Monday, November 18 2024
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Was geschah am Kalendertag 11-18 ?
_HEUTE_1119_ :
20241118 Montag, 18. November 2024
20241118 Kalifornien: Karotten mit Kolibakterien kontaminiert – ein Toter und Dutzende Erkrankte
202411180047 Panorama •
20241118 Trumps Kandidat fürs Justizministerium: Republikaner wollen umstrittenen Ethikbericht zu Matt Gaetz geheim halten
202411180112 Ausland
20241118 Nordkoreas Diktator: Kim ruft zur Kriegsvorbereitung auf – und schickt offenbar Artilleriegeschütze an Russen
202411180455 Ausland
20241118 Zuständig für TV-Sendelizenzen: Trump nominiert Brendan Carr als Leiter der US-Medienaufsichtsbehörde
202411180656 Ausland
20241118 Designierter US-Gesundheitsminister: Caroline Kennedy nennt Robert F. Kennedy Jr.s Ansichten zu Impfungen »gefährlich«
202411180830 Ausland •
20241118 Geflüchtete Palästinenser: Wie Angehörige deutscher Staatsbürger aus Gaza an der Einreise nach Deutschland gehindert werden
VON—MARLON—SAADI und Pia Schreiber
202411180909 Panorama •
20241118 Abnutzungskrieg: Baerbock begrüßt US-Entscheidung zu ukrainischem Waffeneinsatz gegen Russland
202411180929 Ausland
20241118 Geplante US-Zölle: Bundesbankpräsident Nagel befürchtet Wendepunkt für den Welthandel
202411181051 Wirtschaft
20241118 Atacms-Freigabe für Ukraine: Moskau bezeichnet Erlaubnis für weitreichende Raketen als Eskalation
202411181117 Ausland
20241118 Unicef über Russlands Angriffskrieg: Jede Woche werden durchschnittlich 16 ukrainische Kinder getötet oder verletzt
202411181157 Ausland •
20241118 Einschätzung von Geheimdiensten: Baerbock droht China mit Konsequenzen wegen mutmaßlicher Drohnenlieferung an Russland
202411181229 Ausland •
20241118 Eklat während Monarchenrede: Australischer Senat rügt indigene Senatorin wegen Protesten gegen König Charles
202411181331 Ausland
20241118 Tausende Betroffene nach Datendiebstahl: BGH spricht Facebook-Nutzern Schadensersatzansprüche zu
202411181522 Netzwelt •
20241118 Angst vor Gewalt: Polizeipräsidentin rät Juden und Homosexuellen in Teilen Berlins zu mehr Vorsicht
202411181608 Panorama •
20241118 Hakenkreuzfahnen in Columbus: Neonazi-Aufmarsch in Ohio sorgt für Entsetzen
202411181659 Panorama
20241118 Spektakulärer Fund: Kleiner Vogel bleibt 80 Millionen Jahre konserviert
202411181449 Wissenschaft
20241118 »Das fehlende Bindeglied passt absolut perfekt«
20241118 Kundgebung in Ostsachsen: BSW-Abgeordneter demonstriert mit Rechtsextremisten »für Frieden und Abrüstung«
202411181733 Politik
20241118 Notfallkampagnen: Schweden, Finnland und Norwegen bereiten Bewohner auf möglichen Krieg vor
202411181741 Ausland •
20241118 Wichtige Datenverbindung: Unterseekabel zwischen Finnland und Deutschland defekt
202411181743 Netzwelt
20241118 Künftiger US-Energieminister Chris Wright: Der Öl-Evangelist in Trumps Kabinett
202411181752 Wirtschaft
20241118 Schelling-Architekturstiftung: Britischer Künstler erhält renommierten Preis doch nicht – wegen Israel-Boykottaufrufs
202411181847 Kultur •
20241118 Krieg in der Ukraine: Bidens Rakete schlägt im deutsch-amerikanischen Verhältnis ein
VON—MARINA—KORMBAKI, René Pfister und Bernhard Zand
202411181908 Ausland
20241118 Kampf gegen Massentourismus: Florenz verschärft die Regeln für Besuchende
202411181929 Reise •
20241118 Gewalt im Westjordanland: USA verhängen Sanktionen gegen israelische Siedlergruppe Amana
202411181933 Ausland •
20241118 Zehn Jahre nach blutigem Anschlag auf die Redaktion: »Charlie Hebdo« sucht die besten religionskritischen Karikaturen
202411182035 Ausland
20241118 »Die himmlischen Streitkräfte«: Milei-Unterstützer gründen bewaffneten Parteiflügel
202411182038 Ausland •
20241118 »Allianz gegen Rechtsextremismus«: Stadt Nürnberg verliert vor Gericht gegen die AfD
202411182103 Panorama
20241118 Uno-Klimaverhandlungen: Warum ein Scheitern in Baku das Ende des Weltklimaabkommens einleiten könnte
202411182216 Wissenschaft
20241118 Mon Nov 18 2024
20241118 [l] Die CSU möchte gerne den Präsidenten des Bayerischen Bauernverbandes zum Bundeslandwirtschaftsminister machen.
20241118 (Kontext zum Bauernverband)
20241118 NEW YORK, November 18. /TASS/.
20241118 The US military industrial complex wants to unleash World War III before Donald Trump is inaugurated, his son, Donald Trump Jr. stated on his X social network account.
20241118 "The Military Industrial Complex seems to want to make sure they get World War 3 going before my father has a chance to create peace and save lives," Trump Jr. said commenting on the permission of US President Joe Biden to strike deep into Russia with the use of American long-range missiles.
20241118 "Life be damned!!!
20241118 Imbeciles!"
20241118 Donald Trump Jr. added.
20241118 The New York Times reported on November 17 that US President Joe Biden had allowed to use US-supplied long-range missiles, known as the Army Tactical Missile Systems, or ATACMS, to strike inside Russia.
20241118 Later that day, France’s Le Figaro reported that France and the United Kingdom followed Biden’s lead and also allowed to use their weapons to strike inside Russia.
20241118 MOSCOW, November 18. /TASS/.
20241118 The leaders of the US, France, and the United Kingdom have decided to launch missile strikes inside Russia from Ukraine, according to multiple sources.
20241118 Global media and experts believe that the move will increase the stakes in the conflict without improving Kiev’s position.
20241118 The New York Times reported earlier, citing sources, that US President Joe Biden had authorized the use of US-made ATACMS tactical ballistic missiles for strikes inside Russia.
20241118 Sources told Le Figaro newspaper that Paris and London, in turn, had approved the use of SCALP and Storm Shadow missiles for such attacks.
20241118 Neither the White House, nor Paris, nor London have formally confirmed these reports.
20241118 TASS has gathered the main information on the international reaction to this latest escalation attempt.
20241118 Impact on the conflict
20241118 The US president’s decision on ATACMS strikes inside Russia will not have any major impact on the course of the conflict in Ukraine, the Wall Street Journal writes, citing officials from the US and other Western countries.
20241118 Biden’s decision will raise the stakes in the conflict but will not improve Kiev’s position due to its ongoing weapons shortages, CNN reports.
20241118 The Biden administration’s move is so risky that it could potentially lead to World War III, said US lawyer and Pittsburgh University Professor Daniel Kovalik, who has visited Donbass multiple times and addressed the UN.
20241118 The US president has opened the door to World War III by authorizing the use of US-made weapons for attacks inside Russia, Senator Mike Lee, Republican from Utah, noted.
20241118 Attempt to undermine Trump
20241118 Current US President Joe Biden’s green light for ATACMS attacks inside Russia is directed against President-elect Donald Trump, American billionaire David Sacks argued.
20241118 "President Trump won a clear mandate to end the war in Ukraine.
20241118 So what does Biden do in his final two months in office?
20241118 Massively escalate it.
20241118 Is his goal to hand Trump the worst situation possible?"
20241118 Sacks wrote on X social media platform.
20241118 Biden has framed President-elect Donald Trump by openly escalating the war in both domestic and foreign policy, Alexander Stepanov, senior researcher at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Latin American Studies, said.
20241118 Biden’s decision will not change Donald Trump’s determination to end the conflict through negotiations, Williams College professor James McAllister, a political scientist, pointed out.
20241118 Donald Trump Jr. stated that the US defense industry was seeking to ensure it started World War III before his father took office as president.
20241118 Trump may reassess Biden’s decision, a member of the US president-elect’s transition team emphasized.
20241118 Reaction in Russia
20241118 Russian President Vladimir Putin has already clarified his position on US long-range missile attacks on targets inside Russia, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova commented.
20241118 The use of US missiles for attacks inside Russian regions will inevitably lead to a serious escalation, said Leonid Slutsky, head of the Russian State Duma (lower house of parliament) Committee on International Affairs and leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia.
20241118 The Russian Armed Forces are aware of the Ukrainian army’s military supply routes, so long-range missiles will be a legitimate target for Russia, along with other weapons, Viktor Bondarev, first deputy chairman of the Federation Council (upper house of parliament) Defense and Security Committee, emphasized.
20241118 PARIS, November 18. /TASS/.
20241118 The information in last night’s report by Le Figaro about France and the United Kingdom granting permission to use SCALP and Storm Shadow missiles for strikes inside Russia has been taken down from the French newspaper’s website.
20241118 The article discussed a report by The New York Times, which claimed that US President Joe Biden had authorized Ukraine to use ATACMS tactical ballistic missiles to strike Russian territory".
20241118 France and Britain have authorized Ukraine to use their SCALP/Storm Shadow missiles to target inside Russia," Le Figaro originally reported, but this claim has since been removed.
20241118 However, this statement is still included in a video caption on Le Figaro’s website, according to a TASS reporter.
20241118 The newspaper has not yet responded to a TASS inquiry asking why the statement was removed and whether the information regarding the use of SCALP and Storm Shadow missiles was correct.
20241118 So far, neither the US, nor France, nor Britain has confirmed the information reported by The New York Times and Le Figaro about the permission to use missiles for strikes inside Russia.
20241118 On September 12, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that a potential decision on the use of Western-made long-range weapons against Russia would imply the direct involvement of the US and its NATO allies in the war in Ukraine.
20241118 This would significantly alter the essence and nature of the conflict, forcing Moscow to make appropriate decisions, the Russian president warned.
20241118 Putin stressed that without Western aid, Ukraine would be incapable of launching strikes inside Russia because these would require satellite intelligence and mission input data.
20241118 MOSCOW, November 18. /TASS/.
20241118 Moscow’s response to strikes with Western long-range projectiles on Russian soil will be appropriate and firm, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.
20241118 "The Kiev regime’s use of long-range projectiles for attacks on our territory will mean the direct involvement of the US and its satellites in combat against Russia, as well as a radical change in the conflict’s essence and nature.
20241118 In this event, Russia’s response will be appropriate and tangible," the diplomat noted.
20241118 She noted that "it is not yet clear whether such news is based on official sources".
20241118 "One thing is obvious: amid the failures of the Kiev regime, its Western handlers are banking on the utmost escalation of the hybrid war unleashed against Russia, trying to attain the illusory goal of ‘strategically defeating Moscow.’ However, no matter how much Zelensky and his henchmen hope and pray for it, there is no ‘wonder-weapon’ capable of affecting the course of the special military operation," Zakharova said.
20241118 The New York Times reported on November 17 that US President Joe Biden had authorized the use of US-supplied ATACMS tactical ballistic missiles for strikes inside Russia.
20241118 Later, France’s Le Figaro reported that France and the United Kingdom had followed suit and allowed Ukraine to use their SCALP and Storm Shadow missiles for these purposes.
20241118 However, the newspaper later removed this story from its website, giving no explanations.
20241118 French Foreign Minister Jean-Noel Barrot said that Paris had not altered its position on strikes inside Russia.
20241118 The German government said that the United States had notified Berlin about Biden’s decision.
20241118 Russian President Vladimir Putin said on September 12 that the potential decision to use Western long-range missiles against Russia would mean the United States’ and other NATO countries’ direct involvement in the conflict in Ukraine.
20241118 This step would change the very nature of the conflict and Russia would have to make relevant decisions proceeding from the threats it will face, the president warned.
20241118 He noted, meanwhile, that Ukraine is unable to strike inside Russia without the West’s assistance because this would require intelligence data from satellites and flight assignments.
_HEUTE_1119_ :