Was geschah am Thursday, January 9 2025 ?

Thursday, January 9 2025

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 01-09 ?

        _HEUTE_0110_ :
20250109             Donnerstag, 9. Januar 2025
20250109             Regierung meldet 19 Tote: Angriff auf Präsidentenpalast im Tschad abgewehrt
202501090101 Ausland
20250109             Krieg in Nahost: US-Regierung will nicht von Völkermord an Palästinensern sprechen
202501090324 Ausland
20250109             Stippvisite in Washington: Donald Trump zollt Jimmy Carter Respekt
202501090427 Ausland
20250109             Waldbrände in Kalifornien: Neues Feuer in Hollywood Hills ausgebrochen – Biden erklärt Brandregion zum Katastrophengebiet
202501090530 Panorama
20250109             Streit um Nato-Ziele: Habeck will höhere Rüstungsausgaben – kritisiert aber Trumps Wünsche als zu hoch
202501090640 Politik
20250109             Enthüllung über den US-Wahlkampf: Fox News soll Trump angeblich vorab Fragen eines TV-Duells zugespielt haben
202501090723 Ausland
20250109             Neuer Brand in Hollywood Hills: Oscarnominierung wegen Großfeuer verschoben
202501091001 Kultur
20250109             Feuerkatastrophe in Kalifornien: Paradies in Asche
202501091103 Panorama
20250109             Großfeuer bei Los Angeles: Paris Hilton sah ihr Haus live im TV brennen
202501091107 Panorama
20250109             Thu Jan 9 2025
20250109             [l] Wo holt der Iran eigentlich das spaltbare Material für das Atomprogramm her?
20250109             Er lässt es von der Yakuza aus Myanmar schmuggeln.
20250109             Ein Plot wie aus einer Amazon-Prime-Video-Eigenproduktion!
20250109             “As he admitted in federal court today, Takeshi Ebisawa brazenly trafficked nuclear material, including weapons-grade plutonium, out of Burma,” acting US attorney Edward Kim said on Wednesday, using another name for Myanmar.
20250109             Bleibt die offene Frage, woher Myanmar waffenfähiges Plutonium hat!
20250109             [l] Endlich treffen die Ransomware-Gangs mal den Kapitalismus im Kern: Das digitale Grundbuch in der Slowakei.
20250109             Denn natürlich bestehen die Kapitalisten zwar darauf, dass der Staat ihr Eigentum schützt, aber sie sind nicht bereit, den Staat dafür mir ausreichend Mitteln auszustatten:
20250109             Cyberattack on the Slovak cadastral system (ÚGKK).
20250109             Critical property data is inaccessible; some may be recoverable from paper records, but some could be irreversibly lost.
20250109             No proper backups available.
20250109             Hackers demand a 7-figure ransom in USD.
20250109             Die Katastrophen-Filme gehen immer von Angriffen auf die Stromversorgung aus, und Löschen von irgendwelchen Bankdaten.
20250109             Immobilien-Unterlagen sind wahrscheinlich weniger gut geschützt und würden um so mehr Chaos anrichten.
20250109             [l] Heute war das Gespräch zwischen Alice Weidel und Elon Musk.
20250109             Hier die Zusammenfassung der Tagesschau.
20250109             Eine Frage stellt sich direkt: Hat niemand dem Elon gesagt, dass die AfD gegen Elektroautos und für mehr Verbrennerautos sind?
20250109             Und dass das Nationalisten sind, die die inländische Autoindustrie explizit vor ausländischen Konkurrenten wie Tesla schützen wollen?
20250109             Hat der Mann keine Berater oder Freunde?!
20250109             [l] Google hat gerade operationelle juristische Herausforderungen:
20250109             Google loses in court, faces trial for collecting data on users who opted out
20250109             Judge: Reasonable juror may find Google profited from misappropriation of data.
20250109             Das war bestimmt ein bedauerlicher Softwarefehler.
20250109             Technisches Versagen.
20250109             Kann man nichts machen.
20250109             LONDON, January 9. /TASS/.
20250109             US President-elect Donald Trump is serious about his ambition of trying to buy Greenland, including to expand the US influence in the Western Hemisphere, Reuters reported, citing three sources.
20250109             One of them said that Trump is unlikely to use military force to gain control over the autonomous Danish territory.
20250109             However, sources told Reuters, Trump is serious about applying diplomatic or economic pressure on Denmark.
20250109             A Trump associate recounted seeing a list of foreign policy priorities drafted by Trump’s top officials after his victory in the November 5 election".
20250109             Buying Greenland" was one of those priorities.
20250109             The three current and former Trump associates, familiar with the Republican’s thinking, told Reuters that he is interested in territorial expansion as a means of creating a legacy that will be remembered for numerous generations".
20250109             The real legacy is you have expanded the United States," one of the sources said.
20250109             Trump briefly mentioned the possibility of buying Greenland during his first presidential term.
20250109             Still, his latest rhetoric underlines that his desire is a deep-rooted ambition rather than a fleeting fancy, the news agency wrote.
20250109             Trump said at a news conference in Florida on Tuesday that he cannot rule out using economic or military pressure to gain control over the Panama Canal and Greenland.
20250109             Late last year, the president elect said that Washington needs control of Greenland.
20250109             In response, Greenland Prime Minister Mute Egede stressed: "We will never be for sale".
20250109             During Trump’s first term in 2019, the US media wrote that he was looking to buy Greenland, an autonomous territory within Denmark.
20250109             Back then, the kingdom refused to discuss selling Greenland as it dismissed the idea as absurd.
20250109             This time around, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen noted that "Greenland belongs to the Greenlanders".
20250109             MOSCOW, January 9. /TASS/.
20250109             Moscow is closely watching the recent developments around US claims to Canada and Greenland but believes that the issue is part of Washington’s bilateral relations with Ottawa and Copenhagen, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said at a briefing.
20250109             "In fact, such claims are largely part of the United States’ bilateral relations with Denmark and other countries," he noted in response to a TASS question.
20250109             "We are closely following these dramatic developments - thank God, it has not gone beyond statements yet," Peskov added.
20250109             US President-elect Donald Trump said on January 7 that Greenland should join the United States in order to ensure national security and protection against the Chinese and Russian threats.
20250109             Trump said during his first presidential term back in 2019 that the US could purchase Greenland, which is currently part of Denmark and has broad autonomy rights.
20250109             In both cases, authorities in Greenland and Denmark dismissed the idea as ridiculous.
20250109             In addition, the US president-elect has been actively promoting the idea of Canada joining the US as its 51st state.
20250109             Trump points out that the move would not only ensure Canada’s economic stability but would also defend the country against external threats, which, according to the US president-elect, come from "Russian and Chinese ships".
20250109             NEW YORK, January 9. /TASS/.
20250109             Humankind has provided artificial intelligence (AI) models with all the knowledge at its disposal, and the technology will now enter an era where it will have to teach itself to develop further, US businessman Elon Musk said in an interview with Mark Penn, the chief executive of the Stagwell marketing group.
20250109             "We've now exhausted; accumulative sum of human knowledge has been exhausted in AI training," Musk said".
20250109             It happened basically last year," he noted.
20250109             It’s now up to AI itself to help humans make it stronger.
20250109             Thus, information synthetized by AI must be used to develop it further, creating a self-learning process, Musk said.
20250109             The businessman believes there’s a good chance that artificial intelligence will surpass human capabilities as early as by the end of this year.
20250109             The probability of AI becoming smarter than all the people on Earth combined is 100% by 2030, Musk said earlier.
20250109             BEIRUT, January 9. /TASS/.
20250109             General Joseph Aoun has taken the oath of office before the members of the republic's parliament as the new head of state, becoming Lebanon's 14th president since the state gained independence in 1943.
20250109             During his first speech, Aoun emphasized that the country is going through an acute crisis and requires a shift in the way it is governed in order to get out of it".
20250109             Together with the future government, we will draft a law that will guarantee the independence of the judiciary," he added.
20250109             The president pledged to develop "a new Lebanese defense doctrine that will protect the country from Israeli aggression".
20250109             Studie mit MRT-Bildern vom Herzen: So gesundheitsschädlich ist Fluglärm
202501091212 Wissenschaft
20250109             Diskussion über Arbeitszeit: Linke will, dass Feiertage, die auf Sonntage fallen, nachgeholt werden
202501091241 Politik
20250109             Bilanz von Munich Re: Schäden durch Naturkatastrophen 2024 weit über dem Durchschnitt
202501091313 Wirtschaft
20250109             Nach Aussagen Donald Trumps: Britischer Außenminister Lammy fordert von USA Konzept für höhere Verteidigungsausgaben
202501091313 Ausland
20250109             Totenstadt Sakkara in Ägypten: Archäologen entdecken Grab von Chefzahnarzt der Pharaonen
202501091328 Wissenschaft
20250109             Archäologen haben in der ägyptischen Totenstadt Sakkara bei Kairo überraschend das rund 4000 Jahre alte Grab eines Pharaonen-Leibarztes entdeckt.
20250109             Den Inschriften des Grabes zufolge hieß der Mann Teti Neb Fu,
20250109             Teti Neb Fu demnach als Chefarzt des Palastes, Chefzahnarzt und Leiter der Heilpflanzenabteilung.
20250109             Dem Bericht zufolge könnte Teti Neb Fu mehreren Pharaonen als Leibarzt gedient haben, darunter Pharao Pepi II., der bis vor 4180 Jahren in Ägypten regierte.
20250109             Kurz vor dem Machtwechsel: USA unterstützen Kyjiw erneut mit Militärhilfe im Wert von fast 500 Millionen Euro
202501091428 Ausland
20250109             Neue KI-Technik von Nvidia: Die menschenähnlichen Roboter kommen
202501091439 Netzwelt •
20250109             Energy Transition Minerals: Trumps Grönlandbesuch lässt Aktienkurs von Bergbaukonzern in die Höhe schnellen
202501091445 Wirtschaft
20250109             Treffen in Ramstein: Pistorius sagt Ukraine Unterstützung auch nach Bundestagswahl zu
202501091501 Politik
20250109             Zahlen für November: Deutsche Exporte steigen – dank der USA
202501091538 Wirtschaft
20250109             Bundesgerichtshof lässt Beweise zu: Gerichte dürfen Kryptochats des FBI verwerten
202501091617 Netzwelt
20250109             Interview mit Fox News: Trumps Ukraine-Sondergesandter Kellogg will Krieg binnen 100 Tagen beenden
202501091708 Ausland
20250109             Erneute juristische Niederlage im Schweigegeldprozess: New Yorker Gericht setzt Strafmaßverkündung gegen Trump nicht aus
202501091726 Ausland
20250109             Rückgang in Deutschland: 30 Prozent weniger Asylanträge
202501091811 Politik •
20250109             Wegen Gesprächs mit Alice Weidel: Gewerkschaften verlassen Musks Plattform X
202501091957 Politik
20250109             Feuerkatastrophe in Kalifornien: Hunderte Strafgefangene im Einsatz gegen Waldbrände in Los Angeles
202501092251 Panorama
20250109             Trotz Haftbefehl: Polen würde Netanyahu bei Auschwitzgedenken nicht festnehmen
202501092318 Ausland
        _HEUTE_0110_ :