Sunday, December 29 2024
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Was geschah am Kalendertag 12-29 ?
_HEUTE_1230_ :
20241229 Sonntag, 29. Dezember 2024
20241229 Israelischer Angriff auf Flughafen: WHO-Chef spricht davon, in Jemen »knapp dem Tod« entkommen zu sein
202412290818 Ausland •
20241229 Dreitägige Militäraktion: Israel bezeichnet Chefarzt in Gaza-Klinik als »Terrorkader« und meldet dessen Festnahme
202412290934 Ausland
20241229 Wahlaufruf für AfD: SPD-Generalsekretär Miersch kritisiert Springer-Verlag für Musk-Beitrag
202412291012 Politik
20241229 Bei EZB und Bundesbank: Lindner plädiert für Kryptowährungsreserven
202412291132 Wirtschaft
20241229 Trotz wochenlanger Proteste: Ex-Fußballprofi Kawelaschwili als Präsident von Georgien vereidigt
202412291211 Ausland
20241229 Bis zu 240 Euro Strafe: Mailand verhängt Rauchverbot im Freien
202412291236 Ausland
20241229 Wirtschaftsweise über Kinderbetreuung: »Man kann sich auf die Kitas nicht verlassen«
202412291446 Wirtschaft
20241229 Neuer Machthaber al-Scharaa: Bis zu den nächsten Wahlen in Syrien könnte es vier Jahre dauern
202412291518 Ausland
20241229 Prorussische Hackergruppe: Cyberattacke auf Mailands Flughäfen
202412291614 Ausland
20241229 Neues Dekret in Afghanistan: Taliban verbieten Fenster mit Blick auf »Frauenorte«
202412291635 Ausland
20241229 Flugzeugabsturz in Kasachstan: Aserbaidschans Präsident wirft Moskau Verschleierung vor
202412291642 Ausland
20241229 Sabotage: Nato-Funktionär warnt vor »hybridem Angriff« mit vielen Opfern
202412291654 Ausland
20241229 Bedrohte Infrastruktur: Weiteres russisches Schiff nahe Estlink-2-Kabel gesichtet
202412291842 Wirtschaft •
20241229 Geheimes Militärprogramm: Hat Israels Killer-KI den Gazakrieg tödlicher gemacht?
202412292042 Ausland
20241229 Demokrat und Nobelpreisträger: Ehemaliger US-Präsident Jimmy Carter im Alter von 100 Jahren gestorben
202412292216 Politik
20241229 Vermächtnis von Jimmy Carter: »Er hat den Schmutz von Watergate und Vietnam abgewaschen«
202412292342 Ausland
20241229 MOSCOW, December 29. /TASS/.
20241229 Russia is not satisfied with the proposals of US President-elect Donald Trump's team to postpone Ukraine's membership in NATO for 20 years and to deploy a contingent of EU and UK peacekeepers there, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with TASS.
20241229 "Judging by numerous leaks and Donald Trump's own interview with Time magazine on December 12, he is talking about ‘freezing’ hostilities along the line of engagement and transferring further responsibility for confronting Russia to the Europeans.
20241229 We are certainly not satisfied with the proposals made by representatives of the president-elect's team to postpone Ukraine's membership in NATO for 20 years and to deploy a peacekeeping contingent of ‘UK and European forces’ in Ukraine," the top diplomat emphasized.
20241229 At the same time, Lavrov noted that Moscow has not received any official signals from the United States on the Ukrainian settlement at the moment".
20241229 Until January 20 - the date of inauguration - Donald Trump has the status of 'president-elect,' and all policy on all fronts is determined by the incumbent president and his administration.
20241229 And so far, only the latter is authorized to engage with Russia on behalf of the United States.
20241229 From time to time, as we are regularly informed, this happens, but there is no talk of negotiations on Ukraine in such contacts," the Russian foreign minister explained.
20241229 BAKU, December 29. /TASS/.
20241229 The Azerbaijani authorities have handed over to the Russian side the demands on admitting guilt for the crash of the Azerbaijan Airlines (AZAL) plane near Kazakhstan's Aktau, punishing those responsible for the incident and paying compensation, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said in an interview with the state-run AzTV channel.
20241229 "We have clearly communicated our demands to the Russian side, they were handed over already on December 27. What were they?
20241229 First, the Russian side should apologize to Azerbaijan.
20241229 Second, to admit its guilt.
20241229 Thirdly, to punish the guilty, to hold them criminally responsible and to pay compensation both to the state and to the injured passengers and crew members.
20241229 These are our conditions. The first of them was fulfilled yesterday. I hope that the rest of our demands will also be met," Aliyev said.
20241229 Russian, Azerbaijani presidents hold telephone conversation on Aktau plane crash
20241229 Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev have continued to discuss the situation surrounding the plane crash near Kazakhstan's Aktau by phone, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.
20241229 "In today’s telephone conversation, Putin and Aliyev continued to discuss various issues related to the crash of the Azerbaijan Airlines (AZAL) plane," he pointed out.
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