Was geschah am Tuesday, October 22 2024 ?

Tuesday, October 22 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 10-22 ?

        _HEUTE_1023_ :
20241022             Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2024
20241022             Russischer Verbündeter: USA alarmiert über Nordkoreas möglichen Bodeneinsatz in der Ukraine
202410220419 Ausland
20241022             Korruption und Geldwäsche: Peruanischer Ex-Präsident Toledo zu mehr als 20 Jahren Haft verurteilt
202410220720 Ausland
20241022             Trotz Konjunkturflaute: Steuereinnahmen im September deutlich gestiegen
202410220749 Wirtschaf
20241022             Milliardenschwerer Deal mit den USA: Australien stärkt seine Luft- und Raketenabwehr
202410220824 Ausland •
20241022             Kontakloses Bezahlen: Polizisten in NRW sollen Strafzettel bald per Handy kassieren
202410221009 Netzwelt •
20241022             Höhere Produktivität: Arbeitszeit bei Vollzeitjobs gesunken
202410221014 Wirtschaft •
20241022             Vermögensbarometer 2024: Jüngere Generation bewertet finanzielle Lage positiv
202410221032 Wirtschaft
20241022             Tue Oct 22 2024
20241022             [l] Der Widerstand lebt!!1!
20241022             TikTok owner sacks intern for sabotaging AI project
20241022             CHISINAU, October 21. /TASS/.
20241022             The first round of the Moldovan presidential election failed to determine a winner.
20241022             The decision will come in the second round, scheduled for November 3, featuring incumbent President Maia Sandu and former Prosecutor General Alexandr Stoianoglo.
20241022             Meanwhile, the results of the referendum, which was held on the day of the elections, are still unclear.
20241022             Data from polling stations abroad, which could decide the outcome of the referendum, are still coming in.
20241022             TASS has gathered the key news about the voting results.
20241022             Unconvincing lead
20241022             Sandu has 41.84% of the vote, while Stoianoglo holds 26.35%, according to preliminary results released by the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) after processing 100% of the protocols.
20241022             Our Party leader Renato Usatii rounds out the top three with 13.77% of the vote.
20241022             He is followed by the former head of Gagauzia Irina Vlah and former prosecutor Victoria Furtuna holding 5.46% and 4.53% of the vote respectively, as well as by former prime ministers Vasile Tarlev (3.24%) and Ion Chicu (2.09%).
20241022             The first round of the Moldovan presidential election did not reveal a winner, as none of the candidates garnered 50% of the vote.
20241022             The second round will be held on November 3. Sandu, as well as Stoianoglo, backed by Moldova's opposition Party of Socialists, will take part in the second round.
20241022             Referendum results
20241022             After processing 98.47% of the protocols, 50.09% of Moldovan citizens voted in favor of joining the EU in the referendum, while 49.91% voted against this initiative.
20241022             Throughout the night, there were more opponents of the referendum, but by morning the balance shifted to the other side when polling stations in Western countries joined the counting.
20241022             A total of 1,546,757 people came to the polling stations in Moldova and abroad, representing 51.4% of those included in the electoral lists.
20241022             Of these, 1,478,958 (49.81%) received ballots to participate in the referendum, while the rest abstained.
20241022             The referendum clearly failed in Moldova's Gagauz autonomy and in the polling stations where residents of unrecognized Transnistria voted.
20241022             While in Transnistria 62.56% voted against the referendum, in Gagauzia 94.84% opposed it.
20241022             No polling stations were established within Transnistria.
20241022             The observers believe that the referendum was designed to consolidate the electorate for Sandu's victory amid the economic crisis and opposition protests.
20241022             Polling stations in Moscow
20241022             In Russia, only two polling stations were opened at the Moldovan embassy in Moscow, reportedly due to security concerns at other locations.
20241022             By contrast, during the 2020 elections, 17 polling stations were set up in various Russian cities.
20241022             Long queues formed at the polling stations throughout the day, with Moldovan citizens staging pickets to demand the fulfillment of their electoral rights.
20241022             According to the Central Election Commission (CEC), these stations were the most congested during the elections.
20241022             Authorities' reaction
20241022             Prime Minister Dorin Recean stated that transportation of voters and distribution of gifts at the polling stations took place, which is prohibited by Moldovan law.
20241022             Following the release of preliminary results, President Maia Sandu alleged interference in the democratic process by "criminal groups and external forces".
20241022             She claimed to have evidence of attempts to bribe around 300,000 voters.
20241022             Sandu stated that she would await the final results before deciding on further actions.
20241022             During the announcement of the preliminary election results and the referendum outcome, Sandu postponed addressing the press three times.
20241022             Opposition's estimate
20241022             Ilan Shor, leader of the opposition Victory bloc, claimed that President Maia Sandu had been defeated in the referendum on Moldova's accession to the EU.
20241022             Over 2,000 observers, including representatives from the OSCE and other organizations, as well as foreign diplomats, monitored the election.
20241022             However, representatives from Russia and CIS institutions were not invited to observe the process.
20241022             Moldova is a parliamentary republic, meaning the president requires the support of the legislature to exercise full authority.
20241022             President Sandu has this backing from the Action and Solidarity Party, which controls the parliament and formed the current government.
20241022             Observers note that the outcome of these elections, and the results Sandu received, will directly influence the parliamentary elections in 2025.
20241022             TBILISI, October 21. /TASS/.
20241022             A high-ranking Western official approached Georgia’s former Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili with an idea of unleashing a war on Russia that would last three or four days and then begin guerilla fighting, Bidzina Ivanishvili, the founder and honored leader of the ruling Georgian Dream - Democratic Georgia party, said.
20241022             "I can recall what former Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili once told me.
20241022             A high-ranking official from a [Western] country spoke with him.
20241022             Irakli asked, 'Well, for how long do you think we can be at war [with Russia]?
20241022             How long will we be able to hold out?' The answer was three or four days.
20241022             He said, 'And are you going to kill us for the sake of these three to four days?' And the official told him, 'There are three-four million of you. They won’t be able to kill all of you in three-four days. Later om, you can initiate guerilla movement in forests. We will help you and you will be fighting from there,'" Ivanishvili said in an interview with the Imedi television channel.
20241022             According to Ivanishvili, this episode consolidated the ruling team against such call.
20241022             Georgia’s authorities have repeatedly said that certain forces are seeking to drag the country into an armed confrontation with Russia, especially immediately after the beginning of the armed conflict in Ukraine.
20241022             But the ruling party leaders insist that involvement into a conflict will have catastrophic consequences for Georgia and the government must spare no effort to preserve peace in the country.
20241022             UNITED NATIONS, October 21. /TASS/.
20241022             Ukraine’s membership in NATO is unacceptable for Russia, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said.
20241022             "Ukraine’s membership in NATO in any territorial layout is absolutely unacceptable for Russia and cannot be part of any peace plans or mediatory initiatives," he said at a UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine requested by Western countries.
20241022             Nebenzya also added that threats to Russia’s security cannot be eliminated without the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.
20241022             "This situation around nuclear blackmailing from the Kiev regime head, who have lost his legitimacy, once again demonstrates that Russia’s decision to begin its special military operation that was made, by the way, following similar nuclear threats from the Ukrainian leadership was the only right one.
20241022             Threats to the security of our country cannot be removed without the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, without ensuring that the rights and freedoms of all of its citizens are observed," he said at a UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine initiated by Western countries.
20241022             MOSCOW, October 22. /TASS/.
20241022             In the current circumstances, the risks of direct confrontation between Russia and the United States should not be underestimated, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said in an interview with the Serbian newspaper Politika.
20241022             "Our relations are actually at their lowest point in decades, and the risks of direct confrontation between Russia and the US should not be underestimated," the senior Russian diplomat said.
20241022             Ryabkov described the situation where those he called adversaries have been seeking to pitch the North Atlantic Alliance against Russia "to please Kiev" as very dangerous.
20241022             Meanwhile, he noted, Russia "has not drawn any red lines" and it has been showing patience amid "endless attempts on the part of Washington to test Russia’s strength across the board".
20241022             NAIROBI, October 21. /TASS/.
20241022             The Rapid Support Forces (RSF), which take part in the conflict in Sudan, could have downed a cargo plane, which supposedly carried Russian citizens, having mistaken it for a military plane, the Sudan War Monitor website reported.
20241022             According to the report, one RSF commander said on a video, published by the militia, that it downed an "Egyptian Antonov plane" using "guided missiles".
20241022             The website points out that, previously, RSF commander Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo accused Egypt of engaging its planes in the conflict - an allegation rejected by Cairo.
20241022             The Sudan War Monitor claims that an Il-76 plane was downed instead, with one crew member allegedly having an ID of Viktor Granov - chief engineer or Airline Transport Incorporation FZC, based in the UAE and affiliated with Kyrgyzstan.
20241022             Another crew member had a Russian passport.
20241022             No survivors have been reported, and the bulk of the plane has burned, the report says.
20241022             Previously, the Russian embassy in Sudan said that it is investigating the circumstances of the crash of a plane that could have potentially carried Russian citizens.
20241022             According to the embassy, the "situation is complicated by the fact that the crash site is located in the region of Darfur, which is currently engulfed in fighting".
20241022             .
20241022             Bryan Ferry wurde am 26. September 1945 geboren.
20241022             Seine Band Roxy Music gründete er 1971, seit 1973 tritt er auch als Solokünstler auf.
20241022             Zu seinen größten Hits zählen Songs wie More than This, Avalon, Virginia Plain, Love Is the Drug, Slave to Love und Don‘t Stop the Dance.
20241022             1981 erreichten Roxy Music mit ihrer Version des John-Lennon-Songs Jealous Guy Platz 1 der britischen Charts.
20241022             Insgesamt hat Bryan Ferry in seiner Karriere über 30 Millionen Alben verkauft.
20241022             "Man versucht, das Beste aus dem eigenen Leben zu machen.
20241022             Und Werke zu schaffen, die besser sind als man selbst".
20241022             Ist das nicht der, der Maggie Thatcher gut fand?
20241022             [l] Euch ist ja wahrscheinlich auch aufgefallen, dass Google immer schlechter wird.
20241022             Also die Suche jetzt, nicht der Rest der Firma.
20241022             Der ist ja schon immer schlecht.
20241022             Neulich kam ein Video an mir vorbei, das die These äußerte, dass das Absicht sei.
20241022             Der Typ googelte dafür irgendein Produkt nach Beschreibung, nicht nach Namen.
20241022             Die Werbung passte genau, aber die organischen Suchergebnisse passten gar nicht.
20241022             Seine Schlussfolgerung: Die haben genau verstanden, was ich gesucht habe, und haben mir absichtlich Mist gezeigt, weil sie nur Geld verdienen, wenn du auf Werbung klickst.
20241022             Google hat also einen wirtschaftlichen Anreiz, dass die Werbung genau das ist, was du haben wolltest, aber die Suchergebnisse nicht.
20241022             Und genau so ist es auch.
20241022             Amazon ist ja sogar schon einen Schritt weiter.
20241022             Die finden auch nur Müll, wenn du nach einem konkreten Produkt suchst.
20241022             Da denke ich jetzt seit ein paar Tagen drüber nach.
20241022             Wenn Google immer beschissener wird, müsste das doch die Gelegenheit für Bing und Duckduckgo sein, an Google vorbeizuziehen.
20241022             Tun sie aber nicht.
20241022             Alles ist vergiftet.
20241022             Alles Bekloppte, was die Amis machen, machen wir auch.
20241022             [l] Otfried Preußler gecancelt.
20241022             Begründung: In seiner Jugend ist er von den Nazis eingezogen worden.
20241022             Das Pullacher Gymnasium begründete seine ablehnende Einstellung unter anderem mit Preußlers früherer Zeit als Soldat sowie seinem Frühwerk "Erntelager Geyer",
20241022             das er 1940 als 17-Jähriger verfasst hatte.
20241022             Darin werde das Leben in der Hitlerjugend beschönigt, wie es hieß.
20241022             Auch die in einigen Werken dargestellten Konfliktlösungsstrategien durch Gewalt und/oder Hexerei seien fragwürdig, befand die Schulleitung
20241022             Ex-Präsidentenarzt über Trumps Gesundheit: »Ich sehe Anzeichen von kognitivem Verfall«
202410221215 Ausland
20241022             Trotz Bedenken der EU-Kommission: Ostseefischer dürfen weiter Hering fangen
202410221243 Wirtschaft
20241022             Film von 1968: Gericht weist Klage um Nacktszene in »Romeo und Julia« ab
202410221257 Kultur
20241022             Viruserkrankung: Erster Fall von neuer Mpox-Variante in Deutschland
202410221320 Gesundheit
20241022             Psychologe Philip Zimbardo: Der Mann hinter dem Stanford-Prison-Experiment ist tot
202410221416 Wissenschaft
20241022             Wirtschaftswachstum: IWF korrigiert Konjunkturprognose für Deutschland deutlich nach unten
202410221512 Wirtschaft •
20241022             Erneut Topmanager in den Tod gestürzt: Russischer Oligarch fällt aus elftem Stock – Angehörige zweifeln an offizieller Darstellung
202410221539 Ausland
20241022             Tagelange Tsunamis, verdampftes Meerwasser: Wie ein gewaltiger Meteorit das Leben auf der frühen Erde formte
202410221554 Wissenschaft
20241022             untersuchten die Folgen der Kollision mit dem Asteroiden S2.
20241022             Zwar seien die unmittelbaren Auswirkungen für die Erde katastrophal gewesen, mittelfristig habe das Leben auf der Erde jedoch profitiert,
20241022             Der Asteroid S2 prallte vor ungefähr 3,3 Milliarden Jahren auf die Erde – deutlich vor dem Chicxulub-Asteroiden, der vor 66 Millionen Jahren die Dinosaurier auslöschte.
20241022             S2 war auch ungleich wuchtiger: Sein Durchmesser wird auf 37 bis 58 Kilometer geschätzt, die Masse dürfte 50- bis 200-mal größer als die des Chicxulub-Asteroiden gewesen sein.
20241022             Der Ort des Einschlags ist bis heute nicht bekannt.
20241022             Vor allem aber beeinflusste die Katastrophe das noch rudimentäre Leben, das vor allem aus Einzellern wie Bakterien und Archaeen bestand.
20241022             Lieferte der verdampfende Himmelskörper der Erde mit Phosphor mittelfristig einen wichtigen Nährstoff.
20241022             sorgte er durch die Aufwirbelung tieferer Meeresschichten dafür, dass Eisen von dort in flachere Wasserschichten gelangte.
20241022             »Die Erholung des Lebens wurde durch eine Zunahme von Eisen in der lichtdurchfluteten oberen Meeresschicht und ein verstärktes Nährstoffangebot (vor allem von Phosphor) angetrieben«,
20241022             Die schädlichen Auswirkungen auf die Umgebung waren demnach vermutlich kurzlebig, »möglicherweise nicht länger als wenige Jahre bis Jahrzehnte«.
20241022             Einfluss im Ostseeraum: Neues Nato-Hauptquartier in Rostock – Moskau bestellt deutschen Botschafter ein
202410221634 Politik
20241022             »Deutsche Skepsis«: Selenskyj sieht Berlin als Bremser bei Nato-Beitritt der Ukraine
202410221802 Ausland
20241022             Auslandsvertretung in Posen: Polen schließt russisches Konsulat
202410221850 Ausland •
20241022             Zum dritten Mal unter Selenskyj: Erneut tritt ein ukrainischer Generalstaatsanwalt zurück
202410221910 Ausland
20241022             Reiseziele in der Klimakrise: Die neue »Jetzt oder nie mehr«-Panik bei Touristen
202410222036 Ausland
20241022             Dokumente über israelische Vergeltungspläne: FBI übernimmt Ermittlungen nach Geheimdienstleck
202410222209 Ausland
        _HEUTE_1023_ :