
Exxon makes make a $5 million profit per hour.

Die 4. Revolution - EnergyAutonomy
Dienstag, 3. Mai 2011 um 20.15 Uhr, Wiederholungen: 19.05.2011 um 14:45 "Die vierte Revolution - EnergyAutonomy" beobachtet in einer Reise um die Welt das Leben und Wirken von zehn Menschen, die ein Ziel verbindet: Energieautonomie - der vollständigen Wechsel der Energieversorgung der Menschheit weg von fossilen und nuklearen Brennstoffen hin zu 100 Prozent erneuerbaren Energien. Ein Wechsel, so radikal, dass man von einer Revolution sprechen kann.
Fears rise in India of Fukushima-style nuclear disaster
Praveen Gavhankar, a farmer and fruit transporter, said he and thousands of villagers in western Maharashtra, had become totally frustrated over the government's determination to allow the construction of six large reactors at Jaitapur, in an active earthquake zone. Last week a 30 year old man was shot dead by police after protesters from a village near the nuclear site invaded their local police station.
May Day Rallies Celebrate Unity; Labor Unions and Immigrants Plan to March Side by Side
The May Day rallies set to take place this Sunday follow massive pro-labor protests in Wisconsin to protect collective bargaining rights of public workers. Since 2006, when more than a million people marched across the United States against a harsh anti-immigrant bill, May Day has also become a key date of protests by immigrant rights groups.
Japan Has Resumed Whaling - Is This Wise, Considering the Possible Radioactive Contamination?
Whether these whales are truly studied for science or not, they are also destined for the dinner plate in many Japanese homes, and the question remains what this may mean in terms of possible radioactive contamination resulting from the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Putin: Who gave NATO right to kill Gaddafi?
Who gave coalition forces in Libya the right to eliminate Gaddafi? That's the question Vladimir Putin's been asking, during an official visit to Denmark.