Was geschah am Friday, February 16 2024 ?

Friday, February 16 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 02-16 ?

        _HEUTE_0217_ :
20240216             Freitag, 16. Februar 2024
20240216             The Celts: The Mysterious Dark Age Masters Of Europe | Lost Treasures | Chronicle
19590216             —ÜBERNIMMT, Auf KUBA, der Revolutions—führer Fidel—Castro das Ministerpräsidenten—Amt.
20240216             Geheimdienstberichte: US-Regierung nimmt Russlands Pläne für Antisatellitenwaffe »sehr, sehr ernst«
202402160130 Ausland •
20240216             Israels geplante Militäroffensive: Sorge vor Massenflucht aus Gaza – Ägypten baut offenbar Lager in der Wüste
202402160449 Ausland •
20240216             Elektronische Identität: Hacker deckt Schwachstellen bei der Nutzung des Onlineausweises auf
VON—MAX—HOPPENSTEDT und Marcel Rosenbach
202402160603 Netzwelt
20240216             Sohn des US-Präsidenten: Ex-FBI-Informant soll Korruptionsvorwürfe gegen Hunter Biden erfunden haben
202402160628 Ausland
20240216             Erhöhung des Wehretats: Baerbock verlangt Aufstockung des Bundeswehr-Sondervermögens
202402160742 Politik
20240216             Minus 37,6 Prozentpunkte in Wellingborough: Britische Konservative erleiden schwere Schlappe bei Nachwahlen
202402160947 Ausland •
20240216             [l] Fragdenstaat hat Protokolle zum Leipziger Polizeikessel befreit.
20240216             Die Details werden die Bevölkerung verunsichern.
20240216             Text-zu-Video-Generator Sora: OpenAI erzeugt nun auch KI-Videos
202402161031 Netzwelt •
20240216             Warnung vor voreiliger Sorge: Kanzler Scholz gegen eigenen europäischen Atomschirm
202402161203 Politik •
20240216             Energiewirtschaft: EDF verdient Milliarden mit sanierten Atomkraftwerken
202402161206 Wirtschaft
20240216             Pläne des Pentagon: USA schicken Satelliten-Schutzschild ins All
202402161211 Wissenschaft •
20240216             Bilaterales Abkommen: Scholz und Selenskyj unterzeichnen Sicherheitspartnerschaft
202402161225 Politik •
20240216             Berühmter Kremlkritiker: Russische Gefängnisverwaltung meldet Tod von Alexej Nawalny
202402161231 Ausland •
20240216             Ermittlungen wegen Volksverhetzung: Weiterer Rassismus-Verdachtsfall an hessischer Beamtenhochschule
202402161254 Panorama •
20240216             Reaktionen auf Berichte über Tod des Kremlkritikers: Nawalny hat seinen Mut »bezahlt mit seinem Leben«,
20240216             sagt Scholz
202402161333 Ausland
20240216             Schutz vor Huthi-Angriffen: Bundesregierung beschließt Einsatz im Roten Meer
202402161333 Politik
20240216             Zukunft des Bezahlens: »Bargeldforum« will Münzen und Scheine als Zahlungsmittel erhalten
202402161403 Wirtschaft •
20240216             Olaf Scholz zur Nachricht über Nawalnys Tod: »Wir wissen spätestens nun ganz genau, was für ein Regime das ist«
202402161434 Politik
20240216             Korruptionsvorwürfe frei erfunden?: Was die Festnahme eines Ex-FBI-Informanten für Hunter und Joe Biden bedeutet
202402161434 Ausland •
20240216             Geringerer Verbrauch: Deutsche sparten 2023 mehr als vier Milliarden Euro bei Strom und Gas
202402161458 Wirtschaft •
20240216             Digitalgesetzgebung: Plattformregeln der EU gelten nun auch für Ebay, Kleinanzeigen und Vinted
202402161508 Netzwelt
20240216             +++ News zum Kremlkritiker +++: Nawalnys Frau ruft zum gemeinsamen Kampf gegen das russische Regime auf
202402161526 Ausland •
20240216             Wachsende Investitionen: Von der Leyen will neue europäische Verteidigungsindustrie aufbauen
202402161530 Ausland •
20240216             Schädliche Naturschutzprojekte: Aufforstung bedroht afrikanische Savannen
202402161532 Wissenschaft •
20240216             Bilanz des deutschen Afghanistaneinsatzes: »Strategisch gescheitert«
202402161613 Politik •
20240216             Fri Feb 16 2024
20240216             [l] Aus der beliebten Reihe "'KI' wird unser Leben verbessern",
20240216             heute: Scientific Journal Publishes AI-Generated Rat with Gigantic Penis In Worrying Incident.
20240216             A peer-reviewed science journal published a paper this week filled with nonsensical AI-generated images, which featured garbled text and a wildly incorrect diagram of a rat penis.
20240216             The episode is the latest example of how generative AI is making its way into academia with concerning effects.
20240216             [l] Alexej Navalny ist in der russischen Strafkolonie an völlig natürlichen Ursachen gestorben.
20240216             US claims Russia plans to deploy nuclear weapons in space — ABC
20240216             "It is very concerning and very sensitive," broadcaster quoted one source as saying
20240216             NEW YORK, February 15. /TASS/.
20240216             The US authorities claim that Russia may be planning to deploy nuclear weapons in space, and the purported unknown ‘national security threat’ may be linked to that, the ABC broadcaster said, citing sources.
20240216             The sources claim that the announcement was related to the ability of using nuclear weapons against satellites".
20240216             It is very concerning and very sensitive," ABC quoted one source as saying.
20240216             On Wednesday, US House of Representatives Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner said he had made submitted to all Congress members information concerning a "serious national security threat".
20240216             CNN reported that it was related to a highly concerning and destabilizing" Russian capability "that we were recently made aware of".
20240216             White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said he will hold a briefing for a group of prominent members of the US Congreess on February 15 to discuss the alleged threat.
20240216             House speaker Mike Johnson said he saw "no need for public alarm".
20240216             MOSCOW, February 15. /TASS/.
20240216             Russian President Vladimir Putin told journalist Pavel Zarubin in an interview Western politicians were distorting his words about reasons behind the special military operation, which was triggered by Kiev’s refusal to implement the Minsk agreements.
20240216             He said that Russia should have started active actions in Ukraine earlier, described US President Joe Biden as a preferable candidate for Russia and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken - as "our man".
20240216             Putin also shared his impressions from the recent interview to US journalist Tucker Carlson.
20240216             TASS summed up the main points of the president’s interview.
20240216             Reasons behind special operation
20240216             Putin accused Western leaders of twisting and distorting his remarks about reasons behind Russia’s special operation: "I have never said that the beginning of our special operation in Ukraine was due to the threat of NATO’s attack on Russia".
20240216             The president said he was referring to NATO’s constant expansion and Kiev’s plans to join it: "Of course, we were concerned and we are still concerned by the possibility of Ukraine being dragged into NATO, because it would be a threat to our security".
20240216             "The complete refusal of today's Ukrainian authorities to implement the Minsk agreements was an actual trigger".
20240216             "The only thing we can regret is that we did not start our active actions earlier, believing that we were dealing with decent people".
20240216             Interview to Tucker Carlson
20240216             It is a good fact that Western leaders have watched his interview to the US journalist: "It’s good that they watch and listen to what I say.
20240216             If we cannot be engaged in a direct dialogue now for some reasons associated with them, we should be grateful to Mr.
20240216             Carlson for being able to do so through him as a mediator".
20240216             Putin admitted that he was not fully satisfied by this interview, because he was getting ready to anwer to "pointed questions," but Carlson has chosen a different tactic.
20240216             Putin believes that the arrest of US journalist Tucker Carlson in the United States is theoretically possible: "From the point of view of Carlson himself it would be sad, I don't envy him, but it's his choice, he knew what he was going for.
20240216             But from the point of view of making people around the world realize what a modern liberal-democratic dictatorship is, which is vividly represented in today's US ruling class, it would probably be a good thing.
20240216             They would then show their true face".
20240216             Preferable US president
20240216             Russia is ready to work with any president of the United States, elected by the American people, but would rather prefer Joe Biden: "He is more experienced and more predictable.
20240216             He is an ‘old school’ politician.
20240216             But we will work with any US leader, elected by the people of America".
20240216             During his personal meeting with Biden, Putin noticed no signs suggesting at the possibility of his incapacity: Yes, he was peeking at his notes from time to time, but, frankly speaking, I was peeking at mine as well.
20240216             Reports of him banging his head on the helicopter while leaving it, but who didn't?"
20240216             Close public attention to incumbent US President Joe Biden’s health is a result of a heated election campaign in the country, but it would be incorrect for Russia to intervene into it.
20240216             It’s not the candidates’ health that matters for Moscow, but their political approaches: "I think that the incumbent administration’s approach is most harmful and erroneous".
20240216             "Our man" Blinken
20240216             In his earlier remarks, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken de-facto admitted that "Kiev and the adjacent territories" were traditionally Russian, Putin said".
20240216             From the look of it, Blinken is our man.
20240216             But he should not make public statements of this kind.
20240216             It may lead to [his] failure".
20240216             Baerbock and responsibility of Germans
20240216             German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is hostile not only to Russia, but to her own country as well: "It is hard to imagine a state official of her level neglecting economic interests of her own country and her own people to such an extent".
20240216             In his opinion, the Greens party, of which Baerbock is a member, is exploiting popular fears, while conducting policies that are drastically different from campaign promises.
20240216             Commenting on German media reports saying that Baerbock’s grandfather was a Naz, Putin said: "You cannot shift responsibility for what Hitler and his henchmen did - and not only in Germany, but in other parts of the world, Europe and so on - onto today's generation.
20240216             I think that would be unfair".
20240216             FACTBOX: What is known about blogger Alexey Navalny's death
20240216             According to the Federal Penitentiary Service, the prisoner fell ill after a walk
20240216             MOSCOW, February 16. /TASS/.
20240216             Blogger Alexey Navalny, who was serving a sentence for fraud and extremism, has died at the age of 47 in a penal colony in Yamal, the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) regional branch reported.
20240216             According to the agency, the prisoner fell ill after a walk.
20240216             The staff tried to resuscitate him, but failed.
20240216             TASS gathered the essential information about the incident.
20240216             Circumstances
20240216             - Navalny died in penal colony No.
20240216             3 in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Region.
20240216             - According to the FSIN, after the walk he "felt unwell, almost immediately passing out".
20240216             Medics arrived right away and attempted to resuscitate him, but failed.
20240216             - The causes of the blogger's death are still being established.
20240216             Navalny had no health complaints and there were no medical requests made by his relatives before the incident, the Yamal Public Supervisory Commission said.
20240216             Authorities' reaction
20240216             - Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is currently in Chelyabinsk, was informed about the incident from Moscow by Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov.
20240216             - The FSIN is doing its due diligence, and no additional instructions are needed regarding the incident, the Kremlin spokesman clarified".
20240216             There is a certain set of rules, which everyone is now being guided by," he explained.
20240216             - The Russian Investigative Committee is conducting an investigation into Navalny's death.
20240216             What Navalny was serving a sentence for
20240216             - Navalny was twice sentenced to probation on charges of fraud for his work with the company Yves Rocher.
20240216             After repeatedly violating the terms of his probation, in 2021, the blogger's suspended sentence was replaced with real jail time.
20240216             - In March 2022, Navalny was found guilty of contempt of court and fraud in raising election campaign funds and sentenced to imprisonment in a strict regime colony.
20240216             In August 2023, the court found the blogger guilty of creating an extremist community.
20240216             West’s colonial past, present 'disgraceful,' Putin says
20240216             MOSCOW, February 16. /TASS/.
20240216             The West’s colonial policy was supposed to remain just a page in its disgraceful history, but continues to resort to similar practices even today, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.
20240216             "Neo-colonialism is a disgraceful heritage of the centuries-long age of plunder and exploitation of the people of Africa, Asia and Latin America, as well as other regions of the planet.
20240216             We see its aggressive manifestations in the collective West’s attempts to retain its dominance at any cost, to economically subjugate other countries, to strip them of sovereignty, to impose alien values and cultural traditions," he said in his welcoming speech to the "For the freedom of nations" international forum.
20240216             According to the Russian leader, "such a policy has become one of the main destabilizing factors in international relations, a barrier to the development of humanity".
20240216             Putin pointed out that Russia did a lot to crush the foundation of the colonial system, to support the national liberation movements.
20240216             It provided serious aid for young independent states in ensuring security, stabilizing the economy and resolving pressing social and humanitarian issues.
20240216             "Today, we are ready to unite efforts in our fight for true freedom and justice.
20240216             For progress for all countries and nations, for the establishment of a democratic, multipolar world, built upon the principles of international law, respect for each other’s legitimate interests, mutual trust and creative cooperation," the Russian president said.
20240216             He stated his certainty that meetings in this format will become regular and will contribute to the deepening of a wide dialogue and partnership ties, to developing joint responses to global challenges.
20240216             Putin’s greeting speech was read out by Andrey Klimov, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs.
20240216             Durch Gazakrieg: Zahl der getöteten Journalisten auf höchstem Stand seit Jahren
202402161635 Kultur
20240216             Umstrittener Kredit-Score: Datenschützer werfen Schufa Verstoß gegen europäische Regeln vor
202402161648 Wirtschaft
20240216             Vom Aussterben bedroht: Ostsee-Schweinswal soll besser geschützt werden
202402161649 Wissenschaft
20240216             Europäische Sicherheit ohne Amerika: Warum wir Frankreichs Atomangebot ernst nehmen sollten Von Friedbert Pflüger
20240216             Friedbert Pflüger
202402161743 Politik
20240216             Militärausgaben: Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine hat Russland bislang rund 211 Milliarden US-Dollar gekostet
202402161800 Ausland •
20240216             Zufallsfund in Nürnberg: Archäologen graben riesigen Pestfriedhof aus
202402161846 Wissenschaft •
20240216             Noch nie wurden an einem Ort in Europa so viele Überreste von Pestopfern ausgegraben.
20240216             das Massengrab aus der Welle von 1632/33 stammt.
20240216             Es seien damals in der Stadt genau 15.661 Menschen dem Bakterium Yersinia pestis zum Opfer gefallen – weit über ein Drittel aller Einwohner.
20240216             Good Morning Europe!: Trump's NATO Comments Trigger Defense Debate in Europe
202402161849 International
20240216             Trump's Threat: How Prepared Is the German Defense Industry
VON—MATTHIAS—GEBAUER, Martin Hesse und Gerald Traufetter
202402161859 International
20240216             News zum Kremlkritiker: Biden macht Putin für Nawalnys Tod verantwortlich
202402161949 Ausland
20240216             Selbstverpflichtung gegen Fake-Inhalte: Techkonzerne schließen Abkommen gegen KI-Wahlmanipulation
202402162000 Netzwelt
20240216             Prozess in New York: Trump zu Zahlung in Höhe von mehr als 350 Millionen Dollar verurteilt
202402162119 Ausland
20240216             Bilateraler Sicherheitsvertrag: Frankreich will Ukraine mit Milliarden an zusätzlicher Militärhilfe unterstützen
202402162216 Ausland
        _HEUTE_0217_ :