Wednesday, July 17 2024
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Was geschah am Kalendertag 07-17 ?
_HEUTE_0718_ :
20240717 Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2024
20240717 Wahlkampf in den USA: Biden plant offenbar umfassende Reform des Supreme Court
202407170357 Ausland •
20240717 Ökologe über Dürre: »Bis 2030 wird ein Drittel Siziliens Wüste sein, so wie Tunesien und Libyen«
202407170612 Ausland
20240717 Umfrage der Körber-Stiftung: Mehrheit der Eltern bezweifelt, dass Schule gut aufs Berufsleben vorbereitet
202407170615 Panorama •
20240717 Energiewende: EU-Rechnungshof zerpflückt Wasserstoffstrategie der Kommission
202407170830 Wirtschaft •
20240717 Sicherheitsversagen bei Wahlkampfauftritt: Trump-Attentäter schoss von Gebäudekomplex, in dem sich Polizei aufhielt
202407171017 Ausland •
20240717 Rund 480 Milliarden Euro Ausgaben: Kabinett bringt Bundeshaushalt für 2025 auf den Weg
202407171212 Politik
20240717 Schmelzendes Eis: Warum werden die Tage durch den Klimawandel länger, Herr Soja?
202407171313 Wissenschaf
20240717 Wed Jul 17 2024
20240717 GENEVA, July 15. /TASS/.
20240717 NATO will open an office in Geneva to strengthen ties with Geneva-based international organizations, according an agreement signed by the sides.
20240717 "NATO is opening a multilateral liaison office in Geneva to engage with the international and non-governmental organizations based there.
20240717 In Bern today, the director general of the Directorate of International Law at the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), Franz Perrez, and John Swords, the legal adviser and director of the NATO Office of Legal Affairs, signed an agreement governing the office's legal status," the Swiss government said in a press statement.
20240717 "After New York and Vienna, NATO is now seeking to strengthen its ties with international organizations in Geneva too.
20240717 To this end, it announced in summer 2023 its intention to open a liaison office in Geneva," it said".
20240717 Switzerland is facilitating this office's establishment in its capacity as a host state.
20240717 The agreement governs matters including the legal status of the liaison office, as well as privileges and immunities.
20240717 It was concluded on the basis of Switzerland's Host State Act".
20240717 The Swiss government recalled that it had received a NATO request for opening a liaison office in late 2023".
20240717 After the Federal Council approved the opening of such an office, the FDFA was instructed to work out the next steps in cooperation with NATO.
20240717 After consulting the Cantons of Geneva and Vaud, the Federal Council approved the signing of the headquarters agreement on 26 June 2024," it said.
20240717 Bern reiterated its course toward strengthening ties with NATO, including its participations in military drills, in the foreign policy strategy for 2024-2027 that was adopted on January 31, 2024.
20240717 Switzerland, which is neither a member of NATO nor of the European Union, supports the EU anti-Russian sanctions imposed after the beginning of Russia’ special military operation in Ukraine.
20240717 Russia has put Switzerland on its list of unfriendly states.
20240717 BEIJING, July 17. /TASS/.
20240717 China has decided to suspend arms control and non-proliferation consultations with the United States over American arms sales to Taiwan, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Lin Jian said at a news briefing on Wednesday.
20240717 "For some time now, the United States has been selling arms to the Taiwan administration despite strong Chinese opposition and repeated negotiations," he said".
20240717 China has decided to suspend consultations [on arms control and non-proliferation] with the United States".
20240717 The diplomat held the American side responsible for this decision and pointed to Beijing's readiness to maintain relevant contacts with Washington that are "based on mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation".
20240717 Lin Jian urged the United States to "respect China's basic interests and form the necessary conditions for a dialogue and consultation between the two countries".
20240717 Taiwan has been governed by its local administration since 1949 when the remaining Kuomintang forces led by Chiang Kai-shek (1887-1975) fled to the island after being defeated in China’s civil war.
20240717 However, Beijing considers the island to be one of its provinces.
20240717 Washington severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan in 1979 and established ties with China.
20240717 While recognizing the One China policy, Washington continues to maintain contact with the Taipei administration.
20240717 The United States is the key arms supplier to Taiwan.
20240717 According to the Chinese Defense Ministry, the US provided more than $70 billion worth of military assistance to Taiwan in the past several years.
20240717 On July 12, China imposed new sanctions on a number of US defense companies and their senior management over weapons supplies to the Taiwanese administration.
20240717 Those blacklisted include the Anduril Corporation, Maritime Tactical Systems Corporation, Pacific Rim Defense Corporation, AEVEX Aerospace Corporation, LKD Aerospace Corporation and Summit Technology Corporation.
20240717 Their assets and property in China have been frozen.
20240717 Besides, 11 executives of these entities have also been blacklisted and banned from entering China, including Hong Long and Macau.
20240717 [l] Schönes Beispiel für Bandenkriminalität im Bankensektor, äh, ich meine, für gut geölten Kapitalismus im Endstadium: Zinsen für Sparer sinken, Zinsen für Kredite steigen.
20240717 Von 7,4 Mrd. auf 4 Mrd.
20240717 Euro: Ukrainehilfen im Haushalt deutlich gekürzt
202407171356 Politik •
20240717 Auf Vermittlung der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate: Russland und Ukraine tauschen 190 Kriegsgefangene aus
202407171441 Ausland
20240717 Außenpolitik: Trump fordert von Taiwan Geld für Schutz vor China
202407171748 Ausland •
20240717 Recycling von rarem Rohstoff: Forscher holen seltene Erde aus alten Lampen
202407171800 Wissenschaft •
20240717 Wegen Spionage angeklagt: Ehemalige CIA-Analystin soll Informationen für Luxushandtaschen und Sushi weitergegeben haben
202407172055 Ausland •
20240717 Nach langen Verhandlungen: Linksbündnis einigt sich auf Präsidentschaftskandidaten André Chassaigne
202407172310 Ausland
20240717 Australien hat um die 10% Verwendung von Bargeld und die einzige Firma für den Transport von Bargeld ist insolvent.
20240717 Was passiert, wenn in Australien der Kapitalismus ausbricht?
20240717 Lange nichts, dann wird das Geld knapp.
_HEUTE_0718_ :