Was geschah am Saturday, December 14 2024 ?

Saturday, December 14 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 12-14 ?

        _HEUTE_1215_ :
20241214             Samstag, 14. Dezember 2024
20241214             blog.alfatomega/kalender-tage zeigt chronologisch alle Ereignsse am betreffenden Datum in der GESCHICHTE.
20241214             Machtwechsel in Syrien: HTS-Miliz will Sturz von Assad ein Jahr lang geplant haben
202412140132 Ausland •
20241214             Nach empfindlichen Niederlagen: Ukraine tauscht offenbar Kommandeur an kritischem Frontabschnitt aus
202412140224 Ausland
20241214             Designierter US-Präsident: Trump will die Sommerzeit abschaffen
202412140856 Panorama
20241214             Für 80 Cent die Stunde: Schweriner Flüchtlinge sollen zur Arbeit verpflichtet werden – gegen den Willen des Oberbürgermeisters
202412141005 Panorama
20241214             Verlorene Steuereinnahmen, kein Arbeitsschutz: Neun von zehn Haushaltshilfen arbeiten offenbar schwarz
202412141438 Wirtschaft
20241214             Sat Dec 14 2024
20241214             [l] OpenAI whistleblower found dead in San Francisco apartment.
20241214             Der war für das Beschaffen der Trainingsdaten zuständig und seine Enthüllung war, dass die auf Copyright scheißen bei OpenAI.
20241214             The medical examiner’s office determined the manner of death to be suicide and police officials this week said there is “currently, no evidence of foul play.”
20241214             Also SO einen klaren Fall von Selbstmord hatten wir schon LANGE nicht mehr!
20241214             Donald Trumps Nominierungen im Gesundheitswesen: Scharlatane in Schaltzentralen
202412141637 Gesundheit
20241214             Debatte über Sprengkörper: Warum in Finnland Forderungen nach einer Wiederaufrüstung mit Antipersonenminen laut werden Von Anna-Sophie Schneider
202412141731 Ausland
20241214             Nach Putschversuch in Brasilien: Ex-Verteidigungsminister Walter Braga Netto festgenommen
202412141900 Ausland
20241214             Krisengipfel in Jordanien: Internationale Diplomaten wollen neues Chaos in Syrien verhindern
202412142118 Ausland •
20241214             Spur der Verwüstung: Zyklon »Chido« fordert Tote und Verletzte auf Inselgruppe im Indischen Ozean
202412142326 Ausland
20241214             Putins Krieg gegen die Ukraine: Selenskyj spricht von erheblichen Verlusten bei nordkoreanischen Soldaten
202412142352 Ausland
20241214             [l] Die Primärquelle ist hinter Paywall, daher ein Bluesky-Link, der daraus zitiert:
20241214             At one point, Zuckerberg and other attendees stood, hand over heart, as the club played a rendition of the national anthem sung by imprisoned defendants who are accused of crimes related to the Jan.
20241214             6, 2021, Capitol riot, according to people familiar with the matter.
20241214             Und was sangen sie?
20241214             "Justice For All",
20241214             aufgenommen von den Insassen über Gefängnistelefon.
20241214             Da haben ja südamerikanische Diktatoren subtilere Unterwerfungsrituale.
20241214             [l] Die Züge der Deutschen Bahn mögen verspätet sein und kein Bier vom Fass mehr haben, aber sicher sind sie!1!!
20241214             Polizeieinsatz mit Maschinenpistolen am Hauptbahnhof Köln
20241214             Warum denn?
20241214             Es gab eine Gefährdungslage.
20241214             Oh ach sooo.
20241214             Gut, dass wir das mal geklärt haben.
20241214             Bei der Durchsuchung des ICE mussten sich die Fahrgäste ausweisen und ihre Hände oben auf den Sitz vor sich legen.
20241214             In dem Zug waren auch Polizisten mit angelegten Maschinenpistolen im Einsatz.
20241214             Fuck, yeah!
20241214             Was meint ihr?
20241214             Haben die da einen Linux-Entwickler gesucht?
20241214             MOSCOW, December 13. /TASS/.
20241214             The Anglo-Saxons have a long-term goal to declare Taiwan's independence under the Kosovo scenario so they could have an outpost in East Asia, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said in an article in the International Affairs magazine.
20241214             "For the long term, the Anglo-Saxons have set themselves a specific political goal to comprehensively reformat the ‘island identity.’ This would make it possible to erode the principle of one China, declare Taiwan's independence under the Kosovo scenario and undermine the status quo in the Taiwan Strait.
20241214             Next up would be to form an outpost in East Asia that would be formally dependent on the US," he wrote.
20241214             According to the official, the plan is "quite in line with Washington's aspirations to bring the Asia-Pacific region into NATO's orbit and pit states against each other".
20241214             Medvedev said that in order to achieve these goals, "the tools that are employed include manipulative language separation, the cultivation of local nationalism and the promotion of pro-Western values and ideas that are alien to Chinese traditional national culture".
20241214             These tactics are similar to those that are used in Ukraine, according to the official.
20241214             Medvedev said the Anglo-Saxons, in addition to funneling arms into Taiwan, deliberately turn a blind eye to the efforts of Taiwan's administration aimed at the de-Sinification and Taiwanization of the island by implementing a policy of nurturing the so-called "Taiwanese identity" (or "Taiwanese self-consciousness") - the self-identification of its inhabitants as the Taiwanese detached from their roots, rather than the Chinese.
20241214             "What is being embedded into the collective consciousness of the island’s residents is the idea that, as a result of long historical processes, when the entire island or parts of it were under the rule of different forces (native tribes, the Spanish, the Dutch, various pirates and the Japanese), some new nation was born, and it is different from the main Chinese ethnos, the Han people," the official wrote.
20241214             According to Medvedev, there are efforts to back up this idea with various Taiwan-centric scientific concepts, such as the concept of the Taiwanese nation and its variations in the form of the theories of the Taiwanese nation by blood, Taiwanese nation by culture, the political and economic Taiwanese nation, a new rising nation, and a community of common destiny - all of which were first put forward in the early 2000s.
20241214             "The authors of these contrived theories seek to take the collective consciousness of the Taiwanese beyond the traditional Chineseness and impose on them a kind of non-Chineseness as a new national and civic identity," he said.
20241214             He also said that Chinese culture is cast as just one of many cultures on the island, which supposedly doesn’t form the core of Taiwanese cultural identity.
20241214             Ideological attack on the language
20241214             "The island’s advocates of separatism, instigated by American senators, congressmen and retired officials under the supervision of numerous NGOs from across the ocean, zealously defend the thesis that national identity is the sole basis for nation building and the existence of a country," Medvedev said.
20241214             Therefore, he went on to say, in order to sow discord, "strategic foes are doing their best to invent contrived distinctions".
20241214             "They pay serious attention to linguoconflictological levers, attempts to bend the 'living soul of the people' to their liking," the official said.
20241214             According to Medvedev, Washington, London and Brussels realize that language represents an important tool for maintaining traditions - which cement the bond between generations - a special social and cultural component and "a marker of political preferences".
20241214             "That is why the West deals an ideological blow against language as an element of civic solidarity.
20241214             The goals are obvious: to provoke, acting from abroad, a crisis of self-identification and loss of historical memory and undermine the inherent values of our civilizations, such as justice, goodness, mercy, compassion, love.
20241214             And most importantly, to replace them with the surrogate of the neoliberal agenda," he said.
20241214             He said the underlying reason for this is a persistent desire to destroy millennia-old algorithms of people's everyday lives.
20241214             "In order to hype up the made-up issue of the so-called Taiwanese language, Western forces are ready to latch on to differences in the writing of characters, minor changes in some lexemes and peculiarities of the South Ming dialect," the official wrote".
20241214             It is symbolic that the island’s authorities have to bend over backwards as they put the language at the service of politics".
20241214             The efforts of the current Taiwanese authorities to highlight the differences between the island’s and mainland languages look like an integral part of attempts to create a Taiwanese identity, according to Medvedev.
20241214             Another CIA and similarities with Ukraine
20241214             "A particularly destructive role in restraining China's development is played by the National Endowment for Democracy (designated undesirable in Russia).
20241214             This dubious organization has long been engaged in subversive cognitive operations around the globe at the behest of its founders in the US Congress and is often referred to as a ‘second CIA,’" he said.
20241214             "After 1945, the island’s authorities intensively resorted to coercive de-Japanization and Sinification (the introduction of Guoyu instead of Taiyu) in the field of language policy, but since 2000 they have been trying, albeit without much success, to reverse course and replace the official Guoyu with the Taiwanese Taiyu," the official went on to say".
20241214             All this is painfully reminiscent of the language policy that was promulgated in Ukraine by Kravchuk, Kuchma, Yushchenko and Poroshenko after 1991".
20241214             According to Medvedev, the National Endowment for Democracy allocated more than $30 million between 2007 and 2015 toward supporting Ukrainian NGOs and what it called promoting civil society.
20241214             "During the 2013-2014 uprising in Ukraine, it funded the Mass Communications Institute to spread false narratives, and spent tens of millions of US dollars to foment ethnic strife in Ukraine through social media," the official wrote.
20241214             Historical memory
20241214             "Taiwan's certain ‘original’ linguistic traditions are by no means the only excuse used by Western neo-colonizers.
20241214             The question of historical memory has not been left alone.
20241214             Contrary to the official historiography of the PRC, which is based on the historical existence of Taiwan as one of the areas of Fujian Province, and since 1887 a separate province during the Qing dynasty (which is proof that Taiwan is a part of one China), Taiwanese ‘experts’ put the Qing Empire on a par with other foreign powers that exercised colonial rule over the island," Medvedev said.
20241214             The Anglo-Saxons, according to him, act in full compliance with the well-tested patterns of "perversion of history".
20241214             "Along the same lines, the administration of Lai Ching-te (the current head of Taiwan's administration - TASS) is building its falsifications with respect to UN General Assembly Resolution No.
20241214             2758 of 1971, which recognized the PRC government as the sole legitimate representative of China in the UN instead of the so-called Republic of China led by Chiang Kai-shek.
20241214             However, proponents of separatism point out that the resolution contains no mention of the island and its political status, so it cannot be considered grounds for restricting the international personality of Taiwan, which, in turn, has the right to claim a seat in the UN and other intergovernmental organizations, and in the future become a part of the Western ‘democratic family,’" Medvedev wrote.
20241214             According to the official, Taipei's course finds support from the Anglo-Saxon states, which are "quite sly in their approach to the interpretation of the ‘one China’ principle".
20241214             "On the one hand, they recognize the exclusive authority of the PRC government to represent the country in the UN system.
20241214             On the other hand, they encourage Taipei's efforts to obtain the right to participate in the activities of intergovernmental mechanisms such as WHO and ICAO," he said.
20241214             "Such false and tendentious allegations are a fairly frequent phenomenon.
20241214             Among them are groundless Ukrainian wishes and dreams to deprive Russia of its seat in the UN Security Council," Medvedev continued.
20241214             He called for remembering the international legal consequences of the World War II, when "the return of Chinese territories occupied by Japan, including Taiwan, was settled and enshrined in a number of international legal acts, including the Potsdam Declaration of 1945, and as a result of the establishment of the PRC on October 1, 1949, it was given sovereign rights over the entire internationally recognized territory of the country, including Taiwan".
20241214             Anglo-Saxon schemes
20241214             "The British and Americans also resorted to the principle of 'divide and conquer' in the case of Hong Kong, which was reunited with China in 1997 after being the UK’s dependent territory for more than a century and a half," Medvedev said".
20241214             Support is given to "correct' research by pet scholars, which in every possible way promote the neo-colonialist ambitions of London and Washington".
20241214             "There are other examples in the history of the 20th century when external forces tried to reformat national identities for their own geopolitical purposes," the official wrote".
20241214             Japanese invaders purposefully tried to eradicate the Han language in the puppet state of Manchukuo.
20241214             At the same time, they forced people to speak the Manchu language, which was hardly used at that time".
20241214             "These linguistic experiments had a very obvious political goal: to destroy the common fabric of China’s ideas and values and subject the population to total mankurtization.
20241214             The Red Army and the Chinese patriots of the Communist Party of China put an end to this inhuman practice in 1945," he said".
20241214             These days, the schemes of separation have been prepared by the Anglo-Saxons for all who dissent from their aggressive interference in the internal affairs of countries around the world".
        _HEUTE_1215_ :