Was geschah am Saturday, October 5 2024 ?

Saturday, October 5 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 10-05 ?

        _HEUTE_1006_ :
20241005             Samstag, 5. Oktober 2024
20241005             Städte im Jemen getroffen: USA melden Angriffe auf 15 Ziele der Huthi-Miliz
202410050110 Ausland
20241005             Umfrage unter Beschäftigten: Ein Drittel der Deutschen würde über Rentenalter hinaus arbeiten
202410050207 Wirtschaft
20241005             Eskalation in Nahost: Trump spricht sich für Angriff Israels auf Irans Atomanlagen aus
202410050259 Ausland
20241005             Umgang mit Demokratiefeinden: Gauck hält nichts von AfD-Verbotsverfahren
202410050318 Politik •
20241005             Kliniken und Arztpraxen unterversorgt: Apotheken beklagen Lieferprobleme bei Kochsalzlösung
202410050459 Wirtschaft
20241005             Offensive gegen die Hisbollah: Israels Luftwaffe attackiert Ziele weit im Landesinneren des Libanon
202410050612 Ausland
20241005             Nahostkonflikt mitten in Berlin Von Sebastian Fischer
20241005             Sebastian Fischer
202410050616 Politik •
20241005             Kampf um das Weiße Haus: Biden glaubt nicht an friedlichen Ablauf der US-Wahl
202410050818 Ausland
20241005             Urteil in São Paulo: Mercedes soll in Brasilien wegen Diskriminierung Millionen zahlen
202410050900 Wirtschaft
20241005             Öffentlichkeit in der Pflicht: Israels Botschafter fordert mehr Kampf gegen Antisemitismus in Deutschland
202410050923 Politik
20241005             Mary Beard über das Alte Rom und neue Diktatoren: »Ihr Männer könnt euch prima für römische Kaiser halten«
202410050949 Ausland •
20241005             Fri Oct 4 2024
20241005             [l] Zur 3sat-Frage kam noch diese hilfreiche Aufschlüsselung rein, dass das komplette 3sat-Budget in der Summe der Gehälter der Geschäftsführungen der ARD-Anstalten Platz hätte.
20241005             Mit noch ein paar Millionen Luft nach oben
20241005             [l] Wusstet ihr eigentlich, dass schon in den 1950er Jahren in Deutschland Windkraftanlagen gebaut wurden?
20241005             Heute wäre der 100. Geburtstag von Eugen Hänle gewesen, dem "Vater der modernen Windräder".
20241005             Seine Forschung u.a. am Material Glasfaser führte nicht zum kommerziellen Erfolg, hat aber den Segelflug revolutioniert.
20241005             Warum hat das nicht geklappt?
20241005             "Der wirtschaftliche Erfolg stellte sich jedoch nicht ein.
20241005             Diesel-Aggregate waren einfach viel günstiger in Anschaffung und Unterhalt.
20241005             Dazu kam noch der beginnende Aufstieg der Atomenergie",
20241005             bilanziert Binz.
20241005             [l] Asylsuchende?
20241005             An den Grenzen?
20241005             Haben wir nicht!
20241005             Woher ich das weiß?
20241005             Weil die Bundespolizei den Leuten da Fragebögen gibt, wo sie ankreuzen sollen, wieso sie einreisen wollen.
20241005             Den Reisegrund will das Papier wissen und gibt vier Antwortmöglichkeiten vor: Besuch von Bekannten oder Verwandten, Urlaubsreise, Geschäftsreise.
20241005             Was nicht auf der Liste steht: ein Asylgesuch.
20241005             BAKU, October 3. /TASS/.
20241005             Russian President Vladimir Putin-chaired meeting that discussed amendments to the nuclear doctrine has become a stern warning to Western politicians speculating about the possibility of crossing Russia's red lines in such matters as strikes with long-range weapons, Sergey Naryshkin, the director of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), has said.
20241005             "According to Russian Foreign Intelligence Service sources, this warning drove the message home in most Western capitals.
20241005             Although, let me say it again, there remain some irresponsible politicians who are trying to prove that no red lines Russia has drawn should be observed.
20241005             This is a risky attitude, and I hope that Russia’s warning will come into the minds of a majority of political elites of the Western world," Naryshkin told the media in Baku.
20241005             He pointed out that speculations about the possibility of crossing Russia's red lines on the issue of strikes with long-range Western weapons was a great delusion.
20241005             "A whole group of irresponsible politicians in the Western countries have thoughts that in order to achieve Russia's strategic defeat the Western countries should not observe any red lines that Russia has drawn.
20241005             This is seen in the discussions about the possibility of using high-accuracy long-range Western weapon systems to attack targets deep inside Russian territory.
20241005             This is a great misconception," Naryshkin warned.
20241005             The SVR director emphasized that the Putin-chaired meeting sounded a stern warning to such politicians.
20241005             "The meeting at the office of Russian President Vladimir Putin where amendments to the nuclear doctrine were discussed sounded a stern warning to irresponsible Western politicians.
20241005             The main idea voiced at the meeting, to be included in the updated nuclear doctrine, is that from this moment on any act of aggression committed by a non-nuclear state against Russia but with the support of or in conjunction with a nuclear state will be regarded by Russia as their joint attack," he said.
20241005             Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the forthcoming adjustments to the nuclear doctrine on September 25 at a permanent meeting of the Security Council.
20241005             Among the proposed amendments are the interpretation as an attack any nuclear power’s support for a non-nuclear country that is at war with Russia and guarantees of a nuclear response to an attack on Russia's ally Belarus.
20241005             The list of countries and military alliances and military threats to which nuclear deterrence applies is to be expanded.
20241005             MOSCOW, October 3. /TASS/.
20241005             Kiev allies are not ready to shoot down Russian missiles and drones over the Ukrainian territory, the country's President Vladimir Zelensky admitted after meeting with the new NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte in the Ukrainian capital.
20241005             "As for whether the [NATO] allies are ready to shoot down [Russian missiles and drones over Ukrainian territory], we are working with everyone.
20241005             They are not ready yet," Zelensky said at a press conference that was broadcast on the alliance's website.
20241005             Zelensky complained that Western countries are ready to provide assistance in protecting the airspace of Israel, but not Ukraine.
20241005             "Of course, we would like Ukraine not to be forgotten (amid the escalation in the Middle East - TASS)," he said, once again calling for Kiev to be provided with "appropriate weapons" and for a decision to be made on strikes deep into the Russian Federation.
20241005             Earlier, Poland came up with the idea of protecting Ukrainian airspace with the help of air defense systems on the territory of NATO countries, but the alliance's leadership stressed that such decisions can only be made following consultations with all allies.
20241005             WASHINGTON, October 3. /TASS/.
20241005             US President Joe Biden essentially didn’t rule out a potential meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the upcoming summits of the Group of 20 or the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, but expressed doubt that the Russian leader will attend.
20241005             "I doubt that Putin will show up," Biden said, when asked by TASS whether he was ready for talks with the Russian president at the summits in November to discuss Ukraine and international security.
20241005             Biden made the comment as he was fielding questions from reporters outside the White House before departing for Tallahassee, Florida, to review relief efforts following Hurricane Helene.
20241005             The G20 summit is expected to take place in Brazil from November 18-19.
20241005             The official dates of the APEC summit in Peru are November 9-16.
20241005             Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on October 2 that Putin's trip to the G20 summit was in the works.
20241005             Brazil's sherpa at the G20, Mauricio Lyrio, told TASS previously that the Russian president was invited to attend.
20241005             The Brazilian government did not react to statements by some G20 members, such as French President Emmanuel Macron, who demanded that an invitation to the Russian president be put up for debate.
20241005             Brazil holds the rotating G20 presidency this year.
20241005             MOSCOW, October 4. /TASS/.
20241005             The US administration’s possible permission to Kiev to use US-supplied weapons for strategic-depth strikes inside Russia paves the way towards a nuclear conflict, Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov said in an interview with the Big Game TV show on Russia’s Channel One.
20241005             "We need to once again mention the possible US decision to encourage Ukrainians to use long-range US weapons for strikes deep into the Russian territory.
20241005             This is not just a major step towards escalation.
20241005             By doing this, the US administration is paving the way towards a nuclear conflict," he said.
20241005             In Antonov’s opinion, Russia needs to do its best to avert a nuclear war, as there can be no winners in this kind of a standoff.
20241005             LONDON, October 4. /TASS/.
20241005             Republican nominee for US president Donald Trump said the United States will go to hell if he loses the November election.
20241005             "Look, we gotta win, and if we don’t win, this country’s going to hell," he said, The Guardian reported".
20241005             You know, there’s an expression, this could be the last election we ever have, and it’s an expression that I really believe, and I believe that this could be the last election we ever have".
20241005             US businessman Elon Musk earlier said the upcoming US presidential election could be the last for the country if Trump doesn’t reclaim the White House.
20241005             According to Musk, if Democrat Kamala Harris wins, illegal immigrants will keep coming, become citizens and get the right to vote in the next elections.
20241005             With the votes of these immigrants, the Democratic Party will be beyond any competition four years later, so the only choice will be among Democratic nominees at the party’s primaries, the businessman said.
20241005             The US will hold a presidential election on November 5. Incumbent US President Joe Biden was expected to run on the Democratic Party ticket, but after his disastrous performance at the June debate with Trump, he decided to quit the race and instead supported the nomination of his Vice President Kamala Harris.
20241005             Her candidacy was later formally endorsed at a Democratic Party Convention.
20241005             MINSK, October 4. /TASS/.
20241005             Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has said that if the Poles try lay hands on the west of Ukraine, Belarus will support the Ukrainians.
20241005             According to the BelTA news agency, the Belarusian leader noted that Poland's claims were based on the wish to grab the western part of Ukraine.
20241005             "Both Western Belarus and Western Ukraine.
20241005             And to dominate there.
20241005             This is unacceptable for us.
20241005             If only the Poles get into Ukraine and try to grab its western part, we will support the Ukrainians.
20241005             We are well aware that we'll be next," said Lukashenko during a trip to the westernmost Brest Region.
20241005             He is certain that Poland pursues its own selfish interests in Ukraine.
20241005             The attitude of the Polish elites to Ukraine is well-known, he said, while the main stumbling block between the two countries now is the Volhynia massacre - the mass extermination of the Polish population by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army during World War II.
20241005             UNITED NATIONS, October 4. /TASS/.
20241005             It would have been impossible to blow up the Nord Stream gas pipelines without government support, which is what most experts say, Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said.
20241005             "In fact, there is another explanation to the numerous unbelievable theories that have emerged recently: it’s the basic desire of the masterminds and perpetrators of the crime to cover up their tracks and mislead investigators.
20241005             At least two things prove that this was the case," he said at a UN Security Council meeting.
20241005             "First, it’s the complete implausibility of allegations that a group of out-of-control Ukrainian amateur divers was involved in the act of sabotage.
20241005             Such a story would be a good script for a Hollywood blockbuster but it wouldn’t work in real life.
20241005             Especially because the vast majority of experts say that it would have been impossible to carry out such explosions without government support," Nebenzya added.
20241005             "Two years later, all of our suspicions stemming from Western statements, which were, in fact, confessions of involvement in the Nord Stream blasts by a number of US and European officials, did not fade but only increased.
20241005             Given the line of conduct pursued by our Western colleagues, including those in the UN Security Council, it cannot be otherwise," the Russian envoy noted.
20241005             Earlier in the week, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) stated that Western countries had not only failed to conduct an investigation into the Nord Stream pipelines sabotage, but were also trying to fake investigation findings.
20241005             The SVR said that it had received reports of a decision by the US and the UK to launch a disinformation campaign ahead of the incident’s anniversary to cover up the true motives behind the sabotage, as well as its organizers.
20241005             According to the Foreign Intelligence Service, although the US and the UK keep trying to bury the Nord Stream pipelines sabotage from the international information agenda, there are still independent politicians and experts in Western countries who want to know the truth about what happened".
20241005             The terrorist attack on the Nord Stream pipelines caused irreparable damage to the European economy.
20241005             In this regard, the SVR expects that an impartial investigation will be conducted," the intelligence agency added.
20241005             Nord Stream explosions
20241005             Three threads of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 offshore gas pipelines had suffered unprecedented damage on September 26, 2022.
20241005             According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Moscow has no doubt that the act of sabotage was carried out with US support.
20241005             The Russian Prosecutor General's Office launched an investigation into an act of international terrorism over damage to the pipelines.
20241005             LONDON, October 4. /TASS/.
20241005             European NATO members are inferior to Russia in terms of their military potential and should compensate for this lag by increasing defense spending, NATO’s former Secretary General (2014-2024) Jens Stoltenberg told The Financial Times in an interview.
20241005             He complained that the European countries now had too few weapons, equipment and soldiers in a state of high readiness for a potential conflict.
20241005             "We know that we are behind [the Russians]," he said".
20241005             I can't tell you exactly how much it will cost [to compensate for the lagging behind].
20241005             But I can tell you with certainty that if allies are going to deliver on the capabilities they have promised  it will cost much more than 2 per cent, whether it's 2.5 or 3".
20241005             According to Stoltenberg, Moscow is also aware of this state of affairs.
20241005             Asked what he regretted most after leaving his post as the alliance’s secretary-general, Stoltenberg said NATO should have started supplying lethal weapons to Ukraine earlier.
20241005             He argued that the deliveries should have been carried out before the start of Russia’s special military operation in February 2022, but most allies "were very afraid of the consequences".
20241005             If Stoltenberg is to be believed, the availability of more modern weapons to Ukraine could have prevented a conflict with Russia or "at least made it much harder" for the Russian army to carry out combat missions.
20241005             "If there's anything I in a way regret and see much more clearly now is that we should have provided Ukraine with much more military support much earlier," he said".
20241005             I think we all have to admit, we should have given them more weapons, more advanced weapons, faster.
20241005             I take my part of the responsibility".
20241005             WASHINGTON, October 5. /TASS/.
20241005             US President Joe Biden is convinced that the upcoming presidential election in the United States will be free and fair, but doubts that it will be peaceful.
20241005             "I'm confident it [the election] will be free and fair.
20241005             I don't know whether it will be peaceful," he said, answering to a reporter’s question at the White House".
20241005             The things that [former President and Republican candidate Donald] Trump has said and the things that he said last time around when he didn't like the outcome of the election were very dangerous".
20241005             Biden added that Trump’s running mate, Ohio Sen.
20241005             JD Vance, had dodged the question of whether he will accept any outcome of the vote.
20241005             "They haven’t even accepted the outcome of the last election.
20241005             So, I’m concerned about what they are going to do," he said.
20241005             The US will hold a presidential election on November 5. Incumbent US President Joe Biden was expected to run on the Democratic Party ticket, but after his disastrous performance at the June debate with Trump, he decided to quit the race and instead supported the nomination of his Vice President Kamala Harris.
20241005             Her candidacy was later formally endorsed at a Democratic Party Convention.
20241005             Sexuelle Belästigung: Chef der Royal Navy räumt »inakzeptables Verhalten« ein
202410051306 Ausland
20241005             Dschihadisten-Attacke: Bei Massaker in Burkina Faso offenbar doppelt so viele Tote wie bisher angenommen
202410051315 Ausland
20241005             Zum Tod von Masamitsu Yoshioka: Der letzte Bomber von Pearl Harbor
202410051326 Geschichte
20241005             Vertrauliche Zahlen aus Brüssel: Immer weniger Menschen beantragen Asyl in Deutschland
202410051502 Politik
20241005             Eklat im US-Bundesstaat Oklahoma: Die Trump-Bibel für jedes Klassenzimmer
202410051714 Ausland
20241005             Explodierende Funkgeräte: Emirates verbietet Pager und Walkie-Talkies an Bord
202410052101 Ausland
20241005             Gazakrieg: Macron will Waffenlieferungen an Israel stoppen
202410052211 Ausland
20241005             Sat Oct 5 2024
20241005             [l] Wisst ihr, was passiert, wenn man Schnittstellen für "lawful interception" (Abhören Unschuldiger) gesetzlich vorschreibt?
20241005             Irgendwann werden die von Hackern gefunden und benutzt, zu deinen Lasten.
20241005             In diesem Fall: Von den Chinesen.
20241005             Ich bin mir sicher, die werden sich auch an Recht und Gesetz halten!1!!
20241005             Der Link geht zum Wall Street Journal, die eigentlich komplett Paywall haben.
20241005             Macht den mal im Private Mode auf sicherheitshalber.
20241005             Die Money Quotes aus dem Artikel sind:
20241005             Verizon Communications, AT&T and Lumen Technologies are among the companies whose networks were breached by the recently discovered intrusion, the people said.
20241005             [...]
20241005             The surveillance systems believed to be at issue are used to cooperate with requests for domestic information related to criminal and national security investigations.
20241005             Under federal law, telecommunications and broadband companies must allow authorities to intercept electronic information pursuant to a court order.
20241005             It couldn’t be determined if systems that support foreign intelligence surveillance were also vulnerable in the breach.
20241005             Ein Glück, dass Möchtegern-Diktatoren so häufig bloß Blender und Pfuscher finden, die für sie zu arbeiten gewillt sind.
20241005             Schade nur, dass der Schaden immer der Bevölkerung entsteht, nie den Möchtegern-Diktatoren.
20241005             Eine gute Nachricht gibt es.
20241005             Da die "westlichen Demokratien" inzwischen so weit zu Überwachungs-, Kontroll- und Unterdrückungsstaat abgedriftet sind, ist heutzutage praktisch die komplette Kommunikation über das Internet ordentlich verschlüsselt.
20241005             Die Chinesen sehen da also auch nicht mehr als die Amis.
20241005             Hauptsächlich Metadaten.
20241005             [l] Was passiert, wenn du deine Medizinversorgung in die Hände des Kapitalismus gibst?
20241005             Eine Weile nichts, dann wird Kochsalzlösung knapp.
20241005             "Die Lieferengpassmeldungen des Zulassungsinhabers Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH prognostizieren das Lieferengpassende für die drei gemeldeten Arzneimittel für den 31.12.2024",
20241005             hieß es.
20241005             Verstehe ich das richtig, dass nur EIN Anbieter die Zulassung hat, Kochsalzlösung herzustellen?
20241005             Und der macht jetzt einen auf Lieferengpässe, was dann die Preise und seinen Profit hochtreibt?
20241005             [l] Emirates Airline lässt keine Pager und Walkie-Talkies mehr an Bord.
        _HEUTE_1006_ :