Saturday, September 14 2024
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Was geschah am Kalendertag 09-14 ?
_HEUTE_0915_ :
20240914 Samstag, 14. September 2024
20240914 Falschinformationen und verdeckte Operationen: USA bezeichnen russischen Sender RT als »vollwertiges Mitglied« des Geheimdienstes
202409140010 Ausland
20240914 Selbstverteidigung der Ukraine: Biden und Starmer vertagen Entscheidung über Waffeneinsatz gegen Russland
202409140856 Ausland
20240914 Vorbereitungen im In- und Ausland: Hochwasser in Tschechien und Polen – zwei Orte evakuiert
202409140933 Panorama
20240914 Internes Papier: EU-Autoindustrie plädiert für Verschiebung von strengeren Abgasregeln
202409141010 Wirtschaft
20240914 Keine Transponderkennung: Erneut Luftwaffeneinsatz über der Ostsee wegen russischer Flugzeuge
202409141201 Politik
20240914 Daten von Beratungsstellen: Krankheit und Sucht erstmals häufigster Überschuldungsgrund
202409141216 Wirtschaft
20240914 Hochwasserlage in Osteuropa: Vier Tote in Rumänien nach Überschwemmungen
202409141312 Panorama •
20240914 Offensive in Kursk: Russland und die Ukraine tauschen Kriegsgefangene aus
202409141346 Ausland
20240914 Kartell-Machtkampf in Mexiko: Gewalt zwischen Drogenbanden eskaliert – 15 Tote
202409141404 Ausland •
20240914 Krieg in der Ukraine: Wir müssen verhandeln
202409141528 Ausland
20240914 Sat Sep 14 2024
20240914 [l] Die Ukraine hat im Moment die geringste Geburtenrate und die höchste Todesrate der Welt.
20240914 Ich weiß, was ihr jetzt denkt.
20240914 Das hat bestimmt die CIA herausgefunden.
20240914 Und tatsächlich!
20240914 Ukraine Faces World’s Lowest Birth Rate and Highest Death Rate, CIA Report Says
20240914 [l] Es gibt endlich eine Kartellklage gegen Elsevier und co.
20240914 US-Raketen in Deutschland: »Wir sollten nicht vergessen, wie gut Abschreckung funktioniert hat«
202409141946 Geschichte
20240914 Anschlag auf Pipeline: Scholz will Nord-Stream-Sprenger in Deutschland vor Gericht stellen
202409141957 Ausland
20240914 UNITED NATIONS, September 13. /TASS/.
20240914 Any talk about lifting restrictions on Ukraine’s using Western-made weapons to strike deeper into Russia in no way promotes the conflict settlement, Stephane Dujarric, a spokesman for the UN Secretary General, said.
20240914 "I think the rhetoric that we're hearing, what we're seeing on the ground, is yet another indication that we are not moving towards the end of this conflict in a way that we would like to see it within the framework of international law and the charter.
20240914 And no doubt, I think Ukraine will be among the items high on the agenda of the Secretary General's [of the United Nations Antonio Guterres] various bilateral meetings," he said.
20240914 According to Dujarric, "the increased rhetoric, notably around nuclear weapons, is worrying".
20240914 "If you even step away a bit from Ukraine, there's been more signs that we live, that we are living through a period that is much more dangerous.
20240914 And I think we hope that people will recommit to the ideals of disarmament and the non-use of nuclear weapons, especially as we move towards the General Assembly," he noted.
20240914 Russian Permanent Representative to the United States Vasily Nebenzya said earlier on Friday that if NATO countries allow Ukraine to use their long-range weapons to strike deep into Russia it will be seen as their direct involvement into a war on Russia.
20240914 The Daily Telegraph reported earlier that British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and US President Joe Biden during a meeting in Washington on Friday might touch upon the issue of granting Ukraine permission to use British long-range Storm Shadow missiles.
20240914 The Guardian reported on September 11 that Starmer did not intend to speak publicly about granting Ukraine such a permit following his meeting with Biden.
20240914 According to The Daily Telegraph, if the parties allow Ukraine to fire long-range missiles deep into Russian territory, they will probably announce this at the UN General Assembly in late September.
20240914 Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin told the media that Ukraine was unable to strike deep into Russian territory without Western help because it needed intelligence from satellites and flight tasks to do so.
20240914 The Russian leader noted that NATO countries were now not just debating about Kiev's possible use of Western long-range weapons.
20240914 They are essentially deciding whether or not to get directly involved in the Ukrainian conflict.
20240914 Putin pointed out that Moscow would make decisions based on the threats that would be posed to Russia.
20240914 MOSCOW, September 14. /TASS/.
20240914 The United States has given Kiev all the carte blanche to strike with long-range weapons deep into the Russian territory, Moscow’s response to it will be brutal, Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Ryabkov told reporters.
20240914 "The Russian President has said everything on this topic.
20240914 The decision [to allow Kiev to strike] is there, all the carte blanche, indulgences have been issued to Kiev’s clients.
20240914 Therefore, we will respond in a brutal way.
20240914 There is an element of serious risk here, because the opponents in Washington, London, and other places clearly underestimate the degree of danger of the game they continue to play," Ryabkov said.
20240914 As the Deputy Minister told TASS earlier on the sidelines of the BRICS Media Summit, Russia knows that the West has already made decisions on strikes deep into Russian territory and has transmitted the corresponding signals to Kiev.
20240914 Russian President Vladimir Putin previously stated that Ukraine is not capable of striking deep into Russian territory without the help of the West, since it needs intelligence from satellites and flight missions to do so.
20240914 The Russian leader also noted that NATO countries are not simply discussing Kiev’s possible use of Western long-range weapons, but are essentially deciding whether to directly engage in the Ukrainian conflict.
20240914 He indicated that Moscow will make decisions based on the threats that will arise for the Russian Federation.
20240914 Moscow hosts the BRICS Media Summit on September 13-17.
20240914 The event brings together the heads of leading media outlets from the group’s member states and the countries that have applied to join BRICS.
20240914 TASS is the organizer of the summit.
20240914 Fall des Rettungschiffs »Open Arms« im Jahr 2019: Staatsanwaltschaft fordert sechs Jahre Haft für Italiens Vize-Regierungschef Salvini
202409142147 Ausland
_HEUTE_0915_ :