Was geschah am Sunday, March 24 2024 ?

Sunday, March 24 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 03-24 ?

        _HEUTE_0325_ :
20240324             Sonntag, 24. März 2024
20240324             Südchinesisches Meer: Philippinen werfen China »unverantwortliches und provokatives« Verhalten vor
202403240018 Ausland
20240324             Putins Angriffskrieg: Russland greift Kiew und Westukraine an, Polen aktiviert Luftwaffe
202403240742 Ausland •
20240324             »Wer Terror sät, wird Terror ernten«: SPD-Außenpolitiker Roth spricht Russland Opferrolle ab
202403240808 Politik •
20240324             Anschlag bei Moskau: Terrormiliz IS verbreitet Video von Attacke auf Konzertsaal
202403240853 Ausland
20240324             Kriegsversehrte in der Ukraine: Der lange Weg zurück ins Leben
VON—KATJA—LUTSKA und Lina Verschwele
202403241347 Ausland •
20240324             Jan Philipp Reemtsma über sein Erbe, die Entführung und die Folgen: »Opfer von irgendwas zu sein, befördert das Ansehen.
20240324             Das ist eine ganz besonders abstoßende Mode«
202403241352 Kultur
20240324             Krieg in Nahost: Israel startet neuen Militäreinsatz in Chan Junis
202403241454 Ausland •
20240324             Nach möglicher Luftraumverletzung: Polen bestellt russischen Botschafter ein
202403241549 Ausland •
20240324             Psychische Gewalt in EU-Institutionen: »Viele Frauen in Machtpositionen mobben ihre Mitarbeiter«
202403241600 Panorama •
20240324             MOSCOW, March 24. /TASS/.
20240324             A Russian MiG-31 fighter jet was scrambled to intercept a pair of US strategic bombers approaching Russia’s state border over the Barents Sea, the Defense Ministry of Russia reported.
20240324             "On March 24, 2024, Russian airspace control capabilities spotted an aerial target over the Barents Sea approaching the state border of the Russian Federation.
20240324             A MiG-31 fighter jet from air defense quick reaction alert forces was scrambled to identify the aerial target and prevent it from violating Russia’s state border," the ministry said".
20240324             The fighter’s crew identified the aerial targets as a pair of B-1B strategic bombers of the US Air Force, it said.
20240324             "As the Russian fighter approached it, the US bombers U-turn from the state border of the Russian Federation," it said, adding that the Russian aircraft safely returned to its home airbase, preventing the violation of Russia’s state border.
20240324             The Russian fighter jet strictly followed the international rules of using the airspace over neutral waters, complying with safety measures, the ministry added.
20240324             MOSCOW, March 24. /TASS/.
20240324             The Polish Armed Forces reported a violation of the country's airspace on the border with Ukraine early in the morning of March 24 and claim that it is a Russian cruise missile.
20240324             No evidence was provided for these statements.
20240324             "We inform you that on March 24 at 04:23 a.m. (06:23 a.m. Moscow time - TASS) a cruise missile violated Polish airspace," the Operational Command of the Polish Armed Forces said on its page in the social network X.
20240324             According to the command, the object flew into the Polish airspace near the village of Ocerdow in the Lublin province on the border with Ukraine and left it after 39 seconds.
20240324             The command claims that it was a missile launched by the "Russian long-range aviation".
20240324             In this regard, Poland put their fighters on alert.
20240324             YEREVAN, March 24. /TASS/.
20240324             Armed people have broken into a police station in Yerevan, a police source told TASS.
20240324             According to preliminary data, the sounds of explosions gunshots were heard.
20240324             Several people have reportedly been wounded.
20240324             No official comments are available as of yet.
20240324             Trockenheit in Peru: Wie Menschen in der Wüstenstadt Lima Wasser aus der Luft fangen
202403241602 Ausland •
20240324             Anschlag auf Moskau: Deutsche Politiker sehen weiter große Bedrohung durch islamistischen Terrorismus
202403241744 Politik
20240324             Bürgermeisterwahl in Salzburg: SPÖ-Kandidat schlägt Kommunisten
202403241856 Ausland
20240324             Land im Ausnahmezustand: Ecuadors jüngste Bürgermeisterin erschossen
202403242011 Ausland
20240324             Nach Angriff bei Moskau: Frankreich ruft höchste Sicherheits-Alarmstufe aus
202403242226 Ausland
        _HEUTE_0325_ :