Was geschah am Sunday, July 14 2024 ?

Sunday, July 14 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 07-14 ?

        _HEUTE_0715_ :
20240714             Sonntag, 14. Juli 2024
20240714             In Pennsylvania: Schüsse bei Trump-Auftritt – Secret Service bringt Ex-Präsidenten von Bühne
202407140036 Ausland
20240714             Vorfall bei Trump-Veranstaltung: Führende US-Politiker reagieren parteiübergreifend entsetzt
202407140204 Ausland
20240714             Protokoll der Nacht: Was in den ersten Stunden nach den Schüssen auf Donald Trump geschah
VON—HENRIK—BAHLMANN und Muriel Kalisch
202407140212 Ausland
20240714             Angriff bei Trump-Rede: Präsident Biden verurteilt »kranke« Gewalt
202407140244 Ausland
20240714             Trump über Attacke: »Ich spürte sofort, wie sich die Kugel durch die Haut bohrte«
202407140317 Ausland •
20240714             Biden über Angriff auf Trump: »Jeder, jeder muss das verurteilen« – Bidens Reaktion
202407140405 Ausland •
20240714             Attentatsversuch auf Donald Trump: Der Schock nach den Schüssen
202407140736 Ausland
20240714             Schüsse auf Trump: FBI gibt Identität des mutmaßlichen Täters bekannt
202407140801 Ausland
20240714             Anschlag auf Donald Trump: Wie konnte der Schütze die Schüsse auf Trump abgeben?
202407140820 Ausland
20240714             Schüsse auf Donald Trump: »Lassen Sie mich meine Schuhe anziehen«
202407141015 Ausland
20240714             Sun Jul 14 2024
20240714             [l] Donald Trump wurde anscheinend im Wahlkampf angeschossen.
20240714             Nur ein Streifschuss, wenn, aber der Secret Service hat ihn erstmal evakuiert.
20240714             Hier ein Foto, man sieht ein bisschen ...
20240714             Blut?,c_fill
20240714             NEW YORK, July 14. /TASS/.
20240714             Former US President Donald Trump who is vying for the Republican presidential nomination has been evacuated after a shooting incident at his rally in Pennsylvania, CNN reported.
20240714             Trump interrupted his speech to supporters due to gunshots.
20240714             The video footage of the broadcast shows that after the shooting Trump grabbed his ear with his hand and lay down.
20240714             Then he stood up, surrounded by members of the US Secret Service, raised his hand with a clenched fist, the crowd reacted to this gesture with joyful shouts.
20240714             Secret Service agents then took him to a car and evacuated him from the scene.
20240714             His right ear was bloodied.
20240714             The US Secret Service has not yet responded to TASS's request for comment on the alleged shooting incident.
20240714             At least one person has been killed during a shooting incident at a rally for Republican Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, and the suspected gunman has been eliminated, The Washington Post reported citing Butler County Prosecutor in Pennsylvania Richard Goldinger.
20240714             NEW YORK, July 14. /TASS/.
20240714             Shots were fired during a public speech of former US President Donald Trump before his supporters in Pennsylvania.
20240714             Trump was led away by the Secret Service with a bloodied ear.
20240714             TASS has gathered the main facts about the incident.
20240714             Shooting sounds
20240714             - Shots were heard during Trump's speech.
20240714             Then he fell and was shut covered up by the Secret Service.
20240714             - During the broadcast, one could see that the ex-president had blood on his right ear.
20240714             - The shooter has been eliminated.
20240714             At least one Trump supporter was killed.
20240714             - After the assassination attempt, Trump was taken to the hospital, he is safe.
20240714             - Law enforcement agencies began an investigation into the incident.
20240714             - One Trump supporter is dead, two more are in critical condition.
20240714             Trump's statement after the shooting
20240714             - The former US President said that nothing is known about the shooter yet.
20240714             - He confirmed that he was wounded in the right ear.
20240714             - Trump expressed condolences to the family of the deceased supporter.
20240714             US President's reaction
20240714             - US President Joe Biden said that there is no place for violence in the country.
20240714             - He condemned the shooting at the rally and called on US citizens for unity.
20240714             - The President said he was waiting for more information about the shooting and was glad that Trump was alive.
20240714             - Biden said he does not have all the facts to call the shooting an attempt on Trump's life.
20240714             Reaction in the world
20240714             - EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell condemned the incident.
20240714             - Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador also condemned the incident.
20240714             - The office of Argentine President Javier Miley called the incident an attack on democracy.
20240714             - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban expressed support for Trump.
20240714             - Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva called the incident unacceptable.
20240714             - Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla condemned the assassination attempt.
20240714             - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also called the incident unacceptable.
20240714             Expansion der invasiven Art: Pazifische Austern erobern das Wattenmeer
202407141346 Panorama •
20240714             Reaktionen auf Trump-Attentat: Moskau gibt US-Regierung Mitschuld, Musk ruft zur Wahl von Trump auf
202407141422 Ausland
20240714             Warnungen an Secret Service: »Da ist ein Mann mit einem Gewehr auf dem Dach« Von Anna-Sophie Schneider
202407141543 Ausland
20240714             Biden nach Attentat auf Trump: »Nichts ist jetzt wichtiger, als zusammenzustehen«
202407142216 Ausland
        _HEUTE_0715_ :