
Why Right-Wing Christians Claim Obama As "The Antichrist."
Great article describing why right-wing "Christians" defile the faith in their quest for "full spectrum dominance."
Britische Regierung quatscht von Demokratie - Premier verkauft persönlich Waffen in Kuwait
Ministerpräsident David Cameron: "Die Gegner des britischen Waffenhandels sind "completely at odds with reality" - völlig im Widerspruch mit der Realität" Verteidigungsminister Lian Fox: "Grossbritannien muss sich ein gesundes Stück, "a healthy slice", vom Waffenmarkt des Mittleren Ostens sichern."
Welcome to 'Free Libya' - the real people's republic?
A young man who spoke fluent English, pointed into a charred and blackened room. "That's where the secret police would take you for punishment," he said. "If they afterwards took you to Tripoli, your family would never hear from you again."
Sprung nach Tripolis?
Deutsche Medien bereiteten am Freitag das Gelände für eine mögliche Intervention auf die gleiche Weise wie beim Jugoslawien-Krieg 1999 und dem Irak-Krieg 2003 vor. So titelte Welt online: »Ghaddafi verwandelt Libyen in ein Schlachthaus«. Ähnlich berichteten auch Spiegel online, taz.de und andere mit unterschiedlichen Ziffern über Massaker.
Bahrain King Reshuffles Cabinet
Bahrain's king reshuffled his cabinet Saturday as protesters continued to call for reforms and a key opposition leader returned to the country.

Egypt's Military Council Strikes Back at Protesters While the World's Eyes are Focused on Libya [link]

Key satellite launched in Russia
Russia launches one of the final satellites for a global navigation system intended to rival the Americans' GPS, after recent attempts failed.
A Crazy Prophet
"WHY DON'T the masses stream to the square here, too, and throw Bibi out?" my taxi driver exclaimed when we were passing Rabin Square. The wide expanse was almost empty, with only a few mothers and their children enjoying the mild winter sun.
BP Paying 'Independent' Disaster Claim Administrator $10 Million A Year Author: Brad Johnson

BP is paying the man in charge of overseeing its $20 billion victim compensation fund for its devastation of the Gulf of Mexico over $10 million a year. The choice of Washington attorney Kenneth Feinberg to manage the fund in June 2010 was widely lauded at the time, as he had dealt with the challenging tasks of managing the federal September 11th Victim Compensation Fund and serving as Obama's special master for TARP executive compensation. "I'm running an independent claims facility," Feinberg told the world.

Since then, however, Feinberg has battled with the victims of BP's toxic crime, trying to compel them to accept small checks in return for signing away any further right to challenge BP. He claimed that "the Gulf of Mexico should largely recover from BP's oil spill by the end of next year," in flat contradiction to all scientific evidence.

A federal judge rebuked Feinberg for claiming to be "independent" when he is in fact a paid contractor of BP, and now even the oil-friendly Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) is outraged by the size of Feinberg's take from the disgraced oil giant:

Feinberg, a Washington lawyer who previously administered the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, and his law firm negotiated a contract with BP to be paid $850,000 a month for overseeing the Gulf Coast Claims Facility, which doles out compensation to victims of the oil spill. That salary comes up for review every three months, Vitter said. . . . He also said the $850,000 a month salary "seems staggering, particularly in that it's not tied in any way to any certain number of hours worked by any certain number of people."

Feinberg's compensation from BP - which pays for the services of four attorneys - dwarfs what nearly any of the claimants are receiving for having their livelihoods and communities devastated and poisoned. Meanwhile, BP is complaining that Feinberg's settlements are too generous.