Was geschah am Sunday, January 5 2025 ?

Sunday, January 5 2025

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 01-05 ?

        _HEUTE_0106_ :
20250105             Sonntag, 5. Januar 2025
20250105             Rekordfund in Frankreich: Polizei beschlagnahmt tonnenweise Kokain in Le Havre
202501050002 Panorama
20250105             Designierter US-Präsident: Vier Gründe, warum Trump die Energiewende nicht stoppen wird Von Christian Stöcker
20250105             Christian Stöcker
202501050702 Wissenschaft
20250105             Italienische Premierministerin: Meloni besucht Trump in Mar-a-Lago
202501050730 Ausland
20250105             Umsturz in Syrien: Faeser will Schutzstatus von syrischen Flüchtlingen überprüfen
202501050817 Politik
20250105             Früher griechischer Ministerpräsident: Kostas Simitis ist tot
202501051024 Ausland
20250105             Durchtrenntes Unterwasserkabel vor Taiwan: Taipeh vermutet Sabotage durch China
202501051554 Ausland
20250105             Schweizer Großbank: Credit Suisse soll Informationen über Nazikonten verschwiegen haben
202501051807 Wirtschaft
20250105             Sun Jan 5 2025
20250105             [l] "NSU 3.0" schreibt Drohbriefe mit weißem Pulver drin.
20250105             [l] Hier ist mal wieder ein bemerkenswert überspezifisches Dementi: Scholz und Kiesewetter.
20250105             Kiesewetter ist so ein Rüstungs-Hardliner und Bundeswehr-Heini aus der CDU.
20250105             Der hat jetzt öffentlich angesagt, es gäbe Hinweise darauf, dass Scholz sich vor der Wahl noch schnell in Moskau mit Putin treffen wolle.
20250105             NEW YORK, January 4. /TASS/.
20250105             The US began supplying weapons to Ukraine well before Russia started its special military operation, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told the New York Times.
20250105             "We made sure that well before [the special military operation] happened, starting in September and then again in December, we quietly got a lot of weapons to Ukraine," he said in an interview published on Saturday".
20250105             Things like Stingers, Javelins".
20250105             Russia has repeatedly said that funneling weapons into Ukraine will not reduce Moscow’s resolve or change the course of the special military operation.
20250105             US President-elect Donald Trump is expected to make good on his promises to significantly cut support for Kiev after he is sworn in on January 20, 2025.
20250105             MOSCOW, January 5. /TASS/.
20250105             Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov has refuted the claims that meetings between Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz or US President-elect Donald Trump are in the works.
20250105             "There are no such plans at the moment," Peskov told TASS, replying to a question on the matter.
20250105             Earlier, member of the German Bundestag Roderich Kiesewetter claimed that Scholz might visit Moscow before the end of February while a meeting between Trump and Putin was "slated for March".
20250105             .
20250105             Bundestagswahl 2025: Habeck warnt vor Staatskrise wie in Österreich
202501052000 Politik
20250105             Bezos und Trump: Hinter den Kulissen mit Melania
202501052042 Kultur
20250105             Demokratische Republik Kongo: Rebellen erobern strategisch wichtige Stadt Masisi
202501052144 Ausland •
20250105             [l] Entwarnung: die elektronische Patientenakte ist abgesagt.
20250105             Die ePA bringen wir erst dann, wenn alle Hackerangriffe, auch des CCC, technisch unmöglich gemacht worden sind.
20250105             Daran wird schon länger gearbeitet.
20250105             Also ... nie.
20250105             Aber glaubt das nicht mir, guckt euch selber wie großflächig die das verkackt haben.
20250105             In Lauterbachs Amtszeit wird das mit Sicherheit nichts, wahrscheinlich auch nicht zu seiner Lebenszeit.
20250105             Journalist fragt Cum-Ex-Olaf, ob er was zu den Beleidigungen von Elon Musk sagen will.
20250105             Scholz so:
20250105             ‘Don’t feed the troll’
20250105             Auf der einen Seite: Die erste intelligente Handlung, die ich von ihm beobachten konnte.
20250105             Auf der anderen Seite: In Aussitzen war der ja schon immer gut.
20250105             Bin zwiegespalten.
20250105             Ich glaube der positive Aspekt überwiegt leicht.
20250105             MOSCOW, January 6. /TASS/.
20250105             Ukraine is ready to hold negotiations with the United States and European countries on settlement of the conflict in late January, Vladimir Zelensky said in an interview with US journalist Lex Fridman.
20250105             Fridman said during the conversation that he would like to see the agreement on conflict settlement in Ukraine to be reached and indicates January 25 as a possible date, according to the video released by the Zelensky’s office.
20250105             The inauguration of Donald Trump, who repeatedly said that he was going to reach the settlement immediately after becoming the US President, will take place on January 20.
20250105             "Firstly, I think, on January 25 or on another day - you simply indicate January 25, and I am not against it  we will sit down with [Donald] Trump in the first instance.
20250105             We will come to terms with him how it is possible to stop the war .
20250105             We will agree with him in the first instance.
20250105             Secondly - Europe, since we also are part of Europe and it is very important for us that Europe also has its vote .
20250105             Then the talk with Russians can take place," Zelensky said.
20250105             On June 14, 2024, Russian President Vladimir Putin indicated conditions for settlement of the situation in Ukraine at a meeting with senior Russian diplomats.
20250105             Among them are the withdrawal of the Ukrainian troops from Donbass and Novorossiya and Kiev’s rejection of entering NATO.
20250105             Russia also considers necessary to have all Western sanctions against it being lifted and to set the non-bloc and nuclear-free status of Ukraine.
20250105             MOSCOW, January 6. /TASS/.
20250105             Vladimir Zelensky used bad language when talking about Western partners in an interview with US journalist Lex Fridman.
20250105             Zelensky used profanities in Russian during the interview.
20250105             He did not give the interview in Russian as the journalist had suggested but used Russian words many times talked obscenities several times on the video released by the Zelensky’s office.
20250105             In his opinions, Western partners were to attempt to "intimidate" Moscow by sanctions and arms supplies to Kiev even before February 24, 2022".
20250105             Everybody said something, forecasted and so on but I requested just one, primarily from the United States,  give me two things - reinforce us with weapons but the best thing is to reinforce us with preconditions.
20250105             These are not the weapons; these are the sanctions in the first instance," Zelensky said.
20250105             "The fact is that we did not receive aid.
20250105             If we consider that words are the aid, well then, we received plenty of that," he added.
20250105             BRUSSELS, January 6. /TASS/.
20250105             The court of the Belgian city of Liege will hold a session to consider whether President of the European Commission (EC) Ursula von der Leyen has legal immunity against charges on corruption when procuring COVID-19 vaccines to the amount over 35 bln euro, Frederic Baldan, the plaintiff, told TASS.
20250105             "The court hearing on January 6 will be held upon an address of the EU office of prosecutor that should investigate acts of corruption in EU institutions but which is de facto acting to defend von der Leyen now.
20250105             The European Public Prosecutor’s Office sent an address to the court, stating that von der Leyen has the immunity against court prosecution on charges of corruption when buying COVID-19 vaccines that did not pass clinical trials," Baldan said.
20250105             He expressed confidence that the EC President cannot have such immunity because she was "far beyond her authority".
20250105             Von der Leyen is charged with entering into a procurement contract for vaccines with trials not yet completed via SMS correspondence with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla without prior agreement with EU countries.
        _HEUTE_0106_ :