Was geschah am Saturday, January 27 2024 ?

Saturday, January 27 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 01-27 ?

        _HEUTE_0128_ :
20240127             Samstag, 27. Januar 2024
20240127             Marx in 60 Minuten
20240127             Wittgenstein in 60 Minuten
20240127             Nietzsche in 60 minutes
20240127             Scholz zum Holocaust-Gedenktag: »Unsere Demokratie ist nicht gottgegeben«
202401270229 Politik •
20240127             Rüstungspaket im Wert von 23 Milliarden Dollar: US-Regierung genehmigt Verkauf von Kampfjets an die Türkei
202401270356 Ausland
20240127             Glyphosat: Niederlage für Bayer – Gericht verurteilt US-Tochter Monsanto zu Milliarden-Schadensersatz
202401270528 Wirtschaft
20240127             Golf von Aden: US-Militär zerstört erneut Huthi-Rakete vor Jemens Küste
202401270756 Ausland
20240127             Bedrohung durch Russland: Vereinigte Staaten wollen laut Medienbericht erneut Atomwaffen in Großbritannien stationieren
202401270836 Ausland •
20240127             Massenabschiebungen im Nationalsozialismus: Der erste Vorbote der »Endlösung«
202401270859 Geschichte
20240127             Nach Widerstand in der Bevölkerung: Argentiniens Präsident Milei gibt erste Reformvorhaben auf
202401271156 Ausland
20240127             Sichtungen in der Taiwanstraße: China schickt offenbar Rekordzahl an Militärflugzeugen Richtung Taiwan
202401271210 Ausland
20240127             Proteste im ganzen Land: Frankreichs Regierung macht Bauern weitreichende Zusagen
202401271224 Wirtschaft •
20240127             Vorwürfe des Senders: Israel hindert ARD-Mitarbeiter offenbar an Ausreise aus Gazastreifen
202401271244 Ausland
20240127             Gegen Energiewende und CO?-Einsparung: Warum Rechtsextremisten meist Klimawandelleugner sind
202401271520 Wissenschaft
20240127             Sat Jan 27 2024
20240127             NATO’s planned drills near Russian borders increase risk of military incidents — MFA
20240127             MOSCOW, January 26. /TASS/.
20240127             The North Atlantic Alliance's plans to hold the Steadfast Defender 2024 military exercise near Russian borders are provocative, increase the risk of military incidents and could lead to tragic consequences for Europe, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing.
20240127             "The maneuvers [of Exercise Steadfast Defender 2024] are openly provocative in nature.
20240127             For several months, a 90,000-strong group of forces from 31 NATO member countries, as well as Sweden, will be actively operating near Russian borders on the territory from Norway to Romania.
20240127             This step is deliberately aimed at escalating things.
20240127             It increases the risk of military incidents and could ultimately lead to tragic consequences for Europe," she said.
20240127             The diplomat stressed that the Russian side "has no plans to attack NATO countries".
20240127             According to the Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman, NATO does not hide the fact that during the drills "tasks to repel  the Russian threat" will be practiced.
20240127             "The chairman of its military committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, said that the alliance is preparing for a conflict with Russia.
20240127             Similar comments have also been repeatedly heard from the leadership of NATO countries," Zakharova went on.
20240127             "In this way the alliance is trying to justify its existence in the eyes of millions of Europeans and Americans, as well as its agenda to contain Russia, to justify the insane increase in military spending, and, of course, in some way distract public opinion and audience attention from the failures in the field of that very hybrid war [NATO is conducting] by the hands of the Kiev regime against our country," the diplomat said.
20240127             Earlier, the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Christopher Cavoli, announced that the largest NATO exercise in recent decades, Steadfast Defender 2024, will begin at the end of January.
20240127             About 90,000 military personnel from the alliance’s countries and Sweden will take part in it.
20240127             Tags
20240127             Foreign policyNATOMaria Zakharova
20240127             NATO sows discord wherever it goes, Chinese Defense Ministry says
20240127             Wu Qian also added that China is deeply concerned by the news of the alliance's large-scale military exercises
20240127             US threat to confiscate Russian assets prompts countries to think of abandoning dollar
20240127             "They already "helped" to drive the bilateral relations into an impasse," he said
20240127             West's talks about war with Russia are old ‘horror story about Russian bear' — Kremlin
20240127             Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov commented on the words of German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius that the threat of war with Russia is now unlikely, but one must be prepared for it
20240127             Pentagon neither confirms nor denies plans to station nuclear weapons in UK
20240127             The Daily Telegraph newspaper said in its article that its reporters had found in Pentagon’s documents new mentioning of a plan that could provide for stationing of nuclear munitions at the Lakenheath military base in the Suffolk County
20240127             Protest in Tel Aviv: Tausende fordern Rücktritt Netanyahus
202401272137 Ausland
20240127             Japanischer Ex-Militär über das Wettrüsten in Ostasien: »Wir dürfen Chinas militärische Fähigkeiten nicht unterschätzen«
202401272226 Ausland •
        _HEUTE_0128_ :