Monday, August 26 2024
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Was geschah am Kalendertag 08-26 ?
_HEUTE_0827_ :
20240826 Montag, 26. August 2024
20240826 Feuer in Waldgebieten: Brasilien kämpft mit Militärflugzeugen gegen Tausende Brandherde
202408260401 Panorama
20240826 Neues Gesetz: Arbeitnehmer in Australien haben künftig ein Recht auf Nichterreichbarkeit
202408260646 Job & Karriere
20240826 Ifo-Monatsumfrage: Stimmung in Deutschlands Unternehmen verdüstert sich erneut
202408261040 Wirtschaft
20240826 Bauwerk aus der Jungsteinzeit: Archäologen lüften Rätsel um spanische Grabkammer von Menga
202408261226 Wissenschaft
20240826 Die Menschen in der Jungsteinzeit vor knapp 6000 Jahren besaßen bereits erstaunlich ausgeprägte Kenntnisse der Baukunst.
20240826 Dolmens von Menga in Südspanien, einem der größten Steinzeitbauten in Europa.
20240826 Die Megalith-Kultur breitete sich vor rund 6000 Jahren in Westeuropa aus.
20240826 Bis heute stellt es Forschende vor ein Rätsel, wie die damaligen Menschen die teils tonnenschweren Steine transportierten und aufstellten.
20240826 Der schwerste Deckstein wiegt gut 150 Tonnen.
20240826 Die Steine stammen aus einem Steinbruch in ungefähr einem Kilometer Entfernung.
20240826 Ihres Wissens nach handle es sich bei dem Dolmen von Menga um die erste von Menschen gebaute Steinstruktur, die als Entlastungsbogen diene.
20240826 Den Bau eines Monuments wie Menga könne man nicht verstehen, »ohne auf die Vorstellung von einer frühen Wissenschaft zurückzugreifen«,
20240826 schließen die Autoren.
20240826 »Unsere Ergebnisse stehen im völligen Widerspruch zu der Vorstellung, dass neolithische Gesellschaften primitiv und grob waren«.
20240826 PARIS, August 25. /TASS/.
20240826 The Paris prosecutor’s office will make a statement on the detention of Telegram messenger founder Pavel Durov on Monday, August 26, a spokesman for the prosecutor’s office told TASS.
20240826 "A press statement will be issued tomorrow," he said when asked to clarify the causes for Durov’s detention and his current status.
20240826 The LCI television channel reported earlier that Durov had been arrested at Le Bourget Airport late on August 24. He has been placed in custody and may soon be brought to court, the TF1 television channel said.
20240826 According to TF1, Durov might be charged with terrorism, drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering and child pornography.
20240826 Currently, entire information about Durov’s detention is coming from the French media while official agencies are keeping silent.
20240826 Both the French interior and justice ministries refused from commenting on the case either to TASS or to Western media.
20240826 The Paris police department said that they know nothing about this case.
20240826 The Russian embassy in Paris said it had demanded that the French authorities observe Durov’s rights but Paris is dodging cooperation on this matter.
20240826 MOSCOW, August 25. /TASS/.
20240826 The Paris’ decision to detain Telegram co-founder Pavel Durov raises a question whether international organization will demand his release or will "swallow their tongues," Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.
20240826 The diplomat pointed out that back in 2018, a group of 26 NGOs, including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Freedom House, Reporters Without Borders and others, condemned the Russian court’s ruling to block Telegram.
20240826 "Do you think they will call on Paris this time and demand Durov’s release or will they swallow their tongues?"
20240826 the diplomat said on her Telegram channel.
20240826 "There were legislative complaints to Telegram [back in 2018], which many countries had due to the technical parameters of its encryption system," the spokeswoman explained, pointing out that Durov remained free and continued to develop his messenger during that period.
20240826 The diplomat emphasized that the Russian embassy "has immediately started working" on his detention, "as it supposed to in a case, when information comes that the receiving side has detained a Russian citizen".
20240826 "There is no need to remind our diplomat about their duties," Zakharova added.
20240826 MOSCOW, August 25. /TASS/.
20240826 The Telegram messenger team has slammed attempts to hold the platform or its owner responsible for alleged "abuse of that platform" as absurd.
20240826 "Telegram abides by EU laws, including the Digital Services Act — its moderation is within industry standards and constantly improving," it said on the Telegram News channel".
20240826 Telegram's CEO Pavel Durov has nothing to hide and travels frequently in Europe".
20240826 "It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform," it stressed.
20240826 "Almost a billion users globally use Telegram as means of communication and as a source of vital information.
20240826 We’re awaiting a prompt resolution of this situation," it added.
20240826 Durov was detained at Paris’ Le Bourget Airport late on August 24. According to the TF1television channel, Durov might be charged with terrorism, drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering and child pornography.
20240826 On Sunday, the Paris prosecutor’s office promised to make a statement on the matter on August 26.
20240826 MOSCOW, August 26. /TASS/.
20240826 The United States is preparing to stage a color revolution to prevent the ruling Georgian Dream - Democratic Georgia party from winning the October parliamentary election, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) said.
20240826 According to it, the White House is "extremely dissatisfied with the landscape in Georgia" ahead of the October 26 parliamentary election in the country".
20240826 The Americans are preparing a color revolution in Georgia," the SVR pointed out".
20240826 At the 'Tbilisi maidan' they plan to make public 'evidence of falsifications' in voting, announce non-recognition of the election results and demand a change of power.
20240826 Law enforcement agencies will be provoked to suppress the protests by force," the intelligence agency said.
20240826 At the same time, the Americans are working out options for a "ruthless" political and economic response to the "excessive" use of force by the authorities against "peaceful citizens".
20240826 The SVR press bureau emphasized that in preparation for the color revolution, "Georgian pro-Western non-governmental organizations are recruiting a large number of people to closely monitor the voting process".
20240826 "They are tasked with identifying and recording 'imminent facts' of the authorities' use of administrative resources even if they do not exist.
20240826 Washington is providing additional funding for local opposition youth associations, which are expected to become the 'locomotive' of post-election protests," the SVR added.
20240826 Increasing US pressure
20240826 The intelligence agency also pointed out that "the Georgian opposition forces controlled by Washington remain fragmented despite American efforts, and the coalitions they create remain very fragile".
20240826 "Against this background, the ruling Georgian Dream party could win the support of the public.
20240826 As a result, the US fears that the politicians will have their hands untied to continue their sovereign course, refusing to fulfill the West's demands which run in direct opposition to Georgia's national interests," the press bureau said.
20240826 According to the intelligence agency, "the White House considers such a scenario unacceptable".
20240826 "The Americans intend to turn up the heat on the Georgian authorities on a large scale in the remaining weeks before the elections in order to weaken the electoral position of Georgian Dream as much as possible.
20240826 They plan to use a 'tried-and-tested tool': personal sanctions against the top leaders of the party, their family members, as well as the party's sponsors," the SVR said.
20240826 Sechs Szenarien vermessen: Elterliche Liebe aktiviert Gehirn auf einzigartige Weise
202408261340 Wissenschaft
20240826 Mehrtägiges Manöver: China schickt bewaffnete Truppen an die Grenze zu Myanmar
202408261549 Ausland •
20240826 Beliebtes Nachbarland: Schweiz ist das beliebteste Auswanderziel der Deutschen in Europa
202408261651 Job & Karriere •
20240826 Folge des Vulkanausbruchs: Wolke mit Schwefelgasen aus Island erreicht Deutschland
202408261752 Wissenschaft
20240826 Frankreich nach der Wahl: Macron lehnt Regierung von Linksbündnis ab
202408262305 Ausland •
_HEUTE_0827_ :