
'We want to change the entire regime'
Egypt blogger
Obama tells Mubarak to honour pledges
Barack Obama has urged President Mubarak to deliver on his promise of reforms after the Egyptian leader defended the role of the security forces in suppressing protests which have left dozens dead.
Geithner resists deficit pressure
US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner tells Davos delegates it would not be in his country's economic interest to make deep spending cuts.
Tunisia in big cabinet reshuffle
Tunisian PM Mohammed Ghannouchi announces a reshuffle of the interim government in which he stays but many allies of the ousted president leave.
Farmers warn of food price rises
Big rises in food prices are likely over the next year, livestock farmers in Suffolk tell the BBC Politics Show in the East.
'Bomb' alert on UK-Egypt flight
A plane travelling from the UK to Egypt is diverted to Greece after a note containing the word "bomb" was apparently found on board.
Trust enters forest sell-off row
The National Trust promises to "play its part" in protecting England's ancient woodlands if a planned sell-off of publicly-owned forests goes ahead.
Osborne seeks 'consistent growth'
Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne says the UK must move from "securing financial stability" to "securing consistent growth".
Students and unions hold protests
Demonstrations are taking place in London and Manchester against the raising of university tuition fees in England and public spending cuts.
Egypt faces fifth 'day of rage'
A fifth straight day of anti-government protests begins in Egypt as President Hosni Mubarak prepares to appoint a new cabinet.
US secretly backed Egyptian protest leaders Author: Nathan Diebenow
For the last three years, the US government secretly provided aid to the leaders behind this week's social uprising in Egypt aimed to topple the government of President Hosni Mubarak, according to a leaked diplomatic cable. One of the young Egyptian leaders who attended a summit for activists in New York with the help of the US [...]
US company provides tear gas to Egyptian police Author: Nathan Diebenow
The tear gas being used by police to disperse protesters in Cairo, Egypt was made in America, according to a television news report. The labels on canisters say that the tear gas was produced by Combined Systems International (CSI) of Jamestown, Pa., Egyptian protesters with photographic proof told ABC News Friday. These "Made in the [...]
Guantanamo detainees stage peaceful protests daily Author: Agence France-Presse
WASHINGTON - Guantanamo detainees have been holding daily peaceful protests against the jail's continued existence, despite pledges from US President Barack Obama to shut it down, a lawyer said Friday. Lawyer Ramzi Kassem said he had learned from a client held at the US naval base that the protests had been going on for the [...]
I am not buying this bullshit.If Mubarak falls,the US will be praised for having secretly supported the "opposition". If Mubarak stays, the US will continue to pour billions of dollars into his dictatorship, while pretending it also did a lot to change the nature of the regime.

It is also a wonderful way to discredit & divide the Egyptian opposition by claiming it was supported and financed by the US. Once again, ask yourself, who benefits from this?

This story is pure propaganda. It's all lies attempting to downplay the importance of the demonstrations, and pretend that they are evidence of an already existing democratic opposition in Egypt which the US supports. But it is equally intended to create tensions between pro- and anti-US sections of the demonstrators. An attempt to create internal divisions that bring the revolt to an end.
No Longer Caring About Democracy, Bolton Disparages Egypt Protests And Defends Mubarak thinkprogress.org/2011/01/29/no-caring-democracy-bolton/
Obama vows to 'spark innovation' in US Author: Nathan Diebenow
WASHINGTON - US President Barack Obama expressed his determination on Saturday to "spark the minds of innovators" in the United States, making the country more competitive by introducing new products and technologies. "It starts by making sure that every single child can get a good education and every American can afford college or career training," [...]

On edge
Mass protests put Yemen leadership under pressure
Egypt protests leave Cairo a 'warzone'
Wyre Davis reports from Cairo where protests have left the city's main square 'like a warzone'
Egypt turmoil shakes WEF in Davos
Leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, including the Japanese Prime Minister, call for President Mubarak to talk to his people.
GOP Mantra: For Me, but Not for Thee
Republican congresspeople are keeping their taxpayer subsidized health insurance while voting to deny it to other Americans. Because, you know, government health care is great for Republican politicians, but too lavish for the Rest of Us.
Egypt's riots make Israel uneasy Author: HDS Greenway
Mubarak government has been a bulwark to Middle East peace but the riots could change that.

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Egypt: Mubarak fails to quell riots (UPDATE) Author: Jon Jensen
Neither Mubarak's words nor tanks stop angry demonstrators calling for his ouster.

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Zivil-militärische Aufstandsbekämpfung
Analyse und Kritik der Counterinsurgency-Doktrin - COIN ist mehr als eine Militärdoktrin; sie versteht sich als ein umfassendes Konzept für den Einsatz militärischer, politischer, wirtschaftlicher und propagandistischer Mittel in einem asymmetrischen kriegerischen Konflikt, in dem Regierung und Aufständische um die Kontrolle über die Bevölkerung konkurrieren
Zentralrat der Juden warnt Deutschland vor Unterstützung der ägyptischen Freiheitsbewegung
Angesichts der immer heftiger werdenden Proteste in Ägypten warnt der Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland vor möglichen Konsequenzen für die Sicherheit Israels. "Generell vergrößern neue Instabilitäten in der Region die Risiken", so Dieter Graumann, Präsident des Zentralrats. Um so mehr sei zu würdigen, dass Israel eine stabile Oase der Demokratie in der Region sei
Venezuelas Regierung unterstützt Kleinbauern
Die venezolanische Regierung startet eine neue Offensive zur Ausweitung der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion. Bis zu 200.000 kleine und mittlere Agrarproduzenten sollen von dem "Misión AgroVenezuela" genannten Programm von staatlichen Krediten und technischer Unterstützung profitieren
Unruhen auch in Saudi-Arabien und Jordanien
Inspiriert von dem Umsturz in Tunesien, haben tausende Menschen in Saudi-Arabien und Jordanien demonstriert. Der saudische König Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz und der jordanische König Abdullah II. gerieten zunehmend unter Druck
Tunesien: Die Jasminrevolution
Das Totschlagargument des religiösen Fundamentalismus, das islamistische Gespenst, das Europa immer an die Wand malt, um die Diktatur zu rechtfertigen, hat sich also als untauglich erwiesen. In den vier Wochen des Kampfes der Unbewaffneten gegen eine hochgerüstete Polizei war kein einziger fundamentalistischer Slogan zu hören, keine islamistische Wandparole zu lesen. Stattdessen hat diese Jugend ohne politische oder parteiliche Bindung sich in den einzelnen Stadtvierteln zu Bürgerkomitees zusammengeschlossen, um, unterstützt von der Armee, die Bürger zu schützen und Übergriffe und Plünderungen durch die Milizen der herrschenden RCD, die Machtbasis des gestürzten Präsidenten Ben Ali, ebenso zu verhindern wie die Aktivitäten der politischen Polizei: Mit Todesschwadronen verbreitet sie im ganzen Land Angst und Schrecken, um die Menschen glauben zu machen, dass sie allein das Chaos verhindern kann.
Tunesien ist die Lösung nicht nur für Ägypten
"Tunesien ist die Lösung" heißt: Die Alternative zu den Autokraten ist nicht ein islamistisches Regime, sondern eine säkulare Freiheitsbewegung. Bisher hatten Autokraten wie Ben Ali in Tunesien und Mubarak in Ägypten, aber auch das saudische Königshaus, ihre Herrschaft damit legitimiert, dass die Alternative das Chaos oder die Herrschaft der Islamisten wäre
Human Rights Watch übte Kritik an USA
Human Rights Watch verurteilte die gewalttätigen Aktionen in Ägypten und unterstrich, dass die USA die Verletzung der Menschenrechte in Ägypten unterstützen. HRW-Sprecher Reed Brody: "Es gibt keinen wahren Held bei der Verteidigung der Menschenrechte auf der internationalen Szene. China, die arabischen Länder und die USA sind keine Verfechter der Menschenrechte mehr. Auch die EU ignoriert die Menschenrechte
Die Menschen hier sind Helden
Die Proteste in einem kleinen Städtchen gegen Ben Alis Regime haben der Revolte in Tunesien Anfang Januar den entscheidenden Schub verliehen. Spurensuche in Thala nahe der algerischen Grenze
Der Tag, an dem das Internet starb
Das Internet ist nicht mehr als eine temporäre Gnade der Eliten. Ein virtueller Schnuller für brave Babies, den man uns jederzeit wieder wegnehmen kann
Ägypten: Nun beginnt der Wahl-Kampf um eine neue Republik
Nach dem Kampf auf den Straßen hat hinter den Kulissen der Wahlkampf längst begonnen. Dabei geht es nicht nur um die anstehende Präsidentschaftswahl, bei der Mohammed El Baradei sicher eine wichtige, aber ganz sicher nicht die einzige Rolle spielen wird. Es geht auch um neue Parteien, die sich bereits jetzt formieren, um die zu erwartenden Parlamentswahlen gehen und eventuell auch um eine vorhergehende Nationalversammlung, die eine neue Verfassung beschliesst. Dabei wird ein besonders Augenmerk auf das Finanzsystem der neuen Republik Ägypten zu legen sein. Eine staatlich kontrollierte Zentralbank und ein Währungssystem, welches das gesetzlose internationale Bankensystem im eigenen Land entmachtet und den Kapitalfluss Regeln unterwirft, könnte wahrlich vorbildlich sein - nicht nur für muslimische Länder.
Ägypten, Tunesien und der Kampf gegen den amerikanischen Imperialismus
Zwei Wochen nach US-Außenministerin Hillary Clintons Warnung an arabische Führer, dass "die Grundlagen ihrer Region im Treibsand zu versinken drohen", zeigt der revolutionäre Aufschwung der Massen, dass die Stützen der amerikanischen Politik im Nahen Osten verrottet sind und zerbröseln
80.000 Euro zu teuer für Bürgerbeteiligung?
80.000 Euro sind für den Deutschen Bundestag, der in den letzten Jahren innerhalb von Tagen Entscheidungen über Zig-Milliarden- "Rettungsschirme" für Banken und die EU fällte, normalerweise ein Pappenstiel.Um so mehr verwundert es, dass diese 80.000 Euro als offizielle Begründung dafür dienen, dass das eigentlich als Bürgerbeteiligungsinstrument geplante Liquid-Democracy-System Adhocracy vom Ältestenrat des Deutschen Bundestages verworfen wurde
Yemenis rally against president
Tens of thousands of Yemenis demonstrate in the capital, Sanaa, calling on President Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down after more than 30 years in power.
Saudi stock market drops 6.5-percent amid Egyptian unrest Author: Agence France-Presse
RIYADH - The Saudi stock market, the largest Arab bourse, dropped 6.43 percent to 6267.22 points on Saturday as tensions soared in Egypt where deadly anti-government protests continued for a fifth day. The market has been gripped by severe anxiety because of the events in Egypt, traders in Saudi Arabia told AFP, expressing fears that [...]
Egyptians take to the streets for fifth day defying president, police Author: Agence France-Presse
CAIRO - Tens of thousands of Egyptians Saturday snubbed Hosni Mubarak's promised reforms and took their deadly revolt to the streets for a fifth day on Saturday, with dissident Mohamed ElBaradei vowing to press the embattled president until he goes. Riots erupted anew in several cities, including Cairo, and an enraged mob killed three police [...]

China blocks all information about egypt. english.aljazeera.net/news/asia-pacific/2011/01/201112991712140318.html

The altered aura of the Arab state Author: Caryle Murphy
Analysis: Arab states may open up or clamp down, but either way they will change.

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Israel worried as Mubarak teeters Author: Ben Lynfield
Analysis: If Mubarak falls in Egypt, will Israel lose an ally?

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Ägypten: Diktator Mubarak ernennt Spionage-Chef Suleiman als Vize-Präsident
In einem Interview mit dem ehemaligen Residenten des deutschen Auslandsgeheimdienstes "Bundesnachrichtendienst" (BND) im Nahen Osten, Wilhelm Dietl, beleuchte Radio Utopie im März 2009 diese umtriebige Figur des ägyptischen Polizeistaats, der beste Kontakte ins benachbarte Israel pflegt
'No leader can come back from this'
The BBC's world affairs editor John Simpson has told the BBC he is amazed how fast the movement against President Mubarak has grown
Embattled Mubarak appoints deputy
Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak has named intelligence chief Omar Suleiman as his first ever vice-president as he struggles to regain control of the country.
Pakistan 'still in shock' after floods
Six months after the floods which devastated Pakistan, Aleem Maqbool revisits the village of Pakha Galwa to find a community still in shock.
'Security lockdown' at Red Sea hotel
The BBC's Alex Bellfield, who is on holiday in Sharm el-Sheik, says he returned from dinner this evening to find his hotel barricaded and the mood of the Red Sea resort dramatically changed.
Army on alert amid Suez unrest
Thousands of people have taken to the streets in Egypt on a fifth day of protests,
ElBaradei: The people have revolted
Thousands of people have taken to the streets in Egypt on a fifth day of protests, as the pro-democracy activist Mohamed ElBaradei warned that "the Egyptian people have revolted".
PM's 'grave concern' over Egypt
David Cameron joins his French and German counterparts to express "deep concern" over violence in Egypt. as Britons are advised to avoid some cities.
Yemenis rally against president
Tens of thousands of Yemenis demonstrate in the capital, Sanaa, calling on President Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down after more than 30 years in power.
Goldman boss gets $15m pay award
Wall Street firm Goldman Sachs Group triples the salary of chief executive Lloyd Blankfein to $2m and awards him $12.6m in shares.
Turmoil if cuts scrapped: Osborne
Chancellor George Osborne says there would be "financial turmoil" if he were forced to abandon his deficit reduction plans.
World pressure on Mubarak grows
World leaders call on Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak to avoid violence and enact reforms as protests continue into a sixth day.
'Blind' Mubarak should step down, top Arab cleric urges Author: Agence France-Presse
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DUBAI - Influential Arab cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi on Saturday urged Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to step down for the good of the country, saying his departure is the only solution to Egypt's crisis. The Sunni Muslim cleric, who holds Egyptian and Qatari nationalities, also encouraged Egyptians to keep up their peaceful protests demanding an end [...]
ElBaradei says appointing VP, new PM not enough Author: Agence France-Presse
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Leading Egyptian dissident Mohamed ElBaradei said on Saturday that the appointment of a vice president and a new prime minister in Egypt was not enough to end a revolt against President Hosni Mubarak's rule. He also urged Mubarak to leave Egypt as soon as possible for the good of the country, in comments to Al [...]
New Tunisian government makes Davos debut Author: Agence France-Presse
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DAVOS, Switzerland - Tunisia's fledgling post-revolt government tried to reassure global business executives that its economy is stable Saturday as it received a warm welcome at Davos. The new governor of Tunisia's central bank, Mustapha Kamel Nabli, and the just-appointed Transport Minister Yacine Brahim were given warm applause when introduced at a seminar at the [...]
Thousands in Algeria protest march: organizers Author: Agence France-Presse
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ALGIERS (AFP) - More than 10,000 protesters marched against authorities in Algeria's northeastern city of Bejaia on Saturday, organisers said, in the country's latest rally inspired by neighbouring Tunisia. Demonstrators marched peacefully in the city in Algeria's Berber-speaking Kabylie region, shouting Tunisia-inspired slogans such as: "For a radical change of the regime!," a lawmaker with [...]
Hundreds at anti-Mubarak protest in Washington Author: Agence France-Presse
WASHINGTON - Hundreds of opponents of Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak called at a rally in Washington Saturday for his overthrow and urged Washington to "stand on the right side of history" and cut off aid to his regime. Amid a sea of Egyptian and American flags and protest placards in English and Arabic with slogans [...]
Egypt unrest causes fuel shortage in Gaza Strip Author: Reuters
GAZA (Reuters) - Gaza Strip residents flocked to petrol stations on Saturday after clashes in neighboring Egypt hampered smugglers ferrying fuel supplies through tunnels that run under the border into the enclave, witnesses said. Merchants and tunnellers said the pace of smuggling of fuel and other materials had dropped in recent days and reached its [...]

Biz Stone blog asserts that Twitter is a human right Author: News Desk
A Twitter blog entry co-authored by Biz Stone alludes to Egypt and WikiLeaks in a call for freedom of expression.

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Opinion: Mubarak and Obama must allow democracy Author: Emad Shahin
Egyptian demonstrators do not want small reforms, they want Mubarak out and full democracy.

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Egypt: Protesters dig in deeper, feel the absence of police Author: Jon Jensen
As protests continued unabated on Saturday, Egyptians started defending their own turf.

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US to Egypt: Don't 'stand pat' need 'real reform'
The U.S. said Saturday that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak needed to take concrete action to achieve "real reform," and soon after he named his intelligence chief - well respected by American officials - as vice president. Omar Suleiman, whose appointment was announced by state television in Egypt, has traveled to Washington many times and is known well by U.S. officials. The Egyptian government can't reshuffle the deck and then stand pat," Crowley said on his Twitter account. "President Mubarak's words pledging reform must be followed by action."
Übernehmen Mubarak und Suleiman die Taktik Ben Alis in Tunesien?
Ägypten: Vor wenigen Stunden ernannte Diktator Husni Mubarak seinen Spionage-Chef Omar Suleiman zum Vize-Präsidenten...Sofort nach der Ernennung Suleimans stiegen die Berichte über Plünderungen und Vandalismus in Ägypten und der Hauptstadt Kairo sprunghaft an.
Obama to Review Mideast Policy After Egyptian Protests
After decades of backing authoritarian regimes in the Mideast and North Africa as bulwarks against Muslim extremism, the U.S. faces an urgent challenge as popular uprisings sweep the region: how to defend U.S. economic and security interests while supporting democratic values... "The future of Egypt will be determined by the Egyptian people," Obama said. "Governments have an obligation to respond to their citizens."
Schmid: `Mappus hat Landtag bewusst angelogen`
Mappus hatte den Ankauf der Aktien in Höhe von fast fünf Milliarden Euro im Alleingang beschlossen, ohne vorher die Zustimmung des Parlaments einzuholen. Ministerpräsident Mappus hatte sein Vorgehen mit dem Verweis auf einen günstigen Aktienkurs und den möglichen Einstieg ausländischer investoren verteidigt. Bei seiner Regierungserklärung hatte er auf ein verfassungsrechtliches Gutachten verwiesen, das er vorab eingeholt habe. Das Gutachten der Kanzlei Gleiss Lutz ist nach Angaben des Magazins "Der Spiegel" aber auf den 15. Dezember 2010 datiert ­ rund zehn Tage nach der Vertragsunterzeichnung.

Age old tactics coming into play: Al-Jazeera reports that looters on motorcycles have been apprehended by the crowds, turn out to carry government arms, ID's


How Egypt Switched Off the Internet
Egypt's astonishing decision to shut down communications with the outside world - blocking the Internet for millions of people - might look like a wild reaction by an under-pressure government. But evidence suggests it's a well-planned and meticulously worked attempt to suppress communication.
Could a U.S. government crackdown take America off the internet?
With the threat of today's protests looming in Egypt, on Thursday Egyptian authorities cut the nation off the internet. No online communication could pass in or out of the country. We investigated whether a similar lockdown could happen in America.
BlackBerry, Phones back up in Egypt, Briefly Down in West
RIM faced mixed blessings on Saturday as service came back in Egypt but suffered a temporary North American outage. NBC's Richard