Was geschah am Sunday, October 22 2023 ?

Sunday, October 22 2023

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 10-22 ?

        _HEUTE_1023_ :
20231022             Sonntag, 22. Oktober 2023
20231022             Raketenstarts: Beschuss aus dem Libanon – Israels Armee spricht von getroffenen »Terrorzellen«
202310220059 Ausland
20231022             Tunnelnetz vermutet: Mutmaßliches Terrorlager – Israel fliegt Luftangriff auf Moschee im Westjordanland
202310220440 Ausland
20231022             Am Brandenburger Tor: Politiker rufen zur Teilnahme an Demonstration gegen Antisemitismus in Berlin auf
202310220741 Politik •
20231022             Hamas-Sprecher zum Überfall auf Israel: »Wir sind zurück auf der politischen Tagesordnung«
202310220834 Ausland
20231022             Wissenschaftler über Moral und Gewissen: »Viele Deutsche leben in einem Fantasieland«
202310220941 Kultur
20231022             Krieg im Nahen Osten: Syrien meldet erneut Angriffe auf Flughäfen
202310221046 Ausland •
20231022             Heftige Luftschläge: Israel intensiviert Angriffe
202310221122 Ausland
20231022             Offener Brief an Joe Biden: US-Künstler fordern Waffenstillstand in Nahost
202310221245 Kultur
20231022             Rede in Frankfurter Paulskirche: Friedenspreisträger Rushdie ruft zur Verteidigung der Meinungsfreiheit auf
202310221349 Panorama
20231022             MOSCOW, October 20. /TASS/.
20231022             The United States is leading the world down into the deepest abyss, while recent US government decisions illustrate the serious illness afflicting American society as a whole and its loss of the last shreds of moral restraint, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said.
20231022             "The US-led world continues to slide headfirst into the deepest possible abyss.
20231022             Decisions are being made that clearly show not only how the decision-makers are hopelessly afflicted with mental illness, but have also lost the very last shreds of moral restraint .
20231022             [I mean] both substantive high-level decisions and minor decisions, but they clearly cry out that [American] society in its entirety is seriously sick," the senior politician wrote on his Telegram channel.
20231022             Commenting on a remark by US President Joe Biden, who described the US funds being funneled abroad for the death of other people far away from the United States as "a smart investment," Medvedev said that such thinking went "beyond the bounds of good and evil".
20231022             Separately, he pointed to remarks by French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, who, he said, "did not hesitate" to accuse French star footballer Karim Benzema of being connected to a Muslim political group merely due to the football player’s expression of his condolences over the death of civilians in Gaza.
20231022             It seems that, "one can offer condolences to the Israelis, but not to the Palestinians.
20231022             There should be no pity for them .
20231022             Children, women, the elderly are just consumables," Medvedev said".
20231022             The Intifada will be eternal," he concluded, warning that the use of weapons of all types may soon escalate to nuclear arms.
20231022             GENEVA, October 20./TASS/.
20231022             At least 30% of the housing sector in the Gaza Strip has been either destroyed or rendered uninhabitable, while hospitals are overwhelmed with patients, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported.
20231022             "Since 7 October, at least 30 per cent of all housing units in the Gaza Strip have been either destroyed, rendered uninhabitable, or damaged," the Office said, referring to data from the Ministry of Housing in Gaza.
20231022             "Hospitals are on the brink and overcrowded with patients, many awaiting treatment," the OCHA said.
20231022             It expressed concern "that 9,000 cancer patients lack adequate care because of conditions in Gaza’s only chemotherapy hospital".
20231022             Hundreds of people including children have been trapped beneath the rubble amid airstrikes in Gaza".
20231022             Rescue teams, primarily from the Palestinian Civil Defense, are struggling to carry out their mission amid continuous airstrikes, severe shortages of fuel to run vehicles and equipment, and with limited or no connection to mobile networks," the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs stressed.
20231022             Meanwhile, Gaza has now been under full electricity blackout for 10 days, it went on to say.
20231022             "In the West Bank, 14 Palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours.
20231022             This brings the death toll of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces and settlers since 7 October to 79 people, including 20 children," the bulletin said.
20231022             Tensions flared up again in the Middle East on October 7 when militants from the radical Palestinian movement Hamas staged a surprise attack on Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip.
20231022             Hamas described its attack as a response to the aggressive actions of Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Old City of Jerusalem.
20231022             Israel announced a total blockade of the Gaza Strip and has been delivering rocket attacks on Gaza as well as some districts in Lebanon and Syria.
20231022             Clashes are also taking place in the West Bank.
20231022             MOSCOW, October 21. /TASS/.
20231022             Russia plans to request another meeting of the UN Security Council in order to discuss solutions to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said on the Solovyov Live television channel.
20231022             "We will definitely convene another Security Council meeting.
20231022             As practice has shown, no one but us dares to do it," he said.
20231022             "As for the resolution, I do not know how soon we will reach the stage when we again try to adopt a resolution.
20231022             Probably, we should first go through the General Assembly, which is a UN body where all 193 member-states of the organization are present, and there is such a rule that should the Security Council fail to perform its functions in preserving peace and security, this issue goes to the General Assembly," Polyansky said.
20231022             According to the diplomat, the tenth emergency special session of the General Assembly on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is scheduled for next week.
20231022             "There is a collective appeal from Arab and Islamic countries asking to restart the special session.
20231022             It is crucial that each country can have a say," he added.
20231022             On Wednesday, the United States vetoed the Brazil-drafted resolution on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
20231022             Russia abstained from voting, which was caused by the fact that the UN Security Council had voted down its amendments to the Brazil-authored draft.
20231022             The UK also abstained, while the other twelve members supported the draft resolution.
20231022             Experte über Xis Außenpolitik: »China passt sich offenbar an die Argumentation der arabischen Länder an«
202310221439 Ausland
20231022             Schweiz: Rechtspopulistische Volkspartei gewinnt Parlamentswahl
202310221939 Ausland
20231022             Vogelgrippe: Neue Subtypen bedrohen weltweite Vogelwelt
202310222016 Wissenschaft
20231022             Nach Pro-Palästina-Post: Israelische Klimaaktivisten kritisieren Greta Thunberg
202310222252 Panorama
20231022             Sun Oct 22 2023
        _HEUTE_1023_ :