Was geschah am Saturday, June 1 2024 ?

Saturday, June 1 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 06-01 ?

        _HEUTE_0602_ :
20240601             Samstag, 1. Juni 2024
20240601             Vergessene Kulturen / Harald Haarmann / Jonas Hopf
20240601             Verurteilter Ex-Präsident: Trump-Team spricht von hohem Spendenaufkommen
202406010754 Ausland
20240601             »Putin trimmt sein Volk auf Krieg«: Strack-Zimmermann fordert Aktivierung von 900.000 Reservisten in Deutschland
202406010843 Politik
20240601             Vorläufige Wahlergebnisse in Südafrika: Mandela-Partei ANC verliert absolute Mehrheit
202406011211 Ausland
20240601             MOSCOW, May 31. /TASS/.
20240601             The first group of military instructors from France has been already dispatched to Ukraine, Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada member Alexey Goncharenko (listed as a terrorist and extremist in Russia) said on Friday.
20240601             "My sources informed me that the first group of French [military] instructors is already on its way to Ukraine," Goncharenko wrote on his Telegram channel.
20240601             French daily Le Monde reported earlier that Paris intended to intensify consultations in the days to come so that during Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s visit to France on June 6-7, French President Emmanuel Macron would specify the scope of this issue in talks with the Ukrainian leader.
20240601             Reuters news agency later cited its unnamed diplomatic sources as saying that France could send military trainers to Ukraine as early as next week, despite the previously voiced concerns among some allies that such decision posed a risk of a direct conflict with Russia.
20240601             Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday that previously circulated reports about France preparing to send troops to Ukraine had been confirmed.
20240601             On May 27, Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine’s armed forces Alexander Syrsky signed documents that should allow French instructors to visit training centers in Ukraine.
20240601             On May 28, French President Macron spoke in favor of allowing Kiev to strike military facilities on Russian territory, those from which strikes on Ukraine are launched, using West’s weapons.
20240601             The French president said that France was only helping to defend Ukraine, "staying within the previous framework," and did not want an escalation.
20240601             WASHINGTON, June 1. /TASS/.
20240601             The expansion of the North Atlantic Alliance did not trigger the Ukraine conflict, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said.
20240601             "I respectfully disagree with your point that the expansion of NATO caused the Ukraine crisis," he said answering questions at the Shangri-La Dialogue security forum in Singapore, which was broadcast on the Pentagon website.
20240601             The US defense secretary blamed the Russian authorities for the Ukraine conflict.
20240601             Earlier, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Western countries had done "a lot of bad things" to Russia, deceived Moscow and thereby forced it to start its special military operation.
20240601             He said that it was the West that deceived Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union and that arranged the expansion of NATO.
20240601             Peskov emphasized, "This is not just an expansion of NATO, this is an expansion of NATO’s military infrastructure to the borders of the Russian Federation".
20240601             The Russian presidential press secretary added that "in fact, Western countries have always tried to put pressure on Russia, de facto excluding the possibility of equal cooperation".
20240601             .
20240601             Seelachs, Vielfraß, Pottwal und Co.: Diese Tiernamen beruhen auf Übersetzungsfehlern oder bewusster Täuschung
202406011856 Wissenschaft
20240601             Möglicher Computerfehler: Start von Boeings »Starliner«-Raumkapsel erneut abgebrochen
202406011933 Wirtschaft
20240601             Olaf Scholz im Wahlkampf: Friedenskanzler im Kriegsmodus
202406012030 Politik •
20240601             Jahrhunderthochwasser in Süddeutschland: »Das ist noch nicht vorbei.
20240601             Es geht jetzt erst richtig los«
202406012134 Panorama
20240601             Sat Jun 1 2024
20240601             [l] Santander hatte einen Datenreichtum, bei dem u.a. 30 Millionen Kundendatensätze rausgetragen wurden.
20240601             Santander has apologised for what it says is "the concern this will understandably cause" adding it is "proactively contacting affected customers and employees directly".
20240601             Oh, gut.
20240601             Dann ist ja alles geklärt.
20240601             [l] Gute Nachrichten!
20240601             Noch nie hat unsere Verwaltung so viel Geld in Microsoft-Lizenzkosten "investiert" wie jetzt.
20240601             Wenn die das Geld verbrennen würden, hätten sie damit wenigstens heizen könnten.
20240601             Der Nutzen für den Steuerzahler wäre wahrscheinlich höher gewesen.
20240601             [l] Wo wir gerade bei massiver Inkompetenz waren: Die CDU hat sich hacken lassen.
        _HEUTE_0602_ :