Was geschah am Friday, July 5 2024 ?

Friday, July 5 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 07-05 ?

        _HEUTE_0706_ :
20240705             Freitag, 5. Juli 2024
20240705             Wahl in Großbritannien: Ex-Chefin der schottischen Tories spricht von »Massaker«
202407050041 Ausland
20240705             Labour-Wahlsieg: Die Clownshow ist vorbei – Keir Starmer erlöst die Briten
202407050928 Ausland
20240705             Basiert die philosophie der Geschichte im wesentlichen auf daten aus der Geschichte?
20240705             ChatGPT
20240705             Die Philosophie der Geschichte bezieht sich auf das Studium und die Interpretation der historischen Prozesse, ihrer Bedeutung und ihres Einflusses auf die Menschheit.
20240705             Sie basiert nicht nur auf Daten aus der Geschichte, sondern auch auf theoretischen Überlegungen und philosophischen Prinzipien.
20240705             Hier sind einige wichtige Aspekte:
20240705             Empirische Grundlage: Die Philosophie der Geschichte nutzt historische Daten, Ereignisse und Fakten als Basis.
20240705             Historische Forschung liefert das Rohmaterial, auf dem philosophische Reflexionen aufbauen.
20240705             Interpretation und Bedeutung: Historische Daten allein erklären nicht die Bedeutung oder den Sinn der Geschichte.
20240705             Die Philosophie der Geschichte versucht, Muster und Bedeutungen in den historischen Prozessen zu erkennen, zu interpretieren und zu erklären, wie und warum bestimmte Ereignisse und Entwicklungen stattgefunden haben.
20240705             Theoretische Rahmenwerke: Verschiedene Philosophen haben unterschiedliche Theorien und Rahmenwerke entwickelt, um die Geschichte zu verstehen.
20240705             Zum Beispiel Hegels Dialektik, Marx' historische Materialismus oder Spenglers Theorie des kulturellen Zyklus.
20240705             Diese Theorien bieten strukturierte Ansätze zur Analyse historischer Prozesse.
20240705             Teleologische und zyklische Perspektiven: Einige philosophische Ansätze betrachten die Geschichte als zielgerichteten Prozess (Teleologie), während andere sie als zyklisch oder wiederkehrend ansehen.
20240705             Diese Perspektiven beeinflussen, wie historische Daten interpretiert werden.
20240705             Kritische Reflexion: Die Philosophie der Geschichte beinhaltet auch eine kritische Reflexion über die Methoden und Annahmen der Geschichtsschreibung selbst.
20240705             Welche Perspektiven werden einbezogen, und welche bleiben unberücksichtigt?
20240705             Wie beeinflussen Machtstrukturen die Geschichtsschreibung?
20240705             Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die Philosophie der Geschichte wesentlich auf historischen Daten basiert, aber darüber hinausgeht, indem sie versucht, tiefere Bedeutungen, Muster und Theorien zu entwickeln, die die menschliche Erfahrung und die historischen Prozesse erklären.
20240705             Sie verbindet empirische Forschung mit theoretischer Reflexion und kritischer Analyse.
20240705             Gustav Friedrich Wilhelm Großmann (* 30. November 1746 in Berlin; † 20. Mai 1796 in Hannover) war ein deutscher Schauspieler, Schriftsteller und Theaterregisseur in der Zeit der Aufklärung.
20240705             Labour-Wahlsieg: Keir Starmer erlöst die Briten
202407050928 Ausland •
20240705             Alarmstufe Rot auf italienischer Insel: Heftiger Ausbruch des Vulkans Stromboli droht
202407051123 Panorama
20240705             Trotz Protest aus der EU: Ungarns Premier Orbán besucht überraschend Putin in Moskau
202407051140 Ausland
20240705             Hitzeschutz in Städten: Weiße Dächer kühlen besser als grüne
202407051413 Wissenschaft
20240705             Satellitenanalyse in Indonesien: Riesige Waldflächen für den Bergbau gerodet
202407051416 Wissenschaft
20240705             Vorwurf des Schismas: Papstkritiker Carlo Maria Viganò aus katholischer Kirche ausgeschlossen
202407051547 Panorama
20240705             Großbritanniens neuer Premierminister: Zehn Dinge, die Sie über Keir Starmer wissen sollten
202407051628 Ausland •
20240705             Reaktion auf Bauernproteste: Bundestag beschließt Entlastungen für Landwirtschaft
202407051646 Wirtschaft •
20240705             Designierter britischer Premier: Keir Starmer – Mann ohne Eigenschaften
202407051847 Ausland
20240705             [l] OpenAI hatte letztes Jahr einen Datenreichtum und hat niemandem Bescheid gesagt.
20240705             Immer wenn du denkst, OpenAI hat den Boden erreicht in Sachen Schmierigkeit und Unseriosität, dann kommt sowas.
20240705             LONDON, July 5. /TASS/.
20240705             Labour Party leader Keir Starmer formally took office as UK prime minister and received a mandate from King Charles III to form a cabinet, according to a video of the king’s audience released by Buckingham Palace.
20240705             Starmer, 61, will now go to his Downing Street residence and address the nation as prime minister.
20240705             He is the third UK prime minister during the reign of Charles III who took the throne less than two years ago.
20240705             Starmer's predecessor as prime minister, Rishi Sunak, led the cabinet from October 25, 2022 until this Friday.
20240705             Starmer took over as head of cabinet following the parliamentary elections held on July 4. According to preliminary data, the Labor Party under his leadership secured itself at least 412 seats in the 650-seat House of Commons, gaining the majority required to form a new cabinet.
20240705             The Conservative Party, which had ruled since 2010, currently has just 121 seats.
20240705             Counting of ballots continues in two more constituencies.
20240705             Starmer is the 58th prime minister in UK history.
20240705             During the day he will announce the new makeup of the UK cabinet.
20240705             MOSCOW, July 5. /TASS/.
20240705             Russia calls for a total end to the conflict in Ukraine, not for a ceasefire, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a joint press conference after the Russian-Hungarian talks.
20240705             Putin said that that his previous proposals regarding Ukraine make it possible to halt hostilities and launch negotiations.
20240705             "What is more, this should not be merely a truce or a temporary ceasefire, nor some kind of pause that the Kiev regime could use to recover losses, regroup and get rearmed.
20240705             Russia calls for a total and final end to the conflict," Putin said.
20240705             "The conditions for this are outlined in my speech in the Foreign Ministry," the Russian president added.
20240705             MOSCOW, July 5. /TASS/.
20240705             Russian President Vladimir Putin held talks in Moscow with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, the first Western leader to visit Russia since April 2022.
20240705             The key issue of the discussions between the two leaders was Ukrainian settlement and the resumption of broad dialogue.
20240705             According to Putin, Russia is seeking an end to hostilities in Ukraine, but Kiev and its sponsors derail all peace proposals.
20240705             Orban stated that the search for a peaceful solution should continue.
20240705             TASS has put together the highlights of the visit of the Hungarian prime minister to Moscow.
20240705             Putin on Ukraine-related peace initiatives
20240705             Russia remains open to "discussing a political and diplomatic" solution for Ukraine, but Kiev is unwilling to do so.
20240705             Kiev is still "not ready to give up the idea of waging war until a victorious end".
20240705             The Kiev regime does not allow itself to entertain the idea of a cessation of hostilities because in this case "the excuse for extending martial law would disappear" and the country would have to hold elections.
20240705             But the chances of "the Ukrainian rulers, who have lost their ratings and legitimacy" to win them would be close to zero.
20240705             Western "sponsors" continue to try to "use this country and its people as a battering ram, a sacrifice in the confrontation with Russia".
20240705             The proposals about Ukraine, which were announced earlier, allow for the cessation of hostilities and the start of negotiations.
20240705             Moreover, it should be "not just a truce or a temporary ceasefire, not some kind of pause" that Kiev could use to regroup.
20240705             Russia is "in favor of a full and complete end to the conflict".
20240705             The main condition for a settlement in Ukraine is the complete withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics, and from the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.
20240705             "There are other conditions, but this is all a subject for a fairly in-depth consideration in the course of possible joint work".
20240705             Putin on relations with Hungary, the EU
20240705             With Hungary holding the presidency of the Council of the European Union since July 1, there was an exchange of views on the state of affairs in Russia-EU relations, which "are currently at their lowest point".
20240705             Russia is grateful to Orban for visiting Moscow.
20240705             "We take it as an attempt to restore dialogue and give it some additional momentum".
20240705             Russia and Hungary continue to cooperate based on the principles of pragmatism and mutual benefit in a number of areas, primarily in the energy sector.
20240705             For example, starting new units of the Russian nuclear power plant Paks in Hungary will provide consumers with inexpensive and clean energy.
20240705             Moscow and Budapest also maintain cooperation in medicine and the pharmaceutical industry.
20240705             Key statements by Hungarian prime minister
20240705             Over the past two years, it has become clear that a settlement will not be achieved without diplomacy.
20240705             "Peace will not come by itself, you have to work for it".
20240705             Hungary has become one of the very few countries in Europe that maintains contact with both Russia and Ukraine.
20240705             "That's why I was in Kiev this week, and that's why I'm in Moscow now".
20240705             The positions of the two countries are very far apart.
20240705             It is necessary to "take very many steps to get closer to the end of the war".
20240705             Hungary is not going to "pay attention" to EU criticism for the visit to Moscow.
20240705             Circumstances of the visit
20240705             The visit was requested by Hungary.
20240705             Orban arrived in Moscow shortly after his visit to Kiev on July 2. The Hungarian prime minister proposed to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky terms for a ceasefire, but the latter rejected them.
20240705             At the meeting in the Kremlin, Orban said the number of countries that can talk to both sides of the conflict in Ukraine is shrinking.
20240705             Hungary "will probably soon become the only one in Europe who talks to both Russia and Ukraine," he said.
20240705             The Hungarian prime minister is the first Western leader to visit Russia since April 2022.
20240705             Since the start of the special military operation in February 2022, only one other EU leader - Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer - has come to Russia for talks with Putin.
20240705             Nehammer visited Moscow on April 11, 2022.
20240705             Orban himself is also not the first time in Moscow in the last two years, but his previous trip - on September 3, 2022 - was private as he attended the farewell ceremony for former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.
20240705             He did not meet with the Russian president then.
20240705             Putin and Orban met in October 2023 in Beijing on the sidelines of the Belt and Road Initiative forum.
20240705             Reaction to the talks
20240705             After Orban landed in Moscow, several European heads of state and government condemned his decision to travel to Russia.
20240705             They included Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda, Latvian Prime Minister Evika Silina, and Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson.
20240705             The Euractiv news website cited European officials as saying that Orban had not informed the EU about his plans to travel to Moscow.
20240705             One of the website’s sources said that if the Hungarian prime minister had approached Brussels about the matter, he would have been strongly advised to cancel the visit.
20240705             The European Commission joined the criticism of Orban's visit to Russia.
20240705             European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that Orban's actions are sending the wrong signal to Russia.
20240705             NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance’s member countries would discuss the results of the Hungarian prime minister's visit to Moscow at the summit in Washington in July.
20240705             Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitriy Medvedev said that the "hysteria" in Europe over the talks between Putin and Orban reaffirms that "the EU and their US masters need war, not peace".
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