Was geschah am Friday, September 27 2024 ?

Friday, September 27 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 09-27 ?

        _HEUTE_0928_ :
20240927             Freitag, 27. September 2024
20240927             "Chronometrica Historica" könnte sich auf die zeitliche Messung und Erfassung historischer Ereignisse beziehen, also auf die präzise Datierung und zeitliche Abfolge in der Geschichtswissenschaft.
20240927             Der Begriff könnte verwendet werden, um eine Methode oder ein Werkzeug zur systematischen Chronologie historischer Begebenheiten zu beschreiben.
20240927             Wenn du auf eine spezifische Bedeutung oder Anwendung dieses Begriffs hinweist oder ihn in einem bestimmten Zusammenhang verwenden möchtest, lass mich wissen!
20240927             Sparmaßnahmen von Javier Milei: Armutsquote in Argentinien steigt auf rund 53 Prozent
202409270024 Ausland
20240927             Wirbelsturm der zweithöchsten Kategorie: Hurrikan »Helene« gewinnt kurz vor Floridas Küste weiter an Kraft
202409270252 Panorama
20240927             Termin in New York: Trump trifft sich nach Hickhack nun wohl doch mit Selenskyj
202409270353 Ausland •
20240927             Eskalation in Nahost: Libanon meldet 92 Tote und fordert internationales Eingreifen
202409270514 Ausland
20240927             Die Lage am Morgen: Trump demütigt Selenskyj – und lädt ihn dann in den Trump Tower ein Von Mathieu von Rohr
20240927             Mathieu von Rohr
202409270547 Ausland
20240927             Mehr als 975.000 Haushalte ohne Strom: Hurrikan »Helene« trifft in Florida auf Land
202409270654 Panorama
20240927             Neue Uhrenlinie: Trump kassiert im Wahlkampf ab
202409270836 Ausland
20240927             Neue Leasingverträge: Analyst prophezeit E-Auto-Boom ab 2025
202409270933 Wirtschaft •
20240927             Begehrter Rohstoff: Forschende präsentieren schadstoffarme Alternativen, um Lithium zu gewinnen
202409270942 Wissenschaft
20240927             Wahl zum Parteichef: Ex-Verteidigungsminister Ishiba wird Japans neuer Ministerpräsident
202409270942 Ausland
20240927             Zögernde Einstellungsbereitschaft: Zahl der Arbeitslosen bleibt ungewöhnlich hoch – Quote bei 6,0 Prozent
202409271002 Wirtschaft
20240927             Rucola in Verdacht: RKI meldet Salmonellenausbruch
202409271103 Wissenschaft
20240927             Hurrikan »Helene« trifft auf Florida: Anwohner sollen sich ihre Namen auf Arm oder Bein schreiben – zwecks Identifizierung
202409271116 Panorama
20240927             Mit Schusswaffen und Mörsergranaten: Mindestens 37 Tote bei Gewalt zwischen Schiiten und Sunniten im Nordwesten Pakistans
202409271128 Ausland
20240927             [l] Angeblich hat der Oberbefehlshaber der Ukraine damals die Nord-Stream-Sprenung autorisiert.
20240927             Ach.
20240927             Ach was.
20240927             Sag bloß.
20240927             Der Oberbefehlshaber sagen Sie?
20240927             Quelle: Spiegel, Wall Street Journal.
20240927             [l] Verbraucherzentrale BW gewinnt vor EuGH gegen Aldi Süd. Die hatten in der Werbung Discounts behauptet, die dann im Kleingedruckten hatten, dass der Preis gar nicht billiger als sonst ist oder sogar noch billiger war in den letzten 30 Tagen.
20240927             Fake-Discounts also.
20240927             [l] North Carolina removes 747,000 from voter rolls.
20240927             Begründung:
20240927             The State Board of Elections in the release said the majority of those stripped from the rolls were deemed ineligible to be registered because they had moved within the state and did not register their new address, or because they did not participate in the past two federal elections, prompting an inactive status.
20240927             Wer sich jetzt denkt: Hmm, 747,000 ist ja schon eine Menge Holz.
20240927             Wie viele Leute wohnen denn überhaupt insgesamt in North Carolina?
20240927             Ca 10,7 Millionen.
20240927             Update: Einige Leser haben weitere Zahlen recherchiert.
20240927             North Carolina hat ca 7 Mio Wahlberechtigte, d.h. die haben hier mal eben 10% rausgeworfen.
20240927             Der Abstand zwischen Gewinner und Verlierer bei der letzten Wahl war ca 75000, also ein Zehntel der jetzt rausgekanteten.
20240927             »Gräben in der Gesellschaft zuschütten«: Wagenknecht-Fraktion beantragt Corona-Ausschuss in Sachsen
202409271200 Panorama
20240927             Sexueller Missbrauch: Papst zu Besuch in Belgien – König und Premier kritisieren die Kirche scharf
202409271217 Panorama •
20240927             Krebserregend und umweltschädlich: Ein Klimakiller namens Flaring
VON—SUSANNE—GÖTZE, Jule Ahles und Anna-Lena Kornfeld
202409271222 Wissenschaft
20240927             Zahlen für 2023: Deutschland zahlt knapp zehn Milliarden Euro für internationale Klimafinanzierung
202409271317 Wirtschaft •
20240927             Israels Attacken auf die Hisbollah: 30.000 Menschen fliehen aus dem Libanon ins Bürgerkriegsland Syrien
202409271351 Ausland
20240927             Reproduktionsmedizin: Künstliche Befruchtung steht in Zusammenhang mit Herzfehlern bei Babys
202409271420 Wissenschaft
20240927             Politikwissenschaftler über Thüringer Politchaos: »Derart giftige Debatten erinnern an die Weimarer Republik«
202409271620 Politik
20240927             Milliarden für den Staat: Grüne Finanzexperten wollen Steuerprivilegien für Reiche abschaffen
202409271750 Politik •
20240927             Elektrischer Kompaktwagen: VW senkt Preis für ID.3 offenbar unter 30.000 Euro
202409271830 Mobilität
20240927             Grafische Analyse: Die Zeichen stehen auf Krieg
VON—NINA—KRUG und Bernhard Riedmann
202409271831 Ausland •
20240927             Jugendforscher über Parteikrise: »Der Absturz der Grünen in der Gunst der Jungen ist atemberaubend«
202409271845 Politik
20240927             Gefährliche neue Droge: Polizei warnt Jugendliche vor »Görke«
202409271855 Panorama
20240927             Schattenbibliothek »LibGen«: E-Book-Piraten zu 30 Millionen Dollar Schadensersatz verurteilt
202409271901 Netzwelt
20240927             [l] Kurze Durchsage der Behörden in Florida:
20240927             Florida residents who choose to ride out Helene told to write name, information on arm.
20240927             Here are the details
20240927             Der Bundeshaushalt 2024 umfasst 476,81 Milliarden Euro Ausgaben.
20240927             D
20240927             Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt Deutschlands (also alle Umsätze von allen aufsummiert) sind ca 4 Billionen Euro.
20240927             Argentinien unter Milei: Ein Kettensägen-Massaker
202409272004 Ausland  
20240927             Reform des Abtreibungsrechts in Polen: »Es waren leere Versprechen«
202409272004 Ausland
20240927             Begegnung in New York: Treffen mit Selenskyj – Trump nennt Ukrainekrieg »kompliziertes Puzzle«
202409272042 Ausland
20240927             Schwache Pkw-Nachfrage: VW senkt erneut Prognose
202409272049 Wirtschaft
20240927             Forderung nach Tarifvertrag: Arbeitsgericht verbietet Kitastreik in Berlin
202409272055 Panorama
20240927             USA-Reise des ukrainischen Präsidenten: Selenskyjs entsetzte Miene zu Trumps bösem Spiel Von Ann-Dorit Boy
202409272153 Ausland
20240927             Gefährliche Viruserkrankung: Wieder mehr Masernfälle in Deutschland
202409272157 Gesundheit
20240927             Landesverfassungsgericht: Chaos im Thüringer Landtag – CDU erreicht entscheidenden Teilerfolg gegen AfD
202409272237 Politik •
20240927             WASHINGTON, September 27. /TASS/.
20240927             Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s ongoing visit to the United States reminded him of a Hollywood show.
20240927             "Zelensky's visit to the US is being staged by local authorities as a real Hollywood show.
20240927             The former actor was given the opportunity to speak from the tribune of the World Organization, then was taken through high-ranking Washington offices.
20240927             Administration representatives repeated over and over again that 'Ukraine must win.' They promised the terrorist regime billions from the pockets of American taxpayers, as well as record amounts of weapons and ammunition.
20240927             At the same time, they announced new sanctions against Russians," he said in a statement, published on the Russian embassy’s Telegram channel.
20240927             "Here they try to keep quiet that the main outcome of such a demonstration of America's 'leadership' is a further prolongation of the crisis.
20240927             Under the applause of local politicians, the blood of soldiers and civilians will continue to flow.
20240927             Bridges, schools and residential buildings will be blown up.
20240927             This, apparently, is the essence of Zelensky's notorious victory plan," Antonov added.
20240927             Zelensky met with outgoing US President Joe Biden and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris in Washington on Thursday.
20240927             UNITED NATIONS, September 28. /TASS/.
20240927             Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called for full implementation of the UN Security Council resolution that sets out de-escalation commitments of Israel and Hezbollah and harsh action against its violators.
20240927             "We consistently and invariably proceed from the need for full and comprehensive implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701, which spells out both Israel's obligations to cease all offensive military operations, withdraw its armed forces from South Lebanon and end the occupation of Lebanese lands, and Hezbollah's obligations to withdraw all formations north of the Litania River," the minister said at a UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including Palestine.
20240927             "Literally today an order was given to bomb Beirut," Lavrov said.
20240927             He then called on the sides "to immediately cease hostilities, which would prevent further bloodshed and create conditions for a political and diplomatic settlement".
20240927             "The Security Council is not just a platform for exchanging views on the most pressing global issues.
20240927             It is also the main body for maintaining international peace and security, a body that has a number of time-tested tools to enforce its decisions," Lavrov continued".
20240927             Harsh measures must be taken against violators of [UN Security Council] resolutions, without which our decisions will continue to remain on paper".
20240927             According to the minister, UNSC members need to "put the interests of the Palestinian and Israeli peoples above the narrow self-serving political calculations of individual figures and demand an immediate ceasefire, the release of all illegally detained persons and full and unimpeded humanitarian access".
20240927             .
20240927             MINSK, September 27. /TASS/.
20240927             Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has said during a meeting with students that nuclear weapons will be used as soon as NATO attacks the republic.
20240927             "I  have been saying that attacking Belarus is World War Three.
20240927             Actually, recently, Putin confirmed this making amendments to the nuclear doctrine that, in the event of an attack on Russia and Belarus we are using nuclear arms," the BelTA news agency quoted him as saying".
20240927             He confirmed my words.
20240927             This is the essence of my statement," the Belarusian leader added.
20240927             "If we use nuclear weapons, they may respond.
20240927             And to Russia as well, so it will use all of its arsenal.
20240927             And this is a world war already.
20240927             The West doesn’t want it either.
20240927             They are not ready for it. Yet we are openly telling them: the state border is the red line. If they set foot on it, the response will be immediate," Lukashenko asserted.
20240927             According to him, Minsk is getting ready for such a development".
20240927             I am talking about this honestly and sincerely," the Belarusian president added.
20240927             BERLIN, September 27. /TASS/.
20240927             President of Botswana Mokgweetsi Masisi says that if the German authorities do not agree to his proposal to accept 20,000 elephants inhabiting the country, they will be fed to Botswana’s starving population, the Bild reported citing a video address by Masisi.
20240927             "When people are starving, we must feed them.
20240927             […] I’m afraid we will have to feed some of those elephants or even all of them to the people," Masisi said.
20240927             According to the president, Germany has still not responded to the proposal to accept 20,000 Botswanan elephants, which he made in early April.
20240927             He pointed out that Botswana was facing its "worst drought in 50 years," causing widespread famine among the people.
20240927             And the elephants aren’t faring any better, certain to die, the politician added.
20240927             Speaking in an interview with Bild earlier in April, Masisi offered to ship 20,000 elephants to Germany in response to the German government’s plans to tighten restrictions on the import of hunting trophies.
20240927             He suggested that "the Germans should try to live with the animals," since they are forcing the people of Botswana to do just that.
20240927             According to the BBC, the country has already shipped about 8,000 elephants to Angola and offered hundreds more to Mozambique.
20240927             According to the African Wildlife Foundation, about 130,000 elephants, or one-third of all the elephants on Earth, currently reside in Botswana.
20240927             The Washington Post reported that the animals pose a problem for the country’s agricultural sector, frequently destroying farm crops.
20240927             Meanwhile, the restrictions on imports of hunting trophies being introduced by a number of Western states, only exacerbate the problem.
20240927             According to the Humane Society International, Germany was the largest importer of elephant hunt trophies in the EU in 2021.
20240927             On September 18, the Associated Press reported that due to the unprecedented drought, in order to keep their populations from starving, the authorities of Namibia and Zimbabwe had decided to shoot elephants and other animals and feed them to their citizens.
20240927             The changes in the Russian nuclear doctrine announced by President Vladimir Putin are due to the deterioration of the military-political situation in the world and new threats and security challenges to the Russian Federation, Igor Korotchenko, Editor-in-Chief of the National Defense Journal writes.
20240927             It is clear that the beginning of the special military operation (in Ukraine) and the creation of a western coalition of Russian military adversaries who back Ukraine have created absolutely new security challenges and threats.
20240927             The key factor of the updated doctrine is that Russia retains the right for a retaliatory nuclear strike in response to an aggression with conventional forces and arms against it.
20240927             Besides, the aggression can come from a non-nuclear country backed by a nuclear power.
20240927             We believe that if NATO begins combat actions against Russia collectively or in a coalition or by a single non-nuclear country, Russia can retaliate by engaging nuclear weapons.
20240927             Russia did not plan it before, but now the doctrine allows it.
20240927             What does it mean?
20240927             For instance, it is the deployment by Poland of a military contingent in Ukraine and its engagement in combat against Russia or if Romania and Poland begin to down Russian aircraft or cruise missiles over Ukraine.
20240927             Moscow will consider it an aggression from the point of view of the international law and will have the right to engage nuclear weapons against military targets in the mentioned countries.
20240927             If the United States delivers a strike at us with air or seaborne cruise missiles, we shall now consider it a casus belli and can retaliate by nuclear weapons at the USA.
20240927             It is the supreme commander-in-chief to decide whether strikes by long-range precision US or UK missiles deep in Russia from the territory of Ukraine should be considered a casus belli.
20240927             He will decide how Russia would react in any specific case and which weapons – conventional or nuclear - to engage.
20240927             It is a completely new development, which was not listed in the previous doctrine.
20240927             In case of a NATO collective or single-country aggression against Russia with conventional weapons, we shall consider the US, the UK and France to be the three nuclear allies.
20240927             No strikes with conventional cruise missiles deep in Russia are possible without US planning, intelligence, and satellite navigation.
20240927             Therefore, Russia will consider it a possibility for nuclear retaliation.
20240927             The same concerns Belarus, a member of the Union State with Russia.
20240927             We have common military planning and defense space.
20240927             In case of an aggression against Belarus from Poland or Lithuania with the use of conventional weapons, Russia will retain the right for a nuclear retaliatory strike at the mentioned countries, at their military facilities and intruding forces.
20240927             These are completely new updates in the doctrine, which also has the confidential part where the situations for the use of nuclear weapons are described in detail.
20240927             The main change is the possibility of a nuclear response to any aggression against Russia with any types of weapons.
20240927             Russia will decide whether to engage tactical or strategic nukes depending on specific military-political situation.
20240927             The West should not tell us it is another red line or a message to it.
20240927             We are sending no signals to anyone.
20240927             Time is ripe for practical actions.
20240927             The Russian General Headquarters has received corresponding instructions and began planning potential options of operations proceeding from new realities.
20240927             It demands major organizational and operational effort to decide which nuclear weapons have to be engaged and where.
20240927             Russia possesses strategic nuclear forces.
20240927             I believe the new conditions call for the creation of a command to deal with non-strategic nuclear forces.
20240927             The recent exercise of the non-strategic nuclear forces trained the handover of nuclear charges from the warehouses of the 12th main department of the Defense Ministry to the troops.
20240927             They trained delivery, docking with carriers, technical checks, issue of corresponding command and combat training engagement.
20240927             It is to be decided whether several missile brigades armed with Iskander-M launchers should be already armed with tactical nukes or not.
20240927             The issue is very sensitive and demands major planning.
20240927             It is to be decided how the command to engage tactical nukes will be issued in various conditions.
20240927             It is possible that the adversary will deliver a large-scale Prompt Global Strike at Russia to destroy its military command system and the top military-political leadership.
20240927             The technologies of a retaliatory strike in such a force majeure should be known. The General Headquarters has to consider it all in detail, and submit for approval by the Russian Security Council and the president.
20240927             It is necessary to think now how it will happen.
20240927             There may be no time for the handover of tactical nukes from the 12th department to the troops in conditions of a rapidly developing and unpredictable situation.
20240927             These are major issues and the Russian General Headquarters has to respond to them.
20240927             As for Russian strategic nuclear weapons, they are on a constant combat duty.
20240927             The launch command system has been numerously streamlined and is in a proper combat order.
20240927             The current nuclear doctrine was approved in June 2020 and replaced the predecessor that was in force for a decade.
20240927             By Igor Korotchenko,
20240927             Military observer, Editor-in-Chief of the National Defense Journal, Director of the Center for Analysis of Global Arms Trade
20240927             KALININGRAD, September 27. /TASS/.
20240927             The West wants to change the status of the Baltic Sea and ban the movement of the Russian fleet there, Russian Presidential Aide and Maritime Board Chairman Nikolay Patrushev said.
20240927             "After Finland and Sweden joined NATO, there are clear aspirations to change the status of the Baltic Sea, to revise the current legal regimes of maritime spaces and straits used for international navigation.
20240927             There are plans to ban the movement of the Russian fleet in the Baltic Sea," he said at a meeting in the Kaliningrad Region.
20240927             Patrushev added that in violation of international rules, Russian ships are disconnected from the satellite communication network, which creates risks to the safety of navigation and threats to the critical information infrastructure of water transport in general.
        _HEUTE_0928_ :