
Castro calls for Cuba term limits
President Raul Castro urges a "rejuvenation" of Cuba's Communist Party as he proposes that top politicians stay in office no more than 10 years.
News you may have missed #499 (CIA edition) Author: intelNews
CIA sued for failing to release Bay of Pigs history. Ex-CIA Deputy Director on intelligence priorities. Is it OK for spy agency chiefs to tell the truth? Continue reading
Fracking in der Linksfraktion
Die Linkspartei im Bundestag lud Experten zum Fachgepräch über Fracking - die umstrittene Suche nach unkonventionellem Erdgas. Experten fordern schärfere Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfungen. Aus Berlin Johanna Treblin
Fukushima: Stabilisierung erst Ende 2011
Auch danach weiterhin "geringes Maß" an Radioaktivität-Austritt
Less Sharks Mean an Ocean Jam-Packed With Sardines
Sardines have made a serious comeback in terms of sustainable food trends. Sardines are on the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch green list. There's also an over population of sardines as a result of a lack of predators, namely sharks and other larger fish species, according to a story in the Daily Mail reported on Be More Eco.
Grand Canyon vom Uranabbau bedroht
Bereits mehr als 8.000 Gebiete sind für Minen beansprucht - eine Folge des aus Wildwest-Zeiten stammenden Bergrechts. Im Juli läuft ein zweijähriges Moratorium aus
RWE-Gewinn durch AKW-Abschaltung
Der Energiekonzern bestätigt diesbezüglichen Spiegel-Bericht teilweise. Am Dienstag Diskussion im Aufsichtsrat
Fossil Fish Jaws Give Information On Our Own Remote Ancestors
When we lose our milk teeth they are replaced by new permanent teeth growing out in exactly the same positions. This is an ancient part of our evolutionary heritage and an identifying characteristic of the largest living group of backboned animals. Now, scientists have uncovered ancient fossil fish jaws that cast light on the origin of this group and its unique dentition.
Iran accuses Siemens of helping launch Stuxnet cyber-attack
Senior official says German engineering giant supplied US and Israel with details of control system used by Tehran
Zipcar's Stock Price Zooms Upward After IPO
Car-sharing startup Zipcar went public on Thursday and saw its shares rise 56 percent in the latest example of a strong recovery for the initial public offering market.