Wednesday, November 13 2024
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Was geschah am Kalendertag 11-13 ?
_HEUTE_1114_ :
20241113 Mittwoch, 13. November 2024
20241113 Airbus A350 mit Triebwerkspanne: Defekt am neuen Regierungsflieger – Habeck in Lissabon gestrandet
202411130228 Politik •
20241113 Neue US-Regierung: Trump nominiert Musk und Fox-Moderator für Schlüsselpositionen
202411130325 Ausland
20241113 Putins Krieg gegen die Ukraine: Nordkoreas Soldaten offenbar an »Kampfhandlungen« an der Grenze beteiligt
202411130417 Ausland
20241113 Australische Airlines: Vulkanausbruch legt Flüge auf Urlaubsinsel Bali lahm
202411130457 Reise •
20241113 Schläge gegen irantreue Gruppen: USA attackieren Milizen in Syrien und Jemen aus der Luft
202411130936 Ausland
20241113 Mutmaßliche Hilfe im Ukrainekrieg: Blinken kündigt »harte Antwort« auf Nordkoreas Unterstützung für Russland an
202411131055 Ausland
20241113 Studie zu demokratiefeindlichen Einstellungen: Jeder fünfte Deutsche zeigt sich offen für Diktatur
202411131235 Panorama
20241113 Whither the Global Economy?: "Many of the People Around Trump Subscribe to Crazy Ideas"
202411131301 International
20241113 Schädel von 172 Rassen untersucht: Die klügsten Hunde haben die kleinsten Hirne
202411131504 Wissenschaft •
20241113 Wed Nov 13 2024
20241113 [l] Spanish police arrest ex-fraud chief after €20m found in walls of his house.
20241113 Wofür genau war der früher zuständig, fragt ihr?
20241113 Für Geldwäsche-Bekämpfung.
20241113 Nein, wirklich!
20241113 [l] Aus aktuellem Anlass hat Michael Moore "Fahrenheit 11/9" auf Youtube hochgeladen.
20241113 Der Film handelt von Donald Trumps erster Präsidentschaft,
20241113 BAKU, November 12. /TASS/.
20241113 The international community's policy in the field of climate preservation should be based not on ideological attitudes, but on people's practical interests, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said at the meeting of world leaders within the framework of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-29) in Baku.
20241113 "Our climate policy should be carefully charted and based on common sense.
20241113 It should not be influenced by any ideology, alarmism or panic.
20241113 It should take into account the views and interests of the people," Orban said.
20241113 He noted that the problem of climate preservation held a prominent place in the Budapest Declaration on the New European Competitiveness, adopted at the European Political Community summit in the Hungarian capital on November 7.
20241113 Orban also recalled that the Hungarian government had set an ambitious goal and raised the targets of the National Energy and Climate Plan with the aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 not by 40% but by 50% as compared to 1990 levels.
20241113 This should ensure the achievement of climate neutrality and sustainable development of the country's economy.
20241113 Nuclear power and alternative energy sources are seen as the main solutions.
20241113 Orban said that the share of nuclear power in Hungary's total electricity generation was planned to reach 70%.
20241113 MOSCOW, November 13. /TASS/.
20241113 The US missile defense base in Poland will defend not only the US, but also Poland and other European countries, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said at a ceremony to open the base in the town of Redzikowo.
20241113 "The current version of the anti-missile base can protect not only the US, but also Europe including Poland," he said in comments broadcast by TVP Info television.
20241113 The minister also expressed hope that the base will never go into action.
20241113 "I will pray so that it will never be engaged," Sikorski said.
20241113 On October 11, he mentioned there is an agreement with the US for the Redzikowo base to "shoot down Russian missiles flying toward Poland, not only Iranian missiles flying toward the US".
20241113 The opening ceremony was also attended by Polish President Andrzej Duda and Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz.
20241113 The US was represented by Admiral Stuart Munsch, commander of US naval forces in Europe and Africa; and Ambassador to Warsaw Mark Brzezinski.
20241113 The Redzikowo base is the first permanent US military base in Poland.
20241113 It hosts an Aegis Ashore system and is part of the European Phased Adaptive Approach program for the deployment of missile defense components in Europe.
20241113 The program also includes Aegis radar-equipped ships based in Rota, Spain, an AN/TPY-2 radar station in Turkey (on combat duty since 2011), and another Aegis Ashore site at the Deveselu base in Romania.
20241113 Construction of the Redzikowo site began in 2016.
20241113 According to publicly available sources, it cost the US $850 million.
20241113 Initially, it was planned to put the base into operation in 2018, but the construction was delayed.
20241113 The site wasn’t ready to operate until December 2023.
20241113 The process of its transfer to NATO followed. At the NATO summit in Washington in July 2024, the alliance announced full operational readiness of the Aegis Ashore system in Poland.
20241113 Parteiische Kurznachrichtenplattform: Der »Guardian« verlässt X, die SPD kehrt zurück
202411131648 Netzwelt
20241113 Erneut höchste Warnstufe: Tausende Menschen in Spanien vor drohendem Unwetter evakuiert
202411131658 Ausland
20241113 Unlizenzierte Nutzung: Gema verklagt OpenAI wegen Songtexten
202411131715 Netzwelt
20241113 Rätselhafte Andeutung von Sam Altman: So könnte künstliche Superintelligenz die Welt verändern Von Sascha Lobo
20241113 Sascha Lobo
202411131721 Netzwelt
20241113 Restriktive Abtreibungspolitik: Trumps Sieg befeuert Verkauf von Verhütungsprodukten
202411131803 Wissenschaft
20241113 Landeswahlleiter über Neuwahl im Februar: »Nur Autokratien sind schneller«
202411131910 Politik
20241113 Machtwechsel in den USA: Trump trifft Biden – und raunt bereits von dritter Amtszeit
202411132047 Ausland
20241113 Neuer US-Verteidigungsminister Hegseth:
VON—FOX—NEWS ins Pentagon Von Roland Nelles
202411132243 Ausland
20241113 Provokante Nominierung in den USA: Radikaler Trump-Loyalist Gaetz soll Justizminister werden
202411132259 Ausland •
_HEUTE_1114_ :