Was geschah am Thursday, October 19 2023 ?

Thursday, October 19 2023

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 10-19 ?

        _HEUTE_1020_ :
20231019             Donnerstag, 19. Oktober 2023
20231019             GdP-Vorsitzender Jochen Kopelke über Antisemitismus: »Absolut widerliche Stimmung in Deutschland«
202310190324 Politik
20231019             Mitarbeiterin von Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty: US-russische Journalistin in Russland festgenommen
202310190532 Ausland •
20231019             Unabhängigkeitskampf im Rheinland vor 100 Jahren: »Berlin hat uns in Not und Elend gestürzt«
VON—JOACHIM—HEINZ und Markus Harmann
202310190639 Geschichte
20231019             SPIEGEL-Umfrage zur Wirtschaftslage: Die Stimmung ist so düster wie nie
202310190742 Wirtschaft
20231019             Schlafforschung: Kultur und Herkunft beeinflussen unsere Träume
202310191018 Wissenschaft
20231019             hat ein Forschungsteam die Träume von Angehörigen indigener Gesellschaften mit denen aus westlichen Ländern verglichen.
20231019             Dabei zeigte sich, dass Kultur und Herkunft die nächtlichen Erlebnisse beeinflussen.
20231019             Israels EU-Botschafter: »Wenn dieser Krieg nicht zu Ende geführt wird, kommt er nach Europa«
202310191154 Politik •
20231019             Dank »Positivkreislauf«: Sonne soll noch vor 2050 zur wichtigsten Stromquelle werden
202310191230 Wissenschaft
20231019             Mehr Reichtum: Vermögen in Deutschland nähern sich Rekordhoch
202310191259 Wirtschaft
20231019             Propalästinensische Demos: Warum die Wassermelone zum Protestsymbol wurde
202310191403 Ausland
20231019             Afghanistan: Taliban verhandeln Beitritt zu Chinas Seidenstraße
202310191506 Wirtschaft
20231019             Militärhilfe für Israel: Bundeswehr schnürt Sanitätspaket für rund 200.000 Euro
202310191551 Politik
20231019             Gelockerte US-Sanktionen: Ölpreise fallen unter 90 Dollar
202310191636 Wirtschaft •
20231019             Propalästinensische Demos in Berlin: Polizei meldet nach Ausschreitungen 174 Festnahmen
202310191641 Panorama
20231019             Immobilienflaute in den USA: Eigenheimverkäufe fallen auf 13-Jahres-Tief
202310191652 Wirtschaft
20231019             Terror der Hamas: »Die Täter wollen zeigen, dass sie zu allem fähig sind«
202310191716 Ausland
20231019             Binnenflüchtlinge in Gaza: »Man muss darauf vorbereitet sein zu sterben«
202310191717 Ausland
20231019             US-Bundesstaat Georgia: Ex-Trump-Anwältin Powell bekennt sich in Wahlbetrugsverfahren schuldig
202310191829 Ausland
20231019             Steigender Meeresspiegel: Wann Grönlands Eisschild wohl der Kollaps droht
202310191832 Wissenschaft •
20231019             Wegen des Gazakriegs: Veranstalter sagt MTV Europe Music Awards ab
202310191954 Kultur
20231019             Thu Oct 19 2023
20231019             UNITED NATIONS, October 18. /TASS/.
20231019             About 1,000 Russians and their family members have become hostages to the Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip, Russia's envoy to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said at a meeting of the UN Security Council.
20231019             "More than 2 million residents of the strip remain without water, food, medical care, fuel and electricity.
20231019             The only checkpoint on the border with Egypt, Rafah, has again come under a rocket attack and has never been opened to allow the exit of civilians and the delivery of humanitarian goods.
20231019             About 1,000 Russian citizens and members of their families have essentially become hostages to the military siege of Gaza," the diplomat said.
20231019             Russian Ambassador to Israel Anatoly Viktorov earlier said that about 1,000 citizens of Russia and other CIS countries, including their family members, are stranded in the south of the Gaza Strip, waiting for the opening of the Rafah border crossing.
20231019             According to the diplomat, the situation in the south of the Gaza Strip is "close to catastrophic".
20231019             The situation in the Middle East sharply escalated following an incursion of Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip into Israel on October 7. Hamas regards the attack as a response to Israeli actions against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem's Temple Mount.
20231019             Israel has declared a complete siege of the Gaza Strip and has started delivering strikes on that area and parts of Lebanon and Syria.
20231019             Clashes are also taking place in the West Bank.
20231019             More than 3,400 Palestinians have been killed and more than 12,000 wounded.
20231019             Also, up to 1,500 Israelis have been killed and more than 4,500 wounded.
20231019             MOSCOW, October 19. /TASS/.
20231019             The conflict in Israel and Palestine can grow into a full-scale regional or even global war, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said in an article for the Izvestia daily.
20231019             "The Middle East is seeing another war.
20231019             A cruel war without rules.
20231019             A war based on terror and the doctrine of disproportionate use of force against the civilian population.
20231019             As it is said today, both sides have gone 'berserk,'" he wrote.
20231019             "Of course, it is more important for us to achieve success in the special military operation in our fight against the neo-Nazi in Ukraine, but what is going on in Palestine and Israel cannot but cause concern," he stressed, adding that "wars often have close causes and unfold under the principle of interconnected vessels".
20231019             "The current conflict between Palestinians and the Israelis is no exception.
20231019             This conflict has all the chances to grow into a full-scale regional war.
20231019             Or even into a global war if the situation develops in a bad way," he pointed out.
20231019             He noted that the horrible consequences of this confrontation and numerous casualties and damage are reported every day".
20231019             The missile strike on the Baptist hospital in the Gaza Strip leaving hundreds of people dead was a horrible tragedy.
20231019             A lot of people were badly wounded and may remain disables for the rest of their lives.
20231019             This happened despite the fact that hospitals and medical personnel are protected by international humanitarian law.
20231019             This is a barbaric act that must be strongly condemned.
20231019             But, apparently, this is not the last one in a chain of atrocious developments in the region," he added.
20231019             The article titled Endless War is preceded by quotes from Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat and Israel’s first female Prime Minister Golda Meir.
20231019             MOSCOW, October 19. /TASS/.
20231019             The Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian parliament) has passed the first reading of a bill banning the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak said on his Telegram channel.
20231019             A total of 267 MPs supported the bill.
20231019             The motion needed 226 votes to pass.
20231019             The Ukrainian government prepared and submitted the bill to parliament in January on the instructions from President Vladimir Zelensky.
20231019             It would allow the authorities to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church if they decide that it is institutionally linked to the Russian Orthodox Church.
20231019             It took a while to put the document to a vote because, as Rada speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk said, the bill was unlikely to receive enough votes to pass.
20231019             On October 5, Ukrainian MP Yuliya Klymenko said that the Rada had garnered the necessary support to ban the canonical church.
20231019             However, the head of the parliamentary faction of the pro-presidential Servant of the People party, David Arakhamia, unexpectedly said that passing the bill wasn’t a priority.
20231019             In recent years, the Ukrainian authorities have been actively pursuing outlawing the UOC.
20231019             In particular, they encourage the transfer of its religious communities to the jurisdiction of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (PCU), created in 2018 from two schismatic religious structures.
20231019             Local authorities seek to deprive the UOC of the right to lease land under churches and encourage PCU supporters to forcibly seize canonical churches and attack priests.
20231019             According to the latest data, the Security Service of Ukraine has filed criminal charges against 65 UOC priests, sanctions were imposed on 17 clerics, while 19 hierarchs were stripped of their citizenship.
20231019             Despite this, according to the State Service of Ukraine for Ethno-Politics and Freedom of Conscience, at least 5-6 mln Ukrainians remain parishioners of the UOC.
20231019             »Möglicherweise Ziele in Israel«: US-Kriegsschiff fängt Raketen aus dem Jemen ab
202310192311 Ausland
        _HEUTE_1020_ :