Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 25. August ?

Ereignisse an einem 25. August

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00000825             —DER, In UTRECHT galt als des GREGOR—TODES—TAG ,
00000825             —DATUM—DIESES, dürfte zweifellos zutreffen, da
00000825             DES GREGOR—GEDENKEN, der in UTRECHT GESTORBEN, war, in der KIRCHE—UTRECHT—KREISE gewiß am ehesten an seinem Todestag anknüpfte,
00000825             † GREGOR—ABER—AN—EINEM, gestorben war,
00790825—00790824    —SEE
03250520—03250825    —DER—FRÜHLINGS—ANFANG amtlich festgelegt auf den 00000321             .
03250520—03250825    —VERDAMMT DIE—ARIANISCHE—LEHRE der Gottähnlichkeit Christi zugunsten der ATHANASISCHE—LEHRE der WESENSEINHEIT—VON—GOTTVATER und Sohn.
03250520—03250825    —DAS—OSTER—FEST—FESTGELEGT,  auf den 1. —SONNTAG—NACH—DEM—FRÜHLINGS—VOLL—MOND, amtlich wird
03250520—03250825    amtlich festgelegt Das OSTER—FEST auf den 1. —SONNTAG—NACH—DEM—FRÜHLINGS—VOLL—MOND, wird
03250520—03250825    —DER—FRÜHLINGS—ANFANG amtlich festgelegt auf den 00000321
03250520—03250825    —KONZIL—ZU—NICÄA[NIZZA] als KAISER—REICH—GESETZ veröffentlichtes KIRCHEN—DOGMA,
03250825             —COUNCIL—OF—NICAEA, establishing THE—DOCTRINE—OF—THE—HOLY—TRINITY.
03250825             —COUNCIL—OF—NICAEA also, DECREED, that priests cannot marry —AFTER their ordination.
03570825             —BATTLE—AT—STRASBOURG.
03830825             VIELE—TRUPPEN—DES—FLAVIUS—GRATIANUS sind zuvor – statt für den Herrscher im WEST—RÖMER—TEIL zu kämpfen – zum USURPATOR—MAGNUS—MAXIMUS übergelaufen.
03830825             † FLAVIUS—GRATIANUS—EMPEROR—OF—ROME (25), , was murdered.
03830825             Der mit wenigen Begleitern nach LUGDUNUM geflohene RÖMER—KAISER—GRATIAN[FLAVIUS—GRATIANUS] wird vom HEERMEISTER—ANDRAGATHIUS erschlagen.
07750825/07760825    † DES GREGOR, —AM, —DANACH, ALBERICH der KIRCHE—UTRECHT—LEITUNG übernahm.
08110825             † EGINO—VON—KONSTANZ—BISCHOF
08820825             † LOUIS—III—KING—OF—FRANCE (19)
10050825             —AFTER + —AFTER + HUGUES—I—DE—MEULAN.
10050825             —IDENTIFIED, THE—PRIMARY—SOURCE which confirms his parentage has not yet been.
10360825             † PILGRIM—VON—KÖLN—ERZ—BISCHOF—DES—ERZ—BISTUMS Köln, Erzkanzler von ITALIEN
11330825             —BEZOGEN—AM, die 1. MÖNCHE DIE—BURG—ALTENBERGE  und begannen sich hier provisorisch einzurichten,
11330825             —WÄHREND, die 1. MÖNCHE unten im Tal den Grundstein für ihr neues KLOSTER legten.
11920825             † HUGO—III—HERZOG—VON—BURGUND
12120825             CHILDREN—CRUSADERS under NICOLAS (10), GENOA[GENUA], REACHED,
12510825             † GUNNER—BISCHOF—DES—BISTUM—VIBORG, DÄNISCHER—GEISTLICHER und, Hauptverfasser des Jütischen Rechts
12560825             Der 6000—DIENER—BESITZER werden einmalig aus der STADT—BOLOGNA—FINANZKASSE entschädigt.
12560825             Im Folgejahr wird der Gesetzestext im STADT—BOLOGNA—LIBER—PARADISUS dokumentiert.
12650825             —ANNO, —ATTENDENS quod BENEFICIORUM reservantes.
12700825             —BELAGERUNG—VON—TUNIS während des -  und letzteR.
12700825             7. KREUZ—ZUG
12700825             8. CRUSADE, was decimated by THE—PLAGUE.
12700825             † ALFONS—VON—BRIENNE—GRAF—VON—EU
13130825             1—REQUIEM gesungen für den entschlafenen KAISER—HEINRICH—VII., von den DOM—HERREN.
13200825             Wenn diese tatsächlich den LEIB—CHRISTI darstellten, hätten die PRIESTER sie längst alle gierig aufgegessen, soll sie gesagt haben.
13200825             Vielleicht hilft ihrem Geständnis nach, dass die Wachen aus ihrem Stoffbeutel merkwürdige Dinge zutage fördern, die sie sogar der Hexerei verdächtig machen: 2—GETROCKNETE Nabelschnüre von Babys, Tücher mit Menstruationsblut, 1—SPIEGEL, 1—MESSER, Kräuter.
13200825             Doch sie hat Glück und kommt mit 1—KERKERHAFT davon.
13200825             —AM, So BEGINNT DER—ADELN BÉATRICE—DE—PLANISSOLES aus MONTAILLOU Befragung auch mit dem Vorwurf, gelästert über DIE—SAKRAMENTE habe sie.
13200825             Wenn diese tatsächlich den LEIB—CHRISTI darstellten, hätten DIE—PRIESTER sie längst alle gierig aufgegessen, soll DIE—ADEL—BÉATRICE—DE—PLANISSOLES—AUS—MONTAILLOU gesagt haben.
13200825             Vielleicht hilft ihrem Geständnis nach, daß
13200825             die Wachen aus ihrem Stoffbeutel merkwürdige Dinge zutage fördern, die sie sogar der Hexerei verdächtig machen:
13200825             2—GETROCKNETE Nabelschnüre von Babys, Tücher mit Menstruationsblut, 1—SPIEGEL, 1—MESSER, Kräuter.
13200825             Doch DIE—ADEL—BÉATRICE—DE—PLANISSOLES—AUS—MONTAILLOU hat Glück und kommt mit 1—KERKER—HAFT davon.
13200825             Besonders heikel für den HERRSCHAFTS—APPARAT—KIRCHE ist, daß DIE—KATHARER den KIRCHEN—10. ablehnen.
13200825             Doch ohne die DER—BAUERN—ABGABEN  könnte DER—KLERUS schwerlich überleben.
13200825             Das gut organisierte KLERIKAL—MACHT—MONOPOL ist in Gefahr.
13200825             "Sie alle, Glieder des ANTI—CHRIST, Erstgeborene des Satans, schlechte Saat, VER—FÜHRER schlichter Herzen, hatten mit dem Gift ihrer Perfidie fast die ganze PROVINZ—NARBONNE VERSEUCHT".
13300825             —SCHLACHT—VON—TEBA
13300825             —RECONQUISTA—IN—SPANIEN
13300825             —GELINGT es 1 christlichen Heer, das von SCHOTTISCHEN—RITTERN unterstützt wird, 1 maurische Streitmacht der Nasriden zu bezwingen.
13300825             † Der SCHOTTISCHE—HEER—FÜHRER—JAMES—DOUGLAS—OF—DOUGLAS wird im Kampf getötet.
13300825             —ANTI—PAPA—NICOLAUS—V—PAPA—ANTI—PAPA, overthrew himself.
13390825             † HENRY—DE—COBHAM—BARON—COBHAM, 1. , ENGLISCHER—ADLIGER und Politiker
13430825             —IN—DEN—FOLGENDEN—MONATEN—BIS—ZUM, Ähnlich.
13460825             —BATTLE—OF—CRECY—FRANCE
13460825             —PROVED, THE—LONGBOW, instrumental in THE—VICTORY—OF—CRECY—FRANCE as
13460825             —OUTNUMBERED, FRANCE—KNIGHTS on horseback, THE—BRITISH 3 to 1.
13460825             † † † 1,542 FRANCE—LORDS and knights were killed along with 20,000 soldiers, —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—BATTLE—OF—CRECY—FRANCE,
13460825             † † 2—KNIGHTS and 80—MEN, ENGLAND—LOST.
13460825             † RUDOLF—HERZOG—VON—LOTHRINGEN
13560100             CONZ—DE—SPOLERA—DE—BANDERIA—A.—DE—AUSTERLIC PRO—EMENDA—EQUI interfecti per INIMICOS—ECCLESIE—IN—CAVALCATA facta.13550825             super CASTR—COLLE Molle 18—FLORENI
13650825             —VERURTEILUNG 1—DEUTSCHEN—DIEBES.
14330825             —BEDRÄNGNISS—DER—STADT—ROM
14330825             —BEDRÄNGNISS—DER—STADT"
14330825             —EINNAHME—VON—SUBIACO und
14330825             —EINNAHME—VON—TIVOLI.
14440825             —AM, zwar bei S—JAKOB—DER—DAUPHIN—DIE—SCHWEIZER schlug,
14440825             —DANN, einfiel in DIE—REICHS—LANDE DER—DAUPHIN, verwüstend, mit seinen RÄUBER—KRIEGERN[ARMAGNAKEN] aber,
14440825—14450000    —BIS, zum Abzuge bewogen wurde, DER—DAUPHIN, durch den VERTRAG—ZU—TRIER .
14550825             furono privilegiati anche gli UOMINI—DI—PITIGLIANO e Sorano col seguente decreto (favorito dal nostro in CONSIGLIO—DE—DODICI), che é pure ricordo della NOTTE—DI—S—LUCIA :
14550825             Cum quando M. d. CORRADUS—DE—CERVARIA, cuius anima REQUIESCAT—IN—PACE, ingressus fuit per RUPES—CIVITAS tem URBEVETANAM cum MULTIS—CIVIBUS presentis status
14550825             tunc exititiis dicte CIVITATIS et multi homines de Pitigliano et Sorano intraverint cum sua dominatione bellando et prò VIRI—BUS expugnando contra hostes et inimicos presentis status,
14550825             —ET TANDEM gratia Dei et beate Lucie et opere dictorum de Pitigliano et Sorano victoriam habuerunt et presentem statum recuperaverunt,
14550825             quem Altissimus conservare dignetur per infinita secula seculorum, amen.
14550825             —ET ne cives presentis status videantur vitio ingratitudinis involuti.
14550825             per presens Consilium provideatur erga predictos de Pitigliano et Soft rano de aliqua recognitione.
14550825             Super quibus omnibus et singulis EGREGIUS—VIR Ser MACTEUS Ccitalutii unus EX—CONSILIARIIS
14550825             —DICTI Consilii xij sapientum etc. consuluit super dictis propositis quod omnes et singule dicte proposite, sicut jacent et lecte sunt, vadant ad Consilium GENERALe eie.
14550825             —ET in continenti, reversis dominis Vicepotestate, Conservatole ribus et CONSILIARIIs xij Sapientum ad Consilium genefirale,
14550825             cum dicti homines morti se ipsi subicerint prò " recuperatione presenti status, intrando per rupes, bellando et expugnando prò VICTORIA presentis status, non obstante quod maiora eis deberentur,
14550825             tamen ne hic status videatur totaliter ingratus, quod predictis omnibus et singulis ((hominibus et personis de Pitigliano et Sorano,
14550825             ut in postere rum sint ferventiores ad serviendum buie statui, et alii capiant exemplum, quod ab hodie in posterum et prò FUTURO tempore fiat eis perpetua exemptio et libera,
14550825             que exnunc sit prò facta ab omni onere solutionis datii pedagii vel gabelle, de omnibus et singulis eorum rebus propriis, que micterent in Civ.
14550825             URBEVETana et que de dieta Civitate extraherent;
14550825             —ET cum hac conditione bandiatur gabella pedagii et vendatur, auctoritate presentis Consilii " (Rif. cxliv, e. 32—I^).
14670825             —AM, DER—KARDINAL—VON—S—PIETRO—IN—VINCOLI war 57-jährig, als GUILLAUME—DE—ESTOUTEVILLE ihn zum BISCHOF weihte,
14670825             —WORAUF, RODRIGO—BORGIA—IHN zum SIXTUS—IV—PAPA auf den Stufen von S—PETER krönte.
14670825             kam es auf dem LATERAN—PLATZ zu argem Tumult Bei des SIXTUS—IV—PAPA Besitznahme, indem
14670825             DAS—VOLK, IN STREIT GERIET mit des SIXTUS—IV—PAPA—GARDE und
14670825             DAS—VOLK gegen des SIXTUS—IV—PAPA—GARDE—WAFFEN mit Steinen kämpfte.
14670825             DER—NEUE SIXTUS—IV—PAPA gegen diejenigen denen er seine Erhebung verdankte erwies sich dankbar.
14670825             KARDINAL—ORSINI, des SIXTUS—IV—PAPA CAMERLENGO wurde,
14670825             BORGIA erhielt DIE—ABTEI—SUBIACO durch SIXTUS—IV—PAPA,
14670825             GONZAGA erhielt von SIXTUS—IV—PAPA die von ABTEI—S—GREGORIO.
14670825             —BALD, des SIXTUS—IV—PAPA—GUNST—BEZEIGUNGEN richteten sich aber nach 1—ANDERN Seite.
14670825             SIXTUS—IV—PAPA hatte zahlreiche Verwandte und
14670825             wenn SIXTUS—IV—PAPA —SCHON als KARDINAL der zahlreiche Verwandte Interesse gefördert hatte,
14670825             war —JETZT DIE—ZEIT gekommen sie zahlreiche Verwandte zu erhöhen.
14670825             —GESTANDEN, GUILLAUME—DE—ESTOUTEVILLE mehr denn einmal dem PAPAtum nahe, war und es nie erlangen sollte,
14930825             —DIE—IN—MERIDIE, TEMPESTAS—MAGNA in aère fuit, et sagitta cecidit in Capitolium, videlicet in campanile, et percussit in
14990825             —BATTLE—AT—SAPIENZA
14990825             —OTTOMAN—FLEET beat REPUBLIK—VENEDIGS.
15000825             † ANTOINE—DE—LEON.
15050825             —AM, dieser nämliche ANDREA—MAGNO erscheint ausdrücklich mit des BAU—LEITUNG betraut, DEPUTADO—SOPRA—LA—FABRICA—DIL—FONTEGO'^"),
15060825             —OR—LE, il etait en ESPAGNE.
15100825             —OR, LA—FETE—DE—S—LOUIS —A—LIEU—LE
15220825             (SEITE—309—310 [].
15280825             * LUIS—DE—ZÚÑIGA—Y—REQUESENS, Haushofmeister und PÄDAGOGE des späteren PHILIPP—II—KÖNIG—VON—SPANIEN
15330825             —AM, DIE—AKTIVA BETRUGEN—CA—410.000—FLORENI
15330825             DAS—ÜBRIGE bestand ganz überwiegend aus WAREN, WAREN—FORDERUNGEN und BAR—GELD.
15330825             in ANTWERPEN 86.000—FLORENI, in KÖLN, wo Hauptsächlich die SEIDEN—WAREN verkauft wurden, 25.000—FLORENI,
15330825             IM SCHWATZER—HANDEL waren 60.000—FLORENI angelegt usw.
15330825             DIE—PASSIVA betrugen 235.000—FLORENI in 89—POSTEN, von denen die bedeutendsten den Frauen und Kindern einiger Verwandten und Freunden gehörten.
15330825             Davon entfielen 920.000—FLORENI auf DIE—GELD—GESCHÄFTE—MIT—DEM ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—HOFE 52).
15330825             AUGSBURG, selbst betrugen DIE—AKTIVA 111.000—FLORENI,
15800825             —SCHLACHT—VON—ALCÂNTARA besiegt SPANIEN das Heer Portugals.
15800825             Es kommt zur Personalunion mit SPANIEN.
15800825             PORTUGAL kommt zur Personalunion mit SPANIEN.
16090825             —IMPROVED, GALILEO—GALILEI had, the newly invented telescope and pointed it at the moon.
16090825             —PRÄSENTIERT, GALILEO—GALILEI, in VENEDIG 1. sein nach holländischem Vorbild konstruiertes Fernrohr.
16200825             Der LANDTAG der Stände in Neusohl wählt den Siebenbürger Fürsten GABRIEL—BETHLEN zum KÖNIG—VON—UNGARN,
16200825             was den Auftakt für 1—ANTI—HABSBURGISCHEN Aufstand im GEBIET—DER—JETZIGEN—SLOWAKEI bildet.
16260825             † ZACHARIAS—BRENDEL—DER—ÄLTERE, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH, Physiker, Mediziner und Botaniker
16420825             der VOGT—VON—SALZBURG MELCHIOR—OTTO—DOM—PROBST zu BAMBERG zum BISCHOF gewählt und am
16510825             —DATUM—DÜSSELDORF,
16510825             Er sei nicht damit einverstanden, daß DIE—TRACTATEN durch die Erlaubnis für beide Teile, neue DIFFERENZ—PUNKTE vorzubringen, in die Länge gezogen würden,
16510825             sondern wünsche, daß sie, —NACHDEM er MARK geräumt, in 1— —3—TAGEN beendigt würden.
16510825             Wenigstens müsse BRANDENBURG ihm die noch hinzuzufügenden Punkte mitteilen,
16510825             damit er seine Gesandten noch instruieren könne.
16510825             —JETZT, des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG Zorn besänftigt sei und
16510825             —JETZT, ihren —ANFANG nehmen in ESSEN DIE—VERHANDLUNGEN würden.
16510825             dem Bericht des GRAF—MORITZ—VON—NASSAU sei auch SPANIEN sehr gt dazu an der Mediation Teil zu nehmen,
16510825             womit NEUBURG einverstanden sein werde.
16510825             NEUBURG Angst habe VOR—1—ZU gefährlichen Begünstigung der REFORMIERTEN durch DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN.
16510825             —DIE—LOTHRINGER bieten Alles auf, den WAFFEN—STILL—STAND zu brechen und
16510825             —DIE—LOTHRINGER bieten Alles auf, den KRIEG wieder zu entzünden.
16510825             —INDESS, zeigen BRANDENBURG und NEUBURG wenigstens äusserlich die Absicht IIIRF—RI S"-'-" friedlich beizulegen.
16510825             —DATUM—DUISBURG, zu der V—ERMITTLUNG in ESSEN, NEUBURG suche hinzuzuziehen KÖLN[CÖLN].
16540825             † MARIA—SCHNÖKEL, OPFER—DER—HEXEN—VERFOLGUNG in Rinteln
16540825             † MARIA—SCHNÖKEL, HEXEN—VERFOLGUNG—OPFER— in Rinteln
16730825             † JOHN—THEYER, ENGLISCHER—RECHTSANWALT, Schriftsteller und Antiquar
16790825             —EDIT—CONTRE—LES—DUELS
16890825             —THE—IROQUOIS took MONTREAL.
16940825             * THEODOR—VON—NEUHOFF, politischer Abenteurer und KÖNIG—VON—KORSIKA
17070825             * LUDWIG—I—KÖNIG—VON—SPANIEN
17360825             * FRANZ—LUDWIG—SCHENK—VON—CASTELL, DEUTSCHER—ADEL und Strafverfolger
17440825             * JOHANN—G—VON—HERDER, GERMANY—PHILOSOPH, theologist, poet.
17440825             * JOHANN—GOTTFRIED—HERDER, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER, Philosoph, Übersetzer und Theologe der Weimarer Klassik
17580825             —BATTLE—OF—ZORNDORF,
17580825             —DEFEATED, THE—PRUSSIA—ARMY, the invading RUSSIAN—ARMY.
17580825             † † † Thousands WERE—KILLED.
17580825             —SIEBENJÄHRIGER—KRIEG, WÄHREND des
17580825             —SCHLACHT—BEI—ZORNDORF
17650825             —SACKED, In protest over THE—STAMP—TAX, USA—COLONISTS, and
17690825             —VOM, —BEREITS sie wird in 1—UNGEDRUCKTEN URKUNDE als verstorben erwähnt.
17750825             Die barocke evangelische LUDWIGS—KIRCHE—SAARBRÜCKEN wird eingeweiht.
17750825             * ANDREAS—JORDAN, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Winzer
17760825             —NOCH, seinem Ahnherrn wollt gelingen, AUF! LERNE DEINE EHRE SCHÄTZEN,
17760825             —GELEGENHEIT, BEI DIESER, Die Wildt von dem MAGISTRAT—VON—AACHEN überreichten EHREN—GESCHENKE,
17760825             bestehend in 1—SILBERNEN Kanne und Schüssel, Entreiss dich, AACHEN, deinen Häusern,
17760825             Er, der sich dorthin wusst zu schwingen.
17760825             Er, der zum höchsten Ruhm, der Löv'ner Primus ist.
17760825             LASS —DIESEN—TAG IN MARMOR ÄTZEN,
17760825             Lass dir zum Muster seyn dies NACHAHMS—WERTE Bild:
17760825             Sein Haupt bekränzt mit LORBEER—REISERN,
17760825             Wohin es keinem nicht, —SEIT—100—JAHRE Frist,
17760825             Es kommt zur VATER—STADT dein und der Musen Sohn:
17760825             Es ist, was er dir zeigt, der Weisen Lohn.
17760825             † DAVID—HUME, BRITISCHER—PHILOSOPH, Ökonom und Historiker aus SCHOTTLAND
17760825             BEI DIESER GELEGENHEIT Die Wildt von dem MAGISTRAT—VON—AACHEN überreichten Ehrengeschenke,
17760825             Und halte stets im Aug* den Hoffnungsvollen Wildt.
17880825             NECKER remplace LOMÉNIE—DE—BRIENNE.
17910825             Auf dem eben fertiggestellten SCHLOSS—PILLNITZ in Pillnitz bei DRESDEN treffen einander KAISER—LEOPOLD—II. und FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—II—KÖNIG—VON—PREUSSEN
17910825             Bei der dreitägigen Fürstenzusammenkunft geht es vor allem um die "POLNISCHE—FRAGE",
17910825             die Beendigung des RUSSLAND—ÖSTERREICH—TÜRKEI—KRIEGES, und –
17910825             auf Drängen FRANZÖSISCHER—EMIGRANTEN, auch um die FRANZÖSISCHE—REVOLUTION.
17930825             * HEINRICH—RATHKE, DEUTSCHER—ANATOM, Embryologe und Zoologe
17930825             † JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—WERNSDORF—I, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Dichter und Rhetoriker
17960825             * JAMES—LICK, USA—PIANOBAUER, Großgrundbesitzer
17990825             † JOHN—ARNOLD, BRITISCHER—UHRMACHER und Erfinder
18000000—18700825    * † RICHARD—SEYMOUR—CONWAY—MARQUEES—OF—HERTFORD, the 4. , in PARIS.
18000825             * KARL—VON—HASE, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE
18000825             * JOSEPH—H—ANDERSON, USA—POLITIKER
18030825             * DAVID—T—DISNEY, USA—POLITIKER
18040825             * GUSTAV—BUNSEN, DEUTSCHER—CHIRURG und Freiheitskämpfer
18050825             3. KOALITIONS—KRIEG.
18050825             † JOSEPH—ROOS, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18050825             Im  KURFÜRSTENTUM—BAYERN kehrt das seinen Bündnispartnern ÖSTERREICH und RUSSLAND im 3. KOALITIONS—KRIEG den Rücken und
18050825             Im GEHEIMER—BOGENHAUSENER—VERTRAG KURFÜRSTENTUM—BAYERN wechselt an die Seite Frankreichs.
18050825             Der GEHEIMER—BOGENHAUSENER—VERTRAG ebnet den Weg zum KÖNIGREICH—BAYERN.
18100825             Der Brite PETER—DURAND erhält in GROSSBRITANNIEN 1—PATENT auf DIE—KONSERVENDOSE.
18140825             —LIBRARY—OF—CONGRESS, containing some 3,000 books, DESTROYED, UK—FORCES.
18160825             * CHRISTIAN—BERNHARD—TAUCHNITZ, DEUTSCHER—VERLEGER und Pionier der Paperbacks
18170825             * ALFRED—F—RUSSELL—PRÄSIDENT—VON—LIBERIA, 10.
18190825             † JAMES—WATT, BRITISCHER—ERFINDER aus SCHOTTLAND, der die Dampfmaschine wesentlich verbesserte
18190825—17750000    —IMPROVED, SCOTSMAN—JAMES—WATT—HIS, STEAM—ENGINE advanced coal mining and
18190825—18420000    —FLED SCOTLAND, ALLAN—PINKERTON, to avoid capture for his involvement with THE—CHARTISTS—REVOLUTIONARY—GROUP.
18190825—18840000    * † ALLAN—PINKERTON, in GLASGOW—SCOTLAND.
18210825             * LUDWIG—PFAU, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER und Revolutionär
18220825             † F. WILLIAM—HERSCHEL, —85—JAHRE—ALT, GERMANY—ASTRONOM (discovered Uranus).
18220825             † WILHELM—HERSCHEL, DEUTSCH—BRITISCHER—ASTRONOM, Musiker und Komponist
18250825             URUGUAY erklärt seine UNABHÄNGIGKEIT—VON—BRASILIEN.
18290825             USA—PRESIDENT—JACKSON made 1—OFFER to buy TEXAS, but THE—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT refused.
18300825             —DESIGNED, The "TOM—THUMB" steam locomotive, by PETER—COOPER, ran its famous race with 1—HORSE—DRAWN car.
18300825             The horse won because the engine, which had been ahead, broke down.
18300825             Among the reasons for rebelling were heavy taxes on beer
18300825             —BEGINNT, BELGIEN, nach einer Vorstellung der ROMANTISCH—NATIONALISTISCHEN Oper La muette de Portici (Die Stumme von Portici) von DANIEL—FRANÇOIS—ESPRIT—AUBER in der Brüsseler Oper 1—AUFSTAND gegen die NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—HERRSCHAFT.
18330825             * IZRAEL—POZNA?SKI, POLNISCHER—PHILANTHROP und Geschäftsmann
18350825             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Die NEW—YORK Sun, den 1. Artikel des Great MOON—HOAX.
18350825             † ANN—RUTLEDGE, said to be LINCOLN—TRUE—LOVE, —22—JAHRE—ALT, in ILLINOIS.
18360825             * BRET—HARTE, USA—SCHRIFTSTELLER
18360825             † CHRISTOPH—WILHELM—HUFELAND, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, Sozialhygieniker und Volkserzieher
18360825—19020000    * † BRET—HARTE, USA—AUTHOR and journalist (Outcasts of Poker Flat), in ALBANY—NEW—YORK
18360825—19020000    "The only sure thing about luck is that it will change".
18360825—19020000    [1839—ALSO given as 1—BIRTH date]
18360912—18360825    —CRUSHED, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES, THE—REVOLT which broke out.
18390825             Die PERUANISCH—BOLIVIANISCHE—KONFÖDERATION wird zugleich beendet.
18390825             DIE—REPUBLIK—NORD—PERU geht ebenso wie DIE—REPUBLIK—SÜD—PERU im wiedervereinigten PERU auf.
18400825             † KARL—IMMERMANN, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Lyriker und Dramatiker
18410825             * THEODOR—KOCHER, SCHWEIZER—CHIRURG, Nobelpreisträger
18420825             * GENERALMAJOR—GUSTAV—VON—GÖRTZ, schlesischer  und Kämmerer
18450825             * LUDWIG—II—KÖNIG—VON—BAYERN
18450825—18860000    * † LUDWIG—II—KING—OF—BAVARIA, at NYMPHENBURG.
18450825—18860000    —CALLED, LUDWIG—II—KING—OF—BAVARIA[THE—MAD—KING] for his extravagant castles.
18460825             † GABRIEL—LORY—DER—JÜNGERE, SCHWEIZER—LANDSCHAFTSMALER, Radierer und Aquarellist
18480825             —AM, aber —ERST KARL—MARX reist nach BERLIN...
18560825             MONTEVIDEO, eröffnet das im Stil des historischen Eklektizismus erbaute TEATRO—SOLÍS.
18570000—19220825    * † WILLIAM—ARCHIBALD—DUNNING, USA—HISTORIAN and political scientist.
18570825             —BURNED, THE—CALIFORNIA gold rush TOWN—OF—COLUMBIA, down in a 2. fire that was blamed on 1—CHINA—COOK.
18570825             —SOON, EVICTED, Miners, all CHINA—FROM the town.
18600825             † JOHAN—LUDVIG—HEIBERG, DÄNISCHER—DICHTER und Kritiker
18610825             Es handelt sich um den zu diesem Zeitpunkt schwersten Eisenbahnunfall in der BRITISCHEN—GESCHICHTE.
18610825             * FRANZ—AMECKE, DEUTSCHER—PFARRER
18610825             Bei 1—EISENBAHNUNFALL im CLAYTON—TUNNEL sterben 23—MENSCHEN, 176—WEITERE werden verletzt.
18620825             —AUTHORIZED, USA—SECRETARY—OF—WAR—GENERAL—RUFUS—SAXTON to arm 5,000 slaves.
18620825             —SKIRMISHED, Union and CONFEDERATE—TROOPS, at WATERLOO—BRIDGE—VIRGINIA, —DURING—THE 2. Bull Run Campaign.
18620825             * LOUIS—BARTHOU, FRANZÖSISCHER—POLITIKER, Ministerpräsident, mehrfacher MINISTER
18640825             † JOHANN—PETER—WEYER, DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKT und Kunstsammler, Stadtbaumeister von Köln
18640825             —PUSHED, CONFEDERATE—GENERAL—AP—HILL, back UNION—GENERAL—WINFIELD—SCOTT—HANCOCK from Reams Station where his army had spent several days destroying railroad tracks.
18640825             With ROBERT—E—LEE—ARMY—OF—NORTH—VIRGINIA stubbornly clinging to Petersburg, Ulysses S. Grant decided to cut its vital rail lines.
18640825             To perform the surgery, he selected 1—OF—THE—NORTH—PROVEN heroes--'Hancock the Superb.'
18640825             1—COMBINATION—RAIL and ferry service became available from SF to ALAMEDA—CALIFORNIA.
18670825             MÜNCHEN, wird der Grundstein für das Neue Rathaus gelegt.
18670825             Verwirklicht wird der lange umstrittene neugotische Entwurf des —ERST 25-jährigen Grazer Architekten GEORG—VON—HAUBERISSER.
18670825             * MARCEL—SCHWOB, FRANZÖSISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Übersetzer
18670825             † MICHAEL—FARADAY, BRITISCHER—PHYSIKER und Chemiker
18670825—17910000    † * MICHAEL—FARADAY, discoverer of electromagnetic induction
18670825—20040000    —AUTHORED, JAMES—HAMILTON, "1—LIFE—OF—DISCOVERY: MICHAEL—FARADAY, Giant of the Scientific Revolution".
18680825             † CHARLOTTE—BIRCH—PFEIFFER, DEUTSCHE—SCHAUSPIELERIN und Schriftstellerin
18700825             —LEARNED, RICHARD—WALLACE (18180000—18900000    ), his illegitimate son, that the nobleman was his father and inherited 1—PRICELESS—COLLECTION—OF—PAINTINGS, sculptures, furniture and decorative objects.
18750824—18750825    —AM, Die Ankunft erfolgt
18750825             —BECAME, CAPTAIN—MATTHEW—WEBB (18480000—18830000    ), the 1. person to swim across THE—ENGLAND—CHANNEL, traveling from DOVER—ENGLAND, to CALAIS—FRANCE, in —21—HOURS and 45—MIN.
18750825             Swimming the Channel entails about 35—MILES—OF—SWIMMING due to currents in waters that are 55 to 65—DEGREES—FAHRENHEIT.
18760825             * VICTOR—CONRAD, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—KLIMATOLOGE und Geophysiker
18800825             MARIE—MELING F Haugesund, RGLND—NORWAY[NORWEGEN]
18800825             * CHARLOTTE—FRÄNKEL, deutsche klassische Archäologin
18880825             † DEUTSCHER—KAPITALIST—CARL—ERDMANN—HEINE,  RECHTSANWALT,  und Industriepionier
18890825             * WALDO—FRANK, USA—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Soziologe
18910825             Mit der Drehstromübertragung Lauffen–FRANKFURT gelang 1. die Fernübertragung von Drehstrom über 176—KM
18910825             THOMAS—ALVA—EDISON erhält das Patent für die Erfindung des 35—MM—FILMS.
18920825             * BERNHARD—SPETSMANN, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Gewerkschafter
18950825             † KARL—ERNST—GEORGES, DEUTSCHER—ALTPHILOLOGE, Lehrer und Lexikograf
18960825             * FRIEDRICH—VON—KESSEL, niedersächsischer Politiker
18960825             * WILHELM—KINKELIN, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER, Nationalsozialist, schwäbischer HEIMAT—FORSCHER, SS—BRIGADEFÜHRER
18960825             † ENRICO—NENCIONI, ITALIENISCHER—LYRIKER und Literaturkritiker
18980825             —HERAKLION—KRETA—MASSAKER—AN der GRIECHISCHEN—BEVÖLKERUNG, verüben, Türken, dem neben mehreren 100—GRIECHEN auch der BRITISCHE—KONSUL und 17—BRITISCHE—SOLDATEN zum Opfer fallen.
19000825             * HANS—ADOLF—KREBS, deutscher, später BRITISCHER—MEDIZINER und Biochemiker
19000825             * KURT—VON—FRITZ, deutscher klassischer Philologe
19000825—19990000    —TRANSLATED, RONALD—TAYLOR, into English the book "Nietzsche and Wagner" by JOACHIM—KÖHLER.
19000825—20040000    —AUTHORED, GEORGES—LIEBERT, "Nietzsche and Music".
19010825             —SACRIFICED, CLARA—MAASS (25), army nurse, her life to prove that the mosquito carries yellow fever.
19060825             * EUGEN—GERSTENMAIER, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE, Widerstandskämpfer und Politiker, MdB, BUNDESTAGS—PRÄSIDENT, MdEP
19080825             † HENRI—BECQUEREL, FRANZÖSISCHER—PHYSIKER, Entdecker der Radioaktivität, Nobelpreisträger
19110825             * VIETNAMESISCHER—GENERAL—VÕ—NGUYÊN—GIÁP,  und Guerillakämpfer
19120825             —RECOVERED, 1—AIRCRAFT, from 1—SPIN for the 1. time.
19120825             —BATTLED—WITH—EACH—OTHER , Different nationalities, in MACEDONIA.
19120825             * ERICH—HONECKER, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, GENERALZK—SEKRETÄR der SED und Staatsratsvorsitzender der DDR
19120825             —NACH—DEM STURZ—DER—QING—DYNASTIE und des letzten KAISER—PU—YI, in CHINA
19130825             * WALT—KELLY, cartoonist who created the comic strip "Pogo,".
19140825             —SEIT—2—TAGE—WÄHRENDE—SCHLACHT—VON—KRA?nik
19140825             —WWI—IM —BEZWINGT das Heer ÖSTERREICH—UNGARNS in Galizien die aufgebotenen Truppen Russlands.
19140825             GERMANY—ARMY began —6—WEEK plundering of LEUVEN—BELGIUM.
19140825             —ANTWERP—BELGIUM—BOMBED, GERMANY—ZEPPELINS, , and 10 †.
19140825             —GERMANY—TROOPS—MARCHED, , into FRANCE and pushed THE—FRANCE—ARMY to THE—SEDAN.
19140825             —WWI, em Moçambique DÁ—SE o 1.INCIDENTE—DE—FRONTEIRA, com
19140825             —WWI, tendo sido morto O—CHEFE—DO— posto e incendiado o posto e as palhotas vizinhas.
19150825             —BREST—LITOVSK—FALLS
19150825             —THE—ENTIRE—RUSSIA—FRONT is in complete collapse.
19160825             In den USA entsteht THE—NATIONAL—PARK—SERVICE
19160825             —ESTABLISHED, THE—NATIONAL—PARK—SERVICE was, within THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—THE—INTERIOR by the Organic Act.
19160825             —HELPED, HORACE—ALBRIGHT and STEPHEN—MATHER, persuade THE—USA—CONGRESS to establish the organization.
19160825             NATIONAL—PARK—SERVICE obliegt es, die verwalteten Orte zugänglich zu machen und die natürliche Landschaft und Tierwelt sowie historische Denkmale zu erhalten.
19170825             —PROZESS—GEGEN—DIE—AUFRÜHRERISCHEN—MATROSEN werden 5—ZUM Tode, 4—ZU je 10—15—JAHREN ZUCHT—HAUS und 50—MATROSEN zu insgesamt —400—JAHREN ZUCHT—HAUS verurteilt.
19170825             LEON—JESSELS—OPERETTE—SCHWARZWALDMÄDEL wird in BERLIN uraufgeführt.
19180000—19670825    * † GEORGE—LINCOLN—ROCKWELL, FOUNDER—OF—THE—AMERICA—NAZI—PARTY, was shot to death in the parking LOT—OF—1—SHOPPING center in ARLINGTON—VIRGINIA Former party member JOHN—PATLER, —29—JAHRE—ALT was —LATER convicted of the killing.
19180825             —INITIATED, LEONARD—BERNSTEIN, conductor and composer who, the television series "Young PEOPLE—CONCERTS," was born in Lawrence, MA.
19180825             Lieferung: STILARTEN—VÖLKERNAMEN (S.289—432) ausgegeben
19180825             HERMANN—POHL gives 1—LECTURE on the "Sun Castles" of BAD—ABLING, which he believes possess esoteric national significance.
19190825             Das bayerische KRIEGS—MINISTERIUM wird aufgelöst, die Soldaten der BAYERN—ARMEE in die Reichswehr integriert.
19190825             GEORGE—C—WALLACE, GOVERNOR—OF—ALABAMA and PRESIDENT—CANDIDATE who led the fight to keep segregation in the South, was born in CLIO—ALABAMA.
19190825             1., passenger service by airplane between PARIS and LONDON, SCHEDULED, The
19190825             —DIE—WEIMARER—VERFASSUNG, vorbehält die Landesverteidigung allein den AUFGABEN—DES—REICHS .
19200630—19200825    —BIS—ZUM., Sie dauert
19200630—19200825    —SCHLACHT—AN—DER—WEICHSEL
19200825             —BEWAHRT, Das "Wunder an der Weichsel", die Unabhängigkeit des jungen POLNISCHEN—STAATES und sorgt für 1—WENDE im Krieg.
19200825             * AGHA—SHAHI, PAKISTANISCHER—DIPLOMAT und Politiker, Außenminister
19210825             * BRIAN—MOORE, IRELAND—NOVELIST.
19210825             —RATIFIED, THE—USA, which never, the VERSAILLES—TREATY ending —WWI, finally signed 1—PEACE—TREATY—WITH—GERMANY.
19210825             —RATIFIZIERT, DIE—USA, die den FRIEDENS—VERTRAG—VON—VERSAILLES nicht, haben,
19210825             DIE—USA, schließen im Berliner Vertrag einen Separatfrieden mit dem DEUTSCHEN—REICH.
19220825             —FOUNDED, He had, the informal Dunning School of interpreting the Reconstruction era through his own writings and the Ph.D. dissertations of his numerous students.
19220825             —CRITICIZED, He has been, for advocating white supremacist interpretations, his "blatant USE—OF—THE—DISCIPLINE—OF—HISTORY for reactionary ends" and for offering "scholarly legitimacy to the disenfranchisement of southern blacks and to the Jim Crow system".
19230825             REICHS—PRÄSIDENT—FRIEDRICH—EBERT (SPD) verhängt ein Verbot des privaten Goldbesitzes.
19240000—20070825    * † RAYMOND—BARRE, 1—TOUGH—SPEAKING—FORMER—FRANCE—PRIME—MINISTER (19760000—19810000    ) and economist.
19240825             —INTERNATIONAL—MARITIME—TREATY was drawn.
19250825             ASA—PHILIP—RANDOLPH, —36—JAHRE—ALT began to organize the Pullman Sleeping Car Porters' Union.
19250825             —VACATED, Last BELGIUM—TROOPS, DUISBURG.
19250825             URUGUAY—BECAME—INDEPENDENT.
19260108—19450825    —ENDED, His rule.
19260825             * THOMAS—MORAN (18370000             *), USA—PAINTER, in BOLTON—ENGLAND.
19260825             —HELPED, THOMAS—MORAN—PAINTINGS—OF—YELLOWSTONE, persuade Congress to designate it 1—NATIONAL—PARK.
19260825             —PAINTED, Moran, "THE—VALLEY—OF—THE—CUERNAVACA".
19260825             Moran was best known for works on the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park.
19260825             —COMPILED, STEVEN—GOOD in DENVER, 1—CATALOGUE raisonne on Moran and verified the above work.
19260825—19750000    —AROUND, The painting was stolen from the National MUSEUM—OF—USA—ART in WASHINGTON DC.
19260825—19950000    —RECOVERED, It was, at 1—AUCTION—HOUSE not far from the museum.
19270825             vor BUNGO—SUIDO, 102—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDER sterben.
19270825             Der JAPANISCHE—ZERSTÖRER—WARABI sinkt nach 1—KOLLISION mit dem Leichten Kreuzer Jints?
19270825             Die auf dem USA—N—LUFTSCHIFFHAFENGELÄNDE—LAKEHURST an einem Hochmast verankerte USS LOS—ANGELES vollführt 1—UNFREIWILLIGEN "Kopfstand", was zur Abkehr vom Konzept des Hochmastes für Luftschiffe zugunsten niedrigerer Konstruktionen führt.
19270825—20030000    * † ALTHEA—GIBSON, WIMBLEDON—1. black tennis champion (19570000             ), in Silver, SC.
19280825             1—EXPEDITION led by RICHARD—E—BYRD set sail from HOBOKEN—NEW—JERSEY, on its journey to ANTARCTICA.
19290825             Es sterben 16—MENSCHEN, mehr als 50—WERDEN ernsthaft verletzt.
19290825—19290825    —AM—MORGEN—DES, ereignet sich das größte Zugunglück der 1920er und 1930er —JAHRE in DEUTSCHLAND: der EISENBAHNUNFALL—VON—BUIR.
19300000—20120825    * † NEIL—ARMSTRONG, COMMANDER—OF—APOLLO—11—MISSION (19660000             ) and 1. human to set foot on the moon (19690720             ).
19300825             SEAN—CONNERY, SCOTLAND—ACTOR—FAMOUS for playing the character JAMES—BOND in THE—IAN—FLEMMING movie series, was born in EDINBURGH—SCOTLAND.
19300825             —NOTED, SEAN—CONNERY is well, actor as JAMES—BOND in MANY—OF—THE—BOND—MOVIES.
19300825             —ACTED, SEAN—CONNERY has, in more serious film roles —SINCE retiring from THE—007—SERIES which won him great accolades including 1—OSCAR (ACADEMY—AWARD—WINNING actor: THE—UNTOUCHABLES [1987];
19300825             THE—ROCK, 1. Knight, THE—HUNT  for Red October, Highlander, Rising Sun, Outland, THE—LONGEST—DAY;
19300825             "Bond. JAMES—BOND".: DOCTOR—NO, From RUSSIA with  Love, Goldfinger, Thunderball, You Only Live Twice, Diamonds  are Forever)
19300825             † SIEGFRIED—WAGNER, —61—JAHRE—ALT, conductor, composer, SON—OF—RICHARD—WAGNER.
19310825             * REGIS—PHILBIN, —LATER TV host (Who Wants to be 1—MILLIONAIRE), in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19310825—19311027    1—NATIONAL—COALITION—GOVERNMENT is formed in BRITAIN.
19310825—19311027    THE—BULK—OF—THE—LABOUR—PARTY does not follow MacDonald into THE—COALITION—GOVERNMENT but he remains as PRIME—MINISTER.
19320000—20090825    * † SENATOR—EDWARD—M—KENNEDY, of MASSACHUSETTS, at his home on CAPE—COD —AFTER—1—YEARLONG struggle with brain cancer.
19330503—19590825    —LATER, 1—WHITE was, named "Big Medicine" and lived.—UNTIL
19330503—19590825    —UNTIL, He was —LATER named "Big Medicine" and lived.
19330825             —DIEXI—ERDBEBEN—STÄRKE—7,5 fordert in CHINA mehr als 9000—TOTE.
19330825             ROMANIA—MILITARY—AUTHORITIES in Czernowitz suspend the Yiddish daily, Der Tog, for criticizing the government.
19330825             Im DEUTSCHEN—REICHSANZEIGER erscheint 1 1. Liste mit Namen von emigrierten Künstlern und Politikern,
19330825             die nach § 2—DES Gesetzes über den Widerruf von Einbürgerungen und die Aberkennung der DEUTSCHEN—STAATSANGEHÖRIGKEIT vom 19330700             ausgebürgert werden
19360825             —EXECUTED, GRIGORI—JEWSEJEWITSCH—SINOWJEW[GRIGORY—ZINOVIEV] is, —AFTER being arrested and falsely charged with having organized a "TERRORIST—COUNTER—REVOLUTIONARY—GROUP allied with THE—GESTAPO".
19370825             —SIGNED, Pullman, 1—CONTRACT—WITH—THE Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, 1—OF—THE 1. substantive victories for black workers.
19380825             —INCLUDED, FREDERICK—FORSYTH—WORK, "THE—DAY—OF—THE—JACKAL" (19710000             ) and "THE—ODESSA—FILE".
19380825             URUGUAY—HAUPTSTADT wird am Nationalfeiertag der an die 1. Verfassung erinnernde Obelisk von MONTEVIDEO eingeweiht.
19390825             † COLONEL—WALERY—SLAWEKIS murdered and his death ruled 1—SUICIDE, even though 2—BULLETS are found in his body.
19390825             HITLER confers with BRITISH—AMBASSADOR—HENDERSON, telling him that "POLAND—PROVOCATIONS have become intolerable".
19390825             HITLER then makes several new proposals to BRITAIN, whose friendship, HITLER says, he has "always sought".
19390825             In conclusion, HITLER strongly urges BRITISH—AMBASSADOR—HENDERSON to leave for LONDON THAT—SAME—DAY with these new proposals.
19390825             ITALIEN—AMBASSADOR—ATTOLICO tells HITLER that ITALY will not support GERMANY without GERMANY—HELP with arms.
19390825             —ON hearing of this, HITLER cancels his INVASION—OF—POLAND scheduled for 4:30 AM THE—FOLLOWING—MORNING.
19390825             MAKESZOWA, near KATOWICE, GERMANY—SOLDIERS TAKE—OVER the courthouse and RAILWAY—STATION.
19390825             Poles break into and wreck the offices of 1—GERMANY—NEWSPAPER.
19390825             —CALLED, More POLAND—RESERVISTS are, up and cars and horses are requisitioned.
19390825             —USA—PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT once again appeals for peace.
19390825             —1—BEISTANDS—PAKT, GROSSBRITANNIEN und POLEN schließen .
19400825             —PERFORMED, The 1. parachute wedding ceremony was, by REVEREND—HOMER—TOMLINSON at THE—NEW—YORK—CITY—WORLD—FAIR for Arno Rudolphi and ANN—HAYWARD.
19400825             THE—MINISTER, bride and groom, best man, maid of honor and 4—MUSICIANS were all suspended from parachutes.
19400825             1. (British) night BOMBING—OF—GERMANY was over BERLIN.
19410825             19410917             —BIS—ZUM, kommt es zu einer vollständigen Besetzung des Landes, die —BIS—ZUM—ENDE des —WWII,s andauert.
19410825             —ENTERED, British and SOVIET—FORCES, IRAN, opening up 1—ROUTE to supply THE—SOVIET—UNION.
19410825             —INVADED, IRAN was, by THE—ALLIES with the Soviets controlling the north.
19410825             —GERMANY—TROOPS—CONQUERED, , Novgorod, Leningrad.
19410825             BRITAIN invades and occupies IRAN.AND—THE—USSR invades and occupies IRAN.
19410825             SOWJET—TRUPPEN und BRITISCHE—TRUPPEN marschieren im Rahmen der ANGLO—SOVIET—INVASION des IRAN in den Norden und Süden des neutralen Irans ein.
19410825—19410917    —BIS—ZUM, kommt es zu 1—VOLLSTÄNDIGEN Besetzung des IRAN, die —BIS—ZUM, Ende des —WWII andauert.
19420825             —BEGINNT, Während des PAZIFIK—KRIEGES, die SCHLACHT—UM—DIE MILNE—BUCHT, die 19420905             —BIS—ZUM, andauert.
19420825             Es wird die 1. Schlacht, bei der Landstreitkräfte der Alliierten die Japaner besiegen können.
19420825             GERMANY—SS began transporting JEWS—OF—MAASTRICHT—NETH.
19420825             W. VAN Daalen, OPPOSITION—LEADER on Celebes, was beheaded.
19420825             —SCHLACHT—BEI—DEN—OST—SALOMONEN während des —WWIIS endet ohne ENTSCHEIDENDER—SIEG.
19420825             —BEGINNT, Während des PAZIFIK—KRIEGES, die
19420825—19420905    —SCHLACHT—UM—DIE—MILNE—BUCHT, die —BIS—ZUM, andauert.
19430825             Losing Hill 700 to THE—JAPAN—MEANT defeat for THE—USA—FORCES on Bougainville.
19430825             To the men of the 37. - Infantry Division, that was unthinkable.
19430825             —ESCAPED, LIEUTENANT—ANDRE—DEVIGNY (19990000             † age 82), from 1—GERMANY—PRISON in LYON—FRANCE.
19430825             —CAPTURED, He was, THE—NEXT—DAY and escaped again by diving into the Rhone River.
19430825             —APPOINTED, Lord Mountbatten was, SUPREME—ALLIED COMMANDER—IN—SE—ASIA.
19430825             —RECAPTURED, Red Army under Gen Vatutin, Achtyrka.
19430825             THE—ALLIES again bomb THE—GERMAN—ROCKET—LABORATORY on PEENEMÜNDE, setting back production by —2—MONTHS.
19430825             —PASSED, EDUARD—SCHULTE, along damage reports to ALLEN—DULLES in SWITZERLAND.
19430825             USA—FORCES overrun NEW—GEORGIA in THE—SOLOMONS.
19430825—19430828    —SENTENCED, He was, to be executed for assassinating THE—HEAD—OF—THE—FASCIST—ITALIEN—SECRET—POLICE.
19430825—19570000    —BASED, ROBERT—BRESSON made the film "A Man Escaped", on his story.
19440825             —DIE—BEFREIUNG—VON—PARIS—IM, .
19440825             —REACHED, USA 12. - Army Corp., Troyes.
19440825             —ORDERED, Although, by ADOLF—HITLER to leave PARIS 1—SMOLDERING ruin, PARIS' military GOVERNOR—MAJOR—GENERAL—DIETRICH—VON—CHOLITZ lied to his superiors and left the city's landmarks intact.
19440825             —MASSACRED, Retreating GERMANY—TROOPS, 124—OF—MAILLE—500—RESIDENTS then razed the town, possibly in retaliation for Resistance action in the region.
19440825             FRANCE, 11—USA—PLANES were shot down —WHEN 1—SQUADRON was overwhelmed in 1—DOGFIGHT with 80—GERMANY—FIGHTERS.
19440825             5—PILOTS survived and eluded capture. 2—PILOTS were captured.
19440825             —RECOVERED, The remains of 3—MISSING were —LATER.
19440825             —DECLARED, ROMANIA, WAR—ON—GERMANY.
19440825             —PARIS—FALLS to THE—ALLIES.
19440825             THE—GERMAN—COMMANDANT—GENERAL—DIETRICH—VON—CHOLTITZ disobeys HITLER—ORDERS to "fight to the last man" and "raze the city".
19440825             —THE—ROMANIA—GOVERMENT declares WAR—ON—GERMANY.
19440825             Alliierte Truppen befreien nach 1—AUFSTAND—IN—DER Stadt das nach 1—BEFEHLSVERWEIGERUNG des DEUTSCHEN—STADTKOMMANDANTEN DIETRICH—VON—CHOLTITZ unzerstörte PARIS.
19440825—19400600    —SINCE, PARIS, occupied, was liberated from GERMANY—OCCUPATION by Free FRANCE—FORCES under GENERAL—JACQUES—LECLERC and his 2. Tank division.
19440825—20080000    —IDENTIFIED, THE—REMAINS—OF—ARMY—AIR—FORCE 2. LIEUTENANT—RAY—PACKARD were, and returned home.
19450825             Chí Minh die Macht.
19450825             —PERMITTED, Jewish immigrants were, to leave MAURITIUS for Palestine.
19450825             —NACH—DER—AUGUST—REVOLUTION in VIETNAM dankt KAISER—B?o—??i ab und überlässt den Vi?T—MINH unter H?
19470825             MARION—CARL, USA—NAVY test pilot, 19470901             —WORLD speed record of 651—MPH in 1—D—558—I at Muroc Field (—LATER Edwards AFB), CALIFORNIA.
19470825—19980000    —IN, He was shot to death in OREGON by 1—HOUSE robber at age 82.
19490825             * MARTIN—AMIS, ENGLICH—NOVELIST.
19490825             —INCLUDED, MARTIN—AMIS—WORK, "Money, TIME—ARROW".
19490825             GENE—SIMMONS, musician (group: Kiss: Rock and Roll All Nite, Beth, I—WAS—MADE—FOR—LOVIN' You, Forever;
19490825             * actor: Red Surf, Runaway, Wanted Dead or Alive).
19500825             —2—YEARS—LATER, —RETURNED, THE—NATION—RAILROADS were, to their owners
19500825             The navy hospital ship USS Benevolence sank —AFTER it was struck by THE—SS—MARY—LUCKENBACH in dense fog off the Golden Gate.
19500825             † 23—CREW—MEMBERS—OF—THE—BENEVOLENCE.
19500825             —RESCUED, S—FRANCISCO fisherman JOHN—A—NAPOLI—SINGLE—HANDEDLY, 70—PEOPLE from the Benevolence.
19500825             —FORCED, NAPOLI hurt his back wand was, to sell his crab boat.
19500825             Akira Kurosawas Film Rashomon – Das Lustwäldchen kommt in die JAPANISCHEN—KINOS.
19500825—19610000    —PASSED, USA—CONGRESS, 1—BILL to pay NAPOLI $25,000 for his efforts.
19510825             —EM, A ECOPETROL teve seu nome mudado para ECOPETROL, 80 % da empresa pertence AO—GOVERNO—COLOMBIANO
19530825             —EXERCISED, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—INDIA, its option to purchase 1—MAJORITY—STAKE in Tata Airlines and Air INDIA INTERNATIONAL Limited was born as 1—OF—THE—FRUITS—OF—THE—AIR—CORPORATIONS—ACT that nationalized the air transportation industry.
19550825             Elvis Costello (DECLAN—MCMANUS), musician, songwriter (I'm Not Angry, Less than 0, Watching the Detectives, Clubland, OLIVER—ARMY, EVERY—DAY I—WRITE—THE—BOOK, I'm  Your Toy, Party, Party, So Young), was born.
19550825             —LAST—SOVIET—FORCES—LEFT—AUSTRIA.
19550825             Der Flughafen WIEN—SCHWECHAT wird von den BRITISCHEN—BESATZERN an die ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—BEHÖRDEN übergeben.
19560825             † ALFRED—C—KINSEY, —62—JAHRE—ALT, USA human sexuality researcher (KINSEY—REPORT), in BLOOMINGTON—INDIANA.
19560825             —ORDERED, SOUTH—AFRICA, the government, over 100,000 NON—WHITES to leave their homes in JOHANNESBURG within —1—YEAR, in order to make room for whites.
19560825—16280000    —UNTERWASSERARCHÄOLOGIE: Nach mehrjähriger Suche gelingt die Ortung des Wracks der vor STOCKHOLM gesunkenen Vasa.
19570825             —FORMED, PRINCE—SUVANNA—PHUMA, 1—GOVERNMENT in LAOS with the Pathet LAO.
19580825             —PREMIERED, The game show "Concentration", on NBC—TV.
19580825             —USA—PRESIDENT—EISENHOWER—SIGNED, , 1—MEASURE providing pensions for FORMER—USA—PRESIDENTS and their widows.
19580825             —ANNOUNCED, Momofuku Ando (48), HEAD—OF—JAPAN—NISSIN—FOOD—PRODUCTS, that he had finally perfected his FLASH—FRYING method and —THEREFORE invented the instant noodle.
19600825             —OPENED, The 17. —SUMMER Olympics, in ROME.
19600825             Wilma Rudolph (19400000—19940000    ), was the 1. AFRICA—AMERICAN to win 3—GOLD medals in 1—SINGLE—OLYMPIAD.
19600825             —CONTRACTED, Her athleticism was remarkable —SINCE Rudolph, polio as 1—SMALL—CHILD and spent —6—YEARS in 1—STEEL brace.
19600825             With therapy and hard work, Rudolph overcame her handicap to excel in basketball and track.
19600825             As 1—CELEBRITY, she worked to break MANY—GENDER and racial barriers.
19600825             Rudolph †—OF—BRAIN cancer.
19640825             —LIMITED, SINGAPORE, imports from NETHERLANDS due to INDONESIA—AGGRESSION.
19640825             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—36; PAGE—36;
19670825             —VERZEICHNET, Die GESCHICHTE—DES—FERNSEHENS in DEUTSCHLAND, anlässlich der Internationalen Funkausstellung in der Bundesrepublik den START—DES—FARBFERNSEHENS.
19670825             Beatles went to WALES to study TM with MAHARISHI—MAHESH—YOGI.
19670825             —ACCEPTED, PARAGUAY, its constitution.
19680825             —BECAME, ARTHUR—ASHE, the 1. black to win USA tennis singles championship.
19680825             MOSCOW—RED—SQUARE, 8—DISSIDENTS (the "Magnificent 8"), including Konstantin Babitsky, Larisa Bogoraz (20040000             †), Vladim Delaunay, VLADIMIR—DREMLIUGA, VIKTOR—FAINBERG, NATALIA—GORBANEVSKAYA (19360000—20130000    ), Pavel Litvinov and TATIANA—BAEVA, came out in the Red Square to protest against THE—SOVIET—INVASION—OF—CZECHOSLOVAKIA and paid for it with YEARS—OF—LAGERS, exile and "special" mental hospitals.
19700825             * CLAUDIA—SCHIFFER, GERMANY—FASHION model.
19730825             —ADOPTED, ZAMBIA, a constitution.
19740825             MEXICO, Rosendo Radilla, 1—GUERRILLA—SYMPATHIZER and folk singer, disappeared —AFTER being stopped at 1—ARMY—CHECKPOINT—NEAR—ACAPULCO.
19740825             3—UNSUCCESSFUL—ATTEMPTS were made to find RADILLA—REMAINS at 1—FORMER—ARMY—BASE in Guerrero state.
19740825—20090000    —ORDERED, THE—INTER—USA—COURT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS, the government to apologize, pay damages to relatives and investigate the case.
19790825             † Cannie Bullock (8) of S—PABLO, CALIFORNIA, was raped and killed.
19790825             —ADOPTED, SOMALIA, a 2. constitution.
19790825—19610000    —ADOPTED, The 1. was, —FOLLOWING INDEPENDENCE.
19790825—20020000    —IDENTIFIED, DNA evidence, JOSEPH—CORDOVA—JUNIOR, inmate in 1—COLORADO prison, as the murderer.
19790825—20070000    —SENTENCED, Cordova was, to death.
19800825             —OPENED, THE—BROADWAY musical "42. Street", in NEW—YORK—CITY for 3486—PERFORMANCES.
19800825             —STUNNED, Producer DAVID—MERRICK, both cast and audience —DURING—THE curtain call by announcing that the show's director, Gower Champion, had † earlier —THAT—DAY.
19810825             THE—USA—SPACECRAFT Voyager 2—CAME within 63,000—MILES—OF—SATURN—CLOUD—COVER, sending back pictures and data about the ringed planet and its moons.
19810825             Der LENNON—ATTENTÄTER—MARK—DAVID—CHAPMAN wird zu einer lebenslangen Haftstrafe verurteilt.
19830825             —SIGNED, THE—USA and USSR, a $10—BILLION grain pact.
19830825             † 1—PERSON was killed and 23 injured.
19830825             JOHANNES—WEINRICH verübt den ANSCHLAG—AUF—DAS Kulturzentrum MAISON—DE—FRANCE in BERLIN.
19840825             † TRUMAN—CAPOTE, —59—JAHRE—ALT, USA—NOVELIST, playwright, and short story writer, in the arms and guest BEDROOM—OF—JOHNNY—CARSON—EX—WIFE, Joanne.
19840825             —AUTHORED, TRUMAN—CAPOTE also, "Other Voices, Other Rooms," and "Breakfast At Tiffany's".
19840825—19960000    —IN, TRUMAN—CAPOTE—AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL novella, "THE—GRASS—HARP," was made into 1—FILM directed by WALTER—MATTHAU.
19850825             —SCRUBBED, STS 51-I was, at T —9—MIN because of 1—ONBOARD—COMPUTER—PROBLEM.
19850825             Samantha Smith, the schoolgirl whose letter to YURI—V. Andropov resulted in her famous peace TOUR—OF—THE—SOVIET—UNION, was killed with her father in 1—AIRPLANE—CRASH in MAINE.
19870825             Dow Jones industrial stock avg. reached 1—RECORD—2722.42.
19870825             —DENOUNCED, SAUDI—ARABIA, IRAN—GOVERNMENT as a "GROUP—OF—TERRORISTS," and said its forces would deal firmly with ANY—IRAN—ATTEMPTS to attack the Saudis' Muslim holy places or vast oil fields.
19880825             Das Feuer wütet auf einer Fläche von 2—HEKTAR.
19880825             In his sharpest attack yet on THE—USA—PRESIDENT—REAGAN—ADMINISTRATION'S drug policies, DEMOCRAT—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—NOMINEE MICHAEL—DUKAKIS criticized USA dealings with PANAMA—MILITARY—LEADER, GENERAL—MANUEL—NORIEGA, as "criminal".
19880825             —OPENED, Challenger Center, its classroom doors in HOUSTON.
19880825             —LAUNCHED, NASA, space vehicle S-214.
19880825             IRAN and IRAQ began talks to end their —8—YEAR—WAR.
19880825             —1—MAJOR—FIRE destroyed the historic center of LISBON—PORTUGAL.
19880825             —GROSSBRAND im STADTTEIL—CHIADO wird die ALTSTADT—VON—LISSABON fast zur Gänze —ZERSTÖRT.
19890825             —ACKNOWLEDGED, REPRESENTATIVE—BARNEY—FRANK, D—MASSACHUSETTS, hiring 1—MALE prostitute as 1—PERSONAL—EMPLOYEE, then firing him —AFTER suspecting the aide was selling sex from FRANK—APARTMENT.
19890825             —RECEIVED, NASA scientists, stunning photographs of Neptune and its moons from Voyager 2.
19890825             DIE—USA—RAUMSONDE—VOYAGER—2, FLIEGT am Neptun vorbei und liefert VIELE—FOTOS—DES—PLANETEN und seiner Monde.
19891011             19891214+19891215             ,19910726             ,19910824—19910825.
19900825             THE—UNITED—NATIONS gave the world's navies the right to use force to stop vessels trading with IRAQ.
19910824—19910825    BLUMENWITZ'
19910825             1—ANGRIFF—AUF—DIE KROATISCHE—STADT—VUKOVAR durch Flugzeuge der serbisch dominierten Jugoslawischen Volksarmee markiert den Beginn der SCHLACHT—UM—VUKOVAR, die 19911118             —BIS—ZUM, andauert.
19910825             Die —IN—DER—FOLGE von der Jugoslawischen Volksarmee und SERBISCHEN—FREISCHÄRLERN begangenen Gräueltaten (insbesondere DAS—MASSAKER—VON—VUKOVAR) befördern die internationale Anerkennung der REPUBLIK KROATIEN als unabhängigen STAAT.
19910825             —PROKLAMIERT, Mit großer Mehrheit, das Parlament der WEISSRUSSISCHEN—SSR die Unabhängigkeit.
19910825             —RALLIED, THOUSANDS—OF—ABORTION foes, at 1—STADIUM in WICHITA, Kan., where —6—WEEKS—OF—ANTI—ABORTION—PROTESTS led by Operation Rescue resulted in MORE—THAN—2,600—ARRESTS.
19910825             In the 43. - EMMY—AWARDS: LA Law, Cheers, Kirstie Alley and PATRICIA—WETTIG won.
19910825             LINUS—TORVALDS (19690000             *), FINLAND—SOFTWARE—ENGINEER, asked other software developers to comment on 1—COMPUTER operating system he had written, which became known as Linux.
19910825             —ANGRIFF—AUF—DIE KROATISCHE—STADT—VUKOVAR durch Flugzeuge der serbisch dominierten JUGOSLAWISCHE—VOLKSARMEE markiert den
19910825             Die —IN—DER—FOLGE von der JUGOSLAWISCHE—VOLKSARMEE und SERBISCHEN—FREISCHÄRLERN begangenen Gräueltaten (insbesondere DAS—MASSAKER—VON—VUKOVAR)
19910825             befördern die internationale Anerkennung der REPUBLIK—KROATIEN als unabhängigen STAAT.
19910825             LINUS—TORVALDS gibt in 1—USENET—POSTING an die dem MINIX—SYSTEM gewidmeten Newsgroup die Arbeit an einem freien Betriebssystem bekannt.
19910825             —ES—ENTSTEHT LINUX.
19910825—19911118    —SCHLACHT—UM—VUKOVAR, die —BEGINN—BIS—ZUM, andauert.
19920825             —BEGINNT, Bei der ELAGERUNG—VON—SARAJEVO, der durch KRIEGS—EINWIRKUNGEN ausgelöste Brand der Nationalbibliothek BOSNIEN—UND—HERZEGOWINA, der —BIS—IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—TAG hineinreicht.
19920825             —VERLOREN, Tausende unersetzliche Werke gehen.
19920825             —CITED, Bush, his —WWII military service —WHILE DEMOCRAT—BILL—CLINTON sought to bury the controversy over his VIETNAM—ERA—DRAFT—STATUS.
19920825             —HURRICANE—ANDREW—THRASHED, , THE—LOUISIANA coast.
19920825             Mit dem Einsatz von 7—WASSERWERFERN um 0003000—UHR früh enden die viertägigen ausländerfeindlichen AUSSCHREITUNGEN—IN—ROSTOCK—LICHTENHAGEN.
19930825             —APPLIED, THE—USA, limited SANCTIONS—AGAINST—CHINA and PAKISTAN —AFTER concluding the Chinese had sold M—11—MISSILE—TECHNOLOGY to the Pakistanis.
19930825             Amy Biehl, Stanford graduate and Fulbright scholar from NEWPORT BEACH—CALIFORNIA, was slain —WHILE attempting to drive black friends home to Guguletu outside CAPE—TOWN.
19930825             4—MEMBERS—OF—THE—CONGRESS' youth wing were arrested, convicted and sentenced to —18—YEAR—JAIL—TERMS.
19930825             —REQUESTED, They —LATER, amnesty from the Truth & Reconciliation Commission.
19930825—19980000    —IN, THE—4—MEN CONVICTED—OF—BIEHL—MURDER were given amnesty.
19930825—20160000    —AUTHORED, Justine VAN der Leun, "We Are Not Such Things," 1—ACCOUNT—OF those involved in the Biehl murder.
19950825             Von HAMBURG—FINKENWERDER aus startet der Airbus A319 zu seinem Erstflug.
19950825             CHINESE—USA—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST—HARRY—WU, safely back on USA—SOIL—AFTER—2—MONTHS in CHINA—DETENTION, said the spying case against him was "all lies," and vowed to seek compensation from CHINA.
19960825             USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON began 1—WHISTLE—STOP train trip in Huntington, W.VIRGINIA, that would take him to THE—DEMOCRATIC—NATIONAL—CONVENTION in CHICAGO.
19960825             CHINA, Dai Houying, novelist, and her niece were knifed to death in SHANGHAI —DURING 1—APPARENT—ROBBERY.
19960825             1—FORMER—CHEF was —LATER tried, convicted and sentenced to death for the murders.
19970825             Die 27. Große Strafkammer des Berliner Landgerichts verurteilt die ehemaligen MITGLIEDER—DES—SED—POLITBÜROS Krenz, Schabowski und Kleiber zu Freiheitsstrafen.
19970825             Sie tragen Mitverantwortung an der TÖTUNG—VON—FLÜCHTLINGEN an der innerdeutschen Grenze.
19970825             —REPORTED, It was, that the number of mutual funds —TODAY has climbed to 2,855 funds controlling $2.13—TRILLION, as opposed to 19870000             —WHEN there were 812—MUTUAL—FUNDS with $241.9—BILLION in assets.
19970825             —AGREED, The tobacco industry, to an $11.3—BILLION settlement with THE—STATE—OF—FLORIDA to settle 1—SMOKING—RELATED lawsuit.
19970825             —OFFERED, Dow Corning Corp., $2.4—BILLION to settle claims from MORE—THAN—200,000 women with illnesses related to silicone breast implants.
19970825             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT would pay 1,000 teaching hospitals not to train doctors in specialties where there is 1—GLUT.
19970825             NASA sent 1—DELTA—ROCKET aloft with the Ace solar observatory, Advanced Composition Explorer.
19970825             The —5-YEAR $110—MILLION—PROJECT will go into orbit at 1—POINT 1—MILLION miles from Earth and 92—MILLION—MILES from the Sun where THE—GRAVITY—OF—EARTH and Sun balance.
19970825             —CONVICTED, GERMANY, 3—POLITICIANS from the defunct EAST—GERMANY—ERA on charges related to shootings of WOULD—BE escapees.
19970825             EGON—KRENZ, the last LEADER—OF—THE—EAST—GERMANY—COMMUNIST—PARTY, was convicted along with Politburo members Guenther Kleiber and Guenther Schabowski.
19970825             —FROM SOUTH—KOREA it was reported that Samsung was proceeding with plans to manufacture automobiles.
19970825             KOREA—5—AUTO manufacturers will increase capacity to 6—MILLION units —1—YEAR.
19980825             —CHARGED, CINCINNATI—OHIO, 4—BOYS under age 11 were, in the sexual assault of a —7—YEAR—OLD—GIRL.
19980825             Hurricane Bonnie hit NORTH—CAROLINA with winds up to 115—MPH.
19980825             † LEWIS—F—POWELL—JUNIOR, —90—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE (19720000—19870000    ), in RICHMOND—VIRGINIA.
19980825             LEWIS—F—POWELL—JUNIOR wrote the majority opinion allowing colleges and universities to consider race among other factors in student admittance.
19980825             —RETIRED, ARGENTINA, Horacio Estrada, 1, navy CAPTAIN, was found shot to death.
19980825             —4—DAYS—EARLIER—PROSECUTORS had begun questioning him about the 19910000—19950000     weapons shipments to ECUADOR and CROATIA.
19980825             —DECLARED, CONGO, PRESIDENT—KABILA, that THIS—DAY—ALL—CONGOLESE should "take up arms, even traditional WEAPONS—BOWS and arrows, spears and other things... to crush the enemy because otherwise we are going to become the slaves of these...Tutsi people".
19980825             —INTRODUCED, THE—RUSSIA—RUBLE fell 9% and the government, 1—PLAN to stretch out its debts.
19980825             —EXPLODED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—BOMB, in 1—PLANET—HOLLYWOOD restaurant in CAPE—TOWN and killed 1—PERSON and injured 24.
19980825             1—GROUP called Muslims Against Global Oppression claimed responsibility.
19980825             † 1 injured man, —10—DAYS—LATER.
19980825—19970000    —IN, JOSE—ANTONIO—LLAMA, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—BOARD—OF—THE—CUBAN—AMERICA—NATIONAL—FOUNDATION was indicted along with 6—OTHER—MEN for plotting to kill FIDEL—CASTRO.
19990825             —ADMITTED, THE—FBI, reversing itself —AFTER—6—YEARS, that its agents might have fired SOME—POTENTIALLY flammable tear gas canisters on the final —DAY—OF—19930000—THE standoff with the Branch Davidians near WACO—TEXAS, but said it continued to believe law enforcement agents did not start the fire which engulfed the cult's compound.
19990825             —REPORTED, It was, that MICKEY—ROONEY had joined animal rights activists to support legislation to outlaw "crush" videos, which depict small animals being killed by scantily clad women.
19990825             —ARRESTED, MIAMI—FLORIDA, FEDERAL—AGENTS, 50—USA—AIRLINE—WORKERS for smuggling drugs and weapons.
19990825             —EXPLODED, KABUL—AFGHANISTAN, 1—TRUCK—BOMB, near the residence of MULLAH—MOHAMMED—OMAR, LEADER—OF—THE—TALIBAN, and 7—PEOPLE were killed.
19990825             —COMMANDED, Talic had, the 1. Krajina Corps 19920000—19950000    —FROM—TO.
19990825             KYRGYZSTAN, BORIS—YELTSIN met with Jiang Zemin to forge 1—CLOSER—ALLIANCE to counterbalance USA global clout.
19990825             —PRECEDED, The meeting, a —5—DAY—CENTRAL—ASIA summit.
19990825             —REPORTED, It was —LATER, that 1—DEAL was made for RUSSIA to sell 2—NUCLEAR—SUBMARINES to CHINA.
19990825             —APPROVED, TURKEY, lawmakers, new taxes to help pay for earthquake damages, which included a 25% surcharge on cellular telephones.
19990825             —DECLARED, VENEZUELA, the constitutional assembly, 1—LEGISLATIVE—EMERGENCY and usurped MOST—OF—THE—FUNCTIONS—OF—CONGRESS.
19990825             Police in YUGOSLAVIA said the bodies of 33—GYPSIES fleeing from KOSOVO were recovered off of MONTENEGRO and that as many as 100—MAY have drowned —WHEN their ship sank —LAST—WEEK.
20000819             —FREED, They were, 20000825             .
20000825             VSO-0221, 27—DOE ¶ 82792 (HO Cronin 19990216             )
20000825             (20040330             ) Pentagon Was Determined To Convict "GUANTANAMO Spy" Of... 20030000             , to the charges of mishandling classified information were added the... He did not say it was because of his religious convictions or his race.
20000825             Berger Is Planning To Plead Guilty In Documents Case - 20000401             ... plead guilty to 1—MISDEMEANOR—CHARGE—OF mishandling classified information... high altitude of WASHINGTON consulting to have 1—MISDEMEANOR—CONVICTION.
20000825             AIM COLUMN—CHINA—SPIES—GET—FREE—PASS - 20030520             ... for LEE—PLEA—OF—GUILTY to 1—COUNT—OF—MISHANDLING classified information.
20000825             In der westtürkischen STADT—IZMIR wird die METRO feierlich in Betrieb genommen.
20000825             THE—MILITANT - 20000117             -- CHINA 'spy scare' FRAME—UP...
20000825             Case No.
20000825             DANIEL—WIANT, —35—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—EXECUTIVE—OF—THE—USA—CANCER—SOCIETY, pleaded guilty to embezzling nearly $8—MILLION—FORM the charity.
20000825             The shares of Emulex Corp. fell 62% due to 1—FALSE—REPORT on the company.
20000825             —CAUSED, The drop, 1 estimated $50—MILLION—INVESTOR—LOSSES. the shares recovered —AFTER—THE—COMPANY refuted the reports.
20000825             —ARRESTED, MARK—SIMEON—JAKOB, —23—JAHRE—ALT of El Segundo was, —1—WEEK—LATER for perpetrating the hoax, which netted him $186,000.
20000825             —SENTENCED, He was —LATER, to NEARLY—4—YEARS—IN—PRISON for wire and securities fraud.
20000825             WEST—VIRGINIA, the new $75—MILLION—ROBERT—C—BOYD—GREEN—BANK—TELESCOPE, the world's largest fully steerable radio telescope, was dedicated —FOLLOWING almost —10—YEARS—OF—CONSTRUCTION.
20000825             —REPORTED, Some 250—TECHNICIANS were, working on ARABIL—100—SHORT—RANGE—MISSILES.
20000825             Online NewsHour: Nuclear Secrets- - the Los Alamos scientist charged with
20000825             mishandling classified nuclear weapons information...
20000825             Do they want 1—CONVICTION or do they want information ?
20000825             —IMPLIED, They also, strongly that obtaining an espionage conviction might...
20000825             —INDICTED, Accuracy In MEDIA—LEE was eventually, on 59—COUNTS—OF mishandling classified NUCLEAR—WEAPONS...
20000825             † 00.00019 86 -—2—WEEKS—AFTER his CONVICTION—LEE committed suicide in jail.
20000825             CHINA—SPIES—GET—FREE—PASS... LEE—PLEA—OF—GUILTY to 1—COUNT—OF mishandling classified information.
20000825             —IMPLIED, Prosecutors also, strongly that obtaining 1—ESPIONAGE conviction.
20000825             Unknown News For the 5. time, the Army —ON—TUESDAY delayed the pretrial hearing for 1—MUSLIM chaplain accused of mishandling classified information at THE—USA—TERROR...
20000825             Interagency OPSEC Support Staff (IOSS) OPSEC BULLETIN—WHAT OPSEC...
20000825             THE—MISHANDLING—OF—INFORMATION can put everything at risk + cost the lives of MANY—AMERICANS... Our work is information + not ALL—OF—IT is classified.
20000825             JAG CENTRAL—IN a 2—PAGE opinion, the court affirms the conviction and 1 reassessed sentence.
20000825             the accused are both charged with mishandling classified information.
20000825             Report Details More FBI Blunders in WEN—HO—LEE—PROBE...
20000825             —CHARGED, Originally, with 59—FELONY counts, Lee pleaded guilty —IN—SEPTEMBER to 1—FELONY charge of mishandling classified information —AFTER—THE—GOVERNMENT'S..
20000825             Spy Case Dismissed For Misconduct (washingtonpost_com) Though Leung was charged with taking classified documents, neither she nor... unit viewed him as 1—SOURCE—OF classified information who had to be prevented...
20000825             NPR : Analyst Pleads Guilty in Pentagon Leak Case Pentagon analyst LARRY—FRANKLIN pleads guilty to 3—OF 6—CHARGES of mishandling or disclosing classified information.
20000825             His case has drawn attention.
20000825             WILLIAM—JEFFERSON & Hillary CLINTON Facing prison —AFTER 1—DRUG—CONVICTION in... JOHN—DEUTCH ("JOHN—M—DEUTCH, who has admitted mishandling classified information —WHILE serving as director of...
20000825             THE—NEXT—HURRAH: Libby Indicted Fox analysts says convictions could carry up to —17—YEARS and over 1—MILLION—DOLLARS in... To do that is technically mishandling classified information.
20000825             Military Drops GUANTANAMO Chaplain Convictions MIAMI (Reuters) - THE—USA—MILITARY—ON—WEDNESDAY dismissed the convictions against... charges that included mishandling classified information at GUANTANAMO.
20000825             Say Anything: Rove, Libby Convictions Would Be Shortsighted...
20000825             —CLASSIFIED, SOME—OF—THE—BANTER about mishandling, fits under that roof.
20000825             Robert108, if Scooter withheld information about 1—CONVERSATION with his boss.
20000825             STADT—IZMIR verfügt damit als landesweit 4. Stadt über 1—U—BAHN.
20000825—20030000    —IN, his body was found in 1—LIME—COVERED grave on 1—MOUNTAIN in NORTH—SERBIA.
20000825—20050000    —CONVICTED, MILOSEVIC—PARAMILITARY—COMMANDER, his secret police CHIEF and 5—OTHERS were, and sentenced for THE—KILLING—OF—STAMBOLIC.
20010825             —ANNOUNCED, UNIVERSITY—OF—CHICAGO doctors, that they 1—KEPT 1—HUMAN kidney operating —FOR—24—HOURS in 1—MACHINE that simulated 1—WARM—HUMAN—BODY.
20010825             —KILLED, In THE—BAHAMAS 9—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—SMALL—PLANE crashed.
20010825             RHYTHM—AND—BLUES—SINGER and actress Aaliyah Haughton (Aaliyeh, 22) was among the dead.
20010825             —REPORTED, Police in BOGOTA—COLOMBIA, that they had found $35—MILLION stashed in the walls of 2—APARTMENTS, which had been used as private banks by THE—NORTH—VALLEY—CARTEL.
20010825             oo OSLO—NORWAY, CROWN—PRINCE—HAAKON, —28—JAHRE—ALT, METTE—MARIT, —28—JAHRE—ALT, a single mother and former waitress.
20010825             —KILLED, PALESTINE—COMMANDOES, 1—ISRAEL—OFFICER and 2—SOLDIERS in 1—PRE—DAWN raid in Bedolah, GAZA Strip.
20010825             2—COMMANDOES—OF—THE—AL—AQSA—MARTYRS—BRIGADE were killed a 1 escaped.
20010825             2—CHILDREN were wounded.
20010825             Der NORWEGISCHE—KRON—PRINZ—HAAKON oo METTE—MARIT Tjessem Høiby.
20011100             [—SUNDAY Times, 20020825             ]SAUDI—ARABIA has supported the Taliban by paying THE—ISI.
20020109             POND—REMAINS were found 20020825             .
20020825             LOUISVILLE—KENTUCKY, beat SENDAI—JAPAN, 1-0 to win the Little League World Series in SOUTH—WILLIAMSPORT, PENNSYLVANIA.
20020825             † Acclaimed BASS—BARITONE WILLIAM—WARFIELD, —82—JAHRE—ALT, best known for his rendition of "Ol' Man River" in the musical "Show Boat,", in CHICAGO.
20020825             ENGLAND, Investigators said they had found items of clothing they believed were worn by 2—SLAIN girls the —DAY they disappeared from their rural village.
20020825             —APPROVED, IRAN—PARLIAMENT, 1—BILL giving women the right to sue for divorce, 1—SIMILAR—RIGHT already guaranteed for men.
20020825             —KILLED, IRAQ said USA and UK—BOMBING, 8—PEOPLE—NEAR—BASRA.
20020825             THE—PHILIPPINES—TROOPS shot dead 1—NOTORIOUS—LEADER—OF—1—GANG—OF kidnappers and rescued 1—GIRL, —4—JAHRE—ALT and her nanny from —1—WEEK—LONG—CAPTIVITY.
20020825             Up to 10—GUERRILLAS from 1—THE—PHILIPPINES—MARXIST—REBEL—GROUP blacklisted by THE—USA were killed —WHEN the military clashed with a 40-man New PEOPLE—ARMY (NPA) band in Rodriguez town, 1—MANILA suburb.
20020825             —WORKED, FORMER—SWEDEN—DIPLOMAT—PER Anger (88), who'd, with Raoul Wallenberg in shielding THOUSANDS—OF—HUNGARY—JEWS from Nazi death camps, † in STOCKHOLM—SWEDEN.
20020825             THE—UAR, the roof of 1—DUBAI warehouse that was under construction collapsed, killing 7—PEOPLE and injuring 19.
20020825             —ANNOUNCED, ZIMBABWE, PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE, his new Cabinet, firing the moderate finance MINISTER and keeping HARD—LINERS who have spearheaded harsh media controls and SEIZURES—OF—WHITE—OWNED farms.
20020825             —THUNDERED, CHARLES—KRAUTHAMMER, 1—HAWKISH—COMMENTATOR in THE—WASHINGTON—POST, : "Not —SINCE WILLIAM—RANDOLPH—HEARST famously cabled his correspondent in CUBA and declared, 'You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war', has 1—NEWSPAPER so blatantly devoted its front page to editorialising about 1—COMING USA—WAR".[
20020825             AUFKLÄRUNGSARBEIT—VORTRAG—VON—ANDREAS—VON—RÉTYI zum Thema Area51 & Brummton
20020825             Wichtige Buchempfehlung an unsere Leser!
20020825             Im Vorfeld der Bundestagswahl findet 1. 1—FERNSEHDUELL zwischen den Kanzlerkandidaten der beiden großen DEUTSCHEN—PARTEIEN statt.
20021208             —KIDNAPPED, He had been, 20020825             by the bandit Koose Muniswamy Veerappan.
20030825             Es liefert für die Infrarotastronomie während seines Betriebes neue Erkenntnisse und entdeckt bislang ungesehene Himmelsobjekte.
20030825             —LAUNCHED, NASA, THE—LARGEST—DIAMETER infrared telescope ever in space.
20030825             SOUTH—EAST—AFGHANISTAN, USA—JETS hit 1—TALIBAN hideout and at least 14—INSURGENTS were killed.
20030825             —PLANNED, PERU, to join as 1—ASSOCIATE—MEMBER.
20030825             —SIGNED, CANADA—PREMIER—CHRETIEN, 1—AGREEMENT in THE—NORTH—WEST—TERRITORIES bestowing SELF—GOVERNMENT and mineral wealth on the 4,000 Dogrib Indians (Tlicho 1. Nation).
20030825             —EXPLODED, INDIA, consecutive bombs, in 1 crowded jewelry market and 1—HISTORICAL landmark in Bombay, killed 53—PEOPLE, wounding 150—OTHERS.
20030825             —BELIEVED, THE—STUDENT—ISLAM—MOVEMENT—OF—INDIA (SIMI) was, responsible.
20030825             IVORY—COAST, 2—FRANCE—SOLDIERS, PART—OF—1—PEACEKEEPING force, were killed.
20030825             SOUTH—RUSSIA, 1—SERIES—OF—BOMB—EXPLOSIONS—NEAR 2—CAFES and 1—BUS stop in KRASNODAR, about 750—MILES—SOUTH—OF—MOSCOW, killed at least 3—PEOPLE and wounding 10—OTHERS.
20030825             —LINED, RWANDA, voters, up —BEFORE dawn to vote in the country's 1. real presidential election.
20030825             —SCORED, Incumbent PRESIDENT—PAUL—KAGAME, 1—OVERWHELMING election win.
20030825             1—DELTA—II—RAKETE befördert DAS—SPITZER—WELTRAUMTELESKOP von Cape Canaveral aus ins All.
20030825             DAS—SPITZER—WELTRAUMTELESKOPES liefert für die Infrarotastronomie während seines Betriebes neue Erkenntnisse und entdeckt bislang ungesehene Himmelsobjekte.
20030825—20031218    —SHOWED, NASA, the 1. images from the $670—MILLION—SPITZER Space Telescope.
20030825—20090000    —CONVICTED, All 3 were, and sentenced to death —AFTER JUDGE—M.R—PURANIC said they were MEMBERS—OF—LASHKAR—E—TAIBA, 1 banned, PAKISTAN—BASED militant group formed in the 1980s.
20040825             —ATTACHED, 1—ARMY—INVESTIGATION found that 27—PEOPLE, to 1—INTELLIGENCE—UNIT at ABU—GHRAIB prison near BAGHDAD either approved or participated in THE—ABUSE—OF—IRAQ—PRISONERS.
20040825             —CONVERTED, DAVID—HICKS, 1—AUSTRALIA—COWBOY who'd, to Islam and allegedly fought for the Taliban in AFGHANISTAN, pleaded innocent to WAR—CRIMES—CHARGES—BEFORE A—USA—MILITARY—COMMISSION.
20040825             —EXTRADITED, He was, to AUSTRALIA to serve the remainder of his sentence.
20040825             —PREPARED, THE—USA, to ship 300—POUNDS—OF—WEAPONS—GRADE plutonium to FRANCE for conversion to 1—LESS—DANGEROUS—NUCLEAR—FUEL.
20040825             —REPORTED, ASTRONOMs, THE—DISCOVERY—OF—1—PLANET 14—TIMES as massive as Earth near the star Mu Arae which is 50—LIGHT—YEARS away.
20040825             HUNGARY chose FERENC—GYURCSANY (43), 1—OF—THE—NATION—RICHEST—BUSINESSMEN, as the new premier.
20040825             He made his fortune from privatization deals in the 1990s.
20040825             —RETURNED, Grand Ayatollah ALI—AL—SISTANI, to IRAQ from 1—HOSPITAL stay in LONDON and called for 1—MASS—DEMONSTRATION to end the fighting in Najaf.
20040825             —KIDNAPPED, Militants said they had, THE—BROTHER—IN—LAW—OF—IRAQ—DEFENSE—MINISTER—HAZEM—SHAALAN and demanded he end all MILITARY—OPERATIONS in the holy CITY—OF—NAJAF.
20040825             —ATTACKED, Saboteurs, about 20—OIL—PIPELINES in SOUTH—IRAQ, reducing exports from the key oil producing region by at least 1 3.
20040825             —CAPTURED, ISRAEL, its 1. ever gold medal with 1—WIN by Gal Fridman in wind surfing.
20040825             —CLOSED, SUDAN said it had, its embassy in WASHINGTON —AFTER being unable to find 1—BANK that would handle its financial matters.
20040825             Issue Number 32—BY DANIEL—HOPSICKER 20041024             Â€"world exclusive 1—LEARJET belonging to the true owner of THE—REPUBLIK—VENEDIG flight school that trained both terrorist pilots who flew into the World Trade Cen...Title issue32
20040825—20070000    —UNTIL, He was detained by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT in GUANTANAMO Bay —WHEN he became the 1. to be tried and convicted under THE—USA—MILITARY—COMMISSIONS—ACT—OF—20060000             .
20040825—20071229    —SERVED, Hicks, his —9—MONTH—TERM in ADELAIDE—YATALA—LABOR—PRISON and was released under control order.
20050112—20040825    Issue Number 32—BY DANIEL—HOPSICKER ;;10;;
20050112—20040825    24â€"world exclusive 1—LEARJET belonging to the true owner of THE—REPUBLIK—VENEDIG flight school that trained both terrorist pilots who flew into the World Trade Cen...Title issue32
20050816—20050825    —ON, authorities in MOROCCO arrested Farid Essebar (18) for writing the Zotob worm.
20050825             —VOTED, THE—USA—BASE closing commission, to shut down THE—ARMY—HISTORIC—WALTER—REED hospital as it endorsed MUCH—OF—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD—BROADER—PLAN to streamline support services across the Army, Navy and AIR—FORCE.
20050825             CALIFORNIA sued 39—PHARMACEUTICAL—COMPANIES for allegedly inflating prices.
20050825             in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA —SUMMER heat and THE—LOSS—OF—KEY—TRANSMISSION—LINES forced power officials to impose rolling blackouts, leaving as many as half 1—MILLION—PEOPLE without power for an —HOUR at 1—TIME.
20050825             —PLODDED, Hurricane Katrina, across SOUTH—FLORIDA and left 4—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20050825             1—JOINT—USA—AFGHANISTAN—PATROL spotted 1—REBEL—OBSERVATION—POST and A—10—WARPLANES and attack helicopters were called in, killing 5 suspected militants.
20050825             —WRAPPED, THOUSANDS—OF—CHINESE and RUSSIA—TROOPS, up their historic 1. joint military exercises with 1—MOCK invasion by paratroopers on CHINA—EAST—COAST.
20050825             THE—8—DAY—EXERCISES with 7,000 CHINA—TROOPS and 1,800 Russians underscored growing military ties between THE—FORMER—COLD—WAR—ENEMIES.
20050825             2—EGYPT—POLICE—OFFICERS were killed in 1—BOMB—BLAST in THE—NORTH—SINAI.
20050825             —RECALLED, HAITI, its top diplomat to THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—AFTER 3—HAITI—MIGRANTS were beaten and burned to death in 1—ATTACK that has added to growing tensions between the uneasy Caribbean neighbors.
20050825             † In INDIA MORE—THAN—2—DOZEN—PEOPLE—OF encephalitis in Uttar Pradesh, taking the toll from 1—OUTBREAK in the region over 200.
20050825             UNICEF said 1—MEASLES outbreak on INDONESIA—SUMBA ISLAND has killed 5—CHILDREN and sickened 711—OTHERS.
20050825             —CRASHED, In 1—ILLEGAL overflight 1—USA—HERMES aircraft, 125—MILES inside IRAN—TERRITORY—IN—THE—KHORAM—ABAD area.
20050825             —DISCOVERED, The bodies of 36—MEN were, in Kut, SOUTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD, on 1—ROAD leading to IRAN.
20050825             —UNARMED, Palestinians said at least 2—OF—THE—DEAD were, teenagers who were neighbors of the wanted men but didn't belong to ANY—MILITANT—GROUP.
20050825             —STABBED, An Orthodox Jewish man was, to death in JERUSALEM.
20050825             —OVERFLOWED, CENTRAL—MEXICO, 1—RAIN—SWOLLEN river, its banks and flooded THE—TOWN—OF—AGUILILLA, leaving 5—PEOPLE—DEAD and 5—OTHERS missing.
20050825             Clashes between rival political gangs in PAKISTAN left 11—PEOPLE—DEAD and dozens more injured as voters went to the polls in the 2. ROUND—OF—KEY—LOCAL—ELECTIONS.
20050825             —AGREED, MOZAMBIQUE, regional health ministers unanimously, to declare tuberculosis an AFRICA—EMERGENCY.
20050825             —UNVEILED, AFRICA—MINISTERS and INTERNATIONAL donors, a 1.1—BILLION—DOLLAR (894—MILLION—EURO) strategy to boost catches, build fish farms and develop the seafood sector —AFTER 1—HIGH—LEVEL—MEETING—OF—THE—NEW—PARTNERSHIP for AFRICA—REDEVELOPMENT (NEPAD) Fish for All Summit, in ABUJA—NIGERIA.
20050825             —EXPLODED, In THE—SOUTH—RUSSIA—CITY—OF—NAZRAN 2—BOMBS, wounding the 2.—HIGHEST—RANKING official in the mostly Muslim REGION—OF—INGUSHETIA and killing his driver, in what was described as 1—ASSASSINATION—ATTEMPT.
20050825             —CRASHED, SWEDEN, robbers toting automatic weapons, 1—TRACTOR through the wall of 1—SECURITAS compound in 1—STOCKHOLM suburb.
20050825             —REPORTED, SWEDEN—MEDIA, that the robbers got away with 60—MILLION kronor (euro6.4—MILLION, USA$7.86—MILLION), which would make it 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—CASH robberies ever in the country.
20050825             2—MEN, aged 35 and 32, were arrested 20050915             in NORTH—STOCKHOLM on SUSPICION—OF—INVOLVEMENT in the robbery.
20050825             —SUBMERGED, Rescue workers began evacuating more people from, SECTIONS—OF—THE—SWITZERLAND—CAPITAL as central and SOUTH—EUROPE struggled with the aftermath of flooding that has killed at least 42—PEOPLE.
20050825             —AMBUSHED, Rebels in NORTH—UGANDA, 1—TRUCKLOAD of civilians that included school children and killed 7—PEOPLE, prompting 1—ARMY—COUNTERATTACK that left 3—REBELS—DEAD.
20050825             Forget climate change, WMD proliferation and poverty, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION wants UN to focus solely on terror
20050825             Depleted uranium contaminating USA—SOLDIERS and their unborn children at home
20050825             The "KING—OF—BEANS" allegedly orders 1—ASSASSINATION—OF—BRAZIL—FEDERALES who are trying to stop slavery
20050825             Disgruntled USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH keeps dropping 'f bombs' on aides
20050825             CAMBRIDGE—MASSACHUSETTS From THE—ECONOMIST print edition
20050825             Using computer models to identify important USA—JURISPRUDENCE
20050825             (UNION—TRIBUNE ) - Plescia ends pursuit of CUNNINGHAM—CONGRESSIONAL seat :
20050825             JOÃO—CARDONA—GOMES—CRAVINHO foi agraciado com a GR×CRUZ—DA—ORDEM—DE—MÉRITO—DO—CHILE.1
20050825—19550000    —ARRESTED, IN—CHINA—MONSIGNOR—XIE—SHIGUANG was 1., by CHINA—AUTHORITIES "because of his loyalty and obedience to THE—PAPA," and released —1—YEAR—LATER.
20050825—19580000    —ARRESTED, IN—CHINA—MONSIGNOR—XIE—SHIGUANG was next, and
20050825—19800000    —IN, stayed in jail —UNTIL his release.
20050825—19900000    —JAILED, Xie was also, 19840000—19870000    —FROM—TO, and finally —FOR—2—YEARS—STARTING, and was kept under surveillance by authorities —UNTIL—HIS—DEATH.
20050825—20050829    —ON, 1—LEADER—OF—IRAQ—LARGEST—SUNNI political group blamed SHIITE—LED security forces for the deaths of 36—SUNNIS found shot in the head and said such acts could have unforeseen consequences.
20060222—20060825    —WARNED, EU regulators, that government restrictions on E.ON—BID were illegal.
20060317             Online NewsHour: Nuclear Secrets- 20000825             0000—DATE...
20060317             Online NewsHour: Nuclear Secrets- 20000825             ... the Los Alamos scientist charged with mishandling classified nuclear weapons information... Do they want 1—CONVICTION or do they want information ?...
20060725—20060825    —ON, Isik said the rotating stage system would be utilized in 1—CONCERT to be held to mark the 125. ANNIVERSARY—OF—MUSTAFA—KEMAL—ATATÜRK—BIRTH.
20060800             Aufschwung: IWF zeigt endlich Vertrauen in DEUTSCHLAND...
20060812             IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT for events of —FRIDAY, 20060825             .
20060817             GI Special 4H14: " There Are Insurgents Everywhere" - 20060814             20060825—20040814    —ON, ceasefire to end —1—MONTH—LONG—CONFLICT between ISRAEL and Hezbollah.
20060824             (WSJ, 20060825             , p.A1)
20060825             Aufgrund der Sicherheitslage in Osttimor beschließt der UN—SICHERHEITSRAT mit Resolution 17040000             eine integrierte UN—MISSION im Land.
20060825             Deutschlands größtes Zwischenlager für Kernbrennstoffe geht im Kernkraftwerk Gundremmingen in Betrieb.
20060825             If Hizbullah's 20060712             CAPTURE—OF—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS took place on THE—LEBANON—SIDE—OF—THE—BLUE—LINE, as SOME—SAY, everything changes
20060825             As 20060822             ENDS, Doomsday NEO—CONS—SHAMED—AGAIN—WAR—LOBBYIST—NEO—FASCIST cheerleader's 'end times' prophecy unsurprisingly turns out to be total
20060825             As 20060822             ND Ends, Doomsday NEO—CONS—SHAMED—AGAIN
20060825             1—COLLEGE—STUDENT'S checked luggage on 1—CONTINENTAL—AIRLINES—FLIGHT that had arrived in HOUSTON from BUENOS—AIRES, ARGENTINA, was found to contain 1—STICK—OF dynamite, 1—OF 6—SECURITY incidents —THAT—DAY that caused USA—FLIGHTS to be diverted, evacuated or searched.
20060825             —DEBUTED, THE—USA—NAVY, TEXAS, its newest NUCLEAR—POWERED submarine. in 1—ATLANTIC—OCEAN swing off THE—FLORIDA coast.
20060825             This is the 2. in the latest FAST—ATTACK—CLASS that marks 1—BROAD—DEPARTURE from THE—COLD—WAR—ERA—DETERRENCE—BOATS.
20060825             —ADMITTED, BRUCE—D—HOPFENGARDNER, —46—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—USA—ARMY—RESERVE—OFFICER, that he steered MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in IRAQ—RECONSTRUCTION—CONTRACTS in exchange for jewelry, computers, cigars and sexual favors.
20060825             —ADMITTED, Hopfengardner (46), conspiring with PHILIP—H—BLOOM, 1—USA—CITIZEN with businesses in ROMANIA, ROBERT—J—STEIN—JUNIOR, 1—FORMER—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT—CONTRACT—OFFICIAL, and others to create 1—CORRUPT bidding process that included the theft of $2—MILLION in reconstruction money.
20060825             MICHAEL—JOHN—O'KEEFE, the deputy nonimmigrant visa CHIEF—AT—THE—USA—CONSULATE in TORONTO, was indicted on bribery and conspiracy charges.
20060825             INTERNATIONAL jewelry executive Sunil Agrawal, 1—NATIVE—OF—INDIA, also was charged but remains at large.
20060825             —RULED, THE—ALABAMA—SUPREME—COURT, that RICHARD—SCRUSHY, the fired CEO—OF—HEALTHSOUTH—CORP., must repay $47.8—MILLION in bonuses he received —DURING 1—MASSIVE—FINANCIAL—FRAUD at the medical services chain.
20060825             SF, FORMER—UKRAINE—PRIME—MINISTER—PAVLO—LAZARENKO, —53—JAHRE—ALT was sentenced to —9—YEARS in FEDERAL—PRISON for money laundering, wire fraud and extortion.
20060825             —INCLUDED, The sentence, which also, $10—MILLION in fines, was HALF—OF—THE—MAXIMUM sought by prosecutors.
20060825             —ELECTED, In March, he was, to 1—REGIONAL—PARLIAMENT—OFFICE—IN—UKRAINE.
20060825             1—TEAM led by ANDY—JASSY made available 1—BETA version of "Elastic Compute Cloud" (EC2), the central offering of Amazon Web Services (AWS), THE—CLOUD—COMPUTING arm of Amazon.
20060825             COCA—COLA was sued as PART—OF—1—CAMPAIGN to force USA soft drink makers to eliminate ingredients that can form CANCER—CAUSING benzene.
20060825             2—COMPANIES, Zone Brands and TalkingRain Beverage Co., had already settled similar charges.
20060825             † JOSEPH—STEFANO, —84—JAHRE—ALT, who wrote the screenplay for ALFRED—HITCHCOCK'S "Psycho," in 1000—OAKS, CALIFORNIA.
20060825             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, 1—INVESTIGATION into the killings of 8—PEOPLE in EAST—AFGHANISTAN —DURING 1—RAID that USA—FORCES claimed targeted AL—QAIDA members.
20060825             —CLASHED, AFGHANISTAN—POLICE, with suspected Taliban militants in SOUTH—ZABUL province, killing 6—INSURGENTS and wounding 12.
20060825             2—FRANCE—SOLDIERS were killed in 1—AMBUSH in EAST—LAGHMAN province.
20060825             —KILLED, Separate airstrikes in SOUTH—URUZGAN province, 23—MILITANTS, including 1—KNOWN Taliban COMMANDER.
20060825             UK—TROOPS with 1—NATO—LED force used artillery fire against 1—CONVOY—OF—INSURGENTS that was moving into position for attack in Helmand province.
20060825             —KILLED, About 7—INSURGENTS were, and 7—VEHICLES destroyed.
20060825             —SUSPECTED, BANGLADESH, Maoist attackers shot dead 4—POLICEMEN and 1—RULING party official —AFTER hurling bombs and firing bullets in 1 crowded cattle market.
20060825             —SUSPECTED, Police said they, the Purba Banglar COMMUNIST—PARTY (PBCP) was behind the attack.
20060825             Officials said drug users who don't engage in dealing will no longer be sent to prison under 1—NEW—DRUG—LAW—NOW in effect across BRAZIL.
20060825             Xinhua News said communities in SOUTH—EAST—CHINA are straining to resettle MORE—THAN—15—MILLION—PEOPLE left homeless by 4—DEVASTATING typhoons in recent months.
20060825             1—MODERATE—EARTHQUAKE jolted SOUTH—WEST—CHINA, killing 2—PEOPLE.
20060825             —LOADED, CHINA, 1—TANKER—TRUCK, with 25—TONS—OF—LIQUID—CAUSTIC soda, colorless, transparent corrosive liquid that rapidly burns skin and eyes, fell into 1—RIVER 3—MILES away from the Xuefeng reservoir in 1—CITY within the municipality of WEINAN in Shaanxi province.
20060825             It polluted 1—RESERVOIR serving at least 100,000 residents —FOR—2—DAYS—UNTIL water quality returned to normal.
20060825             —ESTABLISHED, THE—UN, 1—NEW—MISSION in EAST—TIMOR but left AUSTRALIAN—LED troops in place —FOLLOWING 1—DISPUTE over whether they should remain independent or be PART—OF—1—UN—FORCE.
20060825             —ARRESTED, GERMANY—POLICE, a 3. suspect in connection with 1 failed attempt to blow up 2—TRAINS.
20060825             —PICKED, LEBANON—AUTHORITIES, up a 4. man believed to have been involved.
20060825             —RAVAGED, Looters, Camp ABU—NAJI in AMARAH, 1—FORMER—UK—BASE, —1—DAY—AFTER—THE—CAMP was turned over to IRAQ—TROOPS, taking everything from doors and window frames to corrugated roofing and metal pipes.
20060825             † 1—POLICE—OFFICER was killed in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting in downtown SAMARRA.
20060825             —ATTACKED, ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT, 2—BUILDINGS in THE—GAZA—STRIP, wounding at least 9—PEOPLE.
20060825             1—MILITARY—TRUCK carrying UN peacekeepers crashed in IVORY—COAST, killing 6—BANGLADESH—TROOPS and injuring 11—OTHERS.
20060825             JORDAN, top LEADERS—OF—PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS'—FATAH party gave their leader THE—GO—AHEAD to begin forming 1—UNITY—GOVERNMENT with the militant Hamas in 1—EFFORT to end internal feuding and INTERNATIONAL isolation.
20060825             JAPAN—OFFICIALS said Kazusaku Tezuka, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—PRECISION—INSTRUMENT—MAKER—MITUTOYO Corp., was arrested along with 4—OTHER—MITUTOYO executives and employees for the alleged export to MALAYSIA—OF—EQUIPMENT that can be used in making nuclear weapons.
20060825             —UNEXPLODED, THE—UN said, cluster bomb litter homes, gardens and highways in SOUTH—LEBANON, as THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT reportedly investigated whether ISRAEL—USE—OF—THE—AMERICA—MADE weapons violated secret agreements with THE—USA.
20060825             —ELEVATED, MONGOLIA, the Dalai Lama, 1—GROUP—OF—MONKS into the Buddhist priesthood's higher ranks, bolstering the country's traditional faith as it struggles to RE—ESTABLISH itself —FOLLOWING—DECADES—OF—COMMUNIST—PERSECUTION.
20060825             —INAUGURATED, NIGER, THE—UN—FOOD—AGENCY, 1—PROGRAM to help feed HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE as the impoverished WEST—AFRICA—NATION struggles to recover from severe shortages.
20060825             —BURNED, NIGERIA—SOLDIERS in PORT—HARCOURT, HUNDREDS—OF—SLUM houses located close to the compound of 1—ITALIEN—OIL—COMPANY where at least 1—ITALIEN—WORKER was kidnapped and his bodyguard killed overnight.
20060825             —JAILED, PERU's, EX—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF—VLADIMIRO—MONTESINOS was sentenced to —6—YEARS—IN—PRISON for using government money to fund FORMER—PRESIDENT—ALBERTO—FUJIMORI'S 20000000             RE—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN.
20060825             The sentence will be served concurrently with Montesinos' —15—YEAR—PRISON—SENTENCE for various corruption convictions.
20060825             THE—UN—FOOD—AGENCY said FIGHTING—BETWEEN SRI—LANKA—TAMIL—TIGER rebels and security forces has forced at least 204,000—PEOPLE from their homes in the eastern and NORTH—PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20060825             1—FOOD—RELIEF ship began unloading in NORTH—SRI—LANKA to lift a —2—WEEK—SIEGE—OF—THE—JAFFNA peninsula as fresh clashes left 5—REBELS—DEAD.
20060825             This is 1—SURREAL story about 1—GUY who accidentally drops his iPod into 1—AIRPLANE toilet, prompting 1—FULL—SCALE—TERROR—ALERT.
20060825             Overreaction at its worst.
20060825             Airline Insanity Merely A Beta Test For Police STATE—CASTE—SYSTEM
20060825             Airline Insanity Merely 1—BETA Test For Police STATE—CASTE—SYSTEM—DRACONIAN surveillance, identification, behavior modification measures being implemented
20060825             Jones And Marrs To Expose 'Terror Conspiracy' At DALLAS Conference
20060825             Jones And Marrs To Expose 'Terror Conspiracy' At DALLAS Conference 1. major truth convergence —SINCE C—SPAN—SUCCESS
20060825             "—SPRING is arriving sooner and —AUTUMN is —STARTING—LATER—AMANDA—BECAUSE—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE, according to 1—STUDY—OF—MORE—THAN—500—PLANTS and animals across EUROPE".
20060825             Bush to war widow: - JUDD—THERE—NO—POINT "discussing the pros and CONS—OF—THE—WAR".
20060825             GREG—SARGENT has more.
20060825             Affordable housing remains sparse in NEW—ORLEANS.
20060825             NEARLY—1—YEAR—AFTER Hurricane Katrina, 1—NEW—REPORT from demographer GREG—RIGAMER finds that "average rents have risen about 40 %+ the average selling PRICE—OF—HOMES in areas not affected by flooding rose about 25 %".
20060825             To mark THE—1—YEAR—ANNIVERSARY—OF—HURRICANE Katrina, THE—WHITE—HOUSE is planning a "public relations blitz " to counteract criticism that it bears SOME—RESPONSIBILITY for "the government's tardy response and the region's slow recovery".
20060825             It started —WHEN THE—PRESIDENT met with 1—KATRINA victim (—LATER exposed as 1—RIGHT—WING political activist) who said, "I —JUST wish THE—PRESIDENT could have another term in office".
20060825             ThinkProgress is counteracting the spin with hard facts.
20060825             —CREATED, We've, 1—KATRINA timeline that documents all the key events over THE—LAST—YEAR — from the hurricane's landing to —TODAY.
20060825             Check it out HERE.
20060825             REPRESENTATIVE—SHAYS (R—CT): To Succeed In IRAQ, We Need 1—TIMETABLE—FOR Withdrawal
20060825             —VISITED, Shays has, IRAQ 14—TIMES.
20060825             This —MORNING on Fox, he said that the way for THE—USA to succeed in IRAQ is to "incentivize the Iraqis" to take CONTROL—OF—THEIR—OWN—COUNTRY.
20060825             The way to do that, according to Shays, is to let them know "there is 1—LIMIT to our presence there".
20060825             —NOTED, Shays, that previous timelines — to hold elections and create 1—CONSTITUTION — are what has spurred the greatest progress in IRAQ.
20060825             BRIAN—KILMEADE: Our next guest was once 1—INTENSE—SUPPORTER—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ.
20060825             —NOW he says we should 20060901             —TIMETABLE for withdrawing USA—TROOPS.
20060825             How about —NEXT—YEAR?
20060825             GRETCHEN CARLSON: Congressman CHRIS—SHAYS is in LONDON with us, HE—WRAPPING up 1—CONGRESSIONAL delegation trip that including trips to ISRAEL, IRAQ, JORDAN, Darfur and ROME.
20060825             Good to see you Congressman.
20060825             You're calling for 1—TROOP—WITHDRAWAL from IRAQ right —NOW which is against what you used to say, which is that you were in full SUPPORT—OF—THE—WAR.
20060825             Reelection coming up for you.
20060825             REPRESENTATIVE—CHRIS—SHAYS: I am in full support.
20060825             CARLSON: Is this because it's become increasingly more apparent according to SOME—THAT it may be difficult to win elections —NOW with current status on IRAQ?
20060825             SHAYS: 1. off, i'm getting 1—ECHO, if you could turn off the echo.
20060825             —SUCCEED, The bottom line to this is I want us to, in IRAQ.
20060825             I'm 1—STRONG—SUPPORTER—OF—THE—WAR and the question is how do we do that?
20060825             I've been there 14—TIMES + what i'm seeing —SINCE—JANUARY—OF—THIS—YEAR is I'm not seeing the political will on THE—PART—OF—THE—IRAQIS.
20060825             They spent 4 to —5—MONTHS to get 1—GOVERNMENT.
20060825             You have 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT that's been in office about —3—MONTHS + yet they haven't set time lines on —WHEN they're going to have provisional elections;
20060825             they haven't set time lines on —WHEN they're going to have reconciliation;
20060825             they haven't set time lines on constitution.
20060825             —BASED, My judgment, on my last 2—VISITS is they're happy to stretch this out forever + in my judgment, we need to incentives the Iraqis.
20060825             They need to know, there is 1—LIMIT to our presence there.
20060825             KILMEADE: You think that they would want us there —1—DAY—LONGER than we have to be?
20060825             SHAYS: Oh, absolutely.
20060825             I think this new government is very happy to have their office.
20060825             I think they feel it's difficult for Sunnis + Shias to negotiate.
20060825             They want it done in THE—MIDDLE—EAST—WAY, which is taking 1—LONG—TIME.
20060825             They were very CRITICAL—OF—THE—DEADLINES we set for them, but think of what was accomplished, from
20060825             —AFTER—3—YEARS—OF—EXCUSES—DELAYS," the Food and Drug Administration has approved OVER—THE—COUNTER access to the Plan B emergency contraception, but has limited access to women ages 18 + older.
20060825             —ANNOUNCED, FRANCE has, plans to commit 2,000 troops to 1—NEW—INTERNATIONAL peacekeeping force in SOUTH—LEBANON.
20060825             faced criticism —WHEN PRESIDENT—JACQUES—CHIRAC said he would send —JUST 200—TROOPS.
20060825             "THE—GOVERNMENT awarded 70 %of its contracts for Hurricane Katrina work without full competition, wasting HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—TAXPAYER dollars in the process," according to 1—NEW—REPORT from the House COMMITTEE—ON—GOVERNMENT—REFORM—MINORITY—OFFICE.
20060825             Approximately - 60—PERCENT—OF—NEW—ORLEANS businesses have still not reopened —SINCE Hurricane Katrina hit, according to 1—RECENT—STUDY by LOUISIANA STATE—UNIVERSITY.
20060825             CALIFORNIA continues to lead on GLOBAL—WARMING.
20060825             —ANNOUNCED, SENATOR—DIANNE—FEINSTEIN (D—CA), she will introduce
20060825             legislation to cut carbon dioxide emissions to 70 % below those of 19900000             ,
20060825             with the goal of keeping global temperature increases to only 1 or 2—DEGREES.
20060825             COLORADO is joining 1—GROWING NUMBER—OF—STATES and cities that have taken it upon themselves to fight GLOBAL—WARMING locally," kicking off efforts to develop 1—STATEWIDE plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
20060825             " Arab and Muslim men saw their wages and weekly earnings drop by 10 % —AFTER 20010911             —THE, terrorist attacks".
20060825             —OCCURRED, The largest decreases " in locations that reported
20060825             higher rates of ethnic and RELIGIOUS—BASED hate crimes.
20060825             FEDERAL—INVESTIGATORS are looking into changes BP made to a 20020000             report on its pipeline management —AFTER complaining the report was "unduly negative".
20060825             In 1—INSTANCE, 1—CRITICAL remark about BP—CORROSION—MONITORING program was altered to "BP has demonstrated 1—CLEAR—COMMITMENT to corrosion control".
20060825             And finally: Public corruption — - blame it on the rain ?
20060825             1—NEW—STUDY from economists at THE—WEST—VIRGINIA University finds "indirectly at least, the answer may be yes.
20060825             "States that experience more frequent + severe natural disasters attract larger quantities of FEMA disaster relief," the authors concluded.
20060825             "This relief creates 1—RESOURCE windfall that increases public corruption".
20060825             A COLORADO geography teacher
20060825             —PLACED, Amanda - "was, on paid administrative leave on the 2. —DAY—OF—SCHOOL for hanging several flags from other countries [CHINA and MEXICO] in his classroom".
20060825             The teacher said he hung the flags "as reference tools for world geography," but under COLORADO law it is
20060825             illegal to permanently display foreign flags in public schools.
20060825             WHITE—HOUSE—FALSELY Claims New Stem Cell Study 'Has Not Been Reviewed By Scientists and BIO—ETHICISTS—YET'
20060825             —TODAY, 1—NEW—STUDY was published that shows embryonic stem cells lines can be created without THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—HUMAN embryos.
20060825             Previously, THE—WHITE—HOUSE has said they oppose THE—CREATION—OF—NEW stem cell lines because it involved THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—EMBRYOS.
20060825             In —TODAY—NEW—YORK—TIMES, WHITE—HOUSE spokeswoman EMILY—LAWRIMORE said "
20060825             ANY—USE—OF—HUMAN embryos for research purposes raises serious ethical questions.
20060825             This technique does not resolve those concerns".
20060825             —CHANGED, This afternoon, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, their story.
20060825             QUESTION: ANY—DECISION to perhaps revisit THE—PRESIDENT—POSITION on FEDERAL—FUNDING for stem cell research, in light of this new development that was published —YESTERDAY in the journal Nature?
20060825             —REPORTED, PERINO:
20060825             —ENCOURAGED, He is, that there are scientists who are continuing to look for innovative ways to do stem cell research that would not involve THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—EMBRYOS.
20060825             And so he is going to listen to folks —AFTER they have 1—CHANCE to review the study, but it does hold SOME—PROMISE that they would be able to do that TYPE—OF—RESEARCH without DESTRUCTION—OF—1—HUMAN embryo.
20060825             This is false.
20060825             ThinkProgress spoke with bioethicist RONALD—GREEN, who is 1—ETHICS—ADVISOR to ROBERT—LANZA, 1—AUTHOR—OF—THE—STUDY.
20060825             Green said that in order to be published in Nature, the paper went through 1—RIGOUROUS peer review process, which lasted NEARLY—3—MONTHS.
20060825             —REVIEWED, The study was also, by bioethicts.
20060825             —REVIEWED, It was, and approved by the
20060825             Ethics Advisory BOARD—OF—ADVANCED—CELL—TECHNOLOGY.
20060825             —CONSTITUTED, Also 1—INDEPENDENT—REVIEW—BOARD was, to scrutinize the study, as required by MASSACHUSETTS law.
20060825             9—AFRICA—USA—STUDENTS—DAN—IN—LOUISIANA were ordered to move "to THE—BACK—OF—THE—SCHOOL—BUS by 1—WHITE—DRIVER who designated the front seats for white children".
20060825             THE—NAACP is considering filing charges.
20060825             Yes To INDIA, No To IRAN: USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Sends Contradictory Message On Nuclear Programs
20060825             IRAN and INDIA are making nearly identical arguments to justify pushing ahead with their respective nuclear programs.
20060825             —VANISHED, Reuters, "Evolutionary BIOLOGY—AMANDA—HAS, from the list of acceptable FIELDS—OF—STUDY for recipients of 1—FEDERAL—EDUCATION—GRANT for LOW—INCOME—COLLEGE—STUDENTS".
20060825             Schwere Drohungen gegen S—JOSÉ—DE—APARTADÓ—VON kanalB - 11:07
20060825             S—JOSÉ—DE—APARTADÓ ist 1—FRIEDENSGEMEINDE im Norwesten Kolumbiens, in der Region Urabá.
20060825             Sie hat sich 19970000             als im Krieg neutral erklärt und verlangt von allen bewaffneten Akteuren als Zivilbevölkerung respektiert zu werden.
20060825             —SEIT ihrer Gründung sind 165—MITGLIDER der Friedensgemeinde ermordet worden.
20060825             Die Mörder sind und waren zumeist vom Militärs und Paramilitärs, die gemeinsam auftreten.
20060825             Sie ermorden und vertreiben die Bauern unter dem Vorwand, die Guerilla zu bekämpfen.
20060825             Tatsächtlich geht es darum, sich das Land anzueignen, um möglichst viel Gewinn daraus zu schlagen.
20060825             In der Region sollen große ökonomische Projekte durchgeführt werden (panamerikanische Eisenbahn, Wasserkraftwerde, KOHLE—UND Goldabbau, Bananenplantagen).
20060825             In ganz KOLUMBIEN gibt es —DERZEIT—BEREITS 3—MILLIONEN Inlandsflüchtlinge, mindestens 4—MILLIONEN Hektar Land sind ihren Besitzern gewaltsam weggenommen worden.
20060825             —AMNESTIERT, Die Paramilitärs werden —DERZEIT in großem Stil.
20060825             —GESTERN verschickte die Friedensgemeinde einen Hilferuf, in dem sie von neuen Drohungen berichtet.
20060825             Der Wortlaut: Eine neue MASSAKER—DROHUNG
20060825             Die Friedensgemeinde S—JOSÉ—DE—APARTADÓ gibt eine neue Todesdrohung bekannt.
20060825             Die Vorfälle sind die folgenden:
20060825             COCA—COLA—HASSER In 19 :11 -1—DER—KONZERNE, die von faschistischen Paramilitärs profitieren, ist Coca Cola.
20060825             So wird dieser Konzern —BEREITS mit der Ermordung von mittlerweile 9—GEWERKSCHAFTERN in Zusammenhang gebracht - u.A. direkt auf dem Werksgelände des lokalen Abfüllers Coca Colas
20060825             —DECIDED, Homepage:: 1. impressions, in 1—10. of a 2.
20060825             (NewsTarget) 1—NEW—STUDY by researchers at Princeton University has found that people take —JUST a 10. of a 2. to make character judgments about the people they meet.
20060825             —SHOWED, The researchers, 200—STUDY—PARTICIPANTS—PHOTOGRAPHS—OF—PEOPLE—FACES + asked them to rate the photos on attractiveness.
20060825             Vuelca un automóvil en el camino real Mechita Alberti Según informó la Policía Distrital de Bragado, ingresaron al Hospital Municipal de este ciudad tres personas lesionadas por un vuelco de un remis.
20060825             El hecho sucedió en las primeras horas de esta mañana, en el.
20060825             ATOM—KRAFTWERKE: MINISTER—MAHNT—RISIKO in Brunsbüttel an
20060825             —GESTOPPT, Intercity : Bombenattrappe auf der Zugtoilette
20060825             LIBANON: EU stellt das Rückgrat der Friedenstruppe
20060825             TERROR—VERDACHT: USA—FLUGZEUG wurde UMGELEITET—OAXACA: Kampf ums Radio
20060825             SOLI—ANLAGEN des besetzten RADIO—UND TV—SENDERS "Canal 9" —ZERSTÖRT — neue Übergriffe bewaffneter Banden auf die soziale Bewegung in OAXACA
20060825             Israeli ?Spy? Firm Trusted With Eavesdropping In MALTA
20060825             1—MAJOR—ISRAEL—TELECOMMUNICATIONS—COMPANY is to provide THE—MALTA—SECURITY—SERVICES (MSS) the technology for its lawful interception system, in 1—CONTROVERSIAL—CONTRACT—AWARD which has landed THE—MALTA—COMMUNICATIONS—AUTHORITY in court.
20060825             NEW—YORK—BASED Verint Systems, 1—SUBSIDIARY.
20060825             Geheimdienstsprecher wehrt SICH—SFUX STEFAN—VON—BERGEN / Berner Zeitung -
20060825             —DEMENTIERT, Nein, er sei nicht das Leck der CIA—FAX—AFFÄRE, Geheimdienstsprecher ROMAN—WEISSEN gegenüber dieser Zeitung einen Medienbericht.
20060825             Wer hat 1—INTERESSE, Weissen blosszustellen?
20060825             Gar die Militärjustiz selber? 20060825             20060825             Independent JOURNALIST—JAILED for Resisting Grand Jury Subpoena
20060825             was jailed —TODAY for refusing to provide video footage to 1—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY convened in January.
20060825             —DENIED, USA—DISTRICT—COURT—JUDGE—WILLIAM—ALSUP, WOLF—1., 4., 5. + 6. Amendment arguments, found him in civil contempt + ordered him —IMMEDIATELY.
20060825             Und nochmaaaals: Die Angst vor Terror sorgt an den Flughäfen für Alarmstimmung: Auf einem Flug von GROSSBRITANNIEN in DIE—USA wurde 1—PASSAGIERMASCHINE aus Sicherheitsgründen umgeleitet.
20060825             TEXAS, entdeckten Spürhunde an einem Mann Sprengstoffspuren.
20060825             THE—TRUTH about the ?Terror Plot??. and the new ?PSEUDO—TERRORISM?
20060825             Von der Menschenwürde und deren Mißachtung
20060825             WÜRDE—THEORIEN, Formeln, Deutungen (IX) Serie des "SAAR—ECHO" beschäftigt sich mit der ausufernden Rechtsunsicherheit wegen richterlicher Gesetzesmissachtung und Gesetzesauslegung /Ohne Gesetzesbestimmte Menschenwürde kann es keine Demokratie geben
20060825             BRITAIN faces 1—WAR with Islamic terrorists for at least 1—GENERATION, says Government Official
20060825             LETTLAND führt JUNKFOOD—VERBOT an Schulen ein
20060825             Heftiger Widerstand der GENUSSMITTEL—HERSTELLER gegen Maßnahme des GESUNDHEITSMINISTERIUMS—ANDERE EU—STAATEN könnten nachziehen
20060825             Die DOLLAR—SCHUTZPOLIZEI
20060825             Es ist wirklich interessant zu beobachten, dass nahezu JEDES—MAL, wenn der Dollar in die Gefahr gerät, wichtige Marken nach unten zu durchbrechen, IRGENDEIN—FED—GOUVERNEUR plötzlich meint, Andeutungen zu weiteren Zinserhöhungen oder Inflationsgefahren o.ä. zu machen.
20060825             USA: Der 4. Verfassungszusatz wird offen missachtet
20060825             Diese Vorverurteilung von Bargeld könnte einen positiven Nebeneffekt für Kreditkartenfirmen und die Werbeindustrie haben.
20060825             —BIS—JETZT kann man all den Datenschutzproblemen wie den PAYBACK—BONUSPUNKTEKARTEN entkommen in dem man in bar zahlt.
20060825             Sollte irgendwann 1—BARZAHLUNG nicht mehr möglich sein, weil Scheine suspekt sind, wissen Firmen wie Payback sowie die Regierung.
20060825             Kofferbomber: Auffälliger geht`s wohl nicht mehr
20060825             Haben das Bundeskriminalamt und gewisse Nachrichtendienste an dieser Geschichte mitgedreht?
20060825             www.SAAR— Wussten Fahnder vom Komplott vor dem Bombenfund?
20060825             Die Fahndung —NACH—DEM 2. Haupttäter des versuchten Terroranschlags auf den Nahverkehr der Bahn dauert unvermindert an.
20060825             BKA—PRÄSIDENT—JÖRG—ZIERCKE—DEM—FERNSEHSENDER N24, es sei unklar, wo sich der inzwischen identifizierte Verdächtige aufhalte.
20060825             Experte: Mutmaßliche Kofferbomber.
20060825             USA: Araber unter Terrorverdacht weil sie Handys kauften
20060825             Innerhalb weniger —TAGE kam es in den USA—N—BUNDES—STAATEN MICHIGAN und OHIO zu 2—SICH ähnelnden Vorfällen.
20060825             5—JUNGE Männer arabischer Herkunft im Alter von 18—BIS —23—JAHREN wurden von der Polizei unter Terrorverdacht festgenommen, —NACHDEM sie in großen Mengen Handys gekauft hatten.
20060825             Vogelgrippe oder MYCOPLASMA—EPIDEMIE
20060825             Mit anderen Worten: Die REGIERUNG—DER—VEREINIGTEN—STAATEN verabreichte einer Million USA—BÜRGER ein krebserregendes Affenvirus.
20060825             1—MILLIARDE Euro mehr für die Bundeswehr
20060825             Die Union will den VERTEIDIGUNGS—ETAT —IM—NÄCHSTEN—JAHR um 1—MILLIARDE Euro aufstocken.
20060825             Davon soll nach Informationen von besonders das Heer profitieren, das mit neuen Fahrzeugen für Auslandseinsätze ausgerüstet werden soll.
20060825             —ATTEMPTED, THE—ICONOCLAST, to establish 1—DIALOGUE—WITH—COLONEL—GREEN and Major Escobar, but calls were not returned AS—OF—PRESS—TIME.
20060825             —DECLINED, SFC Buswell, to comment on the investigation, but noted that he spoke with his parents about the matter for 1—PERIOD—OF—2—DAYS—BEFORE he was ordered to not disclose ANY—FURTHER—INFORMATION.
20060825             "My son spoke with me about [the investigation]," said Winthrop Buswell, SFC BUSWELL—FATHER.
20060825             "There was 1 unsolicited email. My son, without divulging anything, without usurping anything, without doing anything to discredit anyone in ANY—WAY, simply responded to that saying 'Yes, there are what if's. And maybe there is something that is being covered up.' That's all that I know. He responded to it, but it was unsolicited. I think — of course, I'm dad, being very much in love with his son and wanting to praise him — because he is 1—LOW—MAN on the totem pole, of course he's of pretty high rank but not quite 1—OFFICER, that maybe... Maybe 1—INVESTIGATION might be the scapegoat for whomever".
20060825             "That is so ridiculous," said Winthrop Buswell.
20060825             "[To say he is DISLOYAL—TO—THE—USA ] is totally ridiculous.
20060825             And the discourtesy was, ah, very apparent at that particular time.
20060825             I've always thought THE—USA—WAY is this: to disagree is important.
20060825             To dissent is important.
20060825             And my son simply said, without ANY—FANFARE, 'Look, let's take 1—LOOK at the whole picture.
20060825             If you want to take 1—LOOK at that, maybe there are 1—FEW paragraphs that 1—MICHAEL—MOORE might want to emphasize.' That is all that my son has said.
20060825             Never, however, to at all disparage the country and the patriotism that is so necessary for ALL—OF—USA.
20060825             —SUGGESTED, But, patriotism, as, by FOX—NEWS' [BILL—O'REILLY], is —FOLLOWING THE—LINE—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH and cohorts completely!
20060825             All my son is saying is, 'Hey, maybe there's 1—WHAT if.' Never, though, did he get sidetracked from the fact that [he loves his] country".
20060825             "What disturbed him more than anything else, I think, was the fact that THE—IRAQ—CITIZENS suffered so much and are suffering so much —NOW," said Winthrop Buswell.
20060825             "The time that he was injured, there were several Iraqis burning to death in front of him. He tried to put out the fire. It was 1—TRAUMATIC—EXPERIENCE for him.... He spoke about that 1—NUMBER—OF—TIMES + how terrible that was to see the citizenry being killed and suffering so much".
20060825             "1—OF—HIS heroes is ABRAHAM—LINCOLN," Winthrop Buswell continued.
20060825             "And ABRAHAM—LINCOLN said MANY—THINGS, but 1—OF—THE—THINGS he SAID—AND I'm PARAPHRASING—WAS, 'I may disagree with the fellow who's speaking, but I will stand and defend his right to speak.' That's my son's position. He does look at the what if's. But that doesn't take away from his dedication and his patriotism. I don't know 1—FELLOW who gets more chills running up and down his spine —WHEN he sees the flag flying".
20060825             "As 1—BOY, [Donald was] always 1—VERY—CURIOUS—FELLOW," he added.
20060825             "Very daring, but never risking anything or stepping over the line. He loved motorcycles, but was always very cautious about it, always wearing proper clothing, always wearing 1—HELMET. Also, he was very active in little model racing cars. He was in Cub Scouts. I remember walking to the gymnasium with him and having wonderful conversations with him YEARS—AGO. His mother and I went through 1—DIVORCE + that is never easy for anyone. My son was also very close to his grandfather on his mother's side + also his grandfather and grandmother on my side. Donald loves railroading + my father has the best job that anyone could ever have. HE—1—LOCOMOTIVE engineer + my son related to that. My son also has 1—STRONG—BELIEF in 1—POWER—GREATER than ourselves".
20060825             "But 1—OF—THE—THINGS that stands out... is his love and his caring," said Winthrop, choking back tears.
20060825             "He loves children. HE—JUST the greatest guy, as far as I am concerned. He walks into 1—ROOM with 1—BIG—SMILE on his face.... HE—LIKE my dad — he makes you feel like, you know... I... I care for you. Ah, he's... HE—MY son..".
20060825             THE—ICONOCLAST will continue reporting on this story as new details become available.
20060825             —ALLOWED, No questions.
20060825             —FUNDED, Rebel group, congressman's trip to SRI—LANKA, sources say: ILLINOIS congressman DANNY—DAVIS and 1—AIDE took 1—TRIP to SRI—LANKA —LAST—YEAR that was paid for by the Tamil Tigers, 1—GROUP that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has designated as 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION for its USE—OF—SUICIDE—BOMBERS and child soldiers, law enforcement sources said.
20060825             —8—YEARS—AGO it was meltdown.
20060825             —NOW—RESTORED,  pride has been, : IF ANYTHING underlines THE—POPULARITY—OF—PRESIDENT—PUTIN with ordinary Russians, it is the sense that their country can hold its head up —AFTER YEARS—OF—TUGGING the forelock to foreign creditors.
20060825             Recession will be nasty and deep, economist says:
20060825             Housing is in free fall, pulling the economy down with it, Roubini argues
20060825             HOLLAND—GOV'T: Incident Not TERROR—RELATED : Prosecutors —ON—THURSDAY interrogated 12—MEN who were handcuffed and taken off A—USA—AIRLINER in AMSTERDAM because USA—AIR—MARSHALS and the crew believed they were acting suspiciously, 1—SPOKESMAN said.
20060825             JFK illegally targeting Muslims, groups say : Muslim, Arab and SOUTH—ASIA—PASSENGERS are being profiled by Homeland Security officers at Kennedy Airport, civil liberties groups said —WEDNESDAY, citing 1—NEW—JERSEY family that was detained and interrogated —AFTER 1—FLIGHT from DUBAI —LAST—WEEK.
20060825             Russ Baker: THE—TOP 10—CORPORATE—DEMOCRATS—FOR—HIRE : They claim to be 'centrists,' but these DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA Dems -- whose corporate agendas aren't too different from USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—POLICIES -- are living proof that the system needs fixing.
20060825             Americans Concerned About Election Transparency and Security : 1—MAJORITY—OF—AMERICANS 61%—ARE AWARE—OF—NEWS—REPORTS—OF flaws in electronic voting machines and want MEMBERS—OF—THE—GENERAL—PUBLIC to be able to watch votes be counted —FOLLOWING 1—ELECTION, 1—NEW—ZOGBY INTERNATIONAL poll shows.
20060825             GEORGE—MONBIOT: Promoting peace is for WIMPS—REAL—GOVERNMENTS sell weapons : How on earth did BAE Systems manage to sell 72—EUROFIGHTERS to SAUDI—ARABIA —ON—FRIDAY?
20060825             —DOMINATED, Video: Why We Fight : Is USA—FOREIGN—POLICY, by THE—IDEA—OF—MILITARY—SUPREMACY?
20060825             Has the military become too important in USA—LIFE? SHASHI has the vision:
20060825             1—MAN is capable of strengthening THE—UN—ABILITY to be 1—GENUINELY effective global player
20060825             USA—GULAG:
20060825             —ACCUSED, Downgrading Padilla : The case against, ''dirty bomber'' JOSE—PADILLA was problematic from the start.
20060825             1., the government labeled him an ''enemy combatant,'' holding him in the military brig without charges —FOR—3—YEARS.
20060825             Then, —BEFORE THE—SUPREME—COURT could put 1—STOP to this dubious process, he was suddenly indicted on criminal charges -- but they failed to mention the ''dirty bomber'' allegations.
20060825             TED—RALL: "THE—PLOT" : Attention, citizens of the national community: stay tuned for 1—HOMESEC alert!
20060825             1—FIENDISH—PLOT has been uncovered!
20060825             Terrorists LOYAL—TO—THE sinister forces of Eastasia have been apprehended!
20060825             It is another glorious VICTORY—FOR—THE homeland! All HAIL Oceania!
20060825             —ON—TUESDAY , UK—ASSISTED ' in ACTS—OF—TERROR ': BRITAIN was accused in court of knowingly assisting in "ACTS—OF—TERRORISM" by ISRAEL—DURING its —MONTH—LONG—CONFLICT with the Shi'ite militia Hezbollah in LEBANON.
20060825             Exclusive: ISRAEL buys 2—GERMANY—SUBS: The navy already has 3—DOLPHIN—CLASS—SUBMARINES.
20060825             They are the most expensive weapon platforms in THE—IDF—ARSENAL.
20060825             —DONATED, GERMANY, the 1. 2—SUBMARINES—AFTER—THE—1.—GULF—WAR and SPLIT the cost of the 3. with ISRAEL.
20060825             Shin Bet CHIEF slams 'system collapse';
20060825             Yuval Diskin blasts government over its conduct —DURING LEBANON—WAR, says government systems completely collapsed, NORTH—ISRAEL abandoned by officials
20060825             Rationality and ISRAEL—VIOLENCE:
20060825             As we witness the unfolding spectacle of ferocious, indiscriminate violence, destruction + brutality in GAZA and LEBANON, it's difficult to resist the conclusion that there is something terribly wrong with THE—ISRAEL—STATE and societ
20060825             War pimp alert: Graham gloomy on STATE—OF—WORLD : THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA Republican, 1—FORMER—MILITARY—LAWYER, bitterly criticized what he described as the world community's tepid response to IRAN—BID to build nuclear weapons.
20060825             And he accused FRANCE of reneging on its pledge to send troops to LEBANON to enforce 1—INTERNATIONAL—BUFFER—ZONE between ISRAEL and Hezbollah fighters observing 1—FRAGILE—CEASEFIRE.
20060825             —BOOSTED, USA—INTERVENTIONS have, IRAN, says report : THE—USA—LED "WAR—ON—TERROR" has bolstered IRAN—POWER and influence in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, especially over its neighbour and former enemy IRAQ, 1—THINKTANK said —TODAY.
20060825             ISRAEL may 'go it alone' against IRAN: ISRAEL is carefully watching the world's reaction to IRAN's continued refusal to suspend uranium enrichment, with SOME—HIGH—LEVEL—OFFICIALS arguing it is —NOW clear that —WHEN it comes to stopping IRAN, ISRAEL "may have to go it alone," THE—JERUSALEM—POST has learned.
20060825             Bush Ensured IRAN Offer Would Be Rejected: Even —BEFORE IRAN gave its formal COUNTER—OFFER to ambassadors of the P5+1—COUNTRIES (THE—USA, BRITAIN, FRANCE, GERMANY, RUSSIA and CHINA) —TUESDAY, THE—GEORGE—W—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION had already begun the process of organising SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN.
20060825             —COMMITTED, RUSSIA, to IRAN nuclear dialogue, new talks possibility ;
20060825             New consultations might be needed to discuss IRAN—RESPONSE to INTERNATIONAL proposals to resolve the dispute over TEHRAN—CONTROVERSIAL—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, but RUSSIA remains committed to dialogue, the Foreign Ministry said —WEDNESDAY.
20060825             USA—COLD—WAR gift: IRAN nuclear plant:
20060825             —NOW cited as EVIDENCE—OF—WEAPONS—ACTIVITY, facility was provided to SHAH—GOVERNMENT
20060825             War pimp alert: Prepare for IRAN—STRIKE, Israelis told : ISRAEL—YESTERDAY said it should prepare for 1—MISSILE—ATTACK from IRAN as 1—LIKELY LEADER—OF—PEACEKEEPING in LEBANON called for ISRAEL—TROOPS to stop their shooting.
20060825             Syria threatens to close LEBANON border:
20060825             "They will close their borders for all traffic in case UNITED—NATIONS troops will be deployed along THE—LEBANON—SYRIA border," FOREIGN—MINISTER—ERKKI—TUOMIOJA said —AFTER meeting his SYRIA—COUNTERPART WALID—MOALLEM in HELSINKI
20060825             UN permits wide USE—OF—FORCE in LEBANON;
20060825             New RULES—OF—ENGAGEMENT for UNITED—NATIONS troops in LEBANON permit soldiers to shoot in SELF—DEFENSE, use force to protect civilians and resist armed attempts to interfere with their duties, A—UNITED—NATIONS—DOCUMENT says.
20060825             ROBERT—FISK: Untold STORY—OF—THE—MASSACRE—OF—MARJAYOUN : A —16—YEAR—OLD—CHRISTIAN girl screaming "I want my Daddy" as her father's mutilated body lay 1—FEW metres away from her;
20060825             the town mukhtar discovering that his wife, Collette, had been decapitated by 1—OF—THE—ISRAEL—MISSILES;
20060825             THE—LEBANON—RED—CROSS volunteer who went into the darkness of wartime LEBANON to give water and sandwiches to the refugees and was cut down by another missile + whose friends could not reach him to save his life.
20060825             Amnesty: ISRAEL deliberately hit CIVIL—TARGETS—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUP accuses ISRAEL of indiscriminate ATTACKS—AGAINST civilians, CIVIL—INFRASTRUCTURE in LEBANON —DURING war, says Jewish state may be GUILTY—OF—WAR—CRIMES.
20060825             3. of war casualties were children, Amnesty reports.
20060825             Amnesty Report: ISRAEL—ATTACKS on CIVIL—INFRASTRUCTURE:
20060825             The briefing that follows summarizes AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL—INITIAL—ASSESSMENT and concerns on the massive DESTRUCTION—OF—CIVILIAN—INFRASTRUCTURE in LEBANON that has taken place —DURING—THE—CONFLICT.
20060825             —BASED, It is, on 1.—HAND information from 1—FIELD—MISSION which has visited LEBANON
20060825             Deir YASSIN—REMEMBERED: Video: Early in the —MORNING of
20060825             2,500 Marines Face Involuntary Recall : THE—NUMBER—OF—TROOPS in IRAQ has climbed back to 138,000 — the prevailing number for MUCH—OF—LAST—YEAR.
20060825             UK troops to stay in IRAQ 'to protect investment' : - 1—FORCE—OF—AROUND 4,000 UK—TROOPS will stay behind in IRAQ for 1—INDEFINITE period, even —AFTER all provinces controlled by THE—UK—ARE handed over to THE—BAGHDAD government in —9—MONTHS' time, senior defence sources said —YESTERDAY.
20060825             McCain Faults Admin.
20060825             For Painting IRAQ As 'SOME—KIND—OF—DAY At the Beach,
20060825             THE—KURDS' FIGHT—FOR—OIL rights : In IRAQ, striking oil workers have shut the main pipeline supppling BAGHDAD with refined oil prodcuts.
20060825             IRAQ PM bans TV from showing attacks : IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NURI—AL—MALIKI has banned television channels from broadcasting gory images of daily bloodshed in the country, the interior ministry said in 1—STATEMENT.
20060825             —DISAFFECTED, HIZBOLLAH—RECONSTRUCTION—OF—LEBANON is winning the loyalty of, Shia
20060825             Hizbollah has made it clear that it has no intention of disarming under THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL'S 17010000             ceasefire resolution and —YESTERDAY afternoon, MAJOR—GENERAL—ALAIN Pellegrini, THE—COMMANDER—OF—THE—UN—INTERIM—FORCE in SOUTH—LEBANON—WHICH the Americans and UK—ARE relying upon to seize the guerrilla army's WEAPONS—PERSONALLY confirmed to me at his headquarters in Naqoura that "the Israelis can't ask us to disarm Hizbollah".
20060825             Describing the ceasefire as "very fragile" and "very dangerous", he stated that disarming Hizbollah "is not written in the mandate".
20060825             The 'New MIDDLE—EAST' Bush Is Resisting
20060825             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH and SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE may be quite right about 1—NEW—MIDDLE—EAST being born.
20060825             In fact, their policies in support of the actions of their closest regional ally, ISRAEL, have helped midwife the newborn.
20060825             —LONGED, But it will not be exactly the baby they have, for.
20060825             For 1—THING, it will be neither secular nor friendly to THE—USA.
20060825             For another, it is going to be 1—ROUGH—BIRTH. Continue
20060825             The standard Western version is that 20060700             —THE invasion was justified by legitimate outrage over CAPTURE—OF—2—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS at the border.
20060825             The posture is cynical fraud.
20060825             CONTINUE—YOU Call Me "Terrorist", I—CALL—YOU—COWARD
20060825             The lunacy that is THE—SO—CALLED "WAR—ON—TERROR" has taken us into 1—BIZARRE and alternate world, 1—THAT is as dangerous to the human race as ANY—TIME in our brief history.
20060825             We are on THE—VERGE—OF—DISASTER, of immersing ourselves into THE—SELF—FULFILLING prophesy of our most archaic myths.
20060825             If we do not put 1—STOP to this madness, then surely it will put 1—STOP to us.
20060825             Where BUSH—ARROGANCE—HAS—TAKEN—USA
20060825             —ERODED, 1—ILLEGAL—WAR, 1—LONG—LIST—OF, rights + 1—COUNTRY—RUN by and for the benefit of corporate campaign donors -- all courtesy of the imperial presidency.
20060825             A Little Poverty Never Hurt Anybody-
20060825             —WAGE—SLAVES and SWEAT—SHOP—LABORERS HAVE—SUPPLANTED, serfs and chattel slaves.
20060825             5—MAJOR—CORPORATIONS comprise 90—PERCENT—OF—THE—MASS—MEDIA in THE—USA.
20060825             What are their specialties? Shaping public opinion to maintain the illusion that 1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST rapacious and bellicose nations is a "benevolent superpower"
20060825             Are FOX—NEWS—EMPLOYEES really "Noncombatants"?
20060825             The journalists who participate in THE—MURDOCH—SYSTEM are mere functionaries in 1—CORPORATE—NEWS—MILITIA.
20060825             They deserve the same treatment as ANY—OTHER—PRISONER—OF—WAR, nothing more.
20060825             Witness: Taliban dead may be civilians:
20060825             —KILLED, NATO—CLAIMS to have, 11—TALIBAN who were preparing 1—AMBUSH in AFGHANISTAN have been disputed by local people
20060825             who have said that the dead were CIVIL—GRAPE—PICKERS.
20060825             VENEZUELA—CHAVEZ woos CHINA with oil ambitions : VENEZUELA, seeking to diversify its crude exports and ease reliance on THE—USA—MARKET, hopes to increase oil sales to CHINA by 6—TIMES to 1—MILLION barrels —1—DAY in THE—NEXT—DECADE, PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said —ON—THURSDAY.
20060825             ISRAEL becomes fodder in USA congressional war: —WHEN is asking "is it good for ISRAEL" not so good for ISRAEL?
20060825             Democrats and Republicans, politicking hard ahead of midterm elections that could end Republican CONTROL—OF—THE—USA—CONGRESS, are battling over which party was more supportive of ISRAEL in its war with Hizbullah in LEBANON.
20060825             Democrat cowers —BEFORE ISRAEL—LOBBY:
20060825             —REMOVED, USA—LAWMAKER—DROPS—LINKS to Arab sites : The links were, —FOLLOWING recent inquiries by the Jewish weekly.
20060825             DINGELL—SPOKESMAN told the Jewish News the sites also had information on immigration issues, but he removed the links "because they are voicing sentiments about the conflict" that Dingell "strongly disagrees with and that are offensive to MISTER—DINGELL" and SOME—OF—HIS—CONSTITUENTS.
20060825             Wake up, AMERICA! ISRAEL is no friend of yours : The fact is that —WHILE Americans benefit hugely from the Arab world, little do they know they are on the losing end —WHEN it comes to ISRAEL.
20060825             Who Are the Real Fascists?
20060825             —STUFFED, The racist and extremist ideas and beliefs that are, in THE—MINDS—OF—THE—PRESIDENT and his band of merry men are leading the world from 1—CRISIS to another.
20060825             1—NEW—PRIME—MINISTER who wants to defuse domestic extremism will need to rethink the relationship with WASHINGTON
20060825             Most Americans don't feel safer from terror : Most Americans do not believe THE—USA is safer —NOW from terrorism than —BEFORE 20010911             —THE terror strikes, 1—NEW—POLL found.
20060825             —PROVOKED, It was MID—AIR paranoia, not terror : What, the panicky reaction and detention?
20060825             Apparently, 1—EXCHANGE—OF—MOBILE—PHONES among THE—12—PASSENGERS.
20060825             DANIEL—ELLSBERG—INTERVIEW : THE—DAY—AFTER—THE—NEXT 20010911             —OUR freedoms are gone.
20060825             CHRIS—FLOYD : KARL—ROVE—BLOOD—LIBEL : The warrantless surveillance program is being used for something other than monitoring THE—COMMUNICATIONS—OF—TERRORIST—SUSPECTS and those connected to them.
20060825             Detainee report 'too damning' to release?
20060825             Nearly 60 % of the estimated 21,000 FEDERAL—IMMIGRATION—DETAINEES are currently held at county jails and privately run detention facilities
20060825             E.P.A. WHISTLE—BLOWER Says USA Hid 20010911             —DUST—DANGER-
20060825             1—SENIOR—SCIENTIST at THE—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROTECTION—AGENCY has accused the agency of relying on misleading data about the health HAZARDS—OF—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—DUST.
20060825             What would 1—HOUSING—RECESSION mean?
20060825             July sales were down 21.6 % from THE—YEAR—BEFORE + the nationwide NUMBER—OF—NEW—HOMES with "For Sale" signs in the front yard hit 1—RECORD—568,000 - up 104,000 from THE—SAME—TIME—LAST—YEAR.
20060825             Of traitors and warlords: why Bush is coy about his IRELAND—LINKS:
20060825             Tapestry artist reveals ANCESTORS—OF—USA—PRESIDENT as murderous BUNCH—ISRAEL—FOES as Beasts and Insects:
20060825             "But They're Not Human Beings, They are Not People, They are Arabs!"
20060825             DOCTOR—CÉSAR—CHELALA : AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL—SEVERE—CRITISM—OF—ISRAEL—TACTICS : MANY—OF—THE—ACTIONS described are WAR—CRIMES + those responsible are subject to criminal accountability anywhere in the world through the doctrine of universal jurisdiction.
20060825             FRANCE—U—TURN on LEBANON force:
20060825             —ON—THURSDAY—TELEVISED, THE—FRANCE—PRESIDENT—JAQUES—CHIRAC, , said in 1, address : "2000—FRANCE—TROOPS will thus be placed under THE—UNITED—NATIONS in LEBANON. FRANCE is ready, if THE—UNITED—NATIONS wishes, to continue commanding this force".
20060825             THE—IMPORTANCE—OF—PLACE: ISRAEL—BOMBS keep on killing:
20060825             Figures from THE—LEBANON—MILITARY—SHOW that 8—PEOPLE, including several children, have been killed and 1—FURTHER 38 wounded by cluster bomb explosions —SINCE the start of a
20060825             Report: USA probing ISRAEL—USE—OF—CLUSTER—BOMBS: "We have heard the allegations that these munitions were used + we are seeking more information," said GONZALO—GALLEGOS, 1—STATE—DEPARTMENT—SPOKESPERSON.
20060825             USA—RABBIS urge change in IDF war code:
20060825             "All types of Christian morality weaken the spirit of our army and our nation and cost us the lives of our soldiers and citizens".
20060825             I guess the Rabbinical COUNCIL—OF—AMERICA missed these reports:
20060825             Video Report From Qana Massacre: Elderly, women and children were among those killed in the raid, which wrought destruction over 1—WIDE—AREA.
20060825             Poll: IRAQI—WANT—USA—OCCUPATION—FORCES Out Of IRAQ : 91.7—PERCENT—OF—IRAQIS oppose THE—PRESENCE—OF—COALITION—TROOPS in the country, up from 74.4% 00.000.200 4.
20060825             'I can't go to IRAQ. I can't kill those children'
20060825             Suicide soldier's dying words to his mother
20060825             Shays Urges IRAQ Withdrawal : REPRESENTATIVE—CHRISTOPHER—SHAYS (R—CONNECTICUT), once 1—ARDENT SUPPORTER—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ, said —YESTERDAY that THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION should 20060901             —TIME frame for withdrawing USA—TROOPS.
20060825             He added that MOST—OF—THE—WITHDRAWAL could take place —NEXT—YEAR.
20060825             Hillary Still Hiding on War; Time Warner Provides Cover:
20060825             The cover story in the new ISSUE—OF—TIME, the flagship PUBLICATION—OF—THE—TIME—WARNER media empire, informs readers that Hillary CLINTON has "virtually nonexistent opposition for her senate seat".
20060825             Is IRAN Running Militias in IRAQ?
20060825             IRAQ—POLITICIANS say the growing USA—CLAIMS—OF—1—CLEAR—LINK between Shi'ite militias and TEHRAN is pure scapegoating.
20060825             And renewed TEHRAN—BASHING in WASHINGTON could further complicate its efforts to end THE—CIVIL—WAR
20060825             Priming us for war with IRAN : —AFTER their failure in IRAQ + 1—BRIEF—EXILE in the wilderness, the neocons are riding high again — and that means endless troubles for us all....
20060825             ISRAEL feels USA will not attack IRAN:
20060825             —BLASTED, The (Israeli) defense official, THE—USA for "not doing enough" to stop TEHERAN—RACE to the bomb.
20060825             USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE, he said, was leading THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT in the direction of "appeasement".
20060825             NEW—YORK—TIMES Propaganda :
20060825             Wanted: Scarier Intelligence : It's obvious that IRAN wants nuclear weapons, has lied about its program and views AMERICA as 1—ENEMY.
20060825             We enthusiastically agree that THE—USA—NEEDS—EVERY—SCRAP—OF—INTELLIGENCE it can get on IRAN.
20060825             Zbigniew Brzezinski said this, "I—THINK—OF—WAR with IRAN as THE—ENDING—OF—AMERICA—PRESENT—ROLE in the world, that they will be dragged into 1—WAR that could last 20 to —30—YEARS and that NO—1 could do it without destroying AMERICA—POSITION on the planet".
20060825             Windows media and transcript
20060825             Why Bush will Choose War Against IRAN—BY RAY—CLOSE—THIS is why I reluctantly believe —TODAY that Bush will indeed launch 1—ATTACK—ON—IRAN —BEFORE the expiration of his TERM—OF—OFFICE: Continue
20060825             The terrorism theory Bush refuses to hear
20060825             Invading IRAQ was not the way to combat terrorism?
20060825             "THE—INVASION—OF—IRAQ created far more enemies than it could ever have stopped.
20060825             And so THE—INVASION—OF—IRAQ was exactly the way to cause suicide terrorism to surge.
20060825             Unbalanced, Over the Top + Farting for Laughs -- LEADER—OF—THE—FREE—WORLD? -- 1—BUZZFLASH Editorial
20060825             THE—GOP—CONGRESSMAN—FROM—ILLINOIS and THE—DICTATOR—DAUGHTER: Republican Corruption and Dictatorship Goes INTERNATIONAL
20060825             Families Expecting Loved Ones From IRAQ Get RUMSFELD Instead, as Troops Redeployed to BAGHDAD.
20060825             Dems Plan NO—CONFIDENCE Vote -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
20060825             THE—PRICE—OF—TRUTH - "1—MAGNIFICENT—FILM...unforgettably touching the heart".
20060825             --SALMAN—RUSHDIE.
20060825             Right on the heels of GOP SENATOR—GEORGE—ALLEN finding his inner racist, we discover another Republican SENATOR, CONRAD—BURNS—OF—MONTANA, has stepped right into THE—GOP trough of bigotry.
20060825             Director Deepa Mehta on the Filming of "Water" - Help Fight THE—NRA.
20060825             Donate an Auction Item to Fund STATE—GUN—CONTROL—GROUPS.
20060825             JIMMY—LOHMAN: If You Hate AMERICA, You Have to Love Bush - 1—BUZZFLASH Guest Contribution
20060825             Who should play Bush and Cheney in the movie? - THE—LAST—CHANCE—DEMOCRACY—CAFE by STEVEN—C—DAY
20060825             2—WHISTLEBLOWERS -- 1 in ITALY, 1 in GREECE -- uncovered 1—SECRET bugging system installed in cell phones —AROUND the world.
20060825             Both met with untimely ends.
20060825             —RECEIVED, The resultant scandals have, little press in THE—USA, despite the profound implications for USA—CRITICS—OF—THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20060825             —LAST—MONTH, ITALIEN—TELECOMMUNICATIONS—SECURITY—EXPERT—ADAMO Bove either lept or was pushed from 1—FREEWAY overpass;
20060825             he left no note and had no HISTORY—OF—DEPRESSION.
20060825             </FONT> - Is your cell phone spying on you?
20060825             —KILLED, Are the whistleblowers being ?
20060825             Note: 1—VERSION—OF—THIS piece appears —TODAY on BradBlog.
20060825             This version has additional information.
20060825             Planspiele: ISRAEL ernennt Oberkommandierenden für möglichen IRAN—KRIEG
20060825             Why do Americans sponsort Tyranical Regimes and what can we do about it? - Ummah... with torture equiptment and in THE—CASE—OF—THE—HOUSE—OF—SAUD, Americans of...
20060825             Iranica_COM—HARRIMAN MISSION...
20060825             USA—FEARS—OF—THE... Case Study, PITTSBURGH, 19880000             .
20060825             LAURENCE—PAUL—ELWELL—SUTTON, Persian Oil :
20060825             Offiziellen Angaben zufolge mussten die Bewohner der nahe gelegenen STADT—DOYLINE ihre Häuser sowie Kinder die Schulen verlassen.
20060825             —EVAKUIERT, Außerdem wurde 1—GEFÄNGNIS auf dem USA—MILITÄR—STÜTZPUNKT.
20060825             Den Angaben zufolge gab es durch die Explosionen lediglich Leichtverletzte.
20060825             1—VERTRETER der USA—BASIS sagte, die Rettungskräfte hätten sich von dem Stützpunkt zurückgezogen und warteten —NUN darauf, dass das Feuer von selbst ausbrenne.
20060825             Kein Urlaub für HARTZ—IV—EMPFÄNGER: "Söder will Arbeitslose zu Leibeigenen machen"
20060825             LIBANON: Kofferbomber gesteht Anschläge
20060825             Kosten des BUSH—BESUCHS: Getrennte Rechnung
20060825             —ESKALIERT, Planetenstreit : PLUTO—FANS schlagen zurück
20060825             Kofferbomben: Terrorverdächtiger in Konstanz festgenommen
20060825             Gemeinsame Erklärung: DEUTSCHE—MUSLIME distanzieren sich von islamistischem Terror
20060825             Kofferbomber: Kiels Nährboden für Islamisten
20060825             Salmonellen: Überlebensstrategie mit Schutz vor Sexkrankheiten
20060825             Bedrohung: SÜDKOREA glaubt an Existenz NORDKOREANISCHER—ATOMBOMBE
20060825             "Atlantis"- Start: ISS wird endlich weitergebaut
20060825             WAL—MART in CHINA: 1—USA—HANDELSRIESE wird kommunistisch
20060825             Terrorkontrollen: Ryanair verklagt BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG
20060825             LIBANON—SCHUTZTRUPPE: Chirac hält 15.000—UNO—SOLDATEN für übertrieben
20060825             Selbstmord vor IRAK—EINSATZ: "Ich kann da nicht hingehen und auf kleine Kinder schießen"
20060825             Ölleitungen: Experte hält Pipelines in aller Welt für marode
20060825             ISRAEL in der Krise: Katerstimmung statt Siegesrausch
20060825             Kanaren: Reedereien lehnen Transport von Flüchtlingen ab
20060825             Sparvorschlag: CSU—GENERAL will HARTZ—IV—EMPFÄNGERN Urlaub streichen
20060825             Marodes Pipelinesystem: Wenn RUSSLAND—ADERN PLATZEN—UMFRAGE in ISRAEL: Olmert soll gehen
20060825             "Bremer Taliban": Kurnaz wieder zu Hause
20060825             ANTI—TERROR—DATEI: "Mittelweg" aus Index und Volltext
20060825             Nahost: ISRAELISCHE—ANGRIFFE im GAZA—STREIFEN
20060825             Terrorgefahr: Deutsche fürchten keine Anschläge
20060825             LIBANON—KRIEG: USA untersuchen Israels EINSATZ—VON—STREUBOMBEN
20060825             Explosionen in USA—BOMBENFABRIK: 1000—MENSCHEN auf der Flucht
20060825             Bundeswehr: MINISTER—JUNGS milliardenschwere Rüstungspläne
20060825             Reformprojekte: Private Versicherer warnen vor Gesundheitssozialismus
20060825             Kofferbomber: Terrorverdächtige trafen sich angeblich —ERST in DEUTSCHLAND
20060825             FDA eases limits on —MORNING—AFTER pill.
20060825             THE—BUSH eviks must really be on the defensive.
20060825             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20060825             WILL—THE—DEMOCRATS—BE—READY for Rove's 20060000             October Fright Fest? -- 1—BUZZFLASH Editorial
20060825             Murtha Says Signs Point That IRAQ War Getting Worse, Not Better 8/24
20060825             1—BUZZFLASH Interview: USA—SENATOR—BYRON—L—DORGAN—SOUNDS—THE—ALARM on Corporate Greed and the Selling OUT—OF—THE—USA—WORKER
20060825             "Truth Squad" Introduced by House Democrats to Identify Government Waste
20060825             How I keep from hating GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20060825             Cold showers help. Wild sex probably also helps
20060825             LIBANON—SCHUTZTRUPPE: FRANKREICH schickt 20000000             Soldaten
20060825             Aerosol Operations 20050000             Battelle Labs Style (0)...
20060825             —OBTAINED, Mellman Group poll, by ThinkProgress shows that Americans do support 1—STRONG UNITED—NATIONS, which has been consistently weakened by BUSH—FOREIGN—POLICY.
20060825             SOME—HIGHLIGHTS from the poll:
20060825             — 60—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS think it is better to work through THE—UNITED—NATIONS to share burdens and risks.
20060825             (Compared with 31 % who believe it is better to act decisively and alone.)
20060825             — 49 % believe USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—FOREIGN—POLICY has made THE—USA—WEAKER.
20060825             — 52 % believe BUSH—FOREIGN—POLICY has made relationships with our allies weaker.
20060825             (Compared with —JUST 23 % who believe it has made them stronger.)
20060825             — 61 % believe that over the past few years, other countries' images of THE—USA—HAVE become more negative.
20060825             (Compared with —JUST 15 % who believe it has become more positive.)
20060825             — 55 % believe it is time to change THE—COURSE—OF—BUSH—FOREIGN—POLICY.
20060825             (Compared with 39 % who want to stay the course.)
20060825             LUNTZ—POLL is 1—EFFORT to boost BOLTON's
20060825             prospects for confirmation in the Senate.
200608250000 ' Ignores Own Rosy Rhetoric
20060825—20010911    —IN, Under Fire! USA—ARMY—INTELLIGENCE—ANALYST Targeted For Suggesting New Independent VESTIGATION
20060825—20030310    Imperialismus sans Phrase
20060825—20040000    —SINCE, Zhao Yan (44), 1—CHINA—RESEARCHER for THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES who has been detained, was CLEARED—OF—CHARGES—OF revealing state secrets but CONVICTED—OF—FRAUD and sentenced to —3—YEARS—IN—PRISON.
20060825—20040814    —ON, ceasefire to end —1—MONTH—LONG—CONFLICT between ISRAEL and Hezbollah.
20060831—20060825    —ON, Gabriele Zamparini, The cat's dream JOHANN—HARI, the "AWARD—WINNING journalist", the "TWICE—WEEKLY—COLUMNIST for THE—INDEPENDENT, 1—OF—BRITAIN—LEADING newspapers" and "the youngest person to ever be nominated for the prestigious Orwell Prize for political writing" wrote "1—INTRIGUING example of blatant ANTI—SEMITISM and blindness to it by some on the left" where he accused me of ANTI—SEMITIS!
20070403             CRIMES AND CORRUPTION—OF—THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER—NEWS: 20070825—20080105    —DECIDED, WYOMING Republicans, to hold their delegate selection process, —BEFORE both IOWA and NEW—HAMPSHIRE.
20070403             War Profiteers- - CRIMES AND CORRUPTION—OF—THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER—NEWS: 20070105             20070403             CRIMES AND CORRUPTION—OF—THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER—NEWS: 20070105             20070825—20080105    —DECIDED, WYOMING Republicans, to hold their delegate selection process, —BEFORE both IOWA and NEW—HAMPSHIRE.
20070823—20070825    'THE—NUMBER—OF—DETAINEES held by THE—AMERICA—LED military coalition in IRAQ has swelled by 50—PERCENT under the troop increase ordered by USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, with the inmate population growing from 16,000 in February to 24,500 —TODAY, according to USA—MILITARY—OFFICERS in IRAQ.' 8/25
20070825             Copy of Aggregated News Alerts... 1 has to conclude... these are linked," Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES... Created Our NIGHTMARES—BY—JIM—KIRWAN 20070702             "ICH" From 911—FORWARD...
20070825             SF held its 2. annual Jug Band Festival at the Golden Gate Park band shell.
20070825             The annual Renaissance Fair also took place in GG park for a 4. —YEAR.
20070825             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER attacked 1—CONVOY carrying foreigners near THE—AFGHANISTAN—CAPITAL—KABUL.
20070825             2—FOREIGNERS and 4—AFGHANS were wounded.
20070825             † 1—ROADSIDE bomb killed 2—AFGHANS guarding 1—CONVOY carrying supplies for NATO—LED forces in KANDAHAR province, —WHILE 8 suspected insurgents and 1—POLICE—OFFICER, in fighting elsewhere in the country.
20070825             AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS in neighboring Helmand province shot and killed 2 suspected Taliban fighters as they attempted to plant 1—ROADSIDE bomb.
20070825             SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, clashes between coalition troops and Taliban fighters left at least 18—CIVILIANS—DEAD according to witnesses.
20070825             † NATOOFFICIALS said no noncombatants were killed.
20070825             12—TALIBAN fighters were killed by artillery fire along THE—PAKISTAN—AFGHANISTAN border —AFTER insurgents attacked 1—MILITARY—POST with rockets and mortars.
20070825             USA—LED and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS struck Taliban positions inside PAKISTAN in fresh clashes with the extremist Islamic militia that left at least 19—REBELS—DEAD.
20070825             1—PAKISTAN—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN denied ANY—PERMISSION was given.
20070825             —CLASHED, AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS, with rebel fighters in SOUTH—ZABUL province and killed 9—OF—THEM.
20070825             3 suspected militants, 1—OF—THEM 1—FOREIGN—NATIONAL, were arrested in Paktia province, dressed in ALL—COVERING burqas worn by most AFGHANISTAN—WOMEN.
20070825             —ATTACKED, DOZENS—OF—TALIBAN guerrillas, police in THE—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—NANGARHAR, injuring 1—DISTRICT—CHIEF and 1—OF—HIS—GUARDS—BEFORE they were repelled.
20070825             —CAPTURED, BUENOS—AIRES, 1—ARGENTINE couple, the stage category at the World Tango Championships, followed by Chilean and JAPAN—PAIRS.
20070825             —PLUNGED, AUSTRALIA—MULTI—BILLION dollar racing industry was, into turmoil on —AFTER 1—OUTBREAK—OF equine influenza triggered 1—NATIONAL—LOCKDOWN.
20070825             1—SENIOR—OFFICIAL—OF—THE—SEPARATIST region said 1—PLANE—OF—UNCERTAIN origin went down over Abkhazia, —1—DAY—AFTER GEORGIA reported that its forces fired on 1—PLANE believed to be RUSSIA—THAT had violated the country's airspace.
20070825             † 1—GERMANY—FEDERAL—LAB confirmed that tests have found that birds at 1—POULTRY—FARM in SOUTH—GERMANY, of the H5N1 STRAIN—OF—BIRD—FLU, and some 160,000 birds were being slaughtered as 1—PRECAUTION.
20070825             —DRESSED, GERMANY, MORE—THAN—1—MILLION revelers, MANY—SCANTILY, danced their way through THE—STREETS—OF—ESSEN to SOUND—OF—WHISTLES blowing and techno music for the Love PARADE—DEBUT in its new home, WEST—GERMANY—INDUSTRIAL—RUHR region.
20070825             —UNCONTROLLED, Massive forest fires swept, across GREECE for a 2. —DAY and killed at least 41—PEOPLE in THE—SOUTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY, including several children.
20070825             HUNGARY, some 56—MAGYAR Garda members, wearing black uniforms and black caps, were sworn in —DURING—THE—CEREMONY at Buda Castle.
20070825             —INAUGURATED, Lajos Fur, former defense MINISTER, THE—NEO—FASCIST, SELF—STYLED civil defense group organized by the far right Jobik party.
20070825             HYDERABAD—INDIA, where HINDU—MUSLIM animosity runs deep, 1—PAIR of almost simultaneous bombings blamed on Islamic extremists tore through 1—POPULAR—FAMILY—RESTAURANT and 1—OUTDOOR arena, killing 43—PEOPLE.
20070825             —DISCOVERED, Another 19—BOMBS were, and made safe in the area.
20070825             HYDERABAD, Muslims make up 40—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULATION—OF—7—MILLION.
20070825             —BLAMED, Officials, foreign militants.
20070825             —ARRESTED, Iraqi and USA—SOLDIERS, 54 suspected AL—QAIDA members in 1—JOINT—OPERATION on the outskirts of Baqouba.
20070825             2—PALESTINE—MILITANTS infiltrated ISRAEL from THE—GAZA—STRIP, attacking 1—ISRAEL—MILITARY—POSITION—BEFORE soldiers tracked them down and killed them.
20070825             —DETONATED, Militants, 1—BOMB—NEAR the border fence in SOUTH—GAZA, lightly wounding 4—SOLDIERS.
20070825             —FIRED, Militants also, several mortars into SOUTH—ISRAEL, causing no injuries.
20070825             —REPORTED, It was, that LIBERIA had some 2,511 ships registered under its flag, the world's 2. largest fleet —AFTER PANAMA, which had 7,357.
20070825             —REPORTED, The population was, to be 3.3—MILLION, with 2—THIRDS—OF—THE—PEOPLE living on less than 1—DOLLAR —1—DAY.
20070825             —REPORTED, MYANMAR—STATE—MEDIA, that military junta has detained at least 63—ACTIVISTS who protested massive FUEL—PRICE hikes over THE—LAST—WEEK, as the government pursued its clampdown on the increasingly daring demonstrations.
20070825             PAKISTAN successfully TEST—FIRED 1—NEW—AIR—LAUNCHED cruise missile capable of carrying 1—NUCLEAR—WARHEAD.
20070825             SUDAN said it will allow 1—EU envoy it ordered OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY to remain —UNTIL his tenure expires —NEXT—MONTH, —FOLLOWING 1—EU apology.
20070825             BERLIN: Mehr als 100.000—BEI ANTI—GEWALT—KONZERT
20070825             Hurrikan in MEXIKO: "Dean" brachte verheerenden REGEN—TOTE und Obdachlose
20070825             INDIEN: Dutzende Tote bei Terroranschlägen
20070825             Der konservative Premier Karamanlis muss fürchten, dass ihn die Katastrophe Wählerstimmen kosten wird.
20070825             Denn wie —SCHON während der verheerenden Feuerstürme vom
20070825             —JUNI und —JULI kritisieren Einwohner und Kommunalpolitiker der betroffenen Ortschaften —JETZT schwere Versäumnisse bei der Ausrüstung der Feuerwehren und Koordinationsmängel bei der Brandbekämpfung.
20070825             Notstand in GRIECHENLAND: Die Feuerstürme erreichen Athen
20070825             Feuersbrunst: Notstand über ganz GRIECHENLAND verhängt
20070825             —BESTREITET, Infizierte Regierungscomputer: Innenministerium, Schäden durch Hackerangriffe
20070825             —ENDE—DER—USA—HAFT: Noriega droht Auslieferung an FRANKREICH
20070825             USA: Joggende Biertrinker lösen Terroralarm aus
20070825             —BEKANNT, Finanzskandal: Missstände bei SACHSEN LB —SEIT—2—JAHREN
20070825             Die Anwältin des Soziologen hat —JETZT Akteneinsicht erhalten, und hat so gesehen, wie das BKA ihn mit der "militanten Gruppe" in Zusammenhang bringt.
20070825             Sie haben Google nach "Gentrification" und "Prekarisierung" gefragt und sein Name kam hoch.
20070825             Das ist alles.
20070825             Nein, wirklich! Die haben Schlagwörter aus dem Bekennerschreiben gegoogelt.
20070825             —GEREICHT, Die GOOGLE—TREFFER haben, um in fast —1—JAHR lang zu observieren, inklusive VIDEOÜBERWACHUNG—DER—HAUSEINGÄNGE und einen Lauschangriff.
20070825             IMMERHIN—HABEN sie ihn gegen Kaution und Auflagen von der U—HAFT verschont.
20070825             Die Zeit meldet, daß sie gegen den Mann nur vorgehen, um ihn als Terroristen zu stempeln + dann per Assoziation die anderen beiden Brandstifter zu Terroristen machen können.
20070825             Im Übrigen war 1—DER—VERDACHTSMOMENTE, daß er "konspirativ" sein Handy nicht dabei hatte, als er mit den Leuten gesprochen haben soll.
20070825             Handy nicht dabei haben? Terrorist! Ist doch klar!
20070825             —VERBIETET, USA—PSYCHOLOGENVERBAND, seinen Mitgliedern die Mitwirkung an Folterverhören.
20070825             Außerdem sollen sie FÄLLE—VON—MISSHANDLUNGEN melden.
20070825             (Danke, Timo) - Militärwatch: Die Russen basteln an STEALTH—DROHNEN und an KERNENERGIE—RAUMTRIEBWERKEN.
20070825             Die CONTENT—MAFIA muß sterben + zwar auf beiden Seiten:
20070825             Ortsbürgermeister sing auf Weihnachtsfeier mit Senioren Lieder, Gema will 50—EURO, außer er kann für JEDES—LIED nachweisen, daß die Autoren der Lieder —SEIT über —70—JAHREN tot sind.
20070825             Es ist so eine furchtbare Schande, wie wir uns selbst kaputt machen, nur weil die Amis außer "Intellectual Property" nichts mehr zu exportieren haben + —JETZT der Welt ihre blödsinnigen Regeln aufdrängen.
20070825             —GEWORDEN, Unilever und Nestle sitzen beide in EUROPA und sind groß, weil es hier keine Patente gab und sie anderer Leute Sachen nachbauen konnten.
20070825             —HEUTE sind sie auch für Patente.
20070825             Und so verbauen wir uns unsere Zukunft. Herzlichen Glückwunsch.
20070825             Wo bleibt eigentlich die Revolution? (Danke, Rolf)
20070825             Experiments Get Close to 'OUT—OF—BODY' Experience
20070825             European scientists have come close to replicating the mysterious "OUT—OF—BODY" experience that trauma survivors sometimes report feeling as death nears.
20070825             —WANTED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, USA to invade IRAQ, AUTHOR—SAYS
20070825             It seems OSAMA—BIN—LADEN had 1—LONG—TERM—STRATEGY.
20070825             He told me personally that he can't go and fight the Americans and their country.
20070825             But if he manages to provoke them and bring them to THE—MIDDLE—EAST and to their Muslim worlds, where he can find them or fight them on his own turf, he will actually teach them 1—LESSON.
20070825             Mortgage Lenders Move to Cut Costs : S—DIEGO—BASED—ACCREDITED, which issued $15.77—BILLION in home loans —LAST—YEAR, said it will cut about 1,600—OF—ITS 2,600 positions and close 65—BRANCHES.
20070825             ANTI—USA—SENTIMENT—GROWS—WORLDWIDE: The most dramatic decline is in LONG—TIME—USA—ALLY and NATO—MEMBER—TURKEY, where only 3% have confidence in Bush.
20070825             1. Strike Nukes On 'Table' : Audio: Physics professor JORGE—HIRSCH discusses AMERICA—NUCLEAR weapons policy toward NON—NUCLEAR states.
20070825             IRAN announces 2,000-pound 'smart' bomb : The guided bomb, named Qased or Messenger, can be deployed by IRAN—AGING USA—MADE F-4 and F—5—FIGHTER—JETS and will be officially unveiled —NEXT—WEEK, said the broadcast, quoting 1—DEFENSE—MINISTRY—STATEMENT.
20070825             It did not elaborate.
20070825             —DEPLETED, Survey finds, uranium in training area : THE—ARMY said —LAST—YEAR it also found depleted uranium at 1—OAHU post, Schofield Barracks, in REMNANTS—OF—TRAINING rounds used in the 1960s.
20070825             That announcement came —AFTER YEARS—OF—ARMY denials it used depleted uranium in the islands.
20070825             My Secret Life as 1—CIA—ASSASSIN : Audio: CHARLES—GOYETTE—INTERVIEWS—ROLAND—HAAS, who tells of his MURDER—OF—PEOPLE for the State and how it nearly ruined his life too.
20070825             FOX—ATTACKS : IRAN —3—MINUTE—VIDEO—FOX are repeating the same distortions and fear mongering as they did —BEFORE THE—IRAQ war.
20070825             Why Cheney Really Is That Bad
20070825             THE—VICE—PRESIDENT is the single greatest threat to American and INTERNATIONAL—SECURITY in the world —TODAY.
20070825             Not OSAMA—BIN—LADEN. Not the ghost of SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20070825             Not Ahmadinejad or KIM—JUNG—IL.
20070825             Not AL—QAIDA, the Taliban, or JOSE—PADILLA himself.
20070825             Not even GEORGE—W—BUSH can lay claim to this title.
20070825             So We Betray Them.
20070825             —BETRAYED, Always, we have, them.
20070825             —BACKED, We, "Flossy" in YEMEN.
20070825             —BACKED, THE—FRENCH, their local "harkis" in ALGERIA;
20070825             then THE—FLN victory forced them to swallow their own FRANCE—MILITARY medals —BEFORE dispatching them into mass graves.
20070825             —DEMANDED, In VIETNAM, the Americans, democracy and, 1—BY 1 - —AFTER praising the Vietnamese for voting under fire in so MANY—CITIES, towns and VILLAGES—THEY destroyed the elected prime ministers because they were not abiding by USA—ORDERS.
20070825             Pitching the Imperial REPUBLIC—BONAPARTE and Bush on Deck
20070825             FRANCE—EGYPT and USA—IRAQ can be considered bookends on THE—HISTORY—OF—MODERN—IMPERIALISM in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070825             —WHILE THE—FRANCE—CONQUEST—OF—EGYPT, —NOW MORE—THAN—2—CENTURIES—PAST, is all too little remembered.
20070825             Calls for 1—INTERNATIONAL—TRIBUNAL—BY MARK—H—GAFFNEY
20070825             —WARNED, WHITE—HOUSE—SPOKESPERSONS and NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISERS have repeatedly, that Islamic terrorists could strike cities in THE—USA with radiological weapons.
20070825             —REPEATED, In recent days we've heard these same warnings, again, this time in especially shrill tones.
20070825             It's clear that AMERICA—LEADERS have already done what we've accused terrorists of only planning to do.
20070825             Worse, our leaders have done it on 1—GREATER—SCALE.
20070825             1—BOYCOTT—OF—ISRAEL: Something Has Changed - "Do you expect me to feel hatred?
20070825             What is that to 1—PALESTINIAN?
20070825             I never hated the Jews and their ISRAEL... yes, I suppose I hate them —NOW, or maybe I pity them for their stupidity.
20070825             They can't win.
20070825             Because we Palestinians are the Jews —NOW and, like the Jews, we will never allow them or the Arabs or you to forget.
20070825             The youth will guarantee us that + the youth —AFTER them...".
20070825             War Psychiatry and IRAQ Atrocities: How Killing Becomes 1—REFLEX
20070825             It is only in the last half —CENTURY that training has evolved into 1—ENTIRELY new phenomenon that makes USE—OF—THE—PRINCIPLES—OF operant conditioning to overcome what studies done over the last —CENTURY have consistently demonstrated, namely, that healthy human beings have 1—INHERENT—AVERSION to killing others of their own species.
20070825             Psychologists in Denial About Torture
20070825             —REJECTED, Last weekend, THE—USA—PSYCHOLOGICAL—ASSOCIATION, 1—MORATORIUM that would have prevented its member psychologists from participating in interrogations at USA—DETENTION—CENTERS at places like GUANTANAMO Bay and secret CIA "black sites" —AROUND the world.
20070825             AMERICA and VENEZUELA: Constitutional Worlds Apart
20070825             Although imperfect, no country anywhere is closer to 1—MODEL—DEMOCRACY than VENEZUELA under PRESIDENT—HUGO—RAFAEL—CHAVEZ—FRIAS.
20070825             In contrast, none is 1—MORE—SHAMELESS—FAILURE than AMERICA, but it was true long —BEFORE THE—AGE—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20070825             JOHN—PILGER: 'THE—WAR—ON—DEMOCRACY' -
20070825             "The film tells 1—UNIVERSAL—STORY," says Pilger, "analysing and revealing, through vivid testimony, the story of great power behind its venerable myths. It allows us to understand the true NATURE—OF—THE—SO—CALLED—WAR—ON—TERROR".
20070825             Job Market May Be Dreaming of 1—BLEAK—CHRISTMAS: It will take 1—FEW months to show up in the economic data that WALL—STREET and THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE watch, but the slowing USA—ECONOMY is hitting the job market + economists say it is only 1—MATTER—OF—TIME—BEFORE unemployment ticks up.
20070825             Dollar May Fall to Record Within —6—MONTHS, Goldman Sachs Says : The dollar may decline to 1—RECORD—LOW against the euro in THE—NEXT—6—MONTHS because USA economic growth will slow, forcing THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE to cut interest rates, according to Goldman Sachs Group INCORPORATED.
20070825             Brace yourself for the insolvency crunch:
20070825             "We already thought there was a 40pc chance of 1—USA—RECESSION—BEFORE all this happened, but the risks are —NOW much higher and don't forget that rates on adjustable mortgages will keep rising —UNTIL 1—PEAK —NEXT—MARCH, so the maximum pain will be in the 2. and 3. quarters of 20080000             ,"
20070825             For the 1. time, Britons' personal debt exceeds BRITAIN—GDP :
20070825             —RACKED, Britons have, up so much debt on loans + credit cards that the total borrowed —NOW exceeds the entire VALUE—OF—THE—ECONOMY, new research shows —TODAY
20070825             —WANTED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, USA to invade IRAQ, AUTHOR—SAYS: As coalition troops continue to die on IRAQ—SOIL and THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—MILITARY spending on the war bleeds into BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS, 1—NEW—BOOK says that not only could this have been avoided, but it was all predictable, as long as you had read THE—AL—QAEDA manual.
20070825             Bush to CIA : 'Leave No Marks ': With no SIGN—OF—TORTURE on 1—PRISONER, then it didn't happen, right?
20070825             DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—ADMINISTRATORS hid data from probers : DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—ADMINISTRATORS — fearing additional scrutiny — concealed from FEDERAL—INVESTIGATORS—INFORMATION—SHARING breakdowns that left THE—USA—VULNERABLE to terrorists, internal DHS memos and E—MAILS show.
20070825             Naomi Klein: DEMOCRACY—NEW dawn is on CCTV: the security state as infotainment:
20070825             So keen are AMERICA—LEADERS to hear dissent they're videotaping the dissenters.
20070825             Welcome to 1—WORLD—OF—TOTAL—SURVEILLANCE
20070825             SEATTLE security alert highlights post 20010911             —BALANCING act :
20070825             —ISSUED, The alert, by FBI agents in SEATTLE —ON—MONDAY called for the public's help in identifying photographs of 2—MIDDLE EASTERN—LOOKING men who had been reported travelling on ferries exhibiting "unusual behavior".
20070825             Bush _Administration_shifts_Iran_0824.html">CIA said to step up operations in IRAN:
20070825             In 1—EFFORT to build congressional and Pentagon support for military options against IRAN, THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has shifted from its —EARLIER STRATEGY—OF—BUILDING 1—CASE based on 1 alleged IRAN—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM to 1—INVOKING improvised explosive devices (IEDs) purportedly manufactured in IRAN that are killing USA—SOLDIERS in IRAQ.
20070825             1—INTENSIFYING USA—CAMPAIGN against IRAN: It was IRAN, warned MADELEINE—ALBRIGHT, THEN—USA—ENVOY—TO—THE—UNITED—NATIONS, that had forged a "tactical alliance" with 1—SOMALIA—WARLORD and "terrorists" in SUDAN.
20070825             —SMUGGLED, Intelligence sources for the 1. time spoke of, IRAN—WEAPONS.
20070825             MOGADISHU, journalists were told that IRAN—AGENTS were training Somalis to make car bombs.
20070825             —PRESENTED, But no proof was ever.
20070825             Draft intelligence Report Logs Bleak Outlook for IRAN : 1—DRAFT—INTELLIGENCE—REPORT portrays 1—BLEAK—POLITICAL—SITUATION in IRAN, anticipating little progress in getting TEHRAN to halt its nuclear program or stop supporting militant groups in the region, USA—OFFICIALS said —THURSDAY.
20070825             IRAN—DISSIDENT—WARNS—OF—USA actions against IRAN : Mohsen Sazegara, who was 1—HIGH—RANKING TEHRAN official —BEFORE turning against the government, told AFP in 1—INTERVIEW that THE—USA—MOVE, reported to be in the works —LAST—WEEK, could spark 1—BACKLASH, stirring up more turmoil in places where WASHINGTON accuses THEM—OF—TERROR—ACTIVITIES, including IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN and LEBANON.
20070825             USA—REACTION to IRAN—IAEA Deal Illogica l:
20070825             More Iraqis Said to Flee —SINCE Troop Increase:
20070825             —SOARED, The number of Iraqis fleeing their homes has, —SINCE THE—USA—TROOP—INCREASE began in
20070825             Republican call on IRAQ troops drawdown 1—ALERT for Bush:
20070825             1—REPUBLICAN SENATOR—CALL to begin 1—TROOP—WITHDRAWAL from IRAQ is 1—WAKE—UP call for USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH as he fights to keep his policy from unraveling, but it may not —IMMEDIATELY sway votes in Congress for 1—PULLOUT
20070825             Top USA—GENERALS at Odds Over IRAQ War Strategy:
20070825             —APPEARED, AMERICA—TOP—MILITARY—BRASS, at odds —FRIDAY over THE—COURSE—OF—THE—IRAQ—WAR as outgoing Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF—CHAIRMAN—PETER—PACE reportedly stood ready to recommend 1—MAJOR—REDUCTION—NEXT—YEAR in troop strength —WHILE 1—KEY—GROUND—COMMANDER warned that such 1—MOVE would be "1—GIANT—STEP backwards".
20070825             Allawi Pays $300k for ANTI—MALIKI USA—CAMPAIGN: Documents obtained by IraqSlogger show IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—MALIKI—CHIEF—IRAQ opponent, Ayad Allawi, is paying WASHINGTON lobbyists with close ties to THE—WHITE—HOUSE $300,000 to help with ALLAWI—EFFORTS in THE—USA to promote himself and undermine MALIKI.
20070825             UK: Troops argue IRAQ is 'unwinnable' : 1—BELIEF that IRAQ is unwinnable, fears that AFGHANISTAN could go the same way and 1—OVERWHELMING feeling that the government has not looked —AFTER—THE—ARMED—FORCES properly in return for the sacrifices they make.
20070825             USA—GENERAL warns of bloody 'Ramadan Offensive' in IRAQ: 1—SENIOR—USA—GENERAL warned —THURSDAY of "sensational" attacks —DURING—THE upcoming Ramadan period in IRAQ directed at swaying perceptions of 1—KEY upcoming USA—REPORT on progress in the war there.
20070825             IRAQ: Democracy is not essential, says THE—USA : Brig Gen JOHN—BEDNAREK, who commands forces in Diyala province, told that "democratic institutions are not necessarily the way ahead in THE—LONG—TERM—FUTURE".
20070825             More WAR—ON—THE—HORIZON—AMERICA—HEGEMONIC hubris is 1—SICKNESS.
20070825             1—COUNTRY that tolerates 1—WAR—CRIMINAL—WHILE he openly plans to attack yet another country is definitely not 1—LIGHT unto the world.
20070825             —FOLLOWING CHURCHILL—FOLLY—IN—IRAQ—BY—DON—CHAPMAN—SO what might this history mean for AMERICA and IRAQ?
20070825             JON—STEWART: Watch this video to the end to see Bush in the —FOLLOWING exchange at a 20040000             press conference: "QUESTION [to Bush ]: How do you answer THE—VIETNAM comparison?
20070825             BUSH: I think the analogy is false.
20070825             I also happen to think that analogy sends the wrong message to our troops + sends the wrong message to the enemy".
20070825             —BY his own VIETNAM analogy —THIS—WEEK, Bush is giving comfort to the enemy and sending the wrong message to our troops.
20070825             Unbelievable hypocritical opportunism.
20070825             1—HISTORIAN quoted by USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH to help argue that CRITICS—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION?s IRAQ policy echo those who questioned THE—USA—EFFORT to bring democracy to JAPAN —WWII—AFTER angrily distanced himself from THE—PRESIDENT?s remarks —THURSDAY.
20070825             Historian: Bush use of quote 'perverse' - $24,055.00—THUS Far Toward Goal.
20070825             It's BUZZFLASH—AUGUST "Pay the Visa Card and Staff" Drive.
20070825             We Don't Accept Advertising.
20070825             Please Buy 1—PREMIUM or Make 1—DONATION—TODAY!
20070825             Sign up for 1—MONTHLY—DONATION.
20070825             TED—NUGENT, NRA BOARD—MEMBER, Threatens to Kill BARACK—OBAMA and Hillary CLINTON —DURING Vicious Onstage Rant 8/25
20070825             Terror Suspect List Yields Few Arrests: 20,000 Detentions in '06 Rile Critics
20070825             SENATOR—JOHN—WARNER—SUGGESTION that SOME—TROOPS leave IRAQ by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR has roiled THE—WHITE—HOUSE, with ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS saying they've asked the influential Republican to clarify that he has not broken politically with Bush.
20070825             But Warner said —FRIDAY he stands by his remarks and that he took no issue with how his views have been characterized.
20070825             BOB—GATES on THE—IRAQ—WAR—HOT—SEAT
20070825             UPDATE: ELVIS—PRESLEY?s Stolen Handgun is Found!
20070825             I'm —JUST curious: what's the point of discussing the details of 1—LAW if the Bush Junta doesn't follow the law anyway ?
20070825             The exact wording doesn't matter much —WHEN you know they will warp its meaning to accomodate what they want to do.
20070825             #—POSTED—BY—HYPERMAN:
20070825             —TRIED, THE—DEMS, to pull 1—FAST 1—BY practically sneaking this monstrosity into law.
20070825             They knew what they were doing, they knew it was wrong and that the base would be infuriated,(especially considering the power handed over to AGAG —WHEN he had been steadily perjuring hiself and deserved impeachment.
20070825             —IMPEACHED, Who thinks he'll get, —AFTER this whorish move?) and they did it anyway.
20070825             —INVOLVED, The deception and underhanded tactics, and laid out at the link prove this.
20070825             Cowardly or complicit? You decide.
20070825             Cannon says, Where were we? Oh yes. THE—FISA update.
20070825             —HATED, The topic which made me so.
20070825             The law you all know so much more about than I do, even though you refuse to read it.
20070825             Shall I link to it 1—LAST—TIME, for your NON—READING pleasure?
20070825             BUT—OF—COURSE.
20070825             —AFTER all, we have certain rituals —AROUND here.
20070825             It's 1—LUCY—AND—THE—FOOTBALL—KIND—OF thang.
20070825             Oh + here is my original piece.
20070825             We SAY—YOU really really don't get it's not THE—LETTER—OF—THE—LAW that we are railing is the Spirit of what is happening all —AROUND us.
20070825             The law is almost irrelevant mostly because the pricks in THE—WHITE—HOUSE could care less about laws.
20070825             —ACCOMPLISHED, They are pushing for 1—PUTSCH and have, everything on their course so far because the so called "opposition" has melted into 1—SLIMY maggot infested polluted puddle, swarming with toxic platitudes and fevered rants..that's why we are demanding change and 1—SLEANSING.with or without you so called
20070825             " bloggerist liberals".
20070825             (Not really Liveral at all —JUST tethered to THE—COATTAILS—OF—THE—FASCISTS on elephants).
20070825             In fact the liberal intellectuals like you that insist on defending the illusions and the past HEROES—OF—THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY (like engravings on the legal TENDER—OF—TODAY..—JUST icons), are propping up only the Establishment game plan of "give the unwashed the illusion of political conflicts and debate + they will be the circus they prefer and are used too".
20070825             But we are wiser —NOW (we struggled through this very same horrible blood letting script —AFTER KENNEDY—ASSASSINATION and THE—10—YEAR holocaust we call VIETNAM) and we are finished with the Barnum and Bailey, stinky, circus atmosphere, where the black magicians are conjuring and hypnotizing the befogged audiences.
20070825             Evil is afoot, even though —TODAY they are in in the drovers seat, in their Road Warrior military surplus machines, criss crossing the patchwork quilt of "pre election —DAY",USA, we, angelically and surreptitiously put sugar in their gasloline tank and they will not survive crossing Death Valley to the finish lline.
20070825             Über die Ursachen der Brände kann man —BISHER nur spekulieren.
20070825             So VIELE—FEUER, die im Abstand von wenigen —MINUTEN ausbrechen, allein am Freitagabend zwischen 21.00—UHR und —MITTERNACHT 25—BRÄNDE, über 180 IN—DEN—VERGANGENE—TAGE24—STUNDEN: niemand in GRIECHENLAND mag daran glauben, dass dies natürliche Ursachen hat.
20070825             Der VERDACHT—AUF—BRANDSTIFTUNG steht im Raum.
20070825             Vielleicht sind Grundstücksspekulanten am Werk, die "wertlosen" Wald in lukrativen Baugrund verwandeln möchten, vielleicht Hirten, die mit Feuerrodungen Weideland für ihre Herden schaffen wollen, vielleicht auch sind kriminelle Motive im Spiel.
20070825             In die Ermittlungen der Brandursachen haben sich jedenfalls der GRIECHISCHE—GEHEIMDIENST EYP und die ANTI—TERROR—EINHEIT der Polizei eingeschaltet.
20070825             Denn wie —SCHON während der verheerenden Feuerstürme vom —JUNI und —JULI kritisieren Einwohner und Kommunalpolitiker der betroffenen Ortschaften —JETZT schwere Versäumnisse bei der Ausrüstung der Feuerwehren und Koordinationsmängel bei der Brandbekämpfung.
20070825             —VERSPRICHT, Die Regierung, den Bewohnern der KATASTROPHEN—REGION rasche Hilfe.
20070825             Die Menschen in den abgebrannten Dörfern stehen vor dem Nichts.
20070825             Sie haben ihre Häuser, all ihr Hab und Gut, ihre Herden, ihre Anbauflächen und ihre Landmaschinen verloren.
20070825             Kritik an der Feuerwehr
20070825             —NACHDEM die GRIECHISCHE—REGIERUNG am Freitagabend an die EU—STAATEN appelliert hatte, "jede nur erdenkliche Hilfe" zu leisten, trafen —HEUTE—MITTAG 2—LÖSCHFLUGZEUGE aus FRANKREICH ein.
20070825             —VERWÜSTET—GRIECHENLAND: Feuerhölle, den Peloponnes
20070825             —ESTABLISHED, BARBARA—F—STUDLEY—GEOMILITECH ( GMT ) Consultants Corporation is, by conservative talk show host BARBARA—F—STUDLEY.
20070825             1—NUMBER—OF—FAR RIGHT—WING, high ranking.
20070825             JEFF—STUDER — JOHN—STUDLEY : ZoomInfo Business People Information Studley, Barbara, OmniSat Communications, INCORPORATED BARBARA—F—STUDLEY—FOUNDER, Chairman & CEO, GMT Consultants... Studley, Beau, Educational Service Unit.
20070825             BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS—BARBARA—F—STUDLEY, Founder, Chairman & CEO, GMT Consultants Corporation + OmniSat Communications, INCORPORATED WILLIAM—L—THOMAS, MD, Executive VICE—PRESIDENT,
20070825             The origins of IRAN—CONTRA : Lessons from the Durrani Affair
20070825             The firm, GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation.
20070825             ( GMT ), was established by BARBARA—F—STUDLEY, BECAME, the former beauty QUEEN—FROM—MIAMI who, 1—CONSERVATIVE... JEFF—STUDER — JOHN—STUDLEY : ZoomInfo Business People Information Studley, Barbara, MedStar Research Institute, Barbara F.
20070825             Studley Founder, Chairman & CEO, GMT Consultants.
20070825             Studley, Beth, Holder Construction Company...
20070825             —FOCUSED, Eye On Wackenhut UNION—MAINTAINED site, on the 2. largest private security company in THE—USA, which is alleged to cut corners in hiring, training...
20070825             EyeOnWackenhut Wackenhut Focus of Congressional Subcommittee Hearing on Government Contracts.
20070825             REPRESENTATIVE—EDOLPHUS—TOWNS (D—NEW—YORK), chair of the Subcommittee on...
20070825             INFORMATION OPERATIONS EUROPE 20040000             20070825             Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES, CHAIRMAN—OF—QINETIQ, INTERNATIONAL.
20070825             GOVERNOR—OF—THE—BBC and FORMER—CHAIR,
20070825             Development of AL—QAIDA —PRIOR—TO 911 ...
20070825             THE—NEXT—LEVEL :: View TOPIC—BBC Reported WTC—7—COLLAPSE 20 ...
20070825             No wonder they left it out of the 20010911             —OMISSION Report.
20070825             was (I'm reasonably sure) being run by 1—WOMAN called Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES 20010000             .
20070825             Patriots Question 20010911             — Responsible Criticism of 20010911             —THE...
20070825             This website provides responsible criticism of the 20010911             —COMMISSION Report by... Concepts for the Future (20030000             , Foreword by Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES, UK).
20070825             —REPORTED, Peacing it Together :: View TOPIC—BBC World, WTC7 ...
20070825             THE—BRITISH (UK) 20010911             —TRUTH Campaign portal, website and forums.
20070825             aangirfan: 20061015—20061022              20070825             [INFOCON] Information Operations EUROPE 20040000             Conference
20070825             Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES—CHAIRMAN—OF—QINETIQ INTERNATIONAL GOVERNOR—OF—THE... with Relation to IO Development of AL—QAIDA —PRIOR—TO 911—AFGHANISTAN and...
20070825             PEPIS messages for 20040000             the archive
20070825             THE—UK 20010911             —SKEPTICS—GROUP will be conducting a 20010911             —WORKSHOP at the European...
20070825             2—BBC governors, Pauline NEVILLE—JONES + SARAH—HOGG, were far more...
20070825             JOINT—INTELLIGENCE Committee, SCHEMA—ROOT rss
20070825             What information did they give to the 20010911             —COMMISSION and the Joint Intelligence... Recruiting Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES, FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—JOINT...
20070825             THE—TRUTH—SEEKER—BBC GOVERNOR under fire for IRAQ contracts
20070825             VoIP and 911 : Emergencies Lost in the Fog. LinuxInsider.
20070825             —AGREED, BBC Coup d'etat We had, with [BOARD member] Pauline NEVILLE—JONES [of Lady HOGG—RING]... War, Conflict & Development, -- Alternative Theories, ---- 911, ---- 7/7 ...
20070825             GARY—WEBB—PROFILE—FORBES_com
20070825             —49—YEARS—OLD—GARY—L—WEBB, Executive VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—1. Financial Bankshares, INCORPORATED;
20070825             Partner, BearingPoint (20020000             );
20070825             Partner, ARTHUR—ANDERSEN (20010000—20020000     ). - - GARY L Webb Direct Relationships
20070825             1. Financial Bankshares Inc and GARY L Webb have 2—RELATIONSHIPS.
20070825             BearingPoint Inc and GARY L Webb have 1—RELATIONSHIP.
20070825             ARTHUR—ANDERSEN and GARY L Webb.
20070825             1. Financial Bankshares Inc Direct Relationships
20070825             KADE—MATTHEWS and 1. Financial Bankshares Inc have 2—RELATIONSHIPS...
20070825             —DISKUTIERT, AFGHANISTAN: Bundesregierung, TRUPPEN—AUFSTOCKUNG
20070825             Bizarrer HARTZ—IV—FRAGEBOGEN: "Schauen Sie gern Filme mit viel Gewalt?"
20070825             Standard Oil COMPANY—WIKIPEDIA
20070825             Rockefeller wird über seine Standard Oil Company Hauptanteilseigner der South... So werden er und EINIGE—SEINER—DIREKTOREN nach einer juristischen Schlacht...
20070825             DEUTSCHE—BANK—WIKIPEDIA Die 1. Direktoren waren WILHELM—PLATENIUS, GEORG—VON—SIEMENS und Hermann.
20070825             Zudem verkaufte Standard Oil immer dort sein Öl, wo —1—TAG später die...
20070825             IG Farben Auch wurden immer häufiger I.G. - Direktoren als Mitarbeiter der...
20070825             Standard Oil, der stärkste Konzern der USA kam in ernste Schwierigkeiten...
20070825             Der Standard Oil Trust unter der Führung von...
20070825             ANTHONY—SUTTON—WALL—STREET and the Rise of Hitler www.Artfond. de...
20070825             Der PRÄSIDENT—DER—STANDARD—OIL—OF—NEW—JERSEY, der wegen dieser Lieferungen... die Hitler finanzierten, hauptsächlich DIREKTOREN—VON—KARTELLEN mit einer...
20070825             In einem vertraulichen CHINA—BERICHT stellte der Verfassungsschutz unterdessen fest, die Bundesrepublik stelle ein "begehrtes Aufklärungsziel der CHINESISCHEN—WIRTSCHAFTSSPIONAGE" dar.
20070825             Auch der BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERGISCHE Verfassungsschutzchef JOHANNES—SCHMALZL zeigte sich über WIRTSCHAFTSSPIONAGE—AKTIVITÄTEN Chinas besorgt.
20070825             "60 % unserer Verdachtsfälle haben inzwischen mit CHINA zu tun", sagte Schmalzl dem SPIEGEL.
20070825             —ENTSPRICHT, ANGRIFF—AUF—ARD und ZDF: "Dieses System, nicht dem Willen der Bürger"
20070825             Computerspionage: CHINESISCHE—TROJANER auf PCs im Kanzleramt
20070825             Rios Armenviertel: Wo die Drogenbosse regieren
20070825             Die Gründe für den Fachkräftemangel sind hausgemacht.
20070825             Die Unternehmen haben den Aufschwung nicht rechtzeitig kommen sehen und nicht genug ausgebildet.
20070825             Der demographische Wandel verschärft das Problem: Vielerorts fehlt der Nachwuchs.
20070825             So entstand die Zahl, der Fachkräftemangel koste die DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT jährlich 20—MILLIARDEN Euro an nicht realisiertem Bruttoinlandsprodukt.
20070825             "Wir durchleben —HEUTE eine unsagbare Tragödie", sagte Ministerpräsident Konstantinos Karamanlis, der Zaharo am Freitagabend besuchte.
20070825             Der VORSITZENDE—DER—OPPOSITIONELLEN—SOZIALISTEN, Georgios Papandreou, sprach von "Szenen biblischer Zerstörung".
20070825             Die Regierung ersuchte die EU um JEDE—ERDENKLICHE—HILFE.
20070825             500—SOLDATEN und mehrere Militärhubschrauber sollten die Löscharbeiten AB—DEM Morgengrauen unterstützen.
20070825             "Wir konzentrieren uns —NUN darauf, Leben zu retten, wo Menschen eingeschlossen sind + darauf, die Feuerfronten zu begrenzen", erklärte Feuerwehrsprecher NIKOS—DIAMANDIS am frühen Samstagmorgen.
20070825             Bei Fernsehsendern gingen verzweifelte Anrufe von Bewohnern und Gemeindevertretern ein.
20070825             "Ich bin ganz alleine im Dunkeln in einem lodernden Tal. Ich brauche Hilfe", erklärte 1—MANN, den der Fernsehsender Mega als BÜRGERMEISTER—DES—DORFS—PALAIOCHORI identifizierte.
20070825             1—FRAU im Dorf Rodina nahe Zaharo sagte dem Fernsehsender Antenna, dass etwa 20—MENSCHEN in dem Ort eingeschlossen seien.
20070825             "Wir können das Feuer vor uns sehen. Es ist zu unseren Füßen. Wir ersticken am Rauch".
20070825             Dutzende Tote: Feuersturm wütet in GRIECHENLAND
20070825             Rechtsextremismus: EU—KOMMISSAR fordert NPD—VERBOT
20070825             Akuter Mangel: FACHKRÄFTE—NOT erfasst komplette Regionen Deutschlands
20070825             Notstand in GRIECHENLAND: 13—TOTE bei Feuersbrünsten
20070825             National Public Radio, "Statistics THE—WEAPON—OF—CHOICE in Surge Debate," by GUY—RAZ.
20070825             aangirfan: 20061015—20061022
20070825—20000000    —SINCE, THE—LIBERIA—INTERNATIONAL—SHIP and Corporate Registry, 1—VIRGINIA—BASED company, managed the registry.
20070825—20000500    —SINCE, News and Commentary with Attitude.
20070825—20010911    —ON, AUDIO—AVIATION—REALITY : 1—CHAT with FORMER—BOSTON Air traffic... Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES, 1—BBC GOVERNOR, emerged as 1—OF—THE—MAIN—FIGURES...
20070825—20050829    —ON, GREG—PALAST: Hurricane GEORGE: How THE—WHITE—HOUSE Drowned NEW—ORLEANS
20070825—20050829    "The charge is devastating: That, THE—WHITE—HOUSE withheld from the state police the information that NEW—ORLEANS was about to flood. From almost ANY—OTHER—SOURCE, I would not have believed it. But this was not —JUST ANY—SOURCE. The whistleblower is DOCTOR—IVOR VAN Heerden, deputy DIRECTOR—OF—THE—LOUISIANA—STATE—UNIVERSITY—HURRICANE—CENTER, THE—CHIEF—TECHNICIAN advising the state on saving lives —DURING Katrina".
20070825—20070831    —BY, We Don't Charge for 1—SUBSCRIPTION (In Order to be Economically Available to Everyone.) Our Goal is $35,000.
20070825—20080105    —DECIDED, WYOMING Republicans, to hold their delegate selection process, —BEFORE both IOWA and NEW—HAMPSHIRE.
20070907             —SLATED, The exercise which is, to run 20071015—20071020    —FROM—TO is described as 1—WAY to prepare, prevent and respond to ANY—NUMBER—OF—NATIONAL—CRISES.
20070916—20141022    —ON, 1—USA—FEDERAL—JURY convicted 4—BLACKWATER guards for killing 14—IRAQIS.
20080000             —BEREITS, —ENDE, lehnte 1—MILITÄRGERICHT die meisten Beweise gegen Jawad ab, da sein Geständnis unter Zwang gemacht worden seien.
20080825             —OPENED, THE—USA—DEMOCRATIC—CONVENTION, in the Pepsi Center of DENVER—COLORADO, where SENATOR—EDWARD—KENNEDY passed the party's crown to BARACK—OBAMA.
20080825             THE—DENMARK—CENTRAL—BANK said it has taken over Roskilde Bank, the nation's 10. largest bank.
20080825             THE—124—YEAR—OLD—INSTITUTION had been struggling amid global financial turmoil and mounting losses on mortgage loans as housing prices fell in DENMARK.
20080825             —STRUGGLED, INDIA, authorities, to get aid to MORE—THAN—1—MILLION—PEOPLE stranded by floods in NORTH—BIHAR state.
20080825             1—BIHAR official described the situation as 1—CATASTROPHE.
20080825             † Bunty (whose real name was Om Prakash), the notorious gang leader who terrorized NEW—DELHI from astride 1—MOTORCYCLE, in 1—PRE—DAWN shootout with police.
20080825             A ROMAN—CATHOLIC —NUN was raped by 1—HINDU mob in Orissa state.
20080825             —LAUNCHED, IRAN—STATE—TV said the country has, production of 1—DOMESTICALLY built submarine CAPABLE—OF—FIRING missiles and torpedoes.
20080825             —FREED, ISRAEL, nearly 200 jailed Palestinians, including 1—MILITANT mastermind from the 1970s, in 1—GOODWILL gesture —JUST hours —BEFORE USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE was to begin her latest peace mission to the region.
20080825             FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—NAWAZ—SHARIF said he is withdrawing his party from PAKISTAN—RULING coalition because it has failed to restore judges ousted by EX—PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF.
20080825             —BANNED, PAKISTAN, the Taliban, toughening its stance —AFTER—THE—ISLAMIC—MILITANT—GROUP claimed responsibility for deadly suicide bombings against 1—OF—ITS most sensitive military installations.
20080825             8—PEOPLE were killed in 1—PRE—DAWN ROCKET—AND—BOMB—STRIKE on the home of provincial lawmaker Waqar AHMED—KHAN in Swat.
20080825             1—GENEVA prosecutor dropped money laundering charges against ASIF—ALI—ZARDARI, HEAD—OF—THE—PAKISTAN—PEOPLE—PARTY.
20080825             A —41—YEAR—OLD Lockheed MARTIN—C 130—MILITARY—CARGO—PLANE crashed in the waters off THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES.
20080825             2—THE—PHILIPPINES—AIR—FORCE—PILOTS and 7—CREWMEN were feared dead.
20080825             —ARRESTED, PUERTO—RICO—USA, FEDERAL—AGENTS, 59 alleged MEMBERS—OF—1—DRUG trafficking ring in coordinated raids in 1—NUMBER—OF—SMALL—TOWNS, where SOME—HOUSING projects were under siege by gangsters.
20080825             Authorities said drug trafficking was behind THE—MAJORITY—OF—THE—KILLINGS.
20080825             —VOTED, RUSSIA—PARLIAMENT, unanimously to urge THE—PRESIDENT to recognize THE—INDEPENDENCE—OF—GEORGIA—2—BREAKAWAY regions, 1—MOVE—LIKELY to stoke further tensions between MOSCOW and the small Caucasus nation's Western allies.
20080825             —WARNED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—DMITRY—MEDVEDEV, EX—SOVIET—MOLDOVA against repeating GEORGIA—MISTAKE—OF trying to use force to seize back CONTROL—OF—TRANSDNIESTRIA, 1—PRO—MOSCOW breakaway region.
20080825             NORTH—SRI—LANKA, 1—SERIES—OF—GUNBATTLES between government forces and the Tamil Tigers killed 15—REBELS and 7—SOLDIERS.
20080825             Deadly clashes broke out —WHEN SUDAN—SECURITY—FORCES thrust into Kalma, 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—CAMPS for displaced people in SOUTH—DARFUR, leaving at least 33 and as many as 70—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20080825             ZIMBABWE—OPPOSITION won the vote for speaker of the 1. PARLIAMENT —SINCE disputed elections in March, claiming votes even from the ruling party of autocratic PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE amid stalled talks over sharing power.
20080825             We Tilt at Windmills as World War Looms
20080825             There is no strategic justification for siting USA—MISSILE—SYSTEMS in POLAND and THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC.
20080825             It is nothing but RIGHT—WING provocation.
20080825             NATO—WELCOME to GEORGIA and UKRAINE, for no good reason but at risk of having to come to their aid, has served only to incite GEORGIA to realise that risk —WHILE also infuriating MOSCOW.
20080825             Die anschließenden Untersuchungen ergaben Verbindungen Khans nach IRAN und NORD—KOREA.
20080825             CIA—AUFTRAG: SCHWEIZER—INGENIEURE sabotierten Irans ATOM—PROGRAMM
20080825             Haushalt: Staatskasse ist besser gefüllt als erwartet
20080825             USA—WAHLKAMPF: Madonnas HITLER—VERGLEICH empört McCains Team
20080825             Der Herstellerfirma Qinetiq zufolge soll der Ultraleichtflieger eines Tages für SPIONAGE—UND Kommunikationseinsätze genutzt werden.
20080825             Neben den Briten arbeiten zahlreiche weitere Forschergruppen an Solarflugzeugen für Langzeiteinsätze.
20080825             "Zephyr" am Himmel.
20080825             Die ENTWICKLUNG—DES—ULTRALEICHTFLUGZEUGS mit einer Spannweite von 18—METERN wird von amerikanischen und BRITISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTEN finanziert.
20080825             Der Unterschied zwischen BERLIN und WIEN: In WIEN wird 1—PRÜGELPOLIZIST zumindest vorübergehend vom Dienst suspendiert.
20080825             DENVER—DER—SCHRECK war groß, doch die Entwarnung kam umgehend: Es besteht keine Gefahr für Leib und Leben.
20080825             Das körpereigene Darmmolekül Reg3g ist an der Immunabwehr beteiligt, indem es Bakterien im Dünndarm ABTötet.
20080825             Auf diese Weise spielt es eine wichtige Rolle für den Schutz des Wirts vor Bakterien, die gegen Antibiotika resistent sind.
20080825             Diese Funktion wird jedoch gerade durch die Gabe von Antibiotika gestört, wie die Forscher in ihren Experimenten nachweisen konnten.
20080825             Die Wissenschaftler behandelten dabei die Mäuse mit einem Breitbandantibiotikum und untersuchten die Produktion dieses Proteins im Dünndarm der Tiere.
20080825             INNERHALB—3—TAGEN NACH—BEGINN der Behandlung mit Antibiotika fanden die Forscher eine deutliche Verminderung der PRODUKTION—VON—REG3G.
20080825             —GEWONNEN, Die Wahlen aber werden da, wo es politisch unkorrekt zugeht, wo AMERIKA am amerikanischsten und damit am undeutschesten ist, wo man große Autos fährt, Waffen trägt, die Todesstrafe als unverzichtbar BETRACHTET—UND wo am Eingang des Supermarkts steht: Wir unterstützen unsere Truppen.
20080825             Wenn man genau hinsieht, gibt es auch nicht die eine demokratische Partei.
20080825             Es gibt —DERZEIT mindestens 3—DAVON.
20080825             JAMIE—OLIVER: Warum das ESSEN in Slums besser ist als in GROSSBRITANNIEN
20080825             Ultraleichtflieger "Zephyr": Unbemannter Solarsegler erreicht inoffiziellen Weltrekord
20080825             Bakterien: Neuer Mechanismus für ANTIBIOTIKA—RESISTENZ entdeckt
20080825             Bewaffneter im Hotel: Spitzenpolitikerin Pelosi in Sicherheit gebracht
20080825             Wahlkampf in BAYERN: CSU rüstet sich für.
20080825             KREUZ—ZUG" gegen die LINKE—SCHWEIZ ließ wichtige Akten vernichten
20080825             —UNTERDESSEN, In der SCHWEIZ wird, nach wie vor gegen die Tinners ERMITTELT—UND DIE—CIA—TÄTIGKEIT spielt dort praktisch keine Rolle.
20080825—20031000    —IM, führten Hinweise von Urs Tinner zum entscheidenden 1. Schlag gegen das KHAN—NETZWERK: 1—LIEFERUNG von wichtigen Komponenten nach LIBYEN wurde aufgehalten, Libyens STAATSCHEF—MUAMMAR—AL—GADDAFI konnte angesichts dieser "smoking gun" nichts LEUGNEN—UND entschied sich, zu kooperieren und sein Programm einzustellen.
20080825—20040000    —SIGNED, HONDURAS—PRESIDENT—MANUEL—ZELAYA, adherence to the Bolivarian ALTERNATIVE—OF—THE—AMERICAS (ALBA), 1—TRADE—ALLIANCE created by VENEZUELA and CUBA as 1—REGIONAL—ALTERNATIVE to trade agreements with THE—USA.
20080825—20050000    —IN, 2—OTHER—SUBMARINES, which began production, have been delivered to IRAN—NAVY.
20080825—20081024    —ON, she said that she will not cooperate with local police, alleging that they stood by idly —DURING—THE—ATTACK.
20080825—20090100    —IN, police charged 10—MEN with gang raping the Catholic —NUN.
20090825             —RECALLED, IRAQ, its ambassador from Syria and demanded that DAMASCUS hand over 2 suspected SADDAM—HUSSEIN loyalists it has linked to 20090819             —THE suicide attacks.
20090825             THE—USA—WHITE—HOUSE forecast a —10—YEAR—FEDERAL—DEFICIT—OF $9—TRILLION, more than the sum of all previous deficits —SINCE AMERICA—FOUNDING.
20090825             —CALLED, USA—SENATOR—JIM—WEBB, back from 1—RARE—TRIP to MYANMAR, sanctions against the military regime "overwhelmingly COUNTER—PRODUCTIVE" and asked the opposition to consider taking part in upcoming elections.
20090825             —UNVEILED, Sony Corp., 1—NEW—ELECTRONIC—BOOK—READER for THE—USA—MARKET, dubbed the "Daily Edition".
20090825             —SCHEDULED, It was, to become available in December for $399 and compete with AMAZON—KINDLE.
20090825             SENATOR—EDWARD—M—KENNEDY was the last surviving brother in 1—ENDURING political dynasty and 1—OF—THE—MOST influential senators in history.
20090825             His memoir "True Compass: 1—MEMOIR" was published —IN—SEPTEMBER.
20090825             1—LARGE—EXPLOSION detonated in KANDAHAR and was followed by gunfire on the street afterward.
20090825             1—MAJOR bombing killed at least 43—PEOPLE and wounded 65 in KANDAHAR —JUST—AFTER dark.
20090825             —RULED, ARGENTINA—SUPREME—COURT, out prison for pot possession, saying the government should go —AFTER major traffickers and provide treatment INSTEAD—OF—JAIL for CONSUMERS—OF—MARIJUANA.
20090825             —RUSHED, BELIZE, PRIME—MINISTER—DEAN—BARROW, thru the nationalization of BELIZE Telemedia, the country's dominant telecommunications company, and appointed 1—NEW—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS.
20090825             This was seen locally as 1—ESCALATION in BARROW—LONG standing dispute with MICHAEL—ASHCROFT, 1—UK—PEER with interests in BELIZE Bank.
20090825             4—ETHIOPIA—ATHLETES, 2—WOMEN and 2—MEN, fled their hotel in LONDON and failed to make 1—CONNECTING flight to EDINBURGH ahead of the Falkirk Cup athletics event.
20090825             —KILLED, CHECHNYA, 1—SUICIDE bombing, 3—POLICE—OFFICERS at 1—GAS—STATION—CARWASH complex in the Shali region.
20090825             —EARLIER in the —DAY the Chechen Interior Ministry said 1—POLICEMAN was killed and another wounded in 1—OVERNIGHT clash with militants.
20090825             CHINA, Wang Yunlong, the head of the legislative committee on agriculture and rural affairs, told his fellow lawmakers that efforts to stop the use of "lean meat powder" (clenbuterol) had fallen short in MANY—AREAS and called for a "concentrated countrywide effort to bring it under control".
20090825             Farmers used the banned drug because it boosted profits in 2—WAYS: It speeds up THE—GROWTH—OF—ANIMALS to get them to market quicker and creates meat for which consumers are willing to pay extra.
20090825             1—ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKE on 1—SMUGGLING tunnel between THE—GAZA—STRIP and EGYPT killed 3—PALESTINIANS and wounded 7.
20090825             THE—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM said that 3.8—MILLION—KENYANS need emergency food aid because of 1 prolonged drought, which is even causing electrical blackouts in the capital because there's not enough water for hydroelectric plants.
20090825             NICARAGUA said it will reroute THE—S—JUAN—RIVER on the border with COSTA—RICA.
20090825             The river has been at the center of 1—LENGTHY—DISPUTE between THE—2—CENTRAL—USA—COUNTRIES.
20090825             THE—UN—HIGHEST—COURT—LAST—MONTH set travel rules for THE—S—JUAN—RIVER, affirming freedom for COSTA—RICA—BOATS to navigate the waterway —WHILE upholding NICARAGUA—RIGHT to regulate traffic.
20090825             —ENDED, The judgment, a —4—YEAR—LEGAL—BATTLE.
20090825             THE—UN said SOMALIA is facing its worst humanitarian crisis in —18—YEARS, with more than HALF—OF—THE—POPULATION needing humanitarian aid amid 1—ESCALATING crisis.
20090825             —LAUNCHED, SOUTH—KOREA, its 1. rocket, —JUST months —AFTER rival NORTH—KOREA—LAUNCH drew INTERNATIONAL anger, but space officials said the satellite it carried failed to enter its intended orbit.
20090825             —INDICATED, TURKEY—MILITARY, that it would back government efforts to grant more rights to Kurds and improve the economy of their region.
20090825             The military, however, drew the line at moves that would involve negotiating with Kurdish rebels, harm TURKEY—UNITY or make Kurdish 1—OFFICIAL—LANGUAGE.
20090825             1—INTERNATIONAL—FORUM in TURKEY sought to boost aid and investment in PAKISTAN as 1—WAY to support its democratic institutions and curb violence there.
20090825             Drogenpolitik: ARGENTINIEN erlaubt kleine Mengen Marihuana
20090825             USA—GERICHTSURTEIL: Millionenstrafe für Tabakkonzern PHILIP—MORRIS
20090825             "Es wird sicher einige geben, die sagen, dass dieser Bericht beweist, dass wir und die Gesundheitsreform nicht leisten können", sagte Orszag.
20090825             "Meiner Meinung nach ist das genau andersrum. Die Größe der Haushaltslücke ist genau der Grund, weshalb wir eine gut entworfene und fiskalisch verantwortliche Gesundheitsreform —JETZT in Kraft setzen müssen".
20090825             Wie damals wird diesmal in ISRAEL zu einem Warenboykott gegen SCHWEDISCHE—HÄNDLER mobilisiert, allen voran gegen den Möbelhersteller Ikea.
20090825             Wie damals werden wechselseitig BOTSCHAFTER einbestellt, gibt es Morddrohungen gegen den Autor, wird Journalisten aus dem skandinavischen Norden die Einreise verweigert.
20090825             "Rettet ISRAEL vor seiner Regierung"
20090825             Regierungsmitglieder und Kommentatoren sprechen von "antisemitischen Gräuelmärchen" und fordern "angemessene Reaktionen".
20090825             Die blieben in der SCHWEDISCHEN—METROPOLE unter Hinweis auf die Pressefreiheit aus.
20090825             Die "ARCTIC Sea" werde auch deshalb in den RUSSISCHEN—SCHWARZMEERHAFEN Noworossijsk geschleppt, um dort weitere Ermittlungen anzustellen.
20090825             —UNTERDESSEN, Die Zeitung "Moskowski Komsomolez" ("MK") berichtete, unter Berufung auf RUSSISCHE—GEHEIMDIENSTQUELLEN, die "ARCTIC Sea" habe auch Waffen "mit unbekannter Herkunft und unklarem Ziel" an Bord gehabt.
20090825             Der Fall hatte einen wohl einmaligen EINSATZ—VON—GEHEIMDIENSTEN aus 20—LÄNDERN ausgelöst.
20090825             Überrumpelungstaktik ist unethisch"
20090825             Die Ausbeute im —BISHER größten AMERIKANISCHEN—SKANDAL um Leichenteile ist allerdings gering im Vergleich zu den Zahlen aus der UKRAINE, die —NUN dem SPIEGEL vorliegen: Allein
20090825             Staatsverschuldung: USA steuern gigantisches REKORD—DEFIZIT an
20090825             Diplomatische Krise: ISRAELISCHE—POLITIKER attackieren Schwedens wunden Punkt
20090825             Der Fall "ARCTIC Sea": RUSSLAND ermittelt wegen Waffenschmuggels
20090825             Ausuferndes Staatsdefizit: WIRTSCHAFTS—FORSCHER fordern 25 % Mehrwertsteuer
20090825             —GESCHLOSSEN, Verdrecktes Wasser: Blaue Grotte auf Capri muss, werden
20090825             Überforderte Leber: Extraportion Vitamin B9 bleibt ohne Effekt
20090825             Zukunftsszenarien für Opel: Insolvenz, Amerikaner und Investoren
20090825             OPEL—RETTUNG: DEUTSCHE—POLITIKER klagen über Chaos bei GENERAL—MOTORS
20090825             —GEHÖRT, Studie: DEUTSCHLAND, zur Spitzengruppe bei den Arbeitskosten
20090825             USA—FINANZKONZERN: Goldman Sachs soll Großkunden bevorzugt haben
20090825             Die totale Kameraüberwachung in ENGLAND hilft pro 1000—KAMERAS ungefähr 1—VERBRECHEN aufzuklären.
20090825             JEDES—JAHR kommen 20.000—NEU entdeckte Arten hinzu.
20090825             ALLERDINGS—STERBEN JEDES—JAHR zugleich etwa 26.000—ARTEN auch wieder aus.
20090825             —VERZEICHNET, Und es gibt auch KONKURRENZ—PROJEKTE: So, der WIKIPEDIA—ABLEGER "
20090825             Wikispecies " nach eigenen Angaben —DERZEIT—BEREITS 194.000—ARTEN.
20090825             —BIS—HEUTE beharrt DIE—CIA darauf, die Publikation schade dem Ansehen der USA.
20090825             Die "Enthüllung" werde die "Reputation und Effektivität" der CIA "ernsthaft beschädigen", warnte —SCHON der Bericht selbst.
20090825             Die CIA, die Panetta —ERST—VOR—7—MONATEN übernommen hat, gerät somit in schwere Gewässer.
20090825             "Die Behörde", prophezeite auch der Bericht —SCHON über die Folge der Verhörpraktiken, "steht vor potentiell ernsthaften, langfristigen, politischen und rechtlichen Herausforderungen".
20090825             —DOKUMENTIERT, Insgesamt seien 83—FÄLLE—VON—WATERBOARDING
20090825             Alles in allem habe es nur "wenige FÄLLE—DER—ABWEICHUNGEN von genehmigten Prozeduren" gegeben, heißt es GESTELZT—OBWOHL diese sanktionierten "Prozeduren" allein —SCHON menschenverachtend genug waren.
20090825             Rest ist —SCHON erschreckend - 1—DOKUMENT der Unmenschlicheit in kalter Amtssprache.
20090825             Im Weißen Haus habe es vorigen —MONAT ein "Brüllduell voller Obszönitäten" geben, meldete ABC News, und WASHINGTON spekulierte genüsslich von einem baldigen Abgang des treuen OBAMA—VASALLEN.
20090825             so amtlich schwarz auf weiß, trotz einer gewissen öffentlichen Abstumpfung.
20090825             Sicher, sie dürften keinen mehr überraschen, diese haarsträubenden AUSFÜHRUNGEN—ZU viel ist längst bekannt über DIE—CIA—FOLTERPROGRAMME unter GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20090825             Ob es sich bei diesem martialischen Vernehmer um einen CIA—AGENTEN handelte oder den Mitarbeiter einer PRIVATFIRMA—DIESEN Hinweis ließ die Spionagebehörde geschwärzt.
20090825             Doch allein deren detaillierte Ausführung in einem hauseigenen Dokument lässt auf einen wohlbegründeten Verdacht SCHLIEßEN—ZUMAL es sich um keinen Einzelfall handelt.
20090825             Es findet sich auf Seite 42—EINES internen Untersuchungsberichts, mit dem der USA—GEHEIMDIENST —SCHON
20090825             "Die Entwicklung in AFRIKA sollte nicht den Fehlern der entwickelten Länder folgen", sagte dazu die KENIANISCHE—UMWELTMINISTERIN ALICE—KAUDIA —AM—MONTAG dem BRITISCHEN—SENDER BBC.
20090825             Bei den vergangenen KLIMA—SCHUTZVERHANDLUNGEN hätten unterschiedliche Standpunkte der afrikanischen Länder stets die Einflussmöglichkeiten auf das Ergebnis begrenzt, beklagten die afrikanischen STAATS—UND Regierungschefs laut Entwurf in ihrer Abschlusserklärung.
20090825             Das Verhandlungsteam für Kopenhagen müsste deshalb "mit dem politischen Gewicht von oberster Stelle" gestärkt werden, damit Afrikas Stimme ernster genommen werde.
20090825             —NUN wagt sich die Zentralbank Israels vor und hebt ihren Zinssatz für kurzfristige Darlehen leicht an.
20090825             Marktbeobachter halten —NUN eine weltweite Kehrtwende für MÖGLICH—VOR allem Zentralbanken kleiner Staaten könnten dem Beispiel Israels folgen.
20090825             Erhöhtes HAUTKREBS—RISIKO: DEUTSCHE—KREBSHILFE fordert strengere Auflagen für Solarien
20090825             Bittorrent: Provider klemmt Pirate Bay ab, geht selbst unter
20090825             Makaberer Handel mit Toten: Tutogen bezog Leichenteile auch von kriminellem Geschäftsmann
20090825             Gestörte Aufmerksamkeit: Multitasking ist ineffizient
20090825             NAHOST—KONFLIKT: ISRAEL regt Gipfeltreffen in NEW—YORK an
20090825             Gegen den Trend: Israels Zentralbank erhöht die Zinsen
20090825             Interner CIA—FOLTERBERICHT: "Wir werden deine Kinder umbringen"
20090825             Löscharbeiten: Waldbrände in GRIECHENLAND unter Kontrolle
20090825             Globale Rezession: WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE stürzt Staatshaushalt tief ins Minus
20090825             Der "Souverän", wie Gundlach den Bürger nennt, schreitet schließlich in der Anonymität —DER—NACHT zur Tat, da auf seine Sachbeschädigung nach Paragraf 303—DES Strafgesetzbuches —2—JAHRE Zuchthaus folgen können.
20090825             Gundlach musste die manipulierten Plakate entdecken, bevor die Wahlkämpfer sie —AM—NÄCHSTEN—MORGEN wieder überklebten.
20090825             "Der einzige beständige Anzeiger für CCD in den Proben, die zu verschiedenen Zeiten und an verschiedenen Orten gesammelt wurden, war die Überfülle von ribosomalen Bruchstücken", sagte May Berenbaum.
20090825             Die Forscher schreiben im Fachblatt "
20090825             Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES
20090825             ", dass Krankheitserreger, vor allem die FAMILIE—DER—PICORNA—VIREN, die Ribosomen besetzen und zur Bildung viraler Proteine zwingen könnten
20090825             USA—ZENTRALBANK: Obama steht zu Notenbankchef Bernanke
20090825             Gestörte Eiweißproduktion: Forscher finden Grund für Bienensterben
20090825             And the Bush es' preoccupations are not clear —UNTIL you consider the whole dynasty.
20090825             It is the dynastic aspect that truly reveals the pattern — the clandestine behavior over multiple generations.
20090825             Las minas antipersonal
20090825             Así, se ha descubierto recientemente que durante la década de los ochenta PARAGUAY... En
20090825             In dem gleichen Fall legte 1—STAATSANWALT—SEIN—MANDAT nieder und kritisierte das Verfahren heftig.
20090825             Panetta sprach von "alten Geschichten".
20090825             Die INTERNATIONAL kritisierten Verhörmethoden im KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN Terrorismus sollten juristisch aufgearbeitet werden, erklärte Holder —AM—MONTAG in WASHINGTON.
20090825             Zusätzliche Probleme drohen der CIA aber auch mit Blick auf die angekündigten neuen Ermittlungen wegen Misshandlung und Folterung von Terrorverdächtigen.
20090825             Beobachter werten dies als Entmachtung der CIA.
20090825             Dann wurde die Folter durch die Intervention eines Arztes gestoppt". Quelle: ICRC/MARK—DANNER/"NEW—YORK REVIEW—OF—BOOKS" AP
20090825             Dem Jemeniten WALID—BIN—ATTASCH wird vorgeworfen,
20090825             Grundlagen seien immer ein ausführliches medizinisches Protokoll sowie die nach einem Gespräch mit dem Spender angefertigte Bewertung der Lebensumstände.
20090825             es werde —NUN geprüft, ob 1—ERMITTLUNGSVERFAHREN eingeleitet wird.
20090825             Der Leiter der Rechtsmedizin in KIEV, WLADIMIR—JURTSCHENKO, bestätigte, dass auch —HEUTE noch Leichen ausgenommen würden, deren Knochen dann bei Tutogen landeten.
20090825             Die Angehörigen wissen dabei in vielen Fällen nicht, was mit den Knochen ihrer Verwandten geschieht.
20090825             Die aus Leichenteilen gewonnenen Produkte werden vor allem in den USA als Ersatzteile bei Patienten eingesetzt, ihr Nutzen ist aber umstritten.
20090825             Ermittler auf den Plan: Wegen des Verdachtes des Handels mit UKRAINE—LEICHENTEILEN prüft die Staatsanwaltschaft Bamberg 1—VERFAHREN gegen das Pharmaunternehmen Tutogen.
20090825             USA: 1—DER—JÜNGSTEN—GUANTANAMO—GEFANGENEN freigelassen
20090825             —BY that measure yes the religion spread through military projection... 1—SPOKESMAN for MISTER—BIDEN, JAY—CARNEY, said THE—VICE—PRESIDENT was...
20090825             DEUTSCHE—HYPOTHEKEN—BANK—AG
20090825—18580000    —TREATY, Under an,  the entire river belongs to NICARAGUA up to THE—COSTA—RICA—BANK, but COSTA—RICA—SHIPS have FREEDOM—OF—NAVIGATION for commerce.
20090825—20090000    —ANSCHLAG: TÖDLICHSTES—JAHR für ausländische Soldaten in AFGHANISTAN
20090825—20110000    —RULED, BELIZE—COURT—OF—APPEAL, that the nationalization was unconstitutional.
20100620—20100825    —UNTIL, This was not made public.
20100814—20100825    —TURNED, RICCARDO—MCCRAY, himself in and was charged 4—COUNTS—OF—2. degree murder.
20100825             33—PEOPLE were reported killed in fighting that began 20100820             .
20100825             THE—USA—SAID it will divert $50—MILLION from 1—DEVELOPMENT—PACKAGE for PAKISTAN toward relief funds.
20100825             —APPROVED, THE—CALIFORNIA—ENERGY—COMMISSION, the Beacon Solar Energy Project, which 1—FLORIDA company plans to build on the western edge of the Mojave Desert.
20100825             This was the 1. in 1—SERIES—OF—LARGE—SCALE—SOLAR—PROJECTS planned in CALIFORNIA.
20100825             —KILLED, NORTH—CALIFORNIA, pot farmer Mikal Wilde, Juarez MADRID, 1 hired migrant worker, and wounded another as a 3. fled.
20100825             —FIRED, PRESIDENT—KARZAI, senior prosecutor Fazel AHMED—FAQIRYAR, —72—JAHRE—ALT—AFTER he repeatedly refused to block corruption investigations of MORE—THAN—2—DOZEN—SENIOR—AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS.
20100825             1—AFGHANISTAN—DRIVER for THE—SPAIN—POLICE—CONTINGENT opened fire —DURING 1—TRAINING exercise, killing 2—SPAIN—OFFICERS and their interpreter in what appeared to be the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS by infiltrators linked to the insurgency.
20100825             10—CAMPAIGN—WORKERS were kidnapped —WHILE traveling in THE—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—HERAT.
20100825             3—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS were killed by 1—HOMEMADE bomb in KANDAHAR—ARGHANDAB district.
20100825             2—TALIBAN commanders were killed in fighting with 1—JOINT—AFGHANISTAN TALIBAN force in Uruzgan province, along with 12—REGULAR—INSURGENT—FIGHTERS.
20100825             —AIDED, In Badakhshan province AFGHANISTAN—ARMY commandos, by USA special forces discovered 1—MAJOR—WEAPONS cache in the remote village of Nawci.
20100825             —INCLUDED, Weapons found, 78—ROCKETS with launchers, 47—MORTAR rounds, MORE—THAN—9,000—ROUNDS—OF—AMMUNITION, and 24—ROCKET—PROPELLED grenades.
20100825             —DESTROYED, All were.
20100825             —SIGNED, COSAN—BRAZIL—BIGGEST sugar and ethanol producer, a $12—BILLION joint venture with Royal HOLLAND—SHELL, the world's largest energy company.
20100825             —ARRESTED, CANADA—POLICE, 2—PEOPLE in Ottowa in relation to what they called "terrorist offenses" and said they expect to make further arrests.
20100825             A 3. person was arrested THE—NEXT—DAY in LONDON, ONTARIO.
20100825             Police said they were plotting bomb attacks and had connections to 1—GROUP fighting coalition forces in AFGHANISTAN.
20100825             —SEIZED, Police in NORTH—EAST—CONGO said they have, 116—ELEPHANT—TUSKS and arrested 2—MEN —FOLLOWING 1—TRUCK—CRASH.
20100825             —OPERATED, WEST—CONGO, 1—PASSENGER—PLANE, by local airliner FILAIR, crashed, killing 19—PEOPLE.
20100825             Police said there were 2—SURVIVORS.
20100825             —ANNOUNCED, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK, plans for the government to start building the country's 1. nuclear power plant at 1—SITE on the Mediterranean coast, ending —1—YEAR—OF controversy.
20100825             —REPORTED, GRENADA, businessman MICHAEL—RAEBURN—DELFISH was, missing.
20100825             —UPGRADED, IRAN said that it has successfully TEST—FIRED 1, VERSION—OF—1—SHORT—RANGE—SURFACE—TO—SURFACE—MISSILE.
20100825             The 3. GENERATION—OF—THE—FATEH—110, which means "conqueror" in Farsi and Arabic, with 1 improved range of 250—KM and better precision than previous models.
20100825             —LAUNCHED, IRAQ, bombers and gunmen, 1—APPARENTLY coordinated STRING—OF—ATTACKS—AGAINST IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, killing at least 61—PEOPLE, —1—DAY—AFTER THE—NUMBER—OF—USA—TROOPS fell below 50,000 for the 1. time —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—WAR.
20100825             In the deadliest attacks 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew up 1—CAR inside 1—SECURITY—BARRIER between 1—POLICE—STATION and the provincial government's headquarters in Kut, killing 20—PEOPLE, 15—OF—THEM policemen.
20100825             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER detonated 1—CAR—BOMB in 1—PARKING lot behind 1—POLICE—STATION in BAGHDAD killing 15—PEOPLE, including 6—POLICEMEN.
20100825             1—MEXICO—JUDGE—FOUND—MARIO—BAUTISTA, FORMER—MICHOACAN state police director, INNOCENT—OF—CHARGES he helped 1—DRUG—GANG.
20100825             26—OF—THEM have already been set free for LACK—OF—EVIDENCE or —AFTER 1—JUDGE found them innocent.
20100825             NIGERIA, 2—MOTORCYCLE—RIDING gunmen shot and killed 1—POLICE—CONSTABLE in Yobe state.
20100825             —DRESSED, Separately 2—POLICEMEN were shot and killed by 4—GUNMEN, in black and riding motorcycles in MAIDUGURI.
20100825             —SUSPECTED, The gunmen were, to be MEMBERS—OF—THE—BOKO—HARAM—ISLAMIC sect.
20100825             —CALLED, NIGERIA—WORKER—UNION for THE—STATE—RUN—POWER—COMPANY, 1—GENERAL—STRIKE, —1—DAY—BEFORE the nation's PRESIDENT is to announce his plans to privatize the industry.
20100825             —WARNED, NIGERIA—HEALTH—OFFICIALS, that the whole country is at risk in 1—CHOLERA epidemic that has killed 352—PEOPLE in only —3—MONTHS—TIME.
20100825             Shell said it has shut down 1—OIL—FACILITY in SOUTH—NIGERIA due to protests by 1—GROUP—OF—LOCAL—WOMEN, —AFTER 1—SIMILAR—DEMONSTRATION targeted 1—CHEVRON pipeline.
20100825             —ARRIVED, FORMER—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER, in THE—CAPITAL—OF—COMMUNIST—NORTH—KOREA on 1—PRIVATE, humanitarian mission to win the release of Aijalon Gomes (31) of BOSTON, 1—AMERICAN sentenced to —8—YEARS' hard labor for trespassing.
20100825             —FLARED, SOMALIA, fighting in MOGADISHU, for a 3. straight —DAY, killing 8—PEOPLE and pushing THE—WEEK—DEATH—TOLL—PAST 80 as insurgents tried to force GOVERNMENT—TROOPS back toward the presidential palace.
20100825             SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—DRIVER taking children to school went —AROUND 1 closed railroad crossing gate and was hit by 1—ONCOMING train that killed 10—PUPILS and injured 5—OTHERS.
20100825             1—UGANDA—COURT scrapped sedition legislation used to prosecute over 12—JOURNALISTS and politicians.
20100825             —REGAINED, YEMEN—AUTHORITIES said the military had, CONTROL—OF—LODER.
20100825             —INCLUDED, This, 12—AL—QAIDA militants.
20100825             —ATTACKED, Gunmen on motorcycles, 1—MILITARY—PATROL in Zinjibar, killing 4—SOLDIERS and wounding 1.
20100825—19931200    —ARRESTED, Phillip had been, on assault and drug charges.
20100825—20000000    —DEPORTED, Suspect RONALD—MICHAEL—PHILLIP, —55—JAHRE—ALT, had been, from THE—USA to GRANADA THE—DAY—AFTER leaving 1—STATE—PRISON in UNCASVILLE—CONNECTICUT, where he had spent MORE—THAN—6—YEARS.
20100825—20090500    —ARRESTED, He was, by FEDERAL—INVESTIGATORS along with 34—OTHER—LOCAL and state officials in Michoacan.
20100825—20100905    —SEVERED, His, head and limbs were found in 3—SHALLOW—PITS.
20100825—20110000    —IN, Driver JACOB—HUMPHREYS was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER and
20100825—20120000    —IN, was sentenced to 1—EFFECTIVE—20—YEARS—IN—PRISON.
20100825—20150603    —SENTENCED, Wilde was, to life in prison plus —35—YEARS.
20100829—20100825    —KIDNAPPED, Officials found the bodies of 5—CAMPAIGN—AIDES, who worked for 1—FEMALE—CANDIDATE in THE—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—HERAT.
20100831—20100825    —SINCE, At least 4—PEOPLE were killed in 1—TANGLE—OF—VIOLENCE centering on Valdemoro.
20110127—20090825    —BY—THAT—MEASURE yes the religion spread through military projection
20110825             —REPORTED, It was, that WARREN—BUFFETT—BERKSHIRE—HATHAWAY will invest $5—BILLION in BANK—OF—AMERICA, stepping in to shore up the company in the same way he helped prop up Goldman Sachs —DURING—THE—FINANCIAL—CRISIS.
20110825             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—COALITION—SERVICE—MEMBER was, in 1—INSURGENT—ATTACK, raising to 4 the number of foreign troops killed.
20110825             —KILLED, THE—USA—LED coalition said THE—3—OTHER troopers were, in 2—SEPARATE roadside bomb explosions.
20110825             —PLEDGED, AFRICA—UNION—LEADERS, nearly $380—MILLION to help FAMINE—HIT families in the Horn of AFRICA —DURING 1—DONOR conference in ETHIOPIA.
20110825             —CALLED, Human Rights Watch, for ANGOLA to stop forced evictions as THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—LUBANGO threatened to demolish 750—FAMILIES' houses to make way for 1—NEW—ROAD.
20110825             AUSTRIA—OFFICIALS said they are investigating allegations that 1—MAN locked up his 2—MENTALLY disabled daughters in 1—SMALL—ROOM in their home, sexually abused them —FOR—41—YEARS.
20110825             —ACCUSED, The women have, THE—80—YEAR—OLD—OF repeatedly raping them 19700000—20110500    —BETWEEN.
20110825             The alleged victims are —NOW 53 and —45—YEARS—OLD.
20110825             † BRAZIL, 1—LEADER—OF—LANDLESS—WORKERS was shot to death —WHILE riding his bike in Barbosa, Para state.
20110825             —MURDERED, Valdemar Oliveira Barbosa was the 4. person, in Para —SINCE—MAY who was involved in environmental or land rights movements.
20110825             Catholic Land Pastoral said MORE—THAN—1,150—RURAL—ACTIVISTS have been killed in BRAZIL over the past —20—YEARS.
20110825             —REPORTED, BRAZIL—SCIENTISTS, that 1—HUGE—UNDERGROUND—RIVER appears to flow THOUSANDS—OF—FEET beneath the Amazon River, and that it was about the same length as the 3,700 mile long Amazon.
20110825             —WRACKED, CHILE—CAPITAL was, overnight by looting, attacks on police and THE—BURNING—OF—CARS and barricades as union members, students and government workers waged a —2—DAY—NATIONWIDE strike for changes in government policies.
20110825             —MARCHED, Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—CHILEANS, peacefully demanding profound changes in the country's heavily centralized and privatized FORM—OF—GOVERNMENT, —WHILE smaller groups broke away to fight with police.
20110825             —ARRESTED, Some 1,394—PEOPLE were, and dozens injured.
20110825             —DECLARED, GREECE, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY as wildfires in the northeast burned OUT—OF—CONTROL for a 2. straight —DAY.
20110825             INDIAN—ADMINISTERED, Kashmir rebels threw grenades at paramilitary soldiers in 2—AREAS, killing 2—PEOPLE and wounding 11—OTHERS.
20110825             —AGREED, INDONESIA, Aceh GOVERNOR—IRWANDI—YUSUF, —51—JAHRE—ALT, to give PT Kallista Alam, 1—PALM—OIL—COMPANY, 1—PERMIT to convert 4,000 acres of peat swamp forest.
20110825             The land was in the heart of the renowned Leuser Ecosystem already identified as off limits under 1—PRESIDENTIAL—MORATORIUM enacted in May.
20110825             —FIRED, Over the last —24—HOUR—PERIOD, GAZA militants, 19—ROCKETS and mortars into SOUTH—ISRAEL, lightly injuring 1—INFANT.
20110825             —CONFIRMED, European officials, that small numbers of British, French and other special forces have been working inside LIBYA in recent months.
20110825             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—BULLET—RIDDLED bodies of over 30—PRO—KHADAFY fighters were found at 1—MILITARY—ENCAMPMENT in CENTRAL—TRIPOLI.
20110825             —BELIEVED, MEXICO, 1—GROUP—OF at least 8—ASSAILANTS, to be connected to 1—DRUG—CARTEL, spread gasoline inside the Casino Royale and set the building on fire, trapping DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE inside.
20110825             —KILLED, The fire, 52—PEOPLE in THE—MONTERREY casino.
20110825             THE—BODY—OF—HUMBERTO Millan Salazar (53), 1—ONLINE newspaper journalist, was found in 1—FARM building outside THE—CITY—OF—CULIACAN, Sinaloa state, with 1—GUNSHOT wound in the face.
20110825             —KIDNAPPED, He had been, —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20110825             —BLAMED, NIGERIA, the Boko Haram radical Muslim sect, for attacks across the northeast, attacked 2—POLICE—STATIONS and robbed 2—BANKS, killing 16—PEOPLE in 1—ASSAULT highlighting the group's escalating willingness to shed blood.
20110825             —CRASHED, PAKISTAN officials said 1—USA—SURVEILLANCE—DRONE has, in the southwest near 1—PARAMILITARY—BASE—CLOSE to THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20110825             SOUTH—KOREA prosecutors said 5—SOUTH—KOREANS, including 1—FORMER—PARLIAMENTARY—AIDE, have been indicted for allegedly spying for NORTH—KOREA.
20110825             —ANNOUNCED, SRI—LANKA—PRESIDENT—MAHINDA—RAJAPAKSA, plans to lift wartime emergency laws that have curbed civil and political liberties for MOST—OF—THE—PAST—30—YEARS.
20110825             —DRAGGED, Masked gunmen, ALI—FERZAT, —60—JAHRE—ALT, SYRIA—BEST—KNOWN political cartoonist, from his car —BEFORE dawn, beat him severely and broke both his hands as 1—WARNING to stop drawing —JUST days —AFTER he compared SYRIA—PRESIDENT—TO—MOAMMAR—GADHAFI.
20110825             1—YEMEN—MILITARY—AIRSTRIKE killed 8 suspected AL—QAIDA militants including 1—GROUP—LEADER in THE—SOUTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20110825—20110909    —ON, THE—AUSTRIA—MAN, held for —AROUND—2—WEEKS on suspicion that he regularly raped his daughters —FOR—41—YEARS, was freed —AFTER THE—2—WOMEN changed their story.
20110825—20120000    —IN, 7—MEN were sentenced to 75—100—YEARS for their roles in the fire.
20110829—20110825    —IN—THE, MEXICO—POLICE announced THE—ARREST—OF—5—SUSPECTS associated with the Zetas drug cartel casino fire in MONTERREY.
20110901             —ARRESTED, FEDERAL—POLICE said they have, 1—STATE—POLICE—OFFICER in connection with 20110825             —THE arson fire at 1—MONTERREY casino that killed 52—PEOPLE.
20110928             —ALLEGED, He is, to be 1—OF 4—MEMBERS—OF—THE—ZETAS drug cartel who planned 20110825             —THE—ARSON—OF—THE—CASINO—ROYALE in MONTERREY.
20111026—20110825    —IN—THE, 2—MORE—SUSPECTS—ATTACK—ON—THE—CASINO—ROYALE were detained in MONTERREY.
20120105             —CONSIDERED, He was, the mastermind behind 20120825             —THE casino fire that killed 52—PEOPLE in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MONTERREY.
20120823—20120825    —REACHED, 1—OIL slick from the vessel, THE—COAST—OF—COLOMBO and threatened 1—BEACH—RESORT—POPULAR with foreign tourists.
20120825             † ROGER—FISHER, —90—JAHRE—ALT, USA—LAWYER, teacher and peacemaker.
20120825             —OUTLINED, ROGER—FISHER—SYSTEM—OF—NEGOTIATION was, with WILLIAM—URY in "Getting to Yes" (19810000             ).
20120825             —ATTACKED, BAHRAIN, 1—LARGE—CROWD, 1—POLICE—STATION in the Shiite village of Sitra with petrol bombs, as sporadic protests intensify in THE—SUNNI—RULED SHIITE—MAJORITY—GULF state.
20120825             —SUSPECTED, CHINA—POLICE brought back 37, CHINA—GANGSTERS from ANGOLA.
20120825             —ARRESTED, They had been, for alleged crimes against other Chinese.
20120825             1—BOAT carrying some 40—EGYPT—MIGRANTS sank off THE—COAST—OF—LIBYA.
20120825             —RESCUED, Fisherman, 33—MIGRANTS but 7 remained missing.
20120825             —BLOCKED, EGYPT—SECURITY—OFFICIALS said military engineers have, 120—TUNNELS used for smuggling to and from THE—GAZA—STRIP —SINCE THE—START—OF—OPERATIONS in the neighboring SINAI—PENINSULA.
20120825             —ESCAPED, GERMANY, 1—TIGER, its enclosure at the Cologne Zoo and killed 1—FEMALE keeper (43) —BEFORE being shot dead.
20120825             TROPICAL—STORM—ISAAC swept across HAITI—SOUTHERN peninsula killing 8—PEOPLE and another 2 in neighboring DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC.
20120825             —MURDERED, NORTH—EAST—INDIA, 5—MUSLIMS were, by 1 armed gang from the ethnic Bodo community in fresh violence, —AFTER MORE—THAN—1—MONTH—OF clashes.
20120825             —CRASHED, 1—IRAN—HELICOPTER—OF—THE—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARDS, in WEST—IRAN near THE—IRAQ—BORDER killing 4—GUARDS—WHILE on 1—MISSION in Sardasht border area, which is populated by IRAN—KURDISH—MINORITY.
20120825             NORTH—IRAQ, separate shootings in MOSUL left 3—PEOPLE—DEAD, including 1—LOCAL councilor.
20120825             —KILLED, SOUTH—IVORY—COAST, 1—SOLDIER and 5—ASSAILANTS were, —WHEN 1—MILITARY—CHECKPOINT came under attack.
20120825             —ARMED—MEN, EAST—LEBANON,  kidnapped 1—KUWAITI.
20120825             1—OFFICIAL said there had been 1—NUMBER—OF—KIDNAPPINGS for ransom which are unrelated to political tensions.
20120825             —BULLDOZED, LIBYA, Islamist hardliners, part of 1 revered mausoleum in TRIPOLI.
20120825             —1—DAY—EARLIER hardliners blew up the mausoleum of Sheikh Abdessalem AL—ASMAR in Zliten, 160—KM (100—MILES) EAST—OF—TRIPOLI.
20120825             MALI, Mahamadou Diouara, THE—LEADER—OF—1—MALI—YOUTH—MILITIA against the Islamic OCCUPATION—OF—THE—COUNTRY—NORTH, was "kidnapped" in BAMAKO.
20120825             MYANMAR officials said at least 85,000—PEOPLE have fled their homes as the worst monsoon flooding in years submerged HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ACRES—OF—RICE—FIELDS.
20120825             —SIGNED, THE—WORLD—BANK said it has, on to help SENEGAL recover ILL—GOTTEN gains, as the country's new government questions MEMBERS—OF—THE—FORMER—REGIME for fraud.
20120825             —REPORTED, SOUTH—AFRICA—PLATINUM giant Lonmin said nearly 60—PERCENT—OF—WORKERS, for duty at 1—OF—ITS 2—SETS of shafts as it sought 1—ACCORD to end 1—LABOR—DISPUTE that has claimed 44—LIVES.
20120825             —DETAINED, SRI—LANKA—NAVY, 98 WOULD—BE ASYLUM—SEEKERS making for AUSTRALIA, the largest group —SINCE CANBERRA tightened restrictions on boatpeople headed to its shores.
20120825             —LAUNCHED, SYRIA—ARMY—FORCES, arrest raids and clashed with rebels in the southwestern belt of DAMASCUS.
20120825             1—FULL—SCALE—INVASION on Daraya followed —5—DAYS—OF—SHELLING.
20120825             —ARRESTED, Activists said security agents have, television actor MOHAMMED—OMAR—OSO, who opposes THE—DAMASCUS regime, as well as MEMBERS—OF—HIS—FAMILY.
20120825             —BURIED, At least 380—BODIES were, —FOLLOWING the attack in Daraya.
20120825             —MARCHED, TOGO, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, without incident in THE—CAPITAL—LOME —AFTER—2—DAYS—OF—RALLIES—EARLIER in the —WEEK that saw clashes between demonstrators and police.
20120825             —BOMBED, TURKEY—WARPLANES, AREAS—OF—NORTH—IRAQ in 1—BID to target rear bases of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).
20120825             —ROCKED, VENEZUELA, 1—HUGE—EXPLOSION, the Amuay refinery in Los Taques, killing 42—PEOPLE.
20120825             It injured MORE—THAN—150 and was the deadliest disaster in memory for the country's key oil industry.
20120825             It took —3—DAY—TO extinguish the fire.
20120825             VOYAGER—1, VERLÄSST die Heliopause und tritt so als 1. von Menschen gemachtes Objekt in den interstellaren Raum ein.
20120825             † NEIL—ARMSTRONG, USA—ASTRONAUT, 1. Mensch auf dem Mond
20120825—19710000    —IN, He left NASA, taught engineering at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CINCINNATI, and —LATER became CHAIRMAN—OF—ELECTRONIC—SYSTEMS—COMPANIES.
20120825—20120522    —SINCE, SYRIA—REBELS freed 1—OF 11—LEBANON—SHIITE pilgrims they have been holding, in 1—MOVE—AIMING to ease CROSS—BORDER—TENSIONS.
20130825             CALIFORNIA, the Yosemite Rim Fire grew to MORE—THAN—200—SQUARE—MILES, threatening 2—GROVES of giant sequoias as well as the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir supplying water and power to S—FRANCISCO, consuming some 2—DOZEN—STRUCTURES and threatening 4,500 more.
20130825             MASSACHUSETTS, 3—SUBURBAN BOSTON high school soccer players used 1—BROOMSTICK to rape 1—FRESHMEN and try to rape 2—OTHERS at 1—SPORTS TEAM—BUILDING retreat in the Berkshires at Camp Lenox in Otis.
20130825             —KIDNAPPED, AFGHANISTAN, the Taliban, and killed 4—ENGINEERS and 2—WORKERS in HERAT province.
20130825             —DISCOVERED, The bodies of 6—AFGHANS were, in Paktia province.
20130825             The 6, all drivers, were killed by Taliban because they were working with the government.
20130825             CHINA was hit by the "largest ever" ATTACK—ON—ITS—INTERNET—STRUCTURE, crashing the country' servers.
20130825             —SUFFERED, CONGO—SOLDIERS and rebels, heavy casualties as they fought for a 5. —DAY near GOMA.
20130825             —BUGGED, GERMANY—DER—SPIEGEL weekly said THE—USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY has, THE—UN—NEW—YORK headquarters, in the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—REPORTS on USA spying that has strained relations between WASHINGTON and its allies.
20130825             —ARRESTED, INDIA—POLICE, the last of 5—MEN wanted in the gang rape of 1—PHOTOJOURNALIST in Mumbai.
20130825             —KILLED, IRAQ, at least 46—PEOPLE were, across the country, including 5—SOLDIERS who were shot dead by gunmen who then burned their bodies in Qaiyara town.
20130825             SOUTH—MEXICO, 1—NOTORIOUS—CARGO—TRAIN known as "the Beast" and carrying at least 250—CENTRAL—USA—HITCHHIKING migrants derailed in Tabasco state, killing at least 6—PEOPLE and injuring 18.
20130825             † SAUDI—ARABIA said 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—MAN, —51—JAHRE—ALT HAS—OF—THE—CORONA—VIRUS—MERS, bringing the kingdom's death toll from THE—SARS—LIKE—VIRUS to 41, —WHILE 2—NEW—CASES were registered.
20130825             —KILLED, SYRIA, THE—GOVERNOR—OF—HAMA province was, in 1—CAR bombing, in 1—ATTACK it blamed on rebels.
20130825             —REACHED, Syria, 1—AGREEMENT with THE—UN to allow 1—TEAM—OF—INTERNATIONAL—EXPERTS to visit the site of alleged chemical weapons attacks —LAST—WEEK outside DAMASCUS.
20130825             YEMEN, 1—BOMB tore through the side of 1—BUS carrying AIR—FORCE—PERSONNEL to their base in SANAA, killing at least 1—OFFICER and wounding several others.
20140825             —CONFIRMED, USA—OFFICIALS, that JETS—OF—THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES launched 2—ATTACKS in —7—DAYS on the Islamists in TRIPOLI using bases in EGYPT.
20140825             ALASKA, 1—ROCKET carrying 1—EXPERIMENTAL Advanced Hypersonic Weapon exploded as the flight was terminated —FOLLOWING the detection of 1—ANAMOLY near 1—KODIAC lauch pad SHORTLY—AFTER liftoff.
20140825             † ARIZONA, FIRING—RANGE instructor CHARLES—VACCA, —39—JAHRE—ALT was shot and killed in the recoil of 1—UZI fired by 1—GIRL, —9—JAHRE—ALT at the Last Stop range in White Hills.
20140825             —SIGNED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—BROWN, 1—BILL—REQURING—OPT—OUT kill switches on smartphones, in 1—EFFORT to deter smartphone theft.
20140825             At the annual Emmys in LA popular UK—DETECTIVE—SERIES "Sherlock" picked up 3—AWARDS, —WHILE hit drama "Breaking Bad" was the big WINNER—OF—THE—NIGHT.
20140825             ILLINOIS, 1—EXPLOSION at 1—RECYCLING plant in Granite City killed 2—PEOPLE.
20140825             —CAUSED, Police said it was, by 1—MORTAR round.
20140825             —ENDED, A—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE, an —11—YEAR—AGREEMENT that kept 1—FEDERAL—MONITOR over THE—DETROIT—POLICE—DEPARTMENT—BETWEEN 19950000             and 20000000             DETROIT police killed nearly 50—PEOPLE, including 6—WHO were unarmed and shot in the back.
20140825             NEVADA, the Burning Man festival in the desert NORTH—OF—RENO, scheduled to open at 10am, was closed to new arrivals due to rain.
20140825             —ESTRANGED, TULSA—OKLAHOMA, 1—MAN, —35—JAHRE—ALT fatally shot his, wife (22), their —5—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER and —3—YEAR—OLD—SON—BEFORE shooting himself.
20140825             The victims were all from GUATEMALA.
20140825             VIRGINIA, 1—SERGEANT—AT—FORT—LEE fatally shot herself —WHILE barricaded in the building that houses THE—ARMY—COMBINED—ARMS—SUPPORT—COMMAND.
20140825             —NEGOTIATED, BRAZIL—AUTHORITIES, with prison inmates holding 2—GUARDS—HOSTAGE—AFTER 1—UPRISING in CASCAVEL in which they killed 5—FELLOW—PRISONERS, beheading 2—OF—THEM —FOLLOWING 1—RIOT —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20140825             —KILLED, CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC, at least 17—PEOPLE were, in fighting in Bambari between rival factions of Seleka.
20140825             —PROPOSED, EGYPT, 1—NEW—CEASEFIRE that would open key crossings into GAZA where violence reverberated with at least 8—PALESTINIANS killed in ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKES.
20140825             —DISSOLVED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—HOLLANDE, the government —AFTER open feuding among his Cabinet over the country's stagnant economy.
20140825             —DECLARED, THE—GUATEMALA—GOVERNMENT, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in 16—OF—THE—COUNTRY—22—PROVINCES because of 1—DROUGHT that has caused major agricultural losses in CENTRAL—AMERICA.
20140825             —KILLED, CENTRAL—INDIA, 1—PRE—DAWN stampede, 10—PEOPLE as tens of THOUSANDS—OF—HINDUS worshipped in 1—ANNUAL—PROCESSION in Madhya Pradesh state.
20140825             —CALLED, IRAQ—PM—DESIGNATE—HAIDER—AL—ABADI, on the country's numerous Shiite militias and tribes to come under government control and stop acting independently, as violence across the country killed 58—PEOPLE in areas where the Muslim sect dominates.
20140825             —URGED, IRAQ—FOREIGN—MINISTER—HOSHYAR—ZEBARI, greater support from THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY for its fight against jihadists.
20140825             THE—MONETARY—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—BANK—OF—ISRAEL cut its main interest rate from.5% to.25%, the lowest on record.
20140825             JAPAN said it is ready to provide 1—JAPANESE—DEVELOPED ANTI—INFLUENZA drug as 1—POSSIBLE—TREATMENT for the rapidly expanding Ebola outbreak.
20140825             —REPLACED, THE—FORMER—LIBYA—PARLIAMENT, in national elections in June reconvened to elect 1—ISLAMIST—BACKED deputy as PRIME—MINISTER, challenging the authority of the turbulent country's new legislature.
20140825             THE—GNC met in TRIPOLI and elected OMAR—AL—HASI as its new leader.
20140825             LIBYA—JIHADIST—GROUP—ANSAR AL—SHARIA, which TRIPOLI and WASHINGTON have both labelled 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION, urged other Islamist militias in the nation to unite under 1—BANNER.
20140825             Ansar AL—SHARIA controls CA—80—PERCENT of its heartland BENGHAZI.
20140825             —FORCED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, 1—BOKO Haram ATTACK—ON—1—BORDER—TOWN, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE to flee to CAMEROON, in 1—FRESH—ASSAULT indicating the militants' growing ability to strike at will.
20140825             Some 480—NIGERIA—SOLDIERS also fled across the border, where they gave up their weapons to CAMEROON—AUTHORITIES—BEFORE returning to NIGERIA.
20140825             PAKISTAN—CLERIC—TAHIR—UL—QADRI, leading 1—MASS—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—RALLY in FRONT—OF—PARLIAMENT, issued a —48—HOUR—DEADLINE for PRIME—MINISTER—SHARIF to step down, saying he's prepared to die to see it happen.
20140825             —OPENED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, gunmen, fire on tankers carrying fuel for NATO—TROOPS in AFGHANISTAN, killing 1—DRIVER and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20140825             † IN—PERU—ENRIQUE—ZILERI, —83—JAHRE—ALT, the editor and proprietor of the leading newsweekly Caretas.
20140825             —EXPOSED, Caretas had, the shadowy power and dark past of Vladimiro Montesinos, the spy CHIEF—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—ALBERTO—FUJIMORI (19900000—20000000    ).
20140825             —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA, plans for a 2. aid convoy into UKRAINE.
20140825             THE—UKRAINE—MILITARY said 1—GROUP—OF—RUSSIA—FORCES, in THE—GUISE—OF—SEPARATIST—REBELS, had crossed into SOUTH—EAST—UKRAINE with 10—TANKS and 2 armored infantry vehicles.
20140825             —HALTED, It said border guards had, the column outside Novoazovsk.
20140825             —KILLED, TAJIKISTAN—POLICE said gun fire from KYRGYZSTAN, 1—BORDER—GUARD and 1—CIVILIAN and wounded 4—OTHER—CIVILIANS.
20140825             —BLAMED, THE—KYRGYZ border force, the incident on TAJIKISTAN, saying TAJIKISTAN—SERVICEMEN had tried to erect 1—BORDER—POST "on 1 undelimited PART—OF—THE—BORDER" and started to destroy 1—BRIDGE across 1—RIVER used by Kyrgyz citizens.
20140825             —SEIZED, THAILAND—JUNTA leader GENERAL—PRAYUTH—CHAN—OCHA, who, power in 1—MILITARY—COUP —3—MONTHS—AGO, officially assumed his new post as PRIME—MINISTER —FOLLOWING 1—ENDORSEMENT from the country's monarch.
20140825             —SWELLED, SYRIA—REFUGEES in TURKEY have —NOW, to 1.2—MILLION.
20140825             —WELCOMED, ZIMBABWE—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE, —90—JAHRE—ALT was, in BEIJING by his counterpart Xi Jinping as AFRICA—LONGEST—RULING leader sought more CHINA—INVESTMENT in his nation's stagnant economy.
20140825             —BESTREITET, ISLAM—REBELLEN BOKO—HARAM: NIGERIA, Existenz 1 "KALIFats"
20140825             GEFÄNGNIS—IN—BRASILIEN: Hunderte Häftlinge meutern und enthaupten 2—GEISELN
20140825             Müllers Memo: Die Große Destabilisierung
20140825             GAZA—KRIEG: ISRAEL beschießt 65—ZIELE BINNEN—24—STUNDEN
20140825             ÜBERWACHUNG für jedermann: Firmen verkaufen HANDY—ORTUNG WELT—WEIT
20140825             IFO—INDEX: Internationale Krisen trüben DEUTSCHES—GESCHÄFTSKLIMA
20140825             Pilger in INDIEN: Tote und Verletzte bei Massenpanik vor HINDU—TEMPEL
20140825             —UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, RUSSLAND kündigt 2. Hilfskonvoi an
20140825             USA—OST—KÜSTE: 550—METHANQUELLEN am MeeresBODEN entdeckt
20140825             —STUDIEE—ZUR—KAUFKRAFT, Großstädter besonders von Armut bedroht
20140825             Epidemie: BRITISCHER—EBOLA—INFIZIERTER erreicht LONDONer Klinik
20140825             Verbindungen zu EXTREMISTEN: KATAR weist Vorwurf der IS—UNTERSTÜTZUNG—VON—SICH
20140825             UNO zum "ISLAMISCHER—STAAT": Zeugen berichten von Häftlingsmassaker
20140825             Getöteter USA—JOURNALIST: BRITISCHER—RAPPER gilt als Hauptverdächtiger
20140825             ALEXANDER—DER—GROßE: Das geheimnisvolle Grab DER—KÖNIGS—FAMILIE
20140825             —KÄMPFE—IN—DER—OST—UKRAINE: UKRAINE wirft RUSSLAND neue Aggression vor
20140825             STEUER—AFFÄRE: Mehr als 10000000             BEHÖRDEN—MIT—ARBEITER konnten Akte von Hoeneß lesen
20140825             Falsche Umlaufbahn: EU—KOMMISSION auffordertklärung nach "Galileo"—DEBAKEL
20140825             BAU—BOOM—IM—LIBANON: 12—QUADRATMETER—LOCH für 700—DOLLAR
20140825             MERKEL in SPANIEN: BUNDES—REGIERUNG will De Guindos als EURO—GRUPPEN—CHEF—
20140825             Wertlose WIRTSCHAFTS—PROGNOSEN: Feuert die Volkswirte!
20140825             INTERNET—USA—FORSCHER betrachten CHINAs Netzzensur von innen
20140825             GAZA—KRIEG: Veranstalter sagen weitere ISRAEL—REISEN ab
20140825             Schadensersatzforderung: RWE verklagt Bund und HESSEN wegen BIBLIS—STILLLEGUNG
20140825             Marode BUNDESWEHRausrüstung: LUFT—WAFFE am BODEN
20140825             —VERZICHTET, KABINETTsumbildung in PARIS: Kritischer MINISTER—MONTEBOURG, auf Posten
20140825             LEASING—FIRMA BOC Aviation: Boeing sichert sich MILLIARDENauftrag in SINGAPUR
20140825             —KRISEN—REGIONEN: STEINMEIER fordert aktivere AUSSEN—POLITIK
20140825             —TREFFEN—VON—POROSCHENKO und PUTIN: Darum geht es wirklich beim Gipfel von MINSK
20140825             —DEBATTE—ÜBER—ANTHROPOZÄN: Forscher präsentieren Beweise für neues MENSCHEN—ZEIT—ALTER
20140825             KNOW—HOW—TRANSFER: DEUTSCHE—AUTOBAUER werden abhängiger von CHINA
20140825             AL—SHARPTONS—GRABREDE auf MICHAEL—BROWN: Die Stimme der SCHWARZEn
20140825             in WEST—AFRIKA mindestens 1.427—MENSCHEN an EBOLA gestorben.
20140825             —AM, stärksten betroffen sind SIERRA—LEONE, LIBERIA und GUINEA.
20140825             Auch in der Demokratischen REPUBLIK KONGO wurden EBOLA—FÄLLE bestätigt.
20140825             Diese sollen allerdings nicht mit der EPIDEMIE—IN—WEST—AFRIKA zusammenhängen, sondern auf 1—ANDEREN Erregerstamm zurückgehen.
20140825             DIE—KLEINSTADT Amphipolis war zu ALEXANDERs Zeiten der wichtigste STÜTZ—PUNKT der Marine des makedonischen Reiches.
20140825             Zudem gab es in der Region GOLD—MINEN.
20140825             Neuer —BÜRGER—KRIEG: USA WARNEN Verbündete vor Einmischung in LIBYEN
20140825             [l] Aus der beliebten Kategorie "bei UNS ist Kernkraft SICHER": Rostende ATOM—MÜLLFÄSSER im AKW Brunsbüttel gefunden, "teilweise in desaströsem Zustand".
20140825             [l] DER—EUROPÄISCHE GPS—KONKURRENT Galileo scheint NOCH—IMMER 1—ECHTER Clusterfuck zu sein.
20140825             —GELAUNCHT, Sie haben gerade 2—SATELLITEN in den falschen Orbit, und die anderen Satelliten, die —SCHON im Orbit sind, haben mysteriöse Stromversorgungsprobleme.
20140825             [l] ALTERNATIVLOS—32—IST draußen, —DIESMAL zum Thema "KALTER—KRIEG 2.0".
20140825             [l] Angeblich sollen —JETZT SAS, Delta Force und Seal Team 6—ZUSAMMEN ISIS plattmachen.
20140825             Klingt für mich 1—BISSCHEN nach THE—EXPENDABLES 4. DIE—SPETSNAZ waren terminlich verhindert, wie?
20140825             [l] Sinkholes, das kennt man ja aus AMERIKA und SIBIRIEN.
20140825             —JETZT, auch in ENGLAND.
20140825             Besonders schön ist die BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG im Wurstblatt "Mirror".
20140825             THE—USA—MILITARY understands that eradicating ISIS requires hitting them in SYRIA as well as IRAQ.
20140825             But there is 1—PROBLEM:
20140825             Officials said the options include speeding up and intensifying limited USA—EFFORTS to train and arm MODERATE SYRIA—REBEL—FORCES that have been fighting both ISIS as well as THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD.
20140825             You have —JUST heard THE—VOICE—OF—THE—NYT—AMERICA—MOST beloved source of neoconservative news management.
20140825             —DESIGNED, The phrasing here is, to give Americans the impression that ISIS and ASSAD are collaborators, not foes.
20140825             MERKEL in SPANIEN: BUNDES—REGIERUNG will De Guindos als EURO—GRUPPEN—CHEF
20140825             —UKRAINE—RIESE: 2,57—METER—MANN stirbt nach Schlaganfall
20140825             Neuwahlen  —IM, ;;1000;; : PRÄSIDENT—POROSCHENKO löst UKRAINISCHES—PARLAMENT auf
20140825             —NACH WHO—ANGABEN sind —SEIT;;03;;
20140825             in WEST—AFRIKA mindestens 1427—MENSCHEN an Ebola gestorben. am stärksten betroffen sind SIERRA—LEONE, LIBERIA und GUINEA.
201408250825154523   Safari on iOS Apple iPad 768x1024 UNITED—STATES—FLAG—MEDFORD, OREGON, UNITED—STATES—CHARTER Communications (—SAGE_Reinhardt_Search.htm
20140825—20140614    —ON, AFGHANISTAN—NEXT—PRESIDENT was due to take over —TODAY but 1—INAUGURATION—DEADLINE has been pushed to 20140902             as THE—INDEPENDENT—ELECTION—COMMISSION still poured over votes cast in a 2.—ROUND RUN—OFF held under UN supervision.
20140825—20140723    —IN—THE, TAIWAN—TRANSASIA—AIRWAYS said it has offered record compensation to THE—FAMILIES—OF—EACH—PASSENGER killed domestic flight even though THE—CAUSE—OF—THE—CRASH—IS—STILL—UNCLEAR.
20140825—20140826    —EARLY, ENDED, THE—RIOTING—AT—CASCAVEL—PENITENTIARY, with the transfer of some 800—INMATES to other prison facilities.
20150825             KURS—STURZ: CHINAs BÖRSEn brechen weiter ein
20150825             BRANDENBURG: Geplante FLÜCHTLINGS—UNTERKUNFT in Nauen niedergebrannt
20150825             Der Silver Shadow mag ein luxuriöses Fahrzeug sein, "aber was fehlt, ist der GLAMOUR—FAKTOR".
20150825             DEUTSCHLAND ist einfach MERCEDES—LAND", sagt Brune.
20150825             #AbbottLovesAnal: ABC entschuldigt sich nach TWITTER—PANNE—BEI—AUSTRALIENS Premier
20150825             FLÜCHTLINGE: GROß—BRITANNIEN plant harte Strafen für illegale Einwanderer
20150825             ASIEN: CHINAs Nachbarn stemmen sich gegen den BÖRSEN—CRASH
20150825             —UKRAINE—KRISE, USA verlegen F—22—KAMPF—JETS nach EUROPA
20150825             GEWALT—GEGEN—FLÜCHTLINGE: MAAS lehnt Schutzzonen um ASYL—BEWERBERHEIME ab
20150825             Die Jets vom Typ F-22 "Raptor"würden "sehr bald"zu Übungen mit NATO—VERBÜNDETEN verlegt, sagte LUFTWAFFEN—STAATSSEKRETÄRIN Deborah LEE—JAMES—IM—PENTAGON.
20150825             James begründete die Verlegung mit RUSSISCHEN—MILITÄRHANDLUNGEN IN—DER—UKRAINE.
20150825             1—GENAUES DATUM oder Orte der Stationierung nannte sie nicht.
20150825             Zahlreiche PROBLEME—BEI—DER Entwicklung brachten der Maschine den Ruf als PANNEN—JET ein.
20150825             —BEZIFFERT, Hersteller LOCKHEED—MARTIN, den Stückpreis auf mehr als 140.000.000—DOLLAR.
20150825             Expertenschätzungen gehen sogar von —BIS zu 350.000.000 $ je "Raptor"aus, wenn man Instandhaltung und Reparaturen einbezieht.
20150825             Wegen der aufwendigen Wartung sollen die Flugkosten PRO—STUNDE mehr als 44.000—DOLLAR betragen.
20150825             DAS—LANDRATSAMT HEILBRONN rät Menschen dringend davon ab, im Fluss zu baden, zu fischen, Wasser zu entnehmen oder Kanu zu fahren.
20150825             Die Gesundheit sei in Gefahr.
20150825             Die Warnung gilt —BIS—ZUM—KOMMENDEN —MONTAG.
20150825             GROß—BRITANNIEN setzt seinen harten KURS—GEGEN—FLÜCHTLINGE fort.
20150825             DER—NEUESTE PLAN—DER—REGIERUNG: Menschen, die auf unrechtmäßige Weise ins Land gekommen seien und dort arbeiteten, müssten künftig mit Gefängnis und der Beschlagnahme ihrer Einkünfte rechnen, sagte Einwanderungsminister JAMES—BROKENSHIRE.
20150825             Pubs, Lieferdiensten und Inhabern 1—LIZENZ für den Verkauf von Alkohol drohen dem Gesetzesentwurf zufolge GELD—STRAFEN, der Entzug ihrer Lizenz oder die Schließung ihres Geschäfts, wenn sie den Menschen Arbeit geben.
20150825             Wenn die Firmen weiterhin GEGEN—DIE—VORGABEN verstoßen, sollen sie auch strafrechtlich verfolgt werden.
20150825             Strafen von —BIS zu —5—JAHREN Haft sollen möglich sein.
20150825             Trotz KRISE—IN—CHINA: DAX steigt wieder über 10.000—PUNKTE
20150825             ERNEUERBARE—ENERGIEN: Windräder nehmen sich gegenseitig den Wind aus den Rotorblättern
20150825             Das Potenzial der Windenergie könnte kleiner sein als
20150825             Forscher des Jenaer MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT—FÜR—BIOGEOCHEMIE haben die LEISTUNGS—FÄHIGKEIT großer Windparks untersucht.
20150825             Stehen die Anlagen zu dicht, liefert JEDE—TURBINE weniger Leistung.
20150825             "Die Windturbinen nehmen sich gegenseitig den Wind weg", sagt Kleidon.
20150825             Dann haben sie allerdings die Windgeschwindigkeit um 42 % reduziert.
20150825             EU—VORSCHRIFT ab ;;09;;: SICHERHEITS—KONTROLLEN an Flughäfen erweitert
20150825             Das offizielle Motto lautet "Lass uns DIE—WELT nicht in den Händen von Idioten lassen".Für den 70—JÄHRIGEN ist sein Fürstentum der PROTEST—GEGEN—DIE—WILLKÜR der Behörden.
20150825             "Meine Erfahrung ist teils zum Lachen und teils zum Weinen".
20150825             Der Rentner einigte sich mit der STRAßENBAU—BEHÖRDE auf 1.Entschädigung von 600.000—EURO, bekam aber nach eigenen Angaben nur 347.000.
20150825             Deshalb muss er noch STEUERN für 1—GEBÄUDE bezahlen, das gar nicht mehr existiert.
20150825             Auf seine Beschwerde antwortete 1—BEAMTER laut Dellavalle nur: "Wenn der Computer sagt, dass dort 1—HAUS steht, muss es auch existieren".
20150825             Dellavalle schrieb zahlreiche Briefe, Antworten bekam er nicht.
20150825             —ENTSCHIED, Er, sich, sein Land am Rand der NORD—ITALIENISCHEN—STADT—VERCELLI zurückzugewinnen: —SEITDEM stattet er 1—KREISVERKEHR auf der Fläche seines ehemaligen Hauses regelmäßige Besuche ab.
20150825             —INZWISCHEN baut er dort auch Tomaten an, feiert Grillfeste mit Freunden und stellt Protestschilder auf.
20150825             —ENTSCHIED, Aber DER—RICHTER, zugunsten Dellavalles und erkannte sein Besitzrecht an dem Land an.
20150825             "Sie rufen mich regelmäßig an und bitten mich aufzugeben", sagte er.
20150825             "Aber das werde ich nicht tun".
20150825             Sogar POLIZEI—BEAMTE 1—SONDERABTEILUNG würden ihm auf Schritt und Tritt folgen und BERICHTE—ÜBER—IHN schreiben.
20150825             "Ich denke darüber nach, sie wegen Verfolgung anzuklagen", sagte Dellavalle.
20150825             —BIS—HEUTE hat er etwa 60.000—EURO Gerichtskosten gezahlt.
20150825             Sein "Fürstentum"hat —BEREITS 68—MENSCHEN DIE—BÜRGER—RECHTE gegeben.
20150825             Die LIBERAL—KONSERVATIVE TAGES—ZEITUNG "Il Foglio"stellte Dellavalles GESCHICHTE kürzlich als Symbol 1—KAFKAESKEN Bürokratie dar.
20150825             Nach Meinung der Wirtschaftslobbyisten von Confindustria wird ITALIEN—VON—1 "Gesetzesdschungel"von —BIS zu 150.000—LANDESWEITEN und 28.000—REGIONALEN Gesetzen und Regulierungen regiert.
20150825             das "Fürstentum von Dellavalle"nördlich von Turin.
20150825             DUBLIN—VERFAHREN ausgesetzt: SYRIEN—FLÜCHTLINGE dürfen in DEUTSCHLAND bleiben
20150825             —VERBANNT, Sanktionen: RUSSLAND, Waschmittel westlicher Hersteller
20150825             —BEKOMMT, GABRIEL—BESUCH—IN—HEIDENAU: SPD, massenweise HASS—MAILS
20150825             VIELE—UREINWOHNER seien hin und hergerissen zwischen den Kulturen und wüssten nicht mehr, wo sie hingehören, erzählt Mentawai Esmat Wandra Sakulok.
20150825             Allein —SCHON die Begegnung mit der INDONESISCHEN—GESELLSCHAFT führe zur Erosion der traditionellen Lebensweise.
20150825             "Wir enden wie 1—LENKDRACHE ohne Griff an seinen Schnüren".
20150825             In der Kultur der Mentawai regeln 1.VIELZAHL—VON—TABUS den Umgang mit der Natur und hindern sie, den Wald auszubeuten.
20150825             Die Anwesenheit traditioneller Mentawai schützt so den Lebensraum vieler seltener Tierarten.
20150825             Entscheidend dafür ist ihr Glaube an Naturgeister.
20150825             Tiere und Pflanzen haben demnach 1.Seele.
20150825             Fangen die Mentawai auf der Jagd 1—AFFEN, 1—WILDSCHWEIN oder 1—REH, rufen sie die Geister an und bitten um ihren Segen.
20150825             —ERST dann töten sie das Tier.
20150825             Offiziell ist den Mentawai dieser Glaube allerdings verboten.
20150825             JEDER—INDONESIER muss sich zu 1—DER 5—DORT geltenden Weltreligionen bekennen: CHRISTENTUM, ISLAM, Hinduismus, Buddhismus oder Konfuzianismus.
20150825             Die meisten Mentawai sind als CHRISTEN eingetragen.
20150825             Das hat vor allem für die traditionsbewussteren 1—VORTEIL: Sie dürfen offiziell Schweinefleisch ESSEN.
20150825             Der Anteil der Muslime nimmt aber zu.
20150825             Umsiedlungsprogramme der Regierung tragen dazu bei, dass die Mentawai nach und —NACH—DEN Kontakt zur Natur verlieren.
20150825             VIELE—JAHRZEHNTE hat DIE—REGIERUNG Menschen zwischen den Inseln umgesiedelt.
20150825             4. RELIGION in INDONESIEN - tom_k —HEUTE, 16:22 Uhr
20150825             —GEHÖRT, Das Judentum, nicht wie im ARTIKEL erwähnt zu den 5, bzw.
20150825             6—VON der INDONESISCHEN—REGIERUNG tolerierten Religionen.
20150825             Es sind ISLAM, Katholizismus, Protestantismus, Buddhismus, Hinduismus und Konfuzianismus.
20150825             Ich war vor gut —2—MONATEN bei den Mentawai und habe in Siberut Regierungsbeauftragte getroffen, welche den Mentawai beibringen wollen, wie sie "Kunstgegenstände"herstellen, um diese an Touristen zu verkaufen.
20150825             Das ganze läuft unter 1—PROGRAMM zur Ausweitung des Tourismus auf Mentawai.
20150825             1—TRAGÖDIE (Vielen Dank für den Hinweis, DER—ARTIKEL wurde dementsprechend bearbeitet.)
20150825             Abschiedsbuch von GÜNTER—GRASS: Die letzten KÄMPFE sind gekämpft
20150825             Das Material für den Umschlag ausgewählt (Baumwolle), das Papier, die Farbnuancen der Zeichnungen, das Schwarz der Schrift.
20150825             Der Verlag hatte keine Texte an Journalisten vorab verschickt.
20150825             Das Buch als Handwerksstück, das Buch als Buch, der letzte Grass.
20150825             "Vogelfrei sein"heißt es und darin: "Mich spüren. Federleicht vogelfrei sein, wenngleich —SEIT—LANGEM frei zum Abschuss".
20150825             Im Buch, da gibt es natürlich auch 1—GEDICHT zur Lage —HEUTE, 1—GEGENWARTSGEDICHT, als wäre er noch da.
20150825             "FREMDEN—FEINDLICH"heißt es: "Aber sie blieben, und eingeübt / blieb der Ruf: Haut endlich ab!", und schließt aber sogar fast hoffnungsvoll: "—ERST als die immer —SCHON Heimischen sich fremd genug waren, begannen auch sie in all den Fremden, die mühsam gelernt hatten, ihr Fremdsein zu ertragen, sich selbst zu erkennen, und mit ihnen zu leben".
20150825             "Wir müssen davon ausgehen, dass es sich um 1—REIN politischen Akt handelt".DIE—SPD werde keinen Millimeter von ihrer klaren Haltung abweichen.
20150825             Bei 14—E—MAILS prüfe man 1.Anzeige, hieß es.
20150825             "So schlimm wie das alles ist: Mit dem Aufbauschen all dieser Dinge machen wir die interessant, die so etwas tun", sagte der CDU—POLITIKER in MAGDEBURG.
20150825             Es sei "supereinfach", ans Telefon zu gehen und 1.solche Drohung auszusprechen.
20150825             Dann müsse ernsthaft gehandelt werden, sagte DE—MAIZIÈRE.
20150825             —GEFOLTERT, Taxifahrer zu Tode : POLIZISTEN in SÜD—AFRIKA wegen Mordes verurteilt
20150825             —VERLIERT, BÖRSEN—ABSTURZ: CHINAs reichster Mann, 3,6—MILLIARDEN $ an —1—TAG
20150825             Vereitelter Anschlag: THALYS—ANGREIFER sah sich vor Tat DSCHIHADISTEN—VIDEO an
20150825             Der Angreifer auf 1—THALYS—SCHNELLZUG nach PARIS hat vor seiner Tat 1—DSCHIHADISTEN—VIDEO angeschaut, berichteten —AM—DIENSTAG mehrere FRANZÖSISCHE—MEDIEN in Berufung auf Ermittlerkreise.
20150825             "Er hat DAS—VIDEO zwischen dem Kauf seines Zugtickets und dem Besteigen des Zuges auf seinem Handy angeschaut", hieß es.
20150825             Ayoub K. habe —KURZ—VOR, der Tat auf YouTube 1—DSCHIHADISTEN—VIDEO angesehen, in dem "Gläubige"dazu aufgerufen wurden, "zu den Waffen zu greifen".
20150825             DER—STAATS—ANWALT sagte, dass auf FACEBOOK 1—KONTO im Namen von Ayoub K. gefunden worden sei, auf denen er sich dschihadistisch geäußert habe.
20150825             Mehr wollte DER—STAATS—ANWALT dazu nicht sagen, solange die Ermittlungen in Gange seien.
20150825             Zweimal habe er sich länger in KÖLN aufgehalten und mindestens einmal in WIEN, berichtete DER—STAATS—ANWALT.
20150825             DER—VORFALL im Thalys sei "ein neuer Beweis, dass wir uns auf weitere Angriffe vorbereiten und uns deswegen schützen müssen", sagte er.
20150825             Sicherheit an Bahnhöfen: MACHT DIE—WELT nicht zum Flughafen!
20150825             AACHEN: Jugendliche sollen Obdachlosen stundenlang gequält haben
20150825             Ungezählte Tabus regeln DAS—VERHALTEN DER—MENSCHEN.
20150825             Indem sich VIELE—MENTAWAI an die INDONESISCHE—KULTUR anpassten, gehe der Zusammenhalt zwischen den Menschen verloren, sagt Bai Lappe Kerei: "Wenn wir in der Stadt lebten und nichts hätten, wer würde uns helfen?
20150825             Hier wissen wir, dass andere mit uns teilen und wir überleben werden, wie wir es immer getan haben".
20150825             —CONFISCATED, CAMBODIA—POLICE said they have, nearly 1.5—TONS—OF—MARIJUANA from LAOS in what they described as their biggest SEIZURE—OF—THE—DRUG—SINCE they started cracking down on it —15—YEARS—AGO.
20150825             CHINA cut interest rates for a 5. time in —9—MONTHS in 1—NEW—EFFORT to shore up slowing economic growth.
20150825             —REBOUNDED, European and USA—SHARES, on BARGAIN—HUNTING as CHINA cut rates.
20150825             NORTH—FRANCE, 1—POLICE—OFFICER and 3—OTHER—PEOPLE, including 1—WOMAN and 1—BABY, were killed in 1—SHOOTOUT in 1—GYPSY camp in the Somme department.
20150825             —INJURED, The attacker was, in the melee.
20150825             —CONFIRMED, GERMANY, it has stopped returning SYRIA—ASYLUM—SEEKERS to their 1. PORT—OF—ENTRY in THE—EU, 1—ACTION hailed as "European solidarity" as thousands more migrants pour into the bloc seeking refuge.
20150825             —TURNED, INDIA, 1—MASS—RALLY, violent, with protesters torching cars, buses and POLICE—STATIONS in Gujarat state.
20150825             —TRIGGERED, The violence appears to have been, by the detention of THE—22—YEAR—OLD—LEADER—OF—1—MASS—MOVEMENT by the Patidar or Patel caste to demand preferential treatment for jobs and university places.
20150825             † At least 6—PEOPLE, in the worst violence to hit PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI—HOME—STATE—IN—MORE—THAN —1—DECADE.
20150825             IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER in 1—EXPLOSIVES—LADEN army vehicle drove into 1—GROUP—OF—SOLDIERS—SOUTH—EAST—OF—RAMADI killing 13.
20150825             † 1—MAJOR in the Interior MINISTRY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY was killed by 1—EXPLOSIVE device attached to his car in BAGHDAD.
20150825             ISRAEL began releasing HUNDREDS—OF—AFRICA—MIGRANTS from the remote Holot detention center, —AFTER 1—COURT ruling —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH ordered the release of those held for MORE—THAN—1—YEAR.
20150825             —REACHED, KOSOVO and Serbia, THE—AGREEMENT brokered in BRUSSELS by EU foreign policy CHIEF—FEDERICA—MOGHERINI on 4—AREAS including energy and telecoms.
20150825             —ARRESTED, MOROCCO—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said 13—PEOPLE were, in raids in several cities across the country, including NADOR and Hoceima on the Mediterranean coast close to THE—SPAIN—ENCLAVE—OF—MELILLA, as well as FEZ and CASABLANCA.
20150825             —AIMED, Both ministries said the network was, at recruiting fighters for THE—ISLAM—STATE to fight in Syria and IRAQ and also to carry out IS—TYPE actions in MOROCCO and SPAIN.
20150825             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, 1—YOUNG—FEMALE—BOMBER, 6—PEOPLE and wounded dozens outside 1—BUS—STATION in the heartland of the Boko Haram Islamist insurgency in DAMATURU.
20150825             —KILLED, In THE—NORTH—EAST—BOKO Haram extremists, 24—PEOPLE in 1—ATTACK—ON—MARFUNUDI.
20150825             —AGREED, NORTH—KOREA and SOUTH—KOREA, —EARLY—TODAY to end 1—MILITARY standoff that sparked 1—EXCHANGE—OF artillery fire and had ratcheted up tension on 1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST HEAVILY—FORTIFIED borders.
20150825             —CONVICTED, RUSSIA, Crimean filmmaker OLEG—SENTSOV was, and sentenced to —20—YEARS in 1—RUSSIA—MAXIMUM—SECURITY—PRISON for 1 alleged terror conspiracy.
20150825             —SELECTED, RUSSIA—CONSUMER—PROTECTION—AGENCY said recent inspection of, goods by top foreign brands such as COLGATE—PALMOLIVE and Procter & Gamble have found high levels of toxic ingredients in them leading authorities to begin removing them from stores.
20150825             1—RECORD 2,533 mainly Syrians, Afghans and Pakistanis crossed from Serbia into EU member HUNGARY.
20150825             † SOUTH—AFRICA, 8—POLICEMAN were found GUILTY—OF—MURDERING Mido Macia (27), 1—MOZAMBIQUE—MAN, who, —AFTER being dragged behind 1—MOVING police VAN on February 26, 20130000             , 1—INCIDENT that provoked global outrage.
20150825             THE—TURKEY—MILITARY said 34—MILITANTS from the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) were killed in its latest air strikes on the group's camps in NORTH—IRAQ—QANDIL mountain region.
20150825             —ARRIVED, YEMEN, about 100—SAUDI—ARABIA—FORCES, in ADEN to help rebuild the local police force.
20150825             —SUSPENDED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—RED—CROSS (ICRC) said it has temporarily, its activities in ADEN—AFTER its office was raided by unidentified gunmen —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20150825             THE—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM (WFP) said —AROUND 1.5—MILLION—ZIMBABWEANS are predicted to go hungry —THIS—YEAR—AFTER 1—DRAMATIC—FALL in maize production due to severe drought —THIS—YEAR.
20150825             —AMNESTY—BERICHT, SAUDI—ARABIEN exekutiert 175—MENSCHEN in —1—JAHR
20150825             USA—BUNDES—STAAT—MARYLAND: Drohne sollte Pistole und Pornos in Gefängnis liefern
20150825             Asyl: USA wollen 10.000—SYRIEN—FLÜCHTLINGE aufnehmen
20150825             —SIEGFRIED in THE—NIBELUNGEN—LIED
20150825             #AbbottLovesAnal: ABC entschuldigt sich nach TWITTER—PANNE—BEI—AUSTRALIEN—PREMIER—
20150825             —PROTEST—IN—LEIPZIG: FLÜCHTLINGE wollen nicht nach HEIDENAU
20150825             Dramatisches FISCH—STERBEN: Nach Brand läuft Ammoniak in DEUTSCHE—FLÜSSE
20150825             Als Abschreckungsmittel gegen RUSSISCHE—DROHGEBÄRDEN schicken DIE—USA ihre modernsten KAMPF—FLUGZEUGE nach EUROPA.
20150825             LUFTWAFFEN—STABS—CHEF—MARK—WALES—SAGTE, die KAMPF—FLUGZEUGE sollten an Stützpunkte geschickt werden, von denen aus sie auch bei 1—MÖGLICHEN militärischen —KONFLIKT—IN—EUROPA eingesetzt würden.
20150825             DIE—KNAPP 19—METER langen, mit Tarnkappentechnik ausgestatteten "Raptor"-Flugzeuge sind nur schwer vom Radar zu erfassen.
20150825             Wegen der hohen Kosten war die Anschaffung der F—22—IM USA—KONGRESS umstritten.
20150825             Mit Ammoniak kontaminiertes Löschwasser, das bei Schwäbisch Hall in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG ein großes FISCH—STERBEN ausgelöst hat, wird nach Behördeneinschätzung in den KOMMENDEN—TAGEN in den Neckar fließen.
20150825             Bei dem FEUERWEHR—EINSATZ mischte sich —LAUT—ANGABEN, des POLIZEI—SPRECHERS wahrscheinlich hochgiftiges Ammoniak aus Düngemitteln mit dem Löschwasser.
20150825             Er drohte: "Wenn Sie sich illegal hier aufhalten, werden wir tätig werden, um zu verhindern, dass sie arbeiten, 1.Wohnung mieten, 1—BANK—KONTO eröffnen oder Auto fahren".In 1—GESETZ—ENTWURF—FÜR—ENGLAND und WALES sind —BIS zu —6—MONATE—GEFÄNGNIS für Einwanderer vorgesehen, die illegal arbeiten.
20150825             —ZUDEM, will DIE—BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG—GEGEN—KAPITALIST vorgehen, die illegale Einwanderer beschäftigen.
20150825             EINWANDERUNGS—MINISTER—BROKENSHIRE sagte, man müsse jenen, die kommen wollen, zeigen, dass GROß—BRITANNIEN kein Land sei, in dem "Milch und Honig"fließe.
20150825             TEMPEL—ZERSTÖRUNG durch IS: "Palmyra war 1.Weltstadt, 1—KULTUR—SCHMELZTIEGEL"
20150825             Steigender IFO—INDEX: DEUTSCHE—MANAGER feiern die eigene Stärke
20150825             Internationales SCHIEDS—GERICHT, RUSSLAND muss Schadensersatz nach GREENPEACE—AFFÄRE zahlen
20150825             Wegen HASCHISCH—ARTIKEL: RUSSISCHE—PROVIDER sperrten zeitweise die Wikipedia
20150825             —VERURTEILUNG in KALIFORNIEN: PRIESTER nötigt Model WÄHREND Nachtflug
20150825             —ZERBRICHT, ISRAEL—MUSEUM in JERUSALÉM: Mädchen, 2.—000—JAHRE—ALTES Glasgefäß
20150825             FLÜCHTLINGS—DRAMA: DEUTSCHLANDs Flucht vor der Wahrheit
20150825             BÖRSEN—CRASH in CHINA: GABRIEL sieht kaum Auswirkungen auf DEUTSCHE—KONJUNKTUR
20150825             —BISHER, hatten Forscher 1—POTENZIAL—VON—7—WATT pro Quadratmeter erwartet.
20150825             Allein stehende Windkraftanlagen können mehr Strom produzieren, denn die Leistung 1—EINZELNEN Turbine wird durch die Windgeschwindigkeit bestimmt.
20150825             Wenn VIELE—ANLAGEN nah beieinanderstehen, kommt kein Wind mehr in der —MITTE eines Feldes an.
20150825             —LAUT—DER—STUDIE können Windparks maximal 26 % DER—WINDENERGIE in elektrische Energie umwandeln.
20150825             "Der Wind muss von oben für Nachschub sorgen", sagt Kleidon, "doch dieser vertikale Austausch ist relativ gering".
20150825             Auf dem Land produzierte Windenergie ist die günstigste der erneuerbaren Energien, ihr STROM—PREIS liegt nur knapp über dem von Kohle und Gas
20150825             —PROTEST—GEGEN—BEHÖRDEN: Rentner ruft eigenen MINI—STAAT in ITALIEN aus
20150825             Der ITALIENISCHE—RENTNER PIER GIUSEPPE—DELLAVALLE hat EUROPAs wohl kuriosesten MIKRO—STAAT ausgerufen: das "Fürstentum von Dellavalle"nördlich von Turin.
20150825             —KURZ—NACH—DEM, Jahrtausendwechsel wurde Dellavalles Haus abgerissen, um Platz für 1.neue Umgehungsstraße zu machen.
20150825             —ZUDEM, vergaß die Behörde, ihn zu enteignen.
20150825             —VERSUCHT, DIE—BEHÖRDEN haben, ihn zur Räumung zu zwingen.
20150825             —20—JAHRE Haft: UKRAINE—REGISSEUR Senzow in RUSSLAND verurteilt
20150825             Fotos INDONESISCHER—UREINWOHNER: Belagert von der Moderne
20150825             DIE—MUSLIMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT INDONESIENs nimmt immer mehr Raum auf den MENTAWA1—INSELN ein.
20150825             RELIGION in INDONESIEN—TOM_k 1622—HEUTE
20150825             Es heißt "Vonne Endlichkait", Prosatexte, Gedichte, Bleistiftzeichnungen, —BIS—ZUM, —LETZTEN—TAG seines Lebens hat er daran gearbeitet.
20150825             "Vogelfrei sein"heißt es und darin: "Mich spüren.
20150825             Lieferung für die ISS: JAPANISCHER—WHISKY soll im All reifen
20150825             —PLÄNE—GEGEN—FREMDEN—HASSER: Härtere Strafe, schnellere Ermittlungen, mehr POLIZISTEN
20150825             —NACH GABRIEL—BESUCH—IN—HEIDENAU: SPD—ZENTRALE musste wegen Bombendrohung geräumt werden
20150825             "Die Anrufe sind mitunter von 1—SOLCHEN HETZE, dass unsere MIT—ARBEITER schockiert sind", sagte 1.Parteisprecherin.
20150825             BUNDES—INNEN—MINISTER—THOMAS—DE—MAIZIÈRE warnte davor, den Tätern hinter den BOMBEN—DROHUNGEN zu viel Öffentlichkeit zu bescheren.
20150825             —NACH KURS—STURZ: Starke Gewinne an den USA—BÖRSEN
20150825             FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK,Es heißt —JETZT Refugee
20150825             Der FRANZÖSISCHE—STAATS—ANWALT, der den Fall betreut, bestätigte dies am DienstagNACHMITTAG.
20150825             Der, —25—JAHRE—ALTE Angreifer war mit 1—KALASCHNIKOW aus DDR—HERSTELLUNG, 1—LUGER—PISTOLE, Ersatzmunition und 1—TEPPICHMESSER in den Zug gestiegen.
20150825             LAUT—ANGABEN—DES—FRANZÖSISCHEN—STAATS—ANWALTES lebte Ayoub  K. vor allem in FRANKREICH, aber auch in ÖSTERREICH und DEUTSCHLAND.
20150825             ANKLAGE—WEGEN—VERGEWALTIGUNG: Mandelas Enkel auf Kaution frei
20150825             —KAMPF—GEGEN—RECHTS—EXTREMISMUS: Markige Worte —, —JETZT?
20150825             Kündigung wegen FLÜCHTLINGshetze: "Bei MORD—DROHUNGEN hört es auf"
20150825             —ANGRIFFE in SYRIEN und im IRAK: Der GAS—KRIEG—DER—IS—TERRORISTEN
20150825             Steigende Krankenkassenbeiträge: SPD fordert höheren Anteil für ARBEITGEBER
20150825             FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK,Tschechiens VIZE—PREMIER fordert NATO—SCHUTZ für EU—GRENZEN
20150825             DIE—MENTAWAI leben in 1—KLASSENLOSEN GESELLSCHAFT.
20150825—18400000    —ACHILLES—HEEL, THE—USE—OF—"Achilles, heel" as 1—EXPRESSION meaning "AREA—OF—WEAKNESS, vulnerable spot" dates only to , with implied use in SAMUEL—TAYLOR—COLERIDGE'S "IRELAND, that vulnerable heel of THE—UK—ACHILLES!"from 1810
20150825—19500000    —SEIT, gehört die INSEL—GRUPPE Mentawai zu INDONESIEN, 1—STAAT aus fast 18.000—INSELN und 360—VÖLKERN.
20160825             nutzte - UNO—BOTSCHAFTERIN Samantha Power verurteilte den "schrecklichen anhaltenden —EINSATZ—VON—CHEMIE—WAFFEN
20160825             CHEMIE—WAFFEN - durch SYRIEN". DIE—USA reagieren
20160825             Zudem setzte DIE—TERROR—MILIZ—ISLAMISCHER—STAAT(IS) dem Bericht zufolge mindestens einmal Senfgas ein: am
20160825             DER—DEUTSCHEN—BUNDES—REGIERUNG hatten —BEREITS—IM vergangenen Beweise für den SENFGAS—EINSATZ durch den IS im NORD—IRAK vorgelegen.
20160825             —DAMALS, entsprechende Proben positiv auf Senfgas getestet.
20160825             Zudem - Der sogenannte Gemeinsame Untersuchungsmechanismus (Joint Investigative Mechanism, JIM) war
20160825             Seine Regierung wies DIE—VORWÜRFE stets zurück.
20160825             CHLOR—GAS fiel jedoch nicht darunter:
20160825             Es zählt nicht zu den von DER—KONVENTION verbotenen CHEMIE—WAFFEN, da es auch für zivile Zwecke eingesetzt werden darf.
20160825             Allerdings ist DER—EINSATZ als Waffe verboten.
20160825             Mit dem BREXIT wird DIE—EU nicht nur kleiner, ihr Herz schlägt dann auch links.
20160825             Man mag es für unfein halten, dass Schwan die delikaten Interviews mit dem ALT—KANZLER ohne dessen Einwilligung veröffentlicht hat.
20160825             Nur: Es war eben auch 1—BEITRAG zu 1—UNGESCHMINKTEN GESCHICHTS—SCHREIBUNG.
20160825             Na dann gutes Gelingen für DAS—TREFFEN der Chefs von sogenannten SOZIALISTENparteien.
20160825             1—VORABSTELLUNGNAHME des jetzigen PED Präsidenten SERGEI—STANISHEV klingt —SCHON vielsagend.
20160825             Man möchte sich auf 1.Union konzentrieren, die DIE—BEVÖLKERUNGEN an allererste Stelle setzt.
20160825             Und dann setzt er fort, dass 1.breite Diskussion DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHE—PARTEIEN, SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHEN Organisationen der EU, ihre AKTIVISTen und Unterstützer umfasst.
20160825             Soweit zur Bevölkerung an die 1. Stelle setzen.
20160825             —GEHABT, Das klingt wie, unsere eigene Parteienclique samt Anhang kommt zuerst, bestimmt wo es langgeht und danach nichts mehr.
20160825             FARC—REBELLEN in KOLUMBIEN: REVOLUTION für den Frieden
20160825             SYRIEN: USA prüfen BERICHTE—ÜBER—ZIVILE Opfer bei LUFT—ANGRIFF
20160825             MACHTDEMONSTRATION—IN—ORD—KOREA—KIM—JONG—UN feiert RAKETEN—TEST als "größten Erfolg"
20160825             —GEKOMMEN, DER—BREXIT—BEFÜRWORTER aus GROß—BRITANNIEN war, um den schwächelnden Kandidaten GEGEN—DIE—DEMOKRATIN HILLARY—CLINTON zu unterstützen.
20160825             Bodenoffensive: TÜRKEI schickt weitere Panzer nach SYRIEN
20160825             IFO—INDEX: Unternehmen verlieren Zuversicht
20160825             RUSSLAND: CAFÉ—KETTE erhebt 10 % Ausländerzuschlag
20160825             Huma Abedin: HILLARY—CLINTONS Mädchen für alles wird zum Problem
20160825             Unicef: 1,4—MILLIONEN Kinder fliehen vor BOKO—HARAM
20160825             Lokalpatriotismus und Bier: Die peinliche Wahrheit über Alt und Kölsch
20160825             BURKIN1—STREIT in FRANKREICH: Politische Reizwäsche
20160825             —DIKTIERT, Wahrscheinlich hat er ihr, vermuten —EXPERTEN aufgrund der Wortwahl und der Schreibschwäche Clydes.
20160825             Oft scheitere der Schutz von Bedrohten —ERST auf den letzten Kilometern, konstatiert der Report: Selbst wenn STAATEN dank Messnetzen rechtzeitig Alarm schlagen, verpufft er oft, weil die Warnung auf lokaler Ebene, in Städten und Dörfern, nicht weitergegeben wird.
20160825             DATEN—SCHUTZ—ANPASSUNG: WhatsApp gibt Telefonnummern an FACEBOOK weiter
20160825             —VERSUCHT, BUNDESWEHR—MISSION—IN—DER—TÜRKEI: VON—DER—LEYEN, es mit Diplomatie
20160825             Müll durch Kapseln und Becher: UMWELTsünde Kaffee
20160825             Solche Roboter könnten Begegnungen mit Menschen sicherer machen und sich in natürlichen Umgebungen besser anpassen als andere Roboter.
20160825             Deshalb arbeiten Wissenschaftler —SCHON—LÄNGER an elastischen Robotern, doch
20160825             —BISHER, benötigten sie stets Drähte, Batterien und andere harte Bestandteile, um das Gerät zu bewegen.
20160825             Der Treibstoff besteht aus Wasserstoffperoxid (H2O2), das in Wasser gelöst ist.
20160825             In 1—KLEINEN Reaktionskammer sorgen Platinpartikel als Katalysatoren dafür, dass das Wasserstoffperoxid in Wasser und Sauerstoffgas zerlegt wird.
20160825             Das Gas hat ein erheblich größeres Volumen als die Flüssigkeit, in die es vorher eingebunden war.
20160825             Deshalb strömt der Sauerstoff durch kleine Kanäle in die Arme des künstlichen Kraken, wo er kleine Kammern aufbläst und dadurch die Arme bewegt.
20160825             Der STEUERungsmechanismus besteht aus Röhren und Quetschventilen, die wie Bestandteile eines Schaltkreises funktionieren.
20160825             162—LITER trinkt jeder statistisch gesehen PRO–JAHR
20160825             Daher würden DIE—UNTERNEHMEN sie massiv bewerben und versuchten, ihnen ein positives Image zu verschaffen.
20160825             Ihre Herstellung ist extrem aufwendig, benötigt Unmengen an Wasser und Energie.
20160825             "Jemand, der sich für Kapseln entscheidet, hat meist kein so hohes ÖKO—BEWUSSTSEIN, dass er sich darüber informiert, wie er die Kapseln entsorgen muss".
20160825             Das steht, mit Verweis auf die UMWELTbelastungen, in ihrem "Leitfaden zur umweltverträglichen Beschaffung".
20160825             UMWELTsenator JENS—KERSTAN (Grüne) hatte mit diesem Vorstoß WELT—WEIT für Schlagzeilen gesorgt.
20160825             Was aber können Kaffeeliebhaber selbst für ein besseres UMWELTgewissen tun?
20160825             1—ALTERNATIVE zu ALUMINIUM oder Plastik sind Mehrwegkapseln etwa aus Edelstahl, die um die 45—EURO kosten.
20160825             —BISHER, seien diese kaum verbreitet, sagt Fischer.
20160825             "Dafür macht keiner Werbung, denn damit kann man kein Geld verdienen".
20160825             —VERSTEIGERT, IN—DEN—USA wird ein bitterböser Brief, den das Gangsterpärchen BONNie und Clyde an 1—FRÜHEREN—KOMPLIZEN geschickt hat
20160825             "Ich weiß, dass sie mich —EINES—TAGES kriegen werden, aber nicht ohne Widerstand", heißt es in dem Brief.
20160825             —NOCH rechnet sich das allerdings nicht.
20160825             —GEEIGNET, Die Anlage sei von der Geologie her, und DIE—KOSTEN von etwa 250—BIS 300.000.000—EURO lägen nicht höher als bei oberirdischen Speicherkraftwerken,
20160825             NRW möchte unter anderem Entlastungen von SPEICHERKRAFTWERKE—BEI—DER EEG—UMLAGE.
20160825             Nachgedacht - MISSOURI, UNITED—STATES / EN—USA Wells Fargo & Company (
20160825             Gesundheitswesen: Krankenkassen machen 1—PLUS—VON—600.000.000 EURO
20160825             THE—3—SEAS—INITIATIVE met for their 1. summit in DUBROVNIK—CROATIA.
20160825             Also known as the Baltic, Adriatic, Black Sea (BABS) Initiative, it is 1—FORUM—OF—12—EUROPEAN—UNION—COUNTRIES in Eastern and CENTRAL—EUROPE that aims to create 1—NORTH—SOUTH—DIALOGUE on 1—VARIETY—OF—QUESTIONS affecting the member states.
20160825             ARGENTINA, MORE—THAN—20,000—RESIDENTS—OF—ROSARIO, population 1.3—MILLION, marched through the streets demanding action on the city's rise in murders, nearly triple the national average.
20160825             † BOLIVIA, Deputy Interior MINISTER—RODOLFO—ILLANES, —56—JAHRE—ALT was killed on —AFTER being taken hostage by workers who had blocked 1—MAJOR—HIGHWAY in Panduro, CA—160—KM (100—MILES) from CAPITAL—CITY—LA—PAZ.
20160825             —LIFTED, Miners, the roadblock THE—NEXT—DAY.
20160825             EGYPT, Khaled Hanafi, the country's supply MINISTER.
20160825             He had overseen EGYPT—FOOD subsidy program.
20160825             —STRUGGLED, Authorities in EAST—INDIA, to evacuate MORE—THAN—100,000—PEOPLE stranded in villages —AFTER floods intensified, killing MORE—THAN—300 and driving HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS from their homes.
20160825             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—MEXICO, 4, gunmen were dead and 7—POLICE—OFFICERS and 2—SOLDIERS injured —FOLLOWING 1—RUNNING gun battle near THE—USA—BORDER.
20160825             —LAUNCHED, RUSSIA, LARGE—SCALE snap military drills, putting its troops on full combat readiness in districts bordering UKRAINE and the Baltic states.
20160825             —OPERATED, SINGAPORE, the world's 1. SELF—DRIVING taxis, by autonomous vehicle software startup nuTonomy, began picking up passengers.
20160825             6 modified Renault Zoe and Mitsubishi I—MIEV electrics, carried 1—DRIVER in front who is prepared to take back the wheel and 1—RESEARCHER in back who watches the car's computers.
20160825             The order to suspend Sukhumbhand came hours —AFTER he left BANGKOK for SOUTH—KOREA—CAPITAL, where he was due to take part in celebrations cementing the friendship between THE—2—CITIES.
20160825             —ENTERED, At least 9—MORE—TURKEY—TANKS, NORTH—SYRIA as PART—OF—1—OPERATION aimed at driving ISLAM—STATE—OUT—OF—THE—BORDER—AREA—AROUND Jarablus and stopping Kurdish militia fighters from seizing territory.
20160825             —CALLED, THE—UN, for the creation of 1—INDEPENDENT—INTERNATIONAL—BODY to investigate 1—ARRAY of serious violations in WAR—TORN YEMEN.
20160825             SYRIEN: UNO bestätigt GIFT—GAS—EINSATZ—DES—ASSAD—REGIMES
20160825             KOLUMBIEN—REGIERUNG und Farc einigen sich auf historischen FRIEDENS—VERTRAG
20160825             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DONNERSTAG: Linkes KLASSEN—TREFFEN bei PARIS—CHLOR—GAS - DER—IS nutzte Senfgas
20160825             nutzte -
20160825             "Es ist —JETZT unmöglich zu leugnen, daß DAS—SYRIEN—REGIME wiederholt CHLOR—GAS als Waffe GEGEN—DIE—EIGENEN Bevölkerung eingesetzt hat".
20160825             DIE—USA werden sich seinen Angaben zufolge GEMEINSAM—MIT—INTERNATIONALEN Partner darum bemühen, DIE—VERANTWORTLICHEN mit "angemessenen diplomatischen Schritten"zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen.
20160825             CHEMIE—WAFFEN—DURCH SYRIEN".
20160825             Der SICHERHEITS—RAT—DER—VEREINTE—NATIONEN müsse rasch und hart gegen DIE—VERANTWORTLICHEN vorgehen.
20160825             DIE—USA reagieren damit auf 1—BERICHT—DER—VEREINTE—NATIONEN und der Organisation für DAS—VERBOT chemischer Waffen (OPCW).
20160825             Demnach haben DIE—TRUPPEN—VON—MACHT—HABER—BASCHAR—AL—ASSAD mindestens zweimal CHLOR—GAS eingesetzt:
20160825             —ZUDEM, setzte DIE—TERROR—MILIZ—ISLAMISCHER—STAAT(IS) dem Bericht zufolge mindestens einmal Senfgas ein:
20160825             6—ANDERE untersuchte FÄLLE—VON—MUTMASSLICHEN—GIFT—GAS 1ÄTZEN —IN—DEN—JAHREN 20140000—20150000    —UND, konnten DIE—AUTOREN des Berichts unter anderem wegen schwieriger Untersuchungsbedingungen nicht mit Sicherheit 1—DER—KONFLIKT—PARTEIEN zuordnen.
20160825             —DAMALS, wurden nach 1—MÖRSER—ANGRIFF südlich der KURDEN—HAUPT—STADT Erbil am  ;;0811;;
20160825             würden DIE—SYMPTOME der bei dem ANGRIFF verletzten kurdischen PESCHMERGA—KÄMPFER auf den —EINSATZ—VON—SENFGAS hinweisen.
20160825             —SCHON—VOR der Veröffentlichung des Untersuchungsberichts hatten westliche Länder die CHEMIE—WAFFEN—ANGRIFFE—IN—DER Mehrzahl den Truppen von MACHT—HABER ASSAD zugeschrieben.
20160825             Damit verhinderte DAS—REGIME LUFT—ANGRIFFE der USA.
20160825             DIE—BRITEN haben immer DAS—PRINZIP DER—MARKT—WIRTSCHAFT VERTEIDIGT—SEHR zum Ärger vieler europäischer SOZIALISTEN, die sich —HEUTE in La CELLE—SAINT—CLOUD bei PARIS treffen.
20160825             Wenn sich FRANKREICH—PRÄSIDENT—FRANÇOIS—HOLLANDE danach erklärt, muss er nicht mehr fürchten, daß ihm anschließend 1—BRITISCHER—PREMIER in die Parade fährt.
20160825             Formvorschriften - 1.SOZIALISMUS—RELIGION
20160825             —BEREITET, LUFTWAFFEN—BASIS in der TÜRKEI: BUNDESWEHR, sich auf Abzug aus INCIRLIK vor
20160825             Kritik von UMWELT—SCHÜTZERN: HÄNDLER verweigern Rücknahme von ELEKTRO—SCHROTT
20160825             ZUKUNFTS—ROMAN "Mirror": Maschinen sind einfach die besseren Menschen
20160825             —UMSTRITTENER Politiker: Farage unterstützt DONALD—TRUMP im WAHL—KAMPF
20160825             JACKSON, im USA—BUNDES—STAAT—MISSISSIPPI standen DONALD—TRUMP und Farage gemeinsam auf der Bühne.
20160825             "Octobot": 1—ROBOTERKRAKE, weich und gelenkig
20160825             Unicef: 1.400.000—KINDER fliehen vor BOKO—HARAM
20160825             VON—DERZAPFSÄULE —BIS ins Weltall: Linux erobert DIE—WELT
20160825             Pumpspeicherkraftwerk: BOTTROPer Zeche hat das Zeug zur Riesenbatterie
20160825             1—ANDERES, kostengünstiges Mittel gegen Personenschäden bei NATUR—KATASTROPHEN seien GESETZES—ÄNDERUNGEN wie etwa die Stärkung von Besitzrechten, konstatierte DIE—WELT—BANK jüngst in 1—ANALYSE: Sind Menschen sich ihres Eigentums sicher, kümmerten sie sich mehr um dessen Zustand und Unterhalt.
20160825             —VERBESSERT, Auch WARN—SYSTEME müssten, werden.
20160825             —ANSCHLIEßEND gelangt das Gas durch kleine Schlitze ins Freie.
20160825             Mögliche ANWENDUNGS—GEBIETE für weiche Roboter seien Wartung und Inspektion von Maschinen, Such—, Rettungsaktionen sowie die Erkundung unbekannter Gebiet,
20160825             650—TASSEN PRO—JAHR im DURCHSCHNITT—KAFFEE ist das Lieblingsgetränk der DEUTSCHEN.
20160825             "DIE—KAPSELN sind 1.LIZENZ—ZUM—GELDDRUCKEN".
20160825             bestehe 1.durchschnittliche Kapsel aus 2—BIS 3—GRAMM Verpackung und 6—BIS 7—GRAMM Kaffee,
20160825             "Das ist ein unglaublich schlechtes Verhältnis".
20160825             Bei 1.500—GRAMM—PACKUNG Kaffee mache DIE—VERPACKUNG—CA—15—GRAMM aus.
20160825             LAUT—ANGABEN—DER—UMWELTHILFE werden so PRO—JAHR BUNDES—WEIT 2.800.000.000—EINWEG—KAFFEEBECHER verbraucht.
20160825             —GESEHEN, Kaffeekapseln wiederum sind rein rechtlich, keine Verpackung und dürfen daher nicht im Gelben Sack ENTSORGT werden
20160825             DIE—STADT—HAMBURG hat ihren Mitarbeitern —INZWISCHEN, verboten, NESPRESSO—KAPSELN zu KAUFEN—ZUMINDEST auf Staatskosten.
20160825             Das 4—SEITEN lange Schreiben —AUS—DEM—STAMMT
20160825             Der Adressat RAYMOND—HAMILTON saß in DALLAS im Gefängnis, als BONNie und Clyde ihm schrieben
20160825             Es gab unter anderem STREIT—ÜBER—DIE AUFTEILUNG—VON—4000—DOLLAR Beute aus 1—BANKRAUB —2—MONATE—ZUVOR.
20160825             Sie werfen HAMILTON auch vor, daß er sich ohne Widerstand festnehmen ließ.
20160825             EINEN—MONAT—SPÄTER, wurden BONNie und Clyde in LOUISIANA—VON—POLIZISTEN erschossen.
20160825             Ob der Brief HAMILTON je erreichte, ist unklar.
20160825             1—SHERIFF fing das Schreiben[Brief] ab und
20160825             —MONATE—SPÄTER, 1—SHERIFF informierte DIE—PRESSE über den Inhalt.
20160825             —JAHRZEHNTE—LANG befand sich der Brief in 1—SHERIFF—FAMILIE—BESITZ
20160825             —JETZT, versteigern lässt 1—SHERIFF—FAMILIE den Brief[das Schreiben].
20160825             Das Bergwerk PROSPER—HANIEL in BOTTROP könnte nach seiner Schließung
20160825             "DIE—ZECHE könnte 1—GROßE Batterie werden", so NRW—UMWELT—MINISTER—JOHANNES—REMMEL (Grüne), der für die weitere ER—FORSCHUNG des Vorhabens 1—FÖRDERBESCHEID über 850.000—EURO überreichte.
20160825             Speicherkraftwerke werden wegen der ENERGIE—WENDE BUNDES—WEIT dringend gebraucht, um den in großer Zahl produzierten Wind—, Sonnenstrom aufzunehmen.
20160825             1—SPEICHER—KRAFTWERK in 1—STEINKOHLEZECHE wäre WELT—WEIT einmalig und würde "enorme Strahlkraft"auch für den Export entfalten,
20160825             Allerdings rechne sich angesichts des sehr niedrigen BÖRSENSTROM—PREIS 1—PUMPSPEICHER—KRAFTWERK —DERZEIT, nicht.
20160825             DIE—BAUZEIT des Projektes läge bei etwa —5—JAHREN.
20160825             1—PUMPSPEICHER—KRAFTWERK müsse auf Dauer auch ökonomisch laufen, sonst nehme kein Investor die nötigen dreistelligen Millionensummen in die Hand
20160825             Nachgedacht wird in BOTTROP über 1—KRAFTWERK mit 1—OBERBECKEN über —TAGE und 1—UNTERBECKEN in 600—METERN Tiefe im Bergwerk
20160825             NACHGEDACHT—DAS Wasser wird hochgepumpt, wenn viel Strom in den Netzen ist und treibt beim Herabstürzen in den Schacht 1.Turbine an, um wieder Strom zu erzeugen.
20160825             Der Hauptvorteil 1—UNTERIRDISCHEN Anlage liegt in der Akzeptanz:
20160825             Oberirdische Anlagen stoßen vielfach auf PROTESTE—VON—UMWELT—SCHÜTZERN, mehrere Großprojekte wurden deshalb —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—JAHREN wieder aufgegeben.
20160825             [l] SCHUSS—WECHSEL zwischen POLIZISTEN und REICHS—BÜRGERN, Verletzte auf beiden Seiten.
20160825             MISSOURI, Gesundheitswesen: Krankenkassen machen 1—PLUS—VON—600.000.000—EURO
20160825             ARGENTINISCHER—DISCO,: Abiturienten 1—DEUTSCHEN—SCHULE provozieren mit HAKEN—KREUZEN
20160825             —STREIT—UM—MUSLIMISCHE Kleidung: POLIZEI in SCHOTTLAND erhebt Hijab zur offiziellen Uniform
20160825             —BOMBARDIERT, Großoffensive: TÜRKEI, KURDENstellungen in SYRIEN
20160825—19340400    —AUS—DEM, Das 4—SEITEN lange Schreiben stammt , geschrieben in der HANDSCHRIFT—VON—BONNIE—PARKER, unterzeichnet durch CLYDE—BARROW.
20160825—20120000    Das UMWELT—MINISTERIUM hatte DIE—STUDIE in Auftrag gegeben.
20160825—20130000    SYRIEN hatte sich  unter internationalem Druck bereit erklärt, ALLE—SEINE—CHEMIE—WAFFEN zu vernichten.
20160825—20140421    —AM—UND
20160825—20180000    —ENDE, Das Bergwerk PROSPER—HANIEL in BOTTROP könnte nach seiner Schließung in 1—STROMSPEICHER für rund 450.000—HAUSHALTE umgewandelt werden.
20160825—20180000    —ENDE, in 1—STROMSPEICHER für rund 450.000—HAUSHALTE umgewandelt werden.
20170823—20170825    —PLEADED, Rhodes, guilty to fraud in IOWA and 1—COMPUTER—CRIME in WISCONSIN and was sentenced to YEARS—OF—PROBATION and —6—MONTHS—OF—HOME—CONFINEMENT.
20170825             Die Seite bleibt als Archiv erhalten.
20170825             Die einzigen Archive der Bewegungen haben die Bewegungen selbst hervorgebracht und niemand wird unsere Geschichte erzählen, wenn wir es nicht selbst tun.
20170825             Bewegungen müssen Spuren ihrer Leidenschaft für zukünftige Generationen hinterlassen, denn vergessene Kämpfe sind verlorene Kämpfe.
20170825             —ON—THE, Indymedia linksunten was banned by THE—GERMANY—FEDERAL—MINISTER—OF—THE—INTERIOR.
20170825             Movements have to leave traces of their passion for future generations, because forgotten fights are lost fights.
20170825             Abajo y a la izquierda está el corazón — siamo tutti indymedia !
20170825             Harte Zeiten erfordern unabhängige Medien — vers beaux temps !
20170825             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, in his 1. act of presidential clemency, pardoned controversial FORMER—ARIZONA sheriff JOE—ARPAIO, who was convicted —LAST—MONTH—OF—CRIMINAL contempt for illegally targeting Hispanic immigrants.
20170825             —DIRECTED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, the Pentagon to extend 1—BAN—ON—TRANSGENDER individuals joining the military but gave the Pentagon the authority to decide the future of openly transgender people already serving.
20170825             —APPEARED, Trump, to leave open the possibility of allowing SOME—TRANSGENDER people who already are in uniform.
20170825             —SLAPPED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, sweeping financial SANCTIONS—ON—VENEZUELA, barring banks from ANY—NEW—FINANCIAL—DEALS with the government or STATE—RUN—OIL—GIANT—PDVSA.
20170825             Category 4—HURRICANE Harvey struck coastal TEXAS this —EVENING, the most powerful storm to hit THE—USA—MAINLAND in MORE—THAN—1—DECADE.
20170825             —BLOCKED, Network Solutions, the website, the oldest white supremacist site founded by FORMER—KU Klux Klan leader DON—BLACK.
20170825             —REVOKED, The domain name was, —FOLLOWING complaints that it promotes hatred and is linked to DOZENS—OF—MURDERS.
20170825             AFGHANISTAN, 2—ASSAILANTS blew themselves up and another 2 were shot dead by AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES at the entrance to 1—SHI'ITE Muslim mosque in KABUL.
20170825             —KILLED, At least 28—PEOPLE were, including worshippers gathering for prayers.
20170825             —SHOWED, Results, THE—MPLA took 61.1—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTES counted compared with the opposition UNITA party's 26.7—PERCENT.
20170825             —SHOUTED, BELGIUM, 1—SOMALI—BORN man (30), "Allahu Akbar" (God is great) as he stabbed soldiers, 1—OF—WHOM shot him twice.
20170825             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—CAMEROON, Boko Haram militants killed at least 11—PEOPLE and kidnapped 8—OTHERS in 1—OVERNIGHT raid on Gakara village near THE—NIGERIA—BORDER.
20170825             —TRIGGERED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON, 1—FURIOUS—REACTION from POLAND —AFTER he attacked WARSAW for rejecting tough proposals to overhaul 1—CONTROVERSIAL EU rule on cheap labor.
20170825             —ASKED, GUATEMALA—CHIEF—PROSECUTOR—THELMA Aldana, 1—COURT to strip PRESIDENT—JIMMY—MORALES of his immunity so 1—INVESTIGATION—OF alleged campaign finance violations may proceed.
20170825             HUNGARY said it is recalling its ambassador to THE—NETHERLANDS and suspending HIGH—LEVEL—DIPLOMATIC—TIES in response to critical remarks by THE—HOLLAND—AMBASSADOR about HUNGARY.
20170825             Scheltema was CRITICAL—OF—HUNGARY—UNWILLINGNESS to participate in 1—EUROPEAN—UNION—PLAN to relocate ASYLUM—SEEKERS from GREECE and ITALY.
20170825             —CRITICIZED, He also, THE—HUNGARY—GOVERNMENT—CAMPAIGN against billionaire financier and philanthropist GEORGE—SOROS and drew parallels between the government's efforts to "create enemies" and THOSE—OF—THE—ISLAM—STATE—GROUP.
20170825             —ERUPTED, INDIA, violent protests, leaving at least 38—PEOPLE—DEAD, —AFTER 1—COURT—CONVICTED—SELF—STYLED "godman" Gurmeet Ram RAHIM—SINGH—JI—INSAAN of raping 2—WOMEN, angering THOUSANDS—OF—HIS—SUPPORTERS who said he was innocent.
20170825             Singh, THE—HEAD—OF—1—SOCIAL—WELFARE and spiritual group, was found GUILTY—OF—RAPING 2—FOLLOWERS in 1—CASE dating back to 20020000             at the headquarters of his Dera Sacha Sauda group in THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—SIRSA.
20170825             IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—FORCES broke through ISLAM—STATE—LINES inside Tal Afar, and reached the old city center and the neighborhood —AROUND THE—OTTOMAN—ERA citadel.
20170825             1—MALDIVES court jailed opposition politician QASIM—IBRAHIM for —JUST over —38—MONTHS on 1—CHARGE—OF—BRIBERY in connection with 1—BID to undermine the government.
20170825             —MOTIVATED, Opposition colleagues said the conviction was 1—POLITICALLY, bid to strip Ibrahim of his parliamentary seat.
20170825             —LAUNCHED, WEST—MYANMAR, ethnic Rohingya militants, overnight attacks on MORE—THAN—2—DOZEN—POLICE and border outposts, leaving 89—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20170825             77—OF—THE—DEAD were Rohingya and 12 were security officials.
20170825             THE—ARAKAN—ROHINGYA—SALVATION—ARMY took responsibility for the attacks.
20170825             —BURNED, Responding soldiers in Maungdaw township, homes and property, and shot dead at least 10—PEOPLE.
20170825             † In SOUTH—RUSSIA at least 14—PEOPLE—AFTER 1—BUS carrying construction workers veered off 1—PIER and plunged into the Black Sea on the Taman peninsula.
20170825             SOUTH—SOMALIA, 10—CIVILIANS, including 3—CHILDREN, were killed in 1—RAID by foreign and SOMALIA—FORCES on 1—FARM in Barire village.
20170825             2—WHITE—SOUTH—AFRICANS, who were filmed forcing 1—WAILING black man into 1—COFFIN, were found GUILTY—OF—KIDNAP, assault and attempted murder.
20170825             They had caught VICTOR—MLOTSHWA trespassing on their farm in possession of stolen copper cables.
20170825             THEO—JACKSON and WILLEM—OOSTHUIZEN, were yet to be sentenced and had the right to appeal.
20170825             —CONCLUDED, SOUTH—AFRICA—1. online auction of rhino horn, amid outrage from conservationists, but no DETAILS—OF—THE—SALE were —IMMEDIATELY available.
20170825             † In SOUTH—AFRICA 2—MINERS at 1—GOLD—MINE owned by Harmony Gold —AFTER they were trapped underground —FOLLOWING 1—EARTH tremor.
20170825             3—MINERS remained missing —AFTER—THE—INCIDENT at the Kusasalethu mine near Cartonville.
20170825             1—SOUTH—KOREAN—COURT—SENTENCED—LEE—JAE—YONG, —49—JAHRE—ALT, the billionaire CHIEF—OF—SAMSUNG, to —5—YEARS—IN—PRISON for crimes that helped topple the country's PRESIDENT.
20170825             —PUSHED, SYRIA, ISLAM—STATE—GROUP—MILITANTS, back government forces advancing on Maadan, 1—OF—THE—LAST—TOWNS still in IS hands in Raqqa province, killing over 2—DOZEN—SOLDIERS and seizing vehicles.
20170825             —CLASSIFIED, TAIWAN—CHINA—FRIENDLY—FORMER—PRESIDENT, Ma YING—JEOU, was found not GUILTY—OF—LEAKING, information about 1—SENIOR—OPPOSITION—LEGISLATOR, ending 1—YEARLONG legal process that had threatened to undermine faith in the office.
20170825             —SEARCHED, THAILAND authorities, for Yingluck Shinawatra, THE—PRIME—MINISTER whose government he ousted in 1—COUP —3—YEARS—AGO, —AFTER she failed to appear for 1—VERDICT in 1—CRIMINAL—CASE that could send her to prison —FOR—10—YEARS.
20170825             —IMPOSED, THAILAND—SUPREME—COURT, a —42—YEAR—SENTENCE on YINGLUCK—FORMER—COMMERCE—MINISTER for offences related to those that she was alleged to have committed.
20170825             —PUBLISHED, TURKEY, 1—EMERGENCY—DECREE, —TODAY said over 900—PUBLIC—SECTOR—OFFICIALS have been dismissed in the latest wave of the purge that followed —LAST—YEAR'S failed coup.
20170825             A 2. decree said the National Intelligence Organization (MIT), which was previously under THE—PRIME—MINISTER, would —NOW report to THE—PRESIDENT, expanding PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN—POWERS over public institutions.
20170825             THE—UN—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG (IAEA) said in 1—ANNUAL—REPORT that NORTH—KOREA has increased its efforts to produce parts for 1—NEW—NUCLEAR—REACTOR it is building —WHILE continuing to operate the main existing 1—THAT provides fuel for its atom bombs.
20170825             —AIRED, VENEZUELA—NATIONAL—COMMUNICATIONS—COMMISSION did not renew permits for 2—RADIO—STATIONS that, critical COVERAGE—OF—PRESIDENT—NICHOLAS—MADURO—GOVERNMENT and ordered them to cease transmitting.
20170825             YEMEN, 1—AIR—RAID struck 1—BUILDING in Saana, killing at 16—CIVILIANS including 6—CHILDREN, —WHEN 1—ADJACENT—APARTMENT—BLOCK collapsed in the Faj Attan neighborhood.
20170825             People at the scene said the warplanes were from 1—SAUDI—LED Arab coalition.
20170825             —APOLOGIZED, SAUDI—ARABIA —LATER, for the attack.
20170825             —CRASHED, A—USA—SERVICEMAN went missing —AFTER Black Hawk helicopter, off THE—COAST—OF—YEMEN.
20170825             linksunten.indymedia_org verboten — Archiv bleibt erhalten
20170825             —AM, Indymedia linksunten wurdevom BUNDESINNEN—MINISTER verboten.
20170825             The website remains as 1—ARCHIVE.
20170825             The only ARCHIVES—OF—MOVEMENTS are made by the movements themselves, and nobody will tell our HISTORY unless we do it ourselves.
20170825—20170823    —THE—GENERAL—ELECTION, ANGOLA—ELECTORAL—COMMISSION said the ruling MPLA party convincingly won citing provisional results, but the main opposition rejected the outcome.
20170825—20170831    —ON, government officials said that blood money will be paid to THE—FAMILIES—OF—THE—VICTIMS.
20170825—20170831    —ON, the bodies of the last 2—MINERS unaccounted for at the Harmony Gold mine were recovered, bringing the death toll to 5.
20170825—20170922    —ON, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said 1—USA—MADE bomb was used in THE—SAUDI—LED strike.
20170825—20170929    —ZWISCHEN, Das BASF in des LUDWIGhafen hergestellte Toluoldiisocyanat (TDI) enthielt laut dem Konzern 1.deutlich erhöhte Konzentration an Dichlorbenzol.
20170825—20180000    —DOCUMENTED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, in detail alleged atrocities by THE—ARSA saying fighters from the group killed as many as 99—HINDUS near Kha Maung Seik.
20170903             —CROSSED, Some 73,000—PEOPLE have, the border —SINCE violence erupted 20170825             in MYANMAR—RAKHINE state.
20170904             The suspected MEMBER—OF—1—VIOLENT—CENTRAL—USA—GANG was also wanted in connection with an 20170825             homicide in NEW—JERSEY.
20170905—20170825    —SINCE, THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY said 1—TOTAL—OF—123,000 refugees have fled WEST—MYANMAR.
20170925—20170825    —ON, Security forces said the bodies are among about 100—HINDUS missing —SINCE ARSA attacked at least 30—POLICE outposts.
20171002—20170825    —ON, 1—MYANMAR—MINISTER proposed taking back HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ROHINGYA Muslims who fled to BANGLADESH —FOLLOWING 1—MILITARY—CRACKDOWN, as UN representatives were given their 1. access to Rakhine —SINCE the trouble erupted.
20180820—20180825    —ON, 7—PEOPLE were arrested at 1—RALLY calling for the statue, dating back to 19130000             , to be returned.
20180825             † ARIZONA SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN, —81—JAHRE—ALT, 1—LEGEND in USA—POLITICS, at his home in Sedona.
20180825             —AGREED, DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—OFFICIALS meeting in CHICAGO, to sharply reduce THE—INFLUENCE—OF—TOP—POLITICAL insiders known as superdelegates.
20180825             —KILLED, SOUTH—INDIANA, 4—TEENAGERS were, —LATE—TODAY and 4—OTHERS injured —WHEN 1—VEHICLE struck them as they pushed 1 stalled SUV to 1—BIRTHDAY—PARTY in Cortland.
20180825             —CONTINUED, Torrential rain, to pound HAWAII from TROPICAL—STORM—LANE, as officials warned that 1—FOOT or MORE—OF—PRECIPITATION was still possible.
20180825             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE attacker, at least 3—PEOPLE by detonating explosives near THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—ELECTION—COMMISSION in JALALABAD, where DOZENS—OF—PROTESTERS had gathered in support of 1—PARLIAMENTARY—CANDIDATE who electoral officials had disqualified over his suspected links with illegal armed groups.
20180825             † THE—HEAD—OF—ISLAM—STATE—IN—AFGHANISTAN, ABU—SAYEED—ORAKZAI (aka ABU—SAAD—ERHABI), was killed —LATE—TODAY in 1—STRIKE on the group's hideouts in Nangarhar province.
20180825             9—OTHER—MEMBERS—OF—THE—MILITANT—GROUP were also killed in 1—JOINT—GROUND and air operation by Afghan and foreign forces —DURING raids on 2—ISLAM—STATE hideouts.
20180825             —SEARCHED, UK—COASTGUARDS, for 2—MISSING fishermen in THE—NORTH—SEA—AFTER 3—OTHERS from their capsized boat were rescued by 1—PASSING cruise ship.
20180825             —FLIPPED, BULGARIA, 1—TOURIST—BUS, over on 1—HIGHWAY about 50—KM (30—MILES) NORTH—OF—SOFIA, killing at least 16—PEOPLE and leaving 18 injured.
20180825             —GRANTED, NORODOM—SIHAMONI—KING—OF—CAMBODIA, Um SAM—AN amnesty from his jail term.
20180825             —LASHED, CHINA, out at USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP for accusing BEIJING of not being supportive in efforts to denuclearize NORTH—KOREA, —WHILE SOUTH—KOREA called THE—USA—DECISION to call off 1—TRIP to the North by SECRETARY—OF—STATE—MIKE—POMPEO "unfortunate".
20180825             —KILLED, CongoDRC authorities said 1—OUTBREAK—OF—EBOLA has, 67—PEOPLE—THIS—MONTH, as they rolled out 1—BATTERY—OF—NEW—DRUGS to tackle the virus amid concerns it has spread to 1—REBEL—ENCIRCLED area.
20180825             CONGO—HEALTH—MINISTRY said 2—OF—THE 1. 10—PEOPLE to receive 1—EXPERIMENTAL—TREATMENT for the Ebola virus in the latest outbreak have recovered.
20180825             —OWNED, The privately, AL—MASRI—AL—YOUM newspaper reported that 4—POLICEMEN had †.
20180825             —REPORTED, THE—ISLAM—STATE—AMAQ news agency, THE—NEXT—DAY that 15—SOLDIERS were killed or wounded in what it described as 1—INFILTRATION—OPERATION.
20180825             The remains were found by 1—FELLOW—CANADIAN, 1—POLICE climber and FRIEND—OF—THE—MAN—FAMILY who had joined the search.
20180825             —RESUMED, IRAN said it has, talks with RUSSIA to build 1—NEW—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANT—CAPABLE—OF generating up to 3,000 MEGAWATTS—OF—ELECTRICITY.
20180825             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—IRAN, 10—PEOPLE were, and 5 wounded —AFTER 1—BOILER exploded in 1—RESIDENTIAL—AREA—OF—THE—CITY—OF—MASHHAD.
20180825             1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—PROTESTERS demonstrated against THE—VISIT—PAPA outside DUBLIN Castle.
20180825             FRANCIS—PAPA said he shares the outrage over THE—FAILURES—OF—CHURCH—AUTHORITIES to punish the "repugnant crimes" of priests who raped and molested children.
20180825             —ALLOWED, ITALY, 16—OF—THE—150—MIGRANTS stranded on BOARD—1—COASTGUARD ship at 1—SICILY port to disembark, as government officials face questioning over the refusal to let all passengers off.
20180825             —CLOSED, PERU, its borders to VENEZUELA—MIGRANTS without 1—PASSPORT, as thousands holding only identification cards reached the border in 1—LAST—MINUTE crush, SOME—BEATING the deadline with special assistance from ECUADOR.
20180825             SOUTH—AFRICA, 2—LION cubs, 1—MALE and female, were born by means of artificial insemination -- the 1. such pair anywhere in the world.
20180825             —BANNED, TURKEY—AUTHORITIES, 1—PROTEST vigil marking the forced DISAPPEARANCES—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE in the country's southeast decades ago.
20180825             THE—SATURDAY—MOTHERS—ACTIVIST—GROUP was set to hold its 700. meeting in ISTANBUL.
20180825             † YEMEN, officials and tribal leaders said senior AL—QAIDA leader Ghalib AL—ZAIDI was killed —1—WEEK—AGO in THE—CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—MARIB —WHILE fighting alongside the government forces battling Shiite rebels.
20180825             —REFUSED, ZIMBABWE—MAIN—OPPOSITION—LEADER—NELSON—CHAMISA, to accept 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT ruling that upheld Emmerson MNANGAGWA—WIN in presidential elections —LAST—MONTH.
20180825             SPD—ARBEITS—MINISTER—HEIL: "Man kann nicht wegen des CSU—WAHL—KAMPFS Bundesrecht brechen"
20180825             Aufarbeitung im ABGAS—SKANDAL—VOLKSWAGEN verschont Topmanager in der DIESEL—AFFÄRE
20180825             Integration: CDU—GENERAL—SEKRETÄRIN regt DIENST—JAHR für FLÜCHTLINGE an
20180825             "ATOM—WAFFEN—DIVISION": USA—NEO—NAZI—GRUPPE gründet Ableger in DEUTSCHLAND
20180825             Alltag eines Kardiologen: "Wir schleusen immer mehr Patienten durch"
20180825             Mögliche AMTS—ENTHEBUNG: Crasht DIE—BÖRSE wirklich, wenn DONALD—TRUMP geht?
20180825             ROCK—GEGEN—RECHTS: Und —PLÖTZLICH, steht der Grönemeyer auf der Bühne
20180825             Prinzip von RECHT und Ordnung: Gebt den RECHTS—STAAT zurück!
20180825             Vertreibung der Rohingya VOR—1—JAHR: Ausharren in der Fremde
20180825             GEWALT—TATEN durch Migranten: Fast immer sind Zuwanderer die Opfer
20180825             MERKEL in ASERBAIDSCHAN: Auf heikler MISSION—IN—BAKU
20180825             MOSKAU: KREMLkritiker Nawalny erneut festgenommen
20180825             —BEZEICHNET, KATHOLISCHE—KIRCHE: PAPA, Missbrauch in IRLAND als "schweren SKANDAL"
20180825             Wirbel um Hochzeit: Kneissl verteidigt Knicks vor PUTIN
20180825             MAYA—FUND in MEXIKO: ARCHÄOLOGEN entdecken KÖNIGS—MASKE
20180825             Seine Ehefrau TZ'AK—B'U Ajaw wurde ebenfalls in Palenque beigesetzt.
20180825             DER MAYA—ZIVILISATION BEGANN sich vor etwa 3.—000—JAHREN in Mittelamerika zu entwickeln und erreichte ihren HÖHE—PUNKT—IN—DER Zeit von 250—BIS 900.
20180825             Ihr HERRSCHAFTS—GEBIET erstreckte sich über das heutige SÜD—MEXIKO, GUATEMALA, BELIZE, HONDURAS und EL—SALVADOR.
20180825             Waldbrand in BRANDENBURG: Pionierpanzer soll Schneisen schneiden
20180825             Riskante Finanzgeschäfte: HESSEN soll STEUER—GELDER verzockt haben
20180825             Für DIE—RENTE: SPD—HAUSHALTS—EXPERTE fordert neue STEUERN
20180825             ISRAEL—NEUER—ANSATZ für GAZA: Der KATAR—CLOU
20180825             FLORIAN—HENCKEL—VON—DONNERSMARCK: "Das Tollste wäre 1.Wanze im Beichtstuhl"
20180825             MCCAINs Krebserkrankung: Das laute Schweigen  des DONALD—TRUMP—
20180825             —TREFFEN—IM—KANZLER—AMT: MERKEL, SEEHOFER und SCHOLZ suchen Lösung für DIE—RENTE
20180825             Der auch "Pakal der Große"genannte K'inich Janaab' Pakal lebte —IN—DEN—JAHREN 603—BIS 683—UND herrschte beinahe —7—JAHRZEHNTE über DIE—STADT.
20180825             Sein prachtvoll ausgestattetes Grab zählt zu den berühmtesten Funden aus der MAYA—ZEIT.
20180825             —BEKANNT, Ihr Grab ist als das der "Roten KÖNIGIN", weil die Knochen samt Schädel rot bemalt wurden.
20180825             Threats against PAUL—MANAFORT—PLUS: THE—CFO flips
20180825             McCains Krebserkrankung: Das laute Schweigen des DONALD—TRUMP
20180825—19950000    —SINCE, The group has gathered to demand justice for those who disappeared —DURING—THE ongoing conflict between TURKEY—SECURITY—FORCES and Kurdish insurgents.
20180825—20161000    —SENTENCED, He was, to 2 1/—2—YEARS—IN—PRISON for making comments on the politically sensitive topic and implying that PRIME—MINISTER—HUN—SEN—GOVERNMENT failed to counter land encroachment by VIETNAM.
20180825—20180802    —ON, GERMANY, searchers found THE—BODY—OF—1—CANADA—MAN who went missing in THE—BAVARIA—ALPS.
20190821—20200825    —ORDERED, WEIMAR—CASE was, closed.
20190824             SEE  Gucuvlian, 19910824—19910825   .
20190825             —AGREED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said he and JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE had, on the principles of 1—TRADE—DEAL that would probably be signed —NEXT—MONTH in NEW—YORK.
20190825             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said the prospects for 1—DEAL with CHINA are better —NOW than at ANY—TIME—SINCE negotiations began —LAST—YEAR, even as 1—TOP—STATE—MEDIA—EDITOR—IN—BEIJING questioned his VERSION—OF—EVENTS.
20190825             JOE—WALSH, —57—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CONSERVATIVE—FORMER—USA—CONGRESSMAN from ILLINOIS turned talk show host, became the 2. Republican to challenge USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP for the party's 20200000             WHITE—HOUSE—NOMINATION.
20190825             —FOUNDED, Earth Alliance, 1—INITIATIVE, by LEONARDO—DICAPRIO with philanthropists Laurene Powell Jobs and BRIAN—SHETH, launched a $5-million emergency fund to help preserve the Amazon rain forest.
20190825             AUSTRALIA—OFFICIALS said the government will block access to INTERNET domains hosting terrorist material —DURING crisis events and will consider legislation to force digital platforms to improve THE—SAFETY—OF—THEIR—SERVICES.
20190825             —MARKED, BANGLADESH, tens of THOUSANDS—OF—ROHINGYA refugees, the 2. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THEIR exodus from MYANMAR into BANGLADESH by rallying, crying and praying as they demanded that MYANMAR grant them citizenship and other rights —BEFORE they agree to return.
20190825             —BACKED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON as the "right man" for Brexit and sent mixed signals about his trade war with CHINA at 1—G7 summit in FRANCE dominated by worries about the global economy.
20190825             UK—PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON said he and USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP were "GUNG—HO" about 1—POST—BREXIT trade deal but cautioned THE—USA would be tough negotiators and that he would not rush talks.
20190825             PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON said that if BRITAIN leaves THE—EU without 1—DEAL, it will no longer legally owe THE—39—BILLION pound ($47.88—BILLION) divorce bill agreed by his predecessor Theresa May.
20190825             Johnson has said BRITAIN would pay less than 10—BILLION POUNDS—OF—THE—SETTLEMENT if it leaves without 1—DEAL.
20190825             † In CROATIA 1—MIGRANT—AFTER 1—VAN carrying 12—OF—THEM plunged into 1—RIVER—EARLY—TODAY—NEAR the border with SLOVENIA.
20190825             —MANAGED, The driver, presumably 1—MIGRANT—SMUGGLER, to get out of the sinking vehicle, fleeing into 1—NEARBY minefield.
20190825             FRANCE—PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON said he had not been given 1—FORMAL—MANDATE from G7 leaders to pass messages to IRAN, but that he would continue to hold talks with TEHRAN in the coming weeks to defuse tensions.
20190825             G7 leaders meeting in FRANCE said they are preparing to help BRAZIL battle fires burning across the Amazon region and repair the damage as TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SOLDIERS got ready to join the fight against blazes that have caused global alarm.
20190825             † FERDINAND—KARL—PIECH, Volkswagen AG—FORMER—CHAIRMAN and CHIEF executive.
20190825             —TRANSFORMED, FERDINAND—KARL—PIECH had, THE—GERMANY—COMPANY from 1—STRUGGLING midsized carmaker into 1—GLOBAL automotive powerhouse.
20190825             —FIRED, HONG—KONG police, tear gas and water cannon amid running battles with BRICK—THROWING protesters in driving rain —AFTER violent clashes —1—DAY—EARLIER in which police fired tear gas for the 1. time in MORE—THAN—1—WEEK.
20190825             —ARRESTED, HONG—KONG—POLICE said they, 29—PEOPLE—AFTER clashes overnight.
20190825             —UNIDENTIFIED, IRAQ, 2, drones killed 2—IRAQ—MEMBERS—OF—1—IRAN—BACKED paramilitary force near the border with Syria.
20190825             —TARGETED, The attack, vehicles belonging to the Hezbollah Brigades faction, also known as Brigade 45.
20190825             —CRASHED, Lebanese and Hezbollah officials said 2—ISRAEL—DRONES, in 1—HEZBOLLAH stronghold in THE—LEBANON—CAPITAL overnight.
20190825             They said the 1. fell on the roof of 1—BUILDING housing the group's media OFFICE—WHILE—THE 2. landed in 1—PLOT behind it.
20190825             —CONTINUED, ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT, to violate LEBANON—AIRSPACE, flying low over BEIRUT hours —AFTER—THE—DRONES had crashed, raising fears of 1—WIDER—CONFLICT.
20190825             MACAO, 1—PRO—BEIJING panel chose businessman Ho IAT—SENG to be the next CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—THE—FORMER—PORTUGAL—COLONY.
20190825             1—SAUDI—LED military coalition fighting the Houthis in YEMEN downed 1—DRONE that THE—IRAN—ALIGNED group has said they launched in the direction of 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—AIRBASE.
20190825             —INTERCEPTED, SAUDI—ARABIA, 6—MISSILES fired by YEMEN—REBELS at THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—JIZAN, as the insurgents escalated CROSS—BORDER—ATTACKS.
20190825             7—PEOPLE, including 1—MINOR, were killed in 1—COLLISION between 1—HELICOPTER and 1—LIGHT—PLANE on THE—SPAIN—ISLAND—OF—MALLORCA.
20190825             † 4—OF—THE—7—PEOPLE who, in 1—MIDAIR collision between 1—SIGHTSEEING helicopter and 1—SMALL—PLANE over THE—SPAIN—ISLAND—OF—MALLORCA were GERMANY—CITIZENS.
20190825             SUDAN—NEW—PRIME—MINISTER—ABDALLA—HAMDOK said in 1—INTERVIEW that ending his country's INTERNATIONAL pariah status and drastically cutting military spending are prerequisites for rescuing the nation's faltering economy.
20190825             Police said clashes between 2—TRIBES in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—PORT—SUDAN have killed 37—PEOPLE in —3—DAYS.
20190825             SWITZERLAND, countries at 1—CITES meeting on the global wildlife trade agreed to strengthen protections for 18 threatened species of sharks and rays, including those whose fins are prized for making CHINA—SOUPS.
20190825             —REPORTED, TURKEY—OFFICIAL—NEWS—AGENCY, that 3—TURKEY—SOLDIERS were killed in NORTH—IRAQ in clashes with Kurdish militants.
20190825             YEMEN, clashes between government forces and separatists backed by THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES killed at least 9—PEOPLE.
20190825             PRÄVENTIV—SCHLAG—GEGEN—IRANISCHE "Killerdrohnen": ISRAEL greift ZIELE—IN—SYRIEN an
20190825             USA—RAUMFAHRT—BEHÖRDE, NASA—ASTRONAUTIN soll 1. Straftat im Weltall begangen haben
20190825             —TREFFEN—IN—BIARRITZ, Dutzende Festnahmen am Rande des G7—GIPFELS
20190825             HAMM: Gruppe greift Polizisten in zivil an
20190825             KARLSRUHE: Mann prügelt Radfahrer mit Eisenstange BEWUSSTLOS—FILMSTARTS: Kinder mit Kanonen
20190825             TRUMP—ABLENKUNGS—MANÖVER, Das Spektakuläre sticht das Schlimme
20190825             KÖLN:, —25—JAHRE—ALTER kommt bei Massenschlägerei ums Leben
20190825             —ATTACKIERT, Hormonschub: Elefant, DEUTSCHEN in THAILAND
20190825             DIE—FRAU, die —IM, ;;0600;;nach einem —6—MONATE—AUFENTHALT im All auf die Erde zurückgekehrt war, gab gegenüber Ermittlern zu, auf das Konto mit dem ihr bekannten Passwort zugegriffen zu haben.
20190825             DIE—AN—FRAGE aus dem All wurde öffentlich, weil die BANK—AUF—NACH—FRAGE—DER—EX—PARTNERIN herausfand, daß Zugriffe auf das Konto von einem NASA—NETZWERK vorgenommen worden WAREN—IN der Zeit, in der sich die Astronautin im All befunden hatte.
20190825             —TRANSFERIERT, Geld wurde nicht, die ehemalige Partnerin aber beschuldigte die Astronautin den Behörden gegenüber dem Identitätsdiebstahl.
20190825             Abfuhr für TRUMP: G7—STAATEN lehnen WIEDER—AUFNAHME RUSSLAND—AB
20190825             Waldbrände und KLIMA—SCHUTZ, 3—MENSCHHEITSFALLEN—UND wie wir ihnen entkommen
20190825             DEUTSCHE—KRIEGS—VERBRECHEN, Steinmeier bittet in ITALIEN um Vergebung
20190825             GIPFEL—BIARRITZ, G7—STAATEN einigen sich nicht auf gemeinsame IRAN—INITIATIVE
20190825             —G7—GIPFEL—STAATEN einigen sich auf Hilfe für AMAZONAS—BRANDGEBIETE
20190825             BIARRITZ, IRAN—AUßEN—MINISTER überraschend bei G7—GIPFEL eingetroffen
20190825             [l] Es gibt möglicherweise Die 1. Straftat aus dem Weltall.
20190825             —NEUE—GEWALT—IN—HONG—KONG: POLIZEI setzt Wasserwerfer gegen DEMONSTRANTEN ein
20190825             HONG—KONG—PROTESTE: Die Feigheit DEUTSCHER—FIRMEN
20190825             STREIK—IN—SPANIEN: Aufstand der Zimmermädchen
20190825             Milliardenschulden: BORIS—JOHNSON will bei NO—DEAL—BREXIT deutlich weniger an EU zahlen
20190825             —DEBATTE—ÜBER—NEUE Schulden: Das DEUTSCHLAND—PROBLEM
20190825             Migration: Das Märchen von der Sogwirkung
20190825             —REPORTAGE aus VENEZUELA: Der Untergang der Ölstadt
20190825             Wissenschaftler DER—EUROPÄISCHEN Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit (EFSA) haben 563—PFLANZENARTEN ausgemacht, die der Xylella fastidiosa als Wirtspflanze dienen können.
20190825             Da der dort festgestellte Stamm (Xylella fastidosa pauca ST53) in COSTA—RICA heimisch ist, wird vermutet, daß DAS—BAKTERIUM aus Zentralamerika stammt und über den Rotterdamer Hafen mit einer Lieferung Oleander nach APULIEN gelangt ist.
20190825             Für DIE—ÜBERTRAGUNG von einem zum anderen der knorrigen, teils uralten Olivenbäume des Salento sorgte der Philaneus Spumarius (auf Deutsch: Wiesenschaumzikade), allem Anschein nach der hauptsächliche Krankheitsüberträger von Xylella in APULIEN.
20190825             —INZWISCHEN, hat sich die Seuche weit Richtung Norden ausgebreitet, hat auf DIE—PROVINZEN—VON—LECCE, Tarent und Brindisi übergegriffen und ist —BIS vor BARI gelangt.
20190825             DIE—DEMARKATIONS—LINIE zwischen BEFALL—UND PUFFER—ZONE wurde in APULIEN —SCHON mehrmals verrückt.
20190825             —INZWISCHEN, umfasst die BEFALL—ZONE eine 7.000—QUADRAT—KILOMETER—GROßE Fläche: 40 % DER—GESAMTEN—REGION.
20190825             Wegen der XYLELLA—SEUCHE sei ITALIEN—OLIVENÖLPRODUKTION in der aktuellen Saison um 57 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gesunken sein,
20190825             G7—INITIATIVE zur Sahelzone: Der GIPFELTAG—DER—AFRIKANER
20190825             PRÄVENTIV—SCHLAG, 5—TOTE bei Angriffen von ISRAEL in SYRIEN
20190825             Es geht ja hier schließlich nicht um PHP.
20190825             Es geht darum, was die Vortragenden zwischen den Beinen haben!
20190825             † FERDINAND—PIËCH, Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender des VW—KONZERNS
20190825             Umstrittene NORDKOREANISCHE—RAKETENTESTS: Trump nimmt KIM—JONG—UN in Schutz
20190825             Sie habe sich vergewissern wollen, dass mit DEN—NOCH immer miteinander VERWOBENEN—FINANZEN des EX—PAARES alles in Ordnung sei.
20190825             1—NASA—ASTRONAUTIN auf der ISS soll sich von da aus widerrechtlich in das Onlinebanking ihrer Ex eingeloggt haben.
20190825             THE—2—WOMEN are in the process of 1—DIVORCE and battling over custody of a —6—YEAR—OLD—SON, Worden told KPRC.
20190825             She said she conceived the boy through in vitro fertilization and carried by 1—SURROGATE.
20190825             21—MILLIONEN Bäume betroffen: Wie 1—BAKTERIUM—SÜDITALIENS—OLIVENHAINE dahinrafft
20190825—19990000    —IN, Ho will be the city's 3. leader —SINCE CHINA took control.
20190825—20131000    —IM, Die Unterart, Xylella fastidiosa pauca, die —SEIT inzwischen —6—JAHREN im Salento wütet, war nur auf dem AMERIKANISCHEN—KONTINENT bekannt, bevor sie in Gallipoli bei Lecce entdeckt wurde.
20190825—20131000    —IM, DIE—UNTERART, Xylella fastidiosa pauca, die —SEIT—INZWISCHEN.
20190825—20131000    —6—JAHREN im Salento wütet, war nur auf dem AMERIKANISCHEN—KONTINENT bekannt, bevor sie in Gallipoli bei Lecce entdeckt wurde.
20190825—20191031    —ON, 1—UK—OFFICIAL said Pm BORIS—JOHNSON has told European Council USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TUSK that BRITAIN would be leaving THE—EU whatever the circumstances.
20200000             wurden NINGBO—ZHOUSHAN fast 1,2 Milliarden Tonnen Waren umgeschlagen.
20200813—20200825    —UNTIL, GREECE—AUTHORITIES quarantined the country's 3. largest migrant camp on the Aegean Sea ISLAND—OF—CHIOS —AFTER 1—ASYLUM—SEEKER and 1—STAFF—MEMBER were diagnosed with COVID—19.
20200817—20200825    —ON, His body was found near railroad tracks in Temple.
20200825             —DIENSTAG, 20200825
20200825             Fahrzeugbau: Autos für die Ewigkeit
20200825             UNO—BERICHT: Weltweit sind 120—MILLIONEN Jobs im Tourismus bedroht
20200825             Extremwetter in ITALIEN: Schlammlawinen in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Feuer auf Sardinien
20200825             —VERWEIGERT, Arbeitsrecht: Zeiterfassung per Fingerabdruck darf, werden
20200825             Auftragslage: Baugewerbe kommt glimpflich durchs CORONA—HALBJAHR
20200825             Starprediger und TRUMP—UNTERSTÜTZER: Erzkonservativer nach Skandalfoto und Affäre beurlaubt
20200825             Wilder Virustyp: WHO erklärt ALLE—AFRIKANISCHEN—LÄNDER für poliofrei
20200825             Kapazitätsgrenze erreicht: Labore fordern Kurswechsel bei Teststrategie
20200825             Weniger Passagiere am Frankfurter Flughafen als in der Vorwoche
20200825             Bei dem NIEDERLANDE—PATIENTEN soll es sich um eine ältere Person mit schwachem Immunsystem handeln,
20200825             Der BELGISCHE—PATIENT habe nur milde Symptome gezeigt.
20200825             Söder lehnt Einschränkungen bei CORONA—TESTS für Reiserückkehrer ab - Tischtennis demnächst ohne Doppel
20200825             1—STUDIE—DES—ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS (RKI) bestätigt Erkenntnisse, dass CORONA—INFEKTIONEN fast immer mit Krankheitsanzeichen einhergehen.
20200825             Spahn hält schärfere Maskenregeln am Arbeitsplatz für unnötig
20200825             Der sozialistische Politiker mahnte zur "Wachsamkeit und Gelassenheit".
20200825             Vor allem der Verbrauch von Flugbenzin (Kerosin) war mit minus 44,6 % stark rückläufig,
20200825             "Er hat uns gezeigt, wie man mit so einem Virus umgehen kann und dass es möglich ist, es einzudämmen. Wir haben aber auch gelernt, dass wir das so nicht noch einmal wollen",
20200825             Bei den Betroffenen handele es sich vor allem um Personen mit milden Symptomen, die selbst einen sogenannten PCR—TEST angewendet hatten.
20200825             Die Leistungen des Tests seien einfach zu schlecht,
20200825             Forscher raten —SCHON—LÄNGER von Selbsttests ab.
20200825             Die Panamerikanische Gesundheitsorganisation PAHO zeigt sich in der CORONA—PANDEMIE besorgt.
20200825             Vor allem junge Leute trügen erheblich zur AUSBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS bei,
20200825             Die ZAHL—DER—ERKRANKUNGEN bei dieser Bevölkerungsgruppe sei unverhältnismäßig hoch.
20200825             Allerdings ist die Aussagekraft dieser Zahlen begrenzt.
20200825             Es ist anzunehmen, dass Rückkehrer im Schnitt viel häufiger getestet werden als der Rest der Bevölkerung.
20200825             [l] Kurze Durchsage der NSA:
20200825             —ISSUED, THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY, new guidance —ON—TUESDAY for military and INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY—PERSONNEL, warning about the risks of cellphone location tracking through apps, wireless networks and Bluetooth technology.
20200825             No shit, Sherlock! Hier ist das PDF mit den konkreten Tipps.
20200825             [l] Schlagzeile —DER—WOCHE:
20200825             Globale Balance: Schamanische KRISEN—BEWÄLTIGUNG
20200825             Hiller MOOR—MOORLANDSCHAFTEN in MINDEN—LÜBBECKE trocknen aus
20200825             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—7—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—6—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20200825             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—138—(+2)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—107—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—28—(+2)
20200825             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—29—(+2)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—18—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—9—(+2)
20200825             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—15—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—13—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(=)
20200825             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—60—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—38—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—22—(+1)
20200825             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—182—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—134—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—46—(=)
20200825             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—145—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—131—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—14—(+1)
20200825             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—199—(=)—ÓBITOS—7—(=)—RECUPERADOS—130—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—62—(-1)
20200825             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—128—(+1)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—94—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—33—(+1)
20200825             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—37—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—29—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—8—(=)
20200825             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—51—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—43—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—8—(=)
20200825             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—22—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—20—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20200825             176_DGS_BOLETIM_20200825—1—20200825—EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—675—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—350,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—8,8—TODESFÄLLE—26—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200825             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—836—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—317,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—7,6—TODESFÄLLE—40—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200825             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—3.446—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—317,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—9,0—TODESFÄLLE—113—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200825             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.354—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—410,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—12,4—TODESFÄLLE—43—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200825             GROSS—GERAU—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—789—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—287,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—30,2—TODESFÄLLE—15—EINWOHNERZAHL—274.526
20200825             WIESBADEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—791—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—284,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—41,0—TODESFÄLLE—22—EINWOHNERZAHL—278.342
20200825             MAIN—KINZIG—KREIS—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.081—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—258,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—25,1—TODESFÄLLE—51—EINWOHNERZAHL—418.950
20200825             GERMERSHEIM—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—264—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—204,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—28,7—TODESFÄLLE—6—EINWOHNERZAHL—129.075
20200825             HEILBRONN—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—561—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—445,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—41,3—TODESFÄLLE—17—EINWOHNERZAHL—125.960
20200825             ULM—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—410—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—324,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—30,1—TODESFÄLLE—5—EINWOHNERZAHL—126.329
20200825             DACHAU—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.068—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—694,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—25,3—TODESFÄLLE—32—EINWOHNERZAHL—153.884
20200825             MÜNCHEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—8.237—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—559,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—27,9—TODESFÄLLE—223—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.471.508
20200825             EBERSBERG—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—614—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—432,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—28,8—TODESFÄLLE—5—EINWOHNERZAHL—142.142
20200825             KELHEIM—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—572—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—467,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—34,4—TODESFÄLLE—35—EINWOHNERZAHL—122.258
20200825             —MITTWOCH, 20200826
20200825             —ECHOED, ERIC—TRUMP, falsehoods of his father, Melania Trump credited her husband with 1—DUBIOUS—RELIGIOUS 1., and THE—PRESIDENT—ECONOMIC—ADVISER wholly distorted the conditions DONALD—TRUMP inherited as Republicans stepped up to praise him on the 2. night of their NATIONAL—CONVENTION.
20200825             USA—FOOD and Drug Administration Commissioner STEPHEN—HAHN apologized for overstating THE—LIFE—SAVING benefits of treating COVID—19—PATIENTS with convalescent plasma.
20200825             —FEATURED, LOS—ANGELES, DANIEL—SILVA, —27—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TATTOO artist who has been, on the television reality show "Ink Master," was sentenced to —364—DAYS in jail for 1—FATAL—CAR—CRASH in May that killed his passenger, YouTuber COREY—LA—BARRIE.
20200825             CALIFORNIA TO—DATE had 679,135 CASES—OF—CORONA—VIRUS and 12,300 deaths.
20200825             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 80,686 cases and 1,071 deaths.
20200825             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 5,773,220 with the death toll at 178,326.
20200825             —ARRESTED, KENTUCKY, police, 64—PEOPLE in LOUISVILLE —DURING what organizers described as a "massive demonstration" over THE—DEATH—OF—BREONNA Taylor, who was fatally shot in her home —DURING 1—RAID related to 1—DRUG—SUSPECT who didn't live there.
20200825             —DECLARED, OREGON, police in THE—CITY—OF—PORTLAND —LATE—TODAY, 1—GATHERING—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS outside City Hall as 1—RIOT, ordering the crowd to disperse or face arrest.
20200825             —ASSEMBLED, About 200—DEMONSTRATORS, downtown at Shemanski Park —BEFORE marching to the City Hall, where some in the crowd broke glass doors and smashed 1—DOOR switch.
20200825             —ORDERED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE were, to evacuate THE—TEXAS and LOUISIANA coasts as Laura strengthened into 1—HURRICANE that forecasters said could slam into land as 1—MAJOR—STORM with ferocious winds and deadly flooding.
20200825             —KILLED, WISCONSIN, 2—PEOPLE were, and another was injured —LATE—TODAY as shots were fired —DURING a 3. NIGHT—OF—PROTESTS in Kenosha over the shooting of JACOB—BLAKE.
20200825             USA—AIRLINES said it will eliminate 19,000 jobs in October as it struggles with 1—SHARP—DOWNTURN in travel BECAUSE—OF—THE—PANDEMIC.
20200825             AFGHANISTAN, 1—TALIBAN car bomb in THE—NORTH—PROVINCE—OF—BALKH killed at least 8—CIVILIANS, as well as 2—AFGHANISTAN—COMMANDOS whose unit was based nearby.
20200825             —ANNOUNCED, THE—AFRICA—REGIONAL—CERTIFICATION—COMMISSION, that AFRICA has been declared free from wild polio.
20200825             The disease is —NOW only found in AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN.
20200825             —CRANKED, Authorities in BELARUS steadily, up the pressure on protesters pushing for THE—RESIGNATION—OF—THE—COUNTRY—AUTHORITY—LEADER, jailing several opposition activists, summoning others for questioning and selectively ordering demonstrators to appear in court.
20200825             —ENDED, THE—DEMOCRATIC—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO said it has, the world's largest measles outbreak that has killed MORE—THAN—7,000—CHILDREN—SINCE it was declared —14—MONTHS—AGO.
20200825             —NAMED, INDIA—ANTI—TERRORISM—AGENCY, 1—PAKISTAN—BASED militant leader as the prime mastermind of a 20190000             car bombing in INDIAN—CONTROLLED Kashmir that killed 40—INDIA—SOLDIERS and brought THE—NUCLEAR—ARMED—RIVALS to THE—BRINK—OF—WAR.
20200825             1—CHARGE—SHEET named MASOOD—AZHAR, CHIEF—OF—JAISH E—MOHAMMED, and 19—OTHERS among the accused.
20200825             IRAN—NUCLEAR—BODY said it held "constructive" talks with the visiting HEAD—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY amid tensions over 1—USA—BID to reimpose UN sanctions.
20200825             —BOMBED, ISRAEL—MILITARY, militant positions in THE—GAZA—STRIP —EARLY—TODAY in response to incendiary balloons launched into SOUTH—ISRAEL farmlands —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20200825             —IMPOSED, GAZA—MILITANT—HAMAS rulers, 1—TERRITORY—WIDE curfew —AFTER authorities detected the 1. local CASES—OF—THE—CORONA—VIRUS, raising fears of 1—WIDER—OUTBREAK in the blockaded territory that is home to some 2—MILLION—PALESTINIANS.
20200825             —REGISTERED, GAZA has, MORE—THAN—100—CASES and 1—FATALITY—SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—PANDEMIC, but —UNTIL—NOW all the infections were linked to quarantine facilities for returning travelers.
20200825             —BRUSHED, THE—KREMLIN, off allegations that RUSSIA—OPPOSITION—LEADER—ALEXEI—NAVALNY, who is in 1—COMA in 1—GERMANY—HOSPITAL, was poisoned and said there have been no grounds for 1—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATION so far because the politician's condition may have been triggered by other causes.
20200825             Yevgeny Prigozhin, 1—NOTORIOUS—ALLY—OF—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, said he will use RUSSIA—CORRUPT courts to destroy ALEXEI—NAVALNY financially if the stricken OPPOSITION—LEADER ever recovers from 1—CHEMICAL—AGENT believed to have been slipped into his tea.
20200825             SWEDEN—PUBLIC—HEALTH—AGENCY said about 3,700—PEOPLE in SWEDEN were told in error that they had THE—CORONA—VIRUS due to 1—FAULT in BGI Genomics' COVID—19—TESTING kit from CHINA.
20200825             1—THAILAND—COURT issued 1—NEW—ARREST—WARRANT for Vorayuth Yoovidhya, an heir to the Red Bull energy drink fortune, for 20120000             —THE—DEATH—OF—1—MOTORCYCLE policeman killed —AFTER being stuck by YOOVIDHYA—FERRARI.
20200825             The heir's current location was not known.
20200825             —PATROUILLIERT, SCHWARZEr in WISCONSIN niedergeschossen: NATIONAL—GARDE, nach Protesten gegen POLIZEI—GEWALT
20200825             ANTHONY—FAUCI: TRUMP—VIRUS—EXPERTE WARNT—VOR—ÜBEREILTER Zulassung für Impfstoff
20200825             —STUDIEE—ZU frühkindlicher Bildung: 1,7 MILLIONEN—KINDER in Kitas "nicht kindgerecht" betreut
20200825             —STREIT—UM—GASVORKOMMEN: TÜRKEI und GRIECHENLAND kündigen MILITÄR—MANÖVER im östlichen Mittelmeer an
20200825             —CORONA—KRISE: Kommunen fordern zusätzliche Milliarden vom Bund
20200825             —CORONA—KRISE: Staatshaushalt rutscht ins Minus
20200825             Evangelikale Bewegung: BRASILIANISCHE—ABGEORDNETE soll Kindern + MORD—AN—EHEMANN befohlen haben
20200825             —CORONA—MAßNAHMEN nicht umsetzbar: Schulleiter in NRW schlagen —2—WOCHEN nach Schulstart Alarm
20200825             FRANKREICH: FACEBOOK zahlt mehr als 100—MILLIONEN—EURO STEUER—N nach
20200825             CSU—CHEF—MARKUS—SÖDER: "Auf privaten Partys herrscht leider viel Unvernunft" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—FLORIAN—GATHMANN und PHILIPP—WITTROCK
20200825             IFO—INDEX: DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT wird immer optimistischer
20200825             START—DER—TOUR—DE—FRANCE: Vor —BIS zu 5000—ZUSCHAUERN durch das Risikogebiet
20200825             UNO—BERICHT: WELT—WEIT sind 120.000.000—JOBS im Tourismus bedroht
20200825             OPPOSITIONS—POLITIKER Nawalny im Koma: Kreml äußert Unverständnis über deutsche "Eile" bei Giftdiagnose
20200825             MEDIEN—BERICHTE,TÜRKEI soll mit AIRBUS—FLIEGERN Kriegsmaterial nach LIBYEN gebracht haben
20200825             Personalsituation in Kitas: "Die Ausstattung ist per se —SCHON ungenügend" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—SWANTJE—UNTERBERG
20200825             GROß—BRITANNIEN—REGIERUNG will Fleisch und Soja aus abgeholzten Wäldern verbieten
20200825             MASSEN—PROTESTE—IN—BELARUS: OPPOSITIONsführerin Tichanowskaja dankt EU—PARLAMENT
20200825             RKI—STUDIE: 40 % DER—CORONA—POSITIVEN in Bad Feilnbach haben keine ANTI—KÖRPER
20200825             STADT—MÜNCHEN beschließt ALKOHOL—VERBOTBEI steigenden CORONA—ZAHLEN
20200825             —REAKTION—AUF—STUDIE: Familienministerin weist KRITIK—AN—KITA—QUALITÄT zurück
20200825             —NACH—92—JAHREN: TECH—BOOM drängt Ölriesen ExxonMobil aus dem DOW—JONES
20200825             GAS—STREIT im Mittelmeer: ATHEN besteht auf SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—DIE TÜRKEI
20200825             Verwaltungsgericht DÜSSELDORF: Schüler ohne Maske dürfen nicht pauschal vom Unterricht ausgeschlossen werden
20200825             Border Conflict Escalates: Erdogan Risks WAR—WITH—G reece By MAXIMILIAN—POPP
20200825             Nachgewiesene Mehrfachinfektionen: Das doppelte Spiel des CORONA—VIRUS—
20200825             Weil er Sklaven hielt: BRITISH—MUSEUM holt Büste seines Gründungsvaters vom Sockel
20200825             Kontrolle DER—POLIZEI: FRANKREICHs INNEN—MINISTER—VERTEIDIGT—FREIHEIT zu "oben ohne" am Strand
20200825             Bei der Durchsetzung von Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der CORONA—PANDEMIE haben SICHERHEITSkräfte in ANGOLA LAUT—ANGABEN—VON—MENSCHENRECHTSORGANISATIONEN mindestens 7—MENSCHEN getötet.
20200825             Bei den OPFERn handle es sich um junge Männer im Alter von 14—BIS —21—JAHREN,
20200825             DIE—MENSCHENRECHTSAKTIVISTEN gehen von einer noch höheren Dunkelziffer von Tötungen in dem südwestafrikanischen Land aus.
20200825             Die Angehörigen der Opfer sowie andere Zeugen sagten demnach, SICHERHEITSkräfte wendeten regelmäßig exzessive Gewalt bei der KONTROLLE—DER—EINHALTUNG—VON—CORONA—MAßNAHMEN an
20200825             Ein belgischer und 1—NIEDERLANDE—PATIENT haben sich laut einem Medienbericht erneut mit COVID—19—ANGESTECKT.
20200825             SYRIEN—UNTERHÄNDLER nach positiven CORONA—TESTS in GENF in Quarantäne
20200825             Die Gespräche sollen den politischen Prozess in Gang setzen, um den —SEIT mehr als —9—JAHREN andauernden BÜRGER—KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN zu beenden.
20200825             Sie waren —ERST nach langwierigen —VERHANDLUNGEN unter UNO—VERMITTLUNG —IM—HERBST VERGANGENE—JAHRES zustande gekommen.
20200825             Der achtmalige SPRINT—OLYMPIASIEGER Usain Bolt ist positiv auf DAS—CORONA—VIRUS getestet worden.
20200825             Mutmaßlich hat sich der elfmalige Weltmeister auf einer Party zu seinem 34. Geburtstag —AM—FREITAG vergangener —WOCHE angesteckt.
20200825             INDIEN meldet den siebten —TAG in Folge mehr als 60.000—CORONA—NEU—INFEKTIONEN.
20200825             Forscher aus AACHEN und FRANKFURT haben 1—METHODE zur Überwachung von CORONA—INFEKTIONEN über das Abwasser entwickelt.
20200825             1. für DEUTSCHLAND sei gezeigt worden, daß sich Genmaterial von SARS—COV—2—MIT modernen molekularen Methoden in Kläranlagen nachweisen lasse,
20200825             Die gemessene Virenfracht einer Anlage erlaube dabei Rückschlüsse auf die ANZAHL—DER—MIT—COVID 19—INFIZIERTEN Menschen im Einzugsgebiet.
20200825             "Die Sensitivität ist ausreichend, um als Frühwarnsystem anzuzeigen, ob der Maßnahmenwert von 50—INZIDENZEN pro 100.000—EINWOHNERN überschritten wird",
20200825             ISRAEL mit Höchststand bei CORONA—NEU—INFEKTIONEN —SEIT—ENDE—JULI
20200825             —LAUT—ANGABEN—DER—GESUNDHEITSKOMMISSION in Peking gibt es gegenwärtig kaum lokale Ansteckungen in CHINA, sondern meist nur noch importierte Fälle.
20200825             Bei einer Untersuchung von 2153—ERWACHSENEN Ende —JUNI—BIS—ANFANG—JULI im OBERBAYERN—BAD Feilnbach bei ROSEN—HEIM gaben 85,5 PROZENT—DER—PERSONEN mit ANTI—KÖRPERN an, sie hätten —SEIT—FEBRUAR Symptome wie Fieber, Atemnot, Schnupfen oder Husten gehabt.
20200825             Symptombezogene CORONA—TESTS seien deswegen sinnvoll, 1.278—NEUE—FÄLLE in DEUTSCHLAND
20200825             Zur Eindämmung der CORONA—PANDEMIE haben die SÜDKOREANISCHEN—BEHÖRDEN für den Großraum SEOUL ONLINE—UNTERRICHT angeordnet.
20200825             Angesichts rapide zunehmender Infektionszahlen setzt SPANIEN im KAMPF—GEGEN—DAS—CORONA—VIRUS —NUN auch das Militär ein.
20200825             Neben anderen Maßnahmen werde man das System zur Nachverfolgung der INFEKTIONS—KETTEN mit 20000000             Soldaten verstärken,
20200825             Unternehmen und Haushalte haben in den 1. —6—MONATEN 6,9 % weniger ÖL—PRODUKTE verbraucht als im gleichen ZEITRAUM—DES—VORJAHRES.
20200825             —CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONS—UND Todeszahlen gehen laut WHO in den meisten Regionen zurück
20200825             Abgesehen von Südostasien und der Region um das östliche Mittelmeer wurde nach WHO—ANGABEN in allen Weltregionen 1—RÜCKGANG bei der ZAHL—DER—NEUEN—FÄLLE festgestellt.
20200825             Der Marburger Virologe STEPHAN—BECKER glaubt, daß ein erneutes Herunterfahren des öffentlichen Lebens in DEUTSCHLAND dank des mittlerweile gesammelten Wissens über DAS—CORONA—VIRUS verhindert werden kann.
20200825             —GEWESEN, Der Lockdown —IM—FRÜHJAHR sei wichtig,
20200825             3700—MENSCHEN in SCHWEDEN haben nach einem CORONA—TEST ein falsches Ergebnis bekommen.
20200825             Wie die Gesundheitsbehörden mitteilten, wurden alle positiv auf DAS—VIRUS getestet, obwohl sie nicht infiziert waren.
20200825             SCHWEDENs CORONA—STATISTIK werde sich dadurch ändern.
20200825             Der Fehler sei in 2—LABORS festgestellt worden, die die kommerziellen Schnelltests aus CHINA analysierten.
20200825             Rückblickend wurde festgestellt, daß sie nicht zwischen niedrigen Viruskonzentrationen und negativen Proben unterscheiden konnten.
20200825             Die ZAHL—DER—POSITIVEN—CORONA—VIRUS—ABSTRICHE im Umfeld des "Billionaire"-Clubs sei auf etwa 60—FÄLLE gestiegen, berichteten Ansa unter Berufung auf örtliche Gesundheitsstellen.
20200825             Die Zahl könne sich noch leicht ändern, da auch ein anderer Betrieb zu der Testreihe gehöre.
20200825             Die 1. Ansteckungen in dem PROMINENTEN—TREFF Briatores waren —SCHON vor EINIGEN—TAGEN bekannt geworden.
20200825             VIELE—BETROFFENE—MITARBEITER seien zu Hause in Isolation, Flavio Briatores Disco ist 1—HOTSPOT
20200825             Über 40—PROZENT der zuletzt in DEUTSCHLAND positiv auf DAS—CORONA—VIRUS getesteten Menschen haben sich wahrscheinlich im Ausland angesteckt.
20200825             [l] Herzmuskelentzündung als Spätfolge nach COVID—19.
20200825             DÄNEMARK hat einen GEHEIM—DIENST und der ist genau so schlimm und unkontrollierbar wie ALLE—ANDEREN—GEHEIMDIENSTE.
20200825             —SPRAYED, So much tear gas has been, on PORTLAND PROTESTERS that officials fear it's polluted the water
20200825             Langes Warten auf CORONA—ERGEBNISSE am Flughafen KÖLN/BONN
20200825             Maskenkontrolle in der Bahn: 176—VERWEIGERER in —4—STUNDEN erwischt
20200825             TEILE—DER—VOLKSGRUPPE leben seitdem in BELO—HORIZONTE, wo sie COVID—19—BEDROHT.
20200825             Das Bild zeigt Vater und Sohn mit SCHUTZ—MASKEN und traditionellem Kopfschmuck.
20200825             PETER—THIEL—PALANTIR has an extraordinarily close relationship to NSA.
20200825             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—675—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—350,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—8,8—TODES—FÄLLE—26,—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200825             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—836—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—317,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—7,6—TODES—FÄLLE—40,—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200825             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—3.446—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—317,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—9,0—TODES—FÄLLE—113,—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200825             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.354—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—410,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—12,4—TODES—FÄLLE—43,—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200825             GROSS—GERAU—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—789—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—287,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—30,2—TODES—FÄLLE—15,—EINWOHNERZAHL—274.526
20200825             MAIN—KINZIG—KREIS—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.081—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—258,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—25,1—TODES—FÄLLE—51,—EINWOHNERZAHL—418.950
20200825             GERMERS—HEIM—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—264—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—204,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—28,7—TODES—FÄLLE—6,—EINWOHNERZAHL—129.075
20200825             HEILBRONN—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—561—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—445,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—41,3—TODES—FÄLLE—17,—EINWOHNERZAHL—125.960
20200825             ULM—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—410—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—324,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—30,1—TODES—FÄLLE—5,—EINWOHNERZAHL—126.329
20200825             DACHAU—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.068—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—694,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—25,3—TODES—FÄLLE—32,—EINWOHNERZAHL—153.884
20200825             MÜNCHEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—8.237—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—559,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—27,9—TODES—FÄLLE—223,—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.471.508
20200825             EBERSBERG—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—614—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—432,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—28,8—TODES—FÄLLE—5,—EINWOHNERZAHL—142.142
20200825             KEL—HEIM—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—572—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—467,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—34,4—TODES—FÄLLE—35,—EINWOHNERZAHL—122.258
20200825             —CORONA—KRISE—IN—DEUTSCHLAND: MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTEN haben keine gemeinsame Haltung zu CORONA—REGELN
20200825             ERDGAS—STREIT im Mittelmeer: Maas warnt ATHEN und ANKARA vor VERSCHÄRFUNG—DES—KONFLIKTS Aus ATHEN und ANKARA berichtet CHRISTOPH—SCHULT
20200825             Kommissarischer Behördenposten: Trump will amtierenden HEIMATSCHUTZ—MINISTER halten
20200825             —SPEKULIERT, JAPAN, über ABE—NACHFOLGE: Der Premier, dem das Glück abhandenkam Von Wieland WAGNER
20200825             —NACH Ausschreitungen: GOUVERNEUR—VON—WISCONSIN erklärt Notstand
20200825             —CORONA—HILFEN: Koalition einigt sich auf Verlängerung beim Kurzarbeitergeld
2020082520110000     —SEIT, sind im von außen befeuerten SYRISCHEN—BÜRGER—KRIEG 100—TAUSENDE—MENSCHEN ums Leben gekommen, Millionen wurden vertrieben, und DAS—LAND ist weitgehend —ZERSTÖRT.
20200825—20190000    —SEIT—DEM, Dammbruch einer Eisenerzmiene ist die Lebensumgebung der Pataxo unbewohnbar.
20200826             Republicans used the 3. night of their convention to continue warning about violence and lawlessness, trying to capitalize on the unrest in WISCONSIN.
20200826—20200825    —ARRESTED, WISCONSIN authorities, KYLE—RITTENHOUSE, a —17—YEAR—OLD—WHITE—ILLINOIS resident, and charged him with 1.—DEGREE intentional homicide in the shooting of 2—PROTESTERS.
20200828—20200825    —TITLED, The event, : "Armed Citizens to Protect Our Lives and Property," and the page, "Kenosha Guard," were removed —AFTER 2—PEOPLE were killed in 1—SHOOTING there.
20200904—20200825    —AM, Der EX—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT Berlusconi wurde 1. getestet, —NACHDEM er aus einem Urlaub auf Sardinien zurückgekehrt war, wo er 1—LUXUSANWESEN besitzt
20210819—20210825    —SUSPENDED, OnlyFans said it has, the plan —FOLLOWING 1—OUTCRY from its creators and advocates for sex workers.
20210822—19910825    —AM, schrieb der FINNISCHE—STUDENT Linus Torvalds.
20210825             —MITTWOCH, 20210825
20210825             Neurologe über Strategien gegen ständige Überforderung: "Wir träumen von einer magischen Gehirnpille"
20210825             —GEGANGEN, Reaktionen zum TOD—VON—CHARLIE—WATTS: "1—HELD ist von uns "
20210825             Zum TOD—VON—CHARLIE—WATTS: Der Jahrhundertschlagzeuger 1—NACHRUF—VON—MAX—DAX
20210825             CORONA in den USA: Virusexperte Fauci erwartet "Normalität" —IM—FRÜHLING 2022
20210825             HESSEN: Einsatz in GROß—GERAU — Polizei erschießt Mann
20210825             Vorwürfe der sexuellen Belästigung: Jury entzieht EX—GOUVERNEUR—ANDREW—CUOMO den Emmy
20210825             —NACH Stuttgarter Krawallnacht: Jeder 2. Verdächtige wiedererkannt — dank "SUPER—RECOGNISER"
20210825             Nirvanas "Nevermind"-Cover: EX—BABYMODEL zieht wegen Kinderpornografie vor Gericht
20210825             DEUTSCHLAND im Ländervergleich: Verbraucherschützer beklagen hohe Preise für mobiles INTERNET
20210825             —TAXIERT, Höher als bislang erwartet: Versicherungsbranche, Flutschäden auf 7—MILLIARDEN Euro
20210825             Finanztrick mit steigenden Hauspreisen: Wie Amerikaner aus Beton Gold machen
20210825             Coronaregeln: HAMBURG führt 2G-Modell ein
20210825             Hitzewelle in BRASILIEN: 31—GRAD —IM—WINTER — Naturschutzgebiet nahe São Paulo zur Hälfte abgebrannt
20210825             Steuerplus: STAAT nimmt durch Erbschaften deutlich mehr ein
20210825             —VERZICHTET, Hochverschuldeter Staatskonzern: Bahnvorstand, auf BONI—ZAHLUNGEN
20210825             Weil die Kapazitäten für die Unterbringung Tausender Evakuierter aus AFGHANISTAN auf der USA—LUFTWAFFENBASIS Ramstein in RHEINLAND—PFALZ an ihre Grenzen stoßen,
20210825             hat DIE—USA—ARMEE mit der Überführung der Menschen zu anderen Stützpunkten in DEUTSCHLAND begonnen.
20210825             1. Evakuierte seien —AM—DIENSTAG in den Rhine Ordnance Barracks in Kaiserslautern eingetroffen,
20210825             Darüber hinaus seien die Truppenübungsplätze Grafenwöhr und Hohenfels bereit, bei Bedarf Gerettete aus AFGHANISTAN aufzunehmen.
20210825             An diesen Standorten können laut USA—ARMEE vorübergehend etwa 3000—BEZIEHUNGSWEISE 2000—MENSCHEN untergebracht werden.
20210825             —EVAKUIERT, Bundeswehr hat —BISHER mehr als 4650—MENSCHEN aus KABUL
20210825             —WÄHREND ihres 20-jährigen Einsatzes, Die Bundeswehr hat die AFGHANISCHEN—SICHERHEITSKRÄFTE mit 10.000—PISTOLEN ausgerüstet.
20210825             Was daraus nach der Machtübernahme der MILITANT—ISLAMISTISCHEN Taliban geworden ist, ist dem Ministerium nicht bekannt.
20210825             "Es liegen dem BmVg (VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM) keine Erkenntnisse darüber vor, ob diese Güter in die Hände der Taliban gelangt sind",
20210825             20130000—20160000    —ZWISCHEN, Allein , ausstatteten, DIE—USA—ARMEE und DIE—USA—POLIZEI mit fast 600.000—SCHUSSWAFFEN, 76.000—FAHRZEUGEN und mehr als 200—FLUGZEUGEN ,
20210825             wie das "WALL—STREET Journal" vergangene —WOCHE unter Berufung auf einen USA—REGIERUNGSBERICHT berichtete.
20210825             WASHINGTON, wird eingeräumt, dass viel von dem MILITÄR—GERÄT —NUN wohl von den Islamisten genutzt wird.
20210825             "Wir haben natürlich kein vollständiges Bild davon, wohin die einzelnen Rüstungsgüter gegangen sind, aber
20210825             sicherlich ist eine ganze Menge davon in die Hände der Taliban gefallen",
20210825             sagte der Sicherheitsberater von USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN, JAKE—SULLIVAN.
20210825             Der VORSITZENDE—DES—DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESWEHRVERBANDES, ANDRÉ—WÜSTNER, hat angesichts des bevorstehenden USA—TRUPPENABZUGS aus AFGHANISTAN vor einer zunehmenden Gefährdung am Kabuler Flughafen gewarnt.
20210825             Wüstner kritisierte zudem die Abhängigkeit Deutschlands und Europas von den USA:
20210825             Aktuell stelle Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL (CDU) mit ihrer Regierung fest, dass
20210825             sie "ohne das Engagement der Amerikaner" und deren MILITÄR—HANDLUNGSOPTIONEN "nur Beobachter großer und tragischer Ereignisse" sei.
20210825             Der VORSITZENDE—DES—BUNDES—DEUTSCHER—EINSATZVETERANEN, BERNHARD—DRESCHER, hat angesichts der Entwicklungen in AFGHANISTAN —NACH—DEM Abzug der Bundeswehr vor einer Radikalisierung altgedienter Soldaten gewarnt.
20210825             "Die Stimmung unter den Veteranen ist grottenschlecht",
20210825             —INTERESSIERT, Sie hätten das Gefühl, dass ihre Belange "noch nie " hätten.
20210825             Angesichts der Bilder aus KABUL entstehe —NUN der Eindruck, dass ihre Arbeit zunichtegemacht werde.
20210825             Schließlich ziehe man Schutzkräfte nicht ab, bevor nicht alles Schützenswerte in Sicherheit gebracht worden sei,
20210825             Und die Helfer der Bundeswehr, also die AFGHANISCHEN—ORTSKRÄFTE, würden offenbar nicht für schützenswert gehalten.
20210825             Die Vorgänge würden "hochemotional aufgenommen".
20210825             —VERLIERT, Drescher warnte: "Man, emotional 1—GRUPPE—VON—MENSCHEN, die für den STAAT wichtig ist".
20210825             —IN—DER—FOLGE entstünden neuerdings rechtsorientierte Gruppen wie "Veteranen 5—N 12" oder der "Veteranen Pool".
20210825             "Ich mache mir Sorgen, wie sich das weiterentwickelt",
20210825             RUSSLAND schickt 4—MILITÄRTRANSPORTFLUGZEUGE nach AFGHANISTAN zur Rettung von mehr als 500—MENSCHEN aus verschiedenen Ländern
20210825             Bei der großen Evakuierungsmission sollen neben Russen auch Bürger aus der UKRAINE, aus BELARUS und den zentralasiatischen Republiken TADSCHIKISTAN, USBEKISTAN und Kirgistan aus AFGHANISTAN herausgeholt werden,
20210825             Demnach ließ VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER—SERGEJ—SCHOIGU die Mission mit medizinischem Personal, Wasservorräten, Lebensmitteln und Decken auf Anweisung des RUSSISCHER—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN auf dem Stützpunkt in Uljanowsk an der Wolga zusammenstellen.
20210825             Moskau steht —SEIT—LANGEM in —VERHANDLUNGEN mit den MILITANT—ISLAMISTISCHEN Taliban, die in RUSSLAND als Terrororganisation verboten sind.
20210825             Die RUSSISCHE—BOTSCHAFT in KABUL wird nach FRÜHEREN—ANGABEN—DES—AUSSENMINISTERIUMS in Moskau nicht evakuiert.
20210825             Angesichts einer drohenden 4. CORONA—WELLE haben mehrere Wirtschaftsverbände die Politik vor einem erneuten Lockdown gewarnt.
20210825             "Die HOTEL—UND Gastronomie kann keinen weiteren Lockdown verkraften — weder finanziell, psychisch noch emotional",
20210825             Die FDP und die Grünen halten 1—VERLÄNGERUNG—DER—PANDEMIE—NOTLAGE für verfassungswidrig und wollen —AM—MITTWOCH im BUNDESTAG dagegen stimmen.
20210825             "DIE—BUNDESREGIERUNG hat uns auf unsere Nachfrage nicht einmal ansatzweise überzeugend darlegen können, dass eine Überlastung des Gesundheitssystems absehbar droht",
20210825             Auch GRÜNEN—FRAKTIONSCHEFIN KATRIN—GÖRING—ECKHARDT sieht durch die Impfstoffe keine Grundlage mehr für 1—VERLÄNGERUNG.
20210825             "Wir brauchen —JETZT 1—REGELUNG, die für die neue Situation passt und der ZAHL—DER—GEIMPFTEN—RECHNUNG trägt, kein WEITER—SO".
20210825             Bayer und RWE prüfen 1—IMPFPFLICHT—FÜR—IHRE USA—STANDORTE.
20210825             "In den USA führen VIELE—UNTERNEHMEN 1—IMPFPFLICHT ein.
20210825             Das wird dort im Rahmen von Good Citizenship erwartet.
20210825             Wir setzen auf Freiwilligkeit, aber natürlich schauen wir uns die Standards in den verschiedenen Ländern, in denen wir Mitarbeitende haben, genau an",
20210825             RKI meldet 11.561—NEUE Fälle, Inzidenz steigt auf 61,3
20210825             Großraum SYDNEY meldet trotz Lockdown Rekord bei Neuinfektionen
20210825             —2—WOCHEN lang war das Terminal am Hafen NINGBO—ZHOUSHAN in CHINA wegen eines CORONA—FALLS geschlossen.
20210825             —NUN wird es wieder geöffnet.
20210825             —AM Terminal Meishan könnten die Arbeiten schrittweise wieder anlaufen,
20210825             Der Hafen NINGBO—ZHOUSHAN rund 250—KILOMETER südlich von SHANGHAI ist der drittgrößte Frachthafen der Welt;
20210825             JAPAN weitet Notstand AUS—ERNEUT CORONA—DEMONSTRATIONEN für BERLIN geplant
20210825             Laut "Berliner Morgenpost" sind —AN—DIESEM—SAMSTAG 15—UND —AM—SONNTAG 11—DEMONSTRATIONEN mit einem CORONA—BEZUG angemeldet.
20210825             —8—MONATE—NACH—DEM START—DER—CORONA—IMPFUNGEN in DEUTSCHLAND sind mehr als 100—MILLIONEN Impfdosen gespritzt worden.
20210825             dies sei "eine der größten logistischen Leistungen in der Geschichte unseres Landes".
20210825             Mehr als 800—NEUE CORONA—TOTE in RUSSLAND
20210825             Die Wirksamkeit der CORONA—VIRUS—IMPFSTOFFE von Pfizer/Biontech und OXFORD/AstraZeneca lässt früher nach als erwartet.
20210825             Das ergaben Untersuchungen im Rahmen der BRITISCHEN—ZOE—COVID—STUDIE.
20210825             Bei Biontech war sie —BEREITS nach 5—BIS—6—MONATEN—VON—88—AUF 74—PROZENT gesunken.
20210825             Bei AstraZeneca von 77—AUF 67—PROZENT.
20210825             Frühere Analysen hatten ergeben, dass
20210825             Impfstoffe mindestens —6—MONATE lang Schutz bieten.
20210825             Die Forscher empfahlen besonders für Ältere eine schnelle Auffrischungsimpfung.
20210825             Im schlimmsten Fall könnte der Schutz für ältere Menschen und Beschäftigte im Gesundheitswesen —BIS—ZUM, —WINTER auf unter 50—PROZENT sinken,
20210825             INTERVIEW—WITH—MARY—TRUMP: "DONALD—IS 1—FASCIST and the Republicans Are Trying To Destroy Our Democracy" Interview Conducted By MARC—PITZKE
20210825             —NACH Recherchen einer USA—SCHULKLASSE: Als Hexe verurteilte Frau soll posthum begnadigt werden
20210825             IFO—INDEX: Unternehmen wollen Preise erhöhen
20210825             Studie über Produktionsausfälle: Langsame Coronaimpfungen verursachen Billionenschaden
20210825             Regierungserklärung zu AFGHANISTAN: Merkel kündigt ENDE—DER—LUFTBRÜCKE "in EINIGEN—TAGEN" an
20210825             Vom Aussterben bedrohte Affenart: ORANG—UTAN—BABY im Leipziger Zoo zur Welt gekommen
20210825             Chaos am Flughafen in KABUL: Taliban werfen den USA 1—AUSREISEKAMPAGNE vor
20210825             VATIKAN—EXPERTE Politi über die Machtkämpfe des Papstes: Steht die katholische Kirche vor der Spaltung?
20210825             1—PARADOX for the Taliban: Resistance in AFGHANISTAN Appears to Be Growing By CHRISTOPH—REUTER
20210825             Drohungen gegen AFGHANISCHE—RICHTERINNEN: "Ich weiß, wo du bist.
20210825             Ich werde bald freikommen. Wir kriegen dich".
20210825             Foodwatch kritisert Selbstverpflichtung: Lebensmittelindustrie bewirbt Zuckerbomben für Kinder
20210825             Erhöhter THC—GEHALT: Lidl ruft Haschkekse zurück
20210825             HAWAII: Schwarmbeben am K?lauea beunruhigt Vulkanologen
20210825             BREXIT—FOLGEN: BRITISCHE—SUPERMÄRKTE schulen Angestellte zu LKW—FAHRERN um
20210825             Ein zum Wirtschaftsmagazin "Economist" gehörendes Forschungsinstitut errechnete einen Produktionsausfall im Höhe von 2,3 Billionen Dollar (knapp 1,96 Billionen Euro).
20210825             ENTWICKLUNGS—UND Schwellenländer, in denen die Impfungen nur schleppend anlaufen, tragen demnach die Hauptlast.
20210825             "Schwellenländer werden rund 2—DRITTEL dieser Verluste schultern müssen, was ihre wirtschaftliche Annäherung an weiter entwickelte Länder weiter verzögern wird"
20210825             Das könne auch zu Verbitterung in der Bevölkerung und zu sozialen Unruhen führen.
20210825             Die Hauptlast in absoluten Zahlen, nämlich 3—VIERTEL der Verluste, dürften der Untersuchung zufolge die Länder in der ASIEN—PAZIFIK—REGION tragen.
20210825             Gemessen am Beitrag zum Bruttoinlandsprodukt wird es die Region südlich der SAHARA am stärksten treffen.
20210825             Der Studie zufolge erhielten in Ländern mit einem höheren Einkommen Stand Ende —AUGUST rund 60 % DER—BEVÖLKERUNG mindestens 1—IMPFUNG — in armen Ländern ist es gerade einmal 1—PROZENT.
20210825             INDIEN will möglichst zügig Schullehrer impfen
20210825             In der 1. —WOCHE nach der Eroberung Kabuls durch die Taliban ist die ZAHL—DER—COVID 19-Impfungen in AFGHANISTAN um 80—PROZENT zurückgegangen.
20210825             Der Sprecher warnte außerdem davor, dass die Hälfte der wenigen —BISHER in das Land gelieferten Impfdosen bald ablaufe.
20210825             Der Sprecher lehnte es ab, sich dazu zu äußern, ob der Rückgang der Impfungen auch auf eine mögliche Impfstoffskepsis der Taliban zurückzuführen sei.
20210825             Credit Suisse lässt Mitarbeiter ungeimpft in den USA nicht ins BÜRO
20210825             DGB—STUDIE: Ein Viertel aller Azubis klagt über Gehaltskürzungen —SEIT Pandemiebeginn
20210825             —LAUT—ANGABEN—DER—WELTGESUNDHEITSORGANISATION (WHO) scheint sich die Zahl der weltweit gemeldeten neuen CORONA—VIRUS—FÄLLE bei etwa 4,5 Millionen Infektionen zu stabilisieren, —NACHDEM sie IN—DEN—VERGANGENE—TAGE2—MONATEN stetig gestiegen war.
20210825             INDIEN: Mindestens 12—VON 78—AFGHANISTAN—RÜCKKEHRERN sind mit CORONA infiziert
20210825             Rund 20.000—NEPALESISCHE—WANDERARBEITER mit gültigen Arbeitsvisa hauptsächlich für Golfstaaten stecken in ihrer Heimat fest.
20210825             Ihre Gastländer akzeptierten ihre CORONA—IMPFZERTIFIKATE nicht.
20210825             Sie seien mit CHINESISCHEN—IMPFSTOFFEN geimpft, die ihre Gastländer nicht anerkannten.
20210825             Oder sie würden es nicht schaffen, überhaupt einen Impftermin zu erhalten,
20210825             1—AUFFRISCHIMPFUNG mit dem COVID—19—VAKZIN von Johnson & Johnson erhöht die ZAHL—DER—ANTIKÖRPER laut Zwischendaten aus 2—FRÜHEN klinischen Studien deutlich.
20210825             Eine 2. DOSIS—DES—VAKZINS führt zu einem neunmal höheren Niveau bindender Antikörper als —28—TAGE—NACH Erhalt der 1. Dosis,
20210825             In den kommenden —WOCHEN will J&J zudem noch Daten aus der lang erwarteten Studie, in der Teilnehmer 2—IMPFDOSEN erhielten, veröffentlichen.
20210825             Im Gegensatz zu anderen COVID—IMPFSTOFFEN wird das Vakzin von J&J nur einmal verimpft.
20210825             Bundeswirtschaftsminister PETER—ALTMAIER rechnet ungeachtet der 4. CORONA—WELLE mit einer anhaltenden Konjunkturerholung in DEUTSCHLAND.
20210825             Es gebe "die klare Perspektive, dass wir für Geimpfte, doppelt Geimpfte und Genesene keinerlei Lockdown mehr verhängen müssen",
20210825             Der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte (EGMR) hat einen Eilantrag von 672—FEUERWEHRLEUTEN gegen die CORONA—IMPFPFLICHT in FRANKREICH abgelehnt.
20210825             Die —ENTSCHEIDUNG der Straßburger Richer fiel —AM—DIENSTAG, wie das EGMR —AM—MITTWOCH mitteilte.
20210825             Dabei beriefen sie sich auf die Bestimmungen der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention über das "Recht auf Leben" und das "Recht auf Achtung des PRIVAT—UND Familienlebens".
20210825             Ein von USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN angeforderter Geheimdienstbericht zum Ursprung des CORONA—VIRUS hat Medienberichten zufolge keine eindeutigen Ergebnisse gebracht.
20210825             Die nicht eindeutigen Ergebnisse seien unter anderem auf fehlende Informationen aus CHINA zurückzuführen,
20210825             Die CHINESISCHE—REGIERUNG wies den Vorwurf, Informationen über das CORONA—VIRUS zurückzuhalten, erneut zurück.
20210825             Der Leiter der Abteilung für Rüstungskontrolle im CHINESISCHEN—AUSSENMINISTERIUM, Fu Cong, sagte —AM—MITTWOCH, kein "Opfer" müsse Informationen liefern, "um sich selbst zu belasten".
20210825             Wenn DIE—USA—CHINA für schuldig hielten, müssten sie dafür selbst Beweise vorlegen.
20210825             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG will massenhafte Kontaktverfolgung beenden
20210825             Mehr als 100.000—STUDIERENDE bezogen CORONA—NOTHILFE
20210825             USA planen IMPFPFLICHT—FÜR—ALLE—SOLDATEN
20210825             Schäuble sieht Autoritätsverlust des Westens
20210825             LUXEMBURGISCHER—AUSSENMINISTER beklagt sinkende Aufnahmebereitschaft gegenüber Geflüchteten
20210825             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—4907—(+24)—ÓBITOS—49—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3796—(+8)—CASOS—ATIVOS—10620000—1—(+16)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1140
20210825             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—202—(+1)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—178—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—22—(-2)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—447
20210825             CASOS—DE—COVID—19/INCIDÊNCIA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS:—37.825—(+161)—|—ATIVOS:—4.806—(+67)—|—ÓBITOS:—418—(+3)—|—RECUPERADOS:—32.601—(+91)—INTERNADOS:—68—(-6)—|—EM—UCI:—16—(-1)—|—VENTILADOS:—7—(-1)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL—/—HAB.:—744—(-)
20210825             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—5650—(+15)—ÓBITOS—69—(=)—RECUPERADOS—4897—(+8)—CASOS—ATIVOS—684—(+7)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—688
20210825             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1456—(+12)—ÓBITOS—15—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1253—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—188—(+6)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—787
20210825             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2902—(+21)—ÓBITOS—31—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—2345—(+14)—CASOS—ATIVOS—526—(+6)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1464
20210825             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—7160—(+40)—ÓBITOS—81—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—6233—(+29)—CASOS—ATIVOS—846—(+10)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—871
20210825             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3032—(+1)—ÓBITOS—33—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2817—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—182—(-4)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—333
20210825             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—4970—(+26)—ÓBITOS—39—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—4220—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—711—(+22)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—923
20210825             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2094—(+14)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1824—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—258—(+14)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—408
20210825             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1926—(+5)—ÓBITOS—29—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1789—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—108—(+3)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—408
20210825             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—336—(+2)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—276—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—54—(-4)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1030
20210825             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 312,8 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210825             Continente: 317,1casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210825             R(t) Nacional: 0,98 Continente: 0,98
20210825             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—1.580—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—145,2—FÄLLE—GESAMT—58.061—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—5.337,2—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—732—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20210825             Zu hoher CO2-Ausstoß: Expertenrat lehnt KLIMA—SOFORTPROGRAMM für Gebäudesektor ab
20210825             —VERLÄNGERT, Bei 253—GEGENSTIMMEN: BUNDESTAG, "epidemische Lage"
20210825             Extreme Trockenheit und Starkregen: DIE—USA in der KLIMA—ZANGE
20210825             Eher durch Zufall fand die Wissenschaft vor wenigen —JAHREN heraus, dass es Menschen gibt, die Gesichter nicht vergessen oder auf noch so verschwommenen Fotos Menschen wiedererkennen können.
20210825             —VERZEICHNET, NEW—YORK, offenbar fast 12.000—TODESFÄLLE mehr durch COVID—19 als bislang bekannt.
20210825             Wie Kathy Hochul, neue Gouverneurin des BUNDES—STAATES, —NUN verkündete, starben fast 55.400—MENSCHEN an dem Virus.
20210825             Amtsvorgänger ANDREW—CUOMO dagegen sprach an seinem —LETZTEN—TAG im Amt von 43.400—MENSCHEN.
20210825             —BASIERT, Die neue Zahl, nach Informationen der Nachrichtenagentur AP auf den DATEN—VON—STERBEURKUNDEN, die an die Centers for Disease Control and Prevention übermittelt wurden.
20210825             Cuomo bezog sich bei seinen PRESSEKONFERENZEN dagegen auf eine andere Quelle:
20210825             Gezählt wurden damals nur ALLE—IM—LABOR bestätigten COVID—19—TODESFÄLLE, die über ein staatliches System gemeldet wurden.
20210825             Spahn sagte: "Wir erleben im Moment 1—PANDEMIE—DER—UNGEIMPFTEN".
20210825             BAYERN bleibt bei KONTAKTDATEN—PFLICHT in Gastronomie
20210825             Neuinfektionen in SCHOTTLAND erreichen neuen Höchstwert
20210825             Die Taliban haben die TÜRKEI nach deren Angaben um technische Unterstützung beim Betrieb des Flughafens in KABUL —NACH—DEM Abzug ausländischer Truppen gebeten.
20210825             Die Taliban haben LAUT—ANGABEN—DES—DEUTSCHEN—AFGHANISTAN—BOTSCHAFTERS—MARKUS—POTZEL zugesagt, auch —NACH—DEM vollständigen Abzug der internationalen Truppen weiter Afghanen aus dem Land ausreisen zu lassen.
20210825             Der TALIBAN—CHEFUNTERHÄNDLER Scher MOHAMMED—ABBAS—STANIKSAI habe zugesichert, Afghanen "mit gültigen Dokumenten" könnten das Land —NACH—DEM 20210831             mit kommerziellen Flügen verlassen,
20210825             1. Interview aus der Haft: Nawalny klagt über "psychologische Gewalt"
20210825             Welthungerhilfe in AFGHANISTAN: "Die Taliban haben uns aufgefordert, unsere humanitäre Arbeit wieder aufzunehmen"
20210825             Studie: ENGLISCHE—POLIZEI nutzt Elektroschocker unverhältnismäßig häufig bei Schwarzen
20210825             AFGHANISTAN, weitet sich die Widerstandsbewegung gegen die radikalislamischen Taliban —NACH—DEN Worten des Bruders des legendären AFGHANISCHEN—KRIEGSHERRN und TALIBAN—GEGNERS AHMED—SCHAH—MASSUD aus.
20210825             —VERBREITET, Der Widerstand habe sich über das Land, sagte AHMED—WALI—MASSUD —AM—MITTWOCH der Nachrichtenagentur AFP.
20210825             Die Einstellungen der Afghanen hätten sich IN—DEN—VERGANGENE—TAGE20—JAHREN entwickelt, sagte Massud.
20210825             "Die Frauen Afghanistans sind der Widerstand, denn ihre Werte unterscheiden sich sehr von denen der Taliban".
20210825             Auch die jüngeren Generationen, die einen GROßTEIL—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG ausmachten, seien TEIL—DER—WIDERSTANDSBEWEGUNG.
20210825             "Egal was passiert, der Widerstand wird weitergehen.
20210825             Es ist 1—FREIHEITSKAMPF für universelle Rechte und Überzeugungen.
20210825             Das wird niemals sterben",
20210825             Das PANDSCHIR—TAL war in den 90er —JAHREN 1—HOCHBURG—DES—WIDERSTANDS gegen die Taliban und fiel nie unter die KONTROLLE—DER—ISLAMISTEN.
20210825             "Wir und die internationale Gemeinschaft erwarten, dass die Menschen, die AFGHANISTAN —NACH—DEM Abzug des USA—MILITÄRS verlassen wollen, dies auch tun können.
20210825             Daran arbeiten wir",
20210825             Man prüfe 1—REIHE—VON—MÖGLICHKEITEN, wie man etwa weiter konsularische Unterstützung leisten können.
20210825             USA—AUßENMINISTER—ANTONY—BLINKEN sprach davon, dass es keine "Frist" für die Bemühungen gebe, ausreisewilligen USA—AMERIKANERN oder Afghanen zu helfen.
20210825             , Die MILITANT—ISLAM—TALIBAN hätten SICH—VERPFLICHT, Menschen über den 20210831             hinaus sicheres Geleit zu ermöglichen.
20210825             "Und wir haben sicherlich Anreize und Druckmittel gegenüber einer zukünftigen AFGHANISCHEN—REGIERUNG, um sicherzustellen, dass dies geschieht",
20210825             Total Cases 213.763.951  Total Deaths 4.461.160  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 5.033.456.648
20210825             Wed 20210825
20210825             [l] Joscha Bach (Gast in Alternativlos 42) hat sich nochmal mit LEX—FRIDMAN hingesetzt.
20210825—20010000    —BIS, AHMED—MASSUDS—VATER hatte in den 80er —JAHREN gegen die sowjetische Besatzung Afghanistans gekämpft, während der TALIBAN—HERRSCHAFT zwischen 19960000             bekämpfte er die Islamisten.
20210825—20010909    —AM, wurde er von 2—SELBSTMORDATTENTÄTERN des Terrornetzwerks AL—KAIDA—GETÖTET—2 —TAGE—VOR den Anschlägen in den USA, die zu dem internationalen Militäreinsatz in AFGHANISTAN führten.
20210825—20020000    —SEIT, Daneben sei nur Sanitätsmaterial und Bekleidung an die Armee und DIE—POLIZEI abgegeben worden,
20210825—20060000    —BEREITS, Die Pistolen vom Typ Walther P1 seien  kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt worden.
20210825—20210831    —AUCH—NACH—DEM, DIE—USA—REGIERUNG will USA—AMERIKANER und Afghanen bei der Ausreise aus AFGHANISTAN unterstützen.
20210825—20210831    —AM, Die Taliban bestünden aber darauf, dass auch die Regierung in ANKARA —BIS—ZUM, ENDE—DER—FRIST ihr Militär komplett abziehe,
20210825—20220000    Cell Broadcast: MOBILFUNK—WARNSYSTEM könnte kommen
20210923—20210825    —AM, 2—WEITERE Beben der Stärke 4,2 und 4,1 wurden registriert, teilte DIE—USA—WELTRAUMBEHÖRDE Nasa mit.
20211119—20200825    —ON, 1—WISCONSIN jury acquitted teenager KYLE—RITTENHOUSE, —18—JAHRE—ALT—OF—MURDER in the fatal shooting of 2—MEN —DURING racial justice protests marred by arson, rioting and looting in Kenosha.
202203110825         LUTSK and Dnipro hit by RUSSIA—TROOPS, 2—VICTIMS
20220825             —DONNERSTAG, 20220825
20220825             BIONTECH—GRÜNDER U?ur ?ahin: "Das Virus mutiert in hoher Geschwindigkeit weiter"
20220825             EX—PRÄSIDENT hortete sensible Papiere in MAR—A—LAGO: Trumps Aktendesaster
20220825             USA—BUNDES—STAAT TEXAS: Polizeichef nach Massaker an Grundschule in Uvalde entlassen
20220825             —KRIEG—IN—OST—EUROPA, UKRAINE meldet 22—TOTE bei russischem ANGRIFF—AUF—BAHNHOF, Tausende Deutsche bei ANTI—KRIEGSDEMONSTRATIONEN
20220825             Katastrophe an der Oder: Illegale Abwässer, Algen und ein blindes Warnsystem
20220825             —REGISTRIERT, Coronalage in DEUTSCHLAND: Inzidenz sinkt weiter — RKI, 49.201—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20220825             Möglicher Vergeltungsschlag: RAKETE—ANGRIFF—AUF—STÜTZPUNKTE in SYRIEN — 3—USA—SOLDATEN verletzt
20220825             Zusatzgewinne verhindern: Gasumlage soll —NACH—DEM Willen der FDP nur an pleitebedrohte Firmen fließen
20220825             —5—JAHRE Flucht der Rohingya aus MYANMAR: "Wir haben keine Kraft mehr, dieses schreckliche Leben auszuhalten"
20220825             "Nicht die Zeit für halbherzige Maßnahmen": Nobelpreisträger Stiglitz rät zu längeren AKW—LAUFZEITEN
20220825             Stabile Konjunktur trotz Kriegsfolgen: DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT ist im 2. Quartal leicht gewachsen
20220825             Die VORSITZENDE—DES—VERTEIDIGUNGSAUSSCHUSSES—DES—BUNDESTAGS, MARIE—AGNES—STRACK—ZIMMERMANN (FDP) hat Bedenken geäußert, dass die zuletzt angekündigten Waffenlieferungen Deutschlands an DIE—UKRAINE ausreichen".
20220825             Wir befürchten, dass es nicht REICHT—DASS wir kontinuierlich weitermachen müssen",
20220825             sagte STRACK—ZIMMERMANN—MOSCOW, 20220825             .
20220825             THE—WEST kept silent —WHEN veterans of SS legions were marching down LATVIA—STREETS, —WHEN NEO—NAZISM raised its HEAD—IN—UKRAINE.
20220825             It is silent —NOW again".
20220825             "But it is impossible to erase memory," Slutsky stressed".
20220825             —DEMONSTRATED, RIGA—RESIDENTS have, it more than once.
20220825             I am sure that people will continue to bring flowers and candles to this site.
20220825             BRUSSELS is unwilling to see how LATVIA—AUTHORITIES are killing European values they have been declaring, along with the monument".
20220825             "The hysteria will come to 1—END in the long run and they will finally see that relations with RUSSIA would never be the same again," Slutsky added.
20220825             —PLANNED, It is, to spend —AROUND 2.1—MILLION—EURO on that.
20220825             —DECIDED, JAPAN—MITSUBISHI has, to keep its share in the Sakhalin-2 oil and gas project and will notify THE—RUSSIA—OPERATOR about it by THE—END—OF—THE—MONTH, the Nikkei newspaper said —ON—THURSDAY, citing its sources.
20220825             Another JAPAN—COMPANY, Mitsui, which also hold 1—STAKE in the project, plans to do the same, the newspaper said, adding that THE—RUSSIA—SIDE will have —3—DAYS to make 1—FINAL—DECISION on their participation in the project with the new operator upon the receipt of their notifications.
20220825             Andrey Oleinikov, CEO—OF—SAKHALIN—ENERGY subsidiary, 1—CURRENT—PROJECT—OPERATOR, will be the new operator's top executive.
20220825             —SUPPOSED, Foreign stakeholders are, to agree to their shares in the new company proportionally to their stakes in the former company within —1—MONTH.
20220825             Mitsui and Mitsubishi hold 12.5% and 10% stakes in the project, respectively.
20220825             RUSSIA accounts for 8.8—PERCENT—OF—JAPAN—IMPORT of liquefied national gas.
20220825             Practically all gas comes through Sakhalin-2.
20220825             According to the Nikkei, NEITHER—OF—JAPAN—8—COMPANIES receiving LNG from Sakhalin-2 has announced its plans to terminate contracts.
20220825             TOKYO Gas and JERA, 1—JOINT—VENTURE—OF—TOKYO Electric Power and Chubu Electric Power,
20220825             Nominations for TRANSIT—OF—RUSSIA—GAS through UKRAINE for 20220825             via the gas distribution station Sokhranovka are absent, whereas nominations for transit via the Sudzha station roughly stand at CA—42.2—MLN cubic meters, according to data released on THE—WEBSITE—OF—THE—GAS—TRANSMISSION—SYSTEM—OPERATOR—OF—UKRAINE (GTSOU).
20220825             —MEANWHILE, RUSSIA—GAS—DELIVERIES—VIA—NORD—STREAM, the main route for EXPORT—OF—RUSSIA—GAS to EUROPE, remain at the level of previous DAYS—OFCA—33.6—MLN cubic meters per —DAY, according to data provided by NORD—STREAM AG.
20220825             That said, amid lower gas supplies from RUSSIA European countries continue pumping gas into their underground gas storage facilities (UGSF) as they purchase liquified natural gas, with European gas storages over 78% full —NOW, according to Gas Infrastructure EUROPE (GIE).
20220825             —EARLIER, the European Commission (EC) suggested that the occupancy level be introduced for EU gas storage facilities of at least 80% for 20220000—20230000     —WINTER, and of 90% for all future —WINTER periods.
20220825             —ON this previous —DAY the spot PRICE—OF—GAS in EUROPE surpassed $3,100 per 1,000 cubic meters on LONDON—ICE for the 1. time —SINCE—EARLY—MARCH as supplies via NORD—STREAM were expected to be completely stopped 20220831—20220902    —FROM—TO due to the repair of the only gas compressor unit remaining in operation, as well as 1—DELAY in THE—LAUNCH—OF—THE—FREEPORT—LNG plant in TEXAS —AFTER repairs.
20220825             In its turn, Gazprom did not rule out gas prices in EUROPE would climb above record $4,000 per 1,000 cubic meters in the —WINTER.
20220825             Gas exports to NON—CIS countries went down by 36.2% to 78.5—BLN cubic meters in 7.—5—MONTHS—OF—20220000            , according to the gas producer.
20220825             1—OF—THEM, built in CANADA by Siemens Energy, was sent to MONTREAL for repairs.
20220825             Due to OTTAWA—SANCTIONS—AGAINST—RUSSIA, the manufacturer —INITIALLY refused to return the repaired turbine to GERMANY, but —AFTER numerous requests from BERLIN, the company decided to do it.
20220825             Consequently, only 1—TURBINE remains in working condition —NOW.
20220825             As 1—RESULT, Gazprom supplies gas for EUROPE through UKRAINE via the Sudzha gas pumping station, —WHILE requests for pumping via Sokhranovka are rejected by THE—UKRAINE—SIDE.
20220825             UNITED—NATIONS, 20220825             .
20220825             —UKRAINE—PERMANENT—REPRESENTATIVE—TO—THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SERGEY—KISLITSA read out the document to journalists at THE—UN—HEADQUARTERS and named all the states that supported it.
20220825             The statement lambastes RUSSIA—ACTIONS and calls on it to —IMMEDIATELY stop combat operations.
20220825             —ON February 24, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN announced 1—SPECIAL—MILITARY—OPERATION in response to 1—REQUEST for help by the heads of the Donbass republics.
20220825             He stressed that MOSCOW had no plans of occupying UKRAINE—TERRITORIES, but aimed to demilitarize and denazify the country.
20220825             —AFTER that, the West began to impose LARGE—SCALE—ANTI—RUSSIA—SANCTIONS and intensified weapons supplies to UKRAINE.
20220825             According to Western politicians, it is literally 1—ECONOMIC—WAR—ON—RUSSIA.
20220825             In his words, the policy of containing RUSSIA is THE—WEST—LONG—TERM—STRATEGY.
20220825             DIE—UKRAINE ist dem "Cluster Munition Monitor 2022" zufolge —DERZEIT das einzige Land weltweit, in dem die wegen ihrer unkontrollierten Verteilung der Sprengsätze gefürchtete Munitionsform verwendet wird.
20220825             Weder RUSSLAND noch DIE—UKRAINE schlossen sich dem vertraglichen Bann dieser umstrittenen Waffen an.
20220825             Der Gasmangel infolge des UKRAINE—KRIEGES treibt den Gaspreis in EUROPA immer weiter nach oben.
20220825             Er sprang —NUN über die Marke von 300—EURO je Megawattstunde, —NACHDEM sich der für den europäischen Gashandel richtungsweisende Terminkontrakt TTF an der Energiebörse in AMSTERDAM an den beiden Vortagen vergleichsweise stabil gehalten hatte.
20220825             —HEUTE stieg der Preis um mehr als 6—PROZENT auf knapp 316—EURO je Megawattstunde.
20220825             Nur in der Zeit unmittelbar —NACH—DEM Ausbruch des KRIEG—IN—DER—UKRAINE war der Preis für das in EUROPA gehandelte Erdgas kurzzeitig mit einem Spitzenwert von 345—EURO höher gewesen.
20220825             —AM Markt wurde der jüngste Anstieg des Gaspreises weiterhin mit einer erneuten Unterbrechung der RUSSISCHEN—GASLIEFERUNGEN nach EUROPA durch die Pipeline NORD—STREAM 1—ERKLÄRT.
20220825             Moskau ist nach Ansicht BRITISCHER—MILITÄREXPERTEN bereit, jegliche MILITÄR—AKTIVITÄTEN der UKRAINE in der Nähe des besetzten ATOM—KRAFTWERKS—SAPORISCHSCHJA für Propagandazwecke zu nutzen.
20220825             Das teilte das VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM in LONDON in seinem täglichen GEHEIMDIENST—UPDATE zum —KRIEG—IN—DER UKRAINE mit.
20220825             Die Gefahr für die Sicherheit um das Kernkraftwerk gehe aber von den RUSSISCHEN—INVASIONS—TRUPPEN aus.
20220825             DIE—UKRAINE—REGIERUNG in KIEV hofft auf eine kräftige Erholung der Wirtschaft im KOMMENDEN—JAHR.
20220825             Das hänge aber maßgeblich von der ENTWICKLUNG—DES—KRIEGES gegen RUSSLAND ab,
20220825             Die UN—HOCHKOMMISSARIN für Menschenrechte, MICHELLE—BACHELET, hat RUSSLAND zur Demilitarisierung des ATOM—KRAFTWERKS—SAPORISCHSCHJA in der UKRAINE gefordert.
20220825             Dies müsse sofort erfolgen, sagte Bachelet bei ihrer Abschiedskonferenz in Genf.
20220825             Sie forderte zudem vom RUSSISCHER—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN die Einstellung des Krieges gegen DIE—UKRAINE.
20220825             Scholz über Zögern bei Cannabislegalisierung: "Ich habe nie gekifft"
20220825             FBI—RAZZIA in MAR—A—LAGO: Wichtiges Dokument zu Durchsuchung bei Trump soll teils publik werden
20220825             /TASS/. - EUROPE is turning 1—BLIND—EYE on THE—DEMOLITION—OF—THE—MONUMENT to the Liberators of SOVIET—LATVIA and RIGA from THE—GERMANY—FASCIST—INVADERS, but it will never be able to kill the historic memory, 1—SENIOR—RUSSIA—LAWMAKER told TASS —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20220825             TOKYO, 20220825             . - /TASS/.
20220825             RUSSIA—GAS—SUPPLIES to EUROPE via main export routes may remain at the level of previous DAYS—OF—AROUND 42.2—MLN cubic meters per —DAY in transit through UKRAINE and 33.6—MLN cubic meters via NORD—STREAM—ON—THURSDAY, 20220825             .
20220825             /TASS/. - 1—JOINT—ANTI—RUSSIA—STATEMENT on the conflict in UKRAINE, which was released —ON—WEDNESDAY, was supported by only 58 UNITED—NATIONS member states, or less than a 3. of the organization's 193—MEMBERS.
20220825             Die UKRAINISCHE—REGIERUNG in KIEV hofft auf eine kräftige Erholung der Wirtschaft im kommenden —JAHR.
20220825             SEE  Gucuvlian, 19910824—19910825    . - Blumenwitz'
20220825—20080000    —SEIT—BEREITS, 110—STAATEN, Diesen ratifizierten .
20220825—20220316    —NOTED, THE—RUSSIA—PRESIDENT, that THE—WEST—SANCTION—POLICY had all the signs of 1—AGGRESSION.
20220825—20220511    —SINCE, Moreover, the Gas Transmission System Operator of UKRAINE has suspended THE—TRANSIT—OF—GAS to EUROPE via the Sokhranovka station due to force majeure.
20220825—20220630    —SIGNED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, 1—DECREE, under which 1—RUSSIA—COMPANY will become the new operator of the Sakhalin-2 project, instead of the Sakhalin Energy company.
20220825—20220714    —APPROVED, LATVIA—CABINET—OF—MINISTERS, the dismantling of 69—MILITARY—MONUMENTS dating back to THE—SOVIET—ERA, including the monument in RIGA—VICTORY—PARK, memorials dedicated to the soldiers of the Red Army in Liepaja, Rezekne and DAUGAVPILS.
20220825—20220725    —ANNOUNCED, Gazprom, the forced shutdown of another gas turbine engine at the Portovaya compressor station.
20220825—20220727    —SINCE, THE—NORD—STREAM—GAS—PIPELINE, which supplies gas from RUSSIA to EUROPE, has been used at about 20—PERCENT—OF—ITS—MAXIMUM—CAPACITY due to the shutdown of 2—GAS turbines.
20220825—20220802    —SIGNED, RUSSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MIKHAIL—MISHUSTIN, 1—RESOLUTION on establishing Sakhalin Energy LLC as 1—NEW—OPERATOR—OF—THE—SAKHALIN—2—PSA project operator with registration in YUZHNO—SAKHALINSK.
20220825—20220803    —ON, 1—MONUMENT to SOVIET—SOLDIERS was dismantled in RIGA—PARDAUGAVA district.
20220825—20220823    —ON, THE—DEMOLITION—OF—MONUMENT to the soldiers of the Red ARMY—THE—LIBERATORS—OF—SOVIET—LATVIA and RIGA from the Nazi INVADERS—BEGAN.
20220825—20221115    —BY, According to RIGA—CITY—LEGISLATURE, the monument is to be completely dismantled.
20220826             MOSCOW, 20220825             .
20230825             —FREITAG, 20230825
20230825             Anklage wegen versuchten Wahlbetrugs: DONALD—TRUMP stellt sich in Gefängnis von ATLANTA den Behörden
20230825             Mugshot aus dem Gefängnis in GEORGIA: Polizeifoto von DONALD—TRUMP veröffentlicht
20230825             FRANZÖSISCHE—ATLANTIKKÜSTE: Fliegende Ameisen vertreiben Touristen von Stränden
20230825             —VERMARKTET, Nach nur einer —STUNDE: Trump, sein Polizeifoto —BEREITS auf T—SHIRTS
20230825             Aufrüstung der USA—GRENZE zu MEXIKO: Mauer, Bojen – und —NUN auch noch Stacheldraht
20230825             Massive Todesdrohungen: Menschenrechtsaktivisten fürchten um Sicherheit von Guatemalas künftigem Präsidenten
20230825             —BEENDET, Stagnation in DEUTSCHLAND: Wirtschaft, 2. Quartal mit Nullwachstum
20230825             —VERLÄNGERT, IFO—INDEX: "Die Durststrecke der DEUTSCHEN—WIRTSCHAFT, sich"
20230825             Zuwanderung: Ausländische Fachkräfte erwirtschaften in DEUTSCHLAND 16—MILLIARDEN Euro pro —JAHR
20230825             Topökonom über Gefahren der künstlichen Intelligenz: "Wir degradieren den Menschen zum Handlanger"
20230825             SPIEGEL—UND ZDF—RECHERCHE zum NORD—STREAM—ANSCHLAG: Die Spuren führen in 1—RICHTUNG – in die UKRAINE
20230825             Mutmaßliche Umstürzler um HEINRICH—XIII—PRINZ—REUSS: Mehr als 360—SCHUSSWAFFEN bei "Reichsbürgern" gefunden
20230825             Röhrchen aus Papier und Bambus: In vielen Trinkhalmen stecken fragwürdige Chemikalien
20230825             Teilverbot für Proteste: München wehrt sich gegen Letzte Generation
20230825             VIELE—KLEINE—ERUPTIONEN: "Solar Orbiter" findet Ursache des Sonnenwinds
20230825             Absatzprobleme: FRANKREICH zahlt Millionen für Vernichtung von überschüssigem Wein
20230825             Opposition und Medien fordern Rücktritt: Estlands Regierungschefin Kallas wegen Russlandgeschäften ihres Mannes unter Druck
20230825             Fri
20230825             [l] Diese fiesen Chinesen!!
20230825             —ERST bauen sie bessere Geräte als wir.
20230825             Dann verhängen die Amis Sanktionen, damit sie keine guten Einzelteile mehr kriegen.
20230825             Was machen die Chinesen? Aufgeben?
20230825             Nein! Die bauen ihre eigenen Einzelteile!!
20230825             OK, machen wir mehr Sanktionen.
20230825             Verbieten den Export von Chipherstellungsmaschinen.
20230825             Alles geritzt? Nicht doch!
20230825             —JETZT bauen die Chinesen ihre eigene Chipfertigung!!1!
20230825             Unfassbar!1!! Ich weiß, was ihr —JETZT denkt.
20230825             —BESTIMMT, Das hat, DIE—CIA herausgefunden.
20230825             Doch nein! Das hat die SIA herausgefunden!
20240825             —SONNTAG, 20240825
20240825             Mangelnde CONTENT—MODERATION: TELEGRAM—CHEF—PAVEL—DUROW in FRANKREICH verhaftet
20240825             Angeblich mehr als 320—RAKETEN: Hisbollah unternimmt Großangriff — ISRAEL verhängt Ausnahmezustand
20240825             LANDTAGSWAHLEN: AfD liegt in Thüringen und SACHSEN laut Umfrage vorn
20240825             Schrumpfende Bevölkerungszahl: Ökonomen sehen Ausländer als "unverzichtbar" für ostdeutsche Wirtschaft
20240825             Sun 20240825
20240825             [l] Aus der beliebten Kategorie "mit KI wird alles schlechter",
20240825             —HEUTE: Amazon VISA—KARTE kann nicht beantragt werden, wegen "KI".
20240825             Also habe ich angerufen bei Zinia (SANTANDER) und dort wurde mir nur gesagt, dass es per KI geprüft wird und man da keine Einsicht hat.
20240825             Wenn die "KI" dich durchlässt, bist du auch noch nicht "drin".
20240825             [l] Die Chinesen pullen ein tapferes Schneiderlein und quetschen Wasser aus einem Stein.
20240825             Die Entdeckung könnte für künftige Mondforschungsstationen und die Weltraumforschung von entscheidender Bedeutung sein
20240825             Bericht der "NEW—YORK—TIMES": SPANNUNGEN—ZWISCHEN—USA und ISRAEL bei Suche nach HAMAS—ANFÜHRER
20240825             Weltweite Unsicherheit: Booster für den Goldpreis,  Von Henrik Müller
20240825             Henrik Müller, Das Leben der Superreichen: "Luxus ist wie 1—DROGE"
20240825             KOMPONIST—AUS—KIEW: Mehr Völkerverbindung, als die RUSSISCHE—POLIZEI erlaubt
20240825             Nahe der Grenze: Kiew meldet Verstärkung von Truppen im Nachbarland BELARUS
20240825             Dürre und Overtourism in THAILAND: Insel am Limit
20240825             Kundgebungen nach Attentat: "Hass und Beschimpfungen, weil wir die Worte 'bunt' und 'Vielfalt' nutzen"
20240825—19430000    PANZER—SCHLACHT—VON—KURS, Die vielleicht größte Schlacht aller Zeiten