Was geschah am Monday, February 3 2025 ?

Monday, February 3 2025

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 02-03 ?

        _HEUTE_0204_ :
20250203             Montag, 3. Februar 2025
20250203             Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans | A Film by Jeff Gibbs | Full Documentary
20250203             Drohende Entlassungswelle bei US-Bundespolizei: Fragebogen zum Kapitolsturm alarmiert FBI-Agenten
202502030410 Ausland
20250203             Machtwechsel in Washington: Wie Trump und Musk die US-Entwicklungshilfe ins Visier nehmen
202502030438 Ausland
20250203             Zölle gegen Kanada und Mexiko: Trump erklärt der Welt den Handelskrieg
202502030614 Wirtschaft  
20250203             Handelskonflikt: Kanadischer Dollar stürzt auf 22-Jahres-Tief
202502030815 Wirtschaft
20250203             Immobilienstudie: Mieten steigen erneut deutlich – Kaufpreise nahezu stabil
202502030825 Wirtschaft •
20250203             US-Zollpolitik: Kryptowährungen bis zu 20 Prozent runter, kanadischer Dollar auf Rekordtief, Dax im Minus
202502031205 Wirtschaft
20250203             »Vezhen«: Schweden gibt beschlagnahmtes Schiff wieder frei
202502031302 Ausland
20250203             Zahlen der Bundespolizei: Mehr als 365.000 unerlaubte Einreiseversuche seit 2021
202502031451 Panorama •
20250203             Mehr als 200 Erdbeben: Schulen auf Santorini schließen, Flüge und Fähren Richtung Festland sind voll
202502031534 Panorama •
20250203             Nur Tage nach vorherigem Rekord: Fast 2,35 Millionen Euro – AfD meldet größte Spende der Parteigeschichte
202502031537 Politik
20250203             Mon Feb 3 2025
20250203             [l] Kurze Durchsage von unserer Innenministerin:
20250203             "Das Problem ist doch an den Vorschlägen von Herrn Merz, dass sie in der Realität doch gar nicht umsetzbar sind",
20250203             so Faeser.
20250203             Vorsicht beim Lesen.
20250203             Damit meint sie natürlich nicht "daher geht das nicht" sondern "da müssen wir mal das EU-Recht ändern".
20250203             Und tatsächlich (Primärquelle leider hinter Paywall, aber gibt noch keine Alternativquellen):
20250203             The European Union is drawing up a plan to overhaul the post-war convention on refugees that prevents countries from rejecting asylum seekers at their borders in what may be one of the biggest shifts in migration policy in decades.
20250203             There is a growing consensus across Europe that the 1951 Refugee Convention, drafted after the Second World War and added to by rulings in the European and EU courts, is no longer fit for purpose.
20250203             “It should be noted that these principles were developed after the end of the Second World War, and were characterised by a very different geopolitical situation to that of today,” said a diplomatic paper seen by The Times.
20250203             [l] Aus aktuellem Anlass hier nochmal der Hinweis Michael Moores Film "Planet of the Humans" Zur Holzindustrie in den USA.
20250203             [l] Ein tolles Crossover aus "alles ist vergiftet" und "Softwareproblem, kann man nichts machen":
20250203             a group of researchers from the University of Washington has shown for the first time that it’s possible to encode malicious software into physical strands of DNA, so that when a gene sequencer analyzes it the resulting data becomes a program that corrupts gene-sequencing software and takes control of the underlying computer.
20250203             Hätte ich als Verlag als Plot eines Scifi-Romans zurückgewiesen.
20250203             Zu abwegig.
20250203             MOSCOW, February 3. /TASS/.
20250203             London continues to promote the idea of prolonging the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, but developments on the ground are unfavorable for Kiev, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.
20250203             Commenting on British Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s plans to call on EU leaders to tighten sanctions on Russia, Peskov said that "the British leadership continues to follow a rather consistent policy".
20250203             "The British persist in advocating the idea that Ukraine should keep fighting until the last Ukrainian remains.
20250203             However, the reality on the ground clearly shows that the situation is not in the Kiev regime’s favor.
20250203             Even many Western officials and experts acknowledge this, including in Western Europe," the Russian presidential spokesman noted".
20250203             We are well aware that Great Britain is among the countries that push to impose this confrontational policy on their European partners," he added.
20250203             Starmer said in a statement ahead of the February 3 informal summit of the EU heads of state and government that the British government would continue to work with European Union countries in order to expand energy sanctions on Russia.
20250203             The British premier’s office pointed out that while in Brussels, Starmer also planned to discuss boosting security and defense ties between the United Kingdom and the European Union.
20250203             In particular, London is interested in strengthening cooperation in the fight against illegal immigration.
20250203             MOSCOW, February 3. /TASS/.
20250203             NATO countries are plotting to unleash a major smear campaign against Vladimir Zelensky with the goal of removing him from power, the press service of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) said in a news release.
20250203             "NATO would like to see the head of the Kiev regime gone, ideally by way of a pseudo-democratic election.
20250203             The alliance reckons that this election will be held in Ukraine no later than this fall.
20250203             Ahead of the election campaign, the NATO headquarters is hatching plans on a massive smear campaign to undermine Zelensky’s credibility," it said.
20250203             Thus, according to the SVR, the plan is to "make public information that the 'president' and his inner circle have embezzled more than $1.5 billion from funds meant to buy munitions".
20250203             Additionally, the plan reportedly includes "exposing a scheme in which payments meant for 130,000 fallen Ukrainian soldiers—who remain officially listed as active-duty personnel—have been funneled abroad by Zelensky and his associates," the SVR said".
20250203             They also plan to pull the curtain down on repeated instances of the ‘Ukrainian supreme commander-in-chief’s’ involvement in selling large quantities of Western-donated weapons and vehicles to various armed groups in African countries".
20250203             So, "even NATO realizes that Zelensky’s time is up.
20250203             It’s just unfortunate that this realization came at the cost of the lives of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian citizens," it stated.
20250203             Conflict freezing
20250203             "The NATO leadership wants to preserve Ukraine as an anti-Russian stronghold at all costs," the intelligence service stated".
20250203             Their aim is to 'freeze' the conflict by guiding the warring parties toward dialogue on the 'beginning of its settlement.'"
20250203             "Washington and Brussels seem to be in agreement that the biggest roadblock to this is Zelensky, who, behind closed doors, is being called ‘dead weight’ in the West," the SVR explained, adding that Brussels is convinced that the Ukrainian military "will very soon be unable to contain the growing onslaught by the Russian army".
20250203             "With Donald Trump coming to power in the US, there is growing uncertainty about the continuation of military assistance by the West to Kiev," it added.
20250203             BRUSSELS, February 3. /TASS/.
20250203             The European Union is preparing for a possible trade war with the US, but the winner in this situation will be China, EU foreign policy chief Kaja Kallas told reporters upon arrival at the informal summit of the community in Brussels.
20250203             "We were listening carefully to those words and, of course, we are preparing on our side.
20250203             But what is clear is that there are no winners in trade wars.
20250203             If the EU and the United States start a trade war than the one who is laughing on the side is China," she said.
20250203             According to her, introduction of tariffs on European goods by US would lead to higher prices and other negative consequences for both sides.
20250203             In addition, such a decision will negatively affect jobs.
20250203             "We are very interlinked.
20250203             We need America and America needs us as well," she added.
20250203             On February 2, US President Donald Trump said that the United States is determined to impose additional customs duties on imports from the European Union.
20250203             According to him, this will happen "very soon".
20250203             He complained that EU member countries do not buy products from the American automobile industry and agriculture.
202502031833 ======== NEWS appended
20250203             Mit einem Überfall in den Handelskrieg: Trumps Irrweg Von Michael Sauga
20250203             Michael Sauga
202502031624 Wirtschaft
20250203             Trumps Zölle: Europäische Staatschefs wollen »dummen« Handelskrieg abwenden
202502031649 Ausland •
20250203             Zusatzabgaben für Nachbarländer: USA setzen Zölle auf mexikanische Produkte für einen Monat aus
202502031656 Wirtschaft
20250203             An Universität Augsburg: Linken-Bundestagskandidat verliert Studentenjob – wegen Parteiarbeit
202502031703 Panorama
20250203             Neuer Handelskrieg: Weshalb sich China im Zollstreit mit Trump so zurückhält
202502031745 Ausland
20250203             PFAS-Chemikalien: Meeresschaum an Nord- und Ostsee offenbar stark belastet
202502031804 Wissenschaft
20250203             CDU-Parteitag nach Tabubruch: Merz und Söder erneuern Anti-AfD-Versprechen
202502031814 Politik •
20250203             Die Lage am Abend: Geeinte Union Von Laura Backes
20250203             Laura Backes
202502031814 Politik
20250203             Kurz vor Bundestagswahl: Grüne und Linke verzeichnen starken Mitgliederzuwachs
202502031826 Politik
20250203             Gekürzte Sozialausgaben: Frankreichs Premier riskiert Misstrauensvotum für neuen Haushalt
202502031906 Ausland •
20250203             MOSCOW, February 3. /TASS/.
20250203             Russia considers the desire of the new US administration to take over part of the oil market in a non-competitive way, including by reducing oil prices, unacceptable, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said speaking at the OPEC+ committee.
20250203             "Today we are experiencing new challenges from the new US administration with its call for OPEC countries to cut oil prices and, in a non-competitive way, essentially take over part of the market," he said.
20250203             "We believe that we must, of course, in the current situation, maintain full commitment to our agreement, the principles of the OPEC+ deal.
20250203             Attempts at artificial, unfair interference in the mechanisms of the global oil market are strongly unacceptable," Novak added.
20250203             Earlier, US President Donald Trump said that the country plans to increase oil production.
20250203             The American leader also noted that the US will seek a reduction in oil prices from Saudi Arabia and OPEC, including to put pressure on Russia, which is part of OPEC+.
202502031833 ======== END NEWS appended
        _HEUTE_0204_ :