
U.S. seeks veto powers over new domain names
The Obama administration wants the power for it and other governments to veto future top-level domain names, a move that raises questions about free expression and the role of states in shaping the future of the Internet.
WikiLeaks' Assange Faces Secret Swedish Rape Trial - Bloomberg
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange may be unfairly tried in secret in Sweden if extradited from Britain to face questioning over sexual-assault allegations, his lawyer told a U.K. judge.
Do revolutions mean higher oil prices?
WikiLeaks: Israel's secret hotline to the man tipped to replace Mubarak
The new vice-president of Egypt, Omar Suleiman, is a long-standing favourite of Israel's who spoke daily to the Tel Aviv government via a secret "hotline" to Cairo, leaked documents disclose.
Scientology: Slave Labor, Beatings, and an FBI Investigation?
Oscar-winning director Paul Haggis is the Church of Scientology's most high-profile ex-member. He left because the church refused to support same-sex marriages, which got him digging into the church's other problems--and he was shocked at what he found...
Sleepwalking 'link to chromosome'
US scientists believe they have discovered the genetic code that makes some people sleepwalk.
US's new Egypt envoy linked to Mubarak regime Author: Agence France-Presse
WASHINGTON - The United States on Monday defended the choice of veteran diplomat Frank Wisner to head a mission to Egypt even though he works for a firm with past work for President Hosni Mubarak's government. Wisner was at the center of controversy Saturday when he suggested that Mubarak should stay in power during a [...]
US embassies' 'exploitation risk'
US investigators find "indicators" of exploitation and coercion of low-level staff at US missions in four Gulf countries.
Mexico: 65 zoo animals dead as cold front sweeps through Author: News Desk
Unusually cold weather leaves 65 animals including a baby monkey dead at a zoo outside Chihuahua, Mexico. read more
Assange case validity questioned
A witness at the UK extradition of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange questions the approach adopted by Swedish prosecutors.
Twitter posts ruled 'not private'
Material that is published on Twitter should be considered public and can be published, the Press Complaints Commission rules.
Globalisierung der Alternativen
Weltsozialforum in Dakar: China will mit Hilfe der Weltbank und der Afrikanischen Entwicklungsbank ein neues Kohlekraftwerk in Senegal bauen. Chinesische, indische und arabische Konzerne kaufen in Afrika Land. Reichlich Konfliktstoff also.Aus Dakar Sven Giegold
Junk food diet linked to lower IQ Author: Agence France-Presse
PARIS - Toddlers who have a diet high in processed foods may have a slightly lower IQ in later life, according to a British study described as the biggest research of its kind. The conclusion, published on Monday, comes from a long-term investigation into 14,000 people born in western England in 1991 and 1992 whose [...]
Mubarak pushes 'transition plan'
The Egyptian government says it is moving towards a "clear map" for a power transfer, as protests against President Hosni Mubarak continue.
Rumsfeld admits 'possible' Iraq troop mistakes Author: Agence France-Presse
WASHINGTON - Former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld releases his new memoir Tuesday, as he concedes his Iraq troop decisions may have been wrong while sparing no criticism of former colleagues. In "Known and Unknown," Rumsfeld defends his handling of the war and recounts his government career serving Republican presidents from Richard Nixon to George W. [...]
US Marine gets 6 years for Iraq contracts fraud Author: Agence France-Presse
WASHINGTON - A US Marine captain was sentenced to six years in federal prison for conspiring with his wife to skim nearly $1.7 million from government contracts in Iraq. Eric Schmidt, who still serves with the First Marine Division at Camp Pendleton, California, pleaded guilty in May to conspiracy to commit wire fraud and filing [...]
Saudi reformers start Facebook group Author: Agence France-Presse
DUBAI - Like their Arab neighbours using the web to rally against their regimes, Saudis seeking political, social and economic reforms have created a group on Facebook that by Tuesday had nearly 2,000 members. "The people want to reform the regime" group calls for a constitutional monarchy, transparency, legislative elections, an independent and fair judicial [...]
Gun checks eased by police cuts
BBC East Home Affairs Correspondent Sally Chidzoy reveals police force plans to relax gun licence regulations.
Cyber-activist's release galvanises Egypt revolt Author: Agence France-Presse
CAIRO - Thousands of protesters flooded Cairo's Tahrir Square on Tuesday, galvanised by the release of a pro-democracy cyber activist as a revolt against Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak raged into a third week. The embattled leader took a step earlier Tuesday towards democratic reform, authorising a committee to pursue constitutional change, a gesture that failed [...]

ThinkFast: February 8, 2011

Last week, President Obama called on Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak to immediately begin transitioning to a new government, but now the Obama administration "has reconciled itself to gradual political reform in Egypt." Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the U.S. supports democratic reforms across the region but acknowledged that "some countries will move at different paces ."

Federal courts are facing a crisis as judges retire and are not replaced fast enough, leaving vacancies that cause increased workloads and delayed trials. The crisis is a result of Republicans' obstruction in confirming President Obama's judicial nominees, and the broken Senate confirmation system. "It's a dire situation," said Arizona chief judge.

Polen vor dem Staatsbankrott ?
Wenn schon früher "Polskaweb" von einem "Fass ohne Boden" in Warschau gesprochen hat, so geben uns jetzt internationale Experten wieder einmal recht. Der Missbrauch von öffentlichen Geldern, ungebremster Kaufrausch und eine wahre Kreditsucht bei Wirtschaft und Politik müssen zwangsläufig dazu führen, dass das "Wirtschaftswunderkind Polen" in absehbarer Zeit kräftig auf die Nase fällt
Die Scheindemokratie des Westens
Nachdem der Westen und vor allem auch die USA und Israel fast drei Jahrzehnte lang hervorragend mit dem System Hosni Mubarak leben konnten und ihn nun geradezu zu einem der Schreckgespenster der arabischen Welt machen, scheint man nun im Moment gerade große Angst davor zu haben, dass die Ägypter wirklich frei und eigenständig die Nachfolge bestimmen könnten
Große und kleine Lügen: Warum es für die USA kein Morgen gibt
Getürkte Arbeitslosenzahlen und zunehmende Armut in Amerika, werden die US-Bürger im Hinblick auf die wahre Lage ihrer Volkswirtschaft systematisch in die Irre geführt? Auch in Deutschland sind die offiziellen Wirtschaftsdaten inzwischen offenbar zunehmend mit Vorsicht zu genießen - unter anderem gilt das für die Arbeitsmarktdaten
Assange: Ein Debakel für Schwedens Justiz
Der offene Streit schwedischer Juristen vor einem Londoner Gericht wächst sich zunehmend zu einem Debakel für das schwedische Rechtssystem aus. Dies könnte für Assange von Vorteil sein, zumal immer mehr Details über die Vorwürfe gegen ihn und die Glaubwürdigkeit der beiden Kronzeuginnen bekannt werden
Wo ist eigentlich das ganze Geld hin?
Die Frage wird derzeit in Großbritannien immer öfter gestellt, weil die Regierung behauptet, ein milliardenschweres Finanzloch mit einem massiven Sparprogramm stopfen zu müssen
Kairos Schergen bleiben
Der Ägyptische Menschenrechtsverein hat alle Hände voll zu tun. Noch immer sind Hunderte Menschen in Haft oder verschwunden, Journalisten in- und ausländischer Medien werden bedroht und drangsaliert. Das staatliche Fernsehen berichtet gleichzeitig ausführlich, die Proteste der vergangenen zwei Wochen seien von Ausländern und nicht von Ägyptern ausgelöst worden
7/7 problems 'known since 1987'
Some of the problems which hampered the 7 July 2005 rescue operation were identified in 1987, the inquest hears.

More than 85 per cent of men incarcerated in America are on drug-related offences. It costs $40,000 a year for every prisoner. If they were really serious about the economy there would be a sensible discussion about legalisation.' -Jack Nicholson [link]

Jämmerliches Europa verrät die Revolution in Ägypten
Helden, Schurken, Intriganten - im ägyptischen Drama herrscht kein Mangel an starken Charakteren. Der Beitrag Europas besteht jedoch bislang größtenteils darin, jämmerliche Gestalten über die Bühne huschen zu lassen. Insgesamt war der Auftritt der EU unter jeder Kritik. Unkoordinierter, zögerlicher, ideenloser und irrelevanter hätte sich die Union kaum präsentieren können
In Tunisia, William Hague calls for political openness Author: News Desk
Britain is seeking greater political openness in Tunisia and elsewhere around the Middle East and North Africa, according to Foreign Secretary William Hague, who is touring the region. read more

Mubarak 'lent French PM a plane'
French PM Francois Fillon says Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak lent him a plane and paid for lodgings during a family holiday at new year.
Bahrain cyber-activists urge 'revolt' Author: Agence France-Presse
DUBAI - A Facebook page urging "revolt" in Bahrain replicating similar calls elsewhere in the Arab world had by Tuesday amassed more than 6,000 "likes" on the social networking site. "This is your chance to open the door for political and standard of living reforms, especially with the changes going on now in the Middle [...]
UK 'deplores' reporter expulsion
Foreign Office Minister David Lidington says the government "deplores" Russia's expulsion of a British journalist with the Guardian newspaper.
Pupils protest at teacher sacking
Hundreds of pupils at a west London secondary school miss lessons to protest against a teacher's dismissal.
Three Indian WWF staff 'released'
Indian police say that three female wildlife officials kidnapped in the north-eastern state of Assam have been released, but three men are held.
Kucinich challenges tea party to stand up for civil liberties Author: Sahil Kapur
WASHINGTON - The House is set to take up a measure this week renewing key provisions of the PATRIOT Act that expire Feb. 28. Liberal Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) issued a challenge to tea party supporters and lawmakers in the new Congress: time to show you're serious about liberty. "The 112th Congress began with a [...]
Wikileaks und die Erinnerung an die US-amerikanische Invasion 1989
Der Skandal um die Veröffentlichungen von Wikileaks hat deutlich gemacht, wie stark die öffentlichen Medien in vielen Ländern der Kontrolle durch die USA unterworfen sind. Die veröffentlichten diplomatischen Depeschen und Berichte zeichnen ein Bild, welches ignorante, korrupte und teilweise verbrecherische Staatschefs und Präsidenten zeigt
Armut in Deutschland: Wie sich Menschen vom Müll ernähren
Dokumentation - Dieser Film beschreibt wie Hartz IV Empfänger, Obdachlose und Rentner den Müll nach Essbaren durchwühlen. Sie beschreiben ihre Sorgen und Ängste. Auch Suppenküchen werden gezeigt
Bradley Manning: Haftbedingungen könnten juristische Folgen haben
Die Anwälte des US-Soldaten und mutmaßlichen Whistleblowers Bradley Manning fordern offenbar, die Anklage gegen ihren Mandanten fallen zu lassen. Zudem könnten die Haftbedingungen auch für die US-Regierung unerwünschte juristische Konsequenzen haben
Wie deutsche Politiker seit Jahren den Dikatator Mubarak hofierten
Eine Reihe von Statements deutscher Politiker zu dem ägyptischen Diktator beweisen seit vielen Jahren deren Demokratieferne

Impeach And Prosecute Justice Clarence Thomas For Corruption [link]

Workers close Suez Canal in growing Egypt revolution [link]

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak may be the world's richest man with an estimated fortune of $70 billion dollars, according to reports. [link]

Mass demonstrations continue in Cairo: The release of Wael Ghonim, a cyber activist and Google executive, rallied protesters in Cairo. [link]

Bush, Rumsfeld and Iraq: Is the Real Reason for the Invasion Finally Emerging? [link]

More than 85 per cent of men incarcerated in America are on drug-related offences. It costs $40,000 a year for every prisoner. If they were really serious about the

economy there would be a sensible discussion about legalisation.' -Jack Nicholson [link] "

For the third straight year, American families and businesses will pay less in federal taxes than they did under former President George W. Bush" [link]

Journalist: Egypt's police treating us like 'prisoners or war' Author: David Edwards
Al Jazeera's Cairo bureau chief Ayman Mohyeldin said Monday that he was blindfolded, handcuffed and taken in to custody by Egyptian military police the previous day. He was released after nine hours in detention. Mohyeldin told the network Monday that he and other detainees were treated like "prisoners of war." "As I was making my [...]
Freed Google executive arrives at Cairo protest Author: Agence France-Presse
CAIRO - Freed Egypt activist Wael Ghonim arrived at the epicentre of anti-regime protests in Cairo on Tuesday where he was welcomed as a hero by the crowd of hundreds of thousands. The crowd surged towards him, many weeping, clapping and shouting: "Long live Egypt, long live Egypt!" The young executive at Google was released [...]

Bill Clinton talks about Michele Bachmann's SOTU response -- What she says "is factually untrue... I think what America needs as much as anything else is to stop conducting its politics in a parallel universe divorced from reality with no facts." [link]

To appease US, Yemen arrested dozens sans evidence, cable reveals Author: Eric W. Dolan
Diplomatic cables released by secrets outlet WikiLeaks reveal that the Republic of Yemen detained 28 alleged Al Qaeda members on behalf of the United States, despite an investigation that found no evidence they were involved in terrorist acts. The 28 detained Yemeni citizens were arrested after returning to Yemen from Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan, according [...]
US Seeks Veto Powers Over New TLDs Author: CmdrTaco
suraj.sun writes "The Obama administration is quietly seeking the power for it and other governments to veto future top-level domain names, a move that raises questions about free expression, national sovereignty, and the role of states in shaping the future of the Internet. At stake is who will have authority over the next wave of suffixes to supplement the venerable .com, .org, and .net. At least 115 proposals are expected this year, including .car, .health, .nyc, .movie, and .web, and the application process could be finalized at a meeting in San Francisco next month." Read more of this story
White House seeks to clamp down on piracy, copyright infringement Author: Sahil Kapur
WASHINGTON - The Obama administration unveiled a blueprint Monday to beef up digital copyright laws, as part of an effort to adjust intellectual property regulations in the age of the Internet. "Our efforts focus on combating significant acts of infringement, protecting legitimate uses of the Internet and respecting principles of free speech and fair process," [...]
Egypt protests draw biggest crowd yet Author: Agence France-Presse
CAIRO - Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators flooded Cairo's iconic Tahrir Square and towns across Egypt on Tuesday, in the biggest show of defiance to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak since the revolt began. In Cairo, the immense crowd hailed as a hero a charismatic cyberactivist and Google executive whose Facebook site helped kickstart the protest [...]
7:24 Kairo, auf dem Platz der Befreiung Author: Jürgen Stryjak
Wir zwei, die wir die Frühschicht der Berichterstattung machen, haben die Nacht im Hotel verbracht, allerdings nahezu nicht geschlafen. Der Lärm von der Gewalt auf der Straße ist laut, aber das ist nicht das Schlimme, er ist irgendwie apokalyptisch, Schreie, Detonationen,...[mehr]
Kairo heute mittag / nachmittag Author: Jürgen Stryjak
Ich habe seit gestern morgen 8 Uhr nicht geschlafen, gestern die ganze Nacht Schüsse, Schreie, Explosionen, Krankenwagensirenen im Ohr gehabt. Ich habe einen brennenden Menschen über den Platz laufen sehen, alles so apokalyptisch. Heute ab 5 Uhr hatte ich anderthalb Stunden ...[mehr]

Muslims return favor, join hands with Christian protesters for Mass in Cairo's Tahrir Square [link]

American taxpayers paid $450,000 for four Navy jets to fly over Texas Stadium before the Super Bowl. The retractable roof was closed, and no one inside could see them. [link]

17,6 Milliarden Euro Minus für Anglo Irish Bank
Das verstaatlichte irische Geldinstitut Anglo Irish Bank hat im vergangenen Jahr den höchsten Verlust in der Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Landes verbucht. Der Fehlbetrag liege bei 17,6 Milliarden Euro, teilte das Institut unter Berufung auf vorläufige Zahlen mit. Damit übertrifft die Anglo Irish Bank ihren eigenen Negativrekord: In den 15 Monaten bis Dezember 2009 hatte das Geldhaus einen Verlust in Höhe von 12,7 Milliarden Euro verzeichnet.