Was geschah am Sunday, July 17 2022 ?

Sunday, July 17 2022

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 07-17 ?

        _HEUTE_0718_ :
20220717             Sonntag, 17. Juli 2022
20220717             Coronaimpfstoff wird vernichtet: Fast vier Millionen Moderna-Dosen sind verfallen
202207170008 Wissenschaft •
20220717             G20-Gastgeber Indonesien zufolge haben zahlreiche Mitgliedstaaten den russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine verurteilt.
20220717             In der Abschlusserklärung Indonesiens zum zweitägigen Treffen der Finanzminister und Zentralbankchefs der G20-Staaten auf Bali hieß es, "viele Mitglieder" seien sich einig gewesen, dass "Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine" die Weltwirtschaft belaste.
20220717             Der Krieg sei "deutlich verurteilt" und sein Ende gefordert worden.
20220717             Die energiepolitischen Folgen des Ukraine-Krieges können einer Studie des Kreditversicherers Allianz Trade zufolge die grüne Energiewende beflügeln".
20220717             Mittelfristig dürften die ehrgeizigen Ziele Deutschlands den Anteil der erneuerbaren Energien am Strommix sogar über das Maß hinaus steigern, das für die Erfüllung der Pariser Klimaziele bis 2035 erforderlich wäre",
20220717             sagte der Allianz-Trade-Chef für den deutschsprachigen Raum, Milo Bogaerts.
20220717             Voraussetzung dafür sei allerdings ein kräftiger Umbau von Abläufen in zentralen Bereichen des Stromsystems.
20220717             Dass ein kurzfristig höherer Kohleeinsatz bei der Stromproduktion mit entsprechendem Anfall des klimaschädlichen Gases CO2 nicht die Klimaziele gefährdet, erklärt Allianz Trade mit der Funktionsweise des EU-Emissionshandelssystems.
20220717             In dessen Rahmen führe ein zusätzlicher Kohleeinsatz zu einer Steigerung der Preise für CO2-Emissionen".
20220717             Das bedingt wiederum weniger CO2-Emissionen in anderen Branchen",
20220717             so Zimmer".
20220717             In Anbetracht der hohen EU-Emissionshandelspreise ist es zudem sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass Kohle langfristig als Ersa
20220717             Die Vorsitzende des Verteidigungsausschusses, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, hat Kanzler Olaf Scholz aufgerufen, zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine "Nationale Ukraine-Konferenz" einzuberufen.
20220717             Es sei dringend notwendig, die Karten auf den Tisch zu legen und dabei zu klären, was Deutschland aktuell leiste und zu was Bundeswehr, Industrie und Politik in den kommenden Wochen noch in der Lage seien, heißt es in einem Schreiben der FDP-Politikerin an den Kanzler.
20220717             Es lag der Deutschen Presse-Agentur in Berlin vor.
20220717             Die FDP-Politikerin plädiert für ein Treffen, bei dem Vertreter aus Politik und dem Bundeskanzleramt, der Rüstungsindustrie, den Gewerkschaften und der Bundeswehr an einem Tisch sitzen und weitere Schritte abstimmen".
20220717             Ziel soll es sein, sich eine geordnete Übersicht zu verschaffen, um die kommenden Schritte gezielt, einvernehmlich und gemeinsam in die Wege zu leiten",
20220717             heißt es in dem Brief.
20220717             Der Präsident der Bundesnetzagentur, Klaus Müller, hält es für möglich, dass die Gaspreise aktuell ein Plateau erreicht haben".
20220717             Es hat in dieser Woche keinen signifikanten Preissprung mehr gegeben, obwohl Nord Stream 1 abgeschaltet wurde",
20220717             sagte Müller der "Bild am Sonntag".
20220717             Die Stiftung Klima- und Umweltschutz MV will ihre Verbindlichkeiten gegenüber der Gazprom-Tochter Nord Stream 2 AG begleichen.
20220717             Das angeschlagene Unternehmen mit Sitz in der Schweiz soll zwölf Millionen Euro zurückerhalten.
20220717             ATHENS, July 17. /TASS/.
20220717             A Ukrainian An-12 plane, possibly transporting ammunition, crashed in Greece late on Saturday, an official with the Greek civil protection authority told the ERT TV channel on Sunday.
20220717             "Firefighters cordoned off the area around the crashed plane.
20220717             Flames have noticeably subsided by now.
20220717             At the moment, the military is sending a special task force to the site to determine whether the fire can be extinguished.
20220717             So far, we were told to stay away from the plane, as there might be ammunition on board," the official said.
20220717             The Open TV channel said that a special drone would be launched above the area to search for any survivors.
20220717             Journalists covering the disaster were told to wear protective masks, and an unspecified "peculiar odor" is felt in the area.
20220717             Flight MEM3032 (Meridian Air Cargo), owned by a Ukrainian company, was performing a commercial flight from Serbia to Jordan when its pilots requested an emergency landing in the northern Greek city of Kavala.
20220717             The crew reported that one of the plane’s four engines has caught fire.
20220717             The emergency landing was granted promptly, but the plane began to rapidly lose altitude while approaching the airport.
20220717             It hit a power line and fell about 40 km away from the Kavala airport.
20220717             According to preliminary information, the aircraft had eight crew members on board.
20220717             BEIJING, July 17. /TASS/.
20220717             The West demonstrates a narrow-minded approach when it portrays BRICS - a group of major emerging economies uniting Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - as an organization seeking to become a rival of NATO or G7, a columnist of China’s Global Times newspaper wrote.
20220717             "When facing possible BRICS enlargement, the West can hardly hide their Cold War mentality.
20220717             Since the BRICS summit was held in June, Western media outlets have been hyping the topic under the theme of East-West confrontation," the opinion piece says".
20220717             Western netizens also describe BRICS as a rival of G7 and NATO.
20220717             It cannot be more narrow-minded to view BRICS in this way.
20220717             As if for some Westerners, when some countries get together, they are bonding to have a target to oppose, just like what the West has always done".
20220717             At the same time, according to the article’s author, "BRICS has simply no interest in becoming another G7 or NATO" or engaging in a block-type standoff.
20220717             "When the West compares BRICS with G7 and NATO, it has turned a blind eye to the fact that G7 has long become a rich countries' club, and NATO's mentality is still trapped in the Cold War.
20220717             Whenever G7 attempts to put up a show to discuss various global issues nowadays, all it really cares about is containment of China and Russia," Global Times writes.
20220717             In the author’s opinion, BRICS differs from Western organizations in the sense that its members are equal and free to act independently, but within the framework of established principles of cooperation.
20220717             Moreover, the group has "the will, and, in different degrees, capability, to fix the deficit in global governance".
20220717             As far as admitting new members into the group is concerned, the article says that it is unlikely to take place before specific membership rules and procedures are adopted.
20220717             However, "when Turkey, a NATO ally, applies for BRICS membership, it  represents something much cooler than US-dominated rules and orders," the paper writes".
20220717             At least it signals that the world needs a reformed governance where Western voices are not the only sound".
20220717             In June 2022, Argentina and Iran applied to join BRICS.
20220717             Later, the President of the BRICS International Forum Purnima Anand said that Egypt, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia were also planning to apply for joining the association.
20220717             In her words, the admittance of new members should not take long.
20220717             In her opinion, discussions and possible decision on granting membership to some of those applicants may be expected during the organization’s next summit.
20220717             LONDON, July 17. /TASS/.
20220717             The world is about to face global geopolitical changes and transition to multipolarity, while the era of Western dominance is about to end, said Tony Blair, who served as the prime minister of the United Kingdom in 1997-2007.
20220717             "The biggest geopolitical change of this century will come from China not Russia.
20220717             We are coming to the end of Western political and economic dominance.
20220717             The world is going to be at least bi-polar and possibly multi-polar," he said in his speech at the Ditchley Annual Lecture".
20220717             It is the first time in modern history that the East can be on equal terms with the West".
20220717             According to Blair, China "is already the world’s second superpower," while its economic potential and role in the global economy exceed that of Russia.
20220717             Moreover, "China has now caught up America in many fields of technology and could surpass it in others," he added.
20220717             In his opinion, the Chinese leadership's policies are becoming more and more aggressive.
20220717             Beijing makes no secret of its ‘disdain’ for the West and moves towards stronger ties with Russia, the former premier said.
20220717             "Don't misunderstand me.
20220717             I am not saying in the near term that China would attempt to take Taiwan by force," Blair continued".
20220717             But we can't base our policy on the certainty that it wouldn't".
20220717             He believes that Russia and possibly Iran were likely to become China’s allies in the near future.
20220717             The former UK premier said the Western policy towards China should be based on what he described as "strength plus engagement".
20220717             .
20220717             BERLIN, July 17. /TASS/.
20220717             Nearly half of Germans believe that anti-Russian sanctions do more harm to their own country than to Russia, according to an opinion poll conducted by the INSA pollster for Bild am Sonntag.
20220717             The survey was conducted on July 15, among 1,003 respondents.
20220717             47% of them believe that the sanctions have done more harm to Germany than to Russia.
20220717             Only 12% have the opposite opinion.
20220717             Another 36% said the sanctions are painful for both states.
20220717             Also, 74% of respondents expect Germany to be stricken by an economic downturn and unemployment soon.
20220717             83% expect consumer prices in the country to grow.
20220717             63% fear acute gas shortages leading to gas supply caps for enterprises and businesses, while 83% expect private households to face limited gas supplies as well.
20220717             On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a special military operation following a request for help from the leaders of the Donbass republics.
20220717             He stressed that Moscow's plans did not include an occupation of Ukrainian territories, its goals being the demilitarization and denazification of the country.
20220717             In response, the West began to gradually introduce sweeping sanctions against Moscow and to supply weapons and military equipment to Kiev estimated at billions of dollars.
20220717             BERLIN, July 17. /TASS/.
20220717             German gas storage facilities are currently not full enough to get through the winter without Russian gas supplies, Klaus Mueller, who heads the country’s regulatory office for electricity and gas, said in an interview with Bild am Sonntag on Sunday
20220717             "The gas storage tanks are almost 65% full.
20220717             That's better than in the previous weeks, but still not enough to get through the winter without Russian gas," the Federal Network Agency’s Mueller said.
20220717             He also recalled that Nord Stream maintenance work was scheduled to end next Thursday.
20220717             "Now a lot depends on whether and how much gas flows through the pipeline after" the maintenance, the president of the German Bundesnetzagentur said.
20220717             BERLIN, July 17. /TASS/.
20220717             A former member of the German Bundestag and the European Parliament, Fabio de Masi, believes that sanctions do more harm to countries that had adopted them than to Russia.
20220717             In an interview to Berliner Zeitung, he said: "Germany is shaking, and we may freeze soon".
20220717             Prior to Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, Germany received nearly 55% of its imported gas from Russia, but now the figure declined to 35%.
20220717             "It is not clear for how long Russia would continue its gas deliveries and whether gas storage facilities will have enough gas for private households and companies to live through the winter season," he said.
20220717             "The consequences of energy shortage can already be felt in Germany, even without any boycotts, as prices for energy and fuel are sky high," the former lawmaker said.
20220717             In this context, the politician warned that high energy prices may lead to "an economic downturn, rampant unemployment and crippling inflation" in Germany.
20220717             De Masi also sees the possibility of a "domino effect" in the economy caused by high energy prices.
20220717             In his opinion, some German enterprises may reduce their output or even halt production lines completely if energy prices rise to an unacceptable level.
20220717             The former MP called upon European politicians to realize that energy sanctions, intended to limit the foreign currency flow to the Russian government, have so far only increased the Russian budget’s incomes.
20220717             "Growing prices compensate for the decline in the volume of sales, while China is eager to buy oil, for example," he said".
20220717             What’s the point in energy sanctions if they do more harm than good, and sow chaos all over the world.
20220717             Moreover, the [Russian] energy kept flowing even during the Cold War period".
20220717             On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a special military operation following a request for help from the leaders of the Donbass republics.
20220717             He stressed that Moscow's plans did not include an occupation of Ukrainian territories, its goals being the demilitarization and denazification of the country.
20220717             In response, the West began to gradually introduce sweeping sanctions against Moscow and to supply weapons and military equipme
202207170855 ======== NEWS appended
20220717             Nahrungsmittelkrise: »Der Welt droht ein Hurrikan des Hungers«
202207170700 Wirtschaft •
20220717             Krawall in den Bergen: Die Invasion der Elektrobiker
VON—JONAS—KRAUS und Gerhard Pfeil
202207170707 Sport
20220717             Moskaus Verhältnis zur russischen Armee: Warum Putin seinen Generälen nicht vertraut
202207170757 Ausland
20220717             Drohende Strom- und Gassperren: Justizminister Buschmann lehnt Moratorium zum Verbraucherschutz ab
202207170817 Politik
20220717             Mit Waffen aus dem Westen: Selenskyj will von Russen besetzte Gebiete zurückerobern
202207170823 Ausland
20220717             Ärztemangel auf dem Land: Wer in Niesky krank wird, dem helfen nur noch Betteln und Beten
202207170858 Gesundheit •
20220717             Zwölf Tonnen »toxisches Gut« an Bord: Acht Tote bei Flugzeugabsturz – giftige Dämpfe erschweren Bergungsarbeiten
202207170925 Panorama •
20220717             Hitze in Europa: »Es wird Jahre dauern, bis sich die Landschaft hier erholt«
202207170944 Panorama •
20220717             Italien und die neue Krise des Euro: Alles hängt an Draghi
202207171009 Wirtschaft
20220717             Der Präsident der Bundesnetzagentur, Klaus Müller, sieht Anzeichen dafür, dass die Gaspreise ein Plateau erreicht haben und nicht weiter steigen werden.
20220717             »Es hat in dieser Woche keinen signifikanten Preissprung mehr gegeben, obwohl Nord Stream 1 abgeschaltet wurde«,
20220717             Baden-Württembergs Innenminister Thomas Strobl sorgt sich darum, dass Regierungsparteien, die Bundeswehr und Rüstungskonzerne zunehmend ins Visier von gewalttätigen Linksextremisten geraten seien.
20220717             Es sei davon auszugehen, dass »alle, die aus Sicht der linken Szene als Kriegstreiber angesehen werden, auch gefährdet sind, Opfer eines Anschlags zu werden«,
20220717             sagte der CDU-Politiker der Nachrichtenagentur dpa.
20220717             »Hierzu zählen insbesondere die Regierungsparteien, die Bundeswehr und Unternehmen mit Bezügen zur Rüstungsindustrie«.
20220717             Man werde die Entwicklung sorgfältig beobachten.
20220717             Strobl sagte, mit Beginn des russischen Angriffskriegs spiele in der hiesigen linksextremistischen Szene neben dem »Antifaschismus« zunehmend auch der »Antimilitarismus« wieder eine Rolle.
20220717             In diesem Zusammenhang seien bereits einige Straftaten in Baden-Württemberg verübt worden – bislang vor allem Farbanschläge.
20220717             »Wenn sich die Lage in der Ukraine und die Auswirkungen auf Deutschland zuspitzen, müssen wir allerdings auch hier damit rechnen, dass sich diese Szene radikalisiert«.
20220717             Die russische Ostsee-Exklave Kaliningrad hängt an einer Transitstrecke durch Litauen.
20220717             Die EU-Kommission will dafür keinen Krieg riskieren, doch für die Menschen entlang der Strecke geht es längst um mehr.
20220717             Bei Rettungsaktionen für Gasunternehmen wie Uniper sollte der Staat nach einem Vorschlag der Linken dauerhaft die Kontrolle behalten.
20220717             »Der Bund sollte dauerhaft Eigentümer bleiben, um Bürger entlasten zu können«,
20220717             heißt es in einem Fünf-Punkte-Plan der Linken gegen die Gaskrise.
20220717             Partei- und Fraktionsvorstand fordern darin auch mehr Hilfen für Bürger, einen Gaspreisdeckel und ein Verbot von Strom- und Gassperren.
20220717             Der Gasimporteur Uniper hat wegen der hohen Gaspreise Hilfen beim Bund beantragt
202207170932         Russian losses to date: 38,300 military personnel
20220717             VILNIUS, July 17. /TASS/.
20220717             Linas Linkevicius, the foreign minister in Latvia’s previous government, said the European Union's sanctions against Russia were counter-productive, and the new package of sanctions currently in the works was no exception.
20220717             "Seventh package of sanctions [is] in preparation.
20220717             Who cares?"
20220717             Linkevicius asked rhetorically in a Twitter post on Saturday.
20220717             According to the former minister, the EU "has now sent exponentially more money to Russia in oil, gas and coal purchases than it has sent [to] Ukraine in aid".
20220717             "Oil prices are up.
20220717             Ruble is even stronger," he wrote, describing the situation as "lamentable".
20220717             Meanwhile, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda said on Thursday, commenting on EU recommendations on cargo transit to Russia’s Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad, called for a soonest adoption of the European Union’s seventh package of anti-Russian sanctions.
20220717             BELGRADE, July 17. /TASS/.
20220717             A Ukrainian An-12 plane that crashed in Greece late on Saturday was carrying Serbian arms to Bangladesh, Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said on Sunday, blasting as inaccurate reports claiming that the plane was transporting a military cargo to Ukraine.
20220717             "Unfortunately, according to data at our disposal, the eight crew members were killed in the crash.
20220717             The aircraft left Serbia’s Nis at 20:40 local time [21:40 Moscow time on Saturday] carrying 11.5 tonnes of our military products to an end customer in Bangladesh, with the Bangladeshi Defense Ministry acting as a fully authorized buyer," Stefanovic said, commenting on the An-12 crash in Greece.
20220717             The plane was owned by a Ukrainian firm, Meridian, and the seller was a private Serbian company, he specified.
20220717             The Serbian minister said the flight destined to Dhaka had "all the necessary licenses under all global norms".
20220717             "The fake reports saying the plane was carrying Serbian weapons to Ukraine are absolutely inaccurate and malicious," he stressed.
20220717             The An-12 plane crashed 40 km away from the Greek Kavala airport.
20220717             The crew reported that one of the plane’s four engines had caught fire.
20220717             Permission for an emergency landing was granted promptly, but the flight started rapidly losing altitude while approaching the airport.
202207170855 ======== END NEWS appended
        _HEUTE_0718_ :