Was geschah am Thursday, November 21 2024 ?

Thursday, November 21 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 11-21 ?

        _HEUTE_1122_ :
20241121             Donnerstag, 21. November 2024
20241121             Trumps neuer Sparzar: So will Elon Musk den US-Regierungsapparat radikal zusammenstreichen
202411210117 Ausland
20241121             Vorwurf der Korruption: USA klagen indischen Multimilliardär Adani an
202411210154 Wirtschaft
20241121             Neue US-Einwanderungspolitik: Texas bietet Trump Land zum Bau von »Abschiebeeinrichtungen« für Migranten an
202411210223 Ausland
20241121             Streit wegen Matt Gaetz: Ausschuss hält Ethikbericht zu Trumps Wunschminister zurück
202411210418 Ausland
20241121             Kampf gegen Monopol: US-Regierung will Google zu Verkauf von Chrome-Browser zwingen
202411210648 Netzwelt
20241121             Computerchips: Nvidia macht Rekordumsatz – Aktie fällt dennoch
202411210733 Wirtschaft •
20241121             Vulkan in Island: Lava sprudelt, Ort evakuiert
202411210747 Panorama
20241121             Unicef über Kinder im Sudan: »Das Ausmaß des Grauens ist unvorstellbar«
202411210757 Ausland
20241121             Weltweite Umfrage: Unternehmen beklagen massive Verspätungen auf Flug- und Zugreisen
202411210911 Wirtschaft
20241121             Pleitewelle: Zahl der Insolvenzen steigt rapide
202411210947 Wirtschaft
20241121             Klimakonferenz in Aserbaidschan: EU weist Beschlussentwurf als »inakzeptabel« zurück
202411211134 Wissenschaft
20241121             Maskenpflicht an Schulen gekippt: Umstrittener Weimarer Richter verliert sein Amt
202411211201 Panorama
20241121             Angriff auf Dnipro: Russland feuert erstmals Interkontinentalrakete auf die Ukraine ab
202411211225 Ausland
20241121             WASHINGTON, November 20. /TASS/.
20241121             The US Department of Defense confirmed to a TASS correspondent that the administration had authorized the use of antipersonnel landmines in Ukraine.
20241121             "I can confirm that the administration has approved use of antipersonnel landmines to Ukraine," a Pentagon official said, commenting on the Washington Post report.
20241121             The official said the Ukrainian side had committed to not using the mines in areas populated by civilians.
20241121             He also explained that these were non-persistent mines which become inert after a preset period of time.
20241121             Earlier, The Washington Post reported that Biden authorized the delivery of antipersonnel landmines to Ukraine, reversing his administration’s earlier policy that banned the transfer and use of US antipersonnel landmines outside the Korean Peninsula.
20241121             UNITED NATIONS, November 20. /TASS/.
20241121             The United States has used its veto right and blocked a UN Security Council draft resolution on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with a demand for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire in the Gaza Strip prepared by the organization's ten non-permanent members, a TASS correspondent reported.
20241121             Fourteen of the 15 members of the Security Council voted in favor of the document.
20241121             This is the fifth time that the United States has blocked resolutions providing for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip since tensions escalated in the Middle East last October.
20241121             The resolution was drafted by ten non-permanent members of the Security Council and consists of nine paragraphs, the first of which calls for an immediate, unconditional and permanent ceasefire respected by all parties.
20241121             The document also calls for the release of all hostages held in the enclave, respect for international law by all parties, and humanitarian access to the civilian population of Gaza.
20241121             The draft resolution also includes a clause stating that if the document is adopted, the UN Secretary General should submit a written report on the implementation of the resolution to the Security Council within three weeks.
20241121             Tensions flared up again in the Middle East on October 7, 2023, when Hamas militants staged a surprise attack on Israeli territory from Gaza, killing residents of Israeli border settlements and taking over 250 hostages, including women, children and the elderly.
20241121             Hamas described its attack as retaliation for the aggressive actions taken by Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City.
20241121             In response, Israel declared a total blockade of the Gaza Strip, home to 2.3 million Palestinians before the crisis, launching air strikes on Gaza as well as some parts of Lebanon and Syria before starting a ground operation in the Palestinian enclave.
20241121             According to the Gaza Health Ministry, a total of 44,000 Palestinians have been killed and 104,000 injured in the enclave since tensions escalated last October.
20241121             OTTAWA, November 21. /TASS/.
20241121             Canada forgot about its sovereignty by approving the supply of anti-personnel mines to Ukraine by the US, despite the fact that Ottawa itself condemns the use of such mines, Russian Ambassador to Canada, Oleg Stepanov, told TASS.
20241121             "There is no talk of any commitment to principles on the part of Canada, despite the fact that the Ottawa Convention [the United Nations’ Ottawa Convention on the Prohibition of Anti-Personnel Mines - TASS] has been in effect since 1999, and the local establishment has long been proud of such an achievement," Stepanov said, commenting on the corresponding statement by the Canadian authorities.
20241121             According to the diplomat, "[Canadian Prime Minister Justin] Trudeau's cabinet has long forgotten about Canadian sovereignty," since the authorities of the country have long acted, "especially in security matters, according to the rule 'what Uncle Sam says, so Ottawa will do' and don’t blush about this".
20241121             Earlier on Wednesday, Canadian National Defense Minister William Blair said that his country supports the U.S. decision to transfer anti-personnel mines to Kiev, despite the fact that Ottawa has long been against the use of such weapons in armed conflicts.
20241121             The Pentagon previously confirmed that the U.S. administration has authorized the use of anti-personnel mines in Ukraine.
20241121             MOSCOW, November 21. /TASS/.
20241121             The US missile defense base in Poland has long been considered a priority target for potential neutralization by the Russian Armed Forces, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated during a briefing.
20241121             "Given the level of threats posed by such Western military facilities, the missile defense base in Poland has long been included among the priority targets for potential neutralization.
20241121             If necessary, this can be achieved using a wide range of advanced weaponry," the diplomat said.
20241121             Zakharova stated that the US-NATO construction project, ongoing for nearly a decade with complete disregard to Russian security concerns, has consistently been a focus of Russia's attention.
20241121             She emphasized that Russia has spent these years preparing countermeasures in response.
20241121             Zakharova described the establishment of such a base as yet another blatantly provocative move, calling it part of "a series of deeply destabilizing actions by the Americans and their North Atlantic allies in the strategic sphere".
20241121             "This move aligns with the longstanding and destructive practice of advancing NATO's military infrastructure closer to Russia's borders," the spokeswoman stated".
20241121             Such actions undermine strategic stability.
20241121             Coupled with other harmful military-political and military-technical measures aimed at projecting US power thousands of kilometers from its own territory to exert pressure on Russia and other nuclear powers, this inevitably heightens strategic risks and, consequently, raises the overall level of nuclear danger," Zakharova added.
20241121             The missile defense complex in Poland
20241121             Construction of the missile defense facility in Redzikow began in 2016, with costs reportedly amounting to $850 million for the United States, according to open sources.
20241121             The facility became operational in December 2023 and was subsequently handed over to NATO.
20241121             Following the summit in Washington in July 2024, the alliance announced the full operational readiness of the Aegis Ashore complex in Poland.
20241121             The Aegis Ashore facility in Redzikow is part of the EPAA (European Phased Adaptive Approach) program for the phased deployment of missile defense systems in Europe.
20241121             The framework also includes Aegis radar-equipped ships based in Rota, Spain, an AN/TPY-2 radar station in Turkey (on alert since 2011), and another Aegis Ashore facility at the Deveslu base in Romania.
20241121             LONDON, November 21. /TASS/.
20241121             Moscow hopes that the West will thoroughly analyze Russia's updated doctrine on nuclear deterrence in order not to underestimate the risks of escalation, Russian Ambassador to the UK Andrey Kelin told the Sky News TV channel in an interview.
20241121             Commenting on the use of ATACMS and Storm Shadow missiles on Russian territory, the diplomat noted that many people are now discussing this issue in connection with the changes in Russia's nuclear doctrine.
20241121             According to him, this document has simply been adapted to the realities of modern conflicts.
20241121             The ambassador emphasized that Russia would like Western experts and servicemen to thoroughly analyze it in order to understand the risks of escalation and not to underestimate them.
20241121             Kelin also recalled that the policy of the Russian leadership enjoys the full support and confidence of the country's population.
20241121             The Russian people unconditionally support the Russian leadership on nuclear and all other issues, he emphasized.
20241121             Thu Nov 21 2024
20241121             [l] Der Internationale Strafgerichtshof hat einen Haftbefehl auf Netanjahu ausgestellt.
20241121             Das hatte die Staatsanwaltschaft beantragt.
20241121             Netanjahu lässt antworten:
20241121             Es gebe nichts Gerechteres, als den Krieg, den Israel im Gazastreifen führt.
20241121             Die Haftbefehle seien "antisemitische Entscheidungen",
20241121             getroffen von "voreingenommenen Richtern getrieben von antisemitischem Hass gegen Israel",
20241121             heißt es in der Erklärung weiter.
20241121             Antisemiten.
20241121             Überall Antisemiten, sage ich euch.
20241121             Gazakrieg: Internationaler Strafgerichtshof erlässt Haftbefehle gegen Netanyahu und Hamas-Anführer
202411211303 Ausland •
20241121             12.56 Uhr
20241121             Autoindustrie in der Krise: Mercedes will Milliarden sparen
202411211454 Wirtschaft
20241121             Entscheidung des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs: Netanyahus Büro nennt Haftbefehle »antisemitisch und absurd«
202411211529 Ausland •
20241121             Russischer Vormarsch an der Front: Warum viele Ukrainer plötzlich auf Trump hoffen
202411211738 Ausland  
20241121             EU-Außenbeauftragter: Josep Borrell ruft zur Einhaltung des Haftbefehls gegen Netanyahu auf
202411211739 Ausland
20241121             Rückschlag für Trump: Matt Gaetz verzichtet auf Posten des US-Justizministers
202411211840 Ausland
20241121             Internationaler Strafgerichtshof: Haftbefehl gegen Netanyahu – Panik in Israel
202411211946 Ausland  
20241121             Streitpunkt Kryptowährungen: Chef der US-Börsenaufsicht tritt wegen Trump zurück
202411212154 Ausland
20241121             Anklage gefordert: Brasiliens Polizei wirft Ex-Präsident Bolsonaro Verwicklung in Putschversuch vor
202411212224 Ausland
20241121             Vulkanausbruch auf Island: Lava läuft bis an die Blaue Lagune
202411212335 Panorama •
        _HEUTE_1122_ :