Saturday, February 15 2025
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Was geschah am Kalendertag 02-15 ?
_HEUTE_0216_ :
20250215 Samstag, 15. Februar 2025
20250215 Softwareentwickler hinter ChatGPT: OpenAI lässt Elon Musk mit Kaufangebot abblitzen
202502150047 Netzwelt •
20250215 Zoff um Golf von Mexiko: Trump verbannt Nachrichtenagentur AP dauerhaft aus Oval Office und Air Force One
202502150115 Ausland
20250215 Erwiderung auf schockierende Rede des US-Vizepräsidenten: Scholz rüffelt Vance
202502150940 Politik
20250215 Appell bei MSC: Selenskyj fordert europäische Armee
202502151046 Ausland
20250215 Elementarteilchen: Trumps Feldzug gegen die Wahrheit Von Kerstin Kullmann
20250215 Kerstin Kullmann
202502151046 Wissenschaft
20250215 Historiker Timothy Snyder über die US-Regierung: »Elon Musk will Europa kolonialisieren« Von Eva-Maria Schnurr und Jonas Breng
202502151158 Geschichte
20250215 Kanzlerkandidat bei der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz: Auch Merz kontert Vance
202502151307 Politik •
20250215 Bundesinnenminister von 1978 bis 1982: Gerhart Baum ist tot
202502151351 Politik
20250215 Protest gegen Musk: Sheryl Crow fährt nicht mehr Tesla
202502151402 Panorama
20250215 Gerhart Baum 2023 im SPIEGEL-Talk: »Die AfD ist viel gefährlicher als die RAF«
202502151426 Politik •
20250215 Kritik an neuem Gesetz in Frankreich: Selbst Muttersprachler scheitern an Sprachtests für Einwanderer
202502151643 Ausland
20250215 Friedensgespräche zu Ukrainekrieg: US-Sondergesandter Kellogg schließt Europäer von Ukraine-Verhandlungen aus
202502151800 Ausland •
20250215 Selenskyj in München: »Trump braucht keine schwachen Freunde«
202502151802 Ausland •
20250215 Zum Tod von Gerhart Baum: Der letzte aufrechte Liberale
202502151839 Politik
20250215 Beiträge zu Sicherheitsgarantien: Deutschland soll USA Militärkapazitäten für Ukraine melden
202502152128 Politik
20250215 Trumps Allmachtsgetöse: Erleben wir gerade einen Staatsstreich, orchestriert aus dem Weißen Haus?
VON—JULIA—AMALIA Heyer, Roland Nelles und René Pfister
202502152203 Ausland
20250215 Russland-Ukraine-Krieg: Friedensverhandlungen in Saudi-Arabien werden konkreter
202502152352 Ausland
20250215 Sat Feb 15 2025
20250215 [l] Die Musksche Regierungstransparenzoffensive überzeugt bislang auf ganzer Linie.
20250215 The doge.gov website that was spun up to track Elon Musk’s cuts to the federal government is insecure and pulls from a database that can be edited by anyone
20250215 Das ist ja leider ein häufiges Symptom des GenZ-Nachwuchses.
20250215 Die haben nicht git gelernt sondern github.
20250215 Die haben nicht Programmieren gelernt sondern Software-Lego.
20250215 Unter Security verstehen die, im Web-Interface Checkboxen zu klicken
20250215 [l] Bei der Forschungsgruppe Wahlen liegen die Linken jetzt bei 9%.
20250215 Was geht denn hier gerade ab?
20250215 Hat die Bevölkerung am Ende gar keinen Bock darauf, von einem grinsenden Söder und seinem Betonhut-Innenminister Herrmann belogen zu werden, nachdem der lang ersehnte Terroranschlag endlich stattfand?
20250215 Haben die Leute am Ende gemerkt, dass ihre Mieten nicht hoch sind, weil wir so viele AsYLaNtEN im Land haben, sondern weil keine Wohnungen mehr gebaut werden, seit die Politik die Wohnungsbaugesellschaften an privatwirtschaftliche Heuschrecken verscherbelt haben?
20250215 [l] Gerhart Baum ist gestorben.
20250215 Der letzte echte, aufrechte Liberale.
20250215 Dieses Land hat ihm viel zu verdanken.
20250215 Jetzt braucht wirklich niemand mehr die FDP.
20250215 [l] Akt 1: Argentiniens Pausenclown Milei launcht eine Shitcoin.
20250215 Akt 2: Keine 12h später crasht die nach Rugpull um 95%.
20250215 Akt 3: Milei löscht seinen Werbetweet.
20250215 Das merken die NIE!
20250215 [l] Trump verbannt die AP, weil sie weiterhin "Gulf of Mexico" schreibt statt "Gulf of America",
20250215 die Dicktator Trump es wünscht.
20250215 Nicht vergessen: Das ist das Land von Free Speech.
20250215 Hat gerade erst deren Vize-Witzfigur in München erklärt.
20250215 Home of the Brave and Land of the Free.
20250215 Wobei.
20250215 Land of the Free ist die Nationalhymne von Belize.
20250215 Und tapfer sind sie ja schon, wie sie da auf dem Müllhaufen stehen und mit Zöllen um sich werfen.
20250215 [l] Sternstunden der Wissenschaft:
20250215 Carbon capture more costly than switching to renewables, researchers find
20250215 NEIN!!!
20250215 DOCH!!!!
20250215 OOOOOOHHHH!!!!!
20250215 [l] Wisst ihr, was 2025 noch brauchte?
20250215 Einen Mörder-Kult aus veganen Transgender-Pseudointellektuellen aus Berkeley.
20250215 Natürlich aus dem Umfeld der AI Bros und Peter Thiel ist auch irgendwie periphär beteiligt.
20250215 Jetzt mit Mugshots!
20250215 [l] Sagten wir, wir vermissen 7000 Schuss Munition?
20250215 Wir meinten eher 1,8 Tonnen Munition.
20250215 Innenminister bestätigt Pressebericht: Sachsens Polizei sucht 1,8 Tonnen verschwundene Munition
20250215 Das ist ja schon logistisch eine Herausforderung, und dann auch noch ungesehen weggeschafft.
20250215 Der Einsender meint, das wird wohl der Frank gewesen sein
20250215 February
20250215 MUNICH, February 14. /TASS/.
20250215 Should the European Union be excluded from talks on the Ukraine issue, it could mark a turning point in Europe’s relations with the US, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said.
20250215 UNICH, February 14. /TASS/.
20250215 Should the European Union be excluded from talks on the Ukraine issue, it could mark a turning point in Europe’s relations with the US, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said.
20250215 "This may prove to be a historic, pivotal moment for transatlantic relations, after which we risk taking different pa
20250215 MUNICH, February 14. /TASS/.
20250215 Should the European Union be excluded from talks on the Ukraine issue, it could mark a turning point in Europe’s relations with the US, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said.
20250215 "This may prove to be a historic, pivotal moment for transatlantic relations, after which we risk taking different paths," he pointed out at the Munich Security Conference.
20250215 "The choice that we are making will decide whether we will live in peace or in a situation of crisis, and it will also define our future and the future of the generations to come in Europe," Pistorius noted.
20250215 "We need to negotiate from the position of strength," he added.
20250215 The German defense chief emphasized that Europe and Ukraine should be part of talks on resolving the conflict.
20250215 According to him, "territorial issues" and other topics should be discussed at the negotiating table.
20250215 President Vladimir Putin of Russia and President Donald Trump of the United States held a telephone conversation on February 12. The two leaders discussed the prospects for ending military activities in Ukraine, bilateral relations and a number of other topics.
20250215 They agreed to maintain personal contact and hold an in-person meeting.
20250215 MOSCOW, February 15. /TASS/.
20250215 The Kremlin has acknowledged US Vice President JD Vance's statements asserting that The Wall Street Journal misrepresented his remarks about the potential deployment of US military forces to Ukraine, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told TASS.
20250215 "Yes, we have taken note of it," the Kremlin spokesman responded when asked about the issue.
20250215 As the WSJ previously reported, Vance said in an interview that the option of sending the US military to Ukraine "remains under consideration" by Washington in case Moscow refuses to resolve the conflict in good faith.
20250215 According to the story, Vance stated that the United States might use economic and military leverage against Russia.
20250215 Peskov, commenting later on the article, called Vance's threats about sending the US military to Ukraine and anti-Russian sanctions new elements of the US position that need to be clarified during the upcoming contacts.
20250215 The US vice president later stated on his social media page X that the newspaper had misrepresented his response to a question about the possibility of sending the US military to Ukraine: "The fact that the WSJ twisted my words in the way they did for this story is absurd, but not surprising considering they have spent years pushing for more American sons and daughters in uniform to be unnecessarily deployed overseas".
20250215 .
20250215 MOSCOW, February 15. /TASS/.
20250215 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US Secretary of State Marco Rubio agreed during a telephone conversation on regular communication on a variety of matters, including preparations for a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Donald Trump, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.
20250215 "They agreed on regular contacts, including those for preparations for a Russian-American summit meeting," the Foreign Ministry said.
20250215 Lavrov and Rubio agreed to maintain a channel of communication to resolve accumulated problems in US-Russian relations "for removing unilateral barriers, inherited from the previous administration, to mutually beneficial trade, economic and investment cooperation".
20250215 "[The parties] outlined their mutual willingness to cooperate on major international issues, including the settlement around Ukraine, the situation around Palestine and in general in the Middle East and other regional areas," the Foreign Ministry said.
20250215 It also emphasized that the foreign ministers of the two countries exchanged views on ways of putting an early end to the policy started by the Barack Obama administration in 2016 for "the maximum tightening of conditions for the operation of Russian diplomatic missions in the United States," which entailed retaliatory measures".
20250215 It was agreed to organize a meeting of experts in the near future to agree on concrete steps to mutually remove obstacles to the work of Russian and US foreign missions," the Foreign Ministry stated.
20250215 On contacts between Russian and US presidents
20250215 On February 12, Russian and US Presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump held a telephone conversation in which they discussed the prospects for a settlement in Ukraine.
20250215 According to the Kremlin, Trump spoke in favor of an early halt to hostilities and of solving the problem by peaceful means.
20250215 Putin, for his part, mentioned the need for addressing the root causes of the conflict and agreed with Trump that a long-term settlement could be reached through peace talks negotiations, the Russian leader's press service noted.
20250215 The US leader wrote on the Truth Social network that Moscow and Washington would immediately enter into negotiations to resolve the conflict in Ukraine.
_HEUTE_0216_ :