
China und die Türkei sind die grössten Handelspartner Libyens - D folgt erst auf Platz drei!

Scott Walker Admits He's Trying to Trick Wisconsin State Democrats
Governor Walker made an ass out of himself today and he also gave away his big hush hush plans to get those Democrats!
Yemen confirms 'right to protest'
Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh orders his security forces to offer "full protection" to anti- and pro-government demonstrators.
British Gas sees profits up 24%
British Gas's operating profits rose 24% in 2010 to £742m, its parent company Centrica says.
Cameron warns Gaddafi on attacks
David Cameron says no options should be ruled out for dealing with Libya if internal repression and attacks on its people continue.
Russia plans $650bn defence spend
Eight nuclear submarines, 600 jets and 1,000 helicopters feature in a planned Russian defence spend of $650bn up to 2020.
Per Flugverbotszone in den Krieg in Nordafrika?
Jetzt ist die Katze aus dem Sack: Am Vormittag des 22.2.2011 forderte der ehemalige britische Außenminister Lord David Owen gegenüber Aljazeera eine außerordentliche Sitzung des UN-Sicherheitsrats, in der die Situation in Libyen als "Gefährdung des Weltfriedens" deklariert wird und nach Kapitel VII der UN-Charta, das militärische Zwangsmaßnahmen zulässt, eine Flugverbotszone über Libyen eingerichtet wird.
Ein ausgezeichneter Partner
Ungeachtet ihrer Solidaritätsbekundungen für die Demokratiebewegung in Ägypten und Tunesien setzt die Bundesregierung ihre Unterstützung für das autoritäre Regime in Marokko fort. Erst vor wenigen Tagen hat Berlin eine deutsch-marokkanische Wirtschaftskommission eingerichtet und eine gemeinsame Kooperationserklärung des deutschen Umwelt- und des marokkanischen Energieministeriums auf den Weg gebracht.
Von Ägypten lernen US-Gewerkschaften proben den Aufstand
Angefangen hat alles in Wisconsin. "Im Mittleren Westen, wo einst die Wiege der amerikanischen Arbeiterbewegung stand, will der republikanische Gouverneur die Gewerkschaften zerstören - Hunderttausende protestieren", berichtete der Nachrichtensender n-tv.
Es war Mappus persönlich
Stuttgart21: Mappus persönlich hat den Gewalteinsatz gegen Kinder und friedliche Demonstranten am 30. September 2010 angeordnet Es liegt nun eine eidesstaatliche Versicherung vor, die Klarheit über die Ereignisse am 30. September 2010 in Stuttgart schafft, als mit einem Polizeigrosseinsatz mit Wasserwerfern, Knüppeln und Pfefferspray eine Demonstration von Kindern und Jugendlichen und deren erwachsenen Verteidigern brutal niedergemacht wurde. Dort wird gesagt: Dies wurde von höchster Stelle entschieden. Das heisst bei der Ländersache Polizei: Die höchste Stelle war Ministerpräsident Mappus.
Versuchte Bürgerverhaftung von Lieberman
Der israelische Aussenminister Avigdor Lieberman kam am Dienstag den 22. Februar nach Brüssel zu einem Treffen mit der EU-Kommission. Bei der anschliessenden Pressekonferenz stand ein Reporter auf, beschuldigte den rechtsradikalen Rassisten Lieberman der "Apartheid" und verkündete, er vollziehe eine Bürgerverhaftung durch, er müsse ihn zum nächsten Polizeiposten begleiten. Sofort stürzten sich Sicherheits- leute auf den Reporter und schleppten ihn aus dem Saal.
Moskau warnt vor Extremismus
Es war ein sehr düsteres Bild, das Russlands Präsident Dmitri Medwedjew am Dienstag bei seinem Besuch in Wladikawkas, der Hauptstadt der Republik Nordossetien, zu den Entwicklungen im Nahen Osten zeichnete. Die Unruhen in Libyen könnten zum Bürgerkrieg eskalieren und dieser zur Abspaltung einzelner Gebiete führen, wo »Fanatiker« die Macht übernehmen.
Gaddafi digs in as protests mount
The area controlled by Libya's embattled leader Col Muammar Gaddafi is shrinking, reports say, as the opposition gains momentum.
Wie viel Vorratsdaten über uns verraten
Malte Spitz (Grüne) hat sich von der Telekom seine Vorratsdaten erklagt, und sie von Open Data City für Zeit Online auswerten lassen. Die Bewegungsdaten seines Handys wurden noch mit Blogeinträgen und Tweets verknüpft und alles zusammen übersichtlich optisch aufbereitet: Auf einer Google-Map kann man seine Bewegungen verfolgen, daneben sieht man, was er am jeweiligen Ort (vermutlich) getan hat.
Karte: Wie vernetzt sind Nordafrika und der mittlere Osten?
CNN hat eine interaktive Karte auf der Webseite, wo man die Internet- Facebook- und Handy-Nutzung in Nordafrika und im mittleren Osten visualisiert bekommt.
Mit der Stromfrequenz auf Verbrecherjagd
Ich sehe täglich genug Akten mit rotem Einband. Spontan hätte ich gesagt, dass mir so ziemlich jede Ermittlungsmethode der Polizei bekannt ist. Ein Bericht der Süddeutschen Zeitung belehrt mich eines Besseren. Das Bayerische Landeskriminalamt speichert nach eigenen Angaben seit letztem Jahr rund um die Uhr die "Frequenz" des europäischen Stromnetzes. Nach Ansicht der Ermittler ergeben die lastbedingten Schwankungen in der Stromversorgung einen "Zeitstempel".
British Court Orders Wikileaks' Assange Extradited To Sweden Author: John C Abell
A British court Thursday ordered Wikileaks founder Julian Assange extradited to Sweden to face sex charges. His attorneys immediately said they would appeal the decision, a process which could take months, and he remained free on bond.

90% of Libya in Rebel Hands: Qaddafi is left only with Tripoli, about 1 million people, where the streets are ghostly and marauding security forces hotrod it through the streets, sometimes firing indiscriminately [link]

Qaddafi Just Ordered The Destruction Of Oil Pipelines To The Mediterranean
Colonel Qaddafi has ordered the disruption of Libyan oil exports by destroying pipelines to the Mediterranean, sources tell.

After tweeting his support for the use of " live ammunition " on Wisconsin protesters, Indiana Deputy Attorney General Jeff Cox is "no longer employed" by the Attorney General's Office, which stated that "we are held by the public to a high standard, and we should strive for civility." Cox defended his comment as "satirical," adding, "I think we're getting down a slippery slope here in terms of silencing people who disagree."

A new Rolling Stone investigation claims to have found evidence of an illegal psychological operations campaign waged by the military against U.S. senators designed to build support for the war. The magazine writes that Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, a three-star general who trained Afghan troops, waged a psyops campaign against not only U.S. senators, but also foreign heads of state and think tank analysts.

You and I pay, on average, a 25% income tax. What do corporations pay? Verizon: 10% Ford: 2.3% BofA and GE: we PAID THEM in tax credits! It's time to close the loopholes and end corporate welfare now. [link]

Bedbugs a 'public health issue'
Health experts warn that a rise in bedbug infestations in Scotland is becoming a "major public health issue".
CIA Spy Sparks Conspiracy-Palooza Author: Adam Rawnsley
Al-Qaeda's nuclear arms dealer? The top recruiter for the Pakistani Taliban? A terrorist 'mastermind?' These are just some of the explanations that have been picked up by the Pakistani press ever since Raymond Davis, an employee of the U.S. embassy in Pakistan, shot two Pakistani men he claimed were menacing him on the streets of Lahore.
Egypt detains minister, TV boss
Egyptian police detained the former information minister and state broadcasting chief as part of an anti-corruption probe following the ousting of President Hosni Mubarak.
Army Psy Ops Units Targeted American Senators Author: CmdrTaco
Weezul writes "The US Army illegally ordered a team of soldiers specializing in 'psychological operations' to manipulate visiting American senators into providing more troops and funding for the war. An officer who tried to stop the operation was railroaded by military investigators. (see also the Hatch Act of 1939)." Read more of this story
EU urged to share asylum burden
Countries in southern Europe urge the EU to share out the burden of accepting migrants from North Africa as a new influx is predicted.

Obama in 2007: "If American workers are being denied their right to organize when I'm in the White House, I will put on a comfortable pair of shoes and I will walk on that picket line with you as president of the United States." Get your shoes, Mr. President. [link]

BUND: Mehr Agrosprit ist klimaschädlich
Scharfe Kontroverse zwischen Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland und dem Verband der Deutschen Biokraftstoffindustrie über die Wirkungen von Agrosprit. Aus Berlin Martin Reeh
Will The Sunday Shows Ignore Labor For The Second Week In A Row? Author: Pat Garofalo

For the last two weeks, working people have joined with students and sympathetic lawmakers as part of a Main Street Movement to protest efforts in multiple states to strip workers of their collective bargaining rights. While the protests against Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) have garnered the most attention, protests have also taken place in Ohio , Indiana , Tennessee , Washington , Montana , and Idaho . The protests have caused Republican governors in multiple states to back down from their anti-worker stances.

Despite the obvious newsworthiness of these protests, the Sunday morning news shows last week (Fox News Sunday, NBC's Meet the Press, CBS's Face the Nation, CNN's State of the Union, and ABC's This Week) featured no labor leaders or members. Instead, they turned to the likes of conservative commentator George Will , CNBC's Rick Santelli , Liz Cheney , and even a Thomas Jefferson impersonator , while Walker himself made an appearance on Fox.

AFL-CIO Political Communications Director Eddie Vale reports that the situation has not yet changed for this coming Sunday: There is still time for the producers of these shows to rectify this situation, and give the Main Street Movement a voice on the national media stage.

Oil prices climb to fresh highs
Oil prices rise amid fears the unrest in Libya may spread to other oil suppliers, with Brent crude hitting $119 a barrel.
Army 'used psy-ops on Americans'
A US Army general in Afghanistan used "psychological operations" to influence US lawmakers, a magazine report says.

Last week, 14 Wisconsin Senate Democrats inspired the nation when they decided to flee the state rather than allow quorum for a vote on a bill that would have decimated the state's public employee unions and dealt a crippling blow to the state's hard-working teachers, sanitation employees, and other middle class union members. Since then, tens of thousands of Wisconsinites have taken to the streets in even greater number than before the walkout in support of the fleeing legislators and in opposition to Gov. Scott Walker's (R) anti-middle class agenda.

Inspired by the events in Wisconsin, thousands of Americans all over the country are taking action to battle legislation that would attack their labor rights, defund their schools, threaten their health and safety, and decimate the American middle class. Here are just some of the places across the nation that are taking part in this new " Main Street Movement " to defend and rebuild the American middle class:

- GEORGIA: Hundreds of workers demonstrated outside the Georgia capitol yesterday, declaring their solidarity with striking Wisconsin workers. Some demonstrators wore "cheesehead" hats, a clear reference to a cultural tradition in Wisconsin.

- IDAHO: Hundreds of teachers marched against legislation that would layoff 770 teachers and leave schools severely understaffed.

- INDIANA: In Indiana, House Democrats fled the state , preventing a vote on legislation that would enact "right-to-work" laws that would've crippled the right to organize. After the House Democrats took off, hundreds of workers and students marched into the capitol building and staged a massive sit-in, pledging not to leave until the radical legislation was withdrawn. Yesterday, Indiana's Main Street Movement scored its first victory as Republican lawmakers withdrew the anti-union bill. Indiana Democrats are refusing to come back until right-wing legislators withdraw legislation to undermine the state's public education system.

- MONTANA: More than a thousand "conservationists, sportsmen, firefighters, teachers, correctional officers and others" descended on the Montana capitol to protest against " unprecedented GOP attacks on public services and education and laws that protect land, air, water and wildlife." Students carried signs that read " Keep Us In School ," protesting crippling cuts to the state's education system.

- OHIO: In Ohio, thousands of ordinary Americans who rely on the right to organize to earn good, middle class incomes are facing off with Wisconsin-style legislation backed by Gov. John Kasich (R). Nearly 10,000 protesters demonstrated in Columbus, Ohio, gaining the support of former Gov. Ted Strickland (D-OH) and Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH). So many demonstrators showed up that the Ohio Highway Patrol was ordered to lock the doors of the state capitol to stop more demonstrators from getting into the building.

- TENNESSEE: Hundreds of Tennesseans gathered to protest a bill that would completely strip Tennesee teachers of collective bargaining rights. "What you have right now is 300 or so of us, standing and asking the state legislature to focus on what the priorities are right now, instead of attacking working people," said Mary Mancini, executive director of Tennessee Citizen Action. "If they listen to us, well then that's great. … If not, I can see this thing growing."

- WASHINGTON: 2,000 demonstrators in Olympia, Washington, marched against the state's proposed budget cuts that would harm students and middle class Washingtonians and in solidarity with workers in Wisconsin. "If Scott Walker succeeds in ending worker rights in Wisconsin, the birthplace of public servants' liberty, it could happen here," said Federation of State Employees President Carol Dotlich.

ThinkProgress has put together a video compilation highlighting protests by ordinary Americans all over the nation to defend the middle class from this unprecedented assault. Watch it:

www.youtube.com/embed/Pd79b0U40ik Even larger demonstrations are planned this Saturday, as thousands more Main Street Americans plan to take to the streets to protest the ongoing assault against the middle class. Moveon.org is organizing protests at every single state capitol in the country, aiming to " Save the American Dream ." Meanwhile, US Uncut, an activist group inspired by United Kingdom's UK Uncut, plans to protest against American tax dodgers , asking why the rich in the country have been able to get off easy on their taxes while low- and middle-income Americans continue to be asked to sacrifice.

US Nationwide Rallies Planned For Saturday Feb 26th
In response to ultra-conservative tactics for greater sacrifice by the vast majority of Americans, two major progressive organizations have plans for massive rallies this Saturday. An Emergency 50-State Mobilization to Save the American Dream is planned for every state capitol to protest union busting tactics in Wisconsin and across the ...

PayPal sperrt Bradley Manning Verteidigungsfonds
Der online Zahlungsanbieter PayPal hat das Konto von "Courage to Resist" gesperrt, die zusammen mit dem Manning Unterstützungsnetzwerk Geld für die Verteidigung von US-Army Pfc. Bradley Manning sammeln.
Toxic water 'threatens SA city'
Rapidly rising acidic water in the abandoned gold mines under Johannesburg in South Africa could leak out early next year, the water ministry warns.
Schweiz friert Gaddafi-Vermögen ein
Genf - Während die Regierung der Schweiz dem libyschen Staatschef Muammar al Gaddafi den Geldhahn zudreht, treten die EU und USA für einen Ausschluss Libyens aus dem Menschenrechtsrat ein.
PayPal Freezes Support Account For Bradley Manning Author: timothy

An anonymous reader writes "The online payment provider PayPal has frozen the account of Courage to Resist, which in collaboration with the Bradley Manning Support Network is currently raising funds in support of US Army Pfc. Bradley Manning. 'We've been in discussions with PayPal for weeks, and by their own admission there's no legal obligation for them to close down our account,' noted Loraine Reitman of the Bradley Manning Support Network (Support Network). 'This was an internal policy decision by PayPal. ... They said they would not unrestrict our account unless we authorized PayPal to withdraw funds from our organization's checking account by default. While there may be no legal obligation to provide services, there is an ethical obligation. By shutting out legitimate nonprofit activity, PayPal shows itself to be morally bankrupt.'" Read more of this story

Algerien hebt Ausnahmezustand nach 19 Jahren auf
Der seit 19 Jahren in Algerien geltende Ausnahmezustand ist endgültig aufgehoben worden. Die Entscheidung wurde zwar bereits gestern im Gesetzblatt des Landes festgehalten, aber erst jetzt online gestellt. Mit der Veröffentlichung im Gesetzblatt tritt der Beschluss in Kraft.
Coral reefs heading into crisis
About three-quarters of the world's coral reefs are at risk, a major assessment warns, with overfishing and climate change the biggest factors.
Feds tell tobacco firms: Run ads about your lies
The Justice Department wants the largest cigarette manufacturers to admit that they lied to the public about the dangers of smoking in an ad campaign.
Rachel Maddow Explains How The Wisconsin Protesters Are Winning
On her MSNBC program Rachel Maddow not only explained how Scott Walker and the right are losing their battle to bust America's public sector unions, but also how the protesters are winning. Maddow said, "It looks like it is turning into a national fight, and it looks like it is a national fight the Republicans may be losing everywhere."
Boeing wins US air tanker battle
Aircraft manufacturer Boeing wins a lucrative $35bn (£21.6bn) contract to provide the US with 179 aerial refuelling tankers.
Rasmussen: NATO-Intervention in Libyen "sollte mit UN-Mandat erfolgen"
Auf dem Militärstützpunkt Ramstein Air Base, dem bedeutensten logistischen und operativen Stützpunkt der US-Luftwaffe und der NATO in Europa, zieht der Nordatlantikpakt im April seine Luftstreitkräfte zusammen. Anlass: das "humanitäre" Militärmanöver "Ramstein Dynamo 2011″ (RADO 11). Aus dem UNO Sicherheitsrat heisst es, man habe wegen Libyen "inoffizielle Gespräche" geführt und könne schnell zusammentreten.
Canada to get Agent Orange probe
An inquiry is promised after Canadian officials acknowledge the country used the herbicide Agent Orange to clear roadside brush as late as the 1980s.
Erneut ein Tag des Zorns
Proteste gegen Korruption und Arbeitslosigkeit in Irakisch-Kurdistan dauern an Angesichts der seit einer Woche andauernden Proteste in der kurdischen Autonomieregion im Nordirak hat die Regionalregierung am Donnerstag den Ausnahmezustand über die bislang von Unruhen verschonte Hauptstadt Erbil ausgerufen.
210000 kontra Leiharbeit
Rund 210000 Arbeiter und Angestellte aus 1360 Metallbetrieben haben am Donnerstag nach Angaben der IG Metall mit betrieblichen Aktionen gegen Leiharbeit und prekäre Beschäftigung demonstriert. Auch ver.di und andere Gewerkschaften mobilisierten zu Protesten. »Die Bundesregierung hat es erneut versäumt, die Arbeitgeber in gesetzliche Schranken zu weisen und für faire Bedingungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt zu sorgen«,
Fox lived high life in London skyscraper
A fox is discovered living at the top of the UK's tallest building.

Why are the Libyan "Protesters" still being called protesters? If they control cities and have weapons should they not be called Revolutionaries? [link]

Navigational 'Magic' of Sea Turtles Explained Author: Brandon Keim
For centuries, determining longitude was an extremely difficult task for sailors, so difficult that it's been thought improbable -- if not impossible -- for animals to do it. But migratory sea turtles have now proved capable of sensing longitude, using almost imperceptible gradients in Earth's magnetic field.
Libya SIGINT Jamming Satellites, Towers Author: timothy

h00manist writes "Libya's Gaddafi apparently loves radio hacking. Signal jamming is being used to disable Thuraya satellite phones. Also being jammed is satellite TV network provider Arabsat, affecting vast areas in the Middle East, Gulf, Africa and Europe. Cellphone and internet transmissions are working only intermittently. Soldiers are confiscating electronics, too. This has gone on for days, allowing killing to be carried out largely hidden from the rest of the world, quite different from what happened in Egypt. The locations of the jamming signals are known to company executives - around the capital, Tripoli - but nobody can do anything. Only POTS is available, and it is monitored. Technically speaking, could this happen everywhere? Alternatives?"

Read more of this story

Why are the Libyan "Protesters" still being called protesters? If they control cities and have weapons should they not be called Revolutionaries? [link]

It's Not an Arab Revolution ... It's a GLOBAL Revolution [link]

Cuts 'will damage defence of UK'
A group of former top military officers and academics warns Britain's ability to launch operations will be seriously damaged by government cuts.