Was geschah am Wednesday, September 11 2024 ?

Wednesday, September 11 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 09-11 ?

        _HEUTE_0912_ :
20240911             Mittwoch, 11. September 2024
20240911             Impfkampagne in Gaza: Uno-Konvoi an israelischem Kontrollpunkt beschossen und von Bulldozer gerammt
202409110116 Ausland •
20240911             Gefahr durch Extremwetter: Fast 400.000 Menschen in Deutschland in den kommenden Jahren von Hochwasser bedroht
202409110347 Wissenschaft
20240911             Über 100 Meter: Teile der Carolabrücke in Dresden eingestürzt
202409110617 Panorama
20240911             Attacken auch auf russischem Gebiet?: USA erwägen Freigabe von Langstreckenwaffen für ukrainische Angriffe
202409110717 Ausland •
20240911             Neue Sitzungsperiode: Erstmals Palästina-Vertreter in Uno-Vollversammlung
202409111009 Ausland
20240911             Nach Manöver der Ukraine: Russland startet Gegenoffensive im Gebiet Kursk
202409111304 Ausland
20240911             Überwachter Pressekontakt: Abhöraktion gegen Letzte Generation – Journalisten legen Verfassungsbeschwerde ein
202409111449 Panorama
20240911             Schwund bis 2040: Experten sehen Gletscher an der Marmolata im »irreversiblen Koma«
202409111646 Wissenschaft
20240911             Europäische Haftbefehle erlassen: Fünf Schwerverbrecher aus portugiesischem Gefängnis ausgebrochen
202409111731 Panorama
20240911             Die Justizministerin räumte schwere Fehler ein.
20240911             Medienkommentatoren beklagten unisono ein »komplettes Versagen des Staates«,
20240911             die Gewerkschaft der Gefängniswächter machte »Sparwut« und Personalmangel für die Flucht verantwortlich.
20240911             Rückgang auf 2,5 Prozent: US-Inflationsrate sinkt auf niedrigsten Stand seit Februar 2021
202409111800 Wirtschaft
20240911             9/11-Gedenkzeremonie mit Biden, Harris und Trump: Ein bisschen Frieden
202409111838 Ausland
20240911             immobilienkrise, Überproduktion, Arbeitslosigkeit: Long Covid in China
202409111847 Ausland
20240911             Mängel bei der Post: US-Wahlbeamte fürchten Probleme bei der Briefwahl
202409112144 Ausland •
20240911             Bürgerinitiative in der Westukraine: Ukrainische »Sprachpatrouillen« sollen gegen Russisch vorgehen
202409112249 Ausland
20240911             [l] Old and busted: Firmen werden in der Cloud abgezockt, Anleger werden von Blockchain-Betrügern abgezockt.
20240911             New hotness: Gartner warnt Firmen vor "KI"-Abzocke.
20240911             Bis zu 1000 Prozent mehr: Gartner-Consultants warnen vor teuren KI-Rechnungen
20240911             Aber aber aber das ist doch die Zukunft?!
20240911             Und jetzt ist es zu spät, wir haben die Mitarbeiter schon gefeuert!1!!
20240911             [l] Nevada benutzt jetzt Google-"KI" für die Entscheidung, ob jemand Abeitslosengeld kriegt.
20240911             Der Standard ist natürlich, den Leuten alles zu verweigern.
20240911             Wer dagegen klagt, dessen Transkript vor Gericht wird von Googles Schrott-"KI" zusammengefasst und die spricht dann auch eine Empfehlung aus für den menschlichen "Entscheider".
20240911             Ich denke mal, wir müssen uns da gar nicht groß in die Tasche lügen, wie oft der "Entscheider" von der Empfehlung der "KI" abweichen wird.
20240911             BERLIN, September 11. /TASS/.
20240911             Germany’s Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz has said that another conference on resolving the conflict in Ukraine is needed with Russia taking part.
20240911             He was speaking during the budget debate in the Bundestag.
20240911             "I will say this again.
20240911             This is the moment, this is the time when we need to explore what possibilities exist.
20240911             It is right when the president of Ukraine [Vladimir Zelensky] says, and I will say it again, that we need another peace conference with Russia present at the negotiating table," Scholz said".
20240911             This is the task we have to deal with now to find out what is going on".
20240911             The head of government reiterated that "peace that respects Ukraine's integrity and sovereignty must be just, and not imposed or achieved by capitulation".
20240911             "We have done many things to make this possible with the peace conferences that have taken place around the world: in Denmark, in Saudi Arabia, in Malta, in Switzerland," Scholz said".
20240911             This should not stop, even if we know that some of those who voted for right-wing populist parties did so because they disagreed with our support for Ukraine," Scholz concluded, referring to the results of land elections in Saxony and Thuringia in eastern Germany.
20240911             On September 8, Scholz told the ZDF television channel in an interview that time was ripe to discuss how to achieve peace and again advocated Russia's participation in a new meeting to resolve the crisis.
20240911             The conference on Ukraine was held in Buergenstock on June 15-16.
20240911             Switzerland, which organized it by agreement with the authorities in Kiev, did not invite Russia.
20240911             Delegations from a number of states, including China, were absent from the forum.
20240911             None of the BRICS member countries supported the final communique.
20240911             Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that the conference turned out to be a complete fiasco: "such gatherings cannot serve as a basis for sustainable peace".
20240911             NOVO-OGARYOVO, September 11. /TASS/.
20240911             Russian President Vladimir Putin invited the government to consider the possibility of restricting supplies of some strategic raw materials, such as uranium, titanium or nickel, to foreign markets, but not to the country’s own detriment.
20240911             "They are restricting supplies of a number of goods to us.
20240911             Well, maybe we should also impose certain restrictions [for them]?"
20240911             Putin said at a meeting with the government.
20240911             He noted that this concerns certain types of goods that Russia supplies to the world market in large quantities.
20240911             "Uranium, titanium, nickel.
20240911             Just let’s not do anything to our own detriment," he said.
20240911             Putin reiterated that the government should "think about certain restrictions on supplies to the foreign market" of these and a number of other goods.
20240911             The head of state recalled that Russia is among global leaders in terms of reserves of strategic raw materials: it accounts for almost 22% of natural gas, almost 23% of gold, and about 55% of diamonds.
20240911             "In some countries, strategic reserves are being created, and some other measures are being taken.
20240911             In general, if this does not harm us, then we could think (I am not saying that this needs to be done tomorrow, but we should think) about certain restrictions on supplies to the external market not only of the goods that I named, but also of some others," he told the government.
20240911             Putin said he would not speak in detail about the reasons for this decision.
20240911             "I think that my colleagues in the government understand perfectly well the importance of these types of Russian raw materials that I named.
20240911             This is just what came to mind: uranium, titanium, nickel.
20240911             But there are also others [important types of raw materials]," he said.
        _HEUTE_0912_ :