
Industry IT Security Certification Proposed Author: Soulskill
Roberto123 writes "The US can build defenses against 'cyberwar' by having government and the private sector work together to confront the threat, a panel of experts said at RSA Conference 2011 in San Francisco this week. 'Chertoff called for a regulatory framework where company executives and board members sign on the dotted line, certifying what steps they have taken to secure their network, what backup systems they have in place and what level of resiliency is built into their IT system. "People take that seriously. Is it dramatic? No, but it moves the ball down the field," Chertoff said. Schneier concurred, noting that holding individuals at a company accountable for certain protections has worked with environmental regulations and Sarbanes-Oxley, the post-Enron law that requires directors and executives to certify their financial results.'"

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'Intense violence' in Libyan city
Libyan troops opened fire with machine-guns and large-calibre weapons on anti-government protesters in the second city Benghazi, witnesses say.

Palestinians Despair As Obama Administration Vetoes Resolution Critical Of Israeli Settlements

FBI Complains About Wiretapping Difficulties Due To Web Services Author: Soulskill
c0lo writes with news that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is lamenting the difficulty in executing wiretaps because of "web-based e-mail, social-networking and peer-to-peer services." "President Barack Obama's administration is debating ways to deal with Web-based services not covered by traditional wiretap laws, including incentives for companies to build in surveillance capabilities, said Valerie Caproni, general counsel at the FBI. Many Internet services are not covered by the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA), which requires traditional telecom carriers to allow law enforcement agencies real-time access to communications after a court has issued a wiretap order, she told members of a subcommittee of the US House of Representatives Judiciary Committee. But Caproni told lawmakers she was not asking for expanded CALEA powers. And she stopped short of calling for rules requiring Web-based communication providers to build in so-called back doors allowing law enforcement access to their software, although she said she's optimistic the US government can find incentives for companies to 'have intercept solutions engineered into their systems.'" Read more of this story

Wisconsin democratic state congressman rips the hell out of Republicans on the floor of Congress [link]

Saudi Winces As Bahrain Explodes
Defying calls for restraint from U.S. officials, government forces in Bahrain opened fire on protesters Friday afternoon, using violence for second day in a row.
The G.O.P.'s Post-Tucson Traumatic Stress Disorder
The Republicans are adrift with a shortfall of substance, offering the president a golden chance to seize the moment.

When Sarah Palin opens her mouth, it's world news. When Obama releases the ENTIRE COUNTRY'S BUDGET publicly for free, no one downloads it. Let's fix that. [link]

Final frontier
Vatican joins forces with Italy's space agency

Fox News was forced to give up filming a news segment in Madison, WI after at least 100 protesters continually shout "Tell the truth!" and then "Fox News lies!" [see comments] [link]

Gezielte Embryonenauswahl und Geburt eines Blutspender-Babys
"Bébé-médicament" In Frankreich wurde am 26.Januar 2011 im Antoine-Béclère-Krankenhaus in Clamart ein Baby geboren, das seine genau geplante Existenz auf dieser Welt einem ganz bestimmten Zweck verdankt: als passender Blutspender.
Hamas kritisiert US-Veto gegen israelkritische UN-Resolution
Mit diesem Schritt missachteten die USA den Willen der internationalen Gemeinschaft, hieß es in einer Mitteilung der radikalislamische Organisation. Die USA hatten mit ihrem Veto eine UN-Resolution verhindert, die den israelischen Siedlungsbau im Westjordanland und in Ostjerusalem als illegal verurteilt und einen sofortigen Stopp der Baumaßnahmen gefordert hätte.
Verhärtete Fronten in der arabischen Welt
In den arabischen Protest-Staaten bekämpfen sich Regierungen und Oppositionelle mit zunehmend härteren Bandagen. Allein in Libyen sollen bei Unruhen in den vergangenen fünf Tagen mehr als 80 Menschen getötet worden sein.
Banken holen sich über Nacht erneut viel EZB-Geld
Die anhaltend starke Nachfrage nach kurzfristigem EZB-Geld hat am Freitag für Irritationen am europäischen Geldmarkt gesorgt. "Es ist ungewöhnlich, dass sich die Banken über Nacht 16 Milliarden Euro in Frankfurt bei der EZB borgen müssen", sagte ein Geldmarkthändler. Die Banken der Euro-Zone liehen sich aus der Spitzenrefinanzierungsfazilität der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) in der Nacht zu Freitag 16,009 Milliarden Euro. Bereits am Tag zuvor hatten sie mit rund 15 Milliarden Euro überdurchschnittlich viel Geld bei der Notenbank abgerufen.
Thousands back new Basque party
Thousands of people rally in the Basque city of Bilbao in northern Spain to demand the legalisation of a new separatist party.
Face-off in Wisconsin over cuts
Nearly 70,000 protesters take part in new demonstrations in the US state of Wisconsin over planned budget cuts.
Nach Eskalation in Bahrain: `Der König hat meinen Bruder auf dem Gewissen`
Der Patient heißt Redha, ist 32 Jahre alt und Familienvater. Getroffen wurde er von sogenannter Hochgeschwindigkeitsmunition. Es sei das erste Mal, dass sie mit einem solchen Fall in diesem Krankenhaus konfrontiert sei, sagt die Ärztin. Sie macht Platz, damit ein Bruder des Patienten an das Bett treten kann. Der Mann ist fassungslos, kann sich kaum auf den Beinen halten. Angehörige müssen ihn stützen. Hamad habe seinen Bruder auf dem Gewissen, König Hamad bin Isa al Khalifa, sagt der Mann und legt einen weiß-roten Schal auf das Bett. Die Aufschrift darauf lautet: "Ich liebe Dich, mein Land."
Police Chief Teaches Parents To Keylog Kids Author: Soulskill

Hugh Pickens writes writes "LiveScience reports that James Batelli, the police chief of Mahwah, NJ, and his detectives conduct seminars that teach parents how to outfit a computer with keystroke logging software, giving them access to the full spectrum of their kids' online activities. Batelli explains that kids put themselves in potentially dangerous situations online every day, especially on Facebook, where they run the risk of coming into contact with child predators who troll the social networking site. 'When it comes down to safety and welfare of your child, I don't think any parent would sacrifice anything to make sure nothing happens to their children,' he says." Read more of this story

The GOP decides accurate weather forecasting and hurricane tracking are luxuries America can't afford: Republicans try to defund NOAA's satellite program -- just as climate change is making the weather much more extreme! [link]

Crown prince to make Bahrain call
Formula 1 boss Bernie Ecclestone says he will leave the decision on whether the Bahrain Grand Prix can go ahead to the country's crown prince.
Brown: Geldsystem vor `kaum vorstellbarer Katastrophe`
Britischer Ex-Premier fordert weltweite Bankenabgabe und Finanzaufsicht. "Wir können nicht fortfahren wie bisher". - "Die meisten Menschen machen sich immer noch keine Vorstellung vom Ausmaß des möglichen Zusammenbruchs."
UK to press for European reform
The government is to press for the European Court of Human Rights to be reformed, but will not pull out of the European Convention, Ken Clarke says.

WISCONSIN: Governor rejects union offer to take his wage & benefit cuts in order to save collective bargaining rights [link]

Feds Pay Millions For Bogus Spy Software Author: Soulskill
gosuperninja writes "The US Government paid tens of millions of dollars to Dennis Montgomery because he said he had created software that could decode secret Al-Qaeda messages embedded in Al-Jazeera broadcasts. Even though the CIA figured out that his software was fraud in 2003, other defense agencies continued to believe in it. To date, the government has not prosecuted Montgomery, most likely to save itself the embarrassment." Read more of this story

Wisconsin Firefighters: We'll Give Up Pay to Save Collective Bargaining. "Collective bargaining is not about union rights; it's about rights of workers... [link]

Die neue Libyen-Affäre
Um die seit Tagen stattfindenden pro-demokratischen Demonstrationen irgendwie zu unterdrücken, lässt das Regime von Diktator Muammar al Gaddafi in der zweitgrößten Stadt Libyens, der östlich von Tripolis gelegenen Mittelmeerstadt Benghazi, durch seine u.a. aus international operierenden Söldnern bestehenden "Sicherheitskräfte" wahllos Einwohner ermorden. Ausgebildet worden sind diese libyschen "Sicherheitskräfte" u.a. durch deutsche "Sicherheitskräfte", namentlich durch Mitglieder der Bundeswehr, der Geheimpolizei "Bundeskriminalamt" (BKA), der deutschen Auslandsspionage "Bundesnachrichtendienst" (BND) und der Bundespolizei mit ihrer Spezialeinheit GSG 9. Und zwar seit den 70er Jahren, gedeckt von allen Staatsparteien, CDU, CSU, SPD und FDP.
Rise in Scots humanist weddings
There were more humanist weddings than Roman Catholic weddings in Scotland last year, according to new figures.
Libya unrest death toll 'tops 200'
Protests have also reportedly broken out in other cities, including Bayda, Derna, Tobruk and Misrata. In the capital, Tripoli, supporters of the government took to the streets in large numbers, and security forces prevented large demonstrations against Muammar Gaddafi's 42-year reign.
Bahrain protesters remain in square
Abdul-Jalil Khalil, a leader of the main Shia political bloc, said on Sunday the opposition was considering the monarchy's offer for dialogue, but he noted that no direct talks were yet under way. Seven opposition groups said they would meet later in the day to co-ordinate a response. They were responding after Bahrain's crown prince, Sheikh Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, who is also the deputy supreme commander of the country's armed forces, appealed for calm and political dialogue in a brief address on state TV on Friday. On his orders, troops and armoured vehicles withdrew from Pearl Roundabout on Saturday, which they had taken over on Thursday after riot police staged a night-time attack on a sit-in by protesters, killing four people and wounding 231.
The Inner World of Gov-Sponsored White-Hat Hacking Author: samzenpus
romanval writes "Anonymous leaked emails of white-hat hacker firm HBGary shows how it develops and markets products to government agencies. From the article: 'In 2009, HBGary had partnered with the Advanced Information Systems group of defense contractor General Dynamics to work on a project euphemistically known as "Task B." The team had a simple mission: slip a piece of stealth software onto a target laptop without the owner's knowledge. They focused on ports-a laptop's interfaces to the world around it-including the familiar USB port, the less-common PCMCIA Type II card slot, the smaller ExpressCard slot, WiFi, and Firewire. No laptop would have all of these, but most recent machines would have at least two.'" Read more of this story
Morocco protesters demand change
Thousands of Moroccans rally in the capital, Rabat, demanding political reform and an end to the current regime.