Was geschah am Sunday, April 17 2022 ?

Sunday, April 17 2022

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 04-17 ?

        _HEUTE_0418_ :
19510418—19511204    —IN, Ministers from BELGIUM—LUXEMBOURG, THE—NETHERLANDS, WEST—GERMANY, ITALY and FRANCE put their names on THE—TREATY—OF—PARIS, the founding document of what ades would become the European Union.
19880418             THE—USA—DESTROYED 2—MORE—IRAQ—OIL—PLATFORMS, —AFTER 1—MINE in the Persian Gulf injured 10—CREWMEN aboard A—USA—FRIGATE.
19990418             —IN YUGOSLAVIA NATO—BOMBERS hit refineries, bridges and other targets in the 25. straight —DAY—OF—ATTACKS and the heaviest strikes to date.
20060727—19960418    —KILLED, On THE—SAME—DAY THE—ISRAELIS, refugees at Qana, a "helicopter GUNSHIP—ATTACK—ON—1—HOUSE in THE—VILLAGE—OF—UPPER—NABATIYEH... killed 9—CIVILIANS, including 1—NEWBORN baby, 6—CHILDREN under 13—YEARS—OLD + their mother," according to.
20060727—19960418    —ON, For instance, in THE—LEBANON—VILLAGE—OF—QANA, —DURING ISRAEL's "OPERATION—GRAPES of Wrath" invasion, THE—IOF killed 106—LEBANON—REFUGEES seeking protection at 1—FIJI—UNIFIL compound.
20110418             —KILLED, SYRIA, at least 7—PEOPLE were, —WHEN security forces fired into 1—CROWD in the flashpoint TOWN—OF—HOMS, as nationwide protests showed no sign of abating.
20140418             —IN EAST—UKRAINE PRO—RUSSIA—INSURGENTS who have occupied government buildings in more than 10—CITIES said they will not leave them —UNTIL the country's interim government resigns.
20200418             —BLACKLISTED, Labour Party officials secretly, BRITAIN—ANTI—WAR—ACTIVISTS
20200418             DIE—WELTBANK und DER—INTERNATIONALE WÄHRUNGS—FONDS (IWF) warnten ihrerseits, daß die bisherigen Milliardenhilfen für AFRIKA im KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—PANDEMIE bei Weitem nicht ausreichten.
20220417             Sonntag, 17. April 2022
20220417             Papst Benedikts Vermächtnis: »Die Kirche hat ihre Glaubwürdigkeit komplett verloren«
202204170751 Ausland
20220417             Ukraine-Unterstützung: Von der Leyen fordert schnelle Waffenlieferungen von EU-Ländern
202204170842 Ausland
20220417             Pessach, Ostern, Ramadan: Neue Konfrontationen auf Tempelberg in Jerusalem
202204170918 Ausland
20220417             Russlandverbindungen: Röttgen legt Schwesig Rücktritt nahe
202204170943 Politik
20220417             Coronavirus: Lauterbach warnt vor »Killervariante« im Herbst
202204171037 Wissenschaft
20220417             Wenige Tage vor der Stichwahl gegen Emmanuel Macron: Französische Justiz prüft Vorwürfe der Veruntreuung gegen Le Pen
202204171305 Ausland
20220417             Malmö: Rechter Politiker will Koran verbrennen – Ausschreitungen in Schweden
202204171352 Panorama
20220417             Osterpredigt des Papstes: »In meinem Herzen trage ich die vielen ukrainischen Opfer«
202204171358 Panorama
20220417             Abkommen mit Ruanda: Erzbischof von Canterbury kritisiert britische Flüchtlingspolitik harsch
202204171409 Panorama
20220417             Folgen des Krieges: Der Nationalismus führt die Welt in die Sackgasse
202204171716 Wirtschaft
20220417             »Extinction Rebellion«: 70 Festnahmen bei Protesten von Umweltschützern in London
202204171845 Panorama
20220417             MOSCOW, April 17./TASS/.
20220417             The Russian Armed Forces offer the militants from the nationalist battalions and foreign mercenaries blocked in Mariupol to end hostilities and lay down arms from 06:00 Moscow time on Sunday, April 17, their lives will be spared, Mikhail Mizintsev, chief of Russia’s National Defense Management Center, said on Saturday.
20220417             "Given the catastrophic situation at the Azovstal iron and steel works, and out of purely humane principles, the Russian Armed Forces offer the militants from nationalist battalions and foreign mercenaries to end hostilities and lay down arms from 06:00 Moscow time on April 17, 2022.
20220417             The lives of all those who lay down their arms will be spared," the statement said.
20220417             The subject matter of radio communications of units of nationalists and mercenaries blocked at Azovstal testifies to their hopeless situation.
20220417             They demand that the official Kiev give them permission to surrender, but in reply they are threatened with executions, Mikhail Mizintsev stressed.
20220417             "Within April 16, 2022, a sharp increase was recorded in the intensity of radio communications of militants from nationalist units and foreign mercenaries blocked in Mariupol at the Azovstal metallurgical plant," he reported".
20220417             The content of radio interceptions (there were 367 of them alone in the past 24 hours) indicates that the militants offering resistance are in a hopeless situation, practically without food and water.
20220417             They urge permission to lay down arms and surrender from the Kiev authorities.
20220417             Meanwhile, representatives of the Kiev authorities categorically forbid them to do this and threaten with subsequent executions under the ‘wartime’ conditions," the statement said.
20220417             SEOUL, April 17./TASS/.
20220417             North Korea launched two projectiles into the Sea of Japan on Saturday, Yonhap News Agency reported referring to South Korean military.
20220417             According to it, "they flew 110 kilometers at an apogee of around 25 km and a top speed of Mach 4".
20220417             BERLIN, April 17./TASS/.
20220417             President of the European Commission (EC) Ursula von der Leyen told Bild am Sonntag newspaper that the European Union was considering measures against the banking sector, in particular, Sberbank, as well as restrictions in the energy sector in discussing further sanctions against Russia over Ukraine.
20220417             "We continue to consider the banking sector, specifically Sberbank, which accounts for 37% of Russia’s banking sector.
20220417             And of course, the energy sector is discussed," the European Commission chief said on Sunday, in comments on the key points of the sixth package of sanctions against Russia.
20220417             MOSCOW, April 17. /TASS/.
20220417             Russian State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin on Sunday said Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky wants to buy time by expressing readiness for talks while also seeking help from NATO.
20220417             Volodin was reacting to Zelensky’s statement that Ukraine is ready to discuss abandoning its bid to join NATO and the status of Crimea with Russia, but not until Moscow halts hostilities and withdraws its troops.
20220417             "He said the same before the talks in Turkey when our troops were near Kiev," Volodin said on Telegram".
20220417             Russia reduced activity in that area and pulled out troops.
20220417             And then there were the Bucha staging and other provocations".
20220417             Kiev then "gave up the commitments it had accepted".
20220417             "The same scenario is on the table again," the speaker said".
20220417             The reason is obvious.
20220417             "If Zelensky cares about the people of Ukraine, he should immediately make the following decisions," Volodin said".
20220417             First, pull troops from the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics.
20220417             Second, put it down in an agreement that Ukraine commits to recognize Crimea and adopt a non-bloc status and de-Nazify and demilitarize the country".
20220417             "There can be no other way about it," the speaker said.
20220417             MOSCOW, April 17. /TASS/.
20220417             Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree to boost the export quotas for fertilizers until May 31, the cabinet said on its website on Sunday.
20220417             "Current export quotas for Russian fertilizer producers have been temporarily increased by almost 700,000 tons," the cabinet said in a statement".
20220417             Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has signed an order to that effect".
20220417             The export quota for nitrogen fertilizers has been increased by 231,000 tons to about 5.7 million tons, according to the government website.
20220417             The export quota for compound fertilizers has been increased by 466,000 tons and now stands at about 5.6 million tons.
20220417             Until May 31, quotas do not apply to the supply of fertilizers to the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics, Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
20220417             The measure is necessary to support fertilizer producers who face the risk of downtime due to low demand in the domestic market and the sanctions by unfriendly states, according to the statement.
20220417             MOSCOW, April 17. /TASS/.
20220417             Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov on Sunday said Russian special forces freed hostages that were held in a Turkish mosque in Mariupol.
20220417             "A special operation to free hostages, who were held in Turkish mosque by Ukrainian Nazis, was conducted on April 16 during offensive actions to liberate Mariupol and at the request of Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan," the spokesman said.
20220417             MOSCOW, April 17. /TASS/.
20220417             Russia’s foreign payments default may entail hyperinflation in Europe and its own default, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said on Sunday.
20220417             "Russia’s default may entail Europe’s default, both moral and, quite possibly, tangible," he wrote on his Telegram channel, as, in his words, the European Union’s financial system is not very stable and people are losing confidence.
20220417             Moreover, the European Union’s authorities should expect "a strong gratitude from rank and file Europeans for the hyperinflation that cannot be blamed on vile Russians, for the lack of elementary foods in shops and for the influx of refugees, which will provoke a wave of force crimes," he wrote".
20220417             In this case, the people in Brussels will have to change their rhetoric.
20220417             Otherwise, stinky fires of tyres will be burning in the streets of European cities in the glory of Maidan heroes".
20220417             MOSCOW, April 17. /TASS/.
20220417             Russia is concerned about the involvement of NATO’s non-Arctic states in the alliance’s military activity in northern areas and notes risks of unintentional clashes with the alliance’ forces in the Arctic, Russian Foreign Ministry’s Ambassador-at-Large Nikolay Korchunov told TASS.
20220417             "The internationalization of the Alliance's military activities in high latitudes, in which non-Arctic NATO states are involved, can’t fail to cause concern," said the diplomat, who is also Chairman of the Senior Officials Committee at the Arctic Council".
20220417             This raises the risk of unintentional incidents, which, in addition to security risks, can also cause serious damage to the fragile Arctic ecosystem".
20220417             NATO’s military exercises in the north of Norway don’t help security in the Arctic, Korchunov said".
20220417             The recently increased activity of NATO in the Arctic is a matter of concern," he said".
20220417             Recently, another large-scale military exercise of the alliance took place in the north of Norway, which, in our opinion, does not contribute to ensuring security in the region".
20220417             "Possible attempts at establishing, in the current situation, some alterative cooperation structures in the Arctic will only lead to creating division line and will intensify centrifugal tendencies, which will harm the collective principles we have been traditionally guided when making decisions in the Arctic region,"
20220417             MOSCOW, April 17. /TASS/.
20220417             Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said he’s sure Russia will endure the current confrontation with the West.
20220417             "We can," he said on Rossiya-1 television on Sunday, when asked by the host if Russia, unlike the USSR, can survive the standoff with the West.
20220417             Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that in modern conditions, a single country won’t be able to maintain its dominance.
20220417             According to the president, the unipolar world, which took shape after the collapse of the Soviet Union, is falling into pieces at the moment.
20220417             Already 200 Ukrainian children have been killed by Russian occupiers
20220417             If Mariupol defenders are eliminated, it will put an end to the negotiations – Zelenskyy
20220417             Kampf um Mariupol: Moskau droht mit Vernichtung – Selenskyj kündigt harte Gegenwehr an
202204172007 Ausland
20220417             Russland stellt Ultimatum für Kämpfer in Mariupol
20220417             Das russische Verteidigungsministerium gewährt einer Nachrichtenagentur zufolge ukrainischen Streitkräften in Mariupol das Leben, wenn sie sich ergeben".
20220417             Wir garantieren, dass das Leben all derer, die ihre Waffen niederlegen, verschont wird",
20220417             zitiert die Agentur Tass den russischen Generaloberst Michail Mizintsev.
20220417             Angesprochen sind die noch verbleibenden Kämpfer in der belagerten Fabrik Asowstal.
20220417             Gemäß der vorgeschlagenen Vereinbarung müssen sie das Stahlwerk ohne Waffen zwischen 6 Uhr und 13 Uhr Moskauer Zeit (5 Uhr und 12 Uhr MESZ) verlassen.
20220417             Aus Kiew gibt es keine unmittelbare Reaktion auf das Angebot.
20220417             10:47 Uhr
20220417             Gewerkschaft NGG warnt vor Stopp der Gaslieferungen aus Russland
20220417             Die Gewerkschaft "Nahrung Genuss Gaststätten" hat vor einem Stopp der Gaslieferungen aus Russland gewarnt.
20220417             Dieser hätte "massive Auswirkungen auf die Nahrungsmittelherstellung",
20220417             "Die Ernährungsindustrie ist nach der chemischen Industrie der zweitgrößte industrielle Gasverbraucher in Deutschland".
20220417             Wenn nicht mehr ausreichend Gas geliefert werde, könne auch nicht mehr produziert werden".
20220417             Wir würden zwar deshalb keinen Hunger leiden, aber es würde große Produktionsausfälle geben, die die Verbraucher in den Supermärkten spüren würden".
20220417             Bulgarien schließt Häfen für russische Schiffe
20220417             Bulgarien hat seine Häfen für russische Schiffe gesperrt.
20220417             Betroffen seien nicht nur Schiffe unter russischer Flagge sondern auch russische Schiffe, die nach dem Beginn der Invasion in die Ukraine ihre Flagge oder Registrierung geändert hätten,
20220417             Die in der südostukrainischen Hafenstadt Mariupol kämpfenden ukrainischen Truppen wollen sich nach Angaben des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums nicht ergeben.
20220417             Die Einheiten, unter ihnen 400 ausländische Söldner, hätten sich in dem Stahlwerk Asowstal verschanzt, sagte der Sprecher des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums, Igor Konaschenkow.
20220417             Die Regierung in Kiew habe ihnen untersagt, die Waffen niederzulegen.
20220417             Gabriel verteidigt Steinmeier und attackiert Melnyk
20220417             Der ehemalige Bundesaußenminister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) hat Kritik an Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier aus der Ukraine zurückgewiesen und den ukrainischen Botschafter Andrij Melnyk scharf angegriffen.
20220417             Steinmeier habe in seinem früheren Amt als Außenminister gemeinsam mit der damaligen Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) "mehr als alle anderen in Europa" dafür getan, die Ukraine zu unterstützen, schrieb Gabriel in einem Gastbeitrag für den "Spiegel".
20220417             Botschafter Melnyk hatte Steinmeier in einem Interview unter anderem vorgeworfen, "seit Jahrzehnten ein Spinnennetz der Kontakte mit Russland geknüpft" zu haben".
20220417             Spinnennetze dienen bekanntlich dem Fang und der anschließenden Verwertung der Beute",
20220417             schrieb dazu Gabriel".
20220417             Auf den Punkt gebracht insinuiert dieser Vergleich, dass der frühere Kanzleramts- und Außenminister die Interessenvertretung Russlands in Deutschland mitorganisiert habe.
20220417             Das ist wahrheitswidrig und bösartig".
20220417             Rumänien sperrt Hafen Constanta für russische Schiffe
20220417             Selenskyj: Biden sollte in die Ukraine kommen
20220417             Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj hat US-Präsident Joe Biden zu einem Besuch der Ukraine aufgerufen".
20220417             Ich denke, er ist der Anführer der Vereinigten Staaten und deshalb sollte er kommen und sich das ansehen",
20220417             sagte Selenskyj in einem Interview mit dem Sender CNN.
20220417             Es sei natürlich Bidens Entscheidung und hänge von der Sicherheitssituation ab, sagte Selenskyj weiter.
20220417             Er gehe aber davon aus, dass Biden kommen werde.
20220417             Serbia continues flights to Russia out of principle despite fake bomb threats - Vucic
20220417             The fake bomb threat coming from Ukraine every day, Serbian President said
20220417             "As for those who wants us to cut relations with Russia at any cost, to cancel the flights… Do you think that we make these flights for profit?
20220417             There is none," he noted".
20220417             Today, Air Serbia told that today was the first time that it did not receive a bomb threat; however, when the plane was somewhere over Slovakia, a bomb threat came again, but the pilot continued the flight, because we know that these threats are fake.
20220417             Foreign agencies are doing this, and they do it from within two states - one EU country and Ukraine - and they do it all the time.
20220417             There is no profit today, we continue the flights literally out of principle, because we want to show that we are a free country and we make our own decision.
20220417             Do not decide for us when to cancel flights".
20220417             The fake threats were sent from Ukraine and Poland.
        _HEUTE_0418_ :