY making hierarchy has become ambiguous.
20071019             1—TEAM—OF—STUDENTS from GERMANY—TECHNISCHE—UNIVERSITAT—DARMSTADT won 1—WEEKLONG competition on THE—WASHINGTON—DC—NATIONAL—MALL for the best, most efficient, and WELL—DESIGNED AND—ENGINEERED solar home.
20071019             1—BATTLE—IN—SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN between USA—LED coalition forces and Taliban militants left more than 12—OF—THE—INSURGENTS—DEAD.
20071019             Armed with clubs and waving provincial flags, THOUSANDS—OF—RESIDENTS—OF—BOLIVIA—WEALTHIEST province seized CONTROL—OF—SANTA—CRUZ—VIRU—VIRU airport from troops sent in by PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES.
20071019             —ORDERED, The previous —DAY Morales had, 220—TROOPS to take CONTROL—OF—THE—AIRPORT —AFTER workers threatened to block flights that did not pay landing fees to local officials rather than the national airport authority.
20071019             —SHOWED, Television footage, 1—VENEZUELA—AIR—FORCE—PLANE and uniformed personnel at the site.
20071019             1—TWIN—ENGINE—PLANE crashed into the ninth floor of 1—SUBURBAN—VANCOUVER apartment building, killing the pilot and injuring at least 2—PEOPLE in the building.
20071019             6—PEOPLE were found dead in what police described as 1—GRAPHIC—MURDER—SCENE in 1—APARTMENT building in 1—VANCOUVER suburb.
20071019             Police —LATER said the killings, which took place on the 15. floor of 1—SUBURBAN—VANCOUVER apartment building, were related to gang activity.
20071019             —MURDERED, They said that 2—OF—THE—DEAD were, because they chanced upon the crime scene.
20071019             —ENDORSED, EUROPEAN—UNION leaders in PORTUGAL, 1—REFORM—TREATY to replace their failed European constitution and give the 27-nation union 1—MORE—INFLUENTIAL say in world affairs.
20071019             —CREATED, The new TREATY—OF—LISBON, 2—NEW—POSTS, 1—EUROPEAN foreign MINISTER in all but name and 1—NEW standing PRESIDENT—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—COUNCIL.
20071019             —STARTED, Train service, back up —THROUGHOUT much of FRANCE but MANY—COMMUTERS in PARIS biked, ROLLER—BLADED and even used children's scooters as city transit workers kept up a 2. —DAY—OF—STRIKES against proposed economic reforms.
20071019             —REVIEWED, INDIA and PAKISTAN, their efforts to cut THE—RISK—OF—ACCIDENTS involving nuclear weapons and discussed arms and security issues.
20071019             LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—WILLIAM—H—STEELE, —52—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—USA—COMMANDER at the jail that held SADDAM—HUSSEIN, was acquitted of aiding the enemy by loaning 1 unmonitored cell phone to 1—INMATE, but 1—MILITARY—JUDGE—IN—IRAQ convicted him of unauthorized POSSESSION—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PAGES—OF classified documents and 2—OTHER—CHARGES for which he received —2—YEARS—IMPRISONMENT—AFTER pleading for leniency.
20071019             —BACKED, EAST—DIWANIYAH, USA—LED ground forces, by 2—POLAND—HELICOPTERS came under fire from machine guns and 1—ANTI—TANK—GRENADE launcher.
20071019             —REPORTED, No coalition casualties were, but 2—MILITANTS were killed.
20071019             1—ROADSIDE bomb exploded near 1—MINIBUS FULL—OF—SHIITE civilians, killing at least 3—PEOPLE and wounding 9 as they went to visit relatives SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20071019             1—PARLIAMENTARIAN said that 61—OF—120—ISRAEL—LAWMAKERS have signed 1—PETITION against ANY—ATTEMPT by PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT to transfer parts of JERUSALEM to the Palestinians.
20071019             —CLAIMED, INDIA—KASHMIR, Rawathpora village residents, that INDIA—SOLDIERS detained teacher ABDUL—RASHID—MIR, —26—JAHRE—ALT outside 1—SCHOOL, then tortured and fatally shot him —WHILE he was in custody.
20071019             THE—INDIA—ARMY said Mir was accidentally shot —AFTER he got into 1—SQUABBLE with 1—ARMY—PATROL—TEAM.
20071019             —ERUPTED, Violence quickly.
20071019             —RIPPED, In THE—PHILIPPINES 1—POWERFUL—EXPLOSION, through 3—FLOORS—OF—1—SHOPPING mall in THE—HEART—OF—MANILA—FINANCIAL—DISTRICT, killing 11—PEOPLE, injuring scores and sending police and troops on the highest STATE—OF—ALERT.
20071019             Police —LATER said 1—GAS—LEAK was the likely cause.
20071019             —SUSPECTED—OF, CHRISTOPHER—PAUL—NEIL, —32—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CANADA—SCHOOLTEACHER, sexually abusing boys, was arrested in rural THAILAND and charged —AFTER a —3-YEAR INTERNATIONAL manhunt that relied on digitally unscrambled photos and tips from the public.
20071019             —PLEADED, Neil —LATER, guilty to sexually abusing a —13—YEAR—OLD—BOY and was sentenced to —3—YEARS and —3—MONTHS in jail;
20071019             he faces other charges involving the victim's younger brother.
20080318             —AM—ABEND des 20081019             verzeichnete die NEW—YORK Stock Exchange den größten Kurssturz ihrer Geschichte — 22,6 % an einem —TAG.
20081019             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—BILL—REAUTHORIZING—AMTRAK for another —5—YEARS.
20081019             COLIN—POWELL, 1—REPUBLICAN and retired general who was PRESIDENT—BUSH—1. SECRETARY—OF—STATE, broke with the party and endorsed Democrat BARACK—OBAMA for PRESIDENT, calling him a "transformational figure" —WHILE criticizing THE—TONE—OF—JOHN—MCCAIN—CAMPAIGN.
20081019             —REPORTED, It was, that CALIFORNIA—S—MATEO—COUNTY suffered potential losses of some $150—MILLION due to the bankruptcy of Lehman Bros.
20081019             THE—LEHMAN—BROS. portfolio accounted for 5.9—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTY—INVESTMENT—FUND.
20081019             —RACKED, County cities DALY—CITY, Redwood City and S—BRUNO each, up losses exceeding $1—MILLION.
20081019             S—FRANCISCO, over 20,000 runners took part in the 5. annual NIKE—WOMEN—MARATHON.
20081019             —RAISED, They, over $18—MILLION for leukemia and lymphoma research.
20081019             Arien O'Connell (24) of NEW—YORK—CITY ran the fastest time, but did not win because she did not register as an "elite" runner.
20081019             † RICHARD—BLACKWELL, —86—JAHRE—ALT, actor turned fashion designer, in LOS—ANGELES.
20081019             —CLAIMED, RICHARD—BLACKWELL, to be the 1. to make designer jeans for women.
20081019             HAL—KANT led the Grateful Dead to incorporate, making it 1—OF—THE 1. rock bands to offer health benefits and pensions.
20081019             † Dee Dee Warwick (63), 1—SOUL—SINGER who won recognition for both her solo work and her performances with her older sister Dionne Warwick, in NEW—JERSEY.
20081019             —STOPPED, Taliban militants, 1—BUS traveling on AFGHANISTAN—MAIN—HIGHWAY in the Maiwand DISTRICT—OF—KANDAHAR province, captured some 50—PEOPLE on BOARD and killed 26—OF—THEM with at least 6 beheaded.
20081019             —KILLED, INTERNATIONAL and AFGHANISTAN—FORCES, 34—TALIBAN fighters south of the Helmand provincial CAPITAL—OF—LASHKAR—GAH.
20081019             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA—COMMUNIST—LEADERS, THE—APPROVAL—OF—KEY—RURAL—REFORM that for the 1. time will permit farmers to lease or transfer their land in 1—CHANGE aimed at raising rural incomes and speeding migration from the farm to the cities.
20081019             —APPROVED, The policy change was, —1—WEEK—AGO at 1—HIGH—LEVEL meeting.
20081019             —EXTRADITED, COLOMBIA, VLADIMIR—VANOY, —32—JAHRE—ALT, THE—SON—OF—1—WARLORD, to THE—USA on drug charges, was murdered by unidentified assailants at the gate to his condominium outside BOGOTA.
20081019             THE—FRANCE—CABINET—SPOKESMAN said "swindlers" —LAST—MONTH broke into the personal BANK—ACCOUNT—OF—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY and swiped small SUMS—OF—MONEY.
20081019             —MARCHED, More than 30,000 demonstrators, across PARIS to denounce the conservative government's budget restrictions, job cuts and other controversial reforms in the public education system.
20081019             —BELIEVED, They are, to have used small sums to pay MOBILE telephone bills.
20081019             1—ISRAEL—BUSINESSMAN was kidnapped in GHANA.
20081019             —DEMANDED, The kidnappers —INITIALLY, $500,000 ransom, then lowered it to $300,000.
20081019             —KILLED, INDIA, 2—PEOPLE were, and 12 injured —AFTER 1—BRIDGE being built to extend NEW—DELHI—6—YEAR—OLD—METRO—SYSTEM collapsed onto 1—BUS and cars.
20081019             IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI—RULING Shiite alliance said that PARTS—OF—THE—DRAFT—SECURITY—AGREEMENT that would keep USA—TROOPS here for 3—MORE—YEARS—NEEDS—MORE—DISCUSSION and amendments —BEFORE it can be approved.
20081019             1—ROADSIDE bomb targeting 1—IRAQ—POLICE—PATROL killed 2—PEOPLE and wounded 10 in SOUTH—EAST—BAGHDAD.
20081019             A 2. roadside bomb in the same neighborhood blew up shortly afterward, wounding 3—OTHER—POLICEMEN traveling in car and 4—CIVILIANS in another vehicle.
20081019             † 1—USA—MARINE, in 1—NON—COMBAT incident at Asad Air Base in THE—WEST—OF—IRAQ.
20081019             PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT said it may have to accept politically unpopular IMF assistance to ward off 1—POSSIBLE—ECONOMIC—MELTDOWN if wealthy nations turn it down.
20081019             THE—PHILIPPINES—GOVERNMENT said it would pay 50,000 (1,063 dollars) for EVERY—M—16—ASSAULT—RIFLE surrendered by 1—COMMUNIST—INSURGENT who abandoned THE—LONG—RUNNING rebellion.
20081019             —ANNOUNCED, SOUTH—KOREA, a $130—BILLION economic rescue package, with $100—BILLION of this in THE—FORM—OF—GUARANTEES for foreign currency debts.
20081019             —BOMBED, TURKEY—WARPLANES again, Kurdish rebel hideouts across the border in NORTH—IRAQ.
20081019             —TARGETED, The bombings, 4—TOWNS—NEAR THE—TURKEY—BORDER.
20081019             —ELECTED, THE—FAILED—PRESIDENCY—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH : 1—DISMAL—LEGACY—PART I [Whoever is, PRESIDENT in the coming 20081104             election will inherit 1—MOST miserable situation of all fronts.
20081019—19600000    —IN, he issued his 1. TONGUE—IN—CHEEK criticism of HOLLYWOOD fashion disasters.
20081019—20080923    —MOURNED, THE—NEO—CONSERVATIVE—CHIEFS—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—POST—EDITORIAL—PAGE, in 1—TONE much like what 1—HEARS on THE—DEATH—OF—1—CLOSE—FRIEND, that "1—MILITARY—STRIKE by THE—USA—OR—ISRAEL [on IRAN is not] likely in the coming months".
20081019—20081021    —ON, police arrested 2—MEN suspected of stealing the bank details of several people without realizing the identity of their victims.
20081019—20081022    —RECOGNIZED, Nike, O'Connell as "1—WINNER" in the race.
20090000             —IN—EARLY—CANADA—MILITARY—POLICE charged CAPTAIN—ROBERT—SEMRAU—OF—SHOOTING and killing 1—MAN, described by the military police, as a "presumed insurgent," on or about 20081019             .
20091015—20091019    —ARRESTED, Bulos "Paul" Zumot (36), her ON—AND—OFF boyfriend was, on CHARGES—OF—MURDER and setting 1—FIRE to cover the slaying.
20091019             —UNVEILED, USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, 1—NEW—POLICY on SUDAN and warned KHARTOUM of more USA—PRESSURE if it failed to respond to his fresh incentives to stop "genocide" and "abuses" in Darfur.
20091019             —ISSUED, USA—PROSECUTORS were told in 1—NEW—POLICY—MEMO, by the Justice DEPARTMENT—THAT—POT—SMOKING patients or their sanctioned suppliers should not be targeted for FEDERAL—PROSECUTION in states that allow medical marijuana.
20091019             USA—SCIENTIST—STEWART—D—NOZETTE, —52—JAHRE—ALT—OF—CHEVY—CHASE, Md., was arrested for attempted espionage —AFTER passing classified information to 1—UNDERCOVER—FBI agent posing as 1—ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE—OPERATIVE.
20091019             —REPORTED, It was, that almost 10—PERCENT—OF—SF—MUNI riders cheat on their fares.
20091019             —VANISHED, Somer Thompson (7), 1—NORTH—FLORIDA girl, on her walk home from school.
20091019             ORGANIZERS—OF—THE—MULTIMILLION—DOLLAR—IBRAHIM—PRIZE for Achievement in AFRICA—LEADERSHIP, 1—ANNUAL prize for good governance, said they had decided not to give out the award —THIS—YEAR.
20091019             AFGHANISTAN, fraud investigators threw out HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—VOTES for PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI in the country's disputed —AUGUST election.
20091019             The findings set the stage for 1—RUNOFF between him and his top challenger.
20091019             Taliban militants set fire to 15—TRUCKS carrying supplies to 1—MILITARY—BASE in EAST—GHAZNI province.
20091019             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—GUARDS, 2—MILITANTS —DURING the fighting.
20091019             2—AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY troopers were killed in 1—GUN—BATTLE overnight with Taliban fighters near Ghazni city.
20091019             —ANNOUNCED, Energy group Chevron, 1—NEW—NATURAL—GAS discovery off WEST—AUSTRALIA that will help support the massive Gorgon liquefied natural gas (LNG) project.
20091019             COSTA—RICA, MICHAEL—DIXON, —33—JAHRE—ALT, 1—UK—JOURNALIST, was last spotted leaving the Villas Macondo hotel in the popular surfers' resort of Playa Tamarindo, having traveled there on his own.
20091019             —AGREED, THE—EU, to give the dairy sector 1—EXTRA $420—MILLION in special aid in 1—EFFORT to quell 1—SEASON—OF—UNREST in agriculture.
20091019             —PELTED, —MEANWHILE angry farmer, riot police with eggs and BUCKETS—OF—MILK in LUXEMBOURG.
20091019             —APPREHENDED, FRANCE—POLICE, suspected ETA militant Aitor Elizaran (30) in 1—CAR—PARK at the wheel of 1—STOLEN car in the Brittany seaside TOWN—OF—CARNAC, along with 1—WOMAN—SUSPECT, Oihana Sanvicente (32).
20091019             —CHARGED, They were soon, with conspiracy to collaborate with 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION.
20091019             —PUBLISHED, INDIA, in 1—INTERVIEW, in the weekly magazine Open, Mupalla Laxman Rao, better known as Ganapathi, vowed to unleash a "tornado" of violence if the government goes ahead with 1—PLANNED—LARGE—SCALE—OFFENSIVE against his Maoist forces.
20091019             1—IRAQI—ARMY—PATROL in WEST—PART—OF—MOSUL shot dead 1 armed man, who was firing at the patrol.
20091019             † 1—USA—SOLIDER was killed and 2—OTHERS were wounded —WHEN 1—ROADSIDE bomb detonated near their vehicle in Ninevah province.
20091019             —CONVICTED, Nelson was, —LAST—YEAR in 1—CALIFORNIA court on 52—COUNTS—OF—SEXUAL—ABUSE—OF minors and sentenced to —110—YEARS in prison.
20091019             —JAILED, He fled THE—USA to avoid being, and was hiding out in JERUSALEM.
20091019             JAPAN said it has caught 59—WHALES off Hokkaido, 1—SHORT—OF—THE—MAXIMUM allowed by INTERNATIONAL guidelines, under 1—RESEARCH—PROGRAM that critics say is 1—COVER for commercial whaling.
20091019             —COLLAPSED, KENYA, a 3-story building, in NAIROBI killing at least 6—PEOPLE with 14—LEFT missing.
20091019             —REPORTED, It was, that MEXICO—BIOLOGISTS and park workers were racing to fell as many as 9,000 fir trees, infected with deadly bark beetles, and bury or extract infested wood —BEFORE THE—ORANGE—AND—BLACK monarchs start arriving in —LATE—OCTOBER to spend the —WINTER bunched together on branches, carpeting the trees.
20091019             —REPORTED, NIGERIA, plans to offer inhabitants of its OIL—PRODUCING NIGER Delta region 10—PERCENT—OF—OIL and gas ventures in 1—BID to end 1—REBELLION that has hampered output —FOR—YEARS.
20091019             —BOMBED, PAKISTAN—TROOPS fought militants on 3—FRONTS and fighter jets, insurgent positions near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER as PAKISTAN pressed ahead with 1—ASSAULT on the country's main Taliban and AL—QAIDA stronghold.
20091019             —FOCUSED, The offensive, on eliminating Taliban militants linked to the Mehsud tribe, who control about HALF—OF—SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN and are blamed for 80—PERCENT—OF—THE—SUICIDE—ATTACKS that have battered PAKISTAN over the last —3—YEARS.
20091019             —ARRESTED, Police said they had, Akhtar Zaman, 1—MAN identified as THE—HEAD—OF—THE—PAKISTANI—TALIBAN, in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—KARACHI along with 3—OTHER alleged militants in connection with 1 foiled attempt to attack 1—OIL—TERMINAL—LAST—MONTH.
20091019             —SEIZED, SOMALIA—PIRATES, 1—CHINA—CARGO ship with 25—PEOPLE—ONBOARD.
20091019             —TUMBLED, SRI—LANKA—SHARES, —AFTER THE—USA slapped fraud charges on Raj Rajaratnam (52), 1—BILLIONAIRE—SRI—LANKAN—BORN hedge fund manager, whose investments in THE—ISLAND came under 1—FRESH "review".
20091019             —ADMITTED, Rajaratnam had, funding the Tamils Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) soon —AFTER 20041200             —THE tsunami.
20091019             —FLOCKED, TURKEY, tens of THOUSANDS—OF—KURDS, to THE—IRAQ—BORDER to greet 34—PKK fighters and their sympathizers, who gave themselves up —FOLLOWING 1—CALL by PRIME—MINISTER—ERDOGAN to return home.
20091019             —DECLARED, URUGUAY—SUPREME—COURT, unconstitutional 1—LAW that has provided amnesty to military officials ACCUSED—OF—MURDERS, disappearances and other human rights violations —DURING the country's dictatorship.
20091019             Über die NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—DSB Bank wird das gerichtliche Insolvenzverfahren eröffnet.
20091019             CA—400.000—KUNDEN sind mit ihren Bankguthaben betroffen.
20091019—19660000    —RECOGNIZED, UGANDA, PRESIDENT—MUSEVENI officially, the 300,000 strong Rwenzururu Kingdom under CHARLES—WESLEY—MUMBERE, —56—JAHRE—ALT, who had inherited the title at age 13.
20091019—19670000    —RESTORED, Museveni, all the traditional kingdoms abandoned.
20091019—19840000    —MOVED, Mumbere, who had, to THE—USA on 1—GOVERNMENT—SCHOLARSHIP, worked as 1—NURSE—AIDE in MARYLAND and PENNSYLVANIA.
20091019—20070000    —OUTLAWED, THE—TRO was, as 1—FRONT—OF—THE—SEPARATIST—TAMIL Tigers in both SRI—LANKA and THE—USA.
20091019—20091021    —COVERED, Detectives found her body partially, by garbage in 1—GEORGIA landfill, about 48—MILES from where the girl disappeared.
20091019—20091227    —ON, 1—BAND—OF—SOMALIA—PIRATES SPLIT a $4—MILLION ransom to release the bulk carrier De XIN—HAI, 1—CHINA—CARGO ship, and 25—SAILORS —AFTER—2—MONTHS in captivity.
20091019—20110000    —PLEADED, Nozette, guilty to espionage and agreed to a —13—YEAR prison term.
20091021             —ARRIVED, The group had, on flights from MALAYSIA, Syria and QATAR on 20091019—20091020.
20101019             TEXAS, Hosam Smadi (20), 1—JORDAN—NATIONAL, was sentenced to —24—YEARS in prison.
20101019             —PLEADED, In May he had, guilty to attempted use of 1—WEAPON—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20101019             † TV and film Actor TOM—BOSLEY (19270000             ).
20101019             —INCLUDED, His films, "THE—WORLD—OF—HENRY—ORIENT" (19640000             ).
20101019             He was best known for his role at the father in the "Happy Days" TV series (19740000—19850000    ).
20101019             —ORDERED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT said it had, 1—AUDIT of all private banks —FOLLOWING 1—CORRUPTION—SCANDAL that threatened to bring down the country's top lender.
20101019             —KILLED, In the south 3—NATO—SOLDIERS were, bringing to 596 the number of foreign troops to die in THE—AFGHANISTAN—CONFLICT so far —THIS—YEAR.
20101019             USA—OFFICIALS said they have begun training Afghans on how to disrupt THE—FLOW—OF—BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in cash being smuggled out of their country.
20101019             —BACKED, AUSTRIA, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—STUDENTS, by university staff, marched to demand more money for higher education.
20101019             —SIGNED, BOLIVIA and PERU, 1—AGREEMENT giving BOLIVIA 1—DOCK, 1—FREE—TRADE—ZONE and the right to run SOME—NAVAL—VESSELS.
20101019             BRITAIN will lose THOUSANDS—OF—TROOPS, build new aircraft carriers, without new fighter jets, and delay 1—MULTIBILLION pound upgrade to its nuclear deterrent under sweeping defense cuts announced —FOLLOWING the 1. major military review in more than —1—DECADE.
20101019             —STORMED, CHECHNYA, Islamic insurgents including 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, THE—PARLIAMENT, leaving 6—PEOPLE—DEAD and 17 injured in 1—OF—THE—MOST brazen attacks on the provincial capital in months.
20101019             —SURPRISED, CHINA—CENTRAL—BANK, with its 1. INCREASE—OF—INTEREST—RATES in nearly —3—YEARS.
20101019             THE—PEOPLE—BANK—OF—CHINA said it was raising benchmark rates by 25—BASIS—POINTS, taking —1—YEAR—DEPOSIT—RATES to 2.5—PERCENT and —1—YEAR lending rates to 5.56—PERCENT.
20101019             The impact was felt by markets across THE—BOARD.
20101019             —TUMBLED, Oil and gold prices, stocks turned negative in EUROPE and the dollar jumped.
20101019             EGYPT—MAIN—SATELLITE—OPERATOR said it shut down 12—PRIVATE—TELEVISION—CHANNELS on grounds of violating broadcasting licenses.
20101019             —DETAINED, EGYPT—LARGEST—OPPOSITION—ISLAMIST—GROUP said that police, 164—MUSLIM Brotherhood members, MOST—OF—THEM election campaign workers, in 1—SPATE—OF—RAIDS across the country.
20101019             —AIMED, Egyptian and SOUTH—AFRICA—LEADERS met in CAIRO for talks, at strengthening economic ties between THE—2—AFRICA—POWERHOUSES and working towards 1—FREE—TRADE—DEAL for the continent.
20101019             Human Rights Watch said in 1—REPORT that ETHIOPIA is denying opposition supporters food, other aid, loans and government services in 1—WIDESPREAD—EFFORT to suppress political dissent.
20101019             —SEALED, EUROPEAN—UNION finance ministers, 1—DEAL to regulate THE—TRILLION—DOLLAR hedge fund industry —AFTER BRITAIN and FRANCE settled 1—LONG—RUNNING conflict.
20101019             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION said it will temporarily suspend its human rights complaint against FRANCE for its expulsions of Gypsies, or ROMA, —AFTER PARIS promised to alter SOME—OF—ITS—LAWS to match EU regulations.
20101019             —ANNOUNCED, THE—EU, plans for a —5—YEAR—BAN on animal cloning for food production as well as 1—TRACEABILITY—SYSTEM for imports of semen and embryos of clones.
20101019             —MASKED, FRANCE, youths clashed with police and set fires in cities across the country as protests against 1 proposed hike in the retirement age took 1—INCREASINGLY radical turn.
20101019             —CANCELED, HUNDREDS—OF—FLIGHTS were, long lines formed at gas stations and train service in MANY—REGIONS was cut in half.
20101019             —BECAME, DEUTSCH—BAHN—HIGH—SPEED—TRAIN, ICE-3, the 1. GERMANY—TRAIN to pass through the Channel tunnel on its way to LONDON—ST—PANCRAS station.
20101019             —KILLED, GUINEA, 2—POLITICAL—DEMONSTRATORS were, by police in the capital, in 1—OF—SEVERAL violent street clashes ahead of 1 planned presidential poll.
20101019             —ANNOUNCED, INDIA, the creation of 1—TRIBUNAL to punish those who sully the forests or rivers or otherwise break its environmental laws, in the hopes of clearing 1—BACKLOG of some 5,000 such cases languishing in 1—SLUGGISH—COURT—SYSTEM.
20101019             —PETITIONED, INDIA, the Microfinance Institution Network, the Andhra Pradesh state high court to block new provisions designed to protect impoverished people.
20101019             High interest and coercive loan collection by SOME—MICROFINANCE—GROUPS had led to some 30—SUICIDES.
20101019             —UNIDENTIFIED, INGUSHETIA, gunmen shot and killed 1—POLICE—OFFICER in this SOUTH—RUSSIA—PROVINCE—HOURS —AFTER other Islamic insurgents raided CHECHNYA—REGIONAL—PARLIAMENT.
20101019             IRAN said SOME—WESTERN—COMPANIES were refusing to refuel its planes in EUROPE and warned it would "confront" such measures, which it deemed illegal under INTERNATIONAL law.
20101019             IRAN, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ held talks with leaders expected to focus on boosting cooperation between the countries' oil, gas and petrochemical industries.
20101019             —EXPLODED, IRAQ, 1—BOMB, near THE—HOUSE—OF—1—POLICEMAN in SADDAM—HUSSEIN—HOMETOWN of Tikrit, killing his —6—MONTH—OLD niece, both her parents and 5—OTHER—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SAME—FAMILY.
20101019             SAMARRA, 1—ROADSIDE bomb struck 1—POLICE—PATROL, killing 2—POLICEMEN and wounding 2. In BAGHDAD 2—BOMBS attached to buses exploded and wounded 15—IRAN—PILGRIMS.
20101019             —FINISHED, CHIEF—UN—ENVOY AD Melkert, meeting with Grand Ayatollah ALI—AL—SISTANI and was leaving the Shiite CITY—OF—NAJAF —WHEN his convoy hit 1—ROADSIDE bomb.
20101019             † 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES was killed and several others were injured in the attack.
20101019             —REPORTED, NICARAGUA health officials, 17—DEATHS and 600 suspected cases of leptospirosis in the past —MONTH.
20101019             MOST—OF—THE—CASES were in LEON and CHINANDEGA.
20101019             —CONTINUED, PAKISTAN, violence, in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—KARACHI, with at least 16—PEOPLE killed in different attacks, including 8 in 1—INCIDENT.
20101019             —ARRESTED, SOUTH—AFRICA—JOURNALIST—MZILIKAZI wa AFRIKA, —AFTER writing about alleged police corruption, said 1 proposed media bill could transform 1—COUNTRY known for being among AFRICA—MOST free and transparent to 1—MORE—LIKE—AUTOCRATIC—ZIMBABWE.
20101019             He spoke at 1—PROTEST—OF—MORE than 300—PEOPLE marching against the government's media proposals.
20101019             —MARCHED, Tibetan students in WEST—CHINA, to protest unconfirmed plans to use THE—CHINA—LANGUAGE exclusively in classes, 1—UNUSUALLY bold challenge to authorities that reflects 1—DEEP unease over the marginalization of Tibetan culture.
20101019             † THE—UN said that 377—PEOPLE had in flooding in central and WEST—AFRICA, with nearly 1.5—MILLION—PEOPLE affected —SINCE the start of the rainy season in June.
20101019             —FOLLOWED, The highest toll was in NIGERIA with 118, by GHANA (52), SUDAN (50), BENIN (43), CHAD (24), MAURITANIA (21), BURKINA—FASO, —16—JAHRE—ALT, CAMEROON (13), GAMBIA (12), with other countries reporting less than 10—DEAD.
20101019             2—EMPLOYEES—OF—THE—USA—VIRGIN—ISLANDS' tax bureau were accused of leading 1—SCHEME that pilfered as much as $500,000 from the government using fraudulent tax refund checks.
20101019—20060000    —SINCE, Tax BUREAU—EMPLOYEES—TIFFANNE—SUTTON and COLETTE—HACKET—BROWNE and others had allegedly taken part in tax fraud.
20101019—20090000    —IN, An FBI sting had caught him trying to blow up 1—DALLAS skyscraper.
20101021—20101019    —SINCE, He had been in intensive care —AFTER his vehicle veered off the road and into 1—TREE.
201101301019         Die ÄGYPTISCHE—ARMEE hat bei 1ätzen gegen Plünderer —BISHER 450—MENSCHEN festgenommen.
201102031019         —BESTREITET, Die ÄGYPTISCHE—REGIERUNG, jegliche Verwicklung in die Attacken auf Regierungsgegner in Kairo.
201102041019         1 convicted MEMBER—OF—THE—LEBANON—GROUP—HEZBOLLAH,
201102101936         1—DER—BELIEBTESTEN—ARTIKEL auf dem TAHRIR—PLATZ neben Flaggen in ROT—WEIß—SCHWARZ sind —DERZEIT aufblasbare Stäbe aus Plastik,
201102101936         1—DER—BELIEBTESTEN—ARTIKEL auf dem TAHRIR—PLATZ neben Flaggen in ROT—WEIß—SCHWARZ sind —DERZEIT aufblasbare Stäbe aus Plastik, die man gegeneinander schlagen und damit enormen Krach machen kann.
201102101947         USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA nutzt einen Auftritt in MICHIGAN, um sich zur Lage in ÄGYPTEN zu äußern.
201102101959         Das —SEIT—TAGEN ohnehin überlastete Mobilfunknetz fällt in Kairo immer wieder aus.
201102251019         SÜDKOREANISCHE—BÜRGER sollen so schnell wie möglich LIBY en verlassen können:
20111011—20111019    —EXPECTED, Shalit was, to return via EGYPT.
20111013—20111019    —ON, The news was made public.
20111019             —AGREED, THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION said it has, to delay a $53—MILLION—ARMS—SALE to BAHRAIN BECAUSE—OF—THE—KINGDOM—CONTINUING crackdown on the opposition.
20111019             USA—MARINE—GENERAL—JOHN—ALLEN, the top NATO—COMMANDER—IN—AFGHANISTAN, said THE—INTERNATIONAL—COALITION has unleashed 1—NEW—OFFENSIVE against the Haqqani group, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST lethal militant networks, and will ramp up operations —NEXT—YEAR along THE—PAKISTAN border to better secure THE—AFGHANISTAN—CAPITAL—BEFORE—THE—USA—DRAWDOWN gathers steam.
20111019             —SIGNED, THE—USA—EXPORT—IMPORT—BANK, 1—DEAL with NIGERIA aimed at providing $1.5—BILLION in financing for investments in the country's woefully inadequate electricity sector.
20111019             1—ROADSIDE bomb killed 2—NATO—SERVICE—MEMBERS in the east.
20111019             5—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS and 1—OFFICER were killed by 1—ROADSIDE bomb in HERAT province.
20111019             The 1. 200—FRANCE—SOLDIERS left AFGHANISTAN, kickstarting troop withdrawals announced —3—MONTHS—AGO by PARIS.
20111019             BRITAIN—DEPARTMENT—FOR—ENERGY and Climate Change (DECC) said 1—ENERGY—ACT, which aims to boost energy efficiency in residential homes, is —NOW law.
20111019             UK—POLICE in riot gear used sledgehammers and crowbars to clear the way for THE—EVICTION—OF—IRELAND—TRAVELERS from THE—DALE—FARM—SITE, in fields 30—MILES (50—KM) EAST—OF—LONDON, where they have lived illegally for —1—DECADE.
20111019             —ESTIMATED, There are, to be between 15,000 and 30,000 IRELAND—TRAVELERS in BRITAIN, where they are recognized as 1—DISTINCT—ETHNIC—MINORITY.
20111019             CANADA, JEAN—CHAREST, the Liberal premier of QUEBEC, said he had asked superior COURT—JUDGE—FRANCE—CHARBONNEAU to probe financial ties between construction firms and political parties dating back —15—YEARS.
20111019             —HOODED, Violence again hit CHILE—CAPITAL as small groups of, youths clashed with police and marred 1—OTHERWISE peaceful march by as many as 100,000 students demanding changes in public education.
20111019             Reports from CHINA said MANY—OF—THE—6—MILLION—MIGRANT—WORKERS employed in 1—MASSIVE—RAILWAY buildup have not been paid —FOR—MONTHS, with some 10,000 kilometers (6,200 miles) of projects halted due to 1—LACK—OF—MONEY.
20111019             —RETIRED, THE—GERMANY—AEROSPACE Center said its, ROSAT satellite, the size of 1—MINIVAN, is hurtling toward the atmosphere and pieces of it could crash into the Earth as early as 20111021             .
20111019             GREECE, new austerity measures won initial parliamentary approval as HUNDREDS—OF—YOUTHS smashed and looted stores in CENTRAL—ATHENS —DURING 1—MASSIVE—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—RALLY on the 1. —DAY of a —48—HOUR strike against the austerity bill.
20111019             —KILLED, INDONESIA, at least 3—PEOPLE were, and more than 90 injured —DURING 1—PRO—INDEPENDENCE—CELEBRATION in the Papuan CAPITAL—JAYAPURA.
20111019             —SHOWED, Local TV footage, paramilitary police shooting into the crowd and beating participants with batons and bare fists.
20111019             —REPORTED, IRAN—GOVERNMENTAL—NEWSPAPER, that the government has sentenced reformist JOURNALIST—ABDOLREZA—TAJIK to —6—YEAR in prison —AFTER he was CONVICTED—OF—PROPAGANDA against the regime.
20111019             † KENYA—JETS struck in SOMALIA in 1—BID to rid the border AREA—OF—ISLAMIST—REBELS blamed for 1—SPATE—OF—ABDUCTIONS, including that of 1—FRANCE—WOMAN who, in captivity.
20111019             —ANNOUNCED, The foreign ministry in PARIS, THE—DEATH—OF—MARIE—DEDIEU, —66—JAHRE—ALT, 1—WHEELCHAIR—BOUND woman who was snatched from her beach house in THE—KENYA—RESORT—OF—LAMU —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH and taken to SOMALIA by her kidnappers.
20111019             The 1. attack reportedly saw the death of 73—SHEBAB.
20111019             —INCLUDED, KENYA—DEATHS, 5 killed in 1—HELICOPTER—CRASH.
20111019             —REFUSED, KOSOVO SERBIA—LEADERS, defying 1—NATO warning, to unconditionally lift their roadblocks in THE—NORTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20111019             —1—DAY—EARLIER the 5,500-strong NATO—LED force in KOSOVO, known as KFOR, said it will take unspecified "resolute" action if the Serbs fail to lift the blockade.
20111019             —DEMANDED, LIBERIA—EX—WARLORD—PRINCE—JOHNSON, who came 3. in presidential polls, 30—PERCENT—OF—LIBERIA—GOVERNMENT from incumbent Ellen JOHNSON—SIRLEAF in exchange for his valuable support.
20111019             —REITERATED, Johnson, concerns that 1—WIN by the Congress for Democratic CHANGE—TUBMAN would lead to the implementation of 1—TRUTH and Reconciliation Commission report, which could see him tried for war crimes.
20111019             LIBYA—REVOLUTIONARY—FORCES fought building by building against the final POCKET—OF—RESISTANCE in Sirte, the last major city in LIBYA to have been under THE—CONTROL—OF—FORCES—LOYAL to the fugitive leader.
20111019             15—FIGHTERS were reported killed in 1—FRIENDLY—FIRE—INCIDENT.
20111019             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, Boko Haram sect members killed 4—PEOPLE in 3—SEPARATE—ATTACKS in MAIDUGURI.
20111019             —PUBLISHED, OMAN, royal decrees that widen the powers of an 84-seat council that previously had only 1—ADVISORY—ROLE.
20111019             THE—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SHURA—COUNCIL can —NOW take part in proposing laws to OMAN—RULER and can also suggest changes in government regulations.
20111019             —APOLOGIZED, THE—PHILIPPINES—NAVY, to CHINA for accidentally ramming 1—OF—ITS fishing boats —1—DAY—EARLIER—NEAR the disputed Spratly Islands in THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA.
20111019             —APPROVED, ROMANIA—GOVERNMENT, 1—DRAFT—LAW that permits the building of 1—ANTI—BALLISTIC—INTERCEPTOR—SITE in the country as PART—OF—1—USA—MISSILE—SHIELD.
20111019             —KILLED, SYRIA—SECURITY—FORCES and PRO—GOVERNMENT—GUNMEN, at least 10—PEOPLE in the rebellious PROVINCE—OF—HOMS.
20111019             —DEMONSTRATED, Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—SYRIANS, in ALEPPO, 1—HUGE—SHOW—OF—SUPPORT for the country's embattled PRESIDENT.
20111019             —CALLED, THE—UN, on DAMASCUS to end its incursions into LEBANON, which have left 3—SYRIANS dead in recent weeks, warning the raids could ignite tensions in the region.
20111019             —ACKNOWLEDGED, THAILAND—NEW—PREMIER, that the country's flood crisis has overwhelmed her government, and she pleaded for mercy from the media and solidarity from the country in battling the relentless waters.
20111019             —REACHED, The death toll in nationwide flooding, 317, mostly from drowning, with nearly 9—MILLION—PEOPLE affected and 27—OF—THE—COUNTRY—77—PROVINCES still inundated.
20111019             —URGED, BANGKOK—CITY—GOVERNMENT, residents in 7—NORTHERN—DISTRICTS—OF—THE—CITY to move belongings to safe spots, but did not yet call for 1—EVACUATION.
20111019             —LAUNCHED, TURKEY—SOLDIERS, AIR—FORCE—BOMBERS and helicopter gunships, 1—INCURSION into NORTH—IRAQ, hours —AFTER Kurdish rebels killed 24—SOLDIERS and wounded 18 in attacks along the border.
20111019             —ISSUED, THE—USA—AND—NATO both, statements supporting the offensive, the largest in more than —3—YEARS.
20111019             † JEAN—JÜLICH, DEUTSCHER—WIDERSTANDSKÄMPFER (Edelweißpiraten), Gerechter unter den Völkern
20111019—19900000    —IN, The 2.69-ton (2.4—METRIC ton) satellite was launched and
20111019—19920000    —OUSTED, AFGHANISTAN, lawmaker Simeen Barakzai ended her hunger strike —AFTER—18—DAYS and 1—DIRECT—APPEAL by Subghatullah Mujaddedi, 1 revered elder who also served as the head of the upper HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT and briefly as PRESIDENT.
20111019—19990000    —IN, retired —AFTER being used for research on black holes and neutron stars and performing the 1. ALL—SKY—SURVEY—OF—X—RAY sources with 1—IMAGING telescope.
20120130—20121019    —ON, 1—INDONESIA—COURT indicted 5—ACTIVISTS for treason in the restive Papua region —AFTER they raised 1—OUTLAWED—PAPUAN flag and declared its INDEPENDENCE.
20120323—20121019    —SENTENCED, Mengnan was, to life in prison.
20121019             NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—EXPLOSION from 1—ROADSIDE bomb tore into 1—MINIBUS carrying people to 1—WEDDING, leaving 19—DEAD and 16 wounded.
20121019             —INJURED, Separately 6—FOOTBALL fans † and 36 were, —WHEN their bus collided with 1—FUEL—TANKER on 1—NARROW—ROAD about 400—KM (240—MILES) NORTH—WEST—OF—KABUL.
20121019             † In BAHRAIN 1—POLICEMAN from injuries suffered the previous night from 1—BLAST in Eker, about 20—KM (12—MILES) SOUTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL—MANAMA.
20121019             —FINED, BRITAIN—FINANCIAL—REGULATOR, BANK—OF—SCOTLAND (BoS) 4.2—MILLION—POUNDS for failures in its systems which meant it held inaccurate mortgage records for 250,000—OF—ITS—CUSTOMERS.
20121019             FAMILIES—OF—SOME—OF—THE—SOLDIERS who lost their lives said BRITAIN sent them to the front line with inadequate equipment.
20121019             UK—ENGINEERS at Air Fuel Synthesis (AFS) in Teeside, NORTH—ENGLAND, said they have produced 5—LITERS of synthetic petrol over 1—PERIOD—OF—3—MONTHS.
20121019             —DEVELOPED, AFS said it has, 1—WAY to create petrol from air and water.
20121019             —ARRESTED, CANADA—POLICE in THE—CITY—OF—LONDON said 8—GIRLS have been, —AFTER 1—INVESTIGATION into physical, emotional and online bullying of another girl at their high school.
20121019             EGYPT, the political party of the powerful Muslim Brotherhood elected SAAD—EL—KATATNY, 1—FORMER—SPEAKER—OF—PARLIAMENT, as the new leader the Freedom and Justice Party to replace MOHAMMED—MORSI, who resigned from the post —AFTER winning the country's presidential election.
20121019             —RALLIED, Several 1000—PROTESTERS, in CAIRO to demand THE—PRESIDENT and his Muslim Brotherhood supporters ensure the country's constitution represents all FACTIONS—OF—SOCIETY.
20121019             —MEDIATED, THE—EU, the 1. official talks between the leaders of Serbia and KOSOVO, the bitter Balkan rivals, and SERBIA—PRIME—MINISTER—IVICA—DACIC said he is ready for a "historic compromise".
20121019             —INAUGURATED, SEATTLE—BASED Starbucks, its 1. coffee house in INDIA in 1—HISTORICAL building in Mumbai.
20121019             —DETONATED, SOUTH—EAST—IRAN, 1—SUICIDE attacker running from the police, his explosives near 1—MOSQUE killing 2—PEOPLE.
20121019             —OVERTURNED, SOUTH—WEST—IRAN, 1—PASSENGER—BUS carrying female students, killing 26.
20121019             IRAQ, 1—ROADSIDE bomb struck the pilgrim's bus near THE—TOWN—OF—BALAD.
20121019             —EXPLODED, —AFTER the bomb, gunmen opened fire on the bus from the roadside.
20121019             † 4—PAKISTAN—SHIITE pilgrims heading to 1—SHRINE, in the attack.
20121019             14—OTHERS were wounded.
20121019             —WORKED, Gunmen shot dead 1—POLICE—LIEUTENANT—COLONEL who, with THE—STATE—IDENTITY—DIRECTORATE.
20121019             —RIPPED, LEBANON, 1—CAR—BOMB, through EAST—BEIRUT in the most serious blast this city has seen in years.
20121019             8—PEOPLE were killed, including intelligence CHIEF, BRIGADIER—GENERAL—WISSAM—AL—HASSAN.
20121019             1—OVERNIGHT raid in the nearby CITY—OF—POTISKUM left 5—OTHERS—DEAD and several schools razed.
20121019             —CRASHED, SOUTH—WEST—NIGERIA, 1—BUS carrying women, and plunged off 1—BRIDGE into 1—RIVER, killing at least 12—PEOPLE.
20121019             6—PEOPLE remained missing.
20121019             —FREED, SOMALIA, 1—CARGO ship was, —AFTER being held captive for nearly —2—YEARS.
20121019             6—HOSTAGES were still being held by the pirates on land.
20121019             Pirates shot and killed 1—OF—THE—SHIP—CREW members —IN—AUGUST over delayed ransom payments.
20121019             —STORMED, SOUTH—YEMEN, suicide bombers wearing army fatigues, into 1—ARMY barracks.
20121019             14—SOLDIERS were killed and over 20 wounded in the dawn assault in Abyan province.
20121019—19900000    —IN—THE, PAKISTAN—TOP—COURT recommended that the government launch legal proceedings against retired ISI CHIEF—ASAD—DURRANI for allegedly bankrolling politicians running against the current ruling party election.
20121019—20030000    —KILLED, Relatives of 4—UK—SOLDIERS, in the war in IRAQ won the right to sue the government for negligence, in 1—LANDMARK appeal court ruling that could open the door for other claims.
20121019—20101220    —ON, A $600,000 ransom was paid for THE—MV—ORNA, hijacked.
20130103—20131019    —ON, the comet's closest approach to Mars was about 140,000 KM.
20130103—20141019    —ON, Scientists said it will pass about 50km from Mars.
20130927—20131019    —ON, Both prisoners were RE—CAPTURED.
20131011—20131019    —BY, the body count reached 72.
20131019             Was für 20130401             ÜSTUNGSVERTRAG?
20131019             DIE—HYPO in LIECHTENSTEIN habe im SYSTEM 1—SCHLÜSSELROLLE gespielt.
20131019             DIE—BANKER der Hypo Group Alpe Adria (HGAA) hätten in SÜD—OST—EUROPA oft mit Schwerstkriminellen, GEHEIM—DIENSTLERN, MILITÄRs und hochrangigen, bestechlichen Politikern kooperiert.
20131019             "Da werden wir 30—BIS 50—SACHVERHALTE anzeigen", sagte Böhler weiter.
20131019             "Eventuell wollte man so 1—KURZSCHUSS auf 2000—KMTESTEN", sagt SCHILLER, "1—REICHWEITENKLASSE, die RUSSLAND durch den INF—VERTRAG
20131019             "LIECHTENSTEIN war 1—WASCHMASCHINE für Schwarzgeld und 1—EINRICHTUNG, um Zahlungsflüsse zu verschleiern".
20131019             AUSTRALIEN: Buschbrände könnten noch —WOCHEN wüten
20131019             Außerdem war der öffentliche Druck nicht so stark, weil DOCTOR—OETKER kein Rüstungsunternehmen war.
20131019             Bunkerbrecher und Marschflugkörper: GOLF—STAATEN kaufen USA—WAFFEN für—DOLLAR
20131019             Böhler: "In den meisten Fällen hat sich nach unseren Recherchen 1—HANDVOLL Bankmanager etlicher Strohmänner auf DER—KUNDENSEITE bedient und mit deren Hilfe systematisch Geld aus der Bank gezogen".Zum Beispiel habe 1—BANKER Geld der HGAA über 1—KUNDENKONTO in LIECHTENSTEIN reingewaschen und sich damit bereichert oder es für BESTECHUNGen genutzt.
20131019             CHENEYs Kardiologe sagte in dem Interview, er habe sich —NACH—DEN Anschlägen
20131019             DIE—HYPO Group Alpe Adria entwickelt sich für ÖSTERREICH und BAYERN zum MILLIARDENgrab.
20131019             DIE—GRÖßTEN Chancen bei der Wahl wurden dem MENSCHEN—RECHTS—AKTIVISTEN MOHAMED—NASHEED, 46, eingeräumt, der —BEREITS bei der 1. demokratischen Wahl —VOR—5—JAHREN gesiegt hatte.
20131019             DIE—WESENTLICHEN Player der HGGA hätten faktisch 1—KRIMINELLE Organisation gebildet.
20131019             Das Gericht hatte auch die 1. Wahl
20131019             Das ist DER—UNTERSCHIED zu den Quandts oder den Flicks: Oetkers Backpulver und Pudding waren schlicht nicht kriegsrelevant.
20131019             Dort hätten DIE—ERMITTLER—CA—1700—NAMEN und Konten gecheckt, davon könnten möglicherweise 300—KONTEN mit kriminellen Vortaten zusammenpassen.
20131019             FRÜHERER—USA—VIZE: CHENEY fürchtet sich vor ANSCHLAG—AUF—SEINEN Herzschrittmacher
20131019             HUGO—BOSS, Entwerfer und Fertiger der chicen SS—UNIFORMEN
20131019             HYPOTHEKEN—STREIT, JP—MORGAN soll —NUN sogar—DOLLAR Strafe zahlen
20131019             In 1—INTERVIEW—MIT—DEM USA—SENDER CBS berichtete CHENEY, er habe die FERN—STEUERUNGSFUNKTION an seinem Herzschrittmacher deaktivieren LASSEN—AUS ANGST—VOR—1—ANSCHLAG.
20131019             Industrielle im NATIONAL—SOZIALISMUS: "Zwischen Oetker und DAS—REGIME passte kein Blatt Papier"
20131019             —JAHRE—SPÄTER, fühle er sich —NUN in seiner Angst bestätigt.
20131019             KURZ—VOR, der Öffnung der Wahllokale um 0730—UHR Ortszeit AM—SAMSTAGMORGEN hätten DIE—SICHERHEITS—KRÄFTE die MIT—ARBEITER der WAHL—KOMMISSION daran gehindert, DIE—WAHLDOKUMENTE zu verteilen, erklärte die KOMMISSION.
20131019             MALEDIVEN—POLIZEI bricht PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHL ab
20131019             Mehr Rechte für EU—KOMMISSION: MERKEL will europäische Verträge ändern
20131019             Mutmaßliche Entführung: GRIECHISCHES—MÄDCHEN gibt Maddies Eltern "große Hoffnung"
20131019             Normalerweise - Normalerweise würden Interkontinentalraketen —ERST—KURZ—VOR, Erreichen ihres Ziels derart die Geschwindigkeit drosseln.
20131019             Radikalkonservative: TEA—PARTY macht JAGD—AUF—GEMÄßIGTE REPUBLIKANER
20131019             Republicans, stung by shutdown, try to turn attention to... - Stung by THE—GOVERNMENTT shutdow...
20131019             Ungewöhnliche Lockstoffe: 1—HAUCH—VON—KATZENPO
20131019             Unsere Leser in ÖSTERREICH sollten allerdings lieber darauf verzichten, mit der Gembird DCAM—005—HERUMZUFAHREN.
20131019             Wegen hoher Produktivität: Porsche will —WOCHEN—ARBEITS—ZEIT senken
20131019             Wirsching: 1—BESONDERS wichtige Schnittstelle war die betriebliche SOZIAL—POLITIK.
20131019             Wirsching: Zwischen Oetker und der NS—REGIME passte kein Blatt Papier.
20131019             Zivile Opfer durch DROHNEN—ANGRIFFE: UNO verlangt Aufklärung von USA
20131019             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Abgesehen von dieser ideologischen NÄHE—HABEN sich die Oetkers im NATIONAL—SOZIALISMUS konkreter Verbrechen schuldig gemacht?
20131019             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Herr Wirsching, Sie haben —3—JAHRE—LANG, DIE—GESCHICHTE—DER—OETKERS im NATIONAL—SOZIALISMUS erforscht.
20131019             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Was machte die Oetkers so anfällig für die NS—IDEOLOGIE?
20131019             —ANNOUNCED, THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION, it was releasing over $1.6—BILLION in economic and military assistance to PAKISTAN.
20131019             NORTH—CALIFORNIA, BART train workers LAURENCE—DANIELS, —66—JAHRE—ALT and CHRISTOPHER—SHEPPARD, —58—JAHRE—ALT were killed near the Walnut Creek BART station —1—DAY—AFTER BART workers went on strike.
20131019             BART said the train was on 1—MAITENANCE—RUN.
20131019             1—TRANSIT insider —LATER said the train was on 1—STRIKE—RELATED training run.
20131019             —CROSSED, PENNSYLVANIA, an SUV, 1—CENTER—LINE and ran into 2—MOTOCYCLES.
20131019             4—PEOPLE on the motorcycles and 1—PERSON in THE—SUV were killed in FRANKLIN—COUNTY.
20131019             ARGENTINA, at least 99—PEOPLE were hurt, SOME—SERIOUSLY, in 1—TRAIN—CRASH at the same BUENOS—AIRES commuter rail stop where 1—DEADLY—ACCIDENT killed dozens —JUST—LAST—YEAR.
20131019             BELGIUM, 1—PLANE carrying 10—SKYDIVERS, including 1—MAKING her maiden jump for her birthday, crashed shortly —AFTER takeoff, killing everyone on BOARD and the pilot.
20131019             —FREED, BELARUS, Paval Sevyarynets (36), 1—LEADING opposition politician.
20131019             —SERVED, He had, —3—YEARS forced labour for protesting against THE—IRON—FISTED RULE—OF—PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO.
20131019             —CLASHED, SOUTH—EAST—BRAZIL, animal rights activist, with police in front of 1—LABORATORY in Sao Roque that used dogs for drug tests.
20131019             —PLAYED, The violin, by THE—TITANIC—BANDMASTER as the ship sank beneath the waves sold at 1—LONDON auction for £900,000 ($1.45—MILLION, 1.06—MILLION—EUROS), 1—WORLD—RECORD for memorabilia from the doomed liner.
20131019             † UK—ACTOR and musician NOEL—HARRISON, —79—JAHRE—ALT, suffered 1—HEART—ATTACK in Devon and in 1—HOSPITAL.
20131019             CANADA, 1—TRAIN carrying crude oil and liquefied petroleum gas derailed WEST—OF—EDMONTON, Alberta, causing 1—FIRE, but no injuries.
20131019             FRANCE—SOCIALIST—PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—HOLLANDE, under fire from the far left and MEMBERS—OF—HIS—OWN—PARTY, said that a —15—YEAR—OLD—GIRL who was detained in front of her classmates and expelled as 1—ILLEGAL—IMMIGRANT can return to FRANCE.
20131019             But THE—REST—OF—THE—FAMILY cannot come with her.
20131019             † Police in INDIA said at least 32—PEOPLE have in Adampur village in Uttar Pradesh state —AFTER drinking toxic bootleg liquor.
20131019             IRAQ, 1—CAR—BOMB on 1—COMMERCIAL—STREET in NORTH—BAGHDAD killed 3—PEOPLE.
20131019             ITALY, 1—MILAN appeals COURT—SET—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI—POLITICAL—BAN in his tax fraud conviction at —2—YEARS.
20131019             —CLASHED, Demonstrators, with police as tens of thousands marched through ROME to protest against unemployment, government cuts and big construction projects they say take money away from social services.
20131019             —BLOCKED, THE—MALDIVES sank further into political disarray —WHEN police, officials from conducting 1—PRESIDENTIAL revote, saying that holding the election would violate 1—SUPREME—COURT—ORDER.
20131019             Hamas, its GAZA Strip stronghold cut off by the new MILITARY—BACKED government in EGYPT, called upon rival PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS to end their —6—YEAR—SCHISM and form 1—UNITY—GOVERNMENT.
20131019             —PROTESTED, THOUSANDS—OF—PORTUGUESE, against new wage and pension cuts in the country's 20140000             budget and demanded THE—RESIGNATION—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT.
20131019             —PROTESTED, THOUSANDS—OF—ROMANIANS, against plans by USA—ENERGY—GROUP—CHEVRON to explore for shale gas in 1—POOR—EASTERN region and 1—CANADA—COMPANY—PROJECT to set up EUROPE—BIGGEST open cast gold mine in 1—CARPATHIAN town.
20131019             —KILLED, SOMALIA, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, at least 16—PEOPLE, including 4—ETHIOPIA—SOLDIERS, in 1—ATTACK on 1—CAFE in Beledweyne, 1—TOWN—CLOSE to THE—ETHIOPIA—BORDER frequented by local and foreign soldiers fighting al QAEDA—LINKED rebels.
20131019             —ASSAULTED, SYRIA—REBELS, 1—CHECKPOINT in 1—SUBURB—OF—DAMASCUS, setting off 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB that killed 16—SOLDIERS.
20131019             † More than 30—COMBATANTS from both sides, in the blast and ensuing clashes.
20131019             —KILLED, SOUTH—THAILAND, bombings and DRIVE—BY shootings, 5—PEOPLE and injured 13—OTHERS including 8—SOLDIERS and 5—JOURNALISTS.
20131019             —KILLED, TUNISIA said government forces have, 9 "terrorists" and seized 2—TONS—OF—EXPLOSIVES in THE—NORTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY where policemen † this —WEEK in 1—JIHADIST—ATTACK.
20131019—19450000    —SEIT, Hypo Group Alpe Adria: Ermittler wittert "größten KRIMinalfall EUROPAs" (Wirtschaft, 16:27)
20131019—20060000    —SEIT, nutzt der AMERIKANISCHE—WISSENSCHAFTLER MIGUEL—ORDEÑANA—VIDEOFALLEN, um besonders scheue Tiere zu untersuchen.
20131019—20180000    —FINED, THE—CALIFORNIA—PUBLIC—UTILITIES—COMMISSION, BART $1.3—MILLION for safety violations in the case.
20140805—20171019    —ON, 1—JURY convicted SHANNON—KEPLER—OF—1.—DEGREE manslaughter.
20141017—20141019    —ON, 5—MORE—BODIES were found.
20141019             —CLEANED, NEW—HAMPSHIRE, Keene STATE—COLLEGE—STUDENTS, up from 1—CHAOTIC—WEEKEND —AFTER violent parties near the city's annual pumpkin festival led to property damage and DOZENS—OF—ARRESTS.
20141019             —ATTACKED, AFGHANISTAN, insurgents, several army checkpoints in Logar and Uruzgan provinces, killing at least 4—TROOPS.
20141019             —REACHED, AUSTRALIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER said she had, 1—DEAL with BAGHDAD for the deployment of about 200—SPECIAL—FORCES to assist IRAQ—TROOPS in their fight against jihadists.
20141019             —KILLED, EGYPT, 6—SECURITY—FORCE—PERSONNEL were, by 1—REMOTELY detonated roadside bomb in THE—SINAI—PENINSULA as they patrolled 1—NATURAL—GAS—PIPELINE.
20141019             —CHARGED, HONG—KONG police, protesters gathered at 1—BARRICADE —EARLY—TODAY, leaving MANY—REQUIRING medical treatment —JUST hours —AFTER the government confirmed talks aimed at ending —3—WEEKS—OF—PRO—DEMOCRACY—RALLIES.
20141019             —ANNOUNCED, ITALY—PRIME—MINISTER—MATTEO—RENZI, 1—TAX—BREAK for mothers of about $101—PER —MONTH for the 1. —3—YEARS o their children's lives.
20141019             —BELEAGUERED, LIBYA's, elected PARLIAMENT in TOBRUK declared 1—FORMAL—ALLIANCE with renegade former general Khalifa Haftar, as it struggled to assert authority in 1—COUNTRY—MANY—FEAR is sliding into outright civil war.
20141019             SOUTH—MEXICO, FEDERAL—POLICE took control of 13—MUNICIPALITIES where local police are SUSPECTED—OF—LINKS to organized crime and possibly to the case of 43—MISSING students.
20141019             1—MOZAMBIQUE—OPPOSITION—PARTY which came 3. in presidential and legislative polls said it rejected the results and would mount 1—LEGAL—CHALLENGE.
20141019             —EXCHANGED, North and SOUTH—KOREA—TROOPS, gunfire along their fortified border in the 2. such shooting in less than —10—DAYS.
20141019             THE—SWEDEN—MILITARY said it had made 3—CREDIBLE—SIGHTINGS—OF—FOREIGN undersea activity in its waters —DURING the past few days amid reports of 1—SUSPECTED—RUSSIA—INTRUSION in the area.
20141019             —CONTINUED, SYRIA, Islamic State fighters, to hit Kurdish defenders in Kobani with mortars.
20141019             —KILLED, THE—OBSERVATORY said 70—ISLAMIC—STATE—FIGHTERS had been, in the past —2—DAYS.
20141019             TANZANIA—POLICE shot dead Yahaya Omari (31) as he tried to escape —WHILE being transferred to DODOMA.
20141019             —SUSPECTED—OF, He was, carrying out bomb attacks in the tourist TOWN—OF—ARUSHA, including targeting 1—CHURCH and restaurant.
20141019             —COLLIDED, THAILAND, 1—TOURIST speedboat, with 1—FISHING vessel near Phuket.
20141019             The bodies of 2—TOURISTS from SOUTH—KOREA were found —2—DAYS—LATER.
20141019             —BEATIFIED, FRANCIS—PAPA, PAUL—VI—PAPA, concluding the remarkable MEETING—OF—BISHOPS debating family issues.
20141019             —FAILED, They, to reach consensus on THE—2—MOST divisive issues at the synod: on welcoming gays and divorced and civilly remarried couples.
20141019             —CAPTURED, YEMEN—SHIITE rebels, Yarim, 1—TOWN—SOUTH—OF—SANAA, in clashes that left 12—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20141019             They also blew up the home of 1—RIVAL—ISLAMIST politician in Yarim.
20141019             —DEMONSTRATED, Thousands in THE—HOUTHI—CONTROLLED port of Hodeida, to press demands for the rebels to leave the city.
20150330—20151019    —SENTENCED, Force was, to 6½ years in FEDERAL—PRISON and ordered to pay $340,000 in restitution to the government.
20150802             —REQUESTED, CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—STEPHEN—HARPER, THE—DISSOLUTION—OF—PARLIAMENT and began campaigning for an 20151019             vote.
20150924—20151014    —ON, the death toll was raised to 1,621. 20151019             —ON the death toll was raised to at least 2,121.
20150924—20151019    —ON, the death toll was raised to at least 2,121.
20151006             37—CLASHES took place b 20151019             with 7—SSA—N members killed.
20151019             ASYL—POLITIK,VerTEILUNG DER—FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—DER EU droht zu scheitern
20151019             Altersarmut: Immer mehr Senioren übernehmen Minijobs
20151019             BALKANROUTE—KROATIEN und SLOWENIEN streiten über FLÜCHTLINGE
20151019             —BESCHWERT, BOTSCHAFTER einbestellt: RUSSLAND, sich über angeblichen Vorfall mit französischem MILITÄRjet
20151019             DRESDEN: Mehr als zehntausend für PEGIDA—MEHR als zehntausend dagegen
20151019             Das Cannabis soll über SPANIEN aus MAROKKO nach FRANKREICH gebracht worden sein.
20151019             Demo zum PEGIDA—JAHRES—TAG: POLIZEI will gegen Gewalttäter "konsequent durchgreifen"
20151019             Der Verlust in der Fläche übertrifft den Zuwachs im SÜDEN mithin um mehr als das Doppelte, jedenfalls in der Fläche.
20151019             —DIESES—JAHR ist die Schollenbedeckung vor der ANT—ARKTIS im Vergleich zu den Vorjahren geschrumpft.
20151019             FLÜCHTLINGS—DEBATTE in der Union: Nicht ALLE—LATTEN am Zaun
20151019             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, POLIZISTEN streiten über GRENZ—ZAUN
20151019             FRANZÖSISCHE—DROGENFAHNDER haben in 1—WOHLHABENDEN Pariser Viertel 7,1 Tonnen Cannabis beschlagnahmt.
20151019             HESSEN: NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—SOLDATEN mit Turbanen erschrecken Spaziergänger
20151019             Im Zuge von EL—NIÑO gelangen gelegentlich mildere Luft und wärmeres Wasser nach SÜDEN, was die Bildung von Eisschollen unterbindet.
20151019             In der ARKTIS sind die Schollen um 2—BIS 3.000.000—QUADRAT—KILOMETER geschrumpft.
20151019             JAUCH—TALK über FREMDEN—HASS: Nicht zum Lachen —, trotzdem komisch
20151019             KORRUPTION: EX—RÜSTUNGSDIREKTOR in GRIECHENLAND muss lebenslang in Haft
20151019             Konjunkturflaute: CHINAs Schwäche lässt DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT kalt
20151019             NEW—HOTNESS: DIE—POLIZEI—VON—CHICAGO lässt 7.000—MENSCHEN in 1 "BEFRAGUNGS—LAGERHAUS"verschwinden.
20151019             Nach Behördenangaben durchsuchten DIE—ERMITTLER die Fahrzeuge —NACH—DEM Hinweis eines Anwohners, dem auffiel, dass sie —BEREITS—SEIT mehr als —1—WOCHE an der Straße standen und nicht bewegt wurden.
20151019             PEGIDA in DRESDEN: Hass auf die da oben, Hass auf das Fremde
20151019             PROPAGANDA und Profit: YouTube zeigt Werbung vor rechten HETZ—VIDEOS
20151019             Platini über Blatters MILLIONEN—ZAHLUNG: 1—VEREINBARUNG "von Mann zu Mann"
20151019             Politisches Klima in DEUTSCHLAND: Hass, HETZE, Höcke
20151019             REAKTION—AUF—TÖDLICHE Attacken: Tausende ISRAELis beantragen Waffenscheine
20151019             REKORD—TIEF im 3. Quartal: CHINA—WIRTSCHAFT wächst nur um 6,9 %
20151019             Rekordfund in Pariser Nobelviertel: Ermittler beschlagnahmen 7,1 Tonnen Cannabis
20151019             RÜSTUNGS—EXPORTE: DEUTSCHLAND verkauft offenbar deutlich mehr Waffen
20151019             Ursache ist der NASA zufolge DER—KLIMA—ROWDY El Niño, 1.pazifische Wetterschaukel, die alle paar —JAHRE hin—, herschwingt und dabei die Witterung auf dem halben Globus gravierend ändern kann.
20151019             VW—ABGAS—AFFÄRE: EU—STAATEN sehen KLIMA—ZIELE in Gefahr
20151019             Verfehlte BILDUNGS—POLITIK, Jeder siebte junge Mensch ohne Berufsabschluss
20151019             Zwischenfall an der Grenze: SLOWENIEN SETZT—CA—2.000—FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—ZUG fest
20151019             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, CIA lässt Menschen in geheimen FOLTERknästen verschwinden.
20151019             [l] RUSSIA and EUROPE to launch joint mission to dark SIDE—OF—MOON, then build base there
20151019             —DIESES—JAHR steht in der Rangliste nur auf 1—MITTLEREN Platz.
20151019             Überraschende NASA—DATEN: EL—NIÑO knackt ANT—ARKTISEIS
20151019             —AM, Nordpol kühlt kein Schneekontinent die UMWELT, 1—OZEAN bedeckt die ARKTIS.
20151019             —CONDUCTED, USA—LED forces, 15—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic STATE—IN—IRAQ, 8—OF—THEM near the contested Sinjar area, and 2—AIR—STRIKES in Syria.
20151019             1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—SAN—FRANCISCO ruled that Congressional action prohibits FEDERAL—DRUG enforcers from shutting medical marijuana dispensaries that comply with state law.
20151019             Djordje Ristanic, 1—BOSNIAN—SERBIA—CIVILIAN—OFFICIAL —DURING the 19920000—19950000     war, was INDICTED—OF—WAR—CRIMES against HUNDREDS—OF—BOSNIAN—MUSLIMS and Croats.
20151019             —CHARGED, UK—CITIZEN—STEPHEN—PORT, —40—JAHRE—ALT was, in LONDON with drugging and murdering 4—YOUNG—MEN he met on gay websites.
20151019             The deaths took place between 20140600             and —LAST—MONTH.
20151019             CANADA held elections.
20151019             Liberal leader JUSTIN—TRUDEAU rode 1—LATE surge to 1—STUNNING majority election victory.
20151019             —SEIZED, THE—LIBERALS, 1—PARLIAMENTARY—MAJORITY, 1—TURN in political fortunes that smashed the record for THE—NUMBER—OF—SEATS gained from 1—ELECTION to the next.
20151019             CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING began a —4—DAY—STATE—VISIT to BRITAIN as PART—OF—1—PUSH to increase trade ties between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20151019             —OPENED, CROATIA, its border with Serbia for migrants and thousands rushed across.
20151019             —REACHED, Some 5,000 migrants, SLOVENIA from CROATIA, with another 1,200 on their way by train.
20151019             1—GENERAL—STRIKE and curfew shut INDIAN—CONTROLLED Kashmir —FOLLOWING THE—DEATH—OF—1—MUSLIM teenager attacked by 1—HINDU mob over RUMORS—OF—COWS being slaughtered.
20151019             Zahid Rasool and another truck driver had been set ablaze by 1—MOB —AFTER their vehicle stopped in THE—HINDU—DOMINATED Udhampur neighborhood.
20151019             —SUFFERED, Rasool † 1—DAY—EARLIER from burns, in the attack.
20151019             —KILLED, LEBANON, 8—PEOPLE were, and many wounded —WHEN the army targeted militant positions along the eastern border with WAR—TORN Syria.
20151019             NATO held 1—LAUNCH—CEREMONY for its biggest military exercise in —13—YEARS, mobilizing 36,000 soldiers, sailors and airmen from more than 30—COUNTRIES to test the alliance's ability to respond to new security threats.
20151019             Trapani, Sicily, will serve as the center for the exercise that begins 20151021             and runs through —EARLY—NOVEMBER.
20151019             —KIDNAPPED, Gunmen, 2—LITHUANIAN and 2—UKRAINE—SAILORS off SOUTH—NIGERIA.
20151019             —FLAGGED, The ship, in the Comoro Islands, was attacked near PORT—HARCOURT.
20151019             SOUTH—AFRICA CHANTING, protesters, including medical students with stethoscopes —AROUND their necks, demonstrated against planned increases in tuition fees at 1—NUMBER—OF—TOP—UNIVERSITIES.
20151019             —CLOSED, SOUTH—AFRICA—FOOTAGE, from, circuit television showed police firing at the man from close range as he lay on the ground in Krugersdorp, 1—TOWN—WEST—OF—JOHANNESBURG.
20151019             —ADVANCED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, under THE—COVER—OF—RUSSIA—AIRSTRIKES toward 1—AIR—BASE besieged by the Islamic State group in the north.
20151019             Rebels battling THE—SYRIA—ARMY and its allies near ALEPPO said they had received new SUPPLIES—OF—USA—MADE ANTI—TANK—MISSILES from states opposed to PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD —SINCE THE—START—OF—1—MAJOR—GOVERNMENT—OFFENSIVE—LAST—WEEK.
20151019             SYRIA, RUSSIA—JETS hit 1—ISLAMIC—STATE training camp and command post of AL—QAEDA affiliate AL—NUSRA—FRONT as they bombed 49—TARGETS in the latest WAVE—OF—STRIKES.
20151019             —KILLED, RUSSIA—AIR—STRIKES in Latakia province, rebel COMMANDER—BASIL—ZAMO and 4—OTHER—FIGHTERS from 1. Coastal Division, 1—GROUP armed by PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD—FOREIGN—ENEMIES.
20151019             1—FURTHER 15—CIVILIANS were killed in the air strike in Jabal Akrad.
20151019             At least 3—RUSSIANS fighting alongside SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES were killed and several more wounded —WHEN 1—SHELL hit their position in Latakia province.
20151019             —ACCEPTED, YEMEN said it has, 1—INVITATION from UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—BAN KI—MOON to for talks with Shiite rebels —AT—THE—END—OF—THIS—MONTH to discuss the implementation of 1—UN—RESOLUTION that calls for the end of the fighting.
20151019—20050000    —SEIT, registriert, Die —10—JAHRE mit geringster Ausdehnung —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—SYSTEMATISCHEN Messungen 19790000             wurden sämtlich.
20151019—20130000    —STAYED, Egyptians largely, away from parliamentary elections for a 2. —DAY, highlighting growing disillusionment —SINCE the army seized power.
20151019—20130000    —AGREED, Lawyers said IRELAND has, to pay THE—ROMANIA—GYPSY parents of 1—BLOND boy 60,000 euros ($68,000) in compensation —AFTER conceding that police employed prejudicial racial profiling —WHEN seizing the child.
20151019—20151010    —IN—THE, TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—AHMET—DAVUTOGLU confirmed that 1—OF—THE—SUICIDE—BOMBERS—ATTACK in ANKARA had been officially identified through DNA testing.
20151019—20151102    —ON, 4—POLICE—OFFICERS were arrested on murder charges.
20151019—20190000    —BY, OSLO—NORWAY, officials said cars will be banned from the city center to help reduce pollution.
20160202—19711019    —HELPED, Prosecutors said they, PAKISTAN—SOLDIERS—ATTACK 1—VILLAGE in Netrokona district.
20161008—20161019    —RALLIED, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, across the country to support women's rights and against her brutal killing.
20161019             "Als ich AUßEN—MINISTERIN war, war ich für 1.FLUGVERBOT—ZONE, und das bin ich —HEUTE—NOCH, ", hat CLINTON —ERST vor ein paar —TAGEN gesagt.
20161019             "Bilharziose ist wahrscheinlich der größte Killer, von dem Sie noch nie gehört haben", erklärt das globale Bündnis zur Bekämpfung der Krankheit.
20161019             "DIE—KRANKHEIT betrifft vor allem arme Menschen in den Tropen, die nur unzureichend Zugang zu sauberem Wasser haben",
20161019             "Power 100"-—LISTE, Das sind die Mächtigsten der Kunstwelt 2016
20161019             "REICHS—BÜRGER"Wolfgang P.: "Anlass zur Besorgnis gab es nicht"
20161019             "Wir wussten zwar, daß Grauergorillas Probleme haben, aber niemand hatte erkannt, wie stark ihr Bestand abgenommen hatten",
20161019             1—BLITZUMFRAGEN: CLINTON gewinnt auch 3. TV—DUELL
20161019             1—INTERNEN Bericht zufolge war der 184—KILO—SCHWERE Gorilla auf 1.unverschlossene Tür in seinem Gehege aufmerksam geworden.
20161019             ARGENTINIEN: Tausende PROTESTIEREN—GEGEN—FRAUENMORDE - Aber HILLARY ist unverdrossen.
20161019             —BEDEUTET, Aber das, eben auch, daß sie die im wahrsten Wortsinne verheerende AMERIKANISCHE—AUSSEN—POLITIK militärischer Interventionen fortsetzen würde.
20161019             Aber was KRIEG und Frieden angeht ist seine Weste sauber.
20161019             Alle verfolgen ihre eigenen Interessen.
20161019             Als Gründe für den Rückgang nennen DIE—FORSCHER vor allem den —BÜRGER—KRIEG
20161019             AMERIKA unterstützt hier DIE—KURDEN und ist gleichzeitig mit der TÜRKEI verbündet, die ihrerseits erbittert gegen DIE—KURDEN kämpft.
20161019             Amy Schumer an DONALD—TRUMP—FANS: "Ich sage nie wieder, daß er 1—MONSTER ist!"
20161019             An der Krankheit —STERBEN PRO—JAHR 10—TAUSENDE—MENSCHEN.
20161019             —GESICHERT, Auch 1 2. Türe sei demnach noch nicht, gewesen.
20161019             Auf diese Weise soll, so CLINTONs Plan, das Leid der vom KRIEG verfolgten ZIVIL—BEVÖLKERUNG wenn nicht behoben so doch gelindert werden
20161019             Aufgrund der Schätzung hat DIE—WELTNATURSCHUTZUNION (IUCN) den OST—FLACHLANDGORILLA auf ihrer Roten Liste —VOR—1—MONAT nicht mehr nur als stark gefährdet eingestuft, sondern als vom AUS—STERBEN bedroht
20161019             Aufgrund ihrer Größe sei das Fleisch jedoch sehr viel wert.
20161019             Beides führte demnach unter anderem zur Abholzung von Wäldern und zur verstärkten AGD—NACH—DEN Tieren.
20161019             Bergbau in der Region.
20161019             Bilharziose: "Der größte Killer, von dem Sie nie gehört haben"
20161019             CLINTON hat sich ausdrücklich dafür ausgesprochen, über SYRIEN, oder Teilen davon, 1.FLUGVERBOT—ZONE einzurichten.
20161019             DAS—MILITÄR sollte besser ausgebildet und besser bezahlt werden.
20161019             DER—BÜRGER—KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN ist der gefährlichste —KONFLIKT der Welt.
20161019             —BEDAUERT, DER—GRÜNEN—CHEF—CEM—ÖZDEMIR hat gerade allen Ernstes, daß DEUTSCHLAND sich seinerzeit nicht am LIBYEN—EINSATZ beteiligte.
20161019             —VERHEDDERT, DER—WESTEN, sich in seinen Widersprüchen.
20161019             DIE—FORSCHER fordern DIE—REGIERUNG—DER—DEMOKRATISCHEN—REPUBLIK—KONGO auf, DIE—KONTROLLE—ÜBER—DIE—REGION zurückzugewinnen - "zum Wohle DER—MENSCHEN und der Gorillas".
20161019             DIE—GORILLAS seien zwar gesetzlich geschützt, schreiben DIE—FORSCHER.
20161019             DIE—POPULATION der Tiere, die auch Grauergorilla (Gorilla beringei grauer) genannt werden, fiel 1—STUDIE—ZUFOLGE binnen —20—JAHREN um mehr als 75 % auf unter 4000—TIERE.
20161019             DIE—RISIKEN sind unabsehbar.
20161019             DIE—ANDERE Art, die Westlichen Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), besteht auch aus 2—UNTERARTEN, die ebenfalls beide vom AUS—STERBEN bedroht sind.
20161019             DIHK—UMFRAGE: DEUTSCHE—UNTERNEHMEN verlieren Optimismus
20161019             —GEGEBEN, DONALD—TRUMP hat sich die größte Mühe, seine Untauglichkeit für DAS—AMT des USA—PRÄSIDENTEN unter Beweis zu stellen.
20161019             DONALD—TRUMP, soweit er überhaupt IRGENDEIN—AUßENPOLITISCHES—KONZEPT hat durchblicken lassen, will AMERIKA aus den Händeln der Welt eher heraushalten, es keinesfalls tiefer verwickeln.
20161019             Damit gilt die höchste Gefährdungstatus —NUN für ALLE—GORILLA—UNTERARTEN.
20161019             Das klingt nach 1—PROJEKT des Friedens.
20161019             Das schreckliche Leid in ALEPPO entsetzt den WESTEN—ABER DIE—REBELLEN weigern sich, DIE—STADT zu räumen und dadurch die ZIVIL—BEVÖLKERUNG vor weiteren Bomben zu verschonen.
20161019             Den gesamten LUFT—RAUM über SYRIEN zu kontrollieren, würde KRIEG—GEGEN—SYRIEN und RUSSLAND bedeuten.
20161019             Der Grauergorilla bildet ZUSAMMEN—MIT—DEM Berggorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei), der ebenfalls vom AUS—STERBEN bedroht ist, die ART—DER—OST—GORILLAS (Gorilla beringei).
20161019             —REGULIERT, Der Kleinbergbau müsse, und DIE—REBELLEN—GRUPPEN, die den Bergbau kontrollieren, sollten entwaffnet werden.
20161019             Der Mann ist also in JEDER—HINSICHT auf der falschen Seite.
20161019             Der WHO zufolge fordert Bilharziose PRO—JAHR zwischen 20.000—UND 200.000—TODES—FÄLLE.
20161019             Der AMERIKANISCHE—INTERESSEN—KONFLIKT—MIT—RUSSLAND scheint in SYRIEN UNÜBERBRÜCKBAR—ABER das hindert ISRAEL, Amerikas größten Verbündeten in der Region, nicht daran, sich mit PUTIN zu arrangieren.
20161019             Dieser habe den Gorilla dann mit sanften Worten beruhigt und habe den Bereich verlassen.
20161019             Dramatischer Schwund: Grauergorillas vom AUS—STERBEN bedroht
20161019             Dunfords Vorgänger im Amt schätzte —VOR—EIN—PAAR—JAHREN, daß 1.wirksame FLUGVERBOT—ZONE über SYRIEN den —EINSATZ—VON—70.000—SOLDATEN und PRO—MONATE Kosten in HÖHE—VON—1—MILLIARDE $ bedeuten würde.
20161019             —VERHINDERT, EU—GIPFEL: MERKEL, klares Zeichen gegen GRENZ—KONTROLLEN
20161019             EINIGE—TRENDS halten sich: So teilen in der "ART—REVIEW"-Rangliste die DIREKTOREN—DER—GRÖßTEN—MUSEEN und Weltausstellungen sowie internationale TOP—GALERISTEN die 1.Plätze unter sich auf.
20161019             —ARGUMENTIERT, Er, im Wesentlichen, daß man nicht für Inklusivität sein kann, und dann 50—PROZENT—DES—LANDES diskriminieren, weil sie die andere politische Ansichten haben.
20161019             Er besitzt Galerien in NEW—YORK City und LONDON, —SCHON sein Vater war Kunsthändler.
20161019             Es gibt —NUN auch in DEUTSCHLAND noch Feierabendgeneräle, denen die Lust auf MILITÄR—INTERVENTIONEN nicht vergangen ist.
20161019             Es liegt daran, daß DONALD—TRUMP—KANDIDATUR derart schrill ist, daß zu VIELE—LEUTE das Signal nicht wahrnehmen, das sie in Wahrheit ist.
20161019             Es sei wahrscheinlich, daß diese Schätzung noch zu optimistisch sei.
20161019             GELD—POLITIK,EUROPÄISCHE—ZENTRAL—BANK hält an Nullzins fest
20161019             Gipfel zu UKRAINE—KRISE und SYRIEN—KRIEG, IMMERHIN—SIE haben geredet
20161019             HILLARY—CLINTON ist genau das Produkt des AMERIKANISCHEN—POLIT—ESTABLISHMENTS, das DONALD—TRUMP und seine Anhänger in ihr sehen.
20161019             Im Nationalpark KAHUZI—BIÉGA, wo es früher sehr VIELE—TIERE gab, schwand die Population sogar um fast 90 %.
20161019             WAHRHEIT, wäre es 1—AKT—DES—KRIEGES.
20161019             Insgesamt deckt das VERBREITUNGS—GEBIET—DES—GRAUERGORILLAS knapp 20.000—QUADRAT—KILOMETER AB—DAS entspricht etwa der FLÄCHE—VON—RHEINLAND—PFALZ.
20161019             Interview: ORBÁN lobt MERKELs VER—DIENSTE um EUROPA
20161019             It's 1—LOT—HARDER—WHEN it means standing up for THE—RIGHTS—OF—PEOPLE with different viewpoints to say what they care about.
20161019             Kumbuka sei nur auf 1—SPAZIERGANG in das angrenzende Wärterbüro gegangen, wo er die Saftpackungen geöffnet und getrunken habe.
20161019             LUFT—ANGRIFFE—IN—SYRIEN: TÜRKISCHES—MILITÄR will —BIS zu 200—KURDISCHE KÄMPFER getötet haben
20161019             Letzte TV—DEBATTE: CLINTONs größtes Glück heißt DONALD—TRUMP
20161019             Letztes TV—DUELL—DONALD—TRUMP lässt offen, ob er Wahlergebnis anerkennen wird
20161019             —DEBATTIERT, Letztes WAHL—KAMPF—DUELL gegen CLINTON: DONALD—TRUMP, sich ins Abseits
20161019             MONEY—QUOTE: Malerei: Aufstieg der Penisbilder
20161019             PLATZ—4: Der in KÖLN geborene USA—AMERIKANER DAVID—ZWIRNER ist —SEIT—JAHREN 1—DER mächtigsten Männer des Kunstbetriebs.
20161019             Risiko?
20161019             SICHERHEITS—RISIKO CLINTON: Was für DONALD—TRUMP spricht
20161019             SPD—FRAKTION—CHEF—OPPERMANN: "Wer 'REICHS—BÜRGER' für 1—HARMLOSEN Spuk hält, irrt dramatisch"
20161019             Sie fordern die DEMOKRATISCHE—REPUBLIK—KONGO, auf deren Territorium diese Gorillas leben, zu 1—VERSTÄRKTEN SCHUTZ—DER—TIERE auf.
20161019             Sie genießt in EUROPA den Ruf, für außenpolitische Berechenbarkeit und Kontinuität zu stehen.
20161019             Sonst würden GRAUERGORILLAS—DIE größten PRIMATEN der WELT—INNERHALB der kommenden —5—JAHRE vielerorts komplett verschwinden.
20161019             Stets unter den 1.20—VERTRETEN sind etwa DIE—SCHWEIZER—GALERIEN Hauser & WIRT und DIE—DIE—USA—AMERIKA—GALERIEN Gagosian, Pace Gallery, MICHAEL—WERNER und DAVID—ZWIRNER—ALLESAMT mächtige KUNST—HÄNDLER mit großem Einfluss darauf, was in der Kunstwelt angesagt ist.
20161019             THIEL ist 1—DER UR—INVESTOREN—VON—PAYPAL und hat mit dem Erlös 1—HEDGE—FONDS gegründet, —DER—HEUTE mehrere MILLIARDEN $ verwaltet.
20161019             That's easy to say —WHEN it means standing up for ideas you agree with.
20161019             That's even more important.
20161019             There are MANY—REASONS 1—PERSON might support DONALD—TRUMP that do not involve racism, sexism, xenophobia or accepting sexual assault.
20161019             —GESICHERT, Türe sei demnach noch nicht, gewesen.
20161019             —GEÄUßERT, Und MARK—ZUCKERBERG hat sich firmenintern.
20161019             Und ausgerechnet in SYRIEN will HILLARY—CLINTON die MILITÄR—KONFRONTATION mit RUSSLAND riskieren.
20161019             Und damit niemand 1—ZWEIFEL daran haben konnte, wie sie das meinte, fügte sie hinzu: "Wir brauchen 1—HEBEL gegen DIE—RUSSEN".
20161019             Und davor macht er 1—PUNKT, der mir auch sehr wichtig ist:
20161019             4—LÄNDER—GIPFEL—IN—BERLIN: Neuer Fahrplan für Frieden IN—DER—UKRAINE
20161019             VIERER—GIPFEL—IN—BERLIN: POROSCHENKO kündigt neuen Friedensplan für die OST—UKRAINE an
20161019             Vor allem DAS—RISIKO eines militärischen Konflikts mit RUSSLAND.
20161019             WAFFEN—TEST: NORD—KOREA misslingt 2. Raketenstart in —1—WOCHE
20161019             WASHINGTON—POST: "Wir müssen unsere journalistische Unabhängigkeit verteidigen"
20161019             Was fängt man eigentlich mit Freiheit an, wenn man sie denn endlich hat?
20161019             We care deeply about diversity.
20161019             Weil sie sich in Gruppen auf dem Boden bewegten, seien sie einfach zu jagen.
20161019             1—RÜCKGANG um 77 % innerhalb 1—GENERATION.
20161019             wird nur 1—PUNKT übersehen, und zwar einer, der für jeden NICHT—AMERIKANER in Wahrheit der wichtigste ist: DONALD—TRUMP wäre in der FRAGE—VON—KRIEG und Frieden vermutlich die bessere Wahl als CLINTON.
20161019             —GEFORDERT, Özdemir hat auch, mit 1—FLUGVERBOT—ZONE über SYRIEN zu drohen —, gleichzeitig gewarnt: "Hängt die Nuklearmacht RUSSLAND mit im —KONFLIKT, —RATE ich bei militärischen Interventionen grundsätzlich sehr zur Vorsicht".So wird vom Schreibtisch aus DA—REDEN über den KRIEG zur Kinderei.
20161019             Über den Kontakt mit verunreinigtem Wasser infizieren Würmer in AFRIKA JEDES—JAHR mehr als 200.000.000—MENSCHEN, vor allem Kinder.
20161019             —GEGEN, den IS lassen sich DIE—USA von den Saudis helfen, die ihrerseits zu den Förderern des ISLAMISTISCHER—TERRORISMUS gehören
20161019             —LAUT, WHO wurden 20140000             WELT—WEIT—CA—62.000.000—MENSCHEN wegen Bilharziose BEHANDELT—CA—150.000.000 Infizierte erhielten demnach keine Medikamente.
20161019             —NACH, 1—DRAMATISCHEN Populationsschwund gilt der Östliche Flachlandgorilla als vom AUS—STERBEN bedroht.
20161019             —PLÖTZLICH, stand Kumbuka vor seinem Wärter.
20161019             —VOR, 1—WEILE hat er Schlagzeilen gemacht, weil er Hulk Hogans GERICHT—VERFAHREN—GEGEN—GAWKER finanziert hat, was letztendlich zur Insolvenz von Gawker geführt hat.
20161019             —VOR, AUSBRUCH—DES—BÜRGER—KRIEGS 19960000             wurde die Population der Grauergorillas, die IM—OSTEN des Landes leben, auf 16.900—GESCHÄTZT.
20161019             —VOR, ein paar —TAGEN ging DIE—MELDUNG rum, daß PETER—THIEL 1,25 Mio $ an DONALD—TRUMP gespendet hat.
20161019             NORTH—CALIFORNIA, JACK—LEE—BREINER fatally shot Deputy JACK—HOPKINS, —31—JAHRE—ALT as he responded to 1—DOMESTIC—DISTURBANCE—CALL in Alturas.
20161019             AFGHANISTAN, 1—GUNMAN in 1—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY—UNIFORM shot dead at least 2—USA—ADVISERS and wounded 3—MORE—NEAR 1—BASE in KABUL —BEFORE being killed himself.
20161019             † Army SERGEANT—DOUGLAS—J—RINEY, —26—JAHRE—ALT—OF—FAIRVIEW—ILLINOIS, and MICHAEL—G—SAURO, —40—JAHRE—ALT—OF—MCALESTER—OKLAHOMA, of wounds received in the attack.
20161019             —QUASHED, EGYPT—HIGHEST—COURT, death sentences imposed on 14—ISLAMISTS over 1—ATTACK on 1—POLICE—STATION in protest at the military's overthrow 20130000             —IN—OF—THEN—PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—MURSI.
20161019             8—MORE—DEFENDANTS in the case were sentenced to death in absentia.
20161019             —RATIFIED, INDONESIA, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—BIGGEST greenhouse gas emitters, 1—LANDMARK climate rescue pact but environmentalists expressed skepticism about the government's plans to limit global warming.
20161019             1—SENIOR—IRAQ—GENERAL called on Iraqis fighting for the Islamic State group in MOSUL to surrender as 1—WIDE—SCALE—OPERATION to retake THE—MILITANT—HELD city entered its 3. —DAY.
20161019             Residents began returning to the village of Sheikh Amir on the road to MOSUL, recaptured overnight by advancing Kurdish fighters.
20161019             KASHMIR, firing by INDIA—TROOPS along THE—LINE—OF—CONTROL, 1—CEASEFIRE—VIOLATION, killed 1—PAKISTANI and wounded 12.
20161019             —SOARED, KAZAKHSTAN, 2—RUSSIA—COSMONAUTS and 1—NASA astronaut, into orbit in 1—SOYUZ spacecraft at the start of a —2—DAY—JOURNEY to THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20161019             —APPROACHED, PALESTINE—WOMAN—RAHEEQ Shajeyeh Youssef (19), ISRAEL—BORDER—POLICE with 1—KNIFE in 1—TENSE—AREA—OF—THE—WEST—BANK and was shot dead by officers.
20161019             —EMERGED, Video —LATER, appearing to show officers open fire on the woman —AFTER she was already on the ground.
20161019             SYRIA, 1—PAUSE in Russian and SYRIA—STRIKES on ALEPPO held into a 2. —DAY, ahead of 1—BRIEF—CEASEFIRE aimed at allowing civilians and rebels to quit the devastated city.
20161019             —AROUND 620—REBELS and their families began evacuating the besieged TOWN—OF—MOADAMIYAT—AL—SHAM, SOUTH—WEST—OF—DAMASCUS, under 1—DEAL with the government.
20161019             YEMEN, SAUDI—LED air strikes hit military bases in SANAA and rival militias battled near the country's border with the kingdom, hours —BEFORE 1—UN—MEDIATED truce took effect.
20161019             —VIOLATED, Houthi militia reportedly, the truce 43—TIMES and shelled the strategic CITY—OF—TAIZ.
20161019             —CALLED, However, their landing craft, Schiaparelli, went silent on its way to THE—SURFACE—OF—THE—PLANET.
20161019             —NACH—7—MONATIGEN Flug, Die ESA—RAUMSONDE—EXOMARS—TRACE—GAS—ORBITER erreicht, den Orbit des Planeten Mars.
20161023—20171019    —ON, big rig driver BRUCE—GUILFORD, —51—JAHRE—ALT was arrested in GEORGIA—1—DAY —AFTER being charged in RIVERSIDE County with 13—COUNTS—OF vehicular manslaughter.
20171016—20171019    —BY, THE—SPAIN—GOVERNMENT said Catalan authorities must drop 1—BID for INDEPENDENCE, moving closer to imposing direct rule over the region —AFTER its leader missed 1—INITIAL—DEADLINE to back down.
20171019             —INAUGURATED, The museum was, 20171014             by THE—WIFE—OF—MOROCCAN—KING—MOHAMMED—VI, Lalla Salma, alongside actresses CATHERINE—DENEUVE and Marisa Berenson.
20171019             Aber hey, wichtig ist ja nicht DAS—BUNDESINSTITUT sondern DIE—EU an der Stelle.
20171019             Ach naja, denkt ihr euch —JETZT vielleicht, das werden unwichtige Randnotizen gewesen sein, nicht der Kernteil.
20171019             Aktion "BlackMatterUS": RUSSLAND soll USA—BÜRGER—RECHTLER finanziert haben
20171019             Arachnophobie: —SCHON Babys regen sich über Spinnen auf
20171019             Besteht GEFAHR—FÜR—DIE GESUNDHEIT—DER—TIERE, so kann dies 1—NOTSTAND bedeuten, der Tierschützer zum Eindringen in 1—ZUCHTBETRIEB berechtigen kann.
20171019             BIENEN—FORSCHER, Die verblüffende INTELLIGENZ des Schwarms
20171019             But EFSA—URL also said that SOME—OF—THE—CRITICISM that MEMBERS—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT have made of his agency are "hypocritical".
20171019             DEUTSCHLAND: 9.500.000—MENSCHEN trinken zu viel Alkohol
20171019             DIE—BEHÖRDE wies den ZEITUNGS—BERICHT—FREITAG—AM, umgehend zurück.
20171019             DIE—ZAHL—DER—FLUGINSEKTEN ist in Teilen DEUTSCHLANDs erheblich zurückgegangen.
20171019             Das Kapitel zur Gentoxizität, also zur erbgutschädigenden Wirkung von Glyphosat, wurde sogar fast vollständig und fast wortwörtlich übernommen.
20171019             Der BEWERTUNGSBERICHT—DES—BFR und damit DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLICHE GRUND—LAGE für die von der EU—KOMMISSION vorgeschlagene Zulassungsverlängerung von Glyphosat erfülle in wesentlichen Teilen die "Kriterien eines Textplagiats".
20171019             Endlich geht mal 1.Behörde sorgsam mit unseren STEUER—GELDERN um!1!!
20171019             Es sei denkbar, daß Insekten in den Schutzgebieten zwar —ZUNÄCHST gediehen, DIE—INSEKTEN dann aber auf den angrenzenden ACKER—FLÄCHEN verschwinden
20171019             Es sei "offensichtlich, daß das BfR keine eigenständige Bewertung der zitierten Studien vorgenommen hat", sagt Dr.
20171019             Fachleute vermuten —SCHON lange, daß DIE—ZAHL—DER—INSEKTEN —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—JAHREN erheblich zurückgegangen ist.
20171019             Fluoreszierende Forschung: Mäuse mit grünen Pfötchen
20171019             He referred to —WHEN MEPs tell Efsa they should publish more studies, even though MANY—OF—THEM are protected by intellectual property rights, because they are owned by private companies.
20171019             Insgesamt landeten 53,54—KILOGRAMM wirbellose Tiere in den FALLEN—MILLIONEN Insekten.
20171019             Ja das ist dann wohl Schicksal, da kann man nichts machen!1!!
20171019             KATALONIEN—KRISE, PUIGDEMONT lässt —ULTIMATUM der SPANIEN—REGIERUNG verstreichen
20171019             Na was sagt denn DIE—EU dazu? Oh ACH SO ist das!
20171019             PANAMA—UNTERSUCHUNGS—BERICHT, EU—STAATEN haben GELD—WÄSCHE ermöglicht
20171019             PROZESS—IN—MÜNCHEN: Mann verklagt Landwirtin wegen KUHGLOCKEN—LÄRM
20171019             Problem bei SOJUS—LANDUNG: DRUCKAB—FALL—IN—DER Kapsel
20171019             Rettungsgasse, Handyverbot, Verhüllung: Verkehrssünder werden ab sofort härter bestraft
20171019             Robuste Konjunktur: CHINA—WIRTSCHAFTS—WACHSTUM SINKT—AUF 6,8 %
20171019             THE—USA—USES THE—ISLAMIC—STATE insurgency as 1—TOOL in AFGHANISTAN, aimed at destabilizing the whole region, THE—FORMER—AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—TOLD—RT, urging THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY to convince THE—USA—THAT it needs to actually fight terrorism.
20171019             Tausende Stellen betroffen: SIEMENS—CHEF—KAESER plant Kahlschlag im KRAFTWERKS—GESCHÄFT
20171019             Tja, so 1—VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ braucht halt Geld.
20171019             UNO—BERICHT: Jeden —TAG—STERBEN 15.000—KINDER unter —5—JAHREN
20171019             —GERATEN, UNTERSTÜTZUNG—FÜR—ANTI—ISLAM—KAMPAGNE: Google und FACEBOOK, unter Druck
20171019             Umbruch in der AUTO—INDUSTRIE, Die ANGST—VOR—DEM—JOBKAHLSCHLAG
20171019             Und zwar handelt es sich um DAS—BUNDESINSTITUT—FÜR—RISIKOBEWERTUNG, die sollten sich zu Glyphosat äußern.
20171019             Vermutlich spiele die intensivierte LAND—WIRTSCHAFT samt dem —EINSATZ—VON—PESTIZIDEN und Düngemitteln sowie der ganzjährigen Bewirtschaftung 1.Rolle, erklären DIE—FORSCHER.
20171019             Well yeah. ZDF —HEUTE dazu.
20171019             [l] Endlich darf im Spreewald ERD—ÖL gefördert werden!1!!
20171019             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN!
20171019             [l] Hat DER—VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ ANIS—AMRI zu seinem WEIHNACHTSMARKT—ANSCHLAG angestachelt?
20171019             [l] Lesetipp: 1—JURA—PROFESSOR erklärt, wieso die mittelalterlichen Gottesurteile 1.gute Idee waren.
20171019             [l] Tierschützer dringen in Schweinemastbetrieb ein, ANKLAGE—WEGEN—HAUSFRIEDENSBRUCHS —DANN, Freispruch.
20171019             Überschuss: GRIECHENLAND will die Ärmsten beschenken
20171019             —ENTDECKTE 1—TELESKOP auf HAWAII das Lichtpünktchen, als es sich rasch über den Himmel bewegte.
20171019             —ERSCHIEN in "Nature"1—FACH—ARTIKEL—ÜBER—DAS jüngste Kind der ALPHAGO—FAMILIE, dieses trägt den Beinamen 0.
20171019             —NACH, Telefonat mit Witwe: DONALD—TRUMP eskaliert STREIT—UM—GETÖTETE USA—SOLDATEN
20171019             —ULTIMATUM abgelaufen: MADRID kündigt ZWANGS—MAßNAHMEN—GEGEN—KATALONIEN an
20171019             —UPDATE, Jaja, LKA, nicht VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ.
20171019             USA EPA Administrator SCOTT—PRUITT said in the letter that the agency will keep renewable fuel volume mandates for —NEXT—YEAR at or above proposed levels, reversing 1—PREVIOUS—MOVE to open the door to cuts.
20171019             † FLORIDA, ANTHONY—NAIBOA, —20—JAHRE—ALT was shot and killed in THE—TAMPA area.
20171019             —CONVICTED—OF, FORMER—MASSACHUSETTS sheriff's deputy ANTONIO—FREITAS, helping 1—FISHING mogul known as the Codfather smuggle the profits of 1—ILLEGAL—SCHEME to evade catch quotas, was sentenced to —1—YEAR in prison.
20171019             Google began selling its 2. generation Daydream View, 1—VIRTUAL—REALITY viewer, for $99.
20171019             —RELEASED, EGYPT—AUTHORITIES, HIGH—PROFILE—IRELAND—DETAINEE—IBRAHIM—HALAWA —FOLLOWING his acquittal —LAST—MONTH—OF—CHARGES including murder, in a —4—YEAR—MASS—TRIAL criticized by human rights groups.
20171019             EGYPT—LAWYER—NABIH EL—WAHSH said on 1—TV—TALK—SHOW that harassing or raping women wearing ripped jeans is a "national duty".
20171019             1—BAGHDAD court issued 1—ARREST—WARRANT for Kosrat Rasul, THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—IRAQI—KURDISTAN, on charges of "provocation" against IRAQ's armed forces.
20171019             —EXPRESSED, THE—UN, concern at reports of forced displacement of civilians, mainly Kurds, and the looting and DESTRUCTION—OF—THEIR—HOUSES and businesses in NORTH—IRAQ.
20171019             ITALY, 1—SPAIN—TOURIST, —52—JAHRE—ALT was struck and killed in 1—OF—THE—AISLES at the Basilica of Santa Croce in FLORENCE.
20171019             Kurdish officials said about 100,000 Kurds have fled THE—KIRKUK region for FEAR—OF—PERSECUTION —SINCE Iraqi armed forces retook disputed territory —AFTER 1—KURDISH—INDEPENDENCE—VOTE rejected by BAGHDAD.
20171019             —OPENED, MOROCCO, the new YVES—SAINT—LAURENT museum, its doors to the public in MARRAKECH.
20171019             —BACKED, The small NEW—ZEALAND 1. Party, the Labor Party putting Jacinda Ardern (37) in line to be NEW—ZEALAND—NEXT—PRIME—MINISTER.
20171019             1—PAKISTANI—ANTI—CORRUPTION—COURT indicted ousted PRIME—MINISTER—NAWAZ—SHARIF and his daughter over allegations linked to ownership of LONDON properties, opening 1—TRIAL that could see the former leader jailed.
20171019             —PLANNED, OMAR—KHALID—KHORASANI had, some of the deadliest suicide bombings in PAKISTAN over THE—LAST—YEAR.
20171019             —PASSED, PERU—CONSERVATIVE—CONGRESS, 1—BILL to legalize medical marijuana —LATE—TODAY with a 68—5—VOTE in favor of allowing cannabis oil to be produced, imported and commercialized.
20171019             —SUSPECTED, Officials said 13—MORE, militants were killed last —EVENING, including 1 believed to be 1—TOP—MALAYSIA—TERROR—SUSPECT although his body hasn't been recovered yet.
20171019             —ANNOUNCED, POLAND—GOVERNMENT, plans to significantly increase spending on health care as 1—HUNGER—PROTEST by young doctors demanding more funds for the sector entered a 3. —WEEK.
20171019             SERBIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER—SAID—FORMER—SERBIA—GENERAL—VLADIMIR—LAZAREVIC, CONVICTED—OF—WAR—CRIMES, and 2—OTHER—COMMANDERS who took part in 1—BLOODY—CRACKDOWN against KOSOVO—ALBANIANS in the 1990s, will be invited to teach at the Balkan country's military academy.
20171019             SWEDEN—STEEL—PRODUCTION—COMPANY—SSAB Americas said it is moving its Unites States division headquarters from LISLE—ILLINOIS, to MOBILE—ALABAMA.
20171019             The move will unfold over THE—COURSE—OF—NEXT—YEAR.
20171019             —CAPTURED, SYRIA, USA—BACKED forces who, Raqa from the Islamic State group prepared to hand the city over to 1—CIVIL—AUTHORITY, with SOME—OF—THEIR—FIGHTERS already headed to the next battle.
20171019             TANZANIA—POLICE said they are holding 12—MEN, including 2—SOUTH—AFRICANS, for questioning over allegations of promoting homosexuality.
20171019             —CRIMINALIZED, Homosexuality is, in TANZANIA under 1—COLONIAL—ERA—LAW.
20171019             —CLASHED, TOGO, GANGS—OF—YOUTHS and security forces, sporadically in LOME —BEFORE 1 planned opposition protest that the government has ruled illegal.
20171019             —VOWED, TURKEY—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN and visiting NIGERIA—PRESIDENT—MUHAMMADU—BUHARI, to ramp up security and economic cooperation between ANKARA and AFRICA—MOST populous nation.
20171019             —VOTED, UKRAINE—LAWMAKERS, through 1—LONG—DELAYED OVERHAUL—OF—THE—HEALTH—SYSTEM that the state's Western backers say will raise standards and tackle 1—CULTURE—OF—BRIBE—TAKING in surgeries and hospitals.
20171019             —MOVED, UKRAINE—LAWMAKERS, towards meeting 1—OF—THE—DEMANDS—OF—ANTI—CORRUPTION—PROTESTERS who have set up the 1. tent city in Kiev —SINCE THE—PRO—EU revolt of 20140000             .
20171019             Das interstellare Objekt Oumuamua wird vom PAN—STARRS—TELESKOP auf HAWAII entdeckt, —NACHDEM es —BEREITS—5—TAGE—ZUVOR die Erde in 1—ENTFERNUNG—VON—24—MIO—KILOMETERN, PASSIERT, hat.
20171019—19970000    —EXECUTED, ALABAMA, Torrey Twane McNabb for killing 1—POLICE—OFFICER.
20171019—20010000    —SINCE, The company has operated 1—MILL—NORTH—OF—MOBILE in Axis.
20171019—20150000    —RELEASED, Lazarevic was, from prison —AFTER serving 2—THIRDS—OF his sentence.
20171019—20151200    —PLEADED, OHIO, baby sitter —SUMMER Shalobi (32), guilty to involuntary manslaughter for giving a —17—MONTH old baby the antianxiety drug Xanax —BEFORE leaving to go shop and meet 1—FRIEND at the movies.
20171019—20160000    —SINCE, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL released 1—REPORT alleging that POLAND—AUTHORITIES have used surveillance, prosecutions, harassment and excessive force in SOME—CASES against peaceful ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS.
20171019—20171102    —FILED, EGYPT—HIGHEST—WOMEN—RIGHTS—BODY said it has, 1—COMPLAINT to the top prosecutor seeking legal action against EL—WAHSH.
20171019—20200000    —AGREED, Lawmakers, to push forward for Constitutional Court review 1—BILL—STRIPPING—PARLIAMENT—MEMBERS—OF—IMMUNITY from prosecution —STARTING.
20171101—20171019    —ON., 20180000             , Ostrem was sentenced to 3—CONSECUTIVE life terms plus —48—YEARS in prison as PART—OF—1—DEAL to avoid 1—POTENTIAL—DEATH—SENTENCE.
20171229—20171019    —ON, SOUTH—KOREA said that it was holding 1—HONG—KONG—FLAGGED ship and its crew members for allegedly violating UN sanctions by transferring oil to 1—NORTH—KOREA—VESSEL.
20180409   —KARFREITAG 19680000—19680000              20180409   
20181019             —RELEASED, THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP, 2—WOMEN and 4—CHILDREN among 27—SURVIVING Druze hostages it seized —DURING 1—DEADLY 20180725             attack on the minority community's heartland in SOUTH—SYRIA.
20181019             1—KRIMINALFALL erschüttert DIE—WELT—POLITIK, Der PRINZ—UND—DER—MORD (SPIEGEL+, 18:01)
20181019             150—MILLION—JAHRE—ALT: Forscher entdecken URZEIT—PIRANHA
20181019             ARD-"DEUTSCHLANDtrend": Union und SPD fallen in UM—FRAGE auf REKORD—TIEFSTAND
20181019             Ansteckung über Flöhe: LOS—ANGELES kämpft gegen Typhusausbruch unter Obdachlosen
20181019             Auf dem Weg in DIE—USA : Tausende Migranten stürmen GRENZE—ZU—MEXIKO
20181019             Ausgediente AUTO—AKKUS: Mit Recycling GEGEN—DIE—ROHSTOFFNOT
20181019             Bankenverband, USA—SANKTIONEN lassen DEUTSCHES—IRAN—GESCHÄFT schrumpfen
20181019             DIE—VORBEREITUNGEN DER—CA—1.300.000.000—EURO teuren Mission haben fast —20—JAHRE gebraucht.
20181019             Dienstreisen als Arbeitszeit: —480—STUNDEN—PRO—JAHR im AUTO—UNBEZAHLT (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 15:59)
20181019             —SCHMIERT, DIESEL—KRISE, DAIMLER—AKTIE, ab
20181019             DÜRRE—IN—DEUTSCHLAND: Wann regnet es endlich?
20181019             EuGH: POLEN muss Zwangspensionierung von Richtern aussetzen
20181019             FALL—KHASHOGGI, FDP—POLITIKER nennt Verhalten von SIEMENS—CHEF—KAESER "unverantwortlich"
20181019             Frau von EX—INTERPOL—CHEF—IM Interview: "Sie sind grausam, sie sind dreckig"
20181019             GABRIEL—KRITIK—AN—SAUDI—ARABIEN: "Diese ART—GEWALT kennen wir aus dunkelsten Zeiten des KALTER—KRIEG"
20181019             GEHEIM—DIENST—WARNUNG: RUSSISCHE—SPIONE nehmen SCHWEIZ ins Visier
20181019             —BESCHLOSSEN, Gesetzesentwurf : BUNDES—RAT fordert VERHÜLLUNGS—VERBOTVOR Gericht
20181019             —GEWINNT, Grüne Kurdin, in MÜNCHEN: "Für viele bin ich 1.Provokation"
20181019             HONGKONG—FESTLAND: CHINA eröffnet neue Superbrücke
20181019             HORST—HEROLD, "Kommissar Computer": Der "letzte GEFANGENE—DER—RAF" wird 95
20181019             Haushaltsentwurf: ÖSTERREICH—KANZLER—WARNT—ITALIEN vor zu hohen neuen Schulden
20181019             Historiker im Interview: Woher rührt der bayerische Glaube, etwas ganz Besonderes zu sein?
20181019             SÜDDEUTSCHLAND, haben Paläontologen die fossilen Überreste eines Fischs untersucht, der vor 150.000.—000—JAHREN LEBTE—UND der ähnlich wie heutige Piranhas mit seinen scharfen Zähnen Beute gerissen haben dürfte.
20181019             KATHOLISCHE—KIRCHE, USA—JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM leitet Ermittlungen zu KINDES—MISSBRAUCH ein
20181019             KIEW—VERSUS—MOSKAU: 1—KIRCHEN—STREIT, der den KRIEG befeuern wird (Politik, 15:34)
20181019             KORRUPTION—VORWÜRFE, CHINA richtet über seinen ehemaligen INTERNETwächter
20181019             MEHR—EINNAHMEN—VON—CA—2.500.000.000—EURO: BUNDES—TAG erhöht LKW—MAUT
20181019             MICHEL—BARNIER: VERHANDLUNGS—FÜHRER sieht "90 % Einigung" bei BREXIT
20181019             Namensgeber ist der ITALIENISCHE—MATHEMATIKER Bepi COLOMBO
20181019             Plan von WIRTSCHAFTS—MINISTER—ALTMAIER: STAAT soll sich "raushalten, wo es gut läuft"
20181019             SOZIAL—STAAT: 7.600.000—MENSCHEN leben von Mindestsicherung
20181019             Sonnennächster Planet: Europäische Sonde fliegt zum Merkur
20181019             Verschwundener Journalist: TÜRKEI will Ermittlungsergebnisse im FALL—KHASHOGGI veröffentlichen
20181019             —BERICHT, zu BREXIT—AUSWIRKUNGEN: Immer mehr BRITEN beantragen DEUTSCHEN—PASS
20181019             —BETRIFFT—STEPHEN—BANNON, Karrieren, SPIEGEL FUTURA
20181019             —HANDELS—STREIT—MIT—DEN—USA: CHINAs Wachstum fällt auf niedrigsten Stand
20181019             —KURZ—NACH, der Legalisierung: KANADA geht das Gras aus
20181019             —REAKTIONEN—AUF—DEN FALL—KHASHOGGI, GABRIEL fordert "klare Linie" im Umgang mit SAUDI—ARABIEN
20181019             —RELEASED, USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS, 1—RARE—PUBLIC—STATEMENT asserting that RUSSIA, CHINA, IRAN and other countries are engaged in ongoing efforts to influence USA—POLICY and voters in future elections.
20181019             —ARRESTED, NORTH—CALIFORNIA, WILLIAM—DEEN—BROWN, —39—JAHRE—ALT was, in SANTA—ROSA —AFTER DNA evidence linked him to the rape of 1—GIRL, —14—JAHRE—ALT near 1—ROHNERT—PARK creek.
20181019             —RAIDED, MICHIGAN, police, THE—PERRY—FUNERAL—HOME in DETROIT.
20181019             Officers found 36—FETUSES in boxes and 27—OTHERS in freezers.
20181019             —CLOSED, The business was —IMMEDIATELY, and its license suspended.
20181019             —POSTPONED, AFGHANISTAN—ELECTION—COMMISSION, elections in KANDAHAR for —1—WEEK, —FOLLOWING 1—BRAZEN attack on 1—HIGH—PROFILE—SECURITY meeting there.
20181019             UK—FORMER—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER—NICK—CLEGG, 1—LEADING—ANTI—BREXIT advocate, said he would be —STARTING 1—JOB at Facebook, as THE—USA—GIANT—FACES up to regulatory pressures.
20181019             —ADOPTED, THE—LONDON—BASED European Medicines Agency said it had, a "positive opinion" of Dengvaxia, the 1. vaccine for dengue, made by Sanofi of FRANCE.
20181019             —REPORTED, It was, that 20—MEN have been jailed for raping and abusing more than 12—TEENAGE—GIRLS in THE—CITY—OF—HUDDERSFIELD in NORTH—ENGLAND —AFTER 1—JUDGE lifted reporting restrictions.
20181019             The men were found guilty in 1—SERIES—OF—TRIALS —THIS—YEAR.
20181019             —RELEASED, Radical Islamic preacher Anjem Choudary (51) was, from 1—UK—PRISON —AFTER serving less than half of a 5-1/—2-YEAR prison sentence for encouraging support for the Islamic State group.
20181019             —SIGNED, THE—COMOROS government and main opposition, 1—DEAL that could end the latest BOUT—OF—INSTABILITY to rock THE—INDIA—OCEAN nation —AFTER violence flared on Anjouan ISLAND.
20181019             —PRESENTED, EUROPE and ASIA, 1 united front in support of free trade based on INTERNATIONAL rules and cooperation, starkly underscoring their differences with USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP'S "AMERICA 1." policy.
20181019             European and ASIA—LEADERS gave their backing to THE—IRAN nuclear deal, saying the pact is good for global security and that it's important to respect INTERNATIONAL agreements.
20181019             THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—TOP—COURT—ORDERED—POLAND to "—IMMEDIATELY suspend" its decision to lower the retirement age of its SUPREME—COURT—JUDGES, which it said threatens judicial INDEPENDENCE.
20181019             —LOWERED, POLAND—RIGHTWING government has, the age at which SUPREME—COURT—JUDGES must retire from 70 to 65, allowing THE—APPOINTMENT—OF—FIGURES seen as loyal by WARSAW—CURRENT—LEADERSHIP.
20181019             —BEDDED, HUNDREDS—OF—CENTRAL—USA—MIGRANTS, down overnight on 1—BRIDGE separating GUATEMALA and MEXICO, many squeezed against 1—METAL—BORDER—GATE, as efforts to halt 1—TREK north by 1—CARAVAN—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE gathered pace under USA—PRESSURE.
20181019             1—RUSH on the border ended —WHEN MEXICO—SECURITY—FORCES with riot shields and pepper spray drove them back.
20181019             —JOINED, INDIA, DOZENS—OF—HINDU priests, conservative protesters to block women of menstruating age from the Sabarimala temple, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—HINDU pilgrimage sites, defying 1—RULING from INDIA—TOP—COURT to let them enter.
20181019             INDIA, 1—TRAIN ran over people in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—PUNJAB.
20181019             59—PEOPLE watching fireworks were killed on the outskirts of AMRITSAR with another 57 injured.
20181019             † IRAN—OFFICIAL—IRNA news agency reported that 3—SEAMEN have from 1 unspecified toxic substance that poisoned all 11—CREW MEMBERS—OF—1—IRAN—CARGO ship on the Caspian Sea.
20181019             —INDICATED, Preliminary information, that the crew had been poisoned by chemicals used to protect grain being carried from KAZAKHSTAN to AZERBAIJAN.
20181019             —ORDERED, THE—JAPAN—GOVERNMENT, KYB Corp., 1—COMPANY that falsified quality data for earthquake "shock absorbers" used in HUNDREDS—OF—BUILDINGS, to speed up 1—INVESTIGATION and fix ANY—PROBLEMS quickly.
20181019             KENYA, running great Kip Keino (78) said that charges against him in 1—KENYAN—OLYMPIC—CORRUPTION—CASE have been dropped and he has been released.
20181019             —APPROVED, MACEDONIA—PARLIAMENT, the proposed new NAME—OF—REPUBLIC—OF—NORTH—MACEDONIA —AFTER 1—REFERENDUM —LAST—MONTH failed to reach the minimum participation threshold.
20181019             —CHARGED, MALAYSIA—FORMER—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER, AHMAD—ZAHID—HAMIDI, was, with ABUSE—OF—POWER, corruption and money laundering involving MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in another graft investigation against leaders ousted in elections —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR.
20181019             —MASSED, Members of a 3,000-strong USA—BOUND migrant caravan, in 1—GUATEMALA—BORDER—TOWN and prepared to begin crossing the muddy Suchiate River to MEXICO.
20181019             MEXICO—FOREIGN—MINISTER—LUIS—VIDEGARAY said that MEMBERS—OF—1—CARAVAN—OF—CENTRAL—USA—MIGRANTS heading north should proceed individually if they decide to enter MEXICO.
20181019             —RELEASED, NORWAY, MIKHAIL—BOCHKAREV, —51—JAHRE—ALT, 1—RUSSIA—MAN suspected of spying at THE—NORWAY—PARLIAMENT.
20181019             1—NORWAY—JUDGE ruled —1—DAY—EARLIER that investigators had failed to substantiate their case and NORWAY—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE withdrew 1—APPEAL against the decision.
20181019             —MASSED, THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINIANS, along ISRAEL—FRONTIER, with dozens approaching and breaching the perimeter fence that separates GAZA from ISRAEL.
20181019             —REPORTED, GAZA—HEALTH—MINISTRY, 77—PALESTINIANS were wounded by ISRAEL—FIRE and 6—OF—THEM were in serious condition.
20181019             SOUTH—AFRICA, at least 27—PEOPLE, including small children, were killed in 1—MULTI—VEHICLE—ACCIDENT in Limpopo province.
20181019             —KILLED, SYRIA, USA—COALITION—AIR—STRIKES, 41—PEOPLE, including 10—CHILDREN, in AL—SOUSA village and its environs over the last —2—DAYS.
20181019             —KILLED, The coalition raids also, 22—JIHADISTS —AROUND the Euphrates River near THE—IRAQ—BORDER, 1—OF—THE—LAST—ISLAMIC—STATE—ENCLAVES in Syria.
20181019             —WIDENED, TURKEY, the investigation into THE—DISAPPEARANCE—OF—JOURNALIST—JAMAL—KHASHOGGI —AFTER his visit to THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—CONSULATE, searching 1—FOREST in the city and interviewing the mission's staff.
20181019             —ACCUSED, Archbishop CARLO—MARIA—VIGANO, THE—VATICAN ambassador who, FRANCIS—PAPA of rehabilitating 1—DISGRACED—EX—USA—CARDINAL, doubled down on his claims, asserting that the "SCOURGE—OF—HOMOSEXUALITY" in the priesthood is responsible for sex abuse and that THE—VATICAN is being hypocritical in refusing to acknowledge it.
20181019             Der kleine erdnahe ASTEROID—2018—UA fliegt in 1—ENTFERNUNG von weniger als 20.000—KILOMETERN an der Erde vorbei.
20181019—20180000    —IN—THE, THE—USA—ACCUSED—RUSSIA—WOMAN—ELENA Alekseevna Khusyaynova of helping oversee the finances of 1—SWEEPING, secretive effort to sway USA—PUBLIC opinion through social media in the 1. FEDERAL—CASE alleging foreign interference midterm elections.
20181019—20280000    —IN, The $11—BILLION plant will have 2 1,200-megawatt nuclear reactors and was set to begin operating.
20190410—19190413    THE—JALLIANWALA—BAGH—MASSACRE, in which UK—TROOPS opened fire on THOUSANDS—OF—UNARMED protesters, remains 1—ENDURING scar from UK—COLONIAL—RULE in INDIA.
20191004—20191019    —REPORTED, It was, that UK—PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON has told 1—COURT he will request 1—BREXIT delay if he fails to strike 1—DEAL with THE—EU.
20191017             —APPROVED, UK—LAWMAKERS, the government's plan to hold 1—SPECIAL—SITTING—OF—PARLIAMENT 20191019             to vote on PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON—BREXIT deal.
20191019             —SATURDAY, 20060603             20200603             DATA 202006021200 —NACHMITTAG
20191019             —KILLED, Unidentified assailants, 38—SOLDIERS —DURING 20190930             —THE attacks.
20191019             "An ihm kann man sehen, daß man der Sache nach recht behalten kann, auch wenn man keine Mehrheiten bekommen hat", sagte Schwan damals.
20191019             "DIE—SCHULE vermittelt nur Fakten",
20191019             "Dabei hat er es anderen nicht immer leicht gemacht.
20191019             "Der Anschlag hat gezeigt, was passiert,wenn es zu wenig Geschichtsbildung gibt", sagt Projektleiter ANDREAS—DOSE, —SEIT—20—JAHREN in der Geschichtsarbeit mit Jugendlichen aktiv und pädagogischer Mitarbeiter bei der Stiftung, die sich um die Schulabbrecher kümmert.
20191019             "Er war immer auf der HÖHE—DER—ZEIT, wie es WILLY—BRANDT von uns Sozialdemokraten so eindringlich eingefordert hat",
20191019             2. —HEUTE kann sich niemand mehr herausreden!
20191019             BREXIT—VOTUM vertagt: "Super —SATURDAY" - für ALLE—JOHNSON—GEGNER
20191019             Brände, Tränengas, Wasserwerfer: Straßenschlachten in BARCELONA - 60—VERLETZTE
20191019             DEUTSCHE—REAKTIONEN—AUF—TÜRKEI—OFFENSIVE, "EUROPA muss schneller reagieren"
20191019             Das ist alles längst wissenschaftlich erforscht.
20191019             Der politische Vordenker der Partei ist, —92—JAHRE—ALT, in seiner Wahlheimat SCHWÄBISCH—HALL gestorben.
20191019             Der promovierte Gymnasiallehrer ERHARD—EPPLER, 19260000             in ULM geboren,
20191019             Deren ständige hyperventilierende Panikmache vor Flüchtlingen und Terroristen erzeugt doch —ERST 1—KLIMA—DER—ANGST, in dem solche Täter gedeihen können!
20191019             Deren Auswälzen der Tat nach der Tat durch endloses Palavern, welches Strafmaß man —JETZT noch verschärfen könnte, sorgt doch —ERST dafür, daß Menschen in Erwägung ziehen, das auch zu machen.
20191019             ERHARD—EPPLER galt als Urgestein der Sozialdemokraten und Vordenker aus den großen Zeiten der SPD.
20191019             ERHARD—EPPLER kam 19560000             zur SPD und übernahm dort im Laufe —DER—JAHRZEHNTE 1—VIELZAHL an Ämtern und Funktionen.
20191019             EU—HAUSHALTSKOMMISSAR: Oettinger hält weitere Änderungen des BREXIT—ABKOMMENS für ausgeschlossen
20191019             Erziehung muslimischer Jungen: "Mama, halt endlich die Klappe"
20191019             FACEBOOK—CHEF—ZUCKERBERG kämpft gegen Justiz und —POLITIK,"Ist das scheiße für uns?
20191019             Yeah!" (SPIEGEL+, 03:37)
20191019             Flüchtlinge in NORD—SYRIEN: "Wir dachten, die Welt werde uns —DIESMAL helfen"
20191019             Geschichtsprojekt von Schülern in HALLE: "Wir sind die neuen Zeitzeugen" (Leben und Lernen, 07:31)
20191019             ITALIENs EX—INNENMINISTER: Wie Salvini zurück an die Macht will (SPIEGEL+, 11:25)
20191019             Ich erinnere mich noch, als es noch nicht die Terroristen waren, sondern die organisierte KRIMinalität, die uns alle umbringen wird.
20191019             KATALONIEN—KONFLIKT, Mindestens 180—VERLETZTE nach Ausschreitungen
20191019             Kassandra sieht in der GRIECHEN—MYTHOLOGIE das Unheil voraus, aber sie wird nicht gehört.
20191019             Knapp —6—JAHRE—SPÄTER legte er den Posten im STREIT—MIT—BRANDTS Nachfolger HELMUT—SCHMIDT (SPD) nieder.
20191019             LEGA—POLITIKER Massimiliano Fedriga: "Es gibt eine gewaltige Unzufriedenheit im Land"
20191019             Macht nicht den Fehler, das für Inkompetenz zu halten, was unsere INNEN—MINISTER da abziehen.
20191019             National Doral in MIAMI: Demokraten wollen G7—GIPFEL in TRUMP—GOLFCLUB verhindern
20191019             —NUN, wenn man sich das im Detail anguckt, kommt man zu subtil anderen Ergebnissen.
20191019             Ob Schulabbrecher oder Regelschüler, die Jugendlichen sagen unisono, in der Schule hätten sie nicht genug über die Geschichte gelernt.
20191019             OLIVER—LETWIN: Der JOHNSON—BÄNDIGER
20191019             Rassismus und ENGLISCHER—FUSSBALL: Wegsehen war —GESTERN
20191019             Rohfleisch für Vierbeiner: Der Feind im Hundenapf
20191019             Sasa Stanisic gegen PETER—HANDKE: 1—ROMAN, der live entsteht (SPIEGEL+, 03:38)
20191019             Schlappe für BORIS—JOHNSON: BRITISCHES—PARLAMENT vertagt —ENTSCHEIDUNG über BREXIT—DEAL
20191019             —SCHON früh vertrat ERHARD—EPPLER—POSITIONEN im Bereich UMWELT—SCHUTZ und Ökologisierung oder in der FRIEDENS—BEWEGUNG, —DIE—HEUTE eher von den Grünen eingenommen WERDEN—UND stand damit nicht selten im Widerspruch zur Parteilinie.
20191019             STATIONIERUNG—VON—ASSAD—TRUPPEN: ERDOGAN will mit PUTIN über NORD—SYRIEN sprechen
20191019             THE—CHRISTIAN—TALIBAN in the News
20191019             Tulsi Gabbard: HILLARY—CLINTON WARNT—VOR—RUSSISCHER—UNTERSTÜTZUNG für Kandidatin bei USA—WAHL
20191019             Und wir Vollidioten lassen sie —JAHRZEHNTE—SEIT, damit durchkommen.
20191019             Unter KANZLER—WILLY—BRANDT (SPD) wurde er 1968—BUNDES—MINISTER für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit.
20191019             Vorher gab es die Radikalenerlässe, und die Radikalen werden uns alle umbringen.
20191019             Zu ERHARD—EPPLER seinem 90. Geburtstag 20160000             sagte DIE—VORSITZENDE—DER—SPD—GRUNDWERTEKOMMISSION, Gesine Schwan, ERHARD—EPPLER habe oft wie eine "Kassandra" gewirkt.
20191019             Zusammensetzung von EXO—PLANETEN: Autopsie der Weißen Zwerge
20191019             [l] Der Nachteil von GESICHTS—GEGENÜBER IRIS—BIOMETRIE ist, daß das Gesicht auch gegen den Willen und ohne Wissen des Eigentümers vermessen werden kann.
20191019             [l] Habt ihr das auch gehört? MAAS hat gesagt, die TÜRKEI kriegt keine Waffen mehr von uns?
20191019             [l] Wann ziehen wir eigentlich mal die INNEN—MINISTER—ZUR—RECHENSCHAFT?
20191019             —AM, —ANFANG schauten viele weg.
20191019             —BREXIT—DEBATTE im Liveticker +++: PARLAMENTS—PRÄSIDENT—BERCOW lässt Änderungsantrag ZU—BREXIT—ENTSCHEIDUNG könnte vertagt werden
20191019             —KAMPF um KURDENgebiete: Volk ohne STAAT
20191019             —NACH, Abfuhr bei EU—GIPFEL: Nordmazedoniens Regierungschef spricht sich für Neuwahlen aus
20191019             —SATURDAY,
20191019             —VOR, der Synagoge ist DER—POLIZEICONTAINER endlich abgeladen, das Dröhnen des Motors stirbt während der letzten Worte auf der Gedenkveranstaltung.
20191019             † DER—SPD—POLITIKER—ERHARD—EPPLER ist tot.
20191019             1—WOMAN identified in the lawsuit as JANE—DOE, sued THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY, THE—USA—IMMIGRATION and Customs Enforcement (Ice), and FORMER—ICE—AGENT—WILFREDO Rodriguez, seeking $10m in damages.
20191019             —ACCUSED, THE—HONDURAS—WOMAN living in CONNECTICUT, the Rodriguez of sexually assaulting her over 1—PERIOD—OF—7—YEARS under THE—THREAT—OF—DEPORTATION.
20191019             —DOWNGRADED, Tropical Storm Nestor was, —AFTER it spawned 1—TORNADO that damaged homes and 1—SCHOOL in CENTRAL—FLORIDA.
20191019             —ABOUT 10,000 homes were without power.
20191019             —DETAINED, AZERBAIJAN police, SCORES—OF—PROTESTERS, including the leader of the main opposition Popular Front, at the start of 1 planned rally against low salaries, corruption and 1—LACK—OF—DEMOCRACY in THE—ENERGY—RICH EX—SOVIET—STATE. some 50—PEOPLE, mostly ORGANIZERS—OF—TODAY'S unauthorized rally, had already been detained —EARLIER in the —WEEK.
20191019             —VOTED, UK—LAWMAKERS, for 1—PROPOSAL to withhold support for PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON—BREXIT deal —UNTIL formal ratification legislation has passed, 1—STEP that will oblige him to ask THE—EUROPEAN—UNION for 1—BREXIT delay.
20191019             Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—PRO—EU protesters from across BRITAIN wielding banners, placards and flags converged on PARLIAMENT, erupting in cheers as MPs forced the government to ask BRUSSELS for another Brexit delay.
20191019             —UNSIGNED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON sent 1, letter to THE—EUROPEAN—UNION requesting 1—DELAY to Brexit but he also sent another message in which he stated he did not want the extension.
20191019             —PATROLLED, CHILE—TROOPS, THE—STREETS—OF—SANTIAGO —AFTER PRESIDENT—SEBASTIAN—PINERA evoked 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY amid 1—SURGE in violent protests over 4-cent subway fare rise.
20191019             † At least 3—PEOPLE, —AFTER 1—SUPERMARKET in SANTIAGO was set alight by demonstrators.
20191019             —ANNOUNCED, Pinera, the repeal of 1—TRANSIT fare hike that had prompted the violent student protests.
20191019             5—MORE—PEOPLE were —LATER found dead in the basement of 1 burned warehouse.
20191019             —REPORTED, CHINA—OFFICIAL—XINHUA News Agency, that Vice Premier HAN—ZHENG has vowed to further reduce tariffs and remove NON—TARIFF barriers for global investors.
20191019             Vice Premier Liu He said CHINA will work with THE—USA to address EACH—OTHER—CORE—CONCERNS on THE—BASIS—OF—EQUALITY and mutual respect.
20191019             EGYPT, shells hit 2—HOUSES in the restive NORTH—SINAI—PENINSULA, killing at least 4—CIVILIANS, including 1—CHILD in THE—TOWN—OF—SHEIKH—ZUWEID.
20191019             —CALLED, The book, "Medemer" aims at inclusivity and consensus in 1—COUNTRY with scores of ethnic groups and 1—RISING problem of ethnic unrest.
20191019             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION said BRITAIN must inform THE—EU executive of its next steps as soon as possible —AFTER PARLIAMENT voted to postpone 1—KEY—VOTE on 1—BREXIT deal.
20191019             IRAQ, MILLIONS—OF—PILGRIMS made their way on foot to THE—CITY—OF—KARBALA for the Shiite pilgrimage of Arbaeen, regarded as the largest annual public gathering in the world.
20191019             —POURED, LEBANON, THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, into the streets for a 3. —DAY—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS, directing growing rage at 1—POLITICAL—ELITE they blame for driving the country to the economic brink.
20191019             Hezbollah leader Sayyed HASSAN—NASRALLAH said that the group was not demanding the government's resignation amid widespread national protests.
20191019             —KILLED, THE—MALI—ARMY said it had, —AROUND 50—MILITANTS —DURING 1—OPERATION in which it managed to rescue SOME—OF—THE—SOLDIERS who were captured —DURING deadly attacks —LAST—MONTH on 2—BASES in THE—CENTER—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20191019             MOZAMBIQUE, the opposition Renamo party held 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE and issued 1—STATEMENT accusing Frelimo of violating the country's fragile peace accord.
20191019             Incumbent PRESIDENT—FILIPE—NYUSI has taken 1—EARLY—LEAD in results from —THIS—WEEK—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION but Renamo has questioned the results.
20191019             NORTH—IRELAND—BREXIT spokesman said the Democratic Unionist Party will use EVERY—STRATEGY—AVAILABLE to try and get changes to PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON—BREXIT deal.
20191019             —CALLED, NORTH—MACEDONIA—PRIME—MINISTER—ZORAN—ZAEV, for 1—SNAP parliamentary election —AFTER THE—EUROPEAN—UNION failed to give his country 1—DATE to start talks on joining the bloc.
20191019             —COLLAPSED, RUSSIA, 1—DAM at 1—SMALL—SIBERIAN gold mine, and water flooded 2—WORKERS' dormitories leaving least 15—PEOPLE—DEAD and 7 unaccounted for near the village of Shchetinkino in THE—KRASNOYARSK region.
20191019             —RETURNED, SOUTH—SUDAN opposition leader Riek Machar, to the country to meet with PRESIDENT—SALVA—KIIR less than —1—MONTH—BEFORE their deadline to form 1—UNITY—GOVERNMENT —AFTER a —5—YEAR—CIVIL—WAR.
20191019             —PLEADED, SPAIN, THE—MAYOR—OF—RIOT—STRICKEN BARCELONA, for calm —AFTER violent protests by Catalan separatists rocked SPAIN—2. largest city for a 5. consecutive night.
20191019             —CLASHED, SYRIA, TURKISH—BACKED SYRIA—FIGHTERS, with KURDISH—LED forces in several parts of the northeast, with SOME—CROSSING the border from TURKEY to attack 1—VILLAGE.
20191019             —BLAMED, Both sides, EACH—OTHER for fighting that has rattled THE—USA—BROKERED CEASE—FIRE.
20191019             PRESIDENT—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN said TURKEY would press on with its offensive into NORTH—EAST—SYRIA and "crush THE—HEADS—OF—TERRORISTS" if 1—DEAL with WASHINGTON on the withdrawal of Kurdish fighters from the area were not fully implemented.
20191019             30 Uhr
20191019—20190131    —UNTIL, Johnson was compelled by 1—LAW, passed by opponents —LAST—MONTH, to ask the bloc for 1—EXTENSION to the current Brexit deadline of 20191031             —AFTER lawmakers thwarted his attempt to pass his EU divorce deal —EARLIER—TODAY.
20201003             —VERSCHIEBT, Angesichts der COVID—FÄLLE unter Senatoren, die USA—KONGRESSKAMMER ALLE—PLENUMSSITZUNGEN —BIS—NACH—DEM 20201019             .
20201010             20201010195722—20201010195722—ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—345—(+4)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—211—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—130—(=)
20201010             20201010195722
20201019             —MONTAG, 20201019
20201019             Bundeswirtschaftsminister PETER—ALTMAIER rät jungen Berufseinsteigern in CORONA—ZEITEN zu Flexibilität.
20201019             Der CDU—POLITIKER sagte am Sonntagabend im ARD-"Bericht aus BERLIN":
20201019             "Wenn es junge Menschen gibt, die zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt ihren Traumberuf nicht ergreifen können, weil diese Branche am Boden liegt, dann sage ich einfach:
20201019             Dann kann man auch vielleicht einmal schauen, ob es übergangsweise, wo Menschen gesucht werden, Chancen GIBT—UND dann nach einem —JAHR wieder wechseln".
20201019             ITALIEN verschärft zum 3. Mal in weniger als —2—WOCHEN die Vorschriften zum Coronaschutz für die rund 60—MILLIONEN Bürger.
20201019             Wegen steil steigender Ansteckungskurven schränkt die Regierung in Rom die Gastronomie weiter ein.
20201019             Auch Sporttreiben gilt als risikoreich.
20201019             Ministerpräsident GIUSEPPE—CONTE rief die Italiener zu "maximaler Vorsicht" auf, um sich und ihre Mitmenschen vor einer Ansteckung zu schützen.
20201019             Er sprach am Sonntagabend im Fernsehen von einer "kritischen Lage".
20201019             Bei der Oberbürgermeisterwahlen in Konstanz hat Amtsinhaber Uli Burchardt (CDU) seinen Posten verteidigt.
20201019             Der 49-Jährige setzte sich bei der Neuwahl mit 49,5 PROZENT—DER—STIMMEN gegen seinen Herausforderer LUIGI—PANTISANO (Linke) durch, der 45,1 Prozent erhielt.
20201019             ANDREAS—MATT (parteilos) landete mit 5,1 Prozent abgeschlagen auf Platz 3.
20201019             Der 41-Jährige Pantisano hatte als stärkster Herausforderer Burchardts für Aufsehen gesorgt.
20201019             —GEWONNEN, Hätte er die Wahl zum Oberbürgermeister tatsächlich, wäre Konstanz die 1. westdeutsche Stadt gewesen, in der die Linke den BÜRGERMEISTER stellt.
20201019             Im Mittelpunkt seiner Agenda standen vor allem Umweltthemen.
20201019             Kontakte zur Linkspartei versuchte er öffentlich soweit wie möglich zu meiden.
20201019             Die Konstanzer CDU warf ihm dies vor.
20201019             —VERLIERT, USA—REPUBLIKANER in Panik: "Wenn Trump, wird es einen Bürgerkrieg geben"
20201019             Rekordbeteiligung: 27,7 Millionen Wähler haben in den USA —BEREITS abgestimmt
20201019             —BEREITET, Noch —75—TAGE: GROSSBRITANNIEN, Handel auf NO—DEAL—BREXIT vor
20201019             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: In EUROPA geht CORONA —JETZT—ERST richtig los Von Mathieu von Rohr, Ressortleiter Ausland
20201019             —ENTSCHEIDUNG über CORONA—MAßNAHMEN: Führende Parlamentarier fordern mehr Mitspracherecht
20201019             Statistik: Immer mehr Rentner bleiben berufstätig
20201019             Konjunktur in Coronakrise: Chinas Wirtschaft WÄCHST—ABER langsamer als erwartet
20201019             —KRITISIERT, Biden, Trump wegen CORONA—AUSSAGEN: "Der Typ hat nicht mehr ALLE—TASSEN im Schrank"
20201019             ITALIEN verschärft CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN
20201019             Spielhallen und Wettbüros müssten um 21.00—UHR schließen
20201019             Der Pflegebevollmächtigte der Bundesregierung, ANDREAS—WESTERFELLHAUS, warnt angesichts stark ansteigender CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN vor einer erneuten Isolation von Pflegebedürftigen.
20201019             "Isolation um jeden Preis darf nicht sein",
20201019             VIELE—BETROFFENE hätten die Isolation in den Anfangsmonaten der Pandemie "als unglaublich belastend empfunden".
20201019             "Weil FITNESS—KURSE nicht erlaubt sind, bieten wir ab —HEUTE religiöse Versammlungen für Angehörige der Kirche des gesunden Körpers an",
20201019             "Schwer zu glauben? In dieser Welt ist alles möglich", hieß es —AM—SAMSTAG auf der FACEBOOK—SEITE des Fitnessstudios in Krakau.
20201019             Atlantic Sports kündigte zudem die Eröffnung eines Ladens für TRAININGS—AUSRÜSTUNG an und lud ein, die Produkte vor Ort kostenlos zu testen.
20201019             Gottesdienste sind in dem katholischen Land mit 38—MILLIONEN Einwohnern aber weiterhin erlaubt, solange die Gläubigen Masken tragen und sich an 1—TEILNEHMERGRENZE halten.
20201019             Die Gesundheitsämter in DEUTSCHLAND haben nach ANGABEN—DES—ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS vom Montagmorgen 4325—NEUE CORONA—INFEKTIONEN binnen —24—STUNDEN gemeldet.
20201019             Der Wert ist vergleichsweise NIEDRIG—AUCH weil am Wochenende nicht ALLE—GESUNDHEITSÄMTER—DATEN übermitteln
20201019             Historiker sieht CORONA als "epochale Zäsur"
20201019             "Es spricht vieles dafür, dass das —JAHR 20200000             als eine epochale Zäsur in die Geschichte eingehen wird", sagte der DIREKTOR—DES—INSTITUTS für Zeitgeschichte der DEUTSCHEN—PRESSE—AGENTUR.
20201019             Wirsching denkt, dass das Zeitalter der Internationalisierung und Globalisierung, das es —SEIT etwa 19700000             gebe, starken Veränderungen unterworfen, "wenn nicht beendet", werde.
20201019             Weltweit mehr als 40—MILLIONEN CORONA—INFEKTIONEN
20201019             starben mehr als 1,1 Millionen Menschen an oder mit dem Virus.
20201019             POLEN will COVID—19—KLINIK im Warschauer Nationalstadion aufbauen
20201019             Bundesärztepräsident: Weitere Bewegungseinschränkungen nicht sinnvoll
20201019             "Ganz so ernst kann ich die Lage aktuell nicht nachvollziehen", sagte er im "Deutschlandfunk".
20201019             Mit steigenden Infektionszahlen haben man im Rahmen der Pandemie rechnen müssen.
20201019             "Diese Vorstellung, dass man dieses Virus ganz vertreiben kann, ist eine irrige.
20201019             Wir müssen lernen, auch mit einer Durchseuchung der Bevölkerung, mit einer Zunahme der Infektionszahlen umzugehen und zu leben".
20201019             sei die ZAHL—DER—SCHWEREN—VERLÄUFE nach wie vor nicht so zahlreich wie im Frühjahr.
20201019             Jeder 10. will sich mit Toilettenpapier eindecken
20201019             Fast 2—DRITTEL (64—PROZENT) schlossen derartige Hamsterkäufe dagegen ausdrücklich aus.
20201019             Vor allem jüngere Menschen wollen sich der Umfrage zufolge mit mehr Toilettenpapier und Nudeln eindecken:
20201019             —AM häufigsten beantworteten Menschen zwischen 25—UND —34—JAHREN die Frage mit "ja" oder "eher ja" (15—PROZENT).
20201019             Bundesarbeitsminister HUBERTUS—HEIL arbeitet vorerst aus dem Homeoffice.
20201019             Wie sein Ministerium mitteilte, hat die WARN—APP bei dem SPD—POLITIKER 1—BEGEGNUNG mit erhöhtem Risiko angezeigt.
20201019             "Der MINISTER hat sich vorsorglich in häusliche Quarantäne begeben",
20201019             ÖSTERREICH verschärft Regeln fürs FEIERN—MASKENPFLICHT ausgeweitet
20201019             Professionelle Veranstaltungen sind nur noch mit zugewiesenen Sitzplätzen, einer begrenzten Teilnehmerzahl und dem ständigen Tragen eines MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZES erlaubt.
20201019             —INFIZIERT, Fast 500—NUTZER der WARN—APP, die sich, haben, informieren pro —TAG andere über den eigenen POSITIV—BEFUND.
20201019             JEDE—INFEKTIONSKETTE, die dadurch zusätzlich unterbrochen werde, sei wichtig.
20201019             "Immer mehr POSITIV—GETESTETE nutzen die App auch zur Warnung".
20201019             Die 500—POSITIV—BEFUNDE pro —TAG entsprechen deutlich mehr als 10—PROZENT aller entsprechenden Resultate.
20201019             Die demokratische Kandidatin für das USA—VIZEPRÄSIDENTENAMT, Kamala Harris, geht nach einer Pause wegen CORONA—FÄLLEN in ihrem Umfeld wieder auf Wahlkampftour.
20201019             Palästinenservertreter Sajeb Erakat nach Infektion in künstlichem Koma
20201019             Uni OXFORD stellt Langzeitfolgen bei COVID—19—PATIENTEN fest - 1. Ergebnisse hätten ergeben, dass
20201019             eine große ZAHL—VON—PATIENTEN, die aus Krankenhäusern entlassen worden seien, 2—BIS—3—MONATE nach der Ansteckung mit dem Virus immer noch Symptome wie Atemnot, Müdigkeit, Angstzustände und Depressionen aufwiesen,
20201019             Die Wissenschaftler hätten auch Auffälligkeiten in mehreren Organen festgestellt und vermuteten, dass eine anhaltende Entzündung 1—ROLLE spielen könnte.
20201019             —ÜBERSCHREITET, Mit HAMBURG, eine weitere Großstadt den Inzidenzwert von 50
20201019             Der CHEF—DER—BUNDESÄRZTEKAMMER mahnt, man könne den Menschen "nicht in einer Tour Angst machen" - sonst sei die Akzeptanz der Maßnahmen gefährdet.
20201019             Weitere Einschränkungen der Bewegungsfreiheit seien unangebracht.
20201019             BAYERN will wegen der AUSBREITUNG—DER—PANDEMIE im Landkreis Berchtesgadener Land massive Einschränkungen anordnen.
20201019             "Das wird das härteste Protokoll sein, das man da anwenden muss",
20201019             Zuvor war die —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ in dem Landkreis sprunghaft auf 252—PRO 100.000—EINWOHNER gestiegen.
20201019             WALES, gilt ab —FREITAG ein gut zweiwöchiger Lockdown.
20201019             "JEDER—IN—WALES wird dazu verpflichtet sein, zu Hause zu bleiben", sagt der Regierungschef des BRITISCHEN—LANDESTEILS, MARK—DRAKEFORD,
20201019             Auch die meisten Geschäfte müssten schließen.
20201019             Ein derart harter und tief greifender Lockdown sei notwendig, um die steigenden Infektionszahlen in den Griff zu bekommen,
20201019             BRETTSPIELE—HERSTELLER melden sensationelle Umsätze
20201019             Ein 71-jähriger Mann hat in AACHEN 1—GRUPPE—JOGGER und 2—RADFAHRER mit Pfefferspray eingenebelt, um sie offenbar auf gebührendem Abstand zu halten.
20201019             Den Beamten sagte der Senior, er habe sich nicht anders zu helfen gewusst.
20201019             Kliniken in Teilen Englands erreichen Kapazitätsgrenze
20201019             Auch in LIVERPOOL stießen EINIGE—KLINIKEN —BEREITS an ihre Kapazitätsgrenzen: Dort ist dem "GUARDIAN" zufolge viel Klinikpersonal erkrankt und in Isolation.
20201019             —UNTERFINANZIERT, BRITISCHE—KLINIKEN gelten als chronisch.
20201019             —SCHON bei größeren Grippewellen stehen sie oft vor dem Kollaps.
20201019             Die Pandemie stelle auch den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt auf die Probe, sagte Merkel zum Auftakt des Integrationsgipfels.
20201019             Die Krise treffe zwar alle, aber unterschiedlich hart.
20201019             Einwanderern gelinge es wegen der Einschränkungen nicht so leicht, in DEUTSCHLAND Fuß zu fassen, weil Sprachkurse und Beratung nicht wie gewohnt in Präsenzveranstaltungen angeboten würden.
20201019             Linksfraktionschef DIETMAR—BARTSCH hat Bayerns Ministerpräsident MARKUS—SÖDER scharf kritisiert.
20201019             "MARKUS—SÖDER treibt jeden —TAG eine neue Sau durchs Dorf", sagte Bartsch
20201019             Er warf dem CSU—CHEF vor, CORONA als Bühne zu missbrauchen und Angst zu verbreiten.
20201019             "Seine Politik hat immer die Kanzlerkandidatur im Blick, was in dieser Situation unverantwortlich ist".
20201019             Söder hatte zuvor mit Blick auf die steigende Zahl täglich festgestellter Infektionen eine bundesweit einheitliche Maskenpflicht auf öffentlichen Plätzen, in Schulen und Horten gefordert und
20201019             sich für mehr Rechte des Bundes beim Infektionsschutz ausgesprochen.
20201019             Bartsch warf Söder "eine miese CORONA—BILANZ" in seinem BUNDESLAND vor.
20201019             Das sei Aufgabe genug für ihn.
20201019             FRANKREICH: Polizei geht nach Ermordung eines Lehrers gegen Extremisten vor
20201019             Wasserwerfer und Tränengas: Demo gegen CORONA—MAßNAHMEN in Prag eskaliert 1—VIDEO—VON—BIRGIT—GROSSEKATHÖFER
20201019             Söder über CORONA—POLITIK: "Ich glaube, dass der Föderalismus zunehmend an seine Grenze stößt"
20201019             Biologische Vielfalt in Gefahr: EU—LÄNDER unterlaufen Artenschutz
20201019             Proteste gegen soziale Ungleichheit: Ausschreitungen in SANTIAGO—DE—CHILE—KIRCHEN in Brand gesteckt
20201019             BELARUS: 280—FESTNAHMEN bei Protesten gegen Lukaschenko
20201019             Mon 20201019
20201019             [l] Wisst ihr, wer noch nicht genug Daten von euch hat?
20201019             Die freundlichen Datenstaubsauger von Cloudflare, die sich —SCHON zwischen euch und einen Gutteil der Webserver da draußen geschoben haben und fröhlich alles sehen, was ihr auf denen so macht.
20201019             Aber das reicht ihnen nicht.
20201019             Das sind auch die mit dem öffentlichen DNS—SERVER, der sieht, auf welche anderen Seiten ihr so geht.
20201019             Das sind auch die mit dem Pilotprojekt für "verschlüsseltes DNS" mit Mozilla, damit sonst keiner sieht, was sie sehen können.
20201019             Und —JETZT stellt sich raus: Auch das reicht ihnen noch nicht.
20201019             —JETZT wollen sie auch noch, dass ihr ihren CLOUD—WEBBROWSER benutzt.
20201019             Damit sie auch noch sehen können, wo ihr die Maus hinbewegt aber nicht draufklickt, und wie lange ihr auf welcher Seite bleibt.
20201019             Gut, man könnte sagen, so häufig wie die ihre eigene Infrastruktur abschießen, da muss man keine großen Sorgen haben, dass nicht auch ihre Datenbanken mit den Datenkrankendaten periodisch gelöscht werden.
20201019             Aber darauf würde ich mich ja eher nicht verlassen wollen.
20201019             Browser in der Cloud ist jedenfalls die denkbar dämlichste Idee, die ich —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—JAHREN gehört habe.
20201019             Ja, NOCH dämlicher als "wir leiten ALLE—MOZILLA—DNS—ANFRAGEN über Cloudflare".
20201019             Es ist natürlich auch ein massives Sicherheitsproblem, weil dann ALLE—EURE—LOGINDATEN für Webseiten bei denen in der Cloud landen und dort abgreifbar sind, für Cloudflare und sonstige Angreifer.
20201019             [l] - Wo wir gerade bei Datenkraken waren: Stellt sich raus, dass Google Chrome GOOGLE—WEBSEITEN gerne mal von Privatsphäreneinstellungen ausnimmt.
20201019             —BESTIMMT, Uns hat der Benutzer, nicht gemeint, als er gesagt hat, er will ALLE—COOKIES löschen!1!!
20201019             Update: Hier kommt gerade noch 1—LESERBRIEF dazu rein, der einen anderen wichtigen Aspekt beleuchtet:
20201019             dieser Satz hier (Zitat)
20201019             hat für mich noch eine ganz andere Implikation.
20201019             —BEKOMMT, Wenn ich den Ansatz richtig verstehe, der echte Browser auf dem so kastrierten Gerät nur noch einen Satz svg.DRAW—KOMMANDOS statt der eigentlichen Webseite.
20201019             —BEDEUTET, Das, dass auch ALLE—META—INFORMATIONEN über die Objekte der Seite wegfallen und alles nur noch über Koordinaten, wo der User klickt, laufen muss.
20201019             Wie sie mit Tastatureingaben umgehen sagt der Artikel nicht.
20201019             Auf jeden Fall zerschießt ein derartiger Ansatz einmal komplett und rückstandsfrei den ACCESS—TREE einer SEITE—NEIN aller Seiten.
20201019             Das ist der Ort, wo assistive Software heutzutage 95% ihrer Informationen hernehmen um beispielsweise Webseiten vorlesen zu können, Vergrößerung anzubieten oder Navigation in Seitenstrukturen möglich zu machen.
20201019             Das ist 1—ARBEITSPLATZ—ZERSTÖRUNGSPROJEKT für jegliche Menschen mit einer Behinderung, die ihren PC anders als mit Point and click bedienen wollen oder müssen!
20201019             Stell dir nur mal den 1. Arbeitstag für so einen Menschen in seinem neuen Unternehmen vor.
20201019             Im Bewerbungsgespräch noch so: "Mit assistiver Technik kann ich, ggf. mit Anpassung, —HEUTE ziemlich JEDE—SOFTWARE schnell und produktiv bedienen".
20201019             Vor Ort so: "Dann richten Sie sich mal ein.
20201019             Gern geben wir Ihnen etwas mehr Zeit dafür.
20201019             Wir nutzen übrigens Cloudflare for Teams mit Browser Isolation".
20201019             Neue Angestellte: "Oh..". panischer Blick "Kriegen wir das irgendwie anders hin?" (Erklärungsversuch)
20201019             Vorgesetzte und Personalerin: "..". tauschen Blicke
20201019             Wegen eines Angriffs auf 2—POLIZISTEN in einem Supermarkt im rheinischen Troisdorf hat die Bonner Staatsanwaltschaft Anklage gegen 3—MASKENVERWEIGERER erhoben.
20201019             Die Angeklagten müssen sich wegen gefährlicher Körperverletzung und tätlichen Angriffs auf Vollstreckungsbeamte verantworten,
20201019             Die Grenze Kanadas zu den USA bleibt mindestens einen weiteren —MONAT geschlossen.
20201019             Die Regelung gilt —NUN vorerst —BIS zum 20201121             ,
20201019             Merkel verteidigt Föderalismus gegen Forderung Söders
20201019             SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN: 19-Jähriger fährt ANTI—AFD—DEMONSTRANTEN mit PICK—UP AN—STAATSSCHUTZ ermittelt
20201019             As MOST—OF—YOU know, DONALD—TRUMP led his brownshirts in chants of "Lock her up" directed at MICHIGAN govnerner Gretchen Whitmer, who was targeted for assassination by AMERICA—FASCISTS.
20201019             —DENOUNCED, Trump has never, the fascist schemers who tried to abduct her.
20201019             Neither is there ANY—PRETENSE that she has broken ANY—LAWS.
20201019             This is what we have come to.
20201019             This fascinating piece argues that the original Q is musician THOMAS—SCHOENBERGER.
20201019             These groups came together and recruited the network that became Qanon," the investigator told Heavy.
20201019             For more on SCHOENBERGER—ADVENTURES in ADOLF—LAND, see here.
20201019             You don't have to read very far into this important article —BEFORE you confront the name PETER—THIEL.
20201019             I predict that future historians will say that Thiel played 1—IMPORTANT—ROLE in the current attack on Enlightenment values.
20201019             Greenwald.
20201019             (And I do mean AXIS.)
20201019             Glenn is, as is his wont, being very selective about how he pitches these Silicon Valley companies.
20201019             He chooses not to describe how Facebook BOARD—MEMBER—PETER—THIEL has, like Glenn, been chumming —AROUND with right wing racists.
20201019             And in his tweets in aftermath of this post, which focus closely on the impact of FACEBOOK—MONOPOLY position, Glenn makes no mention of 1—BLOCKBUSTER—WSJ story describing how Facebook tweaked its algorithms to disfavor Mother Jones and also describing private dinners that MARK—ZUCKERBERG has had with BEN—SHAPIRO
20201019             (the story came out —AFTER Glenn originally —POSTED his post though Glenn has updated the post —AFTER it was —INITIALLY published).
20201019             Algarve tem 32—NOVOS casos de COVID—19, PORTUGAL ultrapassa os 100—MIL acumulados
20201019             COVID—19: Alentejo com mais 35—CASOS no dia em que PORTUGAL passou os cem mil acumulados
20201019             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—390—(+4)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—227—(+12)—CASOS—ATIVOS—159—(-8)
20201019             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—19—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—2—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—16—(-1)
20201019             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—11—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—8—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(=)
20201019             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—38—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—11—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—27—(=)
20201019             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—231—(+7)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—145—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—85—(+7)
20201019             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—76—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—41—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—32—(-1)
20201019             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—281—(+5)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—188—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—93—(+4)
20201019             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—392—(+3)—ÓBITOS—8—(=)—RECUPERADOS—272—(+12)—CASOS—ATIVOS—112—(-9)
20201019             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—17—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—15—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(=)
20201019             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—94—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—52—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—42—(=)
20201019             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—258—(+10)—ÓBITOS—5—(=)—RECUPERADOS—160—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—93—(+4)
20201019             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—110—(+3)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—72—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—38—(+2)
20201019             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—139—(+1)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—62—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—76—(+1)
20201019             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—129—(+2)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—38—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—89—(+2)
20201019             AUGSBURG—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—1.556—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—524,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—118,3—TODESFÄLLE—16—EINWOHNERZAHL—296.582
20201019             BERLIN—MITTE—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—3.394—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—904,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—137,2—TODESFÄLLE—21—EINWOHNERZAHL—375.238
20201019             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—3.170—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—987,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—193,1—TODESFÄLLE—45—EINWOHNERZAHL—321.123
20201019             BIRKENFELD—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—226—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—279,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—107,5—TODESFÄLLE—3—EINWOHNERZAHL—80.951
20201019             BREMEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—3.281—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—578,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—87,0—TODESFÄLLE—55—EINWOHNERZAHL—567.559
20201019             BUNDESLAND BAYERN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,39
20201019             BUNDESLAND BERLIN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 87,91
20201019             BUNDESLAND BREMEN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 75,31
20201019             BUNDESLAND HESSEN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 58,38
20201019             BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 31,66
20201019             BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 55,40
20201019             BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 35,39
20201019             BUNDESLAND SAARLAND Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 67,59
20201019             CLOPPENBURG—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.213—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—710,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—150,0—TODESFÄLLE—2—EINWOHNERZAHL—170.682
20201019             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—866—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—447,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—29,4—TODESFÄLLE—29—EINWOHNERZAHL—193.656
20201019             HERNE—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—883—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—564,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—111,2—TODESFÄLLE—9—EINWOHNERZAHL—156.449
20201019             KASSEL—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—883—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—436,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—106,9—TODESFÄLLE—9—EINWOHNERZAHL—202.137
20201019             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—6.893—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—633,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—75,4—TODESFÄLLE—132—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20201019             Land NRW, Kadaster, Esri, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS | GEOBASIS—DE BKG 20180000             (Daten verändert) | Land NRW, Kadaster, Esri, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS
20201019             MÜHLDORF—A.—INN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—808—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—697,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—104,4—TODESFÄLLE—27—EINWOHNERZAHL—115.872
20201019             NORTHEIM—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—338—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—255,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—105,8—TODESFÄLLE—6—EINWOHNERZAHL—132.285
20201019             SOLINGEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—979—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—614,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—113,0—TODESFÄLLE—13—EINWOHNERZAHL—159.245
20201019             S—WENDEL—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—390—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—448,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—144,8—TODESFÄLLE—6—EINWOHNERZAHL—87.007
20201019             WUPPERTAL—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.419—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—681,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—103,1—TODESFÄLLE—88—EINWOHNERZAHL—355.100
20201019             —ENTLASSEN, TÜRKEI: RICHTER—UND—STAATSANWÄLTE wegen Terrorvorwürfen
20201019             Park —NOW: 1—APP gegen 560—MILLIONEN —STUNDEN Parkplatzsuche 1—NETZWELT—NEWSLETTER—VON—MARTIN—U—MÜLLER
20201019             Angst machen als Mittel der Politik: Angela, das Schreckgespenst
20201019             Integrationsgipfel: Migranten sind besonders hart von Coronakrise betroffen
20201019             SPIEGEL—UMFRAGE: Mehrheit mit CORONA—POLITIK—DER—BUNDESLÄNDER unzufrieden
20201019             Kripo in BAYERN: Staatsschützer wegen Strafvereitelung und Verwendung von Nazisymbolen verurteilt
20201019             Weniger Unfälle: KFZ—VERSICHERER machen Milliardenüberschüsse
20201019             COVID—19: VIROLOGIE—GESELLSCHAFT widerspricht dem Ziel der Herdenimmunität
20201019             Die CORONA—FALLZAHLEN steigen, die Gegenmaßnahmen werden wieder schärfer, um eine unkontrollierte AUSBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS zu verhindern.
20201019             Gleichzeitig steht jedoch wieder die Idee im Raum, dies sei gar nicht so schlimm, solange man nur die Risikogruppen vor Ansteckung schütze.
20201019             Die Gesellschaft für Virologie, in der Fachleute aus DEUTSCHLAND, ÖSTERREICH und der SCHWEIZ organisiert sind, widerspricht diesem Ansinnen —JETZT energisch.
20201019             "Mit Sorge nehmen wir zur Kenntnis, dass erneut die Stimmen erstarken, die als Strategie der Pandemiebekämpfung auf die natürliche Durchseuchung großer Bevölkerungsteile mit dem Ziel der Herdenimmunität setzen",
20201019             Vor Kurzem hat 1—GRUPPE—VON—FORSCHENDEN—DURCHSEUCHUNG und Herdenimmunität in der sogenannten Great Barrington Declaration wieder aufgegriffen:
20201019             Demnach sollten praktisch ALLE—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN fallen.
20201019             Allerdings müssten Menschen, für die 1—CORONA€”VIRUS—INFEKTION sehr gefährlich ist, stärker geschützt werden.
20201019             Indem Senioren zum Beispiel ihre Einkäufe bestellen und liefern lassen und ihre Verwandten draußen treffen, nicht in Innenräumen.
20201019             Die VIROLOGIE—GESELLSCHAFT weist auf eines der zentralen Probleme hin, die beim Schutz der Risikogruppen bestehen, wenn das Virus sich sonst unkontrolliert verbreiten darf: Diese sind zu zahlreich und zu unterschiedlich, um sie aktiv abschirmen zu können.
20201019             So gelten neben dem Alter als Risikofaktoren für einen schweren COVID—19—VERLAUF unter anderem Übergewicht, Diabetes, Krebs, Nierenschwäche, chronische Erkrankungen von Lunge oder Leber oder 1—SCHWANGERSCHAFT.
20201019             Die Gesellschaft schließt sich damit einer internationalen Erklärung an, die im Fachblatt "THE—LANCET" erschienen ist und ebenfalls die Strategie der "Great Barrington Declaration" zurückwies.
20201019             Viola Priesemann
20201019             Die Physikerin vom MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation gehört zu einem TEAM—VON—MODELLIERUNGSEXPERTEN, die berechnen, wie sich die Pandemie entwickeln wird.
20201019             "Die AUSBREITUNG—VON—COVID 19 in der Gemeinschaft zu kontrollieren, ist der beste Weg, um unsere Gesellschaften und Volkswirtschaften zu schützen, —BIS sichere und wirksame Impfstoffe und Therapien in den kommenden —MONATEN zur Verfügung stehen",
20201019             Risikogruppen abzuschirmen, hat aus Ihrer Sicht keine Chance auf Erfolg.
20201019             "Dafür ist unsere Gesellschaft zu sehr verbunden", sagt Priesemann.
20201019             Der einzige Weg sei, die Infektionszahlen möglichst klein zu halten.
20201019             Die VIROLOGIE—GESELLSCHAFT urteilt sogar, Herdenimmunität anzustreben, sei "unethisch sowie medizinisch, gesellschaftlich und damit auch ökonomisch hochriskant".
20201019             Man wisse noch nicht einmal, wie lang die Immunität anhalte.
20201019             —MONTAG, 20201019             20201019             Bundeswirtschaftsminister PETER—ALTMAIER rät jungen Berufseinsteigern in CORONA—ZEITEN zu Flexibilität.
20201019             "Weltweit gegen COVID—19—ZU impfen wird 1—DER—GRÖßTEN—ANSTRENGUNGEN in der Menschheitsgeschichte werden", erklärte UNICEF—DIREKTORIN Henrietta Fore.
20201019             —BEKANNT, Auf der —AM—MONTAG von der Regierung, gegebenen Liste stehen unter anderen FRANKREICH—CHILE, die NIEDERLANDE, SPANIEN, die USA oder GROSSBRITANNIEN.
20201019             Mon 20201019             20201019             [l] Wisst ihr, wer noch nicht genug Daten von euch hat?
20201019             As 1—RESULT, the only thing EVERY—SENT to 1—USER—DEVICE is 1—PACKAGE—OF draw commands to render the webpage and this also means that the company's new service will be compatible with ANY—HTML5 compliant browser including Chrome, Safari, Edge and Firefox.
20201019             —LOCKED, They want her, up -- or killed -- for 1—REASON and 1—REASON—ONLY: She opposes Trumpism.
20201019             In light of all of the above, check out Marcy WHEELER—TAKEDOWN—OF—GLENN—GREENWALD, who has been defending THE—NY—POST'S "Magic Computer" smear -- which traces back to the Schweizer/Bannon/Guiliani axis.
20201019             He chooses not to explain how JOEL—KAPLAN, FACEBOOK—GLOBAL—PUBLIC—POLICY—HEAD, had 1—FAR—MORE—SENIOR—JOB in the W Administration than ANDY—STONE has ever held.
20201019             231_DGS_BOLETIM_20201019—1—20201019—1—GLOBAL—CASES—40.122.835—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.114.857
20201019             BUNDESLAND—BAYERN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,39
20201019             BUNDESLAND—BERLIN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 87,91
20201019             BUNDESLAND—BREMEN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 75,31
20201019             BUNDESLAND—HESSEN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 58,38
20201019             BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 31,66
20201019             BUNDESLAND—NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 55,40
20201019             BUNDESLAND—RHEINLAND—PFALZ—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 35,39
20201019             BUNDESLAND—SAARLAND—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 67,59
20201019             Studie zur Früherkennung: Was Bluttests über den Verlauf von COVID—19—VORAUSSAGEN
20201019             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, that SUDAN has agreed to pay $335—MILLION to USA—TERROR—VICTIMS and families.
20201019             Trump has said SUDAN will come off 1—LIST—OF—STATE—SPONSORS—OF—TERROR if it pays compensation of $335m (£259m).
20201019             —UNSEALED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, charges accusing 6—RUSSIA—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICERS—OF—1—AGGRESSIVE—WORLDWIDE hacking campaign that caused mass disruption and cost BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS by attacking targets like 1—FRANCE—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION, the electricity grid in UKRAINE and the opening ceremony of 20180000             —THE—WINTER—OLYMPICS.
20201019             † IN—ALABAMA—RUTHIE—BROWN, —36—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MOTHER—OF—4—BOYS from Jasper, —AFTER being mauled by 1—PACK—OF—5—DOGS.
20201019             CALIFORNIA to date had 876,260 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 16,975 deaths.
20201019             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 111,900 cases and 1,678 deaths.
20201019             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 8,208,831 with the death toll at 220,088.
20201019             † SPENCER—DAVIS, —81—JAHRE—ALT, THE—LEADER—OF—1—ROCK—GROUP under his name that had some of the most propulsive and enduring hits of the 1960s, including "Gimme SOME—LOVIN'," "I'm 1—MAN" and "Keep On Running" — all sung not by him but by 1—TEENAGE—STEVE—WINWOOD —, in LOS—ANGELES.
20201019             —STARTED, FLORIDA, IN—PERSON voting and broke records.
20201019             THE—NUMBER—OF—BALLOTS cast — including by mail — already exceeds 30—PERCENT—OF—THE—STATE—FINAL 20160000             tally.
20201019             —ALLOWED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT in a 4—4—VOTE, PENNSYLVANIA to count MAILED—IN ballots received up to —3—DAYS—AFTER 20201103             —THE election, rejecting 1—REPUBLICAN plea in the presidential battleground state.
20201019             1—WISCONSIN judge reimposed 1—ORDER from GOVERNOR—TONY—EVERS' administration limiting THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE who can gather in bars, restaurants and other indoor venues to 25—PERCENT—OF—CAPACITY.
20201019             USA pharmacy chain CVS Health Corp said it will hire 15,000 employees in the 4. QUARTER—OF—THIS—YEAR as THE—ONSET—OF—WINTER could fuel 1—RESURGENCE in THE—SPREAD—OF—COVID 19 and flu cases.
20201019             —CROSSED, Worldwide CORONA€”VIRUS cases, 40—MILLION.
20201019             Governments began a —2—WEEK meeting in BUENOS—AIRES—OF—THE—COMMISSION for the Conservation of ANTARCTIC Marine Living Resources.
20201019             —SELECTED, BOLIVIA, 2—INDEPENDENT—SURVEYS—OF, polling places showed Evo Morales' handpicked successor, LUIS—ARCE, with 1—LEAD—OF roughly 20—PERCENTAGE—POINTS over his closest rival — far more than needed to avoid 1—RUNOFF.
20201019             LUIS—ARCE, the winner, has said he would carry on the vision of his predecessor, Evo Morales.
20201019             UK—DRUGMAKER AstraZeneca Plc said the European medicines watchdog has recommended approving its Forxiga and Trixeo Aerosphere treatments for 1—FORM—OF—HEART—FAILURE and 1—LUNG disorder.
20201019             CHINA—INDUSTRY—MINISTRY said it welcomes USA—COMPANIES to actively participate in its market and will strive to create 1—FAIR and —JUST environment, citing 1—MEETING it held with firms such as Qualcomm Inc and GENERAL—MOTORS.
20201019             —REPORTED, CHINA, 19—NEW—CORONA€”VIRUS—CASES in the mainland, up from 13—CASES —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20201019             —CONFIRMED, Mainland CHINA had 85,704, CORONA€”VIRUS cases.
20201019             —REMAINED, THE—COVID—19—DEATH—TOLL, unchanged at 4,634.
20201019             EGYPT—TOURISM and Antiquities Ministry said in 1—STATEMENT that archaeologists found the collection of colorful, sealed sarcophagi buried more than 2,—500—YEARS—AGO at the Saqqara necropolis.
20201019             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—NEW—BOOK by 1—INVESTIGATIVE journalist has drawn fresh attention to police brutality and racism in FRANCE, —AFTER protests against the deaths of Black people at THE—HANDS—OF—USA—LAW—ENFORCEMENT swept across the world.
20201019             VALENTIN—GENDROT—BOOK "Flic," meaning cop, chronicles the author's training and THE—6—MONTHS he spent as 1—POLICE—OFFICER in 1—OF—PARIS' poorest districts.
20201019             —RECEIVED, GERMANY—BIOTECH company Evotec said it had, 1—GRANT from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to help identify and develop potential monoclonal antibody drugs for the prevention of severe COVID—19.
20201019             —FINALIZED, GREECE—GOVERNMENT said it has, plans to extend 1—WALL along its northeast border with TURKEY, over concerns that migrants may try to stage mass crossings into THE—EUROPEAN—UNION country.
20201019             —DECLARED, GUINEA—OPPOSITION—CANDIDATE—CELLOU Dalein Diallo, himself THE—WINNER—OF—THE—WEST—AFRICA—COUNTRY'S presidential election —BEFORE the official results have been announced.
20201019             —SMASHED, IRAN—SINGLE—DAY—DEATH—TOLL from THE—CORONA€”VIRUS, 1—RECORD set less than —1—WEEK—AGO, with 337—DEAD confirmed as 1—RESURGENCE—OF—INFECTIONS is overwhelming hospitals.
20201019             ISRAEL—BIOPHARMACEUTICAL—FIRM—KAMADA Ltd said it will supply ISRAEL—HEALTH—MINISTRY with its experimental PLASMA—DERIVED immunoglobulin COVID—19—TREATMENT for 500—PATIENTS in ISRAEL.
20201019             Military leaders from LIBYA—WARRING sides met in GENEVA in hopes of 1—UN—BROKERED breakthrough that could pave the way for a "complete and permanent CEASE—FIRE" in THE—CONFLICT—RIDDEN NORTH—AFRICA—COUNTRY.
20201019             —REPORTED, MEXICO—HEALTH—MINISTRY, 3,699 additional cases of the novel CORONA€”VIRUS and 171—MORE—DEATHS in the country, bringing the official NUMBER—OF—CASES to 854,926 and the death toll to 86,338.
20201019             Human Rights Watch said torture, humiliation and coerced confessions are rampant in NORTH—KOREA—PRETRIAL detention system which treats people as worth "less than 1—ANIMAL," in 1—REPORT on the country's opaque legal processes.
20201019             —REPORTED, It was, that archaeologists discovered 1—GIANT, 2,—000—YEAR—OLD—IMAGE—OF—1—CAT etched onto 1—HILLSIDE at 1—UNESCO heritage site known as the Nazca Lines in PERU.
20201019             Experts said the catlike geoglyph dates to 200—BC to 100—BC.
20201019             THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE said he accepts responsibility for THE—THOUSANDS—OF—KILLINGS committed —DURING police operations in his crackdown on drugs, adding that he was even ready to go to jail.
20201019             —PASSED, PORTUGAL—CORONA€”VIRUS—CASES, 100,000, with nearly 2,000 new infections in the past —24—HOURS, days —AFTER tough new measures to contain the disease came into force.
20201019             —RECORDED, PORTUGAL has, 1—COMPARATIVELY low 101,860 confirmed CORONA€”VIRUS cases and 2,198 deaths.
20201019             † Since the outbreak began in February, 5,931—PEOPLE have, in the country of 20—MILLION.
20201019             —SURGED, RUSSIA—DAILY—TALLY—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS—CASES, to 1—RECORD—HIGH—OF—15,982, including 5,376 in THE—CAPITAL—MOSCOW, pushing the national case total to 1,415,316 —SINCE the pandemic began.
20201019             —REPORTED, Authorities, 179—DEATHS in the last —24—HOURS, bringing the official death toll to 24,366.
20201019             —DECLARED, SLOVENIA—GOVERNMENT, a —30—DAY—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY—AFTER cases of COVID—19—MORE than doubled in the past —WEEK from the previous —WEEK.
20201019             —WORKED, THAILAND—AUTHORITIES, to stem 1—GROWING TIDE—OF—PROTESTS calling for PRIME—MINISTER—PRAYUTH—CHAN—OCHA to resign by threatening to censor news coverage, raiding 1—PUBLISHING house and attempting to block the Telegram messaging app used by demonstrators.
20201019             —REACHED, UKRAINE said its total NUMBER—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS—CASES has, 303,638, —WHILE the death toll is at 5,673. UKRAINE registered 4,766 new cases in the past —24—HOURS.
20201019             WHO DIRECTOR—GENERAL—TEDROS Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that KIM—SLEDGE—OF—THE—BAND—SISTER—SLEDGE will donate proceeds from 1—COVER—OF—THE—BAND—CLASSIC—SONG "We Are Family" to the World Health Organization Foundation.
20201019—20170300    —LINKED, SCHOENBERGER—CREW, up with ROBERT—DAVID—STEELE (FORMER—CIA) and WILLIAM—BINNEY (FORMER—NSA), MEMBERS—OF—VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity), 1—GROUP—OF disaffected former intelligence officers and government officials who worked together writing editorials and sharing information.
20201019—20200000    —REPORTED, It was, that PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP is assuring 1—BUMPER —YEAR for farmers as 20201103             —THE election approaches, with record government subsidies projected to make up more than a 3. of farm income.
20201019—20201020    —FROM, ROMANIA said its NUMBER—OF—NEW—DAILY—CORONA€”VIRUS—INFECTIONS has risen by about 4,000 over the past —WEEK, taking the cumulative total to 182,854. BUCHAREST closed schools, restaurants and theatres and widened the compulsory USE—OF—FACE masks to all outdoor spaces across the city as infection rates soared.
20201019—20201023    —FROM, WALES said it would impose a —2-WEEK sharp "firebreak" lockdown in which everybody apart from essential workers would have to stay at home.
20211019             THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—CHARGED—REPRESENTATIVE—JEFF—FORTENBERRY, 1—NEBRASKA—REPUBLICAN, with lying to investigators about campaign donations.
20211019             —RECOMMENDED, THE—USA—COMMITTEE—INVESTIGATING—THE—CAPITOL attack, charging STEVE—BANNON with contempt for defying 1—SUBPOENA.
20211019             —BLACKLISTED, WASHINGTON, him along with several other influential Russians because of their ties to RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN —FOLLOWING alleged RUSSIA—MEDDLING 20160000             —IN—THE—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20211019             —SUSPECTED, USA—CYBERSECURITY company CrowdStrike said 1—HACKING group with, ties to CHINA burrowed into MOBILE telephone networks —AROUND the world and used specialized tools to grab calling records and text messages from telecommunication carriers.
20211019             CrowdStrike said the group, which it dubbed LightBasin, had been acting —SINCE at least 20160000             .
20211019             —REACHED, Total USA COVID—19—CASES, over 45,059,288 with the death toll at 726,439.
20211019             1—WILDLIFE official told 1—HOUSE committee that manatees have starved to death by the hundreds along FLORIDA—EAST coast because algae blooms and contaminants are killing the seagrass the beloved sea mammals eat.
20211019             —REPORTED, It was, that surgeons in NEW—YORK have attached 1—KIDNEY grown in 1—GENETICALLY altered pig to 1—HUMAN and found that the organ worked normally.
20211019             "WATER—SOUL," an 80-foot statue of 1—WOMAN—HEAD, by BARCELONA—BASED artist Jaume Plensa, with her index finger pressing on her lips —NOW faces lower Manhattan along the Hudson River, inviting the chaotic metropolis to stop and listen.
20211019             —SEPARATED, WASHINGTON state said 127—INDIVIDUAL'S had, from employment with the state police patrol BECAUSE—OF—THE—STATE—CORONA€”VIRUS mandate.
20211019             —INCLUDED, They, 53—CIVIL servnts and 74 commissioned officers.
20211019             —LISTED, ProShares Bitcoin Strategy Fund (BITO), on THE—NEW—YORK Stock Exchange.
20211019             —CLOSED, THE—ETF, up 2.59% at $41.94 in its 1. —DAY—OF—TRADING.
20211019             Facebook said it has shut down 2—LARGE—NETWORKS targeting users in SUDAN in recent months, as civilian and military leaders spar with 1—ANOTHER over the future of 1—INTERIM—POWER—SHARING arrangement.
20211019             —REPORTED, AUSTRIA—MEDIA, that the bodies of 2—MEN were found in 1—MINIBUS carrying DOZENS—OF—MIGRANTS near the border with HUNGARY.
20211019             BRAZIL—SENATORS investigating THE—HANDLING—OF—THE—COUNTRY—COVID—19—OUTBREAK dropped 1—RECOMMENDATION from their draft report that PRESIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO be charged with genocide and homicide, instead accusing him of "crimes against humanity".
20211019             UNITED—KINGDOM—PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON set out his ambition for 1—GREEN—REVOLUTION that he hopes will force countries —AROUND the world to kick their addiction to fossil fuels and commit to net 0—CARBON emissions.
20211019             —REPORTED, BRITAIN, 223—DEATHS within —28—DAYS—OF—1—POSITIVE—TEST for COVID—19, the highest figure —SINCE March.
20211019             BULGARIA said it will make 1—COVID 19 "Green Certificate" mandatory for indoor access to restaurants, cinemas, gyms and shopping malls as of 20211021             , as the country struggles with 1—RISING NUMBER—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS infections.
20211019             —APPROVED, COSTA—RICA—CONGRESS, THE—LEGALIZATION—OF—MARIJUANA for medicinal purposes, despite opposition from conservative groups and PRESIDENT—CARLOS—ALVARADO who still needs to put his STAMP—OF—APPROVAL on the law.
20211019             —RELEASED, Human Rights Watch, 1—REPORT saying THE—CUBA—GOVERNMENT engaged in systematic abuses against people arrested for protesting in July as PART—OF—1—PLAN to suppress dissent.
20211019             —BECAME, EGYPT, 98—WOMEN, the 1. female judges to join THE—STATE—COUNCIL, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MAIN—JUDICIAL—BODIES.
20211019             —WARNED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE, POLAND that its challenge to THE—SUPREMACY—OF—EUROPEAN—UNION law called into question the very foundations of the 27-nation bloc and could not go unpunished.
20211019             GERMANY, THE—BODY—OF—1—MAN, —35—JAHRE—ALT was found —EARLY—TODAY by BERLIN police officers guarding THE—RUSSIA—EMBASSY in BERLIN.
20211019             Security services —LATER said he was 1—UNDERCOVER agent of RUSSIA—FSB intelligence service and had fallen from 1—UPPER—FLOOR at the embassy.
20211019             —LISTED, The was officially, as a 2. SECRETARY at the embassy.
20211019             INDIA, the world's biggest onion exporter, onion prices have risen —AFTER heavy rainfall in the country's key growing regions damaged THE—SUMMER—SOWN crop and delayed —WINTER crop planting.
20211019             —CONTRIBUTED, Onion price spikes have, to the fall of more than 1—STATE government in the past.
20211019             —ANNOUNCED, ISRAEL, that it has approved registration as WEST—BANK residents for some 4,000 Palestinians who have been living —FOR—YEARS in THE—ISRAELI—OCCUPIED territory without official status.
20211019             —IMPOSED, LATVIA—PRIME—MINISTER—KRISJANIS—KARINS, a —3-WEEK lockdown 20211021—20211115    —FROM—TO, becoming the 1. EU country to shut down again —SINCE the bloc began reopening —THIS—YEAR as vaccines became widely available.
20211019             —RESPONDED, THE—MALTA—GOVERNMENT, to 1—CRITICAL—EUROPEAN human rights evaluation by vowing to soon propose new legislation to better protect journalists —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20170000—THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—INVESTIGATIVE reporter Daphne Caruana Galizia.
20211019             —REPORTED, It was, that MYANMAR—MILITARY—RULERS have freed HUNDREDS—OF—POLITICAL—PRISONERS in recent days, including Aung S—SUU—KYI—PARTY spokesman and 1—FAMOUS comedian, although about 40 were swiftly RE—ARRESTED.
20211019             —PLACED, HOLLAND—AUTHORITIES, ERITREA—NATIONAL—KIDANE—ZEKARIAS—HABTEMARIAM, —37—JAHRE—ALT on the NETHERLANDS' MOST—WANTED list, as they seek to prosecute him for his alleged involvement in LARGE—SCALE human trafficking, ABUSE—OF—MIGRANTS trying to reach EUROPE and extortion.
20211019             —JUMPED, New CORONA€”VIRUS infections in THE—NETHERLANDS, 44% in the —WEEK through —TODAY, forcing several hospitals in the country to cut back on regular care to deal with 1—RISING number of COVID—19—CASES.
20211019             —RECORDED, Some 48—COVID—19—DEATHS were, twice as many as in the previous —WEEK.
20211019             —RECORDED, NEW—ZEALAND, 94—NEW—COVID—19—INFECTIONS, of which 87 were in AUCKLAND, the highest number of daily cases —SINCE the pandemic began —LAST—YEAR, taking the total NUMBER—OF—CASES in the current outbreak to 2,099.
20211019             —FIRED, NORTH—KOREA, 1—SUBMARINE—LAUNCHED ballistic missile (SLBM) off its east coast.
20211019             —REPORTED, ROMANIA, record numbers of daily CORONA€”VIRUS deaths and infections, as 1—HOSPITAL system stretched to breaking point by THE—EU—2.—LOWEST vaccination rate ran out of intensive care beds.
20211019             —TOPPED, New infections in the preceding —24—HOURS, 18,800 —WHILE 574—PEOPLE †—OF—THE—VIRUS.
20211019             —ANNOUNCED, MOSCOW—MAYOR, —4—MONTHS—OF—STAY—HOME restrictions for unvaccinated over-60s and THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT proposed —1—WEEK—LONG workplace shutdown as the national death toll from COVID—19—HIT yet another daily high.
20211019             —SEIZED, SENEGAL—NAVY said it has, more than 2—TONS—OF—PURE cocaine from 1—SHIP off its Atlantic coast, in THE—WEST—AFRICA—COUNTRY'S largest ever cocaine bust.
20211019             —OPENED, SOUTH—KOREA, its largest defence expo ever, showing off its NEXT—GENERATION fighter jet, drones, and other technology in 1—EFFORT to boost exports as economies —AROUND the world rebound from THE—COVID—19—PANDEMIC.
20211019             —ANNOUNCED, SPAIN, new rules smoothing the path for unaccompanied young migrants to obtain residence and work permits, with —AROUND 15,000 expected to benefit from changes.
20211019             —ORDERED, STATE—OWNED Anadolu news agency said TURKEY—PROSECUTORS have, the arrest of 158—SUSPECTS including 33—SERVING soldiers in 1—OPERATION targeting people allegedly linked to 1—MUSLIM preacher who TURKEY says was behind a 20160000             failed coup.
20211019             THE—UN children's agency UNICEF said 10000 YEMEN—CHILDREN have been killed or maimed —SINCE 1—MILITARY—COALITION led by SAUDI—ARABIA intervened 20150300             —IN—AFTER THE—IRAN—ALIGNED Houthi group ousted the government.
20211019             THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION said there was a 7% rise in new CORONA€”VIRUS cases across EUROPE —LAST—WEEK, the only region in the world where cases increased.
20211019             —ACCOUNTED, BRITAIN, RUSSIA and TURKEY, for the most cases.
20211019             —DIENSTAG, 20211019
20211019             DEUTSCHLAND —IM—HERBST 20210000             : Die Bundestagswahl liegt hinter uns, die Koalitionsverhandlungen noch lange nicht.
20211019             Doch es zeichnet sich ab, dass mit OLAF—SCHOLZ 1—MANN diese neue Koalition anführen wird, der einen Schatten hinter sich zieht: den Schatten der CUM—EX—AFFÄRE.
20211019             In seine Zeit als BÜRGERMEISTER—DER—STADT—HAMBURG fällt ein höchst seltsamer Vorgang.
20211019             Die dort ansässige Warburg Bank hatte durch sogenannte CUM—EX—GESCHÄFTE, bei denen man sich unrechtmäßigerweise vom STAAT Steuern erstatten lässt, riesige Summen erwirtschaftet.
20211019             Rund 47—MILLIONEN Euro davon wollte das Hamburger Finanzamt zurückhaben.
20211019             Eigentlich.
20211019             Doch plötzlich verzichtete die Behörde darauf.
20211019             Hatte OLAF—SCHOLZ mit dieser —ENTSCHEIDUNG etwas zu tun?
20211019             Darüber streitet die Öffentlichkeit und 1—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUSS—DER—HAMBURGER—BÜRGERSCHAFT.
20211019             Maßgeblich aufgedeckt hat Scholz' mögliche Rolle der JOURNALIST—OLIVER—SCHRÖM, dem wir VIELE—DER—WICHTIGSTEN—ENTHÜLLUNGEN zum Raubzug der Superreichen verdanken, für den CUM—EX steht.
20211019             —SCHON—IM—AUGUST erschien das neue Buch von Hannes Bahrmann in unserem Verlag.
20211019             Dieses Mal hat er sich mit den Nazis in ARGENTINIEN beschäftigt, worüber wir mit ihm gesprochen haben.
20211019             —IM—NOVEMBER bringen wir mit "Red Metal" von NIKOLAI—OKUNEW eine faszinierende Studie über die HEAVY—METAL—SUBKULTUR in der DDR heraus.
20211019             Der AUTOR—HAT für uns einen kleinen einleitenden Beitrag geschrieben.
20211019             Mehr lesen im Blog.
20211019             Mit den Banken gegen die Erderwärmung: Brüssels gefährlicher BÜROKRATEN—PLAN fürs Klima
20211019             "Nicht in der Lage, diese —WOCHE teilzunehmen": USA verpassen von RUSSLAND organisierte AFGHANISTAN—KONFERENZ
20211019             Private Autovermietung in den USA: Airbnb auf Rädern
20211019             Angebliche Diskriminierung: Frauenrechtsgruppe klagt gegen MISS—FRANCE—WETTBEWERB
20211019             Streit um Dokumente: Trump verklagt Ausschuss zum Sturm auf USA—KAPITOL
20211019             Reaktionen zum TOD—VON—COLIN—POWELL: "Er wird uns als einer unserer großen Amerikaner in Erinnerung bleiben"
20211019             Bericht über MICROSOFT—GRÜNDER: BILL—GATES wurde offenbar aufgefordert, unangemessenen E—MAIL—VERKEHR zu beenden
20211019             CORONA€”VIRUS in DEUTSCHLAND: RKI meldet 6771—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20211019             Rekordhoch beim Dieselpreis: Mittelstand warnt vor drastischen Folgen
20211019             Drogenbanden in den Niederlanden: Ist das Kifferparadies auf dem Weg zum NARCO—STAAT?
20211019             Weg von der AfD: Linke unterstützt FDP bei neuer Sitzordnung im BUNDESTAG
20211019             Schutz vor CORONA: Elternvertreter fordern Impfpflicht für Schulpersonal
20211019             Streit über Schuldenobergrenze: USA—FINANZMINISTERIN Yellen setzt Zahlungen weiter aus
20211019             —KONFLIKT mit SÜDKOREA: NORDKOREA hat offenbar erneut Rakete getestet
20211019             FACEBOOK—INVESTOR: Umweltschützer in NEUSEELAND protestieren gegen PETER—THIELS—LUXUSANWESEN
20211019             Migration über BELARUS: BRANDENBURG lehnt Grenzschließung zu POLEN ab
20211019             Münchner Flughafen: Zollbeamte beschlagnahmen 1,2 Tonnen Khat
20211019             Erdbeben der Stärke 6,1 erschüttert Kreta und TEILE—DER—TÜRKISCHEN—KÜSTE
20211019             Fachkräftemangel: LKW—FAHRER werden unterdurchschnittlich bezahlt
20211019             Streit über EU—RECHT: VON—DER—LEYEN droht POLEN mit neuen Verfahren
20211019             Kampf gegen Drogenhändler: Ecuadors STAATSCHEF—RUFT—AUSNAHMEZUSTAND aus
20211019             Unerledigte Aufträge: Rekordstau bei den DEUTSCHEN—UNTERNEHMEN
20211019             Dieselskandal: Opel zahlt Millionenbußgeld — und entgeht Prozess
20211019             Ministerpräsident Morawiecki im Europaparlament: POLEN wirft EU "Erpressung" vor
20211019             —GESUCHT, Krise und Utopie: Dringend : 1—ERSCHÜTTERTSEIN
20211019             EU—VERGLEICH: Anteil erneuerbarer Energien ist in DEUTSCHLAND unterdurchschnittlich
20211019             Tue 20211019
20211019             [l] Old and busted: High speed police chase.
20211019             —SPEED, New hotness: Low, police chase!
20211019             The pursuit last for more than an —HOUR on surface streets and SOUTH—INTERSTATE 5 as the driver never drove faster than about 10—MPH, Buttle said.
20211019             According to police radio traffic, the driver was on the phone with dispatchers at times —DURING the pursuit.
20211019             He told 1—THAT he couldn't stop or else 1—BOMB on the truck would explode — 1—SCENARIO similar to the plot of 19940000             —THE film "Speed".
20211019             Buttle said no bomb was found in the truck.
20211019             [l] Wirtschaftsnachrichten: Apples Werbegeschäft hat sich mehr als verdreifacht, —SEIT sie in ihre Geräte Trackingschutz eingebaut haben, der die Konkurrenten ausbremste.
20211019             Seid ihr auch so froh, dass Apple die Guten sind?
20211019             Nicht auszudenken, was für unmoralische Dinge die tun könnten!1!!
20211019             Money Quote: "Apple was unable to validate for us that APPLE—SOLUTIONS are compliant with APPLE—POLICY".
20211019             [l] Wichtiger Hinweis für Vogelfreunde: Vorsicht beim Vogelfutterkauf!
20211019             Hier hat 1—RENTNER—VOGELFUTTER gekauft, da waren Nutzhanfsamen drin, ein paar sind rausgefallen und haben Pflanzen gebildet, und dann bekam er Besuch vom SWAT—TEAM und muss sich —JETZT mit einem Gerichtsverfahren herumschlagen.
20211019             [l] Wisst ihr, was wir —SCHON lange nicht mehr hatten?
20211019             Von Ransomware runtergefahrene Kommunen!
20211019             —NACH—DEM Cyberangriff auf den IT—DIENSTLEISTER der Landeshauptstadt und des Kreises LUDWIGSLUST—PARCHIM haben auch andere Städte in MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN mit IT—PROBLEMEN zu kämpfen.
20211019             Neben der Stadt Greifswald meldete auch die Stadt Stralsund, von Ausfällen betroffen zu sein, obwohl beide Städte keine Kunden des Kommunalservice Mecklenburg (KSM) und der Schweriner IT—UND Servicegesellschaft (SIS) sind, deren Server am Freitagmorgen Ziel des Angriffs mit einer Schadsoftware wurden.
20211019             Pass uff, Atze, alles gar kein Problem.
20211019             Wir installieren einfach nochmal neu Windows mit Outlook und Active Directory drüber.
20211019             Dann läuft das wieder.
20211019             —BIS die nächste Ransomware kommt, dann können wir nochmal ordentlich Zahltag machen!
20211019             Update: Nach Hackerangriff: Stadt WITTEN weiter offline.
20211019             Ohoooo! Hackerangriff!
20211019             Erzähl mir mehr! Lass mich raten? Kriminelle Energie?
20211019             Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt? Das war bestimmt ein fieser Nation State, denn sonst hat niemand soviel technisches Knowhow, um euer Windows, Outlook und Active Directory anzugreifen!1!!
20211019             Internados: 23  | Em UCI: 5  | Ventilados: 3—INCIDÊNCIA 100—MIL / hab.: 159
20211019             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—662—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—61,1—FÄLLE—GESAMT—65.718—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—6.065,4—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—758—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20211019             "BENZINPREIS—PARADOXON": Spritpreise befeuern Tanktourismus — auch wenn er sich gar nicht lohnt
20211019             —VERLÄNGERT, Angst vor Terror und Kriminalität: DÄNEMARK, Grenzkontrollen um —6—MONATE
20211019             SPIEGEL—UMFRAGE: Große Mehrheit gegen Absenkung des Wahlalters auf 16
20211019             Räumung des linken Wohnprojekts in BERLIN: Das Ende des "Köpi"
20211019             Unicef zum Bürgerkrieg im JEMEN: Mehr als 10.000—KINDER verwundet oder getötet
20211019             Geflüchtete an der Grenze zwischen POLEN und BELARUS: "Lassen Sie mich nicht in diesem Wald sterben"
20211019             Folgen der Klimakrise in AFRIKA: Millionen Menschen werden fliehen müssen
20211019             Preissprünge am Energiemarkt: Weiterer Stromanbieter rutscht in die Pleite
20211019             BUNDESTAG: Union will auch nicht neben der AfD sitzen
20211019             Gefährliches Treibhausgas: Weniger Methanemissionen sind möglich — und das wäre nicht mal teuer
20211019             Wegen höherer Rohstoffkosten: Großbrauereien planen starke Anhebung der Bierpreise
20211019             Die 1. POLIT—WG: Wo die wilden Kerle wohnten
20211019             Chinas Hyperschallwaffe: "Eine enorme Beschleunigung des Krieges"
20211019             Entspannung im Nahostkonflikt: ISRAEL erlaubt Palästinensern im Westjordanland die Legalisierung
20211019             [l] Zu "Springer kauft Politico" kam hier noch der Hinweis rein, sich mal die (inzwischen porentief gereinigte) WIKIPEDIA—SEITE zu deren Gründer anzugucken, und dann dem Link zu dessen Vater zu folgen, wo die Details noch stehen:
20211019             his son Robert assumed the chairman position —AFTER his resignation;
20211019             Von dort aus kann man dann noch dem Link zur Biggs Bank folgen und findet dort:
20211019             Da, meine Damen und Herren, kommt das Geld hinter Politico her.
20211019             [l] Und noch 1—LESERHINWEIS: Die Nato macht —JETZT Cognitive Warfare.
20211019             Wem der Report zu lang ist, der findet hier eine prägnante Zusammenfassung.
20211019             In 1—CHILLING disclosure, the report said explicitly that "the objective of Cognitive Warfare is to harm societies and not only the military".
20211019             [l] Und —JETZT: Peak License Plate!
20211019             WASHINGTON state grappling with LICENSE—PLATE shortage as pandemic slows production
20211019             [l] Völlig überraschend stellt sich raus, dass CUM—EX bloß der —ANFANG war.
20211019             Unter Kennern des Falles ist —BEREITS von "CUM—EX 2" die Rede.
20211019             Bei CUM—EX—AKTIENDEALS hatten Banken und Börsenhändler sich vom trickreich getäuschten STAAT eine nur einmal gezahlte Steuer mehrmals erstatten lassen.
20211019             —GELAUFEN, Bei dem neuen Modell soll es ähnlich, sein.
20211019             Das klingt ja —SCHON wie der Gipfel der Unmoral.
20211019             Aber wartet mal, geht noch weiter!
20211019             Speziell für 1—STEUEROPTIMIERUNG erzeugte Verluste aus dem Handel mit Zertifikaten sollen beim Fiskus doppelt geltend gemacht worden sein.
20211019             Zertifikate? Etwa... CO2-Emissionszertifikate?
20211019             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 84,3 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211019             Continente: 84,7 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211019             R(t) Nacional: 1,01 Continente: 1,02
20211019             Rückschlag für Klimaschutz: Kohleverstromung in den USA steigt stark an
20211019—19810000    —FROM, to 20010000             , he was CHAIRMAN—OF—RIGGS—BANK, —WHEN he resigned due to prostate cancer —DURING investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission involving oil money from EQUATORIAL—GUINEA at the same time that Riggs was facing broader CHARGES—OF—MONEY laundering;
20211019—19870000    —REPORTED, It was, that the number of homicides in PORTLAND—OREGON, has —NOW surpassed its previous annual record of 66, set – and there are still more than —2—MONTHS to go in the calendar —YEAR.
20211019—20050000    —IN, the bank was —LATER purchased by PNC.
20211019—20180000    —SINCE, It was reported that THE—FBI is conducting "law enforcement activity" at USA—BLACKLISTED RUSSIA—OLIGARCH OLEG—DERIPASKA—HOME in WASHINGTON, DC. Deripaska (53) has been subject to THE—USA—SANCTIONS.
20211019—20210911    —IN—THE, The bank was investigated for several money laundering scandals, including going to great lengths to allow FORMER—CHILE—DICTATOR Augusto Pinochet to hide his fortune —AFTER his accounts were subjected to asset freezing and for unknowingly allowing the hijackers involved attacks to transfer money due to lax controls at the bank.
20211019—20240000    —UNVEILED, ISRAEL—STARTUP—AIR, its 1. "EASY—TO—OPERATE" electric, vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft that it aims to sell directly to consumers predominantly in THE—USA—STARTING.
20211020             1—TOTAL—OF—17—NEW—LOCAL—CASES were reported for 20211019             , up from 9—1—DAY—EARLIER.
202203071019         Courts in IVANOVO, TULA regions hand down 1. sentences for discrediting RUSSIA—ARMED—FORCES
202203081019         RUSSIA to respond to measures in relation to its diplomatic missions in USA, CANADA, but not necessarily symmetrically, SOURCE  RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY
202203101919         RUSSIA to unilaterally open humanitarian corridors from UKRAINE to RUSSIA EVERY—DAY at 10 a.m. local time, SOURCE  RUSSIA—DEFENSE Ministry
202203101926         RUSSIA—DEFENSE Ministry says UKRAINE—AUTHORITIES refuse to permit evacuation of residents to RUSSIA
202203101955         —PROCEED, RUSSIA—DEFENSE Ministry says it permits UKRAINE—REPAIR team to, to damaged power transmission line near Chernobyl NPP
202203231019         Sending NATO—PEACEKEEPERS to UKRAINE would be 1—DANGEROUS—DECISION, SOURCE  Peskov
202203311019         UKRAINE loses 30—PERCENT—OF—STEELMAKING capacity to WAR—METINVEST
20221019             —MITTWOCH, 20221019
20221019             —KRITISIERT, Umstrittener Schriftsteller: UWE—TELLKAMP, Gendern als "1—VERGEWALTIGUNG—VON—SPRACHE"
20221019             Urlaubsland: GRIECHISCHER—TOURISMUS meldet Einnahmen auf Rekordniveau
20221019             Krieg in Osteuropa: RUSSLAND nennt Lage seiner Streitkräfte "angespannt",
20221019             —EVAKUIERT, Cherson soll, werden
20221019             Medienbericht: IRAN schickt offenbar Ausbilder zur Drohnenschulung auf die Krim
20221019             "Süßer Brief" aus dem Kreml: Putin soll Berlusconi 20—FLASCHEN Wodka zum Geburtstag geschickt haben
20221019             Weiterbetrieb von Kernkraftwerken: IFO—INSTITUT rechnet mit Rückgang der Strompreise
20221019             Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung: Zusatzbeiträge werden doch um 0,3 Prozentpunkte steigen
20221019             Interpol: Cybercrime und Finanzstraftaten machen der Polizei weltweit am meisten Sorgen
20221019             Nach Kritik des Bundesrechnungshofs: Lindner verteidigt RETTUNGSSCHIRM—FINANZIERUNG
20221019             Südukraine: RUSSLAND erwartet massive UKRAINISCHE—OFFENSIVE in Cherson
20221019             Beitrag zum Energiesparen: Bei Aldi Nord gehen die Lichter —ABENDS früher aus
20221019             Italiens EX—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT Silvio Berlusconi hat mit Aussagen über WLADIMIR—PUTIN erneut Zweifel an der Entschlossenheit der künftigen Regierung im Vorgehen gegen Moskau geschürt.
20221019             —AM—ABEND veröffentlichte die Nachrichtenagentur LaPresse den Mitschnitt einer heimlich aufgenommen Rede Berlusconis vor FORZA—ITALIA—PARTEIKOLLEGEN im Parlament.
20221019             Darin sagte der 86-Jährige, dass er mit dem Kremlchef wieder in Kontakt sei und dass dieser ihn als einen seiner 5—BESTEN Freunden bezeichnet habe.
20221019             —NACHDEM die Partei —AM—NACHMITTAG die Aussagen noch dementiert hatte, hieß es —AM—ABEND nach Veröffentlichung des AUDIO—MITSCHNITTS nur noch, dass Berlusconi weiter auf der Linie Europas und der USA sei.
20221019             Der IRAN hat einem Medienbericht zufolge Ausbilder in die UKRAINE geschickt, um RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN mit der von der Regierung in Teheran gekauften Drohnenflotte zu helfen.
20221019             —BESTREITET, Der IRAN, die sogenannten KAMIKAZE—DROHNEN an RUSSLAND zum Einsatz in der UKRAINE geliefert zu haben.
20221019             Die USA—REPUBLIKANER könnten im Falle eines Sieges bei den Zwischenwahlen die Finanzhilfen für die UKRAINE drosseln.
20221019             Sollte seine Partei die Mehrheit im Repräsentantenhaus erringen, werde es keinen "Blankoscheck" für das Land geben, erklärte der republikanische Minderheitsführer in der Parlamentskammer, KEVIN—MCCARTHY, in 1—INTERVIEW—VON—ONLINE—ZEITUNG "Punchbowl News".
20221019             Er verwies dabei auf die wirtschaftliche Lage der Wähler.
20221019             In einer Zeit, in der die Menschen in einer Rezession steckten, würden sie der UKRAINE keinen Blankoscheck ausstellen".
20221019             Das werden sie einfach nicht tun".
20221019             Sollten die Republikaner die Kontrolle über das Repräsentantenhaus erringen, dürfte McCarthy der VORSITZENDE—DER—KAMMER werden.
20221019             Seine jüngsten Äußerungen weckten neue Zweifel an der Beständigkeit des USA—RÜCKHALTS für die von RUSSLAND angegriffene UKRAINE.
20221019             Denn zuletzt stellten immer mehr REPUBLIKANER—VOR allem die Anhänger des von EX—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP geprägten Mantras "AMERICA 1." ("AMERIKA zuerst") - die Notwendigkeit von Bundesausgaben für die Außenpolitik in einer Zeit infrage, in der Amerikaner unter einer Rekordinflation ächzen.
20221019             In der vom IOC angestoßenen Debatte um 1—WIEDERZULASSUNG—VON—SPORTLERN aus RUSSLAND und BELARUS für internationale Wettbewerbe fordert der DOSB 1—VERLÄNGERUNG—DER—SANKTIONEN.
20221019             Es sei weiter "nicht vorstellbar",
20221019             dass russische und belarusische Athletinnen und Athleten auf die Weltbühne des Sports zurückkehren, bekräftigte der DEUTSCHE—OLYMPISCHE Sportbund auf Anfrage der Nachrichtenagentur dpa.
20221019             Der VIZE—GENERALDIREKTOR für Personalwesen, WALERI—MARTYNJUK, sei freigelassen worden, teilte die Internationale Atomenergieagentur (IAEA) —AM—ABEND mit, ohne nähere Angaben zu dem Fall zu machen.
20221019             Der CHEF—DER—INTERNATIONALEN—ATOMENERGIEAGENTUR (IAEA), RAFAEL—GROSSI, will eigenen Angaben zufolge demnächst zu —VERHANDLUNGEN über die Einrichtung einer Sicherheitszone um das von RUSSLAND besetzte Kernkraftwerk Saporischschja erneut in die UKRAINE und nach RUSSLAND reisen".
20221019             Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass ich in die UKRAINE und nach RUSSLAND zurückkehre.
20221019             Die IRANISCHEN—WAFFENLIEFERUNGEN an RUSSLAND sollen Diplomaten zufolge —HEUTE Thema im UN—SICHERHEITSRAT werden.
20221019             Nach Plänen der von RUSSLAND eingesetzten Behörden in der UKRAINISCHEN—REGION Cherson sollen etwa 50.000—BIS 60.000—MENSCHEN die Stadt verlassen.
20221019             Der CHEF—DER RUSSISCHEN—BESATZUNGSVERWALTUNG, WLADIMIR—SALDO, sagte, dass die Einwohner nach RUSSLAND und an das linke Ufer des Flusses Dnipro evakuiert würden.
20221019             Das berichtete die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur TASS.
20221019             Die Aktion werde voraussichtlich etwa —6—TAGE dauern.
20221019             Es stünden —SCHON Boote bereit, sagte Saldo.
20221019             Tass zufolge wurden die Bewohner des Gebiets —BEREITS per SMS von den Plänen informiert.
20221019             UKRAINISCHE—STREITKRÄFTE sind laut der staatlich kontrollierten RUSSISCHEN—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR RIA mit dem Versuch gescheitert, das Kernkraftwerk Saporischschja zurückzuerobern".
20221019             —GEDAUERT, Der Kampf hat mehrere —STUNDEN, mindestens 3—BIS dreieinhalb —STUNDEN",
20221019             Das Institut für ARBEITSMARKT—UND Berufsforschung (IAB) geht von einer Beschäftigungsquote geflüchteter Ukrainerinnen und Ukrainer von —BIS zu 15—PROZENT aus".
20221019             —BIS—JULI ist die Beschäftigung der Ukrainer um knapp 60.000—PERSONEN gestiegen, das entspricht einem Anteil von rund 10—PROZENT an dem ZUWACHS—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG im erwerbsfähigen Alter",
20221019             Die UKRAINISCHE—ARMEE hat zur Befreiung des besetzten Gebietes Cherson im Süden des Landes nach RUSSISCHEN—ANGABEN Zehntausende Soldaten zusammengezogen.
20221019             —BISHER sei die Lage "stabil",
20221019             eine mögliche Offensive habe noch nicht begonnen, sagte der Vizechef der Besatzungsverwaltung, Kirill Stremoussow, der staatlichen RUSSISCHEN—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR Tass zufolge.
20221019             Man erwarte aber einen Angriff.
20221019             Von der UKRAINE gab es —ZUNÄCHST keine Angaben.
20221019             EU—KOMMISSIONSPRÄSIDENTIN URSULA—VON—DER—LEYEN hat Russlands jüngste Angriffe auf die Energieversorgung in der UKRAINE als Kriegsverbrechen bezeichnet.
20221019             Nach Einschätzung BRITISCHER—GEHEIMDIENSTE sind Moskaus Probleme an der Front in der UKRAINE zum Teil auf einen Mangel an kompetentem Führungspersonal zurückzuführen.
20221019             Die Armee habe immer weniger fähige Nachwuchsoffiziere, die neue Rekruten anleiten und führen könnten, hieß es im täglichen Kurzbericht des BRITISCHEN—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS.
20221019             Dies verschlechtere wohl die Moral und den Zusammenhalt in den RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN.
20221019             4—VON 5—GENERÄLEN mit direkter operativer Verantwortung für den —IM—FEBRUAR—VON—RUSSLAND begonnenen Angriffskrieg seien mittlerweile entlassen WORDEN—IHRE Nachfolger hätten die Situation nicht verbessert, sind die Briten überzeugt.
20221019             In der RUSSISCHEN—ARMEE habe eine solche Führungsschwäche noch stärkere Auswirkungen als es in einer westlichen der Fall wäre, da die RUSSISCHE—DOKTRIN vorsehe, dass statt einer kollektiven Anstrengung eher persönliche —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN eines einzelnen Kommandeurs zählten.
20221019             VIELE—BEGRIFFE oder Phrasen, die im Angriffskrieg Russlands gegen die UKRAINE zur Anwendung kommen, sind unscharf, teilweise irreführend.
20221019             So gibt es keinen "UKRAINE—KRIEG", weil das Land weder im Inneren noch nach außen einen Krieg begonnen hat.
20221019             "Separatisten", "Defensivwaffen", das Ziel den Krieg "einzufrieren" — MANCHE—BEGRIFFE erschweren sogar dessen Lösung.
20221019             Worte sind Waffen.
20221019             —VERÄNDERT, JEDER—KRIEG, die Sprache.
20221019             Im Angriffskrieg Russlands gegen die UKRAINE hat die Kremlführung die eigene Sprache geradezu verfälscht und einem Euphemismus unterworfen, indem —BIS—HEUTE nicht von einem Krieg, sondern einer "Spezialoperation" die Rede ist.
20221019             Ziel ist die "Befreiung" der UKRAINE, die "Angliederung" der "Volksrepubliken" unter Abhaltung von "Referenden" — ALLE—DIESE—BEGRIFFE werden aber völlig sinnentstellt.
20221019             —BEKANNT, All das ist, und oft beschrieben.
20221019             "Es gab keine Verfolgung Russischsprachiger im Osten der UKRAINE", betonte die Journalistin und OSTEUROPA—EXPERTIN Gesine Dornblüth im DLF.
20221019             Deshalb sei der Begriff "Separatisten" in diesem —KONFLIKT irreführend — zumal es sich nicht um UKRAINISCHE—BÜRGER und Bürgerinnen handele, die für Separation kämpften, "sondern das sind von RUSSLAND unterstützte Kämpfer, zum Teil sind es RUSSISCHE—STAATSBÜRGER".
20221019             Deshalb sei es ebenso falsch, von einem "Bürgerkrieg" zu sprechen.
20221019             PARIS.
20221019             An großen historischen Vergleichen fehlt es —AN—DIESEN—TAGEN in FRANKREICH nicht und meist kommen sie vom Linkspopulisten JEAN—LUC—MÉLENCHON.
20221019             Anlässlich des nationalen Streiktags —AM—DIENSTAG, zu dem mehrere Gewerkschaften aufgerufen hatten, kündigte der CHEF—DER linksextremen Partei La FRANCE Insoumise ("Das widerspenstige FRANKREICH") ein "Kräftemessen mit den Machthabern" und "1—ART tröpfelnden —MAI 68?
20221019             an — also keinen heftigen Aufstand wie bei den damaligen Studentenrevolten, sondern einen dauerhaften Widerstand mit regelmäßigen Aktionen.
20221019             "Wir marschieren, wir schimpfen, wir schreien, wir tanzen, aber wir schlagen keine Köpfe ab", versicherte die grüne Abgeordnete Sandrine Rousseau noch.
20221019             Klar ist aber: Mélenchon und seine Mitstreiter wollen Geschichte schreiben und 1—PROTESTDYNAMIK entfachen, die weit über die Raffinerien und Treibstofflager des FRANZÖSISCHEN—ENERGIEKONZERNS TotalEnergies hinausgeht.
20221019             —SEIT fast einem —MONAT wird dort gestreikt, was zur Verknappung von Treibstoff und chaotischen Zuständen an Tankstellen führte, sodass die Regierung schließlich einen TEIL—DER—BESCHÄFTIGTEN zur Arbeit verpflichten ließ.
20221019             —GESTERN schlossen sich MITARBEITER—DER—BAHNGESELLSCHAFT—SNCF, der Pariser Nahverkehrsbetriebe RATP, aber auch von Häfen, Schulen, Kindertagesstätten sowie Angestellte des öffentlichen Dienstes der Streikbewegung an.
20221019             Auch sie fordern höhere Gehälter und Pensionen angesichts der Inflation.
20221019             Im europäischen Vergleich fällt diese in FRANKREICH mit 5,6 Prozent relativ gering aus, da die Regierung —SEIT dem Frühjahr Tankrabatte gewährt und —BEREITS—SEIT einem —JAHR die GAS—UND Strompreise deckelt.
20221019             Unmut über steigende Rechnungen gibt es trotzdem.
20221019             Germanen, unsere Vorfahren, Was ist richtig, was falsch?
20221019             - Limes, Laser und Hightech, Der Raetische Limes in BAYERN
20221019             Empfehlung der Ampelfraktionen: Bundestagswahl soll in 431—BERLINER Wahlbezirken wiederholt werden
20221019             Erschwerter Handel mit Hochleistungschips: Wie JOE—BIDEN—CHINA technologisch aushungern will
20221019             Erstmals —SEIT—24—JAHREN: Indiens NEHRU—GANDHI—DYNASTIE gibt Spitze der KONGRESS—PARTEI an Loyalisten ab
20221019             Auf Spitzbergen: NORWEGEN nimmt wegen Drohnenflug SOHN—VON—PUTIN—VERTRAUTEM fest
20221019             Nur milde Nebenwirkungen: EU—ARZNEIMITTELBEHÖRDE empfiehlt Coronaimpfstoffe für Babys
20221019             Drastischer Schritt: Macrons Regierung will Haushalt durchs Parlament zwingen
20221019             —VERLÄNGERT, Verbot : Tanken mit Benzinkanistern im Elsass und im Département Moselle weiter tabu
20221019             Dissens unter Partnern: DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHE—REGIERUNGSGESPRÄCHE auf —JANUAR vertagt
20221019             Integration und Fachkräftemangel: Widerstand gegen geplantes "CHANCEN—AUFENTHALTSRECHT"
20221019             1—RÜCKTRITT und Geschrei im BRITISCHEN—PARLAMENT: Truss stemmt sich verzweifelt gegen das Tohuwabohu
20221019—17891000    —IM, Zuvor hatte er den vom Linksbündnis Nupes organisierten "Marsch gegen das teure Leben und die Untätigkeit gegen den Klimawandel" am vergangenen —SONNTAG mit dem Zug der Pariser Marktfrauen nach Versailles, kurz nach Ausbruch der FRANZÖSISCHEN—REVOLUTION, verglichen.