Sunday, March 17 2024
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Was geschah am Kalendertag 03-17 ?
_HEUTE_0318_ :
20240317 Sonntag, 17. März 2024
19580317 1. mit SOLAR—ZELLEN betriebene SATELLIT—VANGUARD—1, wird vom USA—NAVAL—RESEARCH—LABORATORY in die Erdumlaufbahn gebracht, aus der er dank seiner Energieversorgung jahrelang wissenschaftliche Daten zur Erde liefert.
19580317—20240317 —HEUTE, VANGUARD—1, DAS älteste künstliche Objekt in der Erdumlaufbahn.
20240317 Proteste in Israel: Tausende demonstrieren für Freilassung von Hamas-Geiseln
202403170021 Ausland •
20240317 Auftritt in Ohio: Trump irritiert mit »Blutbad«-Bemerkung in Wahlkampfrede
202403170702 Ausland
20240317 Vulkanausbruch in Island: Auf gut drei Kilometern tat sich die Erde auf
202403170756 Panorama
20240317 Deutscher Arzt über die Lage in Haiti: »Da wird um jede Straße gekämpft«
202403170813 Ausland
20240317 Lehrerverband für Unterricht über Krieg: »Viel zu lange herrschte eine Friede-Freude-Eierkuchen-Stimmung«
202403170845 Politik
20240317 Nach Militärputsch: Niger beendet Militärkooperation mit den USA »mit sofortiger Wirkung«
202403170848 Ausland •
20240317 Frühe Förderung: »Wir sind die ersten Lehrer unserer Kinder.
20240317 Sie wollen sein wie wir«
202403170912 Wissenschaft •
20240317 MOSCOW, March 16. /TASS/.
20240317 March 16, 2024 marks ten years since the Crimean referendum, where the majority of citizens of Crimea and Sevastopol voted in favor of reunification with Russia.
20240317 A treaty on Crimea’s and Sevastopol’s accession to Russia was signed on March 18, 2014.
20240317 The Republic of Crimea is located on the Crimean Peninsula in the south of Eastern Europe and is surrounded by the Black and Azov Seas.
20240317 Its capital city is Simferopol.
20240317 Crisis of power in Ukraine
20240317 In November 2013, a political crisis began in Ukraine, triggered by Kiev’s refusal to sign an association agreement with the European Union.
20240317 Supporters of the Euro-integration course demanded the resignation of the president and the government.
20240317 The tide of unrest that kicked off in Kiev promptly spilled over to other Ukrainian cities and regions.
20240317 However, authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, where the Russian-speaking population constitutes the majority, refused to support the opposition.
20240317 On February 4, 2014 the Presidium of the Supreme Council initiated holding a referendum on the peninsula’s status.
20240317 On February 22, 2014 a government coup propelled to power the supporters of Euromaidan protests.
20240317 President Viktor Yanukovich was forced to flee the country.
20240317 The next day, the Ukrainian parliament voted for the cancellation of the law granting Russian the status of a regional language in some regions of the country.
20240317 Although it did not take effect, the decision sparked mass protests by Russian speakers, first and foremost in the southeast of Ukraine, and also in Crimea.
20240317 Protests in Crimea
20240317 On February 23, 2014 pro-Russian residents in Crimea, reluctant to recognize the new Ukrainian authorities, started their own open-ended protest in front of the autonomy’s legislature to demand Crimea’s separation from Ukraine.
20240317 On February 26, the supporters of new Ukrainian authorities and pro-Russian residents demanding secession from Ukraine gathered in the main square of the peninsula’s capital Simferopol.
20240317 The ensuing unrest upset the operation of the Crimean parliament.
20240317 Clashes left two dead and more than 30 others injured.
20240317 The next day, after the parliament building was retaken by the authorities the legislators sacked the old government and appointed Sergey Aksyonov, the leader of the local movement Russian Unity, as Crimea’s new prime minister.
20240317 Referendum
20240317 Amid continuing unrest in Crimea, the local legislature set a date for holding a referendum on Crimea’s status — May 25 of the same year.
20240317 On March 1, Aksyonov asked Russian President Vladimir Putin for assistance in maintaining peace and calm in the peninsula.
20240317 As tensions kept soaring, a decision was made to hold the referendum much earlier, on March 30. On the same day the upper house of Russia’s parliament — the Federation Council — empowered the Russian president to use troops in Ukrainian territory until the social and political situation in that country returned to normal.
20240317 On March 1 the members of the city legislature in Sevastopol voted for refusal to obey the authorities in Kiev and for supporting Crimea’s referendum on expanding the autonomy’s status.
20240317 On March 6, 2014 the Crimean parliament asked the Russian president to admit the republic as a constituent territory of the Russian Federation and set March 16 as the referendum date.
20240317 On the same day the city council of Sevastopol adopted a resolution in favor of participating in the Crimean referendum.
20240317 The Crimean parliament formed the republic’s own government ministries, and also prosecutor’s office, security service, security department, customs and other agencies independent from the authorities in Kiev.
20240317 On March 11, the legislatures of Crimea and Sevastopol voted for a declaration on the independence of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and of the city of Sevastopol.
20240317 The two questions put to the electorate in the referendum were:
20240317 1. Are you for the reunification of Crimea with Russia as a constituent territory of the Russian Federation?
20240317 2. Are you for the restoration of Crimea’s Constitution of 1992 and for Crimea’s status as a region of Ukraine?
20240317 Support from more than 50% of those who cast their ballots was declared enough for the approval of either decision.
20240317 The ballot papers were printed in three languages — Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar.
20240317 In the end, 96.77% of the voters (1.233 million) in Crimea and 95.6% (262,000 in Sevastopol) backed reunification with Russia.
20240317 In Crimea, the turnout reached 83.1% and in Sevastopol, 89.5%.
20240317 The referendum was monitored by a group of 50 observers from 21 countries, including Israel, France and Italy. Most of the UN member-states refused to recognize the plebiscite.
20240317 Declaration of Crimea’s independence
20240317 The next day, March 17, 2014 the Crimean parliament adopted a resolution to declare Crimea a sovereign state.
20240317 The same resolution contained a call addressed to Russia with a request for admitting Crimea to the Russian Federation as a new constituent territory enjoying the status of a republic.
20240317 On March 17 the legislatures of Crimea and Sevastopol were given new names.
20240317 Crimea’s State Council declared Ukrainian assets located in the peninsula as republican property and ruled that no Ukrainian laws adopted after February 21, 2014 were applicable in Crimea.
20240317 The Sevastopol city council unanimously voted for the city’s accession to Russia as separate member of the federation — a federal city.
20240317 On March 17, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree to recognize Crimea as a sovereign and independent state.
20240317 Reunification with Russia
20240317 On March 18, 2014 Russian President Vladimir Putin, Crimea’s Prime Minister Sergey Aksyonov, chairman of Crimea’s State Council Vladimir Konstantinov and Mayor of Sevastopol Aleksey Chaly, put their signatures to the treaty on the accession of the new territorial entities to the Russian Federation.
20240317 Ukraine, the United States and the European Union refused to recognize Crimea’s independence and its reunification with Russia.
20240317 On March 21, Putin signed into law an act of ratification of the treaty and the constitutional law on the accession of Crimea and Sevastopol to Russia as members of the federation.
20240317 On the same day Putin signed a decree to form the Crimean Federal District consisting of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol (on 28 July, 2016 the Crimean district was abolished and the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol made part of Russia’s Southern Federal District).
20240317 On April 11, 2014 the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea was adopted.
20240317 It established Crimea’s three official languages — Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar.
20240317 On March 18, the peninsula marks the Day of Crimea’s reunification with Russia.
20240317 MOSCOW, March 15. /TASS/.
20240317 Microsoft and Amazon will suspend access to their cloud products in Russia from March 20, the Russian company Softline announced.
20240317 Softline notes that it has received this information from Microsoft and Amazon".
20240317 For Russian companies, this means that it will be impossible to use these products or access the data contained in them from March 20, 2024," the company said.
20240317 Elena Volotovskaya, Vice President for Investments at Softline, also published a letter from Microsoft on her Telegram channel.
20240317 As the Russian company warned, due to the closure of access, functional restrictions in the operation of cloud products and services from Microsoft, Amazon, and Google are possible.
20240317 The restrictions are prompted by the 12th package of EU sanctions against Russia dated December 19, 2023.
20240317 In particular, the package limited supplies of software for business analytics and other products to the country.
20240317 "It is important to note that it can concern all cloud products from Microsoft, Amazon and Google, which copyright holders determine as prohibited for delivery to Russia in accordance with the requirements of the regulation [EU 833/2014]," Softline concludes.
20240317 Eskalation der Gewalt: US-Regierung will Bürger aus Haiti ausfliegen
202403171234 Ausland
20240317 Vorwurf des illegalen Medikamentenhandels: US-Behörden ermitteln offenbar gegen Konzern Meta
202403171323 Wirtschaft
20240317 Tarifkonflikte: FDP-Generalsekretär will Streikrecht bei der Bahn einschränken
202403171345 Politik
20240317 Sun Mar 17 2024
20240317 [l] Die FDP hat noch etwas zum brandroden gefunden: Das Streikrecht!
20240317 Eines muss man denen ja lassen.
20240317 Das Ausmaß des Schadens, den die anrichtigen, bringt sie in den Geschichtsbüchern auf Niveau der napoleonischen Invasion.
20240317 Das ist eine Leistung als 5%-Spaßpartei!
20240317 Israel-Gaza-Krieg: Netanyahu nennt Kritik von US-Senator »völlig unangemessen«
202403171714 Politik
20240317 Wohnraumkrise: Der Bund als Bauherr hat 2023 nur 68 Wohnungen fertiggestellt
202403171725 Politik •
20240317 Einwanderungsexpertin über Behördenversagen: »Man schreibt eine Mail, die wird nicht gelesen, man ruft an, es geht keiner ran«
VON—SUSMITA—ARP und Katrin Elger
202403171759 Panorama •
20240317 Krieg in der Ukraine: Litauens Premierministerin schließt Einsatz westlicher Truppen nicht aus
202403171818 Ausland •
20240317 Kritik an Ampelregierung: Friedrich Merz fordert Gespräche über europäischen Nuklearschirm
202403171829 Politik •
20240317 Kanzler Scholz in Israel: »Wir können nicht zusehen, wie Palästinenser den Hungertod riskieren«
202403171841 Ausland
20240317 Glossar zum Israel-Gaza-Krieg: Wo endet Kritik, wo beginnt Antisemitismus?
202403172006 Kultur
20240317 Rede zum »Wahlsieg«: Putin nennt Nawalny erstmals beim Namen
202403172304 Ausland
_HEUTE_0318_ :