
Zukunftsängste - Hunderttausende Portugiesen demonstrieren
Hunderttausende Portugiesen haben am Samstag gegen Arbeitslosigkeit und schlechte Lebensbedingungen protestiert. Eine Initiative von jungen Arbeitslosen hatte über das Internet zu Kundgebungen in insgesamt elf Städten des Landes aufgerufen.
Do Genes Influence Your Political Identity?
For genes to translate to a political preference, people with DRD4 must also have a large, diverse group of friends as kids.
Palestinian leader sees new Intifada
Mustafa Barghouti, a former candidate for the Palestinian presidency, yesterday said he believed that a third Intifada (uprising) in the West Bank and Gaza would start soon because it was the only way to end the Israeli occupation.
Flickr Censors Egypt Police Photos Author: Soulskill

An anonymous reader writes "Yesterday Flickr removed a photoset of Egyptian Secret Police photos which had been posted to an Egyptian journalist's Flickrstream. The photos were obtained when the journalist acquired them from what he called 'one of Mubarak's largest torture facilities.' Flickr cited the fact that the photos 'were not the user's own work' as justification for the censorship, even though Flickr staffers themselves frequently upload work that is not 'their own' to their personal photostreams." Read more of this story

Lebanon will have new cabinet shortly, report
Sources close to PM designate Nagib Mikati told An Nahar newspaper that the government formation has reached an advanced state and will be announced within days and no later than the end of the week .
Fukushima, Japan: Super-Gau?
Es kann mit ziemlicher Sicherheit davon ausgegangen werden: Als Folge des verheerenden Tsunamis an Japans Süd- und Ostküste, hat das Atomkraftwerk Fukushima, Block 1, eine Abfolge von Ereignissen erlebt, die am Ende zur Kernschmelze, zum Super-GAU geführt haben. Selbst die Bundesregierung, die abzuwiegeln versucht, sagte (Bundesumweltminister Röttgen): "Anhand der uns vorliegenden Informationen neigen wir dazu, dass dort eine Kernschmelze im Gange ist."
Bradley Manning: Detaillierter Bericht über Haftbedingungen
Der mutmaßliche Whistleblower Bradley Manning und sein Anwalt David Coombs hatten vor einiger Zeit einen Antrag auf eine neue Einstufung Mannings - momentan ist er als Risikofall für eine Selbstverletzung sowie als Hochsicherheits-Gefangener eingestuft - gestellt, der am 1. März abgelehnt wurde. In einer Erwiderung auf die Ablehnung beschreibt Manning detailliert seine Haftbedingungen.
Karsai fordert Ende der Nato-Einsätze
Afghanistans Präsident Hamid Karsai hat die Nato aufgefordert, ihre Einsätze in seinem Land zu beendet. Die Toleranz des afghanischen Volkes sei nun endgültig zu Ende, sagte Karsai am Samstag in der östlichen Provinz Kunar.
NATO-Krieg nicht mehr aufzuhalten: Eine Flut von Lügen über Libyen
Fidel Castro geht davon aus, dass es unweigerlich zu einem militärischen Eingreifen der USA und der NATO in Libyen kommen wird. Eine riesige Lügenkampagne in den (westlichen) Massenmedien hat in der Weltöffentlichkeit große Verwirrung hervorgerufen.
Vorratsdaten in Frankreich: Auch Passwörter werden gespeichert -3. Update-
Am 25. Februar ist in Frankreich das Gesetz (eigentlich: Dekret) zur Umsetzung der Vorratsdatenspeicherungs-Richtlinie der EU beschlossen worden, die Veröffentlichung im Amtsblatt erfolgte am 1. März. Neben den bereits bekannten und in der Richtlinie genannten Daten wie IP-Adressen, Telefonnummern, Email-Adressen etc., aus denen man bereits unglaublich viel über die Teilnehmer erfahren kann, ist in letzter Sekunde die Liste der zu speichernden Daten um "Passwörter" (mots de passe) ergänzt worden.
Tiefseebohrung im Golf von Mexiko
Zweite Genehmigung für Tiefseebohrung nach BP-Katastrophe. BHP Billitondarf Öl fördern
Japan agency rates nuclear plant accident at 4 on 0-7 scale
Japan's nuclear safety agency rated an accident at an earthquake-hit nuclear plant at four on the international scale from 0 to 7, an official said Sunday.. The 1979 Three Mile Island accident in the United States was rated five while the 1986 Chernobyl disaster was a seven.
Merkel provoziert erneut den Bundestag und will nochmal Milliarden für die Banken
Der Bundestagspräsident Norbert Lammert (CDU) beschwert sich bei der untergeordneten Kanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) über einen veritablen Verfassungsbruch. Die fährt nach Brüssel zum Gipfel der Staats- und Parteichefs aus der "Europäischen Union" und beschließt dort abermals den deutschen Staat zugunsten der Banken und des Euro-Systems um weitere Dutzende von Milliarden Euro zu melken.
IAEA update on Japan Earthquake: 0235 CET, 13 March 2011 -- CORRECTED
An earlier version of this release incorrectly described pressure venting actions at Units 1, 2, and 4 at the Fukushima Daini nuclear power plant. Venting did not occur at these units. Japanese authorities have informed the IAEA that Units 1, 2, and 4 at the Fukushima Daini retain off-site power. Daini Unit 3 is in a safe, cold shutdown, according to Japanese officials.
US-Diplomaten: Mercosur "antiamerikanisch"
Wikileaks und Lateinamerika: Depesche zeigt Befürchtungen der US-Regierung. Einfluss Venezuelas auf Mercosur gegen Freihandel gerichtet Asunción. US-amerikanische Botschafter in Südamerika haben das regionale Wirtschaftsbündnis Mercosur als "antiamerikanisch" eingestuft. Dies geht aus einer Depesche des US-Botschafters in Paraguay aus dem Jahr 2007 hervor, die von der argentinischen Tageszeitung Página/12 veröffentlicht wurde. Darin beschreibt der Diplomat ein Treffen von fünf US-Botschaftern in Südamerika am 8. und 9. Mai desselben Jahres, bei dem diese in Rio de Janeiro über die "aggressiven Pläne" von Venezuelas Präsident Hugo Chávez berieten, "eine vereinigte bolivarische Bewegung in ganz Lateinamerika" zu schaffen.
Israel approves new settler homes
Israel approves the construction of hundreds of homes for Jewish settlers in the West Bank, after the murder of five members of a settler family.
Chevron appeals over Amazon fine
US oil giant Chevron launches a legal appeal against an Ecuadorean court fine of $8.6bn (£5.3bn) for polluting much of the country's Amazon region.

85,000-100,000 people peacefully protested in Madison, Wisconsin yesterday. More than protested the Vietnam war. [link]

TNK-BP dismisses Arctic oil role
Shareholders in joint venture TNK-BP reject a possible role in parent BP's Arctic oil exploration deal with Russian state-owned Rosneft.

Republican "family values" in action: Wisconsin state senator leaves wife for ex-senate staffer & lobbyist. He also opposes a bill to hold the Catholic Church responsible for child molestation. [link]

Fears ahead of Japan market start
Investors will closely watch the Nikkei stock market in Japan when it reopens on Monday, after closing down 1.7% on Friday's disaster.

KRISTOL: I think at this point you probably have to do more than a no fly zone. You probably have to tell Qaddafi he has to stop his movement east and that we are going to use assets to stop him from slaughtering people as he moves east across the country. We might take out his ships in the Mediterranean. We might take out tanks and artillery.

Libya rebels 'forced from Brega'
Forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi reportedly seize control of the eastern town of Brega as they continue their advance on rebel strongholds.

State Department spokesperson P.J. Crowley abruptly stepping down after saying treatment of Bradley Manning is "ridiculous and counterproductive and stupid." US tolerates poor treatment of prisoners but not criticism of that treatment. [link]

Amerika versus Amerika
Lateinamerika rückt zusammen. Zwei Jahrhunderte nach dem Wirken des "Befreiers" Simón Bolívar emanzipieren sich die Länder des Subkontinents ein zweites Mal. Diesmal geht es nicht um die politische Unabhängigkeit von den europäischen Kolonialmächten, sondern um die wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Abnabelung von der Weltmacht USA. Immer unzeitgemäßer wirkt die Monroe-Doktrin "Amerika den Amerikanern", mit der Washington bereits 1823 seinen Vormachtanspruch über Lateinamerika formuliert hatte.
Protest gegen Atompolitik der Bundesregierung formiert sich
Jochen Stay, Sprecher der Anti-Atom-Organisation .ausgestrahlt: "Wir wollen mit diesen Mahnwachen der Opfer in Japan gedenken und gleichzeitig deutlich machen, dass wir von der Bundesregierung eine radikale Kehrtwende in der Atompolitik verlangen. Das Gerede von der sicheren Atomkraft muss ein Ende haben. Sie ist keine Brückentechnologie. Die Brücke ist in diesen Tagen zusammengebrochen.
Wikileaks row: US official quits
US state department spokesman PJ Crowley resigns after calling US treatment of the man accused of leaking cables to Wikileaks "stupid".
Wikileaks: State department spokesman PJ Crowley resigns over Bradley Manning's treatment
The chief spokesman of the US State Department has resigned after he criticized the Pentagon's treatment of a US soldier suspected of leaking documents to WikiLeaks as "ridiculous and counterproductive and stupid".
Rep. Kucinich unable to visit accused WikiLeaks source
"I put in a request to the secretary of defense, who referred me to the secretary of the army, who referred me to the secretary of the navy, who referred me to the secretary of defense, and still not an answer on whether or not I can visit Private Manning," Rep. Kucinich explained to Scott Horton of KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles on Friday.
Japan crisis 'worst since WWII'
Japan is experiencing its greatest hardships since World War II, Prime Minister Naoto Kan says, in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami, and a growing crisis at a nuclear plant. Police warn that the death toll in one of the worst-hit areas is likely to exceed 10,000.
In Resigning, State Dept. Spokesman PJ Crowley Does Not Back Away From Criticism Of Manning's Detention Author: Ben Armbruster

Numerous civil rights groups and even members of Congress have criticized the Defense Department for its alleged treatment of Private First Class Bradley Manning, who is being detained on charges of leaking classified documents and videos to WikiLeaks. Manning has reportedly been kept in solitary confinement without access to bedding and been forced to strip naked every night.

Last week, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley criticized DOD for its treatment of Manning, calling it "ridiculous and counterproductive and stupid." CNN reported today that the White House has now forced Crowley to resign. But in his resignation statement, Crowley did not back down from his criticism :

The unauthorized disclosure of classified information is a serious crime under U.S. law. My recent comments regarding the conditions of the pre-trial detention of Private First Class Bradley Manning were intended to highlight the broader, even strategic impact of discreet actions undertaken by national security agencies every day and their impact on our global standing and leadership. The exercise of power in today's challenging times and relentless media environment must be prudent and consistent with our laws and values.

Given the impact of my remarks, for which I take full responsibility, I have submitted my resignation as Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs and Spokesman for the Department of State.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she accepted Crowley's resignation " with regret ." "PJ has served our nation with distinction for more than three decades, in uniform and as a civilian," she said. "His service to country is motivated by a deep devotion to public policy and public diplomacy, and I wish him the very best." He previously served as a spokesman for the National Security Council and the Defense Department during the Clinton administration.

Crowley resigned today due to reported White House pressure . FDL's Michael Whitney writes that this means that White House now " owns the abuse " of Manning.

"Manning is alleged to have committed serious crimes," Matt Yglesias writes , referring to Crowley's abrupt resignation, adding, "The correct response would be to put him on trial. To hold a person without trial in solitary confinement under degrading conditions is a perversion of justice."

Japan: Atomalarm ausgelöst
Auch am zweiten Tag der Havarie des Atomkraftwerks Fukushima ist das Ausmaß der Katastrophe unklar. Samstag Vormittag kam es zu einer Explosion, die das Reaktorgebäude zerstörte. Die japanische Regierung hat eine Kernschmelze zunächst bestätigt, später jedoch wieder dementiert. Unklar ist zur Zeit auch, wie der Zustand von vier weiteren AKWs und einer Wiederaufarbeitungsanlage ist, in denen ebenfalls Probleme gemeldet wurden. Von Hanno Böck

This is disgusting: State Dept. Spokesman PJ Crowley forced to resign after saying Pvt. Manning's detainment "ridiculous and counterproductive and stupid." [link]

IMA (former) Nuclear Emergency Planner wanting to clear up some misconceptions about the accident at Fukushima

First -- the earthquake and tsunami in Japan is a catastrophe. The impact on the people there is tragic.
Second -- the resulting accident at Fukushima is very bad and will impact people around the plant and cause the loss of millons of dollars of lost property but there are unlikely to be any public health effects from the radiation. There may be some health effects to plant workers who are bravely working to control the accident. Third -- even if things get much, much worse the radiation levels in the US will not approach the levels I've seen on a "Nuclear Fallout Map" credited to Australian Radiation Services. While it might be theoretically possible to take the radiation in the Fukushima core and have everyone on the west coast receive hundreds of rads of exposure as that shows, it's not possible to do it by blowing it on the wind. As a professor of mine used to say -- "I could theoritically impregnate every woman on earth. I have enough sperm, but what I lack is the delivery system." It's the same with the radioactivity in the core of a nuclear reactor.

Some information on me. I have a degree in Nuclear Engineering and a Professional Engineering License in Mechanical Engineering. I worked in the Nuclear Industry for 22 years. My experience includes refueling nuclear submarines, and working at a commercial power plant as start up test engineer, project manager and emergency planning (which included creating scenarios like the one at Fukushima as part of extensive drills that tested emergency procedures and the response of people from the plant, local communities, the state and the federal government). I've been a member of the American Nuclear Society since 1973. Here is a link to credible information about the accident ansnuclearcafe.org. [link]

Bahrain suffers day of violence
Security forces use tear gas and rubber bullets in battles with protesters on the streets of the capital, Manama.
Militia's Violent Plot Disrupted in Alaska
Four leaders of the Fairbanks-based Alaska Peacekeeper's Militia are now in custody, charged with conspiring to commit murder, kidnapping and arson. Cox, who doesnt regard state or federal laws as valid, is part of a Sovereign Citizens movement, which promotes violent resistance to the federal and Alaska state government.
Anonymous Announces Operation Skankbag to Punish Louis Vuitton [w/Video]
Anonymous has declared war on Louis Vuitton after the clothing company's victory in court against an artist who painted a portrayal of a starving African child.
Another Inside Job
More from the abusive bankers and their political friends.
Executive obtained hacked e-mails
A senior editor at the News of the World obtained e-mails hacked in to by a private investigator in 2006, BBC's Panorama uncovers.
Brain disorder 'messaging clue'
Scientists say they have discovered a "maintenance" protein that helps keep nerve fibres which transmit messages in the brain operating smoothly.