
UK 'gave torture tacit approval'
The former president of Pakistan says he was never told about Britain's disapproval of torture, a claim denied by British ex-officials.
UN official confirms Israel abducted Palestinian engineer from Ukraine Author: intelNews
A UN official has confirmed that a Palestinian engineer, who disappeared under mysterious circumstances in Ukraine on February 19, is currently in Israeli custody. Continue reading
Number of Depressed College Students On The Rise
A recent study of college students suggests that their declining emotional condition is a critical situation schools have failed to fully address. About 25 percent of all students who visited on-campus health centers were diagnosed as depressed.
Massenprotest in USA gegen Streichung von Gewerkschaftsrechten
Madison (Reuters) - Im US-Bundesstaat Wisconsin haben bis zu Hunderttausend Menschen gegen die Begrenzung von Gewerkschaftsrechten im öffentlichen Dienst demonstriert. Die Polizei in der Stadt Madison sprach von 85.000 bis 100.000 Teilnehmern eines Massenprotestes am Samstag. Seit Freitag ist ein Gesetz in Kraft, das den Großteil von Verhandlungsrechten der Gewerkschaften, etwa für Lohnzusatzleistungen, für Beschäftigte des öffentlichen Dienstes streicht. Die Republikaner, die die Landtagsmehrheit in Wisconsin stellen, halten die Änderungen für unerlässlich, um die Sanierung der maroden Staatskasse voranzubringen. Andere Bundesstaaten denken über ähnliche Schritte nach.
OAS stützte Putschversuch 2002 in Venezuela
Bogotá/Caracas. Die Organisation Amerikanischer Staaten (OAS) hat im April 2002 einen Putschversuch gegen die venezolanische Regierung von Staatschef Hugo Chávez unterstützt. Das erklärte der Unternehmer und damalige kurzzeitige Machthaber Pedro Carmona Estanga in einem offenen Brief, der am Freitag auf der regierungskritischen Internetseite Noticiero Digital veröffentlicht wurde. Die OAS hatte demnach die Auflösung der demokratischen Institutionen und Neuwahlen gebilligt.
Chinese premier calls for reforms
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao says once again that China needs to carry out political reforms, as the country's annual parliament session ends.
Arctic on the verge of record ozone loss
Unusually low temperatures in the Arctic ozone layer have recently initiated massive ozone depletion. The Arctic appears to be heading for a record loss of this trace gas that protects the Earth's surface against ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
BOJ pumps $183bn to calm markets
The Bank of Japan is to inject $183bn into the banking system to stabilise financial markets as the Nikkei falls 6.2%.
Anonymous bankofamericasuck leaks allegedly expose BofA mortgage fraud
It hits the fan on bankofamericasuck as leaked damning documents allegedly prove that Bank of America engaged in mortgage fraud and corruption.
March 14, 1879: Mr. Big Author: Tony Long
Albert Einstein, the man who will help shape the course of the 20th century, is born. And, oh, it's Pi Day.
Wearable scanner maps rat brains
Researchers demonstrate a "wearable" scanner that can peer into the chemistry of a rat's brain even as it freely moves around.
Despite Contamination, Navy Copters Keep Aiding Japan Author: Spencer Ackerman
As the world braced for a possible core meltdown in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, the U.S. Navy kept its helicopters flying to provide earthquake and tsunami relief. The Navy's Pacific-based Seventh Fleet announced on its Facebook page that the aircraft carrier in position, the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan, had been moved slightly away from the Fukushima Daiichi plant after finding 'low level' radioactive contamination "in the air and on its aircraft operating in the area." But the Navy said that operations to provide disaster relief had already resumed north of Sendai.
Third Blast At Japan's Fukushima Nuclear Plant Author: CmdrTaco

iamrmani was one of several people reporting updates on the Fukushima Nuclear plant that has been struggling following last Friday's disaster. A third explosion (Japanese) has been reported, along with other earlier information. MSNBC has a story about similiar reactors in the US. We also ran into a story which predicts that there won't be significant radiation. But already Japan is facing rolling blackouts, electricity rationing, evacuating the area around the plant, and thousands dead already. Read more of this story

The pro-WikiLeaks hacktavist community known as "Anonymous" released a series of emails today "provided by a former Bank of America employee who claims they show how a division of the bank sought to hide information on foreclosures." Commenting on the documents, one member of "Anonymous" said, "The way the system is, it's made to cheat the average person ."

Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) called for a "temporary halt in building new nuclear power plants in the United States until the situation in Japan can be examined ." Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (KY), however, said he doesn't believe the U.S. should back away from nuclear energy, and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said he's " still willing to look at nuclear ."

The death toll in Japan has soared past 10,000 people, easily marking the country's "worst crisis since World War II." Many thousands are homeless and millions more are without water, power, heat, or transportation.

Takeaway jobs ban for immigrants
Migrants from outside the European Economic Area will no longer be allowed to work in the UK as chefs in takeaway restaurants, the government says.
Gericht: Auch für uns gelten Grenzen
Forenbetreiber müssen keine E-Mail-Adressen ihrer Nutzer an Dritte herausgeben. Dies gilt nicht nur für Private, die sich über missliebige Kommentare ärgern. Nein, nicht mal ein Zivilgericht kann die Herausgabe von Nutzerdaten anordnen, denn dafür gibt es keine rechtliche Grundlage. So hat es das Landgericht Düsseldorf in einem aktuellen Beschluss entschieden.
Anonymous Leaks Internal Bank of America Emails Author: CmdrTaco

euphemistic writes "Reportedly the information Wikileaks was set to disclose about a particular bank back from December, 'a massive batch of internal Bank of America emails' has been leaked. While the site hosting it seems to currently be down due to the obviously gigantic amount of traffic interested in this leak, the leak is said to pertain to the Bank of America's improper foreclosure on homes. 'The report came from a former employee with Balboa Insurance - a risk management and insurance firm. The employee reportedly corresponded with Bank of America employees and was told to falsify loan numbers on documents to force Bank of America to foreclose on homeowners.'" Read more of this story

Drug company granted monopoly. Price of drug increases 15,000% [link]

USA warnen Golfstaaten vor Einsatz gegen Opposition in Bahrain
Die USA haben Saudi-Arabien und andere Golfstaaten vor einer Parteinahme gegen die Opposition in Bahrain gewarnt. Die Staaten der Region müssten "Zurückhaltung üben und die Rechte der Menschen in Bahrain respektieren", sagte der Sprecher des nationalen Sicherheitsrats, Tom Vietor, am Montag in Washington.

Wisconsin GOP senator most vulnerable to recall found to be living outside district with mistress [link]

Arabische Nachbarn marschieren in Bahrain ein
Die Nachbarländer des Königreiches Bahrain wollen der schiitischen Revolte nicht länger zuschauen. Soldaten des Golf-Kooperationsrates sollen vor Ort die Herrschaft des sunnitischen Monarchen sichern. Daran sind vor allem die Saudis interessiert.
German nuclear extension halted
Germany suspends a controversial plan to extend the lives of its ageing nuclear power stations, in response to the unfolding Japanese crisis.
North America Safe From Radioactive Particles Author: Brandon Keim
Radioactive particles from the failing Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station pose little immediate risk to North America, and should fall into the Pacific before reaching western shores.
Egypt imprisons Mubarak ally over attacks
CAIRO Prosecutor General Abdel Maguid Mahmoud ordered the imprisonment of Abdel Naser al-Jabri, suspected to be among officials who unleashed Mubarak loyalists on horses and camels that charged into the protest encampment on a central Cairo square with whips and swords, attacking demonstrators.
Erster asiatischer Staat signalisiert Bereitschaft zu Atomausstieg
Taiwans AKWs sitzen auf einem hochexplosiven Pulverfass geologischer Störungen und unterseeischer Vulkane - Forderungen der Politiker zu dem Atomausstieg
US sued over syphilis experiments
Lawyers representing Guatemalans deliberately infected with syphilis sue the US government for compensation.
Tränen für das Land der aufgehenden Sonne
Kommentar von Kapitän Paul Watson, Chef der Sea Shepherd Conversation Society, zu den tragischen Naturereignissen in Japan Tears for the Land of the Rising Sun
Libya no-fly zone can happen - PM
Imposing a no-fly zone over Muammar Gaddafi's Libya is "perfectly deliverable", UK Prime Minister David Cameron says.
Meltdown alert at Japan reactor
Engineers battle to cool a third reactor at a Japanese nuclear plant after a second blast in three days, amid continuing fears of a possible meltdown.
GAZA STRIP: Hundreds of young people take to streets for unity
Several hundred young Palestinians took to the streets of Gaza City on Monday, calling for reconciliation between Hamas, which is in control of the Gaza Strip and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party, which controls the West Bank. The split came in 2007 after an attempt at a unity government fell apart.
Demonstrators swamp SMC services
BAHRAIN'S main hospital descended into chaos for the second time in a month yesterday as hundreds of anti-government protesters injured in clashes with riot police were brought for treatment.
GCC backing for Bahrain
MANAMA: GCC forces will arrive in Bahrain today to take part in maintaining law and order. Their mission will be limited to protecting vital facilities, such as oil, electricity and water installations, and financial and banking facilities, reports our sister paper Akhbar Al Khaleej.
Beaked whales 'scared' by sonar
Beaked whales are disturbed by military sonar, according to real-time data collected by scientists.
Net Sees Earthquake Damage, Routes Around It Author: Soulskill

davidwr writes "Japanese internet outages mostly healed themselves within hours. While some cables remain out, most computers that lost connectivity have it again. From James Cowie's blog: 'The engineers who built Japan's Internet created a dense web of domestic and international connectivity that is among the richest and most diverse on earth, as befits a critical gateway for global connectivity in and out of East Asia. At this point, it looks like their work may have allowed the Internet to do what it does best: route around catastrophic damage and keep the packets flowing, despite terrible chaos and uncertainty.' Let's hear it for redundancy and good planning." Reader Spy Handler points out another article about how redundancy and good planning are preventing disaster at Japan's troubled nuclear reactors, despite media-fueled speculation and panic to the contrary. Read more of this story

The second Cedar Revolution
BEIRUT: The March 14 coalition proclaimed Sunday the second "Cedar Revolution" aimed at forcing Hezbollah to surrender its weapons to the Lebanese state in the same way the first revolution in 2005 led to a Syrian troop withdrawal, ending nearly three decades of Syria's control over Lebanon.
Tokyo Electric to Build US Nuclear Plants
I need to speak to you, not as a reporter, but in my former capacity as lead investigator in several government nuclear plant fraud and racketeering investigations.
Man With 4th Amendment on Chest Sues Over Airport Arrest Author: David Kravets
A 21-year-old Virginia man who wrote an abbreviated version of the Fourth Amendment on his body and stripped to his shorts at an airport security screening area is demanding $250,000 in damages for being detained on a disorderly conduct charge.
Man plagued by '40 police errors'
A man from Birmingham is being plagued by police repeatedly calling at his house in error, due to an address mix-up.
Former NSA, CIA Chief: Declassify Cyber Vulnerabilities Author: Kevin Poulsen
The former head of the United States' most powerful and secretive intelligence agencies thinks the government classifies too much information on cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
Gaddafi forces bomb Libya rebels
Col Gaddafi's forces are pushing towards the main rebel-held towns in Libya, as the UN Security Council fails to reach consensus on a no-fly zone.
Gulf states send force to Bahrain
Gulf states, including Saudi Arabia, send troops to Bahrain at the request of the small Gulf kingdom after violent anti-government protests.

KS GOP State Rep. Compares Undocumented Immigrants To Pigs, Suggests Shooting Them From Helicopters Today, during a Kansas state House Appropriations Committee hearing on state spending for controlling feral swine, GOP state Rep. Virgil Peck suggested that hunters could shoot undocumented immigrants like they do with pigs in order to control illegal immigration:

A legislator said Monday it might be a good idea to control illegal immigration the way the feral hog population has been controlled - with hunters shooting from helicopters.

State Rep. Virgil Peck, R-Tyro, said he was just joking, but that his comment did reflect frustration with the problem of illegal immigration. [...]

After one of the committee members talked about a program that uses hunters in helicopters to shoot wild swine, Peck suggested that may be a way to control illegal immigration.

The Lawrence Journal World reports that Peck refused to apologize for the remark. "I was just speaking like a southeast Kansas person," he said. The Kansas blog Dome on the Range has the audio clip and direct quote of Peck's remarks. "It looks like to me if shooting these immigrating feral hogs works maybe we have found a [solution] to our illegal immigration problem," he said: www.youtube.com/embed/aPsoepCjWG4

(HT: Political Correction )

Blogger Fined $60K For Telling the Truth Author: Soulskill

jfruhlinger writes "'Johnny Northside,' a Minneapolis blogger with less than 500 readers a day, revealed that a University of Minnesota researcher studying mortgage fraud had been involved in a fraudulent mortgage himself; the blog post was at least partially responsible for the researcher losing his job. The researcher then sued the blogger and won - despite the blogger having his facts straight. Johnny Northside plans to appeal the verdict." Read more of this story

New blast at Japan nuclear plant

A fresh explosion is heard at a nuclear plant in northern Japan that was damaged in Friday's earthquake, amid fears of a meltdown.

Wisconsin, it gets worse: Republican senate majority leader says that returned Democrats can not vote. At all. What The Fuck?! [link]

**BREAKING** Explosions Reported At Reactor 2 [link]

Truck drivers in protest against fuel prices and tolls
Truck drivers started a strike across Portugal at Monday midnight following a meeting by several transport unions and the Government which did not resolve all of the issues brought up.
Hochrüsten auf dem indischen Subkontinent
Indien ist erstmals größter Waffenimporteur, haben schwedische Friedensforscher ermittelt / Deutschland mischt als drittgrößter Exporteur in der Branche mit.
Dubiose Informationspolitik Japans - Regiert die Atomindustrie?
Die Regierung von Ministerpräsident Naoto Kan mag gute Gründe haben, den Ausbruch einer Panik zu vermeiden. Schließlich könnte eine solche die Folgen der gewaltigen Katastrophe noch verschlimmern. Allerdings ist das Hin und Her nicht allein dadurch zu erklären.
Child vital sign measures 'wrong'
Guidelines for children's heart and breathing rates are inaccurate and not based on evidence, according to researchers.
New blast at Japan nuclear plant
A third explosion in four days hits a nuclear plant in northern Japan that was damaged in Friday's earthquake, amid fears of a meltdown.
Regime concerns raised at prison
A prison inspection raises concerns about the treatment of some of Britain's most dangerous inmates.
Japan shares slump for second day
Japan's Nikkei 225 stock index drops for a second day on fears about the impact of the earthquake on the country's economy.
100.000 halten Mahnwache
In mehr als 400 deutschen Städten halten Atomstrom-Gegner Mahnwachen für die Opfer in Japan ab: Vor dem Kanzleramt ist die Opposition prominent vertreten, aber für Gabriel, Roth, Trittin und Co. wird das Mahngewache richtig schmerzhaft. Bundeskanzlerin Merkel will heute erste Atomkraftwerke abschalten lassen, während die Lage in Japan aus dem Ruder gerät. Aus Berlin Nick Reimer
4Chan Founder Moot: Zuckerberg is 'wrong' on Anonymity, 'Anonymity is authenticity'
In a keynote speech at SXSW, 4chan's founder Chris "moot" Poole said Zuckerberg is wrong about anonymity saying that when users are logged in and identified by their own name, like on Facebook, the "cost of failure is high." Then Poole kicked Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, stating, "Mark Zuckerberg has kind of equated anonymity with a lack of authenticity, almost a cowardice, and I would say that's fully wrong."
Japanischer Nebelwerfer
IAEO-Chef Yukiya Amano war in den ersten drei Tagen der Krise untergetaucht
Humans - Illuminati 1:0
Am 9. März haben Mitglieder der Gruppe British Constitution Group in der Stadt Birkenhead (bei Liverpool) den Richter festgenommen, nachdem Sie das Gerichtsgebäude gestürmt hatten. Eines der Mitglieder hatte keine Steuern gezahlt. Rund 600 Demonstranten sollen das Geschehen von außen verfolgt haben.

Die Enthüllung angeblicher Geheimdienstmitarbeiter ist eine Vorstufe zur Selbstjustiz. www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/0,1518,druck-751068,00.html

GLOBAL MARKETS-World shares hit on Japan quake impact, oil down | Reuters
World stocks slid to six-week lows on Monday as the devastating toll from Japan's earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis continued to unfold, raising fears of the impact on industries ranging from insurance to nuclear power.
Florida Professor Taken Off Plane, Arrested Because Of A Bagel
Passengers claimed the man had a suspicious package, but it was just breakfast.
In Wake of Japan's Nuclear Crisis The US Moves for a Nuclear Time Out
Japan's nuclear crisis, two explosions at the Fukushima facility and threat of a meltdown, have brought calls for a "nuclear time out"
Survey Reveals Britons Believe Sci-Fi Technologies Already Exist
Light sabers, time travel and hover boards. All things from science fiction and fantasy. But according to a new survey, for National Science and Engineering Week, many people in England believe all these things are, in fact, reality.
Japan Nuclear Crisis Prompts German Rethink
Germany delays plans to extend the life of its ageing nuclear power stations in the wake of the atomic crisis facing earthquake and tsunami-hit Japan.
Cuba cuts peso to match US dollar
Cuba devalues its currency by 8% in relation to the US dollar as part of efforts to revive its economy.
Antitrust subcommittee to examine Google search ranking system
The Senate Judiciary antitrust subcommittee plans to delve into complaints that Google favors its own services over the competition in search rankings and advertising.
Neanderthals were nifty at controlling fire [Study]
A new study involving the University of Colorado Boulder shows clear evidence of the continuous control of fire by Neanderthals in Europe dating back roughly 400,000 years, yet another indication that they weren't dimwitted brutes as often portrayed.