Wednesday, December 25 2024
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Was geschah am Kalendertag 12-25 ?
_HEUTE_1226_ :
20241225 Mittwoch, 25. Dezember 2024
20241225 Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine: Massive russische Angriffe am Weihnachtstag auf die Ukraine
202412250820 Ausland
20241225 Staatskrise in Südkorea: Suspendierter Präsident Yoon erscheint erneut nicht zu Vorladung
202412250821 Ausland
20241225 Deutscher Mittelstand: 40 Prozent der Firmen sind reif für die Übergabe
202412250843 Wirtschaft
20241225 Gewalt in Haiti: Mindestens drei Menschen sterben durch Schüsse in Krankenhaus
202412250858 Ausland
20241225 Auktionen von NS-Relikten: »Vom Bösen geht eine Faszination aus«
202412251236 Panorama
20241225 Mitternachtsmesse in Betlehem: Kardinal zeigt Mitgefühl für Palästinenser
202412251318 Ausland
20241225 Nach Anschlägen: Pakistanische Luftangriffe in Afghanistan töten fast 50 Menschen
202412251417 Ausland
20241225 MOSCOW, December 25. /TASS/.
20241225 Specialists at the Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Russian Quantum Center have presented the country's first prototype of a 50-qubit single cold atom quantum computer, the press service of the Moscow State University has said.
20241225 The Russian government in 2020 approved a roadmap for the development of high-tech field Quantum Computing.
20241225 One of its goals is to create a quantum computer with a capacity of at least 50 qubits by the end of 2024.
20241225 In Russia, this task is being worked on by several research groups developing prototypes on different technological platforms: neutral atoms, ions, superconductors and photons.
20241225 The created calculator is based on single neutral rubidium atoms, which are captured by optical tweezers (focused laser beams).
20241225 The experiment that allowed testing the supercomputer prototype took place on December 19, the MSU said.
20241225 "Scientists at the Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Russian Quantum Center have created Russia's first prototype of a neutral single rubidium atoms-powered 50-qubit quantum computer as part of the Quantum Computing Roadmap coordinated by the Rosatom State Corporation," MSU said.
20241225 The supercomputer prototype is an optical table, most of which is occupied by a laser system used for cooling and controlling atomic states, as well as a system with ultra-high vacuum and optical access, Stanislav Straupe, the head of the quantum computing sector at the Quantum Technologies Center of the MSU Physics Department said.
20241225 "At the moment the MSU Center for Quantum Technologies is capable of creating quantum registers of 50 atoms arranged in an ordered array and perform operations on single qubits.
20241225 Neutral atoms in optical tweezers are a good system in terms of scaling prospects.
20241225 We more or less understand how to get from systems of tens of qubits to hundreds and even thousands of qubits," the MSU press service quotes the scientist as saying.
20241225 MOSCOW, December 25. /TASS/.
20241225 The principles of settling the Ukrainian crisis voiced by Russian President Vladimir Putin stem from international law, and not some preconditions, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on the 60 Minutes program on the Rossiya-1 TV channel.
20241225 "The principles formulated by Russian President Vladimir Putin [of resolving the Ukrainian crisis] are not preconditions," he said".
20241225 They stem from international law".
20241225 Lavrov drew attention to the fact that "the Kiev regime plays into the hands the West, which needs to remove such a strong competitor as Russia from the international scene".
20241225 "The West wants to do away with any competitor," he emphasized".
20241225 Ukraine has been chosen as a weapon against us".
20241225 Weihnachtsansprache im Vatikan: Papst Franziskus mahnt zu Frieden
202412251616 Ausland
20241225 Naher Osten nach Assad: Erdo?an fordert syrische Kurden zur Niederlegung der Waffen auf
202412251748 Ausland
20241225 Defekte Verbindung: Untersee-Stromkabel zwischen Estland und Finnland gestört
202412251849 Netzwelt
20241225 Präsidiale Botschaften zu Weihnachten: Biden ruft zu Nächstenliebe auf, Trump verspottet Obama
202412252122 Ausland
20241225 Ausschreitungen in Mosambik: Mehr als 1500 Häftlinge aus Gefängnis geflohen
202412252227 Ausland
20241225 Landesweite Unruhen: Tausende Syrer protestieren wegen Video eines Angriffs auf alawitischen Schrein
202412252346 Ausland
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