
Jung, frustriert, zu allem bereit
Tunesien, Ägypten, Jemen: Die arabischen Herrscher haben sich nur mit dem Machterhalt beschäftigt und versäumt, sich auf das 21. Jahrhundert einzulassen. Nun stellt die Jugend die Potentaten vor die Wahl: Reformen oder noch mehr Brutalität.
Obama telefonierte mit mehreren Regierungschefs wegen Ägypten
US-Präsident Barack Obama hat die Lage in Ägypten mit mehreren Regierungschefs in der Region erörtert.
Nutznießer der Repression
Seit dem Sturz des Regimes Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali in Tunesien müht sich Berlin, seine systematische Unterstützung für die autoritären nordafrikanischen Staaten vergessen zu machen. Auch in Ägypten müssten die "Bürgerrechte" geachtet werden [1], lässt der deutsche Außenminister verlauten.
Belo Monte: Später Alles wieder aufforsten?
Brasilia. Nach Erteilung der "partiellen Umweltlizenz" durch das Bundesumweltamt Ibama für das umstrittenen Megastaudammprojekt Belo Monte im nordbrasilianischen Bundesstaat Pará wächst nicht nur bei Indigenen, Umweltschützern und sozialen Bewegungen der Unmut.
Weltwirtschaftsgipfel in Davos: Cablegate und die Folgen
Eine Diskussion im Rahmen des World Economic Forum in Davos befasste sich mit den Auswirkungen des "Cablegate"-Leaks auf Diplomatie und internationale Beziehungen. Politiker und Diplomaten, so das Fazit der Diskussion, sind momentan verunsichert und bemühen sich, sensible oder kompromittierende Informationen nicht schriflich niederzulegen.
Report: `Nieder mit Mubarak`
Kairo (dpa) - Panzerfahrzeuge auf den Straßen Kairos, Zusammenstöße zwischen Demonstranten und Polizei, Feuer und Rauch - in der Millionenmetropole am Nil herrschte am Freitag Chaos.
Anonymous startet `Operation Italy`
Gestern rief das Kollektiv Anonymous zu Cyberattacken gegen italienische Regierungsseiten auf. Insbesondere hat man es auf die Website www.governo.it abgesehen. Nach Aussage der Aktivisten sei die politische wie wirtschaftliche Situation in Italien unhaltbar geworden. Durch die kürzlich durchgeführten Verhaftungen und Durchsuchungen lässt sich das Kollektiv bislang nicht aufhalten.
Schwedischer Provider will Vorratsdatenspeicherung per VPN umgehen
In Schweden soll bald die von der EU vorgeschriebene Vorratsdatenspeicherung von Kommunikationsdaten eingeführt werden. Der Internet-Provider Bahnhof widersetzt sich dem jedoch: der ISP will die Daten seiner Kunden vor der Vorratsdatenspeicherung schützen, indem man diese über ein VPN routet.
«Geheimagenten zettelten Plünderungen in Kairo an»
Der Grund ist für sie logisch: «Die Regierung will uns einen Schrecken einjagen. Damit wir alle denken, dass es ohne sie doch nicht geht». Aus diesem Grund sei auch die Feuerwehr nicht ausgerückt, als zahlreiche Gebäude in der Innenstadt in Flammen standen. Auch diese unterstehe der Regierung, so Sadry. Die Polizisten waren die letzten Tage in der Stadt aus der Bildfläche verschwunden.
Verfassungsgericht Kasachstan: kein Präsident auf Lebenszeit
Nein zur Möchtegern-Diktatur: "Änderung der Verfassung ist rechtlich falsch und widerspricht grundlegenden Prinzipien der Demokratie" Deutschland sieht keine Demokratie-Defizite in Kasachstan
Ägypten Ticker: Volksaufstand Tag 7
Kairo: Die Menschen strömen wieder auf den Tahrir-Platz. In ganz Ägypten sind die Menschen nach wie vor auf den Straßen. Für Dienstag hat sich in Kairo ein "Million Man March", ein Millionen Menschen Marsch angekündigt. In ganz Ägypten wird zum Generalstreik aufgerufen.
Egyptian protesters call for general strike
Thousands of anti-government demonstrators have gathered in Cairo's central square, with many calling for a general strike on Monday.
Nach Verbot in Kairo: Al Dschasira setzt auf Blogger und Augenzeugen
Untereinander verständigten sich die Ägypter vor allem per Telefon, auch die meisten Handy-Verbindungen funktionierten inzwischen wieder, berichtete die frühere Kairo-Korrespondentin der ARD, Golineh Atai, im ARD-Morgenmagazin... Zugleich bestätigte Atai Berichte, wonach die Mubarak-Regierung für die massiven Plünderungen mitverantwortlich ist. Demnach hätten Polizisten der Staatssicherheit ihre schwarzen Uniformen abgelegt und würden nunmehr in Zivil marodierenden Banden Anweisungen geben, Bewohner aus ihren Wohnungen zu treiben, um diese anschließend zu plündern. Unter den Ägyptern selbst herrsche eine große euphorische Stimmung.
Georgian president to participate in Munich Conference on Security
Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili is expected to visit Germany this week, presumably on Feb. 3. President Saakashvili will attend the annual security conference to be held in Munich, Georgian Deputy Foreign Minister Nino Kalandadze said.
Israel rearrests Hamas lawmaker in West Bank
Israeli soldiers arrested Hamas lawmaker Muhammad Natsheh early Monday at his home in the southern West Bank city of Hebron, Hamas officials said
Hinrichtung von Gefangenen im ägyptischen Gefängnis Abu Zaabal
Berichte, die darauf hindeuten, dass Mubaraks Gefängniswärter in den letzten Tagen Massenexekutionen durchgeführt haben, sind alerdings in den letzten Tagen durchaus aufgetaucht. Die Geschichte des Videos könnte durchaus stimmig sein, denn in den letzten Tagen konnten zahlreiche Gefangene aus ägyptischen Gefängnissen fliehen und einige davon waren palästinensische Gefangene die nach Gaza geflohen sind.
Ägypten: Exekution von Gefangenen durch Wachpersonal (Video)
Ägypten: Dieses Video zeigt offensichtlich die gezielte Exekution von politischen Gefangenen durch das Wachpersonal. Dem Vernehmen nach spielten sich diese Szenen im Kairoer Abu Zaabal Gefängnis ab. Am Sonntag hatte ein ägyptischer "Sicherheitsbeamter" der französischen Nachrichtenagentur AFP ohne weiteren Kommentar mitgeteilt, an einer Straße nahe des Abu Zaabal Gefängnis Dutzende Leichen von Gefängnisinsassen liegen würden.
U.S. Index Futures Rise on Spending Data; Euro Gains, Egyptian Bonds Fall
Egypt's banks and the stock market remained closed for a second day. The country's currency retreated 0.9 percent last week to 5.8575 against the dollar on Jan. 28, while the EGX 30 Index of stocks tumbled 16 percent. Orascom Construction Industries, Egypt's biggest publicly traded company, fell 2.3 percent in London, taking its six-day decline to 27 percent. Benchmark indexes in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Morocco, Thailand and South Korea dropped at least 1 percent.
IDF Camera 28-Jan-2011: Israeli Settler Kill a Palestinian (Uday Qadous) in Iraq Burin
Two Israeli Settlers Killed a young Palestinian (Uday Qadous ) at the age of 19, in Iraq Burin Nablus - West Bank.
Die schmutzige Wahrheit
Es ist eine traurige Wahrheit, dass Angriffsarmeen die Erde nicht nur verbrannt, sondern auch verseucht hinterlassen. Das Militär zählt zu den größten Umweltverschmutzern überhaupt und die US- Armee, als größte Streitmacht der Welt, liegt an erster Stelle
Mubarak und die Deutschen: Schwärmen vom Diktator
Das hat Tradition. Auch Westerwelles Vorgänger, Frank-Walter Steinmeier von der SPD etwa, interessierten sich während ihrer Besuche mehr für die Stabilität Ägyptens und seinen Beitrag zum Frieden als für die Rechte seiner Bürger. Das gilt auch für Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel. Von ihr sind bezüglich der Menschenrechte in Ägypten keine kritischen Äußerungen in Erinnerung geblieben.
Egyptians Find New Ways To Get Online Author: timothy
angry tapir writes "Groups like We Rebuild have scrambled to keep Egypt connected to the outside world, turning to landline telephones, fax machines and even ham radio to keep information flowing in and out of the country. Although one Internet service provider - Noor Group - remains in operation, Egypt's government abruptly ordered the rest of the country's ISPs to shut down their services just after midnight local time Thursday. Mobile networks have also been turned off in some areas."Read more of this story
EFF Uncovers Widespread FBI Intelligence Violations Author: timothy
An anonymous reader writes "EFF has uncovered widespread violations stemming from FBI intelligence investigations from 2001 - 2008. In a report released today, EFF documents alarming trends in the Bureau's intelligence investigation practices, suggesting that FBI intelligence investigations have compromised the civil liberties of American citizens far more frequently, and to a greater extent, than was previously assumed. Using documents obtained through EFF's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation, the report finds: Evidence of delays of 2.5 years, on average, between the occurrence of a violation and its eventual reporting to the Intelligence Oversight Board; reports of serious misconduct by FBI agents including lying in declarations to courts, using improper evidence to obtain grand jury subpoenas, and accessing password-protected files without a warrant; and indications that the FBI may have committed upwards of 40,000 possible intelligence violations in the 9 years since 9/11."Read more of this story
Researchers Track Mouse Movements and Hesitations Author: timothy
lpctstr writes "Researchers from the University of Washington and Microsoft Research have found that cursor movements and cursor hovers can detect the relevance of a search result and whether a user may abandon the search. They use an efficient algorithm written in Javascript to silently record movements and clicks on Bing and find that computing relevance using movements + clicks works better than just clicks (the current state-of-the-art). They explain some of this due to cursor and gaze being closely aligned on the web, and especially so on search result pages. Is this the future of innovation in search ranking - Google and Bing tracking your every twitch and pause?"Read more of this story
DHS Offers $40M For Top Cybersecurity Research Author: CmdrTaco
Trailrunner7 writes "The US Department of Homeland Security issued a call for proposals this week in a $40m program to encourage research and development in a wide range of topics related to cybersecurity: from designing more resilient software, to alternatives to passwords and CAPTCHA technology to prevent automated attacks. DHS laid out its areas of interest in a Broad Agency Announcement dated January 26. In it, the domestic security agency said it was soliciting papers and proposals centered on 14 different topic areas. At stake is $40m in federal funding for research and development, with individual grants ranging up to $3 million. DHS's areas of interest include software assurance, enterprise security metrics, usable security, as well as the challenges posed by insider threats." Read more of this story
Obama administration pushes peaceful transition in Egypt (The Ticket)
The Ticket - President Obama and members of his administration are pushing a careful message about Egypt that walks a fine line among policy goals that may soon prove contradictory: reaching out to a country that has been a partner to the United States, standing with the Egyptian people, and holding off a possible seizure of power by [...]
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Backs Opposition To Discuss Political Reforms: What Could Go Wrong?
In Egypt today the Muslim Brotherhood, the controversial Islamic organization, states they will back Mohomed ElBaradei as spokesman for the country's opposition - to negotiate political reforms. Some see the Brotherhood's involvement is a good thing, but....

Hillary Clinton Supports Egypt Protests By Not Endorsing Mubarak
Sec. of State Hillary Clinton was on Meet The Press today speaking about the crisis in Egypt. Sec. Clinton urged President Hosni Mubarak to move the nation towards democracy, but what was most important what we she didn't say. At no point, did she endorse the Mubarak regime, or support the notion the Mubarak should remain in power.
Scientists reveal key mechanism governing nicotine addiction
Scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute have identified a pathway in the brain that regulates an individual's vulnerability to the addictive properties of nicotine. The findings suggest a new target for anti-smoking therapies.
U.S. Set to Evacuate Americans From Egypt - CBS News
Charter Flights to Fly Thousands of U.S. Citizens, But Lack of Internet Service Hampering Spread of Information
Operation Egypt: Anonymous Press Release
Anonymous is a group of online community users that act in a coordinated manner toward an agreed goal - focusing on censorship that prevents Freedom of Speech. Since Egypt's tumultuous protests began, Anonymous stepped in.
WikiLeaks' Julian Assange's 60 Minutes Interview
Exclusive: 60 Minutes on CBS News: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange, Pt. 1 - Julian Assange, the controversial founder of WikiLeaks, speaks to Steve Kroft about the U.S. attempt to indict him on criminal charges and the torrent of criticism aimed at him for publishing classified documents.
Authoritarian governments start stockpiling food to fight public anger
Authoritarian governments across the world are aggressively stockpiling food as a buffer against soaring food costs which they fear may stoke popular discontent.

Could Syria be the next domino to fall?
There are a lot of similarities between Egypt and Syria and Syrians are following the Egypt protests carefully. After Tunisia and Egypt, could Syria be the next domino to fall?
100,000 P2P Users Sued in US Mass Lawsuits
The avalanche of copyright infringement lawsuits in the United States, mainly against BitTorrent users, is about to hit a dubious milestone. In total 99,924 defendants have been sued in the last 12 months, and new cases are being filed at a rapid rate.
Rightbloggers Credit Bush for Egypt Uprising -- Then Blame Obama for Egypt Uprising
Rightbloggers were torn about this one. While many at first enjoyed the people-power street scenes as a celebration of freedom, their enthusiasm waned as they realized that Muslims were involved.
U.S. Weapons Are on Cairo's Streets Author: Spencer Ackerman
On the streets of Cairo and around the world, everyone's waiting to see if the Egyptian Army is going to crack down on the demonstrators demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak. Whatever Egypt's military does next, chances are they'll do it with U.S. weapons.
Inside London's Secret Crisis-Command Bunker Author: Pete Brook
If nuclear attack or civil breakdown ever threatens the United Kingdom, the heads of government and the military know where to go. Beneath the streets of London, deeper than the capitol's famous tube system, exists a hidden bunker on constant standby. Welcome to the Ministry of Defence's Crisis Command Center, subterranean England.
Torturers, Jailers and Spies Lead Egypt's 'New' Government Author: Spencer Ackerman
Dissidents demanding the end of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's regime had better hope they don't end up under arrest. The first members of Mubarak's new cabinet -- a face-lift so he can stay in power -- are heavily involved in the apparatus of state repression, including a spymaster who worked with the United States to torture terrorist suspects.
'Love Hormone' Arouses Suspicion, Too Author: Bruce Bower
Oxytocin, a hormone with a rosy reputation for getting people to love, trust and generally make nice with one another, can get down and dirty. This brain-altering substance apparently amplifies whatever social proclivities a person already possesses, whether positive or negative.
Worker burnout warnings spread across World Economic Forum Author: Agence France-Presse
Anti-depression drug sales up in Germany DAVOS, Switzerland - After a brutal four days of world leaders' speeches, schmoozing and wild parties, exhausted global delegates at the World Economic Forum were warned of the growing dangers of burnout for society. Economic turmoil, round-the-clock communication and constant social pressure to succeed have led to a costly [...]
WikiLeaks founder plans major leak if his website is shut down permanently Author: Agence France-Presse
WASHINGTON - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Sunday detailed a plan to release a deluge of secret documents should the whistleblower website be permanently shut down. In an exclusive interview with CBS News's "60 Minutes," Assange said his group had a "system whereby we distribute encrypted backups of things we have yet to publish." "There [...]
Oklahoma bill would mandate educators question evolution in classes Author: Nathan Diebenow
Educators in Oklahoma would be forced to openly question in their classes the legitimacy of the scientific theory of evolution should a new bill become state law. "It's a simple fact that the presentation of some issues in science classes can lead to controversy, which can discourage teachers from engaging students in an open discussion [...]
Carter says 'people have decided' in Egypt: report Author: Agence France-Presse
WASHINGTON - Former US president Jimmy Carter, who brokered the existing peace agreement between Israel and Egypt, predicted Sunday that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak will have to resign because "the people have decided," a report said. "This is the most profound situation in the Middle East since I left office," Carter said during the Sunday [...]

Brain scan can tell if a smoker will quit Author: Agence France-Presse
WASHINGTON - US researchers have found a way to predict how successful a smoker will be at quitting by using an MRI scan to look for activity in a region of the brain associated with behavior change. The scans were performed on 28 heavy smokers who had joined an anti-smoking program, according to the study [...]
Swede claims torture by Egyptian police Author: Agence France-Presse
A Swedish tourist in Egypt claims he was arrested and tortured for four days by police before escaping when protesters set fire to the building where he was being held, media reports. "They almost killed me. The only thing I wanted was to see was my wife and family again before I died," 22-year-old Aaed [...]

Cyber raids 'threaten British, US stock markets' Author: Agence France-Presse
LONDON - Stock exchanges in Britain and the United States have enlisted the help of the security services after finding out they were the victims of cyber attacks, The Times newspaper reported on Monday. The London Stock Exchange (LSE) is investigating a terrorist cyber-attack on its headquarters last year while US officials have traced an [...]
Undercover operation reveals how gun buyers can legally avoid background checks Author: Sahil Kapur
WASHINGTON - Arizona gun show dealers sold firearms to undercover cops who openly admitted they wouldn't be able to pass a background check, according to a revealing operation conducted by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's office. The report, obtained by the New York Times, detailed multiple instances where dealers at Arizona gun shows sold [...]
Protesters target Koch brothers at desert retreat, 25 arrested Author: Reuters
RANCHO MIRAGE - About 1,000 chanting protesters rallied on Sunday outside a California resort where conservative lawmakers and business executives met for a political strategy session hosted by billionaires Charles and David Koch. About two dozen police officers in riot gear lined up in front of the Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa in the [...]
US calls for release of Al Jazeera reporters in Egypt Author: Agence France-Presse
WASHINGTON - The United States expressed concern Monday about Egypt's shutdown of Al Jazeera and called for the release of six of the regional news channel's reporters who had been arrested there. "We are concerned by the shutdown of Al Jazeera in Egypt and arrest of its correspondents. Egypt must be open and the reporters [...]
Egyptian opposition leader slams US support of Mubarak Author: Eric W. Dolan
Egyptian opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei urged the United States to end its support for President Hosni Mubarak on CBS's Face the Nation Sunday. Sixty-eight-year old ElBaradei, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005, said the idea that "a dictator who has been in power for 30 years will be the one to implement [...]
Carter: Egypt's revolt 'earth-shaking,' Mubarak 'will have to leave' Author: Sahil Kapur
WASHINGTON - Former President Jimmy Carter on Sunday called the unrest in Egypt an "earth-shaking event" and guessed the Arab nation's thirty-year leader Hosni Mubarak will be forced to step down. "This is the most profound situation in the Middle East since I left office," Carter told a 300-student Sunday school class at Maranatha Baptist [...]
We will 'destroy Israel,' Egyptian protester declares Author: David Edwards
Speaking to CNN Sunday, protesters in Egypt illustrated why the US may not be in a hurry for President Hosni Mubarak to step down. CNN's Nic Robertson took to the streets in Alexandria, Egypt where scores of demonstrators wanted to make their voices heard. Their main message was that it was time for Mubarak to [...]
'Stuxnet' worm could cause 'Chernobyl-like disaster' in Iran, intel assessment warns Author: Stephen C. Webster
A recent Russian intelligence assessment warned that the "Stuxnet" computer worm that's embedded itself into Iran's Russian-built Bushehr nuclear plant could cause a "Chernobyl-like disaster" should the site be switched on. The document was obtained exclusively by the Associated Press, which cited Dmitry Rogozin, Russia's envoy to NATO, as worrying that the Bushehr facility could [...]
Rumsfeld to receive 'Defender of the Constitution Award' at CPAC Author: Eric W. Dolan
Former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld will be honored with the "Defender of the Constitution Award" at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), an annual event attended by numerous conservative activists, journalists, and politicians. WorldNetDaily columnist Brad O'Leary and American Conservative Union chairman David A. Keene will present the former Defense secretary with the [...]
GOP plan to avoid US default: Pay China before anyone else Author: Eric W. Dolan
Legislation introduced by Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) would force the United States government to make interest payments on the national debt a first priority if Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling. The bill is intended to prevent the US from defaulting on its loans by forcing the government to re-routing massive amounts of income [...]
Egypt's military pledges it won't use violence against protesters Author: Stephen C. Webster
Egypt's military has said it will not use violence against protesters, in response to calls for a "march of millions" on Tuesday aimed at dethroning President Hosni Mubarak. The claim came by way of Egyptian state television, which had for days shown a sanitized, obscured portrayal of events on the ground in Cairo. However, Al Jazeera was [...]

Al Jazeera English has had a 2500% increase in online viewers - 60% of those viewers are in the United States [link]

Should American citizens engage in massive political protests against corporate interests in government?

Corporate interests in the United States exert too much influence on political decision making. In my experience most Americans don't trust the rich elite. Why then are they given so much influence over our everyday lives?

Egypt proves you can drastically change your country with a large mobilization of dissatisfied citizens. Should we be on the streets demanding government that is entirely dedicated to the interests of its people? [link]

AGAIN: US plans 'internet kill switch' amid Middle East turmoil [link]

MSNBC on Bradley Manning:"Does the government have the right to arbitrarily treat a new class of prisoners as they see fit without any sort of evaluation by our Congress or legislation..." [link]

So...whatever happened to the Wikileaks' leak of the documents from a major bank in the U.S.?

Supposedly it was going to be released in January of 2011. Today's the last day of January and I haven't seen anything. I was really looking forward to seeing this information. Anyone know if it's still going to happen?[link]

Twenty-Five Arrested, Thousands Converge on Koch Brothers Billionaire's Caucus in the California Desert: Van Jones described the anti-Koch rally as "the beginning of our fight back." [link]

Goldene Kettensäge für Waldzerstörer
Asian Pulp & Paper wird von Greenpeace an den Pranger gestellt
"Zwei Grad reichen nicht"
Arktis-Konferenz im nordnorwegischen Tromsø: Das eisfreie Arktismeer ist vermutlich ab 2020 nicht mehr aufzuhalten. Die Wissenschaft rät der Politik, stärker auf die "Tipping Points", die Kipp-Punkte zu achten.Aus Stockholm Reinhard Wolff
Die Reißleine. Oder der Sumerer in uns
Die Kulturen der Mayas und der Sumerer sind an der Übernutzung ihrer Umwelt zugrunde gegangen. Und genau dieses Schicksal droht nun auch uns, warnt der bekannte Agronom Lester Brown in seinem neuen Buch "Die Welt am Abgrund".Eine Rezension von Christian Mihatsch
Aktivisten gehen gegen Koch in die Luft
Die Brüder Charles und David Koch fördern mit ihren Millionen Klimaskeptiker-Kampagnen in den USA
Interesse am Thema Klima steigt
Im letzten Quartal 2010 zeigten die Deutschen wieder etwas mehr Interesse für den Klimaschutz
Australische Aktivisten müssen zahlen
Gericht verurteilt Kohlegegner zu Strafen zwischen 250 und 1.000 Dollar: Die einen haben im Dezember die Gleise für Güterzüge zum Kohlekraftwerk Bayswater besetzt, die anderen einen Verladekran blockiert. Von Johanna Treblin
Emirates authorities deny Oman spy ring allegations Author: intelNews
The government of the United Arab Emirates has denied operating an espionage network in the neighboring Sultanate of Oman, saying that spying goes against the country's values. The official denial was issued in response to a news report by Oman's state news agency, which said that Omani authorities had uncovered a spy ring targeting the country's intelligence and military apparatus. Continue reading
January 31, 2011 Author: Think Progress
Pro-democracy demonstrators are calling for a "march of millions" in Egypt Tuesday as the movement against the Mubarak regime continues to grow. "I brought my American passport today in case I die today," said protester Marwan Mossaad at one rally. "I want the American people to know that they are supporting one of the most...Read more
Rallying Against The Koch Agenda, Van Jones Warns Of 'Excessive Concentrations Of Economic Power' Author: Brad Johnson
ThinkProgress is reporting from the Koch summit in Palm Springs, CA. See our coverage here, here, and here. This weekend, David and Charles Koch, the co-owners of the $100 billion Koch Industries pollution conglomerate, hosted their annual meeting in Palm Springs to coordinate strategy and raise funds for the conservative movement. For decades,...Read more
Income Inequality In The U.S. Is Worse Than In Egypt Author: Pat Garofalo
Protests in Egypt continued for a seventh day today, and pro-democracy demonstrators are organizing a "march of millions" to take place tomorrow. As financial markets dip across the Middle East, financial prognosticators are trying to divine what continued unrest will mean for the economies of the Middle East and the price of oil. ...Read more
Israel allows 800 Egyptian troops into the Sinai (VIDEO) Author: News Desk
Israel has allowed Egypt to move about 800 troops into the Sinai peninsula for the first time since the countries signed a 1979 peace treaty. read more
In Cairo, security forces begin to reassert authority Author: Jon Jensen
Police in Cairo prepare to redeploy even as protesters rally around opposition. read more
Mubarak picks new cabinet as protests continue Author: Jon Jensen
Opposition calls for million man march as government tries to reassert authority. read more