Was geschah am Saturday, September 21 2024 ?

Saturday, September 21 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 09-21 ?

        _HEUTE_0922_ :
20240921             Samstag, 21. September 2024
20240921             Sicherheitsrat: Uno-Menschenrechtschef rückt Pager-Attacke in Nähe von Kriegsverbrechen
202409210021 Ausland •
20240921             Erklärung des israelischen Armeesprechers: Hisbollah soll verheerenden Überfall auf Israel geplant haben
202409210642 Ausland
20240921             US-Wahlen: Wahlkommission im Bundesstaat Georgia beschließt umstrittene Handauszählung
202409210744 Ausland
20240921             Nach »Starliner«-Problemen: Boeing wirft Chef der Verteidigungs- und Raumfahrtsparte raus
202409210825 Wirtschaft
20240921             Faesers Entscheidung und die Folgen: Was machen die Grenzkontrollen mit der »Seele Europas«?
202409210918 Politik
20240921             Auf Militärparade: Iran präsentiert neue Kamikazedrohne
202409211044 Ausland
20240921             Ausgeweitete Grenzkontrollen: Bisher rund 180 unerlaubte Einreiseversuche an Westgrenze festgestellt
202409211052 Politik
20240921             Fast 1900 Sachverhalte angezeigt: Strack-Zimmermann wehrt sich gegen Beleidigungen und Gewaltandrohung
202409211055 Politik •
20240921             Vor US-Gericht: Libanesischer Geschäftsmann bekennt sich der Hisbollah-Finanzierung schuldig
202409211126 Ausland
20240921             Einschätzung von Historikern: Die AfD ködert Jungwähler – wie einst die NSDAP?
20240921             Von Rafaela von Bredow
202409211147 Geschichte
20240921             Aussterbender Vogel: Die letzten Saurier von Brandenburg
202409211311 Panorama
20240921             Detonationen im Libanon und das Völkerrecht: »Israel hätte die Pager nicht sprengen dürfen«
202409211419 Panorama
20240921             Sat Sep 21 2024
20240921             [l] Qualcomm eruiert angeblich eine Intel-Übernahme.
20240921             Das ist ja mal echt apokalyptisch.
20240921             Qualcomm ist echt die letzte Firma, die noch mehr Einfluss kriegen sollte.
20240921             Rein rechnerisch könnten sie es sich wohl leisten.
20240921             Die Marktkapitalisierung von Qualcomm ist doppelt so hoch wie die von Intel.
20240921             BEIRUT, September 20. /TASS/.
20240921             Hezbollah continued handing out Gold Apollo pagers to its members several hours before these devices detonated, despite the fact that they had not been checked for potential threats, Reuters said, citing anonymous sources from Hezbollah security service.
20240921             According to the sources, a Hezbollah member received his device on September 16 and it exploded on the following day while still in its box.
20240921             Another senior Hezbollah official received a pager several days before it exploded wounding his subordinate.
20240921             Hezbollah was sure the devices were safe.
20240921             The sources told Reuters that the Shiite movement did not have any specific suspicions about these pagers and their "checks had been part of a routine 'sweep' of its equipment, including communications devices, to find any indications that they were laced with explosives or surveillance mechanisms".
20240921             Following the mass pager detonation on Tuesday, Hezbollah launched a thorough check of all electronic devices but failed to complete it before the second wave of blasts on Wednesday, when its walkie-talkies exploded.
20240921             Israel hurried to stage the second wave of detonations because it was afraid that Hezbollah would soon find explosives in its hand-held radios, the agency cited a source.
20240921             According to one of the Hezbollah security sources, Hezbollah managed to thwart Israel’s previous operations against the movement’s imported electronic devices".
20240921             There are several electronic issues that we were able to discover - but not the pagers," the source told Reuters".
20240921             They tricked us, hats off to the enemy".
20240921             Multiple explosions of communication devices occurred in Lebanon on September 17 and 18. On the first day, a large number of pagers blew up almost simultaneously in various regions of Lebanon.
20240921             According to the country’s Health Ministry, 12 people, including two children, were killed, and 2,800 more were hospitalized.
20240921             On the following day, a new wave of blasts swept across Lebanon.
20240921             This time, walkie-talkies, phones, fingerprint scanners, as well as devices operating on solar and lithium-ion batteries exploded.
20240921             At least 25 were killed and 608 were injured in the new attack.
20240921             Earlier, the Hungarian portal Telex claimed that the pagers that exploded in Lebanon may have been purchased from the Taiwanese company Gold Apollo by the Bulgarian firm Norta Global Ltd, rather than the Hungarian company BAC Consulting.
20240921             According to the report, BAC Consulting, registered in Budapest, acted only as an intermediary, facilitating the agreement with the Taiwanese firm, while the Sofia-based Norta Global Ltd was directly involved in procuring the pagers.
20240921             Telex alleges that Norta Global Ltd "organized the delivery and sold" the pagers to Hezbollah.
20240921             Later, Bulgaria’s State National Security Agency said in response to statements made by Hungarian media that the Bulgarian firm was not involved.
20240921             Taiwan’s authorities also denied any involvement of its companies.
20240921             Lebanon and Hezbollah blamed the blasts on Israel, slamming its actions as aggression.
20240921             Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warned Israel of "fair retaliation".
20240921             MOSCOW, September 20. /TASS/.
20240921             Russia does not want any nuclear war and believes that the conversations about when to press the "red button" are inappropriate, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with the Sky News Arabia television channel.
20240921             "We talk about red lines, expecting that our assessments, statements will be heard by intelligent, decision-making people.
20240921             It is not serious to say that if tomorrow you do not do what I demand of you, we will press the 'red button,'" the Russian foreign minister said.
20240921             "I am convinced that in such situations, decision makers have an idea of what we are talking about.
20240921             Nobody wants a nuclear war," Lavrov stressed.
20240921             However, the foreign minister assured that Russia possesses weapons "that will have serious implications for the handlers of the Ukrainian regime".
20240921             "[Russia] does have such weapons.
20240921             They are in full combat readiness," he emphasized.
20240921             ANKARA, September 21. /TASS/.
20240921             Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reaffirmed his readiness to meet with his Syrian counterpart, Bashar Assad, before flying to the United States to attend the UN General Assembly session.
20240921             "We have said that we would like to hold a meeting with [Syrian President] Bashar Assad to normalize relations between Turkey and Syria.
20240921             Now we are waiting for the other side to respond," Turkish TV channels quoted Erdogan as saying on Saturday.
20240921             Ukrainischer Präsident Selenskyj: Westen zögert weiterhin mit Entscheidung zu Waffeneinsatz in Russland
202409211546 Ausland •
20240921             ChatGPT, Musik, Wetter, Stau: Wo künstliche Intelligenz in unserem Alltag bereits genutzt wird
VON—SIMON—BOOK, Max Heber und Gerret von Nordheim
202409211638 Netzwelt
20240921             Techkonzern: Wie Microsoft so mächtig wurde.
20240921             Und wie es noch mächtiger wird
VON—PATRICK—BEUTH, Simon Book und Marcel Rosenbach
202409211639 Netzwelt
20240921             Unerwünschte Strahlung: Wie Elon Musks Satelliten die Wissenschaft behindern
202409211810 Wissenschaft •
20240921             »New York Times«-Bericht: Wie Trump politische Gegner verfolgen ließ
202409212051 Ausland
20240921             Nach Sperrung der Plattform: X lenkt im Streit mit Brasiliens Justiz ein
202409212138 Netzwelt
20240921             Schlag gegen Hisbollah: Israel greift Ziele im Südlibanon mit Dutzenden Kampfflugzeugen an
202409212153 Ausland
20240921             [l] Gute Nachrichten!
20240921             Cards Against Humanity verklagt Elon Musk.
        _HEUTE_0922_ :