Was geschah am Sunday, October 20 2024 ?

Sunday, October 20 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 10-20 ?

        _HEUTE_1021_ :
20241020             Sonntag, 20. Oktober 2024
20241020             Dokumente im Netz: Leck beim US-Geheimdienst verrät offenbar, was über Israels Vergeltungspläne bekannt ist
202410200134 Ausland
20241020             Klinik in Essen: Stromausfall – Kinderbeatmungsstation muss evakuiert werden
202410200400 Panorama
20241020             Propaganda und Manipulationen: USA setzen zehn Millionen Dollar Belohnung aus für Hinweise zu russischer Wahleinmischung
202410200506 Ausland
20241020             Bizarre Wahlkampfmethoden: Elon Musk verschenkt täglich eine Million Dollar – für eine Unterschrift
202410200653 Ausland
20241020             Nationalpark Los Nevados in Kolumbien: Ein Traumziel für Touristen, bedroht durch Touristen
202410200711 Reise
20241020             Organisierte Kriminalität in Deutschland: »Es ist Krieg, Motherfucker!«
202410200755 Panorama
20241020             Immer mehr Goldschakale in Deutschland
202410200923 Wissenschaft
20241020             Trump-Kumpel Elon Musk: Staatsfeind Nummer zwei
VON—MARKUS—BECKER, Simon Book, Max Hoppenstedt und Marcel Rosenbach
202410201001 Wirtschaft
20241020             Landesweiter Blackout: Kuba kämpft weiter um Strom
202410201022 Ausland •
20241020             COP16 in Kolumbien: Wie Tausende Delegierte den Artenschwund noch stoppen wollen
202410201148 Wissenschaft
20241020             Nato-Oberbefehlshaber Cavoli und Generalinspekteur Breuer: »Am Ende des Ukraine-Kriegs wird das russische Militär stärker sein als heute«
202410201205 Politik
20241020             MOSCOW, October 19. /TASS/.
20241020             German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's readiness to discuss the settlement of the situation in Ukraine with Russian President Vladimir Putin is an important signal, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told TASS.
20241020             "We hear the words coming from Berlin - Scholz's words about his readiness for dialogue.
20241020             These are important words, because until recently Germany was one of the countries of the collective West that completely ruled out any contacts with Putin.
20241020             We said that this position was not constructive," he stressed.
20241020             Scholz's current readiness for dialogue is "something we can welcome",
20241020             Peskov added.
20241020             He stressed that Putin was and remains open to dialogue on the settlement in Ukraine".
20241020             Putin has repeatedly said and confirmed that he was and remains open to communication, to talks," Peskov said.
20241020             At the same time, the Kremlin has not yet received any real proposals from Germany or other Western countries to organize contacts with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Peskov told TASS".
20241020             Whether these statements are backed by actual readiness, whether any initiatives will follow - time will tell," he said.
20241020             According to Peskov, there have been no specific proposals on this issue so far.
20241020             Meanwhile, Russia considers ensuring its security a key condition for resolving the Ukrainian crisis".
20241020             The main thing for us is to resolve our security interests.
20241020             In fact, this is what was proposed and what was rejected before the start of the special military operation," Peskov said.
20241020             According to the Kremlin spokesman, dialogue on the settlement in Ukraine will definitely not be easy, but all wars end in peace".
20241020             It is clear that it (dialogue - TASS) will never be easy.
20241020             But one way or another, all wars end at the negotiating table, they end in peace," Peskov added.
20241020             MOSCOW, October 19. /TASS/.
20241020             The United States will consider Russia as an adversary regardless of the results of its presidential elections, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with
20241020             "Regardless of the outcome of the elections, we will remain for the United States, if not an enemy, then certainly an adversary.
20241020             In any case, a competitor" he said.
20241020             Lavrov also added that US President Joe Biden's statements on nuclear arms talks with Russia are aimed at helping Democratic Party candidate Kamala Harris in the upcoming presidential elections.
20241020             "This [Biden's statements about the talks] is a desire to score electoral points for the Democratic Party candidate," the minister said.
20241020             Earlier, US President Joe Biden announced his readiness to negotiate with Russia, China, and North Korea on reducing nuclear weapons without preconditions.
20241020             Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov pointed out that the US is calling on Russia to negotiate on strategic stability without preconditions in order to try to secure unilateral military advantages, but Moscow is categorically against it.
20241020             The presidential elections in the United States will be held on November 5. The Democratic Party was expected to be represented by incumbent President Joe Biden.
20241020             However, after his disastrous performance in the June televised debates with Donald Trump, who later became the Republican nominee, Biden was forced to drop out of the race under pressure from his fellow party members.
20241020             He endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, who was confirmed as the Democratic presidential nominee in August.
20241020             Kohl, Schröder, Merkel und die deutsche Russlandpolitik: »Habt Ihr das alles nicht erkannt, was sich dort entwickelt?«
202410201401 Panorama
20241020             Ukrainische Expertin für Demografie: »Die Bevölkerung wird ersetzt, russische Bürger ziehen ein«
202410201841 Ausland
20241020             Brasilianischer Präsident: Lula stürzt zu Hause und sagt Reise zu Brics-Gipfel ab
202410202209 Ausland
20241020             Vor Parlamentswahlen: Zehntausende Georgier demonstrieren für proeuropäischen Kurs
202410202242 Ausland
20241020             Sun Oct 20 2024
20241020             Israel bombardiert "Hisbollah-Geheimdienst".
20241020             Hisbollah drohnt Netanjahus Haus.
20241020             [l] Der Hannoveraner Pressemitteilungsabdruckservice druckt heute eine Pressemitteilung von Bertelsmann ab.
20241020             Schlagzeile so:
20241020             Urheberrecht: Penguin Random House will Buchautoren vor KI-Ausbeutung schützen
20241020             Fließtext so:
20241020             Die einschlägige neue Passage lautet demnach: "Kein Teil dieses Buches darf in irgendeiner Weise zum Zweck des Trainings künstlicher Intelligenztechnologien oder -systeme verwendet oder reproduziert werden".
20241020             Weiter unten im Kleingedruckten dann:
20241020             PRH will KI selbst "verantwortungsvoll" nutzen
20241020             Ach.
20241020             Ach was.
20241020             Es geht also nicht darum, die Autoren vor Ausbeutung zu schützen.
20241020             Es geht darum, dass Bertelsmann die Ausbeuter sein wollen und die Konkurrenz behindern wollen.
20241020             [l] Die ESA Euclid-Mission hat die ersten 1% gescannt und daraus ein 2:30 Video gemacht
        _HEUTE_1021_ :