Was geschah am Thursday, July 11 2024 ?

Thursday, July 11 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 07-11 ?

        _HEUTE_0712_ :
20240711             Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2024
20240711             Populismus und Polarisierung: »Im Internet nimmt man die Welt manchmal gespaltener wahr, als sie wirklich ist«
202407110630 Netzwelt •
20240711             Abschlusserklärung des Militärbündnisses: China fühlt sich durch »aggressive Rhetorik« in Nato-Erklärung brüskiert
202407110704 Ausland
20240711             Kanzler beim Nato-Gipfel: Wie Olaf Scholz zum kalten Krieger wird
VON—RASMUS—BUCHSTEINER, Matthias Gebauer, Christoph Hickmann und Marina Kormbaki
202407110705 Politik
20240711             Flüge nahe der Insel: Taiwan meldet Rekordzahl von 66 chinesischen Militärflugzeugen
202407110715 Ausland
20240711             Befragung unter Jüdinnen und Juden: EU misst »dramatischen Anstieg« antisemitischer Angriffe in Europa
202407110847 Politik
20240711             Wed Jul 10 2024
20050331             Thu
20050331             [l] Malaysia car thieves steal finger
20240711             [l] Aus der beliebten Reihe "Biometrie wird uns retten",
20240711             heute: Woman used dead man’s severed thumb to steal from bank account, police say.
20240711             Das ist die älteste beliebte Reihe im Blog, denn der allererste Eintrag im Blog war:
20240711             Thu Mar 31 2005
20240711             [l] Malaysia car thieves steal finger
20240711             [l] ‘We’re Living in a Nightmare:’ Inside the Health Crisis of a Texas Bitcoin Town.
20240711             [l] Zur Abwechslung auch mal gute Nachrichten aus UK:
20240711             The amount of sugar consumed by children from soft drinks in the UK halved within a year of the sugar tax being introduced, a study has found.
20240711             The tax, which came into force in April 2018, has been so successful in improving people’s diets that experts have said an expansion to cover other high sugar food and drink products is now a “no-brainer”.
20240711             [l] Sternstunden der Wissenschaft:
20240711             Saving money regularly can help improve sleep, a new report suggests.
20240711             Lass mich das mal umformulieren.
20240711             Nur zur Sicherheit.
20240711             Wenn du genug Kohle hast, um was beiseite zu legen, dann lebst du entspannter.
20240711             Es ist nicht der Akt des Geld zurücklegens, der die Entspannung bringt, sondern dass du überhaupt genug Geld hast, um welches zurücklegen zu können.
20240711             Hätten sie mal die CIA gefragt.
20240711             Die hätte auch den Teil herausgefunden.
20240711             ST.
20240711             PETERSBURG, July 11. /TASS/.
20240711             Russian President Vladimir Putin likened the West's use of so-called rules instead of international law to classic colonialism.
20240711             Speaking at the BRICS Parliamentary Forum, he gave a description of the behavior of ruling elites in the so-called golden billion countries.
20240711             "Acting contrary to historical logic and often even to the detriment of the long-term interests of their own peoples, they are now seeking to establish some kind of order based on their so-called rules, which no one has seen, no one has discussed and no one has ever accepted," Putin stated.
20240711             "These rules are written and adjusted anew for each situation in the interests of those who consider themselves exceptional and have conferred on themselves the right to dictate their will to others," the president said".
20240711             It’s exactly in the best traditions of classical colonialism".
20240711             "This is a clear attempt to replace legitimate international law, an attempt to create a monopoly on the ultimate truth," Putin continued".
20240711             Such a monopoly is destructive".
20240711             "Pressure is growing on those who have their own position," he went on to say".
20240711             Contrary to the principles of international law, what comes into play is forceful coercion, unilateral sanctions, and selective application of trade rules".
20240711             Putin said that the elites of the so-called golden billion countries fiercely resist the efforts of BRICS members to create a multipolar world order.
20240711             "We are well aware that the establishment of a world order that reflects the real balance of power, the new geopolitical, economic and demographic reality, is a complicated and in many ways, unfortunately, even painful process," the president said.
20240711             "Efforts of the BRICS members and other developing countries face fierce resistance from the ruling elites of the so-called golden billion nations," he stated.
20240711             US-Waffen in Deutschland: Pistorius hält Trump für vertrauenswürdig bei Stationierung von Marschflugkörpern
202407110949 Politik
20240711             In der Nähe der Erde: Mittelschweres schwarzes Loch entdeckt
202407111105 Wissenschaft
20240711             The Supreme Court's Immunity Ruling: "No One Can Guarantee that Trump Is the Last Maniacal Sociopath Who Will Want Power in America"
202407111131 International
20240711             Infektiologe zu Pandemiegefahr: Vogelgrippe-Impfstoff wäre notfalls schnell zu erzeugen
202407111209 Wissenschaft •
        _HEUTE_0712_ :