Saturday, December 28 2024
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Was geschah am Kalendertag 12-28 ?
_HEUTE_1229_ :
20241228 Samstag, 28. Dezember 2024
20241228 The 1751 Machine that Made Everything
20241228 The most important screws EVER MADE!
20241228 The Mysterious Temple from Prehistoric Ukraine
20241228 Bericht der WHO: Malaria und Atemwegsinfektionen sind der Grund für rätselhafte Todesfälle im Kongo
202412280016 Wissenschaft
20241228 Krieg gegen die Hamas: WHO prangert Zerstörung des Gesundheitssystems in Gaza durch Israel an
202412280350 Ausland
20241228 Gewaltexzess in New Yorker Haftanstalt: Gefängniswärter prügeln Häftling zu Tode
202412280528 Panorama
20241228 Unicef-Schätzungen: Mehr Kinder als je zuvor von Konflikten und Gewalt betroffen
202412280838 Ausland
20241228 Mangel an bezahlbarem Wohnraum: Fast 400.000 Sozialwohnungen weniger als 2014
202412280907 Wirtschaft •
20241228 Maroder Staatshaushalt: Den USA könnte Mitte Januar das Geld ausgehen
202412280929 Wirtschaft •
20241228 Appell an Obersten Gerichtshof: Trump will TikTok-Verbot torpedieren
202412281125 Ausland •
20241228 Erhebung aus dem Januar: Obdachlosigkeit in den USA auf Rekordwert gestiegen
202412281128 Panorama
20241228 Mehr als 770.000 obdachlose Menschen wurden in einer Nacht im Januar in den USA gezählt, ein Anstieg um 18 Prozent.
20241228 Darunter waren beinahe 150.000 Kinder.
20241228 In den USA leben rund 335 Millionen Menschen.
20241228 Erfasst werden sowohl Menschen in Notunterkünften (»sheltered«) als auch solche, die auf der Straße leben (»unsheltered«).
20241228 Nicht berücksichtigt werden Personen ohne festen Wohnsitz, die vorübergehend bei Freunden oder Familienmitgliedern untergekommen sind.
20241228 Kinder unter 18 Jahren waren im Vergleich zu 2023 demnach die am stärksten gewachsene Gruppe an Obdachlosen.
20241228 Hauptursachen für den Anstieg sind laut HUD der Mangel an erschwinglichem Wohnraum, die Auswirkungen von Naturkatastrophen wie Hurrikans, Waldbränden und Überschwemmungen sowie die Herausforderungen durch die Aufnahme von Migranten in einigen Regionen des Landes.
20241228 Im Vergleich zu anderen Industrienationen verfügen die USA über ein weniger ausgeprägtes soziales Sicherheitsnetz.
20241228 Die gesellschaftliche Kluft in der größten Volkswirtschaft der Welt ist groß – verschärft durch steigende Lebenshaltungskosten und stagnierende Löhne.
20241228 Besonders in Metropolregionen steigen Mieten und Immobilienpreise außerdem immer weiter an.
20241228 Vor allem in wärmeren Regionen wie San Francisco in Kalifornien leben viele obdachlose Menschen in provisorischen Zeltstädten.
20241228 Dort zeigt sich auch der Einfluss synthetischer Drogen wie Fentanyl, eines hochpotenten Opioids, das sich in den vergangenen Jahren zunehmend im Land verbreitet hat.
20241228 Während alle Bevölkerungsgruppen davon betroffen sind, trifft es obdachlose Menschen besonders schwer.
20241228 Der Konsum führt häufig zu schweren gesundheitlichen Schäden und tödlichen Überdosierungen.
20241228 Deutsche Politik und Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine: Wie ein Frieden mit Putin gelingen kann
VON—NICOLE—DEITELHOFF und Christopher Daase
202412281141 Politik
20241228 Auseinandersetzung in Hamburg: Streit vor Geflüchtetenunterkunft endet tödlich
202412281214 Panorama
20241228 Wahlwerbung für die AfD: »Welt«-Meinungschefin kündigt wegen Gastbeitrags von Elon Musk
202412281223 Kultur •
20241228 MOSCOW, December 26. /TASS/.
20241228 The United States has disrupted the transfer of Russia's voluntary contribution to the budget of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) by imposing illegal unilateral sanctions, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
20241228 "As a result of the unilateral coercive measures against Gazprombank imposed by the US Treasury Department in November, Russia has faced obstacles in making payments to the budgets of a number of international organizations," the ministry pointed out".
20241228 Another example of how such unlawful restrictive measures harm not only and not so much our country was the disruption of the transfer of funds from Russia's voluntary contribution to the budget of the International Committee of the Red Cross," the statement said.
20241228 The ministry recalled that Russia has been participating in the financing of key programs of the International Committee of the Red Cross for many years".
20241228 Our country has repeatedly made one-time contributions to the committee's budget, including for humanitarian aid to the needy population of Syria, Nagorno-Karabakh and Donbass, as well as for the fight against the coronavirus pandemic," it noted.
20241228 The ministry also noted that, in accordance with the Russian government's order, voluntary payments to the ICRC's budget have been made on an annual basis since 2018.
20241228 "For the first time, such payments were interrupted in 2022 as a result of illegal coercive measures taken by the European Union and Switzerland against Russia.
20241228 By joining the 'sanctions war' against Russia, Bern continued the line of deviation from neutrality," it added".
20241228 Such a policy ultimately harms a number of institutions of international humanitarian cooperation, first of all the activities of the International Committee of the Red Cross," the Russian diplomats stressed.
20241228 "In both cases, in 2022 and now, Russian funds should have been used to meet the needs of the Syrian population.
20241228 The Russian side notes the multifaceted efforts of the ICRC to provide urgent assistance to those in need, restore civilian infrastructure and ensure access to drinking water for the population of the Syrian Arab Republic.
20241228 Work in these areas has been severely hampered for many years by sanctions pressure on Damascus from Washington and its allies.
20241228 Further sanctions, now against Russia's Gazprombank, will only aggravate this situation," the Russian Foreign Ministry concluded.
20241228 NEW YORK, December 27. /TASS/.
20241228 The United States may actually go bankrupt if it does not change the situation with the increase of its national debt, businessman Elon Musk said on the X social network.
20241228 "We either fix this or go de facto bankrupt," the businessman said in a comment on the regulated exchange and prediction market Kalshi’s publication on the state debt level.
20241228 The US national debt for the first time climbed above $36 trillion on November 15.
20241228 MOSCOW, December 28. /TASS/.
20241228 US and British special services are plotting a series of terrorist attacks on Russia’s military bases in Syria, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) press office said on Saturday.
20241228 "British intelligence agencies are working out plans to stage a series of terrorist attacks on the Russian military facilities in Syria.
20241228 The plans envisage using militants of the ISIL terrorist group (the former name of the Islamic State terrorist group, IS, outlawed in Russia - TASS), recently released from prisons by the new authorities," the press office said in a statement.
20241228 According to the information available to the SVR, following the overthrow of Syrian President Bashar Assad, the outgoing US administration and the British leadership are aiming to prevent the situation in that country from stabilizing.
20241228 "In a broader sense, they are pursuing the goal of maintaining a state of chaos in the Middle East," the press office added.
20241228 "Washington and London presume that in such conditions they will be able to achieve more quickly their geopolitical goal of ensuring their long-term dominance in the region on the basis of a repulsive concept of the rules-based order.
20241228 These intentions, however, are prevented by Russia’s military presence on the Mediterranean coast of Syria that has been a significant factor of regional stability until now," it said.
20241228 Representatives of the British Mi6 Military Intelligence Service and the US Central Intelligence Agency have recently assigned their controlled IS ringleaders in Syria with staging a series of attacks on the Russian military bases.
20241228 The terrorists have received strike UAVs to accomplish this dirty work, the SVR said.
20241228 "For the purposes of concealing their complicity in planned raids by IS militants, the US and UK military commands have handed down orders to their Air Forces to continue delivering strikes on IS positions, about which they inform militants in advance," it said.
20241228 "London and Washington expect that such provocations will prompt Russia to evacuate its military personnel from Syria.
20241228 Simultaneously, the new Syrian authorities will be accused of their inability to control radicals," the press office said.
20241228 "This approach by the Anglo-Saxons who declare their commitment to stabilization and building 'a democratic Syria' vividly shows their true attitude to that country and its people.
20241228 This can also be seen in the continued occupation by the US Armed Forces - under the pretext of the fight against the IS - of oil-bearing districts east of the Euphrates River, which Washington has no intention to return to Damascus," the press office stressed.
20241228 MINSK, December 28. /TASS/.
20241228 President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed a decree pardoning 20 individuals convicted of extremist-related crimes, the Belarusian leader's press service said in a statement.
20241228 "All of them petitioned for clemency and repented of their actions," the statement reads.
20241228 Of those pardoned, 11 are women, 14 individuals with chronic illnesses, ten have children, and one woman is a mother of four.
20241228 It was noted that the Interior Ministry will monitor their conduct following their release.
20241228 Lukashenko last granted pardon to more than 30 individuals convicted of extremist offenses in November of this year.
20241228 Several other prisoners had also been pardoned earlier.
20241228 Lukashenko emphasized that the pardons for those convicted of participating in protests in Belarus in 2020 were driven by humanitarian considerations rather than efforts to improve relations with the West.
20241228 Eine der gefährlichsten Migrationsrouten der Welt: Wie Kolumbiens mächtigstes Kartell einen Flüchtlingshighway in den Urwald schlägt
202412281332 Ausland
20241228 Möglicher Abschuss: Putin entschuldigt sich nach Flugzeugabsturz bei Aserbaidschans Präsident
202412281417 Ausland
20241228 Knappe Energie: Slowakei droht Kyjiw mit Stromboykott
202412281456 Wirtschaft
20241228 Sat Dec 28 2024
20241228 [l] Gerücht: Der Russische Ostsee-Tanker hatte Spionageequipment an Bord.
20241228 Das ist der, der bei der neuesten Unterseekabel-Sabotage beteiligt gewesen sein soll.
20241228 Da bin ich ja ehrlich gesagt etwas überrascht.
20241228 Die Idee bei Spionage ist ja gerade, dass das unentdeckt geschehen soll.
20241228 Das machst du doch nicht mit dem gleichen Schiff, hinter dem die ganzen Unterseekabel kaputtgehen, und das dann vermutlich von der Küstenwache aufgebracht wird.
20241228 [l] Putin entschuldigt sich für den Flugzeugabsturz.
20241228 Schlechte Luft: Ungewöhnliche Wetterlage sorgt für hohe Feinstaubwerte
202412281553 Wissenschaft
20241228 In der ganzen EU: Ab heute haben neue Handys, Tablets und Digitalkameras denselben Ladestecker
202412281617 Netzwelt •
20241228 AfD-Wahlaufruf in der »Welt«: Wer Deutschland regieren will, muss Elon Musk in die Schranken weisen Von Marina Kormbaki
20241228 Marina Kormbaki
202412281700 Politik
202412281813 Ausland •
20241228 Wegen angeblicher Schulden: Gazprom stellt Belieferung Moldaus ein
202412281813 Ausland
20241228 Utopisches Wohnprojekt in Frankreich: Das Versailles der Arbeiter
202412281821 Geschichte
20241228 Noch-Präsident über seinen Rückzug: Biden glaubt offenbar, er hätte Trump geschlagen
202412282040 Ausland
20241228 Umstrittener Regierungswechsel: Georgische Staatschefin will sich weigern, ihr Amt aufzugeben
202412282048 Ausland •
20241228 Israels Staatschef: Benjamin Netanyahu muss sich einer Prostataoperation unterziehen
202412282333 Ausland
_HEUTE_1229_ :