Was geschah am Sunday, December 8 2024 ?

Sunday, December 8 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 12-08 ?

        _HEUTE_1209_ :
20241208             Sonntag, 8. Dezember 2024
20241208             Umsturz in Syrien: Assad aus Damaskus geflohen – Milizionäre verkünden Machtübernahme
202412080506 Ausland
20241208             Damaskus: Berüchtigtes Foltergefängnis Saidnaja befreit
202412080702 Ausland •
20241208             Rebellen kontrollieren Damaskus - Assads Regierungschef soll abgeführt worden sein Von Anna-Sophie Schneider, Steffen Lüdke, Miriam Khan und Hannah Helene Häseker
202412080806 Ausland
20241208             Politische Krise in Südkorea: Staatsanwaltschaft eröffnet Strafverfahren gegen Präsident Yoon
202412081002 Ausland
20241208             Sturz des Assad-Regimes: Ein historischer Tag für das syrische Volk Von Dunja Ramadan
20241208             Dunja Ramadan
202412081012 Ausland
20241208             Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine: Trump verlangt »unverzügliche Waffenruhe« und Verhandlungen
202412081058 Ausland
20241208             Stimmen zum Ende von Assad: So reagiert die Welt
202412081108 Ausland •
20241208             Forschungsfortschritt: Das wird die wichtigste Wissenschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts Von Christian Stöcker
20241208             Christian Stöcker
202412081127 Wissenschaft
20241208             Personalabbau nach der Wahl: CDU-Generalsekretär Linnemann will Bundesbehörden deutlich verkleinern
202412081224 Politik •
20241208             Sun Dec 8 2024
20241208             [l] Bern bekämpft das Patriarchat!
20241208             Die Namen der Strassen zeugten von antiquiertem patriarchalischem Dogmatismus, machte alt Stadträtin Jemima Fischer (AL) in dem Vorstoss geltend.
20241208             Namen wie Buchdruckerweg, Fischerweg oder Gotenstrasse seien nicht mehr zeitgemäss.
20241208             Ja aber echt mal.
20241208             Buchdrucker gibt es gar nicht mehr in Bern, geschweige denn Fischer oder Goten!
20241208             Völlig unzeitgemäß!
20241208             Oh warte.
20241208             Die meinte was anderes.
20241208             Bei der Neubenennung solle die Stadt alle gebräuchlichen Varianten geschlechtergerechter Sprache anwenden.
20241208             In Zukunft sollte es etwa den Fischer*innenweg und den Buchdrucker/innenweg geben.
20241208             Und was ist mit den Gotinnen?!
20241208             Ich wünsche schonmal viel Spaß beim Eingeben ins Navi.
20241208             MINSK, December 6. /TASS/.
20241208             Russia's Oreshnik missile system may be deployed in Belarus in the second half of 2025, President Vladimir Putin has said.
20241208             "As far the possibility of deploying such, let's say, formidable weapons as the Oreshnik in Belarus is concerned, since we have signed today an agreement on security guarantees with the use of all available forces and means, I consider the deployment of such systems as the Oreshnik in Belarus possible," Putin said after a meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State.
20241208             He added that this would become possible in the second half of next year as the serial production of these systems in Russia increased and the missile systems entered service with the Russian strategic missile forces.
20241208             Putin warned of the need for addressing some technicalities before the deployment of the Oreshnik system in Belarus.
20241208             "Of course, there are a number of technical issues here for the specialists to address, namely, the determination of the minimum range with due regard for the security priorities of Belarus," he said".
20241208             It takes specialists to look into this matter".
20241208             The Russian president remarked that deploying the Oreshnik in Belarus would not require heavy spending.
20241208             "I reckon that there are such opportunities (for the deployment of the Oreshnik in Belarus - TASS) in the light of the fact that it will also require minimal costs.
20241208             Belarus has retained certain infrastructural capabilities, inherited from the Soviet era, so the placement of such systems in Belarus will involve minimal spending to have infrastructure up and running," Putin explained.
20241208             "Of course, despite the fact that they (Oreshnik systems - TASS) will be part and parcel of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces, nevertheless, the selection of targets on the territory of a probable enemy will certainly be a prerogative of the military and political leadership of Belarus.
20241208             We will discuss everything in the working mode," Putin promised.
20241208             "For now, I can only say - the experts understand it well: the shorter the range, the greater the strike power of the warhead," he stated".
20241208             We will discuss the technicalities later".
20241208             Distinctive features
20241208             Putin earlier cited some technical aspects as he compared the Oreshnik and nuclear weapons: "Of course, such cutting-edge systems as the Oreshnik have no analogues in the world.
20241208             In the case of group use, they are similar in effects to nuclear weapons, but they are not a weapon of mass destruction".
20241208             He underscored two distinctive features of the Oreshnik.
20241208             "First, unlike weapons of mass destruction, it is a high accuracy weapon, it does not hit large areas and achieves results not due to its power, but due to accuracy.
20241208             Second, in the case of group use of one, two, or three systems its effects are akin to those of nuclear weapons, but they do not contaminate the terrain or entail any radiation consequences.
20241208             There are no nuclear components in the warhead of these missiles".
20241208             On November 21, Putin made a statement to declare that in response to the use of Western long-range weapons against Russia the newest non-nuclear Oreshnik medium-range ballistic missiles launched for the first time against Ukraine's defense industry facility, the Yuzhmash plant.
20241208             TUNIS, December 7. /TASS/.
20241208             Iraq has received more than 1,000 soldiers of the Syrian army who crossed the Al-Qa'im border checkpoint into the Anbar province in the western part of the republic, the Iraqi News Agency reported citing a source in the security services.
20241208             According to him, "the soldiers were welcomed and provided with required assistance".
20241208             On November 27, the Jabhat al-Nusra extremist group (banned in Russia) carried out a major attack in northern Syria.
20241208             The Syrian military command later said the army had to fall back from Aleppo to regroup and prepare for a counterattack.
20241208             On December 5, the command of the Syrian Armed Forces announced that militants infiltrated into several neighborhoods of Hama.
20241208             According to a statement from the command, government forces in charge of defending Hama were pulled out of the city.
20241208             On December 7, the Syrian Defense Ministry announced that military units operating in the south of the country were being regrouped in accordance with the military's strategic plan.
20241208             BRATISLAVA, December 8. /TASS/.
20241208             The explosions at the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines were a terrorist attack involving professional military personnel, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico stated during a program on the national public broadcaster STV.
20241208             "This was clearly a terrorist sabotage operation, which must have involved the most professional military units," the prime minister said.
20241208             Fico added that the Nord Stream explosions raise questions about whether something larger than Ukraine itself is at the core of the Ukrainian conflict.
20241208             The prime minister noted that a group of individuals "hovering near the Druzhba oil pipeline and tracking it with drones" was recently uncovered in Slovakia, an incident discussed at the Slovak State Security Council".
20241208             I wouldn’t be surprised if someone attacked a gas pipeline or our oil pipeline to prevent the import of raw materials from the east, pushing instead for all supplies to come from the West," Fico said.
20241208             MOSCOW, December 8. /TASS/.
20241208             Syrian President Bashar Assad has left Damascus amid ongoing developments in the country, where militants from terrorist groups have launched a major offensive against government forces, Reuters reported, citing two Syrian army officers.
20241208             According to the official, his plane departed for an unknown destination.
20241208             Earlier, Al Jazeera TV reported that militants had entered Damascus, while Al Hadath TV claimed that the Syrian capital had fallen under the control of militant groups.
20241208             ISTANBUL, December 8. /TASS/.
20241208             The change of power in Syria may be followed by implementation of several scenarios how the situation will unfold, including a split and a breakup of the Arab country, the Turkish pro-government newspaper Sabah reported.
20241208             Earlier reports said that militants of terrorist formations entered Damascus early on Sunday.
20241208             Al Jazeera reported that the government’s forces had left the city center.
20241208             Head of Syria’s government Mohammad Ghazi al-Jalali has stated readiness to transfer power in the republic in a peaceful way.
20241208             The first scenario of possible developments in Syria suggests the creation after the president Bashar Assad’s administration is overthrown of the Syrian Democratic Republic as an alliance of the opposition with various factions and ideological differences.
20241208             Though such an option can hardly be realized, it would be supported by Turkey, Russia, the US, European countries as it will allow keeping the integrity of Syria, Sabah observer Bercan Tutar believes.
20241208             The second scenario implies the creation of the Islamic Republic of Syria, with representatives of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (a terrorist organization outlawed in Russia, which was previously named as Jabhat al-Nusra) constituting the backbone of the new power.
20241208             In this case Syria will be ruled by representatives of Salafi (a movement in Sunni Islam), "which does not feel animosity against Israel or the US," the journalist wrote.
20241208             According to the third scenario, "an anti-Shiite state controlled by Israel" may be founded in Syria with an anti-Iran focus, with blocking of the Lebanon-based Shiite movement Hezbollah and depriving it of Tehran’s logistics and military support on the basis of its conception.
20241208             Another scenario suggests the creation of an American-led Federative Republic of Syria, which the author of the article suggests "will be balkanized through partition into small puppet states".
20241208             The fifth scenario of development in Syria implies its split and disintegration, according to Tutar".
20241208             If the opposition and countries supporting it fail to reach an agreement if such a scenario is implemented, the civil war in Syria will intensify again, which will eventually lead to its full complete breakup," the observer wrote.
20241208             WASHINGTON, December 8. /TASS/.
20241208             US President-elect Donald Trump has said that Ukraine would like to conclude an agreement on settlement of the conflict with Russia and urged an immediate ceasefire and the beginning of peace negotiations, Trump wrote on his Truth Social page.
20241208             "Zelensky and Ukraine would like to make a deal [with Russia] and stop the madness.
20241208             There should be an immediate ceasefire and negotiations should begin," he said, adding that "China can help" in the negotiations process.
20241208             "If it [conflict] keeps going, it can turn into something much bigger, and far worse," Trump noted.
20241208             Machtwechsel in Syrien: Wer Assad gestürzt hat?
20241208             Der Westen war es nicht Von Maximilian Popp
20241208             Maximilian Popp
202412081217 Ausland
20241208             Zahl der Kriegsschiffe verdoppelt: China fährt vor Taiwan groß auf
202412081556 Ausland
20241208             Milizenanführer Julani zum Sturz Assads: »Dieser Sieg bedeutet eine neue Geschichte für die Region«
202412081932 Ausland
20241208             Kampf gegen den Terror: Biden belässt US-Soldaten nach Assad-Sturz in Syrien
202412082036 Ausland •
20241208             Einmarsch auf syrisches Gebiet: Israel errichtet mit Elitesoldaten Pufferzone auf Golanhöhen
202412082144 Ausland
20241208             Russische Medienberichte: Assad ist nach Moskau geflüchtet
202412082149 Ausland  
20241208             »Russland hat ihnen aus humanitären Gründen Asyl gewährt«,
20241208             zitierte die Staatsagentur Tass einen Kreml-Vertreter.
20241208             Russland leistete seit 2015 militärische Unterstützung für Assad.
20241208             Unter den derzeitigen Bedingungen des voll aufgeflammten Bürgerkriegs könne Russland Syrien nicht mehr unterstützen, schrieb der prominente Außenpolitiker und stellvertretende Vorsitzende des russischen Föderationsrats, Konstantin Kossatschow, bei Telegram.
20241208             »Damit müssen die Syrer nun allein klarkommen«.
20241208             Wichtig sei jetzt vor allem, die Sicherheit der russischen Soldaten in Syrien sowie die Souveränität und die territoriale Unversehrtheit des Landes zu gewährleisten, sagte er.
20241208             Machtwechsel in Syrien: Tusk wertet Assad-Sturz als Zeichen für Russlands Schwäche
202412082236 Ausland
20241208             Al-Dscholani ist der Chef der Miliz Hajat Tahrir al-Scham (HTS), eines früheren Zweigs des Terrornetzwerks Al-Kaida in Syrien.
20241208             Jahrelang hatte Al-Dscholani im Verborgenen agiert.
20241208             Heute steht er im Rampenlicht, gibt Erklärungen ab und spricht mit internationalen Medien.
20241208             Geboren wurde Ahmed al-Scharaa, wie al-Dscholani mit bürgerlichem Namen heißt, in Saudi-Arabien.
20241208             Seine Familie stammte ursprünglich von den Golanhöhen.
20241208             Er wuchs aber in Masseh auf, einem wohlhabenden Stadtteil von Damaskus.
20241208             Sein Vater war ein säkularer Gegner des Assad-Regimes und verbrachte viele Jahre in syrischen Gefängnissen, bevor er ins Exil ging.
20241208             Nach der US-geführten Invasion im Irak 2003 verließ er seine Heimat, um im Nachbarland zu kämpfen.
20241208             Im Irak schloss er sich Al-Kaida an und wurde in der Folge fünf Jahre lang inhaftiert.
20241208             Im März 2011, als die Revolte gegen Assads Regierung in Syrien begann, kehrte er in sein Heimatland zurück und gründete die Al-Nusra-Front - den syrischen Ableger von Al-Kaida, aus dem später die HTS hervorging.
20241208             2013 weigerte er sich, Abu Bakr-Baghdadi, dem späteren Emir des IS, die Treue zu schwören.
20241208             Im Mai 2015 gab al-Dscholani an, dass er im Gegensatz zum IS nicht die Absicht habe, Anschläge gegen den Westen auszuführen.
20241208             Auch erklärte er, dass es im Fall einer Niederlage Assads keine Angriffe aus Rache gegen die alawitische Minderheit geben werde, der Assads Familie entstammt.
20241208             Während der de-facto-Herrschaft in der nördlichen Provinz Idlib baute HTS in den von ihr kontrollierten Gegenden eine zivile Regierung auf und richtete eine Art Staat in der Provinz Idlib ein, während sie zugleich ihre Rivalen zerschlug.
20241208             HTS wurden in dieser Zeit aber auch von Bewohnern und Menschenrechtsgruppen brutales Vorgehen gegen Andersdenkende vorgeworfen - die Vereinten Nationen stufen diese als Kriegsverbrechen ein.
        _HEUTE_1209_ :