
Polizei 2.0 - Jetzt wird bei Facebook nach Zeugen gesucht
15 Millionen Menschen in Deutschland nutzen das soziale Internetnetzwerk "Facebook" - 15 Millionen potenzielle Zeugen, meint jetzt die Polizei. Als bundesweit erste Behörde bezieht die Polizeidirektion Hannover Facebook jetzt offiziell als Werkzeug in die Verbrechensaufklärung ein. Erster Test in dem auf sechs Monate angelegten Modellversuch ist die Fahndung nach der seit dem 18. Oktober vermissten Schülerin Cicek Ö. (20) aus Burgwedel.
Libya Blocks Internet Access As Citizens Protest Author: timothy
An anonymous reader writes "As protests rage across the Middle East, in particular gaining strength in Libya, Djibouti, Iraq, Bahrain, and Yemen over the past two days, Libya has taken the lead role in blocking internet access to its citizens. Residents of Tripoli, Libya are reporting wide-spread internet blockage for most sites, and access to circumvention tools like OperaTor and VPN is also being blocked."Read more of this story
Sarah Palin: Wisconsin unions must be 'willing to sacrifice'
Sarah Palin says union members protesting Wisconsin Republicans' plan to help balance the state's budget by cutting collective bargaining rights are taking up "the wrong fight at the wrong time."
Anxious watch
BBC diplomatic correspondent Bridget Kendall on why Bahrain matters to the UK
It's about the users, dummy

Twitter pressed a button tonight, and not just the one marked "Kill."

They sent two wakeup calls to their users:

1. Hey it would be safer to use our client to access Twitter.

2. We will kill your use of Twitter if it suits us.

Just when people were starting to think that Twitter could be used for serious stuff, you know -- like news, and revolutions.

When Amazon kicked WikiLeaks off, without adequate explanation, they did far more damage to their own rep than they did to WikiLeaks. Everyone knew WikiLeaks is a hot potato. What we didn't know is how little heat it would take Amazon to dump one of their customers. It would be one thing to stand up to repeated court orders and finally cave. But in this case, there wasn't even a judgment against WikiLeaks. They kicked them off because it suited them. And that killed Amazon as an environment for journalism. RIght there. If they ever want to get that back they have a lot of explaining to do.

Now this one tweet from ABC's Jake Tapper puts it all in perspective. "Twitter killed my ubertwitter." He got the subject and object of that correct, and the verb.

What if, just saying -- one of the revolutionaries in Cairo or Bahrain or Tripoli was using UberTwitter or Twidroid. Not impossible you know. What if they went to send a message, one that might save lives, and found out that Twitter had shut them off.

Mark Suster, a venture capitalist, commenting on Quora says: "As a long-time user of UberTwitter I find this kind of platform behavior offensive. Not as a VC or as somebody who loves Twitter and always has. But as a user of a product Twitter chose to punish. It sure would have been nicer on your users if you issued a public warning and had given them 72 hours to respond. Who you fucked was me. Your loyal user."

Panama clashes over copper mining
Police in Panama clash with dozens of indigenous protesters trying to prevent copper mining on their ancestral lands.
Clinton sounds warning to Taliban
The US secretary of state warns Taliban fighters in Afghanistan they face a stark choice between war and peace, as US pressure on them mounts.
Libyen: Internet gesperrt
Internetzugang in Libyen gesperrt. In Libyen kommt es seit einigen Tagen zu Protesten gegen die Regierung von Staatschef Muammar Gaddafi.
Air Force Wants Hundreds of Fake Online Identities Author: timothy

bizwriter writes "Bad enough that spammers are creating fake Facebook accounts that acquire connections with unsuspecting people, then inundate them with crap. Now, the US military wants software and services to manage upwards of 500 fake online personas designed to interact with social media, presumably including such sites as Facebook and Twitter."Read more of this story

US House approves big budget cuts
The US House of Representatives approves deep cuts in federal spending, in a vote of defiance against President Obama's budget plans.
Republikaner verpassen Obama Sparkurs
US-Repräsentantenhaus streicht Mittel für Klimaschutz und Gesundheitsreform zusammen
Military tactics
What role did Egypt's army play in ousting Mubarak?
Ausnahmezustand in Dresden: Reizgas und Wasserwerfer gegen Demonstranten
In Dresden weiten sich die Proteste gegen die bevorstenden Aktionen von Neonazis aus. Am Mittag kam es zu ersten Auseindersetzungen zwischen Linken und der Polizei. Die Polizei setzte Reizgas und Wasserwerfer ein. Ein Großaufgebot der Polizei kontrollierte an den Zufahrtsstraßen Autos und Busse. Zeitweise kreisten bis zu sieben Polizeihubschrauber über der Stadt. Mehrere tausend Rechtsextreme sollen in Dresden sein. Die Polizei geht davon aus, dass 4.000 Neonazis etwa 20.000 Gegendemonstranten gegenüber stehen.
USA blockieren israelkritische UN-Resolution
Die USA haben im UN-Sicherheitsrat einen Resolutionsentwurf zur Verurteilung der israelischen Siedlungspolitik mit einem Veto gestoppt. Trotz der Unterstützung der 14 anderen Mitglieder des Gremiums ist der Entwurf damit vom Tisch. US-Botschafterin Susan Rice sagte, die US-Regierung sei der Ansicht, dass die UNO der falsche Ort zur Lösung des israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikts sei. "Diese Resolution droht die Position beider Seiten weiter zu verfestigen"
Torfbrände unter Schnee und Eis
Russland im Sommer 2010: Rund um Moskau wüten über Wochen infernalische Feuer und hüllen die Hauptstadt in eine giftige Qualmwolke. Auch jetzt, ein halbes Jahr später, qualmt es mitten im strengen russischen Winter aus den Böden. Experten warnen vor neuen riesigen Bränden.

"They attacked us and used gangs of thugs to start a fight with us," Moumin told CNN, noting that dozens of protesters were injured, including a parliament member and a union leader.

"I was attacked myself by the thugs who tried to stab me. I was rescued by the protesters in the last minute," he said. "All of this happened in front of the police and they did nothing to stop it."

The United States and Algeria have grown closer since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, with the North African country aiding in counterterrorism and law enforcement.

Homeless man jailed for begging
A homeless man who admitted begging in Belfast is jailed for a week after being unable to pay a fine.
Viele haben Angst, dass heute noch etwas Grosses passiert
Machthaber Ghadhafi geht in Libyen mit Gewalt gegen die Proteste vor. Mindestens 84 Menschen fielen den Strassenkämpfen schon zum Opfer. Augenzeugen befürchten, dass die Lage weiter eskaliert.

Search for secret Senator who killed Whistleblower Bill narrows to five. The irony of the bill being scuttled under a cloak of secrecy is not lost. The Senator who banished it, and the secrets he's presumably trying to protect, remain unknown. [link]

What's Happening in Wisconsin: Explained. A series of tax breaks and other goodies that Walker and the Republican legislature passed just after his inauguration dramatically increased the deficit that Walker now says he's trying to close. [link]

Google and Facebook: Protect Our Privacy!
Imagine the cops rifling through your mail, your calendar, your receipts. All your private information, available for them to look through. To do this offline, they'd have to get a warrant from a judge and break into your house. But every day the cops -- and anyone else with a good lawyer -- get access to your online email and calendar just by asking.

Shit is really hitting the fan in the Middle East... Guardian Live Updates [link]

Internet 'kill switch' bill gets a makeover
Jim Harper, director of information policy studies at the free-market Cato Institute and a member of a Homeland Security advisory panel, says that supporters of the bill have yet to make the argument that such governmental emergency powers will do more good than harm. "They recognize that a total Internet kill switch is totally unacceptable," Harper said today. "A smaller Internet kill switch, or a series of kill switches, is also unacceptable...How does this make cybersecurity better? They have no answer."
Libyan Disconnect
Renesys confirms that the 13 globally routed Libyan network prefixes were withdrawn at 23:18 GMT (Friday night, 1:18am Saturday local time), and Libya is off the Internet. One Libyan route originated by Telecom Italia directly is still BGP-reachable, but inbound traceroutes appear to die in Palermo.
Algerian police thwart new rally
Algerian police prevent anti-government protesters from staging a march through the capital - a week after breaking up a similar rally.

Egypt Supports Wisconsin Workers. One world, one pain. [link]

Koch Brothers Behind Wisconsin Effort To Kill Public Unions [link]

Demokraten von bahrainischem Militär erschossen.
Ähnlich wie in Stuttgart wurde auf die Köpfe geschossen. Allerdings mit dem entscheidenden Unterschied, dass in Stuttgart mit Wasserwerfern geschossen wurde, was einen Mann erblinden ließ und Hunderte verletzte, während es in Bahrain ein Massaker gibt.Jetzt braucht es weltweit jeden aufrechten Demokraten, damit es nirgendwo auf der Welt mehr so weit kommen kann wie in Bahrain. Dies ist längst eine globale Demokratiebewegung geworden. In einem der Videos werden alle Menschen weltweit um Hilfe gebeten, weil auf fried- liche Demokraten und Krankenhausbesucher geschossen wurde.
Hague condemns Mid-East violence
Foreign Secretary William Hague has said he is "deeply concerned" by the "unacceptable violence" used against protesters in Libya, Bahrain and Yemen.
Employer Demands Facebook Login From Job Applicants Author: Soulskill
Hugh Pickens writes writes "Alex Madrigal reports in the Atlantic that the ACLU has taken up the case of Maryland corrections officer Robert Collins, who was required to provide his Facebook login and password to the Maryland Division of Corrections during a recertification interview so the interviewer could log on to his account and read not only his postings, but those of his family and friends too. 'We live in a time when national security is the highest priority, but it must be delicately balanced with personal privacy,' says Collins. 'My fellow officers and I should not have to allow the government to view our personal Facebook posts and those of our friends, just to keep our jobs.' The ACLU of Maryland has sent a letter to Public Safety Secretary Gary Maynard (PDF) concerning the Division of Correction's blanket requirement that applicants for employment with the division, as well as current employees undergoing recertification, provide the government with their social media account usernames and personal passwords for use in employee background checks. After three weeks the ACLU has received no response."Read more of this story
G20 fail to agree economy targets
Negotiators fail to agree targets to reduce global economic imbalances on the first day of the two-day G20 meeting in Paris
Researchers aim to 'print' human skin
Researchers are developing a specialized skin "printing" system that could be used in the future to treat soldiers wounded on the battlefield.
USA blockieren israelkritische UN-Resolution
Die USA haben im UN-Sicherheitsrat einen Resolutionsentwurf zur Verurteilung der israelischen Siedlungspolitik mit einem Veto gestoppt. Trotz der Unterstützung der 14 anderen Mitglieder des Gremiums ist der Entwurf damit vom Tisch. US-Botschafterin Susan Rice sagte, die US-Regierung sei der Ansicht, dass die UNO der falsche Ort zur Lösung des israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikts sei. "Diese Resolution droht die Position beider Seiten weiter zu verfestigen"